B-SMART' July'16

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BVRIT Hyderabad College Of Engineering For Women<br />

B – SMART<br />

-We Explore We Exhibit<br />

Volume No. 1, Issue No. 2, July '2016<br />







3D- PEN<br />











FEVER<br />



B-SMART- BVRITian Student Magazine on Advanced Research &Technologies<br />

is here to keep the students and the faculty members informed with the latest<br />

developments in the area of science, engineering & technology. It<br />

also inculcates the habit of reading among students about new trends in<br />

technology and emerging areas and to provide a platform to the student for<br />

sharing knowledge.<br />


Ms. Dipali Pattanayak , Asst. Professor ,Dept. Of IT<br />


Ms.P. Kavitha, Asst. Professor, Dept. Of CSE<br />

Ms.B. Sujatha, Asst. Professor, Dept. Of EEE<br />

Ms.R. Sridevi, Asst. Professor, Dept. Of ECE<br />


B. Divya Rani, IIIyr-Isem, Dept. of EEE<br />

V.Divyasree , IIIyr-Isem, Dept. of ECE<br />

Madhuri Peri , IIIyr-I sem, Dept. of IT<br />

Aakanksha Shastri , IIyr-Isem ,Dept. of CSE<br />


G.T.L.Sharanya ,IIIyr-I sem Dept. of EEE

Low Battery? Charge your phone<br />

wirelessly. Wondering how?<br />

T<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

here is a new technology through which<br />

we can charge our phones by sharing<br />

power wirelessly. It is really a nightmare<br />

for phone-obsessed people when their phone<br />

runs out of power and there is no electric plug<br />

in sight.<br />

There are different platforms in wireless<br />

charging technology.<br />

PowerShake: Wireless charging makes use of<br />

two coils - one in the power transmitter and<br />

other in the power receiver. When electrical<br />

power passes through the power transmitter<br />

coil, it generates electromagnetic field that<br />

transfers power to the other coil. The coil is a<br />

part of the battery charging circuit. This gives<br />

best results at close distances. They also<br />

devised electromagnetic shielding made of<br />

ferrite plates and copper tape on the back of<br />

the coil in order to prevent the transmitted<br />

power from reaching the human tissues. One<br />

more add-on is that the Lithium-ion batteries<br />

cope with the short bursts of energy to<br />

charge them up.<br />

Eterna: Eterna uses the mechanism of the<br />

transport of radio frequency prominently<br />

over a broad band of active frequency waves<br />

and ultimately making out a conversion of<br />

the same into DC energy, the incredible<br />

platform of ETERNA facilitates the wireless<br />

charging of the placed battery within the<br />

domain of the electronic device. It<br />

encompasses a power receiver which is<br />

termed Thunderlink. The power transmitter<br />

is called NEST, portrays the role of a physical<br />

charging station which is the place where the<br />

device is charged vigilantly. The generation<br />

of the specific RF energy is brought about by<br />

NEST after the acceptance of the same from<br />

Thunderlink.<br />

These innovative solutions are based on the<br />

concept of wireless transmission of electricity.<br />

In this remarkable discovery of the “TRUE<br />

WIRELESS” Dr. Nikola Tesla, “Father of the<br />

wireless” created a huge milestone towards the<br />

solution for world energy crisis. The Famous<br />

Tesla Tower erected in Shoreham, Long Island,<br />

New York is 187 feet high, the spherical top is<br />

68 feet in diameter. Tesla<br />

wanted to transmit electricity<br />

from this tower to the whole<br />

globe without wires using the<br />

Ionosphere. The source of the<br />

transmitted electricity was to<br />

be the Niagara Falls power plant. The modern<br />

ideas are dominated by microwave power<br />

transmission. The transmission of power<br />

without wires is not a theory or a mere<br />

possibility, it is now a reality. The electrical<br />

energy can be economically transmitted<br />

without wires to any terrestrial distance; many<br />

researchers have established innumerous<br />

observations.<br />

Scientists stated estimated that using these<br />

kinds of technologies it takes 12 seconds of<br />

charging which will support 1 minute of<br />

additional talk-time and 2 minutes of charging<br />

will support 4 minutes of video watching. This<br />

new technology is very useful but suffers from<br />

a disadvantage that is the transmitted<br />

power must be twice of that of the received<br />

power. This device finds it use in times of<br />

emergencies.<br />

G.Likhitha S. Pranaya Reddy B.Divya Rani,<br />

IV Yr, ECE IV Yr, ECE III Yr, EEE<br />

“Success is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved!” - Samar Mansour 2

