BC-DX 697 05 Jan 2005 Private Verwendung der Meldun

BC-DX 697 05 Jan 2005 Private Verwendung der Meldun BC-DX 697 05 Jan 2005 Private Verwendung der Meldun


BC-DX 697 05 Jan 2005 ________________________________________________________________________ Private Verwendung der Meldungen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede kommerzielle Verwendung bedarf der Zustimmung des Newslettereditors. Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP. !!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WWDXC website. !!! Any items from Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages, from the original source through DXLD, and publications quoting are made available to gh in exchange. A-DX -Information on German spoken A-DX Mailing List read under Reproduction of items from BC-DX / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due credit is given to the contributor and to BC-DX / Top News. Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only with prior written consent of the editor of BC-DX / Top News. This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage-German AGDX Club-direct address: or via Link of Homepage: Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week under: e-mail Call to the worldwide community of DXers to help ! You all will have seen the pictures on your TV of the TSUNAMI-desaster which has hit the countries around the Bay of Bengal and the scale of devastation truly beyond anyone's comprehension. While international help is beginning to pour in into these countries, and bank accounts for donations have been established in many countries, I feel that we as a truly "international" community could also do our own bit to help. In Sri Lanka, one of the worst hit countries, Victor Goonetilleke, an internationally renowned DXer and Radio ham, 4S7VK, who is also the president of the Sri Lanka amateur radio society, has been busy with his friends to support the govt to establish communication lines to many of the outlying communities hit by the desaster. While they are doing what they can, they lack funds for everything, from equipment, materials to petrol for transporting staff and equipment across the country. I myself have spent two and a half years in Sri Lanka as a telecoms consultant and know how difficult logistics can be already under normal conditions let alone now in this situation. I also have known Victor for the last twenty-six years and I know that he is a truly trustworthy person who will make it his personal responsibility that not one single cent or penny will be spent for anything else than aid. Whatever is not used by the radio amateur society for their activities, will be spend to buy food, clothing or medicine. In addition, whatever funds will be made available by

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>697</strong> <strong>05</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

<strong>Private</strong> <strong>Verwendung</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Meldun</strong>gen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede<br />

kommerzielle <strong>Verwendung</strong> bedarf <strong>der</strong> Zustimmung des Newslettereditors.<br />

Extracts of items sourced to E<strong>DX</strong>P may be further reproduced but only by<br />

organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with<br />

E<strong>DX</strong>P.<br />

!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C website. !!!<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio may<br />

be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages,<br />

from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting are made<br />

available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

credit is given to the contributor and to <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only<br />

with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our<br />

WW<strong>DX</strong>C WWW homepage-German AG<strong>DX</strong> Club-direct address:<br />

<br />

or via Link of Homepage: <br />

Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

Call to the worldwide community of <strong>DX</strong>ers to help !<br />

You all will have seen the pictures on your TV of the TSUNAMI-desaster<br />

which has hit the countries around the Bay of Bengal and the scale of<br />

devastation truly beyond anyone's comprehension. While international help<br />

is beginning to pour in into these countries, and bank accounts for<br />

donations have been established in many countries, I feel that we as a<br />

truly "international" community could also do our own bit to help.<br />

In Sri Lanka, one of the worst hit countries, Victor Goonetilleke, an<br />

internationally renowned <strong>DX</strong>er and Radio ham, 4S7VK, who is also the<br />

president of the Sri Lanka amateur radio society, has been busy with his<br />

friends to support the govt to establish communication lines to many of the<br />

outlying communities hit by the desaster. While they are doing what they<br />

can, they lack funds for everything, from equipment, materials to petrol<br />

for transporting staff and equipment across the country.<br />

I myself have spent two and a half years in Sri Lanka as a telecoms<br />

consultant and know how difficult logistics can be already un<strong>der</strong> normal<br />

conditions let alone now in this situation. I also have known Victor for<br />

the last twenty-six years and I know that he is a truly trustworthy person<br />

who will make it his personal responsibility that not one single cent or<br />

penny will be spent for anything else than aid. Whatever is not used by the<br />

radio amateur society for their activities, will be spend to buy food,<br />

clothing or medicine. In addition, whatever funds will be made available by

anyone of us will be fully accounted for and at the end of the effort every<br />

contributor will be informed where the money went to.<br />

I myself have already pledged Victor 500 US-$ because of the emotional ties<br />

I still have with this country and since I cannot go down there myself and<br />

help. But any amount from any of you will be most welcome. I have<br />

volunteered to collect the money here in Germany and send it in bulk to<br />

Victor in Colombo, so if you are willing to help I would appreciate a short<br />

e-mail to me at<br />

<br />

and I will let you know the bank account details.<br />

Gerhard Werdin, dswci #1206, Dec 29.<br />

(via Wolfgang B schel, dswci #1331) SEE ALSO UNDER SRI LANKA.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong>.com supports Gerhard Werdin's (he is known for his activities for Sri<br />

Lanka's Union of Asian <strong>DX</strong>-ers) campaign for Victor Goonetilleke and his<br />

Amateur-Radio helpers in Sri Lanka:<br />

In Sri Lanka, one of the worst hit countries, Victor Goonetilleke, an<br />

internationally renowned <strong>DX</strong>er and Radio ham, 4S7VK, who is also the<br />

president of the Sri Lanka amateur radio society, has been busy with his<br />

friends to support the govt to establish communication lines to many of the<br />

outlying communities hit by the desaster. While they are doing what they<br />

can, they lack funds for everything, from equipment, materials to petrol<br />

for transporting staff and equipment across the country.<br />

Read more to find out how to help: <br />

(Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, A-<strong>DX</strong> NL Dec 31, via dxld)<br />

Aufruf zur Hilfe an die Gemeinschaft <strong>der</strong> <strong>DX</strong>er weltweit !<br />

Ihr werdet alle die Bil<strong>der</strong> im Fernsehen <strong>der</strong> Flutkatastrophe in Suedasien<br />

und das Ausmass <strong>der</strong> Zerstoerung, das alles Vorstellbare uebersteigt,<br />

gesehen haben. Waehrend internationale Hilfe fuer diese Laen<strong>der</strong> anlaeuft<br />

und Spendenkonten in vielen Laen<strong>der</strong>n eingerichtet worden sind, finde ich,<br />

dass wir als eine wirklich internationale Gemeinschaft unseren Beitrag<br />

leisten sollten und koennen.<br />

Auf Sri Lanka, einem <strong>der</strong> am staerksten betroffenen Laen<strong>der</strong>, ist Victor<br />

Goonetilleke, ein international bekannter und angesehener <strong>DX</strong>er und<br />

Funkamateur, 4S7VK, welcher auch <strong>der</strong> Praesident <strong>der</strong> Sri Lanka Amateurfunk<br />

Society ist, dabei, mit seinen Freunden die Regierung mit <strong>der</strong> Errichtung<br />

von Kommunikationsverbindungen zu entlegenen Distrikten zu unterstuetzen.<br />

Waehrend sie ihr Bestes tun, fehlt es doch an finanziellen Mitteln fuer<br />

alles, von Ausruestung ueber Material bis hin zu Benzin, um Personen und<br />

Material durchs Land zu transportieren.<br />

Ich selbst habe zweieinhalb Jahre auf Sri Lanka als Telekom-Berater<br />

verbracht und weiss, wie schwierig die Logistik bereits unter normalen<br />

Umstaenden sein kann, umso mehr in dieser Situation. Ich kenne Victor seit<br />

26 Jahren und ich kann versichern, dass er absolut vertrauenswuerdig und<br />

integer ist und dass er es zu seiner persoenlichen Angelegenheit machen<br />

wird, dass je<strong>der</strong> einzelne Cent fuer nichts an<strong>der</strong>es als Hilfsleistungen<br />

verwendet wird. Was auch immer nicht von <strong>der</strong> Amateurfunk Society direkt<br />

benoetigt wird, wird fuer direkte Hilfe in Form von Lebensmitteln, Kleidung<br />

und Medikamenten verwendet werden. Ausserdem wird die <strong>Verwendung</strong> aller<br />

Gel<strong>der</strong>, die von uns aufgebracht werden, komplett am Ende nachgewiesen und<br />

je<strong>der</strong> einzelne Spen<strong>der</strong> wird ueber den Verbleib des Geldes informiert<br />


Ich selbst habe Victor bereits 500 US-$ zugesagt, weil ich mich dem Land<br />

und seinen Menschen noch immer verbunden fuehle und ich nicht selbst<br />

dorthin reisen kann, um selbst zu helfen. Aber je<strong>der</strong> Betrag von jedem von<br />

Euch ist herzlich willkommen.<br />

Ich biete mich hiermit an, die Spenden hier in Deutschland zu sammeln und<br />

anschliessend nach Sri Lanka zu transferieren. Wenn Ihr helfen wollt,<br />

schickt mir bitte eine kurze mail an<br />

<br />

und ich werde Euch umgehend meine Bankdaten fuer die Spende zukommen<br />

lassen.<br />

Gerhard Werdin (Dec 29)<br />

ALBANIA CRI presented their friends in Albania with a little gift for the<br />

new year and moved away from 7120 for the period 2200-2400 (Spanish), new<br />

frequency 7250 [via Urumchi-CHN, wb.]. Now R Tirana is well heard on 7120<br />

at 2230-2300 in English.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

CRI English freqs from Albania update: <strong>05</strong>00-0600 now on 7220 175<strong>05</strong>, 0600-<br />

0700 now on 11750 175<strong>05</strong>. (Sergey Kolesov-RUS, W<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

Radio Tirana to NoAmerica in Albanian 6115 at 0000-0130 UT received here<br />

with a 432 SIO but new CRI relay on 6020 at 0000-0200 UT is not being<br />

heard. (Eric Walton-CAN, W<strong>DX</strong>C)<br />

Could be they are using a different antenna beam. (Mike Barraclough-UK,<br />

W<strong>DX</strong>C)<br />

CRI Cerrik 6020 and 9570 kHz still as strong as before, just checked, wb.<br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 5th.<br />

ALGERIA [CLAND from ALG to WeSahara] 7460 Radio Nacional de la RASD<br />

Reactivated!<br />

RASD: Noted SW \\ has returned. MW 1550 kHz \\ 7460 with Spanish songs at<br />

2335 UT on 25/12/04. (Steve Whitt-UK, MWC via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

7460 -- at 20<strong>05</strong> UT in Arabic with many mentions of the WeSahara, then nx<br />

read by man. Got a phone call and had to retune at 2110, still there with<br />

woman in Arabic. Fair signal, clear channel, but never caught an ID. (Hans<br />

Johnson-USA, Cumbre Dec 29)<br />

7460 RASD We Sahara now regularly back, at least since Dec 25th, 35333,<br />

drums with local song, good audio quality today. Fair signal at 0715 UT.<br />

But suffers co-channel QRM by RFA Korean Ulan Bataar + jamming at 2100-2300<br />

UT. (wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 3-4)<br />

ARMENIA R Armenia now heard daily incl. Sunday in German 19<strong>05</strong>-1925 on<br />

4810 and 9965 (x9960), though announced erroneously as: Mon-Sat 18<strong>05</strong> on<br />

4860 and 9960, and Sunday 18<strong>05</strong>-1825 on 4810 and 15270. (Friedrich Buettner-<br />

D, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 26)<br />

AUSTRIA/U.K. [to U.K.& WeEUR / NoAM too] Tuned into 7110 at 2135 UT on<br />

Friday 31 Dec, 2004, expecting to hear Wales Radio International. A very<br />

strong signal was coming in, a mxal program with discussion in German<br />

between mxal items. Off abruptly at 2200 UT without any ID. Since Wales<br />

Radio International is transmitted from Moosbrunn-AUT at this time (acc to<br />

a schedule I have), I presume that I was hearing an Austrian domestic<br />

program. Perhaps a Wales program was not available. (Bernie O'Shea-Ont-CAN,<br />

dxld Dec 31)<br />

60<strong>05</strong> 0300 0330 ......s MNO Rampisham 500 300 English NoAM HR 4/4/0.5<br />

17625 1130 1200 ......s MNO Rampisham 500 62 English OC HR 4/4/0.5

7110 2130 2200 .....f. MNO Moosbrunn 100 300 English WeEUR.<br />

Radio Wales International. Our programme, Celtic Notes is bc once a week at<br />

the following times and wavelengths on SW.<br />

CELTIC NOTES IS A weekly half-hour programme that is broadcast on the<br />

Internet and SW to<br />

EUR - Moosbrunn-AUT tx - Fris: Summer 2030, Winter 2130 UT<br />

NoAM - Rampisham tx - Sats: Summer 0200, Winter 0300<br />

AUS/AS - Rampisham tx - Sats: Summer 1230, Winter 1130<br />

Celtic Notes is also broadcast weekly on the internet at:<br />

<br />

This is the only programme we broadcast on SW. It is also uploaded in MP3<br />

each week to our web site <br />

where you will also find archiv radio programmes in real audio. There are<br />

also links to other web sites that will give information about Wales.<br />

Jenny O'Brien<br />

Wales Radio International<br />

Pros Kairon<br />

Crymych<br />

Pembrokeshire<br />

SA41 3QE<br />

Wales UK<br />

( via Joachim Thiel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong>, Dec 17, 2000 ! )<br />

Radio Austria International has a four min English broadcast at 0709 on<br />

6155.<br />

(Susan Evans-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C)<br />

ROI have been heard since December 22nd on 5755 around 1830 tune in in\\to<br />

5945 and 6155, variable reception with deep fading. Is this a harmonic?<br />

(Edwin Southwell-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C)<br />

No a harmonic is on an exact multiple of the fundamental frequency, this<br />

will probably be a mixing product of the two freqs or just a spurious<br />

radiation.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

BELARUS Radio Belarus Ext. Sce eff from <strong>Jan</strong>uary 1:<br />

2000-2300 on additional 7440 MNS 150 kW / 270 deg \\ 71<strong>05</strong> and 7340.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

BENIN RDF Benin, 5025, at 2135-2200 on Dec 27. Started monitoring this<br />

freq at 2026 with threshold signal, improves to fair signal and copy by<br />

2135 with OM announcer in French, some echo-style annts and a talk or callin<br />

program. Long "PARAKOU" barked by announcer at 2158 UT. R. Rebelde<br />

either sign-on or fade in around 2201 (I think I heard the IS but did not<br />

check to match against interval- signals.com), Benin stays un<strong>der</strong>neath<br />

Rebelde for quite a while past 2200. \\ 7210 is a different Benin channel I<br />

believe, but this freq covered by Ham QRM. (Jeff Heller-IL-USA, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

5025 Rdif Nationale Parakou on <strong>Jan</strong> 2 at 2035 UT. English nx but heavily<br />

QRMed by jammer, whoever that was for. Faint signals of other station on<br />

the frequency. Very short mx between nx items. At 2039 ID as 'National<br />

Service of Radio Benin'. Continued in English, but jammer-QRM very heavy.<br />

Nothing much else on the bands exc 4500/4910 and also (Tanzania) 5<strong>05</strong>0.1<br />

kHz.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 2)

R Parakou 5025 <strong>05</strong>00-2000 (<strong>05</strong>00-0600 Su-Th, 0845-1200 Fr-Sa, 1400-1600<br />

Tu/Fr-Sa). (wb.)<br />


B-04 for Int.Radio of Serbia & Montenegro via BEO[Bijeljina Bosnia] 250 kW<br />

1330-1358 Mon-Fri 11835#100 deg English to AUS >>>>> unregistered freq<br />

1400-1458 Mon-Fri 7200 310 deg Serbian to WeEu >>>>> relay HS-1 Beograde<br />

1400-1528 Sat/Sun 7200 310 deg Serbian to WeEu >>>>> relay HS-1 Beograde<br />

1500-1528 Mon-Fri 11835&100 deg Serbian to AUS >>>>> unregistered freq<br />

1530-1558 Daily 11800 130 deg Arabic to ME<br />

1600-1628 Daily 6100 040 deg Russian to RUS<br />

1630-1643 Daily 6100 non-dir Hungarian to Eu<br />

1645-1658 Daily 6100 130 deg Greek to SoEaEu<br />

1700-1728 Daily 6100^310 deg French to WeEu<br />

1730-1758 Daily 6100^310 deg German to WeEu<br />

1800-1813 Daily 6100^180 deg Albanian to SoEaEu<br />

1815-1828 Daily 6100^130 deg Bulgarian to SoEaEu<br />

1830-1858 Daily 6100^310 deg Italian to WeEu<br />

1900-1928 Daily 6100^040 deg Russian to RUS<br />

1930-1958 Daily 6100^310 deg English to WeEu<br />

2000-2028 Daily 7200*250 deg Spanish to SoEu >>>>> but registered 7220<br />

2030-2<strong>05</strong>8 Sun-Fri 6100^310 deg Serbian to WeEu<br />

2030-2128 Sat 6100^310 deg Serbian to WeEu<br />

2100-2128 Sun-Fri 6100 310 deg German to WeEu<br />

2130-2158 Daily 6100 310 deg French to WeEu<br />

2200-2228 Daily 6100 310 deg Englidh to WeEu<br />

2330-2358 Daily 9580!<strong>05</strong>5 deg Chinese to SoEaAs<br />

0000-0028 Daily 9680 265 deg Spanish to SoAmWe<br />

0030-0<strong>05</strong>8 Mon-Sat 7115 310 deg Serbian to NoAmEa<br />

0030-0128 Sun 7115 310 deg Serbian to NoAmEa<br />

0100-0128 Mon-Sat 7115 310 deg English to NoAmEa<br />

0130-0158 Daily 7115 310 deg Serbian to NoAmEa<br />

0200-0228 Daily 7130 325 deg English to NoAmWe<br />

# totally blocked by B<strong>BC</strong> in Bengali<br />

& totally blocked by VOA in English<br />

^ totally blocked by CRI in English + VOIROI Albanian 1830-1927 & 2030-2127<br />

* totally blocked by Radio Bulgaria in Bulgarian<br />

! totally blocked by B<strong>BC</strong> in Chinese.<br />

All txions are irreg. on air!!!<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

BULGARIA New schedule for Voice Africa in English via SOF 100 kW / 215<br />

deg<br />

1600-1800 NF 13820*(55555), ex 11560, re-ex 15650 >>>>> additional txion<br />

1800-2000 NF 11560 (55555), ex 15650, re-ex 9680 to avoid VOA in Persian<br />

*co-ch Pan American Broadcasting in English 1600-1630 Sun only!<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

Frequency change to Christian Voice sce to Nigeria: The signal on 15650 was<br />

not propagating very well and it has been changed to 1600-1800 on 13820,<br />

1800-2000 on 11560.<br />

(CVI, <strong>Jan</strong> 3, dxld) Presumably via Kostinbrod Bulgaria as before, gh.<br />

BULGARIA/ITALY Dear colleagues, The following is IRRS-Shortwave planned<br />

schedule for the period A-<strong>05</strong> (March 27, 20<strong>05</strong> until Oct. 10, 20<strong>05</strong>).<br />

Please notice that our association will not participate to the HFCC<br />

coordination meetings. If you need assistance in coordination with the<br />

frequencies listed below, please contact me directly at the numbers or<br />

email below.<br />

IRRS-Shortwave (Milan, Italy):<br />

5775 kHz 1900-2030 UTC Mon-Thu,Sat 20 kW - target (1)

5775 kHz 1900-2200 UTC Fri & Sun 100 kW - target (1)<br />

13840 kHz 0700-1200 UTC Sat & Sun 20 kW - target (1)<br />

15665 kHz 1100-1200 UTC Fri 100 kW - target (2)<br />

(1) Europe, N. Africa & Middle East<br />

(ITU zones: 18-19, 27-30, 37-39)<br />

(2) East Africa (ITU zones: 27-30, 36-39, 45)<br />

IRRS-Shortwave is owned and operated by NEXUS International Broadcasting<br />

Association (NEXUS-IBA). Please check program schedules at<br />

<br />

All programs are also available 24/24 via our streaming sces at:<br />

and: <br />

With best regards from Milano,<br />

Alfredo E. Cotroneo, CEO, NEXUS-Int'l Broadcasting Association<br />

P.O.Box 11028, 20110, Milano, Italy email: <br />

(via Swopan Chakroborty-IND, dxld)<br />

IRRS A-<strong>05</strong> freq selection.<br />

Why not cooperate with HFCC?? It might get out where your relay transmitter<br />

site is?<br />

(gh, <strong>DX</strong>LD <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

RBU organization is doing the job for legal IRRS relay in Bulgaria via<br />

Kostinbrod-Sofia site. (wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 3)<br />

BURKINA FASO 5030, Radiodiff Television de Burkina, Dec 29, tune in 1853<br />

when fairly good signal with what appeared to be 'Western Union' adv in<br />

local lang's prgr. On the hour gave time as '19 heurs' into French 'le<br />

rapport du soir' presented by Jean Batiste Bateaux. Same good signal during<br />

evening with French radioplay and lots of mx incl local rap. Final annt<br />

2358 with ID as 'Radiodiffusion Television de Burkina' and said would come<br />

back 'tomorrow' at <strong>05</strong>30 UT. Off 0001 after instrumental tune.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 29)<br />

5030, Rdif. National du Burkina, Ouagadougou, at 1734-1900 UT on Dec 24.<br />

Vernacular programme, French talk about Christmas, nx from Burkina. 35433.<br />

(Mendez and Scholz-D; dswci <strong>DX</strong>W)<br />

Also heard 0615-0645, Dec 25, French annmt, Afropop, ID: "RTB", 45344. On<br />

Dec 26 at 0640: 35333. (Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 26)<br />

5030, Radio Television du Burkina at 2350 UT on Dec 31 with afropops, then<br />

tribal rhythms then a man with New Year's greetings in French at 0000 UT<br />

like "Bonne annee a Radio-Television du Burkina", then afropops and more<br />

greetings - still on a 0<strong>05</strong>3 UT recheck with afropops and more greetings<br />

(Mark Coady-ON-CAN, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

7230, Rdif. National du Burkina, Ouagadougou, at 0802 on Dec 26. French<br />

annmt, Xmas song, seemed usual religious segment, clear freq but fading<br />

out, 25332.<br />

(Martien Groot-HOL, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 26)<br />

CANADA 6160 at 1648-, CKZU on <strong>Jan</strong> 2. C<strong>BC</strong> Vancouver's SW relay must have<br />

a tx fault. Distorted audio (I thought originally it might have been a<br />

North Korean!). Still decipherable, but this is the first time I've heard a<br />

distortion on a C<strong>BC</strong> tx. Hope this doesn't cause any major headaches for<br />

them. (Walt Salmaniw-Vic-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

CHINA Some freqs changes for China Radio International:<br />

0800-0857 Chinese on 17650# ex in French<br />

1300-1357 Bengali NF 9490, ex 9610

1400-1457 Tamil NF 9490, ex 11685<br />

1930-1957 Romanian NF 7200* ex 7110<br />

2200-2257 Portuguese NF 7245, additional<br />

# co-ch R.Japan NHK in Japanese. * co-ch R.Bulgaria in Bulgarian.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

9770 RCI via Kashi/Kashgar Transmitter. Full Data Special Maple Leaf<br />

Mailbag QSL in 17 days.<br />

74<strong>05</strong>, 9425 & 9435 CRI. Received three QSL cards without the specific tx<br />

sites (which I reported as Kashi/Kashgar) Have sent back my cards for the<br />

clarification. Will see what transpires. (Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, Cumbre<br />

Dec 31)<br />

6045, People's Broadcasting Station, Nei Menggu, (pres), 1040-1<strong>05</strong>1 UT.<br />

Noted a man and woman in Chinese comments. I orignally tuned this in and<br />

found it to be off freq slightly (6044.88), but by the hour, the signal had<br />

been adjusted to 6045 exactly. I guess the tech at PBS was having a bad day<br />

with his tuning? Signal was threshold in Clewiston, FL.<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, hcdx Dec 29)<br />

COLOMBIA 6010t, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Bogota at 2351 - <strong>Jan</strong> 03 0001 UT.<br />

Tentative; very weak and noisy signal with man in Spanish with what sounded<br />

like religious talk (way too poor to really un<strong>der</strong>stand though) followed by<br />

a very beautifool llanera tune, then an ID with mention of "...onda<br />

corta..." followed by a different sounding folkloric song, then<br />

incomprehensible talk. Knowing that llanera mx wich is a folkloric kind of<br />

mx with lots oh harp, is made only in Venezuela and eastern Colombia, I can<br />

rule out Radio Parinacota (wich I heard once during a mini-<strong>DX</strong>pedition to<br />

×le-Bizard with only talk content) and Emisora Ciudad de Montevideo.<br />

(Bogdan Chiochiu-QC-CAN, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

CONGO 72<strong>05</strong> RTNC Lubumbashi (tent) Thanks O<strong>DX</strong>A tip. Very tentative, but<br />

heard at 1937 with talk in French. Poor signal with some ARO interference.<br />

Never got any better so I gave up at 1955 UT. Just need a better day. (Hans<br />

Johnson-USA, Cumbre Dec 29)<br />

CONGO Rep. of 5985 Radio Congo P/D cd and letter in 28 days for m/s.<br />

V/S: Expediteur: Mr. Felix LOSSOMBO, B.P. 2912, Brazzaville, CONGO.<br />

(Ross Comeau-MA-USA, ibid. <strong>DX</strong> Dec 29)<br />

RTV Congolaise (pres), 5985 kHz at 2202-2248 on Dec 25. Tune in to OM talk<br />

with poor signal and copy, later an OM studio announcer with fast drumming<br />

and Afro pop style mx, frequent talk over mx by announcer. Presumed B/c no<br />

clear ID.<br />

RTV Congolaise, 5985 kHz at 0422-0455 on Dec 26. Caught a good ID as "Congo<br />

Brazzaville" this time at tune-in, then OM talk in French. Highlife type<br />

mx, good signal and copy, but possible carrier modulation from WFYR<br />

un<strong>der</strong>neath. Obliterated at 0455 by WFYR IS. '04 WRTH [and '<strong>05</strong>] shows signon<br />

at 0430 but noted at 0422 UT.<br />

(Jeff Heller-IL-USA, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

Scheduled 0430-2300 UT, (En 1835-1845 Fr-Sa, 1900-1915 Su-We, 1930-1945<br />

Th).<br />

CUBA 6060, R Reloj, via Bauta, at 0840-0850 fade out on Dec 27. Spanish<br />

speaking station with time ann every min. Signal was weak. ID sounded like<br />

" Radio Reloj" but time ann was for 04 hours which would not tally with old<br />

Radio Reloj, Costa Rica which is UTC-6hrs. Will listen in tomorrow morning<br />

for further identification.<br />

(Patrick Cody, visiting Canary Islands; Dec 26)

No, it is a relay of R Reloj on Cuba which has been noted on this freq from<br />

R Habana Cuba signs off at <strong>05</strong>00* using same tx. (Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci<br />

<strong>DX</strong>W Ed)<br />

[R Reloj often heard also irreg. on 9550 at 0700-0730var UT, wb.]<br />

CZECH REP The following question came from a listener, Mr D.R. Ansell<br />

from Sussex, England:<br />

"I read in a radio magazine that you may be going to use long wave. Is this<br />

true?" I passed that question on to the director of Radio Prague, Miroslav<br />

Krupicka.<br />

"It is an idea. It is not reality at this moment but we are consi<strong>der</strong>ing<br />

going on LW in English and German. It's a LW that is used by a domestic<br />

channel of Czech Radio, Czech Radio 1 - Radiozurnal, which broadcasts on<br />

the FM network and on LW. We are in talks with this station to give us a<br />

certain space on long wave in or<strong>der</strong> for us to be heard beyond the bor<strong>der</strong> of<br />

the Czech Rep in, say, Germany, Austria and Poland because long wave<br />

travels further than medium wave, for instance, or FM, so we would be heard<br />

in Central and Eastern Europe on long wave quite well.<br />

Of course, this is an addition to SW broadcasting. We are always on SW, we<br />

will stay on SW, but in addition we are looking for tools in or<strong>der</strong> to be<br />

heard both in the Czech Rep and in Central Europe. In the Czech Rep we are<br />

currently on FM in Prague in English, this is a sce for tourists, people<br />

visiting the Czech Rep, businessmen and so on. It's quite appreciated by<br />

the audience from what I have heard. And to expand on long wave would be<br />

quite nice, so we are working on it, but it is not yet reality."<br />

You spoke about Central Europe but Mr Ansell is from England - would he be<br />

able to listen to us on LW in England?<br />

"Well, if the weather conditions and the sun spot cycle are ideal I would<br />

say probably yes, at certain times of the day, at certain times of the<br />

year. But as a rule, I would say no, because as I have just mentioned, it<br />

would be well received in the neighbouring countries, such as Poland,<br />

Germany, and so on, but it does not travel that far. In ideal conditions<br />

possibly, but not usually."<br />

(Dec 12th R Prague Mailbox via Nick Sharpe, <strong>Jan</strong> W<strong>DX</strong>C Contact via dxld)<br />

The Czech longwave freq is 270 which can be received with fair strength<br />

here evenings though local electrical noise can be a problem. (Mike<br />

Barraclough-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C-UK ibid.)<br />

DRM Propagation is different today. I don't know if there is a<br />

technical/propagational explanation for it, but it is one of those days<br />

when signals appear to "splash" and "splatter" more than usual. Pori 9560,<br />

for instance. And DRM on 5990 was about 30kHz wide HF, and from 5965<br />

upwards there was no break in DRM between 5975 and 5990. Hash from 7265 was<br />

audible as low as 7210 and up past 7300 - I measured S9 on 7275/7285. This<br />

phenomena has been noticed many times and I don't think is in any way<br />

connected with the broadcasters themselves. [same hit me, when local area<br />

is snow covered all my rxs note QRM of nearby TV tower - 1200 meters away,<br />

especially around 9580 to 9600 kHz, wb.]<br />

There was a loud digital signal on about 9677 - 78 at 0830 UT which was<br />

QRMing RL 9680 and BRZ 9675. And this also was sending out hash either<br />

side.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 28)<br />

EGYPT In an interview with the media ppl. the Media Minister announced<br />

that he took the decision of minimizing the langs of the overseas sections<br />

of Radio Cairo to 11 langs only. out of 35 langs. !!!

He said he took that decision after checking reports from foreign affairs<br />

Dept. and security council and the media offices world wide bearing in mind<br />

that these cuts won't affect the International targets of Egypt and that<br />

decision will be active next week !!!<br />

And that decision was taken to to safe money, but to improve the quality of<br />

the rest of the programs !?<br />

(source Algamhoriya Nx paper 30/Dec/2004)<br />

9990.09 Radio Cairo, Arab mx, TS, Albanian ID ("Ju flet Cairo") , into px.<br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 02 55544.<br />

(Guenter Lorenz, currently near La Spezia, NoItaly hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 3)<br />

The first semi Government station on the FM band "Nile FM " launched its<br />

website last week with a promise to have a<br />

live web cam covering of the programs of the station. Nile FM is the first<br />

24hrs/7d English pop and rock radio station covering Cairo. also the twin<br />

station of Nile FM, Nogum FM "stars FM" which is 24/7 Arabic mx station<br />

started using the RDS- Radio data System - to be the first Egyptian station<br />

using this facility. (Tarek Zeidan Cairo-EGY SU1TZ, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

ERITREA 7099.98 at 1740 V o Broad Masses of Eritrea, traditional<br />

mx/songs, <strong>Jan</strong> 02 SINPO 25433. (Guenter Lorenz, currently near La Spezia,<br />

NoItaly hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 3)<br />

ETHIOPIA 5500, Voice of Tigray Revolution, at *0356-0434 fade Dec 27th,<br />

IS followed by echo affect ID by a man and Horn of Africa mx. A woman gave<br />

opening annts in Tigrinya and then the news. Program mainly of talks with<br />

short mxal segments. Fair with \\6350 poor to fair. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

FRANCE [tentat; to C.A.F.] 9590 African - Radio Centrafrique, Bangui.<br />

9590 Radiodiffusion Central Afrique TDF daily at 1700-2300 UTC from<br />

Issoudun (500 kW) - since 26 Nov according to the HFCC. (Vlad Titarev-UKR,<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 27)<br />

Following the recent appearance of Radio Centrafrique, Bangui, on 9590 kHz<br />

between 1700-2300 UT, reportedly via a tx at Issoudun in France, there is a<br />

story originating from PANA on the French-language website of CentrAfrique<br />

Presse, dated 12 Oct 2004, in which it says a meeting of the Intergovtal<br />

Agency of French-Speaking Countries (AIF) was held in Paris in Oct 2004 to<br />

discuss a plan of rescue for Radio Bangui. It mentions the need to expand<br />

broadcasting hours and the raising funds for a new tx.<br />

In the latter case, if funds could not be raised for a new tx (F.CFA 100<br />

million, about 150.000 EUROs) then the possibility of renting airtime via<br />

Africa No 1, Moyabi, is mentioned. Presumably the new relay is a result of<br />

this AIF meeting, ahead of the elections in the Central African Republic on<br />

13 Febr 20<strong>05</strong> (but relayed via TDF Issoudun rather than Moyabi?)<br />

<br />

(Tony Rogers-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Dec 31)<br />

Bonjour, Je confirme l'emission de Radio Centrafrique depuis la France! En<br />

ce moment, en Centrafrique (RCA) il y a un processus democratique et des<br />

elections, ainsi que le proces de l'ancien President Patasse. Radio<br />

Centrafrique, n'a plus d'emetteurs sauf la FM, a Bangui. Dans les<br />

campagnes, les habitants ecoutent Radio Ndeke Luka sur les ondes courtes le<br />

soir. Radio Ndeke Luka c'est la voix de l'opposition, afin que le<br />

Gouvernement puisse se faire entendre aussi dans les campagnes, il y a donc<br />

le relais sur ondes courtes (9590 kHz) depuis la France. En effet, la

France est l'amie du Gouvernement de la Centrafrique. Il y a beaucoup<br />

interets francais en RCA...<br />

(Christian Ghibaudo, Nice-F, playdx yg via dxld Dec 27)<br />

RFI heard with sign-on/opening annts and IS on 9590 from about 1659 at good<br />

strength. After a period of silence what appeared to be nx in French was<br />

heard but with continual 'drop outs' of the audio feed. During the times<br />

audio was broadcast I did not hear any ID. This continued past 1730 so<br />

reception of the txion is much the same as reported by Hans Johnson. At<br />

this same time, Africa #1 from Gabon was also giving a good signal on 9580<br />

but with low audio and \\ 15475. (Noel R. Green-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 29)<br />

Place hol<strong>der</strong> entry:<br />

9590 1700-2300 37E,38W,46E,52 ISS 500kW 156deg 261104-2703<strong>05</strong> Francais F NEW<br />

TDF<br />

9590 Radio Centrafrique (pres) Thanks Slaen tip. Been messing with this for<br />

a few days but have yet to hear an ID. Today 1955 with talk in French, went<br />

right through the top of the hour. Bad modulation, best in LSB, fair<br />

signal. Tuned in yesterday at 2000 (I think, could have been 2100) and they<br />

were having a feed problem. Part of the time it sounded like news, maybe<br />

from Radio France, I heard their nx theme mx, and part of the time it was<br />

local mx. Kept cutting between the two with periods of dead air as well. I<br />

guess this is x5034. (Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre Dec 28-29)<br />

The Issoudun relay [9590] is quite irregular. Audio from Bangui is terrible<br />

and unstable. Sometimes RFI instead or just carrier, or signing off earlier<br />

than 2300 UT.<br />

(Thorsten Hallmann-D, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

Following the recent appearance of Radio Centrafrique, Bangui, on 9590 kHz<br />

between 1700-2300 UT, reportedly via a tx at Issoudun in France, there is a<br />

story originating from PANA on the French-language website of CentrAfrique<br />

Presse, dated 12 Oct 2004, in which it says a meeting of the Intergovtal<br />

Agency of French-Speaking Countries (AIF) was held in Paris in Oct 2004 to<br />

discuss a plan of rescue for Radio Bangui. It mentions the need to expand<br />

broadcasting hours and the raising funds for a new tx. In the latter case,<br />

if funds could not be raised for a new tx (F.CFA 100 million, about 150.000<br />

EUROs) then the possibility of renting airtime via Africa No 1, Moyabi, is<br />

mentioned.<br />

Presumably the new relay is a result of this AIF meeting, ahead of the<br />

elections in the Central African Republic on 13 Feb 20<strong>05</strong> (but relayed via<br />

TDF Issoudun rather than Moyabi?).<br />

Nein Henri, das ist hoechstwahrscheinlich einer <strong>der</strong> 16 x 500 kW Sen<strong>der</strong> in<br />

Issoudun in Frankreich, <strong>der</strong> genutzt wird. Also nix neuer Sen<strong>der</strong>, son<strong>der</strong>n<br />

nur neues Programm via Frankreich.<br />

Nur das Audiosignal ist bescheiden wie original in Bangui CAF, mit<br />

Unterbrechungen, wie Du schreibst.<br />

Von Frankreich suedwaerts gerichtet auf 156 Grad, hast Du den besten<br />

Empfang bestimmt in Sizilien, Tunesien, Marokko und Kanaren. (wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec<br />

29)<br />

GABON English at 0700-0800 UT has been monitored here on 156<strong>05</strong> via<br />

Moyabi.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

Noted also on 11725 250kW 307 deg. 11725 RFI Gabon, 0700-0800 UT, weak<br />

signal for WeAF target, in English ! 24322. (wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

GEORGIA 4540 R Georgia at 1618 UT in Russian lang, talks by YL, sporadic<br />

mx. S9.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 29)<br />

GERMANY I<strong>BC</strong> Tamil Sce in Tamil to SoAs via DTK T-systems eff Dec.30:<br />

0000-0100 on 6<strong>05</strong>5 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg, ex 7450 via NVS 100 kW / 180 deg.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

11875 RCI via Wertachtal. Full Data Special Maple Leaf Mailbag Program QSL<br />

in 17 days.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, Cumbre Dec 31)<br />

Ismaning 6085 is still on, as you probably already noted. An anonymous<br />

poster claims that the AM sce will continue until late March, afterwards<br />

the tx will be converted for DRM operation starting in early April he says,<br />

also talking about an aux tx as possible fill in (would be the old 10 kW<br />

unit). Cf.<br />

<br />

Hard to say whether this posting is trustworth, and if so, whether it is<br />

more than just wishful thinking of the engineers.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

Berlin-Britz 990 is at present off due to an antenna fault: A guy of the<br />

main MW mast broke in the wee hours of Dec 23. Press release from this day:<br />

<br />

Herein they promised that the mast will be repaired the same day, but<br />

apparently this was in fact only safeguarding work while the mast is still<br />

not usable. Un<strong>der</strong> these circumstances it appears to be plausible that they<br />

indeed fired up the 100 kW Nautel on 855 again, as I suspect it being the<br />

case. Otherwise this freq was for some time run in AM with only 25 kW<br />

anymore, using the same TRAM 25 unit than for DRM. Probably it would be too<br />

much trouble to connect a 990 tx to the remaining mast (the Nautel is a<br />

semiconductor tx, such rigs are not frequency-agile). (Kai Ludwig-D, dxld<br />

Dec 28)<br />

Berlin-Britz 990 is still off. I have an impression that 855 is stronger<br />

than previously and has again the typical audio with completely suppressed<br />

bass range, so probably this is again the "old" Nautel tx. No idea what's<br />

going on there, especially since it is hard to imagine that they would<br />

abandon 990 but keep 855 with the co-channel Romanian megawatter. (Kai<br />

Ludwig-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 27)

Berlin-Britz 990 is at present off due to an antenna fault: A guy of the<br />

main mediumwave mast broke in the wee hours of Dec 23. Press release from<br />

this day:<br />

<br />

Herein they promised that the mast will be repaired the same day, but<br />

apparently this was in fact only safeguarding work while the mast is still<br />

not usable.<br />

Un<strong>der</strong> these circumstances it appears to be plausible that they indeed fired<br />

up the 100 kW Nautel on 855 again, as I suspect it being the case.<br />

Otherwhise this freq was for some time run in AM with only 25 kW anymore,<br />

using the same TRAM 25 unit than for DRM. Probably it would be too much<br />

trouble to connect a 990 tx to the remaining mast (the Nautel is a<br />

semiconductor tx, such rigs are not frequency-agile).<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 28)<br />

The B<strong>BC</strong> World Service's Europe Today is on 972 Mon-Fri at 1700-1730 UT on<br />

972 via Norddeutscher Rundfunk Hamburg, easily heard in the UK. (Susan<br />

Evans-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

First successful SW broadcast transmission from Zeesen Germany to USA 80<br />

years ago, on <strong>Jan</strong> 31, 1925. DLR Berlin LW177, 60<strong>05</strong> kHz, at 0350 / 1045 hrs<br />

UT; DLF LW153 & 207 kHz, 6190, 08<strong>05</strong> UT:<br />

Das Deutschlandradio erinnert am 31. <strong>Jan</strong>uar 20<strong>05</strong> in seinen beiden<br />

Programmen an die erste erfolgreiche Rundfunkuebertragung ueber Kurzwelle<br />

aus den USA nach Deutschland vor 80 Jahren. 0350 / 1045 Uhr UT im<br />

Kalen<strong>der</strong>blatt beim DeutschlandRadio Berlin, um 08<strong>05</strong> UT beim Deutschlandfunk<br />

Cologne. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Dec 30)<br />

Peter Lenffer schrieb: 3sat sendet auf Teletextseite 716 AM-News/FM-News<br />

aus. Vielleicht war dies hier nicht bekannt. (ibid.)<br />

Ich kannte es jedenfalls noch nicht. Wer jetzt zu faul ist, zum Fernseher<br />

zu gehen: Die entsprechende Teletext-Seite findet sich auch im Internet<br />

unter<br />

<br />

(Christian Zietz, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

GUINEA 7125 RTG Conakry, 25322, French annmt, guitar and flute local mx.<br />

(wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

INDIA All India Radio via Delhi domestic sce feeds heard on Dec 30 via<br />

15260 and 15185 at weak to fair strength with extensive nx in English from<br />

0830 [following on from local lang(s)] until at least 0900. Most of the nx<br />

concerned the Tsunami damage on the Indian east coast and in the Andaman &<br />

Nicobar Isl. as well as other 'official' statements. (Noel R. Green-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Dec 29)<br />

4910 AIR (Jaipur) on Dec 30 at 1600 UT with adverts for bungalows in India<br />

in English (if they're too close to sea, probably not a good idea to<br />

advertise right now). Since about 1400 UT almost all listed tropical<br />

Indians came through here though not ID'd, many in mix with the usual<br />

Chinese stations on many of same freqs. Even Chi on 3280 was readable here<br />

at this bad <strong>DX</strong> site. (Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 30)<br />

AIR triggers exodus from Nicobar - Sheela Bhatt in Car Nicobar | December<br />

30, 2004 <strong>05</strong>:18 IST. A live phone-in programme on All India Radio has<br />

created havoc with the relief operations on the devastated island of<br />

Nicobar.<br />

The island is a reserved tribal area where non-tribals, except govt<br />

servants, are not allowed to settle down without permission.

Foreigners are strictly forbidden. More than 10 foreign correspondents have<br />

been refused permission to cover the devastation on the island.<br />

"Most of the people whom we evacuated were flying for the first time in<br />

their lives," said an IAF official adding, "When things cool down, these<br />

tribal will not have the money to return to their villages in Nicobar. The<br />

ship fare alone will cost them over Rs 500." The calamity continues.<br />

See (Cumbre Dec 30)<br />

The city of Chennai and its suburbs experienced mild but widespread tremors<br />

around 0645 hours this morning (= 0115 UTC, Ed), giving a rude shock to its<br />

residents. Most residents were asleep when the mild earthquake, which<br />

lasted for two to five seconds, literally shook them awake. In some places,<br />

people ran out on to the streets while reports from other parts of the city<br />

and suburbs said residents sought shelter in various places.<br />

More on <br />

(via Gupta-IND in <strong>DX</strong>-India, excerpt Dec 26)<br />

I am looking for reception of my SW txs located at Super Power Transmitting<br />

station, All India Radio, Bangalore, India. I am attaching program schedule<br />

of my station for details. Please listen to them and provide me with<br />

feedback report. All reception reports will be duly acknoweladged and it<br />

will be forwarded to All India Radio's spectrum Manager for issue of QSL<br />

card. Your reception report may contain the freq and sce monitored, program<br />

details, time, date, type of receiver, antenna type, SINPO details etc.<br />

Expecting the reports. Wish you, your family and friends happy and<br />

prosperous new year 2004.<br />

R.Narasimha Swamy-IND <br />

Yours faithfully, R.Narasimha Swamy, Superintending Engineer,<br />

AIR, Super Power Transmitters, Yelahanka New Town,<br />

BANGALORE, 560064, India. (hcdx Dec 31)<br />

INDONESIA 7289.9 RRI Nabire (pres) on Dec 25 at 08<strong>05</strong>-0820, 23432-13431<br />

INSn, Talk(Jakarat nx realy?). ID? at 0808 as "... Republik INS (..)<br />

Nabire".<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Dec 25)<br />

INTERNATIONAL WATERS On Dec 28, I received a QSL letter from Coalition<br />

Maritime Forces Radio Radio One:<br />

"Please accept this letter as verification of your reception of our<br />

broadcast (QSL). Thank you for listening to Coalition Maritime Forces<br />

Radio-Radio One and taking the time to write. Coalition Maritime Forces<br />

Radio-Radio One is a 24 hour a day, SW broadcast that provide news, mx and<br />

information in six langs to the maritime community throughout the Middle<br />

East. This broadcast is provided as a sce to fellow mariners who otherwise<br />

may not hear this type of programming. Your technical feedback will be of<br />

value as we improve our sce to regional mariners. I appreciate you<br />

contacting us and wish you continued good luck as a SW hobbyist."<br />

This letter was signed by J.J. McGovern, Comman<strong>der</strong> US Navy, Deputy<br />

assistant, Chief of Staff for Operations/Plans, US Naval Forces Central<br />

Command and US FIFTH Fleet. Nice QSL!, I am happy with it!<br />

(Max van Arnhem-HOL, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 29) BAHRAIN harbour location? wb.<br />

IRAN Dear World Wide <strong>DX</strong> Club,<br />

I am writing to you from the English Radio of Islamic Republic of Iran's<br />

Broadcasting. We would be very pleased to introduce our radio to the<br />

listeners. We can send beutiful QSL cards for those who will send us

eception reports. I attach a copy of the Broadcasting schedule for you. We<br />

would be very pleased to have your idea.<br />

Best Regards, IRIB English Service<br />

M.B. Khoshnevisan <br />



0130-0230 (Voice of Justice)<br />

31mb 9580 North America<br />

49mb 6120 North America<br />

1030-1130 19mb 15480 Indian Sub Continent<br />

19mb 15460 Indian Subcontinent<br />

MW702 Republic of Azerbaijan 765 Pakistan<br />

1530-1630 31mb 9610 Indian Subcontinent<br />

31mb 9940 Indian Subcontinent<br />

1930-2030 49mb 6110 Europe<br />

41mb 7320 Europe<br />

25mb 11695 South and East of Africa<br />

31mb 9855 South and East of Africa<br />

1130-1230 (Voice of Justice)<br />

Receivable only via internet and Hotbird satellite<br />

2130-2230 Receivable only via Internet and Hotbird satellite<br />

0030-0130 Receivable only via Internet and Hotbird satellite<br />

Mail your correspondence to<br />

IRIB English Service, P.O.Box 19395-6767, Tehran, I.R of Iran.<br />

E-mail URL:<br />

<br />

(RIB to WW<strong>DX</strong>C, <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ [Kurdistan] Having some time left over the next few days<br />

decided to do a band scan, and did as follows: band scan 3850-4600 kHz<br />

between 1455-1530 then 1540-1615 same range (I know some can have been<br />

missed, but don't think so) to find out what to tune to. What I found was a<br />

great number of jammers in the first search and almost none in the second<br />

indicating that there might be stations we do not know much of. My friend<br />

Pankov, is it as impossible there as here?<br />

First round 1455-1530:<br />

3856 kHz 1455 enormeaous jammer, no stn noted un<strong>der</strong>neath<br />

3865 kHz 1455 same<br />

3871 kHz 1457 revolutionary songs un<strong>der</strong> heavy jammer )<br />

3912 kHz 1448 Korea (I believe)<br />

3930 kHz 1450 sounded the Korean, but I had a very strong Italian amateur<br />

on top<br />

3966 kHz 1451 enormeaous jammer<br />

3970.2 kHz 1453 V.O.Iranian Kurdistan, heavily jammed. Farsi YL, ID at 1503<br />

4023.9 kHz Kurdish YM abt Kurdestan, dare now say which station, cf. below<br />

4161.9 kHz 1507 nothing listed here to my knowledge at this time -<br />

either V.O.Independence (not reported recently) or V.O.Conservative<br />

Party. Nothing 16<strong>05</strong>.<br />

4230 kHz 1512 very heavily jammed - nothing noticed un<strong>der</strong>neath<br />

4255 kHz 1513 very heavily jammed - nothing noticed un<strong>der</strong>neath<br />

4267 kHz 1514 bubble jammer heavy, no px un<strong>der</strong>neath?<br />

4270 kHz 1515 very heavily jammed - nothing noticed un<strong>der</strong>neath<br />

4312 kHz 1516 very heavily jammed - nothing noticed un<strong>der</strong>neath<br />

4367 kHz 1517 very heavily jammed - but with YL talking un<strong>der</strong>neath<br />

4375 kHz 1518 seemingly the 4367 station and its jammer moved at the same<br />

time to here

4565 kHz 1523 very heavily jammed - nothing noticed un<strong>der</strong>neath<br />

second round 1540-1615:<br />

3856 kHz 1544 very heavily jammed - nothing noticed un<strong>der</strong>neath<br />

3860 kHz 1545 very heavily jammed by other type of jammer (bubble) -<br />

nothing noticed un<strong>der</strong>neath<br />

4023.8 kHz YL talking, seemingly not jammed<br />

4230 kHz very heavily jammed - nothing noticed un<strong>der</strong>neath<br />

4255 kHz very heavily jammed - nothing noticed un<strong>der</strong>neath<br />

4565 kHz 1615 very heavily jammed - nothing noticed un<strong>der</strong>neath<br />

Another explanation might be that they have a surplus of jammers somewhere?<br />

hi. But seemingly almost all shut down around same time, i.e. ard 1530.<br />

Only had time to search this little part of the bands. (Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Dec 30)<br />

3880v 4380v V.O.Communist Party of Iran with usual intro procedure of IS<br />

and IDs until prgr began at 1630 with 'the Internationale'. ID as 'In<br />

seday-e Hezb-e Komunist-e Iran'. Fair. Moved around a bit (4375-4380, 3870-<br />

3881).<br />

3930 V.O.Komala (pres, but many mentions of Komala) un<strong>der</strong> heavy jamming<br />

1710. Agn 1740 when in Farsi. Gone at recheck 1850.<br />

4027.0 UNID 1635-1657 in Arabic, many songs and missed closing ID at sign<br />

off 1657, only heard the closing mx. I thought that was it but then I<br />

passed the freq again 1720 and there was clear Arabic programming and at<br />

1800 caught ID for V.O.the People of Kurdistan. Now, is this one or two<br />

different programmes? (Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 29)<br />

3930.1 expect R Voice of Komala Dec 31 0420 in Farsi but exactly missed ID<br />

before sign off mx 0430. Jammed heavily.<br />

3985.3 UNID in Kurdish, heavily jammed 0400-0425 tune out, in Kurdish.<br />

Reverted frequently, but no chance to ID because of jamming.<br />

4860 Voice of Iranian Kurdistan Dec 31 0415, still active 0432 but gone at<br />

recheck <strong>05</strong>03, so believe s/off is <strong>05</strong>00.<br />

4025 Voice of the People of Kurdistan Dec 31 0423 Arabic, ID exactly at<br />

tune in.<br />

4160 Jammer and very faint male talk Dec 31 <strong>05</strong>03. Expect Voice of the<br />

Conservative Party of Iran.<br />

4280 UNID with musiuc un<strong>der</strong> very heavy jamming, This is new to me. Jamming<br />

heavy, and still active at 0615.<br />

4375 Voice of the Communist Party of Iran is listed here Dec 31 0435 very<br />

heavily jammed. Both stn and jamming gone at recheck <strong>05</strong><strong>05</strong>.<br />

Absolutely nothing on other freq's between 3800-4810 kHz neither stations<br />

nor other jammers, so it seems that the clands are not that active in the<br />

morning or have turned to other freq ranges. (all Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec<br />

31)<br />

Cland 3880 V of Communist Party Iran at 1645 UT. OM with talks in Persian.<br />

Signal S9+10. Found also on 4375 with S9, 6420 with S7. At 1648 all signals<br />

were jammed or stopped transmitting. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 29)<br />

Cland 4860 'dengi Kurdistan Iran' at 0408 UT. Clear in this freq with ID<br />

and S5, 34343 political talks. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 30)

Right now, <strong>Jan</strong> 3rd at 1530 UT I am listening to the new station on 6310.2<br />

kHz. Programming is nonstop played mx, seemingly Kurdish or Turkish. No ID<br />

heard. Strength is rather good from time to time. So - who can ID this one?<br />

(Bjoern Fransson-SWE, <strong>DX</strong>-ing, ibid.)<br />

Fair signal here in south Italy, Kurdish (?) mx in clear channel on 6310.2<br />

kHz. Radio Malaisi is off for the first evening after some days.<br />

(Roberto Scaglione , ibid. <strong>Jan</strong> 3)<br />

6310.19 at 17<strong>05</strong> UT, rechecked at 1728, had disappeared when re-checked at<br />

1759. Unid clandestine, tent. Kurdish, playing trad. mx and melancholic<br />

songs, <strong>Jan</strong> 02 SINPO 35544, later only 25433. (Guenter Lorenz-D, currently<br />

near La Spezia, NoItaly hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 3)<br />

ITALY 11800 RAI Roma Prato Smeraldo, 1030-1130 UT, Dec 29th.<br />

Around 1030-1130 UT two separate Italian lang programs noted on 11800 kHz<br />

all together. One carried word discussion narrative program and another<br />

with Italian canzones.<br />

Separation to SSB/USB/LSB brings no solution. (wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 29)<br />

I have no idea, 11800 kHz 0630-1300 it's a mix relay of Radio 1 and Radio 2<br />

for our military forces in Bosnia and it's a regularly sce. RAI doesn't<br />

broadcast in other lang at that hour, only 1000-1100 on 11920 kHz but from<br />

SNG, therefore no freq error. Do they was two broadcast or only audio<br />

mixing? (Roberto Scaglione-I, bclnews Dec 29)<br />

Just audio mixing, the ISDN fee<strong>der</strong>line error occured, due of Technician<br />

keyboard slip on the control in Rome? (wolfgang, Stuttgart/Estutgardo<br />

Germania. <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 29)<br />

Probably they opened Radio 1 and Radio 2 audio in the same time... hi.<br />

(Roberto, bclnews.it Dec 30)<br />

Re: Casini a RAI International Ciao Roberto, hai perfettamente ragione, per<br />

farvi un idea del futuro della onde corte in RAI ti segnalo questo link:<br />

<br />

dove viene offerto in "vendita" il terreno di Prato Smeraldo :-(<br />

Saluti, (Andrea Borgnino-I, bclnews.it via dxld)<br />

RAI SW Site and other land is for sale. (gh, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 3)<br />

[or they move 90 kilometers to northwestern MW site location? (wb.) ]<br />

JAPAN [and non]. R. JPN disappointed again, in its NY special; Dec 31 at<br />

14<strong>05</strong> on 117<strong>05</strong> via Canada, excited Japanese talk and songs in apparently<br />

live NYE songfest show including "Sukiyaki" at 1441, but at 1450 into talk<br />

from studio, presumably news. At 1500, local midnight, NO timesignal, NO<br />

gongs or drums, just an anthem-like pop song starting with a solo and<br />

building, based on some familiar classical mx, which I have not been able<br />

to place so far, and resuming the songfest which continued past 1600.<br />

Meanwhile I checked the direct freqs to North America on 31mb. Before 1500,<br />

nothing on 95<strong>05</strong> or 9535 as the txs were apparently in use elsewhere for the<br />

special. At 1512 recheck, 9535 was on but not \\ ; instead as if in<br />

deliberate contrast to the festivities on 117<strong>05</strong>, a very subdued show in<br />

Japanese, with soft talk, long pauses and birds chirping quietly. And so it<br />

went for the rest of that hour (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Dec 31)<br />

Inquire for Special NHK Year End Hitparade Time and Relay site list, of<br />

Dec 31, 2004, in .PDF format available again?

Hello, Special NHK Year End Hitparade Time and Relay site list, of Dec 31,<br />

2004, in PDF format available again? 73 wolfgang, Stuttgart, Germany (Dec<br />

23)<br />

Dear Mr. Wolfgang Bueschel, We are pleased to tell you date & timetable and<br />

frequency for the subject program as follows.<br />

You can see that at PDF as below, too, but the Japanese version is only<br />

available.<br />

<br />

The 55th Red and White Year-End song competition festival<br />

Target Area Bc UTC kHz<br />

Asian Continent 1030-1445 9750<br />

Southeast Asia 1030-1445 11815<br />

Southwest Asia 1500-1700 12045<br />

1700-1800 11865<br />

1800-1930 9675<br />

East Europe 1500-1800 9750<br />

1800-1930 9625<br />

West Europe 1500-1700 9850<br />

1700-1800 6175<br />

1900-1930 7195<br />

MEast&NoAF 1500-2000 11830<br />

Ce Africa 1500-1700 21630<br />

1700-1930 11825<br />

So Africa 1500-1930 15355<br />

North America 1300-1730 117<strong>05</strong><br />

Hawaii 1500-1930 9835<br />

Central America 1300-1730 17875<br />

South America Ea1030-1445 17565<br />

South America We1500-1930 9835<br />

Oceania/Pacific 1500-1930 7140<br />

NHK World Radio Japan <br />

Inquire for Special NHK Year End Hitparade Time and Relay site<br />

list, of Dec 31, 2004, in .PDF format available again?<br />

As every year - 55th year end hitparade of NHK Radio Japan.<br />

The following schedule for the 55th "Year End Hitparade", which has LIVE<br />

broadcast in Japanese on 31 Dec 2004 from 1030-1545 UT, and repeats via<br />

many Merlin brokered relay stations later that day, see according to the<br />

schedule BELOW.<br />

Southeast Asia 1030-1445 11815 Yamata Asian Continent 1030-1445 9750<br />

Yamata<br />

Broadcast time shifts to a recording at 1500-2000 UT to the following<br />

targets:<br />

Southwest Asia 1500-1700 12045 Yamata<br />

1700-1800 11865 Yamata<br />

1800-1930 9675 Yamata<br />

East Europe 1500-1800 9750 Rampisham-UK 62 degr<br />

1800-1930 9625 Woofferton-UK 75 degr<br />

West Europe 1500-1700 9850 Skelton-UK 150 degr<br />

1500-1800 6175 Skelton-UK 150 degr<br />

1900-1930 7195 Skelton-UK 150 degr

MEast and NoAF 1500-2000 11830 Ekala-CLN<br />

CeAfrica 1500-1700 21630 Ascension<br />

1700-1930 11825 Ascension<br />

SoAfrica 1500-1930 15355 Montsinery-GUF<br />

North America 1300-1730 117<strong>05</strong> Sackville-CAN<br />

Hawaii 1500-1930 9835 Yamata<br />

Central America 1300-1730 17875 Sackville-CAN<br />

South America Ea 1030-1445 17565 ?Rampisham-G<br />

South America We 1500-1930 9835 Montsinery-GUF<br />

Oceania/Pacific 1500-1930 7140 Yamata<br />

(NHK Radio Japan website in Japanese;<br />

thanks to Kunitoshi Hishikawa-JPN;<br />

estimated tx locations contributed by wb <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 28, 2004)<br />

NHK Year End Hitparade special. On Dec 31 only, 1030-2000 UT. At 1030 UT<br />

onwards: All direct 31 mb outlets suffered by poor propagation this[!]<br />

year, weak 9750YAM S=2, as well as RA Shepparton 9580 and 9590 kHz. (wb)<br />

Conditions were really awful this New Years Day. There have been many solar<br />

flares in the past 48 hours with R3 blackouts. The K Index was up to 3. I<br />

checked out the 48 meter Europirate band at about 0630, but there was<br />

nothing on. I don't feel so bad now since I can't go out on micro-<br />

<strong>DX</strong>peditions. It looks like propagation is going to be pretty bad for the<br />

next week and a half. (Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

From 1100 UT NHK 17565 kHz noted very strong here, either usual Ekala-CLN<br />

relay of English news, or NY special tx location Rampisham-UK 500 kW ? to<br />

SoAM, scheduled 1030-1445 UT. Later heard same channel continuing hitparade<br />

program VERY STRONG.<br />

11865 YAM was not heard in CeEUR, but co-channel REE CTR instead.<br />

From 1300 UT 9750YAM was hardly readable, but great signal on 17565 kHz,<br />

which was probably from Rampisham 500 kW powerhouse, at same time program<br />

via like Sackville's 117<strong>05</strong> and 17875 kHz.<br />

At 1500 UT 21630ASC didn't propagate into EUR.<br />

Signal delay: RMP-UK 0.25 second behind Ekala-CLN, latter in \\ to YAM. SKN<br />

0.33 second behind RMP. SKN 0.5 sec behind Ekala-CLN. GUF 15355, S=2 as<br />

usual in EUR, 0.5 second behind 12045YAM.<br />

From 1500-1600 UT Sackville-CAN, both 117<strong>05</strong> and 17875 noted carrying a<br />

different program compared to all other remaining freqs, seemingly a repeat<br />

of recorded 2 hrs ahead program.<br />

1700 UT: 11825ASC and 11830CLN totally disturbed by DRM 11830 kHz signal of<br />

Sines-POR 1600-1759 UT.<br />

9835YAM and 7140YAM to Hawaii and SoAM not heard here.<br />

btw. YE program: this year I liked the lyric and romantic songs much more<br />

compared to previous years 'crying' lady singers.

NHK via European powerhouse locations 9750 Rampisham-UK, 6175 and 9850 both<br />

Skelton-UK, all SINPO 55555, lyric pop singer at 1540 UT. \\ 12045YAM 44334<br />

and 11830Ekala-CLN 34333, also via Montsinery-GUF 15355 with Sinpo 22222.<br />

From 1700 UT 11865YAM great signal into Europe, and from 1800 on 9675YAM<br />

too. Nothing heard from the Ascension relay 11825 kHz.<br />

From 1800 UT on 9625SKN, from 1900 UT on 7195SKN, all with 55555 too. (wb,<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 31)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. 6100.26, at 1641-, KCBS on <strong>Jan</strong> 2. I was won<strong>der</strong>ing who was<br />

causing such a loud het above 6100 kHz. It's KCBS from Pyongyang with<br />

Korean female vocal with orchestral support. Not the usual strident<br />

revolutionary mx I'm used to hearing. No other \\ heard at this late hour.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-Vic-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

11545.09 at 1612 UT. Voice of Korea, KRE, English OM nx (mentioning<br />

Pyongyang, the lea<strong>der</strong> ...). USB QRM by number station. <strong>Jan</strong> 02, 34433.<br />

(Guenter Lorenz, currently near La Spezia, NoItaly hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 3)<br />

6400 Pyongyang Pangsong at 1750 UT with songs. At 1800 ID "Pyongyang<br />

Pangsong" by YL and s/off. Quite strong signal on S8, 34333.<br />

6285 VOK at 1450 UT with Russian progr and ID, frqs S9, 34443.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

KRE VoKOR odd freqs at 0750 UT: 15246.34, 13760.10, 9345.16, 9975.09 kHz.<br />

(wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

KOREA Rep. of VoK is back near to 15245 today [and yesterday too]. I<br />

make it a few hertz up in frequency, and very strong and relatively steady<br />

today.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 28)<br />

LUXEMBOURG Olle's fears re. 1440 were just true, they are going to test<br />

DRM 0000-0350 from today:<br />

1440 DRM: More dust to come. From the 1st of <strong>Jan</strong> onwards, also DRM during<br />

daytime. Furthermore it seems that the tests are a fiasco until now. Nobody<br />

is able to get stable reception without a lot of dropouts. (Guido<br />

Schotmans-BEL, MWC via dxld Dec 29)<br />

This morning (Wed) I heard strong DRM on 1440 at 0200 UT. Luxembourg also<br />

seemed to be using the new TRAM tx for the German programme later in the<br />

morning.<br />

Hello all, Friday morning 1440 switched momentarily from DRM to AM at 0357.<br />

Thursday morning they switched momentarily from AM with constant carrier<br />

level to AM with audio amplitude controlled carrier level at 0600 (i.e.<br />

when they changed from paid religion to their own German programming). They<br />

must have millions of EUROs burning in their pockets just waiting to be<br />

wasted! (Olle Alm-SWE, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 31)<br />

DRM-Tests auf 1440 kHz Hallo, RTL sendet ab heute regelmaessige DRM-Tests<br />

auf 1440 kHz zwischen 0000 und 0350 UTC. (Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 27)<br />

From 1 <strong>Jan</strong> 20<strong>05</strong>, the Marnach tx on 1440 kHz will be operated in DRM mode at<br />

the following times: Mon-Sat 0000-0400 (Sun 0430-) with 120 kW at 320 degr,<br />

daily 0800-1700 with 240 kW at 45 degr.<br />

Die Infrastruktur in Marnach ist noch nicht komplett, d.h. Antennen- und<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong>umschaltungen muessen noch per Hand vorgenommen werden.<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 31)

No DRM heard on LUX 1440 kHz Monday or Tuesday early morning.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 28)<br />

Friday morning 1440 switched momentarily from DRM to AM at 0357 UT.<br />

Thursday morning they switched momentarily from AM with constant carrier<br />

level to AM with audio amplitude controlled carrier level at 0600 (i.e.<br />

when they changed from paid religion to their own German programming).<br />

I un<strong>der</strong>stand that they run the religion with 1200 kW, so apparently the<br />

DCC/DAM originates from the new 600 kW TRAM while constant carrier txions<br />

are still run with the old 2 x S4006.<br />

Sorry, I forgot to mention that always the German-language RTL Radio is<br />

carried when 1440 runs DRM. Reportedly one of the Junglinster SW channels<br />

now also carries RTL Radio (German) 24/7, no longer a mixture of varied<br />

programming as it used to be the case.<br />

They must have millions of EUROs burning in their pockets just waiting to<br />

be wasted!<br />

Including the cash from the missionaries and the Chinese ... (Kai Ludwig-<br />

D, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

MALAYSIA RTM on 6175 has been heard well most mornings for the past week<br />

or so, including this morning (12/28), from at least 1200-1700.<br />

(Chuck Albertson-WA-USA, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 29)<br />

MALDIVES Minivan Radio on 11810 at 1600-1700 is jammed by the National<br />

Security Service in Male with a pulsing tone, as if someone is keying a tx<br />

on Morse code with a hand key. Jamming is quite strong in Male but not<br />

outside the main island.<br />

(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN, AR<strong>DX</strong>C Nx)<br />

UA<strong>DX</strong> - Sarath Weerakoon 4S5SL.<br />

Hello, one of the foun<strong>der</strong>s of UA<strong>DX</strong> - Union of Asian <strong>DX</strong>ers in Sri Lanka in<br />

1971 - Mr. Sarath Weerakoon Call 4S5SL, survived the disaster in South<br />

Asia. I had a phone call with him at Male, Maledives this night.<br />

Together with Victor Goonetilleke 4S7VK, both native from Colombo Ceylon,<br />

he reported in the Seventies often direct via Airmail on their UA<strong>DX</strong><br />

bulletin, to FinTuning, to WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>DX</strong> Magazine Bad Homburg Germany, to DSWCI<br />

SWN, via Arne Skoog's SC<strong>DX</strong> and also via phone line report to RNW MN about<br />

the radio scene in South Asia and Pacific.<br />

During the disaster Sarath stayed on his workshop place on the first floor<br />

of HongKong-Shanghai-China bank building at Male, Maledives. Also his wife<br />

and the childrens survived there. His private home located on a hill top<br />

near colonial Mount Lavinia hotel beach in south of Colombo Sri Lanka is<br />

save.<br />

His holiday bungalow, located about 120 kms south near Bentota/Beruwela<br />

beach resort, on the southwest coast of Sri Lanka is totally destroyed.<br />

Anker Petersen, Erich Bergmann, and other <strong>DX</strong>ers visited this place on their<br />

trips to South Asia in past years.<br />

thanks, regards Wolfgang df5sx, (Dec 29)<br />

Just had another email from <strong>DX</strong>er Sarath Weerakoon in the Maldives. He and<br />

his family are safe in Male. His home in Colombo is unaffected as well.<br />

Sarath hosted Peter Bunn & Peter McMillian several years ago in Colombo. He<br />

is now the Manager of Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank in the Maldives. (Dave<br />

Onley-AUS, AR<strong>DX</strong>C via dxld Dec 30)

MALI 4782.9, R TV du Mali at *<strong>05</strong>55-0610 on Dec 25. Opening of txion,<br />

ID:"Radiod. TV du Mali, Bamako". French annmt, schedule. 34333. (Mendez-DOM<br />

and Petersen-DEN)<br />

On Dec 26 at 0625-0635 it was back on 4786.9, Afropop \\ 5995 kHz.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 26)<br />

ORTM, 4786.89, at 2310-2400* on Dec 23, French talk, pops/ballads. 2359<br />

sign-off with NA. Still off-frequency. Weak; poor to weak on \\ 5995. 4835<br />

not heard. About 7 hours later at 07<strong>05</strong> Dec 24, heard on 4782.89 and 5995.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

Radio Mali tx moving slowly upwards in the 60mb, now on 4788; \\ 5995, but<br />

this one has been very weak here, even when conditions are good. (Thorsten<br />

Hallmann-D, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 39<strong>05</strong> R. New Ireland 1213-1302*. Light pop mx with<br />

occasional island flavor. Short annts by woman in English between<br />

selections. Longer annt at 1300 followed by PNG national anthem. Fair to<br />

poor signal with sporadic ARO interference. SINPO 22332. First log of this<br />

station in a year or so.<br />

(Jim Evans-TN-USA, Cumbre Dec 29)<br />

PHILIPPINES Changing from 1143 to 1170 kHz from tomorrow.<br />

(VOA on air annmt; hcdx Dec 31)<br />

VoA is leaving its old freq 1143 kHz from the Philippines. New freq will be<br />

from <strong>Jan</strong>uary 1: 1170 kHz. Still the Philippines? 1143 kHz is sometimes<br />

coming with good signal in Finland. (Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, hcdx Dec 31)<br />

South Korea has a 500 kW foreign sce tx on 1170. It's powerful enough to<br />

sometimes overpower American co-channel stations at Grayland. I would think<br />

the two stations would interfere with one another in parts of JPN and China<br />

(they're about 2400 km apart). Both stations air Chinese programs 1300-1400<br />

UT, which makes this change all the more interesting. (Bruce Portzer, mwdx<br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

Tony Magon wrote:<br />

This tx puts in a gigantic signal into HongKong and Southern China.<br />

(Tony Magon VK2IC)<br />

Bernd Trutenau wrote:<br />

As indicated in an earlier message, the 1000 kW IBB relay tx at Poro Point<br />

changes today from 1143 to 1170 kHz. The schedule remains the same (all<br />

VOA): 1100-1200 Mandarin, 1200-1230 English; *1230-1300 break*; 1300-1500<br />

Cantonese, 1500-1600 Vietnamese, 1600-1700 (MF) English. The beam is at 332<br />

degrees. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

POLAND Below follows a list of all AM community radio stations that are<br />

currently in the planning stage or already in operation: *) in sce **) due<br />

to start soon.<br />

All stations have about 2h of own programming per day, at other times they<br />

relay the nearest Polskie Radio regional sce. The stations are not part of<br />

Polskie Radio, however.<br />

531 0.1 Wlodawa Twoje R. Wlodawa 531 Wodzislaw Twoje R. Wodzislaw<br />

963 Wlozczowa Twoje R. Wloszczowa 963 Slubice Twoje R. Slubice<br />

963 0.1 Lipsko Twoje R. Lipsko* 963 Lubaczow Twoje R. Lubaczow<br />

963 0.1 Radomsko Twoje R. Radomsko 963 0.1 Kluczbork Twoje R.<br />

Kluczbork<br />

1062 1 Pulawy Twoje R. Pulawy* 1062 0.1 Cmolas Twoje R. Cmolas*<br />

1395 1 Radzyn Podl. Twoje R. 6 Plus** 1485 0.1 Bilgoraj Twoje R. Bilgoraj<br />

1485 1 Bielsko Biala Twoje R. Bielsko Biala

1485 Gorlice Twoje R. Gorlice 1584 Krotoszyn Twoje R. Krotoszyn<br />

1584 0.1 Ustka Twoje R. Ustka 1584 Busko Twoje R. Busko<br />

1584 Jaslo Twoje R. Jaslo 1584 Ozorkow Twoje R. Ozorkow<br />

1584 0.1 Boleslawiec Twoje R. Boleslawiec<br />

1602 0.1 Ilza Twoje R. Ilza* 1602 Cieszyn Twoje R. Cieszyn<br />

It is expected that many of the projected stations will need a consi<strong>der</strong>able<br />

amount of time before going on the air. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx Dec 31)<br />

ROMANIA The US funded religious network "Radio Micul Samaritean" ("Little<br />

Samaritan") is expanding its tx network on MW (in addition to FM and<br />

satellite). So far, the station is broadcasting on 1485 (Medias) and 1584<br />

(Bistrita, Sighetu M. and Suceava). All MW txs have a power of 1 kW. A map<br />

of the tx network (incl. planned stn's, as reported on this mailing list in<br />

September) can be found at<br />

<br />

There is an error on the map though and in the accompanying list: Bistrita<br />

is operating on 1584, not "1603". Accoding to (unconfirmed) online sources,<br />

Radio Micul Samaritean is also relayed by Radio CNM in Arad on 1602 from<br />

0800-1800.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx Dec 30) Also on<br />

<br />

The official schedule of Radio Sighet's own broadcasts on 1404 kHz (tx Vadu<br />

Izei, south of Sighetu Marmatiei) is 0430-0600 (exc. Sun) & 1600-1730<br />

(daily) UT.<br />

As so often is the case: the official schedule is different from the real<br />

operational one: the local slot is actually between 1500-1600 (or there has<br />

been a very recent change) . (Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 3)<br />

RUSSIA Voice of Russia / Russian International Radio in Russian:<br />

0000-0200 on additional 6045 (55555) \\ 1170, 7125.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

FEBA B'04 changes with eff 24 Dec 2004<br />

1530-1600 smtwtfs PASHTO, 1600-1630 DARI, 1630-1645 HAZARAGI 7395 41 ARM<br />

(x7330)<br />

1645-1700 smtwtfs UZBEK 7395 41 ARM (x7330). (Alokesh Gupta-IND, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Dec 24)<br />

6075 Kamchatskoe R. on Dec 23 at 0710-0725, 34433 Russian, 0710 UT with IS.<br />

ID. Talk. local program. Infomation from Kenji Takasaki via Yokohama <strong>DX</strong><br />

BBS.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Dec 23)<br />

Conforming with the agreement signed in 2003 between Lithuanian and Russian<br />

authorities, the txion time of the Bolshakovo tx (Kaliningrad oblast) was<br />

reduced from 8h to 4h/d on 1 <strong>Jan</strong>uary. The new operational time (with Voice<br />

of Russia relays), valid throughout 20<strong>05</strong>, is 1600-1900 UT (one hour earlier<br />

during summer months due to DST). On 1 <strong>Jan</strong> 2006, the time will be reduced<br />

to 2hrs/daily; this schedule will be valid until 1 Nov 2007 when this tx is<br />

required to close down. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

[to ERI & ETH] Changes on the TDP schedule website<br />

<br />

Raadiyoo Sagalee Oromiyaa is no longer listed. After a break of several<br />

months, Dejen Radio resumed its txions, it is again listed Sat 1700-1800 in<br />

Tigrinya, now on 7590 (Krasnodar 100 kW). (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, Cumbre Dec<br />


[The] medium wave broadcast of the Voice of Russia has been partially<br />

jammed by a local station in Kiev since the first half of December, a<br />

source in the Voice of Russia told ITAR-TASS on Tuesday [28 Dec].<br />

The source said that the jamming signal was not authorized by the<br />

International Electric Communication Union [presumably the International<br />

Telecommunication Union] or the international plan of medium and long wave<br />

broadcasts.<br />

The Voice of Russia has been broadcasting live programmes to the CIS and<br />

Baltic countries for 15 hours a day since spring 2004. It is using 999 kHz<br />

freq in broadcasts to Kiev via a Grigoriopol tx with the capacity of 1000<br />

kW.<br />

(ITAR-TASS via B<strong>BC</strong>M, Dec 28)<br />

Propagation of several regional stations is now occuring most days.<br />

Listening in the time span between 0700 and 0900 has produced signals from<br />

Arkhangelsk 6160, which seems to be the only station currently audible on<br />

this frequency. Arman [Magadan] on 7320, but this one has not been audible<br />

every day for some reason. Monchegorsk [Murmansk] on 5930 is audible when<br />

co-channel Radio Prague goes off air around 0757* and Yakutsk is audible on<br />

7200. However, this one is suffering a tx fault and emitting a strange<br />

warbling noise with their audio.<br />

Yakutsk is also using 7345 and 7140, but both freqs suffer co-channel<br />

interference from CNR-1 via listed Beijing on 7345 [after Radio Prague<br />

leaves the air around 0827*] and from Voice of Korea [Pyongyang] on<br />

variable 7140. According to information from Olle Alm in Sweden, Yakutsk<br />

and Perm are using 6150 where a tentative logging of "something" in Russian<br />

has been heard. But this freq is usually occupied by Dr.Gene Scott via<br />

Costa Rica.<br />

Arman 7320 only broadcasts programmes from R Rossii, but the others carry<br />

regional programmes. Monchegorsk 5930 has been heard with a regional<br />

programme around 0810. Arkhangelsk is known to have regional programmes but<br />

only Rossii has been heard so far. If the band stays open beyond 0900 then<br />

"Respublika Sakha" regional programmes in Russian and Yakut can be heard<br />

via 7200 from around 0910. (Noel R. Green-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 26)<br />

CIS. Voice of Russia.<br />

Relay via LW & MW txs.<br />

31/10/2004 - 26/03/20<strong>05</strong><br />

kHz / kW / Transmitter / ITU / UTC<br />

234 / 500 / Gavar / ARM / 1000-1400, 2000-2300<br />

585 / 1200 / Belororsk / RUS / 1100-1500<br />

603 / 5 / Berlin-Zehlendorf / D / 0000-2300<br />

603 / 200 / Hainan Prov. / CHN / 1200-1300<br />

612 / 20/40 / Moscow (Kurkino) / RUS / 1600-1700, 2000-2300<br />

612 / 100 / Vilnius / LTU / 0800-1600<br />

612 / ? / ? / ? / 0300-0400, 1800-2000<br />

630 / 500 / Komsomolsk-na-Amure / RUS / 1200-1400<br />

648 / 1000 / Razdolnoe / RUS / 1000-1100, 1200-1300<br />

648 / 1000 / Orzu / TJK / 0200-0400, 1300-2000<br />

720 / 1000 / Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk / RUS / 1200-1400<br />

801 / 1200 / Atamanovka / RUS / 1300-1500<br />

801 / 1000 / Orzu / TJK / 0300-<strong>05</strong>00, 0900-1000, 1200-1830<br />

936 / 1000 / Lvov / UKR / 0200-0400, 0900-2100<br />

972 / 500 / Nikolaev / UKR / 0900-2000<br />

972 / 1000 / Orzu / TJK / 0200-0400, 1200-1900<br />

999 / 500 / Griroriopol / MDA / 2100-2400, 1300-1600, 1700-1800<br />

1026 / 250 / Oyash / RUS / 0000-0300, 1700-2000

1080 / 1000 / Angarsk / RUS / 1300-1500<br />

1089 / 1200 / Tbilisskaya / RUS / 0300-0400, <strong>05</strong>00-0700, 1600-2300<br />

1143 / 150 / Bolshakovo / RUS / 1300-2200<br />

1143 / 150 / Yangiyul / TJK / 1300-1500, 1900-2300<br />

1170 / 1200 / Tbilisskaya / RUS / 2200-2300, 0400-0600, 1500-1900<br />

1170 / 800 / Sosnovy / BLR / 0000-<strong>05</strong>00, 0700-1000, 1100-1600, 1800-2000<br />

1215 / 1200 / Bolshakovo / RUS / 1000-1100, 1600-2400<br />

1251 / 600 / Razdolnoe / RUS / 0800-1000, 1100-1500<br />

1251 / 100 / Yangiyul / TJK / 1400-1900<br />

1269 / 300 / Yunnan Prov. / CHN / 1300-1400, 1700-1800<br />

1314 / 1000 / Gavar / ARM / 0300-0400, 1600-2300<br />

1323 / 150/800 / Wachenbrunn / D / 0600-2300<br />

1323 / 100 / Jilin Prov. / CHN / 1400-1500<br />

1386 / 1200 / Bolshakovo / RUS / 1000-2000<br />

1431 / 500 / Nikolaev / UKR / 1300-2000<br />

1467 / 500 / Grigoriopol / MDA / 1800-2100<br />

1494 / 600 / Krashy Bor / RUS / 1600-2000<br />

1503 / 7 / Dushanbe / TJK / 0200-0400, 1300-2000<br />

1548 / 1000 / Grigoriopol / MDA / 2100-2230, 0400-0900, 1300-1800<br />

(Nikolay Rudnev, Belgorodskaya oblast; RUS-Dx <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

SINGAPORE B<strong>BC</strong> in Uzbek on additional freq:<br />

1600-1700 Mon-Fri & 1600-1630# Sat/Sun on 9740 via SNG \\ 7325*, 7435,<br />

9635.<br />

* co-ch Chinese Music Jammer + CRI Turkish via CER + RFI Arabic via ISS<br />

# 1630-1700 Sat/Sun in Russian<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

SOMALIA R Shabele 6960.1 likely the one with animated political speech at<br />

1621-1721 on Nov 27th with good strength. A weaker Somali sounding station,<br />

presumably Radio Galkayo, was heard on 6980 at the same time. (Craig<br />

Seager-AUS, AR<strong>DX</strong>CNx)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA 9660 TWR via Meyerton. At *1658-1712* on Dec 31. Religious<br />

broadcast in Jiba/Arabic. Off with Engl ID for Trans World Radio.<br />

9620 TWR via Meyerton. At *1750-18<strong>05</strong> on Dec 31. Opening I.S. with EG I.D.'s<br />

Into Religious broadcast in the French Language. QRM from 9625 NHK/Radio<br />

JPN Hit Parade for New Year's Special via Woofferton Transmitter. (Edward<br />

Kusalik-Alb-CAN, Cumbre Dec 31)<br />

SRI LANKA TSANUMI -- Of the SW tx sites here, DW's Trincomalee is on<br />

the east coast and likely to have been hit by the tsunami; is anyone<br />

hearing normal DW relays as scheduled here? Fortunately, Colombo is on the<br />

west side.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Dec 26)<br />

Victor's house is about 10 kms in-land from Mt. Lavinia beach, south of<br />

Colombo capital. Visited him in 1974.<br />

All scheduled DW TRI txions heard loud and clear in 1800-2100 UT frame,<br />

like 9715, 11695, 11890, and 12025.<br />

Main power gain from self-sufficient two ship DIESEL engine generators.<br />

(wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 27)<br />

01548 0000-0100 ENGLISH 400 035 SAS<br />

01548 1400-1429 GERMAN 400 035 SAS<br />

01548 1430-1515 URDU 400 035 SAS<br />

01548 1515-1600 HINDI 400 035 SAS<br />

01548 1600-1700 ENGLISH 400 035 SAS<br />

01548 1700-1800 GERMAN 400 035 SAS<br />

06030 0000-0<strong>05</strong>9 ENGLISH 250 015 SAS<br />

6070(x7250) 2300-0000 ENGLISH 250 075 SEAS

06170 1600-1659 ENGLISH 250 015 SAS<br />

06180 2200-2259 ENGLISH 250 060 FE<br />

07225 1430-1515 URDU 250 345 SAS<br />

07225 1515-1600 HINDI 250 345 SAS<br />

07225 1600-1659 ENGLISH 125 345 SAS<br />

09560 2300-2350 CHINESE 250 045 CHN<br />

09585 1515-1559 HINDI 250 015 SAS<br />

09610 2200-2250 INDONESIAN 250 1<strong>05</strong> SEAS<br />

09615 0100-0200 BENGALI 250 015 SAS<br />

09655 1200-1250 INDONESIAN 250 120 SEAS<br />

09655 1400-1600 GERMAN 250 0<strong>05</strong> SAS<br />

09655 1600-1758 GERMAN 250 0<strong>05</strong> SAS<br />

09715 1700-1800 RUSSIAN 250 345 CIS<br />

09715 1800-1900 RUSSIAN 250 345 CIS<br />

09715 1900-1959 RUSSIAN 250 345 CIS<br />

09815 2300-0000 ENGLISH 250 1<strong>05</strong> SEAS<br />

11695 1700-1730 URDU 250 335 ME<br />

11695 1730-1930 PERSIAN 250 335 ME<br />

11890 2000-2130 ARABIC 250 300 ME<br />

12025 2000-2<strong>05</strong>9 ENGLISH 250 240 C/SAF<br />

13780 2100-2200 ENGLISH 250 270 WAF<br />

15145 1030-1<strong>05</strong>5 CHINESE 250 0<strong>05</strong> FE<br />

15275 1800-1955 GERMAN 250 255 AF<br />

15330 1300-1350 CHINESE 250 015 CHN<br />

15335 0200-0300 RUSSIAN 250 345 ZAS<br />

15335 0300-0359 RUSSIAN 250 345 ZAS<br />

15410 2000-2100 ENGLISH 250 285 C/SAF<br />

15490 1300-1350 CHINESE 250 045 CHN<br />

15595 0100-0200 RUSSIAN 250 025 CIS<br />

17820 1030-1<strong>05</strong>5 CHINESE 250 045 CHN<br />

17820 1200-1250 INDONESIAN 250 1<strong>05</strong> SEAS<br />

17845 1000-1200 GERMAN 250 060 FE<br />

17845 1200-1355 GERMAN 250 060 FE<br />

21560 1400-1430 ARABIC 250 300 ME<br />

21560 1430-1500 ARABIC 250 300 ME<br />

21640 0600-0800 GERMAN 250 120 SEAS/OC<br />

21640 0800-1000 GERMAN 250 120 SEAS/OC<br />

21675 0600-0700 ENGLISH 090 300 SEUR/ME DRM<br />

21675 0700-0800 ENGLISH 090 300 SEUR/ME DRM<br />

21675 0800-0900 ENGLISH 090 300 SEUR/ME DRM<br />

21675 0900-1000 ENGLISH 090 300 SEUR/ME DRM<br />

Deutsche Welle Relay Station At Trincomalee, Sri Lanka, Unharmed<br />

Dear Kim,<br />

Thank you for your e-mail and your sympathy for our workers in Trincomalee.<br />

We were of course concerned when the nx about the floodings broke. But we<br />

received an e-mail from our workers saying that none of those who remained<br />

on Sri Lanka during the holidays were harmed. The relay station itself was<br />

not damaged since it is not located near the coast. Yet, we still can not<br />

rule out the possibility that some of the local people from Trincomalee<br />

working for DW may be injured or affected otherwise by the catastrophe. We<br />

are utterly shocked by the impact of the Tsunamis. Our thoughts are with<br />

those who have lost their loved ones, their families and homes in<br />

Trincomalee.<br />

With kind regards, Michael Krumbein, Deutsche Welle, Kommunikation<br />

<br />

(Kim Andrew Elliott-USA via Terry-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Dec 28)<br />

Concerning the Tsunami disaster in South & South East Asia area, up to now<br />

there isn't any special request from dwtas on monitoring Trincomalee txr

and according to my receiver icf-sw7600gr their German & Indonesian service<br />

on some freqs was normal.<br />

best dx (S. Ashar, bdn c3/3 depok 16434 Indonesia. hcdx Dec 31)<br />

6170, at 1650-, Deutsche Welle on <strong>Jan</strong> 2nd. Thought I'd do a check of their<br />

Trincomalee site, and sure enough I'm hearing them at s6 to s7 strength in<br />

English, with a song 'One night stand'. Also \\ to equally strong 7225<br />

(also Sri Lanka), and 11695 (poor level, direct from Wertachtal at 500 kW).<br />

The two SL txs are slightly out of sync. My un<strong>der</strong>standing is that this is<br />

to avoid over taxing the power supply to the station. 6170 is beamed<br />

directly my way. Both txs cut suddenly at about 2 mins to the hour, leaving<br />

Radio Tunis audible with Arabic mx on 7225. (Walt Salmaniw-Vic-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

On Dec 26 the worst Earthquake on Earth in 40 years happened un<strong>der</strong>water<br />

Southwest of Aceh Province, Sumatra. Enormous seismic Sea waves (in<br />

Japanese called Tsunami) hit the coasts in most countries around the Indian<br />

Ocean, causing devastating damages and more than 160.000 people at the<br />

beaches killed or disappeared into the Sea. This natural catastrophe came<br />

without warning and all media covered this tragic event. On Sri Lanka<br />

alone, more than 30000 people are reported dead.<br />

Our [DSWCI] member, Victor Goonetilleke, living 10 km inland south of<br />

Colombo wrote on Dec 27: " All of us are OK here. Trying hard to organize<br />

some emergency communications (Victor is also a very active radio amateur!<br />

Ed) and also doing some food distributions and things like that. Since the<br />

affected areas are so widespread things are very hard. Everyone within 1000<br />

metres or so of the coast have been badly affected right along the coast<br />

from North to South on the eastern side of the island.<br />

In some areas as far in as 2-3 kms. On the Western side not so bad, about<br />

100 metres from the coast, as the quake was on the Eastern side of the<br />

island and the tidal waves came from the East/ S. East. You would have seen<br />

the vast destruction. Frightening.. Regards , Victor".<br />

He further reported in <strong>DX</strong>plorer on Dec 27 via Wolf Harranth and Christoph<br />

Ratzer: "Some heart breaking stories are emerging. Just got back after a<br />

hectic day. We are sending a radio amateur team to the worst affected area<br />

to link on HF and try VHF through one of our functioning repeaters. And a<br />

co-ordinating centre will be set up tomorrow at "Temple Trees" at the Prime<br />

Minister's official residence in Colombo. We have some more volunteers who<br />

would go, but we have a shortage of portable equipment, transport, etc., to<br />

the affected areas, etc.<br />

I hope our efforts tomorrow to link Hambantota which is in the deep South<br />

are successful as it has been cut off since the first waves hit. Thank you<br />

all for writing - excuse this common note as I am exhausted after a very<br />

heavy day. Regards, Victor"<br />

(Victor A. Goonetilleke. 4S7VK, Piliandala, Sri Lanka Dec 29)<br />

We are happy that at least you and your family are safe, Victor, and that<br />

you are doing such a great effort in the rescue work! We do our best to<br />

assist through humanitarian aid via the relief agencies. Before the<br />

catastrophe, on Dec 20 Victor furthermore sent the DSWCI a long list of<br />

loggings which is published in Miscellaneous.<br />

(dswci <strong>DX</strong>W, Anker Petersen-DEN, Nov 29)<br />

Dear Group, One of our members, Victor Goonetilleke, is from Sri Lanka. I<br />

just heard that one in twenty are homeless in Sri Lanka.<br />

Let us send our thoughts and prayers to Victor as well as all those<br />

affected by the tsunamis.

Christine Reintjes Martin-ibid. <br />

From Victor<br />

Thank you very much for your concern and sympathy. Excuse this general note<br />

because with so much to do I will take long to get back to you, so treat<br />

this as a temporary message/reply. It makes you comforted to hear from<br />

people saying they are releaved we are safe.<br />

The situation is terrible. I feel more than 50,000 may have perished. I am<br />

a Radio Amateur/Ham, the President of the National Organization of Radio<br />

Hams. We set up emmergency communications via HF and VHF with 2 teams going<br />

into very bad desaster areas and gave the Sri Lanka's Prime Minister's<br />

Office communications with the coordinating Govt Officer, which had NO<br />

communication until we went in to establish HF links.. Our control centre<br />

was inside the Prime Minister's Official house in his operational room.<br />

Will show how they valued our sces.<br />

The moment we got a message there was a team to handle the request for<br />

Medicine, Doctors and so many things. We will continue until such time as<br />

the PM needs our help. After that we will try humanitarian help, like<br />

tracing missing people in hospitals and setting up communication centres in<br />

disaster areas where there is no land lines working and mobile towers,<br />

repeaters are down.<br />

Even Satellite phone failed and only HF link was possible. Our batteries<br />

were running out and no generators to charge, no electricty, lights etc. in<br />

those regions where Telephone exchnges, powerlines and everything for<br />

communications was down. Even sateiilte phone let down. No way to charge<br />

batteries was another problem. Just plain uncomplicated Short Wave saved<br />

lives.<br />

Ham Radio played an important part and will continue to do so. Pray for the<br />

People of South and S.East Asia. Thanks again. Victor<br />

Victor A. Goonetilleke. 4S7VK, Piliyandala, Colombo, Sri Lanka.<br />

(wb, dxld Dec 29)<br />

Let t me give some idea of what we are doing!<br />

As President of the Amateur Radio Society in Sri Lanka it was won<strong>der</strong>ful<br />

even at a tragic time to tell you that the RSSL was able to link up South<br />

of Sri Lanka with the Prime Minister who comes from the South and that is<br />

where his people are. So we went in and established this HF link with the<br />

town of Hambantota. Our Amateur friends 4S7KE (Secretary RSSL), 4S7 AK<br />

(Treasurer RSSL) and DZ went in a 4 wheel drive approaching the costal town<br />

of Hambantota from the interior as the main road along the cost was badly<br />

battered and full of debris and was impassable. So when all the cellular<br />

and all other means failed HF Radio stood bold and proud. It is so simple<br />

tec nically and although we didnt even have a TS 50 or such a small mobile<br />

HF set, we took an Icom IC7400 the best radio we have and two 12v batteries<br />

and dipoles some food and water and filled the rest of the vehicle with<br />

food for the displaced. I stood by in Colombo at the PM's along with 4S7VJ,<br />

4S7KG, 4S7AB and 4S5BA to run the link in and coordinate. We also had two<br />

hams on a moble going along the coast of the South to asses and record<br />

damage.<br />

I wish I could scream aloud and tell people in some high places that when<br />

all else is dead HF is alive. What do you do when your power goes out,<br />

telephones go dead and you can't even charge your batteries of your GTS or<br />

Mobile Phone? We had our Morse key handy if we had to operate with just 1<br />

or 2 watts but the batteries held.<br />

Well the Police Radio connected their links 12 or more hours later, but the<br />

hams were there before anyone else. Most of the district is so badly

attered it will take some time to restore utilities. We operated for 48<br />

hours from the Prime Ministers disaster room and moved out and we are in<br />

fax contact now relaying traffic. We also have 4S7SW Sarath operating from<br />

another Southern Town "Matara" and two other stations 4S7WI, 4S6NM and<br />

others relaying and helping in the disaster traffic passing info to the<br />

coordinating centre. We have 3 stations out there and we are trying to<br />

connect lost people, pass info on displaced camps and people and the<br />

movement of food and essentials. We are trying to expand our coverage but<br />

our resourses are limited. Many other hams like 4S7DA, 7WN, 7EA 7CF, 7MM,<br />

and some more on HF and others on VHF are helping in the traffic.<br />

Our roll has to change as the situation changes with Govt links comming<br />

into operations, yet civilian communication lines and most damaged telecoms<br />

will take a long time.. I am here at my desk with my land phone and mobile,<br />

a VHF radio and HF radio constantly tuned to our disaster communications<br />

freqs trying to coordinate as best as I can. The Sri Lankan hams are<br />

playing part un<strong>der</strong> difficult conditions and will continue to do so.<br />

P.S. The DW TRinco was unaffected and is in full operatioon as it is 3<br />

miles inland and the Tidal waves didn't reach that far. However some local<br />

staff who live closer to the sea have been affected. The station was off<br />

the air for a few hours.<br />

Victor A. Goonetilleke 4S7VK "Shangri-la", 298 Madapatha Road, Kolamunne,<br />

Piliyandala. Sri Lanka. (<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

SWAZILAND 9499.97 at 1840 UT. TWR Swaziland, English preaching. <strong>Jan</strong> 02,<br />

35544.<br />

(Guenter Lorenz, currently near La Spezia, NoItaly hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 3)<br />

SWEDEN Hrd coming on 11560 at 1129 Dec 29, very weak, but built up<br />

quickly and was fairly good (but fluttery) by 1157 when they went into<br />

IS/ID sequence until closing at 1159. They switched to 11550, IS/IDs there<br />

at 1159 and opened at 1200, pretty decent and improving. All Swedish,<br />

ments. of Thailand.<br />

Extra broadcasts to catastrophe areas 1130-1200 11560 kHz, 1200-1600 11550<br />

kHz 'until further notice'. This change will affect previous broadcasts to<br />

e.g. East Asia and North America (from Radio Sweden website Dec 28, 2004)<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 29)<br />

7420 at 1733-, Radio Sweden on <strong>Jan</strong> 2. Weekly 15 min program in Kurdish can<br />

be heard at a good level from Hoerby at 350 kW, with a beam almost 180<br />

degrees from my QTH. This I expect to be only audible for the next few<br />

weeks, before the days get too long for propagation to be possible. (Walt<br />

Salmaniw-Vic-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

TAIWAN 7185 at 1713-, Music jammer on <strong>Jan</strong> 2. RFA must be on this freq now<br />

with the Chinese mx jammer only slightly stronger than the presumed Chinese<br />

speaker un<strong>der</strong>neath. Strong signal. (Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

Against CBS Taipeh Taiwan, not RFA. (wb.)<br />

Sound of Hope schedule is 2200-2300 on 9635, 2300-0000 on 7310 and 1600-<br />

1700 on 11765.<br />

(Eric Zhou-CHN, dxld)<br />

WRTH says 11765 is via Taiwan. Station address is 2520 Wyandotte Street,<br />

Suite A, Mountain View, California 94043, USA. (Mike Barraclough-UK W<strong>DX</strong>C<br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

TANZANIA R Tanzania Zanzibar heard on 6015 kHz, Nov 20th signing on at<br />

0257 UT, IS, Nat Anthem, 5 pips at 0300, opening annmt and Quûran. Swahili

talk until 0310 tune out, very good signal but splatter from 6010. (John<br />

Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre)<br />

UNID 6015: heard several days at 1600+, variety of mx with few short annts,<br />

time pips at 1600 UT, into mx, followed by very short nx bulletin, unable<br />

to un<strong>der</strong>stand anything because of not very good audio. Not Iran. Any ideas?<br />

(Thorsten Hallmann-D, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

Zanzibar? (in the past at 1500-2100 UT on former v11734). 6015 is heavily<br />

disturbed here in Europe by the Korean fighters (North to South and vv<br />

jamming). (wb)<br />


4930 kHz 2125 (<strong>05</strong>/12) Turkmenskoe Radio. In Turkmen. 35433.<br />

5015 kHz 2130 (<strong>05</strong>/12) Turkmenskoe Radio. In Turkmen. 45433.<br />

(Andrey Seregin, Ryazan-RUS / "PLANET <strong>DX</strong>" #4; RUS-Dx <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

UKRAINE [The] medium wave broadcast of the Voice of Russia has been<br />

partially jammed by a local station in Kiev since the first half of<br />

December, a source in the Voice of Russia told ITAR-TASS on Tuesday [28<br />

Dec].<br />

The source said that the jamming signal was not authorized by the<br />

International Electric Communication Union [presumably the International<br />

Telecommunication Union] or the international plan of medium and long wave<br />

broadcasts.<br />

The Voice of Russia has been broadcasting live programmes to the CIS and<br />

Baltic countries for 15 hrs a day since spring 2004. It is using 999 kHz<br />

freq in broadcasts to Kiev via a Grigoriopol tx with the capacity of 1000<br />

kW. (ITAR-TASS via B<strong>BC</strong>M Dec 29)<br />

Russian radio officials have accused Ukraine of deliberately blocking their<br />

radio broadcasts, Interfax nx agency reported Wednesday.<br />

Top executives of the Voice of Russia Radio have said they are not<br />

satisfied with the reasons they have been given for the blocking of their<br />

broadcasts during the Ukrainian presidential election campaign and they are<br />

determined to get to the bottom of it, Interfax said.<br />

"The lea<strong>der</strong>ship of the Russian State Radio Company Voice of Russia is not<br />

satisfied with the explanations given by the Ukrainian Radio and Television<br />

Broadcasting Concern about the instances of interference in the reception<br />

of its broadcasts in Kiev and is sending a corresponding complaint to it,"<br />

the Voice of Russia said in a statement.<br />

A spokesman for the Russian Chief Radio Frequency Center said in the<br />

statement there was "documented evidence of the unauthorized artificial<br />

interference in the working freq of the Voice of Russia during the election<br />

campaign in Ukraine."<br />

<br />

(U P I, dxld, Dec 30)<br />

The Ukrainian concern for radio broadcasting, radio communication and TV<br />

broadcasting has denied the statements by the Voice of Russia radio station<br />

alleging partial jamming of its broadcasts in Ukraine. The concern has not<br />

received complaints on this from the Voice of Russia, an assistant to the<br />

concern's president, Serhiy Makohon, told Interfax-Ukraine. (Interfax-<br />

Ukraine nx agency, via B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld Dec 28)<br />

UNID 4910, Dec 29, tune in 1908 fairly good at times but in local lang<br />

and I did not get any hint of whom. Anybody? Once or twice mixed with<br />

French 'Mesdames et messieurs'. Will have to work on this as had gone when

I had time to recheck hours later. Think they must have signed off ard<br />

2200? Mauritania was right on freq 4845.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 29)<br />

UNID station very faint at 1410 UT on 4765 kHz, I have nothing listed here.<br />

What could it be? (Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 30)<br />

UNID 9511.31 Whistle tone every day, UNID stn, noted at 0730 UT again. SoAM<br />

stn?<br />

(wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

U.A.E. Freq change for UAE Radio Dubai in Arabic only:<br />

0600-1500 NF 120<strong>05</strong>*, ex 216<strong>05</strong>, no English px 1030-1<strong>05</strong>0 and 1330-1350:<br />

* co-ch VOR in English 0700-0900<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

USA Freq change for WYFR Family Radio in English effective from Dec.19:<br />

20<strong>05</strong>-2200 NF 5810 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu, x5820<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

75<strong>05</strong> KTBN (pres) pop songs 1500 OM welcome to ... radio, mentions of J<br />

Christ etc.<br />

S1, 12431. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 29)<br />

Frequency change for WYFR As of 19 December, 2004:<br />

Delete 5820 kHz 2000-2300 UT 44 degrees Zones 27,28<br />

Add 5810 kHz 2000-2300 UT 44 degrees Zones 27,28<br />

(WYFR Dec 24 via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

No improvement for World Music Radio 5815 (gh, Dec 27)<br />

Freqs changes for VOA in Ukrainian:<br />

1615-1630 & 1645-1700 NF 9665, ex 5970 to avoid CRI German \\ 7190, 9735<br />

Freq change for Radio Liberty in Belorussian:<br />

1600-1800 NF 11925, ex 15460 \\ 612, 9865<br />

Freqs changes for Radio Farda in Persian:<br />

1700-1800 NF 7520, ex 117<strong>05</strong> \\ 1170, 1593, 7580, 11845<br />

1800-1900 NF 11530, ex 117<strong>05</strong> \\ 1170, 1593, 7580, 11845<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

Radio Free Asia QSLs. Yesterday I received an email from Mr. A J <strong>Jan</strong>itschek<br />

of Radio Free Asia, and he told me the following:<br />

"We will start releasing a new QSL card, commemorating 20<strong>05</strong> as the Year of<br />

the Rooster, with all reception reports for <strong>Jan</strong>uary 1 and later. This will<br />

be the fourth QSL card and will likely be in use for at least two months.<br />

We also look to release a few special QSLs in 20<strong>05</strong>. If you know of clubs<br />

interested in receiving nx about our QSLs, pls have them contact me via<br />

email."<br />

Could you, please, contact Mr. <strong>Jan</strong>itschek using his e-mail address: <br />

Thank you, and with best wishes for a prosperous new year, I remain,<br />

Sincerely yours, (Guenter Jacob-D, WW<strong>DX</strong>C Dec 31)<br />

New Contacts for Adventist World Radio QSL Cards<br />

Adventist World Radio has revised its procedure for issuing QSL cards,<br />

moving from one central contact address in England to several regional<br />

addresses. Effective immediately, the new contacts are as follows:

Listeners in the Asia/Pacific region:<br />

AWR Asia/Pacific<br />

798 Thomson Road<br />

Singapore 298186<br />

Republic of SNG<br />

Listeners in the Europe region:<br />

AWR Europe<br />

Whitegates, St. Mark's Road<br />

Binfield, Berkshire, RG42 4AT<br />

England<br />

Listeners in the Africa region:<br />

AWR Africa<br />

P.O. Box 2522<br />

Cramerview, 2060<br />

Johannesburg, South Africa<br />

Listeners in North/Central/South America:<br />

Dr. Adrian Peterson<br />

903 Tanninger Drive<br />

Indianapolis, IN 46239<br />

USA<br />

Wavescan Program on Hiatus<br />

"Wavescan," the program produced by Adventist World Radio for SW radio<br />

hobbyists, will be on temporary hiatus from <strong>Jan</strong>uary until late March, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

The program is moving from its home in England to AWR's Asia/Pacific<br />

region, where the new team is gearing up for full production. The new Asian<br />

version of "Wavescan" is scheduled to begin airing during the spring txion<br />

period. Further details of the program's format and content will be<br />

available at that time. Until then, other AWR programming will be heard at<br />

the respective times. (AWR press release via Adrian Peterson-IN-USA, Dec<br />

29)<br />

VATICAN CITY DRM 1611 kHz.<br />

Hello there... Although I can not resolve it, I would say from the sound<br />

being transmitted on 1611kHz at the moment (a slightly raspy white noise<br />

txion at around 1600 UT on 29/12/2004) that DRM is being tested on this<br />

channel.<br />

Anyone any idea who it is? Vatican Radio? (Andrew Tett Shoreham-by-Sea-UK,<br />

Dec 29)<br />

[Mo<strong>der</strong>ator: Yes Vatican Radio - they have DRM on 1611 kHz at 1300-1630 and<br />

2100-2200 supposedly with 25 kw but often seems stronger. Dave Kenny-UK,<br />

BR-<strong>DX</strong>C-UK]<br />

According to their latest schedule, 1611 kHz DRM relays One-O-Five Live<br />

(the Rome local sce of Vatican Radio) daily at 0715-1630 and 2200-<strong>05</strong>30 UT.<br />

(Stefano Valianti-I, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Dec 30)<br />

VIETNAM Ha Noi: Radio Voice of Vietnam (VOV) will start broadcasting<br />

programmes in the Cham lang as from 1 <strong>Jan</strong> 20<strong>05</strong>. The Cham-lang programmes<br />

will be broadcast daily at four times, each 30 mins long - at 6.30 a.m.,<br />

10.30 a.m., 14.30 p.m., and 20 hrs [UT +7]. They can be heard at 873 and<br />

747 kHz freqs. Cham minority people live mainly in central Binh Thuan, Ninh<br />

Thuan, and Tay Ninh provinces; and southern An Giang and Dong Nai<br />

provinces; and Ho Chi Minh City. Together with the Cham-language programme,<br />

Radio Voice of Vietnam 4 stn [minorities network] provides nine ethnic<br />

language programmes.<br />

(VNA nx agency via B<strong>BC</strong>M Dec 27, via dxld)

YEMEN Republic of Yemen Radio, 9779.65 kHz at 1831-1900 on Dec 26 tune-in<br />

to English news, ID. 1835 US pop mx. 1840 program about local agriculture.<br />

1850 more US pop mx. 1856 news. 1858 closing annmts. Weak-fair but with<br />

somewhat muffled audio.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

ZAMBIA [tentat] 4500 kHz. Possibly Zambian Z<strong>BC</strong>2 4500, checked on 30 and<br />

31. On 30th on 0400 with nx in English. Quite good for Xinjiang S55-6<br />

24223. Again till 2200 wuth talks in English. S5 over S3 noise floor. On<br />

Dec 31 on 1934 UT with commentaries talks abt Zambia, Botswana, Zambian<br />

Association, Kampala. Heard a short ID "... - two syllabic - Broadcasting<br />

Corporation". News by YL at 2000 UT. Signal S7 over S3 noise floor. I can<br />

suppose Zambia but not \\ 4910. 6165 QRMEd <strong>Jan</strong> 1st at 1735 UT mixed with<br />

Xinjiang PBS. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 1-2)<br />

Yes, nice ID. What do you suppose they are doing on 4500?? Radio 2 Zambia<br />

ID TS etc and into nx at 0400 ... S9 plus itty ... (Tony (VE3NO), <strong>DX</strong>plorer<br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

They just made an annt at 0341 but could not decipher an ID. Did hear the<br />

male announcer mention the first of <strong>Jan</strong>uary. Then into another song. Does<br />

sound African to me, too. Signal goes from S8+ to S9+5db. (John Sgrulletta,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

Thanks to a tip on <strong>DX</strong>plorer, following up on a report by Zacharias Liangas,<br />

Zambia's Radio Two was heard on new 4500 kHz from 0335 UTC tune-in on 2nd<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>. Nx in English at 0400 UT. Very good reception. (Tony Rogers-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-<br />

UK <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

4500, Radio 2, 0350-0445 fade out <strong>Jan</strong> 2, many English lyric pop vocals<br />

including Bee Gees and Whitney Houston. TC at 0355 by male announcer and<br />

2+1 time pips at 0400 followed by ID and news. Poor to fair with signal<br />

strength rapidly decreasing after 0430.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

4910, Zambia National Broadcasting Company, 2149-0135+ Dec 31, highlife mx<br />

with a man and woman hosting New Year's program with telephone calls form<br />

listeners in local langs. Many mentions of Zambia and ID at 2328 before a<br />

phone call. Apparently running 24 hours for occasion. Poor to fair. (Rich<br />

D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

Heard here in the clear on 4500 kHz, <strong>Jan</strong> 2nd at 1800 UT after Xinjiang PBS<br />

signed off with nx in English, strong signal but modulation was rather<br />

muddy.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

Krieg im Aether.<br />

Wi<strong>der</strong>stand und Spionage im Zweiten Weltkrieg.<br />

Hrsg. v. Hans Schafranek u. Johannes Tuchel. 2004.<br />

376 Seiten 26,90 Euro in AUT/ Picus Verlag.<br />

Kurztext:<br />

Spionage und Gegenspionage im Zweiten Weltkrieg gehoeren zu den<br />

schillerndsten Aspekten des Wi<strong>der</strong>stands. Aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven<br />

widmen sich die im vorliegenden Band versammelten Beitraege den<br />

kontroversiellen Fragen zu diesem Umfeld. So thematisieren und<br />

problematisieren sie die Zusammenarbeit von Wi<strong>der</strong>standsgruppen mit den<br />

Allierten und geben dabei Einblick in geheimdienstliche Operationen, wie<br />

sie in Funkspielen und <strong>der</strong>en Unterwan<strong>der</strong>ung durch Nazideutschland<br />

vorherrschten.<br />

Volkswagen, Volksempfaenger, Volksgemeinschaft

Koenig Wolfgang, 2004<br />

310 Seiten (davon mehr als 100 Seiten ueber "Goebbels Schnauze" und<br />

Rundfunk im Dritten Reich mit einigen s/w Abbildungen/ dazu kommen noch<br />

einige Seiten ueber Fernsehen) AUT 37, 10 Euro<br />

Klappentext: u.a. Volkswagen, Volksempfaenger, Volkskuehlschrank- das<br />

ehrenvolle Epitheton "Volks-" wurde im Nationalsozialismus nur<br />

ausgewaehlten Produkten zuteil. Sie sollten den technischen Fortschritt im<br />

NS-Staat dokumentieren und dienten damit zugleich Propagandazwecken. (Paul<br />

Gager-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 28)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Mar 12)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 31)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 22)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 698 12 <strong>Jan</strong> 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

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Extracts of items sourced to E<strong>DX</strong>P may be further reproduced but only by<br />

organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with<br />

E<strong>DX</strong>P.<br />

!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C website. !!!<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio may<br />

be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages,<br />

from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting are made<br />

available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

credit is given to the contributor and to <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only<br />

with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our<br />

WW<strong>DX</strong>C WWW homepage-German AG<strong>DX</strong> Club-direct address:<br />

<br />

or via Link of Homepage: <br />

Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

ALGERIA [CLAND from ALG to WeSahara] 7460 Radio Nacional de la RASD<br />

Reactivated!<br />

[We SAHARA - non]. After a fairly lengthy absence they seem to be back:<br />

7460, Radio Nacional de la RASD via Algeria tentatively <strong>Jan</strong> 2 at 2108 with<br />

a series of talk by a woman with brief Arabic mx between items broken by<br />

Arabic songs at 2110, 2116, 2125, then brief chanting by a male at 2132<br />

then a man with talk in Arabic from 2133 - became too noisy to listen after<br />

2137. Noted also <strong>Jan</strong> 3 from 2133 with Arabic mx.<br />

(Mark Coady-CAN, OA<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

7460 - Also heard mornings around 0700-0800 UT, but not on air today <strong>Jan</strong><br />

11, wb.<br />

7460 RASD We Sahara now regularly back, at least since Dec 25th, 35333,<br />

drums with local song, good audio quality today. Fair signal at 0715 UT.<br />

But suffers co-channel QRM by RFA Korean Ulan Bataar + jamming at 2100-2300<br />

UT. (wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

7460 RASD 2<strong>05</strong>0 talks by OM in Ar, traditional song with stringed<br />

instrument. Low signal New tune in 2120 with Arabic songs 2140 OM with ID<br />

'saab sahrawi' then with possibly political talks. Nice signal . New tune<br />

in 0750 /9.1 with talks by YL and S5 34433.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)

Polisario Front's 7460 (ann'ed as ~70{?} kHz at the beginning of the<br />

Spanish prgr now at 2300) obs'ed back on the air on 26 Dec 1926-...,<br />

Arabic, talks & local tunes; \\ 1550 vy. good; 55444. At least at the<br />

places I <strong>DX</strong> from, their MW outlet is more reliable than the SW one, but<br />

this is clearly & mainly due to the short distance between the Tindouf<br />

(ALG) area and my country. My obs. since that date reveal 7460 is being<br />

irregular while \\ 1550 is on every day; on 10 Dec for instance, I obs'ed<br />

them being active on 1550 only (s/off 0800), ditto late afternoon. (Carlos<br />

Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

Confirmed transmitting equipment installed for Nation radio of the RASD is<br />

co-sited with the studio in the refugee camp at Rabouni (near Tindouf-<br />

WeALG): 50 kW Harris US MW tx unit, and a 20 kW RIZ SW tx [similar microcontrolled<br />

unit erected at SWR Muehlacker Germany site in 1997, but 6030<br />

kHz unit now dismantelled since Oct 15, 2004, wb.]<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU in Br<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>Jan</strong> "Communication" magazine)<br />

ANDAMAN ISLS. 4760 AIR Port Blair. Full data letter signed by V.S.<br />

Venkateswarlu, Station Engineer, for 2002 reception after 2 postal and 2<br />

email followups. Email of 12/13/04 to specifying<br />

correspondence for Mr. K. S. Venkateswarlu was answered via email on 12/14<br />

stating that he was verifying the report and would respond regarding its<br />

accuracy. Letter was dated 12/17 and mailed 12/20. Letter also contained<br />

information about the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and a request for<br />

recordings to accompany future reports. Although the station can be heard<br />

here marginally a few times a year, this was the only reception worthy of a<br />

report. Country verified number 199. (Jim Evans-TN-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

ANGOLA 7244.55 RN Angola at 2158 UT. YL tx in Portuguese, ID as "Radio<br />

Nacional", nice afro mx SINPO 24433.<br />

(Guenter Lorenz-D, currently near La Spezia, Italy, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

ARMENIA Monitored on Mon Dec 6th:<br />

0230-0300 9965 MW 1395, but 4810 not on air.<br />

0300-0315 4810 9965 MW 1395, nx in Armenian.<br />

0315-0345 MW 1395 4810 in Armenian.<br />

0315-0330 9965 another progr in Armenian.<br />

0330-0345 9965 in Spanish with ID "Radio Publica de Armenia" and given<br />

summertime annmts: like 0230-0245 on 9960[!].<br />

0345-0400 4810 9965 MW 1395 in Armenian. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 6)<br />

AUSTRALIA ROBERT CHESTER PASSING. We have just received nx that Robert<br />

Chester in Adelaide has passed away. In reality, politics aside, (please no<br />

comments), the chap was a foundation member of the AR<strong>DX</strong>C, and Robert would<br />

have been in his late 50's and leaves behind his family and grandchildren.<br />

Robert, I can say was a devoted family man, family first we often had phone<br />

calls in 2001/2 and he talked about his family a lot. Robert was a medium<br />

wave buff and for many years devoted time to the medium wave section.<br />

(John Wright-AUS, AR<strong>DX</strong>C via Michael Bethge WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

AUSTRIA 7110 WALES [non]. Wales Radio International I checked again this<br />

Friday, <strong>Jan</strong> 7, at 2130 UT on 7110 and again, as last week, heard [ORF]<br />

German. Heard mention Oesterreich. Transmission actually began a min or so<br />

before 2130 and off at 2200 UT. Checked the \\ freq of 3955 from Skelton<br />

and there it was, a weak signal in English. By the end of txion the signal<br />

was much stronger with clear ID and e-mail addresses given. Nothing heard<br />

on scheduled 60<strong>05</strong> at 0300 Saturday the 8th. Has the freq changed?<br />

(Bernie O'Shea, Ottawa, Ontario, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

One should ask Mr. Geoff Spells<br />

via<br />

60<strong>05</strong> 0300 0330 ......s MNO Rampisham 500 300 English NoAM HR 4/4/0.5<br />

17625 1130 1200 ......s MNO Rampisham 500 62 English OC HR 4/4/0.5<br />

7110 2130 2200 .....f. MNO Moosbrunn 100 300 English WeEUR.<br />

(wb)<br />

AZERBAIJAN Unid on 1295 kHz from around 1400 UT. Can anyone advise who<br />

the station is on 1295 kHz causing a 1 kHz het from around 1400 UT in the<br />

Scandanavian area. I am hearing this station on the <strong>DX</strong> Tuners receiver in<br />

Southern Sweden.<br />

(Tony Magon VK2IC, Sydney-AUS, mwdx <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

Yes, AZE (at 1508-1543 UT on 1295.03 kHz in Azer). Seemingly not \\ to any<br />

other (613.32, 801, 1476), Vlad. (Vladimir G. Titarev-UKR, mwdx <strong>Jan</strong> 12)<br />

Most likely Pirsaat, Azerbaijan which is known to be off-channel since some<br />

time. At this time they are listed with the prgr "Gueney Azaerbaycan" for<br />

Azeri listeners in Northern Iran. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

BRAZIL 4915 kHz R. CBN Anhangueera, Goiania GO, 29 Dec 0010-0020, wx<br />

forecast, press review, ID+fqs, advs, sl. "CBN Anhangueera - A radio que<br />

toca noticia!"; 54433.<br />

4915 kHz R. Difa, Macapa AP, 29 Dec 0014-0024, songs; 43442, QRM de R.CBN,<br />

Brazil.<br />

9504.9 kHz R. Record, Sao Paulo SP, 30 Dec 2338-..., rlgs prgr; 24422, adj<br />

QRM only.<br />

9530 kHz R. Nova Visao, Sta Ma RS, 30 Dec 2340-..., rlgs prgr; 23432, adj<br />

QRM de REE 9535.<br />

9565 kHz R. Tupi, Curitiba PR, 30 Dec 2347-..., live rlgs prgr; 25432.<br />

9630 kHz R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 30 Dec 2333-2342, feature & interviews<br />

on welfare for the e<strong>der</strong>ly; 44433.<br />

9645 kHz R. Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 30 Dec 2335-2347, prgr "Sexta-feira<br />

(=Friday) Bandeirantes"; 35433. Also obs'ed on 07 <strong>Jan</strong> 09<strong>05</strong>-f/out ca. 10<strong>05</strong>,<br />

magazine prgr consisting of news, talks, infos, TCs & even advts.<br />

9665 kHz R. Marumby, Florianopolis SC, chats on religion; 23432, adj QRM<br />

only.<br />

9675 kHz R. Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 30 Dec 2336-2346, songs;<br />

45433.<br />

11765 kHz R. Tupi, Curitiba PR, 30 Dec 2301-2311, preaching; 25432.<br />

11785 kHz R. Guaiba, Pto Alegre RS, 30 Dec 23<strong>05</strong>-2320, advs, infos, px<br />

"Plantel Desportivo"; 34433, adj QRM de B itself (R.Nac. da Amazonia 11780,<br />

\\ 6185).<br />

11855 kHz R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 30 Dec 2309-2322, rpts on rlgs<br />

events; 25432.<br />

11925 kHz R. Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 30 Dec 2314-2332, traffic infos,<br />

tks on f/ball clubs, interviews; 25432. (all Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

CHAD 6165 Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne <strong>Jan</strong> 5 bad modulation but<br />

very strong signal ar 0440 in French with local songs. ID as written. (Finn<br />

Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

CHINA/TAIWAN 50-Year War of Words.

Tactics shift and ideology has softened, but China and Taiwan still aim<br />

radio propaganda at each other 24 hours a day. By Mark Magnier, Times Staff<br />

Writer<br />

The radio show called "Special Communications" was an unlikely hit, given<br />

that it consisted of announcers reading strings of numbers for 15 mins.<br />

Taiwan used the mind-numbing program in the 1980s to send coded messages to<br />

its spies in mainland China. But like many Taiwanese propaganda broadcasts,<br />

it could also be picked up locally. To the surprise of many at the govt-run<br />

Radio Taiwan International, the show soon developed a cult following among<br />

Taiwanese.<br />

An interesting piece on the LA Times Web site on the Great<br />

Cross-Straits Radio Struggle:<br />

<br />

I can recall hearing the Fujian Front Station (now Voice of the Strait)<br />

broadcasts during the Cultural Revolution, and the announcers *were* really<br />

over the top in their delivery.<br />

(Chuck Albertson-WA-USA, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

11840 Cungguo Zeshen - at 1240 UT man & woman talking in Mandarin about<br />

various nx in some China counties (in Chinese they call: 'cungguo nungzhen<br />

pao tao'). SINPO 54444.<br />

(Lim Kwet Hian-INS, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 8)<br />

6185 China Huayi <strong>BC</strong> (v/s Qiao Xiaoli. Feng Jing Xin Cun 3-4-304,<br />

Chanshu,Jiangsu 215500, P.R.C. (Jerry Berg in Br<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>Jan</strong> "Communication"<br />

magazine)<br />

97<strong>05</strong> Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, heard on 29 Dec at 1110-1124 UT with Kyrgyz<br />

prgr, folk tunes & songs, annmts; 25342. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong><br />

10)<br />

CLANDESTINE 5102 V.O.Jammu Kashmir Freedom on Dec 31 at *1259-1310 UT,<br />

44433 Kashmiri, 1259 UT sign on with opening mx. ID. Koran. Talk.<br />

5500 V.O.Peace & Democracy Eritrea on Dec 30 at *1415-1431, 25332 Tigrigna,<br />

1415 UT sign on with IS and ID. 1417 UT opening announce. Talka dn local<br />

mx.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium <strong>Jan</strong> 7)<br />

Clandestine to ERI 15650 Voice of Delina at *1500-1509 UT. Local pop mx<br />

with ID and freq schedule in local lang given above it, many mentions of<br />

Delina. Then man in echo chamber alternating with more local pops. Good on<br />

clear channel. Not heard at 1550 re-check.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 8th)<br />

1600-1800 En x15650 Christian Voice via Kostinbrod-BUL? TX site UNKNOWN.<br />

Africa target.<br />

New schedule for Voice Africa in English via SOF 100 kW / 215deg<br />

1600-1800 NF 13820*(55555), ex 11560, re-ex 15650 >> additional txion<br />

1800-2000 NF 11560 (55555), ex 15650, re-ex 9680 to avoid VOA in Persian.<br />

*co-ch Pan American Broadcasting in English 1600-1630 Sun only!<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)

Frequency change to Christian Voice sce to Nigeria: The signal on 15650 was<br />

not propagating very well and it has been changed to 1600-1800 on 13820,<br />

1800-2000 on 11560.<br />

(CVI, <strong>Jan</strong> 3, dxld) Presumably via Kostinbrod Bulgaria as before, gh.<br />

COLOMBIA 6010.1 LV de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, audible on 29 Dec at<br />

2344-2357 UT, Spanish prgr, preaching; 44444. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

CONGO-Brazzaville 5985 R Congo heard on 6 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1913-1942 UT airing some<br />

discussion in French followed by African songs; 53432, adjt QRM spoiling a<br />

strg. signal.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

CUBA Noted surprisingly fair-to-good signal of Radio Habana Cuba this<br />

local morning:<br />

6000, Radio Havana Cuba, <strong>05</strong>26-<strong>05</strong>41, in English. SINPO 34343 at first, but<br />

decreased to 24322 by the end of listening slot. Music, followed by nx and<br />

sports comment. Positive IDs at the end of the nx and right after that.<br />

Never heard the station in 49 mb before. There were some notes of it in my<br />

previous years' logbooks, but mainly on 11875 kHz. (Dmitry Mezin-RUS,<br />

Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 7)<br />

DRM DRM In very simple terms, can some tell me, in a couple of<br />

sentences, why we are getting this DRM racket on MW? Is there a DRM radio<br />

which translates the racket into very high quality audio with zero<br />

distortion, zero fading at up to 750 miles and a high fidelity surround<br />

sound which is far superior to FM stereo? If it doesn't meet these<br />

standards why the racket on MW? Puzzled,<br />

(Barry Davies-UK, MWC via dxld)<br />

Money. The radio manufacturers want to sell new equipment. And as the old<br />

radios are good enough and the market is saturated, they are coming with<br />

something new around the corner. And with the buzzword "digital" in it, it<br />

has to be good. It's that simple. Some radio stations seem to think that<br />

DRM will boost up their listening figures; Deutsche Welle, Radio Ne<strong>der</strong>land<br />

and Luxy are the main players in that game.<br />

Commercial radios aren't available yet, expected to come on the market next<br />

autumn (for a few years now they say it'll be next autumn...) Sound quality<br />

is better than conventional AM, but not as good as FM. I find it fatiguing<br />

to listen to for a longer time. In my opinion a lot of drop-outs make it<br />

unpleasant to listen to. If you own a AR7030 you can listen to DRM txions<br />

via the PC. You need a free software named DREAM (although I think, from a<br />

Dxer's point of view DRM is more of a nightmare than a dream). Available<br />

here:<br />

<br />

Install the software, connect the line-out of the AR7030 to the soundcard<br />

of the PC. Tune the AR7030 6 kHz above the operating frequency, i.e.<br />

1446.00 kHz. Set it to CW, PBS -4.2, BFO 0.0 and use the 9.5 kHz filter.<br />

The resulting noise can be decoded by the DREAM-software. Start the<br />

software, go to "Evaluation dialog" and click the checkbox at "Flip Input<br />

Spectrum". A few seconds later you can listen to the decoded DRM-signal.<br />

(Martin Elbe-D, MWC Dec 29 via dxld)<br />

I've got a feeling that the Chinese have the key to DRM becoming a success<br />

- or the opposite. If DRM is introduced on the huge Chinese domestic market<br />

in a large scale, DRM might have a good chance of becoming a world wide<br />

standard - available very cheaply on portable radios and car radios.<br />

There's no chance that DW and RN will play an important role in this issue.<br />

With due respect to DW and RN. Besides, Martin - money is of course the

main issue which the world is focusing on currently. But honestly it is<br />

very hard to see the world of radio below 30 MHz survive in the future<br />

unless it becomes digital. Everything else is abandoning old analogue<br />

technology!?!<br />

(Stig Hartvig Nielsen-DEN, ibid. <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

If there aren't cheap radios DRM will never be a success. But even if cheap<br />

receivers are available I wouldn't take it for granted, that DRM will<br />

become a success in the industrialized world.<br />

So what? I couldn't care less. For the next decades I'm sure we would find<br />

enough interesting <strong>DX</strong>-targets. And I don't think, that because it's going<br />

"digital" now there will be a comeback of MW and SW. But the stations hope<br />

so. We'll see in a few years, who was right and who was wrong. But from a<br />

Dxer's point of view it's a bloody pain in the arse. That's what we can say<br />

already now. 73 (Martin Elbe-D, ibid.)<br />

Come on, chaps, let's not start the old debate again!!! DRM will be the<br />

standard, whether you like it or not. And who said it should be far<br />

superior to FM? And why on earth do you want zero fading at 750 miles? MW<br />

is meant for local and regional coverage. It was never meant to cover 750<br />

miles. Don't forget that radio is meant for listeners, not for <strong>DX</strong>ers. As a<br />

<strong>DX</strong>er you don't mind if there is a lot of noise on the band, then why bother<br />

for DRM noise? But a listener will not accept ANY noise and on the MW band<br />

DRM is THE solution. Nowadays nobody listens to MW anymore. If all stations<br />

shut down for lack of an audience then you, the hard-core <strong>DX</strong>ers, won't be<br />

any better off either. I, for one, very much look forward to DRM. It's a<br />

matter of life and death for the MW/LW bands.<br />

(Remy Friess-F, ibid.)<br />

I fully concur with Remy's opinion. If everyone is being very honest, one<br />

will have to admit that the number of listeners to LW or MW is negligible<br />

as compared to FM. I regularly won<strong>der</strong> why so many stations keep the txs on<br />

and why so many are keen to get on (see new French stations, the Dutch<br />

licences, etc.). Here in Flan<strong>der</strong>s, the 1188 kHz in Kuurne (airing VRT Radio<br />

2 with 5 kW) literally has NO listeners whatsoever but the VRT keeps the<br />

channel occupied because otherwise commercial stations may appeal the govt<br />

for using the allocated frequency. Anyway, depending on the country you<br />

live in, one or a few DRM txs on MW are sufficient to cover the whole<br />

country. Compare that to the many FM txs you need to do the same. This may<br />

be a nuisance to <strong>DX</strong>ers who look for analogue signals, but <strong>DX</strong>ers will have<br />

to do what they have always done: adapt. 73 - (Herman Boel,<br />

ibid.)<br />

Many thanks for this simple answer. Unless the DRM sets are cheaper than<br />

what's on offer now, I guess it will go the same way as AM stereo in the<br />

states and AM radio in Canada. The big risk would be for the stations to<br />

give away the receivers "SKY TV" style. I must admit I might be tempted if<br />

they were free. The great thing about your answer, Martin, is the word<br />

"money" and I can't see a lot of it in digital AM radio. I certainly<br />

wouldn't invest for a quick return. Suits me if they fill their boots with<br />

it in China; just stick with analogue below 2 MHz West of GMT is my only<br />

wish. 73's (Barry Davies, UK, ibid.)<br />

My one wish for 20<strong>05</strong> is that DRM txions would move to a dedicated area of<br />

the SW spectrum; at the moment they cause dreadful interference to<br />

broadcasters on adjacent freqs. This is something commented on by many<br />

correspondents to logbook and at our meetings in Reading (Edwin Southwell-<br />

UK, <strong>Jan</strong> World <strong>DX</strong> Club Contact via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

EGYPT The Media Minister announced, that he took the decision of<br />

minimizing the langs of the overseas sections of Radio Cairo to 11 langs<br />

only, out of 35 langs.

But decision didn't come into effect yet (<strong>Jan</strong> 8-9), most of the R Cairo<br />

transmissions could be monitored yesterday.<br />

15 and 11 MHz outlets towards Africa couldn't be traced here in EUR at<br />

1830-2230 UT time slot, due of bad propagation.<br />




0030-0430 7115 41 ARABIC EaNoAMERICA<br />

0045-0200 7260 41 SPANISH NoAMERICA<br />

0045-0200 11755 25 SPANISH CeAMERICA<br />

0045-0200 9415 31 SPANISH SoAMERICA<br />

Abis site 9415 signal is three quarters second behind<br />

Abu Zaabal site 7260 & 11715 kHz. #<br />

0200-0330 7260 41 ENGLISH NoAMERICA<br />

1100-0300 12<strong>05</strong>0 25 GENERAL PROGRAM NoAMERICA & EUR<br />

0700-1100 15115 19 GENERAL PROGRAM WeAFRICA<br />

1015-1215 17775 16 ARABIC M.EAST & AFG<br />

1115-1215 15710 19 THAI SoEaASIA<br />

1215-1330 17670 16 ENGLISH SoASIA<br />

1215-1315 15710 19 MALAY SoEaASIA<br />

1230-1530 15490 19 PERSIAN TADZHIKSTAN<br />

1320-1450 15710 19 INDONESIAN SoEaASIA<br />

1330-1430 17670 16 BENGALI SoASIA<br />

1300-1600 15365 19 ARABIC WeAFRICA<br />

1400-1530 11655 25 AZERI AZERBAIJAN<br />

Abis odd 11655.58<br />

QRM het of co-ch 11655, VoRUS Armavir in Dari. #<br />

1500-1600 13660 22 HINDI SoASIA<br />

1430-1600 15670 19 PASHTO AFGHANISTAN<br />

1530-1630 9480 31 UZBEKI UZBEKISTAN<br />

1530-1630 15155 19 AFAR Ea&CeAFRICA<br />

Abis odd 15154.91 #<br />

1530-1730 17810 16 SWAHILI Ce&EaAFRICA<br />

1600-1800 13660 22 URDU SoASIA<br />

1600-1645 15620 19 ZULU Ce&SoAFRICA<br />

1600-1800 6230 49 TURKISH TURKEY<br />

Abis odd 6230.60 #<br />

1600-1800 9990 31 ALBANIAN ALBANIA<br />

Abis odd 9990.10 #<br />

1630-1730 15155 19 SOMALI Ea&CeAFRICA<br />

Abis odd 15154.94 #<br />

1630-1830 9855 31 ENGLISH Ce&SoAFRICA<br />

1645-1730 15620 19 SHONA Ce&SoAFRICA<br />

1730-1815 15620 19 INDEBELE Ce&SoAFRICA<br />

1730-1900 15155 19 AMHARIC Ea&CeAFRICA<br />

Abis odd 15154.96 #<br />

1800-1900 7120 41 RUSSIAN WeRUSSIA<br />

1800-1900 9988 31 ITALIAN EUROPE<br />

Abis odd 9988.10 #<br />

1800-2100 9760 31 HAUSA WeAFRICA<br />

Abis odd 9759.96 #<br />

1830-1915 9855 31 LINGALA Ce&SoAFRICA

1830-1930 15375 19 WOLOF WeAFRICA<br />

1900-2000 9990 31 GERMAN EUROPE<br />

Abis odd 9990.10 #<br />

1900-0030 11665 25 VOICE OF THE ARABSCe&EaAFRICA<br />

1915-2030 15425 19 FULANI WeAFRICA<br />

1930-2030 15375 19 BAMBARA WeAFRICA<br />

2000-2200 7270 41 ARABIC AUSTRALIA<br />

2000-2115 9990 31 FRENCH EUROPE<br />

Abis odd 9990.10 #<br />

2030-2200 15375 19 ENGLISH WeAFRICA<br />

2030-2230 15335 19 FRENCH WeAFRICA<br />

2100-2200 9760 31 YORUBA WeAFRICA<br />

Abis odd 9759.96 #<br />

2115-2245 9990 31 ENGLISH EUROPE<br />

Abis odd 9990.10 #<br />

2215-2330 11790 25 PORTUGUESE SoAMERICA<br />

2300-0030 7115 41 ENGLISH EaNoAMERICA<br />

2330-0045 9735 31 ARABIC SoAMERICA<br />

2330-0045 11755 25 ARABIC SoAMERICA<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 4, 2004.<br />

# all comments by wb, <strong>Jan</strong> 8-9, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

6230.59 Radio Cairo at 1719 UT very badly modulated (distorted), typical<br />

mx/singing, 1726 ID in Turkish as "Burase Kahira Radioso". (Scheduled 1600-<br />

1800 UT) SINPO 44542.<br />

(Guenter Lorenz-D, currently near La Spezia, Italy, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

4935 kHz at 2315 UT Radio Cairo, NatAnthem, En nx headlines, nx, audio<br />

later mixing with some Arabic singing. No idea of the maths behind this<br />

because I do not know the nominal frequency. SINPO 23432. (Guenter Lorenz-<br />

D, currently near La Spezia-I, <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

This was reported and discussed in <strong>DX</strong>LD some weeks ago:<br />

12<strong>05</strong>0 (Arabic) minus 7115 (English) = 4935 kHz. (Glenn Hauser-USA,<br />

harmonics <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

ERITREA 7100 R Asmara 1 1645 in Tigre (language acc to schedule)<br />

7180 R Asmara 2 1645 in Afar (language again acc to schedule; all I can say<br />

with certainty is that they were not in parallel).<br />

(Alexan<strong>der</strong> Koutamanis-HOL, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

ETHIOPIA 5500 and 6350 VoTigray Revolution in Tigrinya (once again<br />

according to schedule), lots of lively mx, both freqs quite good despite<br />

heavy utility interference just below 6350.<br />

6940 R Fana 1640 Amharic, 6210 covered by Irish pirate Laser Hot Hits7165<br />

and 9560 R Ethiopia 1635 English, both freqs reasonably good.<br />

(Alexan<strong>der</strong> Koutamanis-HOL, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

FINLAND On 11 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1415 noted a weak station on 5045 with music. I<br />

already had hopes for RRI Yogyakarta reactivation but then the station<br />

faded up a bit and I realised the song was in Finnish. Checking weak YLE on<br />

6120, yes - in parallel. Some calculating and I checked also 7195, \\<br />

program. This was a tx-site mixing product 7195-6120=1075, 6120-1075=5045.<br />

These are rather common around 6 MHz when YLE has two txs on at the same<br />

time in the 49 mb. (Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

FRANCE With the new year, some nx about MW stations in France:

In PARIS. From <strong>Jan</strong> 25th, two new stations will be on the air. The<br />

frequency: 1080 kHz. Daytime 0600-1900 UT programme of RADIO DE LA MER<br />

<br />

Nightly 1900-0600 UT programme of PARIS LIVE RADIO (PLR) in English<br />

<br />

These two stations will be available 24 hours on Internet and satellite.<br />

In STRASBOURG. Since <strong>Jan</strong>uary 3rd, RMCInfo is on the air on 1584 kHz; tx is<br />

[more] powerful than the Metz's one, may be 5 kW.<br />

[1584 makes it to Stuttgart-GER during daytime, dominitaing this channel,<br />

wb.]<br />

In PARIS. Ciel AM on 981 kHz, is no longer on the air, their web site is<br />

also closed.<br />

In MONACO. RMCInfo is again on the air (Mon-Thurs) on 702 kHz from 1300-<br />

1500 UT. (Christian Ghibaudo-F, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

1350 Mittelwelle.<br />

"..letzte Nacht, zwischen 0130 und 0200 UTC, dudelte bei mir auf 1350<br />

kHz..." (ibid.)<br />

Das war nicht Aegypten, das war Radio Orient ueber einen MW-Sen<strong>der</strong> in<br />

Nizza. (Martin Elbe-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

Nix Nizza town. Der 'vor WW II' Standort Nizza Cape Antibes wurde vor circa<br />

2 Jahren aufgegeben.<br />

Jetzt wird vom RMC/TWR Fontbonne Location in den Bergen 2km noerdlich Monte<br />

Carlo gesendet. Hier in Sueddeutschland kommt 1350 kHz vom gleichen<br />

Standort (? 50/100 kW Ersatzsen<strong>der</strong> xSuperloustic? auf <strong>der</strong> RMC/TWR Station)<br />

fast so stark wie 1557 kHz herein, vor allem in den Daemmerungszeiten z.B.<br />

bis 0830 UT und ab 1400 UT. RMC Anlagen gehoeren jetzt vollst„ndig <strong>der</strong> TDF.<br />

(73 wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

Liste des frequences en France<br />

Lieu Frequence Zone desservie<br />

Paris 94.3 FM Ile-de-France<br />

Lyon 106.7 FM Region lyonnaise<br />

Bordeaux 106.4 FM Region bordelaise<br />

Annemasse 92.7 FM Haute-Savoie, Lausanne, Pays de Gex, Geneve<br />

Nice 1350 AM Alpes Maritimes

PID Audio : 297<br />

Hallo Wolfgang, dann hat aber R. Orient eine alte Webseite. Dort ist noch<br />

Nice fuer 1350 angegeben. (Rudolf Krumm-D)<br />

Nein Rudolf, Nizza Antibes wurde aufgegeben, wegen Elektro Smog an einem<br />

Bergruecken (lt. Generalkarte) in einer Wohngegend waren die 300-600<br />

Kilowatt dort nicht mehr tolerabel das Grundstueck wohl immobilien-maessig<br />

vermarktet wird. Errichtet in <strong>der</strong> Hitlerzeit, auch fuer einen<br />

grossdeutschen Auslands-Sen<strong>der</strong> vom besetzten Frankreich aus in Richtung<br />

NordAfrika genutzt, <strong>der</strong> Vorlaeufer von R Monte Carlo nach MRC, ALG, TUN,<br />

Rommel-Libyien, EGY. Praktisch <strong>der</strong> Vorlaeufer von RMI Nador-MRC 171/9575<br />

und RMC Zypern 1233.<br />

Da gab es mal einen Bericht in ARTE TV vor einigen Jahren, da hatte auch<br />

die Deutsche Bank und weitere Bankhaeuser in Zuerich zwischen 1940 und 1944<br />

die finanziellen Finger drin, wie das gesammte Monte Carlo wirtschaftliche<br />

Gebilde/Casino etc. zur Nazi-Besetzung. Der eigentliche RMC Standort in den<br />

Bergen bei Fontbonne hatte zwar die typische Mussolini-Faschisten<br />

Architektur, kam aber durch das Kriegsende zu spaet in Vollendung, und<br />

wurde erst ab 1947 schrittweise errichtet. Spaeter [1951? Weggang von<br />

Tanger] kam dann dort TWR MC dazu, das langlebige Qua<strong>der</strong>gebaeude ist auf<br />

<strong>der</strong> typischen TWR QSL vor 30 Jahren abgedruckt.<br />

Vor circa 2 Jahren hat TDF - die Telecom von Frankreich - den Anteil von<br />

RMC Monte Carlo bezueglich <strong>der</strong> MW und TWR-KW Anlage in Fontbonne-<br />

Frankreich, gerade 2-3 km noerdlich ausserhalb <strong>der</strong> Monaco Grenze gekauft,<br />

bzw. mehrheitlich managt sie die Anlage.<br />

Dieser Standort heisst jetzt also Nice, wie auf <strong>der</strong> Webseite vermerkt.<br />

Muehlacker wird ja auch oft als Stuttgart verkauft. Nice nimmt man deshalb<br />

weiter als Location, weil die Frequenz 1350 fuer Frankreich (nicht Monaco)<br />

bei <strong>der</strong> ITU koordiniert ist. Jetzt wird wohl eine ehemaliger [Tages-<br />

]Ersatzsen<strong>der</strong> von 702 o<strong>der</strong> 1467 kHz auf 1350 kHz genutzt. Und Nice 1557 kHz<br />

kommt jetzt auch von [nahe Monte Carlo] Fontbonne.<br />

Man muesste mal<br />

<br />

fragen, bezueglich <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong>leistung, <strong>der</strong> blickt es. Aber mein<br />

Franzoesisch ist nicht existent. 10 kW fuer 1350 kHz wie in WRTH vermerkt,<br />

ist a bisserl' wenig.<br />

PS. Die Standort Diskussion MC Fontbonne taucht jedes Jahr neu auf, wie das<br />

Monster von Loch Ness. (wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

GABON 11725 RFI Gabon, 0700-0800 UT, weak signal for WeAF target, in<br />

English ! 24322.<br />

(wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

GERMANY LF: DI2AG on 440 kHz.<br />

Dear All,<br />

meanwhile I got reports from RA, EA, LA, G, ON, F, DL - up to 1650<br />

kilometers. Why not try to cross the pond? This night I will increase the<br />

power from 0.5W ERP to 2 watt ERP. So I ask the friends in Canada and USA<br />

for observing 440.044 kHz in QRSS10.<br />

Information will be<br />

1. Start-ID in regular CW DI2AG JN59NO 2W QRSS10<br />

2. QRSS10 DI2AG<br />

3. No stop-ID, little pause, again start.<br />

Beginning at 2200 UTC, end at <strong>05</strong>00 UT on <strong>Jan</strong> 10th or equipment goes on<br />


So I hope for mailbox-overflow tomorrow morning due to all reports ;-)<br />

73 Walter DJ2LF. <br />

(Walter Staubach-D DJ2LF via Tom, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

6015 Bible Voice via T-systems txs in Germany, broadcasting in UNIDentified<br />

lang only on Thurs 1915-1930 UT. There are different schedules of BVBN<br />

progrs to EaEUR publicized.<br />

Here are the monitored sces:<br />

1915-1930 Mo We Fri in Ru. Tu French translated from En. Th - presumed<br />

Romish-[Gipsy].<br />

Sa+Su 1900-1930 En, 1930-2000 Ru. Su 2000-2030 En.<br />

9460 Tu 1640 En. Fr 1720 En. 1735 En. 1750 Ru. 18<strong>05</strong> Hebrew. 1825-1830 not<br />

checked. 1830-1900(also Sa 1830-1900) in UNID lang. Both UNID segments are<br />

instead of En blocks in early A-04 season. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 10-<br />

20)<br />

9820, 1732-, Voice of Oromo Liberation on <strong>Jan</strong> 9th. One of the stronger<br />

signals this morning at S6, via Juelich, beamed to the Horn of Africa, so<br />

I'm getting the backside of the signal. Must have caught some of the<br />

opening, since I heard a frequency, and 'Oromo' mentioned. (Walt Salmaniw-<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

Ich habe mir gerade dieses hier angesehen:<br />

<br />

Bisher war ich <strong>der</strong> Meinung, man wolle Norddeutschland auf 261 kHz<br />

begluecken, jetzt soll es wohl 531 kHz aus Burg werden. Und so wie es<br />

aussieht, sollen die Sen<strong>der</strong> Wuerzburg 1386 und Stuttgart 738 kHz, die fuer<br />

Megaradio aufgeschaltet wurden, wie<strong>der</strong>belebt werden. Frankfurt 1080 und<br />

irgendwas um Muenchen rum auf 1026 ist auch fuer die fernere Zukunft<br />

geplant. Am meisten hat mich aber ueberrascht, dass es angeblich auch<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong> in Oesterreich geben wird: 585 und 1475 (sic!) sind als geplant<br />

eingezeichnet. Und laut Planungen soll die MW analog ausgestrahlt werden.<br />

Hmm, sehr merkwuerdige Planungen.<br />

(Martin Elbe-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

"Bisher war ich <strong>der</strong> Meinung, man wolle Norddeutschland auf 261 kHz<br />

begluecken,"<br />

Truck Radio hat fuer die 261 kHz ja keine Lizenz. Damals kam ja Europe 1<br />

zum Zug, die auf 261 kHz "Europa 1" gleich in DRM abstrahlen wollen.<br />

"jetzt soll es wohl 531 kHz aus Burg werden. Und so wie es aussieht, sollen<br />

die Sen<strong>der</strong> Wuerzburg 1386 und Stuttgart [Hirschlanden] 738 kHz, die fuer<br />

Megaradio aufgeschaltet wurden, wie<strong>der</strong>belebt werden. Frankfurt 1080 und<br />

irgendwas um Muenchen rum auf 1026 ist auch fuer die fernere Zukunft<br />

geplant."<br />

Gabs nicht mal Dornbirn 1026 und Linz 1026? Koennte eine <strong>der</strong> beiden sein<br />

(eher Dornbirn).<br />

"Am meisten hat mich aber ueberrascht, dass es angeblich auch Sen<strong>der</strong> in<br />

Oesterreich geben wird: 585 und 1475 (sic!) sind als geplant eingezeichnet.<br />

Und laut Planungen soll die MW analog ausgestrahlt werden. Hmm, sehr<br />

merkwuerdige Planungen."<br />

Gut, die 585 kHz wurde dem ORF ja entzogen, evtl. wird die ja wirklich bald<br />

mal durch die RTR ausgeschrieben. (Andreas Wohlhaupter, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 6)

Ach ja, Truckradio und seine Planungen. Man weiss schon gar nicht mehr, die<br />

wievielte Version das jetzt ist. Die 261 hat mit Truckradio nichts zu tun,<br />

die wurde seinerzeit an Europe 1 vergeben. Die wollen da ein aehnliches<br />

Format ausstrahlen.<br />

Mich wun<strong>der</strong>t nur, dass sie die alten Megaradio-Funzeln in Nuernberg und<br />

Regensburg nicht eingezeichnet haben. Und den weissen Fleck in Sachsen<br />

koennte man prima mit <strong>der</strong> 1431 in Wilsdruff schliessen. Und fuer Schleswig-<br />

Holstein haetten wir da noch die 612 kHz im Angebot.<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

GUATEMALA 4<strong>05</strong>2.5 R. Verdad, Chiquimula, logged on 28 Dec at 2336-2346<br />

UT, Spanish prgr, hymns; 34332. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

GUINEA 7125 GUI RTG Conakry, 25322, French annmt, guitar and flute local<br />

mx.<br />

(wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

7125 RTVG at 2301-2320 UT. Man says slowly "La Radiodiffusion Television<br />

Guineene, voici..?..", then into chat with YL, whose name seemed to be<br />

Marie Pol; tuned out at 2320 UT. (John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

7125 R Conakry obs'ed on 30 Dec at 2350-... UT, French prgr, afr light<br />

songs, mx dedications; 54433, adjt QRM only. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

INDIA AIR Delhi 15260 is almost a regular now around 0730/0830 UT, but<br />

never very strong. But the other outlet is more difficult to hear on 15185<br />

and usually weak. It's very easy to recognise them as the audio has the<br />

same 'noise' that can be heard via their external sces - it seems to peak<br />

up when the announcer stops speaking.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

4760 on <strong>Jan</strong> 4 - at 1546 UT, AIR; EE ID by YL, then interview by YL on Govt<br />

effort, doctor, medical center, Port Blair, missing people, Andaman (on<br />

Tsunami disaster), ID by OM on 1600 UT - SIO 322 noise & fading. (S.Ashar,<br />

Depok-INS, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 8)<br />

4999 AIR Itanager on <strong>Jan</strong> 5 around 1200 with fair signal in Hindi. May be<br />

moved from 4990 kHz as usually.The next day on <strong>Jan</strong> 6, appeared on 4990 kHz<br />

as usually.<br />

4971 AIR Shillong on <strong>Jan</strong> 5 around 1230 with fair in English. On <strong>Jan</strong><br />

4,appeared just on 4970 kHz. (Masahiro Umemura-Toyama-JPN JH9RUI, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong><br />

9)<br />

INDONESIA [and non] Many staff of radio stations in Aceh, journalistic<br />

colleagues of the Radio Netherlands INSn department, people with whom Radio<br />

Netherlands had regular contact, are missing. Some stations in Aceh with<br />

which Radio Netherlands had worked for many years have been totally<br />

destroyed.<br />

Radio Netherlands is starting an action program to set up a number of<br />

emergency radio stations, which will in due course be built up into<br />

permanent stations. One of the stations that was destroyed is Radio Nikoya<br />

FM in Banda Aceh, that used to broadcast nx in INSn from Radio Netherlands<br />

on a daily basis.<br />

The Head of the INSn department of Radio Netherlands, Indra Titus, said "We<br />

want to help to get the radio stations back on the air, because radio is a<br />

very important means of communication in the stricken areas. As help is<br />

beginning to flow, communications must be restored to help the search for<br />

family members and make information accessible. Even un<strong>der</strong> normal

circumstances, radio in INS is a vital means of communication that people<br />

cannot be without."<br />

The INSn txions of Radio Netherlands will pay attention to the fundraising<br />

by the Dutch domestic broadcasters on Thursday 6 <strong>Jan</strong>uary. Also, Radio<br />

Netherlands will appeal to its 6000 partner stations around the world to<br />

collect money and equipment.<br />

(RNW MN NL via dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

RNW to set up radio stations in Aceh. RNW is starting a programme to set up<br />

a number of emergency radio stations in Banda Aceh, capital of INS's<br />

Tsunami-hit Aceh province.<br />

The station will appeal to its 6,000 partner stations around the world to<br />

collect money and equipment for the programme. RNW MN reported that the<br />

emergency radio stations will in due course be built up into permanent<br />

stations.<br />

One of the stations that was destroyed by the tsunami on 26 Dec is Radio<br />

Nikoya FM, that used to broadcast nx in INSn from Radio Netherlands on a<br />

daily basis.<br />

The head of the INSn department of RNW, Indra Titus, said: "We want to help<br />

to get the radio stations back on the air, because radio is a very<br />

important means of communication in the stricken areas.<br />

"As help is beginning to flow, communications must be restored to help the<br />

search for family members and make information accessible. Even un<strong>der</strong><br />

normal circumstances, radio in INS is a vital means of communication that<br />

people cannot be without."<br />

(ABU Weekly Nx via GR<strong>DX</strong>C; RNW via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK; also via Alokesh Gupta-IND; <strong>Jan</strong><br />

6)<br />

34 staff of TVRI and RRI-Indonesia missing. INS's public broadcasters,<br />

Televisi Republik INS and Radio Republik INS, say 34 members of their staff<br />

are missing in Aceh province, devastated by the tsunami on 26 December.<br />

A senior official of RRI said 24 staff were missing, while TVRI reported 10<br />

staff missing and feared dead. Aceh province was the area worst hit in<br />

Asia's Tsunami disaster, with more than 90,000 people killed.<br />

About 100 TVRI families lost their homes or were badly affected, and both<br />

TVRI and RRI reported severe damage to txs and other equipment. About 2,000<br />

people who lost their homes have taken refuge in a park in the TVRI complex<br />

in the provincial capital, Banda Aceh, where TVRI staff are helping care<br />

for them.<br />

Meanwhile, India's public broadcaster, Doordarshan, has reported no<br />

casualties among its staff but severe damage to several TV txs on Car<br />

Nicobar, the northernmost of the Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal.<br />

Twelve of the 15 villages on the island were reported to have been<br />

flattened.<br />

(ABU Weekly Nx via GR<strong>DX</strong>C; RNW via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK; also via Alokesh Gupta-IND; <strong>Jan</strong><br />

4)<br />

3961.11 RRI Palu (pres) at 1428-1438 UT. Mellow Indo vocal mx; ancmts in<br />

soft voice unreadable. Fair/poor with Ham QRM. This has been drifting<br />

slowly upwards over the past three years. A check of the logbook shows them<br />

on 3959.87 in May '02; in April '03 on 3960.32; in Feb '04 on 3960.89 kHz.

4749.97 RRI Makassar (pres) at 1338-1404 UT. Soft vocal mx; man chatting<br />

with woman, possibly an interview; another song at 1356 was followed by<br />

more chat, with no ToH break at 1400. Fair signal. (John Wilkins-CO-USA,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 4/5)<br />

46<strong>05</strong>, RRI Serui, tent, at 1015-1101 UT. Noted a Christian Church sce with<br />

Man Preaching in Language(?) and congregation singing Christian Hymns. The<br />

religious program continued the entire hour. I was reluctant to report this<br />

in the event that I was copying a harmonic or spur. Anyway, the signal was<br />

poor here in Clewiston and by the hour nothing but the carrier was audible.<br />

3976, RRI Pontianak, at 1032-1040 UT. Steady Indo pop mx during period. At<br />

1040, a man comments in INSn. This followed immediately by Qu'ran program.<br />

Signal was fair here in Clewiston-FL. (Chuck Bolland-USA, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 8)<br />

3325 on <strong>Jan</strong> 4 - at 1250, RRI Palangkaraya; INSn pop songs, ID by OM on 1300<br />

- SIO 444.<br />

3960 on <strong>Jan</strong> 4 - at 1312, RRI Palu; Jakarta bc relay reports from var<br />

provinces, ID by OM on 1327 also 1330 after radiogram - SIO 322 noise &<br />

fading.<br />

3975 on <strong>Jan</strong> 4 - at 1331, RRI Pontianak; vernacular (talk on daily life by<br />

ladies), time gong on 1402 then ID by OM then local nx - SIO 422 noise &<br />

fading.<br />

4750 on <strong>Jan</strong> 4 - at 1538, Prog 1 RRI Makassar; INSn songs, ID by om on 1545<br />

- SIO 422 noise & fading. (all S.Ashar, Depok-INS, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 8)<br />

3325 RRI Palangkaraya On Dec 31 at 1<strong>05</strong>0-11<strong>05</strong> UT: 33333-32332 INSn, Music.<br />

1100 IS. ID. Local news.<br />

3344.82 RRI Ternate On <strong>Jan</strong> 2 at 1444-1459* UT, 35433-34433 INSn, Music. ID<br />

at 1457. Love Ambon. 1459 closing announce.<br />

3961 RRI Palu(pres) On <strong>Jan</strong> 4 at 1034-1045 and 1100-1104 UT. 23432-24232<br />

INSn, Music and talk. ID? at 1100 as "Radio Republik INS ....".<br />

3976 RRI Pontianak On Dec 31 at 11<strong>05</strong>-1121 UT. 44433 INSn, Music. ID at 1109<br />

and 1111 UT.<br />

46<strong>05</strong> RRI Serui On Dec 31 at 1122-1134 UT. 34232 INSn, Talk. ID at 1129. IS.<br />

1130 Local news.<br />

7289.9 RRI Nabire On Dec 30 at 0748-0833 UT. 24332-33333 INSn, Music. 0700<br />

Jakarta nx realy. ID at 0700 and 0715. ID as "Radio Republik INS Nabire".<br />

(all Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium <strong>Jan</strong> 7)<br />

15150 RRI 1125 old INSn pop songs on Chinese service. Close program 1130<br />

with gamelan tunes and start of Japanese program with sudden audio cut. S4<br />

34323 with Degen 1103, 6 m wire and ATU. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong><br />

9)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ [Kurdistan] Clandestine VoIranian Kurdistan was heard at very<br />

early hour/time 1350 UT on both 3970 (jammed) and 4860 (not jammed). At<br />

0344 UT 3970 & 4860 kHz also on Dec 6th. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 19)<br />

Bubble jamming observed regularly 1600-2000 UT on 1557 kHz (?Iran, China).<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 18)<br />

Clandestine 4024 Voice of the People of Kurdistan on <strong>Jan</strong> 9 at 1920 UT.<br />

Arabic about Kurdistan, seemed to be list of polit. goal sentences with

'Kurdistani' at end of each item which continued to past 1935 UT. Drifted a<br />

bit up and down.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

Cland 6335 V of Kurdistan heard talks in Kurdish. Also on 1410 UT <strong>Jan</strong> 4<br />

with Kurdish / Turkish songs. Possibly the Kurdish clandestine on 6340<br />

shifted ot this freq but there is strong QRM from 6333 kHz, a FDM station,<br />

signal S=3-5 22332. Once again on 5th at 1510 UT with prog in Arabic. Many<br />

mentions on Kurdistan. ID by YL at 1515 UT as Huna Idaatu Sawt Kurdistan.<br />

Arab song follows. Also on <strong>Jan</strong> 7 UT at 17<strong>05</strong> UT with S=5 32332 and songs.<br />

Cland stn 6411.22 kHz. R Komala at 15<strong>05</strong> UT talks by OM in Pushtu. ID by YL<br />

at 1506 UT. OM with talks abt Ramadan Koran. DSB with reduced carrier, S7<br />

43343. QRM by jammer s/off 1530 UT? (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

At 1618 UTC on 1169 kHz, O=2-3, IRIB UNID-Standort, produziert heftiges<br />

Interferenzpfeifen auf 1170 kHz, damit will man wahrscheinlich Radio Farda<br />

via UAE stoeren. Der Standort des TX koennte eventuell Bushehr sein, denn<br />

auf dessen QRG 1503 kHz ist nichts aus dem Iran zu hoeren.<br />

Gestern abend (4.1., 2352 UTC), 1169 und 1503 kHz \\ hoerbar, mit tx in<br />

Persian. Bushehr ist einigermassen "amtlich" fuer 1503 kHz, bei 1169 gibt<br />

es wohl keine zuverlaessigen Angaben. (QTH: naehe La Spezia, Italien, Icom<br />

R75, Grahn-Loop)<br />

Ich habe uebrigens einen Artikel im Netz gefunden, nicht ganz neu, aber<br />

darin wird u.a. erwaehnt, dass Iran bei den Sendeanlagen (auch im Megawatt-<br />

Bereich) Selbstversorger ist.<br />

<br />

(Guenter Lorenz-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

6120, at 0218- UT, Voice of Justice on <strong>Jan</strong> 8th, ID heard at 0218 UT in<br />

English with western accented male announcer. Only at fair level. Checked<br />

for their parallel of 9580 kHz, only to hear a very distorted very strong<br />

signal ... CRI in Mandarin via Cuba. Distorted sufficiently to only be able<br />

to identify language and not much else. Seems to be a common problem in<br />

Cuba these days. I initially thought I was simply swamping my Timewave<br />

599zx digital audio processor, but no, it was working fine. Sign-off annts<br />

with times and freqs from 0226 UT. (Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

ITALY Please someone help me, were is now the Balkan block Mon-Sat 1500-<br />

1600 UT in Turk, Greek, Bulg? (Rumen Pankov-BUL, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 10-26)<br />

Transmission schedule B-04 of RAI International.<br />

BULGARO 1540-1600 11985<br />

GRECO 1520-1540 11985<br />

TURCO 1500-1520 11985<br />

(Andrea Borgnino via Roberto Scaglione <strong>BC</strong>LNEWS.IT, via dxld Oct 2)<br />

25 mb RAI Rome in Italian was heard on 11800 kHz today at 1200 UT, ID was<br />

"RAI programmo uno". [0630-1300 UT at 52 degr to ITA-UN troops in Bosnia-<br />

Kosovo].<br />

(Ilea Klepko-UKR, mwdx <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

15665 Radio for Peace via IRRS, c/o Radio Kappa Centrale,Via della Beverara<br />

125M, I-40131 Bologna, Italy. (Jerry Berg in Br<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>Jan</strong> "Communication"<br />

magazine)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. Unter <br />

ist ein am <strong>05</strong>.01.20<strong>05</strong> aktualisierter Sendeplan <strong>der</strong> Stimme Koreas mit Stand<br />

vom 01.01.20<strong>05</strong> ver”ffentlicht. Hier fehlen nun die blichen<br />

Arabischsendungen um 1500 und 1900 UTC. Diese sollen durch<br />

Englischsendungen ersetzt worden sein. Gleichzeitig erfolgte angeblich <strong>der</strong>

Tausch <strong>der</strong> Europasendungen in Spanisch (bisher 1800 UTC) und Englisch<br />

(bisher 1900 UTC), so daá diese nun 1800 UTC in Englisch und 1900 UTC in<br />

Spanisch kommen sollen. Bei den gegenw„rtig sehr schlechten<br />

Empfangsbedingungen kann ich selber gar nichts aus Pyongyang zu diesen<br />

Zeiten empfangen. Kann jemand die Žn<strong>der</strong>ungen best„tigen/dementieren?<br />

(Arnulf Piontek-D, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

KRE Voice of Korea, odd freqs at 0750 UT:<br />

15246.34, 13760.10, 9345.16, 9975.09 kHz. (wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

2850.04 KCBS at 1415-1426 UT. Korean vocal mx \\ 3959.75 kHz; both freqs<br />

fair and deteriorating. (John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

At 2100 UT on 3320 kHz IS of "VoKorea", ID in Korean, NatAnth, progr in<br />

Korean. On 2850 kHz at same time another progr in Korean. On 3250 progr in<br />

Jpn. PBS progr beginning open procedure on 3320 is same as of VoKOR. (Rumen<br />

Pankov-BUL, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 18)<br />

B-04 Voice of Korea, Pyongyang, eff. as from <strong>Jan</strong> 1st, 20<strong>05</strong><br />

0000 Chinese 13650 15100 SoEaAS 44<strong>05</strong><br />

0000 Korean (PBS) 7140 9345 9730 NoEaCHN 3560<br />

0000 Spanish 11735 13760 15180 CeAM<br />

0100 English 7140 9345 9730 NoEaCHN 3560<br />

0100 English 11735 13760 15180 CeAM<br />

0100 French 13650 15100 SoEaAS 44<strong>05</strong><br />

0200 Chinese 7140 9345 9730 NoEaCHN 3560<br />

0200 English 13650 15100 SoEaAS 44<strong>05</strong><br />

0200 Spanish 11735 13760 15180 CeAM<br />

0300 Chinese 13650 15100 SoEaAS 44<strong>05</strong><br />

0300 English 7140 9345 9730 NoEaCHN 3560<br />

0300 French 11735 13760 15180 CeAM<br />

0700 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 JPN<br />

0700 Korean (PBS) 7140 9345 NoEaCHN 44<strong>05</strong><br />

0700 Russian 9975 11735 FE 3560<br />

0700 Russian 13760 15245 Eu<br />

0800 Chinese 7140 9345 NoEaCHN 44<strong>05</strong><br />

0800 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 JPN<br />

0800 Russian 9975 11735 FE 3560<br />

0800 Russian 13760 15245 Eu<br />

0900 Japanese 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 JPN<br />

0900 Korean (KCBS) 7140 9345 NoEaCHN 44<strong>05</strong><br />

0900 Korean (PBS) 9975 11735 FE 3560<br />

0900 Korean (PBS) 13760 15245 Eu<br />

1000 English 9335 9850 CeAM<br />

1000 English 6185 6285 SoEaAS 3560<br />

1000 Japanese 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 JPN<br />

1000 Korean (PBS) 7140 9345 NoEaCHN 44<strong>05</strong><br />

1100 Chinese 7140 9345 CHN 44<strong>05</strong><br />

1100 French 9335 9850 CeAM<br />

1100 French 6185 6285 SoEaAS 3560<br />

1100 Japanese 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 JPN<br />

1200 Japanese 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 JPN<br />

1200 Korean (KCBS) 9335 9850 CeAM<br />

1200 Korean (KCBS) 6185 6285 SoEaAS 3560<br />

1200 Korean (PBS) 7140 9345 NoEaCHN 44<strong>05</strong><br />

1300 Chinese 6185 9850 SoEaAS 3560<br />

1300 English 7570 12015 WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

1300 English 9335 11710 NoAM<br />

1300 Korean (PBS) 6285 9325 Eu<br />

1400 French 7570 12015 WEu 44<strong>05</strong>

1400 French 9335 11710 NoAM<br />

1400 Korean (KCBS) 6185 9850 SoEaAS 3560<br />

1400 Russian 6285 9325 Eu<br />

1500 English 9990 11545 ME, NAf 3560<br />

(xArabic 9975 11535 ME, NAf 3560)<br />

1500 English 7570 12015 WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

1500 English 9335 11710 NoAM<br />

1500 Russian 6285 9325 Eu<br />

1600 German 6285 9325 Eu<br />

1600 English 9990 11545 (x9975 11535) ME, NAf 3560<br />

1600 French 7570 12015 WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

1600 French 9335 11710 NoAM<br />

1700 Korean (KCBS) 7570 12015 WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

1700 Korean (KCBS) 9335 11710 NoAM<br />

1700 Russian 6285 9325 Eu<br />

1700 Spanish 9990 11545 (x9975 11535) ME, NAf 3560<br />

1800 German 6285 9325 Eu<br />

1800 French 7100 11910 (x11710) SAf<br />

1800 French 9975 11535 ME, NAf 3560<br />

1800 English (xSpanish) 7570 12015 WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

1900 English 7100 11910 SAf<br />

(x1900 Arabic 7100 11710 SAf)<br />

1900 English (xArabic) 9975 11535 ME, NAf 3560<br />

1900 Spanish (xEnglish) 7570 12015 WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

1900 German 6285 9325 Eu<br />

2000 French 7570 12015 WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

2000 Korean (KCBS) 7100 11910 (x11710) SAf<br />

2000 Korean (KCBS) 6285 9325 Eu<br />

2000 Korean (KCBS) 9975 11535 ME, NAf 3560<br />

2100 Chinese 7180 9345 NoEaCHN 3560<br />

2100 Chinese 9975 11535 CHN<br />

2100 English 7570 12015 WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

2100 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 JPN<br />

2200 Chinese 7180 9345 NoEaCHN 3560<br />

2200 Chinese 9975 11535 CHN<br />

2200 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 JPN<br />

2200 Spanish 7570 12015 WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

2300 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 JPN<br />

2300 Korean (KCBS) 7180 9345 NoEaCHN 3560<br />

2300 Korean (KCBS) 7570 12015 WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

2300 Korean (KCBS) 9975 11535 CHN<br />

80 program sections to various targets.<br />

Target Voice of Korea B-04 schedule, Pyongyang.<br />

CeAM CeAmerica CHN China<br />

Eu Europe FE Far East<br />

JPN Japan ME Middle East<br />

NAf NoAfrica NoAM NoAmerica<br />

NoEaCHN NorthEast China SAf SoAfrica<br />

SAm SoAmerica SoEaAS SouthEast Asia<br />

WEu Western Europe<br />

(thanks to Nagoya <strong>DX</strong>C-JPN; Arnulf Piontek-D; wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 10)<br />

MADAGASCAR Mr. Eiki Satomi, an IT industrialist as well as radio amateur<br />

(exJH8JWF), living in Sapporo, visited Radio Ne<strong>der</strong>land Madagascar Relay<br />

Station in November 2004.<br />

He carried out the report and photographs "Visiting Radio Ne<strong>der</strong>land<br />

Madagascar Relay Station" in English and Japanese in my "MONTHLY SHORTWAVE"<br />


Have a look at <br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 8)<br />

Some notes about RNW's Talata Volonondry site as featured at<br />

<br />

The txs rated as 350 kW would be the Philips 8FZ521. As far as I know are<br />

Bonaire and Yavne (Israel) the only other sites where this model can be<br />

found. Frankly, I'am shocked about the portrayed tx being run with open PA<br />

stage cabinet. Have these Philips rigs no door contacts?<br />

The "new 250 kW tx in construction in red case" appears to be a Brown<br />

Boveri SK55. These txs are no longer manufactured, so the question is,<br />

where they obtained this rig? The Sottens tx looked exactly like this ...<br />

Also interesting to note the mixing consoles on the control desk. Actual<br />

audio sources are hardly visible, only three Optimod's (certainly 91<strong>05</strong>A).<br />

(via Kai Ludwig-D, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

Some great photos! Here is the English text (gh, dxld)<br />

Mr. Eiki Satomi, an IT industrialist (president of MediaMagic Co.) as well<br />

as an radio amateur (ex JH8JWF) in Sapporo, stayed in Madagascar on<br />

November 20-26, 2004, to present amateur radio equipment to Madagascar<br />

Radio Relay League. During the stay he visited Radio Ne<strong>der</strong>land Madagascar<br />

Relay Station, guided by the relay station staff, Solofo and Eddy, who have<br />

been employed for more than 20 years, and also radio amateur operators<br />

5R8ET and 5R8FT. The station is located at the hill, 30 mins car ride from<br />

Antananarivo, the capital city.<br />

They showed him 3 x 350 kW txs and new 250 kW tx which is now in<br />

construction. They said 130m new antenna will also be constructed along<br />

with the new tx. The used tx tubes, which are still very expensive, are<br />

sent to the US manufacturer, recycled, and reused. This time, the special<br />

permission to photograph the 350 kW transmitting tube in operation was<br />

given! When the operation begins, warning siren is blown to promote to get<br />

away from the high power or high electric field areas. Finally he received<br />

the special QSL card of the station to commemorate the visit. This is<br />

Satomi's 3rd visit to Madagascar. He has made <strong>DX</strong>peditions to Madagascar<br />

with the call sign of 5R8DF since 1992 when the amateur radio was banned in<br />

Madagascar.<br />

Note: One month after he left, south-eastern coast of Madagascar was<br />

attacked by 2m high tsunami (Indian Ocean Tsunami on Dec 26). About 150<br />

houses were swept away, and 1200 people were reported to be ren<strong>der</strong>ed<br />

homeless.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi's website as above via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

MALAYSIA 9750, VoMalaysia, Kajang, at 1155-1215 UT. Before the hour,<br />

noted a man in Bahasa INSn type comments. On the hour a woman takes the<br />

mike with comments and mx. Signal was good. This is a daily program. The \\<br />

freq on 6175 was nil heard here in Clewiston, Florida. (Chuck Bolland-FL-<br />

USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

7130 on <strong>Jan</strong> 4 - at 0344 UT, RTM Sarawak; Malay song, ID & freq at 0348 UT<br />

by YL, counseling talk, nx ("Berita Semasa") by OM on 0400 UT - SIO 322<br />

noise & fading.<br />

7270 on <strong>Jan</strong> 4 - at 0415 UT, RTM Sarawak; Malay nx in brief by OM, songs,<br />

phone talk - SIO 333 noise.<br />

7295 on <strong>Jan</strong> 4 - at 0422 UT, VO Malaysia; En mx by req - SIO 322 noise &<br />


(all S.Ashar, Depok-INS, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 8)<br />

MALI R. Mali's 7285v & 11960 kHz outlets are still the single ones active<br />

0800-1800, whereas 4785v & 5995 are active 1800-s/off; 4835 night / 9635<br />

day, surely used by the same tx are the ones that always provided stronger<br />

audio. I wish their carrier on 41 m had stronger audio as it would at least<br />

enable following their prgrs until, say, almost 1100, since 11960 is<br />

typically vy. bad here on SW Eur.<br />

On 7 Dec, QRG readings were 7285.82 (a tiny less in the morning) & 4783.82<br />

kHz at 2125; there was a carrier on 4834.66 kHz, but no audio noticed, or<br />

then level was so low that noise prevented one to actually perceive it, and<br />

roughly after 2130, a het. with AUS 4835 (poor, with some uty. QRM) was<br />

audible. 31 mb & 4835 still today, Mon. 10 Dec.).<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

MAURITANIA 7245 R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott, on 5 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1255-1530 UT.<br />

Arabic, talks, tunes, French 1400 with newscast, later in Vernaculars,<br />

songs, ID 1500, talks; 55433; QRM de AUS poorly noticeable 1430 onwards,<br />

then CRI in Russian s/in prior to 1500, but Nouakchott's signal not much<br />

damaged after all that. On top of all that, some weak DRM QRM is audible<br />

co-ch too prior to 1400. It would be good if Mali's 41 mb outlet (and their<br />

4785v one) had the sort of modulation MTN has these days, which is<br />

particularly strong on their clear (in this part of the world, that is) ch.<br />

of 4845 kHz.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

MEXICO Radio Insurgente. Mexico's Zapatistas have been broadcasting<br />

their popular radio show for the past 21 years; now, a new website is<br />

allowing them to archive the history they're recording.<br />

<br />

(RNW MN NL, Andy Sennitt-HOL, via dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

The next HFCC meeting will be in Mexico City, Feb 7-11; RIZ, the Croatian<br />

tx company, plans to demonstrate DRM on the 26 MHz band, transmitted either<br />

from the R. Educacion studio or tx site with about 1 kW. Possibly will also<br />

test DRM on XEEP's MW freq 1060, in which case the AM tx would be briefly<br />

turned off on Feb 9, the day of the DRM symposium, or on the X-band, in<br />

which case it could last as much as the five days of the conference.<br />

(Jeff White-FL-USA, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 8)<br />

MONGOLIA 12085 VoMongolia, Khonkhor, noted on 6 <strong>Jan</strong> at 0913-1014 UT,<br />

when it was already pretty bad as a consequence of gradually increasing<br />

flutter; Mongolian progr till 0930, Chinese 0930, English 1000; 34433, adjt<br />

QRM. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

Noted Japanese 0830-0900 daily here in Germany. (wb)<br />

MW Last afternoon there was a stormy day in Cherkassy Region. It was good<br />

for MW propagation.<br />

RFI program in French was pleasant with strong SINPO 55555 on 1476{?} at<br />

1255 UT. Deutschland Radio {freq?} was heard with songs in German and<br />

English strongly. The signal was clear nevertheless the sun was shining<br />

brightly. It was also heard on 774 kHz. RTV Podmoskovye was heard on 846<br />

kHz very good. They transmitted a fairytale in Russian.<br />

The Voice of Russia was heard on 936 with hints from R. Gold (it's the<br />

first time I hear this Latvian station) on 945. Mayak (Russia) I had a<br />

success to hear on several frequences (198 with hints from telephone, 549,<br />

810 kHz - with hints from R. Skopje in the morning and R. Romania Actualita<br />

in evening. R. Bulgaria in Serbian was heard with SINPO 33433 on 1224 at<br />


{1224 also fetched by the car radio scanner at 1400 UT here in southern<br />

Germany, wb.]<br />

(Ilea Klepko-UKR, mwdx <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

MYANMAR [BURMA] Burma's state-controlled media are yet to report any<br />

casualty figures from the earthquake of 26 Dec, but have taken the unusual<br />

step of reporting the incident (two days later) and of inviting foreign<br />

journalists to an official nx conference for the first time in 15 years<br />

according to journalist Ludu U Sein Win. The journalist, quoted by the<br />

Democratic Voice of Burma on 31 Dec, said such developments must be<br />

welcomed.<br />

The same article reported from the Kawthaung region in the south. (...)<br />

A Marine Administration Department [MAD] official from Akyab port told DVB<br />

[Democratic Voice of Burma] about 50 to 60 fishermen might have been<br />

missing since each of the five fishing boats carried more than 10<br />

fishermen.<br />

(...)<br />

Here is a report on the latest situation at Kawthaung in southern Burma.<br />

According to Rangoon-based relief organizations, three bridges collapsed in<br />

Kawthaung region with 27 people killed, 267 households destroyed and 1,750<br />

people homeless. (...)<br />

[DVB correspondent] They know that they would get assistance if they give<br />

the correct news. Why do you think the govt is acting like this by giving<br />

short nx reports only?<br />

[Ludu U Sein Win] Well, it has been a riddle for me for the past 16 years.<br />

I could not un<strong>der</strong>stand why. If the govt gives correct nx about natural<br />

disasters like floods and fire, I am sure many will be willing to help. I<br />

could not un<strong>der</strong>stand why they would not want to report such news. [passage<br />

omitted on premonition and bad omen]<br />

[DVB correspondent] In brief, do you think we need to educate the govtcontrolled<br />

media and private media about the earthquake like other nations?<br />

[Ludu U Sein Win] Of course, we need information and education in the<br />

media. Since the private media could not engage in information and<br />

education they have zoomed in on entertainment. As for the govt- controlled<br />

media, they are mostly involved in propaganda.<br />

See full report on dxld 5-002, <strong>Jan</strong> 2nd.<br />

(Democratic Voice of Burma clandestine radio station, 31 Dec; via B<strong>BC</strong>M via<br />

dxld)<br />

PAKISTAN 5025 R Pakistan (Quetta??) on <strong>Jan</strong> 4. Was expecting Benin so big<br />

surprise to hear 'This is Radio Pakistan' at 2036 UT, after short news. Is<br />

this ex 5027 or completely different? Noel? (Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

Re Finn's logging of Radio Pakistan on 5025 at 2036 - I don't know what<br />

that txion is. Quetta always seems to operate on 5027, and should close<br />

down at 18<strong>05</strong>.<br />

The only SW sce listed on air at 2036 is their Islamabad Programme for the<br />

Gulf & Iran via Rewat at 260 degrs (API-2 100 kW) and this should be using<br />

7570 at 1800 or 1815-0045 UT. But I have not been able to hear it, and the<br />

freq has co-ch QRM from IBB, and now Pyongyang. I won<strong>der</strong> if they have<br />

shifted down to 5025 instead ?<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

R Pakistan/AKR 100 kW tx has been on split 4790.8 for some days now. Same<br />

tx is used as a clandestine Voice of Jammu Kashmir Freedom 1300?-1430 and<br />

seems to be on 5102.8 kHz.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 11)

PHILIPPINES What I think was FE<strong>BC</strong> PHL was heard this morning on 9645<br />

around 1145 UT until sudden off, after playing part of their IS, at c1158<br />

when VOA UDO started. The lang sounded something like Vietnamese, but maybe<br />

a local dialect. I'm not sure that the WRTH sched is up to date, and I<br />

cannot find their complete current schedule on the Internet. Has anyone<br />

else seen it - or can tell me where to look for it ? When I hear a<br />

religious station in an unusual lang I look first for this station!<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

Sorry, no FE<strong>BC</strong> frequency table B-04 has seen in dx-press. (wb)<br />

ROMANIA It seems the reform in home sces in Romania goes on. On LW and MW<br />

already are progrs of "Radio Romania Actualitati", "Antena Satelor"<br />

(village antena translation), and various local/regional programs.<br />

"Radio Romania Cultural" is on FM only; except Sun's Church progr 0800-1000<br />

UT on FM 89.5, \\ MW 531 630[eastern tx Voinesti Prahova, not co-channel<br />

Ortisoara - German Orzidorf approx. 25 kms north of Timisoara/Temeswar] and<br />

maby more freqs. 558 kHz formerly with "Radio Oltenia Craiova" program, now<br />

is very strong here with RRActualitati. [?one of the new US-made/aid Harris<br />

txs?, wb.]<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 18)<br />

RUSSIA [KALININGRAD] Just IDed that unID from 1629 kHz I have heard a<br />

lot in recent months. Usually weak, but regularly there around the 1600 /<br />

1700 time frame. Thought it sounded eastern, but found a \\ SW 7300. It<br />

seems to be VoRussia in German, sounding like Radio Moscow type mic. How do<br />

they do that, I won<strong>der</strong>?? Is this a real outlet or something of a mixing<br />

product at the tx site? Bang on 1629.0, as best as I can measure anyway.<br />

Messing around with freqs for VOR in the 20<strong>05</strong> WRTH, brings up no mixing<br />

products on 1629. Heard on 2 separate rxs and separate aerials. There is a<br />

2nd option. Maybe some kind of a relay from somewhere else, authorised /<br />

unauthorised.<br />

(Ken Baird-UK, MWC via dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

(2 x 1386) minus (1 x 1143) = 1629 kHz.<br />

3rd or<strong>der</strong> intermodulation at the tx. If you listen to 1629 carefully you<br />

should hear two different streams of audio - modulation from each of 1386<br />

and 1143 kHz.<br />

(Steve Whitt-UK, MWC via dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

7th Russian <strong>DX</strong> Contest will take place from 18 to 28 Feb 20<strong>05</strong>. Similarly to<br />

the last years' one, it is divided into three parts. In Part 1 and Part 2<br />

you have to receive radio stations from Russia, former USSR states, and<br />

various world regions. Only licensed broadcasting stations are valid - no<br />

utilities, no hams, no pirates. Frequency range is from 150 to 30 000 kHz.<br />

Each station must be logged for at least 15 mins. The longer is distance<br />

between your location and the tx, the more points it brings you. Your<br />

contest log must contain the following data for each logged station: date,<br />

time (UTC), frequency, SINPO and some definitive program details.<br />

Part 3 is a quiz of 20 questions.<br />

You can find complete rules on the Web at<br />

<br />

Contest manager this year is Ildus Ibatullin; many of you know him as a QSL<br />

manager of GTRK "Tatarstan". Your questions are welcome to <br />

Printed version of contest rules can be requested at:<br />

Russian <strong>DX</strong> Contest, c/o Ildus Ibatullin, P.O.Box 134, Kazan, 420136,<br />


The Contest is open for everyone, regardless of either nationality or<br />

knowledge of Russian lang.<br />

If somebody wishes to donate some prizes for the contest, please contact me<br />

and Ildus at This message can be freely<br />

distributed in any <strong>DX</strong> media.<br />

(Dmitry Mezin, Kazan-RUS; <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

At 0255 UT pips on LW 171 kHz, pop mx of Mayak progr. At 0300 NatAnthem, ID<br />

in Ru, and translation in En: "Radiostation Chechenia Free, from 6 to 24<br />

hrs (0300-2100 UT) comes on MW 594 and LW 171 kHz".<br />

At 0250 UT on LW 252 and MW 567 R Rossii, same from 0300 UT on 567, SW 5925<br />

and 6150[!] kHz. Latter is new freq, but NOT announced.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 6)<br />

6150 is obviously the Perm tx, which has been there for more than a year<br />

now.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

Radio Rossii heard on 6150 throughout the daytime - obviously via Perm.<br />

This city is not far from me. But I never heard Perm regional sce (a.k.a.<br />

Radiokompaniya T Sem') on SW.<br />

(Dmitry Mezin, Kazan-RUS, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

Propagation of several regional stations is now occuring most days.<br />

Listening in the time span between 0700 and 0900 has produced signals from<br />

Arkhangelsk 6160, which seems to be the only station currently audible on<br />

this frequency. Arman [Magadan] on 7320, but this one has not been audible<br />

every day for some reason. Monchegorsk [Murmansk] on 5930 is audible when<br />

co-channel Radio Prague goes off air around 0757* and Yakutsk is audible on<br />

7200. However, this one is suffering a tx fault and emitting a strange<br />

warbling noise with their audio.<br />

Yakutsk is also using 7345 and 7140, but both freqs suffer co-channel<br />

interference from CNR-1 via listed Beijing on 7345 [after Radio Prague<br />

leaves the air around 0827*] and from Voice of Korea [Pyongyang] on<br />

variable 7140. According to information from Olle Alm in Sweden, Yakutsk<br />

and Perm are using 6150 where a tentative logging of "something" in Russian<br />

has been heard. But this freq is usually occupied by Dr.Gene Scott via<br />

Costa Rica. (Noel R. Green-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 26)<br />

Radio Rossii heard on 6150 throughout the daytime - obviously via Perm.<br />

This city is not far from me. But I never heard Perm regional sce (a.k.a.<br />

Radiokompaniya T Sem') in SW.<br />

(Dmitry Mezin Kazan-RUS, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

Clandestine to ERITREA 7590 Dejen Radio presumed the one here 1710-1720 UT<br />

with local mx and man in local lang, weak to fair on clear channel.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 8th) Via Samara-RUS.<br />

SINGAPORE 7170 on <strong>Jan</strong> 4 - at 0401 UT, Mediacorp Radio SNG; Tamil nx by<br />

YL, ID by OM on 04<strong>05</strong> - SIO 422 noise.<br />

7235 on <strong>Jan</strong> 4 - at 0406 UT, Mediacorp Radio SNG; Malay (Warna program)<br />

songs, ads - SIO 533 fading.<br />

6000 on <strong>Jan</strong> 4 - at 0315 UT, Mediacorp Radio SNG; mx & talk in Chinese - SIO<br />

222 noise & fading.

6150 on <strong>Jan</strong> 4 - at 0338 UT, Mediacorp Radio SNG; (News Radio 938 program)<br />

En nx by YL, sports Liverpool vs Norwich City, Rafael Benitez, Sepp Blatter<br />

- SIO 322 noise.<br />

(all S.Ashar, Depok-INS, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 8)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA 3320 kHz at 1930 UT noted live soccer reportage in Afrikaans<br />

(?R Son<strong>der</strong>grense). On 3230 slow speech in English. On 3345 mxal progr. Also<br />

symphony classic mx on 3390 kHz un<strong>der</strong>neath RTTY UTE at same time. (Rumen<br />

Pankov-BUL, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 18)<br />

152<strong>05</strong>, ZS6SRL, South African Radio League card for World Amateur Radio Day<br />

prgm (via SENTECH) in 1998, a 2nd QSL rcvd out of the blue after 75-1/2<br />

months; the first was rcvd in 2001 after 32 months and several follow-ups;<br />

but why rush things? V/S Hans van de Groenendaal, ZS6AKV.<br />

Also info ltr with current sked for "Amateur Radio Mirror Intl" prgm:<br />

Sundays 0800-0855 on 9750 & 17700 (but handwritten note on card says<br />

21560), repeated Monday at 1900-1955 on 3215; card says also on 7082 &<br />

14280 and 2 mb repeaters arnd So.Africa. QSL address given as: P.O. Box<br />

90438, Garsfontein 0042, So. Africa, E-mail <br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />


0800-0900* 9750 100 Southern Africa English<br />

0800-0900* 17700 250 East/Central Africa English<br />

1900-2000** 3215 100 Southern Africa English. * Sunday ** Monday<br />

SRI LANKA Dear Victor, Just a few words on the first day of the New Year<br />

to tell you that we are thinking of you when we are told about the terrible<br />

and incredible disaster that has hit Sri Lanka as well as other countries<br />

in SE Asia. We do hope that you are well and not directly hurt or affected<br />

by the disaster. It has been difficult for us to give other support to the<br />

friendly Sri Lanka than a contribution to the Red Cross. We enjoyed our<br />

trip to Sri Lanka, it is now more than 30 years ago, very much and we hope<br />

that Sri Lanka has not been destroyed for ever and that you will be able to<br />

recover. I listened today to Sri Lanka on 15748 kHz but I could not hear<br />

anything about the disaster. But the pictures on the TV are terrible. By<br />

the way it was a pleasure to meet you in Kulpsville in 2003. (Bengt<br />

Dalhammar-SWE, via SW Bulletin <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

SUDAN 7200 R Omdurman 1620 Arabic, excellent signal in the 1600-1830<br />

window between broadcasts from Bulgaria, Serbia & Montenegro and JPN /<br />

Russia.<br />

(Alexan<strong>der</strong> Koutamanis-HOL, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

[Sudan or nearby] 4750 at 0300 UT, slow pop songs, at 0315 UT ID "This is<br />

Radio Peace on 4750 kHz in the 60 mb", fade-out at 0340 UT. Also heard at<br />

0235 UT.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 6-7)<br />

TAIWAN/RUSSIA CLANDESTINE (to China). "KVTO," Sound of Hope B043, 1600-<br />

1700 on 11765 (Taipei, 100 kW), 2200-2300 on 9635 (Taipei, 100 kW), and<br />

2300-2400 on 7310 (Irkutsk-?). (Zhou-China, <strong>DX</strong>LD via CRW)<br />

Full details see WRTH 20<strong>05</strong>, pg. 572. The Sound of Hope Radio network is a<br />

US-based nx network for chinese listeners around the world, rebroadcast by<br />

local stations in many countries (like USA, Australia, Sweden). (Bernd<br />

Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

15260 Hmong Lao Radio, via Taiwan. ON Dec 31 at *0100-0108 UT, 44444 Lao,<br />

0100 UT sign on with flute's IS. Opening announce. Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium <strong>Jan</strong> 7)

15260 Hmong Lao Radio via Taiwan. <strong>Jan</strong> 5th at 0100(S/on)-0130 UT. SINPO<br />

35333. Started with folk mx and ID in Hmong and En. Talk program, but<br />

sometimes folk mx were heard.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium <strong>Jan</strong> 7)<br />

TANZANIA 5<strong>05</strong>0.1 R Tanzania, Dar-es-Salaam <strong>Jan</strong> 9 1812-1902 range with<br />

Swahili nx 1812. Again 1858 long block of commercials, ID as written 1900<br />

peeps and ID into Swahili nx. (Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

UGANDA 4976 R Uganda (pres, didn't bother to wait) <strong>Jan</strong> 4 ard 2030 with<br />

their lovely songs. Also on <strong>Jan</strong> 5 at 0430 UT. (Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

UNID Unidentified 6310 wav=Radio Roj? Hallo, As far as I can catch this<br />

lang, which sounds to me Kazakh; I can un<strong>der</strong>stand something as Aja<br />

(tajik=inja?), Radio Roj dengi ... besh kilohertz (... 5 kHz)<br />

Yesterday 4. <strong>Jan</strong>, I have heard for more than 2 hrs starting from 1350 UT<br />

fade in (S0 and below) the station playing for at least 15+ with clearly<br />

Turkish / Kurdish songs instead of the region which is different. As for<br />

example at 1420 UT there was a Turkish replica of a Greek song, then a<br />

Kurdish song on 'Irani'. At 1445 UT I found a short but different ID of<br />

'Radio Roj' by the same speakers followed by clearly Turkish songs and once<br />

again short annt (80 secs) by YL with more Turkish/Kurdish songs to follow.<br />

I think that after 1530 or 1600 UT the songs were more eastern.<br />

My question comes now: if this Radio Roj has a relationship with Roj TV, a<br />

Kurdish satellite TV program that transmits via Hotbird. I am to upload a<br />

file on my web site with the ID from the 1445 soon. For the moment there is<br />

a server error.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

I would think the ID sounds like "Azad Radyo Roja" / "Radyo Roj". The<br />

letter "j" is pronounced "zh" in Kurdish. "Roj" means "Sun" in northern<br />

Kurdish (Kurmanji) and is an important word for the Kurdish identity, the<br />

sun is a central motive in the Kurdish national flag. There are a number of<br />

Kurdish massmedia outlets named this way, like for example Roj TV in<br />

Denmark (which is the former Mezopotamian Radio & TV which a.o. leased<br />

airtime via TDP some years ago): - the Belgian company<br />

Roj NV which produces the radio station Denge Mezopotamya, or the German-<br />

Kurdish Internet provi<strong>der</strong> "Roj online".<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

Re unID 6310.2 On 3 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1358 UT there was a brief annt with male and<br />

female voices alternating. I don't know the lang, but the beginning sounded<br />

to my ears like "Asad Radio Rusha", then female "dengi hi...". Male<br />

repeating "Radio Rusha". There was also words "kurt" and "kilohertz".<br />

Apparently they gave txion time and frequency.<br />

The format of the program seems similar to that of Hit Shortwave from<br />

Kyrgyzstan months ago. The beginning of the annt may of course be something<br />

like "Dear radio listeners" etc., and not referring to the station name. I<br />

heard this station also on 4 <strong>Jan</strong> at around 0600 UT on 6310.2 with weak<br />

signal. The mentioned annt is available as (non-HiFi) .wav file at<br />

<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

I had some Kurdish speaking persons to listen to my recording of the 6310.2<br />

unid station. As expected, the recording was not very clear to their<br />

"normal" ears. Bernd Trutenau was right in assuming that the station name<br />

is ROJ (meaning sun). What I've got together from the e-mails from these<br />

Kurdish persons is:<br />

- station name "Radio Roj"

- lang is Kurdish, they use the dialect spoken in northern Kurdistan and<br />

Turkey.<br />

- they announce they're broadcasting on 6310 kHz for the Middle-East.<br />

We still need info, which organization is behind this station. It might be<br />

announced in the recording, and I'm still waiting for more feedback. If you<br />

know a Kurdish person willing to listen to the annt, it's available as a<br />

WAVE file at<br />

<br />

Many thanks to Bernd Trutenau and Mauno Ritola for their help.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

R Malaisi today is heard on 6310 with hot pop songs (dance songs). Tuned in<br />

1700 UT with S10, 44444 little overmodulated quite bassy, but clear audio<br />

ID at 1730 UT 'This is R Malaisi' and again at 1745 and at 1800-1810 UT.<br />

Short power gaps on 1811 UT and bigger gap on 1830 UT with posible power<br />

change mixing up with kurdo-kazakh Radio Roj / Rozha. Poor to fair on C300<br />

and DE1102 outdoors R75 with 2x16 m dipole.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

cland??? 6310 Radio Roj/Rusha. At 1841 UT <strong>Jan</strong> 5 with talks by OM in<br />

seemingly Azeri / Kurdish. Signal is strong S9 34433. Signed off 1900. On<br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 7 at 1700+ UT man with continuous talks. New tune in 1720 UT with songs<br />

and 1726 a Kurdish ballad. S9 max 34443 capable to be listened with Kchibo<br />

C300. At 1751 UT again with talks by OM. So it seems station commenced<br />

normal programming. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

9511.31 Whistle tone every day, UNID stn, noted at 0730 UT again. (wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

Unid 11776.2 kHz, at 1745-, unidentified <strong>Jan</strong> 9 World University Network<br />

from Anguilla is heard on 11775 kHz, along with a weaker station cochannel,<br />

but there's also someone causing a relatively loud het on about 1.2 kHz<br />

higher. Any ideas? SL<strong>BC</strong> off frequency?.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

At 1715 UT today <strong>Jan</strong> 11, both on even channel: SL<strong>BC</strong> Ekala-CLN 1615-1900 and<br />

VoA Portug. Sao Tome 1700-1800. Ekala never heard on odd freq, they use<br />

very accurate stabilicized either .500 or 1000 Hertz spacing channels. But<br />

there is also a jammer from Cuba against R Marti 0000-0700 UT, so seemingly<br />

stayed on 24 hrs operation on odd channel. Brazilia 11780 wan<strong>der</strong>ed down?<br />

(wb)<br />

UNID 5025 Heavily jammed channel <strong>Jan</strong> 9 with 2 stations only traced<br />

un<strong>der</strong>neath 1810. Still heavy jammer 1935, but so strong that no trave of<br />

stations un<strong>der</strong>neath. Same at 2210.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

U.K. <br />

Media release, December 28, 2004. London. The B<strong>BC</strong> Tamil Service, which has<br />

its primary target audiences in these two regions, will broadcast special<br />

15-minute dawn txions from Monday, Dec 27th, to Saturday , <strong>Jan</strong>uary 1 to<br />

provide additional information on the breaking news.<br />

The special dawn program can be heard between<br />

0030 and 0045 UT on SW 49mb 6040 kHz and 25 mb 12045 kHz.<br />

The programme can also be heard live on its website <br />

For more information contact: T.Manivannan, Head of Tamil Service, B<strong>BC</strong><br />

World Service.

Bush House, Strand , P.O.Box 76, London WC2B 4PH, U.K.<br />

Phone: +44 20 7 5570377. Fax: +44 20 7 4970297<br />

email: (<strong>DX</strong>india, <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

e-Mail from Alan Day, see on<br />

homepage<br />

Europa Radio International has acquired a refurbished 5 kW AM tx which is<br />

to be installed at a redundant tx site in the former Soviet Union. The tx<br />

will be shipped next month and, once conversion work to double its output<br />

power and remedial work to the antenna system have taken place, our aim is<br />

to have it on-air by mid to late Summer 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Whilst the tx is owned by us it will be operated and maintained by local<br />

engineers. Air-time will also be available for hire.<br />

In the interim Europa Radio International will continue to use the txion<br />

facilities in Latvia and shortly, a second tx in the United States. (Rudolf<br />

Sonntag-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 8)<br />

USA WMLK, is scheduled on new 9265, <strong>05</strong>00-1000 and 1800-2300 UTC from<br />

Sunday to Friday, to Europe and ME with old 50 kW unit. They still haven't<br />

got the old 250 kW SW tx on the air. (Christer Brunstroem-SWE, Christian <strong>DX</strong><br />

Report, HCJB <strong>DX</strong>PL <strong>Jan</strong> 1, dxld)<br />

9310 kHz W<strong>BC</strong>Q at 1800 UT with ID trailer "R W<strong>BC</strong>Q TV dot com,... R Bible "<br />

and religious talks. Nx on 1836 Maximum S=5 33232, LSB plus carrier. QRN<br />

from Dreambox sat receiver.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 7)<br />

VIETNAM 4739.9 kHz R.TV.Son La on Dec 29 at *1152-1204 UT, 34333<br />

Vietnamese and Vernacular, 1152 UT sign on with IS. Opening mx. ID. Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium <strong>Jan</strong> 7)<br />

YEMEN 9779.62 Radio Yemen at 1710 UT. Arabic tx, tel. report, slightly<br />

distorted mod, but SINPO 45444.<br />

(Guenter Lorenz-D, currently near La Spezia, Italy, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

ZAMBIA 4500 ZN<strong>BC</strong> I spoke with their Director of Engineering this morning.<br />

He says that they have just rehabilitated one of their two 100 kW txs and<br />

are testing it. Hence, the strong signals that we have been receiving.<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

Zambia generally signs on at 0300 with their famous fish eagle IS being<br />

heard for quite some time prior to that. WRTH lists them as *0245, but I<br />

always thought it was just IS till 0300. Guess we'll know in a few hours,<br />

don't forget to 4910, also Zambia, and the Radio Peace outlet via Sudan on<br />

4750 at this same time. (Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

6165, ZN<strong>BC</strong>, Radio 2, Lusaka, at *0250-03<strong>05</strong> UT on <strong>Jan</strong> 08, back on this<br />

nominal freq from 4500 with strong and stable signal. Clear Fish Eagle cry<br />

un<strong>der</strong> R Netherlands, Bonaire in Spanish (Dutch from 0300), 0250 orchestral<br />

National Anthem, 0252 Ann in heavily accented English, 0254 hymn followed a<br />

programme of Afropop. 43443. On 4500 was only heard Xinjiang PBS in<br />

Mongolian around 0300 UT.<br />

4910, ZN<strong>BC</strong>, Radio 1, Lusaka, at *0242-03<strong>05</strong> on <strong>Jan</strong> 08, very strong and clear<br />

signal with Fish Eagle cry until 0252, then National Hymn by Choir and<br />

Vernacular programme, 45444. Different opening from 6165 and different<br />

programme. (Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 8)<br />

3306 ZN<strong>BC</strong> Lusaka (R2) on <strong>Jan</strong> 9 back here (ex the short visit on 4500) from<br />

tune in first time ard 1930 in local lang. Lovely songs during evening<br />

until close. Did never become good enough for ID, but definately Zambian NA<br />

2201-22<strong>05</strong> close, same time as as 4910.

4910 ZN<strong>BC</strong> Lusaka (R1) on <strong>Jan</strong> 9 at 18<strong>05</strong> UT. English news. Heard on and off<br />

until close with short version 1 min) of chorus NA-22<strong>05</strong>. Weak/fair.<br />

4965 Christian Voice on <strong>Jan</strong> 9 at 1810 UT with En prgr 'Countdown Magazine'<br />

with songs by e.g. the Newsboys and Liberty Disco. Fair. (all Finn Krone-<br />

DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

ZIMBABWE 3306.00 Radio Zimbabwe at 2242 UT. African pop mx / songs, OM<br />

DJ (tent. as no ID heard) SINPO 24333.<br />

(Guenter Lorenz-D, currently near La Spezia, Italy, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Mar 12)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 31)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 22)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 699 20 <strong>Jan</strong> 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

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e-mail <br />

ALGERIA [CLAND from ALG to WeSahara] 7460 Radio Nacional de la RASD.<br />

R Nac de la RASD Off again? Untraced in our local afternoons, had been<br />

good.<br />

(Hans Johnson-FL-USA, Cmbre <strong>Jan</strong> 11-12)<br />

AOE*) Still more obs. in the past weekend: Polisario Front's 7460 outlet<br />

does seem to be silent again after a very short reactive period; \\ 1550<br />

always on. 7460 noted on today, at least for the evening bcast.<br />

*) ITU reference (cf. WRTH 20<strong>05</strong>)? It's interesting & also odd to see "W.<br />

Sahara" appearing in the Morocco entry though referring to Algeria.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

7460 SADR started coming in around 1700 UT. (Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 18)<br />

A las 2300-2321 por los 7460 kHz, R. Nacional Saharauy [sic] con SINPO<br />

24322, se identifica La voz del pueblo Saharaui. Luego segui escunchandola<br />

desde las 2327 a 2335 UT. (Jose Miguel Romero-ESP, Noticias <strong>DX</strong> via dxld <strong>Jan</strong><br />

18)<br />

AOE - Polisario's 7460 kHz became regular again, but 1550 kHz still<br />

provides the best overall reception even if some het. w/ the UK 1548 kHz is<br />

noted ... and easily avoided too, be it via the notch filter, PBT or simply<br />

by using the K9AY antenna.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 20)

ANGOLA 4950 RNA Canal "A", Mulenvos, noted on 14 <strong>Jan</strong> at 2344-... with mx<br />

& phone-in prgr "Noite Gira" (don't try to translate that litterally);<br />

55433 mainly thanks to the 80 m mini-Beverage towards that region (see<br />

Zambia). (Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

AUSTRALIA 2310 VL8A, Alice Springs NT, noted on 15 <strong>Jan</strong> as early as 1735<br />

UT, putting talks, presumably the half hr A<strong>BC</strong> newscast; 25331.<br />

Unfortunately, I couldn't stay by the rx to observe the stn progressing<br />

through the rest of the afternoon until, say, 1900.<br />

2485 VL8K, Katherine NT, noted on 15 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1943-2006 UT with talks; 24342;<br />

\\ 2310 & 2325 extremely poor. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

BOLIVIA 4684.6 R. Paititi, Guayaramerin, noted on 15 <strong>Jan</strong> at 2314-2328<br />

talks in Spanish & playing Indian rhythms & folk songs; 23341.<br />

4716.7 R. Yura, Yura, audible on 15 <strong>Jan</strong> at 2320-2334 UT, prgr in Quechua,<br />

talks, Indian songs; 35332.<br />

4902.4 R. San Miguel, Riberalta, observed on 15 <strong>Jan</strong> at 2347-2355 UT, mssgs<br />

in Spanish; 34333. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

BRAZIL 11735 R.Trans Mundial, at 0957-1012 on <strong>Jan</strong> 11, Portuguese, Talks<br />

over mx, "Trans Mundial" ID and drums at 1000, up-tempo mxal selections, OM<br />

announcer w/ "Bom Dias Brasil!" and IDs. Fair/good. (Scott Barbour-NH-USA,<br />

hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

6185 R. Nacional de Amazonia now here, ex6190 kHz. \\ 11780 at 0940 UT,<br />

6185 un<strong>der</strong> R. Educacion. (Hans Johnson-FL-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 16)<br />

3254.9 R. Educadora 6 de Agosto, Xapuri AC, on 14 <strong>Jan</strong> at 2302-2319, talks,<br />

prayer followed by sermon; 34332, uty. QRM.<br />

3325 R. Mundial, Sao Paulo SP, on 14 <strong>Jan</strong> at 2317-2324, rlgs prgr; 24331.<br />

4754.5 R. Educacao Rural, Cp§ Grande MS, on 15 <strong>Jan</strong> at 2335-2346, talks,<br />

folk songs w/ typical Portuguese roots, unreadable stn sl., fq ann.; 25332.<br />

48<strong>05</strong> R. Difusa do Amazonas, Manaus AM, on 14 <strong>Jan</strong> at 2351-0006, talk on<br />

f/ball; 33432.<br />

4865 R.Verdes Florestas, Cruzeiro do Sul AC, on 15 <strong>Jan</strong> at 2345-0008 UT,<br />

rosary, many mssgs from listeners; 44443, QRM de B itself.<br />

4915 R.CBN Anhangueera, Goiania GO, 16 <strong>Jan</strong> 0007-0021, nx in prgr "Noite<br />

Total"; 53443, QRM de B.<br />

5015 UNID 16 <strong>Jan</strong> 0014-..., prayer; 54433. (all 7 de Carlos Goncalves-POR,<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

CAMBODIA Checked 11938ñ at 1230 UT several times. There is a good signal<br />

around this frequency, but it is not Cambodia; did not hear it at all on<br />

this trip. Also never got a good read on Bhutan 6035 at 1500 UT.<br />

(David Norcross, Hong Kong, 100SW and 7600G via dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

CHINA 6190, Xinjiang PBS, on 5 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1228-1231 UT and later, in<br />

Mongolian. Fair to good reception, SINPO 43433, with slight background QRM<br />

from Radio JPN Korean Sce (its ID begins with "Yoginun..."). Announcements<br />

and mx, Web site ....cn.com mentioned (But why? It has to be ... com.cn)<br />

IS and ID at 1230, sounded like "Sinyandin ardyn radio ..."

By the way, Radio JPN has a Russian broadcast at 1330 on this frequency.<br />

But it is beamed to Siberia/FE and I cannot hear it. Now, at 1338, there is<br />

a weak station un<strong>der</strong> Xinjiang, but lang doesn't sound like Russian. Maybe<br />

it is Deutschlandfunk, Germany - too weak to positively identify. (Dmitry<br />

Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal <strong>Jan</strong> 12)<br />

By the way, China occupies adjacent 6195 at the same time with Nei-Menngu<br />

BS, Inner Mongolia. Lately uses to be heard with a weak signal and dirty<br />

carrier.<br />

(open_dx - Igor Ashikhmin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal <strong>Jan</strong> 12)<br />

CHINESE NEW YEAR 17th Constitution Day in the Philippines<br />

17th Liberation Day in Poland<br />

22nd Independence Day in Ukraine<br />

22nd Chinese New Year - 4703<br />

22nd Tet - Vietnamese and many Asian Nations<br />

23rd Chinese New Year - 2nd Day in Hong Kong<br />

23rd Chinese New Year - 3rd Day in Hong Kong<br />

26th National Republic Holiday in India<br />

26th National Holiday in Australia<br />

30th Kings Birthday in Jordan<br />

31st Independence Day in Nauru<br />

... Give a listening to the countries above and let us know what you heard<br />

on their special days!!! Send them a Reception Report!!! Good Listening and<br />

<strong>DX</strong>! (Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK <strong>Jan</strong> 15)<br />

CME Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) <strong>Jan</strong>uary 15 / 19 / 21:<br />

At least two fully Earth directed CMEs were launched during the day. The<br />

first one was associated with a long duration M8 event in region 10720<br />

after 06h UTC. This was a fast and large CME and is likely to impact Earth<br />

during the latter half of <strong>Jan</strong>uary 16 and cause major to very severe<br />

geomagnetic storming. The second significant CME was launched during the<br />

the X2 long duration event in region 10720 late in the day. Again this was<br />

a large and fast CME and will likely reach Earth on <strong>Jan</strong>uary 17 and extend<br />

the disturbance already in progress.<br />

(by Alvestad, via Olle Alm-SWE, <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

The extremely fast halo CME observed after the X3.8 event on <strong>Jan</strong>uary 17<br />

reached Earth near 0600 UT on <strong>Jan</strong>uary 18, a transit time of approximately<br />

21 hours. ACE IMF total field measurements recorded a sudden increase at<br />

<strong>05</strong>:33 UT and by 06:20 UT the IMF reached its strongest negative<br />

(southwards) point.<br />

With the proton storm gradually subsiding, "normality" was restored to<br />

solar wind observations late on <strong>Jan</strong>uary 18. At this time both SOHO and ACE<br />

recorded wind speed near 1000 km/sec, very impressive consi<strong>der</strong>ing that the<br />

CME had arrived many hours before.<br />

Comment added at 07:04 UTC on <strong>Jan</strong>uary 20: Region 10720 has just produced a<br />

giant X7.1 proton flare. A very strong proton storm has already started at<br />

Earth, this is likely to seriously degrade radio communications over the<br />

next days, particularly for polar and near polar signal paths. Further<br />

updates will be posted later on ...<br />

This could become the largest proton storm during this solar cycle. The<br />

above 100 MeV proton flux is already past the 400 pfu mark.<br />

This latest X-class flare, the THIRD LARGEST of this solar cycle (Cycle<br />

23), was incredible.<br />

(<strong>Jan</strong> Alvestad (author Solar Terrestrial Activity Report -<br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 19, also via Olle Alm)

This note from Alvestad will explain why the bands produce more noise than<br />

stations. Region 10720 is the giant sunspot that has produced CMEs earlier<br />

in the week.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

Strange happenings with the CMEs and stuff: <strong>Jan</strong> 17 at 1515, conditions were<br />

disturbed in a strange way: RCI on 17820 was booming in, but CRI via Cuba<br />

17730 was quite weak. <strong>Jan</strong> 18 at 1550, B<strong>BC</strong>-Antigua vanished in an apparent<br />

SID, and RCI 13655 had also dropped out. A few mins later as I was tuning<br />

around the bands, RCI and most other North American signals on 11 MHz and<br />

higher had recovered, but 15190 was barely detectable.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

Severe storm levels. Early in the forecast period, minor to severe storming<br />

is expected as effects from the 17 <strong>Jan</strong>uary CME are due to arrive. Coronal<br />

hole high speed wind streams are expected to produce unsettled to active<br />

with occasional minor storm periods on 29-31 <strong>Jan</strong>uary and 07-08 February. (<br />

)<br />

CME - coronal mass ejection. See<br />

<br />

of Space Environment Center. We are still un<strong>der</strong> a strong proton storm with<br />

a polar cap<br />

absorption event. (thanks Klaus Spielvogel)<br />

Strong CME - coronal mass ejection - arrived already, solar wind speed<br />

readings was predicted over 900 km/s.<br />

When switched on the rx around 0830 UT, nothing - not even a whisper -<br />

heard on 7 and 21 MHz.<br />

Heard til 0950 UT, and on about 0930 UT TWR-ERF 7160 S=2, 217<strong>05</strong>UAE S=1-2<br />

noted like a lighthouse or skyscraper over THRESHOLD.<br />

On other hand only a HANDFUL - very few stations appeared - on the various<br />

bands.<br />

From 0830 UT<br />

6 MHz - best 5885 CVA S=4, 5955HOL S=1, 60<strong>05</strong>DLR S=1-2, 6025HNG S=2,<br />

6075DW S=1, 6085BR nil, 6155ORF S=1-2, 6190DLF S=1,<br />

and 6230TWR-ERF S=2 at 0930-0945 UT.<br />

7 MHz nil<br />

9 MHz - 9355TIN-IBB S=1, 9375GRC S=3, 9545DW S=0-1, best 9710LTU S=3,<br />

9815POR S=1, and surprisingly 9885NZ Rangitaiki S=1-2.<br />

At 1030 UT the one and only station on the band<br />

VoRUS Kaliningrad 9720 S=3.<br />

11 MHz - all S=0-1 11650KFBS Ru, 11665 CBS TWN and Xian-CHN jammer?,<br />

11875POR, 11915SAM Ru, 11965UDO IBB Ch, 12130KTWR Ch,<br />

and stronger 11755FIN S=3, 11895TRT Macedonian S=3.<br />

At 1030 UT 11875POR S=4 at best.<br />

13 MHz - all S=1-2 13620KWT DRM, 13650TIN Ch, 13680KAV Farda?, 13720REE,<br />

13760IRN.<br />

15 MHz - S=1-2, 15200KTWR, 15210KunmingCHN En, 15350TRT - best,<br />

15395UAE, 15440SIN DRM DW, 15630GRC, 15780RUS DRM.<br />

At 1030 also 15100PAK S=2, 15160HNG S=2, 15240MRC? AR,<br />

15675 RUI Kharkov Ukrainian, and at best 15540RUS German.

17 MHz - 17490CHN S=3, 17535ISR S=3, 17595UDO IBB AFG, 17650CHN S=3,<br />

17720JPN, 17785ARS Fr, 178<strong>05</strong>ARS Ar, 17875IND Aligarh Ins.<br />

But around 1030 UT noted also addit 17585UAE NHK En, 17615ARS Ar,<br />

17700SIN DW DRM, 17835PAK, 17895IND Aligarh En.<br />

21 MHz - nil.<br />

At 1040 UT 21495 ARS Ins, 21670ARS Ins, 21820GAB NHK appeared.<br />

S=1-2 only.<br />

Surprisingly the DRM powerhouses came through.<br />

Estimated recovery time is <strong>Jan</strong> 19th, 1121 UTC. (wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 19)<br />

Possibly because of the reported vy. strong coronal mass ejection,<br />

propagation has been tricky on certain bands; at 1204 UT on 20 <strong>Jan</strong>, only<br />

the following 41 & 49 m stns were audible:<br />

5955 RNW in Dutch via HOL, 35433<br />

6075 DW in German via D, 25332<br />

7175 UNID (R.Tirana?) in Alb (t), 15331<br />

[DW Wertachtal 500 kW powerhouse at 120 deg, Albanian]<br />

7200 R. Bulgaria, 14341<br />

7455 TWR in Ch via GUM, 25342<br />

... that's a "big" list!<br />

R.NZi 15530, usually putting a splendid signal, was only fair.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

CUBA [to VENEZUELA] As expected from last week's news, "Alo,<br />

Presidente" is indeed back on the Cuban relay. Checked around 1515 UT<br />

Sunday <strong>Jan</strong> 16, and found it on only three freqs after tuning thru all the<br />

bands from 6 to 21 MHz (not that RHC would ever use 7 or 21): 11875, 13750<br />

and poor on 17750, as Pres. Chavez was in a lengthy monolog. The show<br />

presumably runs from around 1400 to around 1830 UT as before.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 16)<br />

The latest RHC trouble report: <strong>Jan</strong> 18 at 1450, 9550 audio was breaking up,<br />

stopping and starting and skipping, while \\ 11760, 11800 and 12000 were<br />

OK. Maybe 9550 gets a different STL feed. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld <strong>Jan</strong><br />

18)<br />

DRM DRM present in Dallas TX. DRM symposium held in Dallas in November.<br />

Senger said in addition to the new, non-auto receivers coming to the market<br />

at the end of this year, the DRM consortium predicts about 1 million radios<br />

with the ability to decode DRM signals will be used by the end of 2006 and<br />

4 million by year-end 2008.<br />

According to Senger, the consortium expects txion hours to grow from the<br />

current 350 hours a day to 700 hours per day in 2006, and 1,600 hours per<br />

day in 2008. Senger also said that when a station upgrades to DRM txion, it<br />

pays off the upgrade costs in a decade thanks to electricity savings.<br />

Migration path<br />

As for the proposal to extend DRM to higher freq bands, Chairman Peter<br />

Senger told some 90 attendees, he said thought it unlikely that the FM band<br />

used in Western Europe (87.5-108.0 MHz) would be used for DRM in the<br />

foreseeable future, but believed that bands that have fallen into disuse,<br />

such as 66-74 MHz in Eastern Europe, might well be used.<br />

Closing the meeting, Senger urged the Americas to consi<strong>der</strong> adopting the<br />

non-proprietary DRM international standard for digital radio. "There is no<br />

question mark," he said, "we are here and you can use our open standard."

(via Bill Hale, NRC-AM via dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 18)<br />

ECUADOR 3279.5 LV del Napo, Tena, noted again on 14 <strong>Jan</strong> at 2307-2316 UT,<br />

Spanish, local pops, TCs, greetings to the audience; 34332. (Carlos<br />

Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

EGYPT OK re Cairo. We still seem to be waiting for a definitive schedule<br />

of what will, or won't, be broadcast. This station has suffered badly for<br />

some time due to poor quality txions, and this must have meant that a lot<br />

of potential listeners just gave up trying to hear them. And it's only<br />

during the last couple of seasons (or so) that they varied their freqs from<br />

ones they had used for ages. (Noel R. Green-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

R. Cairo spotting checking them yesterday to see if the lang cuts have<br />

taken place. Still noted in Portuguese at 2215 on 11790 so I guess that<br />

wasn't one of the ones cut or the cuts haven't taken effect. Also noted<br />

English (2300 on 7115) and Arabic (0030 on 7115) to North America. (Hans<br />

Johnson-FL-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 11-12)<br />

R. Cairo still heard in presumed Zulu at 1616 UT on 15620 with their nx<br />

theme mx. Absolutely horrible modulation. Presumed Afar at 15155 at 1620 UT<br />

was not much better. Sure doesn't seem like any cuts have occurred yet.<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 16)<br />

ETHIOPIA 6350 Voice of the Tigray Revolution at 0440-<strong>05</strong>00. Talk by woman<br />

in (per schedule) Tigrinya. Occasional bridges of Horn of Africa<br />

instrumental mx. Gone at <strong>05</strong>00. Weak with utility interference on low side.<br />

SINPO 22332. Parallel 5500 noted, but with extremely poor signal, at or<br />

below the noise most of the time.<br />

(Jim Evans-TN-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

On 7110 kHz Ethiopia with international nx 1703 and getting stronger. Radio<br />

Fana 6940/6210 1650 and later, but 6210 kHz was disturbed by a euro-piratelike<br />

UNID on the same channel. Euro pirate supposedly went at 1730 because<br />

at 1732 6210 kHz Fana could be heard fairly well \\ 6940 kHz without<br />

disturbance. V.O.Tigray Revolution 1715-1730 range was strong on 5500 \\<br />

less audible 6350 (UTE) but 6350 later strong as well on LSB only.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

Even <strong>Jan</strong> 18 at 1715 \\ 9704.1 kHz, normally a lot more squeezed than<br />

yesterday and today. 9704.1 kHz in the clear. Also 7100 Eritrea, though<br />

more usual. Also other stns from the area strong, but nothing heard here in<br />

the 6960-7<strong>05</strong>0 kHz range.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 18)<br />

EQUAT GUINEA 15190 kHz. Thanks to a tip from Jari Savolinen on hcdx, I<br />

have just tuned in to 15190 kHz and heard Radio Africa Number 2 from<br />

Equatorial Guinea with an excellent signal. Heard from tune in at 1655 UTC<br />

with full ID at 1700 giving their address as:<br />

Radio Africa Number 2, 20410 Town Centre Lane 200, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA<br />

email <br />

This station which carries US evangelical programming brokered by Pan<br />

American Broadcasting, has been off the air for years. In March 2003 it was<br />

reported that two new 50 kW SW txs were to be installed in Equatorial<br />

Guinea by Chinese technicians. Radio Bata has been heard recently (albeit<br />

intermittently) back on 50<strong>05</strong> kHz, so perhaps the second tx has been<br />

installed on 15190 kHz? (Dave Kenny-UK B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, <strong>Jan</strong> 18)<br />

Equatorial Guinea - what is assumed to be this station is audible at fair<br />

strength 1515 UT on 15190.00 kHz with English Gospel programmes. There is a

much weaker co-ch station which I guess will be B<strong>BC</strong> ATG refered to by<br />

Glenn. (Noel R. Green-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

FRANCE Patrick Robic schrieb: France Bleue La City Radio 864 kHz um 0855<br />

UTC in Franzoesisch mit vielen ID, Nx, Wx und Popmx. SINPO: 24332.<br />

Gibt's von denen eine e-mail adresse ?<br />

Das ist France Bleue Paris - La Cite Radio. Der Sen<strong>der</strong> macht 200 kW und ist<br />

abends nahezu ueberall in Mitteleuropa gut zu empfangen. Uebrigens <strong>der</strong><br />

leistungsstaerkste AM-stereo-Sen<strong>der</strong> <strong>der</strong> Welt. Naehere Infos zu dem Sen<strong>der</strong><br />

und insbeson<strong>der</strong>e AM-stereo auch auf meiner Website. Info und Kontakt siehe<br />

<br />

(Daniel Moeller-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 13)<br />

Das englischsprachige Paris Live Radio soll am 25. <strong>Jan</strong>uar 20<strong>05</strong> zusammen mit<br />

Radio de la Mer Sendungen auf <strong>der</strong> Mittelwelle 1080<br />

kHz aufnehmen. Dies sieht ein Vertrag mit dem Frequenzinhaber Radio de la<br />

Mer vor. PLR begann im Mai 2004 im Internet und richtet sich an die gut<br />

400.000 Englisch-kundigen Einwohner des Grossraums Paris und die Millionen<br />

Touristen. Bisher hat man nach eigenen Angaben gut 30.000 Hoerer und<br />

Hoererinnen taeglich, den Durchbruch auch bei <strong>der</strong> Werbewirtschaft erwartet<br />

man allerdings von Mittelwellen- und UKW-Sendungen. Der Vertrag sieht vor,<br />

dass das 24-Stunden-Programm abends und nachts 1900-0600 Uhr UTC auf die<br />

Mittelwelle kommt.<br />

(RNW MN NL, 4.1.20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

GERMANY I just saw a report from Gerhard Role<strong>der</strong> about the new 1323 kHz<br />

tx at Wachenbrunn. Contrary to an earlier publication he describes the rig<br />

as TRAM 1000S, consisting of two 500 kW blocks, and gives this current<br />

schedule:<br />

<strong>05</strong>45-1600 1000 kW / 310 degr, 1600-1900 1000 kW / 220 degr, 1900-2245 150<br />

kW / 220 degr (during DST all UT times one hour earlier). (Kai Ludwig-D,<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 14)<br />

See FUNKAMATEUR 12-2004, page 1228/1229, "Neuer Mittelwellensen<strong>der</strong> in<br />

Wachenbrunn". (wb)<br />

Today the 738 kHz tx at Stuttgart-Hirschlanden has been tested between 0900<br />

and 1230 with the AFN feed carried from this site on 1143. Audio/processing<br />

adjustments were observed.<br />

suggests that this freq<br />

will be soon put on air for Truckradio.<br />

Truckradio plans to use also Burg 531 (silent since 1998, disregarding low<br />

power DRM tests done in the meantime), Frankfurt 1080 (coordinated but<br />

never put in use, possible tx site unclear, most likely candidate appears<br />

to be Weisskirchen) and Wuerzburg 1386. They also intend to put txs on air<br />

in Austria. Cf.<br />

where 531 is shown way<br />

too much to the east of course, and just disregard the mention on "1475" in<br />

Austria. [the Truck radio tx map shows also Innsbruck-AUT circle on 1026<br />

kHz, wb.]<br />

Here is a nice overall view of the Burg site:<br />

http://people.freenet.de/sen<strong>der</strong>fotosbb/radio/burgmw01.jpg<br />

To the left the 324 metres tall mast of the dismantled ARRT antenna (ex 783<br />

kHz), now carrying the double cone longwave antenna for 139 and 261 kHz. To<br />

the right the 210 metres tall mediumwave masts; one of them had been<br />

modified for the old Tesla longwave tx after the collapse of the original<br />

LW mast. The six white towers carry the vertical incidence antenna for 1575

kHz, used for the 250 kW operations of the past and again for the 500 kW<br />

nighttime sce of Megaradio, putting an enormous signal within a radius of<br />

about 200 km from Burg for nighttime sce of the GDR (this antenna is not<br />

designed to serve targets further away, GDR radio used 1575 for RBI against<br />

regarding advise by the postal office). (Kai Ludwig-D, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 18)<br />

738 Ich bin noch in <strong>der</strong> Firma, habe aber gerade im Radioforum<br />

gelesen, dass<br />

heute Tests auf 738 kHz (Hirschlanden) gefahren wurden mit AFN-Programm und<br />

vermutlich Optimod.<br />

Dort soll wohl bald Truck Radio aufgeschaltet werden. Siehe<br />

<br />

(Bernhard Weiskopf-D, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 18)<br />

Schedule of German Telekom transmitting station Juelich<br />

B04 period (31/10/2004 - 27/03/20<strong>05</strong>). V.B04akt_11a 19 <strong>Jan</strong> 20<strong>05</strong><br />

frq startstop ciraf azi day from to loc pow bc<br />

remarks<br />

5945 0030-0045 41 85 1 0201<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 PAB<br />

6015 1630-1645 29,30 60 4 0202<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 PAB<br />

13820 1400-1430 39,40 100 7 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 PAB<br />

13820 1430-1445 39,40,41 90 1 0201<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 PAB<br />

13820 1445-1500 39,40 100 7 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 PAB<br />

13820 1500-1515 39,40 100 1 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 PAB<br />

13820 1530-1545 39,40 100 1 0201<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 PAB<br />

13820 1545-1600 39,40 100 1 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 PAB<br />

13820 1600-1630 39,40 100 1 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 PAB<br />

5955 2330-0030 41,49 70 1234567 261104 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 DVB<br />

6120 2100-2200 37NW 230 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 CBS<br />

9495 1900-1930 39,40 1<strong>05</strong> 7 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RMI<br />

9495 1900-1959 39,40 120 16 241204 311204 WER 125 RMI *<br />

9495 1900-1959 39,40 120 1 0101<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> WER 125 RMI *<br />

11810 1600-1700 41 1<strong>05</strong> 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RMI<br />

6045 0958-1100 27,28 ND 1 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 EVR<br />

6045 1000-1100 27,28 ND 7 311004 2901<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 HLR<br />

5925 1400-1515 27,28 ND 1 <strong>05</strong>1204 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RTR<br />

6015 1200-1215 27,28 ND 1 0201<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> WER 250 MWA<br />

13820 1630-1700 39,40 1<strong>05</strong> 7 0101<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> WER 250 FVM<br />

6<strong>05</strong>5 0000-0100 41 100 1234567 301204 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 WRN<br />

6015 1000-1<strong>05</strong>9 27,28 115 1 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 CHW<br />

9890 1900-1935 28,29 75 7 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> WER 125<br />

CHWevery2[odd]weeks<br />

9890 1935-1959 28,29 70 7 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100<br />

CHWevery2[odd]weeks<br />

7220 1800-1830 37,46 200 3 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 CHW-2<br />

7220 1800-1830 47,52N,48E 155 5 251104 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 CHW-2<br />

6015 1630-1700 28,29 70 1 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 <strong>BC</strong>A<br />

6015 1130-1159 27,28 ND 17 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> WER 125 EMG<br />

11840 1200-1204 19-26 20 7 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 EMG

11840 1204-1230 19-26 20 7 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> NAU 250 EMG<br />

9815 1600-1630 29,30 60 7 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> WER 250 EMG<br />

6015 1200-1215 27,28 ND 1 0201<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> WER 250 MWA<br />

3955 1559-1659 27W,28 ND 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 HCJ<br />

17870 1500-1530 48 145 23456 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 AWH<br />

11840 1830-1859 52,53 160 5 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RRP<br />

9820 1700-1759 39S,48 140 1346 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 SBO<br />

[DTK entries, - vailed services towards Horn of Africa region, wb.]<br />

9820 1630-1659 39S,48 140 36 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 DTK<br />

9820 1600-1659 39S,48 140 1 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 DTK<br />

7220 1830-1930 47,48 140 14 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 DTK<br />

9820 1700-1759 39S,48 140 5 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 DTK<br />

12015 1500-1559 47,48 130 7 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 DTK<br />

7340 2000-2100 37,38 175 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 IBR<br />

9660 1730-1759 39S,47E,48 130 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 IBR<br />

9610 1900-2015 46NE,SE,NW 190 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 IBR<br />

9520 1730-1845 47,48,52 145 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 IBR<br />

9495 1600-1629 37,38 175 1 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 UNL<br />

7145 0100-0129 41 85 1 311004 2201<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 UNL *<br />

7145 0100-0129 41 85 1 2301<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 UNL *<br />

6045 1200-1259 27,28 ND 1 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 UNL<br />

6045 1230-1259 27,28 ND 7 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 UNL<br />

11840 1800-1829 46,47,48 160 1 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 UNL<br />

71<strong>05</strong> 1901-1930 39,40 115 1 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 UNL<br />

6110 1300-1559 27,28 ND 1234567 091204 2703<strong>05</strong> WER 500 TOM<br />

6110 1101-1159 27,28W ND 1 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM2nd<br />

Sunday/month only<br />

13810 1400-1559 28,29,39,40 115 1234567 041104 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM<br />

59<strong>05</strong> 2201-2259 6-10 295 1234567 1401<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

5960 2201-2259 6-10 295 1234567 1401<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

6015 2201-2259 6-10 300 1234567 1401<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

9470 2201-2259 6-10 3<strong>05</strong> 1234567 1401<strong>05</strong> 1901<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

9490 2201-2259 6-10 295 1234567 1401<strong>05</strong> 1901<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

9815 2201-2259 6-10 320 1234567 1401<strong>05</strong> 1901<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

6035 0401-0459 6-10 325 1234567 1501<strong>05</strong> 2001<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

9435 0401-0459 6-10 325 1234567 1501<strong>05</strong> 2001<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

6155 0401-0459 6-10 320 1234567 1501<strong>05</strong> 2001<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

7340 0401-0459 6-10 320 1234567 1501<strong>05</strong> 2001<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

9765 0401-0459 6-10 320 1234567 1501<strong>05</strong> 2001<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

9895 0401-0459 6-10 300 1234567 1501<strong>05</strong> 2001<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

5900 0101-0159 6-10 3<strong>05</strong> 1234567 2101<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

9590 0101-0159 6-10 295 1234567 2101<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

9640 0101-0159 6-10 320 1234567 2101<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

5960 0101-0159 6-10 295 1234567 2101<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

6130 0101-0159 6-10 295 1234567 2101<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

6155 0101-0159 6-10 320 1234567 2101<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

9435 0101-0159 39,40 110 1234567 2101<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

9485 0101-0159 40,42 80 1234567 2101<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

9785 0101-0159 41 90 1234567 2101<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM *<br />

17580 <strong>05</strong>57-0813 47,48,52,53 160 23456 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RTB<br />

17580 <strong>05</strong>57-1100 47,48,52,53 160 17 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RTB<br />

21565 1<strong>05</strong>7-1231 47,48,52,53 160 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RTB<br />

17570 1527-1903 47,48,52,53 160 23456 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RTB<br />

17570 1557-1806 47,48,52,53 160 17 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RTB

5945 0730-0945 27,28N 290 1 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

5945 0800-0915 27,28N 290 7 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

5945 0800-0930 27,28N 290 6 0701<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

6015 1915-1930 28,29 60 23456 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

6015 1900-2030 28,29 60 1 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

6015 1900-2000 28,29 60 7 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

9470 1900-2015 39,40 125 16 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> NAU 250 BVB<br />

9470 1900-2000 39,40 125 7 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> NAU 250 BVB<br />

9470 1830-1900 39,40 125 3 0102<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> NAU 125 BVB *<br />

7260 1930-1959 46,47 170 1 261104 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

7260 1900-1930 46,47 170 7 261104 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

7260 1915-2015 47,48 210 6 261104 2801<strong>05</strong> WER 125 BVB *<br />

7260 1930-2000 47,48 210 7 261104 2703<strong>05</strong> WER 125 BVB<br />

13810 1630-1730 38S,39S,47,48130 123567 121204 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

13810 1630-1759 38S,39S,47,48130 4 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

9730 1800-1859 39,40 110 17 <strong>05</strong>11<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

9730 1800-1829 39,40 110 3 251104 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

9730 1800-1829 39,40 115 5 251104 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

9730 1715-1829 39,40 110 246 <strong>05</strong>11<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

17565 0845-1015 38,39 130 6 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

7210 1800-1859 39,40 1<strong>05</strong> 17 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

9460 1630-1859 39,40 115 1 <strong>05</strong>11<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

9460 1640-1715 39,40 115 246 <strong>05</strong>11<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

9460 1640-1859 39,40 115 3 <strong>05</strong>11<strong>05</strong> 3101<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB *<br />

9460 1640-1830 39,40 115 3 0102<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB *<br />

9460 1645-1930 39,40 115 7 <strong>05</strong>11<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

9460 1640-1745 39,40 115 5 <strong>05</strong>11<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

9460 1800-1859 39,40 115 46 <strong>05</strong>11<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

120<strong>05</strong> 1500-1600 40,41 90 37 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

120<strong>05</strong> 1530-1600 40,41 90 12456 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

11645 1700-1715 39,40 120 13467 0601<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> WER 250 BVB<br />

11645 1700-1730 39,40 120 25 0601<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> WER 250 BVB<br />

13590 1330-1430 41NE 75 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> WER 250 GFA<br />

13650 1430-1530 41,43,49 75 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> WER 250 GFA<br />

9460 1530-1630 40,41 90 1234567 131204 2703<strong>05</strong> WER 250 GFA<br />

9495 0030-0130 40,41 90 1234567 311004 1801<strong>05</strong> WER 250 GFA *<br />

9495 0030-0130 40,41 90 1234567 1901<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> WER 500 GFA *<br />

9765 2330-0030 41,43,49 75 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> WER 250 GFA<br />

13720 1700-1800 37,38 175 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 YFR-1<br />

96<strong>05</strong> 1800-1900 39N,40W 115 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 YFR-2<br />

96<strong>05</strong> 2000-2100 39,40 115 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 YFR-1<br />

11750 2000-2100 37,38,46,47 190 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 YFR-2<br />

3955 1800-1900 27,28 ND 1234567 061204 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 YFR<br />

7285 2300-0400 36 230 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 HRT<br />

7285 0000-0400 17 300 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 HRT<br />

7285 0200-0455 17 315 1234567 131204 2703<strong>05</strong> WER 250 HRT<br />

7285 0455-0600 17 320 1234567 131204 2703<strong>05</strong> NAU 250 HRT<br />

9470 <strong>05</strong>00-0800 55,59,60 230 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 HRT<br />

13820 0600-1000 58,59,60 270 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 HRT<br />

FMO's ([own] Frequency Managing Organizations)<br />

6140 0600-1000 27,28 175 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 DWL<br />

6140 1000-1300 27,28 120 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 40 DWL DRM<br />

6140 1300-1600 27,28 175 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 DWL<br />

6140 1600-1900 27,28 ND 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 40 DWL DRM<br />

5965 <strong>05</strong>57-0756 27,28,37-39 130 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 DWL<br />

VRT2<br />

5965 0757-0826 27,28 ND 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 VRT-2

5910 1827-1956 27,28,37-39 130 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 VRT-2<br />

5985 1857-2<strong>05</strong>6 27,28 ND 7 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 VRT-1<br />

6015 1200-1459 27W,28S,36 ND 7 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TDP<br />

6015 1500-1559 27W,28S,36 ND 7 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 40 TDP DRM<br />

5945 0600-0700 28E 110 1234567 271104 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 AWR<br />

11730 1000-1100 28W 145 1 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 AWR<br />

9800 1900-1959 37,38W 200 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 AWR<br />

9695 2000-2030 37,38W 200 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 AWR<br />

6130 0627-0645 28,29 100 23456 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TWR<br />

7210 0927-0945 28 100 34567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TWR<br />

61<strong>05</strong> 0927-0945 28 1<strong>05</strong> 34567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TWR<br />

7225 1127-1200 28,29 1<strong>05</strong> 7 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TWR<br />

6130 1127-1200 28,29 100 7 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TWR<br />

5995 0200-0400 39,40 100 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 VOR<br />

9555 1500-1600 39,40 115 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 VOR<br />

5975 2000-2200 39,40 110 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 VOR<br />

5965 2000-2200 39,40 1<strong>05</strong> 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 VOR<br />

5990 2100-2200 39,40 115 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 VOR<br />

6175 2300-2400 39,40 100 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 VOR<br />

12110 1645-1700 40 100 5 2001<strong>05</strong> 2001<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 IBB *<br />

12110 1700-1759 40 100 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 IBB<br />

9495 1800-1859 40 100 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 IBB<br />

9485 1900-2000 39N 100 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 IBB<br />

9680 1900-2000 40 100 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 IBB<br />

9670 0100-0300 42,43 75 1234567 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> WER 250 IBB<br />

* changes<br />

+ active on demand<br />

# momentary not active<br />

AWH Allerweltshaus Koeln e.V.<br />

AWR Adventist World Radio<br />

BVB Bible Voice Broadcasting<br />

<strong>BC</strong>A Bible Christian Association<br />

CBS Radio Taiwan international<br />

CHW Christliche Wissenschaft<br />

DTK Deutsche Telekom<br />

DVB Democratic Voice of Burma<br />

DWL Deutsche Welle<br />

EMG Evangelische Missions Gemeinden in Deutschland<br />

EVR Evangeliums Radio Hamburg<br />

FVM Freie Volksmission Krefeld<br />

GFA Gospel For Asia<br />

HCJ Voice of the Andes<br />

HLR Hamburger Lokal Radio<br />

HRT Hrvratska Radio Televizija<br />

IBB International Broadcast Bureau<br />

IBR IBRA Radio Sweden<br />

MWA Missionswerk Arche<br />

PAB Pan Am Broadcasting<br />

RMI Radio Miami International<br />

RNW Radio Netherlands World Service<br />

RRP Radio Reveil Paroles de Vie<br />

RTB Radio Television Belge de la communaute Francaise<br />

RTR Radio Traumland (Belgien)<br />

SBO Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo<br />

TDP Transmitter Documentation Project<br />

TOM The Overcomer Broadcast<br />

TWR Trans World Radio

UNL Universelles Leben<br />

VOR Voice of Russia<br />

VRT Vlaamse Radio en Televisie (ex RVI)<br />

WRN World Radio Network<br />

YFR WYFR Family Radio<br />

Ralf Weyl<br />

T-Systems<br />

Regional MediaBroadcast Cologne<br />

MediaBroadcast<br />

Address: Merscher Hoehe, 52428 Juelich, Germany.<br />

E-Mail: <br />

Internet: <br />

(DTK T-systems, via WW<strong>DX</strong>C Mike Bethge-D, <strong>Jan</strong> 19, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

990 Vermutlich infolge von Witterungseinfluessen ist am 22. Dez 2004 eine<br />

seitliche Abspannung (Pardune) des 160 Meter hohen Mittelwellen-Sendemastes<br />

in Britz gerissen. Da die Stabilitaet des Sendemastes nicht voll<br />

gewaehrleistet war, wurden in Zusammenarbeit mit Polizei und Feuerwehr die<br />

notwendigen Massnahmen zur Sicherung eingeleitet. Der Sendemast wurde vor<br />

etwa einem Jahr komplett saniert.<br />

Eine Gefaehrdung <strong>der</strong> Oeffentlichkeit sowie <strong>der</strong> Beschaeftigten auf dem<br />

Gelaende des Sen<strong>der</strong>s Britz besteht nicht.<br />

Die Verbreitung des Programms von DeutschlandRadio Berlin auf <strong>der</strong><br />

Mittelwellen-Frequenz 990 kHz ist bis zur Behebung des Schadens deshalb zur<br />

Zeit nicht moeglich. (DeutschlandRadio Pressemitteilung 23.12.2004<br />

)<br />

(ntt, Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 15)<br />

Auf <strong>der</strong> Homepage von<br />

Truckradio, das seit dem 6. Dez 2004 auf den Mittelwellen Juelich 702 kHz<br />

und Nordkirchen 855 kHz sendet, werden mit Planungsstand Ende Dezember 2004<br />

weitere Standorte fuer einen Sendebeginn 20<strong>05</strong> ausgewiesen: 531 kHz (Burg?)<br />

fuer Nordostdeutschland, 1080 kHz (Weisskirchen?) fuer Hessen, 1386 kHz<br />

(Wuerzburg) fuer Franken sowie 585, 1026 und 1475 kHz fuer Oesterreich. Man<br />

koennte auch an weitere zum Beispiel von Megaradio frueher benutzte<br />

Frequenzen denken, ob schon <strong>der</strong> bisher ausgewiesene Plan realisiert wird,<br />

bleibt abzuwarten.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 15)<br />

Berlin Britz 990 kHz Antennenschaden Abspannseil. Nach telefonischer<br />

Auskunft <strong>der</strong> TegTP vom 19.01.<strong>05</strong> ist <strong>der</strong> Grund <strong>der</strong> Abschaltung <strong>der</strong> Berliner<br />

Mittelwelle 990 kHz (Berlin-Britz, DeutschlandRadio) ein Schaden am<br />

Abspannseil des Kreuzdipols (Bild siehe fading.de). Eigentlich sollte <strong>der</strong><br />

Sen<strong>der</strong> schon wie<strong>der</strong> in <strong>der</strong> Luft sein, aber man fand ein weiteres marodes<br />

Seil, das ebenfalls repariert werden muss. Mit <strong>der</strong> Wie<strong>der</strong>aufnahme des<br />

Sendebetriebes koenne aber schon wie<strong>der</strong> diese Woche gerechnet werden.<br />

Untenstehend eine Auflistung weiterer Stationen, die waehrend <strong>der</strong><br />

Abschaltung u.U. besser reinkommen koennten.<br />

weitere Stationen auf 990 kHz:<br />

ALB Radio Kukes, Kukes 16 0400-1100 Mondays 20E23 42N09<br />

CYP Radio Sawa, Cape Greco 600 24h in Arabic; aimed at Egypt and Levant<br />

countries (140 degr)<br />

E SER Radio Bilbao, Monte Archando (Bilbao) 10 18<strong>05</strong>-1900 local programme;<br />

other local programmes (Mo-Fr): 2157-2200, 2255-2300 and 0030-0031

E SER Radio Cadiz, Cadiz 5 18<strong>05</strong>-1900 local programme; other local<br />

programmes (Mo-Fr): 2157-2200, 2255-2300 and 0030-0031 06W17 36N31<br />

ETH Radio Ethiopia External Service, Addis Ababa 1<br />

G B<strong>BC</strong> Radio 5 Live, Tywyn 1 04W06 52N35<br />

G B<strong>BC</strong> Radio Devon, Exeter 1 <strong>05</strong>00-???? local programmes, ????-<strong>05</strong>00 B<strong>BC</strong> Radio<br />

5; during weekends local programmes start at 0700 03W31 50N41<br />

G B<strong>BC</strong> Radio Nan Gaidheal, Aberdeen 1 px in Gaelic; also relay of B<strong>BC</strong> Radio<br />

Scotland and B<strong>BC</strong> World Service<br />

G Classic Gold Digital WA<strong>BC</strong>, Sedgley (Wolverhampton) 0.090 24h good times,<br />

great oldies 02W08 52N32<br />

G Magic AM, Crimpsall (Doncaster) 0.250 24h easy favourites, soft adult<br />

contemporary, local nx & information<br />

IRN IRIB 1, Shiraz 400 also relay of VOIRI 15E48 40N38<br />

NIG Lagos State Broadcasting Corporation, Ikeja 10 0430-00<strong>05</strong> in English and<br />

Yoruba<br />

NIG Bauchi Radio Corporation, Bauchi 50 0430-00<strong>05</strong> in English and Yoruba<br />

RUS Radio Slavyanka, Povarovo 15 Mo-Fr 1200-1400 37E38 55N45<br />

SCG Radio Pozarevac, Pozarevac 1 21E11 44N37<br />

TZA Radio Tanzania, Songea 100 <strong>05</strong>00-2400 general sce, 1300-1600 regional<br />

sce; all in Swahili.<br />

(Daniel Moeller-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 19)<br />

Das Deutschlandradio erinnert am 31. <strong>Jan</strong>uar 20<strong>05</strong> in seinen beiden<br />

Programmen an die erste erfolgreiche Rundfunkuebertragung ueber Kurzwelle<br />

aus den USA nach Deutschland vor 80 Jahren. 0450 / 1145 Uhr MEZ [0350 &<br />

1045 UT] im Kalen<strong>der</strong>blatt beim DeutschlandRadio Berlin, um 09<strong>05</strong> Uhr LT MEZ<br />

(08<strong>05</strong> UT) beim Deutschlandfunk. Wer das Kalen<strong>der</strong>blatt verpasst, kann es<br />

nachtraeglich bei herunterladen.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 15)<br />

Entgegen <strong>der</strong> Angabe <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong>tabelle <strong>der</strong> DReaM-Software ist <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong><br />

Zehlendorf bei Oranienburg (693 kHz, Stimme Russlands) mit 80 kW und nicht<br />

mit 60 kW in <strong>der</strong> Luft. Das ergab meine Anfrage bei <strong>der</strong> oertlichen<br />

Aussenstelle <strong>der</strong> RegTP. Fuer AM seien 400 kW vorgesehen und technisch<br />

moeglich.<br />

Der DRM-Testbetrieb in Simulcast (DRM und AM) startete am 01.01.<strong>05</strong> und ist<br />

bis 31.12.<strong>05</strong> genehmigt. (Daniel Moeller-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 19)<br />

904 DFS.<br />

Auf <strong>der</strong> von Wolf Harranth gestalteten Seite , auf <strong>der</strong> in Zukunft Webcast-<br />

Ausgaben von Intermedia zu h”ren sein werden, gibt es eine sehr<br />

interessante schriftliche Abhandlung ber die Clandestine-Station<br />

"Deutscher Freiheitssen<strong>der</strong>", die vom Territorium <strong>der</strong> DDR aus f r Mitglie<strong>der</strong><br />

und Sympathisanten <strong>der</strong> Kommunistischen Partei Deutschlands bzw. <strong>der</strong>en<br />

Nachfolger gesendet hat. Frequenz war die Mittelwelle 904 kHz. Ich habe den<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong> als Schulkind ab und zu mal geh”rt. (Dietrich Hommel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

Formerly on air in 1956-1971y DFS/DSR 904/935 kHz Sen<strong>der</strong> Burg bei<br />

Magdeburg, 250 kW. (wb)

GUATEMALA 4<strong>05</strong>2.4 R. Verdad, Chiquimula, heard again on 14 <strong>Jan</strong> at 2326-<br />

2336 UT, presum. in Spanish, airing some rlgs songs; 34332, sporadic USB<br />

traffic.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

GUYANA 3291.12 G<strong>BC</strong> at 0900 to 0935 UT, Hotel California "You can check<br />

out but you can never leave" 13 <strong>Jan</strong>uary, inspirational message by om 0958<br />

time pips at 1000 UT.<br />

(Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 15)<br />

Nothing heard when checking 3291 at 1035, one can usually hear them at this<br />

time.<br />

Floods force Guyana's national radio station to abandon studios Guyana<br />

yesterday declared its flood-hit capital Georgetown and surrounding areas<br />

disaster zones after the heaviest rains in more than a century. National<br />

Communications Network (NCN) Radio was forced to abandon Broadcasting House<br />

on High Street, Georgetown and use its outside broadcast unit in the<br />

compound of its sister tv station.<br />

Staff said electrical fittings in the studio are un<strong>der</strong> water and<br />

precautionary measures were taken to evacuate the building. The flood<br />

waters also forced 98.1 Hot FM and the VoGuyana to stop broadcasting.<br />

However, NCN television was on the air all day updating viewers on the<br />

flooding.<br />

(Guyana Chronicle via Media Network; via Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

INDIA From mid Dec 2004, I was in the Andamans and returned only<br />

yesterday to Hy<strong>der</strong>abad. Although I went there for logistic support for the<br />

VU4 Dxpedition conducted by our National Institute of Amateur Radio, I<br />

ended up by providing emergency communications for those affected by the<br />

earth quake and tsunami. I could not get in touch via email from there as<br />

it was not easily available.<br />

All our 6 members who were in the capital Port Blair escaped unhurt. Soon<br />

after the casastrophe, I had the opportunity to operate Ham Radio from Port<br />

Blair and a couple of days later from Rama Krishna Pur and Hut Bay in<br />

Little Andamans Island which were badly affected. I was mainly clearing<br />

health and welfare messages as there were no telephones. We used generators<br />

and batteries which were charged by solar power.<br />

Several days before the earth quake / tsunami we had given a lecture and<br />

demo of Ham Radio for the officals of All India Radio and Doordarshan.<br />

AIR Port Blair suspended most of it programs and were giving live phone in<br />

programs where listeners could send messages to their relatives / friends.<br />

This was broadcast on MW, SW and on the newly installed 10 kw FM tx on<br />

100.9 MHZ.<br />

Some photes of my vist to AIR Port Blair etc.can be seen at<br />

<br />

The AIR web site also gives lot of info in the following site:<br />

<br />

(Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india <strong>Jan</strong> 13)<br />

[to PAK] 6100 R. Sedaye Kashmir via Delhi at *1428-1500+ UT. Tone to 1430<br />

UT, then opening anmt by YL "...Yeh Radio Sedaye Kashmir," first time I've<br />

caught an ID from this station; sub-cont mx followed after a few more<br />

opening remarks; alternating mx and chat in presumed Urdu continued, with<br />

the signal getting weaker throughout, until it became unreadable around

1500 UT. Good signal at tune-in, best ever perhaps, on LSB to avoid the<br />

usual Korean on 6100.3 kHz. (John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 16)<br />

AIR Panaji is looking for reports on their of 2 x 250 kw SW txs used by<br />

External Services. Mr.S.Jayaraman is the new Suptdg. Engineer there now. He<br />

was the Station Engineer of 6 x 500 kW SW transmitters of Bangalore till<br />

recently.<br />

The address for reports is:<br />

Mr S.Jayaraman, Superintending Engineer, High Power Transmitter, All India<br />

Radio,<br />

P.O. Goa University Goa 403 206, India. Email: <br />

Their schedule is:<br />

7115 1615-1730 Persian, 1730-1830 Malayalam(W.Asia)<br />

7250 0130-0230 Nepali (Nepal)<br />

97<strong>05</strong> 2245-0045 English (E SE Asia)<br />

9810 0130-0230 Nepali (Nepal)<br />

9820 1300-1500 Sinhala (Sri Lanka), 1530-1545 HS<br />

11740 2300-2400 Hindi, 0000-0045 Tamil(SE Asia),<br />

0045-0115 Sinhala, (Sri Lanka), 1530-1545 English<br />

11715 2045-2230 English (Australia/ NZ)<br />

11775 1215-1330 Tibetan (Tibet), 1330-1430 Nepali<br />

11840 0315-0415 Hindi (West Asia)<br />

12025 1615-1730 Hindi, 1730-1830 Malayalam (W.Asia )<br />

15235 1115-1200 Thai (SE Asia)<br />

17810 1115-1215 Tamil, 1215-1245 Telegu (SE Asia). (Jose Jacob VU2JOS,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>india <strong>Jan</strong> 16)<br />

INDONESIA 9524.95 VOINS, on <strong>Jan</strong> 15 at 0944-10<strong>05</strong> UT, Indo, nx, pop mx, email<br />

address given: talking about the tsunami. Very<br />

good reception. Believe this has been off the air since about Nov. (Ron<br />

Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 15)<br />

3325 RRI Palangkaraya on <strong>Jan</strong> 9 at 1<strong>05</strong>8-1106 UT. 32332 INSn, ID at 1<strong>05</strong>9 UT.<br />

Talk.<br />

3961.06 RRI Palu on <strong>Jan</strong> 5 at 1139-1201. 24332-34332 INSn, Music. ID at 1157<br />

as "Inilah Radio Republik INS Palu".<br />

46<strong>05</strong> RRI Serui on <strong>Jan</strong> 5 at 1128-1139. 24332 INSn, 1128 with IS. 1129 ID.<br />

Locan news.<br />

4790 RRI Fak Fak on <strong>Jan</strong> 6 at 1106-1122. 34333 INSn, Music and talk. ID at<br />

1118.<br />

7289.9 RRI Nabire on <strong>Jan</strong> 3 at 0744-0821. 24322-33332 INSn, Music. 0800<br />

Jakarta nx realy. ID at 0818. ID as "Radio Republik INS Nabire".<br />

7289.9 RRI Nabire on <strong>Jan</strong> 8 at 0656-0940. 24332-44433 INSn, 0700 Jakarta nx<br />

realy. ID at 0717. Music. 08<strong>05</strong> ID. Koran. 08<strong>05</strong> ID as "Inilah Radio Republik<br />

INS Nabire".<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium <strong>Jan</strong> 14)<br />

4604.95 RRI Serui (pres) at 1346-1411 UT. En vocal, Engelbert Humperdinck,<br />

I think; then M ancr with phone chats; another song followed at 1400 UT<br />

with no ToH break. Good signal, almost as good as Makassar.<br />

4749.98 RRI Makassar at 1439-1503 UT. Vocal mx, then two M ancrs chatting,<br />

with a mention of Makassar; a selection of En Soul mx at 1446 was followed<br />

by more chat; a final short number led to SCI at 1459:30, followed by Jak<br />

berita at 1500. VG signal and still good at the late hour of 1500. (John<br />

Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 14)

46<strong>05</strong>, RRI Serui at 1220 to 1230 UT om with nx [?], \\ 4750 RRI Makassar, \\<br />

4790 RRI Fak Fak and \\ 4925 RRI Jambi. At 1230 UT, 4790 and 4925 broke<br />

away for own programs. <strong>Jan</strong> 12.<br />

3325 RRI Palangkaraya at 1125 to 1140 UT with yl in lang followed by mx,<br />

strong \\ 4925 RRI Jambi. (Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 15)<br />

4789.98, INDONESIA-PAPUA, RRI Fak Fak, 1111-1130, <strong>Jan</strong>.14, Indo, Announcer<br />

with talks b/w ballads. Weak/poor, unusable by 1130.<br />

4925 RRI Jambi, 1113-1137, <strong>Jan</strong>.15, Indo, Ko'ran like chanting, YL announcer<br />

at 1130 with (p) ID and brief mx followed by news. Poor/fair. Also noted on<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>.11, 1157-1217 with distinct IS at 1200, nx and field rpts, \\ 3976-<br />

Kalimantan.<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

9524.88 Voice of INS, Cimanggis, Jawa; at 1310-1400* UT on 16 <strong>Jan</strong>, very<br />

good with Indo M&W between Indo pop vocals, "Radio Republik INS" ID 1357 by<br />

same W over mx bed, then orchestral song (anthem?) to 1400 and plug pulled.<br />

11785 and 15150 channels untraced.<br />

(Terry L. Krueger-FL-USA, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 16)<br />

IRAN 6120, Voice of Justice Tehran, <strong>Jan</strong> 11 at 0214-0230 UT, mo<strong>der</strong>ate but<br />

steady signal strength. Frequency was mentioned and this is the first time<br />

heard here but's probably a common catch. Mentioned were what's wrong with<br />

American foreign policy and a B<strong>BC</strong> scandal. (Scott Plantier-MA-USA, Cumbre<br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 14)<br />

IRAQ CLANDESTINE 3930 Radio Voice of Komala on <strong>Jan</strong> 18 sign on procedure<br />

till 1700 UT when repeated Kurdish IDs as 'Era dengi Komala', strong until<br />

came the jammer at 1701 and partly spoiled reception. (Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 18)<br />

ITALY (Sicily) RAI Radio 1 sendet weiter auf <strong>der</strong> MW Palermo 1116 kHz.<br />

Regionalprogramme werden montags bis samstags 1830- 1835 UT ausgestrahlt.<br />

(N. Marabello 9.1.20<strong>05</strong> in emwg-e-Group)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. 6249.25 Pyongyang <strong>BC</strong>S, at 0920-0933 UT, Korean, Ballads w/<br />

announcer at 0927. Dead air until anthem-like mx resumes at 0931.<br />

Poor/weak.<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

Voice of Korea on <strong>Jan</strong> 12:<br />

1500-1555 on 9990.0 and 11545.2 in ARABIC, not English.<br />

(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 12)<br />

B-04 Voice of Korea, Pyongyang, eff. as from <strong>Jan</strong> 1st, 20<strong>05</strong><br />

0000 Chinese 13650 15100 SoEaAS 44<strong>05</strong><br />

0000 Korean (PBS) 7140 9345 9730 NoEaCHN 3560<br />

0000 Spanish 11735 13760 15180 CeAM<br />

0100 English 7140 9345 9730 NoEaCHN 3560<br />

0100 English 11735 13760 15180 CeAM<br />

0100 French 13650 15100 SoEaAS 44<strong>05</strong><br />

0200 Chinese 7140 9345 9730 NoEaCHN 3560<br />

0200 English 13650 15100 SoEaAS 44<strong>05</strong><br />

0200 Spanish 11735 13760 15180 CeAM<br />

0300 Chinese 13650 15100 SoEaAS 44<strong>05</strong><br />

0300 English 7140 9345 9730 NoEaCHN 3560<br />

0300 French 11735 13760 15180 CeAM<br />

0700 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 JPN<br />

0700 Korean (PBS) 7140 9345 NoEaCHN 44<strong>05</strong><br />

0700 Russian 9975 11735 FE 3560

0700 Russian 13760 15245 Eu<br />

0800 Chinese 7140# 9345 NoEaCHN 44<strong>05</strong><br />

# 9345.37<br />

0800 Japanese 621 3250 7580# 9650# JPN<br />

0800 Russian 9975 11735 FE 3560<br />

# 9975.03 11734.93<br />

0800 Russian 13760 15245 Eu<br />

# 13760.18 15244.80<br />

0900 Japanese 621 3250 6070 7580# 9650# JPN<br />

0900 Korean (KCBS) 7140# 9345 NoEaCHN 44<strong>05</strong><br />

# 9345.04<br />

0900 Korean (PBS) 9975 11735 FE 3560<br />

0900 Korean (PBS) 13760 15245 Eu<br />

1000 English 9335 9850 CeAM<br />

# 9335.22 9850.03<br />

1000 English 6185 6285 SoEaAS 3560<br />

# 6285.10<br />

1000 Japanese 621 3250 6070 7580# 9650# JPN<br />

1000 Korean (PBS) 7140# 9345 NoEaCHN 44<strong>05</strong><br />

# 9345.26/ 9345.03<br />

1100 Chinese 7140 9345 CHN 44<strong>05</strong><br />

1100 French 9335 9850 CeAM<br />

1100 French 6185 6285 SoEaAS 3560<br />

1100 Japanese 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 JPN<br />

1200 Japanese 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 JPN<br />

1200 Korean (KCBS) 9335 9850 CeAM<br />

1200 Korean (KCBS) 6185 6285 SoEaAS 3560<br />

1200 Korean (PBS) 7140 9345 NoEaCHN 44<strong>05</strong><br />

1300 Chinese 6185 9850 SoEaAS 3560<br />

# 9850.04<br />

1300 English 7570 12015 WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

# 7570.<strong>05</strong><br />

1300 English 9335 11710 NoAM<br />

# 9335.07<br />

1300 Korean (PBS) 6285 9325 Eu<br />

# 9325.10<br />

1400 French 7570# 12015 WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

# 12015.<strong>05</strong><br />

1400 French 9335 11710 NoAM<br />

# 9335.20 / 9334.90<br />

1400 Korean (KCBS) 6185# 9850# SoEaAS 3560<br />

1400 Russian 6285# 9325# Eu<br />

1500 Arabic 9990 11545 (x9975 x11535) ME, NAf 3560<br />

# 9990.04/.10 11545.20<br />

1500 English 7570 12015 WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

# 7570.03 12015.06<br />

1500 English 9335 11710 NoAM<br />

# 9334.93<br />

1500 Russian 6285# 9325# Eu<br />

# 9325.10<br />

1600 German 6285# 9325# Eu<br />

1600 English 9990# 11545 (x9975 x11535) ME, NAf 3560<br />

# 11545.<strong>05</strong><br />

1600 French 7570 12015 WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

# 7570.10 12015.06<br />

1600 French 9335 11710 NoAM<br />

# 9334.80<br />

1700 Korean (KCBS) 7570 12015# WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

# 7570.10<br />

1700 Korean (KCBS) 9335 11710 NoAM<br />

# 9335.<strong>05</strong><br />

1700 Russian 6285# 9325 Eu

# 9325.17<br />

1700 Arabic 9990# 11545 ME, NAf 3560<br />

# 11545.09<br />

(xSpanish x9975 x11535)<br />

1800 German 6285# 9325 Eu<br />

# 9325.04<br />

1800 French 7100# 11910 (x11710) SAf<br />

# 11910.<strong>05</strong><br />

1800 French 9975 11535 ME, NAf 3560<br />

# 9975.03 11535.09<br />

1800 English (xSpanish) 7570 12015# WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

# 7570.04<br />

1900 English 7100# 11910# SAf<br />

(x1900 Arabic x7100 x11710 SAf)<br />

1900 English (xArabic) 9975 11535 ME, NAf 3560<br />

# 9975.04 11535.12<br />

1900 Spanish (xEnglish) 7570 12015# WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

# 7570.<strong>05</strong><br />

1900 German 6285# 9325 Eu<br />

# 9325.04<br />

2000 French 7570 12015# WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

# 7570.06<br />

2000 Korean (KCBS) 7100# 11910 (x11710) SAf<br />

2000 Korean (KCBS) 6285# 9325 Eu<br />

# 9325.04<br />

2000 Korean (KCBS) 9975 11535 ME, NAf 3560<br />

# 9975.03 11534.95<br />

2100 Chinese 7180 9345 NoEaCHN 3560<br />

2100 Chinese 9975 11535 CHN<br />

2100 English 7570 12015 WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

2100 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 JPN<br />

2200 Chinese 7180 9345 NoEaCHN 3560<br />

2200 Chinese 9975 11535 CHN<br />

2200 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 JPN<br />

2200 Spanish 7570 12015 WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

2300 Japanese 621 3250 7580 9650 JPN<br />

2300 Korean (KCBS) 7180 9345 NoEaCHN 3560<br />

2300 Korean (KCBS) 7570 12015 WEu 44<strong>05</strong><br />

2300 Korean (KCBS) 9975 11535 CHN<br />

80 program sections to various targets.<br />

Target Voice of Korea B-04 schedule, Pyongyang.<br />

CeAM CeAmerica CHN China<br />

Eu Europe FE Far East<br />

JPN Japan ME Middle East<br />

NAf NoAfrica NoAM NoAmerica<br />

NoEaCHN NorthEast China SAf SoAfrica<br />

SAm SoAmerica SoEaAS SouthEast Asia<br />

WEu Western Europe<br />

# checked ODD frequencies on <strong>Jan</strong> 12/13 by wb.<br />

(thanks to Ivo Ivanov-BUL, Nagoya <strong>DX</strong>C-JPN;<br />

Arnulf Piontek-D; wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 13/14)<br />

KUWAIT 11835, VOA, sharp looking, f/d "IBB-Kuwait Transmitting Station"<br />

verification letter in 32 days for 1 IRC and a f/up report direct to<br />

Kuwait. Original report to VOA-U.S offices still unanswered. V/S, George<br />

Miller, Supervisor.<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 11)

Interesting! What is the direct postal address of the IBB Kuwait<br />

Transmitting station? (Reijo Alapiha-FIN, hcdx)<br />

There are two addresses listed. Return address on envelope: Broadcasting<br />

Board of Governors, Kuwait Transmitting Station, P.O.B. 77, 13001 Safat,<br />

Kuwait. The address on the verification letter is: Kuwait Transmitting<br />

Station, c/o American Embassy-Bayan, P.O.B. 77, Safat, 13001 Kuwait. This<br />

is the address I used and was first posted by Koichi Saito, JSWC <strong>DX</strong> Guide,<br />

Japan. I should have posted this info with my original QSL log. Hope this<br />

helps. (Scott Barbour-NH-USA, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

LAOS Lao National Radio, 7145 kHz in English at 1/7, 1/15, 1/16 at 1330<br />

UT. Details for 1/15: 1130 sudden fanfare and announcer "LAH-oh, megahertz,<br />

kilohertz". 1145 \\ to 6130, not sure how long. Strong QRM on 7150 at 1325,<br />

tuned down to 7144 for better signal. 1330 definite English YL ID. This was<br />

a Saturday evening; no nx heard (same on 1/16 Sunday). Feature on travel in<br />

the country and "stone jars" located at some village. This program had<br />

excerpts from the song "Mandy" for mx bridges (!).<br />

1342 local mx. After 1346 tuned up to avoid QRM de 7140. 1356 YL "And that<br />

is our program for today". ID included country name of "Lao Democratic<br />

Peoples Republic". Got enough for a report and QSL request, (if they<br />

respond). Carrier off at 1358. On 1/7 (a Friday) heard nx by YL at 1350.<br />

Good signal each evening.<br />

6130 heard regularly with very good signal. Never did hear "Flamethrower<br />

Radio" 4660ñ Xam (Sam) Nua. (David Norcross, Hong Kong, 100SW and 7600G,<br />

100SW and 7600G via dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

LATVIA KREBS TV in Riga, the exclusive license owner for SW txions from<br />

Latvia, is expanding its relay sces on 9290. At the demand of customers,<br />

KREBS TV will offer also smaller power rates of 1, 5 and 10 kW from the<br />

Ulbroka site in addition to 100 kW as hitherto, starting this summer. Also<br />

DRM tests are planned on 9290 for the summer. 9290 is available 24/7 for<br />

lease through KREBS TV.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 18)<br />

LITHUANIA Zur Zeit ist auf <strong>der</strong> Webseite von Radio Vilnius <br />

die englische Sendung vom 13. <strong>Jan</strong>uar 20<strong>05</strong> abrufbar, in <strong>der</strong> es um die<br />

Ereignisse vom 13.1.1991 geht, als sowjetische Truppen die Gebaeude des<br />

litauischen Radios und Fernsehens besetzten. Es gab damals 14 Tote und<br />

Tausende Verletzte. Zu dieser Zeit war kurzfristig auch eine Clandestine-<br />

Station unter dem Namen "Radio Kaunas" taetig, als Stimme des Wi<strong>der</strong>standes<br />

gegen die sowjetische Besetzung. (Dietrich Hommel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 14)<br />

Radio Vilnius Lithuania 13th <strong>Jan</strong>uar 1991, memory on the sudden attack of<br />

the Soviet special forces to Vilnius TV Tower.<br />

30 mins recording from<br />

<br />

Start at www.lrt.lt<br />

Click to "English"<br />

English start page, URL address is<br />

<br />

Click ABOUT<br />

"Radio Vilnius English" column on right side with audio archive of past<br />

weeks.<br />

Click to broadcast of 13 <strong>Jan</strong>uar (un<strong>der</strong> 01.13)

and file needs some 3-4 mins to start audio play on Win Mediaplayer....<br />

[despite DSL is used at this end, wb]<br />

Funeral wreath: LRT mini Sausio 13-aja<br />

<br />

Thanks to Bernd Trutenau for help. (wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

LUXEMBOURG 1440 has a regular silent period at 0003-0030 UT (slightly<br />

ariable). This period is used for tests as necessary and is otherwise<br />

ilent, at least for the time being. The big racket starts about 0030 UT.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 13)<br />

MALI R. Mali's 31 mb & 4835 outlets still off as per latest observations.<br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 17.<br />

R. Mali's 7285v and 11960 outlets are still the single ones active 0800-<br />

1800, whereas 4785v and 5995 are active 1800-s/off; 4835 night / 9635 day,<br />

surely used by the same tx are the ones that always provided stronger<br />

audio. I wish their carrier on 41 m had stronger audio as it would at least<br />

enable following their programmes until, say, almost 1100, since 11960 is<br />

typically very bad here on SW Europe. On Dec 07, freq readings were 7285.82<br />

and 4783.82 at 2125; there was a carrier on 4834.66, but no audio noticed,<br />

or then level was so low that noise prevented one to actually perceive it,<br />

and roughly after 2130, a heterodyne with Australia 4835 was audible. 31 m<br />

and 4835 still off today, Sun <strong>Jan</strong> 09 (Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9/17)<br />

RTM Bamako moves around, <strong>Jan</strong> 17 ard 2<strong>05</strong>5 noted on 4786.9 \\ 5995 kHz. No<br />

sign of 4835 kHz. (Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

MLI 9635 & 4835 still missing... (Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

MEXICO Mexico's Zapatistas have been broadcasting their popular radio<br />

show for the past 21 years; now, a new website is allowing them to archive<br />

the history they're recording.<br />

It's dark - the kind of profound darkness that a lack of electricity<br />

ensures in a mountainous jungle region.<br />

A dull pulse carries through the night of the southeastern Mexican state of<br />

Chiapas like an old woman's heartbeat. It's 4 a.m., and one can hear what<br />

has been a regular soundtrack at this hour for hundreds of years: a steady<br />

pounding as creased and callused brown hands massage dough for the day's<br />

tortillas. And for the past year, Chiapas has greeted 4 a.m. with another<br />

soundtrack.<br />

Fade in crackle, which quickly disappears, replaced by a clear and youthful<br />

female voice: "Muy Buenos Dias."/"A very good morning." The voice is that<br />

of an insurgent fighter with the Ejercito Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional<br />

(EZLN), perhaps one of the world's quietest and most powerful rebel armies.<br />

The world knows them as the Zapatistas. "Estas escuchando Radio Insurgente,<br />

la voz de los sin voz."/"You are listening to Radio Insurgente, the Voice<br />

of the Voiceless."<br />

The voice is being relayed to nearby Zapatista autonomous communities from<br />

a makeshift and very clandestine radio studio. The Zapatistas have built<br />

egg carton-lined studios, erected txs and trained themselves to operate a<br />

radio station. Hundreds of years of media voicelessness ended in August<br />

2003 with daily, 16-hour broadcasts. "...voz oficial del Ejercito Zapatista<br />

de Liberacion Nacional."/ "... official voice of the Zapatista National<br />

Liberation Army."<br />

She is the official voice of the EZLN on the Zapatista radio network. The<br />

intimacy and immediacy of this uncensored mass communication is something<br />

that the indigenous rebel army has never before had. "Son las cuatro de la

madrugada."/"It's four in the morning." Zapatista time. Daybreak. Fade in<br />

Zapatista national anthem. . . [more]<br />

<br />

(via Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

4810 XERTA R. Transcontinental de America ("t", but too obvious not to be<br />

it!), Cd. de Mexico, noted on 14 <strong>Jan</strong> at 2348-..., Spanish, talks; 23431,<br />

uty. QRM making reception of MEX via LSB only.<br />

6185 R. Educacion, Cd. de Mexico, observed on 12 <strong>Jan</strong> at 0850-f/out 1040 Ut,<br />

Spanish prgr, NoAM. oldies, ID+TC, Mex. ballads; 43432, QRM de B. (Carlos<br />

Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

MONACO Monaco 3AC. On 17 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1430 noted coastal station Monaco Radio<br />

3AC on 8728U with canned IDs in French, English and Russian promoting<br />

their maritime fax, e-mail etc services, playing an interval signal<br />

between the announcements. Most interesting about the interval signal was<br />

that it is an orchestral version of that tune used by Trans World Radio in<br />

their own interval signal.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

3AC - the one and only radio station from Monte Carlo soil, except small FM<br />

station.<br />

All other RMC, TWR, and Radio France Info/R Orient programmes originate<br />

from FRANCE soil,<br />

i.e. Fontbonne Mt.Agel G.C. 07E25-43N46 or<br />

Col de la Madonne G.C. 07E25-43N47<br />

Other 3AC channels<br />

4363 3AC4<br />

6504 3AC6<br />

8423.5 3AC28<br />

8728 3AC8<br />

8743 3AC9<br />

8806<br />

8807.5 Digital Pactor-2<br />

13146 3AC12<br />

13152 3AC12<br />

16822 3AC47<br />

17260 3AC16<br />

17323<br />

22729<br />

22768<br />

(all acc KLINGENFUSS Shortwave Guide CD list)<br />

3AD1<br />

Formerly in early seventieth also RMC NE / TWR relays to Capo Greco-CYP on<br />

5775 12296 13795 19850 kHz, but most likely from Fontbonne Mt. Agel-FRANCE<br />

site.<br />

(wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

MONGOLIA Correccion: La direccion e-mail de The Voice of Mongolia no es<br />

[sic], como puse por error en mi anterior mail "QSL's". La<br />

correcta es: <br />

Voice of Mongolia e-mail address is (Manuel Mendez-ESP,<br />

hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 14)<br />

4830 Mongoliin R., Altai, noted on 15 <strong>Jan</strong> at 2338-2346 UT, Mongolian, songs<br />

& orchestras; 35332; \\ 4895 only slightly better. (Carlos Goncalves-POR,<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 17)

MOROCCO 1637.9 RTM, Rabat, noted again with its harmonic of 818.95 (nom.<br />

819 of course), on 15 <strong>Jan</strong> at 2016-..., Arabic prgr, news; 35332 or<br />

completely nulled via a diff. antenna, thus allowing Dutch pir. stn<br />

(R.Derby) on 1638 kHz to boom in at 45343!<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

I suggested to DW that they ask the VOA to move up 5 kHz to 9700 kHz in the<br />

period 0700-0900 UTC and they actually have! Since <strong>Jan</strong>uary 18th, 20<strong>05</strong>, VOA<br />

has changed the frequency.<br />

The VOA appeared on 9695 kHz[Briech Tangiers-MRC 250 kW 172 deg, wb.] a<br />

month or so with an English txion that appears to be for Africa and it<br />

caused sideband "splash" to DW Antigua on 9690 kHz. Good to have DW in the<br />

clear again!<br />

(Barry Hartley-NZ, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

NEW ZEALAND 17675 R. NZi, Rangitaiki, a too long absence on this channel<br />

on acount of propagation, noted on 14 <strong>Jan</strong> at 2341-..., English, inteview;<br />

25422, i.e. slightly strgr via an elevated K9AY than via a 300 m SoAm<br />

Beverage which would add some adj QRM de CHL 17680 kHz. (Carlos Goncalves-<br />

POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

OMAN QSL B<strong>BC</strong> Oman.<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Oman address: Resident Engineer, VT Merlin Communications & Partners<br />

LLC, B<strong>BC</strong> Relay Station, P.O.Box 40, Al Ashkarah PC 422, Oman.<br />

e-mail: <br />

The letter also indicates this one:<br />

VT Group, P.O.Box 2788, CPO Seeb PC 111, Oman<br />

These are the addresses that worked for the replies. I had done a lot of<br />

research to find the address via Google. Merlin in London had refused to<br />

give it to me.<br />

An e-mail report to the A'Seela Relay of the B<strong>BC</strong> in Oman resulted in a kind<br />

e-mail reply from Resident Engineer Dave Battey with two photograhps as an<br />

attachment and 10 days later in a full data snail mail reply.<br />

Nice surprise anyway. (Hans-Dieter Buschau-D, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

Yes, received that yesterday, too. Really nice to have this one verified<br />

finally.<br />

(Martin Elbe-D, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

Former address in 2000:<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Oman QSL letter. Addr: B<strong>BC</strong> Oman; B.E.R.S.; P.O.Box 6898; 112 Ruwi;<br />

Masirah Island; Oman. V/s QSL-letter is[was] David Plater (A45XJ/G4MZY),<br />

D. Plater via Email: <br />

PAKISTAN 4955.0 R Pakistan, Islamabad, at *0<strong>05</strong>5-0110 UT on <strong>Jan</strong> 3, Haya<br />

Allal Falah programme in Urdu, Call to Prayer (and fighting with Peru),<br />

talk, hymn about Allal, 23222. Signed on later than scheduled *0045 UT.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W <strong>Jan</strong> 12)<br />

PNG 4890 N<strong>BC</strong>, Port Moresby, noted once more, like on 15 <strong>Jan</strong> at 2040-2<strong>05</strong>7<br />

UT, prgr in Pidgin, rlgs singing obs'ed till almost vanishing into noise as<br />

signal was vy. good but gradually deteriorating; 45444, no sign of any \\<br />

90 m band outlet.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

4960, Catholic Radio New Guinea (CRN), at 1200-1235 UT. Noted comments by<br />

both a man and woman in between singing. On the halfhour there seemed to be<br />

a break when possibly nx or long comments presented. Signal was always

threshold, but seemed to improve slightly at 1222 UT. Signal was very<br />

difficult to hear, here in Clewiston-FL.<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

PHILIPPINES What I think was FE<strong>BC</strong> PHL was heard this morning on 9645<br />

around 1145 UT until sudden off, after playing part of their IS, at c1158<br />

when VOA UDO started. The lang sounded something like Vietnamese, but maybe<br />

a local dialect. I'm not sure that the WRTH sched is up to date, and I<br />

cannot find their complete current schedule on the Internet. Has anyone<br />

else seen it - or can tell me where to look for it ? When I hear a<br />

religious station in an unusual lang I look first for this station!<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 5)<br />

Sorry, no FE<strong>BC</strong> freq table B-04 has seen in dx-press. (wb)<br />

FEB International does publish a pdf-schedule at <br />

You can also look for certain sces by using a database.<br />

Unfortunately, it seems that not all entries are checked against the real<br />

use. Long standing experience as editor of Medien aktuell: Kirche im<br />

Rundfunk has shown that time and again there are double entries for<br />

different langs using the same time and frequency. So I have become very<br />

reluctant in forwarding any freq information regarding a FEB station. (Dr.<br />

Hansjoerg Biener-D, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 14)<br />

9435 FE<strong>BC</strong> Radio, Manila, at 2225 UT onward, on <strong>Jan</strong> 15, booming in via<br />

long-path propagation with IS and annts by man, followed by programming in<br />

INSn (language per 20<strong>05</strong> WRTH). Surprised to run across this one at this<br />

hour. 34433.<br />

(Bill Matthews-OH-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 15)<br />

PLC AFTER the tsunami hit Sri Lanka on 26 December, Victor Goonetilleke,<br />

head of the island's amateur radio society, delivered a short-wave radio<br />

set and two 12-volt car batteries to the prime minister's emergency<br />

headquarters in Colombo. At the same time, three of his friends drove<br />

through the devastation to Hambantota, on the hard-hit south-east coast,<br />

where they set up another battery-powered short-wave radio. For two days,<br />

while the military struggled to restore electricity supplies and phone<br />

lines, the prime minister was able to use the short-wave link to talk to<br />

staff on the ground.<br />

Short-wave signals from Sri Lanka, the Andaman Islands and mainland India<br />

also helped to spread nx of the disaster around the world. The same<br />

happened after the 9/11 attacks and last year's hurricanes in the<br />

Caribbean. When phones and mains electricity are down, making the internet<br />

unusable, short-wave radio enthusiasts are able to maintain emergency<br />

communications.<br />

But not, perhaps, for much longer. Plans to deliver broadband internet<br />

signals to homes and businesses down mains electricity cables, rather than<br />

telephone lines, could cause interference that will drown out the faint<br />

signals from distant short-wave txs.<br />

Power companies in the US and Europe are pressing ahead with the<br />

technology, with the aim of setting up in competition to existing phonebased<br />

sces. The downside is that the packets of internet data pulsing down<br />

unshielded mains cables makes the cables behave like aerials that send<br />

short-wave interference beaming out over a wide area.<br />

See more<br />

<br />

(Ken Kopp, KK HF, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 13)

PORTUGAL 9815/98<strong>05</strong>/9820. 9815 RDP spurious signals. RDP Lisbon alongside<br />

two spurious peaks on 98<strong>05</strong>.00 and 9825.00. Noted today on three independent<br />

rxs around 0830-0900 UT slot. Registered 0600-1300 UT, 100 kW 52 degrees.<br />

(wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 18)<br />

Re the spurious via RDP - unfortunately, this one does cause problems now<br />

and again, and I have heard their signal where it should not be on several<br />

occasions. We seem to experience this type of interference more often that<br />

is desired, I think.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 18)<br />

RUSSIA Aen<strong>der</strong>ung DRM-Sendeplan <strong>der</strong> DW.<br />

Ab 12.01.20<strong>05</strong> wird die Abendsendung <strong>der</strong> DW aus Taldom nicht mehr auf <strong>der</strong><br />

(zeitweise gestoerten) 5860 kHz ausgestrahlt, son<strong>der</strong>n von 1900-2000 UTC auf<br />

5810 kHz und von 2010-2300 UTC auf 5830 kHz.<br />

Die Sendeplaene wurden bereits geaen<strong>der</strong>t, DReaM-User sollten ein Update<br />

machen.<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>, WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 12)<br />

DW DRM txions via Taldom Moscow-RUS relay update:<br />

From <strong>Jan</strong> 12, 20<strong>05</strong>, (x5860): 1900-2000 UT 5810, 2010-2300 UT 5830 kHz.<br />

...657, 24 Dec, 0450, Radio Rossii, weak. Does it come from Grozny???<br />

(Dmitry Mezin, Kazan-RUS <strong>Jan</strong> 12)<br />

The 657 tx in Chechnya should be active with Radio Rossii & R. Chechnya<br />

Svobodnaya, it used to be (and probably still is) a 100 kW mobile tx<br />

located at the Alpatovo railway station (near the bor<strong>der</strong> to Stavropolskiy<br />

kray), cf. WRTH.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>signal <strong>Jan</strong> 12)<br />

The name of station that uses 1107 kHz in Samara is Radio Rodnoye.<br />

Currently it has broadcasts in the following langs: Russian, Tatar,<br />

Chuvash, Mordvinian, Ukrainian, Belarussian, Polish, German and Hebrew.<br />

(open_dx - Victor Rutkovsky-RUS, info taken from<br />

(<strong>DX</strong>signal <strong>Jan</strong> 12)<br />

SOLOMON ISLS This is part of a larger story in The New Zealand Herald<br />

about the loss of the Intelsat IS-104 satellite.<br />

The B<strong>BC</strong> World Service relay in Auckland has been using an ISDN feed from<br />

Sydney until today when Radio New Zealand loaned them equipment to use the<br />

Australian Optus satellite.<br />

<br />

Solomon Islands.<br />

International calls were restored by noon yesterday but the Solomons are<br />

still without national telephone, fax and email sces.<br />

Solomons Telekom operates national phone circuits from a ground station in<br />

Honiara via the Intelsat Pacific Ocean Satellite. The population of 400,000<br />

is spread over seven main islands but is centred mainly in the capital,<br />

Honiara.<br />

The loss of the satellite sce has created a problem for the Solomons<br />

Islands Broadcasting Corporation, which cannot receive its radio programme<br />

feed from the B<strong>BC</strong> in London. Senior technical officer Andrew Lano said from<br />

Honiara that the feed would not be restored for at least a week.

"It's a big problem for us. We all depend on telephones to call to our<br />

islands and at the moment we cannot communicate with provincial centres.<br />

"We are relying on high-frequency radio and we are lucky to have some<br />

provincial email stations that operate so we can transmit email to highfrequency<br />

radio.<br />

"It's one email station per province but that's still keeping some of us in<br />

touch."<br />

The corporation is relying on SW broadcasts from New Zealand and from Radio<br />

Australia.<br />

More at:<br />

<br />

<br />

(via Barry Hartley-NZL, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 19)<br />

How the communication cuts hit countries throughout the Pacific<br />

SI<strong>BC</strong> Cook Islands<br />

In the Cooks, people could only telephone others on their own island. Some<br />

television satellite links were disrupted. Phone sces were restored in<br />

Rarotonga after about 24 hours, but internet sces were still down last<br />

night.<br />

At Cafe Tupuna on Aitutaki, a spokesman said businesses could not use<br />

Eftpos. "The planes kept flying but Cook Island Nx said all the Air New<br />

Zealand systems went down so they had to do everything manually.<br />

"Otherwise, there were not really any major problems, just that we were cut<br />

off from the outside world for a couple of days. But then, we're cut off<br />

from the outside world even in the normal run of things."<br />

Tourism businesses coped by returning to more traditional methods of<br />

communication. Cameron Robertson, a Scotsman who owns Castaway Beach Villas<br />

in Rarotonga, said they were booking by facsimile rather than on-line. He<br />

said the internet was still down last night, and phones were down for 24<br />

hours.<br />

"It was a bit restrictive because we were totally cut off so there was no<br />

means of communication at all here.<br />

"It kind of alarms you about what could happen.<br />

"I'm keen on soccer, coming from Scotland and with time spent in Liverpool,<br />

and I couldn't get any soccer results from the internet. Fortunately the<br />

weather has compensated - we've had weeks of sunny 35-degree days, unlike<br />

in New Zealand."<br />

The Samoas.<br />

American Samoa began to experience problems at noon on Friday. Last night,<br />

80 per cent of the telecoms network was still not functioning. Most phone<br />

calls and electronic data coming out of American Samoa goes to the United<br />

States mainland.<br />

The American Samoa Telecommunications Authority said links with two<br />

mainland telco companies, MCI and Sprint, had been restored but others,<br />

including HawaiTel in Hawaii, had only been partly recovered. An authority<br />

spokesman said links with New Zealand and Australia remained down. He said<br />

data for transactions with ANZ Bank in New Zealand was being rerouted using<br />

telecom carriers in other countries.<br />

A public holiday yesterday had given American Samoa "a little breathing<br />

room" but problems were expected when people returned to work today.

Systems in Samoa were reported to have been restored during the weekend,<br />

but calls to the Prime Minister's Department, the Samoa Broadcasting<br />

Corporation studios and the New Zealand High Commission in Apia would not<br />

go through last night.<br />

An operator at New Zealand's international directory sce said some calls to<br />

Samoa were getting through but many were not making it.<br />

Solomon Islands.<br />

International calls were restored by noon yesterday but the Solomons are<br />

still without national telephone, fax and email sces. Solomons Telekom<br />

operates national phone circuits from a ground station in Honiara via the<br />

Intelsat Pacific Ocean Satellite.<br />

The population of 400,000 is spread over seven main islands but is centred<br />

mainly in the capital, Honiara. The loss of the satellite sce has created a<br />

problem for the Solomons Islands Broadcasting Corporation, which cannot<br />

receive its radio programme feed from the B<strong>BC</strong> in London.<br />

Senior technical officer Andrew Lano said from Honiara that the feed would<br />

not be restored for at least a week. "It's a big problem for us. We all<br />

depend on telephones to call to our islands and at the moment we cannot<br />

communicate with provincial centres.<br />

"We are relying on high-frequency radio and we are lucky to have some<br />

provincial email stations that operate so we can transmit email to highfrequency<br />

radio.<br />

"It's one email station per province but that's still keeping some of us in<br />

touch."<br />

The corporation is relying on SW broadcasts from New Zealand and from Radio<br />

Australia.<br />

(New Zealand Herald via Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 19)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA Voice of Biafra International (VOBI) A SHORTWAVE Radio<br />

Broadcast Service transmitting on 7380 kHz (on 41 mb) at 2100-2200 hours UT<br />

equivalent to 1000-1100 pm Biafraland time every Saturday; and every<br />

Wednesday (starting Wednesday 10 2004 [sic]). A project of Biafra<br />

Foundation, and Biafra Actualization Forum [hotlinks]<br />

(from via dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 15) [via<br />

Meyerton-AFS]<br />

3320 R. Son<strong>der</strong>grense at 0327-0355 UT. Couple of ads at 0327, then M<br />

chatting in Afrikaans for a few mins; short orchestral pieces followed,<br />

including one by Mozart and another entitled "Concert if F Major for<br />

Trumpet". Excellent signal.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 16)<br />

SRI LANKA Report from Victor Goonetilleke Let me give some idea of what<br />

we are doing! As President of the Amateur Radio Society in Sri Lanka (RSSL)<br />

it was won<strong>der</strong>ful even at a tragic time to tell you that the RSSL was able<br />

to link up South of Sri Lanka with the Prime Minister (PM) who comes from<br />

the South and that is where his people are. So we went in and established<br />

this HF link with the town of Hambantota.<br />

Our Amateur friends 4S7KE (Secretary RSSL), 4S7 AK (Treasurer RSSL) and 4S7<br />

DZ went in a 4 wheel drive approaching the costal town of Hambantota from<br />

the interior as the main road along the coast was badly battered and full<br />

of debris and was impassable. So when all the cellular and all other means<br />

failed, HF Radio stood bold and proud. It is so simple technically and<br />

although we did not even have a TS 50 or such a small mobile HF set, we<br />

took an Icom IC7400 the best radio we have and two 12v batteries and

dipoles, some food and water and filled the rest of the vehicle with food<br />

for the displaced. I stood by in Colombo at the PM's along with 4S7VJ, 4S7<br />

KG and 4S7 AB and 4S5 BA to run the link in and coordinate. We also had two<br />

HAMs on a mobile going along the coast of the South to asses and record<br />

damage..<br />

I wish I could scream aloud and tell people in some high places that when<br />

all else is dead, HF is alive. What do you do when your power goes out,<br />

telephones go dead and you can't even charge your batteries of your GTS or<br />

Mobile Phone? We had our Morse key handy if we had to operate with just 1<br />

or 2 watts but the batteries held..<br />

Well the Police Radio connected their links 12 or more hours later but the<br />

HAMs were there before anyone else. Most of the district is so badly<br />

battered it will take some time to restore utilities. We operated for 48<br />

hours from the Prime Ministers disaster room and moved out and we are in<br />

fax contact now relaying traffic. We also have 4S7 SW Sarath operating from<br />

another Southern Town "Matara" and two other stations 4S7 WI, 4S6 NM and<br />

others relaying and helping in the disaster traffic passing info to the<br />

coordinating centre. We have 3 stations out there and we are trying to<br />

connect lost people, pass info on displaced camps and people and the<br />

movement of food and essentials. We are trying to expand our coverage but<br />

our resources are limited. Many other HAMs like 4S7DA, 7WN, 7EA 7CF, 7MM,<br />

and some more on HF and others on VHF are helping in the traffic.<br />

Our roll has to change as the situation changes with Govt links coming into<br />

operations, yet civilian communication lines and most damaged telecoms will<br />

take a long time.. I am here at my desk with my land phone and mobile, a<br />

VHF radio and HF radio constantly tuned to our disaster communications<br />

freqs trying to coordinate as best as I can. The Sri Lankan HAMs are<br />

playing part un<strong>der</strong> difficult conditions and will continue to do so.<br />

(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK <strong>Jan</strong> 01 in Dxplorer)<br />

Currently, all Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SL<strong>BC</strong>) txions via its 6<br />

nationwide channels as well as regional channels are operating as usual as<br />

none of its transmitting facilities or other installations were affected by<br />

the Tsunami. However, Sri Lanka urgently requires:<br />

1. Frequency band of the radio receivers: 87.5 to 108 MHz VHF/FM<br />

2. Quantity of receivers required: 10,000 (this is an approximate estimate<br />

made on the basis that there are over 700 refugee camps) Contact person:<br />

(Ms) M.S. Rajapakse, Secretary to the Ministry, Ministry of Social Welfare,<br />

177, Nawala Road, Colombo <strong>05</strong> Sri Lanka. (via dswci <strong>DX</strong>W ibid. )<br />

SUDAN 15528 Radio Sudan at 1504-1532 UT on 11 <strong>Jan</strong>, listened to broadcast<br />

of the comprehensive peace accord ending Africa's longest war dating from<br />

August 1955 and speeches by various figureheads. Thanks to Ken Cantrell for<br />

the accurate freq as I'm tuning with a '74 RadioShack <strong>DX</strong>-160 analog<br />

receiver and 90' combined longwire/feed. Mentioned were future programs at<br />

11.175 at 8-9PM Sudan time. They are UTC +3 hrs. Signal was weak with much<br />

QRM but decent copy was made here in eastern NoAmerica, Massachusetts.<br />

(Scott Plantier-MA-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 14)<br />

HORN OF AFRICA was quite good <strong>Jan</strong> 17 with Omdurman, Sudan fairly strong on<br />

7200 kHz in Arabic 1717-1735+ and many mentions of Omdurman. Better than<br />

most days.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

TAIWAN RTI to close Korean sce. According to Mr. Sapun Pak of Korean<br />

Shortwave Club, Korean staff of Radio Taiwan International was noticed the<br />

sudden closure of Korean sce on <strong>Jan</strong>uary 13. RTI will cease 3 foreign langs<br />

sces including Korean, and 2 Chinese dialects sces on <strong>Jan</strong>uary 31.

Mr.Pak and RTI Korean staff are seeking support from Japanese and other RTI<br />

listeners to continue the Korean sce. One method is to write a message on<br />

guestbook of RTI HP <br />

Korean sce of RTI was started on August 15, 1961, once stopped from 1994,<br />

restarted on March 1, 1999. The Korean staff says QSL cards and souvenirs<br />

which have not been mailed yet will continue to be mailed even after the<br />

closure.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 15)<br />

According to Asia broadcasting Institute, Radio Taiwan International will<br />

close Korean, Arabic, Burmese sces on <strong>Jan</strong>uary 31. One possible reason is to<br />

raise the funds for their domestic foreign lang sces. (Takahito Akabayashi-<br />

JPN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 16)<br />

TUNISIA 963 kHz, 1900-2000 R Tunisia in Spanish. ID "Radio tunez canal<br />

internacional en programa espanol". SINPO 13322. Music program and news.<br />

(Noticias <strong>DX</strong> - Jose Miguel Romero-E, RUSsigna <strong>Jan</strong> 15)<br />

UKRAINE Kyiv 873 to be reactivated. In December 2004, Radio NART won a<br />

public ten<strong>der</strong> for the 50 kW tx in Kyiv on 873. Radio NART is an independent<br />

radio network with headquarters in Kyiv that is available on FM in many<br />

towns throughout Ukraine and an affiliate of RFE/RL. The tx on 873 was<br />

leased for relays of RFE/RL and VOA until 1998. (Info: Svit Radio website)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx <strong>Jan</strong> 16)<br />

U.A.E. Another new frequency??? - is Dubai on 15385. It was on air again<br />

today at 0730 \\ 15395. It still appears to be at 1450 but un<strong>der</strong> a co-ch in<br />

Chinese. Four sen<strong>der</strong>s are on air if so - 15395 15385 13675 & 120<strong>05</strong>. (Noel<br />

R. Green-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 18)<br />

[puzzles me, Al Dhabbaya 15385 also registered 1130-1500 for Sudan R. Sce,<br />

AWR Uighur and Chinese Mandarin, wb.]<br />

U.K. There is a document "Radio - preparing for the future" out for<br />

consultation on the Ofcom website <br />

Go to current consultations to download it, and they are proposing an<br />

expansion of DAB as well as advertising some new AM licences for commercial<br />

and community radio, subject to the B<strong>BC</strong> agreeing to vacate some freqs.<br />

Long term they see some possible use of DRM on the AM band as a complement<br />

to DAB. DAB/DRM chipsets have been developed so one receiver could be used<br />

for both modes of digital reception. (Mike Barraclough-UK, MWC <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

George Campbell - RIP<br />

Speaking out, By Paul Donovan, The Sunday Times, <strong>Jan</strong>uary 16, 20<strong>05</strong><br />

<br />

On the day the waves rose up in the Indian Ocean, there appeared the first<br />

of only two obituaries on a modest man from the Highlands who had deep<br />

knowledge of the langs spoken by those swept away - Thai, Sinhala, INSn and<br />

English. His name was George Campbell, and he could apparently speak and<br />

write in 44 langs. Once listed in the Guinness Book of Records as "the<br />

world's greatest linguist", he worked for the B<strong>BC</strong> World Service for 40<br />

years, retiring as head of the Romanian section.<br />

Campbell, who was 92 when he died, appears never to have been written about<br />

in his lifetime, and the World Service has not even mentioned his passing<br />

in its own output. Yet his gifts were extraordinary. When he was a child, a<br />

dog attacked him, leaving him with a stammer. His teachers thought he was<br />

slow and sat him at the back of the class. There, from books he found at<br />

Inverness fish market, he taught himself the basics of Spanish, Portuguese

and Danish, as well as the French and German on the syllabus. His natural<br />

bent became his life's work. In retirement, for fun, he taught himself<br />

Basque.<br />

Some may dismiss that as arcane and obsessive, the product of a vanished<br />

era of the gifted amateur. Does English not now dominate the globe? Has it<br />

not marginalised foreign tongues? Campbell lived long enough to see that<br />

such arguments were misplaced. "Other lan- guages are actually growing in<br />

importance," argues Chris Westcott, director of B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring, which (with<br />

some help from the Americans) listens to the world's nx agencies and radio<br />

and television output in 100 langs, including highly sensitive ones such as<br />

Korean and Uighur, which is spoken by a Muslim minority in western China.<br />

"This is because the web has given a global footprint to langs once<br />

confined to a relatively small area." The World Service itself broadcasts<br />

in 43 langs (including English, though not Korean or Uighur). What is less<br />

well known is that each of them can be listened to on, and has a section<br />

of, the B<strong>BC</strong> World Service website - an array of strange scripts and fonts.<br />

Politics, as well as the web, gives buoyancy to langs. The war of words<br />

rarely calls a ceasefire. For all international broadcasters, of which the<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> is only one, Arabic has become vastly more important as a result of<br />

9/11 and the Iraq war. (It was the first of the B<strong>BC</strong>'s foreign-language<br />

sces, launched in 1938 at the behest of the Foreign Office to counter<br />

Mussolini's Arabic broadcasts denouncing "British imperialism".) The breakup<br />

of both the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia has led to the emergence of new<br />

republics with a renewed nationalistic impulse, expressed in langs such as<br />

Kazakh, Kyrgyz and Macedonian.<br />

So, even if there are no George Campbells any more, what he stood for - a<br />

respect for langs - is still of vital importance in the radio world. "I<br />

don't think we have anyone here at Caversham who can speak 44 langs, but<br />

quite a few have mastered six or seven," says Westcott. "Being barely<br />

literate in one, I'm rather in awe of them. I think sometimes we're in<br />

danger of un<strong>der</strong>- estimating the linguistic abilities of the British."<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 16)<br />

USA Der US-amerikanische Prediger R. G. Stair, <strong>der</strong> eine religioese<br />

Kommune von vielleicht 100 Personen leitet, sendet in den USA rund um die<br />

Uhr auf dem Kurzwellensen<strong>der</strong> WWCR-4 Nashville und stundenweise auf an<strong>der</strong>en<br />

US-amerikanischen Kurzwellensen<strong>der</strong>n. Ab 4. August 1997 nutzte Stair die<br />

Station Juelich zur Abrundung <strong>der</strong> Versorgung Nordamerikas. Als im Fruehjahr<br />

1998 die Satellitenverbindung stand, wurde die Sendezeit aus Juelich<br />

erheblich ausgebaut, doch wechselt <strong>der</strong> Sendeumfang nach Finanzlage.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D ntt via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 15)<br />

UZBEKISTAN 13765 Voice Int'l relay, at 1300-1315 on <strong>Jan</strong> 11, Hindi, OM<br />

over instrumental mx, Hindi ballads. Fair. (Scott Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong><br />

17)<br />

VIETNAM VoVTN HS major survey of VOV HS freqs 1/15 & 1/16.<br />

0919: 5975 Hanoi clear, 9530 Xuan Mai China QRM, 7210 Da Lai clear<br />

(lags the other two freqs by a fraction of a second)<br />

0930: 6020 Da Lai no \\ (never heard a \\ for this on any day or time)<br />

0930: 9875 Me Tri, 5925 Xuan Mai. These are \\ while 9835 is on.<br />

0945: Did not hear 5597 nor 6724 Lao Cai for sign on, also not heard at<br />

1000.<br />

1000: 9875 Me Tri sign off.<br />

1000: 5975, 9530, 7210 as 0919 above. 6020 no \\ , 5925 no \\ .

1100: 5925 Xuan Mai hrd at this time \\ 5975, 7210 (lag), 9530 (un<strong>der</strong><br />

China). 6372 not heard at this time.<br />

1300: 5035 Xuan Mai - Hmong very weak.<br />

1314: 6165 Xuan Mai - Hmong<br />

1315: 6020 Da Lai audible after Vatican [via RVA Philippines] signoff.<br />

1325: 5597 Lao Cai short fade-in<br />

1335: 4740 Son La<br />

1353: 4740 Son La, 5597 Lao Cai un<strong>der</strong> QRM. 1400 signoff for both.<br />

1520: 5975, 9530, 7210 (lag). 5925 not \\ . All off at 1600 UT.<br />

(David Norcross, Hong Kong, 100SW and 7600G via dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

ZAMBIA 4965 Christian Voice, Lusaka, booming in on 15 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1947-2015 UT<br />

as if it were some local stn; chats in English, pops; 54444, adj uty. QRM<br />

only, and still strong later in the evening. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />


7th Russian <strong>DX</strong> Contest will take place from 18 to 28 Feb 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Similarly to the last years' one, it is divided into three parts. In Part 1<br />

and Part 2 you have to receive radio stations from Russia, former USSR<br />

states, and various world regions. Only licensed broadcasting stations are<br />

valid - no utilities, no hams, no pirates. Frequency range is from 150 to<br />

30 000 kHz. Each station must be logged for at least 15 mins. The longer is<br />

distance between your location and the tx, the more points it brings you.<br />

Your contest log must contain the following data for each logged station:<br />

date, time (UTC), frequency, SINPO and some definitive program details.<br />

Part 3 is a quiz of 20 questions.<br />

You can find complete rules on the Web at http://dxsignal.info/indexen.htm.<br />

Contest manager this year is Ildus Ibatullin; many of you know him as a QSL<br />

manager of GTRK "Tatarstan". Your questions are welcome to<br />

dxc20<strong>05</strong>@dxsignal.info. Printed version of contest rules can be requested<br />

at:<br />

Russian <strong>DX</strong> Contest, c/o Ildus Ibatullin, P.O.Box 134, Kazan, 420136, Russia<br />

(add 1 IRC or 1 US$).<br />

The Contest is open for everyone, regardless of either nationality or<br />

knowledge of Russian lang.<br />

If somebody wishes to donate some prizes for the contest, please contact<br />

Ildus at<br />

<br />

This message can be freely distributed in any <strong>DX</strong> media. (Ildus Ibatullin,<br />

Kazan, Russia)<br />

Official contest page has been created on Signal site:<br />

<br />

(Ed.) <strong>DX</strong>signal, <strong>Jan</strong> 12<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Mar 12)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 31)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 22)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 700 28 <strong>Jan</strong> 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

<strong>Private</strong> <strong>Verwendung</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Meldun</strong>gen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede<br />

kommerzielle <strong>Verwendung</strong> bedarf <strong>der</strong> Zustimmung des Newslettereditors.<br />

Extracts of items sourced to E<strong>DX</strong>P may be further reproduced but only by<br />

organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with<br />

E<strong>DX</strong>P.<br />

!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C website. !!!<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio may<br />

be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages,<br />

from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting are made<br />

available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

credit is given to the contributor and to <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only<br />

with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our<br />

WW<strong>DX</strong>C WWW homepage-German AG<strong>DX</strong> Club-direct address:<br />

<br />

or via Link of Homepage: <br />

Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

ALASKA Construction of the new tower and antenna for station KNLS began<br />

today, <strong>Jan</strong> 17th. Kevin Chambers had a crew ready to begin assembling the<br />

365 feet tall antenna in Anchor Point. Once the tower is finished, the<br />

curtain antenna that would cover 3 acres if laid down on the ground will be<br />

assembled. The weather seems to be cooperating. Kevin said, "There is steel<br />

everywhere".<br />

We are still looking at turning on the new antenna March 28, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

ALBANIA 6020 China Radio International via Cerrick verified for a third<br />

time with a full data including site China's Endangered Rare Animals<br />

("Clouded Leopard") card in 35 days. The English Service sent another<br />

handwritten note requesting further reception reports for the broadcasts on<br />

6020 from 0000-0200 UTC from Albania. Also, a CRI colorful laminated<br />

pennant and two paper cuttings were received. Can't wait to see what<br />

arrives next week! (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 23) See 300 kW<br />

details un<strong>der</strong> CHINA below.<br />

AUSTRALIA Broadband over powerline (BPL) technology is being tested in<br />

Australia and a Fe<strong>der</strong>al Govt website<br />

has been set up to provide information about it. Power companies are<br />

interested in the technology and are consi<strong>der</strong>ing using it to provide<br />

broadband data access to consumers as well as to manage the electrical<br />

supply network, Australian Communications Authority (ACA) said.<br />

ACA's website now houses an information portal giving background<br />

information about the new technology and details of interim trials. Acting<br />

chairman Bob Horton said ACA had developed regulatory guidelines for<br />

testing BPL technology. "The ACA had also started a comprehensive<br />

examination of the communications regulatory issues associated with BPL for<br />

delivery of telecommunications sces using electrical power wiring and is<br />

consulting with interested stakehol<strong>der</strong>s," Dr Horton said. A discussion<br />

paper would be released in early April calling for public comment.<br />

<br />

(AAP via Sydney Morning Herald via Barry Hartley-NZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 21)<br />

BELARUS 5970 Radio Belarus on <strong>Jan</strong> 25 at 0220 UT about arts exibition,<br />

in English. Gave sch 0229 as 1900-2200 on 1170 71<strong>05</strong> 7280 kHz and 0100-0300<br />

on 5970 7010 kHz in Bielorussian Russian German and English with English<br />

Mon Tue Thu Fri 2130-2200 and Sun 2300-2330 repeated Mon Tue Wed Fri Sat<br />

0400-0430 and Sun 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 (doesn't match completely). Then why was I<br />

listening to English at 0220? Bad modulation. And on which freqs are they<br />

at 2300-2330 and 0400-<strong>05</strong>00? Not very logical. Gave address as Chirvonaya<br />

Street No 4, Minsk 220807, Rep of Bielorussia. (Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong><br />

24)<br />

And web: Found the station's web site. It is:<br />

(Bill Matthews-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

Click to 'Eng' in left most upper corner. Or try (wb)<br />

BOTSWANA 4930 VoA Botswana on tropical band?<br />

Probably VOA will add a tropical band freq from Botswana site, eff. Febr<br />

1st on 4930 kHz \\ MW.<br />

Proposed schedule at 0300-0630 VOA Englisch, 1600-1700 VOA Englisch, 1700-<br />

1800 VOA "Studio 7", 1800-2200 VOA Englisch. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 29)<br />

State radio finally receives broadcast licence!<br />

It took almost forty years for Radio Botswana (state-owned RB) to obtain a<br />

licence to broadcast in line with proper procedures. The Botswana<br />

Telecommunication Authority (BTA) rectified this regulatory vacuum on 21<br />

Dec 2004, via the intermediary of the National Broadcasting Board (NBB, the<br />

regulatory body).<br />

Prior to this only three operators held a licence: the privately-owned<br />

commercial radio stations Yarona FM and Gabz FM, and the private television<br />

channel, the Gaborone Broadcasting Corporation. The BTA intends to licence<br />

Botswana Television (state-owned BTV), possibly as early as 20<strong>05</strong>. The<br />

broadcasting act of 1998 recognizes three different categories of<br />

broadcasters:<br />

public sce broadcasters, commercial and community broadcasters.<br />

The broadcast licence that was granted to Radio Botswana carries with it<br />

rights but also responsibilities, starting with a broadcasting sces fee of<br />

100,000 pula, or 11 million CFA francs - an amount which the RB consi<strong>der</strong>s<br />

too high. The state radio will now be monitored by the regulatory body, on<br />

the same basis as any other radio station that holds a licence.<br />

The BTA is also hoping to licences a certain number of community radio<br />

stations following the launch of a public call for ten<strong>der</strong>s. Several

criteria will be taken into consi<strong>der</strong>ation including the existence of<br />

popular demand, the availability of local content, the viability of the<br />

project and a readiness to comply with the laws.<br />

<br />

(via Panos West Africa AfricaMediaNews, 10.1.20<strong>05</strong>;<br />

via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 22)<br />

BRAZIL Radio Nacional da Amazonia sent me a complete QSL card in<br />

Portuguese using my enclosed PFC after 135 days for my reception report in<br />

Portuguese. The freq is marked exactly as 6190 kHz, what I really received.<br />

The QSL signer is Mr. Tais Ladeira de Medeiros.<br />

He also sent me an incomplete QSL letter (rather a letter of gratitude) in<br />

October, marking the freq as 6180 kHz. His title in the gratitude letter<br />

was "Gerente Radio Nacional da Amzonia" (Manager of Radio Nacional da<br />

Amazonia), and in QSL card "Chefe da Divisao de Ondas Curtas Radio Bras"<br />

(Chief of Radio Bras Shortwave Division). He may be in the 2 positions at<br />

the same time.<br />

The QSL card is shown in my homepage<br />

<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 21)<br />

118<strong>05</strong>.14 R Globo, <strong>Jan</strong> 7, 10<strong>05</strong>, ID and 'Panorama Esportiva'. O=3-4<br />

11829.95 R Anhanguera, <strong>Jan</strong> 7, 1955, Portuguese talk. O=3-4<br />

17814.81 R Cultura, <strong>Jan</strong> 7, 1945, Brazilian mx, ID. O=1-2.<br />

(Stig Hartvig Nielsen-DEN, touring in SoWePOR, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W NL)<br />

4924.9, R. Educacao Rural, Tefe, f/d paper QSL and "White Uakari Monkey"<br />

postcd in 6 wks for CD and $2. v/s Thomas Schwamborn. e-mail; Hand-written addr on back of envelope is: C.P. 21, 69470-000<br />

Tefe, AM, Brazil. (Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 22)<br />

95<strong>05</strong>, Radio Record, Sao Paulo, 0934, comentario por locutor, mxa brasilena.<br />

Senal muy debil. 14222.<br />

9515, Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, 0931, comentario religioso, locutor,<br />

senal debil. 24222.<br />

9615, Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo, 0930, Musica brasilena y comentarios.<br />

23222.<br />

9645, Radio Bandeirantes, 0926, Noticias de Brasil. En paralelo con 11925.<br />

23222.<br />

9630, Radio Aparecida, 0928, programa religioso "Camino de vida". Id.<br />

"Radio Aparecida, programa de evangelizacion". 34333.<br />

9665, Radio Marumbuy, Florianopolis, 0929, Locutor, noticias, el tiempo,<br />

Id. "Noticias do Brasil e do mundo en Radio Murumbuy". 24222.<br />

9675, Radio Cancao Nova, 0924, Comentario religioso, locutor, 45444.<br />

11735, Radio Transmundial, 0917, Musica, Id. "Esta e a Transmundial".<br />

45444.<br />

11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, 0915, locutor, noticias de Brasil,<br />

noticia de Porto Alegre, temperaturas en las ciudades de Brasil. 34333.<br />

11785, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 0912, comentarios por locutor, 24222.

