Sacral Intimacy Journal

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shine<br />

<strong>Sacral</strong> <strong>Intimacy</strong> <strong>Journal</strong><br />

This journal is a 2 week journey to help you align with the dance of intimacy, showing up to all the<br />

pieces and parts, naked, vulnerable but powerful and strong in your choice to do so. It is incredibly<br />

rewarding while also being incredibly challenging work. It will demand the facing of unconsciousness,<br />

the heeding of our hero’s call, the facing of our nemesis, the standing in new and unfamiliar landscape<br />

and calling it home.<br />

Each day posts a passage to reflect and a question. Intended to guide<br />

and help along the pathway into the sacral chakra and emerge as a new<br />

and radiate light.

Cheryl G0mez<br />

I have been practicing in the field of body and mind<br />

science my whole life. I have a BS in Sports Science with<br />

minors in Wellness and Nutrition, I’m an ordained<br />

minister, a Reiki Master, licensed massage therapist,<br />

Yoga Alliance registered educator teacher and a<br />

cookbook author on food sensitivities. Ii practice<br />

Ayurveda, Kundalini and meditation and incorporate<br />

their wisdom in most of what I teach and do. Life is a<br />

journey we’re all experiencing and we can grow our best<br />

when we share and connect with one another. As I<br />

continuously and consciously do my practices to<br />

become more heart focused and empowered, I offer and<br />

share my journey and insights so together we can create<br />

dialogue and community, and find our way to shine ever<br />


We can always find those who encourage us­ but is it an<br />

encouragement of our best or lowest self?? We can always<br />

find others who support and validate what we're wanting<br />

supported and validated, but take note of how difficult or easy<br />

it is to find this support. Is it easy, prevalent , common? Or is<br />

it rare and valuable? Are we being encouraged to be our best<br />

or accepted for perpetuating tired , limiting fear based<br />

beliefs? Is a path of growth and change being followed by our<br />

supporters or mocked and nay said? It comes down to where<br />

you want to go on your path and the kind of person you want<br />

to be­ are you surrounding yourself with the right kind of<br />

support to move towards your desired destination­ or do you<br />

need to look elsewhere? This journey brings us many people<br />

who come and go­ and perhaps come again into our livesdepending<br />

upon where each of us is at any particular<br />

moment on our path and the support we each need to<br />

receive or give. May we each seek and give the support we<br />

need to grow into the fullness of who we are being called to<br />


Getting smashed, tossed, broken apart­ allows us to decide<br />

which pieces we choose to rebuild with. Hopefully stronger,<br />

with intent/purpose; who do we choose to be moving<br />

forward? Leaving behind the pieces which were the past<br />

but no longer part of our future­ love them, thank them, let<br />

them go.

Hold fast, hold fast­ to the knowing that you have meaning,<br />

purpose­ that you are not random or accidental! You, me­ we<br />

matter. Hold fast to the hope, the knowing, the truth which supports<br />

us when that which is around us seems to make no sense. We<br />

matter. When we are threatened to be overwhelmed­ breath inhold<br />

fast­ open your heart. Choose to be open, full of possibilitieschoose<br />

not to shut down, close off­ it will be the hardest choice you<br />

make­ but the only real choice ­if we are desiring a life of meaning,<br />

of purpose..<br />

May we each find, know ­ some degree­ however fleeting, of peace<br />

within..<br />


Doing healing work I've had to learn the huge lesson of letting go of<br />

thinking I can 'fix' anyone. No one is broken­ we may be<br />

challenged­and in need of assistance and support­ but if we refuse<br />

to accept that there is little one can 'do'. I believe being our<br />

brother's keeper means to bear witness ­ to hold the space ­ of<br />

connection, and be present with love. Unless we are asked or<br />

allowed to do more ­ that is our role. A rather huge role­ we all need<br />

to know we're not alone. We each have our individual lessons and<br />

path. Our mere presence and silent good wishes do more than we<br />

know!<br />

Love and blessings to all of us on our journeys.

<strong>Intimacy</strong> is our need to connect at a heart/soul level­ to be<br />

unveiled/revealed and accepted in our essence. We need to seek<br />

intimacy with ourselves and from that space we can seek to<br />

connect to others. To accept all of ourselves is the work of the<br />

warrior­ requiring strength and humbleness to accept the<br />

challenges we'll inevitably face. But the reward , the ultimate<br />

reward, is love, acceptance and connection from our heart essence<br />

to the heart of the ALL.