First mirror imaged molecule found<br />

in interstellar space<br />

handed molecules. Both are easily<br />

synthesized in the lab. Then some process,<br />

perhaps incoming star light, preferentially<br />

destroyed one - handedness, leaving only<br />

the other to form life.<br />

Life tends to be left-handed. Certain<br />

molecules have mirror-image versions of<br />

themselves, but have different physical and<br />

chemical properties. This chemical<br />

property, well known as chirality, is found<br />

within all organic life forms. But the origin<br />

of this property remains a mystery.<br />

A team led by Brett McGuire of the National<br />

Radio Astronomy observation in Virginia<br />

and Brandon Carroll at the California<br />

Institute of Technology have detected the<br />

first chiral molecule of propylene oxide<br />

within an enormous star-forming cloud of<br />

gas and dust only 390 light-years away.<br />

Although propylene oxide isn’t necessary<br />

for life, both the scientists of the team are<br />

excited that there are probably chiral<br />

molecules in the interstellar space that we<br />

associate with life too. “The really cool<br />

thing is that life – for reasons we don’t<br />

understand – selected one chirality for<br />

some of its molecules over another,” says<br />

McGuire. For example, amino acids are left<br />

– handed, where as the sugars that make<br />

DNA are always right handed.<br />

A. Naga Yamini<br />

II Yr, ECE<br />

Ultrathin Solar Cells<br />

MIT researchers have created the thinnest,<br />

lightest solar power cells yet – so<br />

lightweight that they can be draped on top<br />

of a soap bubble without popping it.<br />

Researchers made all three parts of solar<br />

cell (the cell, the supportive substrate, and<br />

the protective coating) at the same time, a<br />

method that cuts down on performance –<br />

harming contaminants. The substrate and<br />

coating are made from parylene, which is<br />

flexible polymer, and the component that<br />

absorbs light was made from<br />

dibutylphthalate. The thickness of this solar<br />

cell is about 1/50th thickness of a strand of<br />

hair.<br />

Carroll suspects that nature first produced<br />

an equal number of right – and left –<br />

"Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out." - John Wooden 3

The new devices are also super light-weight<br />

, weighing only about 0.01 lbs. per square<br />

yard(3.6 grams per square meter).In<br />

comparison typical piece of office paper<br />

weighs about 20 times more. These<br />

ultrathin, super-light, flexible solar cells<br />

could power next-generation portable<br />

electronics.<br />

P.Geethasri<br />

III Yr,ECE<br />

Fusion of Quantum physics and<br />

Genetic engineering<br />

Have you all ever thought what would be<br />

the upshot of blend of Quantum Physics<br />

and Genetic Engineering? Well, here is the<br />

outcome of it. Massachusetts Institute of<br />

Technology (MIT) have managed to<br />

genetically enhance a virus that can<br />

improve the efficiency of solar cells in<br />

transporting energy.<br />

improved viruses are designed, that enable<br />

the Solar Cells to generate energy with<br />

nearly double efficiency. When compared<br />

to plants, the solar cells stand nowhere<br />

when it comes to the efficiency. Therefore,<br />

the study of ‘quantum mechanics’ (also<br />

referred as quantum weirdness) involved in<br />

photosynthesis helped in improving the<br />

functioning of the solar cells. This quantum<br />

mechanics in plants allows the existence of<br />

a particle in more than one place at a<br />

particular instant of time.<br />

In photosynthesis, when a photon hits a<br />

receptor called chromophore, quantum<br />

particle called exciton is produced. An<br />

exciton transfers from one receptor to<br />

another until it reaches a reaction centre to<br />

harness the energy. Percentage of<br />

efficiency depends on the path chosen by<br />

the exciton to reach the reaction centre.<br />

Unless the exciton takes the best way,<br />

maximum efficiency is not possible. For this<br />

to be accomplished, chromophores should<br />

be arranged with the right amount of gap<br />

between them. This can be done based on<br />

the‘Quantum Goldilocks Effect’. Using this<br />

concept, genetically engineered viruses are<br />

bonded to their multiple synthetic<br />

chromophores or organic dyes. Viruses with<br />

variable spacing are produced in between<br />

the chromophores and the efficiency is<br />

tested and concluded which spacing gives<br />

the best efficiency. Eventually, the speed of<br />

excitons was also improved by more than<br />

200 percent.<br />

By exploiting the technique used by the<br />

plants in photosynthesis, genetically<br />

"Opportunities don't happen. You create them." - Chris Grosser 4

It is also to be noted that the excitons now<br />

travelled a much larger distance before<br />

dissipating the entire energy.<br />

However, the study is still under preliminary<br />

stages, but it has paved a way for a better<br />

future. In this period of sparse energy and<br />

non-renewable energy sources being on the<br />

verge of exhaustion, this way of efficient<br />

solar energy passes on sighs of relief by a<br />

promising alternative.<br />

The 3Doodler works by extruding heated<br />

plastic that cools almost instantly into a<br />

solid, stable structure, allowing for the freehand<br />

creation of three-dimensional objects.<br />

It utilizes plastic thread made of either<br />

acrylonitrile butadiene styrene ("ABS"),<br />

polylactic acid ("PLA"), or “FLEXY”, thermal<br />

polyurethane (“TPU”) that is melted and<br />

then cooled through a patented process<br />

while moving through the pen, which can<br />

then be used to make 3D objects by hand.<br />

The 3Doodler has been described as a glue<br />

gun for 3D printing because of how the<br />

plastic is extruded from the tip, with one<br />

foot of the plastic thread equaling "about<br />

11 feet of extruded material".<br />

Know-how is required:<br />

M.BindhuBhavani,<br />

II Yr ECE<br />

Three Dimensional Printing Pen<br />

(3Doodler)<br />

Inventors Max Bogue and Peter Dilworth<br />

have invented a unique pen that draws in<br />

the air. A colourful spool of plastic thread is<br />

fed into the pen.<br />

The thread is then extruded as heated<br />

