Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers Prime Numbers
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8.1 Cryptography 395 where in the latter case we take the governing cubic for E ′ to be −y 2 = x 3 + ax + b. This theorem is readily proved via the same twist algebra that we encountered in Theorem 7.5.2 and Exercise 7.16, and leads to the following algorithm for direct-embedding encryption: Algorithm 8.1.10 (Direct-embedding ECC encryption). This algorithm allows encryption/decryption using exclusively elliptic algebra, i.e., with no intermediary cipher, via the direct embedding of plaintext onto curves. We assume that Alice and Bob have agreed upon a public curve Ea,b(Fp) with its twist curve E ′ , on which lie respectively public points P, P ′ . In addition, it is assumed that Bob has generated respective public keys PB =[KB]P, P ′ B =[KB]P ′ ,asinAlgorithm 8.1.6. We denote by X a parcel of plaintext (an integer in [0,...,p− 1]) that Alice wishes to encrypt for Bob. 1. [Alice embeds plaintext X] Alice determines the curve E or E ′ on which X is a valid x-coordinate (and, if y-coordinates are relevant, computes such number Y ) via Theorem 8.1.9, taking the curve to be E if X is on both curves; // See Exercise 8.5. Depending respectively on which curve E,E ′ is in force, Alice sets respectively: d =0or 1; // Curve-selecting bit. Q = P or P ′ ; QB = PB or P ′ B . Alice chooses random r ∈ [2,p− 2]; U =[r]QB +(X, Y ); // Elliptic add, to obfuscate plaintext. C =[r]Q; // The “clue” for undoing the obfuscation. Alice transmits a parcel (encrypted message, clue, bit) as (U, C, d); 2. [Bob decrypts to get plaintext X] Bob inspects d to determine on which curve elliptic algebra will proceed; (X, Y )=U − [KB]C; // Private key applied with elliptic subtract. Bob now recovers the plaintext as the x-coordinate X; This method will be recognized as an El Gamal embedding scheme, where we have made some improvements over previous renditions [Koblitz 1987], [Kaliski 1988]. Note that the last part of Theorem 8.1.9 allows Algorithm 8.1.10 to proceed efficiently when the field characteristic has p ≡ 3 (mod 4). In practical implementations of Algorithm 8.1.10, there are two further substantial improvements one may invoke. First, the y-coordinates are not needed if one uses Montgomery coordinates (Algorithm 7.2.7) throughout and carefully applies Algorithm 7.2.8 at the right junctures. Second, the “clue” point C of the algorithm effectively doubles the transmitted data size. This, too, can be avoided by carefully setting up a random number exchange protocol, so that the random number r itself is deterministically kept in synchrony by the two parties. (The authors are indebted to B. Garst for

396 Chapter 8 THE UBIQUITY OF PRIME NUMBERS this observation, which in fact has led to a U. S. Patent [Crandall and Garst 2001].) See Exercise 8.3 for more detail on such enhancements. If properly done, one obtains a fairly efficient, elegant direct-embedding scheme with— asymptotically speaking—no data expansion. 8.1.4 Coin-flip protocol In cryptography, a protocol is essentially an algorithm specifying—in a certain order—the steps that involved parties must take. We have seen key-exchange and related protocols already. Here we investigate an intriguing cultural application of number-theoretical protocols. How can one toss a coin, fairly, over the telephone? Or play poker among n individuals, playing “blind” on a network? We assume the worst: That no party trusts any other, yet a decision has to be reached, as one would so reach it via a coin toss, with one party calling heads or tails. It turns out that such a remote tossing is indeed possible, using properties of certain congruences. Incidentally, the motivation for even having a coin-flip protocol is obvious, when one imagines a telephone conversation—say between two hostile parties involved in a lawsuit—in which some important result accrues on the basis of a coin flip, meaning a random bit whose statistics cannot be biased by either party. Having one party claim they just flipped a head, and therefore won the toss, is clearly not good enough. Everyone must be kept honest, and this can be done via adroit application of congruences involving primes or certain composites. Here is one way to proceed, where we have adapted some ideas from [Bressoud and Wagon 2000] on simple protocols: Algorithm 8.1.11 (Coin-flip protocol). Alice and Bob wish to “flip a fair coin,” using only a communication channel. They have agreed that if Bob guesses correctly, below, then Bob wins, otherwise Alice wins. 1. [Alice selects primes] Alice chooses two large primes p


this observation, which in fact has led to a U. S. Patent [Crandall and Garst<br />

2001].) See Exercise 8.3 for more detail on such enhancements. If properly<br />

done, one obtains a fairly efficient, elegant direct-embedding scheme with—<br />

asymptotically speaking—no data expansion.<br />

8.1.4 Coin-flip protocol<br />

In cryptography, a protocol is essentially an algorithm specifying—in a certain<br />

order—the steps that involved parties must take. We have seen key-exchange<br />

and related protocols already. Here we investigate an intriguing cultural<br />

application of number-theoretical protocols. How can one toss a coin, fairly,<br />

over the telephone? Or play poker among n individuals, playing “blind” on a<br />

network? We assume the worst: That no party trusts any other, yet a decision<br />

has to be reached, as one would so reach it via a coin toss, with one party<br />

calling heads or tails. It turns out that such a remote tossing is indeed possible,<br />

using properties of certain congruences.<br />

Incidentally, the motivation for even having a coin-flip protocol is obvious,<br />

when one imagines a telephone conversation—say between two hostile parties<br />

involved in a lawsuit—in which some important result accrues on the basis of<br />

a coin flip, meaning a random bit whose statistics cannot be biased by either<br />

party. Having one party claim they just flipped a head, and therefore won<br />

the toss, is clearly not good enough. Everyone must be kept honest, and this<br />

can be done via adroit application of congruences involving primes or certain<br />

composites. Here is one way to proceed, where we have adapted some ideas<br />

from [Bressoud and Wagon 2000] on simple protocols:<br />

Algorithm 8.1.11 (Coin-flip protocol). Alice and Bob wish to “flip a fair<br />

coin,” using only a communication channel. They have agreed that if Bob guesses<br />

correctly, below, then Bob wins, otherwise Alice wins.<br />

1. [Alice selects primes]<br />

Alice chooses two large primes p

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