MR Microinsurance_2012_03_29.indd - International Labour ...

MR Microinsurance_2012_03_29.indd - International Labour ... MR Microinsurance_2012_03_29.indd - International Labour ...


608 Bibliography De Allegri, M.; Sanon, M.; Bridges, J.; Sauerborn, R. 2006. “Understanding consumers’ preferences and decision to enrol in community-based health insurance in rural West Africa”, in Health Policy, Vol. 76, No. 1, pp. 58–71. De Bruyn, T.; Wets, J. 2006. Remittances in the Great Lakes Region, IOM Migration Research Series No. 2 (Geneva, International Organization of Migration). de Neubourg, C. 2009. “Social protection and nationbuilding: an essay on why and how universalist social policy contributes to stable nation-states”, in P. Townsend (ed.): Building decent societies: Rethinking the role of social security in development (Geneva and Basingstoke, ILO and Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 63–79. Dekker, M.; Wilms, A. 2009a. Can health insurance be the magic bullet? The case of Microcare in Uganda (Netherlands, African Studies Center Info Sheet). —. 2009b. “Health insurance and other risk-coping strategies in Uganda: The case of Microcare insurance”, in World Development, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 369–378. Delgado, C.; Rosegrant, M.; Steinfeld, H.; Ehui, S.; Courbois, C. 1999. “Livestock to 2020: The next food revolution”, in A 2020 Vision for Food, Agriculture, and the Environment, No. 61. Department of India Post, at: Department of Information Technology, India. 2011. Dercon, S.; Bold, T.; De Weerdt, J.; Pankhurst, A. 2004. Extending insurance? Funeral associations in Ethiopia and Tanzania, OECD Development Centre Working paper No. 240 (Paris, OECD). —; Hoddinott, J.; Woldehanna, T. 2005. “Consumption and shocks in 15 Ethiopian Villages, 1999–2004”, in Journal of African Economies Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 559–585. —. (ed.). 2005. Insurance against poverty (Oxford, Oxford University Press). —. 2006. “Group-based funeral insurance in Ethiopia and Tanzania”, in World Development, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 685–703. —; Hoddinott J.; Krishan. P; Woldehanna, T. 2008. Collective action and vulnerability: Burial societies in rural Ethiopia, CAPRI Working Paper No. 83 (International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)). —; Kirchberger, M. 2008. Literature review on microinsurance, Microinsurance Paper Series No. 1 (Geneva, ILO). ––; Gilligan, D.O.; Hoddinott, J.; Woldehanna, T. 2009. “The impact of agricultural extension and roads on poverty and consumption growth in fifteen Ethiopian villages”, in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 91, No. 4, pp. 1007–1021. —. 2011. Social protection, efficiency, and growth, CSAE Working Paper 2011–17 (Centre for the Study of African Economics, University of Oxford). —; Gunning, J.W.; Zeitlin, A. 2011. 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Indian community health insurance schemes provide partial protection against catastrophic health expenditure, BMC Health Services Research, Vol. 7, No. 43, at: 6963/7/43 [25 Apr. 2011]. Development of Human Action (DHAN) Foundation. 2009. DHAN Foundation Annual Report, at: http:// Dickersin, K. 1990. “The existence of publication bias and risk factors for its occurrence”, in Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 263, No. 10, pp. 1385– 1389. Dimitríjevics, A. 2007. Mainstreaming gender into disaster recovery and reconstruction (Washington, D.C., World Bank). Diop, F.P.; Sulzbach, S.; Chankova, S. 2006. The impact of mutual health organizations on social inclusion, access to health care and household income protection: Evidence from Ghana, Senegal and Mali, Partners for Health Reformplus project (Bethesda, MD, Abt Associates). Dodd, R.; Munck, L. 2002. 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