plastic that cools and solidifies instantly as it<br />

exits the tip.This allows solid 3D structures<br />

to be drawn on any surface or from any<br />

surface into the air.The pen, called a<br />

3Doodler, weights approximately 7 ounces<br />

(198 g) and is 7 inches (17.7 cm) long. It<br />

requires no technical knowledge or<br />

software and plugs into an electrical outlet.<br />

The co-inventors met while working for<br />

WowWee, a company based in Hong Kong<br />

that develops consumer technologies..<br />

The 3Doodler doesn’t require any technical<br />

knowledge to use it. You don’t even need a<br />

computer to get going — just load in the<br />

plastic, heat it up and start doodling! This<br />

feature makes it an easy sell for people who<br />

don’t want to invest a huge sum of time and<br />

money into getting a full-scale 3D printer<br />

and learning the necessary coding skills.<br />

Fastness:<br />

The 3Doodler heats up in one to two<br />

minutes, and after that it’s ready to draw.<br />

Since everything created with the device is<br />

made in real time, it’s many times faster<br />

than conventional 3D printers.<br />

"Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value." -Albert Einstein 5

It will certainly be cheaper than, say, a<br />

Makerbot Replicator, so it’s just a matter of<br />

time before public interest takes hold and<br />

the 3Doodler is a mainstay in the toolbox of<br />

many an artist.<br />

digital or hybrid hardware.<br />

2. Functional equivalence:<br />

Model the behaviour of biological systems,<br />

not their structure. IBM is making<br />

significance contribution to the synapse<br />

project .This synapse chip system have 10<br />

billion neurons and 100 trillion synapses.<br />

D. Ramya Sri<br />

III yr, IT<br />

Cognitive Computing<br />


It is a new era of computing, it’s a<br />

cognitive computing. Generally we humans<br />

understand something and to make<br />

decision we undergo 4 key steps:<br />

1. We observe visible phenomenon.<br />

2. Interpret what we have to understand<br />

what it means.<br />

3. We evaluate which is right or wrong.<br />

4. Finally we decide choosing the option<br />

that is best and acting accordingly.<br />

So, we can say that with cognitive<br />

computing we can build a system which act<br />

and think like humans.<br />

Cognitive computing involves self-learning<br />

systems that use data mining, pattern<br />

recognition and natural language<br />

processing similar to the way the human<br />

brain works. We will teach computers to<br />

recognize analog whether it is natural<br />

languages, visual images and then<br />

interpreting them and translating them and<br />

making sense of them.<br />

Two major approaches to cognitive<br />

computing:<br />

1. Neuromorphic architectures:<br />

Computer or device-level systems<br />

modelled after biological systems or<br />

components, such as neurons and synapses.<br />

These may be implemented in analog,<br />

D.Priyanka<br />

IV Yr,ECE<br />

World's fastest computer -china<br />

The Sunway TaihuLight at the National<br />

Supercomputing Center in Wuxi, China, was<br />

ranked as the world's fastest<br />

supercomputer on a Top500 list. It runs on<br />

a homegrown ShenWei processor and is<br />

capable of 93 petaflops (million billion<br />

floating point operations per second)<br />

of sustained performance.<br />

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out." Robert Collier 6

Its peak performance can reach 125.4<br />

petaflops, and a monster 260-core chip.<br />

Each chip delivers a performance of 3<br />

teraflops, which is rated as being on par<br />

with Intel's latest Xeon Phi chip codenamed<br />

Knights Landing. That chip is rated<br />

as one of the company's fastest. The<br />

Chinese supercomputer has a staggering<br />

10,649,600 cores over 40,960 nodes. It was<br />

developed by the National Research Center<br />

of Parallel Computer Engineering and<br />

Technology. China is also the first country<br />

to make a supercomputer that passes 100<br />

petaflops in performance.<br />

Countries are in a race to make a computer<br />

that can deliver a performance of an<br />

exaflop, or a million trillion calculations per<br />

second. It is a 64-bit RISC processor, which<br />

Top500 speculates is based on the DEC<br />

Alpha architecture. The supercomputer has<br />

1.3 petabytes of the older DDR3 memory,<br />

and uses 15.3 megawatts of power, making<br />

it more power-efficient .<br />

Body Interfacing<br />

One of the newest inventions in interface<br />

devices is Skinput. This invention allows the<br />

surfaces of your body to be used as a touchscreen.An<br />

armband projects the image of a<br />

menu or keyboard onto your hand or<br />

forearm. This armband also contains an bioacoustic<br />

sensor that can detect and analyze<br />

sound frequencies. Because of bone<br />

density, joints, and soft tissue, different<br />

locations on the body have different<br />

acoustic properties.<br />

When you tap your finger on different parts<br />

of your body it creates a unique frequency<br />

based on the specific area. Skinput can<br />

detect what part of a projected image you<br />

are touching and in turn can transmit a<br />

wireless signal to a computer, smart phone<br />

or other device. Skinput was created by the<br />

project team of Desney Tan, a senior<br />

researcher in the Visualization and<br />

Interaction Area at Microsoft Research; Dan<br />

Morris, a researcher in the Computational<br />

User Experiences at Microsoft Research;<br />

K.Pavithra<br />

IV Yr,IT<br />

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. “ - Jim Rohn 7

and Chris Harrison, a third year P.H.D<br />

student in the Human-Computer Interaction<br />

Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.<br />

V.Varsha Sri<br />

IIIYr,IT<br />

like whatever they look like at the time. For<br />

this we need to replace our screen<br />

protector with Maxis screen savour<br />

protector and then select the picture. Lick<br />

the food taste the food in the savour. We<br />

can have our missed meal, taste before we<br />

order,try strangers food, skip the queue.<br />

Screen Savour:<br />

Maxis Savour, the screen protector was<br />

apparently made of seafood ingredients<br />

that deliver a dose of Omega fatty acids<br />

