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Prime Numbers Prime Numbers
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7.7 Exercises 375 7.4. As in Exercise 7.3 the nonsingularity condition for affine curves is that the discriminant 4a 3 +27b 2 be nonzero in the field Fp. Show that for the parameterization Y 2 = X 3 + CX 2 + AX + B and characteristic p > 3 the nonsingularity condition is different on a discriminant ∆, namely ∆=4(A − C 2 /3) 3 + 27(B − AC/3+2C 3 /27) 2 =0. Then show that in the computationally useful Montgomery parameterization is nonsingular if and only if C 2 =4. Y 2 = X 3 + CX 2 + X 7.5. For an elliptic curve over Fp, p>3, with cubic we define the j-invariant of E as Y 2 = X 3 + CX 2 + AX + B j(E) = 4096 (C2 − 3A) 3 , ∆ where the discriminant ∆ is given in Exercise 7.4. Carry out the following computational exercise. By choosing a conveniently small prime that allows hand computation or easy machine work (you might assess curve orders via the direct formula (7.8)), create a table of curve orders vs. j-invariants. Based on such empirical evidence, state an apparent connection between curve orders and j-invariant values. For an excellent overview of the beautiful theory of j-invariants and curve isomorphisms see [Seroussi et al. 1999] and numerous references therein, especially [Silverman 1986]. 7.6. Here we investigate just a little of the beautiful classical theory of elliptic integrals and functions, with a view to the connections of same to the modern theory of elliptic curves. Good introductory references are [Namba 1984], [Silverman 1986], [Kaliski 1988]. One essential connection is the observation of Weierstrass that the elliptic integral ∞ ds Z(x) = x 4s3 − g2s − g3 can be considered as a solution to an implicit relation ℘g2,g3(Z) =x, where ℘ is the Weierstrass function. Derive, then, the differential equations ℘(z1 + z2) = 1 4 ′ ℘ (z1) − ℘ ′ 2 (z2) − ℘(z1) − ℘(z2) ℘(z1) − ℘(z2)

376 Chapter 7 ELLIPTIC CURVE ARITHMETIC and that ℘ ′ (z) 2 = ℘ 3 (z) − g2℘(z) − g3, and indicate how the parameters g2,g3 need be related to the affine a, b curve parameters, to render the differential scheme equivalent to the affine scheme. 7.7. Prove the first statement of Theorem 7.1.3, that Ea,b(F ) together with the defined operations is an abelian group. A good symbolic processor for abstract algebra might come in handy, especially for the hardest part, which is proving associativity (P1 + P2)+P3 = P1 +(P2 + P3). 7.8. Show that an abelian group of squarefree order is cyclic. Deduce that if a curve order #E is squarefree, then the elliptic-curve group is cyclic. This is an important issue for cryptographic applications [Kaliski 1991], [Morain 1992]. 7.9. Compare the operation (multiplies only) counts in Algorithms 7.2.2, 7.2.3, with a view to the different efficiencies of doubling and (unequal point) addition. In this way, determine the threshold k at which an inverse must be faster than k multiplies for the first algorithm to be superior. In this connection see Exercise 7.25. 7.10. Showthatifweconspiretohaveparametera = −3 in the field, the operation count of the doubling operation of Algorithm 7.2.3 can be reduced yet further. Investigate the claim in [Solinas 1998] that “the proportion of elliptic curves modulo p that can be rescaled so that a = p − 3isabout1/4 if p ≡ 1 (mod 4) and about 1/2 ifp ≡ 3 (mod 4).” Incidentally, the slight speedup for doubling may seem trivial but in practice will always be noticed, because doubling operations constitute a significant portion of a typical pointmultiplying ladder. 7.11. Prove that the elliptic addition test, Algorithm 7.2.8, works. Establish first, for the coordinates x± of P1 ± P2, respectively, algebraic relations for the sum and product x+ + x− and x+x−, using Definition 7.1.2 and Theorem 7.2.6. The resulting relations should be entirely devoid of y dependence. Now from these sum and product relations, infer the quadratic relation. 7.12. Work out the heuristic expected complexity bound for ECM as discussed following Algorithm 7.4.2. 7.13. Recall the method, relevant to the second stage of ECM, and touched upon in the text, for finding a match between two lists but without using Algorithm 7.5.1. The idea is first to form a polynomial f(x) = (x − Ai), m−1 i=0 then evaluate this at the n values in B; i.e., evaluate for x = Bj,j = 0,...,n− 1. The point is, if a zero of f is found in this way, we have a match


and that<br />

℘ ′ (z) 2 = ℘ 3 (z) − g2℘(z) − g3,<br />

and indicate how the parameters g2,g3 need be related to the affine a, b curve<br />

parameters, to render the differential scheme equivalent to the affine scheme.<br />

7.7. Prove the first statement of Theorem 7.1.3, that Ea,b(F ) together with<br />

the defined operations is an abelian group. A good symbolic processor for<br />

abstract algebra might come in handy, especially for the hardest part, which<br />

is proving associativity (P1 + P2)+P3 = P1 +(P2 + P3).<br />

7.8. Show that an abelian group of squarefree order is cyclic. Deduce that<br />

if a curve order #E is squarefree, then the elliptic-curve group is cyclic. This<br />

is an important issue for cryptographic applications [Kaliski 1991], [Morain<br />

1992].<br />

7.9. Compare the operation (multiplies only) counts in Algorithms 7.2.2,<br />

7.2.3, with a view to the different efficiencies of doubling and (unequal point)<br />

addition. In this way, determine the threshold k at which an inverse must be<br />

faster than k multiplies for the first algorithm to be superior. In this connection<br />

see Exercise 7.25.<br />

7.10. Showthatifweconspiretohaveparametera = −3 in the field, the<br />

operation count of the doubling operation of Algorithm 7.2.3 can be reduced<br />

yet further. Investigate the claim in [Solinas 1998] that “the proportion of<br />

elliptic curves modulo p that can be rescaled so that a = p − 3isabout1/4<br />

if p ≡ 1 (mod 4) and about 1/2 ifp ≡ 3 (mod 4).” Incidentally, the slight<br />

speedup for doubling may seem trivial but in practice will always be noticed,<br />

because doubling operations constitute a significant portion of a typical pointmultiplying<br />

ladder.<br />

7.11. Prove that the elliptic addition test, Algorithm 7.2.8, works. Establish<br />

first, for the coordinates x± of P1 ± P2, respectively, algebraic relations for<br />

the sum and product x+ + x− and x+x−, using Definition 7.1.2 and Theorem<br />

7.2.6. The resulting relations should be entirely devoid of y dependence. Now<br />

from these sum and product relations, infer the quadratic relation.<br />

7.12. Work out the heuristic expected complexity bound for ECM as<br />

discussed following Algorithm 7.4.2.<br />

7.13. Recall the method, relevant to the second stage of ECM, and touched<br />

upon in the text, for finding a match between two lists but without using<br />

Algorithm 7.5.1. The idea is first to form a polynomial<br />

f(x) =<br />

<br />

(x − Ai),<br />

m−1<br />

i=0<br />

then evaluate this at the n values in B; i.e., evaluate for x = Bj,j =<br />

0,...,n− 1. The point is, if a zero of f is found in this way, we have a match

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