Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers Prime Numbers
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292 Chapter 6 SUBEXPONENTIAL FACTORING ALGORITHMS One method, suggested in [Buhler et al. 1993], begins by finding a prime p such that f(x) is irreducible modulo p. Then we solve for γ (mod p) (that is, for the coefficients of γ modulo p). We do this as a computation in the finite field Zp[x]/(f(x)); see Section 2.2.2. The square root computation can follow along the lines of Algorithm 2.3.8; see Exercise 2.16. So this is a start, since we can actually find the residues a0 (mod p),...,ad−1 (mod p) fairly easily. Why not do this for other primes p, and then glue using the Chinese remainder theorem? There is a seemingly trivial problem with this overall approach. For each prime p for which we do this, there are two square roots, and we don’t know how to choose the signs in the gluing. We could try every possibility, but if we use k primes, only 2 of the 2 k possibilities work. We may choose one of the solutions for one of the primes p, and then get it down to 2 k−1 choices for the other primes, but this is small comfort if k is large. Thereareatleasttwopossiblewaystoovercomethisproblemofchoosing the right signs. The method suggested in [Buhler et al. 1993] is not to use Chinese remaindering with different primes, but rather to use Hensel lifting to get solutions modulo higher and higher powers of the same fixed prime p; see Algorithm 2.3.11. When the power of p exceeds a bound for the coefficients aj, it means we have found them. This is simpler than using the polynomial factorization methods of [Lenstra 1983], but at the top of the Hensel game when we have our largest prime powers, we are doing arithmetic with huge integers, and to keep the complexity bound under control we must use fast subroutines as in Chapter 8.8. Another strategy, suggested in [Couveignes 1993], allows Chinese remaindering, but it works only for the case d odd. In this case, the norm of −1 is−1, so that we can set off right from the beginning and insist that we are looking for the choice for γ with positive norm. Since the prime factorization of N(γ) is known from the exponent vectors, we may compute N(γ) (modp), where p is as above, a prime modulo which f(x) is irreducible. When we compute γp that satisfies γ 2 p ≡ γ 2 (mod p), we choose γp or −γp accordingtowhichhas norm congruent to N(γ) (modp). This, then, allows a correct choice of signs for each prime p used. This idea does not seem to generalize to even degrees d. As it turns out there is a heuristic approach for finding square roots that seems to work very well in practice, making this step of the algorithm not of great consequence for the overall running time. The method uses some of the ideas above, as well as some others. For details, see [Montgomery 1994], [Nguyen 1998]. 6.2.6 Basic NFS: Summary algorithm We now sum up the preceding sections by giving a reasonably concise description of the NFS. Due to the relative intricacy of the algorithm, we have chosen to use a fair amount of English description in the following display.

6.2 Number field sieve 293 Algorithm 6.2.5 (Number field sieve). We are given an odd composite number n that is not a power. This algorithm attempts to find a nontrivial factorization of n. 1. [Setup] d = (3 ln n/ ln ln n) 1/3 ; // This d has d2d2 Bsuch that R(qj) contains some element sj with f ′ (sj) ≡ 0(modqj), storing the k pairs (qj,sj); B ′ = p≤B #R(p); V =1+π(B)+B ′ + k; M = B; 2. [The sieve] UseasievetofindasetS ′ of coprime integer pairs (a, b) with 0 < |a|,b≤ M, andF (a, b)G(a, b) being B-smooth, until #S ′ >V, or failing this, increase M and try again, or goto [Setup] and increase B; 3. [The matrix] // We shall build a V × #S ′ binary matrix, one row per (a, b) pair. // We shall compute v(a−bα), the binary exponent vector for a−bα having V bits (coordinates) as follows: Set the first bit of v to1ifG(a, b) < 0, else set this bit to 0; // The next π(B) bits depend on the primes p ≤ B: Definepγas the power of p in the prime factorization of |G(a, b)|. Set the bit for p to1ifγ is odd, else set this bit to 0; // The next B ′ bits are to correspond to the pairs p, r where p is a prime not exceeding B and r ∈ R(p). We use the notation vp,r(a − bα) defined prior to Lemma 6.2.1. Set the bit for p, r to1ifvp,r(a − bα) is odd, else set it to 0; // Next, the last k bits correspond to the pairs qj,sj. Set the bit for qj,sj to1if a−bsj qj is −1, else set it to 0;

6.2 Number field sieve 293<br />

Algorithm 6.2.5 (Number field sieve). We are given an odd composite<br />

number n that is not a power. This algorithm attempts to find a nontrivial<br />

factorization of n.<br />

1. [Setup]<br />

d = (3 ln n/ ln ln n) 1/3 ; // This d has d2d2 Bsuch that R(qj) contains some<br />

element sj with f ′ (sj) ≡ 0(modqj), storing the k pairs (qj,sj);<br />

B ′ = <br />

p≤B #R(p);<br />

V =1+π(B)+B ′ + k;<br />

M = B;<br />

2. [The sieve]<br />

UseasievetofindasetS ′ of coprime integer pairs (a, b) with 0 < |a|,b≤<br />

M, andF (a, b)G(a, b) being B-smooth, until #S ′ >V, or failing this,<br />

increase M and try again, or goto [Setup] and increase B;<br />

3. [The matrix]<br />

// We shall build a V × #S ′ binary matrix, one row per (a, b) pair.<br />

// We shall compute v(a−bα), the binary exponent vector for a−bα<br />

having V bits (coordinates) as follows:<br />

Set the first bit of v to1ifG(a, b) < 0, else set this bit to 0;<br />

// The next π(B) bits depend on the primes p ≤ B: Definepγas the power of p in the prime factorization of |G(a, b)|.<br />

Set the bit for p to1ifγ is odd, else set this bit to 0;<br />

// The next B ′ bits are to correspond to the pairs p, r where p is<br />

a prime not exceeding B and r ∈ R(p). We use the notation<br />

vp,r(a − bα) defined prior to Lemma 6.2.1.<br />

Set the bit for p, r to1ifvp,r(a − bα) is odd, else set it to 0;<br />

// Next, the last k bits correspond to the pairs qj,sj.<br />

Set the bit for qj,sj to1if a−bsj<br />

qj<br />

is −1, else set it to 0;

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