Lama Zopa Rinpoche




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The Guru Puja mentions,<br />

Arising from the play of omniscient transcendental wisdom,<br />

You are the essence of ten million mandala cycles.<br />

Pervading lord of a hundred buddha families, foremost vajra holder,<br />

Unified primordial savior, I make requests to you.<br />

Unobscured, inseparable from the play of simultaneous joy,<br />

Pervading everything in motion and at rest;<br />

The nature of all things, free from beginning or end,<br />

All good actual ultimate bodhicitta; I make requests to you. 59<br />

The guru is the one who manifests as numberless mandalas. Even just one mandala<br />

manifests many deities such as Yamantaka or Guhyasamaja. There are many, many details<br />

within the mandala, but the guru manifest as all the numberless mandalas, all the numberless<br />

deities. This absolute guru, this primordial mind, has no beginning or end; it pervades all<br />

existence and has been guiding us to enlightenment from beginningless rebirths.<br />

The absolute guru is without obscurations, experiencing simultaneously-born bliss, the<br />

greatest bliss. Pervading all existence, the numberless buddhas and the numberless mandalas<br />

are all absorbed into the one, the absolute owner of all, the absolute guru. The absolute guru<br />

is all good, absolute bodhicitta. This is not the usual bodhicitta but the bodhicitta of the<br />

absolute mind, the primordial mind.<br />

The prayer continues,<br />

You are the guru, you are the yidam,<br />

You are the dakinis and Dharma protectors.<br />

From now until enlightenment I shall seek no other refuge than you.<br />

In this life, the bardo and all future lives,<br />

Hold me with the hook of your compassion;<br />

Free me from samsara and nirvana’s fears,<br />

Grant all attainments,<br />

Be my constant friend and guard me from interferences. 60<br />

With this request we recognize what the guru is. This is the real guru but for us he must<br />

manifest in the ordinary aspect. This is the way to understand that the absolute and<br />

conventional gurus are not two separate things. The absolute guru manifests as the<br />

conventional guru to guide us easily. We need to think like that, that only with the<br />

conventional, ordinary aspect can we be guided to enlightenment. That is the guru’s<br />

kindness.<br />

Even if we were dying today, even this hour or this minute, this is what we must request,<br />

that the guru holds us with the hook of his compassion.<br />


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