118<strong>05</strong>, Radio Globo, 0908, locutor, comentarios, "sete horas e oito<br />

minutos". 23222.<br />

11815, Radio Brasil Central, 0903, locutor, noticias, Id. " Sete horas e<br />

sete minutos, Radio Brasil Central, o mundo na sua casa". 45444.<br />

11925, Radio Bandeirantes, 0904, locutor y locutora, noticias de Sao Paulo<br />

y Rio de <strong>Jan</strong>eiro. 22222.<br />

17815, Radio Cultura,09<strong>05</strong>, Sao Paulo, comentarios y mxa. En paralelo con<br />

9615. 24322. (all Manuel Mendez-ESP, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 26)<br />

BULGARIA Only one txion for Voice Africa in English to WeAf/NIG from<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>.7<br />

1600-1800 on 13820 SOF 100 kW / 215 deg. Also registered for A-<strong>05</strong>!!!<br />

1800-2000 on 11560 SOF 100 kW / 215 deg >>>>> CANCELLED<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

5775 Santec's English program entry. Thanks to Kai Ludwig, see:<br />

<br />

5775 English, Programm from Oakland CA.<br />

Address given as <br />

IRRS brokered, only Fridays from Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria.<br />

2100 UTC to Europe + Overseas, for example Oceania !<br />

SW 5775 kHz.<br />

ps. now at 2208 UT still nice classical piano mx played. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 28)<br />

La emisora religiosa Radio Santec "La Onda Cosmica", transmite en espanol<br />

de Lunes a Viernes de 0150 a 0200 UTC, via las facilidades de La Voz de<br />

Rusia, en los 5945, 6195, 7180, 7330, 7390 y 7570 kHz.<br />

QTH: Radio Santec, MarienstraBe 1, D-97070 Wurzburg, Alemania.<br />

E-mail: Web: <br />

(Marcelo A. Cornachioni-ARG, ConDig <strong>Jan</strong> 24)<br />

CAMBODIA Checked 11938ñ at 1230 UT several times.<br />

Uwe Volk touring SoEaAS at present doesn't trace anything from Phnom Penh<br />

on that channel. So CBG 11940 has been gone forever?<br />

(Uwe Volk-D at present in Hua Hin and Pattaya-THA, <strong>Jan</strong> 24)<br />

CANADA The NASB Board of Directors voted in <strong>Jan</strong>uary to extend the weekly<br />

"Voice of the NASB" half-hour radio programs in DRM which are broadcast<br />

each Saturday at 1700 UTC on 11900 kHz to NoAmerica.<br />

Each week the program features excerpts from NASB member and associate<br />

member stations' programming. Recently, the series has focused mostly on <strong>DX</strong><br />

programs, in an effort to encourage the more technically-minded SW<br />

listeners to try tuning in the txions in DRM mode.<br />

The Voice of the NASB is broadcast via the txs of Radio Canada<br />

International in Sackville, New Brunswick. The Board extended NASB's<br />

contract with RCI until the end of the B04 broadcast season at the end of<br />

March. (Jeff White-FL-USA in NASB <strong>Jan</strong>uary 20<strong>05</strong> NL)<br />

CHAD 6165 Rdf TV Tchadienne at <strong>05</strong>17 UT in French. Excellent signal.<br />

Clear. Positive ID at <strong>05</strong>19 UT. "Radiodiffusion Television Tchadienne,<br />

N'Djamena". \\ 4904 not heard.<br />

(Liz Cameron-MI-USA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 22)<br />

CHILE [CHINA via CHILE relay] 17625, Radio Internacional de China, 13<strong>05</strong>,<br />

desde Calera de Tango, 15 kilometros al sur poniente de Santiago, estacion

epetidora de la voz Cristiana, CRI en ingles con espectacular senal, todos<br />

los dias. 1200-1258 Mandarin y 1300-1358 en Ingles, aca en Santiago SINPO:<br />

55555.<br />

(Hector Frias-CHL, radioescutas via dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

CHINA 6020 China Radio Int'l; at 0016-0030+ on 21 <strong>Jan</strong>; "News & Reports<br />

on CRI" including feature on new flights between PRC & Taiwan. "Life in<br />

China" at 0030. SIO=4+43+ Awfully good sig, but '<strong>05</strong> Passport sez from<br />

China. (Harold Frodge-MI-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 22)<br />

[sic, non] but ALBANIA Europe relay instead, powerful 300 kW.<br />

CRI Cerrik-A site, regularly from November 28th, 2004:<br />

0000-0157 English 6020 9570 [ciraf 8,9] NoAM<br />

0200-0357 Chinese 6020 9570 [ciraf 8,9] NoAM<br />

6020 0000-0400 7-10 CER 300kW 3<strong>05</strong>deg ALB CRI RTC<br />

9570 0000-0400 7-10 CER 300kW 3<strong>05</strong>deg ALB CRI RTC. (73 wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong><br />

22)<br />

Did you see the locations of Chinese monitoring stations:<br />

"CRIRP detected wide-range suspension of short-wave radio signals in its<br />

observation stations in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hainan, Lanzhou and Urumqi<br />

until after 0900 UT Thursday."<br />

(wb)<br />

Solar storm interrupts China's short-wave radio txion<br />

21 <strong>Jan</strong>uary 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

See more un<strong>der</strong> <br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>Jan</strong> 21)<br />

Beijing 7255 in Russian and Mongolian has been missing for some time. Used<br />

to be very strong here. Maybe some of the vintage txs are being replaced by<br />

mo<strong>der</strong>n units. Very few listings for 120 kW from Beijing or Xi'an remain in<br />

HFCC.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 23)<br />

CRI via QIQ 500 kW / 304 deg to WeEu/RUS: 1900-2<strong>05</strong>7 on 6100* in Russian, ex<br />

in En.<br />

*co-ch International Radio of Serbia and Montenegro Russian/English/Serbian<br />

Freqs changes for CRI in Spanish (two differents px 2300-2357!!!):<br />

2200-2357 NF 7250 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to SoEu, ex7120 \\ 9640,7210,6020<br />

2300-0<strong>05</strong>7 NF 9800 KAS 500 kW / 269 deg to SoAm, ex11650 \\ 7245,7160,6175<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

CUBA Some of the new 100 kW Chinese-made txs are operating in English on<br />

6060, 9550 and 11760 kHz. Others are in Spanish. Our facilities in Bauta,<br />

15 miles west of Habana, are being revamped. 6060 is using an antenna that<br />

was severely damaged by hurricane Charley on 13th of August. Engineering<br />

crew had to put up two new towers, in or<strong>der</strong> to rebuild the antenna. But now<br />

that will be changed to a curtain array with a lot more gain in a few<br />

months. Charley went exactly thru the station; fortunately, the buildings<br />

were very strong and reinforced. 6000 kHz now added to the <strong>05</strong>00-0700<br />

[English] broadcast to NoAmerica. (Arnie Coro-CUB CO2KK, RHC <strong>DX</strong>ers<br />

Unlimited <strong>Jan</strong> 22, notes by gh for dxld)<br />

CZECH REP Czech Radio has decided to organize a unique reconstruction of<br />

the battle for the station against the Nazis in 1945. This event will be as<br />

a part of 60th Anniversary of the end of the Second World War celebrations.<br />

The re-enactment will last around 40 mins and will be included as part of<br />

the authentic moments from the battles for Czech Radio during the period

from 5th to 8th May 1945. The re-enactment of the war will be organized<br />

around the real places of Vinohradska and Balbinova Streets in the centre<br />

of Prague and the event will involve:<br />

- More than 60 performers<br />

- Historical cars and camions<br />

- Historical trams<br />

- Historical half-track armoured car<br />

- Historical track/caterpillar fighter of Hetzer tanks.<br />

- Other historical arms, technology and props.<br />

This event will take place on 7th May 20<strong>05</strong> at 1500 hrs local time (13 UT)<br />

in front of the Czech Radio building on Vinohradska Street. No doubt the<br />

English sce of Radio Prague will cover the event as well. More information<br />

can be found (in Czech!) on the thematic website<br />

covering the 60th Anniversary of the<br />

end of the Second World War.<br />

(Jonathan Marks-HOL, RNW MN NL via dxld)<br />

DJIBOUTI The authorities in Djibouti have decided to expel several French<br />

cooperation workers, and the local Radio France Internationale (RFI) tx has<br />

been cut off, the Foreign Ministry and France's public broadcaster said on<br />

Saturday [22 <strong>Jan</strong>].<br />

The moves come at a time of tension between the two countries resulting<br />

from a decision by the French judiciary to call for the head of the<br />

Djiboutian secret sces to be questioned in connection with the killing of a<br />

French judge [Bernard Borrel] in 1995. "The Djiboutian authorities have<br />

decided to expel six French technical assistants," the Foreign Ministry<br />

deputy spokeswoman, Cecile Pozzo di Borgo, told AFP.<br />

RFI told AFP on Saturday that its "transmitter in Djibouti has been cut off<br />

since Friday 14 <strong>Jan</strong>uary after a programme was broadcast about the Borrel<br />

affair". On 10 <strong>Jan</strong>uary, the Versailles appeal court or<strong>der</strong>ed that the head<br />

of the Djiboutian secret sces, Hassan Said, should be questioned about the<br />

possible bribing of witnesses in the case of the death of Borrel in 1995.<br />

Ali Iftin, a former Djiboutian officer who is now living in Brussels, has<br />

said that Hassan forced him to lie during the investigation into the death<br />

of judge Borrel.<br />

(AFP nx agency, 22 <strong>Jan</strong> via B<strong>BC</strong>M via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

I have been listening for reactivated 4780, but nothing heard yet. I<br />

remember hearing it fairly well in Nairobi before it disappeared more than<br />

10 years ago. I can hear Djibouti on 1539, but not on 1116 which (like<br />

4780) was supposed to have been built by IBB as part of the deal to<br />

establish the 1431 Radio Sawa station.<br />

(Chris Greenway-KEN, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 28)<br />

EQUAT GUINEA Equatorial Guinea is a small, former Spanish colony in<br />

Central Africa of 28,000 square kms (Two third the size of Denmark). Most<br />

of this area is on the continent between Cameroon and Gabon, but the<br />

capital Malabo is located on the biggest of its five islands in the Gulf of<br />

Guinea, Bioko. The country gained independence in 1968, but un<strong>der</strong> the<br />

corrupt President since 1979, retired Brigadier General Teodoro Obiang<br />

Nguema Mbasogo, democracy has not at all been introduced!<br />

Two third of the population have been killed or fled the country and just<br />

about half a million is left out of which less than 1000 are Europeans.<br />

This population speak Fang, Bibi and Ibo, but the official langs are<br />

Spanish and French. Some speak Pidgin English.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W NL <strong>Jan</strong> 26)

In March 2003 it was reported that two new 50 kW SW txs were to be<br />

installed in Equatorial Guinea by Chinese technicians. R Bata has been<br />

heard recently (albeit intermittently) back on 50<strong>05</strong>, so perhaps the second<br />

tx has been installed on 15190 ?<br />

(Jerry Berg-USA, Dave Kenny-UK and Savolainen-FIN in <strong>DX</strong>plorer, <strong>Jan</strong> 19)<br />

I've been listening to Radio Africa Number 2 on 15190 over the past week.<br />

Transmissions are erratic. In the morning I have heard it as early as 0615<br />

(though nothing there today) and again in the afternoon from as early at<br />

1430. But they are having problems. Yesterday they were there with good<br />

signals at 1430 with a taped programme from the US Salvation Army that was<br />

obviously meant to have been aired over the Christmas season, interrupted<br />

by a local ID "You are listening to Radio Africa Number 2". Then the<br />

programme was cut, reappearing after a while with the tape having been<br />

rewound by a few minutes. The signal strength varied wildly (too abruptly<br />

for usual SW fading) so I assumed it to be caused by power variations at<br />

the transmitter. After a series of tx cuts, it eventually disappared<br />

altogether. Still testing, or major problems with their power supply??<br />

(Chris Greenway-KEN, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 28)<br />

15190 R Africa No. 2, Malabo, at 1430-1600 on <strong>Jan</strong> 20, U.S. English<br />

religious programmes of talks, prayers and hymns. Reactivated after being<br />

off the air since Sep 2000 according to Domestic Broadcasting Survey<br />

monitoring . 34333 QRM from weak co-channel UNID.<br />

On <strong>Jan</strong> 21 the station first signed on at *1445 UT with ID: "You are<br />

listening to Radio Africa Number Two". A.P.O. Box 588 in Mozambique and the<br />

e-mail address were mentioned by a woman and repeated<br />

by a man. After some African mx, religious talking began at 1455 and heard<br />

with 35333. It was not broadcasting 0620-1440 that day. (Anker Petersen-<br />

DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 21)<br />

15190 / 7190.<br />

On 19 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1615 noted a station with US religious program on 15190. The<br />

signal was ok, but audio at times sounded like a faulty CD player. Improved<br />

later and the ID was "Radio Africa number 2". So Equatorial Guinea<br />

activated here - long time, no hear.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 19)<br />

Re Jari's message (and others) ... what I assume to be Equat Guinea 15190<br />

is heard on air already at 1515 UT with English religious programming.<br />

There is a unid. co-channel much weaker which probably is B<strong>BC</strong> via ATG.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

Checked today and nothing there at 1950 so must be switching down pretty<br />

early. Anyone hearing them on 7190 after 2000 UT? (Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre<br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 21)<br />

I can 'see' a signal on 7189,95 kHz on Spectrum Lab at 1900.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 21)<br />

7190 - Played a little with pass band tuning in lsb/cw mode reception ...<br />

nothing couldbe traced from Equat Guinea. Despite Kashgar CRI English 7190<br />

co-channel is poor today, on equal level I noted only the usual powerhouse<br />

RTT Sfax outlet in Ar to NoWeAF \\ 7225 kHz, registered 1700-2400 UT. (wb,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 21)<br />

On 23 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1645 UT a weakish (poor conditions) Spanish speaking station<br />

on 50<strong>05</strong> kHz. Mostly telephone comments/reports and some African mx. Last<br />

couple of mins lot of talk about radio and Malabo. Carrier went off at 1703<br />

UT. Can't be anything else than Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial,<br />

hopefully soon starting afternoon / evening txions on this frequency. (Jari<br />

Savolainen-FIN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 23)

Signal S9 in Thessaloniki , Heard on 1645 with talks abut Mexico, Cuba<br />

continental Party and reports. At 1702 UT with mention of Malabo and sign<br />

off. Lowly modulated 34232. Strong local QRN. Tried to change my antennas<br />

at 1658 UT and just herard the end of programming. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 23)<br />

ERITREA 7100 V of Broad Masses hrd 1/24 from 1459 tune in to 1555 tune<br />

out. Mo<strong>der</strong>ate to severe QRM from 71<strong>05</strong> co-ch until 1530 then only from what<br />

sounds like ARRL CW practice net on 7100 (on every day w/ 5 wpm continuous<br />

xmsn). Signal was fairly constant S3 until starting to fade after 1545.<br />

Horn mx 1459 fol by man ann and more Horn mx to 1500 then man ann to 1507.<br />

An A Capella group w/ ethnic mx 1524-28, man ann 1530-35, more Horn mx to<br />

1542 then at 1543.5 to 1542 a man talking w/ ocnl woman annmt. Ended w/<br />

more Horn mx to 1555 tune out. This is a tough one on West Coast w/ B<strong>BC</strong> and<br />

RTI QRM from 71<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 24)<br />

ETHIOPIA 9561 on 23/1 at 1630 UT. R Ethiopia 333 id you're tune to the<br />

external sce of Radio Ethiopia, local time info 0730pm, nx by yl, requested<br />

songs.<br />

(Tony Ashar, Depok-INS, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 27)<br />

FINLAND Excerpt from website (after tip<br />

by Roy Sandgren on the SWE<strong>DX</strong> mailing list; the website includes also<br />

various photos of the m/v St.Paul):<br />

Radio 756 AM & SONNET RADIO Aland, Scandinavia<br />

The MV St.Paul will be the home of Radio 756. Currently moored up in the<br />

fishing harbour in Korvic, Mariehamn, Aland. The St.Paul will be going<br />

through a refit from next spring. It's planned to have two studios and a<br />

UHF link to the main Studio and Transmitter site 8 km away. Radio 756 plan<br />

to use the 10 kW license on 756 kHz and SW freqs for Pan-European coverage.<br />

LATEST NEWS: Due to the recent discrepancies with the 603 kHz License with<br />

Pirate Radio 603 & Radio Scandinavia, all radio license applications have<br />

been frozen until May 20<strong>05</strong>. This has delayed our application for 756KHz.<br />

For more information email: <br />

Note-BT 1: 756 kHz is licensed for Mariehamn, Finland (Aland Islands) with<br />

10kW in the Geneva Frequency Plan 1975.<br />

Note-BT 2: Sonnet Radio Europe was a Cyprus-based operation with UK<br />

background which in autumn 2003 was announced to start on SW, but did not<br />

make it to the air. The website of the production company.<br />

RTIDigital with information about this project is no<br />

longer active. The project involved a.o. Mike West who joined the team of<br />

Pirate Radio 603 in Finland in autumn 2004. (Bernd Trutenau via MW<strong>DX</strong> Dec<br />

23, 2004)<br />

FRANCE 702 Monaco. RMCInfo is again on the air (Monday-Thursday) on 702<br />

kHz from 1400-1600 hours local.<br />

981 Paris. Ciel AM on 981 kHz, is no longer on the air, their web site is<br />

also closed.<br />

1080 Paris. From <strong>Jan</strong>uary 25th, two new stations will be on the air in<br />

Paris.<br />

Daytime (0700-2000 hours local [0600-1900 UT]) programme of Radio de la Mer<br />

www. radiodelamer.com

Nightly (2000-0700 hours local [1900-0600 UT]) programme of Paris Live<br />

Radio (PLR) in English <br />

These two stations will be available 24 hours on Internet and satellite.<br />

1584 Strasbourg. Since <strong>Jan</strong>uary 3rd, RMCInfo is on the air on 1584 kHz; the<br />

tx is [more] powerful than the Metz's one, maybe 5 kW.<br />

(Christian Ghibaudo-F, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 6; and others via ARC MVeko <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

Strassbourg 1584 ahead on dial in Stuttgart Germany during daytime. (wb)<br />

FRANCE/LIBYA Some observation in 1600-1800 UT block.<br />

1600-1630 Central Nx Bulletin by "Radio [not Voice!] Jamahiriya Great"<br />

reported on 675 711 1251 1449 15220 17840 kHz.<br />

1630 on 675 1449 progr "Istiklal Sudan" (pres), test tones on 711 1251<br />

15220 17840; (more exactly whizz tone).<br />

1645 (Fris & Sats 1655) 15220 17840 close down.<br />

1648 (Fris & Sats 1655) whizz sound on 711 1251 15220 15615 15660 kHz.<br />

15220 seems likely direct from Libya.<br />

1655 on 1251. On Sats usually carrying a speech of Pres. Muammar Ghaddafi.<br />

1700-1715 "Radio Jamahiriya Great" prayer progr, 711 1251 11860 15220 15615<br />

15660 kHz.<br />

1715-1800 Opens "Voice of Africa" progr, bells, pips, ID like "Saout<br />

Afrikiy min jamahiriya" on 711 1251 11860 only.<br />

1715-1730 "Radio Jamahiriya Great" on 675 1449 kHz.<br />

At 1825 "Voice of Africa" progr already on 711 1251 9485 11715 11860 15615<br />

kHz. At same time "Radio Jamahiriya Great" on 675 972 1125 1449 kHz.<br />

Signals between 1000-1600 UT were too weak. But on SWs are two different<br />

programs, not only "Voice of Africa". For example at 14<strong>05</strong> UT noted three<br />

different programs on 675, 1251/1449, and 21675 kHz. (Rumen Pankov-BUL,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 14)<br />

Winter B-04 schedule for LJB Voice of Africa:<br />

1000-1100 21695<br />

1100-1230 17695, 21485, 21675, 21695<br />

1230-1400 21675, 21695<br />

1400-1500 21675<br />

1600-1700 15220, 17840<br />

1700-1800 11860, 15220, 15615, 15660<br />

1800-1900 9485, 11635, 11715, 11860<br />

1900-2030 11635, 11715<br />

2030-2130 11635<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct/Nov)<br />

Good reception here in BUL for Radio Centreafrique in French:<br />

1700-2257 on 9590 ISS 500 kW / 156 deg,1900-2000 blocked by VOA in Turkish<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

FRANCE/VATICAN STATE Vatican Radio Central European programmes now<br />

relayed by both MonteCarlo freqs 702 and 1467 kHz.<br />

As interferences on 1467 kHz were growing, the station had decided to try<br />

702 kHz (beam 65 , power 400 kW) also from Roumoules in Southern France.<br />

About 702 kHz, listeners report good reception in North-East Italy. Also in<br />

Rome the signal is good but some QRM comes from Turkey as well as<br />

interferences are reported in Prague, likely from Radio Regina Kosice,<br />

Slovakia. Central European programmes open with Hungarian at 1810 UT and

close down with German at 1920-1940. Frequency from Montecarlo 702 and 1467<br />

kHz, from Rome 1530 kHz. Reports are welcome. Vatican Radio, 00120 Vatican<br />

City.<br />

(via Play<strong>DX</strong> via <strong>BC</strong>LNews.it via dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 28)<br />

FRENCH GUYANA 15265 R. Franca Internacional. Recebida carta QSL. 385<br />

dias.<br />

V/S: Fabrice Esnav - Responsavel pelo Grupo Maintenance.<br />

QTH: Telediffusion de France S.A - Groupe France Telecom, Delegation.<br />

Territoriale de Guyane. P.O. Box 7024, 97307 Cayenne Cedex<br />

Tel: +594 35 <strong>05</strong>50 - Fax +594 35 <strong>05</strong>55 (FJS)<br />

(Francisco Jackson dos Santos, RJ-Brazil, ConDig <strong>Jan</strong> 24)<br />

GABON 4777 Radio Gabon, at *<strong>05</strong>32-<strong>05</strong>50 on <strong>Jan</strong> 20, open with a woman<br />

talking in French, segment of highlife vocals, more talk by the woman<br />

followed by a man hosting a highlife vocals program. Fair. Again, at *<strong>05</strong>39-<br />

0620 on <strong>Jan</strong> 23, opening late with a woman talking in French followed by<br />

highlife mx program. ID at top of the hour followed by nx program. Fair but<br />

beginning to fade out during the news.<br />

4890, Radio France International, at 0428-0450 on <strong>Jan</strong> 21, French pop vocal<br />

followed by a man with ID. A man and woman gave the nx from 0430. Good<br />

signal.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 23)<br />

15475 Africa #1 at 1659 UT in French. Not usually reported on this freq.<br />

Poor signal, QRM. (Liz Cameron-MI-USA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 23)<br />

GERMANY Radio555 via Nauen site. I heard Radio555 on both 6110 kHz and<br />

6015 kHz this evening (my time) - 0730-0830 UTC. Are these txions coming<br />

via Juelich?<br />

"Dear Wayne, the program were transmitted from Station Nauen.<br />

Very best, Ralf Weyl, T-systems Juelich." (Wayne Bastow, via AR<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

6015 kHz Wer sendet zur Zeit (1315 UTC [Saturday!]) auf 6015 kHz?<br />

Kennt jemand die Adresse? (Michael Lindner-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 29)<br />

T-systems Juelich an <strong>der</strong> Hollaend. Grenze. Nur Samtags 1200-1459 UT.<br />

6015 1200-1459 27W,28S,36 ND 7=samstags 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TDP<br />

siehe <br />

Maeva FM International 1300-1500 6015 AM .....s. Dutch Europe<br />

TDPradio 1500-1600 6015 DRM .....s. English Europe<br />

und auch noch Sonntags ein Haeppchen auf gleicher Frequenz:<br />

6015 Die Stimme des Trostes vom Schweizer Missionswerk Arche - Ebnat-<br />

Kappel, erweitert die Sendungen. Ab 02.01.20<strong>05</strong> sendet man jeweils Sonntags<br />

von 1200-1215 UT auf 6015 kHz. Unveraen<strong>der</strong>t bleibt <strong>der</strong> Sendeplatz am<br />

Samstag von <strong>05</strong>15-<strong>05</strong>30 UT auf 1440 kHz ueber RTL-Radio.<br />

(Stimme des Trostes 2004-11 via Andreas I. 16.11.2004; via Dr. Hansjoerg<br />

Biener-D, ntt Nov 30)<br />

German queries - I am in the process of finalising Medium Wave Report for<br />

the February B<strong>DX</strong>C Communication and have a couple of queries.<br />

990 kHz - is Berlin Britz site still off the air or is it back on now? (dk)<br />

Yes, still off the air (<strong>Jan</strong> 23). They repaired the (first) fastening wire<br />

on the antenna mast, but discovered another fastening damage then. So need<br />

few more days til DLR Britz will remain on air again. (wb)

... confirmed by yours truly just yesterday on the spot. 855 almost blew my<br />

radio into pieces, but nothing on 990. (kl)<br />

(Berlin) Oranienburg Rehmate Zehlendorf:<br />

693 kHz - do you know what times this tx is on the air with DRM. Does it<br />

carry DRM Voice of Russia 24/7. Is it always in simulcast AM+DRM? (dk)<br />

The last question first: yes, they have got permission on simulcast mode<br />

test til Dec 31, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

All observers noted simulcast txions on 693 kHz since Dec 19th 2004,<br />

despite the 250 kW unit (in AM mode, DRM/Simulcast with 60 kW on air) can<br />

handle three different modes: AM, DRM, simulcast. (wb)<br />

so I guess 693 kHz is always in \\ . (dk)<br />

Yes, it is the very same feed.<br />


603 / 20 / Berlin-Zehlendorf / D / 0000-2300 UT.<br />

By the way, output on 603 kHz is 20 kW. 5 kW were used from the now defunct<br />

Uhlenhorst/Mahlsdorf site within Berlin, but from Zehlendorf a bit more<br />

power is necessary to produce a city-grade signal in Berlin. (kl)<br />

so 693 kHz is always in \\ . B U T, 693 kHz PC deco<strong>der</strong> for DRM/simulcast<br />

needs 11[!!] seconds more time. Once you miss something on 603 / SW<br />

transmissions, you will 'catch' the item some 11 seconds later on 693 kHz,<br />

hi ! That's DRM technic, forget the time signal pips 'on the hour' then.<br />

(wb)<br />

(dk - Dave Kenny-UK Br<strong>DX</strong>C, kl - Kai Ludwig-D, wb - wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 23)<br />

Additional txions for Brother Stair via Deutsche Telekom T-Systems<br />

2200-2300 on 59<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 kW / 295 deg to NoAmEa<br />

2200-2300 on 5960 JUL 100 kW / 295 deg to NoAmEa<br />

2200-2300 on 6015 JUL 100 kW / 300 deg to NoAmEa<br />

0100-0200 on 5900 JUL 100 kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg to NoAmEa<br />

0100-0200 on 5960 JUL 100 kW / 295 deg to NoAmEa<br />

0100-0200 on 6130 JUL 100 kW / 295 deg to NoAmEa<br />

0100-0200 on 6155 JUL 100 kW / 320 deg to NoAmWe<br />

0100-0200 on 9435 JUL 100 kW / 110 deg to ME<br />

0100-0200 on 9485 JUL 100 kW / 080 deg to SoEaAs<br />

0100-0200 on 9590 JUL 100 kW / 295 deg to NoAmEa<br />

0100-0200 on 9640 JUL 100 kW / 320 deg to NoAmWe<br />

0100-0200 on 9785 JUL 100 kW / 090 deg to SoAs<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

Experimental station 440.044 kHz DI2AG, 500 mW, on weekends sometimes 3<br />

watt, see picture of the station un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

DI call is reserved for experimental transmissions. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong><br />

24)<br />

Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong> says that "most likely" Ismaning 6085 kHz will be converted<br />

from AM to DRM as of April 1st. Also effective April 1st Zehlendorf 177<br />

will switch to DRM (I un<strong>der</strong>stand from his wording that it will be "pure"<br />

DRM, i.e. no simulcast mode) and Berlin-Britz 855 always run DRM as well.<br />

Original posting:<br />

<br />

Well, for the time being is 990 still silent and 855 run 24h/7d in AM as a<br />

substitute, as if there would be a need for it (Deutschlandradio Berlin has

full FM coverage in the area still served by the Berlin-Britz mediumwave<br />

outlets as they are today).<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 28)<br />

13820 - THE VOICE<br />

Hoy sabado 22, desde las 1615 hasta las 1725, cuando ha desaparecido la<br />

senal por completo, he estado escuchando una emisora que se identificaba<br />

como THE VOICE. Tengo que reconocer que no he estado muy atento porque han<br />

dado varias veces su direccion y telefono en Inglaterra, pero no lo he<br />

grabado, asi como su pagina web, que me da la sensacion que es<br />

www.voiceafrica.com, aunque esta en construccion. Durante su programa han<br />

dado lectura a cartas procedentes de Africa y aparte de mxa pop han dicho<br />

en varias ocasiones que se trataba de una transmision piloto.<br />

De 1630 a 1700 hubo interferencia de la FVM, que no se muy bien a que<br />

corresponde., pero se trataba de un programa religioso en ingles.<br />

¨Sabe alguien algo mas acerca de esta misteriosa emisora, al menos para mi?<br />

(Ignacio Sotomayor, Segovia-ESP; dxld, <strong>Jan</strong> 22)<br />

13820 T-Systems site Wertachtal 250 kW, 1<strong>05</strong> degr. Sats only / Sabados.<br />

13820 1630-1700 39,40 1<strong>05</strong>deg 7=Sat 0101-2703<strong>05</strong> WER 250 FVM

1955 nahm Ewald Frank an den Versammlungen des US-Evangelisten William M.<br />

Branham (1909-1965) in Karlsruhe teil, die einen bleibenden Eindruck bei<br />

ihm hinterliessen. 1959 begann er, Branhams Predigten zu uebersetzen. In<br />

<strong>der</strong> Selbstdarstellung heisst es ueber William M. Branham: "Wir glauben und<br />

nehmen dankbar an, dass Gott William Branham als ein auserwaehltes<br />

Ruestzeug in unserer Zeit wie Paulus damals auf uebernatuerliche Weise<br />

berufen und fuer die Gesamtgemeinde zum Segen gesetzt hat." Man beansprucht<br />

die Heilige Schrift als alleinige Quelle, vollkommene Grundlage und einzige<br />

Richtschnur <strong>der</strong> Lehre und lehnt die spaetere Lehrbildung <strong>der</strong> Kirche ab.<br />

Nicht nur dadurch unterscheidet man sich von fast allen christlichen<br />

Kirchen, son<strong>der</strong>n auch durch die markante Lehre vom "Schlangensamen". Die<br />

Schlange sei urspruenglich ein dem Menschen sehr aehnliches Geschoepf<br />

gewesen, ein Bindeglied <strong>der</strong> Evolution zwischen <strong>der</strong> Tierwelt und dem<br />

Menschen. Durch die sexuelle Verbindung <strong>der</strong> Schlange mit Eva sei ein<br />

Schlangensame von Menschen in die Menschheitsgeschichte gekommen, <strong>der</strong> nun<br />

mit den eigentlichen Kin<strong>der</strong>n Adams konkurriere, Gott hoechstens aeusserlich<br />

dient, im Herzen jedoch boese ist.<br />

1960 begruendeten Ewald Frank, Leonhard Russ und Paul Schmidt mit<br />

Hauskreisen die heutige Gemeinde. 1964 wurde die Freie Volksmission Krefeld<br />

gemeinnuetzig anerkannt. 1974 konnte das eigene Gotteshaus mit 550<br />

Sitzplaetzen eingeweiht werden. Ende <strong>der</strong> siebziger Jahre wurde das<br />

Missions-Zentrum vergroessert. Seit 1992 hat man auch ein eigenes Druck-<br />

und Verlagshaus. Hier werden Broschueren und Buecher in acht Sprachen<br />

aufgelegt und weltweit versandt. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong><br />

23)<br />

Auf <strong>der</strong> von Wolf Harranth gestalteten Seite .... gibt<br />

es eine sehr interessante schriftliche Abhandlung ueber die Clandestine-<br />

Station "Deutscher Freiheitssen<strong>der</strong>".<br />

<br />

(Rudolf Heinz-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

o<strong>der</strong> besser<br />

und auch<br />

Registersuche 'Freiheitssen<strong>der</strong>'.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 21)<br />

Der Sen<strong>der</strong> 904 gehoerte 1956 bis 1960 - neben dem RIAS - zum<br />

Pflichtprogramm <strong>der</strong> Musikinteressierten. Zumal in einer Zeit, als beim<br />

Betriebsfunk im Polytechnischen Kombinat selbst 50% <strong>der</strong> Musik vom<br />

Tanzorchester Kurt Henckels - MDR Leipzig im Giftschrank <strong>der</strong><br />

Parteifunktionaere verschwand. Solche Engstirnigkeit findet heute wohl nur<br />

noch in Pyoengyang statt. Ab 1958 gab es dann auch die Wahl fuer das RTL<br />

Programm auf 1439 und 6090 kHz. Die dritten Programme kamen erst 10 Jahre<br />

spaeter auf. (wb)<br />

GREECE Die griechische Lokalstation ERA Nea Orestiada 1080 kHz<br />

bestaetigte meinen Empfangsbericht mit <strong>der</strong> beigelegten PPC, einem teildet.<br />

Brief und einer Ansichtskarte innerhalb von 14 Tagen.<br />

QTH: Euripidou 35, 68200 Nea Orestiada.<br />

e-mail: und <br />

v/s Socrates Gougoulidis, Director of radio station.<br />

Hier sind noch einige Infos aus dem Brief:Orestiada ist eine Kleinstadt in<br />

<strong>der</strong> Naehe <strong>der</strong> griechisch-tuerkischen Grenze und wurde 1923 gegruendet. ERA

Nea Orestiada sendet Lokalprogramme von 0800-1400 Ortszeit auf UKW 103,5<br />

MHz & 101,0 MHz sowie auf <strong>der</strong> MW 1080 kHz. (Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 23)<br />

GUINEA 1585.9 Guinee at excellent levels all evenings and mornings as<br />

well.<br />

(Stig Hartvig Nielsen-DEN, touring in SoWePOR, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W NL; <strong>Jan</strong> 5-9)<br />

INDONESIA 3325 RRI Palangkaraya 1125 to 1140 UT with yl in lang followed<br />

by mx, strong \\ 4925 RRI Jambi. (15 <strong>Jan</strong>.)<br />

46<strong>05</strong> RRI Serui 1220 to 1230 UT om with nx [?], \\ 4750 RRI Makassar, \\<br />

4790 RRI Fak Fak and \\ 4925 RRI Jambi. At 1230 UT, 4790 and 4925 broke<br />

away for own programs. (12 <strong>Jan</strong>.)<br />

(Robert Wilkner-USA, JPNpremium <strong>Jan</strong> 21)<br />

4870.91 RRI Wamena (pres.), Must be this one back on at 1024 UT. (18 <strong>Jan</strong>)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 22)<br />

3976.<strong>05</strong> RRI Pontianak, at 1114 UT pleasant Pop ballad, 1115 deep-voiced M<br />

anncr, poss. RRI ID. 1116-1118 tlk segment by dif. M w/ment of INS. Into<br />

choral mx 1118-1124, then Indo Lagu. Suddenly off in mid-song at 1136:23,<br />

but back on at 1152 check. Jakarta nx relay at 1200, \\ 3325. Some Ham QRM.<br />

3325 RRI Palangkaraya, two signals were here; 3325.07 (pres. Bougainville)<br />

and this on 3325. 3325.07 suddenly went off at 1153:34 leaving Palangkaraya<br />

in the clear w/pleasant Indo Lagu, SCI at 1158, 1200 M w/TC and RRI nx<br />

ID/intro, and said warta berita w/actualities. Horrible SSB traffic QRM<br />

after abt 1210.<br />

4925, RRI Jambi, As soon as I tuned in at 1226, hrd a canned ID/promo by M<br />

ending Jakarta nx relay, then usual choral nx theme. 1227 very brief anmnt<br />

by W, mx filler, then M w/canned ID/promo. 1229 live studio M and (same) W<br />

anncrs in discussion. Soft Lagu at 1257 check, deadair at 1259, instru.<br />

percussion 1300, what sounded like more deadair, then extremely weak<br />

modulated tlk and mx after 1301. Surprised how strong this was at t/in.<br />

Still there at 1328 check. Seems irregular. (Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 22)<br />

558 Radio Suara Juwana, Juwana-Pati, C Java, has not been heard for some<br />

time and may be inactive or moved to FM. 1116 RRI Pekanbaru is inactive.<br />

Pekanbaru is still on 927 kHz with a split schedule. 1251 RRI Banda Aceh<br />

not confirmed after the tsunami 1278v RPD Kabupaten Bogor (Radio Tegar<br />

Beriman, Cibinong, Bogor) has moved to FM 95.3 MHz and is now inactive on<br />

MW. The Bogor stations on 873 and 1170 kHz have also been heard recently<br />

simulcasting on FM at times, so their days on mediumwave could be numbered.<br />

On a positive note, some new MW stations heard since Nov 2004 are listed<br />

below. IDs are mostly 'as heard', so their spelling may vary: 720 Radio<br />

Gracia 720 AM, Jakarta (news/Christian) 783 no ID heard yet, but I'm pretty<br />

sure it must be new RRI Ende, with local nx reports and 'radiogram' family<br />

messages for S Flores area, Nusa Tenggara Timur, and also frequent RRI nx<br />

relays from Jakarta.<br />

1026 Radio Deva (or Diva), Denpasar area, Bali 1251 RKPD Probolinggo, E<br />

Java, has been inactive for some time, but the freq has been on again<br />

intermittently since Sep 2004 with the ID 'Bromo FM' and announcing 88.3<br />

MHz. (Alan Davis-INS, ARC MVeko <strong>Jan</strong> 4)<br />

3960 on 24/1 at 1345 UT. RRI Palu, 422 om marno w/ phone in<br />

reports/questions/want help on 6.2 earthquake aftermath - panic stricken<br />

people reminding possible tsunami threat as in aceh - fleeing from houses<br />

in refuge - black out in some housing area - police & army personnel keep

on guard - commanding post for the right info - 15<strong>05</strong> time info 23<strong>05</strong> local<br />

time - 1507 ID. (Tony Ashar, Depok-INS, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 27)<br />

3325 RRI Palangkarya, at 1100-1200 UT INSn comments by a woman and man. At<br />

1200 UT nx given by a man. Noticed Tsumani mentioned often. Signal was<br />

poor.<br />

3266.39 RRI Gorontalo, at 1214-1220 UT Basically just indonesian comments<br />

by a man and woman. Signal was threshold the period.<br />

3344.96 RRI Ternate, at 1221-1234 UT Woman with nx and cut aways to others.<br />

Signal was fair.<br />

3904.94 RRI Merauke, at 1223-1235 UT, Generally mx here (RAP) and talk by a<br />

man. Signal was poor.<br />

Someone once told me that during February to April is when INS is best<br />

heard here in Florida. (Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 22)<br />

IRAQ AM stations (all freqs in kHz)<br />

594 People's (Al-Nas) Radio - 0400-1500<br />

603 Republic of Iraq Radio - southern Iraq<br />

675 Republic of Iraq Radio (parallel with 98.3 MHz) - <strong>05</strong>00-1510<br />

756 Information Radio<br />

909 Radio Nahrain (IMN), Basra<br />

999 Radio Bilad (Lands) - <strong>05</strong>00-1300<br />

1030 Al-Salam Radio - 0700-1700<br />

1035 Al-Salam Radio - 0700-1700 (alternative to 1030 kHz)<br />

1071 Radio Babil (IMN), Hilla<br />

1116 Dar al-Salam Radio - <strong>05</strong>00-1800 (parallel with 1152 kHz and 91.0 MHz)<br />

1152 Dar al-Salam Radio - <strong>05</strong>00-1800 (parallel with 1116 kHz and 91.0 MHz)<br />

1179 Voice of Iraq - 0400-1800<br />

1206 Voice of the People of Kurdistan, in Arabic and Kurdish<br />

13<strong>05</strong> Al-Mustaqbal Radio (parallel with 95.5 MHz) - 0600-1700<br />

1395 Al-Mustaqbal Radio (frequency in southern Iraq -\\ with 95.5 MHz)<br />

1593 Radio Free Iraq, in Arabic/VoA in English, Kurdish, Persian<br />

German foreign ministry funds election radio programme in Iraq<br />

Since 20 Dec 2004, a German Fe<strong>der</strong>al Foreign Office-funded radio programme<br />

has been broadcast in Iraq to provide information on the elections<br />

scheduled for 30 <strong>Jan</strong> 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

The concept for the radio programme was developed by Anja Wollenberg and<br />

Klaas Glenewinkel and it is being produced with the help of the Friedrich<br />

Ebert Foundation in Amman. The Fe<strong>der</strong>al Foreign Office is providing 150,000<br />

euro in funding for the project.<br />

A total of 25 young Iraqi journalists make up the editorial team, producing<br />

features on the election process at various locations throughout the<br />

country. They are intended to give Iraqis from different political parties<br />

and ethnic groups an opportunity to be heard.<br />

These features are then sent via the internet to Berlin, where a German-<br />

Iraqi editorial team produces a 30-minute radio programme based on this<br />

audio material. The finished product is then transmitted to Iraq via<br />

satellite or the internet, where it is broadcast five days a week on Radio<br />

Dijla (in Al-Anbar, Diyala, Babil, Wasit, Salah ad-Din and Baghdad<br />

provinces), Voice of Kurdistan (in Dahuk province) and Karbala FM (in<br />

Karbala province). The programme is also broadcast via the Hotbird<br />

satellite and as audio on demand via the internet<br />

Voice of the People of Kurdistan, operated by the PUK, currently broadcasts<br />

on 1206 kHz mediumwave and 4025 kHz SW.<br />

Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan, operated by the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP),<br />

currently broadcasts on SW 6340 kHz and FM 91.4 MHz (Salah al-Din), 91.5<br />

MHz (Arbil) and 93.3 MHz (Dohuk).<br />

Radio Azadi, Voice of the Communist Party of Iraqi Kurdistan Voice of the<br />

Iraqi People, Voice of the Iraqi Communist Party - The station broadcasts<br />

from northern Iraq, possibly using Kurdish facilities.<br />

TV - The leading pan-Arab channel was Al-Arabiyah, followed by Al-Jazeera.<br />

These two shared almost two-thirds of the satellite TV audience in Iraq.<br />

(excerpt, B<strong>BC</strong>Monitoring 24 <strong>Jan</strong> <strong>05</strong> via dxld)<br />

'Radio Raj' found on 6315.2 kHz here on <strong>Jan</strong> 26 from 1650 UT. Did not close<br />

at 1700v as noticed here previously but continued to past 1740 when<br />

weakened and faded out. Only one annt observed all this time, at 1721-1722<br />

when male mentioned 'Raj' more time talking over mx which makes proper ID<br />

difficult. Peaked ard 1700. Other times non-stop songs.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 26)<br />

Location, target, language has been traced already ? (wb)<br />

Cland: Radio Roj? on 6315 with Kurdish songs at 1617 UT on <strong>Jan</strong> 23, S3.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC)<br />

Yep, I guess they've moved here (ex6310). Noted first on 19 <strong>Jan</strong> on almost<br />

even 6315.0, today 26 <strong>Jan</strong> about 6315.2 kHz. At times they play real "heavy<br />

rock" tunes (maybe Turkish) and then again to patriotic ballads. (Jari<br />

Savolainen-FIN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 26)<br />

ISRAEL Freqs changes for Kol Israel:<br />

1500-1625 Sun-Thu&1500-1600 Fri/Sat Persian NF 7420,NF 15760, ex116<strong>05</strong>,17535<br />

1600-1625 Fri Russian, 1600-1625 Sat Ladino NF 7420,NF 15760, ex116<strong>05</strong>,17535<br />

1630-1645 Daily Music px, 1645-1655 Daily Spanish, 1700-1725 Daily Yiddish,<br />

1725-1745 Daily Romanian, 1745-1755 Daily Hungarian NF 15760, ex17535<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />


Yediot Ahronot had an article regarding two FM txs which were stolen from<br />

the Kol Israel tx site in Nebe Samuel, near Jerusalem. One was used for<br />

Reshet Alef / Moreshet (98.4 MHz 4 kW) and the other was from REQA (101.3<br />

MHz 1 kW).<br />

The Hebrew article starts off saying that, "Kol Israel is breaking their<br />

heads to figure out how, why and particularly how, did they steal two<br />

gigantic [sic] radio txs?"<br />

Listeners in the impacted area have been told to listen to the MW (AM)<br />

freqs.<br />

The article states that after listeners called in to complain, management<br />

put up a sign inside the broadcasting office saying, "To our sorrow, the<br />

txs have been stolen. Please explain this to our listeners."<br />

Reshet Aleph's homepage (Hebrew), http://aleph.iba.org.il/ also mentions<br />

the lack of 98.4 ... and explains that it's due to "reasons not dependent<br />

upon us."<br />

The Kol Israel REQA (New Immigrant's) network broadcasts in foreign (non-<br />

Hebrew) langs. This includes the Kol Israel English radio news, which is<br />

relayed on SW and the Internet.

The article is not on the Internet. It's not even on Yediot's pay website -<br />

but can be obtained directly from Yediot's offices. I have searched the<br />

other Israeli newspaper websites and couldn't find anything. (<strong>Jan</strong> 5; via<br />

Doni Rosenzweig-ISR, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 24)<br />

ITALY [SICILY] Today at 1045 UT long wave tx from Caltanissetta on LW<br />

189 kHz went off air forever.<br />

189 disattivati!!! Durante la mattinata e stato definitivamente disattivato<br />

l'impianto ad onda lunga di Caltanissetta. non hanno spento domenica sera<br />

come previsto poiche non era ancora arrivato il materiale. Stamattina e<br />

arrivata la nuova cabina di sintonia per le onde medie e stanno smontando<br />

la vecchia per effettuare i lavori di muratura e per trasferire in un<br />

locale temporaneo l'accordo dei 567 kHz, i 189 kHz sono andati per sempre.<br />

(Roberto Scaglione-I, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 19)<br />

567 Bologna. Radio 1 + regional from the Bologna/Budrio tx is switching<br />

from 1116 to 567 kHz. Both freqs are presently on the air in parallel, but<br />

from next week, according to RayWay, 1116 will be closed down.<br />

(Stefano Valianti-I via MWC e-mail nx Dec 17, 2004; via ARC MVeko)<br />

(Main regional programmes for Emilia-Romagna at 0620 UT)<br />

21520 RAI at 1655 in Italian. Fair but clear. Sunday only. No \\ 's heard.<br />

(Liz Cameron-MI-USA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 23)<br />

RAI Rome Mon-Fris<br />

1400-1425 17780 21520<br />

1500-1525 9670 11800 11900<br />

1500-1525 9670 11800<br />

On Sundays at 1350-1730v UT, the following freqs may be used for news or<br />

CALCIO sports broadcasts in Italian: 9670 21520 21550 21710 kHz.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 24)<br />

RAI still with foreign langs?? (Glenn Hauser)<br />

Due to LOUSY prop condition in last five days, heard tonight usual BIRD<br />

CHIRPING on all three channels RAI's IS signal before the txion starts.<br />

2<strong>05</strong>0-2110 11880 15250 Portuguese<br />

6125 2115-2225 UT to EaEUR<br />

Yes, heard Italian canzones at 2130-2134, then Italian National Anthem!<br />

2300-<strong>05</strong>00 657 900 1332 6060.<br />

And at 2300 UT SW 6060 kHz joined night progr on 657, 900, and 1332 kHz.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 28)<br />

JORDAN 61<strong>05</strong> Radio Jordan. On <strong>Jan</strong> 18 at 2040-2106 UT. SINPO 33332.<br />

Arabian songs and telephone interview in Arabic. Time pips for 2100,<br />

followed by news.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, <strong>Jan</strong> 21) [Tanzania also noted on 61<strong>05</strong>, wb.]<br />

KOREA D.P.R. All the countries aspiring after independence should<br />

counter with high vigilance the US moves to split and disintegrate them<br />

from within, clearly seeing their reactionary and dangerous nature, warns<br />

Nodong Sinmun Sunday [23 <strong>Jan</strong>] in a signed article.<br />

It goes on: Those countries which are chosen as targets of these schemes of<br />

the US are, without exception, socialist countries, independent countries<br />

opposed to imperialism, countries disobedient to it and situated at<br />

strategic vantages.

What draws attention in its split and disintegration moves is that it is<br />

intensifying slan<strong>der</strong>ous false propaganda against the political systems,<br />

policies and lea<strong>der</strong>ship of those countries and pressure upon them in an<br />

effort to discredit their lea<strong>der</strong>ship.<br />

Also noteworthy is it that the US is increasing support to the anti- govt<br />

forces in relevant countries and building up their strength, thereby<br />

fostering the fight for power between different political forces and<br />

creating internal split and political instability in a bid to find pretexts<br />

for interference in internal affairs and pressure and blackmail.<br />

The US is seeking to sap the morale of the people, whip up dissatisfaction<br />

among them and disturb public sentiments in the countries which have become<br />

the targets of its aggression and interference by distorting their<br />

realities in or<strong>der</strong> to bring their internal political situation to a<br />

complicate phase.<br />

Special mention should be made of the fact that the US is foolishly<br />

attempting to disintegrate and degenerate the interior of the DPRK<br />

[Democratic People's Republic of Korea] so as to destroy its single- minded<br />

unity and realize the "collapse of its system" by increasing the<br />

broadcasting hour of "Free Asia" towards it and massively infiltrating into<br />

it portable transistor radios and impure publications and video materials.<br />

Such stratagem can never work with the DPRK, even though it may go with<br />

other countries.<br />

If vigilance is dulled against such US moves, they may bring no less<br />

serious consequences than open military aggression.<br />

(KCNA nx agency, 23 <strong>Jan</strong> via B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld)<br />

LAOS Habe gestern die 7145 gecheckt, relativ duennes Signal gegen 1230 px<br />

in CBG (vielleicht auch VTN - [VTN rather 1200-1230 wb.] ), 1300<br />

Franzoesisch mit starkem asiatischem Akzent, 1330 Englisch. Signal wurde im<br />

Laufe des Abends immer schwaecher, das QRM hielt sich in Grenzen.<br />

Offensichtlich ist um 1400 Sendeschluss.<br />

[reg 2330-0030, <strong>05</strong>00-0630, 1130-1400 UT, wb.]<br />

Die Chancen Laos auf 6130 kHz in Europa zu hoeren, sind jetzt wohl auch<br />

eher gering, denn heute morgen beobachtete ich das s-on erst um ca. 2350<br />

UT, frueher (o<strong>der</strong> ganz frueher?) war es gegen 2200 UT. Zu hoeren gab es<br />

einen laotischen Schlager (Titel frei uebersetzt: "Heimweh nach Luang<br />

Prabang"), dann eine kurze Ansage, 2359 dann kurzes IS mit Big-Ben<br />

aehnlichem TS, ID und Nachrichten.<br />

Neu 1170 VoA Poro PHL habe ich noch nicht gecheckt.<br />

In den naechsten Tagen gehe ich mal kurz ueber die Grenze nach CBG, melde<br />

mich dann von Trat aus. (Uwe Volk-THA/CBG, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 27)<br />

LATVIA 9290 If you are a programme producer and would like to be heard<br />

all over Europe on short wave with a solid signal look no more.<br />

1/ Operated by KREBS-TV in Ulbroka Latvia, It is a Good way to be heard.<br />

2/ The cost is low - 30 English pounds for 1 hour<br />

3/ The freq is 9290 kHz<br />

4/ The power is 100 kW<br />

5/ The tx site-Ulbroka near Riga in Latvia<br />

6/ Beamed to Europe.<br />

For more information visit this website<br />

If you are interested in this relay sce please E-mail - and we will Pass your message on to KREBS-TV in Ulbroka.<br />

(Tom Taylor-UK, EMR, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

LITHUANIA Radio Baltic Waves slightly changed the relay of Voice of<br />

Russia via Vilnius 612 (100 kW); the current programme feed is 0800-1000 UT<br />

VOR Russkoye Mezhdunarodnoye Radio, 1000-1400 UT VOR Radiokanal<br />

Sodruzhestvo, 1400-1600 UT VOR Russkoye Mezhdunarodnoye Radio. (Bernd<br />

Trutenau-LTU, mwdx <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

LUXEMBOURG 1440 The new TRAM 2ž300 kW tx was commissioned in Marnach on<br />

20.12.2004. The tx is DRM capable and is now being used in the DRM mode<br />

from 0000 to 0400 (Sun 0430) using 120 kW in 320 deg and daily at 0800-1700<br />

using 240 kW in 45 deg.<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D and others; via ARC MVeko <strong>Jan</strong> 17)<br />

1440 silent period at 0003-0030 UT (slightly ariable). (Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 13)<br />

Correction:<br />

Already the next day I sent another message informing that this silent<br />

period appeared to be gone. This is unfortunately also true, no more<br />

silence heard (except for a min or two for switching). The silent period<br />

had been regular up to that date.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 21)<br />

MALAYSIA/MEXICO Around 40 freq managers of 18 SW broadcasters have<br />

converged in Kuala Lumpur since Monday for an Asia-Pacific Broadcasting<br />

Union (ABU) conference on reducing interference to SW sces. The first two<br />

days of the 20<strong>05</strong> Coordination Conference of the ABU Shortwave Coordination<br />

Group, ABU-HFC, saw significant success achieved towards this end. The<br />

conference hopes to address freq channel requirements for more than 6,700<br />

daily SW broadcasts by using coordination methods and complex software<br />

tools.<br />

The recent tsunami calamity has un<strong>der</strong>scored the critical importance of<br />

shortwave radio in bringing disaster warnings and new of relief efforts to<br />

the affected population, and the need to keep it free from interference.<br />

The ABU-HFC Steering Committee also met on Monday and made some crucial<br />

decisions on the functions of the group.<br />

(ABU; via RNW MN NL, via Mike Terry-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>Jan</strong> 27)<br />

MEXICO - HFCC A<strong>05</strong> MEXICO CITY FEB 7-11, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Found this detailed introduction via the XEEP website, which could also be<br />

useful to anyone else contemplating visiting the DF:<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 24)<br />

HFCC, DRM MEETINGS IN MEXICO CITY, FEBRUARY 7-11, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

The A<strong>05</strong> seasonal meeting of the HFCC (High Frequency Coordinating<br />

Conference), sponsored by the NASB, the U.S. International Broadcasting<br />

Bureau and two Mexican SW stations, will take place in Mexico City February<br />

7-11, 20<strong>05</strong> at the Hotel Marquis Reforma.<br />

Former NASB President Jeff White of WRMI is organizing the event, along<br />

with a team of others including NASB Board member Dennis Dempsey of EWTN<br />

and current NASB President Doug Garlinger. All three will be present at the<br />

conference.<br />

At publication time, the number of delegates registered was 106. They will<br />

be coming from SW stations and regulatory authorities from around the world<br />

from the U.S., Canada, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.<br />

There will also be representatives of sponsoring organizations such as SW<br />

tx, antenna and component manufacturers.

NASB member station KNLS is sponsoring a coffee break, and associate member<br />

VT Communications is sponsoring an Internet Cafe. Associate member IBB will<br />

be sponsoring a major conference dinner, and associate members TCI<br />

Dielectric, Comet North America and Continental Electronics will be<br />

sponsoring coffee breaks throughout the one-week meeting. Riz Transmitters<br />

Co. of Croatia will also be sponsoring a major conference dinner. For those<br />

organizations who would like to sponsor an event at the HFCC Conference,<br />

there are still some coffee breaks available for $600 each. Contact Jeff<br />

White for more information at: <br />

This is the first time the HFCC and its sister organization ASBU (Arab<br />

States Broadcasting Union) have ever held a meeting in Latin America, and<br />

it is the first time that U.S. international broadcasting organizations<br />

(the NASB and the IBB) have sponsored an HFCC-ASBU Conference. It is rather<br />

fitting, as the first post-World War II effort to coordinate global HF<br />

broadcast freqs took place in Mexico City in 1948 and 1949.<br />

This HFCC-ASBU Conference will also be the first time that a DRM (Digital<br />

Radio Mondiale) Symposium has been held in conjunction with the event. On<br />

Wednesday, February 9, there will be a one-day DRM Symposium sponsored by<br />

the DRM Consortium, also at the Hotel Marquis Reforma. DRM is inviting<br />

Mexican radio stations, networks, producers, regulatory authorities, etc.<br />

to attend the Symposium and learn about the advantages of DRM for the<br />

Mexican radio industry.<br />

In conjunction with this Symposium and the HFCC Conference, Riz<br />

Transmitters Co. plans to do a live demonstration of DRM reception on 26<br />

MHz, and another tx company may do a demonstration of DRM on the AM band.<br />

Special permits are being issued by the Mexican Ministry of Communications<br />

for these DRM tests, and they are being conducted in cooperation with Radio<br />

Educacion, one of the conference co-sponsors.<br />

The DRM broadcasts will air the programming of Radio Educacion, a cultural<br />

station that is owned by the Mexican Ministry of Public Education and<br />

broadcasts on both AM and SW (1060 and 6185 kHz).<br />

See <br />

(<strong>Jan</strong>uary NASB Newsletter)<br />

The clandestine "Radio Insurgente" continues claiming regulary Friday<br />

broadcasts in the 49mb, the audio files (up to 21 <strong>Jan</strong>uary) 20<strong>05</strong>) are<br />

archived at:<br />

<br />

Programas semanales de Onda Corta Estos programas de Radio Insurgente estan<br />

dirigidos a la sociedad civil nacional e internacional. Se transmiten<br />

semanalmente, todos los viernes a las 15:00 horas (hora del centro de<br />

Mexico GMT-6) en la frecuencia 6.0 MHz en la banda de 49 metros. Cada<br />

programa tiene una duracion de aproximadamente una hora. Puedes escucharlos<br />

o bajarlos para su retransmision. Para escucharlos haz clic en Escuchar.<br />

Para bajarlos haz clic en el boton <strong>der</strong>echo del raton (con la opcion<br />

"guardar como").<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 24) Fris 2100 UT<br />

MALI ORTM, 4786.89v, at 2345-0002* on <strong>Jan</strong> 17-18, still off-frequency<br />

with Afro-pops, French pops and talk. Sign-off with national anthem. Poorfair.<br />

Barely audible on \\ 5995. Was on 4786.89 until 2359 when they jumped<br />

up to 4787.89.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 22)<br />

17880 CRI relay at 1628 in Arabic. Fair. (Liz Cameron-MI-USA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 22)

MARIANAS NORTH. Tinian 7235 spurs.<br />

Today at 1320 UT I noted VOA 7235 in Korean with spurs all over the 41 mb<br />

at appr 14.8 kHz intervals. Listed as Tinian 250 kW. 500 kW is listed from<br />

1400 UT. The first tx left already at 1358 UT and the second one was<br />

switched on at 1359.30. There were no spurs from the 500 kW unit. (Olle<br />

Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 23)<br />

7235 1300-1400 44 TIN 250kW 325 -8 226 USA IBB<br />

7235 1400-1500 44 TIN 500kW 321 8 216 USA IBB<br />

NEPAL Radio Nepal to improve audibility, studios 17 <strong>Jan</strong> 20<strong>05</strong> Radio Nepal<br />

and the JPN International Cooperation Agency have signed an agreement to<br />

carry out a study on the feasibility of expanding and strengthening Radio<br />

Nepal's short- and medium-wave broadcasts. Un<strong>der</strong> the agreement, both<br />

parties have also planned to mo<strong>der</strong>nise Radio Nepal's existing studios.<br />

Radio Netherlands Media Network reported that the project will enable<br />

Nepalese throughout the country to hear Radio Nepal loud and clear.<br />

(Excerpts from ABU Weekly Nx Digest Week ended <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

(ABU via Alokesh Gupta-IND, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 21)<br />

NETHERLANDS Hello from Hilversum, I've just been with my colleague Laura<br />

Durnford, preparing an item for next Monday's edition of our weekly science<br />

magazine the Research File. Some of you will have seen the report in New<br />

Scientist magazine about Victor Goonetilleke's concerns about the effects<br />

of Broadband Over Powerline technology on the usefulness of SWs in<br />

emergencies such as the tsumani disaster. Since Victor is a close friend<br />

and a long-time contributor to Radio Netherlands, we called him last night<br />

and had a chat about the issue. That will be one of the items on next<br />

week's show. Tune in to our broadcast on Monday or listen next week on the<br />

Internet. There will also be a related Web feature to be published next<br />

Thursday - details in the next Newsletter.<br />

<br />


Media Network is assisting Jonathan Marks in an attempt to organise an<br />

overview of how various organisations around the world have reacted to help<br />

broadcasters affected by the December 26th Earthquake and Tsunami. We<br />

believe by sharing this information on a portal, that broadcasters will be<br />

stimulated to coordinate their efforts. This is primarily a resource for<br />

broadcasters, but everyone is welcome to read the information.<br />

<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, RNW MN NL <strong>Jan</strong> 20 via dxld)<br />

NETH ANTILLES/DRM [UNID] 6165 in Sp at 2220 UT on <strong>Jan</strong> 22 with religious<br />

mx from 2230-2259 UT when a jingle mentioning "Radio Nacional" and into<br />

more Sp at 2300 UT. AWR to Cuba via Antigua listed, but for *2300 UT. No<br />

sign on noted. Also doesn't explain the"Radio Nacional" bit. (Gerry Dexter-<br />

WI-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 23)<br />

RNW shows already start at 2200 UT:<br />

AWR Bonaire 250 kW 165 2200-2300 8S,11W BON 250kW 320-15degr 411 Sp HOL AWR<br />

RNW.<br />

Freq change for DRM txion of RNW in English and Spanish:<br />

2100-2257 NF 12000 BON 010 kW / 320 deg, ex15530.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />


From Sat 5 February to Sun 20 February 20<strong>05</strong>, the following DRM<br />

transmissions will be beamed towards Mexico from our Bonaire relay station<br />

(290 degrees):<br />

2200-2300 UT Spanish on 9900 kHz

2300-2400 UT Dutch on 9885 kHz<br />

The 2200-2300 DRM txion in Spanish on 12000 kHz will be cancelled during<br />

this period.<br />

(RNW MN NL <strong>Jan</strong> 27 via dxld)<br />

NIGERIA 4770 is active again, heard around 1900 UT <strong>Jan</strong> 25.<br />

(Chris Hambly-Vic, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 25) FRCN Kaduna, 50 kW (gh) 0430-2300 UT<br />

4770, R. Nigeria ? / Kaduna DS-2, 50 kW, at 2042 on <strong>Jan</strong> 25, SIO 232<br />

vernacular? OM discussion animee. (Michel Lacroix-F, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

OMAN QSL B<strong>BC</strong> Oman.<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Oman address: Resident Engineer, VT Merlin Communications & Partners<br />

LLC, B<strong>BC</strong> Relay Station, P.O.Box 40, Al Ashkarah PC 422, Oman. e-mail:<br />

<br />

The letter also indicates this one:<br />

VT Group, P.O.Box 2788, C.P.O. Seeb PC 111, Oman. (Hans-Dieter Buschau-D,<br />

hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

Completo esquema de la estacion relay de la B<strong>BC</strong> en A'Seela (250 kW),<br />

vigente desde el 31/10/2004 al 27/03/20<strong>05</strong>:<br />


0000-0100 Ingles 5970<br />

0030-0100 Bengali 6065<br />

0100-0130 Hindi 6065<br />

0100-0300 Ingles 11955<br />

0130-0200 Urdu 6065, 11750<br />

0230-0300 Hindi 11725<br />

0230-0300 Farsi 11750<br />

0300-0330 Ruso 9670<br />

0300-<strong>05</strong>00 Ingles 15575<br />

0300-0600 Ingles 15310<br />

0330-0600 Arabe 15180<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 Ingles 11760<br />

0700-1400 Ingles 11760<br />

0700-1600 Ingles 17790<br />

0830-0900 Dari 17870<br />

0900-0930 Pashto 17870<br />

0930-1000 Dari 17870<br />

1000-1030 Pashto 17870<br />

1030-1100 Dari 17870<br />

1100-1130 Pashto 17870<br />

1300-1330 Indonesio 6030<br />

1400-1445 Hindi 6140, 72<strong>05</strong> (Mo-Sa)<br />

1400-1500 Hindi 6140, 72<strong>05</strong> (Sun)<br />

1445-1500 Ingles 6140, 72<strong>05</strong> (Mo-Sa)<br />

1500-1600 Urdu 6035<br />

1515-1545 Sinhala 6140<br />

1545-1615 Tamil 6140<br />

1600-1630 Uzbeko 9635 (Sa+Su)<br />

1600-1700 Uzbeko 9635 (Mo-Fr)<br />

1600-2000 Farsi 6090<br />

1630-2000 Arabe 6030<br />

1700-1730 Hindi 7235<br />

1730-1800 Urdu 7235<br />

2000-2200 Arabe 6030<br />

2100-2115 Albanes 72<strong>05</strong> (Mo-Fr)<br />

2200-2300 Ingles 71<strong>05</strong><br />

2200-2330 Mandarin 7150<br />

2330-2400 Thai 6060

QTH para reportes: B<strong>BC</strong> Eastern Relay Station (BERS), Senior Transmitter<br />

Engineer, A'Seela, Sultanato de Oman. (Marcelo A. Cornachioni-ARG, ConDig<br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 24)<br />

PHILIPPINES 1170 The 1000 kW IBB relay tx at Poro Point changes today<br />

from 1143 to 1170. The schedule remains the same (all VOA): 1100-1200<br />

Mandarin, 1200-1230 English; *1230-1300 break*; 1300-1500 Cantonese, 1500-<br />

1600 Vietnamese, 1600-1700 (MF) English. The beam is at 332 degrees. (Bernd<br />

Trutenau via MW<strong>DX</strong> 1.1.20<strong>05</strong>; ARC MVeko)<br />

What's about the Vietnam target at 262 degr slew?<br />

Formerly at 262 degrees towards Vietnam, but seemingly now to be reconstruct<br />

the 4-mast array, by cutting three meters wire?<br />

?? 1143.0 1500-1600 VOA VIET PHP 1000 262 degrees SEA. (wb, <strong>Jan</strong> 22)<br />

The 1170 operation at Poro, La Union, Philippines protects the in-country<br />

co-channel station to the south. Both the temporary 1170 kHz antenna<br />

pattern at the original site (which is a retuned version of one of the<br />

original 1140 then 1143 kHz patterns) and the antenna patterns at the new<br />

site have deep minima to the south and southeast, which will make reception<br />

in Australia and New Zealand difficult.<br />

(Benj. F. Dawson III, P.E. , Hatfield & Dawson Consulting Engineers, LLC,<br />

and The dTR/H&D Joint Venture, Consulting Engineers, 9500 Greenwood Avenue<br />

North, Seattle, WA 98103 USA.<br />

dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

What about the Vietnam target at 262 degree slew? New? 1170 MW station will<br />

be erect on same camp? Formerly at 262 degree towards Vietnam, but<br />

seemingly now to be re-constructed the 4-mast array, by cutting three<br />

meters wire?<br />

1500-1600 VOA VIET PHP 1000 262 degrees SEA. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 22; to<br />

dxld)<br />

Glenn, new patterns are optimized for the same actual sce areas as the<br />

previous ones.<br />

(Ben Dawson-WA-USA, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 28)<br />

POLAND Some interesting QSLs have arrived lately: Twoje Radio Ilza, new<br />

Polish station on 1602 kHz. V/s: A. Nowak, e-mail: <br />

They started regular programming <strong>Jan</strong> 15th 20<strong>05</strong>, according to the mail.<br />

(Bjoern Fransson-SWE, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 23)<br />

QSL Some interesting QSL's have arrived lately:<br />

Voice of Delina, Eritrean clandestine on 15650 kHz. E-mail, confirming my<br />

reception report on the initital broadcast on <strong>Jan</strong>uary 1st. QSL from Tesfa<br />

Delina Foundation, e-mail: V/s: Tes.<br />

<br />

Coalition Maritime Forces _ Radio One on 15500 kHz. Letter from v/s: J J<br />

McGovern, US Naval Forces Central Command and U S Fifth Fleet.<br />

Radio Que Me, Vietnamese clandestine on 15385 kHz. E-mail from Penelope<br />

Faulkner, Vice-President of the Vietnam Committee on Human Rights & Que Me<br />

in Paris. <br />

Truck Radio, new German AM-station with txs in Juelich (702 kHz),<br />

Nordkirchen (855 kHz) and Stuttgart (738 kHz). I heard them on 855 kHz.<br />

QSL-card and letter. V/s: Tanja Goepfert. <br />

Twoje Radio Ilza, new Polish station on 1602 kHz. V/s: A. Nowak,

e-mail: . They started regular programming<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary 15th 20<strong>05</strong>, according to the mail.<br />

(Bjoern Fransson-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 23)<br />

ROMANIA 630 R Timisoara at 1123 UT, German programming with songs and<br />

short comments in-between. On 1145 with the best signal at time, was the<br />

song "alles Gute zum Geburtstag" (everything is good in birthday[rather all<br />

best wishes on your birthday, wb.]) with YL speaker commenting about and a<br />

phone-in from Magdalena remembering her birthday when soemone has given as<br />

gift "breille".<br />

Then another song and YL then said that only 5 mins remain for ending her<br />

program. New phone in and sinal again lost for the sake of presume Radio<br />

Tunis which had played all that time Quranic psalms. Signal 32432 and S=1-4<br />

max.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 23)<br />

Harris Corporation today announced completion - nearly two years ahead of<br />

schedule - of the 85m-dollar first phase of a comprehensive programme to<br />

upgrade and expand the nationwide broadcast infrastructure of S.N.<br />

Radiocomunicatii SA, Romania's state-owned broadcast organization.<br />

Mo<strong>der</strong>nization of Romania's aging broadcast communications system marks a<br />

critical step forward for Romania and its population, bringing the country<br />

up to date with the solid-state analogue technology favoured in Western<br />

Europe. Harris' end-to-end radio and television solution also provides S.N.<br />

Radiocomunicatii SA with a clear path to the digital future.<br />

Phase 1 of the three-phase project, which is providing 100 per cent radio<br />

coverage throughout Romania, was completed in just 20 months instead of the<br />

anticipated four-and-one-half years. Harris accelerated the project by<br />

dedicating the additional engineering and technical resources needed to<br />

establish nationwide radio coverage before Romania's election in November<br />

2004.<br />

Harris supplied 28 low-power (10-kW to 50-kW) mediumwave txs, eight highpower<br />

(200-kW and 400-kW) mediumwave txs and 106 FM radio txs for local<br />

coverage as well as longer distances of difficult terrain at sites<br />

throughout Romania. The range and diversity of txs was essential to ensure<br />

100 per cent nationwide radio broadcast coverage for Romania's regional<br />

network and two national networks across urban areas and vast stretches of<br />

rural communities often divided by the Carpathian mountains.<br />

The end-to-end txion solution also included antenna systems, microware<br />

links for resource sharing, engineering, installation, training and<br />

commissioning sces. In addition, the first of many high- and low-power<br />

television txs and transposers were installed. The television installations<br />

begin upgrades to Romania's television txion infrastructure, which will be<br />

expanded and completed during the remain<strong>der</strong> of the mo<strong>der</strong>nization programme.<br />

Furthermore, three control and monitoring networks will reduce operational<br />

costs at each station facility by enabling the remote monitoring of all<br />

radio and television txion equipment from four regional headquarters.<br />

Until now, it has been conservatively estimated that the country's aging<br />

broadcast technology did not reach up to 40 per cent of Romania's 22.3<br />

million. With the completion of the radio phase of the mo<strong>der</strong>nization<br />

project, the country now enjoys 100 per cent radio coverage at a higher<br />

fidelity and lower cost. With the inclusion of new RDS capabilities, public<br />

radio stations can be received and retained on the move throughout the<br />

country. Romania also has the ability to reach Romanians living in other<br />

European countries with the use of a Harris longwave AM tx [Brasov Brod 153<br />

kHz, wb.].

(excerpt; Harris Corpor., Melbourne-FL-USA, via B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 27)<br />

RUSSIA 11975 Kamchatka Fisherman's Radio (Kamchatka Rybatskaya Radio)<br />

0000-0100 UT, Sat. night (NA) only, back strongly after being untraced last<br />

week, typical minor key yet upbeat Russian pop mx plus one U.S. rock song,<br />

frequent IDs in Russian by female announcer preceded by seagull (?) calls,<br />

some interviews and phone call-ins. "Do svidania" at 0<strong>05</strong>9, carrier off<br />

0100. (Stephen George-MA-USA Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 23)<br />

La emisora religiosa Radio Santec "La Onda Cosmica", transmite en espanol<br />

de Lunes a Viernes de 0150 a 0200 UTC, via las facilidades de La Voz de<br />

Rusia, en los 5945, 6195, 7180, 7330, 7390 y 7570 kHz.<br />

QTH: Radio Santec, MarienstraBe 1, D-97070 Wurzburg, Alemania.<br />

E-mail: Web: <br />

(Marcelo A. Cornachioni-ARG, ConDig <strong>Jan</strong> 24)<br />

Addit freq for Voice of Russia Russian WS via MSK 250 kW / 190 deg:<br />

1300-1500 on 7360 \\ 5995, 7260, 7365, 9495, 9770, 15460<br />

Freq change for WYFR in French via ARM 250 kW / 290 deg:<br />

1900-2000 NF 7520 (55555), ex7240<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

SERBIA & MONTENEGRO [SRBIJE I CRNE GORE] Yesterday I received a kind email<br />

QSL written in English for a 2002 report on 711 kHz from Radio Nis,<br />

Serbia Montenegro.<br />

She writes that they had well received my snail mail letter... (which,<br />

however, remained unanswered). And they were quite pleased about it.<br />

v/s is Maria Burgic. Address: At present I can't hear<br />

Nis at all. A Romanian station covers the freq completely when directed my<br />

antenna toward Eastern Europe. (Hans-Dieter Buschau-D, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 27)<br />

SOMALIA Radio Shabele, 6960.1 kHz, kommt in den letzten Tagen ziemlich<br />

regelmaessig gegen 1720 UT mit brauchbarem Signal. Heute mit einem langen<br />

Beitrag ueber die Wahlen in Palaestina, und endlich hoerte ich auch einmal<br />

eine ID. (Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA Clandestine SW R.-Africa 4880 kHz QSL letter (v/s:Keith<br />

Farquharson), schedule, letter in 136d for English report with 1$. Report<br />

sent to P.O.Box 243, Borehamwood, Herts, WD6 4WA, United Kingdom. (Kenji<br />

Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium <strong>Jan</strong> 21)<br />

Via Sentech Meyerton site, (wb.)<br />

SPAIN/DRM 1359 from today <strong>Jan</strong> 26th RNE is using DRM on its MW outlet on<br />

1359 kHz with 10 kW during daytime at approx. 0700-1700 UT.<br />

I suppose the opperating time would be that not used by the 600 kw AM tx.,<br />

around 1700 to 07/08 UTC. So, daytime only for now. The 600 kw tx operates<br />

from sunset to sunrise. Now 24/7 without relay of R3 educational programs.<br />

Only R1 regular programming.<br />

(Mauricio Molano-E in an answer to Mauno Ritola-FIN, mwdx <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

About this new DRM txion is available on line an English document written<br />

by Telefunken that have modified the tx for DRM.<br />

<br />

(Andrea Russo-I, ibid. via dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 28)

R Nacional de Espana (RNE) today begins regular digital radio txions on MW,<br />

with which it becomes a pioneer of the DRM system. RNE explained that from<br />

now on digital and analogue txions will share the same frequency, "until we<br />

migrate definitively to digital technology, giving the capacity for a<br />

greater number of quality programmes on MW, similar to FM, with additional<br />

multimedia sces and the possibility of automatic tuning."<br />

Acc to RNE the innovative character of digital technology on MW has made it<br />

necessary to conduct a series of tests and the putting into operation of an<br />

experimental DRM system on MW permitting the possibilities of the system to<br />

be explored.<br />

The DRM txions are coming from the Arganda transmitting centre, with 10 kW<br />

power on 1359 kHz. (RNW MN NL <strong>Jan</strong> 26)<br />

Segun el diario digital "La Flecha"<br />

<br />

manana dia 26 de enero, Radio Nacional de Espana comienza a transmitir<br />

digitalmente en OM (DRM).<br />

(Angel Jose Nicolas Esteve, Redactor Seccion OL-OM de EL DIAL,<br />

Asociacion Espanola de Radioescucha; dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

A TELEFUNKEN DRM tx has been installed in Arganda near Madrid, Spain.<br />

TELEFUNKEN, following various different successful installations in<br />

Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Great Britain and Czech Rep, also in<br />

Spain has commissioned a successfully functioning DRM system.<br />

(...)<br />

A standard MW tx TRAM 10 with the latest DRM exciter DRM DMOD 2, both from<br />

TELEFUNKEN, have been installed. The tx and the digital signal processing<br />

without any additional RF filters or other hardware modification comply<br />

with the requirements of ETSI ES 201 980 and as well with the ITU<br />

requirements concerning out-of-band and spurious emissions when operating<br />

on the antenna, a 200 m high vertical antenna with horizontal omni<br />

directional characteristic.<br />

(...) Over a period of four weeks the programme of RNE 1 will be<br />

transmitted in the DRM format daily from 0700-1500 UT on 1359 kHz.<br />

After the successful test phase it is assumed, that regular txions in the<br />

DRM format will start and more transmitters with DRM will be put into<br />

operation.<br />

(excerpt, Telefunken press release via Dario Monferini-I, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 26)<br />

Radio Exterior de Espana (REE) has started a daily programme in Russian and<br />

Spanish directed to the countries of Eastern Europe. At the moment more<br />

than 150,000 citizens of those countries are working in Spain. REE wants<br />

offer them information about Spain in their own language, while at the same<br />

part of the programme is in Spanish with the purpose of helping thousands<br />

of East European citizens to know and improve their un<strong>der</strong>standing of the<br />

lang. REE intends as soon as possible to include a Spanish course for<br />

speakers of Russian within the new programme. The broadcast is on the air<br />

Mon-Fri at 1700-1730 UT on 15195 kHz.<br />

Espana en la Europa del Este<br />

<br />

(RNW MN NL via dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 26)<br />

Says this started <strong>Jan</strong> 3, (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld)<br />

SUDAN Radio Peace on 4750 is currently coming through very well here up<br />

to signoff at around 1745. It is much stronger than when the station began<br />

regular broadcasts last year. It might be operating at more than 1 kW, or

perhaps I am getting a good signal from the "back" of a dipole transmitting<br />

aerial. From their site at the Kenya/Sudan bor<strong>der</strong> they might be using a<br />

dipole to beam northwest into Sudan, and I am benefitting from the signal<br />

coming southeast off the other side of the dipole back into Kenya.<br />

(Chris Greenway-KEN, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 28)<br />

SWEDEN DRM-Tests von Radio Schweden Erste DRM-Testsendungen aus Hoerby:<br />

Heute, 28.1.20<strong>05</strong>, von 1600-1630 UTC auf 5850 kHz. Leistung nur 1.5 kW (Beam<br />

10 deg, also Richtung Norden). Naechste Woche, von Montag-Freitag, 0800-<br />

0900 UTC auf 6065 kHz.<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 28)<br />

TAIWAN Radio Taiwan Inter will close the following langs sces from <strong>Jan</strong><br />

31:<br />

Arabic 1600-1700 on 11890; 1800-1900 on 11890<br />

Burmese 1130-1230 on 11680; 1500-1600 on 9465<br />

Korean 0300-0330 on 15465; 1200-1230 on 9415; 1400-1430 on 9415<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

A labour dispute has broken out at RTI as some 63 workers have complained<br />

that they are being laid off at the end of the month without convincing<br />

reasons. The workers union of RTI claims that they have not been given<br />

proper notice. However, RTI President Cheryl Lai says there was a mutual<br />

un<strong>der</strong>standing between management and the employees. She says all 63<br />

employees agreed to accept 19 months salary as severance pay, which they<br />

have all received.<br />

Lai said that the size of the staff was proving to be an administrative and<br />

financial burden. "With 67 percent of our budget going to wages, we're<br />

spending too much on employees' salaries," she said. "This has long been a<br />

problem. We are supposed to spend more on producing better programmes."<br />

A member of the RTI workers union said that just a few hours before the<br />

company's end-of-year luncheon on <strong>Jan</strong> 14, Lai told the staff of the Korean,<br />

Arabic, Cambodian [sic. RTI itself says Burmese], Mongolian and Tibetan<br />

lang sections that their programs would be discontinued at the end of the<br />

month. The union member said that those particular programmes regularly<br />

receive good feedback letters from listeners and it is therefore absurd to<br />

cancel the broadcasts. "How could they eliminate Arabic, a lang spoken by<br />

one fifth of the people in the world?" the union member said.<br />

(Taiwan Nx Online; via RNW MN NL via dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 27)<br />

11795 puzzle. Few days now observed two UNID signals around 11795 kHz. One<br />

on 11795.00 even, the other on 11795.76 kHz at about 0800-0900 UT. So I<br />

guess CBS Taipei-TWN is hit by an other jamming station noise from China<br />

mainland, apart on odd 750-760 Hertz to produce a whistle tone. CBS Taipei<br />

in Mandarin 100 kW 310 degrees at 0600-1000 UT.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 26<br />

7129.88, R.T.I., This is indeed the one here off-freq; Hrd w/W in En at<br />

1257 giving Web site and long sked. Brief deadair, and instru. mx, then<br />

tone denoting the ToH, fanfare and M w/Ch ID at 1300. Fair. (8 <strong>Jan</strong>) (Dave<br />

Valko-USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 22)<br />

TANZANIA Radio Tanzania on 61<strong>05</strong> Radio Tanzania has reactivated a second<br />

SW tx. Noted today shortly after 1300 GMT on both 5<strong>05</strong>0 and 61<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(Chris Greenway-Nairobi-KEN, Br<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>Jan</strong> 22)<br />

Dear Chris, and Zanzibar is off on 11734v, but still on air 6015 kHz ???<br />

Did you monitor these outlet. (73 wb)<br />

Dear Wolfgang,

Zanzibar appears to be silent on SW, despite recent reports of 6015.<br />

Nothing audible on either 6015 or 11734 over recent days. Regards, (Chris<br />

Greenway-KEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 24)<br />

After my recent report of Dar es Salaam on 61<strong>05</strong>, some people asked about<br />

Zanzibar. In regular checks over the past few days I have heard nothing on<br />

either 6015 or 11734 and so I believe Zanzibar to be silent on SW at<br />

present. (Chris Greenway-KEN, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 28)<br />

TUNISIA 963 It is confirmed that there are no more quarter-hours of four<br />

different langs. The current (corrected) schedule is as follows: 0903-1000<br />

German, 1303-1400 English, 1403-1500 Italian and 1903-2000 Spanish.<br />

(Erik Koie-DEN; Roberto Scaglione, Sicily-I, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 22)<br />

B-04 RTT Sfax Tunisia<br />

7190 0400-0700 37 SFA 500 265 0 146 D TUN RTT ONT<br />

7190 1700-2400 37 SFA 500 265 0 146 D TUN RTT ONT<br />

7225 1600-2400 27,28W SFA 500 340 0 146 D TUN RTT ONT [some spur on 7260<br />

too, wb.]<br />

7275 0400-0700 27,28W SFA 500 340 0 146 D TUN RTT ONT<br />

9720 0200-<strong>05</strong>00 38,39 SFA 500 100 0 151 D TUN RTT ONT<br />

9720 1600-2100 38,39 SFA 500 100 0 151 D TUN RTT ONT<br />

11730 1400-1700 27,28W SFA 500 340 0 146 D TUN RTT ONT<br />

11950 1400-1700 37 SFA 500 265 0 146 D TUN RTT ONT<br />

120<strong>05</strong> 0200-<strong>05</strong>00 38,39 SFA 500 100 0 151 D TUN RTT ONT<br />

120<strong>05</strong> 1600-2100 38,39 SFA 500 100 0 151 D TUN RTT ONT<br />

15450 1200-1600 38,39 SFA 500 100 0 151 D TUN RTT ONT<br />

17735 1200-1600 38,39 SFA 500 100 0 151 D TUN RTT ONT<br />

TURKMENISTAN 4930 Turkmen R on 1/24 from 1443 to 1449 until wiped out by<br />

some type of ute on channel. Vocal/inst Turkmen mx (sounds much like ME mx)<br />

to 1446 then man ann until QRM took out. Sounded best in LSB even though<br />

listed as USB w/ reduced power in WRTH. This would have been good enough<br />

for a recording if not for QRM showing up at the worst time. <strong>DX</strong>ing 60 mb is<br />

certainly an adventure these days!<br />

(Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 24)<br />

UKRAINE 1476 Radio Briz, Sevastopol reactivated and heard all night. Non<br />

stop Ukrainian (and few Russian) pop tunes at night hours. First ID and<br />

freq annts heard at 0411 (1476, their old OIRT and old CCIR freq.<br />

mentioned). Signal strength is the same as years ago, so probably they are<br />

on with 20 kW as before.<br />

(Vlad Titarev, Kremenchuk-UKR via mwdx Dec 30, 2004)<br />

UNIDENTIFIED 7335 Instead of Canadian CHU Ottawa heard an UNID number<br />

station in Slavic language at 0830 UT, like Czech/Slovak on even 7335.00<br />

kHz.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 26<br />

A new entry at the bottom of TDP's list of SW clients at<br />

is Al-Balagh Radio, but link to its<br />

website just lands at Register.com<br />

Nor does Al Balagh appear on the schedule (yet?) at<br />

<br />

So, who are they, and where will they broadcasting to, on what schedule?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 22)<br />

U.A.E. UAE Radio Dubai in Arabic via DBA 500 kW / 295 deg to ME:<br />

0900-1200 NF 15385* ex 15370 \\ 120<strong>05</strong>, 13675, 15395<br />

1200-1500 NF 15385# ex 13630 \\ 120<strong>05</strong>, 13675, 15395<br />

1500-1600 NF 15385@ ex 13630 \\ 120<strong>05</strong>, 13675, 15395<br />

*co-ch 1130-1200 Mon/Tue/Thu R.Mustaqbal in Somali via DHA 250 kW / 225 deg<br />

plus 1200-1230 Sat only Radio Que Me in Vietnamese via TAC 100 kW / 131 deg

#co-ch 1300-1500 Daily AWR in Chinese via DHA 250 kW / 060 deg<br />

@co-ch 1500-1600 Daily RFA in Tibetan via DHA 250 kW / 075 deg+REE Spanish<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

I've been trying to identify for certain what I am hearing on 154<strong>05</strong> at 0730<br />

UT onwards. It's a weak muddy signal, but the little audio I have heard<br />

sounds the same as on 15395 UAE. And 15385 - reported by Observer as a new<br />

frequency - could be a symmetrical spur - ie, +/- 10 kHz from nominal. But<br />

I have not heard their former 15370 or 13630, but these freqs were never as<br />

loud as others.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 26)<br />

I totally agree with your observation, I guess also this is a mixture of<br />

antenna feed installations on /15385?/15395/154<strong>05</strong>. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 27)<br />

6170 RTI Taiwan on TEST via Merlin brokered Al Dhabbaya-UAE site.<br />

Until Wednesday, Feb 2, the German programme of Radio Taiwan International<br />

will be carried 1900-2000 on 6170 via Al-Dhabbaya instead of the usual<br />

Skelton site. A note about this has been put at<br />

as well. Reminds me on the B<strong>BC</strong>'s<br />

axed German sce which was also transmit via Cyprus to overcome the skipping<br />

problems for txions from England to Germany in winter nights. Should be the<br />

very first time that Al-Dhabbaya carries German-language stuff, by the way.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 28)<br />

Frequenzbeobachtung bei Radio Taipei International.<br />

Folgende Mitteilung kam gerade per E-Mail von Radio Taipei International:<br />

unser Deutschprogramm wird ab sofort bis voraussichtlich Mittwoch, den 2.<br />

Februar probeweise von 1900 bis 2000 UTC auf <strong>der</strong> Frequenz 6170 kHz aus<br />

Dhabayya-UAE ausgestrahlt. Wir sind ueber Empfangsbeobachtungen sehr<br />

dankbar!<br />

(Bernhard Walle-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 28)<br />

I do; it's in the UAE. So Dhabbaya has antennas suitable for Europe? I<br />

thought they were all aimed out toward Asia and Africa (gh, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 29)<br />

Azimuth 324 degr, 4900 kms towards Europe. Dubai registered 325 degr<br />

transmissions. Al Dhabbaya some 300, 315, and 340/345 degrees. Merlin has<br />

lack of enough txs and antennas at their disposal at Zyygi-Cyprus site<br />

during peak hours, distance 2500 kms, 323 degr.<br />

RTI test suffers by VoRUS Samara English on adjacent 6175 kHz, 200 kW to<br />

Western Europe. (wb)<br />

U.K. New time and freq of Internews / Salaam Watandar in Dari/Pashto:<br />

1300-1430 NF 13650 (55555) RMP 500 kW / 095 deg, ex1330-1500 on 17720.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

Minivan R. 11535 Prepared QSL card, QSL letter (v/s: Monica Michie),<br />

letter in 21d for English report with 1$. Report sent to Friends of<br />

Maldives, 64 Milford Street, Salisbury SP1 2BP, United Kingdom. (Kenji<br />

Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium <strong>Jan</strong> 21)<br />

11535?? - actually on 11810 daily at 1600-1700 UT via Juelich Germany.<br />

RMI Jeff White brokered.<br />

Formerly on 11525 via Sofia Kostinbrod-BUL in Aug/Sep 04. (wb.)<br />

USA WTJC 9369.82 at 1700+ UT w/nx, mx, preaching. Good signal. <strong>Jan</strong> 23.<br />

11714.99 KJES at 1634 UT in Spanish. 2004 PWBR says 1500-1600 UT. Don't<br />

have a 20<strong>05</strong> copy. Poor signal. <strong>Jan</strong> 22. (Liz Cameron-MI-USA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong><br />


Re 11714.99 KJES: Spanish is at 1600-1700 Sun-Thur. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong>)<br />

USA(non): Freqs changes for IBB:<br />

0700-0900 VOA English NF 9700, ex9695 \\ 5995,11655<br />

1630-1700 VOA Georgian NF 11975, ex11925 \\ 12140,13645<br />

2000-2100 RL Tatar NF 5860, ex7195 \\ 7295<br />

2200-2300 RL Russian NF 7595, ex9865 \\ 5955, 61<strong>05</strong>, 7175, 7220, 9520.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

AFRS is being heard on 7811 at 0030 on <strong>Jan</strong> 26 with a fairly good signal<br />

here in Maryland with a Boston Charlotte Basketball game. Freq change? tx<br />

location?<br />

(Bill Harms-ML-USA, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 26)<br />

This web page<br />

<br />

says the freq is 7812.5 out of Key West FL-USA. (ibid. hcdx)<br />

Florida??? 7811 was on the air in Nov 2004. (Roberto Scaglione-I, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong><br />

26)<br />

UZBEKISTAN 9715, R. Tashkent Int., Pretty nice signal this morning w/IS<br />

3 times at 1230, W in EG w/R. Tashkent Int. ID and sked (beside 9715, also<br />

gave 5925 and 6025, but couldn't hear them), mx bridge, and into En nx.<br />

Crummy University Network on 9724.7 was causing some slop QRM. (Dave Valko-<br />

USA, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 22)<br />

VIETNAM Vietnam to host 20<strong>05</strong> ABU General Assembly 20 <strong>Jan</strong> 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

The venue for the ABU's 20<strong>05</strong> General Assembly and annual meetings has been<br />

changed to Hanoi, Vietnam. ABU Secretary-General, David Astley, made the<br />

annt today after several months of discussions with Radio the Voice of<br />

Vietnam (VOV).<br />

He said that the Secretariat had been advised by Prasar Bharati in November<br />

that they were unable to host the 20<strong>05</strong> General Assembly in India as<br />

planned. "VOV had previously indicated interest in hosting the General<br />

Assembly in 20<strong>05</strong>, so we immediately contacted them to see if they could<br />

step into the breach, and this week we were delighted to learn that they<br />

had obtained Govt approval to proceed," Mr Astley said.<br />

The President of the ABU, Katsuji Ebisawa, said from Tokyo: "I am very<br />

grateful to our Vietnam members for their generous offer to host the 20<strong>05</strong><br />

General Assembly. We look forward to visiting the won<strong>der</strong>ful city of Hanoi<br />

for what I am sure will be a memorable event."<br />

The General Assembly will be hosted jointly by VOV and Vietnam Television<br />

(VTV) and the dates of the meetings will be November 21-28, with the<br />

Administrative Council meeting being held on November 24 and the three-day<br />

General Assembly opening on Nov 26.<br />

(Excerpts from ABU Weekly Nx Digest Week ended <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

(ABU via Alokesh Gupta-IND, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 21)<br />

Some interesting QSLs have arrived lately: Radio Que Me, Vietnamese<br />

clandestine on 15385 kHz. E-mail from Penelope Faulkner, Vice-President of<br />

the Vietnam Committee on Human Rights & Que Me in Paris.<br />

<br />

(Bjoern Fransson-SWE, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 23)<br />

One correction : VOV HS 0930: 9875 Me Tri, 5925 Xuan Mai. These are \\<br />

while 9875 (corrected from 9835) is on. (David Norcross-HWA, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 23)<br />

An update file for WRTH 20<strong>05</strong> is now available for download at the WRTH web<br />

site: [14 pages 8.5x11 in size]

The file is pdf document and you will require the free Adobe Acrobat Rea<strong>der</strong><br />

5 or above to read it. Please follow the simple instructions on site to<br />

download.<br />

This file contains the latest International broadcaster updates, schedule<br />

changes and new stations. The file is just un<strong>der</strong> 100k so won't take too<br />

long to download.<br />

A mirror version of the file will be available at<br />

[not yet, wb.]Regards, Sean D. Gilbert<br />

G4UCJ/G4001<br />

SWLInternational Editor - WRTH (World Radio TV Handbook)<br />

E-Mail: Fax: +44 [0] 709 2332287<br />

G4UCJ's Radio Website: <br />

(<strong>Jan</strong> 26)<br />

Wavescan - <strong>DX</strong> program<br />

Dear Listener of AWR: Thank you for your inquire regarding to our Wavescan<br />

- <strong>DX</strong> program of ours. The program has be produced by the team of English<br />

Language Service located at the outskirt of London, for quite some time.<br />

However, AWR decided to stick more strongly to the organizational rule. AWR<br />

according to the rule should be the broadcaster of the programming<br />

developed in many languages by the group of studios who produce programs<br />

titled in most cases as "Voice of Hope" or equivalent in own langs. So the<br />

result was to close English Language Service and consequently, the<br />

production of Wavescan has gone with English Language Service.<br />

However, there are so many <strong>DX</strong>ers within Asia/Pacific Region. AWR<br />

Asia/Pacific region office made contact with some studios to continue<br />

Wavescan. I am thankful that several studios agreed to participate in<br />

producing new "Wavescan". Since there was no time to prepare the change, so<br />

we decided to put the English programs produced by English Language Service<br />

(particularly chosen for the rerun by the producer). The program may<br />

continue until the 2004 October - 20<strong>05</strong> March schedule ends. There were time<br />

sensitive programming in regular weekly cycle, so those had to taken out.<br />

Wavescan is one of the time sensitive programs.<br />

So, Wavescan will be cease until the end of March. So, when the new<br />

schedule should be up, then Wavescan should be back with new format.<br />

However, there may be a possibility to have special even during the period.<br />

So please be patient with us and keep listening to AWR.<br />

Thank you very much! Akinori Kaibe, Region Director AWR Asia/Pacific Region<br />

798 SNG, SNG 298186 E-mail: <br />

(via Tony Ashar-INS, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 28)<br />

Hallo A-<strong>DX</strong>er(innen),<br />

Die kleine Hilfsaktion fuer unsere Amateurfunk-Helfer in Sri Lanka ist<br />

grossartig angelaufen. Die ersten 2.000 Euro hat Gerhard Werdin bereits an<br />

Victor Goonetilleke, 4S7VK, dem Praesidenten <strong>der</strong> Sri Lanka Amateurfunk<br />

Society weitergeleitet. Wir hoffen, nochmals den gleichen Betrag in den<br />

kommenden Wochen nach Sri Lanka schicken zu koennen.<br />

Wenn man bedenkt, das die Grundausstattung fuer eine vierkoepfige Familie<br />

(Matratzen, Leintuecher, Kissen, Gaskocher mit Flasche, Plastikgeschirr,<br />

ein Satz Alu-Toepfe) 25.000 Rupien (192 Euro) kostet, die Erstausstattung*<br />

mit Lebensmitteln fuer ein Monat und vier Personen etwa 8000 Rupien (61<br />

Euro) kostet, dan sieht man das hier mit wenig Geld eine grosse Hilfe<br />

moeglich ist.

*Diese Erstausstattung umfasst Reis, Dahl (Linsen), Gewuerze, Trockenfisch,<br />

Knoblauch, Milchpulver fuer Kin<strong>der</strong> und Wasserflaschen. Mit entsprechendem<br />

Verhandlungsgeschick koennen bei groesseren Mengen noch guenstigere Preise<br />

erzielt werden. Ein Euro entspricht etwa 130 Rupien.<br />

Die Informationen ueber die Hilfsaktion - und auch die gute<br />

Berichterstattung in <strong>der</strong> kommenden Ausgabe des Funkamateur und des Radio-<br />

Kurier (beide Magazine berichten im Editorial!) finden sich weiterhin<br />

unter: <br />

Danke fuer Eure Unterstuetzung fuer unsere Hobbyfreunde!!<br />

73 Christoph, OE2CRM<br />

<br />

(A-<strong>DX</strong>, <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Mar 12)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 31)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 26)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 701 11 Feb 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

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Extracts of items sourced to E<strong>DX</strong>P may be further reproduced but only by<br />

organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with<br />

E<strong>DX</strong>P.<br />

!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C website. !!!<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio may<br />

be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages,<br />

from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting are made<br />

available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

credit is given to the contributor and to <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only<br />

with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our<br />

WW<strong>DX</strong>C WWW homepage-German AG<strong>DX</strong> Club-direct address:<br />

<br />

or via Link of Homepage: <br />

Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

AUSTRALIA 9710 An outstanding signal of R Australia SHP noted this<br />

morning around 0815 UT. Life sports commentary (not Tennis match) was still<br />

in progress. Registered 100 kW 353 degr at 0800-1100 UT, and \\ 9580 S=5-7,<br />

15415 S=5, 17750 S=1-2; \\ 9590 was unfortunatelly totally covered by<br />

powerhouse RVI Brussels Dutch at 0800-0900 9590 via Skelton-UK 250 kW /<br />

180deg to EURSoWe.<br />

Even when 9710 co-ch Sitkunai-LTU came on air with carrier in 0845-0859 UT<br />

slot, I could follow RA's comment very easily. (NZ on 9885 was surprisingly<br />

poor at S=6 level today).<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 1)<br />

AUSTRIA Radio Austria International reported by Edwin Southwell last<br />

month on 5755 is the matching mixing product predicted by WB in a report I<br />

ran in <strong>DX</strong>LD of one on 6355, the mix being between 5955 and 6155 with mixing<br />

products at 5755 and 6355.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld via W<strong>DX</strong>C Febr Contact <strong>Jan</strong> 31)<br />

[WALES non]. I have been monitoring 7110 from 2130 to 2200 UT for the past<br />

five Fridays, hoping to hear Wales Radio International. They have not been<br />

on air on that freq although reception on 3955 has been quite good at<br />

times, especially on 28 <strong>Jan</strong>. On 31 Dec and 7 <strong>Jan</strong> there was a relay of an<br />

Austrian domestic station; on 14 <strong>Jan</strong> there was a carrier but no audio; on<br />

21 <strong>Jan</strong>. there was nothing, not even a carrier and on 28 <strong>Jan</strong> a very strong<br />

carrier ( on at 2130 and off at 2200) but still no audio. The broadcast is

listed to come from a Moosbrunn tx in Austria but is anyone there or at WRI<br />

monitoring the situation?<br />

(Bernie O'Shea-Ont-CAN dxld Feb 1) see un<strong>der</strong> U.K. also.<br />

6015 (x7235) AWR German test via Moosbrunn-AUT.<br />

AWR will use 6015 instead of 7235 for German 1600-1629 via Moosbrunn, for<br />

the time being until Feb 7th. 6015 will be kept if it proves to be better<br />

than 7235 which at present suffers from severe skipping problems.<br />

(Lothar Klepp-D, AWR, A-<strong>DX</strong>, summary translation by Kai Ludwig for dxld Feb<br />

4)<br />

Wegen <strong>der</strong> unbefriedigenden Ausbreitung unserer deutschen Sendung auf bisher<br />

7235 kHz testet AWR vorerst fuer fuenf Tage eine alternative Frequenz 6015<br />

kHz im 49 mb. Sollte sich eine deutlich bessere Ausbreitung praktisch<br />

bestaetigen, koennten wir auf dieser Frequenz bleiben.<br />

3.-7. Febr.20<strong>05</strong> jeweils 1600 bis 1629 UTC.<br />

QRG 6015 kHz / 49mb, Station Moosbrunn (Austria).<br />

(Lothar Klepp-D, STIMME DER HOFFNUNG, Technischer Service,<br />

Am Elfengrund 66, D-64297 Darmstadt, Germany.<br />

Internet: Feb 2)<br />

Ich danke allen herzlich, die unsere Sendungen auf <strong>der</strong> 6015 empfangen und<br />

uns ihre Berichte zugeschickt haben. Eure Berichte gingen bruehfrisch zum<br />

AWR Frequenzmanager, <strong>der</strong> momentan in <strong>der</strong> HFCC in Mexiko sitzt. Dort wurde<br />

nun mit Moosbrunn <strong>der</strong> sofortige Verbleib auf <strong>der</strong> 6015 fest gemacht.<br />

Die neue Frequenz kam eindeutig sehr gut an. Abgesehen von <strong>der</strong> toten Zone<br />

in Stationsnaehe um Moosbrunn fast nur SINPO Werte zwischen 4 und 5.<br />

Damit bleibt AWR auf dieser Frequenz bis zur Zeitumstellung. Fuer den<br />

Sommer sind wir dann weiterhin im 49 mb, ob auf <strong>der</strong> 6015 o<strong>der</strong> in <strong>der</strong> Naehe,<br />

kann ich momentan noch nicht sagen. Das wird gerade in Mexiko ausgekocht.<br />

(Lothar Klepp-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 8)<br />

BELGIUM On this week's Radio World, Frans Vossen mentioned that there<br />

would only be six more editions of that program. He's been playing some<br />

vintage clips of exotic radio stations, well worth capturing, via<br />

<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Feb 8)<br />

BENIN 5025 Rdif Nationale Parakou <strong>Jan</strong> 2, 2035 English nx but heavily<br />

QRMed by jammer, whoever that was for. Faint signals of other station on<br />

the frequency. Very short mx between nx items. At 2039 ID as 'National<br />

Service of Radio Benin'. Continued in English, but jammer-QRM very heavy.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong>)<br />

Now I can confirm it again, this time Feb 7 from tune-in 1650 when very<br />

weak in French. R Tashkent had covered the freq a bit earlier with<br />

enormeous signal but only huge het on the freq 1650 which could be nulled<br />

out almost completely.<br />

No ID audible 1700, at 1701 began lovely African songs, still very very<br />

weak, but suddenly ard 1707 signal improved, still songs, and at 1710 clear<br />

ID by male '.... en Radio Parakou'. Ard 1720 huge empty carrier, but<br />

Parakou still noticed un<strong>der</strong>neath. Hopeless when IS of Radio Tashkent came<br />

on a couple of mins before 1/2 hour, into prgr. So still possible, hi.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 7)<br />

BOTSWANA On 1 Feb at 1600 VOA Botswana 4930 signing on with En. Rather<br />

weak signal, mixing with Turkmenistan who had mainly lower side band of AM<br />

in use, so I could get VOA on upper. (Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld Feb 1)

4930, 1615-1622, VOA on Feb 1 on their new 60mb frequency. Interview with a<br />

NASA official discussing the upcoming space shuttle flight, and the issues<br />

with the heat shield tiles and integrity of the insulation on the booster<br />

fuel tanks; questions from phone callers in Kuwait and elsewhere. VOA ID at<br />

1630 and into news. Good signal at one hour past local sunrise. A short MP3<br />

with VOA ID can be heard here:<br />

<br />

(Guy Atkins-WA-USA, hcdx Feb 1)<br />

Heard already at 0400 Z (on Feb 1) very clear signal on 4930 kHz, SIO=443,<br />

in \\ with Sao Tome 4960 kHz. I was not aware of this new VOA freq starting<br />

at this date, so I first thought the calibration of my receiver was offset<br />

(to 4960) - thanks to several Finnish <strong>DX</strong>ers I could write the right QTH on<br />

my logbook.<br />

(Matti Ponkamo-FIN, OH1GPU, dxing.info via dxld Feb 2)<br />

On 1 Feb at 1600 VOA Botswana 4930 signing on with English. Rather weak<br />

signal, mixing with Turkmenistan who had mainly lower side band of AM in<br />

use, so I could get VOA on upper [sideband]. (Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld Feb<br />

2)<br />

4930 VoA via Moepeng Hill, at *0257-0322 on Feb 1, first day txion on new<br />

freq with ID and Yankee Doodle until opening of Daybreak Africa program in<br />

English. Numerous TCs and IDs with features about events in Africa. Fair to<br />

good signal.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo/FC<strong>DX</strong>-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 3)<br />

IBB Botswana on new 4930 confirmed for both morning and evening txions<br />

since 1 Feb. Thanks to Wolfgang Bueschel for this tip. This is an<br />

additional freq (not a replacement), which I assume is mainly intended for<br />

Zimbabwe. I think it is no coincidence that Zimbabwe was one of the unfree<br />

countries singled out by Condoleezza Rice during her Senate confirmation<br />

hearings.<br />

Along the same lines, it might be worth watching for an increase in US<br />

broadcasts to Belarus and Burma, also singled out for Condi's criticism. (I<br />

recall she also mentioned Cuba and Iran, but there's plenty of broadcasting<br />

to those two already.)<br />

BTW, the broadcast to Zimbabwe at 1700-1800 is "Studio 7", not "Radio 7".<br />

(Chris Greenway-KEN, dxld Feb 5)<br />

BRAZIL 5045 Radio Guaruja Paulista, at 0129-0148 on <strong>Jan</strong> 30, program of<br />

Brazilian pop vocals hosted by a man announcer with Portuguese talks, ID<br />

and ad string. Fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

5045 R Guaruja Paulista (tent) on Feb 7 at 00<strong>05</strong> UT, still 0030, with many<br />

carneval songs, but too weak/disturbed to ID. I haven't heard this before.<br />

Brazil also on 6035.1, 4985, 4924.9 (2 stations, at least 1 Br, both very<br />

weak), 4915 (2 Brazilians), 4894.9, 4885 (2 Br's), 4825, 4815, 48<strong>05</strong>, 4765,<br />

all quite weak, though.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 8)<br />

3235 Radio Guaruja Paulista, at 2247-2256 on <strong>Jan</strong> 30, man announcer talking<br />

in Portuguese followed by a Brazilian pop vocal sung by a woman. Booming<br />

signal and noted \\5045 which was just fair.<br />

3375 Radio Educadora de Guajara Mirim, at 0932-0953 on <strong>Jan</strong> 31, man with<br />

Portuguese talk hosting program of Brasil pops and a shouted ID and ads at<br />

0949. Very good signal.

4785 Radio Caiari, at 1045-1<strong>05</strong>2 on Feb 1, man talking in Portuguese with<br />

shouted ID in passing. Fair signal. (Rich D'Angelo/FC<strong>DX</strong>-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer<br />

Feb 3)<br />

4885 R Clube Para with sports program on 2231 UT. Just that time a sports<br />

team (Amazone?) made a goal and the speaker was very enthusiastic with it.<br />

New tune in on 2256 with adverts and ID Clube Para, Onda critical and kHz.<br />

The first time I heard their ID. S7 33433.<br />

48<strong>05</strong> R Doif Amazonas (pres) 2334 contiunuous talks by OM. Two buzzers at<br />

both bands smash audio into nothing.<br />

4825 R Ecuadora Para by chance wirh pop mx. Could suppose the stronger from<br />

R Cancao Nova but prg is not of \\ 9675. Signal S4 but below marginal audio<br />

due to USB usage due to QRM fom 4824.5 kHz.<br />

4985 RB Central with religious talks \\ 11815. Signal levels<br />

4985 at 34322 S=5 \\ 11815 34233 S=7.<br />

5045 Guaruja, with songs marginal.<br />

9645 R Bandeirantes 2329 with talks S2 \\ 11925 better at S=5-7.<br />

9630 R Aparecida S6 with nx coQRM ?? 31332. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

Marcelo Bedene (Curitiba/PR, Brasil/<strong>DX</strong> Clube do Brasil) phoned today<br />

morning to Radio Tupi Curitiba (ex-Radio Universo), and obtained follow<br />

information from a Technical Department colaborator:<br />

Radio TUPI<br />

1210 kHz (day 20kW/night 5kW) 6060 (10/10) 9565 (20/20) 11765 (20/20)<br />

Rua Joao Negrao, 595 - Centro - Curitiba-PR - Brasil - 80.010-200 Fone :<br />

41-323-1353. Eng. Latuf Aurani (radicado em S. Paulo ).<br />

(Marcelo Vilela Bedene, Curitiba-PR-Brazil,<br />

<br />

via Rudolf Grimm, ConDig Feb 2)<br />

BULGARIA Christian Voice sce to Nigeria via Sofia Kostinbrod is now at<br />

1600-1800 on 13820. (Observer, Bulgaria via wb, Nick Sharpe, Feb World <strong>DX</strong><br />

Club Contact)<br />

The broadcasts are from UK based Christian Vision International who have<br />

had to put up a statement on their website disassociating themselves from<br />

the fundamentalist evangelical UK based Christian Voice organisation<br />

involved in the campaign to prevent the screening of Jerry Springer the<br />

Opera on B<strong>BC</strong> tv.<br />

(Mike Barraclough.-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C Contact editor, Feb. World <strong>DX</strong> Club Contact<br />

magazine)<br />

BURKINA FASO 7230 R.Burkina, Ouagadougou, surprised me on 30 <strong>Jan</strong> for it<br />

allowed continuous observation at 1113-1610 UT while other not too distant<br />

Afr stns, viz. Guinea 7125, Benin 7220, Nigeria 7275 (inact. or irreg.),<br />

Mali 7285 were inaudible, and even the closest one, Mauritania 7245, was<br />

not good as usual; prgr was in French all the time, discussion on women's<br />

rights at work, health, pops, music prgr 1200, news 1300, etc.; 35443 at<br />

best of course. Conditions were deteriorating as from approx. 1500 onwards<br />

due to increasing adj QRM from other stns. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Feb 4)<br />

CHINA 5060 at 0143- UT, Xinjiang PBS on <strong>Jan</strong> 29. I was won<strong>der</strong>ing who was<br />

wedged between the two powerful American stations of 5<strong>05</strong>0 and 5070. It's

Xinjiang, China, and it's sunrise there now. Parallel to stronger 7310 with<br />

weak talk by a male. Can't make much else out, except that it is in \\ .<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

7270 Nei Menggu (pres) on Feb 8 w/ ID clearly to me as 'Zhujiang guangbo<br />

Nei Menggu renmin diantai' at 1433 UT. But what a mess. Is this listed at<br />

this time and in Chi? Other Chinese speaker and a station at 1529 UT IDing<br />

as 'This is All India Radio' into English news. Furthermore huge signal at<br />

times from the Chinese mx jammer, so is V.O.Tibet also on this frequency? I<br />

was looking for V.O.China. Music jammer left at 1530, when another station,<br />

Iran, popped up with Koran reading mixing with AIR-nx and no signals from<br />

China left. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 8)<br />

4785 CNR Mongolian 1558 with songs 1600 OM with nx and mx S7 33333 Signal<br />

off at 16<strong>05</strong>. Feb 6. (Zacharias Liangas-GRD, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 9)<br />

CONGO-KINSHASA 4845, R. Tangazeni Kristo: I've been listening out for<br />

this new stn in the east of the country (see WRTH 20<strong>05</strong>) but with no joy.<br />

Two other low-powered stns in the same general area, R. Candip on 5066 and<br />

R. Kahuzi on 6210, are hrd, so I won<strong>der</strong> if 4845 is really active. Has it<br />

ever been reported as being heard?<br />

(Chris Greenway-KEN, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

CYPRUS [TURKISH sector] QSL reports: Lars Skoglund: I have got a nice<br />

QSL from: Radio Bayrak International 6150 with 2 letters in Swedish as well<br />

as in English, info fol<strong>der</strong> and photo. V/S is Bertil Wedin who produces and<br />

also presents the program "Magazine North". Bertil was also a <strong>DX</strong>er in<br />

younger days. Rolf Ahman: Finally a QSL from Radio Bayrak International-<br />

6150 where v/s Bertil Wedin repied with 2 letters, fol<strong>der</strong> and photo.<br />

Always nice with a new country. <strong>Jan</strong> Edh: Radio Bayrak 6150. Letter in<br />

Swedish and English, postcard, station fol<strong>der</strong>, a millon lira note. V/s.<br />

Bertil Wedin. New country (no. 218), but not new station!<br />

(SW Bulletin Feb 6, translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for dxld Feb 6)<br />

DJIBOUTI R. Djibouti: From some sources I got info that RTD's new 50 kW<br />

SW tx (4780?) might be operational sometime this March.<br />

(Savolainen-FIN, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 30) Xmtr provided by IBB.<br />

DRM Has anyone been complaining about the QRM from the excessive DRM<br />

(Digital) txions? They spread over a solid 10 kHz block effectively<br />

requiring any conventional AM txions to be at least 10 kHz from their<br />

centre, 15 kHz to be completely clear. With two or three DRM in a band they<br />

occupy a large block of any band. Time for planning ?<br />

(Des Walsh, Feb World <strong>DX</strong> Club Contact via dxld and direct)<br />

Not much except Ascension-analog 21470 propagating on 13m, Feb 3 at 1415<br />

bandscan, but did hear some DRM centred at 21650 nothing listed in the bytime<br />

schedule at<br />

<br />

so what was this?<br />

The DRM schedule by frequency,<br />

<br />

has more up-to-date info, mostly what must be special broadcasts for HFCC<br />

in Mexico City, note the limited dates, including the first DRM tests from<br />

French Guiana we were promised last November in Dallas, the final entry<br />

being 21645, apparently already testing before the official start date;<br />

well, it sounded like it was centred on 21650, but this isn't always easy<br />

to determine on an analog receiver.<br />

DRM long hours from GUF on 21645 will surely have a negative impact on B<strong>BC</strong>-<br />

Ascension, and Riyadh, both on 21640. I've extracted the new DRM txions<br />

about to start in Feb. Some of them were going on before but for some

eason have a new start date with the same info; note that some are M-F<br />

only, 12345:<br />

9800 2045-2130 7NE,8N Vatican Radio RCI ENGLISH Sackville 45N53 064W19 268<br />

70 1234567 20<strong>05</strong>-02-12 20<strong>05</strong>-03-26<br />

13670 1800-2045 10 Radio Canada International RCI VARIOUS Sackville<br />

45N53 064W19 240 70 12345 20<strong>05</strong>-02-07 20<strong>05</strong>-02-11<br />

13690 2045-2130 10 Vatican Radio RCI ENGLISH Sackville 45N53 064W19<br />

240 70 12345 20<strong>05</strong>-02-07 20<strong>05</strong>-02-11<br />

13690 2130-2200 10 Radio Ne<strong>der</strong>land Wereldomroep RCI ENGLISH Sackville<br />

45N53 064W19 240 70 12345 20<strong>05</strong>-02-07 20<strong>05</strong>-02-11<br />

13690 2200-2300 10 Radio Canada International RCI ENGLISH Sackville<br />

45N53 064W19 240 70 12345 20<strong>05</strong>-02-07 20<strong>05</strong>-02-11<br />

13690 2300-2330 10 Deutsche Welle RCI ENGLISH Sackville 45N53 064W19<br />

240 70 12345 20<strong>05</strong>-02-07 20<strong>05</strong>-02-11<br />

13690 2330-2400 10 Radio Sweden International RCI ENGLISH Sackville<br />

45N53 064W19 240 70 12345 20<strong>05</strong>-02-07 20<strong>05</strong>-02-11 15<br />

15265 1500-1800 10 Radio Canada International RCI VARIOUS Sackville<br />

45N53 064W19 240 70 12345 20<strong>05</strong>-02-07 20<strong>05</strong>-02-11<br />

17875 1100-2100 7S,8S Digital Radio Mondial TDF Various Montsinery<br />

04N54 <strong>05</strong>2W36 168 30 1234567 20<strong>05</strong>-02-06 20<strong>05</strong>-02-15<br />

21645 1300-2100 7S,8S,10,11S,12N Digital Radio Mondial TDF French<br />

Montsinery 04N54 <strong>05</strong>2W36 295 30 1234567 20<strong>05</strong>-02-06 20<strong>05</strong>-02-11<br />

Neither version yet shows the 1060 and 25620 tests from R. Educacion in<br />

Mexico DF, previously reported in <strong>DX</strong>LD! See also MEXICO.<br />

Also heard DRM around 15375 Feb 4 at 2315, not on any of the schedules.<br />

What could that be? Santiago maybe with a secret test, as it is scheduled<br />

there in analog after 0000?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Feb 4)<br />

This demonstrates the problem we have. HFCC has an internal mailing list,<br />

but DRM information isn't shared with others, even those such as Klaus<br />

Schnei<strong>der</strong> who compiles the schedule not just for us, but also for the<br />

official DRM site. Unfortunately, I believe the HFCC data only includes<br />

info from members of HFCC, and no MW/LW txions.<br />

We originally attempted to compile a schedule ourselves at Radio<br />

Netherlands, but my colleague <strong>Jan</strong> Peter Werkman was frustrated at the noncooeperation<br />

of some broadcasters in sending their information in a timely<br />

manner. I fear that this is going to be an ongoing problem even after the<br />

commercial launch of DRM :-(<br />

(Andy Sennitt, dxld Feb 4)<br />

See also un<strong>der</strong> MEXICO (HFCC).<br />

Special DRM txions from the UK (Rampisham) to Paris are on 5875 kHz 0900-<br />

1600 UT 5-9 Feb. Antenna HRS 2/2 bearing 140 degrees. The normal 7320 kHz<br />

txion will be suspended during this period. (via Han, Feb 3, B<strong>DX</strong>C via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

ERITREA/SUDAN Radio Peace: Although 4750 is noticeably stronger (in<br />

Nairobi) than before, I'd say this was still consistent with a relartively<br />

low- powered tx (a few kW at most) inside southern Sudan. But I didn't hear

it all in the last two evenings (28 and 29 <strong>Jan</strong>). So, perhaps something is<br />

going on after all?<br />

SAF radio on 6985 (from Eritrea): I can't hear this any more. Reception in<br />

Nairobi used to be fine. Has anyone else heard it recently? Has it moved<br />

frequency, or closed as part of plans to transfer the broadcasting base<br />

from Eritrea into southern Sudan following the north-south Sudan peace deal<br />

signed earlier this month?<br />

Voice of Sudan on 8000 (from Eritrea): This is still going as scheduled at<br />

1530-1600. Fair/good signals here. This is operated by the opposition<br />

group, the National Democratic Alliance (NDA). The NDA is based in northern<br />

Sudan and was not a signatory to the north-south peace deal signed last<br />

month. So, it would be consistent with the political situation for the 6985<br />

station to close and the 8000 one to continue.<br />

(Chris Greenway, Nairobi-KEN, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

7100 at 1607- UT, Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea on<strong>Jan</strong> 30. Quite<br />

decent signals with Horn of Africa mx and male speaker in presumed Tigre.<br />

Best on USB to avoid slow CW on LSB. Frequency may be a bit unstable. Seems<br />

to have started just above 7100 and later just a few Hz below. Difficult to<br />

say with all the hash. 7180 (weaker) does not seem to be in \\ even though<br />

listed as same station, but in Afar rather than Tigre (or is that<br />

Tigrinya?). Similar programming style, though. (Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>, Cumbre<br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

ETHIOPIA B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring has found a Radio Fana web site at<br />

<br />

The site, which is mostly in English, includes an on-demand audio archive<br />

of their nx bulletins and some other programmes. Radio Fana (Amharic for<br />

"torch" or "light") broadcasts around 80 hours of programming a week in<br />

Amharic, Afan Oromo, Afar and Somali on 1080 kHz MW and 6210 and 6940 kHz<br />

SW.<br />

The station began broadcasting on 7th Nov 1994, at which time it was<br />

operated by the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF,<br />

the ruling coalition).<br />

According to information supplied by Radio Fana in late 1995, it is no<br />

longer owned by the EPRDF but is now "an autonomous radio station <strong>der</strong>iving<br />

its income from sponsorship by some non-govtal organizations". (B<strong>BC</strong>M 8 Feb<br />

via dxld)<br />

FINLAND Finnish expatriate organisations today pleaded with the Finnish<br />

Broadcasting Company (YLE) to end its plans to scrap the long and<br />

mediumwave Radio Finland broadcasts that can be heard abroad. The<br />

organisations submitted an appeal to Mika Lintilae, the chairman of the YLE<br />

Administrative Council, composed of MPs. For expatriates, the organisations<br />

said in a statement, the broadcasts constituted a significant link to<br />

Finland, both as an information channel and in the emotional sense. More<br />

than 15,000 Finns living in 25 countries took part in the appeal campaign<br />

organised by the Finland Society and the Finnish Expatriate Parliament.<br />

(Source: Virtual Finland; RNW MNNL via dxld Feb 8)<br />

FRANCE Some nx of MW in France: 1080 Paris: According to a mail from<br />

Jean-Michel Bross (member of the station), Radio de la Mer on 1080 kHz,<br />

will start broadcast on Feb 7th at 0600 UT. The station will be on the air,<br />

daytime. I guess Paris Live Radio, will also start this day [at night].<br />

Radio Vaticana use the two Monte Carlo Radiodiffusion's MW outlets in \\<br />

with 1530 kHz. Relay of Vatican as follows:

On 702 kHz, 400 kW from Col de la Madone-France [north of Monte Carlo]<br />

1810-1940 UT.<br />

On 1467 kHz, 1000 kW from Roumoules-France [120 kms west of Monte Carlo]<br />

1730-1940 UT.<br />

(Christian Ghibaudo, Nice-F, dxld Feb 2)<br />

[VATICAN and non]. I can confirm the 1467 kHz program block of Radio<br />

Vatican being carried also via Col de la Madonne 702 at present. A<br />

recording from this evening at 1920:<br />

<br />

Here you can hear one after another 702, 1467 and 1530. 702 is too weak for<br />

reception with local noise present but still the best frequency, Roumoules<br />

on 1467 is almost obliterated by co-channel Grigoriopol, 1530 is again<br />

quite weak and disturbed by the co-channel Romanian txs. According an ORF<br />

report from 2001<br />

<br />

1530 kHz is now operated with 150 kW only. (Kai Ludwig-D, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 31)<br />

GEORGIA/BRAZIL 118<strong>05</strong>.16 kHz Georgia - 118<strong>05</strong>.22 Globo Brazil.<br />

118<strong>05</strong>.2 R.Globo, Rio de <strong>Jan</strong>. RJ, on 31 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1933-1953, news+info feature<br />

"Globo Cidade", music, TCs, advertisements; 35332. (Carlos Goncalves-POR,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 4)<br />

Am heutigen Morgen war gegen 08<strong>05</strong> UTC Georgien auf 118<strong>05</strong>.16 kHz mit kurzen<br />

Wortfetzen des deutschen Programmes zu hoeren. Zur gleichen Zeit gab es ein<br />

schwaches Signal auf 118<strong>05</strong>.24 kHz, welches in den folgenden Minuten immer<br />

staerker wurde. Gegen 0820 UTC gab es dort das hoerbare fade-in mit<br />

eindeutiger Identifizierung um 0830 UTC: Radio Globo.<br />

Bis zum fade-out um 0835 UTC wan<strong>der</strong>te Globo nach 118<strong>05</strong>.22 und spaeter -nur<br />

noch auf dem Spektrum sichtbar- gegen 118<strong>05</strong>.20 kHz.<br />

Das gleiche *Wan<strong>der</strong>n* war schon am 23.01. beobachtet worden. An diesem Tage<br />

konnte ich Globo jedoch nur nach Hoereindruck vermuten. (Wolf-Dieter<br />

Behnke-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 2)<br />

4975 R Hara 1822 talks by OM in a Turkish sounding lang ID a 1828 UT.<br />

Relatively stable signal. On Feb 4. (Zacharias Liangas-GRD, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb<br />

9)<br />

GERMANY 6045, Radio 555, the special one-time Juelich broadcast on<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary 6th regarding the flood disaster in Southeast Asia, verified and email<br />

report via e-mail from Walter Brodowsky, Account Manager for Short-<br />

Wave Broadcast at T-Systems in 12 days.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

13820, Freie Volksmission Krefeld, Saturday 1630-1700 via DTK, Wertachtal<br />

250 kW<br />

<br />

I tuned in late on this one, at 1637 on Feb 5, and was surprised to find<br />

them with a very strong signal, in English, tho co-channel Marti and the<br />

jamming were equally strong. All preaching, and fairly easily un<strong>der</strong>stood<br />

notwithstanding the constant QRM. They gave a concluding annt at 1656 UT;<br />

no ID as such, but they invited listeners to write for info that they have<br />

in many langs.<br />

Address given (all English):<br />

Mission Center, P.O.Box 100707, D-47707 Krefeld, Germany,<br />

which is the address on the FVK website. This signal must have helped keep<br />

the jamming in check, because within a min or two after 1657 (presumably

when FVK signed off, tho I could not pinpoint that time exactly), the<br />

jamming became doubly intense.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 8)<br />

And I see from an item in R<strong>DX</strong>P, WE Sep 5, 2004, that a Swedish <strong>DX</strong>er got a<br />

reply from that address as well.<br />

Wendel Craighead, 2110 West 74th Terrace, Prairie Village, Kansas 66208-<br />

3437, USA.<br />

Reform Party of Syria/Radio Free Syria.<br />

In my recent report of e-mails from the Reform Party of Syria, I<br />

incorrectly referred to their broadcast as Voice of Syria; it should have<br />

been Radio Free Syria.<br />

In response to Jerry Berg's question about my receiving a QSL from them<br />

with the 2 "Fox Nx Buys Al-Jazeera" e-mails: I did not receive a QSL with<br />

either of these e-mails, but I had already received a very good QSL letter<br />

from Reform Party of Syria in August for their first broadcast on 20 June<br />

2004.<br />

This personal letter, on an RPS letterhead bearing a multi-color logo,<br />

includes the following information: confirmation [has received the signal],<br />

freq [13.6<strong>05</strong> MHz.], site [Julich WeGermany], and target [Middle East and<br />

specifically Syria].<br />

I first sent an e-mail report [so they now have my e-mail address, but some<br />

of their frequent e-mails are quite interesting] and followed up with a<br />

letter to:<br />

Reform Party of Syria, P.O.Box 59730, Potomac, MD 20859, USA.<br />

(via Jerry Berg-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 5)<br />

DA0RM - HamRadiostation via ex6030 antenna at Muehlacker Germany.<br />

End of February 20<strong>05</strong> some Ham Radio operators can be heard via the SW<br />

antenna[!] of former SWR Muehlacker Germany SW site 6030 kHz. TX 100 watt.<br />

Various txion modes in use, see table below.<br />

Special call sign is<br />

DA0RM ("DA-zero-RadioMuehlacker") on the occasion of the 75th anniversary<br />

of this superpower MW and SW location.<br />

Special QSL card will be available.<br />

SW antennas used for:<br />

14 Sep 1947 - 15 Feb 1949 6160 kHz<br />

16 Feb 1949 - 19 Oct 2004 6030 kHz<br />

14 Sep 1947 - 27 Mar 1948 800 watt<br />

28 Mar 1948 - 23 Jun 1952 10 kW<br />

24 Jun 1952 - 19 Oct 2004 20 kW<br />

In row of the Allied Military sen<strong>der</strong>s in spring 1945,<br />

Start Point-UK, Luxembourg, and<br />

Muehlacker lodged AFN American Forces Network Stuttgart 100 kW tx on<br />

1061/1106 kHz from June 3rd, 1945 til Oct 1962.<br />

Reichssen<strong>der</strong> Stuttgart Muehlacker on MW 833/574 kHz, 60 / 2x100 kW,<br />

opened 21 Nov 1930, blown up by German SS troops on April 6, 1945.<br />

MUEHLACKER (Enzkreis) - Zum Jubilaeum beim Radio-Sen<strong>der</strong> Muehlacker im<br />

Enzkreis sind seitens mehrerer Funkamateure beson<strong>der</strong>e Aktivitaeten Ende

Februar geplant: Thomas DO3TG und Mathias DJ2HD haben es geschafft, ihre<br />

Idee umzusetzen und vom Standort des Rundfunksen<strong>der</strong>s in Muehlacker<br />

Amateurfunkbetrieb zu machen.<br />

DA0RM ("DA-zero-RadioMuehlacker") ist eine Son<strong>der</strong>station, um an die<br />

75jaehrige Betriebszeit des Sen<strong>der</strong>s an diesem Ort zu erinnern. Natuerlich<br />

gibt es dafuer eine Son<strong>der</strong>-QSL-Karte und evtl einen Son<strong>der</strong>-DOK. Diese<br />

Aktion wird unterstuetzt duch die OVs Muehlacker (P15) und Karlsruhe (A07).<br />

Es werden auch Mitglie<strong>der</strong> dieser beiden OV's QRV sein. Fuer dieses Ereignis<br />

versucht das Team noch einen Son<strong>der</strong> DOK zu bekommen.<br />

Die Rundfunkstation, heute des SWR, ist immer noch aktiv auf Mittelwelle<br />

und UKW. Der Kurzwellenbetrieb begann 1947 und wurde vor kurzem, nach 57<br />

Jahren im Oktober 2004 lei<strong>der</strong> eingestellt. Der Sen<strong>der</strong> Muehlacker war in<br />

frueheren Zeiten eine <strong>der</strong> groessten Stationen. Nach dem 2. Weltkrieg<br />

beherbergte <strong>der</strong> Standort auch den Mittelwellensen<strong>der</strong> des AFN [Stuttgart]<br />

(American Forces Network, Sen<strong>der</strong> <strong>der</strong> Amerikanischen Streitkraefte). Durch<br />

den Rundfunksen<strong>der</strong> wurde Muehlacker weltberuehmt.<br />

DA0RM wird etwa 1 Woche und so oft wie moeglich, Ende Februar 20<strong>05</strong> aktiv<br />

ein auf allen Amateurfunkbaen<strong>der</strong>n bis 70 cm in verschiedenen Betriebsarten,<br />

gemaess <strong>der</strong> unten stehenden Tabelle. Ebenso werden wir auf vielen Repeatern<br />

in <strong>der</strong> Umgebung Muehlackers QRV sein. Wir verwenden die Kurzwellenantennen<br />

<strong>der</strong> ehemaligen Kurzwellenstation. Als Transceiver dienen Standard-Geraete<br />

mit 100 Watt Sendeleistung.<br />

band >>> mode<br />

80m >>>> SSB<br />

40m >>>> SSB, PSK31, SSTV<br />

20m >>>> SSB, PSK31, SSTV<br />

17m >>>> SSB<br />

15m >>>> SSB<br />

12m >>>> SSB<br />

10m >>>> SSB, FM-Repeater<br />

2m >>>>> FM-Repeater, SSTV<br />

70cm >>> FM-Repeater, SSTV planned on 438.625 MHz (all mode RPT)<br />

Weitere Infos auch auf:<br />

<br />

Mathias (DJ2HD) und bei<br />

Thomas (DO3TG) <br />

Info: vy 73 Wolfgang DH3WO<br />

(via DARC German Amateur Radio Club,<br />

BW-Rundspruch Baden-Wurttemberg Circular Feb 2)<br />

9820 at 1642- UT, Voice of Ethiopian Medhin (via Juelich) on <strong>Jan</strong> 30. Very<br />

unusual mx with a female vocalist. Jazzy, but with a Horn of Africa bent,<br />

in presumed Amharic. Very good reception this morning. About time that the<br />

sun cooperates! Program cut at 1659 UT (carrier was briefly off). At 1700<br />

UT IS and ID for Voice of Oromo Liberation by a male interspersed with very<br />

nice Horn of Africa mx. (Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

Since today or probably already yesterday Berlin-Britz 990 is finally on<br />

air again. This afternoon 855 is still running \\ in AM with a delay of<br />

about four seconds, so obviously operated with the DRM modulator. (Kai<br />

Ludwig-D, dxld Feb 4)<br />

Noted 990 back ( \\ 855 and 60<strong>05</strong>) sometime around 0200 this morning, so<br />

most likely they were on already last evening. Sometime this morning

(Friday) there seemed to be DRM on both 6090 and 6095. Whoever was the<br />

culprit on 6090, he badly messed up BR 6085.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, dxld Feb 4)<br />

Checked the Berlin Britz outlets twice today. 990 kHz is totally in sync<br />

with our local FM DLR relay.<br />

855 kHz I hear only the powerful 200/400 kW Harris tx near Bucharest, same<br />

strength like 909, 1152 etc.<br />

One of the poorest European countries has now a potential of at least 8<br />

powerful MW powerhouses, thanks to human race friend G.W.Bush<br />

administration. (see Harris item un<strong>der</strong> Romania). (wb, Feb 8)<br />

SANTEC - SHOW:<br />

La emisora religiosa Radio Santec "La Onda Cosmica", transmite en espanol<br />

de Lunes a Viernes de 0150 a 0200 UTC, via las facilidades de La Voz de<br />

Rusia, en los 5945, 6195, 7180, 7330, 7390 y 7570 kHz.<br />

QTH: Radio Santec, MarienstraBe 1, D-97070 Wurzburg, Alemania.<br />

E-mail: <br />

Web: <br />

(Marcelo A. Cornachioni-ARG, ConDig <strong>Jan</strong> 24)<br />

Re: Santec in Spanisch. Gibt es so auch in Franzoesisch, Italienisch,<br />

Portugiesisch und Polnisch, siehe<br />

<br />

Von Deutsch ganz zu schweigen...<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 28)<br />

5775 English, Programm aus Oakland CA <br />

Hoere ich gerade (nur Freitags) aus Kostinbrod Bulgarien?<br />

Freitag 2100 UTC nach Europa + Uebersee, z.B. Ozeanien (30 Min.) KW 5775<br />

kHz und woher kommt die Polnisch Sendung 1584 kHz? (wb, <strong>Jan</strong> 28)<br />

Bernd Trutenau: die 1584 gehoeren zu den italienischen Sendungen:<br />

<br />

Toscana - Nord Italia OM 1584 kHz<br />

<br />

Radio Santec (Vita Universale) ha confermato la trasmissione in lingua<br />

italiana del 28/08/2002, 2<strong>05</strong>8-2100 UTC, 1323 kHz (via Deutsche Telekom) e<br />

1584 kHz (via Radio Studio X), in 11 giorni; ha allegato inoltre opuscoli<br />

di carattere religioso e guida alle trasmissioni. Il rapporto di ricezione<br />

e stato inviato per posta prioritaria all'indirizzo: RADIO SANTEC,<br />

Marienstrasse 1, D-97070 Wuerzburg, Germania - Deutschland.<br />

Die polnische Seite zeigt die richtigen, traditionellen 1143 kHz:<br />

<br />

Wer kennt die Adresse <strong>der</strong> Evangelischen Missionsgesellschaft, die an den<br />

Wochenenden auf 6015 kHz sendet? (Michael Lindner)<br />

Evangelische Missions-Gemeinden, Jahnstrasse 9, DE-89182 Bernstadt,<br />

Germany.<br />

Tel + 49 [0] 7348-9480-26, Fax -27<br />

Quelle: (Harald Greiner-D,<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 1)

(Baden-Wuerttemberg): Am 18. <strong>Jan</strong>uar 20<strong>05</strong> wurde die Mittelwelle Stuttgart-<br />

Hirschlanden 738 kHz vormittags fuer eine Testsendung eingesetzt.<br />

Ausgestrahlt wurde das Programm von AFN, das vom selben Standort auf 1143<br />

kHz kommt. Die Mittelwelle wird moeglicherweise kuenftig fuer Truckradio<br />

eingesetzt. (ntt; Kai Ludwig via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>, <strong>Jan</strong> 18)<br />

Evtl. auch nur <strong>der</strong> normale Wartungs Check <strong>der</strong> T-systems Techniker. (wb)<br />

Truckradio plans to use also Burg 531 (silent since 1998, disregarding low<br />

power DRM tests done in the meantime), Frankfurt 1080 (coordinated but<br />

never put in use, possible tx site unclear, most likely candidate appears<br />

to be Weisskirchen) and Wuerzburg 1386. They also intend to put txs on air<br />

in Austria.<br />

Cf. where 531 is shown<br />

way too much to the east of course, and just disregard the mention on<br />

"1475" in Austria.<br />

[the Truck radio tx map shows also Innsbruck-AUT circle on 1026 kHz, wb.]<br />

Vermutlich infolge von Witterungseinfluessen ist am 22. Dez 2004 eine<br />

seitliche Abspannung des 160 Meter hohen Mittelwellen-Sendemastes in Britz<br />

gerissen. Da die Stabilitaet des Sendemastes nicht voll gewaehrleistet war,<br />

wurden in Zusammenarbeit mit Polizei und Feuerwehr die notwendigen<br />

Massnahmen zur Sicherung eingeleitet. Nach telefonischer Auskunft <strong>der</strong> TegTP<br />

vom 19. <strong>Jan</strong>uar 20<strong>05</strong> fand man ein weiteres Seil, das ebenfalls repariert<br />

werden musste. Mit <strong>der</strong> Wie<strong>der</strong>aufnahme des Sendebetriebes koenne aber schon<br />

wie<strong>der</strong> diese Woche gerechnet werden. Der Sendemast wurde vor etwa einem<br />

Jahr komplett saniert. (D. Moeller 19.1.20<strong>05</strong> via Chr. Ratzer A-<strong>DX</strong>; ntt)<br />

GREECE This is the Radio Filia (15 kW) Schedule in English that I put<br />

together from the ones on VOG's web site. Notice that this station carries<br />

the International Zone foreign lang programs from 1400 to 2000 UT as well<br />

as the earlier satellite lang connections at 0430 to 0900 on Monday thru<br />

Friday as well as an abbreviated schedule on the week-end. (John Babbis-MD-<br />

USA, dxld Feb 4)<br />

Radio Filia, Athens 3 (ERA-3) B04 Schedule. (Eff from Oct 31, 2004 to March<br />

30, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

MON-FRI 665 AM 107 FM<br />

0000-0430 Connection With Cosmos<br />

0430-<strong>05</strong>00 B<strong>BC</strong>-Bulgarian (Satellite Connection)<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 B<strong>BC</strong>-Turkish (Satellite Connection)<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-0600 B<strong>BC</strong>-Russian (Satellite Connection)<br />

0600-0630 D/W*German (Satellite Connection)<br />

0630-0700 B<strong>BC</strong>*Albanian (Satellite Connection)<br />

0700-0800 B<strong>BC</strong>-English (Satellite Connection)<br />

0800-0900 B<strong>BC</strong>-Arabic (Satellite Connection)<br />

0900-1000 Philippino Communities Program (Mon)<br />

Immigrants* Communities 60* (Tues)<br />

"As a Fairy Tale?" With Rissos Charalambides (Wed)<br />

Connection With Cosmos (Thurs)<br />

Program for the Internat Immigration Organization (Fri)<br />

1000-10<strong>05</strong> Where From and Why. 10<strong>05</strong>-1100 Information Without<br />

Discriminations<br />

1100-1200 Connection With Cosmos. 1200-1300 Something Special<br />

1300-1400 Journey Taken, Journey Left<br />

INTERNATIONAL ZONE. 7430 SW 665 AM 107 FM<br />

1400-2000 Ar, Ge, Ru, Sp, Rom, Tur, S-Cr, Bu, Alb30*, Fr30*, Pol 30*, En<br />

30*.<br />

665 AM 107 FM

2000-2400 Connection With Cosmos. 2200-2400 Connection With Studio 3A (Fri)<br />

SATURDAY 665 AM 107 FM<br />

0000-0600 Connection With Cosmos<br />

0600-0630 D/W*German (Satellite Connection)<br />

0630-0700 B<strong>BC</strong>*Albanian (Satellite Connection)<br />

0700-0800 B<strong>BC</strong>-English (Satellite Connection)<br />

0800-0900 Sweet Country of Cyprus (Connection With Studio 3A)<br />

0900-1000 Bangladesh. 1000-1200 Out of Place. 1200-1400 From Forty Waves<br />

INTERNATIONAL ZONE. 7430 SW 665 AM 107 FM<br />

1400-1430 Ar, Ge, Ru, Sp, Rom, Tur, S-Cr, Bu, Alb 30*, Fr 30*.<br />

1900-1930 Everything Becomes Songs. 1930-2000 Nx in English 30*<br />

665 AM 107 FM. 2000-2400 Connection With Cosmos<br />

SUNDAY 665 AM 107 FM<br />

0000-0600 Connection With Cosmos<br />

0600-0630 D/W*German (Satellite Connection)<br />

0630-0700 B<strong>BC</strong>*Albanian (Satellite Connection)<br />

0700-0800 B<strong>BC</strong>-English (Satellite Connection)<br />

0800-0900 Connection With Cosmos<br />

0900-1000 Program With India-Pakistan Communities<br />

1000-1100 Doctors of the World-Doctors Without Bor<strong>der</strong>s<br />

1100-1200 Connection With Cosmos, 1200-1300 Albanian Migrants Forum<br />

1300-1400 Rhythm<br />

INTERNATIONAL ZONE 7430 SW 665 AM 107 FM<br />

1400-1900 Ar, Ge, Ru, Sp, Rom, Tur, S-Cr, Bu, Alb30*, Fr30*,<br />

1900-1930 Everything Becomes Songs. 1930-2000 Nx in English 30*<br />

665 AM 107 FM 2000-2400 Connection With Cosmos. (John Babbis-MD-USA, dxld<br />

Feb 3)<br />

GUIANA FR We have started today DRM txion from French Guyana at around<br />

1830 UT on 21645 beaming 35 (to France just for fun!) but the normal<br />

direction is 275 to Mexico city. This test to France was negative as the 21<br />

MHz band was completly dead at 1930 local time.<br />

Tomorrow between 1200 and 1600 we will do new txions to 295 but also to<br />

France mainland on 17875 or 21645 MHz with about 30 kW to a 4/4/1 rotatable<br />

antenna.<br />

I am not so sure that it will be good for you in Virginia, better for the<br />

US west coast when beaming to Mexico but just try it! Thanks again for your<br />

help during our first tests from France to Dallas in November.<br />

(Jacques Gruson, F6AJW, TDF, Feb 2, DRM Forums via dxld)<br />

We are currently transmitting on 21650 kHz (not 21645) at 35 to Europe were<br />

we are received quite well. We need to move because of a local QRM from<br />

Saudi Arabia on 21640 in Europe but we will be back on 21645 for A04 HFCC<br />

demo.<br />

Portugal is also transmitting to Brazil on 21650 kHz starting at 1700 UT.<br />

(Jacques Gruson, Feb 3, ibid. dxld Feb 6)<br />

GUINEA 7125 RTV Guineenne at 2340-0001* UT on <strong>Jan</strong> 28-29, French talk,<br />

Afro-pop mx, local folk mx. 2359 UT sign-off with instrumental NA. VG<br />

signal until 0000 when covered by Russian International Radio sign-on.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Feb 1)<br />

7125 Radiodiffusion TV Guineenne, at 2<strong>05</strong>3-2122 on <strong>Jan</strong> 30, nice program of<br />

highlife vocals hosted by a man with French talk. ID at 2100 followed by

news. Brief mxal segment and vernacular news. After three mins back to<br />

French talk and mxal programming. Fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo/FC<strong>DX</strong>-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 3)<br />

ICELAND Rikisutvarpid Reykjavik schedule has not changed since Oct 2003:<br />

For Europe<br />

1215-1300 UTC 13865 kHz (125 degr)<br />

1755-1825 UTC 12115 kHz (125)<br />

for NoAmerica<br />

1410-1440 UTC 13865 kHz (251 degr)<br />

1835-19<strong>05</strong> UTC 13865 kHz (251)<br />

2300-2335 UTC 12115 kHz (251)<br />

Schedule is shown on this link which<br />

'Johanna' at Rikisutvarpid sent me within mins! Thank you, Johanna!<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 5)<br />

INDIA An article on the recent <strong>DX</strong>pedition to Andaman Island by National<br />

Institute of Amateur Radio, Hy<strong>der</strong>abad, India is available in pdf format at:<br />

<br />

The last photo of the article on page 7 is on the Ham Radio demonstration<br />

conducted at All India Radio, Port Blair in their conference Hall.<br />

The 3rd person from the right is Mr.K.S.Venkateswarlu, Station Engineer,<br />

AIR, Port Blair who is well with dxers worldwide for his prompt repies to<br />

reception reports. The other members seen are the staff and AIR and<br />

Doordarshan TV.<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 10)<br />

11585 R Rainbow heard on <strong>Jan</strong> 26 with Hindi songs on past 1540 UT till abt<br />

1630 then with rock heavy metal songs and several ID in between as eg on<br />

1600 and 1630 . ALso heard on next day <strong>Jan</strong> 27th with possibly fade out or<br />

signal off at 1430, on <strong>Jan</strong> 28 up to 1540 when signal again faded out, but<br />

also available on 1030, and on <strong>Jan</strong> 29 from as early as 1143 UT. Signal is<br />

mostly fair to good at S9 to fade out at 1530 44433 <strong>Jan</strong> 29th.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 31)<br />

INDONESIA I've just crossed over very distorted signal on 11884.7 M tk<br />

in an lang which is hard-to-recognise... 1720 UT, ID sounds like "Radio<br />

Republik INS", into soft pop then.<br />

\\ checks gave nothing:<br />

9525 (9524.89) VOI in Spanish fair-to-poor not \\ 11874v.<br />

11860 (11860.007) RRI in Indo, good, clear audio. Not \\ too.<br />

What's it on 11874.7 then ?... (Vlad Titarev-UKR, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 8)<br />

Vlad,<br />

seemingly the second RRI/VoINS SW station at Bonto Sunggu, Jeneparto,<br />

Sulawesi.<br />

Not mentioned in <strong>DX</strong>press[Jembatan] since 1999 I guess.<br />

Scheduled for 9565, 9630, [9680?], 11750, 11885 kHz.<br />

Dipols towards 85 degrees.<br />

11885 0900-1300 51 UJU 100 85 5 206 D INS RRI RRI<br />

Usually RRI/VoINS uses Jakarta Cimanggis site, see below.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 8)<br />

!! H i s t o r y NASWA LN November 1996:

Info on the inauguration of RRI's new txs by David Foster... RRI's nine new<br />

250 kW txs were officially inaugurated on Sep 14. In a 1-1/2 hour live<br />

bcast of the opening ceremony near Ujung Pandang, beginning at 0245 UTC on<br />

RRI Jakarta Programa Nasional, it was anncd that five of the nine txs, all<br />

believed to be supplied by Marconi, are situated at Bonto Sunggu in<br />

Kabupaten Gowa, 19 km south of UP. The other four are located at Cimanggis<br />

(Jakarta).<br />

A sked was anncd, itemizing eight (not nine) freqs: Bonto Sunggu: 9565 kHz,<br />

(?)-1400 UTC to Maluku & Irian Jaya; 9630 kHz, 2100-1000 UTC to Sumatra,<br />

Jawa Barat & Kalimantan, both with Programa Nasional 1; 11750 kHz, 2000-<br />

2400 UTC to Sumatra, Jawa Barat & Kalimantan; and 11885 kHz, <strong>05</strong>00-0900 UTC<br />

to Maluku & Irian Jaya, both with Programa Nasional 2. Cimanggis: 9680,<br />

11790 (prob. 11785), 15125 & 15150 kHz, no sked anncd.<br />

There are four new antenna arrays at Bonto Sunggu, six at Cimanggis. Info<br />

was also given on costs, the area of the sites, elec. generators,<br />

modulation systems, and that two channels are available on the Palapa<br />

satellite for the feed to Banta Sunggu. This project was Marconi's third in<br />

INS. Information Minister Harmaka opened the facility, and the ceremony was<br />

also attended by a representative from Marconi UK and the First Secretary<br />

of the British Embassy. A fourth Marconi project will involve three new 250<br />

kW FS txs, believed to be located at Cimanggis.<br />

Notes to the above:<br />

(1) Programa Nasional 1 and 2 are new references. There has only been one<br />

Programa Nasional until now, although it was known to split into two<br />

networks at 0030-0200 and 0830-1000 UTC (not daily). [See October LN-AQ]<br />

(2) Scheduled times have actually been changeable, although it is<br />

interesting to note that 9630 kHz was anncd to close at 1000* and has<br />

actually done so over the past few weeks.<br />

(3) Perhaps the missing ninth freq represents a standby tx or one still to<br />

come on-line.<br />

(4) Possibly Marconi's previous two projects involved the establishment of<br />

the presently-inactive 250 kW tx site at Padang Cermin near Medan, and the<br />

current high power FS tx on 9525 kHz. (Foster/OZ<strong>DX</strong>/Jembatan<br />

<strong>DX</strong>/<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>/Bueschel)<br />

This seems only logical since at least the regional (nusantara) RRI stns<br />

have had a 2nd prgr for some time already. Concerning the different IS<br />

method, RRI Programa Nasional uses the Rayuan Pulau Kelapa (Song of the<br />

Coconut Islands) as an IS just before the nx on the hour. The VO INS uses<br />

an instr version of RPK at the end of each lang section. RRI PN usually<br />

plays the NA (Indonesia Raya) at the end of the nx, as does VOI at the end<br />

of each txmn block. There is also a 'Pancasila' song hrd sometimes<br />

(Pancasila being the state ideology). There's also a jingle '.. Radio<br />

Republik INS ..' hrd occasionally.<br />

(Werdin/OZ<strong>DX</strong>/Jembatan <strong>DX</strong>/<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>/Bueschel) (November 1996)<br />

Thank you, Wolfgang, looks like that. I've lost them around 18z, but<br />

definitely it was NOT ext sce (VOI). So lang was INSn (I was in doubt<br />

between B.Indones / B.Malay).<br />

Audio quality improved towards the end, but very short drops out became<br />

more frequent (few per min, less then second in lentgh). If reactivated as<br />

it looks, - not in good shape I must say...

Cimanggis' 11860 looked perfect at the same time. Even 9525 VOI's quality<br />

was not bad as to my ear. General: while been slightly into GeoMag-storm,<br />

signals coming here from East appeared more clear/sharp. (Vlad Titarev-UKR,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 8)<br />

9550 0900-1300 51 UJU 7 0 0 700 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> D INS RRI<br />

9565 2200-2400 51 UJU 5 85 0 206 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> D INS RRI<br />

11750 0800-1200 54 UJU 250 280 5 206 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> D INS RRI<br />

11750 2200-0300 54 UJU 250 280 5 206 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> D INS RRI<br />

11885 0900-1300 51 UJU 100 85 5 206 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> D INS RRI<br />

Wasn't there a report a couple of years ago about someone visiting the<br />

station and stating that the whole site was buried in the jungle and the<br />

visitor estimated it the return to air to be very unprobable? But who knows<br />

... (Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer feb 9)<br />

9525 VoINS, at 2021-2100* on Feb 7, English/Indo, Audible after co-channel<br />

TWR,Swaziland 2020* (Sat-Mon) w/ familiar RRI web info annt. Music w/<br />

breaks in audio around 2032 followed by whisper quiet talks re "investment<br />

in INS" then continuous Indo pops/ballads.<br />

"From Jakarta you are listening to the VOI" IDs at 2031 and 2048 and s/off<br />

annmts w/ freqs and "Goodbye from VOI in Jakarta". IS at 2100*. Good mx<br />

audio, poor vox.<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 8)<br />

4925 RRI Jambi on <strong>Jan</strong> 28 at 1120-12<strong>05</strong> UT. 35333. Koran reading in INSn.<br />

Local nx at 1130. Music program followed at 1150. Nx at 1200. ID was heard<br />

at 1130 UT.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Feb 4)<br />

4749.96 RRI Makassar, at 1358 UT on 27 <strong>Jan</strong>uary; pop mx thru 1400 TOH; S9<br />

signal.<br />

4789.07 RRI Fak Fak, at 1352 on 29 <strong>Jan</strong>uary; S8 pop mx; same strength as<br />

Port Moresby; Song of Coconut Island at 1353 UT and audio out at 1356:45<br />

UT.<br />

(Jerry Strawman-IA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 31)<br />

3325 RRI Palankaraya [Kalimantan], at 1150-1227 on Feb 1, continuous Hindi<br />

vocals up to Song of the Coconut Islands at 1159 followed by Jakarta news.<br />

\\ 46<strong>05</strong> (Serui) and 4925 (Jambi). Fair.<br />

3976.1 RRI Pontianak [Kalimantan], at 1<strong>05</strong>2-1125 on <strong>Jan</strong> 31, Koran chants<br />

through top of the hour. Man with INSn talks. Periodic checks noted mx<br />

programming. Poor with intermittent amateur QRM.<br />

46<strong>05</strong> RRI Serui [Irian Jaya], at 1145-1240 on Feb 1, vocals until local ID<br />

at 1159 followed by Song of the Coconut Islands. RRI ID and Jakarta nx read<br />

by a man running \\ 3325 (Palankaraya) and 4925 (Jambi).<br />

4750 RRI Makassar [Sulawesi], at 2145-2206 on <strong>Jan</strong> 30, mix of Indo pops and<br />

talk in INS by a woman until Song of the Coconut Islands at 2159 followed<br />

by generic RRI ID at 2200 and Jakarta news. Poor to fair and improving.<br />

4790 RRI Fak Fak (presumed) [Irian Jaya], at 2135-2154 fade out on <strong>Jan</strong> 30,<br />

talk by two men in INSn then a woman announcer spoke. Brief instrumental mx<br />

segments (some "island mx") between various talk segments. Poor to fair<br />

signal with CODAR QRM but fading fast and gone before Song of the Coconut<br />

Islands at top of the hour.

4925 RRI Jambi [Sumatra], at 1216-1228 on Feb 1, noted with Jakarta nx in<br />

INS \\ 3325 (Palankaraya) and 46<strong>05</strong> (Serui). Poor to fair. (Rich<br />

D'Angelo/FC<strong>DX</strong>-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 3)<br />

9525 Voice of INS at 2002 UT in English with news. Headlines of nx at 2008.<br />

Battling it out with someone in French. The only way to hear VoI was to<br />

point the beam 300 degrees to get maximum signal. A real struggle. Battling<br />

it out with TWR-Swaziland in French until they signed off at 2020. Now V.<br />

of INS is alone with "Let's Go INS", a tourist program. (343 / 222 Feb 5).<br />

(Mickey Delmage-Alb-CAN, hcdx Feb 5)<br />

Because RRI Korean announcer Lee-Youngju retired from Radio Republik INS,<br />

RRI in Korean was stopped. Even though Korean lang ID is heard at the<br />

beginning and ending of broadcasting. The Korean sce is now replaced with<br />

the mx program which can be received from 1200-1300 UT, on 9525.<br />

(RRI Korean announcer Lee-Youngju, from Sungchul Cho, SoKorea, dxld Feb 8)<br />

Acc to Mr. Sungchul Cho, Korea, Korean sce of Radio Republik INS (1200-1300<br />

9525 kHz) has recently been stopped. Although the Korean lang ID is heard<br />

at the beginning and end, all the programs are now replaced by mx. The<br />

reason is that RRI Korean announcer Lee-Yougju retired from RRI and they<br />

cannot find a successor.<br />

BTW, Korean web site <br />

has not been updated since autumn 2003. (Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Feb 8)<br />

IRAQ Checking the Iraqi elections on the Nile Sat today I noticed that<br />

"Al-Iraqiyah TV (Iraq Media Network)" has started broadcasting on the Nile<br />

Sat, 7 degrees West on 12.149 GHz Pol. Horizontal S/R 27500 FEC 3/4.<br />

This is a follow up to my report about the same TV station which started<br />

broadcasting on the Arab Sat 26 degrees East on 7/1/2004. I said "after the<br />

American attack on Iraq the management of both Arab Sat and Nile Sat<br />

announced that they will not let the IMN to broadcast on both satellites<br />

but sounds like they gave it a second thought ... which means maybe we can<br />

get that station on the Nile Sat 7 Deg West soon."<br />

It took them about a year to have it on the Nile Sat. Sounds like the<br />

management of the Nile Sat finally convinced to have the channel on the<br />

Nile Sat and the timing is great as well, just around elections time ;)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan, Cairo-EGY, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

CLAND 6420.8 R. Komalah (as heard), NE IRQ (?), noted on 28 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1717-<br />

1810* UT, Kurdish, talks, IDs, Big Ben-like chimes 1740 & jingle (western<br />

theme), news, same jingle at s/off; 45433. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Feb 4)<br />

Cland 6420.9 'Iran Radio Komala' with progr in Persian at 1710 UT talks<br />

about Hattami, Romania at 1720 a rock song at 1730 ID at 1733 and program<br />

in Arabic after 1733. DSB with reduced carrier with sudden upward drifts.<br />

S5 3 43443 at 1720 but low at 1735 UT. <strong>Jan</strong> 29. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 31)<br />

4860 Voice of Iranian Kurdistan (pres), at 0259-0322 on <strong>Jan</strong> 31, nice<br />

Kurdish vocals and talks. Poor with UTE QRM. (Rich D'Angelo/FC<strong>DX</strong>-PA-USA,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 3)<br />

Kurdistan 11530 Denge Mezopotamia on Feb 8 huge signal 1355-past 1510 with<br />

phone-in and Kurdish songs. (via Russia)

6335 V.O.Iraqi Kurdistan on Feb 8 at 1425 UT Kurdish songs, better at later<br />

hours. Weak, but in the clear.<br />

6426.2 \\ 4380.6 V.O.Iranian Revolution (pres) on Feb 8 at 1425-1450+ \\<br />

programming in Kurdish, too early for 3880v channel.<br />

6311.9 R Roj here the last few days. On Feb 7 at 16<strong>05</strong> even with 'Happy<br />

Birthday to you' song in English .-) Feb 8 faded in on this freq. ard 14<strong>05</strong>.<br />

At recheck later slightly moved to 6312 kHz. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Feb 8)<br />

The Kurdish mx station "Radio Roj" has been on variable 6312 (ex 6315, ex<br />

6310) since at least 5 Feb. Noted during afternoons around 1400/1500 and<br />

also mornings around <strong>05</strong>30. This station is much weaker than the VoIraqi<br />

Kurdistan on 6335.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, Cumbre Feb 8)<br />

Cland 4025 V of People of Kurdistan 1758 ID by OM in AR (shhab Kurdisatan)<br />

with short nx, tune in on 1840 with Arabic songs. Feb 5.<br />

Cland 4380.75 unIDed Kurdish 1755 in Kurdish lang with continuous mentions<br />

on Kurdistan ! Nice signal S9 44334 songs. Feb 5.<br />

(all Zacharias Liangas-GRD, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 9)<br />

ITALY Im Elektrosmog-Prozess gegen Radio Vatikan will die Verteidigung<br />

des Papstsen<strong>der</strong>s auf Freispruch fuer die drei Radio-Direktoren plaedieren.<br />

Die Argumentation <strong>der</strong> Anwaelte ist, dass die Abstrahlung<br />

elektromagnetischer Wellen nicht als "Werfen gefaehrlicher Gegenstaende"<br />

dargestellt werden koenne, wie das die Anklage tue.<br />

Zudem habe sich Radio Vatikan stets an die europaeischen Strahlen-Normen<br />

gehalten und sich seit 2001 auch den sehr viel strengeren italienischen<br />

Normen unterworfen. Der naechste Gerichtstermin, bei dem die Verteidigung<br />

zu Wort kommt, ist fuer den 1. Februar 20<strong>05</strong> geplant. Als Termin fuer die<br />

Erwi<strong>der</strong>ungen <strong>der</strong> Anklage und fuer das Urteil ist <strong>der</strong> 7. April angesetzt.<br />

(Radio Vatikan 18.1.20<strong>05</strong>; Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt)<br />

JAPAN 3607.5U NHK-Tokyo, ltr and nice card; xmtr site photo, JOAK and<br />

JOAB calls and MW fqys, three SW fqys (3607, 6175, 9550) and power (900<br />

watts), on front, full-data on back; also three NHK postcards. Ltr<br />

(unsigned) apologizes for lateness and bad EG, says SW used to be<br />

consi<strong>der</strong>ed b/c, now "for connection" (fee<strong>der</strong>), so they don't QSL, but "The<br />

card is sent specially this time" (Yes!). 6 wks. after 1st follow-up, 5<br />

mos. total.<br />

Sent CD, SAE and ms with both rpts; SAE was used, returned ms. Address on<br />

ltr and handwritten on envelope:<br />

NHK-Tokyo Shobu-kuki Radio Station, 3047-1 Oaza-Sanga Shobu-cho,<br />

Minamisaitama-gun Saitama, 346-0104 Japan. For rcpn in Hawaii. (Jerry Berg-<br />

MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 31)<br />

KENYA Problems with 4915. I noted yesterday that K<strong>BC</strong>'s 4915 tx was<br />

relaying the Swahili Service, rather than the usual Eastern Service. A<br />

check on the Eastern Service's studio-to-transmitter link on 89.5 FM found<br />

that it was a silent carrier.<br />

This morning 4915 is off the air and 89.5 FM is still a silent carrier.<br />

In 2001, 4915 was off the air for several weeks as the K<strong>BC</strong> couldn't pay the<br />

electricity bill, but this looks like a different problem. (Chris Greenway-<br />

KEN, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK feb 10)

KOREA Rep. My dear friend Ruben Guillermo Margenet said what Ramiro<br />

Trost, Spanish Section member of KBS Radio Korea International, told him<br />

about the new vietnamese sce. The test txions beginning the next February<br />

14 from 0900-0930 UTC on 9640 kHz. The official inauguration is the next<br />

March 03. (Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, hcdx Feb 4)<br />

RKI gets a new name.<br />

RKI has conducted a survey of all KBS employees in its search for new<br />

station name following its merger with the overseas sce TV channel KBS<br />

World last Feb, RKI has announced to rename it to reflect new stature &<br />

mission. In the survey a majority of those polled favoured "KBS WORLD<br />

RADIO" among 10 options named. RKI will be moving ahead with re-naming<br />

process by next week.<br />

Meanwhile RKI will launch its 11th lang sce in Vietnamese from March 3rd -<br />

the 79th anniversary of KBS the mother company of RKI. From this day a 30<br />

mins long Vietnamese lang program will be broadcasted on 9640 kHz at 10 pm<br />

Vietnamese local time.<br />

(RKI Worlwide friendship program, Alokesh Gupta-IND, Cumbre Feb 6)<br />

KUWAIT 9880DRM Radio Kuwait Feb 7 at 1704 Nx in Arabic, mentions of<br />

Kuwait and ruling sheik; S/N about 15 dB, fine for 11.64 kbps bit rate.<br />

Audio about 98% present.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 8)<br />

LITHUANIA 1386 Starting March 1st, Radio Baltic Waves International will<br />

provide a relay of RFE/RL in Russian for a local audience in Siauliai<br />

(Northern Lithuania) on 1386 with 3 kW from <strong>05</strong>00-1600. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU,<br />

mwdx Feb 9)<br />

MADAGASCAR Family Radio via Madagascar on Feb 5 in Swahili on 11804.9<br />

kHz at 1840 UT, off 1854. Fair. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 8)<br />

MALDIVES On <strong>Jan</strong> 19, I had a most welcomed phone call from Sri Lankan <strong>DX</strong>er<br />

Sarath Weerakoon who for the time being is Head of Operations of the<br />

Hong Kong Shanghai Bank in Male. He told me that during school holidays in<br />

December, his wife and children did visit him. On Dec 24 and 25 they went<br />

snorkling from one of the holiday resorts on one of the many, very flat<br />

islands in the South of the Maldives, but fortunately they returned on Dec<br />

25 to the capital Male. The next day many of these islands whose highest<br />

point above normal sea level is only one meter, were flooded by the<br />

Tsunami.<br />

Most of the other coasts along the Indian Ocean like in Sri Lanka are<br />

higher and the flood came several times and made severe devastations. But<br />

it was different on the Maldive islands where the big Tsunami wave just<br />

passed over the islands once and carried people and material away. There<br />

are some reefs around Male, so only a minor flooding occured there and<br />

Sarath and his family are safe. But about 100 people are dead or missing on<br />

the Maldives. Nobody there had imagined that such a catastrophe could<br />

happen.<br />

Six years ago Sarath and his wife Niranjalee showed me great hospitality in<br />

letting me be their guest in their bungalow in Mount Lavinia south of<br />

Colombo. Sarath furthermore showed me around at various interesting places<br />

in Colombo, Bentota and Galle on the south coast of Sri Lanka. Fortunately<br />

their bungalow on a hill is untouched and the school of their children is<br />

only slightly damaged.<br />

Sarath Weerakoon also told me that the compound of the Voice of Maldives in<br />

Male was unhurt. Their extensive network of FM-repeaters covers all the<br />

inhabited islands. But they have absolutely no plans to return to the use<br />

of Shortwaves. Sarath sent his best regards to all members of the DSWCI. -<br />

With the current world media focus on the political situation in the

Maldives, it is interesting to note that President Gayoom a few days ago<br />

promised more democracy on his archipelago.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W NL <strong>Jan</strong> 26)<br />

MALI 4786.92 RTV Mali with hilife mx. Signal S9 but strong QRM from CNR<br />

Mongol on 4785 so YSB is must. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 2)<br />

MEXICO 6184.94 at <strong>05</strong><strong>05</strong>- UT, Radio Educacion on <strong>Jan</strong> 30. Not a whole lot to<br />

hear tonight with pretty poor reception conditions. S7 signals with a male<br />

speaking in Spanish. Not terribly exciting programming. A presumed logging.<br />

Some traditional Mexican vocals at <strong>05</strong>:08. (Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

HFCC A-<strong>05</strong> meeting in Mexico DF<br />

The DRM schedule via RN site at<br />

<br />

has been updated: "Last modified: 20<strong>05</strong>.02.<strong>05</strong>, 09:39"<br />

Here we excerpt the pertinent entries concerning tests during the HFCC in<br />

Mexico DF, including the unidentified txions we have already reported. On<br />

Aventura Diexista, HCJB, at 1445 UT on Feb 5 on 11960, Duglas Weaver<br />

mentioned that HCJB would be running special tests too, but no further<br />

info! That turns out to be the identity of the DRM buzz I was already<br />

hearing on 15375, not Santiago, which however, is also running a DRM test,<br />

on 21500 like they did for Dallas last November.<br />

Power and azimuth are missing for both; presumably HCJB's high-gain<br />

rotatable antenna is no longer usable, at least in the process of being<br />

dismantled, if not yet completed. Besides the html coding errors, the R.<br />

Educacion entry for 25620 does not match our previous info, that it would<br />

be running from 1500 to 2300 UT for several days, not just during the same<br />

20 mins the MW 1060 test appears one day only.<br />

And the 21645 DRM test, indeed via French Guiana, is not carrying RFI, but<br />

instead DW in English! Viz.:<br />

1300-2300 02/06-02/11 21645 295 Mexico 30 DW English Montsinery<br />

1300-2400 02/06-02/11 15375 Mexico HCJB Spanish Quito<br />

1600-1900 02/07-02/11 21500 Mexico Voz Cristiana Spanish Santiago<br />

1700-1720 02/09 1060 ND Mexico R. Educacion Spanish Mexico<br />

1700-1720 02/09 25620 ND Mexico R. Educacion Spanish Mexico<br />

2200-2300 02/<strong>05</strong>-02/20 9900 290 Mexico 10 RNW Spanish Bonaire<br />

2300-2400 02/<strong>05</strong>-02/20 9885 290 Mexico 10 RNW Dutch Bonaire<br />

The by-frequency DRM schedule at the HFCC site has not yet been updated.<br />

Then I find a message from Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>, compiler of the above schedule.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Feb 5)<br />

French Guiana did some DRM test txions on 21650 kHz to Europe. Tentative<br />

schedule to Mexico:<br />

02/06-02/11 on 21645 kHz (295 degr - 30 kW) at 1300-2300 UT.<br />

The txion on 15375 kHz originated from Quito, Ecuador.<br />

HCJB schedule to Mexico: 02/06-02/11 on 15375 kHz at 1300-2400 UT.<br />

Voz Cristiana from Santiago, Chile. 02/07-02/11 on 21500 kHz at 1600-1900<br />

UT.<br />

It's impossible to list test txions in the regular DRM schedule. Special<br />

txions to Mexico will be published on Sunday, 6 Feb., because the schedule<br />

is also used for the DReaM Software, where the txion days have to be marked<br />

for remote control of the receivers. That's why limited txions, e.g. to<br />

Mexico, are always a problem.<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, dxld Feb 5)

MOROCCO When John digs out QSL's they are generally 'jim crackers' and<br />

the latest pair certainly fit the bill. DULY VERIFIED No. 230/2 - 9490<br />

K/cs, WTAN, Voice of Tangier heard on August 13, 1955 and acknowledged by<br />

Rev. Ralph Freed. The December edition of CONTACT, pp 22 and 23, spotlights<br />

the history of Trans World Radio from its origins as the Voice of Tangier,<br />

2500 Watts (2.5 kW) on 22 February 1954. My QSL for WTAN for a report dated<br />

13 August 1955 illustrates these early days.<br />

The freq was 9490 K/cs and my log shows an annt "Just write ... P.O.Box<br />

219..." at 2130. The other side of the card contains a personal message<br />

saying they hoped to increase power to 10,ooo Watts (10 kW) by the end of<br />

1955. I hold a further card for reception on the 3, 4 & 5 February 1956,<br />

showing power as 10 kW and 2.5 kW.<br />

The card bears a British 2 1/2d stamp overprinted TANGIER and handcancelled<br />

"British Post Office 20 SP 55". This was un<strong>der</strong> the "Tangier<br />

International Zone" arrangements, which ended in 1957. Tangier was at the<br />

time a separate radio country.<br />

(John R Megson-UK, Feb World <strong>DX</strong> Club Contact via Alan Roe, dxld and direct)<br />

Some of the stations mentioned, including Pan American Radio, are listed in<br />

the 1960 edition of the WRH, but according to<br />

<br />

they were not on the air at the time.<br />

At one can see a couple<br />

of old adverts and a few station names.<br />

Among other Moroccans were Radio Dersa, Tetuan (Spanish Morocco) and the US<br />

Navy and Air Force stations at Fort Lyautey, Kenitra and Nouasseur, all of<br />

which were rather commonplace on MW at the end of the 50's. (Henrik<br />

Klemetz-EQA, dxld hcdx Feb 6)<br />

Jari Savolainen:<br />

Hi Bob, Henrik and Bernd. Many thanks for your comments and info. From the<br />

IBRA history <br />

I got the impression that they build the new tx site at Pirate Hill, but<br />

were actually operating un<strong>der</strong> the license of Radio Africa group?<br />

I guess WTAN/Voice of Tangier had it's own txs. Also Finnish programs were<br />

aired by some religious stations and at least one Finnish company (Paulig)<br />

had it's commercial program (maybe only tests) transmitted on sw from<br />

Tanger.<br />

I don't know which station they used. WRTH 1960 still lists un<strong>der</strong> Tanger<br />

the R Africa group, Pan American stations, R Tanger and Voice of Tanger.<br />

And of course VOA. I guess this was last listing of these private stations.<br />

I haven't got the 1961 and 1962 books.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, Feb 6)<br />

Henrik wrote:<br />

Several stations had facilities of their own. On of the stations that<br />

closed down on Oct 29 1956 when Tangier lost its international status was<br />

Pan American Radio. They were on MW, same channel as Hoerby, and SW 7290.<br />

According to their printed schedules and illustrated pamphlets, they<br />

regularly received reception report from all over the world to their<br />

offices at the Pan American Building, 16, Delacroix, in Tangier. They had<br />

regularly sceduled programs in Spanish, English, French, Italian, Arabic<br />

and Hindu. I have a QSL from 1955.<br />

In 1955 some receiver manufacturers, such as the Swedish Philips and Dux<br />

companies were conducting test txions from Tangier un<strong>der</strong> the auspices of a

company called Intercontinental Radio Company S.A. The idea was to start<br />

commercial programing from Tangier. Shortwave listening in Sweden was<br />

seething at the time, with tens of thousands of people regularly tuning in<br />

to foreign stations while the sole national network, the state owned noncommercial<br />

Radiotjaenst, was having a break (2 hours in the morning, 2<br />

hours in the afternoon and also from 2230 to 0600). Finally a few religious<br />

broadcasters, notably IBRA Radio, started broadcasts from Tangier.<br />

They were refused the right to operate from Swedish soil. The Swedish govt<br />

subsequently tried to stop their broadcasts from Tangier by witholding the<br />

funds Ibra Radio were sending to Tangier to build their premises. It was<br />

illegal to export this money, about 2M Sw.<br />

Crowns of the day, the govt said. The banning attempt was thwarted by the<br />

members of the pentecostal church who started to send small individual<br />

contributions by mail to Morocco. The Moroccans had to open a special post<br />

office to take care of all these postal money or<strong>der</strong>s. The activities of<br />

Ibra Radio, Norea Radio, The Voice of Tangier (WTAN) and the VOA continued<br />

some time after Tangier lost its international status.<br />

But in Sweden the Swedish monopoly stayed put. Only in the early 60's, in<br />

an answer to pirate broadcasters Radio Nord and Radio Syd (also banned),<br />

Swedish radio listeners could enjou a national mx channel. For political<br />

reasons, commercial or community radio in Sweden would remain banned for<br />

many more years. (Henrik Klemetz-EQA, dxld Feb 6)<br />

Re TANGIER item.<br />

I've always found it most interesting to read articles about the radio<br />

scene of international zone of Tangier and those few years un<strong>der</strong> Moroccan<br />

rule, while those stations still existed. Unfortunately my WRTH collection<br />

starts only from 1960 and I guess the info in the book is not very<br />

detailed.<br />

During the 50's there were many "stations" on sw as well as on mw listed<br />

un<strong>der</strong> Tangier. But I guess many of the stations were just program time<br />

buyers from certain tx companies. I just won<strong>der</strong> if someone has detailed<br />

info from the Tangier era, which stations were "real" ones and who were the<br />

airtime buyers (and of course who owned the txs).<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 6)<br />

Some of the stations mentioned, including Pan American Radio, are listed in<br />

the 1960 edition of the WRH, but according to<br />

<br />

they were not on the air at the time. At<br />

<br />

one can see a couple of old adverts and a few station names. Among other<br />

Moroccans were Radio Dersa, Tetuan (Spanish Morocco) and the US Navy and<br />

Air Force stations at Fort Lyautey, Kenitra and Nouasseur, all of which<br />

were rather commonplace on MW at the end of the 50's. (Henrik Klemetz-SWE,<br />

dxld Feb 6)<br />

Tnx to Wolfgang Bueschel for sending some scans of WRH Tangier pages back<br />

to 1953y!<br />

(gh, dxld)<br />

[TANGIER] Many thanks to Wolfgang Buschel for the 50's WRTH scans. What I<br />

could figure out from those and other sources, there were these independent<br />

broadcasters in Tanger in the 50's;<br />

Radio Africa group<br />

- Radio Africa Maghreb MW<br />

- Radio Africa Tanger MW

- Radio Inter-Africa SW (R Eurafrica)<br />

Pan American Radio MW/SW<br />

Radio Tanger MW/SW<br />

Voice of Tanger (WTAN) SW This became later TWR.<br />

VOA Relay Tanger<br />

I'm not sure about IRCO (Intercontinental Radio Company SA) but I guess<br />

this commercial station was using the facilities of one of the above<br />

mentioned stations. As did other religious and not-so-religious stations,<br />

such as IBRA, DUX Radio etc.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld Feb 8)<br />

MYANMAR 5770 Defence Forces <strong>BC</strong> Unit at 1346-14<strong>05</strong> on Feb 2. Presumed with<br />

YL vocal mx, very Burmese-sounding and similar to what is heard on 5985.8<br />

kHz; YL ancr spoke in lang at 1359-14<strong>05</strong> UT; more mx followed but signal was<br />

deteriorating by now. Fair at best but better than usual. (John Wilkins-CO-<br />

USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2)<br />

NEW ZEALAND Radio New Zealand International, The Voice of New Zealand,<br />

Broadcasting to the Pacific Te Reo Irirangi O Aotearoa, O Te Moana-Nui-A-<br />

Kiwa Nx About RNZI.<br />

RNZI TRANSMITTER CURRENTLY OFF AIR 10 Feb, 20<strong>05</strong> 01:09 UTC. The RNZI shortwave<br />

tx is currently off-air due to a fault at the transmission site. We<br />

have a technical sce crew there at present and they are endeavouring to fix<br />

the fault and have us back on-air as soon as possible. The RNZI Internet<br />

feed is unaffected.<br />

(Barry Hartley-NZL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 10)<br />

Repair work already done, noted at 1000 UT on-air with usual fluttery<br />

morning signal on 9885. (wb, Feb 10)<br />

RNZI was also off air either earlier this week or late last for a short<br />

time. The station is on air now as I type this at 1615 on 9870. It is a<br />

fairly good signal here, but with side-splash. The broadcast was in a<br />

Pacific language and playing typical Pacific Isl mx. And now in the<br />

distinctive accented English spoken in New Zealand, and announcing local<br />

time as UTC+13. So it seems that the fault team have already completed the<br />

repair!<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 10)<br />

Same problem last weekend, but they were back in the interim. (Glenn<br />

Hauser-OK-USA, dxld)<br />

15530 R. NZi, Rangitaiki, obs'ed on 30 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1143-1259* UT, English,<br />

feature on Maori culture, news 1200, etc; 45444; QSY to 9870, which has<br />

been fair.<br />

15720 R. NZi, Rangitaiki, obs'ed on 28 <strong>Jan</strong> at 0736-0759* UT, English,<br />

talks on environment; 45434; QSY to 9885 which has been propagating fairly<br />

good too.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 4)<br />

1300-1650 9870 000 deg All Pacific, USA. Daily.<br />

1651-1750 9870 035 deg NE Pacific, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Isls. Daily.<br />

1751-1850 11980 035 deg NE Pacific, Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Cook Islands<br />

Daily.<br />

1851-2<strong>05</strong>0 15265 000 deg All Pacific, also heard in Europe. Daily.<br />

2<strong>05</strong>1-0359 17675 000 deg All PAC, also heard on USA west coast. Daily.<br />

0400-0759 15720(x15340) 000 deg All PAC, also heard in EUR, MidWeUSA.<br />

Daily.<br />

0800-1<strong>05</strong>9 9885 000 deg All Pacific, also heard mid-west USA. Daily.<br />

1100-1259 15530 325 deg NW PAC, Bougainville, Timor, AS, EUR. Daily.

(R NZi official schedule, via Barry Hartley-NZ, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 12, 2004)<br />

NIGERIA 4770 R Nigeria, at 2225-2300* on <strong>Jan</strong> 29, mostly a variety of<br />

pop, hip-hop mx. Some English talk. Sign-off with NA. Weak, poor with<br />

muffled audio.<br />

Also on 4769.98, at *0431-<strong>05</strong>03+ on <strong>Jan</strong> 29, sign-on with talking drums, 0432<br />

NA, 0433 English sign-on annts with ID, English religious program with<br />

religious mx. <strong>05</strong>00 local drums, <strong>05</strong>01 ID and news. Weak, poor with muffled<br />

audio.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Feb 1)<br />

PAKISTAN Winter B-04 schedule for Radio Pakistan(updated <strong>Jan</strong>.29):<br />

ASSAMI 0045-0115 9340 11565<br />

URDU 0045-0215 11580* 15485 >> *x17895 for B-03<br />

BANGLA 0115-0200 9340 11565<br />

HINDI 0215-0300 9340 11565<br />

TAMIL 0315-0345 15625 17485* >> *x17495 for B-03<br />

GUJARATI 0400-0430 9340* 11565* >> *x15485 & 17825 for B-03<br />

URDU <strong>05</strong>00-0700 11570 15100 17835<br />

URDU+EN nx 0800-11<strong>05</strong> 15100* 17835 >> *x21465 for B-03<br />

TAMIL 0945-1015 15625 17495* >> *x17485 for B-03<br />

SINHALA 1015-1045 15625 17495* >> *x17485 for B-03<br />

HINDI 1100-1145 9340 11570* >> *x11565 for B-03<br />

CHINESE 1200-1230 9585* 11570 >> *x15070 for B-03<br />

BANGLA 1200-1245 11550* 15625 >> *x11565 for B-03<br />

NEPALI 1245-1315 11550* 15625 >> *x11565 for B-03<br />

TURKI 1330-1400 4850* 6060* >> *x 5860 & 7570 for B-03<br />

URDU 1330-1530 9390* 11570 >> *x15065 for B-03<br />

RUSSIAN 1415-1500 7375 9340* >> *x 9385 for B-03<br />

PASHTO 1445-1515 4955 >> *x 5865 for B-03<br />

DARI 1515-1545 4955 5860* >> *x 5865 for B-03<br />

ENGLISH 1600-1615 9390* 11570 11850 15725 >> *ex9395 for B-03<br />

TURKISH 1630-1700 9340* 11565* >> *x 7550 & 11540 for B-03<br />

URDU 1700-1900 7530* 9400* >> *x 9395 & 11570 for B-03<br />

PERSIAN 1715-1800 5840* 7570* >> *x 5850 & 7550 for B-03<br />

URDU# 1800-1900 7575* >> *x 6785 for B-03<br />

ARABIC 1815-1900 7465* 9340* >> *x 6220 & 7550 for B-03<br />

URDU 1915-0045 7575<br />

# Islamabad px<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 1)<br />

B-04 schedule for Radio Pakistan (updated <strong>Jan</strong>. 29):<br />

PASHTO 1445-1515 4955 *ex 5865 for B-03<br />

DARI 1515-1545 4955 5860* *ex 5865 for B-03<br />

I can't hear 4955 kHz at all; has a replacement fq been found?<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 3)<br />

5080 Pakistan ?? - in wrth - at 1647 UT, 222 urdu ? om discussion Feb <strong>05</strong>.<br />

(Michel Lacroix-F, hcdx Feb 5)<br />

Yes, Michel, heard today on 5080.3 kHz with 'This is Radio Pakistan with<br />

the news' at 1600. (Finn Krone-DEN, hcdx Feb 5)<br />

PNG 3260 Radio Madang [New Guinea Territory], at 1135-1200* on Feb 1,<br />

program of non-descript vocals with a man announcer in Pidgin and English.<br />

Poor to fair.<br />

3275 Radio Southern Highlands [Papua Territory], at 1155-1218 on <strong>Jan</strong> 31,<br />

island vocals until a country and western tune which was noted \\ to 3355<br />

Simbu. Instrumental mx followed. Poor.<br />

3315 Radio Manus [Admiralty Islands], at 1142-1153 on Feb 1, man announcer<br />

with English talk hosting a program of love songs. Fair.

3325 Radio Bougainville (tentative) [Bougainville Island], at 1200-1201* on<br />

Feb 1, noted a vocal, probably a National Anthem, un<strong>der</strong> Palankaraya. Very<br />

poor and essentially buried un<strong>der</strong> the INSn.<br />

3355 Radio Simbu [New Guinea Territory], at 1200-12<strong>05</strong>* on <strong>Jan</strong> 31, country<br />

and western vocal selection followed by multiple IDs and freq annt at 1202.<br />

Orchestra national anthem at 1204. Fair.<br />

3385 Radio East New Britain [New Britain Island], at 1210-1235 on <strong>Jan</strong> 31,<br />

mx program hosted by a man announcer with English and Pidgin talks. Fair<br />

signal but strong UTE made reception poor.<br />

39<strong>05</strong> Radio New Ireland [New Ireland], at 1143-1215 on <strong>Jan</strong> 31, program of<br />

island vocals hosted by a man announcer with Pidgin talks. ID and English<br />

nx at 1200 read by a woman announcer. Fair signal but sporadic amateur<br />

radio operator QRM and eventually swamped by AROs by 1215.<br />

4960 Catholic Radio Network (tentative) [Papua Territory], at 1228-1256 on<br />

Feb 1, tuned in much too late but managed to hear some mx and choir singing<br />

and snippets of English talk by a woman announcer. Poor and quickly fading<br />

out.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo/FC<strong>DX</strong>-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 3)<br />

POLAND Twoje Radio 6 Plus in Radzyn Podlaski on 1395 seems to have<br />

started with regular txions, acc. to the nx portal<br />

<br />

A UNID Polish station was heard by Patrick Robic in Austria on 1395 kHz on<br />

1 February at 23<strong>05</strong> UTC (via A-<strong>DX</strong> ML). More info about the station was<br />

posted here on MW<strong>DX</strong> on 6 Dec 2004. The station's email address<br />

is<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx Feb 2)<br />

There has been some confusion about the identification heard via the<br />

transmitter in Radzyn Podlaski on 1395. For most of the time, this<br />

transmitter relays Polskie Radio Lublin. PR Radio Lublin uses two standard<br />

on-air identifications: "Twoje Radio Lublin" and "Twoje Radio L". "Twoje<br />

Radio" stands for "Your Radio". PR Radio Lublin has used these labels for a<br />

long time, they are not linked with the operation of the community radio<br />

station in Radzyn. This can be confirmed by listening to the live<br />

audiostream of PR Radio Lublin at <br />

The name of the community radio station in Radzyn on 1395 is "Twoje Radio 6<br />

Plus". Despite of relaying PR Radio Lublin, this station is not affiliated<br />

with Polskie Radio, but an independent, local project. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU,<br />

mwdx Feb 10)<br />

Ja, Twoje Radio ist richtig, naemlich Polskie Radio Lublin (1700-0730?,<br />

0930-1430 UT) hat auch ID-jingles "Twoje Radio Lublin"! Und die "echte"<br />

Lokalstation (0730-0930, 1430-1700) heisst Twoje Radio 6 Plus (aus Radzyn<br />

Podlaski). Ich danke Bernd Trutenau fuer die Information. (Mauno Ritola-<br />

LTU, A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 10)<br />

Auf <strong>der</strong> Suche nach Twoje Radio aus Polen bin ich um 0610 UTC auf 1395 kHz<br />

gelandet. Eine Station mit non-stop Rock und Pop in Englisch und einer<br />

osteuropaeischen Sprache ist dort zugange, schwaches Signal, S1-2, bis 0640<br />

UTC keine einzige Ansage. Um 0640 UTC kam dasselbe Lied wie um 0610, das<br />

riecht ja maechtig nach einer Testschleife. Gibt es sachdienliche Hinweise<br />

zur Identifizierung des Taeters?<br />

So, ich habe mir mal die Minidisc angehoert, hatte mitgeschnitten, als ich<br />

ins Buero musste. Und wie schon vermutet, war es wirklich eine

halbstuendige Schleife mit Musik. Um 0700 UTC war dann wohl Programmbeginn,<br />

Nachrichten in Polnisch, um 0706 UTC kam dann eine Jingle ID. Es war in <strong>der</strong><br />

Tat "Twoje Radio".<br />

(Martin Elbe-D, Feb 8)<br />

UNID Schon am 2.2. war mir die Station aufgefallen, die schwach mit einem<br />

Hoerspiel um Mitternacht auf 1395 kHz bis zum s/off kurz vor 0100 UTC zu<br />

hoeren war.<br />

Heute Nacht (3.2.) war die Station mit staerkerem Signal zu hoeren. Lei<strong>der</strong><br />

war keine ID zu hoeren, und ich konnte auch die Sendesprache nicht wirklich<br />

zuordnen.<br />

Um 0000 UTC kamen Infos ueber die "Primera Division" und ueber die Deutsche<br />

Fussball Bundesliga. Bei letzterer wurden ausschliesslich die deutschen<br />

Staedtenamen benutzt, nur aus Bayern Muenchen wurde Bavaria Muenchen.<br />

Um 0013 UTC gab's dann klass. Instrumental mx, danach ein Wort program. Um<br />

0035 UTC kam dann wie<strong>der</strong> ein Hoerspiel. s/off war um 0<strong>05</strong>8 UTC (ohne<br />

Schlussansage o<strong>der</strong> Hymne).<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 3)<br />

PORTUGAL During an experimental period, the freq 9460 kHz to Europe<br />

(period 2000-2400 UTC) has been replaced by the freq 9615 kHz. So, let us<br />

know, if possible, the reception conditions of this frequency, next Friday<br />

[Feb 4th !] !<br />

Thanking you in advance, we remain<br />

Yours sincerely<br />

Isabel Saraiva, Intercambio e Contacto / RDP Internacional<br />

(Rudolf Sonntag-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> mail list Feb 3)<br />

I fail to un<strong>der</strong>stand what she really means because:<br />

9460 had been replaced by 11630 kHz Mon-Fri to EUR 1700-2000 (1800-2100<br />

Sat/Sun) on 18 Nov 2004 and even dropped for the extra txsions 2000-2400<br />

daily to EUR on 19 Nov 2004 - all acc. to infos. from the RDP, so I cannot<br />

un<strong>der</strong>stand why she says it was "replaced by 9615 for an experimental<br />

period." At any rate, the date is not even disclosed.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 3)<br />

ROMANIA Die erste Phase <strong>der</strong> Renovierung des alternden Sen<strong>der</strong>netzes <strong>der</strong><br />

S.N. Radiocomunicatii S.A. ist weit vor Plan abgeschlossen worden. Dies gab<br />

die Harris Corporation in einer Pressemitteilung bekannt. Die erste Phase,<br />

die eine 100-prozentige Flaechendeckung <strong>der</strong> Rundfunkversorgung<br />

sicherstellen sollte, dauerte 20 Monate statt <strong>der</strong> projektierten 54 Monate.<br />

Nach Angaben <strong>der</strong> Pressemitteilung erreichte das alte Sen<strong>der</strong>netz aufgrund<br />

technischer Probleme kaum noch 40 Prozent <strong>der</strong> Bevoelkerung.<br />

In einem 85 Mio. US-Projekt lieferte und installierte Harris 28<br />

Mittelwellensen<strong>der</strong> zwischen 10 und 50 kW, acht Mittelwellensen<strong>der</strong> zwischen<br />

200 und 400 kW und 106 UKW-Sen<strong>der</strong>. Durch die Abstellung zusaetzlicher<br />

Mitarbeiter wollte Harris schliesslich die Wahlen im November 2004 als<br />

Abschlusstermin erreichen.<br />

Debra Huttenburg, Generalmanager <strong>der</strong> Harris Broadcast Communications' Radio<br />

Broadcast Systems Business Unit, sieht in <strong>der</strong> gezeigten Leistung eine<br />

Einladung an an<strong>der</strong>e osteuropaeische Laen<strong>der</strong>, ihre Roehrensen<strong>der</strong> durch<br />

Harris-Halbleitersen<strong>der</strong> zu ersetzen, die erheblich weniger Betriebskosten<br />

bei viel hoeherer Verlaesslichkeit sicherstelle. (Harris Pressemitteilung;<br />

ntt <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

RUSSIA [Kaliningrad] In Uebereinstimmung mit dem 2003 getroffenen<br />

Abkommen zwischen Litauen und Russland wurde die Belegung <strong>der</strong> Mittelwelle<br />

Bolshakowo 1386 kHz am 1. <strong>Jan</strong>uar 20<strong>05</strong> weiter reduziert. Man sendet jetzt

das deutsche Programm <strong>der</strong> Stimme Russlands 16.00-19.00 Uhr. Vom 1. <strong>Jan</strong> 2006<br />

bis 31. Oktober 2007 stehen <strong>der</strong> Stimme Russlands dann nur noch zwei Stunden<br />

auf <strong>der</strong> Frequenz zu. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, ntt 2.1.20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

Die Stimme Russlands hat wegen <strong>der</strong> vermin<strong>der</strong>ten Nutzung <strong>der</strong> Mittelwelle<br />

1386 kHz jetzt folgenden Abendsendeplan fuer die deutschen Sendungen:<br />

1600-1700 603 1323, 1215 1386, 6145 7300 kHz<br />

1700-1800 603 1323, 1215 1386, 6145 7290 7300 kHz<br />

1800-1900 603 1323, 1215 1386, 6235 7300 kHz<br />

1900-2000 603 1323, 1215, 6145 7300 kHz.<br />

I just noted the tx usage for Russkoye Mezhdunarodnoye Radio differing from<br />

what has been published in advance:<br />

Until 2400 on 999 (Grigoriopol) and 1215 (Bolshakovo), from 0000 on 1170<br />

(Sasnovy) and 7125 (again Grigoriopol). 999 had a distinctive delay<br />

compared with 1215. The modulation of both txs is quite different as well,<br />

on 999 the bass range is consi<strong>der</strong>ably reduced.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 3)<br />

Ab morgen (1.2.20<strong>05</strong>) sendet Novosibirsk wie<strong>der</strong> in DRM von 0700-1000 UTC auf<br />

17795 kHz.<br />

Sendeleistung: 20 kW, Beam 290 degr (neu). Sendetage: Dienstag, Donnerstag,<br />

Samstag, Sonntag.<br />

E-Mail fuer Logs: (Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 31)<br />

Belongs that address to Novosibirsk or Moscow txion center ?<br />

DRM 17795 Novosibirsk.<br />

I've been hearing this DRM signal some mornings - and it is audible today<br />

as I write this at 0915. The signal is not very strong, but it is obvious<br />

DRM.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 31)<br />

[Cland to ERI] 15650, Voice of Delina (via TDP-Samara), at 1501-1516 on<br />

Feb 5, Tigrigna, s/on with short mx and very clear ID by female, then anmt<br />

or speech by male, more mx, nx or talk by male, 1510+ rpt or interview.<br />

25432. (Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 5)<br />

RWANDA 6<strong>05</strong>5 Rdif Rwandaise on Feb 7. Two French speaking stations fading<br />

up and down like was it MW, from tune in, still both fairly strong, mixing.<br />

Fortunately there's a difference in accent between an African and a Chinese<br />

speaking French, hi. African mentioned Rwanda many times, Chinese gave ID<br />

as Radio Chine Int at 1845. Though weaker, Rwanda better at 2035-tune out<br />

2045, alone on the freq.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 8)<br />

SAUDI ARABIA Broadcasting Service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia -<br />

BSKSA.<br />

Discovered addit HQ 9715 at 0600-0855 UT {and rather 03-06 UT too?}. 9675<br />

stopps at 0855 UT, and no trace today on 11855 from 0900 UT today.<br />

Conditions appear to be gradually improving, so here is a selection of what<br />

I've been hearing over the past hours when monitored BSKSA Riyadh,<br />

especially the 'ODD freq' tx, but latter may change from day to day !<br />

In 1800-2300 UT slot, no ODD freq measured. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 3)<br />

Thanks for this updated Saudi schedule, and also for the confirmation that<br />

9675 does go off air "around 0900". I have listened for this one many times

after 0900 and could not hear it - and not in the local afternoon period<br />

when it should/would have propagated if on air.<br />

Frequency 9715 was "discovered" by a certain dx-er in Blackpool last<br />

year!!! It used to be blocked some days by WYFR, but the Americans are not<br />

currently propagating on 9 mHz at 0700 UT. I heard 9715 fairly recently,<br />

but it doesn't seem to be audible on a daily basis. I would guess that it<br />

is via one of the 50 kW Jeddah sen<strong>der</strong>s - but 9675 is listed via Riyadh, and<br />

often sounds lou<strong>der</strong> than Jeddah does. The problem I have currently is from<br />

co-ch Cancao Nova Brazil. [9675 omnid 500 kW]<br />

Currently - 1130 UT - I cannot hear the buzzy 21495 - has it blown up! But<br />

217<strong>05</strong> is S9+ and INSn on 21670 only peaking S6+. It's not a very good time<br />

to monitor stations - conditions etc. - so you've done well to hear all of<br />

this!<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 3)<br />

Checked some more BSKSA freqs this morning, Feb 1st. Discovered a 3rd/4th<br />

freq for HQ program now, acc to HFCC table.<br />

Broadcasting Service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - BSKSA.<br />

1st Main px<br />

[registered 0300-0600 9675]<br />

0600-0855 Arabic 17730.39 17740[both S=9+40dB]<br />

0855-1155 Arabic 178<strong>05</strong>.40[S=9] 217<strong>05</strong>[S=9+60 dB)<br />

1155-1455 Arabic 215<strong>05</strong>.42 21640<br />

1455-1755 Arabic 15315 15435.31<br />

1755-2300 Arabic 9555 9870<br />

Holy Koran<br />

[registered 0300-0600 {9715?} 15170 17895]<br />

0600-0855 Arabic 9715 15380[S=9+60dB] 17895<br />

0855-1155 Arabic 11935 17615 21495[terrible BUZZ]<br />

1155-1255 Arabic 15380 17895 21640<br />

1255-1355 Arabic 15380 17895 21460[BUZZ] 21640 (four channels !)<br />

1355-1455 Arabic 17895 21460[BUZZ] 21640<br />

1455-1555 Arabic 13710 21460[BUZZ]<br />

1555-1755 Arabic 13710 152<strong>05</strong> Both channels very poor from 1700 UT onwards.<br />

17560[not heard, only carrier traced, too high freq in winter]<br />

1755-2300 Arabic 11740 11820 11915<br />

Also various 2nd program fqs heard on 9580[0300-0600, 1700-2200],<br />

9675[0600-0855], and 11855[0600-1700] noted today.<br />

Foreign sces noted 9730 1400 Turkm, 11745 1400 Persian, 15345 1200 Urdu,<br />

17785 0800 Fr, 21600 1400 Fr.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 31 / Febr 01/02/03)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA 7390 at 0257- UT, Channel Africa on <strong>Jan</strong> 29. ID's in English<br />

as 'You are tuned to the English sce of Channel Africa', with their lovely<br />

IS. S9 signal. Cochannel weakly heard, and apparently VOR in SS, as their<br />

IS was heard at 0259 UT as well (from Samara). (Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>, Cumbre<br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

SPAIN Report about Radio Liberty Towers in Playa de Pals Costa Brava<br />

Catalana.<br />

Asunto: Medio Ambiente ultima el <strong>der</strong>ribo de las antenas de Radio Liberty El<br />

Periodico - edicion impresa Catalunya<br />

There is a nice Photo in the Artivcle:<br />

Instalaciones de Radio Liberty en la playa de Pals, esta semana. Foto: JOAN<br />




El Ministerio de Medio Ambiente asegura que, antes de que acabe enero,<br />

tendra listo el proyecto de desmantelamiento de las antenas de Radio<br />

Liberty en la playa de Pals. Y advierte que la operacion debe realizarse<br />

"lo antes posible" para evitar que la falta de mantenimiento convierta las<br />

grandes estructuras de hierro en "un peligro". La historica emisora de los<br />

EEUU, de propaganda capitalista (!!! really !!!), dejo de emitir en mayo<br />

del 2001 y desde entonces esta pendiente la recuperacion de la zona. El<br />

dato surge de una respuesta por escrito a una pregunta del grupo<br />

parlamentario de CiU.<br />

FUTURO.<br />

Medio Ambiente tiene competencia sobre los 1.500 metros longitudinales<br />

ocupados en primera linea de mar, despues de que el gobierno de EEUU<br />

cediese las instalaciones a RTVE, el ente a Patrimonio del Estado y, al<br />

estar en la franja maritimo-terrestre, se incorporasen al departamento que<br />

gestiona Cristina Narbona.<br />

El Gobierno afirma que es consciente de que el proyecto de restauracion<br />

ambiental "debe consensuarse" con el Ayuntamiento de Pals (CiU) y la<br />

Direccio' de Medi Natural de la Generalitat.<br />

Noticia publicada en la pagina 44 de la edicion de 1/9/20<strong>05</strong> de El Periodico<br />

- edicion impresa.<br />

Complete page see:<br />

<br />

(via Casiano Lopez Arenas, edfm ygroup via Dario Monferini-I, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

SRI LANKA As a response to the financial donation from the DSWCI and the<br />

devotion of SWN/<strong>Jan</strong>uary to the support from Sri Lankan radioamateurs to the<br />

humanitarian aid right after the Tsunami catastrophe, Victor Goonetilleke<br />

sent us this report of <strong>Jan</strong> 14:<br />

Thank you for the won<strong>der</strong>ful support, Anker and I think it is my duty to<br />

inform you and others who have been supporting us from the first days by<br />

inquiring from us. I must however tell you Anker and others that we have<br />

not tried to issue press coverage stories etc, but trying to do whatever we<br />

can. However, the problem is so huge that it is impossible to match up to<br />

the need of the hour.<br />

As I write this our team of 2 Sri Lankan HAMs with 2 British visiting HAMs<br />

who came with radio equipment for us and 5 boxes of medicine and some toys<br />

are camping out in the East Coast about 30 kms North of Pothuvi. They left<br />

this morning at 2.30 AM. We were fitting out a hired vehicle with VHF and<br />

HF Mobile rigs and antennas. We are in contact with them on 3775 kHz dusk<br />

to dawn and 7060 on LSB and when conditions get bad on CW (Morse).<br />

When disaster strikes as mentioned before the things that get affected most<br />

are the Hi-tech stuff and then raw HF radio survives. My friends are<br />

running an Icom 706 transceiver with a Mobile antenna. 100 watts, powered<br />

off the car battery.<br />

They are taking their generator, water, cooking stuff gas etc including an<br />

inverter with tube lights. So they are self supporting and can stand the<br />

rough conditions ... at least that is what we think. I have checked the<br />

mobile phone, but there is no coverage there. The Amateur Community is<br />

small, so within our capacity we are doing what we can. In addition to<br />

going into these areas, we have been helping some NGOs who are coming into<br />

help, plan with their communications networks. We know the country, the

propagation and the spectrum. As a point of interest one big NGO was<br />

telling me, they cannot use their HF after 1100 UTC and when they told me<br />

their freq was 7454.5 wasn't it a won<strong>der</strong> when KTWR Guam and RFA are .5 kHz<br />

up blasting away. So I recommended they get a new freq which I could check<br />

out for them.<br />

So Anker, Gerhard and my friends there are a lot of things we can do. We<br />

are also helping some state agencies to improve their communications, redoing<br />

their antennas and advising them what freqs to use. The help you are<br />

giving goes a long way. Thank you for dedicating SWN to us. We have not<br />

done great things but all of us can have some happy moments in the thought<br />

that we might have saved some lives and eased even a few nights of pain and<br />

hunger of those people out there. But sometimes the magnitude of the<br />

problem overwhelms you and you feel ashamed that you are incapable of doing<br />

more because what we are doing is just nothing compared to what we must do.<br />

My friends just told me that they must keep awake, at least one of them,<br />

because this is jungle area where elephants roam. I think Gerhard knows<br />

Lahugala Elephant National Park well. Most of the East and SoEast is<br />

tropical jungle and people, mainly fishermen live along the coast and the<br />

Tsunami just came for them.<br />

I must close now. Thankfully today Friday was a holiday and we have a long<br />

weekend. Sometimes I feel tired. Thanks a lot once again. The kindness you<br />

show afflicted people should surely give you peace. Yours Victor.<br />

(Victor Goonetilleke 4S7VK, via Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W NL <strong>Jan</strong> 26)<br />

Dear Anker, Christoph and Wolfgang,<br />

I think it's time to take account of our joint initiative to collect money<br />

to support Victor's and his ham friends' activities for the tsunami victims<br />

in Sri Lanka. Since there has been only one donor in the last three weeks,<br />

I feel there will be no more donations. The tsunami is yesterday's nx in<br />

the papers, and most people have all but forgotten about it.<br />

Thus: We have had a total of 39 donors, 36 individuals and three clubs<br />

(DSWCI, a local DARC club and a local Austrian ham club) and the total<br />

amount collected was Euro 2535,- of which 2000,- already have been<br />

transferred, the rest will follow tomorrow. At the moment we can't fully<br />

tell the donors what the money has been used for, but I am sure that Victor<br />

will send a full report as soon as he finds time to breathe.<br />

I would appreciate if you would include a short notice in your respective<br />

publications.<br />

Thank you very much again for your support and efforts.<br />

(Gerhard Werdin-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 8)<br />

SUDAN 7200 Sudan Natl. <strong>BC</strong> Corp., Omdurman, audible on 28 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1708-<br />

1826 in Arabic, playing tribal songs, talks, news 1800; 33432, adj QRM,<br />

then strgr 1800 when BUL s/on on same ch. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Feb 4)<br />

SURINAME 4990 Radio Apintie, at 0330-0430 on <strong>Jan</strong> 25, program of oldies<br />

mx hosted by a man announcer with English IDs at 0345 ("Radio Apintie ...<br />

number one ... Radio Apintie...") and 0409 ("Radio Apintie ... your ...<br />

station..."). Fair. Also, presumed at 0350-0450 on <strong>Jan</strong> 24 with oldies mx<br />

and a woman announcer with some Dutch talk. It's nice to hear them again.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

SWAZILAND 3240, Trans World Radio, at 0338-0345* on <strong>Jan</strong> 28, man with<br />

religious talk in listed Ndau lang followed by group singing. "Radio Trans<br />

Mundial" ID followed by choir. Interval signal closed broadcast. Fair.

4775, Trans World Radio, at 0352-0406 on <strong>Jan</strong> 28, man and woman talking in<br />

listed Lomwe lang. IS at 0355 with English ID at 0356 UT by a man<br />

announcer: "This is Trans World Radio, Swaziland." A two min break before<br />

IS returned followed by another English ID and German program. Fair. (Rich<br />

D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

4760, 1609-1615, TWR, Mpangela Ranch Feb 1 Presumed, with male in unid.<br />

African lang (listed as Tshwa in WRTH). The pace and tone of the talk<br />

sounded like a sermon; hymn or religious song at 1615. Best on SW antenna<br />

during near-grayline condition. Fair-good level, and strengthening slowly.<br />

Slight co-channel interference from presumed AIR Port Blair. (Guy Atkins-<br />

WA-USA, hcdx Feb 1)<br />

SWEDEN Radio Sweden DRM-tests on 5835 kHz next[this] week.<br />

DRM test van radio Sweden Uit een an<strong>der</strong>e mailing list: Next week Feb.7 to<br />

Feb. 11 tests continue from Hoerby on 5835 kHz directed northwards between<br />

UT 0800 to 1000.<br />

(Han, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Feb 9)<br />

TAIWAN 15250 Fu Hsing Broadcasting Service, Taipei is now broadcasting<br />

their "3rd program" in Chinese on SW. The freq is 15250 kHz.<br />

Acc to research by Shigeyuki Aoki of N<strong>DX</strong>C, the schedules are 2300-0100,<br />

0400-0600, 0800-1000, 1300-1500. There is no mention about this SW<br />

broadcast in their web site but the SW program<br />

contents are the same as their online "3rd program" broadcast provided in<br />

the web. The SW broadcast is 1 second ahead of webcast!<br />

Probably for Chinese mainland, but China does not jam this broadcast.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 6)<br />

Radio Taiwan International, which formerly was used to broadcast govt<br />

propaganda aimed at China, is to offer programs in five foreign langs By Ko<br />

Shu-ling<br />

Thursday, Feb 10, 20<strong>05</strong><br />

"With the increasing number of international marriages, what we're doing<br />

now is broadcasting not only to foreigners working or living here but also<br />

to the future children of Taiwan."<br />

National radio station Radio Taiwan International (RTI) is poised to enter<br />

a new era on July 1 when it starts domestic broadcasting in five foreign<br />

languages to the nation's 500,000 foreign workers and residents.<br />

Over the course of 77 years, RTI has transformed itself from a govt<br />

propaganda radio station targeting China and the world, to a public sce<br />

station serving both local and international communities alike.<br />

While some might question the popularity of radio stations in a multimedia<br />

age, Cheryl Lai, president of RTI, seemed upbeat about the future of the<br />

airwaves industry.<br />

"There are three English-language newspapers in Taiwan but their target<br />

audiences are either white-collar office workers or intellectuals," she<br />

said. "We're more concerned about the blue-collar audiences, especially<br />

foreign workers and spouses, who have a hard time un<strong>der</strong>standing Mandarin<br />

and some of them cannot even afford computers or Internet access," she<br />

said.<br />

Lai added that foreign-language radio programs also provide foreigners with<br />

access to instant and immediate information, which can be quite useful,<br />

especially when natural disasters hit.

"With the increasing number of international marriages, what we're doing<br />

now is broadcasting not only to foreigners working or living here but also<br />

to the future children of Taiwan," she said.<br />

Established in 1928 in Nanking, China, un<strong>der</strong> the name the Central<br />

Broadcasting System, RTI was relocated to Taiwan after the Nationalist<br />

Party lost the civil war to the Communists in 1949.<br />

In <strong>Jan</strong>uary 1998, the station was restructured to become a non-profit<br />

organization, and its sces were expanded.<br />

Currently, it has nine branch stations scattered island-wide. Its<br />

broadcasting area covers central and southern Taiwan, China and the rest of<br />

the world.<br />

It broadcasts daily in 18 langs, including Mandarin, Taiwanese, Hakka,<br />

Cantonese, Tibetan, Mongolian, English, German, French, Russian, Spanish,<br />

Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, INSn and Burmese.<br />

From July 1, it will start broadcasting in five foreign langs aimed at<br />

local audiences nationwide and foreign communities, taking into account the<br />

increasing number of foreign workers and spouses. The five langs are<br />

English, Japanese, INSn, Vietnamese and Thai.<br />

Statistics show that there were about 330,000 foreign spouses and 310,000<br />

foreign workers in Taiwan as of December last year. Of the foreign<br />

husbands, Thais are the most numerous, accounting for 34 percent of the<br />

total, followed by Japanese, at 12 percent, and Americans at 11 percent.<br />

Vietnamese top the list of foreign brides with nearly 70 percent of the<br />

total, followed by INSns at 12 percent and Thais at 6 percent.<br />

Unlike other countries' national radio broadcasters, such as the British<br />

Broadcasting Corporation (B<strong>BC</strong>) or Voice of America, which target both<br />

international and domestic audiences, Taiwan does not have a single<br />

national public radio station serving both the national audience and the<br />

international community.<br />

So far, the only public radio stations targeting local audiences nationwide<br />

are the National Education Radio, Police Radio System and the Voice of Han<br />

Broadcasting Network.<br />

As the govt's airwave restructuring plan is due to be implemented on July<br />

1, Voice of Han will move to another freq to make room for RTI to broadcast<br />

12 hours of foreign-language programs. The programs will be also be<br />

available online.<br />

Altogether, the channel will offer programs in eight langs. While RTI will<br />

offer programs in five foreign langs, Voice of Han will offer programs in<br />

three langs: Mandarin, Taiwanese and Hakka.<br />

Un<strong>der</strong> the govt's restructuring plan, specialized public radio stations such<br />

as the Police Radio Station, the National Education Radio and the Voice of<br />

Han Broadcasting Network will be consolidated into one public broadcasting<br />

group.<br />

The group, along with other public radio stations, will operate in<br />

frequencies between 104.4 and 108. They will provide four different sces<br />

nationwide, including public sces (transportation, weather, disaster<br />

relief, etc.), multi-functional sces (Hakka, Aborigines, foreign brides,<br />

foreign laborers, armed forces and lang programs), and culture and<br />

education sces. Apart from govt propaganda, RTI's five foreign-language<br />

programs will be mainly sce-oriented.

A recent survey polling RTI audiences found that foreign listeners most<br />

desperately want to know what's going on in their home countries. They are<br />

also eager to know what happens here in Taiwan and what Taiwan's govt and<br />

Taiwanese people are up to. Making a difference<br />

Maria Chen, host of RTI's INSn-language program for the past seven years,<br />

said that she vividly recalled some of her listeners' stories.<br />

"I remember one of my audience members told me that she was very happy to<br />

have accidentally tuned into my program and that she had become happier and<br />

happier after listening to my program," she said. "Listening to the radio<br />

is one of the few pastimes she can enjoy, she told me, because she is only<br />

allowed to have one day off per week."<br />

Chen's audience is mainly made up of homecare workers who take care of the<br />

el<strong>der</strong>ly and the sick.<br />

Another of her listeners told her that she was very surprised to find out<br />

that she could eat at the same table as her employer, because in INS<br />

domestic maids are not allowed to do so.<br />

"I'm so glad that my program can make a difference," she said.<br />

Tao Yun-sheng's audience, meanwhile, is mainly made up of Thai workers,<br />

most of whom are in the construction business. While Thai workers used to<br />

have the highest rate of job desertion, Tao said he has come up with an<br />

innovative idea to help solve the problem.<br />

"I give away free telephone cards to abscon<strong>der</strong>s so they can call in to my<br />

program and tell me their personal stories," he said. "Now Thai workers<br />

have the lowest rate of running away from their jobs."<br />

According to Tao, Thai listeners are most interested in nx about their<br />

fellow workers and Taiwan.<br />

Tao also appealed to the govt to erect monuments for Thai workers who have<br />

lost their lives doing construction work. According to him, over 50 Thai<br />

workers died during the building of the Northern Second Freeway, 12 during<br />

the construction of the Taipei-Ilan freeway and two while working on the<br />

Taipei 101 skyscraper.<br />

However, not a single monument has ever been erected in memory of their<br />

sacrifices and contributions.<br />

<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-Uk Feb 10) See also RTI un<strong>der</strong> UK/UAE, wb.<br />

TAJIKISTAN 4635 Tajik Radio <strong>Jan</strong> 30 0159.5 to 0245. Hrd here with armchair<br />

quality sigs w/ man and woman alternating with what sounded like dramatic<br />

reading w/ short Tajik stringed instrumental mx between anns 0200.5-0224.5,<br />

fol by Tajik indigenous mx to 0226, Arabic vocal/inst mx to 0628.<br />

First time hrd Arabic mx here. Dramatic reading was probably a story of<br />

some type - Central Asians are great storytellers. At 0230 ID by woman as<br />

"Inja Dushanbe" after a 1-min pause. There was also a 30-sec pause prior to<br />

an ID at 0200. SINPO 45544 but P became 3 after 0220 as fading became more<br />

pronounced.<br />

As the days have lengthened this station has gradually changed its peak<br />

from 0130 to 0200 and is in good shape until at least 0245. (Bruce W.<br />

Churchill-CA-USA, Cumbre Feb 1)<br />

THAILAND 7285 R Thailand, Udon Thani (US govern. facility), noted on 30<br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 1017-... in Thai (t), talks; 35322. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Feb 4)

Formerly to zone 54 Thai Army UN contigent on Timor Isl., so seeminly long<br />

path propagation via Pac, NoSouthAM, Azores. (wb)<br />

7285 1000-1100 UDO 250 136 THAI RTG, minus 8 slewed to 128 deg.<br />

TURKEY [non] Adventist World Radio (AWR) hat mit <strong>der</strong> Ausstrahlung von<br />

Sendungen in tuerkischer Sprache begonnen. Die in tuerkisch-franzoesischer<br />

Zusammenarbeit produzierten Programme sind in Europa ueber den Satelliten<br />

Hotbird und weltweit im Internet zu hoeren. Laut AWR-Europadirektor Pastor<br />

Bert Smit, Binfield, Berkshire/Grossbritannien, sollen ab Herbst diesen<br />

Jahres die Sendungen auch lokalen UKW-Stationen in <strong>der</strong> Tuerkei zur Nutzung<br />

angeboten werden.<br />

Die neue Sendesprache entspricht <strong>der</strong> juengst wie<strong>der</strong> verstaerkten AWR-Linie,<br />

als Radiomission in Gebieten zu wirken, die mit an<strong>der</strong>en Mitteln nur schwer<br />

mit dem Evangelium erreicht werden koennen. Trotzdem sollen die Sendungen<br />

moeglichst von Einheimischen im Zielgebiet erstellt werden, waehrend AWR<br />

mit technischer und finanzieller Hilfe bei <strong>der</strong> Errichtung von Studios und<br />

<strong>der</strong> Ausstrahlung <strong>der</strong> Programme beisteht.<br />

AWR wurde 1971 von <strong>der</strong> Freikirche <strong>der</strong> Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten gegruendet<br />

und sendet zur Zeit woechentlich etwa 1200 Stunden in 62 Sprachen,<br />

einschliesslich Arabisch, Persian, Kasachisch, Uighurisch und Usbekisch<br />

fuer islamisch gepraegte Regionen. (APD 26.1.20<strong>05</strong>; via ntt <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

UNIDENTIFIED 5<strong>05</strong>0 UNID Station (Tanzania?), at 0335-0340 on <strong>Jan</strong> 29,<br />

noted a male announcer talking but covered at 0337 with "Consi<strong>der</strong> His World<br />

radio broadcast" program on WWRB which seemed to just pop on (carrier was<br />

on but no audio until program commenced). I could faintly hear the man<br />

talking way un<strong>der</strong>neath but nothing usable.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

Auf 1404 kHz hier im Osten Oesterreichs mit O=4 ein Sen<strong>der</strong> mit ungarischem<br />

Programm (von mir am 10.02. vor und bis nach 0740 UTC gehoert) und <strong>der</strong><br />

Ansage - nur so aehnlich ;-) - "Kolosh Radio".<br />

Keine Ahnung ob Stationsansage o<strong>der</strong> eine an<strong>der</strong>e Bedeutung. Es waren aber<br />

auch Werbeeinschaltungen ("Reklama") zu hoeren. In den mir vorliegenden<br />

Druckwerken finde ich keine Sendung in Ungarisch zu <strong>der</strong> Zeit aus Rumaenien.<br />

Ab 0740 UT kam dann auch F durch. (Herbert Meixner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 10)<br />

U.A.E. UAE Radio Dubai in Arabic via DBA 500 kW noted in 0600-0900 UT<br />

range today on<br />

120<strong>05</strong>(x216<strong>05</strong>), 13675, 15395, BUT also on two spurious signals on<br />

symmetrical 15385 and 154<strong>05</strong> kHz. Latter is a little bit weaker than 15385.<br />

Dubai 15395 kHz registered at 0600-2400 UT, 500 kW 322 degr.<br />

DBA Dubai UAE G.C. 25N14 <strong>05</strong>5E16. (wb wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 31)<br />

R Taiwan Internat 6170 test via Al Dhabbaya suffers by VOR Samara English<br />

on adjacent 6175 kHz, 200 kW to Western Europe. (Wolfgang Bueschel, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

<strong>Jan</strong> 30 via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

"So Dhabbaya has antennas suitable for Europe? I thought they were all<br />

aimed out toward Asia and Africa. (gh, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 29)"<br />

Glenn, see the azimuth entries in an earlier Voice of UAE schedule of Oct<br />

1999, like 315 degrs entries towards zones 18, 27, 28. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb<br />

1)<br />

Azimuth 324 degrees, 4900 km towards Europe. Dubai registered 325 degree<br />

txions. Al Dhabbaya some 300, 315, and 340/345 degrees. Merlin has lack of

enough txs and antennas at their disposal at Zyygi-Cyprus site during peak<br />

hours, distance 2500 km, 323 degrees.<br />

(Wolfgang Bueschel, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 30 via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

Re "So Dhabbaya has antennas suitable for Europe?":<br />

Yes, of course. Radio Abu Dhabi used to have freqs aiming at Europe and<br />

North America.<br />

I just put together in timely or<strong>der</strong> what I have about the current Al-<br />

Dhabbaya usage at hand, and it turned out that there is already a txion<br />

from there to Europe: NHK in English 1000-1100 on 17585. Interesting to<br />

note that NHK uses full 500 kW but all other customers only half power,<br />

i.e. 250 kW.<br />

It seems that there are at present no regular SW txions between 1900 and<br />

2200, and afterwards until 2400 only a single tx is on air. So it is no<br />

surprise that somebody at VT got the idea to try Al-Dhabbaya for the RTI<br />

txion. The reports I saw so far were not very promising, but I still have<br />

to check it out personally...<br />

6175 0000 0030 smtwtfs MNO 250 85 Hindi S AS<br />

71<strong>05</strong> 0030 0100 s.....s MNO 250 85 English S AS<br />

71<strong>05</strong> 0030 0100 .mtwtf. MNO 250 75 English S AS<br />

6145 0000 0130 smtwtfs MNO 250 85 Non-Specific S AS<br />

7230 0130 0300 smtwtfs NEW 250 45 Persian ME<br />

5985 0200 0245 smtwtfs FEB 250 70 Sindhi SW AS<br />

6150 0300 0330 smtwtfs B<strong>BC</strong> 250 315 Pashto ME<br />

9550 0300 0330 smtwtfs AWR 250 225 Orominya E AF<br />

9655 0300 0330 smtwtfs AWR 250 20 Russian C AS<br />

9760 0300 0330 smtwtfs AWR 250 225 Amharic E AF<br />

9760 0330 0400 smtwtfs AWR 250 225 Tigrinya E AF<br />

21780 0400 0430 smtwtfs A<strong>BC</strong> 250 120 INSn SE AS<br />

15210 0400 0600 smtwtfs RFI 250 255 French E C AF<br />

15410 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 daily DW 250 230 English AF<br />

6125 <strong>05</strong>00 0630 .....f. FEB 250 300 Sinhala ME<br />

9660 0630 0800 .....f. FEB 250 345 Persian ME<br />

11895 0800-0830 daily DW 250 045 Pashto ME<br />

17720 0800 1000 smtwtfs NHK 500 285 Japanese ME<br />

11895 0830-0850 daily DW 250 045 Dari ME<br />

12035 0930 1030 smtwt.s B<strong>BC</strong> 250 0 Farsi ME<br />

12035 0930 1130 .....f. B<strong>BC</strong> 250 0 Farsi ME<br />

17585 1000 1100 smtwtfs NHK 500 315 English SE EUR<br />

17720 1000 1100 smtwtfs NHK 500 285 English ME<br />

21590 1100 1130 smtwtfs B<strong>BC</strong> 250 2<strong>05</strong> Somali E AF<br />

15135 1200 1230 smtwtfs AWR 250 85 English S AS<br />

152<strong>05</strong> 1200 1230 smtwtfs FEB 250 85 Tibetan S AS<br />

21820 1200-1250 daily DW 250 1<strong>05</strong> INSn SEAS<br />

15135 1230 1300 smtwtfs AWR 250 85 Bangla S AS<br />

15515 1230 1330 smtwtfs MNO 250 85 Non-Specific S AS<br />

15385 1300 1500 smtwtfs AWR 250 60 Mandarin W CHN<br />

11675 1315 1400 smtwtfs FEB 250 70 Punjabi S AS<br />

9530 1330 1400 smtwtfs AWR 250 20 Russian C AS<br />

9530 1400 1500 smtwtfs FEB 250 75 Hindi S AS<br />

15215 1400 1500 smtwtfs MNO 250 100 Non-Specific S AS<br />

15520 1400 1500 smtwtfs YFR 250 85 Hindi S AS<br />

15215 1500 1530 smtwtfs AWR 250 75 Punjabi S AS<br />

15225 1500 1530 smtwtfs AWR 250 75 Nepali S AS<br />

15520 1500 1700 smtwtfs YFR 250 85 English S AS<br />

15215 1530 1600 smtwtfs AWR 250 75 Hindi S AS<br />

15225 1530 1600 smtwtfs AWR 250 75 English S AS<br />

9565 1600 1630 smtwtfs RFI 250 45 Pashto ME<br />

9785 1600 1630 smtwtfs MNO 250 85 Non-Specific S AS

17595 1630 1700 smtwtfs AWR 250 225 Somali E AF<br />

6180 1700 1730 smtwtfs FEB 250 230 Orominya [sic] E AF<br />

9575 1700 1900 smtwtfs NHK 500 285 Japanese ME<br />

12035 1800 1815 .mtwtf. TWR 250 225 Non-Specific E AF<br />

12035 1800 1830 s.....s TWR 250 225 Non-Specific E AF<br />

6015 1800 1900 smtwtfs RFI 250 340 Pashto ME<br />

7115 2200 2300 smtwtfs NHK 500 285 Japanese ME<br />

6145 2300 2400 smtwtfs MNO 250 85 Non-Specific S AS<br />

(via Kai Ludwig, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

H i s t o r y - B-99 Al Dhabbaya VoUAE Abu Dhabi.<br />

6180 0200-0400 38NE,39NE,39SW DHA 500 300 311099 260300 UAE E<strong>BC</strong><br />

96<strong>05</strong> 1300-2200 38NE,39NE,39SW DHA 500 300 311099 260300 UAE E<strong>BC</strong><br />

11710 1800-2200 18,27,28 DHA 500 315 311099 260300 UAE E<strong>BC</strong><br />

11770 0200-0400 44,45 DHA 500 060 311099 260300 UAE E<strong>BC</strong><br />

11945 0400-0600 38NE,39NE,39SW DHA 500 300 311099 260300 UAE E<strong>BC</strong><br />

13755 1600-2000 37N,38NW DHA 500 285 311099 260300 UAE E<strong>BC</strong><br />

15255 1000-1800 18,27,28 DHA 500 315 311099 260300 UAE E<strong>BC</strong><br />

15310 0600-1300 38NE,39NE,39SW DHA 500 300 311099 260300 UAE E<strong>BC</strong><br />

15315 1300-1600 55,58,59 DHA 500 120 311099 260300 UAE E<strong>BC</strong><br />

17760 0900-1300 44,45 DHA 500 060 311099 260300 UAE E<strong>BC</strong><br />

17760 2000-2200 37N,38NW DHA 500 285 311099 260300 UAE E<strong>BC</strong><br />

21630 0200-0600 55,58,59 DHA 500 120 311099 260300 UAE E<strong>BC</strong><br />

21630 0600-1000 18,27,28 DHA 500 315 311099 260300 UAE E<strong>BC</strong><br />

21735 0200-0700 44,45 DHA 500 060 311099 260300 UAE E<strong>BC</strong><br />

21735 0700-1600 37N,38NW DHA 500 285 311099 260300 UAE E<strong>BC</strong><br />

RTI Taiwan test via Al Dhabbaya UAE. 6170 1900-2000 UTC.<br />

Ich vermute mal, dass RTI heute auch wie<strong>der</strong> ueber Al Dhabbaya UAE testet.<br />

Jedenfalls heute mit miserablen Signal in Sueddeutschland aufzunehmen.<br />

Ab 1855 UT startet VoRussia mit seiner Startprozedur via Maiac Grigoriopol<br />

in Moldova mit 800 Hertz Pips, 5 sec Pause, 5 sec Pip.<br />

Die Aussendung Aus Maiac mit 500 kW ist zwar nach 180 Grad gerichtet, aber<br />

da entweicht noch genuegend Energie nordwestlich, so ist eben Physik.<br />

Die ganze Zeit ist RTI nur zu ahnen, erstmals um 19.01:30 UT ein Fetzen des<br />

deutschen Programms zu hoeren. So wird das nix. RTI / VT-Merlin ist eher zu<br />

raten, weiterhin Skelton in Cumbria auf dann 5850 / 5860 kHz zu nutzen, die<br />

6010 ist ja samstags durch Sri Lanka belegt.<br />

Am Feb 7th/8th wie<strong>der</strong> ein gutes Signal von RTI aus Skelton. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Feb 1/8)<br />

6170 RTI Test via UAE?<br />

Die Station in Arabisch ist die Stimme Russlands. Um 1859 UTC kommt <strong>der</strong> 1kHz-Messton<br />

und dann das Moskauer Pausenzeichen gefolgt von <strong>der</strong><br />

Stationsansage in Arabisch.<br />

(Joe Ley<strong>der</strong>-LUX, A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 3)<br />

6170 RTI 1900-2000 UT, tests via UAE beendet?<br />

Gestern am 3. Febr. kam das RTI Signal "hoechst-wahrscheinlich" wie<strong>der</strong> aus<br />

Skelton-England, jedenfalls war die Audio viel weicher, nicht so rauh wie<br />

aus den 4500 km entfernen UAE. Der Fight mit VoRUS Moldova hielt sich<br />

gestern in Grenzen, zumindest in Sueddeutschland.<br />

Der Bericht ueber die japanische Empire Expansion auch Taiwans im vorigen<br />

Jahrhun<strong>der</strong>t erinnerte mich an die Stimme des legendaeren Friedrich Greil<br />

(Halberstadt), weiland 65 Jahre ueber R Tokyo/R JPN zu hoeren.

Ein schoener freier Kanal fuer RTI ist 5850 kHz, vorher bis 1900 UT von R<br />

Schweden belegt, danach ab 2000 UT RCI Montreal via Hoerby Schweden relay.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 4)<br />

U.K. 60<strong>05</strong> at 0301- UT, Wales Radio International on <strong>Jan</strong> 29. What a mess<br />

on this frequency, as it's dominated by the B<strong>BC</strong>WS from Ascension, but<br />

another English station, presumed Wales R Int'l via Rampisham, UK is also<br />

almost as strong. No winners here.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

Family Radio via Rampisham, UK on Feb 5 in Arabic 'Open Forum' programme at<br />

1900 on 5965 kHz, giving web as - strong. (Finn<br />

Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 8)<br />

Andreas Erbe discovered this page with pictures of some of the Brookmans<br />

Park (near London) txs:<br />

<br />

The Talksport installation must have been upgraded since the pictures were<br />

made, provided that indeed 400 kW are in use now as listed in WRTH 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

Thanks for the fine pictures of the Brookmans Park station. I once caught<br />

site of it from the outside when speeding down the East Coast main railways<br />

line towards Kings Cross, but don't recollect seeing such details pictures<br />

of the inside previously.<br />

And re "The Talksport installation must have been upgraded since the<br />

pictures were made, provided that indeed 400 kW are in use now as listed in<br />

WRTH 20<strong>05</strong>."<br />

Time passes so quickly that it is difficult to recall exactly when the B<strong>BC</strong><br />

installed new sen<strong>der</strong>s at their main AM transmitting sites, but I think it<br />

was before such as Talk Sport and Virgin came into being and took over some<br />

their freqs 1<strong>05</strong>3 1089 1215 & 1458 etc. And mentioning Virgin - they also<br />

have a tx at Brookmans Park listed as 125 kW on 1215 kHz.<br />

I have long thought that the powers listed by the commercial stations at<br />

their high power sites is very suspect, and that they are quoting another<br />

figure. And this seems to be so, from the details given in the Technical<br />

Brief at the bottom of the page. I think Talk Sport is quoting PEP [ie, 4 x<br />

100 = 400 kW] . And that may also apply to the power of<br />

500 kW quoted for Droitwich.<br />

How Sunrise arrive at their figure of 125 kW I don't know! Even if using<br />

directional aerials, this is a very high figure when the freq has to be<br />

shared with other 1458 txions in the UK. And perhaps the 125 kW quoted by<br />

Virgin is also not the actual tx power either. The B<strong>BC</strong> group using 1215<br />

didn't use such a high power.<br />

The B<strong>BC</strong> on the other hand do seem to quote tx power in their listings<br />

rather than some other figure. At Brookmans Park the London Regional<br />

station using 908 formerly listed 140 kW - an unusual figure which always<br />

stuck in my mind. I would guess that the txs shown in the photograph<br />

replaced that. It was well received up here - except when DDR 904 was on<br />

air! (Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

Here's the story of the Brookmans Park 140 kW tx: Already before WWII<br />

building works for a new high powered station had started at Sitkunai,<br />

north of Kaunas. A 120 kW tx had been or<strong>der</strong>ed from Standard Telephones &<br />

Cables Ltd. in the UK, but shipment was prevented by the outbreak of WWII.<br />

This tx was later installed at Brookmans Park for the B<strong>BC</strong> European sces and

later served as regional key tx for the London region for many years with a<br />

power of 140 kW. After WWII the building at Sitkunai was used as a school.<br />

Brookmans Park txs on 1152, 1458 and 1548 are highly directional so that<br />

they will provide a good signal all over London despite being located some<br />

distance away (and avoid interfering with co-channel stations). (Olle Alm-<br />

SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 31)<br />

U.K./USA Leading The Way QSL INFO update. Attention SWL's,<br />

Just a quick note to say that LEADING THE WAY has now established a "QSL<br />

CARD" department, thanks in large part to SWL's like yourselves who have<br />

helped us along the way.<br />

Please be advised that RECEPTION REPORTS can now be sent directly to and that they should no longer be sent to me.<br />

If you could update not only your own files, but also pass this information<br />

along to the SWL websites and resources that might need to know (or to<br />

update their files in this regard).<br />

I appreciate your help, and we here at LEADING THE WAY love to get those<br />

reception reports. Thanks for sending them. May God bless each of you!<br />

Adam Wattenbarger Senior Producer for Radio Leading The Way with Dr.<br />

Michael Youssef<br />

(<strong>DX</strong>plorer, Feb 7)<br />

9800 "Leading the Way", at *1700-1730* on Dec 21, Persian/English, Persian<br />

talk over mx at t/in, Religous prg. re Book of Nehemiah. OM w/ Engl phrases<br />

followed by YL w/ Persian translation. Music bridges and YL w/ e-mail<br />

address' from 1723 UT to s/off. Fair.<br />

(Scott R. Barbour-NH-USA Cumbre Dec 26)<br />

[UK to RUS/CIS] 9800 "Leading the Way" program bc via Merlin-Rampisham<br />

site. Tuned in today Sunday Dec 19th at 17<strong>05</strong> UT, heard two men preaching.<br />

Religious program with alternate sermon in English and Russian translation.<br />

This lasted on til 1723 UT. Mo<strong>der</strong>n Russian religious mx program til<br />

1729:30, but the carrier remained til 1730 UT.<br />

No station ID information noted during the broadcast and at the close.<br />

Strong signal quality, but heavily interferred by adjacent 9795 kHz, CRI<br />

URU in Russian too !.<br />

9800 1700-1730 29 RMP 500 62 0 17 USA MNO MER Russian<br />

9800 1700-1730 40 RMP 500 95 -10 36 USA MNO MER Persian<br />

9800 Russian Religious Sa/Su. 9800 Persian Religious Tu/Fr only.<br />

In A-04 summer on 15495 kHz.<br />

US-based radio ministry, see Click on "About<br />

Us".<br />

Leading The Way. Post Office Box 20100. Atlanta, GA 30325, USA.<br />

From their website: "Though started as a ministry for the Arab world, it<br />

meanwhile has created a number of sces in other langs as well:<br />

The international radio ministry was launched in 1996 with a dual- lang,<br />

English-Arabic program broadcast on two high-powered AM stations in Monte<br />

Carlo and Cyprus. This program now airs three times each week and is<br />

designed to help Non-Christians in the Middle East, North Africa and Europe<br />

un<strong>der</strong>stand who Jesus is." (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 19)<br />

9800 "Leading the Way," Rampisham, on 12 Nov, at 1723-1730* English and an<br />

Iranian lang; religious talk or En/lang translated, prayer in lang, contact

info in lang from 1727 and an address in Cyprus,<br />

off at 1730; 55545.<br />

(Jean Burnell Burnell-NL-CAN, Nov 12)<br />

Schedule Tue/Fri 9800 kHz 1700-1730 to zone 40 Iran, Afghanistan via RMP<br />

500 kW slewed to 85deg. (wb, Nov 2004)<br />

USA 7811 usb, Armed Forces Network, at 0000-0020 on <strong>Jan</strong> 27, thanks to a<br />

tip from Anker Petersen caught AFN on new freq with "This is AFN" ID prior<br />

to AP Network Nx at the top of the hour. Usual short features with USA<br />

Radio Network Nx at 0015. Fair signal but messy freq with UTE QRM. Re-tuned<br />

at 0245 and they were carrying Maryland-Duke basketball game and now in the<br />

clear. Still there at quick check around 1215 but seemed much weaker.<br />

Presume this Key West down from listed 7812.5 kHz.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

Yesterday, while I was in the areas north of Indianapolis, I took the<br />

opportunity of making another visit to the SW station WHRI in Noblesville.<br />

I have often visited this station over the years, and at one stage many<br />

years ago back in the days of Jeff White with his Radio Earth, the old AWR<br />

<strong>DX</strong> program, "Radio Monitors International" was on the air from WHRI. On<br />

this occasion, I had difficulty in just locating the station due to the<br />

fact that a new housing estate has been built right up to the property.<br />

As a result of this visit, I found that the two net-style log-periodic<br />

antennas have been dismantled and removed. The two 100 kW txs will be<br />

removed and re-installed, one at WHRA near Bangor in Maine and the other at<br />

the station in South Carolina. According to the information I was given,<br />

the callsign of WSHB has been legally changed to WHRI.<br />

(Adrian M Peterson-USA, via <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 4)<br />

UZBEKISTAN 9855, Voice International, at 1420 on 30 <strong>Jan</strong>; S9 Hindi sce via<br />

Tashkent w/ pop bal-lads. (Jerry Strawman-IA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 31)<br />

VANUATU Radio Vanuatu should be back on SW soon.<br />

The tsunami disaster has spurred at least one country to put its national<br />

broadcasting sce in or<strong>der</strong>. In the Pacific state of Vanuatu, only half the<br />

population can hear the national broadcasting sce, because the SW txs were<br />

allowed to fall into disrepair some years ago.<br />

But now, reports The Independent, at the insistence of the country's Prime<br />

Minister they're frantically working to get 7260 kHz - the daytime freq -<br />

working again properly. After that, the night time freq of 3945 kHz will<br />

also be put back on the air as quickly as possible.<br />

More on this at <br />

(RNW MN NL, Cumbre Feb 3)<br />

VENEZUELA 4939.67 R. Amazonas, at *1025-1<strong>05</strong>0+ on <strong>Jan</strong> 29, sign-on with<br />

NA, 1028 state anthem, 1031 ID, local romantic ballads. Good.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Feb 1)<br />

ZAMBIA 4910, 1558-16<strong>05</strong>, ZN<strong>BC</strong> Radio 1 Feb 1 Best reception so far this<br />

winter of Zambia on longpath. Nice fish eagle IS at 1558, drums at 1600,<br />

and announcer with 'ZN<strong>BC</strong>' and mentions of Zambia in unid. lang. Into a<br />

tribal chant or similar by male, followed by a choral hymn, and into<br />

possible nx items 16<strong>05</strong>. Fair to good signal at tune-in, and still fair at<br />

1635 recheck 1 hour past local SR and 1/4 hour past Lusaka SS. Best on<br />

Southwest Beverage. (Guy Atkins-WA-USA, hcdx Feb 1)<br />

Der diesjaehrige DSWCI <strong>DX</strong>-Contest "The Grand Tour with Cancer an Capricorn"<br />

20<strong>05</strong> findet vom 25. Maerz 20<strong>05</strong> 1800 UTC bis zum 10. April 20<strong>05</strong> 2400 UTC<br />

statt.<br />

Der Contest besteht wie immer aus drei Teilen:

1.) Stationen die sich in Laen<strong>der</strong>n zwischen dem Wendekreis des Krebses und<br />

des Steinbocks befinden.<br />

2.) <strong>DX</strong>-Programme.<br />

3) Quizfragen<br />

Kontestboegen koennen angefor<strong>der</strong>t werden bei:<br />

Jaroslav Bohac, Jizerska 2900/11, 40011 Usti n.L., Tschechische Republik<br />

o<strong>der</strong> via e-mail <br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 7)<br />

o<strong>der</strong> ganz einfach als download via <br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Mar 12)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 31)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 26)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 1)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 702 17 Feb 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

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Extracts of items sourced to E<strong>DX</strong>P may be further reproduced but only by<br />

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Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio may<br />

be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages,<br />

from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting are made<br />

available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

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Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

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with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

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WW<strong>DX</strong>C WWW homepage-German AG<strong>DX</strong> Club-direct address:<br />

<br />

or via Link of Homepage: <br />

Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

ALASKA KNLS Anchor Point hat am 17. <strong>Jan</strong>uar 20<strong>05</strong> mit den Bauarbeiten fuer<br />

eine weitere Antenne begonnen. Sie soll dem seit langem geplanten und<br />

inzwischen gekauften zweiten 100-kW-Kurzwellensen<strong>der</strong> zur Verfuegung stehen.<br />

Bisher ist das Wetter guenstig gewesen, so dass man auf eine Inbetriebnahme<br />

zum Sommersendeplan (ab 28. Maerz 20<strong>05</strong>) hofft.<br />

( ntt, <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

ALGERIA Polisario Front's 1550 outlet is missing for a few days' time<br />

this week while \\ 7460 kHz is on & regular. The Moroccan jammer is still<br />

on though as noted on 7th & 8th inst. while <strong>DX</strong>ing on the SW coast site<br />

while hardly perceived these days when listening from the capital, but the<br />

signal is vy. weak, probably meaning it's on reduced power; at any rate<br />

it's certainly not comparable to what it "looked" like in the past.<br />

Curiously, it's on even when Tindouf 1550 kHz is off (it's off today too as<br />

I write this). (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 11)<br />

Speaking of "off", the Polisario's still silent on 1550 kHz.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 15/16/17)<br />

252 LW, RTA Algers now closes down at 0200*UT all nights and signs on<br />

again at *<strong>05</strong>00 UT. In between Radio 1, Ireland is audible even in Malta.<br />

(Zerafa via Dario Monferini-I, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Feb 4)

[IRELAND] 252 LW, RTE Radio 1, Dublin, 0200-0300, <strong>Jan</strong> 30, is coming very<br />

well now in the Milano area, because RTA 3, Algeria seems to be off at<br />

nighttime!<br />

(Dario Monferini-I, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Feb 9)<br />

AFRICAN 90 m band survey. All obs. dtd <strong>05</strong> Feb 1903-1951 UT:<br />

kHz country stn, tx site: details; SINPO rating<br />

3200 SWZ TWR, Mpangela Ranch: English, addr, mx; 45333<br />

3230 AFS Family R, Meyerton: E, rlgs prgr; 44332, uty. QRM on the upper<br />

side<br />

3255 AFS B<strong>BC</strong>, Meyerton: WS in E to Afr, interview; 55433<br />

3306 ZWE Z<strong>BC</strong>, Gweru: Vn, Afr light mx, tks; 54433<br />

3320 AFS SAUK/R.Son<strong>der</strong> Grense, Meyerton: Afrkns, varied mx; 55444<br />

3345 AFS Ch.Africa, Meyerton: P to Afr, infos+rpts from the UN R., nx, mx;<br />

54443<br />

Fair~good conditions, with R.Son<strong>der</strong> Grense putting the best signal, which<br />

is also typical. (all 6 de Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 11)<br />

ANTARCTICA 15476 R Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, noted<br />

on 8 Feb at 1937-2015 UT (but fairly audible beyond), mxal prgr mostly<br />

consistingof Arg. folk songs; 45433, i.e never heard it so well, and this<br />

was via an elevated K9AY only.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 11)<br />

ARGENTINA 6215 R.Baluarte, Puerto Iguazu, audible after too long on 5 Feb<br />

at 23<strong>05</strong>-2321, Braz. Portuguese, preacher, rlgs songs; 24431.<br />

15820 LTA, Armed Forces stn, Buenos Aires, audible on 6 Feb at 1930-1957<br />

UT, tlks, local temperature, nx in brief, songs; 23431. (Carlos Goncalves-<br />

POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 11)<br />

6215, R Baluarte. I visited them recently in Puerto Iguazu, Misiones. The<br />

station is situated a few blocks from the center of the small tourist city.<br />

It is on 6214.5, all txions are \\ FM Futuro (101.7) at 0900-2400 UT. The<br />

txion equipment is absolutely handicrafts. Now is on air with only 500<br />

watts. The antenna is a longwire with 20 m. in direction towards the south<br />

of Brazil. It is in the rural area.<br />

During my visit I saw a reception report of <strong>DX</strong>er Cesar Perez Dioses,<br />

Chimbote, Peru. You can send reports by ordinary mail to Miss Ana de<br />

Eidinger or Mr. Hugo Eidinger, Hipolito Yrigoyen esquina Andresito, Puerto<br />

Iguazu, Provincia de Misiones, Argentina, and to <br />

(Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Feb 9)<br />

ARMENIA VoA in Armenian observed on 11895BIB, 4810 (with delay), MW Gavar<br />

1395 (with delay).<br />

PRA (Public Radio of Armenia) in Turkish 1600-1630 UT on 4810, 9960!.<br />

1630-1745 4810, Gavar 1395 - Home service. 1745-1810 PRA in Arabic 4810.<br />

1810-1815 PRA in Arabic 4810, 9965!<br />

1815-1845 (Sun -1945) 4810, 9965!, Gavar 1395 Home service.<br />

1845-1945 Mon-Sat 4810, 9965! PRA in Fr, Ge, En on 4810, 9965!<br />

1845-1945 Mon-Sat Gavar 1395 Home service, featuring "Radio MIR" in Ru<br />

1908-1923 UT.<br />

1945-2100 Home service on 4810, Gavar 1395.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 25)<br />

AUSTRIA Freq change for AWR in German via Moosbrunn 300 kW / non-dir to<br />

WEu<br />

1600-1630 NF 6015 (55555), ex7235. First noted on Feb 3.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 11)

BENIN 5025 ORTB, Parakou, obs'ed on 30 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1915-1936 UT in French,<br />

talks on home affairs, mx, nx (tent) 1930; 44343 (adjt QRM) but bad audio<br />

making readability rather tough. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 4)<br />

BOTSWANA 4930 (new!) VoA, Moepeng Hill, obs'ed on 1 Feb thanks to the<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> tip: 1715-... in Vernacular, talks, mx, then English ("Studio 7")<br />

1730, VoA Nx 1800 when QRM de Turkmenistan started, but VoA's signal<br />

gradually took over the ch; 35433.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 4)<br />

BRAZIL 4885 R Club do Para, Belem PA, on 30 <strong>Jan</strong> at 2303-2314 UT, lottery<br />

results; 34443, co-ch QRM de B itself.<br />

9675 R Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, on 28 <strong>Jan</strong> at 0900-1010 UT,<br />

sermon, ID+fqs+"emissoras coligadas" list, religious prgr, songs; 35443.<br />

9665 R Nacional do Brasil, Brasilia DF, heard on 31 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1945- ...,<br />

Portuguese to Afr+Eur, feature & interview on "carnaval"; 53433, adjt QRM<br />

only.<br />

11785 R Guaiba, Porto Alegre RS, on 31 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1936-1952 UT, talks & advts;<br />

25331.<br />

11815 R Brasil Central, Goiania GO, on 28 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1035-1140 UT (couldn't<br />

observe the f/out time), talks on health issues, mx, etc.; 24432, adj QRM<br />

only.<br />

3255 R.Educadora 6 de Agosto, Xapuri AC, on 8 Feb at 2317-2334, tks, ID+fq,<br />

mssgs; 44333.<br />

3325 R Mundial, Sao Paulo SP, on 8 Feb at 2325-2336, tks; 24231, uty. QRM.<br />

3375.1 R Municipal, Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira AM, noted on <strong>05</strong> Feb at 0036-<br />

0048, carnaval songs, fqs (\\ 600)+ID, nx 0045; 34342, QRM de B.<br />

4765 R Emissora Rural, Santarem PA, on 6 Feb at 2339-2350, rlgs prgr;<br />

33432, QRM de silent carrier.<br />

4775 R.Congonhas, Congonhas MG, on 6 Feb at 0029-0045, advs, tks on the<br />

season's them... carnaval, chats, infos; 33442.<br />

4785 R Caiari, Porto Velho RR, on 6 Feb at 0024-0036, tks, chats, songs;<br />

43432, QRM de CHN.<br />

4825 R Educadora, Braganca PA, on 6 Feb at 2333-2346, carnaval songs;<br />

45322.<br />

48<strong>05</strong> R Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus AM, on 6 Feb at 0017-0029, carnaval<br />

songs... for a change! 55433<br />

4815 R Difusora, Londrina PR, on 6 Feb at 0011-0023, ID "R D L", songs,<br />

advs; 44433.<br />

4865 R Verdes Florestas, Cruzeiro do Sul AC, on 5 Feb at 2355-0016,<br />

mssgs+infos, judicial mssgs; 54444.<br />

4915 R CBN Anhangueera, Goiania GO, on 5 Feb at 2337-2350, tlks on carnaval<br />

themes, interviews; 53433, QRM de B.<br />

4985 R Brasil Central, Goiania GO, on 5 Feb at 2316-2331, mx & interviews<br />

on carnaval; 55333.<br />

5035.1 R Aparecida, Aparecida SP, on 8 Feb at 2332-2345, tks on the<br />

Church's commitment to world peace & solidarity, TC; 54433.

5969.6 R Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, on 5 Feb at 0049-0<strong>05</strong>8, advs, MW+FM<br />

ch's, carnaval mx; 44433.<br />

6000 R Guaiba, Porto Alegre RS, on 5 Feb at 0<strong>05</strong>9-0107, advts, news; 33431,<br />

QRM de SNG & het. w/ UNID carrier on 5999.3 kHz.<br />

6010.2 R Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, on 5 Feb at 2232-2240, tks;<br />

23441.<br />

6504.9 R Record, Sao Paulo SP, on 6 Feb at 2224-2236, adv for "caravana a<br />

Terra Santa", TCs, rlgs prgr; 34432, adj QRM de CUB.<br />

9530 R Nova Visao, Sta Ma RS, on 6 Feb at 2229-2246, R.Transmundial ID, mx<br />

prgr'"Musicas que Tocam"; 35433.<br />

9615 R Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, on 6 Feb at 2218-..., Braz. oldies; 44433,<br />

QRM de POR (RDPi to Eur w/ an extra txssion).<br />

9645 R Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, on 6 Feb at 2220-..., tks; 32431, adj<br />

QRM de CRI in S on 9640.<br />

11765 R Tupi, Curitiba PR, on 6 Feb at 2233-..., preacher; 25422.<br />

11925 R Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, on 6 Feb at 2247-23<strong>05</strong>, tks on traffic<br />

management, rpts on carnaval parades; 24433, adj QRM de R.Marti 11930 along<br />

w/ its Cuban jammer.<br />

(all 27 de Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 11)<br />

BULGARIA Radio Bulgaria's weekly <strong>DX</strong> programme for radio amateurs and<br />

short-wave fans and <strong>DX</strong>ers, compiled by our <strong>DX</strong> editor Dimitar Petrov, LZ1AF<br />

and Rumen Pankov, assistant-editor in charge of broadcast tips is included<br />

in our one-hour broadcasts.<br />

The <strong>DX</strong> programme of Radio Bulgaria English service was aired at the very<br />

first time on November 17th, 1957, ID as Radio Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

Radio Sofia's <strong>DX</strong> program was created and presented by Dimitar Petrov LZ1AF,<br />

un<strong>der</strong> the title "Calling <strong>DX</strong>ers and Radio Amateurs".<br />

Now there are three different versions of that <strong>DX</strong> program:<br />

-- "Radio Bulgaria Calling" in English, compiled by Dimitar Petrov and<br />

Rumen Pankov, features Amateur radio news and <strong>BC</strong> <strong>DX</strong> tips.<br />

-- "<strong>DX</strong>" "Sendung fuer die Funkfreunde" / "Program for Friends of Radio" in<br />

German, French and Spanish.<br />

Compiled by Rumen Pankov and features thematic part plus <strong>BC</strong> <strong>DX</strong> tips.<br />

-- "<strong>DX</strong> Mix" in Russian and Bulgarian compiled by Ivo Ivanov, features news.<br />

Starting as follows:<br />

English Fri 2238 5800 7500 WeEUR<br />

Sat 00388& 0330 7400 9700 NoAM<br />

Sun 0738 11600 13600 WeEUR<br />

1238 11700 15700 WeEUR<br />

French Tue 2130 5800 7500 WeEUR<br />

Wed 0230 7400 9700 NoAM<br />

0715 11600 13600 WeEUR<br />

1215 11700 15700 WeEUR<br />

and irregularly, on all transmissions on Sundays.<br />

German Thur 0620 9500 11500 WeEUR

Sat 2020 5800 7500 WeEUR<br />

Tue 2<strong>05</strong>0 5800 7500 WeEUR<br />

Wed 1150 11700 15700 WeEUR<br />

Spanish Sun 1748 9600 11600 WeEUR<br />

2218 7400 9400 WeEUR<br />

Mon 0018 7500 11500 LatAM<br />

0218 7500 9400 11500 LatAM<br />

R Bulgaria's "<strong>DX</strong> MIX" px in Russian and Bulgarian, compiled by Ivo Ivanov:<br />

Russian Sat 1545 1224 5800 7500 9400<br />

1715 5800 7500<br />

1945 5800 7500<br />

Sun 0045 9400<br />

0445 1224 5800 7500<br />

0615 5800 7500<br />

1145 11600 13600<br />

Mon 0615 5800 7500<br />

Wed 1145 11600 13600<br />

Bulgarian Sun 1545 1224 11700 15700<br />

2045 7200 7400<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 27)<br />

BURKINA FASO 7230 R Burkina, Ouagadougou, at 1113-1610 UT on <strong>Jan</strong> 30,<br />

surprisingly heard while other not too distant African stations, viz.<br />

Guinea 7125, Benin 7220, Nigeria 7275 (inactive or irregular), Mali 7285<br />

were inaudible, and even the closest one, Mauritania 7245, was not good as<br />

usual; programme was in French all the time, discussion on women's rights<br />

at work, health, pops, mx programme 1200, nx 1300, etc.; 35443 at best of<br />

course. Conditions were deteriorating as from approximately 1500 onwards<br />

due to increasing adjacent QRM from other stations. (Carlos Goncalves-POR,<br />

dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Feb 9)<br />

CANADA 9625 C<strong>BC</strong>-No Quebec Sce., Sackville NB, noted on 31 <strong>Jan</strong> at /1200-<br />

1306 UT, natl. anthem, ID, French, news, Canadian Indian Vernacular prgr,<br />

nx in Fr. again 1300 UT when QRM=4 de TUR in Turkish started; 35423. If<br />

Sackville's azimuth for this sce. is 348deg (ITU zones 2~4 & 9N) as listed<br />

un<strong>der</strong> the HFCC, then SW Eur is at almost 90deg off relative to the stn<br />

site. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 4)<br />

CHAD 6165 RD. Natle. Tchadienne, N'Djamena, noted on 5 Feb at 2230-2238<br />

UT in Vernacular, playing Afr light mx, few tks; 42441, QRM de HRV, which<br />

is perhaps not such a trouble elsewhere in Eur because many reporters may<br />

be in the skip zone, which is certainly not our situation here in SW Eur.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 11)<br />

CHINA [and non] 11765 Chinese mx jammer on Feb 16 searching for Sound of<br />

Hope. Un<strong>der</strong>neath mx jamming I had Chinese talk, but useless. 1610 UT.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 16)<br />

Re: CRI request reception reports on 558 kHz.<br />

I have no objection to anyone providing reception reports to CRI, but if<br />

you decide to do so then I ask you to bear the following in mind: First,<br />

although CRI enjoys the right to hire airtime on a MW tx in London, China<br />

does not permit the same in reverse. Second, the Chinese authorities<br />

attempt to prevent their citizens from listening to foreign stations by<br />

engaging in a massive SW jamming operation.<br />

The jamming is aimed at various international stations (including the B<strong>BC</strong>)<br />

but of course, in the nature of such jamming, also affects many third<br />

parties, including ourselves as SW hobbyists. With Soviet-era jamming now<br />

just a memory for ol<strong>der</strong> hobbyists, and Saddam's wobble jammers also a thing

of the past, China is now the main guilty party in polluting the SW<br />

spectrum in such a manner.<br />

China also engages in Internet "jamming" by blocking access to many web<br />

sites, including those run by international radio stations. Please find a<br />

way of registering your feelings about such a situation in any<br />

correspondence with CRI. You could point out that China's jamming of<br />

foreign stations un<strong>der</strong>mines the credibility of CRI as a means of<br />

communicating between nations.<br />

You could also ask whether CRI would be willing to allow a foreign station<br />

to broadcast on one of its txs in Beijing, in exchange for the same<br />

facility it enjoys in London.<br />

(Chris Greenway, Nairobi-KEN, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Feb 5)<br />

Deleted freqs of China Radio International via BEI 150 kW:<br />

7255 / 312 deg in Russian 1000-1157; 1300-1357; 1500-1557<br />

7255 / 312 deg in Mongolian 1200-1257; 1400-1457<br />

9365 / 322 deg in Russian 1700-1957<br />

9870 / 322 deg in Russian 0000-0<strong>05</strong>7<br />

9885 / 312 deg in Russian 1600-1757<br />

Freq change for China Radio International in Spanish to SoAm:<br />

2300-0<strong>05</strong>7 NF 9445 (55555) via KAS 500 kW / 269 deg, ex 7160 \\ 9800 (55555)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 11)<br />

COLOMBIA 5910.4 LV de tu Conciencia (tent), Lomalinda, observed on <strong>05</strong><br />

Feb at 0109-..., Spanish, songs, talks; 32441, QRM de UKR in English on<br />

5910 kHz; \\ 6010.1 un<strong>der</strong> strg. QRM. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb<br />

11)<br />

6139.8 R Li<strong>der</strong>, Santa Fe de Bogota; at 0857-0920, f/p on Feb 12. Px "éltima<br />

de Noticias". ID at 0858 "éltima de Noticias ... Radio Li<strong>der</strong> para la<br />

estacion de la Cadena Melodia de Colombia." YL pop song to 0901, canned ID<br />

w/ chime "Desde Bogota, Colombia, transmite Radio Li<strong>der</strong> en canal<br />

preferencial HJCU ... AM estereo 730kc. Opera potente emisora de la Cadena<br />

Melodia de Colombia." Short nx and ranchera mx followed. Het from Uruguay<br />

stn on 6140.0 kHz. It seems Radio Melodia relayed Radio Li<strong>der</strong> px.<br />

(Takeshi Sejimo-JPN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

CONGO (DR) Candip 5066, Kahuzi 6210 and Okapi 9550 all heard. Neither<br />

Bukavu 6713 nor Lubumbashi 7435 heard. Also, no sign of the new station<br />

reportedly on 4845 kHz.<br />

(Chris Greenway, Kenya, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Feb 16)<br />

COSTA RICA 9724.8 University Network, Cahuita, logged on 28 <strong>Jan</strong> at 2303-<br />

... UT, English, religious propaganda; 33442, QRM de RFE in<br />

Serbian/Croatian.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 4)<br />

CUBA 6140 R Lidre/Libre-? via R. Rebelde, at 1102-1118 on Feb 12,<br />

Spanish, Anthem at t/in, chimes followed by ID announcment for "Radio Lidre<br />

(or Libre-?) and mentions of "Bogota, Colombia". Brief talks by various<br />

announcers w/musical bits and several more IDs w/ mentions of Colombia.<br />

Booming signal. (Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 13)<br />

DJIBOUTI No sign yet of reactivated 4780 (but well worth watching as<br />

reports say that it may be on the air as early as next month).<br />

(Chris Greenway, Kenya, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Feb 16)<br />

ECUADOR 15375DRM HCJB on Feb 7 at 1455 UT, brief audio but mostly<br />

silent, S/N ratio about 13 dB, not enough to decode 20.96 kbps stereo<br />

txion, even occasionally losing sync.

15375DRM HCJB Feb 7 at 1956 UT. Simulcast of HCJB's local FM outlet,<br />

occasional ID with FM frequency, Spanish lang Christian contemporary pop<br />

mx, ID as HCJB and Voz Andes at 2117 UT, plus phone numbers, fax numbers,<br />

address, and web site; about 50% audio, S/N about 18 dB, 20.96 kbps bit<br />

rate, P-Stereo. (Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 8)<br />

HCJB, the Voice of the Andes, will be conducting some special DRM txions<br />

between Feb 14th and Feb 25th on the following schedule:<br />

3220 1000 1300 12-15 QUI 6 0 0 755 Quichua<br />

6095 1000 1300 12-15 QUI 6 0 0 755 Quichua<br />

3220 2200 0100 12-15 QUI 6 0 0 755 Quichua<br />

6095 2200 0100 12-15 QUI 6 0 0 755 Quichua<br />

The txions will be irregular in nature, not constant throughout the hours<br />

indicated since we only have one DRM tx. (George McClintock-DF-USA, dxld<br />

Feb 11)<br />

EQUAT GUINEA 15190 For the first time here this morning, around 1500-<br />

1545+ UT Feb 14, B<strong>BC</strong> Antigua 15190 is getting some co-channel interference<br />

from an insane screaming American gospel huxter, no doubt R. Africa 2,<br />

Equatorial Guinea, which reactivated this frequency a few weeks ago and is<br />

within a very few Hz of B<strong>BC</strong>. Fortunately, B<strong>BC</strong> remains on top, but it can be<br />

an annoying un<strong>der</strong>current to what was formerly a pristine B<strong>BC</strong> channel, and<br />

of course the primary one in NoAmerica at this hour. I should think the<br />

situation would be worse in northeast America, further off the beam of this<br />

'Mexican' service. Is this so? B<strong>BC</strong> has actually been on borrowed time, as<br />

Eq G was on or about this frequency until their transmitter failed a few<br />

years ago, before B<strong>BC</strong> took it up. So I won<strong>der</strong> if the collision has been<br />

consi<strong>der</strong>ed and resolved at the A-<strong>05</strong> HFCC in the DF?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Feb 14)<br />

I found English Gospel programmes on air on 15190 today [Feb.15] at 0810<br />

tune in until apparent off at 0906. The signal was fair strength but<br />

splashed by RVI via ARM 15195. I think the programme on air was Voice of<br />

the Lord, and an address in Canada was given. Another programme followed<br />

from c0831 UT. B<strong>BC</strong> via ASC arrived on freq c0858 UT at about equal level. I<br />

did not hear any ID but assume this must have been Radio Africa via<br />

Equatorial Guinea.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 15)<br />

ERITREA 7100 and 7180 both active. (Chris Greenway, Kenya, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Feb<br />

16)<br />

ETHIOPIA 6350 VoTigre Revol., Mek'ele, noted on 28 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1712-1736 UT<br />

in Tigriniya (tent), talks, songs ; 44443. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Feb 4)<br />

R Ethiopia domestic sce: 5990, 7110 and 9704 all confirmed active. However,<br />

7110 and 9704 observed to be irregular at times. This didn't used to be the<br />

case. Furthermore, the 5990 tx, formerly right on-channel, now varies. It<br />

is a pity that of the three txs, the one likely to propagate best outside<br />

the region (9704), has the worst audio, sometimes very poor (low/very low<br />

modulation and a hum).<br />

R Ethiopia external sce: 7165 and 9560 confirmed active but with variable<br />

frequency, as usual. From a country with such a distinctive indigenous mxal<br />

heritage, it is sad to hear hip-hop being played on this sce.<br />

Note: Although R Ethiopia's txs can be irregular in operation, they were<br />

heard (at times) with all five on the air simultaneously. With the stations<br />

below, this means that Ethiopia still has nine working SW txs - quite<br />

impressive these days.

Radio Fana: 6210 and 6940 both active and heard well. Catch that beautiful<br />

interval signal if you can.<br />

Voice of Tigray Revolution: 5500 and 6350 both active and heard nicely.<br />

(Chris Greenway, Kenya, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Feb 16)<br />

FINLAND/SWEDEN [Aland] "A team of experts on AM antennas are now on<br />

Aland searching around for a new QTH to the 603 kHz. A mobile low power am<br />

tx will be in service very soon. Testings only."<br />

License owner Roy Sundgren, Sweden on Anorak Nation mailing list, 5 Feb.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau via mwdx 6.2.20<strong>05</strong>; via ARC MV Eko Feb 14)<br />

Roy Sandgren, Malmoe, Sweden for R Scandinavia 603, Aaland Isls, Finland.<br />

756 Aland Islands. Some nx from Aland Islands:<br />

Radio 756 AM & Sonnet Radio Europe Testing Web Stream<br />

Currently testing web streams at <br />

Try our Smokin Jukebox and be the DJ<br />

<br />

Radio 756 & Sonnet Radio Europe are bidding for the 10 kW 756 kHz.<br />

License on the Aland Islands situated between Sweden & Finland. We have<br />

also made application for a number of Short Wave freqs for international<br />

coverage. Although our internet tests are only mx based at the moment, we<br />

will be introducing Live Programming in the very near future.<br />

Philip de Cadenet<br />

Transmitters 'R' Us<br />

<br />

<br />

(Philip de Cadenet, hcdx Feb 13)<br />

Registered website of Dick Christenbrunn, secretary of Finnish-Swedish <strong>DX</strong><br />

Club (FS<strong>DX</strong>F):<br />

<br />

Connection of "Sonnet Radio" with Cyprus item in autumn 2003 ?<br />

I guess Mike West has some connection in this project.<br />

Link <br />

Dick Christenbrunn active on Pirate Radio 603 project too.<br />

<br />

Certified Offer Service - Make an offer on this domain.<br />

Backor<strong>der</strong> - Try to get this name when it becomes available.<br />

Similar Names - See suggested alternatives for this domain.<br />

Registrant:<br />

Dick Christenbrunn<br />

Norrav. 39<br />

V?rdo, 2255 0<br />

FI<br />

Domain name: AMMUSICRADIO.COM<br />

Administrative Contact:<br />

Christenbrunn, Dick <br />

[Registrar, wb.]<br />

Technical Contact:

Master, Host <br />

Fleming Pavilion, Todd Campus<br />

West of Scotland Science Park<br />

Glasgow, Scotland G20 0XA<br />

UK<br />

+44.870<strong>05</strong>00303 Fax: +44.1419317001<br />

Registrar of Record: Internetters,<br />

<br />

Record last updated on 06-Feb-20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Record expires on 06-Feb-2006.<br />

Record created on 06-Feb-20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Domain servers in listed or<strong>der</strong>:<br />



Domain status: REGISTRAR-LOCK.<br />

The previous information has been obtained either directly from the<br />

registrant or a registrar of the domain name other than Network Solutions.<br />

Network Solutions, therefore, does not guarantee its accuracy or<br />

completeness.<br />

Show un<strong>der</strong>lying registry data for this record<br />

Current Registrar: INTERNETTERS LIMITED<br />

IP Address: (ARIN & RIPE IP search)<br />

IP Location: EU(EUROPEAN UNION)<br />

Lock Status: REGISTRAR-LOCK<br />

DMOZ no listings<br />

Y! Directory: see listings<br />

Data as of: 08-Jun-2004<br />

(Feb 13)<br />

FRANCE Freq change for RFI in Polish via ISS 250 kW / 040 deg:<br />

1700-1757 NF 5910 (55555), ex6085 kHz.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 11)<br />

1080 According to a mail from Jean-Michel Bross (member of the station),<br />

Radio de la Mer on 1080 kHz, will start broadcasts on Feb 7th at 0600 UT.<br />

The station will be on the air daytime. I guess Paris Live Radio, will also<br />

start this day [at night].<br />

(Christian Ghibaudo, Nice-F, 2 Feb 20<strong>05</strong> via dxld via ARC MV Eko)<br />

Radio Vatikan hat ab Ende <strong>Jan</strong>uar die Mittelwelle 702 kHz (Col de la Madone<br />

400 kW, 65 degr) getestet. Grund war die verschlechterte Empfangslage auf<br />

1530 kHz (inzwischen nur noch 150 kW), aber auch auf <strong>der</strong> Mittelwelle<br />

Roumoules 1467 kHz (1 MW, aber Interferenz aus Moldowa), die man seit 2001<br />

belegt, als die Elektrosmogdebatte auch die Sendeanlagen von Santa Maria di<br />

Galeria erreichten und die Sendestaerke auf 1530 kHz herabgesetzt werden<br />

musste.<br />

Ausgestrahlt wurden 1810-1940 Uhr die mittelosteuropaeischen Programme in<br />

Ungarisch, Tschechisch, Slowakisch, Polnisch und Deutsch. Die Hoffnung, auf<br />

702 kHz eine deutliche Empfangsverbesserung fuer die mittelosteuropaeischen<br />

Programme zu erreichen, stiess allerdings nicht nur auf<br />

Gleichkanalinterferenz eines tuerkischen Grosssen<strong>der</strong>s. So muessten sich die<br />

tschechischen o<strong>der</strong> slowakischen Sendungen gegen den 40-kW-Sen<strong>der</strong> von Radio<br />

Regina Kosice in <strong>der</strong> Slowakei durchsetzen. Und mindestens in<br />

Nordwestdeutschland werden die deutschen Sendungen beeintraechtigt, weil<br />

auf 702 kHz in Nordrhein-Westfalen und Schleswig-Holstein bereits zwei<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong> aktiv sind.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Feb 13)

FRENCH GUIANA 21645DRM Deutsche Welle on Feb 7 at 1410 UT. Nx in<br />

English, report on terrorist attack; special txion via TDF station in<br />

French Guiana for DRM Symposium in Mexico City, this week only,<br />

broadcasting with 30 kW; S/N about 18 dB, bit rate 17.46 kbps, audio about<br />

80% there to 1425, then almost none.<br />

21645DRM Deutsche Welle [via Montsinery-GUF] on Feb 7 at 1750 Nx in<br />

English, Newslink program for Asia, talk about Thailand's prime minister;<br />

audio scratchy, dropping in and out, but about 75% in after 1800 (less so<br />

before); S/N ratio about 14-15 dB, marginal for 14.56 kbps bit rate, but by<br />

1820, S/N is up to 20 dB, and audio about 99% present.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 8)<br />

GERMANY Some DTK T-Systems changes:<br />

Pan American Broadcasting (PAB):<br />

1430-1445 13820 JUL 100 kW / 090 deg Mon to SoAs English >>> new txion<br />

1630-1645 6015 JUL 100 kW / 060 deg Wed to EaEu English, not Russian<br />

Free People's Mission:<br />

1630-1700 13820 WER 250 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg Sat to ME English >>> new txion<br />

Bible Voice Broadcasting Network (BVBN):<br />

1915-2015 7260 WER 125 kW / 210 deg Fri to CeAf Arabic >>> cancelled<br />

Radio Voice of Women / Radyo Seda-ye Zan<br />

1900-1930 9495 JUL 100 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg Sat to ME Persian >>> cancelled<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 11)<br />

11810 Minivan R. via DTK on Feb 7 at 1638-1652 UT, 33433 Vernacular, 1638<br />

IS. ID at 1643 UT. Talk and mx. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Feb 11)<br />

LW 177 According to Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>, Zehlendorf 177 effective April 1st<br />

will switch to DRM (I un<strong>der</strong>stand from his wording that it will be "pure"<br />

DRM, i.e. no simulcast mode).<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, 28 <strong>Jan</strong>, via ARC MV Eko)<br />

What about nearby Europe-1 signal on 183 kHz? DRM signal is about 14 kHz<br />

wide on the pure kitchen radio set. (wb)<br />

1188 Reichenbach. If you don't mind to download a 247 KB picture, go to<br />

<br />

That's the view from the Reichenbach (Oberlausitz, or actually Schlesien)<br />

Protestant church towards Goerlitz. You see a Catholic church, once located<br />

outside Reichenbach. And in the left of the picture you see, well, a<br />

certain facility...<br />

This mast replaced some time ago (well before 1990) the original tower,<br />

portrayed in this picture:<br />

<br />

And I mentioned already a while ago this drawing of the old tower:<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, hcdx Feb 7)<br />

So we have it at least narrowed down to Thursday. On this occasion:<br />

Deutschlandradio Berlin is to be relaunched and renamed into<br />

Deutschlandradio Kultur as of March 7. No program information for<br />

Deutschlandradio Kultur has been published so far, although there are<br />

indications that the schedule is already firm. I can not help but won<strong>der</strong> if<br />

they hide the new line-up because they fear listeners protests? (Kai<br />

Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 5)

Here are nice pictures of the equipment used at Nauen:<br />

<br />

See the chronicle un<strong>der</strong> Funkstation Nauen. Direct links to the after-WW II<br />

pages:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

"1960 5 kW" Probably the tx of the famous Nauen time signal (4525 kHz if I<br />

recall correct).<br />

"1958 50 kW" The first broadcasting tx, installed at the utility site<br />

(today's broadcasting site).<br />

"1964" The still existing rotatable antenna of the broadcasting sub-site<br />

"Kurzwellenzentrum", established this very year with a 100 kW Funkwerk<br />

Koepenick tx.<br />

"1972" 500 kW Brown Boveri tx, installed this year. The text mentions that<br />

it was first used with two HQ antennas, i.e. for non-directional sces.<br />

"1978" Soviet 500 kW tx, belonging building and curtain antennas. I think<br />

the detail visible in one of the "1964" pictures shows clearly that the<br />

curtains are indeed true Soviet designs. Anyway they were real landmarks<br />

until they were destroyed in 1999.<br />

"1997" The current facilities (four ALLISS antenna units with S41<strong>05</strong> txs).<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 30)<br />

So far my contacts couldn't find out more about the reported reduction in<br />

SW txions of Deutsche Welle. But now a new rumour from the DRM folks has<br />

been posted at<br />

:<br />

Probably the DRM sce on 3995 will be cancelled. Another source adds that<br />

this is indeed un<strong>der</strong> consi<strong>der</strong>ation, despite this freq again being<br />

coordinated at the current HFCC conference. Mind you, these folks don't<br />

care about AM at all, so we can only won<strong>der</strong> what is un<strong>der</strong> consi<strong>der</strong>ation<br />

here; the referenced report from Bob Padula had only txions to Asia and<br />

Australia as topic, but I think this doesn't mean that only these target<br />

areas will be affected!<br />

In this thread you will find the tentative A<strong>05</strong> DRM schedule for DW. The 200<br />

kW Taldom on 7390 is a bit suspect to me, could it be that this is supposed<br />

to be AM instead? Also posted there is a Juelich registration for <strong>BC</strong>E, i.e.<br />

a third DRM outlet for RTL besides the two Junglinster txs: 0600-1800 on<br />

7145. Finally another posting contains a statement that Munich/Ismaning<br />

6085 will be switched off in mid-March and return in DRM in April.<br />

Meanwhile Berlin-Britz 855 was observed running DRM again. Probably now<br />

another tx than during 990's outage is in use again.<br />

You can hear ten seconds of 990 and then a switch to 855 on last Sundays<br />

morning at<br />

<br />

855 has a delay of about three seconds and noticeably less punchy audio,<br />

also appearing to be of a narrower bandwith (probably 4.5 kHz on 855 and 6<br />

kHz on 990, but this is difficult to judge with so much noise).<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 12)

Aus dem DLF Programmheft Nr. 2/20<strong>05</strong>. Ausstellung: Achtung !<br />

Hier Sendestelle Berlin vom 24. 2.- 13. 5. 20<strong>05</strong> im Funkhaus des DLF in<br />

Koeln.<br />

Koeln ist neben Hamburg und Berlin fuer die Entwicklung von Hoerfunk und FS<br />

eine <strong>der</strong> wichtigsten Staedte in Deutschland und daher ein sehr angemessener<br />

Ort fuer eine <strong>der</strong>artige Veranstaltung. Eine Ausstellung, die fuer jeden am<br />

Rundfunk Interessierten unverzichtbar sein sollte und bei <strong>der</strong> man viel Zeit<br />

verbringen kann und sollte. Es gibt dort Texte, originales Tonmaterial, das<br />

ueber CD-Player abgehoert werden kann, diverse Filmausschnitte<br />

eindrucksvoller Ereignisse <strong>der</strong> Geschichte sowie technische Geraete und<br />

an<strong>der</strong>e Exponate des Rundfunks.<br />

Es beginnt mit den ersten Rundfunkansagen aus Berlin 1923 und schliesst mit<br />

einem interaktiven Live-Hoerspiel mit Hoererbeteiligung im DeutschlandRadio<br />

Berlin 2002. Dazwischen gibt es Ausschnitte fuer jeden Geschmack, eine<br />

Reportage vom FB- Laen<strong>der</strong>spiel DL-Italien 1930, Ausschnitte aus Goebbels-<br />

Reden, Reportagen von den Olympischen Spielen in Berlin 1936 und Muenchen<br />

1972. Thomas Mann appelliert 1945 aus dem Exil an deutsche Hoerer. Sowie<br />

Tanzmusik von 1937 und das Jugendradio DT64 aus dem Jahre 1989.<br />

Ein Querschnitt durch die Geraetelandschaft..so darf natuerlich <strong>der</strong><br />

beruehmte "Volksempfaenger" (1933) aus dem Dritten Reich nicht fehlen. Aber<br />

es gibt auch aeltere Geraete aus <strong>der</strong> Anfangszeit des Radios zu sehen, wie<br />

den Detektorempfaenger Tefag. Geraete aus <strong>der</strong> Nachkriegszeit, auch aus <strong>der</strong><br />

DDR-Produktion, mobile Empfaenger, Autoradios und Radiowecker,<br />

Weltempfaenger bis zum mo<strong>der</strong>nen DAB- Radio - das alles ist in Koeln zu<br />

sehen.<br />

Apropos DAB. Mir ist zum ersten mal im Programmheft aufgefallen das eine<br />

ganze Seite (78) fuer die (moeglichen) DAB-Empfangsmoeglichkeiten in DL<br />

abgebildet ist.<br />

(Paul Gager-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 31)<br />

"Die Verbreitung <strong>der</strong> beiden Software-Radios (DRM Software-Radio und Dream)<br />

wird weltweit im ®hohen vierstelligen Bereich¯ vermutet."<br />

Das heisst doch im Umkehrschluss, dass die DW ihre Europa-Nachtfrequenz<br />

3995 kHz fuer weniger als 10.000 potentielle Hoerer komplett auf DRM<br />

umgestellt hat. 6075 ist oft deutlich schlechter zu empfangen. Na prima.<br />

Waere es <strong>der</strong>zeit nicht sinnvoller, die DRM-Sendezeiten <strong>der</strong>zeit noch zu<br />

begrenzen und besser zwischen den einzelnen Rundfunkstationen zu<br />

koordinieren? "Deutsche Welle M" ueber DRM mag ja ganz nett sein, aber<br />

wenigstens stundenweise analoges Programm fuer einen weitaus groesseren<br />

potentiellen Hoererkreis hielte ich fuer eine sinnvollere Alternative.<br />

Wenn sich die Technik durchsetzen sollte und Geraete im Handel erscheinen,<br />

lassen sich \\ zu den dann noetigen Werbe- und Imagekampagnen <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong>,<br />

Geraetehersteller und des Handels auch die DRM-Sendezeiten hochfahren. Eher<br />

macht doch eigentlich keinen Sinn.<br />

Positiv zu bewerten ist, dass im Rahmen <strong>der</strong> geplanten DRM-Einfuehrung mehr<br />

Augenmerk auf die Stoerung des Kurzwellenbereiches durch PLC gerichtet<br />

wird. Vielleicht verschwindet diese Technik doch noch in <strong>der</strong> Versenkung.<br />

(Christof Proft-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 12)<br />

GHANA 4915 at 0600 UT 'It's 6 o'clock - this is Radio Ghana', followed by<br />

nx in English. Feb 15. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 15)<br />

GUINEA 7125 R Conakry audible on 09 Feb at 1019-1106 UT, prgr was in<br />

French, tribal tunes & songs, infos on cultural events & shows; 25443.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 11)

HONDURAS 3249.7 R Luz y Vida, San Luis, audible on 6 Feb at 2324-2343 UT<br />

in Spanish, with ballads; 44332. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 11)<br />

ICELAND 9980 USB, AFRTS Grindavik at 0825-1310 UT, still here <strong>Jan</strong> 29 and<br />

Feb 02, English ann, ID: "This is NPR - National Public Radio", nx about<br />

Iraqi elections, also heard at 1620. 25243 heard \\ with strong 7590 kHz<br />

also from Iceland and very weak on 7811 presumaly from Key West, Florida,<br />

USA.<br />

(Anker Petersen and Bjarke Vestesen-DEN dwsci <strong>DX</strong>W Feb 9)<br />

INDONESIA 3385, RRI Kupang [Timor] is inactive again! In Sept/Octer 2004<br />

it was only heard for a few days.<br />

4869.98, RRI Wamena, at 0940 on Feb 06, heard in the Philippines as well as<br />

RRI Sorong on 4871. Both stations are sporadically on the air.<br />

4871, RRI Sorong, at 0945-1035 on <strong>Jan</strong> 23, Bahasa INS, clear ID's, but was<br />

reactivated only this day! However, back Feb 06, as mentioned above. Ed.<br />

Poor modulation and much atmospheric noise.<br />

(Roland Schulze-PHL, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Feb 9; also snail letter <strong>Jan</strong> 27)<br />

3325 RRI Palangkaraya on Feb 4 at 1310-14<strong>05</strong> 44444-43443 INSn, Jakarta nx<br />

realy. Music. 1359 with IS. ID. Local news.<br />

4870.98 RRI Sorong on Feb 2 at 1<strong>05</strong>0-1107 34343 INSn, 1<strong>05</strong>9 IS. ID. Local<br />

news. [also heard by Roland in PHL on <strong>Jan</strong> 21 at 0930-1035* UT]<br />

4919.98 RRI Biak on Feb 2 at 0907-0934 24332-34333 INSn, Islamic mx and<br />

Koran. 0932 Chime.<br />

4925 RRI Jambi on Feb 4 at 1122-1137 44444 INSn, Koran. 1133 ID. Local<br />

news.<br />

7289.9 (RRI Nabire) on <strong>Jan</strong> 31 at 0748-0751* 25332, Music. 0751 sign off.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Feb 11)<br />

But Roland Schulze has his doubts on this item. He assumes that RRI Seuri<br />

(x7173.3) is here regularly, but very seldom reported.<br />

(Roland Schulze-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 27) Still a puzzle ?<br />

4925 RRI Jambi(pres) at 1325-1431 on Feb 11. Exotic Indo vocals with few,<br />

if any, anmts; M ancr spoke briefly in Bahasa Indo at 1400:30 and then<br />

programming switched into a local lang, with high-pitched talks and<br />

indigenous mx; tuned out at 1431, as signal was starting to weaken. (John<br />

Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

4604.97 RRI Serui, at 1153-1202 on Feb.12, INSn, Continuos ballads, ID and<br />

Song of the Coconut Isles at 1200 then right back to mx. Weak but readable.<br />

Very pleased! Also noted signals on 39<strong>05</strong> and 4750 around 1200 but couldn't<br />

stick with them as I had to leave for work.<br />

4790 (pres) RRI Makassar, 1128-1153, Feb.12, INSn, Continuous ballads and<br />

pop mx slipping un<strong>der</strong> increasing "sweeper" QRM. Poor/fair. (Scott Barbour-<br />

NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 13)<br />

3976 at 1120-1127, RRI Pontianak Feb 7. Male announcer with poss. talk of<br />

regional politics, with mentions of INS and Pakistan. Female Indo vocals at<br />

1127. Excellent signal, but some co-channel ham interference.<br />

4000.1 at 1125-1135, RRI Kendari Feb 7. Two INSn announcers with talk and<br />

occasional mentions of Kendari. Good signal. The notch filters on the<br />

756Pro are the best I've ever encountered, and did a great job on the big<br />

het that's usually present on this frequency.

4604.95 at 1135-1147, RRI Serui Feb 7. Male announcer with 'RRI Serui' ID<br />

at tune-in, followed by brief nx items with mentions of INSn cities and<br />

pauses in-between. Orchestral anthem at 1142, and into C&W style INSn mx<br />

and vocals. Excellent signal.<br />

4925 at 1145-1201, RRI Jambi Feb 7. Playing a mix of INSn pops and US mx;<br />

male announcer with 'RRI Jambi' ID 1159 and into Love Ambon tune briefly,<br />

then more pop mx at 1200. Good signal. (all Guy Atkins-WA-USA, hcdx Feb 11)<br />

4925 RRI Jambi at 2209 UT with Bahasa INS News. I haven't been able to log<br />

this in the European afternoon this season. Feb 14. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 15)<br />

IRAN IRIB Radio Bushehr war heute auf 13<strong>05</strong>.08 kHz um 1611 UT mit einem<br />

Lokalpx zu empfangen. Das Programm bestand aus a capella Gesaengen, um 1615<br />

UTC gab's eine lokale ID "Inja Bushehr, Sedaye Jumuhiriye Islamiya Iran".<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 14)<br />

IRAQ Since about <strong>Jan</strong> 1st "VoStrugglers / Mojahedines in Iran", earlier<br />

*1600-1700* on 4230...4290 kHz (jumps to avoid Iranian jammers) is no more<br />

noted here. (<strong>Jan</strong> 1 - 25)<br />

3930 & 4610 Radio "Voice of Komala" (ID "In Sedaye Komala") in Persian at<br />

1831 UT, hymn 1832-1834, only carrier from 1834-1835, and the IS of - I<br />

think - Azeri Radio Home sce, as on 1476 kHz was in the past, then only a<br />

single IS and close-down then. S-on at 1657 UT was playing with IS of<br />

"Nutcracker" suite by Chaikovsky on 3930 and 4610 kHz.<br />

But "Nutcracker" is used as IS also by "Voice of Communist Party of Iran"<br />

on 3880, 4380, 6425 at 1627 UT. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 27)<br />

[KURDISTAN] The only active stations in Iraq broadcasting on SW at present<br />

are the Kurdish stations which were clandestines during the regime of<br />

Saddam Hussein. After his massacre on the Kurdish population and<br />

suppression of the Shiits in Southern Iraq following the Saddam defeat in<br />

the first Gulf War, the USA, UK and France in 1992 introduced two<br />

prohibited Flight Zones within Iraqi airspace North of 36 degrees and south<br />

of 32 degr. This was a success and particularly gave the Kurds a kind of<br />

autonomy with only little influence from Baghdad.<br />

Covert SW broadcasts flourished in that region from various tribes and<br />

political groups. Some argued for full independence from Baghdad, others<br />

for a united "Kurdistan" including the Kurdish tribes in Northern Iraq, NW<br />

Iran, NE Syria and a large part of Eastern Turkey. Because of this, some of<br />

these clandestine stations were - and still are - directed towards these<br />

other countries who all are strongly against the idea of a united<br />

"Kurdistan".<br />

Although their local langs cannot be un<strong>der</strong>stood by most <strong>DX</strong>-ers, it is still<br />

exciting to listen to their broadcasts also in year 20<strong>05</strong>! Below are the<br />

current details on the few domestic SW stations in the Kurdish area of<br />

Northern Iraq taken from the updated Domestic Broadcasting Survey. All<br />

stations have been heard in 20<strong>05</strong>:<br />

4025, Voice of the People of Kurdistan, Al-Sulaymaniyah, at 0230-0300,<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600, 1400-1600, 1630-1700, 1900v-2000v. Surani Kurdish, ID: "Aira<br />

dangi Gelli Kurdistana", 0300v-<strong>05</strong>00 1700-1900v A, ID: "Huna idha'at sawt<br />

Sha'b Kurdistan, sawt al-Ittihadi al-Watani al- Kurdistan", 1600-1630<br />

Turkmen; ID: "Burazy Iraq Tuerkmen Sesi Radiouzel" (i.e. "This is the<br />

Radiovoice of Turkmen Iraq"). d 4023- 4027; jammed. Produced by the<br />

Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) lead by Jalal Talabani. (Often QRM from<br />

Europirates on 4025.3)

4160, Voice of Independence at 0300-0330 and 1500-1700 Kurdish, ID: "Era<br />

dengi Sarbakhoye, izgay Parti Parezgani Kurdistana". Operated by the<br />

Conservative Party of Kurdistan. d 4158 - 4167; irregular.<br />

6315, R Roj (= Sun) r at 1400-1900* Kurmanji Kurdish, ID: "Azad Radyo Roj<br />

(pronounced: Rozh)", d - 6310. New clandestine station.<br />

6340, Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan, Salah al-Din at 0300v-0700v and 1400-1500,<br />

1700-1800v Kurmanji Kurdish, ID: "Aira dangi Kurdestana Iraqa, dangi<br />

demokrati Kurdestan"; 1500-1700 A, ID: "Huna Sawt Kurdistan al-Iraq, Sawt<br />

al-Hizb al-Dimuqrati al-Kurdistani al-Iraq". Produced by the Kurdistan<br />

Democratic Party (KDP) lead by Mas'ud Barzani; d - 6310 [moved to 6335]<br />

Besides these "pure domestic" stations, there is a SW station well heard,<br />

broadcasting towards Iraq probably via Maiac, Moldova: 11530, Voice of<br />

Mesopotamia, Belgium, at <strong>05</strong>00-1700 UT, Kurdish dialects: Kurmanji/<br />

Zazaki/Sorani, ID: "Denge Mezopotamya" Backed by "Kurdistan Freedom and<br />

Democracy Congress" (KADEK, former PKK). Broker TDP. Some days off.<br />

It is interesting to note that on Feb 2, after the recent Iraqi Election,<br />

the KDP lea<strong>der</strong> Barzani declared that their end goal is an Independent State<br />

of Kurdistan! On the other hand, it is expected that the lea<strong>der</strong> of the<br />

other group, PUK, Jalal Talabani, is going to get one of the leading<br />

positions in the new Iraqi lea<strong>der</strong>ship. It will be interesting to follow<br />

this political development - also on SW.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Feb 9)<br />

[KURDISTAN]. CLANDESTINE, 3930.0, R Voice of Komala, at *1700- 1835* on <strong>Jan</strong><br />

29, Ouverture, Kurdish ID: "...dangi Komala", freq annt, webaddress, talk;<br />

1800 Farsi program began, ID, talks. The jamming was on *1709-1842*. Until<br />

1709: 34333. Nothing was heard on \\ 4610 that day.<br />

3970.2, Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, Al Sulaymaniyah, Northern Iraq, at<br />

03<strong>05</strong>-0435 on Feb 8, Call to prayer, 0311 Kurdish ann, ID: "Aira dangi<br />

Kurdistan Irana" and talk by woman mentioning Iranian Kurdistan and Iraq,<br />

34444, heard \\ 4860.0 (34333), but 4610 was off the air. No jammers noted<br />

that early in the morning! At 04<strong>05</strong> the Kurdish broadcast had jumped to<br />

3985.1 (jammed) and heard \\ 4860 still not being jammed. Kurdish ID, talk,<br />

march and folksong. 0428 began a similar programme in Farsi on both freqs,<br />

first with ID by woman: " Seda-ye Kordestan-e Iran."<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Feb 9)<br />


B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring observes Voice of [Iraqi] Kurdistan radio with a live audio<br />

stream available from the web site of the Kurdistan Democratic Party at<br />

in \\ with their SW signal on 6335 kHz.<br />

However, there seems to be confusion about the formal name of the station:<br />

The pre-recorded identification annt at the start of txion identify it as<br />

"Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan" (Aira Dengi Kurdistana Iraqiya), however<br />

subsequent annts, apparently live, identify it as "Voice of Kurdistan"<br />

(Aira Dengi Kurdistana).<br />

Further, the live stream link on the web page is labelled as "Radio<br />

Kurdistan", whilst on the Windows Media Player the name is given as "KTV<br />

Radio". The station broadcasts in support of the Kurdistan Democratic Party<br />

from facilities in northern Iraq on 1116 kHz mediumwave, 91.5 and 93.3 MHz<br />

FM, and 6335 kHz SW. (B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld, Feb 9)<br />

This morning at 8:00 a.m. (12:00 a.m. EST) Alhurra correspondent Abdul-<br />

Hussein Khazal, 40, and his 3-year-old son Mohammed were killed outside of<br />

their home in Basra by an unknown number of gunmen. Abdul-Hussein had been

a correspondent for US-Radio Sawa for nearly two years and joined Alhurra<br />

in April 2004.<br />

"We are deeply saddened at the loss of our friend and colleague Abdul-<br />

Hussein Khazal and his son Mohammed. Abdul-Hussein was a dedicated and<br />

respected journalist, who was an integral part of the Alhurra and Radio<br />

Sawa team. He will be truly missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with his<br />

family during this difficult time." Mouafac Harb, Executive Vice President<br />

and Network Nx Director<br />

( BBG Press Feb 9 via dxld)<br />

B<strong>BC</strong>M observed Voice of Iranian Kurdistan on the Hotbird 6 satellite at 13<br />

degrees East, freq 12597 MHz, vertical polarization, symbol rate 27500, FEC<br />

3/4, at 1300-1400 gmt on 13 February 20<strong>05</strong>. The programme was in Kurdish for<br />

the first 40 mins, identifying as "Aira Dengi Kordestani Irana", then in<br />

Persian for the remain<strong>der</strong> of the broadcast, identifying as "Seda-ye<br />

Kordestan-e Iran". The broadcast is also available in the form of on-demand<br />

audio files from the station's web site at <br />

The files are dated in accordance with the Iranian calendar, a conversion<br />

chart for the Gregorian equivalent can be found on the internet at<br />

<br />

The station was also observed with a Persian programme in progress on the<br />

same day at 1510 gmt on 3960 kHz SW. Reception was poor due to jamming<br />

interference.<br />

Voice of Iranian Kurdistan broadcasts in support of the Kurdish Democratic<br />

Party of Iran, which advocates independence for the Kurdish region of Iran.<br />

The party has a multilingual web site at <br />

(B<strong>BC</strong>M 13 Feb via dxld)<br />

ISRAEL Winter B-04 schedule of Kol Israel (updated on <strong>Jan</strong> 29):<br />

ARABIC 0345-2215 5915<br />

AMHARIC 1900-1935 9390 11585 116<strong>05</strong><br />

ENGLISH 0430-0445 6280 7545 17600<br />

1030-1045 15640 17535<br />

1830-1845 9390 11585 116<strong>05</strong><br />

2000-2025 6280 9390 15615<br />

FRENCH 0445-<strong>05</strong>00 6280 7545<br />

1100-1115 15640 17535<br />

1800-1815 9390 11585 116<strong>05</strong><br />

2030-2045 6280 7520 9390<br />

HEBREW 0000-0430 7545<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>55 7545 and deleted 15760<br />

0600-0755 15760 and deleted 17535<br />

0800-1030 17535<br />

0800-1655 15760 deleted<br />

1115-1455 17535<br />

1700-0455 9345 deleted<br />

2100-2215 7520 deleted<br />

2100-2355 6280<br />

HUNGARIAN 1745-1755 9390 116<strong>05</strong> 15760<br />

1945-1955 9390 11585 116<strong>05</strong><br />

LADINO 1045-1100 15640 17535<br />

1600-1625 7420 9985 15760 Sat<br />

MUSIC 1630-1645 116<strong>05</strong> 15640 15760<br />

PERSIAN 1500-1625 7420 9985 15760 Sun-Thu<br />

1500-1600 7420 9985 15760 Fri/Sat<br />

ROMANIAN 1725-1745 9390 116<strong>05</strong> 15760<br />

1845-1900 9390 11585 116<strong>05</strong><br />

RUSSIAN 1600-1625 7420 9985 15760 Fri<br />

2100-2200 7520 9390<br />

SPANISH 1645-1655 116<strong>05</strong> 15640 15760<br />

1815-1830 9390 11585 116<strong>05</strong>

2045-2100 6280 7520 9390<br />

TIGRINA 1935-1945 9390 11585 116<strong>05</strong><br />

YIDDISH 1700-1725 9390 116<strong>05</strong> 15760<br />

Shortwave transmission is due to cease on March 31, 20<strong>05</strong>!<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 1)<br />

JORDAN 11810 R Jordan on Feb 16 looking for Minivan. Arabic ID 'Huna<br />

Amman' and schedule at 1558. Huge signal, consi<strong>der</strong>ably weaker at 1600 when<br />

un<strong>der</strong>neath heard station with ID in English 'This is Radio .....' but not<br />

possible to hear whether Minivan or not. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb<br />

16)<br />

KENYA 4915 On 12 Feb (Sat) at 1945 UT there is a station on 4915 in<br />

Swahili mixing with Ghana. I didn't get the 2000 TOH id, but assume this is<br />

K<strong>BC</strong> Kenya now running the Swahili sce and also on during the weekends.<br />

Maybe Chris can confirm this.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN)<br />

I'm afraid I returned to the UK on 11 February and so I can't at present<br />

give any on-the-spot reports from Nairobi.<br />

I noted that 4915 was on the air, but erratically, on the evening of 10<br />

February, relaying the Eastern Service. But it was off the air the<br />

following morning, even though the Eastern Service was still on FM at that<br />

time.<br />

My guess is that, earlier, the 4915 tx had been having problems, and that<br />

the K<strong>BC</strong> decided that there was no point in producing Eastern Service<br />

programmes until it was fixed. That would explain why I heard 4915 relaying<br />

the Swahili Sce on 9 Febr - they'd managed to get the SW tx back on the air<br />

but the Eastern Service programme makers had been stood down and so another<br />

sce had to be used as an audio source.<br />

If you have access to a WorldSpace receiver, the K<strong>BC</strong> Swahili sce is one of<br />

the very few unencoded African sources still available on it, and so could<br />

be used as an aid to what you hear on 4915 (allowing for the fact that the<br />

WorldSpace signal is delayed by about 6 seconds relative to terrestrial<br />

txions). Two other aids to IDing the K<strong>BC</strong>: the distinctive ToH time signal,<br />

in which the final "pip" is on a higher note (similar to China's time<br />

signal), and the fact that the main nx bulletins start and end with<br />

patriotic mx played by a military band. (Chris Greenway-UK, dxld Feb 13)<br />

4915 is active, albeit irregular (as already reported). Despite these<br />

problems, the tx appears to be running the full 10 kW, but with rather<br />

rough audio. At a listening post on the Kenya/Uganda bor<strong>der</strong> (much closer to<br />

Kampala than Nairobi), 4915 kHz was much stronger than either 4976 or 5026.<br />

(Chris Greenway, Kenya, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Feb 16)<br />

KYRGYZSTAN "Radio Ekstol" does not leave in an ether since <strong>Jan</strong>, 1, 20<strong>05</strong>,<br />

it has ceased to exist. The tx on 1476 kHz is rented with the religious<br />

organization MARAHAFA, that God means "comes". Now through this tx<br />

Broadcasts only programs TWR with 15 up to 18 utc on Kazakh, Kirghiz,<br />

Uzbek, Tadjik, Turkmen, Karakalpak, Russian, English langs. The part of<br />

programs goes in \\ with freqs 864 and 5855 kHz. Everything else time it is<br />

silent. The increase broadcasting time TWR is possible with the beginning<br />

of a years (summer) season.<br />

The address for letters on the program "On Circles the": <br />

The address for questions and offers un<strong>der</strong> the programs relayed on 1476 kHz<br />

- Glavpochtamt, Post Box 366, Almaty <strong>05</strong>0000, Kazakhstan. On quality of a<br />

signal, handicapes etc. - it is possible to send messages to me on the<br />

address: <br />

(Vasily Guljaev, Astrakhan-RUS, RUSdx Feb 13)

LEBANON I stumbled over this making me remember 6550/6580 kHz reception<br />

<br />

Very often, brand names end up identifying to the product itself. Examples<br />

of this phenomenon are too many to list, and in Lebanon, the sentence "Put<br />

the radio on", always means: "Tune up to the Voice of Lebanon". In fact,<br />

throughout its 27 years of existence, the Voice of Lebanon has always been<br />

"THE RADIO". Founded in 1975, the Voice of Lebanon was then the first<br />

commercial radio to ever broadcast in Lebanon. Drawing on its tank of<br />

highly qualified personnel, it has always given the best in the fields of<br />

news, political forums, interviews, mx, social issues, sketches, culture,<br />

games, and even broadcasted theater.<br />

The Voice of Lebanon currently broadcasts on two FM wave lengths: 93.3,<br />

93.4 for the Bekaa and 93.6 MHz for southern and northern Lebanon. It also<br />

owns this site on the web un<strong>der</strong><br />

and is being relayed in Canada by the Middle East<br />

Radio, and in Australia by another radio station also called the Middle<br />

East Radio.<br />

In Beirut, the Voice of Lebanon retransmits live, the Arabic nx of Radio<br />

Canada International "RCI" through a partnership agreement between the two<br />

stations. Through another agreement, the Voice of Lebanon broadcasts<br />

programs and mx produced by Radio France International "RFI".<br />

In Lebanon we say that "Radio Voice of Lebanon broadcasts the event even<br />

before it happens!"<br />

Enjoy surfing our site and listening to our Radio.<br />

Please send us your feedback at the following address:<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 10)<br />

LITHUANIA Radio Baltic Waves<br />

Vilnius, 612 kHz, 100 kW, ND:<br />

0400-0600 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Belarusian<br />

0800-1000 Voice of Russia-Russkoye Mezhdunarodnoye Radio, Russian<br />

1000-1400 Voice of Russia-Sodruzhestvo, Russian<br />

1400-1600 Voice of Russia-Russkoye Mezhdunarodnoye Radio, Russian<br />

1600-2200 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Belarusian<br />

2200-2230 Polish Radio-Radio Polonia, Belarusian<br />

Radio Baltic Waves International<br />

Sitkunai, 1386 kHz, 500 kW, ND:<br />

2002-2100 China Radio International, Czech<br />

2100-2200 China Radio International, English<br />

2200-2300 China Radio International, German<br />

Siauliai, 1386 kHz, 3 kW, ND [From March 1, 20<strong>05</strong>]:<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-1600 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian<br />

Sitkunai, 1557 kHz, 150 kW, ND:<br />

1800-2000 China Radio International, Russian<br />

2000-2100 China Radio International, Polish<br />

2100-2200 China Radio International, Chinese<br />

(Rimantas Pleikys-LTU, Feb 10 via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb<br />

14)<br />

MADAGASCAR 3214.99 R Feon'ny Filazantsara on Feb 5 at *1630-1640 UT<br />

1653-1655* UT, 24332-24432 Maragacy, 1630 sign on with Opening mx. Opening<br />

announce. Talk. 1655 UT IS and sign off. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium<br />

Feb 11)<br />

3288, 5010, 6135, 71<strong>05</strong> and 9689 all active, but can be irregular.