Things end­ run their course. Sometimes we see and know it's<br />

coming so we feel prepared to let it go. Other times it hits us out of<br />

the dark, hammers us and we feel sad, resistant, astounded,<br />

wounded. If we can take a step back from our murky pool of<br />

emotions­ a pause in our processing ­ we might be able to see ­<br />

with hindsight­that the ending was a natural progression; that in<br />

order for a new beginning to occur ­ something needed to end. To<br />

be where we need to go, to do what we need to do..<br />

Trust yourself, your intuition and sometime in the future your<br />

hindsight will allow you to see with clarity what now may still appear<br />

murky.<br />

May our light lead the way.

9.<br />

Forgiveness­ so much easier said than practiced! How does one<br />

get there when an eye for an eye/action/even the score is what is<br />

commonly touted and practiced? Anger drives the action so we can<br />

feel like we've 'done' something­ even if it's just venting. But in<br />

doing so many can relate so we feel supported in our choice of<br />

actions. Or maybe our default action is to withdraw into self blame,<br />

isolation, sadness which can shift into the dark hole of depression.<br />

Self blame or blame of others= same spectrum­ opposite<br />

expressions. Maybe practicing in the middle is the way. I know it's<br />

physically much healthier for me­ sad and mad literally make me<br />

start to become sick­ sore throat­ from speaking unkindly, malaise<br />

etc. Body speak for 'this isn't good for me! Do something different!'<br />

So I have connected to the vast energy field which is Sourceasking<br />

to feel connected ­ to have its highest expression as love fill<br />

me, wash over and thru me­ washing away the lower frequencies<br />

which can no longer remain present in the presence of love. I feel<br />

myself returning to me and thus become able to offer out that which<br />

I just received. Forgiveness. The wish for others to experience<br />

themselves as one with the love and light. All we need to do is<br />

desire something different than our current unsatisfactory state of<br />

being and ask and surrender to the pull of a higher frequencyallowing<br />

it to take us to where we're meant to be. Connected and<br />


How challenging it is to embrace, acknowledge, own the shadows<br />

and light within ourselves. Growing is learning to recognize the<br />

habits, patterns, thoughts and resistance we encounter when we<br />

approach some of this unexplored terrain and choosing to meet it<br />

with openness and curiosity vs censor and judgment. Oftentimes<br />

embracing our darkness is easier than seeing our light­ and how<br />

powerful it truly is. We can not know peace or be truly accepting<br />

when in relationship w others until we accept and love all within<br />

ourselves. It's all part of the lessons we're here to learn and grow<br />

from. Instead of denying or wishing away aspects of ourself which<br />

we don't think measure up or fit in­ we can try to embrace them w<br />

gratitude­ softening in order to open so we may hear what it is we<br />

need to be fully integrated into all that we are.<br />

Embrace your warts and heart for both are equally necessary on<br />

our journey as evolving human beings.

