Lama Zopa Rinpoche




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egin by achieving a long life, where we can live for hundreds and thousands of years, and<br />

eventually achieve enlightenment.<br />

With Highest Yoga Tantra, however, there is no need to do that. Even though the practices<br />

of the lower tantras are more skillful than those of the Mahayana Paramitayana, the sutra<br />

vehicle, Highest Yoga Tantra is even more skillful than those, and through it we can achieve<br />

full enlightenment, the unified state of Vajradhara, in one brief lifetime of these degenerated<br />

times, with no need to prolong our life. So, because of that, it has the greatest skill.<br />

How can we be happy while others suffer?<br />

As the bodhisattva Thogme Zangpo mentioned in his Thirty-seven Practices of a Bodhisattva,<br />

When your mothers, who’ve loved you since time without beginning,<br />

Are suffering, what use is your own happiness?<br />

Therefore to free limitless living beings<br />

Develop the altruistic intention—<br />

This is the practice of bodhisattvas. 75<br />

Totally ignorant of the cause of happiness and the cause of suffering, we worldly beings<br />

think we’re always working for happiness but in reality we are constantly creating the cause<br />

of suffering. We keep ourselves totally busy, day and night, like ants frantically running<br />

around, up and down trees or whatever. Because our motivation is not even attachment to<br />

future lives but just attachment to this life, every action of our body, speech and mind<br />

becomes negative karma.<br />

In that, we are no different from insects, spiders, crickets, ants and so forth. Our motivation<br />

is identical to theirs. Likewise the billionaire, the zillionaire, the trillionaire—there is no<br />

difference; their motivation is identical. We have all been billionaires, zillionaires, trillionaires,<br />

kings in the god and human realms, Indra and Brahma, numberless times.<br />

We are just like those slugs that come out when it rains. Just like them, we work only for this<br />

life, so every action we do is nonvirtuous. And even if we do collect a little virtue, because<br />

we have so many enemies, anger arises frequently and very easily due to the habituation of<br />

our mind, and whatever merit we might have accumulated is continuously destroyed.<br />

We might intellectually know about merit, thinking, “I’ve done this retreat; I’ve done that<br />

preliminary practice; I’ve studied this and studied that; I’ve done so much, so much,” but, as<br />

I mentioned, our mind is the same as it ever was or even worse. It’s as if we never met the<br />

Dharma. Problems still come. Before they meet the Dharma, some people have very few<br />

negative emotions, but the more they engage in intellectual study of the Dharma, if they<br />

don’t practice, the stronger their negative emotions grow. More pride, anger and so forth<br />

arise, causing constant suffering now and in the future.<br />

So, Thogme Zangpo asks how can we be happy while numberless sentient beings are<br />

suffering? What use is being happy like that? He then says that in order to free others from<br />

the oceans of samsaric suffering we must generate bodhicitta, the practice of the<br />

bodhisattvas.<br />


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