(Chris Greenway, Kenya, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Feb 16)<br />

MALAWI Nothing at all heard of listed TWR on 4870.<br />

(Chris Greenway, Kenya, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Feb 16)<br />

MALAYSIA Re my unid 5030 on 9 Feb at 1255 UT. Is MLA again active on this<br />

freq? I'm not sure, but it sounded like their carrier was still on until at<br />

least 1530 UT.<br />

(Jari, ibid.)<br />

Yes, R. Malaysia-Sarawaku on 5030 kHz had reactivated since early Dec.<br />

2004. Monitoring in Japan, it's carring same px on 7130 kHz in evening<br />

time.<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, hcdx Feb 11)<br />

MALI 4782.5 R Mali, Kati, obs'ed on 6 Feb at 2337-... UT, French, tribal<br />

songs; 55433; 4835 (& 9635) still off.<br />

7285.3 R Mali, Kati, obs'ed on 6 Feb at 1120-.. UT, Vernacular, tribal<br />

songs prgr; 15341; \\ 11960 vy. poor. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Feb 11)<br />

4783.4 R Dif Television du Mali continues to move around every day. On Feb<br />

15 at <strong>05</strong>58 UT noticed in French with said ID. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Feb 15)<br />

4783, RTV Malienne, Bamako, 0636-0800*, <strong>Jan</strong> 31 and Feb 06, nice signals,<br />

Malienne highlife mx program with no ann. Female at 0650 in Vernacular<br />

followed by indigenous instrumental mx (xylophone or similar and drums) and<br />

man talking in Vernacular. Female in French at 0653 UT then more highlife<br />

mx. At 0659.5 indigenous instrumental mx and woman in French followed by<br />

man in French at 0700 UT. Slightly un<strong>der</strong>modulated signal but SINPO 35533<br />

with QSB.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA and Bruce Churchill-CA-USA, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Feb 9)<br />

MEXICO 4810 XERTA-R Transcontinental de Amercia, Cd. de Mexico, noted on<br />

31 <strong>Jan</strong> at 0736-f/out 0955 (!) UT, Spanish, religious prgr, announcing phone<br />

nr, postal & e-mail addrs, playing mx; 53443, adj uty. QRM. Inaudible the<br />

following day at same time, with the same sort of utility QRM present. This<br />

is listed as putting just 500 watt - it's hardly believable. (Carlos<br />

Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 4)<br />

MOLDOVA/RUSSIA CLAND-Syria 7470/12085 The Arabic Radio on Feb 16 Arabic<br />

ID after mx at 1602 as '..al idha'at al'-Arabia'. 7 MHz strong, 12 MHz<br />

barely audible.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 16)<br />

Arab Radio 12085 \\ 7470.<br />

Anti-Syrian govt programme by the Arab Radio noted 16 UTC on 12085- and<br />

7470 kHz. Signal on 12085 kHz extremely stong. Transmitter site somewhere<br />

in Eastern Europe? Passport tells 7470 kHz is coming from Samara.<br />

More here: <br />

After the mur<strong>der</strong> of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Harir and people<br />

putting blame on Syria, Arabic Radio must have listeners both in Syria and<br />

Lebanon. Not only <strong>DX</strong>ing community.<br />

Jari Savolainen told 12085 kHz is Grigoriopol, Moldova.<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, hcdx Feb 16)<br />

VoR 1566 kHz VoRussia kam um 1800 UTC mit s/on und dem Bulgarischen-Px auf<br />

1566 kHz. Koennte das evtl via MDA kommen ? Auf <strong>der</strong> gelisteten Frequenz<br />

1467 kHz ist nur Radio Vatican via F (\\ 1530 khz) zu hoeren. (Patrick<br />

Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 12)

Zu 95 % ist das auf 1566 kHz Grigoriopol, ex 1467 kHz.<br />

Obviously 1467 at Grigoriopol has been replaced by 1566. Enclosed the<br />

decisive report I can only confirm: 1566 has a strong signal with presumed<br />

VOR in Bulgarian, and on 1467 Roumoules with Radio Vatican is in the clear<br />

now (switching antenna patterns between Hungarian and Czech at 1830, by the<br />

way). (Kai Ludwig-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 12)<br />

On 12 Feb at 1804 UT noted powerhouse VOR in Bulgarian on 1566 instead of<br />

its normal 1467 Grigoriopol MDA. Continued at 1900 in Greek. A permanent<br />

move or just Saturday nite fever? (Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 12)<br />

Yes, heard the Kremlin chimes too, just before 2100 UT, then VoRUS switched<br />

off.<br />

Use it or loose it... look to the ME ... IBB 990, 1170, 1431, 1548, 1557,<br />

1575, 1593.<br />

What is next? Kaliningrad Bolshakovo may replace losed 1386 by 1503 or 1593<br />

kHz towards Central Europe, why not?<br />

In central Europe, at present 846, 1503, and 1566 are more or less 'empty'<br />

channels these days, (except Albion's low power carpet...). 846 kHz will<br />

remain from new high power site 90 kms northwest of Rome. (73 wolfgang, Feb<br />

12)<br />

MONGOLIA Mongol R 4895 \\ 4830 on Feb 14 at 2155 IS until s/on at 2200.<br />

Seems to me same as my unids in my bandscan the other day. Pompeous chorus<br />

at 2200, into male and female with short mx between items. (Finn Krone-DEN,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 15)<br />

MYANMAR I listened to Defence Forces Broadcasting Unit (pres) in Unknown<br />

lang (Vernac) on 5770 kHz from 1555-1628 UT on <strong>Jan</strong>uary 4. Mainly songs and<br />

talk. Sign off at 1628 UT. SINPO-35333. (Yasuhiro Shiozaki-JPN, JPNpremium<br />

Feb 11)<br />

NEPAL On Feb 1, King Gyanendra removed the Govt of Nepal and pointed out<br />

a new one which declared the country in State of Emergency. The Maoist<br />

rebel movement whose goal it is to abolish the monarchy and introduce a<br />

socialist state, is said to control large parts of the country. The Maoists<br />

also perform some terrorist attacks in the easternmost provinces of India,<br />

and this event did cause a diplomatic crisis Nepal vs. India. In Nepal all<br />

communications, including e-mail, have been cut and privately-owned FM<br />

radio stations have been or<strong>der</strong>ed to drop their nx bulletins.<br />

But TV and state-owned radio programmes are unaffected. On SW R Nepal has<br />

been heard with domestic broadcasts during the past months on 50<strong>05</strong> kHz with<br />

reduced power, but not every day. It was still heard here in Denmark on Feb<br />

06, but its weak signal did not propagate on other days. (Anker Petersen-<br />

DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Feb 9)<br />

King of Nepal cracks down, cuts 'net, B<strong>BC</strong> on FM Obviously, a post like this<br />

to this mailing list has, as its primary message "There are times when SW<br />

trumps the internet and local relays of international stations."<br />

<br />

Instead of the usual spicy mix of current affairs and politics, the subject<br />

of Radio Sagarmatha's talk show on Saturday night was as bland as rice.<br />

In fact, the subject was rice: the differences, as explained by a<br />

scientist, between golden, wild and other varieties. That was the only<br />

topic the independent Nepali FM station felt safe to discuss.

"Normally I don't do that kind of program," a 31-year-old journalist at the<br />

station said, laughing nervously as a soldier listened. When the soldier -<br />

one of six lounging around the station - moved off, the smile fell away.<br />

"Our hands are tied," the journalist said.<br />

Six days ago Nepal's king ended the country's 15-year experiment with<br />

democracy and took power for himself, imposing a state of emergency and<br />

suspending a host of civil liberties, including freedom of expression.<br />

Nepalis have been facing something between fear and a farce since then,<br />

adjusting to a combination of royal rule and martial law. Those in politics<br />

and the nx media feel particularly un<strong>der</strong> siege.<br />

[...]<br />

All of the community radio stations that sprang up in the 1990's are locked<br />

up, playing only mx or discussing things like rice. The B<strong>BC</strong>'s popular<br />

Nepali nx sce has been stopped, and Netra K. C., its reporter in the<br />

western city of Nepalganj, has been detained, according to human rights<br />

activists. Newspapers have been reduced to editorializing about safely<br />

banal subjects, like the weather or clean socks, or resorting to metaphor<br />

to make their case.<br />

(via Joel Rubin, Swprograms mailing list via dxld Feb 8)<br />

One of the first steps taken by the authorities was to ban, for a six-month<br />

period, any broadcast or publication of opinions opposing "the essentials"<br />

of the king's proclamation. The ban also applied to any nx or analysis that<br />

tried to justify the country's Maoist rebellion. In addition, the country's<br />

40-plus independent FM stations were or<strong>der</strong>ed to limit themselves to<br />

broadcasting entertainment programmes. Nx would be reported by the govt-run<br />

radio and TV channels. Agency reports speculated that this could lead to up<br />

to 1,000 journalists and ancillary staff losing their jobs.<br />

International broadcasters such as B<strong>BC</strong> and CNN, and Pakistan TV, were back<br />

on air after a few days. However, the absence of Indian channels led the<br />

Indian media to suspect that they were being blocked.<br />

The Nepalese govt had recently complained about an Indian-based channel<br />

calling itself Nepal 1-TV. It described the channel as unauthorized and<br />

operating in violation of the international press code.<br />

Media restrictions. International telephone lines and internet connections<br />

were restored after a week, but mobile phone sces may remain cut off for<br />

some time. The decision to resume some communications was taken by a newly-<br />

established Subcommittee on State Affairs, whose members include the heads<br />

of the security forces.<br />

[...]<br />

It remains to be seen how Nepal's once outspoken media will respond to the<br />

new restrictions. When the Kantipur Online nx portal resumed on 8 February,<br />

it carried a notice saying it was now operating "un<strong>der</strong> strict media<br />

guidelines".<br />

(B<strong>BC</strong>M Feb 10 via dxld)<br />

NEW ZEALAND Radio New Zealand International, The Voice of New Zealand.<br />

The RNZI Transmitter failed at 04<strong>05</strong> on Feb 06 and is off air due to a<br />

technical fault. Technical staff have been called out to attend to the<br />

problem. We regret the interruption to our short-wave sce. (rnzi.com via<br />

John Norfolk-USA, dxld Feb 7)<br />

15265 R NZi, Rangitaiki, surprisingly noted on 6 Feb at 1955-2<strong>05</strong>0*, 45433<br />

(via my elevated K9AY aerial) while its normal pattern for quite some time,<br />

too much time in fact, is consi<strong>der</strong>ably worse, typically almost inaudible,<br />

especially at s/on but not that better after switching to 17675 kHz; prgr

in English, with weather, news, sports news, Dateline Pacific, Pacific<br />

press review in French 2040.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 11)<br />

R NZi. was fantastic this evening on 15165, putting a 55444 (this time<br />

mainly via my Lisbon elevated K9AY, but also fair~good on the T2FD or the<br />

inv. V) signal right after having s/on mid speech, no IS after s/off on<br />

11980 kHz where is gets a fair amount of adj. QRM de VoA starting at 1830.<br />

Right now it's 2234, and 17675 is at 35433... and the tx went abruptly off<br />

now at 2235 UT. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 16)<br />

NIGERIA Freq change for Voice of Nigeria in English:<br />

1700-2100 NF 15120, ex7255, re-ex 9690.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 11)<br />

OMAN Address for the Al Ashkara site (QSLs received from this address):<br />

Resident Engineer, VT Merlin Communications & Partners LLC, B<strong>BC</strong> Relay<br />

Station, P.O.B. 40, Al Ashkarah PC 422, Oman.<br />

e-mail: (Hans-Dieter Buschau-D, hcdx <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 32<strong>05</strong> at 1018-1031, R. West Sepik Feb 7. Two men in<br />

English with a discussion on PNG economics; many mentions of 'Kina'. Poor<br />

to fair signal.<br />

3260 at 1031-1034, R. Madang Feb 7. Male announcer in Pidgin with mentions<br />

of Madang at 1032 and 1035. Poor signal.<br />

3275 at 1035-1039, R. Southern Highlands Feb 7. Enjoyable PNG sing-sing mx<br />

with female chorus and guitars; announcer in Pidgin. Too bad the signal was<br />

such a low level; tonight is a poor PNG propagation evening.<br />

3315 at 1041-1048, R. Manus Feb 7. Announcer in Pidgin with US pops tunes;<br />

seemed to be a mx countdown program. 'R. Manus' ID noted at 1106 recheck.<br />

Fair.<br />

3355 at 1<strong>05</strong>7-1101, R. Simbu Feb 7. PNG pop mx 1<strong>05</strong>7; male announcer at 1<strong>05</strong>9<br />

with annts in Pidgin; 'R. Simbu' ID at 1100 with mentions of 'province'.<br />

Suddenly off without fanfare at 1101*. Other PNG stations still on, though.<br />

Poor-fair signal.<br />

3385 at 1048-, R. East New Britain Feb 7. Male announcer in Pidgin with<br />

slow, casual talk. Time check in English 'five mins until 9 o'clock' at<br />

1<strong>05</strong>5; phone number and poss. quick ad for restaurant. Initially a poor-fair<br />

signal, but a recheck at 1107 revealed a good level with Pidgin lang hymn<br />

and male chorus.<br />

39<strong>05</strong> at 11<strong>05</strong>-1111, R. New Ireland Feb 7. Presumed. Male announcer in Pidgin<br />

with mentions of 'tok tok' and 'come up long hearim...'. Poor level signal,<br />

with strong co-channel ham QRM from the New England Weather Net. No<br />

evidence of RRI Merauke on the frequency.<br />

4960 at 1112-1116, Catholic Radio Network Feb 7. Talk or interview about<br />

Catholic and family planning issues. First noted at 1035 with Christian<br />

contemporary mx. Poor-fair level, but seemed to be slowly improving. Also<br />

heard at 1707 on 2/8 with choir mx; weak signal. (all Guy Atkins-WA-USA,<br />

hcdx Feb 11))<br />

PHILIPPINES Updated B-04 schedule for Radio Veritas Asia:<br />

Bengali 0100-0125 11790 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg<br />

1400-1425 11725 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg<br />

Burmese 2330-2355 98<strong>05</strong> PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

1130-1155 15450 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

Cantonese 2300-2325 98<strong>05</strong> PUG 250 kW / 331 deg<br />

Filipino 2230-2255 7265 PUG 250 kW / 331 deg

1500-1525 11765 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg Wed/Fri/Sun<br />

1500-1555 11765 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg Mon/Tue/Thu/Sat<br />

Hindi 0130-0155 11790 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg<br />

1330-1355 11725 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg<br />

Hmong 1000-1025 11780 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

Indonesian 2300-2325 11820 PUG 250 kW / 222 deg<br />

2300-2325 95<strong>05</strong> PUG 250 kW / 222 deg<br />

1200-1225 11795 PUG 250 kW / 222 deg<br />

Kachin 0030-0<strong>05</strong>5 95<strong>05</strong> PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

1230-1255 15225 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

Karen 0000-0025 95<strong>05</strong> PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

1200-1225 15225 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

Mandarin 2100-2255 6190 PUG 250 kW / 350 deg<br />

1000-1155 9520 PUG 250 kW / 355 deg<br />

Russian 0230-0325 17830 PUG 250 kW / 015 deg<br />

1500-1555 9570 PUG 250 kW / 330 deg<br />

Sinhala 0000-0025 11820 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

1330-1355 9520 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

Tamil 0030-0<strong>05</strong>5 15520 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

1400-1425 9520 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

Telugu 0100-0125 15530 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

1430-1455 9520 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

Urdu 0200-0225 15350 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg<br />

1430-1455 11725 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg<br />

Vietnamese 2330-2355 9670 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

0130-0225 15530 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

1030-1125 11850 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

1300-1325 11850 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

Zomi-Chin 0230-0255 11895 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 11)<br />

9581.90 PBS Marulas, Valenzuela, at <strong>05</strong>00 UT on <strong>Jan</strong> 19, Tagalog programme,<br />

but tx or antenna problems causing horrible splatters up to 9740 kHz! Seems<br />

to be regular here as before. Is back from 9619.10 kHz. (Roland Schulze-<br />

PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 27)<br />

PLC The ARRL Letter, Vol 24, No 06<br />

Website: on February 11, 20<strong>05</strong>:<br />

Local telecommunication authorities in Austria have sent a "first-step"<br />

legal notice to Linz Strom GmbH (Linz Power), calling on the utility to<br />

"take necessary technical measures" to operate its "Speed-Web" broadband<br />

over power line (BPL) system so it doesn't cause interference to other<br />

telecommunication equipment. Joseph Ibinger, who heads the Upper Austria-<br />

Salzburg field office for the Fe<strong>der</strong>al Ministry for Commerce, Innovation and<br />

Technology (BMVIT), told Linz Power in late December that interference<br />

mentioned in complaints is definitely coming from the utility's BPL system.<br />

From the time the BPL installation was a pilot project, radio amateurs have<br />

been among the most vocal in expressing their displeasure, blaming BPL for<br />

causing excessive interference on HF bands throughout the City of Linz. The<br />

Austrian Amateur Transmitter Fe<strong>der</strong>ation (Oesterreichischer<br />

Versuchssen<strong>der</strong>verband OeVSV), Austria's International Amateur Radio Union<br />

(IARU) member-society, praised the action, which the utility is very likely<br />

to appeal.<br />

"The Austrian Amateur Radio Society applauds this decision of local<br />

authorities and notes that radio users have repeatedly indicated the<br />

problem of unwanted radiation from unshielded mains wiring," said OeVSV<br />

President Michael Zwingl, OE3MZC. "The recent decision will be an example<br />

for authorities in other European countries facing similar problems in BPL<br />

trials."<br />

In October 2003, Linz Power received a similar letter from local<br />

telecommunications authorities asking the utility to "remove the illegal

interference" on the HF bands generated by the utility's BPL then-pilot<br />

project. As a result, Zwingl says, the utility took legal action against<br />

OeVSV.<br />

Assuming an appeal by Linz Power, the BMVIT must move Ibinger's initial<br />

response essentially the equivalent of a warning notice or citation up to<br />

the next level, and it could take up to six months to resolve the matter.<br />

Zwingl says if the fe<strong>der</strong>al authorities affirm the local decision, they<br />

could prohibit operation of the BPL system. As it now stands, the utility<br />

was given a month to resolve the interference.<br />

Zwingl said OeVSV has been unable to obtain a copy of the actual decision<br />

and was only able to obtain details of the document in <strong>Jan</strong>uary by working<br />

through a "peoples' lawyer," essentially a legal ombudsman who runs<br />

interference between the Austrian fe<strong>der</strong>al govt and citizens.<br />

According to legal ombudsman Peter Kostelka's report to Zwingl, the<br />

telecommunication authorities cited Linz Power's use of unshielded wiring<br />

to transport data signals, resulting in constant emissions that interfere<br />

with short wave bands as "an undesirable byproduct" of the system.<br />

The Linz Power BPL system boasts upward of 4000 "satisfied customers" out<br />

of the 40,000 in its sce area. It offers its basic sce for ?24 a month; a<br />

faster version goes for ?42 a month, both less installation charges. Speed-<br />

Web uses Main.net BPL technology.<br />

Zwingl said the recent official decree followed "some years of complaints<br />

and investigations" into the Linz Power BPL project. "We put pressure on<br />

officials to not just take measurements but also to react by all legal<br />

means," he said. "It took us some time, but we never agreed with the<br />

opinion of some authorities who have made a judgment between the importance<br />

of ham radio and BPL." Zwingl maintains that Austria's telecommunication<br />

rules conform with International Telecommunication Union (ITU) regulations<br />

and "protect radio sces and spectrum regardless of subjective importance."<br />

Linz Power Executive Josef Heizinger reportedly reacted calmly to the field<br />

office decision. "We are absolutely in the right, legally, and will<br />

continue the BPL development according to plan," he's quoted in the media.<br />

In another interview, Heizinger declared that "simultaneous problem-free<br />

operation of BPL and Amateur Radio equipment is possible," and he blamed a<br />

small group of dissident radio amateurs for trying to discredit "this<br />

innovative and economical technology."<br />

Linz Strom blames the few radio interference problems its system has caused<br />

on "defective equipment," and says it's resolved those cases promptly.<br />

OeVSV continues to insist that in its current form BPL also known in<br />

German-speaking countries as "Internet from the Electrical Outlet" is<br />

incompatible with HF reception.<br />

Source: The ARRL Letter Vol. 24, No. 06 February 11, 20<strong>05</strong><br />

http://www.eham.net/articles/10267<br />

(Feb 12)<br />

ROMANIA Harris DRM Darstellung in Rumaenien.<br />

<br />

Harris Corporation Announces DRM Symposium in Romania to Discuss<br />

Mo<strong>der</strong>nization Programs.<br />

Two-day Program to Outline the Transition to Digital Radio and Romania's<br />

New Nationwide Radio and Television Digital-ready Infrastructure.

Feb 10, 20<strong>05</strong> _ Harris Corporation today announced the agenda for a two-day<br />

DRM Symposium March 1-2 at the Marriott Hotel in Bucharest, Romania. The<br />

event is designed to inform and educate radio broadcasters from Europe,<br />

North Africa and the Middle East on how they can prepare for a digital<br />

future with DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) technology, and will focus on<br />

Romania's countrywide upgrade and expansion of its national broadcast<br />

infrastructure. Representatives from Harris and S.N. Radiocomunicatii S.A.,<br />

Romania's state-owned broadcast organization, will provide insight into the<br />

strategies behind the mo<strong>der</strong>nization program that is establishing 100<br />

percent radio and television coverage throughout the country.<br />

[...] Several presentations on DRM will follow, culminating with a DRM<br />

demonstration at a nearby 400 kW high-power AM tx site, the Tancabesti<br />

High-Power Radio station. Once at the site, Harris engineers will install a<br />

DRM exciter package inside the tx. The DRM exciter package will feature a<br />

content server for txion of a multiplexed, bandwidth-efficient audio/data<br />

stream and a modulator to drive the digitally prepared signal to a DRMready<br />

receiver. Attendees will be able to listen to the results.<br />

Day two will focus on Romania's overall mo<strong>der</strong>nization program and cover all<br />

aspects from finance to technology and installation. Broadcasters from<br />

countries still relying on tube txs will learn how Harris' television,<br />

radio, microwave and networking divisions worked together to provide a<br />

cost-effective, turnkey system that brought Romania 's antiquated system up<br />

to date with the solid-state analog technology favored throughout Western<br />

Europe. Discussions also will point to how Romania is now fully prepared<br />

for a digital future. Russia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Israel, Syria, Nigeria,<br />

Algeria, Turkey, Poland and the Ukraine are among the many countries<br />

expected to be represented during this conference. [...]<br />

For additional information and photos, visit<br />

<br />

(Harris Corporation press release, Cincinnati, 11 Feb <strong>05</strong>)<br />


Harris makes the <strong>DX</strong> series medium wave/long wave txs to powers as high as 2<br />

MW, and higher would be possible.<br />

Full disclosure: the dTR/H&D JV, of which my firm is a partner, provided<br />

antenna design sces to Harris for both their 2 MW installations. All high<br />

power solid state MW and LW transmitters are combined units, with "power<br />

blocks" of 100, 200, ~400 kW. Off to beautiful Poro, La Union, Philippines<br />

on Friday.<br />

The transmitter there is, of course, a Harris <strong>DX</strong>-1000.<br />

(Ben Dawson-WA-USA, Hatfield & Dawson, dxld Feb 15)<br />

RUSSIA Orenburg. The oldest in city tx DV 270 kHz (" Radio of Russia "),<br />

Worked 70 years, in October, 2004 were switched - off for ever. And the<br />

radio tower is demounted in connection with building nearby Territories.<br />

(Viktor Rutkovskiy, Ekatarinburg / "open_dx", RUSdx Feb 13)<br />

ST. HELENA Saint FM' on the Internet. It will probably be too late by<br />

the time you get this, but just got this off Saint Helena nx group...<br />

In message, John Turner, Bank of St. Helena<br />

writes<br />

Saint FM, the island's new radio station, is re-broadcasting a request show<br />

from Radio Caroline tonight 1800-2100 GMT with requests to and from St<br />

Helena.<br />

Radio Caroline is available as internet radio at<br />

Send requests to the studio (available on their website) between 6 and 9 UT<br />

tonight or email (or call +290 2660) and Saint FM will<br />

forward the requests. There is a very good chance that any Saints you know<br />

will be listening.<br />

John Turner, Bank of St. Helena.<br />

<br />

Post Office Building, Main Street, Jamestown, St. Helena Island.<br />

Tel: +290 2044. Fax: +290 2196<br />

(The St Helena Mailing List, via Richard Buckby G3VGW, Feb 12)<br />

SAUDI ARABIA A big buzz of slightly oscillating pitch is way atop BSKSA<br />

Holy Qur'an Service on 21460, on Feb 14 at 1510 past 1530 UT. As far as I<br />

can tell, this is a malfunxioning transmitter, not jamming or some other<br />

kind of external interference. No such problem on the French service,<br />

21600. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Feb 14)<br />

Yes, buzz appeared also on Feb 15 / 16, wb.<br />

HQS, 21460, still/again with huge buzz over audio making it unlistenable,<br />

at 1445 and still at 1510 recheck Feb 15. Meanwhile, at the later hour<br />

21600 in French was doing a voice-over translation from someone speaking<br />

Arabic, but the Arabic was too loud and it sounded like two stations<br />

mixing. When will SW stations ever learn not to do this?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Feb 16)<br />

SOMALIA Radio Shabeelle 6960 and Radio Galkacyo 6980 kHz both heard.<br />

(Chris Greenway, Kenya, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Feb 16)<br />

SUDAN Omdurman 7200 and Radio Peace 4750 both active. 4750 noticeably<br />

stronger than last year. No sign of Radio Peace on 5895 (note: 5895 is<br />

occupied in the local evening by unlisted - in WRTH and PWBR - Moscow in<br />

Persian).<br />

Mediumwave: I was delighted to hear Radio Juba reactivated on its former<br />

freq of 693, not on new 810 as I was advised last year that it might be on.<br />

Heard with good signals on 693 in the evening with English mx request<br />

programme and nx in English at 1800.<br />

Clandestines: As already reported, 8000 heard, 6985 kHz not heard.<br />

(Chris Greenway, Kenya, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Feb 16)<br />

TAIWAN The radio show called "Special Communications" was an unlikely<br />

hit, given that it consisted of announcers reading strings of numbers for<br />

15 mins.<br />

Taiwan used the mind-numbing program in the 1980s to send coded messages to<br />

its spies in mainland China. But like many Taiwanese propaganda broadcasts,<br />

it also could be picked up locally. To the surprise of many at the govt-run<br />

Radio Taiwan International, the show soon developed a cult following among<br />

Taiwanese.<br />

Listeners, particularly former soldiers, started sending fan mail saying<br />

how much they enjoyed it, how it made them feel like secret agents, and how<br />

they had deciphered the code.<br />

"I'd think, how absurd," said Chen Hsiao-Ping, a veteran at the station for<br />

25 years. "Here I am reading this stuff, and I don't even know what it<br />

means. How could they possibly un<strong>der</strong>stand?"<br />

The glory days of "Special Communications" may be over, but Chen and her<br />

colleagues at Radio Taiwan still have plenty of work, as do members of the<br />

propaganda team at China's Central People's Radio Station, which is busy<br />

beaming programming the other way. Last year marked the 50th anniversary of<br />

mainland radio propaganda broadcasts into Taiwan and the 55th for Taiwan in

the opposite direction. Over the decades, the weapons have changed, the<br />

tactics refined, the ideology softened. Shows on investments, popular<br />

culture, and tourism have largely edged out biting criticism and political<br />

dogma.<br />

But like two old soldiers locked in a wrestling grip, the broadcasts press<br />

doggedly on, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, outlasting even North and<br />

South Korea's loudspeaker battle across their tense demilitarized zone.<br />

"This isn't just a broadcast," said Cheryl Lai, president of Radio Taiwan<br />

International. "This is war. China sees it as a hot war. We see it as a<br />

cold war. But it's still a war."<br />

Chen, the broadcaster, grows animated as she recalls her early days at the<br />

station. Recruited in 1978 at age 18, she was tested, her family and<br />

friends screened, and her ideology reviewed for any hint of Communist<br />

sympathy before she got a job as "professional political warfare agent," as<br />

presenters were then called.<br />

For most of the 1950s, '60s, and '70s, propaganda airwaves in both<br />

directions were filled with hard-core screeds, slogans, and denunciations.<br />

But around the time Chen joined, the Taiwanese intelligence sce had a new<br />

psychological weapon against China Theresa Deng, a Taiwanese singer known<br />

for her gentle love songs. A new program mixed Deng's mx with soft-sell<br />

messages about the island. The show, which lasted a decade, proved hugely<br />

successful among mainlan<strong>der</strong>s battered by the tumultuous 1966-76 Cultural<br />

Revolution.<br />

A few hundred miles across the Taiwan Strait, the Central People's Radio<br />

Station in Beijing also was working overtime to score points, shape minds,<br />

and reach Taiwanese listeners with its worldview.<br />

For about a decade after the national sce began broadcasting on Aug. 5,<br />

1954, Taiwanese listeners who tuned in heard Communist Party summaries,<br />

production statistics, and bitter denunciations of the Taipei govt.<br />

Broadcasts encouraged Taiwanese to go on strike, rise up against their<br />

"American toady" govt, and renounce capitalism before a workers' revolution<br />

swept Taiwan.<br />

Mainland planners were also careful to include softer programming as well,<br />

particularly during big holidays such as the midautumn Moon Festival, to<br />

help temper the martial mx and angry political attacks.<br />

But any hint of softness vanished with the advent of the Cultural<br />

Revolution in 1966, as broadcasters became swept up in the social turmoil.<br />

(Globe Newspaper via Andy Sennitt-HOL; and via Dan Say, dxld)<br />

Numbers station must refer to "Star Star" or "New Star" on 15388, 9725,<br />

etc.<br />

(Glenn hauser-USA, dxld Feb 10)<br />

"With the increasing number of international marriages, what we're doing<br />

now is broadcasting not only to foreigners working or living here but also<br />

to the future children of Taiwan."<br />

National radio station Radio Taiwan International (RTI) is poised to enter<br />

a new era on July 1 when it starts domestic broadcasting in five foreign<br />

langs to the nation's 500,000 foreign workers and residents.<br />

Over the course of 77 years, RTI has transformed itself from a govt<br />

propaganda radio station targeting China and the world, to a public sce<br />

station serving both local and international communities alike.

While some might question the popularity of radio stations in a multimedia<br />

age, Cheryl Lai, president of RTI, seemed upbeat about the future of the<br />

airwaves industry.<br />

"There are three English-language newspapers in Taiwan but their target<br />

audiences are either white-collar office workers or intellectuals," she<br />

said. "We're more concerned about the blue-collar audiences, especially<br />

foreign workers and spouses, who have a hard time un<strong>der</strong>standing Mandarin<br />

and some of them cannot even afford computers or Internet access," she<br />

said.<br />

Lai added that foreign-language radio programs also provide foreigners with<br />

access to instant and immediate information, which can be quite useful,<br />

especially when natural disasters hit.<br />

"With the increasing number of international marriages, what we're doing<br />

now is broadcasting not only to foreigners working or living here but also<br />

to the future children of Taiwan," she said. . . [MORE]<br />

<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, dxld Feb 10)<br />

TANZANIA 5<strong>05</strong>0.1 R Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, noted on 30 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1909-1924<br />

UT in Swahili, end of nx bulletin, church mx, talks (sermon?); 35333.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 4)<br />

5<strong>05</strong>0 and 61<strong>05</strong> both active (but 61<strong>05</strong> only on air at 0645-1315 UT approx, so<br />

only likely to be heard within the region). 5<strong>05</strong>0 was a little irregular in<br />

operation. I can't confirm suggestions that 5<strong>05</strong>0 has increased power -<br />

sounded about right for 10kW, unlikely to be much more.<br />

Zanzibar: Neither 6015 nor 11734 heard. Not active on SW at present, I<br />

suspect.<br />

(Chris Greenway, Kenya, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Feb 16)<br />

TURKMENISTAN Acc. to info from Turkmen Radio received by Sergey Kolesov-<br />

UKR, the transmitter on 1125 kHz with so far unknown location, carrying the<br />

"Watan" prgr of Turkmen Radio, is situated in Asgabat and has a power of 20<br />

kW.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx <strong>Jan</strong> 28 via ARC MVeko)<br />

Turkmen President Saparmurat Niyazov and Deputy Aide of the U.S. Secretary<br />

of State Lora Kennedy on Wednesday discussed the resumption of Russianlanguage<br />

broadcasts of the Mayak radio station in Turkmenistan. The United<br />

States is greatly concerned with this fact. Lora Kennedy said that the<br />

talks had dwelt on issues, which are sources of great concern for the<br />

United States. They include freedom of faith, the development of civic<br />

society, access to prisoners, the resumption of Mayak's radio broadcasts,<br />

etc.<br />

The Mayak radio station, the only Russian-language radio channel in<br />

Turkmenistan, closed down in July 2004 because of the need to mo<strong>der</strong>nize its<br />

system of radio communications, the Turkmen Foreign Ministry explained at<br />

that time. Lora Kennedy said that the United States was interested in<br />

advancing democratic reforms, economic prosperity and security of<br />

Turkmenistan. (Itar-Tass, via Hiro Oguma-JPN, JPNpremium Feb 11)<br />

UGANDA 4976 R Uganda, Kampala, obs'ed on 30 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1933-1946 UT in<br />

Vernacular, playing African pops, ID, talks; 54444.<br />

5026 R.Uganda, Kampala, also ob'sed on 30 <strong>Jan</strong> at 1925-1937 UT with prgr in<br />

Vernancular, talks; 54343. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 4)

4976, 5026, 7110 and 7195 kHz all active. As has been the case for some<br />

time, txions can be irregular. I suspect that neither tx has been running<br />

at the full listed 10kW for several years. The tx on 4976/7195 is<br />

noticeably weaker than that on 5026/7110 and is poorly modulated. (Chris<br />

Greenway, Kenya, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Feb 16)<br />

UNIDENTIFIED 11884.7 on Feb 16 at 1030-1231 UT.<br />

MLA: Tentative: VOM Kajang. Could not make anything out of the audio, but<br />

what else could it be with these s/on and -off times? Strangely enough,<br />

nothing heard on 15295 kHz.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, hcdx Feb 17)<br />

11884.7 This UNID reported latety by Vlad Titarev in Ukraine:<br />

Seemingly the second RRI/VoINS SW station at Bonto Sunggu, Jeneparto, Ujung<br />

Padang, Sulawesi.<br />

Not mentioned in <strong>DX</strong>press[Jembatan] since 1999 I guess.<br />

Scheduled for 9565, 9630, [9680?], 11750, 11885 kHz.<br />

Dipols towards 85 degrees.<br />

11885 0900-1300 51 UJU 100 85 5 206 D INS RRI RRI<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 8)<br />

U.A.E. 1575 On 10 Feb at 1520 noted Radio Farda on new 1575 mixing with<br />

VOA Thailand. Couldn't hear Farda on it's former 1170. According to logs<br />

from Nilsson and Ritola, Radio Asia moved couple of days ago from 1575 to<br />

1557. So, 1575 is a new freq from Dhabbiya, UAE?<br />

1575 R Farda audible also on 1170 \\ 1575. I guess 1575 is the new 800 kW<br />

tx built by Thales and partners, referred as "Al Dabiyah II". It was<br />

planned to be completed in the beginning of 20<strong>05</strong>. The "Al Dabiyah I" was<br />

the 1170 kHz 800 kW tx.<br />

Info about these txs was given by Wolfgang Buschel and Bernd Trutenau.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 10)<br />

Just now on Febr 11 at 1515 UT I'm enjoying Radio Farda's superior<br />

reception on new 1575 kHz. Yesterday there was some QRM by IBB/VOA<br />

Ayutthaya and Farda noted also on 1170 kHz. BTW, as far I know Ayutthaya is<br />

the former Capital of Thailand. No contest between Farda and Thailand here<br />

today. 800 kW would easily explain signal strength S9 +10 dB.<br />

Also Radio Asia from Ras al Khaimah on new 1557 kHz (ex-1575) coming<br />

through today Feb 11 at 1525 UT. Fair to poor signal and lots of fading. A<br />

couple of days ago very strong "bubble" jamming on 1557. Jamming is now<br />

increasing, so the jammer must be located in the Far East and in certain<br />

country, China? Are they jamming Kouhu?<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, dxld Feb 9)<br />

Re 216<strong>05</strong>: Right, UAE is on 216<strong>05</strong> \\ 13675 at that time [1430] and already<br />

1300 UT and 120<strong>05</strong> is empty. Either the replacement is canceled or it is<br />

only between 0600-0900 (or -1200) UT. (Mauno Ritola-FIN, dxld Feb 12)<br />

And Feb 12 around 1500 I was getting some UAE-sounding audio on 216<strong>05</strong>,<br />

still very weak, but a bit stronger than Saudi on 21600. Strange how the<br />

relative strength of these two neighboring stations, in more ways than one,<br />

varies here.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld)<br />

U.K. 13650, Internews R [to AFG], via Rampisham, *1300-1430*, <strong>Jan</strong> 29 and<br />

30, Pashto ID: "Da Salaam Walantaar", nx about Kabul and Pakistan, 1400<br />

Dari nx and talks, Afghan mx, 55555. (Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Feb 9)<br />

Scheduled 0230-0400 7175 Samara-RUS, 1300-1430 13650 RMP. (wb)

15265, R Solh, Kabul, via Rampisham, at *1300-1325 on Feb 02, Dari or<br />

Pashtu, many IDs, freq ann, 23333. (Bjarke Vestesen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Feb 9)<br />

17710, R Solh, Kabul, via Rampisham, at 1200-1300 on Feb 03, with a steady<br />

signal and a S10 ( but good 44444 ) signal on \\ 15265 kHz. (Zacharias<br />

Liangas-GRC, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Feb 9)<br />

21620, R Solh, Kabul, via Rampisham, at *0700-1200* on <strong>Jan</strong> 29 and Feb 03,<br />

<strong>05</strong>, 07 and 08, mainly Afghan folksongs and short comments in Dari and<br />

Pashto, or IDs "Da radio Solh" in between two songs. At 0730 excellent<br />

signal, 55545, but 0930 signal was only S2 in Greece. But opposite in<br />

Denmark: 25333 improving to 35434. New schedule 0700-1200, ex0800-1200.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Feb 9)<br />

11760 R. Centrafrique via Issoudun ? (tent).<br />

In an e-mail to Erich Bergmann in Germany, OM Cristian Mocanu from Romania<br />

noted R. Centrafrique on 11760 kHz on Febr 9th.<br />

And asks whether this originate from Issoudun France too, formerly reported<br />

widely to be on 9590 kHz during winter season. (1700-2300 UT, 500kW, 156<br />

deg). (wb Feb 13)<br />

Maybe Radio Ndele Luka between 1830 and 1930 ? Signal was weak yesterday.<br />

(Jean-Michel Aubier-F, Feb 14)<br />

Merci, Jean-Michel, that could be true "Radio Ndeke Luka" 11760, formerly<br />

on 11785.<br />

Noted very strong Chinese mx jammer on adjacent 11790 today. Against US IBB<br />

Tinian, so seemingly VT Merlin replaced 11785 by 11760 early in Febr. 11760<br />

signal (RMP 500 160 or WOF 250 164 degr) skips over my head, only a strong<br />

buzz could be heard at 1830 UT today.<br />

11785 Radio Ndeke Luka via Woofferton, *1830-1929* Oct 31, 2004.<br />

1830-1930 11760 (x11785 x15470) R Ndeke Luka G Woofferton Fr/Sango. (Feb<br />

11, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

R. Centrafrique via Issoudun heard again on 9590 around 1700 UT today, loud<br />

and clear.<br />

(wb Feb 14)<br />

Bonjour, Je confirme l'emission de Radio Centrafrique depuis la France! En<br />

ce moment, en Centrafrique (RCA) il y a un processus democratique et des<br />

elections, ainsi que le proces de l'ancien President Patasse. Radio<br />

Centrafrique, n'a plus d'emetteurs sauf la FM, a Bangui. Dans les<br />

campagnes, les habitants ecoutent Radio Ndeke Luka sur les ondes courtes le<br />

soir. Radio Ndeke Luka c'est la voix de l'opposition, afin que le<br />

Gouvernement puisse se faire entendre aussi dans les campagnes, il y a donc<br />

le relais sur ondes courtes (9590 kHz) depuis la France. En effet, la<br />

France est l'amie du Gouvernement de la Centrafrique. Il y a beaucoup<br />

interets francais en RCA...<br />

(Christian Ghibaudo, Nice-F, playdx yg via dxld Dec 27, 2004)<br />

USA (Georgia) Die US-amerikanische Radiomission Leading The Way (Post<br />

Office Box 20100. Atlanta, GA 30325, USA<br />

hat eine eigene e-Mail-Adresse fuer<br />

Empfangsberichte eingerichtet: <br />

(Adam Wattenbarger Senior Producer for Radio Leading The Way 7.2.20<strong>05</strong>)

Leading the Way wurde von Dr. Michael Amerhom Youssef, einem Amerikaner<br />

arabischer Herkunft, ins Leben gerufen. Der gebuertige Aegypter liess sich<br />

nach einem Theologiestudium in Australien und den USA dauerhaft in den USA<br />

nie<strong>der</strong> und wurde 1984 auch eingebuergert. 1987 gruendete er die Church of<br />

The Apostles in Atlanta, wenig spaeter 1988 die Medienarbeit Leading The<br />

Way. Zunaechst wurde ab 1989 taeglich bei zwei Stationen in Atlanta<br />

gesendet, doch mittlerweile wird Nordamerika abgedeckt. Ausserdem wird das<br />

Programm in Uebersee ausgestrahlt.<br />

Eine internationale Version in Englisch-Arabisch begann 1996 ueber Trans<br />

World Radio Monte Carlo und Cyprus. Nach eigenen Angaben gibt es auch<br />

Sprachversionen o<strong>der</strong> Plaene fuer Versionen in Mandarin, Indonesisch,<br />

Tuerkisch, Punjabi, Farsi, Russisch, Hindi und Franzoesisch. In <strong>der</strong> Regel<br />

kommen die Sendungen in Programmbloecken von Trans World Radio o<strong>der</strong> FEBI-<br />

International.<br />

Beson<strong>der</strong>e Aufmerksamkeit unter <strong>DX</strong>ern haben aber die solitaeren Sendungen in<br />

Farsi und Russisch aus Rampisham, die seit Maerz 2004 ausgestrahlt werden.<br />

1700-1730 UT 9800 kHz (Rampisham 500 kW) Di Fr Persisch, Sa So Russisch<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Feb 13)<br />

WMLK and WXYT.<br />

3810 WXYT Detroit (1270x3) at 0747 Ut w/very weak signal. This is the first<br />

time I've heard a harmonic from these folks. WJR was the local culprit for<br />

awhile, sending out a signal on 1520 kHz. (Liz Cameron-MI-USA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Feb 15)<br />

9265.04 WMLK barely audible at 1910 Ut. They're never on frequency anymore<br />

and the s-meter never bends, altho' they were always weak here.<br />

(Liz Cameron-MI-USA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 15)<br />

WRNO plans to start testing a new 100 kW transmitter in the next couple of<br />

weeks, 15420 daytime, 7355 nighttime; owned by a church.<br />

(George Thurman-TX-USA, dxld Feb 16)<br />

VATICAN CITY Buchvorstellung "20 Jahre Abenteuer Radio Vatikan".<br />

Nein, das ist keines <strong>der</strong> ueblichen Verdaechtigen. Nicht eines von diesen<br />

Buechern, die alles Interessante verschweigen und mit Gewalt eine<br />

geschoente Erfolgsstory vorlegen wollen. Stattdessen zieht hier <strong>der</strong> Leiter<br />

<strong>der</strong> deutschsprachigen Redaktion von Radio Vatikan, P. Eberhard v. Gemmingen<br />

SJ, eine ehrliche Bilanz. Da ist alles drin: Menschliches, Schlitzohriges,<br />

Geschichten von Betrug und grossen Momenten, die Muehen des Alltags- und,<br />

warum es ein Abenteuer ist, bei Radio Vatikan zu arbeiten. Keine verkappte<br />

Festschrift also, son<strong>der</strong>n ein ehrliches Buch.<br />

Gemmingen blickt nicht nur auf die stuermische Entwicklung von Radio<br />

Vatikan in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten zurueck, son<strong>der</strong>n erzaehlt vor allem<br />

von Menschen, denen er in diesen Jahren begegnet ist- darunter auch so<br />

mancher schraege Vogel. Beson<strong>der</strong>s liebenswert sind einige Beitraege von<br />

frueheren Mitarbeitern des deutschen Programms, die auf ihre Zeit am Radio<br />

zurueckschauen. (RV-NL)<br />

Zu beziehen um 10 Euro beim Chef <strong>der</strong> "Freunde von Radio Vatikan":<br />

Alfons Isermann, Langenhorster Str 25b, 42551 Velbert, Deutschland.<br />

<br />

(ibid. <strong>Jan</strong> 31)<br />

In <strong>der</strong> Korrespondenzsendung "Sie schreiben- wir antworten" am So, wurde<br />

erwaehnt das <strong>der</strong> Sendebetrieb von Radio Vatikan im Jahr bei 20.000.000 Euro<br />

Kosten verursacht.

Im aktuellem Programmheft ist eine Landkarte <strong>der</strong> Citta del Vaticano u. a.<br />

mit dem Sendezentrum "Marconi" und <strong>der</strong> Direktion von RV abgedruckt. (Paul<br />

Gager-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 31)<br />

Einladung - seltene Gelegenheit<br />

Der Rhein-Main-Radio-Club besucht am Freitag 25.2.<strong>05</strong> Radio An<strong>der</strong>nach, den<br />

Betreuungssen<strong>der</strong> <strong>der</strong> Bundeswehr mit Sen<strong>der</strong>n im Kosova, Bosnien und<br />

Afghanistan.<br />

Wir treffen uns am 15.00 Uhr am Eingang<br />

Zentrum Operative Information, 56727 Mayen, Kuerrenberger Steig 34.<br />

Wer mitkommen moechte, ist herzlich willkommen, sollte sich aber bitte<br />

anmelden.<br />

Harald Gabler, RMRC Vorstand. (A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 16)<br />

ZAMBIA ZN<strong>BC</strong> 4910, 5915 and 6165 kHz all heard well.<br />

(Chris Greenway, Kenya, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Feb 16)<br />

ZIMBABWE 3306 kHz heard. (Chris Greenway, Kenya, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Feb 16)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Mar 12)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 31)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 26)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 11)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 703 23 Feb 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

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be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages,<br />

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ALGERIA Polisario Front, checked RASD 7460 this morning; and at 1700,<br />

1930; and 2120 UT on 7460 kHz.<br />

But signals strength from Tindouf is lousy now. Either tx power of 20 kW is<br />

something lowered from 20 to let's say 5 kW, or a different in-efficient<br />

reserve antenna is now in use. Maybe on this winter season they suffer fuel<br />

consumption problem on the refugee camp?<br />

At 2120 some RFA program is ahead co-channel. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 19)<br />

7460 Polisario Front's being silent for quite some days on 1550 kHz; 7460<br />

is either occasionally silent too as far as their evening b/cast is<br />

concerned or simply very poor un<strong>der</strong> RFA via MNG. Meanwhile, I found them on<br />

the short lived outlet of 700 kHz only this evening (Sat, 19 Feb, at 2250<br />

UT) so maybe they were active here all the time while silent on \\ 1550;<br />

the signal is consi<strong>der</strong>ably worse than on 1550, varying S5~S9+5 dB, plus<br />

some splash from non immediately adjacent chs. 700 kHz also active on Sun.<br />

20 Feb as obs'ed at 1928 & rated 44444 at its vy. best; using the elevated<br />

K9AY, it seems the azimuth is somewhat different from that for the 1550 kHz<br />

tx.<br />

As I said when I first reported them using 700 kHz (back in Oct'03 I think)<br />

and without wishing to speculate now, it wouldn't be too surprising if this<br />

a completely different RTA site, eastwards of the one for 1550 kHz Obs'ed<br />

on 21 Feb at 0715 UT (700 kHz rated 25342) and at 0740 when the signal had

already faded; \\ 7460 was strong & good, gone at recheck 0800 but with the<br />

carrier on for quite some time after that.<br />

No jamming noted un<strong>der</strong>neath 700 kHz, but it's detectable on 1550 kHz, even<br />

if the target stn is off. The Spanish freq ann. at 2300+ reads "7470 & 1550<br />

kHz."<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 23)<br />

ARGENTINA 6060 R Nacional on Feb 21 at 22<strong>05</strong> UT, football (i.e. REAL<br />

football, hi) into ID at 2210 as Radio Nacional de Argentina, and cont'd<br />

football. I don't know why but haven't stumbled into this one for a long<br />

time. Faint Brazil 6040 kHz, otherwise nothing much interesting around this<br />

hour. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 21)<br />

BOSNIA [SERBIA & MONTENEGRO via Bijeljina Bosnia]<br />

Some changes for International Radio of Serbia & Montenegro:<br />

1400-1528 Daily 7200 310 deg Serbian WeEu >>> addit 1400-1500 R.Beograd<br />

1400-1458 Mon-Fri 7200 310 deg Serbian WeEu >>> cancelled<br />

1400-1528 Sat/Sun 7200 310 deg Serbian WeEu >>> cancelled<br />

1500-1528 Mon-Fri 11835 100 deg Serbian AUS >>> cancelled<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 22)<br />

BRAZIL At 0400-0700 UT noted strong R Brazilia 9665.03 kHz.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 18)<br />

9665 R Nacional do Brasil on Feb 22 at 2002 UT. A variety of songs px 'Onda<br />

Amazonia'. Fair reception, Radio Marumby (p) un<strong>der</strong>neath, slightly off<br />

frequency. Sign off 2047. They themselves say 9665 kHz 250 kW 'A Radio<br />

Nacional do Brasil (RNB) transmite em Ondas Curtas, com uma programacao<br />

exclusiva para o publico estrangeiro. Nosso objetivo e ajuda-lo a<br />

compreen<strong>der</strong> a realidade atraves da transmissao de informacao e cultura,<br />

alem de proporcionar uma integracao entre os povos. A RNB e uma emissora do<br />

sistema Radiobras.' on<br />

<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 22)<br />

9615 R Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, audible on 22 Feb at 0901-f/out 0925 UT,<br />

folk songs, few talks; 15431.<br />

9675 R Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, also audible on 22 Feb at 09<strong>05</strong>f/out<br />

10<strong>05</strong> UT, rosary, talks (no copy thereon); 15431. (Carlos Goncalves-<br />

POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 23)<br />

BULGARIA 11620 Voice of the Iranian Nation. via Bulgaria ?, at 1445-1500*<br />

UT on Feb 13, Farsi political talks, martial mx at close, ID: "In Seda-ye<br />

Mellat-e Irana". Bubble jammer. New frequency, ex15660. 32332. (Anker<br />

Petersen-DNK, CRW Feb 13)<br />

Freq change for Radio Seda-ye Mellat-e Iran in Persian:<br />

1430-1500 NF 11620 co-ch AIR in English + Iranian Bubble Jammer, ex15660.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 18)<br />

Christian Vision specials to Nigeria this week, special transmissions Feb<br />

22-26:<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 17670, 9535#, 7245~<br />

0600-0700 17670, 15450, 11665~, 9535#<br />

0700-0800 17670, 15450, 15330~, 9535#<br />

0800-0900 17670, 15450, 217<strong>05</strong>~<br />

1500-1700 13820, 15330, 17720~<br />

1700-1800 13820, 17735~, 94<strong>05</strong>*<br />

1800-1900 11550, 17735~, 94<strong>05</strong>*<br />

1900-2000 11550, 11830, 9675~, 13770, 94<strong>05</strong>*<br />

2000-2100 11550, 13770, 9675~

2100-2200 11550, 13770, 98<strong>05</strong><br />

2200-2300 11550, 13770<br />

* Feb 22, 23, 24 only<br />

~ Feb 22, 23, 24, 25<br />

# Feb 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27<br />

(Christian Vision Feb 22 via dxld) - Probably via Bulgarian site(s), wb.<br />

Am Mittwoch 23. Febr. von <strong>05</strong>20 bis s/off um 0600 UT auf 7245 kHz ein Testpx<br />

(O=3/4) von "The Voice" mit <strong>der</strong> Ansage:<br />

"You're listening to a test program of The Voice, broadcasting from UK." Email<br />

fuer Empfangsberichte (sofern ich richtig mitgehoert habe):<br />

<br />

(Herbert Meixner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 23)<br />

17670 on Feb 23 at -0900 UT. The Voice. IDing as: "You are listening to a<br />

test txion of the Voice broadcasting from Bulgaria". Very nice to tell the<br />

tx site, too! E-mail address for reports as<br />

7245 was heard in Germany between <strong>05</strong>00-0600<br />

announcing to be from the UK with a 'voicethree' address. What's<br />

'voicetwo'?<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 23)<br />

CHILE 11890.00 CVI Santiago male function tx is back on nominal 11890<br />

kHz, 0400-1100 in Portuguese to Brazil. Today CVI Portuguese was back on<br />

nominal frequency at the first time since Febr 8th. 0400-1100 UT Port. Went<br />

off frequency between Febr 8th and 21 to odd 11801 ... 11849 kHz range.<br />

Coincidence? - sent them an complaining e-mail to the VozChristiana<br />

headquarter in Florida-US yesterday. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 22)<br />

v11801 / v11807 / v11825 / v11819 kHz Voz Christiana via Chile<br />

(SGO=Santiago) Portuguese to Brasil, not a spur, male function way off<br />

frequency.<br />

At present (mornings Feb 17th / 18th / 19th) very fine conditions occured<br />

from southern hemisphere into Europe. On Feb 18th UNID Portuguese lang<br />

station noted wan<strong>der</strong>ing down towards 11800 kHz.<br />

Thanks to Dirk Nees, Germany, who identified the station as CVI Santiago:<br />

0610 UT: 11801.84, 0615 UT: 11801.75, 0618 UT: 11801.28 kHz.<br />

0643 UT: 11800.08, 0720 UT: 11800.08, 0724 UT: 11800.20 kHz.<br />

0735 UT: 11800.68, 0842 UT: 11802.<strong>05</strong>, 0850 UT: 11802.10 kHz.<br />

0900 fade-out.<br />

On Feb 19<br />

0845 UT: 11807.07, 0910 UT: 11806.89, 0918 UT: 11806.79 kHz.<br />

0941 UT: 11806.70, 0945 fade-out.<br />

Carrier measured at 1009 UT: 11806.36 kHz.<br />

On Feb 20<br />

0800 UT: 11825.40, 0840 UT: 11824.76 kHz.<br />

On Feb 21<br />

0610 UT: 11819.29, 0645 UT: 11819.34 kHz.<br />

07<strong>05</strong> UT: 11819.38, 0920 UT: 11818.68 kHz.<br />

0940 UT: 11818.62, 0955 UT: 11818.57 kHz.<br />

Transmission of the Pinochet treasury from Calera de Tango,<br />

Santiago de Chile. Registered for CVI:<br />

11890 0400-1100 12,13,15NW SGO 100kW 60deg Port CHL VOC CVI<br />

Voz Christiana via Chile (SGO=Santiago)<br />

Portuguese to Brasil

0400-1100 11890 SGO 100 kW / 060 deg<br />

1100-2300 17660 SGO 100 kW / 060 deg<br />

2100-0100 15475 SGO 100 kW / 045 deg<br />

2300-0400 11745 SGO 100 kW / 060 deg<br />

Nobody looks at the appearence of CVI outlets in CVI Florida production<br />

center?<br />

(wb, Feb 18/19/20/21)<br />

Maybe you remember I reported this one off freq on Feb 8. It was down on<br />

about 11849.7 kHz that day, and has obviously moved lower since then.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 19)<br />

Agreed, Wolfie - the Voice via CHL was on a slightly higher freq today -<br />

11825.4. This tx obviously has a BIG problem, and the strength of signal is<br />

currently less than it was when operating correctly on 11890. (Noel R.<br />

Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 20)<br />

CHINA The website of the "China Radio & TV Corporation for International<br />

Techno-Economic Cooperation (CRTV)" -<br />

-<br />

provides detailed info about many tx projects that were carried out with<br />

Chinese aid in foreign countries, including in many cases engineering<br />

photos:<br />

<br />

<br />

More on the corporation:<br />

China Radio & TV Corporation for International Techno-Economic Cooperation<br />

(CRTV) is a comprehensive company in the radio and television industry of<br />

the People's Republic of China. Its main business includes contracting of<br />

domestic and foreign radio, film & TV engineering and electromechanical<br />

equipment installations; business and agency of import, export and trade;<br />

design, consultation and supervision of architecture engineering and<br />

broadcast, communication & electronic engineering; organizing various<br />

exhibitions and technical seminars at home and abroad.<br />

(...)<br />

Over the past four decades, CRTV has completed nearly a thousand projects<br />

of radio and television facilities both in and outside China. The company<br />

has built more than one hundred MW and SW transmitting stations, TV and FM<br />

transmitting centers, radio and TV centers and satellite communication<br />

systems for over 50 Asian, African, Latin-American and European countries<br />

and regions.<br />

(...) No. 3 Transmitting Center in Cuba. Overall Contract: Renewal of 2<br />

sets of SW txs of 250[sic 6x100 1x50 kW, wb.] kW, maintenance of the former<br />

antenna, Equipment supply, installation & adjustment of a new nondirectional<br />

antenna, 2 sets of satellite receivers, 4.5m satellite<br />

receiving antenna and etc. Transferred on May 1, 1999.<br />

(...)<br />

Note - the website loads very slowly. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb<br />

17)<br />

Beijing Nx Radio<br />

14 Jian Guomen wai Avenue<br />

Chaoyang District<br />

Beijing, 100022,<br />

Peoples Republic of China

This is an entirely different address than listed in the 2004 WRTH which<br />

just uses the standard China National Radio address.<br />

This is a well-known address of Beijing Peoples Broadcasting Station.<br />

"Beijing Nx Radio" is the name of the nx channel of Beijing P.B.S., not<br />

China National Radio. WRTH 20<strong>05</strong> lists this precisely on p.161 un<strong>der</strong> "BJ1".<br />

Jianguomenwai Avenue is a large road (east to west direction) in front of<br />

Beijing railway station.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, dxld Feb 18)<br />

CONGO DEM. REP. 5066.5 R Candip on Feb 12 at 1602-1625 UT. 23222-23322<br />

French, Talk and Local mx, ID at 1623. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Feb<br />

18)<br />

CUBA [VEN] 13680 Radio Nacional [de VEN, via Bauta-CUB] on Feb 8 at<br />

2300 UT. Spanish 444 S-on by an OM and an ID by an OM. YL with comments.<br />

Then mx. OM with an ID at 2320 UT. (Stewart MacKenzie-USA, JPNpremium Feb<br />

18)<br />

Radio Habana, esta realizando emisiones de prueba para Espana y Portugal en<br />

la frecuencia de 11800 kHz entre las 2000 y 2300 UT. Solicitan reportes de<br />

los escuchas ibericos.<br />

11760 12/2. R. Habana Cuba, 2100-21<strong>05</strong> UT ingles, ID, presentacion. SINPO<br />

45444.<br />

11760 12/2. R. Habana Cuba, 2135-2140 UT, frances, ID, discurso de Fidel<br />

Castro. SINPO 45433.<br />

11800 12/2. R. Habana Cuba, 2128-2135 UT, espanol, a las 2155,<br />

intenso desvanecimiento. SINPO 23322.<br />

12000 13/2. R. Habana Cuba, 1155-1214 UT, locutora con programa<br />

especial de San Valentina, mxa. SINPO 33443.<br />

(Jose Miguel Romero-E, ConDig Feb 19)<br />

12000, Radio Habana, 1150 UT, programa "mundo 7", programa "Andar La<br />

Habana" sobre la ciudad de La Habana. 34333. En paralelo con:<br />

9550 SINPO 22222 11760 SINPO 22222 11800 SINPO 22222<br />

15230 SINPO 33333 (Manuel Mendez-E, ConDig Feb 13)<br />

15230 R HABANA CUBA - La Habana - CUB. Recebido QSL, tabela de horario e<br />

frequeencias, jornal Granma, marcadores de livros, 5 envelopes de 1§ dia de<br />

circulacao. 37 dias.<br />

V/S: ? QTH: Apartado 6240 La Habana Cuba<br />

(Fresnel de Ximenes Coutinho, Brasil, ConDig Feb 13)<br />

EGYPT Winter B-<strong>05</strong> updated schedule of Radio Cairo:<br />

0700-1100 15115 ABZ 100 kW / 250 deg Arabic GS WeAf<br />

1015-1215 17775 ABZ 500 kW / 090 deg Arabic ME/AFG<br />

1100-2300 12<strong>05</strong>0 ABS 500 kW / 315 deg Arabic GS WeEu<br />

1115-1215 15710 ABS 250 kW / 106 deg Thai SoEaAs<br />

1215-1315 15710 ABS 250 kW / 106 deg Malay SoEaAs<br />

1215-1330 17670 ABZ 500 kW / 090 deg English SoAs<br />

1230-1530 15490 ABZ 100 kW / 070 deg Farsi TJK<br />

1300-1600 15365 ABS 250 kW / 241 deg Arabic WeAf<br />

1320-1450 15710 ABS 250 kW / 106 deg INSn SoEaAs<br />

1330-1430 17670 ABZ 500 kW / 090 deg Bengali SoAs<br />

1400-1530 11655 ABS 250 kW / 061 deg Azeri AZE<br />

1430-1600 15670 ABS 250 kW / 061 deg Pashto AFG<br />

1500-1600 13660 ABZ 500 kW / 090 deg Hindi SoAs<br />

1530-1630 9480 ABZ 100 kW / 070 deg Uzbek UZB<br />

1530-1630 15155 ABZ 100 kW / 160 deg Afar EaCeAf<br />

1530-1730 17810 ABZ 100 kW / 170 deg Swahili CeEaAf

1600-1800 13660 ABZ 500 kW / 090 deg Urdu SoAs<br />

1600-1645 15620 ABS 250 kW / 196 deg Zulu CeSoAf<br />

1600-1800 6230 ABS 250 kW / 0<strong>05</strong> deg Turkish TUR<br />

1600-1800 9990 ABS 250 kW / 325 deg Albanian ALB<br />

1630-1730 15155 ABZ 100 kW / 160 deg Somali EaCeAf<br />

1630-1830 9855 ABS 250 kW / 196 deg English CeSoAf<br />

1645-1730 15620 ABS 250 kW / 196 deg Shona CeSoAf<br />

1730-1815 15620 ABS 250 kW / 196 deg Ndebele CeSoAf<br />

1730-1900 15155 ABZ 100 kW / 160 deg Amharic EaCeAf<br />

1800-1900 7120 ABS 250 kW / 0<strong>05</strong> deg Russian WeRUS<br />

1800-1900 9988 ABS 250 kW / 325 deg Italian WeEu<br />

1800-2100 9760 ABS 250 kW / 241 deg Hausa WeAf<br />

1830-1915 9855 ABS 250 kW / 196 deg Lingala CeSoAf<br />

1830-1930 15375 ABZ 100 kW / 250 deg Wolof WeAf<br />

1900-2000 9990 ABS 250 kW / 325 deg German WeEu<br />

1900-0030 11665 ABZ 100 kW / 160 deg V of Arabs CeEaAf<br />

1915-2030 15425 ABZ 250 kW / 240 deg Fulani WeAf<br />

1930-2030 15375 ABZ 100 kW / 250 deg Bambara WeAf<br />

2000-2200 7270 ABZ 500 kW / 090 deg Arabic AUS<br />

2000-2115 9990 ABS 250 kW / 325 deg French WeEu<br />

2030-2200 15375 ABZ 100 kW / 250 deg English WeAf<br />

2030-2230 15335 ABS 250 kW / 241 deg French WeAf<br />

2100-2200 9760 ABS 250 kW / 241 deg Yoruba WeAf<br />

2115-2245 9990 ABS 250 kW / 325 deg English WeEu<br />

2215-2330 11790 ABZ 500 kW / 241 deg Portuguese SoAm<br />

2300-0030 7115 ABZ 500 kW / 330 deg English NoAmEa<br />

2300-0300 12<strong>05</strong>0 ABS 250 kW / 325 deg Arabic GS NoAm<br />

2330-0045 9735 ABS 250 kW / 241 deg Arabic SoAm<br />

2330-0045 11755 ABZ 500 kW / 270 deg Arabic SoAm<br />

0030-0430 7115 ABZ 500 kW / 330 deg Arabic NoAmEa<br />

0045-0200 7260 ABZ 500 kW / 330 deg Spanish NoAm<br />

0045-0200 9415 ABS 250 kW / 241 deg Spanish SoAm<br />

0045-0200 11755 ABZ 500 kW / 270 deg Spanish CeAm<br />

0200-0330 7260 ABZ 500 kW / 330 deg English NoAm<br />

ABS=Abis; ABZ=Abu Zaabal<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 18)<br />

Mail from Tarek SU1TZ Cairo:<br />

The head of the Egyptian Govt Dr. Ahmed Nazeef decided to change the Media<br />

Minister Mr. Mamdoh El Beltaagy to be replaced with the Youth Minister Mr.<br />

Anaas El Feqy last week.<br />

Hopefully that would mean the new media minister would give it a second<br />

thought about seizing some of Radio Cairo's overseas section.<br />

The Ex media minister was heavily critisized by several local nx paper<br />

today like Akhbar El Youm with some comments about the way he was dealing<br />

with some media issues.<br />

(Tarek Zeidan SU1TZ, Cairo-EGY, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 19)<br />

EQUAT GUINEA 15190.00 Radio Africa from Bata-Ntobo GNE this morning 0600-<br />

0645 UT at S=3 level. Sermon prayer in English.<br />

From 0644 UT (RVI) Krasnodar-RUS starts the tone signal opening procedure<br />

on adjacent 15195 kHz.<br />

Chinese technicians overhauled two (Chinese Made txs) at Bata-Ntobo GNE<br />

site, or even built up new ones, see below. Won<strong>der</strong> if this broadcast fits<br />

50 kW of power only. S-off time mornings varies, some days around 0900 UT,<br />

but rather scheduled 0630-08<strong>05</strong>/0811 UT.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 17)<br />

Check out the pictures at<br />

This must be one of the transmitters and a studio / control room of Radio<br />

Bata. In 1973 they got two 50 kW txs from China, one for their own usage<br />

and the other one for what is today Pan American Broadcasting. I un<strong>der</strong>stand<br />

from the information found by Olle Alm that the original txs were<br />

refurbished rather than completely new ones installed.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Feb 22) [but see press release below, wb.]<br />

EQUATORIAL GUINEA RADIO AFRICA [GNE] (Rlg), Apartado 851, Malabo,<br />

Equatorial Guinea.<br />

Pan American Broadcasting, 20410 Town Center Lane, Suite 200, Cupertino, CA<br />

95014, USA.<br />

Email: Web: <br />

SW: 15190 kHz [BAT] Bata (G.C. 01N48 009E46). 1 x 50 kW (co-sited with<br />

Radio Bata)<br />

Schedule <strong>Jan</strong>uary 20<strong>05</strong>: English 1430-1600v daily SoAF 15190bat<br />

V: QSL-card. Rpt to US address.<br />

NOTES: Run by Pan American Broadcasting Inc. (see USA for corporate<br />

details), retransmits b'casts of religious prgr producers; the schedule<br />

varies acc. to bookings. Uses 3 different channel names depending on the<br />

beam and target area: Radio Africa, Radio Africa 2, Radio East Africa. The<br />

current sce on 15190 is labelled "Radio Africa 2".<br />

(WRTH <strong>Jan</strong> 20<strong>05</strong> Update)<br />

15190 Radio East Africa [No. 2]. On Feb 12 at 0804-0811 (S/off) UT. 25432.<br />

Non stop African pops. Spanish annmt at 0811 UT, but not heard clearly. Feb<br />

13 at 0640-08<strong>05</strong>. 34333. Slight QRM from Radio JPN on 15195 kHz. Religious<br />

programs "Truth for the World", "Our decision" in English. ID was heard at<br />

0756 UT as "Thank you for listening to Radio East Africa.".<br />

15190, R. Africa No.2, Feb 14 *0646-07<strong>05</strong>, 34443, English, Talk, ID and<br />

address announce at 0656 UT. (Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Feb 18)<br />

The Minister of State in charge of Information, Tourism and Culture Agustin<br />

Nze Nfumu, assisted the Minister Delegate of the Press, Radio and TV,<br />

Alfonso Nsue Mokuy, last Friday carried out a visit at the broadcasting<br />

centre for SW and freq modulation, situated at the locality of Ntobo, 7 kms<br />

away from Bata.<br />

The Minister of State in charge of Information, Tourism and Culture who was<br />

received on his arrival by the Members of his Department was subsequently<br />

taken to the venue of the centre to witness the actual state of mo<strong>der</strong>n<br />

infrastructures recently acquired by the Govt of our country, in the<br />

framework of mo<strong>der</strong>nisation project of broadcasting. During this visit of<br />

the different sections, Nze Nfumu received sufficient information<br />

concerning the evolution of works realised by the Govt in collaboration<br />

with the Chinese Technicians in the field of broadcasting.<br />

Note should be taken that two new txs of 50 kilovolts[kW?] each, have just<br />

been installed in this centre, the works were realised by the technicians<br />

of the two countries, since Nov last year right up to the month of march<br />

this year. The necessity for the Technicians of Equatorial Guinea to travel<br />

in Asia and assist in Recycling seminars was one of the central interest at<br />

the course of the visit.<br />

The Minister however ended his visit by giving new recommendations to the<br />

Direction of Radio Bata.<br />

<br />

(excerpt, via Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 17)

15190, R. Africa: Today (Feb 17) I hrd En relig. prgmng behind strong B<strong>BC</strong><br />

(Antigua listed) at 1600. When the B<strong>BC</strong> went off at 1700 UT, R. Africa came<br />

through pretty well, giving their ID and inviting lstrs to contact the<br />

individual ministries directly, or, for forwarding, via the R. Africa Email<br />

address of <br />

or the R. Africa postal address of P.O. Box 2632, [name of town I did not<br />

get], Lagos State, Nigeria.<br />

Then they went into what sounded like the "Shield of Faith" program with<br />

Pastor Mary Armstrong, with s/off in mid-prgm at 17<strong>05</strong> with no further anmt.<br />

I don't recall seeing these contact addresses before; there was no ment. of<br />

Cupertino. I sent them an E-mail and we'll see what happens. (Jerry Berg-<br />

MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 17)<br />

15190 Radio East Africa, 1445 UT programas religiosos con direcciones de<br />

USA. A las 1500 OM ID: "Radio East Africa, 20410 Town Center Lane,<br />

Cupertino, California 95014 USA". Interferencia de B<strong>BC</strong> World Service en<br />

igual frecuencia. 32322.<br />

(Manuel Mendez-E, ConDig Feb 13)<br />

It appears that the different "beams" have different addresses in the<br />

target area. Cf:<br />

<br />

"Radio Africa" Coverage: Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Equatorial<br />

Guinea, Liberia, - apparently with an address in Nigeria (as above)<br />

"Radio Africa # 2"<br />

Coverage: South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Namibia<br />

- apparently with an address in Mosambique (as reported by Anker on 21 <strong>Jan</strong><br />

below).<br />

15190.0, R Africa No. 2, Malabo, 1430-1600, <strong>Jan</strong> 20, U.S. English religious<br />

programmes of talks, prayers and hymns. Reactivated after being off the air<br />

since Sep 2000 according to Domestic Broadcasting Survey monitoring. 34333<br />

QRM from weak co-channel UNID. On <strong>Jan</strong> 21 the station first signed on at<br />

*1445 with ID: "You are listening to Radio Africa Number Two". A.P.O.Box<br />

588 in Mozambique and the e-mail address were<br />

mentioned by a woman and repeated by a man. After some African mx,<br />

religious talking began at 1455 and heard with 35333. It was not<br />

broadcasting 0620-1440 that day.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 21)<br />

The remaining sce would be.<br />

"Radio East Africa" Coverage: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi,<br />

Congo, Somalia, Burundi, Rwanda, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea - perhaps with an<br />

address in Equatorial Guinea (like the old P.O.Box 851 in Malabo)? (Bernd<br />

Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 18)<br />

15190 on Feb 18 at 0630 UT, Radio Africa (presumably) with religious<br />

programming until after 0800 UT. I heard no ID but on the other hand I<br />

didn't listen all the time. At this time Christ Gospel Broadcast. Variable<br />

strength but without disturbances.<br />

(Christer Brunstroem-SWE, SW Bulletin Feb 20, via Thomas Nilsson for dxld)<br />

GEORGIA 11910, Dusheti, Cartolina QSL in 932 giorni. Inviati due rapporti<br />

d'ascolto per posta tradizionale all'indirizzo:<br />

address Kostava Street 68, Tbilisi 380071, Georgia.<br />

(Luca Botto Fiora-I, bclnews.it via dxld Feb 21)<br />

Radio Georgia on 118<strong>05</strong>.00 kHz. It really seems that Radio Georgia, Dusheti<br />

has been re-activated. Heard English 0730 UTC on 118<strong>05</strong> kHz. Very poor

eception with lots of QRM. Audio distorted, hard to copy. (Jouko<br />

Huuskonen-FIN, hcdx Feb 22)<br />

Radio Georgia never went off. Heard regularly in Germany in past years. But<br />

the signal level was always very low, mostly un<strong>der</strong> threshold. (wb)<br />

118<strong>05</strong>.00 Today noted surprisingly Dusheti e v e n frequ for the first<br />

time in years [usually 70 ... 140 Hertz above] and well performed audio<br />

signal. Minimal distorted, but tolerable. Maybe the technicians at Dusheti<br />

oberhouled the equipment recently.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 22)<br />

GERMANY Christian Vision is beginning a series of tests in DRM to the<br />

United Kingdom. Having declared its intention to run significant regular<br />

txions to UK and Europe later in the year, the tests in partnership with<br />

txion provi<strong>der</strong>s in Europe are a prelude to this. With the cooperation of T-<br />

Systems International, Media&Broadcast in Germany, Christian Vision will be<br />

using the Juelich site for SW txions in English as follows:<br />

21st-27th February: 1600-1800 UT on 7200 kHz. Bearing: 285 deg. Power: 40<br />

kW<br />

Antenna: log periodic - (equivalent to HR1/2/0/.5)<br />

7th-14th March: 1500-1700 UT on 7200 kHz. Bearing: 265 deg. Power: 40<br />

kW<br />

Antenna: log periodic - (equivalent to HR1/2/0/.5)<br />

DRM txion parameters will be chosen to deliver the best possible signal to<br />

UK. As the tests progress, Christian Vision would very much appreciate<br />

comments and feedback. These can be sent to the Head of Engineering, Andrew<br />

Flynn, <br />

(RNW MN NL Feb 18)<br />

Both via Juelich 100 kW:<br />

CLAND [to Maldives] 11810 Minivan R on Feb 22 at 1645 UT. Male and female<br />

talk. Continuous mx at equal level. 1655 En song 'Purple rain' (not Prince)<br />

1657 YL 'Minivan Radio' into piano class. 1658 YM -1659 off. Strong splash<br />

LSB from 118<strong>05</strong>, USB absolutely free of interference! Fair. (Finn Krone-DEN,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 22)<br />

CLAND [to ETH] 9820 V.O.Oromo Liberation on Feb 22 at 1659-1715+ UT. 1659<br />

IS, 1700 YM ID, talk with many mentions of Oromo. Good reception, free of<br />

interference, some fading though. Gave SBO-Berlin address at 1711 UT. (Finn<br />

Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 22)<br />

Saarlaendischer Rundfunk is to start a new MW program soon. SR director<br />

Fritz Raff announced on Feb 21 an "information program" with a "mainly<br />

German-French character". Six times a day French news in cooperation with<br />

RFI will be broadcast. The program line-up will contain parliament coverage<br />

and the "Mezzora Italiana" programme for foreign workers as well:<br />

<br />

SR's release mentions only a "state-wide mediumwave frequency". Some years<br />

ago there were reports about 1179 kHz to be used by SR with 20 kW. So it<br />

remains to be seen whether Deutschlandfunk will leave 1422 (but so far no<br />

such plans were hinted) or SR will bring up 1179 kHz for the new program.<br />

The media authority of Nie<strong>der</strong>sachsen put 630 kHz, the former Megaradio<br />

frequency at Braunschweig/Koenigslutter, on ten<strong>der</strong>. The freq will be<br />

allocated for two years only:<br />

<br />

Gossip has it that Voice of Russia is interested in using this frequency,<br />

hence the reallocation procedure now.

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 22)<br />

6085 BR5 DRM tests.<br />

A posting at the URL below, appearing to originate from a Bayerischer<br />

Rundfunk engineer, indicates that today between 1300 and 1600 a first DRM<br />

test of the Ismaning 6085 kHz tx took place. More tests will be done as<br />

necessary, regular DRM operations are said to start until the end of March:<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 17)<br />

DRM Testsendungen des BR auf 6085 kHz. Zur Zeit werden auf <strong>der</strong><br />

Kurzwellenfrequenz 6085 kHz des Bayerischen Rundfunks sporadische DRM<br />

Testsendungen ausgestrahlt. Ende Maerz soll voraussichtlich <strong>der</strong><br />

Regelbetrieb in <strong>der</strong> neuen digitalen Betriebsart beginnen.<br />

(Thomas Kamp-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 19)<br />

Am 23.2. ist fuer 08.30 UTC ein kurzer DRM Test auf <strong>der</strong> 6085 kHz geplant.<br />

Weitere Tests, voraussichtlich von <strong>05</strong>.00-23.00 UTC ab 1. Maerz. Der<br />

regulaere 24 h Betrieb soll nach neuesten Informationen am 7. Maerz<br />

aufgenommen werden. (Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 22)<br />

Bei dem heutigen DRM-Test auf <strong>der</strong> 6085 gab es Probleme mit dem Modulator,<br />

auch wurde noch ein Tr„ger ausgestrahlt. Da ist wohl noch einiges zu<br />

testen. Dies mag auch <strong>der</strong> Grund sein, warum die endg ltige Umstellung jetzt<br />

doch erst am 1. April erfolgen soll.<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 23)<br />

Ich war zu faul, den 7030 mit dem PC zu verdrahten, aber Horst hat mal den<br />

kurzen Test aus Ismaning beobachtet:<br />

6085 BR M nchen Ismaning DRM Mode.<br />

Heute von 0835 bis 09<strong>05</strong> UT (und nochmal ganz kurz 0915 UT) war die<br />

Testsendung vom BR zu beobachten. Bis ca. 0850 UT war nur mit dem Schalter<br />

"Flip in" ein SNR bis 5.0 erreicht werden. Dabei war nur die Zeile:<br />

"AAC (24kHz)/Mono/German/NPty" zu sehen.<br />

Ab circa 0850 UT war die Aussendung anscheinend normal kodiert um ein SNR<br />

bis zu 21 erreicht zu werden. Audio war fast nicht zu hoeren, da hat man<br />

wohl den falschen Eingang benutzt ;-))).<br />

RX: DRT1 - Antenne: 8m Langdraht.<br />

Die haben wohl noch einen bisschen rumgespielt, denn <strong>der</strong> Empfang in AM war<br />

eine ganze Zeit ziemlich mager. Auch jetzt ist das Signal manchmal kurz<br />

weg. Der Peak in <strong>der</strong> Mitte war kaum groesser als das DRM-Signal.<br />

Dream Software Version 1.1.6cvs<br />

Starttime (UTC) 20<strong>05</strong>-02-23 08:34:40 UT<br />

Frequency 6085 kHz<br />

Bitrate 0.00 kbps<br />

Mode B<br />

Bandwidth 10 kHz<br />


0000 5 135 0/10 0<br />

0001 4 129 0/10 0<br />

0002 4 84 0/10 0<br />

0003 5 136 0/10 0<br />

0004 5 134 0/10 0<br />

00<strong>05</strong> 4 101 0/10 0<br />

0006 5 123 0/10 0<br />

0007 4 109 0/10 0

0008 4 121 0/10 0<br />

0009 5 131 0/10 0<br />

0010 4 101 0/10 0<br />

0011 5 110 0/10 0<br />

0012 4 126 0/10 0<br />

0013 4 112 0/10 0<br />

SNR min: 0.6, max: 5.3<br />

Starttime (UTC) 20<strong>05</strong>-02-23 08:50:32 UT<br />

Frequency 6085 kHz<br />


0000 5 84 0/10 0<br />

0001 5 87 0/10 0<br />

0002 4 114 0/10 0<br />

0003 4 107 0/10 0<br />

0004 4 130 0/10 0<br />

00<strong>05</strong> 4 104 0/10 0<br />

0006 3 50 0/10 0<br />

0007 16 108 660/10 0<br />

0008 17 150 1195/10 0<br />

0009 7 4 0/00 0<br />

0010 17 150 1450/10 0<br />

0011 20 145 1294/10 0<br />

0012 21 150 1500/10 0<br />

SNR min: 0.6, max: 22.0<br />

Weiss jemand ob <strong>der</strong> BR an Empfangsberichten interessiert ist und an welche<br />

Email-Adresse die zu schicken sind?<br />

(Horst Weise-D DL4SBK, DRM-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 23)<br />

GREECE Updated B-04 schedule for Voice of Greece (short waves only):<br />

ERA-5 in Greek Daily, except # Mon-Fri; * Sat/Sun<br />

0000-0200 5865 AVL 250 kW / 292 deg 1300-1400 9375 KAV 250 kW / 355 deg<br />

7475 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg 9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg<br />

9375 KAV 250 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg 9775 DL 250 kW / 075 deg<br />

9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg 15630 AVL 250 kW / 285 deg<br />

121<strong>05</strong> KAV 250 kW / 240 deg 15650 KAV 250 kW / 095 deg<br />

0200-0400 5865 AVL 250 kW / 292 deg 1400-1500 9375 KAV 250 kW / 355 deg<br />

7475 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg 9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg<br />

9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg 9775 DL 250 kW / 075 deg<br />

0400-0600 5865 AVL 250 kW / 292 deg 15630 AVL 250 kW / 285 deg<br />

7475 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg 1500-1600 7475 KAV 250 kW / 355 deg<br />

9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg 9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg<br />

121<strong>05</strong> KAV 250 kW / 095 deg 15485*DL 250 kW / 075 deg<br />

15650 KAV 250 kW / 095 deg 15630 AVL 250 kW / 285 deg<br />

0600-0700 5865 AVL 250 kW / 292 deg 1600-2000 7475 KAV 250 kW / 355 deg<br />

9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg 9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg<br />

11645 AVL 100 kW / 226 deg 15485 DL 250 kW / 075 deg<br />

15650 KAV 250 kW / 095 deg 15630 AVL 250 kW / 285 deg<br />

0700-0900 9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg 2000-2200 7475 AVL 250 kW / 285 deg<br />

9770#DL 250 kW / 296 deg 9375 KAV 250 kW / 355 deg<br />

11645 AVL 100 kW / 226 deg 9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg<br />

15630 AVL 250 kW / 285 deg 121<strong>05</strong> KAV 250 kW / 095 deg<br />

15650 KAV 250 kW / 095 deg 15485 DL 250 kW / 075 deg<br />

21530 KAV 250 kW / 095 deg 17565 GR 250 kW / 164 deg<br />

0900-1000 9375 KAV 250 kW / 355 deg 2200-2300 7475 AVL 250 kW / 285 deg<br />

9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg 9375 KAV 250 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg<br />

11645 AVL 100 kW / 226 deg 9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg<br />

15630 AVL 250 kW / 285 deg 121<strong>05</strong> KAV 250 kW / 095 deg<br />

21530 KAV 250 kW / 095 deg 2300-2400 5865 AVL 250 kW / 292 deg<br />

1100-1300 9375 KAV 250 kW / 355 deg 7475 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg<br />

9775 DL 250 kW / 075 deg 9375 KAV 250 kW / 340 deg<br />

15630 AVL 250 kW / 285 deg 9420 AVL 250 kW / 323 deg

15650 KAV 250 kW / 095 deg 121<strong>05</strong> KAV 250 kW / 095 deg<br />


1400-1600 7430 KAV 250 kW / 340 deg Arabic, German, Russian, Spanish<br />

1600-1800 7430 KAV 250 kW / 340 deg Romanian, Turkish, Serbian, Bulgarian<br />

1800-2000 7430 KAV 250 kW / 340 deg Albanian, French, Polish, English<br />


1100-1600 9935 AVL 100 kW / 285 deg. 1600-2300 7450 AVL 100 kW / 323 deg<br />

AVL = Avlis 1 x 100 kW; 2 x 250 kW DL = Delano 1 x 250 kW<br />

GR = Greenville 1 x 250 kW KAV = Kavala 2 x 250 kW<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 22)<br />

INDONESIA 4919.98 RRI Biak on Feb 11 at 1028-1040 UT. 24332 INSn, Music,<br />

ID at 1031. IS, Local news. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Feb 18)<br />

7289.9 RRI Naribe checked by RS from Dec 2004 to Febr 8th; noted only on a<br />

single day: <strong>Jan</strong> 26th 20<strong>05</strong>, 0815-0915* UT.<br />

4870.91 Since <strong>Jan</strong> 29th regularly on air - RRI Sorong, on Feb 7th s-off at<br />

1115 UT, but mostly s-off before 1200 UT.<br />

4869.98 RRI Wamena heard only on Feb 6th from 0940 UT onwards, and also<br />

their morning sce from 2142 UT til fade-out 2200 UT.<br />

3904.94 RRI Merauke never heard in past month by RS in Mangaldan the<br />

Philippines. When checked that channel, co-ch R New Ireland PNG could be<br />

heard instead until 13<strong>05</strong>* UT daily. (Roland Schulze-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 8)<br />

9525, Voice of INS at 1255-13<strong>05</strong> on Feb 17. Program of excellent INSn mx.<br />

1300 ID by man, more mx, and talk by man. Schedule indicates Korean prior<br />

to 1300, Bahasa after. Very good signal. 44433. (Jim Evans-TN-USA, NASWA<br />

Feb 20)<br />

9680 RRI Cimanggis, noted on 22 Feb at 0907-f/out 1020 UT, Bahasa INS<br />

("t" because if it's VoIndonesia, it can even their foreign sce. in Bahasa<br />

Malaysia, which is extremely similar to Indones.), talks, tunes; 23421, QRM<br />

de UNID (surely some rlgs stn) in Braz. Portuguese. (Carlos Goncalves-POR,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 23)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ 6335 V. of Iraqi Kurdistan, at 0415-0435+ UT on Feb 13,<br />

presumed, with mid-east vocals, talk in unID lang. ME instrumental mx.<br />

Poor, weak with some RTTY QRM.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Feb 18)<br />

Freq change. Wie IRIB Tehran mitteilt, werden ab dem 23. Februar abends<br />

fuer die deutschsprachigen Programme die Frequenzen geean<strong>der</strong>t.<br />

Es wird dann verwendet: IRIB German 1730-1830 UTC 6215 und 7380 kHz.<br />

(Joachim Thiel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 21)<br />

ISRAEL 7545 at 0253- UT, Reshet Bet on Feb 20. Hebrew home sce<br />

programming with exceptionally strong S9 + 20 programming with a female<br />

vocalist in English, but sounding very Jewish. Frequent ads and annts,<br />

including one for 'Your Song', and mentioning Elton John, and Cat Stevens.<br />

5 + 1 time pips at TOH, and into nx broadcast. Reshet Bet ID at 03:04:45.<br />

English should be here in another 90 mins. If indeed they leave short wave<br />

at the end of March, this is a good freq to monitor. (Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 20)<br />

JAPAN 3970 NHK-1 Sapporo at 1354-1410 on Feb 14. M&W in talk with mx<br />

bridges; pips to 1400, then possible "NHK" ID and into newsy-sounding pgm.<br />

Best on LSB to avoid the North Korean on 3970.56 kHz. Checked the freq<br />

several mornings and the stn signs on at 1300, per sked, and is in AM mode.

Have not heard the Nagoya stn on the same freq in a long time. (John<br />

Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 20)<br />

JORDAN 11810 at <strong>05</strong>00-0610 UT AKA Jordan produced a seldom heard male<br />

function: like a fast echo, the tx signal peaked for a tenth second, and<br />

was cut in audio (Arabic), then dropped down to nearly zero signal. In<br />

background the Peace radio to AFG from Al Dhabbaya-UAE noted so far.<br />

When checked at 0810 UT again, Jordan Radio powerhouse was heard loud and<br />

clear in fine audio quality. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 18)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. 15180.14 at 0134- UT, Voice of Korea on Feb 19. S6<br />

signal of English program with an historic dramatization, and then into<br />

more heroic deeds of the Korean people. Signal is relatively clean today.<br />

Parallels heard: 13760.10 (poor).<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 20)<br />

KYRGYZSTAN [c.f. <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews #702] Radio Extol does not exist anymore.<br />

Transmitter on 1467 kHz is now leased by Maranatha religious organization.<br />

Currently it only transmits TWR broadcasts at 1500-1800; no operation at<br />

other times. There's a possibility of extending the operation time in<br />

summer season. Relayed TWR broadcasts go on the air in Kazakh, Kyrgyz,<br />

Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen, Karakalpak, Russian and English; they are partially<br />

\\ to 864 and 5855 kHz.<br />

Technical reports (signal quality, QRM, etc.) can be sent to my address:<br />

<br />

(MI<strong>DX</strong>B No. 410 - Vasily Gulyaev, Astrakhan-RUS, RUSdx Feb 17)<br />

LONGWAVE VARIOUS Look what was audible on 252 kHz at 2150-2210 UT on 15<br />

Feb:<br />

Before 2200:<br />

1. RUS-RRossii-Kazan, fair/good<br />

2-3. TJK-RTodjikiston-Dushanbe, fair<br />

2-3. ALG-RTA-Tipaza, fair<br />

4. IRL-RTE One, poor/fair<br />

After 2200:<br />

1-2. ALG-RTA-Tipaza, fair/good<br />

1-2. IRL-RTE One, fair/good<br />

Reference data (location/azimuth/distance/power):<br />

RUS-Kazan: 049 deg, 1280 km, 150 kW<br />

IRL-SummerHill: 295 deg, 2800 km, 500/100 kW<br />

ALG-Tipaza: 253 deg, 2850 km, 1500/750 kW<br />

TJK-Orzu: 101 deg, 3100 km, 150 kW<br />

(open_dx - Vladimir Titarev, Kremenchuk-UKR, RUSdx Feb 17)<br />

MALAYSIA Re: 11885 VoMLA Kajang.<br />

11884.7 on Feb 16 at 1030-1231 UT MLA: Tentative: VOM Kajang. Could not<br />

make anything out of the audio, but what else could it be with these s/on<br />

and -off times? Strangely enough, nothing heard on 15295 kHz. (Mauno<br />

Ritola-FIN, hcdx Feb 16)<br />

Hi Mauno,<br />

just checked 11885 kHz this morning around 1030-1100 UT.<br />

But heard only 'estimated' PBS Xinjiang in Uighur from Urumqui. Lousy<br />

signal, keep in mind the 50 kW power unit and 230 degr lobe, latter is<br />

directed towards far western SW-China, AFG, PAK, EaAF, Mocambique, South<br />

Africa. And at 10.59:58 UT RL Russian from Lampertheim starts ...

11885 PBS Xinjiang 0800-1100 124567 Uighur Urumqui 50 230 CHN 08730E4335<br />

XJBS<br />

11885 is covered by RL Russian Lampertheim 1100-1400 UT, so no chance to<br />

check out that here in Europe.<br />

But Kajang-MLA could fit, see 11885 VoMLA in Chinese 1030-1230 UT entry on<br />

WRTH 2004, page 527.<br />

Unfortunatelly 25 degrs azimuth from K-L is a little bit easterly, lobe to<br />

EUR would fit around 310 to 320 degr.<br />

And this Kajang schedule:<br />

4845 0000 2400 54 KAJ 100 0 0 926 Tamil MLA RTM<br />

5965 0000 2400 54 KAJ 100 0 0 926 Malay MLA RTM<br />

6025 0200 1700 54NW KAJ 100 0 0 926 Local MLA RTM<br />

6100 1300 1530 49 KAJ 100 343 0 8<strong>05</strong> Thai/Bur MLA RTM<br />

6175 0300 0830 54 KAJ 100 0 0 926 Eng/Malay MLA RTM<br />

6175 1000 1400 54 KAJ 100 0 0 926 INS MLA RTM<br />

6175 1700 1900 54 KAJ 100 0 0 926 Malay MLA RTM<br />

7295 0000 2400 54NW KAJ 100 0 0 926 English MLA RTM<br />

9750 0300 0830 54SE KAJ 100 150 0 145 Eng/Malay MLA RTM<br />

9750 1000 1400 54SE KAJ 100 150 0 145 INS MLA RTM<br />

9750 1700 1900 54SE KAJ 100 150 0 145 Malay MLA RTM<br />

9665 0300 1230 55,58-60 KAJ 250 130 0 218 Eng/Chin MLA RTM<br />

11885 1030 1230 44N,45NW KAJ 100 025 0 218 Chinese MLA RTM<br />

15295 0300 1230 55,58-60 KAJ 250 133 0 218 Eng/Chin MLA RTM<br />

15295 1530 1900 39 KAJ 250 295 0 218 Arabic MLA RTM<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 18)<br />

Yes, what Vlad heard MAY have been a special broadcast in connection with<br />

VOM anniversary, see the nx item below.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 18)<br />

<br />


THIS Tuesday is the birthday of a radio broadcast that is very special to<br />

our nation. The Voice of Malaysia, Radio Television Malaysia's overseas<br />

radio sce, first went on air 42 years ago on Feb 15, 1963.<br />

Broadcasting initially in English, Mandarin and INSn, the Voice of MLA<br />

today can be heard in five additional tongues: Thai, Arabic, Tagalog,<br />

Myanmar and Bahasa Malaysia.<br />

The broadcast's main task was, and still is, to present a true and accurate<br />

picture of MLA to overseas listeners, which includes Malaysians studying<br />

abroad.<br />

In April 1995, the broadcast achieved a milestone when it began airing a<br />

programme called Voice of Islam (Suara Islam) to promote "the universality<br />

of Islam and its relevance to contemporary issues". This programme, aired<br />

in both English and Bahasa Malaysia, is aimed at listeners in Sumatra,<br />

Java, Kalimantan, and Asean regions. The broadcast also reaches out with<br />

other programmes to Australia, Japan, the Philippines and to countries in<br />

North Africa and the Middle East.<br />

Here are some highlights of the anniversary specials on Tuesday<br />

(frequencies: 6025kHz, 49 metres, 6157, 49m; 9750, 31m & 15295,<br />

19m):úIndonesian sce (8.45am): A report on the role that MLA played in<br />

providing assistance for the victims of the Dec 26 tsunami in Aceh.

Voice of Islam (11.30am, Bahasa Malaysia; for Klang Valley listeners, FM<br />

91.10MHz): DJs Reezleen Roslan and Kamaruddin Mat Zein will take local song<br />

requests at 03-2282 3567 during the show.<br />

English sce (3pm): A report on the Voice of Malaysia's history as well as<br />

an interview with RTM's Deputy Director of Broadcasting, Adilah Sheik Omar.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 19)<br />

MALI 4782.38 ORTM at 2230-0002* on Feb 12-13. French talk, French pops,<br />

ballads. 0002 abruptly pulled plug mid-sentence. Usually signs off with NA.<br />

\\ 5995, both weak. Noted the past several days back closer to their<br />

nominal 4783 freq. Heard at 0622 on 4783.38 [correct, 1 kHz higher]. (Brian<br />

Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, hcdx Feb 18)<br />

NEW ZEALAND 17675 R. NZi, Rangitaiki, well too on 16 Feb at 2206-2234 UT<br />

with the rest of the news, sport and the usual Dateline Pacific feature;<br />

the tx went abruptly off at 2234 UT, then reappeared mins. later again but<br />

a very brief moment as it went off again, and remained so until at least<br />

2300+; 35433, so not even adj. QRM de Voz Crista, CHL.<br />

R. NZi is generally good~vy. good on their other outlets but on 11980<br />

evenings due to propagation and too strong adjt. QRM; 9870 afternoons here<br />

in Europe is good until say prior to 1600, and then gets worse after the<br />

azimuth change from 000 to 035deg at 1650 when adj. QRM be- comes too much<br />

of a nuisance apart from Rangitaiki's signal becoming weaker too.<br />

11980 R.NZi, Rangitaiki, obs'ed on 18 Feb at 1836-1850* UT, English prgr,<br />

News Abt NZ, nx in Samoan, addr+fq ann, IS prior to switch to 15265; 54534,<br />

adjt QRM only.<br />

15720 R.NZi, Rangitaiki, on 23 Feb at 0740-... (must have s/off at 0759)<br />

UT, English prgr, interview; 35433, so weaker than usual though still quite<br />

fair.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 23)<br />

NIGERIA 7255 VoNigeria, Ikorodu, noted today 21 Feb at 0924-0950 UT,<br />

talks in Vernacular & tribal songs; 25331. Frankly, I don't know whether<br />

they signed off at 1000 as the already very poor signal faded out<br />

completely mins. earlier. Their sched. as per they webpage today reads:<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-1000 15120 kHz to NAfr & E+W Eur<br />

7255 kHz to WAfr & N+S Am<br />

1000-1900 7255 kHz to WAfr & N+S Am<br />

1900-2300 15120 kHz to NAfr & E+W Eur<br />

7255 kHz to WAfr & N+S Am, and langs. mentioned.<br />

15120 kHz VoNigeria, Ikorodu, noted off prior to 1000 on 21 Feb, but active<br />

with English prgr mins. afterwards; very strong, but not a good audio as<br />

usual.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 23)<br />

PAKISTAN [UNID] During the last couple of days (since 14 Feb) I've noted<br />

an unID stn on 4850.4 around 1330 UT. They seem to sign-off at 1400. Weak<br />

and a bit muddy audio, no idea about the lang. Male talks and at one point<br />

I thought there was Qur'an chanting.<br />

[later]<br />

Heh, didn't sound like 100 kW, more like 10 :-) I should have checked first<br />

the listings. And the poor audio should have told me something. Rather<br />

strange they use this frequency, co-channeling AIR. (Jari Savolainen-FIN,<br />

dxld Feb 16/17)<br />

Re the unidentified on about 4850 reported by Jari. My guess is that it is<br />

R Pakistan which is scheduled to use 4850 via Islamabad-Rewat (API-3 100

kW) at exactly the time the unID was heard - 1330-1400 UT. The lang is<br />

Turki, beaming to AFG at 270 degrees. This same tx is used on 15625 until<br />

1315 after Bangla & Nepali sces and changes to 9340 for Russian from 1415.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 17)<br />

PHILIPPINES Radio Veritas Asia ceased the broadcasts of Cantonese sce<br />

from Febr 1, 20<strong>05</strong>. Here noted Cantonese, was one of the 17 lang broadcast<br />

from RVA Manila, Philipines.<br />

(Ashik Eqbal Tokon-BGD, hcdx Feb 21)<br />

Ex Cantonese 2300-2325 98<strong>05</strong>kHz PUG 250 kW / 331 deg.<br />

POLAND Here are some pictures of the Solec Kujawski 225 kHz site, running<br />

a Thales (or still Thomcast at time of delivery) S7HP tx:<br />

<br />

The antenna doesn't appear to be a simple self-radiating mast, also since<br />

the coverage map indicates a directional pattern. (Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Feb 17)<br />

963 Heute erhielt ich eine teildetaillierte QSL Karte von Twoje Radio<br />

Lipsko ueber 963 KHz, mit Touristenwerbung ueber den Schildkroete und<br />

Dinosaurier Route.<br />

(Dieter Kraus-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 22)<br />

RUSSIA?/CIS?tentat 9635 Sound of Hope (tent). at 2244 on 1/10 with m/w in<br />

Chinese (the man repeating the woman's words as if in a lang lesson.) At<br />

2259 piano un<strong>der</strong> man/woman talking in unison briefly, 6 pips and off at<br />

2300 UT.<br />

(Gerry Dexter-WI-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

Sound of Hope I have been checking for this one at 1600-1700 on 11765,<br />

2200-2300 on 9635, and 2300-2400 on 7310. It could be them on 11765; decent<br />

size carrier came on at 1557 Feb 13 and fast moving Chinese annmts started<br />

immediately. ID at 1600 which I could not get fully, then into a drama.<br />

There were 5+1 pips at 1600, seemingly disconnected with the programming,<br />

and maybe associated with another signal on the frequency. The fire dragon<br />

began on freq at 1600 as well, but with "SoH" on top. This was a better FE<br />

signal than I would expect at this hour. CNR-2 ("China Business Radio" ID)<br />

is on 9635 at *2200, building well in the QRM until 2230 peak. And it might<br />

be SoH on 7310 at 2300. There, the carrier is on for 10 mins or so before<br />

2300. The programming starts at 2301, and unfortunately there is much<br />

adjacent channel QRM that starts at 2300. But the signal is decent most<br />

days. This all needs more work. (Jerry Berg-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

Sound of Hope's web-site http://www.soundofhope.org no longer is blocked.<br />

e-mail is shown on web as No mention of<br />

the SW programs.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 8)<br />

7310 Sound of Hope (pres). Chinese program heard. I heard them open at 2300<br />

with a strong carrier but low audio. A couple of mins later accompanied by<br />

a stronger CNR-1 jammer.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 22)<br />

RUSSIA 11975 Kamchatka Rybatskaya at 0031-0<strong>05</strong>9* on Feb 20. Russian pop<br />

vocals with few, if any, annts until 0<strong>05</strong>9, when YL gave ID and brief<br />

closing anmt. VG signal; 5910 not heard, of course. (John Wilkins-CO-USA,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 20)<br />

VoR new freq. Noted VoRussia in Portuguese, 0000-0100 UTC, on new freq 5900<br />

kHz. Logged 0036, SINPO 53443 here in Germany, in \\ to 7330. (Eike<br />

Bierwirth-D, dxld Feb 21)<br />

List shows this former St.P. 9470 entry in D-04:

now 5900 kHz Port 0000 UT, and Sp 0100-0300 UT, 400 kW 268 deg. (wb)<br />

Additional freq for DW in Chinese:<br />

2300-2350 on 5915 IRK 250 kW / 152 deg \\ 5995 DHA, 6225 A-A and 9560 TRM.<br />

Additional freq for B<strong>BC</strong> in Bengali via ARM 200 kW / 104 deg to SoAs<br />

1330-1415 on 11735 (54444) \\ till 1400 7225 NAK and 11835 SNG.<br />

Freq change for Internews / Salaam Watandar in Dari/Pashto:<br />

0230-0400 NF 7175 SAM 250 kW / 175 deg,ex 0130-0300 on 7230*DHA 250 kW /<br />

045 deg<br />

* to avoid Radio Slovakia International in Slovak/French/Spanish.<br />

Additional freqs for Voice of Russia:<br />

5900 MSK 500 kW / 265 deg to SoAm 0000-0100 Portuguese<br />

0100-0300 Spanish<br />

7250 ERV 500 kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg to NoAm 0200-0300 Russian WS<br />

9375 DB 100 kW / 140 deg to SoAs 1300-1500 Russian WS,co-ch VOGreece Greek<br />

1500-1530 Hindi<br />

1530-1600 carrier only<br />

1600-1700 Russian WS<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 22)<br />

FEBA Radio B-04 - Changes wef 16th Feb 20<strong>05</strong><br />

0100-0130 smtwtfs HINDI 7430 41 NVS (new txn via Novosibirsk Russia)<br />

0130-0145 smtwtfs MARATHI 7430 41 NVS (new txn via Novosibirsk Russia)<br />

0115-0130 .....f. URDU 7430 41 NVS (new txn via Novosibirsk Russia)<br />

0115-0130 ......s PUNJABI 7430 41 NVS (new txn via Novosibirsk Russia)<br />

1530-1600 smtwtfs PASHTO 7395 41 ARM (ex 7330)<br />

1600-1630 smtwtfs DARI 7395 41 ARM (ex 7330)<br />

1630-1645 smtwtfs HAZARAGI 7395 41 ARM (ex 7330)<br />

1645-1700 smtwtfs UZBEK 7395 41 ARM (ex 7330)<br />

(Alokesh Gupta-IND, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 22)<br />

SAUDI ARABIA 21495 BSKSA Riyadh outlet of Holy Quran program at 0900-<br />

1155 UT carries terrible buzz tone again today on 19th. \\ 11935 and 17615<br />

kHz.<br />

Same tx is used regularly for the HQ px on 21460 at 1300-1555 UT, carries a<br />

buzz tone too.<br />

BSKSA's 1st progr noted on usual ODD frequ of 178<strong>05</strong>.42 kHz, registered<br />

0900-1155 UT.<br />

(wb, Feb 18/19)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA Many programmes via Meyerton-AFS site noted today:<br />

11765 B<strong>BC</strong>WS En 0300-0700 11875 CHAF En <strong>05</strong>00-0600<br />

15220 CHAF En 0600-0700 15530 RVI Du 0600-0630<br />

11640 TWR Vc 0600-0635 (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 18)<br />

SRI LANKA VOA Urdu freq change. Eff 22nd Febr, VOA Urdu sce is using<br />

11520 kHz x11975 from Sri Lanka relay at 1700-1800 UT - other channels at<br />

this hour are 7260 and 9785 kHz. (Alokesh Gupta-IND, <strong>DX</strong>asia Feb 21)<br />

TAIWAN 15250 on Feb 18 at 1100- UT. Fu Hsing <strong>BC</strong>, 3rd prgr. Jammed by a<br />

'siren' sound. (Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 19)<br />

TINIAN The VOA tx used on 7235 for Korean at 1300-1400 (listed Tinian 250<br />

kW) has had a problem with spurious signals, especially on 72<strong>05</strong>, for some<br />

days now, though not to the extent noted a few weeks ago. Today there was a<br />

real mess on 7235 with TWO transmitters carrying the same program in \\

with about three seconds difference. This was first noted at 1340 and<br />

continued until one tx left at 1358.<br />

The signal strength was about equal for the two txs all the time, so I<br />

guess the second tx was the Tinian 500 kW tx listed for the period 1400-<br />

1500, which was apparently switched on prematurely. To make things even<br />

worse, there was a bad SAH of about 15 Hz. The culprit here was the<br />

transmitter that stayed on, measuring about 15 Hz low, and not the one<br />

causing the spurious emissions. The running of the station is on ten<strong>der</strong>,<br />

and apparently the BBG badly needs a new operator to take care of things.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, dxld Feb 17)<br />

UKRAINE WYFR in via SMF[vailed short call of USSR era, = rather Mykolaiv-<br />

UKR; wb.]<br />

250 kW / 131 deg to ME eff Feb 15: 1600-1700 UT on 7520 kHz in PERSIAN.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 22)<br />

U.A.E. 1575 kHz: There used to be clandestine stations, transmitted from<br />

Kuwait in this freq range. Probably for this reason Radio Farda on 1575 got<br />

associated with Kuwait. However, it appears to be an educated guess that<br />

this is indeed the new station in Abu Dhabi, cf.<br />

<br />

The "Dhabiyya I" project mentioned in this release is the 1170 kHz tx of<br />

Radio Farda, like the new facility an 800 kW S7HP, installed at the<br />

existing Al-Dhabbaya station. It is no replacement for the "old" 2 x 1000<br />

kW tx on 1314 which exclusively carries B<strong>BC</strong> programming. Interesting to<br />

note that these new Thales installations are again owned by Emirates Media.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Feb 20)<br />

U.K./RUSSIA UNIDENTIFIED I seem to hear a fair number of stations that<br />

don't appear in any of the Databases, PWBR etc. 7175 Unknown, Unknown<br />

Unknown, 23332, Unknown. Arabic or Turkish sounding mx with an OM announcer<br />

followed by a YL announcer. HFCC says China Radio International, but I'm<br />

not so sure. Perhaps Radio Liberty? Not very strong. 0313 UT Feb 17.<br />

(Phil KO6BB Atchley, Merced-CA-USA, swl at qth.net via dxld Feb 19)<br />

I would guess Internews' morning sce:<br />

13650, Internews R [to AFG], via Rampisham, *1300-1430*, <strong>Jan</strong> 29 and 30,<br />

Pashto ID: "Da Salaam Walantaar", nx about Kabul and Pakistan, 1400 Dari nx<br />

and talks, Afghan mx, 55555.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Feb 9, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

Scheduled 0230-0400 7175 Samara-RUS, 1300-1430 13650 RMP-UK.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> #702 Feb 17, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

?new freqs, new time slot, Ex:<br />

17720 1330-1500 smtwtfs NEW Rampisham 500 95 Persian ME<br />

7230 0130-0300 smtwtfs NEW Dhabbaya 250 45 Persian ME<br />

New time and freq of Internews / Salaam Watandar in Dari/Pashto: 1300-1430<br />

NF 13650 (55555) RMP 500 kW / 095 deg, ex 1330-1500 on 17720 kHz.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 25,<br />

20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

Freq change for Radio Ndeke Luka via VT Communications:<br />

1830-1930 NF 11760 WOF 250 kW / 152 deg in French/Singo, ex11785 kHz.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 22)

UNID 7265 I ask you to solve a PUZZLE. Did you ever hear that UNID<br />

French lang station on 7265 kHz, Thursdays only at 1900-1930 UT towards<br />

zones 37, 38 North Africa.<br />

37 Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia.<br />

38 Libya, Egypt.<br />

That's the Moslem Weekend on Thurs night. Short call for the organization<br />

is WOR, and txion originate from Skelton Cumbria England tx station.<br />

VT-Merlin list registration in B-04:<br />

7265 1900-1930 ....t.. MNO Skelton 300 180 French N AF<br />

Beware of UN Radio outlet at 1830-1845 UT.<br />

[7265 1830-1845 .mtwtf. UNR Rampisham 500 140 Non-Specific ME]<br />

7265 Co-channel QRM is by CRI Urumchi in Albanian. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 20)<br />

I don't know the exact name of this station, but the programme is known as<br />

"Eglise du Christ", from a Canadian organization. I'll try to listen to it<br />

in the near future. I Hope I will be able to give you more information.<br />

Regards<br />

(Jean-Michel Aubier-F, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 20)<br />

CLAND (Sudan) 11715 1719 Sudan Radio Service Feb 22 1718 ID, local lang<br />

(not Arabic). Strong on free channel. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 22)<br />

Via Woofferton-UK:<br />

11715 1700-1800 47E WOF 300kW 140deg -20deg Mon-Fri only USA MNO MER<br />

USA [and non] Some freqs change for Voice of America:<br />

0030-0100 English Daily on 7130, 9620, 118<strong>05</strong>, 152<strong>05</strong> (ex 2330-2400)<br />

1100-1300 INSn Daily on 7215, 7255, 9720, 15160 (ex 1130-1230)<br />

1130-1200 Turkish Mon-Fri NF 15475, ex 15150 \\ 9555, 11870<br />

1230-1300 Laotian Daily NF 72<strong>05</strong>, ex 7215 \\ 6030, 11930<br />

1800-1830 Hausa Sat/Sun on 4940, 9830, 11825, 17785 (ex Sat only)<br />

2200-0030 INSn Daily on 7130, 9620, 118<strong>05</strong>, 152<strong>05</strong> (ex 2200-2330)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 18)<br />

Dr. Gene Scott dead at 75.<br />

The female voice on the loop is Mrs. Melissa Scott who is identified on as<br />

the Administrative Pastor on the video loop broadcasted on the internet and<br />

audio via SW. According to drgenescott.com, Melissa Scott is his wife.<br />

Original message I'm hearing that tape loop announcing Scott's death on<br />

University Network freqs. I'm not sure who the woman is making that annt<br />

but she vows to keep broadcasting. I really can't see Scott's broadcasting<br />

empire continue for that much longer. Scott dominated his University<br />

Network and left no clear successor at his Los Angeles church. The best<br />

candidate to take over for Scott would be his "disciple", E.C. Fulcher of<br />

Abingdon, Maryland, who has built his own media network, but I really have<br />

trouble seeing that happening, too.<br />

Will the King's Houses and Scott's other supporters keep sending in money<br />

for whoever will follow Scott? Unlikely, as Scott never really prepared the<br />

way for anyone to follow him. He was a charismatic radio personality who is<br />

not easily duplicated, most of all in the minds of his followers. This<br />

makes for an interesting scenerio of what happens to all that tx time that<br />

would be freed up if the University Network does fold up. More religious<br />

broadcasting no doubt, but who would gobble it up?<br />

Rev. John Cereghin Smyrna DE (various, Feb 22)

UZBEKISTAN Freq change for Radio Que Me in Vietnamese:<br />

1200-1230 Sat NF 11850 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg, [ex15385].<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 22)<br />

YEMEN Radio Sana'a Yemen sent me after 695 days for a reception report in<br />

English without return postage a full detail QSL card, plus a full detail<br />

QSL letter (with beautiful stamps on the envelope).<br />

Dear Sir, We received your interesting reception report about the standards<br />

of listening to Sana'a Radio Transmission, We thank you for this useful<br />

reception report, We hope to continue correspondence from you and we<br />

appreciate this a good step from you.<br />

Date 23. 3. 2003. \\ 9780 kHz \\ Time 1802-1822 UTC \\ Program English<br />

With best Compliments ... Technical Department Director Eng. Altashi Ali<br />

Ahmed.<br />

Radio Sana'a, General Program, Technical Dep.<br />

26 September St., P.O.Box 2371, Sana'a, Republic of Yemen.<br />

Tel. +967- 1- 282060/61 Fax: +967- 1- 282<strong>05</strong>3. (Paul Gager-AUT, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK<br />

Feb 16)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Mar 12)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 1)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 31)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 20)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 18)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 704 <strong>05</strong> March 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

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AFGHANISTAN Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai has been visiting India<br />

this week, and reports of his visit mention some of the ways in which India<br />

is helping to upgrade the electronic media in Afghanistan. India completed<br />

work on a TV satellite uplink in Kabul and downlink in 10 provincial<br />

capitals of Afghanistan, at a cost of $4.9 million, in October last year.<br />

Work is also said to be un<strong>der</strong>way for installing a new 100 kW SW tx, and<br />

setting up a TV studio in Jalalabad, along with txion facilities in<br />

Nangarhar province. (RNW MN NL, dxld Feb 16)<br />

ALASKA Adrian Peterson advises that a circular letter from the KNLS head<br />

office in Franklin, TN states that their new facility near Anchor Point,<br />

Alaska will go into full sce on March 28. Perhaps the new 100 kW tx and<br />

antenna for KNLS2 will be hrd with test b/cs prior to the implementation of<br />

the new txion period at the end of March.<br />

(Jerry Berg-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

ALBANIA Re: RReport of Rudolf Krumm, Stuttgart Germany to R Tirana.<br />

Radio Tirana Serbian Program / 5995 kHz / 2115-2130 UTC.<br />

Our Monitoring Center only today could discover from technicians at Shijak<br />

transmitting r/station that Serbian program has been transmitting at 2115-<br />

2130 UTC and not at 2215-2230 UTC as notified from Radio Tirana freq<br />

management in present B04 Schedule.<br />

Best regards from a cloudy Tirana,<br />

Drita Cico, Head of Monitoring Center of Radio Tirana, Sun 27.

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> of Radio Tirana:<br />

Albanian 0630-0758 Daily 1458 71<strong>05</strong><br />

0800-0858 Daily 1395 71<strong>05</strong><br />

1400-1528 Daily 1458<br />

2030-2158 Daily 62<strong>05</strong><br />

2300-0028 Daily 6115<br />

English 0145-0158 Tue-Sun 6115 7160<br />

0230-0258 Tue-Sun 6115 7160<br />

1845-1858 Mon-Sat 6115 7210<br />

2130-2158 Mon-Sat 7120<br />

German 1800-1828 Mon-Sat 6130<br />

Greek 1545-1558 Mon-Sat 1458<br />

French 1900-1928 Mon-Sat 6115<br />

Italian 0430-0458 Mon-Sat 5955<br />

Serbian 2015-2028 Mon-Sat 1458 62<strong>05</strong><br />

Turkish 1530-1543 Mon-Sat 1458<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 1)<br />

[ALBANIA/CHINA] Summer A-<strong>05</strong> schedule for CRI via Cerrik:<br />

0000-0157 English 6020 CER 300*kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg to NoAmEa<br />

9570 CER 300*kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg to NoAmEa<br />

0200-0357 Chinese 6020 CER 300*kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg to NoAmEa<br />

9570 CER 300*kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg to NoAmEa<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0657 Arabic 9590 CER 150 kW / 140 deg to EaAfEa<br />

11710 CER 150 kW / 140 deg to EaAfEa<br />

English 9515 CER 150 kW / 240 deg to NoAfSo<br />

11775 CER 150 kW / 240 deg to NoAfSo<br />

0700-0857 Chinese 11785 CER 150 kW / 310 deg to WeEuNo<br />

English 13710 CER 150 kW / 310 deg to WeEuNo<br />

1100-1257 English 13650 CER 150 kW / 310 deg to WeEuNo<br />

1400-1557 French 11920 CER 150 kW / 240 deg to WeAfWe<br />

13670 CER 150 kW / 240 deg to WeEuWe<br />

1500-1557 Turkish 7150 CER 150 kW / non-dir to Turkey<br />

9565 CER 150 kW / non-dir to Turkey<br />

1600-1757 Arabic 9555 CER 150 kW / 140 deg to EaAfEa<br />

11725 CER 150 kW / 240 deg to NoAfSo<br />

German 5970 CER 150 kW / 330 deg to WeEuNo<br />

7155 CER 150 kW / 330 deg to WeEuNo<br />

1800-1957 French 5970 CER 150 kW / 310 deg to WeEuSo<br />

7175 CER 150 kW / 310 deg to WeEuSo<br />

9635 CER 150 kW / 240 deg to WeAfWe<br />

11695 CER 150 kW / 240 deg to WeAfWe<br />

2000-2157 Arabic 6185 CER 150 kW / 193 deg to EaAfWe<br />

7370 CER 150 kW / 193 deg to EaAfWe<br />

English 5960 CER 150 kW / 310 deg to WeEuNo<br />

7285 CER 150 kW / 310 deg to WeEuNo<br />

2200-2257 Portuguese 6175 CER 150 kW / 280 deg to SoEuWe<br />

2200-2357 Spanish 7210 CER 150 kW / 280 deg to SoEuSo<br />

2300-2357 Spanish 6175 CER 150 kW / 280 deg to SoEuWe<br />

* 2 x 150 kW in parallel<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 1)<br />

Has anybody heard CRI Fllake-ALB 1215 kHz 1234567 0700-0900 UTC ?<br />

(Olli-Jukka Paloneva-FIN, wwdxc Mar 2)<br />

Hi all, Radio Tirana seems way off freq - 1.394808 MHz - a good 192 Hz LF.<br />

Anyone know how long they have been off tune? (Dave G8SZX Towers, March 1,<br />

MWC via dxld)<br />

Hi David, it's been off-frequency since at least 1994. All the best (Tim<br />

Bucknall, ibid.)

1215v kHz CRI Albania relay log. I checked the 1215 kHz channel this<br />

morning (March 3rd).<br />

As always Fllake-Albania signal is odd freq of 1214.86 kHz, 500 kW, 335<br />

degr. This produces a terrible heterodyne tone of just approx. 140 Hertz<br />

tone against Virgin Radio signal.<br />

Here in southern Germany 1215 kHz channel is totally covered by VIRGIN AM<br />

Radio station from United Kingdom for whole 0700-0857 UT winter<br />

schedule[0600-0757 in summer].<br />

Channel is also used by VOA Albanian at 0600-0630 UT. Transmitter off, then<br />

tx sign-on again around 0640...0643 UT. Midst in the sentence DW-Deutsche<br />

Welle Germany in Albanian starts at about 0643 UT til 06.59:30 UT.<br />

Resumen: CRI 1215 kHz relay at this time span can only be heard about ap to<br />

500 kilometers/300 miles around the tx, look at the map, on an area up to<br />

Rome, Milano, Sicily Italy,<br />

all Slovenia,<br />

Zagreb Croatia,<br />

Belgrade Yugoslavia,<br />

Bucharest southern Romania,<br />

Sofia western Bulgaria,<br />

Athens Greece area,<br />

maybe in Tunis, northern Tunisia.<br />

But NEVER in Hungary, Slovak/Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Switzerland,<br />

France, Spain and Portugal neither, due of VIRGIN Radio on very same<br />

channel.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 3)<br />

ALGERIA [to WeSAHARA] Re Polisario back on 700: I was won<strong>der</strong>ing about<br />

1550 the other night when I had huge Kuwait-1548 and almost nothing on 1550<br />

when I tweaked the phaser to move the cardioid null onto CBE. This kills<br />

off just about everything else to the west, so Algeria-1550 can often<br />

dominate. It used to have a big signal, especially at the seashore, 15<br />

miles from here. Now it's "nada". 700 would be theoretically audible at<br />

sunset here. (Mark Connelly-MA-USA, WA1ION NRC-AM via dxld Feb 28)<br />

700/7460 RASD. The late afternoon / evening b/cast runs 1700-000 in Ar,<br />

exc. Sp 2300-0000; I never bothered to check whether this is M-F only, but<br />

believe it's Sat+Sun too. The morning b/cast is 0600(?)-0800 [-0900 UT<br />

Fris] at least M-F but, like I said, possibly on Sats+Suns too.<br />

Current QRGs are 7460 (ann'ed as 7470, at least in the only lang. I can<br />

un<strong>der</strong>stand, but assume they make the same mistake at the opening of the Ar<br />

prgr) & 700 kHz.<br />

1550 is off for some unknown reason, and I seriously doubt the same tx is<br />

used for 1550 or 700 as I've logged them using all 3 simultaneously (again,<br />

back in Oct '03).<br />

700 may be some alternative outlet they activate whenever necessary, be it<br />

when 1550 is down or for extended coverage ... or yet some other reason.<br />

Location of the 700 kHz tx is probably elsewhere, viz. some inactive RTA<br />

site eastwards of Tindouf, and power is almost surely less than on 1550<br />

which some say is 50 kW, others 100 kW.<br />

Un<strong>der</strong> good propag. condx & in the normal season for low freqs., I can<br />

listen to the simultaneous s/on on 1550 & 7460 during the evening whereas<br />

the 700 kHz signal fades in later, and f/out earlier than 1550 in the<br />

morning, of course. On 28 Feb, I obs'ed 700 kHz fading in shortly after

1800, and it still was vy. weak prior to 1900; in my Lisboa location, it<br />

gets more adj. QRM than 1550 did, which is exclusively (and perfectly<br />

avoidable too) from London's 1548 kHz.<br />

On Sat. evening, 26 Feb, 700 kHz was obs'ed on the SW coast putting an<br />

S9+20 dB or more while the \\ 7460 was clean, vy. strong & almost QRM-free,<br />

adj. or co-channel.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 28)<br />

Re: of the 700 kHz tx is probably elsewhere ... RTA - site eastwards of<br />

Tindouf ...<br />

700 kHz BINGO !!! These were always my thoughts, when I read about your<br />

observation in past autumn:<br />

I had always a 'investigative' look into WRTH MW listing un<strong>der</strong> Algeria.<br />

Reggane - the RTA site on 693 kHz, is more easterly location, but is the<br />

NEAREST RTA infrastructure station next to Tindouf-Rabuni.<br />

[Petroleum potential of the Reggane Basin, in southwest Algeria. extending<br />

between the Eglab shield in the south and the Ougarta ranges in the<br />

north...]<br />

And for the Algerian technicians it is an easy task to re-tune 7 kHz up the<br />

693 kHz tx to exact 700 kHz as RASD emergency backup. I guess the Reggane<br />

area can be targeted by an Algerian LW txion in the meantime. (wb, Feb 28)<br />

7460 Polisario Front, Rabuni, observed on 28 Feb at 1738-... UT, Arabic,<br />

local songs; 55444; \\ 700 kHz f/in at abt. 18<strong>05</strong>. This 41 m outlet gets a<br />

lot worse later in the evening due to QRM de RFAsia. (Carlos Goncalves-<br />

POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 2)<br />

Polisario Front's weekly sched. seems to be different on Fri. - I had<br />

forgot Friday "works" as Sundays for the muslims - and this perhaps why I<br />

heard s/off today, Fri. 4 Mar, at 0900 instead of 0800. This time, 700 kHz<br />

(\\ 7460, which remained with the carrier on for a good 20 mins.) was<br />

observed fading out prior to 0830.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 4)<br />

ANGOLA 4950 RNA-Canal "A", Mulenvos, observed on 26 Feb at 2358-0011 UT,<br />

Portuguese, prgr "Informacao Curta", TC, stn phone nr prior to TS, ID and<br />

newscast "Jornal da Hora"; 55333 and molesting a bit Peru's R.Madre de Dios<br />

4950.1 kHz despite using another Beverage. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Mar 2)<br />

ANTARCTICA 15476, LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, 1936,<br />

Canciones argentinas ininterrumpidamente hasta el cierre a las 2100. Varias<br />

canciones de Atahulapa Yupanqui. En ningun momento se escucho locucion,<br />

solo canciones. Parece que, ultimamente estan transmitiendo con solo el<br />

operador de la emisora, sin locutoras. El ano pasado, con el anterior<br />

equipo, tenian casi siempre locucion, primero 3 y luego 2 locutoras, pero<br />

este ano, por lo menos las veces que escuche esta emisora, solo ponen mxa<br />

grabada. Tambien, en el 2004 respondian escrupulosamente al correo<br />

electronico y en el 20<strong>05</strong> parece que no la hacen. SINPO 24322. (Manuel<br />

Mendez-ESP, hcdx Mar 3)<br />

ANTIGUA The new A-<strong>05</strong> schedule of Deutsche Welle reveals that they will<br />

abandon the Antigua txs as of March 27 and replace them by Montsinery. In<br />

detail DW is booked at Montsinery with German 2200-2400 on 15410, 0000-0200<br />

on 11955, and 0200-0600 on 9735, all former Antigua slots (0000-0200<br />

instead of 6100 which will go to Sackville instead).<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 5)

What in the world is the story with Antigua? DW has been co-owner of the<br />

Caribbean Relay Co. there along with B<strong>BC</strong> from the outset. Will all four(?)<br />

txs remain in operation, with more B<strong>BC</strong> or other new clients? Presaging this<br />

were the DW DRM tests via GUF last month (Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld Mar 5)<br />

ARGENTINA 15344.63 RAE at 23<strong>05</strong>-2330+ UT on Feb 27, futbol game with<br />

announce screaming the usual exaggerated g-o-a-l. Fair; \\ 6060 poor with<br />

co-channel QRM.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Mar 5)<br />

ARMENIA Now Central News bulletin in Armenian (ex in Azeri) 1600-1630 UT<br />

reported on 4810, 9960, MWs 864 + 1395 kHz. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Feb 21)<br />

AUSTRALIA 2310 VL8A, Alice Springs NT, coming vy,. strong again on 26<br />

Feb 2003-at 2024, with songs & jokes, talks, Aus. country mx, phone-ins,<br />

while simultaneously vy. bad on \\ 2325 & 2485 kHz; 55333, which is rather<br />

unusual for me.<br />

2325 VL8T, Tennant Creek NT, noted on same day, i.e. 26/2, when improved<br />

by 2038-2<strong>05</strong>5, having s/off at 2128; 34242.<br />

4835 VL8A, Alice Springs NT, audible on 26 Feb after s/off on 120 m, viz.<br />

at 2143-2206, English, talks; 25332 and deteriorating.<br />

6020 R. Australia, Shepperton VIC, nicely heard on 26 Feb 1037-1150 in<br />

Pidgin first, with news, list of FM repeaters in both PNG & elsewhere given<br />

in English, mx, anns.; English prgr 1100, news; 45444, but vy. strg adj QRM<br />

1030.<br />

9710 R. Australia, Shepp., superb on 26 Feb at 1032-1<strong>05</strong>8*, Pidgin, news,<br />

list of FM repeaters, mx, anns, IS; 45444.<br />

12080 R. Australia, Brandon 10 kW, not too bad on 26 Feb at 1039-1155,<br />

Pidgin prgr to PNG (\\ 6020, 9710); 25332. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Mar 2)<br />

AUSTRIA QSL Collection neu erreichbar.<br />

Das oesterreichische Dokumentationsarchiv QSL Collection hat jetzt<br />

ausschliesslich die Anschrift: Dokumentationsarchiv Funkgeschichte,<br />

Internationales Kuratorium QSL Collection, ORF/QSL, Argentinierstrasse 30,<br />

A-1040 Wien.<br />

Wegen einer Gebuehrenerhoehung von 1200 % hat man kuerzlich das Postfach 2<br />

in A-1112 Wien gekuendigt. Beson<strong>der</strong>s die Personen, die eine Widmung zu<br />

Lebzeiten ausgestellt haben, sollten die Angaben aen<strong>der</strong>n.<br />

Neu sind ausserdem die E-Mail-Adresse , die Telefonnummer<br />

(+43 15 01 01) 1 60 71 und die Faxnummer (+43 15 01 01) 51 60 71. Im<br />

Internet finden Sie nun das Standard-Portal unter und den<br />

Rundfunkbereich unter <br />

(DARC-Deutschland-Rundspruch, Feb 24)<br />

BELARUS 5970 R. Belarus, at 0300-0330 on Feb 18 [Fri], English news, ID,<br />

local pops, fair; \\ 7210 barely audible. I thought English was at 0200.<br />

Also heard UT Sat Feb 19 with English at 0300-0329, poor on 5970.<br />

Apparently English is now at 0300 instead of 0200 UT. (Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-<br />

USA, dxld Feb 23)<br />

But not every day; as you noted last week, on UT Sunday English is at 0330<br />

(gh, dxld)

A technician from Slonim transmitting center (near Hrodna) told me the<br />

following:<br />

"We are only broadcasting on 1008 kHz, power is 50 kW." (I guess txions of<br />

Kanal Kultura are concerned here - Ed.) You see, this is in full accordance<br />

with EMWG.<br />

And below you can find the technical data of Heraniony station, also not<br />

far from Hrodna:<br />

Kanal Kultura. Frequency: 1026 kHz. Power: 5 kW. Transmitter: SRV-5.<br />

Registration: RS-532. State: active.<br />

In Hrodna itself: 1008 kHz Kanal Kultura 7 kW non-directional, <strong>05</strong>00-2200<br />

daily.<br />

MW tx in Usacy (in Viciebsk oblast, 1008 kHz, 50 kW) has been dismantled in<br />

summer 2004. The purpose of such a decision was to provide some spare parts<br />

for Slonim tx (SRV-50 type).<br />

BLR SW txs in Hrodna:<br />

7110 kHz BR-1 5 kW 180 deg 0400-2300 daily.<br />

6040 kHz BR-1 5 kW 180 deg 0400-2300 daily.<br />

7265 kHz Kanal Kultura 5 kW non-dir <strong>05</strong>00-2200 daily.<br />

(open_dx - Sergey Alekseychik, Hrodna-BLR, <strong>DX</strong>signal Feb 24)<br />

BELGIUM On Feb 25th Colin Clapson reported that Radio Vlaan<strong>der</strong>en<br />

International would continue with English nx broadcasts seven times a day,<br />

no mention was made of the times or lengths of the broadcasts. (Larry<br />

Nebron, dxld; W<strong>DX</strong>C-UK)<br />

Acc to the French redaction English nx will be transmitted via Astra only.<br />

(Jean-Michel Aubier-F, ibid., W<strong>DX</strong>C-UK)<br />

Dear Flan<strong>der</strong>s Today, It will a very very sad day when RVi shuts downs most<br />

of its SW sces which I'm still hoping it won't come true. It feels like<br />

part of my life has been taken away from me personally.<br />

I want to say to Colin, Els, Deane, Liz, Frans, Mark, Paul and all the<br />

other great people that made Flan<strong>der</strong>s Today possible that you will be sadly<br />

missed as family, friends and great broadcasts. You made Flan<strong>der</strong>s Today<br />

what it is today. The management has truly made the wrong decision and I<br />

hope they have the heart to admit they are wrong and keep your station on<br />

the air.<br />

Best Always to all of you at Flan<strong>der</strong>s Today, Fritz Layer #510<br />

(Fritz Layer - 2 maart 20<strong>05</strong>, RVi Guestbook<br />

via dxld Mar 3)<br />

BOLIVIA 4409.8 R.Eco, Reyes, audible on 26 Feb at 2340-2350 in Spanish,<br />

airing songs; 23341. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 2)<br />

BOTSWANA Voice of America added 4930 from Botswana \\ to medium wave.<br />

Schedule is 0300-0630, 1600-1700 and 1800-2000 VOA English VOA English,<br />

1700-1800 VOA Studio 7 for Zimbabwe. 4930 is co-channel to Ashqabat,<br />

Turkmenistan.<br />

I assume this freq is mainly intended for Zimbabwe. I think it is no<br />

coincidence that Zimbabwe was one of the unfree countries singled out by<br />

Condoleeza Rice during her Senate confirmation hearings. Along the same<br />

lines, it might be worth watching for an increase in US broadcasts to<br />

Belarus and Burma, also singled out for Condi's criticism. I recall she<br />

also mentioned Cuba and Iran, but there is plenty of broadcasting to those<br />

two already. (Chris Greenway-KEN, dxld W<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Contact Feb 28)

BRAZIL 3400 (new fq?) R Guaruja Paulista, Guaruja SP, on 26 Feb at 2233-<br />

2314 UT, int'l songs, TCs, sl. "Guaruja Paulista - A Radio da Familia!",<br />

oldies; 45332; \\ 5045 only (!) audible later, 2300. (Carlos Goncalves-POR,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 2)<br />

Finn maybe your UNID?<br />

UNID right now I have an UNID on 3400 kHz (ie ard 0330) playing slow songs<br />

(like relig?) and YL & yM talking a couple of times. But EXTREMELY weak<br />

here. Can any of you guys check it? Lang could be anything but I had a<br />

sence that it might be English?<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 28)<br />

UNID 49<strong>05</strong>.1 kHz definetely Brazil, very weak here 0235. Rechecked 0257 but<br />

had already gone (Jerry, you said 0258! hi). Nothing left on freq after<br />

that.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 28)<br />

It looks like R. Guaruja Paulista is moving, or has moved, from<br />

3235 to 3385. Note also the reference to their having tried 3400 recently.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 1)<br />

R Guaruja Paulista - Nova Frequencia.<br />

Devido a problemas de interferencia reportados na frequencia de 3235 kHz a<br />

Anatel homologou oficialmente a nova frequencia de 3385 kHz que devera<br />

entrar no ar ainda esta semana, sendo a atual desativada.<br />

Recentemente, foram feitas emissoes experimentais em 3400 kHz para auxiliar<br />

a solucao do problema, foi por isto que esta frequencia havia sido<br />

reportada anteriormente.<br />

Na frequencia antiga na faixa de 90 metros, estava ocorrendo interferencia<br />

de emissao de utilitarias, que estava afetando a qualidade da recepcao em<br />

diversas regioes.<br />

A Radio Guaruja Paulista solicita informes de recepcao da nova frequencia<br />

de 3385 kHz para analise das condicoes de recepcao e eventuais ajustes.<br />

V/S: Orivaldo Rampazo QTH:<br />

Rua Jose Vaz Porto, 175, Santa Rosa, Guaruja, SP, 11431-190, BRASIL<br />

email: <br />

(Sarmento F. Campos-BRA, ConDig <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 2;<br />

)<br />

3365 R.Cultura, Araraquara SP, 26 Feb at 2230-2243, rlgs prgr, songs,<br />

phone-call invitation; 34342.<br />

3400 (new fq?) R. Guaruja Paulista, Guaruja SP, 26 Feb at 2233-2314, int'l<br />

songs, TCs, sl. "Guaruja Paulista - A Radio da Familia!", oldies; 45332; \\<br />

5045 only (!) audible later, 2300.<br />

4754.4 R. Educacao Rural, Cp§ Grande MS, 26 Feb at 2327-2335, rosary;<br />

25331.<br />

4845 R. Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus AM, 26 Feb at 2216-..., advs,<br />

f/ball match rpt; 42441, QRM de MTN at S9+60 dB.<br />

4885 R. Club do Para, Belem PA, 24 Feb at 23<strong>05</strong>-2326, advs, ID+fqs, mx,<br />

phone-ins; 54343, QRM de B itself. Also obs'ed on 25 Feb 0741-f/out 0835,<br />

talks; 35342.

11725 R. Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 1<strong>05</strong>6-1125, rlgs pops; 25442, co-ch<br />

QRM1130.<br />

11765 R. Tupi, Curitiba PR, 26 Feb at 1<strong>05</strong>4-1115, rlgs prgr; 14441, adj<br />

QRM; obs'ed extremely faint on 27 Feb 1257.<br />

11780 R. Nac. da Amazonia, Brasilia DF, 26 Feb at 1<strong>05</strong>2-1100, nx prgr<br />

"Jornal da Amazonia"; 34443, blocked by UNID in Chinese at 1100.<br />

118<strong>05</strong> R. Globo, Rio de <strong>Jan</strong> RJ, 26 Feb at 1<strong>05</strong>0-1126, rlgs prgr "Momento de<br />

Fe"; 34443.<br />

11815 R. Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 26 Feb at 1047-1106, news, rlgs prgr<br />

1100; 34443, and audible on 27 Feb 1255 at 24332.<br />

11830 R. CBN Anhangueera, Goiania GO, 26 Feb at 1045-partly blocked 1100,<br />

interview; 23331, adj QRM.<br />

17814.8 R. Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 26 Feb at 2045-..., mo<strong>der</strong>n Braz. songs;<br />

25432.<br />

(all 12 de Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 2)<br />

Re. my latest contributions to your bulletin, which I thought was available<br />

y/day, 3rd March, this is the explanation on R.Guaruja Paulista's 3400 kHz<br />

outlet.<br />

3400 kHz is just the temporary 90 mb ch. of R. Guaruja Paulista before<br />

moving to the re-asigned fq. of 3385; the old fq. of 3235 was troublesome<br />

due to interference. (Sarmento Campos via Samuel Cassio, both in B, via<br />

Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 4)<br />

BRAZIL/MEXICO 6185 XEPPM Radio Educacion, who can put in a beautiful<br />

signal on 6185 if left alone, was buried by Radio Nacional Amazonia<br />

February 2nd at 0706 with a sign on annt claiming to be on 11780 and 6180.<br />

Is RNA in a state of denial or deniability about their blockage of Mexico's<br />

main SW station from so far away. Presumably their sign on will move an<br />

hour later with end of Brazilian summer time on February 20th.<br />

(Glenn Hauser, dxld via W<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Contact)<br />

Radio Nacional Amazonia had moved down to former 6180 February 28th, heard<br />

at good strength 0750 UT with phone in programme of chat and mx. This meant<br />

Radio Educacion was again in the clear after Vatican went off 0745 UT, also<br />

good strength with a classical mx programme. (Noel Green-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C-UK<br />

Contact Feb 28)<br />

Due of newly RFI-TDF DRM transmission on 6175 kHz no chance to hear<br />

something +/- 20 kHz here in Europe. (wb, Mar 3)<br />

BURKINA FASO 5030.01 RTV Burkina, at 2300-2400* on Feb 18 French talk,<br />

ID as "Radiodiffusion Television du Burkina". Local African tribal mx, some<br />

interesting indigenous mx. Also some Afro-pops. Good, in the clear. Just a<br />

tad off freq today; usually they are right on 5030.00 kHz. (Brian<br />

Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Feb 23)<br />

7230 R. Burkina, Ouagadougou, observed on 24 Feb at 0911-f/out 1106 UT,<br />

Vernacular, tribal songs, talks; 35443, but rtd. 35343 at 1300 on 27 Feb<br />

thanks to an obs. on the south. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 2)<br />

CANADA 6070 CFRX (tent), Toronto ON (CFRB relay), 25 Feb 0845-f/out 0945<br />

(this late time makes me doubt it was this small Canadian stn but phone-ins<br />

is mostly typical of a local), English, (unreadable) talks, phone-ins;<br />

14341, adj QRM de DW 6075.

9625 C<strong>BC</strong>-No.Quebec Sce., Sackville, noted on 27 Feb 1240-1302, English,<br />

interview & chats, mx, ID "C<strong>BC</strong>-Radio 1", oldies; 35333, then almost 100%<br />

blocked by VoTurkey in Turk. 1300. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar<br />

2)<br />

CHINA 175<strong>05</strong> at 265 degr CRI English Kashi at <strong>05</strong>00-0700, S=3-4, carries a<br />

totally different program, compared to Pacific sce on 15350(strong S=9) and<br />

15465 kHz(less).<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 1)<br />

COLOMBIA 6139.8 R. Li<strong>der</strong>, Sta Fe de Bogota, obs'ed on 26 Feb 2346-...<br />

in Sp., with light songs, sl. "En su radio, disfrute - Radio Li<strong>der</strong>!";<br />

54444. It seems the reactivated R. Melodia 6140v relays other local stns.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 2)<br />

CROATIA 3402 Harmonic. Auf 3402 kHz ist gelegentlich Hrvatski Radio mit 3<br />

x 1134 kHz zu empfangen. So auch am MI, 02.03.20<strong>05</strong>, zwischen <strong>05</strong>00 und <strong>05</strong>30<br />

UTC mit O=2 gehoert.<br />

(Herbert Meixner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 2)<br />

CUBA Radio Havana is transmitting to Spain and Portugal 2000-2300 on<br />

11800.<br />

(Jose M. Romero-ESP, Noticias <strong>DX</strong> via dxld ibid.)<br />

RHC <strong>05</strong>00-0700 UT in En, noted with fair level on 9550 at 0625 UT, nx at<br />

0630 UT, and also on 6000 + 6060 kHz. But 4th channel couldn't be traced<br />

today, no signal from Cuba on 9655, 9820, and neither 11760. Latter is<br />

covered by B<strong>BC</strong> Oman and NHK Yamata English, a 3rd stn noted un<strong>der</strong>neath very<br />

weak. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 25)<br />

12000, Radio Habana Cuba, at 1102 UT, Manolo de la Rosa presenta la revista<br />

informativa "Despertar con Cuba", entre las 1100 y las 1400. "Hola amigos<br />

de la onda corta, les habla Manolo de la Rosa". 34333. (Manuel Mendez-ESP,<br />

hcdx Mar 3)<br />

Arnie Coro me informa que Radio Habana Cuba sigue trabajando en el montaje<br />

de las nuevas antenas que forman parte del proyecto de actualizacion<br />

tecnologica de la emisora, quedando la primera de estas lista en los<br />

proximos dias y de inmediato se comenzara a probar con una potencia de 100<br />

kWs en los 6 MHz, en la banda de los 49 metros. Ademas, se esta terminando<br />

de remodelar el Estudio 4, utilizado para las Radio Revistas, es decir,<br />

Despertar con Cuba (matutina), Revista Iberoamericana (que sale por las<br />

tardes y noche para Europa) y la Revista de la Noche que sale para America<br />

Latina y el Caribe en las noches.<br />

Por otra parte, me dice que Radio Rebelde ya recibio su nuevo transmisor de<br />

50 kWs de la misma tecnologia de modulacion de pasos de impulsos PSM (Pulse<br />

Step Modulation) que usan los de 100 kWs de Radio Habana Cuba. Radio<br />

Rebelde tenia prestado uno de los de RHC mientras terminaba de montarse el<br />

de la propia emisora, quienes ya estan en el aire con la antena provisional<br />

de banda tropical en la frecuencia de los 5025 kHz, y en espera de la nueva<br />

antena omnidireccional de alto angulo de radiacion.<br />

(...) Todas estas informaciones de Arnaldo Coro Antich, quien tiene su<br />

programa llamado <strong>DX</strong>ers Unlimited, el que continua con un alto grado de<br />

popularidad entre los oyentes de habla inglesa, recibiendo mucha<br />

correspondencia tanto por correo electronico como por las vias<br />

tradicionales de tarjetas postales y cartas.<br />

(Gabriel I. Barrera-ARG, RN Radio-Enlace Feb 25-27 via dxld)<br />

I found the following Tesla deliveries information on their website (via<br />

Google). I do not know where in Cuba the two SRV 200 (200 kW) txs are, but

they may either be replacements for the txs listed as 150 kW, which are of<br />

Tesla origin and went on the air in 1967 (also listed as 150 kW by Tesla),<br />

or may be other txs not known to have this high power. Tesla is no longer<br />

manufacturing AM txs above 25 kW.<br />

Two DCC systems for two SRV 200 tx sets and new 100 W and 5 kW medium-wave<br />

broadcast txs were sold to Cuba as the country's medium-wave broadcasting<br />

network un<strong>der</strong>went an upgrade in 2000. Besides this delivery, a newly<br />

developed SRV 1D tx was sold and put into operation in Cuba. [also about<br />

some other countries]<br />

<br />

I found the following Tesla deliveries information on their website (via<br />

Google). I do not know where in Cuba the two SRV 200 (200 kW) txs are, but<br />

they may either be replacements for the txs listed as 150 kW, which are of<br />

Tesla origin and went on the air in 1967 (also listed as 150 kW by Tesla),<br />

or may be other txs not known to have this high power. Tesla is no longer<br />

manufacturing AM txs above 25 kW.<br />

Broadcast Transmitters.<br />

Warranty operation was smooth and successful in the Moroccan Al Mahbes<br />

broadcasting centre between 2000 and 2001. One of TESLA's turn-key<br />

projects, the centre was built in 1999. TESLA equipped the site with a<br />

container-mounted SRV 25 D medium-wave tx set, along with power, airconditioning<br />

and antenna systems.<br />

TESLA maintains business contacts with customers in Poland, Syria, Egypt<br />

and Yemen.<br />

Two DCC systems for two SRV 200 tx sets and new 100 W and 5 kW medium-wave<br />

broadcast txs were sold to Cuba as the country 's medium-wave broadcasting<br />

network un<strong>der</strong>went an upgrade in 2000y. Besides this delivery, a newly<br />

developed SRV 1D tx was sold and put into operation in Cuba.<br />

TESLA's supply and final acceptance of medium-wave antenna systems to the<br />

Syrian broadcasting centres in Tartous and Homs in 2000 were an overall<br />

success.<br />

The company has been developing a digital DRM system, seeking to apply it<br />

in medium-wave txs.<br />

<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 28)<br />

DJIBOUTI I have been listening for reactivated 4780, but nothing heard,<br />

some reports say it may be on the air this month. I can hear Djibouti on<br />

1539, but not on 1116 which, like 4780, is supposed to have been built by<br />

IBB as part of the deal to establish the 1431 Radio Sawa station. (Chris<br />

Greenway, Nairobi-KEN, ibid.)<br />

DORALE UPGRADE: The second MW tx (1116 kHz) has been installed and is<br />

operational at full power; we now have two MW txs operational at the Dorale<br />

site. Two technicians from Germany have installed most of the Continental<br />

SW tx. Work on refurbishing the SW antenna will begin on March 3. (IBB<br />

Engineering Feb 25 via dxld)<br />

This refers to the RTD facility, 1116 kHz listed as 40 kW in WRTH 20<strong>05</strong>; and<br />

SW maybe will be back on 4780. (Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld Mar 3)<br />

DRM DW A-<strong>05</strong> DRM-Programme fuer Europa mit Programmanteilen des Deutschen<br />

und Englischen DW-Programmes sowie des DW-Musikkanals.<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1800-1000 3995 75 D WERTACHTAL<br />


[there is no gap left for AM reception between DW 5967 and LUX 5997 kHz,<br />

REE 5985 European sce progr at 0600-0800 UT on 'unreadable' channel, wb.]<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 2100-2200 5980 49 POR SINES<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1000-1300 6140 49 D JUELICH<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1600-1900 6140 49 D JUELICH<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1400-1559 6180 49 D WERTACHTAL<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1600-1659 7175 41 D WERTACHTAL<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 0600-1200 7265 41 D WERTACHTAL<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 0700-0900 7265 41 POR SINES<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1700-1759 7265 41 D WERTACHTAL<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1200-1359 9655 31 D WERTACHTAL<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1500-1755 13790 22 POR SINES<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1200-1555 15265 19 POR SINES<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1800-1955 15435 19 POR SINES<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 0800-1459 15440 19 POR SINES<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 0900-1159 15545 16 POR SINES<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 5)<br />

ECUADOR 3280 LV del Napo, Tena, obs'ed in the morning this time, 28 Feb<br />

at 0745-... UT (gone when rechecked at 0810), tentatively, Spanish prgr,<br />

playing church mx; 45333.<br />

4815 R. El Buen Pastor (tent), Saraguro, logged on 26 Feb at 2318-2324,<br />

preaching in Sp; 33442. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 2)<br />

EGYPT [to IRAN] 11630.16 [x11625, x11660, x15650] R. Seda-ye Mellat-e<br />

Iran.<br />

Today noted moved up 5 kHz to 11630 to avoid Iranian jammers on Sat March<br />

5th. Usual 1430-1500 UT transmission in Persian via Cairo-EGY. Also station<br />

ID heard twice. Accompanied by Iranian jammers, generator engine type<br />

jammer on 11630 and 11632.68 kHz, and a lonely 'forgotten' bubble jammer on<br />

11624.00 kHz. 160 Hertz het accompanied of an UNID station un<strong>der</strong>neath on<br />

exact 11630.00 kHz, seemingly the Chinese domestic station Lingshi CHN-8 in<br />

Kazakh language. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 5)<br />

On Feb 24 at 1430 UT encountered R. Seda-ye Mellat-e Iran (V. of the<br />

Iranian Nation) on 11625; not sure of ID beyond Sedaye at first, but a<br />

break at 1441 UT repeated full ID clearly along with freqs and a bit of mx<br />

before a speech began. This had been on 11620, but clashed with India.<br />

However, no sign of AIR here, tho there was a bit of intermittent utility<br />

interference on the low side of 11625 kHz; also fortunate for us, as this<br />

gets it out from un<strong>der</strong> WYFR 11615 kHz skirts; now on a clear frequency.<br />

Fair reception, worsening slightly by 1500* kHz. This one supposedly<br />

covertly via CIA, Egypt. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Feb 24)<br />

Cland 11625 R Sedaye Melate Iran 1435 talks by OM in Farsi , mentions on<br />

dollars At 1442 with a song and 1452 mentioning Rafsanjani ID Atr 1359 with<br />

Freqs S20 43443 QRM ed by bubble jammer. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

ESTONIA Tartu Family Radio announcec the following contact address in<br />

Russia: P.O.Box 18, Pskov-24, 180024, Russia. (Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal<br />

feb 24)<br />

EQUATORIAL GUINEA R. Africa #2, 15190, at 16<strong>05</strong>-1658* on Feb 18 [Fri],<br />

English religious talk, 1634 English religious mx and more talk. Sign-off<br />

with religious mx. Poor signal mixing with B<strong>BC</strong> Antigua; at times fading up<br />

to equal strength with B<strong>BC</strong>.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Feb 23)<br />

Several reports indicate that sign on and sign off times on both the<br />

morning and afternoon sces are variable depending on time booked.

(ibid. Mike Barraclough W<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Feb 28)<br />

15190 GNE also around 0625 UT in progress. Morning sce lasted till approx.<br />

0910 UT this morning, last sermon started at about 0903 UT. Noted some<br />

addresses of CAN, PA-USA and OH-USA given during the broadcast, S=2 signal<br />

level, but well above threshold.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 25)<br />

15190 GNE noted now every morning from about 0612 UT, S=2-3. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Mar 1)<br />

Nach Jahren konnten ab <strong>Jan</strong>uar 20<strong>05</strong> wie<strong>der</strong> religioese Sammelprogrammedes<br />

Sendezeitmaklers Pan American Broadcasting (20410 Town Centre Lane 200,<br />

Cupertino, CA 95014, USA,<br />

) auf 15190 kHz beobachtet werden. Typische<br />

Programmnamen: "Shield of Faith", "Christ Gospel Broadcast", "Voice of the<br />

Lord".<br />

Mittlerweile konnte ein etwas genauerer Sendeplan zusammengestellt werden:<br />

ca. 06.00-09.00 UT auf 15190 kHz Der Kanal wird ab 0645 Uhr durch den<br />

Sendestart von RVI auf <strong>der</strong> Kurzwelle Krasnodar 15195 kHz gestoert, bzw. ab<br />

0858 Uhr durch B<strong>BC</strong> Ascension. ca. 1430-1600 15190 kHz Nachmittags stoert<br />

sich das Programm mit B<strong>BC</strong> Antigua. Die B<strong>BC</strong> hat die Frequenz belegt, seit<br />

Bata ausser Betrieb war.<br />

1973 haben chinesische Techniker in Ntobo, 7 km von Bata entfernt, eine<br />

Sendeanlage mit zwei 50 kW Kurzwellensen<strong>der</strong>n Bata (01N48 009E46) errichtet.<br />

Ein Sen<strong>der</strong> wurde traditionell auf 5<strong>05</strong>0 kHz fuer Radio Bata eingesetzt,<br />

einer schliesslich ueber Pan American Broadcasting an auslaendische<br />

Interessenten vermietet.<br />

Pan American Broadcasting Inc. (Apartado 851, Malabo, Equatorial Guinea,<br />

besser 20410 Town Center Lane, Suite 200, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA, ) ist ein Sendezeitmakler,<br />

<strong>der</strong> je nach Kundenlage sendet.<br />

Die Sendungen aus Aequatorialguinea wurden je nach Zielgebiet bzw. Sendetag<br />

in ein Radio Africa (fuer Westafrika), Radio Africa 2 (fuer Suedafrika),<br />

Radio East Africa unterschieden. In den Stationsansagen wurden dabei auch<br />

je nach Zielgebiet unterschiedene Adressen angegeben. Nach Angaben des<br />

Domestic Broadcasting Survey ist die Station im September 2000 verstummt.<br />

Bil<strong>der</strong> <strong>der</strong> alten Sendeanlage finden sich wohl bei<br />

<br />

In Maerz 2003 gab es Berichte, dass mit chinesischer Entwicklungshilfe zwei<br />

neue 50-kW-Kurzwellensen<strong>der</strong> in Aequatorialguinea errichtet werden sollten.<br />

Es ist unklar, ob die chinesischen Techniker die beiden Sen<strong>der</strong> in Bata-<br />

Ntobo ueberholt o<strong>der</strong> gaenzlich neue Sen<strong>der</strong> aufgebaut haben. Eine offizioese<br />

Mitteilung<br />

spricht von<br />

"zwei neuen 50 kilovolt-Sen<strong>der</strong>n".<br />

(J. Savolinen 19.1., N. R. Green 20.1., 15.2., A. Petersen 21.1., 21.2.,<br />

Ch. Greenway 28.1., J. Berg 17.2., B. Trutenau 17., 18.2., I. Nagatani<br />

18.2., Chr. Brunstroem 20.2., K. Ludwig 22.2.20<strong>05</strong> via Glenn Hauser dxld,;<br />

ntt Feb 26)<br />

FRANCE Radio Jamahiriya Odma (ID) seems to be Radio Jamahiriya Great (?)<br />

at 1330 ID in Ar, on 21675 and 21695. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb<br />

13)<br />

Radio France Int. is now noted on new 9580 kHz (ex 7180 kHz) in \\ with<br />

17620 kHz from 1400-1500 UTC for South Asia. (Swopan Chakroborty-IND, dxld<br />

Feb 27)

Interesting - the RFI Website indicates this freq is supposed to replace<br />

7175 [sic] from 7th March. I won<strong>der</strong> if other changes have also taken place<br />

early, i.e:<br />

0400-0430 to Africa 13610 ex-11995<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 to Africa 15155 ex-13610<br />

0600-0630 to Africa 21620 ex-15155? (Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld Feb 28)<br />

B04 HFC 07-Oct-2004 TDF, M<strong>05</strong> changes of Feb 27th:<br />

3965 <strong>05</strong>00 <strong>05</strong>30 ISS 500 180 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> Arabic F<br />

3965 <strong>05</strong>30 0600 ISS 500 180 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

3965 0600 0630 ISS 250 98 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> Serbian F<br />

5925 0600 0700 ISS 500 180 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

5945 0300 0400 ISS 500 095 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

6175 1000 1030 GUF 500 295 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> Spanish F<br />

7135 <strong>05</strong>00 0600 ISS 500 170 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

7135 <strong>05</strong>00 <strong>05</strong>30 ISS 500 180 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> Arabic F<br />

7135 <strong>05</strong>30 0600 ISS 500 180 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

7135 0600 0700 ISS 500 200 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

7135 0600 0700 ISS 500 180 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

7135 0600 0700 ISS 500 155 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

7135 0700 0800 ISS 500 180 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

7180 1400 1500 XIA 120 258 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> English CHN<br />

7315 0300 0400 ISS 500 095 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

7315 0400 <strong>05</strong>00 ISS 500 095 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

7315 1800 1900 ISS 500 180 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

7315 1800 1900 ISS 500 200 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

7315 1800 1900 ISS 500 155 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

7325 1600 1700 ISS 500 190 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> Arabic F<br />

9555 0400 <strong>05</strong>00 ISS 500 135 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> English/Fr F<br />

9555 0400 <strong>05</strong>00 ISS 500 95 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

9555 <strong>05</strong>00 0600 ISS 500 95 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

9580 1400 1500 XIA 120 258 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> English CHN<br />

9790 <strong>05</strong>00 0600 ISS 500 170 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

9790 <strong>05</strong>00 0600 ISS 500 155 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

9790 0600 0700 ISS 500 185 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

9790 0600 0700 ISS 500 155 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

9790 0600 0700 ISS 500 200 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

9790 0700 0800 ISS 500 180 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

9790 0700 0800 ISS 500 155 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

9790 0700 0800 ISS 500 204 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

9790 1800 1900 ISS 500 155 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

9790 1800 1900 ISS 500 155 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

9830 1000 1030 GUF 500 295 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> Spanish F<br />

11665 1400 1430 ISS 250 55 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> Russian F<br />

11685 <strong>05</strong>00 0600 ISS 500 095 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

11700 0600 0700 ISS 500 185 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

11700 0600 0700 ISS 500 155 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

11725 0700 0800 GAB 250 307 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> English GAB<br />

11965 1700 1800 ISS 500 204 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

11995 0400 <strong>05</strong>00 ISS 500 135 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> English/Fr F<br />

11995 <strong>05</strong>00 0600 ISS 500 135 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> English/Fr F<br />

11995 1700 1800 ISS 500 215 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> Portuguese F<br />

12025 1600 1700 ISS 500 180 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> Arabic/Fr F<br />

15155 <strong>05</strong>00 0600 ISS 500 135 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> English/Fr F<br />

15300 <strong>05</strong>00 0600 ISS 500 155 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

15300 0700 0800 ISS 500 204 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

15300 1600 1700 ISS 500 162 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

15300 1700 1800 ISS 500 185 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

15300 1700 1800 ISS 500 204 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

15300 1800 1900 ISS 500 155 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

15365 1600 1700 ISS 500 162 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> English F

15520 2100 2130 GUF 250 280 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> Spanish F<br />

15530 1700 1800 ISS 500 215 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> Portuguese F<br />

15530 1700 1800 ISS 500 130 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

156<strong>05</strong> 0100 0200 PEK 120 253 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> French CHN<br />

156<strong>05</strong> 0700 0800 GAB 250 307 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> English GAB<br />

156<strong>05</strong> 1400 1430 ISS 250 55 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> Russian F<br />

156<strong>05</strong> 1400 1430 ISS 250 65 311004 2702<strong>05</strong> Russian F<br />

17620 0700 0800 ISS 500 185 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

17620 1700 1800 ISS 500 130 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

17620 1700 1800 ISS 500 185 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

17710 0100 0200 XIA 120 258 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French CHN<br />

17850 0600 0700 ISS 500 155 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

17850 1400 1430 ISS 250 65 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> Russian F<br />

17850 1600 1700 ISS 500 162 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> English F<br />

21580 1600 1700 ISS 500 155 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> French F<br />

21645 2100 2130 GUF 250 280 2702<strong>05</strong> 2703<strong>05</strong> Spanish F<br />

(via AD<strong>DX</strong> Andreas Volk-D, Oct 11, 2004)<br />

DRM from Issoudun on 6175 was observed this morning until 1100 for the<br />

first time. There are speculations that these could be already regular<br />

txions, since planned times for DRM on 6175 were 0700-1100, 1200-1900 and<br />

2200-0600. Cf.<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 3)<br />

Yes, we now have another racket to contend with on 49mb. DRM was audible on<br />

6175 kHz at tune in today at 0800+. The signal was S9+15dB with lots of<br />

hash each side, and even audible on 6190. I could hear what probably were<br />

BRZ and/or MEX 6185, but could not copy for certain. And BTW - I was<br />

listening to 6185 on Thursday morning at 0755 and there were no DRM signals<br />

on 6175 then, so I assume TDF came on air later.<br />

The LUX racket on 5990 was appalling today same time, and the hash clearly<br />

audible 20kHz or more on the HF side - there was no 'gap' between this and<br />

the DW 5975 DRM so it was difficult to tell which signal was which on the<br />

LF side.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 4)<br />

GEORGIA In English at 0730 UT on Febr 13 on 118<strong>05</strong> kHz with strange<br />

modulation, but better 1615-1645 and 1700-1730 on 4540 kHz in Vernaculars.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 14)<br />

GERMANY 13820 Freie Volksmission Krefeld, Saturday 1630-1700 via Deutsche<br />

Telekom Wertachtal, <br />

I tuned in to this one at 1637 UT on Feb 5th and was surprised to find them<br />

with a very strong signal in English, though co-channel Marti and the<br />

jamming were equally strong. All preaching and fairly easily un<strong>der</strong>stood. At<br />

1656 UT they invited listeners to write for information to Mission Center,<br />

P.O.Box 100707, D-47707 Krefeld, Germany.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, NASWA Flashsheet; W<strong>DX</strong>C Contact)<br />

9820 V.of Ethiopian Salvation via DTK on Feb 27 at *1600-1607 UT. 25332<br />

Amharic, 1600 UT sign on with IS and ID, Opening announce, talk.<br />

11810 Minivan R. via DTK on Feb 27 at 1609-1619 UT. 33333 Vernacular, ID at<br />

1610 UT, IS, talk. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Mar 4)<br />

1179 Bald deutsch-franzoesische Infowelle.<br />

Im Saarland wird es bald eine neue, wortgepraegte Infowelle geben mit stark<br />

deutsch-franzoesischem Charakter. Dies erklaerte SR-Intendant Fritz Raff<br />

auf <strong>der</strong> letzten Rundfunkratssitzung.

In <strong>der</strong> Sitzung des Rundfunkrates des Saarlaendischen Rundfunks am 21.<br />

Februar 20<strong>05</strong> kuendigte Intendant Fritz Raff den baldigen Start einer<br />

wortgepraegten "Info- Welle" mit "vorwiegend deutsch-franzoesischem<br />

Charakter" auf einer landesweit ausgestrahlten Mittelwellen-Frequenz an.<br />

Nach Abschluss des Abstimmungsverfahrens sollen auf dieser Welle sechsmal<br />

am Tag franzoesische Nachrichten in Kooperation mit Radio France<br />

International, Landtags- und Bundestagssitzungen, die Gastarbeitersendung<br />

"Mezzora Italiana" usw. zu hoeren sein.<br />

<br />

(Bernhard weiskopf-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 24)<br />

Nachfragen.<br />

In <strong>der</strong> Pressemitteilung wird keine Frequenz erwaehnt. Da <strong>der</strong> Saarlaendische<br />

Rundfunk seine traditionelle Mittelwelle Heusweiler 1422 kHz an den<br />

Deutschlandfunk abgegeben hat, muesste entwe<strong>der</strong> diese zurueckgeholt o<strong>der</strong><br />

eine neue Mittelwelle eingesetzt werden. Bei <strong>der</strong> Ankuendigung faellt einmal<br />

mehr auf, dass es nur die franzoesischen, nicht aber die deutschen RFI-<br />

Sendungen erwaehnt werden. Wenn man <strong>der</strong> Infowelle tatsaechlich einen<br />

deutsch-franzoesischen Akzent geben will, dann sollte sich <strong>der</strong><br />

Saarlaendische Rundfunk diese bereits vorhandenen Programme nicht entgehen<br />

lassen.<br />

Es ist mir allerdings auch bei an<strong>der</strong>en deutschen Wellen schon aufgefallen,<br />

dass ggfs. die franzoesischen Nachrichten kommen, aber die deutsche<br />

Abteilung leer ausgeht. Ich frage mich, ob die RFI-Leitung sich die<br />

deutschsprachigen Hoererpotentiale entgehen lassen will o<strong>der</strong> ob es da<br />

vielleicht medienrechtliche Probleme gibt. Nichtsdestotrotz koennte jetzt<br />

die Zeit sein, beim Saarlaendischen Rundfunk explizit nach den deutschen<br />

Sendungen von RFI zu fragen. Vielleicht hakt es ja nur daran, dass man von<br />

<strong>der</strong>en Existenz in Saarbruecken nichts weiss. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Feb 25)<br />

Die Nie<strong>der</strong>saechsische Landesmedienanstalt (NLM, Seelhorstrasse 18, 30175<br />

Hannover) hat gemaess õ 3 Abs. 1 i.V.m. Abs. 3 NMedienG die Mittelwelle<br />

Braunschweig 630 kHz ausgeschrieben. Aufgrund <strong>der</strong> geplanten Digitalisierung<br />

<strong>der</strong> Frequenz wird die Zulassung auf zwei Jahre befristet. Interessenten<br />

haben jetzt bis zum 7. Maerz 20<strong>05</strong> Zeit, ihre Antraege einzureichen.<br />

(Bekanntmachung <strong>der</strong> NLM 4.2.20<strong>05</strong>; via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Febr 26)<br />

ERF/TWR Der Evangeliums-Rundfunk teilt in seinem Programmheft fuer Maerz<br />

20<strong>05</strong> eine Einschraenkung <strong>der</strong> Mittelwellennutzung mit. Das Programm "durch<br />

die Bibel", das urspruenglich nur und in juengerer Zeit auch auf <strong>der</strong><br />

Mittelwelle Roumoules 1467 kHz ausgestrahlt wurde, kommt ab 28. Maerz nur<br />

noch auf <strong>der</strong> Mittelwelle Mainflingen 1539 kHz bzw. Satellit. Die<br />

freigemachte Sendezeit auf 1467 kHz geht an TWR-Programme in arabischer<br />

Sprache.<br />

Ab 28. Maerz sendet <strong>der</strong> ERF terrestrisch nach folgendem Schema:<br />

0300-2200 1539 kHz (Mainflingen-D)<br />

0345-0415 1467 kHz (Roumoules-F)<br />

0830-0845 6230 7160 kHz (Fontbonne-F), sonntags bis 0915 Uhr<br />

1330-1400 6230 7160 kHz (Fontbonne-F), sonntags ab 1300 Uhr<br />

1930-2000 1467 kHz (Roumoules-F).<br />

(Marcel Goerke, Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Feb 26)<br />

Der ERF teilt in seinem Programmheft 03/20<strong>05</strong> mit, dass die Mittelwelle 1467<br />

kHz (Monte Carlo) nur noch eingeschraenkt zur Verfuegung steht, da TWR ein<br />

Programm in arabischer Sprache ausstrahlt.<br />

Ab 28. Maerz sendet <strong>der</strong> ERF nach folgendem Schema ueber Monte Carlo:<br />

0345-0415 UT taeglich, 1930-2000 UT taeglich.

Sonst werden folgende Freunzen genutzt:<br />

1539kHz 0300-2200 taeglich<br />

6230kHz und 7160 kHz 0830-0845 MO-SA<br />

6230kHz und 7160 kHz 0830-0915 SO<br />

6230kHz und 7160 kHz 1330-1400 MO-SA<br />

6230kHz und 7160 kHz 1300-1400 SO. (Marcel Goerke-D, MA-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 3)<br />

Der Gemein<strong>der</strong>at <strong>der</strong> Stadt Waldenburg (Hohenlohekreis) stimmte in seiner<br />

Sitzung am 15. Feb 20<strong>05</strong> dem Neubau eines 150 m hohen Sendeturms auf dem<br />

Friedrichsberg zu. Der altersbedingt sanierungsbeduerftige Antennentraeger<br />

auf dem Wasserturm in Waldenburg soll aus wirtschaftlichen Gruenden durch<br />

einen Neubau ersetzt werden. Der SWR betreibt seit 1953 eine Sendeanlage in<br />

Waldenburg fuer Hoerfunk und Fernsehen. Durch die Erneuerung <strong>der</strong><br />

Sendeanlage wird die Versorgung <strong>der</strong> Bevoelkerung in <strong>der</strong> Region<br />

Franken/Hohenlohe mit den Hoerfunk- und Fernsehprogrammen des SWR<br />

langfristig gesichert.<br />

Der neue Standort auf dem Friedrichsberg wurde als einzig technisch<br />

machbarer Standort ausgewaehlt. Zu den standortrelevanten Kriterien zaehlen<br />

die versorgungstechnische Lage zur Abstrahlung von Rundfunkdiensten, die<br />

Gelaendehoehe, die horizontalen und vertikalen Abstaende zu bebauten<br />

Gebieten und naturschutzrechtliche Aspekte. Alle gesetzlich festgelegten<br />

Grenzwerte werden an dem neuen Standort weit unterschritten.<br />

Gesundheitliche Gefaehrdungen durch den neuen Sen<strong>der</strong> sind nach dem<br />

<strong>der</strong>zeitigen Erkenntnisstand auszuschliessen. Die Vertreter <strong>der</strong><br />

Nachbargemeinden wurden am 14. Februar 20<strong>05</strong> ausfuehrlich ueber das Vorhaben<br />

informiert. Der Baubeginn ist fuer den Herbst 20<strong>05</strong> vorgesehen.<br />

Der Sendeturm soll bis zu Beginn des Jahres 2007 fertig gestellt sein, <strong>der</strong><br />

Aufbau <strong>der</strong> technischen Anlagen und des Betriebsgebaeudes wird bis ins Jahr<br />

2008 andauern. Mit <strong>der</strong> Aufnahme des Sendebetriebs wird <strong>der</strong> alte Standort in<br />

Waldenburg voraussichtlich im Jahr 2008 aufgegeben und zurueckgebaut.<br />

<br />

Neue Sendeanlage auf dem Friedrichsberg - Waldenburger Gemein<strong>der</strong>at stimmt<br />

dem Neubauvorhaben des SWR zu via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Feb 27)<br />

... <strong>der</strong> SR plant, an seinem Standort Heusweiler auf <strong>der</strong> Frequenz 1179 kHz<br />

einen MW-Sen<strong>der</strong> mit einer Leistung von 10 kW in Betrieb zu nehmen. Das<br />

medienrechtliche Verstaendigungsverfahren ist allerdings noch nicht<br />

abgeschlossen.<br />

Sendegebiet ist das Saarland, gesendet wird in <strong>der</strong> Zeit von 0800 bis 1800<br />

Uhr<br />

[0600-1600 UT*].<br />

Jenseits <strong>der</strong> saarlaendischen Grenzen wird die Reichweite bei dieser<br />

geringen Leistung rasch abnehmen; Mannheim liegt auf jeden Fall ausserhalb<br />

des Versorgungsgebietes.<br />

Mit freundlichen Gruessen<br />

Guenter Gehring<br />

Saarlaendischer Rundfunk<br />

Fachbereich Rundfunkversorgung<br />

Postanschrift: Funkhaus Halberg<br />

D-66100 Saarbruecken<br />

Telefon: +49 681 602 35<strong>05</strong> Telefax: +49 681 602 3506<br />

mailto: <br />

(via Bernhard Weiskopf-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 27)

* 1179 kHz channel is mostly covered by SR S”lvesborg SWE, Valencia Spain,<br />

Thessaloniki Greece, and very strong Bacau-Galbeni-ROU transmissions. (wb,<br />

Mar 1)<br />

GREECE Dear John, In Avlis is 2 txs 100 kW and 1 x 250 kW where it works<br />

70 kW.<br />

(Babis Charalampopoulos, ERA, 27 Feb via John Babbis-MD-USA, dxld Mar 3)<br />

Glenn: It looks as though I was on the right track! Does this mean that one<br />

of those 250-kW txs has been reconfigured to operate at a reduced power of<br />

70 kW? Possibly, the Avlis 3 tx(?) (John Babbis-MD-USA, dxld Mar 3)<br />

Obviously the curtain antennas at Avlis handle only up to a power of 100<br />

kW?. After Gloria collapse RFE Portugal donated 3x250 kW to the Greeks. Old<br />

35 kW units at Thessaloniki ceased sce in <strong>Jan</strong> 2001, an all relays via Avlis<br />

and/or Kavalla from A-01 season onwards. wb.<br />

GREENLAND KNR Tasiilaq presumed the one on 3815 USB March 4th, dead on<br />

frequency, 2103 heard woman speaking, rang Noel Green and he had the same,<br />

2113 female singer, 2116 discussion between man and woman. Signal was<br />

threshold level but steady, just above the noise level, the mx was coming<br />

over better than the speech, too weak to be positive about the lang. At<br />

2130 there was a short mxal bridge/interval signal, then presumed nx in<br />

Greenlandic as listed in WRTH, same interval signal 2142 followed by mx.<br />

Signal began to fade down but the mxal bridge was heard again at 2200,<br />

woman with presumed Danish news, mxal bridge at 2210 then another piece of<br />

mx and left the air without apparent annt at 2215. Occasional short 20<br />

second bursts of utility interference and presumably the same utility tx<br />

tuning up from time to time.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, direct Mar 5)<br />

GUAM A-<strong>05</strong> Frequency Schedule for KTWR Trans World Radio - Guam<br />

(March 27, - October 29, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

Freq Time UTC Pwr Asm Target Days<br />

(KHz) Open-Close (kW) (deg) CIRAF(zones) (Mon-Sun) Languages<br />

7455 1100-1600 100 320 42,43,44 1234567 Mandarin<br />

9370 1400-1600 100 3<strong>05</strong> 42,43,44 1234567 Mandarin<br />

9465 1200-1230 100 345 45 12345 Japanese<br />

9465 1200-1245 100 345 45 67 Japanese<br />

9585 1300-1330 100 285 49 1234567 Sgaw Karen<br />

9635 1100-1200 100 285 49 1234567 Vietnamese<br />

9865 0930-1100 100 315 42,43,44 1234567 Mandarin<br />

9910 0930-1100 100 320 42,43,44 1234567 Mandarin<br />

9920 1400-1445 100 278 49 1234567 Vietnamese<br />

9920 1445-1615 100 345 44,45 1234567 Korean<br />

9975 1200-1300 100 285 41,49 1234567 Burmese<br />

9975 1300-1330 100 315 43,44 1234567 Mandarin<br />

9975 1330-1400 100 315 42-44 1234567 Mandarin<br />

9975 1400-1500 100 285 43,44 1234567 Cantonese<br />

11610 2130-2215 100 320 42,43,44 1234567 Mandarin<br />

11690 2115-2145 100 345 45 12345 Japanese<br />

11690 2115-2200 100 345 45 67 Japanese<br />

11695 1300-1330 100 278 49 1234567 Khmer<br />

11750 1200-1230 100 293 43,44 1234567 Swatow<br />

11750 1230-1245 100 308 42-44 12345 English<br />

11750 1245-1300 100 278 49 1234567 Khmer<br />

11765 2200-2230 100 308 42,43,44 1234567 Mandarin<br />

11840 0800-0930 100 165 51,55,56,58-60 12345 English<br />

11840 0815-0930 100 165 51,55,56,58-60 67 English<br />

12080 1330-1345 100 293 41 12 Muslimi/Bengali<br />

12080 1330-1345 100 293 41 34567 Boro

12080 1345-1400 100 293 41 1234567 Santhali<br />

121<strong>05</strong> 1500-1630 100 278 41,48,49,50 1234567 English<br />

12130 0900-0930 100 3<strong>05</strong> 42,43,44 1234567 Hakka<br />

12130 0930-1400 100 3<strong>05</strong> 42,43,44 1234567 Mandarin<br />

12130 1400-1415 100 285 41 1234567 Muslimi/Bengali<br />

12130 1415-1430 100 285 41 67 Manipuri<br />

12130 1415-1430 100 285 41 12345 Muslimi/Bengali<br />

12130 2200-2300 100 285 44 1234567 Cantonese<br />

13630 2215-2300 100 3<strong>05</strong> 42,43,44 1234567 Mandarin<br />

15200 0900-0915 100 248 54 12 567 Balinese<br />

15200 0900-0915 100 248 54 34 Torajanese<br />

15200 0915-1000 100 248 54 1234567 Madurese<br />

15200 1000-1030 100 248 54 1234567 Sundanese<br />

15200 1030-1200 100 248 54 1234567 INSn<br />

15225 0730-0900 100 278 49,50,54 67 English<br />

15225 0740-0900 100 278 49,50,54 12345 English<br />

15275 1100-1200 100 255 49,54 1234567 Javanese<br />

KTWR Frequency Coordination<br />

Trans World Radio, P.O.Box 8780, Agat, Guam 96928, USA<br />

Phone (+671) 828-8637 Fax (+671)828-8636<br />

e-mail: <br />

Source : George Ross, KTWR. (Alokesh Gupta-IND, hcdx Mar 4)<br />

Adventist World Radio to Rededicate a Renovated Station.<br />

Four years of renovation will be celebrated Febr 26 when Pastor <strong>Jan</strong><br />

Paulsen, president of the Seventh-day Adventist world church, visits the<br />

Adventist World Radio (AWR) studio and broadcasting station in Guam to<br />

rededicate the renewed facility.<br />

Millions of radio listeners in China, Vietnam, Cambodia, INS and many other<br />

countries throughout the Asia/Pacific region are able to hear of God's love<br />

for the first time through programs that originate in the Guam studio,<br />

which was first opened in 1987.<br />

Guam's frequent typhoons, as well as the need to reduce tx maintenance<br />

problems caused by dust and dirt, led to the renovations. AWR embarked on a<br />

multi-phase mo<strong>der</strong>nization project in 2000 that continued through 2004. This<br />

project increased the property's value by nearly U.S. $5 million, without<br />

incurring any debt. Funding for the replacement of existing equipment and<br />

facilities, as well as future improvements, was arranged from each year's<br />

operating gifts in anticipation of such a need.<br />

"To deliver messages of hope to hard-to-reach listeners, we need to provide<br />

the most reliable broadcast sce possible. In this case, reliability means<br />

every min that we transmit is precious," says Brook Powers, site manager<br />

for AWR in Guam.<br />

Among efforts un<strong>der</strong>taken by renovators was increasing the reliability of<br />

broadcast operations. This included everything from installing more<br />

reliable txs to adding an apartment for an engineer who could respond<br />

quickly to problems.<br />

"We now have the ability to keep all four antennas on the air spreading the<br />

gospel every day," says AWR Guam maintenance director Gordon Garner. "When<br />

a problem arises with a tx, the programming can be transferred to a<br />

different tx. This makes it possible to maximize the broadcast time."<br />

In addition, txs were stabilized on one platform to make maintenance<br />

easier, and automatic measurements of system data were implemented to<br />

enable better and faster troubleshooting.

Even ground erosion control was a factor in the project. Gravel and water<br />

control systems were added to the antenna fields so preventative<br />

maintenance can occur anytime of the year, even immediately after a<br />

typhoon, when nearly 20 inches of rain can be dropped within 24 hours.<br />

Adventist World Radio's mission is to broadcast the Adventist hope in<br />

Christ to the hardest-to-reach people groups of the world in their own<br />

langs. AWR has its headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland, and maintains a<br />

Web site, <br />

With compliments of the Adventist Press Service APD.<br />

Adventistischer Pressedienst APD -<br />

Adventist Press Service<br />

Redaktion - Editorial office<br />

Postfach 136 - P.O.Box 136<br />

CH-4003 Basel - Schweiz - Switzerland<br />

Voice +41-61-261 61 15 - Fax +41-61-261 61 18<br />

E-Mail: (Feb 23)<br />

Am 26. Feb 20<strong>05</strong> wurde die Renovierung <strong>der</strong> adventistischen Kurzwellenstation<br />

offiziell abgeschlossen und die Station neu eingeweiht. Prominentester<br />

Teilnehmer <strong>der</strong> Feier war Pastor <strong>Jan</strong> Paulsen, Praesident <strong>der</strong> Siebten-Tags-<br />

Adventisten. KSDA Guam war 1987 die erste Kurzwellenstation von Adventist<br />

World Radio und hat seither religioese Sendungen vor allem fuer China, Ost-<br />

und Suedostasien, Indien und die Laen<strong>der</strong> des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens<br />

ausgestrahlt. Waehrend <strong>der</strong> Standort fuer die Versorgung <strong>der</strong> grossen nichtchristlichen<br />

Gebiete hervorragend geeignet ist, liegt Guam an<strong>der</strong>erseits auf<br />

dem Weg <strong>der</strong> grossen pazifischen Taifune.<br />

Im Jahr 2000 wurde eine Generalueberholung <strong>der</strong> Kurzwellenstation begonnen,<br />

bei <strong>der</strong> unter an<strong>der</strong>em die mittlerweile vier Sen<strong>der</strong> ausgetauscht wurden.<br />

"Wir wollen eine Botschaft <strong>der</strong> Hoffnung fuer Menschen ausstrahlen, die wir<br />

an<strong>der</strong>s gar nicht erreichen koennen.<br />

Dazu brauchen wir eine verlaessliche Technik", so begruendete<br />

Stationsmanager Brook Powers noch einmal das Unternehmen. In dem Vier-<br />

Jahres-Projekt wurden gut 5 Mio. USD in die Station hineingesteckt. Man<br />

investierte in die Hard- und Software <strong>der</strong> Station, so dass beispielsweise<br />

bei eventuellen Stoerungen im Betrieb eines Sen<strong>der</strong>s ein an<strong>der</strong>er Sen<strong>der</strong> die<br />

Ausstrahlung <strong>der</strong> Programme mit geringer Verzoegerung uebernehmen kann. Man<br />

sorgte aber auch fuer eine bessere Drainage, so dass das Regenwasser von<br />

Taifunen schneller abgeleitet werden kann. (APD 22.2.20<strong>05</strong> / Dr. Hansjoerg<br />

Biener-D, ntt Feb 26)<br />

HFCC What I think Allen [Graham] was referring to is the next HFCC<br />

Conference, which is tentatively scheduled for Isfahan, Iran in August. As<br />

far as I know, there is no DRM symposium scheduled to be held in<br />

conjunction with that HFCC-ASBU conference there.<br />

(Jeff White-FL-USA, dxld Mar 3)<br />

INDONESIA 9524.88 Voice of INS noted at 2002 on 9525 in English on Feb<br />

5th with nx battling it out with TWR Swaziland in French until they signed<br />

off at 2020. Then in the clear with tourist programme "Lets Go INS".<br />

(Mickey Delmage-Alb-CAN, dxld ibid.)<br />

1600-2100 UT.<br />

3325 RRI Palangkaraya on Mar 1 at 1353-1403 UT. 34343 INSn, Music, 1359 IS<br />

and ID, 1400 Local news,<br />

4925 RRI Jambi on Feb 24 at 1250-1306 UT, 44444-44443 INSn, Arabic mx etc,<br />

ID at 1302 UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Mar 4)

IRAN/IRAQ Mainly songs 1350-1655 UT on 6313. VoIRQi Kurdistan was on 6337<br />

at same time in that range. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 21)<br />

CLAND V O Iranian Kurdistan 4860 kHz, very strong with Kurdish ID at 0302<br />

'Era dengi Kurdestana Irana' after march-song by male chorus. Also strong<br />

with songs 0240ish, but didn't note them speak so don't know if Kurdish<br />

then.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 28)<br />

IRIB e-mail address. Hallo zusammen, eine kleine Information fuer<br />

diejenigen, die es interessiert. Offenbar klappt die normale Adresse<br />

immer noch nicht. (Joachim Thiel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 1)<br />

Lei<strong>der</strong> ist die Mail-Box von IRIB noch in Reparatur. Es genuegt, wenn Sie<br />

Ihre Empfangsberichte jetzt nur noch an die E-Mail Adresse von Herrn<br />

Achgari senden und nicht mehr an mich. Die Adresse von Herrn Achgari<br />

koennen Sie immer nutzen, wenn es mal irgendwelche Schwierigkeiten mit IRIB<br />

gibt: <br />

Einen guten Abend und einen schoenen Monat Maerz wuenscht aus dem schon<br />

langsam fruehlingshaft werdenen Teheran, im Auftrag von IRIB,<br />

(M. Sheikholeslami-IRN , A-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 28)<br />

6315 R Roj signed off today on Feb 28 at 1800 UT with hymn S5 32333 best on<br />

LSB mode.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 28)<br />

KUWAIT A fourth-SW transmitter to support broadcasts into Afghanistan<br />

from the Kuwait Broadcasting Station is being installed by Kuwait station<br />

staff. The transmitter will be installed in the MW bay built un<strong>der</strong> the<br />

recently completed Expansion Project. The Kuwait station staff has started<br />

to prepare the bay for the transmitter. IBB/ETT or<strong>der</strong>ed heat exchangers<br />

identical to those installed on the SW transmitters un<strong>der</strong> the Expansion<br />

Project; this will reduce the amount of engineering and design required to<br />

install the fourth transmitter.<br />

The initial effort on a concept design has started on a tropical band<br />

antenna at the Kuwait station. The target area is Afghanistan. Funding<br />

required for this project will come from the residue of the Afghanistan<br />

appropriation remaining after the completion of the Kuwait Expansion<br />

Project. (IBB Engineering Feb 25 via dxld)<br />

KYRGYZSTAN 1467 kHz on 15 Feb at 1600 UT: usual TWR interval signal,<br />

followed by Russian ID "Transmirovoye Radio". After that ID txion in<br />

presumed Kyrgyz started.<br />

(open_dx - Victor Rutkovsky-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Feb 24)<br />

1467 kHz at 1730 UT on <strong>Jan</strong> 27, TWR broadcast in Kazakh. Changed to English<br />

at 1745 UT. SIO 232. (RUS-<strong>DX</strong> Plus No.59 - Magsum Galimov-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Feb<br />

24)<br />

LESOTHO [Clandestine to Zimbabwe] 1197 SW Radio Africa starts morning<br />

broadcast tomorrow From tomorrow, the independent radio station<br />

broadcasting to Zimbabwe, SW Radio Africa, will be broadcasting into<br />

Zimbabwe on MW 1197 kHz at 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 UTC. This txion will also be available<br />

on SW 3230 kHz. The evening txion at 1600-1900 UT on 6145 kHz remains<br />

unchanged. (Andy Sennitt-HOL to RNW MN Weblog Feb 22)<br />

Must be the 100 kW tx of Family Radio in Lesotho. Booked via VT I assume?<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 24)<br />

SW Radio Africa, the clandestine for Zimbabwe, recently added a MW txion at<br />

0300-<strong>05</strong>00 UT on 1197 kHz \\ 3230. The latter is probably via Meyerton,<br />

South Africa, as is their evening on 6145, but they aren't saying where

1197 is coming from. It seems likely it is the 100 kW in Lesutu used by<br />

WYFR in the evening, especially since SWRA admits that it can only reach<br />

parts of southern Zimbabwe that late in the morning, and since AFAIK, there<br />

are no MW txs at Meyerton, a SW-only site. And since it would not be costeffective<br />

to build a new MW station and use it for only two hours a day.<br />

So could some monitors in southern Africa get a fix on 1197 during those<br />

two hours?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA, mwdx Mar 3)<br />

Glenn, I think you are exactly right in your suppositions. 1197 is almost<br />

certainly the old B<strong>BC</strong> TX in Lesotho, now used by WYFR (listening to it now<br />

at 0330 - same characteristics as WYFR in the evening). (John Plimmer-AFS,<br />

mwdx Mar 4)<br />

LW Vy. good longwave conditions during at least 26-28 Feb:<br />

kHz stn, site SINPO Day UTC Rmks<br />

189 RUV, Gufuskalar, ISL 34343 26 2003<br />

" " " " 35454 28 2209<br />

207 DLF, Aholming, D * 26...<br />

243 DR, Kalundborg, DNK 54353 26 2317<br />

261 BR, Sofia, BUL 54354 26 2316<br />

279 Tuerkmen R, Asgabat, TKM 55353 26 2312 A lot worse on \\5015!<br />

*) RTM Azilal-MRC has been off, thus enabling superb reception of DLF,<br />

which is "armchair" quality on the south.<br />

Despite these signals, POL was mediocre on 225 and ditto for D on 177 &<br />

153, particularly the latter due to ALG QRM. Needless to say all the other<br />

regulars were & still are performing vy. good as typically usual: ALG 252,<br />

LUX 234, MCO/F 218, G 198, D 183, MRC 171, F 162 kHz, with RTE in IRL being<br />

troublesome, all depending on one's aerial so as to avoid ALG 252.<br />

The former RAI Caltanissetta tx would, I think, have provided very nice<br />

signals too. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 2)<br />

MALI 11960 R. Mali, Kati, obs'ed on 28 Feb at 10<strong>05</strong>-1512, Vernacular,<br />

talks, tribal songs.... French 1300, news, wx, etc; 34433, strgr at times,<br />

even from adj ch's, and vy. poor by 1500. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Mar 2)<br />

MEXICO 6185 R.Educacion, Cd. de Mexico, monitored on 25 Feb at 0845f/out<br />

0940 UT, Sp. with both class. & contemporary mx themes; 54433, QRM de<br />

B.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 2)<br />

MOLDOVA A-<strong>05</strong> for Radio Dniester Moldavian Republic Pridnestrovye:<br />

1600-1630 NF 5910 KCH 500 kW / 265 deg, (x5960) for A-04 and B-04<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 1)<br />

MONGOLIA 12085 VoMongolia, Khankhor, obs'ed on 24 Feb at 0906-1<strong>05</strong>2 UT<br />

(vy. poor by 1000, but a lot better when obs'ed this stn on the south,<br />

audible till later), Mo, C 0930, E 1000, Mo 1030; 55433, but the carrier is<br />

AC-type noise infested. I won<strong>der</strong> if there isn't someone in the stn itself<br />

who notices it... and cures the problem.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 2)<br />

MYANMAR 5770 Defense Forces B.Unit on Mar 1 at *1330-1338, 32332-34333<br />

Myanmar, 1330 sign on and announce, IS, Opening annpunce and mx, talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Mar 4)<br />

5770 Defence Forces Broadcasting Unit (pres). On Feb 25 at 1356-1430 UT.<br />

SINPO34333. Music proram in vernacular. Male talk at 1400. Another talk

program from 1417 UT. ID was not heard clearly. (Iwao Nagatani-JPN,<br />

JPNpremium Mar 4)<br />

NEW ZEALAND 9870 R.NZi, Rangitaiki, obs'ed on 24 Feb at 1550-1650* UT,<br />

English, Pacific pops, nwes, wx, mx, talks, IS; 54444, with increasing QRM.<br />

Obs'ed after the azimuth change: /1651-1750*, IS, English, mx, Pacific reg.<br />

news, songs, nx in the Cook's Maori dilalect; 44433, adj QRM only. (Carlos<br />

Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 2)<br />

NIGERIA 7255 VoNigeria, Ikorodu, does s/off at nominal 1000 as observed<br />

on 27 Feb, when s/off 0958 UT. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 2)<br />

PAKISTAN Home Services from Islamabad (Rewat - 100kW)<br />

API-2 0045-0215 on 4955 Haya Allal Falah and Urdu nx at 0200 UT.<br />

0600-1115 on 7395 Rawalpindi & Islamabad progr including English nx at 0800<br />

and 1100.<br />

1230-1330 on 4955 Rawalpindi Kashmiri progr.<br />

1350-1400 on 4955 Regional nx Balti news<br />

1420-1428 on 4955 Regional nx Sheena news<br />

1615-1700 on 5840 Islamabad progr.<br />

API-4 0200-0400 & 1300-1800 on 5080 Current Affairs<br />

Regional Services<br />

Quetta - 10 kW 0045-0404 (Fri 0345) & 1200-18<strong>05</strong> on 5025.<br />

0600-1145 (Fri only 0400-0820 & 1000-1145) on 7155<br />

Peshawar - 10 kW 1100-1400 on 7220 Chitrali Service<br />

Rewat API-8 - 100 kW 0045-0215 & 1445-1815 on 4790 Pindi-III progr.<br />

0430-<strong>05</strong>15 on 6065 Balti sce<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-0615 on 6065 Sheena sce<br />

0900-1215 on 7265 Pindi-III progr.<br />

Rawalpindi - 10 kW 0230-0425 & 1335-1430 on 4790 Pindi-III progr.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, Jihad <strong>DX</strong> via <strong>DX</strong>signal Feb 24)<br />

PNG 4890 N<strong>BC</strong>, Port Moresby, audible on 26 Feb at 1950-2045 UT, Pidgin<br />

prgr, light mx, hymns (?) 2000, talks; 55333. Nothing \\ heard on 90 mb.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 2)<br />

PERU 4486 R. Frecuencia VH, Celendin, noted on 26 Feb at 2342-2354 UT in<br />

Spanish, with Indian songs & TCs abruptly thrown into; 45343.<br />

4746.9 R. Huanta 2000, Huanta, nively audible on 26 Feb at 2329-2344 UT in<br />

both Sp. & Quechua, with advs, Indian songs, TCs & infos; 55333.<br />

4950.1 R. Madre de Dios, Pt§ Maldonado, logged on 26 Feb at 2350-...,<br />

spanish prgr, talks on social affairs & the family; 44333, QRM de AGL +<br />

uty. stn.<br />

9720 R. Victoria, Lima, audible on 24 Feb at 2314-2324, Brazilian preacher<br />

in Sp.; 45444, adj QRM. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 2)<br />

PHILIPPINES 1170 PORO RELOCATION: Facilities Subsystem: At TX Bldg.<br />

completed installation of air conditioning units and miscellaneous work.<br />

Continued construction of area lighting, perimeter duct bank, fencing,<br />

crash gate, etc. Completed constructing the roads in the antenna field<br />

except for the final gravel top course.

Antenna Sub-system: Ben Dawson and Ron Rackley arrived on Feb. 21 and<br />

started commissioning the antenna fee<strong>der</strong> system. Also they have modified<br />

the RF transformer. All indications are that everything is going well.<br />

Transmitter Sub-system: Jeff Greggs, Harris commissioning engineer, arrived<br />

on Monday, Feb. 7. The transmitter power blocks have successfully been<br />

commissioned into the dummy load at the new frequency (1170). The Harris<br />

transmitter is now ready to send power through the combiner into the new<br />

antenna system.<br />

Project Schedule: We are now ahead of schedule. The projected on-air date<br />

is 3/14/<strong>05</strong>, and we'll try to beat this. Current project schedule critical<br />

milestones are now:<br />

* Antenna commissioning engineers (Dawson and Rackley) on site 2/21/<strong>05</strong><br />

* All systems in place on 2/25/<strong>05</strong>.<br />

* Shut down Continental TX at old site on 3/7/<strong>05</strong>.<br />

* On air date for Harris TX at new site is 3/14/<strong>05</strong>.<br />

* Completely clear of old site by 3/30/<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Removal of PCBs from Old Site: The Contractor will be mobilized to start<br />

work on March 7.<br />

Removal of Old Continental Transmitter: The Contractor will be mobilized to<br />

start work on March 7. (IBB Engineering Feb 25 via dxld)<br />

Radio Veritas Asia ceased the broadcasts of Cantonese sce from Feb 1, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Cantonese was one of the 17 lang broadcast from RVA Manila, Philipines.<br />

(Ashik Eqbal Tokon, Rajshahi-BGD, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

PORTUGAL RDPi-Radio Portugal-alteracao da grelha B04-31 OUT' 2004.<br />

Attached, please find my own HF-only version of the B04 schedule plus the<br />

amendments dated Nov'04 & Feb'<strong>05</strong>, all according to data received from the<br />

station.<br />

Melhores / Best 73, Carlos Goncalves<br />

TRANSMISSAO EM ONDA CURTA RDP Internacional - Radio Portugal.<br />

Periodo de Inverno 2004 (B04)-Mapa em vigor a partir de 31 OUT 2004.<br />

Target, with CIRAF zones, UT, kHz, mb, kW, azimuth<br />


EUROPA (Central) **) fora suprimida a 19 Nov 2004 *) Fev 20<strong>05</strong><br />

0600-0855 9755 300 45 deg<br />

0600-1300 9815 100 52 deg<br />

0745-0900 11660 250 55 deg<br />

0900-1<strong>05</strong>5 11875 300 45 deg<br />

1100-1300 15140 300 45 deg<br />

1700-2000 11630 x9460 300 45 deg<br />

2000-2400 #9795 x7310 300 45 deg<br />

2000-2400 #9615 x9460 100 52 deg<br />

MEDIO ORIENTE / India 39, 41<br />

1400-1600 15690 100 81,5 deg<br />

AFRICA: Sao Tome e Principe, Angola, Mocambique e RSA 48, 52, 53 e 57.<br />

1100-1300 21830 100 142 deg<br />

1700-2000 17680 300 144 deg<br />

2000-2400 #11825 300 144 deg<br />

EUA / Canada 6, 7 e 8<br />

1300-1700 #15575 100 294 deg<br />

1700-1900 #17825 100 294 deg<br />

1900-2400 #15540 100 294 deg

Venezuela 10, 11 e 12<br />

1800-2100 #15535 100 261 deg<br />

2100-2400 #11635 x15460 100 261 deg<br />

Brasil; Cabo Verde e Guine 12, 13, 14 e 15; 46<br />

1100-1300 21655 300 226 deg<br />

1700-2000 21655 100 215 deg<br />

2000-2400 #15555 100 215 deg<br />


EUA / Canada 6, 7 e 8<br />

0000-0300 9715 100 294 deg<br />

0000-0300 9410 100 310 deg<br />

Venezuela 10, 11 e 12<br />

0000-0300 13700 100 261 deg<br />

Brasil 12, 13, 14 e 15<br />

0000-0300 11980 100 215 deg<br />

0000-0300 13770 300 226 deg<br />


EUROPA (Central [applies to all times?])<br />

0800-1455 11875 300 45 deg<br />

0800-1455 15575 100 52 deg<br />

0930-1100 9815 250 55 deg<br />

1500-1800 11960 300 45 deg<br />

1500-1755 11635 100 52 deg<br />

1800-2100 11630 300 x100 52 deg<br />

suprimida / deleted: 1800-2100 9460 300 45 deg<br />

2000-2400 #9795 x7310 300 52 deg<br />

2000-2400 #9615 x9460 100 52 deg<br />

AFRICA: Sao Tome e Principe, Angola, Mocambique e RSA 48, 52, 53 e 57.<br />

0800-1655 21830 100 142 deg<br />

1700-2000 17680 300 144 deg<br />

2000-2400 #11825 x9670 300 144 deg<br />

EUA / Canada 6, 7 e 8<br />

1300-1700 15575 100 294 deg<br />

1700-1900 17825 100 294 deg<br />

1900-2100 $15540 100 294 deg<br />

Venezuela 10, 11 e 12<br />

1300-1800 17745 100 261 deg<br />

1800-2100 15535 100 261 deg<br />

2100-2400 #11635 x15460 100 261 deg<br />

Brasil; Cabo Verde e Guine 12, 13, 14 e 15; 46<br />

0800-1<strong>05</strong>5 17710 300 226 deg<br />

1100-2100 21655 300 226 deg<br />

2000-2400 *15555 100 215 deg<br />

$ Possibilidade de prolongamento ate as 2400 h<br />

(may extend until mid night UT)<br />

# Periodo reservado a transmissoes extraordinarias<br />

(special or extra b/casts only)<br />

(1) HORA HUC HORA DE LISBOA may extend until mid night period reserved for<br />

extra broadcasts 6, 7 57 CIRAF zones (ITU).<br />

CEOC-Centro Emissor de Onda Curta: Sao Gabriel, Pegoes:<br />

5 x 100 kW, 2 x 300 kW Pro-Funk GmbH: Sines: 3 x 250 kW<br />

tel +351-265 89 71 15<br />

fax +351-265 89 74 31

tel +351-269 87 02 80<br />

F.Pl. 2nd 300 kW Thales tx delivered this year and to be put into sce. very<br />

soon;<br />

3rd 300 kW Thales tx commissioned, possibly in operation by Oct 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

2 new Thales antennae or<strong>der</strong>ed, one of which intended for NoAM coverage;<br />

NB: contrary to my info. supplied to the WRTH and to what they decided to<br />

print this year, pse. note that: - the RDP uses 5 x 100 kW txs + 2 x 300 kW<br />

txs - the RDP does not lease air time from Pro-Funk, i.e. in the sense of<br />

paying for using this facility; it's in fact entitled to use it up to a<br />

specified amount of hrs/week stipulated in the agreement between the two<br />

countries as a compensation for DW being allowed to have its relay stn in<br />

Portugal, all acc. to an info. both the RDP & Pro-Funk personel supplied to<br />

me even before the not so distant renewal of the agreement.<br />

Back in 1981, when I visited the Sines site guided by Pro-Funk German<br />

engineer Herr Braun, he told me there were plans by the Port. authorities<br />

to have the stn dismantled and moved to a not too distant site. After more<br />

than 20 years, it's more than obvious the plans were rulled out. (via<br />

Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 22)<br />

ROMANIA At 0907 on MW 1530, song in En and ID "Radio Constantsa".<br />

"Radio Antena Shatelor" ID at 1617 UT and giving the frequs:<br />

531 kHz Urzicheni, 603 Herastrau, 630 Voinesti (but my loop antenna gives<br />

Brasov-Brod location), 1314 Valului Trajan and Timisoara.<br />

Is seems 567 kHz carrying RRActualitati is already from Voinesti location.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 10-17)<br />

RUSSIA/CIS [to VIETNAM] 7125, Degar Voice, via Oyash, Russia, *1300-<br />

1330*, <strong>Jan</strong> 31, Khmer and other dialects spoken in Vietnam which often was<br />

mentioned. Strong jammer on it. (Roland Schulze-PHL, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Feb 23)<br />

A-<strong>05</strong> for WYFR via CIS txs:<br />

0900-1100 9450 IRK 250 kW / 110 deg in English<br />

1100-1200 9450 IRK 250 kW / 110 deg in Korean<br />

1300-1500 7580 NVS 250 kW / 180 deg in English<br />

1400-1500 7510 TAC 200 kW / 131 deg in Urdu<br />

1500-1700 7580 NVS 250 kW / 180 deg in Hindi<br />

1600-1700 7520 SMF 250 kW / 131 deg in Persian<br />

1700-1900 9495 TAC 200 kW / 311 deg in Russian<br />

1900-2000 7370 SAM 250 kW / 284 deg in German<br />

1900-2000 7440 MNS 150 kW / 246 deg in Spanish<br />

1900-2000 9490 MSK 250 kW / 240 deg in Italian<br />

1900-2000 12060 MSK 250 kW / 290 deg in French<br />

2000-2200 7360 KCH 500 kW / 309 deg in English<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 1)<br />

WYFR via Irkutsk, Maiac-Grigoriopol-MDA, Minsk-BLR, Moscow, Mykolaiv-UKR,<br />

Novosibirsk, Samara, Tashkent-UZB.<br />

see MNS=Minsk-BLR, SMF= vailed short call sign of USSR era, rather<br />

Mykolaiv-UKR location now. (wb)<br />

SAUDI ARABIA For some months now BSKSA Riyadh uses two faulty 500 kW txs.<br />

One unit is always off freq at about plus 320...400 Hertz. The other unit<br />

send out a terrible BUZZ audio.<br />

Today noted the buzz at<br />

1st px 0600-0855 UT 17740 [another peak at 17739.87]<br />

HQ px 0900-1155 UT 21495<br />

\\ 1st px 0600-0900 odd 17730.38

0900-1200 odd 178<strong>05</strong>.32 217<strong>05</strong><br />

\\ HQ px 0900-1200 11935 17615. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 2)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA UNID 3230 but presume SW Radio Africa at 0315. Previously -<br />

when signal should be better - covered by amateur. English, also very weak<br />

S Africa on 3345 ard same time. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 28)<br />

SRI LANKA 11775 SL<strong>BC</strong> at 1820 UT OM in Tamil or the like (Sinhala listed<br />

in WRTH) and a mention on SL<strong>BC</strong>. Tamil songs follow Good signal till 1830 UT<br />

when VoA Azeri starts on 11770 kHz with S9+30 db. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC,<br />

JPNpremium Mar 4)<br />

SUDAN 7999.35 V.of Sudan on Feb 26 at 1529-1600* UT. 24432-24422 Arabic,<br />

Opening mx, Opening announce, Talk, ID at 1538 and 1542 UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Mar 4)<br />

TAIWAN [Clandestine to CHN] 11765, "Sound of Hope," noted on Feb 20 from<br />

1645 UT with alt. talk in Mandarin Ch (interference from CHN jammer with<br />

continuous orch. mx, \\ 9680), tel. call-in at 1649. Noted afterwards with<br />

pop mx. What was strange was that at 1659 the jammer had 3+1 time notes<br />

(off by one min.) but the Sound of Hope bc went off at 1700 UT with just<br />

two time notes before the plug was pulled. The jammer went off at 1701. The<br />

signal was over the jammer with a nice copy.<br />

Also noted at 1635 UT on Feb 27 with the Ch version of the Vienna Waltz<br />

played. The rest of the prgm consisted of choir to trumpet mx with few<br />

anmts. At 1659 a brief comment by male speaker, with possible ID, then a<br />

trumpet IS followed by two time notes at 1700 before the plug was pulled.<br />

The jammer was just audible at best. Signal was best hrd on the loop, with<br />

a nice S7 signal. Rather a confusing situation, as there is no definite ID<br />

that I could make out. Needs more work. (Ed Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb<br />

27)<br />

Fu Hsing Broadcasting Service, Taipei is now broadcasting their "3rd<br />

program" in Chinese on SW. The freq is 15250. According to research by<br />

Shigeyuki Aoki of N<strong>DX</strong>C, the schedules are 2300-0100, 0400-0600, 0800-1000,<br />

1300-1500 UT. The SW programme contents are the same as their online "3rd<br />

program" broadcast, probably for Chinese mainland.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 18)<br />

Heard on 15250 Feb 18th at 1100 UT sign on jammed by a siren sound. CRI<br />

uses the freq in Chinese 0900-1100 UT and also has the siren jammer!<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, hcdx W<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Contact)<br />

9745 possibly VOF Han at 1825 totally different voices than CNR people and<br />

talks New tun on 1845 UT with very light song on Feb 27 and 1333 with<br />

signal S7 and talks QRM from 9750 B<strong>BC</strong> Romanian S9+30. (Zacharias Liangas-<br />

GRC, JPNpremium Feb 27)<br />

TUNISIA The current (corrected) schedule for foreign languages on 963 kHz<br />

is as follows: 0903-1000 German, 1303-1400 English, 1403-1500 Italian,<br />

1903-2000 Spanish. There are no more quarter-hours in four different<br />

languages.<br />

(Erik Koie-DEN, Roberto Scaglione-I, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 22)<br />

UKRAINE 5910 at 0447- UT, Radio Ukraine International on Feb 20. Very<br />

nice S9 signals from Kyiv (actually the 1000 kw at Kopani, near Mykolaiv).<br />

Earlier in the hour, the signals were just barely audible. I checked<br />

GeoClock, and sure enough dawn enhancement must be the answer. Music from<br />

Ukraine was the program. No sign at all of the new Colombian on the high<br />

side of the freq (although here, it often fades in best later in the<br />

evening, and after RUI has signed off). (Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, Cumbre Feb<br />


7440 Radio Ukraine International heard very well February 28th at 0040 on<br />

7440 (x5910) with classical mx, English broadcast at 0100. Very good<br />

reception with Radio Ukraine International at 0040 with a classical mx<br />

program. Suspected RUI, but couldn't be sure until the IS at the TOH, and<br />

into their En broadcast. I had heard about the planned change, but didn't<br />

think it would happen until later in March. Well they're here now, and it's<br />

a good choice. No utes, and no Colombia as was the case on 5910.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CA; Cumbre Feb 28)<br />

U.A.E. 1575 EMI began broadcasting Radio Farda on Feb 10 on a second MW<br />

frequency [1575] as part of their broadcast network modification plan to<br />

provide a new Sawa MW service to Saudi Arabia that is scheduled to start<br />

sometime next month. John Rogers visited the UAE this week to inspect the<br />

new transmitter installation.<br />

(IBB Engineering Feb 25 via dxld)<br />

U.K. Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK visit to Rampisham transmitting station, in Dorset.<br />

Saturday 12th March 20<strong>05</strong>. This trip is now fully booked, but we hope to<br />

arrange a second visit in April for those who missed out. Please ring Mike<br />

Terry on +44 [0] 1202 570979 for details and to book a place on the April<br />

visit. (Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK "Communication" magazine March 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

The B<strong>DX</strong>C visit to the VT SW transmitting station at Rampisham, Dorset on<br />

Saturday 12th March was overbooked, so we have now arranged a second trip<br />

on Saturday 16th April for those who missed out on the first visit.<br />

There are still a few places left on this second date - if any members are<br />

interested in joining us on 16th April please contact Mike Terry by email<br />

as soon as possible - <br />

I have 6 on the list so far:<br />

Owing to cancellations there are 2 spaces left - first come first served.<br />

Please email me <br />

(Mike Terry-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Feb 28/Mar 5)<br />

11760 R Ndeke Luka via Woofferton on Feb 18 at *1831-1845 UT. 35433 French,<br />

1831 UT ID and freq announce, Afro pops, ID at 1836 UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Mar 4)<br />

Radio Ndeke Luke - Hirondelle had a short morning test? in mid February,<br />

probably test of VT-Communications (better known as former Merlin) via<br />

Meyerton-AFS? 11690 <strong>05</strong>30-0600 UT. (wb)<br />

Hirondelle - Radio Ndeke Luke in B-04, but seems [extended] at 1730-1930 UT<br />

time span now:<br />

11760 (x11785) 1830-1930 46E,47W RMP 500 160 G NEW MER or<br />

11760 (x11785) 1830-1930 46E,47W WOF 250 152 G NEW MER<br />

The independent Radio Ndeke Luke, run by Hirondelle Foundation<br />

continues to broadcast.<br />

The Govt's Green Paper on the future of the B<strong>BC</strong> is available as a pdf for<br />

download at<br />

The section which includes the B<strong>BC</strong> World Service "Bringing the World to the<br />

UK and the UK to the World" starts on page 42. The Govt will take into<br />

account the conclusions of the independent review being conducted by Lord<br />

Carter of Coles before publishing its White Paper.<br />

Among the main points: The Green Paper suggests B<strong>BC</strong> World Service un<strong>der</strong>take<br />

a "radical and creative reprioritisation of its vernacular output." which<br />

is 42 langs. The 8 langs it currently has online websites for Arabic,<br />

Chinese, Hindi, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Urdu should be<br />

the starting point for the discussion. In particular it says that the B<strong>BC</strong><br />

World Service's offering of sces in 16 vernacular langs spoken in countries<br />

which either formed part of the Soviet Union or the Eastern bloc of<br />

countries formerly un<strong>der</strong> the Soviet Union's domination is beginning to look<br />

anachronistic.<br />

The Govt says there is a case for the World Service to develop niche<br />

foreign lang TV sces, in particular an Arabic lang TV sce to the Middle<br />

East. However this would have to be done from its existing budget. This<br />

could be achieved by more efficient use of resources and a reduction in the<br />

number of vernacular radio sces.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C Mar 3)<br />

[WALES non] 60<strong>05</strong> Wales Radio International, 0300-0329* Feb 26, IDs, local<br />

music, programs about Wales trade mission, flowers. Gave e-mail address,<br />

website and Wales UK address. Saturday[in NoAM!, Sun UT] only. Nothing else<br />

on this frequency and in at fair level BUT sandwiched between Cuba on 6000<br />

and Sweden via Sackville on 6010. Two powerhouse stations really booming<br />

in. Poor overall reception with adjacent channel splatter from 6000 & 6010<br />

kHz. (Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Mar 3)<br />

[UK and non] Wer den CVI Leuten in Engeland mit Testreports beispringen<br />

will:<br />

E-mail address for reports as <br />

Christian Vision test Feb 22-26.<br />

Christian Vision / Voice Africa via Bulgaria SOF 100 kW / 215 deg<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0900 17670<br />

1500-1800 13820<br />

1800-2300 11550<br />

According to monitoring Feb 23 and 24:<br />

1500-1700 13820 SOF (55555)<br />

1500-1700 15330 UNID no signal in BUL, heard Radio Marti in Spanish.<br />

1500-1700 17720 ASC (34433)<br />

1700-1800 94<strong>05</strong> JUL (55444)<br />

1700-1800 13820 SOF (55555)<br />

1700-1800 17735 ASC (54433)<br />

1800-1900 94<strong>05</strong> JUL (55444)<br />

1800-1900 11550 SOF (45544)<br />

1800-1900 17735 ASC (44433)<br />

1900-2000 94<strong>05</strong> JUL (55444)<br />

1900-2000 9675 U.K (55555) U.K = VT Communications(SKN/RMP/WOF)<br />

1900-2000 11550 SOF (45544)<br />

1900-2000 11830 UNID(23342)<br />

1900-2000 13770 UNID(23332)<br />

2000-2100 9675 U.K (55555) U.K = VT Communications(SKN/RMP/WOF)<br />

2000-2100 11550 SOF (45544)

2000-2100 13770 UNID(23332)<br />

2100-2200 98<strong>05</strong> U.K (44544) U.K = VT Communications(SKN/RMP/WOF)<br />

2100-2200 11550 SOF (45544)<br />

2100-2200 13770 UNID(23322)<br />

2200-2300 11550 SOF (45544)<br />

2200-2300 13770 UNID(23322)<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 7245 U.K (55444) U.K = VT Communications(SKN/RMP/WOF)<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 9535 UNID(33333)<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 17670 SOF (55555)<br />

0600-0700 9535 UNID(33333)<br />

0600-0700 11665 UNID(33222)<br />

0600-0700 15450 UNID no signal in BUL<br />

0600-0700 17670 SOF (55555)<br />

0700-0800 9535 SKN Radio Korea Int in Korean, not Voice Africa<br />

0700-0800 15330 UNID no signal in BUL<br />

0700-0800 15450 UNID no signal in BUL<br />

0700-0800 17670 SOF (55555)<br />

0800-0900 15450 UNID no signal in BUL<br />

0800-0900 17670 SOF (55555)<br />

0800-0900 217<strong>05</strong> UNID(34433). (Bulgarian Observer, Feb 24)<br />

Feb 24 on 11830 kHz, at 1944-2000 UT nice signals. At 1951 announced a new<br />

e-mail id: address announced as: The Voice<br />

Africa, P.O.B. 1045, ?? 7435, South Africa. Test txns to WeAfrica &<br />

Nigeria. Requesting for emails with time mentioned on the subject line.<br />

Also heard on 9675 & 94<strong>05</strong> at these times.<br />

(Alokesh Gupta-IND, hcdx Feb 24)<br />

Die in West Bromwich bei Birmingham beheimatete Radiomission Christian<br />

Vision testete Ende Februar neue Sen<strong>der</strong>standorte und Frequenzen fuer ihr<br />

Afrika-Programm The Voice.<br />

In das ausgestrahlte Programm wurden kaum merklich verschiedene e-Mail-<br />

Adressen fuer Empfangsberichte eingeblendet. So wurde fuer den Standort<br />

Grossbritannien<br />

verwendet, fuer Bulgarien <br />

(Christian Vision 22.2., H. Meixner 23.2., M. Ritola 23.2., W. Eibl<br />

25.2.20<strong>05</strong> via Gl. Hauser <strong>DX</strong>LD, Chr. Ratzer A-<strong>DX</strong>, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong>; ntt Feb 26)<br />

UK/UAE/TAIWAN RTI 6170 kHz ab Freitag wie<strong>der</strong> ueber Skelton.<br />

Liebe Hoererinnen und Hoerer von Radio Taiwan International,<br />

Herzlichen Dank fuer Ihre Beobachtungen und Empfangsberichte ueber die<br />

probeweise Ausstrahlung unseres Programmes auf <strong>der</strong> Frequenz 6170 kHz von<br />

1900-2000 UTC ueber die Relaisstation Al Dhabbaya, Abu Dhabi, Vereinigte<br />

Arabische Emirate durch VT-Communications (ehemals Merlin Communications)<br />

ab 26. <strong>Jan</strong>uar 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

VT-Communications wird ab Freitag, den 25. Februar 20<strong>05</strong>, das<br />

Deutschprogramm von Radio Taiwan International auf <strong>der</strong> Frequenz 6170 kHz<br />

von 1900-2000 UTC wie<strong>der</strong> von <strong>der</strong> Sendestation Skelton, GB, ausstrahlen<br />

Mit herzlichen Gruessen aus Taipei<br />

Ihre RTI-Deutschredaktion Eva Triendl <br />

<br />

(via Volker Willschrey-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 25)<br />

USA No sign of WRNO yet, and there website continues to be outdated. Any<br />

further news? (Glenn Hauser to George Thurman-TX-USA, dxld Mar 2)

I called the WRNO office today, and they said they are waiting for a part<br />

to come in. (George Thurman-TX-USA)<br />

Per George Jacobs, their frequency manager, the station has purchased a 50<br />

kW ELCOR tx from Costa Rica. They are or<strong>der</strong>ing an antenna coupler and he<br />

estimates they will be on in about two weeks. Their schedule will be that<br />

as registered by him which for B04 is 7355 2200-0300, 7395 0300-1600, 15420<br />

1600-2300(sic). The station personnel in Fort Worth were not quite that<br />

optimistic and figure they will be on after March 15th. Programming will be<br />

a mixture of news and entertainment.<br />

WWRB noted on 15190 instead of 12172 on Feb 25th, heard at 1914 UT parallel<br />

to 9320. I would assume it came on at 1700 in an attempt to follow B<strong>BC</strong>.<br />

WWRB now signs on 1700 daytime when on but most weekdays it is not on at<br />

all. Dave Frantz announced at 1934 they were testing 15190, caution to<br />

anyone looking for Radio Africa, Equatorial Guinea.<br />

WINB is now using 9740 (x13570) at 1600-2100 Monday to Friday. They remain<br />

on 13570 during this time frame Saturday and Sunday.<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Jihad <strong>DX</strong>, Feb 21 via W<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Contact)<br />

9265.<strong>05</strong> WMLK, at 1945-2101* on Feb 17 [Thu], back on the air after several<br />

weeks silence. Tune-in to the usual El<strong>der</strong> Jacob O Meyer talking about<br />

Yahweh teachings. IDs; still announcing "9465" at sign-off. Strong carrier<br />

but weak modulation. Also heard next day, Feb 18 [Fri], at *1600 sign-on.<br />

Modulation is always so weak, I don't see how anyone ever hears these guys.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Feb 24)<br />

WHRI-Angel 2 recently made a freq change for listeners in Eastern NoAmerica<br />

and Europe. From 2200 to 0100 UTC, 7535 has been replaced by 7520 kHz.<br />

Although no reason was given for the change, the station's former owner,<br />

The First Church of Christ, Scientist, had to vacate 7535 during our<br />

mornings due to interference to US Navy operations on 7535 several years<br />

ago. (Jim Moats-USA, dxld Mar 2)<br />

By the way, we're doing an experiment this week. All programs that are<br />

normally on 15725 kHz are being broadcast on 6870. Would appreciate any<br />

reports or observations. Our tx doesn't really like operating on 15 MHz<br />

very well, and we may just drop it for the time being. Will make a decision<br />

after this weekend. (Jeff White-FL-USA, WRMI, dxld Mar 2)<br />

I.e., 6870 running in daytime; how far will it be audible, usable?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Mar 3)<br />

WWCR Specialty Programs As of 01 March 20<strong>05</strong><br />

(via John<br />

Norfolk-USA, dxld Mar 1)<br />

From our website at <br />

Europa Radio International will begin broadcasting from Miami via WRMI on<br />

Sunday, March 20th on 6870 / 15725 to North America and on 9955 kHz to the<br />

Caribbean.<br />

Progress on our own recently acquired tx, as expected, has been slow due to<br />

transit delays and poor weather conditions however we hope to have some<br />

good nx by mid-April. More nx to follow later this month. (Alan Day-UK ERI,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 1)<br />

Too bad at least insofar as hearing WRMI up here in the northeast. 6870 put<br />

in a much more listenable and reliable signal than 7385 ever did.

(John Figliozzi-NY-USA, dxld Mar 3)<br />

WRMI must evacuate 6870 kHz.<br />

The FAA in Atlanta complained today about our use of 6870, saying it is a<br />

24-hour emergency channel for them, and they want us to abandon it<br />

completely.Of course the FCC had checked the freq out for us and approved<br />

it. But since it's out of band, utility stations have preference, so we<br />

have to move. We might be able to go to 6875, but more likely back to 7385<br />

kHz where we were before. That move will likely take place this week<br />

sometime.<br />

(Jeff White-FL-USA, WRMI, dxld Mar 2)<br />

Checked March 3 at 1358, and 6870 still on and audible with Brother Scare,<br />

1359 break for ID erroneously claiming to be on 15725, back to B.S. Still<br />

in at 1420 at 10 over 9 but with fading, not a solid signal but listenable<br />

on the FRG7 with E-W longwire and local noise producers off. At the moment<br />

7385 was clear, tho I have not checked it for ages in case the never<br />

identified noise source which drove WRMI off that freq last year is still<br />

around. If 7385 is to be run all day, that should get out slightly better<br />

than the lower frequency. 10 MHz would be much better, but there's too much<br />

QRM on and around 9955 plus the risk of Cuban jamming even if run in<br />

English on the NW antenna.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Mar 3)<br />

VATICAN CITY 20 Jahre Abenteuer Radio Vatikan (Hg. Eberhard von Gemmingen<br />

SJ), Velden am Woerther See, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Seit 22 Jahren arbeitet P. Eberhard v. Gemmingen SJ bei Radio Vatikan. Der<br />

Leiter <strong>der</strong> deutschsprachigen Redaktion blickt nicht nur auf die Entwicklung<br />

seiner Redaktion zurueck, son<strong>der</strong>n erzaehlt vor allem von den Menschen,<br />

denen er in diesen Jahren begegnet ist. Menschliches, Schlitzohriges,<br />

Geschichten von Betrug, grossen Begegnungen, die Muehen und Muehlen des<br />

Alltags bei <strong>der</strong> Stimme des Papstes.<br />

Deutlich gemischter als die menschliche Bilanz ist das Urteil ueber die<br />

mediale Professionalitaet einer vatikanischen Oeffentlichkeitsarbeit, die<br />

die eigenen Medien weniger einsetzt als sie koennte und zu wenig fragt, was<br />

die an<strong>der</strong>en Medien wirklich brauchen. Wer es den an<strong>der</strong>en ueberlasse, immer<br />

noch zu komplexe Texte zu kuerzen, duerfe sich ueber die nicht immer<br />

sachgemaessen Ergebnisse nicht wun<strong>der</strong>n.<br />

Entgegen dem Titel geht nicht nur um Gemmingens Bilanz. Die Haelfte des<br />

Buches machen Beitraege von 14 Mitarbeitern des deutschen Programms aus,<br />

die auf ihre Zeit bei Radio Vatikan zurueckschauen. Leser erhalten in<br />

diesem Buch einen menschlich-nahen Einblick in den Redaktionsalltag, <strong>der</strong><br />

die 10 Euro fuer etwas ueber 100 Seiten durchaus wert ist. Wie haeufig bei<br />

Erinnerungsliteratur fehlt allerdings ein Beitrag, <strong>der</strong> diese Erinnerungen<br />

etwas nuechterner in die allgemeine Geschichte von Radio Vatikan einordnet.<br />

Man erfaehrt etwas ueber den Uebergang <strong>der</strong> Redaktion von Schreibmaschine<br />

und Schneidetisch zum Computer, aber nichts ueber die Verbreitungswege.<br />

Aber auch hier hat sich Radio Vatikan weiterentwickelt und zeigt inzwischen<br />

auch Praesenz ueber Satellit und Dioezesansen<strong>der</strong>. Zu bestellen ist das Buch<br />

"Eberhard von Gemmingen SJ, 20 Jahre Abenteuer Radio Vatikan" bei Alfons<br />

Isermann, Langenhorster Str. 25 b, D-42551 Velbert. Die 10 Euro sollen dem<br />

Brief gleich beigelegt werden. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Feb 26)<br />

YEMEN 9779.67 Sana'a in Arabic at 0655 UT. S=2. Also ARS 9715{less<br />

strong} and 9675 on air as usual. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 1)<br />

Der Rhein-Main-Radio-Club e.V. laedt ein zum<br />

33. RMRC-<strong>DX</strong>-Camp

im Naturfreundehaus auf dem Wingertskippel in 635<strong>05</strong> Langenselbold bei Hanau<br />

vom 24.3. bis 27.3.20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(Infos und Bil<strong>der</strong> auch unter )<br />

Anmeldung bitte per Post an die Clubadresse, per eMail an<br />

o<strong>der</strong> unter dem RMRC-Clubtelefon 0179 / 4429992.<br />

Samstag 26.3.20<strong>05</strong> bietet <strong>der</strong> RMRC sein bekanntes kalt-warmes Buffet an, das<br />

in <strong>der</strong> Teilnahmegebuehr enthalten ist.<br />

Waehrend des uebrigen Camps ist je<strong>der</strong> fuer seine Verpflegung selbst<br />

verantwortlich. Kochmoeglichkeiten sind in <strong>der</strong> gut ausgestatteten Kueche<br />

vorhanden.<br />

Der RMRC bietet Anschluss an eine Langdrahtantenne, einen Tropenbanddipol<br />

fuer das 60- und 90-Meter-Band und an eine EWE-Antenne ueber<br />

Antennenverteiler an. Es wird pro Antenne ein ca. 10 Meter langes<br />

Koaxialkabel, z.B. RG-58 o<strong>der</strong> aequivalent, mit einem BNC-Stecker benoetigt.<br />

Ohne Kopfhoerer darf nicht gehoert werden. Empfaenger, Zusatzgeraete und<br />

gute Laune sollten mitgebracht werden und koennen vom RMRC nicht zur<br />

Verfuegung gestellt werden.<br />

Die Uebernachtung im Hause erfolgt in Mehrbettzimmern. Kosten: Euro 10,00<br />

pro Nacht bei Benutzung eigener Bettwaesche. Bettwaesche vom<br />

Naturfreundehaus Euro 6,00 einmalig. Die Teilnahmegebuehr inklusive<br />

Endreinigungspauschale, betraegt Euro 15.00 pro Teilnehmer, unabhaengig von<br />

<strong>der</strong> Dauer <strong>der</strong> Teilnahme und wird auch von den Teilnehmern erhoben, die<br />

nicht im Naturfreundehaus uebernachten.<br />

Alle anfallenden Kosten werden von OM Harald Gabler, <strong>der</strong> auch die Leitung<br />

<strong>der</strong> Veranstaltung hat, vor Ort in bar erhoben.<br />

Um allen Teilnehmern einen moeglichst angenehmen Aufenthalt sowie einen<br />

stoerungsfreien Empfang zu ermoeglichen, darf im Tagungsraum nicht<br />

uebernachtet werden.<br />

Je<strong>der</strong> Teilnehmer haftet fuer seine Geraete und Gegenstaende sowie fuer<br />

seine koerperliche Unversehrtheit selbst. Der RMRC lehnt jegliche Haftung<br />

bei Diebstahl, Beschaedigung von Geraeten o<strong>der</strong> Gegenstaenden sowie bei<br />

Personenschaeden generell ab.<br />

Teilnehmer, die mit <strong>der</strong> Bahn kommen, koennen vom Bahnhof Langenselbold<br />

abgeholt werden. Im Naturfreundehaus sind wir unter Telefon: 06184 / 1031<br />

erreichbar. Bitte sehr lange laeuten lassen, da sich das Telefon im<br />

Nebengebaeude befindet. Zusaetzlich sind wir unter dem RMRC Clubtelefon<br />

0179 / 4429992 erreichbar.<br />

Anmeldung per e-mail o<strong>der</strong> Clubtel. 0179 4429992<br />

Harald Gabler, RMRC Vorstand (Feb 27)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 20)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Mar 12)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 5)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 31)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 4)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 1)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 7<strong>05</strong> 13 March 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

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!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews. !!!<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio may<br />

be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages,<br />

from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting are made<br />

available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

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<br />

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Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

ALGERIA 7460 Radio Nacional de la Republica Arabe Saharaui Democratica,<br />

2330-0003, programa en espanol, locutor, noticias sobre el Frente Polisario<br />

y sobre la politica territorial de Marruecos, otras noticias, intervalo<br />

mxal entre cada noticia, identificacion: "Esta es la Radio Nacional de la<br />

Republica Arabe Saharaui Democratica", canciones en ingles. A las 0003<br />

desaparecio la senal. 34333.<br />

(Manuel Mendez-ESP, hcdx Mar 9)<br />

The Polisario Front was inaudible today on both 700 & 7460 kHz when checked<br />

at 0740; they were pretty active y/day's evening though, the 700 kHz being<br />

the best due to heavy co-ch QRM on 7460.<br />

The Polisario Front noted today, 11 Mar, at 0735 on 700 kHz with a fair<br />

signal, no \\ 7460 kHz. Gone or, most probably, f/out at recheck 0810<br />

(obs'ed s/off around 0900 on Fri, 4 Mar). It's far from being regularly s<br />

teady on a daily basis.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 10-11)<br />

ANTIGUA Antigua relays being reduced or eliminated, per DW and B<strong>BC</strong> info,<br />

moving to other sites, French Guiana, Bonaire, Sackville; seems to be<br />

consolidation to use two sites at greater capacity than three at lower<br />

capacity, with rising Diesel costs.<br />

(WoR by GH, March 10)<br />

A-<strong>05</strong> B<strong>BC</strong> Antigua registrations. DW Antigua ceased service, c.f. <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> #704.

5975 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 11SW,12 ATG 250 235 0 ....... G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

5975 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 10,11NW,11SE ATG 250 290 -10 ....... G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

5975 2100-0400 11,12NE,13NW ATG 250 160 0 ....... G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

6110 0000-0130 11SW,12 ATG 250 235 0 34567 G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

6110 0000-0130 10,11S,11NW ATG 250 290 -10 34567 G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

6110 0300-0400 10,11S,11NW ATG 250 290 -10 34567 G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

6110 0300-0400 11SW,12 ATG 250 235 0 34567 G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

6195 1000-1400 11,12NE,13NW ATG 250 160 0 ....... G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

9670 1100-1130 10,11S,11NW ATG 250 270 0 23456 G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

11675 2110-2130 10,11NW,11SE ATG 250 300 0 23456 G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

11675 2110-2130 11SW,12 ATG 250 235 0 23456 G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

15190 1100-1700 10,11NW,11SE ATG 250 300 0 ....... G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

15190 1100-1700 11SW,12 ATG 250 2<strong>05</strong> 0 ....... G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

15390 2130-2200 13,15NW ATG 250 160 0 ....... G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

15390 2230-2300 13,15NW ATG 250 160 0 ....... G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

34567 = Tue-Sat UTC. 23456 = Mon-Fri UTC.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

So what is the root problem at Antigua? Is it being phased out?<br />

Transmitters conking out? Temporarily down for refurbishing?<br />

When I visited Antigua many years ago they were certainly run off huge<br />

Diesel generators. So how is Montsinery powered? I suppose they have a lot<br />

of spare capacity with Switzerland closed down (Glenn Hauser-USA, ibid.<br />

dxld Mar 7)<br />

Re the report from Kai concerning Antigua "The new A<strong>05</strong> schedule of Deutsche<br />

Welle reveals that they will abandon the Antigua txs as of March 27 and<br />

replace them by Montsinery."<br />

I read now - via Glenn Hauser - that the B<strong>BC</strong> is also abandoning this same<br />

site and moving txions to Montsinery (and maybe to elsewhere in that<br />

area?). I have not studied how much use is being made of the Montsinery<br />

site by RFI or other relays, but obviously there is still some capacity<br />

left. I note (via the TDP) that there are 6 x 500 kW at the site, installed<br />

in 1984, 1988 and 1994. One of them will, of course, be that used by SRI<br />

until recently.<br />

At Antigua there are listed 4 x 250 kW Marconi's dating back to 1975, so<br />

possibly the age of the equipment is one of the reasons for not continuing<br />

with it's use. And as reported elsewhere, the costs of replacing it are<br />

perhaps in excess of what it will cost to hire txs. And also, maybe the<br />

location (and reliability) of Montsinery is superior to - say - Chile or<br />

Brasilia for optimum coverage of the more northerly areas of the Caribbean?<br />

Kai's resume of the new DW Schedule is interesting. There doesn't appear to<br />

be any severe cutbacks taking place, and probably they can 'afford' to lose<br />

a freq here or there. The world-wide use of relays should surely ensure<br />

optimum coverage of where they are trying to reach. Not long ago it seemed<br />

that DW was going to shut down a lot of sces, but common sense seems to<br />

have prevailed in the right places!<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 8)<br />

B<strong>BC</strong>/VT schedule.<br />

Unfortunately it looks as though that VT schedule you circulated yesterday<br />

in various versions may not be much use after all as it probably does not<br />

reflect the planned cuts in B<strong>BC</strong>WS SW output or the expected closure of<br />

Antigua from 27 March.<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Mar 12)<br />

This from the B<strong>BC</strong> web site:<br />

From March 27 20<strong>05</strong> there will be adjustments to the B<strong>BC</strong> World Service SW<br />

provisions to reflect global changes in audiences' use of short wave. The

number of hours broadcast on short wave in English, Arabic, Spanish and<br />

Portuguese for SoAmerica will be reduced. For any changes to short wave<br />

listening where you live, as well as detailed schedule and programme<br />

information see<br />

<br />

From March 27 20<strong>05</strong> there will be adjustments to the B<strong>BC</strong> World Service SW<br />

provisions to reflect global changes in audiences' use of short wave.<br />

The number of hours broadcast on short wave in English, Arabic, Spanish and<br />

Portuguese for South America will be reduced.<br />

For any changes to short wave listening where you live, as well as detailed<br />

schedule and programme information, please select your region from the<br />

links below:<br />

AMERICASCentral America & Caribbean<br />

South America<br />

From March 27 20<strong>05</strong> there will be adjustments to the B<strong>BC</strong> World Service short<br />

wave provisions across South America to reflect global changes in<br />

audiences' use of short wave. The number of hours broadcast on short wave<br />

in English and Spanish will be reduced to two blocks at peak times daily,<br />

in the early morning and evening. The short wave sce to Brazil in<br />

Portuguese will cease altogether. Also available on partner stations and<br />

online at the B<strong>BC</strong> World Service, B<strong>BC</strong> Mundo and B<strong>BC</strong> Brasil websites.<br />

(BBW Website, Mar 13)<br />

The schedule originate from the VT[!] Frequency Managment as of March 6th !<br />

[thanks to Andreas Volk-D AD<strong>DX</strong>]<br />

But DW and B<strong>BC</strong> have been made very short term decisions to cut/withdraw<br />

ANTIGUA site from daily sce.<br />

Bei Distanzen von 4800 bis 8000 km bis in die USA wird so manches<br />

Kuechenradio dann die Signalstaerke von Antigua Aussendungen vermissen<br />

lassen. Antigua Relay ist eine 50:50 Aktion <strong>der</strong> B<strong>BC</strong> und DW. Die Marconi<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong> sind aus dem Jahr 1975. Jetzt hebt das Raetseln [Kaffeesatzleserei]<br />

an. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

ARMENIA R Yerevan's Sunday sce still registered in A-<strong>05</strong> schedule in<br />

Fr/En/Ge, but never heard in past three periods anymore !<br />

15270 0700-0830 27,28 ERV 500kW 3<strong>05</strong>deg ARM GFC<br />

9965 V. of Armenia SS svc. Card/letter/sched in 83 d for letter rpt, 2<br />

IRC's. Small paper strip in envelope asked to have listeners please send<br />

IRC's. Signer Armen Amiryan, Director. Ltr and sched indicated frequency<br />

switch from 9965 to 11640 KHz for Armenian/SS svc 0300-0345. Sched also<br />

shows various langs on 4810 from 13<strong>05</strong> to 1500. This would be a challenge<br />

for West Coasters. (Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 13)<br />

ASCENSION ISL. Am 11.02. postete ich hier in <strong>der</strong> [A-<strong>DX</strong>] Liste dass ich<br />

auf 11985 kHz eine nicht eingetragene Sendung von Family Radio in<br />

Franzoesisch ab 2030 hoerte.<br />

Dies Programm hat weiterhin Bestand und die Sendung beginnt ein paar<br />

Sekunden nach dem auf dieser Frequenz die VOA via Sao Tome um 2030 UT<br />

ebenfalls in Franzoesisch abschaltet. Das Programm von Family Radio dauert<br />

bis 2130 UTC wann es mit <strong>der</strong> ueblichen Erkennungsmelodie von WYFR<br />

abschaltet.<br />

Lei<strong>der</strong> habe ich diese Sendung noch nirgends vermerkt gefunden, die<br />

Sendeliste fuer Franzoesisch von <strong>der</strong> AD<strong>DX</strong> vermerkt diese nicht und <strong>der</strong><br />

Sendeplan von fuer Franzoesisch ist nicht<br />

aktualisiert (Oktober 2004).

Die Ergebnisse bei <strong>der</strong> Google Suche enthalten auch nicht das Gesuchte also<br />

ist diese Sendung auch nicht in irgend einem Online Bulletin vermerkt<br />

worden. Es waere interessannt zu wissen ueber welches Relais dieses<br />

Programm abgestrahlt wird.<br />

(Erich Bergmann-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 5)<br />

11985 solved now a puzzle of Erich Bergmann. He heard WYFR in French from<br />

an UNID location, just after VoA Botswana French to Africa ceases at 2030<br />

UT. No entry in WYFR website noticed yet.<br />

See A-<strong>05</strong> entry:<br />

11985 2030-2130 daily YFR Ascension 250kW 27deg French WeAF<br />

YFR freqs to Africa:<br />

1197 3230 6020 9845 11750 118<strong>05</strong> 11985 13720 15115 15195 15520 15565 17690<br />

21525 21680 kHz. All these YFR entries are brokered by VT(xMerlin).<br />

Remaining YFR entries:<br />

3230 1900-2100 smtwtfs YFR Meyerton 100 000 English S AF LP<br />

3955 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 smtwtfs YFR Skelton 250 106 German W EUR HR 2/1/0.4<br />

3955 1700-1800 smtwtfs YFR Skelton 250 106 English W EUR HR 2/1/0.4<br />

11985 2030-2130 smtwtfs YFR Ascension 250 27 French W AF HR 4/2/0.75<br />

13700 1700-1800 smtwtfs YFR Rampisham 500 1<strong>05</strong> Arabic ME HR 4/4/0.5<br />

13720 1800-1900 smtwtfs YFR Skelton 300 140 Arabic N AF HR 4/4/0.5 S30<br />

13780 1800-1900 smtwtfs YFR Rampisham 500 1<strong>05</strong> English ME HR 4/4/0.5<br />

15165 1900-2000 smtwtfs YFR Rampisham 500 1<strong>05</strong> Arabic ME HR 4/4/0.5<br />

15195 2000-2100 smtwtfs YFR Ascension 250 65 English C AF HR 2/2/0.75<br />

15520 1400-1500 smtwtfs YFR Dhabbaya 250 85 Hindi S AS HR 2/2/0.5<br />

15520 1500-1700 smtwtfs YFR Dhabbaya 250 85 English S AS HR 2/2/0.5<br />

21680 1700-1800 smtwtfs YFR Ascension 250 85 English E AF HR 4/4/0.5<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 6)<br />

Meyerton outlets ... i.e. clandestine ZWE SW Africa 11845 at 1600-1700 UT<br />

broadcast to Zimbabwe. Most likely via Ascension Isl. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar<br />

12)<br />

[see also un<strong>der</strong> U.K., LESOTHO/SOUTH AFRICA ]<br />

11845, 1600-, SW Radio Africa Mar 13 Powerful S9 + 20 reception with crash<br />

start with multiple IDs in English with some short/long path echo. All in<br />

English. With song 'Africaaa, Africaaa', then this is SW Radio Africa,<br />

Zimbabwe's independent voice. Through the valley religious program after<br />

announcements.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 13)<br />

AUSTRIA Die Rundfunksendungen <strong>der</strong> STIMME DER HOFFNUNG, dem<br />

deutschsprachigen Programmanbieter von Adventist World Radio (AWR) werden<br />

ab 27. Maerz 20<strong>05</strong> nach folgendem Sommerplan ueber Kurzwelle, UKW,<br />

Satelliten und auf Abruf im Internet ausgestrahlt:<br />

Kurzwelle Moosbrunn (Oesterreich) 1500-1530 UT 6130 kHz<br />

Satelliten:<br />

ASTRA bei Programm WRN-Deutsch 0330-0400, 1000-1030, 1530-1600 UT.<br />

Details ASTRA 1B (19Grad Ost) Trsp. 27 analog, hinter "MTV deutsch"<br />

11,612 GHz horizontal, Tonuntertraeger 7,38 MHz<br />

EUTELSAT bei Programm WRN-Deutsch<br />

0330-0400 UT Kennung WRN-D<br />

1000-1030 UT Kennung WRN-D<br />

1500-1530 UT Kennung AWR 128k<br />

1530-1600 UT Kennung WRN-D<br />

Details EUTELSAT Hot Bird (13Grad Ost) digital<br />

12,597 GHz vertikal, SR 27.500, FEC 3/4, DVB Audio

WorldSpace-AfriStar (21Grad Ost) Westbeam,<br />

1000-1030 UT Kennung WRN 2<br />

1530-1600 UT Kennung WRN 2<br />

Fuer das WorldSpace Satellitensystem ist ein spezieller Empfaenger und ab<br />

15. April 20<strong>05</strong> ein kostenpflichtiges Abonnement notwendig. Naehere<br />

Informationen auf unserer Internetseite o<strong>der</strong> auf Anfrage.<br />

Lokaler UKW-Sen<strong>der</strong> (mit WRN Programmuebernahme)<br />

Berlin (Stadtgebiet) 97,2 MHz 0330-0400 UT<br />

Internet: - auf Abruf: www.radio.stimme-<strong>der</strong>-hoffnung.de<br />

Je<strong>der</strong>zeit koennen die 30 letzten Tagesthemen abgerufen werden.<br />

Format: RealPlayer.<br />

E-Mail:<br />

o<strong>der</strong> <br />

Lothar Klepp, Technischer Service. (AWR German, Mar 8)<br />

5945 1700-2300 18,27-29,37-39 MOS 100 0 0 ....... ....D<br />


6130 1500-1530 18,27,28,37,38 MOS 100 320 0 ....... ....D Ger<br />


6155 0400-2215 18,27-29,37-39 MOS 300 0 0 ....... ....D<br />


7210 2030-2100 27,28NW MOS 100 300 0 Fri only....D<br />


Wales International, Fris only<br />

9715 2100-2130 46 MOS 300 215 0 ....... ....D Eng<br />


9715 2130-2200 46 MOS 300 215 0 ....... ....D Eng<br />


9725 1342-1457 28-30 MOS 100 55 -30 ....... ....D<br />


9725 1700-1900 27,28W MOS 100 300 0 ....... ....D<br />


9770 0400-0430 39,40W MOS 300 120 0 ....... ....D Ara<br />


9770 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 38E,47NE,48NW MOS 300 145 0 ....... ....D Ara<br />


9820 0100-0145 41N MOS 300 90 0 ....... ....D Hindi<br />


9870 0030-0100 12-16 MOS 300 235-30 ....... ....D<br />


9870 0100-0130 10-12 MOS 300 275 10 ....... ....D<br />


9870 0130-0200 4,7-9 MOS 300 295 30 ....... ....D<br />


9895 0200-0230 40E,41NW MOS 300 90 0 ....... ....D Eng<br />


9895 0230-0300 40E,41NW MOS 300 90 0 ....... ....D Urd<br />


9895 0330-0400 40 MOS 300 100 0 ....... ....D Per<br />


11835 0230-0300 39 MOS 100 115 0 0304-3010<strong>05</strong> D Arabic<br />


11870 2000-2030 46 MOS 300 215 0 ....... ....D Dyu<br />


11870 2030-2100 46 MOS 300 215 0 ....... ....D Fre<br />


11900 0330-0400 39,40W MOS 100 115 0 ....... ....D Arabic<br />


11955 1900-1930 46SE MOS 300 190 0 ....... ....D Hau<br />


11955 1930-2000 46E,47W MOS 300 190 0 ....... ....D Hau<br />


13730 0400-1100 17-19,27-29,36-40 MOS 100 160 0 ....... ....D<br />


13730 1100-1730 17-19,27-29,36-40 MOS 100 0 0 ....... ....D<br />


15180 1915-1945 38NE,39,40W MOS 100 115 0 ....... ....D Arabic<br />


15225 1430-1500 48 MOS 300 145 0 ....... ....D Aar<br />


15225 1600-1630 40E,41NW MOS 300 90 0 ....... ....D Urd<br />


15265 1700-1730 39,40W MOS 300 120 0 ....... ....D Ara<br />


15265 1730-1800 38E,47NE,48NW MOS 300 145 0 ....... ....D Ara<br />


15280 1800-1830 47E,48W MOS 300 160 0 Sun/Thur....D Mis<br />


15280 1800-1830 47E,48W MOS 300 160 0 Wed/Fri ....D Mis<br />


15280 1800-1830 47E,48W MOS 300 160 0 Mon ....D Mis<br />


15280 1800-1830 47E,48W MOS 300 160 0 Tue/Sat ....D Mis<br />


15280 1830-1900 38 MOS 300 190 0 ....... ....D Ara<br />


15360 1630-1700 40 MOS 300 100 0 ....... ....D Per<br />


15460 1530-1600 48N,39S MOS 300 140 0 Thur/Fri ...D Afar<br />


17555 0900-1130 39N MOS 100 115 30 ....... ....D<br />

AUT B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

17715 1200-1300 40,41,49,50,54,55,58-60MOS 300 90 0 ....... ....D<br />


17720 1400-1430 40E,41NW MOS 300 90 0 ....... ....D Urd<br />


17870 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 39,40 MOS 100 115 30 ....... ....D<br />


D=AM N=DRM mode:<br />

VT-MNO brokered DRM from Moosbrunn to England. N DRM mode !!!<br />

97<strong>05</strong> 1500-1700 27 MOS 40 300 N G MNO MER<br />

9720 <strong>05</strong>00-0900 27 MOS 40 295 N G MNO MER<br />

9815 0900-1400 27 MOS 40 295 N G MNO MER. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

BELGIUM [and non] A-<strong>05</strong> RVI-VRT schedule, ceased T-systems Julich relays.<br />

9590 0655-0800 27S,28SW,37N SKN 300 180 0 BEL VRT MER<br />

9925 0455-<strong>05</strong>30 47S,48SW,52E,53W MEY 250 355 -12 BEL VRT MER<br />

9970 0300-2200 27,28,37,38 WAV 250 167 0 BEL VRT VRT<br />

15160 1255-1600 27S,28SW,37N SKN 250 175 0 Suns only BEL VRT MER<br />

Int<br />

15195 1<strong>05</strong>5-1130 27S,28SW,37N RMP 500 168 0 BEL VRT MER<br />

15325 1755-1900 47E,48W,52,53W,57NW DHA 250 225 -15 BEL VRT MER<br />

21630 1000-1130 47S,48SW,52E,53W MEY 250 355 -12 BEL VRT MER<br />

A-<strong>05</strong> RVI-RTB, ceased daylight 9970 kHz outlet at Wavre, see VRT above.<br />

17545 1000-1400 47,48,52,53 JUL 100 160 0 D RTB DTK<br />

17570 1400-1900 47,48,52,53 JUL 100 160 0 D RTB DTK<br />

17580 <strong>05</strong>00-1000 47,48,52,53 JUL 100 160 0 D RTB DTK<br />

21565 1000-1400 47,48,52,53 JUL 100 160 0 D RTB DTK<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 9)

BULGARIA A-<strong>05</strong> R Varna weekend special schedule:<br />

7400 0000-0300 28,29,38,39 VRN 100kW 000 true north of non-dir? UTC Monday<br />

only! BUL RBU<br />

7400 2100-2400 28,29,38,39 VRN 100kW 000 true north of non-dir? Sunday<br />

only! BUL RBU<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 9)<br />

CANADA Radio Canada International has signed a new agreement with Radio<br />

Nacional Argentina (RNA), Argentina's national public radio broadcaster.<br />

Un<strong>der</strong> the agreement, RNA will broadcast the weekly Spanish-language program<br />

La semana canadiense, produced by RCI's Latin-American section.<br />

RCI already has over 30 partner stations in Argentina, which regularly<br />

rebroadcast program segments and reports. These are among the nearly 350<br />

partner stations in 75 countries that air RCI programs for millions of<br />

listeners. RCI produces programming in English, French, Arabic, Cantonese,<br />

Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Ukrainian. It is available<br />

worldwide via the Internet, analog and digital SW, and satellite. RCI is<br />

celebrating its 60th anniversary this year.<br />

<br />

(Denis Pellerin-CAN, RCI via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 8)<br />

N = DRM transmission via Sackville-CAN:<br />

9800 1945-2030 7N,8N SAC 70 268 N English CAN VAT RCI<br />

9800 2030-2<strong>05</strong>7 4,8,9 SAC 70 268 N Eng CAN RNW RNW<br />

9800 2100-2200 7N,8N SAC 70 268 N English CAN RCI RCI<br />

9800 2230-2300 7N,8N SAC 70 268 N English CAN RSW RCI<br />

11900 1600-1800 8 SAC 70 240 Sat only N Eng CAN TDP TDP<br />

11900 1800-1830 7N,8N SAC 70 240 Sat only N CAN RCI RCI<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 9)<br />

CHINA 4330 at 1507- UT, Xinjiang PBS on Feb 28. Weak nx by OM in presumed<br />

Kazakh. Parallel to MUCH STRONGER MW channel of 972! Dawn enhancement in<br />

progress. For those on the coast, it's worth checking the MW bands at<br />

dawn!. (Walt Salmaniw-CAN, Cumbre Mar 6)<br />

Single 500 kW unit at QIQ Qiqihar CHN G.C. 47N02 124E03, in A-<strong>05</strong> schedule<br />

(x6100 kHz)<br />

9525 1900-2100 28,29 QIQ 500kW 314 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9695 1700-1900 28,29 QIQ 500kW 314 CHN CRI RTC. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

Unidentified 9350 kHz. Hat irgendjemand schon ausfindig machen koennen,<br />

welche Station zumindest sonntags von 1600-1700 UTC mit gutem Signal auf<br />

9350 kHz in Chinesisch zu hoeren ist.<br />

Teilweise scheint das Programm religioesen Charakter zu haben (z.B. Ave<br />

Maria von Bach/Gounod als Hintergrundmusik), gegen 1630 UTC scheint es aber<br />

auch einen Werbeblock zu geben. RFA is es nicht, das startet um 1700 UTC<br />

auf 9355 kHz gleichzeitig mit chinesischem Jammer. (Thomas Drescher-D,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 7)<br />

Da kann ich Dir nicht helfen, von den diversen Tabellen, Listen, Logs ist<br />

nur ein Jammer in Xian verzeichnet. Dort ist er fuer den Zeitraum 1600-1700<br />

UT taeglich geparkt, d.h. aufgeheizt, und wechselt dann 1700 UT auf 9355<br />

kHz.<br />

Vielleicht ist das ein chines. Inlands-Nationalprogramm als Jammer, die<br />

spielen alles, Tschaikovski, Wagner, Chopin, Mozart etc.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 7)<br />

in A-<strong>05</strong>: 9350 1600-1700 42,43 IRA 250kW 25deg -24 CLN IBB, most likely in<br />


CUBA RHC on 12200 in Spanish, weak mixing product of 11800 and 12000 at<br />

200-kHz intervals, 1423 UT March 9 with nx summary following Fidel<br />

fragment.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Mar 10)<br />

A-<strong>05</strong> CRI schedule via La Habana site, 250 kW:<br />

5990 2300-0100 8S,10E,11 HAB 250 000 CUB CRI RTC<br />

9570 1200-1400 4,8,9 HAB 250 010 CUB CRI RTC<br />

9580 0100-0300 4,8,9 HAB 250 010 CUB CRI RTC<br />

9790 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 6,7 HAB 250 3<strong>05</strong> CUB CRI RTC<br />

13650 2300-2400 12,13 HAB 250 135 CUB CRI RTC<br />

13740 1400-1600 6,7 HAB 250 3<strong>05</strong> CUB CRI RTC<br />

15120 0000-0100 12 HAB 250 160 CUB CRI RTC. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

CYPRUS A<strong>05</strong> Cy<strong>BC</strong> Nicosia only on weekends Fris-Suns, registered with VT<br />

Communications Zyggi tx site near Limassol, since decades on these<br />

channels:<br />

freq sttim sptim days callsign site pwr brg lang target<br />

6180 2215 2245 s....fs B<strong>BC</strong> Cyprus 250 314 Greek SE EUR<br />

7210 2215 2245 s....fs B<strong>BC</strong> Cyprus 250 314 Greek SE EUR<br />

9760 2215 2245 s....fs B<strong>BC</strong> Cyprus 300 315 Greek SE EUR<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

CZECH REP RADIO PRAGUE - SUMMER PERIOD 20<strong>05</strong><br />

Program UTC kHz kW Area<br />

CZECH 0830-0857 11600 100 S.W. Europe<br />

15710 100 E.Africa/ Mi. East<br />

0930-0957 21745 100/100 S. Asia/ W. Africa<br />

1100-1127 11615 100 N. Europe<br />

15710 100 S. Asia<br />

1230-1257 6<strong>05</strong>5 100 C. Europe<br />

7345 100 W. Europe<br />

1330-1357 13580 100 N. Europe<br />

21745 100 E. Africa<br />

1530-1557 5930 100 W. Europe<br />

17485 100 E. Africa<br />

1730-1757 5930 100 E.Europe/Asia/Australia<br />

17485 100 C. Africa<br />

1930-1957 5930 100 W. Europe<br />

11600 100 S.& E. Asia/ Australia<br />

2100-2127 9800 100 C. Africa<br />

11600 100 S.W.Europe/ S.America<br />

2330-2357 7345 100 S. America<br />

9440 100 N. America<br />

0130-0157 6200 100 N. America<br />

7345 100 S. America<br />

0230-0257 7345 100 N. America<br />

9870 100<br />

GERMAN 0630-0657 5930 100 W. Europe<br />

7345 100 Europe<br />

1000-1027 6<strong>05</strong>5 100 C. Europe<br />

9880 100 W. Europe<br />

1200-1229 6<strong>05</strong>5 100 C. Europe<br />

7345 100 W. Europe<br />

1500-1527 5930 100 W. Europe<br />

1630-1657* 11810 250 W. Europe<br />

ENGLISH 0700-0727 9880 100 N.W. Europe<br />

11600 100<br />

0900-0929 21745 100/100 S. Asia/ W. Africa<br />

1030-1<strong>05</strong>7 9880 100 N. Europe<br />

11615 100 N.W. Europe<br />

1300-1329 13580 100 N. Europe<br />

21745 100 E. Africa<br />

1600-1627 5930 100 N.W. Europe

17485 100 E. Africa<br />

1700-1727 5930 100 N.W. Europe<br />

17485 100 C. Africa<br />

2000-2027 5930 100 N.W. Europe<br />

11600 100 S.& E. Asia/ Australia<br />

2130-2157 9800 100 C. Africa<br />

11600 100 N. America<br />

2230-2257 7345 100 N. America<br />

9415 100<br />

0000-0027 7345 100 N. America<br />

9440 100<br />

0100-0127 6200 100 N. America<br />

7345 100<br />

0300-0327 7345 100 N. America<br />

9870 100<br />

0330-0357 9445 100 Mi. East/ S.W. Asia<br />

11600 100<br />

SPANISH 0800-0827 11600 100 S.W. Europe<br />

15710 100<br />

1400-1427 11625 100 S.W. Europe<br />

13580 100<br />

1800-1827 5930 100 S.W. Europe<br />

13580 100<br />

1900-1927 5930 100 S.W. Europe<br />

13580 100<br />

2030-2<strong>05</strong>7 5930 100 S.W. Europe<br />

11600 100 S.W. Europe (S.America)<br />

2300-2327 7345 100 S. America<br />

9440 100<br />

0000-0027** 11665 100 S. America<br />

0030-0<strong>05</strong>7 7345 100 C. America<br />

9440 100 S. America<br />

0200-0227 6200 100 C. America<br />

7345 100 S. America<br />

FRENCH 0600-0627 5930 100 W. Europe<br />

7345 100 S.W. Europe<br />

0730-0757 9880 100 W. Europe<br />

11600 100 S.W. Europe<br />

1630-1657 5930 100 W. Europe<br />

17485 100 C. Africa<br />

1830-1857 5930 100 W. Europe<br />

13580 100 W.Africa/ S.W.Europe<br />

2200-2227 7345 100 N. America<br />

9415 100<br />

RUSSIAN 0400-0427 9445 100 E. Europe<br />

11600 100 E. Europe / S.W. Asia<br />

1130-1157 11615 100 E. Europe<br />

15710 100 E. Europe / S.W. Asia<br />

1430-1457 9410 100 E. Europe<br />

13580 100 E. Europe / S.W. Asia<br />

1800-1827*** 7390 250 E. Europe<br />

Transmitters at Litomysl, 16E10 49N48<br />

* Relayed via Krasnodar, 39E00 45N02<br />

** Relayed via Ascension, 14W23 07S54<br />

*** Relayed via Novosibirsk, 82E58 55N04<br />

SATELLITE TRANSMISSIONS for Europe via Czechlink.<br />

All programmes listed in the shortwave schedule with the exception of<br />

English at 0000 UTC.<br />

Program UTC Satellite<br />

CZECH Eurobird 1, 28.5 deg. East, Transpon<strong>der</strong> F3<br />

GERMAN 12.607 GHz, Polarisation: horizontal<br />

ENGLISH see Symbol rate: 27.5 Msym/s, FEC 3/4

SPANISH shortwave Select CRo6/CRo7<br />

FRENCH Radio Prague programmes<br />

RUSSIAN are in the right channel.<br />

SATELLITE TRANSMISSIONS via World Radio Network<br />

Program UTC Satellite / Transmitter<br />

ENGLISH 0900-0930 Eutelsat Hotbird 6, 13 deg. East, 12.597 GHz<br />

for Transpon<strong>der</strong> 94, Vertical, 27500 Msym/s<br />

Europe FEC 3/4, DVB MPEG2<br />

Select Audio Channel WRN English<br />

ENGLISH 0900-0930 SKY digital EPG channel 872<br />

for Eurobird 1, 28.5 deg. East, 11.585 GHz<br />

UK&Ireland Transpon<strong>der</strong> D7S, Horizontal, 27.500 Msym/s<br />

FEC 2/3, DVB MPEG2<br />

ENGLISH 0200-0230 Intelsat Americas 5, 97deg. West, 12.177 GHz<br />

for Transpon<strong>der</strong> 27, Vertical, 23000 Msym/s<br />

N.America FEC 2/3, DVB MPEG2, Service ID 14<br />

Select Audio Channel WRN1 English<br />

LOCAL AM TRANSMISSIONS via World Radio Network<br />

Program UTC kHz Area<br />

RUSSIAN 0400-0430 684 St. Petersburg<br />

For transmission times and details of other Radio Prague programmes on WRN<br />

see:<br />

<br />


Program UTC Frequency Area<br />

ENGLISH 1707-1722 92.6 MHz Prague & Centr. Bohemia<br />

Mon-Thu<br />

(R Prague via Andreas Volk-D, AD<strong>DX</strong> Mar 6)<br />

DENMARK 5815 World Music Radio.<br />

Kennt jemand Hintergruende bzw. weiss jemand mehr, warum WMR offensichtlich<br />

am Ende ist? Hier 2 Aussagen von <strong>der</strong> WMR-Homepage:<br />

"However as of early <strong>Jan</strong>uary 20<strong>05</strong> all txions ended and there are no<br />

immediate plans to recommence broadcasting."<br />

"These txions ended <strong>Jan</strong>uary 20<strong>05</strong> and the future for WMR is once again<br />

uncertain."<br />

World Music Radio plant spaetestens Juni 2003 (in DRM) zurueckzukehren.<br />

(Martin Elbe-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 6)<br />

Stig Hartvig Nielsen wurde am 1.1.20<strong>05</strong> in irgendeiner hohen Manager-<br />

Funktion bei Danmarks Radio als Radio Direktor verpflichtet. Wenn man die<br />

Treppe hinauf faellt, dann macht es sich schlecht, als VW Direktor noch<br />

einige Isetta's im Hinterhof zu schrauben.<br />

<br />

<br />

Ich finde lei<strong>der</strong> keinen englischen Text dazu, Anker Petersen hatte vor 6<br />

Wochen darueber geschrieben und SHN gratuliert.<br />

Nielsen ist 46 Jahre alt, bis zur Pensionierung noch einige Jaehrchen hin<br />

,damit kann <strong>der</strong> WMR 5815 Sen<strong>der</strong> ja noch einige Jaehrchen geleast werden<br />

....<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 6)<br />

DRM [see also un<strong>der</strong> Sweden]

DRM-Programme fuer Europa mit Programmanteilen des Deutschen und Englischen<br />

DW-Programmes sowie des DW-Musikkanals.<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1800-1000 3995 75 D WERTACHTAL<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 0600-1000 5975 49 D WERTACHTAL<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 2100-2200 5980 49 POR SINES<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1000-1300 6140 49 D JUELICH<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1600-1900 6140 49 D JUELICH<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1400-1559 6180 49 D WERTACHTAL<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1600-1659 7175 41 D WERTACHTAL<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 0600-1200 7265 41 D WERTACHTAL<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 0700-0900* 7265 41 POR SINES<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1700-1759 7265 41 D WERTACHTAL<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1200-1359 9655 31 D WERTACHTAL<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1500-1755 13790 22 POR SINES<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1200-1555 15265 19 POR SINES<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1800-1955 15435 19 POR SINES<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 0800-1459 15440 19 POR SINES<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 0900-1159 15545 16 POR SINES<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 5)<br />

*7265 07<strong>05</strong>-0855 27,28 SIN 90kW 40deg 17=Sat/Sun from April 20 N DIVERSE<br />

POR DWL<br />

*7265 07<strong>05</strong>-0900 27,28 SIN 90kW 40deg 23456=Mo-Fr from April 20 N DIVERSE<br />

POR DWL<br />

Then at 1700 UT March 9 I found that the next <strong>DX</strong>PL for March 12 is already<br />

audible at the HCJB website. Allen Graham greets SWL Fest and says HCJB is<br />

testing DRM for them "all weekend long" but no details!!<br />

Maybe that's what is already running on 15375. I had another look at the<br />

DRM fora, and NO mention of this or of HCJB's DRM tests on 90 and 49<br />

meters, which were to take place in February. Have these now concluded, or<br />

sporadic, or what?<br />

Why isn't there any publicity for this, especially from HCJB and DRM? The<br />

<strong>DX</strong> world would not have known about them were it not for nx from our<br />

correspondent at the HFCC in the DF. Did anybody ever hear HCJB in DRM on<br />

3220 or 6095? (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Mar 9)<br />

EQUATORIAL GUINEA Radio Bata, en 5004.98 kHz, captada el 06/03 a las<br />

0607 UT, con SINPO 33333. Noticiero e identificacion a las 0628: "Esta es<br />

Radio Bata (...) nuestra emision comienza a las 5 horas (...)". Primera vez<br />

en 20 anos como diexista que capto esta estacion. (Adan Gonzalez-VEN, dxld<br />

Mar 8)<br />

GEORGIA Radio Hara from Dusheti was heard today March 7 on 4875 kHz with<br />

very good signal, at peaks even S9 +10dB. The last 15 mins was mainly<br />

continuous instrumental mx with "Radio Hara" ID at 1828. Cl-down 1830 UT.<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, dxld Mar 7)<br />

11910.00 R Georgia with poor signal of S=1-2, in Englisch an opening<br />

chimes tones at 0930, program til 0957 UT. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 10)<br />

118<strong>05</strong> off on Mar 7-8.<br />

Ich hatte durch eine grippebedingte Pause am Montag und heut morgen mal die<br />

Gelegenheit um 0800 auf 118<strong>05</strong> nach Georgien zu suchen und habe "clear<br />

channel" festgestellt. Splatter von R. Jordanien auch etwas von RAI aber<br />

sonst keine Spur. Vorige Woche hatte ich dasselbe als "automatic <strong>DX</strong>" mit<br />

timergesteuerter Aufnahme versucht und konnte sie schlecht und recht<br />

hoeren. Haben die Verbesserungen am Sen<strong>der</strong> ihr finales Stadium erreicht?<br />

(Dr. Matthias Zwoch-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 8)

Diese Unregelmaessigkeit hat nichts zu sagen. Auch in den vergangenen<br />

Monaten mit Signalen unter <strong>der</strong> Grasnarbe waren die Aussendungen ueber das<br />

Wochenende oft nicht in <strong>der</strong> Luft.<br />

(tentat.) Die Sendungen werden wohl ?? einen Tag vorher ?? produziert,<br />

deshalb ist ueberhaupt die Montagsaussendung fraglich.<br />

Ich beobachte diese Aussendungen stichprobenhaft fast jeden Tag, und bisher<br />

ist Radio Georgia immer wie<strong>der</strong> - wie Nessie - aufgetaucht.<br />

Du hast recht, gestern und heute waren 118<strong>05</strong>, und auch 11910 kHz spaeter am<br />

Vormittag, nicht on-the-air. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 8)<br />

Georgien 118<strong>05</strong>.00 kHz<br />

Heute Mittwoch 9.3. um 07<strong>05</strong> UT R Georgien wie<strong>der</strong> in Russisch gehoert.<br />

Dazwischen auch mit gregorianischen? Gesang. Ich muss ein sehr breites<br />

Filter nehmen und den VFO auf 11803 kHz abstimmen, um etwas zu verstehen.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

Heute 9.3. gab es sie um 0800 UT auch wie<strong>der</strong> in Deutsch. Verstaendlichkeit<br />

nicht uebel, Modulation rauh. SINPO 34433. QRG exakt 118<strong>05</strong>, ging am besten<br />

in LSB + Sync, da RAI im Gegensatz zu R. Jordanien wenig splattert. (Dr.<br />

Matthias Zwoch-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

GERMANY A-<strong>05</strong> Dem Voice of Burma schedule:<br />

5910 1430-1530 49 A-A 200 132 0 KAZ DVB GFC<br />

9435 2330-0030 41,49 JUL 100 80 -10 D DVB DTK<br />

17625 1429-1526 49-51,54 MDC 50 55 -10 MDG DVB RNW<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 9)<br />

Wer noch mal NTS Radio Free Russia, Pyrgos und den DSS Burg 935 kHz hoeren<br />

will, hier eine wirklich empfehlenswerte historische Webseite:<br />

<br />

DSS: (see also Sines un<strong>der</strong><br />

Portugal)<br />

Osterloog, Weimar.<br />

Here is a report with pictures about the Osterloog tx near Norden:<br />

<br />

This was a 100 kW mediumwave station, inaugurated in 1939 primarily to<br />

serve England. In 1945/1946 the tx carried the British Forces Network, then<br />

untul 1950 and again from 1952 B<strong>BC</strong> programming. From 1950 the station was<br />

owned and operated by Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk, own NWDR programming was<br />

carried from 1950 by a 5 kW mediumwave tx and from 1951 on FM, too. Also<br />

two 20 kW SW txs were installed as first facilities of Deutsche Welle which<br />

came into existance in 1953.<br />

In 1962 the SW txions were entirely moved to Juelich, and the B<strong>BC</strong> relays<br />

ceased as well. In 1964 also the own mediumwave sce of Norddeutscher<br />

Rundfunk was transferred to a new tx at Aurich and the station handed over<br />

to the postal office for future use as Norddeich Radio utility site.<br />

A website has been dedicated to the Weimar radiohouse, replaced by new<br />

studios at Erfurt in 2000: <br />

Again in German only, so here the picture pages of special interest (note:<br />

color pictures taken in 2002/2003, i.e. after the building had been<br />


Outside views<br />

Entrance area, until<br />

1990 staffed by police officers<br />

Control room of<br />

large studio hall<br />

Large studio hall,<br />

used for mx productions<br />

Control room of new<br />

live studio, built in the eighties into former editing suits<br />

Announcers booth of<br />

new live studio and the same room in 1962 as editing suite<br />

Main control room<br />

(switchboard)<br />

Announcers booth<br />

(old live studio) beneath main control room<br />

Old studio's control<br />

room in 2003 and in 1950<br />

Archive and tape<br />

samples<br />

The director's<br />

office!<br />

Other picture pages of special interest:<br />

Weimar-Belve<strong>der</strong>e<br />

tx<br />

Barkas B1000 (GDR<br />

car) outside broadcasting van, in the blue plaint of all postal office<br />

vehicles<br />

Outside broadcasts<br />

and reporter in action<br />

Editing<br />

workstation<br />

What you need to<br />

edit tape!<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Feb 27)<br />

GREENLAND 3815 Kalaalit Nunaata Radioa, Tasiilaq at 2120-2215 UT on Mar<br />

4, there was a signal rising above the local noise. I could not ID the lang<br />

for sure, but it did not sound in Danish then - but did after 2200. I hoped<br />

KNR might carry the DR nx at 2200 but it was not \\ 243, and 1062 was also<br />

different. The 3815 signal must have been at least 4 S points when at its<br />

best, and would have been a useful signal but for the local racket. I also<br />

tried for the Greenland MW station using 650, but there was no propagation.<br />

I am told by a listener to Beacons that stations in Greenland as well as<br />

Newfoundland and Nova Scotia - as well as one in Quebec - have been logged<br />

after around 2130 on freqs between 260 and 400 kHz. So, it could be that<br />

conditions are "right" for that area currently. (Noel R. Green-UK, dswci<br />

<strong>DX</strong>W Mar 9)<br />

HUNGARY 6025 kHz R Budapest registered both sites, RSO-SVK and JBR-HNG,<br />

on different times on day:<br />

6025 0300-0330 29 RSO 150 50 1234567 Russian SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 0330-0400 27,28,37 RSO 150 245 1234567 Spanish SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 0400-1200 28 JBR 100 0 1 Hungarian HNG RBP HNG<br />

6025 0400-1600 28 JBR 100 0 234567 Hungarian HNG RBP HNG<br />

6025 1200-1300 27,28 RSO 150 290 1 German SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 1300-1400 28 JBR 250 0 1 Hungarian HNG RBP HNG<br />

6025 1400-1500 27,28 RSO 150 290 1 German SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 1500-1530 18,27-29 JBR 250 0 1 English HNG RBP HNG<br />

6025 1530-1600 29 JBR 250 0 1 Russian HNG RBP HNG<br />

6025 1600-1630 27,28 RSO 150 290 1234567 French SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 1630-1700 28 JBR 250 0 1234567 Italian HNG RBP HNG<br />

6025 1700-1730 29 RSO 150 50 234567 Russian SVK RBP HNG

6025 1700-1800 27,28 RSO 150 290 1 German SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 1730-1800 27,28 RSO 150 290 234567 German SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 1800-1900 28 JBR 100 0 1234567 Hungarian HNG RBP HNG<br />

6025 1900-1930 27,28 JBR 250 288 1234567 English HNG RBP HNG<br />

6025 1930-2000 27,28 RSO 150 290 234567 German SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 1930-2000 29 RSO 150 50 1 Russian SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 2000-2030 27,28 JBR 100 0 1234567 French HNG RBP HNG<br />

6025 2030-2100 28 JBR 100 0 1234567 Italian HNG RBP HNG<br />

6025 2100-2130 27,28 RSO 150 290 1234567 English SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 2130-2200 27,28,37 RSO 150 245 1234567 Spanish SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 2200-2300 28 JBR 100 0 1234567 Hungarian HNG RBP HNG<br />

All JBR transmissions on non-directional antenna, except En at 1900 UT.<br />

All RSO transmissions with lowered power from 250 to 150 kW.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

INDONESIA 4790 RRI Fak Fak on Mar 5 hrd earlier than usual from 0951 tune<br />

in (actually start record time - I heard them from 0945) to 1011.5 when the<br />

signal suddenly disappeared. Came back at 1021.5 (10 mins to the second)<br />

for a min then the signal lost again at 1022.5, never to return through the<br />

end of my recording at 1036 (by which time I was asleep, Hi!).<br />

At 0945 they had Arabic mx (not unusual for Indos at these early hours) but<br />

I was having trouble with audio quality due to the usual CODAR QRM. At 0950<br />

I shifted to USB right on 4790.0 and the audio quality was good at S4 - at<br />

0951 they were into Indo pop vocals and some easy listening instrumentals<br />

until disappearing. Woman ann (I) 1003-04 w/ no ID hrd - anmts were easy to<br />

copy. Since I was asleep at the end of the recording, couldn't tell if they<br />

ever came back. Hard to tell if they lost carrier or just no modulation<br />

since I was on USB. SINPO 43444 while they were there. I'll try again<br />

tonight to see what happens. (Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, Cumbre Mar 5)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ 6120, 0140-, Voice of Justice Feb 28 About the strongest I've<br />

heard them in a long while. 'In the name of God' mentioned at 01:38, and ID<br />

as the Voice of Justice. Parallel 9580 is clearly heard, but un<strong>der</strong> CRI in<br />

English from Cuba. I suspect the 31 m freq would be stronger if it was on a<br />

clear frequency. American accented YL and OM are the hosts of this program.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-CAN, Cumbre Mar 6)<br />

Received a request from the Tabriz Monitoring Station for updated info<br />

about schedules of Farsi broadcasts to Iran. While I seem to recall Iran<br />

has a monitoring sce along the lines of B<strong>BC</strong>M to actually keep track of the<br />

content of broadcasts to Iran, I am hesitant to help them since the info<br />

could also be used to facilitate jamming. Any comments?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld Mar 8)<br />

A-<strong>05</strong> IRIB Tehran schedule, 75 mb transmissions:<br />

3945 1430-0430 40E,41W ZAH 500 0 PUSHTU-m-p IRN IRB<br />

3985 1630-0330 39,40 MAS 500 0 ARABIC IRN IRB<br />

3985 1700-1800 30,31 KAM 500 0 RUSSIAN IRN IRB<br />

3985 1900-1930 38E,39W AHW 250 0 HEBREW IRN IRB<br />

3985 1930-2030 28E,29,30 KAM 500 0 RUSSIAN IRN IRB. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Mar 7)<br />

UNID LOC. Checked 11630 [x11625, x11660, x15650]<br />

Radio Seda-ye Mellat-e Iran again yesterday Sun 6th.<br />

TX location still a puzzle, WRN brokered? via Issoudun-France or Israel?<br />

Very poor signal level here in GER, compared to MDA, BUL, Krasnodar etc.<br />

S=1-2. both Clandestine Mellat-; but CNR8 Urumchi Kazakh was mostly much<br />

stronger, rather S=2-3 ahead. Both on even frequency.

Iranian jammer started late around 1432 UT. Another jammer started 14.33:30<br />

UT on odd 11630.20 kHz.<br />

Lousy signal of R. Seda-ye Mellat-e Iran. Was so poor, that I couldn't<br />

determinate the exact s-off time. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 7)<br />

Checked 11630 [ex-11625, ex-11660, ex-15650] R. Seda-ye Mellat-e Iran again<br />

yesterday Sun 6th. Transmitter location still a puzzle, WRN brokered? Very<br />

poor signal level here in Germany, compared to Moldova, Bulgaria, Krasnodar<br />

etc. S=1-2. Both Clandestine Mellat-; but CNR8 Urumchi Kazakh was mostly<br />

much stronger, rather S=2-3 ahead. Both on even frequency.<br />

Iranian jammer started late around 1432 UT. Another jammer started 1433:30<br />

UT on odd 11630.20 kHz. Lousy signal of R. Seda-ye Mellat-e Iran. Was so<br />

poor, that I couldn't determine the exact s-off time. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar<br />

9)<br />

6421.16 Voice of Iranian Revolution at 1640-1800 Ut on Feb 25, Kurdish,<br />

many annmts, ID, Kurdistani mentioned many times, no jamming. Frequency<br />

drifted up to 6421.26 at 1755 UT. 34444 (Bjarke Vestesen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Mar<br />

9)<br />

KURDISTAN [non?] 6421.16, on Feb 25 at 1640 UT, Voice of Iranian Revolution<br />

in Kurdish, Kurdish mx, several IDs, often mentioning Iran, no jamming.<br />

Drifted a little. Also heard at 1755. 24333.<br />

(Bjarke Vestesen-DEN, SW Bulletin March 6, via Nilsson via dxld)<br />

KOREA SOUTH According to Mr. Tohru Yamashita of Asian Broadcasting<br />

Institute, Radio Korea International has changed the name to "KBS World<br />

Radio" as from March 3, which is the 32nd anniversary of today's KBS<br />

(Korean Broadcasting Public Corporation). The new name was selected from<br />

the 10 candidate names voted by all the KBS employees, finally decided by<br />

the president of KBS, and announced to the public on February 22. After the<br />

change, former RKI's site has changed to <br />

integrated with their international TV broadcasting "KBS WORLD". E-mail<br />

addresses including "rki" have also changed.<br />

That of Japanese section was changed to from<br />

French section to from<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 11)<br />

LESOTHO/SOUTH AFRICA/ZIMBABWE [Clandestine to Zimbabwe]<br />

1197 SW Radio Africa.<br />

SW Radio Africa: Dxld mentioned that Meyerton, South Africa has no MW<br />

facilities, thanks for this info. Also that John Plimmer (a name I recall<br />

from the SA<strong>DX</strong> Listeners Club when it existed in the 1990s, of which I was a<br />

member) has monitored SWR Africa on 1197 from the Western Cape Province in<br />

South Africa, around 0330 UT and comments on its similarity to the evening<br />

broadcast of WYFR from Lesotho which are listed as in English from 1600-<br />

1900 and then 2000-2300 UT.<br />

John suggests that the tx being used as a relay for SWR Africa is the old<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> 100 kW MW one located at Lancers Gap in Lesotho (S 029 19', E 027 33'),<br />

not far from the capital Maseru, Lesotho and I now agree that this is the<br />

likely site of the new MW broadcast.<br />

The SW txions on 3230 at 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 UT are from Sentech, Meyerton, South<br />

Africa as that freq is listed as a 100 kW tx used by WYFR Family Radio.<br />

SW Radio Africa therefore is unable to use the MW freq of 1197 for its<br />

evening broadcast (1700-1900 UT) as the tx in Lesotho is occupied by WYFR<br />

at this time and is only free for the early morning txions to Zimbabwe at<br />

0300-<strong>05</strong>00 UT.

What is interesting to note is that WYFR freqs are used by both SW and MW;<br />

is there a connection between this church group and SW Radio Africa; is<br />

this the 'provi<strong>der</strong>' that SWR Africa commented on in their nx release<br />

regarding the new MW frequency?<br />

BTW: Lancers Gap, Lesotho is 1320 km distant, bearing 203 from my home<br />

location, Harare, Zimbabwe.<br />

[Later:] Sentech do transmit on MW from Meyerton, South Africa according to<br />

their website <br />

657 kHz Radio Pulpit (Commercial) and 576 kHz Metro FM (SA<strong>BC</strong>). All the SW<br />

and MW freqs aired by Sentech are listed here. Oddly, SW Radio Africa 6145<br />

kHz, evenings 1700-1900 UT, is not listed anywhere. I am listening to SW<br />

Radio Africa on 6145, now 1720 UT.<br />

(David Pringle-Wood-ZWE, dxld March 6)<br />

It seems as if this station's evening broadcast on 6145 kHz from 1600 UT<br />

sign on, is being interfered with / possible jamming. Heard for the first<br />

time this evening Monday 7th March. A harsh co-channel modulated signal on<br />

6145 can be heard, varying at times; however SWR Africa's signal is the<br />

stronger and so it merely affects the audio quality of its broadcast.<br />

With less than 4 weeks to go until Zimbabwe's General Elections on 31<br />

March, it could be possible that some form of radio intervention to 6145<br />

could be at play? I will monitor 6145 evenings (1600-1900 UT) and the<br />

recently introduced early morning one of 3230 kHz (0300-<strong>05</strong>00 UT) to report<br />

on any continued deliberate interference. I request that listeners in the<br />

Southern part of Africa comment on these txions.<br />

(David Pringle-Wood, Harare-ZWE, dxld Mar 7)<br />

Registered<br />

3320 1600 <strong>05</strong>30 57NW MEY 100kW 290deg Afr AFS SAB SNT<br />

4880 1600 1900 57N MEY 100kW 5deg USA MNO MER<br />

6145 1600-1900 57N MEY 100kW 5deg USA MNO MER<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

SW Radio Africa on 1197. Glenn, I think you are exactly right in your<br />

suppositions. 1197 is almost certainly the old B<strong>BC</strong> tx in Lesotho, now used<br />

by WYFR (listening to it now at 0330 - same characteristics as WYFR in the<br />

evening).<br />

(John Plimmer-AFS, mwdx / dxld Mar 5)<br />

1197 Lesotho, on Feb 25 at 0327 UT, SW Radio Africa "The Voice of<br />

Independent Zimbabwe", Comentarios. Transmissor em Lesotho.<br />

1197, on Feb 28 at 0315-0350 UT, SW Radio Africa, En, comentarios YL e OM.<br />

Recepcao com fadings longos, Sinal 2 em alguns momentos.<br />

1197, on March <strong>05</strong> at 0340, SW Radio Africa, mxa tipica, 34433.<br />

(Samuel Cassio Martins-BRA, actividade <strong>DX</strong> Mar 5 via dxld)<br />

The mystery of the location of SW Radio Africa's MW txion site continues. I<br />

presumed when I first heard SW Radio Africa on 1197 kHz at 0300 UT this<br />

past week, March 1st that it was a Sentech txion from Meyerton. However you<br />

mention that Sentech, Meyerton no longer have MW facilities [I was not<br />

aware they EVER did gh].<br />

Lesotho, Family radio, was mentioned as a possible site, but that is<br />

extremely far South of Zimbabwe's bor<strong>der</strong>s.<br />

Are there any MW facilities in Swaziland that can use this frequency, TWR<br />

Swaziland, perhaps? I've monitored 1197 this week and it propagates until

0350 UT, so reckon that the tx site is still Meyerton or possibly TWR<br />

Swaziland? Not convinced on Lesotho as a site just yet. I'm in contact<br />

through a friend, with the station Director in London, Ms Gerry Jackson but<br />

it seems even they are not told exactly which facility the new MW txion is<br />

relayed from, nor do they want to reveal it.<br />

(David Pringle-Wood-ZWE, dxld Mar 5)<br />

YFR freqs to Africa:<br />

1197 3230 6020 9845 11750 118<strong>05</strong> 11985 13720 15115 15195 15520 15565 17690<br />

21525 21680 kHz. All these YFR entries are brokered by VT(xMerlin). (wb)<br />

Seems to be true. Just saw this on their Website: "Our signal is being<br />

deliberately jammed, so we are going back to 4880 kHz in the 60 mb. Please<br />

pass it on."<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld March 10)<br />

Zimbabwe jamming SW Radio Africa. SW Radio Africa 6145 kHz (1600-1900 UT),<br />

heard this evening Wednesday 9 March on 6145 is again this evening<br />

experiencing extremely severe co-channel interference.<br />

I was unsure if it was a tx fault from Sentech, South Africa or deliberate<br />

interference which has been monitored in various forms since Monday 7 March<br />

but it appears most likely that it is deliberate and this evening EXTREME.<br />

Heard from 1600 UT sign on with a 20 kHz blocking signal carrier modulated<br />

single tone, from 6135 to 6155, centered on 6145.<br />

Oddly the interference went off at 1630 UT for around 10 mins but came back<br />

on again with a different modulated tone.<br />

At 1700 UT the interference is extreme, making reception almost impossible<br />

for me using a Communications grade receiver (Yaesu FRG 7700M); a basic<br />

portable radio would not have the selectivity, so SWRA's signal on 6145<br />

would be ren<strong>der</strong>ed totally blocked out.<br />

I monitor the new SWRA daily broadcast on 3230 mornings (0300-<strong>05</strong>00 UT) and<br />

this txion is not interfered with. I presume the same Sentech tx is used<br />

for both txions, so still concerned that deliberate interference of 6145<br />

evenings is occurring. We are currently checking with Sentech and SWRA's<br />

London studio to confirm if it is a tx problem or deliberate interference.<br />

(David Pringle-Wood, Harare-ZWE, dxld March 9)<br />

We have revised the plan and the following is currently accurate. The game<br />

is on. Our broadcasts are being deliberately jammed - which obviously means<br />

that we're doing a good job! We had Plan B but now we're already on to plan<br />

C!<br />

For the full three hours of evening broadcasts (6 - 9 pm ZWE time) [1600-<br />

1900 UT] we will be on 3230 kHz in the 90 mb.<br />

For the first hour of evening broadcasts (6 - 7 pm ZWE time) [1600-1700 UT]<br />

we will also be on 6145 in the 49 mb.<br />

And for that first hour we will also be on 11845 in the 25 mb. Yes we're<br />

broadcasting on 3 freqs. [presumably Ascension Isl.]<br />

Don't forget MW and SW broadcasts in the morning. 5-7 am ZWE time [0300-<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 UT] Medium wave on 1197, Shortwave on 3230 in 90 mb, 24 hours a day on<br />

<br />

(SWRA via David Pringle-Wood, 2102 UT March 11, dxld)<br />

LUXEMBOURG/ITU [non] 7145 Long awaited RTL DRM sce to England soon ...<br />

VT-MNO DRM to England. <strong>BC</strong>E RTL Luxembourg via T-systems Juelich site,

N = DRM !!! a 'harsh sweety' in A-<strong>05</strong> for the Blackpool audience:<br />

7145 0600-1800 27 JUL 40 290 0 106 N D <strong>BC</strong>E DTK<br />

<strong>BC</strong>E DRM mode txions to U.K. from <strong>BC</strong>E LUX, Broadcasting Center Europe.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

Just think - Juelich 7145 blocked by noise and hash from 0600-1800 UT. What<br />

a prospect! It seems that if we don't buy ourselves a DRM capable receiver<br />

then we won't be able to hear anything else very very soon now! (Noel R.<br />

Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 11)<br />

LUX - CRI?<br />

RTL is trying to get 567, 783 and 1098 kHz coordinated for use with 250 kW<br />

and 279 kHz with 300 kW. A new Geneva plan supplement has been published<br />

today.<br />

(first spotted by Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>)<br />

<br />

The file is small and loads in a nifty. It contains some frightening<br />

requests from the megalomaniacs in LUX. SR's request for 1179 is also<br />

there.<br />

Moldova on new 1503 is booming in. I guess they are 500 kW nondirectional.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 8)<br />

The most recent survey of MW/LW stations that have been registered with the<br />

ITU for further international coordination was posted on the ITU website:<br />

<br />

Select "GE75_112".<br />

Note: any entry with countries shown in column "Coord_B" ("coordination<br />

required") is still in the coordination process: the final characteristics<br />

are subject to be changed if required by affected authorities, or a station<br />

may not be approved.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx Mar 8)<br />

I don't un<strong>der</strong>stand the RTL manager request. I never read somewhere about<br />

these LUX desire.<br />

279 is reserved for the Isle of Man project, and that GB location is too<br />

close to LUX.<br />

Clervaux-LUX site is not far of Marnach site. So seemingly new units are<br />

planned for DRM projects, and new 4-mast arrays are needed to solve<br />

screening requirements.<br />

But 567 is registered for 500 kW powerhouse in IRL, and latter signal<br />

covers BE-NE-LUX well and even heard here in Stuttgart daily.<br />

783 kHz was used formerly by ex-GDR 1000 kW powerhouse then. And I'm not<br />

aware how much of power is now registered with ITU Geneve by now all-German<br />

authority for future use. Self-mutilation by Sachsen state authorities<br />

after re-unfication of Germany.<br />

1098 kHz Slovakia has now a very poor signal in Western Germany, so this<br />

occupancy by 250 kW LUX superpower would fit in SUI, F, GER, BeNeLux.<br />

I don't know about the Ludwigshafen entry on 1314 kHz yet, seems a low<br />

power DRM project, like DRM SWR Kaiserslautern. At least in winter and at<br />

night in summer, Norway is still a powerhouse even here in southern GER.

And another DRM Kaiserslautern outlet on 1557 kHz ? But France 1557 kHz is<br />

much powerful and ahead of any 5 kW signal in western Germany. (wb, wwdxc<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

A wild, very wild speculation regarding the LUX requests [to ITU Geneve,<br />

wb.] is that they could be intended for CRI. (Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar<br />

10)<br />

CRI seems to have been making enquiries about using ALB MW sen<strong>der</strong>s to reach<br />

northern Europe, and has probably realised that this is not possible. Of<br />

course, there is 1395 kHz when TWR is not using it, but I don't know what<br />

other station(s) intend to use this freq eventually.<br />

But if they are interested in using txs from LUX then maybe it will mean<br />

additional MW txs are needed. And CRI have stated their intention to go the<br />

way of DRM, so ...? We will see! There may yet be too many objections from<br />

others already using 567, 783 & 1098. And BTW - does 1593 still "belong" to<br />

Germany? It amazes me that no other station has attempted to use it in<br />

western Europe. And of course there is also 1566 - a Swiss frequency? These<br />

might be better than the one's LUX wants.<br />

I've been very interested in the correspondence concerning the new LUX<br />

registrations - Olle's description (megalomaniacs) sounds the correct one<br />

for the people at RTL.! As we are well aware, there is a difference between<br />

AM and DRM, and I suggest that directional characteristics of their<br />

antennas will not prevent co-ch noise QRM.<br />

DRM is such an "intense" and continuous noise. Their plans to use 279 and<br />

567 will surely badly affect the proposed IoM station and RTE.<br />

I have not seen much reference to how DRM signals can be QRMed by AM<br />

broadcasts - does the DRM signal need to be at a certain strength above any<br />

other for it not to be corrupted? The MW band in Europe is gradually<br />

descending into "chaos" again after several years of reasonable reception.<br />

There are very few txions receivable at my location which are entirely free<br />

of QRM. And many others which must be severely disturbed at night except at<br />

locations relatively close to the tx.<br />

I'm very surprised that the B<strong>BC</strong> has not complained about the VoR txion on<br />

693 - it is often very severe at my location at night. Maybe they are<br />

hoping that more DAB receivers will be sold! (Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Mar 10)<br />

279 causes headaches or morning sickness?<br />

Mic and others wrote, about CLT's bid to coordinate 279 for use at<br />

Junglinster This must come as a huge shock to Paul. It looks like Paul has<br />

a mega headache now.<br />

not at all. I have made a few of those coordination request applications<br />

myself (on behalf of other countries' administrations) - a notable 8<br />

applications for a country once, and we got ONE which adjacent country the<br />

UK already used (that was 828). The deal is it must be directional and not<br />

cause interference in a protected area. For 279 our protected area extends<br />

halfway across the English channel, and the three master in Luxland cannot<br />

get better than a -6 dB or so null. However, we were hoping to get that<br />

coverage with far less than 500 kilowatts, so its a bloody nuisance, but<br />

this is in fact a very speculative attempt to shoehorn some more outlets<br />


CLT are rather keen to get several DRM streams up and running as well as<br />

conventional AM outlets, and may be applying for 8 hoping to get one or two<br />

successes. Also, there is often a lot of bartering to get freq approvals.<br />

Trade-offs, etc.<br />

I said the CL:T plan was to beam SW, which it isn't, as that could bring<br />

objections from Tunisia, who are 'protected' on this frequency, even though<br />

they dont use it (and have no plans to). In fact they would like to beam<br />

east into Germany which is a huge market for them.<br />

This might take years to coordinate, a 75 is simply a request to discuss<br />

it, prossibly in case we don't make it on the air. Mind you - one of those<br />

who hides behgnd a non de plume on here suggest we are a dead duck. Its him<br />

who is quackers, believe me, and i have the pictures to prove it.<br />

However, I'm touched that there is such concern about the fate of the IOM<br />

279 project. Let me assure you it is VERY MUCH alive and we hope to be on<br />

the air this summer. Nx to be released as soon as necessary, we just dont<br />

want to dilute the impact at launch. (Anybody wanna help get the station<br />

ready instead of debating potential problems?? Email me off list)<br />

Relax folks. You're seeing ghosts, Ok after something dies, but NOT before<br />

its born! Ive got no headache, just morning sickness!<br />

(Paul Rusling-GB, Anorak Nation Mar 9)<br />

RTL Group was born of the merger between CLT-UFA and Pearson TV in April<br />

2000. CLT-UFA itself was created when the TV and radio group owned by<br />

Bertelsmann AG and the German newspaper group WAZ merged with the Belgian-<br />

Canadian Groupe Bruxelles Lambert (GBL).<br />

In July 2001, Bertelsmann became majority sharehol<strong>der</strong> of RTL Group<br />

following a stock swap with GBL in which GBL changed its 30 percent stake<br />

in RTL Group against a 25 percent stake in Bertelsmann AG.<br />

In December 2001, Bertelsmann entered into an agreement with Pearson plc to<br />

acquire its 22 percent stake in RTL Group. Bertelsmann's interest in RTL<br />

Group is now 90.4 percent. The remaining 9.6 percent of RTL Group are<br />

publicly traded on the Brussels and Luxembourg stock exchanges.<br />

<br />

see also <br />

KL: Clervaux-LUX site is not far of Marnach site. It is un<strong>der</strong>stood that<br />

these applications in fact refer to this very site, just using another<br />

name. (KL)<br />

WB: No thats' wrong.<br />

567 LUX ADD HJ CLERVAUX 0<strong>05</strong>E58 50N02 0 9 250 29.0 B 3 IRL<br />

567 LUX ADD HN CLERVAUX 0<strong>05</strong>E58 50N02 0 9 250 29.0 B 3 D; IRL<br />

screened towards Muehlacker 576, 245 km, 120-130 degrees.<br />

and SUI 558 at 145 degr.<br />

783 LUX ADD HJ CLERVAUX 0<strong>05</strong>E58 50N02 0 9 250 29.0 B 3<br />

783 LUX ADD HN CLERVAUX 0<strong>05</strong>E58 50N02 0 9 250 29.0 B 3 E; POR<br />

screened towards Bonn 774, 125 km, 50-60 degrees.<br />

Leipzig 783, 460 km, 68 degr.<br />

1098 LUX ADD HJ CLERVAUX 0<strong>05</strong>E58 50N02 0 9 250 29.0 B 3 G<br />

1098 LUX ADD HN CLERVAUX 0<strong>05</strong>E58 50N02 0 9 250 29.0 B 3 E; G<br />

screened towards Bratislava-SVK 1098, 830 km, 119 degrees.

Marnach installation location at G.C. 06E04 50N02.<br />

So the new antenna masts are to be planned more westerly accross the bor<strong>der</strong><br />

on the adjacent next village of Clervaux, coordinate locator difference<br />

says 4 miles / 7 kilometers:<br />

azimuth 270.02.18degr 7.165 km 4.45 miles<br />

783 kHz was used formerly by ex-GDR 1000 kW powerhouse then. And I'm not<br />

aware how much of power is now registered with ITU Geneve by now all-German<br />

authority for future use.<br />

KL: Probably 100 kW. At least MDR and Deutsche Telekom were required to do<br />

some coordination procedures for the Burg ./. Wie<strong>der</strong>au site swap a decade<br />

ago.<br />

Anyway it is remarkable, to say the least, that acc. the ITU file only<br />

Spain and Portugal have to take part in the coordination procedure. I guess<br />

MDR engineering will not be amused... (Kai Ludwig-D and Wolfgang Bueschel-<br />

D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

NG: BTW - does 1593 still "belong" to Germany? It amazes me that no other<br />

station has attempted to use it in western Europe. And of course there is<br />

also 1566 - a Swiss frequency? These might be better than the one's LUX<br />

wants.<br />

WB: I think so, once 800 kW had been registered at ITU. But German<br />

authorities are SPLIT UP in 16 different local state departement, not very<br />

effective in international tx power struggle.<br />

KL: Well, freq planning is actually in the responsibility of<br />

Regulierungsbehoerde fuer Telekommunikation und Post (RegTP), a fe<strong>der</strong>al<br />

agency. RegTP approves txions from the technical point of view.<br />

After the clearance of the freqs by RegTP it lies in the responsibility of<br />

the individual states to allocate them to broadcasters (to be complete,<br />

public broadcasters may claim freqs un<strong>der</strong> certain conditions).<br />

1593 kHz now more or less belongs to Bavaria. Of course Bavaria may return<br />

it to Nordrhein-Westfalen. Actually this is an internal matter of Germany,<br />

since it is still possible to claim the Geneve schedule registration.<br />

WB: VoA Ismaning ceases. I heard rumours that Ismaning will cease 1197 kHz<br />

site coming season ... so, RTL may use 1197 kHz channel then?<br />

KL: Oooops... Actually they now use it more or less as a replacement for<br />

Marcali 1188. So the Balkans are no longer a relevant target area for BBG<br />

as well?<br />

WB: Instead of former political dictatorship on MW in 1948-1990 era, we<br />

see now rise a commercial dictatorship on the freq coordination horizont<br />

...<br />

KL: Very true. And CRI fits in here as well. They still have a background<br />

of political dictatorship, but without their economical power they wouldn't<br />

be able to grab 1386 kHz, to literally buy Radio Tirana and to lease<br />

airtime from RTL.<br />

WB: Once again my suggestion of yesterday: I would suggest RTL radio to<br />

use either 846, 1035, 1080, 1197, 1260[1251 HOL], 1359, 1503, 1566, 1593<br />

kHz instead.<br />

(wb, KL-Kai Ludwig-D, and Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9 / 12)

And re 1593 - yes, the 800 kW WDR sen<strong>der</strong> near the Dutch bor<strong>der</strong> at<br />

Langenberg - and which used to formerly occupy 1586 - was an excellent<br />

night time signal here, although suffered at times from multi-fading<br />

characteristics. It carried many favourite mx programmes that were often<br />

listened to. (Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 11)<br />

RTL schlaegt jetzt voll zu. Folgende Neukoordinierungen sind bei <strong>der</strong> ITU<br />

eingetragen:<br />

279 kHz Junglinster Lux 300 kW<br />

567 kHz Clervaux Lux 250 kW<br />

783 kHz Clervaux Lux 250 kW<br />

1098 kHz Clervaux Lux 250 kW<br />

Neu in Deutschland:<br />

1179 kHz Saarbruecken 10 kW<br />

1314 kHz Ludwigshafen 5 kW<br />

1557 kHz Kaiserslautern 5 kW<br />

Die 1179 fuer das neue SR info. Und auch <strong>der</strong> SWR versucht wohl ein DRM-Netz<br />

zu knuepfen. (Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 8)<br />

Clervaux Marnach. Beide Ortschaften liegen nur 3 km voneinan<strong>der</strong> entfernt.<br />

Aber 250 kW fuer DRM? Ist das nicht viel zu viel? Eigentlich soll DRM ja<br />

u.a. zu Stromeinsparungen fuehren, o<strong>der</strong>? (Joe Lei<strong>der</strong>-LUX, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 8)<br />

Danke fuer den Link. In dem Dokument steht eine Frist fuer Kommentare. Sind<br />

wohl also (noch) Wuensche. Gruss Rick(A-<strong>DX</strong>)<br />

Es steht aber ADD davor und nicht PLN. Eines muss man RTL lassen, egal wie<br />

man zu <strong>der</strong> Sache steht. Die tun was sie sagen.<br />

Das alles sind keine Ueberraschungen, son<strong>der</strong>n war angekuendigt. Als man<br />

neue Sen<strong>der</strong> bestellt hat, habe ich mich noch gefragt, wo die denn senden<br />

sollen. Jetzt wissen wir es. Und die werden das durchziehen, ob mit o<strong>der</strong><br />

ohne Kommentar.<br />

Natuerlich kann man heute nicht mehr von "Koordinierungen" reden. Es gibt<br />

ja noch mehr solcher Beispiele.<br />

Megaradio Wuerzburg 1386 o<strong>der</strong> auch Truckradio 855.<br />

Die 1179 kHz soll uebrigens nur eine Tagesfrequenz sein, kommt sich mit<br />

Schweden dann wohl nicht ins Gehege.<br />

Die RLP-Frequenzen sollen wohl eine LPR-Sache werden, haben also mit dem<br />

SWR nichts zu tun.<br />

1314 ist natuerlich Schwachsinn. Koennte gut sein, dass wir in naechster<br />

Zeit noch mehr "Koordinierungen" sehen werden.<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 8)<br />

Kommentar von Martin Elbe zur Mail von Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>:<br />

279 kHz Junglinster Lux 300 kW<br />

...womit <strong>der</strong> Privatsen<strong>der</strong> von <strong>der</strong> Insel Man damit gestorben sein duerfte...<br />

567 kHz Clervaux Lux 250 kW<br />

...die Iren werden sich fuer das Rauschen bedanken...<br />

[und die Rentner im Suedwesten, die nebenan Muehlacker 576 kHz hoeren<br />

{wollen} wb.]<br />

783 kHz Clervaux Lux 250 kW<br />

... dann kann <strong>der</strong> MDR bald abschalten ...

Neu in Deutschland:<br />

1179 kHz Saarbruecken 10 kW<br />

1314 kHz Ludwigshafen 5 kW<br />

Die beiden Sen<strong>der</strong> duerften kaum weiter als 20 km zu hoeren sein bei<br />

Dunkelheit. Norwegen und Schweden werden die gnadenlos plaetten...<br />

Ja, bescheuerte Idee.<br />

Sind das jetzt Wuensche <strong>der</strong> Betreiber o<strong>der</strong> abgeschlossene<br />

Koordinierungen gewesen ?<br />

Eigentlich koennen das nur Wuensche sein. Jedem Land sind nach seiner<br />

Groesse Lang- und Mittelwellenfrequenzen zugeordnet, ich glaube kaum, dass<br />

das kleine Luxemburg zwei leistungsstarke Lang- und vier leistungsstarke<br />

Mittelwellenfrequenzen fuer sich beanspruchen kann.<br />

Da die ITU aber nichts machen kann, wenn sich ein Land nicht an die ihm<br />

zugewiesenen Frequenzen haelt, ist es schon denkbar, dass RTL sich mit<br />

Brachialgewalt breitmacht. Dann von "Koordinierung" zu reden, ist<br />

allerdings Chuzpe.<br />

Lass sie doch ihr Geld verbrennen! Schade ist es natuerlich um die<br />

zugemuellten Frequenzen.<br />

(diverse, und Martin Elbe-D A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 8)<br />

MOLDOVA A-<strong>05</strong> Moldova registrations, 5910 instead of 5960 kHz:<br />

5910 1600-1630 28,29 KCH 500kW 265deg MDA MOL GFC [En, Fr, Ge sces to<br />

Europe]<br />

7470 1500-1530 39 KCH 300 150 MDA MOL GFC<br />

[??? in Persian?, or to Iraq occupancy troops? wb.]<br />

A-<strong>05</strong> remaining services via Maiac Grigoriopol-MDA, some vailed brokered by<br />

VT-Merlin.<br />

5950 1700-2100 28S,38 KCH 500 180 MDA VOR GFC<br />

7180 0000-<strong>05</strong>00 27N KCH 500 310 MDA VOR GFC<br />

7350 2000-2200 27,28 KCH 300 310 MDA VOR GFC<br />

7360 2000-2200 28 KCH 500 309 MDA YFR GFC<br />

7460 0230-0315 39-41 KCH 500 116 MDA MNO GFC<br />

7480 1800-1845 40 KCH 500 116 MDA MNO GFC<br />

9665 0000-<strong>05</strong>00 8,9,11,27 KCH 500 295 MDA VOR GFC<br />

11530 0400-0800 39 KCH 300 116 Kur MDA MEZ TDP<br />

11530 0400-1600 39,40 KCH 500 115 MDA TDP GFC<br />

11530 0800-1200 39 KCH 300 116 Kur MDA MEZ TDP<br />

11530 1200-1600 39 KCH 500 116 Kur MDA MEZ TDP<br />

13800 1630-1715 39,40 KCH 500 116 MDA MNO GFC. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Mar 9)<br />

1467 / 1503 / 1566 [formerly also on 621]<br />

CRI via Moldova now one hour later? Registered 1430-1627 Russian<br />

1467(Grigoriopol Moldova) heard at Stuttgart Germany one hour later at<br />

1530-1730 UT [March 9th].<br />

WRTH 20<strong>05</strong> had a mistake on VoRussia 1800 Bulg / 1800 Greek entries.<br />

WRTH Update-2 did correct the Greek outlet:<br />

Greek Days Area kHz<br />

1900-2000 daily Eu 1431smf, 1467gri, [should be 1503gri in future? wb.]<br />

5920klg, 6000sam,<br />

7355sam, 9830msk

From 1800 UT VoRUS Bulgarian {testing?} Grigoriopol Moldova on 1503 kHz<br />

again, powerful signal, undisturbed in Germany. Thanks Poland left that<br />

channel some 4 years ago for ever? Stettin Stargard Poland 1503 kHz entry<br />

is still registered on ITU list?<br />

Stettin Stargard POL 1503 kHz is not deleted on ITU Geneva MW list yet.1467<br />

kHz once was registered for Kiev Ukraine 300 kW, not for Maiac MDA. Another<br />

possible Maiac channels is 621 kHz.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 10) [Bulg/Greek heard recently also on 1566 kHz<br />

test, wb.]<br />

On 6 Mar at 1800 noted Voice of Russia in Bulgarian on 1503 kHz. Some time<br />

ago they were on 1566. The listed freq is 1467. I presume this is hte<br />

Maiac, MDA tx looking for a nice, clear frequency. (Jari Savolainen-FIN,<br />

hcdx Mar 7)<br />

MONTSINERY A-<strong>05</strong> DW Montsinery relay transmissions:<br />

9735 0200-0600 2,6-8,10N,11NW GUF 500kW 310deg GERMAN F DWL DWL<br />

11955 0000-0200 2,6-8,10N GUF 500 330 GERMAN F DWL DWL<br />

15410 2200-2400 2-4,7-9,11N GUF 500 330 GERMAN F DWL DWL<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

NEPAL Ein seltener Gast in Mitteleuropa: Radio Nepal ist mit sehr<br />

schwachen Signal und Floetenmusik auf 50<strong>05</strong>.35 kHz zu hoeren, 0015 UT.<br />

(Christoph Ratzer-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 6)<br />

NEW ZEALAND New Zealand changes to Standard Time<br />

At 0300 NZDT On Sunday 20 March 20<strong>05</strong> New Zealand changes to standard time<br />

[UTC +12hrs]. RNZI programmes will remain on UTC at the same time, however<br />

programmes relayed off domestic sces will begin one hour later. [RNZI<br />

Website].<br />

(Alokesh Gupta-IND, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 12)<br />


The Warsaw radio mast was the tallest structure ever built. However it only<br />

existed from 1974 to 1991. Designed by <strong>Jan</strong> Polak, it was 646.38 meters<br />

(2,120 feet) tall and weighed 420 tons. Construction was finished on May<br />

18, 1973 and broadcasts were officially launched on July 30, 1974. The mast<br />

was located in Konstantynow, Poland at 19 48'23" Eastern longitude and at<br />

52 22'14" Northern largitude, and was used by Warsaw Radio-Television<br />

(Centrum Radiowo-Telewizyjne) for long wave radio broadcast on the freq 227<br />

and later 225 kHz.<br />

The mast was insulated against ground for a voltage of 120 kV and stood<br />

therefore on a 2 metre high insulator. It served as an aerial of half<br />

wavelength for the used freq 225 kHz. The signals from its 2 megawatt txs<br />

could be received across all of Europe, North Africa and even in North<br />

America.<br />

The Warsaw radio mast was a frame steelwork construction of steel tube. It<br />

had a cross section in form of a triangle. All three sides of this triangle<br />

had a length of 4.8 metres. The diameter of the steel tubes forming the<br />

edges of the construction had a diameter of 24.5 centimetres, the thickness<br />

of the walls of these tubes varied depending from the height between 8 and<br />

34 milimetres. The mast construction consisted of 86 elements. Each element<br />

had a length of 7.5 metres.<br />

The mast was guyed in 5 levels with guys of 50 milimetres diameter, which<br />

were divided into multiple sections by special insulators. The weight of<br />

guys and insulators used for anchoring the mast was 80 tons. For better<br />

access to the flight safety lamps and other components of the mast, there<br />

was an elevator installed in the interior of the mast. The elevator had a

maximum speed of 0.35m/s and required 30 mins for a trip from the bottom to<br />

the top of the construction.<br />

On August 8, 1991, the mast collapsed during renovation work. Three people<br />

were killed and 12 injured when it fell. In 1995 the Polish govt proposed<br />

rebuilding the tower, but this was successfully opposed by local residents.<br />

After the collapse of the radio mast at Konstantynow, the Polish<br />

broadcasting company used the old tx of Raszyn with its 335 metre high mast<br />

near Warszawa, which is used since 1978 during daytime for the txion of a<br />

second programme of the Polish broadcasting sce in the longwave range on<br />

the freq 198 kHz, for txions on 225 kHz at nighttime with a power of 500<br />

Kilowatt. During daytime the tx on 225 kHz was inactive, because the<br />

facility was not able to work on 198 kHz and 225 kHz at the same time.<br />

Because rebuilding the mast at Konstantynow was not possible after protests<br />

of local residents, a new tx site had to be searched for the new Polish<br />

longwave txion facility. This was found in form of an old military area<br />

near Solec Kujawski. On this site a new longwave tx facility with a tx of<br />

1000 Kilowatt HF- power for the freq 225 kHz was built from 1998 to 1999,<br />

the Longwave-transmitter Solec Kujawski. The new tx uses as aerial two<br />

grounded masts 330 metres apart from each other with heights of 330 and 289<br />

metres and went in sce on September 4th, 1999.<br />

With its collapse, the KVLY-TV mast outside of Fargo, North Dakota, USA,<br />

became again the world's tallest structure, standing at 628.8 meters (2,063<br />

feet) tall.<br />

<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Mar 7)<br />

Re: "After the collapse of the radio mast at Konstantynow, the Polish<br />

broadcasting company used the old tx of Raszyn with its 335 metre high mast<br />

near Warszawa, which is used since 1978 during daytime for the txion of a<br />

second programme of the Polish broadcasting sce in the longwave range on<br />

the freq 198 kHz, for txions on 225 kHz at nighttime with a power of 500<br />

Kilowatt. During daytime the tx on 225 kHz was inactive, because the<br />

facility was not able to work on 198 kHz and 225 kHz at the same time."<br />

In fact Raszyn operated during these years always on 225 kHz, consequently<br />

leaving 198 kHz off and silent. Here in Germany some people were surprised<br />

about Polish Radio appearing on 198 kHz when the Solec Kujawski tx became<br />

operational. In so many years of silence this second Polish longwave outlet<br />

got simply forgotten here.<br />

Two more pictures of the collapsed Konstantynow/Gabin mast:<br />

<br />

<br />

All the best, (Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Mar 9)<br />

PORTUGAL Terrible DRM signal of DW DRM Sines on 11830 kHz, covering 18<br />

kHz wide 11822 ... 11839 kHz range on Sun 6th, 1600-1757 UT. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9<br />

RDPi Radio Portugal. Satellite fed delay from Lisbon to Sines site (9815,<br />

11660 kHz).<br />

According to info from Ms. Teresa Beatriz Abreu, RDPi Chief Engineer, the<br />

main tx site is referred to as Pegues. The txs at Sines are fed by way of<br />

satellite, which explains a delay of 2.5 seconds on their audio.<br />

Per my own measurements, the delay is more than 2.5 secs., perhaps in the<br />

or<strong>der</strong> of 4.

