Lama Zopa Rinpoche




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these offerings.” Even without bodhicitta, the merit of offering to the many fully ordained<br />

monks is unbelievable. The higher number of vows they live in, the more unbelievable merit<br />

we collect by making offerings of food, tea, money or whatever.<br />

Even offering to one monk with bodhicitta motivation collects skies of merit. There are<br />

thousands of monks in each monastery—Sera Me, Sera Je, Ganden Shartse, Ganden Jangtse,<br />

Drepung Gomang and Drepung Loseling—so after generating bodhicitta, I think, “I make<br />

this offering to achieve enlightenment for sentient beings.” If you offer to each monk in this<br />

way you collect more than skies of merit.<br />

After that, I think they are all His Holiness the Dalai <strong>Lama</strong>’s pores. Literally, pores are tiny<br />

holes in the skin of the body but these pores are different. Pores here means not only the<br />

disciples of the guru but, if the guru is a layperson, it can also mean his or her spouse,<br />

children and any animals he or she has, dogs, horses and so forth. Even the guru’s neighbors<br />

are pores.<br />

After generating bodhicitta, while making the offering, I think wherever they are, whatever<br />

college or khangtsen they belong to, they are His Holiness’s pores. So I offer to all the<br />

thousands of monks in Sera Je and Sera Me thinking that they are all His Holiness’s pores.<br />

By generating bodhicitta at the beginning and thinking of the monk to whom we are making<br />

an offering as one of His Holiness’s pores, we collect inconceivable merit. The merit of<br />

offering to just one statue of the Buddha is utterly beyond our comprehension, yet we collect<br />

far more merit by offering a glass of water, tea, money or whatever to a monk we see as a<br />

pore of His Holiness than we do by making offerings to the numberless Buddhas, the<br />

numberless Dharma, the numberless Sangha, the numberless statues, the numberless<br />

scriptures and the numberless stupas combined.<br />

Now that is by thinking of just one monk as a pore of His Holiness and making an offering<br />

to him. Of course, this is multiplied when offered in this way to all the other monks. They<br />

are all disciples, or pores, of His Holiness, so when we make offerings to them we can think<br />

that we are making offerings to the guru’s pores. If offering to just one monk brings greater<br />

merit than offering to the numberless holy objects in all the universes, now there is not just<br />

one monk but thousands of monks and many of them are fully ordained. By thinking of<br />

them all as the pores of the guru and making offerings, the merit we create is utterly<br />

unimaginable.<br />

It’s the same at the centers, even in the West, when we make offerings to students who are<br />

disciples of His Holiness. If they have received teachings or initiations from His Holiness<br />

and see him as their guru, can you imagine the merit we create by offering them just one cup<br />

of tea? Or a milkshake! In the West there are many things we can offer, not just momos. We<br />

can offer ice cream or hot apple pie. By thinking of those students at your center as pores of<br />

His Holiness and offering them something, you create incredible merit, even if there are only<br />

three students. So it’s not just in faraway monasteries that you can create this kind of merit.<br />

What a great opportunity we have to make ourselves beneficial for sentient beings, to help<br />

free them from the oceans of samsaric suffering and bring them to enlightenment. Even if<br />

we just offer a little candy, the merit can be unbelievable. The opportunity is always there.<br />


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