Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers Prime Numbers
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8.7 Exercises 433 standards insist on such presence.) The interesting research of [Okeya and Sakurai 2001] is relevant to this design problem. In fact such issues—usually relating to casting efficient ECC onto chips or smart cards—abound in the current literature. A simple Internet search on ECC optimizations now brings up a great many very recent references. Just one place (of many) to get started on this topic is [Berta and Mann 2002] and references therein. 8.7. Devise a coin-flip protocol based on the idea that if n is the product of two different odd primes, then quadratic residues modulo n have 4 square roots of the form ±a, ±b. Further computing these square roots, given the quadratic residue, is easy when one knows the prime factorization of n and, conversely, when one has the 4 square roots, the factorization of n is immediate. Note in this connection the Blum integers of Exercise 2.26, which integers are often used in coin-flip protocols. References are [Schneier 1996] and [Bressoud and Wagon 2000, p. 146]. 8.8. Explore the possibility of cryptographic defects in Algorithm 8.1.11. For example, Bob could cheat if he could quickly factor n, so the fairness of the protocol, as with many others, should be predicated on the presumed difficulty in factoring the number n that Alice sends. Is there any way for Alice to cheat by somehow misleading Bob into preferring one of the primes over the other? If Bob knows or guesses that Alice is choosing the primes p, q, r at random in a certain range, is there some way for him to improve his chances? Is there any way for either party to lose on purpose? 8.9. It is stated after Algorithm 8.1.11 that a coin-flip protocol can be extended to group games such as poker. Choose a specific protocol (from the text algorithm or such references as in Exercise 8.7), and write out explicitly a design for “telephone poker,” in which there is, over a party-line phone connection, a deal of say 5 cards per person, hands eventually claimed, and so on. It may be intuitively clear that if flipping a coin can be done, so can this poker game, but the exercise here is to be explicit in the design of a full-fledged poker game. 8.10. Prove that the verification step of Algorithm 8.1.8 works, and discuss both the probability of a false signature getting through and the difficulty of forging. 8.11. Design a random-number generator based on a one-way function. It turns out that any suitable one-way function can be used to this effect. One reference is [H˚astad et al. 1999]; another is [Lagarias 1990]. 8.12. Implement the Halton-sequence fast qMC Algorithm 8.3.6 for dimension D = 2, and plot graphically a cloud of some thousands of points in the unit square. Comment on the qualitative (visual) difference between your plot and a plot of simple random coordinates.

434 Chapter 8 THE UBIQUITY OF PRIME NUMBERS 8.13. Prove the claim concerning equation (8.3) under the stated conditions on k. Start by analyzing the Diophantine equation (mod 4), concluding that x ≡ 1 (mod 4), continuing on with further analysis (mod 4) until a Legendre symbol −4m 2 p is encountered for p ≡ 3 (mod 4). (See, for example, [Apostol 1976, Section 9.8].) 8.14. Note that if c = a n + b n ,thenx = ac, y = bc, z = c is a solution to x n + y n = z n+1 . Show more generally that if gcd(pq, r) = 1, then the Fermat– Catalan equation x p + y q = z r has infinitely many positive solutions. Why is this not a disproof of the Fermat–Catalan conjecture? Show that there are no positive solutions when gcd(p, q, r) ≥ 3. What about the cases gcd(p, q, r) =1 or 2? (The authors do not know the answer to this last question.) 8.15. Fashion an at least somewhat convincing heuristic argument for the Fermat–Catalan conjecture. For example, here is one for the case that p, q, r are all at least 4: Let S be the set of fourth and higher powers of positive integers. Unless there is a cheap reason, as in Exercise 8.14, there should be no particular tendency for the sum of two members of S to be equal to a third member of S. Consider the expression a + b − c, wherea ∈ S ∩ [t/2,t], b ∈ S ∩ [1,t], c ∈ S ∩ [1, 2t] and gcd(a, b) =1.Thisnumbera + b − c is in the interval (−2t, 2t) and the probability that it is 0 ought to be of magnitude 1/t. Thus, the expected number of solutions to a + b = c for such a, b, c should be at most S(t) 2 S(2t)/t, whereS(t) is the number of members of S ∩ [1,t]. Now S(t) =O(t 1/4 ), so this expected number is O(t −1/4 ). Now let t run over powers of 2, getting that the total number of solutions is expected to be just O(1). 8.16. As in Exercise 8.15, fashion an at least somewhat convincing heuristic argument for the ABC conjecture. 8.17. Show that the ABC conjecture is false with ɛ = 0. In fact, show that there are infinitely many coprime triples a, b, c of positive integers with a + b = c and γ(abc) =o(c). (As before, γ(n) is the largest squarefree divisor of n.) 8.18. [Tijdeman] Show that the ABC conjecture implies the Fermat–Catalan conjecture. 8.19. [Silverman] Show that the ABC conjecture implies that there are infinitely many primes p that are not Wieferich primes. 8.20. Say q1 0, we have qn+1 − qn >n 1/12−ɛ for all sufficiently large values of n. 8.21. Show that there is a polynomial in two variables with integer coefficients whose values at positive integral arguments coincide with the set