with every lick. All for just 0.5calories, too!<br />

The Screen Savour takes on the flavour<br />

profile of any food item on your mobile<br />

screen. The Screen Savour is made of<br />

pigment containing cells called<br />

chromatophores taken from an octopus<br />

which can change colour as well as being<br />

delicious. When a picture appears under<br />

the Screen Savour sheet, the<br />

chromatophores change colour to make an<br />

exact replica of that picture. They fused this<br />

with a smartchip with cells from an electric<br />

eel, so that the chip is able to produce<br />

bioelectrical pulses that force the<br />

chromatophores to release oils which taste<br />

Roshini yasala<br />

II Yr,EEE<br />

Smart contact lens<br />

Google Contact Lens is a smart contact<br />

lens project announced by Google on 16<br />

January 2014. The project aims to assist<br />

people with diabetes by constantly<br />

measuring the glucose levels in their tears.<br />

The project is being carried out<br />

by Verily and it is currently being tested<br />

using prototypes. The lens consists of<br />

a wireless chip and a miniaturized glucose<br />

sensor .A tiny pinhole in the lens allows for<br />

tear fluid to seep into the sensor to<br />

measure blood sugar levels. Both of the<br />

sensors are embedded between two soft<br />

layers of lens material. The electronics lie<br />

outside of both the pupil and the iris so<br />

there is no damage to the eye. There is a<br />

wireless antenna inside of the contact that<br />

is thinner than a human’s hair, which will<br />

act as a controller to communicate<br />

information to the wireless device.<br />

“Without hard work and discipline it is difficult to be a top professional.” -Jahangir Khan 8

The controller will gather, read, and analyze<br />

data that will be sent to the external device<br />

via the antenna. Power will be drawn from<br />

the device which will communicate data via<br />

the wireless technology RFID .Plans to add<br />

small LED lights that could warn the wearer<br />

by lighting up when the glucose levels have<br />

crossed above or below certain thresholds<br />

have been mentioned to be under<br />

consideration. Challenges presented by<br />

such a technology are that the LED lights<br />

contain the toxic metal arsenic. The<br />

performance of the contact lenses in windy<br />

environments and teary eyes is unknown.<br />

The prototypes being tested can generate a<br />

reading once per second.<br />

The product was created by Brian Otis and<br />

Babak Parviz .<br />

This research and technology can be used<br />

to develop advanced medical and vision<br />

devices for future generations.<br />

K. Mamini,<br />

IV Yr, IT.<br />

Need hair? Press “print”<br />

MIT researchers designed arrays of hair-like<br />

structures with a resolution of 50 microns -<br />

about the width of a human hair.<br />

the angle of the bristles, the pads can stick<br />

to together with varying forces. For sensing,<br />

the researchers printed a small furry rabbit<br />

figure, equipped with LED lights that light<br />

up when a person strokes the rabbit in<br />

certain directions. To see whether 3Dprinted<br />

hair can help or move objects, the<br />

team fabricated a weight-sorting table<br />

made from panels of printed hair with<br />

specified angles and heights. As a small<br />

vibration source shook the panels, the hairs<br />

were able to move coins across the table,<br />

sorting them based on the coins' weight<br />

and the vibration frequency. JifeiOu, a<br />

graduate student at Massachusetts Institute<br />

of Technology (MIT) in the US said that the<br />

work is inspired by hair-like structures in<br />

nature, which provide benefits such as<br />

warmth, in the case of human hair, and<br />

movement, in the case of cilia, which help<br />

remove dust from the lungs. To 3D-print<br />

hair using existing software, designers<br />

would have to model hair in CAD, drawing<br />

out each individual strand, then feed the<br />

drawing through a programme that<br />

represents each hair's contour as a mesh of<br />

tiny triangles. The programme would then<br />

create horizontal cross sections of the<br />

triangle mesh, and translate each cross<br />

section into pixels, or a bitmap, that a<br />

printer could then print out, layer by layer.<br />

“To know, is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge.”-Socrates 9

Ou said designing a stamp-sized array of<br />

6,000 hairs using this process would take<br />

several hours to process. To design hair, the<br />

researchers built a new software platform<br />

to model first a single hair and then an<br />

array of hairs, and finally to print arrays on<br />

both flat and curved surfaces.<br />

It helps you solve problems like forgotten<br />

passwords, security badges and has<br />

potential to be all in one replacement for<br />

drivers license, keychains, business cards,<br />

credit cards etc. Soon cell-phone will take a<br />

new form having no form at all. IBM has<br />

developed a prototype of cell-phone that<br />

consists of several pieces of digital jewellery<br />

that will work together wirelessly, with<br />

Bluetooth wireless-technology.<br />

Surapaneni. Divya Sri<br />

III Yr, CSE<br />

Trendy Tomorrow<br />

In the computer fashion wave, “Digital<br />

Jewellery” looks to be the next sizzling<br />

fashionable trend. The combination of<br />

shrinking computer devices and increasing<br />

computer power has allowed several<br />

companies to begin producing fashion<br />

jewellery with embedded intelligence. By<br />

the end of the decade we could be wearing<br />

our computers instead of sitting in front<br />

them. Digital Jewellery is fashion jewellery<br />

embedded with intelligence.<br />

Components: Speakers embedded into<br />

earrings will be the phone’s receiver,<br />

necklace embedded microphone to talk and<br />

magic decoder ring flashes for phone calls<br />

and emails piling up in our inbox and<br />

urgency of mails.<br />

Technical-Specifications:<br />

Digital jewellery consists of a display screen<br />

of 7-16-segments, LED, LCD’s. The main idea<br />

behind this to have convenience of wireless<br />

and wearable computers while fashionably<br />

sound.<br />

S. Sai Sushmitha<br />

II Yr, CSE<br />

“To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe. “-Marilyn vos Savant 10

