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Page 768<br />

that spoke Greek, another of the sun that spoke an Indian language; — such fantasies were grouped around the king's oriental campaign. Many of them are also<br />

echoed in the letter of the priest­king, are repeated, a complete dream arsenal of geographical fairytales and exceptions to everyday life. People are named in it who<br />

conjure up, saddle, and bridle aerial dragons, and ride off on them into the distance; the praises are sung of marvellous stones which heat up or cool down as required<br />

and illuminate all objects within a radius of five miles at night, stones which convert unconsecrated water into milk or wine, stones which gather fish around them, tame<br />

wild animals, kindle enormous conflagrations, extinguish enormous conflagrations. But Prester John's letter (the text of the copy addressed to Emperor Manuel is the<br />

one that survives) adds totally incomprehensible marvellous beings of its own, heightening the nonsense and the temptation: ‘I, Presbyter John, the lord of lords, surpass<br />

all others walking beneath the heavens in virtue, wealth and power. Seventy­two kings pay tribute to Us …Our magnificence holds sway in the three Indias, and Our<br />

lands extend as far as the further India, where the body of the holy apostle Thomas lies …Our land is the home and dwelling­place of elephants, dromedaries, camels,<br />

of the Meta collinarum (!), Cametemnus (!), Tinserete (!), of panthers, forest asses, white and red lions, of white bears, white Merules, cicadas, silent gryphons, of<br />

tigers, Lamias, hyenas, wild horses, wild asses, wild oxen and wild men, of horned and one­eyed men, of men with eyes at the front and back of their heads, of<br />

centaurs, fauns, satyrs, pygmies, as well as giants forty cubits high, Cyclops and women of a similar nature, and of the bird called the Phoenix’ (Oppert, Der<br />

Priesterkõnig Johannes in Geschichte und Sage, 1864, p. 36ff.). Thus the entire stock of marvels in medieval bestiaries and books of precious stones has been located<br />

in the kingdom of Prester John in India, even the white bears of the high north, which people had only heard about in Europe in the eleventh century; the white elephant,<br />

on the other hand, which is actually found in India, is missing. Equally boastful and unreal is the description of the imperial palace: ‘Its foundations and walls are made of<br />

precious stones, and the best, purest gold serves as cement. Its sky or roof consists of the clearest sapphires, mixed here and there with gems of dazzling topaz…Thirty<br />

thousand people dine at the Emperor's table every day, the table is made of emeralds, supported by four pillars of amethyst …Outside the palace there is a door of<br />

crystal framed with gold, this portal lies towards the east, is a hundred and thirty cubits high and opens and closes by itself whenever Our Excellency repairs to the<br />

palace.’ In the profusion of these

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