Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers Prime Numbers
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3.8 Exercises 167 3.28. Show that the definition of Frobenius pseudoprime in Section 3.6.5 for a polynomial f(x) =x 2 − ax + b reduces to the definition in Section 3.6.2. 3.29. Show that if a, n arepositiveintegerswithn odd and coprime to a, thenn is a Fermat pseudoprime base a if and only if n is a Frobenius pseudoprime with respect to the polynomial f(x) =x − a. 3.30. Let a, b be integers with ∆ = a 2 −4b not a square, let f(x) =x 2 −ax+b, let n be an odd prime not dividing b∆, and let R = Zn[x]/(f(x)). Show that if (x(a − x) −1 ) 2m =1inR, then(x(a − x) −1 ) m = ±1 inR. 3.31. Show that a Frobenius pseudoprime with respect to x 2 − ax + b is also an Euler pseudoprime (see Exercise 3.21) with respect to b. 3.32. Prove that the various identities in Section 3.6.3 are correct. 3.33. Prove that the recurrence (3.22) is valid. 3.34. Show that if a = π x 1/3 , then the number of terms in the double sum in (3.23) is O x 2/3 / ln 2 x . 3.35. Show that with M computers where M1, and describing quantitatively the relative ease with which one can calculate ζ(ns) for large integers n. 3.37. By establishing theoretical bounds on the magnitude of the real part of the integral ∞ eitα β + it dt, T where T,α,β are positive reals, determine a bound on that portion of the integral in relation (3.27) that comes from Im(s) >T. Describe, then, how large T must be for π ∗ (x) to be calculated to within some ±ɛ of the true value. See Exercises 3.38, 3.39 involving the analogous estimates for much more efficient prime-counting methods.

168 Chapter 3 RECOGNIZING PRIMES AND COMPOSITES 3.38. Consider a specific choice for the Lagarias–Odlyzko turn-off function c(u, x), namely, a straight-line connection between the 1, 0 values. Specifically, for y = √ x, define c =1, (x − u)/y, 0asu ≤ x − y, u ∈ (x − y, x],u > x, respectively. Show that the Mellin companion function is F (s, x) = 1 y xs+1 − (x − y) s+1 . s(s +1) Now derive a bound, as in Exercise 3.37, on proper values of T such that π(x) will be calculated correctly on the basis of π ∗ T (x) ≈ Re F (s, x)lnζ(s) dt. 0 Calculate numerically some correct values of π(x) using this particular turn-off function c. 3.39. In regard to the Galway functions of which F is defined by (3.31), make rigorous the notion that even though the Riemann zeta function somehow embodies, if you will, “all the secrets of the primes,” we need to know ζ only to an imaginary height of “about” x 1/2 to count all primes not exceeding x. 3.40. Using integration by parts, show that the F defined by (3.31) is indeed the Mellin transform of the given c. 3.9 Research problems 3.41. Find a number n ≡ ±2 (mod 5) that is simultaneously a base- 2 pseudoprime and a Fibonacci pseudoprime. Pomerance, Selfridge, and Wagstaff offer $620 for the first example. (The prime factorization must also be supplied.) The prize money comes from the three, but not equally: Selfridge offers $500, Wagstaff offers $100 and Pomerance offers $20. However, they also agree to pay $620, with Pomerance and Selfridge reversing their roles, for a proof that no such number n exists. 3.42. Find a composite number n, together with its prime factorization, that is a Frobenius pseudoprime for x2 +5x+5 and satisfies 5 n = −1. J. Grantham has offered a prize of $6.20 for the first example. 3.43. Consider the least witness function W (n) defined for odd composite numbers n. It is relatively easy to see that W (n) is never a power; prove this. Are there any other forbidden numbers in the range of W (n)? If some n exists


3.38. Consider a specific choice for the Lagarias–Odlyzko turn-off function<br />

c(u, x), namely, a straight-line connection between the 1, 0 values. Specifically,<br />

for y = √ x, define c =1, (x − u)/y, 0asu ≤ x − y, u ∈ (x − y, x],u > x,<br />

respectively. Show that the Mellin companion function is<br />

F (s, x) = 1<br />

y<br />

xs+1 − (x − y) s+1<br />

.<br />

s(s +1)<br />

Now derive a bound, as in Exercise 3.37, on proper values of T such that π(x)<br />

will be calculated correctly on the basis of<br />

π ∗ T<br />

(x) ≈ Re F (s, x)lnζ(s) dt.<br />

0<br />

Calculate numerically some correct values of π(x) using this particular turn-off<br />

function c.<br />

3.39. In regard to the Galway functions of which F is defined by (3.31), make<br />

rigorous the notion that even though the Riemann zeta function somehow<br />

embodies, if you will, “all the secrets of the primes,” we need to know ζ only<br />

to an imaginary height of “about” x 1/2 to count all primes not exceeding x.<br />

3.40. Using integration by parts, show that the F defined by (3.31) is indeed<br />

the Mellin transform of the given c.<br />

3.9 Research problems<br />

3.41. Find a number n ≡ ±2 (mod 5) that is simultaneously a base-<br />

2 pseudoprime and a Fibonacci pseudoprime. Pomerance, Selfridge, and<br />

Wagstaff offer $620 for the first example. (The prime factorization must also<br />

be supplied.) The prize money comes from the three, but not equally: Selfridge<br />

offers $500, Wagstaff offers $100 and Pomerance offers $20. However, they also<br />

agree to pay $620, with Pomerance and Selfridge reversing their roles, for a<br />

proof that no such number n exists.<br />

3.42. Find a composite number n, together with its prime factorization, that<br />

is a Frobenius pseudoprime for x2 +5x+5 and satisfies <br />

5<br />

n = −1. J. Grantham<br />

has offered a prize of $6.20 for the first example.<br />

3.43. Consider the least witness function W (n) defined for odd composite<br />

numbers n. It is relatively easy to see that W (n) is never a power; prove this.<br />

Are there any other forbidden numbers in the range of W (n)? If some n exists

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