Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers Prime Numbers
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100 Chapter 2 NUMBER-THEORETICAL TOOLS such square roots, both computationally efficient but raising different issues of implementation. The first algorithm starts from Euler’s test (2.6). If the prime p is 3 (mod 4) and a t p = 1, then Euler’s test says that a ≡ 1(modp), where t =(p− 1)/2. Then at+1 ≡ a (mod p), and as t + 1 is even in this case, we may take for our square root x ≡ a (t+1)/2 (mod p). Surely, this delightfully simple solution to the square root problem can be generalized! Yes, but it is not so easy. In general, we may write p − 1=2st,withtodd. Euler’s test (2.6) guarantees us that a2s−1t ≡ 1(modp), but it does not appear to say anything about A = at (mod p). Well, it does say something; it says that the multiplicative order of A modulo p is a divisor of 2s−1 . Suppose that d is a quadratic nonresidue modulo p, andletD = dt mod p. Then Euler’s test (2.6) says that the multiplicative order of D modulo p is exactly 2s ,sinceD2s−1 ≡ −1(modp). The same is true about D −1 (mod p), namely, its multiplicative order is 2 s . Since the multiplicative group Z ∗ p is cyclic, it follows that A is in the cyclic subgroup generated by D −1 , and in fact, A is an even power of D −1 ,thatis,A ≡ D −2µ (mod p) for some integer µ with 0 ≤ µ

2.3 Squares and roots 101 } x = a (p+3)/8 mod p; c = x 2 mod p; // Then c ≡±a (mod p). if(c = a mod p) x = x2 (p−1)/4 mod p; return x; 2. [Case p ≡ 1(mod8)] Find a random integer d ∈ [2,p− 1] with d p = −1; // Compute Jacobi symbols via Algorithm 2.3.5. Represent p − 1=2st, with t odd; A = at mod p; D = dt mod p; m =0; // m will be 2µ of text discussion. for(0 ≤ i


such square roots, both computationally efficient but raising different issues<br />

of implementation.<br />

The first algorithm starts from Euler’s test (2.6). If the prime p is 3 (mod 4)<br />

and <br />

a<br />

t<br />

p = 1, then Euler’s test says that a ≡ 1(modp), where t =(p− 1)/2.<br />

Then at+1 ≡ a (mod p), and as t + 1 is even in this case, we may take for<br />

our square root x ≡ a (t+1)/2 (mod p). Surely, this delightfully simple solution<br />

to the square root problem can be generalized! Yes, but it is not so easy. In<br />

general, we may write p − 1=2st,withtodd. Euler’s test (2.6) guarantees<br />

us that a2s−1t ≡ 1(modp), but it does not appear to say anything about<br />

A = at (mod p).<br />

Well, it does say something; it says that the multiplicative order of A<br />

modulo p is a divisor of 2s−1 . Suppose that d is a quadratic nonresidue modulo<br />

p, andletD = dt mod p. Then Euler’s test (2.6) says that the multiplicative<br />

order of D modulo p is exactly 2s ,sinceD2s−1 ≡ −1(modp). The same<br />

is true about D −1 (mod p), namely, its multiplicative order is 2 s . Since the<br />

multiplicative group Z ∗ p is cyclic, it follows that A is in the cyclic subgroup<br />

generated by D −1 , and in fact, A is an even power of D −1 ,thatis,A ≡ D −2µ<br />

(mod p) for some integer µ with 0 ≤ µ

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