Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers Prime Numbers
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550 REFERENCES [Bernstein 2004b] D. Bernstein. Factorization myths. [Bernstein 2004c] D. Bernstein. Doubly focused enumeration of locally square polynomial values. In High primes and misdemeanours: lectures in honour of the 60th birthday of Hugh Cowie Williams, volume 41 of Fields Inst. Commun., pages 69–76. Amer. Math. Soc., 2004. [Bernstein 2004d] D Bernstein. How to find smooth parts of integers. [Bernstein 2004e] D. Bernstein. Fast multiplication and its applications. In J. Buhler and P. Stevenhagen, editors Cornerstones in algorithmic number theory (tentative title), a Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publication. Cambridge University Press, to appear. [Berrizbeitia 2002] P. Berrizbeitia. Sharpening “PRIMES is in P” for a large family of numbers. math/1/au:+Berrizbeitia/0/1/0/all/0/1. [Berry 1997] M. Berry. Quantum chaology. Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A, 413:183–198, 1987. [Berta and Mann 2002] I. Berta and Z. Mann. Implementing elliptic-curve cryptography on PC and Smart Card. Periodica Polytechnica, Series Electrical Engineering, 46:47–73, 2002. [Beukers 2004] F. Beukers. The diophantine equation Ax p + By q = Cz r . [Blackburn and Teske 1999] S. Blackburn and E. Teske. Baby-step giant-step algorithms for non-uniform distributions. Unpublished manuscript, 1999. [Bleichenbacher 1996] D. Bleichenbacher. Efficiency and security of cryptosystems based on number theory. PhD thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich, 1996. [Blum et al. 1986] L. Blum, M. Blum, and M. Shub. A simple unpredictable pseudorandom number generator. SIAM J. Comput., 15:364–383, 1986. [Bombieri and Iwaniec 1986] E. Bombieri and H. Iwaniec. On the order of ζ(1/2+it). Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. (4), 13:449–472, 1986. [Bombieri and Lagarias 1999] E. Bombieri and J. Lagarias. Complements to Li’s criterion for the Riemann hypothesis. J. Number Theory, 77:274–287, 1999. [Boneh 1999] D. Boneh. Twenty years of attacks on the RSA cryptosystem. Notices Amer. Math. Soc., 46:203–213, 1999. [Boneh and Venkatesan 1998] D. Boneh and R. Venkatesan. Breaking RSA may not be equivalent to factoring. In Advances in Cryptology, Proc. Eurocrypt ’98, volume 1514 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 25–34. Springer–Verlag, 1998. [Borwein 1991] P. Borwein. On the irrationality of (1/(q n + r)). J. Number Theory, 37:253–259, 1991.

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550 REFERENCES<br />

[Bernstein 2004b] D. Bernstein. Factorization myths.<br /><br />

[Bernstein 2004c] D. Bernstein. Doubly focused enumeration of locally square<br />

polynomial values. In High primes and misdemeanours: lectures in<br />

honour of the 60th birthday of Hugh Cowie Williams, volume 41 of Fields<br />

Inst. Commun., pages 69–76. Amer. Math. Soc., 2004.<br />

[Bernstein 2004d] D Bernstein. How to find smooth parts of integers.<br /><br />

[Bernstein 2004e] D. Bernstein. Fast multiplication and its applications. In<br />

J. Buhler and P. Stevenhagen, editors Cornerstones in algorithmic<br />

number theory (tentative title), a Mathematical Sciences Research<br />

Institute Publication. Cambridge University Press, to appear.<br />

[Berrizbeitia 2002] P. Berrizbeitia. Sharpening “PRIMES is in P” for a large<br />

family of numbers.<br /> math/1/au:+Berrizbeitia/0/1/0/all/0/1.<br />

[Berry 1997] M. Berry. Quantum chaology. Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A,<br />

413:183–198, 1987.<br />

[Berta and Mann 2002] I. Berta and Z. Mann. Implementing elliptic-curve<br />

cryptography on PC and Smart Card. Periodica Polytechnica, Series<br />

Electrical Engineering, 46:47–73, 2002.<br />

[Beukers 2004] F. Beukers. The diophantine equation Ax p + By q = Cz r .<br /><br />

[Blackburn and Teske 1999] S. Blackburn and E. Teske. Baby-step giant-step<br />

algorithms for non-uniform distributions. Unpublished manuscript, 1999.<br />

[Bleichenbacher 1996] D. Bleichenbacher. Efficiency and security of cryptosystems<br />

based on number theory. PhD thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of<br />

Technology Zürich, 1996.<br />

[Blum et al. 1986] L. Blum, M. Blum, and M. Shub. A simple unpredictable<br />

pseudorandom number generator. SIAM J. Comput., 15:364–383, 1986.<br />

[Bombieri and Iwaniec 1986] E. Bombieri and H. Iwaniec. On the order of<br />

ζ(1/2+it). Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. (4), 13:449–472, 1986.<br />

[Bombieri and Lagarias 1999] E. Bombieri and J. Lagarias. Complements to Li’s<br />

criterion for the Riemann hypothesis. J. Number Theory, 77:274–287,<br />

1999.<br />

[Boneh 1999] D. Boneh. Twenty years of attacks on the RSA cryptosystem.<br />

Notices Amer. Math. Soc., 46:203–213, 1999.<br />

[Boneh and Venkatesan 1998] D. Boneh and R. Venkatesan. Breaking RSA may<br />

not be equivalent to factoring. In Advances in Cryptology, Proc.<br />

Eurocrypt ’98, volume 1514 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages<br />

25–34. Springer–Verlag, 1998.<br />

[Borwein 1991] P. Borwein. On the irrationality of (1/(q n + r)). J. Number<br />

Theory, 37:253–259, 1991.

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