Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers Prime Numbers
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9.8 Research problems 537 1.66), namely Uk(a) = N−1 x=0 e 2πiaxk /N . Denote by rs(n) the number of representations of n as a sum of sk-th powers in ZN. Prove that whereas it also happens that N−1 n=0 N−1 n=0 rs(n) =N s , rs(n) 2 = 1 N−1 N |Uk(a)| 2s . It is this last relation that allows some interesting bounds and conclusions. In fact, the spectral sum of powers |U| 2s , if bounded above, will allow lower bounds to be placed on the number of representable elements of ZN. In other words, upper bounds on the spectral amplitude |U| effectively “control” the representation counts across the ring, to analytic advantage. Next, as an initial foray into the many research options, use the ideas and results of Exercises 1.44, 1.66 to show that a positive constant c exists such that for p prime, more than a fraction c of the elements of Zp aresumsoftwo cubes. Admittedly, we have seen that the theory of elliptic curves completely settles the two-cube question—even for rings ZN with N composite—in the manner of Exercise 7.20, but the idea of the present exercise is to use the convolution and spectral notions alone. How high can you force c for, say, sufficiently large primes p? One way to proceed is first to show from the “p 3/4 ” bound of Exercise 1.66 that every element of Zp isasumof5cubes, then to obtain sharper results by employing the best-possible ”p 1/2 ” bound. And what about this spectral approach for composite N? Inthiscaseonemay employ, for appropriate Fourier indices a, an“N 2/3 ” bound (see for example [Vaughan 1997, Theorem 4.2]). Now try to find a simple proof of the theorem: If N is prime, then for every k there exist positive constants ck, ɛk such that for a ≡ 0(modN) we have |Uk(a)|

538 Chapter 9 FAST ALGORITHMS FOR LARGE-INTEGER ARITHMETIC cubic case)? In such research, you would have to find upper bounds on general U sums, and indeed these can be obtained; see [Vinogradov 1985], [Ellison and Ellison 1985], [Nathanson 1996], [Vaughan 1997]. However, the hard part is to establish explicit s, which means explicit bounding constants need to be tracked; and many references, for theoretical and historical reasons, do not bother with such detailed tracking. One of the most fascinating aspects of this research area is the fusion of theory and computation. That is, if you have bounding parameters ck, ɛk for k-th power problems as above, then you will likely find yourself in a situation where theory is handling the “sufficiently large” N, yet you need computation to handle all the cases of N from the ground up to that theory threshold. Computation looms especially important, in fact, when the constant ck is large or, to a lesser extent, when ɛk is small. In this light, the great efforts of 20th-century analysts to establish general bounds on exponential sums can now be viewed from a computational perspective. These studies are, of course, reminiscent of the literature on the celebrated Waring conjecture, which conjecture claims representability by a fixed number s of k-th powers, but among the nonnegative integers (e.g., the Lagrange four-square theorem of Exercise 9.41 amounts to proof of the k =2, s =4 subcase of the general Waring conjecture). The issues in this full Waring scenario are different, because for one thing the exponential sums are to be taken not over all ring elements but only up to index x ≈ ⌊N 1/k ⌋ or thereabouts, and the bounding procedures are accordingly more intricate. In spite of such obstacles, a good research extension would be to establish the classical Waring estimates on s for given k—which estimates historically involve continuous integrals—using discrete convolution methods alone. (In 1909 D. Hilbert proved the Waring conjecture via an ingenious combinatorial approach, while the incisive and powerful continuum methods appear in many references, e.g., [Hardy 1966], [Nathanson 1996], [Vaughan 1997].) Incidentally, many Waring-type questions for finite fields have been completely resolved; see for example [Winterhof 1998]. 9.81. Is there a way to handle large convolutions without DFT, by using the kind of matrix idea that underlies Algorithm 9.5.7? That is, you would be calculating a convolution in small pieces, with the usual idea in force: The signals to be convolved can be stored on massive (say disk) media, while the computations proceed in relatively small memory (i.e., about the size of some matrix row/column). Along these lines, design a standard three-FFT convolution for arbitrary signals, except do it in matrix form reminiscent of Algorithm 9.5.7, yet do not do unnecessary transposes. Hint: Arrange for the first FFT to leave the data in such a state that after the usual dyadic (spectral) product, the inverse FFT can start right off with row FFTs. Incidentally, E. Mayer has worked out FFT schemes that do no transposes of any kind; rather, his ideas involve columnwise FFTs that avoid common memory problems. See [Crandall et al. 1999] for Mayer’s discussion.

9.8 Research problems 537<br />

1.66), namely<br />

Uk(a) =<br />

N−1 <br />

x=0<br />

e 2πiaxk /N .<br />

Denote by rs(n) the number of representations of n as a sum of sk-th powers<br />

in ZN. Prove that whereas<br />

it also happens that<br />

N−1 <br />

n=0<br />

N−1 <br />

n=0<br />

rs(n) =N s ,<br />

rs(n) 2 = 1<br />

N−1<br />

N<br />

<br />

|Uk(a)| 2s .<br />

It is this last relation that allows some interesting bounds and conclusions.<br />

In fact, the spectral sum of powers |U| 2s , if bounded above, will allow lower<br />

bounds to be placed on the number of representable elements of ZN. In other<br />

words, upper bounds on the spectral amplitude |U| effectively “control” the<br />

representation counts across the ring, to analytic advantage.<br />

Next, as an initial foray into the many research options, use the ideas and<br />

results of Exercises 1.44, 1.66 to show that a positive constant c exists such<br />

that for p prime, more than a fraction c of the elements of Zp aresumsoftwo<br />

cubes. Admittedly, we have seen that the theory of elliptic curves completely<br />

settles the two-cube question—even for rings ZN with N composite—in the<br />

manner of Exercise 7.20, but the idea of the present exercise is to use the<br />

convolution and spectral notions alone. How high can you force c for, say,<br />

sufficiently large primes p? One way to proceed is first to show from the<br />

“p 3/4 ” bound of Exercise 1.66 that every element of Zp isasumof5cubes,<br />

then to obtain sharper results by employing the best-possible ”p 1/2 ” bound.<br />

And what about this spectral approach for composite N? Inthiscaseonemay<br />

employ, for appropriate Fourier indices a, an“N 2/3 ” bound (see for example<br />

[Vaughan 1997, Theorem 4.2]).<br />

Now try to find a simple proof of the theorem: If N is prime, then for<br />

every k there exist positive constants ck, ɛk such that for a ≡ 0(modN) we<br />

have<br />


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