Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers Prime Numbers
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8.5 Quantum computation 423 for a nontrivial factor of n, which should work with good chance, since y r −1=(y r/2 +1)(y r/2 −1) ≡ 0(modn); in fact this will work with probability at least 1 − 1/2 k−1 , and this expression is not less than 1/2, provided that n is neither a prime nor a prime power. So the Shor algorithm comes down to finding the orders of random residues modulo n. For a conventional TM, this is a stultifying problem— a manifestation of the discrete logarithm (DL) problem. But for a QTM, the natural parallelism renders this residue-order determination not so difficult. We paraphrase a form of Shor’s algorithm, drawing from the treatments of [Williams and Clearwater 1998], [Shor 1999]. We stress that an appropriate machine has not been built, but if it were the following algorithm is expected to work. And, there is nothing preventing one trying the following on a conventional Turing machine; and then, of course, experiencing an exponential slowdown for which QTMs have been proposed as a remedy. Algorithm 8.5.2 (Shor quantum algorithm for factoring). Given an odd integer n that is neither prime nor a power of a prime, this algorithm attempts to return a nontrivial factor of n via quantum computation. 1. [Initialize] Choose q =2 d with n 2 ≤ q

424 Chapter 8 THE UBIQUITY OF PRIME NUMBERS We have been intentionally brief in the final steps of the algorithm. The details for these last stages are laid out splendidly in [Shor 1999]. The core idea underlying the [Detect periodicity ...] step is this: After the FFT step, the machine should be found in a final state | c 〉| x k mod n 〉 with probability Pc,k = 1 q q−1 a=0 x a ≡x k (mod n) e 2πiac/q 2 ⌊(q−k−1)/r⌋ = 1 e q b=0 2πi(br+k)c/q 2 . (8.4) This expression, in turn, can be shown to exhibit “spikes” at certain rdependent values of c. From these spikes—which we presume would all show up simultaneously upon measurement of the QTM machine’s state—one can infer after a quick side calculation the period r. See Exercises 8.22, 8.23, 8.24, 8.36 for some more of the relevant details. As mentioned in the latter exercise, the discrete logarithm (DL) problem also admits of a QTM polynomial-time solution. Incidentally, quantum computers are not the only computational engines that enjoy the status of being talked about but not yet having been built to any practical specification. Recently, A. Shamir described a “Twinkle” device to factor numbers [Shamir 1999]. The proposed device is a special-purpose optoelectronic processor that would implement either the QS method or the NFS method. Yet another road on which future computing machines could conceivably travel is the “DNA computing” route, the idea being to exploit the undeniable processing talent of the immensely complex living systems that have evolved for eons [Paun et al. 1998]. If one wants to know not so much the mathematical but the cultural issues tied up in futuristic computing, a typical lay collection of pieces concerning DNA, molecular, and quantum computing is the May-June 2000 issue of the MIT magazine Technology Review. 8.6 Curious, anecdotal, and interdisciplinary references to primes Just as practical applications of prime numbers have emerged in the cryptographic, statistical, and other computational fields, there are likewise applications in such disparate domains as engineering, physics, chemistry, and biology. Even beyond that, there are amusing anecdotes that collectively signal a certain awareness of primes in a more general, we might say lay, context. Beyond the scientific connections, there are what may be called the “cultural” connections. Being cognizant of the feasibility of filling an entire separate volume with interdisciplinary examples, we elect to close this chapter with a very brief mention of some exemplary instances of the various connections. One of the pioneers of the interdisciplinary aspect is M. Schroeder, whose writings over the last decade on many connections between engineering and number theory continue to fascinate [Schroeder 1999]. Contained in such work are interdisciplinary examples. To name just a few, fields Fq as

8.5 Quantum computation 423<br />

for a nontrivial factor of n, which should work with good chance, since<br />

y r −1=(y r/2 +1)(y r/2 −1) ≡ 0(modn); in fact this will work with probability<br />

at least 1 − 1/2 k−1 , and this expression is not less than 1/2, provided that n<br />

is neither a prime nor a prime power.<br />

So the Shor algorithm comes down to finding the orders of random<br />

residues modulo n. For a conventional TM, this is a stultifying problem—<br />

a manifestation of the discrete logarithm (DL) problem. But for a QTM, the<br />

natural parallelism renders this residue-order determination not so difficult.<br />

We paraphrase a form of Shor’s algorithm, drawing from the treatments of<br />

[Williams and Clearwater 1998], [Shor 1999]. We stress that an appropriate<br />

machine has not been built, but if it were the following algorithm is expected<br />

to work. And, there is nothing preventing one trying the following on a<br />

conventional Turing machine; and then, of course, experiencing an exponential<br />

slowdown for which QTMs have been proposed as a remedy.<br />

Algorithm 8.5.2 (Shor quantum algorithm for factoring). Given an odd<br />

integer n that is neither prime nor a power of a prime, this algorithm attempts<br />

to return a nontrivial factor of n via quantum computation.<br />

1. [Initialize]<br />

Choose q =2 d with n 2 ≤ q

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