Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers Prime Numbers
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9.1 Tour of “grammar-school” methods 445 where δn is 0 for n odd, else x2 n/2 for n even. It is clear that each column component wn involves about half the size-B multiplies required for the general multiplication algorithm. Of course, final carry operations must be performedonthewn, togetthefinaldigitsznof the product z = x2 , but in most practical instances, this squaring is indeed roughly twice as fast as a multiple-precision multiply. There exist in the literature some very readable expositions of the squaring algorithm and related algorithms. See, for example, [Menezes et al. 1997]. There is an elegant, if simple, argument showing that general multiplication has no more than twice the complexity of squaring. One invokes the identity 4xy =(x + y) 2 − (x − y) 2 , (9.4) which indicates that a multiplication can be effected by two squarings and a divide by four, this final divide presumed trivial (as, say, a right-shift by two bits). This observation is not just academic, for in certain practical scenarios this algebraic rule may be exploited (see Exercise 9.6). 9.1.3 Div and mod Div and mod operations are omnipresent in prime-number and factorization studies. These operations often occur in combination with multiplication, in fact, this symbiosis is exploited in some of the algorithms we shall describe. It is quite common that one spends computation effort on operations such as xy (mod p), for primes p, or in factorization studies xy (mod N) whereN is to be factored. It is a primary observation that the mod operation can hinge on the div operation. We shall use, as before, the notation x mod N to denote the operation that results in the least nonnegative residue of x (mod N), while the greatest integer in x/N, denoted by ⌊x/N⌋, isthedivresult.(Insome computer languages these operations are written “x%N” and“x div N,” respectively, while in others the integer divide “x/N” means just div, while in yet others the div is “Floor[x/N],” and so on.) For integers x and positive integers N, a basic relation in our present notation is x mod N = x − N⌊x/N⌋. (9.5) Note that this relation is equivalent to the quotient–remainder decomposition x = qN + r, with q, r being respectively the div and mod results under consideration. So the div operation begets the mod, and we can proceed with algorithm descriptions for div. Analogous to “grammar-school” multiplication is, of course, the elementary method of long division. It is fruitful to contemplate even this simple long division algorithm, with a view to enhancements. In the normal execution of long division in a given base B, the divisor N is first justified to the left, with respect to the dividend x. Thatistosay,apowerB b of the base is found such that m = B b N ≤ x

446 Chapter 9 FAST ALGORITHMS FOR LARGE-INTEGER ARITHMETIC quotient is guaranteed to be in the interval [1,B − 1]. The quotient here is, of course, the leading base-B digit of the final div result. One then replaces x with x − m⌊x/m⌋, and divides m by B, that is, shifts m down by one digit, and so on recursively. This sketch shows us right off that for certain bases B, things are relatively simple. In fact, if one adopts binary representations (B = 2), then a complete div algorithm can be effected such that there are no multiplies at all. The method can actually be of practical interest, especially on machinery that has addition, subtraction, bit-shifting (left-shift means multiply-by-2, right-shift means divide-by-2), but little else in the way of operations. Explicitly, we proceed as follows: Algorithm 9.1.3 (Classical binary divide). Given positive integers x ≥ N, this algorithm performs the div operation, returning ⌊x/N⌋. (See Exercise 9.7 for the matter of also returning the value x mod N.) 1. [Initialize] Find the unique integer b such that 2 b N ≤ x 0 being the high bit. 1. [Initialize] s =0; 2. [Loop over D bits] for(D − 1 ≥ j ≥ 0) { s =2s; if(s ≥ N) s = s − N; if(xj == 1) s = s + y;


quotient is guaranteed to be in the interval [1,B − 1]. The quotient here is,<br />

of course, the leading base-B digit of the final div result. One then replaces x<br />

with x − m⌊x/m⌋, and divides m by B, that is, shifts m down by one digit,<br />

and so on recursively. This sketch shows us right off that for certain bases<br />

B, things are relatively simple. In fact, if one adopts binary representations<br />

(B = 2), then a complete div algorithm can be effected such that there are<br />

no multiplies at all. The method can actually be of practical interest, especially<br />

on machinery that has addition, subtraction, bit-shifting (left-shift<br />

means multiply-by-2, right-shift means divide-by-2), but little else in the way<br />

of operations. Explicitly, we proceed as follows:<br />

Algorithm 9.1.3 (Classical binary divide). Given positive integers x ≥ N,<br />

this algorithm performs the div operation, returning ⌊x/N⌋. (See Exercise 9.7 for<br />

the matter of also returning the value x mod N.)<br />

1. [Initialize]<br />

Find the unique integer b such that 2 b N ≤ x 0 being the high bit.<br />

1. [Initialize]<br />

s =0;<br />

2. [Loop over D bits]<br />

for(D − 1 ≥ j ≥ 0) {<br />

s =2s;<br />

if(s ≥ N) s = s − N;<br />

if(xj == 1) s = s + y;

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