Wrote Ms. Abreu in an email a couple of weeks ago: "Quanto ao atraso do<br />

sinal em 11660 kHz, deve-se ao facto de ele ser efectuado a partir da<br />

estagco emissora da Pro-Funk, em Sines (cerca de 150 Km ao sul de Lisboa),<br />

que recebe o sinal produzido nos nossos estzdios de Lisboa, atravis do<br />

satilite.<br />

Quanto 's restantes transmissues elas sco efectuadas a partir da nossa<br />

estagco emissora de Pegues, sendo am o sinal recebido por feixe hertziano.<br />

Deste modo, a transmissco em 11 660 kHz i afectada pelo atraso no<br />

transporte do sinal via satilite, o qual rondara os 2,5s."<br />

This was in answer to an enquiry about the delay I noted on 11660 compared<br />

to 9755 and 9915, which carry the same programming in the morning at 0800.<br />

(Henrik Klemetz-SWE, dxld and direct Mar 5)<br />

I don't have the exact figure handy, but I think a single satellite-hop to<br />

geostationary orbit and back causes a delay of about 300 ms, i.e. 3/10 of<br />

one second, right Wolfie? So a delay of 2.5 seconds would mean 8 hops or<br />

so, and 4 seconds, 13 hops! Surely something else is involved here, such as<br />

digital delays somewhere in the circuit, or a deliberate delay at the tx<br />

site in or<strong>der</strong> to even out power consumption when more than one freq is<br />

carrying the same program. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Mar 5)<br />

Perhaps Wolfgang could try the three freqs already tomorrow morning to<br />

gauge the delay. 9815 is consi<strong>der</strong>ably weaker here than the two others.<br />

(Henrik Klemetz-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 5)<br />

Re: Portugal.<br />

The Pro-funk GmbH, or "Radio Trans Europa, Lda", as it was then called, had<br />

a receiving stn (which I visited in the late 80's) in Santana, near<br />

Sesimbra. This facility was handed over to the Portugese authorities which<br />

in turn dismantled the site and donated the equipment or part thereof to<br />

one or more of the former Portugues African colonies. The rx site was also<br />

used to receive the SSB signals from Germany as well as taped prgrs from<br />

the Lisboa office and then relay those via microwave to Sines.<br />

The HF site of RDP is at Sao Gabriel, near Pegoes. There is indeed some<br />

delay in the signals. The delay is even bigger on the (automated) MW sites<br />

for local / reg. coverage, which receive the signal from satellite too.<br />

And yes, the Sines site does receive the RDP signal from satellite, so if<br />

you receive the same prgr on MW, RDPi on HF and Pro-Funk on HF too, they do<br />

differ, all being "later" as compared to VHF-FM.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 6)<br />

I never checked the Pegues outlets against DW Sines site (delay) yet.<br />

Latter they use a different freq on weekdays / Sat-Sun.<br />

Mo-Fr 0745-0900 11660 250 55 deg [11850 kHz in A-<strong>05</strong>]<br />

Sat/Sun 0930-1100 9815 250 55 deg [11995 kHz in A-<strong>05</strong>]<br />

There is a log-periodic antenna in use, which result in a small lobe<br />

towards Central Europe.<br />

But I guess there is a satellite fed from RDP Lisbon bc house to Bonn-<br />

CologneGER main control room, and send then again from Bonn-Cologne to<br />

Sines site via the three different lang channel bundle.<br />

[when Sines started in 1968-1970, a special DW receiving station had been<br />

erected midst between Lisbon and Sines on the coast at Sesimbra. TX site<br />

was fed by a microwave link via the Atlantic bay between Sesimbra and Sines<br />


Juelich-Germany site fed DW Kigali and Sines installations by direct SW<br />

fee<strong>der</strong> broadcasts these days, and some mx request and letterbox programs<br />

were produced in advance on tape at DW Cologne bc house to be send via<br />

airmail.<br />

Similar has been done for VoA sces between Greenville and Tatsfield-<br />

UK/Munich-GER, or between RCI Ottawa and Tatsfield to serve RCI Daventry<br />

relay.<br />

Otherwise maybe all txs at Sines are prepared now for new DRM mode txions,<br />

that's a combined AM/DRM/Simulcast control PC software procedure, for<br />

modulation the tx.<br />

That digitalizing PC procedure takes about 4 seconds - on even super fast<br />

PC systems -, on our DLF Deutschlandfunk mediumwave feed, for example on<br />

756 kHz co-channel via Braunschweig and/or Ravensburg sites. So you will<br />

never hear an exact Time Signal pips txion 'on the hour' anymore. (wb,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 6)<br />

Log Sunday March 6th: 9815 kHz RDP txion via Sines has a markable delay of<br />

3.8 to 4 seconds against all Pegoes outlets on 11875, 15575, and 17710. But<br />

21830 couldn't be traced so far today.<br />

Mo-Fr 0745-0900 11660 250 55 deg<br />

Sat/Sun 0930-1100 9815 250 55 deg<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 6)<br />

Today March 9th, DW told in an mail reply of DW Customer Service dept. by<br />

Mrs. Dorothea Ben<strong>der</strong>, that time delay at Sines site occurs due of new<br />

digital tx usage. (wb)<br />

Lieber Herr Bueschel,<br />

vielen Dank fuer Ihre e-mail vom 7.3.20<strong>05</strong>. Wie Sie schon vermuteten, liegt<br />

die Ursache fuer die Zeitverzoegerung im Einsatz des digitalen Sen<strong>der</strong>s.<br />

Mit freundlichen Gruessen, DEUTSCHE WELLE, Kundenservice, Dorothea Ben<strong>der</strong><br />

(Mar 9)<br />

I wanted to make another observation today, and used 15690 kHz to the<br />

ME+India: it's synchronized with RDP-1 on VHF, but MW is still nearly 4"<br />

behind, this applying not just to the nearest MW outlet on 666 kHz but also<br />

to others.<br />

I was able to check the RDP during their 21 min long nx bulletin this<br />

morning at 0800, and the signal delay between the RDPi via Sao Gabriel<br />

(9815) and via Sines (11660) was 4 or nearly 4 seconds. The same time delay<br />

was also recorded between the RDP-1 via the nearest MW stn & the RDP-1 via<br />

the "Lisbon tx" is the VHF-FM one (95.7 MHz). Lisbon tx housed, like<br />

others, in the Navy radio stn at the Monsanto hill in the capital. It comes<br />

to mind, however, that I'd already noticed shorter delays, possibly<br />

depending on how the signal is handled, this applying to both the signal<br />

from Sines as well as the MW one.<br />

Now that the delay mystery is solved, I will ry to monitor some prgr being<br />

b/cast simultaneously by the RDPi on HF, the RDP 1 on MF and on VHF<br />

(typically the RDP 1 or "Antena 1" nx on the h, and record the delays as I<br />

think the one noticed on HF is slightly bigger than that on MF as compared<br />

to the same prgr heard on FM.<br />

One other note re the two new Thales 300 kW units: I believe the final<br />

total of units available won't be 4 x 300 kW + 5 x 100 kW since maybe one<br />

or two of the old 100 kW will simply be removed, even if they're kept<br />

working normally these days. Future will tell.

The "Lisbon tx" I referred this morning is the VHF-FM one (95.7 MHz). Sorry<br />

for failing to mention this detail.<br />

I wanted to make another observation today, and used 15690 kHz to the<br />

ME+India: it's synchronized with RDP-1 on VHF, but MW is still nearly 4"<br />

behind, this applying not just to the nearest MW outlet on 666 kHz but also<br />

to others.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, dxld Mar 9-10)<br />

Still re. the delays, I checked this again last evening (Thurs, 10 Mar)<br />

when the RDPi was relaying some int'l football match during another extra<br />

bcast (which ended even before than 2300) and the MW outlets were again 4"<br />

behind the FM txs & the RDPi on SW. This morning, I noticed the same thing,<br />

but... RDP Madeira 531 kHz was on par with RDPi and 95.7 MHz while other<br />

(mainland) MW outlets were abt. 4" behind.<br />

A contact within the Pro-Funk stn in Sines said to me y/day that the RDPi<br />

signal is simply picked up by the digital sat. rx and "thrown" into the tx,<br />

no other "treatment" is carried out, so he says the delay must have<br />

something to do with the coding / decoding process which may not be<br />

coinciding 100%, hence the delay, so no Pro-Funk equipment or signal<br />

treatment is causing that.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 10)<br />

DW Polish 1200-1230 (at present 1300-1330 via Wertachtal on 7130 and 9735)<br />

will be removed from SW and stay on satellite only. However, the evening<br />

programme 1630-1659 will still be carried by a Sines tx, again on the usual<br />

summer freq 15595. Actually DW announced already in last year that Polish<br />

is to be taken off SW entirely.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 5)<br />

15595 1630-1659 28N SIN 250kW 50deg POLISH POR DWL1<br />

DW DRM-Programme fuer Europa mit Programmanteilen des Deutschen und<br />

Englischen DW-Programmes sowie des DW-Musikkanals.<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 2100-2200 5980 49 POR SINES<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 0700-0900* 7265 41 POR SINES<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1500-1755 13790 22 POR SINES<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1200-1555 15265 19 POR SINES<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 1800-1955 15435 19 POR SINES<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 0800-1459 15440 19 POR SINES<br />

EUROPA DRM-TEST 0900-1159 15545 16 POR SINES<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 5)<br />

*7265 07<strong>05</strong>-0855 27,28 SIN 90kW 40deg 17=Sat/Sun from Apr 20 N DIVERSE POR<br />

DWL<br />

*7265 07<strong>05</strong>-0900 27,28 SIN 90kW 40deg 23456=Mo-Fr from Apr 20 N DIVERSE POR<br />

DWL<br />

At http://www.filatelia.fi/dx/ by G. Kock, Finland Plenty of pictures and<br />

audios:<br />

"My <strong>DX</strong>'ing A HISTORICAL ARCHIVE When I was active as a short wave and<br />

medium wave-AM listener (<strong>DX</strong>ing) from 1963 to 1972 I took during trips<br />

PHOTOS that now may be of some interest to other <strong>DX</strong> listeners. I have<br />

therefore decided to scan and share some of them, on the net, with those<br />

who may like to watch them. "<br />

(Horacio A. Nigro Montevideo Uruguay Mar 8,<br />

20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

This page was originally published in December 2003.<br />

G. Kock, Finland <br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Sines transmitting site (south western coast of Portugal): aerial masts and<br />

buildings at a distance; one of the aerials; tx hall; a tx. This then<br />

mo<strong>der</strong>n and powerful SW site was at that time used by the Deutsche Welle as<br />

a relay station. (G. Kock-FIN, Sept-Oct 1970)<br />

All pictures are black and white, which actually is fortunate, because the<br />

colour prints of those days would not have preserved their colours well.<br />

Due to modest photographic equipment, lack of skill and small size prints<br />

the quality of these old photos is indeed unpretentious, but this <strong>DX</strong> page<br />

has no profound purpose.<br />

SOUTHERN SPAIN & PORTUGAL, Sept.-Oct. 1970<br />

During two weeks I and six of my <strong>DX</strong> friends toured the south western part<br />

of the Iberian peninsula and northern Morocco in two cars. Gibraltar had to<br />

be entered by air via Tangier. Most of the time was spent visiting radio<br />

stations, in the below or<strong>der</strong>.<br />

(March 8)<br />

RUSSIA B-04 TWR EKATERINBURG relay has been replaced by Armavir in A-<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(wb, Mar 11)<br />


27 MAR 20<strong>05</strong> - 29 OCT 20<strong>05</strong>. Updated: 11 March 20<strong>05</strong><br />



1445-1500 | 7 | Polish | 31 | 9735 | 100 | 263 | 28 |<br />

1500-1530 | 1234567 | Polish | 31 | 9735 | 100 | 263 | 28 |<br />

1530-1600 | 1234567 | Hungarian| 31 | 9735 | 100 | 263 | 28 |<br />

1600-1615 | 12 45 | Czech | 41 | 7290 | 100 | 263 | 28 |<br />

1600-1615 | 12 45 | Czech | 31 | 9735 | 100 | 263 | 28 |<br />

1600-1630 | 6 | Rumanian | 41 | 7290 | 100 | 263 | 28 |<br />

1600-1630 | 6 | Rumanian | 31 | 9735 | 100 | 263 | 28 |<br />

Day 1 = Mon .. 7 = Sun. (Alokesh Gupta-IND, dxld Mar 11)<br />

Another new site for DW will be Chita-Atamanovka in Siberia:<br />

English 2300-2400 on 15135. (Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 5)<br />

15135 2300-2400 43,44,49,50,54 TCH 500kW 194deg RUS DWL GFC<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

SAIPAN 12120 Exotic SE Asian female (?) solo vocal mx, good steady<br />

signal with no flutter, unlike European and ME signals at this moment,<br />

caused me to stop on 12120 at 1425 UT March 9; unfortunately it was exactly<br />

co-channel to RTTY, holding its own at first but faded down at 1429 for<br />

closing annt and off leaving the channel to RTTY (and just in time for me<br />

to tune over to 15190 for Charlie Gillett). Subsequent research in EiBi<br />

says this was KFBS which has a half-hour in Hmong on Wednesdays; Vietnamese<br />

or Koho other days of the week. She must have been singing about Jesus, but<br />

I couldn't tell that.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Mar 10)

SOUTH AFRICA 6100 I see also a CRI txion at 1500-1900 UT scheduled for<br />

Meyerton-AFS. But CRI means China Radio International or a different<br />

broadcaster?<br />

A-<strong>05</strong> entry:<br />

6100 1500-1900 57N MEY 100kW 5deg 803 daily 2703-3010<strong>05</strong> G CRI MER<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 12) [see also un<strong>der</strong> U.K., LESOTHO/SOUTH AFRICA ]<br />

SWEDEN/CANADA/MADAGASCAR 5875 DRM We will turn the LP antenna towards<br />

Germany to do a short test on 5875 kHz between 1830-1858 UTC with our<br />

mighty 1000 Watts. This will only be done at this occasion.<br />

There is an intermission of other broadcasts on this channel at that time.<br />

It will be interesting to see how that will work.<br />

(Hakan-SWE Teracom?, Mar 13)<br />

A<strong>05</strong> schedule for Radio Canada relay via Hoerby-SWE:<br />

5840 0330-0400 28S,38-40,48 HB 350 135 S RCI TER<br />

5840 1600-1630 19,20,28E,29,30,39,40 HB 500 85 15 Russian S RCI TER<br />

5850 2100-2300 28,38-40,47N,48 HB 350 235 15 S RCI TER<br />

9390 2200-2300 27,28,36-38,46,47,52 HB 350 220 30 S RCI TER<br />

9390 2200-2300 37,46 HB 350 220 30 French S RCI RCI<br />

A<strong>05</strong> Radio Sweden to PAC AUS NZL via RNW Madagascar:<br />

7420 2100-2130 51-60 MDC 250 125 0 ENG S RSW TER<br />

7420 2130-2200 51-60 MDC 250 125 0 ENG S RSW TER<br />

A<strong>05</strong> Radio Sweden to NE ME SoAS SoEaAS via RNW Madagascar:<br />

9435 0100-0130 29-31,39-42,49 MDC 250 50 15 SWEDISH S RSW TER<br />

9435 0130-0200 29-31,39-42,49 MDC 250 50 15 ENGLISH S RSW TER<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

TAIWAN Fu Hsing Broadcasting Station (15250 kHz) sent me a QSL card in<br />

Chinese and English after 31 days for my report in Chinese. The<br />

verification signer was Mr. Xieyi Zhao, Station Manager. Memory card box,<br />

paper knife, and key hol<strong>der</strong> were also enclosed as souvenirs. According to<br />

him, SW bc on 15250 kHz has been continued from August 23, 1993 with 10 kW<br />

of power for the purpose of communication between Taiwan and Chinese<br />

mainland. The station welcomes reception report in English or in Chinese,<br />

no reply postage is required.<br />

The address: Lane 280, Sec.5, Chungshan North Road, Taipei 111, Taiwan.<br />

URL E-mail: <br />

BTW "Fu Hsing" means "rehabilitation" or "reconstruction" in Chinese.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 11)<br />

In A-<strong>05</strong> Deutsche Welle Indonesian service via Taiwan relay site:<br />

11965 2200-2250 49,54 TAI 250kW 225deg INDONESIAN CHN DWL<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

Radio Taiwan International.<br />

RTI sendet im Sommerhalbjahr 20<strong>05</strong> vom 28.3. bis 30.10.20<strong>05</strong> das<br />

Deutschprogramm auf folgenden Frequenzen:<br />

1800-1900 UTC: TWN 9565 kHz o<strong>der</strong> 9955 kHz (wird noch bekanntgegeben)<br />

1900-2000 UTC: UK 6185 kHz<br />

2100-2200 UTC: YFR 18930 kHz [!!! seldom used mb via Okeechobee-FL-USA]<br />

0600-0700 UTC: YFR 7520 kHz

Bitte beachten Sie auch unsere geaen<strong>der</strong>ten E-Mail-Adressen (und URL) < @<br />

rti.org.tw> , also statt nun <br />

Die E-Mail-Adresse <strong>der</strong> Deutschredaktion ist nun: <br />

(via Volker Willschrey-D, Mar 9)<br />

6185 1900-2000 27SE,28W SKN 250kW 1<strong>05</strong>deg USA MNO MER. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar<br />

9)<br />

TURKEY TRT Ankara, A-<strong>05</strong> schedule<br />

Sprache Frequenz TRANSMISSION Sen<strong>der</strong> kW Mode<br />

(kHz) Zeit (UTC)<br />

EUROPA<br />

Albanisch 11875 1130-1230 CAK 250 DSB<br />

Bosnisch 5980 1800-1900 CAK 500 DSB<br />

Bulgarisch 7210 1330-1430 EMR 250 DSB<br />

Kroatisch 11865 1600-1630 EMR 250 DSB<br />

Englisch 6140 0300-0400 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Englisch 15225 1230-0400 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Englisch 9785 1830-1930 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Englisch (**) 9830 2200-2300 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Englisch (##) 7300 2200-2300 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Franzoesisch 11850 1930-2030 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Deutsch 13760 1130-1230 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Deutsch 13640 1730-1830 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Griechisch 9840 1030-1130 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Griechisch 7180 1430-1530 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Ungarisch 13770 0930-1030 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Mazedonisch 11690 0800-0900 EMR 250 DSB<br />

Rumaenisch 9560 0930-1030 CAK 250 DSB<br />

Serbisch 11860 1330-1400 EMR 250 DSB<br />

Spanisch 13720 1630-1700 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Tuerkisch 9460 1600-2100 CAK 500 DSB<br />

Tuerkisch 15350 0700-1600 CAK 500 DSB<br />

Tuerkisch 9460 2100-0700 CAK 500 DSB<br />

NORD<br />

AMERIKA Englisch 6140 0300-0400 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Englisch (**) 9830 2200-2300 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Englisch (##) 7300 2200-2300 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Tuerkisch 9460 2100-0700 CAK 500 DSB<br />

AUSTRALIEN Englisch 15535 1230-1330 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Englisch 7170 2030-2130 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Tuerkisch 176<strong>05</strong> 0900-1200 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Tuerkisch 13655 1200-1600 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Tuerkisch 9560 1600-2200 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Arabisch 11690 0900-1100 EMR 500 DSB<br />

ASIEN Arabisch 15520 0900-1100 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Arabisch 11735 1400-1600 CAK 500 DSB<br />

Aserbaidsch. 11730 0700-0830 CAK 250 DSB<br />

Aserbaidsch. 15140 0700-0830 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Aserbaidsch. 9645 1400-1500 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Chinesisch 17715 1100-1200 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Englisch 7270 0300-0400 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Englisch 15535 1230-1330 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Englisch 7170 2030-2130 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Georgisch 9760 0700-0800 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Griechisch 7295 1030-1130 CAK 250 DSB<br />

Kasachisch 11860 1500-1600 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Kirgisisch 9575 1600-1700 CAK 500 DSB<br />

Persisch 11795 0830-0930 CAK 500 DSB<br />

Persisch 15220 0830-0930 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Persisch 11940 1230-1400 CAK 500 DSB<br />

Russisch 13720 1300-1400 EMR 500 DSB

Russisch 9675 1700-1800 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Tatarisch 9855 1500-1600 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Tuerkisch 11750 0400-0900 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Tuerkisch 11955 0700-1600 CAK 250 DSB<br />

Tuerkisch 15225 0400-0700 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Tuerkisch 176<strong>05</strong> 0900-1200 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Tuerkisch 13655 1200-1600 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Tuerkisch 5960 1600-0400 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Tuerkisch 9560 1600-2200 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Turkmenisch 119<strong>05</strong> 1530-1630 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Urdu 13710 1200-1300 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Usbekisch 7175 0100-0200 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Usbekisch 6115 1700-1800 CAK 500 DSB<br />

AFRIKA Arabisch 11690 0900-1100 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Arabisch 17790 1400-1600 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Arabisch 11735 1400-1600 CAK 500 DSB<br />

Englisch 7270 0300-0400 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Franzoesisch 9535 1930-2030 CAK 500 DSB<br />

Tuerkisch 11955 0700-1600 CAK 250 DSB<br />

Tuerkisch(*) 177<strong>05</strong> 1000-1500 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Tuerkisch 5960 1600-2200 EMR 500 DSB<br />

Tuerkisch 7215 1700-2200 EMR 500 DSB<br />

(*) nur Freitags - only Fridays.<br />

(**) 9830 kHz til Sept 3rd, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(##) 7300 kHz from Sept 4th, 20<strong>05</strong>. (March 10, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

UGANDA In its latest newsletter, High Adventure Canada announced shortterm<br />

plans for a SW station in Uganda. The station is to be developed in<br />

co-operation with Dunamis FM Kampala, which already holds a licence for<br />

short wave. According to High Adventure, at the National Religious<br />

Broadcasters Convention in Anaheim a deal was struck with the HCJB<br />

engineering plant for the speedy delivery of a low power short wave unit.<br />

The station is hoped to be on the air by summer 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

It remains to be seen, whether this schedule can be met. High Adventure has<br />

a pentecostal tradition of "proclaiming victory" long before it happens.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

Sudan Radio Service (Nairobi studios, VT Merlin txs) is announcing the<br />

following schedule for the post-27 March period (in their case, post-28<br />

March as they only transmit Monday-Friday):<br />

0300-<strong>05</strong>00 on 11665. <strong>05</strong>00-0600 on 15325. 1500-1800 on 17660<br />

(Chris Greenway-KEN, dxld Mar 9)<br />

11665 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 37 RMP 500 125 20 Mon-Fri USA MNO MER<br />

15325 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 47E WOF 300 126 12 Mon-Fri USA MNO MER<br />

17660 1500-1900 47E WOF 300 140 0 Mon-Fri USA MNO MER<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

UKRAINE 7440, 0136-, Radio Ukraine International Feb 28 RUI in English to<br />

North America. A wise change of freqs from 5910. Strong signal, totally in<br />

the clear...rare on 5910 with the ever present ute or the Colombian causing<br />

QRM. The higher freq seems to propagate better to WCNA than anything on the<br />

49m band did.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-CAN, Cumbre Mar 6)<br />

UNIDENTIFIED 15375, someone is running DRM here, before and after 1400 UT<br />

March 9; in the past both Voz Cristiana, Chile and HCJB have DRMed this<br />

frequency, but nothing current in either version of the DRM online<br />


Nor any posts about 15375 on the DRM fora in the past month since HCJB was<br />

testing to Mexico. Still going after 1500 but now with Analog Russian on<br />

15370, no doubt ruining any DRM reception just as DRM ruins the Russian.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Mar 9)<br />

UNID digital signals.<br />

Digital txionsn on <strong>BC</strong> band. No idea from which country that unwanted<br />

digital powerful signal originate, midst on bc band like on 9701-9702 und<br />

11717-11719.5 kHz, wide 3.5 kHz each at around 0920 and 0940 UT.<br />

Dit selection more clear in the lsb mode / Sync reception mode.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 10)<br />

U.K./SOUTH AFRICA EGLISE DU CHRIST (Rlg). 2500-2510, rue Charland,<br />

Montreal (Quebec) H1Z 1C5, Canada. Tel +1 514 3876163. Fax +1 514 3871153.<br />

7265 kHz B04 Schedule March 20<strong>05</strong> French Days Area kHz. 1900-1930 Thurs only<br />

to CeAf 7265 Woofferton. (WRTH 20<strong>05</strong> Update-2, Mar 9)<br />

In A-<strong>05</strong>: 11950 1800-1830 Thurs only MNO Skelton 300kW 180deg French NoAF<br />

9875 DRM, Radio Taiwan International (RTI). Schedule update. English 1600-<br />

1700 Fris only EUR 9875rmp+.<br />

NOTES: The RTI prgr's in Arabic, Burmese, Korean, Mongolian and Tibetan<br />

were discontinued on 31 <strong>Jan</strong> 20<strong>05</strong>. Key: +) DRM. (WRTH 20<strong>05</strong> Update-2, Mar 9)<br />

?? on 9770 in A-<strong>05</strong>:<br />

9770 1300-1330 Fris only RFI[RFI brokered?] Rampisham 500kW 95deg En<br />

WeEUR<br />

Wrong DRM power entry, should be 35 kW !<br />

9770 1300-1330 Fris only RFI Rampisham 500 95 English WeEUR<br />

9770 1300-1330 Sat only RNZ Rampisham 500 95 English WeEUR<br />

9770 1330-1400 Sat only A<strong>BC</strong> Rampisham 500 95 English WeEUR<br />

9770 1330-1400 Fris only KBS Rampisham 500 95 English WeEUR<br />

9770 1500-1600 Fris only NHK Rampisham 500 95 English WeEUR<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

A-<strong>05</strong> VT-Merlin DRM transmission:<br />

7320 1000-1500 28 RMP 35 1<strong>05</strong> 0 N G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

9565 1200-1400 27S,28W RMP 35 95 0 N G MNO MER Int<br />

9760 1000-1100 27SE,28W RMP 35 110 15 Mon only N G CVO MER Int<br />

9770 1400-1700 27SE,28W RMP 35 95 0 Fri/Sat N G DRM MER Int<br />

9770 1400-1700 27SE,28W RMP 35 95 0 Sun-Thur N G DRM MER<br />

9800 2300-2400 4,7E,8N SAC 70 268 0 N G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

11955 0300-0400 6,7,8N SAC 70 285 0 N G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

15215 1800-1900 29 RMP 35 61 14 N G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)<br />

QSL-Karte. Leading the Way with Dr. Michael Youssef schickte mit nach 6<br />

Tagen auf einen E-Mail Bericht eine volldet. QSL-Karte mit Sen<strong>der</strong>standort<br />

Merlin UK.<br />

Adresse: Leading the Way with Dr. Michael Youssef, P.O.Box 20100, Atlanta,<br />

Georgia 30325, U.S.A. Internet Adresse <br />

(Dieter Kraus-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 12)<br />

A-<strong>05</strong> from March 28:<br />

15495 1700-1730 29 RMP 500 61 14 Sat/Sun 17 D USA MNO MER Russian<br />

15495 1700-1730 40 RMP 500 95 0 1234567 D USA MNO MER Persian<br />

Daily Persian seems wrong, should be Tue/Fri again ?<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)

From their website: "Though started as a ministry for the Arab world, it<br />

meanwhile has created a number of sces in other langs as well:<br />

The international radio ministry was launched in 1996 with a dual- lang,<br />

English-Arabic program broadcast on two high-powered AM stations in Monte<br />

Carlo and Cyprus. This program now airs three times each week and is<br />

designed to help Non-Christians in the Middle East, North Africa and Europe<br />

un<strong>der</strong>stand who Jesus is." (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 19, 2004)<br />

Also Hirondelle[Organization, brokered by MNO-VT] French again, now<br />

extended at 0400-0600 on 11690, from either UAE or Meyerton[see below,<br />

seems MEY] ? Others say R Okapi to Congo. No chance to hear anything in<br />

Germany in past days. 11690 heard already testing in week February 15th<br />

also. (wb)<br />

Night sce still at extended 1730-1930 UT on 11760 in B-04:<br />

11760 1830-1930 46E,47W WOF 250 152 12 618 D G NEW MER<br />

Found 15470 in A-<strong>05</strong>:<br />

15470 1830-1930 46E,47W WOF 250 152 12 618 G NEW MER<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9/12)<br />

11690.<br />

I agree too, guys. Even at <strong>05</strong>40 UTC, the signal is still much stronger here<br />

than a 10 kW African ought to be. Walt, I see that Bernd Trutenau replied<br />

to your logging and says that a reliable source places this tx at Meyerton,<br />

South Africa.<br />

(Guy Atkins-WA-USA, hcdx Mar 12-13)<br />

11690 at 0419- UT, Radio Okapi on Mar 13. Musical 'Okapi' by YL at exactly<br />

04:19:30 UT. S9 to S9 + 10 signal. I'm really having trouble believing this<br />

is only 10 kW[sic 250 kW?]. Another ID at 04:21:45. 'Okapi', not 'Radio<br />

Okapi'. In vernacular as I listen. Mentions of 'democrasiya', 'Congo'. Best<br />

by far of the last few days I've listened. Are we sure this isn't from a<br />

100+kw transmitter? ?Kigali, ?Meyerton, ?Madagascar.<br />

'Okapi' again at 04:26:15. Full ID as Radio Okapi at 04:30 UT, and<br />

mentioned Hirondelle as well. Signal continues to improve. Marvellous<br />

signal at 0440 UT in French. Another full excellent ID in French at 0455<br />

UT. Further IDs just after the TOH, and continued in French programming<br />

about 'elections libre'. Totally about the need for free elections in The<br />

Democratic Republic of Congo. Discussion between Robert and Walter.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 13)<br />

Today Sun Mar 13 elections held also in CAF. (wb)<br />

11690 It's Radio Okapi, heard with a good signal on 11690 kHz with<br />

interviews, listeners questions about elections, mx.<br />

Their website indicates:<br />

"Depuis le 1er mars 20<strong>05</strong>, Radio Okapi diffuse un nouveau programme de deux<br />

heures en ondes courtes sur l'ensemble du territoire congolais. La<br />

reception se fait sur 11690 kHz.<br />

De 5h a 7h, a l'ouest du Congo et donc de 6h a 8h, a l'est du pays, nous<br />

proposons un condense du programme diffuse la veille sur les frequences FM<br />

et compose des journaux et chroniques en langues nationales, mais aussi des<br />

emissions phares de notre radio : Dialogue Entre Congolais et Okapi Action.<br />

Une large part est faite aux programmes d'education civique et au suivi du<br />

processus electoral ainsi qu'aux emissions d'information pratique, sante<br />

developpement, droits.." So, its' from 0400 to 0600 UTC.<br />

(Jean-Marie Aubier-F, dxld Mar 13)

USA Here's some nx from our website at<br />

which may be of interest.<br />

Europa Radio International will begin broadcasting from Miami via WRMI on<br />

March 20th on 7385/15725 to North America and on 9955 kHz to the Caribbean.<br />

Progress on our own recently acquired tx, as expected, has been slow due to<br />

transit delays and poor weather conditions however we hope to have some<br />

good nx by mid-April.<br />

More nx to follow later this month. (Alan Day, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 5)<br />

Jeff White tells me that WEWN has been or<strong>der</strong>ed off 5825, much as WRMI was<br />

or<strong>der</strong>ed off 6870, and WHRI off 7535. It looks like the USG is finally<br />

"cleaning up" OOB usage by broadcasters. So I have been checking the posted<br />

schedule.<br />

5825 is still there for now, but the schedule has been modified: now if you<br />

hear it on both 5825 and 5810 between 0000 and <strong>05</strong>00 it's not a spur! But<br />

look out, 5840 and 5795!! Other mixing products possible when on two nearby<br />

freqs: 7280 and 7715 at <strong>05</strong>00-0800; 15645 and 15795 at 1700-2000 and 2200-<br />

2300. First column is EST, even tho WEWN is in the CST zone!<br />

Schedule on via gh, dxld March 8)<br />

Please note that WRMI has moved freq to 7385kHz.<br />

Europa Radio International Moves to Miami<br />

Europa Radio International is to begin broadcasting via the facilities of<br />

WRMI in Miami on: Sunday, March 20th on 7385 kHz to North America between<br />

1900 and 2100 UTC and on Wednesday 23rd March on 9955 kHz between 1100-1300<br />

UTC to the Caribbean.<br />

(wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 10)<br />

URUGUAY The country will return to UTC-3 on next March 27. Now DST with<br />

UTC-2.<br />

6140 R Montecarlo/Oriental. The xter again silent after last reported<br />

activity with bike competition. It is expected to reactivate un<strong>der</strong> same<br />

characteristics on next "Semana de Turismo" ("Tourism Week" ) (also named<br />

"Semana Santa" -"Holy Week"-, or "Semana Criolla" -"Creole Week"-) from<br />

March 20 to March 27. (Horacio A. Nigro-URG, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 6)<br />

VATICAN CITY [non, rather foreign relays] A-<strong>05</strong> season relays of Vatican<br />

Radio<br />

6020 1225-1315 42-44 PUG 250 355 ............. D Ch PHL VAT<br />

VAT<br />

62<strong>05</strong> 1310-1400 49,54 TCH 500 194 0409<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> D RUS VAT<br />

GFC<br />

6210 1225-1300 31,32 NVS 100 78 ............. D RUS VAT<br />

GFC<br />

7300 2145-2245 44 IRK 250 152 01<strong>05</strong><strong>05</strong> 0309<strong>05</strong> D RUS VAT<br />

GFC<br />

9800 1945-2030 7N,8N SAC 70 268 .........DRM! N English CAN VAT<br />

RCI<br />

11830 2157-2245 43,44 KHB 100 218 0409<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> D RUS VAT<br />

GFC<br />

11830 2157-2245 43,44 KHB 100 218 2703<strong>05</strong> 3004<strong>05</strong> D RUS VAT<br />

GFC<br />

12<strong>05</strong>5 1300-1400 43,44,49,54 TCH 500 195 ............. D RUS VAT<br />

GFC<br />

12065 1430-1600 41 TAC 100 130 ............. D UZB VAT<br />

GFC<br />

17590 0200-0330 41 NVS 250 180 ............. D RUS VAT<br />

GFC<br />

6020 = RVA Manila relay. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9)

From: "International Editor - WRTH" <br />

An update file for WRTH 20<strong>05</strong> is now available for download at the WRTH web<br />

site, <br />

The file is pdf document and you will require the free adobe acrobat rea<strong>der</strong><br />

5 or above to read it. Please follow the simple instructions on site to<br />

download.<br />

This file contains the latest International broadcaster updates, schedule<br />

changes and new stations for the winter (B04) season. The file is just over<br />

100k so won't take too long to download. New/changed entries are marked in<br />

RED so they are easy to identify.<br />

Regards, Sean D. Gilbert G4UCJ / G4001SWL<br />

International Editor - WRTH (World Radio TV Handbook)<br />

E-Mail: <br />

Fax: +44 [0] 709 2332287<br />

G4UCJ's Radio Website: <br />

WRTH - THE Directory of Global Broadcasting<br />

WRTH20<strong>05</strong> is now available - 688 pages (80 in full colour) visit<br />

to or<strong>der</strong> yours direct. (Mar 6)<br />

Hallo Liste, anbei einige Infos zum 10. internationalen RKI-Hoerertreffen<br />

in Mainz:<br />

10. Treffen <strong>der</strong> Hoerer von KBS World Radio - Radio Korea International - am<br />

Samstag, den 28. Mai 20<strong>05</strong> beim Deutsch - Koreanischen Freundeskreis in<br />

Mainz<br />

Der Deutsch-Koreanische Freundeskreis Mainz laedt alle KBS World Radio<br />

Hoerer und Koreafreunde in seine Raeume in <strong>der</strong> Mainzer Reduite auch in<br />

diesem Jahr recht herzlich ein. Das Jahr 20<strong>05</strong> steht ganz im Zeichen <strong>der</strong><br />

Feier des 10. Treffens und es ist erfreulich, dass gerade im Koreajahr 20<strong>05</strong><br />

<strong>der</strong> Mainzer Freundeskreis bereits auf eine lange Reihe von sehr<br />

erfolgreichen Veranstaltungen dieser Art zurueck blicken kann.<br />

Den ganzen Tag ueber wird ab 11 Uhr im Vereinsheim in <strong>der</strong> Reduite wie<strong>der</strong><br />

ein vielfaeltiges und sehr kurzweiliges Programm geboten werden: <strong>der</strong> Bogen<br />

reicht von interessanten Bildvortraegen, Praesentationen und Infomaterial<br />

aus Korea, einer Trommel-Perkussion aus dem Land <strong>der</strong> Morgenstille bis hin<br />

zu einer Praesentation von Hanbok, <strong>der</strong> traditionellen Tracht <strong>der</strong> Koreaner,<br />

und wird begleitet von den kulinarischen Genuessen des Landes. Dem Hobby<br />

Rundfunkfernempfang wird natuerlich ebenso Raum gegeben: so ist u.a. neben<br />

<strong>der</strong> Vorstellung von Empfangsmoeglichkeiten weltweit senden<strong>der</strong><br />

Radiostationen und <strong>der</strong> Demonstration <strong>der</strong> neuen digitalen Kurzwelle diesmal<br />

geplant, eine direkte Live Fernfunkverbindung zwischen Mainz und Seoul<br />

aufzubauen!<br />

Hierzu begruesst <strong>der</strong> Freundeskreis in seinen Raeumen Funkamateure aus<br />

Mainz, die eine komplette Sende- und Empfangsstation aufbauen werden.<br />

KBS World Radio wird natuerlich auch diesmal wie<strong>der</strong> mit Interviews die<br />

Atmosphaere einfangen und am Abend ueber sein Programm von <strong>der</strong><br />

Veranstaltung berichten.<br />

Wer auch am Sonntag noch die Funkerfreunde Mainz im "Holzturm" besuchen<br />

moechte bzw. am Freitag frueher anreist, <strong>der</strong> hat Moeglichkeit, sehr<br />

preiswert im unmittelbar zur Reduite gelegenen DLRG-Fortbildungszentrum zu<br />


Die Teilnahme am Hoerertreffen ist kostenlos. Eine fruehzeitige Anmeldung<br />

ist jedoch wegen <strong>der</strong> Planung erbeten.<br />

Bitte kontaktieren Sie hierzu den Vereinsvorsitzenden des Deutsch-<br />

Koreanischen Freundeskreises Mainz e.V., Herrn Michael Tassler:<br />

Tel.: 06131 385379 Email: <br />

Aktuelle Informationen zum 10. Hoerer- und Koreafreundetreffen sind auch<br />

auf <strong>der</strong> Korea-Internetseite des Vereinsmitglieds Thomas Schnei<strong>der</strong> aus<br />

Freiburg zu erhalten:<br />

(Willi Stengel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 6)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 10)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Mar 12)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 5)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 31)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 10)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 1)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 706 22 March 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

<strong>Private</strong> <strong>Verwendung</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Meldun</strong>gen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede<br />

kommerzielle <strong>Verwendung</strong> bedarf <strong>der</strong> Zustimmung des Newslettereditors.<br />

Extracts of items sourced to E<strong>DX</strong>P may be further reproduced but only by<br />

organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with<br />

E<strong>DX</strong>P.<br />

!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews. !!!<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio may<br />

be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages,<br />

from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting are made<br />

available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

credit is given to the contributor and to <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only<br />

with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our<br />

WW<strong>DX</strong>C WWW homepage-German AG<strong>DX</strong> Club-direct address:<br />

<br />

or via Link of Homepage: <br />

Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

ALGERIA 700 Polisario Front (Algerian (RTA) site?) putting splendid<br />

signals when monitored evenings 11+12 Mar at on the SW coast; typically<br />

better than 7460 due to the usual QRM de RFAsia 7460, but even the latter<br />

outlet provides slightly better reception on the south. By the way, 1550<br />

Tindouf (I wish this could be ascertained once & for all) is still off.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>- <strong>DX</strong> Mar 17)<br />

ARGENTINIA RAE R. Nacional on 15345.16 at 2310-2320+ on March 6, futbol<br />

game with usual exuberant announcer. Radio Nacional ID, ad jingles. Fair.<br />

\\ 6<strong>05</strong>9.96 poor with co-channel QRM and adjacent channel splatter. (Brian<br />

Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Mar 11)<br />

AUSTRALIA Some Darwin registrations in A-<strong>05</strong>, A<strong>BC</strong>:<br />

9625 1400 1600 49S,54 DRW 250 290 English AUS A<strong>BC</strong> CVI<br />

9785 2130 2330 54 DRW 250 290 Indonesian AUS A<strong>BC</strong> CVI<br />

and CVI - Christian Vision<br />

13685 1000 1400 43,44,50 DRW 250 340 English AUS VIL CVI<br />

13770 0900 1400 43,44,50 DRW 250 340 Chinese AUS VIL CVI<br />

152<strong>05</strong> 1400 1800 43,44,50 DRW 250 340 English AUS VIL CVI<br />

17775 0130 0200 49,50,54 DRW 250 317 English AUS VIL CVI<br />

17820 0400 1000 54 DRW 250 290 Indonesian AUS VIL CVI<br />

17830 0700 1000 43,44,50 DRW 250 340 Chinese AUS VIL CVI<br />

and HCA Kununurra WA AUS G.C. 15S48 128E41

11750 0700-1000 51,55,56,59,60,62KNX 50 120 ENGLISH AUS HCA<br />

15390 1430-1600 40,41,49,54 KNX 100 307 ENGLISH AUS HCA<br />

154<strong>05</strong> 1300-1430 44,49,50,54 KNX 100 340 0106<strong>05</strong> 0109<strong>05</strong> VARIOUS AUS HCA<br />

154<strong>05</strong> 1300-1430 40,41,49,54 KNX 100 307 0109<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> VARIOUS AUS HCA<br />

154<strong>05</strong> 1300-1430 40,41,49,54 KNX 100 307 2703<strong>05</strong> 0106<strong>05</strong> VARIOUS AUS HCA<br />

15425 1000-1300 41E,49,54 KNX 100 307 VARIOUS AUS HCA<br />

15525 2230-0100 44,50,54 KNX 100 340 VARIOUS AUS HCA<br />

15560 0100-0230 40,41,49,54 KNX 100 307 ENGLISH AUS HCA<br />

15560 0230-0300 40,41,49,54 KNX 100 307 1 ENGLISH AUS HCA<br />

15560 0230-0300 40,41,49,54 KNX 100 307 234567 URDU AUS HCA<br />

(March 9)<br />

AUSTRIA Vienna exhibition: "off limits" Radiosen<strong>der</strong> Blue Danube Network,<br />

BDN, WOFA in 1945-1955.<br />

Noch bis zum 3. Juni in <strong>der</strong> Wiener Stadt- und Landesbibliothek (Rathaus,<br />

Stiege 4, 1. Stock) Mo-Do 0900-1800 MEZ / Fr 0900-1600 MEZ zu sehen.<br />

"off limits" - Amerikanische Soldaten in Wien 1945-1955. Eine Ausstellung<br />

im Wiener Rathaus beleuchtet das Leben <strong>der</strong> amerikanischen Besatzer nach dem<br />

zweiten Weltkrieg in Wien. Eintritt frei. Fotos, Plakate, Zeitungen und<br />

Radioaufnahmen zeigen den Alltag <strong>der</strong> Soldaten. Anhand von rund 300<br />

Exponaten werden Streifzuege durch kulturelle Szenen eines "amerikanischen"<br />

Wien unternommen: zum Tuxedo Club, zum Army Red Cross Club, zum Radiosen<strong>der</strong><br />

Blue Danube Network.<br />

"Amerika ruft Oesterreich" - Printmedien 1945-1955 heisst eine Teil-<br />

Ausstellung in <strong>der</strong> Hauptbuecherei <strong>der</strong> St. Buechereien am Guertel, 1070<br />

Wien. (18.02. - 30.04.20<strong>05</strong>) Fuehrungen auf Anfrage:<br />

Information <br />

Was ist so zu hoeren und zu sehen:<br />

Die Beschallung des Ausstellungsraumes uebernehmen Sendungen vom Blue<br />

Danube Network. An diversen Staenden laden Kopfhoerer zum Hoeren ein.<br />

Plakate: u.a. Sen<strong>der</strong>gruppe Rot-Weiss-Rot Wien, Salzburg, Linz 755 kcs /<br />

397.4mb kuendigt die Eroeffnung von zwei neuen Sen<strong>der</strong>eihen an.<br />

Programmblaetter of the Blue Danube Network.<br />

Funk u. Film Programmbeilage vom 13. - 19. Okt. 1946 u. a. mit<br />

Programmvorschau von:<br />

Wien I 506.8mb, Wien II 228.6mb<br />

Rot-Weiss-Rot 410mb 231.8mb 236.8mb<br />

Alpenland 338.6mb 233.4mb<br />

West 578mb<br />

Budapest 549mb<br />

WOFA Wien 281mb<br />

Britischer Militaersen<strong>der</strong> Wien 249mb<br />

Nachrichten aus aller Welt:<br />

Amerika 1796mLW [VoA Munich Erching 1734 mb?, wb.] KW, UdSSR 48, 42, 40 mb,<br />

Frankreich 463mb KW, England LW 1796mb KW Schulfunkprogramm.<br />

Programmblatt:<br />

German Instruction over Blue Danube Network.<br />

The following stations in Austria will broadcast the programm Vienna WOFA<br />

1068kc/s 281mb, Salzburg KZCA 1104kc/s 271.7mb, Linz KOFA 629kc/s 465.9mb.<br />

Short Waves 7.22 megacycles / 40.5 meters.<br />

Briefe: U.S. Forces in Austria B. D. N. APO777 US Army 1948 Christmas Unit.<br />

Auch eine RAVAG Honorar Note ist vom 11. 11. 1950. Schilling achtzig/50 ist<br />

zu sehen.

Aus dem Info Blatt zur Ausstellung:<br />

Blue Danube Network BDN das war die Radiostation <strong>der</strong> amerikanischen<br />

Streitkraefte, nach dem 2. Weltkrieg in Oesterreich. Urspruenglich nur fuer<br />

die Truppenbetreuung bestimmt, war das Programm dieser Sen<strong>der</strong>gruppe aber<br />

auch bald bei <strong>der</strong> Bevoelkerung und hier speziell bei den juengeren Hoerern,<br />

sehr beliebt.<br />

Die Sendestationen waren: Wien, Salzburg und Linz. In Wien war das<br />

Hauptquartier. Es gab aber auch Relaisstationen in St. Johann, Saalbach,<br />

Zell am See, und Tulln. Der Sendebetrieb begann im Juni 1945 und endete,<br />

durch den Staatsvertrag bedingt, im Oktober 1955. Die nachfolgenden<br />

Tontraeger sollen uns an einen Kultsen<strong>der</strong> <strong>der</strong> damaligen Zeit erinnern.<br />

WOFA Armed Forces Radio Service: The Dick Haymes Show, Spieldauer 47<br />

Minuten. BDN Cool Corner (Vol.1 u.2). Diese Doppel CD mit insgesamt 96Min.<br />

Spieldauer vermittelt BDN Originalsound. Vol. 3 u. 4 mit insgesamt 159Min<br />

Spieldauer. Blue Danube Network Radio Show in Swingtime 61Minuten.<br />

Ing. Ernest Cech hat mit seinem selbst gebautem Tonband viele Sendungen des<br />

BDN und RWR aufgenommen. Es ist ihm zu verdanken, dass diese Sendungen <strong>der</strong><br />

Nachwelt erhalten blieben. Mehr Infos:<br />

Walter Orosz, 1220 Vienna, Austria; Email: <br />

The History of BDN - AFN - Armed Forces Radio Stations (1943).<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong> in Oesterreich (1945-55).<br />

(Paul Gager-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 20)<br />

AZERBAIJAN I hear programs in presumed Azerbaijani on 1531 kHz in the<br />

evenings (but not regularly), when IBB relays are off. The latter relays go<br />

on the air at 0400-<strong>05</strong>00, 1600-1700, 1800-1900 and 1900-2000 UTC. These<br />

programs are not \\ to 801 kHz and other known AZE freqs. A lot of national<br />

mx and songs is broadcast.<br />

(MI<strong>DX</strong>B No.412 - Vasily Gulyaev-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Mar 11)<br />

WRTH 20<strong>05</strong> (page 103) shows "Azad Azerbaycan Radiosu" on this freq at<br />

certain times. The bc company behind this stn also runs the FM station "FM<br />

106" in Baku.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>signal Mar 19)<br />

BELARUS Latest EMWG says that Heraniony and Slonim stations are off -<br />

indeed, I sent this info to Herman Boel last year. They were not able to<br />

pay electricity bills at those times. At present both stations have been<br />

revived: see the data below.<br />

SRV-50 Usacy dismantled SRV-50 Slonim active<br />

SRV-5 Heraniony active SRV-7 Hrodna active<br />

(open_dx - Sergey Alekseychik, Hrodna-BLR, <strong>DX</strong>signal Mar 11)<br />

BELGIUM RADIO WORLD - Sunday 20 March 20<strong>05</strong><br />

<br />

And now it's time for the combined last editions of B1043 and Radio World.<br />

It goes without saying that it's not without emotion that I embark on this<br />

part of the programme. After so many years, we've come to the end of<br />

answering your letters and reception reports, and reporting on SW and dx<br />

news.<br />

First of all, the entire Flan<strong>der</strong>s Today team would like to thank you for<br />

your loyalty, your friendship and the many encouraging letters you've been<br />

sending us over the years. Also, and in particular, those of you who have<br />

expressed sadness at the nx of our disappearance and supported us until the<br />

very end. To no avail, as it happens, but still, your backing was much<br />


Last weekend I had the opportunity to meet some of our listeners at the SWL<br />

Winterfest in Kulpsville, Pa. To one of them, Chris Campell of Columbus,<br />

Ohio, I should say that we are doing our best to find a CD by "Spencer the<br />

Rover". Hang on Chris, we don't have any in stock, but we're looking.<br />

Before arriving at Kulpsville, I had the great pleasure of meeting our<br />

listener Saul Broudy in Philadelphia. Saul is a singer-songwriter and he<br />

was playing with his friends at the Philadelphia Flower Show.<br />

At the SWL Winterfest in Kulpsville I was lucky to meet with some of the<br />

great names in SW: Kim Elliott of the Voice of America, Ian McFarland of<br />

Radio Canada International and Bob Zanotti of Radio Swiss International. Of<br />

these three, only Kim Elliott is still active, the others have retired, or<br />

were forced out when their service was scrapped. Seen in that perspective,<br />

we here at RVi survived for quite a long time.<br />

Ian McFarland once was one of the best known voices of Radio Canada<br />

International:<br />

SOUND Ian McFarland<br />

(listen to the programme via audio link on this page)<br />

<br />

Ian McFarland, formerly with Radio Canada International. Swiss Radio<br />

International has closed down its SW sce and is now part of the website<br />

"Swissinfo". This is a bit like what is going to happen to us: starting in<br />

April, the Flan<strong>der</strong>s Today team will be providing a comprehensive internet<br />

nx sce with lots of information about Flan<strong>der</strong>s and Belgium. You will be<br />

able to access the sce by going on line to flan<strong>der</strong>snews.be The sce will<br />

also be available via our existing website rvi.be<br />

After the disappearance of Flan<strong>der</strong>s Today at the end of March several times<br />

a day an English nx bulletin will be available on RVi. Back to Bob Zanotti.<br />

He's certainly one of the most staunch defen<strong>der</strong>s of SW. Ol<strong>der</strong> listeners<br />

will remember his as one of the two Bobs: Bob Thomas and Bob Zanotti.<br />

For him the nx that we were going to close down didn't come as a surprise:<br />

SOUND Bob Zanotti<br />

Also in Kulpsville was Kim Elliott of the Voice of America. He pointed out<br />

the irony that RVi was closing down at the time there was new hope for<br />

international broadcasting in the shape of DRM, digital radio mondiale.<br />

SOUND Kim Elliott<br />

Kim Elliott of the Voice of America.<br />

And now, here's Christopher Lewis and his last European <strong>DX</strong> Report for Radio<br />

World:<br />

SOUND: Christopher Lewis.<br />

And that's it for this week. Thank you for listening, not only today, but<br />

all the times you have joined us for Flan<strong>der</strong>s Today. Special thanks from me<br />

to all friends of Radio World. The last edition of Flan<strong>der</strong>s Today will be<br />

broadcast on Saturday 26 March, that's with Paul Rans, and the very last<br />

song Paul will be playing in Music from Flan<strong>der</strong>s is one of his own, and he<br />

will sing it himself. It's appropriately entitled: Ick seg adieu, I say<br />

adieu.<br />

The very last broadcast of that Saturday programme is on Sunday at <strong>05</strong>00 UTC<br />

from Bonaire.

Bye for now, and once again: thanks a lot!<br />

FRANS VOSSEN (RVI via John Norfolk-USA, dxld Mar 20)<br />

Von <strong>der</strong> RVI-Homepage:<br />

Flan<strong>der</strong>ninfo.be loest Hier ist Bruessel ab.<br />

Am 26. Maerz verabschiedet sich "Hier ist Bruessel", das deutsche<br />

Hoerfunkmagazin bei RVi, dem Inforadio aus Flan<strong>der</strong>n, endgueltig von seinen<br />

Hoerern.<br />

Die VRT, die oeffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunkanstalt des belgischen<br />

Bundeslandes Flan<strong>der</strong>n stellt dann alle Fremdsprachensendungen ihres<br />

Auslandshoerfunkprogramms ein.<br />

An ihre Stelle wird ab dem 29. Maerz das Online-Angebot<br />

ins Netz gestellt. Hier werden in deutscher Sprache<br />

alle aktuellen Informationen ueber Flan<strong>der</strong>n und Belgien angeboten. Die<br />

Redaktion konzentriert sich auf die Nachrichtenlage im Lande, sorgt aber<br />

auch fuer zusaetzliche Hintergrundinfos und Magazinbeitraege.<br />

Das Angebot wird taeglich, auch am Wochenende von morgens bis abends<br />

aktualisiert. Audio ist nicht mehr vorgesehen.<br />

Vergleichbare Online-Angebote wird es in Englisch und<br />

Franzoesisch geben. Interessenten finden dieses<br />

Nachrichtenangebot auch weiterhin auf unserer bisherigen Internetseite<br />

rvi.be.<br />

Bei RVi wird es weiterhin sehr kurze englische Nachrichtenbloecke um 06.56<br />

Uhr, 10.56 Uhr, 17.56 Uhr und 21.56 Uhr geben, die ueber die<br />

Mittelwellenfrequenz 1512 kHz, ueber Satellit und Internet im Rahmen eines<br />

ansonsten einsprachig nie<strong>der</strong>laendischen Programms zu hoeren sein werden.<br />

(via Rudolf Sonntag-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 20)<br />

Trotz zahlreichen Protestbriefen wird RVI wohl bald nur noch eine Richtig<br />

Vielseitige Internetpraesenz sein. Wer nochmal etwas ueber die Geschichte<br />

erfahren moechte:<br />

<br />

(Douglas Kaehler-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 14)<br />

BRAZIL 3400 R. Guaruja Paulista used this fq only for a brief period<br />

before moving to its new fq of 3385; I was unable to track them on the old<br />

one (3235), 3385 or 3400... but then conditions were bad and too much uty.<br />

QRM around 3385.<br />

4775 R. Congonhas, Congonhas MG, on Mar 12 at 2206-2221, folk songs, advts;<br />

35322.<br />

4815 R. Difa, Londrina PA, on Mar 12 at 2154-2209, songs; 34322, adj. uty.<br />

QRM.<br />

4825 R. Educadora, Braganca PA, on Mar 12 at 2012(!)-..., talks, pops;<br />

24321, adj. QRM de CHN 4820.<br />

4885 R. Club do Para, Belem PA, on Mar 12 at 2006(!)-..., fqs, talks, TC,<br />

advts; 25321, so probably f/in almost half an hour before the time I<br />

spotted them.<br />

4985 R. Brasil Central, Goiania GO, on Mar 12 at 2233-2250, interview;<br />

45333, but usually a lot better.

6150 R. Record, Sao Paulo SP, on Mar 12 at 2334-..., f/ball match rpt;<br />

32441, QRM de CHN.<br />

6185 R. Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia DF, still here or then back from<br />

6180, as obs'ed on Mar 12 at 2337-..., songs; 54423; \\ 11780 at 45423.<br />

9504.9 R. Record, Sao Paulo SP, on Mar 12 at 2010-..., f/ball match rpt,<br />

TCs, advts; 44433 - surely a lot better than later observations, usually<br />

un<strong>der</strong> mo<strong>der</strong>ate~strg. QRM.<br />

9615 R. Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, on Mar 12 at 2014-..., Braz. ballads; 44433,<br />

blocked by RCI in A at 2015.<br />

9645 R. Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, on Mar 12 at 2019-..., f/ball match<br />

rpt; 43433, co-ch QRM de CRI.<br />

9675 R. Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, on Mar 12 at 2007-..., rlgs<br />

prgr; 54444, but w/ dist.modulation/audio. Also on Mar 13 at 1049-f/out ca.<br />

1130, talks, folk songs; 15331. (all 12 de Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Mar 17)<br />

BULGARIA 96<strong>05</strong> Voice Africa via Plovdiv [? likely Sofia Kostinbrod 100<br />

kW]. Full data Green card with "QSL," logo with site as Plovdiv, Bulgaria,<br />

also sent a thank you letter. Reply in 14 days. Rpt. to U.K. West Bromwich<br />

address. v/s: Sandra Joynes, Administrator.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 12)<br />

Now on 13820 kHz 1600-1800 UT 46SE SOF 100kW 215deg<br />

See also IRRS 15725 un<strong>der</strong> Italy.<br />

BURKINA FASO 7230 R. Burkina, Ouagadougou, monitored (on the SW coast) on<br />

Mar 12 at 1320-1458, French prgr, news, etc., Vernacular too, talks, folk<br />

songs, nx again 1500; 25443, but worse after 1500 due to QSB & other stns<br />

disturbing reception.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 17)<br />

CANADA 17875 Radio Japan's 55th Anniversary Special <strong>BC</strong>B via Sackville.<br />

Full data Card with schedule/calendar/rpt forms for a Tape report, in 45<br />

days v/s A.Ishimo.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 12)<br />

CLANDESTINE 5102 V.O.Jammu Kashmir Freedom on Mar 9 at *1259-1303 UT,<br />

44433, Kashmiri, 1259 UT sign on with opening mx, ID, Koran, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Mar 18)<br />

11630.2 V of Iranian Nation on Mar 14 at *1430-1442 UT, 24432-24332<br />

Persian, 1430 sign on with opening mx, ID and opening announce, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Mar 18)<br />

COLOMBIA 6010.18 La Voz de Tu Conciencia on Mar 11 at 0745-0832 UT, En-<br />

Sp religious prgm, preacher in En says a few sentences, followed by Sp<br />

translation, non-stop, except at 08<strong>05</strong> UT Sp ID, fair-good with light<br />

QRN/QRM.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 11)<br />

5910.03 at 0408- UT, Merfil Estereo/Voz de tu Conciencia on Mar 14. Seems<br />

they've dropped closer to nominal 5910 with stong S9+ signals with late<br />

night Spanish balads. One brief annt just after TOH, but nothing more.<br />

Canned ID at <strong>05</strong>09 UT for a FM channel. Multiple annts followed including<br />

some with children. Public sce I think. Nothing noted mentioning SW. (Walt<br />

Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 19)<br />

CUBA 9600 R Rebelde, at 1133 on Mar 4, programme "Haciendo Radio" on<br />

this frequency. "Son las 7 de la manana con 36 minutos, buenos dias, desde

las 5 de la manana en Radio Rebelde, hacemos mejor la radio". Cuban and<br />

international nx and comments. 34333.<br />

(Manuel Mendez-ESP, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Mar 9)<br />

9610 R.Rebelde, Bauta, observed on Mar 13 at 1<strong>05</strong>3-1250, folk songs, prgr<br />

announcements, mx; 25432, vy. poor by 1235. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 17)<br />

15230 at 1456- UT, China Radio International Mar 19 Interesting mix of<br />

stations with both easily heard with CRI in English via Sackville over<br />

cochannel Havana in Spanish. CRI ID'd with web address, and then left the<br />

air at 1459. So did Cuba. Dead air at 1500 UT.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 19)<br />

Previous report about RNV via Cuba being cut back to Sundays only, except<br />

at 2300 UT on 13680 kHz, was, as I suspected, incorrect. Tuesday March 15<br />

after 2000, RNV was heard as usual on 13680 and 9550 in synch, tho<br />

inaudible on the other two freqs perhaps due to high local computer noise<br />

level. As has been the case for months, the 1900 broadcast on 13740 is<br />

still MIA.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Mar 16)<br />

DIGITAL DAB Digital radio......the truth? <br />

Journalists Fall for DAB-Industry Spin.<br />

It has been widely reported in both the print media and on B<strong>BC</strong> radio that<br />

sales of DAB radios outsold those of analogue radios for the first time in<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary. Unfortunately for the DAB industry, this is totally incorrect. To<br />

quote Ofcom's "radio review":<br />

"If we compare these percentages to the current market for all radios<br />

where, on average, around 10 million units are sold per year (equivalent to<br />

44% of all households acquiring a new radio each year)."<br />

Yet the DRDB's own predictions show that about 1 million DAB radios were<br />

sold last year, and about the same number are predicted to be sold in 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

That makes the ratio of analogue radios sold to DAB radios sold to be 10 to<br />

1. So, to say that more DAB radios were sold than analogue radios is<br />

either:<br />

a lie a monumental blip simply journalists mis-reporting reality.<br />

I would suggest that the latter is the most likely, because the same thing<br />

has happened for the last 2 years after Christmas where Dixons have claimed<br />

that sales of DAB radios were higher than for analogue radios, but when you<br />

actually read the details they admit that it is the value of sales of DAB<br />

portable radios that is higher than the value of sales of analogue radios.<br />

And when you look at it in this way then it is hardly surprising that the<br />

value of sales of DAB radios are higher, because analogue portable radios<br />

can be bought for about œ5-œ10 and upwards, whereas DAB portable radios<br />

sell for between œ45 and œ200.<br />

Given that approximately 90% of sales of portable radios historically occur<br />

in the run-up to Christmas, then this is just another example of the DAB<br />

industry trying to get a few free column inches at a time when sales of<br />

radios are extremely flat.<br />

No doubt we will see identical stories this time next year....<br />

A concerning issue over the quality of the information we get via the DRDB<br />

(Digital Radio Development Bureau, whose sole task is to promote DAB in the<br />

UK, and who are responsible for the Digital Radio Now website) is that it<br />

is partly funded by B<strong>BC</strong> licence-fee payers' money, and its Vice- Chairman<br />

is Jenny Abramsky. So, given that previous DRDB DAB adverts have told us

that "analogue radio is B.A.D", and that DAB provides "superb digital<br />

quality sound" (a blatant lie) then, effectively, the B<strong>BC</strong> are sponsoring<br />

lying to the general public, which I do not consi<strong>der</strong> to be a particularly<br />

great use of licence-fee money. Then again, if you read some of the B<strong>BC</strong>'s<br />

own Digital Radio website then they're not shy of propagating lies directly<br />

... (via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, March 2)<br />

The World DAB Forum may not admit it, but Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB)<br />

is in something of a crisis at the moment.<br />

In the past few months we've had the Media Council for Berlin and<br />

Brandenburg in Germany saying they want to replace DAB with something<br />

better, Finland's public broadcaster YLE has dropped its DAB sces because<br />

the commercial broadcasters aren't interested, DAB has been a flop in<br />

Canada, and it's not exactly flourishing in many other places.<br />

But in the United Kingdom DAB is now firmly established and expanding,<br />

despite having lower than average audio quality. So what's going on?<br />

Full story at<br />

<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld Mar 10)<br />

When traced Georgia 118<strong>05</strong>.00 in English around 0730 UT today, came across<br />

same digital signal on 9703.5 kHz at 0740 UT, at best in lsb rx mode. About<br />

3.5 kHz wide. Similar signal on 4802.20 til 4807.20 kHz, but n o t on<br />

sub-harmonic 4851 kHz.<br />

I traced a digital tone website, acc to German NL, see link:<br />

<br />

(wb Mar 17)<br />

Not DRM, I assume (gh)<br />

Glenn - you are correct in your assumption. These txions do not sound the<br />

same as known DRM signals. They are not as wide in bandwidth and do not<br />

cause the same 'hash' characteristics as do strong DRM signals. A similar<br />

sounding txion to that heard by Wolfgang was heard on about 11864-11866 on<br />

March 17th at 0740 UT - this was before TWR via ALB appeared on 11865 kHz.<br />

On March 15th fast sounding 'dits' were noted on 9590 at good strength,<br />

also around 0740 and before BEL via SKN came up, while on about 9847.5<br />

there was another txion which I can only describe as an on/off pulsing<br />

noise. Whatever these txions are, they don't appear to operate to a regular<br />

schedule or on the same freqs each time. (Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar<br />

18)<br />

DJIBOUTI Mentioning 1431 R Sawa from Djibouti...I noticed yesterday a het<br />

on the same freq. which is causing some problems ... same with R. Farda on<br />

1170 kHz (a het from Iran on 1169 causing a lot of problems for both Radio<br />

Moscow in Arabic and Radio Farda in late nights). (Tarek Zeidan-EGY, wwdxc<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 20)<br />

Checking Djibouti on 4780 kHz around 1800 UT I could hear Horn of Africa mx<br />

followed by a guy giving a speech starting in the Islamic way "Besm Allah<br />

Alrahmaan Alraheem ... alsalam alykom" then he kept on shouting YA<br />

ALLAH..." some sort of a prayer we -Muslims- call it Du'aa.<br />

It's 1820 UT and he's still preaching with mxal breaks in between, lang<br />

spoken is either Afar or Somali -- not Arabic!<br />

The same strange UTE noted by Wolfie in Southern Germany is causing a<br />

severe QRM to the station even here in Cairo but still I'll keep monitoring<br />

to try and get an ID.

Using Drake R8B with 12.5 long wire, SYNC + LSB to get over the UTE.<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 20)<br />

Unid 4780 - schnell mal reinhoeren. Habe gerade (1736 UTC) ein Signal mit<br />

O=2-3 auf 4780, noch nie vorher gehoert und nichts passendes gelistet. Dem<br />

Musikstil nach entwe<strong>der</strong> Ostafrika o<strong>der</strong> Vor<strong>der</strong>-/Suedasien, jetzt sprache<br />

aber unidentifizierbar.<br />

(Thorsten Hallmann-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 18)<br />

I have been listening for reactivated 4780, but nothing heard yet. I<br />

remember hearing it fairly well in Nairobi before it disappeared more than<br />

10 years ago. I can hear Djibouti on 1539, but not on 1116 which (like<br />

4780) was supposed to have been built by IBB as part of the deal to<br />

establish the 1431 Radio Sawa station. (Chris Greenway-KEN, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 28)<br />

R. Djibouti: From some sources I got info that RTD's new 50 kW SW tx<br />

(4780?) might be operational sometime this March.<br />

(Savolainen-FIN, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 30) Xmtr provided by IBB.<br />

Danke Thorsten, ja, das muesste RTD Djibouti sein.<br />

Die Amis hatten sich ja als Gegenleistung fuer die Errichtung <strong>der</strong> grossen<br />

Propagandastation fuer Sudan und ETH/ERI auf <strong>der</strong> MW 1431 kHz 600 kW<br />

verpflichtet, einen lokalen MW [1539?], sowie den TB Sen<strong>der</strong> 4780 kHz mit 50<br />

kW wie<strong>der</strong> zu errichten, bzw. die vorhandene Tropenbandantenne wie<strong>der</strong><br />

herzurichten. Statt zuerst Mai 2004 wurde letztens <strong>der</strong> Maerz 20<strong>05</strong> als<br />

Inbetriebnahme-Termin angekuendigt.<br />

Ich kaempfe seit einer Stunde mit dem stoerenden UTE Signal nahe 4780. Beim<br />

Kenwood und Sony sind trotz SYNC Betrieb keine hoerenswerte Signale zu<br />

entlocken, ausser Erkennung <strong>der</strong> arabischen Sprache von RTD. Beim 7030 kann<br />

ich wenigstens mit SYNC <strong>der</strong> lowerband Flanke und Pass Band Shift ein<br />

angenehmeres Signal an den Kopfhoerer bringen. Mal sehen, ob <strong>der</strong> UTE Sen<strong>der</strong><br />

kontinuierlich diese Aussendungen fortsetzt, o<strong>der</strong> ob genuegend Pausen fuer<br />

einen Djibouti Empfang bleiben. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 18)<br />

4780 Thanks to a tip of Thorsten Hallmann in Austrian nx group A- <strong>DX</strong> of<br />

1736 UT, RTD Djibouti is back on 4780 kHz TB tonight. Scheduled 0300-2000<br />

[Fris- 2200 only, acc to WRTH 20<strong>05</strong>, but RTD left the air at 2000 UT today -<br />

even now we have Friday tonight ! ]<br />

Signal is m u c h disturbed in southern Germany by an UNKNOWN UTE signal<br />

nearby [Italian FAX meteo stn on lowerband] , so no reliable MP3 recording<br />

could be made yet. Monitored around 1800-2000 UT.<br />

Bad reception released on both, Kenwood and Sony rxs, even in SYNC mode.<br />

AOR 7030 set used in SYNC lowerband flank mode at around 4779.6 kHz and set<br />

Pass Band Shift to plus 2.1 kHz, in or<strong>der</strong> to listen in an agreeable sound.<br />

50 kW tropical band tx and a MW tx on 1116 kHz is a gift of US propaganda<br />

organization BBG-IBB to Djibouti in return:<br />

"was supposed to have been built by IBB as part of the deal to establish<br />

the 1431 Radio Sawa station [US 600 kW super power propaganda station to<br />

SDN, ETH, ERI, audience wb.]" - see Chris Greenway's mail below.<br />

Existing tropical band antenna has been refurbished already. Envisaged<br />

final opening date was May 2004, but postphoned to March 20<strong>05</strong> lately. (wb,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 18)<br />

Picked up what I presume to be Djibouti, though I didn't catch a definite<br />

ID. Was audible all evening on 4780 kHz, signing off after the national

anthem at 2002 UTC. Mostly mx that I would place in the Horn of Africa. The<br />

lang sounded like Somali. Calls to prayer and occasional greetings were<br />

however in Arabic.<br />

(Mika Maekelaeinen-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 18)<br />

4780, spectacular signal since *0300 Mar 19, several clear "R. Djibouti"<br />

IDs, still going strong at 0342. If I had guessed I would say much more<br />

than 50 kW. Tnx Mika & Wolfie.<br />

Djibouti 4780 kHz. Yes, my log shows 4780 as well, Oct 1973.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 19)<br />

But Jerry it was much nicer when it was 4 kW on 4780 kHz back in the 70's<br />

... Nice, however, to allow others to hear a very nice <strong>DX</strong> country... (Dan<br />

Hen<strong>der</strong>son, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 19)<br />

My QSL from <strong>Jan</strong> 1976 shows 4780 khz. Nice to have them back on the air! I<br />

remember when it was a tough Dx catch at 4 kW. (Larry Yamron-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer<br />

Mar 19)<br />

I have 4780 kHz in 1975 on my antiquated index card system and still listed<br />

as Afars & Issas. The 1975 WRTH shows 4780 as well.<br />

(John Sgrulletta-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 19)<br />

... but I think they were only 1 kw earlier. The logging I remember would<br />

be at dawn some time in 1960 or 1961 when I thought I was listening to a<br />

wan<strong>der</strong>ing Noumea on a *very* strange morning indeed. The big tx from<br />

northern Egypt on 818 was strangely weak and little 2 kw Aswan or Assuan on<br />

1178 was S9 ... and then there was the ID from 1 kw Djibouti; 1538 KHz,<br />

pounding in solid for an hour or more. I never heard them again, nor did I<br />

ever hear of them being logged again ...<br />

I was at our listening site on Lloyd Clayden's farm 25 miles North of<br />

Auckland New Zealand attached to some very long bits of wire indeed ...<br />

(Tony VE3NO ComputerViz, NYAA StarFest On-Line, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 19)<br />

Wie nicht an<strong>der</strong>s zu erwarten, hat man heute Nacht in Amerika spektakulaere<br />

Signale von Radio Djibouti ab 0300 UT aufgenommen, bis 0415 UT, nach dem<br />

Sonnenaufgang am Horn von Afrika.<br />

Website <br />

Des facilites techniques de diffusion totalement renovees : Un reseau<br />

d'emetteurs en modulation de frequences sur tout le territoire national<br />

(Djibouti, Arta, Ali-Sabieh, Balanbale, Dikhil et sur le mont Day).<br />

Deux emetteurs ondes moyennes de 50 KW (en cours d'installation).<br />

Un emetteur ondes courtes de 100 KW (en cours d'installation).<br />

Sendeschluss gestern abend um 2002 UT mit <strong>der</strong> Nationalhymne von Djibouti.<br />

(wb, Mar 19)<br />

HF 100 kW was planned by Djibouti national Telecom in 1999 ? Acc to the<br />

mccpt.dj website.<br />

But BBG-IBB planned 2 x 40 kW MW and 1 x 50 kW HF in 2002y paper.<br />

(wb, Mar 19)<br />

<br />

Notice Date 6/24/2002<br />

Response Due 8/15/2002<br />

Archive Date 11/30/2002<br />


The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) has an anticipated requirement<br />

for a Contractor to supply two (2) 40 kW medium wave (MW) amplitude<br />

modulated and one (1) 50 kW high freq (HF) txs including facility<br />

renovations at the Dorale Transmitting Station that is owned and operated<br />

by Radio-Television de Djibouti in the Republic of Djibouti, East Africa.<br />

The station is not owned or controlled by the BBG or by the US Govt.<br />

Please note that only limited information on existing conditions is<br />

available. Interested offerors are advised that this anticipated<br />

requirement shall include the fabrication, supply and installation of two<br />

40 kW medium wave (MW) amplitude modulated txs (1170 kHz and 1539 kHz) and<br />

one 50 kW high freq (HF) tx; integration of the new txs with the existing<br />

single tower MW antenna and HF log periodic antenna; and, the removal and<br />

disposal of existing txs and obsolete building equipment. This requirement<br />

shall also include a complete facilities renovation with new waterproof<br />

roofing, replacement of electrical and water supply systems, refurbishment<br />

of generators, painting, and replacement of plumbing fixtures, doors and<br />

air conditioning equipment.<br />

The Dorale station is located on the coast about 10 km west of Djibouti<br />

City. It is expected that potential bid<strong>der</strong>s will be required to visit the<br />

station before submitting a proposal. An offeror will need demonstrated<br />

experience in successful supply and installation MW and HF txs systems<br />

including work in remote locations with difficult logistics and extreme<br />

weather conditions.<br />

(via wb, Mar 19)<br />

Dorale UPGRADE: The second MW tx (1116 kHz) has been installed and is<br />

operational at full power; we now have two MW txs operational at the Dorale<br />

site. Two technicians from Germany have installed most of the Continental<br />

SW tx. Work on refurbishing the SW antenna will begin on March 3. (IBB<br />

Engineering Feb 25 via dxld via ARC MV-Eko Mar 14)<br />

This refers to the RTD facility, 1116 kHz listed as 40 kW in WRTH 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld)<br />

Coordination requested for 50 kW on 1116 at 43E<strong>05</strong> 11N35 using a 100 m mast.<br />

(ITU GE75/112) (Olle Alm, ARC Information Desk 14 March)<br />

ECUADOR 17640 HCJB via Pifo. Full data Special Japanese Service 40th<br />

anniversary card, HCJB choir and orchestra. on front with message on the<br />

back of the QSL. Also schedule/calendar, in 2 months time v/s: Curt Cole<br />

and Kazuo Ozaki.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 12)<br />

EGYPT Egyptian Information Minister Anas al-Fiqi appointed Inas Jawhar as<br />

chief of the Egyptian Radio on Wednesday [16 March]. Jawhar succeeds Umar<br />

Battisha, who completes his term of duty on Thursday. (MENA nx agency,<br />

Cairo-EGY, via B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld Mar 16)<br />

ERITREA 7100 VOBM at *0326-0341 UT on Mar 15, Tigrina / Vernacular,<br />

IS/ID loop in various langs. OM w/ "Dimsti Hafsa" and mentions of "kHz" and<br />

"mHz" at 0330, followed by talks b/w various Horn of Africa mxal bits.<br />

Fair. (Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Mar 17)<br />

ETHIOPIA R. Fana on 6209.92 at *0257-0315+ UT on March 6, IS, 0300 UT<br />

opening annts in vernacular with ID; 0308 UT local horn of Africa mx.<br />

Irregular; \\ 6940, both freqs poor in noise. (Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld<br />

Mar 11)<br />

5500 at 1456- UT, Voice of Peace/Voice of Democratic Eritrea on Mar 18. A<br />

pleasant surprise. Weak but in the clear with horn of Africa mx. Not sure<br />

if it's atmospherics, or some noise on frequency. Remove that, and

eception would be pleasant. Something indecipherable at 14:59:30 by YL,<br />

then a male. Too weak to be make anything out though.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 19)<br />

9704 R. Ethiopia at 03<strong>05</strong>-0321 on Mar 15, Amharic. Nice Horn of Africa mx<br />

w/ brief talk b/w selections. Nx at 0310 w/ field rpt, interview w/<br />

mentions of Rwanda and Congo. Weak but clear, better than \\ 7110. (Scott<br />

Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Mar 17)<br />

EQUATORIAL GUINEA I listened to Radio East Africa in English programme on<br />

15190 kHz from 0627-0743 UT on Feb 26. Mainly religious talk and songs. I<br />

confirmed ID at 0641 and 0642 UT as "Radio East Africa". 22332. QRM: Radio<br />

JPN on 15195 kHz.<br />

(Yasuhiro Shiozaki-JPN, JPNpremium Mar 12)<br />

Heute kam von The Salvation Army, <strong>der</strong> Heilsarmee, ein QSL-Brief fuer ihr<br />

Programm "Won<strong>der</strong>ful Words of Life" ueber Radio Africa 2, Bata, Equatorial-<br />

Guinea, zwar keine Daten, aber ich meine "... We recently received your<br />

reception report and we are happy to verify that have heard out 15-minute<br />

weekly program on Radio Africa 2, Equatorial Guinea, Bata." kann ich mal<br />

ausnahmsweise als QSL werten. Neues Rundfunkland ;-)<br />

Was mich sehr gefreut hat, dass sie urspruenglich mir in einer Email<br />

schrieben:<br />

We note your reception report and a request for QSL verification. We are<br />

unable to provide a QSL but we will send you the standard letter we send to<br />

an individual when he/she submits a reception report and request a QSL<br />

verification.<br />

dieser "standard letter" aber nun doch eine QSL ist. Scheinbar denken die,<br />

was keine QSL-Karte ist keine QSL ;-)<br />

Ich weiss zwar um die Diskusion "Wert von QSLs von Programm-Machern" aber<br />

solange vom Betreiber selbst, die Pan American Broadcasting Comp. noch<br />

keine Antwort da ist, besser als nix....<br />

Gut gut, ich weiss, wir koennen das auch extremer sehen: und einfach mal<br />

anfangen RRs an McDonalds, fuer ihren Werbespot via Radio FFN zu<br />

schicken...hi "Ist das dann etwa auch eine QSL?" ;-)))<br />

RR ging per an Email an <br />

Adresse: The Salvation Army, Radio Ministries, 1424 NE Expressway, Atlanta<br />

GA 30329-2088, USA. v/s: Major Pauline El<strong>der</strong>, Audience Correspondent, Radio<br />

Ministries<br />

Falls jemand das Programm selbst mal hoeren und QSLed will, hier <strong>der</strong><br />

beigelegte Plan: neben viel UKW, MW auch auf KW:<br />

via HCJB - Tues 9745, 11840, 21455 kHz um 0345 UTC (fuer E'NA)<br />

via HCJB - Tues 9780 kHz um 0815 UTC (fuer Europa)<br />

via HCJB - Tues 11890 kHz um 2115 UTC (fuer Europa)<br />

via HCJB - Tues 11755, 21455 kHz um "0845 and 10" (fuer S'Pacific)<br />

via Radio Africa 1 (Bata) - Sat 7190 kHz at 2000 UTC<br />

via Radio Africa 2 (Bata) - Tues 15190 kHz at 0730 UTC<br />

via New Zealand Radio Reading Service (Levin) - Sun 3935 kHz "7:00 PM"<br />

(Ortszeit?)<br />

via WSZO (Majuro, Marshall Is) - Sun 4940 kHz 1330 UTC<br />

via KTWR (TWR Guam, Asan) - Sat 151<strong>05</strong> kHz 1615 UTC (fuer S'Asia)<br />

(Tom Roesner-D DL8AAM, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 12)<br />

FRANCE 1593 kHz coordination requested for Saint Goueno at 2W33 48N18<br />

using 50/5 kW.

(ITU GE75/112)<br />

GERMANY 177drm I noted Kai's report about 177 and took a listen around<br />

0930 today and found them off air - still off at 0945 UT. It makes me<br />

won<strong>der</strong> how many listeners they have to their LW channel! There is always a<br />

"fuss" from listeners if the B<strong>BC</strong> makes any threat to change what they are<br />

doing on 198 kHz, so there must still be an audience for the frequency.<br />

And, of course, it provides the best ever coverage - and reception - of<br />

cricket 'test matches' in the summer months!<br />

And re the DRM txion which Wolfy listed for 7145 in A-<strong>05</strong>. I've been<br />

listening to several UK ham stations operating on or around that freq - all<br />

reporting good results. They are in for a 'shock' when the DRM appears! Not<br />

to mention the hash 20 kHz either side! Several other European countries<br />

can now use the 7100-7200 part of the band for ham broadcasting, but I<br />

don't think Germany has allowed its use yet - has it Wolfy?<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 15)<br />

Hopefully will be allowed fro German hams in 2006y. wb.<br />

As expected Nie<strong>der</strong>saechsische Landesmedienanstalt on March 17 allocated<br />

Braunschweig-Koenigslutter 630 kHz to Voice of Russia, for the time being<br />

only for two years since they would like to see the frequency used for<br />

digital txions in future.<br />

<br />

One could won<strong>der</strong> why VOR is interested in this outlet: The antenna pattern<br />

of Wachenbrunn 1323 kHz used in the evening covers mainly southwestern<br />

Germany, Zehlendorf covers not much more than the area around Berlin, and<br />

Bolshakovo 1215 kHz is able to serve only eastern Germany due to the cochannel<br />

UK network. So this can be seen as a consequence of the 1386 kHz<br />

matter. (Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 21)<br />

Die hier schon mal geaeusserte Vermutung war richtig. Die 630 kHz in<br />

Koenigslutter geht an die Stimme Russlands.<br />

<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 21)<br />

DLR - Das Sonntagsraetsel, eine <strong>der</strong> traditionsreichsten Sendungen im<br />

Programm von DeutschlandRadio Berlin, feiert am 7. Maerz 20<strong>05</strong> sein 40jaehriges<br />

Jubilaeum.<br />

Das beim Publikum ausserordentlich beliebte Quiz wurde 1965 von Hans<br />

Rosenthal im RIAS aus <strong>der</strong> Taufe gehoben und nach <strong>der</strong> Gruendung des<br />

nationalen Hoerfunks im Programm von DeutschlandRadio Berlin fortgesetzt.<br />

Intendant Ernst Elitz gratuliert mit den Worten: "Raetselsendungen sind<br />

heute in Mode. Das Sonntagsraetsel war seiner Zeit voraus, es war<br />

Trendsetter. Der Mensch ist beim Raetseln nicht gern alleine: Zu Hause<br />

raten alle mit. Das Sonntagsraetsel ist seit 40 Jahren eine ganz mo<strong>der</strong>ne<br />

Familiensendung."<br />

Auf rund 2000 Ausgaben bringt es die beliebte Ratesendung, die seit 1987<br />

von Christian Bienert mo<strong>der</strong>iert wird. Anfaenglich war sie nur fuer kurze<br />

Zeit vorgesehen, um anhand <strong>der</strong> Antwortbriefe die Anzahl <strong>der</strong> RIAS-Hoerer in<br />

<strong>der</strong> DDR festzustellen. Obwohl die Stasi zahlreiche Schreiben abfing, war<br />

die Resonanz gross: Tausende schickten ihre Loesungsworte an eine <strong>der</strong> RIAS-<br />

Deckadressen - "Michaela Wegner, Berlin". Das Raetsel avancierte zu einer<br />

festen Groesse im Programm des RIAS und spaeter im DeutschlandRadio Berlin.<br />

Seine - immer noch zunehmende - Beliebtheit dokumentierten bis zu 2000<br />

Zuschriften woechentlich aus allen Teilen Deutschlands. In <strong>der</strong> Sendung gilt<br />

es, ein Loesungswort herauszufinden, das sich aus den Antworten auf

Musikfragen ergibt. Den musikalischen Bogen spannt Christian Bienert bei<br />

<strong>der</strong> Auswahl <strong>der</strong> zu erratenden Stuecke weit: vom Evergreen, Chanson und<br />

Volkslied ueber Arien und Operetten zu Dixieland-Jazz und Popsongs.<br />

Das Raetselsendung laeuft sonntags von 10<strong>05</strong>-1035 MEZ bei DeutschlandRadio<br />

Berlin.<br />

(DLR - DeutschlandRadio Berlin via K.-M. Gierich, via Dr.H-J Biener, ntt<br />

March 4)<br />

GREENLAND 3815usb Last night, March 15 at 2129-2214*, KNR Tasiilaq (200<br />

watts) also came through to my location in Denmark on 3815 (USB only). The<br />

KNR nx jingle was heard clearly at 2130, 2143, 2200 and 2213. This jingle<br />

can also be heard on R Denmark longwawe 243 kHz and on FM Mondays-Fridays<br />

at 1755 when DR P1 starts the five mins nx in Danish from KNR in Nuuk.<br />

The programme heard was very weak - SINPO 25222 - and with poor modulation,<br />

so I was not able to identify the langs. However, there was nx at 2130-2143<br />

in supposed Greenlandic and 2200-2213 in supposed Danish. In between some<br />

pop songs.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 16)<br />

GUAM A-<strong>05</strong> AWR KSDA Agat Guam<br />

5990 2000 2100 44NE,45NW 330 Daily Kor SDA<br />

6115 2000 2100 44NE,45NW 315 Daily Kor SDA<br />

7180 1300 1330 45 315 Daily Jpn SDA<br />

9385 1700 1730 38E,39 300 Daily Tgl SDA<br />

9385 1730 1800 38E,39 300 Daily Eng SDA<br />

9590 1430 1500 49NW 285 Daily Mis SDA<br />

9600 1500 1530 41S 270 Daily Tam SDA<br />

9600 1530 1600 41S 270 Daily Mal SDA<br />

9685 1200 1300 44NE,45NW 330 Daily Kor SDA<br />

9695 1400 1500 43S,44S 300 Daily Chi SDA<br />

9720 1200 1300 43S,44S 300 Daily Chi SDA<br />

9725 1400 1430 49NW 285 Daily Bur SDA<br />

11560 1700 1730 38E,39 300 Daily Hin SDA<br />

11560 1730 1800 38E,39 300 Daily Tam SDA<br />

11640 1500 1530 41S 285 Daily Tel SDA<br />

11640 1530 1600 41S 285 Daily Kan SDA<br />

11640 1600 1630 41S 285 Daily Eng SDA<br />

11680 1600 1630 41 285 Daily Eng SDA<br />

11750 2100 2200 43N,44N 315 Daily Chi SDA<br />

11770 1100 1200 32S,33S,43N,44N 330 Daily Chi SDA<br />

11780 1030 1100 43,44 315 Daily Mon SDA<br />

11850 2100 2130 45 315 Daily Jpn SDA<br />

11850 2200 2230 54 255 Daily Ind SDA<br />

11850 2230 2300 54 255 Daily Eng SDA<br />

11870 1500 1530 41NW 300 Daily Pan SDA<br />

11870 1530 1600 41 285 Daily Hin SDA<br />

11885 1330 1400 49E 270 Daily Khm SDA<br />

11885 1430 1500 49NW 285 Daily Kar SDA<br />

11895 1500 1530 41NE 285 Daily Mis SDA<br />

11895 1530 1600 41 285 Daily Mar SDA<br />

11895 2100 2200 43S,44S 300 Daily Chi SDA<br />

11930 1000 1030 50 270 Daily Eng SDA<br />

11930 1030 1100 50 270 Daily Tgl SDA<br />

11975 1100 1200 43S,44S 300 Daily Chi SDA<br />

11975 1600 1630 41N 300 Daily Urd SDA<br />

11975 1630 1700 41N 300 Daily Eng SDA<br />

11980 1300 1330 45 345 Daily Jpn SDA<br />

11980 1330 1400 45 345 Daily Eng SDA<br />

11980 2100 2130 45 345 Daily Jpn SDA<br />

12015 1600 1630 41E 285 Daily Ori SDA<br />

12025 0000 0200 32S,33S,43N,44N 330 Daily Chi SDA<br />

12045 1400 1430 41S 270 Daily Sin SDA

121<strong>05</strong> 1100 1500 43N,44N 315 Daily Chi SDA<br />

12120 2200 2300 32S,33S,43N,44N 330 Daily Chi SDA<br />

12120 2300 2400 32S,33S,43N,44N 330 Daily Chi SDA<br />

15145 1200 1300 43N,44N 315 Daily Chi SDA<br />

15215 2200 2300 43N,44N 315 Daily Chi SDA<br />

15275 1300 1330 41NE 285 Daily Ben SDA<br />

15275 1330 1400 41NE 285 .23.567 Eng SDA<br />

15275 1330 1400 41NE 285 1..4... Asm SDA<br />

15320 2200 2230 54 255 Daily Ind SDA<br />

15320 2230 2300 54 255 Daily Eng SDA<br />

15320 2300 2400 49E 270 Daily Vie SDA<br />

15370 2300 2400 43N,44N 315 Daily Chi SDA<br />

15435 1100 1130 54 255 Daily Ind SDA<br />

15435 1130 1200 49 270 Daily Tha SDA<br />

15510 0000 0030 49NW 285 Daily Bur SDA<br />

15510 0030 0100 49NW 285 Daily Kar SDA<br />

15510 1000 1100 43S,44S 300 Daily Chi SDA<br />

15520 0100 0200 43S,44S 300 Daily Chi SDA<br />

15590 0000 0200 43N,44N 315 Daily Chi SDA<br />

15615 1000 1100 43N,44N 315 Daily Chi SDA<br />

(March 9)<br />

GUINEA 1385.9 R. Rurale, Labe, heard on 11 on Mar at 2323-2331* (abrupt<br />

s/off), Vernacular, talks acompanied with tune on string & drum; 45444.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 17)<br />

7125 R. Conakry (that's how they're identifying the stn for quite some<br />

time, which reminds me they'd also used such an ID in the 60's and 70's<br />

when pouring terrorist propaganda into the Portuguese Guinea just like<br />

other stns, e.g. Accra's VoFree Africa) obs'ed on Mar 13 at 1<strong>05</strong>9-1415,<br />

Vernacular, songs, mx, talks, etc.; 35444, but deteriorating due to QSB and<br />

QRM, both co-ch & adjacent.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 17)<br />


Magyar Katolikus Radio, the new Catholic station launched by the Hungarian<br />

Bishops Conference last spring, goes nationwide on April 1st by turning on<br />

two new txs. For the past year, the station has been operation from a<br />

single tx in Szolnok on 1340 AM.<br />

On April lst, it will be joined by a tx in Lakihegy on 810 AM, which will<br />

cover the middle part of Hungary, and Lakihegy on 1340 AM, in the western<br />

part of Hungary. According to Mr. Ferenc Zlinszky, the deputy editor at the<br />

FM network in northern Hungary, MKR, which is a separate institution from<br />

Magyar Katolikus Radio on AM radio, "Until now, only one of the three<br />

planned txs has been operating: the one in Szolnok, in the eastern half of<br />

the country, 1340 AM.<br />

So, the "country-wide" broadcasting will become a reality on the first of<br />

April." Further, Mr. Zlinszky reports that, in regard to the Szolnok tx,<br />

"this one will be replaced with a new equipment, too."<br />

Database Magyar Katolikus Radio Rt. H-1062 Budapest, Delibab u. 15-17.<br />

Hungary Director: Judit Juhasz Postal address: H-1385 Budapest, P.O. Box<br />

879, Hungary<br />

Telephone: +36 1 255 3366 Fax: +36 1 255 3399<br />

Web: E-mail: <br />

(Mike Dorner's CATHOLIC RADIO UPDATE #325 March 21)<br />

(via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 21)<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> schedule fo Radio Budapest (# via Rimavska Sobota):<br />

English to Eu 1500-1528 Sun 6025 9655* >>* ex 9715 for A-04

1900-1928 Daily 3975 6025<br />

2100-2128 Daily 6025#<br />

English to SoAf 2100-2128 Daily 9525* >>* ex 11830 for A-04<br />

English to NoAm 0100-0128 Daily 9590<br />

0230-0258 Daily 9795* >>* ex 9790 for A-04<br />

German to Eu 1200-1258 Sun 6025# 7220<br />

1400-1458 Sun 6025# 7160<br />

1700-1758 Sun 3975 6025#<br />

1730-1758 Mon-Sat 3975 6025#<br />

1930-1958 Mon-Sat 3975 6025#<br />

French to Eu 1600-1628 Daily 6025# 9685* >>* ex 3975 fro A-04<br />

2000-2028 Daily 3975* 6025 >>* ex 9585 for A-04<br />

Hungarian to Eu 0400-1<strong>05</strong>8 Sun 6025 (relay Kossuth R)<br />

0400-1558 Mon-Sat 6025 (relay Kossuth R)<br />

1100-1158 Sun 6025<br />

1300-1358 Sun 6025<br />

1800-1858 Daily 3975 6025<br />

2200-2258 Daily 6025<br />

Hungarian to NoAm 0000-0<strong>05</strong>8 Daily 9770* >>* ex 9800 for A-04<br />

0130-0228 Daily 9820* >>* ex 9570 for A-04<br />

2000-2<strong>05</strong>8 Daily 11695* >>* ex 15185 for A-04<br />

Hungarian to SoAm 2200-2258 Daily 9850 12030* >>* ex 11990 for A-04<br />

2300-2358 Sun 9850 12030* >>* ex 11990 for A-04<br />

Hungarian to AUS 1100-1158 Daily 21590* >>* ex 21560 for A-04<br />

1800-1858 Daily 11990<br />

Hungarian to SoAf 1700-1758 Daily 15335<br />

Italian to Eu 1630-1658 Daily 3975* 6025 >>* ex 9525 for A-04<br />

2030-2<strong>05</strong>8 Daily 3975 6025<br />

Russian to Eu 0300-0328 Daily 3975 6025#<br />

1530-1558 Sun 6025 9690* >>* ex 9740 for A-04<br />

1700-1728 Mon-Sat 6025# 9855* >>* ex 9650 for A-04<br />

1930-1958 Sun 3975 6025#<br />

Spanish to Eu 0330-0358 Daily 3975 6025#<br />

2130-2158 Daily 6025# 7250* >>* ex 11890 for A-04<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 15)<br />

INDONESIA 9680 VoIndonesia, Cimanggis, noted on Mar 13 at 1042-1120 UT,<br />

English, infos. on the country; prgr in Bahasa INS followed 1100 UT; 35433.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 17)<br />

9525 Voice of INS on 12 Mar at 1312 UT in INSn. SIO 333. Not on 15150 kHz<br />

as some months before. (Alexey Kulinchenko-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Mar 19)<br />

4790 RRI Fak Fak at 0945-1022* on Mar 5, heard earlier than usual to<br />

1011.5 when the signal suddenly disappeared. Came back at 1021.5 (10 mins<br />

to the second) for a min then the signal lost again at 1022.5. At 0945 they<br />

had Arabic mx (not unusual for INSns at these early hours) but I was having<br />

trouble with audio quality due to the usual CODAR QRM.<br />

At 0950 I shifted to USB right on 4790.0 and the audio quality was good at<br />

S4 - at 0951 they were into INSn pop vocals and some easy listening<br />

instrumentals until disappearing. Woman announcer 1003-04 with no ID heard<br />

- annt were easy to copy. Hard to tell if they lost carrier or just no<br />

modulation since I was on USB. 43444 while they were there.<br />

(Bruce Churchill-CA-USA, Dxplorer Mar 9)<br />

4870.97 RRI Sorong on Mar 13 at 1023-1118* UT, in Bahasa INS, religious<br />

program, clearly ending with "Amen," hymns, lots of talking, love songs in<br />

English, off in mid-song, fair-poor (Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld Mar 14)<br />

3266.4 Radio Republik INS, Gorontalo(?), on Mar 11 at 1352-1355(S/off) UT.<br />

SIO242. INSn pop song was heard, but signed off at 1355 without any annt.<br />

Not heard since then.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium on Mar 18)

3266.42 RRI-Gorontalo on Mar 4 at 1201-1219, 34433 INSn, Jakarta nx realy.<br />

3959.98 RRI-(Palu) on Mar 3 at 1200-1214, 34333-33332 INSn, Talk.<br />

46<strong>05</strong> RRI-Serui on Mar 11 at 1125-1135, 45433-44433 INSn, ID at 1129, IS and<br />

ID, Local news.<br />

4790 RRI-Fak Fak on Mar 11 at 1029-1039, 44444 INSn, Music, ID at 1029.<br />

4870.95 RRI-Sorong on Mar 13 at 1<strong>05</strong>0-1111, 44444 INSn, Music, 1100 IS,<br />

Local news.<br />

4919.98 RRI-Biak on Mar 13 at 1029-1042, 32432 INSn, IS, 1030 ID, Local<br />

news.<br />

4925 RRI-Jambi on Mar 13 at 1124-1135, 44444-43443 INSn, Koran, ID at 1126,<br />

1129 ID and IS, Local news. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Mar 18)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ Clandestine 3970 VO People of Kurdistan at 0307-0320 UT,<br />

Kurdish, Call to Prayer at t/in, YL w/ fanfare at 0310, alternating talks<br />

b/w OM and YL. Poor/fair. \\ 4860. (Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Mar 14)<br />

UNIDENTIFIED Checking the MW band before going to work, around 0430 UT, I<br />

noticed a severe BJ [bubble jamming] on 1116. I checked the MW section in<br />

EMWG and WRTH, but nothing fishy there?? Any ideas what this BJ is all<br />

about??<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY, dxld Mar 10)<br />

As recently reported, Djibouti's 1116 recently refurbished, but unlikely<br />

involved.<br />

(dxld Mar 10)<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring observes Voice of [Iraqi] Kurdistan radio with a live audio<br />

stream available from the web site of the Kurdistan Democratic Party at<br />

in \\ with their SW signal on 6335 kHz.<br />

However, there seems to be confusion about the formal name of the station:<br />

The pre-recorded identification annt at the start of txion identify it as<br />

"Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan" (Aira Dengi Kurdistana Iraqiya), however<br />

subsequent annts, apparently live, identify it as "Voice of Kurdistan"<br />

(Aira Dengi Kurdistana).<br />

Further, the live stream link on the web page is labelled as "Radio<br />

Kurdistan", whilst on the Windows Media Player the name is given as "KTV<br />

Radio". The station broadcasts in support of the Kurdistan Democratic Party<br />

from facilities in northern Iraq on 1116 kHz mediumwave, 91.5 and 93.3 MHz<br />

FM, and 6335 kHz SW. (B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld, Feb 9)<br />

ISRAEL Kol Israel web site. - New freqs from April 1st:<br />

0330-0345 116<strong>05</strong> (May to August), 7545 (April, September, October), 9345,<br />

17600. 0930-0945 15640, 17535 1730-1745 9345, 15640 1900-1925 116<strong>05</strong>, 15615,<br />

15640 kHz.<br />

(Jean-Michel Aubier-F, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 19)<br />

ITALY A-<strong>05</strong> RAI Rome late changes<br />

9555 16<strong>05</strong> 1625 29 ROM 100 52 Daily Russian I RAI<br />

9570 1400 1500 28E ROM 100 52 Daily various I RAI<br />

96<strong>05</strong> 1245 1630 18S,27,28NW ROM 100 330 Sun Italian I RAI<br />

9615 2000 2020 29 ROM 100 50 Daily Russian I RAI<br />

9675 1630 1700 37 ROM 100 235 Daily French I RAI<br />

9675 1700 1800 37,38 ROM 100 235 Daily Italian I RAI<br />

11700 1600 1625 29 ROM 100 50 Daily Russian I RAI<br />

11720 1500 1525 28S,37 ROM 100 235 Daily Italian I RAI<br />

11795 0600 0620 29 ROM 100 50 Daily Russian I RAI<br />

118<strong>05</strong> 2000 2020 29 ROM 100 50 Daily Russian I RAI<br />

11830 0345 0425 29 ROM 100 50 Daily Russian I RAI<br />

11875 2025 2045 39 ROM 100 120 Daily English I RAI<br />

11875 2<strong>05</strong>0 2110 48,53 ROM 100 140 Daily Portuguese I RAI

11890 1700 1800 37 ROM 100 235 Daily Italian I RAI<br />

11915 1245 1630 38,39 ROM 100 130 Sun Italian I RAI<br />

11915 1330 1355 38N,39N ROM 100 130 Daily Arabic I RAI<br />

11915 1500 1525 38,39 ROM 100 130 Daily Italian I RAI<br />

11915 1630 1655 38,39 ROM 100 120 Daily Arabic I RAI<br />

15380 1830 19<strong>05</strong> 4,9 ROM 100 310 Daily Italian I RAI<br />

21515 1245 1630 12-15 ROM 100 240 Sun Italian I RAI<br />

(March 9)<br />

15725 Ask IRRS. They claim to be transmitting from their site in Italy with<br />

up to 100 kW, but most have disputed this. The guess is Romania, as I<br />

recall. For whatever reason IRRS is tight lipped about tx location. Don't<br />

know why or what they have to hide. They're basically a tx broker for the<br />

"little guy".<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 20)<br />

Last year around this time I was in Romania. I believe it is not IRRS who<br />

have to hide something, but rather the operator of the tx. (Harald Kuhl-D,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 20)<br />

Two photos of the site can be found here (brokerage for European Gospel<br />

Radio): <br />

European Gospel Radio is the IRRS brand for religious retransmissions<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 20)<br />

This year I guess the IRRS guys use another [?Sofia Kostinbrod?] tx site<br />

instead, in a vailed manner, in or<strong>der</strong> to protect the management before BUL<br />

Telcom privatisation will legalize this [deal] practice. (wb)<br />

JAMMING Jammer article.<br />

I found the following article posted on the amateur radio packet network by<br />

G0FTD which I thought might be of interest.<br />

The article is interesting as I can remember all those jammers swooped as<br />

soon as Western broadcasts started up! 73, Richard G3VGW (Richard Buckby-<br />

UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 16)<br />

It was written by I. Hallas, try<br />

or<br />

<br />

This article has been around for some time now. (Olle Alm-SWE, Mar 18)<br />

I have seen this before, it's on the Estonian Museum of Occupation site at<br />

with also<br />

photos and diagrams. (Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 18)<br />

JAPAN 3607.5 NHK1 Tokyo-Shobu at 1243-1301* UT on Mar 14. Several En<br />

croon tunes 1243-1255 UT, all sounding like Bing Crosby to me w/only one<br />

brief anmt by M ancr; 1255-59 M talking, nx maybe?; 1300 M&W ancrs with<br />

closing anmts and off at 1301. Better-than-usual signal; 3373.5 (not \\)<br />

was also VG this morning.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 16)<br />

3925 at 1429- UT, Radio Nikkei on Mar 19. Very strong reception with usual<br />

light Japanese banter, quiz show with ditzy females (so typical of JJ<br />

programming!). Off suddenly in mid-sentence at 1430 UT. I didn't hear any<br />

kind of sign off ID.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 19)<br />

3373.5U, NHK Osaka at 0931-1017 UT on Mar 19, En lang. lessons, first prgm<br />

repeated words and short sentences, 2d prgm read short story, then a Q&A

session, poor-fair. A quick check at 1020 found 3607.5U \\ 60<strong>05</strong>(AM), both<br />

good. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 20)<br />

3607.5, NHK1 Tokyo-Shobu at 1243-1301* UT on Mar 14, several En croon tunes<br />

1243-1255 UT, all sounding like Bing Crosby to me with only one brief anmt<br />

by male ancr; 1255-1259, man talking, nx maybe? At 1300 M&W ancrs with<br />

closing anmts and off at 1301. Better-than-usual signal; 3373.5 (not \\)<br />

was also VG this morning.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 20)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. 35.2<strong>05</strong>v Korea DPR VO Korea. Out of the noise at 0200z with<br />

Interval signal, and at a poor level but there! No sign of it shortly<br />

after. H3 3 x 11735<br />

37.380.2v Korea DPR VO Korea H4 4 x 9345. my first log of this, in this out<br />

of the way, part of the band. My best hunting grounds are usually around<br />

30Mhz and 35Mhz.<br />

Heard at 0235z at thresh-hold with typical Qsb. Couldn't tell the lang, but<br />

had it on the R75 and R7000. Checked for H2 18.690 no audio heard and H3<br />

28.035 no audio heard. It was drifting as I was listening to it. (David<br />

Vitek-AUS, harmonics Mar 14)<br />

Just when I said 30 and 35 MHz were dead they have jumped back to life.<br />

Here's what I heard today: 352<strong>05</strong>v, V. of Korea. Out of the noise at 0200z<br />

with interval signal, and at a poor level but there! No sign of it shortly<br />

after. H3 3 x 11735. 37380.2v, V. of Korea H4 4 x 9345. my first log of<br />

this, in this out of the way, part of the band. My best hunting grounds are<br />

usually around 30 and 35 MHz. Heard at 0235z at thresh-hold with typical<br />

QSB. Couldn't tell the lang, but had it on the R75 and R7000. Checked for<br />

H2 18690 no audio heard and H3 28035 no audio heard. It was drifting as I<br />

was listening to it. (David Vitek-AUS, harmonics Mar 15)<br />

KUWAIT 11730 VOA/IBB Kuwait, Prepared Full data QSL letter with "IBB<br />

Kuwait Transmitting Station" at top of the letter. Reply in 40 days.<br />

Station address: Kuwait transmitting Station, c/o American Embassy-Bayan,<br />

P.O.Box 77, Safat, 13001 Kuwait. V/S George O. Miller, Transmitter Plant<br />

Supervisor. (Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 12)<br />

KYRGYZSTAN During the A<strong>05</strong> season, Maranatha project (TWR via MW tx in KGZ<br />

on 1467 kHz) will be on the air daily at 1400-1700 UT. The following langs<br />

will be used: Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Karakalpak, Turkmen, Tajik, English,<br />

Russian.<br />

The schedule of Russian broadcasts follows below: daily 1415-1445 and 1545-<br />

1615; Su 1400-1415 and 1530-1545 UT. (MI<strong>DX</strong>B No.414 - Vasily Gulyaev-RUS,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>signal Mar 19)<br />

4010 kHz at 0<strong>05</strong>0 UT on Feb 27, Radio Bishkek in Kyrgyz. I can suppose that<br />

was a religious program (Islamic, or?.. - Ed.). 35433.<br />

(open_dx - Sergey Alekseychik-BLR, <strong>DX</strong>signal Mar 19)<br />

LIBYA [rather France !] 15220 Voice of Africa. No data Green<br />

QSL/Reception report letter with a Archeological Sightseeing Brochure, in a<br />

larger envelope, which featured a a set of four Libyan Stamps (block) It<br />

seems now, I would have to re-log another broadcast, then this report back<br />

with the details filled, and I suppose they would reply with a QSL card? Oh<br />

well. reply in 2 months. (Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 12)<br />

LUXEMBOURG [non] 7145, Long awaited RTL DRM sce to England soon VT-MNO<br />

DRM to England. <strong>BC</strong>E RTL Luxembourg via T-systems Juelich site, N DRM 7145<br />

0600-1800 27 JUL 40 290 0 106 N D <strong>BC</strong>E DTK<strong>BC</strong>E DRM mode txions to UK from <strong>BC</strong>E<br />

LUX, Broadcasting Center Europe. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>- <strong>DX</strong> Mar 9 via <strong>DX</strong>LD)

The UK is one of the several European countries that has granted it's hams<br />

preliminary / shared access to the 7100-7200 freq range, and I hear regular<br />

use of it being made by them. To operate a powerful DRM signal in midst of<br />

it will effectively destroy their access to a large part of this range at a<br />

time when it will be most useful to them. A spare freq in the 7300-7600<br />

range instead should be easy to locate.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, dxld Mar 18)<br />

[but 7100-7200 kHz HAM band is on secondary basis in Europe ! wb.]<br />

The following requirements are up for coordination:<br />

279 Junglinster 006E19 49N40 300 kW directional centered on 50 degr<br />

567 Clervaux 0<strong>05</strong>E58 50N02 250 kW directional centered on 310 degr<br />

783 Clervaux 0<strong>05</strong>E58 50N02 250 kW directional centered on 230 degr<br />

1098 Clervaux 0<strong>05</strong>E58 50N02 250 kW directional centered on 300 degr (ITU<br />

GE75/112)<br />

An educated guess is that these freqs will be used for DRM txions if<br />

accepted. Another possible user would be China Radio International, but<br />

they are currently planning for three new 500 kW MW txs at the Fllake site<br />

in Albania, apparently to replace the existing units at the site. The<br />

suggested beam for 567 is strange, as there would be severe mutual<br />

interference with the existing Irish station. Possibly Chinese technicians<br />

were doing field work during the period when Tullamore was off the air for<br />

refurbishment. Clervaux is located close to Marnach, the site of the 1440<br />

tx.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, via ARC MV-Eko Mar 14)<br />

MALI A-<strong>05</strong> CRI Bamako-MLI registrations:<br />

7170 0830-0900 46 BKO 100 0 MLI CRI RTC<br />

7170 2300-2400 46 BKO 100 0 MLI CRI RTC<br />

11640 1730-1830 46 BKO 100 85 MLI CRI RTC<br />

11640 1830-1930 47E,48NW BKO 100 85 MLI CRI RTC<br />

11640 1930-2000 52S,53W BKO 100 111 MLI CRI RTC<br />

11640 2000-2130 48,53 BKO 100 111 MLI CRI RTC<br />

11975 2130-2230 37 BKO 100 20 MLI CRI RTC<br />

11975 2230-2400 37,38W BKO 100 20 MLI CRI RTC<br />

13630 1930-2000 52,53 BKO 100 111 MLI CRI RTC<br />

13630 2000-2130 48,53 BKO 100 111 MLI CRI RTC<br />

13630 2130-2230 46,47,52 BKO 100 111 MLI CRI RTC<br />

13670 1730-1830 46 BKO 100 111 MLI CRI RTC<br />

13685 1300-1400 46 BKO 100 111 MLI CRI RTC<br />

13685 1400-1600 48,53 BKO 100 111 MLI CRI RTC<br />

13685 1830-1930 37,38 BKO 100 20 MLI CRI RTC<br />

15125 1600-1700 47E,48NW BKO 100 85 MLI CRI RTC<br />

15125 1700-1730 48SW,53NW BKO 100 111 MLI CRI RTC<br />

155<strong>05</strong> 2230-2300 46-48 BKO 100 85 MLI CRI RTC<br />

17630 1400-1600 47,48 BKO 100 85 MLI CRI RTC<br />

17880 1300-1400 46,47,52 BKO 100 111 MLI CRI RTC<br />

17880 1600-1700 37,38 BKO 100 20 MLI CRI RTC<br />

(March 9)<br />

MEXICO 6010 R. Mil, Cd. de Mexico, obs'ed on 07 on Mar at 0825-f/out<br />

0925, Spanish, advts, songs, annmts & infos; 34332. (Carlos Goncalves-POR,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 17)<br />

MOLDOVA 1503 Maiac. VOR heard here ex 1467 on March 7, 8. Sign off at<br />

2100 UT. In mid February this tx was testing on 1566 kHz for a few days.<br />

1503 must be a problem for the Moldovan txs on 1494 kHz.<br />

1503 kHz has been operating daily since then from 1800-2100 UT.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, via ARC MV-Eko Mar 14)

Stimme Russlands auf 1510 kHz. Wir empfangen hier beim <strong>DX</strong>-Camp in<br />

Langenselbold die Stimme Russlands auf <strong>der</strong> nicht im Raster liegenden<br />

Mittelwellenfrequenz 1510 kHz. Auf LSB kann man das Signal recht gut von<br />

Vlaan<strong>der</strong>en auf 1512 kHz trennen. Derzeit laeuft eine Sendung in russischer<br />

Sprache.<br />

Wer hat diese Station, die nirgends gelistet ist, schon empfangen? Wer<br />

kennt den Standort und weitere Einzelheiten? (Markus Weidner-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar<br />

21)<br />

1510 kHz - Das ist eindeutig Grigoriopol Maiac Moldova. Z.Zt Bulgarisch,<br />

1/3tel Sekunde nach <strong>der</strong> KW Samara-RUS 6000 kHz. Ab 1900 Uhr Griechisch, ab<br />

2000-2100 UT Bulgarisch.<br />

Seit Wochen wird fuer GRI schon auf 1566 und 1503 kHz getestet, um <strong>der</strong><br />

Stoersituation auf 1467 mit Frankreich zu entgehen. Ellenbogen ausfahren,<br />

wie die Amis mit ihren diversen MW Propagandasen<strong>der</strong> Okkupationen auf<br />

Mittelwelle rund um Nahost und Mittelost.<br />

Heute ist offensichtlich <strong>der</strong> Steuersen<strong>der</strong> von 1503 auf 1510 kHz<br />

'weggelaufen'.<br />

(wb, Mar 21)<br />

MONGOLIA 4830 Mongoliin R, Altai, noted on Mar 12 at 2216-2226 in<br />

Mongolian, talks, orchestral arrangements; 35322; \\ 4895 Murun at 45332.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 17)<br />

MYANMAR 5985.85 R. Myanmar on Mar 3 at 1508-1525 UT, into English, talk<br />

about development, marching band mx, ID, news, poor/QRM from 5985 kHz.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld Mar 8)<br />

NETHERLANDS A-<strong>05</strong> RNW "Tour de France" bycicle special live transmission:<br />

13700 1159-1459 28S FLE 500 123 0207-2507<strong>05</strong> Dutch HOL RNW<br />

13700 1159-1459 27S,37N FLE 500 191 0207-2507<strong>05</strong> Dutch HOL RNW<br />

(March 9)<br />

The A<strong>05</strong> schedule for RNW's Dutch sce has been posted at<br />

<br />

This page reveals that RNW will use Orfordness (what else?) 1296 kHz, at<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600.<br />

Amongst the SW outlets 1600-1700 on 15335 to Central Europe looks<br />

especially interesting. Some of 6015, 6035, 9610 and 9695 should be relays<br />

via non-RNW sites as well.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 17)<br />

15335, thats an all-cross-African channel from MDC, but also into EUR.<br />

18S,27,28,29W,37E,38,39,47,48 MDC 250kW 335deg<br />

Some of 6015 - FLE-HOL, 6035 KLG-RUS 2000-2200 UT, 9610 JUL-D 0700-0800<br />

northwards; and 9695 2x500 kW FLE-HOL, in two directions. (wb, Mar 17)<br />

When reading about the problem that RNW had in replacing 1512 (their use of<br />

1179 will surely be much too late in the evening for most UK listeners, ie<br />

2300UT) I had consi<strong>der</strong>ed that 1296 via Orfordness might be available to<br />

them, but the problem with it is that it beams away from the UK ! I'm not<br />

sure if they would be allowed to use an omnidirectional antenna on that<br />

freq due to their sharing with XL at Birmingham. And that station would<br />

surely give lots of co-ch QRM within parts of the UK. So it is now a freq<br />

mainly for the Euro continent. The use of 1179 by RNW for English will<br />

surely be much too late in the evening for most UK listeners, ie 2300UT. I

won<strong>der</strong> if RTE would rent them either 567 or 252 ??!! (Noel R. Green-UK,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 18)<br />

NETH ANTILLES A-<strong>05</strong> NHK Radio Japan via Bonaire relay site.<br />

Differs on UT March 28th, but 2=means Monday 29th?<br />

11935 0100-0300 14,15,16 BON 250 170 ....... 2903<strong>05</strong>-3010<strong>05</strong> Various HOL NHK<br />

11935 0200-0300 14,15,16 BON 250 170 .2..... 2803<strong>05</strong>-2803<strong>05</strong> Various HOL NHK<br />

(March 9)<br />

NEW ZEALAND 15265 R. NZi, Rangitaiki, observed on 16 on Mar at /1851-<br />

2<strong>05</strong>0* UT, IS, mx, nx in Vernacular, world news, Morning Rpt.; 45544... so I<br />

thought the signal wouldn't be that bad on 17675, but it seems the good,<br />

old "Saint Ionospherus" played a trick and only a poor & interferred (CHL<br />

17680 + jammed R. Marti 17670) signal was to be noticed at 2<strong>05</strong>8 (it usually<br />

improves later on). At any rate, 11980 had been vy. poor today at 1800-<br />

1850*.<br />

R.NZi schedule 27 Mar-01 May as per <br />

kHz UTC Target Azimuth<br />

11820 0459-07<strong>05</strong> Pac, Eur, midwest USA 0deg<br />

9885 0706-1<strong>05</strong>9 Pac, midwest USA 0deg<br />

9885 1100-1259 NW Pac, PNG, TMP, As 325deg<br />

6095 1300-1650 Pac 0deg<br />

6095 1651-1851 Fiji, Niue, Samoa, Cook Is. 35deg<br />

9845 1851-1950 Pac, Eur 0deg<br />

11725 1951-2<strong>05</strong>0 Pac 0deg<br />

15720 2<strong>05</strong>1-0458 Pac 0deg<br />

Curiously, even the current sched. doesn't say "audible in Europe" on the<br />

fqs where the stn actually puts a good signal, viz. 9885, 15530, well, at<br />

least over here in POR. As to the 27/3-01/5 sched., 6095 is a dramatic<br />

change, meaning they won't be heard at all here 1259-1851; the rest remains<br />

to be seen yet due mainly to QRM.<br />

R. NZi joins R. Australia Sun-Fri for the "Breakfast" prgr:<br />

To Ce+SoPac on 15515, 13630, 12080, 11660 & 11650 kHz<br />

To WPac on 11650 & 9660 kHz<br />

R.NZi's "Dateline Pacific" prgr available in Eur on Sat 1400 on 9770 kHz<br />

DRM via VT Merlin. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 17)<br />

A-<strong>05</strong> Tentatively DRM test schedule of R NZi:<br />

7145 0700-1315 51,56,64S,65S RAN 100 325 01<strong>05</strong>-3010<strong>05</strong> N ENG NZL RNZ<br />

Test<br />

7145 0700-1315 61S,62,63W RAN 100 35 01<strong>05</strong>-3010<strong>05</strong> N ENG NZL RNZ<br />

Test<br />

7145 1300-1900 61S,62,63W RAN 100 35 01<strong>05</strong>-3010<strong>05</strong> N Eng NZL RNZ<br />

Test<br />

7145 1300-1900 51,56,64S,65S RAN 100 325 01<strong>05</strong>-3010<strong>05</strong> N Eng NZL RNZ<br />

Test<br />

9615 0445-0700 51,56,64S,65S RAN 100 325 01<strong>05</strong>-3010<strong>05</strong> N Eng NZL RNZ<br />

Test<br />

9615 0445-0700 61S,62,63W RAN 100 35 01<strong>05</strong>-3010<strong>05</strong> N Eng NZL RNZ<br />

Test<br />

9615 1845-2000 61S,62,63W RAN 100 35 01<strong>05</strong>-3010<strong>05</strong> N Eng NZL RNZ<br />

Test<br />

9615 1845-2000 51,56,64S,65S RAN 100 325 01<strong>05</strong>-3010<strong>05</strong> N Eng NZL RNZ<br />

Test<br />

11675 1945-2100 51,56,64S,65S RAN 100 325 01<strong>05</strong>-3010<strong>05</strong> N ENG NZL RNZ<br />

Test<br />

11675 1945-2100 61S,62,63W RAN 100 35 01<strong>05</strong>-3010<strong>05</strong> N ENG NZL RNZ<br />


13730 2045-<strong>05</strong>00 51,55E,56,64S,65S RAN 100 325 01<strong>05</strong>-3010<strong>05</strong> N ENG NZL RNZ<br />

Test<br />

13730 2045-<strong>05</strong>00 61S,62,63W RAN 100 35 01<strong>05</strong>-3010<strong>05</strong> N ENG NZL RNZ<br />

Test<br />

(Mar 9)<br />

PNG The fellow who sits right beside me at work here in Syracuse, Steve<br />

Henry, was a missionary in PNG and helped to start up Wantok Radio Light on<br />

FM. Due to health problems, had had to return stateside before the SW plans<br />

got going. I hope to get an interview with the folks in PNG and will send<br />

it over to S&S once it's done. (Rich McVicar-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 14)<br />

I recently asked Joe Emert for another update on the planned Wantok Radio<br />

Light project (7120 kHz) in Papua New Guinea; they are evidently behind<br />

schedule as many new radio station operations are. The target date is now<br />

in the period from late May to early June (prior target was early March).<br />

Mr. Emert shared the following excerpt from the calendar of an HCJB<br />

engineer who is overseeing the installation:<br />

"May 5-28 Shortwave team from Elkhart is here to install and commission the<br />

Shortwave.<br />

May 29-June 10 I travel to Rabaul, Lae, Goroka, and Lalibu to install the<br />

first remote FM txs. This schedule is predicated on the un<strong>der</strong>standing that<br />

two of these sites have multiplexers and we won't need to install antennas.<br />

Jun 11 Celebration of the commencement of SW and the first FM stations.<br />

This will be held in the highlands. More details are pending but I wanted<br />

you to know so you can mark your calendars that this is the plan at this<br />

time." (Guy Atkins-WA-USA, hcdx Mar 14)<br />

PHILIPPINES 1170 Regular VOA operation from the new Poro site on 1170<br />

kHz commenced Wednesday evening, March 15. The old antenna was dismantled<br />

March 16. The old site had the last operating CEMCO (Continental<br />

Electronics Manufacturing Co.) 1<strong>05</strong>B one megawatt tx, originally delivered<br />

in 1954, and it was back in sce during the move of the Harris <strong>DX</strong>-1000 to<br />

the new site, a 50 year lifetime for the 1<strong>05</strong>B.<br />

(Aaron Zawitsky, dxld Mar 17)<br />

PORTUGAL Pro-funk GmbH in Sines uses 3 x Thomcast SK53 C3-3P5 250 kW txs<br />

capable of 500 kW PEP and an average 100 kW in DRM mode; they can also send<br />

at constant carrier DSB as well as SSB, and power is is normally just 1/3<br />

during modulation pauses by the use of dynamic carrier control. At least 3<br />

rotatable curtain arrays are used. Rumors say maybe 2 more units are<br />

planned, one being for MW.<br />

Acc. to what I recall from my 1981 visit and what my photos show, the tx<br />

hall can hardly accomodate more than 4-5 txs without enlarging the<br />

building. I sincerely hope that won't materialize, chiefly the MW<br />

operation. Besides, the only MW stns that can operate in POR are the<br />

existing ones, other applicants being systematically refused, all acc. to<br />

the country's regulations for b/casting. However, if by any chance DW's<br />

able to get a MW fq here, I suspect it may well be one possible quiet ch<br />

towards 1600 kHz...<br />

The use of the Sines site by the RDP. One may won<strong>der</strong> why on earth the RDP<br />

uses this since some of its txs are actually off when Sines relays R.<br />

Portugal. A normal situation elsewhere would mean not enough txs were used<br />

at a given time. The case here is, as I've explained in a recent rpt., that<br />

the DW stn must put at the RDP's disposal a given amount of h/week as a<br />

form of compensation, as it appears no other compensation exists in the<br />

agreement. Pro-Funk pays, nevertheless, a license to the radio authority,<br />

just like any other domestic operator does. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 17)

RDP audio delays: A possible source used by their mediumwave txs and the<br />

Sines station would be the DVB bouquet on Eutelsat Hotbird, 10.723 GHz,<br />

with RDP Internacional and RDP Antena 1. This bouquet is uplinked by<br />

British Telecom's Madley Teleport facility in the UK. That's probably<br />

enough to say freehand that a 4 second delay is no real surprise.<br />

Re "the RDPi signal is simply picked up by the digital satellite receiver<br />

and "thrown" into the tx, no other "treatment" is carried out": To be<br />

complete, other treatment than the usual audio processing (Optimod 91<strong>05</strong>A or<br />

perhaps something else, current Optimod 9200 or another company's product).<br />

But this causes no delay of several seconds of course, just small fractions<br />

of a second. (Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Mar 13)<br />

Here is a picture of the Sines tx used for their DRM operations:<br />

<br />

And a close-up of the DRM modulator:<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 17)<br />

ROMANIA 855 Tancabesti. This tx seems to have been replaced by a new<br />

400 kW Harris unit, meaning a consi<strong>der</strong>able power decrease. The signal is<br />

much weaker now than it used to be. The freq is several Hz high, creating a<br />

disturbing sub-audible heterodyne with Germany and Spain.<br />

(Olle Alm, Kai Ludwig, power according to a Harris press release; via ARC<br />

MV-Eko Mar 14)<br />

RUSSIA [to AFG] 7175, Internews R, Kabul, via Samara at *0230-0240 UT on<br />

Mar 4, Pashto shouting ID "Salaam Watandar", news, 32332. Heavy splashes<br />

from Voice of Russia in English on 7180 kHz. It has obviously replaced the<br />

broadcast from Dhabbaya-UAE on 7230 kHz at *0130-0300* UT. On Mar 07 at<br />

0135 R Slovakia International was covering that frequency.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dwsci <strong>DX</strong>W Mar 9)<br />

3955 at 1409- UT on Mar 13, Voice of Russia, Lists Korean, which sounds<br />

about right, 100 kW from Vladivostok, at fair level, and sure enough their<br />

IS was heard at 1410. Mostly talk by OM. I would have guessed a North<br />

Korean from the tone of his voice!<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, dxld Mar 14)<br />

3955 1000-1300 44,45,54 VLD 100 210 RUS VOR GFC<br />

3955 1400-1500 44,45 VLD 100 210 RUS VOR GFC<br />

No 75 mb registered in summer HFCC A-<strong>05</strong> table anymore. (wb)<br />

6150 at 0125 on Feb 27, Radio Rossii. A bit of QRM by an unknown English<br />

broadcast initially, but it faded out very soon. 34443. Studio in<br />

St.Petersburg, talk about agriculture. Phone calls; phone number 325 61 77<br />

mentioned. At 0200 \\ signal appeared on 5925 kHz (44444). I know that the<br />

latter tx is located in Taldom, near Moscow - but where did 6150 kHz come<br />

from?<br />

(open_dx - Sergey Alekseychik-BLR, <strong>DX</strong>signal Mar 19)<br />

I'd suggest Perm, that is not far from me. WRTH says 6150 kHz is only used<br />

by Perm in summer - but obviously this is not correct, as I hear Radio<br />

Rossii on 6150 kHz in the daytime. - Ed.<br />

IAK Iakutsk RUS 62N01 129E48 6150 2000-1600 23 IAK 50kW 330deg RRS<br />

(open_dx - Alexan<strong>der</strong> Yegorov-UKR, <strong>DX</strong>signal Mar 19)<br />

[SOMALIA non] A new target station was added to the TDP online schedule:<br />

<br />

Radio Horyaal 1730-1800 12140 AM mtwt.ss Somali Africa.

The website quotes a different frequency, 12130:<br />

(...) Somaliland, Somaliya , Jabuuti, Etopia, Uganda, Tansaniya Eleteriya,<br />

iyo gabi ahaanba Geeska Afrika sidoo kale Sudan iyo wadamadda Khaliijka iyo<br />

Sacuudi Arabia. Laga bilaabo 21 March 20<strong>05</strong>,<br />

(...) Saacadda Somaliland markay tahay 8:30 ilaa 9:00 habeenimo.Waxana laga<br />

dhegaysan karaa mawjadda SW ka ee 12130 kHz. (...)<br />

<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 19)<br />

Most likely Armavir or Samara-RUS: 250kW at 188 degr. (wb)<br />

11975 at 2358- UT, Kamchatska Rybatskaya (fisherman's program) on Mar 19.<br />

OC from tune in at 2350 UT. I finally remembered to check on this<br />

fisherman's program from Kamchatka. No IS. Instead at 00:00:<strong>05</strong> began with<br />

some drums and into ID for Kamchatka Rybatskaya. Then into a mo<strong>der</strong>n Russian<br />

female vocal and into nx at 0004 UT. Excellent S9+20db. Especially pleasant<br />

to listen on the R390A with SE3. 5-5-5 all the way. Nx is local, not<br />

network Radio Rossii, or Mayak.<br />

UTC Sundays only. Rather interesting program, including a psychological<br />

segment at 0026 UT about the problems between men and women at sea, and if<br />

I caught the drift, the effects on children. Nice ID at 0030 UT, and into<br />

another mo<strong>der</strong>n Russian popular song...just the type I would picture an<br />

average Russian listening to at a picnic by the seashore. Mostly mx during<br />

the second half, with a jingle 'Muzyka' between each selection. Even a<br />

single American soul piece towards the end of the show. One more Russian<br />

song, until 00:59:30. Then a bit of a fanfare, and off without any annt. OC<br />

cut at 01:00:45 UT. (Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 20)<br />

ST. HELENA It beguiled Charles Darwin and bedevilled Napoleon, who spent<br />

his last years in lonely exile on its remote, rocky shores. Now the<br />

fortunes of the tiny sub-tropical island of St Helena, a speck in the South<br />

Atlantic some 2,000 km west of Africa, are to be transformed by a new govt<br />

funded multi-million pound airport. . .<br />

<br />

(The Guardian via Dan Say, dxld Mar 16)<br />

SAUDI ARABIA 21495 BKSA still carries strong buzzing audio. Heard at 1020<br />

UT. Other freqs with clear audio /12.5.5. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Mar 12)<br />

SINGAPORE A-<strong>05</strong> RSI Kranji registrations:<br />

6000 2300-1600 54NW KRA 250 320 Chinese SNG MCR MCT<br />

6080 1100-1400 49W,54 KRA 250 0 English SNG RSI MCT<br />

6120 0900-1400 49W,54 KRA 250 0 Malay/Indo SNG RSI MCT<br />

6150 2300-1600 54NW KRA 250 320 English SNG MCR MCT<br />

6185 1100-1400 49W,54 KRA 250 0 Chinese SNG RSI MCT<br />

7150 2300-1600 54NW KRA 250 320 SNG MCR MCT<br />

7170 2300-1600 54NW KRA 100 320 Tamil SNG MCR MCT<br />

7235 2300-1600 54NW KRA 250 320 Malay/Indo SNG MCR MCT<br />

9625 0900-1400 49W,54 KRA 250 0 SNG RSI MCT<br />

(March 9)<br />

Freq change for B<strong>BC</strong> in Nepali via SNG 100 kW / 270 deg:<br />

1545-1615 NF 9810, ex9680 \\ 6140, 72<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 15)<br />

SOLOMON ISLS 5019.91 at 1503- UT, SIBS on Mar 18. Been a while since I've<br />

heard much audio from these folks. English nx from the B<strong>BC</strong>WS (ID for the<br />

world sce at 15:06:15 UT). Poor to fair. (Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer<br />

Mar 19)

5019.94, SI<strong>BC</strong> (pres) on Mar 20 at 1420-1455 UT, B<strong>BC</strong> prgm "Talking Point,"<br />

with Bridget Kendall, about Ireland, the IRA and Sinn Fein, fairpoor/starting<br />

to fade out.<br />

(Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 20)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA 11690 Ce matin, j'ai ecoute Radio Okapi avec un tres bon<br />

signal, emission interessante. Entre 0400 et <strong>05</strong>00 UTC sur 11690 kHz. J'ai<br />

envoye un E-mail, peut etre une QSL bientot ? <br />

Radio Okapi Fondation Hirondelle<br />

3, Rue Traversiere, CH 1018-Lausanne (Switzerland)<br />

Tel +41 21 647 28 <strong>05</strong> Fax +41 21 647 44 69<br />

<br />

(Christian Ghibaudo-F, via Dario Monferini-I, playdx Mar 15)<br />

Infos gibt es auf <strong>der</strong> Internetseite von o<strong>der</strong><br />

in englischer und deutscher Sprache. Der Hauptsitz von<br />

<strong>der</strong> Organisation Hirondelle ist in Lausanne in <strong>der</strong> Schweiz.<br />

(Marcus Keulertz-ESP, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 14)<br />

11690 Hirondelle. Bei <strong>der</strong> freq 11690 kHz handelt es sich um einen<br />

Radiosen<strong>der</strong> aus dem Kongo. Die Station ist in Kinshasa beheimatet. Ich<br />

konnte ihn in Madrid, Spanien am fruehen Morgen gegen <strong>05</strong>00 UT loggen. Das<br />

Signal war sehr schwach und kaum zu hoeren, das einzige was ich entziffern<br />

konnte war die Stationsansage in franzoesisch. Die Station nennt sich Radio<br />

Okapi. (Marcus Keulertz-ESP, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 14)<br />

11690 Ja die Station nennt ihr Programm R Okapi in franzoesischer Sprache,<br />

wird von <strong>der</strong> Hirondelle Organization in <strong>der</strong> Schweiz und angemietet ueber VT<br />

Communications - ex Merlin / ex B<strong>BC</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong> Anlagen gebrokert. Morgens wird<br />

ein 250 kW Sen<strong>der</strong> in Meyerton Suedafrika von <strong>der</strong> dortigen Sentech-AFS<br />

genutzt, von 0400-0600 UT.<br />

Ein Schwesterprogramm Radio Ndeke Luke von Hirondelle ausgesandt nach <strong>der</strong><br />

CAF Zentralafrikan. Republik, dort fanden gestern Parlaments-Wahlen statt ,<br />

laeuft abends 1730-1930 UT auf 11760 ueber einen 250 kW Sen<strong>der</strong> in<br />

Woofferton England.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 14)<br />

SUDAN 4750 R. Peace at 0333-0347 UT on Mar 8, Vernacular/English, Native<br />

mx and talks. Full En ID at 0342 UT. Talks over choral mx followed by<br />

instrumental version of "O'Come all ye faithful" Fair/good. (Scott R<br />

Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Mar 14)<br />

SWEDEN/CANADA RCI via Sweden relay. The Europeans among us get a new<br />

half-hour MW txion 2230-2300 on 1179 kHz from Solvesborg, Sweden.<br />

(Richard Cuff-PA- USA, swprograms via dxld Mar 19)<br />

SWITZERLAND As several of us know who were in attendance recently at the<br />

Fest in Kulpsville, PA, one of the novel presentations was an interesting<br />

discussion of the last days of SRI and RCI by Bob Zanotti and Ian<br />

McFarland. Several of us took the opportunity to sample some tuning oil<br />

with Zanotti during the Fest. I have known Bob for a long time, and he once<br />

gave me an interesting guided tour of the SRI studios in Bern, prior to the<br />

time when the xmtrs were all shut down. Bob had recorded a feature program<br />

for the last broadcast from the Schwarzenberg xmtr. While I was there in<br />

Bern, Bob pulled that story up on his computer, and I heard it once again.<br />

The last time that I heard it was live on 9580 if I recall.<br />

While Bob and I were gulping down the tuning oil in Kulpsville, he informed<br />

me that he is still doing freelance feature radio reporting on Switzerland,<br />

in the same style that he used to use on SRI with the Two Bobs. No SW<strong>BC</strong><br />

station is currently carrying Bob's features. But, he does post them up on<br />

a web site, where you can download the stories as .mpg files. He is anxious

to spread the word that this web site exists. I told him that I would do<br />

so, and this <strong>DX</strong>plorer posting is just one means that I am using to spread<br />

the word for Bob.<br />

The URL of Bob's "Switzerland in Sound" web site is:<br />

<br />

(George Zeller-OH-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 20)<br />

SWISSINFO - follower of Swiss Radio International on Internet will only<br />

remain on English language website. Eight language sections will be ceased<br />

totally: German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Japanese,<br />

and Chinese.<br />

Swissinfo, die Nachfolgeorganisation von SRI im Internet wird eingestellt.<br />

Acht von neun Sprachen sind betroffen. Nur Englisch soll bleiben.<br />

["Das redaktionelle Angebot existiert in Sprachen Deutsch, Franz”sisch,<br />

Italienisch, Englisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch, Arabisch, Japanisch und<br />

Chinesisch."]<br />

Die Mitarbeiter werden morgen Dienstag(!) informiert. Damit verlieren die<br />

meisten Personen ihre Stelle. Ein genaues Datum steht allerdings noch nicht<br />

fest.<br />

<br />

Damit gehoert das Kapitel SRI zu 100% <strong>der</strong> Vergangenheit an.<br />

(Sandro Blatter-SUI, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 21)<br />

TAIWAN Chinese anti-communist clandestine, "Sound of Hope International"<br />

(Xiwang Zhi Sheng Guiji Guanpodientai), based in US, has recently been<br />

mentioning to their SW broadcast (2200-2300 9635, 2300-2400 7310, 1600-1700<br />

11765) in Chinese page of their web site<br />

<br />

The main programs are news, and continual "9 commentaries on Chinese<br />

Communist Party" in Chinese.<br />

Reception reports on SW broadcast are welcome, and verified by QSL card.<br />

Send reports to: <br />

The daily SW programs are also heard via on-demand internet broadcast.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 17)<br />

15250 Fu Hsing: FE signals on the high fqys were very good this morning,<br />

so I decided to camp on 15250 and check it out from a little before 1300.<br />

There was a Chinese lang. stn there which closed at 1300 UT, just as VOA in<br />

Korean started up. There were four pips at 1300, I'm not sure from whom.<br />

The VOA stayed on until 1358, when it went off abruptly, leaving the fqy<br />

clear. A half-minute later a carrier came on, better than the signal level<br />

of VOA up to that point, and at 1400 that turned out to be VOA Korean<br />

again. Toward 1500 I could hear the CH siren jamming on 15250, but it was<br />

way in the background. VOA went off at 1458, leaving just the siren.<br />

Something came on 15250 at 1500, but it was much too weak to do anything<br />

with. That's the 15250 situation here on ECNA. No Fu Hsing at these times.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 16)<br />

15250 Fu Hsing Broadcasting Station at 1429-1458* on March 13, initially<br />

only the carrier was noted by 1410, and by 1425 there was enough audio to<br />

manage some details. Noted with tel. interview conversations in standard<br />

CH, after 1430 interspersed with short clips of orchestral mx, 1445 a<br />

commentary interview with a Chinese delegate, managed to catch that it was<br />

a talk about trade relations with the US-Taiwan. Actually, at one point it<br />

was a three-way conversation with two on the telephone and the female host.

By 1451 the signal was well over a full S7 level. At 1455, male speaker<br />

with what sounded like control and schedules given (actually heard the<br />

English words), then the start of a nx bulletin just prior to sign- off.<br />

Cut in mid-sentence at 1458 with no ID.<br />

(Ed Kusalik-Alb-CAN, Dxplorer Mar 17)<br />

TAJIKISTAN 4635 (pres) R. Dushanbe at 2309-2340 on Mar 15, Tajik,<br />

Continuous talks w/ 2 OM b/w occasional mx bridges and YL (briefly) at<br />

2327. No discernible ID noted. Poor/fair, but better than prior monitoring.<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Mar 17)<br />

THAILAND 6765USB Bangkok Meteological Radio on March 3 at 1227-13<strong>05</strong> UT,<br />

32332. Weather information in Thai and English. Parallel with this freq is<br />

8743 kHz, but this freq was weak. (Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium Mar<br />

12)<br />

TURKMENISTAN 5015 Turkmen R. at 2359-0037 UT on Mar 12, Turkmen. S/on in<br />

progress at t/in w/ OM followed by national anthem. Talk over wind-<br />

instruments at 0003 UT. YL at 0007 until 0017 when joined by OM b/w breif<br />

mxal bits (strings and drums). Orchestra-like mx and ballads between talks<br />

at 0022 thru t/out. Weak but clear for the most part. Best listening in<br />

LSB. Very pleased! (Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Mar 14)<br />

5015 Turkmen R. at 2342-00<strong>05</strong> UT on Mar 15, Turkmen, Continuous mx w/<br />

announcer b/w selections,"echo" FX talks over mx from 2354-2359 UT. Pip at<br />

0000 followed by NA, (tent) "Watan Radioyaylymy" at 0004 and talk over wind<br />

instruments. Poor but readable un<strong>der</strong> static. Apparently this signs on<br />

earlier than 0000, as listed in WRTH and PPWBR, which I assumed in my Mar.<br />

12 log when I tuned in during the NA at 0000. Does Turkmenistan observe DST<br />

this time of year or is this just a schedule change?<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Mar 17)<br />

UNIDENTIFIED LOCATION 11625 [now 11630. ex15660] Voice of the Iranian<br />

Nation, at 1435-1459* on Feb 26, talks in Persian, mentions of dollars. A<br />

song and mention of Rafsanjani, ID, freqency annmt, 43443 QRMed by bubble<br />

jammer.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, dwsci <strong>DX</strong>W Mar 9)<br />

UAE 1314 B<strong>BC</strong> via Dhabbaya scheduled 24 hrs. Beams used are 46 and 316<br />

degrees.<br />

(VT-Comm via Andreas Volk-D, AD<strong>DX</strong> Mar)<br />

1557 kHz Radio Asia from Ras al Khaimah moved to this freq when Radio Farda<br />

took to the air on 1575. (various reports)<br />

1575 kHz Al Dhabiya 400 kW at 54E15 24N11, mo<strong>der</strong>ately directional to the<br />

north.<br />

(ITU GE75/112)<br />

[Acc to Thales information, "Al Dabiyah II" was planned to be completed in<br />

the beginning of 20<strong>05</strong>. "Al Dabiyah I" is the 1170 kHz 800 kW tx.]<br />

EMI began broadcasting Radio Farda on Febr 10 on a second MW freq [1575] as<br />

part of their broadcast network modification plan to provide a new Sawa MW<br />

sce to Saudi Arabia that is scheduled to start sometime next month. (IBB<br />

Engineering Feb 25 via dxld)<br />

U.K. FEBA QSL's. Dear Mr Biener,<br />

Thank you for responding to my recent letter. We are very happy to keep you<br />

in touch (...)<br />

You also commented that we are more reluctant to communicate to <strong>DX</strong><br />

listeners. The change in Feba's approach only relates to reception reports<br />

from radio enthusiasts and it was rather forced on us by circumstances. The<br />

change from broadcasting via Seychelles to using other sce provi<strong>der</strong>s

happened quite quickly and involved a lot of planning and preparation in a<br />

short time.<br />

Programmes are now broadcast via sce provi<strong>der</strong>s, with programmes being<br />

combined into blocks of an hour or more before being sent to the sce<br />

provi<strong>der</strong>. The blocks are often compiled by producers overseas and usually<br />

include several programmes, sometimes of more than one lang. It is<br />

therefore now much more difficult to identify and confirm individual<br />

programmes than it was when most were broadcasts via the Seychelles<br />

station. To check details of individual programmes would take up a lot of<br />

staff time which we feel can be better used elsewhere. Wie realise this is<br />

a big disappointment for <strong>DX</strong>-ers like you and I am sorry about this.<br />

We are of course very happy to continue sending literature and programme<br />

schedule information as before. Thank you for publicising Febas broadcasts<br />

to your members.<br />

Yours sincerely<br />

Angela Brooke<br />

Supporter Relations<br />

FEBA<br />

Ivy Arch Rd, Worthing, West Sussex, England BN14 813X<br />

Telephone: (+44) 01903 237281 Fax: (+44) 01903 2<strong>05</strong>294<br />

E-mail: Website: <br />

(FEBA via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 14)<br />

The Director General of the B<strong>BC</strong> used a 13-minute video message to tell<br />

staff yesterday that they faced redundancy as 1,730 jobs were axed in the<br />

first round of cost cutting.<br />

Staff were informed that one in two jobs in the department would go, with<br />

980 made redundant. A further 750 were to be transferred to firms outside<br />

the corporation. A second wave of job cuts is to be announced later this<br />

month.<br />

The total number of job losses is expected eventually to exceed 5,000.<br />

In the 13-minute video broadcast to all departments, Mr Thompson said: "We<br />

need to make the B<strong>BC</strong> a simpler, more agile operation, ready to take the<br />

creative lead in a very different, very challenging digital future."<br />

Full article:<br />

<br />

(Fiona Govan 11 March; via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Mar 11)<br />

1296drm kHz The planned DRM schedule for the summer period is 1600-1915 and<br />

2115-2400 UT. AM broadcasting is planned for 1930-2100 UT. (VT-Comm via<br />

Andreas Volk-D, AD<strong>DX</strong> Mar)<br />

B<strong>BC</strong>WS London. Heard an annt just before 1200 UTC 18 March indicating that<br />

SW txions to Europe would be reduced to blocks in the morning and evening.<br />

Mind you, they are not much more than that now. Reference was given to<br />

alternative ways of listening, including the Hotbird Satellite, cable and<br />

FM in some areas etc, however no mention of MW, currently 24/7 on 648 kHz.<br />

I guess time alone will tell whether there are any cuts in that sce. After<br />

all, you can't increase a sce which is already 24/7.<br />

As to the comments about programming, this is about the time when the April<br />

edition of On Air magazine, including the Braille edition, would have<br />

appeared in previous years.<br />

(Paul David-UK, mwdx Mar 19)

Why is B<strong>BC</strong> World Service reducing its short wave provision?<br />

John Figliozzi wrote: I'm sure the rather smug management at Bush House<br />

will chuckle at all this and shrug it off. But I wouldn't be surprised if,<br />

while the B<strong>BC</strong> is dithering and dicing up audiences, CRI begins to eat the<br />

B<strong>BC</strong>'s lunch in North America. Call it "Old Europe Makes Way for New Asia".<br />

While the B<strong>BC</strong> steadily abandons and discards the public sce broadcasting<br />

principles it historically created, perfected and nurtured, CRI seems to<br />

more and more be embracing those very principles. (John Figliozzi-USA, dxld<br />

Mar 20)<br />

Which public sce broadcasting principles is CRI embracing???<br />

It is the propaganda arm of the Chinese Communist Party. The Party<br />

restricts its citizens access to foreign media by jamming and blocking<br />

internet sites. CRI journalists are restricted in what they are able to<br />

report.<br />

Demonstrations against the party elite, in particular corruption by local<br />

officials, are becoming more widespread. The State Constitution allows<br />

people to be arrested for vaguely worded actions against the state and<br />

denies them a fair trial. It routinely uses torture. Check the Amnesty<br />

International or Human Rights Watch sites for many examples. There will<br />

doubtless be many more that are unreported. You will not hear about this on<br />

CRI. It does not serve the public, it serves the Party.<br />

The B<strong>BC</strong> on the other hand will report on criticism of UK govt policies and<br />

UK breaches of human rights, for example in the treatment of prisioners in<br />

Iraq.<br />

As to the Rumsfeldesque "Old Europe makes way for New Asia" comparison well<br />

I prefer to live in an Old European culture which respects human rights and<br />

to have a domestic and international public sce broadcaster which is<br />

independent of any govt party line.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, dxld Mar 20)<br />

I'm sorry the B<strong>BC</strong> is apparently ignoring the poorer listeners, many in<br />

Africa, India and the third world where as I've said many ordinary people<br />

have not the financial or technical means to access space or cyberspace and<br />

no local FM station could or would broadcast B<strong>BC</strong> World Service. I say<br />

again, many of these folks do not simply erect expensive aerial systems for<br />

their Kenwoods, Trios, Lowes or Sonys but struggle to pay for the 1.5 volt<br />

batteries for their simple cheap radio sets.<br />

Who asks these listeners' opinions and compiles the figures that the<br />

executives base their observations of reductions of short-wave listening<br />

on; Who collates the results to obtain these decisions and why? If normal<br />

radio sces are withdrawn from these listeners, will they not feel the<br />

'rich' western world is again suiting itself, and be minded to isolationism<br />

and conflict.<br />

Radio brings knowledge, if done properly, and international un<strong>der</strong>standing<br />

and whatever one thinks of the B<strong>BC</strong> it shows independence of political bias<br />

and a far better attitude to it's overseas listeners - on air - than other<br />

large broadcasters, pity those who decide on its method of decimation seem<br />

to live on planet 'yuppie'.<br />

(Rog Parsons-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Mar 20)<br />

9850 via UK/Skelton, 9750 via UK/Rampisham. Radio Japan's 55th Anniversary<br />

Special <strong>BC</strong>B via Sackville. Full data Card with schedule/calendar/rpt forms

for a Tape report, in 45 days v/s A. Ishimo. (Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 12)<br />

9800 Leading the Way with Dr. Michael Youssef schickte mit nach 6 Tagen<br />

auf einen E-Mail Bericht eine volldet. QSL-Karte mit Sen<strong>der</strong>standort Merlin<br />

UK. Adresse Leading the Way with Dr. Michael Youssef, P.O.Box 20100,<br />

Atlanta, Georgia 30325, U.S.A. Internet Adresse <br />

(Dieter Kraus-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 12)<br />

In A-<strong>05</strong> on 15495 kHz Sat/Sun Russian, Tue/Fri Persian, (wb).<br />

Freq change for HCJB in Russian via RMP 500 kW / 061 deg:<br />

1700-1730 NF 9740 (55555), ex 11760<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 15)<br />

11760 R Ndeke Luka [Hirondelle] on Mar 12 at 1825-1845 UT, 35433-34433<br />

French, Afro pops, ID at 1830 and 1833, Talk. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN,<br />

JPNpremium Mar 18)<br />

13650 Internews R. on Mar 5 at 1300-1307 UT, 35333 Dari?, ID at 1300, 1301<br />

IS and ID, Talk. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Mar 18)<br />

U.K./ASCENSION ISL./SOUTH AFRICA [to ZWE] SW Radio Africa.<br />

SW Radio Africa, Fri 11-Mar. We are still being deliberately jammed - which<br />

obviously means that we're doing a good job! Please bear with us while we<br />

try to overcome this problem. We're now on Plan B.<br />

For the full three hours of evening broadcasts we will be on 3230 kHz in<br />

the 75 mb.<br />

For the first hour of evening broadcasts we will also be on 6145 kHz in the<br />

49 mb.<br />

Don't forget the short-wave and medium-wave broadcasts between 5 am and 7<br />

am Zimbabwe time each the morning. These are the freqs to try:<br />

Medium wave: 1197 kHz [Lesotho] Shortwave: 3230 kHz in the 75 mb<br />

[Meyerton-AFS]<br />

And 24 hours a day on <br />

<br />

(via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Mar 11)<br />

SW Radio Africa, clandestine, on 3230 at 0315-0345+ UT on March 6, local<br />

African mx, English talk but difficult to un<strong>der</strong>stand due to high noise<br />

level. 0328 UT caught ID when giving website as swradioafrica.com Poor in<br />

noise and slight co-channel QRM from numbers station on high side. (Brian<br />

Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Mar 11)<br />

Recheck (12 Mar) at 1850 shows SW R Africa on 3230 with weakish signal.<br />

Can't tell if there was any jamming, had enough local noise. SW Radio<br />

Africa program ended around 1900 and after some dead air Family Radio<br />

started their program. Relay via Meyerton.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Mar 13)<br />

Monitored in Harare-ZWE, SW Radio Africa on 6145 was again jammed<br />

progressively from 1600-1700 UT. The alternative freq of 3230 was in the<br />

clear until 1710 UT when it was severely jammed until close 1900 UT. The<br />

very new freq of 11845 (Ascension or still Meyerton?) was heard in the<br />

clear from 1600 to 1700 UT, then station off.

Glenn, it appears most likely now that deliberate localised jamming of SWRA<br />

within the vicinity of Harare the capital is occurring. Unlikely to be Z<strong>BC</strong><br />

Gweru, as these txs cannot switch freqs as easily as the jamming signal<br />

does. Also can mention that the signal strength here in Harare is so<br />

extreme it must be a localised jammer. My guess is that's a medium power<br />

localised jammer within the area of Harare but we are monitoring these<br />

freqs from in and around Zimbabwe to check up on this.<br />

(David Pringle-Wood, Harare-ZWE, dxld Mar 13)<br />

11845, SW Radio Africa, Mar 13, 1621 pop song in English, into talk about<br />

Zimbabwe elections being held March 31st and religious lea<strong>der</strong>s comments<br />

about Zimbabwe, 1634 end of Richard Offray's (sp?) program, says to tune in<br />

again at "5 mins past 6 on Sunday evening or at half past 5 on Sunday<br />

morning," very good reception, no jamming.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld Mar 14)<br />

11845, 1600-, SW Radio Africa Mar 13. Powerful S9+20dB reception with crash<br />

start with multiple IDs in English with some short/long path echo. All in<br />

English. With song 'Africaaa, Africaaa', then "this is SW Radio Africa,<br />

Zimbabwe's independent voice." Through the valley religious program after<br />

annmts. (Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, dxld Mar 14)<br />

I just noticed that the banner on their Web site says 3220 kHz, but the<br />

text lower down the page twice says 3230 kHz. Which one is currently being<br />

used?<br />

(Andy Sennitt, Netherlands, March 14, dxldyg via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

They certainly had been logged until now on 3230. Maybe deliberately vague<br />

disinformation, subject to variation to avoid jamming, or sloppy, as they<br />

were also saying this was the 75 mb for quite a while (gh, <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

Checked 14 Mar at 1830 UT. SW R Africa seems still to be on 3230. Only<br />

threshold signal here due to local noise. Checking against their website<br />

audio stream, it sounds like 3230 is some 15-20 seconds ahead of web audio<br />

(Jari Savolainen, Finland, dxldyg via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

Registered:<br />

4880 1600 1900 57N MEY 100kW 5deg USA MNO MER<br />

6145 1600-1900 57N MEY 100kW 5deg USA MNO MER<br />

(Wolfgang Bueschel, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 9 via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

SW Radio Africa, 11845, received an e-mail, "to say thank you very much for<br />

your reception report," from Gerry Jackson, Station Manager indicating their technicians would send me a formal<br />

confirmation. Notes that she is: "Very pleased to hear that we're available<br />

in California. It's our poor Zimbabwean listeners who are having a terrible<br />

time hearing us - and we're moving freqs constantly to try to overcome the<br />

jamming." In less than 2 days, for an e-mailed report.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld Mar 16)<br />

They've added the missing freq for 1700-1900 UT. From website:<br />

We had Plan B but now we're already on to plan D! We are trying something<br />

new. We will be on a different freq for each of the three hours this<br />

evening. We know this is complicated, please bear with us. This jamming is<br />

a serious problem.<br />

11845 kHz at 1600-1700 UTC. (unchanged)<br />

117<strong>05</strong> kHz at 1700-1800 UTC.<br />

11995 kHz at 1800-1900 UTC.<br />

We're broadcasting on 3 freqs. If you can pass this on to family and<br />

friends back home, that would be great.

Don't forget medium wave and SW broadcasts in the morning. 5 - 7 am Zim<br />

time MW on 1197 kHz, Morning SW on 3230 in the 90 mb.<br />

(via Andy Sennitt-UK, dxld Mar 15)<br />

Checking 15 Mar.: 11845 at 1623 decent signal 117<strong>05</strong> at 1723 mostly covered<br />

by Radio Farda, some fade-ups of R SW Africa audible. Noted about 1000 Hz<br />

interfering signal. 11995 switched from 117<strong>05</strong> at 1800, Good signal but the<br />

1000 Hz signal appeared also here shortly. (Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld Mar<br />

15)<br />

Like Jari, I also heard SW Radio Africa last night (15 March) for the 1800-<br />

1900 period on 11995. The signal was good, but as Jari says, there was a 1<br />

kHz tone on the channel. (It was NOT a 1 kHz het.)<br />

The SW Radio Africa audio was cut at exactly 30 seconds before 1900, a<br />

longstanding B<strong>BC</strong> procedure that these days is a "giveaway" that the tx or<br />

the feed is in the hands of VT Merlin.<br />

Ref. the possible Chinese and/or Iranian connections. One shouldn't assume<br />

that the jamming would have to sound like existing Chinese or Iranian<br />

jamming. These countries might just have supplied the txs, leaving the<br />

Zimbabweans to decide what audio to put on them.<br />

A year or so ago there was a lot of publicity in the Zimbabwean press about<br />

Iranian support for the Z<strong>BC</strong>. An Iranian delegation visited Zimbabwe and met<br />

Zimbabwean ministers and senior officials. The word "jamming" did cross my<br />

mind even then.<br />

(Chris Greenway-UK, dxld Mar 16)<br />

SW Radio Africa, they were on 11845 today (Mar 16), poor signal to 1700,<br />

then switched to 117<strong>05</strong> where they were a little better at first, still<br />

choppy and fadey, improving more circa 1750 when it became pretty decent.<br />

They gave the new 11845-117<strong>05</strong>-11995 fqy rundown at 1709, and again at 1740.<br />

It was mostly mx and call-ins. They gave fqy changeover anmt at 1759, then<br />

RFI took over 117<strong>05</strong> and SWRA moved to 11995 where they were about the same<br />

as 117<strong>05</strong>, choppy, but in the clear and easily hrd with "Countdown to<br />

Elections." They are still there as I send this arnd 1810. (Jerry Berg-MA-<br />

USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 16)<br />

Like Jari, I also heard SW Radio Africa last night (15 March) for the 1800-<br />

1900 period on 11995.<br />

The signal was good, but as Jari says, there was a 1 kHz tone on the<br />

channel. (It was NOT a 1 kHz het.)<br />

The SW Radio Africa audio was cut at exactly 30 seconds before 1900, a<br />

longstanding B<strong>BC</strong> procedure that these days is a "giveaway" that the tx or<br />

the feed is in the hands of VT Merlin.<br />

SW Radio Africa is being effectively jammed on the following freqs and<br />

times:<br />

3230 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 UT<br />

3230 1600-1900 UT<br />

6145 1600-1900 UT<br />

11845 1600-1700 UT, jamming heard from 1630.<br />

This is not localised jamming, but is a pair of high powered jamming txs<br />

located, very likely at Z<strong>BC</strong> Gweru facilities in Zimbabwe. I have been<br />

actively monitoring these and other new test freqs provided to SWRA by<br />

Sentech et al. 1197 MW 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 UT heard well in Zimbabwe, no jamming<br />

signal present.<br />

(David Pringle-Wood, Harare-ZWE, dxld March 15)

Observations made on 16 March confirm the presence of deliberate jamming on<br />

all three broadcasts made by SW Radio Africa. The 1600 UT cast on 11845 kHz<br />

was accompanied by a continuous 1 kHz tone whilst the 1700 and 1800 casts,<br />

on 117<strong>05</strong> and 11995 kHz respectively, were targeted by a rotary-type jammer.<br />

The interfering signals were present only for the period of the SW Radio<br />

Africa programming. (B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld Mar 16)<br />

I got this rotary cycling tone jammer as from 1 March on SWRA freqs that<br />

evening. It has been used on most of the SWRA freqs but seems to be now not<br />

used by them in favour of the 1 kHz tone one. The cycling jammer is a lowly<br />

modulated un<strong>der</strong>toned one which cycles with another freq high to low pitch<br />

in exactly 60 seconds. Just like a fire work rocket going off. But it now<br />

appear that this jammer has left the air in favour of the 1 kHz toned one.<br />

This jammer is on 3230 & 6145 (1600-1900 UT) and 3230 (0300-<strong>05</strong>00 UT) (David<br />

Pringle-Wood-ZWE, dxld Mar 17)<br />

They did originate 11845 from ASC till March 14, then switched to<br />

Rampisham-UK from March 15 on 11845, 117<strong>05</strong>, and 11995. We here in Europe<br />

hear always a thiny whistle sound co-channel - as jammer, but not really<br />

jamming signal like against R Liberty era etc. - in the background. (wb,<br />

dxld March 17)<br />

I listened to SW Radio Africa again last night (19 March) at 1800-1900 UT<br />

on 11995 kHz. The jamming signal was a 200 Hz rough tone. I would imagine<br />

that in Harare the SW Radio Africa signals on 11 MHz might well get through<br />

the jamming as the skip distance for the jamming is not right. This was<br />

always the strategy of RFE/RL: use as high a freq as possible to maximize<br />

the skip distance (hence using tx sites in Spain and Portugal to hit the<br />

USSR). The Soviets couldn't use sky wave jammers in the European part of<br />

Russia as the jamming signals at such high freqs would just skip right over<br />

the target, so they were forced to invest in a complicated and costly<br />

network of local ground-wave jammers.<br />

The Zimbabwean govt won't be able to afford to do that. So, SW Radio<br />

Africa, pick your freqs as high as you can! The fact that I could hear the<br />

jammer here in the UK means that the path is open and so people in Zimbabwe<br />

will be able to hear Rampisham (or whatever you are using in the UK).<br />

More grease to your elbow (as they say in Ghana). (Chris Greenway-UK, dxld<br />

Mar 20)<br />

Acc to the website of SW Radio Africa, the independent station broadcasting<br />

to Zimbabwe which is currently being jammed, an additional 90 mb freq of<br />

3300 kHz will be used intermittently over the weekend between 1600 and 1900<br />

UTC. The station now gives its schedule as follows:<br />

In the 90 mb: Intermittent* 3230 kHz,<br />

Intermittent* over weekend 3300 kHz.<br />

In the 60 mb: Intermittent* 4880 kHz<br />

In the 49 mb: 1600-1900 UT 6145 kHz<br />

In the 25 mb: 1600-1700 UT 11845 kHz<br />

1700-1800 UT 117<strong>05</strong> kHz<br />

1800-1900 UT 11995 kHz.<br />

(dxld via Thorsten Hallmann-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 20)<br />


Katzenellenbogen, International Affairs Editor<br />

"The station manager of an independent London-based radio station which<br />

broadcast to Zimbabwe, SW Radio Africa, says the Harare govt is<br />

deliberately jamming its signal.

While the Zimbabwean govt denies the charge, listeners have confirmed that<br />

Harare has been jamming the station's short-wave broadcasts since Monday<br />

last week. To jam a radio broadcast a stronger signal is used to flood the<br />

freq which the station uses.<br />

The attempt to restrict outside broadcasts dedicated to Zimbabwean issues<br />

comes with only three weeks to go before the elections and the main<br />

opposition party being all but ignored on the official broadcaster.<br />

SW Radio Africa does not reveal the source of its funding, which it says<br />

comes largely from nongovtal organisations. But a report in the state-<br />

owned Sunday Mail says the station is 'heavily sponsored by ex-Rhodesians<br />

to illegally transmit pro-opposition and imperialist propaganda to<br />

Zimbabwe'.<br />

There is widespread speculation that the Zimbabwe govt may have been<br />

provided with the resources to jam the broadcasts by either Iran or China,<br />

two countries with which Harare has increasingly close ties. Iran's<br />

President Mohammad Khatami visited Zimbabwe earlier this year, and the two<br />

countries have cooperation agreements in a number of areas, including<br />

telecommunications. A team of Iranians was reportedly advising the govt on<br />

broadcasting."<br />

(Johannesburg's "Business Times" via Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 15)<br />

My first reaction was that very often the behaviour of short waves is<br />

interpreted by some listeners as "jamming", or that the local interference<br />

from some inferior appliances usually from Far East with which Africa is<br />

flooded is seen as jamming. I have come across this many times before.<br />

Having said that, I checked the SW Radio Africa's freqs tonight, and<br />

regrettably there is no doubt that the broadcasts are being jammed. The<br />

11845 kHz signal is the weakest here and it was not jammed at first but the<br />

jammer came on around 1630 and wiped out the signal almost completely.<br />

The jammer on 6145 kHz was irritating but the signal was still quite<br />

useable. 3230 kHz is extremely strong here and the jammer was hardly<br />

noticeable, but definitely there. The jamming on 11845 and 6145 stopped<br />

about 1 min after sign-off at 1700, but continued on 3230 which broadcasts<br />

until 1900. The jammer does not sound like anything Iran and China are<br />

using but rather a buzzing / drilling type of electrical noise. Something a<br />

<strong>DX</strong>er is very allergic to! (Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 15)<br />

On 14 March the Zimbabwean newspaper The Daily Nx reported: "Sources in<br />

Zimbabwe have confirmed that the govt has installed jamming equipment at<br />

Thornhill air base to interfere with radio signals. The equipment, which<br />

was imported from China, has however failed to jam signals from the Voice<br />

of America txs situated in neighbouring Botswana, where the popular Studio<br />

Seven signal is beamed to Zimbabwe." (B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld Mar 16)<br />

The Daily Nx of Harare claims the jammers are installed at Thornhill<br />

Airbase. Maybe David can tell us how far that is away from Harare. That<br />

report says the jammers are from China, but South Africa's Business Day<br />

suggests they may have been installed by the Iranians. Perhaps one of you<br />

jamming experts can tell from the sound of the jammers which is more<br />

likely.<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld March 16)<br />

Info about Gweru-Thornhill Air Base can be found at<br />

<br />

Click "Or<strong>der</strong> of Battle" 73, (Jari Savolainen, ibid.)<br />

ZIMBABWE. MUGABE JAMS THE AIRWAVES. Basildon Peta, March 14 20<strong>05</strong> at 09:47AM

President Robert Mugabe's govt has succeeded in using imported Chinese<br />

equipment to jam radio broadcasts into Zimbabwe by the country's sole<br />

independent radio station operating from London.<br />

This article was originally published on page 2 of The Mercury on March 14.<br />

(via Artie Bigley, <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

Zimbabwe <strong>Private</strong> Radio 'JAMMED'<br />

<br />

Parliamentary elections are due to take place on 31 March SW Radio Africa,<br />

a private radio station broadcasting to Zimbabwe, said its broadcasts from<br />

the UK were being jammed by the govt. Listeners in Zimbabwe have not been<br />

able to receive the station for a week, station foun<strong>der</strong> Gerry Jackson said.<br />

SW Radio Africa started up in London in 2002, to avoid President Robert<br />

Mugabe's media crackdown (via Artie Bigley, dxld)<br />


Although they won't admit it, govt is deliberately jamming our Short Wave<br />

signal into Zimbabwe. For over a week now listeners have complained of a<br />

loud sound drowning out daily broadcasts. Technical feedback says the<br />

jammer has a low un<strong>der</strong>tone modulated signal, then another one that cycles<br />

exactly every 60 seconds from a high to a low pitched screeching tone. It<br />

sounds like a firework rocket going off.<br />

We have been broadcasting on multiple freqs to try to overcome this and<br />

have found two freqs are being jammed at the same time. It would now appear<br />

that govt has paid for the construction of two SW txs. You need a tx for<br />

each freq you want to block. In a Sunday Mail opinion piece the govt denied<br />

jamming our signal and instead of reinforcing their denial, labelled us a<br />

station sponsored by ex-Rhodesians, illegally transmitting pro-opposition<br />

and imperialist propaganda. Facts on the ground confirm that we are indeed<br />

being jammed. Newsreel spoke to listeners in different parts of the country<br />

and here is the evidence.<br />

Baba Chaminuka in Mutare explained to Newsreel how difficult it has been to<br />

receive our signal ever since Monday last week. He says its hard to hear a<br />

broadcast for more than 30 mins without interference. A Zimbabwean<br />

journalist for the Independent newspaper group, Basildon Peta, who is also<br />

a regular listener, says the Chinese have been working closely with govt to<br />

block our signal.<br />

The media clampdown covers more than just our broadcasts.<br />

The MDC has complained Z<strong>BC</strong> deliberately gave the wrong time slot for the<br />

presentation of their manifesto and made sure the television signal was not<br />

clear in most parts of Gweru and Mutare. There was also no signal in<br />

Bulawayo altogether during the manifesto presentation. According to<br />

Zimbabwe Broadcasting Holdings spokesperson, Jeniffer Tanyanyiwa, the loss<br />

of signal was the responsibility of Transmedia Corporation, a govt owned<br />

entity. She denied that Z<strong>BC</strong> had anything to do with the problem.<br />

Soon after the MDC manifesto presentation on radio, Zanu PF propaganda<br />

songs were played. The Z<strong>BC</strong> tried to justify their actions by saying the MDC<br />

programmes were shorter than the time allocated to them and so filler mx<br />

had to be added at the end.<br />

(SWRA website March 14 via dxld)<br />

USA 9370 24 hrs 50 kW 40 Grad Grace Baptist Church, Newport-NC-USA, 34N47<br />

07W653<br />

FCC: 9370 0000-2400 WTJC 50kW 40Grad Zones 4,9 daily.

9370 0000-2400 4,9 TJC 50 40 0 902antenna USA TJC FCC 73 wb<br />

9370 Zwischen 0300 und 0430 UTC war auf 9370 eine Station mit eindeutig<br />

religioesem Touch in US E mit S=5 bis 6 dB knapp ueber dem Rauschpegel zu<br />

vernehmen. Tend. WYTC (o<strong>der</strong> haben die schon wie<strong>der</strong> einen neuen Namen ...?<br />

[WTJC?] ) (Walter Eibl-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> March 15)<br />

11715 at 1525- UT, KJES on Mar 19. No ID, but sounds very much like them<br />

with a female vocal singing a religious piece very slowly, in English.<br />

Channel seems to be jammed also (or is there some digital hash?). Mostly<br />

good. Only[?] Monday to Friday at this time, but KJES can be pretty<br />

variable. (Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 19)<br />

Transformation Media International, a limited partnership based in Albany,<br />

Oregon, has applied to the FCC for a construction permit for a SW station<br />

near Lebanon, Oregon. The application calls for installation of four 50-kW<br />

P.E.P. reduced carrier upper sideband txs, three rhombic antennas directed<br />

toward northeast Asia, the Caribbean, and Central and northern South<br />

America; and a log periodic antenna beamed to central and eastern Canada.<br />

Acc to the application, Transformation Media "intends to offer a variety of<br />

programming suited to the local target, foreign population. Such things as<br />

news, religious teaching, educational, comedy, and mx will be included in<br />

the program format." Programs are planned in English, Spanish, French,<br />

Russian, Japanese, Korean and Mandarin.<br />

Michelle Brosnan, operations manager of the station, attended the recent<br />

HFCC-ASBU Conference in Mexico City in or<strong>der</strong> to learn more about<br />

international broadcasting and in particular SW freq planning. (NASB March<br />

Newsletter via wwdxc Mar 19)<br />

Some freqs changes for Radio Liberty:<br />

1600-1700 Azeri NF 9850, ex 96<strong>05</strong><br />

1800-1900 CeAslangs NF 6220, ex 9840<br />

1400-1500 Kazakh NF 15235, ex 17695<br />

0100-0300 Kyrghyz on 7450, 9785, 11975 >>>> new morning txion<br />

1300-1330 Kyrghyz NF 7595, ex 9315<br />

1400-1430 Kyrghyz NF 7595, ex 9315<br />

0200-0400 Turkmen NF 9735, ex 9770<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 15)<br />

Some freqs changes for Voice of America:<br />

0000-0300 Mandarin ADD 17645<br />

0700-0900 Mandarin ADD 9845, 11665, 15375<br />

0900-1100 Mandarin ADD 9855, 11665, 11825<br />

1100-1200 Mandarin ADD 11665<br />

1200-1400 Mandarin ADD 6040, 11995<br />

1400-1500 Mandarin ADD 6040, 9890<br />

2200-2300 Mandarin ADD 9545, 9755, 9875<br />

1900-2000 Kurdish NF 9690, ex 7195<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 15)<br />

UZBEKISTAN 7160 at 0200- UT, Radio Tashkent on Feb 28. Strong reception<br />

(comparitively) at about S7 with IS and into Pashto sce. Greyline all the<br />

way with my sunset, and their sunrise. Get it while it lasts! Believe it or<br />

not, I can hear the parallels un<strong>der</strong> B<strong>BC</strong>WS on 5975 and 6165 un<strong>der</strong> Bonaire!<br />

Amazing!.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-CAN, Cumbre Mar 6) in A-<strong>05</strong> 7190 and 9715 kHz, wb.<br />

VIETNAM [and non] A-<strong>05</strong> VoVTN Hanoi registrations:<br />

5925 2200 1700 49 CK2 50 320 VTN VOV VOV<br />

5975 2200 1700 49 HAN 50 176 VTN VOV VOV<br />

6020 2200 1700 49 DAL 20 320 VTN VOV VOV<br />

6165 1130 1330 49 CK2 50 176 VTN VOV VOV

6165 2200 2300 49 CK2 50 176 VTN VOV VOV<br />

6175 0100 0430 6,10N SAC 250 212 G VOV MER<br />

6175 0430 <strong>05</strong>00 2,6 SAC 250 268 G VOV MER<br />

6175 <strong>05</strong>00 <strong>05</strong>30 2,6 SAC 250 253 G VOV MER<br />

7210 2200 1700 49 DAL 20 320 VTN VOV VOV<br />

7220 1100 1330 33,34,43,44 VNI 100 27 VTN VOV VOV<br />

7220 2200 2230 33,34,43,44 VNI 100 27 VTN VOV VOV<br />

7280 1600 2130 27,28 VNI 100 310 VTN VOV VOV<br />

7285 1030 1600 49 MET 50 216 VTN VOV VOV<br />

7285 2200 0100 49 MET 50 216 VTN VOV VOV<br />

9530 2200 1700 49 CK2 50 176 VTN VOV VOV<br />

9550 1100 1330 33,34,43,44 VNI 100 27 VTN VOV VOV<br />

9550 1500 1700 46,47 VNI 100 290 VTN VOV VOV<br />

9550 2030 2200 46,47 VNI 100 290 VTN VOV VOV<br />

9550 2200 2230 33,34,43,44 VNI 100 27 VTN VOV VOV<br />

9725 1700 1900 27,28W MOS 100 300 AUT VOV MER<br />

9725 1900 2030 28S SKN 300 140 G VOV MER<br />

9730 1600 2130 27,28 VNI 100 320 VTN VOV VOV<br />

9840 1100 1230 33,34,43,44 VNI 100 57 VTN VOV VOV<br />

9840 1230 1330 49,51,54 VNI 100 177 VTN VOV VOV<br />

9840 1330 1430 33,34,43,44 VNI 100 57 VTN VOV VOV<br />

9840 1430 1600 49,51,54 VNI 100 177 VTN VOV VOV<br />

9840 2130 2230 33,34,43,44 VNI 100 57 VTN VOV VOV<br />

9840 2230 2400 49,51,54 VNI 100 177 VTN VOV VOV<br />

9875 2200 1700 49 MET 50 176 VTN VOV VOV<br />

12020 1100 1230 33,34,43,44 VNI 100 57 VTN VOV VOV<br />

12020 1230 1330 49,51,54 VNI 100 177 VTN VOV VOV<br />

12020 1330 1430 33,34,43,44 VNI 100 57 VTN VOV VOV<br />

12020 1430 1600 49,51,54 VNI 100 177 VTN VOV VOV<br />

12020 2130 2230 33,34,43,44 VNI 100 57 VTN VOV VOV<br />

12020 2230 2400 49,51,54 VNI 100 177 VTN VOV VOV<br />

13860 1500 1700 46,47 VNI 100 290 VTN VOV VOV<br />

13860 2030 2200 46,47 VNI 100 290 VTN VOV VOV<br />

(March 9)<br />

Hoerersuche Radio Kairo: Dieter Huebner - Altdorf bei Nuernberg.<br />

Ich schrieb hier schon von meiner momentanen Taetigkeit,<br />

Empfangsmitschnitte aus den siebziger Jahren auf CD zu brennen. Dabei bin<br />

auf einen Mitschnitt von R. Kairo aus dem Jahre 1973 gestossen. Es werden<br />

zwei Hoerer von Radio Kairo gegruesst. (Namen mit > Vorsicht, da nicht 100%<br />

verstanden)<br />

(...)<br />

Aus Altdorf bei Nuernberg Herr Dieter Huebner. Vielleicht in <strong>der</strong> Liste<br />

zugegen?<br />

Die Franken koennen bestimmt Auskunft ueber den Verbleib von Dieter Huebner<br />

aus Altdorf geben. Ich habe ihn bei <strong>der</strong> AG<strong>DX</strong> Versammlung noch mal im Jahr<br />

1977 getroffen.<br />

Dieter hat VIELEN in <strong>der</strong> DDR und dem Ostblock in den 60zigern und 70zigern<br />

im Hobby geholfen, auch als Zwischenmailbox, um Post <strong>der</strong> Radiostationen<br />

unverfaenglich als Privatpost in die groesste Dae-Dae-Rae weiter zu senden.<br />

Obwohl er mit seiner Familie nicht auf 'finanziellen' Rosen gebettet war.<br />

Und wenn mich mein Gedaechtnis nicht sehr taeuscht, war er auch ein Objekt<br />

<strong>der</strong> Stasi-Beobachtung.<br />

Er war ein guter, unermuedlicher Geist im positiven Sinn.<br />

(73 wb)<br />

Dieter Huebner starb am 23. Maerz 1997. Ein ausfuehrlicher Nachruf und eine<br />

Vorstellung all seiner Aktivitaeten zum Wohle <strong>der</strong> Hobbyfreunde hinter dem<br />

Eisernen Vorhang stand im Kurier 22/1997.<br />

Wir haben den Bericht (134 kByte) als PDF-Datei mal ins Web gestellt:

(Michael Schmitz-D, AD<strong>DX</strong> Mar 20)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 10)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Mar 12)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 5)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 31)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 15)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 1)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 707 31 March 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

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AFGHANISTAN DW-Radio via two new powerful FM txs in Kabul area, erected<br />

on mountain in 2000 meters ASL. Carries Dari, Pashto, German, English,<br />

Persian, and Urdu sections.<br />

DW im Grossraum Kabul jetzt via UKW. Ab sofort sind die Programme von DW-<br />

Radio in den Landessprachen Dari und Paschtu sowie in Deutsch Englisch<br />

Farsi und Urdu im Grossraum Kabul auch via UKW zu empfangen. Zwei<br />

leistungstarke Sen<strong>der</strong> auf dem knapp 2000m hohen Berg Asmai in <strong>der</strong><br />

afghanischen Hauptstadt wurden am 21. 3. 20<strong>05</strong> in Betrieb genommen. Die<br />

Programme des deutschen Auslandsrundfunks sind damit in einem<br />

Einzugsbereich von 30 Kilometern von rund drei Millionen Hoerern in bester<br />

technischer Qualitaet zu hoeren.<br />

Auch Radio and Television Afghanistan (RTA) strahlt sein Programm eber<br />

einen <strong>der</strong> neuen Sen<strong>der</strong> aus.Die Grundlage des Projekts bildet ein Ende 2004<br />

abgeschlossener Vertrag zwischen <strong>der</strong> Deutschen Welle und RTA. Planung und<br />

Ausfuehrung <strong>der</strong> Sendeanlage erfolgten in Zusammenarbeit mit afghanischen<br />

Behoerden, <strong>der</strong> deutschen Botschaft in Kabul und <strong>der</strong> Gesellschaft fuer<br />

technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Das Auswaertige Amt in Berlin stellte die<br />

erfor<strong>der</strong>lichen Mittel bereit.<br />

Die Deutsche Welle ist seit ueber 30 Jahren in Afghanistan praesent und<br />

geniesst dort hohes Renommee. Neben den Programmen von DW-RADIO und dem<br />

Internet-Angebot DW-WORLD.DE verbreitet <strong>der</strong> deutsche Auslandsrundfunk seit

August 2002 auch ein taegliches Programmfenster von DW-TV mit Nachrichten<br />

und Dokumentationen in Dari und Paschtu.<br />

(Paul Gager-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 24)<br />

ALBANIA Summer A-<strong>05</strong> schedule for CRI via Cerrik:<br />

5960 2000-2200 27N En CER 150 310 146 ALB CRI RTC<br />

5970 1600-1800 28NW Ge CER 150 330 146 ALB CRI RTC<br />

5970 1800-2000 27SE Fr CER 150 310 146 ALB CRI RTC<br />

6020 0000-0200 7-10 En CER 300 3<strong>05</strong> 217 ALB CRI RTC<br />

6020 0200-0400 7-10 Ch CER 300 3<strong>05</strong> 217 ALB CRI RTC<br />

6175 2200-2300 37NW Por CER 150 280 206 ALB CRI RTC<br />

6175 2300-2400 37NW Sp CER 150 280 206 ALB CRI RTC<br />

6185 2000-2200 38W Ar CER 150 193 206 ALB CRI RTC<br />

7150 1500-1600 39NW Turk CER 150 0 925 ALB CRI RTC<br />

7155 1600-1800 28NW Ge CER 150 330 146 ALB CRI RTC<br />

7175 1800-2000 27SE Fr CER 150 310 146 ALB CRI RTC<br />

7210 2200-2400 37N Sp CER 150 280 206 ALB CRI RTC<br />

7235 2000-2200 38W Ar CER 150 193 206 ALB CRI RTC<br />

7285 2000-2200 27N En CER 150 310 146 ALB CRI RTC<br />

7370 2000-2200 38W Ar CER 150 193 206 ALB CRI RTC<br />

9515 <strong>05</strong>00-0700 37S,37NE Ar CER 150 240 206 ALB CRI RTC<br />

9555 1600-1800 38E Ar CER 150 140 206 ALB CRI RTC<br />

9565 1500-1600 39NW Turk CER 150 0 925 ALB CRI RTC<br />

9570 0000-0200 7-10 En CER 300 3<strong>05</strong> 217 ALB CRI RTC<br />

9570 0200-0400 7-10 Ch CER 300 3<strong>05</strong> 217 ALB CRI RTC<br />

9590 <strong>05</strong>00-0700 38E Ar CER 150 140 206 ALB CRI RTC<br />

9635 1800-2000 46W Fr CER 150 240 206 ALB CRI RTC<br />

11695 1800-2000 46W Fr CER 150 240 206 ALB CRI RTC<br />

11710 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 38E Ar CER 150 140 206 ALB CRI RTC<br />

11710 0600-0700 38E En? CER 150 140 206 ALB CRI RTC<br />

11725 1600-1800 37S,37NE Ar CER 150 240 206 ALB CRI RTC<br />

11775 <strong>05</strong>00-0700 37S,37NE Ar CER 150 240 206 ALB CRI RTC<br />

11785 0700-0900 27 Ch CER 150 310 146 ALB CRI RTC<br />

11920 1400-1600 46W Fr CER 150 240 206 ALB CRI RTC<br />

13650 1100-1300 27N En CER 150 310 146 ALB CRI RTC<br />

13670 1400-1600 46W Fr CER 150 240 206 ALB CRI RTC<br />

13710 0700-0900 27N En CER 150 310 146 ALB CRI RTC<br />

(HFCC March 9)<br />

0000-0157 English 6020 CER 300*kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg to NoAmEa<br />

9570 CER 300*kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg to NoAmEa<br />

0200-0357 Chinese 6020 CER 300*kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg to NoAmEa<br />

9570 CER 300*kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg to NoAmEa<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0657 Arabic 9590 CER 150 kW / 140 deg to EaAfEa<br />

11710 CER 150 kW / 140 deg to EaAfEa<br />

English? 9515 CER 150 kW / 240 deg to NoAfSo<br />

11775 CER 150 kW / 240 deg to NoAfSo<br />

0700-0857 Chinese 11785 CER 150 kW / 310 deg to WeEuNo<br />

English 13710 CER 150 kW / 310 deg to WeEuNo<br />

1100-1257 English 13650 CER 150 kW / 310 deg to WeEuNo<br />

1400-1557 French 11920 CER 150 kW / 240 deg to WeAfWe<br />

13670 CER 150 kW / 240 deg to WeEuWe<br />

1500-1557 Turkish 7150 CER 150 kW / non-dir to Turkey<br />

9565 CER 150 kW / non-dir to Turkey<br />

1600-1757 Arabic 9555 CER 150 kW / 140 deg to EaAfEa<br />

11725 CER 150 kW / 240 deg to NoAfSo<br />

German 5970 CER 150 kW / 330 deg to WeEuNo<br />

7155 CER 150 kW / 330 deg to WeEuNo<br />

1800-1957 French 5970 CER 150 kW / 310 deg to WeEuSo<br />

7175 CER 150 kW / 310 deg to WeEuSo<br />

9635 CER 150 kW / 240 deg to WeAfWe<br />

11695 CER 150 kW / 240 deg to WeAfWe<br />

2000-2157 Arabic 6185 CER 150 kW / 193 deg to EaAfWe<br />

7370 CER 150 kW / 193 deg to EaAfWe

English 5960 CER 150 kW / 310 deg to WeEuNo<br />

7285 CER 150 kW / 310 deg to WeEuNo<br />

2200-2257 Portuguese 6175 CER 150 kW / 280 deg to SoEuWe<br />

2200-2357 Spanish 7210 CER 150 kW / 280 deg to SoEuSo<br />

2300-2357 Spanish 6175 CER 150 kW / 280 deg to SoEuWe<br />

* 2 x 150 kW in parallel<br />

(BUL Observer, March 1)<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> schedule for CRI via Fllake-ALB, 500 kW:<br />

English Europe 0600-0800 UTC 1215 kHz Tx.1 Ant F-03 ND<br />

Albanian Albania 1500-1600 UTC 1215 kHz Tx.1 Ant F-03 ND<br />

Esperanto Europe 1600-1700 UTC 1215 kHz Tx.1 Ant F-03 ND<br />

Bulgarian Europe 1600-1700 UTC 1458 kHz Tx.2 Ant F-<strong>05</strong> ND<br />

Romanian Europe 1700-1800 UTC 1215 kHz Tx.1 Ant F-03 ND<br />

Italian Europe 1700-1800 UTC 1458 kHz Tx.2 Ant F-<strong>05</strong> ND<br />

Hungarian Europe 1901-1959 UTC 1458 kHz Tx.2 Ant F-<strong>05</strong> ND<br />

Polish Europe 2030-2129 UTC 1458 kHz Tx.2 Ant F-04 004deg<br />

Serbian Europe 2101-2201 UTC 1215 kHz Tx.1 Ant F-03 ND<br />

Czech Europe 2130-2230 UTC 1458 kHz Tx.2 Ant F-04 338deg<br />

[notice Czech at 338deg to WeCeEUR, wb.]<br />

Albania - two Question marks ??<br />

Did you check the R Tirana Schedule of French segment already ? I was away<br />

unfortunately. There are two question marks on Tirana's French and Italian<br />

sce program at 1901 UT.<br />

(wb, Mar 29)<br />

Hello Wolfgang,<br />

As you probably heard, Tirana was on 9520 kHz in Italian and on 7240 in<br />

French today!!<br />

(Regards, Jean-Michel Aubier-F, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 31)<br />

ALBANIA Radio Tirana, III-rd Channel Broadcasting Propgramm<br />

in Albanian Language, during the Summer Season A-<strong>05</strong><br />

(27 March 20<strong>05</strong> - 29 Oct 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------<br />

Language|Destinat.|UTC/Days |Tx#/Pwr-kW |Frq-KHz|Ant /Beam|<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------<br />

| | |Shijak2/100| 71<strong>05</strong> |S-01 OND |<br />

Albanian| |0630-0800|-----------|-------|---------|<br />

| | daily |Fllaka2/500| 1458 |F-04 338ø|<br />

Radio | |---------|-----------|-------|---------|<br />

Tirana | |0801-0900|Shijak2/100| 71<strong>05</strong> |S-01 OND |<br />

per | | daily |Fllaka2/500| 1395 |F-01 33ø|<br />

Bashk- | Europe |---------|-----------|-------|---------|<br />

atdhe- | |1430-1530|Fllaka2/500| 1458 |F-<strong>05</strong> OND |<br />

taret! | | daily | | | |<br />

| |---------|-----------|-------|---------|<br />

| |2030-2200|Shijak2/100| 62<strong>05</strong> |S-01 OND |<br />

| | daily | | | |<br />

|---------|---------|-----------|-------|---------|<br />

| North |2300-0030|Shijak2/100| 6115 |S-08 300ø|<br />

|America | daily | | | |<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------<br />

Radio Tirana, III-rd Channel Broadcasting Propgramm<br />

in Foreign Languages, during the Summer Season A-<strong>05</strong><br />

(27 March 20<strong>05</strong> - 29 Oct 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------<br />

Language|Destinat.|UTC/Days |Tx#/Pwr-kW |Frq-kHz|Ant /Beam|<br />


| |1845-1900|Shijak2/100| 6115 |S-08 300ø|<br />

English:| | MTWTFS |-----------|-------|---------|<br />

| | 234567 |Shijak1/100| 7210 |S-10 310ø|<br />

This is | England |---------|-----------|-------|---------|<br />

Radio | |2130-2200|Shijak1/100| 7120 |S-10 310ø|<br />

Tirana! | | MTWTFS | | | |<br />

| | 234567 | | | |<br />

|---------|---------|-----------|-------|---------|<br />

| |0145-0200|Shijak2/100| 6115 |S-08 300ø|<br />

| | S.TWTFS |-----------|-------|---------|<br />

| | 1.34567 |Shijak1/100| 7160 |S-10 310ø|<br />

| U.S.A. |---------|-----------|-------|---------|<br />

| |0230-0300|Shijak2/100| 6115 |S-08 300ø|<br />

| | S.TWTFS |-----------|-------|---------|<br />

| | 1.34567 |Shijak1/100| 7160 |S-10 310ø|<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------<br />

French: | |1901-1930|Shijak1/100| 9520 |S-15 300ø|<br />

Ici | France | MTWTFS | | | |<br />

Tirana! | | 234567 | | | |<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------<br />

Greek: | |1545-1600|Fllaka2/500| 1458 |F-<strong>05</strong> OND |<br />

Sas milun | Greece| MTWTFS | | | |<br />

ta Tirana!| | 234567 | | | |<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------<br />

German: | |1801-1829|Fllaka2/500| 1458 |F-04 338ø|<br />

Hier ist| Germany | MTWTFS |-----------|-------|---------|<br />

R.Tirana| | 234567 |Shijak2/100| 6130 |S-11 350ø|<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------<br />

Italian:| |1901-1930|Shijak2/100| 7240 |S-01 OND |<br />

Parla | Italy | MTWTFS | | | |<br />

Tirana! | | 234567 | | | |<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------<br />

Serbian:| |2015-2030|Fllaka2/500| 1458 |F-04 004 |<br />

Govori |Ex-Yugo- | MTWTFS |-----------|-------|---------|<br />

Tirana! | slavia | 234567 |Shijak2/100| 62<strong>05</strong> |S-01 OND |<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------<br />

Turkish:| |1530-1545|Fllaka2/500| 1458 |F-<strong>05</strong> OND |<br />

Burasi | Turkey | MTWTFS | | | |<br />

Tiran | | 234567 | | | |<br />

Radyosu!| | | | | |<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------<br />

Note: S = Sunday = 1, M = Monday = 2, Wednesday = 4 , ... ,<br />

S = Saturday = 7.<br />

ALBANIA/GERMANY Deutsche Welle MW relay Fllake 500 kW<br />

kHz UTC tx# kW ant# Azimuth<br />

1215 <strong>05</strong>43-0600 28SE FLL#1 500 F-03 nondir ALBANIAN<br />

1458 2000-2015 28S FLL#2 500 F-04 004 degr SERBIAN<br />

ALBANIA/USA VoA Fllake Durres relay<br />

kHz UTC tx# ant# Azimuth<br />

1215 <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 VOA ALBA DUR#1 F-03 non-dir<br />

1395 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 VOA CROA DUR#2 F-02 338deg<br />

1458 <strong>05</strong>30-0600 VOA SERB DUR#2 F-02 338deg<br />

1458 1830-1900 VOA ALBA DUR#2 F-04 030 deg<br />



1807-1810 1234567 TRW ID 1395 500 330 28<br />

1810-1840 12345.. SRC/SER 1395 500 330 28<br />

1810-1840 .....67 SRC/BOS 1395 500 330 28<br />

1840-1915 1234567 HNG 1395 500 330 28<br />

1915-1930 ....5.. ARB 1395 500 330 28<br />

1915-1930 ...4... Kurdish 1395 500 330 28 (Sorani)

1915-1930 ..3.... PER 1395 500 330 28<br />

1915-1930 1...... POL 1395 500 330 28<br />

1915-1930 ......7 RUS 1395 500 330 28<br />

1915-1930 .....6. SRC/CRO 1395 500 330 28<br />

1915.1930 .2..... TRK 1395 500 330 28<br />

1930.1945 1234567 SRC/CRO 1395 500 330 28<br />

1945.2015 .....67 SRC/BOS 1395 500 330 28<br />

1945.2015 12345.. SRC/CRO 1395 500 330 28<br />

2015-2030 1234567 SVK 1395 500 330 28<br />

2030-2100 1234567 CZE 1395 500 330 28<br />

Day 1 = Mon .. 7 = Sun<br />


kHz TIME/UTC zones tx# kW Azi Slw Ant # DAYS LANGUAGE<br />

6235 <strong>05</strong>15-<strong>05</strong>30 28 SHI2 100 350 0 141 S-11 1234567 POL<br />

6235 <strong>05</strong>30-<strong>05</strong>45 28,29 SHI2 100 350 0 141 S-11 .23456. SVK Mon-Fri<br />

7355 1445-1530 28 SHI1 100 350 0 141 S-11 1234567 POL<br />

Mon-Sat 1500-1530, Sun 1445-1530.<br />

7380 <strong>05</strong>15-<strong>05</strong>30 28 SHI1 100 350 0 141 S-16 1234567 POL<br />

9945 1533-1603 29S,39N SHI2 100 100 0 216 S-13 .23456. ARM Mon-Fri<br />

9960 1625-1755 30S,40 SHI2 100 90 10 216 S-14 1234567 PER/QSQ<br />

Persian daily 1625-1740, Qashqai Sun 1740-1755.<br />

9960 1810-1840 40 SHI1 100 90 10 216 S-14 1234567 PER<br />

11615 1342-1457 28-30 SHI2 100 33 0 146 S-03 1234567 RUS/BLR<br />

RUS Mon 1342-1357, 1427-1457, Tue-Fri 1342-1457, Sat/Sun 1342-1427<br />

BLR Mon 1357-1427.<br />

11865 0645-0820 27 SHI1 100 310 0 146 S-15 1234567 ENG<br />

Mo-Fr 0700-0820, Sat 0715-0750, Sun 0645-0820.<br />

12075 1625-1755 30S,40 SHI1 100 90 10 216 S-14 1234567 PER/QSQ<br />

Persian daily 1625-1740, Qashqai Sun 1740-1755.<br />

12080 1533-1603 29S,39N SHI1 100 90 10 216 S-14 .23456. ARM Mon-Fri<br />

(via Drita Cico-ALB, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 10)<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> schedule for ALR/TWR via Shijak:<br />

5955 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 28 SHI 100 0 0 925 .234567 ITALIAN ALB ALR ?<br />

But ALR: 7240 kHz at 1901-1930 UT instead.<br />

6115 0145-0200 8 SHI 100 300 0 216 .234567 ENGLISH ALB ALR<br />

6115 0230-0300 8 SHI 100 300 0 216 .234567 ENGLISH ALB ALR<br />

6115 1845-1900 27 SHI 100 300 0 216 123456. ENGLISH ALB ALR<br />

6115 1900-1930 27 SHI 100 300 0 216 123456. FRENCH ALB ALR ?<br />

But ALR: 9520 kHz instead.<br />

6115 2300-0030 8 SHI 100 300 0 216 ALBANIAN ALB ALR<br />

6130 1800-1830 28 SHI 100 350 0 141 123456. GERMAN ALB ALR<br />

62<strong>05</strong> 2015-2030 28 SHI 100 0 0 925 123456. SER/CRO ALB ALR<br />

62<strong>05</strong> 2030-2200 28 SHI 100 0 0 925 ALBANIAN ALB ALR<br />

6235 <strong>05</strong>15-<strong>05</strong>30 28 SHI 100 350 0 141 POL ALB TWR<br />

6235 <strong>05</strong>30-<strong>05</strong>45 28,29 SHI 100 350 0 141 .23456. SVK ALB TWR<br />

71<strong>05</strong> 0630-0900 28 SHI 100 0 0 925 ....... ALBANIAN ALB ALR<br />

7120 2130-2200 27 SHI 100 300 0 216 123456. ENGLISH ALB ALR<br />

7160 0145-0200 8 SHI 100 310 0 146 .234567 ENGLISH ALB ALR<br />

7160 0230-0300 8 SHI 100 310 0 146 .234567 ENGLISH ALB ALR<br />

7210 1845-1900 27 SHI 100 310 0 146 123456. ENGLISH ALB ALR<br />

[7240 1900-1930 28 SHI 100 0 0 925 .234567 ITALIAN ALB ALR] ?<br />

[7350 1600-1630 28 SHI 100 33 0 146 .23.567 CZE/ROM ALB TWR<br />

7350 deleted, now registered via Armavir-RUS.]<br />

7355 1445-1530 28 SHI 100 350 0 141 POL ALB TWR<br />

7380 <strong>05</strong>15-<strong>05</strong>30 28 SHI 100 350 0 141 POL ALB TWR<br />

9520 1900-1930 27 SHI 100 300 0 216 123456. FRENCH ALB ALR<br />

Yes, 9520 confirmed by Jean-Michel Aubier-F on March 30.<br />

9945 1533-1603 29S,39N SHI 100 100 0 216 Mon-Fri?ARM ALB TWR<br />

9960 1625-1755 30S,40 SHI 100 90 10 216 PER/QSQ ALB TWR<br />

9960 1810-1840 40 SHI 100 90 10 216 PER ALB TWR<br />

11615 1342-1457 28-30 SHI 100 33 0 146 RUS/BLR ALB TWR<br />

11865 0645-0820 27 SHI 100 310 0 146 ENG ALB TWR

12075 1625-1755 30S,40 SHI 100 90 10 216 PER/QSQ ALB TWR<br />

12080 1533-1603 29S,39N SHI 100 90 10 216 ARM ALB TWR<br />

(HFCC March 9) Day 1 = Sun .. 7 = Sat<br />

[history] Mrs Drita Cico, head of the Albanian Monitoring Center, has<br />

sent the following list of txs:<br />

Location kHz Origin year kW Antenna Remarks<br />

Shijak 1089 CHN 1961 150 ND<br />

Kashar 1359 RUS 1952 50 ND Ceased bcing 15.06.2000<br />

(now stand-by for 1089)<br />

Shko<strong>der</strong> 693 CHN 1983 50 ND<br />

1323 CHN 1980 15 ND<br />

Kukes 648 CHN 1980 50 ND<br />

990 CHN 1970 16 ND<br />

Korce 1260 CHN 1982 50 ND<br />

621 CHN 1980 25 ND<br />

Gjirokaster 909 CHN 1982 50 ND<br />

13<strong>05</strong> CHN 1970 15 ND<br />

Sarande 864 CHN 1980 30 ND Ceased bcing 15.<strong>05</strong>.2000.<br />

Fllake 1215 CHN 1966 500 Directional 33, 315 & 330 degrs<br />

Fllake 1395 CHN 1968 500 Directional 4,30,33,315,330,338 degrs<br />

Fllake 1458 CHN 1968 500 ND<br />

(Bengt Ericson-SWE, via Arctic R Club MV-Eko via Olle Alm-SWE, Jul 10, 2000<br />

! )<br />

ANTIGUA Researching the background to the situation with the Antigua<br />

relay station, I just came across this nx item, which I had not previously<br />

seen, in the 22 February of the Antigua Sun:<br />

<br />

The British Broadcasting Corporation (B<strong>BC</strong>) will be ceasing its short wave<br />

txion, relayed from Antigua, at the end of March. This operation was<br />

started by the B<strong>BC</strong> World Service since the early 1970's.<br />

A release from the company gives the reason as a decline in short wave<br />

listeners around the world.<br />

"All international broadcasters are therefore reducing short wave txions<br />

and moving their resources to delivery methods now preferred by audiences<br />

such as FM, satellite and online.<br />

The release noted that "the B<strong>BC</strong> itself has lost over a third of its short<br />

wave audiences over the last decade and the trend is accelerating.<br />

Therefore, B<strong>BC</strong> World Service is ceasing short wave txions from Antigua at<br />

the end of March. B<strong>BC</strong> World Service will continue its FM txions on the<br />

island however.<br />

"As a public sce broadcaster, the B<strong>BC</strong> World Service is unable to exploit<br />

the site's potential commercially. Therefore, the Caribbean Relay Company,<br />

who manages the txion site on behalf of its sharehol<strong>der</strong>s B<strong>BC</strong> World Service<br />

and Deutsche Welle, is exploring options to offer the site to a commercial<br />

operator in an effort to retain and increase the business to Antigua. A new<br />

general manager David Bones arrived on the island yesterday.<br />

(via Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld Mar 29)<br />

ARMENIA/ALBANIA TWR Persian at 1810-1840 UT, some time delay noted: 9960<br />

Shijak-ALB is on third second AHEAD of 5855 Yerevan outlet. (wb, Mar 29)<br />

AUSTRIA ORF A<strong>05</strong> English schedule now available at<br />

(Harry Brooks, dxld Mar<br />

26)Oesterreich 1 Times from March 20<strong>05</strong> to October 20<strong>05</strong><br />

EUROPE - Short Wave

0400-2208 6155 0400-1730 13730 1730-2208 5945<br />

WORLDWIDE - Short Wave<br />

Middle East <strong>05</strong>00-0600 17870 America East 0130-0200 9870<br />

America West 1500-1600 13775 America Central 0100-0130 9870<br />

South America 0030-0100 9870 Asia & Australia 1200-1300 17715<br />

Report from Austria a 15 min nx and current affairs programme on the air<br />

Monday to Friday, keeps you up to date on what's happening in Austria with<br />

nx bulletins as well as interviews and features from the world of domestic<br />

and international politics, business, culture and sports. (OE1 website, via<br />

Daniel Sampson, dxld Mar 26)<br />

BELARUS The local station at Brest using 6010 would seem to be putting<br />

out a second harmonic on 12020. The signal was heard again today (March 22)<br />

broadcasting 'reklama' (commercials) shortly before 0800 and then with an<br />

ID for Belarus Radio on the hour. The signal on 12020 was peaking to fair<br />

strength (with intermittent DRM splatter from an unknown txion using 12025<br />

on/off) while the fundamental 6010 was peaking fair to good. And even the<br />

LW 279 was also just audible. All were in parallel.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc bC-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 22)<br />

Belarus station Brest on 12020 kHz, fundamental 6010 kHz SW. Noted on March<br />

21 and 22, in U.K., as well as in Germany. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 21)<br />

CHILE 11654.88v unid. Paying LA pops at <strong>05</strong>00 UTC fair signal in UKR, at<br />

08z just b.a. slightly off chan, it resembles somehow Voz Chrstiana.<br />

(Vlad Titarev-UKR, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 28)<br />

Christian Vision schedule effective from 27 March 20<strong>05</strong><br />

Latin America<br />

Spanish<br />

1300-2200 9635 SoAmerica 2200-1200 6070 SoAmerica<br />

0100-0800 11655 NoSoAmerica, CeAmerica & Caribbean<br />

0800-1200 5995 NoSoAmerica, CeAmerica & Caribbean<br />

1200-0100 17680 NoSoAmerica, CeAmerica & Caribbean<br />

0100-0400 15585 Mexico<br />

Portuguese<br />

0400-1200 6110 Brazil 1200-2400 15475 Brazil<br />

0000-0400 11745 Brazil (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 28)<br />

CHINA 6937 What has happened to Yunnan PBS Minority Language Service on<br />

6937 kHz ? (Not heard).<br />

(Juergen Lohuis-D on trip in CBG and THA in Mar <strong>05</strong>/ Mar 28, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar<br />

20)<br />

13740 very strong CNR1 txion, seemingly via Kashi or Urumchi site. Not<br />

clear whether this is an 'own requirement' bc, or even a jammer against -<br />

co-channel - VOA Udorn in Mandarin at same time towards northern China. \\<br />

15390, 17550, 17580.<br />

Same CHN mainland jamming noted on VoA Mandarin 15160 and 17855 at same<br />

time.<br />

TERRIBLE signal mix on 17650 kHz at 0800-0900 UT, fight between NHK ASC<br />

signal and usual powerful 500 kW CNR1 from Kashi site. (wb, Mar 30)<br />

CONGO DEM. REP. [KINSHASA] 6209.7 R.Kahuzi noted with poor signal on 25<br />

March from 1545 tune-in to 1604* UT. The programme was mainly vernacular<br />

talks, with a couple of Afro songs. Local instrumental mx just before signoff.<br />

This one does not make it to Johannesburg very often.<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 30)

DJIBOUTI 4780 Is Djibouti silent today. It's 1715 UT here and still can't<br />

get anything though there's a TX on, - no audio -, or is my cold giving me<br />

hard times not hearing it tonight?<br />

I'm trying to get any Arabic out of that station like nx or anything. After<br />

all it's consi<strong>der</strong>ed as an Arabic country, but all I could hear is<br />

Afar/Somali not Arabic!<br />

(Tarek Zeidan SU1TZ Cairo-EGY, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 23)<br />

ECUADOR/GERMANY 9765, AG<strong>DX</strong> (via HCJB), special Dec 25 prorgram honoring<br />

20 yrs. of editing by Ulrich Schnelle; nice looking card with stylized<br />

globe, AG<strong>DX</strong> name and address, member clubs, on front, full-data on back,<br />

V/S Ulrich Schnelle; also sent sticker and personal ltr. In 3 months for CD<br />

rpt to AG<strong>DX</strong> HQ.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 20)<br />

In A<strong>05</strong>: AG<strong>DX</strong> program on last Sat of the month, 9780 at <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30, and 6015<br />

(Juelich-D relay) at 1730-1800 UT. (wb)<br />

GEORGIA 118<strong>05</strong> Georgian Radio from Dusheti heard still on their UTC<br />

schedule, like 0700 Ru, 0730 En, and Ge at 0800-0827 UT. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

March 30)<br />

The country Georgia did move to DST (UTC +4hrs), but as in previous years,<br />

the txions of Radio Georgia remain at the same UTC times winter and summer.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Mar 30)<br />

11910, R. Georgia, Dusheti, QSL-card in 932 days; sent two rpts by postal<br />

mail to: Kostava Street 68, Tbilisi 380071. Georgia. (Fiora-Italy, JPN<br />

Premium)<br />

GERMANY [CLANDESTINE Uganda]) I received this e-mail from<br />

Radio Rhino International - Africa<br />

Dear Finn Krone,<br />

Thanks for your inquiry mail. I am sorry to inform you that due to<br />

accumolated unpaid bills, RRIA temporarily suspended its transmissions<br />

until April 4th 20<strong>05</strong>. We regret any inconviniences caused to you and all<br />

our listeners.<br />

Greetings from Cologne - Germany,<br />

Godfrey Ayoo, ELUM-ANIAP. Director - RRIA<br />


C/o Allerweltshaus, Koernerstr. 77-79, D-50823 Cologne - Germany<br />

Tel: +49 221 3561754 Fax: +49 221 3561755 Mob: +49 162 8854486<br />

<br />

URL: <br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 22)<br />

In B-04:<br />

17870 1500-1530 UT zone 48 100kW 145deg Mon-Fri 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> JUL AWH<br />

1197 IBB Munich mediumwave closing, March 27th, 20<strong>05</strong>, after nearly 55 years<br />

in service.<br />

Probably this nx doesn't widely circulate outside Germany yet VoA Ismaning<br />

1197 kHz will no longer be used in the A<strong>05</strong> season and after 56 years sign<br />

off for good on Saturday. The equipment will be dismantled and moved to<br />

elsewhere, just like the Holzkirchen tx today in use at Kuwait, by chance<br />

again on 1593 kHz.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Mar 25)

Kim Andrew Elliott writes: "You might be able to hear some international<br />

broadcasting history this weekend. The IBB Munich mediumwave relay (1197<br />

kHz) will close. The transition time to A<strong>05</strong> is 0800 UTC on the 27th, so I<br />

think the last txion will be VOA Croatian at <strong>05</strong>30-0600. RFE South Slavic<br />

will have no mediumwave after Sunday, depending on SW and FM<br />

rebroadcasters."<br />

VOA Bosnian 1600-1615 UTC 1197. 2230-2300 UTC 792 1197<br />

VOA Croatian <strong>05</strong>30-0600 UTC 756 1197 1395 7165 9635 9655<br />

1930-2000 UTC 1197 6<strong>05</strong>0 71<strong>05</strong> 7270<br />

RFE South Slavic on 1197 kHz: 0000-0100, 0330-0430, 1700-1800, 2300-2400<br />

UT.<br />

Very last schedule of IBB Ismaning MW 1197 kHz:<br />

1197 0000-0100 RFE RL-8 SC MUN 115deg<br />

1197 0330-0430 RFE RL-5 SC MUN 115<br />

1197 <strong>05</strong>30-0600 VOA E CROA MUN 115<br />

1197 1600-1615 VOA E BOSN MUN non-dir Mon-Fri<br />

1197 1700-1800 RFE RL-8 SC MUN 115<br />

1197 1930-2000 VOA G CROA MUN 115<br />

1197 2230-2300 VOA E BOSN MUN 115 Mon-Fri<br />

1197 2300-2400 RFE RL-8 SC MUN 115<br />

Andy Sennitt adds: I must admit to feeling some sadness at the end of an<br />

era. I still remember tuning into this freq (or, rather, 1196 kHz as it was<br />

then) on the day when President Kennedy was assassinated, listening to<br />

VOA's live coverage of the dramatic events. That was long before satellite<br />

TV, and 24 hour nx channels such as CNN.<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Mar 25)<br />

Like Andy I also remember tuning in to either this freq or AFN's just after<br />

07.00 pm on the evening Kennedy was shot, I will never forget that evening<br />

-<br />

(Mike Terry-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Mar 25)<br />

It was on 31 March 1964 when I discovered the existence of VOA Munich on<br />

1196 kHz or, as it was often called, 251 metres. At the age of 11 I was<br />

finally allowed to play about with a big electric radio after dark, to see<br />

what I could find and, despite interference from a television set in a room<br />

directly below me, I was able to hear clearly VOA identifying itself as<br />

being from Munich. At that age I obviously thought Munich was in America<br />

and that the signals were coming directly across the Atlantic.<br />

However, I was soon to realise that Munich was in fact in Germany, and that<br />

the signals were actually coming via short-wave from the States and being<br />

picked up in Munich. I often won<strong>der</strong>ed why it was that some programmes<br />

sounded much clearer than others. This was of course because those<br />

programmes, such as those presented by Willis Conover, were pre-recorded<br />

with the tapes being sent over to Munich and played from there.<br />

In the 60s and early 70s too it was occasionally possible to hear the<br />

Rhodes tx in England, 1259 kHz as it then was, though that chance is long<br />

gone with the proliferation of txs on that freq in the UK and Europe.<br />

The Munich tx has had to face competition over the last few years from<br />

numerous Virgin txs on the same frequency, although the signal from Munich<br />

has sometimes made it quite clearly across to NW London.<br />

(Paul David, Wembley Park-UK, dxld Mar 25)

And here's a translation of a note from the Swedish Radio programme<br />

magazine for the week 11 to 17 September 1949:<br />

Voice of America gets a new European tx.<br />

The txions of the Voice of America have been strengthened with a powerful<br />

150 kW mediumwave tx in Munich. The new station is audible throughout<br />

Europe. Its power and sce range will be increased by means of special<br />

antennas and other technical features. The txions of the station will cover<br />

12.5 hours during the part of the day when most people are listening and<br />

the programmes will be broadcast in Russian, Romanian, Spanish, English and<br />

Italian. The station is transmitting on 251 meters and is rebroadcasting<br />

the Voice of America daily from 1630 to 0140. Six hours have been assigned<br />

to a rather short Russian programme that will be repeated several times in<br />

an attempt at penetrating the Russian jamming. (251 m 1195 kHz, times are<br />

CET -oa)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 28)<br />

1196/1197 kHz have had tremendous signals in soAUT, HNG, weROU, YUG, and<br />

Italy up to Bari and Naples end in the south [1300 kms away] - in past<br />

decades, and also last June2004 when on holiday there.<br />

In Stuttgart area Munich signals were always poor, only 170 kms away - and<br />

lower mountain barriers in between. Due of 'change over' from Ismaning<br />

ground wave to sky wave, there is some 'put out' of signals. Therefore I<br />

asked people in the local Munich area to help with recording of the last<br />

five minutes of VoA program. (wb, Mar 29)<br />

CLAND (Maldives) Minivan Radio web shows new freq effective from Sunday<br />

27th March:<br />

12015 kHz [JUL 100kW 1<strong>05</strong>degr, via DTK T-systems Juelich Germany]<br />

Local Time: 09:00PM to 10:00PM (i.e. 1600-1700 UTC, FK)<br />

Mail to: 15, Fowler's Road, Salisbury, SP1 2QP, England.<br />

Email: Phone: +44 1722332874 Sms: +44<br />

7981148479.(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 28)<br />

The authorities in Nie<strong>der</strong>sachsen, Germany, have licensed the 200 kW<br />

mediumwave tx at Cremlingen, near Braunschweig, on 630 kHz to the Voice of<br />

Russia. The freq was previously used by the commercial station Megaradio<br />

that closed down in 2003. The licence period is just two years, as<br />

Nie<strong>der</strong>sachsen then wants to use the freq for DRM txions.<br />

According to the website of the Nie<strong>der</strong>saechsischen Landesmedienanstalt<br />

(NLM), which licensed the station, Voice of Russia programmes in German,<br />

Russian and English will be carried on 630 kHz. (via mediamagazine.nl; RNW<br />

MN NL, mwdx Mar 23)<br />

756drm Koenigslutter auf 756 kHz testet mal wie<strong>der</strong> in DRM (08:55 UT).<br />

Angeblich wird in Stereo mit 17.4 kbps gesendet. Audio klingt aber nicht<br />

danach, eher so, als wuerde SBR fehlen. Vermutlich wurde <strong>der</strong> zweite TRAM<br />

installiert. (Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 24)<br />

Offenbar geht es beim Sen<strong>der</strong> drunter und drueber. Mit DReaM v1.2 dekodiert,<br />

las ich um 1<strong>05</strong>7 UT im Display (screenshot vorhanden):<br />

BR 6085 KHz (???). Ab 1100 UT ist <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong> Koeniglutter abgeschaltet,<br />

Rumaenien ist gut hoerbar! (Uwe Volk-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 24)<br />

Ja, das Label ist lustig: "BR Ismaningen KW 6085 kHz - DRM Sendung des<br />

Bayrischen Rundfunks" Im Moment ist wohl Mittagspause, im Hintergrund hoert<br />

man Ravensburg in AM. Von Rumaenien hoere ich hier nix. (Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D,<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 24)<br />

DRM auf 6085 kHz.

Als Info zu Ihren schoenen Sen<strong>der</strong>seiten folgendes: Der BR Ismaning wird<br />

voraussichtlich am 2. Mai 20<strong>05</strong> seinen Sendebetrieb auf DRM umstellen. Grund<br />

fuer die Verzoegerung ist ein weiterer Umbau am Sen<strong>der</strong><br />

(Traegerunterdrueckung).<br />

Manfred Schmitz - BR-Neue Technologien.<br />

(Dr Hansjoerg Biener-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 30)<br />

GRECCE Avlis still registered both power limits, 100/250 kW, but we<br />

discussed last autumn, that Athens Avlis uses only 3 x 100 kW of power. And<br />

Collins 35 kWs are still registered for Thessaloniki site ! 4 years after<br />

dismantling action.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 22)<br />

It would be very interesting to know if Avlis is using one of the 250 kW<br />

sen<strong>der</strong>s that were "donated" to them by the IBB. As I think Wolfy suggested,<br />

it may have to be run at less power, if so, due to inadequate antennas at<br />

that site. It's difficult to tell when listening to VoGRC whether one of<br />

the freqs is stronger than it used to be. All seem to go off air on Tuesday<br />

mornings - except the listed KAV outlets - so I assume that is due to the<br />

usual "wash & brush-up day" at Avlis. (Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar<br />

23)<br />

GREENLAND The relays of Greenlandic Radio (KNR) on 3815 USB are a sce<br />

provided by Ammassalik Radio (OZL), the costal maritime station of the<br />

Greenlandic PTT in Tasiilaq. 3815 is not a KNR tx; KNR is renting air time<br />

(2:30hrs/day) on the facilities of Amassalik Radio to broadcast nx in<br />

Greenlandic and Danish for the fishery fleet. Acc. to the station, the<br />

times of the broadcasts will shift to 1400-1515 and 2000-2115 from 27 March<br />

when Greenland starts observing DST. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 23)<br />

HAWAII [to VIETNAM ] 9930, after several months of absence, the<br />

California-based "Radio Free Vietnam" (not to be confused with the TDPbrokered<br />

"Radio Free Vietnam" with contact address in New Orleans) appears<br />

to be back on Angel 3 of World Harvest R (KWHR, Hawaii). Listed Tue/Thu<br />

1600-1700 UT.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 12)<br />

HUNGARY Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for IBB via JBR 250 kW:<br />

0200-0300 on 9520 / 065 deg Radio Liberty in Russian<br />

0300-0400 on 9815 / <strong>05</strong>5 deg Radio Liberty in Russian<br />

0400-<strong>05</strong>00 on 7175 / <strong>05</strong>5 deg Radio Liberty in Russian<br />

1600-1700 on 11885 / 075 deg Radio Liberty in Uzbek<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 22)<br />

R Budapest German 1730-1800 UT, noted little echo between HNG and SVK<br />

outlets. HNG tx on 3975 is a sixt second behind SVK 6025 kHz txion. (wb,<br />

Mar 29)<br />

INDONESIA 4870.97, RRI Sorong, 1023-1118*, Mar 13, Bahasa INS religious<br />

program, clearly ending with "Amen," hymns, a lot of talking, love songs in<br />

English, off in mid-song, fair-poor.<br />

RRI Sorong (pres), 4870.98 on Mar 25 at 1115-1124* UT, pop Indo. mx and<br />

songs, off in mid-song. Fair. (Ron Howard, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Mar 23)<br />

3976.<strong>05</strong> RRI-Pontianak on Mar 15 at 1255-1304 UT. 44444 INSn, ID at 1258,<br />

Talk.<br />

4789.98 RRI-Fak Fak on Mar 15 at 1024-1032 UT. 44444 INSn, ID at 1025,<br />

Music.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Mar 25)<br />

3976 RRI Pontianak 3/25 at 1300 with armchair SINPO 55555 quality. The YL<br />

ann had such a soft voice it was har<strong>der</strong> to un<strong>der</strong>stand her words than it

should have been. Percussion inst IS and woman ann 1300-01.5 fol by another<br />

percussion inst and station ID "Radio Republik INS Pontianak" at 1301.5.<br />

Woman w/ INSn nx 1301.5 to 13<strong>05</strong>.5 fol by what sounded like Christian hymn<br />

by choir to 1306.5. At 1310 more percussion insts, man ann w/ echo and<br />

mentions of Pontianak fol by more percussion insts to 1311. Than into what<br />

sounded like a drama pgm with man, sound effects, inst mx. This is easily<br />

the best Indo on either 90, 80 or 60 mb.<br />

(Bruce W. Churchill-CA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 27)<br />

v7234.6 RRI Palu, fade-in approx. 0730 UT, til v0800 UT s-off. ID's. Strong<br />

splatter of Kranji-SNG 7235 kHz.<br />

v7289.93 RRI Nabire, noted on March 16th at fade-in var0730 UT, til v0823*<br />

UT. Only heard when conditions improve. BI popular music. 0800-0817 UT RRI<br />

Jakarta relay. Bagumi Negri at 0818 UT. Both stations very weak. (Roland<br />

Schulze Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 26)<br />

They are BOOMING in here right now. 9524.7, Voice of INS Jakarta in English<br />

March 25 at 20<strong>05</strong> UT tune in with News. At 2010 there was Press Review from<br />

the Sydney Morning Herald. At 2014 UT at tourism promo followed by the<br />

Voice of INS e-mail and web addresses. At 2019 UT the program Focus this<br />

Week. Huge signal.<br />

(Mickey Delmage-Alb-CAN, dxld Mar 25)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ 3930.0, R Voice of Komala, *0326-0335, Mar 17, opening with<br />

ouverture to an Opera (which one ?), ID by woman and man in Kurdish:" Eira<br />

dengi Komala, Eira dengi Komala, dengi azadi e socializmu", talk, 35343<br />

until jamming started 0331, then 32342, heard \\ 4610.0 35343, but when<br />

jammed: 32342. It should be noted that the Iranian jammer was testing for a<br />

few seconds at 0325, but switched off during the opening procedure! Maybe<br />

the operators enjoy the nice ouverture ?<br />

3970.0, Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, *0250-0310, Mar 17, opened with ten<br />

mins of chanting and martial songs, 0300 ID in Kurdish: "Aira dangi<br />

Kurdistan Irana", martial song and another ID by man, fanfare, ann by<br />

woman, fanfare and ID again, Call to Prayer, 35343 until 0252 when jamming<br />

started, then 31341, heard \\ 4860 which was not jammed (!): 35444.<br />

6315.3, R Roj, <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>15, Mar 19, Kurmanji Kurdish ann and two clear ID's,<br />

sounding like: "Aidee Radio Rozh", <strong>05</strong>02 non stop Kurdish songs. Heard best<br />

in LSB due to CWQRM, 23332, but fading out quickly <strong>05</strong>15. Heard again 0455-<br />

0615, Mar 20, with much later fade out! Mostly non-stop Kurdish songs. The<br />

fade out pattern was very similar to that of the Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan,<br />

Salah al-Din, Northern Iraq which was heard at the same time. Together with<br />

direction finding that indicates that the same tx location may be used.<br />

6425.5, Voice of the Communist Party of Iran, 1645-1700, Mar 12, Farsi talk<br />

by woman about Iranian Kurdistan, 1653 ID: "In seda-ye ... Irana", song,<br />

33433 heard \\ 3875.2 (22332) and 4370.0 (22332) - all being jammed from<br />

Iran.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Mar 23)<br />

4610 V.of Komala on Mar 17 at 1657-1704 UT. 33432 Kurdish, Opening mx and<br />

ID, Opening announce, Talk.<br />

6421.16 V.O.Communist Paty of Iran (pres) on Mar 21 at *1626-1645 UT.<br />

35232-35333 Persian, 1626 sign on with IS, ID by man, Opening mx and<br />

aannounce, Talk, ID as "In Seda-ye Hezb-e Kominist-e Iran".<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Mar 25)<br />

3970.85 V. of Iranian Kurdistan, 0325 tune-in to 0340 fade-out, Kurdish<br />

talks and anmts, a song and some orchestral mx, fair on 26 March.<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 30)

4860 VO People of Kurdistan, at 0202-0218 UT on Mar 29, Kurdish-?, Anthem<br />

at t/in, YL b/w fanfare. Call to prayer at 0206 followed by YL, brief mx<br />

then alternating talks by OM and YL. Poor/fair-a regular catch here the<br />

past few months. Surprised to log it this early. <strong>DX</strong>LD sez Iran observes DST<br />

earlier than others.<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Mar 29)<br />

JORDAN 11960 Jordan R morning Arabic schedule <strong>05</strong>00-0715 UT, but<br />

broadcast til 0813 UT sign-off. Latter bc at 350 degrees is much, much<br />

stronger here in Europe, than back lobe on 11810 kHz at 94 degr txion. (wb,<br />

Mar 30)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. I'm just back from a three weeks holiday trip to Thailand<br />

and Cambodia.<br />

In South Eastern Thailand I heard the following stations:<br />

18855 (3x6285) 10<strong>05</strong> UTC 21.03.<strong>05</strong> Voice of Korea, E Nx<br />

18930 (3x6310 or 2 x9465) 1007 21.03.<strong>05</strong> tent. Voice of Korea<br />

19200 (3x6400) 1010 UTC 21.03.<strong>05</strong> Voice of Korea, Korean<br />

19300 (2x9650) 0902 UTC 13.03.<strong>05</strong> Voice of Korea, Japanese(?)<br />

19950 (2x9975) 0815 UTC 13.03.<strong>05</strong> Voice of Korea, very weak<br />

(Juergen Lohuis-D on trip in CBG and THA in Mar <strong>05</strong>/ Mar 28, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar<br />

20)<br />

KUWAIT Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for IBB via KWT 250 kW / 070 deg:<br />

0230-0330 on 12140 15615 RFA Pashto 1430-1500 on 12140 15090 VOA Pashto<br />

0330-0430 on 15615 17670 RFA Dari 1500-1530 on 12140 15090 VOA Dari<br />

0430-<strong>05</strong>30 on 15615 17670 RFA Pashto 1530-1630 on 12140 15090 VOA Pashto<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-0630 on 15615 17670 RFA Dari 1630-1730 on 12140 15090 VOA Dari<br />

0630-0730 on 15615 RFA Pashto 1730-1800 on 12140 15090 VOA Pashto<br />

0730-0830 on 15615 RFA Dari 1800-1830 on 12140 15090 VOA Dari<br />

0830-0930 on 15615 RFA Pashto 1830-1930 on 12140 VOA Pashto<br />

0930-1030 on 15090 RFA Dari 1930-2030 on 12140 VOA Dari<br />

1030-1130 on 15090 RFA Pashto 2030-2230 on 12140 VOA English<br />

1130-1230 on 15090 RFA Dari 2230-0030 on 12140 VOA English<br />

1230-1330 on 15090 17600 RFA Pashto 0030-0130 on 12140 VOA Pashto<br />

1330-1430 on 15090 17600 RFA Dari 0130-0230 on 12140 VOA Dari<br />

RFA=Radio Free Afghanistan VOA=Voice of America<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 22)<br />

LAOS 6130 Vientiane and 4649 Sam Neua were heard every day.<br />

(Juergen Lohuis-D on trip in CBG and THA in Mar <strong>05</strong>/ Mar 28, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar<br />

20)<br />

LUXEMBOURG RTL. Zum lesen:<br />

<br />

(Horst Weise-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 27)Da hat aber <strong>der</strong> gute Schreiber in<br />

Infosat einige Eier gelegt, RTL will auf 567 und 1098 kHz, nicht auf 576<br />

und 1089 usw. senden. Damit sind auch die 1089 Ausfuehrungen falsch.<br />

Ansonsten wird auch nichts ueber die kuenftigen Programme/Einmieter<br />

ausgesagt ...(73 wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 30)<br />

MOLDOVA Since end of October 2004 CRI Ru is 1530-1730 UTC on 1467<br />

Now: 1800 and 2000 Bul, 1900 Gr on 1503.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 22) [!! given times before DST !!]<br />

VoRUS Greek 1900 UT, and Bulgarian 2000-2100 UT ex1467 kHz via Grigoriopol<br />

Moldova has been noted testing on 1503 kHz lately. But YESTERDAY March 21,<br />

control unit of the GRI MW tx moved up to odd spacing<br />

1510.00 kHz !!!

Hetting the registered Belgian station on 1512 kHz havily here in Western<br />

Europe.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 21)<br />

MYANMAR 5040 was heard daily. 5770 was also heard several times but<br />

signal strength is very poor compared to 6570 kHz some years ago. I think<br />

tx power is only 1 kW on 5770.<br />

(Juergen Lohuis-D on trip in CBG and THA in Mar <strong>05</strong>/ Mar 28, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar<br />

20)<br />

NETHERLANDS The new Radio Netherlands technical schedule is effective<br />

from 27 March. Here you can find out tx sites, power and beams of all our<br />

broadcasts, including relays of other stations.<br />

<br />

(via gh, dxld Mar 26)<br />

NETH ANTILLES Thanks to Leo van <strong>der</strong> Woude, and Andy Sennitt, just in from<br />

RN is the A-<strong>05</strong> txion schedule, final version, including Bonaire relays of<br />

Deutsche Welle, on familiar freqs, but now from a new site:<br />

2200-2358 15410 ENAm 350 degr<br />

0000-0158 11955 ENAm 350<br />

0200-0400 9735 CNAm 320<br />

0400-0458 9735 WNAm 290<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 9735 CNAm 320<br />

And the only B<strong>BC</strong> WS relay is: 1200-1300 15190 SAm 170degr.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld March 23)<br />


1300-1850 6095 000deg All Pacific<br />

1851-1950 9845 035deg NE Pacific, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands<br />

1951-2<strong>05</strong>0 11725 000deg All Pacific [til 2150 UT from May 1st]<br />

2<strong>05</strong>1-0458 15720 000deg All Pacific [starts 2151 UT from May 1st]<br />

0459-07<strong>05</strong> 11820 000deg All Pacific, also heard on the USA west coast<br />

0706-1<strong>05</strong>9 9885 000deg All Pacific, also heard mid-west USA<br />

1<strong>05</strong>9-1259 9885 325deg NW Pacific, Bougainville, Timor, Asia, Europe.<br />

(R NZi March 25)<br />

OMAN 11750 B<strong>BC</strong>/VT Communications via A'seela Relay. Full data<br />

verification letter (with my reception details posted). In 40 days, after<br />

posting a follow-up to my November 2002 reception report. Address used was<br />

VT Merlin Communications, B<strong>BC</strong> Relay Station, POB 40 Al Ashkarah, PC 442<br />

Sultanate of Oman.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 25)<br />

PHILIPPINES 1143 / 1170 A couple photos of the now decommissioned VoA<br />

Poro tx:<br />

(Ydun Ritz-DEN, via dxld Mar 26)<br />

1170 endless test loop programm with ID and music in between, heard by<br />

Roland on March 15th, 0020-0124* UT, S=9+10dB and deep fadings [screened to<br />

the South], modulation of the old Continental was much stronger.<br />

(Roland Schulze Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 26)<br />

POLAND RADIO POLONIA, Broadcasting Schedule, 27 MAR TO 30 OCT 20<strong>05</strong><br />


1200-1259 11850 9525 1700-1759 5965 7285<br />

POLISH<br />

1030-1<strong>05</strong>9 7285 5965 1530-1630 6035 2100-2200 6<strong>05</strong>0 7265

GERMAN<br />

1130-1159 9525 5965 1530-1555 7270 1930-1955 6110 7240<br />

ESPERANTO 1500-1525 7270 7285 1800-1825 7285<br />


1100-1125 6180 7285 1300-1329 7275 6035 1430-1455 7180<br />

1800-1829 6095 1900-1955 6<strong>05</strong>0 7185<br />

BELARUSSIAN 1330-1430 7180 6035 1630-1659 6<strong>05</strong>0<br />

UKRAINIAN 1430-1459 6000 1830-1859 7210 6095<br />

Home Page <br />

Internet Audio <br />

(Jacek Szymik-POL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 28)<br />

PORTUGAL Here's the A-<strong>05</strong> schedule of R.Portugal (RDPi):<br />

# indicates special b/casts, which only take place on certain occasions,<br />

usually for relaying major f/ball matches.<br />

Tx sites:<br />

RDP - CEOC-Centro Emissor de Onda Curta, Sao Gabriel, Pegoes: 5 x 100 kW, 2<br />

x 300 kW<br />

% Pro-Funk, Sines: 3 x 250 kW<br />

EUR, Mo-Fri<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0700 7240 300 45deg 0700-0755 9815 300 45deg <strong>05</strong>00-0755 9840<br />

100 52deg<br />

0645-0800 11850%250 55deg 0800-1200 12020 300 45deg 1600-1900 13770<br />

100 52deg<br />

1600-1900 119<strong>05</strong> 300 45deg 1900-2300# 9820 300 45deg 1900-2300#13820<br />

100 52deg<br />

EUR, Sat+Sun<br />

0700-1355 12020 300 45deg 0700-1345 13640 100 52deg 0830-1000<br />

11955%250 55deg<br />

1400-1800 15555 100 52deg 1800-2000 11700 100 52deg 1400-2000 13770<br />

300 45deg<br />

1900-2300#13720 100 52deg 1900-2300# 9820 300 45deg<br />

ME+India, Mo-Fri only 1300-1500 15770 100 81.5deg<br />

Africa, Mo-Fri<br />

1000-1200 21830 100 142deg 1600-1900 17680 300 144deg 1900-2300# 11945<br />

300 144deg<br />

Africa, Sat+Sun<br />

0700-1000 15160 100 144deg 1000-1700 21830 100 144deg 1700-2000 17680<br />

300 144deg<br />

1900-2300#11945 300 144deg<br />

NoAM, Mo-Fri<br />

1200-2300#15560 100 294deg 2300-0200 9715 100 294deg 2300-0200 11630<br />

100 310deg<br />

NoAM, Sat+Sun 1200-2000 15560 100 294deg 2000-2300#15560<br />

100 294deg<br />

NW SoAM, Mon-Fri 1700-2300#15555 100 261deg 2300-0200 13700<br />

100 261deg<br />

Sat+Sun 1200-2000 17615 100 261deg 1900-2300#15555<br />

100 261deg<br />

SoAM + WeAF, Mo-Fri

1000-1200 15575 100 226deg 1600-1900 21655 100 226deg 1600-2000# 21655<br />

100 226deg<br />

2000-2300#15295 100 226deg<br />

Sat+Sun<br />

0700-1000 12000 300 226deg 1000-2000 21655 300 226deg 2000-2300#15295<br />

100 226deg<br />

EaSoAM, Mo-Fri 2300-0200 13660 100 215deg 2300-0200 15295<br />

300 226deg<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 18)<br />

RUSSIA VoRussia's program schedule and all times and freqs for English<br />

sce now fully updated for A<strong>05</strong> at <br />

(Harry Brooks, dxld Mar 25)<br />

'Voice of Russia' ... This is renewed and corrected A-<strong>05</strong> version of March<br />

22.<br />

[Marked #, by wb.]<br />


(FREQUENCIES FROM MARCH 27th, 20<strong>05</strong>, Times UTC)<br />


To EUROPE<br />

0100-0200 603 936 0200-0300 936<br />

1200-1300 936 972 999 1431 1548 1300-1400 9480 (with DRM /Digital/)<br />

1700-1800 603 693 9480**# 11630*# 2000-2100 999 1215<br />

1900-2000 1215 5950 7420**# 9480**# 11630*# 11745*#<br />

To MOSCOW Region 1900-2000 612<br />


0100-0200 648 972 1314 1503 5945 1200-1300 1143 1300-1400 15540<br />

1500-1600 1251 1314 5945 11635 12<strong>05</strong>5 15440*#<br />

1700-1800 13850 15540 1900-2000 5950 12<strong>05</strong>5<br />

2000-2100 12<strong>05</strong>5*# 7425**# 5950#<br />


To NoAMERICA 0100-0200 5900**# 9860<br />

0100-0300 5900**# 9725 9880*# 15425 15455<br />


0100-0300 5900*# 6180**# 7260**# 12070*#<br />

0200-0300 5900*# 6180**# 7260**# 7330 12070*#<br />

To AFRICA 0200-0300 7330 1300-1400 1700-1800 15540<br />

To CeASIA 1200-1300 1143 9920# 1300-1400 1251 17645#<br />

2000-2100 648 972 1503<br />

To SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1200-1400 7390 11670 1300-1400 17645<br />

To ASIA<br />

1200-1300 1143 9480 9745 9920 11670 1300-1400 1251 9480 9745 11670<br />

1500-1600 1251 5945 12<strong>05</strong>5<br />

To CAUCASIAN Region<br />

0100-0200 1314 1500-1600 1314 1900-2100 7425**# 12<strong>05</strong>5*#<br />


0100-0300 936 1200-1300 936 972 999 1431 1548<br />

1900-2000 7420**# 11745*# 2000-2100 999


1700-1800 9480**# 11630*# 1900-2000 9480**# 11630*#<br />

Notes *) till September 3rd. **) since September 4th 20<strong>05</strong><br />



0200-0300 0800-0900 1000-1500 1170 0800-1200 1300-1500 936 972<br />

1300-1500 999 1548 1300-1600 1431 1300-1900 7370<br />

1500-1700 936<br />

For BYELORUSSIA 0200-0300 0800-0900 1000-1500 1170 1400-1900 9820<br />

For CENTRAL Asia<br />

0200-0300 648 972 0200-0300 1200-1900 1503 1200-1500 9875<br />

1300-1400 1143 1300-1500 9920 1400-1800 9800<br />

1515-1700 9865 1600-1800 972 1600-1900 1026<br />

1700-1900 648<br />

For CAUCASIAN Region<br />

0200-0300 0400-0600 1500-1600 2100-2200 1089 1400-1700 11830<br />

1600-1900 234 1700-1900 12<strong>05</strong>5 2100-2200 1314<br />

For BALTIC Countries<br />

0200-0300 800-900 1000-1500 1170 1300-1900 7370 1400-1900 9820<br />

1800-1900 1494<br />

For EUROPE<br />

0200-0300 0800-0900 1000-1500 1170 1300-1500 1548 1800-1900 1494<br />

2100-2200 603 693 1323* *) Exc Wed and Thur<br />

For MOSCOW Region 2100-2200 612<br />


For EUROPE<br />

0300-0400 0600-0800 2300-0200 1170 0400-0800 1548 0900-1000 1215<br />

1200-1500 1900-2100 603 693 1200-1500 2000-2100 1323<br />

1500-1700 1494 2100-2300 999 1215<br />

2300-<strong>05</strong>00 7125<br />

For NORTH and CENTRAL America 2300-<strong>05</strong>00 7125<br />

For MIDDLE East<br />

0300-<strong>05</strong>00 2100-2200 1170 1000-1100 864 1000-1200 1323<br />

1100-1200 1400-1730 801 1400-1500 15430 1400-1700 13850<br />

1600-2000 1089 1700-1800 9835 1900-2100 1314 5985 9825<br />

2000-2100 7260<br />


0600-0800 2300-0400 1170 0400-0800 1548 1500-1900 972<br />

1700-2000 936 2100-2300 999<br />


0600-0800 2300-0400 1170 1200-1700 1800-2100 1143<br />

For CENTRAL Asia<br />

0200-0400 0800-0900 1100-1200 ? 1400-1730 801<br />

1000-1200 1323 11750 1600-1800 5925 1800-1900 1323<br />

1800-2200 1143 2300-0200 1026

For CAUCASIAN Region<br />

0300-<strong>05</strong>00 2100-2200 1170 0300-0400 1089 1000-1100 864<br />

1400-1700 13855 1900-2100 1314<br />

For BALTIC Countries<br />

0300-0400 0600-0800 2300-0200 1170 1200-1700 ? 1800-2100 1143<br />

1500-1700 1494 (Pavel Mikhaylov-RUS, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 22)<br />

RUSSIA [to SOMALIA] Now 12130 at 1730 UT.<br />

The new R Horyaal, brokered by TDP, was not yet on the air on March 20, but<br />

strongly heard Tuesday March 22, 1740-1757* on 12140 in Somali. Report from<br />

a local event with brass band, mentioned in English: "Radio Free, Radio<br />

Free", 1743 studio announcer mentioned Radio Horyaal twice, phone-in<br />

interview and a Horn of Africa song. 1748-1759 within these two mins R<br />

Horyall was mentioned four times and Somaliland six times!!<br />

1750 UT another telephone interview about Somalia and 1756 phone-in of a<br />

man talking about Somaliland. At 1757 suddenly just an open carrier, but at<br />

1800 the Voice of Russia used the same tx (by error) for the start of the<br />

Polish broadcast with ID: "Mowi Moskwa" heard \\ 7215. However the 12140 tx<br />

was switched off at 1801! 44554 with slight splashes from 12130 where AWR,<br />

Meyerton was broadcasting talks in Masai (45544).<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 22)<br />

Registration entry for the Polish sce operation in B-04 shows Samara-RUS<br />

site:<br />

7215 1800-2000 27,28,36,37 SAM 240 285 311004 2703<strong>05</strong> RUS VOR GFC.<br />

VoRUS in B04 used Polish sce via Kaliningrad 1143 and Samara SW 7215 kHz<br />

only !!!<br />

(wb)<br />

Radio Horyaal, the recently started new target station for Somalia has its<br />

own website:<br />

The station's email address is given as<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Mar 23)<br />

Radio Horyaal heard on 12140 kHz, March 22nd, tones already at 1720 tune<br />

in. It opened at 1730 with a tune familiar to UK Channel 4 viewers, it is<br />

used on the quiz Countdown as background whilst two constestants try to get<br />

as many words as possible from a selection of letters. Details of schedule<br />

and website followed, short Qu'ran chant and then talks in presumed Somali<br />

and mx. Ended 1758 UT without apparent annt. Voice of Russia came on at<br />

1800, I did not notice a tx break.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 22) Via Samara-RUS 188 degr<br />

service.<br />

[Clandestine to SOM]. 12130 March 27th... managed to tune it to a signal at<br />

1733 with Quran recitations (short) then some talks, in what sounded like<br />

East African (Arabic??) Then went into a long speech commentary by a male<br />

announcer, which was occasionally interspersed with mxal selections (but<br />

where much low-keyed in audio).<br />

At 1743 another announcer came on with some comments, but no ID that I<br />

could hear. Back to the Speech Broadcast, with mx at 1752 which did sound<br />

like Horn of Africa. Noted to 1755 with station announcer to 1757 with a<br />

short choral anthem of some sort. Then a Up-beat Musical Melody was played<br />

(sort of a Hit parade Tune) to 1800 hrs. then went off the air, with the<br />

carrier pulled 30 seconds later. Signal was poor to just marginal, with a<br />

UTE Traffic from 12132 causing some problems. Any one can confirm just who<br />

this could be..I'm leaning towards the Clandestine Radio Horyaal ... but<br />

any ideas?<br />

(Ed Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 27)

12130, R Horyaal, definitely them here now, ex12140. A bit delayed s/on at<br />

1732 UT on 27 March. Excellent signal here, obviously Johannesburg is "in<br />

the line of fire".<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 30)<br />

Samara 240 kW at 188 degrees booms into South Africa, (wb.)<br />

Ed Kusalik's Radio Horyaal entry in <strong>DX</strong>PL fits exactly with what I heard Mar<br />

28 on 12130 kHz, no longer vacated by AWR. At 1730 abruptly on in midst of<br />

station annt: P.O.Box 51045, S borough, Ontario (M1M.O22 or similarly<br />

phonetically close). Also a dot.com e-mail address, impossible to hear,<br />

although their web-site states (Finn<br />

Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 28)<br />

Scarborough M1M ?O? Ontario address. Suburb of Toronto Ontario Canada, zip<br />

code similar M1M ?P?... (wb.)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA [to CONGO-KINSHASA] 11690, R. Okapi (via Meyerton).<br />

Strong carrier came on at 0245 UT on Mar 19, prgmng started at 0300 UT with<br />

Horn of Africa mx, ID in what appeared to be Somali ("Halkani . . . R.<br />

Djibouti"), several ments. of "Somali," into prayers. ID for R. Djibouti<br />

0310, talk, many ments. of Islam. HoA mx from 0320, nx 0331, into mx again<br />

0338. Brief anmt by man at 0400, "Salaam Aleikem" by woman 0401. Signal<br />

started deteriorating noticeably after 0345, but was still easily audible<br />

at 04<strong>05</strong> tune-out. Some rumbling behind the signal, which increased as<br />

signal weakened. Audio very good, but I did notice some very slight<br />

overmodulation at times.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 20)<br />

SW Radio Africa continues to be jammed, although during the 0400-<strong>05</strong>00<br />

transmission, the jammer is barely audible here on 3230 and not at all on<br />

1197 (Lesotho tx). On 25 March between 1600-1700, the programme was<br />

actually on 3300 and the jammer was going crazy on 3230. I often won<strong>der</strong>ed,<br />

even when still listening to RFE/RL and others from behind the Iron<br />

Curtain, whether the jammers are always operated by total morons or whether<br />

some kind souls let the signals go through on purpose every now and then.<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 30) see also un<strong>der</strong> U.K.<br />

6100 has been used for CRI Beijing relay from Meyerton for the past 2<br />

months or so, although I have not seen it reported anywhere yet, in fact<br />

CRI themselves seem to be totally confused about this broadcast. The<br />

schedule is 1500-1800 English and 1800-1900 Chinese.<br />

Excellent signal here, of course. 72<strong>05</strong> is a new freq for southern Africa of<br />

Amateur Radio Mirror Int., replacing 9750 for the Sunday 0800-0900<br />

broadcast. 17700 for the rest of Africa remains unchanged, and so does the<br />

Monday repeat 1900-2000 on 3215.<br />

9555 is used for Christian Voice/Your Voice <strong>05</strong>15-1545 via<br />

Meyerton. Started on 27 March 20<strong>05</strong>. Strange to compete for the listeners<br />

with Christian Voice with a completely different programming from Zambia on<br />

9865 0700-1700 also putting out a very good signal here.<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 30)<br />

SWITZERLAND Tuesday 22 March 20<strong>05</strong> swissinfo: The Swiss Broadcasting<br />

Corporation (S<strong>BC</strong>) says it will axe up to 80 jobs and eight lang sces at<br />

swissinfo, leaving only a reduced English department. The corporation's<br />

board said on Tuesday that it was acting in response to the govt's decision<br />

to end funding for swissinfo.<br />

<br />

(via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Mar 22)<br />

Armin Walpin (left) and Jean-Bernard Muench explain their plans (swissinfo)

The Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (S<strong>BC</strong>) says it will axe up to 80 jobs and<br />

eight lang sces at swissinfo, leaving only a reduced English department.<br />

The corporation's board said on Tuesday that it was acting in response to<br />

the govt's decision to end funding for swissinfo. The cuts should result in<br />

annual savings of SFr16 million ($13.6 million) a year.<br />

The Council of the Swiss Abroad - the organisation representing the<br />

interests of more than 600,000 Swiss living abroad - condemned the move,<br />

which comes one year after a previous round of restructuring.<br />

swissinfo's 120 employees were informed about the decision at a meeting<br />

with S<strong>BC</strong> President Jean-Bernard Muench, S<strong>BC</strong> Director General Armin Walpen<br />

and swissinfo Director Beat Witschi in Bern on Tuesday.<br />

The restructuring is expected to result in between 70 and 80 job losses.<br />

Most of the remaining posts will consist of IT and web development staff.<br />

The employees' union, SSM, said it would fight the plans, which are<br />

expected to be implemented by the end of 2006 at the latest.<br />

The Bern-based nx and information platform was launched in 1999 as the<br />

internet arm of Swiss Radio International. It is available in nine langs:<br />

English, German, French, Italian, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese and<br />

Japanese.<br />

Reduced sce.<br />

The English sce is the only one to be retained, although it will be reduced<br />

in size. The S<strong>BC</strong>'s president and director were not able to say when the<br />

other lang sces would be cut.<br />

Internet sces in the national langs - German, French and Italian - will<br />

continue to be produced by S<strong>BC</strong>'s regional units.<br />

The S<strong>BC</strong> said it would try to reassign as many staff as possible to other<br />

parts of its operations, and that workers facing redundancy would be<br />

offered a "good social plan". swissinfo/Swiss Radio International cut 26<br />

jobs last year after losing its govt subsidy. On October 30 radio<br />

broadcasts were ended, allowing swissinfo to concentrate exclusively on<br />

internet journalism.<br />

The Council of the Swiss Abroad said it was "unacceptable" to dismantle<br />

swissinfo before a planned new radio and television law had come into<br />

force. It said swissinfo must be guaranteed sufficient resources to secure<br />

its future.<br />

The SSM said that if the plans were implemented it would mean the end of<br />

Swiss Radio International and its successor, swissinfo. Although the S<strong>BC</strong><br />

and parliament recognised the value of swissinfo as the "voice of<br />

Switzerland abroad", nobody wanted to pay for this public sce, the union<br />

said.<br />

Swiss Radio International was founded in 1934, and broadcast round the<br />

world on SW - and later also satellite - for 70 years.<br />

Virtually identical story at:<br />

<br />

(via Artie Bigley, dxld Mar 22)<br />

TDP FREQUENCY SCHEDULE A<strong>05</strong><br />



Denge Mezopotamya 0400-1600 11530 AM mtwtfss Kurdish Middle East

Voice of Liberty - ERI 0600-0700 15675 AM ..w...s Tigrigna Africa<br />

Maeva 6015 1100-1300 6015 AM .....s. Dutch Europe<br />

Que Huong Radio 1200-1300 15680 AM mtwtfs. Vietnamese Asia<br />

Radio Free Vietnam 1230-1300 9930 AM mtwtf.. Vietnamese Asia<br />

Maeva 6015 1300-1400 6015 DRM .....s. Dutch Europe<br />

TDPradio 1400-1600 6015 DRM .....s. English Europe<br />

Voice of Delina 1500-1600 15660 AM .....s. Tigrigna Africa<br />

TDPradio 1600-1800 11900 DRM .....s. English America<br />

Radio VoOromo Liberation 1700-1730 12120 AM m..t... Oromo Africa<br />

Dejen Radio 1700-1800 12120 AM .....s. Tigrigna Africa<br />

Radio Horyaal 1730-1800 12130 AM mtwt.ss Somali Africa<br />

(TDP website via Eric Zhou-CHN, dxld Mar 27)<br />

THAILAND R Thailand heard on 13.03.<strong>05</strong> at 1035 UTC on 6070 and 7115 kHz.<br />

On 7115 with distorted modulation. On 21.03.<strong>05</strong> at 12<strong>05</strong> UTC I heard R.<br />

Thailand World Service in BahasaM on 6070 and 7115 kHz (both freq. came in<br />

strong and with good modulation).<br />

(Juergen Lohuis-D on trip in CBG and THA in Mar <strong>05</strong>/ Mar 28, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar<br />

20)<br />

17685 R Free AFG Udorn-THA very strong at 0700-0900 (x17595). Also Udorn<br />

strong on 21750 VoA Mandarin at 0800 UT. Latter lang also strong via<br />

21540PHL, PHL never heard here in 21 MHz band so strong. (wb, Mar 30)<br />

UNID/FRANCE? [to IRAN] 11630.00 [x11625, x11660, x15650] R. Seda-ye<br />

Mellat-e Iran [probably via Issoudun, France] n o t observed today Sunday<br />

March 27 at 1430 UT. New time or new freq in A-<strong>05</strong> season ? I guess heard R<br />

Cairo Azeri and CNR1/CNR8 Kazakh co-channel instead.<br />

Today Mar 28th noted that Clandestine stn in Persian lang again, but at<br />

1330-13.59:50 UT instead. Un<strong>der</strong>neath CNR8 program in Chinese til 1400 UT<br />

was in progress, CNR8 from 1400 UT in Kazakh.<br />

Two accompanied Iranian jammer noted so far, a Bubble type one on 11629.00<br />

kHz even, and a rather oscillating tone on 11630.28 kHz from 13.29:40 UT,<br />

latter which left at 14.00:27 UT. (73 wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 27/28)<br />

Beware of CNR8 service, which closes at 1600 UT?<br />

The text gave the name as "Radio Seda-ye Mellat-e Iran" (Voice of the<br />

Iranian Nation Radio) but their mail-hea<strong>der</strong> and their E-mail gave it as:<br />

Name Radio Melate Email (crw)<br />

U.K. From their website "In the 19 mb<br />

from Easter Sunday, 1600-1800 UTC 15145 kHz SW." (Jerry Berg-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer<br />

Mar 24)<br />

The jammers seem to have found the new 15145 (1600-1800 UT) as I heard the<br />

characteristic rough tone for at least part of that period yesterday (29<br />

March). I couldn't confirm SW Radio Africa on 11770 kHz at 1800-1900 UT.<br />

On the question of tx location for these (Ascension or a UK site), the fact<br />

that they moved higher in freq for the A<strong>05</strong> period suggests a UK site, as<br />

the Ascension-Zimbabwe path is all in the southern hemisphere, and<br />

therefore would be more likely to require a lower freq between March and<br />

October.<br />

The onset of winter conditions in Zimbabwe should work against the jammers<br />

as 11 and 15 MHz will become even less suitable for the very short hops<br />

that the jammers need.<br />

(Chris Greenway-UK, dxld Mar 30)<br />

[ASC has no much spare txs left over at their disposal ... (wb.]

For an obituary of Oliver Whitley, one of the pioneers of the B<strong>BC</strong><br />

Monitoring Service who later went on to very senior positions elsewhere in<br />

the B<strong>BC</strong>, go to:<br />

<br />

(Chris Greenway-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 27)<br />

CLAND (Sudan) as of March 28, SRS - Sudan Radio Service - will be heard on<br />

2 freqs in the morning and 1 in the evening, i.e. 11665 kHz 0300-<strong>05</strong>00[tone<br />

37 RMP 500kW 125deg], 15325 kHz <strong>05</strong>00-0600[WOF 300 126], and 17660 kHz<br />

1500-1800 [-1900 WOF 300 140] (so yes, John Wilkens, you hrd the new A-<strong>05</strong><br />

schedule ann'd)<br />

(SRS web via Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 28)<br />

WYFR German sce at 1700-1800 UT via 3955 Skelton-UK, and direct 17750<br />

Okeechobee carried totally different[!] programs, not even a time delay.<br />

(wb, Mar 29)<br />

Fault program feed KBSWR & RTI on 6185 via Skelton, 1900-2000 UT, \\ 6145<br />

kHz.<br />

Fee<strong>der</strong> Problem am ersten Tag bei <strong>der</strong> Anlieferung des RTI Signals nach<br />

Skelton Cumbria in GB.<br />

6185 kHz - ich wartete um 1900 UT auf das deutsche Programm von RTI aus<br />

Taiwan, stattdessen startete spaet um 19.<strong>05</strong>:10 UT das Signal von KBSRW aus<br />

Seoul in Franzoesisch, das zur gleichen Zeit 1900-2000 UT auf 6145 kHz auch<br />

aus Skelton uebertragen wird.<br />

Solcherart Kanalprobleme sind in den ersten Tagen einer neuen Sendeperiode<br />

oft zu beobachten, auch bei den US Propagandastationen <strong>der</strong> IBB. Also erst<br />

mal abwarten, bis man voreilige Schluesse zieht. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 27)<br />

USA WWCR Transmitter Schedules. Summer (A-<strong>05</strong>) Final Schedule<br />

<br />

Transmitter #1 - 100 kW<br />


9985 0900-1000 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

15825 1000-2200 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

7465 2200-0000 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

3210 0000-0900 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

9985 0900-1000 01 Jun <strong>05</strong>-31 Aug <strong>05</strong><br />

15825 1000-2200 01 Jun <strong>05</strong>-31 Aug <strong>05</strong><br />

7465 2200-0100 01 Jun <strong>05</strong>-31 Aug <strong>05</strong><br />

3210 0100-0900 01 Jun <strong>05</strong>-31 Aug <strong>05</strong><br />

9985 0900-1000 01 Sep <strong>05</strong>-29 Oct <strong>05</strong><br />

15825 1000-2200 01 Sep <strong>05</strong>-29 Oct <strong>05</strong><br />

7465 2200-0000 01 Sep <strong>05</strong>-29 Oct <strong>05</strong><br />

3210 0000-0900 01 Sep <strong>05</strong>-29 Oct <strong>05</strong><br />

Transmitter #2 - 100 kW<br />

13845 1200-0100 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

5935 0100-1200 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

13845 1200-0200 01 Jun <strong>05</strong>-31 Aug <strong>05</strong><br />

5935 0200-1200 01 Jun <strong>05</strong>-31 Aug <strong>05</strong><br />

13845 1200-0100 01 Sep <strong>05</strong>-29 Oct <strong>05</strong><br />

5935 0100-1200 01 Sep <strong>05</strong>-29 Oct <strong>05</strong>

Transmitter #3 - 100 kW<br />

9985 1200-1400 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

12160 1400-2200 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

5070 2200-1200 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

9985 1200-1400 01 Jun <strong>05</strong>-31 Aug <strong>05</strong><br />

12160 1400-2300 01 Jun <strong>05</strong>-31 Aug <strong>05</strong><br />

5070 2300-1200 01 Jun <strong>05</strong>-31 Aug <strong>05</strong><br />

9985 1200-1400 01 Sep <strong>05</strong>-29 Oct <strong>05</strong><br />

12160 1400-2300 01 Sep <strong>05</strong>-29 Oct <strong>05</strong><br />

5070 2300-1200 01 Sep <strong>05</strong>-29 Oct <strong>05</strong><br />

Transmitter #4 - 100 kW<br />

7465 1200-1400 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

9985 1400-1800 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

9975 1800-2200 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

9985 2200-0000 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

7465 0000-0300 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

5765 0300-1200 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

7465 1100-1400 01 Jun <strong>05</strong>-31 Aug <strong>05</strong><br />

9985 1400-1800 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

9975 1800-2200 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

9985 2200-0100 01 Jun <strong>05</strong>-31 Aug <strong>05</strong><br />

5765 0100-1100 01 Jun <strong>05</strong>-31 Aug <strong>05</strong><br />

7465 1200-1400 01 Sep <strong>05</strong>-29 Oct <strong>05</strong><br />

9985 1400-1800 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

9975 1800-2200 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

9985 2200-0000 03 Apr <strong>05</strong>-31 May <strong>05</strong><br />

7465 0000-0300 01 Sep <strong>05</strong>-29 Oct <strong>05</strong><br />

5765 0300-1200 01 Sep <strong>05</strong>-29 Oct <strong>05</strong><br />

Last revision 21 March 20<strong>05</strong>, F.W. Robbert Broadcasting,<br />

(via John Norfolk-USA, dxld Mar 28)<br />

RFA currently bcs from 1100-0700; there are no txions between 0700 and<br />

1100. Daily programming incl Mandarin for 12 hrs, Cantonese for two hrs,<br />

Uyghur for two hrs, and Tibetan for eight hrs.<br />

RFA schedule in A-<strong>05</strong>, valid from March 28, til October 30th, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

M<strong>05</strong>=March/April. J<strong>05</strong>= May til Sept 4th. S<strong>05</strong>=from Sept 5th/26th, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

RFA uses IBB txs in IRA/I=Iranawila Sri Lanka,<br />

SAI/S=Saipan, TIN/T=Tinian NoMariana Isls.<br />

And relays in HBN/P=KHBN Palau Isl, IRK=Irkutsk-RUS, TWN/N=Taiwan,<br />

UAE=Al Dhabayya-UAE, VLD/V=Vladivostok-RUS, and WER=Wertachtal Germany.<br />

Addit tx sites have been researched but deleted from this list upon<br />

request of RFA to suppress this info, to avoid pressure from China upon<br />

the host countries. Are we to assume that China has no way to find out<br />

this sensitive info except through <strong>DX</strong> publications? [gh]<br />

RFA A-<strong>05</strong><br />

0000-0100 LAO 12015I 13830 15545T<br />

0030-0130 BURMESE 11540-M<strong>05</strong>/S<strong>05</strong> 13680T 13820I 17525-J<strong>05</strong> 17835S<br />

0100-0200 UYGHUR 9350 11520 11895UAE 11945UAE<br />

17640T 17695T<br />

0100-0300 TIBETAN 9365 11695UAE 11975WER 15225T 15695 17730<br />

0300-0600 MANDARIN 13670T 13760T 15130T 15685T<br />

17495 17525 17615S 17880S 21690T

0600-0700 MANDARIN 13670T 13760T 15165T 15685T<br />

17495 17525 17615S 17880S<br />

0600-0700 TIBETAN 17485 17510 17720 21500T 21690UAE<br />

break<br />

1100-1200 LAO 9355S 9545T 15560I [?15635]<br />

1100-1400 TIBETAN 7470 11590 13625T 13830-M<strong>05</strong>/S<strong>05</strong><br />

15510UAE 15695-J<strong>05</strong> 17855S-(from 1200)<br />

1230-1330 CAMBODIAN 13645T 15525I 15670<br />

1230-1330 BURMESE 9455I 11540-M<strong>05</strong>/S<strong>05</strong><br />

11765T 13745T 15680-J<strong>05</strong><br />

1400-1500 CANTONESE 9780T 11715S 13790T<br />

1400-1500 VIETNAMESE 7380T 9455S 9635T [?11520] 11535-M<strong>05</strong>/S<strong>05</strong><br />

116<strong>05</strong>N 11680I 13775P 13685I 157<strong>05</strong>-J<strong>05</strong><br />

1500-1600 TIBETAN 7470 11510 117<strong>05</strong>T 11795UAE 13825<br />

1500-1600 MANDARIN 7540-M<strong>05</strong>/S<strong>05</strong> 9455T 99<strong>05</strong>P 11765T 12025S<br />

13675T 13725T 15495T 15680-J<strong>05</strong><br />

1500-1700 KOREAN 7210IRK 9385S 13625T<br />

1600-1700 UYGHUR 7465 9350I 9370 9555UAE 11750I<br />

11780T<br />

1600-1700 MANDARIN 7540-M<strong>05</strong>/S<strong>05</strong> 9455S 99<strong>05</strong>P 11795T 12025S<br />

13675T 13715T 15530T 15680-J<strong>05</strong><br />

1700-1800 MANDARIN 7280T 7540-M<strong>05</strong>/S<strong>05</strong> 9355S 9455S 9525T 9540T<br />

99<strong>05</strong>P 11795T 13625T 13715T 15680-J<strong>05</strong><br />

1800-1900 MANDARIN 7280T 7530-M<strong>05</strong>/S<strong>05</strong> 7540-M<strong>05</strong>/S<strong>05</strong> 9355S 9455S<br />

9540T 9865T 11520-J<strong>05</strong> 11700T<br />

13625T 15510T 15680-J<strong>05</strong><br />

1900-2000 MANDARIN 7260T 7530-M<strong>05</strong>/S<strong>05</strong> 7540-M<strong>05</strong>/S<strong>05</strong> 9355S<br />

9455S 9760T 9865T [?99<strong>05</strong>P] 11520-J<strong>05</strong> 11700T<br />

13625T 15510T 15680-J<strong>05</strong><br />

2000-2100 MANDARIN 7260T 7530-M<strong>05</strong>/S<strong>05</strong> 7540-M<strong>05</strong>/S<strong>05</strong> 9355S<br />

9455S 9850T 99<strong>05</strong>P 11520-J<strong>05</strong> 11740T<br />

11785T 13625T 15680-J<strong>05</strong><br />

2100-2200 MANDARIN 71<strong>05</strong>T 7540-M<strong>05</strong>/S<strong>05</strong> 9850T 9910P 9920N<br />

11740T 11935T 13625T 15680-J<strong>05</strong><br />

2100-2300 KOREAN 7460 9385S 9770T 12075T<br />

2200-2300 CANTONESE 9355S 9955P 11785T 13675T<br />

2230-2330 CAMBODIAN 9490I 9930P 13735T<br />

2300-2359 MANDARIN 7540-M<strong>05</strong>/S<strong>05</strong> 9910P 11760T 13670T 13775S<br />

15430T 15585T 15680-J<strong>05</strong><br />

2300-2359 TIBETAN 7470 7550-M<strong>05</strong>/S<strong>05</strong> 9365-J<strong>05</strong> 9395-M<strong>05</strong>/S<strong>05</strong><br />

98<strong>05</strong>UAE 9875T 15695-J<strong>05</strong><br />

2330-0029 VIETNAMESE 9975-M<strong>05</strong>/S<strong>05</strong> 11540-J<strong>05</strong> [?11560] 11580<br />

116<strong>05</strong>N 11670T 12110I 13735S 15535V 15560P<br />

(various sources, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 25th)<br />

UZBEKISTAN Radio Tashkent International, 49 Khorezm Street, 700047<br />

Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Tel: (998-71) 133 92 21 Fax: (998-71) 133 60 68<br />

E-mail: URL: <br />

Language Time /UTC/ Frequencies<br />

English 0100-0130 9715 7190 1200-1230 17775 15295 7285<br />

1330-1400 17775 15295 7285 2030-2100 119<strong>05</strong> 9545 5025<br />

2130-2200 119<strong>05</strong> 9545 5025<br />

German 1935-2030 119<strong>05</strong> 5025<br />

Urdu 1230-1300 and 1400-1430 17775 15295 7285<br />

Hindi 1300-1330 and 1430-1500 17775 15285 7295<br />

Persian Farsi 1630-1700 and 1830-1900 9715 7285 6190<br />

Uzbek 0230-0330 9715 7190 1550-1630 9715 7285 6190 1730-1830 9715<br />

7285 6190<br />

Arabic 1700-1730 and 1900-1930 9715 7285 6190<br />

Turkish 0600-0630 15200 1700-1730 9610

Dari 0130-0200 9715 7190 1520-1550 9715 7285 6190<br />

Pushto 0200-0230 9715 7190<br />

Chinese 1330-1400 1430-1500 5060<br />

Uighur 1400-1430 5060. (Swopan Chakroborty-IND wwdxc Mar 26)<br />

VIETNAM I'm just back from a three weeks holiday trip to Thailand and<br />

Cambodia. In South Eastern Thailand I heard the following stations: 19060<br />

(2x9530) 0852 UTC 13.03.<strong>05</strong> Voice of Vietnam VOV-1 Xuan Mai, Vietnamese On<br />

7210 kHz VOV-1 was very strong with spurs on 7195 and 7225.<br />

6020 kHz was heard also in Khmer and with hilltribe mx. (20.03.<strong>05</strong>) 5035 kHz<br />

not heard. I could not get any of the Vietnamese local (hilltribe) stations<br />

on short wave like Lao Cai or Son La.<br />

(Juergen Lohuis-D on trip in CBG and THA in Mar <strong>05</strong>/ Mar 28, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar<br />

20)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 18)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Mar 12)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 5)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Mar 25)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 15)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 22)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 708 09 April 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

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!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews. !!!<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio may<br />

be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages,<br />

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<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

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<br />

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Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

ALASKA Recent two tx schedule for KNLS. I am hearing their signal via<br />

11870 opening at 0800 in English - this txion was heard via 11765 in B04.<br />

But I cannot hear anything currently on 11765 at 0800. So, either the<br />

second tx is not yet on air or it is not propagating to the NW of England.<br />

Their signal on 11870 varies from weak to fair, and is characterised by<br />

rapid fading, similar to that of Radio New Zealand.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 1)<br />

Reflects TWO txs in use, and note additional English broadcasts!! But no<br />

longer at 1300. Ah, that's the trick. On the KNLS English website itself<br />

they STILL have not updated the schedule since last fall. But on the<br />

Chinese site there is a link to a different schedule presented partly in<br />

English, which is current (or rather anticipated - is #2 really on the air<br />

now?), so I will bookmark this:<br />

<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Mar 29)<br />

Radio Station KNLS Broadcast Schedule<br />

Transmitter: Anchor Point, Alaska, USA (100 kW, 151W44 59N45)<br />

March 27, 20<strong>05</strong> to October, 20<strong>05</strong><br />

(UTC) (kHz.)<br />


0800 11765 Mandarin 0800 11870 English +++++

0900 11765 Mandarin 0900 11870 Russian<br />

1000 9795 English +++++ 1000 11765 Mandarin<br />

1100 9615 Mandarin 1100 9615 Russian<br />

1200 9615 English +++++ 1200 9780 English +++++<br />

1300 9615 Mandarin 1300 9795 Mandarin<br />

1400 9615 Mandarin 1400 9795 English +++++<br />

1500 9615 Mandarin 1500 9795 Russian<br />

1600 9615 Mandarin 1600 9795 Russian<br />

1700 7355 Russian 1700 9615 Mandarin<br />

(via KNLS Chinese website via Eric Zhou-CHN, dxld Mar 29)<br />

ALBANIA Here are some early observations on the reception of Radio Tirana<br />

in the new season. Reception conditions have been quite variable, so some<br />

observations may not be fully representative. Also please note that the<br />

freq offset of about 9 Hz is still there and causes a fluttery signal when<br />

there is another station on the same frequency.<br />

1845-1900 English. 7210 kHz: Good signal strength, but background<br />

interference from an unidentified station, which closes at 1900. Because of<br />

the interference the reception quality was only mo<strong>der</strong>ate (3 on a scale from<br />

0 to five).<br />

6115 kHz: Rather weak signal, strong interference from co-channel Belarus<br />

and noise from the sides. The reception on this freq is not usable at my<br />

location.<br />

2130-2200 English 7120 kHz: CRI is back here with a super strong signal and<br />

a programme in Hungarian. I can only hear traces of Radio Tirana in the<br />

background.<br />

1901-1930 French 9520 kHz: As last year there is mo<strong>der</strong>ate to strong cochannel<br />

interference from Radio Liberty at my location. Wednesday evening<br />

this was the "only" interference, but Thursday evening I also had very much<br />

noise from CRI on 9515.<br />

1801-1829 German 6130 kHz: Good or very good signal strength but strong cochannel<br />

interference from equally strong RAI (Italy). Not listenable. Try<br />

moving to 5875 kHz, and you will have excellent reception!<br />

1901-1930 Italian 7240 kHz: Mo<strong>der</strong>ate signal. Background interference and<br />

noise from 7235 kHz. Not listenable.<br />

2015-2030 Serbian 62<strong>05</strong> kHz: Rather good signal and no particular<br />

interference.<br />

2030-2200 Albanian 62<strong>05</strong> kHz: Rather good signal, no particular<br />

interference.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, via R Tirana Apr 1)<br />

CRI ueber Albanien auf 1457.65 kHz. CRI ist zur Zeit (1758 UTC) mit dem<br />

italienischen Programm auf <strong>der</strong> krummen Frequenz 1457.65 kHz zu empfangen.<br />

Weichen die dort oft von <strong>der</strong> QRG ab o<strong>der</strong> ist das heute die Ausnahme ? (Rick<br />

ibid. A-<strong>DX</strong> , Mar 31)<br />

Meist sind es nur 200 Hertz Abweichung auf 1215, 1395, o<strong>der</strong> 1458 kHz. Aber<br />

die Chinesen werden kuenftig nach den 8x (6x CRI, 2x ALR) neuen<br />

Kurzwellensen<strong>der</strong>n auch die drei 500 kW Schaetzchen aus dem Jahr 1967<br />

erneuern. Davon sind nur noch zwei auf Sendung, <strong>der</strong> dritte ist als<br />

Ersatzteiltraeger im Einsatz.<br />

Fllake 1215 CHN 1966 500 Directional 33, 315 & 330 degrs<br />

Fllake 1395 CHN 1968 500 Directional 4,30,33,315,330,338 degrs<br />

Fllake 1458 CHN 1968 500 ND, plus directional same as 1395 kHz.<br />

(73 wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 1)

ANTIGUA A nx item Caribbean Relay station in Antigua, operated by the B<strong>BC</strong><br />

and Deutsche Welle is now permanently off the air. Confirmed, March 31<br />

during the B<strong>BC</strong>'s English lang Caribbean morning sce on 15190 kHz. Nothing<br />

heard here on that frequency, so my guess is that this one was not reallocated<br />

to another relay site like Sackville in Canada, or Kouru [sic] in<br />

French Guiana. Possible reason for mothballing the two [sic; I thought it<br />

was four gh] 250 kiloWatt txs and antennas. Again not confirmed, may be<br />

just another cost cutting measure, in favor of more TV satellite time by<br />

both stations.<br />

(Arnie Coro-CUB CO2KK, RHC <strong>DX</strong>ers Unlimited Apr 2 via O<strong>DX</strong>A via dxld)<br />

ARMENIA Public Radio of Armenia noted on new 9775 \\ to 4810 April 5th<br />

with External Service in presumed Armenian 1715-1745, French 1745-18<strong>05</strong>,<br />

German 18<strong>05</strong>-1825 and English 1825-1845. 11640 was also announced but not<br />

heard. Strong on 9775, fair on 4810.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

ASCENSION ISLS. Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for WYFR via VT Communications:<br />

1700-1800 on 21680 ASC 250 kW / 085 deg to SoAf in English<br />

2000-2100 on 15195 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf in English<br />

2030-2130 on 11985 ASC 250 kW / 027 deg to WeAf in French<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 1)<br />

AUSTRALIA A<strong>05</strong> schedule Radio Australia A-<strong>05</strong> ver1.1 eff 0000 UT Sunday 27<br />

March 20<strong>05</strong>. All English unless otherwise stated UTC - kHz - azimuth degrees<br />

* Mo-Fr only, Sa&Su English. In = INSn, M = Mandarin Chinese<br />

Shepparton<br />

A 100kW<br />

2130-1100 15415 329 [apparently means English except:]<br />

2130-2330 In, 0000-0030 In, 0400-0430 In, <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 In, 0800-0830 In*,<br />

0900-0930 In*<br />

1100-1900 9475 329 1300-1430 M [means English except 13-1430?]<br />

1900-2100 9500 329<br />

B 100kW<br />

2330-0900 17750 329<br />

0900-1300 11880 329<br />

1300-1700 11660 329 1300-1430 M [means English except 13-1430?]<br />

1700-2100 11880 <strong>05</strong>0<br />

2100-2330 11695 329 2130-2330 In [means English except 2130-2330?]<br />

C 100kW<br />

2300-0200 17795 <strong>05</strong>0<br />

0200-0700 15515 070<br />

0700-0900 13630 <strong>05</strong>0<br />

0900-1400 6020 030 0900-1100 Tok Pisin [means English except 09-11?]<br />

1400-1800 5995 030<br />

1800-2100 7240 030 2000-2100 Tok Pisin* [means English except 20-21?]<br />

2100-2300 15515 030<br />

D 100kW<br />

0000-0200 17715 070<br />

0200-<strong>05</strong>00 21725 355<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0800 15160 065<br />

0800-1400 9580 070<br />

1400-1700 7240 <strong>05</strong>0<br />

1700-2000 9580 070<br />

2000-2200 11660 070<br />

2200-2400 21740 070<br />

E 100kW<br />

2300-0800 13630 353

0800-1100 9710 353 0900-1100 Tok Pisin [ditto]<br />

1100-1400 9560 353<br />

1400-1800 6080 334<br />

1800-2100 6080 0<strong>05</strong> 2000-2100 Tok Pisin* [ditto]<br />

2100-2300 13630 065<br />

F 100kW<br />

0000-0800 15240 030<br />

0800-1600 9590 030<br />

1600-2000 9710 030<br />

2000-2200 11650 030<br />

2200-2400 15230 030<br />

Brandon<br />

G 10kW<br />

2100-0800 9660 010 2200-2300 B<strong>BC</strong><br />

0800-1400 5995 010 0900-1100 Tok Pisin [ditto]<br />

J 10kW<br />

2000-1200 12080 080 2200-2300 B<strong>BC</strong>, 0900-1100 Tok Pisin [ditto]<br />

Darwin (VIL)<br />

0000-0130 17775<br />

1400-1600 9625<br />

2200-2400 13620<br />

Taiwan<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 11745 In<br />

0800-0830 11550 In<br />

0800-1130 15240<br />

2200-2330 15240 (Re-arranged from RA excel worksheet)<br />

Further Relays according to VT A<strong>05</strong> schedule:<br />

6120 0000 0030 smtwtfs A<strong>BC</strong> SNG 250 140 INSn SE AS<br />

9720 2300 2330 smtwtfs A<strong>BC</strong> SNG 100 13 Khmer SE AS<br />

9770 1330 1400 ......s A<strong>BC</strong> RMP 500 95 En W EUR [DRM]<br />

11550 0900 0930 smtwtfs A<strong>BC</strong> TAI 250 2<strong>05</strong> INSn SE AS<br />

11550 2130 2330 smtwtfs A<strong>BC</strong> TAI 250 2<strong>05</strong> INSn SE AS<br />

11920 <strong>05</strong>00 <strong>05</strong>30 smtwtfs A<strong>BC</strong> SNG 250 13 Khmer SE AS<br />

11920 <strong>05</strong>30 0600 smtwtfs A<strong>BC</strong> SNG 250 13 Vietn SE AS<br />

12010 1300 1430 smtwtfs A<strong>BC</strong> SNG 100 13 MandChCHN<br />

15110 2330 2400 smtwtfs A<strong>BC</strong> TAI 250 225 Vietn SE AS<br />

21780 0400 0430 smtwtfs A<strong>BC</strong> UAE 250 120 INSn SE AS<br />

(as of bclnews.it website)<br />

(via Eike Bierwirth-D, dxld Apr 6)<br />

RA schedule for Shepparton and Brandon in attached xls. Also our relays<br />

from VT Merlin. The Merlin relays are 500kW from UAE, 250 kW from Taiwan<br />

and 100/250 kW from Kranji.<br />

The schedule for RA relays from the former RA station at Cox Peninsula,<br />

Darwin, now owned by Christian Voice, is here: (the Cox transmissions<br />

are all 250 kW sen<strong>der</strong>s & the aerials are HRS4/4/0.5 curtain arrays)<br />

English:<br />

9625kHz, 1400-1600 UTC; 290deg<br />

13620kHz, 2200-2400 UTC; 317deg<br />

17775kHz, 0000-0130 UTC; 317deg<br />

Indonesian:<br />

17855kHz, 0000-0030 UTC; 290deg<br />

17855kHz, 0400-0430 UTC; 290deg<br />

17855kHz, <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 UTC; 290deg<br />

9785kHz, 2130-2330 UTC; 290deg

Vietnamese:<br />

17855kHz, <strong>05</strong>30-0600 UTC; 317deg<br />

11820kHz, 2330-2400 UTC; 317deg<br />

(AD<strong>DX</strong> Andreas Volk-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 25)<br />

2310 0830-2130 55,58,59 ALI 50 0 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

2325 0830-2130 55,58,59 TEN 50 0 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

2485 0830-2130 55,58,59 KTH 50 0 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

4835 2130-0830 55,58,59 ALI 50 0 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

4910 2130-0830 55,58,59 TEN 50 0 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

5025 2130-0830 55,58,59 KTH 50 0 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

5995 0800-1400 51,56,61,64,65 BRN 10 10 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

5995 1400-1800 2,6,7,51,55,56,61,SHP 100 30 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

6020 0900-1100 51,55,56,64,65 SHP 100 30 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

6020 1100-1400 2,6,7,51,55,56,61,SHP 100 30 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

6035 1100-1300 45,51,54E,55,56,64SHP 100 5 13 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

6080 1400-1800 44,45,50,51,54E,55SHP 100 334 -13 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

6080 1800-2100 45,50,51,54E,56W,6SHP 100 5 13 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

6120 0000-0030 54 SNG 250 140 -12 A<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

7220 1600-2130 2-4,6-10,56,60-63,SHP 100 70 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

7240 1400-1700 2,6-8,56,60-63,76,SHP 100 50 -20 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

7240 1800-2000 2,6,7,51,55,56,61,SHP 100 30 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

7240 2000-2100 51,55,56,61,64,65 SHP 100 30 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

7260 1400-1600 2,6-8,56,60-63,76,SHP 100 50 -20 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

7260 1600-1900 2,6,51,55,56,61,64SHP 100 30 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

9475 1100-1900 27,28,43,44,50,51,SHP 100 329 -13 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

9500 1900-2130 27,28,43,44,50,51,SHP 100 329 -13 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

9560 1100-1400 45,51,54E,55,56,64SHP 100 5 13 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

9580 0800-1400 2-4,6-10,56,60-63 SHP 100 70 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

9580 1700-2000 2-4,6-10,56,60-63 SHP 100 70 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

9590 0800-1600 2,6-8,51,55,56,60-SHP 100 30 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

9630 2130-2330 54 DRW 250 290 -13 Ins A<strong>BC</strong> CVI<br />

9645 2130-2330 54 DRW 250 290 -13 Ins A<strong>BC</strong> CVI<br />

9660 0000-0800 51,56,61,64,65 BRN 10 10 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

9660 2100-2200 51,56,61,64,65 BRN 10 10 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

9660 2200-2300 51,56,61,64,65 BRN 10 10 0 B<strong>BC</strong>WSA<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

9660 2300-2400 51,56,61,64,65 BRN 10 10 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

9710 0800-1100 45,51,54E,55,56W,6SHP 100 353 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

9710 1600-2000 2,6,51,55,56,61,64SHP 100 30 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

9720 2300-2330 49SE SNG 100 13 -12 A<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

98<strong>05</strong> 1400-1600 49S,54 DRW 250 290 -13 En A<strong>BC</strong> CVI<br />

11550 0900-0930 54 TAI 250 2<strong>05</strong> 0 A<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

11550 2130-2330 54 TAI 250 2<strong>05</strong> 0 A<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

11650 2000-2200 2,6,51,55,56,61,64SHP 100 30 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

11660 1300-1700 27,28,44,49-51,54,SHP 100 329 -13 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

11660 2000-2200 6-8,10,56,60-63,76SHP 100 70 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

11695 2130-2400 50,51,54,55,58N SHP 100 329 -13 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

11820 2330-2400 49E DRW 250 316 13 VietnA<strong>BC</strong> CVI<br />

11880 0600-0800 45,51,54E,55,64 SHP 100 355 13 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

11880 0900-1300 44,49-51,54,55,58NSHP 100 329 -13 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

11880 1700-2130 6,56,60-63,65 SHP 100 50 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

11880 2130-2300 51,55,56,61,64,65 SHP 100 30 -20 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

11920 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 49E SNG 250 13 -12 A<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

12010 1300-1430 43E,44 SNG 100 13 -12 A<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

12080 0000-1200 51,56,60-62 BRN 10 80 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

12080 2000-2200 51,56,60-62 BRN 10 80 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

12080 2200-2300 51,56,60-62 BRN 10 80 0 B<strong>BC</strong>WSA<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

12080 2300-2400 51,56,60-62 BRN 10 80 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

136<strong>05</strong> 0600-0700 45,50,51,54W,55,56SHP 100 353 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

13620 2200-2400 49,50,54 DRW 250 317 -23 En A<strong>BC</strong> CVI<br />

13630 0700-0900 2,6-8,56,60-63,76,SHP 100 50 -20 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

13630 2100-2300 51,56,61,64,65 SHP 100 65 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

13630 2300-0800 45,51,54E,55,64 SHP 100 353 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM

15110 2330-2400 49E TAI 250 225 0 A<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

15160 <strong>05</strong>00-0800 6-8,10,11,56,60-63SHP 100 65 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

15230 2200-2400 51,55,56,61,64,65,SHP 100 30 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

15240 0000-0800 51,55,56,61,64,65 SHP 100 30 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

15360 2200-2400 51,55,56,61,64,65,SHP 100 30 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

15415 0000-1100 50,51,54,55,58N SHP 100 329 -13 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

15415 2130-2400 51,54,55,58N SHP 100 329 -13 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

15515 0200-0700 2,6-8,61-63 SHP 100 70 20 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

15515 0700-0900 6-8,10,61-63,77 SHP 100 70 20 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

15515 2100-2300 51,55,56,61,64,65,SHP 100 30 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

17585 2130-2400 2,6-8,56,60-63,76,SHP 100 50 -20 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

17715 2100-0200 6-8,10,56,60-63,76SHP 100 70 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

17750 0000-0900 44,49-51,54,55,58NSHP 100 329 -13 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

17750 2330-2400 50,51,54,55,58N SHP 100 329 -13 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

17775 0000-0130 49,50,54 DRW 250 317 -23 En A<strong>BC</strong> CVI<br />

17795 2300-0200 6-8,10,51E,56,61-6SHP 100 50 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

17855 0000-0030 54 DRW 250 290 -13 Ins A<strong>BC</strong> CVI<br />

17855 0400-0430 54 DRW 250 290 -13 Ins A<strong>BC</strong> CVI<br />

17855 <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 54 DRW 250 290 -13 Ins A<strong>BC</strong> CVI<br />

17855 <strong>05</strong>30-0600 49E DRW 250 317 -23 VietnA<strong>BC</strong> CVI<br />

21725 0000-0300 45,50,51,54W,55,56SHP 100 355 13 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

21725 0300-0600 43-45,49-51,54,55,SHP 100 329 -13 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

21740 2100-2400 6-8,10,11,56,60-63SHP 100 70 0 A<strong>BC</strong> BFM<br />

21780 0400-0430 54 DHA 250 120 -12 A<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

(acc RA.XLS Excel file of March 24, via AD<strong>DX</strong> Andreas Volk-D)<br />

AUSTRIA Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Wales Radio International via VT Communications:<br />

2030-2100 Fri on 7210 MOS 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu in English<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 1)<br />

BELARUS Radio Belarus heard this evening in English at 1930-2000 UTC on<br />

1170, 71<strong>05</strong> and 7280 kHz. As usual station annts gave the times as two hours<br />

ahead of UTC and the web site is also a real muddle with what appears to be<br />

the winter time grid, although with the correct A<strong>05</strong> freqs.<br />

The full English schedule may now be something like this:<br />

1930-2000 Mon.Tue.Thurs.Fri on 1170, 71<strong>05</strong>, 7280 kHz<br />

2100-2130 Sundays on 1170, 71<strong>05</strong>, 7280 kHz<br />

0100-0130 Mon.Tue.Wed.Fri.Sat on 5970, 7210 kHz<br />

0130-0200 Sundays on 5970, 7210 kHz<br />

Can anyone confirm the freqs for the 0100/0130 txions (or is it 0200/0230<br />

?)<br />

(Dave Kenny-GB, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Apr 4)<br />

BELGIUM RVI Closure. Neu auf "Kurzwelle historisch" u.a. ein kurzer<br />

dreisprachiger Zusammenschnitt <strong>der</strong> letzten Sendeminuten von Radio<br />

Vlaan<strong>der</strong>en Internationaal.<br />

Kurzwelle historisch: <br />

(Manfred Hueppelshaeuser-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 3)<br />

BOTSWANA 4930 VOA, partial-data verie on IBB letterhead and VOA guide in<br />

24 days direct from Selebi-Phwike, Botswana, for 1 IRC and the same rpt as<br />

sent to HQ. V/S Thomas R. Powell, Transmitting Plant Supervisor. HQ QSL<br />

also rcvd.<br />

(Barbour-NH-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 3)<br />

BULGARIA [to IRAN] Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Seda-ye Iran / Voice of Iran in<br />

Farsi:<br />

1530-1730 on 11575 SOF 100 kW / 090 deg to WeAs/ME.<br />

[to NIG] From March 27 Voice Africa in En to WeAF and Nigeria:

1600-1800 on 13820 SOF 100 kW / 215 deg >> cancelled.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 1)<br />

CUBA/CHINA CRI relay via Cuba at 1400-1600 UT finally switched to A-<strong>05</strong><br />

scheduled freq 13740, on March 30, ex-17730. Same lousy muffled modulation<br />

with whistles.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Apr 1)<br />

This Sunday I was tuned to 11875 at 1400 waiting for the start of Alo,<br />

Presidente via Cuba. The show actually opened with the *Cuban* national<br />

anthem, followed by freq annt of this plus 11670, 13680, 13750 and 17750,<br />

then into RHC-produced program "Mundo Siete", a week-in-review. So I<br />

checked the other freqs. Nothing on any of them, not yet, except 13750<br />

which was actually \\ other RHC programming on 9550, 11760, 11800, 12000<br />

etc. If anything was on 17750 it was blocked by WYFR.<br />

At 1418, 11875 which had been very strong, was suffering from co-channel,<br />

seemingly in INSn, altho the censored and incomplete version of HFCC A-<strong>05</strong><br />

shows RVA Philippines in Bengali during this semihour. Another recheck at<br />

1515: Pres. Hugo Chavez Frias, who consi<strong>der</strong>s himself a Catholic/Christian,<br />

was now on, pontificating about, what else, the late PJP2 with an emphasis<br />

on his social programs.<br />

By now, some of the other freqs had come up: 11670, poor with weak cochannel;<br />

13750 now with this show but much weaker than 11875; nothing on<br />

13680; and 17750 was actually equal to or above WYFR in English at peaks<br />

with a subaudible het of about 5 Hz. This collision with WYFR on 17750 has<br />

gone on for years. Even tho they are unwilling to participate in HFCC,<br />

can't the dentroCubans see that it would be in their own self-interest, and<br />

their clients', if nothing else, to take note of WYFR's schedule, and avoid<br />

those freqs at all costs? (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Apr 3)<br />

24 hours after I heard the spy-numbers txion on 13680 kHz, on April 6<br />

around 2030 UT, a quick check found it was back to RN Venezuela relay.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Apr 7)<br />

CYPRUS Please note since Monday 28th March 20<strong>05</strong> the Cyprus station Cyprus<br />

Zygi on 1323 kHz has been off the air from 0200-0400 UTC.<br />

This is rare as normally the station is off later in summer during the<br />

hours 0600-1000 UTC.<br />

I will keep you informed.<br />

No annoucement made on the freq if there is anything wrong. Normally there<br />

is a notice to say if the station is off for servicing. Tonight I am off<br />

duty. The B<strong>BC</strong> is my companion as I work through the night in my job.<br />

(Costa Constantinides, Limassol-CYP, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 1)<br />

Der B<strong>BC</strong> World Service hat im Sommer 20<strong>05</strong> folgende Mittelwellensendungen aus<br />

Zypern:<br />

0300-0400 639 (500 kW, 180 degr) Englisch, :30 Arabisch<br />

0000-2400 720 (500 kW, 110 degr) Arabisch<br />

0000-2400 1323 (200 kW, 150 degr) Englisch<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Apr 1)<br />

ETHIOPIA 6940 Radio Fana. On Mar 26 at 1448-1508 UT. 24332. Male talk in<br />

vernacular and folk songs. ID was heard at 1459. (Iwao Nagatani-JPN,<br />

JPNpremium Apr 1)<br />

I received a QSL letter from Fre Tesfamichael, Director of the Voice of the<br />

Revolution of Tigray in 73 days for my English reception report with US $1.<br />

According to the letter, they broadcast Mon-Fri at 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 UT, 0930-1030,<br />

1500-1900. Sat & Sun 0400-0900, 1100-1630 on 5500 & 7515 kHz with 10 kW.

I heard the station on 5500 kHz at 1455 UT <strong>Jan</strong>uary 20. I was surprised that<br />

new freq 7515 kHz is listed in the letter. But, it's not sure they really<br />

use 7515 instead of 6350 kHz. Not heard on both freqs last night. (Iwao<br />

Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Apr 7/8)<br />

FAROE ISLANDS 531 Faroes MW tx off air? This report in the current Radio<br />

Magazine presumably refers to the MW tx on 531 kHz: "It is thought that it<br />

could take as long as six months before the AM tx on Akraberg will be back<br />

in working condition. A key part of the transmitting equipment has broken<br />

down and currently no replacement part is available in the Faroes. Faroese<br />

Telecom, which is responsible for the maintenance of the tx, claims that it<br />

has requested funding for the replacement part in the past two years which<br />

has been denied by the Ministry of Trade and Industry who own the tx. The<br />

ministry claims that Faroese Telecom has had the money to have purchased if<br />

five times since 2000". (Radio Magazine 30th March-5th April via Dave<br />

Kenny, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Apr 6)<br />

Utvarp Foroya on<br />

<br />

shows this comment in English:<br />

"The Parliament to decide who is responsible for the Medium Wave<br />

Transmitter of the Faroese Radio.The Parliamentary Committee should become<br />

involved in the matter on the medium wave tx of the Faroese Radio, says<br />

Torbjorn Jacobsen, MP. He has sent the Parliamentary Committee a letter in<br />

which he advises the committee to decide who is responsible for the fact<br />

that the medium wave tx is not being used.<br />

Torbjorn Jacobsen points out that one of the main purposes of the tx, when<br />

it was bought, was that those at sea should be able to listen to the<br />

Faroese Radio. Recent annts that the tx will remain turned off at least for<br />

another month have left Torbjorn Jacobsen very discontent with the<br />

situation. Torbjorn Jacobsen says that when it seems to be so difficult to<br />

determine whether it is the Ministry of Trade and Industry or if it is the<br />

Faroese Telecom that is responsible for the tx then the correct thing would<br />

be for the Parliamentary Committe to get involved in the matter.<br />

Now that the medium wave tx is out of sce the main nx programs of the<br />

Faroese Radio will be broadcast on the Torshavn Radio. The programs at<br />

12:20 and 18:30 will be heard at 1758 kilohertz, which is channel 2 of the<br />

Torshavn Radio on medium wave. With this system it will be possible for<br />

most ships to hear the nx programs using a normal radio."<br />

So now's the chance to hear broadcasts and get a verification from a second<br />

'MW' tx in the Faroes. March 22. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 7)<br />

In regard to the failure of the Akraberg tx on 531 in mid-March there have<br />

been circulating some press items from the last weeks in the <strong>DX</strong> press that<br />

are no longer valid. The MW tx was put back on the air on 22 March. At<br />

first it was expected that it might take between 3 and 6 months to bring<br />

the MW tx back into sce, but then a new tube was bought in France and<br />

arrived in Torshavn on 20 March. The tube was placed at the MW tx by Foroya<br />

Tele staff (Foroya Tele is the operator of this tx) and the tx resumed its<br />

regular sce. (Info from Utvarp Foroya website in Faroese).<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx Apr 9)<br />

GERMANY 6045 Stoer-Sen<strong>der</strong> MV Baltic Radio-Nx. Der Stoer-Sen<strong>der</strong> wird zu<br />

MV Baltic Radio und sendet aus Deutschland am 03. April 20<strong>05</strong> um 1200 UT im<br />

49m-Europa-Band auf 6045.

Der Standort des Sen<strong>der</strong>s ist Juelich und die Sendeleistung betraegt 100.000<br />

Watt. Mehr in unserem Programm am 03. April 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

The Stoer-Sen<strong>der</strong> turns into MV Baltic Radio and broadcasts from Germany on<br />

6045 kHz short wave in the 49 mb.<br />

The first txion from Germany will be on April 3th, at 1200 UTC.<br />

More information in our txion on April, 3th. Stoer-Sen<strong>der</strong> MV Baltic Radio-<br />

Nx.<br />

(ibid. A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 2)<br />

6045, Stoer-Sen<strong>der</strong> a/k/a "MV Baltic Radio" (via DTK-Juelich), 100 kW. MV<br />

"Mecklenburg Vorpommern" state on the Baltic Sea coast in Germany. First<br />

txion was on Apr 3 at 1200, will be on air every first Sunday at 1200-1300.<br />

URL or EG <br />

Next txion on May 1st at 1200-1300 UT. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 3)<br />

I was looking at the HRT sched via JUL after something about their English<br />

programmes appeared in <strong>DX</strong>LD, and I see that 9925 is via 230deg at 2200-<br />

0300, via 300deg at 2300-0300 and via 325deg at 0100-<strong>05</strong>00. Are these txions<br />

via THREE sen<strong>der</strong>s - anyone know? It's a system used by the B<strong>BC</strong> for many<br />

years, but not many other broadcasters - I'm trying hard to think of just<br />

one other - don't seem to use it. (Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 4)<br />

Bonn, March 20<strong>05</strong>, from Waldemar Kraemer<br />

Dear friends of Deutsche Welle,<br />

This year, the summer txion period starts on March 27th and ends on October<br />

29th. As always, you will find enclosed herewith the entire circular as<br />

well as the list of times and freqs for your specific target area.<br />

At present, SW listeners all around the world are experiencing increased<br />

interference on the propagation paths, sometimes even leading to a total<br />

breakdown of all SW connections. We are, however, sure that we have left<br />

rock bottom and that the propagation conditions will continue to improve.<br />

Some important changes, which we would like to tell you about: On<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary1st, the Technical Advisory Service left the Transmission department<br />

and became part of the Customer Service within Deutsche Welle's Strategy<br />

and Marketing department. However, caring for and co- operation with our<br />

technical monitors and answering all technical questions listeners and<br />

viewers have are still among our main activities, so there will be no<br />

charge with regard to our contact with you.<br />

For me personally, there will be a somewhat drastic change: After more than<br />

35 years with Deutsch Welle, I'll be going into retirement in May of this<br />

year and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all very, very<br />

much for the excellent co- operation and assistance during all those years.<br />

Mr. Werner Neven will be my sucessor. <br />

(direct via WW<strong>DX</strong>C, and Paul Gager-AUT, Apr 2)<br />

1196/1197 kHz VoA Munich Ismaning closure [c.f. <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> #707].<br />

Die Voice of America war 1949 mit einem 150 kW-Sen<strong>der</strong> in Betrieb gegangen,<br />

<strong>der</strong> 16.30-01.40 Uhr Ortszeit taeglich auf 1196 kHz in Englisch,<br />

Italienisch, Rumaenisch, Russisch (6 Stunden) und Spanisch sendete. Damit<br />

sind nun insgesamt 55 Jahre Mittelwellensendungen US-amerikanischer<br />

Auslandsdienste aus Ismaning zu Ende. Die Anlage duerfte, wie schon die in<br />

Holzkirchen, zur Nutzung an einem an<strong>der</strong>en Standort abgebaut werden.<br />

Die Voice of America nutzt noch Mittelwellenzeit in Rumaenien und<br />

Griechenland, um das ehemalige Jugoslawien zu erreichen.

(Andy Sennitt 25.3., Kai Ludwig 25.3., Olle Alm 28.3.20<strong>05</strong><br />

via Glenn Hauser dxld, ntt Apr 1)<br />

On April 6 Medienanstalt Sachsen-Anhalt allocated the currently silent<br />

mediumwave outlets at Burg to new potential users: 531 to Truckradio and<br />

1575 to Oldiestar, cf.<br />

<br />

Truckradio shows 531 in a presentation of their future plannings already<br />

for a while, cf.<br />

<br />

Oldiestar is a station launched just a few weeks ago by the company also<br />

running Kaufradio, probably known from the 1485 DRM tests at Berlin. At<br />

present Oldiestar uses FM 104.9 from Zehlendorf, primarily with the goal to<br />

reach at least the northern Berlin. Website of this station, so far<br />

containing just contact details and live streams: <br />

Some people are talking about a possible output of 100 kW on 531. If so the<br />

original power level had been coordination-wise kept when moving this freq<br />

from Wie<strong>der</strong>au to Burg, and so probably the 1000 kW authorization for 783 in<br />

theory still exists as well. However, I don't know if the statements about<br />

100 kW on 531 are correct.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> April 7)<br />

Die Versammlung <strong>der</strong> Nie<strong>der</strong>saechsischen Landesmedienanstalt lizenzierte in<br />

ihrer Sitzung am 17.3.20<strong>05</strong> die Stimme Russlands zur Verbreitung ueber die<br />

Mittelwelle Braunschweig 630 kHz. Die Lizenz wurde fuer eine analoge<br />

Nutzung fuer die Dauer von zwei Jahren erteilt, danach soll die Frequenz<br />

digitalisiert werden. Das Programm des staatlichen russischen<br />

Auslandsrundfunks wird abwechselnd in deutscher, englischer und russischer<br />

Sprache gesendet.<br />

<br />

via Gerd Klawitter-D, ntt 21.3.20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

DRM - Heute [Apr 6] soll zwischen 1015 und 1115 UTC auf 6085 kHz wie<strong>der</strong> ein<br />

DRM-Test des BR stattfinden, wie<strong>der</strong> mit einem Traeger. Der Traeger kann<br />

erst nach umfangreichen Umbauarbeiten eliminiert werden, das wird bis Ende<br />

Mai dauern. Empfangsberichte sind willkommen. Diese koennen an<br />

geschickt werden.<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 6)<br />

GREECE [and non] I know for the time 0000-0400, Kavala they no have<br />

antennas for west, so I test something all, in the time 1100-1200 if is you<br />

up listen the freq 15650. The freq 177<strong>05</strong> I think to goes better in the next<br />

month, is difficult to change it in the middle of season.<br />

(Babis Charalabopoulos-GRC, ERA, Apr 7, via John Babbis-MD, dxld)<br />

Babis: Received your item about Kavala not having antennas to the west. I<br />

was un<strong>der</strong> the impression that the azimuth of 355 degrees was being used for<br />

America even though it was beamed in the direction of Alaska. The freq of<br />

9375 from Kavala at 240 degrees is heard in this area sometimes from 0000<br />

to 0200 UT, so it could be useful to listeners in Florida and the southern<br />

USA. I will listen at 1100-1200 tomorrow morning when you are testing 15650<br />

and include it in my report (is this Avlis 3?). At 2030 Delano on 177<strong>05</strong> is<br />

very strong with a little noise (John Babbis, Silver Spring MD, April 7, to<br />

Babis Charalabopoulos, ERT, cc to <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

240 degr main lobe is rather towards Rio de <strong>Jan</strong>eiro-B and Buenos Aires-ARG,<br />

than Florida ! 355 degr direction to Iceland, Greenland, Alaska, but<br />

Washington direction would be narrowed to approx. 3<strong>05</strong> degrees.

