Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers Prime Numbers
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58 Chapter 1 PRIMES! Exercise 1.35. Now think of the ordered, natural logarithms of the Fermat numbers as a pseudorandom sequence of real numbers. Prove this theorem: If said sequence is equidistributed modulo 1, then the number ln 2 is normal to base 2. Is the converse of this theorem true? Note that it remains unknown to this day whether ln 2 is normal to any integer base. Unfortunately, the same can be said for any of the fundamental constants of history, such as π, e, and so on. That is, except for instances of artificial digit construction as in Exercise 1.32, normality proofs remain elusive. A standard reference for rigorous descriptions of normality and equidistribution is [Kuipers and Niederreiter 1974]. A discussion of normality properties for specific fundamental constants such as ln 2 is [Bailey and Crandall 2001]. 1.34. Using the PNT, or just Chebyshev’s Theorem 1.1.3, prove that the set of rational numbers p/q with p, q prime is dense in the positive reals. 1.35. It is a theorem of Vinogradov that for any irrational number α, the sequence (αpn), where the pn are the primes in natural order, is equidistributed modulo 1. Equidistribution here means that if #(a, b, N) denotes the number of times any interval [a, b) ⊂ [0, 1) is struck after N primes are used, then #(a, b, N)/N ∼ (b − a) asN →∞. On the basis of this Vinogradov theorem, prove the following: For irrational α>1, and the set the prime count defined by behaves as S(α) ={⌊kα⌋ : k =1, 2, 3,...}, πα(x) =#{p ≤ x : p ∈P∩S(α)} πα(x) ∼ 1 x α ln x . What is the behavior of πα for α rational? As an extension to this exercise, the Vinogradov equidistribution theorem itself can be established via the exponential sum ideas of Section 1.4.4. One uses the celebrated Weyl theorem on spectral properties of equidistributed sequences [Kuipers and Niederreiter 1974, Theorem 2.1] to bring the problem down to showing that for irrational α and any integer h = 0, EN(hα) = e 2πihαp p≤N is o(N). This, in turn, can be done by finding suitable rational approximants to α and providing bounds on the exponential sum, using essentially our book formula (1.39) for well-approximable values of hα, while for other α using (1.41). The treatment in [Ellison and Ellison 1985] is pleasantly accessible on this matter.

1.5 Exercises 59 As an extension, use exponential sums to study the count πc(x) =#{n ∈ [1,x]:⌊n c ⌋∈P}. Heuristically, one might expect the asymptotic behavior πc(x) ∼ 1 c x ln x . Show first, on the basis of the PNT, that for c ≤ 1 this asymptotic relation indeed holds. Use exponential sum techniques to establish this asymptotic behavior for some c>1; for example, there is the Piatetski-Shapiro theorem [Graham and Kolesnik 1991] that the asymptotic relation holds for any c with 1 1 one takes the “principal value” for the singularity of the integrand at t =1,namely, 1−ɛ x 1 1 li0(x) = lim dt + ɛ→0 ln t ln t dt . 0 The function li0(x) isli(x)+c, wherec ≈ 1.0451637801. Before Skewes came up with his bounds, J. Littlewood had shown that π(x) − li0(x) (as well as π(x) − li (x)) not only changes sign, but does so infinitely often. An amusing first foray into the “Skewes world” is to express the second Skewes number above in decimal-exponential notation (in other words, replace the e’s with 10’s appropriately, as has been done already for the first Skewes number). Incidentally, a newer reference on the problem is [Kaczorowski 1984], while a modern estimate for the least x with π(x) > li0(x) is x li0(x) for some x ∈ (1.398201, 1.398244) · 10 316 . One interesting speculative exercise is to estimate roughly how many more years it will take researchers actually to find and prove an explicit case of π(x) > li0(x). It is intriguing to guess how far calculations of π(x) itself can be pushed in, say, 30 years. We discuss prime-counting algorithms in Section 3.7, although the state of the art is today π 10 21 or somewhat higher than this (with new results emerging often). Another speculative direction: Try to imagine numerical or even physical scenarios in which such huge numbers naturally arise. One reference for 1+ɛ

1.5 Exercises 59<br />

As an extension, use exponential sums to study the count<br />

πc(x) =#{n ∈ [1,x]:⌊n c ⌋∈P}.<br />

Heuristically, one might expect the asymptotic behavior<br />

πc(x) ∼ 1<br />

c<br />

x<br />

ln x .<br />

Show first, on the basis of the PNT, that for c ≤ 1 this asymptotic relation<br />

indeed holds. Use exponential sum techniques to establish this asymptotic<br />

behavior for some c>1; for example, there is the Piatetski-Shapiro theorem<br />

[Graham and Kolesnik 1991] that the asymptotic relation holds for any c with<br />

1 1 one takes the “principal value” for the<br />

singularity of the integrand at t =1,namely,<br />

1−ɛ x<br />

1<br />

1<br />

li0(x) = lim<br />

dt +<br />

ɛ→0 ln t ln t dt<br />

<br />

.<br />

0<br />

The function li0(x) isli(x)+c, wherec ≈ 1.0451637801. Before Skewes came<br />

up with his bounds, J. Littlewood had shown that π(x) − li0(x) (as well as<br />

π(x) − li (x)) not only changes sign, but does so infinitely often.<br />

An amusing first foray into the “Skewes world” is to express the second<br />

Skewes number above in decimal-exponential notation (in other words, replace<br />

the e’s with 10’s appropriately, as has been done already for the first Skewes<br />

number). Incidentally, a newer reference on the problem is [Kaczorowski<br />

1984], while a modern estimate for the least x with π(x) > li0(x) is<br />

x li0(x) for some<br />

x ∈ (1.398201, 1.398244) · 10 316 .<br />

One interesting speculative exercise is to estimate roughly how many more<br />

years it will take researchers actually to find and prove an explicit case of<br />

π(x) > li0(x). It is intriguing to guess how far calculations of π(x) itself can<br />

be pushed in, say, 30 years. We discuss prime-counting algorithms in Section<br />

3.7, although the state of the art is today π 10 21 or somewhat higher than<br />

this (with new results emerging often).<br />

Another speculative direction: Try to imagine numerical or even physical<br />

scenarios in which such huge numbers naturally arise. One reference for<br />


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