Project Jacquard: Google’s plan to<br />

make our clothes go Techy<br />

Technology is being woven into our very<br />

clothes. Google has a new technology that<br />

can turn any type of fabric into a connected<br />

device. World's first smart denim jacket<br />

that's being built in collaboration<br />

between Google and Levi Strauss &co<br />

(American Jeans and Casual wear<br />

manufacturer).It is Google’s plan to weave<br />

touch controls into textiles right on the<br />

loom .The idea is that you’ll then be able<br />

to swipe and tap the fabric to do things like<br />

control music or get directions<br />

New conductive yarns that Google's<br />

Advanced Technology and Products (ATAP)<br />

team created with industrial partners<br />

combine thin metallic alloys with natural<br />

and synthetic yarns like cotton, polyester,<br />

or silk .Using this yarns, cloth makers can<br />

weave touch and gesture sensitive areas at<br />

desirable locations on the textile. Sensor<br />

grids can also be woven throughout the<br />

textile to create interactive surfaces. Touch<br />

and gesture input is wirelessly transmitted<br />

to the wearer's Smartphone or other<br />

mobile gadget. In this way a wearer can tap<br />

the surface to start a playlist while biking<br />

across town.<br />

Levi’s is making a black jean jacket<br />

embedded with jacquard sensors. The<br />

Jacquard sensor and controls are located on<br />

the sleeve of the jacket. Such uses include<br />

changing music while on a bike and<br />

receiving a tap when to make a turn. Like<br />

other clothing, it can be easily washed<br />

without damaging the technology. Jacquard<br />

weaves sensors into the textile, which can<br />

be used to control phones and other<br />

devices. For example, a user can control<br />

music and increase the volume by tapping<br />

on the sleeve of the jacket. Technology is<br />

embedded in the fabric.<br />

Capsule Endoscopy<br />

B. Bhavani<br />

III yr, CSE<br />

Capsule endoscopy is a way to record images of<br />

the digestive tract for use in medicine. The<br />

capsule is the size and shape of a pill and<br />

contains a tiny camera. After a patient swallows<br />

the capsule, it takes pictures of the inside of the<br />

gastrointestinal tract. The primary use of<br />

capsule endoscopy is to examine areas of the<br />

small intestine that cannot be seen by other<br />

types of endoscopy such as colonoscopy or<br />

esophagogastroduodenoscopy (ECD)<br />

“Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes.”-Peter Drucker 11

HoloLens- Microsoft’s Most Insane<br />

Invention<br />

Developers will soon get their first<br />

opportunity to create apps and games for<br />

Microsoft’s HoloLens mixed reality headset,<br />

which adds holographic computer images to<br />

the wearer’s physical environment.<br />

Medical uses:<br />

Capsule endoscopy is used to examine parts<br />

of the gastrointestinal tract that cannot be<br />

seen with other types of endoscopy. Upper<br />

endoscopy, also called EGD, uses a camera<br />

attached to a long flexible tube to view the<br />

oesophagus, the stomach and the beginning<br />

of the first part of the small intestine called<br />

theduodenum.<br />

Capsule endoscopy is useful when<br />

disease is suspected in the small intestine,<br />

and can sometimes diagnose sources of<br />

occult bleeding [blood visible<br />

microscopically only] or causes of<br />

abdominal pain such as Crohn's disease,<br />

or peptic ulcers.<br />

Capsule endoscopy transfers the captured<br />

images wirelessly to an external receiver<br />

worn by the patient using one of<br />

appropriate frequency bands. The collected<br />

images are then transferred to a computer<br />

for diagnosis, review and display. A<br />

transmitted radio-frequency signal can be<br />

used to accurately estimate the location of<br />

the capsule and to track it in real time<br />

inside the body and gastrointestinal tract.<br />

S.Apoorwa<br />

IIYr, CSE<br />

It includes a holographic version of the<br />

Skype communications app and a worldexploring<br />

app called HoloTour. Games are in<br />

the mix too, like crime<br />

drama Fragments and platformer Young<br />

Conker, both of which turn players’ physical<br />

environments into the game space.<br />

“It is amazing how different the play<br />

experience feels based on playing the game<br />

in your living room versus your kitchen or<br />

your bedroom,” writes Microsoft’s Kudo<br />

Tsunoda in a blog post. “Even starting the<br />

game from a different position in a single<br />

room creates an entirely new game play<br />

dynamic.”<br />

Microsoft is shipping its futuristic headset<br />

to developers just as the first mainstream<br />

virtual reality devices are starting to arrive.<br />

The Facebook-owned Oculus VR’s Rift<br />

goggles are expected to ship at the end of<br />

March, while HTC’s Vive virtual reality<br />

eyewear is coming in April.<br />

“ Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.”- William Shakespeare 12

Although the HoloLens experience might<br />

sound similar to virtual reality, it’s notably<br />

different. Unlike VR headsets, the HoloLens<br />

projects three-dimensional holograms onto<br />

the real world around a wearer, meaning<br />

the actual environment around a user is still<br />

visible. The HoloLens is a self-contained<br />

Windows 10 computer to be worn on the<br />

face with which wearers can interact<br />

through gestures, gaze, and voice<br />

commands.<br />

With this an able-bodied person<br />

can communicate with a deaf person by just<br />

speaking to the device. The device will then<br />

show the words that were said<br />

on its display so that the deaf could read<br />

the message. This displayed message<br />

can also be verbally read by the device if<br />

wanted. This function allows conversation<br />

to be possible even between the deaf and<br />

the blind. For example it can speak to a<br />

blind person what a Deaf person says;<br />

however, for a Deaf person it takes a voice<br />

and transforms it to sentence structure.<br />

Stick talk device<br />

Aakanksha Shastri<br />

II Yr, CSE<br />

Korean designer Sungjun Cha has come<br />

up with a design concept that will enable<br />

an able bodied people to communicate with<br />

the disabled people, called "Stick Talk<br />

Device" .This device helps you communicate<br />

with people who have hearing difficulties<br />

and who are visually handicapped, even if<br />

you don’t know how to read Braille and sign<br />

language.<br />

M . Sai Prathyusha<br />

II Yr, CSE<br />

Scientists Discover How to ‘Upload<br />

Knowledge to Your Brain’<br />

Researchers claim to have developed a<br />

simulator which can feed information<br />

directly into a person’s brain and teach<br />

them new skills in a shorter amount of time,<br />

comparing it to “life imitating art”. They<br />

believe it could be the first steps in<br />

developing advanced software that will<br />

make Matrix-style instant learning a reality.<br />

Researchers from HRL Laboratories, based<br />

“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”-H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 13