As I pointed out in B-04 season already, there is lack of a 310 degr<br />

antenna at IBB Kavalla site, strangly ERA German section is put out at 1330<br />

UT on 208 degr antenna at zones 37,38,46-48,52,53, like towards<br />

37 Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia 38 Libya, Egypt<br />

46 W.Africa 47 Central Africa<br />

48 Ea Africa 52 Gabon, Congo, Zaire, Angola<br />

53 Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi,Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malagasy.<br />

(wb)<br />

INDIA The new A-20<strong>05</strong> Home and External Services schedules of All India<br />

Radio is now available in their offical site<br />

<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Apr 1)<br />

INDONESIA 46<strong>05</strong> RRI-Serui on Mar 25 at 1125-1134, 45333. INSn, 1129 IS, ID<br />

at 1130, Local news.<br />

4870.96 RRI-Sorong on Mar 25 at 1<strong>05</strong>6-1109, 45444. INSn, 1100 IS, ID, Local<br />

news.<br />

4870.95 RRI-Sorong on Mar 27 at 1043-11<strong>05</strong>, 45444. INSn, Talk and mx, 1<strong>05</strong>9<br />

IS, ID at 1001, Local news. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Apr 1)<br />

3578.74, presumed RSPK Ngada, at 1254-1314 on Mar 31, man chatting in<br />

Bahasa INS; no ToH break; started fading after 1300 UT. Don't always get<br />

audio on this one.<br />

(Bob Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 3)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ IRIB Tehran's German sce. Wir bitten um Entschuldigung, dass<br />

wir die neuen Frequenzen nicht rechtzeitig bekanntgeben konnten. Auf dem<br />

Weg von <strong>der</strong> technischen Abteilung in die Redaktion ist die Information<br />

falschgelaufen.<br />

Und hier nun die neuen Frequenzen:<br />

Morgenprogramm von 0730 bis 0830 UT auf den Frequenzen 15085 und 15430 kHz<br />

im 19mb.<br />

Abendprogramm von 1730 bis 1830 UT auf den Frequenzen 11855 kHz im 25mb und<br />

15085 kHz im 19mb. mhg Deutsche Redaktion von IRIB<br />

(via Volker Willschrey-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />


[HISTORIC WW II Media of THIRD REICH in 1943y]<br />

SOUTHERN EUROPEAN REPORT with Stefano Valianti-Italy.<br />

Some 62 years ago ... that is Italian Radio in April 1943.<br />

Still a little more than three months before the fall of Il Duce Benito<br />

Mussolini as head of the Italian Govt, and two years before Italy is<br />

completely liberated from Nazi-Fascism by American and Commonwealth troops.<br />

Radio in April 1943 is that of a country at war. There were many txions of<br />

"news to the homeland" and "news from the homeland". The former was<br />

broadcast on "all existing medium waves" and consisted of reports from<br />

soldiers still fighting or hospitalised in occupied territories. The latter<br />

(news from Italy) was broadcast on short waves and targeted to the police<br />

forces in Italian African territories [now Libya and Somalialand, wb.]<br />

(daily at 1850-19<strong>05</strong> on 25.40 and 19.61 metres), to Italian civilians in<br />

Italian East Africa at 19<strong>05</strong>-2000 on the same wavelengths.<br />

Four broadcasts were aimed at maritime workers in East Asia (daily 1525-<br />

1530 on 15.31 and 19.38 metres), Middle East (daily 1555-1600 on 25.40 and<br />

19.38), South America (daily at 0250-0255 on 30.74, 29.04 and 19.61) and -<br />

most surprising of all - Ireland (on 19.61 metres, the first day of each

month at 1245-1250: with five mins monthly, this must be the tiniest<br />

international sce ever broadcast).<br />

Also the home sces were those of a country at war. There were two<br />

programmes, "A" and "B", but for many hours a day they were simulcasting.<br />

Programme "A" was on 1140[Trieste], 1<strong>05</strong>9[Bari], 814[Milan], 713[Rome] and<br />

527[? Ljubljana/Krajn now SVN] kHz, though from 2030 1140 was used for<br />

external sces.<br />

"B" was on 1357[Genua, Milan, Torino], 1303[Bologna, Naples?],<br />

1222[Venice], 610[Florence] and 536[Sardegna, Bolzano] kHz, with 1357 also<br />

used for external sces.<br />

The Radiocorriere magazine of 1943 also had a column with "Radio programmes<br />

of Allied Nations" (there was just one: Germany). I must say that Nazi<br />

German programmes were not as much political and military as one might<br />

expect: there were many concerts, Strauss mx, nx and sports. By the way,<br />

while Italian stations closed down at 2330, German programmes continued<br />

well into the night. And this is the complete list of freqs:<br />

Alps 886[Graz Dobl] Hamburg 904[Moorfleet]<br />

Berlin 841[Tegel] Boehmen 1113[Prague II 60 kW]<br />

Bremen 758[Norden Osterloog] Breslau 950<br />

Danube 922 [Brno Dobrochov/Dobrochau]<br />

Koeln/Cologne 658[Langenberg] Koenigsberg 1031[Heilsberg]<br />

Munich 740[Ismaning] Stuttgart 574[Muehlacker]<br />

all 100 kW, plus<br />

Deutschlandsen<strong>der</strong> 191 kHz longwave, 150 kW[Herzberg]<br />

Leipzig 785, 120[Wie<strong>der</strong>au] Vienna 592, 120[Bisamberg]<br />

Vistula (Poland) 224 longwave, 120 Brno Protectorate 1158, 32kW<br />

Prague Protectorate 638 kHz, 120 kW.<br />

And every evening there was a light and dance mx programme at 2015-2200<br />

relayed by the stations of Alps and Vistula plus Belgrade on [686 kHz]<br />

437.3 metres and Luxembourg on longwave [232 kHz] 1293 metres. I presume<br />

this is the programme where the famous Lili Marlene song was first<br />

broadcast.<br />

(The Radiocorriere magazine of 1943; via Stefano Valianti-I, in Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK<br />

"Communication magazine" Apr 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

Dear Stefano,<br />

thank you, another exciting story just read in latest COMMUNICATION, of<br />

Radiocorriere magazine tables.<br />

I'll send you the article back, updated by yours truly in some details.<br />

Most interesting the like vailed/hidden LYRIC tx names of 'Alps' and<br />

'Danube-Donau' these days.<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong> Danube "Donau" 922 kHz 325.4 meter band. And Sen<strong>der</strong> Alps, see<br />

websites:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Also an interesting report on American MW sen<strong>der</strong>s in occupied Austria in<br />


Linz Kronstorf and Vienna Wilhelminenberg, both 120 kW !<br />

"(...) In August 1950 started to erect a 3-Mast-array (1 x 274 m, 2 x 137<br />

m). And txs from USA, (Sen<strong>der</strong> of Westinghouse company)... 120 kW (...)"<br />

In 1952-1959 yours truly used a small one-band rx driven with ferrite<br />

coils, heard in ex-GDR these days as a schoolboy, and I heard easily AFN<br />

872, Linz 890, Milan 899 and Laibach 917 kHz nearby.<br />

Danube "Donau" 922 kHz 325.4 meter band.<br />

And also even WRTH 2004 shows still Brno Dobrochov location un<strong>der</strong> Czech<br />

Republic:<br />

954 200 kW; 1233 20 kW, but sure new Czech made TESLA sen<strong>der</strong> in use, not<br />

the old German made LORENZ units of 1941y ! (wb, Apr 7)<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong> "Donau" 922 kHz 325.4 meter band.<br />

Weiss ein Mitleser welcher Sen<strong>der</strong> sich im Grossdeutschen Rundfunk auf 922<br />

kHz 325.4 m unter "Danube" - Donau nannte, war das <strong>der</strong> nachmalige ORF Linz<br />

Kronstorf - dann 890 kHz - Standort, o<strong>der</strong> ein Zweitsen<strong>der</strong> in Wien<br />

Bisamberg?<br />

Linz scheint aber auch auf 1267 kHz 236.8 m auf.<br />

Frequenz-Tabellen aus 1947-1949 zeigen dagegen die CSR Sen<strong>der</strong> Brno 100 kW<br />

und Komarov 20 kW auf <strong>der</strong> Frequenz 922 kHz. (wb, Apr 6)<br />

1938 wird fuer QRG 325.4 Bruenn mit 32kW gelistet. Das wuerde passen.<br />

"338,6 fuer Linz und Graz mit je 15 kW. 1938 kein an<strong>der</strong>er Sen<strong>der</strong> in Europa<br />

auf 325.4 mb mit mehr als 7 kW berichtet. Quelle: Der grosse Brockhaus<br />

1938. (Josef Haas-AUT, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 6)<br />

Danke Josef Haas-AUT, <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong> Bruenn wird passen. Wobei aber Bruenn 120<br />

km von <strong>der</strong> Donau entfernt liegt, sind schon sehr seltsame Gedankengaenge<br />

bei <strong>der</strong> Namensvergabe 'Donau'.<br />

Paul Gager-AUT schickte mir noch folgende Adressen, sehr informative Seiten<br />

und Fotos, Zeichnungen etc.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Dort habe ich zum ersten Mal ueberhaupt auch Hinweise auf den<br />

[amerikanischen] Linz Kronstorf Sen<strong>der</strong> gefunden, <strong>der</strong> war erst eine Rot-<br />

Weiss-Rot Errichtung <strong>der</strong> Amis, zusammen mit dem an<strong>der</strong>en Ami Sen<strong>der</strong> Wien-<br />

Wilhelminenberg, von 1951 bis 1959.Zitat "Im August 1950 war Baubeginn fuer<br />

eine 3-Mast-Anlage (1 x 274 m, 2 x 137 m). Waehrend die gesammte<br />

Sendetechnik aus den USA kam (Sen<strong>der</strong> von Westinghouse)... 120 kW ... "<br />

Mit einer spektakulaeren MW Antennenkombination bis 274 m Hoehe. Jetzt<br />

weiss ich auch, warum die 890 kHz ein so starkes Signal in <strong>der</strong> suedlichen<br />

DDR erzeugte, so circa 1952-1959. Mit dem Piccolo konnte ich den Ferritkern<br />

schoen zwischen AFN 872, Linz 890, und Laibach 917 kHz hinziehen.<br />

(wb, Apr 6)<br />

Der Rundfunkatlas von 1936 verzeichnet auf 922 kHz den Sen<strong>der</strong> Brno. Dieser<br />

wurde aber nach dem Wellenplan von 1940, umgesetzt ab 09. Juni 1940, auf<br />

1006 khz betrieben. Im Jahr 1939 wurden Linz und Graz jeweils auf 886 khz<br />

gelistet. Dieses wechselten dann auf 1276 (Linz) und 925 (Graz) ebenfalls<br />

auf 925 sendete ab 1940 Klagenfurt (ex 1294).<br />

Fuer 1946 ist Dobl fuer die Sen<strong>der</strong>gruppe Alpenland auf 886 gelistet und<br />

1953 taucht fuer Blue Danbe Network Saalfelden auf 890 khz auf. Die an<strong>der</strong>en<br />

Mittelwellenangaben z.B. Moorfleet 904 khz und Belgrad 686 khz entsprechen<br />

aber den Angaben von 1939, also vor dem Wechsel im Juni 1940. Also muesste

in diesem Fall wenn man das bei den an<strong>der</strong>en Angaben auch zu Grunde legt mit<br />

Donau <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong> Brno gemeint sein.<br />

(Thomas Schwe<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 6)<br />

Linz-Kronstorf wurde 1929 von <strong>der</strong> RAVAG als Nebensen<strong>der</strong> Linz errichtet, von<br />

dort kam das "Eigenprogramm Linz". Rot-Weiss-Rot hatte Sen<strong>der</strong> in Wien<br />

(nicht nur Wilhelminenberg), Salzburg und Linz. (Wolf Harranth-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Apr 7)<br />

Ich habe etwas gesucht: Willi A. Boelcke, die Macht des Radios (finde ich<br />

ein geniales Buch zum Auslandsrundfunk in <strong>der</strong> Zeit WK II), schreibt zur<br />

Sit. in Boehmen / Maehren, page 177:<br />

Der Sen<strong>der</strong>gruppe Boehmen und Maehren nicht eingeglie<strong>der</strong>t waren zwei weitere<br />

aus tschechischem Gebiet stationierte Grosssen<strong>der</strong>, deutsche Auslandssen<strong>der</strong>,<br />

unmittelbar den Berliner Lenkungsorganen unterstellt.<br />

1941 wurde <strong>der</strong> 100 kW-Mittelwellensen<strong>der</strong> Dobrochau als "Deutscher<br />

Europasen<strong>der</strong> Donau" in Betrieb genommen."Radio Donau" bestritt (teilweise<br />

in Verbindung mit dem 100 kW Europasen<strong>der</strong> "Alpen" in Graz-Dobl) das<br />

deutsche Programm fuer Suedosteuropa.<br />

Und noch weiter gesucht: ich habe ein Heft Schweizer Radio Zeitung von <strong>Jan</strong>.<br />

1941, ganz spannend, gleich nebeneinan<strong>der</strong> die Programme <strong>der</strong> Schweiz, aus<br />

Deutschland, England, Osteuropa, etc.<br />

Und im Wellenplan findet sich unter 922 kc 325.4mb Bruenn (Brno) Boehmisch<br />

Maehren 32 kW also war offenbar zumindest im <strong>Jan</strong>uar <strong>der</strong> 100 kW-Sen<strong>der</strong> noch<br />

nicht in Betrieb.<br />

(Martin Boesch-SUI, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 7)<br />

Alps 886 kHz [Graz Dobl] nach dem Krieg Teil <strong>der</strong> "Sen<strong>der</strong>gruppe Alpenland"<br />

war.<br />

Diese Adresse liefert auch viel Wissenswertes (nicht nur ueber Blue Danube<br />

Network):<br />

>http://www.amospress.at/Z/bdn/BDN2/BDN.HTM><br />

(Herbert Meixner-AUT, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 8)<br />

JAPAN Radio Japan "NHK World" in A-<strong>05</strong> season<br />

To SoEaAS<br />

Burmese 1030-1100 11740SNG 1230-1300 9695<br />

2320-2340 13650<br />

Chinese 0630-0700 17860 1200-1230 11740SNG<br />

2240-2300 13650 2340-0000 13630 17810<br />

English 0100-0200 17810 11860SNG<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 17810 0600-0700 11740SNG<br />

1000-1200 9695 1400-1600 7200<br />

0000-0015 13650 17810<br />

Indonesian 0930-1000 9695 1130-1200 & 1230-1300 13660<br />

2300-2320 17810 2340-0000 13650<br />

Japanese 0200-0300 11860SNG 0200-<strong>05</strong>00 17810<br />

0700-0900 17860 0700-1000 11740SNG<br />

0900-1600 11815 1600-1900 7200<br />

2000-0000 13680 2000-2200 11665<br />

Malay 1200-1230 9695 13660 1300-1330 9695<br />

2240-2300 17810<br />

Thai 1130-1200 11740SNG 1330-1400 7200<br />

2300-2320 13650<br />

Vietnamese 1100-1130 13660 1230-1300 11740SNG<br />

2320-2340 17810<br />

To Asian Continent<br />

Chinese 0400-0430 & <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 17845<br />

1200-1230, 1300-1330 6190 1430-1500 6190

2230-2250 9560<br />

English 0100-0200 17845 <strong>05</strong>00-0700 15195<br />

1000-1200 11730 1500-1600 6190<br />

Japanese 0200-0300 17845 0200-<strong>05</strong>00 & 0700-0800 15195<br />

0800-1700 9750 1600-1900 6035<br />

2000-0000 11910 2000-2100 6165<br />

2100-2200 9560<br />

Korean 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 & <strong>05</strong>30-0600 17845 1115-1145 6090<br />

1230-1300 & 1400-1430 6190<br />

2210-2230 9560<br />

Russian 0330-0400 17845 1330-1400 6190<br />

To FE Russia<br />

English 0600-0700 11715 11760<br />

Japanese 0700-0800 6145 6165<br />

Russian <strong>05</strong>30-0600 11715 11760<br />

0800-0830 6145 6165 1900-1920 5955<br />

To SoWeAS<br />

Bengali 0630-0700 15590 11890SRI 1230-1300 11890SRI<br />

English 0100-0200 15325 1400-1600 11730<br />

Hindi 0700-0730 15590 11890SRI 1300-1330 11890SRI<br />

Japanese 0200-<strong>05</strong>00 15325 0800-1000 15590<br />

1500-1700 12045SNG 1700-1800 11865SNG<br />

deleted 0300-0400 UT<br />

Urdu 0730-0800 15590 11890SRI 1330-1400 11890SRI<br />

To Oceania<br />

English 0100-0200 17685 0300-0400 21610<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0700 & 1000-1100 21755 1400-1500 11840SRI<br />

2100-2200 6035SNG<br />

Japanese 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 17685<br />

0700-1000 21755 11920SNG 1700-1900 7140<br />

1900-2100 6035SNG 2200-2300 11770SRI<br />

To NoAM<br />

English 0000-0100 6145CAN 0100-0200 17825<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 6110CAN(West) 0600-0700 13630<br />

1000-1200 6120CAN(East) 1500-1600 95<strong>05</strong><br />

1700-1800 9535 2100-2200 17825<br />

Japanese 0200-<strong>05</strong>00 5960CAN(Ea) 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 17875<br />

0800-1000 9540 1300-1500 117<strong>05</strong>CAN(Ea)<br />

1500-1700 9535 2200-2300 17825<br />

To Hawaii<br />

English 0600-0700 17870 2100-2200 21670<br />

Japanese 0700-0800 17870 0800-1000 9825<br />

1700-1900 9835<br />

To CeAM<br />

English 0100-0200 17825 0600-0700 13630<br />

1500-1600 95<strong>05</strong> 1700-1800 9535<br />

Japanese 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 17825 0800-1000 9540<br />

1500-1700 9535<br />

2200-2300 11895GUF 17825<br />

Spanish <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 11895GUF 1000-1030 9540<br />

To SoAM<br />

English 0100-0200 11935BON<br />

Japanese 0200-0300 11935BON 0300-0400 9660GUF<br />

0800-1000 9825 9530GUF 1700-1800 21600GUF<br />

1700-1900 9835 2200-2300 15220ASC<br />

2300-2400 176<strong>05</strong>BON<br />

Portug 0230-0300 9660GUF 1030-1100 9530GUF(East)

Spanish 0400-0430 9660GUF<br />

1000-1030 9710 9530GUF(East)<br />

To Europe<br />

English <strong>05</strong>00-0600 5975UKr <strong>05</strong>00-0700 7230UKw<br />

1000-1100 17585UAE<br />

1700-1800 11970<br />

2100-2200 6<strong>05</strong>5UKs 6180UKs<br />

French 0630-0700 11970GAB 1800-1820 11970<br />

German 0600-0630 11970GAB<br />

1100-1130 9660UKs 11710UKs<br />

Italian <strong>05</strong>30-<strong>05</strong>45 11970GAB 1030-1045 21820GAB<br />

Japanese 0800-1000 11710UKs 1700-1800 9750UKr<br />

1700-1900 6175UKs 2000-2100 11970<br />

2200-2300 6115UKs<br />

Russian 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 11970GAB 1130-1200 11710UKs<br />

1840-1900 11970<br />

Spanish <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 11970GAB 1820-1840 11970<br />

Swedish <strong>05</strong>45-0600 11970GAB 1045-1100 21820GAB<br />

To ME & NoAF<br />

Arabic 0400-0430 17780SRI 0700-0730 15220ASC<br />

English 0100-0200 5960UKr 17560 1000-1100 17720UAE<br />

French <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 17820SRI 1630-1650 11785<br />

Japanese 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 17560 0800-1000 17720UAE<br />

1700-1900 13740UAE 2200-2300 9650UAE<br />

Persian 0230-0300 17780SRI 0830-0900 17675SRI<br />

To Africa<br />

Arabic 0400-0430 17780SRI 0700-0730 15220ASC<br />

English 1700-1800 15355GAB(South)<br />

2100-2200 11855ASC(Central)<br />

French 1230-1300 15400ASC(West) 17870ASC(Central)<br />

1800-1820 9685 11785<br />

Japanese 0800-1000 17650ASC(West)<br />

1500-1700 21630ASC(Central)<br />

1800-1900 15355GAB(South)<br />

Swahili 0330-0400 6135ASC(Central)<br />

1300-1330 17870ASC(Central)<br />

Changes against A-04 season:<br />

To SoWeAS Japanese deleted 0300-0400 UT [x11890SRI].<br />

To SoAM English 0100-0200 11935BON<br />

Japanese 0200-0300 11935BON<br />

Portug 0230-0300 9660GUF 1030-1100 9530GUF(East)<br />

Spanish 1000-1030 9710 9530GUF(East)<br />

To Europe<br />

English 1000-1100 17585UAE<br />

Japanese 2000-2100 11970<br />

To ME & NoAF<br />

English 0100-0200 5960UKr 17560<br />

Japanese 1700-1900 13740UAE<br />

Persian 0230-0300 17780SRI<br />

... and VT / HFCC schedule shows additional Arabic to NE&ME zones 38-40 at<br />

1200-1215 UT on 17560 kHz via Rampisham-UK.<br />

Relays:<br />

ASC = Ascension 250 kW BON = BonaireATN 250kW CAN = Sackville 250 kW<br />

GAB = Gabon 500 kW GUF = Fr.Guiana 300 kW SNG = Singapore 100/250 kW<br />

SRI = Sri Lanka 300 kW UAE = Al Dhabbaya 500 kW

UK = United Kingdom, RMP 500 kW, SKN 250/300 kW, WOF 250/300 kW<br />

Remaining direct via Yamata-JPN.<br />

Please be advised that the schedule is subject to change.<br />

Radio Japan (NHK A-<strong>05</strong> booklet, Apr 8)<br />

From April, Radio JPN plans to introduce a monthly "<strong>DX</strong>" program, known as<br />

"<strong>DX</strong> Corner", within its English "Hello from Tokyo" feature, produced by the<br />

Japanese SW Club, on the first Saturday, and repeated on the following<br />

Sunday and Monday.<br />

The first program is planned for Apr 2, 3, and 4, covering the Winter SWL<br />

Fest which was held recently in Kulpsville, USA. Correct reception reports<br />

for the "<strong>DX</strong> Corner" segment will be acknowledged with the JSWC QSL, if sent<br />

directly to JSWC, PO Box 29, Sendai Central, 989-8691, Japan. Return<br />

postage of 1 IRC or US$1 is requested.<br />

Reports will be acknowleded by Radio JPN with its own QSL card.<br />

The May program will be later, on May 14.<br />

Details of actual freqs for each target area are available at<br />

<br />

JSWC and NHK are anxious for feedback on this new program initiative!<br />

I heard the new <strong>DX</strong>-Program- Segment today (2. April) in Austria 1740-1750<br />

UTC on 11970 kHz in SIO444. 1750-1800 UT was the mailbag program. (Paul<br />

Gager-AUT)<br />

(as to JSWC, via Walter Eibl-D, Paul Gager-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 1/3)<br />

English "Hello from Tokyo" - Monday after first Saturday, but May edition<br />

scheduled for May 16. (John Norfolk-USA, dxld Apr 4)<br />

"Hello from Tokyo" is broadcast as follows during the A<strong>05</strong> period:<br />

Sa <strong>05</strong>10-0600 6110 5975 7230 15195 17810 21755.<br />

Sa 1010-1100 6120 9695 11730 17585 17720 21755.<br />

Sa 1710-1800 9535 11970 15355.<br />

Su 0010-0100 6145.<br />

Su 0310-0400 21610.<br />

Su 1110-1200 6120 9695 11730.<br />

Su 1510-1600 6190 7200 95<strong>05</strong> 11730.<br />

Mo 0110-0200 5960 11860 11935 15345 17560 17810 17825 17845.<br />

(NHK R Japan via Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Apr 9)<br />

8466.5 at 1555- UT, Kyodo Nx Agency on Apr 2. For something totally<br />

different, try FAX. I'm watching as a Jpn newspaper is being faxed.<br />

Perfectly readable if I could read the script! There, there was a hea<strong>der</strong>,<br />

with 'Kyodo Nx Sports'. My Fax list has a freq listed as 8467.5 with F3C at<br />

10 kW, 60/576 RPM/IOC. Just another fun part of the hobby! Sorry that it's<br />

a little off topic as far as SW<strong>BC</strong> is concerned. Parallel is 12744.5. I use<br />

USB, with about 600 Hz offset from the 'mark' at 2000 Hz. MixW is the<br />

program. Very easy to use. The latter freq is listed a kHz higher, with 15<br />

kW. Equally strong. 17069.6 is weakly readable. (Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-USA,<br />

Cumbre Apr 3)<br />

JORDAN 12110hx Came across of Arabic nx of Jordan Radio at 0600 UT on<br />

Fri Apr 8th. This a mixture signal of 11810/11960 kHz, latter closes<br />

usually around 0813 UT [though registered <strong>05</strong>00-0715 UT], AKA 500kW 350degr<br />

towards Western Europe.

But NOT heard on symmetrical 11660 kHz, 150 kHz away. NOT KWT hx 2x6<strong>05</strong>5<br />

kHz.<br />

(73 wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 8)<br />

KAZAKHSTAN [Clandest to Burma] Democratic Voice of Burma noticed on 5910<br />

Apr 7 1455-1520 with shift from Burmese to minority lang 1516, quite<br />

noticable with YL ann new px and freq's into flute then YL and short piano.<br />

Male cont'd. Weak to fair with \\ 17624.9[RNW MDG site] very weak (Finn<br />

Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 7)<br />

Back lobe of Almaty relay bc: 5910 1430-1530 zone49 A-A 200kW 132deg KAZ<br />

DVB<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 7)<br />

KUWAIT Ueber die Adresse IBB Kuwait Transmitting Station c/o American<br />

Embassy, Bayan P.O.Box 77, Safat 13001, Kuwait erhielt ich einen schoenen<br />

bunten QSL-Brief ueber eine Sendung <strong>der</strong> VOA ueber 11760 KHz, die Laufzeit<br />

war circa 129 Tage. Unterzeichner George Miller TX Plant Supervisor.<br />

(Dieter Kraus-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 7)<br />

LAOS 7145 Lao National Radio. Mar 30 at 1240-1300 UT. 25332. Almost male<br />

talk in Khmer. French program followed at 1300. ID was heard at 1300.<br />

Thanks for Kageyama's tip on his website. (Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium<br />

Apr 1)<br />

LATVIA RTI - Radio Tatras International will be<br />

relayed via the Ulbroka tx on 9290 on Sat 9 April from 1730-2300 and on<br />

Sunday 10 April from 1800-2300 UTC. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Apr 7)<br />

LUXEMBOURG Bertelsmann / RTL etc.<br />

(Mar 27)<br />

RTL - Siehe dazu folgendes Forum:<br />

(Mar 31)<br />

Da hat aber <strong>der</strong> gute Schreiber in Infosat einige Eier gelegt, RTL will auf<br />

567 und 1098 kHz, nicht auf 576 und 1089 usw. senden. Damit sind auch die<br />

1089 Ausfuehrungen falsch. Ansonsten wird auch nichts ueber die kuenftigen<br />

Programme / Einmieter ausgesagt.<br />

(wb, Mar 27)<br />

Ein Hinweis von Juergen DL1SAX und Horst Weise DL4SBK betreffs kuerzliche<br />

RTL <strong>Meldun</strong>gen ueber geplante neue Sen<strong>der</strong> in LUX, Digitalisierung durch die<br />

Bertelsmann Firma, und fehlen<strong>der</strong> deutschland- und frankreich-weiter RTL<br />

Radiosen<strong>der</strong>, siehe den unten stehenden Hinweis auf das wmv Video.<br />

Die 96 MByte sollte man sich aber nur in DSL herunterladen und zu Gemuete<br />

fuehren, das flutscht gut. Dauer des Videos: 8 Min 30sec.<br />

Mit Modemanschluss kommt da keine Freude auf ... (wb, Apr 4)<br />

DRM-Infos Ein interessanter Tipp von Juergen DL1SAX. (73 Horst DL4SBK)<br />

Ich habe eben imRadioforum bei Myphorum.de einen sehr interessanten<br />

Werbevideo (im Windows wmf-Format mit 1500 kbit/sec) <strong>der</strong> RTL-Gruppe zum<br />

Thema DRM entdeckt.<br />

Hier wird die strategische Aufstellung <strong>der</strong> RTL-Gruppe zum Thema<br />

Rundfunkversorgung in Europa und DL erlaeurtert mit sehr interessanten<br />

Bil<strong>der</strong>n <strong>der</strong> Sendeanlage in Junglinster (KW & LW).<br />

Achtung 91.5 MByte am besten zuerst Abspeichern, - dann Ansehen.<br />

<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 3)

MOLDOVA [to IRAN] New station in Farsi from March 28-Seda-ye Jambushi<br />

Iran e Farda<br />

1600-1645 on 7490 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs/ME<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 1)<br />

New clandestine for Iran, 1600-1645 UT via Moldova on 7490, 500 kW, 116<br />

degrees, Sedaye Jambushi Iran e-Farda, not to be confused with our R.<br />

Farda; Seda-ye Iran, via Sofia, 11575 100 kW 90 degrees at 1530-1730 UT.<br />

(BUL Observer, WoR, Apr 8)<br />

New Iranian cland? or did I miss it?<br />

CLANDESTINE (Iran) UNID 7490 on Apr 8 (Fri) 1630 I tuned in to a station<br />

ongoing programme which mentioned a lot of US newspapers in Farsi (USA<br />

Journal, Washington Times, Washington Post, etc) into 1631 mentioning<br />

'Melatt-e Iran', so first thought this was just a new frequency, even more<br />

so when once again I heard 'Seday-e Melatt-e Iran'. Song, then another ID,<br />

this time 'In seday-e (Domete??) Irana Khargar, seday-e Melatt-e Iran,<br />

seday-e (longer sentence)'. Once again same ID before sign off at -1645*<br />

Fair. New workers' station, it seems? No address or other clue, perhaps at<br />

sign-on? Anything in HCCF? Now, who knows Persian? (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 8)<br />

FEB = FEBA Radio, ask the FEBA UK Headquarter frequency management !<br />

7490 1600-1645 39,40 KCH 500 116 MDA FEB GFC<br />

7490 1700-2100 27S,28,37N KHR 100 290 UKR RUI RRT<br />

(wb)<br />

CLANDESTINE (Iran) Seda-ye Jambushi Iran e Farda (via Moldova 500 kW) very<br />

strong Apr 9 from sign-on 1600-1645 UT sign-off.<br />

Gave web-address as and e-mail as<br />

<br />

Run by the Iran of Tomorrow Movement, 17328 Ventura Blvd. #209, Encino, CA<br />

91316, USA.<br />

Certainly seems like a clandestine kind of operation. E.g. says<br />

'Volunteers: Iran of Tomorrow Movement is looking for volunteers dedicated<br />

to the cause of Democracy in Iran. If you are in full agreement with IOTM's<br />

Mission, Vision and Plan, Please fill out the form below and fax it to 818-<br />

474-7229. We will get back to you as soon as possible. bla bla - into<br />



To register a 1-5 person cell, please send the following information to<br />

"<br />

You can choose between English French and German.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 8)<br />

More here:<br />

<br />

Iran of Tomorrow Movement Inc. (IOTM) is a Not-For-Profit 501c(4)<br />

organization.<br />

Board of Trustees:<br />

Dr. Taghi Alereza Chairman of the Board, Mr. Kiumars Zarrabi Treasurer and<br />

Member of the Board, Dr. Ramin Etebar Secretary and Member of the Board.<br />

Executive Officers<br />

Dr. Iman Foroutan Executive Director

Advisors Dr. Massood Mashouf, Ms. Eshrat Salimi, Mr. Ali G.<br />

(Setade Mobarezane Dakhele Keshvar)<br />

(via Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 9)<br />

MOROCCO I'm receiving the VOA's African sce via Breich, Morocco, on<br />

15410.53 kHz with a sports program, "The Sunny Side of Sports", which just<br />

ended at 1830, and into "The World of Music" with Rita Rochelle. Odd to<br />

hear VOA so badly off frequency.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NY-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 8)<br />

MOZAMBIQUE (probably) 7135 R. Terra Verde, a SW relay of an FM stn in<br />

Maputo said to have strong links with Renamo (previously a terrorist<br />

movement, now the official opposition party, who used to run A Voz da<br />

Africa Livre many years ago). Noted from 1100 tune-in to almost 1800, but<br />

gone at 1900 re-check. In vernacs., but mainly in PT with PT nx at 1300 and<br />

1700. Probably a test xmsn, they ment. being hrd in almost all Mozambican<br />

provinces and in Zambia and Zimbabwe. No contact details have been offered.<br />

A very good signal here, but I doubt that this is a Meyerton relay the fqy<br />

moved up 0.08 kHz in a couple of hours, and this would be quite<br />

uncharacteristic of Sentech. Noted again yesterday and today but I did not<br />

have a chance to check the s/on and s/off times yet.<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 3)<br />

NEPAL Crown Prince inaugurates Radio Nepal 55th anni function. His Royal<br />

Highness Crown Prince Paras Bir Bikram Shah Dev inaugurated the 55th<br />

anniversary function of Radio Nepal at the Radio Nepal premises here today.<br />

Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Himani Rajya Laxmi Devi Shah was also<br />

present on the occasion.<br />

Upon arrival at the Radio Nepal premises, Their Royal Highnesses the Crown<br />

Prince and the Crown Princess were accorded a warm welcome by Minister for<br />

Information and Communications Tanka Dhakal, Secretary Lokman Singh Karki,<br />

Executive Director of Radio Nepal Tapanath Shukla and high ranking<br />

officials of Radio Nepal.<br />

At the programme, HRH the Crown Prince gave away letters of appreciation to<br />

various personalities making distinguished contribution to the development<br />

of Radio Nepal, including <strong>Jan</strong>akabi Kesari Dharma Raj Thapa, theatre<br />

director Hari Prasad Rimal, first woman mxian Koili Devi Mathema, former<br />

director general Prachanda Man Singh Pradhan, former deputy executive<br />

director Mahesh Prasad Adhikari and programme presenter Laxmi Bhusal.<br />

More:<br />

<br />

(Alokesh Gupta-IND, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 3)<br />

NEW ZEALAND Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) Demonstrations in the Medium<br />

Frequency band.<br />

Radio New Zealand (RNZ), in cooperation with the Asia Pacific Broadcasting<br />

Union (ABU), Thales Multi Media and THL Australia, will hold a three day<br />

Symposium on the use of the Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) system in the<br />

medium freq band. The symposium will take place from April 27-29 at RNZ<br />

House in Wellington, New Zealand.<br />

The Symposium programme will present an overview of the DRM system with<br />

special emphasis on full digital and simulcast modes which are possible<br />

within the region three band plan - i.e. - 18 kHz of spectrum allocation as<br />

compared to the 9 kHz available in region one (Europe).<br />

To demonstrate the system Thales are to upgrade a 50 kW tx on a freq of 657<br />

kHz operating into a 220 metre mast. Three hours of demonstration are<br />

planned for each of the Symposium days.

Day one, April 27 is planned as a non-technical system overview and<br />

demonstration, and as such, is suitable for managers and administrators.<br />

Day two, April 28 is designed for the more technically minded and will<br />

feature a more in depth overview and demonstration.<br />

Day 3, April 29 features a bus trip to demonstrate the capabilities of<br />

analogue versus digital modulation with decreasing signal strength.<br />

Further information on the Symposium can be obtained from Radio New<br />

Zealand's Transmission Consultant Dave Hen<strong>der</strong>son -<br />

Phone +64 4 474 1750.<br />

Radio New Zealand wishes to also thank Rhema Broadcasting Group, Telecom<br />

New Zealand, Radio Deutsche Welle, the B<strong>BC</strong> and the DRM Consortium for their<br />

assistance in facilitating the Symposium.<br />

(Mark Nicholls-NZL, Chief Editor, NZ <strong>DX</strong> Times, NZ Radio <strong>DX</strong> League,<br />

via wwdxc, hcdx, dxld Apr 5)<br />

PAKISTAN Here's the A-<strong>05</strong> P<strong>BC</strong> internal schedule as received by post today.<br />

Note the unusul freq 6780.<br />

I can confirm that the External Service chart - and a pamphlet - show<br />

offset freqs 7374 (via API-1) 9324 (via API-2) and 17484(via API-1). All<br />

are Rewat (Islamabad) 100 kW. None are propagating to me, so I cannot<br />

confirm the exact freqs. But as is known, their 100kW txs do deviate at<br />

times. And incidentally, the Gujrati sce at 0400-0430 using 11565 and 9340<br />

is now sending via 147deg to South Asia and not to East Africa as<br />

previously, and so the remaining sce to East Africa is now the Nx &<br />

Commentary at 1600-1615 via 15725 and 11850 both 233deg. (Noel R. Green-UK,<br />

dxld Apr 1)<br />

P<strong>BC</strong> Internal Shortwave Services, via Islamabad (Rewat) API-2 100 kW<br />

6075 0045-0200 Haya Allal Falah 0200-0215 Urdu News<br />

7395 0600-0604 7395 Urdu News, 0604-0700 Rawalpindi Pgm, 0700-0703 Urdu<br />

News,<br />

0703-0707 Punjabi news, 0707-0800 Rawalpindi Pgm, 0800-0810 English<br />

news,<br />

0810-0900 Rawalpindi Pgm, 0900-0903 Islamabad Pgm, 0903-0907 Pushto<br />

news,<br />

0907-1000 Islamabad Pgm, 1000-10<strong>05</strong> Urdu news, 10<strong>05</strong>-1100 Islamabad Pgm,<br />

1100-1104 English news, 1104-1115 Islamabad Pgm.<br />

6780 1230-1330 Kashmiri Pgm, 1350-1400 Balti News, 1420-1428 Sheena News.<br />

6060 1615-1700 Islamabad Pgm (Aaina).<br />

via Islamabad (Rewat) API-4 100 kW<br />

5080 0200-0400 and 1300-1800 Current Affairs.<br />

via Islamabad (Rewat) API-8 100 kW<br />

4790 0045-0215 and 1445-1815 Pindi III Pgm.<br />

6065 0430-<strong>05</strong>15 Balti Service. <strong>05</strong>30-0615 Sheena Service.<br />

7265 0900-1215 Pindi III Pgm.<br />

via Quetta 10 kW<br />

5025 0045-0404[Fri.0345] and 1200-18<strong>05</strong>.<br />

7155 0600-1145 [Fri.0400-0820 and 1000-1145].<br />

7220 via Peshawar 10 kW 1100-1400 Chitrali sce<br />

4790 via Rawalpindi 10 kW 0230-0425 and 1335-1430 Pindi III Pgm.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 1)<br />

PALAU [tentat. wb.] Unidentified Religious Station on 9985 kHz.

Last week some Chinese listeners reported that there appeared a very<br />

mysterious religious station in Mandarin on 9985 kHz, 31 meter band. (Eric<br />

Zhou-CHN, hcdx Mar 29)<br />

I also followed this station in March 31, 20<strong>05</strong> from 1257 and some christian<br />

religious songs. I knew most all of them but forgot the title of the songs<br />

(one of them was 'how great Thou are'). No comments and no ID mentioned and<br />

disappeared at 1350. Their sinpo : 34343 in my place. (Lim Kwet Hian-INS,<br />

hcdx Apr 4)<br />

KHBN ??<br />

99<strong>05</strong> 1500-1800 43,44 HBN 80 318 USA IBB IBB<br />

99<strong>05</strong> 1900-2100 43,44 HBN 80 318 USA IBB IBB<br />

9910 2100-2200 43,44 HBN 80 318 USA IBB IBB<br />

9910 2300-2400 43,44 HBN 80 318 USA IBB IBB<br />

9930 2230-2330 49 HBN 50 270 USA IBB IBB<br />

9955 0800-1600 41-49 HBN 100 280 USA HBN FCC<br />

9955 2200-2300 43,44 HBN 80 318 USA IBB IBB<br />

9955 2200-2400 41-49 HBN 100 280 USA HBN FCC<br />

9965 0600-1700 43-44 HBN 100 318 USA HBN FCC<br />

9965 2200-2400 43-44 HBN 100 318 USA HBN FCC<br />

9985 0700-1600 44-45 HBN 100 345 USA HBN FCC

see: "Apartado 1011, 1001 Lisboa Codex" doesn't functioning Postbox anymore<br />

???<br />

Or doesn't work the Portuguese postal sce at this moment ? and sent the<br />

mail back to original sen<strong>der</strong> ? (wb)<br />

It seems the "apartado" or "caixa postal" (p.o.box) is no longer used, so<br />

no won<strong>der</strong> the mail was returned. Still, I find it strange, as ann'ing a<br />

p.o.box is easier than mentioning a street name (avenue, actually)! On the<br />

other hand, since the prgrs are in Port., it's really no problem reading a<br />

str. name, etc. Their current addr. is the same as that of the RTP because<br />

they merged into RTP-R. e TV de Portugal... and that avenue is quite near<br />

my street too!<br />

Contactos: Morada:<br />

Av. Marechal Gomes da Costa, no. 37, 1849-030 Lisboa, Portugal.<br />

Telef: 00 351 213 820 000 Fax: 00 351 213 820 165<br />

E-mail: Geral <br />

Abraco de Domingo <br />

Clube da Amizade <br />






















(via Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 4)<br />

ROMANIA Radio Micul Samaritean 1584 kHz bestaetigte meinen<br />

Empfangsbericht ueber das LSM-Hauptquartier in den USA innerhalb von 66<br />

Tagen mit PPC, Brief und viel Informationsmaterial, sowohl in gedruckter<br />

Form als auch auf CD.<br />

QTH: P.O.Box 969, Hickory, NC 28603, USA. v/s Florin Pindic Blaj.<br />

Laut dem beigelegten Material sendet die Station auf 1485 kHz aus Bacau und<br />

Medias, auf 1584 kHz aus Sighet und Suceava, und auf 1602 kHz aus Bistrita<br />

und Arad (bei letzterem wird es sich wohl um ein Relay via Radio CNM<br />

handeln). Zusaetzlich wird noch auf 9 UKW-Frequenzen in Rumaenien und 13<br />

UKW-Frequenzen in Moldowa gesendet.<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 7)<br />

RUSSIA [to AFG] Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Internews / Salaam Watandar via VT<br />

Communications<br />

0230-0400 on 15240 SAM 250 kW / 140 deg to WeAs in Dari/Pashto.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 1)<br />

[Clandestine to SOM]. 12130, R. Horyaal, at 1730 on Mar 28, abruptly on in<br />

midst of stn anmt: P.O.Box 51045, S borough, Ontario (M1M.O22 or similarly<br />

phonetically close). Also a dot.com E-mail address, impossible to hear,<br />

although their website

states <br />

Language supposedly is Somali, with HoA mx hrd. Many easily identifiable<br />

IDs. Close noted at 1800. Good at first, although some atmosph. noise,<br />

deteriorated towards close.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 3)<br />

*1731-1800* Apr 2: Noted a very strong carrier at 1725 with 800 hertz tones<br />

(marker for a Russian xmtr). Dead air till 1731, s/on in mid-sentance with<br />

opening talks and upbeat mx played in the background. Short Koran verse at<br />

1732, nx in what sounded like Amharic, refs. to Somalia. At 1744 what<br />

sounded like a live speech event, with male ancr giving a microphone b/c<br />

(you could hear the microphone being handled), many voices in the<br />

background, shouting, yelling. At 1756. ". . .<br />

R. . Horyaal . . . Horyaal . . ."(yelled by the crowd), 1758 short HoA mx,<br />

few comments, then back to live or taped event. At 1759, short mx<br />

selection, but again cut in sentence, off with carrier off few secs. later.<br />

I noted no address or contact information during this b/c. Initially, the<br />

audio was a bit muffled, but midway through the copy was near perfect, with<br />

a nice S7-8 signal.<br />

Checking their web site my attention was cut by<br />

the key word, "Halgan." There was a R. Halgan, an anti-Somlian clandestine<br />

with xmtrs in Ethiopia, on the air mid-80s (1987 when I hrd them).<br />

According to what was written on their QSL, it was the Voice of the<br />

Somalian Opposition "SSDF" and "SNM," establishing Somalia as a democratic<br />

state. The card was signed by a A. Rashid A'sed, and the contact office at<br />

that time was a P.O.Box 1686 in Addis Abba, Ethiopia. Won<strong>der</strong>ing if this<br />

organization developed into this movement now. (Ed Kusalik-Alb-CAN,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 3)<br />

see also 12145 un<strong>der</strong> U.K./RUSSIA.<br />

[Clandest to Somalia] R Horyaal well heard 12130 kHz with sign on 1730 (re<br />

earlier today contribution) just after hearing V O Oromo Liberation closing<br />

1730 on 12120 with even better signal. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 7)<br />

12120 is via Armavir-RUS, but maybe 12130 via Samara-RUS site instead ?<br />

(wb)<br />

The world's most powerful tx ever built, according to Radio Voice of<br />

Russia, with a power of probably 5000 kilowatts will no longer be sced and<br />

maintained after May 1st this year.<br />

Its supposed location is near the town of Samara but for sure it is<br />

un<strong>der</strong>ground below a four meter thick plate of reinforced concrete. It<br />

served communications with Stalin.<br />

(R Bulgaria <strong>DX</strong>px, <strong>DX</strong> Editor: Dimiter Petrov-BUL, LZ1AF, Broadcast tips:<br />

Rumen Pankov-BUL, via John Norfolk, dxld Apr 9)<br />

SAO TOME VOA Sao Tome: Here are 73 pictures of the IBB-VOA facilities at<br />

Sao Tome<br />

<br />

(Jerry Strawman-IA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 3)<br />

SAUDI ARABIA 11820 Broadcasting Service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,<br />

at 2151-2300* UT on Mar 27, Holy Qu'ran Program with a mix of Arabic talks<br />

about the Qu'ran and Qu'ran recitations until sudden off without a formal<br />

closedown. Good signal but \\ 11915 was poor. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 3)<br />

SCG [xYUG] The A<strong>05</strong> freq schedule of the International Radio of Serbia<br />

and Montenegro, former Radio Yugoslavia, has been posted on its official<br />


(Eric Zhou-CHN, dxld Apr 7)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA New txion for Voice International in En from March 27:<br />

<strong>05</strong>15-1545 on 9555 MEY 100 kW / 0<strong>05</strong> deg to SoAf<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for WYFR via VT Communications:<br />

1900-2100 on 3230 MEY 100 kW / non-dir to SoAF in English<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Radio Okapi via VT Communications:<br />

0400-0600 on 11690 MEY 500 kW / 342 deg to Congo in French/Lingala<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 1)<br />

SUDAN 5895 Radio Peace.<br />

Thanks to Christer Brunstrom's tip I monitored 5895 on 4 Apr.<br />

At 1530 there was a strong open carrier little bit offset. That seems to be<br />

some ute station, as it once had brief morse traffic. Just prior 1700<br />

another, weaker carrier appeared and there was a male announcer. Then there<br />

was religious program in English, mainly by female voice, male voice only<br />

gave some titles of the program.<br />

The ute carrier was annoying and I couldn't get any positive ID. At 1717 UT<br />

I left the freq for a while and when rechecking around 1728, the station<br />

was gone. The ute carrier was alone on 5895. This might be Radio Peace from<br />

Sudan, time fits with Christer's information. Needs more monitoring. (Jari<br />

Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Apr 4)<br />

I found something about Radio Peace (Sudan) upgrades.<br />

tells they'll have rhombic antenna<br />

<br />

says there will be a 5 kW tx.<br />

Maybe these upgrades have already been done or are un<strong>der</strong>way. Just won<strong>der</strong> if<br />

they talk about the New Site location or about the planned Nuba area<br />

location.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, Cumbre Apr 5)<br />

Well, I can now confirm that the station on 5895 is Radio Peace. On 6 Apr<br />

at 1655 the freq was clear without the ute. Couple of mins later rather<br />

strong carrier appeared and then there was that usual canned id "Thank you<br />

for listening to Radio Peace". Into English religious program and at 1715<br />

into local lang program. Sign-off around 1723. It seems the signal is<br />

un<strong>der</strong>modulated and so it is rather difficult to hear them clearly.<br />

On 5 Apr I was a bit late in monitoring, but noted them at 1717 with local<br />

lang and sign-off was also then around 1723.<br />

Hopefully we'll soon get info which tx site is in use on 5895.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld Apr 7)<br />

SWAZILAND The A<strong>05</strong> SW/MW schedule for TWR Manzini can now be downloaded<br />

from<br />

<br />

It is valid, however, only until 2 July, 20<strong>05</strong>. (Eike Bierwirth-D, dxld Apr<br />

7)<br />

SWEDEN [and non]. We have to renegotiate our contract with Teracom, who<br />

own the txs we use in Sweden, in the next few months; we have the option of<br />

going elsewhere such as to VT Merlin for SW txion. I have not been heard on<br />

the air for six months since I've been presiding over transition to a new<br />

website.<br />

(George Wood, Radio Sweden, on VOA Talk to America Apr 1, notes by gh for<br />


[non] IBRA Radio's A<strong>05</strong> freq schedule is now available on its official<br />

website. It is a PDF version:<br />

<br />

(Eric Zhou-CHN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 7)<br />

TAIWAN QSL card from Fu Hsing Broadcasting Co., Taiwan (15250 kHz) is now<br />

shown in my home page<br />

<br />

with some explanation in Japanese. (Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Apr 4)<br />

TURKEY VOT got a new director some weeks ago, Miss Ingan Asena, [sp?],<br />

formerly chief of German section. She has been to E<strong>DX</strong>C conferences, is very<br />

fond of international radio, hopes to develop contacts with <strong>DX</strong>ers around<br />

world. English at 0300 on 6140 7270 to NAm, also good here.<br />

(Luigi Cobisi, Italy, European Perspective, HCJB <strong>DX</strong>PL Apr 2, notes by gh<br />

for dxld)<br />

Ufuk Gecim ist seit dem 8. Maerz Redaktionschefin - German Service. Engin<br />

ist zur Leiterin <strong>der</strong> Fremdspachenabteilung ernannt worden. Sie hat Rafet<br />

Esit abgeloest. Rafet Bey ist <strong>der</strong> Vize-Direktor des Auslandsdienstes und<br />

Osman Dilekci Direktor des Auslandsdienstes. (via Benno DG1EA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Apr 5)<br />

Neue Chefin <strong>der</strong> Auslandsdienste ist ENGIN ASENA, vorher Leiterin <strong>der</strong><br />

deutschen Redaktion. Engin ist Tuerkin. Neue Leiterin <strong>der</strong> deutschen<br />

Redaktion ist nun UFUK GECIM.<br />

Ich bin seit dem 8. Maerz Redaktionschefin. Engin ist zur Leiterin <strong>der</strong><br />

Fremdspachenabteilung ernannt worden. Sie hat Rafet Esit abgeloest.<br />

Rafet Bey ist <strong>der</strong> Vize-Direktor des Auslandsdienstes und Osman Dilekci<br />

Direktor des Auslandsdienstes. (Ufuk Gecim-TUR TRT, via Benno Klink-D<br />

DG1EA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

Ja, die Engin Asena ist jetzt Leiterin <strong>der</strong> Fremdsprachenabteilungen und die<br />

Dr. Ufuk Gecim ist neue Leiterin <strong>der</strong> deutschen Abteilung.<br />

(Joe Ley<strong>der</strong>-LUX, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

TURKMENISTAN World Service of Radio Tajikistan heard in English at 1652<br />

UT on April 5th on 7245 kHz, fair strength but adjacent channel<br />

interference. End of nx bulletin, local song, identification at 1659 UT and<br />

continued in Arabic.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

U.A.E. [to SoEAS] Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Gospel for Asia via VT Communications:<br />

0000-0130 on 6145 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SoEaAs in SoEaAs langs<br />

1230-1330 on 15590 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SoEaAs in SoEaAs langs<br />

1600-1630 on 11845 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SoEaAs in SoEaAs langs<br />

1400-1500 on 15215 DHA 250 kW / 100 deg to SoEaAs in SoEaAs langs<br />

2300-2400 on 6040 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SoEaAs in SoEaAs langs<br />

[to SoAS] Summer B-04 for Bible Voice Broadcasting Network via VT<br />

Communications:<br />

0015-0030 Daily on 96<strong>05</strong> DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SoAs in Hindi<br />

0030-0045 Sat on 96<strong>05</strong> DHA 250 kW / 100 deg to SoAs in Tamil<br />

0030-0045 Sun/Mon on 7210 DHA 250 kW / 090 deg to SoAs in Bengali<br />

0030-0100 Daily on 6010 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SoAs in English<br />

[to SoAS] Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for WYFR via VT Communications:<br />

1400-1500 on 15520 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SoAs in Hindi<br />

1500-1700 on 15520 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SoAs in English<br />

[to CAF] Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Radio Ndeke Luka via VT Communications:

1730-1930 on 11760 DHA 250 kW / 245 deg to CeAf in French/Singo<br />

[to EaAF] Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Radio Mustaqbal via VT Communications:<br />

0630-0700 Mon/Tue/Thu on 15530 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf in Somali<br />

1130-1200 Mon/Tue/Thu on 15530 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf in Somali<br />

[to EaAF] Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for UNMEE via VT Communications:<br />

0900-1000 Sun on 15135 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf in<br />

English/Tigrina/Amharic<br />

1030-1130 Tue on 15135 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf in<br />

English/Tigrina/Amharic<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 1)<br />

U.K./RUSSIA [Clandest to ZWE] SW Radio Africa Current sked from<br />

(converted to UTC):<br />

1600-1800 on 15145-RMP, 1600-1900 on 12145-RUS, 1800-1900 on 11770-RMP,<br />

1600-1900 on 3300. (Jerry Berg-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 31)<br />

[to ZWE] SW Radio Africa, heard in Harare 31 March on 12145 (1600-1900 UT)<br />

without any jamming. This is a new freq and propagates very well into<br />

Southern Africa.<br />

15145 (1600-1800 UT) & 11770 (1700-1900 UT) heard with jamming & 3300<br />

(1600-1900 UT) severely jammed.<br />

SW Radio Africa, heard in Harare on 1 April on 12145 (1600-1900 UT) with<br />

jamming. This freq is now being jammed. 15145 (1600-1800 UT) was heard in<br />

the clear, no jamming.<br />

11770 (1800-1900 UT) heard with jamming & 3300 (1600-1900 UT) severely<br />

jammed.<br />

(David Pringle-Wood-ZWE, dxld Apr 2)<br />

15145 at 1606-, SW Radio Africa on Apr 2. Good to Very Good reception with<br />

sign on at 1600 with the usual 'Aaafricaa...' sign-on with mentions of<br />

freqs. They asked the listeners to 'get those thumbs handy. You'll find us<br />

in the 25 meter band'. Parallel 12145 was only a little less powerful, but<br />

perfectly readable. On recheck at 16:20, loud squeel on LSB side, from<br />

12143.5, so use USB, and faded way down. Don't know if this is deliberate,<br />

or a ute. Then into election results. Mentioned interesting\\to Ukraine's<br />

recent elections at 16:17 with the call for thousands to rally and protest<br />

the fraudulent results. '50 won't work ... thousands are needed'. (Walt<br />

Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-USA, Cumbre Apr 3)<br />

WALES [non]. No sign of WRI this Friday/Saturday? Altho we just published<br />

the WRI schedule as coordinated for A-<strong>05</strong>, it seems there will be no need<br />

for it: from<br />

<br />

where there are mp3 files of the final and several previous broadcasts:<br />

This is the last edition of the present series of Celtic Notes. We are<br />

going off-air on March 28 for a period of several months and hope to return<br />

in the Autumn. Short wave txions end at the end of March but during April<br />

the WRN English satellite sce will transmit some repeat programmes chosen<br />

specially from our archives. Thank you all for letting us into your homes.<br />

We do appreciate your loyalty, letters and interest. Thank you very much<br />

for listening in so many different parts of the world. We shall miss<br />

sharing our won<strong>der</strong>ful country with you all..... (Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld Apr<br />

1)<br />

Wales Radio International, producer of Celtic Notes, has deleted all SW<br />

sces as from March 28. These were broadcast each week to Australasia,

NoAmerica and Europe using facilities provided by VT-Merlin at Skelton and<br />

Rampisham in the UK.<br />

It hopes to resume its SW and satellite sces some months from now, in the<br />

northern autumn period,<br />

The station has thanked its many loyal listeners around the world for their<br />

interest and correspondence and expresses sadness at the termination of the<br />

broadcasts.<br />

Until the end of April, WRI will provide repeats of selected programming<br />

over the World Radio Network satellite sce.<br />

After that, WRI will only offer Celtic Notes in MP3 streaming audio format<br />

via its Internet site, at (ibid. Apr 1)<br />

U.K. [to ZWE] From March 27 SW Radio Africa in English to Zimbabwe:<br />

1600-1800 NF 15145 RMP 500 kW / 168 deg, ex 11845 16-17 and 117<strong>05</strong> 17-18<br />

1800-1900 NF 11770 RMP 500 kW / 168 deg, ex 11995<br />

[to AFG] Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Radio Solh/Radio Peace via VT Communications:<br />

1200-1800 on 17700 RMP 500 kW / 085 deg to WeAs in Dari/Pashto<br />

[to AFG] Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Internews / Salaam Watandar via VT Communications<br />

1300-1430 on 15500 RMP 500 kW / 095 deg to WeAs in Dari/Pashto<br />

[to CAF] Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Radio Ndeke Luka via VT Communications:<br />

1830-1930 on 15470 WOF 300 kW / 152 deg to CeAf in French/Singo<br />

[to SDN] Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Sudan Radio Service via VT Communications:<br />

0300-<strong>05</strong>00 Mon-Fri on 11665 RMP 500 kW / 125 deg to EaAf English/Arabic/Vary<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 Mon-Fri on 15325 WOF 300 kW / 126 deg to EaAf English/Arabic/Vary<br />

1500-1800 Mon-Fri on 17660 WOF 300 kW / 140 deg to EaAf English/Arabic/Vary<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for HCJB via VT Communications:<br />

1600-1630 on 11760 RMP 500 kW / 061 deg to RUS in Russian<br />

2100-2230 on 12025 SKN 250 kW / 165 deg to NoAf in Arabic<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for WYFR via VT Communications:<br />

0400-<strong>05</strong>00 on 3955 SKN 250 kW / 106 deg to WeEu in German<br />

1700-1800 on 13700 RMP 500 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg to ME in Arabic<br />

1800-1900 on 3955 SKN 250 kW / 106 deg to WeEu in English<br />

1800-1900 on 13720 SKN 300 kW / 140 deg to ME in Arabic<br />

1800-1900 on 13780 RMP 500 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg to ME in English<br />

1900-2000 on 15165 RMP 500 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg to ME in Arabic<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Leading The Way via VT Communications:<br />

1700-1730 Tue/Fri on 15495 RMP 500 kW / 095 deg to WeAs in Persian<br />

1700-1730 Sat/Sun on 15495 RMP 500 kW / 061 deg to RUS in Russian<br />

[to NoAF] Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Eglise du Christ via VT Communications:<br />

1800-1830 Thu on 11950 WOF 300 kW / 180 deg to NoAf in French<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Wales Radio International via VT Communications:<br />

2030-2100 Fri on 5875 SKN 300 kW / 110 deg to WeEu in English<br />

0200-0230 Sat on 9795 RMP 500 kW / 300 deg to NoAm in English<br />

1230-1300 Sat on 17745 RMP 500 kW / 062 deg to AUS in English<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 1)<br />

15500, Internews R, Kabul, via Rampisham, *1300-1325, Apr <strong>05</strong>, Pashto ID's:<br />

"Da Salaam Watandara Radyo-dah", nx and interviews about Afghanistan, Kabul<br />

and Taleban, short mxal interludes, 35434. New freq ex 13650 ex 17720 ex<br />

15195 ex 17700! They will probably change to Dari at 1345.

Scheduled by HFCC for A<strong>05</strong> by USA via VT Merlin Communications Ltd. on 15500<br />

daily at *1300-1430* broadcasting from Rampisham, UK with 500 kW on 95<br />

degrees towards CIRAF Zone 40 (Iran and Afghanistan). So this is not the<br />

Coalition Forces/Information Radio although they used this freq last<br />

summer. (Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 5)<br />

USA RFA schedule in A-<strong>05</strong>, valid from March 28, til October 30th, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

M<strong>05</strong>=March/April. J<strong>05</strong>= May til Sept 4th. S<strong>05</strong>=from Sept 5th/26th, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

RFA A-<strong>05</strong> late Update [c.f. <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> topnews #707] :<br />

1230-1330 BURMESE 9455I 11540-M<strong>05</strong>/S<strong>05</strong> 12030T 13795T 15680-J<strong>05</strong><br />

(wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 25th)<br />

An excerpt from an excellent and informative article titled "Pitch<br />

Imperfect" in Foreign Affairs quarterly by former VOA Director Sanford<br />

Unger (also earlier, of NPR's All Things Consi<strong>der</strong>ed) on the increasingly<br />

dire status of the VOA.<br />

(John Figliozzi, Halfmoon-NY-USA, dxld Apr 1)<br />

"The Voice of America the United States' best tool of public diplomacy is<br />

being subjected to systematic cutbacks, even as the country's international<br />

image is suffering. Washington must reverse the trend or face even greater<br />

hostility abroad...."<br />

"...Unfortunately, the VOA is unlikely to get much support from anyone else<br />

in Washington. For all the admiration it enjoys overseas, the network has<br />

virtually no constituency inside the United States. The prohibition on its<br />

broadcasting at home has guaranteed that few, if any, members of Congress<br />

have ever heard a VOA program (even though they are now available at<br />

).<br />

Most are unaware that VOA headquarters, complete with giant rooftop<br />

satellite dishes, sit a few blocks away from the principal office building<br />

of the House of Representatives. Votes on appropriations for the network<br />

are rarely noticed, let alone tracked, and they never affect a member of<br />

Congress' prospects for reelection. A few influential members of both<br />

houses have, in fact, made a particular effort to cut funding for the VOA,<br />

which they insist is an expensive relic of the Cold War.<br />

"Oblivious to irony, some prefer to bolster Radio Liberty (RL), Radio Free<br />

Europe (RFE), and Radio Free Asia (RFA), stations created to report<br />

domestic nx in countries where, because of communism, no independent<br />

national broadcasters could. The distinction between these networks and the<br />

VOA may seem subtle to the casual observer, but it is real:<br />

whereas the VOA was intended as an international nx source, RL and RFE were<br />

established by the CIA during the Cold War to counter communist propaganda<br />

in the Soviet Union and its satellite states, respectively, and RFA, the<br />

brainchild of Senator Joseph Biden (D-Del.), was launched in 1996 to do the<br />

same in Asia. (None of these networks receives funding from the<br />

intelligence budget today, and none is officially part of the U.S. govt,<br />

allowing them greater flexibility than the VOA has in hiring and firing<br />

staff.)<br />

Capitol Hill has even greater affection for the anti-Fidel Castro stations<br />

Radio MartÞ and TV MartÞ, even though Radio MartÞ is believed to have fewer<br />

listeners in Cuba than the Spanish sce of the VOA and TV MartÞ has almost<br />

no audience, except at the American Interests Section in Havana and on a<br />

few Latin American cable channels. The Office of Cuba Broadcasting, which<br />

coordinates programming for the two stations, is the rare recipient of "noyear<br />

money," fe<strong>der</strong>al funds it can hold over indefinitely, and it usually<br />

gets more such funding than it can spend.

(The Bush administration's budget for fiscal year 2006 includes a request<br />

for $10 million to acquire and operate an airborne tx that could supposedly<br />

evade Cuban jamming of TV MartÞ's signal.)<br />

"Some might argue that as a govt-funded network, the VOA should be expected<br />

always to portray U.S. policies as righteous and successful; they might<br />

even claim that, in the right hands, such propaganda could help defuse<br />

anti-Americanism abroad. But experience demonstrates that the VOA is most<br />

appreciated and effective when it functions as a model U.S.-style nx<br />

organization that presents a balanced view of domestic and international<br />

events, setting an example for how independent journalism can strengthen<br />

democracy.<br />

After all, these are the values that the network's charter sought to<br />

enshrine, and they are no less important today than before. Many still<br />

believe that the VOA delivered its finest performances in the midst of<br />

severe crises such as the Watergate scandal and the impeachment proceedings<br />

against President Bill Clinton, when it gave full and balanced accounts of<br />

the news.<br />

"The network still has a critical role to play in introducing American<br />

values to the rest of the world. It is no coincidence that in recent years<br />

some of the VOA's largest audiences have been in Afghanistan, Bangladesh,<br />

Nigeria, and Tanzania countries where the local media simply cannot be<br />

trusted to offer an accurate representation of what is happening<br />

domestically or around the world. It also is telling that, like the Soviets<br />

a few decades ago, the govts of Iran and North Korea now spend consi<strong>der</strong>able<br />

effort trying to jam VOA broadcasts. Ironically, by taking English off some<br />

of the clearest SW freqs, the BBG has ren<strong>der</strong>ed a certain amount of jamming<br />

unnecessary.<br />

"Some members of Congress have suggested that the VOA's job might best be<br />

left to the free market and cable sces such as Fox and CNN, which have<br />

extensive networks of correspondents. But it is impossible to imagine these<br />

commercial operations mounting the effort and shoul<strong>der</strong>ing the expense<br />

necessary to provide, for both the radio and the Internet, in-depth<br />

international nx in Burmese, Hausa, Macedonian, Swahili, or others of the<br />

44 langs in which the VOA currently broadcasts.<br />

With an annual budget of approximately $150 million, almost 100 million<br />

listeners worldwide every week, and increasing penetration in difficult<br />

regions thanks to both fm signals and SW freqs, the VOA is still an<br />

astonishing bargain for the U.S. taxpayer. When the U.S. govt hopes to open<br />

up channels of information in countries facing political or social crises,<br />

such as INS or Zimbabwe, it first turns to the VOA to add broadcast hours.<br />

If those programs succeed in breaking through domestic barriers to the free<br />

flow of information, it is because they carry the VOA label and greater<br />

credibility than political speeches or flat declarations of U.S. policy..."<br />

(former VOA Director Sanford Unger in Foreign Affairs; dxld Apr 1)<br />

Okeechobee RTI relay at 0200-0600 UT: 9680 0145-0800 2 YFR 100 315 USA YFR<br />

FCC<br />

Radio Taiwan International. A<strong>05</strong> Schedule.<br />

March 27, 20<strong>05</strong> - October 30, 20<strong>05</strong> All times UTC<br />

Mandarin<br />

0100-0200 daily SAm 15215, 17845 WYFR 100 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 daily wNAm 5950, 9680<br />

WYFR 100<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 daily CAm 95<strong>05</strong> WYFR 100 2200-2400 daily wNAm 15440 WYFR<br />

100<br />

2200-2400 daily eNAm 5950 WYFR 100

Hokkien Days Area kHz Site kW<br />

0000-0100 daily wNAm 15440 WYFR 100 2100-2200 daily eNAm 13695 WYFR<br />

100<br />

Cantonese Days Area kHz Site kW<br />

0100-0200 daily wNAm 15440 WYFR 100 0100-0200 daily eNAm 5950 WYFR<br />

100<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 daily wNAm 5950 WYFR 100 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 daily cNAm 9680 WYFR<br />

100<br />

2200-2300 daily Eu 11565 WYFR 100<br />

Hakka Days Area kHz Site kW<br />

0000-0100 daily eNAm 5950 WYFR 100 0200-0300 daily wNAm 15440 WYFR<br />

100<br />

English Days Area kHz Site kW<br />

0200-0300 daily cNAm 9680 WYFR 100 0200-0300 daily eNAm 5950 WYFR<br />

100<br />

0300-0400 daily SAm 15215 WYFR 100 0300-0400 daily wNAm 5950 WYFR<br />

100<br />

0700-0800 daily wNAm 5950 WYFR 100 2200-2300 daily Eu 15600 WYFR<br />

100<br />

French Days Area kHz Site kW<br />

0700-0800 daily Eu 7520 WYFR 100 2000-2100 daily Eu 18930 WYFR<br />

100<br />

2000-2100 daily eNAm 13695 WYFR 100<br />

Spanish Days Area kHz Site kW<br />

0200-0300 daily SAm 15215, 17845 WYFR 100 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 daily cNAm 11740 WYFR<br />

100<br />

0600-0700 daily wNAm 5950 WYFR 100 2300-2400 daily SAm 15130,<br />

178<strong>05</strong> WYFR 100<br />

German Days Area kHz Site kW 0600-0700 daily Eu 7520 WYFR<br />

100<br />

(RTI Taiwan, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 17)<br />

VANUATU 7260.16 at 0901- UT, Radio Vanuatu on Mar 22. S7 to S9 signals,<br />

but with lots of static crashes. Summer must be close at hand! In English<br />

('You are listening to....'), but then switched into French at 09:02. Very<br />

clean French, so I'm won<strong>der</strong>ing whether this in fact is a RFI relay (ie<br />

doesn't sound local). In general, French isn't heard all that often on<br />

Radio Vanuatu (Bislama is by far the most common, then English, and finally<br />

French).<br />

Take away the static, and reception would be quite nice. Nothing heard on<br />

75 meters. Radio Vanuatu ID in English at 09:16, so cut away from what I'm<br />

assuming was RFI programming, and into local islands mx. As I continue to<br />

monitor, reception is improving with less static. Radio Vanuatu (VanuaTU)<br />

ID at 09:20.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-USA, Cumbre Apr 3)<br />

VATICAN CITY 7335 at 0420- UT, Vatican Radio on Apr 3. Strong reception<br />

in an unknown lang until 0419, then just as the IS was starting, they cut,<br />

and changed bearing and/or tx, since at 0420 the resultant IS and ID was<br />

much weaker. I still can't tell for sure the lang. Bells ringing,<br />

presumably announcing the death of Pope John Paul II. Using LSB to avoid<br />

CHU, plus notch helps. (Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-USA, Cumbre Apr 3)<br />

0230-<strong>05</strong>20 UT Ru, Ukr, Bel, Lith, Latv, Roman, Bulg, S-Cr.<br />

The file has been renamed since and is now<br />

Perhaps we should also add explicit credits to Christoph Ratzer and mention<br />

the index page for a lot of other recordings he posted on his website:<br />

<br />

Re: the folks at Radio Vatican and what they are doing: The editors of the<br />

German sce did and do a really good job. On Friday and Saturday they kept<br />

posting the latest nx on their website through the whole night. The<br />

broadcasts were apparently live, judging from some goofs, and the official<br />

annts were interpreted in ad-lib studio talks. Since a picture is worth<br />

thousand words: by the editor to the left in the foreground at<br />

<br />

Not bad. Here is an interview with Pater Eberhard von Gemmingen, the head<br />

of Radio Vatican's German sce:<br />

<br />

This was done live on Saturday at about 1615 UT, when fortunately the Pope<br />

was still alive. (May sound cynical, but only to those who were never<br />

involved in broadcasting work.) (Kai Ludwig-D, dxld April 5)<br />

ZIMBABWE 6044.98 Z<strong>BC</strong> Seit 2142 UTC Z<strong>BC</strong> gehoert mit mx px.<br />

SINPO 3 2-3 3 4 2-3. Seit 2200 UT sind keine Stoerungen mehr vom<br />

Nachbarkanal. Dafuer jetzt Int. CHN (R. Nei Menggu) schwach auf <strong>der</strong><br />

gleichen QRG. SINPO ZWE nun 34333.<br />

22<strong>05</strong> UT Engl. ID: Radio Zimbabwe + qrg Angaben, 2208 UT mx px. Lt. WRTH<br />

soll Z<strong>BC</strong> hier nur bis 1700 UT senden. [Wegen den Wahlen verlaengerte<br />

Sendezeit, wb.]<br />

(Wolf-Dieter Behnke-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 1)<br />

6045, presumed Radio Two, at 2200 on Mar 27+ with long vocal hymn or anthem<br />

on the hour every day, then drums, highlife songs, and talk in vernac. or<br />

heavily-accented English. On Mar 29 at 2226 UT, man read list of numbers<br />

containing the word "thousand." Weak, fady, hard to read. (Bob Hill-MA-USA,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 3)<br />

Hobbykontakt<br />

10. Treffen <strong>der</strong> Hoerer von KBS World Radio - Radio Korea International -<br />

am Samstag, den 28. Mai 20<strong>05</strong> beim Deutsch - Koreanischen Freundeskreis in<br />

Mainz.<br />

Der Deutsch-Koreanische Freundeskreis Mainz laedt alle KBS World<br />

RadioHoerer und Koreafreunde in seine Raeume in <strong>der</strong> Mainzer Reduite auch in<br />

diesem Jahr recht herzlich ein. Das Jahr 20<strong>05</strong> steht ganz im Zeichen <strong>der</strong><br />

Feier des 10. Treffens und es ist erfreulich, dass gerade im Koreajahr 20<strong>05</strong><br />

<strong>der</strong> Mainzer Freundeskreis bereits auf eine lange Reihe von sehr<br />

erfolgreichen Veranstaltungen dieser Art zurueck blicken kann.<br />

Den ganzen Tag ueber wird ab 11 Uhr im Vereinsheim ein vielfaeltiges<br />

Programm geboten: <strong>der</strong> Bogen reicht von Bildvortraegen, Praesentationen und<br />

Infomaterial aus Korea, einer Trommel-Perkussion aus dem Land <strong>der</strong><br />

Morgenstille bis hin zu einer Praesentation von Hanbok, <strong>der</strong> traditionellen<br />

Tracht <strong>der</strong> Koreaner, und wird begleitet von den kulinarischen Genuessen des<br />

Landes. Dem Hobby Rundfunkfernempfang wird ebenso Raum gegeben: so soll<br />

neben <strong>der</strong> Vorstellung von Empfangsmoeglichkeiten weltweit senden<strong>der</strong><br />

Radiostationen und <strong>der</strong> Demonstration <strong>der</strong> digitalen Kurzwelle eine Live<br />

Fernfunkverbindung zwischen Mainz und Seoul aufgebaut werden. Hierzu<br />

begruesst <strong>der</strong> Freundeskreis in seinen Raeumen Funkamateure aus Mainz, die<br />

eine komplette Sende- und Empfangsstation aufbauen.<br />

KBS World Radio wird natuerlich auch diesmal wie<strong>der</strong> mit Interviews die<br />

Atmosphaere einfangen und am Abend ueber sein Programm von <strong>der</strong><br />

Veranstaltung berichten. Wer auch am Sonntag noch die Funkerfreunde Mainz

im "Holzturm" besuchen moechte bzw. am Freitag frueher anreist, <strong>der</strong> hat<br />

Moeglichkeit, sehr preiswert im unmittelbar zur Reduite gelegenen DLRG-<br />

Fortbildungszentrum zu uebernachten.<br />

Die Teilnahme am Hoerertreffen ist kostenlos. Eine fruehzeitige Anmeldung<br />

ist jedoch wegen <strong>der</strong> Planung erbeten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie hierzu den<br />

Vereinsvorsitzenden des Deutsch-Koreanischen Freundeskreises Mainz e.V.,<br />

Herrn Michael Tassler: Tel.: +49 [0] 6131 385379 Email: <br />

Aktuelle Informationen zum 10. Hoerer- und Koreafreundetreffen sind auch<br />

auf <strong>der</strong> Korea-Internetseite des Vereinsmitglieds Thomas Schnei<strong>der</strong> aus<br />

Freiburg zu erhalten:<br />

<br />

(Willi Stengel 6.3.20<strong>05</strong> via Christoph Ratzer A-<strong>DX</strong>, ntt)<br />

Hallo A-<strong>DX</strong>er(innen),<br />

Meine beliebten Seiten mit dem monatlichen wwh Rueckblick vor 30 Jahren<br />

finden nun endlich ihre Fortsetzung:<br />

<br />

Die Beschreibung <strong>der</strong> Hefte etwas knapper, <strong>der</strong> Seitenumfang <strong>der</strong> gescannten<br />

Heft-PDFs dafuer teilweise erheblich erweitert.<br />

Ausgabe 1 1975, Rundfunk in Portugal, VLF Konverter, Rundfunkversorgung auf<br />

Lang- und Mittelwelle, CEEFAX, weltschau. Funkprognose, Logs;<br />

Ausgabe 2 1975, Radio Free Europe, Teherans Weg zur Rundfunk-Grossmacht,<br />

Empfaenger RCA AR88D, wwh macht mehr aus deinem AR88D, wwh utility,<br />

weltschau, 8 Seiten Logs!<br />

Ausgabe 3 1975, Rundfunk in Lateinamerika, Galei Zahal, Israel, Wie bekomme<br />

ich QSL-Karten, Weltschau, Klubangebote;<br />

Ausgabe 4 1975, Rundfunkempfang aus Indonesien, 5 Seiten, Aetherpiraten,<br />

Martens Mittelwellen-Rahmenantenne, Cubical Quad, weltschau, QSL-umschau,<br />

Logs;<br />

Viel Spass mit den alten 1975er Ausgaben unserer AG<strong>DX</strong>-Fachzeitschrift<br />

weltweit hoeren!<br />

73 Christoph (Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 4)<br />

HISTORY - comment: Wo sind die Personen Christian Leuner, Willi Bernok,<br />

Gerhard B tow und viele an<strong>der</strong>e, usw. alle verblieben? Ueber private Mail<br />

freut sich wb.<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 18)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Mar 12)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 5)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Apr 1)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 15)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 8)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 709 20 April 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

<strong>Private</strong> <strong>Verwendung</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Meldun</strong>gen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede<br />

kommerzielle <strong>Verwendung</strong> bedarf <strong>der</strong> Zustimmung des Newslettereditors.<br />

Extracts of items sourced to E<strong>DX</strong>P may be further reproduced but only by<br />

organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with<br />

E<strong>DX</strong>P.<br />

!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews. !!!<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio may<br />

be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages,<br />

from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting are made<br />

available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

credit is given to the contributor and to <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only<br />

with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our<br />

WW<strong>DX</strong>C WWW homepage-German AG<strong>DX</strong> Club-direct address:<br />

<br />

or via Link of Homepage: <br />

Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

ARMENIA Summer A-<strong>05</strong> Public Radio of Armenia / Voice of Armenia to WeEu<br />

1500-1530 Armenian NF 11930 ERV 500 kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg, ex11640 for A-04<br />

1715-1745 Armenian NF 9775 ERV 500 kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg, ex 9965 for A-04<br />

1745-18<strong>05</strong> French NF 9775 ERV 500 kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg, ex 9965 for A-04<br />

18<strong>05</strong>-1825 German NF 9775 ERV 500 kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg, ex 9965 for A-04<br />

1825-1845 English NF 9775 ERV 500 kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg, ex 9965 for A-04<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 15)<br />

4810 0200-0330 UT Home sce Arm, 0330-0400 PRA in Pe.<br />

9965 0200-0230 PRA in Arm, 0230-0245 PRA in Sp, 0245-0330 home sce in Arm.<br />

4810 1745-1845 in Fr, Ge, En, but did'nt announce the parallel frequ.<br />

864 kHz only. 1550-1610 UT. First time noted on March 13 at 1650 UT with ID<br />

and IS of TWR, now on DST at 1550 UT. Program in like Georgian lang [TWR<br />

leaflet shows various 'North Caucasian' langs, wb.].<br />

Both 864 and 5855. Complex schedule, 1610-1625 in En. 1625-1655<br />

Turkm/Kazakh, 1640-1710 Ru(Mo-Fr), 1655-1710 Uzbek, 1710-1740 Tajik(Suns).<br />

1350 TWR heard at 1930 UT in wintertime with Bible reading in En and<br />

translated in Turkish (March 13). Schedule in summer:<br />

1830-1900 Turk, 1900-2000 Hebrew, 1900-1930 Ru(Fri only),<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 12)

864 Usual TWR Armenian at 0300-0330 UT. (wb)<br />

AUSTRALIA Re Radio OZ and HFCC: Dunno about RA - usually their schedule<br />

is available from other sources, but many of the Asian broadcasters in<br />

particular have their schedule information excluded from the HFCC public<br />

list. I have long held the view that some of the "secrecy" or simply poor<br />

communication surrounding freq and tx site information generally is a<br />

contributory factor towards international broadcasting on SW slowly<br />

disappearing up its own fundament.<br />

Maybe they only regard the public version of the HFCC list as a document<br />

frequented by crusty old hobbyists and not the type of people they are<br />

trying to target. If the site data is deemed to be somehow sensitive, I'm<br />

sure that anyone that has enough interest in finding this stuff out can do<br />

so in other ways. And we do.<br />

(Craig Seager-AUS, AR<strong>DX</strong>C via dxld Apr 14)<br />

Yes, HCA KNX 11750 has been doing very well the last few days on 11750 from<br />

0700 UT, and Wolfy's long path suggestions are very interesting. My<br />

impression is that the MUF's and LUF's around 0700 are lower than they were<br />

this time last year - which is probably to be expected. But observations<br />

are complicated currently by the prevailing conditions. Maybe when these<br />

improve to whatever is now "normal" then the MUF/LUF range will be<br />

different to what it seems.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 14)<br />

AUSTRIA On tuning over 49mb around 0630 today [April 13] I noticed that<br />

6155 was empty - should be ORF Austria there. A check on \\ 13730 revealed<br />

no signal either. It is now after 0900UT and still nothing is heard - and<br />

Moosbrunn should be rebroadcasting B<strong>BC</strong> Arabic on 17555 at 0900-1130, but I<br />

can't hear that either.<br />

Can anyone across the pond check if the ORF Sackville relay at 1500-1600 on<br />

13775 comes up? I'll try it from here, but it's not completely reliable.<br />

This morning [April 13] I noted that 6155 was empty at tune in 0630. A<br />

check on 13730 did not reveal anything either, although this one has not<br />

been a very strong signal here lately in our mornings - 160 degrees. It is<br />

now 0900 UTC and there is still nothing audible on either of the two<br />

channels. I am tuned now to 17555 where Moosbrunn should have a relay of<br />

the B<strong>BC</strong> in Arabic, but all is quiet there too. So ... what has happened???<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 13)<br />

ORF Moosbrunn totally off this morning. Yes Noel, when checked ORF on 6155<br />

around 0600 UT, they were on air with usual newscast,<br />

BUT a little bit later around 0625 UT, I missed both 6155 and 13730 too.<br />

Also B<strong>BC</strong> Arabic relay on 17555 kHz is empty now [0900-1130 UT].<br />

Nothing heard on DRM registered 9720, not either, scheduled <strong>05</strong>00-0900 UT.<br />

(73 wb [09.50 UT])<br />

(later) I listened to ORF TV yesterday night, there wasn't any strike annt<br />

at Vienna bc center.<br />

I guess they have a extended MAINTENANCE day at Moosbrunn today, on the<br />

curtain arrays or either antenna matrix or tx hall overthere.<br />

In case of the predicted DRM mode tests on<br />

9720 5-9, 9815 9-14, and 97<strong>05</strong> 15-17 UT<br />

with 40 kW only, such tx modulator modification wouldn't harm the whole bc<br />


(73 wolfy Apr 13)<br />

Hello Wolfgang, Thanks for the mails re ORF. Yes, it looks like they had a<br />

"BIG" problem to maintain today at Moosbrunn and had to switch everything<br />

off while they carried out the work.<br />

I heard 13730 & 6155 at 1345 on air and found Asian on 17720 (AWR Urdu?)<br />

and Russian on 9725 (TWR?). However, on checking the TWR schedule I see<br />

that Russian should be using 9495 according to that list, but I don't hear<br />

anything on that frequency, so I guess that 9725 is a late replacement?<br />

(73s from Noel; Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 13)<br />

[later] Wednesday is sports day here, and I was away on the heart sports<br />

group in the afternoon. My son checked the 6155 kHz channel and discovered<br />

OR1 program back at 1308 UT, so Moosbrunn was silent from about 0620 til<br />

1308 UT.<br />

Now at 1700 UT Moosbrunn is back on usual schedule, ROI-OR1 6155 and<br />

13730[latter changes to 5945 at 1730?], VoVTN 9725, and AWR Arabic on<br />

15265. (73 wolfy Apr 13)<br />

ORF DRM Umbau?<br />

Harald Suess from Austria phoned the technical dept. on Moosbrunn Austria<br />

station, and told me at 1349 UT today:<br />

ORF/ROI- Moosbrunn sollte seit ca 1025 MESZ heute wie<strong>der</strong> funktionieren. Es<br />

war eine Antennenreparatur notwendig, die ca 2 Tage lang andauerte. Dadurch<br />

war die 6155 und 13730 in dieser Zeit nicht on air. Die an<strong>der</strong>en Frequenzen<br />

waren davon nicht betroffen und sind normal laut Px-Schema gefahren worden.<br />

Info kam telefonisch von Technik/Moosbrunn. vy 73, Harald<br />

(Harald Suess-AUT, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> April 14)<br />

ORF Moosbrunn txions had a break due of extended antenna repairing work at<br />

the station on<br />

April 13, approx. 0600 - 1330, and<br />

April 14, approx. 0600 - 0825 UT.<br />

Missed ORF 6155 and 13730 outlets, as well as B<strong>BC</strong> Arabic 17555 relay at<br />

0900-1130 UT, and ORF EaAS&PAC sce 17715 at 1200-1300 UT too.<br />

Reason had nothing to do with a 'possible' DRM Modulator change to prepare<br />

100 kW tx as the 40 kW DRM unit for MNO txions later this season on:<br />

97<strong>05</strong> 1500-1700 27 MOS 40 300 G MNO MER<br />

9720 <strong>05</strong>00-0900 27 MOS 40 295 G MNO MER<br />

9815 0900-1400 27 MOS 40 295 G MNO MER (wb wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> April 19)<br />

I have noted - that ORF is again off air today, and including the B<strong>BC</strong><br />

Arabic relay via 17555. The station must have come back on air Wednesday<br />

around 1300UT - I was listening around 1215, and Wolfy's son noted it on<br />

air at 1308 UT. So that would be approximately 0850 until 1500 hours in<br />

Austria which seems to suggest a daytime maintenance shift which only<br />

affects their own sce and one external relay. And it must be something that<br />

needs everything to be closed down. I hope the Austrians A-<strong>DX</strong> will let us<br />

know what it is.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 14)<br />

BELARUS Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for External sce of Radio Belarus:<br />

0100-0300 5970 MNS 250 kW / 250 deg 1900-2200 71<strong>05</strong> MNS 250 kW / 250 deg<br />

6170 MNS 150 kW / 245 deg 7280 MNS 100 kW / 270 deg

7210 MNS 100 kW / 270 deg 7290 MNS 150 kW / 245 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 15)<br />

BURKINA FASO RTV Burkina, 5030.04, *<strong>05</strong>29-0615+ April 8, sign-on with<br />

instrumental tune and into Afro-pops and indigenous mx. 0600 French talk.<br />

Fair to good level but mixing with Gene Scott programming [TIRWR Costa<br />

Rica]. Both in at equal level, but BF stronger than DGS at times. (Brian<br />

Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Apr 14)<br />

COSTA RICA REE via CRI 5965 came up well in Spanish a day or so ago. It<br />

appears to carry the same programme as broadcast via their European sce on<br />

12035, but slightly delayed. However, their programme guide suggests that<br />

it should be doing something else between 0600 and 0700 at least. (Noel R.<br />

Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 14)<br />

CUBA [non] Tried monitoring the opening of RNV via Cuba on 13680, April<br />

8. No spy-numbers this day either; around 1957 tune-in, there was already<br />

mx of some sort, but that was cut off around 1959 for the RNV IS to start<br />

at 2000. Introduced a "programa mixto" and usual Apartado 3979, 10-10<br />

Caracas address (from which P-mail bounces), but no txion schedule.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Apr 8)<br />

YES, we tested 11760 kHz with one of the new antennas at the Bauta site,<br />

and it seems to be working very well indeed. Now the tower crews are giving<br />

the finishing touches of the first of the new antennas, an omnidirectional<br />

9 to 12 MHz quadrant, that so far has shown excellent characteristics<br />

during the tests.<br />

Be on the lookout for our upcoming antenna tests, between 15 and 20 hours<br />

UT, and remember that reports of our test broadcasts on 11760, 11800,<br />

12000, 9550, 95<strong>05</strong>, 6000, 6060, 6140, and 6180 kHz will be most appreciated<br />

and a special QSL card will be sent to those reporting the tests.<br />

(Radio Habana Cuba Dxers Unlimited weekend edition for 9-10 April 20<strong>05</strong> By<br />

Arnie Coro radio amateur CO2KK, via O<strong>DX</strong>A via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

CYPRUS The B<strong>BC</strong> relay station on 1323 kHz this MW B<strong>BC</strong> station is still<br />

off the air as from 26th February[?March, wb.] 20<strong>05</strong> from 2300 till 0200 UTC<br />

then comes back in English without any annoucement of a break in txion.<br />

(Costa Constantinides-CYP, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 12)<br />

I just received the new schedule from the B<strong>BC</strong> and it says 0200-2300 for<br />

this freq starting 27th March, so your observation is acc. to the schedule.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 13)<br />

GEORGIA 9495 "APSUA Radio" (Abkhaz Radio) in Abkhazian & Russian noted at<br />

0330-0450 UT [extended bc time?] on Apr 1st.<br />

Also noted on Sat Apr 2 at 0710 UT in Abkhazian & Russian.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 12)<br />

GERMANY Kindly request for reception report of the program The Overcomer<br />

Ministry on SW. Dear All, we kindly would like to ask for reception reports<br />

of the program The Overcomer Ministry on:<br />

6110 kHz, 1359 to 1659 UTC, target area Europe, and<br />

13810 kHz, 1400 to 1559 UTC, target area Near East, Middle East, South<br />

Europe<br />

Any reception report would be highly appreciated and we will forward it to<br />

the Ministry immediately. (Ralf Weyl-D, DTK T-systems Juelich, via wwdxc<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> April 14)

15275 R. Multi-Kulti via DW-Nauen at 1028-1100* on Apr 10, "Romanes"-??, DW<br />

IS at t/in, drums/"grunts" and "Romanes" at 1030 w/ full "Radio Multi-<br />

Kutli-Berlin" ID w/ mention of Deutsche Welle. Nx items re Kofi Annan,<br />

Kosovo and Serbia b/w pop mx selections. Drums and ID again at s/off. Good.<br />

\\ 17765. Listed for Sundays only.<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Apr 15)<br />

17870, R Rhino International - Africa (RRIA), via Juelich. I received this<br />

e-mail:<br />

Dear Finn Krone,<br />

Thanks for your inquiry mail. I am sorry to inform you that due to<br />

accumulated unpaid bills, RRIA temporarily suspended its txions until April<br />

4th. 20<strong>05</strong>. We regret any inconviniences caused to you and all our<br />

listeners. Greetings from Cologne - Germany, Godfrey Ayoo, ELUM-ANIAP,<br />

Director - RRIA.<br />

Chairman: VOICE OF THE VOICELESS INTERNATIONAL - , Uganda eV, c/o<br />

Allerweltshaus, Koernerstr. 77-79, 50823 Koeln - Germany. E-mail: <br />

(via Finn Krone-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Apr 6)<br />

A note on the website of R Rhino International , said<br />

on Apr 04: "With effects from April 7th. RRIA resumes its txion and<br />

broadcasts. However, to avoid similar disruption as experienced twice<br />

already, your donation is highly appreciated as we enter the third phase<br />

for the total liberation of Uganda." On another page which was updated on<br />

Mar 24, 20<strong>05</strong>, is mentioned their latest schedule: Mo-Fr 1500-1530 on 17870.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Apr 6)<br />

Rhino back on air. Good clear reception of Rhino on 17870 kHz here at 1520<br />

tune-in - man with political rhetoric about Uganda in English plus 'phone &<br />

fax nos and website mentioned: www.radiorhino.org . Plus some African<br />

songs. SIO 344. Covered by, but still audible un<strong>der</strong>, carrier at 1527 when<br />

Rhino closing, but drowned by much stronger VOA sign-on at 1529 in<br />

Georgian. (Alan Pennington-UK, dxld Apr 14)<br />

MW 1539 ERF/TWR Mainflingen. Baustelle ruht bis September.<br />

Steilstrahlantenne laesst auf sich warten.<br />

In 70 Einzelteilen wurden jetzt die Gittermasten fuer die Sendefunkanlage<br />

Mainflingen angeliefert. Die zwischen sechs und acht Meter langen Elemente<br />

bleiben bis September am kuenftigen Standort eingelagert. Daraus entstehen<br />

spaeter fuenf etwa 80 Meter hohe Masten fuer den so genannten Kreuzdipol,<br />

<strong>der</strong> seine Leistung im Winkel von etwa 45 Grad zum Horizont an die<br />

Ionosphaere abstrahlt. Von dort werden die Radiowellen reflektiert und sind<br />

an <strong>der</strong> Erdoberflaeche zu empfangen. Der Sendebetrieb wird dann von<br />

Frankfurt aus ueberwacht. Mit dieser Installation sollen nach Aussagen <strong>der</strong><br />

Experten die unerwuenschten Nebenwirkungen <strong>der</strong> Vergangenheit angehoeren.<br />

Seit Jahren klagen Buerger in Zellhausen und Umgebung ueber die Stoerung<br />

von Fahrzeugelektronik o<strong>der</strong> Haushaltsgeraeten, aus denen das Programm des<br />

Evangeliums-Rundfunks dudelt.<br />

"Diese beson<strong>der</strong>e Antennentechnologie gibt mehr als 70 Prozent <strong>der</strong><br />

eingespeisten Sendeleistung gebuendelt nach oben ab und verhin<strong>der</strong>t so den<br />

unerwuenschten Detektoreffekt in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft <strong>der</strong> Anlage",<br />

erlaeutert Projektleiter Henning Pook die Neuerung. "Deshalb sprechen wir<br />

von einer Steilstrahlantenne." Den Kostenaufwand fuer diese Anlage<br />

beziffert <strong>der</strong> Fachmann auf etwa zwei Millionen Euro. Seit Jahren klagen<br />

Buerger in Zellhausen und Umgebung ueber die Stoerung von<br />

Fahrzeugelektronik o<strong>der</strong> Haushaltsgeraeten, aus denen das Programm des<br />

Evangeliums-Rundfunks dudelt. Mit dieser Installation sollen die<br />

unerwuenschten Nebenwirkungen <strong>der</strong> Vergangenheit angehoeren.

Die zwischen sechs und acht Meter langen Elemente bleiben allerdings bis<br />

September am kuenftigen Standort eingelagert. Der Standort liegt in einem<br />

Landschaftsschutz- und Flora-Fauna-Habitat-Gebiet. Bau- und Rodungsarbeiten<br />

sind dort nur im Zeitraum von Anfang September bis Mitte Maerz zugelassen.<br />

Zwar sind die Fundamente fuer dieSendemasten trotz <strong>der</strong> lange anhaltenden<br />

Frostperiode soweit fertiggestellt, doch die Montage kann auf Grund dieser<br />

Verzoegerung erst in etwa sechs Monaten beginnen.<br />

"Wir rechnen mit einer Montagezeit von etwa vier Wochen", sagt Willi<br />

Trella, Referent fuer Hoch- und Tiefbau bei <strong>der</strong> Firma T-Systems.<br />

(Offenbach-Post 14. April 20<strong>05</strong> via Lothar Ruehl ERF/TWR, via Dr. Hansjoerg<br />

Biener; ntt Apr 15)<br />

Kommentar: Diese <strong>Meldun</strong>g wird die Anlieger aufatmen lassen und aergerlich<br />

machen. Unwillkuerlich muss man sich fragen, wie man bei T-Systems eine<br />

solche Zeitplanung machen kann bzw. ob man dort fuer Zeitverzoegerungen<br />

Vertragsstrafen vorgesehen hat. Zwei Monate eher und die Anwohner haetten<br />

ein halbes Jahr frueher Ruhe, und <strong>der</strong> Evangeliums-Rundfunk, <strong>der</strong> ja we<strong>der</strong><br />

mit <strong>der</strong> Empfangslage noch mit <strong>der</strong> Stimmung vor Ort zufrieden sein konnte,<br />

haette auch seinen Frieden gehabt.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 14)<br />

Was soll diese buerokratische Verzoegerung?<br />

Das Sen<strong>der</strong>haus [ehemal. DLF Bunker aus 1964] steht doch nur 150 Meter von<br />

<strong>der</strong> Autobahn mit seinen Geraeuschen und Abgasen, was soll da <strong>der</strong><br />

Naturschutz??? Und die Flugzeuge nach Rhein-Main donnern doch auch im 30<br />

Sekunden Rhythmus darueber hinweg.<br />

Die Molch-Kolonien zur Verhin<strong>der</strong>ung von Verkehrsbauten lassen gr essen.<br />

Vollkommen ueberzogene buerokratisch-gesetzliche Standards mal wie<strong>der</strong> in<br />

Deutschland/EU?, auch <strong>der</strong> Haupstadt Flughafen Schoenefeld wird erst 2020<br />

fertig, wenn ueberhaupt. Heute gab es wie<strong>der</strong> gerichtliche Klagen dagegen,<br />

seit 1990 nach <strong>der</strong> Wende soll Schoenefeld ausgebaut werden. 30 Jahre<br />

Verzoegerung, dann Prost Mahlzeit.<br />

Btw. die jetzige Einzel-Mastantenne fuer den 1539 kHz Sen<strong>der</strong> hat schon<br />

hinter Heidelberg kein Signal mehr gezeigt, hier in Stuttgart kommt fast<br />

nichts mehr an, die ist eine wirkliche Katastrophe. Da begruesse ich fuer<br />

mich die Massnahme mit <strong>der</strong> Steilstrahlantenne. Die am oberen Bandende<br />

liegenden Langenberg 1593, Sarnen-SUI 1566, Burg 1575, und VoRUS-<br />

Wachenbrunn 1323 kHz haben hier in Stuttgart immer die besseren Signale<br />

geliefert.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 14)<br />

Die Medienanstalt Sachsen-Anhalt hat am 6. April 20<strong>05</strong> zwei Spartenprogramme<br />

genehmigt, die kuenftig Burger Mittelwellen belegen werden:<br />

- Auf <strong>der</strong> Mittelwelle 531 kHz wendet sich <strong>der</strong> Veranstalter Radio Starlet<br />

mit dem Programm Truckradio an Berufskraftfahrer. Der Veranstalter hat die<br />

Frequenz schon laenger auf seiner Homepage angekuendigt. Geruechteweise ist<br />

fuer 531 kHz von 100 kW die Rede.<br />

- Das Programm Oldiestar Radio von <strong>der</strong> Digital Radio Berlin Betriebs GmbH<br />

ist kuenftig auf Mittelwelle 1575 kHz empfangbar. Oldiestar sendet bereits<br />

auf <strong>der</strong> UKW-Frequenz Zehlendorf 104,9 MHz fuer den Norden Berlins. Die<br />

Internetpraesenz bei ist erst im Aufbau, ermoeglicht<br />

aber bereits Internetradio.<br />

Wie <strong>der</strong> Direktor <strong>der</strong> MSA, Christian Schurig, im Anschluss an die Sitzung<br />

mitteilte, werden mit dieser Lizenzentscheidung die Mittelwellenfrequenzen<br />

in Sachsen-Anhalt zu neuem, digitalen Leben erweckt. Nachdem mit <strong>der</strong> DAB-<br />

Technologie digitales Radio die bisherigen UKW-Frequenzen abloest, gibt es<br />

eine vergleichbare Technologie auch fuer den Bereich Lang-, Mittel- und

Kurzwelle, die weltweit vor <strong>der</strong> Einfuehrung steht. Beide zugelassenen<br />

Programmveranstalter sehen allein in <strong>der</strong> Digitalisierung des Radios die<br />

Moeglichkeit, auch Zukunftssicherheit in diesem klassischen Massenmedium<br />

herzustellen.<br />

Die beiden Mittelwellenfrequenzen 531 und 1575 kHz am Standort Burg bei<br />

Magdeburg decken aufgrund ihrer Leistung mindestens den gesamten Bereich<br />

Sachsen-Anhalts ab.<br />

Apr 7.<br />

(via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Apr 15)<br />

GUAM AWR Wavescan?<br />

Gibt es eigentlich schon Informationen wann Wavescan das Dx-Programm von<br />

AWR wie<strong>der</strong> ausgestrahlt wird? Man wollte doch ab Anfang April mit dem nun<br />

in Asien produzierten Programm wie<strong>der</strong> on air sein. 73 Christoph (Christoph<br />

Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 9)<br />

Das ist das Einzige, was ich zu diesem Thema in den vergangenen Wochen<br />

gehoert habe. (wb)<br />

AWR Wavescan was supposed to resume on March 27, produced in<br />

Singapore and presumably transmitted only from Guam, but there is<br />

still nothing about that on website<br />

<br />

What was undeniably AWR's most popular program has obviously become a low<br />

priority, even expendable? despite its consi<strong>der</strong>ably increased off - topic<br />

rambling about religion especially in its last few months before hiatused<br />

at yearend (Glenn Hauser, OK, dxld)<br />

I had a message from Adrian a week or two ago, and it sounded like things<br />

were still a bit up in the air, so I would not be surprised at a delay.<br />

Whenever it resumes, I imagine we'll carry it, as long as Adrian is still<br />

involved in it.<br />

(Jeff White-FL-USA WRMI, dxld March 26)<br />

[AWR Adrian Peterson-USA, wb.]<br />

INDONESIA VoINS inserted an ID in English with website info, sometime<br />

around the middle of the mostly-music 1300 INSn broadcast on 9525, but I<br />

did not note the exact time, April 12; next day listened from 1320 to 1340<br />

but did not hear it again. Next2 day April 14, caught the English annmt at<br />

1319, giving for access to transcript of news,<br />

then into trance-inducing mx, and at 1330 Qur'an, followed by sermon past<br />

1345; it was after all Thursday evening. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA dxld Apr 13)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ 3970.85, Voice of Iranian Kurdistan at 0325-0340 fade-out,<br />

Kurdish talks and ann, a song and some orchestral mx, fair on 26 March.<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Apr 6)<br />

Iranian jammer noted at 1500-1600 UT on 4270 kHz, but nothing could be<br />

observed un<strong>der</strong>neath.<br />

At 1415 UT in range 3800-4860 kHz only VoIranian Kurdistan was 3970 kHz,<br />

plus jammer.<br />

At 1310-1355cl-d UT native ME mx noted on 6335 kHz, but very weak signal.<br />

At 1426 UT on 3880, 4380, and 6425 kHz Iranian jammers and symphonic mx<br />

program un<strong>der</strong>neath.<br />

At 1600-1730 VoKomala on 3940 (not 3930) and 4610. 1400-1755 4025, Voice of<br />

the People of Iraqi Kurdistan. Their lea<strong>der</strong> J. Talabani is now a President<br />

of Iraq!

At 1616 UT on 4160 kHz, at 1630 UT Arabic, poor signal.<br />

(All April 2nd.)<br />

Voice of the Communist Party of Iran cl-down at 1757 UT on 3880, 4360, and<br />

6425 kHz, Apr 7th.<br />

At 0200 UT on 3970 and 4860 kHz Hymn of Kurdistan observed. Apr 1.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 14)<br />

IRELAND 252 RTE testing out Orban Optimod 9200 on 252 kHz Long Wave. RTE<br />

are testing a new Optimod 9200 with version 3 software on 252 Long Wave<br />

over the next days/weeks and are looking for reception reports which can be<br />

sent via (Digital Spy).<br />

4 March 20<strong>05</strong> RTE are currently using 300 kW daytime 100 kW nightime on LW<br />

252 kHz, they've just added a new Optimod audio processor, so the audio is<br />

now much lou<strong>der</strong> which should help with <strong>DX</strong>' ing the station outside Europe.<br />

It sounds much better and should greatly improve reception of RTE Radio 1<br />

in the UK (Paul Strickland, Longwave Message Board)<br />

From: <br />

Digital Audio Processor for AM<br />

OPTIMOD-AM 9200 combines the stability and programmability of digital with<br />

the well-known benefits of the OPTIMOD sound. With OPTIMOD, nx has more<br />

crisp presence, sports has more natural ambience, and mx jumps out with<br />

more bass punch and high-end sparkle. A single less-more control lets you<br />

adjust processing without complex tweaking of parameters, and the 9200 can<br />

automatically switch your presets in sync with dayparts or special events.<br />

(via Br<strong>DX</strong>C NL, Apr 9)<br />

I have just been listening to one of my favourite Sunday morning programmes<br />

of Irish mx and song via RTE on air Sundays at 07<strong>05</strong>-0755 UT and via 252LW.<br />

The quality of the audio was exceptionally good and clear and superior to<br />

that heard via 567MW, which always sounds "muffled" to my ears - even after<br />

the recent overhaul. Another commendable point is that the audio is not<br />

splashing unduly onto adjacent freqs as it once did in the days of Atlantic<br />

252. I assume that some other type of audio processing was in use which<br />

caused that to occur.<br />

Reception of Kalundborg 243 kHz and whatever appeared on 261 was completely<br />

spoiled - but not now. However, I note that power has been reduced to<br />

'only' 300 kW and this allows the Algerian signal to appear below that of<br />

RTE at times, even at my location in daytime, so it may be more of a<br />

problem further east and south of me.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 10)<br />

Ab dem 15. April 20<strong>05</strong> verschluesselt <strong>der</strong> Satellitenbetreiber Worldspace die<br />

Ausstrahlung des Satellitenstroms von World Radio Network. Waehrend etwa<br />

Radio HCJB Quito auf Son<strong>der</strong>konditionen hinwies, die World Radio Network<br />

fuer das Abonnement ausgehandelt habe, zeigte sich <strong>der</strong> irische<br />

oeffentliche-rechtliche Rundfunk "very upset". Radio Telefis Eireann hatte<br />

zum 31. Dezember 2003 seine weltweiten Kurzwellensendungen zugunsten von<br />

Satellitensendungen eingestellt.<br />

Auf <strong>der</strong> Homepage entschuldigte man sich bei den Hoerern und Hoererinnen<br />

fuer die Umstaende, die ausserhalb <strong>der</strong> Kontrolle des Sen<strong>der</strong>s laegen. Man<br />

werde aber seine Optionen pruefen, um auch weiterhin kostenfrei gehoert zu<br />

werden. Auch an<strong>der</strong>e Auslandsdienste wie Radio Netherlands sind von dem<br />

Politikwechsel von Worldspace, das ohnehin ein proprietaeres Empfangssystem

einsetzt betroffen und bitten um Rueckmeldungen von Hoerern, die bisher<br />

ueber Worldspace versorgt werden.<br />

Insgesamt kann das bedeuten, das World Radio Network den Satellitenstrom<br />

bei Worldspace aufgeben muss. Ausser World Radio Network (Asiastar,<br />

Afristar) sind kuenftig folgende Programme verschluesselt: CNN<br />

International (Asiastar, Afristar), NPR Worldwide (USA) (Asiastar), zwei<br />

B<strong>BC</strong>-Kanaele (Asiastar), Radio France Internationale (Asiastar) und Radio<br />

Shuva (Afristar). (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Apr 15)<br />

JORDAN 12110mix Came across of Arabic nx of Jordan Radio at 0600 UT on<br />

Fri Apr 8th. This a mixture signal of 11810/11960 kHz, latter closes<br />

usually around 0813 UT [though registered <strong>05</strong>00-0715 UT], AKA 500kW 350degr<br />

towards Western Europe. But NOT heard on symmetrical 11660 kHz, 150 kHz<br />

away. NOT KWT hx 2x6<strong>05</strong>5 kHz.<br />

(73 wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 8)<br />

KOREA/CHINA KBS/CRI clash on 15210 kHz.<br />

Could be that IBB and/or ITU are "pintados en la pared", which equals to<br />

saying that they are useless, but how about this one: CRI and KBS fighting<br />

it out until 1100 when both leave the air, CRI in English and KBS in<br />

Spanish.<br />

Someone having the current ITU plan could perhaps tell us where CRI is<br />

beaming their txion? As for KBS I would think they are beaming towards<br />

Europe. The freq where these two giants clash is 15210 kHz (Henrik Klemetz,<br />

Sweden, April 9, dxldyg via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

HFCC A-<strong>05</strong> just: 15210 0900-1100 55,59,60 KUN 500 135 CHN CRI<br />

RTC which means to eastern Australia and NZ.<br />

But <br />

shows 15210 as direct from Korea to Europe<br />

(Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

That's not new event, same QRM clash happened in last A-04 season already<br />

... and in A-01, A-02, A-03 toooooo.<br />

Main back lobe of 135 plus 180 degrees 315 deg would fit right into Sweden!<br />

ITU, HFCC, and "fq managment software" tolerate such outlets to ANTIPODES<br />

targets.<br />

As always explained, some 1100 lines are cout out on public version from<br />

the main FCC file.<br />

15210 0700-1100 30SE,31S,32S,33SW,42N,43N KIM 250kw 3<strong>05</strong>deg<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 9)<br />

The public version of the HFCC schedule is not complete. As it says on the<br />

website, "Data of BFM and ABU-HFC have been removed on their request." KBS<br />

is an ABU member, so I guess it would not list KBS txs in Korea :-(<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld Apr 9)<br />

KYRGYZSTAN The very mountaneous and very poor Republic in Central Asia is<br />

surrounded by China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. 70% of the<br />

nearly 200.000 square kilometres territory is covered by glaciers and<br />

perpetual snow. Half of the five million inhabitants are Kyrgyz and speak<br />

that lang which is related to Turkish. About one million speak Russian and<br />

650,000 Uzbek. Most are muslims. Until two weeks ago Askar Akajev has been<br />

its only President since the Independence from the Soviet Union in October<br />

1991. During the first years he initiated political reforms and tried to<br />

introduce democracy, but from 1996 he arrogated more and more power to<br />

himself. After the peaceful revolution on Mar 24, he has now resigned from<br />

his exile in Russia.

4010, Kyrgyz R 1, Bishkek, 1610, Mar 24, special report in Russian and<br />

Kyrgyz about the situation in the country on the day where demonstrators<br />

forced President Akajev to flee the country. (Ritola in Dxplorer, Mar 24)<br />

4795, Kyrgyz R 1, Bishkek, 1800-1835, Mar 26, operatic folksongs, ann in<br />

Kyrgyz, 23232, heard \\ 4010 (22222).<br />

Heard again and much better on Mar 27 at 0<strong>05</strong>5 on 4010 (45344) and 4795<br />

(33332).<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Apr 6)<br />

6030, R Extol, via Bishkek, *1550-1800*, Mar 24. It is a new religious<br />

station (/project?) broadcasting in Dari, Tajik and Farsi. (Mauno Ritola-<br />

FIN in Dxplorer, Mar 24)<br />

LAOS 7145 Lao National Radio. Apr 5 at 1350-1406(S/off). SINPO33332. Male<br />

talk in English. ID was heard at 1400, followed by National Anthem. English<br />

news was heard from 1402 and signed off at 1406. Extended broadcast ? (Iwao<br />

Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Apr 15)<br />

LATVIA As reported, there has so far not appeared a tx on 1350 kHz with a<br />

24/7 relay of Radio Tatras International (RTI), contrary to info given on<br />

the Web and in the anoraknation forum (pointing at a 50kW tx in Kuldiga).<br />

Sources in Latvia suggest that such a regular relay would not be likely at<br />

this point, taking into account license matters and technical<br />

circumstances. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx Apr 13)<br />

MADAGASCAR [Cland to Sudan] 15320 Radio Nile, at *0427-0457* on Apr 16,<br />

drums/percussion instruments into Sudanese Arabic, then English, ID "This<br />

is Radio Nile broadcasting on 15320 kHz 19 mb and 12060 kHz in the 25 mb<br />

shortwave band. Radio Nile brings you news and current affairs and programs<br />

on peace, education, devopment... Tune in every Sat Sun and Mon and Tue at<br />

7 hours AM. Radio Nile coming shortwave (at tune)", then prgr in Sudanese<br />

Arabic. Slightly weaker than // 12060, but both strong. Included local nice<br />

songs at armchair level. Percussion/string instruments at close.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 16)<br />

12060 0427-0457 47E,48,52E,53 MDC 250 325<br />

15320 0427-0457 47E,48,52E,53 MDC 250 335<br />

Sat-Tue only.<br />

R. Nile, 15320 via Madagascarat 0429-0457* on April 10, tune-in to English<br />

nx about medical care in Sudan. Afro pops, program about economic<br />

development in Sudan, some vernacular talk. Surprisingly good signal;<br />

weaker on \\ 12060.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Apr 14)<br />

MOLDOVA Radio Dniester Moldavian Republic Pridnestrovye in Ge/Fr/En:<br />

1600-1642 on 5960* KCH 500 kW / 265 deg, not on registered 5910<br />

* strong co-ch TRT/Voice of Turkey in Turkish<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 15)<br />

OMAN QSL address of <strong>Jan</strong>uary 20<strong>05</strong>:<br />

Resident Engineer/General Manager<br />

VT Merlin Communications & Partners LLC<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Relay Station, P.O.Box 40, Al Ashkarah, PC 422, OMAN<br />

(letter delivery address)<br />

another letter head address:<br />

VT Group. P.O.Box 2788, CPO Seeb, PC 111, OMAN. (Hans-Dieter Buschau-D, A-<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Apr 13)

PAKISTAN Radio Pakistan has changed freq at 1700-1900 [World Service to<br />

West Europe] from 9390 to 9365. This is to avoid IBB [RL Uzbek] on 9390 at<br />

1700-1800 and Radio Sweden at 1800-1815, as well as splash from IBB VoA in<br />

Turkish on 9385 at 1800-1900. Both IBB's are registered as Sri Lanka with<br />

the HFCC. Another one to add to Glenn's growing list of collisions!<br />

9385 1800-1900 VoA IRA 310deg<br />

9390 1700-1800 RFE IRA 356deg<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 13)<br />

PARAGUAY 9737.8 R.Nacional at 0943-1008 UT on Apr 12, Spanish, 2 OM w/<br />

banter b/w mxal selections thru 1000. Jingle ID followed by full "canned"<br />

ID at 1006. Fair/Good.<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Apr 15)<br />

PHILIPPINES Die neue IBB-Anlage fuer die Mittelwelle 1170 kHz wurde am<br />

15. Maerz 20<strong>05</strong> in Betrieb genommen, hat aber wegen Ueberschlaegen bisher<br />

maximal 900 statt 1000 kW erreicht. Der Abbau <strong>der</strong> alten Antennenanlage<br />

begann am 16. Maerz. Die alte Anlage hatte den letzten, noch<br />

betriebsfaehigen CEMCO (Continental Electronics Manufacturing Co.) 1<strong>05</strong>B-<br />

Megawatt-Sen<strong>der</strong>. Der Sen<strong>der</strong> wurde 1954 ausgeliefert und war noch einmal im<br />

Betrieb, als <strong>der</strong> Harris <strong>DX</strong>-1000 zur neuen Anlage umzog. Damit war <strong>der</strong> 1<strong>05</strong>B<br />

fuenfzig Jahre im Betrieb. (Aaron Zawitsky 17.3., 7.4.20<strong>05</strong> via Gl. Hauser<br />

dxld, ntt Apr 15)<br />

PORTUGAL Rather odd but not unprecedented to hear a station on two<br />

adjacent freqs, causing a het with itself: RDPI, at 2140 April 8 with<br />

sports talk and play involving a silly ball, on 15555 which was slightly<br />

stronger and less distorted than 15550, still after 2200. Trouble is, A-<strong>05</strong><br />

schedule shows 15555 to Venezuela and 15560, not 15550, to North America,<br />

for "special broadcasts". (Glenn Hauser-OK, dxld Apr 8)<br />

RUSSIA 12065 Bible Voice <strong>BC</strong> via Khabarovsk at 1233-1245* on Apr 13,<br />

Mandarin (listed)/English, OM and YL w/ alternating talks, YL w/ web info<br />

ending in "..asia.com". Musical bridge and YL w/ BVB ID and UK address.<br />

Poor/fair at best.<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Apr 15)<br />

[ETHIOPIA non] Two new target radio programs (with political background)<br />

appeared in the online schedule of TDP brokered txions<br />

<br />

Tensae Ethiopia Voice of Unity 1500-1600 15660 AM ......s Amharic Africa<br />

SAM 250 199deg<br />

Radio Voice of ENUF 1700-1800 12120 AM ....f.s Amharic Africa<br />

ARM 250 188deg<br />

The website for the latter is given as <br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 16)<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Radio Rossii in Russian:<br />

0100-0600 9480 MSK 250 kW / 260 deg to WeEu<br />

0620-1500 13665 MSK 250 kW / 260 deg to WeEu<br />

1520-2100 9450 MSK 250 kW / 260 deg to WeEu<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Voice of Russia in Russian WS:<br />

0100-0200 603 648 936 972 1314 1503 5900 9725 9860 9880 12070 15425 15455<br />

0200-0300 936 5900 7330 9725 9880 12070 15425 15455<br />

1200-1300 936 972 999 1143 1431 1548 7390 9480 9745 9920 11670<br />

1300-1400 1251 9480^ 9480 11670 15540 17645<br />

1500-1600 1251 1314 5945 11635 12<strong>05</strong>5 15440<br />

1700-1800 603 693 11630 13855 15540<br />

1900-2000 612 1215 5950 11630 11745 12<strong>05</strong>5

2000-2100 648 972 999 1215 1503 5950 12<strong>05</strong>5<br />

^DRM broadcast<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for TWR Europe via ARM 2x100 kW / 284 deg to CeEu:<br />

1445-1530 Polish Sun; 1500-1530 Polish Mon-Sat; 1530-1600 Hung. Daily;<br />

1600-1615 Czech Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri and 1600-1630 Romanian Sat 9735<br />

1600-1615 Czech Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri and 1600-1630 Romanian Sat 7290<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Voice of Delina in Amharic:<br />

1500-1600 Sat NF 15660 SAM 250 kW / 199 deg to EaAf, ex15650 for B-04<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Radio Huryaal in Somali:<br />

1730-1800 Sat-Thu 12130 SAM 250 kW 188 deg to EaAf, ex12140 for B-04<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Tatarstan Wave:<br />

0400-<strong>05</strong>00 15140 SAM 250 kW / 060 deg to FE<br />

0600-0700 9690 SAM 250 kW / 060 deg to CeAs<br />

0800-0900 11925 SAM 100 kW / 310 deg to WeEu<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 15)<br />

Radio Stn Tikhiy Okean: Will return to the air soon. The respective<br />

agreement has been signed by Vladivostok admin. head Vladimir Nikolayev and<br />

Gen Mgr of "Vladivostok" TV/radio company, Valeriy Bakshin. Operation sked<br />

will be published later. This from<br />

<br />

via Ashikhmin-Russia, open_dx in Signal. Tnx as well to Ron Howard for his<br />

English translation of this at<br />

<br />

Note the ment. of the SW tests. (Jerry Berg-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 10)<br />

SLOVAKIA The 100th release of "Radio World" - the <strong>DX</strong> Programme of Radio<br />

Slovakia International was aired on April 3 20<strong>05</strong> (Radio Bulgaria <strong>DX</strong><br />

Programme April 8 via John Norfolk, dxldyg). Anyone know about this<br />

program? I've never heard of it.<br />

(John Norfolk-USA, via dxld Apr 14)<br />

It's a Russian <strong>DX</strong>-program titled "Mir radio/radiomir" (The Word of<br />

Radio/Radio World), hosted by Tina Krasnopol'skaya from DW's technical<br />

dept. In the past Tina was producing a similar program for RSI German. I'm<br />

not sure if it's still on, though. The Russian edition can be heard every<br />

Sunday during last 10 mins.<br />

(Sergei Sosedkin-IL-USA, ibid.)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA 11690 on April 9 at <strong>05</strong>16-<strong>05</strong>36 UT. R. OKAPI - Meyerton, FF-<br />

Vernacular, debate on John Paul II. Very good. (Luca Bitto Fiora-I,<br />

JPNpremium Apr 15)<br />

11690 Radio Okapi via Meyerton on Apr 9 at <strong>05</strong>40-0600(S/off). SINPO34333.<br />

Discussion in French. Station jingle at <strong>05</strong>58 UT. (Iwao Nagatani-JPN,<br />

JPNpremium Apr 15)<br />

Thanks for the coverage of SWRA on WOR # 1270 heard here on WRN Afristar<br />

0800 this morning. However the times for the freqs you list are in<br />

Zimbabwean local time, not UT. The correct times in UT for the freqs and<br />

sites are as follows:<br />

1600-1800 UT: 15145, Rampisham-UK<br />

1800-1900 UT: 11770, Rampisham-UK

1600-1900 UT: 12145, Armavir-RUS<br />

1600-1900 UT: 3300, Meyerton-AFS<br />

0300-<strong>05</strong>00 UT: 1197 MW, Lesotho<br />

Oddly, 3230 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 UT is still on air and isn't jammed. It is not listed<br />

by SWRA & the station director told me last week that it was due to end on<br />

Monday 4? 3300 & 12145 are jammed 1600-1900 here in Zimbabwe; 15145 & 11770<br />

are in the clear. 1197 MW is in the clear. (David Pringle-Wood, Harare-ZWE,<br />

dxld April 9)<br />

SW Radio Africa back on 4880 kHz. A new freq for SWRA: 4880, 1600-1900 UT.<br />

Just to keep you updated on SWRA, they have been heard on 4880, 1600-1900<br />

yesterday 12 April and again this evening 13 April. This is their original<br />

A-<strong>05</strong> Winter freq from Meyerton, Sentech, South Africa.<br />

Heard in the clear without any jamming but as the station hasn't fully<br />

updated their website as yet, the jammers are still on 3300, which is<br />

severely jammed (no comment!)<br />

12145, 1600-1900 from Armavir-RUS is jammed severely as heard from<br />

Zimbabwe.<br />

15145, 1600-1800 from UK, Ramphisham is in the clear.<br />

11770, 1800-1900 from UK, Ramphisham is in the clear.<br />

It's a heavy struggle that SWRA has had over these past weeks but as the<br />

station is still making plans to beat the jammers, and it is working out so<br />

far, they are still being heard well here in Zimbabwe. Please note Zimbabwe<br />

time is UT +2hrs.<br />

SW Radio Africa : The govt is still jamming our SW broadcasts. To get<br />

around this we are broadcasting on more than one frequency. For the full 3<br />

hours of our broadcast (6 to 9 pm Zimbabwe time) we are on 12145 kHz in the<br />

25m band. We are also broadcasting on 15145 kHz in the 19 metre band from 6<br />

to 8 pm, on 11770 in the 25 metre band from 8 to 9 pm, and on 4880 in the<br />

60 metre band for the full three hours. In the mornings you will also find<br />

us on Medium wave from 5 to 7 am on 1197 kHz. Outside the broadcast area,<br />

listen over the internet at <br />

(David Pringle-Wood, Harare-ZWE, dxld Apr 14)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA 6100 has been used for CRI relay from Meyerton for the past<br />

2 months or so, although I have not seen it reported anywhere yet, in fact<br />

CRI themselves seem to be totally confused about this broadcast. The<br />

schedule is 1500-1800 English and 1800-1900 Chinese. Excellent signal here,<br />

of course. (Vashek Korinek-AFS, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Mar 27)<br />

In the HFCC A<strong>05</strong> schedule, CRI is listed to broadcast daily at *1500-1900*<br />

to southern Africa via Meyerton (100 kW). (ap)<br />

9555 is used for Christian Voice/Your Voice at <strong>05</strong>15-1545 UT<br />

via Meyerton. Started on Mar 27. Strange to compete for the listeners with<br />

Christian Voice with a completely different programming from Zambia on 9865<br />

0700-1700 also putting out a very good signal here. (Vashek Korinek-AFS,<br />

dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Apr 6)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA [Clandestine to ZWE] 7120, Radio VOP, via Madagascar at<br />

1703-1730 UT on Apr 14, weak on squeezed frequency. English polit. talk,<br />

many IDs, mostly "Radio VOP" but also "You are tuned to Radio Voice of the<br />

People."<br />

Gave address as Radio VOP, P.O.Box 5750, Harare, Zimbabwe.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 15)

SYRIA Radio Damascus, Syria on April 12th 18<strong>05</strong>-19<strong>05</strong> in German heard on<br />

9330 and 12085 and announced 136<strong>05</strong> kHz. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr<br />

15) [?13610 instead?, wb.]<br />

Was heard on Wednesday in Turkish at 16<strong>05</strong> on 9330 and Russian follows. The<br />

complete sched is not yet know - it does go off air for part of the<br />

evening.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 8)<br />

TAIWAN 15250, Fu Hsing B/Cing Co., see QSL at<br />

<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 10)<br />

15250 Fu Hsing Broadcasting Station, Taipei. Nice full data Crocus Flower<br />

QSL Card with accompany information letter in English and Chinese. This for<br />

my report of March the 13th. The only error is that for the Date and Time<br />

they have listed 94.03.13 for both... somewhat of error for the year?<br />

Sent in a large brown envelope with this address: Fu Hsing Broadcasting<br />

Station, 5, Lane 280, Section 5, Chungshan North Road, Taipei 111, Republic<br />

of China (Taiwan)<br />

E-mail: web site: <br />

Reply in 27 days. v/s nil QSL card and letter.<br />

(Ed Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 14)<br />

UKRAINE Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Radio Ukraine International in Ukrainian:<br />

0000-<strong>05</strong>00 7485 KHR 100 kW / <strong>05</strong>5 deg to RUS<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0800 9945 KHR 100 kW / 277 deg to WeEu<br />

0800-1300 15675 KHR 100 kW / 277 deg to WeEu<br />

1300-1700 7530 KHR 100 kW / <strong>05</strong>5 deg to RUS<br />

1700-2100 7490 KHR 100 kW / 290 deg to WeEu<br />

2100-2400 7420 KHR 100 kW / 290 deg to WeEu<br />

2300-0400 7440 SMF 500 kW / 314 deg to NoAmEa<br />

English 0000-0100 7440 German 1700-1800 7490<br />

0300-0400 7440 2000-2100 7490<br />

1100-1200 15675 2300-2400 7420<br />

2100-2200 7420 Ukrainian - all other times and freqs<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 15)<br />

U.K. Bushlog B<strong>BC</strong> Bush House photo archive A fascinating collection of<br />

bits and pieces (articles from London Calling and newspapers) compiled by<br />

former staff members. As an active listener at the time, it really is a<br />

"where are they now?" blog.<br />

<br />

(posted by Jonathan Marks Apr 10, Critical Distance BV blog via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> World Service and B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring Sunday, April 10, 20<strong>05</strong><br />

There is a fascinating collection of assorted B<strong>BC</strong> World Service publicity<br />

material and personal photographs and documents from c1950-2000 at<br />

<br />

I found this article about B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring: From "Voice for the World"<br />

booklet, published by B<strong>BC</strong> World Service, 1988.<br />

(via hcdx Apr 10)<br />

[unid location] 72<strong>05</strong> monitored only from 2226-2230 Apr 9 - 444 - OM you're<br />

listening to test txion VT Merlin Communications, a leading provi<strong>der</strong> for<br />

international broadcasting sces, please visit - also<br />

heard at 0011 UT on Apr 10 w/ much noise and weaker signal.

(Ashar, Depok-INS, hcdx Apr 11)<br />

USA WWRB on 3185 kHz at 0417 UT April 13 with gospel huxter.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Apr 13)<br />

KIMF R.I.P. Per George Jacobs, they have turned in their construction<br />

permit so they will not be building a SW station here anytime soon. This<br />

was a station that had been slated for construction in the western state of<br />

New Mexico. [Pinon]<br />

WRNO Also per George Jacobs, they are still waiting on their antenna tuner.<br />

He also stated - He says that the FCC has granted them temporary operating<br />

authorization through April 15th, so he anticipates that they will be on by<br />

then. He also stated that this is a new 50 kW tx they have installed<br />

WRMI 7385 heard throughout the day here. I'm only about 80 miles west of<br />

them as the crow flies. Good signal, Christian Media Network programming.<br />

Ex 15725.<br />

(Hans Johnson-FL, Mar 7, Jihad-<strong>DX</strong> via dswci <strong>DX</strong>W)<br />

VoA in Creole from April 10th til 29th Oct:<br />

11890 1130-1200 GA 2<strong>05</strong>deg Mon-Fri<br />

11925 1130-1200 GA 164 Mon-Fri<br />

15360 1130-1200 GA 164 Mon-Fri<br />

15390 1630-1700 GB 146<br />

17565 1630-1700 GA 164<br />

21555 1630-1700 DL 100<br />

11895 2100-2130 GB 183<br />

13725 2100-2130 GB 168<br />

21555 2100-2130 DL 100<br />

(Apr 14)<br />

UZBEKISTAN Summer A-<strong>05</strong> Voice of Tibet via TAC 100 kW / 131 deg:<br />

1100-1148 17522.0 or 17525.0 or 17528.0<br />

1212-1300 17522.0 or 17525.0 or 17528.0<br />

1301-1349 17522.0 or 17525.0 or 17528.0<br />

1430-1518 17522.0 or 17525.0 or 17528.0<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 15)<br />

VIETNAM 4739.85 Son La Br. Station (pres) at 1355-1401* on Mar 26,<br />

distinctive chanting (Buddhist?). Language sounded right for Vietnam. Weak.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Apr 6)<br />

DSWCI Domestic Broadcasting Survey No. 7<br />

It is nearing completion and should be published around May 1. It will<br />

probably contain 48 A-4 pages as usual, but be completely updated. It is<br />

distributed primarily by E-mail, with unchanged prices:<br />

DKK 40.00 / EUR 5.00/ USD 7.00/ GBP 4.00/ 6 IRC.<br />

The printed edition will be DKK 75.00 / EUR 10.00 / USD 15.00 / GBP 6.00 /<br />

SEK 100.00. Cash preferred, no checks.<br />

Or<strong>der</strong>s to: DSWCI, c/o Bent Nielsen, Egekrogen 14, DK-3500 Vaerloese,<br />

Denmark.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 10)<br />


I just checked AES, Grove, and Universal. Gone. Drake's site no longer has<br />

Shortwave un<strong>der</strong> the Products Section. The end of an era and I am sad to see<br />

it. I could never afford the R8B, but it is still my dream radio. So sad to

see it gone and no new SW with the Drake name (Michael C. McCarty-USA<br />

W<strong>DX</strong>8IAH K8WTR, Apr 7 dxld)<br />

I have been comparing the SPR4 with my R8. Both are very close on<br />

sensitivity, at least in the AM mode. The noise floor of the SPR4 is lower<br />

than the R8 I think. It is quieter. I am very impressed with this receiver.<br />

It is in excellent shape. Anything in the AM mode of groundwave on MW that<br />

I can hear on the R8, I can hear on the SPR4. I think the audio amp in the<br />

R8 is stronger though. But the SPR4 is one quiet receiver. Even the<br />

electric fence noise does not get into the SPR4 as much as it does on the<br />

R8. However, I did find a noise blanker for the SPR4 I am or<strong>der</strong>ing. Now to<br />

get the SSB filter and the AGC mods. It will be a good backup for the R8.<br />

I DO like Drake gear. It is a shame they are getting out of the<br />

communications receiver business, per my e mail from Bill Frost there at<br />

Drake. This is sad. But they will continue to repair the R8, R8A, R8B, SW1,<br />

SW2, and SW8 receivers for sometime to come.<br />

(Patrick Martin-OR-USA, hcdx Apr 7)<br />

WRN und WorldSpace.<br />

Wolfgang Bueschel wrote: Was machen eigentlich die User hierzulande, welche<br />

vor 6 Jahren sich die WorldSpace RX zugelegt haben, gibt es ueberhaupt noch<br />

freie afrikanische Musikkanaele, o<strong>der</strong> muss jetzt fuer alles geloehnt<br />

werden?<br />

Ich mache mir da keine Illusionen, ab Freitag wird <strong>der</strong> Sanyo schweigen. Ein<br />

letzter Scan wird mir dann ca. 40 mal das Wort "Coded" bringen. (Lothar<br />

Klepp-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 13)<br />

Ich habe gerade noch neun hoerbare Sen<strong>der</strong> gefunden. Nur, die interessieren<br />

mich wenig, da habe ich keine Lust die zu listen.<br />

Die Empfaenger kann man ja z.B. nach Indien verkaufen. Nach WorldSpace<br />

Prognosen sollen dort genuegend honorige Zuhoerer warten, die neben den<br />

regelmaessigen Abogebuehren auch sicher noch Restwert <strong>der</strong> Hardware und<br />

Shippingkosten aufbringen wollten. So koennte man das herauslesen.<br />

Da zahle ich lieber brav meinen GEZ-Radioanteil, <strong>der</strong> dem WS-Abo gegenueber<br />

wirklich klein ist, und habe mehr als genug hoerenswertes im Radio.<br />

WS rechnet sich hierzulande ueberhaupt nicht, war halt reine<br />

Entdeckerfreude, fuer die wir Geld fuers Geraet hingelegt haben.<br />

(Lothar Klepp-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 14)<br />

Die Afrikaner, zuletzt Senegal und Kenia, waren bereits vor zwei Wochen<br />

weg.<br />

"WS rechnet sich hierzulande ueberhaupt nicht, war halt reine<br />

Entdeckerfreude, fuer die wir Geld fuers Geraet hingelegt haben."<br />

Auf diese Art und Weise sind wohl saemtliche Geraete <strong>der</strong> urspruenglichen 4<br />

Hersteller (Hitachi, JVC, Sanyo und Panasonic) unter das Volk gebracht<br />

worden. Diese Hersteller haben sich wohl nicht umsonst von WS<br />

zurueckgezogen.<br />

(Christof Proft-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 15)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 18)

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Mar 12)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 5)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Apr 1)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 14)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 15)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 710 25 April 20<strong>05</strong><br />

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Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

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AFGHANISTAN Taleban to relaunch broadcasting... Check out this link B<strong>BC</strong><br />

News:<br />

<br />

(Thomas Roth DL1CQ, Kathmandu-NPL, hcdx Apr 19)<br />

A later report from the Afghan Islamic Press nx agency via B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring<br />

quotes Hakimi as saying "The Taleban own three radio stations. One is now<br />

reopened and the others will start functioning soon." He said the radio<br />

could be heard at FM 100.8 and 100.9 and also at AM and SW waves." (Andy<br />

Sennitt-HOL, dxldyg via WoR dxld Apr 20)<br />

ANDORRA Radio Andorra Internet website.<br />

<br />

(Herbert Meixner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 23)<br />

ARMENIA New emissions on short wave from this country:<br />

Public Radio of Armenia was heard from 1500-1530 hours on 11930 kHz.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, R. Bulgaria <strong>DX</strong> program Apr 22 via John Norfolk, dxld)<br />

Language? (gh)<br />

500 kW Powerhouse log in Stuttgart:<br />

11930 15<strong>05</strong> 23 Apr ARM VoARM Gavar in Armenian, Orthodox chimes 44555 WB<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Public Radio of Armenia / Voice of Armenia to WeEUR

1500-1530 Armenian NF 11930 ERV 500 kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg, ex11640 for A-04<br />

1715-1745 Armenian NF 9775 ERV 500 kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg, ex 9965 for A-04<br />

1745-18<strong>05</strong> French NF 9775 ERV 500 kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg, ex 9965 for A-04<br />

18<strong>05</strong>-1825 German NF 9775 ERV 500 kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg, ex 9965 for A-04<br />

1825-1845 English NF 9775 ERV 500 kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg, ex 9965 for A-04<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 15)<br />

AUSTRIA 9720 kHz DRM, Virgin Radio via Moosbrunn Austria, VT-Merlin<br />

brokered.<br />

9720/9815 Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong> from GER notes Virgin Radio in DRM mode via<br />

Moosbrunn Austria at present, the very first day. 40 kW towards England.<br />

Now at 0919 UT on 9815 kHz. VT-MNO_Merlin brokered. 73 wolfgang, Apr 21<br />

9720 <strong>05</strong>00-0900 27 MOS 40 295 G MNO MER<br />

9815 0900-1400 27 MOS 40 295 G MNO MER<br />

97<strong>05</strong> 1500-1700 27 MOS 40 300 G MNO MER (wb wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> April 19)<br />

Ab heute erste DRM-Tests aus Moosbrunn. Hallo, ab heute ist mit ersten DRM-<br />

Tests aus Moosbrunn zu rechnen. Zum Einsatz kommen die Frequenzen 97<strong>05</strong>,<br />

9720 und 9815 kHz. Beam 300degr (to England). Nachtrag: Jetzt sehr stark<br />

auf 9720 kHz: Virgin Radio.<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 21)<br />

Enclosed a message with details for upcoming DRM tests from Moosbrunn<br />

between May 2 and June 26. 6155 will be run in DRM instead of AM in the<br />

1700-2100 period; otherwise there will be txions on 31 metres with<br />

programming of Christian Vision and various stations from the UK. I still<br />

have not seen anything about the background of the 31 metres tests so far,<br />

but probably VT is the driving force behind them. (Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Apr<br />

22)<br />

DRM via Moosbrunn<br />

Hallo Freunde! Nachfolgendes mail vom Leiter des KW-Sendezentrums Moosbrunn<br />

erhielt ich auf meine Anfrage nach details. Hiermit zur Info:<br />

vy 73, Harald (Suess), A<strong>DX</strong>B-OE<br />

Sg. Herr Suess, Donnerstag, dem 21. 4. fanden Tests fuer die DRM Sendungen<br />

via Moosbrunn von 2. 5. bis 26. 6. 20<strong>05</strong> statt.<br />

On Thurs Apr 21 carried out tests to prepare regular DRM broadcasts via<br />

Moosbrunn on May 2nd to June 26th, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Frequency: 9720 kHz 0700-0900 UTC (Virgin Radio)<br />

9815 kHz 0900-1100 UTC (Asian Sound)<br />

Regular test broadcasts in May and June<br />

9720 kHz <strong>05</strong>00-0900 Virgin Radio 9815 kHz 0900-1100 Asian Sound<br />

9815 kHz 1100-1300 Classic Gold 9815 kHz 1300-1400 Premier Radio<br />

97<strong>05</strong> kHz 1500-1600 Christian Vision 6155 kHz 1700-2100 OE1 INTERNATIONAL<br />

probably with 50 kW DRM.<br />

MfG Ing. Ernst Spitzbart, Leiter Kurzwellen-Sendezentrum, Head of Short<br />

Wave Radio Station. (Harald Suess-AUT A-<strong>DX</strong>, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> April 21)<br />

DRM 6085. And thanks for the - er - good news, Kai, concerning 6085. If<br />

there is any station we want to log on either 6080 or 6090 then I guess<br />

that we must soon do so or forget it. And more "good" nx came from Wolfy<br />

concerning Austria's DRM txions - and aimed at the UK AGAIN! Why us? There<br />

are no DRM receivers in the shops that I know of so all of this DRM racket<br />

is mostly "pollution", or for those listeners that have rigged up some sort<br />

of receiving system. And what do the programmes consist of - "adult

contemporary mx"???? I haven't heard either 9720 or 9815 on air this<br />

morning.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 22)<br />


National mx broadcaster Virgin Radio has appeared on SW for Europe using<br />

the Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) system. The txions are beamed towards the<br />

UK and brokered by txion operator VT Merlin. They emanate from a facility<br />

in Moosbrunn, Austria. Three freqs are scheduled: 9720 kHz at <strong>05</strong>00-0900,<br />

9815 kHz at 0900-1400 and 97<strong>05</strong> kHz at 1500-1700.<br />

Virgin has traditionally embraced a wide range of leading-edge distribution<br />

solutions to reach its listeners. In addition to conventional national AM<br />

and FM broadcasts in London, the station can be heard over DAB, live on the<br />

internet, some podcasts, via satellite (including the WorldSpace<br />

subscription radio sce), cable and as a 3G stream to mobile phones, and<br />

now, DRM. (B<strong>BC</strong> M, via dxld Apr 22)<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for AWR via ORF Moosbrunn center:<br />

0200-0230 9895 MOS 300 kW / 090 deg Daily to SoAs in English<br />

0230-0300 9895 MOS 300 kW / 090 deg Daily to SoAs in Urdu<br />

0330-0400 9895 MOS 300 kW / 100 deg Daily to WeAs in Persian<br />

0400-0430 9770 MOS 300 kW / 120 deg Daily to ME in Arabic<br />

0430-<strong>05</strong>00 9770 MOS 300 kW / 145 deg Daily to NoAf in Arabic<br />

1400-1430 17720 MOS 300 kW / 090 deg Daily to SoAs in Urdu<br />

1430-1500 15225 MOS 300 kW / 145 deg Daily to EaAf in Afar<br />

1500-1530 6130 MOS 100 kW / 320 deg Daily to WeEu in German<br />

1600-1630 15225 MOS 300 kW / 090 deg Daily to SoAs in Urdu<br />

1630-1700 15360 MOS 300 kW / 100 deg Daily to WeAs in Persian<br />

1700-1730 15265 MOS 300 kW / 120 deg Daily to ME in Arabic<br />

1730-1800 15265 MOS 300 kW / 145 deg Daily to NoAf in Arabic<br />

1800-1830 15280 MOS 300 kW / 160 deg Mon to CeAf in Bari<br />

1800-1830 15280 MOS 300 kW / 160 deg Tue/Sat to CeAf in Juba Arabic<br />

1800-1830 15280 MOS 300 kW / 160 deg Wed/Fri to CeAf in Col English<br />

1800-1830 15280 MOS 300 kW / 160 deg Thu/Sun to CeAf in Moru<br />

1830-1900 15280 MOS 300 kW / 190 deg Daily to EaAf in Arabic<br />

1900-1930 11955 MOS 300 kW / 190 deg Daily to WeAf in Hausa<br />

1930-2000 11955 MOS 300 kW / 190 deg Daily to WeAf in Igbo<br />

2000-2030 11870 MOS 300 kW / 215 deg Daily to WeAf in Dyila<br />

2030-2100 11870 MOS 300 kW / 215 deg Daily to WeAf in French<br />

2100-2200 9715 MOS 300 kW / 215 deg Daily to WeAf in English<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 22)<br />

BELARUS R. Belarus, 5970, *0200-0230 UT Sat April 16, sign-on with IS and<br />

multi-lingual ID sequence, into English programming with sked announced.<br />

0202 English news; local ballads. Poor with a lot of splatter. Weaker on \\<br />

7210. [but not daily]<br />

Also UT Sun April 17, 5970, *0230-0300, sign-on with IS and multi-lingual<br />

ID sequence, into English programming with sked announced, followed by<br />

English news. Fair; \\ 7210 weak. English at 0230 only on UT Sunday. (Brian<br />

Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Apr 23)<br />

BULGARIA/FRANCE [to IRAN] 11575 Radio Sedaye Iran, from BULGARIA? to<br />

IRAN, 11575, KRSI following up on the Observer report, this is KRSI (Sedeye<br />

Iran) reactivated. Looks like they wanted SW after all, they had reported<br />

before that they had dropped SW in favor of the Internet.<br />

April 7, 1528 with singing chorus. 1530 formal sign on with ID by man and<br />

mentioning their website, their Hotbird feed, and what I think was their SW<br />

freq as there was a mention of "kilohertz." Then talk by the same man which<br />

continued till I tuned out at 1545. Fair to fairly good signal in Europe.<br />

No jamming, won<strong>der</strong> if the Iranians don't know they are back yet? This one

was always jammed before. There was another station un<strong>der</strong>neath them, quite<br />

weak, not sure who this was.<br />

Voice of the Iranian Nation (c.2004) from BULGARIA? FRANCE? to IRAN, 11630,<br />

Sedaye Melate Iran Not sure where this is from I have seen claims for both<br />

sites. Searching around and found it here at 1333, real pile up. Chinese on<br />

the channel, bubble jammer, and these guys with mx. 1336 talk by woman who<br />

gave ID as above in Farsi. Poor/Fair signal with the various signals on<br />

this channel all fading in and out. Right into another song until 1341 when<br />

there was another ID by the same woman. A few words by a man and then into<br />

another song. They have tried a number of freqs in this range, I won<strong>der</strong> how<br />

long they will stay here, they were up on 19 mb last summer season. (heard<br />

via <strong>DX</strong> Tuner Europe).<br />

(Hans Johnson-FL-USA, Jihad-<strong>DX</strong>, via CRW via dxld Apr 21)<br />

11575 Voice of Iran via Sofia, Bulgaria (pres) on Apr 22, from 1650 tunein<br />

with phone-in program in Persian until heard going off at 1730.<br />

Seemingly, did not give an ID during that time. I looked at their web-site<br />

but that just added to the<br />

confusion saying, quote "We have two different Frequency: 16 Meter<br />

Frequency 17510 KHz" (16m and 17510 kHz 2 different Frequency? hi - or did<br />

they forget 11575 kHz or is this just OLD news?). Strong.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 23)<br />

Formerly in past five years or so, on 17510 via Issoudun-France site. (wb)<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Seda-ye Iran / Voice of Iran in Persian:<br />

1530-1730 on 11575 SOF 100 kW / 090 deg to WeAs/ME<br />

Ich habe mir gerade (1530-1550 UT) mal die persische Geheimstation(?) auf<br />

11575 kHz angehoert [wollen!]. Den Bulgaren gelingt wegen Stoerungen <strong>der</strong><br />

ISDN(?) Zufuehrung ueberhaupt keine Programmaussendung. Das laengste Stueck<br />

Programm waehrte 2 Minuten, sonst nur bruchstueckhafte 5-Sekunden Audio mit<br />

ueber-Sprazeln von einem Nebenkanal.<br />

So wird das Nichts mit dem Geldverdienen ueber die Kostinbrod Anlagen.<br />

Aehnliche Versuche mit Christian Programmen fuer West Afrika scheiterten<br />

auch vor kurzem.<br />

(73 wb Apr 23)<br />

CLANDESTINE 4375.93 V.O. Communist Party of Iran Apr 14 1627-1636 34443-<br />

32442 Farsi, IS and ID repeat, 1630 ID, Opening mx, Talk.<br />

5910 Democratic V.of Burma Apr 14 *1429-1442 43443 Myanmar, 1429 sign on<br />

with opening mx, ID at 1430, Opening announce, Talk.<br />

6421.16V V.O.Communist Party of Iran Apr 10 1627-1638 24432-23432 Farsi, IS<br />

and ID, Opening mx, Talk, \\6421.16kHz->6426.1kHz.<br />

7480 R.Payame-e Doost Apr 01 *1800-1810 35333 Farsi, 1800 sign on with<br />

opening mx, ID and opening announce, Talk.<br />

7490 Seda-ye Jambushi Iran e Farda Apr 08 *1600-1610 35433 Farsi, 1600 sign<br />

on with opening mx, ID, Talk.<br />

7999.35 V.of Sudan Apr 14 *1529-1537 24432 Arabic, 1529 sign on with IS,<br />

Opening announce and mx, Talk.<br />

11530 V.of Mesopotamia Apr 10 1358-1403 33433 Kurdish, ID at 1359, Talk.<br />

11575 V.of Iran Apr 10 1530-1535 25332 Farsi, Opening mx, ID and opening<br />

announce, Talk.<br />

12140 R.Ashna Apr 10 1510-1523 45444 Dari, Talk, ID at 1514 etc.

12140 R.Ashna Apr 14 1443-1454 45444 Pushto, Talk, ID at 1444 etc.<br />

15530 al-Mustaqbal Apr <strong>05</strong> *0630-0643 45433 Somali, 0630 sign on with<br />

opening mx, ID, Theme mx, Talk.<br />

15680 Que Huong R. Apr 16 *1200-1207 35333 Vietnamese, 1200 sign on with<br />

mx, Opening announce, Talk.<br />

17700 R.Solh Apr 10 1312-1334 35433-35422 Dari and Pashto, Afrganistan mx,<br />

ID at 1331.<br />

17700 R.Solh Apr 14 1334-1344 34333 Dari and Pashto, Afganistan mx, ID at<br />

1341.<br />

(all Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Apr 22)<br />

CUBA RHC: "We are planning now a special anniversary QSL card to be sent<br />

to listeners picking up <strong>DX</strong>ers Unlimited's prgms and rptng them during the<br />

period between April 15 and May 15. On May Day, the first day of May, we<br />

will be celebrating Radio Havana Cuba's 44th anniversary something very<br />

dear to me, as I was among the small group of radio enthusiasts that helped<br />

to put this stn on the air 44 years ago!<br />

(Arnie Coro, CO2KK, RHC <strong>DX</strong>ers Unlimited, Apr 19, O<strong>DX</strong>A-CAN via dxld Apr 24)<br />

Radio Habana Cuba - Horarios, Bandas y Frequencias.<br />

Zonas Geograficas Frecuencias Horarios<br />

Spanish - Transmisiones en Espanol<br />

En la Manana<br />

Caracas 117<strong>05</strong> kHz 11-15 UTC<br />

Nueva York 11760 kHz 11-15 UTC<br />

Norte, Centro y Sudamerica 6000 kHz 11-15 UTC<br />

Caribe 9550 kHz 11-15 UTC<br />

Buenos Aires 15230 kHz 12000 kHz 11-15 UTC<br />

En la Tarde<br />

Roma 15120 kHz 21-23 UTC<br />

America del Sur 15230 kHz 21-23 UTC<br />

Caribe 9550 kHz 21-23 UTC<br />

En la Noche<br />

Caracas 9600 kHz 00-<strong>05</strong> UTC<br />

New York 11760 kHz 00-<strong>05</strong> UTC<br />

America Central 95<strong>05</strong> kHz 00-<strong>05</strong> UTC<br />

Mexico 5965 kHz 00-<strong>05</strong> UTC<br />

Buenos Aires 15230 kHz 00-<strong>05</strong> UTC<br />

Chicago 9820 kHz 00-01 UTC<br />

Washington 6000 kHz 00-01 UTC<br />

Caribe 9550 kHz 02-<strong>05</strong> UTC<br />

Chile 11875 kHz 9655 kHz 03-<strong>05</strong> UTC<br />

MESA REDONDA INFORMATIVA (lunes a viernes, Mo-Fr)<br />

Washington 6000 kHz 23-01 UTC<br />

New York 11875 kHz 23-01 UTC<br />

ALà PRESIDENTE (Programa dominical del Presidente de Venezuela Hugo Chavez<br />

Frias)<br />

Caracas 117<strong>05</strong> kHz 14 UTC<br />

Centro America 13680 kHz 14 UTC<br />

Antillas 11670 kHz 14 UTC<br />

USA 13750 kHz 14 UTC<br />

Chile 11875 kHz 14 UTC<br />

Rio de <strong>Jan</strong>eiro 17750 kHz 14 UTC

English - Transmisiones en Ingles<br />

New York 11760 kHz 2030-2130UTC<br />

Antillas 95<strong>05</strong> kHz 2030-2130UTC<br />

Chicago 9820 kHz 01-<strong>05</strong> UTC<br />

Washington 6000 kHz 01-<strong>05</strong> UTC<br />

Caribe 9550 kHz <strong>05</strong>-07 UTC<br />

Pacifico 9820 kHz <strong>05</strong>-07 UTC<br />

Caribe 9550 kHz 9655 kHz 2300-0002UTC<br />

French - Transmisiones en Frances<br />

New York 11760 kHz 20-2030 UTC<br />

New York 11760 kHz 2130-2200 UTC<br />

Caribe 95<strong>05</strong> kHz 22-2230 UTC 9550 kHz 00-0100 UTC<br />

9550 kHz 0130-02 UTC<br />

Portuguese - Transmisiones en Portugues<br />

Europa 15120 kHz 20-2030 UTC<br />

Brasil 177<strong>05</strong> kHz 22-2230 UTC<br />

177<strong>05</strong> kHz 23-2330 UTC<br />

15230 kHz 23-24 UTC<br />

Guarano to PRG - Transmisiones en Guarani<br />

Sudamerica 177<strong>05</strong> kHz 2230-23 UTC 177<strong>05</strong> kHz 2330-24 UTC<br />

Quecha - Transmisiones en Quechua<br />

Sudamerica 177<strong>05</strong> kHz 00-0030 UTC<br />

Creole - Transmisiones en Creole<br />

Caribe 95<strong>05</strong> kHz 2130-22 UTC<br />

Antillas 95<strong>05</strong> kHz 2230-23 UTC<br />

Caribe 9550 kHz 01-0130 UTC<br />

Esperanto (Suns only) - Transmisiones en Esperanto (Solo los domingos)<br />

Pacifico 9820 kHz 07-0730 UTC<br />

New York 11760 kHz 15-1530 UTC<br />

New York 11760 kHz 1930-20 UTC<br />

America 9600 kHz 95<strong>05</strong> kHz 2330-24 UTC<br />

(Saludos cordiales, les remito plan de frecuencias de R Habana Cuba,<br />

remitido por el departamento tecnico. via Jose Miguel Romero-CTR?, dxld Apr<br />

23)<br />

RHC on 6140 \\ 5965, 9550, 9600, 11760, 11875 at 0300 clashing with<br />

Colombia [q.v.], Turkey [q.v.]. Is 6140 a legit freq or some kind of spur?<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Apr 23)<br />

Since Arnie has mentioned 6140, would be legit, tho perhaps used for<br />

testing new antenna, and not on sked (gh, dxld Apr 23)<br />

EQUATORIAL GUINEA 15190 R. Africa at 1500-2158* on April 15, English<br />

religious programming. 1536 "Word of Life" (which I have also heard on IRRS<br />

Italy); 1655 R. Africa ID and Cupertino CA address. 1656 "Crying Out"<br />

program. Sign-off with ID and Cupertino address. Fair-good and in the<br />

clear. (Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Apr 23)<br />

ERITREA 7100 V.O. the Broad Masses of Eritrea. on Apr 16 at 1559-1635.<br />

SINPO24332. Female talk in vernacular, then ID at 1600 as "... Asmara ...<br />

radio ... Eritorea ..." Nx followed. Music program from 1608. (Iwao<br />

Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Apr 22)<br />

Text of report by Eritrean opposition web site Nharnet on 19 April:<br />

We would like to inform our listeners that Voice of Democratic Alliance [of<br />

the recently-formed opposition coalition Eritrean Democratic Alliance] will

from next Thursday, 21 April 20<strong>05</strong>, begin broadcasting to Africa, Asia and<br />

Europe in the 25, 31 and 41 mb or 18000 [sic maybe 11800?] kHz, 9560 kHz<br />

and 7165 kHz; and to the Horn of Africa and Middle East in the 303 and 989<br />

mb middle wave.<br />

[NOTE: 7165 and 9560 are regular freqs of R. Ethiopia's external sce gh]<br />

{Radio VoEthiopia used that channel 11800.3 kHz at 1<strong>05</strong>8-1800 UT a decade<br />

ago, now replaced by 7165 kHz. wb.}<br />

We would also like to inform our listeners that while the broadcasting from<br />

Thursday, 21 April, to Saturday, 23 April 20<strong>05</strong>, will carry introductory<br />

programmes, the radio will start broadcasting its regular programmes on<br />

Sunday, 24 April 20<strong>05</strong>. Broadcasting hours are as follows:<br />

Mondays: 1500-1530 UT in Arabic; from 1530-1600 UT in Kunama.<br />

Tuesdays: Tigrinya / Afar.<br />

Wednesdays: Arabic / Kunama.<br />

Thursdays: Tigrinya / Afar.<br />

Fridays: Arabic / Kunama.<br />

Saturdays: Tigrinya / Afar.<br />

Sundays: Arabic / Tigrinya.<br />

[Issued by] The office of Information. Eritrean Democratic Alliance.<br />

(Nharnet web site in Tigrinya 19 Apr via B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld Apr 24)<br />

ETHIOPIA 5500 V.of Tigray Revolution on Apr 14 at *1454-15<strong>05</strong>. 35333<br />

Tigrigna, 1454 sign on with IS, ID at 1459, Opening mx, Talk. (Kouji<br />

Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Apr 22)<br />

6940 Radio Fana on Apr 16 at 1515-1540 UT. SINPO35433. Music program in<br />

vernacular. ID at 1516, then talk by a man and a woman. Also heard on 6210<br />

kHz with SINPO 25332.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Apr 22)<br />

FINLAND It seems as Pirate Radio 603 AM (or whatever it calls itself now)<br />

is testing again from Aland, Finland.<br />

Heard this morning (April 16th.). On before 0600 UT and onwards with<br />

typical mx ("everything" from punk to blues). No annts, not a spoken word.<br />

Music ended and silent at 07<strong>05</strong> UT with only carrier left.<br />

Best regards, <strong>Jan</strong> Edh, Hudiksvall, Sweden. <strong>DX</strong>-ing in Fredriksfors, where<br />

former teammember of the station, Ronny Forslund, was the one who "found"<br />

it. (hcdx Apr 17)<br />

GERMANY (to Ethiopia) 15670 V.O.Oromo Liberation, via T-systems<br />

Juelich, on 17<strong>05</strong>-1725 UT on Apr 22, Oromo talk, songs at 1713 UT. Strong<br />

with no interference.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 23)<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for AWR via DTK T-systems:<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 5965 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Daily to EaEu in Bulgarian<br />

0900-1000 11775 JUL 100 kW / 145 deg Sun to SoEu in Italian<br />

1900-1930 15245 JUL 100 kW / 200 deg Daily to NoAf in Arabic<br />

1930-2000 15245 JUL 100 kW / 200 deg Mon/Wed to NoAf in Dial Arabic<br />

1930-2000 15245 JUL 100 kW / 200 deg Thu/Sun to NoAf in Kabyle<br />

1930-2000 15245 JUL 100 kW / 200 deg Tue/Fri/Sat to NoAf in Tachelhit<br />

2000-2030 15245 JUL 100 kW / 200 deg Daily to NoAf in French<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 22)<br />

6085 Bayerischer Rundfunk now confirms in his teletext sce that 6085 kHz<br />

will be operated in DRM as of May 2nd:<br />

The teletext page mentions that the airtime will remain 0400-22<strong>05</strong> (<strong>05</strong>00-<br />

23<strong>05</strong> in winter). I bet they will keep their bad habit to just remove the<br />

audio in or<strong>der</strong> to not relay MDR Info on SW, but leave the tx on air. Just<br />

in future with the blaring DRM noise instead of a silent carrier. (Kai<br />

Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 20)<br />

Now Bayerischer Rundfunk mentions the power to be used for DRM operation on<br />

6085 as a mere 10 kW, cf.<br />

<br />

They say this will be done with the existing tx. Seems to me that using a<br />

500 kW tube tx to generate 10 kW of HF doesn't promise a high efficiency.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 23)<br />

6085 - I guess to compete with nearby powerhouses DW 6075 and LUX 6095 kHz,<br />

BR Munich Ismaning will use 40-50 kW of power finally. (wb)<br />

Memories on AFN in Germany.<br />

14.Mai, 18<strong>05</strong> MESZ. DLR-Kultur Programmhinweis, Erinnerungen an den AFN in<br />

Deutschland.<br />

"Heisse Music - Kalter Krieg". Erinnerungen an den AFN in Deutschland.<br />

¯Ami Go Home - ausser AFN!<br />

AFN ist bis heute <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong>, <strong>der</strong> den im Ausland stationierten GIs den<br />

¯link with home®ermoeglicht. Doch von Beginn <strong>der</strong> alliierten Besatzung an<br />

haben die Deutschen als ¯shadow audience®zugehoert. Nach <strong>der</strong> Nazizeit<br />

begeisterte beim AFN einfach alles: <strong>der</strong> Jazz, die lockere Mo<strong>der</strong>ation und<br />

das ¯American English®Der AFN ist heute fuer das deutsche ¯Schattenpublikum<br />

Deutschlandradio Kultur<br />

14. Mai - 18<strong>05</strong> MESZ (16<strong>05</strong> UT).<br />

Feature. Ursendung 54'30. (Apr 22)<br />

GREECE The week-end English features are heard here in Copenhagen on<br />

Saturday at 1400-1500 UT on 15630 and 15650 kHz + possibly 116<strong>05</strong> kHz and on<br />

Sunday at 09<strong>05</strong>-1000 UT on 9420, 15630, 15650 and possibly 21530 kHz. Their<br />

live audio stream can be found at<br />

<br />

(Erik Koie-DEN OZ3YI, dxld Apr 21)<br />

"THE VOICE OF GREECE" The first state radio of Greece the "ATHENS RADIO"<br />

was inaugurated in spring 1938 with a 15 kW tx at Liosia suburb and studios<br />

of the Zappeion Mansion. The first attempt for establishing a short wave<br />

radio station took place immediately after the Greek-Italian war broke out<br />

in October 1940. Athens Radio programmes were transmitted from a small tx<br />

in the centre of Athens to the front and the Balkans.<br />

A special Short Wave programme was created after the German-Italian<br />

occupation in 1947: txions began from a 7.5 kw tx to Cyprus, Egypt, Turkey,<br />

the Balkans the Soviet Union, while four txions were made to Greek<br />

navigators. The daily nx bulletins were broadcast in 12 foreign langs,<br />


BULGARIAN, ALBANIAN, FRENCH, POLISH, ENGLISH) and once a week in Arabic. A<br />

mx programme was also broadcast.<br />

The short wave txion centre was established in 1972 with two 110 kW txs and<br />

in Avlis - 37 kilometres north east of Athens - with transmitting antennas<br />

directed to the five continents. After the collapse of the military junta

in 1975, the Short Wave programme was named "THE VOICE OF GREECE" and came<br />

un<strong>der</strong> the then Radio Nx Management.<br />

Almost 15 years later, with the institutionalization and implementation of<br />

the Unified ERT body, it became autonomous and was named "The Fifth<br />

Programme - THE VOICE OF GREECE", coming un<strong>der</strong> the ERA General Management<br />

(VOG website via John Babbis, dxld Apr 17)<br />

I found this on VOG's Web Site:<br />

TV [sic] SHOWS: It's All Greek To Me Description of program:<br />

A mx program with Greek songs but comments in the English lang for third<br />

generation Greeks who do not know the Greek lang as well as for foreign<br />

nationals who love Greek mx. The program, presented by George Fratzeskakis<br />

reporter has completed its 5th year. As the term reporter has a broad<br />

meaning on the radio, instead of doing boring nx commentaries, which nobody<br />

listens to (unfortunately television has won in this sector), Fratzeskakis<br />

plays the mx he likes. He selects pop and rock mx from the last 4 decades<br />

with intervals for comments on the artists' life and carrier. Lately after<br />

many requests by listeners he has included artistry and popular mx in the<br />

program.<br />

The program was named "It's all Greek to me" after a chat he had with an<br />

American friend who now lives permanently in Greece. Before moving to<br />

Greece, Peter had never listened to Greek mx except for Zorba maybe. Greek<br />

mx was all Greek to him, meaning he knew nothing about it. Now he is a<br />

regular listener of the Sunday noon [0900 UT] program and he even makes<br />

comments.<br />

The program is transmitted every Sunday on the freqs of 9375 and 15630 to<br />

Europe, on 9420 and 15630 to the Atlantic Ocean and on 15650 to Australia,<br />

Japan, Middle East, the Indian Ocean and Taskend. The program is also<br />

transmitted on medium waves on the freqs of 792 and 1269 and the Internet.<br />

(via John Babbis-MD-USA, dxld)<br />

I just finished working up the VOG Program Schedule in English. Here it is;<br />

a few of their items stayed in Greek evidently because the translator<br />

didn't have a clue as to what it translated to in English. I took a stab at<br />

it; hope that I'm at least in the balo- game ballpark.<br />

Greece, which was a sending country of migrants in the 60's, through its<br />

successful European course, transformed itself into a receiving country of<br />

workers from every corner of the planet. The changes in Greece's cultural<br />

and social map, that took place in just a short period of time, comprised a<br />

challenge for us all. State radio thus decided to respond to these<br />

challenges and provocations decisively and creatively. Just two years ago,<br />

an idea was born by the General Director of State radio at the time,<br />

Giannis Tzannetakos, having as a framework the foreign lang department of<br />

ERA-5, a pilot program in 12 langs aimed at reaching out to foreign workers<br />

in Greece. This successful project's continuation is the program we are<br />

inaugurating today, "FILIA" on 665 AM and 107 FM.<br />

It's aim is to firstly allow migrants from 121 countries to maintain ties<br />

with their countries of origin and to be informed daily in their own langs,<br />

thus creating a communication bridge and embracing each and every migrant<br />

and refugee living and working in Greece. "FILIA" will also serve as means<br />

of eliminating prejudices and xenophobic tendencies that often lead to<br />

racist phenomenons [sic!], as in many European countries. The goal of the<br />

new state radio station is to contribute to the establishment of a mutual<br />

feeling of acceptance and solidarity between locals and migrants, through<br />

nx broadcasts and of course mx, adding just another stone to the structure<br />

called FILIA of the people. During these times of globalization, lang for<br />

our people is the basic element of existence, the beauty of individuality.<br />

Our radio may not be able to drastically influence the conditions or rather

the complex issues created by the migrant phenomenon. It can, however,<br />

positively contribute in cultivating an environment where racism and<br />

xenophobia cannot thrive.<br />

"FILIA" therefore, will speak in 12 langs, Arabic, Russian, Rumanian,<br />

Turkish, Serbo-Croation, Bulgarian, Albanian, German, Spanish, French,<br />

Polish, and English, firstly, with nx from the countries of origin and not<br />

translations of the Greek nx bulletins and reports and write-ups from the<br />

source of the headlines. In addition, there will be analysis and<br />

commentaries with the objective views of Greek State Radio. We would also<br />

like to emphasize our significant agreement of collaboration with the B<strong>BC</strong><br />

World Service and our cooperation with volunteer non-govtal organizations<br />

such as "The Doctors Without Bor<strong>der</strong>s" and the "Doctors of the World" as<br />

well as with the migrant communities such as the Albanian Migrant Forum.<br />

The nx and information bulletins in 12 langs will soon be included on ERT's<br />

web site in view of the Olympic games in 2004.<br />

(ibid.? - via John Babbis-MD-USA, dxld)<br />

ICELAND 7590, American Forces Network, Keflavik, Iceland, *2000-2<strong>05</strong>0+,<br />

Apr 17, out of the blue 'You are listening to the American Forces Network'<br />

into YL about home safety. Became strong. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr<br />

18)<br />

AFRTS 7590usb kommt zur Zeit mit praechtigem Signal hier in Sueddeutschland<br />

herein. Gelistet ist Island 30 kW in Richtung mittl. Atlantik / Azoren in<br />

190 Grad.<br />

(73 wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 23)<br />

INDONESIA 15150 at 0800-1400 and 1600-2100 UT (x9525) from Apr 21.<br />

I continue to enjoy the final hour of VOI's broadcast on 9525, which comes<br />

in very well here, tho not intended for NoAM, until 1400* April 19, a nice<br />

variety of INSn mx and talk, and on this day the English ID and contact<br />

info appeared at 1316. Still, it's a great pity their daily English hour is<br />

not broadcast during such an hour when we could easily hear it. (Glenn<br />

Hauser-OK-USA, WoR dxld Apr 20)<br />

VOINS: Instead of English at 0800 UT, try new 15150v which re-appeared for<br />

summer, reported on last Sunday to replace former - winter - freq of 9525<br />

kHz. (wb)<br />

I continue to enjoy the final hour of VOI's broadcast on 9525, which comes<br />

in very well here, tho not intended for NAm, until 1400* April 19, a nice<br />

variety of INSn mx and talk, and on this day the English ID and contact<br />

info appeared at 1316. Still, it's a great pity their daily English hour is<br />

not broadcast during such an hour when we could easily hear it. (Glenn<br />

Hauser-OK-USA, WoR Apr 21)<br />

(later)<br />

Yes Glenn, VoINS now narrowed more 130 Hertz towards 15149.97 kHz, heard<br />

French at 1950 UT today. Surprisingly strong today; signal strength will<br />

last between equinox in March and September in 19 mb.<br />

Scheduled 15150 0800-1400 UT - 0800-0900 VoINS En noted here in EUR with<br />

equal signal, hit by VoIRIB Arabic on co-channel. 1600 Ar, 1700 Sp, 1800<br />

Ge, 1900 Fr, 2000-2100 English. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 21)<br />

15150 RRI or VoINS with Hawaiian songs at 1145 UT on April 22. QRMed by<br />

VoIRI for a short favor only 3 mins and possibly with Japanese progr. Again<br />

on April 23 co-QRMEd with VoIRI 43333. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Apr 23)<br />

Stimme Indonesiens auf 15150 kHz hier in Noerten-Hardenberg mit O=3-4 sehr<br />

gut zu hoeren. Derzeit Nachrichten aud Deutsch. Hierzu noch eine Frage:

Sind <strong>der</strong>zeit einfach nur so gute Bedingungen o<strong>der</strong> ist die Stimme<br />

Indonesiens im Fruehjahr bzw. Sommer grundsaetzlich besser zu empfangen als<br />

im Winter? Da war sie auf dieser Frequenz bei mir immer nur unter starken<br />

Stoerungen etc. zu erahnen. (Felix Lechte-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 21)<br />

Genau so ist es. Bis Ende Sept. duerfte diese Empfangsqualitaet anhalten.<br />

Die Sommerfrequenz ist 15150 (letztes Jahr 15149.86, jetzt heute 15149.97<br />

kHz) laeuft am besten in <strong>der</strong> Zeit zwischen Tag- und Nachtgleiche ab Mitte<br />

Maerz bis Ende September.<br />

Im Winter wird dann 9525 kHz eingesetzt, diese Frequenz war hier auch zu<br />

hoeren, aber stark gestoert durch Gleichkanalsen<strong>der</strong> TWR Swaziland und<br />

chinesische Sen<strong>der</strong>.<br />

Das Signal legt 11500 km zurueck, in 318 Grad aus Indonesien. Der Pfad<br />

fuehrt ueber Calcutta, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, noerdl. Kaukasus, Ukraine,<br />

Polen.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 21)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ The Parliament and the new lea<strong>der</strong>ship of Iraq finally has been<br />

settled. For <strong>DX</strong>-ers, it is interesting to note the background of the new<br />

President and the new Prime Minister. Mr Jalal Talabani, a Kurdish lawyer,<br />

was elected by the Parliament as President of Iraq on Apr 06. Since 1975 he<br />

has been the lea<strong>der</strong> of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) with<br />

Headquarter's in the North Eastern city of Sulaymaniyah from where the<br />

Voice of the People of Kurdistan has been broadcasting since 1988. Nowadays<br />

it is heard on 4025 kHz and is regarded as a domestic broadcasting station<br />

in that region of Iraq. PUK wants continued autonomy of Iraqi Kurdistan,<br />

but not independence for the time being. In contrary to this, the rival<br />

Kurdish party in North Western Iraq is the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP)<br />

which fights for immediate independence from Baghdad. At present their<br />

station - the Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan - can be heard on 6335 kHz.<br />

Mr. Ibrahim al-Jaafari, an Arab doctor and Chairman of the Shiitic Party<br />

Hezb al-Dawa al-Islamiya, was appointed Prime Minister on Apr 07. In 1980<br />

he had to leave Iraq because Saddam Hussein crushed the lea<strong>der</strong>s of that<br />

Party. He first stayed in Iran, and during 1989-2003 in London from where<br />

he was active in the opposition against Saddam Hussein.<br />

"His" clandestine radio station probably was the Voice of the Islamic<br />

Revolution in Iraq, with programmes produced by the Shii Supreme Council<br />

for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) at 27a Old Gloucester Street in<br />

London WC1N, and broadcast from SW transmitters of the VOIRI in Iran. These<br />

broadcasts ceased with the fall of Saddam Hussein in April 2003.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Apr 20)<br />

ISRAEL/USA cland 116<strong>05</strong> "Jadi demokratiya farda arab', YL with talks in<br />

Farsi mentions of Arabs, internet, Kurdistan, Arab TV. QRM by jammer 43443.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 23)<br />

??? time? No registration for FARDA. But RFA in Vietnamese at 1400-1500 via<br />

Taiwan.<br />

But KOL entry: 116<strong>05</strong> 1400-1530 zone40 ISR 250kW 27deg PERS ISR KOL (wb,<br />

Apr 23)<br />

Radio Farda [IBB RFE/RL <strong>der</strong>ivation] in Persian in A-<strong>05</strong> season:<br />

1170 0000-2400 DHB non-dir 1575 0000-2400 DHB non-dir<br />

9615 0030-0200 KAV 100 98<strong>05</strong> 0030-0400 MOR 75<br />

9865 0030-0600 MOR 75 9775 0200-0400 KAV 95<br />

15185 0400-0600 KAV 100 9510 0400-0830 KAV 92<br />

15290 0400-1030 KAV 95 17845 0600-0730 KAV 100<br />

17845 0730-0830 MOR 75 15690 0830-1400 IRA 315<br />

17755 0830-1400 KAV 100 15375 1030-1200 KAV 95<br />

15375 1200-1400 KAV 95 9435 1400-1500 KAV 88

17750 1400-1600 WOF 1<strong>05</strong> 13870 1400-1700 IRA 315<br />

15170 1500-1700 KAV 95 17670 1600-1700 WOF 1<strong>05</strong><br />

7580 1700-1800 IRA 315 71<strong>05</strong> 1700-1900 KAV 1<strong>05</strong><br />

9760 1700-1900 LAM 108 7580 1800-1900 IRA 324<br />

7365 1900-2000 DB 264 9540 1900-2000 KAV 95<br />

5860 1900-2100 DB 264 95<strong>05</strong> 1900-2130 KAV 92<br />

7190 2000-2130 UDO 300 9960 2000-2130 IRA 318 (HFCC registration)<br />

ITALY Today (April 22) I note that RAI is using 6195 - heard at tune in<br />

0706 after the B<strong>BC</strong> had gone off air. I assume it's still them as I type<br />

c0915, but now weak in noise at my location. On 9670 (where they should be)<br />

tone "tests" are taking place, and some nice "tunes" are played<br />

occasionally. But, I don't un<strong>der</strong>stand the logic of shifting the broadcast<br />

down to 6195 and conducting tests on 9670!<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 22)<br />

New 6195 - RAI still on air at 1030 UT; 9670 is off. I guess, because of<br />

poor propagation they changed to 49 mb to reach their Italian army troops<br />

in ex-YUG. 0630-1300 UT. Due of 52 degr azimuth, not strong here in<br />

SoGermany. Scheduled 0630-1300 UT. (wb, Apr 22)<br />

OK re RAI 6195. RAI 6195 was on air before 0700 again - nothing on 9670<br />

today - so the move could be a permanent one. The B<strong>BC</strong> sched which came via<br />

you says that 6195 is active via RMP til 0700, but the HFCC says active til<br />

0600. I can't remember which is correct, but if it is 0700 then QRM will<br />

occur. The RAI txions was via 11800 in B-04 and dropped to 9670 from A-<strong>05</strong>,<br />

so have they altered their target area? If 6195 is weak at you then it will<br />

not be serving very much of Northern or Eastern Europe.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, Apr 23) B<strong>BC</strong> RMP/SKN leaves 6195 at 0600 UT.<br />

KOREA D.P.R. Folgende Informationen erhielt ich letztes Jahr im Juli von<br />

Arnulf Piontek, <strong>der</strong> auch immer gut ueber die aktuellen Frequenzen aus Nord-<br />

Korea informiert ist. Hier nochmals seine Infos:<br />

Guten Tag in die Runde! Laut "Pyongyang Times"aus Nordkorea vom 12. Juni<br />

d.J. hat Nordkorea nun seine eigene Homepage unter<br />

<br />

Die englischsprachige Version laeuft unter<br />

<br />

Auf <strong>der</strong> Homepage wird auch vermeldet, dass das staatliche Fernsehen KOREAN<br />

CENTRAL TV ab 01. Dezember 2004 online zu empfangen sein wird. Naehere<br />

Informationen liegen lei<strong>der</strong> noch nicht vor. Lei<strong>der</strong> gibt es KEINE Infos zu<br />

den Rundfunksendungen fuer's In- und Ausland.<br />

Bereits jetzt kann man ueber die japanische Seite<br />

<br />

nordkoreanische Fernsehnachrichten und einige Filme und Serien anschauen<br />

(teilweise mit japanischen Untertiteln). Interessante Site aus dem "Hermit<br />

Kingdom"!<br />

Viel Spass beim Stoebern wuenscht Euch Arnulf<br />

(via Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, A-<strong>DX</strong>, Apr 17)<br />

Liebe Rundler!<br />

Lei<strong>der</strong> komme ich erst jetzt dazu, die Anfrage zur STIMME KOREAS zu<br />

bearbeiten. Seit letztem Jahr im Juli hat sich bzgl. einer E-Postanschrift<br />

<strong>der</strong> STIMME KOREAS nichts geaen<strong>der</strong>t; ES GIBT KEINE! Es bleibt also<br />

tatsaechlich nur <strong>der</strong> gute alte Brief. Da ich oft schreibe, kann ich sagen,<br />

dass alle Briefe - auch mit Beilagen - auch ankommen (und Antworten auch<br />


Meine Hinweise auf nordkoreanisches Fernsehen haben sich dahingehend<br />

geaen<strong>der</strong>t, dass auf <strong>der</strong> Seite "Naenara"<br />

<br />

<strong>der</strong> Hinweis auf Fernsehsendungen seit Mitte Dezember 2004 geloescht wurde.<br />

Anscheinend hat man wohl die Satellitenuebertragungskosten und Datenmengen<br />

unterschaetzt, denn <strong>der</strong> Server steht ja in <strong>der</strong> Hauptstadt des<br />

bevoelkerungsreichsten Landes Mitteleuropas. Dafuer gibt's jetzt ueber die<br />

Seite auch viel offizielle Infos zu Nordkorea in Deutsch (!), lei<strong>der</strong> aber<br />

nicht ueber Rundfunk o<strong>der</strong> Fernsehen, obwohl ich die STIMME KOREAS mehrfach<br />

darum gebeten hatte.<br />

Ueber<br />

<br />

kann man aber weiterhin die Fernsehnachrichten Nordkoreas herunterladen<br />

o<strong>der</strong> online anschauen. Z.Zt. sind die Sendungen vom 17. und 18. April<br />

abrufbar. Das ist sehr interessant!<br />

Beste '73 fuer 20<strong>05</strong> + allzeit gut <strong>DX</strong> wuenscht in die Runde<br />

(Arnulf Piontek-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 19)<br />

MADAGASCAR [Cland to Sudan] 15320 / 12060, Radio Nile/IRIN at *0427-<br />

0457* on Apr 25, YL in Sudanese Arabic, then English station annts: "This<br />

is Radio Nile broadcasting on 15320 kHz 19 meters and 12060 kHz on the 25<br />

meter SW band. Radio Nile brings you ..." and schedule. At <strong>05</strong>00<br />

percussion/string instruments into <strong>05</strong>00 "Hello and welcome to this program<br />

from IRIN radio. IRIN, the humanitarian news service of the United<br />

Nations." (Integrated Regional Information Network (UN-IRIN)).<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 UT Program about maternaty and early baby sces in Southern Sudan for<br />

local women. "In this program, we talk to the women who make the maternaty<br />

work." Women talking in local lang plus translation into English. Longish<br />

beautiful song ended the IRIN Radio programme, into male talking in English<br />

(now consi<strong>der</strong>ably worse technical quality and hard to un<strong>der</strong>stand) about<br />

"Quality of life in rural Sudan", with features devided by HoA songs. Then<br />

local lang (Sudanese Arabic?), again lovely songs. Percussion / string<br />

instruments at close.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 25)<br />

12060 0427-0457 47E,48,52E,53 MDC 250 325<br />

15320 0427-0457 47E,48,52E,53 MDC 250 335<br />

Sat-Tue only.<br />

MOLDOVA 1413 On 24 Apr at 1800 noted Voice of Russia in Greek on MW 1413<br />

kHz. Parallel was 1431 Mykolaiv-UKR. Strong signal on 1413, so I guess it<br />

was via Maiac, MDA now testing this channel.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Apr 24)<br />

Previously VoRUS tested 1503 and 1566 kHz already, in or<strong>der</strong> to avoid<br />

interference to (registered) co-channel 1467 kHz from France. (wb)<br />

7490, Seda-ye Jambushi Iran e Farda Open carrier popped on at 1557 on April<br />

13. One tone at 1600, a short delay and then the same tone again. Program<br />

then started with chorus sung and ID by man. Then talk by man at 1601 with<br />

a low growl in the background. Retuned at 1617, same sort of talk was still<br />

going. No sign of any jamming.<br />

(Hans Johnson-FL-USA, Jihad-<strong>DX</strong>, via CRW via dxld Apr 21)<br />

see also un<strong>der</strong> Bulgaria/France.<br />

NETHERLANDS/U.K. On Thursday 5 May, which is the 60th anniversary of<br />

liberation at the end of World War II, the Dutch sce of Radio Netherlands<br />

will be recreating the historic broadcast of Radio Oranje that announced<br />

the end of German occupation. The programme will be broadcast at 1415 UTC<br />

on SW in Europe, and worldwide via satellite and Internet.

Radio Oranje was set up in London shortly after the German occupation of<br />

the Netherlands, and broadcast daily until shortly after liberation. The<br />

broadcasts were designed as a counter to the censored Dutch press, and to<br />

give Dutch people hope.<br />

On 5 May 1945 at 8.15 pm Dutch time, Radio Oranje broadcast a special 30minute<br />

freedom programme which included an address by Prime Minister<br />

Gerbrandy. The audio of 19 mins of this historic broadcast remain in the<br />

archive. The other 11 mins have been lost. But Peter Veenendaal, head of<br />

the Dutch sce of Radio Netherlands, explains that "since we have the full<br />

transcripts of all the Radio Oranje broadcasts we're in a position to make<br />

an accurate reconstruction of the original txion. Sixty years of freedom<br />

seemed an appropriate occasion to do that."<br />

The nx summary will be read in the style that was normal in 1945. Breaks in<br />

mxal fragments will be replaced by original recordings from that time.<br />

The famous poem De Achttien Dooden [The Eighteen Dead] that was read by a<br />

Radio Oranje announcer in the original txion, will be played from a later<br />

recording made in 1946. By using specialised production techniques, the<br />

substitute pieces are seamlessly mixed with the original material.<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, RNW MNNL Apr 22, via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK)<br />

NETH ANTILLES Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for AWR via Bonaire:<br />

2200-2400 6165 BON 150 kW / 320 deg Daily to CeAm in Spanish.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 22)<br />

NEW ZEALAND RNZ and ABU to study DRM implementation strategies:<br />

Radio New Zealand (RNZ) - together with the ABU, Thales Corp and THL-<br />

Australia - has launched a project to investigate the appropriate Digital<br />

Radio Modiale (DRM) implementation strategies for radio broadcasters in the<br />

region. The technical investigation, which started early this week in<br />

Wellington, is being carried out on digital radio txions in the medium wave<br />

band using the DRM digital system.<br />

An analogue medium wave radio tx of RNZ has been converted for digital<br />

txions in this project. This is to facilitate investigations on simulcast<br />

txion of analogue and digital radio programmes.<br />

A Digital Radio Symposium and Demonstration has also been organised as part<br />

of the project. Around 70 experts from the radio industry in the region<br />

will meet from 27-29 April to provide technical information on digital<br />

radio and the conversion of txs to digital mode. The symposium also aims to<br />

provide an opportunity for the participants to carry out measurements of<br />

various technical parameters. It will culminate with a field measurement<br />

trip on 29 April.<br />

(ABU Website, via Azizul Alam Al-Amin-BGD, hcdx Apr 20)<br />

PARAGUAY 9736.95 R Nac.del Paraguay on Apr 09 at 0756-0814 UT. 34433<br />

Spanish, Paraguay mx and talk. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Apr 22)<br />

R. Nacional on 9736.94 at 0215-0330+ on April 15, local Spanish ballads,<br />

annts, ID. Fair level but overall poor due to a lot of adjacent channel<br />

splatter. Next night, April 16 at 0045 on 9736.90 with sports coverage and<br />

usual excited play-by-play announcer.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Apr 23) Heard lately in our mornings on<br />

9736.96 kHz, wb.<br />

PHILIPPINES 9619, PBS: Bob Padula had asked me if I could determine if<br />

the P<strong>BC</strong> SWe outlet on 9619 (alt. 9580) was still operating. This stn<br />

transmits from Marulas Valenzuela (near Manila) some 600 km. NW of my<br />

location in northern Cebu and has an output power of only 250 watts. First<br />

let me confirm the stn is operational on 9619. I cannot confirm operating<br />

hours, but must assume it is from 2200 to 1000 as indicated in PWBR 20<strong>05</strong>.

At my location the stn is normally blocked by a 150 kw. CNR signal from the<br />

Beijing xmtr site during the entire 12 hour b/c period of the Philippine<br />

stn. However, on Weds the CH stn is off the air from 0600 to 0900. On Wed,<br />

Apr 13, I was able to receive the low power PBS stn on 9619 with a<br />

relatively good signal at 0610, 0715, 0800 and 0830, SIO generally arnd<br />

434. Relays prgms in Tagalog and "Taglish" from various Philippine AM and<br />

FM stns. Over the next few days I will check further and see if I can pick<br />

the PBS signal up over the CNR stn on 9620. (T. C. Patterson-PHL, edxp via<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 17)<br />

POLONIA star of Polish Radio! 23.04.20<strong>05</strong><br />

Today, Polish Radio is highlighting its external sces in all domestic<br />

programs. The presentation of RADIO POLONIA comes in the anniversary series<br />

titled "The Power of Radio" to mark 80 years of public broadcasting in<br />

Poland. Radio Polonia director Michal Maliszewski enumerated with<br />

consi<strong>der</strong>able pride the 7 lang sections transmitting in Polish, English,<br />

German, Russian, Esperanto, Ukrainian and Belarusian and operating on a<br />

global scale through the SW spectrum, via satellite and in the Internet.<br />

Thanks to these various broadcasting options supplemented by the latest in<br />

digital technology, Radio Polonia can be monitored in such distant regions<br />

as the U.S. and Canada or the Republic of South Africa as evidenced by the<br />

abundance of regular and e-mail correspondence from its listeners, as well<br />

as phone calls. Director Maliszewski declared the station intends to<br />

further expand its offer by next year when Radio Polonia will be<br />

celebrating 70 years of its activity!<br />

<br />

(hcdx Apr 23)<br />

RECEPTION PATH [various] I noticed today (April 18) that there were<br />

some very strong signals coming out of the Caribbean area in particular<br />

around 0630/0700. I could even hear WUN via AIA on 6090 at S=9 +10dB and<br />

copy it despite the buzz from 6095. And \\ signals from Costa Rica were<br />

also good on 9725 7375 6150 and even 5030. This latter one had a co-ch<br />

which I would guess to be Burkina. I couldn't hear Lomalinda on 5910<br />

though, and there was much too much (splatter) from the Dutch on 6015 to<br />

hear CLM on 6010. But Brazil came in fine on 9675 at 0700 - the only one I<br />

could hear, though. And my former unid. - now identified as REE from Costa<br />

Rica - on 5965 was tipping the S meter over 9 at 0635 and definitely \\<br />

12035. However, our Catholic friends on 5960 were not detectable in Dutch<br />

splatter x 5955.<br />

And surprise - surprise, FE / Pacific stations began to appear on 25 & 31m<br />

such as<br />

11800 CNR via BEI - 180deg<br />

11750 KNX - 120deg<br />

11840 KTWR - 165deg<br />

119<strong>05</strong> CNR-6 via BEI 170deg \\ less strong 15880<br />

11920 NHK-SNG - 140deg<br />

9500 CNR via SZG - 165deg<br />

Signals varied, but were generally around S7 - 119<strong>05</strong> & 9500 slightly less.<br />

I checked KFBS 11580 which goes via 294deg, but this was only just audible.<br />

And similarly FE<strong>BC</strong> 9430 via 345deg was weak.<br />

So, the route taken by the above could well be the one suggested by Wolfy<br />

in an earlier mail [long path via soPAC, EQA, VEN, ATN, Azores into Europe,<br />

wb.].<br />

It seems unlikely that 'back of the aerial' short path signals could<br />

propagate currently in full daylight on 11 & 9 MHz. I could also hear KNLS

11870, but quite weak, which I see goes via 270deg - maybe that one did<br />

come off the back of the aerial? Consi<strong>der</strong>ing the point we've reached in the<br />

current cycle I think it will be interesting to see what does appear this<br />

summer in the 0600-0900 UT time range.<br />

I mentioned to Wolfy a signal audible on 11910 on Saturday at 0708 and<br />

which dropped off air at 0722. The lang sounded Iranian, but could also<br />

have been Dari. It was on air again today at 0720 tune in and there<br />

appeared to be two txions - one sounded Russian or similar. The other lang<br />

I could not copy. One of the langs went off before the half hour when I<br />

heard the IRIB chimes and a Persian type lang. The anthem was not played<br />

and so they were not starting txion - more likely continuing txion. The<br />

signal was gradually fading down and becoming difficult to hear. IRIB via<br />

KAM is registerd in the HFCC until 0630 (Dari) and their lang schedule<br />

shows that. But nothing else. This may be one of their well known "phantom"<br />

txions - or have they actually added something to their schedule? (Noel R.<br />

Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 18)<br />

Today, CNR-8 was audible via 15415 15390 (very weak) and 12<strong>05</strong>5 (just<br />

detectable) as well as XJBS 11885 and 13670 (at 0630+). VoRUS K/A 17635 was<br />

around S5+ and a carrier was detectable on 21790 - but no audio. And PAK<br />

15100 & 17835 were both heard before 0700. I could trace RA 17750 - below<br />

S1 - and \\ 13630 which was on top of TAC around S5. So I think the MUF was<br />

a little higher today.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 24)<br />

RUSSIA 12070-fence VoRUS in French to WeEUR and - mostly - North Africa<br />

at 1600-1800 UT produces a like 'garden fence' signal in 11983 to 12190 kHz<br />

range, noted at 1600-1700 UT on 11983, 12002, 12021, 12040, 12<strong>05</strong>8, 12077,<br />

12094, 12115, 12135, 12153, 12172, and 12191 kHz.<br />

Centered freq is via Sherpukhov tx on 12070 kHz. Noted in Germany on<br />

various rxs. VoRUS \\ freqs 9745 11510 12000 12020 12040 kHz. (wb, April<br />

17)<br />

Dear Wolfgang, thank you for the information, this freq of 12070 kHz isn't<br />

our frequency, but we have forwarded your information to our heads to check<br />

another SW txs in Moscow region.<br />

Best regards, Andrey Shaydurov, Taldom tx site, Moscow region, Russia.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 19)<br />

15660, Tensae Ethiopia Voice of Unity, via Samara, fine reception when I<br />

tuned in on Bernd's tip Apr 17 just before close 1600.* 'Tansae' and<br />

'Demokrasi' mentioned, as well as 'meter band' etc. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 18)<br />

Clandest to Ethiopia, 12120 R. Voice of ENUF (sked Fri & Sun 1700-1800 via<br />

Armavir), on Fri Apr 22, tx opened with test tones at *1657-1658 UT, and<br />

then an open carrier was heard with QSA5 1700-1800*, but no audio! Were the<br />

producers sleeping?<br />

But on Sun Apr 24 at *1700-1758*, the stn was hrd after some test tones,<br />

beginning with two mins. of reading numbers in English: "171 171 171 000<br />

171 171 171 000 171 171 171 000 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 000 171 171 171<br />

000 171 171 171 000 171 171 171 000" with an Ethiopian song weak in the<br />

background. At 1702-1758 UT followed some talks in Amharic with a few<br />

ments. of Ethiopia and frequently with a flute in the background. SINPO<br />

45444.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 25)<br />

Primorskiy kray. Vlado\ivostok. Radiostation "Tikhiy Okean". 17 April, 20<strong>05</strong><br />

at 1935 UT on MW 810 kHz + FM. (Roman Nazarov, Primorskiy kray / "open_dx")<br />

19 April, 20<strong>05</strong> at 0820 UT on 12065 kHz, SINPO 35343.

(Fedor Brazhnikov, Irkutsk-RUS / "open_dx", RUSdx Apr 23)<br />

15660, Tensae-Ethiopia Voice of Unity, via Samara at *1458-1600* on Apr 24,<br />

repeated tones until 1500 when instrumental HoA theme tune and male giving<br />

ID in Amharic "Ye Tensa'e .. Radio Tayano" (could be Kayano or other,<br />

phonetic) repeated twice with theme tune in between. 1601 UT "Tensa'e<br />

Cristian meter band ... kilohertz ..." HoA instrumental into 1503 YM. Words<br />

recognized were programacion "cultural ..demokratik ... liberta". If he<br />

gave address, it was well hidden. Theme tune into male talking, mentioning<br />

"demokratik" at times. 1512 mentioned clearly Radio Tayanoo (Kayanoo) into<br />

HoA song and again talk about democracy. Same pattern throughout with<br />

occasional IDs. Close 1600 same tune. Fair on clear channel.<br />

On you can read that "Tensae-Ethiopia<br />

Voice of Unity Radio will broadcast to listeners in Ethiopia, and the<br />

Middle East at 19 Meter Band on 15660 kHz (12:00- 1:00 Ethiopian time)<br />

starting April 17, 20<strong>05</strong>. This radio is run by concerned Ethiopians for fair<br />

and democratic election. The broadcast is to run for 1 hour on Sundays. It<br />

has no affiliation with any political party."<br />

12120 Voice of ENUF, via Tbilisskaya, Russia at 1709-1759* on Apr 24,<br />

tuned in too late (and too bad!!) to final words of English speech. Short<br />

flute mx (sole flute between items during the rest of the programme). 1710<br />

annmt "Ye Washington D.C.naa ..." (wish I know Amharic). Talk-flute-talkflute.<br />

1722 YM 'Ye ystokiyaa demokrasi ..'. Same pattern program, with<br />

Ethiopia mentioned a few times, until 1758 UT flute and YM '.. ye Ethiopia<br />

... SW ... megahertz ... radio program ...' in midst of Amharic final<br />

annmt. Off without mx. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 24)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA 9555 Christian Voice via Meyerton. Recently, I read some<br />

reports mentioning that program on 9555 was different from Zambia. On Apr<br />

16, Christian Voice was heard at 1442 UT on 9555 with SINPO 24332, then I<br />

tried to compare with the program on 152<strong>05</strong> kHz from Darwin, Australia. I<br />

found that the signal on 9555 kHz was 1 second later than Darwin's signal,<br />

but both programs were in parallel. They carried mx program "Planet 30"<br />

produced by The Voice (CVC International). (Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium,<br />

Apr 22)<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for AWR via Sentech Meyerton site:<br />

1700-1730 9595 MEY 250 kW / 0<strong>05</strong> deg Daily to CeEaAf in Swahili<br />

1730-1800 9595 MEY 250 kW / 0<strong>05</strong> deg Daily to CeEaAf in Massai<br />

1800-1830 3215 MEY 100 kW / 275 deg Daily to SoAfNo in English<br />

1800-1830 3345 MEY 100 kW / non-dir Daily to SoAfWe in English<br />

1800-1900 9590 MEY 250 kW / 019 deg Daily to SoAfNo in English<br />

2000-2030 6100 MEY 500 kW / 350 deg Daily to CeEaAf in French<br />

2000-2030 9820 MEY 250 kW / 328 deg Daily to NoCeAf in French<br />

2000-2030 7175 MEY 250 kW / 352 deg Daily to CeEaAf in English<br />

2030-2100 7175 MEY 250 kW / 352 deg Daily to CeEaAf in English<br />

2030-2100 6100 MEY 250 kW / 328 deg Daily to NoAfSo in Youruba<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 22)<br />

SWEDEN [and non] We have to renegotiate our contract with Teracom, who<br />

own the txs we use in Sweden, in the next few months; we have the option of<br />

going elsewhere such as to VT Merlin for SW transmission. I have not been<br />

heard on the air for six months since I've been presiding over transition<br />

to a new website.<br />

(George Wood, Radio Sweden, on VOA Talk to America Apr 1, notes by GH dxld)<br />

DRM-Sendung von Radio Schweden auf neuer QRG.<br />

Radio Schweden sendet sein Deutsches Programm von 1730-1800 UTC testweise<br />

in DRM auf 5870 kHz. Ab heute ist die Sendung auf 7430 kHz zu hoeren. Damit<br />

duerfte sich <strong>der</strong> Bereich <strong>der</strong> groessten Feldstaerke mehr Richtung<br />

Sueddeutschland verschieben. Empfangsberichte willkommen. Der Sen<strong>der</strong> in<br />

Hoerby ist auch als "Mighty 1000" bekannt, weil er nur mit 1 kW sendet. Das

hat bislang fuer einen stoerungsfreien Empfang in <strong>der</strong> Mitte Deutschlands<br />

voellig ausgereicht. (Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 20)<br />

SYRIA The overseas broadcasts of Radio Damascus are now carried out on<br />

the new freq of 9330 kHz instead of 13610 kHz. After 18<strong>05</strong> hours the program<br />

is emitted on 12085 kHz as well. The announced QSL address is: Radio<br />

Damascus, P.O.Box 4702, Damascus, Syria.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, R. Bulgaria <strong>DX</strong> program Apr 22 via John Norfolk, dxld)<br />

When listening tonight, April 21, I made these observations: The German<br />

program at 18<strong>05</strong> UT announced 9330, 12085 and 13610 kHz, but was only heard<br />

on the two first ones + digitally on the Hotbird satellite. The English<br />

program at 20<strong>05</strong> UT only announced 13610 kHz, but was heard on 9330 and<br />

12085 kHz + Hotbird digital (in - by the way - very good quality). (Erik<br />

Koie-DEN OZ3YI, dxld Apr 23)<br />

TAIWAN Im Programm von Radio Taiwan International wurde folgende<br />

Frequenzaen<strong>der</strong>ung angekuendigt: Ab 1. Mai 20<strong>05</strong> sendet RTI das<br />

deutschsprachige Programm von 1800-1900 UT auf 9955 kHz (ex9565). (Juergen<br />

Lohuis-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 17)<br />

250 kW from southern Taiwan. (Paul Gager-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 23)<br />

15250 Fu Hsing Broadcasting Station, Taipei at 0400-0416 on Apr 07, Taiwan<br />

pops mx and talk program. ID: "Fu Hsing Guan po dien tai" 2 times (0400).<br />

Fair reception. (Ishii). Nice full data Crocus Flower QSL Card with<br />

accompany information letter in English and Chinese. This for my report of<br />

Mar 13. The only error is that for the Date and Time they have listed<br />

94.03.13 for both... somewhat of error for the year?<br />

Sent in a large brown envelope with this address: Fu Hsing Broadcasting<br />

Station, 5, Lane 280, Section 5, Chungshan North Road, Taipei 111, Republic<br />

of China (Taiwan)<br />

E-mail: <br />

web site: Reply in 27 days. v/s nil.<br />

(Ed Kusalik-Alb-CAN, Dxplorer, Apr 13)<br />

Year 94 is the 94th year according to the calendar of the Republic of<br />

China, hence not an error, just a different calendar being used.<br />

(Richard Lam-SNG, via Kusalik in Dxplorer Apr 20)<br />

11765 Sound of Hope (via Taiwan), at 1557-1613 UT on Mar 25, talk, theme<br />

mx at 1600 UT, ID twice, "Xiwang Zhi Sheng Guiji Guan po dien tai."<br />

Relatively poor rcpn, but far better than before. (Ishii-JPN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W)<br />

SW sked is 0600-0700 on 9635, 0700-0800 & 2100-2200 on 7310, and 0000-0100<br />

on 11765.<br />

URL Story at<br />

<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, RNW MN NL via dxld)<br />

Presumably Hangzhou time; subtract 8 hrs. for UTC. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA)<br />

U.A.E. Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for AWR via Al-Dhabbaya:<br />

0300-0330 11710 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg Daily to EaAf in Orominya<br />

0300-0330 11975 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg Daily to EaAf in Amharic<br />

0330-0400 11975 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg Daily to EaAf in Tigrinya<br />

0300-0330 152<strong>05</strong> DHA 250 kW / 020 deg Daily to CeAs in Russian<br />

1200-1230 15135 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg Daily to SoAs in English<br />

1230-1300 15135 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg Daily to SoAs in Bengali<br />

1300-1330 15320 DHA 250 kW / 060 deg Mon-Fri to WeCHN in Chinese<br />

1300-1330 15320 DHA 250 kW / 060 deg Sat/Sun to WeCHN in Uighur<br />

1330-1500 15320 DHA 250 kW / 060 deg Daily to WeCHN in Chinese<br />

1330-1400 17740 DHA 250 kW / 020 deg Daily to CeAs in Russian<br />

1500-1530 15225 DHA 250 kW / 075 deg Daily to SoAs in Nepali

1530-1600 15225 DHA 250 kW / 075 deg Daily to SoAs in English<br />

1500-1530 15265 DHA 250 kW / 075 deg Daily to SoAs in Punjabi<br />

1530-1600 15265 DHA 250 kW / 075 deg Daily to SoAs in Hindi<br />

1630-1700 15460 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg Daily to EaAf in Somali<br />

1730-1800 15520 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg Daily to EaAf in Arabic<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 22)<br />


Next Saturday B<strong>BC</strong> Radio 4 is broadcasting a programme about SW Number<br />

stations. Details according to the B<strong>BC</strong> website are:<br />

Tracking the Lincolnshire Poacher Sat 23 Apr, 0930-1000 UT (Duration 30<br />

mins).<br />

A wild journey to the outer limits of radio cryptography and espionage as<br />

Simon Fanshawe enters the clandestine world of SW Number stations. Are they<br />

the mad aural daubings of pirate DJs, an extraordinary and elaborate hoax<br />

or are they, as many believe, coded messages broadcast by intelligence sces<br />

and govts to their agents in the field?<br />

Simon Mason says on the UKRadio.com forum: "I was interviewed for the show<br />

by Simon Fanshawe (sitting in photo):<br />

<br />

(RNW MN NL via dxld Apr 19)<br />

I expect this programme will be available on Listen Again at<br />

<br />

(Mike Terry, dxld)<br />

M5 Cyprus in 11540-11560 kHz range folk song LINCOLNSHIRE POACHER duddle.<br />

(wb)<br />

I've just listened to the Numbers broadcast via R4 - fascinating. I don't<br />

think we have learned much more about them that we alredy knew, though.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 24)<br />

The Story of Bletchley Park by Hugh Davies<br />

06.00 for 06.30pm on Wednesday 27th April 20<strong>05</strong><br />

The Telford Lecture Theatre, BAE SYSTEMS Advanced Technology Centre, Great<br />

Baddow, Chelmsford. CM2 8HN.<br />

Hugh Davies describes himself as guide, lecturer and researcher into the<br />

human aspects of WW2 codebreaking. The Story of Bletchley Park is an<br />

account of the German cipher machines and the British machines that helped<br />

crack their output, including the world's first computer, Colossus. How we<br />

beat the system more than broke the machines!<br />

For information about all IEE Essex events please contact:-<br />

Chairman. Professor L. W. Barclay, OBE,BSc, FREng, CEng, FIEE.<br />

12 St. Stephen's Road, Cold Norton,<br />

Chelmsford, Essex. CM3 6JE.<br />

01621 828576.<br />

e-mail: <br />

Hon. Secretary. Mr. M. Gibson, CEng MIEE<br />

11 Sidmouth Road,<br />

Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 6LR.<br />

(H) 01245 357620<br />


SPECIAL NEEDS: If you have special needs and wish to attend this lecture,<br />

please contact the Hon Secretary (above) well in advance to discuss the<br />

arrangements. ALL WELCOME<br />

(Trevor AKA, SWM_ rea<strong>der</strong>s; via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Apr 21)<br />

THE 'SECRET' MASTS OF CRIGGION. 20TH CENTURY You are in: Shropshire ><br />

History > 20th Century. The 'secret' masts of Criggion [VLF]<br />

For 60 years the radio masts at Criggion were a part of the scenery of the<br />

Shropshire in Wales bor<strong>der</strong> until their demolition in 2003. We look into the<br />

role of this station, which played an essential part of Britain's<br />

communications in World War Two...<br />

<br />

(via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, dxld Apr 23)<br />

USA Reply from AWR Asia Pacific after my query of start of dx programme<br />

Wavescan. Regards, Swopan Chakroborty, Kolklata, India<br />

On 4/20/<strong>05</strong>, Aspac-<strong>DX</strong> wrote:<br />

We hope to start as soon as we find the right person to be in charge of<br />

this program. Doing our best to have <strong>DX</strong> but hope you can enjoy our regular<br />

programs, too.<br />

Thank you for your un<strong>der</strong>standing and support to AWR.<br />

(via Swopan Chakroborty-IND, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 21)<br />

?? They had three months to find someone (actually a few more since the<br />

decision was apparently made to stop it from London and Indianapolis). They<br />

couldn't do better than retain Adrian Peterson in charge of Wavescan,<br />

assuming he wants to keep writing most of it; no reply from him to my<br />

inquiry at Marchend. He would hardly have to move to SNG to do it. Better<br />

yet, they should have had a successor lined up before suspending it.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld Apr 23)<br />

15310 kHz. USA/THA<br />

Seit einigen Tagen verfolge ich, wie einan<strong>der</strong> ab 12.00 UTC die B<strong>BC</strong> (THA?)<br />

und WHR (Maine) auf gleicher Frequenz um die Vorherrschaft rittern :-) WHR<br />

ex 15285(?)<br />

(Herbert Meixner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 20)<br />

15310 kHz B<strong>BC</strong>/WHRA. Nein nicht <strong>der</strong> Suedamerikasen<strong>der</strong> 15285 hat gewechselt,<br />

welcher noch gueltig ist, siehe unten!<br />

Das ist WHRA, Sen<strong>der</strong> #5, <strong>der</strong> afrikanische Zweig, 1200-1500 UT, und 60 Grad<br />

sind etwa Iberien und Nordafrika. Da liegen wir hier nur in einer<br />

Nebenkeule des Signals.<br />

Dazu die B<strong>BC</strong> aus Thailand in 290 Grad, also wird das irgendwo in Nahost,<br />

Nordafrika heftiges QRM erzeugen. Ob <strong>der</strong> Indian Subkontinent gestoert wird,<br />

bezweifele ich bei 11 Zeitzonen Distanz. (wb)<br />

WHRA - Angel 5<br />

UTC Eastern Frequency<br />

0100-<strong>05</strong>00 9PM-1AM 5.850 MHz <strong>05</strong>00-0700 1AM-3AM 7.490 MHz<br />

1200-1500 8AM-11AM 15.310 MHz 1500-1900 11AM-3PM 17.640 MHz<br />

1900-2100 3PM-5PM 15.665 MHz 2100-2300 5PM-7PM 11.765 MHz<br />

2300-0100 7PM-9PM 7.520 MHz<br />

Nochmals: zone 41 Pakistan, India, Bangladesh<br />

15310 1200-1500 27-29 HRA 250 60 USA HRA FCC<br />

15310 0600-1800 41 NAK 250 290 G B<strong>BC</strong> MER (Apr 21)

Hearing some OTH radar on WHRI 15310 from 1400-1500. Now this freq is<br />

totally in the 19 mtr band so there should be no military operations there.<br />

Besides I would think WHRI's AM signal would interfere with their display's<br />

results (Lou Johnson KF4EON, dxld)<br />

Lou, What does this OTH radar sound like, and does it spread beyond 15310?<br />

Heard on more than one date? (Glenn to Lou via dxld)<br />

It sounds a lot faster than the Russian OTH radar of the Eighties. A very<br />

rapid popping sound, with three groups of pulses. Usually the first and<br />

third group is weaker than the middle. I've heard it over W<strong>BC</strong>Q 7415 also. I<br />

usually hear it late at night 0400 till 1400 or 1500 in the morning. You'll<br />

know it when you hear it!<br />

(Lou Johnson, ibid., dxld Apr 21)<br />

VIETNAM 7280 kHz at 2040 UT. Voice of Vietnam poor in English with<br />

comment on Asian news on March 3rd.<br />

9875 kHz at 0846 UT. VOV Hanoi. Poor / fair in Vietnamese. MA/FA,<br />

children's songs, ethnic mx, talk, "Vietnam" ref. at 0849 UT, March 31.<br />

(Kelvin Brayshaw Levin-NZL, NZL <strong>DX</strong> Times Apr 22)<br />

7280 kHz at 1610 UT. Voice of Vietnam with news in En on March 31. Ident at<br />

1611 UT. Noisy with QRM. // 9730 clearer. (Cliff Couch, Paraparaumu-NZL,<br />

NZL <strong>DX</strong> Times Apr 22)<br />

The brand new Domestic Broadcasting Survey 7<br />

from the Danish Shortwave Club International is now available.<br />

More details at <br />

Best 73, Anker Petersen-DEN (dswci Apr 21)<br />

The 20<strong>05</strong> Domestic Broadcasting Survey is out 44 pages of indispensable SW<br />

reference material divided into four parts:<br />

I Tropical Bands Survey<br />

II Domestic Stations in the International Bands<br />

III Clandestine List<br />

IV List of Stations Deleted from the DBS since 2001.<br />

The Clandestine List is itself divided into four parts: official stations<br />

in autonomous regions; opposition groups in exile and other NGOs leasing<br />

airtime from international broadcasters; clandestine programs from official<br />

broadcasters; and covert broadcasts by opposition groups.<br />

All compiled by <strong>DX</strong>plorer Anker Peterson for the DSWCI, and up-to-the min<br />

accurate.<br />

The DBS is distributed primarily by E-mail.<br />

Prices: DKK 40.00 / EUR 5.00 / USD 7.00 / GBP 4.00 / 6 IRCs.<br />

The printed edition is DKK 75.00 / EUR 10.00 / USD 15.00 / GBP 6.00 / SEK<br />

100.00<br />

Cash preferred, no checks.<br />

Or<strong>der</strong>s to: DSWCI, c/o Bent Nielsen, Egekrogen 14, DK-3500 Vaerloese,<br />

Denmark.<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 18)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Apr 22)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 23)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Apr 1)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 14)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 15)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 711 3 May 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

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!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews. !!!<br />

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Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

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ALASKA I have kept trying to monitor KNLS. April 26, 9615 was audible<br />

with mx until 1359* for a beam change, but tuned in too late to confirm<br />

lang; back on at *1400 with repeated IS, ID in Chinese, but no legal ID in<br />

English heard. Only fair. The 2- tx schedule version shows KNLS also on<br />

9795 at 1400, in English, but on that freq I heard something in Vietnamese,<br />

which according to EiBi would be RFI via Japan. That and KNLS would seem to<br />

me mutually exclusive. Then on April 17 I was monitoring 9615 at *1200 and<br />

tho reception quickly deteriorated from poor to very poor, I'm pretty sure<br />

the hour was in Chinese, not English, following the IS.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Apr 27)<br />

KNLS Website has now been updated to show new schedule effective from 1 May<br />

reflecting use of the second tx (frequencies the same as previously posted<br />

from the KNLS Chinese website - except for one freq at 1300 in Mandarin)<br />

<br />

KNLS Broadcast Schedule Starting May 1, 20<strong>05</strong><br />

0800-0900 11765 25 Mandarin 0800-0900 11870 25 English<br />

0900-1000 11765 25 Mandarin 0900-1000 11870 25 Russian<br />

1000-1100 9795 31 English 1000-1100 11765 25 Mandarin<br />

1100-1200 9615 31 Mandarin 1100-1200 9655 31 Russian<br />

1200-1300 9615 31 English 1200-1300 9780 31 English<br />

1300-1400 9615 31 Mandarin 1300-1400 9780 31 Mandarin<br />

1400-1500 9615 31 Mandarin 1400-1500 9795 31 English

1500-1600 9615 31 Mandarin 1500-1600 9795 31 Russian<br />

1600-1700 9615 31 Mandarin 1600-1700 9795 31 Russian<br />

1700-1800 7355 41 Russian 1700-1800 9615 31 Mandarin<br />

(Alan Roe-UK, dxld April 27)<br />


May 1, 20<strong>05</strong> marks the first txion of KNLS from the new, secondtower in<br />

Anchor Point, Alaska. This doubles the number of dailybroadcasts from 10 to<br />

20 hours.<br />

And this, illustrated at the WC<strong>BC</strong> site:<br />

(via dxld Apr 27)<br />

AUSTRALIA Engineers begin installing new DRM compatible SW txs at Radio<br />

Australia's Brandon, Queensland site next week.<br />

(David Ricquish, Radio Heritage Foundation,<br />

hcdx Apr 30)<br />

BAHREIN Wie bei dxing.info gemeldet sendet Coalition Maritime Forces<br />

Radio One auf <strong>der</strong> neuen Frequenz 9133 kHz USB. Ich konnte die Station heute<br />

um 1722 UTC mit arabischer Mx und Frequenzansagen empfangen. Der Empfang<br />

ist deutlich besser als auf <strong>der</strong> alten Frequenz 15500 kHz. (Patrick Robic-<br />

AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 29)<br />

9133 - Coalition Maritime Forces radio on new SW frequency B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring<br />

has observed Coalition Maritime Forces Radio One on the new shortwave freq<br />

of 9133 kHz (upper sideband mode) at 1110 on 1 May 20<strong>05</strong>, following a tip<br />

from Swedish radio hobbyist <strong>Jan</strong> Edh on Glenn Hauser's "<strong>DX</strong> Listening Digest"<br />

web site.<br />

Programming consisted of Afghan and Arabic mx interspersed with appeals for<br />

information about terrorist activities, in Arabic, Dari, English, Pashto<br />

and Urdu. After one such appeal relating to Iraqi oil terminals, there was<br />

the following annt in English: "Thank you for listening to Coalition<br />

Maritime Forces Radio One. We broadcast ... [words indistinct] terrorist<br />

mariners around the world. Call in to CMF Radio One any time on 6125<br />

kiloHertz SW [shortwave], 9133 kiloHertz SW, or 15500 kiloHertz SW." The<br />

announcement continued with contact details, which were as given on the<br />

associated "Rewards for Justice" web site at<br />

<br />

Although not heard on this occasion, the radio is also believed to<br />

broadcast in Hindi and Persian, and sometimes identifies as "Information<br />

Radio".<br />

CMF Radio One is operated by the US Navy Maritime Liaison Office (MARLO)<br />

headquartered in Bahrain, with the purpose of encouraging listeners to<br />

report terrorist activity. It has been on the air since April 2004, using<br />

low-powered SW txs installed on ships operating in the Persian Gulf.<br />

According to a statement on the MARLO web site, their mission is to<br />

facilitate the exchange of information between the United States Navy and<br />

the commercial shipping community in the US Central Command's area of<br />

responsibility. MARLO operates as a conduit for information focused on<br />

safety of shipping and is committed to assisting the commercial shipping<br />

community. The web site is at<br />

<br />

(B<strong>BC</strong> M via RNW MN NL 1 May, via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK)<br />

CIS A-<strong>05</strong> for WYFR via CIS txs:<br />

New additional 1000-1100 7380 K/A 250 kW / 178 deg in Japanese.<br />

0900-1100 9450 IRK 250 kW / 110 deg in English

1100-1200 9450 IRK 250 kW / 110 deg in Korean<br />

1300-1500 7580 NVS 250 kW / 180 deg in English<br />

1400-1500 7510 TAC 200 kW / 131 deg in Urdu<br />

1500-1700 7580 NVS 250 kW / 180 deg in Hindi<br />

1600-1700 7520 SMF 250 kW / 131 deg in Persian<br />

1700-1900 9495 TAC 200 kW / 311 deg in Russian<br />

1900-2000 7370 SAM 250 kW / 284 deg in German<br />

1900-2000 7440 MNS 150 kW / 246 deg in Spanish<br />

1900-2000 9490 MSK 250 kW / 240 deg in Italian<br />

1900-2000 12060 MSK 250 kW / 290 deg in French<br />

2000-2200 7360 KCH 500 kW / 309 deg in English<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 1 / Apr<br />

4)<br />

EGYPT [and non] I was in Cairo last week where I was delighted to meet<br />

local <strong>DX</strong>er and regular <strong>DX</strong>LD contributor Tarek Zeidan. With Tarek in place<br />

there I hardly need to provide any <strong>DX</strong> nx from the country, though I can<br />

note the following:<br />

The 20<strong>05</strong> WRTH confirmed its reputation as the best edition of recent times.<br />

As far as I could tell, it has a high degree of accuracy for Egypt. I could<br />

hear all nine of ERTU's FM freqs listed for Cairo, along with a number of<br />

other freqs listed as being from ERTU relays in Alexandria, Ismailia and<br />

Mahalla. Also present were Nile FM in English (not Nile 1 FM as in WRTH)<br />

and its sister Arabic mx channel, Nugoom FM (spelling as at<br />

http://www.nilefmonline.com - which also offers streaming audio of Nile<br />

FM). A VHF lift was in place for part of the time I was there, and various<br />

Israeli and Greek Cypriot stations were heard on FM.<br />

On MF, the only addition I noted to the WRTH was an unidentified strong<br />

station, definitely local, playing continuous mx, late afternoons and<br />

evenings only, on 936 kHz.<br />

It was interesting to note that, of the four powerful mediumwave stations<br />

in Cyprus, the B<strong>BC</strong> Arabic Service on 639 and Radio Sawa on 990 were audible<br />

during the daytime on a portable set in noisy and crowded central Cairo,<br />

but Radio Monte Carlo on 1233 and B<strong>BC</strong> WS English on 1323 were not. They did<br />

become audible during the day when I took the radio up to the top of the<br />

187-metre Cairo Tower, which also offered an excellent view of the ERTU's<br />

HQ, the distinctive so-called "Arab Television Building" (though it also<br />

houses radio studios).<br />

(Chris (now back in the UK) Greenway, in Cairo-EGY, dxld April 26)<br />

ETHIOPIA 9560.1 Voice of Democratic Alliance?, via R Ethiopia at 1456-<br />

15<strong>05</strong> UT on Apr 26, Arabic song to 1459 then pause and at 1600 drum-like<br />

start and YM in Arabic but not possible to ID. Went to 11800 which was<br />

occupied by strong (Asian lang) speaker, so went back to 9560.1, but still<br />

no good luck there with heavy splash sandwiched as it was between 9555 /<br />

9565 kHz. 7165.1 had a very weak carrier. Had to leave at 1520, and when I<br />

came back 1555, 7165.1 a bit better, but none good enough to establish<br />

whether in \\. 18000 completely empty, as expected. This is going to be a<br />

difficult one to ID.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 26)<br />

5500 V.of Tigray Revolution on Apr 26 at *1454-1504 UT. 35333 Tigre, 1454<br />

sign on with IS, 1459 ID, Opening mx and announce, Talk. (Kouji Hashimoto-<br />

JPN, JPNpremium Apr 26)<br />

EUROPE [FRANCE/GERMANY] Radio France Internationale (RFI) - which<br />

broadcasts to French speakers abroad - and German radio Deutsche Welle are<br />

to join forces to broadcast programmes to the Arab world and to the<br />

countries of the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States, which took over<br />

from the former USSR), a joint statement said on Tuesday [26 April].

The two radio stations have been co-operating since <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2003 to produce<br />

European programmes and assess potential FM freqs to be operated jointly,<br />

in the Balkans in particular.<br />

RFI will help develop Deutsche Welle's programmes in Arabic. Through its<br />

Arab-language subsidiary RMC-Moyen-Orient [RMC-Middle East] (RMC- MO), RFI<br />

is able to broadcast to the Middle East on medium wave freqs and in FM (ten<br />

radio relays). Both stations are studying the terms un<strong>der</strong> which some of<br />

Deutsche Welle's programmes will be broadcast in Arabic on the audiochannels<br />

of RMC-MO, thereby gaining greater exposure.<br />

Deutsche Welle and RFI plan to operate jointly short-wave and medium wave<br />

freqs in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and in the CIS in or<strong>der</strong> to allow RFI to<br />

broadcast - alongside Deutsche Welle programmes in Russian and German - its<br />

own programme in Russian and French.<br />

Through these symmetrical operations, the statement said, "the two radio<br />

stations will be taking a first step towards creating what could become an<br />

international European radio station, capable of broadcasting the opinion<br />

of European society throughout the world".<br />

(AFP nx agency, via B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld Apr 26)<br />

FRANCE 6175 DRM Today I noted loud DRM on 6175 at 0648 - RFI? - and<br />

blocking reception of VOA 6180. There was another on 9720 at 0710 - ORF? -<br />

and another at low level on 7210 same time. And on about 9677 (USB only?)<br />

there was another type of digital racket. They are swarming around like<br />

angry bees !!!<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 3)<br />

GEORGIA B<strong>BC</strong>M has observed Republic of Abkhazia Radio operating on<br />

9534.75 kHz SW, in \\ with its long-used freq of 9494.75 kHz. This was<br />

heard on both freqs from 0158 UT on 29 April 20<strong>05</strong>, opening with orchestral<br />

mx followed by an interval signal and identification annt.<br />

The station has been on the air since 1992, broadcasting from Sukhumi,<br />

capital of Abkhazia, a breakaway region of Georgia where a separatist<br />

movement has fought for independence since the breakup of the Soviet Union.<br />

Using txs on MW 1350 kHz and SW it broadcasts programmes in Abkhaz,<br />

Georgian and Russian, and when not carrying its own programmes relays Radio<br />

Russia or public radios from the neighbouring Russian North Caucasus<br />

region. (B<strong>BC</strong> M, via dxld Apr 29)<br />

GERMANY [Clandestine to Gambia] Gambia Democracy Project tests on April<br />

27-29 via DTK T-Systems:<br />

2000-2015 Wed-Fri on 9430 JUL 100 kW / 210 deg to WeAf in Wolof and English<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 3)<br />

9430, Save the Gambia Democracy Project, test xmsns planned for Apr 27-29,<br />

2000-2015, interviews, no stn IDs. For more info, see article by Nick Grace<br />

in CRW 180 Extra (below).<br />

STGDP URL is There is not much there. Most of<br />

the info is at<br />

<br />

There is this address for donations: STGDP, P.O.Box 48321, Doraville, GA<br />

30362, U.S.A.<br />

E-mail address is <br />

I see that Bible Voice via DTK-Julich & Nauen uses 9430 at various times<br />

before 2000 on some days, so maybe this is via DTK. (Jerry Berg-USA,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 26)

9430, "GAMBIA", "Gambia Democratic Project", *2000-2015* at Apr 27,<br />

English, Test txion crash-start at 2000 with interview in progress b/w 2 OM<br />

re formation, mission of the "Gambian Democratic Project" and hopes for the<br />

Gambian 2006 election. Caliope like mx over interview at 2014, then mx only<br />

until 2015*. No ID given. Fair, best listening in USB. Thanks Nick Grace-<br />

CRW for the tip. Any ideas on tx site?<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 27)<br />

Target: Gambia By Nick Grace April 26, 20<strong>05</strong><br />

The Gambia joins the growing list of tyrannies targeted by opposition radio<br />

broadcasts this week with the launch of a weekly fifteen-minute nx program<br />

produced by Web savvy exiles in the United States.<br />

The program, which had not been named at press time, is the latest effort<br />

coordinated by Save the Gambia Democracy Project (STGDP) to promote press<br />

freedoms, democratic liberties, respect for human rights, the rule of law<br />

and good governance inside the West African nation.<br />

Test broadcasts, Clandestine Radio Watch (CRW) has learned, will be<br />

conducted on April 27, 28 and 29 between 2000 and 2015 GMT on 9430 kHz. The<br />

test broadcasts will contain excerpts of interviews in the Wollof, English<br />

and local langs for the purpose of testing reception inside Gambia and will<br />

not contain a station identification. Formal broadcasts will begin soon<br />

thereafter from an undisclosed tx location.<br />

STGDP is a relatively new movement that was formed on the Gambian<br />

Independence Day, February 18, in 2004 after months of intense online<br />

chatter among exiles throughout North America. It was formally launched on<br />

the campus of Morehouse College in Atlanta - Martin Luther King, Jr.'s alma<br />

mater, an irony not lost on its members.<br />

The group has sought to make a direct impact on the country's political<br />

scene and successfully brought the fragmented opposition together un<strong>der</strong> the<br />

National Alliance for Democracy and Development (NADD). Its efforts,<br />

including the new radio program, are meant to send a signal to the regime<br />

of former Sergeant Yahya Jemmah that the upcoming elections in October 2006<br />

will be no cakewalk.<br />

Since taking power in 1994, Jemmah's consolidation of power has proceeded<br />

against the winds of democratic change sweeping across the world - and<br />

inside Gambia. Attempts to pass severe restrictions on the press in 2002<br />

led to mass outrage and, ultimately, a repeal of the legislation. More<br />

recent attempts to muzzle the press, however, have been more successful and<br />

even deadly. What began with arson attacks, intimidation and threats<br />

finally culminated in the mur<strong>der</strong> of Deyda Hydara, editor and co-owner of a<br />

private weekly and stringer for Agence-France-Presse and Reporters San<br />

Frontieres.<br />

The U.S. State Department consi<strong>der</strong>s such developments as "shortcomings,"<br />

however, and in 2002 "determined a democratically elected govt had assumed<br />

office" in Banjul and lifted sanctions, according to its 20<strong>05</strong> human rights<br />

report. While engagement is touted as official policy, none of the U.S.funded<br />

NGOs run democratization projects or maintain a presence in Gambia.<br />

The Gambian diaspora finds itself going alone.<br />

The radio program, sources within STGDP tell CRW, is a grassroots effort<br />

dependent upon the generosity of its supporters and should be consi<strong>der</strong>ed a<br />

wake-up call to those in the regime that whether through print, radio or<br />

the Internet the pulse of freedom cannot be silenced.<br />

"We are going to be a force to open the people's eyes," STGDP Spokeswoman<br />

Sigga Jagne told CRW. "We are not bound by the same sanctions our domestic

journalists face. Through our programs we will send a message of hope to<br />

our people inside the Gambia that those of us outside do care and are<br />

willing to do what it takes to bring change."<br />

Save the Gambian Democracy Project can be reached through its Web site at<br />

<br />

(via <strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 26)<br />

We kindly request for reception reports of the new freqs for The Overcomer<br />

Ministry txions on SW.<br />

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Commencing from Wednesday, 27th April 20<strong>05</strong> The<br />

Overcomer Ministry will use a new schedule to broadcast for Europe and ME.<br />

Please see the following data containing the new schedule:<br />

1400-1559 UTC, 13810 kHz towards SEEUR and ME<br />

1459-1559 UTC, 6110 kHz towards WEUR 1559-1759 UTC, 5980 kHz towards<br />

WEUR<br />

1559-1759 UTC, 9845 kHz towards EUR, EEUR, NEUR, , SEUR, Russia<br />

Based on this new schedule, we kindly request for reception reports of the<br />

new freqs for The Overcomer Ministry txions on SW.<br />

Your future reception reports also would be highly appreciated. Please feel<br />

free to send them to us and we will forward them to our Customers, too.<br />

Yours sincerely, Walter Brodowsky, Account Manager for short-wave broadcast<br />

My mail-address and phone contacts did change. Walter Brodowsky<br />

email <br />

Internet: (via Michael Bethge-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Apr 26)<br />

15670, Radio Xoriyo, Voice of the Ogadeni People, via Juelich-Germany at<br />

*1631-1645+ on Apr 26 (Tue), Somali talk, many mentions of Ogaden (the<br />

station focuses on the Ogaden region of eastern Ethiopia). Web-site<br />

says, and I quote: "Radio Xoriyo waxaad ka<br />

dhegaysan kartaa Mawjadda 19 MB ee dhererkeedu yahay 15670 KHZ, Maalmaha<br />

Talaadada iyo Jimcaha 7:30PM waqtiga Afrikada Bari" (dated Apr 26), hi.<br />

Weak, clear channel. and <br />

15670, V.O.Oromo Liberation (Tue) at 1703-1710+ on Apr 26, Oromo nx<br />

(Ogaden, Iraq, America, etc), HoA song 1709, male agn about Oromo. (Finn<br />

Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 26)<br />

'Conflict radio' almost have created their own SW 'band' with these heard<br />

between 1730-1800 Apr 30: 12120 Dejen 12130 Horyaal 12140 Ashna 12145 SW<br />

Radio Africa ( \\ weak 11770 at 1802) - and no other stations heard in<br />

between!!<br />

12130, R Horyaal, via Samara (to Somalia), *1730-1800*, Apr 30, 1725 strong<br />

carrier, test-tones, into 1730 intial HoA tune, YL men'd Radio Horyaal ..<br />

kilohertz, 1731 short Quran readings, 1732 YL/YM several IDs. Choir at<br />

sign-off 1800* Has been heard quite regularly these last days. Dejen on<br />

12120 was heard a bit weaker -1800* close with insatrumental tune (after<br />

phone-in prgr).<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 31)<br />

Via Deutsche Welle the following sites where verified with Full data QSL<br />

Cards, with schedules, for French, German and English Broadcasts. Reply in<br />

26 days.<br />

a) 15410 via Bonaire, Neth. Antilles. 'Schwerin Castle' card<br />

b) 11690 via Sackville, Canada. 'Berlin' card.

c) 11840,21840 via Kigali, Rwanda. 'Berlin / Gates' & '1953-2000 DW<br />

Ann.'card<br />

d) 9890,11865,17715 via Sines, Portugal 'Curtain/Tower of DW' & 'Sines<br />

Transmitter'<br />

& 'Special Kiev <strong>BC</strong>B' card<br />

e) 21820 via Wertachtal, Germany "DTK-Telekom Studio' card.<br />

f) 15135 via Tchita, Russia 'Stuttgart' card.<br />

v/s: Horst Scholz, Transmission Management. (Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 30)<br />

935 DSS Burg - GDR HISTORY.<br />

Ralf Goette rief mich gerade an und sagte mir, dass er seine lange geplante<br />

Sendung zum Thema "Deutscher Soldatensen<strong>der</strong>" fertiggestellt haette.<br />

Ausstrahlung ist am Sonntag, 22. Mai 20<strong>05</strong> in <strong>der</strong> Zeit von 10.00 bis 11.00<br />

Uhr MESZ auf Radio Okerwelle, das ist eine nichtkommerzielle Lokalstation,<br />

die im Bereich Braunschweig, Wolfenbuettel, Wolfsburg auf 104,6 MHz zu<br />

hoeren ist. Ausserdem gibt es einen Internetstream unter <br />

<strong>der</strong> aber von <strong>der</strong> Kapazitaet ziemlich schwachbruestig ist, fruehes<br />

Erscheinen sichert also die besten Plaetze.<br />

Hier in dieser Gegend kam <strong>der</strong> Soldatensen<strong>der</strong> mit einem Mordssignal herein<br />

und war zu meiner (lang zurueckliegenden) Jugendzeit ein voller Erfolg.<br />

Praktisch je<strong>der</strong> Jugendliche hier hoerte den Soldatensen<strong>der</strong>, um dem damals<br />

unertraeglichen NDR zu entgehen.<br />

(Martin Elbe-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> May 1)<br />

GREECE Freq change for Voice of America in English to ME:<br />

0900-1200 NF 9520 KAV 250 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg, ex 97<strong>05</strong><br />

\\ 152<strong>05</strong> KAV 250 kW / 095 deg and 17745 IRA 250 kW / 299 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 3)<br />

INDONESIA 46<strong>05</strong> RRI Seui at 1040-1045 UT. mx similar, but not \\ to 4750<br />

Makassar. (Bob Wilkner-USA, JPNpremium Apr 24)<br />

4870.96 RRI-Sorong Apr 21 at 1<strong>05</strong>3-1103 34443-33443 INSn, 1<strong>05</strong>9 IS, ID at<br />

1000, Local news.<br />

4919.98 RRI-Biak on Apr 21 at 1025-1032 24332-23332 INSn, Music, 1029 IS,<br />

Local nx.<br />

4919.98 RRI-Biak on Apr 26 at 1027-1034 32332 INSn, 1029 IS, ID at 1030,<br />

Local news. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Apr 21-26)<br />

Voice of INS 9525 kHz is thun<strong>der</strong>ing in here at 1850 UT in German. Should<br />

hold up for English hour at 2000 UTC.<br />

(Mick Delmage-Alb-CAN, hcdx Apr 30)<br />

15150 RRI or VoINS with Hawaiian songs at 1145 UT. QRMed by VoIRI for a<br />

short favor only three mins and possibly with Japanese progr. Again on<br />

April 23, co-QRMEd with VoIRI 43333. S10. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC,<br />

JPNpremium Apr 22)<br />

For the first time ever, VOI Jakarta uses both frequencies 9525 a n d<br />

15150 kHz as summer freqs since April 21. Never happened before.<br />

VOI outlets noted so far in past days:<br />

1600-2100 9525 and 15150 kHz. German 1800-1900, English 2000-2100 UT,<br />

0800-1400 15150 kHz to NE Asia. English at 0800-0900 UT.<br />

And also RRI Jakarta 0000-1600 11860 (fade-in in EUR around 1330 UT til<br />

1600 UT). All according to schedule in WRTH 20<strong>05</strong>. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 2)<br />

ISRAEL Updated summer A-<strong>05</strong> schedule for Kol Israel:<br />

ARABIC 0245-2115 5915

AMHARIC 1800-1835 9345 11590# 15640<br />

ENGLISH 0330-0345 9345 116<strong>05</strong> 17600<br />

0930-0945 15640<br />

1730-1745 9345 11590# 15640<br />

1900-1925 11590 15615 15640<br />

FARSI 1400-1525 9985 116<strong>05</strong> 17535* Sun-Thu<br />

1400-1500 9985 116<strong>05</strong> 17535*Fri/Sat<br />

FRENCH 0345-0400 9345 116<strong>05</strong><br />

1000-1015 15640<br />

1700-1715 9345 11590# 15640<br />

1930-1945 9345 11590# 15640<br />

HEBREW 0400-0455 9345<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-1355 17535<br />

2000-2<strong>05</strong>5 11585 15640<br />

2100-2255 11585<br />

2300-0330 9345<br />

HUNGARIAN 1645-1700 9345 11590# 15640<br />

1845-1855 9345 11590# 15640<br />

LADINO 0945-1000 15640<br />

1500-1525 116<strong>05</strong> 15640 17535* Sat<br />

MUGRABIAN 1015-1030 15640<br />

MUSIC 1530-1545 11590# 15640 17535*<br />

ROMANIAN 1625-1645 9345 11590# 15640<br />

1745-1800 9345 11590# 15640<br />

RUSSIAN 1500-1525 116<strong>05</strong> 15640 17535* Fri<br />

2000-2100 9345<br />

SPANISH 1545-1555 11590# 15640 17535*<br />

1715-1730 9345 11590# 15640<br />

1945-2000 9345 11590# 15640<br />

TIGRINA 1835-1845 9345 11590# 15640<br />

YIDDISH 1600-1625 9345 11590# 15640<br />

# ex 116<strong>05</strong> * ex 15760<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 3)<br />

ITALY Today (April 22) I note that RAI is using 6195 - heard at tune in<br />

0706 after the B<strong>BC</strong> had gone off air. I assume it's still them as I type<br />

c0915, but now weak in noise at my location. On 9670 (where they should be)<br />

tone "tests" are taking place, and some nice "tunes" are played<br />

occasionally. But, I don't un<strong>der</strong>stand the logic of shifting the broadcast<br />

down to 6195 and conducting tests on 9670!<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 22)<br />

New 6195 - RAI still on air at 1030 UT; 9670 is off. I guess, because of<br />

poor propagation they changed to 49 mb to reach their Italian army troops<br />

in ex-YUG. 0630-1300 UT. Due of 52 degrees azimuth, not strong here in<br />

SoGermany. Scheduled 0630-1300 UT.<br />

(wb, Apr 22)<br />

OK re RAI 6195. RAI 6195 was on air before 0700 again - nothing on 9670<br />

today - so the move could be a permanent one. The B<strong>BC</strong> sched which came via<br />

you says that 6195 is active via RMP til 0700, but the HFCC says active til<br />

0600. I can't remember which is correct, but if it is 0700 then QRM will<br />

occur. The RAI txions were via 11800 in B-04 and dropped to 9670 from A-<strong>05</strong>,<br />

so have they altered their target area? If 6195 is weak at you then it will<br />

not be serving very much of Northern or Eastern Europe.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 23)<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> RMP/SKN leaves 6195 kHz channel at 0600 UT (wb)<br />

ITALY/SWITZERLAND/MOLDOVA On 1566 kHz it has been heard in Milano a very<br />

strong open carrier from 2345 UTC the 26 April, still on at 0645 UTC on 27<br />

April and still on at 1145 UTC on same day.

No ideas who is testing a so powerfull TX, but the signal is S=9 +40 db,<br />

strong as the one of RAI 1 on 900 kHz ... so I guess is coming from RAI ...<br />

may be starting soon the DRM tests annonced in March but never started ...<br />

1566 kHz some years ago used to be from Switzerland. Anyone with more info<br />

? (Dario Monferini-I)<br />

Ciao ! Stanotte ho notato una fortissima portante su 1566 kHz attorno alle<br />

ore 2355 UTC, la portante era non modulata e con segnale 9+40db ...<br />

stamattina alle 0645 UTC ho ricontrollato e la portante era sempre li ...<br />

con lo stesso segnale....paragonabile a quello di RAI 1 sui 900 kHz ... ho<br />

ricontrollato alle 1145 UTC ed era sempre presente ...<br />

A qualcuno risulta che la RAI ha intenzione di fare prove di DRM su 1566<br />

kHz (canale lasciato libero anni fa dalla Svizzera ????)<br />

(Dario Monferini-I, via mwdx Apr 27)<br />

Still registered at ITU Geneve un<strong>der</strong> Switzerland, 500 kW. Also VoRussia<br />

Maiac-Moldova (Pridnestr.) tested 1566 channel towards southern Balcan<br />

recently (instead of 1467 kHz).<br />

(wb)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. New Summer schedule Voice of Korea, Pyongyang, P.R. of<br />

Korea, from Tuesday May 3rd, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Neuer Sommersendeplan <strong>der</strong> Stimme Koreas, Pyongyang, Nordkorea. Die STIMME<br />

KOREAS aus PYONGYANG, NORDKOREA, wird den neuen Sommersendeplan ab<br />

Dienstag, den 03. Mai 20<strong>05</strong> einfuehren. Nachfolgend das Wichtigste fuer<br />

Europa vorab. Den kompletten Sendeplan werde ich bald als Word-Anhang<br />

verschicken, wenn alle Details bekannt sind.<br />

Ich bitte um weite Verbreitung, bitte unter Angabe <strong>der</strong> Quelle! Gruss in die<br />

Runde von OM Arnulf Piontek (via A-<strong>DX</strong> May 2) Berlin - Germany<br />

UTC Frequenz (kHz) Target<br />

German<br />

1600 9325 12015 West-Europa 1800 9325 12015 West-Europa<br />

1900 9325 12015 West-Europa<br />

English<br />

1300 13760 15245 West-Europa 1500 13760 15245 West-Europa<br />

1800 13760 15245 West-Europa 2100 13760 15245 West-Europa<br />

French<br />

1400 13760 15245 West-Europa 1600 13760 15245 West-Europa<br />

2000 13760 15245 West-Europa<br />

Spanish<br />

1900 13760 15245 West-Europa 2200 13760 15245 West-Europa<br />

(Arnulf Piontek-D, via A-<strong>DX</strong> May 2)<br />

KUWAIT/CHINA The project to install a fourth IBB SW tx here is<br />

proceeding. It will be one of the deactivated units moved from Biblis,<br />

Germany. It is hoped to refurbish an existing IBB antenna for tropical band<br />

use to Afghanistan; if not, present appropriations would not cover the<br />

$800,000 cost for a new one.<br />

(Aaron Zawitzky, dxld Apr 27)<br />

Biblis-Germany? - I guess rather Continental 250 kW SW unit originate<br />

from former IBB Holzkirchen Germany site. Another [rather unpopular] Thales<br />

250 kW unit has been seen as spare unit at Lampertheim amongst the<br />

Continental beast farm last year ... (wb)

17780 And yesterday I "found" a CNR txion around 0630 on 17780 which I<br />

hadn't noted before, and gradually another station in the background<br />

manifested itself, and I could hear the mx usually played by RFA before<br />

sign off at 0700. And this was \\ 17720 which became clearly - although<br />

weakly - audible when KAS went off around 0657 UT.<br />

Today, 17780 is definitely IDed as the RFA Tibetan sce and in \\ with<br />

17510. Both signals were at times "beating" the jammer, and at good<br />

strength. 17720 was heard - just about - thro CRI and a little better when<br />

they went off. I could not be 100% certain that 17495 was on air due to<br />

splatter from CRI on 17490 and 175<strong>05</strong> same time. But there was positively NO<br />

SIGNAL on 17485, and I would guess that 17780 may replace it. I used to<br />

hear it reasonably well. I could not get any audio out of either 21500 or<br />

21690 but I could detect that something was operating there.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 29)<br />

New 17685 0630-1030 RFAFG via RFE/RL Kuwait relay, 250 kW at 70deg in<br />

Dari/Pashto.<br />

RFA Tibetan also 250 kW and 70 degrees on 7550 2300-2400, 9365 0100-0300,<br />

11540 1500-1600, 11590 1200-1400, 17780 0600-0700, 17855 1100-1200. (April<br />

4)<br />

LUXEMBOURG Die Lutherische Stunde verlaesst RTL, zum zweiten und wohl<br />

letzten Mal. Im Programmheft fuer April-Mai 20<strong>05</strong> wurde es noch als<br />

Moeglichkeit angesprochen. Mittlerweile hat die Leitung <strong>der</strong> Radiomission<br />

den Vertrag tatsaechlich gekuendigt. Bei <strong>der</strong> Lutherischen Stunde geht man<br />

davon aus, das die letzte Sendung spaetestens Anfang Juni ausgestrahlt<br />

wird.<br />

Kuenftig wird die Lutherische Stunde terrestrich nur noch ueber die Stimme<br />

Russlands auf Mittel- und Kurzwelle. Als Gruende gelten sowohl die<br />

Spendenlage als auch die Empfangslage. Urspruenglich als Ableger <strong>der</strong> USamerikanischen<br />

Lutheran Hour bei Radio Luxemburg begonnen, werden die<br />

Sendungen heute von einem freien Medienmissionswerk unter programmlicher<br />

Aufsicht <strong>der</strong> Selbstaendigen Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche getragen.<br />

Seit 1962 werden die Sendungen in Deutschland produziert, seit einigen<br />

Jahren muessen sie auch ohne Unterstuetzung <strong>der</strong> US-amerikanischen Lutheran<br />

Hour finanziert werden. Mit einer Luecke zwischen 1993 und 1995 war Radio<br />

Luxemburg immer die Hauptwelle <strong>der</strong> Lutherischen Stunde gewesen.<br />

Mittlerweile duerfte sie aber in einem Umfeld zwischen digitaler<br />

Testsendung und China Radio International wohl kein Massenpublikum mehr<br />

erreichen.<br />

Dagegen bietet die Stimme Russlands mit den Mittelwellen in Nie<strong>der</strong>sachsen<br />

(630 kHz), Berlin-Brandenburg (603 kHz) und Thueringen (1323 kHz) abgesehen<br />

von den europaweiten Mittel- und Kurzwellen noch Frequenzen, die man auch<br />

fuer Leute bewerben kann, die sich mit Rundfunkfernempfang nicht so<br />

auskennen. Die Sendezeit bei Radio Moskau wird seit 1992 gekauft.<br />

Trotzdem muss im Programmheft ausdruecklich darauf hingewiesen werden, dass<br />

die Sendungen "natuerlich auf Deutsch" sind. Ausser terrestrisch ist die<br />

Lutherische Stunde ueber Radio Neue Hoffnung auf dem Satelliten Astra und<br />

im Internet bei www.lutherischestunde.de zu hoeren. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-<br />

D, ntt Apr 28)<br />

MOLDOVA (PRIDNESTROVYE) Radio Pridnestrovya propagated with a good<br />

quality 7 Apr at 1600 on 549 kHz. There only was slight QRM by Mayak,<br />

Russia. I've noted a couple of interesting moments:<br />

1) Radio Pridnestrovya settled on even nominal freq 549 kHz -<br />

previously it used to be offset by several dozens Hz.<br />

2) Ukrainian and Moldavian nx blocks have been exchanged:

1600-1615 Russian, 1615-1622 Moldavian, 1622-1630 Ukrainian.<br />

(open_dx - Alexan<strong>der</strong> Yegorov-UKR, <strong>DX</strong>signal May 2) see un<strong>der</strong> 1566 Italy<br />

too.<br />

NEW ZEALAND I have now received some more information about the RNZI<br />

maintenance outage a few days ago. The following was received from RNZI:<br />

Quote - The tx was taken off for urgent maintenance Friday which took much<br />

longer than expected. We try to arrange maintenance to happen between 2230-<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 UTC but in this case sce was not restored until 0745. I am told we can<br />

expect more "Maintenance" as construction work at Rangitaiki accelerates to<br />

accommodate the second tx.<br />

As I was not in the office there was no one to alert the web site that we<br />

were off air. - Unquote<br />

More details about their planned 2nd Transmitter / DRM etc. can be found at<br />

<br />

Regards Mark Nicholls, Editor, New Zealand <strong>DX</strong> Times<br />

New Zealand Radio <strong>DX</strong> League (hcdx Apr 30)<br />

OMAN QSL: B<strong>BC</strong> Relay at A'Seela reply to a RR on 11760, 250 kW via:<br />

Resident Engineer, VT Merlin Communication, Partners LLC, B<strong>BC</strong> Relay<br />

Station, P.O.Box 40, Al Ashkarah 422, Sultanate of Oman - v/s Afrah Al<br />

Orimi, who verified with a full detailed letter.<br />

(Torre Ekblom-FIN, dxld Apr 26)<br />

PAKISTAN Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Radio Pakikstan:<br />

ARABIC 1815-1900 ME 9340 11550<br />

ASSAMI 0045-0115 SoAs 9340 11565<br />

BANGLA 0115-0200 SoAs 9340 11565<br />

1200-1245 SoAs 15625 17495<br />

CHINESE 1200-1230 FE 11570 15070<br />

DARI 1515-1545 CIS 5860 7375<br />

ENGLISH 1600-1615 ME 11570 15100<br />

EaAf 11850 15725<br />

GUJARATI 0400-0430 Af 9340 11565<br />

FARSI 1715-1800 ME 9325 11550<br />

HINDI 0215-0300 SoAs 9340 11565<br />

1100-1145 SoAs 9340 11565<br />

NEPALI 1245-1315 SoAs 15625 17485<br />

PASHTO 1500-1545 CIS 6060<br />

RUSSIAN 1415-1500 CIS 9340 11585<br />

SINHALA 1015-1045 SoAs 15625 17495<br />

TAMIL 0315-0345 SoAs 11565 15625<br />

0945-1015 SoAs 15625 17495<br />

TURKI 1330-1400 CIS 5860 6060<br />

TURKISH 1630-1700 ME 11565 15725<br />

URDU 0045-0215 SoAs 11580 15485<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0700 ME 11570 15100 17835<br />

0800-11<strong>05</strong> Eu 15100 17835<br />

1330-1530 ME 11570 15100<br />

1700-1900 Eu 9365* 11570 >>* from June 15100<br />

1800-1900 ME 9325 Islamabad px<br />

1915-0045 ME 7570<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 3)<br />

The PAK sched in Observer is not completely correct. The service in<br />

Gujarati is no longer for Africa but now for SoAsia. And Turkish at 1630 UT<br />

should be using 11550 (x11565), while Irani and Urdu at 1715-1900 should be<br />

using 9320 (x9324) kHz.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 3)

PHILIPPINES Re the new 1170 facility at Poro: besides the arcing problem<br />

which prevents it from operating at quite a full megawatt, there is a<br />

serious commercial power problem, during air-conditioning season. In the<br />

evenings, voltage drops by up to 11 percent, which forces the tx to operate<br />

at reduced power.<br />

(Aaron Zawitzky, dxld Apr 27)<br />

Tolerance for power un<strong>der</strong> US domestic rules is +5%, -10%, so 950 kW is<br />

essentially full power operation, down only 0.22 dB). (25/4-20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

(mediumwave.info via dxld)<br />

ROMANIA Summer A-<strong>05</strong> schedule of Radio Romania Inter.(*via Saftitza 50<br />

kW):<br />

ARABIC 0730-0756 9770 11875 11980 15340<br />

1500-1556 9595 11745 11970 15240<br />

AROMANIAN 1600-1626 7135*<br />

1800-1826 7235*<br />

2000-2026 6175*<br />

CHINESE <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>26 15445 17740<br />

1400-1426 15225 17810<br />

ENGLISH 0100-0156 6040 9690 11820 15430<br />

0400-0456 9780 11820 15140 17860<br />

0630-0656 9655 11830<br />

1300-1356 11830 151<strong>05</strong><br />

1800-1856 9635 11830<br />

2130-2156 7165 9535 9645 11940<br />

2300-2356 6140 7265 9645 11940<br />

FRENCH 0200-0256 6135 9715<br />

0600-0626 7220 9655<br />

1100-1156 11830 15250 15380 17740<br />

1700-1756 9535 11765<br />

2100-2126 7255 9585<br />

GERMAN 0700-0726 7225 9790<br />

1200-1256 9515 11775<br />

1900-1956 7165 9590<br />

ITALIAN 1630-1656 7135*<br />

1830-1856 7130*<br />

2030-2<strong>05</strong>6 6045*<br />

ROMANAIN 0800-0856 Sun 11970 15270 15370 178<strong>05</strong><br />

0900-0956 Sun 15430 15450 17770 17860<br />

1000-1<strong>05</strong>6 Sun 11830 15250 15380 17740<br />

1200-1256 9750 11920<br />

1400-1456 9760 11965<br />

1600-1656 9690 11960<br />

1700-1756 9765 11865<br />

1800-1856 9625 11765<br />

2000-2<strong>05</strong>6 9515 11925<br />

RUSSIAN <strong>05</strong>30-<strong>05</strong>56 7285 9555<br />

1430-1456 9690 11955<br />

1600-1656 7120 9680<br />

SERBIAN 1530-1556 7135*<br />

1730-1756 7240*<br />

1930-1956 6110*

SPANISH 0000-0<strong>05</strong>6 9760 11935 11970 15140<br />

0300-0356 9700 9775 11725 11970<br />

2000-2<strong>05</strong>6 11940 15465<br />

2200-2256 11940 15255<br />

UKRAINIAN 1500-1526 7210*<br />

1700-1726 7240*<br />

1900-1926 7175*<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 29)<br />

Comment: * ROU "Saftitza", with 50 kW ...<br />

Saftica is the oldest Romanian sw tx site, where late "Radio Espana<br />

Independente" program, the mouthpiece of former Spanish Communist Party was<br />

relayed as CLANDESTINE stn in 40ties and 50ties. (wb)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA 11690 Radio Okapi ( via Meyerton) Full data Foundation<br />

Hirondelle QSL Card in 24 days, direct from Switzerland, in 24 days v/s:<br />

illegible.<br />

SENTECH via Meyerton. The following where verified with two full data<br />

Verification Letters, with specific Transmitter /Power/ coordinate<br />

Information, along with a schedule. Reply in 24 days.<br />

a) 7120 B<strong>BC</strong> 250 kW's Brown Boverie Transmitter<br />

b) 11690 Radio Okapi 500 kW's Telefunken Transmitter<br />

c) 9660 TWR 500 kW's Telefunken Transmitter<br />

d) 12125 FEBA Radio 250 kW's Brown Boverie Transmitter, v/s Kathy Otto.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 30)<br />

TURKS & CAICOS ISLS. The IBB MW project here on 1570 kHz is awaiting<br />

British govt approval on acquiring the land, following agreement between<br />

the land owners and the local govt. Broadcast Electronics will be supplying<br />

the tx. (Aaron Zawitzky, dxld Apr 27)<br />

U.A.E. SITE REPORT New High Power Sound from the Persian Gulf. The Desert<br />

goes high-tech with powerful new MW Station.<br />

[MW means 1170 and 1575 kHz units, I guess. -wb]<br />

Emirates Media Inc. (EMI), the foremost nx and information media<br />

organisation in the United Arab Emirates, awarded Thales and its local<br />

partner Bin Jabr TRS Est in June 2004 a contract for the supply of an<br />

additional new medium wave radio broadcasting center in Abu Dhabi.<br />

The multi-million dollar turnkey broadcasting solution for the Dabiyah II<br />

station included the supply of an 800 kW MW tx type S7HP, a two-tower<br />

directional antenna system, auxiliary equipment and new transmitter<br />

building, access and sce roads, generator building, mains supply, fresh<br />

water supply, etc.<br />

The contract award for the new station followed the successful completion<br />

of the Dabiyah I turnkey project in June 2003, where Thales and Bin Jabr,<br />

working hand in hand together with the EMI client team, handed over all<br />

equipment in recordbreaking time.<br />

Nothing is impossible<br />

According contract, the partners had only 8 months to complete the new<br />

turnkey station and put all equipment on air. Based on the outstanding<br />

teamwork during the execution of the Dabiyah I station, where the team<br />

handed over all systems in less than six months following date of or<strong>der</strong>,<br />

Thales and its local partners were confident that they could meet this new<br />

challenging deadline.<br />

Challenges met by the Teams

Due to the fact that the station is located in the desert, the antenna and<br />

building foundations must be built on piles. Whereas the average depth of<br />

the subsoil in that area is around 10 m, the teams working at Dabiyah II<br />

encountered subsoils as deep as 18 m. Piling became a major issue.<br />

The close proximity to the high power short wave broadcasting center only<br />

one kilometer away was an additional challenge to the local team. To avoid<br />

mutual interference, Thales had to place the new MW antenna system in a<br />

suitable distance to the existing short wave antennas. This called for the<br />

construction of an additional 1.8 km access road.<br />

The new two-tower lambda/2 directional medium wave antenna system at<br />

Dabiyah II is the third Thales high power MW antenna in Abu Dhabi.<br />

Partnership built up over Years<br />

Beginning in 1984 with the first high power medium wave station at Dabiyah,<br />

Thales has been supplying Abu Dhabi with state-of-the-art short wave and<br />

medium wave radio broadcasting solutions.<br />

Dabiyah I and II are each equipped with an 800 kW S7HP tx, the Thales<br />

solution for high-power medium wave broadcasting. The S7HP family has<br />

proven its outstanding digital AM capability most recently in field trials<br />

in Macedonia end of 2004 (see THALES Radio News, Winter 20<strong>05</strong> Issue).<br />

In the meantime, Abu Dhabi is broadcasting a total of 3600 kW of medium<br />

wave power and 4 x 500 kW short wave power using Thales radio broadcasting<br />

systems.<br />

<br />


Broadcast & Multimedia<br />

Spinnereistrasse 5. CH-5300 Turgi Switzerland<br />

Tel: +41 [0] 56 299 22 10 Fax: +41 [0] 56 288 11 25<br />

<br />

THALES<br />

1, Rue de l'Hautil<br />

F-78702 Conflans Ste. Honorine France<br />

Tel. +33 (1) 34 90 31 00 Fax: +33 (1) 34 90 30 00<br />

<br />


Ohmweg 11-15. D-68199 Mannheim Germany<br />

Tel. +49 [0] 621 81 01 327 Fax. +49 [0] 621 81 01 290<br />

<br />

(SPRING 20<strong>05</strong> - Published by Thales Broadcast & Multimedia - Issue 19<br />

via OCR via wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 2)<br />

U.K. 15500, Internews/Salaam Watandar via Rampisham, UK at 1330-1431* UT<br />

on Apr 26, with time pips at 1430 into ID: "Salaam Watandara, Salaam<br />

Watandara, da Salaam Watandara Radyo-dah. Inja radio-ye Salaam Watandara<br />

..." OM and YL alternating, and off. Fair.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 26)<br />

15495 UN Radio via Skelton/Merlin Communications. Usual Full data UN Radio<br />

Card with specific Transmitter information, in 9 months, 5 months after<br />

sending follow-up Postal Report. (Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Apr 30)<br />

USA Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for <strong>DX</strong>-ing With Cumbre:<br />

Fri 2100-2130 11765 HRA 250 kW / 090 deg Angel 5

Sat 0330-0400 17510 WHR 100 kW / 300 deg Angel 3<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 7315 HRI 250 kW / 152 deg Angel 1<br />

7465 HRI 250 kW / 042 deg Angel 2<br />

0700-0730 9510 WHR 100 kW / 225 deg Angel 4<br />

0730-0800 7315 HRI 250 kW / 152 deg Angel 1<br />

7465 HRI 250 kW / 042 deg Angel 2<br />

0900-0930 9510 WHR 100 kW / 225 deg Angel 4<br />

1230-1300 11785 HRI 250 kW / 315 deg Angel 1<br />

1930-2000 15285 HRI 250 kW / 173 deg Angel 1<br />

Sun <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 9510 WHR 100 kW / 225 deg Angel 4<br />

1500-1530 11555 WHR 100 kW / 285 deg Angel 3<br />

1530-1600 15285 HRI 250 kW / 173 deg Angel 1<br />

2030-2100 15785 HRI 250 kW / 042 deg Angel 2<br />

Mon 0230-0300 5850 HRA 250 kW / 060 deg Angel 5<br />

0330-0400 7315 HRI 250 kW / 152 deg Angel 1<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 3)<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for World Harvest Radio:<br />

WHRI Angel 1 0000-0300 9515 Tue-Sat<br />

0000-<strong>05</strong>00 7315 Sun/Mon 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 5835 Tue-Sat <strong>05</strong>00-0900 7315<br />

0900-1200 9495 1200-1400 15285 Mon-Fri<br />

1200-1400 11785 Sat/Sun 1400-2400 15285<br />

WHRI Angel 2<br />

0000-0300 7490 0300-0800 7465 0800-1200 7520<br />

1200-1500 9840 1500-1700 12020 1700-2200 15785<br />

2200-2400 9495 Mon-Sat (ex 15120) 2200-2400 9840 Sun<br />

KWHR Angel 3<br />

0100-0600 17510 0600-0900 13700 0900-1100 9930<br />

1100-1800 11555<br />

KWHR Angel 4 <strong>05</strong>00-1000 9510<br />

WHRA Angel 5<br />

0100-<strong>05</strong>00 5850 <strong>05</strong>00-0700 7490 1200-1500 15310<br />

1500-1900 17640 1900-2100 15665 2100-2300 11765<br />

2300-0100 7520<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 29)<br />

VIETNAM 7280 at 2040 UT Voice of Vietnam poor in English with comment on<br />

Asian nx March 3.<br />

9875 at 0846 VOV Hanoi. Poor/ fair in Vietnamese. MA/FA, children's songs,<br />

ethnic mx, talk, "Vietnam" ref. 0849 March 31. (Kelvin Brayshaw Levin-NZL,<br />

NZL <strong>DX</strong> Times Apr 22)<br />

7280 at 1610 UT. Voice of Vietnam with nx in En March 31. Ident 1611. Noisy<br />

with QRM. \\ 9730 clearer. (Cliff Couch, Paraparaumu-NZL, NZL <strong>DX</strong> Times Apr<br />

22)<br />

4739.8 R.TV.Son La on Apr 21 at 1148-12<strong>05</strong> UT. 45433-44333 Vietnamese, IS,<br />

Opening mx, ID and opening announce, Talk. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium<br />

Apr 21)<br />

YEMEN 9779.7 Republic of Yemen Radio at 0345-04<strong>05</strong> UT on Apr 30, Arabic<br />

inciting songs, YL and man talk about Yemen 04<strong>05</strong>, mx. Splash from Radio<br />

Farda (via Kavalla-GRC) until 0400 UT when Farda left the air. (Finn Krone-<br />

DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 31)<br />

JAMMING This is more jamming information posted on the packet network by<br />

G0FTD - I am sure you have seen it already, but I thought it was<br />

interesting!<br />

73, Richard G3VGW

Rimantas Pleikys<br />



A specially emitted radio interference is classified into radio<br />

communication jamming and radio broadcasting jamming. The first occasions<br />

of jamming of military radio telegraph were recorded back in the beginning<br />

of the 20th century. Germany and Russia were the first to engage in jamming<br />

back then. The jamming signal most frequently consisted of co-channel<br />

characters.<br />

It was until the early thirties, when the first cases of jamming of radio<br />

broadcasting were recorded. In the late 20's Berlin started to jam the<br />

programmes of Radio Komintern. In 1931 the USSR jammed the Romanian radio,<br />

in 1934 Austria jammed the German radio. The Lithuanian lang broadcasts of<br />

the Vatican radio were jammed by the USSR in 1940.<br />

Massive jamming of foreign radio broadcasts was initiated by the USSR in<br />

February of 1948. It was targeted at VOA and B<strong>BC</strong> Russian lang broadcasts.<br />

Eventually jamming developed into a true monster, the greatest jamming<br />

network in the world. The Soviet jamming network was administrated by the<br />

2nd department of the all-union ministry of communications, headed by<br />

Natalia Krestyaninova for more than 25 years.<br />

The Soviet Union and its East European allies used six types of the jamming<br />

audio signals:<br />

1. To block out the "most anti-Soviet" stations, a wide spectrum<br />

electronically generated noise signal was used. RFE/RL, Voice of Israel,<br />

and Radio Tirana would experience this type of jamming.<br />

2. On August 3, 1964, one more source of interference was invented - Radio<br />

Mayak programme, transmitted in FM mode and heard distorted on domestic<br />

receivers - to jam some "grey propaganda" stations such as VOA, B<strong>BC</strong>,<br />

Deutsche Welle, and R. Beijing.<br />

3. In 1976, Soviets started to use the speech resembling signal. Its<br />

advantage was that it conformed to the timbre of the human voice. This<br />

jamming sound, which used to be played back from open reel tapes, was<br />

composed of two voices of male and female Russian announcers.<br />

4. A unique case was the Polish sce of RFE/RL: from 1971 until 1980 only<br />

light instrumental mx was employed to jam it, both in clear AM and<br />

distorted FM modes.<br />

5. East Germany aired its domestic radio programmes via medium wave txs<br />

tuned in to several hundred Hertz outside of the RIAS freqs.<br />

6. Czechoslovakia used the swinging carrier, also known as wobbler, AM txs<br />

to jam RFE/RL.<br />

The report of the RFE Engineering Department (dated <strong>Jan</strong>uary 29, 1982) calls<br />

for at least 4 txs per jammed programme for each beam necessary. 250 kW and<br />

500 kW txs have been proposed to replace the old 100 kW units in the RFE<br />

and RL relay stations.<br />

In Israel, there was an attempt to build a high-power radio station (16 x<br />

500 kW) for txion of the VOA, RFE and RL programmes to the Soviet Union.<br />

This effort was halted due to the local protests.<br />

In Portugal, six 500 kW txs were installed. Fourteen of the 16 RFE/RL's<br />

lang sces were jammed, and twelve of the 21 langs of VOA. Deutsche Welle<br />

(DW) was jammed in five of its 11 East European and USSR langs. B<strong>BC</strong> was

jammed in two of its 12 Eastern langs. The effectiveness of jamming ranged<br />

from minor annoyance to total blockage.<br />

W. Edwards, "Long wave duel": "The trading pawn in the hands of the U. S.<br />

had been the megawatt long wave tx located in Munich. The record shows that<br />

when the Soviets stopped jamming the VOA Russian programmes in June of<br />

1963, the VOA megawatt tx in Munich shut down very soon thereafter. In<br />

August 1968, when the Soviets resumed jamming of the VOA. [...] the<br />

megawatt in Munich returned to the air.<br />

Again, in September of 1973 Soviet jamming against the VOA stopped and a<br />

month later the megawatt tx on 173 kHz went off the air. This off again-on<br />

again relation was rooted in the 1948 European Broadcasting Conference at<br />

Copenhagen where medium wave and long wave freqs were assigned to the<br />

participating countries within Europe.<br />

Un<strong>der</strong> the plan, 173 kHz was assigned to the USSR. [...] The presence of the<br />

VOA megawatt tx in Munich appearing on the same freq caused an acerbic<br />

reaction - the Soviets took the position that their 500 kW signal on 173<br />

kHz from Moscow was being jammed".<br />

Jamming in the USSR: The local jamming txs ranged in power from 1 to 20 kW<br />

with 10 to 20 units per station. The typical antennas were multi-wire broad<br />

band dipoles, suspended vertically or at 45 degrees angle.<br />

The effective range of ground wave jamming usually was about 30 km. In<br />

1986, the local jamming stations were located in 81 big city of the Soviet<br />

Union. Dwarf jammers were numbered with "60" and "600" series ("Object Nr.<br />

600", etc.), while giants were assigned "800" series.<br />

Some of the broadcasters liked to be deceptive: Radio Beijing used to<br />

change its freqs slightly during the broadcast (frequency agility method),<br />

leaving the hoarse choir of Soviet jammers aside. There were several<br />

occasions recorded when R. Beijing played its Russian programmes backwards,<br />

and these particular freqs were not jammed. Moscow monitors would tape<br />

programmes, play them backwards to make transcripts, and submit the scripts<br />

to the KGB and Communist party bosses.<br />

The jamming monitoring sites ("Control and Correction Posts") used to be<br />

installed several kilometres away from the transmitting facilities.<br />

The operators - mostly women - scanned the HF broadcasting bands. It was<br />

their decision to start jamming, depending on the actual audibility of the<br />

target station. Monitors issued or<strong>der</strong>s by a dedicated phone line to the tx<br />

personnel to tune a particular tx to a particular frequency. All freqs,<br />

times, station names, programme langs and audibility evaluations were<br />

entered in logbooks.<br />

The txs sometimes were switched on remotely from the receiving site.<br />

Vytautas Liatukas, a supervisor of Kaunas city jammer in Lithuania,<br />

complained in a company paper back in 1975 about their station "being in<br />

continuous shortage of filaments for radio tubes, tx measuring devices,<br />

cabling, as well as about the poor condition of the roof of the building<br />

and antennas." Some txs were said to be in operation for as much as 20<br />

years with no major overhaul.<br />

According to an old Soviet standard, masts of the jammers were painted in<br />

yellow and black until 1975, to prevent enemy aircraft from identifying<br />

them in the natural background. From about 1975 onward, all the radio and<br />

TV towers, including jammers, were painted in white and red. They have been<br />

illuminated at night with red non-blinking lights.

Every jammer used the same identification code, or call sign, for all its<br />

txs, made up of two letters. The call letters of the jammer were<br />

transmitted twice per min for identification of each station.<br />

Jonas Cepas, a veteran of the State Radio Frequency Service of Lithuania,<br />

gave the following exclusive account: "We witnessed many problems affecting<br />

TV and radio broadcasting caused by the short-wave txs used to jam foreign<br />

radio stations. Various combinations of the signals interfered with<br />

television and radio programmes broadcast on long, medium, and short waves,<br />

with radio communication and other radio electronic equipment.<br />

The signals emitted by powerful txs made their way even to the electric<br />

circuits of tape recor<strong>der</strong>s and record players. Being aware of the many<br />

heavy-duty txs operating near their residential areas, people were worried<br />

about health hazards related to effect of the electromagnetic field.<br />

Measurement data proved that the worries were substantiated".<br />

Thirteen long distance jamming radio centres with over 100 high power (50-<br />

500 kW) short wave txs were used for blocking out large territories by<br />

transmitting interference into specific region.<br />

The operational distances of such sky wave jammers were 500-3,000 km. The<br />

vertical curtain array and rhombic antennas were used for long range<br />

jamming. Additionally, the USSR jammed from its territory the Polish,<br />

Czech, Slovak and Bulgarian lang programmes of RFE/RL, VOA, B<strong>BC</strong> and DW.<br />

Several secret cross-bor<strong>der</strong> jamming agreements were signed between Moscow,<br />

Prague, Sofia and East Berlin. Romania and Hungary participated in the<br />

cross-bor<strong>der</strong> jamming network until 1963-64.<br />

There were 10 to 12 sky wave jamming centres in East Europe with over 90<br />

txs.<br />

Those who used to span the dial could often find "holes" in the jamming<br />

wall. Twilight immunity was one of several technical methods used for many<br />

years by the Western broadcasters to reduce jamming.<br />

The twilight immunity makes use of broadcasting to the target area on<br />

certain freq on which the sky wave jammer, placed a few thousand kilometres<br />

to the East, cannot be effective for a given area because of its lower<br />

maximum usable freq at that time.<br />

Roar of jammers smothered RFE/RL, VOA, B<strong>BC</strong>, DW, Voice of Israel, R.<br />

Beijing, R. Tirana, R. Korea and R. Free Russia. Before 1963, broadcasts<br />

from Vatican, Rome, Belgrade and Paris were jammed as well. Several times,<br />

when the political climate became warmer, the USSR would stop jamming govt<br />

stations from London, Washington and Cologne:<br />

* Six months in 1956, between Khrushchev's visit to Britain and the<br />

Hungarian crisis.<br />

*In September of 1959, during Khrushchev's visit to the U. S.<br />

*In early 1960 until the "U2" incident<br />

*June 19, 1963 - August, 1968 (Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia)<br />

*September, 1973 - August 20, 1980 (Martial law declared in Poland)<br />

For over 30 years Washington and Moscow held an ongoing debate about radio<br />

jamming and I list below a comparison of their main arguments:<br />

U.S.: "The participating States make it their aim to facilitate the free<br />

and wi<strong>der</strong> dissemination of information of all kinds" (Helsinki Agreement,<br />

1975); "Any freq assignment shall have the right to international

protection from harmful interference." (Article 9, ITU Geneva Regulation);<br />

"Everyone has the right to seek, receive, and impart information through<br />

any media and regardless of frontiers" (Article 19, Universal Declaration<br />

of Human Rights); "All stations whatever their purpose must be established<br />

and operated in such a manner as not to result in harmful interference to<br />

radio sces or communications of other members" (Article 28, Montreaux<br />

convention).<br />

USSR: "The sovereignty of the USSR in the field of radio broadcasting<br />

secures for the USSR the possibility and rights to sever a radio aggression<br />

directed against her in ether." (International Legal Regulation of Radio<br />

Communication and Broadcasting, S. Krylov, 1950);<br />

"The participating States will respect each other's sovereign equality and<br />

individuality as well as the rights inherent in and encompassed by its<br />

sovereignty... they will respect each other's right to define and conduct<br />

as it wishes its relations with other States in accordance with<br />

international law..." (Helsinki Agreement, 1975).<br />

Officially the Soviets failed to mention the fact that they jammed foreign<br />

radio stations for a long time. Later they admitted it and declared they<br />

had rights to "defend the national sovereignty of countries in the fields<br />

of information and culture". The United Nations adopted a resolution in<br />

1972 that declared jamming to be a violation of human rights.<br />

At several summits - e.g. Reykjavik, 1986 - the Soviets proposed to cease<br />

jamming of VOA (not RFE/RL) in exchange of the rights to acquire or to rent<br />

AM and FM txs in or near the U.S.<br />

On the evening of November 29, 1988 the Soviet Union ceased to jam all<br />

foreign radio stations. The jamming session that lasted for 40 years was<br />

over. In December of 1988, Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria stopped the jamming<br />

of RFE/RL's broadcasts. In the end of 1988, not less than 1600 txs were<br />

switched off in about 120 jamming radio centres of the USSR, Czechoslovakia<br />

and Bulgaria.<br />

When the Soviet Union collapsed, some jammers were converted into<br />

broadcasting stations or were put in month balls; others were dismantled.<br />

One such low power jammer, installed shortly after the W.W.II in the Jewish<br />

cemetery of the Lithuanian Baltic seaport Klaipeda, was also dismantled,<br />

and the chapel was returned to believers. In another city the closed jammer<br />

building was converted into a cafe. Some former Soviet jammers were<br />

modified into a commercial radio stations, as Radio 7 in Moscow.<br />

Jamming in Poland. RFE/RL archive document dated August 17, 1956: "During<br />

the period of unrest [...] it has been decided to end the jamming of<br />

Western broadcasts in Poland"; "newspapers reported the local jamming<br />

station is being dismantled." The date acknowledged by the Polish govt is<br />

November 24, 1956. After a short period of confusion, jammers in<br />

Czechoslovakia and Russia carried on against the RFE Polish broadcasts.<br />

However, the cessation of local jamming within Poland itself greatly<br />

increased the intelligibility and reliability of reception of RFE<br />

programs".<br />

Stanley Leinwoll, a former RFE/RL manager, wrote in his article "Jamming -<br />

Past, Present, and Future"<br />

("World Radio-TV Handbook", 1980):<br />

"Coincident with a series of riots in the city of Poznan [...] jamming of<br />

RFE Polish lang programs was ended. The official date was November 24,<br />

1956. There had been mounting outcries from the press about the jamming of<br />

foreign broadcasts, and it has been reported that at the onset of the<br />

Poznan rioting the local jamming station was destroyed".

Ralph Walter, Perry Esten, "Jamming against RFE programmes"<br />

(July 6, 1965):<br />

"In the summer of 1964 the USSR switched to a new type of jamming against<br />

RFE Polish programs. Instead of noise modulation formerly used, the new<br />

interference consisted of very distorted programme material from the<br />

"Mayak" program, which is a 24-hour sce from Moscow for listeners in the<br />

USSR and abroad. It is believed that this new type jamming was adopted to<br />

minimize complaints from the free world about jamming operations".<br />

David Walcutt, a retired RFE/RL engineer, wrote to me in 1997: "I have a<br />

lot of material on jamming. These are files that were moved to Washington<br />

after the Munich office of RFE/RL closed. But when the Engineering<br />

Department closed, I rescued these materials from the trash because of<br />

their historic nature. It is certain that Polish jammers were located in<br />

Russia. There are triangulation studies which prove it".<br />

Triangulation data was collected by Deutsche Bundespost and ITU.<br />

RFE/RL archive document dated July 14, 1971: "From 11 to 27 of December,<br />

1970, RFE Polish channels were jammed by mx programs without annts, whereby<br />

Poland used several of its short-wave channels.<br />

This was caused by the unrest in Gdansk and other Polish cities. On 18<br />

March 1971 jamming activity was resumed. After two days modulation became<br />

distorted. Added was an increased jamming activity from the USSR: partly<br />

Mayak jamming (distorted) and partly pop mx (distorted).<br />

RFE/RL archive document dated <strong>Jan</strong>uary 27, 1982: "Soon after the<br />

commencement of martial law in Poland, heavy jamming from txs l ocated<br />

inside the Soviet Union was affecting all of our [RFE] Polish freqs. At the<br />

same time we noticed a dramatic decrease in jamming on the Czechoslovakian<br />

sce. This indicates that the jamming txs covering our Czechoslovakian<br />

programs were shifted to cover Poland".<br />

Research of the Institute for Telecommunications Services: "In many<br />

instances, a specific marker could be associated with a particular<br />

broadcast lang. For example, the jammer with the marker "1G", located near<br />

Leningrad, primarily jammed Polish lang broadcasts.<br />

An interesting feature of most of the Polish lang jammers was that they<br />

were not located within the bor<strong>der</strong>s of Poland. For example, jammers that<br />

were associated with Polish lang broadcasts were found in Leningrad ("1G"),<br />

Tashkent ("4F"), and Kiev ("1D")".<br />

Jamming in Czechoslovakia. "RFE/RL Research": "Before the invasion of<br />

Czechoslovakia this lang sce was jammed by stations both inside and outside<br />

the country. The latter are in the USSR. On May 8, 1968 Czechoslovakia had<br />

stopped all jamming except for some txions of RFE. Immediately after the<br />

[Soviet] invasion and for several days thereafter there seemed to be some<br />

confusion among the jamming networks and some of the lower freqs we used<br />

for Czechoslovak were free of jamming.<br />

What jamming there was on the higher freqs then seemed to be by jammers in<br />

the USSR, and for a while the medium and lower short-wave freqs were quite<br />

clear of jamming. This situation changed about the beginning of September<br />

1968 when [...] the former jammers located in Czechoslovakia made a slow<br />

comeback: the old call sign "Z3" was first heard again on 25 November, 1968<br />

and "G7" reappeared on 7 <strong>Jan</strong>uary 1969. A new stronger jammer started on<br />

[medium wave] 719 kc on 25 March 1969. In summary, all Czechoslovak freqs<br />

are now heavily jammed from the USSR and Hungary, and from within<br />


Jamming against the RFE Czechoslovak sce has varied over the years, but can<br />

in general be characterised as heavy noise jamming". There were 18 local<br />

town jammers in Czechoslovakia. Three sky wave jamming radio stations<br />

transmitted interference to the USSR and Bulgaria.<br />

Jamming in Bulgaria: In 1951-1988 there was a network of local jamming<br />

stations, covering all the major cities, as well as several sky wave<br />

jamming radio centres, beamed at the USSR, Poland and Czechoslovakia.<br />

Jamming in Hungary: The local and sky wave radio jamming centres were<br />

active between 1951 and 1964. By the end of February 1964, no incoming<br />

cross-bor<strong>der</strong> jamming was heard, except one low-power station in the<br />

Ukraine.<br />

RFE research document "A history of jamming", dated 17 October 1965: "The<br />

classic jamming pattern still found in the case of RFE Czech/Slovak and<br />

Bulgarian Services (and used against all RFE langs prior to November 1956)<br />

is that of extensive coverage of a country with low - or medium - intensity<br />

interference from long-range jammers located in the Soviet Union or in<br />

other satellites, plus reinforcement in highly populated areas by large<br />

numbers of local jammers. Generally a number of txs at different locations<br />

are active against each freq to be jammed. Operations are co-ordinated by a<br />

central authority which includes a monitoring facility for identifying<br />

jamming targets and probably for assessing effectiveness."<br />

In the early seventies USIA announced its plan to use communications<br />

satellites to start television broadcasting directly into the USSR and<br />

Eastern Europe. According to Viktor Sheimov, a KGB communications expert<br />

who fled to the West, the Central Committee of the Communist Party<br />

instructed the Institute of Space Research to design a satellite television<br />

jamming system.<br />

The scientists had concluded that jamming of satellite television with<br />

existing surface jammers would probably be ineffective due to the narrow<br />

beam receiving antennas.<br />

On 27 March 1990 at 1:30 a.m. local time the American TV Marti started<br />

broadcasting into Cuba from the U.S. air balloon Fat Albert (part of the<br />

U.S. bor<strong>der</strong> surveillance system) floating over Cudjoe Key, South of<br />

Florida. Cubans had installed many small jamming txs beforehand that<br />

effectively "erased" the first TV Marti programs.<br />

However, the jamming was inadequate in the country side. To extend the<br />

jamming range, Castro's engineers and pilots equipped several Russian made<br />

Mi-17 helicopters with jamming equipment. The Cubans got so exited that<br />

they even started jamming Radio Marti's sces from VOA txs in Greenville,<br />

NC, and Bethany, OH.<br />

Radio Marti previous to this had not been jammed by Cubans for 5 years.<br />

It has been recently reported in 1997 that "Med TV, the world's only<br />

Kurdish lang satellite TV, suffered deliberate technical interference on<br />

1st July, the launch date for its new test txion on Eutelsat" (Med TV/World<br />

Media, B<strong>BC</strong>). Before this there was a Turkish protest aimed at Syria over<br />

Med TV's terrestrial relays. According to World Media, the jamming was not<br />

an accident because "it completely swamped Med TV with a noisy dark screen<br />

and silenced the TV sound."<br />

The management of Eutelsat began to investigate this affair but technically<br />

it is very difficult to determine the jammer's location.<br />

Med TV director Hikmet Tabak's view is that the Turkish Govt has "both the<br />

political motive and the financial and technical capacity" to jam the

Kurdish television station. B<strong>BC</strong> monitoring specialists confirm the<br />

existence of intentional jamming.<br />

Med TV's representatives assert that interference in Turkey is carried out<br />

from the Sinop uplink station "by means of military equipment". It is<br />

difficult to counter this type of jamming because the satellite's<br />

transpon<strong>der</strong> automatically relays the jamming signal sent to it.<br />

In the fall of 1997 Anatoly Batiushkin, one of the former managers of the<br />

Soviet jamming system, gave this answer to my inquiry: "All employees who<br />

have had at one time a direct relationship with (jamming) work are now<br />

retired pensioners, and my efforts to ask them to review your book<br />

(Jamming) were not successful. All jamming sites have been either converted<br />

to other purposes or have had their equipment written off. All related<br />

legal, technical and operational documentation no longer exists."<br />

By the end of 2003, the most active jamming countries are China, Cuba, Iran<br />

and Vietnam. The jamming emissions were also traced in North Korea, South<br />

Korea, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Mianmar. Besides, Cuba and Iran are<br />

involved in satellite television jamming. (Rimantas Pleikys-LTU, via Ham<br />

packed radio, Richard Buckby-G G3VGW, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 27)<br />

Einladung zum 14.<strong>05</strong>.20<strong>05</strong><br />

25 Jahre SWLCS-Ortsring - Kurzwellenhoererklub Murgtal<br />

24. Ueberregionales <strong>DX</strong>-Treffen des Ottenauer Kurzwellenhoererklubs Murgtal<br />

- Ortsring des SWLCS<br />

Am Samstag, dem 14. Mai 20<strong>05</strong> findet ab 13.00 MESZ im Gewoelbekeller des<br />

alten Schlosses in Baden-Baden das<br />

vierundzwanzigste - u e b e r r e g i o n a l e D X - T r e f f e n<br />

fuer Kurzwellenhoerer und <strong>DX</strong>er im Raum Murgtal, Karlsruhe, Bretten und<br />

Offenburg statt. Ich wuerde mich sehr freuen, wenn Ihr in diesem Jahr an<br />

unserem Treffen teilnehmen koenntet.<br />

Auf dem Programm des Treffens steht ein Rueckblick auf die hobby-bezogenen<br />

Ereignisse in den letzten 12 Monaten in dieser Region, eine kleine Tombola<br />

sowie das bekannte Stationsquiz. Da <strong>der</strong> Ortsring im Jahr 20<strong>05</strong> sein<br />

25jaehriges Jubilaeum begeht, ist es uns eine beson<strong>der</strong>e Freude, in diesem<br />

Jahr Chiu Bihui von Radio Taiwan International sowie Tina Krasnopolskaja<br />

und Werner Neven von <strong>der</strong> Deutschen Welle begruessen zu koennen.<br />

Der Tagungsort ist am besten ueber die Autobahnausfahrt Baden-Baden zu<br />

erreichen. Von dort ueber die Bundesstrasse 500 in Richtung Innenstadt,<br />

dort Richtung Gaggenau und Ebersteinburg. Vor dem Auftauchen des Tunnels<br />

nach links abbiegen und <strong>der</strong> Beschil<strong>der</strong>ung "Altes Schloss" folgen.<br />

Von Ottenau aus ist das Alte Schloss am besten ueber Selbach, Wolfsschlucht<br />

und Ebersteinburg zu erreichen. In Ebersteinburg vor dem Gasthaus "Falk zur<br />

Krone" nach links in die Hilsbrunnenstrasse einbiegen und <strong>der</strong> Beschil<strong>der</strong>ung<br />

"Altes Schloss" folgen.<br />

Noch ein Hinweis, es findet am Vormittag des 14. Mai 20<strong>05</strong> wie<strong>der</strong> ein Funk<br />

und Hobbyflohmarkt in Sandweier bei Baden-Baden statt.<br />

Bitte nicht mit dem Flohmarkt in Baden-Baden, Lichtentaler Allee<br />

verwechseln.<br />

Mit freundlichen Gruessen und besten Wuenschen<br />

Bernd Seiser, Hauptstrasse 2<strong>05</strong>-207, D-76571 Ottenau (Apr 28)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 18)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Apr 22)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 23)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Apr 1)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 3)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 3)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 712 13 May 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

<strong>Private</strong> <strong>Verwendung</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Meldun</strong>gen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede<br />

kommerzielle <strong>Verwendung</strong> bedarf <strong>der</strong> Zustimmung des Newslettereditors.<br />

Extracts of items sourced to E<strong>DX</strong>P may be further reproduced but only by<br />

organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with<br />

E<strong>DX</strong>P.<br />

!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews. !!!<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio may<br />

be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages,<br />

from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting are made<br />

available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

credit is given to the contributor and to <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only<br />

with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our<br />

WW<strong>DX</strong>C WWW homepage-German AG<strong>DX</strong> Club-direct address:<br />

<br />

or via Link of Homepage: <br />

Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

Notice:<br />

!!! I'll be a w a y on anual Whitsun holiday in EA6 area !!!<br />

!!! from May 14th to May 29th, 20<strong>05</strong>. !!!<br />

!!! Next <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> WW<strong>DX</strong>C TopNews will appear around June 1st, 20<strong>05</strong>.!!! (wb)<br />

ALASKA Dear KNLS, I am well aware that KNLS is not supposed to be heard<br />

back in the lower 48, but nevertheless, many of us would enjoy listening to<br />

your station if we could get decent reception by chance.<br />

I was hoping that with your two-transmitter schedule, new times and freqs<br />

we might have better luck. Unfortunately, there is a big problem with the<br />

1400 UT broadcast on 9795, which is surely just as big in the intended<br />

Asian target area.<br />

Radio France International, via JPN was already in Vietnamese at that hour<br />

on 9795 and still is. All we can hear is a mixture of the two, with RFI<br />

usually somewhat stronger, making both unlistenable here.<br />

I am scratching my head won<strong>der</strong>ing why you chose this frequency, since RFI's<br />

usage of it is coordinated in the HFCC A-<strong>05</strong>. In any event, one of you needs<br />

to change as soon as possible. Please advise me of any decision on this<br />


(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, May 5 to KNLS, via dxld)<br />

Nice to hear from you. I un<strong>der</strong>stand you message and appreciate you taking<br />

the time to write. We are using 9795 at 1400 because we were authorized its<br />

use by the FCC who does attend the HFCC meetings and it seems that Radio<br />

France folks must have not looked at the collision schedule very well or<br />

this problem did not appear as a collision as it should have. I will look<br />

into the matter. I have just informed my Manila monitor of the possible<br />

problem. I will know very soon. We are working to add a staff member that<br />

can become our freq coordinator as a full time position. We realize the<br />

importance of that work. Thanks again for the input and your friendship<br />

with us!<br />

(Kevin Chambers, AK, KNLS to gh, via dxld May 5)<br />

ASCENSION ISL Freq change for Radio Netherlands in Spanish from May 1:<br />

0000-0157 NF 5995 ASC 250 kW / 245 deg,co-ch RL Kyrghyz,ex<br />

11900\\9895,15315<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 10)<br />

AUSTRIA Da das Falkencamp Doebriach (Camp Doebriach) dieses Jahr aufgrund<br />

von notwendigen Renovierungs- und Sanierungsarbeiten geschlossen bleiben<br />

muss, mussten wir uns kurzfristig um ein Ersatzquartier fuer das <strong>DX</strong>-Camp<br />

umsehen.<br />

Das <strong>DX</strong>-Camp Doebriach findet also heuer am Attersee in Oberoesterreich<br />

statt, und zwar im Europacamp in Weissenbach. Naehere Infos findet Ihr auf<br />

<br />

Aufgrund einer Grossveranstaltung im Europacamp musste <strong>der</strong> Termin verkuerzt<br />

werden, das <strong>DX</strong>-Camp findet also statt<br />

vom 1. bis 15. August 20<strong>05</strong>!!!<br />

Das Europacamp ist recht gut eingerichtet, wir bekommen drei Mahlzeiten<br />

taeglich, und als Shack dient uns ein Seminarraum in <strong>der</strong> campeigenen<br />

Jugendherberge. Es gibt einen Badestrand, und wer kein Camping mag findet<br />

einige Pensionen und Privatzimmer in unmittelbarer Naehe.<br />

Das Salzkammergut bietet darueber hinaus eine Menge an<br />

Freizeitmoeglichkeiten, wie zum Beispiel die Salzbergwerke von Bad Ischl<br />

und Hallstatt, die Stadt Hallstatt, St. Wolfgang am Wolfgangsee mit <strong>der</strong><br />

dampfbetriebenen Zahnradbahn auf den Schafberg, die Rieseneishoehle und die<br />

Mammuthoehle im Dachsteinmassiv, die Koppenbruellerhoehle in Obertraun, und<br />

natuerlich jede Menge Bade-, Sport- und Wan<strong>der</strong>(<strong>DX</strong>!)moeglichkeiten im<br />

Hoellengebirge!<br />

(Franz Ladner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> May 6)<br />

Der kurze Nachruf passt vielleicht eher zu den aktuellen<br />

geschichtstraechtigen Tagen, aber indirekt hat Pierre Seguy auch fuer unser<br />

Hobby viel getan.<br />

Pierre Seguy gestorben.<br />

Pierre Seguy wurde als Otto Steinschnei<strong>der</strong> am 5. November 1921 als Sohn<br />

einer vermoegenden Wiener Familie geboren. 1938 musste seine Familie beim<br />

Einmarsch deutscher Truppen in Oesterreich fluechten. Ueber die<br />

Tschechoslowakei und Ungarn ging die Flucht nach Frankreich. Dort schloss<br />

er sich <strong>der</strong> franzoesischen Wi<strong>der</strong>standsbewegung an und nahm den "nom de<br />

guerre" Pierre Seguy an. Wie viele an<strong>der</strong>e behielt er diesen Namen spaeter<br />

auch im zivilen Leben.<br />

Mit Kriegsende 1945 kam er mit den franzoesischen Truppen als Chefredakteur<br />

nach Oesterreich. Er baute die damalige Sen<strong>der</strong>gruppe West (heute Studios<br />

Dornbirn und Innsbruck des ORF) auf.<br />


Zu einer Dokumentation seiner Erlebnisse in <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong>eihe "Oesterreich II"<br />

des ORF kam es allerdings nicht. Waehrend Seguy als "alter Profi" die<br />

entsprechenden Aufnahmen vor dem Dornbirner Rathaus (in dem sich damals die<br />

Radiostudios befanden) machen wollte, bestand <strong>der</strong> ORF auf einem von Seguy<br />

abgelehnten sogenannten "Lehnstuhlinterview".<br />

Im Jahre 1947 wurde er von <strong>der</strong> franzoesischen Armee nach Saarbruecken<br />

versetzt, wo er den Sen<strong>der</strong> Saarbruecken(heute Saarlaendischer Rundfunk)<br />

aufbaute.<br />

Von 1947 bis in die 90er-Jahre brachte er seine "Philatelistischen<br />

Neuigkeiten" in weit ueber 2200 Sendungen unter das Volk. Allgemein bekannt<br />

wurde er aber als "Monsieur Chanson", <strong>der</strong> allen Saarlaen<strong>der</strong>n (und ueber die<br />

Mittelwelle auch vielen Menschen in ganz Deutschland und Europa- auch mir<br />

z.B.) nach dem Krieg das franzoesische Chanson kompetent und charmant<br />

naeher gebracht hat.<br />

[...]<br />

Im Jahre 2002 ernannte ihn die Universitaet Innsbruck zu ihrem<br />

Ehrenbuerger:<br />

Er hatte seine einzigartige Sammlung franzoesischer Chanson- Platten mit<br />

ueber 40.000 Titeln, Sendetexten, Abhandlungen und Veroeffentlichungen dem<br />

Archiv fuer Textmusikforschung <strong>der</strong> Universitaet Innsbruck gestiftet, die<br />

dadurch zur Besitzerin <strong>der</strong> groessten Sammlung franzoesischsprachiger<br />

Chansons in Europa geworden ist.<br />

In den letzten Jahren war er an den Rollstuhl gefesselt und litt unter<br />

fortschreiten<strong>der</strong> Altersdemenz. Pierre Seguy verstarb am 20. Dez. 2004 in<br />

einem Pflegeheim.<br />

(Aus post.at via Paul Gager-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> May 6)<br />

BELARUS 4832 Guten Morgen, heute frueh um ca 0330 UT gehoert: 4832 kHz<br />

vermutl. belarussische Miltaerstation mit Uebernahme einer kommerziellen<br />

Radiostation. Modulation lei<strong>der</strong> etwas verzerrt (ca. 10% Klirr), um 0415 ID<br />

"Radiostaniza Nasha Radia" o.ae. Belarus erwaehnt.<br />

Die Sendungen laufen immer noch, sind hier in Baden-Wuerttemberg aber nur<br />

noch schwach zu hoeren. Um 0400 UT kamen sie noch mit SINFO 55444. Die<br />

Modulation ist DSB, also ohne Traeger!<br />

Um 0406 kurze Unterbrechung <strong>der</strong> Uebernahme und Sprechfunkdurchsage. Dabei<br />

war ein (Rest-) Traeger auf 4832 kHz zu erkennen.<br />

Im letzten Jahr hoerte ich auf dieser Frequenz schon ein paar mal kurzere<br />

Sendungen, meist aber abends. (Juergen Martens-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> May 6)<br />

CHILE Freq change for CVC Voz Christiana in Spanish to NoSoAm from May 9:<br />

0800-1200 NF 5960 SGO 100 kW / non-dir, ex5995<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 10)<br />

CHINA China Radio International changes:<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0657 9590 in Arabic, ex in English<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0657 11710 in English, ex in Arabic<br />

0900-1<strong>05</strong>7 17670 in Chinese, ex in English<br />

1400-1557 15220 in Chinese, ex in English<br />

1930-1957 Romanian NF 7200, x7110<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 10)<br />

CLANDESTINE 7120 May 7 1737-1741 Clandestina: R Voice of the People<br />

(Radio Vop). Vernacular, Mx local, locutor con comentarios. SINPO 33232.<br />

7380 May 7 2138-2146 Clandestina: Voice of Biafra. Ingles, locutor y<br />

locutora, comentarios. SINPO 34422.

11770 May 7 1831-1845 Clandestina: SW Radio Africa. Ingles,locutora con<br />

entrevista a invitado,jamming de fondo aparece y desaparece, Mx pop, SINPO<br />

44544.<br />

12130 May 7 1730-1736 Clandestina: R.Horyaal. Emision en somali, canto de<br />

inicio del programa, locutor y locutora,comentarios.SINPO 44232.<br />

12145 May 7 1741-1751 Clandestina: SW R.Africa. Emision en ingles y<br />

vernacular, locutora entrevistando, finalizan entrevista con seg. Mx<br />

sintonia, comentarios, locutor con entrevista. SINPO 44333.<br />

15660 May 7 1502-1512 Clandestina: Voce of Delina. Emision en tigrina, Mx<br />

sintonia, locutora,comentarios con mxa de fondo y efecto de eco, Mx<br />

afropop, SINPO 45333.<br />

15690 May 7 1513-1530 Clandestina: Voice of Democratic de Eritrea. Emision<br />

en tigrina, locutor con comentarios politicos sobre la Democracia, Mx pop<br />

local, referencias a Sudan. SINPO 45444.<br />

15690 May 7 1530-1540 Clandestina: Voice of Democratic de Eritrea. Emision<br />

en Arabe, sintonia,locutor,comentarios,seg. Mx. SINPO 44343.<br />

11530 May 8 0702-0729 Clandestina: Dengue Mesopotamia. Kurdish, locutor con<br />

comentarios, seg. MX, rezo del coran,locutora y seg. Mx clasica. SINPO<br />

43322.<br />

11575 May 7 1542-1547 Clandestina: R. Voz de Iran. Emision en Perisan,<br />

locutor, comentarios por invitado.SINPO 34322. (all Jose Miguel Romero-<br />

Spain, hcdx May 9)<br />

COSTA RICA [CeAM] Our German member Dirk Nehring just returned from a<br />

three weeks holiday stay in Costa Rica and north parts of Panama. Once<br />

again he had his SONY ICF 7600 SW with him and did some <strong>DX</strong>ing also. Dirk<br />

mainly monitored the SW situation in the Central American countries except<br />

Mexico and found this: Active SW-stations are existing in Guatemala,<br />

Honduras and Costa Rica. But El Salvador, Nicaragua, Belize and Panama do<br />

not have any stations on SW as you certainly will know.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN dswci <strong>DX</strong>W May 4)<br />

ECUADOR Freqs changes for HCJB in Spanish form May 9:<br />

2100-2300 NF 12000 QUI 100 kW / 150 deg to SoAm, x11710<br />

2300-0100 NF 11720 QUI 100 kW / 330 deg to NoAm, x11710<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 10)<br />

12000/11720 (ex11710) HCJB updates their frequ schedule, leaves RAE<br />

Argentina on 11710 in the clear.<br />

Gracias a la amabilidad del encargado de frecuencias de HCJB, Doug Weber,<br />

tengo el gusto de informarles que a partir de manana lunes 9 de mayo, la<br />

RAE se contara nuevamente con una frecuencia 11710+ libre de interferencia<br />

pifena. Las emisiones argentinas deben alcanzarles con claridad. Despues de<br />

una busqueda para otras frecuencias, y una semana de propaganda radial para<br />

que todos sus oyentes se enteren del cambio, La Voz de los Andes utilizara<br />

en vez de 11710:<br />

2100-2300 TU 12000 para Sudamerica<br />

2300-0100 TU 11720 para Norte- y Sudamerica<br />

Lastima que el otro choque se prolonga aun, es decir Voz Crista en 15475<br />

entre 16 y 21 TU, a pesar de Gabon y Antartida. Nos esforzamos para<br />

promover otra resolucion amena.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld May 9)

FINLAND Re: Scandinavian Weekend Radio May 6-7<br />

Re: Scandinavian Weekend Radio May 6-7. 0600-1100 UTC: 11690 kHz<br />

(Alpo Heinonen, dxing.info via dxld)<br />

Remember that these txs are very low power, about 100 watts, I think. Some<br />

Europeans manage to hear them, but they are quite a catch in North America,<br />

depending on which channels are really clear and favorable propagation.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld)<br />

Reminds me always of a private pirate action ... 73 wolfgang<br />

Hi Glenn, Hi Jari, Hi Dario,<br />

maybe their licence rules in Finland could be enlighted by Finish<br />

dxing.info ???<br />

Such similar low power operation otherwise seen in Italy, like Sunday-only<br />

R Europe ssb 7307 kHz txions un<strong>der</strong> un-transparended Italian law. 73<br />

wolfgang<br />

Re: Scandinavian Weekend Radio May 6-7<br />

Do you think they are really not properly licensed in Finland??<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld May 6)<br />

SWR is fully licenced by Finnish authorities. The txs must pass the very<br />

strict tests of the telcom office etc. So, they are not playing with some<br />

unclear telcom law possibilities :-) Nowadays it seems it is not too<br />

difficult to get a licence here in Finland for a low-power hobby-based sw<br />

or mw station. The yearly ham-fest usually has it's own mw-station (Radio<br />

Hami) for a long weekend, once or twice a year. 73, Jari<br />

SWR has been audible [May 7] here on 11690 from tune in around 0630 and is<br />

still audible at 0955 and reaching the dizzy heights of S6+ on my meter at<br />

times. It's the best I've ever received it. The low power being used may be<br />

why the signal behaves differently to higher powered broadcasters in that<br />

there are occasional deep fades followed by a build in signal strength<br />

again. Frequency 6170 is not propagating and, anyway, was blocked by a DRM<br />

racket on 6175 at 0630.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, dxld May 7)<br />

Reception seems to have improved a bit and SWR have been audible on 11690<br />

kHz here for the past half hour or so mixing with an unID station (possibly<br />

Turkey).<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, 1010 UT May 7, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK)<br />

GEORGIA 9494.75 on May 4 at 1354- UT: R Respubliki Abkhasii. Nothing on<br />

the reported \\ freq 9534.75. (Mauno Ritola-FIN, hcdx May 4)<br />

4540 The Georgian TV Radio Corporation. After 15 weeks I received a QSL<br />

card from English Service of Radio Georgia. The card shows an antenna on a<br />

hill. The other side was a QSL text with all details. However, this text<br />

was pasted upon the old QSL text of TV- Radio-Tbilisi, USSR! (Max Van<br />

Arnhem-HOL, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W May 3)<br />

GERMANY 6085, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Munich[Ismaning] (100 kW) at 0810-<br />

1000 UT on Apr 25, German stock exchange report, traffic reports about<br />

"Staus und stocken<strong>der</strong> Verkehr", weather, news, ID: "B Fuenf, Aktuell - das<br />

Informationsradio des Bayerischer Rundfunk", heard well with SINPO 45444.<br />

This became my last analogue logging of this nice station, because on May<br />

02 it changed to DRM- modulation using a mere 10 kW, according to their<br />

website:<br />

When checking on May 02 at 1755-1900 UT I just heard "white noise" with S=9<br />

+27dB on 6085 and weaker "white noise" on 6080, 6090, 6095, 6100 and 61<strong>05</strong><br />

due to the DRM broadcasts from Bayerischer Rundfunk and R Luxembourg! By<br />

this change, these stations lost another listener, because I do not intend<br />

to invest a fortune extra to hear their DRM broadcasts!<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 3)<br />

Listen to the very last 40 seconds recording of BR 6085 in AM mode:<br />

<br />

click un<strong>der</strong> EUROPA, 6085 Bayerischer Rundfunk, Ismaning, letzte Sendeminute<br />

in AM Modulation, 1. Mai 20<strong>05</strong>, 2159 UTC auf 6085 kHz. mp3 Audiodatei, 424<br />

kB<br />

<br />

6085 DRM has not been particularly strong here during the day. 6080 remains<br />

listenable, while 6090 is lost to the combined slop from both sides. I also<br />

have a strong carrier on 6085. It has been there all day, apparently with<br />

no audio, and varies the same way as the digital racket when I shift<br />

between the antennas.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 4)<br />

I noted that BR 6085 had gone digital when I tuned across their freq this<br />

morning. I do recall tuning there on May 1st when it was still in Audible<br />

Mode so exactly when the change took place I'm not sure. The buzz is not as<br />

intense as that emanating from LUX on 6095 - I would call it "soft DRM".<br />

But 6080 and 6090 are now completely lost for AM listening. I was<br />

interested to read that they would be operating their 500 kW tx at only 10<br />

kW in DRM. I once, by mistake, tried to use one of my portable receivers on<br />

6vDC instead of 9 but it didn't 'like' it. Hopefully, txs don't work in the<br />

same way!<br />

And when I tuned lower down the 49mb I was surprised to find that 5975 as<br />

also in Audible Mode before 0700. It dropped off air shortly after 0700,<br />

then resumed carrier before switching to Dreadful Racket Mode soon after.<br />

It was an unusual experience to be able to tune to adjacent 5965 and 5970<br />

without too much disturbance! DW 5975 was, incidentally, \\ to 6075.<br />

And Dreadful Racket Mode was on air via 9720 again before 0700 this<br />

morning, plus lots of hash each side of the frequency. I assume this is via<br />

Moosbrunn. A similar racket was operating on 6175 and more or less<br />

obliterating VOA 6180.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 4)<br />

Yes, when I listen to 6085 again, there could be a carrier on the<br />

frequency. Maybe this is why the DRM racket sounds less noisy than it's<br />

neighbour on 6090? Could the cause be due to a high power sen<strong>der</strong> running at<br />

relatively low power and so inducing other chacateristics?<br />

It seems that the RFI racket on 6175 kHz is now a daily event. It has been<br />

operating only occasionally but now I hear it every day. (Noel R. Green-UK,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 5)<br />

Freqs changes for Deutsche Welle:<br />

0300-0400 Swahili NF 9495 NAU 500 kW / 170 deg, x9535 to avoid REE Spanish<br />

1300-1350 Chinese NF 15425 SNG 100 kW / 013 deg, x15445<br />

New schedule of Brother Stair in English via DTK T-Systems from May 4<br />

1100-1200 6110 JUL 100 kW / non-dir 2nd Sun to WeEu<br />

1500-1600 6110 JUL 100 kW / non-dir Daily to WeEu >>>>> x1400-1600

1500-1600 13810 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Daily to ME >>>>> x1400-1600<br />

1600-1800 9845 WER 500 kW / non-dir Daily to WeEu >>>>> addit txion<br />

2000-2100 9430 JUL 100 kW / 160 deg Daily to SoAf >>>>> addit txion<br />

0000-0300 9430 JUL 100 kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg Daily to NoAm >>>>> addit txion<br />

New schedule for Maeva 6015 via DTK T-Systems:<br />

1100-1200 6015 JUL 100 kW / non-dir Sat to WeEu Music AM, x1100-1300<br />

1200-1400 6015 JUL 040 kW / non-dir Sat to WeEu DRM mode, x1300-1400<br />

Pan American Broadcasting (PAB) via DTK T-Systems from May 9:<br />

1430-1445 15650 JUL 100 kW / 090 deg Mon to SoAs in Bengali, cancelled<br />

New txion for BVBN via DTK T-Systems from May 2:<br />

1600-1630 13800 WER 500 kW / 090 deg Mon-Fri to SoAs in Hindi<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 10)<br />

A broadcast not included the WRTH A<strong>05</strong> schedules is by the Free People's<br />

Mission (Freie Volksmission Krefeld) via Wertachtal. It has been heard in<br />

English to Middle East at 1630-1700 on 11865 kHz. Acc. to the latest T-<br />

Systems schedule a broadcast (probably in German) to Europe at 1100-1130 on<br />

5945 kHz was added last week. Both are on Saturdays only. The mission has a<br />

web page at<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

and mailing address: P.O.Box 10 0707, D-47707 Krefeld, Germany.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, hcdx May 11)<br />

Very first Radio Free Europe transmission on July 4, 1950.<br />

Paul Gager schrieb:<br />

"Historisches Kalen<strong>der</strong>blatt <strong>der</strong> Wiener Zeitung.<br />

Die erste Sendung von "Radio Freies Europa" (RFE) fuer die Laen<strong>der</strong> hinter<br />

dem "Eisernen Vorhang" geht ueber den Aether. (Lei<strong>der</strong> ohne<br />

Sendestandortangabe)."<br />

Die erste Sendung duerfte am 4. Juli 1950 via Lampertheim abgestrahlt<br />

worden sein.<br />

Vgl. <br />

Diese Terminangabe auch in Gijs Hinnen "Von Marcony bis Satellit".<br />

(Klaus Kullbach-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> May 1)<br />

Cland 9430 [via DTK Juelich] Save Gambia at 1956 UT, a signal with harsh<br />

audio . Crash opening with talks in French then in local lang , with<br />

references to Gambia Senegal . S=10 44444 sometimes with short audio gaps.<br />

Also Apr 29th at 2012 UT talks in a local lang with several words in<br />

English as lea<strong>der</strong>, national alliance democratic development. At 2013 UT YL<br />

starting with bonjour but immediately stopped, 35 secs after with highlife<br />

mx having several audio gaps and at 201530 UT audio gone leaving just<br />

background buzzer. A strong background noise in the audio channel. April<br />

28+29.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, hcdx May 5)<br />

Save the Gambia Development Project launches weekly broadcasts.<br />

Following a series of successful test txions at the end of April, "Voices<br />

from the Diaspora," an opposition radio sce to Gambia from the Save the<br />

Gambia Development Project, will begin a weekly half-hour programme on<br />

Saturday, 4 June 20<strong>05</strong> at 2000-2030 UTC on 94<strong>05</strong> kHz from a 100 kW<br />

transmitter in Juelich, Germany.<br />

(RNW MN NL, via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, May 12)


The radio museum at the former Koenigs Wusterhausen station may have to<br />

close, since Deutsche Telekom wants to terminate the lease of tx building<br />

1, where the museum has his seat, effective July 31. It is said that they<br />

want have the station grounds commercialized by a real estate company. The<br />

Koenigs Wusterhausen town plans to impose a preservation or<strong>der</strong> on the whole<br />

station now. Deutsche Telekom already started to tear down an "antenna<br />

building" (not further specified, so could be more than just some doghouse)<br />

until the preservation authority prohibited this work.<br />

Report of "Die Welt" newspaper from today:<br />

<br />

Website of Koenigs Wusterhausen radio museum (with limited English):<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld May 6)<br />

Wiege des Rundfunks ohne Museum?<br />

Telekom laesst Mietvertrag auslaufen und das Funkerberg-Gelaende in Koenigs<br />

Wusterhausen vermarkten<br />

von Gudrun Mallwitz<br />

Potsdam - Die Koenigs Wusterhausener sind stolz auf ihren beruehmten<br />

Funkerberg. Vor 85 Jahren hatte dort die Geburtsstunde des oeffentlichen<br />

Rundfunks in Deutschland geschlagen. Das erste Live-Konzert, das im Radio<br />

ausgestrahlt wurde, war 1920 von Koenigs Wusterhausen aus zu hoeren. Und<br />

nun droht ausgerechnet im Jubilaeumsjahr den von einem Verein betriebenen<br />

Sende- und Funktechnikmuseum das Aus:<br />

Die Deutsche Telekom als Grundstuecksbesitzerin hat den langjaehrigen<br />

Mietvertrag zum 31. Juli nicht mehr verlaengert. Die Begruendung: Das<br />

Museum trage sich nicht. Und: Die Telekom zahle ohnehin pro Jahr bereits<br />

mehrere Millionen Euro in die Stiftung Post und Telekommunikation ein.<br />

Statt weiter den Verein zu beherbergen, <strong>der</strong> bislang keine richtige Miete,<br />

son<strong>der</strong>n nur einen Anteil an den Betriebskosten zahlte, hat das Unternehmen<br />

nun an<strong>der</strong>e Plaene mit dem Areal. Angeblich will es das Gelaende ueber eine<br />

Immobiliengesellschaft vermarkten lassen.<br />

Eine im Mai 2003 gegruendete Stiftung sucht nun zusammen mit Buergermeister<br />

Stefan Ludwig (PDS) fieberhaft nach Wegen, wie das Museum an diesem<br />

Standort erhalten bleiben kann. Kreistags-, Landtags- und<br />

Bundestagsabgeordnete sollen das Anliegen <strong>der</strong> Koenigs Wusterhausener<br />

unterstuetzen.<br />

Die Stadt strebt zudem an, das gesamte geschichtstraechtigen Gelaende unter<br />

Denkmalschutz zu stellen und damit den Abriss von Anlagen zu verhin<strong>der</strong>n.<br />

Denn <strong>der</strong> Schock war ziemlich gross, als damit begonnen wurde, Anbauten an<br />

den Sendehaeusern abzureissen. Die Telekom rechtfertigte die Arbeiten<br />

damit, dass das Antennenhaus nicht Teil des Denkmals sei. Die Untere<br />

Denkmalbehoerde sah dies an<strong>der</strong>s - und ordnete einen Baustopp an. Sie<br />

stuetzt sich dabei auf ein Gutachten zur Unterschutzstellung, in dem auch<br />

die Nebenanlagen aufgefuehrt seien.<br />

Jetzt hat sich das Brandenburgische Landesamt fuer Denkmalpflege in den<br />

Streit um die kuenftige Gestaltung des Funkerbergs eingeschaltet. Wie aus<br />

einem dieser Zeitung vorliegenden Schreiben hervorgeht, will<br />

Landeskonservator Detlef Karg zwischen Telekom, Foer<strong>der</strong>verein und Landkreis<br />

Dahme-Spreewald vermitteln.<br />

Wolf-Dieter Saeuberlich, stellvertreten<strong>der</strong> Vorstand des Vereins, hofft<br />

immer noch auf ein Einsehen <strong>der</strong> Telekom: "Wir koennen mit unseren Exponaten<br />

doch unmoeglich umziehen. Damit waere das Museum zerstoert."

Mehr als 5000 Besucher zaehlte die Ausstellung des Sen<strong>der</strong>museums im vorigen<br />

Jahr, welche die komplette Geschichte des Rundfunks zeigt. Allein 25<br />

Quadratmeter gross praesentiert sich ein Modell des Funkerbergs.<br />

Zu sehen ist zum Beispiel ein 1000-PS-Dieselmotor <strong>der</strong> Firma Deutz aus dem<br />

Jahr 1937, <strong>der</strong> einst als Notstromaggregat diente. Im ehemaligen Sen<strong>der</strong>saal<br />

lernt <strong>der</strong> Besucher den Weg von <strong>der</strong> Militaerfunkstation zur Hauptfunkstelle<br />

<strong>der</strong> Deutschen Reichspost kennen.<br />

(Artikel erschienen am Fr, 6. Mai 20<strong>05</strong> ¸ WELT.de 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

Radio-Wiege kippt<br />

Der Vertrag fuer das Funkmuseum laeuft aus und wird nicht verlaengert<br />

KOENIGS WUSTERHAUSEN Die Zukunft des Sende- und Funktechnikmuseums am<br />

Funkerberg in Koenigs Wusterhausen ist mehr als ungewiss. Der Mietvertrag<br />

<strong>der</strong> Telekom-Gesellschaft Sireo mit dem Foer<strong>der</strong>verein laeuft Ende Juli aus<br />

und wird auch nicht mehr verlaengert.<br />

Als Grund nennt Telekom-Sprecher Hans Ehnert in Bonn die mangelnde<br />

Wirtschaftlichkeit. "Wir muessen abwaegen, was wir uns leisten koennen und<br />

was nicht", sagt er auf MAZ-Anfrage. Jaehrlich zahle die Telekom bereits<br />

sieben Millionen Euro in eine Stiftung Post und Telekommunikation ein, die<br />

sich fuer verschiedene Museen und Erhaltenswertes einsetze.<br />

Ehnert: "Wir legen grossen Wert auf Tradition. Aber wir sind eben auch ein<br />

wirtschaftliches Unternehmen." Das Telekom-Gelaende auf dem Funkerberg<br />

werde gegenwaertig fuer eine moegliche Vermarktung vorbereitet. Bei den<br />

Gespraechen in Koenigs Wusterhausen sei es zu keiner Einigung gekommen.<br />

Ehnert: "Alle Seiten betonten nur, wie wichtig und wertvoll das Museum doch<br />

ist. Doch wenn es um die Finanzierung ging, guckten alle weg o<strong>der</strong> zur<br />

Telekom hin. So geht es lei<strong>der</strong> auch nicht."<br />

Fuer den Foer<strong>der</strong>verein des Museums kam das Aus voellig ueberraschend.<br />

Vorsitzen<strong>der</strong> Rainer Suckow: "Wir sind geschockt." Damit habe man nicht<br />

gerechnet. "Wir wussten zwar, dass <strong>der</strong> Fuenfjahres-Vertrag auslaeuft", sagt<br />

er, "aber sechs Monate vorher sollte laut Vertrag ueber eine Verlaengerung<br />

gesprochen werden. Und nun kam am Dienstag einfach ein Fax mit <strong>der</strong><br />

Nachricht, dass es eine Verlaengerung nicht geben wird." Dabei habe man<br />

bisher, so Suckow, ein gutes Verhaeltnis zur Telekom gehabt.<br />

Der Foer<strong>der</strong>verein zahlte bisher lediglich als Miete einen Anteil an den<br />

Betriebskosten. Der Verein ist 1993 aktiv geworden. 1996 gab es die erste<br />

Ausstellung im Museum. Das Zugpferd ist ein 60 Jahre alter 1000-PS-Diesel-<br />

Motor, <strong>der</strong> regelmaessig in Betrieb gesetzt wurde. Ein Umzug in an<strong>der</strong>e<br />

Raeume sei fuer den Verein keine Alternative, betont Suckow. "Der Reiz des<br />

Museums war doch die Tatsache, dass hier tatsaechlich die Wiege des<br />

Rundfunks in Deutschland ist. Hier im Sendehaus 1 hat alles angefangen."<br />

(Maerkische Allgemeine - Zeitung, May 7)<br />

Funkstille auf dem Funkerberg<br />

Katrin Bischoff<br />

KOENIGS WUSTERHAUSEN. Ein Fax brachte die schlechte Nachricht nach Koenigs<br />

Wusterhausen (Dahme-Spreewald). Rainer Suckow, dem Vorsitzenden des<br />

Foer<strong>der</strong>vereins "Sen<strong>der</strong> Koenigs Wusterhausen", wurde in dem Schreiben<br />

mitgeteilt, dass die Telekom den Mietvertrag mit dem Foer<strong>der</strong>verein nicht<br />

verlaengern werde. Aus wirtschaftlichen Gruenden. "Es hat mich eiskalt<br />

erwischt", sagte Suckow. Damit steht das Sende- und Funktechnikmuseum am<br />

Funkerberg in Koenigs Wusterhausen vor dem Aus. Der Mietvertrag laeuft am<br />

31. Juli 20<strong>05</strong> aus. Vom Funkerberg wurde 1920 erstmals ein Live-Konzert im<br />

Radio - ein Weihnachtskonzert <strong>der</strong> Reichspost - ausgestrahlt. Seitdem gilt<br />

<strong>der</strong> Ort als "Wiege des Rundfunks in Deutschland".

