Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers Prime Numbers
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7.5 Counting points on elliptic curves 367 does not tell us which of the curve parameter pairs (a, b) goeswithwhich order (from Step [Option: Curve orders] of Algorithm 7.5.9). As mentioned above, this is not a serious problem: One finds a point P on one curve where a candidate order does not kill it, so we know that the candidate belongs to another curve. For the example in the last paragraph with p =(2 31 +1)/3, the orders shown were matched to the curves in just this way. D E #E −3 y 2 = x 3 +0x + 715827882 715861972 y 2 = x 3 +0x + 715827878 715880649 y 2 = x 3 +0x + 715827858 715846561 y 2 = x 3 +0x + 715827758 715793796 y 2 = x 3 +0x + 715827258 715775119 y 2 = x 3 +0x + 715824758 715809207 −7 y 2 = x 3 + 331585657x + 632369458 715788584 y 2 = x 3 + 415534712x + 305115120 715867184 −8 y 2 = x 3 + 362880883x + 649193252 715784194 y 2 = x 3 + 482087479x + 260605721 715871574 −11 y 2 = x 3 + 710498587x + 673622741 715774393 y 2 = x 3 + 582595483x + 450980314 715881375 −67 y 2 = x 3 + 265592125x + 480243852 715785809 y 2 = x 3 + 197352178x + 616767211 715869959 −51 y 2 = x 3 + 602207293x + 487817116 715826683 y 2 = x 3 + 22796782x + 131769445 715829085 −91 y 2 = x 3 + 407640471x + 205746226 715824963 y 2 = x 3 + 169421413x + 664302345 715830805 −187 y 2 = x 3 + 389987874x + 525671592 715817117 y 2 = x 3 + 443934371x + 568611647 715838651 −403 y 2 = x 3 + 644736647x + 438316263 715881357 y 2 = x 3 + 370202749x + 386613767 715774411 −427 y 2 = x 3 + 370428023x + 532016446 715860684 y 2 = x 3 + 670765979x + 645890514 715795084 But one can, in principle, go a little further and specify theoretically which orders go with which curves, at least for discriminants D having h(D) =1. There are explicit curves and orders in the literature [Rishi et al. 1984], [Padma

368 Chapter 7 ELLIPTIC CURVE ARITHMETIC and Ventkataraman 1996]. Many such results go back to the work of Stark, who connected the precise curve order p +1− u, when4p = u 2 + |D|v 2 and u is allowed to be positive or negative, with the Jacobi symbol u |D| . Interesting refinements of this work are found in the modern treatment in [Morain 1998]. 7.6 Elliptic curve primality proving (ECPP) We have seen in Section 4.1 that a partial factorization of n − 1 can lead to a primality proof for n. One might wonder whether elliptic-curve groups—given their variable group orders under the Hasse theorem 7.3.1—can be brought to bear for primality proofs. Indeed they can, as evidenced by a certain theorem, which is a kind of elliptic curve analogy to the Pocklington Theorem 4.1.3. Before we exhibit the theorem, we recall Definition 7.4.1 of a pseudocurve E(Zn). Recalling, too, the caveat about elliptic multiplication on a pseudocurve mentioned following the definition, we proceed with the following central result. Theorem 7.6.1 (Goldwasser–Kilian ECPP theorem). Let n > 1 be an integer coprime to 6, letE(Zn) be a pseudocurve, and let s, m be positive integers with s|m. Assume that there exists a point P ∈ E such that we can carry out the curve operations for [m]P to find [m]P = O, and for every prime q dividing s we can carry out the curve operations to obtain [m/q]P = O. Then for every prime p dividing n we have #E(Fp) ≡ 0(mods). Moreover, if s> n 1/4 +1 2 , then n is prime. Proof. Let p be a prime factor of n. The calculations on the pseudocurve, when reduced modulo p, imply that s divides the order of P on E(Fp). This proves the first assertion. In addition, if s > n 1/4 +1 2 , we may infer that #E(Fp) > n 1/4 +1 2 . But the Hasse Theorem 7.3.1 implies that #E(Fp) < p 1/2 +1 2 . We deduce that p 1/2 >n 1/4 ,sothatp>n 1/2 .Asn has all of its prime factors greater than its square root, n must be prime. ✷ 7.6.1 Goldwasser–Kilian primality test On the basis of Theorem 7.6.1, Goldwasser and Kilian demonstrated a primality testing algorithm with expected polynomial-time complexity for conjecturally all, and provably “most,” prime numbersn. That is, a number n could be tested in an expected number of operations O ln k n for an absolute


and Ventkataraman 1996]. Many such results go back to the work of Stark,<br />

who connected the precise curve order p +1− u, when4p = u 2 + |D|v 2 and u<br />

is allowed to be positive or negative, with the Jacobi symbol <br />

u<br />

|D| . Interesting<br />

refinements of this work are found in the modern treatment in [Morain 1998].<br />

7.6 Elliptic curve primality proving (ECPP)<br />

We have seen in Section 4.1 that a partial factorization of n − 1 can lead to a<br />

primality proof for n. One might wonder whether elliptic-curve groups—given<br />

their variable group orders under the Hasse theorem 7.3.1—can be brought to<br />

bear for primality proofs. Indeed they can, as evidenced by a certain theorem,<br />

which is a kind of elliptic curve analogy to the Pocklington Theorem 4.1.3.<br />

Before we exhibit the theorem, we recall Definition 7.4.1 of a pseudocurve<br />

E(Zn). Recalling, too, the caveat about elliptic multiplication on a pseudocurve<br />

mentioned following the definition, we proceed with the following<br />

central result.<br />

Theorem 7.6.1 (Goldwasser–Kilian ECPP theorem). Let n > 1 be an<br />

integer coprime to 6, letE(Zn) be a pseudocurve, and let s, m be positive<br />

integers with s|m. Assume that there exists a point P ∈ E such that we can<br />

carry out the curve operations for [m]P to find<br />

[m]P = O,<br />

and for every prime q dividing s we can carry out the curve operations to<br />

obtain<br />

[m/q]P = O.<br />

Then for every prime p dividing n we have<br />

#E(Fp) ≡ 0(mods).<br />

Moreover, if s> n 1/4 +1 2 , then n is prime.<br />

Proof. Let p be a prime factor of n. The calculations on the pseudocurve,<br />

when reduced modulo p, imply that s divides the order of P on E(Fp).<br />

This proves the first assertion. In addition, if s > n 1/4 +1 2 , we may<br />

infer that #E(Fp) > n 1/4 +1 2 . But the Hasse Theorem 7.3.1 implies that<br />

#E(Fp) < p 1/2 +1 2 . We deduce that p 1/2 >n 1/4 ,sothatp>n 1/2 .Asn<br />

has all of its prime factors greater than its square root, n must be prime. ✷<br />

7.6.1 Goldwasser–Kilian primality test<br />

On the basis of Theorem 7.6.1, Goldwasser and Kilian demonstrated a<br />

primality testing algorithm with expected polynomial-time complexity for<br />

conjecturally all, and provably “most,” prime numbersn. That is, a number n<br />

could be tested in an expected number of operations O ln k <br />

n for an absolute

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