in California, studied the electrical signals in<br />

the brain of a trained pilot and then fed the<br />

data into novice subjects as they learned to<br />

pilot an aero plane in a realistic flight<br />

simulator. The study published in the<br />

journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,<br />

found that subjects who receive brain<br />

simulation via electrode embedded head<br />

caps improved their piloting abilities and<br />

learned the task 33 per cent better than a<br />

placebo group.<br />

When you learn something, your brain<br />

physically changes. Connections are<br />

made strengthened in a process called<br />

neuro-plascity. It turns out that certain<br />

functions of the brain, like speech and<br />

memory, are located in very specific regions<br />

of the brain and that brain stimulation<br />

could eventually be implemented for tasks<br />

like learning to drive, exam preparation and<br />

language learning.<br />

However, scientists are still busy working to<br />

find out a solution to the battery problem.<br />

A new device has been come into existence.<br />

Zinc Oxide has been employed to harness<br />

vibrations that have been caused by sounds<br />

and transform them into electricity.<br />

Generation of voltage takes place via nanorods<br />

by conversion of kinetic energy<br />

into electrical energy by stretching or<br />

squashing the zinc oxide. By providing<br />

electrical contacts on both ends of the rods,<br />

one is able to harvest enough electrical<br />

energy. The end product would be about<br />

the size of a mobile phone itself.<br />

G.T. Lakshmi Saranya<br />

III Yr,EEE<br />

Temporary tattoo could let diabetics<br />

monitor glucose levels without<br />

jabbing themselves<br />


II Yr, CSE<br />

Charge your phone by SHOUTING at<br />

it<br />

Smart phones are the most crucial everyday<br />

item justified owing to the huge number of<br />

tasks.<br />

Injections are a popular mode for delivering<br />

drugs in order to prevent and treat various<br />

diseases. But it is an invasive method of<br />

drug administration as it causes tissue<br />

damage.<br />

“ If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.” - Milton Berle 14

Injections can be a source of disease<br />

transmission, particularly when needles are<br />

re-used and used incorrectly.<br />

After the tattoo is applied to the patient, a<br />

"very mild" electrical current is also applied<br />

to their skin. This causes sodium ions in the<br />

fluid between their skin cells to migrate<br />

toward the electrodes. Those ions carry<br />

glucose molecules from the fluid with them.<br />

Using a built-in sensor, the tattoo then<br />

measures the strength of the electrical<br />

charge produced by that glucose. As a<br />

result, it's able to ascertain the glucose<br />

levels in the patient's bloodstream.<br />

Although the tattoo currently doesn't<br />

provide a numerical readout of those levels,<br />

a separate device is being developed for<br />

that very purpose. The team is also working<br />

on making the tattoos more durable, as<br />

they currently last for about a day once<br />

applied to the skin – fortunately, they're<br />

very inexpensive.<br />

J.Tara,<br />

III Yr, EEE<br />

Scientific Street Lamps to prevent<br />

Dengue Fever<br />

Dengue fever has become widespread in<br />

the tropical world, causing as many as 390<br />

million infections per year in 128 different<br />

countries. In order to eradicate this a street<br />

lamp, called the Eco-Greenergy outdoor<br />

lighting system.<br />

This is meant to bring better light sources to<br />

the cities and remote communities while<br />

also fighting mosquito-borne disease.<br />

It consists of an LED street lamp that<br />

produces low levels of carbon dioxide to<br />

mimic odors associated with humans,<br />

attracting the insects. The level of carbon<br />

dioxide emitted by the light is kept low to<br />

minimize emissions, but is still very<br />

attractive to mosquitoes. Mosquitoes enter<br />

a trap through windows on the top of the<br />

lamp, and are pulled into a net and kept<br />

there by a suction fan. The light functions<br />

entirely on wind and solar energy and is<br />

self-sustaining, meaning it can supply basic<br />

electricity even in very remote areas. The<br />

battery, electrical wiring, and controller are also<br />