An open yet protected heart?! How do we accomplish this balance<br />

without closing heart? Our heart is our most precious commodity<br />

and as such it does require some protection. It can be damaged<br />

and harmed by those who would squander or take the gift for<br />

granted or who don't understand it. As a child we may have been<br />

one to freely give our hearts away­ embracing strangers and telling<br />

them we loved them. For some who were on the receiving end ­<br />

this may have brought them to tears and shifted their day/life as a<br />

result of receiving that unconditional love. For others the response<br />

may have been quite nasty­ a shove, a yell , a rebuke which<br />

brought the child to tears and heartache. Enough of these negative<br />

encounters and a child could become guarded, reluctant to offer up<br />

their love and perhaps even completely closed off to protect<br />

themselves from harm.<br />

There is a middle way. We can do quiet offerings of love from our<br />

mind and heart. But even then we may have some individuals in<br />

our lives we need to limit our engagement with­ either from a<br />

distance or up close­ as they may take more from us than we have<br />

or desire to give. We need to be mindful of maintaining our own<br />

balance. We may see the light within another­ even though it may<br />

be quite hidden away­ but we need to also see who they are in this<br />

physical world. What is possible vs what is being expressed. We<br />

honor the one while protecting ourselves from the other by being<br />

neutral. Neutral does not =numb. Neutral is letting go of<br />

expectations and attachments of how we desire another to be or<br />

act. It is being a good keeper of the heart and tending to its light<br />

and being mindful of what might dim it. Protected ,open heartedneutral.<br />

Quite a practice!!<br />


We like to think we know how to communicate with others­but more<br />

than likely what we're doing is just interacting or dialoguing with<br />

them. When we interact we are usually acting and reacting to<br />

various stimuli which influence our responses. With dialogue there<br />

is an exchange of words­ a telling of 'our story'. True<br />

communication, however, is a form of communion­ of connection.<br />

We can only connect when we are fully present, in our heart spaceopening<br />

and holding that space for another ­ so they can be feel<br />

safe enough to speak from their heart space and be heard because<br />

someone is truly listening ­ without an agenda or judgment.<br />

How many of us do this for one another or have it done for us? I'm<br />

pretty sure it's a rare practice..<br />

To be able to hold this kind of space and step into it­ we need to be<br />

doing our own work­ of connecting to the sacred space within<br />

ourselves so we can bring our practice and work into the world.<br />

This is a supreme act of bravery. But there is so much value in truly<br />

seeing, hearing, opening ,being present for another­ because we<br />

are connecting to something much bigger­ we are connecting to<br />

that sacred presence within each one of us­ the energy which fuels<br />

and created all that is.<br />

One act of true communication today from each of us can shift us,<br />

shift others and create a ripple shift around us. May we begin a<br />

revolutionary practice of truly practicing communication as it's<br />

meant to be practiced

Body, mind, spirit­ we are all 3­ all the time­ the question is­ how<br />

well do we remember and act upon that remembrance in our lives?<br />

It is a challenge to live integrated lives of body, mind and heart<br />

when our world likes to isolate, separate, label the parts instead of<br />

honoring the whole. We've been taught there are appropriate<br />

places ,times, people , circumstances for an aspect or some<br />

combination of the 3­but rarely is bringing all onboard endorsed.<br />

Not only is it not supported­ it is very challenging to own and be<br />

comfortable enough with ourselves that we are willing to share the<br />

whole. Rejection is easier for part than all! (Or so we think!) to let<br />

go of our fear of judgment from others requires we first begin to<br />

ease up on ourselves and our self judgments, insecurities and self<br />

doubts. As we practice accepting the whole of ourselves it becomes<br />

easier to see and accept the whole of others. The reflections<br />

coming back to us become kinder, more connected, more loving.<br />

As we can own and embrace and share the whole of our being we<br />

step into our power ­ we become empowered!

Self identity­ how do you describe/see yourself? Human nature is<br />

such that we are defined outside ourselves­ by our relationshipswith<br />

everything! With others, with our environment, with our mindhow<br />

we perceive things, with our body. But I AM is our true<br />

definition­ the relationship within ourselves with all that's possibleunlimited,<br />

all encompassing.<br />

We define and describe ourselves based upon the known and thus<br />

limit ourselves to all that we are capable of being. Descriptions can<br />

help with understanding or they can be boxes we choose to step<br />

into. We can choose to venture into the realm of the possible ­ of<br />

the as yet unknown, uncharted ­and go on a journey to discover<br />

what I AM is! And oh what a journey it can be! Be brave! Be<br />

curious! Be true to yourself! Be amazing! Be the All ­complete, all<br />

in, no holding back in fear or limitation­ You!

26.<br />

Forgiveness and trust­ don't necessarily go hand in hand.<br />

Forgiveness is a choice to allow and expand our heart's capacity to<br />

hold more love. It is a choice and a practice and a gift of grace we<br />

open ourselves up to. It comes from within ourselves. Trust is<br />

dependent upon another's choices and actions­ over which only they<br />

have control. Trust is earned from accountability, follow thru,<br />

repeated pattern of beneficial choices. Forgiveness of another can't<br />

harm us, trusting one who hasn't chosen to make choices worthy of<br />

earning that trust ­ can. Balancing a forgiving heart with kindness and<br />

openness ­ our choice­ while being mindful of others being free to<br />

make their own choices ­to learn their own lessons ­ which may come<br />

at a toll to others ­is a challenge. Open yet protected heart. Is our<br />

trust coming from our hopes and expectations of another­ or from<br />

their actual choices? We can hold the space for possibilities with<br />

kindness , open heartedness­and see if it becomes a garden in which<br />

trust can grow.

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