Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers


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58 Chapter 1 PRIMES!<br />

Exercise 1.35. Now think of the ordered, natural logarithms of the Fermat<br />

numbers as a pseudorandom sequence of real numbers. Prove this theorem: If<br />

said sequence is equidistributed modulo 1, then the number ln 2 is normal to<br />

base 2. Is the converse of this theorem true?<br />

Note that it remains unknown to this day whether ln 2 is normal to any<br />

integer base. Unfortunately, the same can be said for any of the fundamental<br />

constants of history, such as π, e, and so on. That is, except for instances<br />

of artificial digit construction as in Exercise 1.32, normality proofs remain<br />

elusive. A standard reference for rigorous descriptions of normality and<br />

equidistribution is [Kuipers and Niederreiter 1974]. A discussion of normality<br />

properties for specific fundamental constants such as ln 2 is [Bailey and<br />

Crandall 2001].<br />

1.34. Using the PNT, or just Chebyshev’s Theorem 1.1.3, prove that the<br />

set of rational numbers p/q with p, q prime is dense in the positive reals.<br />

1.35. It is a theorem of Vinogradov that for any irrational number α,<br />

the sequence (αpn), where the pn are the primes in natural order, is<br />

equidistributed modulo 1. Equidistribution here means that if #(a, b, N)<br />

denotes the number of times any interval [a, b) ⊂ [0, 1) is struck after N<br />

primes are used, then #(a, b, N)/N ∼ (b − a) asN →∞. On the basis of this<br />

Vinogradov theorem, prove the following: For irrational α>1, and the set<br />

the prime count defined by<br />

behaves as<br />

S(α) ={⌊kα⌋ : k =1, 2, 3,...},<br />

πα(x) =#{p ≤ x : p ∈P∩S(α)}<br />

πα(x) ∼ 1 x<br />

α ln x .<br />

What is the behavior of πα for α rational?<br />

As an extension to this exercise, the Vinogradov equidistribution theorem<br />

itself can be established via the exponential sum ideas of Section 1.4.4. One<br />

uses the celebrated Weyl theorem on spectral properties of equidistributed<br />

sequences [Kuipers and Niederreiter 1974, Theorem 2.1] to bring the problem<br />

down to showing that for irrational α and any integer h = 0,<br />

EN(hα) = <br />

e 2πihαp<br />

p≤N<br />

is o(N). This, in turn, can be done by finding suitable rational approximants<br />

to α and providing bounds on the exponential sum, using essentially our book<br />

formula (1.39) for well-approximable values of hα, while for other α using<br />

(1.41). The treatment in [Ellison and Ellison 1985] is pleasantly accessible on<br />

this matter.

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