Lama Zopa Rinpoche




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means bringing the practice of the six perfections into whatever you do. When you make<br />

charity, within that there is the practice of the six perfections. When you do a mandala<br />

offering, within that there is the practice of the six perfections. Within any activity you do,<br />

within any practice you do, there is the practice of the six perfections. The third morality is<br />

the morality of ripening others’ minds. There are about eleven different methods to help<br />

sentient beings mentioned in the lam-rim, for example, guiding, showing the path to<br />

somebody who is lost. That is one of the practices of morality you should keep.<br />

Sentient beings are numberless; you are one. No matter how much you suffer in samsara,<br />

you are one. But sentient beings have been suffering from beginningless rebirths up to now.<br />

There are numberless hell beings, numberless hungry ghosts, numberless animals,<br />

numberless human beings, numberless gods, numberless demigods and numberless<br />

intermediate state beings. Just like you, they have been suffering from beginningless rebirths,<br />

but they are numberless and they have the most unbelievable suffering. This is utterly<br />

unbearable. It’s as if your mother had fallen into a red-hot fire. You could not stand seeing<br />

her there for even one second. Therefore you need to become enlightened quickly in order<br />

to free sentient beings from samsaric suffering and lead them to enlightenment as soon as<br />

possible. This is your motivation for taking the tantric vows.<br />

The samaya of Vairochana also includes taking refuge in the Three Rare Sublime Ones, the<br />

Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Relying on them so that you (and because of that, all others)<br />

can be saved from samsara is causal refuge. Resultant refuge is the belief that you will<br />

achieve the state of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha in your mental continuum in the future<br />

and taking refuge in that. Going for refuge to the resultant refuge is the samaya of the<br />

Buddha Vairochana.<br />

Next is the samaya of Akshobhya, which has four types: vajra, bell, mudra and guru. The<br />

samaya of the vajra is in order to remember the holy mind of transcendental wisdom of great<br />

bliss. Holding the vajra and remembering that wisdom is keeping the vajra samaya. There is<br />

the interpretive vajra—remembering emptiness only, tong-pa-nyi—and the definitive vajra,<br />

remembering the meaning of the wisdom of great bliss.<br />

The samaya of the bell is to remember the wisdom of emptiness, which is the interpretive<br />

meaning of the bell. Holding the bell is keeping the samaya of the bell. This is why, when<br />

you are trying to practice tantra, you must always have a vajra and bell, even very small ones,<br />

like on the counter of a mala. You have to secretly keep them in order to remember and<br />

practice the definitive meaning of vajra and bell. Even a drawing of the six mudras of the<br />

father and the five of the mother that has a vajra and bell helps keep this samaya. For this<br />

reason, like statues, the vajra and the bell are holy objects.<br />

If possible, the actual vajra and bell you use in practice should also be kept secret. Although<br />

the Kadampa geshes practiced tantra, they didn’t show it externally. When they died people<br />

would find a small vajra and bell sewed secretly into the collar of their coat or somewhere<br />

like that.<br />

The third samaya of Akshobhya is the samaya of the mudra, where you visualize your body<br />

transforming into the Buddha Vajradhara father-mother, the desire deity. It is very important<br />

to understand the reason for this. In Highest Yoga Tantra the meaning of vajra and bell<br />


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