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Page 513<br />

obsequiousness which the old aeon needs in its victims, but without the day of judgment and the triumph over Babel, without intending towards a new heaven and a<br />

new earth. Resignation to fear, servitude and empty promises of the other world are the social principles of a Christianity which are despised by Marx and cast into<br />

Orcus by Joachim; but they are not the principles of a long­abandoned early Christianity and a social­revolutionary history of heresies that sprang from it. In his<br />

expectation of the kingdom, Joachim of Fiore merely expresses the continuing influence through the centuries of the eschatological preachings of Christ, what he said<br />

about a future ‘Spirit of truth’ (John 16, 13), and what did not seem to be concluded with the first pouring out of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Acts 2, 1–4). The<br />

western Church declared such things to be concluded, the only thing that was unconcluded was its compromise with the class society; the eastern Church at least left<br />

open a continuation of this pouring out. After the Lateran Council of 1215, the western Church put all monasteries under the spiritual control of their diocesan bishop;<br />

even after it had adopted the western order of the sacraments, the eastern Church had to allow a charismatic and often heretical independence to monasticism, and the<br />

sects. The western Church confined enthusiasm to apostles and the ancient martyrs, in order to deprive Adventist beliefs of any kind of sanction; the eastern Church, on<br />

the other hand, which is so much less thoroughly organized, teaches a continuing presence of the Spirit outside the priestly Church, among both monks and laymen. It<br />

thus lacks the monopoly of administering the host, the whole legally established or screwed­in business of redemption; Russian Orthodoxy under the Tsars was too<br />

ignorant for this anyway, it had no scholasticism, let alone the legal sharpness and dogmatic formulations of scholasticism. Instead, out of reach of the Holy Synod, a<br />

constant unwritten essence of Joachim of Fiore lived on in Russian Christianity: it lived on in the easily kindled feeling of brotherhood, in the Adventist beliefs of the<br />

sects (the sect of the Chlysts has a doctrine of Russian Christs, of which it lists seven), in the basic motif underlying everything: in the unconcluded revelation. Several<br />

great peculiarities were thus able to spring up in Christo­romantic fashion on Bolshevist soil; the indisputable Bolshevik and equally indisputable chiliast Alexander Blok<br />

gave an indication of this, thoroughly in the Joachite spirit. When in Blok's hymn, the ‘March of the Twelve’, that is, of the twelve Red Army soldiers, a pale Christ<br />

precedes the revolution and leads it, this kind of presence of the Spirit is just as remote from the western Church­combines as it finds the eastern Church at least<br />


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