Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers Prime Numbers
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8.3 Quasi-Monte Carlo (qMC) methods 411 Algorithm 8.3.6 is usually used in floating-point mode, i.e., with stored floating-point inverse powers qi,j but integer digits ni,j. However, there is nothing wrong in principle with an exact generator in which actual integer powers are kept for the qi,j. In fact, the integer mode can be used for testing of the algorithm, in the following interesting way. Take, for example, N = 1000, so vectors x0,...,x999 are allowed, and choose D = 2 dimensions so that the primes 2,3 are involved. Then call seed(701), which sets the variable x to be the vector x701 = (757/1024, 719/729). Now, calling random() exactly 9 times produces x710 = (397/1024, 674/729), and sure enough, we can test the integrity of the algorithm by going back and calling seed(710) to verify that starting over thus with seed value 701+9 gives precisely the x710 shown. It is of interest that Algorithm 8.3.6 really is fast, at least in this sense: In practice, it tends to be faster even than calling a system’s built-in random-number function. And this advantage has meaning even outside the numerical-integration paradigm. When one really wants an equidistributed, random number in [0, 1), say, a system’s random function should certainly be considered, especially if the natural tendency for random samples to clump and separate is supposed to remain intact. But for many statistical studies, one simply wants some kind if irregular “coverage” of [0, 1), one might say a “fair” coverage that does not bias any particular subinterval, in which case such a fast qMC algorithm should be considered. Now we may get a multidimensional integral by calling, in a very simple way, the procedures of Algorithm 8.3.6: Algorithm 8.3.7 (qMC multidimensional integration). Given a dimension D, and integrable function f : R → R, where R = [0, 1] D , this algorithm estimates the multidimensional integral I = f(x) d D x, x∈R via the generation of N0 qMC vectors, starting with the n-th of a sequence (x0,x1,...,xn,...,xn+N0−1,...). It is assumed that Algorithm 8.3.6 is initialized with an index bound N ≥ n + N0. 1. [Initialize via Algorithm 8.3.6] seed(n); // Start the qMC process, to set a global x = xn. I =0; 2. [Perform qMC integration] // Function random() updates a global qMC vector (Algorithm 8.3.6). for(0 ≤ j

412 Chapter 8 THE UBIQUITY OF PRIME NUMBERS Let us give an example of the application of such an algorithm. To assess the volume of the unit D-ball, which is the ball of radius 1, we can take f in terms of the Heaviside function θ (which is 1 for positive arguments, 0 for negative arguments, and 1/2 at0), f(x) =θ(1/4 − (x − y) · (x − y)), with y =(1/2, 1/2,...,1/2), so that f vanishes everywhere outside a ball of radius 1/2. (This is the largest ball that fits inside the cube R.) The estimate of the unit D-ball volume will thus be 2 D I,whereI is the output of Algorithm 8.3.7 for the given, sphere-defining function f. As we have intimated before, it is a wondrous thing to see firsthand how much better a qMC algorithm of this type can do, when compared to a direct Monte Carlo trial. One beautiful aspect of the fundamental qMC concept is that parallelism is easy: In Algorithm 8.3.7, just start each of, say, M machines at a different starting seed, ideally in such a way that some contiguous sequence of NM total vectors is realized. This option is, of course, the point of having a seed function in the first place. Explicitly, to obtain a one-billion-point integration, each of 100 machines would use the above algorithm as is with N =10 7 , except that machine 0 would start with n =0 (and hence start by calling seed(0)), the second machine would start n =1, through machine 99, which would start with n = 99. The final integral would be the average of the 100 machine estimates. Here is a typical numerical comparison: We shall calculate the number π with qMC methods, and compare with direct Monte Carlo. Noting that the exact volume of the unit D-ball is VD = π D/2 Γ(1 + D/2) , let us denote by VD(N) the calculated volume after N vectors are generated, and denote by πN the “experimental” value for π obtained by solving the volume formula for π in terms of VD. We shall do two things at once: Display the typical convergence and convey a notion of the inherent parallelism. For primes p =2, 3, 5, so that we are assessing the 3-ball volume, the result of Algorithm 8.3.7 is displayed in Table 8.1. What is displayed in the left-hand column is the total number of points “dropped” into the unit D-cube, while the second column is the associated, cumulative approximation to π. We say cumulative because one may have runeachintervalof10 6 counts on a separate machine, yet we display the right-hand column as the answer obtained by combining the machines up to that N value inclusive. For example, the result π5 can be thought of either as the result after 5 · 10 6 points are generated, or equivalently, after 5 separate machines each do 10 6 points. In the latter instance, one would have called the seed(n) procedure with 5 different initial seeds to start each respective machine’s interval. How do these data compare with direct Monte Carlo? The rough answer is that one can expect the error in the last (N =10 7 )rowof


