Lama Zopa Rinpoche




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uddhas. That is also mentioned in the Lamrim Chenmo and A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of<br />

Life. I asked Jangtse Chöje, who thought it might be a minute but I think it’s a second.<br />

These things are not small matters. Dolgyal destroys the root of the path to enlightenment,<br />

correctly following the virtuous friend, the most important thing in our life. You should<br />

know this. You should not think, “Oh, this is a Tibetan problem.” You have to know how<br />

harmful it is, otherwise you can get drawn in and then you won’t know you are getting<br />

cheated.<br />

I have heard that Dolgyal followers in Singapore stick the Dolgyal mantra on their cars and<br />

leave them outside. They actually believe that by putting the mantra on a car or reciting it<br />

they can be successful in business.<br />

We can very easily be cheated, so we must check everything. Guru Shakyamuni Buddha said,<br />

Oh bhikshus and wise men, as one assays gold by rubbing, cutting and melting, so examine well my words<br />

and accept them, but not because you respect me.<br />

The Buddha himself said that. 78 We have to examine his teachings just as we would examine<br />

a metal to see if it is gold, to see whether it is false, mixed or pure. There are three ways you<br />

test for gold, by cutting it, rubbing it and burning it. He said we should accept his teachings<br />

only after examining them and seeing they are correct. That means we are most welcome to<br />

investigate whatever question we have. Once we have investigated and found the teachings<br />

to be correct and, on the strength of that, have decided to follow them, then we are not<br />

doing so through blind faith. It’s my view that, among all the religions, only Buddhism gives<br />

us the opportunity, the freedom, to examine the path completely.<br />

In the monasteries the special way of studying is debate. Acceptance of the Buddhadharma is<br />

not just through belief but also through debate, through questioning—you can ask any<br />

question and then decide for yourself whether the answer is correct or incorrect. Even if it is<br />

correct, you can still debate. If you are good debater, even if somebody has given a correct<br />

answer you can still try to change that person’s mind.<br />

Buddhism is very logical, very perfect, and examination of it leads to a deep, clear<br />

understanding of the teachings. We are not asked to accept something on blind faith. We are<br />

never told we are not allowed to ask questions but must just accept what we hear. This is<br />

how it can become when somebody doesn’t have an answer.<br />

I’m bringing this up in the context of Dolgyal. What I’m saying is that if we are allowed to<br />

check what has been revealed by the guru, then why not with Dolgyal? That is my question.<br />

A Dolgyal practitioner might be an expert in debate but has never checked on Dolgyal. That<br />

is very strange. Especially seeing how Dolgyal is clearly so harmful to the world, to<br />

Buddhism, to the success of Tibet, to His Holiness’s wishes and, particularly, to <strong>Lama</strong><br />

Tsongkhapa’s teaching. This is extremely clear. That is what Dolgyal’s influence is like, even<br />

for learned lamas and geshes. It leads many people to no longer follow His Holiness but to<br />

follow Dolgyal instead, to go in the wrong direction.<br />

If you are following Tibetan Buddhism, learning and practicing tantra, you have to<br />

understand this. If, as a non-Tibetan, you think that this is purely a Tibetan problem, you are<br />


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