Auftrag zur Vermarktung<br />

"Wir koennen uns nicht mehr alles leisten", sagte Telekom-Sprecher Hans<br />

Ehnert am Mittwoch. Das Museum auf dem Funkerberg trage sich nicht. "Bei<br />

unseren Gespraechen haben alle Beteiligten stets erlaeutert, wie wichtig<br />

dieses Museum in Koenigs Wusterhausen ist. Aber als es um die Kosten ging,<br />

da blieb alles wie<strong>der</strong> an <strong>der</strong> Telekom haengen", sagte Ehnert. Das<br />

Unternehmen sei schon an <strong>der</strong> Geschichte interessiert. Es unterstuetze<br />

schliesslich eine Stiftung Post und Telekommunikation. "In diese Stiftung<br />

zahlt die Telekom jaehrlich sieben Millionen Euro ein", sagte <strong>der</strong><br />

Unternehmenssprecher. "Damit werden Museen in Berlin o<strong>der</strong> Frankfurt am Main<br />

unterstuetzt. Mehr geht wirklich nicht." Ehnert sagte, die Telekom habe<br />

Sireo den Auftrag zur Vermarktung des Funkerberg-Gelaendes erteilt. Sireo<br />

gehoert zur Immobiliengesellschaft <strong>der</strong> Deutschen Telekom und soll laut<br />

Unternehmenssprecher nicht betriebsnotwendige Gebaeude veraeussern.<br />

Mehr als 5000 Besucher sahen im vorigen Jahr die Ausstellung auf dem<br />

Funkerberg. "Das Beson<strong>der</strong>e ist, dass wir ein Sen<strong>der</strong>museum sind", sagt<br />

Foer<strong>der</strong>vereinschef Suckow. Zudem habe im Sendehaus 1 wirklich alles<br />

angefangen, was mit Rundfunk in Deutschland zu tun habe. Gezeigt werde die<br />

komplette Geschichte des Rundfunks. Alte Sen<strong>der</strong> beispielsweise aus den<br />

30er-Jahren seien fuer Technikfreaks ebenso ein Anziehungspunkt wie <strong>der</strong><br />

1000-PS-Dieselmotor aus dem Jahr 1937, <strong>der</strong> frueher als Notstromaggregat<br />

diente. Nur selten wird <strong>der</strong> Motor noch angeworfen. Er ist mit seinen acht<br />

Zylin<strong>der</strong>n <strong>der</strong> einzige noch funktionsfaehige Dieselmotor dieser Groesse in<br />

Deutschland.<br />

Suckow glaubt, dass die Ausstellung auf dem geschichtstraechtigen<br />

Funkerberg nur durch das Engagement <strong>der</strong> Stadt zu retten ist. Fuer den<br />

heutigen Donnerstag hat er um einen Termin bei Koenigs Wusterhausens<br />

Buergermeister Stefan Ludwig (PDS) gebeten. Wie das Stadtoberhaupt am<br />

Mittwoch <strong>der</strong> Berliner Zeitung sagte, bemuehe sich eine im Mai 2003<br />

gegruendete Stiftung auch mit Hilfe <strong>der</strong> Stadt, Objekte <strong>der</strong> Telekom auf dem<br />

Funkerberg zu erwerben. "Das sollte so schnell wie moeglich ueber die<br />

Buehne gehen", sagte Ludwig. Damit habe man den Funkerberg fuer die<br />

Oeffentlichkeit zugaenglich machen wollen.<br />

Brief an Telekom-Vorstand<br />

Doch es fehle noch Geld und man habe auch keinerlei Kontakt mit <strong>der</strong> Telekom<br />

bekommen koennen. "Es herrscht voellige Funkstille", sagte <strong>der</strong><br />

Buergermeister. Wenn in absehbarer Zeit nichts geschehe, wolle er sich<br />

schriftlich an den Telekom-Vorstand wenden. Er faende es schade, wenn die<br />

Ausstellung von diesem historischen Standort weichen muesste, sagte Ludwig.<br />

(Berliner Zeitung, April 21, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

INDONESIA Prompted by wb, checked for VOI May 3 at 1850, and on 9525,<br />

contrary to what one would expect here, good signal in French with Indo mx;<br />

in fact, apart from WWCR 9975, some other US signals, TIRWR 9725 and a<br />

couple Firedrakes, it was the best signal on 31m. 1900 promptly into<br />

German. But when I rechecked at 2000, nothing audible on 9525, faded out by<br />

then?<br />

Nor anything on 15150v, and after 2000 anyway VOI would have a tough time<br />

getting past WYFR 15155 in Spanish. So what is the azimuth, anyway, of this<br />

9525 txion presumably for Europe? Such info censored out of HFCC A-<strong>05</strong> but<br />

N<strong>DX</strong>C A-<strong>05</strong> says 315 degrees from Cimanggis at 1600-2100, whilst at 0800-1400<br />

it's 30 degrees, more favorable for NAm.<br />

At 18 the mid-latitude K-index was 3; higher freqs were depressed. I'm<br />

afraid this only reinforces my contention that VOI could and should have a<br />

reliable and well-heard English to NAm sce if only they would put it on<br />

9525 in our mornings. Today there was an open carrier still on 9525 at<br />

1430, nominally closed at 1400* UT.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld May 3)

15150 RRI [rather VoINS] at 1930 in English[rather 2000-2100 UT] with<br />

signal S5 24222 on quite noisy floor Apr 26. 15150 also on May 4th with<br />

dangdut songs (kopi dangdut,bang toyib) at 1342Z . At 1400 UT heard talks<br />

in Malay about on 1520 nearly nothing heard though ripples found on AM<br />

mode. Fair to extreme QRM from VoIRI Iran.<br />

Again 11860 at 1318 (4 May) with nx program fro RRI Jakarta then with<br />

stocks and money with mentions of several cities. Wipeout by VoTurkey on<br />

1330-1400 UT and medium QRM from B<strong>BC</strong> a/o Arab station on QRG, several days.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, hcdx May 5)<br />

4604.96 RRI Serui at 1200-1245 on May 3. Vocal mx; ID at 1203 as "Radio<br />

Rebublik INS Serui...," then joined Jak program in progress; returned to<br />

local programming at 1218 with ol<strong>der</strong> C&W vocals with no anmts until about<br />

1245. Good signal.<br />

4749.98 RRI Makassar noted May 1-3 around 1200-1300 either off the air or<br />

extremely weak. They are usually the strongest Tropical Band Indo here.<br />

Possibly a very weak carrier on 4749.98 but hard to tell with weak stations<br />

on 4750/4750.1 adding to the mix.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 5)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ Freqs changes for VOIROI in Italian:<br />

1930-1957 NF 7320 and NF 9610, x7295 and x9615.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 10)<br />

4850 Voice of Iranian Kurdistan at +0151-0203+ on Apr 7. Kurdish songs<br />

non-stop warming up to the sign-on hymn at 0200 and usual Kurdish ID "Aira<br />

dengi Kurdestana Irana". Very weak at first, but picked up a bit up to the<br />

hour. This is ex 4860 kHz and one hour earlier than the *0250 reg in DBS.<br />

In fact a very quick ID also at 0158 UT.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 7)<br />

ITALY Italian dx program in mp3 available on radiomagazine.net.<br />

On you can listen a <strong>DX</strong> program in Italian lang on<br />

MP3 files. Before, we produce this program for AWR Europe, until December<br />

2002. Now we are in completly autonomy. Before from 1981 we have produce <strong>DX</strong><br />

program for Radio Portugal, Radio Ne<strong>der</strong>land, and for<br />

Deutschlandfunk/Deutsche Welle and we publish the monthly bulletin "Italian<br />

<strong>DX</strong> News" for more years. (Dario Villani-I, hcdx May 6)<br />

Freqs changes for RAI International from April 22:<br />

0625-1300 Italian NF 6195, x9670<br />

1330-1355 Arabic NF 11795, x11900 \\ 9670 11915<br />

1700-1800 Italian NF 5985, x11890 \\ 7175 9675 11970 15320 15385<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 10)<br />

Radio Mi Amigo in English via IRRS from April 23:<br />

0700-1400 Sat 15725, x0800-1500 same to avoid RL in Uzbek 1400-1500<br />

Radio for Peace in English/Arabic/Spanish via IRRS from April 30:<br />

0600-0700 Sat 15725, x1100-1200 Fri 15665.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 10)<br />

JAPAN Dear Radio friends, Thank you for your reception report.<br />

We have just printed a new QSL card which is coming to you now. This is<br />

based on our member Mr. Kim's painting. This year is the year of Rooster in<br />

the Zodiac signs. It is believed to display any sign of the Rooster this<br />

year, it will bring more happiness in your house.<br />

Mr. Kim said he had spent a year to come up to this design. In coincident<br />

with year 20<strong>05</strong> or simply <strong>05</strong>, he put 5 eggs, 5 petals, 5 cockscombs (one

including JSWC 20<strong>05</strong> mark) and 5 feathers. Five often relates to chances in<br />

Japanese word, so he said all best wishes for the year was imbedded in this<br />

picture.<br />

So this is the Happiness bringing QSL to you.<br />

We have 3 kinds of QSL now available. 50th anniversary card printed in 2002<br />

5th anniversary card printed in 1957 and this new card, all in color. You<br />

can request whatever you like for the report tuned to any of JSWC<br />

participated programs, such es Hello from Tokyo, <strong>DX</strong> Partyline and Wavescan<br />

(silent for the moment).<br />

We are looking forward to hearing from you again/ We will issue a<br />

verification card for correct reception reports.(Please enclose either 1<br />

IRC or one dollar US bill.)<br />

Toshi Ohtake. International Coordination JPN Short Wave Club<br />

P.O.Box 29. Sendai Central 980 - 8691, Japan. <br />

From the 5th anniversary qsl card:<br />

Dear <strong>DX</strong>-friend, Thank you very much for your report. This is to verify that<br />

you heard one of the J. S. W. C. Special Programmes of the following<br />

stations.<br />

1) Radio Republik INS, Djakarta, INS.<br />

Dec. 16, 1956: 1145-1158; 1515-1528 on 4910/9710kc. 1945-1958 on<br />

9865/11795.<br />

2) IBRA Radio(Schweden), transmitted over R. Africa-Tanger.<br />

Dec. 18, 1956 1845-1900; <strong>Jan</strong>. 8, 1957 1000-1915 on 8550/11511.<br />

3) Radio Pakistan, Karachi, Pakistan<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>. 5, 1957: 1935-1959 on 7010/9740.<br />

4) Radio Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>. 7, 1957 1215-1230, 1445-1500, 1830-1845, 2015-2030;<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>. 8, 1957 0130-0145, <strong>05</strong>15- <strong>05</strong>30 on 6095/9620/117<strong>05</strong>.<br />

5) Radio Roma, Rome, Italy<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>. 10, 1957: 1019-1036 on 11880/15120/15325/17770/17800.<br />

6) Radio Australia Melbourne Australia<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>. 12, 1957: 2200-2215; <strong>Jan</strong>. 13, 1957 1115- 1130 on 17790.<br />

7) Radio Canada Montreal Canada<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>. 13, 1957 0915-0945 on 9630/11720.<br />

8) Deutsche Welle (Voice of Germany) Cologne Germany<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>. 14, 1957 0740- 0800, 1510- 1530, 1840-1900, 2240-2300;<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>. 15, 1957 0210- 0230; on 5980/9640/11795/15275.<br />

Japanese Short Wave Club. Box 29, Sendai, Japan. (via Paul Gager-AUT,<br />

Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK May 5)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. Following the A<strong>05</strong> Summer schedule of the VOICE OF KOREA from<br />

Pyongyang, DPR Korea (North Korea) eff 0700 UT, May 3, 20<strong>05</strong>. There may<br />

still be some minor changes to the Korean, Japanese and Chinese schedule as<br />

I wasn't able to verify all announced freqs as yet. However, the bulk of<br />

the information is correct and I will amend it as necessary once I have<br />

verified the txions in question. Please find attached in Word-format the<br />

schedules with and without "beam" information. I hope for a wide publicity<br />

by stating the source as follows:

Arnulf Piontek, Berlin, Germany, <br />

0000 Chinese 13650 15100 SEAs 0000 Korean (PBS) 7140 9345 9730<br />

NECHN<br />

0000 Spanish 11735 13760 15180 CAm 0100 English 7140 9345 9730 NEAs<br />

0100 English 11735 13760 15180 CAm 0100 French 13650 15100 SEAs<br />

0200 Chinese 7140 9345 9730 NECHN 0200 English 13650 15100 SEAs<br />

0200 Spanish 11735 13760 15180 CAm 0300 Chinese 13650 15100 SEAs<br />

0300 English 7140 9345 9730 NEAs 0300 French 11735 13760 15180 CAm<br />

0700 Japanese 621 3250 9650 11865 J 0700 Korean (PBS) 7140 9345 NECHN<br />

0700 Russian 9975 11735 FE 0700 Russian 13760 15245 Eu<br />

0800 Chinese 7140 9345 NECHN 0800 Japanese 621 3250 9650 11865<br />

J<br />

0800 Russian 9975 11735 FE 0800 Russian 13760 15245 Eu<br />

0900 Japanese 621 3250 6070 9650 11865 J 0900 Korean (KCBS) 7140 9345 NECHN<br />

0900 Korean (PBS) 9975 11735 FE 0900 Korean (PBS) 13760 15245 Eu<br />

1000 English 11710 15180 CAm 1000 English 11735 13650 SEAs<br />

1000 Japanese 621 3250 6070 9650 11865 J 1000 Korean (PBS) 7140 9345 NECHN<br />

1100 Chinese 7140 9345 CHN 1100 French 11710 15180 CAm<br />

1100 French 11735 13650 SEAs 1100 Japanese 621 3250 6070 9650<br />

11865 J<br />

1200 Japanese 621 3250 6070 9650 11865 J 1200 Korean (KCBS) 11710 15180 CAm<br />

1200 Korean (KCBS) 11735 13650 SEAs 1200 Korean (PBS) 7140 9345 NECHN<br />

1300 Chinese 11735 13650 SEAs 1300 English 13760 15245 WEu<br />

1300 English 9335 11710 NAm 1300 Korean (PBS) 9325 12015 Eu<br />

1400 French 13760 15245 WEu 1400 French 9335 11710 NAm<br />

1400 Korean (KCBS) 11735 13650 SEAs 1400 Russian 9325 12015 Eu<br />

1500 Arabic 9990 11545 ME, NAf 1500 English 13760 15245 WEu<br />

1500 English 9335 11710 NAm 1500 Russian 9325 12015 Eu<br />

1600 German 9325 12015 WEu 1600 English 9990 11545 ME, NAf<br />

1600 French 13760 15245 WEu 1600 French 9335 11710 NAm<br />

1700 Arabic 9990 11545 ME, NAf 1700 Korean (KCBS) 13760 15245 WEu<br />

1700 Korean (KCBS) 9335 11710 NAm 1700 Russian 9325 12015 Eu<br />

1800 German 9325 12015 WEu 1800 English 13760 15245 WEu<br />

1800 French 7100 11910 SAf 1800 French 9975 11535 ME, NAf<br />

1900 German 9325 12015 WEu 1900 English 9975 11535 ME, NAf<br />

1900 English 7100 11910 SAf 1900 Spanish 13760 15245 WEu<br />

2000 French 13760 15245 WEu 2000 Korean (KCBS) 9975 11535 ME,<br />

NAf<br />

2000 Korean (KCBS) 7100 11910 SAf 2000 Korean (KCBS) 9325 12015 WEu<br />

2100 Chinese 7180 9345 NECHN 2100 Chinese 9975 11535 CHN<br />

2100 English 13760 15245 WEu 2100 Japanese 621 3250 9650 11865<br />

J<br />

2200 Chinese 7140 9345 NECHN 2200 Chinese 9975 11535 CHN<br />

2200 Spanish 13760 15245 WEu 2200 Japanese 621 3250 9650 11865<br />

J<br />

2300 Japanese 621 3250 9650 11865 J 2300 Korean (KCBS) 7140 9345 NECHN<br />

2300 Korean (KCBS) 13760 15245 WEu 2300 Korean (KCBS) 9975 11535 CHN<br />

Target Areas of the Voice of Korea, Pyongyang,<br />

Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)<br />

CAm Central America CHN China Eu Europe<br />

FE Far East J Japan ME Middle East<br />

NAF North Africa NAm North America NEAs Northeast Asia<br />

NECHN Northeast China Saf South Africa SAm South America<br />

SEAs South-East Asia (Arnulf Piontek-D, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 4)<br />

Here's another version of VOK A-<strong>05</strong> schedule, showing azimuths, data not<br />

usually available, reworked here by gh to fit <strong>DX</strong>LD. Note that the out-ofband<br />

'fee<strong>der</strong>' channels such as 3560, 44<strong>05</strong> are not included; are they still<br />

actually in use? More below on the azimuths.<br />

00 Chinese 13650 238 15100 238 SEAs

00 Korean (PBS) 7140 ND 9345 ND 9730 ND NECHN<br />

00 Spanish 11735 28 13760 28 15180 28 CAm<br />

01 English 7140 ND 9345 ND 9730 ND NEAs<br />

01 English 11735 28 13760 28 15180 28 CAm<br />

01 French 13650 238 15100 238 SEAs<br />

02 Chinese 7140 ND 9345 ND 9730 ND NECHN<br />

02 English 13650 238 15100 238 SEAs<br />

02 Spanish 11735 28 13760 28 15180 28 CAm<br />

03 Chinese 13650 238 15100 238 SEAs<br />

03 English 7140 ND 9345 ND 9730 ND NEAs<br />

03 French 11735 28 13760 28 15180 28 CAm<br />

[Kim Jung-Il's siesta time]<br />

07 Japanese 621 ND 3250 ND 9650 109 11865 109 J<br />

07 Korean (PBS) 7140 ND 9345 ND NECHN<br />

07 Russian 9975 28 11735 28 FE<br />

07 Russian 13760 325 15245 235 Eu<br />

08 Chinese 7140 ND 9345 ND NECHN<br />

08 Japanese 621 ND 3250 ND 9650 109 11865 109 J<br />

08 Russian 9975 28 11735 28 FE<br />

08 Russian 13760 325 15245 325 Eu<br />

09 Japanese 621 ND 3250 ND 6070 109 9650 109 11865 109 J<br />

09 Korean (KCBS) 7140 ND 9345 ND NECHN<br />

09 Korean (PBS) 9975 28 11735 28 FE<br />

09 Korean (PBS) 13760 325 15245 325 Eu<br />

10 English 11710 28 15180 28 CAm<br />

10 English 11735 238 13650 238 SEAs<br />

10 Japanese 621 ND 3250 ND 6070 109 9650 109 11865 109 J<br />

10 Korean (PBS) 7140 ND 9345 ND NECHN<br />

11 Chinese 7140 ND 9345 ND CHN<br />

11 French 11710 28 15180 28 CAm<br />

11 French 11735 238 13650 238 SEAs<br />

11 Japanese 621 ND 3250 ND 6070 109 9650 109 11865 109 J<br />

12 Japanese 621 ND 3250 ND 6070 109 9650 109 11865 109 J<br />

12 Korean (KCBS) 11710 28 15180 28 CAm<br />

12 Korean (KCBS) 11735 238 13650 238 SEAs<br />

12 Korean (PBS) 7140 ND 9345 ND NECHN<br />

13 Chinese 11735 238 13650 238 SEAs<br />

13 English 13760 325 15245 325 WEu<br />

13 English 9335 28 11710 28 NAm<br />

13 Korean (PBS) 9325 325 12015 325 Eu<br />

14 French 13760 325 15245 325 WEu<br />

14 French 9335 28 11710 28 NAm<br />

14 Korean (KCBS) 11735 238 13650 238 SEAs<br />

14 Russian 9325 325 12015 325 Eu<br />

15 Arabic 9990 296 11545 296 ME, NAf<br />

15 English 13760 325 15245 325 WEu<br />

15 English 9335 28 11710 28 NAm<br />

15 Russian 9325 325 12015 325 Eu<br />

16 German 9325 325 12015 325 WEu<br />

16 English 9990 296 11545 296 ME, NAf

16 French 13760 325 15245 325 WEu<br />

16 French 9335 28 11710 28 NAm<br />

17 Arabic 9990 296 11545 296 ME, NAf<br />

17 Korean (KCBS) 13760 325 15245 325 WEu<br />

17 Korean (KCBS) 9335 28 11710 28 NAm<br />

17 Russian 9325 325 12015 325 Eu<br />

18 German 9325 325 12015 325 WEu<br />

18 English 13760 325 15245 325 WEu<br />

18 French 7100 271 11910 271 SAf<br />

18 French 9975 296 11535 296 ME, NAf<br />

19 German 9325 325 12015 325 WEu<br />

19 English 9975 296 11535 296 ME, NAf<br />

19 English 7100 271 11910 271 SAf<br />

19 Spanish 13760 325 15245 325 WEu<br />

20 French 13760 325 15245 325 WEu<br />

20 Korean (KCBS) 9975 296 11535 296 ME, NAf<br />

20 Korean (KCBS) 7100 271 11910 271 SAf<br />

20 Korean (KCBS) 9325 325 12015 325 WEu<br />

21 Chinese 7180 ND 9345 ND NECHN<br />

21 Chinese 9975 271 11535 271 CHN<br />

21 English 13760 325 15245 325 WEu<br />

21 Japanese 621 ND 3250 ND 9650 109 11865 109 J<br />

22 Chinese 7180 ND 9345 ND NECHN<br />

22 Chinese 9975 271 11535 271 CHN<br />

22 Spanish 13760 325 15245 325 WEu<br />

22 Japanese 621 ND 3250 ND 9650 109 11865 109 J<br />

23 Japanese 621 ND 3250 ND 9650 109 11865 109 J<br />

23 Korean (KCBS) 7180 ND 9345 ND NECHN<br />

23 Korean (KCBS) 13760 325 15245 325 WEu<br />

23 Korean (KCBS) 9975 271 11535 271 CHN<br />

(Arnulf Piontek-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 4)<br />

Besides ND there are only six azimuths involved; Great Circles checked on<br />

my NGS globe with geometer. Note that the 'CAm' beam misses CAm; however by<br />

that distance it will be very spread out (and weak); and any slews are not<br />

indicated. For a long time, P'yongyang did not admit to broadcasting to NAm<br />

per se, but that 28 degree beam slices right thru the middle of the<br />

continent. Perhaps something similar is set up for the DPRK's nuclear<br />

missiles.<br />

028 for FE, N & CAm [Magadan-ANWR-Brandon-St Louis-Habana-Bogota]<br />

109 for Japan<br />

238 for SE Asia<br />

271 for China, S Africa<br />

296 for ME/N Africa<br />

325 for Europe [Chita-Berezovo-Tallinn-Hamburg-Paris-Lisboa-Praia-<br />

Recife-Rio de <strong>Jan</strong>eiro] (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld)<br />

Checked the 28 degrees azimuth via Ham Radio software <strong>DX</strong> Atlas too:<br />

28 degr signal path via Chabarovsk, Magadan, Tchuktchen Sea, Alaska, Fort<br />

Franklin, Saskatchewan, Minnesota, Alabama, La Habana (12300 kms), Colombia<br />

(14000 kms), Bolivia (17000 kms), and kissing the Atlantic near Montevideo<br />

around 19600 kms away.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 6)

Voice of Korea shifted to summer schedule on May 2 and disappeared sce to<br />

Western Europe 1300-1750, 1800-2350 earlier on 44<strong>05</strong>, 7570, 12015. Now on<br />

9325 and 12015 kHz sce is to east and central Europe 1300-1350, 1400-2<strong>05</strong>0<br />

(ex6285, 9325) feat. German at 16, at 18, at 19, Russian at 14, at 15, at<br />

17 and Korean. The schedule given at 1955 on 11535 kHz for English lang<br />

broadcasts to So.Ea.Asia, MEast, No.and So. Africa, So.and Ce.America was<br />

the same as in previous months. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 2)<br />

Voice of Korea heard on new 15245 at 1845 on May 5th in English with start<br />

of Listeners Mailbox programme; this programme lasted for 4 mins and the<br />

presenter read out two letters praising their broadcasts. Poor to fair on<br />

clear channel.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 5)<br />

15245 is totally covered by AWR Juelich at 1900-2030 UT. From 2031 a thiny<br />

signal from Pyongyang just above threshold. 15 MHz at 0400 Local time in<br />

KRE is too high, should move to an 11 MHz in 1800-2400 UT slot instead.<br />

Parallel 13760 has a fair signal at same time.<br />

The Korean bcs on 9325, 9975, 11535, and 12015 are loud and roaring into<br />

EUR. Only the African outlets 7100 and 11910 are poor here EUR. (wb, wwdxc<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 5)<br />

Checked all channels in past days. I can state, that the station has<br />

OVERCOME now the serious main power problem, usually happens during Korean<br />

winter season. Voltage drops down then, which forces the txs to operate at<br />

slight odd freqs on reduced power. Power tolerance of the Swiss made Brown<br />

Boverie Cie rxs seem very wide.<br />

All VoKOR txions are now on even x.00 frequency, much improved against main<br />

power suffer in winter season.<br />

Newly selected VoKOR freqs - mostly in-band freqs - suffer much by cochannel<br />

QRM here in central Europe:<br />

15245 French 1600, by DW Bosnian from Sines-POR, 250 kW powerhouse.<br />

13760 French 1600, by CRI Kashi English, 500 kW powerhouse.<br />

12015 German 1600, by RMI / DTK Juelich, "Radio Minivan" to Maldives. [Jeff<br />

White - R Miami Internat. brokered].<br />

9990 English 1600, by R Cairo Abis-EGY, in Albanian, latter produces 100<br />

Hertz off buzz tone on 9990.10 kHz. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 6)<br />

While tuning 31mb yesterday afternoon I came across Firedrake (the crash &<br />

bang band) on 9335 at 1735 UT. I couldn't hear any other station un<strong>der</strong>neath<br />

and won<strong>der</strong> if the jammer had been wrongly tuned. Or, is this another new<br />

IBB channel? I can't find a user at that time.<br />

[9335 see VoKOR schedule above, its Korean sce on air from Pyongyang. But<br />

why China Mainland should jam the neighbours. I guess the jamming tx is on<br />

a parking position outside the 31 mb for further use from 1800 UT, wb.]<br />

Propagation this morning is slightly better, and the lady from Hawaii was<br />

heard telling us the time at the tone on 15000 around 0635 with a signal up<br />

to S5. But an hour later, the signal had dropped and wasn't moving the<br />

meter at all. And VoR via K/A put in an appearance via 17635 after 0700 and<br />

the signal improved, peaking to 5+ at times. But I could not detect<br />

anything at all on 21790. And maybe another freq worth checking to<br />

determine propagation is 11387 - heard with Sydney Volmet at 0800 at weak<br />

to fair strength.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 4)

KUWAIT Installation of the fourth IBB SW tx here continues, to be used on<br />

tropical band for Afghanistan; expected on the air by August 20<strong>05</strong>. (Aaron<br />

Zawitzky, dxld May 10)<br />

LAOS 7145 R Nationale Lao, Vientiane at 1240-1300 on Mar 30, Khmer talk<br />

and folk songs, ID in French at 1259 followed by talk (news?) in French,<br />

SIO 232. Apr <strong>05</strong> at 1350-1406*, English talk until 1400, then ID and<br />

National Anthem, English nx 1402 and 1406*, SIO 332. Extended broadcast?<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JSWC via dswci <strong>DX</strong>W May 4)<br />

MOLDOVA (PRIDNESTROVYA) Radio DMR monitored on new 5910 May 2nd 1600-<br />

1620 in English. (Edwin Southwell-UK, World <strong>DX</strong> Club May 4)<br />

Heard on 5910 May 5th opening at 1600 with ID in English followed by nx<br />

about celebration of VE Day, fair on clear channel. (Mike Barraclough-UK,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 5)<br />

1413 on May 9 at 1600- UT. MDA: China Radio International via Grigoriopol,<br />

Transdniestria. This relayed programme has also moved here from 1467 kHz.<br />

Thanks to the tip in VoR's "Klub <strong>DX</strong>". (Mauno Ritola-FIN, hcdx May 10)<br />

MONACO 8728 Bei Radio Monte Carlo hat es heute Morgen einen Schaltfehler<br />

gegeben. Sie betreiben unter dem Rufzeichen 3AC auch die Kuestenfunkstation<br />

Monaco Radio. Statt des Seewetterberichts fuer das Mittelmeer um 7.15 UTC<br />

in SSB auf 8728 kHz strahlten sie eine Sendung von Trans World Radio in<br />

Englisch aus, parallel zu 9870 kHz. Was <strong>der</strong> Seemann wohl denkt, wenn er<br />

statt des Seewetterberichts nur noch etwas ueber die Prophezeiungen aus dem<br />

Buch Salomo hoert? Anruf den Klabautermanns? (Klaus Spielvogel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> May<br />

11)<br />

Klasse Du QSL Glueckspilz. Koenntest ja mal nach einer richtigen Monte<br />

Carlo QSL anfragen, denn <strong>der</strong> 8728 Beam steht unten am Hafen auf<br />

monegassischem Staatsgebiet.<br />

Die MW und KW Anlagen liegen ja lei<strong>der</strong> 1 km noerdlich <strong>der</strong> Grenze auf<br />

franzoes. Gebiet.<br />

8728 hoert man in Italien und Spanien mit dem nassen Finger tagtaeglich.<br />

(wb)<br />

[MONACO non] Never and nowhere has a radio station brought as many<br />

different programmes as the 702 kHz tx of Radio Monte Carlo at Col de la<br />

Madone in Southern France (the Latvian tx on 9290 kHz SW comes a good<br />

second, but that's of course a different story and they are bringing us<br />

some of the best sounds in radio today).<br />

In August 2000, a chronology of the 702 tx usage until April of that year<br />

was published in S.E.R. after five years, and five more broadcasters, I've<br />

updated it. Surely, the story's not over.<br />

The 702 story.<br />

November 1973 - The Italian sce of RMC is the first to be heard over the<br />

new powerful (300 kW as per the WRTH) tx at Col de la Madone. RMC Italie<br />

stays on 702 until June 1993, daily schedule 0600/1900.<br />

April 1988 - Radio Evangile heard in French at 2100/2145.<br />

June 1993 - Riviera Radio, which already broadcasts in English from Monte<br />

Carlo on 106.3 and 106.5, takes over 702 and announces it can now be heard<br />

in "Northern Italy, Northern Africa, Sardinia and Corsica with 40 kW" (a<br />

few days later, power was more correctly stated as 400 kW). With many nx<br />

programmes taken from the B<strong>BC</strong> World Service and friendly DJ programmes,<br />

this was the only English-speaking station audible in its coverage area

over MW. During the first days of Riviera broadcasts, messages were aired<br />

inviting RMC Italian listeners to retune to FM. But Ids were also heard in<br />

Italian such as "Riviera Radio-La radio internazionale della Costa<br />

Azzurra". This only lasted until April 1994, when Riviera switched back to<br />

FM only and the French LW sce began to be heard over 702.<br />

April 1996 - Deutsche Welle relays French, German and Arabic txions to<br />

Western Mediterranean.<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary 1997 - RMC French again on 702 in \\ with LW.<br />

12/2/1997 - RMC Italian again here - but only today! - announcing "500<br />

freqs all over Italy and also on AM 702 with 1200 kW". At 2030, Radio 1<strong>05</strong><br />

took over for live play-by-play soccer report from Wembley Stadium.<br />

April 1997 - Radio Open 97 in English/French/Italian, full power plus FM<br />

103.3 for tennis championship reports, nx and mx from the 19th to the 27th.<br />

ID is not "RMC" but "Montecarlo Radiodiffusion".<br />

1999 - During 1999 Radio Notre Dame broadcasts over 702 with a power well<br />

un<strong>der</strong> 50 kW.<br />

September 1999 - Adventist World Radio heard in French and Arabic.<br />

April 2000 - In or<strong>der</strong> to ensure audibility of its Notturno Italiano after<br />

the temporary close-down of its Rome 846 kHz tx, Italy's RAI hires 702 for<br />

high-power relay of the programme.<br />

May 2000 - As officially announced on the air at local midnight, Notturno<br />

Italiano is now on the air from "Milano 900 kHz, Napoli 657 kHz, Montecarlo<br />

702 kHz, Roma 846 kHz, Roma onde corte 6060 kHz".<br />

August 2000 - Deutsche Welle in German heard on 702 in \\ with 3995 and<br />

other SW, at 2100 UT with news, sports, weather and Funkjournal. On the<br />

17th at 2200, due to 846 going again off the air, Notturno Italiano heard<br />

again here.<br />

September 2000 - From the 18th, 702 relays RAI Radio 2 0400/2200<br />

(Notturno is on 657/846/900/6060).<br />

March 2004 - RAI Radio 2 relay comes to an end.<br />

June 2004 - The 702 freq relays LW 216 (RMC-Info) at 1159/1400 UT.<br />

October 2004 - The Overcomer Ministry heard here evenings for a series of<br />

tests.<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary 20<strong>05</strong> - Radio Vaticana takes over the freq for Central European sce<br />

in\\with already used 1467. In German at 1920.<br />

March 20<strong>05</strong> - Radio Vaticana reverts to 1467 only, but the Overcomer<br />

Ministry returns.<br />

(Stefano Valianti-I, Southern European Report, May Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Communication<br />

magazine)<br />

NETHERLANDS/ALBANIA Two Dutch mediumwave freqs that were licenced almost<br />

two years ago have been on the air with test txions in the past 24 hours.<br />

Radio Waddenzee/Radio Seagull have started testing on 1602 kHz from their<br />

new transmitter site at Finkum in North Friesland. The tests are still on<br />

very low power, but reception has been reported in the east of the<br />

Netherlands.<br />

Regular txions with the full licensed power of 1 kW are expected by 1 July<br />

20<strong>05</strong> at the latest.

Meanwhile, there have also been tests yesterday evening from the tx at<br />

Trintelhaven on 1395 kHz which is due to start regular broadcasts tomorrow.<br />

This freq will carry programming in English from Big L - Radio London. The<br />

power is believed to be around 20 kW. (RNW MN NL, via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK May 13)<br />

No chance to hear the Dutch mx station here in soGermany except on deep<br />

night hours, I guess.<br />

1395 kHz is occupied by 500 kW powerhouse from Fllake Albania, for some<br />

decades since 1966. The Chinese technicians overhauled the ALB equipment<br />

last year [remaining 2x500kW units], and new 3 x 500 kW units from China<br />

are envisaged for 2006y?<br />

Mediumwave 1458, 1395, and 1215 kHz channels respectively. (wb)<br />

NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Do you hear splatter +/-110 kHz from 9735 kHz?<br />

Strong splatter from DW program relayed via RN Bonaire on 9735 now heard 5<br />

days consecutively. I hear it at and around 9845 and 9625, i.e., +/-110<br />

kHz. Pretty sure it's not caused by receivers (<strong>DX</strong>-394) because:<br />

a) Cannot imagine what mechanism would cause symmetrical intermod product<br />

like this;<br />

b) Splatter is attenuated proportional to signal by inserting the 20 dB pad<br />

so does not behave as an overload would;<br />

c) Splatter is unintelligible, has no carrier and does not appear to have<br />

spectral distribution conforming to a sideband so does not look like an<br />

internal intermod product or leakage through IF filters;<br />

d) I don't observe this problem with other strong stations in the same<br />

band.<br />

To be sure, I need confirmation that someone else hears it. The txion<br />

schedule is 0200-0600 UT to North America and you probably need to receive<br />

9735 at needle pinning signal strength to hear the splatter. It helps to<br />

have two radios, one tuned to either splatter frequency, the other to 9735<br />

so you can hear the synchronisation between the splatter and the program.<br />

<strong>DX</strong>ing tx faults - now there's a new wrinkle to SWL!<br />

(Tom Holden, VE3EMO, Toronto, May 6, O<strong>DX</strong>A via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

Not new I do it all the time, tho I would rather not (Glenn Hauser)<br />

Sure!! Radio Netherlands Bonaire site has one of the old txs acting up for<br />

the past several days!!! Today I heard a similar problem on another band,<br />

and the signal was coming from the same source, so it is evident that they<br />

have a severe tx problem. Maybe someone can get in touch with the Radio<br />

Ne<strong>der</strong>land engineering department and help them by alerting about the<br />

problem, as they may be losing very expensive tx components because of that<br />

problem. Anyone that has worked with high power short wave txs knows that<br />

when this kind of problem begins, if it is not dealt with immediately, it<br />

may result in extensive damages, including losing very expensive power<br />

output vacuum tubes!!! Hope that the message gets trough to the Netherlands<br />

or Bonaire ASAP !!! 73 and <strong>DX</strong> (Arnie Coro, Cuba, ibid.)<br />

Thanks, Arnie. I had posted this previously on rec.radio.shortwave but the<br />

only respondent who actually listened was in California and did not hear<br />

the splatter. When we determined that he was only getting S9+10dB, I<br />

surmised that the splatter signal was below other noise or interference. So<br />

I thought I would post where some fellow SWL's within a few hundred miles<br />

of my QTH might tune in as they would have propagation conditions similar<br />

to mine. I have sent messages to DW's general mailbox and to an engineer in<br />

RNW with whom I have had dialog about DRM from Bonaire. But I am won<strong>der</strong>ing<br />

what the specs are for off freq suppression for high power txs. Suppose 1

megaWatt radiated power. 50 dB suppression at +/-110 kHz sounds like a<br />

pretty good number. But that's still 10 watts. So they must have to be a<br />

lot better than that. Do you know? 73, (Tom VE3MEO, ibid.)<br />

Dear amigos: Specifications for the so called "non essential radiation"<br />

from txs have changed over the years. ITU has provided a guide to the<br />

levels that have been consi<strong>der</strong>ed adequate: -60 dB ?? over full carrier<br />

output (and "forget" the gain of the antenna system); -50 dB?? Anyway, what<br />

is happening at the Bonaire Radio Netherlands relay site is obviously<br />

putting out a level of RF much higher than what's normally accepted,<br />

especially if you consi<strong>der</strong> that the "splatter" is not a harmonic frequency.<br />

I remember years ago, with our old SNIEG Soviet built txs that we had a big<br />

problem with the 95<strong>05</strong> kHz frequency's third harmonic, 28515 kHz to the<br />

great anger of radio amateurs, including myself. All attempts to take the<br />

level of that third harmonic to a level that it won't be heard when the 10<br />

meters amateur band was open during the peak years of the solar peak proved<br />

to be a failure, until yours truly applied a radical modification to the<br />

SNIEG. The problem was also complicated by the use of a phased array of two<br />

dipoles that offered a very nice and low standing wave ratio to the 28515<br />

kHz frequency!!!<br />

So called "squegging" or also excessive "splatter" is a totally different<br />

problem, and may be related to a condition at the grid of the final<br />

amplifier stage, that produces a susceptance equal to ZERO at freqs that<br />

are not the one you are amplifying with the Class C stage and zero<br />

susceptance equals to the condition for oscillation at a certain frequency,<br />

so the output stage vacuum tube may be amplifying the "wanted" carrier freq<br />

and at the same time it may be behaving as an oscillator at another freq or<br />

freqs. That dual condition may be produced only during modulation peaks, or<br />

when the antenna impedance changes due to an arc over, etc., etc.<br />

So, it's quite a headache for the tx engineer, who may find a vacuum bypass<br />

capacitor with the glass cracked, so it does not work anymore as a bypass<br />

capacitor at all!!! Just to give you an idea of how difficult to deal with<br />

these type of problems are just moving the grounding point of a bypass<br />

capacitor a few centimeters may turn an otherwise stable output stage into<br />

a giant class C oscillator at any frequency!!! That's why it is so<br />

difficult to design, build and assemble at its final destination site a<br />

high power short wave tx that will work flawlessly from 5.9 to 22 or 26<br />

megaHertz as required for international broadcasting!!!<br />

73 and <strong>DX</strong> (Arnie Coro, CO2KK, Host of <strong>DX</strong>ers Unlimited, ibid., via dxld)<br />

Please be assured that the staff at Bonaire have been advised of the<br />

problem.<br />

73, (Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld May 6)<br />

PAKISTAN Some freqs changes for Radio Pakistan:<br />

1630-1700 Turkish NF 11550, x11565 \\ 15725v<br />

1715-1800 Persian NF 9320v x9325 \\ 11550<br />

1800-1900 Urdu NF 9320v x9325 Islamabad px<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 10)<br />

ROMANIA Radio Romania Bucuresti (acc to ID) reported 1100-1200 German,<br />

1200-1300 Hungarian, 1300-1400 Radio Antena Shatelor on 603 MW (Herastrau<br />

site) only. On 1458 MW, s/on at 0425 UT a test broadcast with prgr R.A.<br />

Shatelor with stronger signal than R.R.Actualitati (Constanca site) also on<br />

1458 kHz. Seems it is a new tx for R.A.Shatelor, which at 0430 UTC was well<br />

heard on 531, 603, 630, 1314, 1458 MWs.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 2)<br />

"Saftitza:" Some b/cs of RRI are now transmitted from a site designated as<br />

"Saftitza" with 50 kW.

All other svcs are presumably from the long-established sites of Tiganesti<br />

and Galbeni. The "Saftitza" svcs are listed as: 1500-1530 on 7210 in<br />

Ukrainian, 1530-1600 on 7135 in Serbian, 1600-1630 on 7135 in Aromanian<br />

(Roumanian dialect), 1630-1700 on 7135 in Italian, 1700-1730 on 7240 in<br />

Ukrainian, 1730-1800 on 7240 in Serbian, 1800-1830 on 7235 in Aromanian,<br />

1830-1900 on 7130 in Serbian, 1900-1930 on 7175 in Ukrainian, 1930-2000 on<br />

6110 in Serbian, 2000-2030 on 6175 in Aromanian, and 2030-2100 on 6045 in<br />

Italian.<br />

(Radio Bulgaria Monitoring rpts, Apr 29, WBM, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 8)<br />

There are some misun<strong>der</strong>standings in this item. "Saftica" (spelled this way<br />

in Romanian and pronounced "Saftika", not "Saftitza" like it would be in<br />

Slavic langs) is the old part of the twin-site Tiganesti-Saftica near<br />

Bucharest. Tx details and coordinates of the sites, see<br />

In the HFCC file, txions from Saftica are<br />

included as "TIG" (Tiganesti) since this is a unified site. Saftica is the<br />

only Romanian site with 50 kW txs and these txions with 50 kW have been<br />

from Saftica since decades (labelled as "TIG" in the HFCC records from the<br />

start).<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, Dxplorer May 9)<br />

RUSSIA 12065 Rst. Tikhiny Okean on Apr 29 at *0835-0900* UT. 45444<br />

Russian, at 0835 UT sign on with ID as "Govorit Vladivostok" by man, IS, ID<br />

as "V efire radiostantsiya Tikhniy Okean" Opening announce, Nx and talk and<br />

Russian pops mx.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium May 6)<br />

Scripts for Voz de Rusia "Frecuencia RM" <strong>DX</strong> programs are here; sometimes<br />

including some SW <strong>DX</strong> news:<br />

<br />

(via Dino Bloisse, condiglist via dxld May 6)<br />

Voice of Russia. Russian World Service. [??? other lang sections too ! ]<br />

Relay via SW txs of Russia. 27/03/20<strong>05</strong> - 29/10/20<strong>05</strong><br />

Moscow<br />

7300 2300-0200 500 7330 2300-0300 500<br />

7380 1800-2100 250 9480DRM 1300-1700 035<br />

9795 (7380) 1500-1700 250 9890 1600-2000 250<br />

9920 1200-1500 250 11610 1600-1900 250<br />

11639 (9480) 1700-2100 250 11635 1500-1600 250<br />

11840 (12060) 1530-1800 250 11985 1400-1800 500<br />

12000 (12070) 1600-2000 250 12030 1500-2000 500<br />

12040 (9810) 1500-2000 250 12070 (7260) 0100-0300 500<br />

12070 (7310) 1600-2100 250 13855 1400-1800 250<br />

15465 (12040) 1700-2000 250 15540 1300-1800 250<br />

156<strong>05</strong> 1200-1500 500 15780 DRM 0600-1200 035<br />

17645 1200-1500 500<br />

Sankt-Petersburg<br />

5900 (6180) 0100-0300 500 7310 (7320) 1800-2000 400<br />

7400 1700-1900 400 120<strong>05</strong> 1500-1600 400<br />

12035 1400-1700 400 12<strong>05</strong>5 (7425)1700-2100 200<br />

12060 (9470) 1500-1900 200 12065 (7130) 1700-1800 400<br />

12065 (7130) 1830-1900 400 15440 (7130) 1500-1600 400<br />

(12065) 1600-1900 400<br />

Kaliningrad<br />

7300 1530-1900 160 7330 0900-1000 160<br />

7330 1500-1900 160 11830 1400-1700 160<br />

Samara<br />

9470 (6000) 1800-2130 200 9480 (9820) 1700-1900 200

9820 (7440) 1400-1900 250 9835 (5935) 1400-1700 200<br />

9865 1500-1700 250 9875 1200-1500 250<br />

11980 (11630) 1700-1800 250 12010 (7390) 2300-0200 500<br />

12010 1500-1900 250 12015 (7230) 1800-1900 200<br />

12<strong>05</strong>5 1500-1700 250 15125 (9490) 1600-1700 200<br />

15290 (12000) 1500-1800 200 154<strong>05</strong> 1500-1600 200<br />

15510 1200-1500 250<br />

Krasnodar<br />

73<strong>05</strong> 1400-1900 100 7325 1400-1700 100<br />

9725 0100-0300 500 9830 0000-0200 500<br />

9880 (5900) 0100-<strong>05</strong>00 500 11675 (7390) 1700-1800 250<br />

12015 1200-1400 250 12075 1500-1600 500<br />

15455 0900-1000 250 15455 (11980) 1500-1900 250<br />

15455 (7330) 1900-2100 250 17570 1200-1500 500<br />

Ekaterinburg<br />

7370 1300-1900 200 11745 (7420) 1745-2000 200<br />

13740 1500-1530 200 15350 (5940) 1600-1900 200<br />

Novosibirsk<br />

5925 1600-1800 500 6070 1500-1700 100<br />

9640 1200-1400 200 11750 1000-1200 500<br />

13590 1200-1400 200 15550 1200-1300 100<br />

Irkutsk<br />

59<strong>05</strong> 1200-1400 100 7355 1000-1400 100<br />

94<strong>05</strong> 1600-1800 250 9800 1400-1800 100<br />

11670 1200-1400 500 21790 <strong>05</strong>00-0900 250<br />

Chita<br />

9745 1200-1900 500 12<strong>05</strong>5 1200-1300 500<br />

12<strong>05</strong>5 (62<strong>05</strong>) 1400-1500 500<br />

Vladivostok<br />

5900 1400-1500 200 5940 1000-1300 100<br />

5955 1200-1300 200 7315 1000-1100 200<br />

7315 1200-1400 250 7390 1100-1500 500<br />

17660 0100-<strong>05</strong>00 500<br />

Khabarovsk<br />

7300 1000-1400 100 12000 (9470) 1000-1300 100<br />

Komsomolsk-na-Amure<br />

9480 1200-1400 250 9765 1000-1100 250<br />

15455 0100-<strong>05</strong>00 250 15545 0100-0400 250<br />

17635 <strong>05</strong>00-0900 250<br />

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy<br />

15425 0100-0300 250 15595 0100-<strong>05</strong>00 200<br />

(...) Since from 04/09/20<strong>05</strong><br />

(Nikolay Rudnev, Belgorodskaya oblast, RUDdx)<br />

Voice of Russia. Russian World Service.<br />

Relay via SW txs abroad Russia. 27/03/20<strong>05</strong> - 29/10/20<strong>05</strong><br />

Armenia / Gavar<br />

7250 0100-0200 500 11510 1600-1900 500<br />

Moldova / Griroriopol<br />

5950 1800-2000 500 7125 2300-<strong>05</strong>00 500<br />

9665 (7180) 0000-<strong>05</strong>00 500

Tajikistan / Orzu<br />

9360 1400-1900 200 9945 0100-0200 500<br />

11500 1200-1500 500 11510 2300-0200 500<br />

17495 0700-0900 500<br />

Tajikistan / Yangel-Yul<br />

4965 1200-1400 100 4965 1500-1600 100<br />

4975 1200-1400 100 4975 1500-1600 100<br />

11640 1600-1700 100 11755 1300-1530 100<br />

China / Xian 9660 1500-1600 100<br />

Vatican City State / S.Maria di Galeria<br />

9450 2100-2130 250 9860 0100-0400 250<br />

Germany / Juelich<br />

5945 0100-0300 100 5985 1900-2100 100<br />

6145 2200-2300 100 7260 2000-2100 100<br />

9825 1900-2100 100 15430 1400-1500 100<br />

(...) S-<strong>05</strong> season, from 04/09/20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(Nikolay Rudnev, Belgorodskaya oblast, RUSdx May 6)<br />

Beware, only a few of these freqs carry the Russian sce. This list probably<br />

reflects VOR's whole SW output, at least I note at a glance that all freqs<br />

for German and some standards for English are included. Note also that<br />

sites reflect the actual tx usage, not necessarily conforming to the HFCC<br />

registrations (which still include fake sites from the old days for<br />

whatever reason). (Kai Ludwig-D, May 7)<br />

SOMALIA [non] Radio Horyaal address. There have been some uncertainties<br />

in regard to the zipcode in the announced contact address for Radio Horyaal<br />

in Canada; a Canada Post zipcode search reveals these figures: P.O.Box<br />

51045, Scarborough, Ontario M1L 4T2.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 5)<br />

SPAIN Spanish commercial network COPE starts DRM tests.<br />

The Spanish commercial radio network COPE commenced tests of DRM on<br />

mediumwave on 1 May, following the example of public broadcaster RNE which<br />

began testing DRM in <strong>Jan</strong>uary. The current tests, being made in<br />

collaboration with the telecommunications company Axion and the University<br />

of Vigo, are to verify the viability of the simultaneous analogue and<br />

digital txions on the same frequency. The Spanish Ministry of Industry is<br />

providing some of the funding. The tests are being carried out on 1269 kHz<br />

via the tx in Zamora. [Source: La Rioja] (RNW MN NL, via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, May 12)<br />

TAIWAN Freqs changes for Radio Taiwan International from May 1:<br />

1800-1900 German NF 9955, x9565<br />

1900-2000 Chinese NF 9955, x9565<br />

2000-2100 French NF 9955, x9635<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 10)<br />

TAJIKISTAN Installation of IBB MW tx at Orzu is taking longer than<br />

expected due to such problems as a leaky roof, lack of needed tools and<br />

equipment, and lack of motivation by the local installation crew. (Aaron<br />

Zawitzky, dxld May 10)<br />

TUNISIA I heard 7275 and 7190 on air today at <strong>05</strong>00 UT but they had gone<br />

by 0600. Now I'm hearing 17735 & 15450 at 1100 UT, so it seems that<br />

transmissions may have moved one hour earlier - due summertime? The next to<br />

try is for when 17 & 15 go off and 120<strong>05</strong> 9720 and 7225 come on air. (Noel<br />

R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 12)<br />

U.K. B<strong>BC</strong> Serbian canceled on SW from May 1st, 20<strong>05</strong> !!!

I have one disgusting nx for WW<strong>DX</strong>C Top Nx Team. B<strong>BC</strong> Serbian from May 1st,<br />

20<strong>05</strong> no longer on short waves!<br />

All freqs were canceled. B<strong>BC</strong> Serbian can now be heard only on local<br />

affiliates, satellites and via the internet.<br />

Schedule until April 30th, 20<strong>05</strong>:<br />

0400-0415 UTC 6130 7210 9780 0445-<strong>05</strong>00 UTC 7185 9610 11795<br />

1030-1045 UTC 11680 13685 15325 1600-1630 UTC 5875 9780 11675<br />

(Dragan Lekic-SCG, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 4)<br />

[Clandest to Sudan] 17660[via Woofferton-UK] Sudan Radio Service *1500-1525<br />

May 4. Guitar theme, s/on in En with sked, address, FAX, etc., then into<br />

typical Sudan-related nx items. Good signal. (John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer<br />

May 5)<br />

U.K./RUSSIA/SOUTH AFRICA SW R Africa heard today un<strong>der</strong> lousy condition,<br />

SINPO 22222 to 32222, here in Stuttgart Germany:<br />

12145 May 12 1608 UT [1600-1900] RUS SWR R Africa Krasnodar. Many fee<strong>der</strong><br />

breaks between London VT Bush house bc center and foreground Caucasus<br />

satellite feed. Lovely African songs by female singer.<br />

15145 May 12 1615 UT [1600-1800] G SWR R Africa Woofferton. English<br />

schedule, freqs and mbands given in a badly arrangend manner.<br />

11770 May 12 1900 UT [1800-1900] AFS SWR R Africa Meyerton. En, ID, African<br />

mx.<br />

12145 is from Armavir/Krasnodar, and audio is nearly 1.8 to 2 seconds<br />

behind UK tx on 15145. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 12)<br />

USA/CZECH REP. [non] Freqs changes for RFE/RL:<br />

0000-0100 Kazakh NF 9815, x9660<br />

0300-0400 Kazakh NF 11990, x11725<br />

1100-1300 Russian NF 117<strong>05</strong>, x11660<br />

1400-1500 Russian NF 15195, x152<strong>05</strong><br />

1400-1600 Kyrghyz NF 12115, x11780<br />

1500-1600 Kazakh NF 9815, x9680<br />

1500-1600 Russian NF 15130, x152<strong>05</strong><br />

1500-1600 Tatar NF 15415, x15130<br />

1600-1700 Serbian NF 6<strong>05</strong>5, x7115<br />

1600-1700 Serbian NF 9840, x9680<br />

1700-1800 CeAs langs*NF 12045, x11815<br />

1800-1900 Serbian NF 15320, x15120<br />

*Avari 1700-1720; Chechen 1720-1740; Cherkassi 1740-1800<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 10)<br />


Dear friends, I am happy to inform you that as of March 14, we officially<br />

got our old name Continental Electronics Corporation back. As most of you<br />

recall, Continental was part of IDT which was owned by Veritas Capital till<br />

Nov. 2003. At that time a merger acquisition took place between IDT and DRS<br />

and we became part of DRS.<br />

Veritas Capital, our old owner, always liked our potential and the business<br />

we are in. They acquired us back on March 13 and immediately told us that<br />

we can go back to our original name, Continental Electronics Corporation.<br />

We are very excited about going back to our old owners. We know them well,<br />

and they know us even better. They un<strong>der</strong>stand our business very well, and<br />

are keen on having us grow in the broadcast market. So, it is business as<br />

usual for us with less paperwork and fewer corporate meetings.<br />

Regards, (Adil Mina, Vice president, Business Development, Continental<br />

Electronics Corporation, April NASB Newsletter via WW<strong>DX</strong>C and dxld also)

DRM The FCC recently amended its rules to officially permit DRM<br />

broadcasting on SW in the United States with a minimum power level of 10<br />

kilowatts. At the USA DRM Meeting in Washington, we want to get sincere<br />

indications of interest from stations in the USA with appropriate equipment<br />

who would like to begin DRM txions, and to "match them up" with<br />

manufacturers who may be able to provide DRM equipment and technical<br />

expertise for long-term tests. There are at least five DRM tx sites in the<br />

Americas now, but none yet in the United States. Hopefully this will change<br />

during 20<strong>05</strong> as a result of our efforts.<br />

(April NASB Newsletter via WW<strong>DX</strong> and dxld also)<br />

Hmmm, those would be:<br />

Sackville-CAN, Bonaire-ATN, Montsinery-GUF, Pifo-EQA, Calera de Tango-CHL.<br />

(gh, dxld; May 12)<br />

UZBEKISTAN Radio Que Me in Vietnamese now air:<br />

1200-1230 Sat 15385 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 10)<br />

VIETNAM 4739.8 R.TV.Son La on Apr 29 at 1158-12<strong>05</strong> UT. 34333 Vietnamese,<br />

Opening mx, ID, Talk. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium May 6)<br />

ZIMBABWE [non] SW Radio Africa again has made some changes (cf 3365 and<br />

4825 kHz) and writes: "Listeners are asked to track us at different places<br />

on the dial 1800-2100 Zimbabwe Time. In the 19 mb: 15145 kHz. In the 25<br />

metre band: 12145 & 11770 kHz. In the 60 metre band: 4825 & 4880 kHz. In<br />

the 90 mb: 3300 & 3365 kHz."<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 8)<br />

[see also un<strong>der</strong> UK/RUSSIA/SOUTH AFRICA] 15145 Woofferton-UK 1600-1800 UT,<br />

12145 Krasnodar-RUS 1600-1900 UT, 11770 Meyerton-AFS 1800-1900 UT. wb]<br />

The Summer 20<strong>05</strong> (A<strong>05</strong>) edition of Broadcasts in English<br />

is now available from the British <strong>DX</strong> Club.<br />

It was compiled by Dave Kenny and includes details of all currently known<br />

international broadcasts in English on SW and mediumwave for the A<strong>05</strong><br />

schedule period. The 32-page booklet is in time or<strong>der</strong> throughout and covers<br />

all target areas. Transmitter sites are given where known. It also includes<br />

a comprehensive guide to <strong>DX</strong> and Media Programmes; schedules for Digital<br />

Radio Mondiale (DRM) txions and World Radio Network in English to Europe.<br />

Copies are available at the following prices (postage included):<br />

United Kingdom - 2 pounds sterling Overseas - 6 International Reply<br />

Coupons;<br />

5 Euros or 5 US Dollars<br />

Sterling payments by cheque/postal or<strong>der</strong> to "British <strong>DX</strong> Club" Dollar or<br />

Euro payments in cash.<br />

We can now accept payment via Paypal - please email for details.<br />

<br />

All or<strong>der</strong>s/enquiries to:<br />

British <strong>DX</strong> Club, 126 Bargery Road, Catford, London SE6 2LR, UK<br />

Or visit the B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK web site at <br />

(May 3)<br />


This year is the 21st Anniversary of Sony creating the amazing<br />

ICF2010/2001D radio which I suspect is owned and used by many rea<strong>der</strong>s of<br />

<strong>DX</strong>LD.<br />

I have been a keen user of this radio and some years back I published two<br />

booklets "Get the Best from your Sony ICF2010/2001D" and "Get Even more<br />

from..."<br />

Over the 21 years that the 2001D/2010 has been around, a huge amount of<br />

information has appeared in print & on the web.<br />

When I wrote "Get the Best from your Sony ICF2010/2001D" I collected lots<br />

of stuff. And over the years I've accumulated more material.<br />

Recently I archived my own files onto CD as a personal archive and I<br />

realised that I had material that was no longer available in print and<br />

which had vanished off the Internet!<br />

Over the years people have asked me if my two booklets were available<br />

electronically, but the answer at the time was always "no". Now however I<br />

included them on this archive CD.<br />

It then dawned on me that maybe other people would be interested in such a<br />

CD. I'm happy to reproduce it for anyone who wants it for their personal<br />

use and enjoyment - this is not a commercial enterprise.<br />

SONY ICF2010/2001D CD ARCHIVE<br />

The CD contains the following<br />

1) Get The Best from Your Sony ICF2010/2001D<br />

2) Get Even more from Your Sony ICF2010/2001D<br />

3) Adverts (a selection promoting the 2010)<br />

4) HotRodding (various items on how to modify/improve)<br />

5) Miscellaneous Photo Gallery; including photos of different versions from<br />

different<br />

areas of the world<br />

7) Repair<br />

Repair tips<br />

Parts; sources and spec sheets<br />

Repairers<br />

8) Reviews<br />

Solo;<br />

Comparative;<br />

International (non-English)<br />

9) Service Manuals<br />

2 different Editions including high resolution colour images<br />

of circuit boards and circuitry<br />

10) More Sony Stuff (Including User Guide)<br />

11) Bibliography<br />

In total there are over 500MB of files on the Archive CD. Different files<br />

are in a variety of formats including .doc, .pdf, .bmp, .jpg, txt and .xls<br />

ORDERING There are two ways of or<strong>der</strong>ing a copy of this CD<br />

1) By post.<br />

Write to me enclosing payment, and your mailing address and I will send you<br />

the CD by return post. Write to me at: Landsvale, High Catton, York YO41<br />

1EH, England.<br />

Cash payment can be $11US; 10 Euro or œ5 Sterling notes well concealed<br />

inside an ordinary letter envelope.

If you don't want the risk of sending cash in the post, I recommend<br />

registered post. Non-cash payments such as cheques, Postal Or<strong>der</strong>s or<br />

International Money Or<strong>der</strong>s must be œ5.00 Sterling.<br />

2) Over the Internet.<br />

You can pay by PayPal by sending payment to: <br />

The PayPal prices are $11.75US; 10.75 Euro or œ5.50 Sterling due to the<br />

charges levied by PayPal.<br />

Prices include post and packing. All or<strong>der</strong>s will be despatched by post in a<br />

protective envelope and overseas or<strong>der</strong>s will go airmail. I only use high<br />

quality CDs, such as TDK, to ensure you have a reliable and long lasting<br />

archive.<br />

A GREAT DEAL This unique CD contains a valuable archive of material, some<br />

of it rare, all of it interesting. I hope you feel that it may interest<br />

your rea<strong>der</strong>s. If so please could you mention it in a future issue of <strong>DX</strong>LD.<br />

Thank you. If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask.<br />

(Steve Whitt, General Editor Medium Wave News, dxld May 6)<br />

[the very BEST receiver EVER built for <strong>DX</strong>ing on travel tours, used three<br />

ICF 2001/2010 sets on all continents in past since 1984. wb ]<br />


Un<strong>der</strong> "SW History on the Net," some new links. Un<strong>der</strong> STATIONS<br />

(1) The Unofficial Guide to the B<strong>BC</strong><br />

<br />

This Canadian site is the product of a college thesis about the B<strong>BC</strong>. While<br />

it is principally a guide for people who might not know anything about the<br />

B<strong>BC</strong>, it contains much valuable information on interesting topics, including<br />

the history of the B<strong>BC</strong>. Look in particular un<strong>der</strong> "History" and "World<br />

Service."<br />

(2) B<strong>BC</strong> Woofferton<br />

<br />

Starting in 1943, and for much of its early life, the B<strong>BC</strong> Woofferton SW<br />

site was operated by the B<strong>BC</strong> but carried exclusively VOA programming. Here<br />

are some notes about the station written by Richard Buckby, who worked<br />

there starting in 1963, along with some historical photos. (Be sure to<br />

click on the "more photos" link at the bottom of the page.)<br />

(3) Station Recordings <br />

These aren't real old, and they are rather brief, but it is fun to click<br />

around this site and hear recordings of many interesting SW and medium wave<br />

stations of the 1960s and 1970s, including a good variety of latin American<br />

stations. There are some QSLs here too. And un<strong>der</strong> VERIFICATIONS Vintage<br />

Reception Reports <br />

At this site is some interesting (if brief) history of the Finnish SW<br />

broadcasting site at Lahti, Finland which was in use in the 1930s and<br />

1940s. More interesting, perhaps, are copies of two reception reports<br />

received by the station in 1939, one (from Japan) being almost unbelievable<br />

in its detail, the other (from New Jersey) being just the opposite. (via<br />

Jerry Berg-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 7)<br />

OBITUARY Auf <strong>der</strong> Seite <br />

habe ich vier Listen mit inzwischen verstorbenen Hobby-Freunden ins Netz<br />

gestellt, sie sind willkuerlich geordnet und mit einigen spaerlichen

Angaben versehen. Die Seite soll als Erinnerungspunkt an diese Freunde<br />

dienen. Ich habe vorab einige <strong>DX</strong>er gefragt und sie waren mit meinem<br />

Vorhaben einverstanden.<br />

Es sind auch schon mindestens zwei A-<strong>DX</strong> Leser mit in <strong>der</strong> Liste <strong>der</strong><br />

Verstorbenen. Anlass <strong>der</strong> Liste war fuer mich vor kurzem lei<strong>der</strong> <strong>der</strong> Tod<br />

eines weiteren mir selbst bekannten Hobbyfreundes aus Schweden.<br />

Alles weitere (eine kleine Bitte) auf <strong>der</strong> Seite selbst.<br />

(Martin Schoech aus Eisenach, A-<strong>DX</strong> May 3)<br />

WRTH is pleased to announce that a pdf file containing the summer 20<strong>05</strong><br />

schedules from nearly 250 International, Foreign Service, Clandestine and<br />

Target broadcasters is now available for download from our website at<br />

<br />

The file contains 94 pages of schedules and freq listings in the same<br />

format as WRTH and is just over 330k in size. You will need Adobe Acrobat 5<br />

or later to open the file (a link to the Adobe website is provided on our<br />

site).<br />

Updates to this file will be posted on our website during the course of the<br />

Summer broadcasting season. We hope you find this file useful, both on it's<br />

own and as a companion to the printed WRTH.<br />

Regards, Sean D. Gilbert G4UCJ/G4001SWL<br />

International Editor - WRTH (World Radio TV Handbook)<br />

E-Mail: Fax: +44 (0) 709 2332287<br />

WRTH Web site: <br />

G4UCJ's Radio Website: <br />

WRTH - THE Directory of Global Broadcasting<br />

WRTH20<strong>05</strong> is now available - 688 pages (80 in full colour) visit<br />

to or<strong>der</strong> yours. (hcdx May 6)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 18)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Apr 22)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 23)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Apr 1)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 4)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 10)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 713 31 May 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

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Extracts of items sourced to E<strong>DX</strong>P may be further reproduced but only by<br />

organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with<br />

E<strong>DX</strong>P.<br />

!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews. !!!<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio may<br />

be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages,<br />

from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting are made<br />

available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

credit is given to the contributor and to <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only<br />

with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our<br />

WW<strong>DX</strong>C WWW homepage-German AG<strong>DX</strong> Club-direct address:<br />

<br />

or via Link of Homepage: <br />

Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

AFGHANISTAN Deutsche Welle: Now on FM radio in the greater Kabul area.<br />

RTA also makes use of new powerful txs in Afghanistan Deutsche Welle is<br />

expanding the quality of its presence in Afghanistan: DW-RADIO's sces can<br />

now be received on FM in the national langs of Dari and Pashto in addition<br />

to Farsi, Urdu, English and German in the greater Kabul area.<br />

Two powerful txs have been put into operation on almost 2,000 meter high<br />

Mount Asmai in the Afghan capital city on the basis of a cooperation<br />

agreement concluded between Deutsche Welle and Radio Television Afghanistan<br />

(RTA) in late 2004. RTA is broadcasting its sce from one of the two new<br />

transmitters as well.<br />

In close cooperation with Afghan authorities, the German embassy in Kabul<br />

and the German Society for Technical Cooperation (Gesellschaft fuer<br />

technische Zusammenarbeit: GTZ) and with funding from the German Foreign<br />

Office in Berlin, Germany's international broadcaster was able to plan and<br />

implement the txs very rapidly.<br />

"Dialogue with the Islamic world is a serious concern for us and our<br />

partnership with RTA is a major contribution," stressed DW Director-<br />

General, Erik Bettermann.<br />

DW-RADIO programmes can now be heard by about three million listeners<br />

around the clock in a catchment area of roughly 30 kilometres around Kabul<br />

on the FM freq 90.5 MHz.

RTA broadcasts its programming on FM freq 91.5 MHz. Deutsche Welle has been<br />

a familiar presence in Afghanistan for more than 30 years. In addition to<br />

DW-RADIO (which also continues to be broadcast on shortwave) and the<br />

internet sce DW-WORLD.DE, Germany's international television sce, DW-TV,<br />

can be watched as well: a regional window distributed via satellite offers<br />

daily nx and documentaries in the regional langs Dari and Pashto.<br />

<br />

(Alokesh Gupta-IND, dxld May 29)<br />

ALASKA New updated schedule for KNLS effective from May 1:<br />

11870 0800-0900 in English; 0900-1000 in Russian;<br />

11765 0800-1100 in Chinese;<br />

9795 1000-1100 in English; 1400-1500 in English; 1500-1700 in Russian;<br />

9780 1200-1300 in English; 1300-1400 in Chinese;<br />

9655 1100-1200 in Russian;<br />

9615 1100-1200 in Chinese; 1200-1300 in English; 1300-1800 in Chinese;<br />

7355 1700-1800 in Russian;<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 18)<br />

ALBANIA/MOLDOVA 1215[Fllake-ALB] / 1413[Grigoriopol/Maiac-MDA] with CRI:<br />

at 1430 UT with Russian program and Chinese lang lessons at 1615 UT, and S2<br />

24442. 1215 kHz with prg in Romanian S3-5 max, 34443. (Zacharias Liangas-<br />

GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 22)<br />

ALGERIA 7460 RASD Tindouf noted here at 2140 and at 0600 UT, but signal<br />

strength much less compared to past years signals. No signal on reported<br />

700 kHz.<br />

A carrier whistle observed around 2145 UT and at 0620 UT on 1545.8 May<br />

17th, and 1545.2 kHz at May 18-19. (wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May<br />

17-19)<br />

7466 kHz, 23 May 2255 UT, LV de la Rep. Arabe Saharaui en espanol.<br />

Comentarios sobre el 20 de Mayo. 32332 ¨nueva frecuencia? (Jose Bueno-ESP,<br />

Noticias <strong>DX</strong> via dxld May 24)<br />

700 kHz observed on 26 May, and the signal was realy fair y/day; no trace<br />

of the Spanish prgr, usually aired 2300-2400. Also monitored today so as to<br />

see whether they still s/off later on Fri. mornings, and they do indeed -<br />

closed at 0900. The too adjacent WRHI (as IDed) 7465 causes severe QRM<br />

until 0800. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 27)<br />

Polisario Front's changed 7460 to 7466 kHz both evenings & mornings surely<br />

to avoid adjacent QRM. Their evening schedule still reads 1700-2400 in<br />

Arabic, except Castilian 2300-2400, as monitored yesterday, 24 May, and the<br />

morning sched. is 0600 (?) - 0800 in Arabic. The QRM situation does improve<br />

after some time, but is terrible at the time they sign-on 1800, lasting for<br />

quite some time; unfortunately, the morning panorama is not bright either,<br />

with an adjacent signal gradually fading out as Polisario's program reaches<br />

its end at 0800, like on 25 May, observed 0732-0802* with talks, mx and<br />

finally annts preceding the national anthem; rated 54433 but improved to<br />

55444 at sign-off. Meanwhile, their \\ 700 kHz is alive and well, while<br />

still no trace of former 1566 whatsoever, and remains a good alternative to<br />

their HF outlet; at least here in Portugal, the sole evening QRM source<br />

over 700 kHz emanating from Monaco 702 kHz.<br />

Given the most recently fq. change (7460 to 7466), I obs'ed the Polisario<br />

Front y/day, 25/5, at the time they usually start the Castilian prgr, i.e.<br />

2300, but they just kept airing in Arabic, which, after all, is not that<br />

unusual to happen either; all I had wanted to listen to at the start of the<br />

Castilian prgr was the usual fq. annt and see whether they are still<br />

mistakenly announcing 1550 (not 1566 as I incorrectly referred to the other

day, so my apologies) and 7470. By the way, 7466 was actually fair~good<br />

y/day, 25, but 700 kHz seemed weaker than usual and with longer, deep<br />

fades, even if getting alomost none adj. QRM this time. I still believe 700<br />

kHz does not emanate from the same site using 1550 kHz - which is thought<br />

to be Tindouf, Algeria -, but some RTA site a little bit eastwards; this is<br />

what my directional Ewe and K9AY "tell" me, but I may be completely wrong.<br />

Re 7466: I'm listening to it as I write, and they are luckily without QRM:<br />

QSA peaking S9+25dB, some QSB, almost no QRN. QRM will occur again later<br />

and in force. The \\ 700 kHz should be fading in much later, though some<br />

(little) time before sunset here.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, dxld May 25 / wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 26)<br />

AUSTRIA 6155-DRM, Oesterreich Eins, Moosbrunn, 1400-1700, May 17,<br />

cultural programme in the Austrian dialect of German, opera, conversation<br />

about Breakfast, songs from France and Cape Verde, 55555. However, at 1930-<br />

2100 same evening, ORF had changed the well received analogue broadcast to<br />

a new test of DRM heard with QSA 5 (S 9 + 30 dB!) and totally covering<br />

6150-6160 kHz with "White noise" ! From 2100 analogue broadcast again.<br />

Another "spoiler" to <strong>DX</strong>-ing has shown up in Europe!<br />

At the recent Conference of the European <strong>DX</strong> Council in Prague, the Chairman<br />

of the High Frequency Co-ordinating Committee (HFCC), Mr Oldrich Cip, told<br />

us that the HFCC fully supports the wishes of many SW listeners that the<br />

DRM broadcasts should be allocated certain freq bands, but this is opposed<br />

by some big broadcasters who insist on continuing their use of certain<br />

traditional freqs which are wellknown to their listeners!<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W May 18)<br />

Re 6155 DRM:<br />

should I lament too about the disturbance situation on the bc bands during<br />

my stay in Spain on May 14-28. Here are few observations:<br />

5990 / 6095 / 6155 and their upper and lower adjacent channels are totally<br />

useless for AM reception, on one hop approx. 1200 kms away from origine tx.<br />

Especially the various outlets of IRSM Belgrade on 6100 kHz via tx in<br />

Bijeljina-Bosnia suffer much of the Junglinster drm mode 'jamming'.<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 14-28)<br />

Updated schedule for DRM txions via Moosbrunn:<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0900 Daily 9720 MOS <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 295 deg to WeEu Virgin Radio<br />

0900-1100 Daily NF 11815 MOS <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 295 deg to WeEu Asian Sound, x9815<br />

1100-1300 Daily NF 11815 MOS <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 295 deg to WeEu Classic Gold, x9815<br />

1300-1400 Daily NF 11815 MOS <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 295 deg to WeEu Premier Radio, x9815<br />

1600-1700 Sunday 97<strong>05</strong> MOS <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 295 deg to WeEu CVC Christian Vision<br />

1700-2100 Daily 6155 MOS <strong>05</strong>0 kW / non-dir to WeEu ORF 1 International<br />

Wales Radio International cancelled all txions via VT Communications:<br />

2030-2100 Fri on 7210 MOS 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu in English<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 27)<br />

BAHREIN [or non] 0600 UT Coalition Maritime Forces Radio One auf 9133 USB<br />

mit div. engl. Popmusik und auch oriental. Klaengen, O=1..3 in den Spitzen.<br />

Ist zu dieser Station Sendestandort, Sendeplan, Leistung und Anschrift<br />

bekannt?<br />

(Thomas Lindenthal-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> May 14)<br />

Als Anschriften stuenden zur Auswahl:<br />

e-mail: o<strong>der</strong> <br />

snail mail: PSC 451 Box 330, FPO AE 09834-2800, USA<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> May 14)

BELARUS 4982 fee<strong>der</strong> at 1502 UT, with nx prg in RR USB plus compresses<br />

carrier S2 max 24342. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 22)<br />

Below is the current domestic operational schedule of Belarussian Radio.<br />

0300-2200 on the following freqs:<br />

279, 6080, 6115 kHz - from Minsk (500, 150, and 75 kW resp.)<br />

1278 kHz - from Brest (10 kW)<br />

6010 and 6070 kHz - also from Brest (5 kW)<br />

6040, 7110, and 7145 kHz - from Hrodna (5 kW)<br />

6190 and 7235 kHz - from Mahileu (5 kW)<br />

0400-0600, 0900-1000, 1500-1700 on 1170 kHz (Minsk, 800 kW)<br />

0400-0600 on 11735 kHz<br />

0900-1000 on 11960 kHz<br />

1500-1700 on 71<strong>05</strong> kHz, all from Minsk (250 kW)<br />

Kanal Kultura uses a number of networked txs on 1026, 1108, 1125 and 1197<br />

kHz; broadcast time is 0400-2200. This program also goes on the air on 7265<br />

kHz SW via 5 kW tx in Hrodna.<br />

(VoRussia, Club <strong>DX</strong> No. 738 - Alexan<strong>der</strong> Mazgo, Viciebsk, Belarus; <strong>DX</strong>signal<br />

May 26)<br />

BELGIUM 9970 0930 17 May BEL RTBF Wavre, French, powerhouse signal all<br />

day long, 55555 WBM. (wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 14-28)<br />

Bruessel, <strong>der</strong> 20. Mai 20<strong>05</strong><br />

Liebe Freunde von Hier ist Bruessel,<br />

Ende Maerz ging eine wun<strong>der</strong>schoene Zeit zu Ende. Nach fast 19. Jahren wurde<br />

am 26. Maerz 20<strong>05</strong> zum letzten Mal unsere Sendung "Hier ist Bruessel", das<br />

deutsche Magazin von Radio Vlaan<strong>der</strong>en Internationaal, ausgestrahlt. Damit<br />

war eine Radio-Epoche vorbei.<br />

Die VRT, die oeffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunkanstalt des belgischen<br />

Bundeslandes Flan<strong>der</strong>n, hat aber beschlossen, auch in Zukunft in deutscher<br />

Sprache ein Informationsangebot zu garantieren. Deshalb wurde im Rahmen <strong>der</strong><br />

Online-Redaktion unseres Hauses eine deutsche Abteilung ins Leben gerufen.<br />

Fuer uns "Hier ist Bruessel"-Redakteure, aber auch fuer unsere<br />

franzoesischen und englischen Kollegen von "Ici Bruxelles" und "Flan<strong>der</strong>s<br />

Today" war dies eine neue und sehr grosse Herausfor<strong>der</strong>ung. In den<br />

vergangenen Wochen ist es uns aber gelungen, die Arbeit mit dem neuen<br />

Medium Internet in den Griff zu bekommen.<br />

Wer jetzt in deutscher Sprache taeglich _ auch am Wochenende _<br />

aktualisierte Informationen aus und ueber Flan<strong>der</strong>n o<strong>der</strong> Belgien sucht, <strong>der</strong><br />

findet diese Online sehr schnell auf unserer attraktiven Interseite<br />

<br />

flan<strong>der</strong>ninfo.be veroeffentlicht stuendlich nicht nur die neuesten<br />

Nachrichten und Hintergrundberichte aus unserem Land, hier wird auch<br />

ausfuehrlich ueber Kultur, Sport o<strong>der</strong> Land und Leute berichtet.<br />

Alle Freunde Flan<strong>der</strong>ns und Belgiens, Neugierige und Touristen aus aller<br />

Welt, aber auch in unserem Land lebende Auslaen<strong>der</strong> koennen sich bei<br />

flan<strong>der</strong>ninfo.be schnell und praezise informieren. Uns wuerde es ganz<br />

beson<strong>der</strong>s freuen, wenn auch Sie unsere ehemaligen Hoerer, den Weg zu<br />

unserer Internetseite finden wuerden. Schreiben Sie uns doch bitte, wie<br />

ihre ersten Eindruecke waren.<br />

Klaus Haas, flan<strong>der</strong>ninfo.be, VRT, Kamer 4S44,<br />

B-1043 Bruessel, Belgien. visit our site: <br />

(VRT via Thomas Kubaczewski-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 25)

BENIN 5025 1930 23 May BEN R Parakou Fr, weak, UZB un<strong>der</strong>neath 22222 WBM<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 14-28)<br />

BURKINA FASO 5030 at 1929 UT 22 May BFA RBurkina Ougadoudu, French,<br />

rhythmic BFA songs GREAT 34443 WBM. (wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain<br />

May 14-28)<br />

CHINA 4800 2000 22 May CHN CNR Gejiu Mandarin, CHN flute mx 44334<br />

WBM<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 14-28)<br />

11885 CNR-8 at 1500 UT, ID in Uighur "merks herlk radio Stanks".<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 22)<br />

CLANDESTINE New Zarqawi Audio to Air on Clandestine Radio.<br />

By Nick Grace, Washington, May 20, 20<strong>05</strong><br />

Global Crisis Watch Middle East correspondent Marwan Soliman reports<br />

exclusively in a special edition of the program that a new audio tape of<br />

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi will air this weekend on a clandestine radio station.<br />

Zarqawi audio and other messages from al Qaeda have traditionally been<br />

released to Arab nx outlets like al Jazeera and on Web sites and Internet<br />

message boards tied to al Qaeda. This is the first time since Operation<br />

Enduring Freedom that a communique will be proliferated through a<br />

clandestine broadcast.<br />

The special Global Crisis Watch program will be posted online on<br />

ClandestineRadio.com on Saturday. Monday's regular edition will carry<br />

analysis on the station and its significance.<br />

The current edition of Global Crisis Watch, Clandestine Radio Watch's<br />

sister podcast, can be accessed at:<br />

<br />

Developing... (CRW, May 20)<br />

CUBA/CANADA [VENEZUELA non] Checking again for the 13680 collision, May<br />

27 at 2309 yes, CRI English via Sackville, way atop RNV via Cuba, the<br />

latter with Wagner, ID as Radio Nacional de Venezuela Antena Internacional.<br />

Does Chavez have Wagnerian fantasies? We know what other lea<strong>der</strong> loved<br />

Wagner, don't we? The commies vs. commies saga continues, and may well last<br />

to the end of A-<strong>05</strong>. Guess I'll keep checking once a month or so.<br />

Fidelogorrhaea on 17740, apparently a new RHC frequency, not in EiBi, at<br />

2317 May 27, at the moment railing about Miami Mafia and Hermanos al<br />

Rescate, \\ 15230, 6060, 6060 and others in between. Nothing on 177<strong>05</strong>,<br />

where RHC Portuguese is supposed to be.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld May 29)<br />

CYPRUS Von einem Zypernaufenthalt kann ich berichten, dass Bayrak<br />

International dort auf UKW und tatsaechlich sehr schwach auf 6150 kHz zu<br />

hoeren ist. Deutsche Sendungen kamen stets von <strong>05</strong>00-0600 UTC mit<br />

verschiedenen Inhalten wie einfachen Musiktitelansagen bis hin zu<br />

Kochrezepten und handfester Propaganda gegen den griechischen Teil Zyperns.<br />

Nachmittags wurde nochmal ein kurzer Russischblock gegen 1510 UTC<br />

ausgestrahlt. Im Anschluss kam von 1515-1520 UTC ein kurzes deutsches<br />

Nachrichtenmagazin ebenfalls mit deftiger Propaganda gegen die griech.<br />

Zyprioten. Danach verabschiedete man sich bis "morgen frueh".<br />

Warum <strong>der</strong> KW Sen<strong>der</strong> selbst in Nikosia so schwach hereinkam, ist mir<br />

raetselhaft. Nur fetzenhaft kam mit O=1..2 das Programm durch.<br />

(Thomas Lindenthal-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> May 14)

CZECH REP Tschechien erlaubt Amateurfunk von 7,1 bis 7,2 MHz.<br />

Tschechien hat am 1. Mai den Bereich 7,1 bis 7,2 MHz fuer Amateurfunk auf<br />

sekundaerer Basis freigegeben. Die Ausgangsleistung ist auf 250 W PEP<br />

beschraenkt.<br />

Gleichzeitig hat man eine Einsteigergenehmigung mit OK9-Praefix und<br />

dreistelligem Suffix eingefuehrt. Damit ist Funkbetrieb auf 160 m, 80 m, 15<br />

m und 10 m sowie oberhalb von 2 m mit maximal 10 W erlaubt. Quelle: ARRL-<br />

Letter Nr. 19<br />

(DARC D-Rundspruch May 26)<br />

ECUADOR To avoid interference with Radio Habana Cuba, HCJB is moving its<br />

local morning Spanish release 1100-1500 from 11760 to 11690, as from<br />

Monday, May 23. On the same date, RHC will move from 12000 to a new freq<br />

because of QRM to HCJB 120<strong>05</strong> in English. (Allen Graham, HCJB <strong>DX</strong> Partyline<br />

Mar 21, notes by gh for dxld May 26)<br />

EQUAT GUINEA 50<strong>05</strong> 1925 22 May GNE R GNE Bata Vernac, native songs 34533<br />

WBM<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 14-28)<br />

ERITREA 7100 VoBME Asmara with Horn of AF songs. 33333 at 1600 UT.<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 17-18)<br />

ETHIOPIA 9704.22 R Ethiopia 1654 UT, with traditional songs at 1659 UT<br />

ID as "yetup kane du ...;" followed by gongs and nx 44434.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 22)<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring observed a programme produced by an Eritrean opposition<br />

movement on two SW freqs used by the external sce of Radio Ethiopia, at<br />

1501-1600 UT on 25 May 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

At 1501 UT on 7165.1 and 9560.3 kHz, following on immediately from a Radio<br />

Ethiopia external sce broadcast in Arabic, there was an identification annt<br />

in Arabic as "Voice of the Democratic Alliance" [Sawt al-Tahalufa al-<br />

Dimuqrati], followed at 1530 UT by a programme in the Kunama lang. Radio<br />

Ethiopia's external sce resumed at 1600 UT with a broadcast in English.<br />

The Voice of the Democratic Alliance programme is believed to have been on<br />

the air since 21 April 20<strong>05</strong>, in accordance with the following schedule:<br />

Sunday 1500-1530 UT in Arabic, 1530-1600 UT in Tigrinya<br />

Monday 1500-1530 UT in Arabic, 1530-1600 UT in Kunama<br />

Tuesday 1500-1530 UT in Tigrinya, 1530-1600 UT in Afar<br />

Wednesday 1500-1530 UT in Arabic, 1530-1600 UT in Kunama<br />

Thursday 1500-1530 UT in Tigrinya, 1530-1600 UT in Afar<br />

Friday 1500-1530 UT in Arabic, 1530-1600 UT in Kunama<br />

Saturday 1500-1530 UT in Tigrinya, 1530-1600 UT in Afar<br />

Voice of the Democratic Alliance is produced by the Eritrean Democratic<br />

Alliance coalition, an umbrella grouping of 16 opposition parties. The<br />

organization has a multilingual website at<br />

<br />

Radio Ethiopia is that country's state broadcaster, and has a website at<br />

<br />

(B<strong>BC</strong> M 25 May, via dxld)<br />

7165.1, V. of Democratic Alliance (?) via R. Ethiopia (?), Gedja, logged on<br />

08 May at 1752-1809 UT, Vernacular, ID 1759 UT, talks; gone at recheck 1836<br />

UT; 43432, adjacent QRM only. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, dxld May 16)<br />

FRANCE Issoudun DRM - Re "It seems that the RFI racket on 6175 kHz is now<br />

a daily event."

RFI in DRM via ISS 030 kW:<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>58 on 6175 / <strong>05</strong>0 deg in French to WeEu<br />

0600-0658 on 6175 / <strong>05</strong>0 deg in German to WeEu<br />

0700-0758 on 6175 / 180 deg in French to NoAf<br />

0800-0858 on 6175 / 330 deg in French to WeEu<br />

1000-1028 on 6175 / <strong>05</strong>0 deg in French to WeEu<br />

1030-1<strong>05</strong>8 on 6175 / <strong>05</strong>0 deg in German to WeEu<br />

1600-1658 on 6175 / <strong>05</strong>0 deg in German to WeEu<br />

2230-2258 on 6175 / 225 deg in French to NoAf<br />

2300-2328 on 6175 / 225 deg in Spanish to NoAf<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 27)<br />

See the message 04-<strong>05</strong>-20<strong>05</strong> 06:06 PM at<br />

<br />

A later posting mentions that soon 3965 will be used as well.<br />

It seems that in the German <strong>DX</strong> scene a serious dispute about DRM has been<br />

triggered by a proposal to urge the DRM consortium to put "their" signals<br />

only into certain parts of the spectrum and not everywhere in the<br />

broadcasting bands, ruining one AM signal after another. Those who are in<br />

favour of this proposal argue that this situation meanwhile starts to drive<br />

the remaining SW audience away with no prospect of gaining new listeners in<br />

future. It had been also pointed out as a major problem of SW broadcasting<br />

that a consi<strong>der</strong>able amount of the programming on SW is either irrelevant or<br />

even to be flatly consi<strong>der</strong>ed as trash.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld May 15)<br />

GEORGIA I am not hear anything out of Georgia on 118<strong>05</strong> at 0700 - and have<br />

not done so for at least two weeks. I haven't heard their txions in mid<br />

morning either, although propagation has been quite poor. 4540 is loo low<br />

for any propagation, so I won<strong>der</strong> if their equipment has failed completely<br />

or they just decided to switch it off?<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 13)<br />

You don't list any reception of GEO 118<strong>05</strong> kHz, but I did hear it back on<br />

air again while you were away. I haven't tried any other service except the<br />

one starting at 0700.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 28)<br />

9494.7v Abkhaz State Radio Soxum noted in Russian, comment., romantic<br />

songs of the 70- and 80ties. 22222, at 1400-1630 UT (latter signoff<br />

time??).<br />

v9494.8 on May 18, 1400-1630. Co-channel Radio Cairo in Turkish at 1530-<br />

1630 UT.<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 17-19)<br />

GERMANY 5975 R Taiwan Internat in Sp, via Juelich site at 2030-2100 UT,<br />

55555 powerhouse signal. Year of the rabbit.<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 17-19)<br />

VB6015 is a new programme in Dutch transmitted via Juelich 6015 (100 kW) on<br />

Sundays 0900-1100 UT, starting 29 May. It is produced by Flaams Belang, a<br />

nationalist political party in Belgium. Website with contact info:<br />

<br />

The txions are brokered by TDP and are exclusively in DRM. [Thanks to tip<br />

on A-<strong>DX</strong> mailing list]. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 27)

[to SOMALIA]. New Clandestine Program Tests to Somaliland. A new<br />

clandestine broadcast, Clandestine Radio Watch (CRW) has learned, will test<br />

to Somaliland on Friday, May 27, 20<strong>05</strong>. The test will air on 15650 kHz<br />

between 1730 and 1800 UT. The program will begin regular txions on June 1<br />

and will follow the following schedule: 1730-1800 Sat-Thu 15650 kHz.<br />

Further details, including the name and sponsorship of the program cannot<br />

be confirmed at press time. Developing (Nick Grace-USA, CRW May 26 direct<br />

and via dxld)<br />

Went and checked the TDP site <br />

and don't see anything about a new txion there YET; however the 15650 freq<br />

would seem like it's a possibility there via a Russian tx site.<br />

At any rate, I'll be listening prior to 1730 to see if the telltale Russian<br />

test tones show up on 15650. (Steve Lare-MI-USA, dxld May 27)<br />

Presumably this one. Carrier on just before 1730 May 27, HoA intro mx, anmt<br />

by gal, AR-style singing by man, then talk by woman, man, interview. Signal<br />

fadey, not very strong, not enough to ID.<br />

(Jerry Berg-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 27)<br />

NEW Somali, cland being heard on 15650 at 1740. Lots of AA songs. Signal<br />

reception is good. Transmission site not likely in Africa, DW Rwanda nor<br />

Madagacar RN, nor an eastern Russia relay. Possible Central Europe site for<br />

this txion?.<br />

(David Pringle-Wood-ZWE, dxld May 27)<br />

No test tone procedure noted here, more the SUDDENLY crash start of DTK<br />

Juelich site happened.<br />

Very weak signal here in the dead zone of SoGermany, 360 km south of<br />

Juelich tx site. Couldn't even start the mp3 recording properly ... (wb,<br />

May 27)<br />

Yes! 9+60 here in south Italy, tipical DTK modulation and signal. Abrupt<br />

s/off now, at 1757. (Roberto Scaglione<br />

from Sicilia, May 27)<br />

Was about S7 by 1758 w/Arabic talk by OM. Pulled plug in mid-sentence at<br />

1759.<br />

(Jerry Strawman-IA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 27)<br />

Re 15650 - I tuned the freq early (around 1725) to check for any tones but<br />

there was no signal until c1729 when a carrier appeared at fair strength.<br />

Music began on the half hour and then an annt by a woman followed by a<br />

Koran recitation. However, I could copy very little of it due to a very<br />

strong signal coming from Libya via ISS on 15660 (30dB over 9 at times) and<br />

this one was splattering onto 15650. Maybe of interest was that Libya had<br />

Voice of Africa nx in English at 1730 followed by French at 1737.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 28)<br />

New Somali cland today 1730. When I tuned in at 1731 with Qur'an (isn't<br />

there enough of that on SW already?!), 15650 was surprisingly good here, so<br />

I doubt Russian site, more likely UK or Germany. At 1739 recheck was in<br />

presumed Somali talk, better signal but deep fades; if I un<strong>der</strong>stood the<br />

lang it would have been quite readable. 1744 some yelling for a few mins;<br />

1752 HoA mx, some more talk which was cut off abruptly at 1759* Someone<br />

should clue in these new(?) SW clients that they WILL be cut off if they<br />

haven't wrapped up after 29:00 mins. Nothing resembling an ID at the end or<br />

any other time, tho I could well have missed one in Somali. Was not as<br />

strong as Israel on 15640, which had English at 1730; I stayed with 15650<br />

tho WWCR's Ken Berryhill was E-skipping in during that half hour too on<br />

15825, much more entertaining, I expect.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld May 27)

Save the Gambia Development Project - Voices from the Diaspora:<br />

2000-2030 94<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 kW / 210 deg Sat to WeAF in Wolof/En from June 4.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 27)<br />

More on the NPR vs VOA in Berlin situation, from a NYT article un<strong>der</strong> USA:<br />

<br />

(...) Besides his role at the corporation, Mr. Tomlinson heads the<br />

Broadcasting Board of Governors, which supervises most United States govt<br />

broadcasts overseas, including those of the Voice of America. He has<br />

continued the policy of his predecessors on that board of blocking NPR from<br />

putting its programs on a Berlin station that the German govt gave to the<br />

United States in the early 1990's after reunification. NPR, which has a<br />

significant presence overseas, has long sought to enter Berlin, the largest<br />

radio market in Western Europe.<br />

Mr. Tomlinson has instead favored programming offered by a European<br />

business executive that includes newscasts produced by the Voice of<br />

America, which is restricted by law [nonsens, VoA English has been<br />

transmitted 54 years from Munich Bavaria Germany 1196/1197 kHz mediumwave<br />

site in 1951-20<strong>05</strong>y, wb.] from broadcasting in English in most European<br />

countries. German regulators are consi<strong>der</strong>ing the two options.<br />

In a 2003 letter to Senator Richard G. Lugar, Republican of Indiana and<br />

chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, Mr. Tomlinson suggested that<br />

it would further the national interest to use the station to broadcast<br />

programs by Voice of America rather than NPR.<br />

Some NPR officials suggest that Mr. Tomlinson has a conflict of interest as<br />

the head of both the Broadcasting Board of Governors and the Corporation<br />

for Public Broadcasting (...). (via Mike Cooper, dxld May 18)<br />

Der SWR hat den bisher auf 711 kHz betriebenen Sen<strong>der</strong> Heidelberg-Dossenheim<br />

inzwischen vollstaendig abgebaut. Dies ergab ein Besuch vor Ort. Nicht nur<br />

die Antenne wurde entfernt, auch <strong>der</strong>en Fundament, das Abstimmhaus und die<br />

Zaeune um den Antennenfuss und das gesamte Antennengelaende. Das Haus, in<br />

dem <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong> stand, sieht verlassen aus. Eine Haelfte war frueher<br />

bewohnt. Bei AFN Heidelberg 1143 kHz, gegenueber auf <strong>der</strong> an<strong>der</strong>en<br />

Neckarseite, sieht alles unveraen<strong>der</strong>t aus. (Bernhard Weiskopf-D, ntt<br />

10.5.20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

Overnight operation of Rohrdorf 666 kHz will cease as of June 1st. The<br />

exact s/on and s/off times are not determined yet.<br />

Freiburg 828 kHz and Baden-Baden 1485 kHz are already on air only Mon-Fri<br />

0300-2100 and Sat/Sun <strong>05</strong>00-2100 (one hour later in winter of course)<br />

anymore.<br />

Cf. <br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld May 19)<br />

GHANA v4915.1 1910 22 GHA G<strong>BC</strong> Accra Hausa Vern, emotional speech<br />

33333 WBM<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 14-28)<br />

GREECE Two pirates observed in 2100-2200 UT range:<br />

1629.5 kHz S=2-3 mentioned Larissa twice; and<br />

1619.2 kHz S=2-3 too around 2120 UT. (wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain<br />

May 17)

3250.0, May 14, at 2300 UT. Alfa AM - a Greek pirate station - on second<br />

harmonic from 1625 (a little bit stronger than 3250). Greek folklore mx.<br />

ID.<br />

(Stig Hartvig Nielsen-DEN, SW Bulletin May 15, translated by editor Thomas<br />

Nilsson for dxld)<br />

Office of Inspector General U.S. Department of State and the Broadcasting<br />

Board of Governors MONTHLY REPORT OF ACTIVITIES audits, inspections,<br />

testimony, and special activities August 2004 Office of International<br />

Broadcasting.<br />

Inspection of the International Broadcasting Bureau's Transmitting Station<br />

in Greece (IBO-I-04-<strong>05</strong>).<br />

The International Broadcasting Bureau's (IBB) Greece Transmitting Station,<br />

with sites in Kavala and Rhodes, is well managed. With a transmitter<br />

availability rate of 99.92 percent in December 2003, it is meeting its<br />

mission to provide SW and mediumwave broadcasts to primary target areas in<br />

Europe, Russia, Africa, the Caucasus, Central and South Asia, and Tibet. It<br />

transmits over 237 hours a day in 33 languages for Radio Free Asia, Radio<br />

Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Voice of America, Middle East Radio Network, and<br />

the Greek govt's Elliniki Radiofonia Tileorasi.<br />

The station faces an impending crisis in its workforce. Of the 92 Foreign<br />

Service nationals (FSN) at the two sites as of <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2004, over half were<br />

at least 50 years old; many key managerial personnel are scheduled to<br />

retire in the next few years. The station needs to train new people, but<br />

IBB announced a hiring freeze through FY 2004. The Office of Inspector<br />

General recommended that IBB continue to support the station with<br />

innovative ways to address its need for human resources. After the OIG site<br />

visit, IBB reported that it would consi<strong>der</strong> using a buildings-and-grounds<br />

maintenance contract to hire "fill-in" employees for critical positions<br />

affected by the IBB worldwide FSN hiring freeze.<br />

The transmitting station property is leased from the Greek govt. Over the<br />

years, local citizens have populated one area of the Kavala leased land<br />

with various beach structures and a church. An American supervisor<br />

estimated that the encroached area is about 11 percent of the total, with<br />

an apportioned lease cost of populated one area of the Kavala leased land<br />

with various beach structures and a church.<br />

An American supervisor estimated that the encroached area is about 11<br />

percent of the total, with an apportioned lease cost of over $46,000<br />

annually. IBB is concerned about the safety of the area and possible<br />

liability issues. OIG recommended that IBB modify its land lease agreement<br />

with the Greek govt, returning the encroached area to the govt and seeking<br />

a guarantee from the govt to maintain the integrity of the remaining<br />

portion of the lease. IBB said that it would address this issue in 2007,<br />

when the lease came up for renewal, but OIG believes that some interim<br />

action is necessary.<br />

The station manager identified improvements needed in the station's<br />

information technology infrastructure. The station is now about 80 percent<br />

finished with planned upgrades. The station's computer management<br />

specialist learns new technology on the job, with assistance from the<br />

station manager. After the OIG inspection, he attended a week-long<br />

specialized training class. OIG agreed with the high priority of providing<br />

appropriate training to the computer management specialist. (from<br />

<br />

via John Babbis-MD-USA, dxld May 20)

GUATEMALA 4799.79, R. Buenas Nuevas, San Sebastian, 0200-0232*, May 08<br />

and 11, Spanish, LA-music, IDs and annts, Indian vernacular talk, 0230<br />

marimba, 33333 in Florida, 24232 in Denmark.<br />

(Bjarke Vestesen-FL-USA, and Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W May 18)<br />

HUNGARY The 302-m-high mast of the 2000 kW Solt tx on 540 kHz is being<br />

painted; this work will last some weeks. During the work, the tx is<br />

switched off and two other txs take over the txions on 540: Marcali 500 kW<br />

and Lakihegy 150 kW.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx May 25)<br />

INDIA 7115 AIR Goa in Persian, powerhouse signal 55555 at 1615 UT. All<br />

GRC, TUR, IRN, PAK, INS and IND stations are heard very loud here across<br />

the Medit Sea on their back lobe too.<br />

17510 1040 17 May IND AIR Delhi, En, PAC sce, 55555powerhouse WBM<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 17)<br />

INDONESIA RRI Jakarta is heard reasonably well on 15150 but I haven't<br />

been able to hear their 9525 outlet positively due QRM. (Noel R. Green-UK,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 13)<br />

1600-1630 UT I noted VoINS on both, 15150 even[or mayby 15149.99], and odd<br />

9524.89 kHz. Tehran's Arabic sce Sirjan left at 1630 UT 15150 for 9935 kHz,<br />

so INS is now in the clear. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 14)<br />

3325 RRI-Palangkaraya May 08 1415-1425 43443 INSn, Local news, ID at 1418.<br />

3344.81 RRI-Ternate May 08 1425-1440 1454-1458* 45433-45443 INSn, Telephontalk-back<br />

and mx,, ID at 1436 and 1456, Cloosing announce, Love ambon, 1458<br />

sign off.<br />

3976 RRI-Pontianak May 08 1355-14<strong>05</strong> 44444 INSn, 1359 IS, ID at 1300, Local<br />

news.<br />

4604.98 RRI-Serui May 08 1240-1303 44444 INSn, Talk and mx,<br />

4925 RRI-Jambi May 08 14<strong>05</strong>-1415 44343 INSn, Music and talk, ID at 1407.<br />

(all Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium May 13)<br />

3345 RRI Ternate on May 18 at 1020-11<strong>05</strong> UT. 33232 Talk, music and nx in<br />

INSn.ID at 1101 as 'Radio Republik Indonesia, Ternate' talked by man.<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium May 19)<br />

4869.98 RRI Wamena, 1215-1315, May 01, 04 and <strong>05</strong>. It is on the air some<br />

evenings (local time), but it is not regular! Bahasa INS ID: "Programa Satu<br />

Radio Republik INS Wamena." Phone-in program with popular and international<br />

mx, weak signals, but good audio!<br />

15150 Voice of INS, *0800, May 04 and <strong>05</strong>, English \\ 9525. However 11785<br />

was announced, but not heard. (Roland Schulze-PHL, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W May 18)<br />

15150 kHz VoIndonesia, Cimanggis, squezzed between AIR 15155 & VoA 15145,<br />

observed on 26 May 1841-2100*, with German (news 1850), English ann. for<br />

French prgr 1900, English 2000; announced fqs are 9525, 11785 & 15150, but<br />

the last one is the sole audible outlet; 42441, adjt. QRM, but 35433 at<br />

s/off 2100. I won<strong>der</strong> how the German speaking audience can cope with the<br />

sort of accent the VoINS speakers, and I'd say the French lang. prgr<br />

follows suit too. Strangely (or perhaps not), best reception during the<br />

heavy adjacent QRM was via my elevated K9AY. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 27)<br />

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta, May 20<br />

The same soft but firm voice opens each Japanese Service broadcast at state<br />

radio station RRI with the words, "Kocira wa INS no ko desu (This is the<br />

Voice of INS)". The sce has been broadcast around the world every Monday<br />

and Friday at 6:30 p.m. for much of the last three decades.<br />

The voice belongs to 75-year-old Machiko Katagiri, the Japanese-born<br />

broadcaster who has hosted the sce since September 1977.<br />

The Japanese Service is one of nine foreign lang sces that make up RRI's<br />

Overseas Service, also called the Voice of INS. The other foreign lang sces<br />

are English, Spanish, German, French, Korean, Malay, Thai, Mandarin and<br />

Arabic.<br />

Katagiri broadcasts not only the news, but introduces listeners to<br />

Indonesian mx and lang as well. Among the Japanese Service's various<br />

programs, Katagiri said the 20-minute Hito to Krasi (People and Life),<br />

which looks at daily life in INS, was the most popular.<br />

"Japanese listeners are interested in the lives of INSns, especially<br />

ordinary people. Their stories touch the hearts of listeners because they<br />

tend to communicate the magnificent life principles held by poor INSns,"<br />

she said, adding that she was also responsible for the reporting and<br />

scriptwriting for the show. Katagiri is married to an INSn and has taken<br />

INSn citizenship. She believes the sce helps counter some of the bias of<br />

foreign nx reporting on INS that reaches most Japanese around the world.<br />

"We want to tell the INSn side of stories. We want to explain the cultural<br />

and historical backgrounds of a nx story," she said. The coordinator of the<br />

program, Haruyo Ta<strong>der</strong>a, whose INSn name is Hariyati Prabowo, said the<br />

Japanese Service set itself apart from the other foreign lang sces.<br />

"The other foreign sces do not do the same thing as us; they do not do<br />

field reporting," said the 62-year-old.<br />

However, the future of the Japanese Service is in doubt because of the<br />

difficulty in finding replacements for Katagiri and Hariyati. "It is very<br />

difficult to find a Japanese native speaker to replace me because RRI only<br />

offers a small honorarium," Katagiri said.<br />

Hariyati said the monthly operational budget for the sce was Rp 500,000<br />

(US$45), which was not enough to attract Japanese native speakers to host<br />

the program.<br />

Katagiri has suggested that when she and Hariyati decide to retire, they be<br />

replaced by the INSn staff who have helped shape the service rather than by<br />

native speakers.<br />

"This program has successfully attracted thousands of Japanese listeners<br />

around the globe .... When it first went on the air, we received thousands<br />

of letters every month. Since the Internet era began in the 1990s, the<br />

number of listeners has fallen to only a few dozen. But it is still the<br />

most popular program compared to other foreign lang sces broadcast by RRI,"<br />

she said.<br />

(via Kim Elliott, Sheldon Harvey; dxld May 25)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ 3980.4, Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, Al-Sulaymaniyah, 0245-0255,<br />

May 08, Kurdish talk by man about Iranian Kurdistan, short musical<br />

interlude, woman talking, 35333 weak jammer was on 3970; heard \\ 4870.1<br />

(jump from 4860) which was jammed (32332).<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W May 18)<br />

4850, Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, 0151-0203, May 07, Kurdish songs non-stop<br />

warming up to the sign-on hymn at 0200 and usual Kurdish ID "Aira dengi

Kurdestana Irana". Very weak at first, but picked up a bit up to the hour.<br />

This is ex 4860 and one hour earlier than the *0250 reg in DBS. In fact a<br />

very quick ID also at 0158 UT.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W May 18)<br />

3985 19<strong>05</strong> 22 May IRN IRIB Ahwaz Hebrew, nx 44444 WBM.<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 14-28)<br />

V. of Justice, 9495.51, on May 7 at 0147-0230* UT, tune-in to English nx<br />

programs, IDs. 0225 sign-off annts with sked, address and lite instrumental<br />

mx. Slightly off-frequency as was \\ 11875.01 kHz, both very good and in<br />

the clear, with one- or two-second time delay between freqs. Cuba not on<br />

11875 tonight. Next night, May 8, Iran back on 9495.0 and Cuba back on<br />

11875 completely dominating the freq with no sign of Iran on 11875.<br />

[9495 is Kamalabad site, 11875 is Sirjan - gh, dxld]<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld May 14)<br />

ITALY 6195, RAI, Prato Smeraldo, *0625-1140, May 09 and 17, new relay of<br />

HS programs in Italian maybe for the Italian troops in the Balkans,<br />

reports, ads, 1000 ID: "Qui RAI International", ex 9670, 45444. (Anker<br />

Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W May 18)<br />

There are no programs for Italian troops in the Balkans or anywhere. (Luigi<br />

Cobisi)<br />

[Nobody mentioned this statement about an Italian AFN/AFRTS sce !, wb.,<br />

its a RAI Home Service relay for an UNKNOWN audience in former YUG.<br />

But AP and YT made this suggestion according of the HFCC entry:<br />

ROME 100kW 52degr toward former YUG and Balkan area, not non-dir.<br />

Not for Pizza bakers in Belgrade, Budapest and Bucharest, and not for<br />

Italian fishery fleet in the Eastern Mediterranean either, I guess.<br />

Noel reported that 6195 sce back on 9670 yesterday, but maybe an operator<br />

fault occured?<br />

73 wb. May 29]<br />

On 6195 RAI International only relays HS (mainly Radio 1) and at 1000 UT<br />

its programme is "Giornale dall'Italia" and others. Here in Florence I am<br />

not able to listen to 6195 but I can count with my satellite receiver and<br />

could check the web page of RAI International<br />

<br />

By the way in the Balkans (city of Pec, Bosnia) Italian Army has<br />

established a multilingual station (operating on FM 96.9 and 93.5) since<br />

1999. Programs are locally made in langs of different international troops<br />

operating in the area as well as in local langs. It is not like AFN<br />

broadcasting only for the troops, but a part of the peace-enforcing<br />

mission, therefore open to local people. You can find information on the<br />

Italian army website at:<br />

<br />

Unfortunately it is only in Italian but interesting anyway. The first time<br />

Italian army experimented operating a FM station was during a mission in<br />

Somalia back in 1993 (Radio Ibis). Radio West is widely known in Italy and<br />

last year it was made even a film (with the same title "Radio West").<br />

(Luigi Cobisi-I, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W May 18)<br />

JAPAN Media Release from NHK.<br />

Radio Japan's Special 70th Anniversary <strong>DX</strong> Program Commemorating Radio<br />

Japan's 70th anniversary on June 1, the June's first weekend show of Radio<br />

Japan's "Hello from Tokyo" will dedicate its entire program to <strong>DX</strong> items.

On June 4/5/6, the following personnel will be on the show:<br />

- Ms. Yukiko Tsuji, member of JSWC, JPN Short Wave Club.<br />

(Familiar voice of JSWC <strong>DX</strong> programs)<br />

- Mr. Anker Petersen, Chairman of Danish Short Wave Club International,<br />

Denmark<br />

- Mr. G. Victor A. Goonetilleke, President of the Radio Society of Sri<br />

Lanka<br />

- Mr. Bob Padula, Administrator, E<strong>DX</strong>P, Electronic <strong>DX</strong> Press Monitoring<br />

Assoc., Australia.<br />

- Mr. Richard D'Angelo, Executive Director, NASWA, North American Short<br />

Wave Assoc., USA<br />

All will talk about their radio lives and memories of Radio JPN with<br />

Jonathan Sherr and Ms. Hisako Tomisawa<br />

"Hello from Tokyo's" regular host and hostess joined by Toshi Ohtake of<br />

JSWC.<br />

Time and freqs for "Hello for Tokyo", all UTC:<br />

Sat, Jun 4, <strong>05</strong>10-0600<br />

5975(RMP) Eu/Af 7230(WOF) Eu/Af 6110(SAC) Am 17810(YAM) As<br />

15195(YAM) As 21755(YAM) As<br />

Sat, Jun 4, 1010-1100<br />

17585(DHA) Eu 17720(DHA) Eu 9695(YAM) SEA 11730(YAM) As<br />

21755(YAM) Oc 6120(SAC) Am<br />

Sat, Jun 4, 1710-1800<br />

11970(YAM) Eu 15355(GAB) Af 9535(YAM) Am<br />

Sun, Jun 5, 0010-0100 6145(SAC) Am<br />

Sun, Jun 5, 0310-0400 21610(YAM) Oc<br />

Sun, Jun 5, 1110-1200 9695(YAM)SEA 11730(YAM) As 6120(SAC) Am<br />

Sun, Jun 5, 1510-1600<br />

6190(YAM) As 7200(YAM) SEA 11730(YAM) SWAs 95<strong>05</strong>(YAM) Am<br />

Mon, Jun 6, 0110-0200<br />

5960(RMP) ME/NAf 17560(YAM) ME/NAf 17810(YAM) SEA 11860(SNG) SEA<br />

17845(YAM) As 15325(YAM) SWAs 11935(BON) Am<br />

SAC Sackville, Canada; BON Bonaire, Neth Antilles; SNG Kranji, SNG;<br />

RMP Rampisham UK; GAB Moyabi, Gabon; WOF Wofferton, UK; DHA Dhabbaya, UAE;<br />

YAM Yamata, Japan.<br />


1. RADIO JAPAN, NHK TOKYO 150-8001 JAPAN (No IRC)<br />

2. JSWC, P.O.Box 29, Sendai Central 980-8691, Japan.<br />

(With 1 IRC) - you may request any one of the following JSWC QSLs:<br />

5th Anniversary card (printed in 1957), 50th anniversary card (2002), or<br />

20<strong>05</strong> Rooster card.<br />

3. E<strong>DX</strong>P-AUSTRALIA

E<strong>DX</strong>P-Australia will issue its special "Radio E<strong>DX</strong>P" QSLs for the segment of<br />

Mr. Bob Padula's appearance during the show.<br />

Postal mailed reports will be acknowledged with full data colored cards<br />

showing Australian scenes and wildlife, and should be sent to:<br />

Radio E<strong>DX</strong>P, 404 Mont Albert Road, Mont Albert, Victoria 3127, Australia.<br />

Return postage is necessary, Australia: $1.50 in Australian stamps,<br />

Elsewhere: 1 IRC or US$1.<br />

E-mailed reports will be acknowledged with full-data, full-color E-QSLs,and<br />

return postage is not required. I hope you enjoy this unique <strong>DX</strong> program and<br />

send your reception reports.<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake, International Coordinator, JSWC; May 26;<br />

Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 29)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. 12015 R Pyongyang un<strong>der</strong> Arabic prg station at 1645 UT.<br />

[rather RMI-Minivan to Maldives 16-17 UT]. 9325 is 34423 with S10 max.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 22)<br />

KUWAIT Addit txions of IBB via KWT 250 kW / 070 deg (xERV and UDO)<br />

0100-0300 9365 RFA# Tibetan 1100-1200 17855 RFA# Tibetan (x11590)<br />

0600-0700 17780 RFA# Tibetan 1200-1300 11590 RFA# Tibetan<br />

0630-0730 17685 RFA* Pashto 1300-1400 11590 RFA# Tibetan<br />

0730-0830 17685 RFA* Dari 1400-1500 11975 VOA Tibetan<br />

0830-0930 17685 RFA* Pashto 1500-1600 11540 RFA# Tibetan<br />

0930-1030 17685 RFA* Dari 2300-2400 7550 RFA# Tibetan (x9365)<br />

RFA#=Radio Free Asia; RFA*=Radio Free Afghanistan; VOA=Voice of America<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 18)<br />

LATVIA 9290 The Australian Radio <strong>DX</strong> club inc. (Reg A0011728G), will be<br />

broadcasting a special fortieth anniversary txion relay via Latvia 9290<br />

kHz, 18th June, 20<strong>05</strong>. 1000 UTC.<br />

The club was founded on the 19th June, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

For 1 hour duration, for Europe and the USA.<br />

Future broadcasts via other sites are planned.<br />

Special QSL anniversary cards are available for correct reception reports<br />

sent by mail only. No email reports. Requirements, are fifteen mins of<br />

programme details.<br />

Reports to AR<strong>DX</strong>C, C/- John Wright, 29 Milford Rd, Peakhurst NSW 2210,<br />

Australia.<br />

2 IRCs or 2 USD are needed for a reply. Details of the AR<strong>DX</strong>C and its<br />

flagship bulletin the Australian <strong>DX</strong> Nx will also be forwarded.<br />

Thankyou, John Wright Secretary. (AR<strong>DX</strong>C via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 29)<br />

LEBANON Catholic radio station Sawt Al-Mahaba.<br />

Bei einem Bombenanschlag am Eingang des alten Basars von Jounieh sind am<br />

Spaetabend des 6. Mai 20<strong>05</strong> zwei Menschen getoetet und zahlreiche weitere<br />

verletzt worden. Durch die Explosion sind mehrere Geschaefte, eine Kirche<br />

und das Studio des katholischen Radiosen<strong>der</strong>s Sawt Al-Mahaba beschaedigt<br />

worden. Der pro-syrische libanesische Praesident Emile Lahoud erklaerte,<br />

<strong>der</strong> Anschlag sei ein "verzweifelter Versuch, Schrecken und Instabilitaet im<br />

Libanon zu saeen". Dieser Versuch sei jedoch zum Scheitern verurteilt. Seit<br />

<strong>der</strong> Ermordung des libanesischen Ex-Ministerpraesidenten Rafik Hariri Mitte<br />

Februar 20<strong>05</strong> wurden damit bislang fuenf Anschlaege in christlichen<br />

Wohngegenden in Beirut und Umgebung veruebt. Jounieh ist eine ueberwiegend

christlichen Stadt 20 Kilometer noerdlich <strong>der</strong> libanesischen Hauptstadt<br />

Beirut.<br />

Die libanesische Opposition hatte Syrien fuer das Attentat auf Al-Hariri<br />

verantwortlich gemacht. Syrien hatte den Vorwurf zurueckgewiesen, zog aber<br />

unter internationalen Druck seine Truppen aus dem Nachbarland zurueck. Ende<br />

April hatten die letzten syrischen Soldaten das Land verlassen und die 29<br />

Jahre andauernde Praesenz Syriens als Ordnungsmacht im Libanon beendet. In<br />

<strong>der</strong> Naehe des jetzigen Bombenanschlags befindet sich auch das Hauptquartier<br />

<strong>der</strong> Anhaenger des syrienkritischen Oppositionspolitikers Michel Aoun (70),<br />

<strong>der</strong> am Folgetag nach 15-jaehrigem Exil in Frankreich in den Libanon<br />

zurueckkehren wollte.<br />

Aoun war 1984 mit 49 Jahren <strong>der</strong> juengste Oberkommandierende <strong>der</strong><br />

libanesischen Streitkraefte geworden. 1988 wurde er zum Uebergangs-<br />

Ministerpraesidenten ernannt. Er fuehrte einen "Befreiungskrieg gegen<br />

Syrien", wurde aber 1990 von den Syrern aus dem Amt gejagt und floh in die<br />

franzoesische Botschaft. Ende August 1991 brachten ihn franzoesische<br />

Geheimagenten nach Paris in ein 14 Jahre waehrendes Exil.<br />

Einen Zusammenhang mit <strong>der</strong> Rueckkehr des Christengenerals sieht<br />

maronitische Bischof von Byblos, Bechera Rai, jedoch nicht. "Ich denke,<br />

dass es ein direkter und gezielter Anschlag war. Der Sen<strong>der</strong> hatte sich mit<br />

den Familien <strong>der</strong> Haeftlinge in Damaskus solidarisiert. Die Angehoerigen<br />

haben im Programm die Grausamkeit in den syrischen Gefaengnissen angeklagt<br />

und berichtet, was sie gesehen haben. Ich denke, dass die, die so<br />

beschuldigt wurden, und ihre Verbuendeten in Syrien o<strong>der</strong> im Libanon dieses<br />

Attentat organisiert haben, um den Sen<strong>der</strong> zu zerstoeren, diese Stimme <strong>der</strong><br />

Liebe aber auch <strong>der</strong> Wahrheit und <strong>der</strong> Menschlichkeit.<br />

Das Volk steht ganz auf <strong>der</strong> Seite des Sen<strong>der</strong>s. Jetzt ist er zerstoert, aber<br />

das Team sendet weiter. Sie haben alle Geraete ins Freie getragen und<br />

senden vom Hauptplatz <strong>der</strong> Stadt. Ich habe den Praesidenten und den<br />

Premierminister aufgefor<strong>der</strong>t, den Wie<strong>der</strong>aufbau zu veranlassen. Wenn sie es<br />

nicht tun, gibt es viele Privatpersonen, die dazu bereit sind. Die<br />

Libanesen sind das gewohnt. Was heute zerstoert wird, baut man morgen<br />

wie<strong>der</strong> auf."<br />

(Radio Vatikan - 9.5.20<strong>05</strong>; ntt May 13)<br />

Die Sawt Al-Mahaba (Rue Fouad Chehab, B.P. 850 Jounieh Liban, tel +961(09)<br />

918090 - (09) 914901) begann Pfingsten 1984 mit ihren Sendungen. Traeger<br />

war seither die Congregation des Missionnaires Libanais Maronites unter<br />

Aufsicht <strong>der</strong> katholischen Bischofskonferenz. An Weihnachten 1992 begann man<br />

mit Sendungen rund um die Uhr. Seit dem 1. Mai 1996 werden die arabischen,<br />

franzoesischen und englischen Sendungen von Radio Vatikan ins eigene<br />

Programm uebernommen.<br />

Umgekehrt war die Radiostimme <strong>der</strong> Liebe im Mai 1997 ein wichtiger<br />

Medienpartner bei dem Besuch Papst Johannes Paul II. im Libanon. Seit dem<br />

1. Mai 1997 ergaenzen morgens 30 Minuten Uebernahme aus dem Libanon das<br />

arabische Eigenprogramm von Radio Vatikan.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt May 13)<br />

MADAGASCAR World Christian Broadcasting has begun a new project to build<br />

a broadcasting facility on the island of Madagascar. This new radio station<br />

will increase the potential audience from three to five billion people, to<br />

over two-thirds of the planet who will be able to listen to Christian<br />

broadcast signal.<br />

The second SW tx and antenna in Anchor Point, Alaska of the Short Wave<br />

Station KNLS, owned and operated by World Christian Broadcasting doubled<br />

the daily txion time from 10 to a total of 20 hours.

The broadcasts in 4 langs of Mandarin, Chinese, Russian and English are<br />

made possible by churches, individual Christians, foundations and<br />

businesses using the facilities of Station KNLS, and the new structure is<br />

the result of "Double the Dream" - a successful fund-raising campaign.<br />

Andy Baker, Vice-President, directing the campaign said, "The success of<br />

the 'Double the Dream Campaign' is the result of the efforts of a dedicated<br />

staff of workers and a whole host of generous contributors."<br />

"Without them, we would have had only a faint hope of success, but thanks<br />

to God, we have realised our dream. Now, we can broadcast a full ten hours<br />

to the Chinese, without interruptions, a full six hours in Russian and four<br />

in English. That's twice what we have been doing since 1983!" Baker added.<br />

President of World Christian Broadcasting, Charles Caudill explained about<br />

the hard work of staff in Anchor Point, "They had to work in some of the<br />

worst weather conditions you can imagine. The toughness and perseverance of<br />

Kevin Chambers, Dave Dvorak and Charlie Perry is an outstanding example of<br />

dedication and purpose. We are very grateful to them."<br />

In a response, the President of Madagascar, Marc Ravalomanana, offered<br />

enough land for the World Christian Broadcasting company to build a stateof-the-art,<br />

digital broadcasting facility, capable to reach all of Africa,<br />

Australia, Europe, the entire Middle East, European Russia, several<br />

Scandinavian countries and South-western China.<br />

Arabic programming will be added to the three langs used now.<br />

World Christian Broadcasting, a non-profit organisation whose purpose is to<br />

help make it possible to teach God's Word each day to people who are<br />

otherwise beyond missionary outreach, says that the land is secure and<br />

ground preparation has started. World Christian Broadcasting will now fully<br />

focus on building the facilities there.<br />

After completing the first preparations, digging the wells, stringing the<br />

power lines and installing the security fences, the combined stations will<br />

constitute one of the largest and most powerful digital broadcasters in the<br />

world.<br />

<br />

(<strong>Jan</strong>et Dean via Mike Terry Br<strong>DX</strong>C; dxld May 25)<br />

MALAYSIA has shifted to 15294.35. with Malay rock songs . Low modulation<br />

S9, 32432.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 22)<br />

MALI [tent.] 7284.4v RTM Bamako is silent on 9635 and 11960 kHz at<br />

daytime this year - at least when I checked these channels - see Carlos'<br />

item below too. Heard an UNID carrier and some Sahel type mx at 1620 UT,<br />

het by R Tashkent co-ch even 7285. 21221.<br />

v4782.4 1950 23 May MLI RTM Bamako Vernac songs 21221 WBM<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 14-28)<br />

11960 R. Mali, Kati, observed on 15 May at 1207-... UT, Vernacular<br />

program, talks; 34432, adjacent QRM only. Best received via a K9AY loop.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, May 18)<br />

MAURITANIA 4845 1945 23 May MRT R Mauritania Ar/Fr, endless sermon<br />

34433 WBM<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 14-28)

MOLDOVA (PRIDNESTROVYA) 5910 R DMR Maiac noted in English, Mons at 1615<br />

UT, "RUS-GEO message", 35333. (wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 17)<br />

Freq change for China Radio International in Russian:<br />

1430-1630 NF 1413 kHz via Miac/Grigoriopol, ex 1467 kHz.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 18)<br />

CRI informs its listeners in Moldova, Ukraine and Southern Russia that<br />

starting from 9 May, Russian Service relay via Moldova at 1430-1630 will go<br />

on the air on 1413 kHz, replacing the former 1467 kHz. (VoRussia, Club <strong>DX</strong><br />

No. 737; <strong>DX</strong>signal May 26)<br />

see also un<strong>der</strong> Albania, wb.<br />

Freq change for Voice of Russia in Bulgarian / Greek / Bulgarian:<br />

1700-2000 NF 1413 via Miac/Grigoriopol, ex 1503/1510/1566/1467 kHz.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 18)<br />

NEW ZEALAND Radio New Zealand Chief Executive, Peter Cavanagh, has<br />

announced changes to National Radio programming and on air presentation to<br />

be implemented later this year.<br />

Press Release: Radio New Zealand Limited<br />

<br />


<br />

(via Kim Elliott, dxld May 25)<br />

NORWAY The Norwegian operator Norkring is carrying out DRM mode field<br />

strength tests this week for the LW tx at Ingoy on 153 kHz.<br />

The tx is switched to DRM at the following times:<br />

Mon 23 - Thu 26 May from 08<strong>05</strong>-0900, 09<strong>05</strong>-1000, 12<strong>05</strong>-1300, 14<strong>05</strong>-1500, 1810-<br />

1850;<br />

Fri 27 May from 08<strong>05</strong>-0900, 09<strong>05</strong>-1000, 12<strong>05</strong>-1300, 14<strong>05</strong>-1500.<br />

[Info: ] (Bernd Trutenau, Lithuania, mwdx May 25)<br />

PAKISTAN 9340.4 R PAK Islamabad in Russ. at 1415-1445 UT, faulty tx,<br />

signs on and off, audio breaks, but much better on 11585 kHz, 34322.<br />

15625 1030 18 May PAK R PAK Islamabad, Sinhala, native songs, 44444 WBM<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 17-18)<br />

PNG 3290 R. Central, Boroko at 1100-1201* on May 02. This tx is active<br />

again. Last time I heard it was in Dec 2003! Relay of N<strong>BC</strong> Port Moresby on<br />

4890, 1120 own regional programme in Vernaculars. Closing annmt in English:<br />

"National Radio Kundu Service . . . Radio Central in Papua New Guinea. We<br />

will be back tomorrow morning. . . Good Night, God bless."<br />

Then Vernacular and at exactly 1200 one bell sound and a short piece of<br />

instrumental National Anthem. On May <strong>05</strong>, 1000-1201*, they carried their own<br />

program in Vernaculars. Weak signal with fading at times and static noise.<br />

(Roland Schulze-PHL, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W May 18)<br />

3385 Radio East New Britain, Rabaul. On May 6 at 1247-1320(s/off) UT. SINPO<br />

35333. Muic program with popular songs presented by a female announcer in<br />

English. S/off at 1320 without closing annmt.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, May 6)<br />

4890 N<strong>BC</strong> Port Moresby May 18 0945-1015 44444. News and talk in English.<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium May 18)

Wantok Radio 7120. The Papua New Guinea Christian Broadcasting Network<br />

(PNGCBN) Wantok Radio Light heard lovely and strong in Sydney tonight at<br />

0900 UT, 7120 kHz. EZL religious mx in English and Creole [Pidgin]. MA with<br />

prepackaged religious program and many IDs. See<br />

<br />

(Jem VK2JEM Cullen-AUS, AR<strong>DX</strong>C May 25, via dxld)<br />

Wantok Radio Light's power is 1 kW into a NVIS antenna that is "supposed"<br />

to restrain most of the energy for local coverage, and reduce the skywave<br />

propagation. I have a PDF signal coverage map that was sent to me by the<br />

engineer at Wantok Radio, and it shows the signal dropping to "< 20 dBu"<br />

just past the Solomon Islands.<br />

I'm surprised you are hearing the station at S5-S8, as I'm not that much<br />

further away from the tx than you are, and I've been hearing signal barely<br />

above threshold with my Beverage antenna aimed right at Port Moresby (265<br />

degrees). Perhaps sea gain (the coastal effect) does have an effect on the<br />

higher bands.<br />

(Guy Atkins-WA-USA, hcdx May 26)<br />

7120 Wantok R. Light 5/27 coming through very nicely now at 0758 tune in<br />

with a very pleasant mx program w/ periodic woman ann EE - brief ID hrd at<br />

0825.5. One song I recognized was "He Leadeth Me".<br />

Into recorded "Back to the Bible" program w/ man at 0830 - 0853. This was<br />

fol by woman ann EE and more praise songs at 0853.5. Clear ID and prog<br />

anmts by man EE at 0901 and into "Focus on the Family" feature at 0902.<br />

Latter included an excerpt from a Martin Luther King speech/sermon at 09<strong>05</strong>.<br />

S3 lvl from tune in to past 0945 and still going - very surprising after 2<br />

nights of recording from 0900-1000 and 0830-1000 on 5/24 and 5/26<br />

respectively with barely audible signals. In fact, 5/26 was basically<br />

unusable while 5/24 was just good enough to construct a "bare bones" log.<br />

The trick here on W. Coast seems to be listening earlier than typical PNG<br />

peak times. SINPO 34433, better than a typical log of CRN in Vanimo.<br />

Wellbrook loop was pointed right at PNG. (Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer May 27)<br />

Just back from the Dayton HamVention and one of the first messages I saw<br />

when I re-enabled my email subscriptions were the messages from Guy and<br />

Walt on this new PNG target. Thought I would prop up the eyelids and stay<br />

up rather than set the alarm and get up. Had the sound card program<br />

Spectran running and the radio set to 7121 and looking for a trace of<br />

carrier as I waited for them to fade in - wasn't sure of when they actually<br />

turned up the SW tx every night. Saw a faint trace of a carrier there<br />

around 0600 or so but very weak.<br />

Band very quiet with the antenna pointed west, no static crashes this<br />

evening. Quite a shock when they turned up the SW at 0728 as they were a<br />

true S9 plus a bit. That's on a ICOM 756PROIII - no preamp engaged so S9 is<br />

close to the traditional 50 uv level. No need to hunker down over the<br />

headphones on this one. The arrival angle must have favored the horizontal<br />

polarized beams - the 4-30 log and the 3 el 40m yagi are both fairly high<br />

(120 feet). The K9AY and the beverages didn't perform very well on this<br />

particular path.<br />

Listened from 0728 to a bit past 0900, treated to lots of ids, some in<br />

Pidgin, some with freq 7120 mentioned. Some of the local ads for program<br />

sponsors helped to give it that local sound. The signal wasn't getting any<br />

better - when I shut things down around 0900 it was down to an S7 and<br />

hearing a few static crashes. But still a healthy signal and well above the<br />

almost nil background noise. I am in a rural setting here - the only noise<br />

issue being power line at times but it was very quiet this morning. I'm<br />

about 1000 km inland so no hope of any sea gain up here.

(Don Moman-AUS VE6JY, hcdx May 26)<br />

Quite loud here on the North Coast, but a lot of Summer type static. I am<br />

using the R8/EWE combo. Peaks at S5-S8. Anyone know the power? Sounds at<br />

least 10 kW.<br />

(Patrick Martin-OR-USA, ibid.) Supposedly 1 kW.<br />

Wantok Radio 7120 This morning, in Victoria, <strong>BC</strong>, I again set the 7030+<br />

timer on for 0830 to 1030, with the Recall- Pro. Nothing at all at 0830,<br />

but within a few mins started hearing audio. Peak again on the west coast<br />

is between 0855 and 0920. No time pips or IS at the TOH, but I thought I<br />

might have heard "Wantok Radio" at 1002 or so. Programming is very similar<br />

to Christian Voice or HCJB Australia, with lots of chatter and contemporary<br />

Christian mx. Not in any way like local PNG stations with their Pidgin<br />

English and local music. Strength was better than the previous night, and<br />

just about at threshold. I think the lang was English, but can't be 100%<br />

certain. I'm going to continue "taping" this period of time and expect to<br />

have more readable audio at some point in the near future. The signal faded<br />

out completely by 1000, but I could hear some weak audio again by 1020. I'd<br />

love to hear an audio clip from someone closer at 0900 to compare to my<br />

clips.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, dxld 25 May)<br />

7120, 0825-1030, Wantok Radio Light, Port Moresby, May 25. First noted<br />

fading up above the noise prior to 0830, with contemporary Christian music<br />

alternating with talks or devotionals. The signal was still extremely low<br />

until past 0930, when it strengthened enough to make out an ID by a male<br />

announcer exactly at 0959:38: 'This is Wantok Radio Light, broadcasting to<br />

Papua New Guinea on... meterband(?)...'. It took a number of replays of my<br />

recording to be certain of the ID, but it is definitely there. At 1000 I<br />

heard introductory mx and mention of 'Welcome to Focus on the Family...<br />

with author and... Dr. James Dobson' at the start of this popular Christian<br />

program. It also fits the broadcast schedule at<br />

which shows Focus on the Family at 7-7:30 pm<br />

local Port Moresby time. Very pleased with this definite log of this new<br />

PNG outlet! I also received an e-mail from Dave Olson, engineer at the<br />

station, who said that the 'Bird of Paradise' call I heard at 1101 on 5/23<br />

is actually a warbling siren at the beginning of their Monday evening<br />

program 'Community Policing'.<br />

(Guy Atkins-WA-USA, dxld May 25)<br />

PNG Wantok Radio Update - QSL Policy.<br />

Advice from Wantok Radio Light, the Christian religious broadcaster based<br />

in Port Moresby, which put on line its new 1 kW HF tx on May 23, on 7120,<br />

is that it's being heard rather well right across the primary service area.<br />

Due to propagation peculiarities, night-time reception near the transmitter<br />

site in the Port Moresby capital district is poor.<br />

The station is also being heard with strong signals across eastern and<br />

southern Australia during darkness hours, but less reliably over in the<br />

West. Reception is noted here in Melbourne from around 0730 until 2200.<br />

Reception has also been observed during the evening in Japan, and across<br />

the Pacific into the West Coast of North America. The NAm reception has<br />

been observed from around 0730 until about 1200.<br />

There has not yet been any authenticated reception in Europe, the Middle<br />

East, Africa, South America, New Zealand, or Eastern NAm.<br />

The official launch ceremony is planned for June 11 at Kaupena, a village<br />

some 400 km northwest of Port Moresby, in the Southern Highlands, near the<br />

towns of Mendi and Mt. Hagen, and in proximity to the bor<strong>der</strong> with the<br />

Western Highlands.

At present, the station is running 24-hrs, daily, simulcasting its FM<br />

network. It's hoped that by September a studio will be configred to allow<br />

split programming for some parts of the day. That will make it possible to<br />

program the HF sce with Pidgin or Motu, or perhaps even another lang.<br />

The vertical incifence antenna configuration is directional, with the main<br />

lobes extending south-east and north-west from Port Moresby. Secondary<br />

lobes extend north-east and south-west. That design is to allow optimum<br />

coverage out into the Gazelle Peninsula, the Solomon Islands, and northerly<br />

into the north coast.<br />

A freq change is proposed, and I am working closely as the professional<br />

level with the Chief Engineer to determine suitable channels. The freq<br />

variation is to move away from Amateur Radio activity in Region Three<br />

(Asia-Pacific), and in particular from Australian AROs. The spectrum 7100-<br />

7300 is used on a shared basis by the HF<strong>BC</strong> sce and amateur radio sce in<br />

this Region.<br />

The new channel is to be established in the range 7300-7500, which will<br />

accomodate minimal antenna retuning. The tx itself is capable of operation<br />

in the range 6000-7500 with minimal retuning.<br />

The station is having QSL cards printed, and reports may be sent to:<br />

Wantok Radio Light. Attn: Chief Engineer. PO Box 1273. Port Moresby, NCD<br />

Papua New Guinea (May 28)<br />

PHILIPPINES Freqs changes for Radio Veritas Asia eff from May 22:<br />

Sinhala 1330-1357 NF 9520 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg, ex 9565<br />

Tamil 1400-1427 NF 9520 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg, ex 9565<br />

Telugu 1430-1457 NF 9520 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg, ex 9565<br />

Russian 1500-1557 NF 9685 PUG 250 kW / 330 deg, ex 9570<br />

Tagalog 1500-1527 NF 11765 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg, ex 9695 >> Wed/Fri/Sun<br />

Tagalog 1500-1557 NF 11765 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg, ex 9695 >> Mon/Tue/Thu/Sat<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 18)<br />

Freq change for Radio Veritas Asia in Urdu:<br />

0100-0127 NF 15350 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg, ex 15300<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 27)<br />

PORTUGAL As of today, 16 May, the RDPi-R. Portugal will be making the<br />

following amendment to its A-<strong>05</strong> schedule:<br />

To Europe, Mon-Fri 1600-1900, 45deg 300 kW 119<strong>05</strong> kHz replaced by 15555 kHz<br />

which is a QRG also used for another broadcast to Eur (Sat+Sun only) and to<br />

Venezuela (extra broadcasts Mon-Fri & Sat+Sun).<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, May 18)<br />

PROPAGATION MoegelDellinger blackout effect: 1100-1200 UTC the following<br />

number of radiostations were heard:<br />

49 m.b. zero<br />

41 m.b. zero<br />

31 m.b. Polonia 9525, DW 9770, (DW?) in Albanian 9840 - only three stations<br />

noted in Sofia Bulgaria. [rather TRT Emirler in Greek on 9840]<br />

25 m.b. 9 stations<br />

22 m.b. 6 stations<br />

In range 5800-13800 kHz si<strong>05</strong>55 was only for DW on 13780. May 6.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 14)<br />

ROMANIA New programme "Radio Romania Bucuresti" on 603 kHz (site<br />

Herastrau) only 1100-1200 UT Mon-Fri in German, May 1-10. (Rumen Pankov-<br />

BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 14)

RUSSIA Additional txion for Voice of Liberty Eritrea in Tigrigna/Arabic<br />

0600-0700 Fri(+Wed/Sun) 15675 ARM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf<br />

New schedule for Tensae Ethiopian Voice of Unity in Amharic:<br />

1500-1600 Sun-Fri (ex Sun only) 15660 SAM 250 kW / 199 deg to EaAf<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 27)<br />

Foreign relay via short wave txs of Russia. 27/03/20<strong>05</strong> - 29/10/20<strong>05</strong><br />

Moscow<br />

7175 2200-2300 250 CRI 7225 1930-2000 200 CRI<br />

7390 DRM 1900-2300 Sun-Fri 035 DWL 7390 DRM 2000-2200 Sun 035 TDP<br />

7440 1900-2000 250 YFR 9490 1900-2000 250 YFR<br />

12035 (7200) 1830-1930 200 CRI 12090 1600-1700 250 B<strong>BC</strong><br />

13685 0600-0700 250 VRT 13685 1700-1800 250 VRT<br />

Sankt-Petersburg<br />

12065 (7130) 1600-1700 400 CRI 12065 (7130) 1800-1830 400 CRI<br />

Samara<br />

7320 2030-2130 250 CRI 7370 1900-2000 250 YFR<br />

9475 1600-1645 250 TWR 9825 (5935) 1800-1900 250 IBR<br />

12130 2130-2200 Sat-Thu250 RHR 15240 0230-0400 250 INR<br />

15530 0400-<strong>05</strong>30 250 FEB 15660 1500-1600 Sat 250 VOD<br />

Krasnodar<br />

7290 1600-1630 Sat 100 TWR 7375 1730-1930 200 DWL<br />

7395 1530-1700 100 FEB 7590 2000-2100 Sun 100 TDP<br />

9735 1445-1630 100 TWR 9850 1530-1645 100 FEB<br />

11810 1630-1700 250 RPR 12060 1900-2000 250 YFR<br />

12120 1700-1730 Mon, Thu250 VOL 12120 1700-1800 Sat 250 DER<br />

13575 1330-1430 250 DWL 15525 0800-0830 250 DWL<br />

15460 <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>45 250 BVB 15675 0600-0700 Wed, Sun250 LBT<br />

Novosibirsk<br />

6210 1230-1300 100 VAT 7390 1800-1830 200 RPR<br />

7580 1300-1700 250 YFR 9445 1300-1545 200 TWR<br />

9500 1400-1515 250 FEB 11990 1300-1500 200 VOA<br />

12035 0200-0245 250 FEB 12075 1200-1300 500 RFI<br />

15580 0015-0145 250 TWR 17590 0200-0330 250 VAT<br />

Irkutsk<br />

7150 2200-2300 250 VOA 7210 1500-1700 250 RFA<br />

7300* 2200-2245 250 VAT 7320 1400-1615 250 FEB<br />

9395 1230-1500 250 TWR 9450 0900-1200 250 YFR<br />

9685 2300-2350 250 DWL 9900 1000-1400 250 DWL<br />

12025 0939-1030 500 RFI 12025 1100-1300 500 RFI<br />

13710 1000-1100 250 RNW 17710 0230-0300 250 B<strong>BC</strong><br />

* From 01/<strong>05</strong>/20<strong>05</strong> to 03/09/20<strong>05</strong> Alternative 9485 kHz<br />

Chita<br />

7350* 1300-1330 Tue, Thu, Sat 250 DEG 7485 1530-1600 Mon-Fri 250 TWR<br />

12<strong>05</strong>5 (62<strong>05</strong>) 1315-1400 500 VAT 15135 2300-2400 500 DWL<br />

* Alternative 7250 and 7420 kHz<br />

Vladivostok<br />

72<strong>05</strong> 1230-1300 250 IBR 7330* 1100-1530 500 B<strong>BC</strong><br />

7370 1030-1<strong>05</strong>5 250 DWL 11895 0000-0100 200 DWL<br />

120<strong>05</strong> 2200-2300 500 RFI 12045 2200-2300 250 RFI<br />

15515 2300-2350 250 DWL 15535 2330-0030 250 RFA<br />

15595 2300-2400 250 RFI * Alternative 7550 and 7570 kHz<br />

Khabarovsk<br />

11830* 2200-2245 100 VAT 12065 1130-1250 100 BVB

13695 1300-1400 100 RNW 13820 1000-1100 100 RNW<br />

* From 27/03/20<strong>05</strong> to 30/04/20<strong>05</strong> and 04/09/20<strong>05</strong> to 29/10/20<strong>05</strong><br />

Komsomolsk-na-Amure<br />

5890 1230-1315 Sun 250 BVB 7380 1000-1100 250 YFR<br />

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy<br />

7400 1300-1400 250 RNW 7430 1000-1400 250 DWL<br />

9450 1200-1300 200 IBR 12065 1000-1100 250 RNW<br />

15140 0000-0100 250 DWL 15470 2030-2100 250 VOA<br />

(....) From 04/09/20<strong>05</strong> (Nikolay Rudnev, Belgorodskaya oblast)<br />

CIS Foreign relay via short wave txs of the countries of CIS.<br />

27/03/20<strong>05</strong> - 29/10/20<strong>05</strong><br />

Armenia / Gavar<br />

5855 1610-1740 100 TWR 5855 1810-1840 100 TWR<br />

7365 0030-0130 100 FEB 7550 2300-2400 500 RFA<br />

9365 0100-0300 500 RFA 11510 1500-1600 500 RFA<br />

11590 1100-1400 500 RFA 11975 1400-1500 100 VOA<br />

17485 0600-0700 500 RFA<br />

Moldova / Grigoriopol<br />

7360 2000-2200 500 TFR 7460 0230-0315 500 RPD<br />

7470 1500-1530 500 ARA 7480 1800-1845 500 RPD<br />

7490 1600-1645 500 FEB 11530 0400-1600 500 MEZ<br />

13800 1630-1715 500 RIN<br />

Kazakhstan / Almaty (Nikolaevka)<br />

5910 1430-1530 200 DVB 7115 2200-2300 500 DWL<br />

9355 1530-1600 Tue, Fri 200 VOO 11560 2330-0030 500 RFA<br />

11965 2330-0045 200 TWR 15350 0015-0115 200 TWR<br />

15670 1230-1330 200 RFA 17845 1000-1400 500 DWL<br />

Tajikistan / Yangi-Yul<br />

4760 0100-0200 100 RFE 4995 1400-1500 100 RFE<br />

5860 1400-1600 100 RFE 7295 0200-0300 100 RFE<br />

Tajikistan / Orzu<br />

5860 1900-2100 100 RFE 7365 1900-2000 200 RFE<br />

7465 1600-1700 200 FRA 7530 1800-2100 500 RFA<br />

7540 2300-2400 500 RFA 7540 1500-2200 500 RFA<br />

9350 0100-0200 200 RFA 9370 1600-1700 200 RFA<br />

9395 2300-2400 200 RFA 11520 0100-0200 200 RFA<br />

11535 1400-1500 200 RFA 11540 (9975) 2330-0030 200 RFA<br />

11540 0030-0130 200 RFA 11540 123001330 200 RFA<br />

13825 1500-1600 200 RFA 13830 1100-1400 200 RFA<br />

15695 0100-0300 200 RFA 17495 0300-0700 500 RFA<br />

17510 0600-0700 200 RFA 17525 0300-0700 500 RFA<br />

Ukraine / Nikolaev 7520 1600-1700 250 YFR<br />

Uzbekistan / Tashkent<br />

7355 0100-0300 100 VIL 7375 0030-0100 100 FEB<br />

7430 1500-1545 200 B<strong>BC</strong> 7485 1330-1530 100 BVB<br />

7510 1400-1500 200 YFR 9345 1400-1600 100 RNW<br />

9495 1700-1900 200 YFR 9855 1400-1700 100 VIL<br />

9865 1330-1445 200 B<strong>BC</strong> 120<strong>05</strong> 1230-1315 100 FEB<br />

12065 1300-1400 100 RNW 12065 1430-1600 100 VAT<br />

12070 0100-0400 100 VIL 13630 0400-1100 100 VIL<br />

13745 0100-0130 200 B<strong>BC</strong> 13765 1100-1400 100 VIL<br />

16mb* 1100-1148 100 VOT 16mb* 1212-1300 100 VOT<br />

16mb* 1302-1350 100 VOT 16mb* 1430-1518 100 VOT<br />

16mb* 1520-1608 100 VOT * Various freqs in the specified range

(...) From 04/09/20<strong>05</strong><br />

ARA - Arabic Radio B<strong>BC</strong> - British Broadcasting Corp.<br />

BVB - Bible Voice Broadcasting Network CRI - China Radio Int.<br />

DEG - Degar Voice DER - Dejen Radio<br />

DVB - Democratic Voice of Burma DWL - Deutsche Welle<br />

FEB - FEBA Radio IBR - IBRA Radio<br />

INR - Internews Radio / Salaam Watandar<br />

LBT - Voice of Liberty MEZ - Voice of Mesopotamia<br />

RFA - Radio Free Asia RFE - Radio Free Europe/Radio<br />

Liberty<br />

RFI - Radio France Internationale RHR - Radio Horyaal<br />

RIN - R. Anternacional RNW - Radio Ne<strong>der</strong>land Wereldompoep<br />

RPD - Radio Payam-e Doost RPR - Radio Prague<br />

TDP - TDP Radio TWR - Trans World Radio<br />

VAT - Radio Vaticana VIL - Voice Int.<br />

VKK - Voice of Khmer Krom VOA - Voice of America<br />

VOD - Voice of Delina VOL - Voice Voice of Oromo<br />

Liberation<br />

VOO -Voice of Orthodoxy VOT - Voice of Tibet<br />

VRT - Radio Vlaan<strong>der</strong>en Int. YFR - WYFR Family Radio<br />

(Nikolay Rudnev, Belgorodskaya oblast; RUSdx May 14)<br />

On 8 May 20<strong>05</strong> B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring observed Kabardino-Balkar Radio on 7325 kHz SW<br />

at 1730-1800, broadcasting its Kabardian-language external sce to the<br />

Middle East. The programme is aired only on Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday,<br />

on this freq and 1089 kHz MW, from txs near Krasnodar. Winter timings are<br />

one hour later according to UTC, and for the past few winters the SW freq<br />

has switched to 60<strong>05</strong> kHz. Kabardino-Balkaria is a constituent republic of<br />

the Russian Fe<strong>der</strong>ation, situated in the North Caucasus region in the south<br />

of the country. (B<strong>BC</strong> M 8 May 20<strong>05</strong> via dxld)<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring observed Radio Station Pacific Ocean on 12065 kHz SW at<br />

0835-0900 gmt on 9 May 20<strong>05</strong>. The programme is also broadcast on Primorye<br />

Radio (also known as "Radio 810") on 810 kHz mediumwave, which is streamed<br />

online from the web site of GTRK Primorye at <br />

Radio Station Pacific Ocean (Radiostantsiya Tikhy Okean) is a Russian- lang<br />

programme aimed at fishermen and other seafarers in the Pacific, produced<br />

by GTRK Primorye, the Vladivostok-based state broadcaster for Primorye Kray<br />

(Maritime Territory). It was first aired on 13 April 1963, broadcasting on<br />

mediumwave and several powerful SW txs. The SW txion was dropped in 2002<br />

however, returning on 17 April 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(B<strong>BC</strong> M 9 May 20<strong>05</strong>, via dxld)<br />

For your information. This just in: VOR, eff 25 May 20<strong>05</strong>, 0100-<strong>05</strong>00 UT,<br />

Drop 17660 (Vladivostok), Add 15555 kHz ([site] not listed)<br />

(George J. Poppin-CA-USA, dxld May 26)<br />

12065 R. Tikhiy Okean, May 22 through 26, *0835-0900*, Russian<br />

programming, many IDs for 'Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean,' seems to be mostly<br />

nx items and usually plays some nice Russian mx and folk songs. Fair-good.<br />

The sign-on annt is not the nice one they used in tests last Oct, that had<br />

Morse Code (CW), sound of seagulls and ships bell.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld May 26)<br />

Voice of Russia in English WS:<br />

1600-1700 on unregistered 11640, co-ch AWR in English till 1630.<br />

Summer schedule for Kamchatka Rybatskaya in Russian:<br />

2300-2400 Sat on 5910 P.K 100 kW / 250 deg and 11980 P.K 100 kW / 060 deg.<br />

New station via RUS tx - Tensae Ethiopian Voice of Unity:<br />

1500-1600 Sun on 15660 SAM 250 kW / 199 deg to EaAf in Amharic.

New station via RUS tx - Voice of Ethiopian National United Front:<br />

1700-1800 Fri/Sun on 12120 ARM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf in Amharic.<br />

Additional txion for WYFR via RUS tx:<br />

1000-1100 on 7380 K/A 250 kW / 178 deg in Japanese.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 18)<br />

RUSSIA and others. Find below locations of txs relaying various foreign<br />

sces from Moscow (i.e. Voice of Russia, Sodruzhestvo Channel and RIR):<br />

- 234, 864, 1314 - Yerevan, Armenia<br />

- 603 - Berlin, Germany<br />

- 612 - Moscow, Russia<br />

- 648, 801, 1251, 1503 - Dushanbe, Tajikistan<br />

- 693 - Oranienburg, Germany<br />

- 936 - Lviv, Ukraine<br />

- 972 - Mykolayiv, Ukraine / Dushanbe, Tajikistan<br />

- 999, 1548 - Chisinau, Moldova<br />

- 1026 - Novosibirsk, Russia<br />

- 1089 - Krasnodar, Russia<br />

- 1143 - Sovetsk (nr Kaliningrad), Russia / Dushanbe, Tajikistan<br />

- 1170 - Krasnodar, Russia / Mahileu, Belarus<br />

- 1215 - Sovetsk (nr Kaliningrad)<br />

- 1323 - Wachenbrunn, Germany / Dushanbe, Tajikistan<br />

- 1431 - Mykolayiv, Ukraine<br />

- 1494 - St.Petersburg, Russia.<br />

(Club <strong>DX</strong> No. 738 - Vadim Alekseyev-RUS; <strong>DX</strong>signal May 26)<br />

RUSSIA [to Somalia] 12130 after a long time<br />

again works. But R Horyaal audio still found solely on<br />

<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 21)<br />

SAUDI ARABIA 15380 / 21495 Buzzy ARS faulty tx noted at 0600-0900 UT on<br />

15380 kHz. And later that day (May 17th and 19th) on 21495 UT at 0900-1200<br />

UT.<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 17)<br />

SINGAPORE 6150 SNG FM 93.8 MHz relay on SW in English. 33333 at 1500-<br />

1600 UT.<br />

12045 1540 18 May SNG NHK R JPN Kranji, Jpn, 1500-1700 54444 WBM<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 17-19)<br />

7235 is now in clear co-ch QRM at 1500 UT and then: songs and adverts at<br />

1518 UT, 34443 on LSB due too strong QRM from DRM 7240. (Zacharias Liangas-<br />

GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 22)<br />

SUDAN 5895 R. Peace, Nuba Mountains, 0317-0322* UT on May 13, Arabic<br />

talk to 0322 carrier off on clear frequency. It was missing on May 14, no<br />

ID but cannot be anything else, fair. (Martien Groot-HOL, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W May 18)<br />

Reported at 0230-0400, 1600-1745 UT.<br />

SWEDEN Right now and the following three weeks ahead, Teracom Sweden<br />

tests DRM txion on 5910 kHz, between 0800 and 1200 UT. Reception reports<br />

are welcome to<br />

<br />

They are coming in well here in middle of Sweden right now with a SNR: 17-<br />

21 dB signal on my Digital world traveller receiver and a 5m wire antenna!<br />

(Bernt-Ivan Holmberg-SWE, hcdx May 24)

SWITZERLAND The popularity of the original Two Bobs recording for<br />

Switzerland in Sound has proved so popular, that Bob Thomann and I have<br />

just recorded a second, one-hour installment, in which we discuss some of<br />

the classic technical issues in SW including propagation, antennas,<br />

receivers, and reducing man-made and natural interference. You are the<br />

first to be informed of this news, and that we expect this new material to<br />

be available on the website from Wed, May 25th. It will remain available<br />

for an indefinite period. I appreciate the publicity you have given SIS in<br />

the past, and ask you for your help in spreading this latest news.<br />

Robert "Bob" Zanotti, foun<strong>der</strong> and editor, Switzerland in Sound, "radio on<br />

demand" <br />

Switzerland in Sound, 3507 Biglen, Switzerland. (Bob Zanotti-SUI, dxld May<br />

21)<br />

SYRIA R. Damascus, 9330, *20<strong>05</strong>-2210* May 7, English sign-on with sked,<br />

nx programs, local mx. Very weak, barely audible un<strong>der</strong> a strong W<strong>BC</strong>Q, which<br />

is in reduced carrier LSB. Much better on \\ 12085. 9330 not a good freq<br />

for Syria.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld May 14)<br />

Monitored schedule of Radio Damascus(time vary):<br />

1000-1300 Arabic 12085, ex 13610 for A-04<br />

1600-1700 Turkish 9330, ex 13610 for A-04<br />

1700-1800 Russian 9330, ex 13610 for A-04<br />

18<strong>05</strong>-19<strong>05</strong> German 9330, ex 13610 for A-04 \\ 12085<br />

19<strong>05</strong>-20<strong>05</strong> French 9330, ex 13610 for A-04 \\ 12085<br />

20<strong>05</strong>-21<strong>05</strong> English 9330, ex 13610 for A-04 \\ 12085<br />

2110-2210 English 9330, ex 13610 for A-04 \\ 12085<br />

2215-2315 Arabic 9330, ex 13610 for A-04 \\ 12085<br />

2320-0030 Spanish 9330, ex 13610 for A-04 \\ 12085<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 18)<br />

TAIWAN Radio Taiwan International see also un<strong>der</strong> Germany.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 10)<br />

11940, TWBM-Trans World B/Cing Ministry, religious stn in Mandarin, 1300-<br />

1400 every day since April, prgm named "Youth Left No Regret" (in Mandarin<br />

"Qingchun Bu Liubai") during that hour. Calls itself "Trans World," which<br />

makes us think of TWR; KTWR via Guam uses a Mandarin ID as "Huanqiu Guangbo<br />

Diantai." New stn's Mandarin ID is "Huanqiu Guangbo" which is equal to<br />

"Trans World B/Cing." Now there is no proof that the two have direct<br />

relations. TWBM appears to have HQ in California and an office in<br />

Kaohsiung, Taiwan, and buys SW xmtng time from CBS. Its sked: 11940, 1300-<br />

1400, Mandarin, Taipei (via CBS facilities), 100 kw. See<br />

<br />

(Eric Zhou-CHN, <strong>DX</strong>ing.info; <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 15)<br />

11940 - A religious radio station broadcasting in Mandarin called "TWBM -<br />

Trans World Broadcasting Ministry" has occupied this freq between 1300 and<br />

1400 every day since April. The station broadcasts a program named "Youth<br />

Left No Regret" (in Mandarin the program's name is "Qingchun Bu Liubai")<br />

during that hour.<br />

It is interesting that the new station on SW also calls itself "Trans World<br />

Broadcasting", which makes us think of the famous TWR - Trans World Radio.<br />

As we know, KTWR via Guam i.e. KTWR uses a Mandarin radio ID "Huanqiu<br />

Guangbo Diantai".<br />

The new station's Mandarin ID is "Huanqiu Guangbo" which is equal to "Trans<br />

World Broadcasting". Now there is no proof that the two "Trans World<br />

Broadcastings" have direct relations. TWBM appears to have an HQ in<br />

California, USA and an office in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

TWBM buys SW transmitting time from CBS and its schedule is: TWBM, 11940,<br />

1300-1400, Mandarin, Taipei (via CBS facilities), 100 kW.<br />

See (Eric Zhou-CHN, via dxing.info, via dswci <strong>DX</strong>W May<br />

18)<br />

11939.97 May 26 1301-1359 CHN (non): Trans World Broadcasting Ministry via<br />

Taipei. Thanks to Eric Zhou tip. Some QRM from Voice of Turkey. Announced<br />

web page (instead of the correct .com), which led to a more<br />

secular page than expected.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, hcdx May 27)<br />

TOGO 5047 1935 23 May TGO R Togo French, talks 23222 WBM<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 14-28)<br />

TUNISIA All RTT Sfax SW Arabic bcs now one hour earlier, than in WRTH<br />

Spring PDF update. Please inform Mauno in FIN. Except the changes: 1300-<br />

1600 UT 11950, 1600-2300 7190, 1300-1500 11730 UT.<br />

963 kHz mediumwave - All entries in WRTH Updater are correct, except<br />

foreign lang sections start with a xx.00-xx.03 newscast in French, followed<br />

by short mx song, and foreign langs start at abour xx.06-xx.59 hrs. Ge at<br />

0806, En 1206, It 1306, Sp 1806, French 0400-2358 UT. (wb-m, touring<br />

Baleares Isls, Spain May 17-19)<br />

All txions of RTTunisia in Arabic moved one hour earlier as follows<br />

1100-1500 (ex 1200-1600) 17735 SFA 500 kW / 100 deg to EaAf<br />

1100-1500 (ex 1200-1600) 15450 SFA 500 kW / 100 deg to EaAf<br />

0100-0400 (ex 0200-<strong>05</strong>00) 120<strong>05</strong> SFA 500 kW / 100 deg to EaAf<br />

1500-2000 (ex 1600-2100) 120<strong>05</strong> SFA 500 kW / 100 deg to EaAf<br />

1300-1600 (ex 1400-1700) 11950 SFA 500 kW / 265 deg to NoAf<br />

1300-1500 (ex 1400-1600) 11730 SFA 500 kW / 340 deg to WeEu<br />

0100-0400 (ex 0200-<strong>05</strong>00) 9720 SFA 500 kW / 100 deg to EaAf<br />

1500-2000 (ex 1600-2100) 9720 SFA 500 kW / 100 deg to EaAf<br />

0300-0600 (ex 0400-0700) 7275 SFA 500 kW / 340 deg to WeEu<br />

1500-2200 (ex 1600-2300) 7225 SFA 500 kW / 340 deg to WeEu<br />

0300-0600 (ex 0400-0700) 7190 SFA 500 kW / 265 deg to NoAf<br />

1600-2200 (ex 1600-2300) 7190 SFA 500 kW / 265 deg to NoAf<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 18)<br />

TURKEY 243 longwave. An UNID continues interval signal noted in 1645-1700<br />

UT range. Gong, harp, piano tones IS over and over again, S=2, into Turkish<br />

annmt at 1700 UT. Seemingly TRT Erzurum site. (wb-m, touring Baleares Isls,<br />

Spain May 17/19)<br />

UGANDA 4976 1920 22 May UGA R Uganda Swahili, Church sermon 33333 WBM<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 14-28)<br />

UNID 96<strong>05</strong> heavy faulty tx splatter, I guess from Asia, occured on May 17-<br />

18, in 9597-9624 kHz range, at 1600-1800 UT. (wb-m, touring Baleares Isls,<br />

Spain May 17-18)<br />

4915 1940 23 May KEN ? K<strong>BC</strong> Nairobi ? tentat, Vernac, Biafra ment. 22222<br />

WBM<br />

4930 1932 22 May TKM ? Turkmen R Asgabat ? (tentat) songs 22332<br />

WBM<br />

4930 Namibia ??, at 2000 UT in English.<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 14-28)<br />

U.A.E. New txion via VT Communications - Eternal Good News:<br />

1130-1145 Fri 15525 DHA 250 kW / 100 deg to SoAs in English.<br />

New txions for TWR Africa via VT Communications:<br />

1300-1315 Fri/Sat 13745 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to WeAf in Arabic.

New schedule for Radio Ndeke Luka via VT Communications:<br />

1830-1930 11760 DHA 250 kW / 245 deg to CeAf in French/Singo, x1730-1930.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 27)<br />


Mark Savage reports on B<strong>DX</strong>C's second visit to SW (shortwave) in the SW<br />

(south west).<br />

Fair weather, a welcome lack of April showers and a light breeze were the<br />

pleasant accompaniment for the second and final (for now) B<strong>DX</strong>C trip to the<br />

famous Rampisham tx in the heart of Thomas Hardy's Wessex on April 16th.<br />

Among those visiting on this occasion were David Shore, Mark Savage, David<br />

Duckworth, Paul Walton, Henry Brice, David Ansell and Bob Marchant.<br />

Following on from Alan Pennington's very informative report on the first<br />

trip last month, a couple of interesting facts about the site's huge power<br />

requirements came out of this visit. Currently, Rampisham is fed by two 21<br />

kilovolt supplies from different parts of the local electricity<br />

distribution network, enabling the easy tripping in of an alternative feed<br />

should one supply be lost for any reason.<br />

Although as Alan mentioned last month, it's a surprise such an important<br />

facility has no back up generators at present, its height would make it an<br />

excellent location for a windfarm. Indeed, it could even produce enough<br />

electricity to sell back to the national grid perhaps. Admittedly not to<br />

everyone's aesthetic taste, it could be argued that a huge field of thirty<br />

metal towers is already an eyesore, so a few revolving white windmills<br />

would hardly be noticeable. This might be one way of safeguarding the<br />

site's future in these uncertain times for HF txion.<br />

Our guide on this occasion was Graham Crooks, a Senior Transmission<br />

Engineer at Rampisham who trained un<strong>der</strong> the old B<strong>BC</strong> regime so has a wealth<br />

of experience of txion technology old and new. Before the welcome cuppa<br />

ended the afternoon, our tour took us again to the office and a DRM<br />

demonstration, this time using an 11 megs freq I believe. The sound<br />

quality, even at a low sampling rate around 20 kbps and through a tiny<br />

desktop speaker, impressed even the DRM doubters immensely!<br />

With so much RF and EHT mains circulating through this fortress of txion,<br />

Graham is a man with a very responsible job. A potentially dangerous<br />

occupation in times past, safety is now paramount at txs, so we had few<br />

concerns during our fascinating three hour look behind the scenes of one of<br />

Britain's key SW facilities. Having said that, it's normally only at an<br />

airport security check you get asked if you have any metal parts in your<br />

body before being allowed entry!<br />

Rampisham, as well as being set in one of the most beautiful parts of<br />

Britain, is a fine historical remin<strong>der</strong> of years of sterling sce to free<br />

speech in times of tension. Thanks again go to Mike Terry for arranging<br />

these rare opportunities to go "on air" side, and to all at VT Merlin<br />

Communications for making our visits so worthwhile.<br />

(May Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK "Communication" magazine)<br />

Both via Woofferton-UK:<br />

15145 SW R.Africa May 04 *1600-1621 35333 English, 1600 sign on, SJ at<br />

1600, African pops mx, ID at 1607, Talk.<br />

15145 SW R.Africa May 09 *1559-1610 35333 English, 1559 sign on with Music,<br />

SJ at 1600, ID at 1601, Song. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium May 13)<br />

17700 R.Solh May 04 1328-1343 25432 Dari and Pushto, Ahganistan mx, ID at<br />


17700 R.Solh May 09 1302-1312 34433 Dari and Pushto, Afganistan mx, ID at<br />

13<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium May 13)<br />

U.K./DIVERSE Freqs changes for FEBA Radio:<br />

1400-1415 Daily in English; 1415-1500 Sun-Tue/Thu/Fri in Urdu;<br />

1415-1515 Wed/Sat in Urdu; 1500-1515 Tue in Punjabi;<br />

1500-1515 Sun/Mon/Thu/Fri in Balti NF 9500 NVS 250 kW / 195 deg, x9495<br />

1630-1700 Daily in Amharic NF 9865 DHA 250 kW / 230 deg, x9885<br />

1700-1800 Daily in Somali/Tigrina NF 9865 KIG 250 kW / 030 deg, x9885<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 18)<br />

Additional txion for B<strong>BC</strong> in Burmese: 0930-1000 Sun 9760, 12045, 15545<br />

Additional txion for B<strong>BC</strong> in Nepali: 0100-0115 Daily 9800 and 12035<br />

New time and freqs for B<strong>BC</strong> in Kazakh:<br />

1300-1330 Mon-Fri 15430 and 17695, x1200-1230 Mon-Fri 15535 and 17660.<br />

New schedule for B<strong>BC</strong> in Ukrainian:<br />

0400-<strong>05</strong>00 Mon-Fri 9560, 9895, 11770<br />

1400-1430 Sat/Sun 9585, 11935, 13645 >> ex Daily<br />

1600-1700 Sat/Sun 9535, 11740, 13670 >> ex Daily<br />

1900-2000 Mon-Fri 96<strong>05</strong>, 11985, 13745 >> new txion<br />

New station via VT Communications - Salama Radio International:<br />

1930-2030 Wed/Sun 11885 WOF 300 kW / 180 deg to Nigeria in Hausa/English<br />

New schedule for Radio Ndeke Luka via VT Communications:<br />

1830-1930 15470 WOF 300 kW / 152 deg to CeAf in French/Singo, cancelled.<br />

Wales Radio International cancelled all txions via VT Communications:<br />

2030-2100 Fri 5875 SKN 300 kW / 110 deg to WeEu in English<br />

0200-0230 Sat 9795 RMP 500 kW / 300 deg to NoAm in English<br />

1230-1300 Sat 17745 RMP 500 kW / 062 deg to AUS in English<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 27)<br />

USA 15785 1900 22 May USA WHRI Cypress Creek, En, Catholic priest, 42442<br />

WBM.<br />

Terrible frequ selection of private broadcaster registration on US-FCC, due<br />

of heavy QRM against military station Galei Zahal ISR in 1700-2000 UT span.<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 14-28)<br />

At the height of the Second World War, on Feb. 24, 1942, a new radio<br />

station went on the air in New York City. Using txs borrowed from the B<strong>BC</strong>,<br />

the station began its first broadcast in German, saying: "Here speaks a<br />

voice from America. . .<br />

<br />

(Palm Beach Post, Sat, 21 May via Sheldon Harvey, dxld May 25)<br />

USA/DIVERSE Updated schedule for VOA's "Bor<strong>der</strong> Crossings" in English Mon-<br />

Fri:<br />

1500-1600 7125 UDO 250 kW / 284 deg to As/Pac<br />

9580 IRA 250 kW / 356 deg to As/Pac >> addit freq<br />

9825 KAV 250 kW / 095 deg to Eu/ME<br />

9850 SAO 100 kW / 138 deg to WeCeAf<br />

13690 IRA 250 kW / 049 deg to As/Pac >> addit freq<br />

151<strong>05</strong> UDO 250 kW / 272 deg to As/Pac >> addit freq<br />

15195 BIB 100 kW / 085 deg to Eu/ME<br />

15445 LAM 100 kW / 077 deg to Eu/ME<br />

15580 BOT 100 kW / 350 deg to CeSoAf<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 18)

Freq change for Voice of America in Bangla:<br />

1600-1700 NF 7430 and 11835, ex 7280 and 11965<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 27)<br />

VATICAN STATE Vatican Radio Electromagnetic Smog Within Limits.<br />

<br />

Yesterday afternoon a joint communique was released from the bilateral<br />

commission between the Holy See and Italy studying the question of the<br />

quantity of electromagnetic smog allegedly emitted by Vatican Radio at its<br />

transmitting station outside of Rome at Santa Maria di Galeria. The<br />

commission had met on May 16 to seek a solution linked to the problems of<br />

the intensity of these emissions.<br />

The communique stated that "the commission examined the results of the<br />

measuring done in recent months by Italian experts of the National Agency<br />

for the Protection of the Environment, by the regional agency for Lazio and<br />

by the Ministry of Communications, and ascertained that, in all sites<br />

observed, the levels of emission were maintained in conformity with the<br />

quality control objectives indicated by the DPCM (Decree of the Presidency<br />

of the Council of Ministers) of July 8, 2003, and thus the continuation of<br />

commitments reciprocally assumed with the Accord of June 8, 2001."<br />

The monitoring of emissions will continue and new tests will be done in<br />

September and October. As to a definitive solution to the problem of the<br />

intensity of electromagnetic waves produced at the Santa Maria<br />

installation, the commission noted with pleasure the work un<strong>der</strong>way to adapt<br />

or convert several of the radio's medium and short wave transmitters to<br />

terrestrial digital technology which, once finished, would allow Vatican<br />

Radio to broadcast its programs with a lower emission power and with a<br />

better broadcast quality. (via Artie Bigley, dxld May 19)<br />

Italien und Heiliger Stuhl einmuetig ueber RV-Emissionen. Radio Vatikan<br />

haelt sich in <strong>der</strong> Strahlenbelastung an die italienischen Normen. Das hat<br />

heute die gemischte Staat-Kirche-Kommission festgestellt. Der Papstsen<strong>der</strong><br />

sei regelmaessig beobachtet worden. Er respektiere wie vereinbart den<br />

Schutz <strong>der</strong> Bevoelkerung. Der Staat nimmt mit Befriedigung zur Kenntnis,<br />

dass Radio Vatikan am Uebergang zu Digitalausstrahlung arbeite. Die<br />

gemischte Kommission vereinbarte bei ihrer Sitzung am 16 Mai, im Herbst<br />

weitere Messungen <strong>der</strong> Strahlenbelastung durchzufuehren. Die Vatikanische<br />

Delegation wurde von Untersekretaer <strong>der</strong> Aussenabteilung, Pietro Parolin<br />

geleitet.<br />

(rv, Vatican Radio NL, May 18; via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt)<br />

Zwei Leiter von Radio Vatikan sind am 9. Mai 20<strong>05</strong> wegen angeblich<br />

gesundheits gefaehrden<strong>der</strong> Sendeanlagen in Santa Maria di Galeria verurteilt<br />

worden. Die Anlage im Norden Roms habe jahrelang ueber dem Grenzwert<br />

liegende Strahlenmengen an die Umwelt abgegeben. Wegen Umweltverschmutzung<br />

sind daher <strong>der</strong> Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende, Kardinal Roberto Tucci, und<br />

Generaldirektor P. Pasquale Borgomeo zu zehn Tagen Haft auf Bewaehrung<br />

verurteilt worden. Ausserdem muss Radio Vatikan die Prozesskosten - etwa<br />

25.000 Euro - tragen sowie Entschaedigung an die betroffene Bevoelkerung<br />

zahlen.<br />

Da beide nicht vorbestraft sind, werden sie die Strafe nicht absitzen<br />

muessen. Die Klaeger reagierten empoert auf das Strafmass. Italiens<br />

Umweltminister Altero Matteoli aeusserte sich dagegen zufrieden, "dass <strong>der</strong><br />

Fall zu einem Ende gekommen ist".<br />

( 9. Mai 20<strong>05</strong><br />

via Karl Michael Gierich-D, ntt May 13)

Der Prozess, <strong>der</strong> im Dezember 2001 gestartet wurde, wird in weitere Runden<br />

gehen. Zwar ist das Strafmass symbolisch, doch das Urteil ist ein<br />

Praezedenzfall. Erstmals wurden leitende Mitglie<strong>der</strong> einer vatikanischen<br />

Einrichtung verurteilt. Pater Fe<strong>der</strong>ico Lombardi, <strong>der</strong> Programmdirektor von<br />

Radio Vatikan, erklaerte dazu: "Wie wir schon seit vielen Jahren immer<br />

wie<strong>der</strong> erklaert haben, hat sich Radio Vatikan immer an die bestehenden<br />

Vereinbarungen mit dem Staat Italien gehalten und hat auch die<br />

internationalen Abmachungen respektiert, die Elektrosmog betreffen - das<br />

alles schon, bevor es einen italienischen Grenzwert ueberhaupt gab.<br />

Seit 2001 halten wir uns, einem Vertrag mit Italien entsprechend, an den<br />

neuen Grenzwert, wie alle Messungen ergeben. Da dieser Grenzwert ziemlich<br />

restriktiv ist, gibt es fuer die Bevoelkerung keinen Grund zu Beunruhigung.<br />

Wir vertrauen darauf, dass die italienische Justiz schliesslich doch noch<br />

erkennen wird, dass wir uns korrekt verhalten haben. Damit wird sie die<br />

Wolken verscheuchen, die ihren guten Ruf jetzt schon zu lange verduestern<br />

und die in <strong>der</strong> Bevoelkerung zu ungerechtfertigten Aengsten gefuehrt haben."<br />

(Radio Vatikan, 10. Mai 20<strong>05</strong>; ntt May 13)<br />

Wie Pater von Gemmingen, <strong>der</strong> Leiter des deutschen Programms kommentierte:<br />

vor 4-5 Jahrzehnten war RV dort draussen mit seinen sen<strong>der</strong>n fuer sich<br />

allein. Spaeter hat sich dort in <strong>der</strong> Naehe von S.Maria de Galaria ein<br />

Wohnungsbau entwickelt. Das kennt man von deutschen Fluglaermgegnern, die<br />

auch erst billig in die Naehe <strong>der</strong> Einflugschneise bauen, und dann den Staat<br />

auf Laermmin<strong>der</strong>ung und Schutzmassnahmen verklagen.<br />

Bei <strong>der</strong> unberechenbaren ital. Justiz in den hoeheren Instanzen sind noch<br />

weitere Ueberraschungen zu erwarten. Vor zwei Jahren wurden die Statistiken<br />

von Leukaemiefaellen rund um den Sen<strong>der</strong> schon wi<strong>der</strong>legt.<br />

Wie sieht es eigentlich in Holzkirchen aus? Koennen die kranken Anwohner<br />

jetzt wie<strong>der</strong> ruhig schlafen?<br />

In Ismaning gibt es an die 8 Reihenhaeuser <strong>der</strong> Techniker mit ihren<br />

Familienmitglie<strong>der</strong>n direkt unter dem MW Sen<strong>der</strong> 801 kHz, und das seit dem<br />

Jahr 1931. (wb, May 14)<br />

A recent issue of Amateur Radio Newsline featured a report stating that<br />

"ham radio may be disappearing from the Vatican" as HV1CN, HV5PUL and HV3SJ<br />

are "all inactive"; as for the station located at the North American<br />

College, rumours were that "it was going to be dismantled because there<br />

were problems".<br />

A few days ago, in a joint press release Luciano Blasi, I0JBL and Francesco<br />

Valsecchi, IK0FVC (chief operator at HV4NAC and HV0A) stated that it "is<br />

true that some stations have been closed due either of restructurings or<br />

OM's SK"; however "since 1992, we manage and maintain the station installed<br />

in the Pontifical North American College (HV4NAC and HV0A), continuously on<br />

the air, logging at least 70.000 QSOs, all bands, all mode". The latest<br />

operations from HV0A took place in April to celebrate the election of pope<br />

Benedictus XVI. QSL via IK0FVC<br />

(425 <strong>DX</strong> Nx via Dave Raycroft, O<strong>DX</strong>A via dxld May 21)<br />

VIETNAM R Dien Bien has received on new freq of 6442v kHz. This station<br />

s/on around 1200 UT and news? at 1230. Recorded audio sample was:<br />

<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, JPNpremium, May 28)<br />

ZAMBIA 4910 1935 22 May ZMB ZN<strong>BC</strong> Lusaka Vernac, comment 33333 WBM<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 14-28)

ZIMBABWE I have been reading media reports that SW Radio Africa is going<br />

to shut down if pledges by donors are not honoured.<br />

This honestly cannot be allowed to happen. The fact that Robert Mugabe's<br />

regime invested over œ30 million in two Chinese built txs at Thornhill<br />

Airbase to block their broadcasts into Zimbabwe speaks volumes about their<br />

effectiveness. It is testimony to how threatened they felt over the<br />

station's uncensored, free-flowing broadcasts.<br />

(...)<br />

This is what makes SW Radio Africa clearly effective. Their Shortwave<br />

transmissions are reaching people in the rural areas and really fostering a<br />

change of allegiance in the mentality of the rural people. Mugabe always<br />

does his home work, and reports were filtering in that the station founded<br />

in September 2001 has in the past four years been steadily penetrating the<br />

rural areas while simultaneously updating the urban dwellers on daily<br />

breaking news. If as is being predicted, the station is closed down, what<br />

hope does Zimbabwe have?<br />

(...)<br />

With two jamming devices installed by Mugabe, SW Radio Africa has to<br />

broadcast on at least three or more freqs to reach Zimbabweans. This,<br />

broadcasting fundis will tell you is a very costly exercise requiring close<br />

to hundreds of thousands of pounds. Although I un<strong>der</strong>stand they can still<br />

broadcast on Medium Wave which is not currently being jammed, I am assuming<br />

their money has already been exhausted by the multiple freq broadcasts<br />

courtesy of the Chinese intervention.<br />

See: <br />

Bhebhe is in the Media Studies Department at the John Moore University in<br />

Liverpool.<br />


(Rita Bhebhe-UK, via Mike Terry-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK May 27)<br />

REPORT FROM THE E<strong>DX</strong>C CONFERENCE 20<strong>05</strong> [illustrated]<br />

Please read my report with photos on direct link:<br />

<br />

DSWCI 50th ANNIVERSARY AGM, May 4-7, 2006<br />

The DSWCI reaches 50. In 2006 we can celebrate the 50 years Jubilee of our<br />

Club. At the Annual General Meeting in 2004, it was decided to have this<br />

celebration in connection with our Annual General Meeting. Later on it has<br />

been decided by our Board that this will be held during four days on the<br />

4th to 7th of May 2006 at the beach resort of Vejers near the westernmost<br />

point of Denmark.<br />

We have reserved the Scout camp Vardeborg which offers many, but primitive<br />

accomodation facilities. But it also offers excellent noise- free <strong>DX</strong>conditions<br />

with nearly no limits for drawing antennas in the sand dunes<br />

along the North Sea. A limited number of better accomodation is available<br />

at the two small hotels in that village. Furthermore there is a nearby<br />

camping site and possibilities of renting bungalows.<br />

We are right now preparing a large programme of activities which include:<br />

* A <strong>DX</strong>-Camp at Vardeborg from Thursday afternoon throughout till Sunday<br />

morning.<br />

* A cultural tour on the Friday to the town of Varde including an Danish<br />

painting exhibition.

* Various historical exhibitions and publications about the DSWCI are<br />

planned.<br />

* The Annual General Meeting Saturday morning.<br />

* Some of the foun<strong>der</strong>s and old-timers will be invited.<br />

* Various <strong>DX</strong>-related lectures Saturday afternoon<br />

* Special <strong>DX</strong>-broadcasts.<br />

* A Jubilee Dinner Saturday evening.<br />

More details, including participation fee, later on.<br />

Also non-member <strong>DX</strong>-ers and broadcasters are welcome.<br />

Please make your own reservations of accommodation at:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

See you there ! Best 73, The DSWCI Board<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN via Dario Monferini-I, dxld May 20)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 18)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Apr 22)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 23)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, JPNpremium, May 28)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium May 13)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 14)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 10)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 714 03 June 20<strong>05</strong><br />

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ARMENIA 1377 Acc. to Voice of Russia (VOR) information distributed in<br />

VOR's "Klub <strong>DX</strong>" programme, the VOR's Russian service "Sodruzhestvo" is<br />

carried for listeners in the Caucasus region 1600-1900 via a 600 kW<br />

transmitter in Armenia on 1377 kHz since the middle of May. This would be<br />

from the high power site in Gavar. The frequency 1377 was formerly used for<br />

Armenian Radio by a 25 kW transmitter in Sisian.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx June 3)<br />

AUSTRALIA 4835 kHz VL8A, Alice Springs NT, noted quite late on 13 May,<br />

viz. 2231-2236, English, talks (news?); 35321 but mixed with a kind of tone<br />

signal like the one R.Australia used to inject immediately prior to its IS.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 16)<br />

AUSTRIA 11815d Three logs of DRM txions from Moosbrunn, Austria, by<br />

three local/regional domestic UK broadcasters. I assume that they see DRM<br />

as a possible route to reach audiences they aren't reaching with their<br />

local analog and DAB txions. I suspect that this kind of one hop semi-local<br />

broadcasting may in fact be where DRM can succeed (unlike worldwide<br />

international broadcasts, where I believe its chances of success are far<br />

less likely). There's also some effort to make the 26 MHz band a de facto<br />

local ground wave broadcast band for DRM, according to a presentation at<br />

the US DRM consortium meeting in Washington a few weeks ago. It'll be<br />

interesting to see if that catches on.<br />

0900-1100 Daily NF 11815 MOS <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 295 deg to WeEu Asian Sound, x9815

1100-1300 Daily NF 11815 MOS <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 295 deg to WeEu Classic Gold, x9815<br />

1300-1400 Daily NF 11815 MOS <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 295 deg to WeEu Premier Radio, x9815<br />

11815D Asian Sound 5/28 09<strong>05</strong> ID in English, Indian dance mx, time check for<br />

10 after 10, "Thanks for joining us on the Asian Sound Network", local<br />

freqs given for Manchester, DAB, no mention of DRM; , then repeating the<br />

same information in Urdu, seemingly aimed at Pakistani community; web site<br />

www.asiansoundradio.co.uk, taking calls in a few mins at phone number 0161<br />

288 2000 to sell items over radio station, more mx, swap shop phone calls<br />

with listeners, canned ID by American voice "Asian Sound Radio, the best in<br />

Asian mx, time after time", greeting to phone callers is "Asalaam alaikum".<br />

Overmodulated audio during actualities (DJ needs to turn down the mic<br />

volume); very few dropouts, 17.54 kbps, some of the best reception I've had<br />

from a European DRM station, tag lines include "This is Asian Sound<br />

broadcasting on DRM across the UK" and "Asian Sound Radio - No1 Asian Radio<br />

Station in the North West".<br />

11815D Classic Gold 5/28 1208 oldies pop mx, Van Morrison "Brown Eyed<br />

Girl", "Love Train"; unlistenable, only about 20% audio, constantly<br />

breaking up, S/N ratio about 10 dB; much worse than same freq and site only<br />

3 hours earlier; much better to listen online at<br />

<br />

11815D Premier 5/28 1301 ID plate coming through, S/N ratio 6-8 dB, but<br />

very little audio.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 29)<br />

BELGIUM [non]. GERMANY. Belgian Radio Maeva suspends SW broadcasts.<br />

The Belgian commercial station Radio Maeva has decided to suspend its<br />

Saturday SW broadcasts on 6015 kHz following the annt that the right-wing<br />

political party Vlaams Belang was beginning its own DRM service on Sundays<br />

using the same frequency. However, according to reports today's broadcast<br />

by Vlaams Belang, scheduled at 0900-1100 UTC, did not take place.<br />

According to Eric Hofmann of Maeva, writing in his Weblog, Maeva had<br />

reached a personal agreement with Jurgen Verstrepen, presenter of the<br />

programme "ZwartofWit" (Black or White) to use the freq as long as Maeva<br />

was not using it, but that he would move to another freq when Maeva started<br />

broadcasting daily. But Maeva was not aware that the programme was to be<br />

broadcast un<strong>der</strong> the auspices of Vlaams Belang.<br />

Maeva says it does not want to be associated with Vlaams Belang, and is<br />

therefore suspending its own programmes on 6015 kHz. Next Thursday, there<br />

is a Maeva board meeting, and until then no further nx is to be expected.<br />

Hofmann says Maeva will return to SW very soon. Time, freq and partners are<br />

un<strong>der</strong> consi<strong>der</strong>ation. When the station returns, details will be published on<br />

the website.<br />

Hoffman says he believes it's a waste of time asking the Germans to<br />

prohibit the broadcasts of Vlaams Belang, as they will simply switch to a<br />

transmitter in another country. In any case, he says, Vlaams Belang is not<br />

doing anything illegal, simply broadcasting political material that many<br />

people find distasteful.<br />

29 May 20<strong>05</strong><br />

(RNW MN NL, via Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 30)<br />

Vlaams Belang was due to broadcast the programme Black or White for 2 hours<br />

Sundays via Rampisham in DRM Mode early June. The original plan was to<br />

broadcast via Julich on 6015 but this was cancelled. Radio Maeva had said<br />

that they would suspend their broadcast if Vlaams Belang used the<br />

frequency. Programme host Jurgen Versterpen denied the programme is a<br />

propaganda outlet for the extreme right and said that an advance copy of<br />

the programme has been sent to the txion provi<strong>der</strong> in the UK. (RNW MN NL)

Vlaams Belang is Flan<strong>der</strong>s largest political party. It is right wing and<br />

supports Flan<strong>der</strong>s secession from Belgium. In November the Belgian Supreme<br />

Court upheld a decision deeming Vlaams Block racist opening its members up<br />

to prosecution. It was formally disbanded and reorganised as Vlaams Belang.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C 'Contact' June edition)<br />

That's the 6015 flap, to come from Rampisham starting Sunday June 5. (gh,<br />

dxld)<br />

BOLIVIA 4796.5 R.Mallku, Uyuni, logged on 27 May at 2246-2253 UT,<br />

Vernacular, messages (tent), reports; 24331.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves, SW coast, Portugal, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 30)<br />

BRAZIL 3365.1 R Cultura, Araraquara SP, logged on 13 May 2151-2157,<br />

f/ball news, advts, TCs, songs; 23441, uty. QRM.<br />

3375 R Educadora, Guajara Mirim RO, 13 May 2153-2200*, religious prgr,<br />

ID+fqs (\\ 1260 kHz) prior to s/off; 55433 but with noisy audio.<br />

4754.1 R Educacao Rural, Cpo Grande MS, 14 May 2121-2132, infos & talks;<br />

24331.<br />

4765 R Emissora Rural, Santaram PA, 13 May 2313-2324, talks, folk songs;<br />

55444 but noisy audio.<br />

4815 R Difa, Londrina PR, 13 May 2232-2246, Voz do Brasil, part 2 (Jornal<br />

do Senado); 55433.<br />

4825 R Educadora, Braganca PA, 13 May 2317-2329, nx & infos, annts, prgr<br />

anns. for Saturday, e.g. prgr "Tribuna Livre"; 54444.<br />

4865 R Verdes Florestas (tent), Cruzo do Sul AC, 14 May 2118-2156,<br />

religious prgr; 35332 at best, deteriorating and with increasing QRM de<br />

BOL, dominant by 2150.<br />

4885 R Club do Para, Belem PA, 13 May 2216-..., Voz do Brasil, end of part<br />

1; 55433.<br />

4945 Emissora Rural (tent), Petrolina PE, 13 May 2211-2221, Voz do Brasil,<br />

part 1; 54433.<br />

5045 R Guaruja Paulista via R Presidente Prudente, SP, 14 May 2123-2147,<br />

advertisements, feature "Tempo Mo<strong>der</strong>no"; 45332.<br />

5969.7 R Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, 14 May 2236-..., f/ball match rpt.;<br />

23441, adjc QRM.<br />

6010.2 R Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, 14 May 2230-2245, f/ball match<br />

rpt; 53442, adjc QRM only.<br />

6040 R Club Parananese, Curitiba PR, 14 May 2226-2239, f/ball match rpt.;<br />

54433.<br />

6080 R Novas de Paz (tent), Curitiba PR, 14 May 2223-2234, preacher;<br />

43442, adjc QRM and BOL 6080 kHz.<br />

6150 R Record, Sao Paulo SP, 14 May, f/ball match report, 2nd half, advts;<br />

43442 co-ch (SNG?) and adjc QRM.<br />

6160 R RGS (t), Pto Alegre RS, 14 May 2214-2219, religious prgr; 33431.<br />

9504.9 R Record, Sao Paulo SP, 14 may 2138-2149, f/ball match rpt., advts;<br />

54444 which is an unsual rating for quite some time.

9530 R Nova Visao, Sta Ma RS, 14 May 2140-2152, religious songs; 54444,<br />

adjc QRM only.<br />

9615 R Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 2144-2157, Braz. ballads, with a few<br />

denoting some Braz. Indian influence in the tunes; 54443, adjc QRM only.<br />

9630 R Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 14 May 2150-2158, songs in prgr "Som<br />

Sertanejo", promo for "Club dos Socios da Radio Aparecida"; 55444.<br />

9645 R Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 14 May 2152-..., f/ball match report;<br />

42441, adjc QRM only.<br />

11735 R Nova Visao, Sta Ma RS, 15 May 1003-..., talks; 15431 and the only<br />

B stn I could observe on 25 m at this time.<br />

17814.9 R Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 14 May 1422-..., talks, Braz. rhythms;<br />

15432, strangely best with the K9AY loop.<br />

(all 23 de Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 16)<br />

3235 R Guaruja Paulista, Marilia SP, on 28 May at 2138-2148, advts, songs;<br />

23342; \\ 5045 via R Presidente Prudente, rtd. 45332.<br />

4975 R Mundial, Osasco SP, 28 May 2219-2235, advs, mx, prgr "Caminho das<br />

Flores"; 45333<br />

4985 R Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 28 may 2218-2229, religious prgr;<br />

55333.<br />

5955 R Gazeta Universtaria, Sao Paulo SP, relaying R Cancao Nova, 28 May<br />

2233-2251, songs, IDs of various kinds; 45433.<br />

11780 R Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia DF, 28 May 10<strong>05</strong>-f/out 1125, news,<br />

talks; 34422.<br />

11815 R Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 27 May 2133-2151, IDs, prgr annts<br />

(e.g. "Show de Bola" on Sat.), TCs, f/ball news; 34433, adjct. QRM de ARS<br />

11820.<br />

11829.9 R CBN Anhangueera, Goiania GO, on 27 May at 2139-... UT,<br />

interviews on home politics; 24432, QRM de VoNIG (tent) in Vn. Also on 28<br />

May 1007-f/out 1<strong>05</strong>5, news; 24432.<br />

11925 R Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 28 May 1009-1<strong>05</strong>7 (when blocked by<br />

carrier), newscast, talks; 23431.<br />

(all 8 de Carlos Goncalves, SW coast, Portugal wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 30)<br />

BULGARIA 11575 on Jun 1 at 1535-1556 UT to Iran: R.V.o.Iran. Clandestina<br />

(via Sofia, Bulgaria), farsi, locutor con comentarios, fuerte ruido de<br />

fondo, mala modulacisn en AM, SINPO 44333. (Jose Miguel Romero-ESP, hcdx<br />

Jun 2)<br />

BURKINA FASO 7230 R Burkina, Ouagadougou, logged on 14 May 0919-1421,<br />

French, mx, talks, etc; 25332. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 16)<br />

CHINA 3900 Hulun Buir PBS, Hailar, what sounded like a U.S. or U.K. pop<br />

mx concert 1219-1226 May 21, then into more traditional prgmng with various<br />

M&W ancrs in CH to 1259 when an ARO tuning up on fqy took out signal for<br />

about 3 min. After this, sigs disappeared into mud. The pop mx concert<br />

caught my attention, as this is somewhat unusual for PBS stns. SINPO 35533<br />

with fade to S2 after 1245. (Churchill-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 29)<br />

COLOMBIA Following Bjoern Malm's tip yesterday, I looked for FARC Voz de<br />

la Resistencia Friday May 27 around 2300 on 6120, 6000 and 5880 kHz. This

is still long before sunset and lots of summer QRN here, no strong signals<br />

in yet on 49mb, even from NAm sites. Nothing audible on 6120 or 5880.<br />

On 6000 RHC was audible with Fidel, \\ 11760 but audio between them<br />

separated by milliseconds of reverb. LA clands appearing on 6000 certainly<br />

seem suspicious, in this case, as with Radio Insurgente, but there has<br />

never been any confirmation that Habana is actually involved in either. If<br />

I were picking a freq for my own station, however, it would not be 6000 as<br />

long as Habana is on it! But I must admit that there was a subaudible het<br />

on 6000 and traces of some other audio un<strong>der</strong> RHC, I have no idea what.<br />

Seems unlikely a jungle tx would have that kind of accuracy.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld May 28)<br />

6035 LV del Guaviare, San Jose del Guaviare, logged on 27 May at 2238-2249<br />

UT, Spanish, folk songs, talks, advts (with echo); 23341.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves, SW coast, Portugal, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 30)<br />

CUBA 5025 R Rebelde, Bauta, observed on 10 May at 0738-f/out 0810,<br />

phone-ins prgr "A Esta Hora", mx, chats; 45433. (Carlos Goncalves-POR,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 16)<br />

We wanted English from Habana in the mornings; we got it! Unfortunately<br />

it's not innocuous cultural or mxal programming, but a running and rather<br />

halting, rough, translation by a woman of a nonFidel live speech in Spanish<br />

about Posada Carriles and the long dirty history of US terrorism against<br />

Cuba (as if there is no blood on Fidel's hands) first noted in progress at<br />

1341 UT June 2, in Spanish on 11760 and 11800, but in English on 9550,<br />

12000 and 13680!<br />

At 1355 announcers broke in, to explain it is coverage of an International<br />

Conference Against Terror, etc., taking place in Habana, and some historian<br />

had been speaking, but didn't catch his name. Exciting stuff. Later after<br />

1400 a woman was speaking, apparently in original English. Still going past<br />

1500 UT.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld June 2)<br />

DJIBOUTI Radio Djibouti 4780 kHz bestaetigte meinen Empfangsbericht<br />

innerhalb von 62 Tagen mit einem det. Brief und Aufkleber.<br />

QTH: Rue St. Laurent du Var, B.P. 97, Djibouti.<br />

E-mail Web: <br />

Folgen<strong>der</strong> Sendeplan wird fuer die Chaine Internationale auf 1539 kHz und<br />

4780 kHz (jeweils 50 kW) angegeben: unter <strong>der</strong> Woche 0300-2000 UTC bzw.<br />

Freitag & Feiertag <strong>05</strong>00-2000 UTC.<br />

Nx in Somali gibt's um 0330 / 1200 / 1700 UTC, Nx in Afar um 0430 / 1000 /<br />

1830 UTC und Nx in Arabisch um 0600 / 1400 UTC (Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> May<br />

30)<br />

DRM DRM RFI 6175 kHz. Thank you for your reports; specially the very<br />

first one from Greece. Today May 19 we have started transmitting RFI in DRM<br />

on 6175 kHz using different langs and azimuths according to the following<br />

time schedule:<br />

- <strong>05</strong>00 to 0700 UTC: French + German 50 degr (Germany),<br />

- 0700 to 0800 UTC: French 180 degr (South of France, East of Spain, West<br />

of Italy, North Africa...),<br />

- 0800 to 0900 UTC: French 330 degr (UK),<br />

- 1000 to 1100 UTC: French + German 50 degr (Germany),<br />

- 1600 to 1700 UTC: German 50 degr (Germany),<br />

- 2230 to 2330 UTC: French + Spanish 225 degr (Spain, Portugal, Canary<br />


The new antenna in use is a 2/2/0.4 (rotatable Alliss antenna), the tx<br />

power is about 30 kW. All reports will be appreciated, specially in new<br />

target zones and comparisons with the previous ND coverage in Germany.<br />

Regards.<br />

(Jacques Gruson-F, drmrx.org May 15)<br />

Sorry for my lack of activity but thanks all for keeping sending reports<br />

and special thanks to Daniel for his comments in French!. I was last friday<br />

May 13 in our DRM trannsmitting site located in la Madone near Nice (MCR<br />

S7HP THALES tx with about 70 kW RMS in DRM) which is currently transmitting<br />

RFI in DRM between 0600 and 1600 UTC and after that I was in Cannes Film<br />

Festival with no Internet facilities so I am now just discovering your<br />

messages.<br />

I see that conditions were not too good today except the 1600 to 1700 UTC<br />

time slot which is nearly always pretty good in Germany.<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 to 0900 UTC is not easy at the beginning of the time slot, 1000 to<br />

1100 UTC is usually better. Starting from Thursday May 18 (I hope...), we<br />

will transmit with a 2/2 Alliss rotatable antenna and different langs so<br />

please watch your S-Meters and SNR indicators.!!! Best regards.<br />

(Jacques F6AJW, drmrx.org May 16)<br />

"- les ondes courtes, a partir d'Issoudun, sur un emetteur de grande<br />

puissance (500 kW) couvrant l'Afrique et l'Europe de l'Est. [WTFK???]"<br />

(dxld)<br />

At present all on 6175, see<br />

<br />

This discussion also reveals that they use one of the old "Centre E" txs<br />

for their DRM, not the new units from the nineties. Apparently a first<br />

attempt to run DRM with one of them failed for whatever reason. (Kai<br />

Ludwig-D, dxld May 31)<br />

It is now well known in engineering circles that DRM technology is<br />

incapable of supporting long-haul, multi-hop txion. Unlike AM technology,<br />

digitally modulated signals behave quite differently to AM. We have all<br />

discovered this to our chagrin when faced with mobile phone connection<br />

drop-outs in fringe areas, and disappointing drop-out results with digital<br />

TV.<br />

I note that some SWLs are trying to maintain the use of terminology used<br />

for ancient technology, such as "carrier," when referring to DRM txion this<br />

is totally wrong, as there is no such thing as a "carrier" for a DRM sce. A<br />

DRM HF txion typically occupies a "block" of spectrum space, 20 kHz wide,<br />

at the -60dB point. This spectrum bandwidth blows out to 60 kHz at the -<br />

70dB point. This complies with internationally agreed technical standards<br />

for the development and implementation of HF DRM, which takes into account<br />

the inclusion of suitable "spectrum masks" in the tx designs. Listeners<br />

using AM receivers located within a few hundred km of a DRM tx site soon<br />

realize that this spectrum spread kills off any chance of reception of<br />

conventional AM sces on freqs up to 30 kHz from the nominal "centre" freq<br />

of the DRM txion.<br />

Even though here in Melbourne we are 30,000 km (shortpath) from Eurpeanbased<br />

DRM txs, these sces are creating extensive "stay well away" areas<br />

within the standard HF<strong>BC</strong> bands, as the radiated energy is very high. This<br />

is now seriously limiting effective implementation of seasonal txion plans<br />

for national and international txions from broadcasters in Region 3 (Asia-<br />

Pacific), as normal planning processes for freq separation (AM) are<br />

becoming unworkable by the wide spectrum usage of the DRM sces.

(Padula-OZ, E<strong>DX</strong>P; <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 29)<br />

This is interesting, because I was basically ripped a new one for<br />

suggesting exactly this at the US DRM meeting in Washington a few weeks<br />

ago. Someone forgot to tell the transmitter manufacturers, and I know at<br />

least one engineer who would disagree vehemently. It was kind of a "who are<br />

you going to believe, me, or your lying ears?" situation.<br />

I would be interested in seeing any citations in engineering publications<br />

or mailing lists that state this. (Ralph Brandi-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 30)<br />

DRM ¨Howcum the very name Digital Radio Mondiale is pseudo- or semi-French,<br />

but yet in the French lang, the term for "digital" is "numerique"? (gh,<br />

dxld)<br />

The name was chosen as a working title because it is half French and half<br />

English, and was acceptable to all the foun<strong>der</strong> members of the organisation.<br />

Remember, DRM was founded by a group of engineers, not linguists :-) (Andy<br />

Sennitt-HOL, dxld May 31)<br />

Put DRM into Google and most links are for Digital Rights Management. I<br />

have also seen several articles in the mainstream press using DRM as an<br />

abbreviation for Digital Rights Management. (Mike Barraclough-UK, dxld May<br />

31)<br />

Absolutely right, and you may recall that I have made this very point in<br />

one of my articles. Our DG <strong>Jan</strong> Hoek is vice-chairman of DRM, and every<br />

chance I get I tell him they have to come up with a name and marketing<br />

strategy that will not confuse the consumer. As far as I'm concerned, DRM<br />

was an OK title for an industry working group, but will not work as a<br />

brand. And there's also a threat of legal action from Microsoft. Mind you,<br />

the term "World Band Radio" is a registered trademark of Sony<br />

Corporation...<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld May 31)<br />

ECUADOR Freq change for HCJB in Spanish to SoAm eff from May 23:<br />

1100-1500 NF 11690 QUI 100 kW / 150 deg, ex 11760 kHz.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 3)<br />

HCJB had another freq collision to resolve, 11760 with Habana, so HCJB<br />

moved to 11690 at 1100-1500; but this collides with Jordan's only freq in<br />

English, tho it lasts until 1630 [and not on air daily per Noel Green];<br />

Habana supposed to move off 12000 to clear 120<strong>05</strong> for HCJB in mornings, but<br />

has not done so. How well is R. Jordan heard now before and after 1500 UT?<br />

(WoR by Glenn Hauser-USA, May 31)<br />

ERITREA 7999.35 V.of Sudan on May 21 at *1529-1540, 25432-35432 Arabic,<br />

1529 sign on with IS, ID at 1530 UT, Opening mx, Talk.<br />

7999.35 V.of Sudan on May 27 at *1527-1540, 25442 Arabic, 1527 sign on with<br />

IS, ID, Opening mx, Talk. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 3)<br />

ETHIOPIA 7165.1 VoDemocratic Alliance (?) via R Ethiopia (?), Gedja,<br />

logged on 8 May at 1752-1809 UT, Vernacular, ID 1759, talks; gone at<br />

recheck 1836; 43432, adjct QRM only. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May<br />

16)<br />

9560.5 Voice of Democratic Allience via Radio Ethiopia, on May 29 at 1500-<br />

1530. SINPO 33332. Arabic program of Radio Ethiopia till 1500, then ID in<br />

Arabic with mx as "...Tahalufa al-Demuqrati." Mainly male talk.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium June 3)<br />

FALKLAND ISLS Un<strong>der</strong> "Articles, Research, etc.," "Recordings," from my<br />

own collection, some memories of the 1982 Falklands war in which 736

Argentines and 255 British were killed and over 2,000 wounded. While the<br />

British were on their way to the scene, they created Radio Atlantico del<br />

Sur, transmitted via Ascension on 9710 kHz. The Argentines had "Liberty"<br />

(or "Argentine Annie" as she was called) on 17740.<br />

Both stations could be heard easily in the United States, and QSLs were<br />

forthcoming from both. After the war, the Falkland Islands Broadcasting<br />

Station returned to the air on or near 3958 kHz., where it had been heard<br />

fairly regularly before the conflict. This recording was made on March 23,<br />

1983, circa 1000 UTC (listen for the IDs at :11 and 1:35).<br />

For several years, the British Forces Broadcasting Service used 3958 kHz.<br />

on a time-shared basis before going all FM, and reports sent to BFBS in<br />

London and in the Falklands brought friendly replies from both in 1987.<br />


(Jerry Berg-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 29)<br />

FRANCE/MONACO 702 Overcomer Ministry relay.<br />

MW 702: Overcomer Ministry goes QRT - Fundraising per Ausschaltknopf.<br />

Summary: R.G. Stair cancelled the txions via Col de la Madonne 702 again as<br />

of today. Said that they can revive if enough donators will be found.<br />

Mentioned that he needs 50,000 USD to continue on 702. (Herman Boel-BEL,<br />

emwg via bclnews.it via dxld June 2)<br />

Liebe MW-Freunde, nach Ansage des Mo<strong>der</strong>ators "Brother Stair" (er bezeichnet<br />

sich selbst als "Gottes Prophet <strong>der</strong> letzten Tage") lief gestern vorlaeufig<br />

zum letzten Mal das abendliche Programm von "Overcomer Ministry" auf 702<br />

kHz (engl.). Es wurde jedoch in Aussicht gestellt, die Programmaussendungen<br />

abends auf dieser Frequenz (via Monte Carlo [France La Madone] tx, 200 kW)<br />

fuer Europa wie<strong>der</strong> aufzunehmen, sollten sich genuegend Interessenten - und<br />

Spen<strong>der</strong> - finden. Dabei wurde eine Bedarfssumme von 50.000 US-Dollar<br />

genannt. Eine fuer Europa ungewoehnliche Methode, dieses - in freundlichen<br />

Worten gesagt - Fundraising per Ausschaltknopf. (Thomas "Tom" Kamp, DF5JL,<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> June 1)<br />

GERMANY 11775 May 29 0900-0927 Germany: AWR Europe, Juelich. During this<br />

time slot I heard Studio <strong>DX</strong> #100, the only <strong>DX</strong> program in Italian, main<br />

points: audio clip of old txion of Studio Dx; new freqs of SW Africa; info<br />

about celebration of 70th of NHK Radio Japan. Another ID at 0928 SINPO<br />

44544 MP3 archive of Studio Dx program 2003-20<strong>05</strong> at<br />

(Nino Marabello-I, hcdx May 30)<br />

15650 JUL - New clandestine tested for Somaliland Friday May 27 at 1730-<br />

1800 UT on 15650 kHz, to be regular from June 1, Sat-Thu, but name and<br />

sponsorship not known; test heard well here, probably UK or German site<br />

[but not heard on June 2 by several monitors trying]. (WoR by Glenn Hauser-<br />

USA, May 31)<br />

15670 That's a bucket of four different [or sister organization] stations<br />

in Amharic, Somali, Oromo, Arabic, Tigrinya, registered via DTK T-systems<br />

Juelich since March 27 in A<strong>05</strong>:<br />

100 kW 130 deg between 1600 and 1800 UT on different days and broadcasting<br />

times. Like "VoEth Medhin", "R Huriyo", "VoDemETH", "VoOromo Liberation".<br />

(73 wb, dxld June 2)<br />

Deleted txions of Brother Stair in English via DTK T-Systems:<br />

0000-0300 on 9430 JUL 100 kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg to NoAm<br />

0800-0900 on 13810 JUL 100 kW / 250 deg to AUS/NZ<br />

2000-2100 on 9430 JUL 100 kW / 160 deg to SoAf

Radio Horyaal in Somali via DTK T-Systems from June 4:<br />

1730-1800 Sat-Thu on 15650 JUL 100 kW / 130 deg to EaAf \\ 12130 via SAM.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 3)<br />

Re NY Times, dxld 5-082 May 18: Of course the description "the Voice of<br />

America, which is restricted by law from broadcasting in English in most<br />

European countries" is sheer nonsense, and indeed we should emphasize this,<br />

because VOA is in fact restricted by BBG's own policy. I un<strong>der</strong>stand that<br />

since last year Europe is officially no target area for VOA's English<br />

programming anymore. Hence they took it off 1197 as of April 2004, leading<br />

to the total closure of this outlet only one year later.<br />

Also concerning 87.9 at Berlin in particular I am not aware of any legal<br />

restrictions that would have VOA prevented from applying for this freq<br />

without a cooperation with a German company.<br />

Nevertheless they choose to do so, and with not much fortune, since their<br />

first partner failed. This was a program called Charlie 87.9, run by<br />

Hun<strong>der</strong>t,6, one of the first commercial stations in Berlin. Charlie 87.9 had<br />

been discontinued, and VOA had to search for another partner, Dornier<br />

Medien and their Star FM project.<br />

And "German regulators are consi<strong>der</strong>ing the two options" simply means that<br />

both VOA and NPR will file competing applications to Medienanstalt Berlin-<br />

Brandenburg, who will have to choose one, probably indeed NPR. (Kai Ludwig-<br />

D, dxld May 31)<br />

Just found a bunch of pictures from the Rohrdorf/ Bodenseesen<strong>der</strong> station:<br />

<br />

No captions there, so I can only guess, referring to the last two numbers<br />

on the thumbnails: 22...26 should be the SW txs, probably the frontmost one<br />

being the 50 kW from Radio Bremen. 31...37 tx and audio control (note RTW<br />

peak meters in 32 and EMT limiter/compressors in 37). 38 appears to be an<br />

ol<strong>der</strong> mediumwave tx, usually described as own construction by SWF, but the<br />

housing reminds me on the plate-modulated txs Telefunken made in the<br />

seventies? 39 (and detail in 41) must be the current 666 kHz tx (Telefunken<br />

PDM, so should be an S4003). The following pictures apparently portray the<br />

power supply (tube rectifiers???). On the last row apparently antenna<br />

switches (remember their day/night pattern switch). (Kai Ludwig-D, dxld May<br />

21)<br />

Hier ein Bericht <strong>der</strong> Besichtigung von Rohrdorf vom Sept 2000:<br />

pict 1 - main entry of the installation.<br />

pict 2 - Old Rhode&Schwarz vertical antenna for <strong>DX</strong> pattern on other<br />

continents.<br />

Die alte Rhode&Schwarz Reusen-Vertikal-Kaefigantenne wird nur 1-2 mal im<br />

Jahr benutzt, wenn an <strong>der</strong> Quadrantantenne Arbeiten notwendig sind. Sie<br />

strahlt zu flach ab, erreicht das europ. Zielgebiet nicht, son<strong>der</strong>n an<strong>der</strong>e<br />

Kontinente etc.<br />

pict 3 - SW dipol antenna.<br />

Kurzwelle 7265 kHz mit Dipol-Quadrantantenne [ein um 90 Grad gewinkelter<br />

Ganzwellen-Dipol] "von <strong>der</strong> Stange", gleicher Typ wie 49 mb in Wertachtal<br />

gleichen Typs, nur etwas verkuerzte Schenkel von 25 auf 21 m, damit die<br />

Antenne bei Lambda/Halbe auf 41 mb matcht.<br />

Die Quadrant hat eine "leichte" Vorzugsrichtung 1.2 dB [fast<br />

vernachlaessigbar, wb] in Richtung Barcelona, Spanien, Portugal / spanische

Ostkueste, d.h. genau die Mitte zwischen den 90 Grad Schenkeln We/NoWe und<br />

So/SoWe, in dieser Richtung. Sie versorgt die ehem. DDR und auch die europ.<br />

Feriengebiete, zumindestens tagsueber.<br />

pict 4-6 - 0800-1759 hrs Ortszeit mit 240 m hohen Rundstrahlantenne.<br />

1800-0759 mit Zweimastanlage 137 m hoch [ohne Rundstrahl, ohne raeumlich<br />

abgesetzten 4. ReserveMast, auch 137 m hoch], zum Einzug in Richtung<br />

Litauen und Syrien. Das Diagramm sieht eine Verwirrungslinie Plauen-Berlin-<br />

Rostock vor, oestlich davon praktisch fast Ausloeschung und von Litauen<br />

abgedeckt. In <strong>der</strong> Lausitz nach Polen hinein ist Ebbe ... dafuer stark bis<br />

Esbjerg-Daenemark westlich ueber Nordsee, ueber Mittelengland bis Nord-<br />

Portugal und rueber bis Rom - SuedTirol und Muenchen-Plauen zurueck, dies<br />

ist das naechtliche Versorgungsgebiet mit 350 kW.<br />

pict 7-9 - Der Schiffsdiesel im Keller mit 12 Zylin<strong>der</strong>n leistet 1.2 MVA,<br />

wird jede Woche eine Stunde probe-gelaufen.<br />

pict 15-16 - 137 m hohe Reserveantenne, abgesetzt ausserhalb des Zauns,<br />

fuer Wartungsarbeiten an den an<strong>der</strong>en Antennen im Einsatz. Rechts,<br />

metallverkleidetes Schiffsdieselhaus.<br />

pict 18-20 - 7265 kHz - Der alte Siemens-Zagreb Sen<strong>der</strong> aus 1972, frueher A<br />

/ und B Sen<strong>der</strong> mit je 10 kW, circa 7 Meter lang enthaelt nur noch den 10 kW<br />

B-Sen<strong>der</strong> Teil, als Reservesen<strong>der</strong>. Der A-Sen<strong>der</strong> von 10 kW wurde als<br />

Ersatzteiltraeger fuer den B-Teil zerlegt, und abgebaut.<br />

pict 21-22 - Der neue Wiener Siemenssen<strong>der</strong> (ehemals Radio Bremen/SFB aus<br />

1984 ist nur noch 2 m lang, 2,20 hoch, 60 cm tief.) und wurde im Dez. 1997<br />

aufgestellt.<br />

Er hat intern 2x10 kW Einheiten, ueber Drucktasten sind einzeln 10 o<strong>der</strong><br />

zusammen 20 kW Leistung - auch PDModulation - abrufbar.<br />

Frueher gab es eine eigene Leitung <strong>der</strong> Programmzufuehrung, als noch das<br />

Urlauberradio lief. Jetzt wird die Kurzwelle nur noch ueber Ballempfang von<br />

UKW Sen<strong>der</strong> auf den Bergen: Hornisgrinde 1100 m im Nordschwarzwald, und<br />

Feldberg 1400 m im Suedschwarzwald gespeist.<br />

pict 26 - Kontrollpult zur šberwachung aller MW, KW, UKW, TV, Fuell-,<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong> zwischen Karlsruhe-Baden-Baden und dem Bodensee und Allg„u-Gruenten<br />

f r den SWR, und verschiedene hospitierende private UKW sowie Telekom-Tsystems<br />

Stationen.<br />

Uebrigens leiden alle Richtfunkstrecken <strong>der</strong> Telekom aus Arbeitsmangel. Gott<br />

und die Welt ueberlegt nicht lange, und telefoniert sogar zuhause ueber die<br />

Mobilfunkstrecken. Wegen dem Handy gibt es auch keine Grenzwellen o<strong>der</strong> 80<br />

mb Notfunk mehr, von den Innenministerien ... alle Sen<strong>der</strong> eingestampft.<br />

DAB (220 MHz ehem. Kanal 12) hat man am Bodensee nicht, nur an <strong>der</strong> Autobahn<br />

Ulm-Stuttgart-Karlsruhe, sowie im Raum Freiburg im Rheintal, also nicht auf<br />

den Hoehen des Schwarzwalds.<br />

pict 27 / 33-47 - MW 666 operation desk.<br />

Last Sat I visited SWR Rohrdorf 666 kHz site, max. tx power of this site in<br />

PDM - pulse continuation modulation - is 150 kW now, but the needle did<br />

twist always between 90 and 120 kW of power on the SWR wave ratio meter.<br />

(wb)<br />

Die Mittelwelle laeuft z.Zt. mit 150 statt moeglicher 300 kW, d.h. in PDM -<br />

Pulsdauermodulation [Energiekosten sparen aufgrund <strong>der</strong> Modulation] konnten<br />

die Messmittel beobachtet werden, immer so 90-120 KW, nur ganz wenige<br />

Spitzen bis 150 kW Power zu sehen ! Die Sen<strong>der</strong>oehre laeuft durchschnittlich<br />

50.000 Betriebsstunden [o<strong>der</strong> bis zu 6 Jahre], kostet 80.000 DM, und wird im

Werk in Frankreich wie<strong>der</strong> aufgearbeitet. Die besten Roehren sind diejenigen<br />

von Thomcast aus Frankreich.<br />

Es wird fast ausschliesslich <strong>der</strong> "neuere" 300 kW Sen<strong>der</strong> genutzt. Die beiden<br />

300 kW Sen<strong>der</strong> laufen im passiven Parallelbetrieb, d.h. auch die aeltere<br />

Anlage aus 1965 ist immer Destilierwasser-vorgeheizt, und kann innhalb 25<br />

Sekunden hochgefahren werden.<br />

Der alte Telefunken Sen<strong>der</strong> war zur Besichtigung in 1999-2001 noch nicht rot<br />

gestrichen !<br />

pict 28/32 - ? Audio fee<strong>der</strong> Zufuehrung und Kontrollempfaenger; Optimod ?<br />

pict 29-30 / 50-53 - MW 666 TX / Antenna switch [pict 50-53, rechts<br />

Durchfuehrung zu den verschiedenen - 2 Sen<strong>der</strong>, Antennenschaltungen: Rund-,<br />

2-MastRicht- und Ersatzantenne] desk display A/B.<br />

Lastverteiler und Antennenabstimmung im Keller. Die Umschaltungszeit von<br />

Tag auf Nachtantennen [Umschaltung laeuft voll-hydraulisch an den<br />

Abstimmmitteln im Keller ab] im Computer-LOG Schreibung betraegt 3<br />

Sekunden. Die N1/N2 Antennen (Nacht) sind vor-abgestimmt.<br />

Im feuchten Wiesenboden sind 75 km Kupferband ausgelegt, d.h. eine Flaeche<br />

von 22 ha mit jeweils 120 Kupferbaen<strong>der</strong>n (20 x 0.5 mm2) von je 120 m Laenge<br />

strahlenfoermig im Boden ausgelegt.<br />

pict 48 - SWR Suedwest Karte fuer die Technikerstandorte o<strong>der</strong><br />

ServiceStuetzpunkte zur Wartung <strong>der</strong> diversen Sen<strong>der</strong> und<br />

Fuellsen<strong>der</strong>standorte.<br />

pict 49 - SWF/SWR Sen<strong>der</strong>oehrenausstellung <strong>der</strong> vergangenen 40 Jahre.<br />

(comments by wb, Sept 2000 / May 30 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

-- HISTORY --<br />

7265 666 SWR Bodenseesen<strong>der</strong> Rohrdorf - Report of sightseeing tour in August<br />

1998.<br />

About the powerful "Bodenseesen<strong>der</strong>" installations of Suedwestfunk (from Aug<br />

30 merged to SWR - Suedwestrundfunk) at Rohrdorf near Messkirch, in<br />

southern Germany, near the Swiss and Austrian bor<strong>der</strong>.<br />

In Oct 1964, the stn started with a SWF selfmade single 150 kW MW tx on 665<br />

kHz. This site replaced four txs of SWF synchronized network in southern<br />

Baden Wurttemberg at Bad Duerrheim, Ravensburg, Reutlingen and Sigmaringen.<br />

Both sites, Bad Duerrheim and Ravensburg were handed over to the then<br />

Deutsche Bundespost [now Deutsche Telekom] for carrying the Deutschlandfunk<br />

(DLF). Bad Duerrheim was in use until 1978, while Ravensburg is still<br />

operational on 756 (synchronized with Braunschweig Koenigslutter).<br />

The "selfmade" tx of 1964 was replaced by an industrial model of Telefunken<br />

with a power of 300 kW in 1967, but the old tx was in duty as passive<br />

reserve unit till March 1989. Rohrdorf main power connection can be cut<br />

off, to be autonomous from the main circuit using Diesel generator of 1.2<br />

MVA power.<br />

In 1964 the MW installation started using a four mast array of 137 ms<br />

height each. Relative radiating screened towards co-users on 665 kHz<br />

Damascus-Syria 110 degr, Lissabon-Portugal 240 degr, Eidar-Iceland 332<br />

degr, Sitkunai-Lithuania <strong>05</strong>0 degr. Distances between the masts were 225<br />

metres in east-west direction, and 338 ms in south-north direction. The<br />

four mast array was in use til 31 Dec 1982.<br />

The current MW installation at Rohrdorf consists of two separate 300 kW<br />

Telefunken puls-duration modulated txs (one as passive reserve back-up), a<br />

240 metres tall non-directional mast and a directional array of two 137<br />

metres tall masts. Rohrdorf carrys the SWF 1 progr on 666, during daytime

with 220 kW nondir operation, about 200 kms around the tx tstn, at night<br />

with 350 kW directional pattern (screening towards Vilnius Lithuania 043-<br />

<strong>05</strong>2 degr, and Trikala Greece 120-140 degr). The switch needs only 3.5<br />

seconds and occurs just before 8 AM and 18 PM local time (0657 and 1657 UTC<br />

respectively, during DST one hour earlier).<br />

SW operations from Rohrdorf: In 1964, the 1.5 kW SW tx from Bad Duerrheim<br />

was removed to Rohrdorf. SW sce started on Dec 17, 1964. In 1972 the SW tx<br />

unit was replaced by a 20 kW PDM [pulse duration mode] unit [2x10 kW<br />

connected by a \\ switch bridge], delivered from Siemens Vienna [but Made<br />

by RIZ - Radio Industry Zagreb, in then YUG, similar SW units were erected<br />

in Deanovec-Croatia-HRV, AFG, AGL, BEN, BTN, BOT, BFA, ZAI, ETH, IRN, IRQ,<br />

LBR, LUX [15350?], MOZ, NGR, SDN, TZA, TGO, acc to Ludo Maes' list] for<br />

it's SW sce, which was until now extensively modified by the SWF staff.<br />

Comment: " . the tx is very 'obstinate' to handle the measurements .".<br />

In Oct 1997, SWF taked away SW tx from the closed Radio Bremen site Horn-<br />

Lehe. The tx was built up by Siemens Vienna Austria on 1984. After thorough<br />

overhauling work, this unit is operational on 7265 with indeed 20 [not 50]<br />

kW since Christmas 1997. No alignment documentation and measurement<br />

diagrams were available so far from former owner R Bremen technical dept,<br />

all referring technicians are retired now. So the SWF Rohrdorf keen staff,<br />

together with Siemens Vienna technicians, started an action to<br />

redesign/redevelop the tx documentation before the unit came on air again,<br />

now at Rohrdorf.<br />

Tx unit performance together with the new quadrant corner reflector<br />

communications antenna [full wave dipols of horizontal configuration, bend<br />

at 90 degr] is much better than the former Rhode & Schwarz broad band<br />

vertical cage antenna, which was in use from 1964-1984, is still to be seen<br />

as an industrial museum exhibit on the access road. Acquisition and<br />

transportation cost will pay for itself within two years, as the new tx has<br />

a lower energy consumption. A single 10 kW unit of the old Siemens twins<br />

txs functions now as back-up unit.<br />

Main target audience of SWF's SW sce are holidaymakers on the Mediterranean<br />

region and the Iberian peninsula and coastal areas. In some seasons even a<br />

special "SWF-3-Urlaubsradio" SW version of the SWF 3 progr was produced,<br />

but ceased later due of financial reason. Since 1996 SWF Rohrdorf 7265<br />

suffers by co-channel Belaruskaje R 2nd progr from Hrodna, mainly in<br />

Eastern EUR and the European part of RUS, mostly during daylight hours.<br />

At SWF Rohrdorf 13 staff members [3 engineers and 10 technicians] serving<br />

the powerful SW & MW Rohrdorf facilities itself, as well as operation and<br />

supervising transaction, sce and repairing on surrounded unmanned FM and TV<br />

txion facilities between Raichberg in the North, Villingen & Witthoh in the<br />

West, and Waldburg & Gruenten mountain 1800 ms ASL [SWF only] in the East.<br />

On the Raichberg and Witthoh facilities also Deutsche Telekom FM txs for<br />

DLF and private commercial stns are erected, but the sce and operation<br />

action is handled by SWF staff also. The radio sce area is 8800 square kms<br />

wide. The Rohrdorf tx stn is located at 09E07 48N01, on 630 ms ASL [about<br />

sea level].<br />

Just as a remin<strong>der</strong>: From August 30, Suedwestfunk will merge with<br />

Sueddeutscher Rundfunk to the new Suedwestrundfunk. So if you need a QSL<br />

from Suedwestfunk -SWF- 7265, or Sueddeutscher Rundfunk Muehlacker 6030,<br />

you should try it soon.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D via AG<strong>DX</strong> "weltweit hoeren" magazine,<br />

and wb on <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews # 379 of Aug 1998)<br />

SWR - [Suedwestfunk] SW tx Rohrdorf on 7265 ... Seems the tx is not<br />

properly tuned, as I have it on 7264.95. (last dswci <strong>DX</strong>W #128, Mark<br />

Veldhuis, Aug 1998)

Acc to the technical personell: On the sightseeing tour to the stn, I asked<br />

them about the freq drift of the tx, and the guy told me, that measurements<br />

taken only twice a year on SW! Acc their licence norm, -- they may leave<br />

the centre freq of 7265 by maximal 500 Hertz on both sides each. (wb, Aug<br />

19, 1998)<br />

[moved away down to minus 450 Hertz and up to plus 70 Hertz, wb]<br />

MV Baltic Radio ist am 5. Juni 20<strong>05</strong>, [1200 UT] 1400 Uhr MESZ im 49m -<br />

Europa- Band, 6045 kHz auf Sendung.<br />

6045 MV Baltic Radio on air again, <strong>05</strong>th June 20<strong>05</strong> at 1200 UT in the 49m<br />

European- SW band<br />

In unserer Sendung am 5. Juni stellen wir den in England geborenen Saenger<br />

Eric Clapton vor, <strong>der</strong> waehrend seiner rund 45jaehrigen Musikerlaufbahn<br />

unter an<strong>der</strong>em mit den Yardbirds, Cream und Blind Faith beruehmt wurde.<br />

Waehrend seiner anschliessenden Solokarriere nahm er einige Dutzend Platten<br />

auf. Der heute 60-Jaehrige gilt als <strong>der</strong> beste weisse Bluesinterpret.<br />

Nach 30 Jahren ist <strong>der</strong> zum Islam uebergetretene Saenger Cat Stevens<br />

erstmals wie<strong>der</strong> in Deutschland aufgetreten. Bei einem Benefizkonzert in<br />

Neuss praesentierte Stevens neben neuen Kompositionen auch bekannte Hits<br />

wie "Peace Train" und "Where do the children play". Zusammen mit Sir Paul<br />

McCartney spielte er den Beatles-Klassiker "Let it be".<br />

R&R Medienservice, Roland Rohde, Seestrasse 17, D-19089 Goehren, Germany.<br />

eMail: URL <br />

(via Joachim Thiel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> June 3)<br />

Deutschland (Bayern): Beim naechsten Treffen des Kurzwellenring-Sued im<br />

Rundfunkmuseum Fuerth findet am 30. Juni 20<strong>05</strong>, 19.00 Uhr MESZ, wird ein<br />

Vortrag ueber "DRM, Status und Entwicklung" von Mitarbeitern des Fraunhofer<br />

Instituts fuer integrierte Schaltkreise (IIS) statt. Mittlerweile ist im<br />

obersten Stockwerk des Rundfunkmuseums eine Kurzwellenecke mit zwei<br />

Transceivern und sechs Kurzwellenempfaengern eingerichtet. Damit koennen<br />

sechs Leute gleichzeitig an den Tischen/Geraeten arbeiten. Es fehlt nur<br />

noch eine angepasste Antenne zum Senden. (F.R. Stoehr 12.5.20<strong>05</strong>, ntt May<br />

31)<br />

GUINEA 7125 R Conakry, logged on 10 May at 0742-f/out 0825 UT, French,<br />

Afr songs, ID "R Guinee"; 35443. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 16)<br />

GUINEA (?) BENIN (?) 700.4 R.Guinee (tent), site?, audible on 27 May at<br />

1936-2000 UT when blocked by MCO 702 kHz, French, talks, nx 1945 (the WRTH<br />

does list nx at this time), 35343 until 2000 UT.<br />

The Polisario Front 700 kHz was silent all Fri evening (and s/on much later<br />

on Sat, but propagation or some other reason didn't allow me to try again<br />

this African stn), thence the chance of picking up this other African stn,<br />

which may not even be from Guinea: when they started the news, the speaker<br />

referred to the "Guinean Foreign Minister" several times, instead of saying<br />

the "Foreign Minister", which can mean it's some other country (?) - and<br />

Parakou, Benin, did use 702 kHz - but I was unable to check Conakry's 7125<br />

due to extremely heavy adjacent QRM. So, any guesses?<br />

(Carlos Goncalves, SW coast, Portugal, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 30)<br />

HAWAII [VIETNAM non] 11555 R Free Vietnam now on 11555. Acc. to the TDP<br />

online schedule, the TDP brokered "Radio Free Vietnam" transmissions (Mon-<br />

Fri 1230-1300) have moved to 11555 (via KWHR Hawaii, 100 kW). (Bernd<br />

Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 30)<br />

11555 ... and WHR website and ILG shows WHR Vietnamese 11555 since Apr 3.

Sun-Thu 1130-1200 UT [Sat-Sun En instead]. Fri-Sat 1330-1400 UT[Mandarin<br />

Sun-Thu].<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 30)<br />

...indeed (though not yet shown in the TDP online schedule), confirmed by<br />

IBB RMS recordings which present Mandarin at 1230-1300 on 11555.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 30)<br />

Freq change for Radio Free Vietnam in Vietnamese:<br />

1230-1300 Mon-Fri NF 11555 WHR 100 kW / 285 deg, ex 9930<br />

UNIDentified station in Chinese heard in Bulgaria:<br />

1400-1500 on 11555 not via WHR 100 kW / 285 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 3)<br />

... and World Harvest Radio schedule shows that also time should have<br />

changed: now 1130-1200 UT. (Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 30)<br />

See <br />

for the (presumably) most recent schedule on 11555 kHz.<br />

For the 1330-1400 block it shows the religious prgr "Heavenly Life" in<br />

Mandarin Mon-Fri and a new Vietnamese prgr called "Hoa-Mai Radio" on<br />

Sat/Sun; the 1130-1200 block shows "Radio Free Vietnam" Mon-Fri, and an<br />

English prgr on Sat/Sun.<br />

Hoa-Mai Radio is a new target broadcast for Vietnam with political<br />

background, website:<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 30)<br />

The target prgr "Radio Hoa-Mai" (Sat/Sun 1330-1400 via KHWR on 11555) is<br />

hosted by Nguyen Cong Bang of the Hoa-Mai Club, the Club's website is<br />

. Email address for the host: <br />

Postal address: P.O. Box 4175, Garden Grove, CA 92842-4175, USA.<br />

Quote from the website: "Hoa-Mai Club is a dedicated selective group of<br />

Vietnamese compatriots and friends from around the world, who have joined<br />

together for a commitment of promoting the process of democratization and<br />

development of Vietnam." The radio prgr's website is<br />

and <br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 1)<br />

Self-Introduction: Radio Hoa-Mai.<br />

We are a Vietnamese lang radio station based in California, USA. We have<br />

two programs serving the people in Vietnam and Overseas Vietnamese<br />

Communities as well. The Web Air program serves as Internet Radio. The<br />

Shortwave serves short wave programs into Vietnam. Both programs are aimed<br />

to help promoting democracy and developments in Vietnam.<br />

Name: RADIO HOA-MAI URL: Email: <br />

Contact: Miss Ngoc-Anh Trinh<br />

Thank you very much. Sincerely, NgocAnh Trinh Program Director.<br />

(Radio Hoa-Mai May 31, 20<strong>05</strong> for CRW / CRW Watch 183 June 1)<br />

Info about Radio Hoa-Mai. Radio Hoa-Mai is based in Southern California,<br />

aimed to help promoting the process of democratization and developments in<br />

Vietnam.<br />

It currently has two Vietnamese lang programs. Web Air (Internet) 2 Hr " 3<br />

Hr each<br />

Time: Each Saturday (California Time) Since: February 12, 20<strong>05</strong>

Shortwave (Vietnam) 11555 kHz. 25mb. [KHRI Hawaii]<br />

Time: 30Ton Saturday 1330 UTC (8:30 pm Vietnam time)<br />

Time: 30Ton Sunday 1330 UTC (8:30 pm Vietnam time)<br />

Archives Since: May 01, 20<strong>05</strong><br />

Name: RADIO HOA-MAI. Name in Vietnamese: Dai Phat Thanh Hoa-Mai<br />

Main URL: (Vietnamese), (English).<br />

Contact: Miss Ngoc-Anh Trinh<br />

We would appreciate if you could list our station name on your web site.<br />

If you need more information about our campaign policy or activities please<br />

visit our English lang site at or contact our Supervisor,<br />

Mr. Nguyen CongBang, at He would be glad to provide you<br />

more detailed info. By the way please note that we are looking for radio<br />

broadcasting company which provides MW (AM Channels) freqs into Vietnam. If<br />

you know any please forward us some info.<br />

Again thank you for your kind concern and support!<br />

Sincerely, Trinh Ngoc-Anh <br />

(via Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 1)<br />

11555 Falun Dafa Radio via KWHR. on May 28 at 1400-1410. SINPO 43433-42432.<br />

Started with Chinese mx and ID as "Falun Dafa ...tientai.", but covered by<br />

another Chinese station. Male talk followed. (Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium<br />

June 3)<br />

INDONESIA 9680 VoIndonesia, Cimanggis, noted again on 14 May at 0927-...<br />

UT, Bahasa INS (or Bahasa Malaysia?), talks & mx during the usual phone-in<br />

prgr at this hour; 35433 but almost vanished about an h later. (Carlos<br />

Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 16)<br />

Very strong reception of the Voice of INS English broadcast this afternoon<br />

(2000 UT May 29) on 9525 kHz with just a trace of TWR Swaziland un<strong>der</strong>neath.<br />

\\ 15149.8+ kHz is there, not very strong and suffers from adjacent-channel<br />

interference 15155 kHz.<br />

[WYFR] (Mick Delmage-AB-CAN, dxld May 30)<br />

3345 RRI Ternate. S/on with bell tones, mx, then call to prayer at 2000,<br />

15/5. Strong signal (Allen-C). .. 1300 nx from Jakarta, RRI ID. Good 8/5<br />

(Takeno)<br />

4000.22 RRI Kendari. 1114 local nx followed by mx and local ID. Heavy QRM<br />

from Nei Menggu. 17/5 (Takeno)<br />

4604.96 RRI Serui. 1313 Jakarta nx relay. Strong 2/5 (Takeno). .. 14/5 Had<br />

a TC at 1150 then mentioned Serui. Had local celebrations, sounded like a<br />

mixture of II and Vernacular. Fair level. (Wright-C).<br />

4790 RRI Fak Fak. Strong signal with Indo talk about their president,<br />

followed by a song at 1<strong>05</strong>1, 19/5 (Allen). .. 1121 Indo. mx, talks, clear ID<br />

17/5 (Takeno)<br />

4869.94 RRI Wamena. 1030 Indo. pops, 1<strong>05</strong>9 IS of electrical chime followed<br />

by ID as Radio Republik INS Wamena. Good. Heard only this day. 5/5 (Takeno)<br />

4870.92 RRI Sorong. 1043 rock mx 1100 IS and ID as Radio Republik INS<br />

Sorong. Vy Strong 19/5 (Takeno)<br />

4920 RRI Biak. Indo songs at weak level, 1002 to 1020, with no annts. Heard<br />

on 14/5 (Allen-C). .. 1025 Indo mx and talk, 1029 IS followed by ID, local<br />

nx. Good 4/5 (Takeno)

4925 RRI Jambi. Strong reception of Indo talk at 1008, then into a song at<br />

1012, 14/5 (Allen-C). .. 1113 Jakarta nx relay \\ 4604.96 kHz Serui, good<br />

2/5 (Takeno).<br />

.. II TC then ID at 1000. FM outlet was also mentioned. Then into mx px.<br />

Poor level. May 14. (Wright-C).<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN; John Wright-NSW-AUS; Dennis Allen-NSW-AUS; AR<strong>DX</strong>C AUS<strong>DX</strong>N<br />

June; May 30)<br />

4604.98 RRI-Serui on May 21 1126-1148 45433 INSn, 1127 IS, ID at 1128,<br />

Local news.<br />

4789.98 RRI-Fak Fak on May 15 1032-1042 35333 INSn, Music, ID at 1033.<br />

4870.94 RRI-Sorong on May 28 1<strong>05</strong>5-11<strong>05</strong> 44343 INSn, 1<strong>05</strong>9 IS, ID at 1100,<br />

Local news.<br />

4870.95 RRI-Sorong on May 16 1<strong>05</strong>5-11<strong>05</strong> 45444 INSn, 1<strong>05</strong>9 IS, ID at 1100,<br />

Local news.<br />

4919.98 RRI-Biak on May 16 1025-1035 35232 INSn, 1029 IS, ID at 1030, Local<br />

news.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 3)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ 4375.94 V.O.Communist Party of Iran on May 21 at *1626-1636<br />

33343-32342 Farsi, 1626 sign on with IS and ID, 1630 ID and opening mx,<br />

Talk.<br />

4375.95 V.O.Communist Party of Iran on May 27 at *1627-1636 34343-35343<br />

Farsi, 1627 sign on with IS, ID, 1630 ID and Opening mx, Talk, No jamming.<br />

4610 V.of Komala on May 27 at *1556-1610 35433-33333 Kurdish, 1556 sign on<br />

with IS, ID, 1600 Opening announce and opening mx, Talk.<br />

7490 V.O.Iran of Tomorrow Movement on May 12 at *1600-16<strong>05</strong> 35332 Farsi,<br />

1600 sign on with opening mx, ID, Talk, (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium<br />

June 3)<br />

ISRAEL/USA Galei Zahal, Israeli Defence Forces on 15785 has severe cochannel<br />

from WHRI South Carolina, 1700-2000, poor freq choice by [US]FCC.<br />

(WoR by Glenn Hauser-USA, May 31)<br />

ITALY 6195 RAI Rome, Prato Smeraldo, [x9670], Italian 0630-1300 UT.<br />

The daytime RAI service was back to 6195 this Sunday morning from 9670 on<br />

Saturday. Perhaps the station engineer had mislaid his schedule yesterday?<br />

I don't know if the RAI domestic services on MW are audible in daytime in<br />

the Balkans but, if not, perhaps SW is used to provide a daytime service of<br />

news etc. which may be broadcast locally by the FM station listed below?<br />

That's only a guess!<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 29)<br />

The RAI domestic services on MW are normally not audible in daytime in the<br />

Balkans. As far as I know RAI is broadcasting to individual listeners,<br />

soldiers as well as local people in the Balkans where the Italian language<br />

is very popular.<br />

The SW is not used to provide any feeding to the military operated FM<br />

station, Radio West in Pec, Kosovo. Satellite coverage is there widely<br />

used.<br />

(Luigi Cobisi-I, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 30)<br />

JAPAN Radio Japan's Special 70th Anniversary <strong>DX</strong> Program Commemorating<br />


Japan's 70th anniversary on June 1. [c.f. bc-dx #713]<br />

As noted by Anker, I have also had the pleasure of being interviewed by<br />

Radio JPN for their special programme. It was an honour and a very nice<br />

experience. However, due to the fact that most of the questions were<br />

different from those on the "expect" list, I turned into a blabbering idiot<br />

at times. For what it is worth, the interview will be on one week later<br />

than the others, i.e. on June 11/12/13 on Hello From Tokyo programme. 70<br />

years is a good going, and from my own experience over the last 35 years I<br />

can say that Radio Japan's programmes have always been of a consistently<br />

high quality. And of course the station has always been friendly to <strong>DX</strong>ers.<br />

This is not so common nowadays when the accountants call the shots, and<br />

saving money on one PR clerk and a few cards and postage (probably<br />

representing less than 0,001% of the budget) becomes a matter of paramount<br />

importance.<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 31)<br />

KAZAKHSTAN 15385 R.Que Me on May 14[? Fris only?] at *1200-1210 UT, 35433<br />

Vietnamese, 1200 sign on with opening mx, opening announce, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 3)<br />

KOSOVO [SCG] (UNMIK) [Territory un<strong>der</strong> UN administration].<br />

Rafet Jashari, who heads Kosova's postal sce, told reporters in Prishtina<br />

on 31 May that the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and the UN's civilian<br />

administration in Kosova (UNMIK) have approved a new system of 118 postal<br />

code numbers for the province, RFE/RL's South Slavic and Albanian Languages<br />

Service reported. The system is distinct from that of Serbia and Montenegro<br />

and is registered with the UPU as "Kosovo (UNMIK)." Mail can now be sent<br />

directly to Kosova from abroad instead of indirectly through Albania or<br />

Switzerland. Kosova also has its own postage stamps denominated in euros,<br />

as well as automobile license plates distinct from those of Serbia and<br />

Montenegro. The elected authorities in Prishtina also want Kosova to have<br />

its own international telephone dial code and SWIFT code for money<br />

transfers. Elsewhere, Randjel Nojkic, who is a Kosovar Serb politician and<br />

postal official, told the private Beta nx agency that the Serbian enclaves<br />

in the province will continue to use the old Serbian postal codes, Reuters<br />

reported. Nebojsa Covic, who is Belgrade's point man for southern Serbia<br />

and Kosova, has argued that assigning Kosova its own license plates and<br />

postal codes is tantamount to treating it internationally as "a completely<br />

separate entity" from Serbia.<br />

(RFE/RL Newsline, June 1)<br />

Additional info: details of the new codes are due to appear on the website<br />

of the PTT Authority in Kosovo, a first abstract can be found at<br />

<br />

The article indicates the code "10000" for Prishtina.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx June 2)<br />

LAOS 4649 Sam Neua (or Xam Nua), decent S2 signal from my "fire and<br />

forget" Total Recor<strong>der</strong> 1200-1230 May 16 (I was sleeping at the time :-).<br />

M&W ancrs alt. 1200-1230 with some actualities by M&W hrd 1213-1218. Clear<br />

channel with only mo<strong>der</strong>ate noise level. Since I had to pretune, not sure if<br />

I was on exact fqy. SINPO 25443.<br />

(Churchill-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 29)<br />

LIBERIA 4760 ELWA, Monrovia, putting a spectacular signal on 13 May at<br />

2233-... UT, playing hymns; gone at 2300 UT; 55444, which is unusual<br />

despite the distance.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 16)<br />

MADAGASCAR Freq change for WYFR in Swahili to CeSoAf from May 20:<br />

1800-1857 NF 7245 MDC <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 295 deg, ex 11920 MDC <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 320 deg

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 3)<br />

Freqs changes for Radio Netherlands:<br />

1200-1257 NF 15640 MDC 250 kW / 085 deg to SoEaAs in Indonesian, ex 15645<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 3)<br />

MALI 11960 R Mali, Kati, observed on 15 May at 1207-... UT, Vernacular<br />

prgr, talks; 34432, adjct QRM only. Best received via a K9AY loop.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 16)<br />

MOLDOVA 13800 R International on May 22 at *1630-1640, 35433 Farsi, 1630<br />

sign on with opening mx, ID, Talk. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 3)<br />

MONGOLIA 4830 Mongoliin R, Altai, logged on 14 May at 2114-2125 UT<br />

(supposed to s/on 2200), Mongolian, talks; 35332; the usually paralled 4895<br />

kHz outelt was silent.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 16)<br />

12085 V of Mongolia, Khonkhor, logged on 28 May at 0951-1045 UT, Chinese,<br />

folks songs, IS 1000, English, schedule, news, Mongolian traditional tunes,<br />

IS, Mongolian 1030; 45433, but QRM de Syria (lowish audio/modulation) in<br />

Arabic prior to 1100 UT.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 30)<br />

MYANMAR [non] Democratic Voice of Burma radio adds new frequency.<br />

As the Democratic Voice of Burma [DVB] is planning to produce weekend TV<br />

programmes as well, DVB is adding a new radio frequency to its evening<br />

programme for better clarity and reception. The additional radio freq for<br />

the evening broadcast is SW 19 mb at 15480 kHz and will begin txion from<br />

Saturday, 28 May.<br />

DVB has already test broadcasted from this new metre band for a while and<br />

discovered that the reception is much better than the existing freqs.<br />

That is why DVB will be regularly broadcasting its evening programme from<br />

19 metre band at 15480 kHz from 28 May onwards. DVB would also like to urge<br />

its patrons to listen to the programme from this new frequency.<br />

In addition, DVB will continue to broadcast its evening programmes<br />

unchanged from the usual freqs at SW 16 and 49 mbs. (Dem Voice of Burma 27<br />

May, via B<strong>BC</strong> M)<br />

[The txion time is 1430-1530 UTC]<br />

(via RNW MN NL via Alokesh Gupta-IND, May 29)<br />

NETHERLANDS/MDG Freqs changes for Radio Netherlands:<br />

0200-0257 NF 9890 FLE 500 kW / 275 deg to CeAm in Spanish, ex 6165<br />

1200-1257 NF 15640 MDC 250 kW / 085 deg to SoEaAs in Indonesian, ex 15645<br />

2100-2157 NF 9480 FLE 040 kW / 123 deg to WeEu in Dutch in DRM, ex 12015<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 3)<br />

NIGERIA 7255 VoNigeria, Ikorodu, logged on 14 May at 0921-1000* UT,<br />

Vernancular, talks, tribal tunes & songs, annts; 35342. (Carlos Goncalves-<br />

POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 16)<br />

OMAN 11955 B<strong>BC</strong> Relay Station, Aseela, verified direct from the site with<br />

a full-data form ltr incl. a brief summary of my prgm details; in 51 days,<br />

V/S Afrah Al Orimi, noting the xmtr is 250 kw using the following antenna:<br />

HRS2/3/.5, Bearing 63.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 29)<br />

OHR Russian OH-Radar, system "ABM-2" chirping pulses 50 kHz spread, noted<br />

on 14190 at 0620 and 0800; 14340 at 0650; 14350 kHz 0850, 0930, and 1130<br />

UT; last month.

British Army Cyprus OHR, chirping 15/50 Hz system, on 10115 at <strong>05</strong>30; 14000<br />

at 1330; 18075 at 1200; 18100 at 1610; 181<strong>05</strong> at 0650 spreading 18095-18150<br />

kHz; 18160 at 1320 UT 50 Hz; 21000 at <strong>05</strong>20 25 Hz; 21065 at 1500;<br />

21115/21120 at 1030 pulses up to 21145; 21270/21290/21300/21395/21400, and<br />

28080 at 1300.<br />

(Ham Radio Bandwatch, May 9)<br />

PAKISTAN 15100 R Pakistan, Islamabad. Variable level signal, generally<br />

fair amid strong atmospherics. Speakers in Urdu then vocalist suffering<br />

from poor audio. Service listed for Europe. At 1035 UT May 22. (Charles<br />

Jones-NSW-AUS, AR<strong>DX</strong>C AUS<strong>DX</strong>N June; May 30)<br />

5080 R.Pakistan, Islamabad. At 1309 UT nx in local lang. Radio Pakistan<br />

annmt. at 1310 UT. Good signal May 22. (Nobuo Takeno-JPN, AR<strong>DX</strong>C AUS<strong>DX</strong>N<br />

June; May 30)<br />

PARAGUAY 9736.9 RNP, Asuncion, logged on 14 May at 2159-2209 UT,<br />

Spanish, f/ball match report, advts, interviews; 53443 but no QRM after<br />

2200 UT.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 16)<br />

9736.89 R Nacional del Paraguay, Asuncion. At 0859 UT Nice Alpa mx; 0900,<br />

clear ID. Vy strong (Nobuo Takeno-JPN, AR<strong>DX</strong>C AUS<strong>DX</strong>N June; May 30)<br />

Sp ballads, and ID as Radio Nacional. Fair but squashed between channels as<br />

usual. At 0835 UT on May 14. (John Wright-NSW-AUS, AR<strong>DX</strong>C AUS<strong>DX</strong>N June; May<br />

30)<br />

9736.92 Radio Nacional del Paraguay, at 1043-1100 UT noted a program of mx<br />

and Spanish comments from a man. At 1<strong>05</strong>2 a second man joins with a possible<br />

political message and starts with an ID as, "Buenas Dias, Radio Nacional<br />

del Paraguay ...".<br />

And regular program returns at 1<strong>05</strong>5 with mx. Signal this morning was good.<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, hcdx June 2)<br />

PORTUGAL As of today, 16 May, the RDPi-R Portugal will be making the<br />

following amendment to its A-<strong>05</strong> schedule: To Europe, Mon-Fri 1600-1900,<br />

45deg 300 kW 119<strong>05</strong> kHz replaced by 15555 which is a QRG also used for<br />

another b/cast to Eur (Sat+Sun only) and to Venezuela (extra bcasts Mo-Fri<br />

& Sat+Sun).<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 16)<br />

On 27/5, the RDP e-mailed me the following changes on its A-<strong>05</strong> schedule<br />

effective on 3rd May and 28th May:<br />

3rd May an AHR4/4/1.0 curtain array beamed 300deg to NoAmerica entered in<br />

sce. but one beam remained unchanged, viz. for the b/cast Mo-Fri 2300-0200<br />

11630 kHz 100 kW remains at 310deg; this new Thales antenna replaces the<br />

old log-periodics, which seemed to have been the preferred type for decades<br />

at RDP's CEOC-Centro Emissor de Onda Curta, formerly named CEU-Centro<br />

Emissor Ultramarino, i.e. when the stn was called EN-Emissora Nacional de<br />

Radiodifusao.<br />

Whether this makes reception better in the target area remains to be seen<br />

since the this & other sces. are via old 100 kW units whose power isn't<br />

always the nominal.<br />

28th May b/casts to Eur Sats+Suns only, 11700 kHz 1800-2000 dropped but use<br />

of 15555 kHz 100 kW 52deg extended from 1400-1800 to 1400-2000 UT.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 30)<br />

Freq change for RDP Int / Radio Portugal in Portuguese Mon-Fri:

1600-1900 NF 15555 LIS 300 kW / 045 deg to WeEu, ex 119<strong>05</strong> kHz.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 3)<br />

RUSSIA/U.K. 12145 SW Radio Africa, via Tbilisskaya, Russia, 1630-1750,<br />

May 31, in what obviously was their last SW broadcast as they announced<br />

several times: "This is the last Shortwave broadcast from SW Radio Africa."<br />

They would continue on 1197 MW and the internet. They also said at 1728:<br />

"We wish our listeners to stay strong, in whatever prison they are in right<br />

now!". Mostly News reel in mixed English, Shona and Ndebele, and often in<br />

the latter two native languages with many English words included. Slight<br />

jamming at times from jamming stations purchased from China. Some audio<br />

fall outs throughout the broadcast. 44434 heard // 15145 [Woofferton-UK 300<br />

kW, wb.] : 33222. It seems to me that President Robert Mugabe has won this<br />

air battle!<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 31)<br />

12120 R.V.of ENUF on May 21 at *1700-1711 45444-35433 Amharic, 1700 sign on<br />

with IS, ID, Talk, Mistake transmit, TDP-Schedules Dejen R. at Sat only,<br />

R.V.O.ENUF at Fri and Sun only.<br />

12120 R.V.of ENUF on May 22 at *1700-1710 45444-45433 Amharic, 1700 sign on<br />

with IS, ID, Talk, Fri and Sun only.<br />

12120 Dejen R. on May 28 at *1700-1710 45444-35443 Tigrigna, 1700 sign on<br />

and opening announce, ID, Talk, ID at 1710, Sat only. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN,<br />

JPNpremium June 3)<br />

7350 Degar Voice via Chita, Russia, on May 28 at 1300 (s/on)-1330 (s/off).<br />

SINPO 44433. Started with mx and ID in Vietnamese local language. Male talk<br />

and songs.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium June 3)<br />

15660 V.of Delina on May 14 at *1500-1510 UT, 35333 Tigrigna, 1500 sign on<br />

with opening mx, Opening announce and ID, Eritrean pops music, \\ Sat only.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 3)<br />

15660 Voice of Delina via Samara, Russia, on May 28 at 1500 (S/on)-1530 UT.<br />

SINPO 25332. Started with ID "... Delina ... kHz ... radio ..." Talk in<br />

Tigrinya(?) and interview.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium June 3)<br />

15660 V of Delina on May 28 *1500-1510 UT. 45433-44433 Tigrigna, 1500 sign<br />

on and opening announce, ID, Eritrean pops mx and talk, \\ Sat only.<br />

15660 Tensae Ethiopian V. of Unity (pres) on May 22 at 1518-1600* UT.<br />

34433-34333 Amharic, Talk and mx, Etiopian pops mx, Sun-Fri only.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 3)<br />

Addit freq for Deutsche Wele in Chinese:<br />

1300-1350 on 5945 K/A 250 kW / 213 deg \\ 15355 TRM, 15425 SNG, 17660 TRM<br />

Freq change for Voice of Russia effective from May 20 and May 25:<br />

0100-<strong>05</strong>00 English WS NF 15555 VLD 500 kW / <strong>05</strong>0 deg to NoAmEa, ex17660<br />

1300-1400 Russian WS NF 9355 K/A 250 kW / 180 deg to SoEaAs, ex 9480<br />

1500-1600 Russian WS NF 6070 NVS 100 kW / 180 deg to CeSoAs, ex 5945<br />

1700-1800 Russian WS on 15125 SAM 250 kW / 240 deg to CeWeEu, addit.freq<br />

WYFR in new lang - Pashto or Dari to WeAs from May 15:<br />

1400-1500 NF 11510 ARM 300 kW / 110 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 3)<br />

SERBIA & MONTENEGRO A-<strong>05</strong> schedule of International Radio of Serbia &<br />

Montenegro<br />

1300-1428 Daily 7200 BEO 250 kW / non-dir Serbian to EaEu (relay HS-1)

1430-1458 Daily 11800 BEO 250 kW / 130 deg Arabic to ME<br />

1500-1528 Daily 11870 BEO 250 kW / 040 deg Russian to RUS<br />

1530-1543 Daily 6100 BEO 250 kW / non-dir Hungarian to CeEu<br />

1545-1558 Daily 6100 BEO 250 kW / 130 deg Greek to SoEaEu<br />

1600-1628 Daily 9620 BEO 250 kW / 310 deg French to WeEu<br />

1630-1658 Daily 9620 BEO 250 kW / 310 deg German to WeEu<br />

1700-1713 Daily 6100 BEO 250 kW / 180 deg Albanian to SoEaEu<br />

1715-1728 Daily 6100 BEO 250 kW / 130 deg Bulgarian to SoEaEu<br />

1730-1758 Daily 9620 BEO 250 kW / 310 deg Italian to WeEu<br />

1800-1828 Daily 6100 BEO 250 kW / 040 deg Russian to RUS<br />

1830-1858 Daily 6100 BEO 250 kW / 310 deg English to WeEu<br />

1900-1928 Daily 7200 BEO 250 kW / 250 deg Spanish to SoEu<br />

1930-1958 Sun-Fri 6100 BEO 250 kW / 310 deg Serbian to WeEu<br />

1930-2028 Sat 6100 BEO 250 kW / 310 deg Serbian to WeEu<br />

2000-2028 Sun-Fri 6100 BEO 250 kW / 310 deg German to WeEu<br />

2030-2<strong>05</strong>8 Daily 6100 BEO 250 kW / 310 deg French to WeEu<br />

2100-2128 Daily 6100 BEO 250 kW / 310 deg Englidh to WeEu<br />

2130-2158 Sun-Fri 7230 BEO 250 kW / 100 deg Serbian to AUS<br />

2130-2228 Sat 7230 BEO 250 kW / 100 deg Serbian to AUS<br />

2200-2228 Sun-Fri 7230 BEO 250 kW / 100 deg English to AUS<br />

2230-2258 Daily 9580 BEO 250 kW / <strong>05</strong>5 deg Chinese to SoEaAs<br />

2300-2328 Daily 9680 BEO 250 kW / 265 deg Spanish to SoAmWe<br />

2330-2358 Mon-Sat 9580 BEO 250 kW / 310 deg Serbian to NoAmEa<br />

2330-0028 Sun 9580 BEO 250 kW / 310 deg Serbian to NoAmEa<br />

0000-0028 Mon-Sat 9580 BEO 250 kW / 310 deg English to NoAmEa<br />

0030-0<strong>05</strong>8 Daily 9580 BEO 250 kW / 310 deg Serbian to NoAmEa(relay HS-<br />

1)<br />

0430-0458 Daily 9580 BEO 250 kW / 325 deg English to NoAmWe<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 3)<br />

SINGAPORE 9795 at 1112 UT, RN via Kranji. Fair with man and woman talking<br />

in Indonesian with feature program, remote phone calls and EE segments<br />

translated into Indonesian. Noted RN theme music between segments.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-USA, NZL<strong>DX</strong>T March 19)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA Freq change for South African Radio League in En from May 29<br />

0800-0900 Sun NF 17565 MEY 250 kW / 019 deg, ex17810 kHz.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 3)<br />

SPAIN Radio Nacional de Espana have decided to invite HFCC/ASBU members<br />

to Valencia, Spain for the B<strong>05</strong> HFCC/ASBU shortwave co-ordination<br />

conference. The meeting will be held from 22 to 26 August 20<strong>05</strong> in the<br />

Science Museum of Valencia. The delegates will be accommodated in Hotel NH<br />

Las Artes. (HFCC May 24)<br />

SWAZILAND Freq change for TWR Africa in Swahili:<br />

0300-0345 NF 6110 MAN 100 kW / 0<strong>05</strong> deg, ex 6040 kHz.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 3)<br />

SYRIA R. Damascus, 9330, 2145-2210* May 22. Tune-in to English programing<br />

with local ME mx. Poor to fair level with slight QRM from a strong W<strong>BC</strong>Q in<br />

reduced carrier LSB also on 9330. Weaker on \\ 12085 kHz. (Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>,<br />

Mechanicsburg PA, dxld May 28)<br />

TAIWAN 11940 TWBM - Trans World Broadcasting Ministry (tent.), May 28 at<br />

1329-1400* UT, CH prgm'ing, religious songs in CH, several mentions of<br />

"Taiwan, China," sign-off annmt at 1350 UT, at 1353 into instrumental mx<br />

till sign-off. Poor-fair, best in LSB to get away from the splatter from<br />

11945.<br />

Web-site: <br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 29)

TAJIKISTAN 15680 Que Huong R. on May 20 at 1234-1258* UT. 35333-35433<br />

Vietnamese, Talk, 1258 Closing announce and ID. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN,<br />

JPNpremium June 3)<br />

THAILAND Office of Inspector General U.S. Department of State and the<br />

Broadcasting Board of Governors MONTHLY REPORT OF ACTIVITIES audits,<br />

inspections, testimony, and special activities August 2004 Office of<br />

International Broadcasting<br />

Inspection of Broadcasting Board of Governors' Operations in Thailand (IBO-<br />

I-04-06).<br />

There are four major entities of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG)<br />

in Thailand: the Thailand Transmitting Station, the Regional Office of<br />

Marketing and Program Placement, the Voice of America (VOA), and Radio Free<br />

Asia (RFA). OIG found that they do not formally coordinate, nor do they<br />

believe there is a need for such coordination.<br />

The Thailand Transmitting Station is clearly the largest establishment, has<br />

the most extensively trained and experienced staff, and is the best managed<br />

of the four major BBG entities in Thailand.<br />

The initial agreements for the Thailand Transmitting Station, which date<br />

back to 1965, involved the broadcasting of VOA programming. Since RFA began<br />

broadcasting from points outside of Thailand in September 1996, the Royal<br />

Thai govt has shown no interest in amending these agreements to include<br />

broadcasting of RFA programming, although Embassy Bangkok has pursued the<br />

matter occasionally with senior members of the Thai govt.<br />

Although there have been a series of bilateral agreements relating to the<br />

Thailand Transmitting Station over the years and subsequent amendments, OIG<br />

could find no evidence that Embassy Bangkok ever formally received<br />

permission from the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs, by way of an exchange<br />

of diplomatic notes or other amendment, allowing the U.S. govt to broadcast<br />

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) programs from the Udorn tx plant.<br />

Those broadcasts, nevertheless, began in 1995 and continue with the<br />

inclusion of Radio Farda programs.<br />

OIG found that the VOA Bangkok Nx Bureau and the International Broadcasting<br />

Bureau (IBB) Asia Regional Office of Marketing and Program Placement both<br />

need to improve their management controls regarding their separation of<br />

duties, and VOA also needs to improve its documentation. IBB Washington<br />

also has a role to play in ensuring a positive internal control<br />

environment. IBB is working to address these issues. (from<br />

<br />

via John Babbis-MD-USA, dxld May 20)<br />

UK/RUSSIA 15500 on Jun 1 at 1300-1316 UT to AFG: Salaam Watandar.<br />

Clandestina (via Rampisham-UK 500 kW), Afgano, sintonia, ID por locutor y<br />

locutora, horarios y frecuencias, Nx, titulares con Mx. SINPO 55444. (Jose<br />

Miguel Romero-ESP, hcdx Jun 2)<br />

[also 0230-0330 15240 via Samara-RUS]<br />

17660 on Jun 1 at 1602-1627 UT to Sudan: Sudan Radio Service. Clandestina<br />

(via Woofferton-UK 250/300 kW), Arabic, locutor, locutora, ID, presentacisn<br />

con segmento Mx, sintonia con cuqa de la emisora, comentarios con<br />

referencias a Arabma y Sudan, declaraciones traducidas por locutora, Nx,<br />

SINPO 55444.<br />

(Jose Miguel Romero-ESP, hcdx Jun 2)<br />

Salama Radio International, for Nigeria, reactivated, Wed & Sun 1930-2030<br />

on 11885 kHz, Woofferton, 180 degrees, 300 kW, Hausa and English,<br />

unconfirmed yet.<br />

(WoR by Glenn Hauser-USA, May 31)

VATICAN STATE Gerade eingetroffen ist nachstehen<strong>der</strong> Brief aus dem<br />

Vatikan. Vielleicht fuer einige von Interesse, was die selber ueber die<br />

Kritik an <strong>der</strong> Sendeanlage denken. Und ueber Empfangsberichte. Ich schickte<br />

nur einen nach <strong>der</strong> Papstwahl und erhielt Benedict als Motiv. 73 de Joachim<br />


Tel 0039 06 69 88 41 01 Fax 0039 06 69 88 38 44<br />

e-Mail <br />

Liebe Freunde, die uns Reception-reports geschickt haben, Sie haben uns in<br />

den letzten Wochen und Monaten durch Ihre Receptionreports <strong>der</strong>art erfreut,<br />

dass wir Ihnen ausdruecklich danken moechten.<br />

Sie tun dem Radio einen riesigen Dienst. Die technische Leitung auf unserem<br />

Sendegelaende sagt <strong>der</strong> deutschsprachigen Redaktion immer wie<strong>der</strong>: "Ihr seid<br />

die besten. Die Receptionreports helfen uns sehr."<br />

Dies moechte ich Ihnen weitergeben und mich bei Ihnen im Namen unserer<br />

Techniker herzlich bedanken. Ihre Berichte landen also nicht im Papierkorb,<br />

son<strong>der</strong>n in <strong>der</strong> Datenbank von Santa Maria di Galeria. Die Technik muss ja<br />

wissen, von welcher Qualitaet <strong>der</strong> Kurzwellenempfang weltweit ist. Freilich<br />

sind Sie, die Kurzwellenhoerer, eine beson<strong>der</strong>er Typ von Mensch. Die meisten<br />

Leute wissen ja noch nicht mal, was Mittelwelle ist, geschweige denn<br />

Kurzwelle! Ich gratuliere Ihnen, dass sie zum edlen Club <strong>der</strong> Radiofreunde<br />

gehoeren.<br />

Zum Stichwort"Santa Maria di Galeria":<br />

Unsere Chefs sind felsenfest davon ueberzeugt, dass sich nie und nimmer ein<br />

Zusammenhang zwischen den Radiostrahlen und den Faellen von Leukaemie<br />

beweisen laesst. Hinter den Vorwuerfen steht unseres Erachtens eine<br />

politische Kampagne:<br />

Bauloewen wollen die 440 Hektar haben, auf denen das Sendegelaende Santa<br />

Maria di Galeria steht. Sie wollen den Sen<strong>der</strong> vertreiben und schueren<br />

deshalb die Aengste <strong>der</strong> Menschen. Zu bedenken ist ferner, dass viele <strong>der</strong><br />

Wohnsiedlungen dort ohne Baugenehmigung entstanden sind, und zwar als es<br />

schon laengst die besagten Strahlen gab. Niemand hat sich darum gekuemmert.<br />

Man haette ja bereits damals darauf hinweisen koennen: Bitte hier nicht<br />

bauen. Der Sen<strong>der</strong> stand ja laengst - und zwar in Abmachung zwischen Vatikan<br />

und dem Staat Italien. Aber mit Emotionen kann man Leute gewinnen. Und das<br />

geschieht <strong>der</strong>zeit.<br />

Ich danke Ihnen fuer Ihr beson<strong>der</strong>es Interesse am Sen<strong>der</strong>.<br />

Im Namen <strong>der</strong> technischen Direktion, aber auch <strong>der</strong> deutschsprachigen<br />

Redaktion gruesst Sie ganz herzlich (Joachim Thiel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> June 2)<br />

ZAMBIA 4910 ZN<strong>BC</strong>, Lusaka, observed on 14 May at 2211-2122 UT,<br />

Vernancular prgr, phone-ins, mx; 55444 and again a very good audio.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 16)<br />

ZIMBABWE/UK 15145 SWRA, May 28 at 1628-1703 UT, ID "SW Radio Africa,<br />

Zimbabwe Independent Voice, still hanging in here," into "Weekend Nx<br />

Roundup," with Richard Allfrey and another announcer, lively phone<br />

interview with reporter in London (Violet Gonda) with Home Affairs Minister<br />

Kembo Mohadi in Zimbabwe. Mohadi saying people should not complain about<br />

conditions in Zimbabwe to them in London but should complain to local<br />

journalists but Ms. Gonda came back with the fact they cannot broadcast in<br />

Zimbabwe. Interesting and heated exchange. Fair-good, with no jamming. I<br />

see on their web site that the International Press Institute has awarded<br />

its 20<strong>05</strong> Free Media Pioneer Award to SW Radio Africa. (Ron Howard-CA-USA,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer May 29)

Sadly Tuesday 31st May will be our last broadcast on SW. Due to the jamming<br />

we have to broadcast on multiple freqs and this hugely increases our costs.<br />

We also no longer have the financial support as before.<br />

As from 1st June we will be on MW in the early morning and the internet<br />

only - but our entire future remains very shakey. MW is only received over<br />

about half of Zimbabwe but we think our main audience will now be the 2m<br />

plus Zim exiles in South Africa, where our signal is clearly received.<br />

Tomorrow will be a sad day for us all. Keep well Gerry Jackson, Station<br />

Manager.<br />

(via Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer May 30)<br />

Actually, I hear that SWRA got a last-minute reprieve, staying on SW for<br />

one hour at 1700-1800 on 15145. Check it out Wednesday.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld June 1)<br />

15145 Faulty program feed on very last SW transmission day. Only EMPTY<br />

carrier appeared around 1659 UT, and lasted til 1704 UT. At 1704:42 UT well<br />

known VT-Merlin endless pause music filler mx started, endless guitar/cello<br />

mx file. Over and over again. Now from about 1711 heard lovely rhythmic<br />

African music, and a feature on a African Zimbabwen lawyer.<br />

Try it at 1700-1800 UT on powerful Woofferton-UK signal, undoubtedly 300 kW<br />

powerhouse !<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 1) [also noted on June 2nd, wb.]<br />


Hi all, I finally managed to update the EMWG. It had been a while. I am now<br />

also busy preparing the PDF edition for a new release (during July).<br />

It seems changes on MW are fewer than before and things have quieted down.<br />

Not that they have disappeared, of course, but I had expected to find<br />

myself with much more changes to be found over the past weeks.<br />

Another weird thing is that I could not find any nx item on a new Italian<br />

station that contacted me directly and is broadcasting on 1503 kHz.<br />

I am also thrilled to see that this mailing list now counts no less than<br />

442 subscribers. Thanks to you all for showing your interest in the EMWG.<br />

I will of course send you all a mail when the new PDF edition has been<br />

published. In the meantime, don't hesitate to send me your corrections,<br />

additions, info on favourite shows, etc. Cheers, (Herman Boel-BEL, emwg via<br />

bclnews.it via dxld June 2)<br />

Transmitter stability and reliability<br />

Hi!<br />

I don't know if this is really the best forum to ask this, but it is a<br />

topic that's been bouncing around in my mind for some months now, and I<br />

know that people reading this have knowledge of the subject. Feel free to<br />

forward this on to other fora that might be more appropriate.<br />

Why are major international broadcasters having such difficulty simply<br />

keeping their transmissions up and running and consistently on the air<br />

without interruptions or even simply being missing during scheduled<br />

broadcast times? And, especially, why do the domestic US broadcasters,<br />

including those operating on a shoestring like W<strong>BC</strong>Q, appear to be doing a<br />

better job at this than Merlin/VT, RCI, and even RN's Bonaire relay site<br />

(an organization I'd always thought of as being superior to just about any<br />

other SW<strong>BC</strong>)?

Over the past months we've heard audio dropouts from B<strong>BC</strong> SW transmissions,<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> relays just dropping the signal in the midst of programs and never<br />

coming back on-air, RCI being missing from a scheduled Sackville<br />

transmission, missing RN signals during the US morning relay, etc. And<br />

these are just things that *I* have personally encountered, which is a very<br />

limited subset of all the many transmitter hours when these services are on<br />

the air, and also I'm only referring to English-language transmissions that<br />

I deliberately tuned in, which ignores the thousands of hours of non-<br />

English programming out there. If I have run into so many problems, surely<br />

there are huge numbers of other instances that other people have<br />

encountered.<br />

Yet I can hardly remember when I couldn't hear a scheduled WWCR or W<strong>BC</strong>Q<br />

program, if propagation allowed reception here, due to the transmitter<br />

being off-air, or dropping out in the midst of a program. There are a lot<br />

of other domestic US SW<strong>BC</strong>s that seem to be always there (many of them TOO-<br />

MUCH there if you'd rather hear something else they're covering up! :-),<br />

aside from the well-known scheduled-but-never-on or traditionallyunhearable<br />

"phantom" broadcasters.<br />

How can one explain this in the light of the multi-million-$ budgets of the<br />

transmission arms of the major SW<strong>BC</strong>s vs. the "wing-and-a-prayer" operations<br />

of a W<strong>BC</strong>Q or the frugal budget of WWCR's operations side?<br />

One thing that MIGHT explain some of it is that the government- operated or<br />

quasi-governmental-corporations-run operations are staffed by unionized or<br />

civil-service personnel who have protected jobs and really don't give a<br />

hoot if things work or not. How likely is this? Allan Weiner and his merry<br />

band of piratical scroungers and jury-riggers do it more for love and pride<br />

instead of for money, so they devote more effort and sweat into keeping<br />

antique equipment operating than do the staff at XYZ International with the<br />

latest multi-megabuck SW transmitters? Just the nature of private<br />

enterprise at WWCR vs. the work-to-rule government employees at wherever?<br />

Or am I wrong? What is your experience with listening to SW? Who is more<br />

reliably on the air with a consistently-listenable signal? Anybody a<br />

shining example of best performance? And the reverse; who's the worst? (I'm<br />

beginning to class the B<strong>BC</strong> in that latter category, which is a sad comedown<br />

after all its decades of stellar performance.)<br />

(73, Will Martin, dxld June 2)<br />


Commentary FAREWELL.<br />

This is the last issue of Catholic Radio Update. Last July 26, I wrote that<br />

I was shortly to end this newsletter, which is now in its sixth year. I<br />

said that I had additional responsibilities and neither had nor wanted to<br />

devote the many evening hours and most weekend hours to researching and<br />

writing the newsletter.<br />

Immediately, I was contacted by Dr. Owen Phelps, director of communications<br />

for the Diocese of Rockford, a rea<strong>der</strong>, who asked me to continue for a short<br />

period so that he could locate someone else who would want to take up the<br />

newsletter or start a new one. I agreed. Ten months have gone by, and<br />

despite Dr. Phelps' efforts, no one has expressed serious interest. I am<br />

not surprised.<br />

At his request, I have repeatedly postponed terminating the newsletter so<br />

that he could continue his efforts, which are still un<strong>der</strong>way. But the fact<br />

of the matter is, if no one has stepped forward in the last year, it is<br />

unlikely that anyone will. I am not surprised that no one wants to do a<br />

newsletter for Catholic radio. There is not much interest on the part of<br />

Catholic stations, which by and large, U.S. and foreign, are

individualistic and parochial. Few are those who sent in nx or answered my<br />

e-mails.<br />

But this is not the time to go over this well worn trail again. This<br />

newsletter has survived in a period that saw many, the majority really, of<br />

secular radio websites close. It has outlasted many radio websites. Perhaps<br />

at this last hour someone will step forward. Perhaps.<br />

I have corresponded with some interesting people during this time, and I<br />

value the acquaintances I made. I shall miss corresponding with them.<br />

In particular, I want to thank Dr. Hansjoerg Biener, a Lutheran pastor,<br />

scholar, and writer and publisher of the German Christian newsletter<br />

Medien-Aktuell, who alone of all rea<strong>der</strong>s has sent me information<br />

tirelessly. He did not have to do so, since he does the same as I do,<br />

except that it is an ecumenically oriented publication.<br />

Week after week Catholic Radio Update has included at least one item that<br />

he has sent me; most of this issue comes from him. There were many other<br />

items that I could not use because they are copyrighted. Thank you, Dr.<br />

Biener, and continued success. God bless you.<br />

Farewell. - Michael Dorner, editor (via dxld May 30)<br />

Very best wishes to you, Mike, on your "retirement" and my admiration for<br />

your dedication to what was apparently a thankless task (at least from<br />

those in Catholic media who should have been most thankful).<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld May 30)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 18)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Apr 22)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 23)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, JPNpremium, May 28)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 3)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 14)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 3)

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 715 10 June 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

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ALGERIA 7466 Polisario Front (Rabuni site?), observed on 03 Jun 0928<br />

(typical s/off time on Fri was 0900, as monitored on previous Fri 27 May),<br />

in Arabic, 35433; the rest had to be an unattended, recorded monitoring,<br />

which ran till approx. 1010 when they s/off almost abruptly w/o the usual<br />

n.anthem. Details: at ñ1045~1<strong>05</strong>0 UT, "R.for Peace" ID in Ital, Eng, Sp &<br />

Ar, announcing this bcast is on Fri. 0700-1100 Algerian/Italian local<br />

Winter time via HotBird sat. 11199.66 MHz, Y Vertical polariz, to Eur+NAfr<br />

& to WeSahara via local tx (presumably VHF-FM only c/o the so-called RASD).<br />

At approx. 1004 UT, more annmts in Arabic, then a 1'12" silence followed by<br />

some talks and an abrupt closure. The carrier with some noise remained on<br />

for some 4 mins. During the very brief prgr in Sp from R.fP, they announced<br />

it's a project for help & solidarity aimed at WeSahara people also<br />

sponsored by the Emilia Romagna region in Bologna, Italy. E-mail addr.<br />

or possibly <br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 3)<br />

ARMENIA Voice of Russia "Sodruzhestvo" progr in Russian on 1377 kHz 600<br />

kW:<br />

1600-1900 UT. ("Club <strong>DX</strong>" # 740, VOR; via RUSdx June 5)<br />

1377: According to Voice of Russia (VOR) information distributed in VOR's<br />

"Klub <strong>DX</strong>" programme, the VOR's Russian sce "Sodruzhestvo" is carried for<br />

listeners in the Caucasus region 1600-1900 via a 600 kW tx in Armenia on<br />

1377 kHz since the middle of May. This would be from the high power site in

Gavar. The freq 1377 was formerly used for Armenian Radio by a 25 kW tx in<br />

Sisian. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx June 3)<br />

AUSTRALIA Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for CVC International via DRW=Darwin:<br />

Chinese to China<br />

2200-0100 on 15165 DRW 250 kW / 340 deg<br />

0700-1000 on 17830 DRW 250 kW / 340 deg >>>>> ex 0700-0900 for A-04<br />

1000-1400 on 13775 DRW 250 kW / 340 deg >>>>> ex 0900-1400 on 13770<br />

1400-1800 on 13695 DRW 250 kW / 340 deg >>>>> ex 1400-1800 on 13660<br />

English to China<br />

1000-1400 on 13685 DRW 250 kW / 340 deg >>>>> ex 0900-1400 for A-04<br />

1400-1800 on 152<strong>05</strong> DRW 250 kW / 340 deg >>>>> additional txion<br />

English to Indonesia and South East Asia<br />

0600-0900 on 15335 DRW 250 kW / 303 deg >>>>> additional txion<br />

0900-1100 on 11955 DRW 250 kW / 316 deg<br />

1100-1800 on 13635 DRW 250 kW / 303 deg<br />

1800-2100 on 6115 DRW 250 kW / 303 deg<br />

Indonesian to Indonesia<br />

0400-1000 on 17820 DRW 250 kW / 290 deg >>>>> ex 0600-1000 for A-04<br />

1000-1300 on 15365 DRW 250 kW / 290 deg<br />

1300-1700 on 7180 DRW 250 kW / 290 deg<br />

2300-0200 on 15250 DRW 250 kW / 290 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

AUSTRIA [c.f. bc-dx TopNews #714 un<strong>der</strong> Austria]<br />

VT Communications (VTC), part of VT Group plc is providing a ground-<br />

breaking AM broadcast pilot sce using the Digital Radio MondialeTM (DRMTM)<br />

system. Several UK commercial broadcasters are participating, including<br />

Virgin Radio, Asian Sound Radio, Classic Gold Digital, Premier Christian<br />

Radio and CVC.<br />

The commercial trial, which runs for two months, is the first of its kind<br />

targeting the UK. It allows commercial broadcasters to assess the benefits<br />

of the exciting new digital AM technology, including real time text and<br />

data based information sces, in addition to demonstrating the superb<br />

quality of reception that is now available on the AM bands.<br />

The programming is being broadcast from txion facilities in Western Europe<br />

reaching the whole of the UK as well as Northwest Continental Europe,<br />

demonstrating the exceptional coverage offered by the AM (SW, MW and LW)<br />

DRM technology platform which enables broadcasters to reach mass audiences<br />

cost effectively from one single transmitter.<br />

VT Communications owns and operates three DRM capable txs in the UK.<br />

Following successful sce trials in 2004, these transmitters already carry<br />

programming for several international broadcasters into Europe.<br />

VT Communications will be demonstrating these UK trials at the Digital<br />

Radio Show in London from 1-2 June 20<strong>05</strong>, providing conference delegates<br />

with the opportunity to listen to the broadcasts and expose them to the<br />

future of AM digital radio. DRM Chairman and Chief Operating Officer at<br />

Deutsche Welle, Peter Senger will address the conference in a session<br />

titled "An overview of global DRM implementations", at 1030 a.m. [BST] on 1<br />

June.<br />

Bryan Coombes, general manager for broadcast at VT Communications<br />

commented: "VT Communications is delighted at being able to offer our<br />

customers the opportunity to evaluate the benefits of DRM technology on<br />

their home territory. This really is an exciting taste of the future of<br />

radio, today."

Virgin Radio's development director Jason Bryant said: "Virgin Radio is<br />

committed to making its programme sces available on a wide variety of<br />

platforms. We believe that DRM is an exciting, and potentially wide appeal<br />

new platform and have been impressed with the technology on this trial."<br />

John Baish, managing director at Classic Gold Digital commented: "We're all<br />

excited by the opportunities that DRM will create, and this trial has given<br />

us a lot of encouragement about the potential of the platform. This is a<br />

groundbreaking initiative, and VT Communications have worked with great<br />

professionalism on the trial."<br />

DRM Pilot Transmission Schedule<br />

Broadcaster Times [UT +1] Day<br />

Virgin Radio 06:00-10:00 BST 7 days a week<br />

Asian Sound Radio 10:00-12:00 BST 7 days a week<br />

Classic Gold Digital 12:00-14:00 BST 7 days a week<br />

Premier Radio 14:00-15:00 BST 7 days a week<br />

CVC 17:00-18:00 BST Sunday<br />

(VT Communications press release. 31 May, via B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld)<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0900 Daily 9720 MOS <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 295 deg to WeEu Virgin Radio<br />

0900-1100 Daily NF 11815 MOS <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 295 deg to WeEu Asian Sound, x9815<br />

1100-1300 Daily NF 11815 MOS <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 295 deg to WeEu Classic Gold, x9815<br />

1300-1400 Daily NF 11815 MOS <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 295 deg to WeEu Premier Radio, x9815<br />

1600-1700 Sunday 97<strong>05</strong> MOS <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 295 deg to WeEu CVC Christian Vision<br />

1700-2100 Daily 6155 MOS <strong>05</strong>0 kW / non-dir to WeEu ORF 1 International<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 27)<br />

BRAZIL 4865 Radio Alvorada, Londrina, at 0320-04<strong>05</strong> on May 30, man<br />

announcer with long religious talk in Portuguese. At 0330 brief<br />

instrumental mx segment followed by another man and a woman talking. ID at<br />

0400 and more religious talk. Poor to fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 5)<br />

CHILE Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Voz Christiana via SGO=Santiago:<br />

Portuguese to Mexico and Central America<br />

0000-0400 on 11745 SGO 100 kW / 060 deg >>>>> ex 2300-0800 for A-04<br />

0400-1200 on 6110 SGO 100 kW / 060 deg >>>>> ex 0800-1100 for A-04<br />

1200-2400 on 15475 SGO 100 kW / 060 deg >>>>> ex 1100-2300 on 21500<br />

Spanish to Central America<br />

0100-0400 on 15585 SGO 100 kW / 340 deg<br />

Spanish to Northern South America<br />

0100-0800 on 11655 SGO 100 kW / non-dir >>>>> ex 0000-0800 on 15375<br />

0800-1200 on 5960 SGO 100 kW / non-dir >>>>> ex 5995 till May 8<br />

1200-0100 on 17680 SGO 100 kW / non-dir >>>>> ex 1100-2400<br />

Spanish to Southern South America<br />

2200-1300 on 6070 SGO 100 kW / 030 deg >>>>> ex 2200-1200 for A-04<br />

1300-2200 on 9635 SGO 100 kW / 030 deg >>>>> ex 1200-2200 for A-04<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

CHINA Xinjiang PBS switched to the usual summer schedule around 15 May,<br />

but in general reception has been poor due to the persistent solar<br />

disturbances. (Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 5)<br />

The most interesting reception this morning was from what must have been<br />

XZDT Lhasa on 11950. I first noted it around 0640 and by 0700 the signal<br />

had come up to S6 on peaks and then slowly began to fade out by 0730. What<br />

could possibly have caused the signal to peak at 0700? The lang was Chinese<br />

and the programme was woman talk and Chinese pop mx til 0700. I heard a<br />

Chinese type TS slightly after the hour of 5 low pips but missed the last

high pip. I think there was an ID but it was spoiled audibly by TRT-TUR<br />

splatter from 11955. I checked if it was \\ 176<strong>05</strong> but it wasn't.<br />

TWR via ALB was not on air today so I could check for 11860 and there was<br />

'something' there but impossible to tell what. This is via 085deg via LHA I<br />

note, so that would explain a weak signal. 11950 is via 290deg. 9 mHz<br />

channels were checked - 9490 blocked by Sweden and I think it was Africa #1<br />

on 9580 in a lot of splash.<br />

Strangely? - or maybe not - XJBS 11885 was showing just traces of signal -<br />

nothing on 11770 - and PAK 11565 did not appear. And the Kashi 11 mHz<br />

channel(s) were not very good either.<br />

Perhaps it is worth another check tomorrow - it all depends upon how much<br />

splatter the TUR splash machine on 11955 manages to put out though. The<br />

lady from Honolulu was back on 15000 and a nice signal was heard around<br />

0710 with no trace of the man from Boul<strong>der</strong> - and nothing on 10000. 13700<br />

had a S5+ signal from Lingshi with something very tentatively co-ch. This<br />

seems a very poor choice of freq for KWHR.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 8)<br />

CUBA Once again this morning, Fri June 3, RHC has special morning English<br />

broadcasts, live coverage in translation by YL of the International Meeting<br />

Against Terrorism, For Truth & Justice, as identified at 1350 UT. Tuned in<br />

at 1330 on 9550, 12000 and 13680 in English when someone from Paraguay was<br />

speaking. The English channels allowed the original Spanish to cut on and<br />

off abruptly during English pauses, very annoying; otherwise the Spanish<br />

track was inaudible, rather than barely audible as it had been the day<br />

before.<br />

I meant to mention yesterday that of the usual Spanish frequencies, 15230<br />

was inaudible but it was on today, tho weaker than the others, presumably<br />

aimed at SAm. Spanish also on 11760, 11800, 6000 (barely audible by 1354<br />

check), and 11875, which I had not noted on Thursday, but the latter was<br />

gone when rechecked at 1420. Fidel is presiding over this event, which<br />

guarantees it full coverage on RHC, and VP Rangel of Venezuela is also<br />

there. At 1420, audio on 13680 was almost gone, another bad patch cord, I<br />

guess, but OK on 9550, as the mother of a Disappeared from Argentina<br />

finished speaking. It appears that just about every unfortunate event in<br />

Latin America over the past 50 years can be classified as terrorism now,<br />

with the CIA and USA somehow behind them.<br />

[later]<br />

I couldn't keep listening but made sporadic checks when possible, sometimes<br />

on the car radio, which suffers from insensitivity and local FM image<br />

overload on some freqs. At 1619, there was mx on the Spanish freqs, and<br />

could not hear any of the English freqs. At 1649, Spanish on 11760, English<br />

on 9550, and too much noise on 12 and 13 MHz. 1830 recheck, 9550 still with<br />

English. Live events at the meeting were apparently in recess much of this<br />

time, accounting for mx breaks, and discussion from the studio, interviews<br />

from the floor with Ed Newman.<br />

At 1840 all three English freqs reconfirmed, and at 1842, 11760 paused for<br />

an ID in Spanish mentioning the same set of freqs as earlier in the<br />

morning, and all confirmed except for 6000, and yes, 11875 was back on. At<br />

1930, English still going from the studio with mx breaks, discussing<br />

Operation Condor, which Fidel thinks is still in operation thruout Latin<br />

America. The conference started Thursday, but I'm not sure whether it lasts<br />

two or three days.<br />

Will RHC blow away its scheduled lang programming this afternoon or reserve<br />

a few txs for that, and Venezuela relay which is supposed to be on 3 or 4<br />

freqs including 13680 at 2000? We should read all about it and listen to<br />

webcast at yeah, sure, down as frequently the case.

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld June 3)<br />

Freq change for Radio Havana Cuba in English:<br />

2300-0200 NF 12000, x9655 to avoid VOIROI/IRIB in Spanish \\ 9550<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

CZECH REP Freqs changes for RFE/RL: 1500-1600 Russian NF 9520, ex<br />

9725<br />

1500-1700 Belorussian NF 9725, ex 9565 1600-1700 Russian NF 9565,<br />

ex 9725<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

DRM Interesting interview on the new DRM module launched at the London<br />

Digital Radio Show<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C<br />

June 3)<br />

DRM group meeting report A comprehensive report on the May 5th meeting is<br />

at<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, dxld June 4)<br />

New Module heralded as DRM breakthrough - RadioScape's new RS500 module. A<br />

new module for mulitstandard, digital radio receivers promises to bring DRM<br />

reception within easy reach for price-conscious consumers.<br />

"This is the breakthrough DRM has been waiting for" says Peter Senger,<br />

Deutshe Welle's technical director and chair of the DRM Consortium.<br />

He was referring to the new RS500 module manufactured by the UK-based<br />

company RadioScape, which can receive DRM as well as DAB, FM with RDS, LW,<br />

MW, and SW. The company says receivers based on this module could have end<br />

user prices below $250 dollars, almost a quarter of the current market<br />

price.<br />

Peter Senger (right) and Andrew Moloney, marketing manager at RadioScape<br />

were guests on Deutsche Welle radio's Update Europe on Friday 3rd June.<br />

Update Europe, a three hour music-and-chat lunchtime programme was launched<br />

on November 1st 2004 for a pan-European audience and was specially<br />

conceived for the new DRM digital shortwave technology.<br />

Click below to hear Update Europe's Marianne Yahilevich talking Peter<br />

Senger and Andrew Moloney. (DW June 3)<br />

A lot of interesting items on DRM, like<br />

- DRM Demo at Winter SWL Fest 20<strong>05</strong> at Kulpsville,<br />

- 26 MHz DRM Tests in Croatia,<br />

comments like<br />

"On the other hand, Graham Mytton of VT Merlin Communications voiced the<br />

opinion that we will have to continue with analog SW broadcasting for a<br />

long time to come."<br />

can be read on<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Listening Digest 5-092, June 4, 20<strong>05</strong> by Glenn Hauser, see<br />

<br />

or from next week onwards.<br />

(wb, June 4)<br />


Interesting interview on the new DRM module launched at the London Digital<br />

Radio Show

(Mike Barraclough, dxld June 6)<br />

There's another report on the site I had not seen<br />

<br />

I would hope the receivers are using a DAB/DRM as I am not convinced there<br />

is enough distinctive programme content yet on DRM for consumers in France,<br />

Germany and the Benelux to pay an extra premium for a digital receiver.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, swprograms via dxld June 6)<br />

HARMAN/BECKER Automotive Systems Joins DRM<br />

<br />

(via Siriol Evans, DRM Press Office, dxld June 6)<br />

Becker company from Karlsruhe-Germany, - now belonging to Harman-USA - has<br />

been built the best car radios worldwide in past two decades, like "Becker<br />

Mexico" sets on Porsche and Daimler-Benz cars, including SW band range.<br />

(wb, June 6)<br />

DJIBOUTI 4780 Radiodiffusion TV Djibouti, at *0257-0316 on Jun 1, open<br />

carrier followed by instrumental mx opening at 0259. Man announcer with ID<br />

and sign on annts at 0300 followed by recitations. Fair. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-<br />

USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 5)<br />

4780 Radiodiffusion Television de Djibouti, at 1700-1845 UT on June 3,<br />

Vernacular. Lots of songs with local instruments, news by a man from 1701<br />

and 1831 which began with the same theme music. Signal was strong and<br />

stable, but seemed to be overmodulated.<br />

(M. Kusumoto-JPN, hcdx June 6)<br />

ERITREA I listened to Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea (pres) in<br />

Vernacular? on 7100 kHz from 1624-1704 UT on May 18. Mainly talk and folk<br />

mx. SINPO 32332. QRM: Unknown station on 7110 kHz and 71<strong>05</strong> kHz. (Yasuhiro<br />

Shiozaki-JPN, JPNpremium June 9)<br />

71<strong>05</strong> Belarus R.?, 7110 CNR and R.Ethiopia?, wb.<br />

ETHIOPIA [to ERI] 9560.82, R. Ethiopia on Jun 01 at 1450-1500* UT, 33433<br />

Arabic, Ethiopian pops, ID at 1459 UT. 9560.82, V. of Democratic Alliance<br />

via R. Ethiopia on Jun 01 at *1500-1535 UT, 33443 Arabic and Kunama, 1500<br />

IS, ID, Talk and Ethiopian pops mx.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 9)<br />

5500 V.o.Peace & Democracy Eritrea on Jun 02 at *1414-1425 UT, 34232-33232<br />

Tigrigna, 1414 UT sign on with IS, ID, opening mx another announce, talk<br />

and local mx.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 9)<br />

EQUATORIAL GUINEA 15190 Ledbetter Bible Answer Program via Radio Africa<br />

"kind of" verified in 6 days with a no data almost helpful statement: "This<br />

is Spencer Ledbetter from the Ledbetter Bible Answer Program that is<br />

broadcasting in Equatorial Guinea. I appreciate your report. I'm not<br />

familiar with a QSL verification but if you tell me what it is, I will seek<br />

to comply. Thanks for listening! God Bless you and your family! If I can<br />

help you in any way, let me know!"<br />

I wrote back to "let him know" so we shall see if anything positive<br />

develops. I'm optimistic although historical experience with many<br />

individual religious broadcasters (program provi<strong>der</strong>s) hasn't been good<br />

overall.<br />

I sent my report for the Ledbetter Bible Answer Program via Radio Africa to<br />

two separate e-mail addresses. One was direct to the ministry at

The other was to the station at The reply came<br />

direct from Spencer Ledbetter but I am not certain which e-mail address got<br />

the message to him. However, the reply came from Spencer's direct e-mail<br />

address which is <br />

In today's mail I received a postal reply direct from Radio Africa for a<br />

report to the (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer<br />

June 5)<br />

I listened to Radio Nacional de Guniea Ecuatorial-Bata in Vernacular? and<br />

Spanish on 50<strong>05</strong> kHz from 2034-21<strong>05</strong> UT on April 15. Talk, folk mx, Afropops,<br />

etc. News in Spanish by man from 2101 UT. Frequently ID as 'Radio<br />

Nacional'. SINPO 34333-34332. QRM:CW on co-channel. Poor audio from 2103.<br />

(Yasuhiro Shiozaki-JPN, JPNpremium June 9)<br />

FRANCE/ASCENSION General conditions are again quite poor, particularly on<br />

the highest bands. On Sunday, ARS 9675 was peaking to S6 around 0645 but<br />

there was no trace of it today - only Cancao Nova which was not heard on<br />

Sunday! RHC was fair to good strength on 6000 6060 9550 and fair on 11760<br />

but with dit QRM and splatter from 11755. CVC via Darwin in INSn was<br />

audible around 0630 on 17820 but hardly moving the S meter. There were no<br />

signals out of SHP anywhere. I note that RFI is using 15160 in English at<br />

0600-0630 UT \\ ASC 11665 kHz. (Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 6)<br />

I just receive an email from RFI with an internet link for there European<br />

schedule with all MW/SW/FM and satellite. On FM you will find all European<br />

relays.<br />

<br />

(Vincent Lecleir-F, MWC June 9)<br />

GEORGIA Re <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> #713: Today 1600-1630 Radio Georgia in Azeri on 4540 and<br />

Radio Hara in Abkhazian/Georgian at 1700-1730 UT on 4875 were heard here,<br />

June 6.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

At approx. 1400 UT 9494.94v Abkhaz State Radio Soxum noted in Russian<br />

again, fade in time, thiny S=1-2. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

GERMANY After 1st June I have noted Rohrdorf 666 still AN on two<br />

occasions, so they may have had second thoughts of cutting down. (Olle Alm-<br />

SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 5)<br />

Yes, obviously they have changed their minds at short notice, on May 20.<br />

They removed the regarding note from the<br />

<br />

page. No idea why they hesitated from doing it now, since the plan to<br />

switch off most mediumwave txs overnight is around already for some time<br />

there and has been already implemented on 828 and 1485. (Kai Ludwig-D,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 5)<br />

630 kHz - The authorities in Nie<strong>der</strong>sachsen, Germany, have licensed the 200<br />

kW mediumwave tx at Cremlingen, near Braunschweig, on 630 kHz.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, ARC-Eko April 25 / June 4)<br />

Actually 100 kW day, 16 kW night. The 200 kW power level applies to 756 kHz<br />

from the same site. (Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 5)<br />

Below follows current schedule of Voice of Russia via Braunschweig<br />

transmitter in Germany - 630 kHz, 100 kW.<br />

0400-0900 Voice of Russia in English<br />

0900-1200 Voice of Russia in German<br />

1200-1500 Russian International Radio in Russian

1500-1600 Voice of Russia in German (special broadcast for Berlin area)<br />

1600-1700 Voice of Russia in German<br />

1700-1800 Voice of Russia, World Service in Russian<br />

1800-1900 Voice of Russia in German (special broadcast for Berlin area)<br />

1900-2100 Russian International Radio in Russian<br />

2100-2200 Voice of Russia, Radiokanal Sodruzhestvo in Russian.<br />

(open_dx - Pavel Mikhaylov, Moscow-RUS - info from Voice of Russia<br />

Technical Management; <strong>DX</strong>signal June 7)<br />

Freq change for Minivan Radio in Dhivehi via DTK T-Systems:<br />

1600-1700 NF 11800 JUL 100 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg to SoAs, ex 12015 to avoid VOKorea<br />

Additional changes for Brother Stair (TOM) via DTK T-Systems:<br />

1400-1600 on 6110 JUL 100 kW / non-dir to Eu, ex 1500-1600<br />

1500-1600 on 13810 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg to ME, cancelled<br />

Additional txions for TWR Europe via DTK T-Systems from May 30:<br />

1810-1840 Mon-Sat on 5910 JUL 100 kW / 130 deg to EaEu in Serbian<br />

1810-1840 Sunday on 5910 JUL 100 kW / 130 deg to EaEu in Slovene<br />

Freq change for VOA in Ukrainian via BIB 100 kW / 088 deg:<br />

2000-2030 Mon-Fri and 2000-2015 Sat/Sun NF 7230, ex 6010 \\ 9715 and 11840<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

wdr-teletext #454:<br />

Einen Leckerbissen fuer Radiofans bietet die neue Ausgabe <strong>der</strong><br />

"Nordwestdeutschen Hefte zur Rundfunkgeschichte". Unter dem Titel "Vom NWDR<br />

zum WDR" vereint sie Interviews mit fuenf prominenten Radio- und TV-Machern<br />

<strong>der</strong> ersten Stunde. Claus-Hinrich Casdorff, Chris Howland, Heinz Werner<br />

Huebner, Hilde Stallmach-Schwarzkopf und Dieter Thoma geben - teils<br />

anekdotisch heiter - einen Einblick in ihre Arbeit <strong>der</strong> Pionierzeit.<br />

Die "Nordwestdeutschen Hefte" sind unter <strong>der</strong> Homepage<br />

per Download zugaenglich. (Paul Gager-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> June<br />

5)<br />

GREECE Freq change for VOA in Kurdish via KAV 250 kW / 108 deg:<br />

0400-<strong>05</strong>00 NF 9730, ex 97<strong>05</strong> \\ 7115 and 11980<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

HAWAII 11555 Radio Hoa Mai via KWHR. On June 4 at 1328-1358 UT. SINPO<br />

44444. Started with bells ringing at 1328 UT, then ID in Vietnamese by a<br />

woman. Mainly talk by a man and a woman. ID for KWHR at 1358 UT, followed<br />

by Falun Dafa Radio program in Chinese at 1400. But strong signal from<br />

China covered. (Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, June 9)<br />

11555 R. Free Vietnam via KWHR on Jun 02 at *1229-1258* UT[Mon-Fri wb.].<br />

45444 Vietnamese, 1229 UT with opening mx, Opening announce, talk.<br />

11555 R. Moa Mai via KWHR on Jun 04 at *1328-1335 UT[Sat-Sun wb.]. 44444<br />

Vietnamese, 1328 sign on with Gong's IS, Opening announce and opening mx.<br />

Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 9)<br />

HUNGARY 810 and 1341 kHz Magyar Katolikus Radio, the new Catholic station<br />

launched by the Hungarian Bishops Conference last spring, goes nationwide<br />

on April 1st by turning on two new transmitters. For the past year, the<br />

station has been operation from a single tx in Szolnok on 1341 AM.<br />

On April lst, it will be joined by a tx in Lakihegy on 810 AM, which will<br />

cover the middle part of Hungary, and Lakihegy on 1341 AM, in the western<br />

part of Hungary. According to Mr. Ferenc Zlinszky, the deputy editor at the

FM network in northern Hungary, MKR, which is a separate institution from<br />

Magyar Katolikus Radio on AM radio, "Until now, only one of the three<br />

planned txs has been operating:<br />

the one in Szolnok, in the eastern half of the country, 1341 AM. So, the<br />

"country-wide" broadcasting will become a reality on the first of April."<br />

Further, Mr. Zlinszky reports that, in regard to the Szolnok tx, "this one<br />

will be replaced with a new equipment, too."<br />

There is a bad echo on 1341 now (Olle Alm-Swe)<br />

(Catholic Radio Update # 325 March 20; via Olle Alm-SWE, ARC-Eko April 25 /<br />

June 4)<br />

Second 1341 site is Siofok near the eastern tip of the Balaton lake. Now I<br />

note no echo on 1341 anymore, but some distortion and especially on speech<br />

the hollow sound typical for skywave reception of SFN networks, as it can<br />

be heard on the UK synchro freqs. Meanwhile they also added a compressor<br />

(Optimod or a competitor's product), so they are now consi<strong>der</strong>ably lou<strong>der</strong><br />

than when they started back in last year. Makes quite a difference<br />

especially because they play many classical mx with faint parts.<br />

Here are nice aerial views of the Lakihegy station south of Budapest<br />

(original Blaw Knox antenna?), the Solt 2000 kW plant (540 kHz) and some<br />

other sites:<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 5)<br />

810 will never work properly during twin-light and nighttime even around<br />

Budapest Lakihegy location, due of co-channel 1200 kW powerhouse in<br />

Macedonia, which covers whole Balkan region and even central Europe area up<br />

to 1500 kms around.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 5)<br />

Re. Lakihegy 810: I un<strong>der</strong>stand this to be an additional outlet for<br />

Budapest, providing a strong signal to overcome the local noise within the<br />

big town. Congestion between the Siofok and Szolnok signals on 1341 could<br />

be especially worse in the Budapest area as well.<br />

If you don't know the output of the new outlets yet:<br />

Lakihegy is 12.3 kW, Siofok 150 kW, cf.<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 5)<br />

1341/810 A bright sunny day Friday, temperature around +30 C with wind<br />

from east, so we started visiting Hungarian Catholic Radio:<br />

E-mail: <br />

Address: , Delibab Utca 15-17, H-1062 Budapest, Hungary. We had a fixed<br />

meeting with Chief Engineer Gabor Frischmann. He attended us very friendly<br />

giving us little parer info and mini poster with studio photos. Not yet<br />

printed stickers. Their studios are quite new, just one year and before the<br />

building has been a children baby private school. The station operates on<br />

MW and is well heard in south - central Europe, on 1341 kHz, but there are<br />

interferences on 1341 kHz from B<strong>BC</strong> Northern Ireland TX. The other channel<br />

is for local area in Budapest on 810 kHz former utilized by Radio Juventus<br />

Budapest (now only on FM), but unfortunately the MEGAWATT TX from Skopje is<br />

even doing heterodine at daytime, so not a good choose.<br />

The station is stricktly in contact with Vatican Radio and they relay the<br />

Hungarian sce. The equipment is all computerized and processed from the<br />

satellite and connection to the Cable FM system in many towns of Hungary.<br />

Mr. Gabor Frischmann is very much interested to get reception reports which<br />

are carefully controlled and verified by letter, and don't forget to add an<br />

International Reply Coupon.

