Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers


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8.8 Research problems 437<br />

element of Qn black, and all nonzero elements white. Imagine further that this<br />

object is the full infinite-dimensional Qn matrix, but compressed into a finite<br />

planar square, so that we get, if you will, a kind of “snowflake” with many<br />

holes of black within a fabric of white. Now, argue that for prime modulus p,<br />

so that the mod matrix is Qp, the fractal dimension of the “snowflake” object<br />

is given by<br />

δ =<br />

ln(p(p +1)/2)<br />

.<br />

ln p<br />

Technically, this is a “box dimension,” and for this and other dimension<br />

definitions one source is [Crandall 1994b] and references therein. (Hint: The<br />

basic method for getting δ is to count how many nonzero elements there<br />

are in an upper-left p k × p k submatrix of Qp, and see how this scales with<br />

the submatrix size p 2k .) Thus for example, the Pascal triangle modulo 2<br />

has dimension δ = (ln3)/(ln 2) and the triangle modulo 3 has dimension<br />

δ =(ln6)/(ln 3). The case p = 2 here gives the famous Sierpiński gasket, a<br />

well-studied object in the theory of fractals. It is sometimes said that such a<br />

“gasket” amounts to “more than a line but less than the plane.” Clarify this<br />

vague statement in quantitative terms, by looking at the numerical magnitude<br />

of the dimension δ.<br />

Extensions to this fractal-dimension exercise abound. For example, one<br />

finds that for prime p, in the upper-left p × p submatrix of Qp, thenumber<br />

of nonzero elements is always a triangular number. (A triangular number is<br />

a number of the form 1 + 2 + ...+ n = n(n +1)/2.) Question is, for what<br />

composite n does the upper-left n × n submatrix have a triangular number<br />

of nonzero elements? And here is an evidently tough question: What is the<br />

fractal dimension if we consider the object in “gray-scale,” that is, instead<br />

of white/black pixels that make up the gasket object, we calculate δ using<br />

proper weight of an element of Qp not as binary but as its actual residue in<br />

[0,p− 1]?<br />

8.27. In the field of elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) it is important to be<br />

able to construct elliptic curves of prime order. Describe how to adapt the<br />

Schoof method, Algorithm 7.5.6, so that it “sieves” curve orders, looking for<br />

such a prime order. In other words, curve parameters a, b would be chosen<br />

randomly, say, and small primes L would be used to “knock out” a candidate<br />

curveassoonasp+1−t is ascertained as composite. Assuming that the Schoof<br />

algorithm has running time O ln k <br />

p , estimate the complexity of this sieving<br />

scheme as applied to finding just one elliptic curve of prime order. Incidentally,<br />

it may not be efficient overall to use maximal prime powers L =2 a , 3 b , etc.<br />

(even though as we explained these do work in the Schoof algorithm) for such<br />

a sieve. Explain why that is. Note that some of the complexity issues herein<br />

are foreshadowed in Exercise 7.29 and related exercises of that chapter.<br />

If one did implement a “Schoof sieve” to find a curve of prime order, the<br />

following example would be useful in testing the software:<br />

p =2 113 − 133, a = −3, b = 10018.

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