Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers Prime Numbers
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564 REFERENCES [Montgomery 1987] P. Montgomery. Speeding the Pollard and elliptic curve methods of factorization. Math. Comp., 48:243–264, 1987. [Montgomery 1992a] P. Montgomery. An FFT Extension of the Elliptic Curve Method of Factorization. PhD thesis, University of California, Los Angeles, 1992. [Montgomery 1992b] P. Montgomery. Evaluating recurrences of form Xm+n = f(Xm,Xn,Xm−n) via Lucas chains. Unpublished manuscript, 1992. [Montgomery 1994] P. Montgomery. Square roots of products of algebraic numbers. In W. Gautschi, editor, Mathematics of Computation 1943–1993, volume 48 of Proc. Sympos. Appl. Math., pages 567–571. Amer. Math. Soc., 1994. [Montgomery 1995] P. Montgomery. A block Lanczos algorithm for finding dependencies over GF (2). In Advances in Cryptology, Eurocrypt ’95, volume 921 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 106–120, 1995. [Montgomery and Silverman 1990] P. Montgomery and R. Silverman. An FFT extension to the P − 1 factoring algorithm. Math. Comp., 54:839–854, 1990. [Morain 1990] F. Morain. Courbes elliptiques et tests de primalité. PhD thesis, Université Claude Bernard-Lyon I, 1990. [Morain 1992] F. Morain. Building cyclic elliptic curves modulo large primes. Unpublished manuscript, 1992. [Morain 1995] F. Morain. Calcul du nombre de points sur une courbe elliptique dans un corps fini: aspects algorithmiques. J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux, 7:255–282, 1995. Les Dix-huitèmes Journées Arithmétiques (Bordeaux, 1993). [Morain 1998] F. Morain. Primality proving using elliptic curves: an update. In [Buhler 1998], pages 111 –127. [Morain 2004] F. Morain. Implementing the asymptotically fast version of the elliptic curve primality proving algorithm. [Morrison and Brillhart 1975] M. Morrison and J. Brillhart. A method of factoring and the factorization of F7. Math. Comp., 29:183–205, 1975. Collection of articles dedicated to Derrick Henry Lehmer on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. [Müller 1998] V. Müller. Efficient algorithms for multiplication on elliptic curves. Proceedings of GI—Arbeitskonferenz Chipkarten, TU München, 1998. [Müller 2004] V. Müller. Publications Volker Müller, 2004., 2004. [Murphy 1998] B. Murphy. Modelling the yield of number field sieve polynomials. In [Buhler 1998], pages 137–150. [Murphy 1999] B. Murphy. Polynomial selection for the number field sieve integer factorisation algorithm. PhD thesis, Australian National University, 1999.

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564 REFERENCES<br />

[Montgomery 1987] P. Montgomery. Speeding the Pollard and elliptic curve<br />

methods of factorization. Math. Comp., 48:243–264, 1987.<br />

[Montgomery 1992a] P. Montgomery. An FFT Extension of the Elliptic Curve<br />

Method of Factorization. PhD thesis, University of California, Los<br />

Angeles, 1992.<br />

[Montgomery 1992b] P. Montgomery. Evaluating recurrences of form<br />

Xm+n = f(Xm,Xn,Xm−n) via Lucas chains. Unpublished manuscript,<br />

1992.<br />

[Montgomery 1994] P. Montgomery. Square roots of products of algebraic<br />

numbers. In W. Gautschi, editor, Mathematics of Computation<br />

1943–1993, volume 48 of Proc. Sympos. Appl. Math., pages 567–571.<br />

Amer. Math. Soc., 1994.<br />

[Montgomery 1995] P. Montgomery. A block Lanczos algorithm for finding<br />

dependencies over GF (2). In Advances in Cryptology, Eurocrypt ’95,<br />

volume 921 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 106–120, 1995.<br />

[Montgomery and Silverman 1990] P. Montgomery and R. Silverman. An FFT<br />

extension to the P − 1 factoring algorithm. Math. Comp., 54:839–854,<br />

1990.<br />

[Morain 1990] F. Morain. Courbes elliptiques et tests de primalité. PhD thesis,<br />

Université Claude Bernard-Lyon I, 1990.<br />

[Morain 1992] F. Morain. Building cyclic elliptic curves modulo large primes.<br />

Unpublished manuscript, 1992.<br />

[Morain 1995] F. Morain. Calcul du nombre de points sur une courbe elliptique<br />

dans un corps fini: aspects algorithmiques. J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux,<br />

7:255–282, 1995. Les Dix-huitèmes Journées Arithmétiques (Bordeaux,<br />

1993).<br />

[Morain 1998] F. Morain. Primality proving using elliptic curves: an update. In<br />

[Buhler 1998], pages 111 –127.<br />

[Morain 2004] F. Morain. Implementing the asymptotically fast version of the<br />

elliptic curve primality proving algorithm.<br /><br />

[Morrison and Brillhart 1975] M. Morrison and J. Brillhart. A method of factoring<br />

and the factorization of F7. Math. Comp., 29:183–205, 1975. Collection of<br />

articles dedicated to Derrick Henry Lehmer on the occasion of his<br />

seventieth birthday.<br />

[Müller 1998] V. Müller. Efficient algorithms for multiplication on elliptic curves.<br />

Proceedings of GI—Arbeitskonferenz Chipkarten, TU München, 1998.<br />

[Müller 2004] V. Müller. Publications Volker Müller, 2004.<br />, 2004.<br />

[Murphy 1998] B. Murphy. Modelling the yield of number field sieve polynomials.<br />

In [Buhler 1998], pages 137–150.<br />

[Murphy 1999] B. Murphy. Polynomial selection for the number field sieve integer<br />

factorisation algorithm. PhD thesis, Australian National University, 1999.

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