Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers Prime Numbers
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38 Chapter 1 PRIMES! conjectured. The famous conjecture of H. Cramér asserts that lim sup(pn+1 − pn)/ ln n→∞ 2 n =1. A. Granville has raised some doubt on the value of this limsup, suggesting thatitmaybeasleastaslargeas2e −γ ≈ 1.123. For primes above 100, the largest known value of (pn+1 − pn)/ ln 2 n is ≈ 1.210 when pn = 113. The next highest known values of this quotient are ≈ 1.175 when pn = 1327, and ≈ 1.138 when pn = 1693182318746371, this last being a recent discovery of B. Nyman. The prime gaps pn+1 − pn, which dramatically showcase the apparent local randomness of the primes, are on average ∼ ln n; this follows from the PNT (Theorem 1.1.4). The Cramér–Granville conjecture, mentioned in the last paragraph, implies that these gaps are infinitely often of magnitude ln 2 n, and no larger. However, the best that we can currently prove is that pn+1 −pn is infinitely often at least of magnitude ln n ln ln n ln ln ln ln n/(lnlnlnn) 2 , an old result of P. Erdős and R. Rankin. We can also ask about the minimal order of pn+1−pn. The twin-prime conjecture implies that (pn+1−pn)/ ln n has liminf 0, but until very recently the best we knew was the result of H. Maier that the liminf is at most a constant that is slightly less than 1/4. As we go to press for this 2nd book edition, a spectacular new result has been announced by D. Goldston, J. Pintz, and C. Yildirim: Yes, the liminf of (pn+1 − pn)/ ln n is indeed 0. 1.4.2 Computational successes The Riemann hypothesis (RH) remains open to this day. However, it became known after decades of technical development and a great deal of computer time that the first 1.5 billion zeros in the critical strip (ordered by increasing positive imaginary part) all lie precisely on the critical line Re(s) =1/2 [van de Lune et al. 1986]. It is highly intriguing—and such is possible due to a certain symmetry inherent in the zeta function—that one can numerically derive rigorous placement of the zeros with arithmetic of finite (yet perhaps high) precision. This is accomplished via rigorous counts of the number of zeros to various heights T (that is, the number of zeros σ + it with imaginary part t ∈ (0,T]), and then an investigation of sign changes of a certain real function that is zero if and only if zeta is zero on the critical line. If the sign changes match the count, all of the zeros to that height T are accounted for in rigorous fashion [Brent 1979]. The current height to which Riemann-critical-zero computations have been pressed is that in [Gourdon and Sebah 2004], namely the RH is intact up to the 10 13 -th zero. Gourdon has also calculated 2 billion zeros near t =10 24 . This advanced work uses a variant of the parallel-zeta method of [Odlyzko and Schönhage 1988] discussed in Section 3.7.2. Another important pioneer

