Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers Prime Numbers
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[Baillie and Wagstaff 1980] R. Baillie and S. Wagstaff, Jr. Lucas pseudoprimes.<br />

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[Bailey and Crandall 2002] D. Bailey and R. Crandall. Random generators and<br />

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[Bailey et al. 2003] D. Bailey, J. Borwein, R. Crandall, and C. Pomerance. On the<br />

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[Balasubramanian and Nagaraj 1997] R. Balasubramanian and S. Nagaraj.<br />

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[Balazard et al. 1999] M. Balazard, E. Saias, and M. Yor. Notes sur la fonction ζ<br />

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[Balog 1989] A. Balog. On a variant of the Piatetski-Shapiro prime number<br />

theorem. In Groupe de travail en théorie analytique et élementaire des<br />

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[Barrett 1987] P. Barrett. Implementing the Rivest Shamir and Adleman public<br />

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A. Odlyzko, editor, Advances in Cryptology, Proc. Crypto ’86, volume 263<br />

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[Bateman et al. 1989] P. Bateman, J. Selfridge, and S. Wagstaff, Jr. The new<br />

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[Bays and Hudson 2000a] C. Bays and R. Hudson. Zeroes of Dirichlet L-functions<br />

and irregularities in the distibution of primes. Math. Comp., 69:861–866,<br />

2000.<br />

[Bays and Hudson 2000b] C. Bays and R. Hudson. A new bound for the smallest<br />

x with π(x) > li (x). Math. Comp., 69:1285–1296, 2000.<br />

[Bernstein 1997] D. Bernstein. Multidigit multiplication for mathematicians, 1997.<br />

em Advances Appl. Math., to appear.<br />

[Bernstein 1998] D. Bernstein. Bounding smooth integers (extended abstract). In<br />

[Buhler 1998], pages 128–130.<br />

[Bernstein 2003] D. Bernstein. Proving primality in essentially quartic time.<br /><br />

[Bernstein 2004a] D. Bernstein. Scaled remainder trees.<br />

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