Lama Zopa Rinpoche




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graduated path of the higher capable being, where the focus is actualizing bodhicitta, the mind that<br />

wishes to attain enlightenment in order to free the numberless sentient beings from the<br />

oceans of samsaric suffering and bring them to peerless happiness, the full state of the<br />

omniscient mind. We can then free numberless hell beings, numberless hungry ghosts,<br />

numberless animals, numberless human beings, numberless gods, numberless demigods and<br />

numberless intermediate state beings.<br />

Therefore, this perfect human body we have achieved is so precious, more precious than a<br />

wish-granting jewel. It requires an incredible amount of merit to be able to find a wishgranting<br />

jewel, which is much more precious than diamonds, sapphires or gold. If we ever<br />

found one, whatever we wished for in this life—material needs, comfort, all the helicopters,<br />

Rolls Royces, elephants or diamond palaces we could ever want—would be effortlessly<br />

obtained.<br />

However, with a wish-granting jewel alone we cannot purify past negative karma and we<br />

cannot be assured of a higher rebirth as a god or human being, because a human rebirth<br />

comes only from pure morality—not just morality but morality kept purely. Even the most<br />

miserable human existence, such as a porter on an Indian train, doesn’t come from broken<br />

morality but from pure morality. Therefore, a human body is extremely rare and a perfect<br />

human rebirth is even more rare. It’s like a dream, like some impossible thing has somehow<br />

happened. It’s inexpressible.<br />

With a wish-granting jewel we cannot get a higher rebirth but, by taking refuge and<br />

practicing morality using this perfect human body we now have, we can. Then, by practicing<br />

the higher training of morality, the higher training of concentration and the higher training<br />

of wisdom, we can free ourselves from the oceans of samsaric suffering and attain nirvana,<br />

the blissful state of peace.<br />

We have already received this perfect human rebirth, so we can generate compassion for all<br />

sentient beings, attain bodhicitta and go on to achieve full enlightenment. Therefore this<br />

precious human body is much, much more precious than a wish-granting jewel or a whole<br />

sky filled with wish-granting jewels. Even if we owned that amount, its value would be<br />

nothing by comparison; it could meet only the material needs of this life. All those wishgranting<br />

jewels could not bring us all the different levels of happiness up to enlightenment,<br />

but this perfect human rebirth can.<br />

For example, Milarepa didn’t have even one rupee, even one dollar. He ate nothing but<br />

nettles. One day, when a thief came to rob him, Milarepa invited him to eat but there were<br />

only nettles. The thief asked for some chili to spice up the nettles, so Milarepa put in some<br />

more nettles and said, “This is the chili.” Then the thief wanted some salt, so Milarepa added<br />

more nettles and said, “And this is the salt.” He had nothing else. Before he met his guru<br />

Marpa he had practiced black magic and killed many people and animals by making a house<br />

collapse on them. However, because he had received a perfect human rebirth he was able to<br />

transform his mind and attain enlightenment in that very lifetime.<br />


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