Lama Zopa Rinpoche




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All of us, believers or nonbelievers, need to practice an ethical life, not harming others: not<br />

killing, not lying, not stealing and so forth. That is the basis. In that way, we don’t suffer and<br />

others don’t suffer. Not being harmed by others, we have happiness and then, in turn, we<br />

can benefit others more and more. As a result, we become happier and happier and so too<br />

do others. We can bring great happiness to those around us, to our family, our country and<br />

the world.<br />

We will be able to do all that, even without believing in karma and reincarnation. People who<br />

do not necessarily have such beliefs but have a very good heart bring much happiness to<br />

others and, because of that, gain everybody’s respect. In that way they can benefit others<br />

more and bring more happiness to themselves, their families and the world.<br />

If ethics is important for the happiness of just this life, it becomes a much more important<br />

issue when we consider more than one life. The conclusion is this. The suffering we<br />

experience in this life might look like it comes from others, from external sources, but it<br />

does not; it comes from our own mind. It is the result of our own past karma, the intention<br />

to harm others, which left a negative imprint on the continuity of our consciousness. We<br />

then experience the result in this life.<br />

Similarly, all the good things we experience in this life are due to our past good intentions,<br />

our good karma, the help we have given others, which left a positive imprint on the<br />

continuity of our consciousness, resulting in our experience of happiness, joy and success in<br />

our wishes.<br />

Others are not the main cause, they are just a condition; therefore there is nothing to blame<br />

others for. It has all come from our mind, from our past lives. Because we want to be<br />

successful in this life, we can see that what we need to do is not harm others. Whether or not<br />

we believe in karma and reincarnation, we need to not harm others and to bring them<br />

happiness, to use our life to fulfill their wishes. We must bring happiness to everyone—<br />

people, animals, even insects, whatever size they are. Because it is a dependent arising, if we<br />

do that, it will become the cause of our own success and happiness—using our life to bring<br />

happiness to others, to making others’ wishes succeed, is the best cause.<br />

Karma is definite. If we create the cause we will definitely experience the result, happiness.<br />

The result of nonvirtue is suffering; the result of virtue is happiness. And karma is<br />

expandable. One karmic action results in many lifetimes of results. From one act of good<br />

karma we can experience many lifetimes’ happiness. To be able to fulfill somebody’s wishes<br />

of happiness, which is one time, we can then experience five hundred or a thousand lifetimes<br />

of happiness and success for ourselves—from just one good karmic act. You should<br />

understand that and keep it in mind.<br />

Conversely, if we harm somebody once, cheating or harming them, we experience the<br />

suffering results for five hundred or a thousand lifetimes, depending on how harmful the<br />

action is. In his Four Hundred Verses, the Nalanda pandit Aryadeva said that if we cheat one<br />

sentient being we will be cheated by others for a thousand lifetimes. If we kill an insect with<br />

a negative mind then, because karma is expandable, the result will be to be killed for five<br />

hundred lifetimes. Keeping this in the mind, we should dare not give even a small harm,<br />

even once, to anybody.<br />


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