installed on the top of the light pole, so that the<br />

light can even continue to function during<br />

floods.<br />

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible! “ - Audrey Hepburn 15

Although LED lights can last much longer than<br />

conventional street lighting, they are still quite<br />

expensive.<br />

completed, the nano-robots would be flushed<br />

from the body.<br />

P.Tejasree,<br />

II Yr,ECE<br />

Host<br />

WBC<br />

HIV<br />

Virus<br />

Infected<br />

WBC<br />

Anti HIV Using Nano-robots<br />

Nano-robots are nano devices that will be<br />

used for the purpose of maintaining and<br />

protecting the human body against<br />

pathogens and the operations are<br />

performed on nano metrics.<br />

There is no technology for the<br />

treatment of AIDS. To make the treatment<br />

more specific, we use the nano devices<br />

that use nano-sensors to sense the AIDS<br />

infected WBC’s.<br />

Nano-robot in Nanoscale<br />

According to current theories, nanorobots<br />

will possess rudimentary two-way<br />

communication; will respond to acoustic<br />

signals; and will be able to receive power from<br />

an external source via sound waves. A network<br />

of special stationary nano-robots might be<br />

strategically positioned throughout the body,<br />

logging each active nano-robot as it passes, and<br />

then reporting those results, allowing an<br />

interface to keep track of all of the devices in<br />

the body. A doctor could not only monitor a<br />

patient’s progress but change the instructions<br />

of the nano-robots in vivo to progress to<br />

another stage of healing. When the task is<br />

Restored<br />

WBC<br />

Solar Tree<br />

Nano<br />

robot<br />

T.Sudeepthi,<br />

IV yr EEE.<br />

Infected<br />

WBC<br />

Now days with the growing population and<br />

energy demand we should take a renewable<br />

option of energy source. A solar tree is a<br />

decorative means of producing solar energy<br />

and also electricity. It uses multiple no of<br />

solar panels which forms the shape of a tree<br />

and the panels are like leaves of the tree<br />

which produces energy. We can also use<br />

the technique called “SPIRALLING<br />

PHYLLATAXY” to improve the efficiency of<br />

the plant. It can be applied in street<br />

lightening system, industrial power-supply<br />

etc.<br />

“Believe you can and you're halfway there. “-Theodore Roosevelt 16

TREE stands for T= TREE GENERATING,<br />


E=ELECTRICITY. For conversion of solar<br />

radiation into usable form, the routes are:<br />

solar thermal, solar photovoltaic and solar<br />

architecture. Advantages of it are No air<br />

pollution, People in poor country would<br />

have access to electricity, People can save<br />

money and Land requirement is very less.<br />

Its disadvantages are Cost is high, May<br />

cause hazards to the birds and insects.<br />

Beyond just looking different, monohms<br />

Runcible is made for people who are turned<br />

off by the hyper-connectedness of typical<br />

smart phones. The Runcible is roughly the<br />

size of a coffee coaster and features a 2.5<br />

inch round screen with a resolution of 640 X<br />

640 pixels. It is powered by a Qualcomm<br />

Snapdragon 410 with 1GB of RAM and 8GB<br />

of storage, WiFi, Bluetooth 4.1. Further,<br />

there is a 7MP rear camera that is located in<br />

the middle of the device. This small mobile<br />

device has the basic features of a smart<br />

phone, but its design is intended to create a<br />

much different experience. The company to<br />

its device as an “anti-smart phone”, which is<br />

designed to refocus users’ attention on real<br />

people and the real world. We must<br />

appreciate to see a startup trying<br />

something different.<br />

D.Durga Bhavani<br />

IV Yr,ECE<br />

SMARTly designed Phone<br />

K.Praveena<br />

IV Yr, ECE<br />

MEMS mike for 'zero power' event<br />

detection<br />

Have you ever imagined a smart phone<br />

which is circular in shape rather than the<br />

bar shaped phones we carry? US based<br />

startup Monohm recently launched its<br />

circular smartphones named ‘Runcible<br />

Babbage’ and solid wood back ‘Runcible<br />

Lovelace’.<br />

The first commercially available quiescent<br />

sensing MEMS device, launched by Vesper,<br />

“ Great dreams of great dreamers are always transcended.”- A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 17

