Lama Zopa Rinpoche




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Those meditators who have achieved the eighth, ninth or tenth bodhisattva bhumi can<br />

manifest billions, zillions, trillions of mandalas. They can do prostrations in the pure land of<br />

the buddhas. They can do so much, while we are unable to manifest even one. We have<br />

mountains of obscurations and negative karma, which high-level bodhisattvas do not.<br />

<strong>Lama</strong> Tsongkhapa said doing prostrations is another way of collecting extensive merit. He<br />

said we should visualize many bodies, as if we have numberless bodies covering the whole<br />

ground, and then, with those millions of bodies, prostrate to the merit field.<br />

Visualizing two bodies prostrating gains us the same merit as if two bodies were actually<br />

prostrating; visualizing ten bodies prostrating gains us the same merit as ten bodies doing it.<br />

If we are able to visualize the whole earth full of our bodies, filling the four directions and<br />

the intermediate ones, all prostrating, we get the same merit as that many of our bodies<br />

prostrating. This creates unbelievable merit.<br />

<strong>Lama</strong> Tsongkhapa explains things like this so concisely, giving just the essence. Just using<br />

one or two words he explains the contradictions in the arguments of many famous<br />

contemporary and previous meditators. Then he spends more pages on practices such as the<br />

preliminary practices.<br />

Just as visualizing countless bodies prostrating brings great merit, so too does thinking that,<br />

while offering something as small as a cup of water to the guru, we are offering it to the<br />

numberless buddhas; we get the benefit of actually offering water to numberless buddhas.<br />

We can think how every atom of our guru’s holy body contains numberless buddhas and we<br />

are offering to all of them. Whatever we are doing—offering service, offering robes, cleaning<br />

or washing—if we think we are doing it for the numberless buddhas, we get that amount of<br />

merit. Even if we do not consciously think that, we still get much merit.<br />

For example, when attending our guru’s teachings we can think that this is Tara giving the<br />

teaching, this is Guru Shakyamuni Buddha giving the teaching, this is Manjushri giving the<br />

teaching, this is our deity giving the teaching, this is the numberless buddhas giving us the<br />

teaching. Similarly, whenever our guru gives us advice, whatever it is, we should think that<br />

this advice is coming from all the numberless buddhas. This is Tara giving us advice, this is<br />

Maitreya Buddha giving us advice, this is Guru Shakyamuni Buddha giving us advice, this is<br />

Mahakala giving us advice, this is all the thousand buddhas of the fortunate eon giving us<br />

advice. All the merit field, all the dakas and dakinis, all the arhats, including the sixteen who<br />

are buddhas, the Dharma protectors—everyone is giving us advice. The guru’s advice is<br />

everybody giving us advice.<br />

In that way, we never feel abandoned; we are always connected with all the numberless<br />

buddhas, up to the Dharma protectors of the merit field. In the same way, the merits are<br />

unbelievable when we make offerings to the guru’s disciples, the guru’s “pores.”<br />

This is an example you can keep in mind. When I make offerings to people who have<br />

received teachings from His Holiness, even lay people, even Westerners, but especially in the<br />

monasteries such as Sera, Ganden, Drepung or Kopan, first of all I try to generate bodhicitta<br />

motivation, thinking, “To achieve enlightenment to free the numberless sentient beings from<br />

the oceans of samsaric suffering and bring them to full enlightenment I am going to make<br />


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