Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers Prime Numbers
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8.6 Curious, anecdotal, and interdisciplinary references to primes 425 they pertain to the technology of error-correcting codes, discrete Fourier transforms (DFTs) over fields relevant to acoustics, the use of the Möbius µ and other functions in science, and so on. To convey a hint of how far the interdisciplinary connections can reach, we hereby cite Schroeder’s observation that certain astronomical experiments to verify aspects of Einstein’s general relativity involved such weak signals that error-correcting codes (and hence finite fields) were invoked. This kind of argument shows how certain cultural or scientific achievements do depend, at some level, on prime numbers. A pleasingly recreational source for interdisciplinary prime-number investigations is [Caldwell 1999]. In biology, prime numbers appear in contexts such as the following one, from [Yoshimura 1997]. We quote the author directly in order to show how prime numbers can figure into a field or a culture, without much of the standard number-theoretical language, rather with certain intuitive inferences relied upon instead: Periodical cicadas (Magicicada spp.) are known for their strikingly synchronized emergence, strong site tenacity, and unusually long (17- and 13-yr) life cycles for insects. Several explanations have been proposed for the origin and maintenance of synchronization. However, no satisfactory explanations have been made for the origins of the prime-numbered life cycles. I present an evolutionary hypothesis of a forced developmental delay due to climate cooling during ice ages. Under this scenario, extremely low adult densities, caused by their extremely long juvenile stages, selected for synchronized emergence and site tenacity because of limited mating opportunities. The prime numbers (13 and 17) were selected for as life cycles because these cycles were least likely to coemerge, hybridize, and break down with other synchronized cycles. It is interesting that the literature predating Yoshimura is fairly involved, with at least three different explanations of why prime-numbered life cycles such as 13 and 17 years would evolve. Any of the old and new theories should, of course, exploit the fact of minimal divisors for primes, and indeed the attempts to do this are evident in the literature (see, for example, the various review works referenced in [Yoshimura 1997]). To convey a notion of the kind of argument one might use for evolution of prime life cycles, imagine a predator with a life cycle of 2 years—an even number—synchronized, of course, to the solar-driven seasons, with periodicity of those 2 years in most every facet of life such as reproduction and death. Because this period does not divide a 13or 17-year one, the predators will from time to time go relatively hungry. This is not the only type of argument—for some such arguments do not involve predation whatsoever, rather depend on the internal competition and fitness of the prime-cycle species itself—but the lack of divisibility is always present, as it should be, in any evolutionary argument. In a word, such lines of thought must explain among other things why a life cycle with a substantial number of divisors has led to extinction.

426 Chapter 8 THE UBIQUITY OF PRIME NUMBERS Another appearance of the noble primes—this time in connection with molecular biology—is in [Yan et al. 1991]. These authors infer that certain amino acid sequences in genetic matter exhibit patterns expected of (binary representations of) prime numbers. In one segment they say: Additively generated numbers can be primes or nonprimes. Multiplicatively generated numbers are nonprimes (“composites” in number theory terminology). Thus, prime numbers are more creative than nonprimes .... The creativeness and indivisibility of prime numbers leads one to infer that primes smaller than 64 are the number equivalents of amino acids; or that amino acids are such Euclid units of living molecules. The authors go on to suggest Diophantine rules for their theory. The present authors do not intend to critique the interdisciplinary notion that composite numbers somehow contain less information (are less profound) than the primes. Rather, we simply point out that some thought has gone into this connection with genetic codes. Let us next mention some involvements of prime numbers in the particular field of physics. We have already touched upon the connection of quantum computation and number-theoretical problems. Aside from that, there is the fascinating history of the Hilbert–Pólya conjecture, saying in essence that the behavior of the Riemann zeta function on the critical line Re(s) =1/2 depends somehow on a mysterious (complex) Hermitian operator, of which the critical zeros would be eigenvalues. Any results along these lines—even partial results—would have direct implications about prime numbers, as we saw in Chapter 1. The study of the distribution of eigenvalues of certain matrices has been a strong focus of theoretical physicists for decades. In the early 1970s, a chance conversation between F. Dyson, one of the foremost researchers on the physics side of random matrix work, and H. Montgomery, a number theorist investigating the influence of critical zeros of the zeta function on primes, led them to realize that some aspects of the distribution of eigenvalues of random matrices are very close to those of the critical zeros. As a result, it is widely conjectured that the mysterious operator that would give rise to the properties of ζ is of the Gaussian unitary ensemble √ (GUE) class. A relevant n × n matrix G in such a theory has Gaa = xaa 2 and for a>b, Gab = xab + iyab, together with the Hermitian condition Gab = G∗ ba ; where every xab,yab is a Gaussian random variable with unit variance, mean zero. The works of [Odlyzko 1987, 1992, 1994, 2005] show that the statistics of consecutive critical zeros are in many ways equivalent—experimentally speaking—to the theoretical distribution of eigenvalues of a large such matrix G. In particular, let {zn : n =1, 2,...} be the collection of the (positive) imaginary parts of the critical zeros of ζ, in increasing order. It is known from the deeper theory of the ζ function that the quantity δn = zn+1 − zn 2π ln zn 2π