is said to open the possibility of acoustic<br />

event detection devices consuming almost<br />

no power.<br />

The VM1010 is a single ended<br />

analogue piezoelectric MEMS microphone<br />

said to consume 3µA while in listening<br />

mode. According to Vesper, the device<br />

features a rugged piezoelectric transducer<br />

that is immune to environmental<br />

contaminants, making it suitable for<br />

outdoor use as well as in kitchens and cars.<br />

“The VM1010 is the only device<br />

that uses sound energy to wake a system<br />

from full power down,” said Matt Crowley,<br />

CEO, Vesper. “Even when fully powered off,<br />

batteries in smart phones and smart<br />

speakers naturally dissipate 40 to 80µA,<br />

which is far more current than VM1010<br />

needs. This means there is no difference in<br />

battery-life for a system using VM1010 in<br />

listening mode and a fully powered down<br />

conventional system. “Once embedded in a<br />

voice powered TV remote control or smart<br />

speaker, for example, VM1010 could allow<br />

you to turn on your device from across the<br />

room without having to push a button and<br />

without diminishing battery life.”<br />


Pinipe Suma<br />

IVyr, ECE.<br />

A Memristor, or memory+ resistor, is described<br />

as one of the basic elements (resistor,<br />

capacitor, Inductor) of electronic circuits; it<br />

can’t be replaced by any combination of these<br />

elements. Computers today have<br />

to boot from hard drives because the data is<br />

erased from operating memory immediately<br />

after the computer is turned off. The process of<br />

booting takes much time and energy.<br />

Memristors could be used for loading data<br />

quicker because it remembers data even after<br />

power interruption. Therefore, they could be<br />

used to speed the booting process. As shown in<br />

the figure electricity runs through water flow by<br />

which resistors size is changed. When no power<br />

is supplied the diameter remains same as this<br />

helps it to hold data even when the power is<br />

turned off.<br />

A memristor-driven computer would arguably<br />

never need a reboot. You could leave all your<br />

Word files and spreadsheets open, turn off your<br />

computer, and “go get a cup of coffee or go on<br />

vacation for two weeks,” When you come back,<br />

you turn on your computer and everything is<br />

instantly on the screen exactly the way you left<br />

it. That’s how they work. The whole synapse<br />

idea is to do essential analog computation in an<br />

efficient manner.<br />

M. Soujanya<br />

III Yr,ECE<br />

“Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.”- Samuel Johnson 18

DOLFI<br />

We believe that the best technologies have<br />

their roots in nature. Ultrasonic technology<br />

is widely used for precise cleaning in<br />

industry and medicine – watches, jewellery<br />

etc.<br />

With this we can save on dry cleaning cost<br />

or for delegates and you won’t run out of<br />

fresh clothes on your travels. You can even<br />

buy any kind of fashion you like and not<br />

worry about the "Hand wash only" label.<br />

One can easily carry this to any place as a<br />

mobile charger.<br />

Exactly in the same way now this ultrasonic<br />

technology is now used for washing clothes.<br />

How does it work?<br />

It's amazingly simple... Put your clothes in<br />

waterproof container; add water, detergent<br />

and Dolfi. Switch the device on and enjoy<br />

your free time!<br />

The device will glow blue as it softly cleans<br />

your clothes. Blue light indicates ultrasound<br />

vibrations in the water. After only 30-40<br />

min, your clothes will be fresh and clean.<br />

Rinse them and hang to dry – you can wear<br />

your favorites again the next morning! Its<br />

powerful multi-frequency transducer<br />

creates precisely modulated wideband<br />

progressive sound waves, which travel<br />

through water and form microscopic highpressure<br />

bubbles. The tiny bubbles then<br />

implode, creating millions of micro-jet liquid<br />

streams. Those invisible yet powerful<br />

streams safely wash away all dirt from<br />

fabric.<br />

K.Tejaswini<br />

III Yr,ECE<br />

Green clothing from recycled plastic<br />

bottles<br />

There was a time when used plastic bottles<br />

were a threat to the environment. Today, it<br />

is being used positively to manufacture<br />

garments. In fact, many people are wearing<br />

this green garment made from used water<br />

bottles. In the current scenario of textile<br />

pollution, choosing green clothing is a sign<br />

of being responsible and sensible towards<br />

environment.<br />

With the help of advanced technology, first<br />

of all the plastic bottles are collected,<br />

compressed, packed into bales and shipped<br />

to the processing factory. Then, the plastic<br />

bottles are chipped and melted into white<br />

round balls which are again crushed and<br />

spun through shower like nozzle that results<br />

into viscose yarn.<br />

“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.”- Lyndon B. Johnson 19

These yarns are used to weave fabrics and<br />

finally end up into a trendy piece of<br />

clothing. This process also consumes 30%<br />

less energy than garments which are made<br />

from conventionally manufactured<br />

polyester. It is proven that recycling plastic<br />

reduces pollution.<br />

Using pillows with conducting fibres in the<br />

fabric, it will be possible to see or monitor<br />

electrical activity from the brain.<br />

This will not only show when someone is<br />

dreaming, but also able to tell what they<br />

are dreaming about.<br />

jeans made out of plastic bottles<br />

It is also possible (with prior agreement<br />

presumably, and when both people are in a<br />

dream state at the same time) for two<br />

people to share dreams. One could try to<br />

steer a friend’s dream in the same<br />

direction, so that they could effectively<br />

share a dream, and may even be able to<br />

interact in it.<br />

K . Krishna Sree Sai<br />

Dream Linking<br />

Sarvani. K<br />

III Yr,EEE<br />

Dreams are successions of images, ideas,<br />

emotions, and sensations that occur usually<br />

involuntarily in the mind during certain<br />

stages of sleep.<br />

II Yr,IT.<br />

Space X Dragon<br />

Dragon is a free-flying spacecraft designed<br />

to deliver both cargo and people to orbiting<br />

destinations.<br />

Dragon is a spacecraft developed by<br />

SpaceX, an American private space<br />

transportation company based in<br />

“The noblest search is the search for excellence.”- Lyndon B. Johnson 20

Hawthorne, California. It’s manufacturer is<br />

SpaceX .<br />

Dragon Version 2, along with Boeing’s CST-<br />

100, as the nation’s new taxi to and from<br />

the International Space Station.<br />

This technology should be gentler, to<br />

protect delicate instruments, and more<br />

accurate, to deliver the craft’s seven<br />

passengers with the precision of a<br />

helicopter.<br />

It is the only spacecraft currently flying that<br />

is capable of returning significant amounts<br />

of cargo to Earth. Currently Dragon carries<br />

cargo to space, but it was designed from<br />

the beginning to carry humans.<br />

It is just like a cab that we take help of to<br />

travel to over desired destination.<br />

SpaceX is made from both safety and<br />

efficiency in Dragon’s design. Most<br />

spacecraft, including the Soyuz capsules<br />

that currently dynamic astronauts, depend<br />

on parachutes to slow their re-entry speed,<br />

which makes for a rough landing.<br />

This may even would help us to create man<br />

living on any of over desired planet. As all of<br />

us have been hearing travelling and leaving<br />

on other planet, which will be becoming<br />

true in just few years by this magnificent<br />

innovation which would lead to a great<br />

change in our entire world.<br />

Dragon can also be prepped for re-launch in<br />

weeks, dramatically reducing mission<br />

turnaround time and potentially saving<br />

millions of dollars. As a result, the final<br />

frontier will become more accessible than<br />

ever.<br />

Prathi Sai Harika<br />

II Yr,CSE<br />

This year, SpaceX unveiled one of the first<br />

privately developed manned spacecraft. A<br />

few months later, NASA officially selected<br />

“You have to dream before your dreams can come true”- A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 21

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Plot No. 8-5/4, Rajiv Gandhi Nagar Colony,<br />

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Phone: 040 - 4241 7773<br />

Email: info@bvrithyderabad.edu.in, principal@bvrithyderabad.edu.in<br />

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