Lama Zopa Rinpoche




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We have that responsibility. The world’s peace and happiness is on our shoulders. Practicing<br />

patience and compassion, refraining from harming others, we bring great happiness to<br />

numberless living beings: to the numberless hell beings, hungry ghosts, animals, human<br />

beings, gods, demigods and intermediate state beings. In that way, we are responsible for the<br />

peace and happiness of all beings of the six realms.<br />

Then, with the compassion we have developed toward all living beings, we develop wisdom.<br />

In that way, we are able to bring them not only the temporary happiness of this life but also<br />

that of future lives. Then, by understanding the mind they understand karma, cause and<br />

effect, what specific results come from the actions of body, speech and mind—what brings<br />

suffering and what brings happiness. By having the wisdom understanding karma, they are<br />

able to gain ultimate happiness, liberation from the oceans of samsaric suffering. In that way,<br />

we are able to bring them to the blissful state of peace, individual liberation from the oceans<br />

of samsaric suffering forever. They no longer have to experience any suffering: the suffering<br />

of pain, the suffering of change and the cause of those two sufferings, pervasive<br />

compounding suffering.<br />

Not only that, by developing compassion and wisdom, we are able to bring all the<br />

numberless living beings to peerless happiness, sang-gyä, the state of the total cessation of all<br />

obscurations and the complete development of all realizations.<br />

There can be no happiness following the self-cherishing thought<br />

Developing compassion and wisdom is amazing. What our mind can do, what our heart can<br />

do, is just amazing. However, if you are like me, your heart at the moment is full of selfcherishing.<br />

We think, “My happiness is more important than anybody else’s. My happiness is<br />

more important than that of the numberless buddhas, the numberless bodhisattvas, the<br />

numberless sentient beings. It is the most important thing of all, more important than the<br />

happiness of the numberless hell beings, the numberless hungry ghosts, the numberless<br />

animals, the numberless human beings, the numberless gods and demigods and the<br />

numberless intermediate state beings. I’m the most important one! My happiness is more<br />

important than anybody else’s!”<br />

At the moment our mind is in that condition, but the mind itself is not oneness with the selfcherishing<br />

thought. Not at all. It is just temporarily obscured by delusions. Holding the selfcherishing<br />

thought has no logical reason. Cherishing the I is just an ego trip!<br />

The self-cherishing thought is nothing but a dictatorship and there is no logical reason for<br />

that dictatorship. It cannot posit one valid reason why this I is more important than anybody<br />

else, whereas there are infinite valid reasons to cherish the numberless others who only want<br />

happiness and who do not want suffering. There are numberless buddhas and bodhisattvas<br />

and there are numberless sentient beings who do not have bodhicitta, so there are<br />

numberless beings to cherish. Using valid reasoning we can transform our mind.<br />


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