You may contact him at: <br />

(Dario Monferini, visiting Hungary, Playdx via dxld June 7)<br />

INDONESIA 4870.92 RRI Sorong at 1<strong>05</strong>0-1150* UT on Jun 2. Vocal selections<br />

to 1101, then seemed like an IS consisting of a few bars of mx on local<br />

instruments, followed by "Radio Republik INS Sorong" ID; YL with news<br />

followed to 1118, then more mx; shut down about 1150 per rechecks. Fair<br />

signal. (John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 3)<br />

4870.90 RRI Sorong, at 0957-1020 UT. On the hour noted a man in nx<br />

(Indonesian Lang) until 1002 when mx presented. This format continued (mx &<br />

tx) during remaining period. Signal was at fair level. (Chuck Bolland-FL-<br />

USA, hcdx June 5)<br />

3345 RRI Ternate on June 5 at 1310-1400 UT, 33333. Talk and music in INSn.<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium June 9)<br />

4604.98 RRI Serui on Jun 02 at 1125-1137 UT, 45343 INSn, 1129 IS, ID at<br />

1130, Local news.<br />

4870.95 RRI Sorong on Jun 02 at 1<strong>05</strong>2-1103 UT, 44343 INSn, 1100 IS, ID at<br />

1101. Local news. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 9)<br />

4789.97 RRI Fak-Fak at 1148-1210 on Jun 5. Nice INSn lagu-lagu; M ancr<br />

spoke at 1158 UT, then SCI at 1159; Jak relay commenced at 1200 with usual<br />

WIB time check, followed by news. Excellent signal; still good at 1230 recheck<br />

with mx.<br />

4890.92 RRI Sorong at 1<strong>05</strong>3-1200+ on Jun 5. Very fine signal this morning,<br />

noted several times in passing with vocal mx, Male ancr. (John Wilkins-CO-<br />

USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 5)<br />

IRAQ Regularly already VO Iraqi Kurdistan close down at 1455 UT on 6337<br />

kHz, May 23-June 5. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

ITALY 6195 RAI im 49 Meter Band. Christoph Ratzer schrieb:<br />

Wie in <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 714 diese Woche gemeldet ist RAI auch heute auf 6195 kHz<br />

anstatt auf 9670 zu hoeren, <strong>der</strong>zeit (1030 UT) wird ein Musikprogramm mit<br />

vielen italienischen Titeln gespielt. Signalstaerke in Salzburg S=9 +40dB.<br />

(Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, A-<strong>DX</strong> June 4)<br />

Hier in Noerten-Hardenberg eher schwaches und verrauschtes Signal. Hab erst<br />

gedacht es w„r ein Pirat. ;-) (Felix Lechte-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> June 5)<br />

6195 Hier in Stuttgart sind es nur 780 km aus Rom und die Nebenkeule ergibt<br />

noch ein deftiges Signal. Bis Noerten sind es halt 500 km mehr. Die Vorzugs<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong>ichtung ist 52 Grad und geht in Richtung Sarajevo, Belgrad, Kiev,<br />

Charkov hinaus.<br />

(wb, A-<strong>DX</strong> June 5)<br />

JAPAN [and non] The special <strong>DX</strong>-programme from R JPN was heard here in<br />

Denmark at armchair level today at <strong>05</strong>10-0600 and 1010-1100 UT. Thanks a lot<br />

to all participants!<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 4)<br />

Dear Anker,<br />

Your information on NHK Radio JPN <strong>DX</strong> px item came 15 hours too late.<br />

Unfortunatelly I missed all these European relay txions and also Victor's<br />

interview.<br />

Last chance for European audience will be the ME txion on Monday morning at<br />

'unpleasant' time of 0110 UT via Rampisham 5960 kHz.<br />

Monday 0110-0200 5960(UK)/17560 kHz

17810/11860(SNG)/17845/15325kHz<br />

17825/11935(BON)kHz<br />

Hopeless in Europe:<br />

Sunday 0010-0100 6145 kHz(Canada)<br />

0310-0400 21610kHz<br />

1110-1200 9695/11730kHz 6120 kHz(Canada)<br />

1510-1600 6190/7200/11730kHz 95<strong>05</strong> kHz<br />

5960UK Yes, heard a fair - but flutter fading - signal from Rampisham here<br />

in Germany, too close to the tx site at night propagation time slot. (wb,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 4)<br />

Commemorating Radio Japan's 70th anniversary on June 1, the June's first<br />

weekend show of Radio Japan's "Hello from Tokyo" dedicated its entire<br />

program to <strong>DX</strong> items.<br />

On June 4/5/6, the following personnel was be on the show:<br />

Ms. Yukiko Tsuji, member of JSWC, JPN Short Wave Club. (Familiar voice of<br />

JSWC <strong>DX</strong> programs).<br />

Mr. Anker Petersen, Chairman of Danish Short Wave Club International,<br />

Denmark.<br />

Mr. G. Victor A. Goonetilleke, President of the Radio Society of Sri Lanka.<br />

Mr. Bob Padula, Administrator, E<strong>DX</strong>P, Electronic <strong>DX</strong> Press Monitoring Assoc.,<br />

Australia.<br />

Mr. Richard D'Angelo, Executive Director, NASWA, North American Short Wave<br />

Assoc. USA.<br />

All talked about their radio lives and memories of Radio JPN with Jonathan<br />

Sherr and Ms. Hisako Tomisawa, "Hello from Tokyo's" regular host and<br />

hostess joined by Toshi Ohtake of JSWC.<br />

At <strong>05</strong>10-0600 on 4 June, 15195 kHz provided the best reception, SINPO 35333,<br />

although it is not directed to my area. Very weak signals on 17810 and<br />

21755 kHz. No signal at all on 5975 kHz via UK. Weak signal, worse than<br />

15195 kHz, on 7230 kHz via UK.<br />

I also listened at 1010-1100 UTC. 17720 and 17585 kHz were the best, with<br />

SINPO 43443 and 35433 respectively. 17720 kHz was subject to QRM from 10<br />

kHz below, where super-powerful signal of YLE Radio Finland was heard.<br />

21755 kHz came very, very weak (1 1); 11730 kHz came with SINPO 25222.<br />

But the best reception was noted at 1710-1800 UTC on 11970 kHz! SINPO was<br />

45444.<br />

(Dmitry Mezin, Kazan-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal June 7)<br />

MADAGASCAR Heute morgen habe ich auf 15320 kHz ein Englisch sprachiges<br />

Programm gehoert. Auch beim Programmende wurde keine ID genannt. Auf einer<br />

veralteten 'Voiceofhope.net' Internetseite und im Passport habe ich<br />

gelesen, dass es sich um Voice of Hope aus MDG handeln koennte. Weiss<br />

jemand genaueres? (weitere Sendezeiten?<br />

Adresse?)<br />

Gehoert: 0440-0457 UTC (Programmende).<br />

Sprache: Englisch mit afrikanischem Slang. SINPO: 54444<br />

Es wurden auch noch Yahoo E-Mail Adressen genannt. Lei<strong>der</strong> hat mein Mini-<br />

Disc Recor<strong>der</strong> aber versagt. Danke fuer die Info.<br />

(Sandro Blatter-SUI, A-<strong>DX</strong> June 5)<br />

Das ist Radio Nile, wie sich die VoHope mittlerweile nennt. Habe ich<br />

letzten Montag von 0427-0457 UT auf 15320 kHz in abwechselnd En und Vn<br />


Als Adresse habe ich nach langem Suchen gefunden:<br />

P.O.Box 19318, NL-3501 DH Utrecht o<strong>der</strong><br />

P.O.Box 33829, Kampala, UGANDA (aeltere QSL-<strong>Meldun</strong>gen in QIP).<br />

Uebrigens kommt gleich nach Sendeschluss von Radio Nile nebenan auf 15325<br />

kHz ab <strong>05</strong>00 UTC mit dem Sudan Radio Service ein weiteres Programm fuer den<br />

Sudan.<br />

(Rudolf Sonntag-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> June 5)<br />

15325 Sudan Radio Service, latter at <strong>05</strong>00-0600 UT (excl. Fri/Sat)<br />

Woofferton-UK 300 kW 126 Grad in Ar/En, wb.<br />

Radio Nile gibt es seit Herbst 2002 / Saison B03:<br />

R Nile in En/Sudanesisch 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 UT nur samstags bis dienstags.<br />

15320 250 kW 335 Grad. 12060 250 kW 325 Grad<br />

12060 0427-0457 47E,48,52E,53 MDC 250kW 325deg<br />

15320 0427-0457 47E,48,52E,53 MDC 250 335<br />

Radio Nile fuer den Sudan<br />

Radio Voice of Hope hat sich in Radio Nile umbenannt. Die humanitaere<br />

Station sendet weiterhin samstags bis dienstags 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 Uhr ueber die<br />

Anlagen von Radio Ne<strong>der</strong>land Wereldomroep auf Madagaskar auf 12060 und 15320<br />

kHz (250 kW, 325/335 degr) fuer den Suedsudan.<br />

Die "Stimme <strong>der</strong> Hoffnung fuer die, die im Suedsudan keine Stimme haben",<br />

wurde von <strong>der</strong> christlichen Programmgesellschaft NCRV als Teil ihrer Feiern<br />

zum 75-jaehrigen Bestehen initiiert und wird von ihr und mehreren<br />

religioesen und humanitaeren Organisationen finanziert. Nach positiven<br />

Empfangsergebnissen fuer Testsendungen am 24. Dezember 1999 und 1. <strong>Jan</strong>uar<br />

2000 begann man mit den Vorbereitungen fuer regelmaessige Sendungen. Am 4.<br />

November 2000 wurde dann ein samstaegliches Programm in Englisch und Sudan-<br />

Arabisch fuer den Sueden des Sudan aufgenommen, spaeter auf vier<br />

Halbstundensendungen woechentlich ausgedehnt.<br />

Die meisten Programmteile werden in einem Studio <strong>der</strong> katholischen Kirche in<br />

Kampala aufgenommen und dann an Radio Ne<strong>der</strong>land geschickt. Ein Aufsichtsrat<br />

von elf Personen plant und ueberwacht die Sendungen. Fuenf Mitglie<strong>der</strong><br />

kommen vom New Sudan Council of Churches, je zwei von Frauenorganisationen<br />

und auslaendischen Hilfsorganisationen, eines vertritt Jugendliche, eines<br />

die Journalisten.<br />

Seit 20 Jahren tobt im Sudan ein Krieg, <strong>der</strong> oft als Krieg zwischen dem<br />

arabischen Norden und afrikanischen Sueden, zwischen muslimischem<br />

Fundamentalismus und an<strong>der</strong>en Religionen verstanden wird. Allerdings ist die<br />

Front im Sueden keineswegs einheitlich, denn verschiedene Kriegsherren<br />

bekaempfen sich auch gegenseitig bzw. kooperieren nach Bedarf mit <strong>der</strong><br />

Regierung. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Medien Aktuell, Kirche im Rundfunk)<br />

[Cland to Sudan] 15320 Radio Nile, at *0427-0457* on Apr 16, drums /<br />

percussion instruments into Sudanese Arabic, then English, ID "This is<br />

Radio Nile broadcasting on 15320 kHz 19 mb and 12060 kHz in the 25 mb<br />

shortwave band. Radio Nile brings you nx and current affairs and programs<br />

on peace, education, devopment... Tune in every Sat Sun and Mon and Tue at<br />

7 hours AM. Radio Nile coming SW (at tune)", then prgr in Sudanese Arabic.<br />

Slightly weaker than \\ 12060, but both strong. Included local nice songs<br />

at armchair level. Percussion/string instruments at close.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 16)<br />

15320 / 12060, Radio Nile/IRIN at *0427- 0457* on Apr 25, YL in Sudanese<br />

Arabic, then English station annts: "This is Radio Nile broadcasting on<br />

15320 kHz 19 meters and 12060 kHz on the 25 meter SW band. Radio Nile

ings you ..." and schedule. At <strong>05</strong>00 percussion/string instruments into<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 "Hello and welcome to this program from IRIN radio. IRIN, the<br />

humanitarian nx sce of the United Nations." (Integrated Regional<br />

Information Network (UN-IRIN)).<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 UT Program about maternaty and early baby sces in Southern Sudan for<br />

local women. "In this program, we talk to the women who make the maternaty<br />

work." Women talking in local lang plus translation into English. Longish<br />

beautiful song ended the IRIN Radio programme, into male talking in English<br />

(now consi<strong>der</strong>ably worse technical quality and hard to un<strong>der</strong>stand) about<br />

"Quality of life in rural Sudan", with features devided by HoA songs. Then<br />

local lang (Sudanese Arabic?), again lovely songs. Percussion / string<br />

instruments at close. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 25)<br />

MOLDOVA [to IRN] 7490 V. of Iran of Tomorrow Movement, on Jun 01 at<br />

*1600-16<strong>05</strong> UT, 35333 Persian, 1600 sign-on with opening mx, ID, talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 9)<br />

MYANMAR 5985.9 Radio Myanmar on June 2 at 1330-1435 UT. SINPO 33333.<br />

Talk in Burmese by a man and a woman. Music program with Burmese songs from<br />

1345. ID at 1429 UT, English program followed, but the reception condition<br />

got worse.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium June 9)<br />

15480 Democratic Voice of Burma [-non]. On June 4 at 1428-1435 UT. SINPO<br />

25332. Started with folk song at 1428 UT and ID in Burmese was heard at<br />

1430 UT. Male talk after short mx break. (Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium,<br />

June 9)<br />

NETHERLANDS Dutch mediumwave freqs activated with low power. Ruud Poeze,<br />

who holds the licences for a number of mediumwave freqs in the Netherlands,<br />

has started activating them with low power txs carrying test tones. This is<br />

intended to demonstrate to the Radiocommunications Agency that the freqs<br />

are 'in use'. So far, 15 watt txs with inverted L antennas have been<br />

activated on 1584 kHz (Utrecht) and 1557 kHz (Amsterdam). The Amsterdam tx<br />

started operating on Saturday, 26.3, with a 1000 Hz test tone. Here in<br />

Naarden, about 25 km away, the signal is barely audible.<br />

(Andy via MWC e-mail sce March 28; ARC MV-Eko via Olle Alm-SWE, June 4)<br />

[HOL and non]<br />

RNW was heard after 0700 on it's new 9610 via JUL (aiming at Olle) today //<br />

5955, but NOT // Bonaire 9625. (Olle Alm-SWE and Noel R. Green-UK, June 4)<br />

That's a special service for Dutch holidaymakers in North Eastern Europe on<br />

their Caravaning touring busses, like every year til Sept 1st:<br />

9610 0659-0757 18 to NoEaEUR JUL 100kW 50deg 0106-0109<strong>05</strong> Dutch<br />

and FLE 6015 kHz is cut by an hour closing at <strong>05</strong>56 UT instead.<br />

Another JUL registration entry at 10 degr (20 minus 10)<br />

11655 <strong>05</strong>59-0700 18 JUL 100 20 -10 0106-0109<strong>05</strong> Dut<br />

Also additional sce via Kaliningrad<br />

6035 1959-2<strong>05</strong>7 18,27,28W KLG 160 245 0106-0109<strong>05</strong><br />

6035 1959-2200 27,28W,37N KLG 160 245 0106-0109<strong>05</strong> Dut RUS RNW RNW<br />

and addit FLE<br />

9695 1959-2<strong>05</strong>7 36,37 FLE 500 2<strong>05</strong> 0106-0109<strong>05</strong> Dut<br />

9695 1959-2<strong>05</strong>7 28S,38,39 FLE 500 127 0106-0109<strong>05</strong> Dut<br />

9895 0659-1657 27S,37N FLE 500 191 0106-0109<strong>05</strong> Dut<br />

and complex 11935 schedule also:

11935 <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>56 28S FLE 500 123 0106-0109<strong>05</strong> Dut<br />

11935 <strong>05</strong>59-0757 27S,28S,37N FLE 500 191 234567 0106-0109<strong>05</strong> Dut<br />

11935 <strong>05</strong>59-0758 27S,28S,37N FLE 500 191 1-Sun 0106-0109<strong>05</strong> Dut<br />

11935 0659-0757 27S,28S,37N FLE 500 191 2703-0106<strong>05</strong> Dut<br />

11935 0659-0758 27S,28S,37N FLE 500 191 0109-3010<strong>05</strong> Dut<br />

11935 0759-0900 28S FLE 500 123 23456 0107-0109<strong>05</strong> Dut<br />

11935 0759-0900 27S,37N FLE 500 191 23456 0106-0109<strong>05</strong> Dut<br />

12015 1959-2<strong>05</strong>7 28S FLE 4 0 123 0106-0109<strong>05</strong> DRM Dut<br />

13700 0759-0900 27S,37N FLE 500 191 23456 0106-0109<strong>05</strong> Dut<br />

13700 0759-0900 28S FLE 500 123 23456 0107-0109<strong>05</strong> Dut<br />

and bycicle tour de FRANCE live coverage:<br />

13700 1159-1459 27S,37N FLE 500 191 23456 0207-2507<strong>05</strong> Dut<br />

13700 1159-1459 28S FLE 500 123 23456 0207-2507<strong>05</strong> Dut<br />

(wb, June 5)<br />

DRM txions by Radio Netherlands from the Nozema Services txion site on<br />

Flevoland have increased this season by almost seven hours per day. At<br />

present, DRM txions in Dutch total 6 hours 45 mins daily, and English three<br />

and a half hours daily. In the summer of 2004 these were respectively one<br />

hour and two and a half hours.<br />

Radio Netherlands Director-General and DRM Vice-President <strong>Jan</strong> Hoek says<br />

"Radio Netherlands has been involved as a foun<strong>der</strong> member and participant<br />

from the design phase up to the current phase." DRM offers an enormous<br />

improvement with respect to the analogue sound quality, and approaches FM<br />

quality. That is a major advantage for our listeners. Moreover, DRM<br />

technology brings with it lower distribution costs for our organisation.<br />

DRM therefore gives a new pulse gives to the freqs un<strong>der</strong> 30 MHz. Rob<br />

Timmermans, General Director Nozema Services: "Nozema Services work<br />

continuously using the newest technology, to offer our customers the best<br />

possible sce. Digital radio on the basis of DRM is a beautiful example of<br />

that. With DRM we combine the advantages (digitally) of better sound with<br />

the large reach of our mediumwave and SW txs. Also with DRM, fading of the<br />

signals becomes a thing of the past.<br />

From the Flevoland tx site, Radio Canada International, Vatican Radio and<br />

Radio Sweden also transmit in DRM. These broadcasts are received in central<br />

Europe, including the south of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary and<br />

Slovenia.<br />

The first DRM consumer receivers are expected on the market in the autumn.<br />

Further information on DRM appears on <br />

(RNW MN NL June 7)<br />

NEW ZEALAND The following has been passed to me by Adrian Sainsbury, RNZI<br />

who is looking for new RNZI monitors as mentioned below. Please contact<br />

Adrian at the RNZI email or postal address listed below (Mark Nicholls,<br />

Editor, New Zealand <strong>DX</strong> Times, New Zealand Radio <strong>DX</strong> League<br />

)<br />

RNZI is looking for <strong>DX</strong> listeners in any of the Pacific Islands right out to<br />

the Pacific rim to monitor and report on RNZI txions. We are especially<br />

interested in finding enthusiasts who will assist us with reporting on the<br />

new digital technology [DRM] txions beginning later this year. In exchange<br />

for this sce a DRM receiver will be supplied at no cost.<br />

For further information please contact:<br />

Adrian Sainsbury, Technical Manager, P.O.Box 123, Radio New Zealand<br />

International, WELLINGTON<br />


(via Nicholls, Editor, New Zealand <strong>DX</strong> Times, New Zealand Radio <strong>DX</strong> League<br />

June 7)<br />

PAKISTAN Pakistan has come up on 15100 at 1700-1900 since June 1<br />

(replacing 9365 kHz) and is doing well here with slight splash from B<strong>BC</strong> SKN<br />

151<strong>05</strong> and via ASC at 1800. Can anyone give me a report of what it's like<br />

further east?<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 4)<br />

I checked some PAK freqs quickly today June 7th.<br />

11585/11586 Crazy frequency selection of only 1 kHz separation. Heard<br />

Russian at 1415 UT on exact 11586.00 kHz, both PAK and AIR [latter cochannel<br />

11585.00] were on same poor signal level S=2, and I could follow<br />

easily Russian sce progr when used the upper flank. Nothing noted on \\<br />

9325 kHz.<br />

Arabic sce was much stronger then, at 1815 UT, 9340.44 kHz and 11550.03 kHz<br />

S=2-3.<br />

Urdu program was not bad (except audio quality) on both 11570 and 15100 at<br />

1820 UT, S=4-5.<br />

I couldn't copy any of the new 9320 kHz signals, Iran program, or the<br />

Islamabad special program later 1700-1900 UT. KRE 9325 signal was alone and<br />

the only one in this band region.<br />

7570 kHz not strongs as in past autumn/winter, only S=2 at 1930 UT. Whistle<br />

tone on the lower flank makes listening not pleasant. So used to tune VFO<br />

to approx. 7572 kHz instead. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

I checked the PAK freqs again today. At 1700 UT Urdu service started with<br />

54444 on 15100, and on 11570 SINPO 44444.<br />

Persian 11550.38 kHz noted with carrier already at 1710 UT, and R PAK<br />

started IS, ID in Persian from 1714 UT. No signal, no carrier, on around<br />

9320 kHz in whole time segment periode til 1800 UT.<br />

Arabic noted 1815-1820 UT today on 11550.03 22222, 9340.47 22222.<br />

Nothing heard on 9320 kHz from Islambad special ...<br />

7570 couldn't be traced today til 1956 UT, not even a carrier whistle<br />

observed. On upper flank disturbed by fast-CW digital on 7571.75 kHz. (wb,<br />

June 8)<br />

Freq change for Radio Pakistan in Urdu from June 1:<br />

1700-1900 NF 15100, ex 9365 \\ 11570<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3364.98 R. Milne Bay (pres) at 1149-1220+ on Jun 5.<br />

Vocal mx and M ancr reading listeners' letters and greetings. Soul and<br />

reggae numbers before 1200, and "island" mx after 1200 or so; ad for a<br />

sporting goods store at 1217, followed by a "Karai Nat'l Radio ID" and more<br />

mx. Good signal and was \\ to 4890, which was in very well.<br />

7120 Wantok Radio Light at 1222-1248 on Jun 5. Mainly mx, with M and W<br />

ancrs speaking after every song or two. Didn't tune in early enough to get<br />

the suberb reception noted by others, but signal was still fair here well<br />

after local sunrise, as was 4960.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 5)

7120 Wantok Radio on June 5 at 1238-1255 UT. Managed to hear this station<br />

coming as early as 1118 with religious broadcaster blasting away with<br />

signal that was hitting a solid s5 to s6 at times.<br />

Re-tuned at 1238 and heard this with such clear readability as 'you're<br />

listening to Christian Voice Broadcasting, the Light, broadcasting from<br />

studios in Papua New Guinea. The announcer continued with talking about the<br />

inauguration of this new sce for Papua New Guinea, and mentioned to send<br />

you messages for posting on 'Messengers on Today' program.<br />

Afterwards she continued to mention on the number of messages sent in<br />

congratulating on this new broadcasting sce, and to write for Christian<br />

Information, gave the web site to check out further information.<br />

Afterwards, several hymn selections followed, with additional annts given<br />

at 1254 about a family event being planned for 7 o'clock. Afterwards the<br />

signal gradually deteriorated with the noise level up. Reception was best<br />

heard on the amplified loop.<br />

By far, this morning was the best copy on this station's programming.<br />

(Ed Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 5)<br />

Another milestone will be scored in the PNG media sector when the PNG Bible<br />

Church launches its Wantok Light Radio station on Short Wave on Saturday.<br />

The radio station has already been broadcasting on the FM band in Port<br />

Moresby for the last year or so.<br />

The SW txion will be launched at Kaupena mission station in Southern<br />

Highlands province - the "birth place" of this church in PNG, set up by<br />

American missionaries about 40 years ago.<br />

The SW launch now takes the Port Moresby-based radio station to the rest of<br />

the country and overseas.<br />

Its pre-launch txion on SW in the last few days has been received loud and<br />

clear around the country, judging from those of us listening from Madang.<br />

Over two years ago, no one thought a community-funded radio station would<br />

be launched on the Short Wave.<br />

This approach to radio broadcasting, popularly called "community<br />

broadcasting" where the community backs a station was until then an alien<br />

concept. Community radio broadcasting is popular in many parts of the<br />

world.<br />

Several groups, particularly churches, have to date set up radio stations<br />

through this concept.<br />

Broadly, community radio stations are owned, funded and managed by members<br />

of a community.<br />

People in the concerned community raise funds for the upkeep of a radio<br />

station. They may use limited advertising in their broadcasts, often as<br />

"sponsors" for a very short time as specified un<strong>der</strong> their license.<br />

A community broadcast station are set up to serve groups of people deemed<br />

as not being served by the mainstream broadcasting stations or media.<br />

They serve a niche in a community and often have agendas to pursue and<br />

promote. They are subjective and uphold the values of the sponsoring group<br />

and the community they seek to serve.

Universally, community broadcast stations are non-profit entities<br />

established to serve a community interests where the mainstream media<br />

overlooks or cannot reach.<br />

They are often stations with limited broadcast capacity but this varies<br />

from country to country. They can be stations with limited broadcast hours<br />

to 24-hour outfits.<br />

Community radio stations are independent from the govt. The community<br />

financing is perhaps one of its main attributes that distinguishes itself<br />

from the other radio broadcast sectors.<br />

Though they are predominantly self-funding, in some cases in the world,<br />

programming is funded through govt grants and also some of the stations<br />

that are starting up get start-up funds from their govts.<br />

This funding option can be looked at in this country since those in govt<br />

and elsewhere in society recognise the superiority of radio over other<br />

forms of media in PNG.<br />

There can be trade-off arrangement for this where govt messages can be<br />

broadcast in exchange for the start-up funds.<br />

Imagine in this country so rich in culture and lang, where each community<br />

would set up its own community radio station on common grounds such as a<br />

lang community radio station would act as a catalyst for improvement in<br />

lifestyles of people and maintenance of lang, traditional songs and<br />

folklore on the airwaves. The community radio station would act as a living<br />

archive of a community.<br />

This would be in a situation where a well-meaning govt went out of its way<br />

to support their establishment along common terms such as lang.<br />

With govt support, community radio stations could be the answer too much of<br />

the information dissemination and communication needs of the govt, churches<br />

and other interested groups.<br />

<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, dxld June 8)<br />

PHILIPPINES 1170 - Regular VOA operation from the new Poro site on 1170<br />

kHz commenced Wednesday evening, March 15. The old antenna was dismantled<br />

March 16. The old site had the last operating CEMCO (Continental<br />

Electronics Manufacturing Co.) 1<strong>05</strong>B one megawatt tx, originally delivered<br />

in 1954, and it was back in sce during the move of the Harris <strong>DX</strong>-1000 to<br />

the new site, a 50 year lifetime for the 1<strong>05</strong>B.<br />

(Aaron Zawitsky, dxld Mar 17; ARC MV-Eko via Olle Alm-SWE, June 4)<br />

PORTUGAL Radio Clube Portugues replaces Radio Nacional on MW. After 29<br />

years Radio Clube Portugues is back on MW, on the same freqs that it used<br />

back then: 1035 kHz (Porto Alto, near Lisbon) and 783 kHz (Canidelo, close<br />

to Oporto). The oddly called Radio Nacional, which could be heard on these<br />

freqs up until now, is now extinct.<br />

(Fernando de Sousa Ribeiro-POR, hcdx Apr 24; ARC MV-Eko via Olle Alm-SWE,<br />

June 4)<br />

RUSSIA There was not a <strong>DX</strong> Club prgr on VORussia WS in Russian on June 5th<br />

at 1340 UT and at 2040 UT as for decades. Please help to find that<br />

programme schedule.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

See Club <strong>DX</strong> entries in full schedule on <br />

[xx.40] VoRUS Russian World Service:

Wed 1240 UT Europe 936, 972, 999, 1431, 1548. NE/ME 1143. AUS/NZL/PAC<br />

11670.<br />

CeAS 1143, 9920. SoEaAS 7390, 11670. Asia 1143, 9480, 9745,<br />

9920, 11670.<br />

UKR/Moldova 936, 972, 999, 1431, 1548 kHz.<br />

Wed 1540 UT NE/ME 1251, 1314, 5945, 11635, 12<strong>05</strong>5, 15440[*J<strong>05</strong> - til Sept<br />

3rd] kHz,<br />

Asia 1251, 5945, 12<strong>05</strong>5. Caucasus 1314 kHz.<br />

?Sun 1540 UT? NE/ME 1251, 1314, 5945, 11635, 12<strong>05</strong>5, 15440[*J<strong>05</strong> - til Sept<br />

3rd] kHz,<br />

Asia 1251, 5945, 12<strong>05</strong>5. Caucasus 1314 kHz.<br />

{Vadim Alekseev, Moscow-RUS; via Dmitry Mezin-RUS, June 8}<br />

Sun 2040 UT Europe 999, 1215 . NE/ME 12<strong>05</strong>5*J<strong>05</strong>, 7425**[S<strong>05</strong> - from Sept 4th]<br />

5950. CeAS 648, 972, 1503. Caucasus 7425**S<strong>05</strong>, 12<strong>05</strong>5*J<strong>05</strong>.<br />

UKR/Moldova 999 kHz.<br />

Mon 0140 UT Europe 603, 936. NE/ME 648, 972, 1314, 1503, 5945.<br />

EaNoAM 5900**S<strong>05</strong>, 9860. WeNoAM 9725, 9880*S<strong>05</strong>, 15425, 15455.<br />

LatinAM 5900*J<strong>05</strong>, 6180**S<strong>05</strong>, 7260**S<strong>05</strong>, 7330, 12070*J<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Caucasus 1314. UKR/Moldova 936.<br />

(wb, acc VoRUS website, June 7)<br />

Since June 5th, the "Voice of Russia" "CLUB <strong>DX</strong>" program in Russian language<br />

is on the air at 1640 UTC (was 1340 UTC) on Sundays. Other transmission<br />

times must not be changed.<br />

(Pavel Mikhaylov-RUS, Club <strong>DX</strong> June 7) [Pavel refers to winter time, I<br />

guess, wb.]<br />

12120 Dejen R. in Tigre???<br />

In the same manner as last week, broadcast on 12120 kHz lasts beyond 1800<br />

UT today. I cannot decide whether it is still Dejen R. which is scheduled<br />

at 1700-1800 Sats in Tigrigna. Announcer repeats the word "Tigrai" too<br />

often...<br />

A week ago, similar broadcast ended at 1900 UT.<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, hcdx June 4)<br />

They identified clearly as Dejen Radio at 1859 UT. Comparing to the ID's on<br />

their web site I'd say that this ID was in Tigrinya, but they also list<br />

Amharic programmes on<br />

<br />

I won<strong>der</strong> if Ludo Maes is on this list, he should know the actual schedule.<br />

Nothing mentioned yet about possible regular extension on<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, hcdx June 4)<br />

In A04 !! season scheduled:<br />

Voice Of Ethiopian Salvation (Medhin) A04.<br />

ID: Yih Ye Ethiopia Medhin Dimts New.<br />

1830-1930 12120 RUS Samara Am (TDP).<br />

12120 1830-1930 38,39,47,48 SAM 250 190 1234567 2803-311004 RUS TDP GFC<br />

12120 1830-1930 48 SAM 250 188 1...... 2803-311004 AMH RUS TDP TDP<br />

and Dejen Radio on same 12120 channel at 1700-1800 UT then.<br />

(wb, June 4)<br />

I listened to Family Radio (WYFR)in Japanese on 7380 kHz from 1000 (s-on)<br />

UT to 1<strong>05</strong>9(s-off) on April 18. Religious talk. SIO 544. QRM: Voice of Korea<br />

(North Korea) on co-channel. (Yasuhiro Shiozaki-JPN, JPNpremium June 9)<br />

Family R via Komsomolsk-Amur-RUS relay, 250 kW, 178 deg. wb.

Starting from 2 June, Dagestanskoye Radio (Makhachkala, Dagestan) increased<br />

duration of local lang broadcasts. Principal langs are on the air 50<br />

minutes a day, while broadcasts in minor langs last 25 mins. Current<br />

schedule follows below (time converted to UTC by your editor; must be 1<br />

hour later in winter season - Ed.)<br />

621 kHz Avar 0210-0300. Kumyk 0310-0400 (...language indistinct...) 0610-<br />

0635.<br />

Kumyk 0635-0700 (maybe this one is Kalmyk??? - Ed.). Russian 0900-0910 and<br />

1410-1500.<br />

Nogay 0910-0935. Chechen 0935-1000. Lak 1210-1300.<br />

Radio Rossii is on the air in other times.<br />

918 kHz Lezgin 0210-0300. Dargin 0410-<strong>05</strong>00. Agul 0610-0635. Tat 0635-0700.<br />

Russian 0810-0830. Azerbaijani 0830-0900. Tabasaran 1010-1100.<br />

Radio Mayak is on the air in other times.<br />

(open_dx - Victor Rutkovsky, Yekaterinburg-RUS, info written down according<br />

to station annmt; <strong>DX</strong>signal June 9)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA This morning around 0615 UT I could hear the B<strong>BC</strong> via MEY on<br />

11765 and also via 11940 - I think. Both were in English but not carrying<br />

the same programme. I have heard an ID on 11765 but have never heard one on<br />

11940 yet. The signal struggles to be audible until 0700 on 11940 so I<br />

guess that I should perhaps try earlier at 0600! Another MEY signal was<br />

fair strength via 11640 - TWR in African English today.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 6)<br />

Heard with poor signals <strong>DX</strong> prgr R. Mirror on both 3215 \\ 7082 USB at 1900<br />

UT on May 23. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for CVC International via MEY=Meyerton:<br />

English to Central and South Africa<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-1600 on 9555 MEY 100 kW / 0<strong>05</strong> deg >>>>> additional txion<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

SWEDEN I just got the message that there will be a new station<br />

broadcasting from Sweden this weekend.<br />

FISKEBODA RADIO will transmit on 1602 kHz Friday (10) and Saturday (11)<br />

night from about 1900-0000 UTC and with 500 watt.<br />

Fiskeboda Radio is an "event station" during the Swedish <strong>DX</strong> Parliament<br />

(Norrkoepings Distanslyssnare, NDL arranging) and taking place in<br />

Fiskeboda (at the lake Hjaelmaren, between Norrkoeping and Oerebro) and<br />

with some 30 <strong>DX</strong>-ers from Sweden and Finland participating.<br />

Reception reports can be sent to<br />

Fiskeboda Radio<br />

c/o Claes Olsson<br />

Trestegsgatan 113<br />

603 63 Norrkoeping, Sweden<br />

Don't forget to include postage if you want a QSL. Questions, regards and<br />

emailreports can be sent by email to<br />

<br />

The mails will be observed during the txions.<br />

Best regards<br />

<strong>Jan</strong> Edh, Hudiksvall, Sweden, <strong>DX</strong>-ing in Fredriksfors.<br />

(via hcdx June 10)

TAJIKISTAN [972 kHz Orzu replacement? wb.] The Broadcasting Board of<br />

Governors, International Broadcasting Bureau (BBG/IBB), Office of Contracts<br />

(M/CON) is conducting a market survey to determine the existence of sources<br />

who can fabricate, deliver, erect, install and commission for operation, a<br />


on a site near Orzu, Tajikistan.<br />

Based on the findings of this market survey, BBG/IBB may have a future<br />

requirement, subject to availability of funding, for a contractor to<br />

provide all sces and materials required to fabricate, deliver, install and<br />

commission for operation of a 3-tower MW high power transmitting<br />

directional antenna near Orzu, Tajikistan within 180 calendar days after<br />

receipt of written Notice to Proceed.<br />

This high power MW antenna will operate at a minimum of 800 kilowatts of<br />

carrier power, amplitude modulated at approximately one megahertz operating<br />

frequency. Each of the three (3) towers will be approximately 90 meters in<br />

height.<br />

(FedBizOpps Daily June 5 via Aaron Zawitzky, dxld June 6)<br />

Re: 972 kHz?<br />

Did I read recently about a IBB/BBG transmitting station which was already<br />

un<strong>der</strong> construction in one of the CeAsian " -stan" countries, but on which<br />

building work was being delayed due to the workers not turning up<br />

regularly? I assume that the new transmitting station will replace the one<br />

that now operates from DB ?<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

Yes, I saw the original FBO annmt last week, and also came to the<br />

conclusion that it is intended for 972 ("one megahertz"). (Olle Alm-SWE,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

15680 Que Huong R. On Jun 02 at *1200-1214 UT, 45444 Vietnamese, 1200 sign<br />

on with Opening mx, Opening announce. Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 9) via Orzu-TJK, wb.<br />

TUNISIA 7190 I notice that Tunis has extended txions on 7190 to after<br />

0700 - this morning it cut off at 0708 UT in mid-programme. This signal is<br />

not very strong here and of course there is DW Balkans co-ch til 0700.<br />

Surely these two must interfere with each other? I haven't noticed any \\<br />

TUN freqs, and 7275 still goes off at 0600. Another good Arabic signal was<br />

on 9675 via ARS-2 and \\ 11855 was peaking to S5 but seems to suffer from<br />

low audio levels. The loud ARS buzz on 21460 kHz has turned into a proper<br />

broadcasting station once again, but the 21 mHz band is not producing too<br />

many signals currently.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 5)<br />

To NoWestAfrica: 7190 0400-0700 37 Sfax 500kW 265deg<br />

UKRAINE Radio Ukraine International announced that they would be using<br />

new 7490 (x7420) from June 3rd for the 2100-2200 English broadcast to<br />

Europe.<br />

(Edwin Southwell-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C June 3)<br />

I checked their website and 7490 is used 2100-2400 from Kharkiv to Western<br />

Europe, English 2100, Ukrainian 2200, German 2300. (Mike Barraclough-UK,<br />

W<strong>DX</strong>C June 3)<br />

Freq change for Radio Ukraine International to WeEu:<br />

2100-2200 English, 2200-2300 Ukrainian, 2300-2400 German NF 7490, ex 7420<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)

U.A.E. 13745 New txions for TWR Africa via VT Communications was<br />

reported: 1300-1315 in Arabic Fri/Sat on 13745 kHz via Dhabayya. I checked<br />

13745 on Saturday June 4, Arabic talk started at 1300. Condition was SINPO<br />

25332. I'm not sure if ID was given at the beginning, because I don't know<br />

Arabic. When closing at 1314 UT, IS of FEBA was heard. I guess this is FEBA<br />

Radio, not TWR.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, dxld June 6)<br />

Re <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> #713: Latest schedule of Eternal Good Nx Int. Bc. in En: Via Tsystems<br />

Juelich-D: Fri 0745-0800 on 5945 to WEu, repeated Sat 1800 on 11965<br />

to Iran, Sun 1530 on 13590 to MEast and via DHA Fri 1130 on 15525 to SAsia.<br />

Address: EGN, P.O.Box 5333, Edmond, OK 73083, USA. (Rumen Pankov-BUL,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

U.K. A big surprise was that at 1730-1800* tonight (June 4) I heard SW<br />

Radio Africa [SW Radio Africa 15145 kHz should be European powerhouse of<br />

Woofferton-UK 300 kW. wb.] on 15145 kHz and also at armchair level with<br />

S=9+10dB and no jamming (SINPO 44544), but some QRM from 15150.<br />

It was earlier announced to close all SW broadcasts on May 31, but at the<br />

end of today's broadcast was said: "Although we have stopped SW broadcasts,<br />

we continue on this frequency during the first week of June at 7 to 8 PM<br />

Zimbabwe time, besides 1197 kHz MW and the Internet." Is this new tactics<br />

on cheating the Zimbabwean jammers ?<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 4)<br />

Actually, I hear that SWRA got a last-minute reprieve, staying on SW for<br />

one hour at 1700-1800 on 15145. Check it out Wednesday. (Glenn Hauser-OK-<br />

USA, dxld May 31)<br />

Try it at 1700-1800 UT on powerful Woofferton-UK signal, undoubtedly 300 kW<br />

powerhouse! Also noted on June 2nd. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 1)<br />

15145, 1700-1800 SW Radio Africa has been heard in Zimbabwe without<br />

jamming, from UK facilities. The station reports on air that it will only<br />

be active for one week in June. Other freqs of SW Radio Africa are inactive<br />

4880, 12145, 11770 and so too are the local jammers. The local Chinese<br />

jammers seemed to have given up. Andy Sennitt published a decent article in<br />

support of SWRA.<br />

(later) 15145 SW Radio Africa 1700-1800, in the clear!<br />

(David Pringle-Wood-ZWE, dxld June 3/4)<br />

SW Radio Africa 15145 kHz should be European powerhouse of Woofferton-UK<br />

300 kW. Heard June 3/4/5/6. (wb, June 4)<br />

SW Radio Africa, 15145, 1700-1800 heard in Zimbabwe, from UK facilities.<br />

This freq is locally jammed, but not too severe. Programming to be only<br />

until 8 June, as reported on air. (David Pringle-Wood-ZWE, dxld June 6)<br />

Radio 4 Tracking The Lincolnshire Poacher. If you missed this Radio 4<br />

programme on numbers stations it is now available for download at<br />

<br />

Lots of other material and audio of numbers stations on Simons site.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, dxld June 8)<br />

11885 New station via VT Communications - Salama Radio International:<br />

1930-2030 Wed/Sun on 11885 WOF-Woofferton-UK 300 kW / 180 deg to Nigeria in<br />

Hausa/English. (Observer, Bulgaria, May 27)

This is a reactivation; remember it from a few years ago. (gh, dxld June 5)<br />

11885 Check for Salama Sunday 1930 UT. Noted here Sunday 5th at 1929:30 UT<br />

started with low audio level. See MP3 attachment. Only local Nigerian mx,<br />

no political comment so far.<br />

BUT, at 1936:45 UT suddenly a local BUZZ signal started, and lasted still<br />

at 1957 UT further check, before I left the house.<br />

This BUZZ heard on all three rxs, even on the opposite room of the house,<br />

so I guess this was an unknown digital UTE txion or somethings else like an<br />

inhouse PLC freq of nearby local house network in our suburb. I'll check<br />

this again on coming days.<br />

(wb, June 5)<br />

Hi, same BUZZ signal appeared today again. Covered the whole 4 MHz to 24<br />

MHz portion of the SW spectrum, like a garden fence - every 30 kHz each 6<br />

kHz wide signal, disturbed like 11855, exact 11885, 11915, 11945 ... etc.<br />

So I guess somebody here in Stuttgart suburb installed the most mo<strong>der</strong>n PLC<br />

local network via main power line inside the house.<br />

(wb, June 6/7)<br />

Salama Radio: Could only check briefly at 1944 UT Sun June 5; fair-poor<br />

signal on 11885, hilife mx, then YL in presumed English, so guess this is<br />

it. There was a clicking sound.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld June 5)<br />

Re Buzz: Interesting as not noted here or if it was on it was such a low<br />

level I did not notice it, was listening through speakers of radio not<br />

headphones so if it was low level here I might have just put it down to<br />

local noise. Of course I was listening in lsb. Will be interesting to see<br />

if this happens on Wednesday.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, dxld June 6)<br />

Reactivated Salama Radio International noted weak here June 5th signing on<br />

with mx and identification in Hausa 1930 on 11885 followed by more mx, to<br />

past 1940 UT, then more talk in Hausa, best on lower sideband.<br />

Their former website, linked on the TDP<br />

website is inactive.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, June 5)<br />

Presumed Salama Radio International heard here at 1930 s/on. Started off<br />

with what seemed to be some interesting flute mx. Not much of a signal here<br />

this afternoon though that may be due to band condition and beam heading.<br />

Also have some nifty thun<strong>der</strong>storms in the area putting a bit of a crimp in<br />

the action .<br />

(Steve Lare-MI-USA, ibid.)<br />

Salama Radio International heard here again today June 8 at 1930 sign-on on<br />

11885, though even weaker than my last encounter. (Steve Lare-MI-USA, dxld<br />

June 8)<br />

11885 stronger here compared than last Sunday txion, my location is too<br />

close to UK site. Local PLC like garden fence every 30 kHz still disturbing<br />

that signal. (wb, June 8)<br />

Salama R was broadcast via Juelich until May 2003.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dxwci <strong>DX</strong>W June 1)<br />

[HISTORY] New religious broadcaster to West Africa.<br />

On 6 July 2001 Salama Radio started bcing to W Africa. Fr, En, Ar, Hausa,<br />

and Fulfulde are announced as the first langs to come on the air with other<br />

langs un<strong>der</strong>stood by at least ten million people to follow. Dr Jacob<br />

Abdalla, Pres of Harvestime Ministries, suggests that "Salama Radio has a

potential audience of about 300 million in sub-saharan Africa, and there is<br />

a tremendous opportunity here for Christian ministries and organisations to<br />

reach these people with the message of hope and salvation in various ways<br />

including Bible teaching, radio drama, gospel mx, and educational progrs."<br />

According to the web site "original materials will be secured from local<br />

producers, ministries, churches, non-govtal organisations, and<br />

international organisations, thereby giving the station both a local and<br />

international perspective. Salama Radio will bring Christian Nx from around<br />

the world to and from the region as well as bc vibrant and good mix of<br />

gospel programs from Bible based ministries. Salama Radio will allow<br />

Christian commercials while maintaining the central point of<br />

evangelisation." With regard to the last sentence it is surprising that in<br />

March 2001, Margaret Perera accepted to serve as Salama Radio's first<br />

International Director on a voluntary basis.<br />

Currently, the stn is heard 1900-2000 UT on Woofferton 15475 kHz [!!2001<br />

year!!]. Ultimately, it wants to be on the air round the clock using the<br />

txion facilities of Merlin Communications. "Salama Radio will generate the<br />

desire to listen and Merlin will make it heard using its state of the art<br />

txion facilities in strategic locations around the world."<br />

Dr. Jacob Abdalla - President, Harvestime Ministries; Ian Howden- Simpson -<br />

National Director, Harvestime Ministries; Margaret Perera - International<br />

Director, Salama Radio. The Studio, PO Box 126, Chessington, Surrey KT9<br />

2WJ, United Kingdom.<br />

Tel/Fax: +44 [0] 208 395 7425 E-mail: <br />

URL: <br />

A google search did not reveal any additional information on Dr. Jacob<br />

Abdalla, but judging from the lang of the website<br />

his ministry is charismatic or pentecostal.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 13 2001!!)<br />

Salama Radio ist ein christlich-religioeses Programm von Harvestime<br />

Ministries. Hierzu aus dem QSL-Brief von 2001: "Our programmes will be<br />

mainly Christian, with about 30 % of programmes dedicated to moral issues<br />

and African folk songs."<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> June 6)<br />

USA IBB Update Dan Ferguson presented the annual update from the U.S.<br />

International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB). He noted that since last year's<br />

NASB meeting, John Wood and Dell Carson have retired from the IBB. Both of<br />

them had been regular attendees of this meeting. In addition, Don Messer<br />

and himself will also be retiring within the next few months. But there<br />

were still several IBB representatives present at the meeting, and they<br />

each presented themselves briefly.<br />

"In general," Dan said, "shortwave is trending down at the IBB." He cited<br />

reductions and retargeting of English lang broadcasting. "We have very<br />

little SW to Eastern Europe, and none to Western Europe." Transmissions to<br />

Asia on SW are up, with the exception of English. The IBB has recently put<br />

three SW txs at its relay site in Kuwait, using four antennas all beamed to<br />

Asia.<br />

Adil Mina asked if the IBB has decided to shut down its relay in Kavala,<br />

Greece a move which he said "would be very unwise." Dan Ferguson said that<br />

a number of rumors about that have been heard, but there has been no<br />

decision to close Kavala at this time.<br />

Walter Borys of IBB Engineering Operations mentioned that he travels<br />

frequently to a lot of IBB relay stations. He said "The staff is aging at

many of these stations, and young people are not interested in HF. Our<br />

personnel are managing FM and medium wave installations now. The business<br />

is clearly changing. There is less emphasis on SW. It's just a reality."<br />

However, Dan Ferguson said not to count SW out yet. "It could come back<br />

again," he said, "just as it has come back before."<br />

(May NASB Newsletter, direct and via dxld June<br />

Comment: On various sightseeing tours an talks to the IBB Munich<br />

Ismaning/and former Holzkirchen staff in past years, they are working hard<br />

in this field of AM/FM installation in CIS, ME/NE /whole Africa. Also I<br />

guess many of them were involved in MW [Thomcast] installations at Djibouti<br />

and Kuwait, as well as SW at Kavala and Kuwait sites. (wb, June 7)<br />

UZBEKISTAN 5810 Do you know what "CFC organization at 1530-1600 UT on<br />

5810 kHz via Tashkent-UZB" mean. Maybe you can check this 5810 channel this<br />

week. (wb, June 4)<br />

Yes, I checked last night. But no signal was detected on 5810 kHz. One<br />

possiblity is the station does not transmit daily. "CFC" seems to mean<br />

"Combined Fe<strong>der</strong>al Campaign" supported by U.S.govt (Office of Personal<br />

Management). But there are many CFC organizations everywhere in the U.S.!<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 5)<br />

CFC?? any relations to? [wb.]: But CVC is the new name for international<br />

broadcaster Christian Vision. More information can be found at<br />

<br />

(RNW; wb June 5)<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for CVC International via TAC=Tashkent:<br />

English to India<br />

0100-0300 on 7355 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg<br />

0300-0600 on 13685 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg >>>>> additional txion<br />

Hindi to India<br />

0100-0400 on 12070 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg >>>>> ex 11850 for A-04<br />

0400-1100 on 13630 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg<br />

1100-1400 on 13765 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg<br />

1400-1700 on 9855 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

VIETNAM 6442, Dien Bien B.S. (ex-Lai Chau), ex-6379v, operates 1200-1400<br />

UT, but rather unstable. (Kenji Takasaki-JPN, dcdx June 5)<br />

ZAMBIA Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Christian Voice via LUS=Lusaka:<br />

English to South and Central Africa<br />

0600-1600 on 9865 LUS 100 kW / non-dir >>>>> ex <strong>05</strong>00-1600 for A-04<br />

1600-0600 on 4965 LUS 100 kW / non-dir >>>>> ex 1600-<strong>05</strong>00 for A-04<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

Re: Transmitter stability and reliability.<br />

See <strong>DX</strong> Listening Digest 5-091 and 5-092, June 4, 20<strong>05</strong> by Glenn Hauser, see<br />

-;<br />

<br />

or from next week onwards.<br />

First of all, because most tx operations and other distribution (satellite,<br />

e.g.) methods have been separated from the program suppliers, the left hand<br />

no longer knows what the right hand is doing. At one time, for example, the<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> owned all of its transmission tools. Today it is all contracted out, in<br />

some cases to private concerns and in others to newly formed public

corporations held at arms length (DW, e.g.). If the program times don't<br />

match the tight windows used by the txion people, there could be (and often<br />

is) a clipped program.<br />

Secondly, in almost all cases now these operations (program distribution<br />

and txion) are computerized with no warm body minding the store. In the<br />

B<strong>BC</strong>'s case, it has so many different program streams that they've all but<br />

given up monitoring them. But they all actually rely on their listeners to<br />

provide notice that something has gone awry. And they are by no means<br />

apologetic about it. Annoying, to say the least. And it should be<br />

consi<strong>der</strong>ed unprofessional. But when one is running things on a shoestring<br />

relative to what these budgets once were and when one must stretch that<br />

limited budget to cover multiple delivery platforms, that is bound to<br />

happen.<br />

In the case of the U.S. "mom and pop" operations you mention, these are<br />

usually very personally operated stations. They don't have the resources<br />

for automated operations that the big guys have. So, they do it the old<br />

fashioned way with an engineer minding the store. Hence, when something<br />

goes wrong, someone knows about it right away and is on hand to make<br />

repairs. My take, FWIW<br />

(John Figliozzi, ibid.; via dxld June 4)<br />

Re Will's comments about RN:<br />

Budget cuts, Will. We have been forced to automate procedures that were<br />

previously manually performed. For example, the late night English to<br />

Europe via Sweden on mediumwave uses totally automated playout, satellite<br />

feed, downlinking and rebroadcast. There are several stages where a<br />

technical problem or human error setting the computer can cause the wrong<br />

programme or no programme to be aired.<br />

In addition, many of the tx sites are nearing the end of their useful life,<br />

and budget cuts plus uncertainty about how quickly DRM will become a<br />

significant distribution medium means that people are keeping txs on the<br />

air that would otherwise have been replaced, and MTBF (mean time between<br />

failures) is decreasing.<br />

The small US broadcasters have far simpler technical operating procedures,<br />

no feeds to relay stations, and no need for a complicated switching matrix.<br />

The one in our Network Operations Centre has, I believe, in the region of<br />

1000 entries in the database. A single error in any one of those entries<br />

can screw up an entire txion.<br />

Yes, it's unsatisfactory, but we have to work with very limited resources.<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, Radio Netherlands [expressing my personal views], June<br />

3,<br />

ibid.; via dxld June 4)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> March 18)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, June 9)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 23)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, JPNpremium, May 28)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 3)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 5)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)<br />

(Yasuhiro Shiozaki-JPN, JPNpremium June 9)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 716 18 June 20<strong>05</strong><br />

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ALASKA May 1, 20<strong>05</strong> marks the first txion of KNLS from the new, second<br />

tower in Anchor Point, Alaska. This doubles the number of daily broadcasts<br />

from 10 to 20 hours. Anyone who has ever bought their child a toy for<br />

Christmas, then read the dreaded words on the box, 'Some Assembly<br />

Required,' might have just a glimpse of what has happened in Anchor Point,<br />

Alaska.<br />

Kevin Chambers, Dave Dvorak and Charlie Perry received a giant Erector Set,<br />

from which they constructed a 360 foot tower, to hold a 300 foot by 300<br />

foot antenna and they must do it in the snow in the middle of winter on a<br />

time table!<br />

The reason they had to do it in the wintertime is because that is the only<br />

time the ground is solid enough to drive heavy equipment on it. Any other<br />

time, the trucks become mired in the soggy ground. So, they donned the<br />

warmest clothing they had, put on the heaviest gloves they could wear and<br />

still feel the tools and parts, and stuck out over the snow and frozen<br />

earth to build a radio tower.<br />

By the time you read this, they will be finished with the project. They<br />

started construction in 2003. The tower is complete and the antenna has<br />

been strung between the new tower and one of the existing poles. This<br />

arrangement was a part of the original planning for the radio station when<br />

it was first started. In the future, a third antenna and tx can be added.

The various parts and equipment, including untold thousands of nuts, bolts<br />

and washers, were delivered by two (Photo of truck) huge trucks in about<br />

two dozen large boxes. After careful inventory and comparison with the work<br />

or<strong>der</strong>, the 45 tons of hardware were laid out and arranged for easy access.<br />

The tower itself is put up in 20 foot sections, 19 in all, which are<br />

hoisted into place, bolted together and secured by guy wires. The 56<br />

concrete earth anchors for the guy wires were driven 30 feet into the<br />

ground during the winter of 2003, when the ground was soft enough to dig<br />

into. When you live and work in Alaska, you have to think of these things<br />

well in advance. Every step is planned according to the weather. One missed<br />

deadline, and you wait till next year!<br />

Once the tower itself was completed, the screen antenna, consisting of 4<br />

tons of wire, was assembled on the ground, one piece at a time, and hoisted<br />

to the next level. A very effective system of cables and pulleys makes it<br />

possible for human effort to raise the antenna, which will be held up by<br />

42,000 pounds of concrete counter weights.<br />

As of May 1st, KNLS is on the air with two antennas each for ten hours a<br />

day for a total of twenty hours of broadcast time in three langs. One<br />

system will be used exclusively for the Chinese lang, and the other will<br />

broadcast both Russian and English programs.<br />


(WC<strong>BC</strong> via Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld/AR<strong>DX</strong>C June 15)<br />

ALBANIA Today in the afternoon, I was asked by our Tech. Dir Arben<br />

Mehilli to prepare for 'yesterday' the preliminary B<strong>05</strong>ALR Schedule.<br />

Attached please find my B<strong>05</strong>ALR Schedule. Could you please have a look on it<br />

and suggest also any other freq to USA: instead of 7160 kHz English Program<br />

and, another one instead of 7270 kHz Albanian Program?<br />

Are these two freqs allocated for other sces in USA? In fact, Radio Tirana<br />

has been using them for many years. Please, send me ASAP your kind remarks<br />

and good suggestions.<br />

Best regards from a sunny lovely Tirana,<br />

Drita Cico, ARTV-Head of Monitoring Center, RADIO TIRANA. (wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June<br />

14)<br />

Pre B<strong>05</strong>ALR<br />

Hello Mrs. Drita,<br />

Re your proposed schedule for B<strong>05</strong> and the questions you ask. According to<br />

the Amateur Radio Operating Manual which I possess the freq range 7000 -<br />

7300 kHz is allocated exclusively to Amateur operations within Region 2.<br />

And Region 2 comprises of Greenland, the Caribbean and the whole of the<br />

American (north, central and south) continents. A footnote says that<br />

"...the use of the band 7100 - 7300 in Region 2 by the amateur sce shall<br />

not impose constraints on the broadcasting sce intended for use within<br />

Region 1 and Region 3..."<br />

So, in short, the rest of the world (except Region 2) may use 71<strong>05</strong> - 7300<br />

kHz to broadcast to any of the countries within Regions 1 & 3 but should<br />

NOT utilise this freq range to broadcast to Region 2. And therefore Albania<br />

should not use 7160 and 7270 to broadcast to North America.<br />

In addition - although I don't have all of the details to hand - certain<br />

countries outside of Region 2 have now allocated the freq range 7100 - 7200<br />

kHz to Amateur use but on a secondary and shared basis with broadcast<br />

stations. The UK and Norway are two such countries. At a later date, this<br />

freq range will be handed over exclusively to Amateurs.

And so at 0000-0130, 0245-0300 & 0330-0400 UTC 7270 & 7160 should be<br />

replaced with a freq of 73<strong>05</strong> or above. I don't have any information re<br />

usage of freqs in the 73<strong>05</strong> to 7600 kHz range in B<strong>05</strong> but I suggest that you<br />

take a look at what was registered there in B04 and you will find that the<br />

range was a very busy one. You will need to avoid the various IBB/BBG abd<br />

American private broadcasters which are using various freqs within this<br />

range, and also other broadcasters from outside of the Americas beaming in.<br />

At a first glance I would suggest that freqs 7450 or 7455 kHz might be a<br />

useful choice for the three Tirana broadcasts.<br />

I hope this information is of interest and use.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 15)<br />

Radio Tirana Frequenzwahl. Dietrich Hommel schrieb: "..die Frequenzwahl<br />

fuer die deutschen Programme von Radio Tirana fuer die Sommerperiode ist<br />

sehr ungluecklich. Der Empfang auf 6130 kHz ist nicht nur durch starkes QRM<br />

kaum moeglich, son<strong>der</strong>n auch die Signalstaerke ist sehr schwach, was mich<br />

nicht wun<strong>der</strong>t. Eine QRG im 31-Meterband waere fuer den Sommer doch viel<br />

optimaler gewesen."...<br />

O<strong>der</strong> halten inzwischen die Chinesen ihre Hand auf die Frequenzzuteilung<br />

fuer Radio Tirana, so dass fuer Albanien nur die QRGs uebrigbleiben, mit<br />

denen die Chinesen nichts anfangen koennen." (Dietrich Hommel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> June<br />

11)<br />

Die vorstehende Aussage trifft 100%ig n i c h t zu. Das koennen alle<br />

Mitleser in A-<strong>DX</strong> bestaetigen, die regelmaessig die Mails von Mrs. Drita<br />

Cico vom Monitoring bei Radio Tirana erhalten.<br />

ALR und CRT arbeiten voellig unabhaengig bei <strong>der</strong> Selektion von<br />

Kurzwellenfrequenzen. Dxer in Westeuropa haben RT erst auf eine<br />

Stoersituation mit CRI Peking auf 7120 hinweisen muessen und um Abstellung<br />

durch Gespraeche zwischen Tirana und Peking gebeten. Es waere natuerlich<br />

ein Leichtes fuer RT, sich bei <strong>der</strong> HFCC Konferenz durch die chinesischen<br />

Ingenieurinnen vertreten und Eintraege ausarbeiten zu lassen.<br />

Ehrenkaesigkeit verhin<strong>der</strong>t das?<br />

Der TWR Frequenz-Anteil von Shijak Relaisaussendungen wird sowieso durch<br />

Bernhard Schraut vom TWR Frequenzbuero in Wien vorgenommen.<br />

Wobei CRT-CRI - "mit dicken Hosen laesst sich gut stinken" - mit vier<br />

Ingenieur-Innen[Vierer-Bande] bei den HFCC Frequenzmeetings in K-L o<strong>der</strong><br />

Mexico City aufkreuzen kann.<br />

Dagegen <strong>der</strong> Technische Direktor von RT aufgrund <strong>der</strong> Frequenztabellen des<br />

Vorjahres die Anmeldung 'seiner' Frequenzen freihaendig vor <strong>der</strong> Saison<br />

durchfuehren muss, weil das immer noch bitterarme Land sich keine Reise zur<br />

einwoechigen Konferenz leisten kann. Notwendiges Ausweichen von<br />

Gleichkanalstoerungen muessen dann kurz vor dem Saisonstart in Tirana<br />

korrigiert werden.<br />


Der gleiche technische Sen<strong>der</strong>#2 [u.Antenne#11] in Shijak und die Frequenz<br />

kommt morgens fuer TWR auf 6235 um <strong>05</strong>15-<strong>05</strong>45 recht gut herein.<br />

Heute Abend war - jedenfalls hier in Stuttgart - nicht ein Kurzwellen<br />

'Staeubchen' von RT aufzunehmen:<br />

nicht auf 6130 Deutsch, die Frequenz war von 1800-1804 UT vollkommen leer,<br />

kein Traeger und kein Signal selbst bis zum Start des Gleichkanal<br />

Restsignals aus Rom in Richtung 52 Grad in Ungarisch und Serbisch.

Auch nicht auf 7210 fuer Englisch, o<strong>der</strong> 7240 in Italienisch. Auf letzterer<br />

kommt jetzt sehr schoen Shepparton herein, 1800-2100 UT, auf USB schalten,<br />

wegen RCI 7235!<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 12)<br />

Dietrich Hommel schrieb: "Sind die Sendeanlagen in Albanien eigentlich<br />

jetzt Eigentum <strong>der</strong> VR China o<strong>der</strong> sind die Chinesen nur Mieter?"<br />

Aus den bisher vorliegenden Informationen laesst sich das bei <strong>der</strong> Kurzwelle<br />

Cerrik nicht genau konstatieren. jedenfalls laeuft <strong>der</strong> Vertrag zwischen<br />

Albanien und China 10 Jahre.<br />

Laut Cico jedenfalls sind dauernd 4 Chinesen-Chef/u. Techniker in<br />

Tirana(Botschaft) und Cerrik immer vor Ort.<br />

Die 6[sechs] Kurzwellensen<strong>der</strong> und die Antennen in Cerrik-ALB wurden<br />

jedenfalls von China mo<strong>der</strong>nisiert, sowie auch die 2 x 100 kW KW-Sen<strong>der</strong> fuer<br />

Radio Tirana in Shijak-ALB. Eine aehnliche Zusammenarbeit/Vertrag besteht<br />

jedenfalls im CRI Relais Bamako-Mali. In Cuba wurden auch chines. Sen<strong>der</strong><br />

und Antennen installiert, dort hat aber die kuban. Telecom die Hand drauf.<br />

Sechs x 150 kW, Zusammenschaltung auf 300 kW bei einigen Antennen moeglich,<br />

z.B. die 6, 7 und 9 MHz Antennen Richtung USA, die waehrend des<br />

Vietnamkrieges z.B. durch R Peking/R Tirana auf 7120 o<strong>der</strong> 9500 kHz zu<br />

hoeren waren, in damals 1970-1975.<br />

Bei den Antennen dort in Shijak bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob diese auch auf<br />

Vor<strong>der</strong>mann gebracht wurden, das scheinen alte Gurken zu sein, jedenfalls<br />

nur bei den TWR Programmen sind starke Signale zu hoeren. Den Unterschied<br />

zwischen RT und TWR Aussendungsqualitaet laesst sich mir nicht erklaeren,<br />

manchmal denke ich RT sendet nur mit 20 kW statt 100 kW.<br />

Fuer die Mo<strong>der</strong>nisierung <strong>der</strong> Mittelwelle Fllake 500 kW (2 Einheiten [plus 1x<br />

Reserve] fuer 1215, 1395, und 1458 kHz) wurden vor kurzem aehnliche<br />

Gespraeche gefuehrt.<br />

Die Ausfuehrung durch die Chinesen wird noch dieses Jahr beginnen?<br />

Schlechte Karten fuer hollaend. Musikstationen auf 1395 zu bestimmten<br />

Tageszeiten ... (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 11)<br />

ALGERIA [to WeSahara] 7466 Polisario Front, Rabuni, in the clear (rated<br />

35443) right after 0800 for their extended Friday morning prgr 0800-0900<br />

after which the Friday's R.4Peace feature in both Castilian & Arabic until<br />

s/off 1000. No other fqs exc. that via Hotbird sat. was mentioned. I'll try<br />

to observe 7466 mornings on the SW coast to see whether the USA stn on 7465<br />

is not so "heavy" on Rabuni.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 17)<br />

700 kHz Polisario Front (site?) resumed its 2300-2400 prgrs in Castilian,<br />

as obs'ed on 10 Jun at 2347-... UT; 35443; \\ 7466. On 11 Jun, the carrier<br />

ran empty ñ2135-2155 while \\ 7466 had a carrier w/o any audio (only the<br />

typical noise or noise-like "signal" was to be heard) from s/on until<br />

s/off. Y/day, 12 Jun, they again b/cast the 2300-2400 Castilian prgr.<br />

On Friday (10 Jun) morning, the Radio for Peace feature was aired again<br />

after the 0800-0900 extra hr of normal prgr in Arabic Fridays.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 13)<br />

I felt curious on whether the Polisario Front's (*) freq annmt. in the<br />

lang. I can un<strong>der</strong>stand - which is by no means Arabic but Castilian - is<br />

still sticking to the usual "recipe"... and they do actually, for they keep<br />

announcing 1550 & 7470 kHz. As we know, neither is used, albeit 7470 now

ecame "closer" to 7466 (ex-7460). Also, it's certainly not everyday that<br />

the usual fq. ann. at the start of the (Castilian) prgr is aired, and - on<br />

the other hand - I would really like to know which fqs are ann'ed in<br />

Arabic. Does anybody know some reliable addr. (postal or e-mail) for them?<br />

(* some reports &/or bulletins seem to be fond of mentioning "R. RASD"<br />

[=Castilian, Radio de la Republica Arabe Saharaui Democratica], but is<br />

there a country such as this?... To my knowledge, this is for the time<br />

being simply a territory with some special status recognised by the UN<br />

(+other details envolving Morocco, etc.). Please do correct me, if I'm<br />

wrong or oudated about it all, but don't think I'm too far from the truth.<br />

This explains why I stick to what's still behind these activities,<br />

b/casting or otherwise, i.e. "Polisario Front", instead of mentioning R.<br />

RASD.)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 15)<br />

AUSTRALIA OH-Radar. Very interesting. Well, the OH-Radar which was picked<br />

up in Hong Kong is from Australia. It is a new radar system called "JORN"<br />

(for "Jindalee Operational Radar Network").<br />

DK2OM has analyzed it with his WAVECOM equipment. You can see the files in<br />

the attachment that he has produced with the signal you have sent to me.<br />

"The radar is identic with the .wav- file I've got recently from Australia.<br />

The pale spacing is 20 Hz, the structures of the signal are the same.<br />

Pse look un<strong>der</strong> There you will find the same radar."<br />

The OH-radar from Cyprus is different, and it always uses the MUFfrequencies.<br />

It uses 28, 21, or 18 MHz, we have never heard it on 40<br />

metres.<br />

What should you do? Pse write a letter to WIA, the Australian ham club to<br />

inform them. Maybe they could contact the people (or at least the<br />

administration being the culprit). Maybe they could give you some advise<br />

how to react and where to send complaints...<br />

And: The VR2-people also should complain with their Hongkong-authorities.<br />

However Hongkong is Chinese territory. And now the fact becomes<br />

political...<br />

Just hit "JORN" and "RADAR" in yahoo, and you will find all kind of<br />

information in the net. For you pleasure I have added one file found there.<br />

(Ham Radio Bandwatch, May 23)<br />

5<strong>05</strong>0, ARDS: I had an interesting conversation with Dale Cheesson in<br />

Nhulunbuy about the ARDS, Aboriginal Resource Development Svc. He stated<br />

that on May 26 the SW facility at Humpty Doo was returned to b/cing 24 hrs.<br />

a day on 5<strong>05</strong>0. They had to effect repairs to the antenna system. The main<br />

problem was a faulty balun causing mismatching of the old DCA AM20 xmtr. It<br />

is now back and running at 400 watts with a clean signal. Dale went on to<br />

say that the ARDS had put consi<strong>der</strong>able work into gaining 4 NAS licences (Xband<br />

stns) which have never been commissioned. They are now not likely to<br />

proceed with these as the ABA has given them the go ahead to use fqys "in<br />

band" at higher power. The Darwin Facility at Parap (co-sited with the A<strong>BC</strong>)<br />

is currently running on 1530 kHz with 400 watts, but they hope to be<br />

granted an increase in two mos. to 2 kw.<br />

The Nhulunbuy facility on 1530 kHz is running at 400 watts. Dale indicated<br />

that due to consi<strong>der</strong>able amount of Bauxite in the ground around the "top<br />

end" of the territory, poor ground wave signals are obtained due to its<br />

insulation properties. Darwin is in an iron stone area, however, and the<br />

Darwin facility uses a new earth mat installed by the A<strong>BC</strong>. The ground wave

of the Darwin facility travels further than the Nhulunbuy facility. Both<br />

use quarter wave top-loaded sticks.<br />

Further plans are Nhulunbuy is to move to 1503 kHz shortly, 1476 kHz is to<br />

be used instead of 1566 kHz at Elcho Island and 1593 kHz is to be used at<br />

Ramingining, both with 1 kw. The ARDS also uses channel 28 of the Optus<br />

"Aurora" platform which has an Australia-wide foot print. No smart card is<br />

required to receive this svc.<br />

Ten low power FM narrowcast svcs are also located in their b/c area which<br />

are fed off the Optus C1 satellite. Dale Cheesson said that he verifies<br />

rcpn rpts with a detailed ltr and that their website would be updated to<br />

show that the 5<strong>05</strong>0 kHz svc was back on.<br />

Map of broadcast area.<br />

"Aurora" platform info.<br />

(Chris Martin-OZ, AR<strong>DX</strong>C; via <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 12)<br />

4835 VL8A, Alice Springs NT, audible on 11 Jun at 2146-2210 UT (when<br />

already vy. poor), english, phone-ins, songs, talks; 45232; noted on 12 Jun<br />

at 2208 UT getting some het. de UNID carrier 4834.66 kHz.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 13)<br />

BELARUS QSL BELARUS. R. Grodno, 7110, full data card, personal letter,<br />

postcard in 10 weeks. V/s Sergey Alekseychik. Sergey is a <strong>DX</strong>er who provides<br />

the QSL sce for R. Grodno, his e-mail: . WYFR relay, 7350,<br />

full data card, schedule, religious literature, stickers in 43 days.<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 11)<br />

BELGIUM [non] Vlaams Belang SW broadcast launches from "Eastern Europe"<br />

The right-wing Flemish political party Vlaams Belang today launched its<br />

controversial weekly SW programme ZwartofWit with Juergen Verstrepen, but<br />

in analogue and not digital mode.<br />

Attempts to broadcast in DRM mode via Juelich, Germany and then Rampisham<br />

in the UK failed when the txion provi<strong>der</strong>s decided they did not want to<br />

broadcast the programme.<br />

The broadcast launched today at 1100-1300 UTC on 13680 kHz from a location<br />

in "Eastern Europe" with a power of 250 kW. On its website, Vlaams Belang<br />

comments on the irony of a Belgian political programme being forced to find<br />

a txion site in the former Soviet Union. Today's programme was partly a<br />

compilation of items from the first two editions, which were only available<br />

via Internet.<br />

[Thanks to Kai Ludwig for background research].<br />

(RNW MN NL weblog via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, June 13)<br />

Here is the reason why also no TDP Radio transmission could be observed<br />

last Saturday on 6015: It had been moved to 3955.<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld June 11) 1400-1600 UT<br />

Plan C finally brought Vlaams Belang on air<br />

<br />

They are indeed right now, after 0920, on 13680 AM with a rather poor<br />

signal. So they say from a 250 kW tx at an undisclosed location in Europe,<br />

and further on they say how ironic it would be that they had to go to<br />

Eastern Europe. This description leads to RTRS (Russia), Pridnestrovskiy<br />

Radiotsentr or perhaps also RRT (Ukraine) as possible txion provi<strong>der</strong>s.

However, I would expect a noticeably better signal from a 250 kW in these<br />

countries. (Kai Ludwig-D, dxld June 12)<br />

Het programma ZwartofWit van volksvertegenwoordiger Juergen Verstrepen<br />

(Vlaams Belang) start nu zondag met uitzendingen voor heel Europa via de<br />

traditionele korte golf (SW/KG). De uitzending zal op zondagmiddag van 11<br />

tot 13 uur Vlaamse tijd te ontvangen zijn via de frequentie 13680 kHz. De<br />

analoge kortegolfuitzendingen gebeuren met een 250 kW zware zen<strong>der</strong> vanuit<br />

een niet na<strong>der</strong> bepaalde locatie in Europa. (het zesvoudige vermogen van de<br />

geplande digitale uitzendingen)<br />

ZwartofWit zal met een gewone wereldradio te ontvangen zijn in de Benelux,<br />

Frankrijk, Duitsland, Groot-Brittannie, Italie, Spanje, de Scandinavische<br />

en vroegere Oostblok landen.<br />

Via deze analoge frequentie zal ZwartofWit een groot luisterpubliek<br />

bereiken in combinatie met de digitale MP3 internetarchivering en<br />

podcasting van de uitzending op buitenlandse servers. De goedkoopste<br />

wereldontvangers zijn in Vlaan<strong>der</strong>en verkrijgbaar in bijna elke elektrozaak<br />

en kosten zelfs min<strong>der</strong> dan 50 euro.<br />

Vlamingen die in het buitenland verblijven tijdens de vakantie kunnen dus<br />

nu ook luisteren naar het programma van de vrije meningsuiting via een<br />

goedkope wereldontvanger. ZwartofWit zal tijdens de zomermaanden meer<br />

aandacht besteden aan "Nieuws uit Vlaan<strong>der</strong>en".<br />

Het is bijzon<strong>der</strong> cynisch dat een politiek getint radioprogramma voor<br />

Vlaan<strong>der</strong>en nu haar heil moet zoeken in een ex-communistische regio. Voor de<br />

val van het communisme in Europa richtte het Westen meer<strong>der</strong>e radiozen<strong>der</strong>s<br />

op Rusland en het Oostblok om daar de vrije meningsuiting te laten horen.<br />

ZwartofWit doet nu het omgekeerde.<br />

Voor de digitale uitzendingen (DRM) wacht Juergen Verstrepen nog steeds op<br />

de goedkeuring van de bevoegde radio-instanties in Duitsland en Groot-<br />

Brittannie. De piste Duitsland wordt moeilijker met de dag. Door de<br />

negatieve stemmingmakerij van Groen heeft zelfs het Duitse ministerie van<br />

buitenlandse zaken zich gemoeid met het project. De verspreiding van<br />

digitale kortegolfontvangers is op dit ogenblik nog verwaarloosbaar in<br />

tegenstelling tot de analoge radiotoestellen die wereldwijd verspreid zijn.<br />

In de eerste Europese etheruitzending van het programma praat Juergen<br />

Verstrepen met Jean Marie Dedecker, Derk <strong>Jan</strong> Eppink, Hugo Coveliers en<br />

Filip Dewinter.<br />

Dedecker verklaart o.a. dat hij niet gaat opkomen bij de<br />

gemeenteraadsverkiezingen in 2006, het Denemarken model zijn streven is en<br />

dat hij tevreden is dat de stemmenkampioen van de SP.a (Steve Stevaert)<br />

niet meer meedoet aan de verkiezingen.<br />

Klik hier en lees meer (via Kai Ludwig-D, dxld June 14)<br />

[RUSSIA] Test txion for Zwart of Wit / Black or White in Dutch via Russia:<br />

0900-1100 Sun June 12 on 13680 ARM 250 kW / 284 deg to WeEu in AM<br />

0900-1100 Sun June 12 on 6015 RMP 035 kW / 085 deg to WeEu in DRM no<br />

signal<br />

[3955, see above] (BUL Observer, June 14)<br />

BOLIVIA The following active SW stations have been heard by <strong>DX</strong>-ers<br />

worldwide during the past 12 months. Frequencies marked x) have been heard<br />

in May and/or June 20<strong>05</strong>:<br />

Altiplano area:<br />

3310 R Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi x)<br />

3390 R Em. Camargo, Camargo x)<br />

4410 R Eco, Reyes, Beni x)

4498 R Estambul, Guayaramerin x)<br />

4650 R Santa Ana, Santa Ana del Yacuma x)<br />

4685 R Paititi, Guayaramerin x)<br />

4717 R Yura, Yura x)<br />

4762 R Guanay, Guanay x)<br />

4763 R Chicha, Tocla<br />

4782 R Tanaca, Tumupasa<br />

4788 R Em. Ballivian, San Borja<br />

4796 R Mallku, Uyuni x)<br />

4845 R Municipal, La Paz<br />

4875 R La Cruz del Sur, La Paz<br />

4900v R San Miguel, Riberalta x)<br />

5927 R Difusora Mineria, Oruro x)<br />

5945 R Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza<br />

5953 R Pio XII, Siglo XX x)<br />

5965 R Nacional de Huanuni, Huanini<br />

6025 R Illimani, La Paz x)<br />

6038 R Difusora Tropico, Trinidad x)<br />

6080 R San Gabriel, La Paz x)<br />

6106 R Panamericana, La Paz x)<br />

6155 R Fides, La Paz x)<br />

6585 R Nueva Esperanza, El Alto<br />

9625 R Fides, La Paz<br />

Amazonas area:<br />

4600 Perla del Acre, Cobija x)<br />

Santa Cruz area:<br />

4865 R Centenario, Santa Cruz de la Sierra x)<br />

6<strong>05</strong>4v R Juan XXIII, San Ignacio de Velasco<br />

6135 R Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra x)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W June 15)<br />

BULGARIA Voice Africa via Plovdiv, 9680, full data card and personal<br />

letter in 9 weeks via the West Bromwich, UK address. V/s Sandra Joynes.<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 11)<br />

CHILE 15485 Edson Bruno just announced on Altas Ondas, the weekly<br />

Portuguese <strong>DX</strong> program of Voz Crista, that from June 20 they will be moving<br />

slightly, from 15475 to 15485 at 1200-2400 UT, after having received no<br />

response from LRA-36 and Africa No. One. Thus ends almost three months of<br />

collision which could have been resolved in one week if not headed off in<br />

the first place by more astute freq management.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld June 10)<br />

CONGO, DEM.REP. R. Kahuzi, 6210, partial data e-mail verie for a snail<br />

mail in 2 weeks. V/s Barbara Smith, Home Office Secretary (in Toccoa,<br />

Georgia, USA). QTH: . My report has obviously caused some<br />

excitement at the station, including on-air greetings, e-mails from 2 other<br />

people associated with the station etc. This station cannot be receiving<br />

many reports! 2 weeks later I received a beautiful QSL card, from the US<br />

address.<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Jun 12)<br />

CUBA R. Habana Cuba had special coverage of terrorism conference June 2-<br />

4, with three freqs in English mornings and afternoons, 9550, 12000, 13680<br />

plus several more in Spanish. (Glenn Hauser-USA WoR June 10)<br />

DRM Texas Instruments Incorporated und RadioScape wollen ab Herbst ein<br />

Radio produzieren, das sowohl analoge als auch digitale Rundfunksendungen<br />

vom UKW- bis Mittelwellenbereich empfangen kann. Dies gaben die<br />

Elektronikhersteller auf <strong>der</strong> Digital Radio Show bekannt, die am 1. und 2.<br />

Juni 20<strong>05</strong> in London stattfand.

Texas Instruments liefert die Chips und RadioScape die Software. Insgesamt<br />

soll <strong>der</strong> Preis des RadioScape RS500 unter USD 250 fallen, was die<br />

bisherigen Geraete fuer den Endverbraucher deutlich unterbietet.<br />

Insbeson<strong>der</strong>e RTL wartet auf die Markteinfuehrung DRM-tauglicher Empfaenger.<br />

Thomas Rabe: "Wir arbeiten eng mit TI und RadioScape zusammen, um noch in<br />

diesem Jahr eine erfolgreiche Markteinfuehrung von DRM/DAB-tauglichen<br />

Radiogeraeten fuer den Massenmarkt zu erreichen."<br />

Die RTL-Gruppe hat nicht nur ihre Kurzwellenanlagen fuer DRM-Sendungen<br />

wie<strong>der</strong>belebt, son<strong>der</strong>n auch weitere Mittel- und Langwellen fuer verschiedene<br />

Radiomaerkte beantragt.<br />

(Radio Netherlands Media Network 1.6.20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

DRM in Asia-Pacific.<br />

Digital Radio Mondiale [DRM] broadcasting in the Asia-Pacific region is<br />

taking off down a different track than in Europe. One of the reasons is the<br />

use of point-to-point txion for rebroadcast rather than direct to<br />

consumers.<br />

In the latest radio heritage documentary now on-line [www.rnzi.com], David<br />

Ricquish follows up on the recent DRM Symposium held in New Zealand with an<br />

overview of where and how digital radio is expected to develop around the<br />

Pacific in the near future.<br />

Simulcasting, new sces from Australia and New Zealand, point-to-point,<br />

replacement for MW, potential power savings, emergence of longwave as a<br />

possible home for DRM in the region, and the critical importance of China<br />

are amongst the issues covered.<br />

The documentary includes live recordings made during the recent DRM test<br />

txions in New Zealand and technical comments from Andy Giefer of Germany's<br />

Deutsche Welle.<br />

Produced by the Radio Heritage Foundation [www.radioheritage.net] in<br />

association with Radio New Zealand International, the doco is available online<br />

until Monday June 20.<br />

The script and a separate article on the April 20<strong>05</strong> DRM Symposium will<br />

appear at shortly.<br />

Warm regards<br />

David Ricquish, Radio Heritage Foundation, <br />

(hcdx June 15; David Ricquish, Radio Heritage Foundation; JPNpremium June<br />

17)<br />

GERMANY Test txions of new station Radio Solmal in Somali via DTK T-<br />

Systems:<br />

1400-1430 Fri June 10 on 17550 JUL 100 kW / 130 deg to EaAf<br />

1600-1630 Fri June 10 on 15495 JUL 100 kW / 130 deg to EaAf<br />

Test txions of Radio Horyaal in Somali via DTK T-Systems:<br />

1730-1800 Fri May 27 on 15650 JUL 100 kW / 145 deg to EaAf<br />

1730-1800 Fri June 03 on 11925 JUL 100 kW / 145 deg to EaAf<br />

Radio Horyaal in Somali from June 15 on air:<br />

1730-1800 Sat-Thu on 11925 JUL 100 kW / 145 deg to EaAf<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 14<br />

correction)<br />

Freie Volksmission Krefeld via DTK, 13820, partial data personal letter,<br />

religious literature in 8 weeks. V/s Peter Vitsek (Technical Department).<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Jun 12)

11775 on Jun 12 at 0900-0927 UT. AWR Europe /RVS, Juelich. During this time<br />

slot I heard Studio <strong>DX</strong> #102, the only <strong>DX</strong> program in Italian, main points:<br />

ARI Bologna contest, FM <strong>DX</strong> from Italy, NHK World Radio Quiz of 70th<br />

anniversary, audio clip Maeva FM and Radio America Paraguay; Another ID in<br />

italian at 0927 UTC mo<strong>der</strong>ate QRM on same freq of UNID station. SINPO 42322.<br />

(Nino Marabello-I, hcdx June 14)<br />

Vom 2. Juni bis 28. August 20<strong>05</strong> zeigt das Rundfunkmuseum Fuerth<br />

(Kurgartenstr. 37, 90762 Fuerth, ) die<br />

Son<strong>der</strong>ausstellung "Freddy Quinn und die wilden 50er in Fuerth. Das<br />

Rundfunkmuseum ist taeglich ausser montags 12.00-17.00 Uhr geoeffnet, an<br />

Wochenenden bereits ab 10.00 Uhr.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt June 15)<br />

Beim Treffen des Kurzwellenring-Sued im Rundfunkmuseum Fuerth<br />

(Kurgartenstr. 37, 90762 Fuerth, www.rundfunkmuseum.fuerth.de) findet am<br />

30. Juni 20<strong>05</strong>, 19.00 Uhr MESZ, ein Vortrag ueber "DRM, Status und<br />

Entwicklung" statt. Thomas Bauernschmitt hat die Projektleitung des DRM<br />

Campus Radio bit eXpress (Fraunhofer IIS Erlangen / FAU Erlangen-<br />

Nuernberg), das sowohl ein technischer Betriebsversuch als auch ein<br />

Ausbildungsradio fuer die Studenten <strong>der</strong> Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg<br />

ist.<br />

Mittlerweile ist im obersten Stockwerk des Rundfunkmuseums eine<br />

Kurzwellenecke mit zwei Transceivern und sechs Kurzwellenempfaengern<br />

eingerichtet. Damit koennen sechs Leute gleichzeitig an den<br />

Tischen/Geraeten arbeiten. Es fehlt nur noch eine angepasste Antenne zum<br />

Senden. (F.R. Stoehr 12.5.20<strong>05</strong>, Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt June 15)<br />

GUATEMALA R. Cultural, Guatemala, occasionally tests SW still, such as<br />

June 2 at 1<strong>05</strong>0 on 5954.967, heard by Bjoern Malm, Ecuador. (Glenn Hauser-<br />

USA WoR June 10)<br />

HAWAII [Cland to Vietnam] 11555, R. Hoa-Mai (via KWHR), at *1328-1359*<br />

on Jun 12, bells followed by a woman with ID and soft instr. mx, more talk<br />

incl. postal and website addresses. Prgm of VT talks by M&W with brief<br />

instr. segments. Fair but fading by 1352 UT. (Rich D'Angelo-PA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer<br />

June 12)<br />

11555 KWHR moved the TDP brokered txions of "Radio Free Vietnam" on 11555<br />

again back to 1230-1300 (Mon-Fri) [1330-1400 Sat/Sun], as originally<br />

scheduled by TDP. For a couple of weeks, KWHR aired these txions one hour<br />

earlier. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 13)<br />

ICELAND 7590-usb kHz AFN, Grindavik, noted on 10 Jun at 1404-1512 UT,<br />

talks but no copy thereon; 15241, and rtd. 25342 on 11 Jun 0945. I just<br />

wanted to see how their 41 m band signal "looked like" at that critical hr.<br />

\\ 9980-usb was about the same, but with slightly less noise. (Carlos<br />

Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 13)<br />

[to main target CeAtlantic & Azores, ed.]<br />

INDONESIA 11860 RRI 1306 with talks by OM in INSn followed by IS and nx<br />

prg . S8 at 13<strong>05</strong> 33232. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 13)<br />

3945, at 1127-1130, RRI Ternate on Jun 12. Soft INSn pop mx to male<br />

announcer with ID at 1130. Only a fair signal, with modest modulation.<br />

Heard somewhat better on June 11.<br />

4790, 1320-1333, RRI Fak Fak on Jun 11. Strong signal of lagu romantik mx;<br />

female announcer at 1330 with mentions of Fak Fak. Presumed.<br />

(Guy Atkins-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 13)

4790, RRI Fak Fak at 1025-1035 UT. Noted pop mx at tune in until 1031 when<br />

a woman talks with a man briefly. This followed by a recorded promo by a<br />

man. At 1033 back to pop mx. The signal is booming in with armchair<br />

listening while the sun peeks over the eastern horizon here in South<br />

Florida.<br />

4870.97 RRI Sorong at 1036-1045 UT. At tune in, noted a man and woman in nx<br />

comments. At 1037 UT, possible ID by the woman. The comments by both<br />

continue while the signal remains at a good level thru out. (Chuck Bolland-<br />

FL-USA, hcdx June 13)<br />

IRAQ/IRAN Another political event of interest to <strong>DX</strong>-ers happened in<br />

Arbil, Northern Iraq, on Sunday, June 12, where Massoud Barzani, son of the<br />

father of the Kurdish nationalism, Mullah Mustafa al-Barzani, and chairman<br />

of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) was formally appointed as<br />

"President of Iraqi Kurdistan" at a ceremony in the Kurdish Parliament.<br />

This autonomous area consists of the Iraqi Provinces of Sulaimaniyah, Arbil<br />

and Dohuk. The other big Party is the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK)<br />

with Headquarter's in Sulaimaniyah in the East and lead by Jalal Talibani<br />

until he was elected President of Iraq in April.<br />

KDP and PUK did fight a war against each other a few years ago and it took<br />

them four months of negotiations to agree on the appointment of Massoud<br />

Barzani as their common President in Kurdistan. Until recently KDP has been<br />

broadcasting on 6335 and PUK on 4025 kHz, but they are difficult to hear in<br />

Europe now due to the few hours of darkness here at summer solstice.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W June 15)<br />

JAPAN Radio Japan's <strong>DX</strong> topics.<br />

Hello radio friends, Radio Japan's Hello from Tokyo program will air the<br />

following personalities in its Phone out show.<br />

June 18/19/20 Ian McFarland, former RCI SWL Digest.<br />

June 25/26/27 Kazuo Ozaki, HCJB's Japanese program.<br />

In its regular <strong>DX</strong> program on July 2/3/4 I will talk on Radio Japan's old<br />

QSL's found in CPRV collection at Library of American Broadcasting,<br />

University of Maryland and QSL Collection at ORF, Radio Austria<br />

International.<br />

Hope you listen to these programs. (Toshi Ohtake-JPN JSWC; via <strong>DX</strong>plorer<br />

June 17<br />

LAOS Lao National Radio Houa Phan has changed its freq from 4649 kHz to<br />

new 4677.9 kHz. This station is on the air from 0957 to 1230 UT and relays<br />

nx from Vientiane at 1200 UT.<br />

Recorded audio sample was:<br />

> no signal<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 13)<br />

LIBERIA Radio Veritas, Liberia 5470 noted back here from tune in 2150<br />

June 14th following tip from Luca Botto Fiora, <strong>DX</strong>LD. Still on 2245 with<br />

programme of soul mx, religious commentary, closedown annts saying that<br />

they had started the second part of their daily broadcasts at 4.45 that<br />

afternoon, identification mentioning 97.8 FM and 5470 in the 60 metre

and,Lords Prayer and off 2300. Fair on peaks channel clear apart from<br />

occasional bursts of utility buzzing just below frequency.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK June 15)<br />

MALI 5995 R. Mali, Kati, observed on 11 Jun at 2124-... UT. Vernacular,<br />

talks, local tunes; 54433, adjct. DRM QRM, weakish audio (just like on<br />

11960 - so probably meaning the same tx is used); \\ 4782.4 kHz. (Carlos<br />

Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 13)<br />

MOLDOVA WYFR relay, 7350, full data card, religious literature, calendars<br />

in 31 weeks. (Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Jun 12)<br />

NETHERLANDS Schedule A<strong>05</strong> of Radio Netherlands valid 27 March - 30 Oct<br />

20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Schedule includes relay transmissions of other broadcast stations.<br />

Postal address: Radio Netherlands, P.O. Box 222, 1200 JG<br />

Hilversum, The Netherlands. Fax +31 35 6724239<br />

UTC Site kHz Beam kW Service Target<br />

0000-0100 Bonaire 9845 350 250 English N America e<br />

0000-0100 Bonaire 9745 290 250 China R Int Mexico<br />

0000-0158 Bonaire 11955 350 250 D. Welle N America e<br />

0000-0200 Bonaire 15315 170 50 Spanish S America s<br />

0000-0200 Ascension 5995 245 250 Spanish S America s<br />

0000-0200 Flevo 9895 260 500 Spanish S America n<br />

0100-0200 Bonaire 9845 320 250 English N America c<br />

0100-0300 Bonaire 11935 170 250 NHK Japan S America<br />

0100-0200 Madagascar 9435 50 250 R Sweden S Asia<br />

0100-0200 Flevo 9890 275 500 Spanish C America

1000-1100 Petro. Kamchatski 12065 244 250 English Far East<br />

1000-1100 Khabarovsk 13820 218 100 English E Asia<br />

1100-1130 Bonaire 6165 320 250 Spanish Car/Florida<br />

1100-1200 Bonaire 11675 350 250 English N America e<br />

1100-1300 Madagascar 17585 85 250 Indonesian Indonesia<br />

1100-1200 Madagascar 21480 85 250 Indonesian Indonesia<br />

1100-1200 Singapore 9795 140 100 Indonesian Indonesia<br />

1200-1300 Bonaire 15190 170 250 B<strong>BC</strong> S America<br />

1200-1300 Flevo DRM 7240 123 40 English C Europe<br />

1200-1300 Bonaire 9890 350 250 Dutch N America e<br />

1200-1300 Madagascar 15640(x15645) 85 250 Indonesian Indonesia

PNG Report and Pictures of Wantok Radio Light Inaugural Broadcast. This<br />

morning I received the inaugural broadcast report from Joe Emert of Life<br />

Radio Ministries, with some photos of Wantok Radio Light's "big day" on the<br />

11th. I've posted it at:<br />

<br />

(MS Word file, approx. 355 kB)<br />

11,000-12,000 people attended this event; no won<strong>der</strong> it sounded like quite a<br />

crowd out there while Walt and I were sitting with headphones on,<br />

eavesdropping on this live broadcast. (Guy Atkins-WA-USA, hcdx June 13)<br />

PHILIPPINES Summer A-<strong>05</strong> updated schedule for Radio Veritas Asia:<br />

Bengali 0030-0<strong>05</strong>7 11770 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg<br />

1400-1427 11875 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg<br />

Burmese 2330-2357 98<strong>05</strong> PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

1130-1157 15450 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

Filipino 2300-2327 7180 PUG 250 kW / 331 deg<br />

1500-1527 11765 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg x9695 Wed/Fri/Sun<br />

1500-1557 11765 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg x9695 Mon/Tue/Thu/Sat<br />

Hindi 0030-0<strong>05</strong>7 11790 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg<br />

1330-1357 11875 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg<br />

Hmong 1000-1027 11780 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

Indonesian 2300-2327 11820 PUG 250 kW / 222 deg<br />

2300-2327 95<strong>05</strong> PUG 250 kW / 222 deg<br />

1200-1227 11795 PUG 250 kW / 222 deg<br />

Kachin 2330-2357 9625 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

1230-1257 15225 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

Karen 0000-0027 11795 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

1200-1230 15225 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

Mandarin 2100-2257 6110 PUG 250 kW / 350 deg<br />

1000-1157 9720 PUG 250 kW / 355 deg<br />

Russian 0130-0227 17830 PUG 250 kW / 015 deg<br />

1500-1557 9685 PUG 250 kW / 330 deg x9570<br />

Sinhala 0000-0027 11820 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

1330-1357 9520 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg x9565<br />

Tamil 0030-0<strong>05</strong>7 15520 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

1400-1427 9520 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg x9565<br />

Telugu 0100-0127 15530 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

1430-1457 9520 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg x9565<br />

Urdu 0100-0127 15350 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg x15300<br />

1430-1457 11875 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg<br />

Vietnamese 2330-2357 9670 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

0130-0227 15530 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

1030-1127 11850 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

1300-1327 11850 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

Zomi-Chin 0200-0227 11895 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 13)<br />

PORTUGAL Freq change for RDP International Radio Portugal in Portuguese to<br />

WeEu<br />

1800-2000 Sat/Sun NF 15555 LIS 100 kW / <strong>05</strong>2 deg x11700 to avoid RFA in<br />

Chinese<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 13)<br />

RUSSIA 6225 DW Chinese service frequency change. I've just received an<br />

email from Andrea Schulz of Deutsche Welle's technical advisory department<br />

and she informs me that starting from 20 June, 1300-1350 UT, 5945 kHz will<br />

be replaced by 6225 kHz.<br />

5945 kHz has been suffering sereve heterodyne from Chinese National Radio.<br />

(Yin Cheung "Yogesh" Mar, dxld June 17) [Komsomolsk-Amur relay, 250 kW<br />


TWR via Ekaterinburg, 6245, full data card, schedule in 24 weeks. V/s Beth<br />

Chick.<br />

TWR-India via Chita, 7560, full data personal letter, schedule in 12 weeks.<br />

QTH: TWR-India, L-15 Green Park, New Delhi 110016, India.<br />

Vatican R. via Khabarovsk, 9600, full data card and schedule in 6 weeks.<br />

WYFR via Armavir, 7250, full data card, religious literature, schedules in<br />

8 weeks.<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Jun 12)<br />

Freq change for Voice of Russia in Urdu:<br />

1200-1300 NF 154<strong>05</strong> MSK 500 kW 135 deg x156<strong>05</strong> \\ 11510 DB,15550 NVS,17570<br />

ARM<br />

Dejen Radio in Tigrina noted on June 11:<br />

1700-1900 Sat on 12120 ARM 250 kW 188 deg, ex 1700-1800 Sat on same freq<br />

Test txion for Zwart of Wit / Black or White via Russia:<br />

0900-1100 Sun June 12 on 13680 ARM 250 kW 284 deg to WeEu in AM<br />

0900-1100 Sun June 12 on 6015 RMP 035 kW 085 deg to WeEu in DRM >> no<br />

signal<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 13)<br />

Radio Horyaal in Somali from June 15 on air:<br />

1730-1800 Sat-Thu on 11925 JUL 100 kW / 145 deg to EaAf<br />

1730-1800 Sat-Thu on 12130 SAM 250 kW / 173 deg to EaAf<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 14<br />

correction)<br />

7320 FEBA Radio via Irkutsk. June 10 at 1400-1410 UT. SINPO 34333. S/on<br />

with IS, followed by religious talk in Malayalam and song. (Iwao Nagatani-<br />

JPN, JPNpremium June 17)<br />

SINGAPORE 7235 Warna at 1420 UT clear in the freq Nice old ballads on<br />

1427 S5-7. Strong QRM from DRM station on 7240 (12.6.5) ON 13.6 on 13xx<br />

times covered by VOA Korean.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 13)<br />

SOLOMON ISLS 5019.9 at 0750-0802 UT, SI<strong>BC</strong> on Jun 11. Bored-sounding<br />

announcer calling a soccer match between the Solomons Islands and Kenya,<br />

alternating between Pidgin and English. Caliope-like tune at 0801 UT, and<br />

ID by woman, and into nx in English. Very good to excellent signal. (Guy<br />

Atkins-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 13)<br />

SPAIN Radio Nacional de Espana hat die naechste<br />

Kurzwellenplanungskonferenz <strong>der</strong> HFCC/ASBU nach Valencia eingeladen. Vom 22.<br />

bis 26 August 20<strong>05</strong> sollen im Museum <strong>der</strong> Wissenschaft die Wintersendeplaene<br />

abgeglichen werden. (HFCC 24.5.20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

SRI LANKA SL<strong>BC</strong> AAS in English gone 15748, 10.6 1400, Sri Lanka<br />

Broadcasting Corporation with the All Asia Service in English. According to<br />

frequent anntms, the evening sce in English (1225-1535 UT) will be<br />

terminated on June 11. This is sad nx indeed as the All Asia Service in<br />

English is a long time favourite of mine. O 3. (Christer Brunstroem-SWE,<br />

SWW Bulletin June 12 via dxld)<br />

Re this report - on seeing the message at 1515 on the 12th I have checked<br />

both 15748 and 9770 and cannot hear a signal on either frequency. This is<br />

indeed very sad nx as The Commercial Service of Radio Ceylon - later to<br />

become the SL<strong>BC</strong> All Asia Service - was one of the first stations I heard on<br />

SW over 50 years ago. (Noel R. Green-UK, dxld June 12)

SWITZERLAND 531 musigwaelle. Das WRTH verzeichnet Sendeschluss 2307 UT<br />

(2207 im Sommer), ich konnte aber in letzte Woche im Autoradio schon um<br />

circa 2120 bis 2140 UT keine Schweizer Mittelwelle mehr hoeren. Schaltet<br />

man schon um 2107 UT ab?<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 16)<br />

Die schalten seit Monaten schon um 2107 Uhr bzw. im Winter um 2207 Uhr UT<br />

ab. Nach den Nachrichten gibts einen Hinweis, nachher noch ein paar Takte<br />

Musik und schwups ist <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong> fort. Nichts von ausblenden son<strong>der</strong>n<br />

Schaltuhr.<br />

(Sandro Blatter-SUI, A-<strong>DX</strong> June 17)<br />

TAIWAN 15250, Fu Hsing B/Cing Stn, Chinese at 0422-<strong>05</strong>07 on May 6, mainly<br />

talk and songs, ID <strong>05</strong>00 and <strong>05</strong><strong>05</strong> by woman. SIO 353-343. QRM from unknown<br />

stn on 15245 from <strong>05</strong>01.<br />

(Shiozaki-JPN, JPN Premium June 12)<br />

Updated schedule for Hmong Lao Radio in Laotian:<br />

0100-0200 Wed/Fri on 15260 TAI 100 kW 250 deg SoEaAs<br />

1200-1300 Saturday NF 11785 HRI 100 kW 173 deg NoCeAm, x1300-1400 on 151<strong>05</strong><br />

1300-1400 Sunday NF 11785 HRI 100 kW 173 deg NoCeAm, x1400-1500 on 151<strong>05</strong><br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 13)<br />

TBS Tropical Band Survey.<br />

Stations on the tropical bands which have closed down in 2003-2004,<br />

including Clandestines.<br />

kHz kW Station Country Last log<br />

2624 - Frontline Soldiers R, Channel 1 North Korea MAY04<br />

32<strong>05</strong> 1 R Riberao Preto, Riberao Preto, SP Brazil JAN04<br />

3230 - R Guaruja Paulista, Guaruja, SP Brazil OCT04<br />

3230,4 1 El Sol de los Andes, Juliaca, Puno Peru MAR04<br />

3231,2 10 RRI Bukittinggi, SW INS SEP03<br />

3245 10 R Gulf, Kerama Papua New Guinea JAN04<br />

3245,1 1 R Clube, Varginha,Minas Gerais Brazil APR04<br />

3326 50 R Nigeria, Lagos Nigeria MAR04<br />

3360,2 1 La Voz de Nahuala, Nahuala, Solola Guatemala AUG03<br />

3375 5 R Dourados, Dourados, Mato Grosso d. Sul Brazil AUG03<br />

3380 1 Centro Radiofonico de Imbabura, Ibarra Ecuador JAN04<br />

3900 - VoIraqi People,VoIraqi Communist Party Clandestine AUG03<br />

3992 - Minsk utility station (USB) Belarus FEB04<br />

3995 - Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet China OCT03<br />

4<strong>05</strong>0 100 Krasnaya Rechka, Bishkek Kyrgyzstan SEP03<br />

4162 - Voice of Democracy, Northern Iraq Clandestine SEP04<br />

4235 - Voice of Kurdistan Toilers, No. Iraq Clandestine MAR04<br />

4250 - Voice of Strugglers of Iranian Kurdistan Clandestine NOV04<br />

4319 - AFRTS, Diego Garcia Diego Garcia JAN04<br />

4650 - Voice of Mojahed, Baqubah, Iraq Clandestine JAN04<br />

4722,8 - R Uncia, Uncia, Potosi Bolivia MAR04<br />

4750 - R San Francisco Solano, Sondor, Piura Peru MAR04<br />

4765 100 R Congo, Brazzaville Congo Rep. SEP03<br />

4773,8 5 R Centinela del Sur, Loja, Loja Ecuador FEB04<br />

4790 100 AIR Delhi via Chennai India FEB04<br />

4800 100 LNBS, Lancers Gap Lesotho JAN04<br />

4820 50 R Botswana, Sebele Botswana SEP03<br />

4828 100 Z<strong>BC</strong>, Gweru Zimbabwe MAR04<br />

4845 3 R K'ekchi', Fray Bartolome de las Casas Guatemala NOV03<br />

4845 100 RTM Kuala Lumpur, Kajang MLA DEC03<br />

4850 50 R Khekh Tangar (Blue Sky), Ulan Bataar Mongolia DEC03<br />

4865 12 Mongolian National R, Dalanzadgad Mongolia AUG04<br />

4870 10 SL<strong>BC</strong>, Ekala Sri Lanka MAR04<br />

4876 - Tbilisskaya, Krasnodarskiy Kray Russia SEP03<br />

4895 5 R IPB-AM, Campo Grande, MS Brazil MAY04

4900 - R Comunidade das Gerais, Norte de MG Brazil MAR04<br />

4902 10 SL<strong>BC</strong>, Ekala Sri Lanka SEP04<br />

4904,8 0,7 R La Oroya, La Oroya, Junin Peru SEP03<br />

4930,6 1 R Costena Ebenezer, San Pedro Sula Honduras AUG03<br />

4933 - R Familiar Cristiana, Vereda La Puerta Colombia APR04<br />

4940 50 China Huayi Broadcasting Corp., Chengdu China JAN04<br />

4940 10 SL<strong>BC</strong>, Ekala Sri Lanka JUL04<br />

4940 - Krasnaya Rechka, Bishkek Kyrgyzstan JAN04<br />

4960 1 R Global Internacional/R Cima,S. Domingo Dominican Republic JUL04<br />

4965 1 R San Miguel, Cusco, Cusco Peru JAN04<br />

5009,8 1 HIMI, R Cristal Internacional/R Pueblo Dominican Republic AUG04<br />

5019,7 1 Ecos del Atrato, Quibdo,Cocho Colombia FEB04<br />

5020 10 SL<strong>BC</strong>, Ekala Sri Lanka SEP04<br />

5035 100 R Liberty via Yangiyul Tajikistan FEB04<br />

5035 15 Dai Tieng Noi Vietnam, Xuan Mai, Hanoi Vietnam JUL04<br />

5046,8 100 Rdif. Togolaise, Togblekope, Lome Togo MAR04<br />

5<strong>05</strong>0 100 R Pakistan, Islamabad, Haya Allal Falah Pakistan NOV03<br />

5<strong>05</strong>4,6 5 TIFC R Faro del Caribe, San Isidro, Herida Costa Rica JUN04<br />

5<strong>05</strong>5,2 0,15 R Onda Imperial, Cusco, Cusco Peru SEP03<br />

5115,8 0,5 R Naylamb, Lambayeque Peru FEB04<br />

5350 - Voice of Mojahed, Baqubah, Iraq Clandestine JAN04<br />

5459 - R Panorama, Recobamba, Celendin Peru SEP03<br />

5500 - R San Miguel, San Miguel, Cajamarca Peru AUG03<br />

5770 1 R Miskut, Puerto Cabezas Nicaragua APR04<br />

5775,3 - R La Voz de San Juan, Lonya Grande, AM Peru JUN04<br />

My forecast is now that within the next five years domestic stations on the<br />

tropical bands are going to disappear in several more countries in Africa,<br />

Central and South East Asia, Central America, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guyana<br />

and Suriname. Worldwide the last station may disappear around year 2017.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W June 15)<br />

TUNISIA New updated schedule for RTTunisia in Arabic eff from June 1<br />

0300-0430v 120<strong>05</strong> SFA 500 kW 100 deg to EaAf<br />

0300-0430v 9720 SFA 500 kW 100 deg to EaAf<br />

0300-<strong>05</strong>30v 7275 SFA 500 kW 340 deg to WeEu<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0700v 7190 SFA 500 kW 265 deg to NoAf<br />

1500-1900 120<strong>05</strong> SFA 500 kW 100 deg to EaAf<br />

1500-1900 9720 SFA 500 kW 100 deg to EaAf<br />

1600-1900 7225 SFA 500 kW 340 deg to WeEu<br />

1800-2200 7190 SFA 500 kW 265 deg to NoAf<br />


0100-0300 9720, 120<strong>05</strong><br />

0300-<strong>05</strong>00 7190<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-0600 7275<br />

1100-1300 15450, 17735<br />

1300-1500 11730, 11950, 15450, 17735<br />

1500-1600 7225, 11950<br />

1600-1800 7190<br />

1900-2000 7225, 9720, 120<strong>05</strong><br />

2000-2200 7225<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 13)<br />

U.A.E. Abu Dhabi DW relay, 21820, full data card, personal letter,<br />

sticker in seven weeks. V/s Mrs. Adelheid Lucas, Technical Advisory<br />

Service.<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 11)<br />

U.K. 60 kHz The MSF standard-frequency and time signal<br />

<br />

is one of the most widely used sources of time in the UK. It is transmitted<br />

on behalf of the National Physical Laboratory

y BT plc from its Rugby Radio Station on a freq of<br />

60 kHz. The current contract to broadcast the signal finishes at the end of<br />

March 2007, and recently the Department of Trade and Industry has<br />

commissioned studies to consi<strong>der</strong> the longer-term future of the signal. As a<br />

result of this work, DTI has given the go-ahead for NPL to procure the MSF<br />

broadcast for a further 10 years.<br />

It is anticipated that there will be no interruption to the MSF sce,<br />

whatever the outcome of the contract negotiations. It is possible that MSF<br />

operation will need to be transferred to another site within the UK, but if<br />

that proves to be the case, a key aim will be to ensure that the reception<br />

of the signal is the same or better than it is at present over the whole of<br />

the UK. (RSGB)<br />

(I have a wrist watch and numerous radio clocks, also some that work off<br />

the German station (œ2.99 from Lidl a few months ago). They are all<br />

reliable and of course extremely accurate - Mike) (Mike Barraclough-UK,<br />

Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK June 10)<br />

11885 Salama R.Int. via Wofferton on Jun 08 at *1930-1950 UT, 25332-25331,<br />

1930 UT sign on with IS, Talk and african pops mx etc.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 17)<br />

15495 on Jun 8 at 1732 UT. UN Radio via Skelton site - English; UN nx &<br />

reports, ID,<br />

1745 YL Arabic Service 44433. (Tony Ashar-Depok-INS,<br />

hcdx June 13)<br />

17660 on Jun 8 at 1643 UT. Sudan Radio Service via Woofferton site - vernac<br />

song, chorus ID several times, talk & mx 44333. (Tony Ashar-Depok-INS, hcdx<br />

June 13)<br />

17700 on Jun 8 at 1352 UT. R Solh via Rampisham site - ID & freqs by OM &<br />

YL, vernac song & nx 44433. (Tony Ashar-Depok-INS, hcdx June 13)<br />

[UNIDENTIFIED] 120<strong>05</strong> on June 8 at 0615 UT, VT Merlin Communications with<br />

test txion until 0630 UT. Announcing web site:<br />

<br />

The question is what will come at this time in the future.<br />

(Christer Brunstroem-SWE, SW Bulletin June 12, translated by editor<br />

Th.Nilsson for dxld)<br />

[U.K./CYPRUS] Time and freqs changes for morning txion of B<strong>BC</strong> in Albanian:<br />

0400-0600 NF 9770 CYP, NF 11845 RMP, ex <strong>05</strong>30-0600 on 7285 CYP,9885<br />

CYP,11845 RMP<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 13)<br />

11885 [to NIG] A radio station called Radio Salama International was heard<br />

by B<strong>BC</strong> M on 11885 kHz SW from 1930-2030 on the 8 June. The station signed<br />

on at 1930 with West African-style mx, followed by an annmt. Programming<br />

consisted of various types of mx with short commentaries. Speech in English<br />

and Hausa was heard and a religious-style talk was noted around 2015. The<br />

station signed off at 2029, announcing the following:<br />

Addr: P.O.Box 6316, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. Phone 080 370 32530<br />

The station also announced that it would be on the air on the same freq on<br />

Sundays and Wednesdays in the future. B<strong>BC</strong> M heard a station in 2001 on SW<br />

also called Salama Radio. That station had carried Pentecostal Christian

programing and content hostile to the Nigerian govt. (B<strong>BC</strong>M 8 Jun, via dxld<br />

June 11)<br />

Droitwich R4 LW off air. Just noticed @ 1435 that the B<strong>BC</strong> R4 Droitwich LW<br />

tx on 198 kHz is off the air.<br />

There's a very weak R4 signal audible in the background, presumably from<br />

Westerglen. Anyone know if this is routine maintenance, or a fault?<br />

Further on this, B<strong>BC</strong> teletext (p.698) confirms that Droitwich R4 (198 kHz)<br />

and R5 Live (693 kHz) is on reduced power / liable to interruption today,<br />

Sunday.<br />

It also says "until 16 June" on one page and "until 31 July" on another<br />

page, so I presume maintenance work of some sort is in progress - its<br />

ambiguously worded and unclear if reduced power or interruptions are likely<br />

at any time until these dates - or just on Sundays. (Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-<br />

UK June 12)<br />

Tuning in at midday on Sunday for "I'm Sorry..." I heard R4 announcing that<br />

they wouldn't be having the usual LW/FM split at that time for the Shipping<br />

Forecast as the Droitwich tx was off the air for "serious maintenance"<br />

(though they could still have chosen to air the forecast via the Scottish<br />

txs). They said they hoped to be back in time for the usual forecast just<br />

before 6 pm, though I didn't check if they managed that. They were<br />

certainly back by mid- evening.<br />

I assume they'd normally want to do most routine planned maintenance on a<br />

weekday, but probably wanted to avoid today (Monday) as R4LW is scheduled<br />

for cricket coverage. It seems as if it was something they felt they<br />

couldn't delay doing.<br />

(Chris Greenway-UK, BR<strong>DX</strong>C-UK June 13)<br />

The B<strong>BC</strong>'s Albanian Service is launching a new morning nx and current<br />

affairs programme from Wednesday 8 June.<br />

From 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Central European Time [<strong>05</strong>00 to 0700 gmt], Monday to<br />

Friday, B<strong>BC</strong> Sot (B<strong>BC</strong> Today) sets the day's agenda with global, regional and<br />

local coverage for listeners in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and Greece.<br />

Every 15 mins, B<strong>BC</strong> Sot will keep the listeners updated with nx from the<br />

region and around the world.<br />

Live links with the B<strong>BC</strong> studios in Tirana, Pristina and Skopje will provide<br />

the B<strong>BC</strong> Albanian audiences with first-hand information about regional<br />

developments. Along with regular business, sports and cultural slots, B<strong>BC</strong><br />

Sot's audience will hear the programme's Big Interview with key<br />

personalities.<br />

Issues of the day will be discussed in studio debates which will engage the<br />

listeners via SMS messages, phone and email.<br />

Head of the B<strong>BC</strong> Albanian sce, Julia Goga-Cooke, said: "We are thrilled to<br />

launch B<strong>BC</strong> Sot, which is the morning radio for Albanian speakers across<br />

Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia.<br />

"With the B<strong>BC</strong>'s journalistic talent and its unparalleled network of<br />

correspondents covering the world, B<strong>BC</strong> Sot ensures our audiences are fully<br />

informed and engaged with the nx agenda at the start of their day."<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Sot can be heard on the B<strong>BC</strong> 24-hour stations 103.9 FM in Tirana,<br />

Albania and on 98.6 FM in Prishtina, Kosovo.

Listeners can hear an audio [archive] of the programme and read special<br />

features online at bbcalbanian.com.<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Sot can also be heard on the B<strong>BC</strong>'s partner stations [All FM freqs are<br />

in MHz]:<br />

Albania: Radio Kukesi 100.4 FM; Radio Shkodra 92 FM; Radio Korca 15 AM [as<br />

published]; Radio Gjirokaster 102.5 FM; Radio Rash 97.0 FM; Radio Ime 1<strong>05</strong>.4<br />

FM; Radio TV Vale e Kalter-Vlore; Radio Saranda 100 FM; Radio Star 1<strong>05</strong>.5<br />

FM; Radio Fier 107.2 FM; and Televizion Adriatik-Durres.<br />

Kosovo: Radio 21 100.2 FM,102.8 FM and 103.9 FM; Radio Mitrovica 99.9 FM;<br />

Radio Top Iliria 90.8 FM; Radio Tema 94.9 FM; Radio Drenica 107.6 FM; and<br />

Radio Theranda 1<strong>05</strong>.2 FM.<br />

Macedonia: Macedonian State radio 94.7 FM and 98.3 FM; Radio Uskana 103 FM;<br />

Radio Rinia 106.3 FM; Radio Tetova 97, 93.5 FM; Radio Bleta 101.4 FM; and<br />

Televizioni Festa e Kumanoves.<br />

Serbia: Radio Spektri Bujanovc 101 FM.<br />

Notes to Editors: B<strong>BC</strong> Albanian was re-launched in 1993 and is rebroadcast<br />

by more than 40 radio and TV stations in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and<br />

Greece. The main weekday nx and current programmes are Bota at 11 (The<br />

World At 11); Bota mbasdite (The World in the Afternoon) at 3.15 p.m.<br />

Central European Time [1315 gmt]; and Bota ne mbremje (The World in the<br />

Evening) at 7 p.m. [1700 gmt]. The regional debate programme Forum and<br />

youth and mx programme Ritem e Pop are aired on Sundays.<br />

The online site provides a wide range of information,<br />

including international nx and current affairs, world economy, science,<br />

technology, arts, entertainment, chat forums and learning English. (B<strong>BC</strong> WS,<br />

via Br<strong>DX</strong>C June7)<br />

The txion is also being heard on SW via 11840 and 9770.<br />

And a txion in what sounded like Albanian was on air at tune in <strong>05</strong>45 today<br />

(Saturday June 11) until 0700 and included a lang lesson around 0630.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 11)<br />

USA Former director of VOA Sanford Ungar and present director David<br />

Jackson accuse each other over charges that Jackson is trying to manage VOA<br />

nx to favor the Bush administration; BBG Chairman Kenneth Tomlinson backs<br />

Jackson; hearings on Tomlinson and VOA journalists' petition called for;<br />

see June 6 edition of<br />

and recent issues of dxld such as 5-094.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA WoR June 10)<br />

The VoA will resume its radio broadcasts to the Central Asian nation of<br />

Uzbekistan on June 12. VOA had ceased broadcasting on radio to Uzbekistan<br />

last year in response to research that showed Uzbeks watch television in<br />

significant numbers. VOA has been broadcasting television programming to<br />

Uzbekistan since December 2003.<br />

"Because of the recent events in Uzbekistan and the Uzbek govt's tightening<br />

of controls on foreign television broadcasts, we have decided to resume our<br />

radio broadcasts," said VOA Director David Jackson. "The Uzbek people<br />

deserve to have access to uncensored nx and information about what's<br />

happening in their own country, their region, and the world. In addition,<br />

our Uzbek lang web site will continue to be updated with the latest nx and<br />


VOA's Uzbek-language radio broadcasts will consist of a daily (seven days a<br />

week), 30-minute program, airing from 15:00-15:30 UTC (20:00 -20:30 local<br />

time) on the following SW freqs:<br />

SW Frequencies 1500-1530 UTC:<br />

11515 IRA (26.<strong>05</strong> meters), 11780 UDO (25.47 meters), 15390 KAV (19.49<br />

meters)<br />

VOA hopes to offer the new Uzbek-language radio broadcasts on medium wave<br />

and FM in the future.<br />

VOA's coverage will focus on the nx of the world, of Uzbekistan and Central<br />

Asia, and information about U.S. policy and opinion. The coverage will also<br />

include U.S. and world press reviews on Uzbekistan, as well as interviews<br />

with regional and international experts on Uzbekistan and the region.<br />

The Voice of America, which first went on the air in 1942, is a multimedia<br />

international broadcasting sce funded by the U.S. govt through the<br />

Broadcasting Board of Governors. VOA broadcasts more than 1,000 hours of<br />

news, information, educational, and cultural programming every week to an<br />

estimated worldwide audience of more than 100 million people. Programs are<br />

produced in 44 langs, including English.<br />

For more information, call the Office of Public Affairs at (202) 401-7000,<br />

or E-Mail <br />

<br />

(Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK June 11)<br />

Voice of America in Uzbek again on short waves from Sunday June 12:<br />

1500-1530 on 11515 IRA, 11780 UDO, 15390 KAV<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 13)<br />

Updated schedule for Hmong Lao Radio in Laotian:<br />

0100-0200 Wed/Fri on 15260 TAI 100 kW 250 deg SoEaAs<br />

1200-1300 Saturday NF 11785 HRI 100 kW 173 deg NoCeAm, x1300-1400 on 151<strong>05</strong><br />

1300-1400 Sunday NF 11785 HRI 100 kW 173 deg NoCeAm, x1400-1500 on 151<strong>05</strong><br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 13)<br />

Hour Of The Time Radio Broadcast via W<strong>BC</strong>Q, 7415, full data QSL sheet in 4<br />

weeks. V/s John Doyel Shamley (General Manager). QTH: P.O.Box 940, Eagar,<br />

Arizona 85925, U.S.A.<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Jun 12)<br />

UZBEKISTAN 5810? Unfortunately, Mr. Nagatani and Mr. Hashimoto said<br />

nothing heard on 5810 kHz at 1530-1600 UT. But they (and I) will continue<br />

check it. If something heard, we notice to you.<br />

'CFC Organization' is mean this? <br />

(Gaku Iwata-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 13)<br />

VANUATU 3944.9v on 0715-0740 UT, R. Vanuatu on Jun 11. Noted this rising<br />

up from the noise prior to 0700, and down 0.1 kHz from nominal, just like<br />

Vanuatu on 7259.9v earlier in the evening before it shut down suddenly.<br />

Mentions of 'Tok Tok' at 0715 as well as Port Vila at 0731. Poor to fair<br />

signal, but improving past 0740. Noted again at 0814, drifted down to<br />

3944.85. 'Radio Vanuatu' ID at 0815.<br />

(Guy Atkins-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 13)<br />

7259.685 at 0621- UT, Radio Vanuatu on Jun 11. Sunset in Port Vila, with a<br />

decent signal (at least the mx) but with lots of summer static crashes.<br />

Mo<strong>der</strong>n western mx. Chatting with Guy Atkins across the table, when it just

vanished at 0625. Very weak het only. I assumed it was some local noise,<br />

but I don't think so, as 7120 PNG is coming in with audio. Still nothing at<br />

0642, but fair audio on 3944.86 with identical format, so I'm assuming this<br />

is the same tx. Listened to 0658 with mentions of Vanuatu. Port Vila<br />

mentioned at 0706. I checked again at 0800. Rapid drums up to the TOH, then<br />

islands type mx. No IS or ID on the hour. 'People of Vanuatu' heard at<br />

08<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Transmitter appears to be drifting somewhat. 'Vanuatu govt' at 0807.<br />

Frequency is 3944.86 at 0810. Radio Vanuatu ID at 0811:55. Rapid drums, and<br />

?conch shell, and another Radio Vanuatu ID at 0815, and into mx, and<br />

presumed ad. All at good signal strength but weak modulation. (Walt<br />

Salmaniw-WA, dxld June 16)<br />

VATICAN STATE Mit dem Datum "18. Mai 20<strong>05</strong> - 85. Geburtstag Johannes Paul<br />

II." verschickte Pater Eberhard von Gemmingen, <strong>der</strong> Leiter <strong>der</strong><br />

deutschsprachigen Redaktion folgenden Brief an Kurzwellenfreunde, die in<br />

juengerer Zeit Empfangsberichte eingesandt hatten:<br />


Tel 0039 06 69 88 41 01 Fax 0039 06 69 88 38 44<br />

e-Mail <br />

Liebe Freunde, die uns Reception-reports geschickt haben, Sie haben uns in<br />

den letzten Wochen und Monaten durch Ihre Receptionreports <strong>der</strong>art erfreut,<br />

dass wir Ihnen ausdruecklich danken moechten. Sie tun dem Radio einen<br />

riesigen Dienst. Die technische Leitung auf unserem Sendegelaende sagt <strong>der</strong><br />

deutschsprachigen Redaktion immer wie<strong>der</strong>: "Ihr seid die besten. Die<br />

Receptionreports helfen uns sehr."<br />

Dies moechte ich Ihnen weitergeben und mich bei Ihnen im Namen unserer<br />

Techniker herzlich bedanken. Ihre Berichte landen also nicht im Papierkorb,<br />

son<strong>der</strong>n in <strong>der</strong> Datenbank von Santa Maria di Galeria.<br />

Die Technik muss ja wissen, von welcher Qualitaet <strong>der</strong> Kurzwellenempfang<br />

weltweit ist. Freilich sind Sie, die Kurzwellenhoerer, eine beson<strong>der</strong>er Typ<br />

von Mensch. Die meisten Leute wissen ja noch nicht mal, was Mittelwelle<br />

ist, geschweige denn Kurzwelle! Ich gratuliere Ihnen, dass sie zum edlen<br />

Club <strong>der</strong> Radiofreunde gehoeren.<br />

Zum Stichwort "Santa Maria di Galeria": Unsere Chefs sind felsenfest davon<br />

ueberzeugt, dass sich nie und nimmer ein Zusammenhang zwischen den<br />

Radiostrahlen und den Faellen von Leukaemie beweisen laesst. Hinter den<br />

Vorwuerfen steht unseres Erachtens eine politische Kampagne:<br />

Bauloewen wollen die 440 Hektar haben, auf denen das Sendegelaende Santa<br />

Maria di Galeria steht. Sie wollen den Sen<strong>der</strong> vertreiben und schueren<br />

deshalb die Aengste <strong>der</strong> Menschen. Zu bedenken ist ferner, dass viele <strong>der</strong><br />

Wohnsiedlungen dort ohne Baugenehmigung entstanden sind, und zwar als es<br />

schon laengst die besagten Strahlen gab. Niemand hat sich darum gekuemmert.<br />

Man haette ja bereits damals darauf hinweisen koennen:<br />

Bitte hier nicht bauen. Der Sen<strong>der</strong> stand ja laengst - und zwar in Abmachung<br />

zwischen Vatikan und dem Staat Italien. Aber mit Emotionen kann man Leute<br />

gewinnen. Und das geschieht <strong>der</strong>zeit. Ich danke Ihnen fuer Ihr beson<strong>der</strong>es<br />

Interesse am Sen<strong>der</strong>.<br />

Im Namen <strong>der</strong> technischen Direktion, aber auch <strong>der</strong> deutschsprachigen<br />

Redaktion gruesst Sie ganz herzlich. Ihr Pater Eberhard von Gemmingen."<br />

Am 18. Mai 20<strong>05</strong> hatte eine vatikanisch-italienische Kommission noch einmal<br />

betont, dass alle Ausstrahlungen aus Santa Maria di Galeria die<br />

italienischen Grenzwerte unterschreiten. Weitere Messungen sollen im<br />

September und Oktober 20<strong>05</strong> stattfinden.

(via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt June 15)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 17)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Guy Atkins-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 13)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, June 9)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 23)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, JPNpremium, May 28)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 3)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 5)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 13)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)<br />

(Yasuhiro Shiozaki-JPN, JPNpremium June 9)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 717 30 June 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

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be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages,<br />

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Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

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<br />

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e-mail <br />

AFRICA African QSL's.<br />

Ed was the first to E mail regarding the reports that I took with me to<br />

Africa. Saving time I have E mailed you all. If the report was sent to me,<br />

your report would have been delivered to the station. Allow me to explain,<br />

it was not possible for me to back track to countries I had already been<br />

to. That said any reports I had with me were delivered the following way: a<br />

Somali Canadian guy I know went from Galkayo to Kampala via Nairobi to<br />

visit his sister. He took those reports with him and had them hand<br />

delivered (Kenya and Uganda) the others were posted from Kampala (Tanzania,<br />

Burundi, Rwanda) to said station. Also, a U.N security officer I spent time<br />

with in Garad, Somalia also took reports with him to Kanshasa, his home<br />

base and delievered them (Dem. Rep. Congo) and promised to mail the others<br />

(West Africa, Angola, Zimbabwe).<br />

I entered Africa via Niamey, then Djibouti City, to Galkayo. I took three<br />

reports to La Voix Du Sahel. I only had a 1 day lay-over in Niger and did<br />

not have time to wait for replies. The guard at the gate assured me he<br />

would give the reports to Chief Engineer. I gave him $20 US and promised<br />

him another $20 if QSLs were received.<br />

I know I had hoped to visit more stations/countries, however that did not<br />

happen. I have QSLs from Radio U.N.A.M.S.I.L for those that sent reports. I<br />

stayed a few doors down from the stations offices, the Mammy Yoko Hotel,<br />

these from my first visit. West Africa is a real mess, I had many problems<br />

with getting around. The uprisings in Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Liberia,

Eq. Guinea, etc... have the whole region on it's lid, a unbeleivable mess<br />

... everyone in those countries was having the same hassles as me, even the<br />

U.N guys I came across.<br />

Most foreigners were staying very close to their compounds. Some far wose,<br />

staff with MSF (Drs. Without Bor<strong>der</strong>s) had members killed, this started a<br />

mass pull out of many NGO groups in the region, a B<strong>BC</strong> staff was shot and<br />

killed her first day in Mogadishu, a female journalist, it is a sad mess...<br />

I had promised to do my best in getting QSLs, I could not have imagined<br />

Africa had become such a up-rooted mess! I was still in Galkayo when my<br />

friend, Said returned from Kampala he assured me that the reports I had<br />

sent with him were hand delievered and/or mailed from Kampala. He had a<br />

postal mail receipt for the reports he mailed, so i paid him from the cooperation<br />

fund you guys contributed to, I think he spent $20 or $25 US.<br />

The U.N guy I will never hear from, the U.N practices a very strict<br />

security plan, only first names were used, no E Mail addresses were<br />

exchanged. Not even photos of them at the Tsunami effort from Garad<br />

Somalia. Dispite helping them find Garad and the Tsunami hit coast, they<br />

were not allowed to give any info that might reveal their identity.<br />

I am sure he would eventually get those reports delivered. I did not keep a<br />

list of who sent what reports, so can you please let me know if you have<br />

received any QSL's/replies. Things do move slow in Africa at best so lets<br />

give the reports some time before giving up or trying again. I think there<br />

was $70-$90 US in the co-operation fund, so there is still a few bucks<br />

remaining. We can deal with that at some point!<br />

At the moment my situation is very hectic, I just moved into a country<br />

house, working part time, trying to get a shack and antennas<br />

together...most important, unpacked from Africa. So once the dust settles<br />

over these QSL's, we can see what is still no QSLed and go from there.<br />

Again, no promises, I met many people in Africa and perhaps they can be<br />

called on the deliever reports of follow up on those delievered.<br />

I recall reports from Radio Congo-Brazzaville and Radio Mauritania, just<br />

saying, I received QSLs from these stations in 2004 for reports mailed from<br />

Canada. As far as <strong>DX</strong> stations go, one never knows if or when a QSL will<br />

show up.<br />

I just have to tell you guys this, I know they effort that goes into a<br />

"<strong>DX</strong>ers" report verses the lack of effort into the others reports. During my<br />

short voluteer repairman position at Radio Galkayo, I had access to the<br />

file cabinets at the station. I have to tell you there is some real slop<br />

being sent as reception reports, absolute trash, nothing in these reports<br />

to spark any interest in replying. That said keep writting those good<br />

reports and eventually who knows.<br />

Dispite my falling out with the management at Radio Galkayo it is possible<br />

that I can help with getting reports from Radio Galkayo verified. Their<br />

organisation is not solely governed, their are several people in their<br />

volunteer staff that are not afraid to speak-up and of course gladly QSL<br />

reports for me. The other 2 Somali SW stations can also be QSLed,<br />

Mogadiishu being the tough one. This due to the civil unrest in Juba Land,<br />

Mogadishu<br />

The first thing is to hear one of the Somali stations, somewhere in the<br />

mess I have the skeds, roughly 8 AM-10 PM their local time. They may or may<br />

not take a break during the hours of restand pray, 12 PM-4 PM. Once the<br />

bugs were worked out at Radio Galkayo, the coverage was better, the Acting<br />

Director changed the save the tx sked to 8 AM to 10 PM. When I left Somalia<br />

mid April, Radio Galkayo SW was off, FM still on. Radio Mogadishu and Radio<br />

Hargesia were both still on SW daily. Radio in Somalia, man what a mess!!!

Okay guys let me know if anything has shown up in the mail box. Remember,<br />

Somalia has no in/out going mail sce. In time we can give these African<br />

station some more work, at the moment I am burning the candle from both<br />

ends.<br />

Before I go, before I left, there was talk between <strong>DX</strong>ers of a remote<br />

variable termination resistance box. Has anything come of this? Now that I<br />

have some room I can put up some half decent antennas. 73.<br />

(Joe Talbot VA6JWT, CAN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 24)<br />

ALASKA 9555/9795 Your Chinese freq at 1400 UT today June 22, 9615, was<br />

stronger than usual, so I checked 9795 for English but all I heard was<br />

Vietnamese from France via Japan. Maybe your signal was un<strong>der</strong>neath, but I<br />

could not detect it. Nothing on your posted schedules yet, but I am<br />

won<strong>der</strong>ing if you have actually made a freq change to resolve this<br />

collision?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, to Kevin Chambers, KNLS, via dxld June 22)<br />

Yes, we have moved at 1400 UT to 9555 kHz. We hope this change will work!<br />

(Kevin Chambers, KNLS, dxld June 22)<br />

ALBANIA Dear Mrs.Cico, I found this email address in the World <strong>DX</strong> Club<br />

magazine "Contact", in a letter from Sue Hickey, your Canadian listener, so<br />

thought I should try it. I'm not sure whether you were getting my emails to<br />

the address given in the WRTH, which may be out-of-date.<br />

I am pleased to tell you that I have enjoyed some excellent reception of<br />

your English "Second Edition" to the UK at 2130 UTC during this last week.<br />

For some time there had been heavy interference from a Chinese station on<br />

7120 kHz.at that time, but there was no sign of that on the past few<br />

evenings. I don't Know whether they have left the freq or it's due to short<br />

wave conditions. Still enjoying Radio Tirana, having been a listener since<br />

"Communist" days. Albania is now changing much for the better. Best wishes<br />

to you and all at Radio Tirana.<br />

Yours, Ian Wadman, (from R Tirana, June 20)<br />

Dear Mr Wadman,<br />

Thank you for your good nx on 7120 kHz.<br />

I always forward reception reports also to the Chinese colleagues, and<br />

sometimeS to their Embassy in Tirana, e.g. like for the case of their<br />

interference on 7120 kHz. The Chinese never reply via email! Did they move<br />

from 7120 kHz?<br />

This email is aslo sent to our closest listeners in Europe and earlier to<br />

the B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring to receive any possible confirmation from them.<br />

Thanks again and all the best from a sunny hot Tirana,<br />

Mrs. Drita Cico, ARTV-Head of Monitoring Center, RADIO TIRANA. (June 20)<br />

ALGERIA Of the 3 RTA outlets on LF, viz. Bechar 153 kHz 2x1000 kW -<br />

Ouargla 198 kHz 2x1000 kW - Tipaza 252 kHz 2x750 kW, only RTA-1 Tipaza puts<br />

a strong signal, day & night. Signal levels simply cannot compare:<br />

Tipaza being like a local station, particularly if received in the south<br />

(to a point that even the K9AY is unable to "separate" it from RTE 252 at<br />

times),<br />

Bechar 153 is really bad here, not that bad in the south, and

Ouargla 198 is particularly poor (<strong>DX</strong> like!) here un<strong>der</strong>neath the B<strong>BC</strong> R4,<br />

which dominates the channel in the south too, meaning only a directional<br />

antenna can receive RTA 198.<br />

So my question is: does anyone know the actual powers used at both Bechar &<br />

Ouargla? I don't think that, even if being used with directional antennae,<br />

their signals would be so bad (by the way, the audio is also on the weak<br />

side...).<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 23)<br />

Tipaza put the Czech made TESLA 2xtxs right on the [rock cliff ?] beach<br />

shore at the Mediterranean Sea. That's propagation wise a strategic<br />

location [like IBB Rhodes or Capo Greco-Cyprus]. And puts a very strong<br />

signal into Central Europe too, even at winter daytime.<br />

Reception in Spain and Mallorca: 252 Tipaza is a powerhouse operation, but<br />

for instance 171 Nador Morocco was rather poor due of the straight<br />

eastwards directional antenna array to TUN, LBY and EGY.<br />

Re: Bechar & Ouargla.<br />

Look at the Algerian/Moroccan map:<br />

Both sides are oasis kind, in a much dry desert area, and Quargla is<br />

situated 700 kilometers south of Medit coast line, towards Portugal even<br />

900 kms via desert and ATLAS mountains area.<br />

Bechar location distance towards Tangiers and Gibraltar is also about 600<br />

kilometers, and locate behind the Moroccon mountains.<br />

And both are screened towards co-channel Europeans. I guess there are two<br />

units on each side, but only one unit on air at a time.<br />

(wb, June 23)<br />

Thanks for the tx details, Wolfgang. I knew the location of both Bechar 153<br />

& Ouargla 198 that was something I wanted to spot on the map when they were<br />

activated, but even un<strong>der</strong> adverse conditions (desert terrain, etc.) those<br />

power signals should perform better towards my area, but then if you say<br />

they're beamed towards the north (which doesn't make full sense) no won<strong>der</strong><br />

reception is weaker than I'd expect and than what I experienced in the<br />

past.<br />

Neighbouring RTM Azilal 207 kHz is not much farther than Bechar and booms<br />

in like a local station even here in the capital, and I recall having heard<br />

it on the previous channel (+B<strong>BC</strong> 200 kHz for instance) some 250 km SEast of<br />

Luanda, Angola, back in the early to mid 70's: no, no special receiver,<br />

just a full coverage valve set and a random wire. RTA Tipaza 252 carries<br />

French too, so the location and possible beam to the north is no surprise<br />

given the big community in France, but I was aware of the details of the tx<br />

QTH.<br />

Really strong here all the time by the way is Medi 1 Nador 171, of course,<br />

and I'm convinced they're not omnidirectional. I forgot to say that if<br />

using the 270deg unterminated Beverage on the SW coast, then Ouargla 198<br />

kHz is much stronger and somewhat similar to co-channel B<strong>BC</strong> R4 Droitwich.<br />

Again, in the past though, i.e. when those RTA stations started operation,<br />

their signals were easier to receive, particularly that of Bechar 153 which<br />

began spoiling reception of others on 153, e.g. Romania - once a regular.<br />

Do you remember Sud Radio in Andorra? Well, their mighty signal was close<br />

enough and beamed towards France for it carried French programming only:<br />

reception here was always bad for such a power. By contrast, weaker R.<br />

Andorra always put a tremendous signal.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 24)

ANTARCTICA 15475.96 LRA36, at 1920 UT Jun 24, extended talk at tune-in,<br />

succession of pop ballads starting at 1922 UT, slow fades to inaudibility<br />

and back to S3 peak around 1930 UT. YL announcer had mushy audio that was<br />

never un<strong>der</strong>standable. Gone un<strong>der</strong> noise by 1940 UT. (Jerry Strawman-IA-USA,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer June 24)<br />

See also 15475/15485 un<strong>der</strong> Chile. wb.<br />

AUSTRALIA OHR - The QRM on 80 and 40 mbs which many suspect as<br />

originating from SWHFR trials in the Torres Strait are now suspected of<br />

being heard in Hong Kong and Japan.<br />

On 40, a beam heading of 230 or so from JA3 (high 3-el rotary). It is<br />

either straight south or straight north of 9M6. Apparently on 80, this<br />

thing looks to be from northern VK4.<br />

Another unconfirmed report plonks the interference smack on 8867, the<br />

international air route freq for the SP6 routes.<br />

With more on the QRM, Glenn Dunstan WIA Director VK4DU.<br />

"40 and 80m wideband QRM continues. The wideband interference signals<br />

reported last week on the national nx continue to plague our 40 and 80 m<br />

bands. There has been some speculation that these signals could be coming<br />

from a Surface Wave HF Radar surveillance system recently installed in<br />

Torres Strait. However, the Defence Department has advised that Surface<br />

Wave Radars do not transmit on the 40 and 80m amateur bands. We have<br />

received a number of Intru<strong>der</strong> watch reports on this interference, including<br />

a couple of sound bites of the signals. I have collated these reports and<br />

forwarded them on to the ACA for investigation."<br />

The WIA Intru<strong>der</strong> watch sce needs your reports - please email reports to<br />

(WIA Nx June 26 via John Norfolk, dxld)<br />


Has a new state-of-the-art over-the-horizon radar in Australia's Torres<br />

Strait become the source of interference to that nation's Amateur Radio<br />

operations? Bruce Tennant, K6PZW reports:<br />

At least one ham down un<strong>der</strong> is asking just that question after the<br />

Australian Govt launches a trial of the new early warning system that meant<br />

to boost that nations protection of its northern bor<strong>der</strong>s from drug runners,<br />

disease, illegal immigration and unlicensed fishing.<br />

But some believe that the new radar could already be the source of<br />

objectionable interference to ham radio operations. In fact, Dale McCarthy,<br />

VK4DMC in North of Queensland State asks if the radar trial could be the<br />

source of the pulse type signals that we are hearing on 40 and 80 meters.<br />

And the answer is that nobody knows. At least not yet.<br />

The Wireless Institute of Australia describes the installation as<br />

consisting of two sites. A 440 meter long receiver array is located on<br />

Dauan Island, in the northern Torres Strait. The tx is on an uninhabited<br />

island, to the north of Badu Island, in the middle of Torres Strait. Actual<br />

transmit power is not discussed but the WIA quotes a govt release that says<br />

the new radar system can detect surface vessels and low-flying aircraft<br />

beyond the visible horizon. As such, it has the potential to deliver 24hour<br />

wide-area coastal surveillance of aircraft, ships and boats travelling<br />

in the Torres Strait. It also has the potential to provide early storm<br />

warnings and to protect offshore oil and gas installations, if further<br />

developed and deployed.<br />

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, reporting.

Meantime, if you hear any interference on the high freq bands that might be<br />

attributed to this radar system, please notify the Amateur Radio Intru<strong>der</strong><br />

Watch Coordinator for the country that you live in. Be certain to include<br />

any directional bearings of the you may have along with the UTC time and<br />

date you heard it. You must make reports using UTC since that is the only<br />

world-wide time standard for investigators to refer to as they proceed.<br />

(WIA Nx via Amateur Radio Newsline_ Report 1454, June 24, via John Norfolk,<br />

dxld)<br />

See also OHR un<strong>der</strong> UNIDENTIFIED, wb.<br />

Updated A'<strong>05</strong> schedule for HCJB Australia<br />

English lang schedule effective from June 5 - August 27, 20<strong>05</strong> is:<br />

0700-1000 11750 - South Pacific<br />

1000-1130 15425 - South East Asia<br />

1130-1300 15425 - East Asia (Mon-Fri 1130-1230 is in Mandarin)<br />

1300-1400 154<strong>05</strong> - East Asia (Mon-Fri 1300-1400 is in Mandarin)<br />

2230-0100 15525 - East Asia (Mon-Fri 2230-0000 is in Mandarin)<br />

0100-0230 15560 - South Asia (Mon-Sat 0100-0130 is in Hindi)<br />

Foll txns are suspended from 5th June till 27th August'<strong>05</strong><br />

1300-1430 154<strong>05</strong> 1430-1600 15390<br />

Schedule for HCJB <strong>DX</strong> Partyline<br />

0730-0800 11750 Sat 1100-1130 15425 Sat 1300-1330 154<strong>05</strong> Sat 1500-1530<br />

15390 Sat CXLD<br />

Reports to <br />

For mailed reports, please post to<br />

The Voice of the Great Southland,<br />

GPO Box 691, Melbourne 3001, Australia.<br />

(Alokesh Gupta-IND, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 30)<br />

AUSTRIA But - Praise the Lord and Hallelujah! Moosbrunn DRM was off 9720<br />

this morning. Have their "tests" finished? Now, we can get back to<br />

listening to some religion! WYFR 9715 fairly good peaking to S6 in English<br />

at 0700, R.Victoria-PRU also peaking to S6 same time on about 9719.95 in<br />

what sounded Portuguese. The preacher was shouting a lot which made it<br />

difficult to fully un<strong>der</strong>stand the lang - someone should tell him he need'nt<br />

shout any longer as the DRM has gone off ! And WUN via CTR on about 9724.9<br />

was peaking over S9. I'm out of touch with who the speakers are on WUN<br />

since the demise of Bro.Scott. These three were impossible when the 9720<br />

racket was on air.<br />

YEM on about 9779.5 (I assume) was playing some nice Arabic mx before 0700<br />

and continued after the hour with what sounded news, but the signal was<br />

quite low by then. I tuned c9704 hoping that ETH might be there - there was<br />

'something' but much too weak to even guess what. ARS-2 on 9675 was fair<br />

with no trace of BRZ today - in fact, I could not trace any BRZ stations<br />

anywhere on any band. But CHL 6110 as well as PRU c9720 & CTR c9725 were<br />

audible. I assume that the more easterly location of BRZ is the reason for<br />

this. I couldn't hear B<strong>BC</strong> ASC on 9610 at 0600 (French) today either, but<br />

71<strong>05</strong> was doing nicely. Botswana 9885 12080 and 13645 were all at usable<br />

levels, and I could hear VOA via IRA 13710 \\ 9885 French at weak strength<br />

today.<br />

After so long in not being able to hear B<strong>BC</strong> via MEY on 11940 it is now<br />

becoming almost a regular. It is never as strong as MEY 11765 though due,<br />

maybe, to different aerials/beams. Some days I find that these two<br />

frequencies are \\ but on others they are not - like today.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 23-27)

Indeed they were scheduled until June 26 only. And not only these VTbrokered<br />

txions to the UK have ceased but also 6155 reverted to AM all the<br />

time. At least it is AM right now at 1900, carrying OE1 \\ 5945 of course.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 23)<br />

BOLIVIA 4498.1, R. Estambul, has replied [E-mail] to Swedish <strong>DX</strong>er Gert<br />

Nilsson. Further info at<br />

<br />

(Klemetz-SWE, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

Radio Santa Cruz (Catholic Station 6135kHz) verified my reception report in<br />

Spanish with Prepared Form QSL card and letter (giving detailed information<br />

about Santa Cruz) in Spanish after 37 days. Station car sticker was also<br />

enclosed. QSL signer was Ma.Yolanda Marco Escobar, Secretaria de Direccion.<br />

Address: Radio Santa Cruz, Emisora del Instituto Radiofonico Fe y Alegria,<br />

Casilla 672, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.<br />

Telephone: +591 3 3531817 Fax: +591 3 3532257 E-mail: <br />

Frequencies: AM CP32 6135 kHz 10 kW CP30 970 kHz 10 kW 0900-0100 Stereo92<br />

92.1MHz. (Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 22)<br />

BRAZIL Brazil on 9665, R. BRAS that is, I must say I haven't observed it<br />

for some time, until y/day 25 at 1907, and they were just doing it<br />

extremely bad: 22431, adjacent QRM. Later at 2328 UT, 11780 was at 35422<br />

while barely audible on \\ 6185. One mustn't forget their home beam on 6185<br />

& 11725 is to the NW, i.e. to Amazonia, so it's ceNAm that gets the<br />

strongest signal, not here. As to the int'l sce. 9665, they ann. coverage<br />

to Europe too, but am almost sure the main beam is to AGL - MOZ, so<br />

reception in CPV, GNB & POR must be tougher. I suspect the power is less<br />

than the listed 250 kW.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 27)<br />

4815 Radio Difusora Londorina sent me a "thanks" letter in Portuguese for<br />

my reception report with $1.00 in Portuguese, after 15 days. Letter signer<br />

was Oscar Simoes da Costa, Gerente Administativo.<br />

Mailing address: Caixa Postal 216, Londrina, PR 86000-0000, Brazil.<br />

Telephone +55 43 3322 11<strong>05</strong> FAX: +55 43 3324 7369<br />

E-mail: URL:<br />

<br />

Frequencies: 0900-0300 690 kHz, 4815 kHz.<br />

I sent to Caixa Postal 1870, in a letter indicated 216, and in web page 916<br />

all these may be correct! Their postal address:<br />

Rua Sergipe, 843 -Sala <strong>05</strong>, Londorina, PR 86010-360, Brazil.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 21)<br />

4765 R. Emissora Rural, Santarem PA, 18 Jun at 2213-2221, advts, f/ball<br />

match rpt; 34332, QRM de silent carrier.<br />

4815 R. Difa Londrina PR, 18 Jun at 2215-2226, advertisemtns, IDs, phoneins;<br />

34332.<br />

4825 R. Educadora, Braganca PA, 18 Jun at 2217-2229, songs, natl. nx<br />

bulletin, ID "R. Educadora AM"; het. with PRU 4824.4 (audio not perceived<br />

yet though); 44333.<br />

4845.2 R. Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus AM, 19 Jun at 2214-2226, f/ball<br />

match rpt; 45333; co-ch Mauritania off and only active on 783 where rated<br />


4885 R. Club do Para, Belem PA, 18 Jun at 2230-2239, f/ball match rpt, ID<br />

"R. Club", advts; 54333.<br />

4915 R. CBN Anhangueera, Goiania GO, 18 Jun at 2309-2318, f/ball match rpt,<br />

TCs; 53342, co-ch QRM de B+GHA.<br />

4924.9 R. Educacao Rural (tent), Tefe AM, 19 Jun at 2248-2256, f/ball match<br />

rpt; 34331.<br />

4985 R. Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 18 Jun at 2312-2321, f/ball match rpt;<br />

55344.<br />

5045 R. Guaruja Paulista via R. Presidente Prudente, Sao Paulo, 17 Jun at<br />

2240-2251, talks on f/ball and no Voz do Brasil relay though heard on<br />

numerous other stns at that hr; 25231.<br />

6185 R. Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia DF, 19 Jun at 2239-..., ballads;<br />

44432, adjc. QRM only. Almost hard to believe this uses 250 kW when other<br />

much smaller local stns usually put better signals.<br />

9504.8 R. Record, Sao Paulo SP, 2138-2201, advts, pops, sl. "R. Record - o<br />

novo som do Brasil!", f/ball news, Voz do Brasil 2200; 35443.<br />

9515 R. Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 17 Jun at 2140-2158, religious prgr,<br />

songs, Voz do Brasil 2200; 34433, adjc. QRM only.<br />

9630 R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 17 Jun at 2144-2244, truck drivers prgr<br />

"Pe na Estrada", Voz do Brasil 2200; 35433.<br />

9725 R. Club Paranaense, Curitiba PR, 17 Jun at 2150-2157, advts, songs;<br />

33452, QRM de CRI in Arabic till 200, then CTR 9724.9 spoiling reception,<br />

but it's usually CTR that is interfered upon by B.<br />

(all 14 de Goncalves; Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 17-21)<br />

BULGARIA [to Iran] Deleted txion for Voice of Iran in Persian eff from<br />

June 13:<br />

1530-1730 on 11575 SOF-BUL 100 kW / 090 deg to WeAs/ME.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 21)<br />

BURKINA FASO 7230 R. Burkina, Ouagadougou, audible on 18 Jun at 1341-<br />

1424, french, religious item, weather rpt 1350, advts, Vernancular 1400,<br />

local pops; 35443.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 18)<br />

CHILE 15485 Voz Cristiana at 1900 UT on June 22. Portugues, ya en su<br />

nueva frecuencia, con senal fuerte y sin interferencia, "Noticias da hora,<br />

estan sintonizando Voz Crista". 44444.<br />

Entre las 20 y las 21 horas, he intentado escuchar LRA 36 Radio Nacional<br />

Arcangel San Gabriel, en 15476 kHz. El canal esta ahora practicamente libre<br />

de interferencias, pero la senal de LRA 36 no llegaba por aqui.<br />

Recordar que, segun mail de la emisora recibido en dias pasados, estan<br />

transmitiendo con un transmisor de emergencia, con menos potencia, por<br />

tener el transmisor habitual averiado. (Manuel Mendez-ESP, hcdx June 23)<br />

So now update - as of June 22 [wb.] :<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Voz Christiana via SGO=Santiago:<br />

Portuguese to Brazil<br />

0000-0400 11745 SGO 100 kW / 060 deg >>> ex 2300-0800 for A-04<br />

0400-1200 6110 SGO 100 kW / 060 deg >>> ex 0800-1100 for A-04<br />

1200-2400 new 15485 SGO 100 kW / 060 deg >>> ex 1100-2300 on 21500<br />

Spanish to Central America

0100-0400 15585 SGO 100 kW / 340 deg<br />

Spanish to Northern South America<br />

0100-0800 11655 SGO 100 kW / non-dir >>> ex 0000-0800 on 15375<br />

0800-1200 5960 SGO 100 kW / non-dir >>> ex 5995 till May 8<br />

1200-0100 17680 SGO 100 kW / non-dir >>> ex 1100-2400<br />

Spanish to Southern South America<br />

2200-1300 6070 SGO 100 kW / 030 deg >>> ex 2200-1200 for A-04<br />

1300-2200 9635 SGO 100 kW / 030 deg >>> ex 1200-2200 for A-04<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 7)<br />

Freq change for Voz Christiana in Portuguese to CeAm from June 20:<br />

1200-2400 NF 15485# SGO 100 kW / 060 deg, ex 15475*<br />

# strong co-ch B<strong>BC</strong> WS in English till 1700<br />

* to avoid VOA in Georgian 1530-1600,<br />

Radio Africa#1 in French 1600-1900,<br />

Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel in Spanish 1800-2100 on 15476v<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 28)<br />

CHINA I also noted CNR's on 11610 and 11915 plus CNR-8 on 11630 at fair<br />

strength. Lhasa was traced on 11950 but not as strong as previously, as<br />

well as Urumqi 11885. At 0635 I was very surprised to find NHK via CLN<br />

equal strength with REE Madrid on 11890 in Bengali. B<strong>BC</strong> via MEY was again<br />

audible on 11940 but the TWR signal via MEY on 11640 was quite poor. VOA<br />

via BOT was S9+ on 13645 and the signal now being heard via 12080 is much<br />

better than previously logged for some reason, while 9885 (in French) was<br />

S6 at 0620. The ASC signals on 9610 and 11665 are noticeably less strong<br />

currently than they were this same time last year - 71<strong>05</strong> is still good<br />

though. I think that I erroneously reported that 7160 was via ASC - it was<br />

last summer but I see has been shifted to SKN this year.<br />

There was one unid. station - on 11910 peaking to about S5 around 0615<br />

until sudden off at 0627. The lang sounded something like Farsi but could<br />

have been another from around that area.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 23)<br />


Times of Tibet: The Myth of China's Mo<strong>der</strong>nization of Tibet and the Tibetan<br />

Language, Part Two. Includes interesting section on radio broadcasting.<br />

<br />

(via Andy Sennitt, dxld June 23) Entire article fascinating.<br />

Tho some of the Firedrake jammers may have been switched to one of CNR's<br />

domestic sces, I am still hearing Firedrake, e.g. June 29 at 1259 on 15795,<br />

but gone by 1330, no doubt vs inaudible All India Radio in Mandarin,<br />

scheduled 1145-1315 is AIR really a threat to the CCP? And at 1410 on<br />

118<strong>05</strong>, no doubt vs inaudible VOA in Mandarian via Marianas, both per EiBi<br />

A<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Jun 27)<br />

Not really new. AIR Delhi outlets in Mandarin, Tibetan and Nepali are<br />

subject of CHN authority jamming, at least in last half decade. Started<br />

some years ago, when Firedrake and CNR relay programm content jamming<br />

appeared on SW bands !!<br />

(wb, June 30)<br />

CLANDESTINES 11800 Minivan R at 1620 UT with a semi-hindi song. Hone ins,<br />

ID Minivan with possible numbers and freqs at 1632 then with talks 42442.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 18)<br />

12060 R Nile 0448 \\ 15320 with song, talks in En with mention of Kampala<br />

Sudan and students Song follows. 12060 fair 15320 poor.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 19)

15670 ?? 0655 with a horn of Africa song, carrier and audio instabilities.<br />

Off at 0700 UT.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 19)<br />

17700 Solh 1230 OM with continuous talks, mention of a tel number. At 1240<br />

UT song, usual ID at 1242 with "Solh radio, khz etc 34433.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 19)<br />

COLOMBIA 5910 (pres) Marfil Estereo, at 1001-1026 on June 20, Spanish,<br />

Format fits previous logs of Marfil Estereo w/ campo mx, crowing roosters<br />

and animated OM over mx w/ several mentions of "Colombia" and many trilled<br />

R's. Slipping un<strong>der</strong> static by t/out. Not \\ 6010-LV de tu Conciencia.<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx June 21)<br />

CUBA [VENEZUELA] Made a periodic check of Radio Nacional de Venezuela,<br />

Antena Internacional's announced schedule in Spanish, never acknowledging<br />

that all this is relayed via Cuba, June 17 at 2000 on 13680: it's the same<br />

one they have always announced, and only partly meshes with reality. The<br />

1900 broadcast on 13740 to San Francisco is still missing, as I checked<br />

that a few mins earlier.<br />

At 2000, \\ and synchronized on 13680 to Chicago and 9550 to Caribe, but<br />

nothing audible on 15230 to Buenos Aires, and 177<strong>05</strong> to Rio de <strong>Jan</strong>eiro<br />

blocked as always by Delano (tho these two could actually be on and<br />

inaudible here); the rest unchecked lately: 2100 on 11875 to Santiago;<br />

2300-2400 on 9820 & 13680 to Chicago, 11760 to N&C&SAm.<br />

I continue to won<strong>der</strong> if there is a brand-new show every day, since there is<br />

never any current nx or date references! On this occasion, they went right<br />

into a mailbag to start, first from Rolando Ariel Pepe something in<br />

Argentina, whose e-mail address is<br />

and then from Vicente Hernandez in Mexico,<br />

which sounded like<br />

Perhaps I should ask them how long ago they wrote<br />

in.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld June 19)<br />

Time for Alo Presidente, relayed from VEN, Sun June 26; at 1403 I tuned in<br />

to 11875 during the freq announcement which concluded with 11670 and 13680.<br />

It was certainly on 13680 too, but on 11670 one heard Bible readings in<br />

Spanish, not likely from either Marxist state. This of course is WYFR,<br />

which N<strong>DX</strong>C has on 11670 at 1400-1545, but in English; EiBi shows this<br />

correctly in Spanish. Why does Cuba Sur have so much trouble avoiding the<br />

frequencies of SW stations in neighboring Cuba Norte?<br />

Maybe Cuba caught on to this one, and brings 11670 up later, but not by<br />

1430 recheck. No \\ found elsewhere on 9, 11, 13, 15 or 17 MHz. At 1404,<br />

since the txion from Caracas was not ready to begin, Habana provided its<br />

own week in review show, Mundo Siete. BTW, 11875 had some co-channel QRM,<br />

which per N<strong>DX</strong>C could be Taiwan in INSn or Veritas in Bengali, a collision<br />

right there that may have been resolved by now, as the former was<br />

previously confirmed.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Jun 27)<br />

CZECH REP and USA Some notes on Radio Farda, as gathered by Joerg Wagner<br />

last week when visiting RFE/RL at Prague: Radio Farda is produced by some<br />

35 staff members. 8 hours of programming originate from VOA, the remaining<br />

16 hours from RFE/RL.<br />

The editor-in-chief of Radio Farda was available for an interview un<strong>der</strong><br />

pseudonym only. He says that they recently had to abandon a mediumwave freq<br />

(no doubt referring to Kuwait 1593 kHz) because Iranian jamming ren<strong>der</strong>ed it

completely useless. Mentions tx sites as "Kuwait and, if I recall correct,<br />

Abu Dhabi", so probably consi<strong>der</strong>s SW as not that important.<br />

Says that Radio Farda is unlike VOA no official mouthpiece of the US govt,<br />

hence they broadcast no official statements, make their own decisions what<br />

they broadcast and what not, for example what 30 seconds piece from a two<br />

hours speech they select. Radio Farda isn't obliged to explain anybody the<br />

viewpoints of the US govt. Of course they do that, but they also do reflect<br />

the viewpoints of the Iranian govt. "We don't have a political agenda."<br />

Audience research in Iran shows a marked share of 13...15 percent for Radio<br />

Farda.<br />

The security measures at RFE/RL are really tight and alarming for visitors.<br />

No photography of staff and no photography of equipment, namely the<br />

satellite dishes (although at least the biggest one, presumably an uplink,<br />

is visible from outside, too).<br />

The continuity process of Radio Farda appears to be quite complex. Nx<br />

originate from Prague, but the mx came out of a feed from Washington (or<br />

rather Springfield now). Apparently they don't pot up a fa<strong>der</strong> for this<br />

feed, so it seems that the other way round RFE/RL sends a feed to<br />

Washington/Springfield. Technical-whise the Radio Farda signal is of a<br />

quite poor quality, with lots of hiss and wild audio level fluctuations on<br />

dry talk.<br />

Here is an example:<br />

<br />

Other related notes: What's the third satellite platform to be used for<br />

broadcasts into the Iran, announced by BBG on June 17? I saw no report<br />

about such txions so far. And what about this "Ahwaziya" program? Could<br />

this be the "Iranian Media Alliance" that appeared on Telstar 12 a few days<br />

ago?<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 21)<br />

ECUADOR 3279.5 LV del Napo, Tena, heard on 20 Jun at <strong>05</strong>45-...,<br />

Castilian, religious songs; 45444. At the same time, REE in Castilian 3350<br />

via CTR & WWCR 3210 in the USA were both putting fair~good, QRM free<br />

signals. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 20)<br />

EGYPT Updated summer A-<strong>05</strong> schedule of Radio Cairo:<br />

0700-1100 15115 ABZ 100 kW / 250 deg Arabic GS WeAf<br />

1015-1215 17775 ABZ 500 kW / 090 deg Arabic ME/AFG<br />

1115-1215 15810 ABS 250 kW / 106 deg Thai SoEaAs<br />

1200-2400 12<strong>05</strong>0 ABS 500 kW / 315 deg Arabic GS WeEu<br />

1215-1315 15810 ABS 250 kW / 106 deg Malay SoEaAs<br />

1215-1330 17835 ABZ 500 kW / 090 deg English SoAs<br />

1230-1530 15490 ABZ 100 kW / 070 deg Farsi TJK<br />

1300-1600 15365 ABS 250 kW / 241 deg Arabic WeAf<br />

1320-1450 15810 ABS 250 kW / 106 deg INSn SoEaAs<br />

1330-1430 17835 ABZ 500 kW / 090 deg Bengali SoAs<br />

1400-1530 11655 ABS 250 kW / 061 deg Azeri AZE<br />

1430-1600 15670 ABS 250 kW / 061 deg Pashto AFG<br />

1500-1600 13665 ABZ 500 kW / 090 deg Hindi SoAs<br />

1530-1630 9495 ABZ 100 kW / 070 deg Uzbek UZB<br />

1530-1630 15155 ABZ 100 kW / 160 deg Afar EaCeAf<br />

1530-1730 17810 ABZ 100 kW / 170 deg Swahili CeEaAf<br />

1600-1800 13665 ABZ 500 kW / 090 deg Urdu SoAs<br />

1600-1645 15620 ABS 250 kW / 196 deg Zulu CeSoAf<br />

1600-1800 6230 ABS 250 kW / 0<strong>05</strong> deg Turkish TUR<br />

1600-1800 9990 ABS 250 kW / 325 deg Albanian ALB<br />

1630-1730 15155 ABZ 100 kW / 160 deg Somali EaCeAf<br />

1630-1830 11880 ABS 150 kW / 180 deg English CeSoAf<br />

1645-1730 15620 ABS 250 kW / 196 deg Shona CeSoAf

1730-1815 15620 ABS 250 kW / 196 deg Ndebele CeSoAf<br />

1730-1900 15155 ABZ 100 kW / 160 deg Amharic EaCeAf<br />

1800-1900 7120 ABS 250 kW / 0<strong>05</strong> deg Russian WeRUS<br />

1800-1900 9988 ABS 250 kW / 325 deg Italian WeEu<br />

1800-2100 11830 ABS 250 kW / 241 deg Hausa WeAf<br />

1830-1915 11880 ABS 150 kW / 180 deg Lingala CeSoAf<br />

1830-1930 15375 ABZ 100 kW / 250 deg Wolof WeAf<br />

1900-2000 9990 ABS 250 kW / 325 deg German WeEu<br />

1900-0030 11665 ABZ 100 kW / 160 deg VOA* Arabic CeEaAf<br />

1915-2030 15425 ABZ 250 kW / 240 deg Fulani WeAf<br />

1930-2030 15375 ABZ 100 kW / 250 deg Bambara WeAf<br />

2000-2200 7210 ABZ 500 kW / 090 deg Arabic AUS<br />

2000-2115 9990 ABS 250 kW / 325 deg French WeEu<br />

2030-2200 15375 ABZ 100 kW / 250 deg English WeAf<br />

2030-2230 15335 ABS 250 kW / 241 deg French WeAf<br />

2100-2200 11830 ABS 250 kW / 241 deg Yoruba WeAf<br />

2115-2245 9990 ABS 250 kW / 325 deg English WeEu<br />

2215-2330 11790 ABZ 500 kW / 241 deg Portuguese SoAm<br />

2300-0030 11885 ABZ 500 kW / 330 deg English NoAmEa<br />

2330-0045 9735 ABS 250 kW / 241 deg Arabic SoAm<br />

2330-0045 11755 ABZ 500 kW / 270 deg Arabic SoAm<br />

0000-0400 12<strong>05</strong>0 ABS 250 kW / 325 deg Arabic GS NoAm<br />

0030-0430 11885 ABZ 500 kW / 330 deg Arabic NoAmEa<br />

0045-0200 7260 ABZ 500 kW / 330 deg Spanish NoAm<br />

0045-0200 9415 ABS 250 kW / 241 deg Spanish SoAm<br />

0045-0200 11755 ABZ 500 kW / 270 deg Spanish CeAm<br />

0200-0330 7260 ABZ 500 kW / 330 deg English NoAm<br />

*VOA=Voice of Arabs<br />

ABS=Abis ABZ=Abu Zaabal<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 21)<br />

EQUAT GUINEA 15190 Radio Africa, Malabo-Bioko Island, full data card<br />

showing tx and man with red shirt Standing in front of it with full data on<br />

back. Schedules for the various religious programs carried and a letter<br />

from Pan American World Broadcasting in 3 weeks from: 2021 The Alameda,<br />

Suite 240, San Jose, CA 95126-1145, U.S.A.<br />

(Chris Lobdell-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

50<strong>05</strong> at 2237-2301* UT on June 19, Vernacular / Spanish, Continuos talks /<br />

singing by OM in lang over native mx. Occasionaly another OM would briefly<br />

speak then a chorus of OM would sing. Different OM in Spanish at 2255 with<br />

full "Radio Nacional-Bata" ID annt and talks. Tone/chime at 2257, final ID<br />

then NA until 2301* UT. Fair and improving. Very Nice! (Scott R Barbour-NH-<br />

USA, hcdx June 21)<br />

ETHIOPIA 7100 Ethiopia at 1700 UT with something sounded as ID and man<br />

giving freqs and mb with instrumental tune before and after ID. Fair signal<br />

but un<strong>der</strong>modulated.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 18)<br />

9704.2 R. Ethiopia, Gedja (I was trying NIGER on 97<strong>05</strong>...), audible on 20<br />

Jun at 1017-1<strong>05</strong>1 UT (couldn't observe its f/out time), few talks in<br />

Vernacular, local songs, nx in English 1030 (i.e. as listed in various<br />

sources); 25443, gone at recheck at 1115. This is the 3rd time I receive<br />

ETH in the morning, viz.: 09 Jul'04 & 26 Aug'04 at 0930 UT which doesn't<br />

seem to be that common. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 20)<br />

9704.2 R. Ethiopia, Gedja Jewe nicely audible again today, 23 June 1015-<br />

1100* in Vernacular till 1029, then annts and IS before start of their 30min.<br />

English prgr of nx and mx, mainly western, 1030-1100, after which the<br />

stn does s/off: at 1030, they announce the 31, 41 & 49 m bands + 594, 684,<br />

828, 855, 873 & 972 kHz, then at the end the addr. is given and the stn<br />

announces the 07PM local or 1500 UT b/cast on 31 & 41 m + 989 kHz, i.e

still no fqcy. details on the metre bands; the tx goes off right after the<br />

natl. anthem is aired.<br />

Rated 45433 (peaking S9+20 dB on occasions) today but with some het. being<br />

detected (and easily erased too) say a quarter of an hr prior to 1100 UT -<br />

possibly caused by the listed Xinjiang PBS in Urumqi, CHN, for Kyrgyz, but<br />

this time I could not extend the observation so as to try to properly ID<br />

this one. In all, reception here in Lisboa via a 20 m T2FD aerial was<br />

really better than during same period last Sunday at the almost noise-free<br />

SW coast site... I really must build a T2FD there too!<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 23)<br />

GERMANY [and non] The following full data QSL cards where rec'ed for the<br />

following freqs and tx sites:<br />

17845 via Alma Ata, Kazakhstan<br />

15355 / 17660 via Trincomalee, Sri Lanka<br />

15425 via Kranji, Republic of Korea !!!!!!!<br />

9900 via Irkutsk, Asiatic RSFSR<br />

9545 via Nauen, Germany<br />

7430 via Petropovlovsk, Asiatic RSFSR<br />

Reply in 14 days. v/s Horst Scholz, Transmission Management & B. Klaumann.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

Yes, that's correct; when I sent in my report I listed the site as SNG, but<br />

the card came back with Kranji, Korea listed for the 1300 broadcast. What<br />

was strange, the card was Signed by B. Kalumann, not Horst Scholz. All the<br />

rest except for this one. Another was the card I reported for 15410 as<br />

Montsinery; it came back as the site as Bonaire.<br />

So unless DW's doesn't know their sites (which I highly doubt it), there is<br />

some miscommunication somewhere along the line. This also brings back an<br />

episode when I tried to get a correct site some years ago, and since then<br />

I've had difficulty getting reports verified from there for some of their<br />

tx sites (Saudi Arabia was the station). For now I will accept the site<br />

that is listed on the card.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-AB-CAN, dxld June 21)<br />

Some DTK T-Systems changes:<br />

Brother Stair/The Overcomer Ministries (TOM):<br />

1400-1600 on 6110 JUL 100 kW / 290 deg Daily to WeEu English, ex non-dir<br />

Bible Voice Broadcasting Network (BVBN):<br />

0700-0845 on 5945 JUL 100 kW / 290 deg Sun to WeEu English, ex 0630-0845<br />

Radio Solmal tests on June 17:<br />

1430-1500 on 17550 JUL 100 kW / 130 deg Fri to EaAf Somali<br />

1600-1630 on 17550 JUL 100 kW / 130 deg Fri to EaAf Somali<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 21)<br />

No txions for Radio Horyaal in Somali via DTK T-Systems:<br />

1730-1800 Sat-Thu 11925 JUL 100 kW / 145 deg to EaAf<br />

Strong signal on \\ 12130 SAM 250 kW / 173 deg to EaAf<br />

JUL=Juelich, SAM=Samara<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 28)<br />

6085 No carrier anymore on DRM channel.<br />

Ismaning 6085 was switched off today at 1400 UT for extensive work. An<br />

engineer of Bayerischer Rundfunk says that the signal will return in the<br />

evening and presumably cause some surprise:<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 21)

This evening the DRM on 6085 has been very much stronger than before, now<br />

well in level with the noisebag on 6095. It's a continuous noise mat from<br />

6100 to 6080 kHz.<br />

[later]<br />

BR 6085 continues to be very loud now, well in level with the rattlesnake<br />

on 6095. The transmission time seems to be 0356 to 22<strong>05</strong> UT.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 26 / 28)<br />

And re 6085 - I missed the close down of that one. The whole block of freqs<br />

from 6070 - 61<strong>05</strong> is now more or less useless for listening - except to DW<br />

6075 of course! BR 6085 sounds very different to 6095, and is as Olle<br />

described, like a carrier on top of the DRM signal which means that it is<br />

quieter. I won<strong>der</strong> if the quality or range of the signal is being diminished<br />

by obtaing "DRM cheaply"!<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 23)<br />

5945 via Russia - DW Chinese sce freq change. I think Andrea Schulz is new<br />

in the technical Advisory,because Waldemar Kraemer has left Deutsche Welle.<br />

(Peter Kruse, ibid.)<br />

I've just received an email from Andrea Schulz of Deutsche Welle's<br />

technical advisory department and she informs me that starting from 20<br />

June, 1300-1350 UT, 5945 kHz will be replaced by 6225 kHz.<br />

5945 has been suffering sereve heterodyne from Chinese National Radio.<br />

(Yin Cheung "Yogesh" Mar-AUS, dxld June 18)<br />

New chief is Mr. Werner Neven. Mrs. Andrea Schulz is working at English<br />

monitoring dept already in past years.<br />

6225 Komsomolsk-Amur Russia relay, 250 kW 213deg 73 wb<br />

Bonn, March 20<strong>05</strong>, from Waldemar Kraemer<br />

Dear friends of Deutsche Welle, This year, the summer txion period starts<br />

on March 27th and ends on October 29th. As always, you will find enclosed<br />

herewith the entire circular as well as the list of times and freqs for<br />

your specific target area.<br />

At present, SW listeners all around the world are experiencing increased<br />

interference on the propagation paths, sometimes even leading to a total<br />

breakdown of all SW connections. We are, however, sure that we have left<br />

rock bottom and that the propagation conditions will continue to improve.<br />

Some important changes, which we would like to tell you about: On<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary1st, the Technical Advisory Service left the Transmission department<br />

and became part of the Customer Service within Deutsche Welle's Strategy<br />

and Marketing department. However, caring for and co- operation with our<br />

technical monitors and answering all technical questions listeners and<br />

viewers have are still among our main activities, so there will be no<br />

charge with regard to our contact with you.<br />

For me personally, there will be a somewhat drastic change: After more than<br />

35 years with Deutsch Welle, I'll be going into retirement in May of this<br />

year and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all very, very<br />

much for the excellent co- operation and assistance during all those years.<br />

Mr. Werner Neven will be my sucessor. <br />

(direct via WW<strong>DX</strong>C, and Paul Gager-AUT, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 2, 20<strong>05</strong>)

GERMANY and LUXEMBOURG Today <strong>BC</strong>E and T-Systems begun to test a<br />

synchronized operation of Junglinster and Juelich on 5990. Details see at<br />

<br />

A quick check shortly after 1700 UT showed a very loud DRM signal on this<br />

frequency.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 21)<br />

HAWAII 11555 Radio Hoa-Mai via KWHR on June 18 at *1329-1357* UT.<br />

Similar programming that is being heard, with I.S. of Bells tolling, signon<br />

in VT with ID for 'radioa Hoa- Mai..' , followed with program in VT,<br />

with short mxal breaks. Noted with sign-off annts at 1355 and gave the web<br />

site information (2x) off with Bells tolling.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

HUNGARY 1341 Magyar Katolikus radio with organic mx at 1914. ID at 1931.<br />

Little bassy audio 43443. Also at 2102 UT, June 18 with signal 44444.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 17-18)<br />

INDONESIA 3578.76 RSPK Ngada? at 1148-1202 on 6/16. Presumed the one with<br />

vocal mx just above threshold level; faded down a bit by 1200 UT with no<br />

hope of an ID. Won<strong>der</strong> if I'll ever ID this? (John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer<br />

June 18)<br />

11860 RRI at 1220 UT with nx, talk followed by 1230 with pop songs, 1300<br />

IS then nx, 1316 with English pop songs, 1330 QRM ed by VoTurkey in Russian<br />

34433.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 19)<br />

However, I was up slightly earlier than usual today and I was amazed to<br />

hear the station which Olle reported a few days ago on 11860 putting in a<br />

S5+ clear signal from around <strong>05</strong>50 past 0630. "Warta Berita" was announced<br />

at 0600 and a clear Radio Republik INS ID. As previously reported, I have<br />

heard "something" on this freq previously but not at this strength. The<br />

signal had gone down some by 0630 and later splash from TWR via ALB blocked<br />

the frequency. But there was a signal still present around 0900 but not<br />

good enough to copy clearly then. Later, my friend and I heard it fading<br />

back in on the R75 around 1300.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 23)<br />

15150/9525 Stimme Indonesiens. Ich versuche seit mehreren Tagen die Stimme<br />

Indonesiens um 1800 mit ihrem dt. Programm auf 15150kHz zu empfangen.<br />

Allerdings war immer entwe<strong>der</strong> Rauschen o<strong>der</strong> nur <strong>der</strong> Traeger (?) zu hoeren.<br />

Hat jemand die gleichen/aehnliche Beobachtungen gemacht und/o<strong>der</strong> hat eine<br />

Erklaerung dafuer?<br />

(Felix Lechte-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> June 29)<br />

Gestern [June 29] abend war INS auf 15150 kHz nicht zugange. Noch im Maerz<br />

bis Ende Mai wurden beide Freq, 9525 und 15150 benutzt. Gestern war 9525<br />

kHz von 1830-2100 durch den starken Sen<strong>der</strong> von China International besetzt<br />

(500 kW in Russisch), man muesste heute mal 1600-1830 UT hinein hoeren, ob<br />

dort VoINS Jakarta sendet. (wb, June 30)<br />

ISRAEL Kol Israel SW will continue past June. Kol Israel SW will<br />

continue past June. They gave us one more extension to the SW broadcast,<br />

The normal schedule is operated.<br />

For any info freqs program or interferences<br />

please contact me<br />

Thanks and best regards<br />

Moshe Oren<br />

Moshe Oren-BEZEQ

Engineering & planning Division Radio &Tv broadcasting<br />

Tel :+97236264562 Fax:+97236264559 Mobile: +972507632574<br />

(KOL ISR, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 28)<br />

KYRGYZSTAN Anyone heard Kyrgyz Radio on 4795 kHz lately? I got one<br />

strange lang in my earphones on sunday, June 19th at about 1730 UTC<br />

(SIO=101 to 112). Propable s-off at 1800, since could not hear anymore.<br />

Kinda asian type mx, and lang - could pick no ID though - lots of UTE-QRM<br />

on LSB side. I won<strong>der</strong> if anyone has heard Bishkek this summer (spring), so<br />

I can mark this "UNID" as "propably Kirgiziya" in my logs. Many AIR<br />

stations and e.g. Ashad Kashmir that (Finnish) evening well audible on 60<br />

metres, too.<br />

(Matti Ponkamo-FIN, hcdx June 21)<br />

I recall I logged Bishkek sometime in March and April (from my home in<br />

Kathmandu, am in Germany right now), both on 4795 and \\ 4010 with both<br />

English and Ukrainian programs. The Biskek 4795 kHz often has QRM from 4790<br />

kHz, R. Pakistan with their "Hamara Kashmir" program and 4800 kHz, AIR<br />

Hy<strong>der</strong>abad...<br />

(Thomas Roth-NPL/D, hcdx June 21)<br />

LAOS 4677.9, LNR-Houa Phan, now here ex-4649, on the air 0957-1230 UT and<br />

relays nx from Vientiane at 1200 UT, then \\ with 6130.<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, hcdx June 19)<br />

LATVIA/AUSTRALIA 9290 AR<strong>DX</strong>C.<br />

Meine Meinung zur Ausstrahlung von Samstag, dem 18.Juni:<br />

Die Sendung war so schlecht nicht gemacht. Ich nenne sie schlicht und<br />

geradlinig.<br />

Selbstdarstellung (ohne Abwertung!), die <strong>der</strong> Vereinsfeier eben in dieser<br />

Form Ausdruck verlieh und u.a. uns Europaer - gegen Sendezeitbezahlung<br />

nehme ich an - daran teilhaben liess.<br />

Nicht selbstverstaendlich.<br />

Geschichte des Klubs in Umrissen.<br />

Empfaenger- und allgemeine Situation ueber die Jahrzehnte.<br />

Australische Pop-Musik, zeitlich den Textbeitraegen angepasst.<br />

Oftmals Nennung <strong>der</strong> Kontaktadresse.<br />

Gute Verstaendlichkeit <strong>der</strong> Sprecherin.<br />

Da hoerte ich schon wesentlich 'Amateurhafteres' (ohne Abwertung!), o<strong>der</strong><br />

wenn ich an die Son<strong>der</strong>sendung kuerzlich von R.Japan denke, ueber Strecken<br />

hinweg Uninteressanteres.<br />

Ich finde es positiv, dass ein 40 Jahre lang bestehen<strong>der</strong> Verein noch so<br />

praesent ist ;-) So die meinige Meinung dazu.<br />

(Herbert Meixner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> June 20)<br />

LATVIA/ITALY [non] Radio Six International in English via Ulbroka and<br />

Milano:<br />

0600-0700 Sat June 18 on 9290 ULB 100 kW / 250 deg to WeEu \\<br />

0600-0700 Sat June 18 on 15725 MIL 020 kW / non-dir to WeEu with 17 sec.<br />

delay<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 21)<br />

LIBERIA R Veritas, Monrovia, Liberia QSL. According to Mr. Rennie, the<br />

station manager, Radio Veritas, Monrovia starts its morning broadcast on<br />

6090 at 0600 UTC.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 21)<br />

But 6080 to 6100 band is covered by DRM signals. wb.

5470 Radio Veritas, at 2259-2303* on Jun 23, soft instrumental mx. At 2300<br />

a man announcer came on with English ID and sign off annts followed by The<br />

Lord's Prayer: "You are listening to Radio Veritas . Monrovia, Liberia. If<br />

you enjoyed listening to this station, please write to P.O.Box 3569,<br />

Monrovia, Liberia. Well listeners. we come to the end of today's txion .<br />

education. here is The Lord's Prayer. Our Father, who art in heaven." Poor<br />

to fair at peaks with deep fades. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Jun 26)<br />

5470 Radio Veritas (pres), Campo Grande, MS at 2250 UTC, June 15. Tuned<br />

into some type of interview then heard the name Father Johnson name (maybe<br />

the show's host) that ended by saying "Please have a won<strong>der</strong>ful day from the<br />

nation's capital- Monrovia". Some mx and pulled plug in mid-sentence at<br />

2300 UTC. Could not pick out Veritas ID so presumed.<br />

(John Sgrulletta-NY-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

5469.96 R. Veritas, pretty decent from 2225 Jun 18, circa 2230 mentioned<br />

"Saturday Night Dance Party," also 5470 kHz. "in the 60 meter band." Signal<br />

seemed to decline a bit, and the audio level was quite low from 2256 when<br />

there was a prayer, 2300 quick mx bridge and closing anmt, with a reading<br />

of the Lord's Prayer, then invitation to lstnrs to return for their morning<br />

b/c (no s/on time hrd) on 6090 kHz. (On Jun 17 in the A-<strong>DX</strong> list, Christoph<br />

Ratzer also rpts hearing ref. to 6090 as the morning fqy.) Then some<br />

extremely low-audio vocal mx. Prgmg seemed to stop at 23<strong>05</strong>, carrier off a<br />

few mins. later.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

From tune-in 2150 Jun 14 following Luca Botto Fiora/<strong>DX</strong>LD tip, still on at<br />

2245 with soul mx, religious cmtry, closedown anmts saying that they had<br />

started the second part of their daily b/cs at 4:45 that afternoon, ID<br />

ment. 97.8 FM and 5470 in the 60 mb, Lord's Prayer and off at 2300. Fair on<br />

peaks, channel clear apart from occasional bursts of ute buzzing just below<br />

fqy.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C-UK June 20)<br />

Via <strong>DX</strong>-Tuner, 2022 tune-in, very weak signal, ute on top occasionally, 2100<br />

VOA nx, local ID by YL followed. Signal improved after 2030, mx 2045-2100,<br />

"for our listeners who enjoy our prgm let us know . . ." 22<strong>05</strong> tuned in<br />

again, signal very poor, improved at 2215. Deep fades noted. And 2300-2309<br />

Jun 17 with poor signal until it came suddenly up out of the mud with "on<br />

behalf of the management of . . . Liberia," then back into the mud.<br />

(Bob Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

Just received this QSL via e-mail from Radio Veritas, Monrovia (5470) for<br />

my June 14 report:<br />

"Yes, Jari, We do confirm that the station you heard was indeed Radio<br />

Veritas, from Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa. This station is owned and<br />

operated by the Catholic Archdiocese of Monrovia. Thanks a million for the<br />

reception report. The tx power is 10 kwatt but at present we are only<br />

powering 6 kwatt. Do look forward to more of such reports on the morning<br />

freq of 6090 kHz.<br />

Very truly yours, Ledgerhood Rennie, Station Manager"<br />

Their e-mail address is: <br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld June 20)<br />

MADAGASCAR/ZIMBABWE [+non] The Harare-based Radio Voice of the People -<br />

which is transmitted on SW for listeners in Zimbabwe via the Radio<br />

Netherlands Relay Station in Madagascar - now has its own website:<br />

<br />

The website is hosted in Zimbabwe.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 30) 1700-1757 UT on 7120 kHz, wb.

MALAYSIA 6024.92 RTM (tent.), on June 17 at 1323-1348, telephone call-in<br />

segments, with pop songs between segments, in Asian lang (not Chinese),<br />

poor-fair/QRN. Noise level too high for any ID but fairly certain it's<br />

them. Seems they have fixed-up the old tx, as I believe this was the last<br />

freq I heard them on, well over a year ago. In the past this was reported<br />

as a relay of their domestic FM networks, with indigenous langs. June 19,<br />

1256-1403 UT, noted with fairly strong open carrier but no audio, so<br />

suspect they are still working on their tx.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 20)<br />

9750 VOM at 1031-1045 on June 21, Malay, OM and YL w/ presumed news;<br />

mentions of Malaysia, America and Iraq. Poor/fair w/ 9755-WYFR splatter.<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx June 21)<br />

MALI 7286.4 (usually lower than 7285) R. Mali, Kati, audible on 18 Jun at<br />

1404-..., talks; 15341 and a very weak audio; \\ 11960 with which I could<br />

compared and confirm the stn.<br />

11960 R. Mali, Kati, 18 Jun at 1406 UT, Vernacular + French, f/ball match<br />

rpt Mali vs. Zambia; 45443, but weak audio; \\ 7286.4 kHz.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 18)<br />

MAURITANIA 7245 R. Mauritanie, Nouakchott, logged on 18 Jun at 1352-1415<br />

UT, Arabic, tunes, ID, call to prayer 1355, French 1400 for newscast;<br />

35443.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 18)<br />

MEXICO 4810 XERTA, R. Transcontinental de America, Cd. de Mexico<br />

("Mejico" in standard Castilian), obs'ed on 20 Jun at <strong>05</strong>47-..., Castilian,<br />

songs, few talks; 33443, adjc. uty. QRM. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

June 20)<br />

MOLDOVA/RUSSIA Deleted txion for Seda-ye Jambushi Iran e Farda in Persian<br />

from June 13:<br />

1600-1645 on 7490 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs/ME.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 21)<br />

With WEWN gone from 11530, I am still not hearing V. of Mesopotamia, e.g.<br />

at 1328 check June 26, tho there may have been traces of a carrier. Nor<br />

should I really expect to at the summer solstice, while in the winter the<br />

signal from Moldova can be very good here if unimpeded. Can someone further<br />

east confirm whether VOM is still going?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Jun 27)<br />

Mesopotamia 11530 is still on air and was mixing with WYFR this morning<br />

quite badly. I have yet to hear the "loud buzz" he complains about on BUL<br />

15700 - or any other frequency. There's a dreadful racket at the low end of<br />

the 13 MHz band as I type at 1045 UT. I assume it comes from the DRM signal<br />

on 13620 - KWT ?<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 27)<br />

VOM 11530 is still active and heard around 0600-0700 UT when co-channel<br />

equal level with WYFR in English (this \\ 11580). I note the following HFCC<br />

registrations...<br />

[all 7 days, for entire A<strong>05</strong> dates]<br />

11530 0345-0900 37,46 YFR 100 87 USA YFR FCC<br />

11530 0400-1600 39,40 KCH 500 115 MDA TDP GFC<br />

11530 0400-0800 39 KCH 300 116 Kur MDA MEZ TDP<br />

11530 0800-1200 39 KCH 300 116 Kur MDA MEZ TDP<br />

11530 1200-1600 39 KCH 500 116 Kur MDA MEZ TDP<br />

I'm not certain which of the registrations currently applies to the VOM but<br />

there's only 1 degree of azimuth between them anyway. Maybe VOM and WYFR

are co-existing in their respective sce areas, but they certainly are not<br />

here. It should be relatively easy for WYFR to find a better and clearer<br />

channel than 11530, maybe in the 12100-12160 part of the spectrum.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc June 26)<br />

Interesting to note the duplicated HFCC registration by both GFC and TDP<br />

and especially the power level of 300 kW put into the file for certain<br />

hours by the latter, probably reflecting the real operational practices.<br />

Did you already note the frequent mentions of 250 kW for Tbilisskaya? I<br />

assume they are in a similar manner run with one half of a 1000 kW.<br />

Speaking about Tbilisskaya: On Sunday Zwart of Wit (i.e. Vlaams Belang) was<br />

indeed on 15660, preceeded by 1<strong>05</strong>0 Hz tones, so there should be no doubt<br />

about Tbilisskaya indeed being the origin of these txions. (Kai Ludwig-D,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 23)<br />

Yes, the registrations for VOM 11530 were interesting enough to copy and<br />

paste I thought. It's most interesting that 'clients' can specify what they<br />

wish to spend and that the provi<strong>der</strong> can adjust the transmitted power<br />

accordingly. I also tried 15660 for Vlaams Belang - but was too late to<br />

hear the opening tones. The signal was only fairly good here and I didn't<br />

think that the audio was very clear. Whether that was due to the provi<strong>der</strong><br />

or the programme maker I don't know but some Russian relays do appear to<br />

lack audio quality at times. For instance, DW relays are usually easy to<br />

distinguish from the direct source.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 27)<br />

Despite I've to read a lot of back-log files carefully in coming days, I<br />

guess there have been put two indenpendent registrations entries into the<br />

HFCC A-<strong>05</strong> file, one of the GFC-follower of Anatoly Titov-xUSSR man, the<br />

other by TDP-Ludo Maes organization, that makes the difference for the very<br />

same program. Similar happened often by GFC and MNO entries on RUS-CIS<br />

sites for the very same frequency/time services, also power and bearing<br />

parameter registered for very same service often differ slightly. (wb, June<br />

29)<br />

MONACO [non, rather France] Monte Carlo Radiodiffusion is testing DRM<br />

from their Fontbonne site on 6150, as if there would be no reason to care<br />

about some AM station on 6155. First reported at drmrx.org from June 14<br />

with a screenshot documenting the label "R M C", a text message "TEST DRM<br />

DEPUIS LE CENTRE EMETTEUR MCR DE FONTBONNE" and an audio bitrate of a mere<br />

12 kbps. Next report (with lament about interference from 6155) from June<br />

20. No further follow-ups on this matter seen so far.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 21)<br />

NG: You reported that Monte Carlo Radiodiffusion is testing DRM from their<br />

Fontbonne site on 6150. That's very interesting and perhaps this was the<br />

unmodulated carrier that I heard there a couple of weeks ago.<br />

KL: Yes, that's well possible. Here is a screenshot from DRM decoding<br />

software, if this link works:<br />

<br />

NG: I haven't heard DRM yet but will keep trying at various times.<br />

KL: Seems to be quite random tests so far ...<br />

NG: Kai mentions interference to 6155 - doesn't ORF broadcast DRM on that<br />

freq at certain times of the day?<br />

KL: Yes, in the evening, when 5945 (in AM) is on air.

NG: As far as I am aware, 1593 via KWT only has Persian at 1600-1900, and<br />

this is VOA and not Farda. At other times it is in Arabic, English and<br />

Kurdish.<br />

KL: That's absolutely true.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK and Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 23-24)<br />

MYANMAR Three freqs are used for local evening sce of Democratic Voice of<br />

Burma. June 18, Sign-on with Burmese song at 1429 UT. ID was heard at 1430,<br />

followed by male talk and interview. Reception conditions: 15480 SINPO<br />

25332, 17625 35433, 5910 43433.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, dxld June 19)<br />

Myanmar Radio and Television (MRTV) can be reached by email via this<br />

address:<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Jun 27)<br />

NEW ZEALAND This is a pretty interesting program, and will be on line<br />

only until June 20. Go to and click on<br />

"More Audio." Then select one of the June 6 "Mailbox" links. (<strong>DX</strong>plorer June<br />

17)<br />

DRM in Asia-Pacific: new RNZI documentary.<br />

DRM in Asia-Pacific. Digital Radio Mondiale [DRM] broadcasting in the Asia-<br />

Pacific region is taking off down a different track than in Europe. One of<br />

the reasons is the use of point-to-point txion for rebroadcast rather than<br />

direct to consumers.<br />

In the latest radio heritage documentary now on-line David<br />

Ricquish follows up on the recent DRM Symposium held in New Zealand with an<br />

overview of where and how digital radio is expected to develop around the<br />

Pacific in the near future.<br />

Simulcasting, new sces from Australia and New Zealand, point-to-point,<br />

replacement for MW, potential power savings, emergence of longwave as a<br />

possible home for DRM in the region, and the critical importance of China<br />

are amongst the issues covered.<br />

The documentary includes live recordings made during the recent DRM test<br />

txions in New Zealand and technical comments from Andy Giefer of Germany's<br />

Deutsche Welle.<br />

Produced by the Radio Heritage Foundation in<br />

association with Radio New Zealand International, the doco is available online<br />

until Monday June 20.<br />

The script and a separate article on the April 20<strong>05</strong> DRM Symposium will<br />

appear at www.radioheritage.net shortly.<br />

Warm regards<br />

David Ricquish<br />

Radio Heritage Foundation<br />

(via <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 17)<br />

[really fine RNZi MailBox program these days, heard loud and clear when did<br />

a download to my file directory, wb.]<br />

9885 RNZI at 11<strong>05</strong>-1120 UT on June 21, English, Nx re South Pacific and<br />

Oceania w/ nepotism in Am. Samoa police force; Solomon Islands whaling;<br />

"Open Skies Agreement" air links to isolated Pacific islands; financial aid<br />

to Nauru. Fair, best listening in USB.<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx June 21)

Ralda Cushen R.I.P.<br />

Newsgroup members will be sorry to learn that Ralda died last Thursday<br />

evening. The Funeral is scheduled for Monday morning at 10.30am in<br />

Invercargill. Ralda, widow of the late Arthur Cushen, made a significant<br />

behind-the-scenes contribution to our hobby, through her support of Arthur<br />

- blind for most of his adult life.<br />

Most of you will be aware of Arthur's place in the history of of <strong>DX</strong><br />

listening hobby, as a founding member of the NZ Radio <strong>DX</strong> League, longtime<br />

reporter to listener programmes on Radio NZ Internat and its predecessors,<br />

and Radio Netherland's <strong>DX</strong> Jukebox (later to become Media Network).<br />

I last visited Ralda in mid-April - since leaving the famous 212 Earn<br />

Street address some years ago, she has been living in her own sunny unit in<br />

a retirement village in Invercargill. Because her life had so focused on<br />

supporting Arthur and his radio work until his death in 1997, Ralda had few<br />

other interests and I dont think she ever fully adjusted to widowhood. One<br />

of the most pleasing things I have done was presenting Ralda with a special<br />

award on behalf of the NZ Radio <strong>DX</strong> League, I think in the early 90s. The<br />

plaque acknowledged her own unique contribution to the <strong>DX</strong> hobby over more<br />

than 45 years. At this stage we have no details regarding where messages of<br />

condolence can be sent, but I am expecting further details from Dawn<br />

Beckingsale who was ATC's last secretary. Once more information comes to<br />

hand I will pass it on.<br />

(Bryan Clark, Vice President - NZ Radio <strong>DX</strong> League, June 26, ripple via<br />

dxld)<br />

Ralda Cushen R.I.P.<br />

I have just learned that Ralda Cushen, widow of the late Arthur Cushen MBE<br />

of New Zealand, passed away on June 24th. Following Arthur's death in 1997,<br />

whilst still working for the World Radio TV Handbook, I wrote:<br />

"I had the great privilege of meeting Arthur and Ralda when they came to<br />

Europe for the E<strong>DX</strong>C Conference in Stockholm. They were delightful company,<br />

and great ambassadors for New Zealand...Arthur himself would have wanted<br />

much of the credit for his achievements to go to his devoted wife Ralda,<br />

and we are thinking of her at this difficult time."<br />

I am thinking now of Ralda's family, and how much they will miss her. I<br />

hope they will take some comfort from knowing that their loss is shared by<br />

people around the world whom they've never met. R.I.P.<br />

Memories of Radio Listening Over 60 Years by Arthur Cushen<br />

<br />

(Andy Senniit-HOL, RNW Media Network, June 27)<br />

NIGERIA 7275 FRCN, Abuja at <strong>05</strong>47 on Jun 13, EG ref. to "National<br />

Service," local notices, fading out on clear fqy. Should not co-channel<br />

Tunis have been here as well? SINPO 23332.<br />

(Martien van Groot-HOL, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W June 19)<br />

7275 It's definitely Nigeria here at <strong>05</strong>55. I checked it at <strong>05</strong>55 Jun 20,<br />

Afr. mx, En talk by man, not very strong, but definite ments. of R. Nigeria<br />

at <strong>05</strong>55 and 0600. My memory is that the Abuja site was on the air very<br />

briefly when it came into sce some years ago, but soon went off and has<br />

stayed off, or has been on for brief, intermittent periods. Anyone have any<br />

other info on this?<br />

(Jerry Berg-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 20)<br />

7275 R. Nigeria, Abuja, noted on 20 Jun at 1021-f/ out ca. 1145,<br />

Vernacular, talks, tribal songs & tunes; 25332, but then audible later 1430<br />

when rated 15331.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 20)

Monitored 7275 for 2-1/2 hours with the following observations: 7275 came<br />

on at 0258* with opening mx, ID, then nice AR vocals from 0302-0350 w/YL<br />

ancr briefly after each song. Excellent signal and was \\ to 120<strong>05</strong> (good)<br />

and 9720 (covered by CH-speaking stn). The latter two freqs went off about<br />

04<strong>05</strong>*; 7275 continued until <strong>05</strong>28* with assorted mx, talks, and nx. 7190<br />

came on at *0458 in \\ with 7275. Started noticing a co-channel stn on 7275<br />

after <strong>05</strong>00, way un<strong>der</strong> RTVT. During the next 28 mins, RTVT's signal<br />

diminished, and by <strong>05</strong>28 closedown was even in strength with the unID, which<br />

I presume was Nigeria, fair strength here and seemed to be in accented En.<br />

Tape ran out at <strong>05</strong>35.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 20)<br />

I tried 7275 again on Tuesday, June 21. There was something behind Tunis<br />

prior to their s/off at <strong>05</strong>28, but it was barely perceptible. When Tunis<br />

went off at <strong>05</strong>28, Nigeria was then audible, with the RN announcer giving a<br />

tantalizing mention of "meter band SW" right as Tunis went off. Reception<br />

was poor, in QRN. They played "Every Time You Go Away," then went into what<br />

seemed to be a long religious talk at <strong>05</strong>30, maybe called "Living By God"<br />

per a later anmt (not sure).<br />

"Best" rcpn was at <strong>05</strong>42, when there was an ad with many numbers and many<br />

ments. of Abuja. Then TC, light female vocal, more ads or promos from <strong>05</strong>47,<br />

incl. seemingly a promo for a prgm called "Echoes of Our ." They played<br />

"When A Man Loves A Woman" at <strong>05</strong>50, more ads, TCs (UTC+1), R. Nigeria ID<br />

<strong>05</strong>59, drum IS to TC and nx at 0600, when I tuned out. I will send an audio<br />

clip of the <strong>05</strong>42 anmt to Herk. It contains many ments. of Abuja.<br />

I checked through past WRTHs and PWBRs. WRTH has listed Abuja on 7275 since<br />

2003, before that Kaduna was shown on the fqy. PWBR showed Kaduna on 7275<br />

through 2000, nothing from Nigeria on the fqy thereafter. WRTH gives ID<br />

text as "The Capital Radio, the Voice of Unity." I didn't hear that, but at<br />

2:00 on the audio clip there is an ID as "This is the Voice of Nigeria,<br />

Abuja." (Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 21)<br />

Abuja used to only use 7275 to carry the national network nx bulletins at<br />

0600, 1500 and 1800 UT. Maybe it is used at other times now. I won<strong>der</strong> what<br />

its txion spans are. I've never seen any logs of the station in the evening<br />

period when it should propagate into Europe, so perhaps its only used in<br />

the morning/daytime.<br />

73s Dave (ibid.)<br />

PNG 7120 (pres) Wantok Radio Light at 0951-10<strong>05</strong> on June 18. Once again<br />

logged with choral-like mx and YL b/w selections. Lenghty talks from 1000-<br />

10<strong>05</strong> then back to mx. Poor but better than previous monitoring. Vox audio<br />

still to weak to positively ID.<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx June 21)<br />

7120, Wantok Radio Light, <strong>05</strong>20-1325 Jun 11, weak het first hrd arnd <strong>05</strong>20,<br />

and strengthening into threshold audio before 0600, over two hours before<br />

Port Moresby SS. A steady rise in signal strength throughout the 0600 hour<br />

was noted, with good, listenable levels by 0630, with special inaugural b/c<br />

of Wantok Radio Light in progress. Many ments. of "Wantok Radio" by M&W<br />

ancrs with refs. to the dedication of the stn and so on. This was clearly<br />

an outdoor event and b/c, with a "you are there" feeling, complete with<br />

echoes, microphone feedback squeals, crowds cheering, etc. Christian<br />

contemp. praise and worship mx in between ancr comments, phone interviews,<br />

and messages by pastors and Christian lea<strong>der</strong>s, and songs by local bands<br />

(Voice in the Wind; P.T.U.I.F. Band; and Higher Vision). Hrd frequent<br />

comments like "Papua New Guinea is praising today," "Are you rejoicing,<br />

Papua New Guinea?" and ments. of thanksgiving for the new stn.

By 0715 the signal was positively loud! An exclamation of "Good evening,<br />

Kaupena!" was hrd at 0744, at the beginning of a listener's message and<br />

excited testimony (Kaupena is the xmtr location). At 0902 recheck I caught<br />

a quick ID in Pidgin rather than EG: "You hearim Wantok Radio Light." This<br />

new PNG stn was even coming in at a fair level on the whip antenna of my<br />

Degen DE1103, pretty impressive for 1 kw on an NVIS antenna from over 6700<br />

miles away. At 1325 recheck, still in with a fair-good signal of contemp.<br />

Christian mx. (Guy Atkins, Graylands-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

0634 Jun 11, oficial opening ceremonies, ments. of PNG and Wantok Radio<br />

Light, seemingly live relay of an outdoor event. Superb signal at 0701<br />

retune, every bit as strong as Don Moman's fabulous recording from last<br />

week. Armchair copy, like Port Moresby's 4890 so often. I rechecked at<br />

0825, easily S9+10 to 20, with tnx to various individuals, so I'm won<strong>der</strong>ing<br />

whether the opening ceremonies are coming to a close.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw, Graylands-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

1159-1230+ Jun 19, good signal this morning, but problems, as usual,<br />

un<strong>der</strong>standing the soft-voiced ancrs; mx to 1203 when man says "You have<br />

been listening to . . ," then YL spoke briefly, then man again with an ID;<br />

mx followed past 1230, with occasional annmts. Still there at 1300,<br />

although much weaker.<br />

(Bob Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

9675, N<strong>BC</strong>/Radio National, 1115-1122 Jun 12, I almost didn't check this fqy,<br />

as 0700 is typical s/off for 9675. However, after finding 4890 quiet, I<br />

noted 9675 with a good signal (far better in LSB) with the "Around the<br />

Provinces" prgm, \\3290-R. Central. M&W rptrs with nx items from various<br />

PNG locations.<br />

(Guy Atkins, Graylands-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

1119 Jun 12, a very unusual PNG morning with very few stns on the air, and<br />

the few that weren't on the air yesterday morning are audible today. 4890<br />

was uncharacteristically not on the air. Tnx to Guy Atkins who pointed out<br />

that they stayed on their day fqy of 9675. Stong signal except for really<br />

bad adjacent splatter from 9680 (Taiwan and the CH mx jammer). No problem<br />

on LSB, though. Contd. with a nx prgm. Rather tinny audio, though, compared<br />

to the full rich modulation on 4890. End of the prgm at 1125 with a "good<br />

night." Open carrier for almost 30 secs. before going into western mo<strong>der</strong>n<br />

pops.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw, Graylands-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

PERU 4746.8 R. Huanta 2000, Huanta, heard on 18 Jun at 2338-2349,<br />

Vernacular (tent), talks, Indian songs, talks in Castilian; 24321.<br />

5939.3 R. Melodia, Arequipa, audible on 18 Jun at 2342-2352, Castilian,<br />

religious prgr; het with UNID; 34432.<br />

6193.5 R. Cusco, Cusco (wasn't it written "Cuzco"? It doesn't sound exactly<br />

the same in Castilian), logged on 19 Jun at 2232-2244, Indian songs, no<br />

lang. or ID heard, but then what else? 25331.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 18-20)<br />


Un<strong>der</strong> "CPRV," "The CPRV QSL Gallery," some SW oldies from Africa: ZNB,<br />

Mafeking, Bechuanaland (now Botswana), 1955 (Kary); two from Radio Biafra,<br />

sent from the Ivory Coast in 1969 and 1970 (Sizer); Radio Clube Mindelo,<br />

Cape Verde Is., 1973 (Sizer); Radio Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 1955 (Kary);<br />

Kenya Broadcasting Corp., Kenya (Niblack); Radio Maroc, Rabat, Morocco<br />

(Kary); Radio Tetuan, Spanish Morocco, 1953 (Kary); ZQP, Northern Rhodesia<br />

Broadcasting Station, Lusaka (now Zambia), 1948 (Kary); Radio Belgisch<br />

Congo, Leopoldville, Belgian Congo (later Zaire, now Democratic Republic of<br />

the Congo) (Hankins); and South African Air Force Station ZRB, Pretoria,

South Africa, 1948 (Kary). These are from the collections of Paul Kary, Art<br />

Hankins, Al Niblack, and Al Sizer.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

RUSSIA 9555 Russkoye Mezhdunarodnoye Radio ( Russia Int'l Radio) /RGPK<br />

. Nice full data 'St. Peter and Paul Cathedral' QSL Card with accompany<br />

letter in Russian. Also sent a schedule for the RR <strong>BC</strong>B's. Reply in 18<br />

months for a Postal rpt, with F/up sent one year after. Seems they<br />

apparently are clearing up a back log of old reports. It's nice to see<br />

something coming out of Russia these days, not like the old days!<br />

(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

COMMENTS: After nearly three weeks of rain, flooding is still rampart.<br />

Today, Calgary ( residences along the river and down stream) is being<br />

threaten by flooding from the North Saskatchewan and Bow River. Many<br />

families have flooded basements,( up to ceiling depth's) back-up sewers in<br />

High River, Sunrie, Okotoks, to name a few. A local C<strong>BC</strong> (C<strong>BC</strong> 1010 Calgary)<br />

Radio and TV Filming Crew just managed to escape their Hotel Room in<br />

Okotoks, when two feet of water, came rushing into their rooms, Friday<br />

night. Fortunately for us, no other damage from the rain BUT we loss our<br />

local Grocery Store, Coaldale Food Market. The roof collapsed after a Heavy<br />

Rain fall on Friday ( 2") . Shoppers and Store staff where able to escape,<br />

with no one being injured. The store is a complete right off.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

Freq change for Deutsche Welle in Chinese from June 20:<br />

1300-1350 NF 6225 K/A 250 kW / 173 deg, x5945 \\ 15355 TRM, 15425 SNG,<br />

17660 TRM<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 21)<br />

Deutsche Welle plans test txions on June 27 and 28, 0800-1000, in German,<br />

to Asia-Pacific, from Komsomolsk-Amur, using 15175. (DW, June 22)<br />

I listened to the Deutsche Welle tests to Oceania and Asia. The first day<br />

(Monday) was totally hopeless, barely audible for the first hour and then<br />

nothing. The second day (Tuesday) was better around SINPO 4532-33 at 0800<br />

UTC but is was only about 35332-3 at 0945. However it did not provide<br />

comfortable listening for a long period.<br />

Freq change for Zwart of Wit / Black or White in Dutch:<br />

0900-1100 Sun June 19 NF 15660 ARM 250 kW / 284 deg to WeEu, ex 13680.<br />

[Vlaams Belang SW broadcast, wb.]<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 21)<br />

Freq change for Voice of Russia in Arabic:<br />

1500-1600 NF 7325 ARM 100 kW / 290 deg, ex 154<strong>05</strong> MSK 500 kW / 135 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 28)<br />

9690 Tatarstan Radio at 0625 UT with songs. YL with short ID' bukit...<br />

Tatarstan Radio', followed by talks over 'atmospheric' mx background signal<br />

34434. Tune in 0645 with 45444. Also 11925 on 0825 with opera program and<br />

ID Tatarstan. Talks followed by classical mx/operas. Language seems similar<br />

to Kazakh.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 20)<br />

Taldom tx is a large broadcasting facility for SW and LW near Taldom,<br />

Russia. Its longwave tx working on 261 kHz is with a power of 2500 Kilowatt<br />

world's most powerful broadcasting station and receivable in whole Europe<br />

at nighttimes (if Russian authorities did not forget to pay the electricity<br />


There are two aerial systems for longwave at Taldom. One consists of<br />

mutiple guyed masts with a height of 257 metres, the other consists of at<br />

least 4 guyed masts with a height of 275 metres arranged in a circle and a<br />

mast in the centre of the circle.<br />

Further informations of Taldom tx are on<br />

><br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Very curious is, that the masts of one antenna system are - as can be seen<br />

on - connected at two<br />

levels by each other. What might be the purpose of this? At Alexan<strong>der</strong>son<br />

antennas connection wires are only spun between the tops of the masts! Or<br />

do these ropes have no electrical functions?<br />

(Harald, LWCA; via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK June 30)<br />

SERBIA & MONTENEGRO 9580 R. S&M at *0429-0459* on June 16. Piano IS;<br />

s/on by YL announcing freqs of 6100, 7230, and 9580, but only the last one<br />

heard here; nx and assorted commentaries followed, with closedown and IS at<br />

0459 UT. Good signal but hard to un<strong>der</strong>stand the soft-voiced YL. (John<br />

Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 18)<br />

SLOVAKIA Summer A-<strong>05</strong> schedule of Radio Slovakia International:<br />

ENGLISH 0100-0127 5930 9440<br />

0700-0727 9440 15460<br />

1630-1657 5920 7345<br />

1830-1857 5920 6<strong>05</strong>5<br />

GERMAN 0800-0827 6<strong>05</strong>5 7345<br />

1330-1357 6<strong>05</strong>5 7345<br />

1600-1627 5920 7345<br />

1800-1827 5920 6<strong>05</strong>5<br />

FRENCH 0200-0227 5930 9440<br />

1700-1727 5920 7345<br />

1930-1957 5920 6<strong>05</strong>5<br />

RUSSIAN 1300-1327 9440 11990<br />

1500-1527 9535 11715<br />

1730-1757 5920 9485<br />

SLOVAK 0130-0157 5930 9440<br />

0730-0757 9440 15460<br />

1530-1557 5920 7345<br />

1900-1927 5920 6<strong>05</strong>5<br />

SPANISH 0230-0257 9440 11990<br />

1430-1457 9440 11600<br />

2000-2027 6<strong>05</strong>5 11650<br />

RSO=Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia 150 kW for all freqs<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 28)<br />

SOMALIA 6960 abt 2000 UT. Not sure if it is Shabelle but a marginal to<br />

very poor signal has been found with talks and instrumental play at till<br />

2000 UT. Mossad covered the signal at 2000 UT.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 17)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA 3231 R Son<strong>der</strong> Grenze at 1914, OM with possibly nx in NL or<br />

Africaans, 33333 Music at 1936 and poor signal.

3345 Channel Africa at 1916 UT, talks in Port, ID ' u fon Africa por<br />

Africa.. Canal Africa '. Also IS-ID at 1934 UT, 34232. On Sunday 1937Z with<br />

Latin songs 34222.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 17)<br />

SRI LANKA 15748 SL<strong>BC</strong> ALL ASIA ENGLISH. Yes, confirm evening txion is off<br />

but morning 0025-0430 UT still on 60<strong>05</strong>, 9770, 15748, maybe for a few more<br />

months. The Indian langs continue as before, but then for how long. It is<br />

like hearing that an old friend has passed away.<br />

(Victor Gonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corp SL<strong>BC</strong> cancelled English txion from June 13<br />

1230-1535 15748 EKA 035 kW / 350 deg to SoAs<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 28)<br />

SUDAN 4750 R. Peace: I got a mail QSL from Peter Stover of Edmedia with<br />

some more info about R. Peace in southern Sudan. He tells me that both 4750<br />

and 5895 are in daily use, but with different prgms and patterns. 4750 is 1<br />

kw for the southern parts of Sudan in six langs. (EG and five Sudanese<br />

langs.). 5895 is 5 kw for central and northern Sudan and in two langs. (EG<br />

and AR). "The stations are domestic. The signals throughout the rest of the<br />

world would be weak if existing at all except for the 'right' conditions,"<br />

says Pete Stover. (Edh-SWE, hcdx June 19)<br />

SURINAME 4990 R. Apintie, Paramaribo, heard on 18 Jun at 2340-..., talks<br />

in Dutch (only presmed due to rec. conditions); 25331.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 18)<br />

SWEDEN Swedish VLF tx on the air July 2-3 (Jun 27, 20<strong>05</strong>) The SAQ<br />

Alexan<strong>der</strong>son alternator tx operating on 17.2 kHz from Sweden will be on the<br />

air Saturday and Sunday, July 2 and 3. The July 2 txion at 1230 UTC will<br />

mark the inauguration of a new visitor's center at the Grimeton site, and<br />

July 3 is "Alexan<strong>der</strong>son Day," when the station will be open to the general<br />

public (between 10 AM and 4 PM local time). Transmissions on July 3 will<br />

take place at 0815, 0915, 1215 and 1315 UTC.<br />

In addition, Amateur Radio station SK6SAQ will operate a special event from<br />

the site. Approximate freqs are 14.035 MHz CW and 3.755 and 14.215 MHz SSB.<br />

RSGB.<br />

Web page <br />

is in Swedish but for an English menu click the Union Jack.<br />

(ARRL main page via John Norfolk-USA, dxld June 27)<br />

SWITZERLAND QSL MW address:<br />

SRG SSR idee suisse, Media Services, Distribution,<br />

Mr. Andreas Bertschinger, Helpdesk<br />

Fernsehstrasse 1-4, CH-8<strong>05</strong>2 Zuerich, Switzerland<br />

Phone: +41 (0) 848 88 44 22<br />

Fax: +41 1 3<strong>05</strong> 68 02<br />

mailto: <br />

URL: <br />

Die ganz korrekte Adresse fuer RR's von MW und FM von Radio DRS ist:<br />

MSC Distribution<br />

Leutschenbachstrasse 95<br />

CH-8<strong>05</strong>0 Zuerich<br />

Die Antwort kommt innert Tagen.<br />

Die obigen Adressen liegen nur ein paar Meter auseinan<strong>der</strong>.<br />

Im uebrigen noch <strong>der</strong> Hinweis auf:<br />

<br />

(Sandro Blatter-SUI, A-<strong>DX</strong> June 23)

SYRIA 12085 Radio Damascus, at 2349-0028 on Jun 21, appeared to be<br />

Spanish program with a woman talking and Arabic vocals but after midnight<br />

definite Arabic programming with a man talking. Fair signal strength but<br />

very low voice modulation.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Jun 26)<br />

TAIWAN Southeast Asian freq temporarily suspended.<br />

RTI's broadcasts to Southeast Asia from 1400 to 1500 UTC on 15265 kHz have<br />

been temporarily suspended due to a tx malfunction caused by the recent<br />

flooding in Southern Taiwan. We apologize for the inconvenience.<br />

(Via RTI web site; Swopan Chakroborty-IND, dxld June 18)<br />

[to VIETNAM] Acc. to informed sources, the US-based Little Saigon Radio is<br />

currently testing via txs in Taiwan on 11540 at 1130-1200 and 7380 at 1500-<br />

1530. Little Saigon Radio is produced by Little Saigon Broadcasting Inc.<br />

and is available 24h via local AM stations in the USA and via Webcasting.<br />

More info about the station on their website:<br />

<br />

The SW txions are also mentioned in this article in Vietnamese:<br />

<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 20)<br />

Trans World Broadcasting Ministry (Huanchiu Kwanpo) sent me a Prepared Form<br />

QSL card in Chinese after 30 days for my reception report in Chinese to<br />

their Taiwan Office on their SW broadcast (11940 kHz). QSL signer was<br />

Naishang Kuo, chief manager. Also a letter by Daosheng Yao, recording<br />

engineer, was enclosed. Mr. Yao said their broadcast is intended to Chinese<br />

mainland and he was astonished to receive reception report from Japan.<br />

Their mailing address in Taiwan is: #467-1, 7FL Chih Sien 1st Road,<br />

Kaohsiung, 800 Taiwan, R.O.C.<br />

Telephone: +886 7 235 9223; FAX: +886 7 235 9220<br />

URL: E-mail: <br />

Their schedule: "David" program for Chinese mainland 1300-1400 over CBS-<br />

Taipei 11940 kHz 100 kW; "Angel" program for Taiwan inland 1610-1700 over<br />

CBS-Kaohsiung 864 kHz 10 kW.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 20)<br />

TAJIKISTAN 972 It appears that the new IBB MW tx on 972 at Orzu will be<br />

on the air by July 6, as power tests are about to begin, and Thales says<br />

everything is done except for the dummy load. The new MW antenna will come<br />

later, as discussion of plans for that are still un<strong>der</strong>way. (Aaron Zawitzky-<br />

USA, dxld June 19)<br />

IBB is contracting with a Tajik firm to install a new SW antenna at the<br />

Orzu site.<br />

(Aaron Zawitzky-USA, dxld June 27)<br />

That's MW 972 kHz, but HFCC does not yet list Orzu as a SW site; none but<br />

Dushanbe in that country. (gh, dxld)<br />

UNIDENTIFIED The military has stepped up its use of OTH radar on 15310<br />

kHz (WHRA) between 1200 and 1500. Is another invasion imminent? Strange how<br />

they don't like broadcasters on their freqs but have no problem getting on<br />

broadcasters' freqs.<br />

(Lou Johnson-USA KF4EON, dxld June 25)<br />

I have never noticed this, tho as I tune across it, never pausing for long,<br />

WHRA 15310 usually has a pretty strong signal. Do you hear this only on<br />

15310? How do you know it is OTH radar? What military? Invasion of what? I

checked June 26 at 1314 when a WHRA ID intervened between two preachers,<br />

and no QRM heard to 15310 kHz.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld June 27)<br />

Glenn, I really enjoy listening to the Power Hour for those three hours on<br />

15310. I probably don't get as strong a signal as you do since I am (in<br />

Atlanta) off the side of their main lobe (toward mid America). I get an S5<br />

to S6 on them. You can hear it periodically thru-out the whole broadcast. I<br />

live in a pretty quiet area so I know it's nothing local. You'll hear three<br />

beeps and then three groups of pulse trains. This goes on and on. You might<br />

try monitoring that frequency after 1500 when WHRA closes since the OTH<br />

radar seems to continue past that time. I live 300 miles from the East<br />

coast so I get good signals from across the Atlantic. It definitely sounds<br />

like military OTH radar (Lou Johnson, ibid.)<br />

Actually, FCC A-<strong>05</strong> shows this as beamed 60 degrees with 250 kW. None of the<br />

WHRA broadcasts are nominally beamed back to NoAM, but off-the-back would<br />

be 240 degrees, close to hereward. FCC listings show azimuths from WHRA of<br />

only: 45, 60, 75, 90.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld June 27)<br />

See also OHR un<strong>der</strong> AUSTRALIA, wb.<br />

U.A.E. 11665 The only nx from here is what I believe is Radio Solh on<br />

new 11665 (x11810). I hear it mixing with RFI via ASC at 0600-0700 UT and<br />

then in the clear. However, I was up very early today - 0400UTC ! - and<br />

tried 11665 then. There was an UNID station using 11665 playing African mx,<br />

so probably<br />

11665 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 37 RMP 500 125 20 216 23456 USA MNO MER<br />

That's listed for Sudan Radio Service which seems about right. But there<br />

was no trace of Solh. I heard Arabic on 11810 which I assume was JOR.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 21)<br />

R Solh, x11810 0200-1200 UT 250 kW 45 deg Dari sce. (wb.)<br />

UK & IRELAND MW & LW Transmitters - new CD.<br />

Over the years information about LW & MW txs operating in the UK & Ireland<br />

has been fragmented, incomplete or out of date.<br />

More recently the Internet has augmented the printed medium but still it is<br />

exceedingly difficult to get all information in one place.<br />

In an attempt to improve matters I have spent several weeks collecting,<br />

collating and checking data about radio txs operating on Long and Medium<br />

Wave freqs; in essence every tx in the UK and Ireland operating below 1700<br />

kHz.<br />

I imagine that I won't be the only person interested in having as much<br />

information as possible all together in one place, so I will happily copy<br />

my files onto a CD-ROM for anyone who wants one.<br />

The CD contains the following:<br />

1. A full listing of over 500 txs and who is using them, along with data<br />

about them such as power, location (both National Grid Reference and<br />

latitude and longitude) and, where known, date activated. A description of<br />

the antenna and its radiation pattern is also included. The listing<br />

includes all currently active stations and some recently decommissioned.<br />

You will find broadcasters, navigation beacons, time standards, maritime<br />

and military transmitters listed. You will also find some unusual freq<br />

allocations; do you know who uses 87kHz, 457kHz, 846kHz or 1641kHz?<br />

2. A collection of B<strong>BC</strong> local radio coverage maps.

3. A similar collection of maps for non-B<strong>BC</strong> stations.<br />

4. A large collection of detailed photographs of 200+ tx sites and the<br />

antennae in use.<br />

5. A collection of high quality scans of QSL cards from 100+ of the<br />

stations in the file.<br />

6. Directional antennae radiation patterns.<br />

7. Features: Extra features include a historical perpective of MW frequency<br />

assignment & usage in the UK. Additionally a dossier covering quiet radio<br />

areas in the UK is included with detailed information to help you select a<br />

listening site with minimum noise or interference. The CD also contains a<br />

range of useful country maps showing counties, postcode areas and so on.<br />

In addition it includes direct linking to the Internet which will take you<br />

to a station's own website and to a detailed on-line mapping sce that will<br />

show you on an Ordnance Survey map where the tx is physically located.<br />

The CD is fully interactive and uses links to ensure you can quickly find<br />

the info you need. The main station listing uses a spreadsheet that you can<br />

sort and filter data as you wish.<br />


There are two ways of or<strong>der</strong>ing a copy of this CD<br />

1) By post. Write to me enclosing payment, and your mailing address and I<br />

will send you the CD by return post.<br />

Write to me at: Landsvale, High Catton, York YO41 1EH, England Cash payment<br />

can be $11US; 10 Euro or œ5 Sterling notes well concealed inside an<br />

ordinary letter envelope. If you don't want the risk of sending cash in the<br />

post, I recommend registered post.<br />

Non-cash payments such as cheques, Postal Or<strong>der</strong>s or International Money<br />

Or<strong>der</strong>s must be œ5.00 Sterling.<br />

2) Over the Internet<br />

You can pay by PayPal by sending payment to: <br />

The PayPal prices are $11.75US; 10.75 Euro or œ5.50 Sterling due to the<br />

charges levied by PayPal.<br />

Prices include post and packing. All or<strong>der</strong>s will be despatched by post in a<br />

protective envelope and overseas or<strong>der</strong>s will go airmail. I only use high<br />

quality CDs, such as TDK, to ensure you have a reliable and long lasting<br />

archive.<br />

If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask..<br />

73s Steve Witt, (mwdx newsgroup June 30)<br />

USA WWRB was actually active on 15250, Friday June 17 at 1929 with<br />

readings from Psalms (not Alex. Scourby), and still past 2000 when I did<br />

not hear anything resembling a legal ID. Also active on 11920, but not \\<br />

and no ID there either, as well as 9320 with Overcomer, but not Bro. Scare<br />

at the moment.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld June 19)<br />

Freq change for WEWN in Spanish to CeAm:<br />

1100-2200 NF 11645 EWN 500 kW / 220 deg, ex 11530 to avoid Denge<br />

Mezopotamya.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 21)

RFA schedule in A-<strong>05</strong>, valid from March 28, til October 30th, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

RFA uses IBB txs in IRA/I=Iranawila Sri Lanka, new KWT/K=Kuwait,<br />

SAI/S=Saipan, TIN/T=Tinian NoMariana Isls.<br />

And relays in HBN/P=KHBN Palau Isl, IRK=Irkutsk-RUS, TWN/N=Taiwan,<br />

UAE=Al Dhabayya-UAE, VLD/V=Vladivostok-RUS,<br />

and WER=Wertachtal Germany.<br />

Addit tx sites have been researched but deleted from this list upon request<br />

of RFA to suppress this info, to avoid pressure from China upon the host<br />

countries. Are we to assume that China has no way to find out this<br />

sensitive info except through <strong>DX</strong> publications? [gh]<br />

Some new IBB Kuwait entries added.<br />

All registered J-<strong>05</strong> [high summer season] frequencies have been deleted.<br />

*=new/addit/updated<br />

RFA A-<strong>05</strong><br />

0000-0100 LAO 12015I 13830 15545T<br />

0030-0130 BURMESE 11540 13680T 13820I 17835S<br />

0100-0200 UYGHUR 9350 11520 11895UAE 11945UAE<br />

17640T 17695T<br />

0100-0300 TIBETAN *9365K 11695UAE 11975WER 15225T 15695 17730U<br />

0300-0600 MANDARIN 13670T 13760T 15130T 15685T<br />

17495 17525 17615S 17880S 21690T<br />

0600-0700 MANDARIN 13670T 13760T 15165T 15685T<br />

17495 17525 17615S 17880S<br />

0600-0700 TIBETAN 17510 17720U *17780K 21500T 21690UAE<br />

break<br />

1100-1200 LAO 9355S 9545T 15560I<br />

1100-1200 TIBETAN 7470U 13625T 13830 15510UAE *17855K<br />

1200-1400 TIBETAN 7470U *11590K 13625T 13830<br />

15510UAE 17855S<br />

1230-1330 CAMBODIAN 13645T 15525I 15670<br />

1230-1330 BURMESE 9455I 11540 12030T *13675T *13745T<br />

1400-1500 CANTONESE 9780T 11715S *11850T[*x13790]<br />

1400-1500 VIETNAMESE 7380U 9455S 9635T 11535<br />

116<strong>05</strong>N 11680I 13685I 13775P<br />

1500-1600 TIBETAN 7470U *11540K 117<strong>05</strong>T 11795UAE 13825<br />

1500-1600 MANDARIN 7540 9455T 99<strong>05</strong>P 11765T 12025S<br />

13675T 13725T 15495T<br />

1500-1700 KOREAN 7210IRK 9385S 13625T<br />

1600-1700 UYGHUR 7465 9350I 9370 9555UAE 11750I<br />

11780T<br />

1600-1700 MANDARIN 7540 9455S 99<strong>05</strong>P 11795T 12025S<br />

13675T 13715T 15530T<br />

1700-1800 MANDARIN 7280T 7540 9355S 9455S 9540T *9670T<br />

99<strong>05</strong>P 11795T 13625T 13715T<br />

1800-1900 MANDARIN 7280T 7530 7540 9355S 9455S 9540T<br />

9865T 11700T 13625T 15510T<br />

1900-2000 MANDARIN 7260T 7530 7540 9355S 9455S 9760T<br />

9865T 99<strong>05</strong>P 11700T 11785T 13625T 15510T<br />

2000-2100 MANDARIN 7260T 7530 7540 9355S 9455S 9850T<br />

99<strong>05</strong>P *11700T 11740T 11785T 13625T<br />

2100-2200 MANDARIN 71<strong>05</strong>T 7540 9850T 9910P 9920N<br />

11740T 11935T 13625T<br />

2100-2300 KOREAN 7460U 9385S 9770T 12075T<br />

2200-2300 CANTONESE 9355S 9955P 11785T 13675T<br />

2230-2330 CAMBODIAN 9490I 9930P 13735T<br />

2300-2359 MANDARIN 7540 9910P 11760T 13670T 13775S

15430T 15585T<br />

2300-2359 TIBETAN 7470U *7550K 9395 98<strong>05</strong>UAE 9875T<br />

2330-0029 VIETNAMESE 9975 11580U 116<strong>05</strong>N 11670T 12110I<br />

13735S 15535V 15560P<br />

(various sources, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 27)<br />

Many thanks for the latest RFA update - Wolfie. I think I notice one or two<br />

new freqs and will make a more thorough check when I print it. The jamming<br />

of the 0600-0700 Tibetan sce seems very patchy. Perhaps due to propagation?<br />

Some mornings I can hear Tibetan quite well on 17780 and 17510, and even<br />

the two 21 Mhz outlets were faintly audible a couple of mornings ago. I get<br />

the impression that the intensity of jamming is not as bad as it is on the<br />

Mandarin sce same time. (Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 23)<br />

UZBEKISTAN 5810 The station you questioned might be "Radio Partow", an<br />

Iranian clandestine station, tested at the beginning of April for a short<br />

period on 5810 kHz at 1530-1600 UT over Tashkent-UZB.<br />

"Partow" means "light" in Persian. Radio Partow's website<br />

provides internet on-demand broadcast, but it seems<br />

they no longer transmit on SW.I noticed that the name of their audio files<br />

includes "CFC" such as "0402satCFC.wma" "0403sunCFC.wma". So the word "CFC"<br />

has some relation to this station.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 21)<br />

Radio Partow wird in Schweden produziert und von nicht-kommerziellen<br />

Lokalstationen ausgestrahlt. Auch <strong>der</strong> Server steht in Schweden:<br />

radiopartow.com<br />

domain: radiopartow.com<br />

status: lock<br />

owner: Mostafa Assadpoor<br />

organization: Mostafa Assadpoor<br />

email: hostmaster @ radiopartow.com<br />

address: Stintavagen 1<br />

city: SKOGAS<br />

state:<br />

postal-code: 14230<br />

country: SE<br />

phone: +46<br />

fax: +46<br />

admin-c: admin @ fsdata.se#0<br />

tech-c: admin @ fsdata.se#0<br />

billing-c: financial @ nordreg.se#0<br />

nserver: dns1.se<br />

nserver: dns2.se<br />

created: 2004-09-27 13:57:16 UTC<br />

modified: 2004-09-27 13:57:16 UTC<br />

expires: 2006-09-27 09:57:15 UTC<br />

source: joker.com live whois sce<br />

query-time: 0.079827<br />

db-updated: 20<strong>05</strong>-06-23 03:51:21 (wb, June 24)<br />

Besides the three SW freqs for the revived Uzbek service of VOA, at 1500-<br />

1530 UT, 801 kHz is also on the schedule at<br />

<br />

That would be the megawatt from Tajikistan.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld June 27)<br />

801 kHz 1500-1530 VoA Uzbek Duschanbe, from June 16th.<br />

648 1800-1900 VOA Persian 230deg 1000 kW<br />

801 1500-1530 VOA Uzbek non-dir 1000<br />

972 0000-0200 VOA Urdu non-dir 500

972 1400-2400 VOA Urdu non-dir 500<br />

1143 1300-1400 RFE Uzbek non-dir 150<br />

4760 0100-0200 RFE Tajik 045<br />

4995 1400-1500 RFE Kazakh 045<br />

5860 1400-1600 RFE Kyrgyz 045<br />

5860 1900-2100 FRD Persian 264<br />

7295 0200-0300 RFE Turkmen 270<br />

7365 1900-2000 FRD Persian 264<br />

VANUATU 3944.9v R. Vanuatu, 0715-0740 Jun 11, noted this rising up from<br />

the noise prior to 0700, and down 0.1 kHz from nominal, just like Vanuatu<br />

on 7259.9v earlier in the evening before it shut down suddenly. Ments. of<br />

"Tok Tok" at 0715 as well as Port Vila at 0731. Poor-fair signal, but<br />

improving past 0740. Noted again at 0814, drifted down to 3944.85, "R.<br />

Vanuatu" ID at 0815. (Guy Atkins, Graylands-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

3945 (pres) 0854-0908 Jun 13, vernac., ancr with continuous talks in lang.<br />

with the only break being a short wind instrumental bit at 0902, then right<br />

back to talk. Very weak/poor un<strong>der</strong> mild static. (Scott Barbour-NH-USA,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

7259.685, R. Vanuatu, 0621 Jun 11, SS in Port Villa, with a decent signal<br />

(at least the mx) but lots of summer static crashes. Mo<strong>der</strong>n western mx.<br />

Chatting with Guy Atkins across the table, when it just vanished at 0625.<br />

Very weak het only. I assumed it was some local noise, but I don't think<br />

so, as 7120 PNG was coming in with audio. Still nothing at 0642, but fair<br />

audio on 3944.86 with identical format, so I'm assuming this is the same<br />

xmtr. Listened to 0658 with ments. of Vanuatu. Port Villa ment. 0706.<br />

I checked again at 0800, rapid drums up to the ToH, then island-type mx. No<br />

IS or ID on the hour. "People of Vanuatu" hrd at 08<strong>05</strong>. Xmtr appears to be<br />

drifting somewhat. "Vanuatu govt" at 0807. Fqy is 3944.86 at 0810. R.<br />

Vanuatu ID at 0812, rapid drums, and conch shell-? and another ID at 0815,<br />

and into mx, presumed ad. All at good signal strength but weak modulation.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw, Graylands-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />


By Staff Reporter 25 June 20<strong>05</strong><br />

SW Radio Africa, which has been teetering on the brink of collapse, is now<br />

safe, it was confirmed on Friday. "SW Radio Africa is very pleased to<br />

announce that we have been saved from closure," the station's manager Gerry<br />

Jackson said in a brief statement. "We will therefore be able to continue<br />

broadcasting on Medium Wave 1197 kHz from 5 to 7 am every morning [0300-<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 UT]. This signal is clearly heard throughout South Africa and over<br />

most of Zimbabwe. We regret that due to the relentless jamming of our<br />

Shortwave signal by the govt we are unable to provide this sce at the<br />

moment."<br />

Jackson did not say where the money had come from, but indications were<br />

that the station was now safe for another year. The award winning radio<br />

station needs close to œ100,000 every month to remain in operation,<br />

according to insi<strong>der</strong>s.<br />

<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK June 26)<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring observed SW Radio Africa on SW 15145 kHz at 1700-1759 on 25<br />

June 20<strong>05</strong>. Reception was initially poor due to interference from Voice of<br />

INS on the adjacent channel of 15150 kHz, then deteriorated still further<br />

when apparent jamming commenced at 1703 UT. (B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld June 27)<br />

Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) is a digital broadcasting system that,<br />

unlike IBOC/HD, is "open" and non-proprietary. It's being touted as<br />

the future of AM, FM, and even SW broadcasting -regardless of

whether consumers want it or not (shades of the EU Constitution!).<br />

Regardless, tests of the DRM system continue:<br />

<br />

More:<br />


<br />

(Harry Helms, June 22 via dxld)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL in RNMN NL Jul 26)<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 29)<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 9)<br />

(Bob Padula-Vic-AUS, edxp <strong>Jan</strong> 6)<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 17)<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Cumbre, Nov 15)<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C UK, Oct 29)<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Feb 25)<br />

(Dave Valko-USA, Cumbre Nov 10)<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 7)<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Enzio Gehrig-SPA, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

(Erik Koeie-DEN, DR Radio Nov 11)<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Sep 8)<br />

(Guy Atkins-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 13)<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre <strong>DX</strong> Feb 26)<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, June 9)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Feb 25)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Feb 28)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 23)<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 11)<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, JPNpremium, May 28)<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 3)<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 13)<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Apr 5)<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK via <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 4)<br />

(Mikhaylov-Russia, open_dx, <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

(Nobuo Takeno-JPN, Cumbre <strong>Jan</strong> 10)<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 23)<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 28)<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 2/4)<br />

(RNW MN NL Media Network, Nov 10)<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Mar 13)<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 25)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

({c} RNWMN NL June 24)<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, Cumbre Feb 24)<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC <strong>Jan</strong> 8)<br />

(Yasuhiro Shiozaki-JPN, JPNpremium June 9)

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 718 06 July 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

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may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all<br />

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ALASKA Freq change for KNLS New Life Station in English:<br />

1400-1500 NF 9555, ex 9795 to avoid RFI Vietnamese via YAM 300 kW / 325<br />

deg.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

ALBANIA Pre-Web page of Radio Tirana.<br />

The Albanian RTV Technical Director Arben Mehilli gave me a good nx today<br />

in the afternoon that the ARTV Web page will be active as it is configured<br />

at available in Internet from about a week ago.<br />

Your comments and kind suggestions on this pre-Radio Tirana Web page would<br />

be highly appreciated from us.<br />

Thank you and best regards from a sunny hot Tirana,<br />

Drita Cico<br />

ARTV-Head of Monitoring Center<br />

RADIO TIRANA. (via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 30)<br />

Your txion in English at 2130 on 7120 is currently inaudible here as the<br />

freq is used by CRI Hungarian at the same time. The CRI transmitter puts<br />

in an enormous signal even at my location in the far north of Europe.<br />

Before 2128 the freq is empty...<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, R Tirana RTV Monitoring / wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)

Radio Tirana English on 7120 kHz at 2130 UT is now covered almost 100% by<br />

CRI in Hungarian. It seems that there is a communication problem between<br />

Tirana and Beijing. It could also be another case of the HFCC logic that<br />

since the txions are targeting different zones they cannot be interfering<br />

with each other... The CRI txion on 7120 has the same distorted audio as<br />

the following CNR8 txion, but the transmitters are different as there is<br />

an overlap.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 4)<br />

7120 Radio Tirana English broadcasts.<br />

Dear Mrs.Cico, I found this email address in the World <strong>DX</strong> Club magazine<br />

"Contact", in a letter from Sue Hickey, your Canadian listener, so thought<br />

I should try it. I'm not sure whether you were getting my emails to the<br />

address given in the WRTH, which may be out-of-date. I am pleased to tell<br />

you that I have enjoyed some excellent reception of your English "Second<br />

Edition" to the UK at 2130 UT during this last week.<br />

For some time there had been heavy interference from a Chinese station on<br />

7120 kHz at that time, but there was no sign of that on the past few<br />

evenings. I don't Know whether they have left the frequency or it's due to<br />

short wave conditions. Still enjoying Radio Tirana, having been a listener<br />

since "Communist" days. Albania is now changing much for the better. Best<br />

wishes to you and all at Radio Tirana.<br />

(Ian Wadman-UK, Tirana RTV Monitoring / wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 19)<br />

Re 7120 Radio Tirana English broadcasts.<br />

Dear Mrs. Cico, Thank you for your reply to my recent email about<br />

receptiion on 7120 kHz. Unfortunately, I am now having to tell you that<br />

the improvement didn't last. The following week, the Chinese station<br />

seemed to return, and almost buried our Radio Tirana just as before! Maybe<br />

they were only having a tx problem or something. If we can't get them to<br />

move, is a change of frequency possible?<br />

(Ian Wadman-UK, Tirana RTV Monitoring / wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 4)<br />

Radio Tirana English broadcasts.<br />

Dear Mr Wadman, Thank you for your nx on 7120 kHz.<br />

I always forward reception reports also to the Chinese colleagues, and<br />

sometimes to their Embassy in Tirana, e.g. like for the case of their<br />

interference on 7120 kHz. The Chinese never reply via email! Did they move<br />

from 7120 kHz?<br />

This email is also sent to our closest listeners in Europe and earlier to<br />

the B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring to receive any possible confirmation from them.<br />

(Drita Cico, ARTV-Head of Monitoring Center, RADIO TIRANA June 20 !! )<br />

ALGERIA 153 RTA, Bechar, on 03 Jul at 1345-... UT; 55454, vy. good<br />

condx this day as their signal is usually worse. 198 kHz RTA, Ouargla,<br />

3 Jul 1341-...; 25342, at best and via the K9AY so as avoid B<strong>BC</strong> R4.<br />

Also, I noticed both with a +/- 2" delay relative to 549 kHz, surely due<br />

to satellite feeds.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

ASCENSION ISL 12195 Just had a phone call from Chris Hambly in<br />

Victoria, Australia, about a test message from VT/Merlin on 12095 kHz, at<br />

2023 UT July 5. And I heard it over his phone. B<strong>BC</strong> WS via Ascension is<br />

supposed to be on at this time, so what gives?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld July 5)<br />

AUSTRALIA 17820 RCV at 0916 UT, in INSn with talks and song 'time after<br />

time' more talk and song at 0926 UT, then terming the word 'hold' or<br />

'cold'. Poor signal on June 18, 20, at <strong>05</strong>51 UT (the new time sched) with<br />

songs and 14532. Signal is better if no external antenna is used !

Also 15335 NF for RCV English is very poor at 0615 UT. Heard self ads at<br />

0650 (cvc.tv) momentarily at 0700 UT signal goes good, with a pop song,<br />

but lowers afterwards.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 18-20)<br />

15425 HCJB at 1<strong>05</strong>3-1104 UT on June 21, English, Usual religous fare and<br />

Bible teachings. TC and "VOGS-HCJB, Australia" ID at 1100 UT. Good signal!<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx June 21)<br />

Freq change for HCJB Australia in English from July 10:<br />

0100-0230 NF 154<strong>05</strong> KNX 100 kW / 307 deg to SoAs, x0100-0300 on 15560.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

2310 kHz at 1030-1045 sports, // 2485 kHz, but 2325 kHz covered by ute,<br />

noise taken out by audio filter, but not a notch filter.<br />

(Bob Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 30)<br />

5<strong>05</strong>0 ARDS: I had an interesting conversation with Dale Cheesson in<br />

Nhulunbuy about the ARDS, Aboriginal Resource Development Service. He<br />

stated that on May 26 the SW facility at Humpty Doo was returned to<br />

broadcing 24 hours a day on 5<strong>05</strong>0. They had to effect repairs to the<br />

antenna system. The main problem was a faulty balun causing mismatching of<br />

the old DCA AM20 tx. It is now back and running at 400 watts with a clean<br />

signal. Dale went on to say that the ARDS had put consi<strong>der</strong>able work into<br />

gaining 4 NAS licences (X-band stations) which have never been<br />

commissioned. They are now not likely to proceed with these as the ABA has<br />

given them the go ahead to use freqs "in band" at higher power.<br />

The Darwin Facility at Parap (co-sited with the A<strong>BC</strong>) is currently running<br />

on 1530 MW with 400 watts, but they hope to be granted an increase in two<br />

months to 2 kW. The Nhulunbuy facility on 1530 is running at 400 watts.<br />

Dale indicated that due to consi<strong>der</strong>able amount of Bauxite in the ground<br />

around the "top end" of the territory, poor ground wave signals are<br />

obtained due to its insulation properties. Darwin is in an iron stone<br />

area, however, and the Darwin facility uses a new earth mat installed by<br />

the A<strong>BC</strong>. The ground wave of the Darwin facility travels further than the<br />

Nhulunbuy facility. Both use quarter wave top-loaded sticks.<br />

Further plans are Nhulunbuy is to move to 1503 MW shortly, 1476 MW is to<br />

be used instead of 1566 MW at Elcho Island and 1593 MW is to be used at<br />

Ramingining, both with 1 kw. The ARDS also uses channel 28 of the Optus<br />

"Aurora" platform which has an Australia-wide foot print. No smart card is<br />

required to receive this sce. Ten low power FM narrowcast sces are also<br />

located in their broadcast area which are fed off the Optus C1 satellite.<br />

Dale Cheesson said that he verifies reception reports with a detailed<br />

letter and that their website would be updated to show that the 5<strong>05</strong>0 sce<br />

was back on.<br />

Map of broadcast area.<br />

"Aurora" platform info.<br />

(Martin, AR<strong>DX</strong>C June 29)<br />

Mystery QRM Signals in Australia. In Australia two very strong pulse<br />

signals are appearing on HF amateur bands and the hunt is on to determine<br />

the source of these intru<strong>der</strong>s. A radar like pulse which peaks at 10dB over<br />

signal strength 9, and reported to be up 100 kHz wide is being heard<br />

regularly 7020-7080 kHz in the mornings local time and 3590-3800 kHz in<br />

the evenings. Reports from Australia and New Zealand point to it being<br />

north-west of Australia.<br />

Japanese and US amateurs during contacts with Australia also say they can<br />

detect the signal but at a lower strength.<br />

It's an unwelcome remin<strong>der</strong> of the havoc caused by the over-the- horizon

adar dubbed the Russian woodpecker that fired up in 1976 and lasted a<br />

decade. Hopefully this latest pulse signal is not another OTHR.<br />

A repetitive cyclic sounding pulse signal is also being experienced in<br />

Australia on most amateur HF bands and often simultaneously on more than<br />

one band.<br />

An inquiry by the Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) has received<br />

assurances that neither the Jundalee (JORN) over-the-horizon Defence radar<br />

in central Australia or a new SECAR system in the Torres Strait north of<br />

Queensland are to blame.The Surface wave Extended Coastal Area Radar<br />

(SECAR) has begun trials. It will enhance the monitoring ability for<br />

Defence and Customs to detect illegalfishing and immigration. It could<br />

also be developed to provide early storm warnings.<br />

With JORN and SECAR being given alibis, the WIA's Intru<strong>der</strong> Watch<br />

is now seeking reports from radio amateurs on the<br />

harmful interference. In particular it needs directional information and<br />

reported incidents of these intru<strong>der</strong>s disrupting radio contacts and<br />

causing harmful interference. The WIA will then take the matter up with<br />

the Australian communications authorities for investigation.<br />

Thailand: During the past few days Radio Thailand has been received in<br />

Sofia with a very strong signal in English from 19 to 20 hours on 7155<br />

kHz. The QSL address is: Radio Thailand World Service, Bangkok, Thailand.<br />

<strong>DX</strong> programme<br />

<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Editor: Dimiter Petrov, LZ1AF. Broadcast tips: Rumen Pankov-BUL.<br />

(via John Norfolk, dxld July 1)<br />

AUSTRIA Ham-Radio 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Und Ernst Vranka erwaehnte bei seinen Ausfuehrungen das die kommende Woche<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Radio Scotland wohl via Moosbrunn in DRM zu hoeren sei, fuer die die<br />

das hoeren koennen.<br />

(Christoph Ratzer-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> June 26)<br />

BOLIVIA 4865 R. Centenario, Sta Cruz de la Sierra, logged on 18 Jun at<br />

2228-2244, Castilian, sermon-like talk; 34342, QRM de B.<br />

4900.4 R. San Miguel, Riberalta, heard on 18 Jun at 2317-2329, Castilian,<br />

songs, ID, nx 2330; 35342.<br />

61<strong>05</strong>.5 R. Panamericana, La Paz, audible on 18 Jun at 2332-2344, Castilian,<br />

religious prgr, mx; 34432. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 18)<br />

6134.8 Radio Santa Cruz at 0035-0102* UT on Jun 30, man with Spanish talk<br />

and ID ("Radio Santa Cruz, la primeria.") followed by two vocals elections<br />

then an ad string including one for a "banco" and various local telephone<br />

numbers. At 0<strong>05</strong>0 UT another man gave echo effect ID and sign off annts<br />

followed by a cute vocal with flutes about Santa Cruz. Fair signal with<br />

slight QRM from Aparecida. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 3)<br />

BOTSWANA IBB Botswana sent me a "thanks letter" named "BOTSWANA VOA<br />

RECEPTION IN YOUR AREA" for my reception report with US$1 on their new<br />

4930 kHz txion after 1<strong>05</strong> days via surface mail. 20<strong>05</strong> VOA calen<strong>der</strong> and VOA<br />

Program Guide(for Dec 04- Apr <strong>05</strong>) were enclosed.<br />

Letter signer was Thomas R.Powell, Transmitter Plant Supervisor. Address:<br />

rivate Bag 0038, Selibe-Phikwe, Botswana<br />

E-mail: Telehone: +267 261 0932.<br />

FAX: +267 261 0185.<br />

(Takahito Aklabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 1)

BRAZIL 9665 R. BRAS that is, I must say I haven't observed it for some<br />

time, until yesterday 25 June at 1907 UT, and they were just doing it<br />

extremely bad: 22431, adjacent QRM. Later at 2328 UT, 11780 was at 35422<br />

while barely audible on // 6185. One mustn't forget their home beam on<br />

6185 & 11725 is to the NoWe, i.e. to Amazonia, so it's Central NAm that<br />

gets the strongest signal, not here. As to the int'l sce 9665, they<br />

announce coverage to Europe too, but am almost sure the main beam is to<br />

AGL - MOZ, so reception in CPV, GNB & POR must be tougher. I suspect the<br />

power is less than the listed 250 kW.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 27)<br />

Yes dear Carlos - right, we talked about that matter yesterday, Roland<br />

Schulze confirmed a - still - powerful signal from RadioBras even on 6185<br />

kHz, heard across the Pacific [via NoWeBrazil and the equator] on his post<br />

in the Philippines.<br />

(wb, July 2)<br />

Another unusual finding at a critical hr was R. Nacional da Amazonia:<br />

11780 kHz on 30 Jun at 1245-... UT. Talks, but no copy; 15341. It's not<br />

common at all, but recall other Braz. 25 mb stns being logged on the SW<br />

coast at around that time, only the time of the year was different.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

Radio Bandeirantes heard around 0300 July 1st as never before with<br />

tremendous signal, rivaling with that more powerful of Radio Nacional do<br />

Amazonia. It gave me the impression they were running a brand new txr.<br />

Heavy splatter from Teheran on 11920 but well blocked with the sync<br />

detector of the 7600GR. But Teheran also use 11925 from 0300 UT, so they<br />

were clashing until I turned off around 0415 UT.<br />

Now, that powerful signal from Bandeirantes was because of the semifinal<br />

game for Copa Libertadores between Atletico Panaraense and Chivas de<br />

Guadalajara? Sometimes stations come lou<strong>der</strong> and clear when there are<br />

special events. (Raul Saavedra-CTR, dxld July 1)<br />

4785 Radio Caiari, Porto Velho, Rondonia. 6 weeks after receiving the<br />

Maroti QSL from this station, they have now sent their own QSL Card.<br />

Identical to the text from the Maroti and Plum cards, this card has the<br />

Brazilian flag as George puts on the top right of his. Rather than a map<br />

on the left, they have a Radio Caiari logo. No further request or postage<br />

was sent to solicit this second QSL. Also enclosed 2-page station<br />

info/history. V/S Alisangela Lima, Gerente Operacional- same as first QSL.<br />

(John Sgrulletta-NY-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

4785, R. Caiari, Porto Velho, QSL-card and two-page ltr after more than<br />

four yrs.<br />

(Kurt Norlin-SWE, SWB via dxld June 19)<br />

Ltr and card, V/S Alisangela Lima, nice answer after almost 5 yrs.<br />

Informed a month ago via, among others, <strong>DX</strong>LD that they worked on preparing<br />

QSL-cards and that they should issue QSLs for their present stock of rcpn<br />

rpts. Obviously the had saved up and now was the time. The QSL station of<br />

the year, without doubt! (Edh-Sweden, SWB via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

6 wks. after receiving the Maroti QSL from this stn, they have now sent<br />

their own QSL-card. Identical to the text from the Maroti and Plum cards,<br />

this card has the Brazilian flag as George puts on the top right of his.<br />

Rather than a map on the left, they have a R. Caiari logo. No further<br />

request or postage was sent to solicit this second QSL. Also enclosed two-<br />

page stn info/history. V/S Alisangela Lima, Gerente Operacional, same as<br />

first QSL. (Sgrulletta-NY-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

11780 R. Nacional at 2225-2237 on June 19, Portuguese, PT versions of "No

Woman, No Cry" and "I Never Promised you a Rose Garden". Full, canned ID<br />

annt at 2235 with mention of Radio Bras then back to mx. Good. // 6185-<br />

fair. (Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx June 19)<br />

4785 Radio Caiari, Porto Velho verified in a mere 3,396 days from<br />

original report in February 1996 with a full data card and a two page<br />

Portuguese information sheet about the station from v/s Alisangela Lima,<br />

Gerente Operacional. Someone must have been cleaning out the dead letter<br />

file. I had previously logged and verified them in a nine-day period back<br />

in 2003. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 3)<br />

6134.9 Radio Aparecida at 0102-0137 UT on Jun 30, in the clear after<br />

Santa Cruz signed off with Portuguese religious talks, prayers and<br />

children repeating (KJES-like!) hosted by a man announcer. ID at 0130<br />

followed by some music. Poor but in the clear.<br />

6150 Radio Record at 0235-0258 UT on July 1, two fast talking male<br />

announcers with coverage in Portuguese of futebol match. Numerous jingles,<br />

quick ads and a lot of excitement. In the clear with fair signal until Dr.<br />

Gene Scott cranked up at 0254 UT. Futebol coverage noted un<strong>der</strong>neath Costa<br />

Rican transmitter.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 3)<br />

BULGARIA/IRAN [non] 11620 Voice of the Iranian Nation, via Bulgaria,<br />

at *1429-1435 UT on Mon Jun 27, back on its winter freq from 11630 to<br />

avoid QRM from Xinjiang PBS broadcasting in Uighur. Opened with<br />

instrumental mx and women's choir and 1430 ID in Persian: "Radio Seda-ye<br />

Mellat-e Irana", 25333. But then it was totally covered on 11620 by AIR,<br />

Delhi, broadcasting its Letterbox in English and promising QSL's.<br />

(Anker Peterson-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W June 29)<br />

CHILE/UK Re: 15485 Voz Christiana-CHL, B<strong>BC</strong> SKN 0700-1700 UT 300kW<br />

180deg.<br />

15485 Voz Crista (*), Santiago, on 03 Jul at 1431-..., Port. to B,<br />

listeners' mail; 44544, co-ch QRM de B<strong>BC</strong> UK. Sry, I forgot to written down<br />

the antenna I used - the 300 m SoAm Beverage perhaps - but do recall both<br />

stns were audible via another aerial, possibly the 25 m sloper, even if<br />

the B<strong>BC</strong> kept getting QRM de CHL (I sometimes write down the type of<br />

antenna for a particular log when it's the sort of antenna one wouldn't<br />

expect to use at all for that QRG... like the elevated K9AY here ofting<br />

being my best tool for Mali 9635v!).<br />

It's simply not the kind of stns that interest me the least, but<br />

remembered this mail of yours and wanted to try it at a critical hour, so<br />

there you have. Now, whether the same goes for the reception over here in<br />

the capital I still don't know as I keep forgetting to try. That did<br />

surprise me as I would expect to hear the B<strong>BC</strong> ONLY and, well, possibly<br />

Santiago far on the background at best.<br />

*) approx. pron. Vohsh Krishta (nasaled vowel); Glenn, "crista" is fem. of<br />

"cristao" (christian), but "crista" also exists as a word... only the<br />

meaning is completely diff.; among other things, it can mean 'crest', e.g.<br />

"a crista do monte" the crest of the hill.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />


Times of Tibet: The Myth of China's Mo<strong>der</strong>nization of Tibet and the Tibetan<br />

Language, Part Two. Includes interesting section on radio broadcasting.<br />

<br />

(via Andy Sennitt, dxld June 27)<br />

Entire article fascinating, but viz.:<br />

Tibetans initially called the radio tx "washangding", from the Chinese

"wuxiandian", since it was General Huang Mu-sung's condolence mission of<br />

1934, which appears to have brought the first wireless tx to Tibet. When<br />

the General returned to China, he left the radio set in the charge of a<br />

certain Mr. Tsang. As the Tibetans had no other form of wireless txion<br />

(and the Tibetan telegraph line did not extend to Chamdo), Tsang became a<br />

rather important figure. When the British mission un<strong>der</strong> Basil Gould came<br />

in 1936 with more up-to-date radio equipment, Tsang was naturally upset as<br />

his monopoly had ended. He asked the Kashag to confiscate the British<br />

radio tx, but the Kashag replied that if they did that they would, in all<br />

fairness, have to take his set as well. According to Chapman, "The<br />

Chinaman burst into tears."<br />

It appears that since the Gould mission in 1936 there had been some<br />

consi<strong>der</strong>ations of setting up radio communications to enable the Tibetan<br />

govt to establish speedy communication with outlying officials. Matters<br />

came to a head in 1942 when it was realized that Chinese troops from<br />

Sining had penetrated into Tibet almost as far as Nagchukha without Lhasa<br />

receiving any nx of their movements. That same year when President<br />

Roosevelt's envoys Captain Illya Tolstoy and Brooke Dolan visited Lhasa,<br />

the Kashag discussed with them its desire to establish wireless<br />

communications throughout Tibet, starting with radio txs in Chamdo,<br />

Gartok, Nagchuka, Tsona and Rima. Subsequently the Tibetan govt received<br />

three txs and five receivers as a gift from the American govt. The British<br />

sold two training sets and battery chargers the same year to Tibet.<br />

Training of Tibetan operators was first un<strong>der</strong>taken in Lhasa. The program<br />

was later enlarged and improved after the employment of radio operator<br />

Reginald Fox and RAF radio instructor Robert Ford as full- fledged Tibetan<br />

govt officials. They trained a number of young Tibetans and Bhutia (ethnic<br />

Tibetan) boys from Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Sikkim, to serve as radio<br />

operators in Lhasa, as well as with the Tibetan army in Kham.<br />

In 1948, Radio Lhasa started the first of its daily broadcasts to the<br />

outside world. At five p.m., the station would go on air. The nx was read<br />

in Tibetan, and then in English by Reginald Fox or by Kyibuk, one of the<br />

surviving Rugby students and an official at the Tibetan Foreign Bureau.<br />

Finally the nx was read in Chinese by Phuntsok Tashi Takla, the Dalai<br />

Lama's brother-in-law. Official annts were also read over the radio, as<br />

this one prepared by Aufschnaiter:<br />

We have the honour to announce that Radio Lhasa will broadcast an<br />

announcement of the enthronement of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the ruler<br />

of Tibet, together with a proclamation of the Tibetan govt to the Tibetan<br />

people and the world, on Friday 17 November 1950, at 5.45 p.m. Indian<br />

Standard Time.<br />

Since the mid -thirties, it appears that a number of households in Lhasa,<br />

Shigatse and Gyangtse had short wave radio receivers, the uncluttered<br />

Tibetan atmosphere allowing for clear reception not only of Radio Lhasa<br />

but Peking, Delhi and elsewhere. Some individuals (George Tsarong,<br />

according to Ford) even built their own receivers. Somewhere along the way<br />

the now standard term for radio, lung-trin (air-communication) seems to<br />

have become generally accepted. There are claims and counterclaims among<br />

certain Tibetans as to the origins of the term, but nothing definite can<br />

be established. The term appears in the 1952 Textbook of Colloquial<br />

Tibetan by Roerich and Lhalungpa. From the mid fifties when the Tibetan<br />

resistance and the CIA began to drop parachute missions and teams into<br />

Tibet with radio equipment, the term lok-trin seems to have been used for<br />

radio txion, with the term tar-trin also being used as practically all<br />

messages were coded and keyed. Later the Tibetans used high-speed burst<br />

txions, which were initially hand-keyed on magnetic tape.<br />

The first public address system and loud-speaker (gyang-drak) was<br />

introduced to Tibet by the 1936 British mission, and appears to have been<br />

used largely for entertainment. At garden parties at the Dekyilinga, old

Tsarong "cracked jokes" over the microphone, as his son George reports.<br />

With full Chinese control over the country after 1959, the PA system<br />

became a dismally ubiquitous part of Tibetan life, with loud-speakers on<br />

the street corner of nearly every city, town and village in Tibet.<br />

Tibetans were woken up every morning to the blaring of "The East is Red",<br />

and for the rest of the day were subjected to interminable propaganda,<br />

much as the people of North Korea are now.<br />

(via Andy Sennitt-HOL, RNW MN via dxld June 27)<br />

Many thanks for interesting article about radio in Tibet. Since I was a<br />

schoolboy (a long time ago!) I have been fascinated by that country. My<br />

interest was sparked when I first read a book entitled 'Captured in Tibet'<br />

by Robert Ford, who is mentioned in the message you sent.<br />

He had the amateur radio licence AC4RF and Fox I think was AC4YN. (This<br />

was before the AC prefix somehow got transferred to the USA!)<br />

In his book, Robert describes how he went to live in Chamdo in eastern<br />

Tibet providing radio communications for the local governor back to the<br />

govt in Lhasa. He also relayed the broadcasts of Radio Lhasa. He starts<br />

the book by quoting a broadcast he heard from Radio Peking - ' The tasks<br />

for the Chinese People's Liberation Army for 1950 are to liberate Taiwan,<br />

Hainan and Tibet' Thus he knew that they were coming to get him. After<br />

occupying Hainan island, the CPLA turned their attention to 'liberating'<br />

Tibet and eventually crossed the bor<strong>der</strong>. The local governor and his<br />

entourage fled to the West and Robert went with them, but the CPLA<br />

captured them.<br />

Robert was taken to Chungking in China and was accused of being an<br />

American spy, the evidence being that he was using American radio<br />

equipment. In vain he pointed out that the CPLA also used American radios!<br />

You can imagine that when he had operated on the amateur bands from<br />

Chamdo, he was in great demand, AC4 being a rare country and also located<br />

in the sort-after Zone 23. Thus he had a large collection of QSL cards.<br />

These were also used as evidence against him, as his interrogators could<br />

not grasp the idea of amateur radio.<br />

He spent several years in prison being 're-educated' before eventually<br />

being handed over to the British in Hong Kong.<br />

Robert came from Burton on Trent near here and after his release he came<br />

and gave us a talk at the Derby radio club.<br />

I am sure his book is long out of print, but if you can track a copy down<br />

it is worth the effort.<br />

Thanks for reviving some memories!<br />

73, Richard Buckby G3VGW (wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 4)<br />

Freqs changes for China Radio International:<br />

2030-2<strong>05</strong>7 Hungarian NF 7110, x9490 // 9585<br />

2030-2<strong>05</strong>7 Polish NF 9490, x7110 // 6145, 7150<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

CNR8 seems to have made some changes in its Beijing tx usage. Korean at<br />

2100 UT is now heard on 6020 kHz with loud and distorted modulation. No<br />

second freq traced so far. Mongolian from 2200 is heard on 6020 and also<br />

on 7120 with the same kind of poor audio, obviously from the same site.<br />

Both freqs have firedrake jammer music before programme start. Mongolian<br />

noted again from 0300 to 0400 on 9610 and 11815 with the same poor<br />

modulation. Later in the morning and at various times during the day and<br />

evening, from <strong>05</strong>00 to 1600 according to a split schedule, CNR8 via Beijing<br />

is on 15415 with no parallell freq from Beijing traced so far but with the<br />

usual soft and clean audio.

Traditionally this sce has always been carried by two parallell Beijing<br />

txs. It seems that the old Beijing site previously used for these txions<br />

is on its way out and that a different, more distant site is being used in<br />

the morning as a replacement. CNR2 on 17625, also from the old Beijing<br />

site, has been off for some time. CNR1 has moved from 15300 to 12045.<br />

Radio Tirana English on 7120 at 2130 is now covered almost 100% by CRI in<br />

Hungarian. It seems that there is a communication problem between Tirana<br />

and Beijing. It could also be another case of the HFCC logic that since<br />

the txions are targeting different zones they cannot be interfering with<br />

each other... The CRI txion on 7120 has the same distorted audio as the<br />

following CNR8 txion, but the transmitters are different as there is an<br />

overlap.<br />

[later]<br />

I have to add that the missing parallell freq to 15415 was meant to be the<br />

other tx at the same location. The parallels from other sites (Lingshi)<br />

are there as usual.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 4)<br />

CLANDESTINES 15500 Salaam Watandar 1330 with Afghan songs, a report on<br />

1336 UT mentioning 'kawula' (slave in Arabic?). Another man IDing salaam<br />

watandar then a song with more talks then and then children's [gram bahar<br />

Afgan and Hindi(c) song followed.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 19)<br />

15480 DVB 143x OM with pres IDing in bamar then with news(?) with mention<br />

of democratic party and Kofi Annan 44444.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 19)<br />

8000 V of Sudan 1535 OM talks in Arabic possibly a public address. Tune in<br />

1544 with horn of Africa song ID at 1553 as Idaatu sawt audan and possibly<br />

off at 1600 3x4443 [both radios overloaded at this freq ].<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 19)<br />

15660 Demtsi delina? 1525 with continuous mentions of Arabic names<br />

possibly a memorium listing each name ended with tehamusten, and a flute<br />

background mx passing 1530 cintinuing the list to abt 1600. At 1600 a new<br />

program heard in Arabic sounded as "Rainbow Demokratiya" with speech at<br />

1613 UT. Signal is 45534.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 18)<br />

Also 15660 V Delina or Tensae V of Unity 1502 UT, man in Amharic mention<br />

of Uganda Yahoo Human Rights numbers and internet address. At 1510 with mx<br />

interval and something as Radio Tahano, 1523 UT song. 44444. (Zacharias<br />

Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 19)<br />

COLOMBIA Marfil Estereo 5909.96, at 0220-0300+ on June 25, Spanish<br />

pops/ballads, campo mx. Spanish annmts, IDs. Good; best in ECSS-LSB due to<br />

RTTY QRM on high side.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA, dxld July 1)<br />

CUBA New freq for RHC: 13660, June 29 at 1335, in Spanish plugging Mesa<br />

Redonda later in the day which would be on 11875 and 6000. This is<br />

uncomfortably close to RCI on 13655 but fortunately here on this occasion,<br />

RCI had the upper hand, and could be heard without ACI. Has RHC finally<br />

moved here from 12000? No, that and all the other usual // were confirmed:<br />

15230, 11875, 11800, 11760, 9550, and 6000 kHz.<br />

If RHC wants a 13 MHz freq in the mornings now, they should go back to<br />

clear 13680, which was used for the three-day terrorism conference<br />

coverage in English, early June. Frequency annts at 1359 did not include<br />

13660, but did mention 6185, where I have not heard it. If the engineers<br />

keep using 13660, they may never find out about it at the studio. 13660

has been in use previously, but during the afternoons, which is no doubt<br />

why they brought it up now. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld June 30)<br />

CZECH REP Summer A-<strong>05</strong> schedule of Radio Prague:<br />

CZECH 0130-0157 6200 7345<br />

0230-0257 7345 9870<br />

0830-0857 11600 15710<br />

0930-0957 21745<br />

1100-1127 11615 15710<br />

1230-1257 6<strong>05</strong>5 7345<br />

1330-1357 13580 21745<br />

1530-1557 5930 17485<br />

1730-1757 5930 17485<br />

1930-1957 5930 11600<br />

2100-2127 9800 11600<br />

2330-2357 7345 9440<br />

ENGLISH 0000-0027 7345 9440<br />

0100-0127 6200 7345<br />

0300-0327 7345 9870<br />

0330-0357 9445 11600<br />

0700-0727 9880 11600<br />

0900-0927 21745<br />

1030-1<strong>05</strong>7 9880 11615<br />

1300-1327 13580 21745<br />

1600-1627 5930 17485<br />

1700-1727 5930 17485<br />

2000-2027 5930 11600<br />

2230-2257 7345 9415<br />

GERMAN 0630-0657 5930 7345<br />

1000-1027 6<strong>05</strong>5 9880<br />

1200-1227 6<strong>05</strong>5 7345<br />

1500-1527 5930<br />

1630-1657 11825 ARM, ex 11810 to avoid CRI in Arabic<br />

FRENCH 0600-0627 5930 7345<br />

0730-0757 9880 11600<br />

1630-1657 5930 17485<br />

1830-1857 5930 13580<br />

2200-2227 7345 9415<br />

RUSSIAN 0400-0427 9445 11600<br />

1130-1157 11615 15710<br />

1430-1457 9415 13580<br />

1800-1827 7390 NVS<br />

SPANISH 0000-0027 11665 ASC<br />

0030-0<strong>05</strong>7 7345 9440<br />

0200-0227 6200 7345<br />

0800-0827 11600 15255<br />

1400-1427 11625 13580<br />

1800-1827 5930 13580<br />

1900-1927 5930 13580<br />

2030-2<strong>05</strong>7 5930 11600<br />

2300-2327 7345 9440<br />

ARM=Armavir Krasnodar-RUS 250 kW<br />

ASC=Ascension Island 250 kW<br />

NVS=Novosibirsk, Russia 250 kW<br />

LIT=Litomysl, Czech Rep. 100 kW for all other freqs<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 28)<br />

DENMARK/USA Air Force One heading for Denmark.

Dear friends,<br />

President George Bush has decided to honour Denmark for its good support<br />

by stopping over here before the G-8 meeting in Scotland tomorrow. When<br />

Air Force One arrives around 1930 UT, he and his family will stay<br />

overnight at the Royal Summer Palace at Fredensborg.<br />

Tomorrow there will be a meeting at the residence of the Danish Prime<br />

Minister, Mr. An<strong>der</strong>s Fogh Rasmussen, and after a lunch hosted by the Queen<br />

Margrethe II at Fredensborg, President Bush will continue his flight<br />

towards Edinborough with departure around 1130 UTC.<br />

At 1626 UT I heard on the North Atlantic air traffic control channel 13291<br />

kHz USB that Air Force One was or<strong>der</strong>ed to change to 8864 kHz USB. There it<br />

did report its planned positions and times on its way towards Copenhagen,<br />

Denmark. You may be able to hear further reports on this channel today and<br />

tomorrow., and on its way back towards the U.S.A. after the Summit.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 5)<br />

DRM [...] Oldrich Cip was former Frequency Manager and is now Chairman<br />

of the High Frequency Coordinating Committee. The HFCC fully supports the<br />

views of listeners that DRM broadcasts should be allocated separate<br />

frequency bands, but this is opposed by the broadcasters who want to<br />

transmit on frequencies used for analogue transmissions, which are known<br />

to their listeners. As well as interference from this source they were<br />

concerned about the transmission of Internet broadband over powerlines<br />

(BPL), which is increasing, with Radio Prague no longer heard on shortwave<br />

in New York.<br />

(George Brown-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK 'Communication' magazine July 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

The editorial of this month's Radio-Kurier club magazine of AD<strong>DX</strong> and AG<strong>DX</strong><br />

[von Harald Kuhl] covers the reluctance to keep DRM transmissions out of<br />

AM bands (quite an issue on 49 metres here in Central Europe):<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld July 2)<br />

Deutliche Kritik an <strong>der</strong> Frequenzplanung <strong>der</strong> digitalen Kurzwellensendungen<br />

uebt Harald Kuhl im Juli-Heft <strong>der</strong> Zeitschrift "Radio-Kurier - weltweit<br />

hoeren": "AM-Radiohoerer werfen den im DRM-Konsortium organisierten<br />

Radiostationen Ruecksichtslosigkeit vor, wenn sie ihre digitalen Sen<strong>der</strong><br />

auf Frequenzen mitten in dicht belegten AM-Bereichen betreiben und<br />

taeglich stundenlang quasi unter Ausschluss <strong>der</strong> Oeffentlichkeit senden."<br />

Hintergrund <strong>der</strong> Aeusserung ist die Tatsache, dass Digitalsen<strong>der</strong> auch die<br />

benachbarten Frequenzen stoeren, bisher aber kaum DRM-taugliche Empfaenger<br />

auf dem Markt sind. Kuhl erneuert die seit Jahren erhobene For<strong>der</strong>ung <strong>der</strong><br />

Hoererverbaende nach einer deutlichen Trennung <strong>der</strong> Frequenzbelegungen fuer<br />

digitalen und bisherigen Kurzwellenfunk. "So waere an den Raen<strong>der</strong>n <strong>der</strong><br />

heute von AM-Sen<strong>der</strong>n genutzten Kurzwellenbaen<strong>der</strong>ausreichend Platz fuer die<br />

Handvoll DRM-Sen<strong>der</strong>, die jetzt mittem 49-Meterband fuer Hoererproteste<br />

sorgen." An<strong>der</strong>nfalls wuerden wohl auch die letzten Kurzwellenfreunde das<br />

Kurzwellehoeren aufgeben.<br />

(Radio-Kurier - weltweit hoeren via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt July 2)<br />

Das Erlanger DRM Campus Radio bit eXpress wird nach den Semesterferien im<br />

Herbst seinen Internetauftritt neugestalten und das Programm akustisch neu<br />

akzentuieren. Das gab Projektleiter Thomas Bauernschmitt bei einem Vortrag<br />

im Rundfunkmuseum Fuerth bekannt.<br />

Das Programm, das sowohl ein technischer Betriebsversuch als auch ein<br />

Ausbildungsradio fuer die Studenten <strong>der</strong> Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg<br />

ist, wird rund um die Uhr auf 15896 kHz (100 W) und im Internet<br />

www.bitexpress.de ausgestrahlt. Seit einiger Zeit hat man den Rundstrahler<br />

durch eine log-periodische Antenne mit Abstrahlrichtung Norden ersetzt.<br />

Dadurch deckt man Erlangen, kaum noch aber zum Beispiel Nuernberg ab.

Empfangsberichte von DRM-<strong>DX</strong>errn kommen nun auch eher aus Nordeuropa als<br />

aus an<strong>der</strong>en Regionen. Nachdem man bislang Empfangsberichte mit einem T-<br />

Shirt und einem Festfrequenzempfaenger fuer den Empfang von biteXpress<br />

beantwortete, will man eine QSL-Karte in Angriff nehmen.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt July 2)<br />

Apparently a new TRAM tx for 549 became operational at Nordkirchen,<br />

replacing the original S4002. This morning DRM mode tests from this new tx<br />

were reported while Thurnau continued in AM of course.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

Erster DRM Test auf 549 kHz. In Nordkirchen hat T-Systems in den letzten<br />

Tagen den neuen DRM-Sen<strong>der</strong> fuer den DLF installiert. Seit 0624 UT laufen<br />

erste Tests. Sehr starkes Signal 30 km suedlich Kassel.<br />

Text message: Telefunken Sen<strong>der</strong>Systeme AG Berlin - DRM Competence<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

Heute bin ich zufaellig auf DRM-Testsendungen des DLF-Sen<strong>der</strong>s Nordkirchen<br />

auf 549 kHz gestossen. Gehoert um 1500 UT danach gegen 1610 war <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong><br />

abgeschaltet, gegen 1615 wie<strong>der</strong> DRM-Betrieb, nach 1700 AM-Betrieb.<br />

Gestoert waren waehrend <strong>der</strong> DRM-Tests auch 540, 531, 558 und 567 kHz. Ich<br />

meine sogar, dass bei HR Info auf 594 kHz sogar ein DRM-Rauschen im<br />

Hintergrund zu hoeren war.<br />

(Juergen Lohuis-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

DJIBOUTI 4780 RT Djibouti, at *0300-0325+ on June 26, sign-on with<br />

local instrumental mx. 0301 vernacular talk, 0302 Kor'an, 0308 vernacular<br />

talk, 0321 Horn of Africa mx. P-F with some ute QRM.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA, dxld July 1)<br />

ECUADOR 3297.6 La Voz del Napo, Radio Maria, at 0440-<strong>05</strong>00 on July 1,<br />

locutor y locutora, espanol, comentarios religiosos y canciones. 23222.<br />

(Manuel Mendez-ESP, hcdx July 1)<br />

EGYPT Indonesian's Foreign Minister Hasan Wirayudha has succeeded in<br />

preventing the scheduled closure of the INSn lang Egyptian radio station<br />

by the Egyptian govt, which has been broadcasting from Cairo to the whole<br />

of the INSn archipelago region for the past 52 years.<br />

"The Ministry of Information (Egyptian) is to review their policy which<br />

was to immediately close Radio Cairo INSn Section (RCSI)," said an<br />

official from the Egyptian Ministry of Information, Radio and Television<br />

broadcast section, when contacted by Antara in Cairo on Wednesday [29<br />

June]<br />

According to the Egyptian Ministry of Information official, who did not<br />

want to be named, the review of the scheduled closure of RCSI was the<br />

result of discussions between the Egyptian Foreign Minister, Ahmad Abu-al-<br />

Ghayt and the INSn foreign minister.<br />

Previously, Foreign Minister Wirayudha had explained to the press that<br />

RCSI still had a great role in strengthening bilateral relations between<br />

INS and Egypt.<br />

During the bilateral meeting in Cairo on Sunday (26 June), Foreign<br />

Ministers Wirayudha and Abu-al-Ghayt touched on plans for the closure of<br />

RCSI.<br />

"The Egyptian foreign minister said that RCSI was scheduled to be closed<br />

due to inefficiency. However, I said that the people of INS still needed<br />

RCSI, because the presence of RCSI itself was one of the ways of<br />

strengthening bilateral ties between the two countries," said Foreign<br />

Minister Wirayudha. [...]

The Egyptian radio INSn lang broadcast lasts for one and a half hours<br />

every day and can be picked up throughout INS from 2020-2150 local time on<br />

the 19 metre waveband and 15710 [sic see below, wb.] kHz frequency.<br />

The main programmes broadcast by RCSI consist of 35 per cent religious<br />

issues, 15 per cent political news, 15 per cent international issues and<br />

various other topics, such as culture and tourism. [passage omitted<br />

Source: Antara nx agency, Jakarta, in INSn, 29 Jun <strong>05</strong><br />

(via B<strong>BC</strong>M via <strong>DX</strong>LD) x15810 via Abis 250 kW 106deg 1320-1350 UT.<br />

Radio Cairo INSn sce 1320-1450 heard June 1st on 15890. My last log was<br />

27th April on 15810, though announced as 15715 as listed in WRTH, but<br />

heard <strong>Jan</strong>uary/February on 15710!<br />

(Tony Ashar-INS, W<strong>DX</strong>C Contact magazine July, via Mike Barraclough-UK, July<br />

4)<br />

EQUATORIAL GUINEA 50<strong>05</strong> Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial, 2102, 30-<br />

06, Noticias de Guinea Ecuatorial "Una vez mas con las noticias en Radio<br />

Bata y Radio Malabo", locutor. 34333. En cambio por las mananas esta fuera<br />

de aire, por lo menos ultimamente. Antes abria a las 0600 pero lleva<br />

cierto tiempo sin escucharse.<br />

(Manuel Mendez-ESP, hcdx July 1)<br />

50<strong>05</strong> Radio Nacional, Bata, at 2256-2258* on Jun 28, tuned in during the<br />

long orchestra National Anthem. Poor to fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 3)<br />

ERITREA Voice of Broad Messes of Eritrea(VOBME) sent me a QSL card,<br />

letter, and view card after 25 days for my reception report with US$1.<br />

Verification signer was Berhane Gerezgiher, Technical Director.<br />

1st channel 945 7100kHz Tigrina Tigre Kunama Hidarib Nara 73 hours/week<br />

2nd channel 837 7175kHz Arabic Afar Bilen Saho Amharic Oromo 72 hours/week<br />

Address: Ministry of Information, Radio Department, Radio Engineering<br />

Division, P.O.Box 242, Asmara, Eritrea<br />

URL: (E-mail can be sent from this web site)<br />

Telephone: +291 1 120478 +291 1 201820. Fax : +291 1 126747<br />

(Takahito Aklabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 1)<br />

ETHIOPIA 9560.42 V. of Democratic Alliance via R. Ethiopia on Jun 27 at<br />

*1500-1508 32442-33443 Tigrigna, 1500 IS, ID, Talk.<br />

9704.2 R.Ethiopia on Jun 19 at 1921-1928 35333 Amharic, Local mx etc,<br />

// 5990 kHz.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 26)<br />

9704.2 Radio Ethiopia, on June 25 at 1935-2000 (S/off). SINPO 34333. Music<br />

program with Ethiopian popular songs. News in brief in Amharic at 1956 and<br />

ID at 1958 as "Yeh Ethiopia Radio..." S/off after National Anthem. // 7110<br />

(SINPO 35433), 5990 kHz was inaudible.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, June 26)<br />

7110 Radio Ethiopia, at 0324-0346 on Jun 29, woman talking in Amharic<br />

followed by Horn of Africa vocals at 0327. A man gave ID and nx at 0330<br />

UT. End of nx at 0338 followed by HoA mx segment and another man with<br />

talk. Fair with // 9704.2 also fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 3)<br />

GABON 4890 Radio France International via Moyabi, at 0400-0417 UT on

Jun 23, two men and a woman with the nx in French. ID at 0410 UT after the<br />

nx followed by instrumental mx segment. A series of annts, ID and more<br />

talking followed. Fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Jun 26)<br />

GEORGIA [ABKHAZIA] Local "Apsua Radio" from Sukhum was received in<br />

Sofia from 4 to 5 hours with a program in Abkhazian and Russian on 9495<br />

kHz and the new freq of 9535 kHz. From <strong>05</strong>03 hours the station relays<br />

"Radio of Russia" on 9495 kHz.<br />

(Rumen Pankov, R. Bulgaria <strong>DX</strong> program July 1 via John Norfolk, dxld)<br />

Has it been established that 9535 is not perhaps a spurious radiation? The<br />

"new" freq seems exactly 40 kHz above the old one, as mentioned in the<br />

initial report by B<strong>BC</strong> M<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld July 2):<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring has observed Republic of Abkhazia Radio operating on<br />

9534.75 kHz SW, in // with its long-used freq of 9494.75 kHz. This was<br />

heard on both freqs from 0158 UT on 29 April 20<strong>05</strong>, opening with orchestral<br />

mx followed by an interval signal and ID annmt.<br />

(B<strong>BC</strong> M 29 Apr 20<strong>05</strong> via dxld)<br />

GERMANY 1107 Starting June 6th AFN Kaiserslautern begins long-needed<br />

repairs to their AM radio tx tower. The estimated time for the shutdown is<br />

four weeks. During that time, Power Network listeners can tune to AM 873,<br />

the Power Network feed from AFN Hessen. Kaiserslautern's FM radio station,<br />

Z100.2, will still be on the air so listeners can get critical local<br />

information as well as hourly news. AFN Kaiserslautern Station Comman<strong>der</strong>,<br />

MSgt Dan Robinson, says the repairs to the AM tower are critical.<br />

"These are structural repairs so the tower can remain standing. Workers<br />

will be taking care of corrosion and other problems that could eventually<br />

bring the tower down if we don't take care of it now." In addition to<br />

tuning in AM 873, Power Network listeners who have a AFN satellite<br />

receiver can still hear the same programming they're used to by turning to<br />

the Channel Guide (Channel 7) on their receiver.<br />

<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, mwdx June 18)<br />

DW Summer Schedule 20<strong>05</strong> - 27.03.<strong>05</strong> - 29.10.<strong>05</strong><br />

Below you will find a list of frequencies beamed to your area.<br />

Your reception reports on these transmissions would be highly appreciated.<br />

New Zealand CIRAF: 60<br />

German<br />

0600-0800 UTC 9545 kHz Germany 9735 kHz Germany<br />

13780 kHz Germany<br />

0800-1000 UTC 9545 kHz Germany 13780 kHz Germany<br />

15175 kHz Komsomolsk-Amur 17715 kHz Trincomalee<br />

ends 0959 UTC<br />

1000-1200 UTC 7430 kHz Petropavlovsk 9900 kHz Irkutsk<br />

17635 kHz Trincomalee 17845 kHz Alma Ata<br />

1200-1400 UTC 7430 kHz Petropavlovsk 9900 kHz Irkutsk<br />

17635 kHz Trincomalee 17820 kHz Germany<br />

ends 1355 UTC 17845 kHz Alma Ata<br />

2200-0000 UTC 15410 kHz Bonaire<br />

0000-0200 UTC 11955 kHz Bonaire<br />

0200-0600 UTC 9735 kHz Bonaire

English<br />

0000-0100 UTC 9825 kHz Germany.<br />

2200-2300 UTC 7115 kHz Alma Ata 9720 kHz Germany.<br />

2300-0000 UTC 5955 kHz Trincomalee 9890 kHz Kigali<br />

ends 2359 UTC ends 2359 UTC<br />

15135 kHz Chita<br />

Germany = Transmitter station<br />

Deutsche Welle Tel +49.228.429-3208<br />

Transmission Management Fax +49.228.429-3220<br />

53110 Bonn, Germany. (DW, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 30)<br />

11800 Minivan R. via DTK Jun 15 *1600-1608 33333-32332 Vernacular, 1600<br />

IS, ID, Talk.<br />

15565 V.of Path of Ethiopian Unity via DTK Jun 19 *1830-1840 35433<br />

Amharic, 1830 sign on with IS, ID, Talk.<br />

15670 R.Freedom via DTK Jun 21 *1630-1659* 35443-35433 Somali, 1630 sign<br />

on with opening mx, ID, Opening announce,Koran, Talk and mx.<br />

15670 V.of Oromo Liberation via DTK Jun 21 *1700-1710 35433 Oromo, 1700<br />

sign on with opening mx, ID, Opening announce, Talk and mx.<br />

15670 V.of Ethiopian Salvation via DTK Jun 26 *1600-1610 33433-35433<br />

Amharic, 1600 sign on with IS and ID, Opening mx and opening announce,<br />

Talk.<br />

17870 R. Rhino Int.Africa via DTK Jun 21 1501-1512 35322-35333 English, ID<br />

at 1501 etc, News.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 26)<br />

[Eritrea non] Voice of Delina verified my reception report with US$1 by a<br />

Prepared Form QSL card in English after 12 days. Signed as "Tesfa", which<br />

may mean "Tesfaldet A. Meharenna".<br />

Address: Tesfa Delina Foundation, 17326 Edwards Rd A-230, Cerritos, CA<br />

90703, U.S.A.<br />

Schedule: Sat 1500-1600 UT 15660 kHz Tigrina<br />

URL: (in Amharic)<br />

In the URL other clandestine stations Voice of Democratic Eritrea, Voice<br />

of Liberty, Voice of Eritrean People, which may be un<strong>der</strong> the same control,<br />

are also listed.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 3)<br />

666 SWR Bodenseesen<strong>der</strong> Rohrdorf off at nighttime at 2100-0400 UT.<br />

SWR Bodenseesen<strong>der</strong> 666 wird ab heute [July 4] nach dem Sendeschluss von<br />

Cont.Ra um 23h MESZ abgeschaltet. (Peter Beck-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 4)<br />

Peter Beck reports that from tonight Rohrdorf 666 will be switched off<br />

between 2100 and 0400 UT. I can confirm that this time they indeed<br />

enforced this silence period; 666 is empty now, away from some weak signal<br />

I don't bother to identify by getting outside with the radio. At<br />

only 576 and 1017 are mentioned for<br />

overnight sce now, but 711 is still on as well. Recently SWR cont.ra<br />

developed a habit to hardly mention 711 in promos etc. anymore, provoking<br />

speculations that the two remaining transmitters on this freq (Heilbronn<br />

and Ulm) could be shut down sooner or later as well.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)

And re Rohrdorf 666 kHz. I am way out of touch with night-time German<br />

radio broadcasting these days. It used to be one of the ways to listen to<br />

some music when working a night shift and I knew exactly where to tune and<br />

what I would hear. I have never un<strong>der</strong>stood what the "fascination" is these<br />

days with 24/12 radio. As far as I'm aware, every British terrestrial<br />

radio and TV tx operates 24/12.<br />

Maybe it is part of their license agreement - I don't know - or maybe it's<br />

just as easy to leave a machine operating as it is to switch it off. The<br />

amount of electricity being consumed and carbon going into the air to<br />

produce it must be enormous. Even where duplication of frequencies is<br />

involved all remain on air. The number of people listening to 666 must be<br />

low enough to "coax" them to tune FM (or whatever) instead?<br />

The still used 711 channel reminds me of the B<strong>BC</strong> R4 local MW txs which<br />

still continue but are never - ever - mentioned on air. Only once did I<br />

hear them being discussed - and this was during a cricket commentary when<br />

some listeners were complaining that they "didn't have LW" on their radio.<br />

The comment was interesting if very ill informed until finally the<br />

technical people joined in with a list of them and their correct freqs.<br />

Now 198 LW commentary is also carried via DAB, satellite, Freeview and the<br />

Internet and MW is once again forgotten.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

DLF Donebach 153 kHz is again on maintenance. DLF announces that it will<br />

be switched off every day until Friday between 0700 and 1600 UT. Some<br />

reports indicate that they take it off already before 0700 in the morning.<br />

In earlier years backup txs at Mainflingen and during the nineties even at<br />

Koenigs Wusterhausen were thrown in during such maintenance periods, but<br />

apparently the old longwave rigs at Mainflingen are no longer operational.<br />

It should be noted that still 153 kHz channel is the most reliable source<br />

for DLF in various regions away from the mediumwave transmitters and with<br />

only spotty FM coverage by a rig-rag of low power txs. Unfortunately the<br />

modulation on 153 kHz sounds quite muffled, apparently due to an<br />

insufficient bandwith of the antenna. Converting 153 to DRM could become a<br />

real challenge.<br />

A reporter claims that Freiburg-Lehen 828 kHz (scheduled to go off<br />

overnight already for some time) stayed on air last night. However,<br />

perhaps he just confused it with co-channel NDR Hemmingen. Anyway I heard<br />

only Hemmingen when checking 828 last night.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

153 nix DRM - immer noch AM. Die Langwelle DLF Donebach ist heute Di. 5.<br />

Juli seit 0600 UT mal wie<strong>der</strong> ausser Betrieb. Im Juli fuehrt die Telekom in<br />

Donebach meist Wartungsarbeiten durch, werktags Mo-Sa - 2 Wochen lang.<br />

Circa 0600 - 1500/1700 UT - open-end. Ich muss mal Hr. Wohlfahrt anrufen,<br />

ob das nur eine ein-Tages.Veranstaltung ist.<br />

Siehe auch erste DRM Tests von 549 DLF Nordkirchen unter DRM. (wb, July 5)<br />

Laut <strong>der</strong>en eigener [DLF] Ansage von dieser Woche Montag bis Freitag von<br />

08.10 bis circa 18 Uhr MESZ Abschaltung wegen dringen<strong>der</strong> Wartungsarbeiten.<br />

(Joachim Thiel-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

Re: DRM 6085.<br />

Der Umbau des KW-Sen<strong>der</strong>s des BR ist jetzt abgeschlossen. Es wird nun in<br />

reinem DRM gesendet, <strong>der</strong> Traeger ist weg. Die DRM-Sendeleistung betraegt<br />

50 kW.<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> June 24)<br />

OK Olle re 6085 Munich Ismaning - yes, the noise has increased and I can

no longer seperate 6085 from 6095. There is a continuous roar from just<br />

above the sidebands of 6075 through to around 61<strong>05</strong>. That's 5 - maybe 6 -<br />

channels totally blocked.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 29)<br />

Ismaning 6085 kHz.<br />

On July 1 Munich Ismaning 6085 reverted to the previous DRM-on-carrier<br />

signal. BR's Manfred Schmitz said yesterday that this situation will<br />

continue for some time because the modifications on the tx were not<br />

finnished yet,<br />

cf. <br />

In late June 6085 reportedly was on air with 50 kW. Previously a level of<br />

10 kW was given, but I un<strong>der</strong>stand that it referred to the DRM part only,<br />

disregarding the auxiliary carrier which appears to come close to the<br />

100 kW of the AM days.<br />

For Glenn: 6095 of course is Junglinster-LUX, meanwhile as well-known as<br />

6090 in AM once was here in Central and Western Europe.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 3)<br />

The database of satellite images at has been<br />

extended from the USA to other parts of the world. Here is an example,<br />

showing the Berlin-Britz station but also revealing that these images are<br />

apparently distorted:<br />

<br />

In the upper left corner of the station are the five masts of the cross<br />

dipole, a vertical incidence antenna, said to be the only mediumwave<br />

antenna with circular polarization at least in Europe. Transmissions<br />

through this antenna were banned in the mid-nineties, and a few months ago<br />

it had been finally dismantled.<br />

Near the right edge of the station grounds is the 60<strong>05</strong> kHz HQ antenna. The<br />

6190 kHz folded dipole is situated close to the tx building and hardly (or<br />

not at all) visible in this satellite image. About two years ago this<br />

antenna was also subject of a fieldstrength debate which would have led to<br />

a closure of the 6190 outlet, but Deutschlandradio was able to finally<br />

solve this matter.<br />

By the way, a few months ago they started to use dynamic compression on<br />

990 and 60<strong>05</strong> kHz. Until then these freqs had no special audio processing<br />

as long as I can remember.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 2)<br />

6045 MV Baltic Radio. 1st Sun only 1200-1300 UT.<br />

6045 Antenna test MV Baltic Radio Below a just posted message re the MV<br />

Baltic Radio txion at 1200 UT on 6045 kHz, saying that a different antenna<br />

will be used today. I un<strong>der</strong>stand that "Reusenantenne" means a VM.<br />

Presumably their previous Juelich transmissions went out through a HQ<br />

instead.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld July 3)<br />

MV Baltic Radio sendet heute [July 3] um 1400 Uhr CET auf 6045 kHz ueber<br />

DTK T-systems Juelich.<br />

Wir nutzen heute eine an<strong>der</strong>e Antenne (Reusenantenne). Bitte teilt uns mit<br />

wie <strong>der</strong> Empfang war. (Roland Rohde / MV Baltic Radio, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 3)<br />

Nun, man kann schwerlich vom heutigen Empfang auf minus4 Wochen schliessen<br />

!<br />

Aber ich meine, hier in Stuttgart Suedwestdeutschland, ist <strong>der</strong> Empfang auf<br />

6045 HEUTE eher angerauschelt, verglichen mit dem Signal Anfang Mai o<strong>der</strong>

Juni.<br />

Immer verglichen mit den heutigen Empfaengen auf 6190, 60<strong>05</strong> (Britz), und<br />

Ungarn 6025 kHz zur selben Zeit.<br />

ORF 6155 und RNW 5955 lasse ich mal aussen vor.<br />

Am Sony 2010/2001 Teleskop:<br />

6045 oft sehr tiefes Fading, Null bis 6 LED anzeigend - hoch und runter-,<br />

gerauschelt.<br />

Immer verglichen mit den heutigen Empfaengen auf<br />

6190 DLF Berlin Britz, 8 LEDS scheinend,<br />

60<strong>05</strong> DLR Berlin Britz, 8-10 LED's scheinend<br />

6025 R Budapest, 10 LED's scheinend,<br />

alle kontinuierliche stabile Signale und kein Fading.<br />

ORF 6155 und RNW 5955 natuerlich powerhouse 10 LED's leuchtend.<br />

Besser waere es, in Juelich zur xx.50 Minute die Antenne zu wechseln, dann<br />

haette man einen direkten Vergleich.<br />

(wb, July 3)<br />

Vielen Dank fuer Deine E-mail und den Empfangsbeobachtungen. Die<br />

verwendete Antenne hat einen relativ hohen Gewinn aber eine starke<br />

Richtwirkung. So wie es aussieht war das Signal in <strong>der</strong> Mitte Deutschlands<br />

sehr stark aber im Norden und im Sueden eher duenn. Der Grossteil <strong>der</strong><br />

Sendeenergie geht auf 60 Grad raus.<br />

Hier im Schweriner Raum war die Sendung fast in Ortssen<strong>der</strong>-Qualitaet zu<br />

empfangen. Mal sehen was noch so fuer Berichte reinkommen.<br />

Nochmals vielen Dank es war eine grosse Hilfe.<br />

Viele Gruesse aus dem Norden.<br />

Roland/ MV Baltic Radio. mailto: <br />

(Roland Rohde-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 3)<br />

Bei Dauerhoeren von SWR Cont.Ra faellt auf, dass in Stationsansagen die<br />

Mittelwelle 711 kHz nicht genannt wird. So wird kollektiv auf die<br />

Grosssen<strong>der</strong> 567, 666 und 1017 kHz und die Mittelwelle Freiburg 828 kHz<br />

hingewiesen (z. B. 6.25, 16.59 MESZ), gelegentlich auch einzeln auf die<br />

grossen Mittelwellen fuer Baden-Wuerttemberg und Rheinland-Pfalz.<br />

Dagegen konnte kein Hinweis auf die beiden verbliebenen Standorte Ulm und<br />

Heilbronn gehgoert werden. Das koennte zu Spekulationen Anlass geben, dass<br />

auch diese beiden Anlagen nicht mehr allzulange auf Sendung sind. Bei Bad<br />

Mergentheim und Heidelberg erfolgte ein kompletter Rueckbau <strong>der</strong><br />

abgeschalteten Sendeanlagen.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 20)<br />

Bei Dauerhoeren von SWR Cont.Ra faellt auf, dass in Stationsansagen die<br />

Gleichwelle 711 kHz nicht genannt wird. So wird kollektiv auf die<br />

Grosssen<strong>der</strong> 567, 666 und 1017 kHz und die Mittelwelle Freiburg 828 kHz<br />

hingewiesen (z. B. 6.25, 16.59 MESZ), gelegentlich auch einzeln auf die<br />

grossen Mittelwellen fuer Baden-Wuerttemberg und Rheinland-Pfalz. Da bei<br />

den Gleichwellenstandorten Bad Mergentheim und Heidelberg ein kompletter<br />

Rueckbau erfolgte, gab das Anlass zur Nachfrage ueber die Zukunft <strong>der</strong><br />

Standorte Ulm und Heilbronn gehoert werden.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 20)<br />

Manfred Bornschein (SWR-cont.ra / Zentrale Information) antwortete so:<br />

"Wir haben drei grosse MW-Frequenzen mit grossen Reichweiten, den<br />

Rheinsen<strong>der</strong> Mainz Wolfsheim 1017 kHz, Muehlacker 576 kHz und den<br />

Bodenseesen<strong>der</strong> 666 kHz. mit diesen drei Frequenzen koennen Sie cont.ra von<br />

Zuerich bis Duesseldorf empfangen. Alle an<strong>der</strong>en Frequenzen sind lokale<br />

Frequenzen: die 711 in Ulm und Heilbronn, die 1485 in Baden-Baden und die

828 in Freiburg. Das sind wichtige Frequenzen fuer diese Staedte, aber wir<br />

propagieren sie nicht im Gesamtprogramm. (Manfred Bornschein 29.6.20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

Vom 2. Juni bis 28. August 20<strong>05</strong> zeigt das Rundfunkmuseum Fuerth<br />

(Kurgartenstr. 37, 90762 Fuerth,<br />

die Son<strong>der</strong>ausstellung<br />

"Freddy Quinn und die wilden 50er in Fuerth".<br />

Das Rundfunkmuseum ist taeglich ausser montags 1200-1700 Uhr geoeffnet, an<br />

Wochenenden bereits ab 1000 Uhr. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt July 2)<br />

Radio ueber DVB-T startet in Berlin: TechniSat mit 12 eigenen<br />

Radiokanaelen dabei!<br />

Wenn puenktlich zur Internationalen Funkausstellung (IFA) 20<strong>05</strong> in Berlin,<br />

Berlin als erste DVB-T Region Deutschlands Radiokanaele ueber DVB-T<br />

ausstrahlt, wird Deutschlands Marktfuehrer fuer Digitalreceiver,<br />

TechniSat, mit gleich 12 eigenen Sen<strong>der</strong>n am Start sein. Die Programme<br />

werden ueber die Berliner Sendetuerme Alexan<strong>der</strong>platz und Schaeferberg<br />

abgestrahlt und in ganz Berlin in digitaler Qualitaet ueber das neue<br />

digitale Antennenfernsehsystem, DVB-T, zu empfangen sein.<br />

Moeglich macht dieses, in Deutschland erstmals durchgefuehrte Testprojekt,<br />

das zunaechst etwa fuer ein Jahr laufen wird, die Medienanstalt <strong>der</strong><br />

Laen<strong>der</strong> Berlin und Brandenburg (MABB), die seit Jahren als<br />

fortschrittlichste Medienanstalt Deutschlands gilt. Die MABB war es auch,<br />

die vor knapp zwei Jahren den Startschuss fuer die ersten digital ueber<br />

Antenne ausgestrahlten TV-Programme gab. TechniSat wird zum DVB-T<br />

Radiostart in Berlin mit den Sen<strong>der</strong>n Euroklassik 1, Radio Viola, WILANTIS<br />

- Das Wissensradio, Star*Sat Hit-Express, Star*Sat Country, Star*Sat Gold,<br />

Star*Sat EASYTI, Star*Sat Melodie, Kin<strong>der</strong>radio 1-RadiJoJo! und RADIOROPA<br />

Berlin auf Sendung gehen.<br />

Diese Hoerfunkkanaele sind aus dem bereits seit Anfang des Jahres digital<br />

ueber Satellit ASTRA 19.2degr Ost sendenden Pay-Radio Paket "TechniSat-<br />

Radio Bouquet" bekannt. In Berlin werden diese Programme, an<strong>der</strong>s als ueber<br />

Satellit, unverschluesselt zu geniessen sein. Hinzu kommen die bisher<br />

exklusiv fuer DVB-T in Berlin geplanten TechniSat Sen<strong>der</strong> Star*Sat Klassik<br />

und Jazztime. Wie hoch die Gesamtzahl <strong>der</strong> in Berlin ueber DVB-T<br />

verbreiteten Radiosen<strong>der</strong> zum Start am 02. September 20<strong>05</strong> tatsaechlich sein<br />

wird, steht noch nicht fest.<br />

Neben den 12 TechniSat Sen<strong>der</strong>n werden es aber wahrscheinlich noch ein<br />

Dutzend weitere sein. Damit koennen sich Berliner Buerger ab September<br />

ueber fast 30 Hoerfunkkanaele in digitaler Qualitaet ueber Antenne freuen.<br />

Weitere Informationen zu TechniSat im Internet abrufbar unter:<br />

<br />

(Quelle: INFOSAT.lu; via Douglas Kaehler-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

DR50BUND QRV<br />

50 years German Army BUNDESWEHR.<br />

Deutsche Bundeswehr mit Son<strong>der</strong>station DR50BUND QRV.<br />

Funkamateure koennen seit dem 9. Juni auf allen Baen<strong>der</strong>n die Son<strong>der</strong>station<br />

DR50BUND <strong>der</strong> Deutschen Bundeswehr arbeiten. Die QSL gibt es<br />

ausschliesslich als Bestaetigung eingegangener Karten ueber Buero o<strong>der</strong> via<br />

Volker Schnitzius, DL1WH, direkt.<br />

Der Betrieb mit dem Son<strong>der</strong>-DOK ist eine <strong>der</strong> Aktionen, mit denen die<br />

Deutsche Bundeswehr ihr 50. Jubilaeum feiert. Noch bis zum 12. November<br />

vergibt die aelteste Amateurfunkgruppe <strong>der</strong> Bundeswehr von Daun in <strong>der</strong><br />

Eifel aus DR50BUND, danach wechseln bis zum 31. Mai 2006 die Standorte.<br />

DR50BUND ist die erste Station in DL mit dem neuen DR-Rufzeichenblock.