8.13. Prove the claim concerning equation (8.3) under the stated conditions<br />

on k. Start by analyzing the Diophantine equation (mod 4), concluding that<br />

x ≡ 1 (mod 4), continuing on with further analysis (mod 4) until a Legendre<br />

symbol −4m 2<br />

p is encountered for p ≡ 3 (mod 4). (See, for example, [Apostol<br />

1976, Section 9.8].)<br />

8.14. Note that if c = a n + b n ,thenx = ac, y = bc, z = c is a solution to<br />

x n + y n = z n+1 . Show more generally that if gcd(pq, r) = 1, then the Fermat–<br />

Catalan equation x p + y q = z r has infinitely many positive solutions. Why is<br />

this not a disproof of the Fermat–Catalan conjecture? Show that there are no<br />

positive solutions when gcd(p, q, r) ≥ 3. What about the cases gcd(p, q, r) =1<br />

or 2? (The authors do not know the answer to this last question.)<br />

8.15. Fashion an at least somewhat convincing heuristic argument for the<br />

Fermat–Catalan conjecture. For example, here is one for the case that p, q, r<br />

are all at least 4: Let S be the set of fourth and higher powers of positive<br />

integers. Unless there is a cheap reason, as in Exercise 8.14, there should be<br />

no particular tendency for the sum of two members of S to be equal to a<br />

third member of S. Consider the expression a + b − c, wherea ∈ S ∩ [t/2,t],<br />

b ∈ S ∩ [1,t], c ∈ S ∩ [1, 2t] and gcd(a, b) =1.Thisnumbera + b − c is in the<br />

interval (−2t, 2t) and the probability that it is 0 ought to be of magnitude<br />

1/t. Thus, the expected number of solutions to a + b = c for such a, b, c should<br />

be at most S(t) 2 S(2t)/t, whereS(t) is the number of members of S ∩ [1,t].<br />

Now S(t) =O(t 1/4 ), so this expected number is O(t −1/4 ). Now let t run over<br />

powers of 2, getting that the total number of solutions is expected to be just<br />

O(1).<br />

8.16. As in Exercise 8.15, fashion an at least somewhat convincing heuristic<br />

argument for the ABC conjecture.<br />

8.17. Show that the ABC conjecture is false with ɛ = 0. In fact, show<br />

that there are infinitely many coprime triples a, b, c of positive integers with<br />

a + b = c and γ(abc) =o(c). (As before, γ(n) is the largest squarefree divisor<br />

of n.)<br />

8.18. [Tijdeman] Show that the ABC conjecture implies the Fermat–Catalan<br />

conjecture.<br />

8.19. [Silverman] Show that the ABC conjecture implies that there are<br />

infinitely many primes p that are not Wieferich primes.<br />

8.20. Say q1 0, we have<br />

qn+1 − qn >n 1/12−ɛ for all sufficiently large values of n.<br />

8.21. Show that there is a polynomial in two variables with integer<br />

coefficients whose values at positive integral arguments coincide with the set

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