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Page 551<br />

Old guild rights are thus functionally renewed, as the guaranteed ability of the individual ‘exclusively to pursue a greater art’. In the case of land there is absolutely no<br />

ownership, it belongs to nobody and to the farmer only in so far as he cultivates it (and is consequently not an idle feudal lord). After Fichte has thus brought possession<br />

and ownership out of the law of property into a kind of law of production, he progresses to logical socialist conclusions. Precisely because of the original right to<br />

property, it must be given to everyone by the state: ‘If someone does not have enough to be able to live, then he does not have what he is entitled to have; he does not<br />

have what is his. In the rational state he will receive it; in the division which was made by chance and force before the awakening and the rule of reason everyone<br />

certainly did not receive it, because others took more for themselves than was due to them’ (l.c., p. 433). And further on in this state­socialist text: ‘The task of the<br />

state has been only one­sidedly and half understood up to now, as an institution for keeping the citizen at the same proprietary level at which we find him, by means of<br />

the law. The more deep­seated duty of the state first to establish everyone in the possession of what is due to him has been overlooked. But the latter is only possible if<br />

the anarchy of commerce is abolished in just the same way as political anarchy is gradually being abolished, and the state closes into a commercial state just as it is<br />

closed in its legislation and its judicial offices’ (l.c., p. 483). Fichte thereby extends, in his postulated ideal state, the generality of the law which had abolished the rights<br />

of class and privilege to a generality of job creation. In addition, as a means towards this, there is the elimination of free enterprise, the shut­down of free competition.<br />

In addition there is the abolition of the open market, in short: the destiny of the ideal state to be a controlled economy. This in a Germany which still hardly exhibited one<br />

exponent of free enterprise and which therefore invited more easily than the advanced western states a kind of pre­capitalist anti­capitalism; as has already become<br />

apparent in Fichte's work­guilds. The Romantic transfigurations of medieval society which Novalis had expressed shortly before this (‘Christendom or Europe’, 1799)<br />

also probably had an influence here. A single common interest, said Novalis, connected the remotest provinces of this broad spiritual realm. Fichte, so little of a<br />

Romantic in other respects, was in any case one of the first to touch on the backward­looking anti­capitalist utopia which is not entirely lacking in Saint­Simon and<br />

which still emerged in Ruskin or William Morris as a kind of Gothic socialism. It would be erroneous, as Mehring says, in the case of the closed commercial state to<br />

think of a mere idealization

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