Let us give an example of the application of such an algorithm. To assess the<br />

volume of the unit D-ball, which is the ball of radius 1, we can take f in terms<br />

of the Heaviside function θ (which is 1 for positive arguments, 0 for negative<br />

arguments, and 1/2 at0),<br />

f(x) =θ(1/4 − (x − y) · (x − y)),<br />

with y =(1/2, 1/2,...,1/2), so that f vanishes everywhere outside a ball of<br />

radius 1/2. (This is the largest ball that fits inside the cube R.) The estimate<br />

of the unit D-ball volume will thus be 2 D I,whereI is the output of Algorithm<br />

8.3.7 for the given, sphere-defining function f.<br />

As we have intimated before, it is a wondrous thing to see firsthand<br />

how much better a qMC algorithm of this type can do, when compared to<br />

a direct Monte Carlo trial. One beautiful aspect of the fundamental qMC<br />

concept is that parallelism is easy: In Algorithm 8.3.7, just start each of, say,<br />

M machines at a different starting seed, ideally in such a way that some<br />

contiguous sequence of NM total vectors is realized. This option is, of course,<br />

the point of having a seed function in the first place. Explicitly, to obtain<br />

a one-billion-point integration, each of 100 machines would use the above<br />

algorithm as is with N =10 7 , except that machine 0 would start with n =0<br />

(and hence start by calling seed(0)), the second machine would start n =1,<br />

through machine 99, which would start with n = 99. The final integral would<br />

be the average of the 100 machine estimates.<br />

Here is a typical numerical comparison: We shall calculate the number π<br />

with qMC methods, and compare with direct Monte Carlo. Noting that the<br />

exact volume of the unit D-ball is<br />

VD =<br />

π D/2<br />

Γ(1 + D/2) ,<br />

let us denote by VD(N) the calculated volume after N vectors are generated,<br />

and denote by πN the “experimental” value for π obtained by solving the<br />

volume formula for π in terms of VD. We shall do two things at once: Display<br />

the typical convergence and convey a notion of the inherent parallelism. For<br />

primes p =2, 3, 5, so that we are assessing the 3-ball volume, the result of<br />

Algorithm 8.3.7 is displayed in Table 8.1.<br />

What is displayed in the left-hand column is the total number of points<br />

“dropped” into the unit D-cube, while the second column is the associated,<br />

cumulative approximation to π. We say cumulative because one may have<br />

runeachintervalof10 6 counts on a separate machine, yet we display the<br />

right-hand column as the answer obtained by combining the machines up to<br />

that N value inclusive. For example, the result π5 can be thought of either as<br />

the result after 5 · 10 6 points are generated, or equivalently, after 5 separate<br />

machines each do 10 6 points. In the latter instance, one would have called<br />

the seed(n) procedure with 5 different initial seeds to start each respective<br />

machine’s interval. How do these data compare with direct Monte Carlo? The<br />

rough answer is that one can expect the error in the last (N =10 7 )rowof

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