1.4 Analytic number theory 39 in the ongoing RH verification is S. Wedeniwski, who maintains a “zetagrid” distributed project [Wedeniwski 2004]. Another result along similar lines is the recent settling of the “Mertens conjecture,” that |M(x)| < √ x. (1.26) Alas, the conjecture turns out to be ill-fated. An earlier conjecture that the right-hand side could be replaced by 1√ 2 x was first disproved in 1963 by Neubauer; later, H. Cohen found a minimal (least x) violation in the form M(7725038629) = 43947. But the Mertens conjecture (1.26) was finally demolished when it was shown in [Odlyzko and te Riele 1985] that lim sup x −1/2 M(x) > 1.06, lim inf x −1/2 M(x) < −1.009. It has been shown by Pintz that for some x less than 101065 the ratio M(x)/ √ x is greater than 1 [Ribenboim 1996]. Incidentally, it is known from statistical theory that the summatory function m(x) = n≤x tn of a random walk (with tn = ±1, randomly and independently) enjoys (with probability 1) the relation lim sup m(x) (x/2) ln ln x =1, so that on any notion of sufficient “randomness” of the Möbius µ function M(x)/ √ x would be expected to be unbounded. Yet another numerical application of the Riemann zeta function is in the assessment of the prime-counting function π(x) for particular, hopefully large x. We address this computational problem later, in Section 3.7.2. Analytic number theory is rife with big-O estimates. To the computationalist, every such estimate raises a question: What constant can stand in place of the big-O and in what range is the resulting inequality true? For example, it follows from a sharp form of the prime number theorem that for sufficiently large n, then-th prime exceeds n ln n. It is not hard to see that this is true for small n as well. Is it always true? To answer the question, one has to go through the analytic proof and put flesh on the various O-constants that appear, so as to get a grip on the “sufficiently large” aspect of the claim. In a wonderful manifestation of this type of analysis, [Rosser 1939] indeed showed that the n-th prime is always larger than n ln n. Later, in joint work with Schoenfeld, many more explicit estimates involving primes were established. These collective investigations continue to be an interesting and extremely useful branch of computational analytic number theory. 1.4.3 Dirichlet L-functions One can “twist” the Riemann zeta function by a Dirichlet character. To explain what this cryptic statement means, we begin at the end and explain what is a Dirichlet character.

1.4 Analytic number theory 39<br />

in the ongoing RH verification is S. Wedeniwski, who maintains a “zetagrid”<br />

distributed project [Wedeniwski 2004].<br />

Another result along similar lines is the recent settling of the “Mertens<br />

conjecture,” that<br />

|M(x)| < √ x. (1.26)<br />

Alas, the conjecture turns out to be ill-fated. An earlier conjecture that the<br />

right-hand side could be replaced by 1√<br />

2 x was first disproved in 1963 by<br />

Neubauer; later, H. Cohen found a minimal (least x) violation in the form<br />

M(7725038629) = 43947.<br />

But the Mertens conjecture (1.26) was finally demolished when it was shown<br />

in [Odlyzko and te Riele 1985] that<br />

lim sup x −1/2 M(x) > 1.06,<br />

lim inf x −1/2 M(x) < −1.009.<br />

It has been shown by Pintz that for some x less than 101065 the ratio M(x)/ √ x<br />

is greater than 1 [Ribenboim 1996]. Incidentally, it is known from statistical<br />

theory that the summatory function m(x) = <br />

n≤x tn of a random walk (with<br />

tn = ±1, randomly and independently) enjoys (with probability 1) the relation<br />

lim sup<br />

m(x)<br />

(x/2) ln ln x =1,<br />

so that on any notion of sufficient “randomness” of the Möbius µ function<br />

M(x)/ √ x would be expected to be unbounded.<br />

Yet another numerical application of the Riemann zeta function is in the<br />

assessment of the prime-counting function π(x) for particular, hopefully large<br />

x. We address this computational problem later, in Section 3.7.2.<br />

Analytic number theory is rife with big-O estimates. To the computationalist,<br />

every such estimate raises a question: What constant can stand in place<br />

of the big-O and in what range is the resulting inequality true? For example,<br />

it follows from a sharp form of the prime number theorem that for sufficiently<br />

large n, then-th prime exceeds n ln n. It is not hard to see that this is true<br />

for small n as well. Is it always true? To answer the question, one has to<br />

go through the analytic proof and put flesh on the various O-constants that<br />

appear, so as to get a grip on the “sufficiently large” aspect of the claim. In a<br />

wonderful manifestation of this type of analysis, [Rosser 1939] indeed showed<br />

that the n-th prime is always larger than n ln n. Later, in joint work with<br />

Schoenfeld, many more explicit estimates involving primes were established.<br />

These collective investigations continue to be an interesting and extremely<br />

useful branch of computational analytic number theory.<br />

1.4.3 Dirichlet L-functions<br />

One can “twist” the Riemann zeta function by a Dirichlet character. To<br />

explain what this cryptic statement means, we begin at the end and explain<br />

what is a Dirichlet character.

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