8.6 Curious, anecdotal, and interdisciplinary references to primes 425<br />

they pertain to the technology of error-correcting codes, discrete Fourier<br />

transforms (DFTs) over fields relevant to acoustics, the use of the Möbius<br />

µ and other functions in science, and so on. To convey a hint of how<br />

far the interdisciplinary connections can reach, we hereby cite Schroeder’s<br />

observation that certain astronomical experiments to verify aspects of<br />

Einstein’s general relativity involved such weak signals that error-correcting<br />

codes (and hence finite fields) were invoked. This kind of argument shows how<br />

certain cultural or scientific achievements do depend, at some level, on prime<br />

numbers. A pleasingly recreational source for interdisciplinary prime-number<br />

investigations is [Caldwell 1999].<br />

In biology, prime numbers appear in contexts such as the following one,<br />

from [Yoshimura 1997]. We quote the author directly in order to show how<br />

prime numbers can figure into a field or a culture, without much of the<br />

standard number-theoretical language, rather with certain intuitive inferences<br />

relied upon instead:<br />

Periodical cicadas (Magicicada spp.) are known for their strikingly<br />

synchronized emergence, strong site tenacity, and unusually long (17- and<br />

13-yr) life cycles for insects. Several explanations have been proposed for<br />

the origin and maintenance of synchronization. However, no satisfactory<br />

explanations have been made for the origins of the prime-numbered life<br />

cycles. I present an evolutionary hypothesis of a forced developmental delay<br />

due to climate cooling during ice ages. Under this scenario, extremely low<br />

adult densities, caused by their extremely long juvenile stages, selected<br />

for synchronized emergence and site tenacity because of limited mating<br />

opportunities. The prime numbers (13 and 17) were selected for as life<br />

cycles because these cycles were least likely to coemerge, hybridize, and<br />

break down with other synchronized cycles.<br />

It is interesting that the literature predating Yoshimura is fairly involved, with<br />

at least three different explanations of why prime-numbered life cycles such<br />

as 13 and 17 years would evolve. Any of the old and new theories should, of<br />

course, exploit the fact of minimal divisors for primes, and indeed the attempts<br />

to do this are evident in the literature (see, for example, the various review<br />

works referenced in [Yoshimura 1997]). To convey a notion of the kind of<br />

argument one might use for evolution of prime life cycles, imagine a predator<br />

with a life cycle of 2 years—an even number—synchronized, of course, to the<br />

solar-driven seasons, with periodicity of those 2 years in most every facet of<br />

life such as reproduction and death. Because this period does not divide a 13or<br />

17-year one, the predators will from time to time go relatively hungry. This<br />

is not the only type of argument—for some such arguments do not involve<br />

predation whatsoever, rather depend on the internal competition and fitness<br />

of the prime-cycle species itself—but the lack of divisibility is always present,<br />

as it should be, in any evolutionary argument. In a word, such lines of thought<br />

must explain among other things why a life cycle with a substantial number<br />

of divisors has led to extinction.

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