Lama Zopa Rinpoche




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The monks did that, but of course, although the action can be wrathful, it has to fit into<br />

Buddhist practice and be motivated by compassion, otherwise it becomes a worldly activity,<br />

which is the same as most countries do—fighting each other, killing each other. There is<br />

nothing different.<br />

I heard that in Iraq, while Saddam Hussein was president, when somebody did something<br />

wrong they took him to the place of execution and laid him on the ground. His parents and<br />

relatives had to be there and when his head was chopped off they had to clap their hands as<br />

if they were happy with the execution.<br />

The original motivation must fit with Buddhism; it must be great compassion for others,<br />

even for the enemy. Then, even if the action is wrathful, it is like parents punishing their<br />

child in order to help him. They send him to school to educate him so he can have a good<br />

life in the future, but if the child refuses to go they scold and beat him with compassion<br />

because they have concern for his future and they don’t want him to suffer later. This is like<br />

the monks tipping out the tea.<br />

In Ganden, when the letter was read publicly, all the monks clapped their hands, indicating<br />

they wanted to expel that geshe even though he was an expert, especially in the Madhyamaka<br />

teachings on emptiness. They clapped their hands and kicked him out. Now he is in France.<br />

We ordinary people don’t understand the extent of the harm that Dolgyal can do through<br />

the great lamas, those learned in philosophy. He harms them from the top and then they<br />

spread his influence to many people, getting them to practice him. He wants many people to<br />

practice him, to follow him, so he influences the geshes, the lamas, like this.<br />

This has even spread to <strong>Lama</strong> Tsongkhapa’s main monastery, Ganden, where his teachings<br />

are preserved; where the monks not only study the texts but practice their meaning as well.<br />

This was a great <strong>Lama</strong> Tsongkhapa tradition monastery in Tibet and is now located in south<br />

India. They preserve the excellent Buddhist education, which is like the Pacific Ocean, deep<br />

and vast, but it is not just faith. It is not like you are forbidden to check anything, to ask<br />

questions, that you must just believe what you are told. The monks are perfectly qualified to<br />

explain the Dharma to sentient beings, whether it is the vast teachings, the middle-level<br />

teachings or just the very essence of the lam-rim, depending on the level of the students’<br />

minds. These monasteries—Ganden, Sera and Drepung—always produced highly qualified<br />

teachers and continue to do so.<br />

So you can see that the harm Dolgyal can do is huge. If the top teachers, those who are<br />

expert in Dharma, succumb to Dolgyal’s influence, then many students, if they don’t check<br />

what their guru does, can easily follow. They might even think the reason the guru is so<br />

successful is because of Dolgyal.<br />

But the guru is already successful; he already has great knowledge. The great lamas like<br />

Kyabje Trijang <strong>Rinpoche</strong>, Kyabje Zong <strong>Rinpoche</strong>, Pabongka <strong>Rinpoche</strong> and all the other<br />

lamas have renunciation, bodhicitta, the right view of emptiness, and tantric realizations of<br />

the generation and completion stages. Even by just having bodhicitta, of course, they can<br />

benefit others greatly. Just by giving a spoonful of food to a dog with bodhicitta purifies the<br />

dog’s negative karma and makes a connection with that dog so that it will be able to meet the<br />


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