(DARC Rundspruch, 17. Juni)<br />

Truckradio (Juelich 702, Nordkirchen 855) recently added txions via the<br />

ORF bouqet on Astra 1H (12.663 GHz h). In a regarding press release,<br />

issued yesterday, they also promise that Burg 531 and Stuttgart 738 will<br />

be put on air until autumn of this year.<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld June 25)<br />

Nach einer aktuellen Pressemeldung erweitert TruckRadio sein bisheriges<br />

Sendegebiet und nimmt zum 1. Juli den Regelbetrieb fuer die Verbreitung<br />

seines Programms ueber ASTRA digital 19,2 degr Ost auf. Darueber hinaus<br />

startet TruckRadio mit Sendestudio in Fuerth/Bayern ab sofort sein live<br />

mo<strong>der</strong>iertes Nachtprogramm 'TruckNight' zwischen 21 Uhr und 3 Uhr.<br />

In dieser Zeit begleitet die Mo<strong>der</strong>atorin Susanne Hofmann-Fraser als<br />

"NightAngel" die Fahrer durch den naechtlichen Fernverkehr mit Hits aus<br />

Mo<strong>der</strong>n Country, Classic- und Southern Rock, Rock-Balladen sowie Nx aus <strong>der</strong><br />

Trucker-Welt.<br />

Auch werden weitere Frequenzen genannt, die bis Herbst 20<strong>05</strong> in Betrieb<br />

genommen werden sollen:<br />

Baden-Wuerttemberg: Stuttgart Mittelwelle, 738 kHz<br />

Baden-Wuerttemberg: Stuttgart / Karlsruhe / Mannheim / Ulm / Freiburg<br />

DAB, L-Band<br />

Bayern (ab Juli 20<strong>05</strong>): Nuernberg / Fuerth / Erlangen DAB,<br />

L-Band Kabelnetz (Mittelfranken)<br />

Saarland: Saarbruecken DAB, L-Band<br />

Sachsen-Anhalt: Burg Mittelwelle, 531 kHz.<br />

(Thomas Kamp-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> June 24)<br />

Wer sich fuer den AFN interessiert, kann unter<br />

<br />

einen Bericht in mp3 in Deutsch herunterladen.<br />

(Horst K. Schmidt-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> June 29)<br />

Kein DLF auf 1422.<br />

Ich habe heute morgen um 03.00 UTC kein Signal vom DLF auf <strong>der</strong> 1422 khz<br />

empfangen es war nur das Programm aus Rumaenien zu hoeren Weiss einer<br />

wieso es keine Ausstrahlung gibt? Ich hoffe nicht ,das auch hier auf DRM<br />

umgeruestet wird.<br />

(Dieter Knust-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 1)<br />

Vor einem halben Jahr wurden fuer alle Mittelwellen des DLF/DLR neue<br />

mo<strong>der</strong>ne Sen<strong>der</strong>, u.a. auch in 600 kW Groesse angekuendigt, sofern sie noch<br />

nicht umgestellt sind, wie in Koenigslutter o<strong>der</strong> Ravensburg. Als<br />

Privatfirma draengt die Telecom T-systems zu viel schnelleren<br />

Erneuerungszyklen. Der Vertrag DLF-DLR und T-systems wurde vor zwei-drei?<br />

Jahren verlaengert, sagte uns Ing. Wohlfarth in Donebach bei <strong>der</strong><br />

Besichtigung.<br />

Diese koennen alle gaengigen Modulationsarten, natuerlich auch DRM mit<br />

programmtechnischen 4 Sekunden Verzoegerung. In England hub vor kurzem<br />

darob eine Diskussion an, ob es noch Sinn gibt ein Zeitzeichen bei <strong>der</strong> B<strong>BC</strong><br />

auszustrahlen, wenn die Ankunft beim Hoerer sowieso einige Sekunden<br />

spaeter passiert (und man hat ja heute sowieso private Uhren auf die 60<br />

o<strong>der</strong> 77.5 kHz Timestationen abgestimmt). (wb, July 1)<br />

Re: Kein DLF Signal auf 1422.<br />

Heusweiler ist allerdings keine Sendeanlage von T-Systems, son<strong>der</strong>n des<br />

Saarlaendischen Rundfunks. Siehe auch die Fotos mit den Schil<strong>der</strong>n (im<br />

aktuellen Corporate Design des SR, das sind also keine Relikte aus Zeiten

<strong>der</strong> Europawelle) auf<br />

<br />

Und hier wird Heusweiler als generell stoeranfaellig beschrieben:<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 1)<br />

Re: Kein DLF auf 1422<br />

...nun ist aber 1422 ein Sen<strong>der</strong> des Saarlaendischen Rundfunks.<br />

(Peter Beck-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 1)<br />

Ja Peter, das ist/war schon bekannt. Und <strong>der</strong> SR ist so arm, dass das gute<br />

teure Stueck bestimmt auf ewig beim DLF bleibt.<br />

Die Leistungsangabe einer 600 kW Anlage bei <strong>der</strong> Ankuendigung<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong>anschaffung/-austausch passt eigentlich nur auf Heusweiler. Dann<br />

wird halt das 600 kW Stueck beim SR als Eigentum <strong>der</strong> T-systems aufgebaut<br />

... mit Gel<strong>der</strong>n vom DLF, warum nicht?<br />

Auf dem Raichberg steht ja auch alles durcheinan<strong>der</strong> o<strong>der</strong> wird von vielen<br />

genutzt, SWR, und dazu Telekomiker, <strong>Private</strong> als Untermieter, im<br />

Stuetzpunkt Wolfsheim ebenso auch fuer Hunsrueck und Westerwald.<br />

(wb, July 1)<br />

Wir waren dort in Heusweiler im letzten Jahr auf dem Weg nach Merchweiler<br />

SWLCS. Sen<strong>der</strong> dort waren immer von franzoesischer Machart, also Thomcast.<br />

Und einmal in 1974 wurden die 'alten' 400 kW Schaetzchen fuer TWR Puttalam<br />

in Sri Lanka spendiert und neue 2x600 kW fuer Heusweiler angeschafft. Der<br />

Puttalam Sen<strong>der</strong> lebt noch.<br />

Ob seitdem in Heusweiler zwischen 1974 und 20<strong>05</strong> erneuert wurde ?? O<strong>der</strong> die<br />

eine Unit taugt als Ersatzteiltraeger fuer die an<strong>der</strong>e, das ist ja gaengige<br />

Praxis.<br />

...und da faellt mir ein: die Ruskis und Amis Besatzer sind ja jetzt weg,<br />

? was passiert eigentlich mit <strong>der</strong> Deutschland zugeordneten Frequenz 1593<br />

kHz [xLangenberg x Holzkirchen], da koennte <strong>der</strong> DLF doch schoen mit<br />

senden, z. B. aus Ismaning mit den angepassten 1197 kHz Masten?<br />

(wb, July 1)<br />

Die SWLCS.COM ist zur zeit immer noch offline !<br />

Bitte dann weiterhin auf ausweichen.<br />

Dort auch viele INFOS UeBER DAS SWLCS-<strong>DX</strong>-CAMP 20<strong>05</strong> in Merchweiler,<br />

sowie NEU nun auch die SWLCS-INTERN (PDF) in FARBE ! :-)<br />

(Paul Reinersch-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Jun 27)<br />

GUATEMALA Radio Coatan (call TGCT 4780 kHz) verified my reception report<br />

in Spanish with US$1 by Prepared Form QSL card and copied handwritten<br />

letter in Spanish after 37 days. Verification signer was Diego Sebastian<br />

Miguel, lucutor(announcer).<br />

According to the letter; They celebrated 11 years of educational txion<br />

this year. They are using 48m high antenna. There are 3 announcers in the<br />

station.<br />

Address: San Sebastian Coatan 13025, Huehuetenango, Guatemala Central<br />

America.<br />

Telephone: +52 11502 7758 3491. - +52 11502 7758 5494<br />

Frequencies: 4780 kHz FM 92.5MHz Languages: Spanish, Chuj de Coatan.<br />

(Takahito Aklabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 1)

4<strong>05</strong>2.5 Radio Verdad at 0430-<strong>05</strong>10 on July 1, locutor y locutora,<br />

comentarios y canciones religiosas, identificacion: "Radio Verdad,<br />

Chiquimula, Guatemala". A las <strong>05</strong>00 programa en ingles. 24322.<br />

4780 R. Cultural Coatan, handwritten ltr, V/S Diego Sebastian Miguel; in<br />

35 days for US$1. Address: R. Coatan, TGCT, San Sebastian Coatan 13025,<br />

Huehuetenango, Guatemala; tel. (011 502) 77583491, 77585494.<br />

(Manuel Mendez-ESP, hcdx July 1)<br />

GUINEA 7125, Radio Guinea, Conakry. Esta emisora, que se escuchaba muy<br />

bien por aqui en horas del amanecer con programas en frances y vernaculo,<br />

parece que esta fuera del aire ultimamente. Imposible sintonizarla entre<br />

las <strong>05</strong>40 y las 0710 UT.<br />

(Manuel Mendez-ESP, hcdx July 1)<br />

HONDURAS 3340, La Voz de Misiones Internacional at 0430-<strong>05</strong>01 on July 1,<br />

comentarios y mxa. Senal muy debil. A las <strong>05</strong>02 desaparecio la senal.<br />

14321.<br />

(Manuel Mendez-ESP, hcdx July 1)<br />

INDIA AIR txion, train sces hit.<br />

Train sces and txion from All India Radio station were disrupted by<br />

widespread power cuts in the metropolis today following a technical fault<br />

at a sub-station of West Bengal State Electricity Board.<br />

Train sces on all electrified sections remained suspended between 8.18 am<br />

to 9.20 am because power supplies from five grids of WBSEB to Eastern<br />

Railway's Sealdah Division failed, railway sources said.<br />

Large areas, including the posh satellite township of Salt Lake, went<br />

without power when the 400-kv sub-station of the WBSEB at Jeerat, near<br />

Barasat in North 24 Parganas district tripped, an SEB spokesman said. As a<br />

precautionary measure, five units of Bandel thermal power station were<br />

shut down, he said.<br />

AIR txion had stopped at 8.16 am and resumed more than an hour later at<br />

9.28 am, official sources said.<br />

(Alokesh Gupta-IND, <strong>DX</strong>india June 30)<br />

Deutsch, Japanisch, Koreanisch und Spanisch gehoeren zu einem Denkmodell<br />

bei <strong>der</strong> Restrukturierung des indischen Auslandsdienstes. Dies berichtet<br />

Nivedita Mookerji im Financial Express unter Berufung auf eine interne<br />

Praesentation. Der Auslandsdienst befindet sich in einer permanenten<br />

Finanzkrise und hat Probleme bei <strong>der</strong> Rekrutierung geeigneter<br />

Muttersprachler. All India Radio will die Regierung fuer eine direkte<br />

Finanzierung des Auslandsdienstes in die Pflicht nehmen, muss dazu aber<br />

auch ein plausibles Modell fuer die Zukunft entwickeln. All India Radio<br />

sendet <strong>der</strong>zeit in zahlreichen indischen Hauptsprachen und 16 nicht-<br />

indischen Sprachen. Die echten Fremdsprachen richten sich im wesentlichen<br />

an Laen<strong>der</strong> <strong>der</strong> Region.<br />

Da Kritiker des Auslandsdienstes bei einigen Sprachdiensten zu wenig<br />

Resonanz ausmachen, stellt sich die Frage nach <strong>der</strong>en Existenzberechtigung.<br />

An<strong>der</strong>erseits sieht man in Sprachen wie Deutsch o<strong>der</strong> Japanisch die Chance,<br />

weitere Grossmaechte auf Weltbuehne anzusprechen und Indien als kommende<br />

Weltmacht ins Gespraech zu bringen. "Authentische Stimme eines<br />

unabhaengigen, saekularen, mo<strong>der</strong>nen und aufstrebenden Indien" zu sein, sei<br />

ja seit Jawaharlal Nehru die eigentliche Verpflichtung des<br />

Auslandsdienstes.<br />

(External broadcast: How should the world see us?<br />

14.6.20<strong>05</strong>;<br />

via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt July 2)<br />

INDONESIA Voice of INS was coming strong yesterday [July 1] on 15136

(mistuned 15150 I guess). Brought a lot of troubles to 1700-1800 UT 15135<br />

RFE/RL Ukrainian (mostly by strong H+).<br />

VOI IDs etc in German min(s) before 1700 ToH. 44544 (LSB to avoid AIR<br />

Russian on 15140 kHz). At 2000 UT English with 25322 rating. Their 9525 as<br />

always regularly weak here at the same hours.<br />

(Vlad Titarev-UKR, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 2) On July 3: 15149.95 kHz, wb.<br />

15150 VOI, at 1945 UT on 2 July. Decent copy of French sce with local<br />

pops and commentary. S5 signal ruined by slop from WYFR on 15155.<br />

(Jerry Strawman-IA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 4)<br />

4869.97, RRI Wamena, Presumed, at 0920-0935 UT. Noted a woman in comments<br />

in between mxal selections. Signal was very weak and difficult to hear.<br />

This presumably Wamena since Sorong is usually on 4871 kHz and a lot<br />

stronger when heard.<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, hcdx June 30)<br />

3956.55 RRI Palu (pres) Jun 26 1<strong>05</strong>8-1104 22322 INSn, 1<strong>05</strong>9 Chime's IS?,<br />

Talk.<br />

3976.07 RRI Pontianak Jun 26 1420-1427 44444 INSn, Talk, ID at 1421.<br />

4919.98 RRI Biak Jun 26 1029-1038 35333 INSn,<br />

1029 IS, Local news.<br />

7289.9 RRI Nabire (pres) Jun 25 0755-0820* 25431-25432 INSn, 0759 RPK,<br />

0800 UT Jakarta nx realy, Music, 0820 sign off.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 26)<br />

9552.5 RRI Makassar. June 25 at 0755-0801 (s-off). SINPO 24332. INSn<br />

popular song. ID at 0800. S/off after chorus.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, June 26)<br />

15150 , La Voz de INS, at 1703-1740 UT on June 30, programa en espanol,<br />

locutor, comentarios y mxa de INS, identifcacion: "Amados oyentes,<br />

transmite La Voz de INS desde Yakarta, INS". A las 1730 Identificacion en<br />

ingles "Radio Republic INS" y sigue programa en espanol. Tambien en 9525<br />

con peor senal (22222). 33333. Estas emisores en espanol de la RRI son muy<br />

irregulares, ya que a veces pasa largo tiempo sin que se escuchen,<br />

vuelven, desaparecen otra vez. (Manuel Mendez-ESP, hcdx July 1)<br />

4790 RRI Fak Fak, at 0915-0930 Noted the Quran being presented until<br />

about 0917 when a woman and man talk briefly. This followed with Islamic<br />

type mx for rest of the period. Signal was good.<br />

4870.89, RRI Sorong, 0919-0943 Here too noted Quran being presented until<br />

0920 when mx presented. At 0930 nx presented. By 0943 when a man is<br />

talking in INSn, the signal is booming in here in Clewiston.<br />

4604.95, RRI Serui, 0922-0930 Noted a mixture of mx and INSn comments from<br />

a man. Signal remained at a fair level during the period.<br />

4845.21, RRI Ambon, 0930-0941 Everyone wants to use this freq, but it<br />

seems to me that Ambon was here first. Anyway, noted a man in INSn<br />

comments when the audio was readable. Overall with all the QRM, this was<br />

poor.<br />

9680, RRI Jakarta, 0935-0945 Noted a man and woman in comments during the<br />

period. This signal was good while//programming was heard on 11860 KHz<br />

with a weak signal.<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, hcdx June 24)

IRAN Summer A-<strong>05</strong> schedule for Voice of Islamic Reublic of Iran<br />


ALBANIAN 0630-0727 13810 15235<br />

1830-1927 9545 9570<br />

2030-2127 9535 11775<br />

ARABIC 0230-<strong>05</strong>27 9935 13790 13800<br />

0330-0427 9610 11875 "Voice of Islamic Palestinian<br />

Revolution"<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-1427 13790 13800 15150<br />

1430-1627 15150<br />

1630-1927 9935<br />

1930-2027 9935 "Voice of Islamic Palestinian Revolution"<br />

2030-0227 9935<br />

ARMENIAN 0300-0327 12025<br />

0930-0957 9695 15260<br />

1630-1727 7230 9780<br />

AZERI 0330-<strong>05</strong>27 13710<br />

1430-1657 6200<br />

BENGALI 0030-0127 9855 9890<br />

0830-0927 117<strong>05</strong><br />

1430-1527 9810 9940 12090<br />

BOSNIAN <strong>05</strong>30-0627 15235 15340<br />

1730-1827 7295 9860<br />

2130-2227 9810 11875<br />

CHINESE 1200-1257 15160 15190 17535 17545<br />

2330-0027 11785 11975 13715<br />

DARI 0300-0627 11910 13740<br />

0830-1427 9930 13720<br />

1430-1457 9930<br />

ENGLISH 0130-0227 9495 11875 "Voice of Justice"<br />

1030-1127 15600 17660<br />

1530-1627 9635 11650<br />

1930-2027 72<strong>05</strong> 9800 9925 11860<br />

GERMAN 0730-0827 15085 15430<br />

1730-1827 11855 15085<br />

FRENCH 0630-0727 15430 17590<br />

1830-1927 99<strong>05</strong> 13755 15085<br />

HAUSA 0600-0657 17810 17870<br />

1830-1927 11860 11930<br />

HEBREW 0430-0457 9610 11875<br />

1900-1927 3985 5970<br />

HINDI 0230-0257 15165 17635<br />

1430-1527 11695 138<strong>05</strong><br />

ITALIAN 0630-0727 15085 17560<br />

1930-1957 7320 9610<br />

JAPANESE 1300-1327 15555 17810<br />

2100-2127 11990 12010<br />

KAZAKH 0130-0227 11785 11935<br />

1300-1357 11665 13615<br />

KURDISH 0330-0427 7255 11920 Sorrani dialect<br />

1330-1427 5990 Sorrani dialect<br />

1430-1627 5990 Kirmanji dialect<br />

MALAY 1230-1327 15200 17555<br />

2230-2327 7310 9820<br />

PASHTO 0230-0327 7130 96<strong>05</strong><br />

0730-0827 11990 13770<br />

1230-1327 6175 9790 11730<br />

1430-1527 7270<br />

1630-1727 6000 7195<br />

RUSSIAN 0300-0327 9650 11925<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>27 11870 15215 17595 17655<br />

1430-1527 7165 9580 9900<br />

1700-1757 3985 7175<br />

1800-1857 62<strong>05</strong> 7235

1930-2027 3985 7175<br />

SPANISH 0030-0227 9655 99<strong>05</strong><br />

0230-0327 99<strong>05</strong><br />

<strong>05</strong>30-0627 15530 17785<br />

2030-2127 7300 9650<br />

SWAHILI 0330-0427 15265 15340<br />

0830-0927 15240 17660<br />

1730-1827 7165 9655<br />

TAJIK 0100-0227 6185 7285<br />

1600-1727 5945 5955<br />

TURKISH 0430-<strong>05</strong>57 13640 15260<br />

1600-1727 7165 9870<br />

URDU 0130-0227 72<strong>05</strong> 9480 9845<br />

1330-1427 6175 9665 11695<br />

1530-1727 7270<br />

1730-1757 7220 9530<br />

UZBEK 0230-0257 9740 11945<br />

1500-1557 5945 5955<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

11860 IRIB Tehran at 2010-2022 on July 3, killer, near local level signal<br />

with En man (US accent) hosting "Listener's Special" mailbag program.<br />

Rather funny, actually, as the announcer took cracks at some of the<br />

letters. Best was one from China, which he read verbatim. The writer said<br />

that he hoped his English was good, and the announcer basically said,<br />

'well, not really dude.'<br />

Announced IRIB, P.O.Box 19395, 6767, English Service and local phone<br />

216.2895. Off by 2025 UT recheck.<br />

(Terry L.Krueger-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 4)<br />


B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring observed radio Voice of the Mojahedin on MW 720 kHz at 1200<br />

UT on 25 June. The previously-observed // 90.1 MHz freq could not be<br />

confirmed on this occasion as it is now blocked in Baghdad by a new local<br />

FM station, Today Radio. The sce is no longer observed on the Hot Bird<br />

satellite at 13 degrees east, and their website and accompanying audio<br />

stream at no longer exists.<br />

Voice of the Mojahedin uses Iranian facilities to broadcast in Arabic to<br />

Iraq. The station's programming suggests it is affiliated with the Tehran-<br />

based Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, which has an<br />

Arabic/English website at (B<strong>BC</strong> M 25 Jun via dxld)<br />

WRTH 20<strong>05</strong> shows Iran has two powerful txs on 720: 750 kW at Mahidasht, and<br />

400 kW at Tayebad, one of which is closer to Baghdad than the other.<br />

(gh, dxld June 25)<br />

Voice of the Mojahedin not only uses high-power IRIB txs, it also appears<br />

to be a program produced in the studios of IRIB. The now defunct website<br />

was hosted on an IRIB server, so was the audio<br />

streaming, and on the Hotbird satellite the radiochannel was part of the<br />

IRIB package. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld June 29)<br />

IRELAND 252 RTE, Clarkestown, on 03 Jul at 1335-1429 UT; 44433 via the<br />

K9AY to avoid S9+40 dB strong Tipaza, ALG. It's indeed tougher to<br />

"separate" RTE from RTA on the SW coast than over here in the capital via<br />

an elevated K9AY. // _<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

Dear RTE Listener, As you know our sce from WRN via the Worldspace<br />

satellite has become subscription. RTE is not responsible for the<br />

subsription, it is a Worldspace policy change.





1. YOUR NAME<br />





FINISH ON 20TH JULY 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Email: (RTE website, dxld June 30)<br />


RTE's lack of interest and care of Irish emigrants in the UK and Northern<br />

Europe has reached new heights. Following their withdrawal from SW, the<br />

two hour reduction in broadcasts to North America via WRN and the reduced<br />

availability in Africa and Asia as a result of Worldspace's introduction<br />

of subscription charges, RTE has decided to withdraw their very popular<br />

live sports programmes on Saturday and Sunday afternoons on Tullamore 567<br />

medium wave and Clarkestown 252 Long Wave.<br />

In future the sports programmes will be broadcast on FM only which only<br />

reach parts of Wales, Cornwall and even Northern Ireland. Many thousands<br />

of Irish emigrants listened to these live programmes to keep in touch with<br />

Gaelic football, hurling, League of Ireland soccer, rugby etc but now have<br />

to content themselves instead with repeat programmes of the previous week.<br />

Why not put the repeats on FM, Sport on medium and long waves or<br />

reintroduce the Athlone medium wave tx on 612 for repeats?<br />

If anyone wants to register their protests with these changes please<br />

e-mail <br />

Perhaps when you are at it register your request for RTE to re- introduce<br />

SW broadcasts. At least the Irish Minister for Foerign Affairs has come<br />

out in protest at these latest changes, pity he was so quite for the<br />

withdrawal from SW!<br />

(Paul Guckian, Co Clare, Ireland, dxld June 28)<br />

ISRAEL [to LBN] Two items on the radio station "Radio Mashreq"<br />

targeting Lebanon from Israel.<br />

Item I - Internet presence (20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

Radio Mashreq has its own website: The station<br />

can be reached by email via .<br />

Item II - Background info (2004)<br />


The Islam Online website gave details of a secret Israeli radio<br />

transmitting station which broadcasts in the Arab lang and is aimed at the<br />

Lebanese people.<br />

The paper noted that the station started to broadcast in the summer 2002<br />

and its txion station is in the Metula area, close to the mutual boar<strong>der</strong>.<br />

The paper added that the radio broadcasts on the AM-756 wavelength and its<br />

purpose is to encourage popular opposition of the Syrian occupation and of<br />

the continued stationing of Syrian army troops in Lebanon. The station<br />

also operates an Internet site called The paper also<br />

added that the station is operated by the Israeli secret sce just as the<br />

other Arab lang stations.

[Date: Sunday, November 10, 2004 11:54:00 EST]<br />

(via Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld June 30)<br />

ITALY [+non] "Radio For Peace" is commonly misun<strong>der</strong>stood and misquoted<br />

in the <strong>DX</strong> press as "clandestine station for Western Sahara". In fact,<br />

their programs for listeners in the Western Sahara are only a small part<br />

of the production.<br />

This is how Radio For Peace presents itself on<br />

<br />

12 October 1992: The Birth of Radio K Centrale<br />

1 March 20<strong>05</strong>: The Birth of RadioForPeace<br />

Why RadioForPeace?<br />

Radio For Peace is a no profit association for social promotion that is<br />

based in Bologna (Italy). It collects the inheritance of the FM station<br />

Radio K Centrale, created in 1992, always trying to combine the<br />

alternative world and the sintax of desire that it expresses: we have<br />

always refused to consi<strong>der</strong> ourselves as a megaphone, but rather as a free<br />

navigating aggregation on air and on line.<br />

Today we are ready to a challenge that could conjugate the cultural<br />

belongings to the international scenes, more and more connected and<br />

interdependent.<br />

We strongly believe that we can have peace in the Mediterranean and in the<br />

Middle East only if we work to make the worlds communicating and if we<br />

fight against the clash of civilizations and who is supporting it.<br />

For this reason, we are currently working on a project, that is called<br />

Radio K Sat, that with its satellite radio station ð operating in the<br />

Europen and in the Mediterranean areas - and its live broadcasting on the<br />

web, wants to express the opportunity to carry elaborated content in any<br />

single part of the world to a global audience. We want to introduce those<br />

cultures that operate for self knowledge, peace and collaboration, and<br />

against every logic of war and aggression.<br />

unquote<br />

Radio For Peace is available 24h via the Hotbird satellite and webcasting;<br />

programs produced for listeners in the Western Sahara have been<br />

transmitted by NEXUS-IBA in the past, and via the Algeria-based Radio<br />

Nacional de la R.A.S.D.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 30)<br />

KAZAKHSTAN 9355 La Voix de L'Orthodoxie via Almaty. On June 28 at<br />

1530(S/on)-1600(S/off). SINPO 45444. Started with bells ringing and ID as<br />

"Govorit Gols Pravoslaviya.". Preach by a man and woman followed.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, June 26)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. 15180 VOK, at 0140 UT on 3 July. English sce featuring<br />

patriotic commentary. S9 signal but noisy band.<br />

(Jerry Strawman-IA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 4)<br />

KUWAIT As far as I am aware, 1593 via KWT only has Persian at 1600-1900,<br />

and this is VOA and not Farda. At other times it is in Arabic, English and<br />

Kurdish. (Noel Green-UK)<br />

IBB Kuwait 1593 kHz 150 kW 350 degr. (xHolzkirchen Germany Continental<br />

unit).<br />

0000-0100 VOA En, 0100-0600 RFE Arabic IRQ special.<br />

1300-1400 VOA Kurdish, 1400-1600 RFE Arabic IRQ special.

1600-1900 VOA Persian, 1900-2000 VOA Kurdish,<br />

2000-2200 RFE Arabic IRQ special, 2200-2300 VOA En.<br />

2300-2330 VOA En, 2330-2400 VOA En. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 25)<br />


AN APPRECIATION by Luigi Cobisi, Italradio, Firenze, Italy.<br />

Thanks to the article by Victor Galea (May 09), the Voice of the<br />

Mediterranean (VoM) was correctly shown as a real "alternative approach to<br />

broadcasting Malta worldwide".<br />

As the secretary general of the Italradio Committee (a non-profit group<br />

promoting international broadcasting in Italian), I know that the VoM<br />

received mountains of letters daily and e-mails from all over the world<br />

asking for all sorts of information about Malta. It was, therefore, a<br />

great pity that the station closed down on December 31, 2003, after having<br />

been awarded the Italradio Prize only a few weeks earlier. Italradio does<br />

hope Malta might reconsi<strong>der</strong> the opportunity of having SW programmes in<br />

different langs. We had already protested with the Maltese authorities in<br />

2003 but no decision was taken by the authorities.<br />

During our visit to Malta in October 2003, we had contributed towards the<br />

organisation of a meeting with broadcasters and listeners from seven<br />

European countries and the US about multilingualism in international<br />

radio. Everyone was delighted with the effort Malta was making in keeping<br />

in touch with the world and promoting the island through short-wave<br />

broadcasting.<br />

With the help of the European <strong>DX</strong> Council - an association of short wave<br />

listeners' clubs - we consigned to the VoM a collection of radio<br />

publications from different countries which were intended to integrate the<br />

VoM library and its records' archive, many of them dating back to the<br />

times of the British Forces Broadcasting Services. Has the closing down of<br />

the station led to the loss of that precious material?<br />

Let me finally extend wishes and appreciation for the work VoM staff were<br />

able to achieve during the 15 years of the station's history.<br />

(Luigi Cobisi-I, dswci SWN June 1)<br />

MEXICO/CLANDESTINE 6000, x5800. R Insurgente:"A communique dated 19 June<br />

20<strong>05</strong> from the Mexican-based Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee<br />

General Command of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, states that<br />

the organisation has declared a General Red Alert. Now, and for an<br />

indefinite time period, members of the Good Govt Juntas and the autonomous<br />

authorities will be carrying out their work in a clandestine and nomadic<br />

manner. All broadcasts by R Insurgente, "The Voice of Those Without<br />

Voice," on FM and on SW have been suspended for an indefinite period of<br />

time." See also<br />

<br />

(RNW MN, via dswci <strong>DX</strong>W, June 29)<br />

4810 Radio Transcontinental de America - XERTA, at 0209-0240 on Jul 2,<br />

program of Latin vocals with canned ID at 0215 and full canned ID and<br />

frequency annt by a man at 0229. Pop mx vocals from 0230. Fair but noisy<br />

conditions. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 3)<br />

6010 Radio Mil at 06<strong>05</strong>-0650 on July 1, canciones espanolas y<br />

latinoamericanas, locutor presentando las canciones "seguimos con todos<br />

ustedes, queridos amigos". Ligera interferencia de Deutschlandradio Kultur<br />

en 60<strong>05</strong>. La Voz de tu Conciencia parece estar en estos momentos fuera del<br />

aire, lo mismo que Marfil Estereo en 5910.<br />

(Manuel Mendez-ESP, hcdx July 1)<br />

6044.95 R. Universidad at 1300-1339 on July 1. Bit of mx, then M and W

ancrs in Sp; heard "Mexico" and "Universidad" among other words; then YL<br />

spoke from 1303-1330 UT, with an occasional sentence from M ancr;<br />

classical mx followed after 1330 UT. Not very strong but partly readable.<br />

Same format next day (2 July) at same time; not heard on Sunday 3 July.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 3)<br />

MOLDOVA/IRAN Radio Sedaye Iran (KRSI) verified my reception report with<br />

US$1 by a QSL letter after 16 days. Signed but the signature was<br />

illegible.<br />

Address: 9744 Wilshire Blvd. Ste.207, Beverly Hills, CA 90212, U.S.A.<br />

Schedule: 1530-1730 UT 11575 kHz (Moldova)<br />

URL: <br />

Telephone: +1 (310) 888-2818 FAX: +1 (310) 859-8444<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 3)<br />

MYANMAR [non] Democratic Voice of Burma on June 23, 9435 kHz[via<br />

Juelich-Germany, wb.], SINPO 44333, presumed Burmese, 2345 - . Interview<br />

of a male by female, alternating sections by man and same woman, Several<br />

sections of rea<strong>der</strong>s over mx (all covers of Western songs) several longer<br />

talks by the same man and woman. ID sequence at 0004 UT. Off at 0029 UT.<br />

(Mark Taylor-WI-USA, dxld June 25)<br />

NEW ZEALAND [c.f. bc-dx #717] Ralda Cushen R.I.P. Re the late Ralda<br />

Cushen: I promised an address for messages of condolence for Ralda. Sorry<br />

for the delay.<br />

It is: Gloria Wilson, 3/16 Clyde Street, Winton. New Zealand.<br />

(Bryan Clark-NZ, greylinedx via dxld July 4)<br />

NIGERIA Zur Zeit ist Radio Abuja aus Nigeria auf 7275 kHz mit einem<br />

Programm in Englisch zu empfangen. Mir gelang <strong>der</strong> Empfang mit recht<br />

brauchbarem Signal heute morgen (2.7.) zwischen dem s/off von RTT Tunis um<br />

<strong>05</strong>28 UTC und dem s/on <strong>der</strong> DW-DRM Sendungen auf 7265 kHz um <strong>05</strong>59 UTC.<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 2)<br />

OMAN 15375 R. Sultanate of Oman on Jun 26 at *1359-1410 35433 Arabic,<br />

1359 sign on with Arabic mx, 1400 IS, ID, News.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 26)<br />

PAKISTAN 15485 R. Pakistan (pres), at 0145 UT on 3 July. Urdu<br />

commentary followed by Koranic-style chanting at S5 level.<br />

(Jerry Strawman-IA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 4)<br />

PNG 4960, CRN, 0840 Jun 11, S7-9 with church svc in progress with a<br />

beautiful choir. Not at all sounding like anything indigenous, though.<br />

Lot's of static noise. And at 1402, even a couple of hours after SR, still<br />

going strong with late night instr. mx. Still an S5-7.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw, Graylands-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 19)<br />

0904-0906 Jun 11, noted in passing with Catholic prgmng in EG, "Hail Mary<br />

full of grace," etc. at tune-in. Much poorer signal than Wantok, fair at<br />

best. However, at 1340 I happened upon CRN again, with a good signal of<br />

PNG choral mx. At 1347, the female ancr congratulated Wantok Radio Light<br />

on their inaugural b/c and official first day on the air. On Jun 12, CRN<br />

was hrd with a poor signal of contemp. Christian mx and female vocals at<br />

1115. (Guy Atkins, Grayland-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer)<br />

3315 Radio Manus chorale mx, good signal.<br />

3325 Radio Bougainville/Radio North Solomons yl announcer between up beat<br />

island mx.<br />

3365 Radio Milne Bay at 1040 to 1<strong>05</strong>5 UT, mx good signal.

3385 Radio East New Britain sports programme // with 2310 A<strong>BC</strong> at 1030-1035<br />

UT, strongest signal at 1030-1100 UT along with 3315 kHz.<br />

(Bob Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 30)<br />

Radio East New Britain, 0945-0950 Noted a series of ADs with some in<br />

English. After the ads, noted a woman in live Pidgin comments. Signal was<br />

fair.<br />

Radio Manus, 0955-10<strong>05</strong> Noted a man in comments and news. Signal was poor<br />

so could catch which lang he was using. [3315?, wb.]<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, hcdx June 24)<br />

PARAGUAY 9736.98 R. Nac. del Paraguay on Jun 20 at 0801-0821 UT. 35333<br />

Spanish, Paraguay mx, ID at 0810.<br />

9736.98 R. Nac. del Paraguay on Jun 27 at 0804-0820, 35433 Spanish,<br />

Paraguay mx, ID at 0808 and 0817. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June<br />

26)<br />

9736.88 R. Nacional del Paraguay, at 0000-0030+ on June 26, Spanish talk,<br />

0004 & 0006 IDs; Spanish ballads. F-G, best on ECSS-USB.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA, dxld July 1)<br />

PERU 5544.6 Radio San Andres responded to a postal report that included<br />

a prepared card and US$1.00 return portage with a freq only e-mail Word<br />

five page letter attachment reply, including photographs, in 134 days from<br />

Leoncio Samane Meza<br />

<br />

My verie signer is 48 years old, married with three children (Percy,<br />

Wilson and Juan). He indicates the station is transmitting on 5540 kHz and<br />

the station is the property of the Municipality of San Andres. His<br />

profession is an electromechanical engineer but has always had a liking<br />

for radio. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Jun 26)<br />

POLAND 7042 Heute kam, nach ca. 10 Monaten, schon fast vergessen, eine<br />

QSL-Karte von Radio "Blyskawica", dem Reenactment (re-transmission)<br />

Clandestine Sen<strong>der</strong>, QRV am 8.8. 2004 anlaesslich "60 Jahre Warschauer<br />

Aufstand". Die hatten seinerzeit historische Originalsendungen des Sen<strong>der</strong>s<br />

<strong>der</strong> Aufstaendischen auf 7042 kHz in AM, mit Son<strong>der</strong>genehmigung im<br />

Amateurfunkband ausgestrahlt (mit historischem Equipment).<br />

v/s Wieslaw Paszta, SQ5ABG, Brazvliiska 13A/24, 03-949 Warszawa, Poland.<br />

(Thomas Rosner-D DL8AAM, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

LW 225. On this page about the crashed 647 metres mast at Konstantynow<br />

(built by ABB Mannheim it seems, by the way) now three pictures of the<br />

site after the mast collapse have been added:<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

The latest photos of the fallen mast at Konstantynow show well that it<br />

could never be re-erected! It certainly must have been quite a sight to<br />

see it 'descending'. I am intrigued at the largest of the two photos of<br />

the mast when upright - on the right of the page. The top section appears<br />

to have many "somethings" attached to it. Is this an optical illusion or<br />

what could they be if not? Was it to, in some way, cause the mast to<br />

radiate directionally - or maybe radiate better in one direction than<br />

another?<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

RUSSIA 15660, "VB 15660 Zwart of Wit," at 0900 UT on Jun 26, preceded by<br />

typical Tbilisskaya tones. By the way, recently I saw frequently 250 kW.<br />

ment. as power level for Tbilisskaya xmsns. Hard to believe that all these

outlets should be run with the single 250 kW. rig there, so I assume that<br />

these may be also the big 1000 kW's, or rather half of them (as far as I<br />

know they are in fact 2 x 500 kW, tho these twins are possibly not really<br />

independent xmtrs), running on reduced power as is probably not uncommon<br />

at Grigoriopol as well. (Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 27)<br />

6240 Special Radio, 1800-1900 UTC, Thursdays only.<br />

Special Radio is an international corporate Internet project of mxians and<br />

contemporary art activists. Special Radio was organized on December 1,<br />

2001 by a group of Russian independent mx publishers' representatives.<br />

Special Radio is a unique project in the sphere of Internet radio: radio<br />

broadcast time is more than 30.000 hours. Freedom of mx choice offered by<br />

Special Radio to its audience can't be compared with any other radio<br />

station. No FM radio station can offer such variety of mx material.<br />

Radio mx content is formatted to different channels (buttons) and consists<br />

of stream broadcast of 32 audio and 5 video channels. Besides 2 channels<br />

content which can be presented on FM stations, there are 13 channels which<br />

have no analogs and are really impossible on FM radio stations.<br />

Special Radio is the only radio which works with Russian and foreign<br />

mxians regardless of their career success in other mass media. Special<br />

Radio program is composed by mxians who offer their tracks for rotation.<br />

Special Radio is the largest center of mx of different styles in Russia.<br />

Besides Internet, Special Radio programs are relayed in 7 European<br />

countries, 10 Asian countries, Brazil, the USA and Canada. Special Radio<br />

daily audience is more than million people. Every day 10,000 people visit<br />

the site.<br />

including English version<br />

First txion was on June 30. The signal was very strong here in St.<br />

Petersburg (SIO-555/554) - but no any information about the tx location<br />

yet (maybe via Krasnodar or Ekaterinburg).<br />

(Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, hcdx July 1)<br />

Similar quarterly broadcasts of Radio Gardarika some 18 months ago:<br />

HISTORY !!!!!!!!!!!<br />

RUSSIA Radio Studio (also refered to as "Radio Gardarika") in St.<br />

Petersburg will be on the air with its quarterly broadcasts from 24-31<br />

December 2003 at 1900-2200 on 6245 kHz (St. Petersburg, 200 kW). For the<br />

1st quarter in 2004, similar broadcasts are expected for March.<br />

(Alexey Osipov-RUS in "open_dx", via Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 9,<br />

2003)<br />

Radio Gardarika, 6245, 2150-2200 UT. Radio Gardarika, St. Petersburg, mxa<br />

e ID in russo e inglese, fine trasmissioni alle 2200, segnale ottimo.<br />

(Francesco Cecconi-I, Play <strong>DX</strong> via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

Now on air for one week (gh)<br />

Radio Studio Gardarika, from St. Petersburg, heard Dec. 25 at 2200 on<br />

6245, 200 kW, with good reception; heard annts in Russian and English over<br />

smooth jazz mx; English anns. gave email address and fax numbers along<br />

with ID and frequency. Hopefully there's a chance for reception in the<br />

Pacific area in the coming days until the tests end on Dec. 31, since RSG<br />

is on the air each day at 1900.<br />

(Joe Hanlon-NY-USA, edxp Dec 26, 2003)<br />

S=3 thiny modulation here in Stuttgart, heard here too on few nights. But<br />

nearby 6235 kHz VoRUS St.P. 1800-2200 UT was much, much stronger, and had<br />

more efficient audio.<br />

(wb, Dec 26, 2003)

Don't forget that Radio Gardarika will have its latest SW txion in 2003<br />

this night at 1900-2200 UTC on 6245 kHz. St.Petersburg-Popovka, 200 kW,<br />

268 degrees for North-West Europe.<br />

(Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer <strong>Jan</strong> 2, 2004)<br />

RUSSIA/ETHIOPIA The target radio program "Tensae Europa - Voice of<br />

Unity" (transmitted via a TDP-leased tx in Russia on 15660) has now its<br />

own website: The site gives contact phone/fax<br />

numbers in both the USA and Germany, as well as two email addresses:<br />

("Europe"),<br />

("USA"). Also audio files of the broadcasts are<br />

available.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 1)<br />

RUSSIA/ERITREA [to ERITREA]. The US-based target radio program for<br />

Eritrea "Voice of Liberty" (transmitted via a TDP-leased tx in Russia on<br />

15675) has been accommodated on the website of the Eritrean Democratic<br />

Party which produces this program:<br />

<br />

The station's email address is given as The<br />

website includes an audio archive of "Voice of Liberty" broadcasts.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld July 5)<br />

SAUDI ARABIA 11855 while looking for Xinjiang PBS I found an Arabs on<br />

this freq with ID at 0700 UT and immediate nx signal started poor,<br />

gradually going to good<br />

[de 1103 + 3m ].<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 18)<br />

11820 BSKSA Riyadh, at 2254-2259* on Jun 21, Holy Quran program, man with<br />

Arabic talk, ID at sign off. Good reception and // 11915 (also good) and<br />

11740 (buried).<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Jun 26)<br />

SOLOMON ISLS 5019.9, SI<strong>BC</strong> at 1<strong>05</strong>5-1106 on June 23. I got a break when<br />

Cuba went off the air for a few mins this morning and had nice splatter-<br />

free reception. Signal strength was good but with rapid fading. Heard a<br />

couple of light pop songs, then nx at the top of the hour read by female.<br />

Top story was concern over the Solomon Island vote change at the whaling<br />

commission meeting in South Korea. Cuba back on at 1106 UT.<br />

(David Hodgson-TN-USA, dxld June 23)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA Freq change of TWR AFrica via MEY 500 kW / 335 deg from<br />

July 1<br />

1830-1900 Hausa and 1900-1915 Kanuri NF 9685, x9695 to avoid CRI in<br />

English.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

SWAZILAND 9500 Trans World Radio-Africa. June 23 at 1800-1829. SINPO<br />

33332-34333. "Living way of Africa" in English. ID at 1829.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, June 26)<br />

SWEDEN Following up my previous observation that during the English<br />

broadcast at 1330, R. Sweden on 15240 via Canada was 18 seconds ahead of<br />

R. Sweden direct on 15735, the following few days reception was so poor on<br />

15735 that I could not compare them. I barely managed to June 27 at 1350,<br />

as 15735 occasionally faded up enough to be intelligible. Since I could be<br />

sure of hearing 15240 continuously and clearly, just in case, I first<br />

noted a marker bit of audio on 15735, listened for two mins to 15240 and<br />

never heard it repeated.<br />

But at 1353 UT I was able to track a marker about 30 seconds later on

15735 than on 15240. So Sackville relay is still running ahead of Sweden<br />

direct, by a greater delay this time. The variation is probably caused by<br />

two different recordings being started at slightly different times<br />

independently, even tho it's the same programming, rather than a direct<br />

relay by one of the other or who knows what variations may be involved in<br />

digital feeds. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld June 27)<br />

Heute June 30th bei Radio Schweden:<br />

<br />

"Museum am Sendemast<br />

Der erste telegrafische Sendemast Schwedens und dazu 126 Jahre<br />

dokumentierte Industriegeschichte werden ein Museum. Nach <strong>der</strong> Aufnahme ins<br />

Weltkulturerbe <strong>der</strong> Unesco im vergangenen Jahr schlaegt das Museum um den<br />

Radiosen<strong>der</strong> Grimeton am Wochenende seine Pforten auf. - Wibke Kristin<br />

Dose"<br />

1630-1800 Mo-Sa MW 1179<br />

1730-1800 Mo-Sa KW 6065<br />

1830-2000 Mo-Sa KW 6065 + MW 1179 + SAT<br />

1830-1930 Sonntags KW 6065 + MW 1179. (Olaf Haenssler-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> June 30)<br />

TAIWAN 11940 June 25 at 1355-1400* UT Religious song, melodic mx and<br />

s/off. TRT closes down at 1355 UT and the channel comes free. May be Trans<br />

World Broadcasting Ministry from Taiwan? Poor/Fair 25522.<br />

(Luca Botto Fiora-I, dxld June 25)<br />

TWBroadc. Mandarin via Bau Jong TWN at 1300-1400 UT listed, 100kW 335<br />

degr. (wb, July 2)<br />

Prepared Form QSL card of Trans World Broadcasting Ministry, which I<br />

received is shown in my HP<br />

<br />

along with the enclosed view card of famous Arishan Logging Railroad.<br />

This station seems to have nothing to do with Trans World Radio, but have<br />

some relation with Christian Vision, because there is a link to Christian<br />

Vision in their URL<br />

<br />

Full schedule is as follows:<br />

1300-1400 11940 kHz (100 kW) over CBS-Taipei.<br />

1600-1700 864 kHz (10 kW) over CBS-Kaoshiung.<br />

2100-2200 97.8 MHz over Tong Lin Broadcasting Station.<br />

2200-2300 981 kHz (1 kW) over Feng Min Broadcasting Station Kaoshiung.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 3)<br />

TAIWAN/VIETNAM 11540 Test broadcasts from Little Saigon Radio, which<br />

Bernd Trutenau reported were being transmitted from Taiwan, have been<br />

noted here on 11840 [typo - rather 11540] from 1138-1150 UT on 22 June. At<br />

1138 UT, Viet mx was being played; 1145 brief annt in Vietnamese referring<br />

to Little Saigon Radio, then mx resumed. At 1149, Radio Little Saigon<br />

[sic] was clearly mentioned. SIO at tune in 333, improved rapidly to 444<br />

before noise reduced to 433 late in the period.<br />

(T. C. Patterson, Cebu City-PHL, HCJB <strong>DX</strong> PL July 2, notes by gh for dxld)<br />

The typo was 11840. They tested on 7380 and 11540; 7380 was later replaced<br />

by 15110. See audio clips on the IBB RMS website:<br />

<br />

(click on the Asia-map and then do a sound query for "LSR").<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld July 4)<br />

TAJIKISTAN IBB is contracting with a Tajik firm to install a new SW<br />

antenna at the Orzu site (Aaron Zawitzky, dxld)

That's MW 972 kHz, but HFCC does not yet list Orzu as a SW site; none but<br />

Dushanbe in that country (gh, dxld)<br />

The Orzu SW site exists since 1971. See WRTH20<strong>05</strong>, pg. 551 and<br />

<br />

[more]<br />

Orzu is a Soviet-era high-power combined MW/SW site, since Tajikistan's<br />

independence owned by Teleradiokom, the Tajik state tx operator.<br />

IBB is leasing SW & MW facilities at this site since the early 1990s;<br />

another major customer is Voice of Russia. The new 800 kW Thales MW tx on<br />

972 (BBG's Radio Aap ki Dunyaa) replaces a Soviet-made unit that is<br />

currently run with 500 kW on this frequency. The BBG/IBB investments in<br />

Orzu appear to be of a similar kind as earlier e.g. in Cyprus (MW tx for<br />

Radio Sawa on the Monte Carlo Radiodiffusion site Cape Greco) or United<br />

Arab Emirates (MW txs for Radio Farda on the Emirates Media site<br />

Dhabbaya). In the HFCC schedule, Orzu SW transmisions traditionally appear<br />

un<strong>der</strong> the "DB" label, just as txions from the Dushanbe site in Yangiyul.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld June 28)<br />

Re: Orzu site and BBG. Your observation about BBG investing in someone<br />

else's facilities at Orzu applies to the 972 kHz project as well. This is<br />

a well-established Orzu outlet, in the past using 1000 kW like 648 and 801<br />

kHz. It is a bit difficult to figure how many MW/LW txs exist at Orzu, but<br />

it seems they have at least two if not three megawatt units, plus several<br />

lower powered txs. The high power mediumwave transmitters were already<br />

used by the B<strong>BC</strong> and Deutsche Welle, as far as I recall.<br />

I assume BBG made some contract with Teleradiokom, the Tajik transmitter<br />

operator, which goes beyond just leasing airtime.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld July 2)<br />

The United States Broadcasting Board of Governors and International<br />

Broadcasting Bureau may have a future requirement for operating a three<br />

tower high power directional transmitting antenna on a site near Orzu,<br />

Tajikistan. The antenna will operate at a minimum of 800 kilowatts of<br />

transmitting power and each of the three towers will be approximately<br />

90 metres in height.<br />

(FedBizzOpps Daily June 5th via Aaron Zawitzky, dxld<br />

via W<strong>DX</strong>C Contact magazine July, via Mike Barraclough-UK, July 4)<br />

Additional freq for Voice of Russia WS in English from June 3:<br />

1600-1700 on 12115 DB 100 kW / 140 deg SoEaAs // 6070, 94<strong>05</strong>, 11640, 12<strong>05</strong>5,<br />

15540 kHz.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

THAILAND 15150 VOA via Udon Thani, at 0135 UT on 3 July. Mandarin sce<br />

better than and on top of Beijing Opera jammer.<br />

(Jerry Strawman-IA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 4)<br />

UGANDA [non] Quote from Radio Rhino International Africa website<br />

dated 30 June 20<strong>05</strong>:<br />

"Dear listeners, beginning the first of July until further notice, Radio<br />

Rhino International Africa will only broadcast every Wednesday and Friday<br />

of the week, at the usual txion time. Our freq remains 17.870 Short Wave.<br />

Much as we are committed to continue broadcasting dailly [sic], but due to<br />

financial constraints, we are unable to."<br />

(via Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 30)<br />

4976 Radio Uganda, at 0337-0410 on Jun 29, program of vocals hosted by a<br />

man announcer. ID at 0400 UT followed by news. Poor.

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 3)<br />

UKRAINE Dario Monferini over Dxprogram Radio Ukraine International<br />

Hello, Dario! Interview will be on air over Radio Ukraine International on<br />

Sat/Sun (from June 25 plus ~3 Sat/Sun onward) at 2118 on 7490 kHz; 0018 &<br />

0318 on 7440, 1118 on 15675. I wish you good listening. Reception reports<br />

are welcomed to my email and will be verified with QSLcard.<br />

(Alexan<strong>der</strong> Yegorov-UKR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 24)<br />

UNID/INDONESIA? 2959.90t. a bit of audio at 1035-1100 UT.<br />

3578.76t Ngada?, 1030-1040 UT just a carrier but hope for a good opening.<br />

(Bob Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 30)<br />

UNID/ NZ? 3935 kHz at 1<strong>05</strong>0-11<strong>05</strong> UT, some audio on the hour.<br />

(Bob Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 30)<br />

U.K. 11885 Salama at 1951 UT. Talks between 2 people in ?? lang ,<br />

mentions of Africa. At 2000 wih song and ID 'salama radio' tel numbers and<br />

address given 6316 Nigeria 3703253 salama @ .... com followed by religious<br />

type program as Pale fo Jericho etc.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 19)<br />

VT Group B<strong>BC</strong> World Service txion contract to continue.<br />

VT Group, through its VT Communications subsidiary, has reached agreement<br />

to continue distributing and transmitting B<strong>BC</strong> World Service radio<br />

programming for a further five years. This is valued at approximately #150<br />

million. The initial contract was originally let to Merlin Communications<br />

upon privatisation in 1997. VT Group acquired Merlin in 2001, creating the<br />

VT Communications Division.<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> World Service radio programmes are transmitted through 10 txion sites<br />

in the UK and throughout the world, which are operated and maintained by<br />

VT Communications. The sce is transmitted in 43 langs to around 150<br />

million weekly listeners throughout the world with the English and Arabic<br />

sces broadcast 24 hours a day.<br />

VT Group Chief Executive Paul Lester commented: "The continuance of the<br />

contract will un<strong>der</strong>pin our communications business for several years to<br />

come and reflects the high standards of sce provided since privatisation.<br />

In addition, we are excited to be supporting the World Service as it faces<br />

a period of unprecedented technological change, through its increasing<br />

move into the digital era."<br />

Nigel Chapman, Director at B<strong>BC</strong> World Service, said: "Our relationship has<br />

continued to develop very positively since the acquisition of Merlin by<br />

VT. We face an exciting but challenging future and we are delighted to be<br />

working with VT Communications as our partner." (Media Network weblog)<br />

[Mo<strong>der</strong>ator: The press release doesn't make it clear, but while VT<br />

Communications owns and operates the UK SW sites, the overseas sites such<br />

as Cyprus, Thailand, Ascension etc are still owned by the B<strong>BC</strong> or UK govt<br />

and only operated by VT un<strong>der</strong> contract. dk]<br />

(Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, hcdx June 28)<br />

VT Communications was unwilling to carry the radio show Zwart of Wit<br />

/VB6015. The decision was based on the unease that we feel following the<br />

numerous links that have been made with an extreme political group in<br />

Belgium. It is essential that we keep to the moral high ground with all of<br />

our txions and we cannot therefore afford to take the risk of being<br />

associated with any such group, irrespective of whether the broadcast<br />

content appears to be acceptable.<br />

(Nick Gilboy, VT Communications Broadcast Sales Manager in<br />

W<strong>DX</strong>C Contact magazine July, via Mike Barraclough-UK, July 4)

USA [non] RFE/RL announced that it will close its Serbian sce, as well<br />

as Albanian txions for Kosovo, as from 1 July.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 30)<br />

11930 Radio Marti; ID at 2000+ on July 3, still promoting "WPIK,<br />

Summerland Key, 102 punto 5 MegaHertz." So, the FM relay continues. Listed<br />

at 50 kW. If not for the local 102.5, I'd have a shot at it, as 102.1 (Key<br />

Largo) sporadically makes it, and (before the Sarasota station occupied<br />

the channel), 107.9 relay of the Miami Spanish station also occasionally<br />

made it.<br />

(Terry L.Krueger-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 4)<br />

USA/PAKISTAN [and non]. July 1 at 1420, WEWN had not built up to bone-<br />

crushing strength on 11645, and I counted a SAH of about 165/minute or<br />

2.75 Hz. Per HFCC that would be ERA Kavalla, 250 kW, 355 degrees in Greek<br />

no it wouldn't; the actual VOG A-<strong>05</strong> schedule does not show them on 11645<br />

at that hour, so another wooden HFCC listing. Then what could it be?<br />

Strangely enough, the latest ITU Monitoring file shows they heard nothing<br />

at all on 11645. Altho exhaustive, it's obviously hit-and-miss.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld July 1)<br />

The only station I know of on 11645 is Radio Pakistan. This was the<br />

message I received:<br />

"Frequencies 11585 & 11550 kHz for Russian and Irani programmes have been<br />

replaced since June 13th with 11645 and 7310 kHz respectively."<br />

Russian therefore is broadcast at 1415-1445 on new 11645 via API-1 313 deg<br />

[x11585v where it was co-ch with AIR] // API-3 9340 313deg. Both 100 kW.<br />

Are you REALLY picking up something from that one at 1420 UT! If so, from<br />

which direction? I have yet to hear a positive signal from WEWN on this<br />

frequency at this time!<br />

The Irani broadcast is at 1715-1800 UT now via API-3 7310 100 kW 260deg<br />

[x11550] // API-2 9320 same bearing. All I hear on 7310 is a buzzy rumble<br />

and voice in the background which might be from XJBS Urumqi co-ch.<br />

Unfortunately, there are several[rather a lot, wb.] 'wooden' ERA<br />

registrations. This is one of them:<br />

11645 1300-1530 18,27,28SE KAV 250 355<br />

And they were oft repeated via the IBB/BBG freq schedule when we used to<br />

be privileged to see that.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, dxld July 4)<br />

UZBEKISTAN 17525 Voice of Tibet via Tashkent. June 28 at 1212 (S/on)-<br />

1234. SINPO 35333. Started with song and ID was heard at 1215 as "...<br />

Voice of Tibet...". Talk by a man and song followed. 17525 kHz June 29,<br />

S/on with song at 1100, but covered by Chinese mx station at 1102 UT.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, June 26)<br />


New Zealand has provided 61,000 US dollars for Vanuatu public radio to buy<br />

two new txs. The txs are to improve reception for the Vanuatu Broadcasting<br />

and Television Corporation's radio sces in the capital of Vila and on<br />

Santo. The New Zealand high commissioner, Paul Willis, says it is of great<br />

importance for any island nation like Vanuatu, spread over thousands of<br />

kilometres, that there is a reliable and affordable radio sce. He says an<br />

effective medium wave radio sce is an essential part of a functioning<br />

democracy.<br />

(RNZi 24 Jun, via B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld)<br />

VATICAN STATE Former Dir. of Vatican Radio - German language section -<br />

Jesuit padre Heinrich Segur R.I.P.

Jesuitenpater Heinrich Segur, langjaehriger Leiter <strong>der</strong> deutschsprachigen<br />

Abteilung von Radio Vatikan, ist am 29. Juni im Alter von 77 Jahren in<br />

Wien gestorben. Von 1974 bis 1983 war <strong>der</strong> Oesterreicher als Leiter <strong>der</strong><br />

deutschsprachigen Redaktion von Radio Vatikan taetig.<br />

Heinrich Segur wurde am 12. Mai 1929 in Wien als Spross einer alten<br />

Adelsfamilie geboren. Er maturierte 1949 in Amstetten und begann ein<br />

Theologie- und Philosophiestudium in Innsbruck. 1951 trat er in den<br />

Jesuitenorden ein und wurde 1960 von Bischof Paulus Rusch zum Priester<br />

geweiht. Nach seiner Rueckkehr nach Wien war Segur Praefekt im Kollegium<br />

Kalksburg, danach von 1966 bis 1969 Spiritual im Priesterseminar Wien,<br />

danach in Brixen.<br />

Von 1974 bis 1983 arbeitete Segur bei "Radio Vatikan", wo er als Leiter<br />

<strong>der</strong> deutschsprachigen Redaktion Vorgaenger von P. Eberhard von Gemmingen<br />

war. Segur ist auch Autor mehrerer Buecher zu spirituellen Themen,<br />

darunter "Der Glaubensweg Abrahams: Lebenshilfe aus <strong>der</strong> Bibel" o<strong>der</strong> "Die<br />

Messfeier. Aus <strong>der</strong> Bibel erklaert".<br />

Der oesterreichische Jesuiten-Provinzial P. Severin Leitner wuerdigte<br />

seinen Ordensbru<strong>der</strong> als einen Mann, "<strong>der</strong> sich auf vielen Gebieten grosse<br />

Verdienste erworben hat: als Priester, als Medienfachmann und als<br />

persoenlicher Berater und Begleiter vieler Menschen".<br />

(Radio Vatikan 30.6.20<strong>05</strong>; via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt July 2)<br />

YEMEN 9779.5 Yemen Radio, at *0258-0335 on July 1, an announcer with ID<br />

and opening annts in Arabic. At 0300 there was a brief mx bridge followed<br />

by the same man with news. Two vocal selections from 03<strong>05</strong> followed by a<br />

drama program at 0315. Fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 3)<br />

ZIMBABWE/UK The Station Manager of SW Radio Africa, Gerry Jackson, has<br />

sent out a press release stating that the station has been saved from<br />

closure. SW Radio Africa will therefore be able to continue broadcasting<br />

on mediumwave 1197 kHz from 0300 to <strong>05</strong>00 UT every morning. This signal is<br />

clearly heard throughout SoAfrica and over most of Zimbabwe. Programming<br />

can also be accessed worldwide, 24 hours a day, at<br />

where the broadcasts are streamed live and<br />

also archived.<br />

Gerry Jackson adds that regrettably, due to the relentless jamming of the<br />

SW signal by the Zimbabwe govt, the station is unable to provide a SW sce<br />

at the moment.<br />

SW Radio Africa is also experimenting with Podcasting. To hear the station<br />

this way, download ipod<strong>der</strong>, open the application and in the box 'Add feed<br />

manually' paste this address:<br />

<br />

Andy Sennitt comments: This is welcome news, and very much needed as we<br />

see on our TV screens pictures of the desperate plight of many people in<br />

Zimbabwe. We wish our colleagues at SW Radio Africa lots of success in<br />

their continued struggle to tell the world the truth about what is<br />

happening there. (RNW Media Network blog June 24)<br />

?? No SW? It was just heard yesterday by Steve Lare. At 1700-1800 on<br />

15145. Let's check again today to see if she is still not being completely<br />

candid, for the best of reasons. (gh, dxld June 25)<br />

[Woofferton-UK site, wb. ]<br />

SW Radio Africa soldiers on, on 15145 kHz at 1700 UT today with their<br />

standard s/on routine. Signal just slightly better than yesterday. At 1702<br />

UT a buzzing noise came up on the frequency, not sure if intentional

jamming or not. The noise does not seem to be local to my location, making<br />

a real mess of any reception. 24 June 20<strong>05</strong>. Not sure who is trying to fool<br />

who? (Steve Lare-MI-USA, dxld June 25)<br />

SW Radio Africa is still on 15145, 1700-1800. Severe jamming from within<br />

Zimbabwe.<br />

(David Pringle-Wood, Harare, Zimbabwe, dxld June 24)<br />

PIZZA.<br />

Great Circle Maps. Found this really nice great-circle mapping program. It<br />

is a free program and allows a polar or rectangular projection and centers<br />

the map on your location. Other features include a calculation of distance<br />

from your location to the target and a display of the terminator. The<br />

author has several free programs on his website. Download it here<br />

<br />

(Strawman-IA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer June 20)<br />

Updated Africa on Shortwave surveys, compiled by Tony Rogers of the<br />

British <strong>DX</strong> Club, are now available on the B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK web site. Tony has<br />

updated both surveys as of July 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

As usual there are two versions available:<br />

1) Country or<strong>der</strong> - this comprehensive list covers all known domestic and<br />

external short wave broadcasts from Africa as well as selected<br />

opposition/target broadcasts aimed at African countries.<br />

2) Frequency or<strong>der</strong> - this lists domestic stations in sub-Saharan Africa as<br />

well as most opposition/target broadcasts aimed at Africa. It also<br />

includes international broadcasts relayed from txs in Africa on the<br />

Tropical bands.<br />

These documents can be downloaded in pdf format from the Articles index on<br />

the B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK web site at: <br />

(Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, July 5)<br />

Results of 17th INTERNATIONAL <strong>DX</strong> CONTEST<br />

"The Grand Tour With Cancer and Capricorn 20<strong>05</strong>"<br />

Participant Part 1 Part 2 Quiz (%) Total<br />

1. Ouma Samuel, Uganda 2 414,39 590.91 75 3 230.70<br />

2. Roberto Pavanello, Italy 2 214.39 676,92 100 3 180.44<br />

3. Anker Petersen, Denmark 2 014.39 690.91 65 2 881.14<br />

4. Rolands Straumalis, Latvia 1 881.06 690.91 75 2 764.87<br />

5. Robert Foerster, Germany 1 888.21 657.57 85 2 762.17<br />

6. Roy F. Merrall, United Kingdom 1 936.61 584.60 70 2 <strong>697</strong>.69<br />

7. Patrick Robic, Austria 1 714.39 674.24 85 2 591.66<br />

8. Christoph Ratzer, Austria 1 327.95 500.00 90 1 992.47<br />

9. Soehartono Ashar, INS 1 200.17 600.00 85 1 953.18<br />

10. Hans Verner Lollike, Denmark 1 <strong>05</strong>4.27 667.83 80 1 859.87<br />

11. Frank Schuettig, INS 1 255.66 300.00 95 1 703.45<br />

12. Dmitry Mezin, Russia 1 083.50 490.91 80 1 700.36<br />

13. Claudio D. Perdomo, Argentina 869.27 667.83 90 1 675.44<br />

14. Vladimir Rozhkov, Russia 1 067.67 490.91 60 1 652.09<br />

15. Luis Jimenez Pina, Cuba 1 020.15 400.00 32 1 465.59<br />

16. Simon Guettier, United Kingdom 1 304.87 690.91 75 1 340.31<br />

17. Helmut Lesser, Germany 326.91 700.00 28 1 <strong>05</strong>5.66<br />

18. Frank Kuenzel, Germany 299.29 690.91 38 1 027,83<br />

19. Arnold Heiles, Luxembourg 473.03 500.00 50 1 021.68<br />

20. Claes Olsson, Sweden 939.45 0 75 1 009.91<br />

21. Sergey M. Kolesov, Ukraine 207.77 490.91 75 751.08<br />

22. Herbert Reiff, Germany 477.91 100.00 30 595.25<br />

23. Wayne C. Patterson, USA 465.47 100.00 20 576.78<br />

24. Jerry Canaday, USA 355.73 100.00 20 464.84

25. Franz Latsch, Austria 141.10 190.91 35 343.63<br />

26. Juergen Biesinger, Germany 47.62 0 8 48.00<br />

Three additional prizes regardless to scoring:<br />

Luis Jimenez Pina, Cuba. Claes Olsson, Sweden. Herbert Reiff, Germany.<br />

(Bohac; dswci <strong>DX</strong>W June 29)<br />

Buchtipp:<br />

Hermann Stuempert: Ist das Radio noch zu retten ?<br />

ISBN 3-937151-30-3, 196 Seiten, 19,90 EUR uni-edition<br />

(Habe dies als Anzeige gelesen)<br />

Ausstellung: "Hoeren mit Roehren, Radios von gestern"<br />

bis zum 21. August im Stadtmuseum Bergkamen, Jahnstr. 31, Bergkamen-<br />

Oberaden (nordoestl. von Dortmund).<br />

Geoeffnet Di, Mi, Do 10-12 und 14-17 Uhr, Fr, Sa 14-17 Uhr, So 11-18 Uhr,<br />

Eintritt frei.<br />

(Juergen Lohuis-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 5)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 719 12 July 20<strong>05</strong><br />

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with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our<br />

WW<strong>DX</strong>C WWW homepage-German AG<strong>DX</strong> Club-direct address:<br />

<br />

or via Link of Homepage: <br />

Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

ALBANIA/CHINA The Albanian RTV Technical Director Arben Mehilli gave me<br />

a good nx today in the afternoon that the ARTV Web page will be active as<br />

it is configured at <br />

available in Internet from about a week ago. Your comments and kind<br />

suggestions on this pre-Radio Tirana Web page would be highly appreciated<br />

from us.<br />

Thank you and best regards from a sunny hot Tirana,<br />

Drita Cico, TV-Head of Monitoring Center, RADIO TIRANA. (direct July 6)<br />

[later]<br />

As you know, I always forward all reception reports to Radio Tirana<br />

Management, TWR, CRI and You/WW<strong>DX</strong> Club.<br />

In the end of June, I discussed with our Technical Director Mr Arben<br />

Mehilli and Radio Tirana External Service Director Mr Astrit Ibro on SWL<br />

reports with complains and remarks on A<strong>05</strong>ALR.<br />

Again discussed on your yesterday reception with Tech. Dir., who gave me<br />

the permission to propose according to reception reports the necessary<br />

Radio Tirana freq corrections, which he will or<strong>der</strong> to be executed - he<br />

said.<br />

(Drita Cico, TV-Head of Monitoring Center, RADIO TIRANA, July 8)<br />

Re: Radio Tirana-ALB. Interference on 7120 at 2130 UT.

Hello Drita,<br />

I had the opportunity to try 7120 last evening - July 5th - around 2145UT.<br />

I can confirm Olle's findings. China Radio International is a very strong<br />

signal at my location in North-West England on this frequency and Radio<br />

Tirana is unusable.<br />

There are other freqs available in the 7 MHz band at 2130-2200 which seem<br />

sufficiently clear, and either Shijak or Urumqi should move to one of<br />

them.<br />

I note these A-<strong>05</strong> HFCC registrations:<br />

7120 2130-2200 28NE URU 500 308 0 216 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7120 2130-2200 27 SHI 100 300 0 216 123456 ALB ALR ALR<br />

Unfortunately, SW signals are not as selective in their target areas. What<br />

is audible in Ciraf Zone 28NE will also be audible in Ciraf Zone 27. In<br />

other words, it is an impratical sharing of a frequency.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 6)<br />

Dear Drita,<br />

Your txion in English at 2130 UT on 7120 kHz is currently inaudible here<br />

as the freq is used by CRI Hungarian at the same time. The CRI transmitter<br />

puts in an enormous signal even at my location in the far north of Europe.<br />

Before 2128 UT, the freq is empty ... (Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 4)<br />

Checked 7120 kHz today and have to say that this is the worst clash I<br />

witnessed in a long time. Two powerhouse signals of about equal strength<br />

but 10.8 Hz apart (both carriers were already on at 2127 UT tune-in), so<br />

the resulting mess got also further disfigured by a terrible, fast SAH.<br />

HFCC says the Chinese tx is Urumqui, and it indeed has to be a high power<br />

rig in western China to produce such a strong signal. A recording of this<br />

disaster:<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 10)<br />

Frequency check for A<strong>05</strong>ALR: English & German<br />

Dear B<strong>BC</strong> Mon, DW, ... & Radio Tirana Listeners,<br />

According to the planned Radio Tirana A<strong>05</strong> frequency changes for English<br />

and German programs, please kindly send us reception reports made from<br />

Monday to Saturday:<br />

* for English Program 2130-2200 UTC Ciraf 27 100 kW Freq:<br />

6225, 6230, 6235, 7110 kHz.<br />

* for German Program 1801-1830 UTC Ciraf 28 100 kW Freq:<br />

6115, 71<strong>05</strong>, 7110, 7115, 7135, 7140 kHz.<br />

Please, let us know which one of the above or other frequencies results<br />

the best to use during A<strong>05</strong>ALR. Your cooperation would be very useful and<br />

much appreciated! Looking forward to hear from you ASAP.<br />

(Drita Cico, TV-Head of Monitoring Center, RADIO TIRANA, July 8)<br />

...for English Program 2130-2200 UTC Ciraf 27 100 kW Freq:<br />

6225, 6230, 6235, 7110 kHz.<br />

Dear Mrs. Drita Cico,<br />

I checked the wanted freqs at 2100-2200 UT, see above - twice times.<br />

Receiver location is in south-west Germany, just midst on the propagation<br />

path from Shijak towards United Kingdom.<br />

6225 is not bad, but suffers slighly on upper side by Utility sce which

covers 6227-6232 kHz.<br />

6230 is useless, see UTE previous line.<br />

6235 is useless, see UTE previous line before.<br />

6240 would bes a much, much better choice, no QRM.<br />

7110 Powerhouse CRI leaves at 2100 UT. But small thiny co-channel signal<br />

of Belarus Home sce still stays here. And also slight sideband QRM of<br />

Belarus External sce on 71<strong>05</strong> kHz occurs. 7115 seems free so far.<br />

Resumen: 7110 kHz would work at least on fair level, depending of Belarus<br />

signal propagation and how strong Shijak 100 kW signal reaches U.K.<br />

target. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 10)<br />

Dear Wolfy, Very many thanks indeed, for your nice observations, also<br />

forwarded to Radio Tirana Management.<br />

What about freq observations:<br />

* for German Program 1801-1830 UTC Ciraf 28 100 kW<br />

Freq: 6115, 71<strong>05</strong>, 7110, 7115, 7135, 7140 kHz ?<br />

Are you satisfied in your location with 6130 kHz?<br />

(Drita Cico, TV-Head of Monitoring Center, RADIO TIRANA, July 11)<br />

ALGERIA 7466 Re: "Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Africa on Shortwave survey" publication: I<br />

do notice that un<strong>der</strong> Algeria it states that there is "no current SW<br />

broadcasting from Algeria". However if one looks un<strong>der</strong> the entry for<br />

Western Sahara one will find that that broadcast [7466] originates from<br />

Tindouf, Algeria. (Steve Lare-MI-USA, dxld July 7)<br />

Thanks to Steve for spotting this anomaly, we have now uploaded a revised<br />

version which includes the Polisario station un<strong>der</strong> both Algeria and<br />

Western Sahara, as well a couple of other updates. See the Africa by<br />

Country list on the Articles index at<br />

<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, British <strong>DX</strong> Club, dxld July 7)<br />

I know <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> #718 already has my <strong>05</strong> Jul report on this I have recently<br />

brought to discussion so to speak RTA's 198 kHz Ouargla & 153 kHz Bechar,<br />

and tried both on the [Portugal] SW coast during the day on 03 Jul at 1341<br />

UT when airing the normal Arabic program, with phone-ins, mo<strong>der</strong>n Arabic<br />

songs, few talks: 153 kHz Bechar, closer to Portugal, rated at 55454<br />

mainly via the back of the 250 m Central America unterminated Beverage.<br />

198 kHz Ouargla, away to the east, into the desert, rated at 25342 via a<br />

K9AY loop to avoid co-channel B<strong>BC</strong> R4 Droitwich which does dominate the<br />

frequency. I compared those two signals against RTA 549 kHz, and found a<br />

ñ 2" delay on Bechar & Ouargla which almost denotes a satellite feed.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 7)<br />

ARMENIA At 1600-1700 UT VOR in Ru "KS" prgr, 1700 UT Break, 1725-1825<br />

TWR in Caucasian, Persian, Kurdish on 1377 MW, maybe replacing 234 and<br />

1314 kHz. From 1810 UT in Kurdish was // MW 864 kHz (July 2). MW 1350 and<br />

864 kHz schedule remains unchanged.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 10)<br />

AUSTRALIA 2310 VL8A Alice Springs, Jul 3 12:55 - Very good reception<br />

with usual A<strong>BC</strong> programming,//to slightly weaker 2325 VL8T Tennant Creek,<br />

and 2485 VL8K Katherine (the latter with a ute cochannel spoiling the<br />

frequency).<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-CAN, dx-ped Queen Charlotte Isl <strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 5)<br />

BAHRAIN 9745 on Jul 7 at 2230- UT: Radio Bahrain. Heard daily with non-<br />

stop Arab mx. AM/U. Equally strong with co-channel Vo Han / Kuanghua and<br />

HCJB. (Mauno Ritola-FIN, hcdx July 7)

BRAZIL 17815 R Cultura, Sao Paulo; at 0138-02<strong>05</strong> on 7 July, clear and<br />

very good w/ xlnt traditional jazz instrumentals, PT M 0147, back to jazz.<br />

At 0200:30, M back-intro'ed the last track, then "Radio Cultura... AM...<br />

FM... ondas curtas ..." (Terry L Krueger-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 7)<br />

Radio Nacional do Brasil 9665 in HFCC list.I wanted to check actual<br />

azimuths used by Brazil's natl. b/caster on 9665, and all I could find<br />

un<strong>der</strong> version 01, sub-version 00, applies to the B relay for China RI, not<br />

a single entry on R. Nacional do Brasil itself:<br />

9665 0100-0200 zones 14/16 215deg<br />

ditto 0300-0400 zones 10 to 12 314deg<br />

Truly enlightening ... Does anyone know the actual beams for B 9665 to<br />

Afr+Eur?On no mention of R. Senado (now defunct?)<br />

whatsoever. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 6)<br />

Also listed<br />

6170 0730-0400 250 kW 344deg 6185 0730-0400 250 kW 344deg<br />

9665 <strong>05</strong>00-0800 250 kW 314deg 9665 1800-2200 250 kW 314deg<br />

11780 0000-2400 250 kW 312deg<br />

and taken from Radio Nacional Z-98 schedule [HISTORY!]<br />

kHz kW deg<br />

0115-0215 PORTUGUESE Am 11780 250 312<br />

0415-<strong>05</strong>15 PORTUGUESE Am 11765 250 314<br />

0700-0800 PORTUGUESE Af 9745 250 089<br />

1000-1120 SPANISH Am 9745 250 220<br />

1200-1320 ENGLISH Am 15445 250 326<br />

1330-1450 SPANISH Am 15445 250 326<br />

1630-1750 PORTUGUESE EuME 15265 250 040<br />

1800-1920 ENGLISH EuME 15265 250 040<br />

1800-1920 PORTUGUESE Af 17750 250 089<br />

1920-0000 Sun only PORTUGUESE Af 17750 250 089<br />

1930-2<strong>05</strong>0 GERMAN EuME 15265 250 040<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 11)<br />

CHILE Re: 15485 Voz Christiana Santiago-CHL / B<strong>BC</strong> Skelton-UK 0700-1700<br />

UT 300kW 180 deg.<br />

15485 Voz Crista, Santiago, on 3 Jul at 1431-... UT, Portuguese to<br />

Brasil, listeners' mail; 44544, co-channel QRM de B<strong>BC</strong> UK. Sorry, I forgot<br />

to write down the antenna I used - the 300 m SoAm Beverage perhaps - but<br />

do recall both stations were audible via another aerial, possibly the 25 m<br />

sloper, even if the B<strong>BC</strong> kept getting QRM de CHL (I sometimes write down<br />

the type of antenna for a particular log when it's the sort of antenna one<br />

wouldn't expect to use at all for that QRG, like the elevated K9AY here<br />

often being my best tool for Mali 9635v!). So reception of Chile is<br />

possible in Europe after lunch time despite all odds.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 7)<br />

CHINA And re Olle's observations re changes at one of the the RTC<br />

stations in BEI. I did try to tune to CNR-6 (Taiwan Service 2nd) which<br />

should be using 9170 at 2<strong>05</strong>5+ but did not hear any signal last night<br />

(<strong>05</strong>/07). This morning (06/07) I tried to hear 15880 which should be on air<br />

0355-1100 UT but could not trace any signal. And there was some form of<br />

digital signal on 119<strong>05</strong> so no signal from BEI could be heard if operating.<br />

As commented to Olle, the two txs used for this sce are registed as BEI 50<br />

kW and via 170 deg so may be at the same site as the "missing" CNR-8<br />

txions.<br />

Of course, I cannot rule out propagation (or lack of it) being responsible<br />

for no signals, but 15880 and 119<strong>05</strong> have not been noted recently. I think<br />

I listened at the wrong time for 6020 and 7120 last night - I didn't hear

them anyway - but was able to note the serious CRI QRM to Tirana on 7120.<br />

The two txions cannot possibly co-exist on 7120 [c.f. un<strong>der</strong> Albania].<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 6)<br />


May I remind rea<strong>der</strong>s that Thompson-CSF (now Thales) has offered a 10 kW /<br />

5 kW tactical SW jamming system since the late 1980s.<br />

It would be nice if someone could dig up an old Thompson brochure to prove<br />

my point as I have seen the brochure myself in the past.<br />

Thales has the right to sell as many jamming systems it wants because it<br />

is a European multinational, not subject to any US sanction. China may<br />

become a centre of production for the ALLISS txion system in future,<br />

perhaps lowering the production cost by 25% (non-transmitter cost).<br />

The ALLISS txion system was designed to combat jamming [from the former<br />

USSR], but the ALLISS design is implicitly designed for jamming when one<br />

replaces the default 500 kW tx with 3 x 100 kW txs and a triplexer. This<br />

design change may mean having to decouple any horizontal phasing equipment<br />

that may be supplied with the ALLISS antenna system.<br />

(Michael Hackett, dxld July 7) see also un<strong>der</strong> IRAQ...<br />

CUBA Radio Habana Cuba finally got some power back, July 9 at 2143 UT,<br />

with open carriers found on 11875, 11760 and 9550 kHz; at 2202 joined<br />

programming in progress, a round-table discussion of the hurricane damage.<br />

But a few mins later a SW fadeout diminished the signals, great timing.<br />

Earlier, during the single hour R. Marti is on 13m, there was pulse<br />

jamming clearly audible at 2108 UT, at the rate of about 4 per second,<br />

mixing with Delano 21500 kHz, where there is usually no jamming to be<br />

heard. Conditions must have been up for Cuba and down for California.<br />

[later]<br />

Radio Rebelde, 11655 kHz, Sunday July 10 until 1302* UT concluding nice<br />

"Musica de su Vida" program, love songs, which I think they said started<br />

at 6 am; off without any ID but good signal till then. Cannot find a<br />

program schedule at the Rebelde website<br />

<br />

link to "Programacion" just leads back to the index page.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld July 9/10/11)<br />

FRANCE/LIBYA Voice of Africa test txions observed. A bilingual test<br />

txion from Libyan radio Voice of Africa was observed from 1200-1400 on<br />

21675 and 21695 kHz SW by B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring on 4 July. Reception was fair to<br />

good.<br />

The first hour was in Swahili and included a nx bulletin at 1230-1235.<br />

This was followed at 1300-1400 with a programme in English, identifying as<br />

"Voice of Africa from the Great Jamahiriyah", and announcing that this was<br />

an experimental txion for east Africa on 21695, and for central, northern<br />

and southern Africa on 21675. There was a nx bulletin at 1330-1340 UT.<br />

Voice of Africa was further observed broadcasting in Arabic 1700-1900 on<br />

the freq of 11615 kHz. A txion on 15660 tentatively identified as Fulani<br />

was noted from tune-in at 1743 until 1800 UT.<br />

According to a statement on the broadcaster's website the station launched<br />

experimental txions in two African langs on 1 July 20<strong>05</strong>, on the occasion<br />

of the fifth African Union Summit being held in the Libyan coastal town of<br />

Sirte.<br />

Voice of Africa is the external sce of state broadcaster Libyan Jamahiriya<br />

Broadcasting Corporation, which has an Arabic/English/French website at

(B<strong>BC</strong>M via RNW MNW July 4)<br />

1 hour broadcast in English at 1300-1400 UT, feat. Nx in English at 1330<br />

UT, on 21675 and 21695 kHz. 1800-2000 UT on 152<strong>05</strong> test tone.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 1-10)<br />

GEORGIA Yesterday morning I tried to check Georgian Radio on 118<strong>05</strong> kHz,<br />

which was in progress in English at 0737-0740 UT. S=3 Gregorian religious<br />

song singer, stable low modulation, stronger carrier. I could un<strong>der</strong>stand<br />

all programm and mx content of the txion. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 6)<br />

GERMANY Peter Beck reports that from tonight Rohrdorf 666 kHz will be<br />

switched off between 2100 and 0400 UT. I can confirm that this time they<br />

indeed enforced this silence period; 666 is empty now, away from some weak<br />

signal I don't bother to identify by getting outside with the radio. At<br />

only 576 and 1017 are mentioned for<br />

overnight sce now, but 711 is still on as well.<br />

Recently SWR cont.ra developed a habit to hardly mention 711 in promos<br />

etc. anymore, provoking speculations that the two remaining txs on this<br />

freq (Heilbronn and Ulm) could be shut down sooner or later as well.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 8)<br />

A small amendment re. Rohrdorf 666: The silence periods of this tx are the<br />

same than introduced for 828 and 1485 a while ago, i.e. Mon-Fri 2100-0300<br />

(winter 2200-0400), Sat+Sun 2100-<strong>05</strong>00 (winter 2200-0600). This means that<br />

for the first daily txion hour still MDR Info will be carried, since SWR<br />

cont.ra relays MDR Info Mon-Fri 2100-0400, Sat+Sun 2100-<strong>05</strong>56 (also here in<br />

winter one UT hour later of course).<br />

Noel asked about FM: SWR cont.ra is not on FM, with the small exception of<br />

a 300 watts tx on the roof of the SWR broadcasting house at Stuttgart<br />

(91.5 MHz). Actually SWR was not supposed to produce this sixth program at<br />

all, but they rolled it out by declaring it to be a DAB project while<br />

putting it on mediumwave (plus satellite for home listening) for a real<br />

world audience. So if a listener in southern Baden-Wuerttemberg now wants<br />

to listen to the overnight relay of MDR Info and has poor reception on 576<br />

and 1017: Bad luck. (Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 10)<br />

African Languages. I checked IBRA radio website in Sweden (they're Swedish<br />

Pentecoastal Missionaries) and they confirm TAMAJEQ as the lang used from<br />

2030 to 2045 UT on 9675 kHz. (see their PDf schedule file).<br />

Contrary to ILG which gives WOLLOF for 2000-2015 on Friday, the pdf file<br />

indicates ZARMA which is a different NILO-SAHARAN lang.<br />

FULFULDE / FULANI TWR Swaziland 1830z 9510 kHz<br />

FULFULDE / FULANI IBRA 1900z 9675 kHz played "hindi" song in the middle,<br />

otherwise typical African percussions and "salaam Aleikum"<br />

TIGRE VOA 1630z 117<strong>05</strong> kHz<br />

TIGRE KOL ISRAEL 1835 11590 kHz / 9345 kHz . 15640 kHz best on 25mb.<br />

KANURI TWR Swaziland 1900 9685 kHz ends 1915<br />

LINGALA TWR Swaziland 19<strong>05</strong> 9525 kHz heavy Russian QRM ; id at 1904 before<br />

start<br />

YORUBA TWR Swaziland 1900 9510 kHz checked/gone at 1932 best in LSB<br />

DYULA / JULA , AWR 2000 11870 kHz gives PO Box in Abidjan, Ivory Coast

DYULA / JULA , IBRA 1945 9675 kHz<br />

MALINKE / MANDINGUE , IBRA 1930 9675 kHz<br />

WOLOF IBRA 2000 9675 kHz<br />

Remarks All IBRA 9675 kHz best received in SSB due QRM<br />

IBRA was active from 2030-2045 UT (end of general txion) in what should've<br />

been TAMAJEQ but I'm puzzled as the lang sounded quite different from a<br />

Berber idiom 'rather like the preceding langs of the NIGER-CONGO branch<br />

(Schedule change ??)<br />

(Patrice- near Paris-F, hcdx July 8) [DTK Juelich 100kW 190deg, wb.]<br />

HUNGARY 21590 Radio Budapest on June 30 at 1131-1145 UT. SINPO 35333.<br />

Interview in Hungarian. Station ID was heard at 1142 UT.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, June 30)<br />

INDONESIA VoINS on v15136.13 kHz again, scheduled 1600-2100 UT.<br />

Today July 8th VoINS Jakarta Cimanggis uses again - randomly - this tx<br />

which is mis-tuned of approx. 14 kHz down (Cimangis has 7x British Marconi<br />

beasts of the 90ties at their disposal, acc TDP list, made in Britain in<br />

1992/1995):<br />

QRG odd v15136.13 kHz (registered on 15150), also // nearly 9525[9524.9..]<br />

kHz German heard well between 1800 and 1828 UT, latter when CRI Beijing<br />

starts Russian sce with 500 kW powerhouse. First reported by Vlad Titarev<br />

in UKR on July 1st. Monitored on July 3: 15149.95 kHz.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 8)<br />

VOI was coming strong yesterday [July 1] on 15136 (mistuned 15150 I<br />

guess). Brought a lot of troubles to 1700-1800 UT 15135 RFE/RL Ukrainian<br />

(mostly by strong H+).<br />

VOI IDs etc in German min(s) before 1700 ToH. 44544 (LSB to avoid AIR<br />

Russian on 15140 kHz). At 2000 UT English with 25322 rating. Their 9525 as<br />

always regularly weak here at the same hours.<br />

(Vlad Titarev-UKR, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 2)<br />

Greeting from Toyama-JPN. We just have a rainy season, heavy rainy every<br />

day. <strong>DX</strong> tips as follows, attached file is recorded around 2030 UT on<br />

15136.13 kHz.<br />

15136.13 VOINS at 2030 UT on 8 July. English sce with pops and commentary.<br />

Good signal. At 0825 UT on 9 July also on 15136.13 kHz with English sce.<br />

Both are // 9524.9 kHz.<br />

(Masahiro Umemura-JPN JH9RUI, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 9)<br />

15135.15 (on July 9) VoINS at 1927 UT with ballad/rock songs by OM.<br />

Station clip "English to know more" showing station's email and web<br />

address but the program was in French thanks to Wolfie for this log and<br />

Vlad Titarev. But today July 10th at 1733 UT station is heard again on<br />

15150 at 1733 with semi 'melayu-deli' songs and other oldies S9 max ID at<br />

1748 UT in Spanish. German progr at 1800 UT, S8 max 43433 some QRM from<br />

15155 kHz. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 10)<br />

As you probably noticed, VoINS is back on 15150 kHz this Sunday. Heard on<br />

15136 yesterday Sat 9th. (Jean-Michel Aubier-F, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 10)<br />

2959.96 RPDT Manggarai, Ruteng, Flores, Timor, Jul 3 12:55 - Fair to good<br />

reception of this reliable Indo with INSn talk. Always very impressive for<br />

300w listed. 3325.02 RRI Palangkaraya, Borneo, Jul 3 13:10 - Presumed

logging with INSn talk. Fair to good reception.<br />

3345 RRI Ternate, Moluccas, Jul 3 13:11 - Good reception with Indonesian<br />

talk by a YL. There was orchestral mx and then a choral anthem (sure<br />

sounded like a NA), at 13:15 but then the YL came back on and continued on<br />

with the usual INSn muffly audio.<br />

(Salmaniw, Tow Hill, Queen Charlotte Isl, <strong>BC</strong>)<br />

3976.<strong>05</strong> RRI Pontianak, Borneo, Jul 3 13:24 - Very good reception with EZL<br />

INSn mx. OM announcer accepted a call, mentioning 'program', and 'bye'.<br />

Then several 'hello', but with no answer. Pontianak mentioned at 13:31:20.<br />

4789.98 Radio Fak-Fak, West Papua, Jul 3 13:40 - Very good reception with<br />

a speech being carried with clapping with excellent audio, then back to<br />

the studio with the usual muffly audio. Then low modulation talk by OM<br />

with piano background. Spoiled by CODAR.<br />

(all Walt Salmaniw-CAN, dx-ped Queen Charlotte Isl <strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer<br />

July 5)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ [KURDISTAN] V. of Iranian Kurdistan heard 1600-1727 UT in<br />

Kurdish and Persian in the ranges 3930-3975 and 4850-4875 kHz, jumping to<br />

avoid Iranian jammers.<br />

V. of Kurdistan, Iraq, 91.50, 1011 June 11 ID in Kurdish, SIO 555. V. of<br />

Kurdistan, Iraq, 91.60, 1000 June 11 nx in Kurdish, SIO 353, both FM by<br />

sporadic E with Chinese Nakiwa receiver.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, 22 May, <strong>DX</strong> News, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Communication magazine)<br />

Balad Relay Station.<br />

On the matter of the Balad relay station (Iraq): I am seeking US public<br />

opinion (and military opinion) on behalf of a non-profit religious<br />

broadcasting client that may seek to lease time<br />

from the Balad Relay Station in future. The client's main concern is HOW<br />

the Balad Relay Station should be reactivated.<br />

If Balad is reactivated, views are sought as to what management<br />

arrangement is worth lobbying the White House and Congress for:<br />

* Balad should be managed on behalf of the Iraq govt<br />

* Acquired outright by BBG (bbg.gov as O&O)<br />

* Jointly managed (BBG & VT Merlin as joint O&O)<br />

* How much money should be spent to reactivate Balad?<br />

Amounts up to 30 Mill USD must be consi<strong>der</strong>ed.<br />

This decision is in the hands of the US administration in Iraq, and the<br />

Iraq govt in formation. Contact me with your opinion or information at:<br />

(delete the X)<br />

Subject: Balad Relay Station<br />

Factoid: The Balad Relay Station is extremely visible from "Camp<br />

Anaconda", as seen in the PBS Frontline documentary "<strong>Private</strong> Warriors".<br />

<br />

Balad Relay Station's Capabilities 16 x 500 kW SW txs, mid 1980s<br />

manufacture.<br />

These can be refurbished cheaply, at less than 2,500,000 CHF<br />

1 x HR 4/4/1 Rotatable Curtin Array (Telefunken? ABB?)<br />

The curtain array is in perfect working or<strong>der</strong> according to rumor. Unknown<br />

number of HRS Curtain Arrays, perhaps 20%+ capable of targeting Iran.

All Balad blueprints and diagrams are held by Thales in Switzerland, and<br />

due to Swiss corporate secrecy laws and are unobtainable by me at this<br />

time. If I had these blueprints I would be able to proceed with further<br />

analysis for my client.<br />

As Iraq is not fully formed as an independent state, these blueprints need<br />

to be made public so as to be in line with international law with respect<br />

to the oversight of public property of defeated powers (as established<br />

after WWII).<br />

Balad What is broken:<br />

Primary Switch Matrix (ready for complete redesign to target Iran with<br />

Triplexing).<br />

Commentary & ideas to email me about too With Balad fully re-activated, it<br />

would be possible for RFE-RL / VOA / Radio Farda / B<strong>BC</strong> Persian / RFI<br />

Persian / etc ... to broadcast to Iran with local MW fieldstrength on up<br />

to 16 [SW] freqs at a time.<br />

Balad has the equivalent to the txion capabilities of Gloria, Portugal ><br />

Former USSR. Iran may be oil rich, but it is not ready to jam 16 x 500 kW<br />

SW txs aimed at it!<br />

Religious broadcasters should be allotted time on Balad, so as to keep any<br />

"Radio War" between the US and Iran from heating up into a true war.<br />

Iraq's regional SW broadcasting needs can be fully met by Abu Greheb Relay<br />

Station, in the Iraq national capital region.<br />

(Michael Hackett, dxld July 8)<br />

According to TDP, the 16 x 500 kW site<br />

called "Balad" above is Salah el Din; the other SW sites are:<br />

Abu Ghraib [note spelling here too where have I heard that name before?] 6<br />

x 250 kW; Babel 4 x 500 kW; Salman Pack [sic] with 4 x 100, 18 x 50, 8 x<br />

10 and 1 x 16 kW.<br />

Altho TDP does not give an "out" of sce date, not a single one of these<br />

SW<strong>BC</strong> txs Iraq once had is on the air, and indeed, there has been little if<br />

any SW<strong>BC</strong> from Iraq (other than Kurdish clandestines, now not so<br />

clandestine), since the first Gulf War. I seem to recall that a good many<br />

of them were destroyed or damaged at that time.<br />

Altho his name is not in the above or website, this is the guy who has<br />

previously come up with fanciful proposals in the past involving RCI and<br />

RNZI, Michael Hackett, who also offers his sces as a consultant at<br />

but his name is nowhere on that either, and<br />

I am not sure "Michael Hackett" is his real name; I only got it from his<br />

From field. His resume includes consultations for hypothetical SW stations<br />

in the Queen Charlotte Islands, Esquimault, and Swift Current, Canada; and<br />

Falkland Islands.<br />

The website has nothing to do with C<strong>BC</strong>! Currently it<br />

promotes something called Power Broadcasting, begging for donations to set<br />

up a 500 kW religious SW station in Lae, PNG, on 15260 to reach the<br />

billions of souls to be saved in China, India, and the rest of Asia (as if<br />

there were not plenty of those already). And as if this were the solution<br />

to preventing terrorism.<br />

Just as wacky is the idea of broadcasting Christian religious programs<br />

from Iraq in or<strong>der</strong> to lessen tensions in the Middle East! I would be very<br />

wary of making any donation (amounts suggested depending on your income)<br />

without investigating this organization fully.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld July 8)

JAPAN 6<strong>05</strong>5 JOZ2 and 9595 JOZ3, // at 0930 UT with what sounded like a<br />

radio soap opera. 9595 SINPO 21432; needed to use USB due to severe co-<br />

channel interference from 9590 and the ICF-2010 sync lock's seemingly<br />

constant use of "lower" rather than "upper". 6<strong>05</strong>5 much noisier though.<br />

Also ... the Voice of Korea once again on 11710 at 1000 UT, this time<br />

strong but very fadey with long, dull nx on the 14th anniversary of the<br />

"demise" of the "Great Lea<strong>der</strong>" Kim Jong Il. (ibid. hcdx July 8)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. 3249.55 Pyongyang Broadcasting Station, Jul 3 at 13:<strong>05</strong> -<br />

Strident Korean OM and YL. Good reception, and // to much stronger 3320.17<br />

and 6250.06 (which was also very strong except for a cochannel<br />

intermittent buzzing utility).<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-CAN, dx-ped Queen Charlotte Isl <strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 5)<br />

MONACO/FRANCE [non] In May this year, the chronology of the 702 kHz/428<br />

metres tx usage was published in S.E.R.<br />

I've thought that also the story of the other glorious MW wavelength of<br />

Radio Monte Carlo, 2<strong>05</strong> metres, might be of interest to some of us. So I've<br />

unearthed my dusty logbooks - however, while the 702 story published in<br />

May was complete, since I logged the first txion in November 1973, the<br />

1467 story may be in need of your contributions, especially between 1948<br />

and 1966!<br />

THE 1466/1467 STORY. 1948 - According to some sources, the 1466 MW tx of<br />

RMC comes to the air on July 3rd with 120 kW.<br />

Early '60s - My first memories are not recorded in any of my logbooks (by<br />

the way, my first entry is for Radio Nordsee International on the 29th of<br />

June, 1970). But they are quite vivid: at the seaside in Tuscany, in the<br />

early '60s, where every boys and girls had their "trannies" tuned to 2<strong>05</strong><br />

metres, where a lively programme in French had much more pop mx in a<br />

single day than could be heard on RAI during a whole week! Radio Monte<br />

Carlo was then "la radio du soleil" and "le juke-box d'Europe".<br />

1966 - While the French sce gradually moves to the new long wave<br />

transmitter on 218 kHz, in or<strong>der</strong> to improve reception throughout almost<br />

all of France, on March 6th the Italian-French txion starts on 1466 at<br />

1400-1600 local, with bilingual annts every three records (one Italian,<br />

one French, one British/American) and announcements in French inviting<br />

French listeners to retune to "1400 metres ondes longues".<br />

Great days when a very popular programme could be shifted to a lower<br />

frequency! The official name of the programme was "La trasmissione italo-<br />

francese di Noel Coutisson", who was the director of the programme. While<br />

usually listening to this programme on short waves (6035 and 7135 kHz), in<br />

Autumn/Winter it was exciting for me to listen to the 1466 signal coming<br />

into life, sometimes as early as 1500 local, but surely in time for a<br />

fabulous programme in French at 1700 which was called "Pop varietes" (and<br />

I still seem to hear that jingle again, "Pop varietes sur Radio Monte<br />

Carlo"!).<br />

1970 - Rock mx beamed to the U.K. past midnight from Radio Geronimo (until<br />

October).<br />

December 2nd, 1970 - First day of broadcasting for MCI - Monte Carlo<br />

International - with Tommy Vance and Dave Cash, and later also Kenny<br />

Everett. Scheduled daily at midnight till 3 o'clock local.<br />

November 1973 - The new 701 kHz tx comes to the air with the Italian sce,<br />

but 1466 remains in parallel.<br />

February 1974 - Trans World Radio on the air on 1466 after closedown of

Italian programme at 2000.<br />

December 1979 - 1466 now relays LW French sce from s/on at 0656 until 2000<br />

local.<br />

July 1980 - TW Radio in English with the Radio Bible Class until midnight<br />

followed by Arabic.<br />

October 1982 - 1467 relays long waves until 1945, followed by special<br />

programme "Dialogue" beamed to Africa and Middle East, and by Radio<br />

Evangile at 2000/2030.<br />

May 1983 - RMC Mediterranee appears on 1467 as an opt-out, Mondays to<br />

Fridays at 1330/1600, with talk and pop/rock mx. IDs also as "RMC 2<strong>05</strong><br />

metres" and "RMC ondes moyennes". Special programmes from the Cannes Film<br />

Festival are broadcast. RMC Mediterranee continues till the summer of<br />

1986, then 1467 returns to all-day relay of the main LW programme, except<br />

for Trans World Radio after 2000.<br />

October 1986 - At 0630/0700, Radio Evangile, followed by this<br />

announcement: "Radio Monte Carlo ondes moyennes vous propose maintenant<br />

son programme ondes longues".<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary 1988 - TWR broadcasts Radio Bible Class followed by "Rendez vous"<br />

in English at midnight. Excellent reception with new 1000 kW transmitter.<br />

February 1988 - Reception check in the morning shows full power with Radio<br />

Evangile until 0700, then reduced power with relay of LW (note that the LW<br />

tx switched from 218 to 216 kHz as late as March 23rd).<br />

July 1989 - Arabic Service on 2<strong>05</strong> metres until 1930, followed by TWR.<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary 1992 - Daytime txions revert to French in//with 216.<br />

September 1999 - Relay of LW sce ends as usual at 1930 with invitation to<br />

retune to 216 "grandes ondes", and religious programme in French follows.<br />

September 2001 - In or<strong>der</strong> to improve audibility of the Central European<br />

Service, while forced to reduce power on 1530 kHz from Santa Maria Galeria<br />

for "electrosmog" reasons, Radio Vaticana hires the Monte Carlo tx from<br />

1630 to 1840 gmt for Slovene, Croat, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Polish and<br />

German sces.<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary 2003 - Juvenile station Superloustic heard all day on 1467, but<br />

soon moves to 675 from Marseille and 999 from Paris.<br />

March 15th, 2004 - First day of broadcasts for MC One, very good here in<br />

Bologna at 0630 signing on, but slightly fading away past 0700. Quite<br />

mysterious station to me, but with nice easy rock mx. Only lasts for a<br />

couple of months on MW, but continues in Monaco with 0,5 kW on 98.2 FM<br />

according to WRTH.<br />

Nov. 1st, 2004 - Italian heard again on 2<strong>05</strong> metres when Trans World Radio<br />

resumes Italian broadcast at 2045/2115 Mondays to Fridays.<br />

(Stefano Valianti-I, Southern European Report, July Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK<br />

"Communication" magazine)<br />

MONGOLIA VoMongolia e-mail id. You can try for a VO Mongolia QSL card if<br />

you have any current / old loggings. This email id is active & responce is<br />

very fast. OM/YL Densmaa is VOM mail editor.<br />

<br />

(Swopan Charoborty-IND, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 8)<br />

NEW ZEALAND 3935.07 ZLXA, Jul 3 at 1250 - Much better heard here, than

in recent years in Grayland or Victoria. Good reception with relay of<br />

National Radio discussing American involvement in Iraq.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-CAN, dx-ped Queen Charlotte Isl <strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 5)<br />

NUMBER STATION When fiddled a little bit on the VFO I came across an<br />

UNID Russian lang number station on exact freq of 11830.00 kHz. At 0742 to<br />

0745 UT noted an endless loop of some Russian number calling procedure,<br />

like hea<strong>der</strong> count figures:<br />

"tchinch, tchetiree, pjat ..." over an over again.<br />

Clandestine message started then at 0745 UT, lasted til 07.47:30 UT. TX<br />

signing off at 07.48:30 UT. No IF image reception at my location,<br />

monitored the number station on three different rxs.<br />

Some international broadcaster use this 11830 channel regularly on other<br />

time of the day. Like Galbeni/Tiganesti-ROU, but also Kaliningrad/Samara-<br />

RUS. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 6)<br />

As far as I recall is it not uncommon for Russian numbers stations to work<br />

also within the broadcasting bands. Another specialty of them are live<br />

announcers, as opposed to "CynthIA", the canned young English lady, the<br />

canned old German lady etc. (Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 8)<br />

OMAN Oman heard on 15140 kHz at 1430 UT, English DJ with Western pop mx,<br />

chimes at 1500, "This is Radio Sultanate.." then the English feed cut and<br />

into Arabic. Good strength but low modulation when in English, seems<br />

better now Arabic is on. (Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 7)<br />

If it stays on air it might be worth tuning 15140 at 1400 to see what lang<br />

is broadcast. It used to carry English for one hour but if I recall<br />

correctly English was dropped before the tx went off.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 8)<br />

Oman back in English on 15140 kHz at 1400-1500 UT. 15140 Jul 8 1400- OMA:<br />

R Sultanate of Oman, Thumrait. Per Noel Green tip, the other Omani SW tx<br />

noted back on the air and in English at this time. Reading dedications and<br />

playing Sade's "Smooth Operator" after the news.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 8)<br />

[Nothing heard on both Seeb 15375 and Thumrait 15140 around 1300-1430 UT.<br />

Maybe 15140 starts later. wb, July 11.]<br />

The tx listed at Thumrait is heard back on air today via 17630 kHz. A good<br />

signal was logged around 0630 UT // Seeb 13640 kHz but the THU tx audio<br />

still has a background rumble. If it stays on air it might be worth tuning<br />

15140 kHz at 1400 UT to see what lang is broadcast. It used to carry<br />

English for one hour but if I recall correctly English was dropped before<br />

the tx went off. (Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 9)<br />

Radio Oman English on 15140 kHz. Oman heard opening in English on 15140<br />

kHz today at 1400 UTC - excellent reception. Identified as "Radio<br />

Sultanate of Oman". This txion is scheduled daily from 1400-1500 UTC but<br />

had been off the air for several months.<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK July 10)<br />

PNG 3235 Radio West New Britain, Jul 3 13:00 - S7 signal with EZL C&W<br />

mx. No ID at the TOH. Female DJ at 13:02 was answering a listener's call:<br />

'Hello?, hello?, hello?' I couldn't make the caller out at all.<br />

3365 Radio Milne Bay, Alotau, Jul 3 13:19 - Presumed logging with Afro-<br />

American vocals at fair to good level.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-CAN, dx-ped Queen Charlotte Isl <strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 5)<br />

PARAGUAY I listened to Radio Nacional del Paraguay in Spanish on 9736.5

kHz from 0806 to 0838 UT on June 17, 20<strong>05</strong>. Mainly songs. ID at 0810, 0831<br />

and 0835 UT. SINPO 35332, 33332, 35333. QRM: Utility station? on same<br />

frequency. (Yasuhiro Shiozaki-JPN, JPNpremium July 7)<br />

POLAND On this page about the crashed 647 metres mast at Konstantynow<br />

(built by ABB Mannheim it seems, by the way) now three pictures of the<br />

site after the mast collapse have been added:<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 8)<br />

RUSSIA 12120 Radio Voice of Oromo Liberation Front (Radio Sagalee Qabso<br />

Bilisuma Oromiya) via RUS um 1700 UTC in Oromo mit ID, Berichten und<br />

Ansage einer ADR in Ontario, Kanada. s/off 1731 UTC. 24322. ).<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 7)<br />

[Samara 250kW 188 deg, wb.]<br />

6240 Spezialnoye Radio (RUS) um 1800 UTC in Ru mit ID und russ. Rockmx.<br />

43433 (Utility-QRM). (Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 7)<br />

Spezialnoye Radio (Special Radio) sendet donnerstags von 1800-1900 UT auf<br />

6240 kHz via Samara fuer die Ukraine und Belarus. Mein E-mail RR wurde<br />

innerhalb von 4 Tagen mit halbdet. e-mail beantwortet. Die Station hat<br />

keine eigenen QSL-Karten, freut sich aber ueber Zuschriften.<br />

v/s ist Maria Anikeeva, the press attache-PR manager und ist zu erreichen<br />

unter<br />

<br />

Address: Office 417, Efremova st. 10, Moscow 113092, Russia.<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 11)<br />

[ERITREA non] The txions of the "Voice of Delina" prgr (via a TDP-leased<br />

tx in Russia) were moved to a new time slot and frequency, and are now<br />

aired Sundays 1800-1900 UT on 12130 kHz.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 8)<br />

A little lower, I found around 0630+ that VoR via IRK was audible on 21790<br />

peaking S4+ and usable - K/A 17635 was not as strong and suffering splash<br />

QRM. And I was surprised to find that NHK via YAM was also audible on<br />

21755 in English // 7230. This was less strong than IRK and only partly<br />

usable. B<strong>BC</strong> via NAK 21660 was audible but weak. There was CHN echo jamming<br />

audible on 21690 and later observed on 21540 too. And I note that the DRM<br />

via TRM is still on air via 21675. I won<strong>der</strong> if that signal could be copied<br />

in Europe? Aussie channels 15515 15415 & 15160 (after RFI off at 0630)<br />

were audible - no trace of 15240 in splash - as well as 17750 and 13630,<br />

but none were really good enough to listen to comfortably.<br />

Lower still, WUN 9725 was a very good signal - it sounded like the late<br />

lamented Bro.Scott in full voice - and the preacher via Victora on 9720<br />

was also good and seemed to be shouting less. Maybe he has discovered that<br />

the DRM has gone off? (Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 6)<br />

Did not remember the Spetsialnoye Radio txions today until 1810 UT, but<br />

then tuned into 6240 kHz and found it in progress with Russian rock mx.<br />

Concluded already at 1855 UT, saying that "our program with current mx<br />

from Russia is over", invited listeners to tune in again (some words not<br />

copied) "at 22 hours Moscow Time", contact details, three times interval<br />

signal and over (carrier stayed on for at least some mins). Professional<br />

production and excellent modulation, signal not very strong with lots of<br />

fading. I assume that European Russia is the actual target of these<br />

txions, otherwise the freq selection (49 metres) would make no sense.<br />

No real clue on site, except for Bolshakovo being very unlikely. Recording<br />

of the closing annt (again with lots of local noise, sorry):

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld July 8) 1800-1900 UTC, Thursdays only, gh.<br />

Voice of Russia via Petropavlovsk-RUS on 15595 at 0330 UT English 444, on<br />

June 25, YL with the Mailbag program. OM with nx items at 0331 UT. Brief<br />

mx interlude then Winds of Fire about the fate of Maria and Napolean as<br />

told by a YL ancr. Noted classical mx vocals at 0340 UT. ID by YL at 0358<br />

and IS at 0359 UT. This Is Moscow ID by an OM at 0400 UT. // 9880 [333]<br />

via Armavir, 15545 [333] via Armanir, and 9860 [333] via Vatican State.<br />

(Stewart H. MacKenzie-USA, JPNpremium July 7)<br />

RUSSIA [non] July 6-7 observations by Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS.<br />

QTH: near St.Petersburg, Russia. RX: communication receiver.<br />

ANT: three aerial systems directed to the Middle East, Africa and Latin<br />

America.<br />

2310 1923- AUS A<strong>BC</strong> Northern Territory, Alice Springs, July 6, English,<br />

OM/YL talks, // 2325 with weak signal, also on 2485 at 1944 (poor).<br />

2460.03 0102- B Radio Alvorada, Rio Blanco (tentative), July 7,<br />

Portuguese, OM annts, mx (poor, best in AM SYNC/LSB).<br />

2738 1848- BLR Radiostantsiya Stolitsa, July 6, SSB, mostly with Russian<br />

and western pop mx // 2829 (both - good).<br />

3235.<strong>05</strong> 0110- B Radio Guaruja Paulista, Guaruja, July 7, Portuguese, OM/YL<br />

dialogues (poor).<br />

3254.88 2246- B Radio Educadora 6 de Agosto, Xapuri, July 6, Portuguese,<br />

OM/YL talks (poor).<br />

3309.98 0001-, 0113- BOL Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, July 7, Quechoa,<br />

OM/YL talks, mxal pauses (fair-good, best in AM SYNC/USB).<br />

3336.52 0115- PRU Radio Ondas del Huallaga, Huanuco (tent), July 7,<br />

Spanish, OM/YL talks (poor).<br />

3279.52 2357- EQA La Voz del Napo, Tena, Spanish, OM talk (poor).<br />

4409.77 0008-0016, 0159- BOL Radio Eco, Reyes, July 7, Spanish, OM talks,<br />

quitar mx - QRM from SSB stations (poor-fair).<br />

4485.94 0019- PRU Radio Frequencia, Celendin (tent), July 7, Spanish, OM<br />

talk - QRM from RTTY (weak).<br />

4498.11 0022- UNID Latin American from PRU or BOL, July 7, Spanish, OM<br />

talks, song (weak).<br />

4540 1523-1630* GEO Radio Georgia, July 6, Armenian-like program till<br />

1541, then open carrier till 1600 and then in Azeri-like - strong, but<br />

very distorted signal, also strong 2nd harmonic on 9080 (poor).<br />

4716.75 0025- BOL Raio Yura, Yura, July 7, Spanish, OM talk, song - QRM<br />

from SSB stations (fair).<br />

4774.96 0122- PRU Radio Tarma, Tarma, July 7, Spanish, OM announcements<br />

with mentions of Tarma, song (fair).<br />

4780 1608-1615, 1649-, 1700- and later DJI Radio Djibouti, July 6, mostly<br />

in UNID NEAfrican lang(s), ID at 1700 as "Radiodiffusion televisiones<br />

jumhuriyati de Djibouti" - the strongest African station on 60 m.b. this<br />

evening (fair-good-very good).<br />

4795 1535- KGZ Kyrgyz Radio, Jule 6, Kyrgyz mx, // 4009.98 (poor).

4796.41 0029-0033* BOL Radio Mallku, Uyuni, July 7, Spanish, OM talk with<br />

mention of Santa Cruz and Potosi, 0030 time annt, ID including "...de 4795<br />

kcs banda tropical de 60 metros" (fair-good).<br />

4826.47 0124- PRU Radio Sicuani, Sicuani, July 7, Spanish, OM talk (good).<br />

4845.2 2306- B Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus, July 6, Portuguese<br />

OM talks with often menionts of Amazonia - also UNID Latin American was on<br />

the background, B? BOL? (fair).<br />

4855 1331-1400* BLR Radiostantsiya Stolitsa, July 6, SSB, mostly with<br />

Russian and western pop mx // 4982 and 5134 (good).<br />

4855.74 0042- PRU Radio La Hora, Cusco, July 7, Spanish, OM talk, ID as<br />

"Radio La Hora transmitiendo el Cuzco".<br />

4900.87 2312- and later BOL Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, July 6, Spanish,<br />

OM talks (poor-fair).<br />

4914.96 1725-1736 KEN K<strong>BC</strong> Nairobi, July 6, African mx (fair).<br />

4919.98 0130- EQA Radio Quito, July 7, Spanish, OM sports reporting with<br />

mentions of Quito (fair).<br />

4949.98 0047- PRU Radio Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado, July 7, Spanish,<br />

OM talk (fair).<br />

4955 0049- PRU Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, July 7, Spanish, OM talk<br />

(fair-good).<br />

4982 0835-0845 BLR Radiostantsiya Stolitsa, July 6, SSB, mostly with<br />

Russian and western pop mx and nx at the beginning of each hour // 5134<br />

(till 1800 on both freqs), not // BR1 6010, 6040, 6070, 6080, 6115, 6190,<br />

7110, 7145, 11960 (0900-) and BR2 7265 (good).<br />

4985 2155- B Radio Barsil Central, Goiania, July 6, Portuguese, OM talks,<br />

2159 full annt including freqs and powers in kW (fair).<br />

4989.98 2318-, 0<strong>05</strong>1- SUR Radio Apinte, Paramaribo (tentative), July 6, OM<br />

talk in UNID lang, western pop mx (poor).<br />

5025 0<strong>05</strong>3- CUB Radio Rebelde, July 7, Spanish, OM dialogues - one more<br />

Latin American station was deeply on the background (fair-good).<br />

5985 1830- COG Radio Congo, July 6, French, OM annts, afropop mx (fair-<br />

good).<br />

5990 1702- ETH Radio Ethipoia, Gedja, July 6, UNID NEAfrican language, OM<br />

nx // 7110 and 9704.18 (fair).<br />

5939.32 2344- PRU Radio Melodia, Arequipa, July 6, Spanish, OM/YL talks<br />

(poor-fair).<br />

6020.29 2339- PRU Radio Victoria, Lima, July 6, Spanish, OM talk with<br />

often mention of Alleluia, // 9719.94 (both - fair).<br />

6035 2334- CLM La Voz de Guaviare, San Jose de Guaviare, July 6, Spanish,<br />

OM talk, ID, song (fair).<br />

6040 2148- B Radio Cluebe Paranense, Curitiba, July 6, Portuguese, OM talk<br />

- QRM from BLR (poor).<br />

6045 1852-1900 ZMB Z<strong>BC</strong> Gweru, July 6, Vernacular, OM talk, also at 2102-

2106 with YL nx (poor, fair at 2102).<br />

6<strong>05</strong>5 2046-2100* RRW Radio Rwanda, July 6, Vernacular, YL talks, african mx<br />

(good).<br />

6110.76 1402- AZE Radio Baku, July 6, Azeri, YL nx - QRM from CRI, there<br />

was no any AZE signal on this freq at 1600-1800 later that evening and at<br />

0215-0300 on July 7 (poor).<br />

6150.<strong>05</strong> 1621-1648 CYP Radio Bayrak, July 6, pop songs, 1630-1647 news in<br />

English (YL), then orchestral mx (poor-fair, best in AM SYNC/LSB to avoid<br />

AUT on 6155).<br />

6160 0152-0202 CAN CKZN St.Johns, July 7, English, reading of memoirs,<br />

0200 C<strong>BC</strong> nx (fair-good).<br />

6193.43 0146- PRU Radio Cusco, Cusco, July 7, Spanish, OM ID, song (poor-<br />

fair).<br />

6209.94 1715- ETH Radio Fana, July 6, UNID NEAfrican language, YL talk, ID<br />

as "Radio Fana" // 6940 (both - good).<br />

6350 1718- ETH Voice of the Tigray Revolution, July 6, Tigrinya talks, QRM<br />

from RTTY on 6348/6352 // 5500 (fair-good, 5500 very good ).<br />

6520.32 2325-2331, 0135- PRU Radio Paucartambo, July 6-7, Spanish, OM<br />

talks, peruvian mx (poor-fair).<br />

6536.37 0138- PRU Radio Huancabamba, July 7, Spanish, YL song (poor-fair).<br />

6877.97 0143- UNID Latin American (tentative), July 7, Latin American-like<br />

mx (weak).<br />

7125 1704-1709 GUI Radio Conacry, July 6, Vernacular, OM local singing and<br />

OM talk (poor).<br />

7216.78 0242-0309 AGL Radio Nacional de Angola (tentative), Mulenvos, July<br />

7, mostly with OM talks in Vernacular - QRM from Radio Liberty on 7220<br />

(poor, best in AM SYNC/LSB).<br />

7299.77 1452-1458 CLN SL<strong>BC</strong> Ekala, July 6, Hindi YL annts, Indian songs, //<br />

119<strong>05</strong> with excellent signal (fair).<br />

7590 1138-, 1318- ISL AFRTS Keflavik, July 6, USB, mostly with English<br />

OM/YL talks on various items, // 9980 (fair).<br />

9169.76v 1347-, 1430-, 1550-, etc. UNID from the M.East or Caucasus<br />

region, July 6, open carrier only, poor modulation - GEO? AZE? (strong).<br />

9495.45 1236-1258* GEO Abkhazian Radio, July 6, Russian local program<br />

called "Chernaya akula" (=Black shark), YL talks and songs, a lot of<br />

advertising annts - but at 1225 the tx was on 9494.75, also at 1402 with<br />

Abkhazian nx on 9494.75 (modulation problems) and on July 7 at 0236 with<br />

Abkhazian songs (fair).<br />

9504.81 2135-2145 B Radio Record, Sao Paulo, July 6, Portuguese, OM talks<br />

with often mentions of Sao Paulo (fair).<br />

9560.52 1259-1311 ETH Radio Ethiopia, Gedja, July 6, chimes, Afar news -<br />

weak QRM from Radio Australia (fair-good).<br />

9610 1008-1014, 1023-, 1<strong>05</strong>3-, 1554- COG Radio Congo, July 6, mostly in<br />

Vernacular with strong French accent, local mx and singing (poor-fair).

9624.98 *1<strong>05</strong>6-1106 CAN C<strong>BC</strong> Montreal, July 6, national anthem, French ID as<br />

"Ici Radio Canada North Quebeck", frequency/address anouncements, address,<br />

nx (fair-good).<br />

9704.18 0846-0852 ETH Radio Ethiopia, Gedja, July 6, mostly in UNID<br />

NEAfrican lang(s), (fair-good till CRI start at 1030).<br />

9724.92 0820-0830 CTR WUN Cahuita, July 6, English, OM live sermon (very<br />

good/good till ~ 0900/0930).<br />

9745 0238-, 0314- BHR Radio Bahrain, July 7, mostly with Arabic singing -<br />

QRM from HCJB (fair-poor).<br />

9865 1016-1020 ZMB Christian Voice, July 6, English OM religious talk<br />

(poor).<br />

9980 1043-, 1138-, 1315- ISL AFRTS Keflavik, July 6, USB, mostly with<br />

English OM/YL talks on various items including the IOC meeting in<br />

Singapore, // 7590 (good-excellent).<br />

12133.5 0912-, 1115- USA AFRTS Key West, July 6, USB, mostly with English<br />

OM talks on various items, UTE QRM (RTTY) (poor, but good at 0217 on July<br />

7).<br />

13750.12 1932- CTR WUN Cahuita, July 6, English, OM live sermon (poor-<br />

fair).<br />

139<strong>05</strong>.11 *1359- TJK Tajik Radio, July 6, mostly Tajik OM talks - 4635x3<br />

(poor).<br />

(Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 7)<br />

SATELLITE Al Islah Radio returns on the Hot Bird Satellite!!<br />

Checking the hot bird Satellite today 13.0 Deg East today I noticed that<br />

al Voice of reform ( sout al Islah ) the anti Saudi regime station is back<br />

on the Hot bird satellite after it was suspended from transmitting on that<br />

satellite , sout al Islah represent the Movement for Islamic Reform in<br />

Arabia (MIRA), a London-based Islamic opposition group headed by Dr. Saad<br />

al-Faqih.<br />

the freq is 1178h GHz. Polarization : Horizontal<br />

S/R : 27500. FEC : 3/4. channel ID is Debate TV !!?<br />

you may check <br />

In the meantime the same station started transmitting on the satellite<br />

Atlantic Bird 2 at 8.0 Deg. West on Frequency: 11579 GHz<br />

Polarization: Vertical. S/R : 3100. FEC : 1/2<br />

same channel ID Debate TV you may check <br />

(Tarek Zeidan SU1TZ, Cairo-EGY, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 8)<br />

SINGAPORE B<strong>BC</strong> World Service continues txion in SNG.<br />

Singapore's MediaCorp Technologies and the British Broadcasting<br />

Corporation (B<strong>BC</strong>) have renewed their partnership for the txion of B<strong>BC</strong><br />

World Service 88.9FM in SNG.<br />

Un<strong>der</strong> the agreement, MediaCorp Technologies will continue to provide<br />

technical sces to the B<strong>BC</strong> indefinitely.<br />

The B<strong>BC</strong> World Service 88.9FM has been transmitting in SNG since 1976 and<br />

it reaches an audience of 300,000 people every week.<br />

For the last 10 years, MediaCorp Technologies has been the company<br />

responsible for the txion of the B<strong>BC</strong> World Service in SNG. It receives the<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> programme 'live' from London via satellite and transmits the FM radio<br />

waves to SNG instantaneously.

B<strong>BC</strong> Chairman, Michael Grade, said: "This association with SNG has<br />

flourished over 30 years. This is the first place that we switched to FM.<br />

There's a kind of deep-rooted sense of history about our association and<br />

we're delighted to be renewing this contract to carry on broadcasting the<br />

world sce." (ABU Website, July 6)<br />

(Azizul Alam Al-Amin-BGD, hcdx July 7)<br />

The B<strong>BC</strong> has renewed its txion agreement with the SNG- based MediaCorp<br />

Technologies. The contract signed on Tuesday, 5 July in SNG will see the<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> World Service remain on SNG's airwaves indefinitely.<br />

The B<strong>BC</strong> World Service 88.9 FM has been transmitting in SNG since 1976 and<br />

it reaches an audience of 300,000 people every week. For the last 10<br />

years, MediaCorp Technologies has been the company responsible for the<br />

txion of the B<strong>BC</strong> World Service in SNG.<br />

This facility receives the B<strong>BC</strong> programmes live from London via satellite<br />

and simultaneously relays it on FM to all parts of Singapore. With the<br />

agreement, MediaCorp Technologies will continue to provide technical sces<br />

to the B<strong>BC</strong> indefinitely.<br />

Michael Grade, B<strong>BC</strong> Chairman attending the signing ceremony in Singapore,<br />

said: "B<strong>BC</strong> World Service has a long association with Singapore, spanning<br />

more than 30 years. I am delighted that, by renewing this contract today,<br />

this deep-rooted association will continue long into the future."<br />

Ernest Wong, Group CEO of MediaCorp, said: "We are delighted that the<br />

chairman of the B<strong>BC</strong>, Mr Michael Grade, himself is here to witness the<br />

signing, and it attests to the quality of the technical txion that we are<br />

providing from our MediaCorp Technologies. We hope to do more<br />

collaboration with the B<strong>BC</strong>."<br />

Pictures from the signing ceremony are available on request. Ends For more<br />

information contact:<br />

Lala Najafova, International Publicist, B<strong>BC</strong> World Service<br />

+44 (0) 207557 2944; <br />

(B<strong>BC</strong>WS Press via dxld July 7) [not to mention Kranji SW site, gh.]<br />

[Mo<strong>der</strong>ator: The press release doesn't make it clear, but while VT<br />

Communications owns and operates the UK SW sites, the overseas sites such<br />

as Cyprus, Thailand, Ascension etc are still owned by the B<strong>BC</strong> or UK govt<br />

and only operated by VT un<strong>der</strong> contract. Dave Kenny-UK]<br />

(Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, July 7)<br />

TAIWAN 11940 Trans World Broadcasting Ministries (TWN) um 1355 UT in<br />

Chinese mit Adr, mx und s/off um 1400 UTC. SINPO: 23332.<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 7)<br />

TANZANIA [Zanzibar] Zanzibar surprising (ex-11734v).<br />

Long-standing problem of Voice of Tanzania from Zanzibar always standing<br />

off-channel (11734v) is seemingly over now.<br />

Today I was extremely astonished to find them on 11735.00 kHz started<br />

after 1630 UT. All titles are as usually in Swahili. I had to caught ID<br />

because till the last moment I was thinking about something like IRIB in<br />

Swahili or anything else.<br />

I guess this July 11 is quite certainly HISTORIC date in African <strong>DX</strong> scene.<br />

[later]<br />

For me 6015 is permanently closed (except early morning grey-line condx):<br />

in the evenings there is always KRE's jN (noise jammer) very strong (as<br />


Yes, I also had first thought about Chinese techicians when finally IDed<br />

Zanzibar 11735.0 kHz. From another side: for many <strong>DX</strong>ers this dx<br />

possibility will be lost due to co-channels easy blocking of TZA signal.<br />

(Vlad Titarev-UKR, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 11)<br />

Hi Vlad, some German guys heard an UNID greyline station on 6015 kHz on<br />

early evening in past days. I believe the Chinese technician has done a<br />

EXCELLENT job on 6015/11735 TZA site.<br />

Close-down at 21.01:15 UT with National Anthem? (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 11)<br />

Voice of Tanzania-Zanzibar on 11735 kHz. Heard here in Birmingham from<br />

around 1745 UT tune-in, 11 July 20<strong>05</strong>. Nx in English at 1800-1808 (didn't<br />

quite catch an ID in English), otherwise in presumed Swahili (ID's as<br />

"Sauti ya Tanzania, Zanzibar"), including news at 1900 and 2000. Nice<br />

selection of mx too. Still good at 2015 UT ... presume will sign-off at<br />

2100 UT? (Tony Rogers-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK July 11)<br />

THAILAND/TAIWAN [to VTN] 7380, Little Saigon Radio via Taiwan [15110<br />

via TWN, but 7380 kHz via Nakhorn Sawan Thailand, wb.]. On July 3 at<br />

*1500-1530* UT. SINPO 44444. Started with Vietnamese song and ID as "Dai<br />

la Little Saigon Radio ... California...". Program consisted of interview<br />

with short mx breaks. Audio was sometimes interrupted.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium July 8)<br />

[1130-1200 UT on 11540-TWN]<br />

U.K. [non] Re: 12095 VT endless guitar mx file, not B<strong>BC</strong> program.<br />

Apparently not the only test. The following in reply to Mike Terry in<br />

hcdx:<br />

Hi Mike, Just a note of observation. This morning 0700-0800 (<strong>05</strong>-July-<strong>05</strong>) I<br />

was listening to a VT-MERLIN test tx on 9525. It was a continuous "loop"<br />

type annt "You are listening to a test tx by VT-Merlin Communications, a<br />

media provi<strong>der</strong> of international broadcast sces ... etc.".<br />

In an effort to establish tx site, power, beam heading I phoned Merlin,<br />

only to be told that this information is confidential we cannot give it<br />

out, that was after first denying the existence of the broadcast &<br />

implying it didn't come from them..!. Can anyone through some light on<br />

this for me?. 73...Brian Mulleady - GM0KWL.<br />

(Steve Lare Holland-MI-USA n8kdv, dxld / hcdx July 6<br />

Just had a phone call from Chris Hambly in Victoria, Australia, about a<br />

test message from VT/Merlin on 12095, at 2023 UT July 5. And I heard it<br />

over his phone. B<strong>BC</strong> WS via Ascension is supposed to be on at this time, so<br />

what gives? (GH, WoR dxld July 6)<br />

17660 on July 7 at 1654-1717 UT. 34333 Arabic px: translation of male<br />

speech mentioning "Thank you for everything, etc.", mx, females talk<br />

mentioning London, Kenya, Nairobi, Sudan, Mustaqbal, Arbaa then vernacular<br />

choir and mx, talk again mentioning Salasa, Arbaa, Britania, Sudan ended<br />

on 1711 UT with "syukron" and followed by several station id, info on<br />

website, address in Kenya and USA - 1717 UT male voice: "Na Sudan Radio<br />

Service".<br />

(Tony Ashar, Depok-INS, hcdx July 8) [Woofferton-UK, 250 kW 140deg]<br />

[to NIGERIA] 11885 United Kingdom. Salama Radio International has<br />

resumed broadcasts on SW. It can be heard every Wednesday and Sunday from<br />

1930-2025 hours on 11885 kHz via a transmitted located in the UK. The<br />

programme is in English with short fragments in French, Arabic, Hausa and<br />

other langs. This is a religious Christian station and its address is:<br />

Salama Radio, The Studio, P.O.Box 126, Chessington, Surrey KT9 2WJ, United<br />

Kingdom.<br />

(Rumen Pankov, R. Bulgaria <strong>DX</strong> program July 8 via John Norfolk, dxld)

11885 New station via VT Communications - Salama Radio International:<br />

1930-2030 Wed/Sun on 11885 WOF-Woofferton-UK 300 kW / 180 deg to Nigeria<br />

in Hausa/English. (Observer, Bulgaria, May 27)<br />

USA WOR on W<strong>BC</strong>Q at 23 on 17495 kHz. The 17495 broadcast of WOR on W<strong>BC</strong>Q<br />

is now at 2300 UT Wednesdays, one hour after the 7415 broadcast. 17495<br />

seems to be LSB now instead of USB. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld July 7)<br />

WWCR to Sesqui Capacity. US FCC application will be on file next week. It<br />

shows two 100 kW xmtrs and two antennas.<br />

(George McClintock, CE & GM, WWCR, dxld July 7)<br />

WWCR to Sesqui Capacity.<br />

John Figliozzi wrote: So is this good nx or bad news? In other words, does<br />

WWCR plan more of the same on these sen<strong>der</strong>s?<br />

(John Figliozzi-USA, dxld July 7)<br />

I'd be surprised if not. However, certain overseas broadcasters<br />

desperately in need of a North American relay, would be well advised to<br />

contract for the necessary airtime now. Such as All India Radio, Radio<br />

Pakistan, R. Tashkent, V. of INS, R. Cairo, R. Romania International,<br />

Radiodifusion Argentina al Exterior trouble is, the PTB probably don't<br />

know they need WWCR, and would not even consi<strong>der</strong> such a drastic step<br />

without a lot of persuasion.<br />

I'm sure WWCR would be glad to do business with them, as it has in the<br />

past with e.g. RTE. I just picked a few obvious prospects, countries which<br />

do maintain an external SW sce in English, but difficult to hear in North<br />

America. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld July 8)<br />

ZIMBABWE [non] As mentioned, SW Radio Africa left SW 15145 yesterday<br />

evening 8th July. No station sign on this evening 9th July at 1700; at<br />

1701 the usual jamming started on what is now an empty freq.<br />

(David Pringle-Wood-ZWE, dxld July 9)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 720 20 July 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

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Extracts of items sourced to E<strong>DX</strong>P may be further reproduced but only by<br />

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with E<strong>DX</strong>P.<br />

!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews. !!!<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio<br />

may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all<br />

stages, from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting<br />

are made available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

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Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only<br />

with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

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<br />

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Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

ANTARCTIC 15476 kHz, LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel,<br />

according to a short e-mail received from its announcers (Claudia, Andrea<br />

& Mabi) they broadcast -as usual- from Mondays to Fridays, 1800-2100 UTC,<br />

with a power of 2 kW, and with a rombic antenna, with Spanish programmes,<br />

with English & other langs ID's. Its e-mail: <br />

(Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 13)<br />

ARMENIA Very strange progr on new 1377 kHz MW at 1645-1655 UT man read<br />

rlg text in En and lady repeats as of Rosary of Vatican Radio. At 1655 UT<br />

ID "Radio Kanal Sadruzhestva" in Russian and close down at 1701 UTC.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 16)<br />

From last WRTH Update, July 13:<br />

1377 kHz - TWR Europe via Gavar-ARM [and non]<br />

Armenian 0300-0330 daily ME 864 (was 0400-0430)<br />

Chechen 1725-1740 ......s Eu 1377 (new)<br />

Dargwa 1725-1740 ...t... Eu 1377 (new)<br />

English 1745-1800 daily CAs 1467<br />

Persian 1740-1810 daily ME 1377 (new)<br />

Hebrew 1900-2000 mtwt.ss ME 1350 (was 1900-1930)<br />

Kazakh 1500-1515 daily CAs 1467. 1615-1630 ..w..s. CAs 1467<br />

Kumyk 1725-1740 ....f.. Eu 1377 (new)<br />

(Sorani) Kurdish 1810-1825 daily ME 1377 (new)<br />

Kyrgyz 1545-1600 daily CAs 1467. 1615-1630 .t..f.. CAs 1467

1730-1745 .twtfs.CAs 1467<br />

Lak 1725-1740 ..w.... Eu 1377 (new)<br />

Lezgi 1725-1740 .t..... Eu 1377 (new)<br />

Russian 1515-1545 daily CAs 1467. 1615-1630 ......s CAs 1467<br />

1630-1700 .....ssCAs 1467<br />

Serbian 1810-1840 mtwtfs. Eu 5910jul (added)<br />

Slovenian 1810-1840 ......s Eu 5910jul (added)<br />

Tatar 1725-1740 .....s. Eu 1377 (new)<br />

Uyghur 1630-1700 mtwtf..CAs 1467<br />

Uzbek 1600-1615 daily CAs 1467. 1615-1630 m..t... CAs 1467<br />

1700-1730 daily CAs 1467<br />

Tabasaran 1725-1740 m...... Eu 1377 (new)<br />

Tajik 1730-1745 m.....sCAs 1467 (WRTH, July 13)<br />


Schedule of Star Radio Liberia in English via VT Communications:<br />

0700-0900 9525 ASC 250 kW / 027 deg,<br />

very poor reception in BUL SINPO 23322<br />

2100-2200 11965 ASC 250 kW / 027 deg,<br />

very good reception in BUL SINPO 45554<br />

Tentative schedule for B-<strong>05</strong>:<br />

0700-0900 9525 ASC 250 kW / 027 deg<br />

2100-2200 11995 ASC 250 kW / 027 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 15)<br />

On Tuesday 12th July, STAR radio Liberia begins short wave broadcasts over<br />

Liberia & the Sub region, which are aimed to reach the entire population<br />

of Liberia and the neighboring countries. The short wave will initially be<br />

for three hours, daily, with morning broadcasts at 0700-0900 UT (on 9525<br />

kHz) and evening broadcasts at 2100-2200 UT (on 11965 kHz).<br />

STAR radio was reopened on 25th May 20<strong>05</strong> after having been forcibly closed<br />

down by the then President Charles Taylor in March 2000. It currently<br />

broadcasts for 17 hours a day bringing News, Current Affairs and a variety<br />

of Feature programs to the people of Monrovia and its environs. STAR radio<br />

is a Liberian not for profit organization, operated in partnership with<br />

the Hirondelle Foundation _ Media for Peace & Human Dignity, Switzerland.<br />

"From now on people in distant parts of Liberia and elsewhere in the<br />

region, until now deprived of accurate and credible information, will be<br />

able to hear about the latest political sporting and other socio- economic<br />

and cultural developments. They will also be able to send messages and<br />

greet each other over the airwaves" said Robin White, the Hirondelle<br />

Foundation's Project Director in Monrovia.<br />

Liberia has come out of 15 years years of civil war. STAR radio will be a<br />

major player in helping with the peace process and reconstruction of the<br />

country. FH/DC, 12.07.20<strong>05</strong><br />

For contacts at STAR radio in Monrovia, Liberia Mr. James Morlu, STAR<br />

radio Station Manager,<br />

+2316.518.572 e-mail <br />

For contacts at the Hirondelle Foundation in Lausanne, Switzerland Mr.<br />

Darcy Christen, +4121.647.28.<strong>05</strong>. e-mail <br />

Web site: and <br />

(via Bill Westenhaver, RCI, dxld July 12)<br />

[Ascension Isl relay, wb.]<br />

Star Radio on 11965 kHz. Abrupt start at 2100 UT on 12 July, with women<br />

singing what sounded like "Star radio with the weather", then an ID and<br />

into nx in English. Excellent reception.<br />

(Tony Rogers-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK July 14)

I checked 11965 yesterday (July 13) and noted carrier come on at 2<strong>05</strong>9. At<br />

2100 brief African vocal and man talking ("This is ?"), more African mx<br />

briefly, then a woman in seeming En with occasional brief segments of<br />

African vocals to 2129 UT when off suddenly. Star Radio is scheduled to<br />

2100. Reception poor at first but improved consi<strong>der</strong>ably, though I must<br />

admit I wasn't working at all to try and copy any of the content.<br />

(Gerry Dexter-WI-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 14)<br />

9525, Star Radio, July 15, at 0707-0808 UT, En & vernacular, almost the<br />

same log as Jerry noted on July 14. Tuned in to a poor signal but within<br />

10-15 mins a dramatic improvement, with the same prgm ("You are listening<br />

to 'Liberia Today,' a full hour of the very latest news, views, comments<br />

and analysis about Liberia and the rest of our international village,"<br />

which consisted on a wide range of topics covered by reporters<br />

interviewing different people, sports nx, 5 min segment of nx in<br />

vernacular, ToH ID: "This is Star Radio transmitting from Monrovia,<br />

Liberia," into "We now bring you 'People Talk.' 'People Talk' brings ..<br />

the opportunity to express their views on issues affecting their lives." I<br />

also noted one interview in what sounded like Liberian English (Liberian<br />

Pidgin English). (Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 15)<br />

11965 at 2100-2200 UTC on 16 July, Star Radio via Ascension. S-on at 2100<br />

with "This is Star Radio broadcasting to you from Monrovia, Liberia." Nx<br />

by YL who was hard to un<strong>der</strong>stand, then a program on elections which was<br />

fairly clear. Signal was fair. Off in mid sentence at 2200 UT.<br />

(John M. Fisher-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 16)<br />

Hrd on 11965 kHz at *2100 on Jul 12, ID, En nx, ID again 21<strong>05</strong> UT, more nx,<br />

ID 2110 ("This is Star Radio, Liberia, we b/c on FM and SW"), mx bridge,<br />

conversation, some in EG, mostly vernac., mx bridge to ID at 2127 UT, then<br />

more talk until off abruptly at 2029+. Mediocre signal here, fadey with<br />

much background noise, couldn't un<strong>der</strong>stand most of the EG segments. Maybe<br />

it will be better on another day.<br />

[later] 9525, Star Radio at *0700 on Jul 13, opening with group singing a<br />

Star Radio jingle, then ID by man in En; but a poor signal, not as "good"<br />

as 11965, and basically useless.<br />

[later] 9525 I rechecked it again on Jun 14 and found them weak and<br />

completely useless at *0700 UT. However, at 0715 re-check the signal was<br />

circa S9 and completely readable! The prgm was "Liberia Today," featuring<br />

interviews and field rpts on local topics, mostly in En but with<br />

occasional segments in what was called "Liberian English." There was<br />

sports nx at 0750, then Liberian En to an 0800 ID. This was followed by<br />

"People Talk," which was a discussion about "complaining."<br />

An ID at 0820 ("You have been listening to 'People Talk' on Star Radio<br />

transmitting from Monrovia. We now bring to you 'Messages.' You are<br />

listening to Star Radio broadcasting on the SW"), followed by the<br />

"Messages" prgm where people sent greetings to those whom they had not<br />

seen in a long time. Signal level declined and background noise increased<br />

consi<strong>der</strong>ably after 0830, and during that period the signal suffered noise<br />

from some local source as well; so it was poor overall from 0830 to 0900*<br />

UT.<br />

[later] 9525, Star Radio: E-mail reply in two days from<br />

starradio_liberia @ yahoo.com for E-mail rcpn rpt and audio clip: "Dear<br />

Jerry. We acknowledge with thanks the reception report on Star Radio SW<br />

txion. We hope this communication will remain open. We will inform you<br />

about any development in future. Best regards. James K. Morlu, Station<br />

Manager." (Jerry Berg-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 12/13/14/16)<br />

11965 Star Radio Liberia with nx. About 2106 UT with ref to Sri Lanka,

Ghana then ID. IN program Spotlight at 2110 UT interviewed with Seco Dudu<br />

till 2130 UT. Sudden sign off. Signal 45344 about S10 -15 being at S30 at<br />

1920 UT on July 14.<br />

Thessaloniki Greece Notice: Their web site<br />

has an P.O.Box address but links are<br />

disabled. On July 15 with S30 55434 at 2130 UT with medical information<br />

abt Childs and pneumonia.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 15)<br />

Also checking 11965 on rx #2, at 2<strong>05</strong>4 UT found a weak carrier slightly off<br />

frequency, says the BFO. At 2100 with BFO off, I heard the same het once<br />

Star Radio came on for its first evening broadcast. This was only -<br />

marginally better than Zanzibar, but sounded like woman in English. A bit<br />

of yelling at 2110 UT and a man talking ... Won<strong>der</strong> what the het is from,<br />

if not something local.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld July 13)<br />

The morning txion from Star Radio confirmed here from tune-in at 0850 on<br />

9525 kHz with talks in vernaculars and English, several mentions of "Star<br />

Radio Monrovia Liberia" around 0855 UT then into vernaculars. Went off<br />

just before 0900. Very weak signal here on a clear channel. Presume this<br />

is a relay via VT Merlin, but from which tx site?<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK July 13)<br />

On 12 July at 2100 UT Star Radio, Monrovia, Liberia (via unknown relay) on<br />

11965 was audible here with decent signal but the propagation condition<br />

was not good at all.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx July 13)<br />

On July 10th at 2100 UTC I heard a test txion coming from MERLIN<br />

COMMUNICATIONS, on 11965 kHz. Only male announcing the test txion from MC,<br />

gave web page to know more about that:<br />

Music instrumental after and before the male<br />

speaking.<br />

(Cesar Perez Dioses, PRU, hcdx July 13)<br />

I had marginally better reception today in the Columbus, Ohio, area of the<br />

station on 11965.<br />

*2<strong>05</strong>9:50 - West-African vocal mx, followed by apparent (but uncopyable) ID<br />

by a woman in English at top of hour. Then apparent nx in English, rough<br />

copy through the noise. Mentions of "congress" and "presidential" and<br />

several references to Liberia.<br />

2106 - "You are listening to a bulletin... [of news?] ... From Star<br />

Radio...." by the same woman. Then more of the same talks that sounded<br />

like nx and commentary.<br />

2110 - Now a different woman with a possible ID and mention of Liberia;<br />

more of the same vocal mx as at intro; into talks and occasional laughter<br />

by two men. Copy more difficult now, and was either heavily accented or<br />

not in English. 2126 - Brief talk by the first woman in English (maybe<br />

another ID, but couldn't copy), and into non-English talks by two<br />

different men. 2129:30 - Suddenly nothing but silent carrier. I finally<br />

gave up at 2143 UT, with no further audio.<br />

I also heard a het un<strong>der</strong>neath, but it was minor compared to the noise<br />

level.<br />

(Larry Cunningham-OH-USA, ibid. July 12)<br />

Radio Star Liberia, 11965, opened at 2100 sharp, no interval signal, and<br />

ended exactly 60 minutes later. That's giving us a clear idea of the time<br />

they hired from Ascension.

Transmission began with the nx by woman, followed by some notes of sports<br />

by male voice. Some other program came next buy I wasn't paying much<br />

attention while I was preparing a cold tea after my "ceviche" made with<br />

pieces of swordfish meat in lemon juice plus onion, pimentos and cylantro.<br />

How do you call this in English?<br />

After a short mxal break and mentions by woman, a similar program as the<br />

one I heard yesterday about scientific topics. This time about moskitos<br />

and "falaria", well at least that's the word I heard instead of malaria.<br />

But this was interrupted briefly and came some rules about rights and<br />

punishments if you break the laws. 2155 a short bulletin wiht nx in French<br />

abruptly cut two mins before TOH.<br />

Some distance T-storms make reception hard at 2100, but the signal<br />

improved after 2130. It's nice to have an African station back on the 25<br />

mb. for this time slot since Coite d'Ivoire left in the 70s, I think they<br />

were on 11920. (Raul Saavedra-CTR, dxld July 19)<br />

Star Radio heard this morning [13/07] with sudden opening at 0700 on 9525.<br />

Signal strength only about 6 on the meter. The txion was already in<br />

progress but I caught a "Star Radio" ID and the programme title was<br />

"Liberia Today", and in English - of course!<br />

As reported elsewhere, VT Merlin were heard with a mx/announcement 'loop'<br />

test on 9525 on 06/07 around 0745, so probably in preparation for this<br />

txion.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 13<br />

[via Ascension Isl relay site, wb.]<br />

AUSTRALIA HCJB-AUS Kununurra, introduced a revised schedule on Jul 10.<br />

The morning sces in English and Hindi to SoAS from 0100-0230 UT are now on<br />

154<strong>05</strong> kHz - this replaces 15560 kHz.<br />

The evening sces to AS from 1300-1430 UT on 154<strong>05</strong> kHz, and 1430-1600 on<br />

15390 kHz have been suspended until Aug 28. This deletion is due to<br />

unfavourable propagation on 15 MHz into WAs during night-time hours - the<br />

Kununurra facility can only operate on 11 or 15 MHz using existing antenna<br />

confugurations. The 11 MHz antenna has its primary radiation pattern into<br />

Eastern Australia and the Pacific. (Subir Basu-IND, <strong>DX</strong>india July 15)<br />

AUSTRIA Da das Falkencamp Doebriach dieses Jahr aufgrund von<br />

Renovierungs- und Sanierungsarbeiten geschlossen bleiben muss, findet das<br />

<strong>DX</strong>-Camp Doebriach vom 1. bis 15. August 20<strong>05</strong> am Attersee in<br />

Oberoesterreich statt, und zwar im Europacamp in Weissenbach.<br />

Naehere Infos auf <br />

Das Europacamp ist recht gut eingerichtet, wir bekommen drei Mahlzeiten<br />

taeglich, und als Empfaengerraum dient ein Seminarraum in <strong>der</strong> campeigenen<br />

Jugendherberge. Es gibt einen Badestrand, und wer kein Camping mag, findet<br />

einige Pensionen und Privatzimmer in unmittelbarer Naehe. Das<br />

Salzkammergut bietet eine Menge weiterer Freizeitmoeglichkeiten, wie zum<br />

Beispiel die Salzbergwerke von Bad Ischl und Hallstatt, die Stadt<br />

Hallstatt, St. Wolfgang am Wolfgangsee mit <strong>der</strong> dampfbetriebenen<br />

Zahnradbahn auf den Schafberg, die Rieseneishoehle und die Mammuthoehle im<br />

Dachsteinmassiv, die Koppenbruellerhoehle in Obertraun, und jede Menge<br />

Bade-, Sport- und Wan<strong>der</strong>moeglichkeiten im Hoellengebirge!<br />

(Franz Ladner-AUT, May 6)<br />

Medicur-Beteiligung an ORF-Techniktochter fix.<br />

Nachdem am Montag, 11. Juli 20<strong>05</strong>, die Geschaeftsfuehrung des ORF vom<br />

Stiftungsrat ermaechtigt wurde, mit <strong>der</strong> Medicur Holding GmbH Verhandlungen<br />

ueber einen Verkauf von Anteilen an <strong>der</strong> ORS (Oesterreichischen<br />

Rundfunksen<strong>der</strong> GmbH & Co KG) aufzunehmen, wurde diese nun bereits

abgeschlossen. ORF-Generaldirektorin Dr. Monika Lindner und die Medicur-<br />

Geschaeftsfuehrer Erwin Hamese<strong>der</strong> und Dr. Ferdinand Maier unterzeichneten<br />

am Donnerstag, dem 14. Juli 20<strong>05</strong>, im ORF-Zentrum Wien einen Vertrag ueber<br />

die Beteiligung <strong>der</strong> Medicur an <strong>der</strong> ORF-Techniktochter.<br />

Die Medicur-Gruppe, in <strong>der</strong> die Medienbeteiligung den Raiffeisen-Gruppe<br />

(Raiffeisen-Holding Nie<strong>der</strong>oesterreich-Wien, RZB und Uniqa) gebuendelt<br />

sind, erwirbt damit 40 Prozent an <strong>der</strong> ORS. Allerdings bedarf diese<br />

Beteiligung noch <strong>der</strong> Zustimmung <strong>der</strong> Kartellbehoerden. Ueber die Hoehe des<br />

Kaufpreises wurde Stillschweigen vereinbart.<br />

Ausserdem legt <strong>der</strong> ORF heute (15. Juli) ein Angebot fuer 75,1 Prozent <strong>der</strong><br />

Anteile des ungarischen Sendetechnikunternehmens Antenna Hungaria. Ziel<br />

des Einstiegs des ORF waere es, durch das Zusammenfuehren <strong>der</strong> Antenna<br />

Hungaria und <strong>der</strong> ORS eine Schluesselfunktion in <strong>der</strong> mitteleuropaeischen<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong>technik zu erlangen und die Entwicklung des Marktes aktiv<br />

mitzugestalten.<br />

<br />

(Herbert Meixner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 15)<br />

BELARUS Domestic Service BR-1<br />

0300-2200 6080 kHz (150 kW) 6115 kHz ( 75 kW)<br />

0400-0600 11735 kHz (250 kW)<br />

0900-1000 11960 kHz (250 kW)<br />

1500-1700 1900-2200 71<strong>05</strong> kHz (250 kW)<br />

Kanal Kultura 0300-2100 1125 kHz (150 kW).<br />

(Sergey Alekseychik, Grodno-BLR, RUSdx July 17)<br />

BENIN A new Trans World Radio site for a MW tx is un<strong>der</strong> way in Benin<br />

backed by the President of that country. If work can [be] completed by the<br />

target date of November, 20<strong>05</strong>, the station will serve Algeria, Burkina<br />

Faso, parts of Nigeria, Ghana, Mauritius [sic], Mali, Niger, Togo, and<br />

Benin in local langs and the expensive SW broadcasts to W Africa from S<br />

Africa can be scaled down.<br />

(Christopher J. Williams, July World <strong>DX</strong> Club Contact, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

! HISTORY ! 1566 Additional information received from TWR about the new<br />

relay station which is going to be constructed near Parakou during 20<strong>05</strong>:<br />

the tx will be operating on 1566 kHz with 100 kW. Cf.<br />

for other details about this project.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx dxld Nov 25, 2004 ! )<br />

BRAZIL [c.f. <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews #719] As far as I recall was the<br />

disappearance of Radiobras foreign sce blamed on a reason that was<br />

"technical" in the common way to use this term loosely. Acc. reports of<br />

the times the regarding unit of Radiobras had been dissolved, leaving<br />

nobody responsible to produce these programmes anymore, and so the 15265<br />

show was over.<br />

The 250 kW txs should alongside the 9665 txions of RNB also still carry<br />

Radio Nacional da Amazonia and Radio Senado:<br />

<<br />

http://www.senado.gov.br/radio/ondasCurtas4.asp><br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 15)<br />

This is the only data in about RNB:<br />

"9665 kHz 250 kW Radio Nacional do Brasil b/casts to a foreign audience<br />

exclusively on SW, our aim being help you un<strong>der</strong>standing facts through<br />

information and culture as well as favouring peoples' integration. RNB is<br />

a Radiobras station.<br />

A small history of RNB RNB emerged in 1958, two years before the<br />

inauguration of Brasil's new capital city, Brasilia. It was founded by the

govt as a mere means of communication to the workers building the new<br />

city. The first bcasts originated in a small "camp town" called Nucleo<br />

Bandeirante, where the workers dwelled until readiness of the residencial<br />

buildings.<br />

The first bcast took place on 31st May, 1958, and txion times were from<br />

5AM to midnight. Most of the programming was used for public sce, and many<br />

used the station to send family messages living elsewhere in the country.<br />

The success was so huge that the Brazilian postal sce tried to limit the<br />

number of messages sent over the air.<br />

In June, 1972, RNB started experimental bcasts in English to Europe as an<br />

attempt to determine the viability of an international sce. In September,<br />

that sce took the air with one hour duration programmes in English,<br />

Castilian, German and Portuguese. The b/casts survived until the 1990s,<br />

when they came to a halt due to technicalities.<br />

The return of RNB bcasts occured on 1st August, 2003, shortly before<br />

President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's African tour. As a starting goal, it<br />

began airing a 2 hour daily programme especially aimed at the Portuguese<br />

speaking countries with emphasis on those of Africa. Future plans regard<br />

programmes especially beamed to Latin America and other continents. "<br />

Addrs. mentioned after the article:<br />

Radiobras - Radio Nacional do Brasil Caixa Postal [P.O.Box] 08840 Brasilia<br />

DF, CEP [stands for "codigo de en<strong>der</strong>ecamento postal"] 70912-970, Brazil<br />

or <br />

I believe many among us would very much to know just what sort of<br />

"technicalities" made R. Bras stop the b/casts. Even using the [BRA]<br />

Brasilia HF site for CRI, which means a revenue, there are still a few<br />

(total of 5) 250 kW txs that possibly remain idle... or am I wrong?<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 14)<br />

CANADA Radio station CKMX in Calgary has flipped formats and is now<br />

known as "Classic Country, AM 1060." According to a nx item by one of my<br />

colleagues, the station's full lineup will be announced within a week or<br />

two. Until everything settles down, the station is playing non-stop mx,<br />

without announcers or commercial interruption. (If I'm not mistaken, this<br />

station has a SW relay on 6030 kHz. I can't tell if it is operation,<br />

though.) (Ricky Leong-CAN, dxld July 18)<br />

6030, CFVP (relay of CKMX), after readings Ricky's item (see above),<br />

thought I would try them on a clear Monday opening. July 18, 0441-<strong>05</strong>03,<br />

noted weak signal but in the clear. Indeed they have changed their format<br />

to all C&W songs. Several IDs: "A life time of county mx, all in one<br />

place, AM 1060" and "All time county favorites, Classic County AM 1060."<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld July 18)<br />

CLANDESTINE 4375.71 V.O.Communist Party of Iran on Jul 08 at 1627-1637<br />

UT 25342-22341 Persian, IS and ID repeat, ID at 1630, 1630 Opening mx,<br />

Opening announce, Talk.<br />

5102 V.O.Jammu Kashmir Freedom on Jul 09 at *1300-1307 UT 42442 Kashmiri,<br />

1300 sign on with mx, ID, Koran, Talk,<br />

7480 R.Payam-e Doost on Jul 02 at *1800-1810 UT 34443 Farsi, 1800 sign on<br />

with opening mx, ID, Talk,<br />

9935 V.of Palestine on Jul 09 at *1930-1940 UT 35443 Arabic, ID at 1930,<br />

Song, Opening announce, Talk,<br />

11530 V.of Mesopotamia on Jul 07 at 1428-1437 UT 35433 Kurdish, Talk, ID

at 1429.<br />

15660 Tensae Ethiopian V.O.Unity on Jul 08 at *1500-1512 UT 35443 Amharic,<br />

1500 sign on with opening mx, ID, Talk.<br />

(all Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium On July 15)<br />

CHILE Freq change for China Radio International in Portuguese:<br />

2100-2157 NF 11690* SGO 100 kW / 045 deg, x11720 to avoid VOA in French.<br />

*co-ch KTWR in Japanese from 2115. For B-<strong>05</strong> tentative freq is 11960 kHz.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 15)<br />

CHINA 49<strong>05</strong> Xizang PBS, Lhasa. July 9 at 1625-1700. SINPO 44444. Chinese<br />

song till 1630, then ID in Chinese and English. Holy Tibet program<br />

followed.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, July 15)<br />

CROATIA 6045 Croatian Radio intends to use 6045 to NoAM in B-<strong>05</strong> season.<br />

0200-0600 UT, to zones 2-4,6,7,10 via Juelich 100kW 325deg HRT DTK.<br />

(July 18)<br />

DJIBOUTI 4780 Radio Djibouti. On July 10 at 1943-2003(S/off) UT. SINPO<br />

34333. Music program with local popular songs. Koran recitation at 1958,<br />

followed by closing annmt. S/off after National Anthem.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, July 15)<br />

ECUADOR HCJB DRM. Could be that 15370-15380 really is a PTP sce, from<br />

Pifo-EQA to Elkhart-USA for the benefit of HCJB engineers fiddling with<br />

DRM in Indiana. In that case it should be in a fixed band. Heard again as<br />

late as 1350 UT July 19.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld July 19)<br />

FRANCE/LIBYA On July 16 1100 UT only 21695 in use - test tone, 1230 UT<br />

in Swahili on 21675, 21695; and also 1300 UT in English.<br />

1400 UT s/off till 1555 UT carrier on 15615.<br />

1600 UT 15660, 17615 in French till 1700 UT in Vernacular etc.<br />

On July 17 at 1300 UT on 21675 // 21685 // 15300 RFI in French.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 16-17)<br />

GERMANY Updated summer A-<strong>05</strong> for DTK T-Systems. Part 1 - daily txions:<br />

I<strong>BC</strong> Tamil Sce:<br />

0000-0100 7315 WER 250 kW / 090 deg to SoAs Tamil<br />

Athmee Yatra He/Gospel For Asia (GFA):<br />

0030-0130 9495 WER 250 kW / 090 deg to SoEaAs South East Asian langs<br />

1330-1430 13600 WER 250 kW / 075 deg to SoEaAs South East Asian langs<br />

1430-1530 13645 WER 250 kW / 075 deg to SoEaAs South East Asian langs<br />

1530-1630 13750 WER 250 kW / 090 deg to SoEaAs South East Asian langs<br />

Radio Free Asia (RFA):<br />

0100-0300 11975 WER 500 kW / 075 deg to SoEaAs Tibetan<br />

Voice of Russia (VOR):<br />

0100-0300 5945 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg to ME Russian "Russ.Inter.Radio"<br />

1400-1500 15430 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg to ME Russian "Commonwealth"<br />

1900-2100 9825 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg to ME Russian "Russ.Inter.Radio"<br />

1900-2100 5985 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg to ME Russian "Russ.Inter.Radio"<br />

2000-2100 7260 JUL 100 kW / 120 deg to ME Russian "Russ.Inter.Radio"<br />

2200-2300 6145 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg to ME Arabic<br />

Hrvatska Radio/Voice of Croatia:

0100-<strong>05</strong>00 9925 JUL 100 kW / 325 deg to NoAmWe Croatian/English/Spanish<br />

0400-0700 9470 JUL 100 kW / 230 deg to NZ Croatian/English/Spanish<br />

0600-1000 13820 JUL 100 kW / 270 deg to AUS Croatian/English/Spanish<br />

2200-0300 9925 JUL 100 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Croatian/English/Spanish<br />

2300-0300 9925 JUL 100 kW / 300 deg to NoAmEa Croatian/English/Spanish<br />

Radio Netherland Wereldomroep:<br />

0600-0700 11655 JUL 100 kW / 020 deg to NoEu Dutch till September 1<br />

0700-0800 9610 JUL 100 kW / <strong>05</strong>0 deg to EaEu Dutch till September 1<br />

Deutsche Welle (DW):<br />

0600-1000 6140 JUL 100 kW / 175 deg to Eu English<br />

1000-1200 6140 JUL 040 kW / 175 deg to Eu English DRM<br />

1200-1300 6140 JUL 040 kW / 175 deg to Eu German DRM<br />

1300-1600 6140 JUL 100 kW / 175 deg to Eu English<br />

1600-1800 6140 JUL 040 kW / 175 deg to Eu English DRM<br />

1800-1900 6140 JUL 040 kW / 175 deg to Eu German DRM<br />

<strong>BC</strong>E Radio Luxembourg:<br />

0600-1800 7145 JUL 040 kW / 290 deg to Eu German DRM from August 1<br />

Brother Stair/The Overcomer Ministries (TOM):<br />

1100-1200 6110*JUL 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu English<br />

1400-1600 6110 JUL 100 kW / 290 deg to WeEu English<br />

1600-1800 9845 WER 500 kW / non-dir to WeEu English<br />

*2nd Sun only<br />

Radio Liberty:<br />

1500-1700 9725 JUL 100 kW / <strong>05</strong>0 deg to EaEu Belorussian<br />

HCJB (The Voice of Andes):<br />

1700-1800 6015 JUL 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu German<br />

WYFR (Family Radio):<br />

1700-1800 3955 JUL 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu German<br />

1700-1800 11785 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg to ME Turkish<br />

1700-1800 13720 JUL 100 kW / 175 deg to NoAf Arabic<br />

2000-2100 96<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 kW / 115 deg to ME Arabic<br />

2000-2100 13590 JUL 100 kW / 190 deg to WeAf French<br />

IBRA Radio:<br />

1730-1800 15450 WER 125 kW / 135 deg to EaAf Somali<br />

1730-1830 9485 JUL 100 kW / 140 deg to EaAf Swahili<br />

1830-1845 9485 JUL 100 kW / 140 deg to EaAf English<br />

1900-2045 9675 JUL 100 kW / 190 deg to WeAf Hausa<br />

2000-2100 9840 JUL 100 kW / 175 deg to NoAf Arabic<br />

CBS Radio Taiwan International (RTI):<br />

2000-2100 5975 JUL 100 kW / 230 deg to SoEu Spanish<br />

Democratic Voice of Burma (DVOB):<br />

2330-0030 9435 JUL 100 kW / 080 deg to SoEaAs Burmese<br />

Minivan (Independent) Radio:<br />

1600-1700 11800 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg to SoAs Dhivehi<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 15)<br />

11800NF R Minivan at 1637 UT with old songm at 1639 a title Haru<br />

Arenotabl, with OM talking in Dhivehi about United republic and defense<br />

ministry, then fast talks by OM signal S30 54544.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 15)<br />

Vom 2. Juni bis 28. August 20<strong>05</strong> zeigt das Rundfunkmuseum Fuerth<br />

(Kurgartenstr. 37, 90762 Fuerth, ) die

Son<strong>der</strong>ausstellung "Freddy Quinn und die wilden 50er in Fuerth". Das<br />

Rundfunkmuseum ist taeglich ausser montags 1200-1700 Uhr MEZ/MESZ<br />

geoeffnet, an Wochenenden bereits ab 1000 Uhr.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener, ntt July 15)<br />

6085 DRM. Der Umbau des Sen<strong>der</strong>s Ismaning 6085 kHz ist weitgehend<br />

abgeschlossen. Bayern 5 kommt hier kuenftig in reinem DRM, ohne Traeger.<br />

Die DRM-Sendeleistung betraegt 50 kW.<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> June 24)<br />

Kurzwellenhoerer beklagen eine Beintraechtigung des Bereichs von 6075 bis<br />

61<strong>05</strong> kHz, da neben dem BR 6085 kHz auch RTL 6095 kHz in DRM sendet, das<br />

von bisherigen Radiogeraeten nicht verarbeitet werden kann. (N. R. Green<br />

June 29)<br />

GUATEMALA 4780 Radio Cultural Coatan, at 0216-0258* on Jul 16, program<br />

of Latin mx hosted by a man with Spanish talk between selections. Another<br />

man with canned ID and sign off annts at 0257 UT. Poor with intermittent<br />

RTTY and numbers QRM and eventually a heterodyne from Djibouti.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 16)<br />


In early June, a thun<strong>der</strong>bolt damaged the txs of Radio Television Guineenne<br />

(RTG) installed in Sonfonia, on the outskirts of the capital Conakry. This<br />

prevented the station from broadcasting on SW. The govt appealed to<br />

"friendly countries" for assistance, and after one month China responded<br />

by handing over a spare part which meant that SW txions could resume on 7<br />

July. The SW txions are necessary to reach the rural parts of Guinea as<br />

well as neighbouring countries. But RTG technicians say a renovation of<br />

the transmitting centre at Sonfonia is necessary to ensure reliable<br />

peformance in the future. (Source: Boubah.com)<br />

(RNW MN NL, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK July 14)<br />

INDIA The website <strong>DX</strong>Asia reports that All India Radio is going to vacate<br />

the 90 mb altogether in favour of 60 mb for domestic SW sces. This means<br />

Shimla on 3223 kHz, Bhopal on 3315 kHz, Delhi on 3365 kHz and Gangtok on<br />

3390 kHz will soon move onto the 60 mb. It is expected that there will be<br />

some adjustments on the present 60 mb usage by All India Radio.<br />

(RNW MN NL via dxld July 15)<br />

AIR is going to vacate 90 mb altogether in favour of 60 mb for Doestic SW<br />

sces. This means Shimla on 3223 kHz, Bhopal on 3315 kHz, Delhi on 3365 kHz<br />

and Gangtok on 3390 kHz will soon move onto 60 mb. It is expected that<br />

there will be some adjustments on the present 60 mb usage by All India<br />

Radio.<br />

(Alokesh Gupta-IND, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 18)<br />

4925 RRI Jambi at 2240 UT with pop songs, beat is best heard but talks not<br />

clearly. Better signal at 2300 UT with nx and S8 32322.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 15)<br />

INDONESIA 4869.96 RRI Wamena on Jul 07 at 1118-1145 44333 INSn, Music,<br />

ID at 1141.<br />

4870.95 RRI Sorong on Jul 07 at 1106-1118* 44343 INSn, Local news, ID at<br />

1116, 1118 sign off.<br />

4919.98 RRI Biak on Jul 07 at 1026-1035 35333 INSn, 1031 IS, Local news.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

Indonesia cuts broadcasts to save energy. INS has or<strong>der</strong>ed television and<br />

radio broadcasters to sign off for four hours every night as part of a<br />

govt effort to save energy, according to an official document released on<br />


Communication and Information Minister Sofyan Jalil, in a decree obtained<br />

by AFP, stipulates that television and radio stations should not broadcast<br />

between 1:00 am and 5:00 am. The decree cited "the rising price of world<br />

oil that could lead to a national energy crisis" and called for "a<br />

national energy-saving movement by all components of the society."<br />

The shut-down is effective immediately for a period of six months but will<br />

allow broadcasters to start programmes at 3:00 am during the Muslim<br />

fasting month of Ramadan, when the faithful are required to fast from dawn<br />

till dusk. A ministry official said the or<strong>der</strong> was issued after a<br />

presidential decree on energy saving at state institutions. INS has been<br />

wracked by fuel shortages, forcing some public transport operators to halt<br />

sces. Several regions have experienced power cuts with consumption<br />

surpassing generating capacities.<br />

<br />

(Alokesh Gupta-IND, dxld July 12)<br />

VoINS 1600-2100 UT, not heard on 15 MHz today, v15136 and v15149 are empty<br />

channels in 1800-1822 UT time slot. Heard only fair signal level on //<br />

freq of 9524.89 kHz today.<br />

(wb, July 12)<br />

IRELAND Listeners to RTE Radio 1 will once again be able to hear our<br />

weekend sports coverage on both the FM and Longwave 252 freqs.<br />

The popular sce had recently been withdrawn for a short period to<br />

accommodate other programming, but RTE Radio have decided to restore the<br />

coverage to both freqs after receiving feedback from listeners.<br />

The sce returns this Saturday, July 16, and will give Irish sports fans<br />

abroad the opportunity to keep up with all the latest action every<br />

Saturday and Sunday.<br />

Listeners can continue to enjoy the Second Helpings arts and features<br />

programming exclusively on the MW frequency.<br />

<br />

(Mike Terry in Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK July 15)<br />

ISRAEL 15785 Galei Zahal on Jul 08 at 1454-15<strong>05</strong> 35333 Hebrew, Music and<br />

News,, ID at 1454 and 1458, SJ at 1458 and 1504.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

JAPAN Introduction of JPN Short Wave Club (JSWC).<br />

Japan Short Wave Club, or JSWC was founded in 1952 in a city called<br />

Sendai, 350 km north of Tokyo, by teenage boys, - actually a couple of<br />

students studying at Tohoku University.<br />

The purpose of this club was to organize Japanese SW listeners and publish<br />

monthly bulletin to exchange <strong>DX</strong> information and promote friendship among<br />

SW listeners and between broadcasters and listeners.<br />

A. Regular club activities.<br />

Our regular club activities are as follows: 1. Publication of "SW-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Guide". As a major club activity, we are publishing monthly bulletin<br />

called "SW-<strong>DX</strong> Guide" plus electronic nx version to members. Average page<br />

of printed version is 30 pages composed of nx by frequency, nx by country,<br />

QSL collection, listening related stories, propagation prediction, meeting<br />

news, etc.<br />

2. Selling <strong>DX</strong>-related publications. We sell <strong>DX</strong>-related publications such<br />

as "World Radio TV Handbook", "Passport to World Band Radio", issued<br />

annually abroad.

Sometimes we also sell other materials written by our club members and<br />

published by ourselves. (Most of them are written in Japanese.)<br />

3. Holding <strong>DX</strong>-related meeting. We occasionally hold meeting in some<br />

outdoor site to receive <strong>DX</strong> stations, and also irregularly hold other<br />

meetings to exchange <strong>DX</strong>-related information and promote friendship among<br />

club members. And we take part in the annual amateur radio exhibition<br />

called "Ham Fair" held in August every year to publicize the hobby of SW<br />

listening.<br />

4. Offering up-to-date information and free e-mail bulletin. We offer<br />

latest information concerning special broadcast, freq changes, test txion,<br />

and so on to the club members by means of e-mail or fax. Free e-mail<br />

bulletin will be sent on request to non-members and clubs. Please send<br />

your request to <br />

If you are interested in our club activities, please contact the following<br />

address for further information on membership fee, request for sample copy<br />

of "SW-<strong>DX</strong> Guide", and so on.<br />

Mailing address of JSWC headquarters:<br />

JPN Short Wave Club, P.O.Box 29, Sendai Central 980-8691, JAPAN<br />

E-mail: <br />

B. <strong>DX</strong> programs from overseas broadcasters<br />

Japan Short Wave Club has begun broadcasts to offer <strong>DX</strong>-related information<br />

from overseas broadcasters as follows:<br />

1. Adventist World Radio - "Wavescan" A several mins' segment is allocated<br />

to our club during the first Sunday edition of the <strong>DX</strong> program of AWR<br />

"Wavescan". (Temporary off the air until further notice.) For detailed<br />

broadcast schedule, visit the AWR website: <br />

2. HCJB World Radio - "<strong>DX</strong> Partyline" And also a several mins are given to<br />

us during the fourth Saturday edition of the <strong>DX</strong> program of HCJB World<br />

Radio "<strong>DX</strong> Partyline." The broadcast schedule is as follows:<br />

To India: Saturday 1300 UTC on 154<strong>05</strong> kHz (From Kununurra, Australia)<br />

[latest news: The evening sces to AS from 1300-1430 on 154<strong>05</strong>, and 1430-<br />

1600 on 15390 kHz have been suspended until Aug 28, 20<strong>05</strong>. wb.]<br />

To South Pacific: Saturday 0730 UTC on 11750 kHz (From Kununurra,<br />

Australia)<br />

To South Pacific: Saturday 1100 UTC on 15425 kHz (From Kununurra,<br />

Australia)<br />

To North America: Saturday 1230 UTC on 120<strong>05</strong>, 21455(USB) kHz (From Quito,<br />

Ecuador).<br />

3. Radio JPN - "Hello from Tokyo". Our <strong>DX</strong> information will be broadcast<br />

with 8 min slot of "Hello from Tokyo" - first weekend. Please check the<br />

time and freqs of this program at<br />

<br />

When you listen to them, please send your reception reports to the above<br />

address of our club's headquarters in Sendai. We will issue a verification<br />

card for correct receptionreports. (Please enclose either 1 IRC or one<br />

dollar US bill.)<br />

Finally, please take note that the broadcast schedule is tentative one and<br />

is subject to change without notice. So I hope you will keep listening to

these two <strong>DX</strong> programs as often as possible.<br />

Thank you very much for your kind attention. JSWC / June, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

"JAPAN." 6110, NHK (via Sackville), very nice "JSWC 20<strong>05</strong> Year of the<br />

Rooster" card received for "Hello From Tokyo" 70th anniversary prgm; full-<br />

data format on back (but time not filled in); also sent JSWC info sheet.<br />

In 6 wks. for postal rpt and one IRC to JSWC's Toshi Ohtake.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 16)<br />

[same QSL on arrived here in Germany on July 15, refers to NHK R Japan<br />

English via Rampisham-UK relay 500 kW 115 deg, wb.])<br />

JORDAN Radio Jordan, Amman - Corrected schedule<br />

Arabic Days Area kHz<br />

0200-<strong>05</strong>00 daily NAm,Eu 15435aka* 0300-0715 daily ME,As 11810aka*<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0715 daily Eu 11960aka* 1030-1200 daily ME,As 11810aka*<br />

1030-1200 daily Eu,NAf 15290aka* 1500-2200 daily ME,SEA 61<strong>05</strong>aka*<br />

1730-2000 daily Eu 9830aka* 1900-2100 daily SAm 15435aka*<br />

Arabic (Armed forces) Days Area kHz<br />

1200-1500 daily ME,As 11810aka*<br />

English Days Area kHz<br />

1300-1630 daily NAm,Eu 11690aka*<br />

* Sign on/off times vary. (From last WRTH Update, July 13)<br />

KYRGYZ REP 4010 Kyrgyz Radio at 2302 UT with National Anthem, followed<br />

by news in Kyrgyz by YL. Signal 44332 (un<strong>der</strong> modulated).<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 15)<br />

LAOS "Lao National Radio Houa Phan. Monitoring in JPN on 15th June, Lao<br />

National Radio Houa Phan has changed its freq from 4649 to new 4677.9 kHz.<br />

This station is on the air from 0957 to 1230 and relays nx from Vientiane<br />

at 1200, then Parallel with 6130.<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, hcdx June 16)<br />

LATVIA 945 A relay of Radio Tatras International<br />

on 1350 from Kuldiga with 50 kW started today on 20<br />

July. The relay is provided by the Riga-based company Krebs TV. Krebs TV<br />

also runs Radio Nord in Riga on 945 kHz, and was issued a rebroadcasting<br />

license for 1350 kHz by the Latvian Broadcasting Regulatory Authority in<br />

early July. The tx in Kuldiga is leased from LVRTC, the Latvian state tx<br />

operator. The antenna facilities at the Kuldiga site were damaged in a<br />

winter storm in late 2004, and have now been repaired.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx July 20)<br />

LIBERIA Radio Veritas on 5469.95 kHz on July 16 at 2223-2302 UT sign-<br />

off. Good signal level but difficult to un<strong>der</strong>stand announcer. Surprisingly<br />

clean signal with only mo<strong>der</strong>ate static and a little CW interference just<br />

before the hour. Male announcer with "Saturday Night Party" show with much<br />

hi-life, hip hop, and constant talk by announcer. Mentions of Liberia and<br />

"coming to you from Monrovia, and "Radio Veritas" ID at 2255, followed by<br />

religious talk including a recitation of The Lord's Prayer. Sign-off at<br />

2302 UT with open carrier. (Ross Comeau-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 16)<br />

5470 Veritas[?] found a AM signal of S=8, but very un<strong>der</strong> modulated and<br />

unsure if this carrier comes from Veritas.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 15)<br />

MALI 17630 China Radio International via Bamako-MLI on July 9 at 1440-<br />

1455 UT. SINPO 24332. Interview in English. ID at 1455 UT.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, July 15)<br />

NEPAL QSL: RADIO NEPAL, Full detail QSL CARD received on July 11th,

20<strong>05</strong>. Showing "Annapurna Ranges, Pokhara".<br />

Report sent on August 16, 2002. Frequency: 50<strong>05</strong> at 1030 UT. V/S R. S.<br />

Karki. It was a nice surprise to receive this long awaited QSL card. I<br />

really gave up with this rare station.<br />

(Cesar Perez Dioses-PRU, dxld July 19)<br />

NIGERIA 7275 Radio Nigeria - Abuja, at <strong>05</strong>28-0604 on Jul 17, pop mx<br />

selection followed by a man with a long talk. At <strong>05</strong>45 UT returned to a pop<br />

mx program hosted by a man announcer. Several nice IDs at <strong>05</strong>59 and again<br />

at 0600 UT with 3 plus 1 time pips. The nx at 0600 UT. Poor to fair but<br />

voice modulation was muddy.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 17)<br />

[Same heard here in EUR, weak S=2 signal. Slight QRM of adjacent channel<br />

7280 RFI French via ISS 500 kW to NoAF, wb.]<br />

NETHERLANDS Die Nie<strong>der</strong>lande sollen einen Spartensen<strong>der</strong> fuer Kommentare<br />

zum Fussball bekommen. Dies war am 2. Juli 20<strong>05</strong> in <strong>der</strong> Wirtschaftszeitung<br />

Het Financieele Dagblad zu lesen. Koos Appelboom, <strong>der</strong> auch schon fuer das<br />

Wall Street Journal und die Financial Times gearbeitet hat, wolle die<br />

<strong>der</strong>zeit nicht genutzte Mittelwelle 1332 kHz nutzen. Aktuell wird an einem<br />

Studio in Lelystad gebaut, <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong> soll in Dronten stehen.<br />

Radio Voetbal soll am 1. August o<strong>der</strong> 1. September 20<strong>05</strong> in Betrieb gehen.<br />

Je<strong>der</strong> Interessent soll fuer 25 Euro 15 Minuten Redezeit kaufen koennen, um<br />

seine Meinung zum Fussball kund zu tun. Zur Sicherheit werden alle<br />

Aeusserungen in eine Zeitschleife gegeben und von Mitarbeitern <strong>der</strong> Station<br />

beobachtet. Appelboom gibt an, bereits auf grosses Interesse bei den Klubs<br />

und eventuellen Werbekunden gestossen zu sein. Er sucht allerdings noch<br />

Investoren, die dann mittelfristig die Station ganz uebernehmen werden.<br />

(RNW MN NL July 4)<br />

OMAN 15375 R.Sultanate of Oman on Jul 08 at *1359-1413 34433-35443<br />

Arabic, 1359 sign on with arabic mx, 1400 Gong's IS, ID, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

PALAU 15725 on July 3 at 0958 UT OM ID-ing "Gospel Radio" then today's<br />

topic "Regeneration and Renewal" - 1<strong>05</strong>6 UT Yl mentioning "tomorrow we will<br />

broadcast another message", OM mentioning "message April Chow", address:<br />

CPO PO Box 6804 Hong Kong - 1<strong>05</strong>8 UT off.<br />

15725 on July 4 at 1011 UT OM w/ sermon suffering and misun<strong>der</strong>standing -<br />

1<strong>05</strong>6 UT mx then YL mentioning "make perfect for suffering" and OM ID-ing<br />

"T8BZ", address C.P.O. P.O.Box 6804 Hong<br />

Kong - at 1<strong>05</strong>8 UT off but carrier still on upto 1100 UT.<br />

(Tony Ashar, Depok-INS, hcdx July 15)<br />

PNG [and non] SPOTLIGHT ON A FREQUENCY: 7120 kHz. This month we take a<br />

look at 7120 kHz in the 41 mb, which has just recently become host to a<br />

new radio station in Papua New Guinea, Wantok Radio Light.<br />

Here is a list of stations known to be using this freq throughout the day<br />

for the A-<strong>05</strong> season:<br />

Time UTC Station name, Location, country Power Language, target area<br />

24 hours Wantok R Light, Port Moresby, PNG 1 kW English - domestic<br />

0200-0300 CNR-8, Beijing, China 50 kW Korean - domestic<br />

0300-0400 B<strong>BC</strong> WS, Meyerton, S Africa 500 kW English - West Africa<br />

0400-<strong>05</strong>00 B<strong>BC</strong> WS, Meyerton, S Africa 250 kW English - West Africa<br />

0420-0600 All India R, Jaipur, India 50 kW Indian langs - dom sce (Su)<br />

0630-0930 All India R, Jaipur, India 50 kW Indian langs - dom sce (Su)

0700-0930 All India R, Jaipur, India 50 kW Indian langs - dom sce (Mo-Sa)<br />

1000-1100 CNR-8, Beijing, China 50 kW Korean - domestic sce<br />

1030-1120 All India R, Jaipur, India 50 kW Indian langs - dom sce (Su)<br />

1400-1500 CNR-8, Beijing, China 50 kW Kyrgyz - domestic sce<br />

1500-1600 CNR-8, Beijing, China 50 kW Uighur - domestic sce<br />

1600-1700 CNR-8, Beijing, China 50 kW Mongolian - domestic<br />

1600-1700 R Romania Int, Tiganesti 250 kW Russian - to Russia<br />

1700-1800 R V of People, Madagascar 50 kW English - to Zimbabwe<br />

1800-1900 R Cairo, Abis, Egypt 250 kW Russian - to Russia<br />

1900-2100 R Netherlands, Madagascar 250 kW English - C&S Africa<br />

2000-2100 China R Int, Jinhua, China 500 kW Mandarin - to Europe<br />

2100-2200 R Netherlands, Madagascar 250 kW Dutch - to C Africa<br />

2130-2200 China R Int, Urumqi, China 500 kW Hungarian - to C Europe<br />

2130-2200 R Tirana, Shijak, Albania 100 kW English - to W Europe (Mo-Sa)<br />

2300-0100 RFE/RL, Biblis, Germany 100 kW Russian - to Russia<br />

So what chances of being able to hear Wantok Radio Light here in the UK?<br />

As Dave Kenny-UK points out, there is not really a suitable propagation<br />

path in the morning at this time of year; in theory it should propagate<br />

late afternoons, but the band is likely to be cluttered then. Our best<br />

chance for hearing the station might be early morning in the new<br />

year/early spring.<br />

(compiled by Tony Rogers, July Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK "Communication" July 7)<br />

3385 Radio East New Britian, at 1040-1110 UT. Noted both a man and woman<br />

in Arabic comments along with intermediate mx. On the hour (1100), program<br />

switch to Pigdin with typical PNG mx and phone calls. Signal was good. The<br />

period 1040-1100 UT surprised me in the when using the Arabic lang. Signal<br />

was good even with the noise.<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, hcdx July 16)<br />

PARAGUAY 9736.9 Radio Nacional del Paraguay, at 0145-0211 on Jul 15,<br />

Latin vocal by a man followed by a man announcer with Spanish talk and<br />

several IDs. Brief mx segment followed by another man talking about<br />

Paraguay. Fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 15)<br />

PHILIPPINES Radio Veritas Asia freq change. Due to co-channel<br />

interference Radio Veritas Asia eff 17th July is using 11730 kHz (ex11770)<br />

at 0030-0<strong>05</strong>7 UTC in Bengali to South Asia. <br />

(Alokesh Gupta-IND, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 18)<br />

RUSSIA 12130 Voice of Delina via Samara. On July 10 at 1800(S/on)-1825<br />

UT. SINPO 33332. Started with mx and ID as "... Delina ... California ..."<br />

Interview in Tigrinya followed. Thanks for Hashimoto's information about<br />

this new schedule.<br />

15660kHz Tensae Ethiopia Vioce of Unity via Samara. On July 9 at<br />

1500(S/on)-1525 UT. SINPO 35333. Started with song and ID as "Ye Tensae<br />

... Radio ..." followed by male talk in Amharic. Seems they started<br />

Saturday broadcast.<br />

(both Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, On July 15)<br />

Strong signal here in BUL for new mx station Special Radio in Russian<br />

1800-1900 Thu on 6240 (55555) tent. via Sankt Peterburg.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 15)<br />

Afghanistan & Radio Moscow. Hi, Some time in the 1980s, one of the Radio<br />

Moscow English Service Newsrea<strong>der</strong>s referred to the Soviet troops in<br />

Afghanistan as inva<strong>der</strong>s.

Does anyone recall who the newsrea<strong>der</strong> was and what he said?<br />

I'm writing an essay for my Sociology class on propaganda at Uni and would<br />

like to include this in it but I need a reference.<br />

Many thanks Paul ibid. (hcdx July 14)<br />

It was Vladimir Danchev, in 1983. He was quite young (23 or so I believe)<br />

and his father was a Party official. He had become very disillusioned with<br />

life in the Soviet Union, and one night he spontaneously decided to change<br />

some of the words in the script, e.g. intervention became aggression.<br />

Amazingly, nobody at Radio Moscow seemed to notice, or turned a deaf ear<br />

to it. So he did it again on his next shift, and his next ...<br />

Monitors at B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring in Caversham could hardly believe their ears,<br />

but initially decided not to draw attention to it, as they knew the<br />

consequences for the guy concerned would be serious. But after five days<br />

of such behaviour, they decided that this was a huge story that they had<br />

to report.<br />

The young man was sent for "re-education", and it was implied by the<br />

Soviet authorities that he was suffering a breakdown and needed<br />

psychtiatric help. I suspect the fact that his father was a Party official<br />

may have helped him to avoid the worst treatment handed out to such<br />

people. The immediate consequence for Radio Moscow was that live<br />

newsreading stopped, and all bulletins had to be recorded in advance and<br />

passed for txion by someone senior. Danchev subsequently returned to work<br />

at Radio Moscow, but not as an announcer!<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, hcdx July 15)<br />

SAUDI ARABIA At 1310 UT on 21680 kHz mixed sounds of two different<br />

programmes in Arabic: on 21460 // 21600 // 21560; 2nd on 215<strong>05</strong> // 21640.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 17)<br />

SERBIA and MONTENEGRO 1400-1430 UT on 7200 - mx with 2 mins nx in En,<br />

Fr, Ge, Sp, It. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 14)<br />

SLOVAK REP According to a TASR (Slovak press agency) report of 12 July<br />

20<strong>05</strong>, Radio Slovakia International leaves SWs on 31 July 20<strong>05</strong>. The station<br />

will continue with international broadcasting via internet and satelite<br />

only. No details on volume of these broadcasts have been published yet. 84<br />

employees of Slovak Radio will be discharged. The reason is a worsening<br />

financial situation of Slovak Radio. The director general of Slovak Radio<br />

Jaroslav Reznik blames the govt for the bad financial situation of the<br />

station. So let us wait if the missing money will be found or not before<br />

the end of July. Nothing is definitive yet.<br />

Radio Slovakia International was established soon after the split of<br />

Czechoslovakia at the beginning of 1993, and now broadcasts in English,<br />

French, German, Spanish, Russian and Slovak.<br />

Karel Honzik editor-in-chief, Radio Revue Czechoslovak <strong>DX</strong> Club.<br />

(CS<strong>DX</strong>C, July 13)<br />

Slovak Radio (SRo) will lay off 84 employees and will end foreign lang<br />

broadcasting on SW by the end of July. The SRo management wants to cut<br />

costs and make up for revenue shortfalls in this way. The number of the<br />

public broadcaster's employees will go down to an all-time low of 825. The<br />

SRo management has also halted all investment projects.<br />

The SRo's SW foreign lang broadcasting will be replaced by broadcasting<br />

through the Internet. "Since we estimate this year's revenue shortfall<br />

from subscribers' fees at 400m korunas [Slovak crowns] and from the state<br />

budget at 130m korunas, these measures have become unavoidable," said SRo<br />

Director-General Jaroslav Reznik.

The radio wants to save some 130m korunas by the end of the year in this<br />

way, of which more than 16m korunas will be savings in wage costs, after<br />

the deduction of severance pay. "The loss of 150m korunas that we posted<br />

in the first six months of this year therefore should not markedly<br />

increase," Reznik said.<br />

(Slovak newspaper Sme, via RNW MN NL, quoting B<strong>BC</strong> M, July 12)<br />

SOMALIA Re a Galkayo station being closed: According to WRTH 20<strong>05</strong> there<br />

are two radio stations in Galkayo: R Galkayo on 6980 (not 6890) and 79.5<br />

MHZ FM, and R Daljir on 90.9/103.9 MHz FM. The former is known to support<br />

the present President, so I won<strong>der</strong>, if it is the latter station that has<br />

been closed down?<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W July 13)<br />


Amharic 1800-1815 daily EAf 11810dha (x12035)<br />

1815-1845 .....ss EAf 11810dha (x12035)<br />

Arabic 1300-1315 ....fs. WAf 13745dha (new prgr.)<br />

Hausa 1830-1900 daily WAf 9685mey (x9695)<br />

Kanuri 1900-1915 daily WAf 9685mey (x9695)<br />

Swahili 0300-0345 daily EAf 6110man (x6040)<br />

(From last WRTH Update, July 13)<br />

SRI LANKA 15747.78 (tent) SL<strong>BC</strong> at 0124-0144 UT on July 15, English, OM<br />

poking thru the static with pop ballads and talks between selections.<br />

Heard TC's, mentions of "Colombo, Sri Lanka" and tentative frequency/ID<br />

annts. Unsure of the exact freq as I tuned up to avoid some sort of noise<br />

blob. (Scott R. Barbour-NH-USA, dxld July 16)<br />

SID [Moegel Dellinger special effect] Propagation was very "strange"<br />

indeed this morning around 0630+UT. Many of the regular signals were not<br />

audible at all - or were only faint. And even they gradually became<br />

fainter or non-existent. RNZI 11820 was just about audible but there was a<br />

BIG signal on 11815 from RL-LAM for a while. I didn't try 9885.<br />

I tuned across 11760 - as I usually do - and heard English at 0625 which I<br />

thought was maybe R. Habana Cuba - or was it the B<strong>BC</strong> via OMA? No, it was<br />

neither of these - it was NHK via YAM (330 degr) in English to FE Russia<br />

!!! The // 11715 via 35deg was possibly the one at threshold level same<br />

time. The dits via Moscow(?) on 11760LSB were fading in and out at weak<br />

level, but B<strong>BC</strong> and RHC did not appear - and NHK went before 0700.<br />

A short time later there wasn't much to listen to at all! I assume this<br />

was due to the reported disturbances on the sun. If it was a SID (sudden<br />

ionospheric disturbance) it can be very interesting indeed to observe the<br />

recovery afterwards and how each band re-opens.<br />

And re Maria 26000 - as I un<strong>der</strong>stand it, this is a test intended for<br />

ground wave coverage to the local area. Similar to CB radio on 27 MHz, or<br />

even those U.S.A. ground to air FM communications which use the 25 MHZ<br />

band, and that are normally audible only within local areas. But, as we<br />

know only too well, radio waves are unpredictable things and don't always<br />

"cease" where intended.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 14)<br />

SUDAN Freq change for Radio Omdurman in Arabic: 1500-1900 NF 95<strong>05</strong>* ALF<br />

100 kW / 090 deg to EaAf, x7200 * from 1900 co-ch Radio Farda in Persian.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 15)<br />

95<strong>05</strong> Omdurman at 1707 UT, with adverts. ID 1708 "Huna Omdurman huna roboo<br />

Sudan" then with folklore songs, S9+10 at last.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 15)

4750 Radio Peace verified an e-mail follow up report with a brief e-mail<br />

reply in 4 days from Peter Stover<br />

"Sorry for the long delay in responding. Please<br />

accept this Email as confirmation of your report. You might also want to<br />

try to during the same hours to Radio Peace on 5895 kHz as well. This<br />

facility is operating in English and Arabic for the Nuba and northern<br />

Sudan." (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 14)<br />

TAIWAN 7380 Little Saigon R. via Taiwan[?]on Jul 07 at 1502-1513 UT,<br />

45444 Vietnamese, Opening mx and URL announce, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

[rather originate from Nakhon Pathom-THA site, wb.]<br />

9745 V of Han 21<strong>05</strong> progr consisting of songs and talks mainly by YL<br />

Signal DS8 33422 (try dto look at Bahrain).<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 15)<br />

TANZANIA [Zanzibar] Voice of Tanzania via Zanzibar on 11735 kHz. Heard<br />

here in Birmingham from around 1745 UT tune-in, 11 July 20<strong>05</strong>. Nx in<br />

English at 1800-1808 (didn't quite catch an ID in English), otherwise in<br />

presumed Swahili (ID's as "Sauti ya Tanzania, Zanzibar"), including nx at<br />

1900 and 2000. Nice selection of mx too. Still good at 2015 UT ... presume<br />

will sign-off at 2100 UT? (Tony Rogers, UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK July 11)<br />

Picked up my email at 2<strong>05</strong>5 and following a tip off from Tony Rogers on the<br />

B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK list quickly logged Radio Tanzania, Zanzibar on 11735, on channel<br />

not 11734.1 as previously, lady in Swahili, anthem and off 2100, fair on<br />

clear channel.<br />

Tony had them from 1745, English nx 1800-1808, Swahili nx 1900 and 2000<br />

and nice selection of mx. (Mike Barraclough-UK, dxld July 11)<br />

Thanks to the tip from Tony yesterday, Voice of Tanzania-Zanzibar heard<br />

today with good reception on from tune-in at 1655 UTC on 11735.0 kHz.<br />

Drumbeats at 1659 UT then relay of nx in Swahili from Radio Tanzania, Dar-<br />

es-Salaam. Very good modulation - it sounds like a new tx to me.<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK July 12)<br />

Maybe I'm stating the obvious, but have we consi<strong>der</strong>ed that this may be a<br />

relay from somewhere else? Tanzania was never on any other freq but just<br />

below 11735. This is how I always ID'd the tx. With it being exactly back<br />

on 11735.00 suggests to me a different tx, and with more and more<br />

broadcasters relying on relays from fewer and fewer organizations, the<br />

thought has crossed my mind. Any other comments?<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-USA, dxld July 11)<br />

Turned off my noise-producers and fired up 11735.0 kHz at 2<strong>05</strong>2 UT July 12<br />

very weak signal there, no doubt Zanzibar, with oud(?) mx, and from 2<strong>05</strong>6<br />

talk mixing with mx, off at 2100 UT. Increasing T-storm static as storms<br />

approach from north did not help at all.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld July 13)<br />

As reported elsewhere in past days, Zanzibar program on 11735 is well<br />

heard here tonight, seemingly a new Chinese made tx of the 100 kW class is<br />

in use. Similar ones erected at Shijak-Albania, Kashi-CHN and at La<br />

Habana-CUB site in last year.<br />

Modulation is excellent, so the fee<strong>der</strong>line also refurbished seemingly.<br />

(wb, July 12)<br />

11735 R Tanzania at 1951 UT on July 13 with a program in Port, with<br />

religious type songs.<br />

On July 14 at 1730 UT I heard talks in African lang (Swahili?) with

possibly sport program. At 181O UT with ID 'News from Spice FM thank you'<br />

(thanks to other reports) Arabic type lang then and mx followed by a<br />

report consisting by a speech and at 1830 UT with Islamic program. At 1853<br />

OM spoke "idaatu mekete kuran'(Arabic) in a local lang, S10 44444 using<br />

phasing unit. At 1656 UT July 15 man with Islamic talks and a possible<br />

comparison between Islam and Christianity, and continuous references to<br />

Islam; Allah again signal ID at 1700 UT as R Tanzania Darussalam, S9<br />

43443.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 15)<br />

11735 (tentative but almost certain) RTZ at 2025 UT tune on July 17. Very<br />

weak with vocal groups with a slight Arabic feel, deep-voiced anncr. The<br />

level improved slowly. Talking at 2<strong>05</strong>8 UT and gone at 2100 UT.<br />

(Gerry Dexter-WI-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 18)<br />

Btw, they start abruptly (right into program feed) at 1624-1625 UT after<br />

few mins of open carrier warming-up, that's observation of recent couple<br />

of days.<br />

(Vlad Titarev-UKR, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 18)<br />

Voice of Tanzania - Zanzibar and China Radio International have agreed to<br />

strengthen relations and open up four new areas of cooperation. The<br />

decision was reached during talks in Beijing, China between the Chinese<br />

deputy information minister, Zhang Fan [phonetic] and the state minister<br />

in the Office of the Chief Minister, Hon Ali Juma Shamhuna.<br />

The new areas of cooperation agreed to by the two sides are for Voice of<br />

Tanzania - Zanzibar to allocate two hours of airtime to China Radio<br />

International to air its programmes through 5 FM [as heard].<br />

The China Radio International broadcasts will be aired in Swahili for an<br />

hour as well as in English for one hour.<br />

The two sides have also agreed to renew the arrangement for Voice of<br />

Tanzania - Zanzibar to send its broadcasters to China to present on the<br />

Swahili Service of China Radio.<br />

The agreement will also include training workers, journalists, presenters<br />

and technicians to improve their skills.<br />

(Voice of Tanzania - Zanzibar, in Swahili July 18 via B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld)<br />

You'd think they would have mentioned the new tx on 11735 as part of this,<br />

if in fact Chinese aid was involved (gh, <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

Nach s/off <strong>der</strong> VoA auf 11740 ist Zanzibar hier <strong>der</strong>zeit in<br />

Ortssen<strong>der</strong>qualitaet zu empfangen. Da kommt richtig Nostalgie auf! Das<br />

haben die Techniker rechtzeitig zum Makwa Kogwa-Fest hingekriegt, da wird<br />

Ali Bakari seine Freude haben!<br />

Ob wohl noch ein paar von Guido Schotman's QSL-Karten uebriggeblieben<br />

sind? Jetzt waere die Gelegenheit, das herauszufinden. Khalid Hassan hat<br />

nach meinem Besuch 1999 eine ganze Masse QSL's verschickt. Hier nochmal<br />

die Anschrift fuer diejenigen, die damals keine Bestaetigung erhielten:<br />

Khalid Hassan Rajab, Head of Shortwave Radio Transmitter, Voice of<br />

Tanzania Zanzibar, P.O.Box 1178, Zanzibar, Tanzania<br />

Bitte ans Rueckporto denken! (Enzio Gehrig-ESP, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 12)<br />

UAE Freq change for TWR Africa in Amharic: 1800-1845 NF 11810 DHA 250 kW<br />

/ 225 deg to EaAf, x12035 to avoid CRI in Arabic<br />

VT Communications cancelled txion of Radio Ndeke Luka in French/Singo<br />

1830-1930 on 11760 DHA 250 kW / 245 deg to CeAf.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 15)

UK 17660 Sudan Radio Service via Woofferton-UK site on July 7 at 1459-<br />

1520 UT. SINPO 25332. Started with mx and ID in English. Nx from 1504.<br />

Native song at 1513 UT, followed by male talk.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, July 15)<br />

U.S.A. W<strong>BC</strong>Q Schedule Update - July 16, 20<strong>05</strong>. My apologies for not<br />

keeping the schedule up to date. This is a big update; if you see anything<br />

I might have missed please let me know via wbcq at zappahead dot net.<br />

Schedule updates as follows:<br />

- Herald of Truth gone from Monday 0415 on 7415.<br />

- World of Radio now 0415 Monday on 7415.<br />

- World of Radio moves from 2200 Wednesday on 17495 to 2300.<br />

- EVM Jewish Radio Network gone from Thursday 0100-0400 on 51<strong>05</strong>.<br />

This was apparently a one-shot broadcast in June.<br />

- EVM Jewish Radio Network adds Thursday 2200 on 7415,<br />

replacing a repeat of Allan Weiner Worldwide.<br />

- Squad 51 gone from 51<strong>05</strong> Saturday at 0300.<br />

- The RMF Show gone from 9330 Sunday at 0330.<br />

- Good Friends Radio Network replaces Word of the Cross Sunday at 2200 on<br />

9330.<br />

- Good Friends Radio Network replaces Financial Survival 2100 Mo-Fr at<br />

2100 on 17495.<br />

- Good Friends Radio Network adds 2200 Mo-Fr on 17495.<br />

- Good Friends Radio Network replaces Christian Sabbath Bible Study Fri<br />

2200 on 9330.<br />

- Good Friends Radio Network replaces Christian Sabbath Bible Study Sat<br />

2100 on 9330.<br />

- Good Friends Radio Network adds Saturday at 2200 on 17495.<br />

The following broadcasts originate live from the M/S Katie in Boston,<br />

relayed by W<strong>BC</strong>Q, until the end of the summer:<br />

- Good Friends Radio Network Mo-Fr 1800 on 7415<br />

- Good Friends Radio Network Tu-Sa 0200 on 51<strong>05</strong><br />

- Good Friends Radio Network Sa-Su 1600-2000 on 9330<br />

It is not uncommon for 51<strong>05</strong> and 7415 to run past their scheduled closing<br />

times with unannounced programing originating from the studio in<br />

Monticello or from the M/S Katie in Boston.<br />

Radio Six International will be leaving 51<strong>05</strong> at the end of July, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

The Overcomer Ministry will be leaving 17495 at the end of July 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(Larry Will, W<strong>BC</strong>Q Annotated Program Guide, <br />

via dxld July 16)<br />

KTBN missing again July 18: nothing on 75<strong>05</strong> at 1350 check, nor on 15590<br />

later in the day. 75<strong>05</strong> still missing 24 hours later. It supposedly<br />

operates 24 hours and is always on one freq or the other. O, how I miss<br />

it. O, I can get the same thing on channel 14 with the added benefit of<br />

moving pictures in color to glory in Mrs. Crouch's marvelously high hair<br />

and professionally painted face!<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld July 19)<br />

VATICAN STATE Vatican Radio was the first sound heard at 1300 UT on 9645<br />

kHz in range 5700-9645 kHz during the geomagnetic storm due to the<br />

activity of sunspot No. 10786. No other radio station was propagating till<br />

1410 UT when fades in Budapest on 6025 kHz.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 14)<br />

YEMEN 9779.55 Yemen R. on Jul 08 at 1603-1627 34333 Arabic, Nx and<br />

talk, Theme song at 1622 and 1626 UT.

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium July 15)<br />

ZAMBIA 4910 ZN<strong>BC</strong> at *0249-0336 on Jul 14, familiar fish eagle IS<br />

followed by choral National Anthem, opening ID and annts and talk in local<br />

langs and mx. Apparently back here after reported move to 5915 kHz earlier<br />

in the week. Poor to fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 14)<br />

ZIMBABWE 6612hx Radio Zimbabwe kann z. Zt. (2212 UT) auf <strong>der</strong><br />

Harmonischen von 3306, auf 6612 kHz gehoert werden. Angesagt wurden<br />

etliche UKW Frequenzen sowie jeweils eine Frequenz im 49mb und 90 mb.<br />

(Uwe Volk-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 20)<br />

DSWCI Tropical Bands Monitor 20<strong>05</strong> (TBM). This is a brand new .pdf register<br />

of all active broadcasting stations in the range of 2300-5700 kHz heard by<br />

<strong>DX</strong>ers anywhere in the world. It is a supplement to the DBS-7 and will be<br />

updated each month.<br />

Basically it is a list of the stations in the DBS, by frequency, with an<br />

indication if the station has been heard during the month indicated. There<br />

is a note un<strong>der</strong> "Remarks" if the last logging is before 20<strong>05</strong>, if the<br />

station is jammed, etc. Red entries are stations that have been added<br />

since DBS-7 was published in April 20<strong>05</strong>. For the rest of 20<strong>05</strong> DSWCI will<br />

test TBM to see if it is a useful tool for tropical band <strong>DX</strong>ers. It is<br />

available to those who have purchased the DBS-7 or have made a review of<br />

it in another <strong>DX</strong> publication. The TBM is located at<br />

<br />

The necessary username and password can be obtained from Anker Petersen at<br />

<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W July 16)<br />

Pacific-Asian-Log (c) Mediumwave Guide. **FREE**<br />

The latest [July 20<strong>05</strong>] version of Bruce Portzer's Pacific-Asian-Log (c) is<br />

now available only at FREE access.<br />

4000+ mediumwave [AM] radio stations covers Central, South and North Asia<br />

covers India, China and JPN covers Pacific including Australia and New<br />

Zealand covers Alaska and Hawaii frequency, call-sign, location, format,<br />

power, operating hours and more updated by global monitoring network<br />

download versions and search tools FREE available on-line now.<br />

Please send updates, corrections, additions and alterations to<br />

info@radioheritage.net. A public sce of the Radio Heritage Foundation, a<br />

registered non-profit organization, Wellington, New Zealand. Visit<br />

today. FREE email newsletter.<br />

If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, please send an email to<br />

<br />

Our mailing address is P.O.Box 14339, Wellington, New Zealand.<br />

Other contact details are at <br />

(Radio Heritage-NZL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 14<br />

WRTH Summer updates file available for download.<br />

WRTH is pleased to announce that a pdf file containing updates to the<br />

Summer 20<strong>05</strong> schedules is now available for download from our website at<br />

and is approx. 55k in size.<br />

You will need Adobe Acrobat 4 or later to open the file (a link to the<br />

Adobe website is provided on our site).<br />

WRTH20<strong>05</strong> is now available - 688 pages (80 in full colour) visit

to or<strong>der</strong> yours.<br />

Regards, Sean D. Gilbert G4UCJ/G4001SWL (WRTH July 13)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 721 27 July 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

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!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews. !!!<br />

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may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all<br />

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<br />

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<br />

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<br />

e-mail <br />


Schedule of Star Radio Liberia in English via VT Communications:<br />

0700-0900 9525 ASC 250 kW / 027 deg, very poor reception in BUL SINPO<br />

23322<br />

2100-2200 11965 ASC 250 kW / 027 deg, very good reception in BUL SINPO<br />

45554<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 15)<br />

9525 Star Radio at 0719 UT on July 23 with nx reports, heard ID Star Radio<br />

Liberia, interview with OM S7, 34323 even with local QRN from power lines.<br />

At 0700 UT with S=4 344[2-3]3. On July 24 with S9 and 44334 with<br />

international news (Qaeda, Guinea, Ghana), ID and prg 'we could have<br />

voice'.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 23/24)<br />

9525 Star Radio at 0755-0821 UT on Jul 22, man with Sports Nx in English<br />

followed by a woman with the same but in a local lang. ID at 0800 UT "This<br />

is Star Radio broadcasting from Monrovia, Liberia." Next program was<br />

called People Talk featuring a man announcer talking to two men about<br />

conflicts in southern district (things appear just fine now). Fair to good<br />

signal with mo<strong>der</strong>ate fading. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 24)<br />

11965 Star Radio on July 17, at *2100-2200* UT. Sign-on with children's<br />

vocals, with clear ID by Female Speaker in En as 'This is Star Radio<br />

Broadcasting from Monrovia Liberia on FM and short wave' Followed with

Newscast readied ny male announcer. Commentary on Religious and Cultural<br />

events in Africa at 2111. Repeat of major nx events at 2115. Repeated ID's<br />

throughout the broadcast where noted.<br />

2125 UT Commentary on Africans and Religion with telephone call-ins,<br />

hosted by the Lutheran Church of Nigeria and the University of Nigeria<br />

Guest Speakers. 2143 Program feature called 'Farm Forum' , with focus on<br />

Chicken Disease's and Cabbage Farming. Noted to sign-off in mid<br />

programming. Excellent signal noted at this time period and frequency.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 24)<br />

BOLIVIA 4845.19 Radio Municipal at 0918 to 1030 UT, march mx from 0920<br />

to 0930 UT with break in txion at 0930 UT, "seis en las la manana banda de<br />

60 metros", series of phone numbers given for number in Santa Cruz. yl and<br />

om taking turn at the microphone.<br />

(Bob Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 26)<br />

BOSNIA [SERBIA and MONTENEGRO progr]. 1400-1430 UT on 7200 kHz - mx<br />

with 2 mins news in English, Fr, Ge, Sp, It.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 14)<br />

I guess that is a domestic sce relay; don't find it in WRTH 20<strong>05</strong>, but<br />

Beograd used to be on 7200 long ago. (gh, dxld July 23)<br />

This is SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO [non], via the Bijeljina tx site in Bosnia<br />

and Herzegovina. As it was pointed out on various occasions over the past<br />

years (like in <strong>DX</strong>LD 4-163, October 24, 2004): all SW txs in Serbia were<br />

destroyed in the last Balkan war in May 1999 and were not rebuilt. There<br />

was no urgent need, since Int't Radio of Serbia and Montenegro owns the<br />

Bijeljina site which is just 80km away from Belgrade (WRTH map: pg. 75),<br />

though on the other side of the bor<strong>der</strong>. Quite many <strong>DX</strong> sources and<br />

reference lists still seem to be unaware of this situation which exists<br />

since 6 years meanwhile.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld July 24)<br />

The 1300-1430 txion of Radio Beograd programming on 7200 kHz is actually<br />

shown in the current RSCG schedule:<br />

<br />

WRTH includes it as well, just giving as freq 11835 instead which was<br />

probably indeed used in winter. To recap the story: 7200 used to originate<br />

from Stubline near Belgrade, co-located with the 2000 kW monster for 684<br />

if I recall correctly, and carried Radio Beograde ( // 684) around the<br />

clock. In the Kosovo war the 684 and 7200 txs were deliberately (i.e. no<br />

"collateral damage") destroyed, and later the then Radio Yugoslavia<br />

started to carry Radio Beograd for this 90 minutes period prior to its own<br />

first program of the day (Arabic), on the old 7200 freq but now via the<br />

Bijeljina facilities of course.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld July 24)<br />


6100, 7200, 7230, 9580, 9620, 9680, 11800, 11870 kHz.<br />

Summer Schedule 20<strong>05</strong><br />

Albanian 1700-1715 daily Eu 6100bij<br />

Arabic 1430-1500 daily ME 11800bij<br />

Bulgarian 1715-1730 daily Eu 6100bij<br />

Chinese 2230-2300 daily EAs 9580bij<br />

English 0000-0030 mtwtfs. NAm,Eu 9580bij<br />

0430-<strong>05</strong>00 daily NAm,Eu 9580bij 1830-1900 daily Eu 6100bij<br />

2100-2130 daily Eu 6100bij 2200-2230 mtwtf.s Pac 7230bij

French<br />

1600-1630 daily Eu 9620bij 2030-2100 daily Eu 6100bij<br />

German<br />

1630-1700 daily Eu 9620bij 2000-2030 mtwtf.s Eu 6100bij<br />

Greek 1545-1600 daily Eu 6100bij<br />

Hungarian 1530-1545 daily Eu 6100bij<br />

Italian 1730-1800 daily Eu 9620bij<br />

Russian<br />

1500-1530 daily Eu 11870bij 1800-1830 daily Eu 6100bij<br />

Serbian 0030-0100 daily NAm,Eu 9580bij<br />

1930-2000 mtwtf.s Eu 6100bij 1930-2030 .....s. Eu 6100bij<br />

2130-2200 mtwtf.s Pac 7230bij 2130-2230 .....s. Pac 7230bij<br />

2330-0030 ......s Eu,NAm 9580bij 2330-2400 mtwtfs. Eu,NAm 9580bij<br />

Serbian (Home Sce) 1300-1430 daily Eu 7200bij<br />

Spanish<br />

1900-1930 daily Eu 7200bij 2300-2330 daily SAm 9680bij<br />

(WRTH Update, May 6, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

[ ! HISTORY ! ] SERBIA / BOSNIA-HERCEGOVINA 7200 The station formerly<br />

known as Radio Yugoslavia still or again relays RTS Beograd 1 (actual on-<br />

air ID "Radio Beograd") on 7200, heard today around 1345. These relays<br />

were introduced years ago as kind of a substitute for the destroyed<br />

Stubline tx; apparently they just fired up their single operational tx at<br />

Bijeljina on 7200 (the former Stubline frequency) during the afternoon<br />

period without R Yugoslavia programming and potted up Beograd 1 in their<br />

live studio. Later these relays disappeared from the published schedules,<br />

but really from the air, too? At least now they obviously do it again.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sept 17, 2004 !! )<br />

There were four 500 kW sen<strong>der</strong>s operating at this site - according to the<br />

TDP (B<strong>BC</strong> SK55C3 of 1986) - and I seem to remember that two were removed to<br />

Belgrade-Stubline, but were destroyed by bombing. What happened to the<br />

third one - has it been used for spares? I think it's location is in one<br />

of the Serbian enclave parts of BIH so maybe they operate it on behalf of<br />

Serbia/Montenegro - or is it now the property of BIH? Power supplies and<br />

audio link must make it expensive to operate?<br />

The problem that Belgrad now has is that 7200 was vacated for so long that<br />

other stations now utilise it - especially BUL, which seems only to be<br />

able to use freqs ending in '00' for their external sces. Stubline had<br />

been using this freq for a very long time and it's up to them whether they<br />

can negotiate it's use once again.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 25, 2004 !! )<br />

The tx site in Bijeljina (in Bosnia-Herzegovina) is property of Int'l<br />

Radio of Serbia & Montenegro (not leased), so there is no need to invest<br />

into a new site in Serbia & Montenegro. The HFCC list traditionally shows<br />

"BEO" (Beograd) for all Bijeljina registrations, in fact the distance<br />

between both cities is just 80 km (though located in two different<br />

countries now). The registered 250 kW is half power of the 500 kW B<strong>BC</strong> txs<br />

in Bijeljina. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Sep 23, 2004 !! )<br />

7200, Radio Beograd 1st domestic program relay via - undoubtedly -<br />

Bijeljina-BIH checked today. Scheduled Serbian 1300-1430 UT, but carrier<br />

open only on air from about 1256 till 1306 UT. S=9+60 dB powerhouse some<br />

1100 km away here in Central Europe. Program txion started midst on<br />

sentence at 1306:18, heard till 1428:35 UT sign off.

1300-1330 Nx and phone in interviews on Miloshevich tribunal at Den Haag-<br />

HOL, ethnic Kosovo conflict, and present Iraq clashes.<br />

1330-1400 All sports news, tennis, football, basketball, and a lot of mx.<br />

1400-1430 Music program, fine selection of nostalgic British pop mx of<br />

1966-1978 era. (wb, Sep 22, 2004 !! )<br />

A photo of the curtains at what is called KTCB kratkotalasni emisioni<br />

radio difuzni centar Bijeljina:<br />

The antenna farm is described there as<br />

consisting of 40 curtains (slewable 4/4/1 and 4/4/.5, non-slewable 2/3/.5<br />

and 2/1/.25) as well as 3 HQ's.<br />

A map with the station entered:<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 24, 2004 !! )<br />

Kratkotalasni emisioni centar, Radio Jugoslavija (Bjeljina). Radio<br />

Jugoslavija poseduje kratkotalasni emisioni radio difuzni centar (KTCB)<br />

pored Bijeljine.<br />

Telekomunikacioni sistem u KTCB se sastoji od:<br />

- cetiri [4 x ] 500 kW radiodifuzna kratkotalasna predajnika<br />

- antenski podsistem od 40 usmerenih KT difuznih antena (tipa HRS 4/4/1,<br />

4/4/5, HR 2/3/.5, 2/1/.25) i 3 neusmerene antene (tipa HQ 1/.4,28 stubova<br />

visine do 100 m, 31 fi<strong>der</strong>skog voda 300 oma, antenskih i "slewing"<br />

prekidac, antenske matrice, 50/300 oma, koaksijalne matrice 50 oma,<br />

ve_tacke antene 50 oma i sl.<br />

Osnovna tehnolo_ka oprema je isporucena od firme "B<strong>BC</strong>" Manhajm.<br />

(website via Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 24, 2004 !! )<br />

Today Radio Beograd on 7200 started with abrupt audio cut-in at 1300. No<br />

preceding IS and no smooth fade in either, so this is apparently not run<br />

through the Radio Yugoslavia continuation [meaning, master control,<br />

feedline] (Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Sept 24, 2004 !! )<br />

7200, R. Beograd, Serbian 2004-09-24, 1300-1433 UT herewith attached a<br />

recording of 2.34 min of R Beograd domestic relay on SW 7200 kHz via tx<br />

Bijeljina in Bosnia. Transmitter signed on at 1257:45 UT, program relay<br />

started exact at 1300 UT, but ended at 1432:50 UT!!<br />

Some "laisser faire" habit at the Beograd supervisor room, some discussion<br />

between the locutora and supervisor at the end of Serbian txion.<br />

7200 switched off at 1433:10 today. Arabic started then late at about<br />

1433:30 UT on 11800 kHz. Yesterday the Serbian program started late at<br />

1306 UT instead.<br />

(wb, Sept 24, 2004 !!)<br />

Re "apparently not run through the Radio Yugoslavia master control room":<br />

Not exactly. I used B<strong>BC</strong> terminology, obviously not a really good idea<br />

since it appears that the American terms are much closer to the German<br />

ones.<br />

The Radio Beograd 1 txions some years ago were framed with the Radio<br />

Yugoslavia IS and the feed thoughtfully faded up and down. This was a<br />

clear sign for this relay being fed through a Radio Yugoslavia studio. On<br />

the contrary, this time the audio is simply switched on and off, so

certainly passes no studio at Radio Srbija i Crna Gora. The audio could<br />

still be fed through their master control and further on to the microwave<br />

link, although the odd on and off times could also indicate a simple off-<br />

air pickup (Ballempfang) at Bijeljina.<br />

And re. the RTS website offering audio streaming: "Is this new?" Probably.<br />

WRTH doesn't mention this website at all, but when 7200 drew my attention<br />

at RTS again a few days ago I felt that there must be something and indeed<br />

found a well maintained presence, complete with the streams. By the way, I<br />

am sceptical about the "national" coverage of the mediumwave freqs since<br />

they obviously still use the same, lower powered txs as immediately after<br />

the Kosovo war. Namely 684 is only a far cry from the old days when it was<br />

a massive 2000 kW. (Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Sept 27, 2004 !! ; excerpt)<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> M observed the main domestic radio sce of Radio-Television Serbia<br />

(RTS), R Belgrade 1st Programme, being relayed on 7200 kHz SW at 1300-1428<br />

UT on 26 Sept, 2004. Programming was in // with their satellite signal on<br />

the Hotbird satellite at 13 degrs East (12188 MHz, vertical polarization,<br />

symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4) and the live audio stream accessible from<br />

their web site at <br />

The SW tx on 7200 kHz is situated at RTS facilities in Bijeljina, in north<br />

eastern Bosnia-Hercegovina. Serbia-Montenegro no longer has any SW txs<br />

within its own bor<strong>der</strong>s, since the RTS facilities at Stubline were<br />

destroyed by NATO air strikes in 1999.<br />

(David Kernick-UK, B<strong>BC</strong> M, dxld Sep 26, 2004 !! )<br />

"The SW tx on 7200 kHz is situated at RTS facilities in Bijeljina"<br />

Really RTS? I un<strong>der</strong>stand that Radio Srbija i Crna Gora is a completely<br />

different body, not a subsidiary of RTS. At least they are housed in<br />

another promise at Belgrade. And re. "programming was in parallel with<br />

their satellite signal on the Hotbird satellite at 13 degrees East"<br />

perhaps also in synch? Looks like an afternoon visit of a certain<br />

neighbour is due... (Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 29, 2004 !! )<br />

Re: "The SW tx on 7200 kHz is situated at RTS facilities in Bijeljina"<br />

Really RTS? I un<strong>der</strong>stand that Radio Srbija i Crna Gora is a completely<br />

different body, not a subsidiary of RTS. At least they are housed in<br />

another promise at Belgrade.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Oct 1, 2004 !! )<br />

I guess Kai refers to "INTERNATIONAL Radio of Serbia & Montenegro"<br />

(Medunarodni Radio Srbije i Crna Gore), and he is very correct: RTS and<br />

International Radio of Serbia & Montenegro are different institutions.<br />

They have been separate all the time since 1978, as the website<br />

explains:<br />

RADIO YUGOSLAVIA was established by a resolution of the Fe<strong>der</strong>ative<br />

People's Republic of Yugoslavia, and was working in that status until<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary 1954, when Radio Belgrade took over the broadcasting of the<br />

program for foreign listeners, again. A Decree on the establishment of the<br />

informative working organization of RADIO YUGOSLAVIA was ren<strong>der</strong>ed on<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary 26, 1977, and the radio started broadcasting on February 2, 1978,<br />

as a separate institution.<br />

As mentioned before, the tx site in Bijeljina was built and owned by Radio<br />

Yugoslavia (now Int'l Radio of Serbia & Montenegro), not Radio Belgrade<br />

(now part of RTS). As for the studios of both broadcasters, RTS has<br />

studios spread over different locations, including Hilendarska 2 where<br />

also Int'l Radio of Serbia & Montenegro is located.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Sept 30, 2004 !! )<br />

BRAZIL[?] 4753.41 Radio Educacao Rural, Campo Grande, on Jul 22 at 0427

UT - This is my guess for my unid. of last night, and still here today. I<br />

listened for a while, and it appears to be in Portuguese, hence my guess.<br />

Any verification from out there?.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>exped-CAN, hcdx July 23)<br />

CANADA 6030 06.31 Canada CFVP, Calgary with ID as the "Country morning<br />

show"-, weak and faded within ten minutes DN.<br />

(David Norrie-NZL, hcdx July 18) time ?<br />

CHINA After completion of external 100/150 kW tx sites at Fllake-ALB and<br />

La Habana-CUB, erecting some single txs at Shijak-ALB, Bamako-MLI,<br />

Zanzibar-TZA, Bata in Equat Guinea in past year, the Chinese Telecom RTC<br />

authority also refurbished some ol<strong>der</strong> and erected some new powerful<br />

shortwave tx sites at Urumchi and Kashgar in Tibet.<br />

CTR owns now the following powerful domestic TX sites of 500-600 kW power<br />

range at:<br />

Beijing, Jinhua, Kashgar, Kunming, Nanning, Shijiazhuang, Urumchi, and<br />

Xian.<br />

But instead DRM experimental sites Dongfang [150 kW] and Qiqihar [CRI<br />

Russian 500 kW in A-<strong>05</strong>] missed on B-<strong>05</strong> planning table.<br />

Planned Tentatively B<strong>05</strong> Schedule of CRI via [new? or refurbished?] 500 kW<br />

site at Nanning towards SoEAsia and Indonesia:<br />

kW deg<br />

7160 1200-1400 49S,49NE,54W 500 200 7330 2300-2400 54N 500 200<br />

9590 1400-1500 49SE 500 200 9765 0000-0200 49SE 500 200<br />

9765 2300-2400 49SE 500 200 9810 1300-1730 50W 150 155<br />

9810 2000-2300 50W 150 155 11680 1200-1300 49SE 500 200<br />

11720 1300-1500 49SE 500 200 11990 0000-0200 49SE 500 200<br />

13590 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 49SE 500 200 13595 1200-1400 49SE 500 200<br />

13600 1100-1200 49SE 500 200 13610 2300-1300 50W 150 155<br />

13660 0930-1030 54N 500 200 15140 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 49SE 500 200<br />

15160 1030-1200 49SE 500 200 17680 0930-1130 54N 500 200<br />

Planned Tentatively B<strong>05</strong> Schedule of CRI via new 500 kW site near Beijing<br />

towards extreme FE, JPN, KOR, PHL, SoEaAsia, SoAS, former USSR, Europe,<br />

EaAF and NoAF.<br />

Formerly 50, 100, 150, and 300 kW of power:<br />

deg<br />

5910 1500-1600 49,54W 193 5910 2000-2100 27-29,37 322<br />

5910 2200-2400 37NW 322 5915 2100-2200 37NW 322<br />

5915 2200-0100 44NE,45N 095 5955 1100-1500 44NE,45N 095<br />

5965 1500-1600 33SE,34 <strong>05</strong>5 5980 1500-1600 45N 095<br />

5985 1000-1100 31,32 322 5985 1600-1800 48SW,53NW 257<br />

5985 1900-2100 37NW 257<br />

5995 1600-1700 27-31,37,38NE,46E 318<br />

6010 1800-1900 27-31,37,38NE,46E 318 6020 1000-1100 32S,33SW 318<br />

6020 2000-2200 37NW 318 6060 1100-1200 50 165<br />

6060 1300-1400 50 165 6090 1900-2000 37NW 322<br />

6100 1200-1300 33SE,34 <strong>05</strong>5 6100 1300-1400 32S,33SW 318<br />

6100 2300-0100 13 318 6125 1800-1900 28NW 322<br />

6135 1900-2000 27-31,37,38NE,46E 318 6165 1700-1800 40 288<br />

6180 1500-1600 29-32 322 7115 2200-2300 45N 095<br />

7135 1000-1100 31,32 322<br />

7140 1600-1700 27-31,37,38NE,46E 318<br />

7150 1800-1900 28SW 318 7160 1900-2000 28SE 318<br />

7170 2000-2100 28N 318<br />

7170 2100-2200 27-31,37,38NE,46E 318<br />

7180 1400-1500 49,54W 193 7190 0900-1500 45N 095<br />

7215 1900-2000 39N 288 7225 1800-1900 39N 288<br />

7245 1500-1600 27-31,37,38NE,46E 318 7245 1700-1800 27,28 322

7245 2000-2100 37-40 288 7255 1430-1530 50 165<br />

7275 1600-1800 39NW 257 7285 1300-1400 32S,33SW 318<br />

7295 1800-1900 40 288 7325 1400-1600 49,54 193<br />

7325 2000-2200 53,57 257 7350 1600-1700 27-29,37 322<br />

7360 1600-1700 49E 193 9410 1300-1400 49,54W 193<br />

9415 2300-2400 49E 193 9440 1200-1400 49 215<br />

9450 1000-1200 55,59,60 142 9450 1200-1400 55,59,60 142<br />

9460 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 44NE,45N 095 9460 2200-0200 50 165<br />

9550 1100-1600 49E 193 9645 1100-1300 49,54W 215<br />

9655 1400-1500 49,54W 215 9695 2300-2400 45N 095<br />

9730 1200-1400 49,54 193 9870 1200-1300 49,54W 193<br />

11620 1000-1200 55,59,60 142 11640 0700-0900 45N 095<br />

11650 0000-0200 49,54W 215 11695 0200-0300 13 322<br />

11770 0000-0100 49E 193 11780 0000-0100 45N 095<br />

11875 0000-0100 32S,33SW 318 11945 2300-2400 49,54W 193<br />

13580 0000-0200 49,54W 215 13590 1000-1200 49,54 193<br />

13850 0900-1100 49,54W 193 13850 1100-1200 49,54W 193<br />

15120 0300-0700 31,32 322 15160 0100-<strong>05</strong>00 45N 095<br />

15170 <strong>05</strong>00-0700 45N 095 15350 0200-0300 41S 257<br />

17485 0300-0400 29S,30S,31S,32S 288 17495 0000-0100 49,54W 193<br />

17495 0100-0300 49,54W 193 17515 0400-0600 49E 193<br />

17540 0300-0400 41 257 17695 0600-0800 49,54 193<br />

17710 0400-0800 49,54W 193<br />

17855 0400-0600 29S,30S,31S 288<br />

Planned Tentatively B<strong>05</strong> Schedule of CRI via [new? or refurbished?] 500 kW<br />

site at Xian towards JPN, KOR, PHL, SoEaAsia, SoAS, Europe, former USSR &<br />

MNG, ME, NE, CeAF, EaAF, NoAF, even SoAM westerly path.<br />

Formerly 100, 120, 150, and 200 kW of power:<br />

deg<br />

5955 1000-1100 44,45N 073 5955 1500-1600 44,45N 073<br />

5965 1100-1500 44NE,45NW 073 5985 2100-2200 28S 306<br />

5985 2200-2300 45N 073 6010 1600-1700 49E 190<br />

6020 1800-1900 28SE 306 6025 1500-1600 29S,30S 292<br />

6040 1400-1500 54 190<br />

6040 2000-2100 29S,30S,37-40,46,47 292<br />

6070 1600-1900 29S,30S 292 6080 1100-1200 32S,33SW 354<br />

6100 1700-1800 27-31,37-39,46 306 6110 1900-2000 29S,30S 292<br />

6145 1900-2000 28E 306 6150 1700-1800 27,28 317<br />

6185 2300-2400 32S,33SW 354 71<strong>05</strong> 2200-2300 13,14 306<br />

7110 2000-2100 28S 317 7120 2000-2100 28SE 306<br />

7120 2100-2200 28N 306 7130 1300-1500 45N 073<br />

7130 1900-2000 28SE 306 7130 2000-2100 28S 306<br />

7150 1200-1300 45N 073 7150 1900-2000 28NW 317<br />

7160 1600-1700 48SW,53NW 252 7160 2000-2100 28SE 317<br />

7160 2200-2300 37NW 306 7170 1100-1200 32S,33SW 354<br />

7180 1300-1400 29S,30S 292 7180 1500-1600 40 292<br />

7190 1500-1600 45N 073 7190 1800-1900 39N 292<br />

7190 2200-2400 44NE,45NW 073 7200 1100-1200 45N 073<br />

72<strong>05</strong> 1430-1530 49 200 72<strong>05</strong> 1600-1700 38,39N,46 306<br />

72<strong>05</strong> 2000-2200 52,53,57 252 7215 1000-1100 19-23,32 354<br />

7215 1200-1300 29S,30S 292 7215 1300-1400 54N 190<br />

7220 1700-1800 48SW,53NW 252 7220 2300-2400 49E 190<br />

7255 1000-1100 32S,33SW 354 7255 1900-2000 27-29,37,38317<br />

7265 1700-1800 39N 292 7265 1800-1900 28SE 306<br />

7285 1800-1900 27-29,37,38 317 73<strong>05</strong> 1900-2100 52S,53W 252<br />

7325 1600-1700 39N 292 7325 2100-2200 28S 317<br />

7325 2300-2400 32S,33SW 354 7330 1400-1500 29S,30S 292<br />

7335 1600-1700 28E 306 7335 1700-1800 28N 317<br />

7345 1900-2000 39N 292 7360 1500-1600 49E 190<br />

9410 1200-1300 49,54W 200 9410 1400-1600 49,54W 200<br />

9415 0000-0100 44NE,45NW 073 9415 0800-1000 44,45N 073<br />

9435 2300-2400 45N 073 9440 0900-1100 45N 073

9470 0000-0100 32S,33SW 354 9685 1300-1500 49E 190<br />

9730 2330-0030 41SE 252<br />

9765 1300-1500 29S,30S,37-40,46,47 292<br />

9770 1600-1800 52,53,57 252 9785 1130-1430 49 200<br />

9870 1300-1400 49,54W 200 11640 0100-0200 49,54W 200<br />

11640 1200-1300 54N 190<br />

11690 1200-1300 29S,30S,37-40,46,47 292<br />

11740 0100-0200 29S,30S 292 11790 2300-0100 49 190<br />

11845 0000-0100 49,54W 200 11885 0000-0100 49,54W 200<br />

11885 0100-0200 49,54W 200 11980 1200-1400 49E 190<br />

11990 1100-1200 49E 190 12070 1100-1200 50 145<br />

13590 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 44NE,45NW 073 13600 0100-0200 29S,30S 292<br />

13610 0700-0900 45N 073 13620 0300-0700 32N,33W 354<br />

13645 <strong>05</strong>00-0800 49,54 190 13655 0000-0700 45N 073<br />

13680 0000-0100 49E 190 13720 1000-1200 49,54W 200<br />

15170 0100-0300 49,54 190 15340 0900-1100 49,54 190<br />

15435 0200-0300 40 292 15435 0300-0400 29S,30S 292<br />

175<strong>05</strong> 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 49,54W 200<br />

17560 0800-1000 29S,30S,37-40,46,47 292<br />

17640 0200-0300 29S,30S 292 17640 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 29S,30S 292<br />

17680 0400-0600 29S,30S,37-40,46,47 292 17710 0300-0400 29,30,31S 306<br />

17740 0400-0600 49E 190 17740 0600-0800 49,54 190<br />

CUBA 13680 Radio Nacional de Venezuela [via La Habana, CUBA], 2000-<br />

2020 UT, 19 de Julio, Musica de sintonia, Identificacion: Radio Nacional<br />

de Venezuela, Antena Internacional". Comentario sobre la Isla Margarita.<br />

"Pensamiento del Libertador Simon Bolivar".<br />

Anuncian las siguientes frecuencias y horarios UT:<br />

13740 kHz 1900-2000 UT zona de San Francisco<br />

9550 kHz 2000-2100 UT zona del Caribe<br />

13680 kHz 2000-2100 UT zona de Chicago<br />

15230 kHz 2000-2100 UT zona de Buenos Aires<br />

177<strong>05</strong> kHz 2000-2100 UT zona de Rio de <strong>Jan</strong>eiro<br />

11875 kHz 2100-2200 UT zona de Santiago de Chile<br />

9820 kHz 2300-0000 UT zona de Chicago<br />

13680 kHz 2300-0000 UT zona de Chicago<br />

11760 kHz 2300-0000 UT zona de Norte, Centro y Sudamerica.<br />

(Manuel Mendez-ESP, dxld July 22)<br />

5025 Radio Rebelde, on Jul 22 at 0435 UT - Rebelde is back with a much<br />

stronger signal than last night, but still suffering from slop, from a<br />

very messy tx on 5030.07 kHz (University Network-CTR with Dr. Gene Scott<br />

rambling from beyond the grave!).<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>exped-CAN, hcdx July 23)<br />

CYPRUS Ich hatte auf einen Empfangsbericht an FEBA-Radio in die<br />

Zentralanschrift in UK einen Brief erhalten, dass sie keine QSL-<br />

ausstellen. Damit hatte ich mich NICHT abgefunden und rueckgefragt, woran<br />

es denn liegt.<br />

Darauf hin bekam ich nachfolgenden von mir frei uebersetzten Brief. Soll<br />

als Info dienen, und gleichzeitig die Frage, ob es doch jemanden gibt, <strong>der</strong><br />

aktuell (20<strong>05</strong>) dennoch eine QSL von dort erhalten hatte o<strong>der</strong> aehnliche<br />

Erfahrung machte. Meine Sendung kam vermutlich von Ascension Island ueber<br />

eine MERLIN-Sendestation.<br />

(ibid. A-<strong>DX</strong> July 24)<br />

Die Zentrale im UK bestaetigt meines Wissens nach schon lange nicht mehr.<br />

Probiers uebers Zypern-Buero: P.O.Box 57000, Limassol, CYP. Dort lagern<br />

wohl die alten Seychellen-QSLs. Im vergangenen Jahr erhielt so eine von<br />

dort, ergaenzt um den Sendestandort, die Zypern-Adresse und dem Hinweis,<br />

dass die aufgedruckte SEY-Adresse nicht mehr gueltig ist.

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

DRM B<strong>05</strong> DRM schedule.<br />

Thanks my RNW colleague <strong>Jan</strong>-Peter Werkman for noting that the planned B<strong>05</strong><br />

DRM schedule of the HFCC members is now online at<br />

<br />

Interesting registrations for 'Sofia' at 1900-0600 on 5790, 0900-1900 on<br />

11515, 1400-1900 on 11565, 0600-1900 on 13850, 15740 at 0700-1700 and<br />

17540 at 1000-1400 'for new organisation'.<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld July 26)<br />

Planned Tentatively B<strong>05</strong> Schedule DRM Transmissions Generated at: 26-Jul-<br />

20<strong>05</strong> <strong>05</strong>:12:52 pm<br />

Frequency Start Stop CIRAF - click here to see map Broadcaster FMO<br />

Language Transmitter Latitude Longitude Beam Power (kW) Days of operation<br />

(Sun=1) From date To date Notes<br />

3965 0600-1800 27 DRM TDF Various ISS 0 1<br />

3965 1900-2000 27 DRM TDF Various ISS 0 1<br />

3965 2300-0400 27 DRM TDF Various ISS 0 1<br />

3995 0400-0600 18,19,27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE WER ND 200<br />

3995 0600-1000 18,19,27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE WER ND 200<br />

3995 1530-1900 18,19,27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE WER ND 200<br />

3995 1900-2200 18,19,27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE WER ND 200<br />

3995 2200-0400 18,19,27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE WER ND 200<br />

5790 1900-0600 18-40 For new organization NEW ENGL SOF 0 100<br />

5810 1400-1800 27,28,37 Voice of Russia GFC MSK 260 200<br />

5810 1900-2000 27,28 DW GFC MSK 260 200<br />

5830 2000-2300 27,28 DW GFC MSK 260 200<br />

5975 0600-1500 28,39N Deutsche Telekom DTK JUL 110 40<br />

5975 0700-1000 18,19,27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE WER ND 200<br />

5990 0000-2400 27,28 BroadcCenter EuropeS.A. <strong>BC</strong>E Fr JUN ND 50<br />

6010 0000-0100 4,7E,8N B<strong>BC</strong> WS MER SAC 268 70<br />

6010 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 4,7E,8N B<strong>BC</strong> WS MER SAC 268 70<br />

6015 0700-1000 27 TDP Radio TDP Dut RMP 85 35 7<br />

6015 0700-1000 27 TDP Radio TDP Dut WER 315 60 7<br />

6015 1000-1400 27 TDP Radio TDP Dut RMP 85 35 7<br />

6015 1000-1400 27 TDP Radio TDP Dut JUL ND 40 7<br />

6015 1400-1700 27 TDP Radio TDP Dut RMP 85 35 7<br />

6015 1400-1700 27 TDP Radio TDP Dut WER 315 60 7<br />

6040 1600-1800 28N B<strong>BC</strong> WS MER RMP 80 35<br />

6<strong>05</strong>5 <strong>05</strong>00-0900 39,40 Min of Inform KWT MOI ARABIC KABD 0 500<br />

6<strong>05</strong>5 0600-0800 28N B<strong>BC</strong> WS MER RMP 80 35<br />

6085 0000-2400 28 ARD DWL GERMAN ISM (BR) 0 10 for info<br />

6095 0000-2400 27,28 BroadcCenter EuropeS.A. <strong>BC</strong>E Ge JUN ND 50<br />

6095 1245-1800 51,56,64S,65S RNZi RNZ ENG RAN 325 100<br />

6095 1245-1800 61S,62,63W RNZi RNZ Eng RAN 35 100<br />

6130 <strong>05</strong>15-0629 18,19,27,28NW DW DWL DIVERSE SIN 35 90<br />

6130 1400-1559 27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE WER ND 200<br />

6140 1000-1300 27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE JUL 120 40<br />

6140 1600-1900 27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE JUL ND 40<br />

6175 0700-1100 27 DRM TDF Various ISS ND 35<br />

6175 1200-1900 27 DRM TDF Various ISS ND 35<br />

6175 2200-0600 27 DRM TDF Various ISS ND 35<br />

6180 1400-1559 27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE WER ND 200<br />

7145 0600-1800 27 BroadcCenter EuropeS.A. DTK JUL 290 40<br />

7240 0700-0757 27S,37N RNW Dut FLE 230 40<br />

7240 0759-0959 27S,28S,37N RNW Dut FLE 191 40<br />

7240 0959-1159 18,27,28 RNW Eng FLE 123 40<br />

7240 1159-1257 18,27,28 RNW Dut FLE 123 40<br />

7240 1257-1329 18,27,28 R SWE Int RNW Ger FLE 123 40<br />

7240 1329-1400 18,27,28 R SWE Int RNW Eng FLE 123 40

7240 1400-1430 18,27,28 RCI RNW Eng FLE 123 40<br />

7240 1430-1459 18,27,28 RNW Eng FLE 123 40<br />

7240 1459-1515 18,27,28 Vatican Radio RNW Eng FLE 123 40<br />

7240 1515-1657 18,27,28 RNW Dut FLE 123 40<br />

7265 0630-1200 18,19,27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE WER ND 200<br />

7295 1900-2000 29 B<strong>BC</strong> WS MER RMP 62 35<br />

7320 0800-1600 28,29S,38E,39 B<strong>BC</strong> WS MER RMP 80 35<br />

96<strong>05</strong> 2300-2400 43,44,45 B<strong>BC</strong> WS MER NAK 40 35<br />

9655 1200-1359 27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE WER ND 200<br />

9685 1800-1855 27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE SIN 40 90<br />

9760 1600-1700 48 Christian Voice MER MOS 110 50 1 Int<br />

9765 0745-1100 51,56,64S,65S RNZi RNZ ENG RAN 325 100<br />

9765 0745-1100 61S,62,63W RNZi RNZ Eng RAN 325 100<br />

9800 2045-2130 7NE,8N Vatican Radio RCI ENGLISH SAC 268 70<br />

9800 2130-2200 4,8,9 RNW Eng SAC 268 70<br />

9800 2200-2300 7NE,8N RCI RCI ENGLISH SAC 268 70<br />

9800 2300-2330 4,7,8 DW DWL ENGLISH SAC 268 90<br />

9800 2330-2400 7NE,8N R SWE Int RCI ENGLISH SAC 268 70<br />

9875 <strong>05</strong>00-0900 27,28NW VT-MNO MER MOS 295 50<br />

9875 1400-1700 27S,28W VT-MNO MER RMP 95 35<br />

9875 1400-1500 27S,28W VT-MNO MER RMP 95 35 1<br />

9875 1400-1430 28W RNZi MER RMP 95 35 7<br />

9875 1400-1430 28W RFI MER RMP 95 35 6<br />

9875 1430-1500 27SE,28W KBS MER RMP 95 35 6 Int<br />

9875 1430-1500 27SE,28W A<strong>BC</strong>-Radio Australia MER RMP 95 35 7<br />

9875 1500-1600 27SE,28W VT-MNO MER RMP 95 35 6<br />

9875 1600-1700 28W Nippon Hoso Kyokai MER RMP 95 35 6<br />

9880 1315-1730 38 Min of Inform KWT MOI ARABIC KABD 282 500<br />

9985 1200-1300 20,21 ANTI, Milano NEW ENGL SOF 306 100 12 TEST<br />

11515 0800-1900 27-29 For new organization NEW ENGL SOF 6 100<br />

11565 1400-1900 39,40 For new organization NEW SOF 100 100<br />

11610 1745-1900 51,56,64S,65S RNZi RNZ ENG RAN 325 100<br />

11610 1745-1900 61S,62,63W RNZi RNZ ENG RAN 35 100<br />

11675 2200-0200 6,7,10 Min of Inform KWT MOI ARABIC KABD 350 500<br />

11815 0900-1400 27,28NW VT-MNO MER MOS 295 50<br />

11900 1600-1800 8 TDP Radio TDP Eng SAC 240 70 7<br />

11900 1600-1800 8 TDP Radio RCI Music SAC 240 70 7<br />

12060 0700-1300 27,28,37 Voice of Russia GFC MSK 240 200<br />

12075 0830-1300 27,28,37 Voice of Russia GFC MSK 260 250<br />

12080 1600-1759 27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE SIN 55 90<br />

13595 1845-2215 61S,62,63W RNZi RNZ ENG RAN 35 100<br />

13595 1845-2215 51,56,64S,65S RNZi RNZ ENG RAN 325 100<br />

13620 0930-1300 6-8,27,28 Min of Inform KWT MOI ARABIC KABD 310 500<br />

13690 0345-0815 51,56,64S,65S RNZi RNZ ENG RAN 325 100<br />

13690 0345-0815 61S,62,63W RNZi RNZ ENG RAN 35 100<br />

13740 1045-1300 61S,62,63W RNZi RNZ ENG RAN 35 100<br />

13740 1045-1300 51,56,64S,65S RNZi RNZ ENG RAN 325 100<br />

13850 0600-1900 18-40 For new organization NEW ENGL SOF 0 100<br />

15440 0800-1100 27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE SIN 40 90<br />

15440 1100-1359 27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE SIN 40 90<br />

15720 2200-0400 51,56,64S,65S RNZi RNZ ENG RAN 325 100<br />

15720 2200-0400 61S,62,63W RNZi RNZ ENG RAN 35 100<br />

15740 0700-1700 18-40 For new organization NEW SOF 0 100<br />

15790 0600-1700 37E,38 DRM TDF Various ISS 145 50<br />

17540 1000-1400 37,38,46,47,52 For new organiz.NEW ENGL SOF 215 100<br />

17700 0900-1<strong>05</strong>7 27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE SIN 40 90<br />

17710 1100-1155 27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE SIN 40 90 DRM-v<br />

17795 0700-1000 27-29 Voice of Russia GFC NVS 3<strong>05</strong> 100<br />

17800 1400-1500 27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE SIN 40 90<br />

17800 1500-1559 27,28 DW DWL DIVERSE SIN 40 90<br />

17875 1100-2100 7S,8S DRM TDF Various GUF 168 30<br />

21550 0800-1200 47,48,52,57 For new organization NEW SOF 180 100<br />

21645 1300-2100 7S,8S,10,11S,12N DRM TDF French GUF 295 30<br />

21675 0800-1000 28,38-40 DW DWL ENGLISH TRM (Perkara) 300 90

25795 0000-2400 27 BroadcCenter EuropeS.A. <strong>BC</strong>E JUN ND 1 LOCAL<br />

(condensed by wb., July 26, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

Strange 25795 Luxembourg entry, local 'Letzeburgisch' language relay?<br />

(wb.)<br />

ECUADOR 3279.58 La Voz del Napo, on Jul 23 at <strong>05</strong>34 UT - Rosary<br />

programming in Spanish, and then into mo<strong>der</strong>n Spanish vocals. I'm listening<br />

as I was typing last night's loggings. Good reception except for<br />

atmospheric noise ... the bain of summer listening!.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>exped-CAN, hcdx July 23)<br />

EQUAT GUINEA Schedule from R. Africa, Equatorial Guinea, shows 7190 kHz<br />

now in use evenings, 1700-2300 UT or so; and no longer heard on 15190 kHz,<br />

which is only from 0700 UT weekdays, 0600-1630 UT on weekends, but neither<br />

of these reported lately.<br />

(WoR by Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, July 19)<br />

FRANCE 7320 Voice of Africa (Tripoli) at 2209-2228 UT on Jul 19, man<br />

announcer speaking in Arabic. Segment of instrumental mx at 2215 UT<br />

followed by three time pips and English ID. A man announcer with nx in<br />

English followed by another man with nx in French. Fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 24)<br />

Planned Tentatively LBJ via ISS-TDF schedule in B-<strong>05</strong>.<br />

7320 1900-0400 37,38W,46N ISS 500 185 Ar LBJ TDF<br />

9485 1800-1900 37W,46 ISS 500 204 Ar LBJ TDF<br />

9590 1700-1900 37,38W,46N ISS 500 185 Ar LBJ TDF<br />

11635 1800-2130 37E,38W,47,52,53E ISS 500 153 Ar LBJ TDF<br />

11715 1800-2030 38E,47E,48,53 ISS 500 140 Ar LBJ TDF<br />

11860 1700-1800 37W,46 ISS 500 204 Ar LBJ TDF<br />

11860 1800-1900 37,46 ISS 500 185 Ar LBJ TDF<br />

15220 1600-1700 37W,46 ISS 500 204 Ar LBJ TDF<br />

15220 1700-1800 37E,38W,47,52,53E ISS 500 153 Ar LBJ TDF<br />

15615 1700-1800 37,46 ISS 500 185 Ar LBJ TDF<br />

15660 1700-1800 38E,47E,48,53 ISS 500 140 Ar LBJ TDF<br />

17695 1100-1230 37W,46 ISS 500 204 Ar LBJ TDF<br />

17840 1600-1700 37,46 ISS 500 185 Ar LBJ TDF<br />

17870 1700-1800 37E,38W,47,52,53E ISS 500 153 Ar LBJ TDF<br />

21485 1100-1230 37,46 ISS 500 185 Ar LBJ TDF<br />

21675 1100-1500 37E,38W,47,52,53E ISS 500 153 Ar LBJ TDF<br />

21695 1000-1400 38E,47E,48,53 ISS 500 140 Ar LBJ TDF<br />

GERMANY Updated summer A-<strong>05</strong> for DTK T-Systems.<br />

Part 2 - non-daily txions:<br />

Adventist World Radio (AWR):<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 5965 JUL 100kW 115deg Daily EaEu Bulgarian<br />

0900-1000 11775 JUL 100kW 145deg Sun SoEu Italian<br />

1900-1930 15245 JUL 100kW 200deg Daily NoAf Arabic<br />

1930-2000 15245 JUL 100kW 200deg Mon/Wed NoAf Arabic<br />

1930-2000 15245 JUL 100kW 200deg Thu/Sun NoAf Kabyle<br />

1930-2000 15245 JUL 100kW 200deg Tue/Fri/Sat NoAf Tachelhit<br />

2000-2030 15245 JUL 100kW 200deg Daily NoAf French<br />

RTBF:<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0715 17580 JUL 100kW 160deg Mon-Fri Af French<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-1000 17580 JUL 100kW 160deg Sat/Sun Af French<br />

1000-1130 17545 JUL 100kW 160deg Daily Af French<br />

1500-18<strong>05</strong> 17570 JUL 100kW 160deg Mon-Fri Af French<br />

1500-17<strong>05</strong> 17570 JUL 100kW 160deg Sat/Sun Af French<br />

Trans World Radio (TWR):<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-<strong>05</strong>45 7210 JUL 100kW 100deg Mon-Fri CeEu Slovak

0830-0845 61<strong>05</strong> JUL 1<strong>05</strong>kW 1<strong>05</strong>deg Tue-Sat CeEu Hungarian<br />

0830-0845 7210 JUL 100kW 100deg Tue-Sat CeEu Hungarian<br />

1030-1100 7225 JUL 100kW 1<strong>05</strong>deg Sat CeEu Slovak<br />

1030-1100 9490 JUL 100kW 100deg Sat CeEu Slovak<br />

1810-1840 5910*JUL 100kW 130deg Mon-Sat EaEu Serbian<br />

1810-1840 5910*JUL 100kW 130deg Sun EaEu Slovene<br />

* till July 31, 20<strong>05</strong><br />

Hamburger Local Radio:<br />

0900-1000 6045 JUL 100kW non-dir Sat CeEu German<br />

Evangeliumsradio Hamburg:<br />

0900-1000 6045 JUL 100kW non-dir Sun CeEu German<br />

Christian Science Monitor:<br />

0900-1000 6<strong>05</strong>5 JUL 100kW 115deg Sun CeEu German<br />

1700-1730 13750 WER 125kW 210deg Tue NoWeAf French<br />

1700-1730 13750 JUL 100kW 160deg Thu CeEaAf French<br />

1800-1900 9655 JUL 100kW 085deg Sat EaEu Russian<br />

Evangelische Missions Gemeiden:<br />

1030-1100 6<strong>05</strong>5 WER 125kW non-dir Sat/Sun CeEu German<br />

1100-1130 11840 NAU 250kW 020deg Sat FE Russian<br />

1500-1530 11610 WER 250kW 060deg Sat EaEu Russian<br />

Missionswerke Arche<br />

1100-1115 5945 WER 250kW non-dir Sun CeEu German<br />

Free People's Mission Krefeld Inc:<br />

1100-1130 5945 WER 500kW non-dir Sat WeEu German<br />

1630-1700 11865 WER 250kW 1<strong>05</strong>deg Sat ME English<br />

Universal Life (UNL):<br />

1130-1200 6<strong>05</strong>5 JUL 100kW non-dir Sat WeEu German<br />

1100-1200 6<strong>05</strong>5 JUL 100kW non-dir Sun WeEu German<br />

0100-0130 9485 JUL 100kW 090deg Sun SoAs English<br />

1600-1630 15640 JUL 100kW 175deg Sun NoAf French<br />

1800-1830 15675 JUL 100kW 160deg Sun EaAf English<br />

1900-1930 13820 JUL 100kW 115deg Sun ME English<br />

Mecklenburg Verpommern Baltic Radio:<br />

1200-1300 6015 JUL 100kW 060deg Sun* WeEu German<br />

* 1st Sunday only<br />

Radio Traumland:<br />

1300-1415 5925 JUL 100kW non-dir Sun WeEu German<br />

Radio Solmal or Radio Soomal:<br />

1330-1400 17550 JUL 100kW 130deg Fri EaAf Somali from July 22<br />

TDP Radio:<br />

1400-1600 3955 JUL 040kW non-dir Sat WeEu Dance Mx DRM<br />

Radio Rhino International Africa from July 1:<br />

1500-1530 17870 JUL 100kW 145deg Wed/Fri EaAf English (xMon-Fri)<br />

Voice of Democratic Eritrea:<br />

1500-1530 15690 JUL 100kW 130deg Sat EaAf Tigrina<br />

1530-1600 15690 JUL 100kW 130deg Sat EaAf Arabic<br />

1700-1730 15670 JUL 100kW 130deg Thu EaAf Tigrina<br />

1730-1800 15670 JUL 100kW 130deg Thu EaAf Arabic<br />

Bible Christian Association/<strong>BC</strong>A/:<br />

1530-1600 6015 JUL 100kW 070deg Sun SoEaEu Polish

Pan American Broadcasting (PAB):<br />

1530-1545 11610 JUL 100kW 060deg Wed EaEu English<br />

0030-0045 9740 JUL 100kW 090deg Sun SoAs English<br />

1430-1445 15650 JUL 100kW 090deg Sun SoAs English<br />

1400-1430 15650 JUL 100kW 100deg Sat ME Persian<br />

1430-1600 15650 JUL 100kW 100deg Sat ME English<br />

1545-1630 15650 JUL 100kW 100deg Sun ME English<br />

Voice of Ethiopian Salvation:<br />

1600-1700 15670 JUL 100kW 130deg Sun EaAf Amharic<br />

Radio Huriyo:<br />

1630-1700 15670 JUL 100kW 130deg Tue/Fri EaAf Somali<br />

Voice of Oromo Liberation (Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo):<br />

1700-1800 15670 JUL 100kW 130deg Tue/Wed/Fri/Sun to EaAf Oromo<br />

Radio Reveil Paroles de Vie:<br />

1830-1900 15675 JUL 100kW 160deg Thu Af French<br />

Voice of Democratic Path of Ethiopian Unity:<br />

1830-1930 15565 JUL 100kW 130deg Wed/Sun EaAf Amharic<br />

Save the Gambia Development Project - Voices from the Diaspora:<br />

2000-2030 94<strong>05</strong> JUL 100kW 210deg Sat WeAf Wolof/English<br />

Radio Cimarona:<br />

2200-2300 9480 JUL 100kW 220deg Sun/Mon SoAm Spanish<br />

Bible Voice Broadcasting Network (BVBN):<br />

0715-0800 5945 JUL 100kW 290deg Fri WeEu English<br />

0800-0815 5945 JUL 100kW 290deg Fri WeEu Urdu<br />

0815-0830 5945 JUL 100kW 290deg Fri WeEu Punjabi<br />

0700-0815 5945 JUL 100kW 290deg Sat WeEu English<br />

0700-0845 5945 JUL 100kW 290deg Sun WeEu English<br />

1800-1830 9435 JUL 100kW 210deg Sun SoEu Spanish<br />

1815-1830 6015 JUL 100kW 060deg Mon-Fri EaEu Russian<br />

1800-1830 6015 JUL 100kW 060deg Sat EaEu English<br />

1830-1900 6015 JUL 100kW 060deg Sat EaEu Russian<br />

1800-1830 6015 JUL 100kW 060deg Sun EaEu English<br />

1830-1900 6015 JUL 100kW 060deg Sun EaEu Russian<br />

1900-1930 6015 JUL 100kW 060deg Sun EaEu English<br />

1900-1930 9430 JUL 100kW 170deg Sat CeAf English<br />

1930-2000 9430 JUL 100kW 170deg Sun CeAf English<br />

1930-2000 9430 JUL 100kW 200deg Sat WeAf English<br />

1630-1700 13810 JUL 100kW 130deg Mon/Tue/Fri EaAf Amharic<br />

1700-1730 13810 JUL 100kW 130deg Mon/Tue/Fri EaAf Tigrina<br />

1630-1800 13810 JUL 100kW 130deg Wed EaAf Amharic<br />

1630-1730 13810 JUL 100kW 130deg Thu/Sat/Sun EaAf Amharic<br />

1615-1730 9430 JUL 100kW 115deg Mon/Wed/Fri ME Arabic<br />

1700-1730 9430 JUL 100kW 115deg Tue/Thu ME Arabic<br />

1700-1800 9430 JUL 100kW 115deg Sat/Sun ME English<br />

1730-1800 9430 NAU 250kW 125deg Tue ME Hebrew<br />

1815-1900 9430 NAU 250kW 125deg Fri ME Arabic<br />

1800-1900 9430 NAU 250kW 125deg Sat ME English<br />

1800-1915 9430 NAU 250kW 125deg Sun ME Arabic<br />

1800-1830 11965 JUL 100kW 100deg Fri ME Persian<br />

1800-1815 11965 JUL 100kW 100deg Sat ME English<br />

1815-1845 11965 JUL 100kW 100deg Sat ME Persian<br />

1845-1900 11965 JUL 100kW 100deg Sat ME Dari<br />

1800-1900 11965 JUL 100kW 100deg Sun ME Persian

1540-1615 13590 JUL 100kW 115deg Mon-Fri ME English<br />

1630-1700 13590 JUL 100kW 115deg Tue ME English<br />

1700-1715 13590 JUL 100kW 115deg Tue ME Russian<br />

1615-1630 13590 JUL 100kW 115deg Tue/Thu ME Hebrew<br />

1700-1800 13590 JUL 100kW 115deg Wed/Fri ME English<br />

1630-1645 13590 JUL 100kW 115deg Thu ME English<br />

1545-1830 13590 JUL 100kW 115deg Sat ME English<br />

1545-1800 13590 JUL 100kW 115deg Sun ME English<br />

1630-1715 13600 WER 250kW 120deg Tue/Wed ME Arabic<br />

1630-1730 13600 WER 250kW 120deg Mon/Thu/Fri ME Arabic<br />

0845-1015 17565 WER 125kW 135deg Fri ME Arabic<br />

1500-1600 17510 JUL 100kW 090deg Tue SoAs Urdu<br />

1500-1600 17510 JUL 100kW 090deg Sat SoAs English<br />

1530-1600 17510 JUL 100kW 090deg Mon/Wed/Thu SoAs English<br />

1530-1600 17510 JUL 100kW 090deg Fri SoAs Punjabi<br />

1530-1600 17510 JUL 100kW 090deg Sun SoAs Hindi<br />

1600-1630 13800 WER 250kW 090deg Mon-Fri SoEaAs Hindi till July 15<br />

1530-1600 13800 WER 250kW 090deg Mon-Fri SoEaAs Hindi from July 18<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 21)<br />

The following full data Prepared QSL's received from DTK-Telekom-Juelich,<br />

signed and stamped. 7220 Le Heraut de la Chritian Sience. 9480 Radio<br />

Cimarrona. 15565 Ethiopians for Democracy and Peace.<br />

Rely in 5 months, after sending follow-up inquiry. V/s reported that my<br />

reports where forwarded to the respected stations for further<br />

verification, but yet to date nothing yet. v/s: Ralf Welf [Weyl]<br />

(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 24)<br />

SWLCS MERCHWEILER <strong>DX</strong> CAMP.<br />

As you have probably already figured are the pictures from this year<br />

posted at <br />

In recent years editors of Radio Slovakia International used to be there,<br />

but this year their business trip to Merchweiler has been cancelled. This<br />

made them think, well, we run out of money, so let's hope for better days.<br />

Just a few days later they had to learn how grim the situation really is.<br />

So this year only representatives of two stations were present: The Berlin<br />

correspondent of China Radio International<br />

<br />

and the head of Radio Taiwan International's German sce<br />

<br />

This constellation see also both ladies posing at<br />

<br />

is also a main topic of the newspaper report shown on this page (below the<br />

thumbnails).<br />

Another well-known German <strong>DX</strong> Camp is organized by the EAWRC club:<br />

<br />

Or perhaps I should write "was", since it looks like EAWRC will fold up by<br />

the end of this year. (Kai Ludwig-D, dxld July 23)<br />

And I was surprised by the several Asian radio stations that visit,<br />

including both "Chinas". Is there a transcript of remarks online? We can<br />

run it through for a quick translation (Daniel<br />

Say who sat at lunch in Stuttgart in April listening to CRI on a cheap<br />

portable while skimming FAZ, SZ, Ludwigsberger Nachrichten u.s.w., dxld)<br />

No surprise, the both Chinas have been there also last time (in 2003). The

persons of CRI and RTI spoke with each other and posed (?) for pictures<br />

with other representatives and the mayor of the village. 'We make things<br />

possible that politicians can't make possible.' Is there a transcript of<br />

remarks online? No. And I do not think this was planned.<br />

But in 2003 at least CRI reported about the meeting in its German sce,<br />

also had an article on its web site. Contact their German sce and ask<br />

them. Also Radio Slovakia was invited (regular visitor at the camp in the<br />

last years), but Sofia was not allowed to come this year (funds) I prefer<br />

the SZ, FAZ is too conservative for me. SZ also has more 'culture' (FAZ<br />

has more 'stock market').<br />

Yours (Martin Schoech - PF 101145 - 99801 Eisenach - Deutschland, ibid.<br />

July 24)<br />

Der Foer<strong>der</strong>verein des Sen<strong>der</strong>- und Funktechnikmuseums auf dem Funkerberg in<br />

Koenigs Wusterhausen (Dahme-Spreewald) soll das Museum bis zum 3. August<br />

raeumen. Das teilte Vereinsanwalt Pfannenschwarz am Mittwoch mit. Es gibt<br />

Streit um die Hoehe <strong>der</strong> Miete. Der Funkerberg gilt als Wiege des deutschen<br />

Rundfunks.<br />

("rbb txt" via Paul Gager-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 20)<br />

GREENLAND I heard the UNID AFRTS outlet on new 9980USB today at 1230-<br />

1500 UT with " AFN Sports" by Ken Allen, business news. 1300 ID: "You are<br />

listening to AFN" and news. Strong signal: 35444 heard // weaker Grindavik<br />

7590 (25233). Heard again same day on recheck 1730-1815 with same signal<br />

strength, but a more noisy modulation: 35443. Former Grindavik on 13855USB<br />

was unheard during each period, so 9980 may be a replacement!<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 25)<br />

GUATEMALA May I inform you that our SW tx [4<strong>05</strong>2.5v] collapsed last<br />

Friday night (July 15, 20<strong>05</strong>), after a bad thun<strong>der</strong> storm. Today I changed<br />

conduction cables, but I was not able to finish the task due to another<br />

bad storm, and we were left without electricity after a very dangerous<br />

accident, when our antenna contacted a 35,000 volts wire, and it was held<br />

by the hands of one of our workers, but, Praise God, he got no harm at<br />

all. It was a miracle. We had not realized that the electrical company had<br />

just installed that new line, right in our antenna's path. I will now<br />

require them to insulate it to avoid more danger. I am planning to finish<br />

installing the new antenna tomorrow morning and, then, I will repair the<br />

tx, which has one power transistor burned out. I hope to return on the air<br />

tomorrow afternoon, God willing. About an hour ago, electrical fluid was<br />

restored. Thank you for your prayers. Yours in Our Lord Jesus Christ.<br />

(Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid, Director and Manager, R. Verdad, via Jihad-<strong>DX</strong><br />

via bclnews.it July 21 via dxld)<br />

HAWAII [Clandestine to VIETNAM] 11555 I received a QSL card from Radio<br />

Hoa-Mai via KWHR on 11555 kHz. The full-data [except site] black-and-white<br />

card shows a map of Vietnam and a lotus and mentions their "efforts to the<br />

cause of restoring democracy and human-rights in Vietnam." The card was<br />

received 2 weeks after sending a report to<br />

Miss Ngoc-Anh Trinh at P.O.Box 4175, Garden Grove, CA 92824.<br />

Miss Ngoc-Anh signed the card. This was for a logging in Bao Loc, Vietnam,<br />

which is 188 km northeast of Ho Chi Minh/Saigon.<br />

(Wendel Craighead-KS-USA, Jul 12 for CRW)<br />

11550 Radio Hoa-Mai (via WHRI) full data .pdf document file verification<br />

in 24 hrs, after sending a follow-up inquiry for my June 25th report to<br />

these address's:<br />

<br />

Also sent two Postal type QSL fol<strong>der</strong>s (for sending a written report to<br />

their US address) Response from Trinh Ngoe Anh at this e-mail address<br />

Reply in 22 days total. (Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 24)<br />

11555, Radio Hoa-Mai verified with a full data Map/Logo card in 30 days<br />

from v/s Trinh Ngoc Anh who previously replied via e-mail.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 24)<br />

HONDURAS Reactivated HRVC, La Voz Evangelica, Tegucigalpa, Honduras,<br />

heard in Denmark 0220-0330 UT, July 24 on 4819.1 kHz with religious talks<br />

by a man in Spanish, hymns, 0306 UT clear ID by a woman, 25232.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, hcdx July 24)<br />

3340 HRMI, on Jul 22 at 0421 UT - Presumed logging with impassioned<br />

preaching, but too weak to be sure whether it was in English or Spanish.<br />

The tropical bands tonight are much weaker compared to last night. SF 73,<br />

A index 24, and K (at 03) 3. Minor GM storms measuring G1 (I think).<br />

Nothing expected for the next 24 hours according to WWV.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>exped-CAN, hcdx July 23)<br />

4819.1, La Voz Evangelica (HRVC), 0354-0412 Jul 23 and 0300-0335 Jul 24,<br />

thanks to Jim Ronda tip noted with man preaching in Spanish with organ mx<br />

in the background. Next night caught nice ID and freq annt between mxal<br />

selections. Good signal.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 24)<br />

4819v LV Evangelica HRVC fair-good at 0225-0328 UT with a wide variety of<br />

rel. and gospel mx; SP ID at 0249 UT; station info at 0259 UT; ID 0312 UT;<br />

two IDs with call letters at 0321 & 0328; still good at 0355 recheck.<br />

(James Ronda-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 22)<br />

4819.1 HRVC, La Voz Evangelica, Tegucigalpa at 1030 to 1130 UT; phone in<br />

program "cual es su nombre" repeated with each phone in, few rooster<br />

sounds played to give local color?; "Buenas Dias La Voz Evangelica ...",<br />

"Buenas Dias Orlando..." followed by religious message and prayer for this<br />

person. "Phone in" program for 45 mins on 22 July. At 1215 UT on 23 July<br />

with Happy Birthday version in which "Happy Birthday" was in English but<br />

the rest in Spanish. (Bob Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 26)<br />

HUNGARY/SWITZERLAND SWISSCOM holds 75%+ share on Antenna Hungaria now.<br />

Wins against Austrian ORF/'ORS' and Australian 'Macquarie'.<br />

Swisscom kauft ungarisches Sen<strong>der</strong>netz.<br />

Beim Bieterverfahren um das ungarische Sen<strong>der</strong>netz geht <strong>der</strong> ORF leer aus:<br />

Die im ersten Schritt <strong>der</strong> Privatisierung abgegebenen 75 Prozent plus eine<br />

Aktie an <strong>der</strong> Antenna Hungaria gehen an den Hoechstbieter Swisscom.<br />

Mitbewerber von Swisscom waren in <strong>der</strong> letzten Runde die ORF-Sen<strong>der</strong>tochter<br />

ORS sowie <strong>der</strong> australische Finanzriese Macquarie, die ORS landete<br />

letztlich auf dem zweiten Bieter-Rang.<br />

46.76 Milliarden Forint (190 Millionen Euro) sind dem Schweizer Telekom-<br />

Konzern die ungarischen Sendemasten wert, die ORS bot laut ungarischen<br />

Medienberichten umgerechnet rund 170 Millionen Euro. "Ein hoeherer Preis<br />

waere aus unserer Sicht nicht vertretbar gewesen", kommentierte ORF-<br />

Finanzchef Alexan<strong>der</strong> Wrabetz den Ausgang des Bieterverfahrens. Nach wie<br />

vor habe man weitere Sen<strong>der</strong>netze im mittel- und osteuropaeischen Raum im<br />

Auge und habe nun in Ungarn "international aufgezeigt".<br />

<br />

(via Gerhard Meixner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 21)<br />

ICELAND 9980 10 kW. Wuerde mich ueber eine email-Adresse von AFN via<br />

Keflavik sehr freuen. (Joe Ley<strong>der</strong>-LUX, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

<br />

ergibt z.B. unter Island:

AFRTS, 13855U, n/d verie e-mail w/ site (Grindavik) in 1 day for an e-mail<br />

report to<br />

V/S, Patricia Huizinga, OIC. Also received<br />

a friendly e-mail from the Keflavik Navy Chaplan, Bruce Pierce, who also<br />

operates a ham station there.<br />

(via Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

INDONESIA 4925 RRI Jambi at 1159-12<strong>05</strong> UT on July 21. Presumed with SCI,<br />

then Jakarta relay. Fair at best, // to 4789.97 which was good.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 22)<br />

9524.90 VOINS on July 18, checked intermittently between 0852-1001.<br />

English till 0900, then INSn programming, good after Star Radio signed off<br />

at 0900. Noted // to 9680.0 the whole time, also with a strong signal.<br />

Checked July 19 & 20, about the same time period and did not heard 9680,<br />

only 9524.90 kHz, so maybe just a one-time thing.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld July 21)<br />

V. of INS on several dates off freq around 15136 kHz instead of 15150 kHz,<br />

English at 2000 UT and other langs earlier [1600-2100 UT]. Measured once<br />

on 15136.35 kHz at 1601 UT in Arabic. Govt or<strong>der</strong>ed stations to go off the<br />

air 1-5 am local to save energy, 1800-2200 UT, but does this affect<br />

external sce too? 15 MHz then not heard, but still 9524.89 [and still<br />

wasting kW with open carrier 1400-1600 UT as heard July 20].<br />

(WoR by Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, July 19)<br />

3325 RRI Palangkaraya, on Jul 22 at 1402 UT - Good modulation and<br />

relatively slow speech in Bahasa INS with many mentions of Palangkaraya,<br />

so likely a local program. Not // to 3345 Ternate.<br />

3344.96 RRI Ternate, on Jul 22 at 1340 UT - Parallel to 3325 kHz<br />

Palangkaraya with a sports play by play. Lots of mentions of Bali,<br />

Pontianak, Kalimantan, and Gorantalo. Great reception on both.<br />

4604.95 RRI Serui, on Jul 23 at 1429 UT - Beautiful reception with<br />

Indonesian EZL mx. Male DJ answering phone-in calls, with 'hello'. Still<br />

strong at 1438.<br />

4925 RRI Jambi, on Jul 23 at 1413 UT - Good reception with very pleasant<br />

Indonesian mx. Well after my local sunrise, but still going strong.<br />

(all Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>exped-CAN, hcdx July 23)<br />

4869.97 RRI Wamena 1030 to 1045 UT mx with OM voice over, good signal.<br />

4871.13 RRI Sorong long talk by om 1020 to 1048 UT.<br />

(Bob Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 26)<br />

ITALY On 24 July at 2129 UTC, on the RadioRama mailing list (the e-mail<br />

list of the Associazione Italiana Radioascolto), the Italian <strong>DX</strong>er Angelo<br />

Pacorig (from Palmanova, near Udine) reported a new MW private station<br />

from Verona, in northern Italy:<br />

Radio Verona, on 1584 kHz. His original report is attached below.<br />

Subject: RADIO VERONA<br />

Ascoltato: STAZIONE - RADIO VERONA - Mx italiana + ID "RADIO VERONA"<br />

ripetuto ogni 15 / 20 minuti<br />

DATA - 24 / 7 / 20<strong>05</strong><br />

ORE - 21:29':24" UTC<br />

FREQUENZA - 1584 KHZ<br />

SEGNALI - 44333<br />

After his annmt I checked the freq and heard the station with no-stop mx<br />

and IDs as "Radio Verona" on 24 July, at 2200 UTC; signal was weak and

interfered by co-channel Radio Studio X, but it could be easily<br />

identified. Radio Verona is also a weak but readable daytimer here. I'm<br />

listening from Forli, 150 km south of Verona and 150 km east of Studio X<br />

location.<br />

The station has the web site <br />

with streaming live audio available. Address is:<br />

Radio Verona, piazza Cittadella 26, 37122 Verona (VR), Italy.<br />

tel (+39) 045 8000896 fax (+39) 045 8000481<br />

Full credit must be given to Angelo Pacorig on RadioRama mailing list as<br />

the first reporter of this station.<br />

(Angelo Pacorig-I in RadioRama ML, via Fabrizio Magrone-I, mwdx July 24)<br />

LATVIA R Tatras International noted on 1350 via Latvia July 20th at 1655<br />

UT and onwards. Pushing through my local noise on that channel. At 1800 UT<br />

announced also 1350 kHz mediumwave. (Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld July 20)<br />

A relay of Radio Tatras International on 1350 kHz from<br />

Kuldiga with 50 kW started today on 20 July. The relay is provided by the<br />

Riga-based company Krebs TV. Krebs TV also runs Radio Nord in Riga on 945<br />

kHz, and was issued a rebroadcasting license for 1350 kHz by the Latvian<br />

Broadcasting Regulatory Authority in early July. The transmitter in<br />

Kuldiga is leased from LVRTC, the Latvian state transmitter operator. The<br />

antenna facilities at the Kuldiga site were damaged in a winter storm in<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary 20<strong>05</strong>, and have now been repaired.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld July 21)<br />

There's a way to QSL R Tatras International 1350 kHz via the tx operator<br />

KREBS TV in Latvia. Just received a kind full-data verification by e-mail.<br />

Same company also operates Radio Nord on 945 kHz and they said printed<br />

QSL-cards for R Nord are now ready and will be sent out soon. RTI cards<br />

will be printed later. If you need the e-mail address for reports of 1350<br />

kHz Kuldiga tx, please contact me.<br />

My e-mail is: <br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx July 23)<br />

Tune in to medium wave 1350 kHz every night to Radio Tatras International<br />

24/7 with a output power of 50 kW. (Tom Taylor-UK, hcdx July 24)<br />

Right now somebody transmits on 1350 kHz oldies and jazz/swing songs back<br />

to back. No spoken word whatsoever noted within 20 mins. Above Radio<br />

Orient here, but signal not particularly strong.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, RNW MN NL via dxld July 21)<br />

Radio Tatras International due to launch mediumwave today According to<br />

Eric Chilvers of commercial broadcaster Radio Tatras International,<br />

mediumwave txions from Latvia on 1350 kHz are due to commence this evening<br />

at 1800 UTC. Test txions are on the air during the day. Location and power<br />

of the tx have not been disclosed.<br />

<br />

Erkenntnisse dazu? Irgendjemand sendet gerade Oldies und Jazz-/Swingtitel<br />

einen nach dem an<strong>der</strong>en, ohne jegliche Ansagen (o<strong>der</strong> Jingles o.dgl.)<br />

dazwischen. Mutet eher wie ein Sen<strong>der</strong>test als ein regulaeres Programm an.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 21)<br />

Zur Zeit laeuft Radio Tatras International ueber den inzwischen<br />

aktivierten 50 kW-Sen<strong>der</strong> in Kuldiga mit Mordssignal. Seit etwa 2030 UTC<br />

mit SINPO 54554, aber viele Sen<strong>der</strong>ausfaelle, in denen das "Habibi,<br />

Habiibiii"-Gesinge von Radio Orient dominiert.

Merkwuerdiges Programm, non-stop-Pop mit Jingle-IDs, Rap und sehr viel<br />

deutsche Popmusik, z.B. von Annette Louisan. Eine englische Station, die<br />

ihr slowakisches UKW-Programm ueber einen lettischen MW-Sen<strong>der</strong> ausstrahlt<br />

und viel deutsche Popmusik bringt.<br />

(Martin Elbe-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 23)<br />

LITHUANIA The relay of RFE/RL in Russian from Siauliai (Bubiai site) on<br />

1386 kHz has been ended a couple of weeks ago.<br />

Radio 390 on 1386 Steve Groome on spotted<br />

this; I checked the online test programmes and when I listened they were a<br />

tape of US station WLNG. 1386 would be the Lithuanian tx.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, dxld July 21)<br />

Radio 390 Unit 118 Fifth/Allende Avenue Harlow<br />

Essex CM20 2AG<br />

Radio 390 Is Back After 40 Years, We Are Online, And On Test! (1386 kHz<br />

500 kW Watch This Space). Our mission at Radio 390 is to offer<br />

entertainment and information to you the listener, and offer a background<br />

online radio sce.<br />

Whether you're at home or at the office, it's mx that's designed to be<br />

unobtrusive and a pleasant companion to other activities. What your hear<br />

on Radio 390 is described as Adult Pop Standards (APS) with light, easy,<br />

beautiful ... relaxing mx.<br />

Enjoy instrumentals and vocal mx from yesterday and today! We invite you<br />

to relax as we blend the mx to create an enjoyable, long time spent<br />

listening experience, for this was the mx when you were young and your<br />

eyes were full of sparkle and your head was full of dreams.<br />

When people held each other and danced cheek to cheek. It was a world more<br />

gallant, more romantic, and certainly more predictable than the one we<br />

live in today. Our mx at Radio 390 format is a dazzling Kaleidoscope<br />

faceted with the inspirations of great performers and truly great<br />

songwriters. Our programes will be starting in August 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, dxld July 21)<br />

Doubts over claims of new station planned on 1386 kHz.<br />

Bernd Trutenau in Lithuania, who works professionally in the<br />

telecommunications industry, writes on the mailing list of the Medium Wave<br />

Circle:<br />

In regard to the freq 1386, the anoraknation forum<br />

is currently discussing a<br />

statement about an allegedly planned relay of "Radio 390" on 1386 with 500<br />

kW from August made on the website , pointing at<br />

the (500 kW) tx in Sitkunai, Lithuania. Radio Baltic Waves International<br />

is the sole silence owner for this tx on 1386, and the company denies that<br />

it has been contacted about such a relay.<br />

A relay via the Bolshakovo tx on 1386 kHz in the Kaliningrad area appears<br />

unlikely, since it is authorized to operate only between 1500-1900 UT and<br />

is carrying Voice of Russia at this time. The scheduled power of this tx<br />

is 1200 kW. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx July 20)<br />

Anyone notice the foundation date for this Radio390 as given on the<br />

website. Is there a clue there perhaps. Located on Red Sands Tower off<br />

Whitstable in the Thames Estuary. Radio 390 opened September 25th, 1965.<br />

Closed down on July 28th, 1967. 40 years on Radio 390 opened April 1st<br />

20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(Paul Francis, RNW MN NL July 21 via dxld)

MEXICO 6044.95 R. Universidad (pres) at 1308-1320 UT on July 22.<br />

Marginal reception with usual classical mx, YL ancr. (John Wilkins-CO-USA,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>plorer July 22)<br />

NETHERLANDS Take over NOZEMA (NL).<br />

The NOZEMA (Ne<strong>der</strong>landse OmroepZen<strong>der</strong> Maatschappij) in the Netherlands is<br />

facing a take over (buy) by KPN. On this moment the take over is studied<br />

by the dutch governement. Other companies complained that they were set<br />

aside and had no chance of a bid on this interesting marketparty.<br />

NOZEMA holds all (public) txs (and sites) for TV and radio-broadcasts in<br />

the Netherlands and the company that will own NOZEMA has a monopoly on the<br />

dutch (public) txmarket. KPN is a dutch telecomprovi<strong>der</strong> which on his turn<br />

already is partly involved in NOZEMA as owner as is the governement.<br />

KPN is already monopolist in digital terrastrial TV broadcast in the<br />

Netherlands. Will keep you informed.<br />

Greetings, (Gerard A. Koopal-HOL?, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 26)<br />

NETH ANTILLES Planned Tentatively schedule in B-<strong>05</strong>. DW German to NoAM:<br />

59<strong>05</strong> 1000-1200 11,12N BON 250kW 000deg<br />

6100 0200-0359 3,4,6-9,11N BON 250kW 3<strong>05</strong>deg<br />

9545 0000-0200 4,7,8,11N BON 250kW 350deg<br />

12035 1200-1400 7E,8 BON 250kW 350deg<br />

15445 1400-1600 6,7W,10 BON 250kW 320deg<br />

9490 1130-1145 10-13,14N,55,56,59,60 BON 100kW 230deg SWE P4 RSW TER<br />

9490 1130-1200 10-13,14N,55,56,59,60 BON 100kW 230deg SWE P4 RSW TER<br />

9745 0000-0100 10,11W BON 250kW 290deg CRI-CHN<br />

11935 0100-0300 14,15,16 BON 250kW 170deg Var NHK-JPN<br />

176<strong>05</strong> 2300-2400 14,15,16 BON 250kW 170deg Jap NHK-JPN<br />

15190 1200-1300 12,13W,14N BON 250kW 170deg B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

OMAN 13575 [rather 15375? wb.] R. Sultanate of Oman July 13 at 1439-1452<br />

UT. 35433 Arabic, Talk and koran, ID at 1445 UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium July 24)<br />

Seeb 15375 kHz in Arabic at 1400-1600 UT span, only poor thiny signal here<br />

in EUR S=1-2, and powerful sideband splash by RL Tajik on 15370 kHz from<br />

MRC and PHL. Not on air today July 26th on 15140 kHz via Seeb.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 26)<br />

PNG 3235 Radio West New Britain, on Jul 23 at 1328 UT - Good to very<br />

good reception with greetings reading long lists of names. No other<br />

regional stations were on at this time. 4890 on with excellent reception,<br />

and CRN 4960 only poorly herd, and 7120 Wantok Radio light, also poor.<br />

Interesting that at 1400, there was a time check for 0400 (I think), then<br />

dear air, and a major drop in signal level to fair only. Did they change<br />

tx or antenna at that time? I've never noticed this drop before.<br />

4960 Catholic Radio Network, on Jul 23 at 1402 UT - Reception now fair to<br />

good, compared to a half hour ago.<br />

3235 Radio West New Britain, on Jul 22 at 1329 UT - S6 to S7 signal, with<br />

the usual very enjoyable PNG programming, with a real local flavour.<br />

Announcements at 1338 UT. Off sometime by the TOH.<br />

(all Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>exped-CAN, hcdx July 23)<br />

3385 Radio East New Britain at 1000 to 1100 UT "stay tuned for more<br />

exciting sce of the ....". (Bob Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 26)

RUSSIA/MOLDOVA New day, time and freq for Voice of Delina in Tigrina:<br />

1800-1900 Sun on 12130 ARM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAF, x1500-1600 Sat on<br />

15660<br />

Tent. freqs for B-<strong>05</strong>:<br />

1800-1900 Sun on 7590 or 7560 or 7530 ARM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAF.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 21)<br />

Arabic Radio in Arabic left SW:<br />

0330-0400 on 7510 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to ME<br />

1500-1600 on 7470 KCH 300 kW / 150 deg to ME<br />

1500-1600 on 12085 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to ME<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 21)<br />

RWANDA Planned schedule in B-<strong>05</strong>, DW Serbian to Europe via Kigali:<br />

119<strong>05</strong> 2100-2115 UT zone 28S KIG 250kW 345deg<br />

and Russian to RUS/CIS:<br />

17700 <strong>05</strong>00-0627 19,29 KIG 250kW 000deg<br />

SLOVAK REP R. Slovakia International to close external SW sce by July<br />

31, due to funding problems, laying off 21 employees, 84 in the entire<br />

organization; still on internet, but who will be left to produce programs?<br />

Campaigns by listeners and staff to save it: see<br />

English page.<br />

(WoR by Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, July 19)<br />

SAVED Radio Slovakia International has published the following report on<br />

its website:<br />

Last week, the public broadcaster announced its intention to close down<br />

its SW foreign lang sce and to downsize the staff of the radio station by<br />

84 people. The management decided to take this radical step to cut costs.<br />

By this step it intended to compensate revenue shortfalls in concession<br />

payments and payments from the state budget. Due to the restrictive<br />

measures taken by general director of Slovak Radio Jaroslav Reznik, the<br />

Radio Council, a radio supervisory body, was summoned for a special<br />

meeting on Tuesday. Its members appointed by Parliament have agreed to<br />

bind the director to continue the SW broadcasting of Radio Slovakia<br />

International.<br />

Shortwave broadcasting will not be stopped, Jaroslav Reznik confirmed for<br />

Radio Slovakia International. Nevertheless, he added he could not say for<br />

how long this status will be possible. According to him, it is now up to<br />

the state authorities to express clearly whether they are interested in a<br />

foreign broadcast sce.<br />

The supervisory body of Slovak radio agrees with the General Director in<br />

the point that the foreign sce should be financed from the state budget<br />

not from the concession fees. That is why the financial sources should be<br />

provided by the govt. Nevertheless, neither the Culture Ministry nor the<br />

Foreign Ministries seem to be interested in allocating sufficient means<br />

from their budgets. The European standard is to support a foreign radio<br />

broadcast from the budget of the Foreign Ministry.<br />

The law dealing with Slovak radio states that finance should be provided<br />

from the state budget for foreign sce broadcasting. However the current<br />

Culture Minister questions this part of the law.<br />

Due to an allegedly unclear interpretation of lines defining financing<br />

foreign broadcasting, Culture Minister Frantisek Toth has initiated a<br />

legal analysis of the respective lines. The position of state authorities<br />

leaves the financing foreign broadcast on the reserves of the Slovak<br />

radio. Zuzana Mistrikova, the head of the media section at the Culture<br />


The Slovak Republic represented by the govt thinks it is something that<br />

the Slovak Republic needs to have and to have it in high quality and then<br />

to decide how it will be financed and if it will be financed directly from<br />

the state budget or if the system of financing of Slovak Radio will be so<br />

well managed that it will be able to finance broadcasting like this.<br />

Despite the fact that the foreign broadcast on short waves will not stop,<br />

there will be restrictive measures taken in Slovak Radio. According to the<br />

Radio Council, these cannot be affecting the production and broadcasting<br />

of the program. The supervisory body consists of members appointed by the<br />

parliament. The head of the council Michal Dzurjanin concluded that now<br />

they have to wait for Parliament and the Govt to solve the current deficit<br />

of over EUR 8 million for the Radio. (RNW MN NL July 20 via dxld)<br />

Same if not verbatim: <br />

(via Artie Bigley, dxld July 21)<br />

SOLOMON ISLS 5019.89 SI<strong>BC</strong>, Honiara, on Jul 21 at 1003 UT - Pidgin news,<br />

with mentions of Honiara, Prime minister, national parliament. ID for<br />

SI<strong>BC</strong>, Honiara at 1007:30 UT. Voice of Salvation also mentioned at 1013 UT.<br />

Always a real pleasure to listen to them!<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>exped-CAN, hcdx July 21)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA [to CONGO DR, non] 11690/11890. Radio Okapi has started an<br />

evening sce in French. A Japanese <strong>DX</strong>er received a schedule from Sentech in<br />

which Sentech had two txions for Hirondelle Foundation at 0400-0600 on<br />

11690 and 1600-1700 UT on 11890. I know 11690 kHz is used for Radio Okapi.<br />

So, I tried to identify the station at 1600 UT on 11890 kHz last night and<br />

it turned out that the station was Radio Okapi. Strong carrier was<br />

observed at 1559 and at 1600 UT, S/on with African mx with chorus as<br />

"Okapi, Okapi". ID in French and talk by a man followed.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, dxld July 23)<br />

Noted here on 11890 July 23rd from 1625 UT tune in, weak to fair on clear<br />

channel, best on LSB, mainly talk, quite a few identifications heard<br />

between 1630 and 1635 UT.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK July 23)<br />

SUDAN After many years, R. Omdurman, Sudan, reactivates 95<strong>05</strong>, x7200 at<br />

1500-1900+ UT, then colliding with Farda [co-channel 1900-2130 via<br />

Kavalla-GRC, wb.]; beamed due east but heard well in Greece at 1708 UT,<br />

[by Zacharias Liangas].<br />

(WoR by Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, July 19)<br />

Vor ein paar Tagen wurde in <strong>der</strong> Liste Sudan auf 95<strong>05</strong> gemeldet. Dort ist ab<br />

spaetnachmittags ein Signal mit schwacher Modulation zu hoeren, zur Zeit<br />

etwas besser und in Arabisch. Ab 1900 soll aber Radio Farda dort senden.<br />

Ebenfalls zu hoeren und hier vor ein paar Tagen gemeldet: R. Zimbabwe auf<br />

6612.2 kHz. Harmonische von 3306 kHz. David Pringle-Wood aus Harare<br />

meldete in <strong>DX</strong>LD ein schwaches Signal 24h auf 3306 und ein viel staerkeres<br />

auf 6612 kHz. Falls die Station wie<strong>der</strong> auf 6045 zurueckkehren sollte,<br />

koennte man ja auch mal die 12090 kHz probieren...<br />

Beide stark heute abend: Zanzibar auf 11735 und Dar-es-Salaam auf 5<strong>05</strong>0.<br />

Gestern abend hatte ich ganz schwach nach 2100 ein Signal auf 7270 kHz,<br />

vermutlich franzoesich. EiBi listet dort nix, ausser Gabon...<br />

(Thorsten Hallmann-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 23)<br />

SWEDEN 17.2 kHz QSL. Heute kam die QSL fuer den Empfang von SAQ auf<br />

17.2 kHz am 03-July-20<strong>05</strong>. Sie haben wie<strong>der</strong> eine schoene Karte aufgelegt.<br />

In vornehmer Schwarz-Weiss-Fotografie sieht man in <strong>der</strong> Mitte Herrn

Alexan<strong>der</strong>son und darum gruppiert 4 Fotos mit <strong>der</strong> koenigliche Limousine,<br />

den Antennen, dem Maschinensaal und dem Alternator. Das ist noch Technik<br />

zum Anfassen! (Dr. Matthias Zwoch-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 22)<br />

TANZANIA [Zanzibar and non] 6015 / 11735 Voice of Tanzania via<br />

Zanzibar on 11735 kHz. But what was the station today in presumed Swahili<br />

between 1455-1550 UT fighting with co-channel Vo Turkey in Arabic? Non-<br />

stop political speech. A broadcast from the Libyan conference.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 19)<br />

11735 Zanzibar btw, they start abruptly (right into program feed) at 1624-<br />

1625 UT after few mins of open carrier warming-up that's observation of<br />

recent couple of days.<br />

[later] It looks like that: Zanzibar is coming on the air much earlier<br />

than I thought somewhere between 1400-1500 UT ? NB at 1400 UTaudible were<br />

TUR & KRE only.<br />

Today definitely TZA is co-channeling TUR in Arab after 1500 UTC Both with<br />

Arab mx, then TZA into HQ with short annt in Swahili before that. Now YL<br />

reads nx in Swahili (1530+), into Afro beat 1835+ UT.<br />

(Vlad Titarev-UKR, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 19/20)<br />

Recent monitoring of 11735 kHz at 1300-1600 UT shows the following:<br />

(21 July, 1250-1530+ UT, 11735 kHz)<br />

11734.907 Unid -1354* (barely audible, KRE-QRM)<br />

11735.004,4 TZA *1500-1600+ (HQ at 1526-1530)<br />

11735.021 TUR *1354-1556*<br />

11735.031v KRE *1255-1450* VOK/Chinese, ...<br />

Question: 11734.9 who it could be ?...<br />

(Vlad Titarev-UKR, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 21)<br />

[Zanzibar on 11735 kHz discovered by Vlad Titarev-UKR on July 11 !]<br />

6015 / 11735 B<strong>BC</strong> M observed Voice of Tanzania Zanzibar opening the day's<br />

programming with their tuning signal (xylophone mx), a choral song, sign-<br />

on annmt in Swahili and the Islamic call to prayer at 0258 UT on 26 July,<br />

on 6015 kHz SW. The station was also observed on 11735 kHz SW on 24 July,<br />

carrying nx in Swahili at 1700-1710 UT and nx in English at 1800-1810 UT.<br />

Voice of Tanzania-Zanzibar, the state-owned broadcaster for the island,<br />

also broadcasts on 585 kHz MW but has been inactive on SW in recent<br />

months. The current edition of the World Radio TV Handbook gives the<br />

schedule as 0300-0600 and 0900-2100 UT daily.<br />

The Indian Ocean island of Zanzibar is a former British protectorate which<br />

gained independence in 1963, the following year forming a political union<br />

with the then Tanganyika to become a semi-autonomous region within the<br />

newly-constituted United Republic of Tanzania. (B<strong>BC</strong> M 26 Jul via dxld)<br />

I went looking for Radio Tanzania Zanzibar's English nx at 1800 on 11735<br />

and at first thought they had dropped in freq to 11734.9 or so but was<br />

surprised to hear the presumed Brazilian R. Nova Visao there very weak in<br />

Portuguese. No trace of Zanzibar here.<br />

(Steve Lare-MI-USA, dxld July 26)<br />

Yes, 11735 OFF air tonight July 26. (wb)<br />

UNIDENTIFIED DRM 9915, what sounded like DRM noise, 1315 July 21, not<br />

very strong and an analog 9920 FE lang hymn was still audible. Nothing in<br />

the three different online DRM schedules, and nothing on this freq (or<br />

9910, 9920) in the DRM fora.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld July 21)

Gibt es Erkenntnisse ueber diese DRM Station? Ist doch eine VT Merlin /<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Frequenz? Auch die Russen gehen gerne - sehr loeblich ! - an die<br />

Baen<strong>der</strong>-Raen<strong>der</strong>. (wb.)<br />

Vielleicht sollte sich Glenn Hauser mal einen DRM-faehigen Empfaenger<br />

zulegen, damit man weiss, ob es sich ueberhaupt um ein DRM-Signal handelt.<br />

"Sounded like" ist ein bisschen wenig.<br />

Ueber diese Frequenz gibt es keine Erkenntnisse. Das gilt auch fuer die<br />

15375 kHz, die immer wie<strong>der</strong> auftaucht, aber hier in Europa nicht zu<br />

empfangen ist. Er beschwert sich staendig, dass die QRG nicht im Sendeplan<br />

steht, aber es gibt darueber keine Infos.<br />

Moeglicherweise handelt es sich um Tests von HCJB, aber ohne genaue<br />

Angaben ist eine Listung wenig sinnvoll, zumal wenn es sich um<br />

unregelmaessige Tests handelt.<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 24)<br />

Summary of this response: GH should better obtain a DRM receiver to make<br />

sure that it is a DRM signal at all. Nothing is known about this<br />

frequency. The same applies to 15375. He keeps lamenting about this<br />

frequency missing in the schedule, but no informations are available.<br />

Probably these are HCJB tests, but without further details it makes no<br />

sense to list them, especially if these are irregular tests only.<br />

(via Kai Ludwig-D, dxld)<br />

Why in the world would it make no sense to list them? Surely every DRM<br />

transmission should be of interest, especially to those with DRM receiving<br />

capability and at this early(?) stage of development. If one cared to, one<br />

could inquire of HCJB and B<strong>BC</strong>/Merlin about this, tho the latter would<br />

probably deny it at first, or claim it is confidential.<br />

I previously heard from HCJB that they were carrying out unscheduled tests<br />

on 15375. I don't have to do DRM myself, just like there are many analog<br />

stations I cannot pick up adequately; the <strong>DX</strong> community has been made aware<br />

of these DRM freqs, and it's up to others to follow up if anyone else<br />

cares, which Klaus evidently does not. As I pointed out before, it seems<br />

the DRM-equipped are mostly NOT <strong>DX</strong>ers, and do not care to, or do not know<br />

how to go looking for new signals. Fortunately, there are a few<br />

exceptions, capturing those flea-powered European DRM tests.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld July 24)<br />

U.A.E. Radio Mustaqbal via VT Communications left SW:<br />

0630-0700 Mon/Tue/Thu on 15530 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAF in Somali<br />

1130-1200 Mon/Tue/Thu on 15530 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAF in Somali<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 21)<br />

U.K. SW Radio Africa in English left SW from July 9:<br />

1700-1800 15145 WOF 250 kW / 140 deg to Zimbabwe.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 21)<br />

U.S.A. World of Radio on W<strong>BC</strong>Q changes: Wed at 2200 on 7415 kHz, but now<br />

17495 kHz is at 2300 UT; and sometimes additional Tue 2330 on 7415 as<br />

filler.<br />

WWCR airing Sat at 1030 UT on 5070 kHz cancelled, still at 4 other times.<br />

WWCR has applied for two more 100 kW txs and antennas, so once on the air,<br />

capacity increased by 50%. Additional business to justify expansion.<br />

Overseas broadcasters hard to hear in NoAmerica should contract for<br />

airtime, such as, India, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, INS, Egypt, Romania,<br />

Argentina<br />

KTBN Salt Lake missing a lot lately, a couple days at a time, then back,

75<strong>05</strong> kHz night, 15590 kHz day.<br />

WRNO New Orleans on-air goal pushed back once again until September.<br />

WWRB 6890 kHz accompanied by spurs on 6855 and 6925 kHz.<br />

(WoR by Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, July 19)<br />

Following is the Tentative 30 Oct 20<strong>05</strong> to 26 March 2006<br />

High Frequency Schedule for Family Stations, Inc.,<br />

WYFR. B-<strong>05</strong> / B<strong>05</strong> [including RTI relays; and B<strong>BC</strong>?]<br />

Freq (kHz) Time (UTC) Az(Degrees) Zone(s) Power<br />

5745 <strong>05</strong>00-1000 181 11 50 5810 <strong>05</strong>00-0800 44 27,39 100<br />

5810 0800-1200 160 14 100 5810 2000-2300 44 27,28 100<br />

5950 0300-1200 285 10 100 5950 2100-0300 355 4,5,9 100<br />

5985 0445-0700 315 2 100 5985 2000-0445 181 11 50<br />

6065 0100-0445 355 4,5,9 100 6085 2245-0100 355 4,5,9 100<br />

6085 0945-2000 181 11 100 61<strong>05</strong> 0800-1100 142 15 100<br />

6855 0300-0900 355 4,5,9 100 6855 0900-1300 355 4,5,9 100<br />

6855 1945-2245 44 28 100 6890 0900-1300 355 4,5,9 100<br />

7355 0300-0745 44 27,28 100 7355 1045-1345 315 2 100<br />

7455 0700-1100 315 2 100 7520 0100-0400 142 13 100<br />

7520 0400-0800 44 27,28 100 7570 0045-0400 160 15 100<br />

9355 0400-0800 44 27,28 100 9355 1845-2300 44 27,28 100<br />

9495 <strong>05</strong>00-1000 222 11 100 95<strong>05</strong> 0000-0445 315 2 100<br />

9525 0100-0400 285 10 50 9555 0800-1400 160 16 100<br />

9575 0900-1200 160 15 100 96<strong>05</strong> 0800-1100 142 13 100<br />

96<strong>05</strong> 1100-1245 222 12 100 9680 0145-0800 315 2 100<br />

9680 0800-1100 140 13 100 9690 2145-0045 142 13 100<br />

97<strong>05</strong> 1100-1245 285 10 50 9715 2345-0100 285 10 50<br />

9715 0400-1100 285 10 50 9755 0900-1145 285 10 100<br />

9930 0445-0900 87 46 100 9985 0100-<strong>05</strong>00 151 15 100<br />

9985 <strong>05</strong>00-0900 87 37,46 100<br />

11530 <strong>05</strong>00-0800 44 27,28 100 11530 1200-1400 160 13 100<br />

11565 1345-1700 315 2 100 11565 2000-2145 44 27,28 100<br />

11580 0400-0900 87 47,52,57 100 11665 1945-2300 44 27,28 100<br />

11720 2245-0145 142 13 100 11725 1100-1600 222 11 100<br />

11740 2145-2345 315 2 100 11740 0145-<strong>05</strong>00 222 11 100<br />

11740 0800-1600 151 15 100 11825 0045-0300 160 14 100<br />

11830 1100-1300 140 13 100 11830 1300-1700 315 2 100<br />

11855 1300-1700 355 4,5,9 100 11855 2000-<strong>05</strong>00 222 11 100<br />

11885 2300-0145 140 13 100 11970 1145-1345 285 10 100<br />

13615 1200-1600 160 15 100 13695 1300-1945 355 4,5,9 100<br />

15115 1700-2100 87 46 100 15130 1245-2345 285 10 50<br />

15170 2245-0045 160 15 100 15210 1400-1600 160 14 100<br />

15215 2300-0400 160 16 100 15355 1245-1400 222 12 100<br />

15355 1400-1600 142 13 100 15400 2300-0100 151 15 100<br />

15440 1945-2100 355 4,5,9 100 15440 2145-0300 285 10 100<br />

15565 1800-1945 44 27,28 100 15565 2100-2245 87 37,46 100<br />

15665 1600-1700 44 27,28 100<br />

17510 1400-1600 160 13 100 17510 1700-2145 285 10 100<br />

17535 1700-2200 315 2 100 17575 1700-2245 140 13 100<br />

17690 1600-1945 87 37,46 100 17760 1345-1700 285 10 100<br />

17760 1700-2000 44 27,28 100 17845 2300-0045 160 14 100<br />

18930 1600-1845 44 27,28 100 18980 1600-1945 44 27,28 100

21455 1600-2000 44 28 100 21525 1945-2245 87 47,52,57 100<br />

21745 1600-1745 44 28,29 100 (via Evelyn Marcy, WYFR, dxld July 20)<br />

YEMEN [tent] Strange early fade-in of (possibly) YEMEN on 6135 kHz was<br />

noted yesterday around 1330 UT. Non-stop Arab mx. There was no way to //<br />

check.<br />

(Vlad Titarev-UKR, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 21 )<br />

ZIMBABWE Unidentified African on 6612 kHz - today 20 July Jim Solatie<br />

(Finland) phoned me and told he heard last night around 0100 UT an African<br />

station on 6612. Program was vernaculars with one timecheck in English<br />

giving UTC+2. This might be Zimbabwe harmonic (or badly mistuned tx) from<br />

3306. I've been hearing them on 6612 all evening but no definite station<br />

ID heard. Mentions of Zimbabwe heard couple of times. I can hear only a<br />

weak carrier on 3306 that could be anything. I'm writing this around 2000<br />

UT.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld July 21)<br />

6612 - Heard 0450-<strong>05</strong>20, Afr. mx, 0456 clear mention of Zimbabwe, ToH "7<br />

o'clock," drums, followed by woman announcer for 5 mins in African lang,<br />

then man for 5 mins in Afr lang, more Afr. mx, poor with some local noise.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 21)<br />

Quito 20/7 20<strong>05</strong> * Late Wednesday evening edition: * Recording of unID<br />

6612.010 kHz - Zimbabwe?? (harmonic 2 x 3306??) All evening with OM talk<br />

and mx. Very weak signal. 0302 UT national anthem(?) followed by drums so<br />

I thought it was close down but the mx program went on with better signal<br />

strength after 0300. French? Is there a "Zimbabwe" at "1:03"?? Logged as<br />

unID by Finnish <strong>DX</strong>er and also audible in U.S.A. I checked the freq after<br />

reading a mail from the Finnish <strong>DX</strong>er Jari Savolainen Comments, photos and<br />

recordings at:<br />

(Bjoern Malm-SWE, dxld July 21)<br />

Hi there from Zimbabwe, I monitored 6612 this morning 21 July at <strong>05</strong>30 and<br />

report that it is Radio Zimbabwe from a tx site in Gweru in Central<br />

Zimbabwe. Checked the local Harare FM programming of Radio Zimbabwe to<br />

confirm this. Programming in local vernaculars, Shona and Ndebele langs,<br />

no English programming. Not a harmonic of 3306 as this freq is currently<br />

not in use by this station.<br />

[8 mins later:] Hi once again, Went back and checked 3306 at <strong>05</strong>45 UT:<br />

there is a very weak signal of Radio Zimbabwe on this freq so indeed what<br />

we are hearing on 6612 is a harmonic of this freq but the harmonic is far<br />

stronger than the intended txion.<br />

(David Pringle-Wood-ZWE, dxld July 21)<br />

As 6612 is 2 x 3306 I believe the tx is mistuned and pushing most of the<br />

power out on 6612 kHz. (Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld July 21)<br />

Checked again this evening 21 July at 1630, Radio Zimbabwe on 6612, a<br />

harmonic of 3306, in vernacular can be heard here in Zimbabwe with a fair<br />

signal. Also to mention that 3306 seems be have been reactivated on a 24<br />

hour basis as the FM network also runs 24 hour programming. It is a bit of<br />

poor engineering (and power wastage no less) to have 3306 on air during<br />

the day in Zimbabwe as this freq does not propagate locally in daylight.<br />

<strong>DX</strong>ers in Europe can check 6612 from around 1700 until around 0400 UT to<br />

monitor this strong harmonic freq of Radio Zimbabwe, broadcast from State<br />

facilities in Gweru in the centre of Zimbabwe. The orginal 3306 kHz is<br />

broadcasting with perhaps 200 kW so the harmonic may even be the same<br />

level.<br />

Hi Jari, Yes, you are correct about the mistuning of Radio Zimbabwe on<br />

3306 which is heard on 6612 kHz, Confirmation yes, <strong>DX</strong>ers, but don't even

try to get a reply from the Zimbabwean govt.<br />

[later] Thanks for your continued editoring. SW Radio Africa ended on SW<br />

July 8th, 15145 kHz. 1700-1800 UT. R. Zimbabwe airs on 3306 with harmonics<br />

6612 kHz, 24hrs / 7 days. No gas/fuel in Zimbabwe.<br />

(David Pringle-Wood-ZWE, dxld July 21)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 722 02 Aug 20<strong>05</strong><br />

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ALBANIA Freq change for Radio Tirana in French Mon-Sat:<br />

1900-1927 NF 9520 SHI 100 kW / 300 deg, ex 6115 to avoid Radio Minsk HS<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 29)<br />

Additional B-<strong>05</strong> CRI services planned tentatively via Cerrik site, to<br />

Europe, and Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Arabian<br />

Peninsula. Compared B-04 and B-<strong>05</strong> tables.<br />

7130 0900-1000 28E CER 150 0 ALB CRI RTC<br />

[0 seems 000 degrees, not non-dir]<br />

7130 1100-1200 28SE CER 150 0 ALB CRI RTC<br />

7130 1200-1300 28S CER 150 0 ALB CRI RTC<br />

9460 0900-1000 28E CER 150 0 ALB CRI RTC<br />

11640 0700-0900 39E CER 150 140 ALB CRI RTC<br />

13685 0700-0900 39E CER 300 140 ALB CRI RTC<br />

ALGERIA [to WeSAHARA] 7460 Polsario Front, Rabuni, back ex-7466, as<br />

observed on 25 July, Arabic prgr, folk songs; 54444, co-ch QRM de RFAsia<br />

in Korean (via MNG, I suppose); // 700 kHz only.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

"1550" kHz (Tindouf, ALG?) and 7470" kHz (Rabuni site) are the wrong fqs.<br />

(stubbornly) being announced at the beginning of the 2300-2400 prgr in

Castilian... again, it remains to be ascertained whether the Arabic<br />

section also announces the same mistaken fqs. The actual ones are 700 kHz<br />

and 7460 (back from a short-lived move to 7466 kHz) (rtd. 55444 [S9+35dB<br />

and almost no QRN, so powerhouse-like] as I write this, 1830 UT). On<br />

occasions, a silent carrier on 1550.2 kHz is detected evenings: Polisario<br />

Front testing? It wouldn't surprise at all as they used to drift around<br />

1550 kHz.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 31)<br />

During my holiday stay at Mallorca Isl. observed a whistle carrier near<br />

1546 kHz daily, measured by Sony SYNC function right 'click into place<br />

raster':<br />

"A carrier whistle observed around 2145 UT and at 0620 UT on 1545.8 May<br />

17th, and 1545.2 kHz at May 18-19.<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 17-19 !! ) "<br />

ANGOLA[?] I'm receiving a very week signal around 0400 on 7217 but<br />

doesn't seem to be Portuguese. (Raul Saavedra-CTR, dxld July 29)<br />

ARGENTINA 6060 R.Nacional, Gen.Pacheco, audible on 22 July 0943-f/out<br />

1025 (!), Spanish, weather forecast, TCs, parliament rpts.; 25432.<br />

6214.1 R.Baluarte, Ptdeg Iguazu, noted on 23 July 2116-2202, Spanish,<br />

religious text, prgr annts, FM fq. 101.7 MHz, mx; 34432 but muffled-like<br />

audio.<br />

(both Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

ASCENSION ISLS 11965 Star Radio at *2100-2116 UT on July 30, sudden<br />

opening with man announcer giving ID and program preview. A woman with the<br />

nx in English followed. During the nx nice ID "You are listing to a<br />

bulletin of nx from Star Radio from Monrovia, Liberia." From 2110 UT a<br />

discussion program about labor law practices. Fair signal.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 31)<br />

BAHRAIN CMF Radio One 9133 kHz bestaetigte mit einem undet. Brief in 87<br />

Tagen. Den Bericht schickte ich an die Adresse:<br />

MARLO, PSC451, Box 330, FPO AE 09834-2800, USA.<br />

Die Antwort kam von Department of the Navy, COMUSNAVCENT, Operations N3,<br />

FPO AE 09501-6008, USA. v/s war K.Auten, Captain US Navy-US. Naval Forces<br />

Central Command-Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations/Plans U.S. FIFTH<br />

Fleet.<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 28)<br />

BELGIUM Irene <strong>Jan</strong>etzky, die erste Stimme des deutschsprachigen<br />

Belgischen Rundfunks, ist im Alter von 91 Jahren in Bruessel gestorben.<br />

Dies meldet Radio Netherlands Media Network am 22. Juli 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Wenige Monate nach dem Ende des zweiten Weltkriegs las sie am 1. Oktober<br />

1945 die ersten deutschsprachigen Nachrichten im belgischen Rundfunk.<br />

Sendungen in Deutsch lagen damals "nicht nahe", so dass Irene <strong>Jan</strong>etzky<br />

viel Ueberzeugungsarbeit bei Premierminister Achille Van Acker leisten<br />

musste. Erst in den siebziger Jahren wurde die Rundfunkversorgung <strong>der</strong><br />

deutschsprachigen Min<strong>der</strong>heit Belgiens ausgebaut.<br />

(RNW MN NL 22.7.20<strong>05</strong>; Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Aug 1)<br />

BOLIVIA PFC with the<br />

explanation in Japanese.<br />

I found their wen page at but now in<br />

construction.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 29)

3310 R. Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, noted on 22 July at 2231-2242, Quechua,<br />

talks, Indian songs; 42341, QRM de UKR uty. stn with some (presumably<br />

coastal) wx rpt.<br />

4716.7 R. Yura, Yura, obs'ed on 25 July at 2215-2223, Quechua prgr,<br />

talks, Indian songs & tumes; 25332.<br />

4901.1 R. San Miguel, Riberalta, logged on 24 July at 2239-2251, Spanish<br />

prgr, talks, Indian songs; 24331 but usually better.<br />

5952.4 R. Pio XII, Siglo XX, noted on 19 July at 2217-2230, Spanish and<br />

Quechua prgr, news, prgr "Manos al Obra"; 44433, adjc. QRM and audio<br />

breakdowns.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

BOTSWANA Freq change for Voice of America in English to Ce&SoAf:<br />

1500-1600 NF 17715 BOT 100 kW / 350 deg, ex 13795 IRA 250 kW / 275 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 29)<br />

BRAZIL 3235 R. Guaruja Paulista, Marilia SP, 20 July 2219-2236, advts,<br />

annts, mx; 25231; 5045 not //; inaudible on 3385 due to QRM, but believe<br />

it's not parallel, as per 24 July obs. below.<br />

3365.1 R. Cultura, Araraquara SP, 24 July 2136-2145, f/ball news, advts,<br />

TCs, match results of the day; 25241.<br />

3385 R. Guaruja Paulista, Marilia SP, 24 July 2146-2156, f/ball match<br />

rpt; 32341; 3235 airing a different prgr. (music).<br />

4753.4 R. Educacao Rural, Campo Grande MS, 25 July 2225-2234, A Voz do<br />

Brasil natl. nx prgr, part 2; 25332.<br />

4765 R. Emissora Rural, Santarem PA, 24 July 2235-2248, f/ball match<br />

rpt., comments; 34332.<br />

4775 R. Congonhas, Congonhas MG, 20 July 21<strong>05</strong>-2114, rosary; 35332.<br />

4815 R. Difusora, Londrina PR, 20 July 2107-2119, preaching; 35332.<br />

4825 R. Educadora, Braganca PA, 20 July 2111-2128, light songs, IDs;<br />

45332; noted on 22 July 2250 rtd. 54433.<br />

4845.2 R. Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus AM, 22 July 2235-2244, A Voz do<br />

Brasil natl. nx prgr; 24331, uty. QRM.<br />

4885 R. Club do Para, Belem PA, 20 July 2120-2129, f/ball news; 45343.<br />

4915 R. CBN Anhangueera, Goiania GO, 20 July 2129-2139, end of prgr "Show<br />

de Espectaculo", rlgs. prgr "Momentos do Tabernaculo da Fe"; 54343, QRM de<br />

GHA (@ 54333 via the CeAfr Bev.)<br />

4924.9 R. Educacao Rural, Tefe AM, 24 July 2244-2256, f/ball news,<br />

interviews; 34332.<br />

4985 R. Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 20 July 2133-2147, advts, ann. for<br />

f/ball prgr "Show de Bola"; 55344; // 11815 rtd. 44444.<br />

5035 R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 20 July 2140-2149, truckdrivers' prgr<br />

"Pe na Estrada"; 35332, weakish audio; // 9630 rtd. 54444 & 6134.9 rtd.<br />

54433.<br />

5955 R. Gazeta, Sao Paulo SP, 19 July 2215-2229, A Vdo; 34342, adjc. QRM<br />

de BOL 5952.44.

5990 R. Senado, Brasilia DF, 19 July 2151-2222, rpt. on a senate<br />

discussion, TCs, A Voz do Brasil 2200; 53442, co-ch QRM de DRM sign. it's<br />

been almost ages since I last managed to get this stn.<br />

6010.2 R. Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, 20 July 2155-2208, news, ID,<br />

TC, A VdoB 2200; 33442, het. with UNID (CLM?) on 6010 kHz.<br />

6040 R. Club Paranaense, Curitiba PR, 20 July 2149-2202, advs., traffic<br />

info, ID, prayer and A VdoB 2200; 34432. Logged on 1370 22 July at 2118<br />

when ann'ed their webpage <br />

6160 R. Voa Vontade, Ptdeg Alegre RS, 19 July 2210-..., A VdoB; 23421,<br />

adjc. QRM de HRV 6165 + CHN 6155 (weaker).<br />

6134.9 R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 20 July 2147-2203, advs., prgr "Pe na<br />

Estrada", A VdoB natl. nx 2200; 54433.<br />

6185 R. Nac. da Amazonia, Brasilia DF, 19 July 2201-2221, A VdoB; 53442,<br />

vy. strg. splatter de ChinaRI 6175 in Portuguese.<br />

9504.8 R. Record, Sao Paulo SP, 26 July 0946-f/out 1115, talks on city<br />

life and its problems, mainly re. unsafety; 15431; also 21 July 2112-<br />

2143, f/ball prgr "Bate Bola", advs; 53443, QRM de R.Farda till 2130, then<br />

55444.<br />

9515 R. Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 21 July 2114-2130, advts, folk songs<br />

in religious prgr; 44433, adjc. QRM de UNID 9520 in Russian.<br />

9530 R. Nova Visao, St¦ M¦ RS, 21 July 2117-2129, end of nx bulletin,<br />

religious prgr 2121; 33442, adjc. QRM de DW 9535 + UNID 9524, then clear<br />

after 2130 when rtd. 35443.<br />

9615 R. Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 21 July 2124-2141, contemporary Braz.<br />

artists; 44443, adjc. QRM de DW 9620 in Arabic; also logged on 1200 on 22<br />

July 2141 rtd. 33432.<br />

9630 R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 23 July 0945-f/out 1230 (!), songs,<br />

newscast, talks, sermon after 1200; 15432.<br />

9645 R. Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 21 July 2131-2144, advs., ID+fqs,<br />

infos, chats; 43442, co-ch QRM de UNID + strong splatter de ChinaRI 9640<br />

in Spanish.<br />

9664.9 R. Marumby, Florianopolis SC, 21 July 2203-2218, A Voz do Brasil,<br />

part 1; 33442, strg. splatter de R.Cancao Nova 9675!<br />

9665 R. Nac. do Brasil, Brasilia DF, 22 July 2032-2<strong>05</strong>5*, prgr to Africa,<br />

Braz. songs; 55444, but bad audio.<br />

9675 R. Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 26 July 0920- f/out 1409<br />

(!!!), rosary, feature on the late pope, fqs+list of the affiliated stns;<br />

25443.<br />

9725 R. Club Paranaense, Curitiba PR, 21 July 2136-2149, f/ball prgr<br />

"Show de Bola"; 44443. (see 6040)<br />

11725 R. Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 23 July 0937-1230 (!!!), advs. for<br />

religious items, songs, etc.; 25443; later blocked by UNID in Russian, so<br />

couldn't observe their fade out time.<br />

11765 R. Tupi, Curitiba PR, 23 July 0934-1325 (!!!), preacher; 25432.<br />

11780 R. Nac. da Amazonia, Brasilia DF, 20 July 1419-1540, talks, annts,

songs; 24431, co-ch & adjc. QRM; rated 25432 on 23 July at 1335 (!).<br />

11815 R. Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 23 July 0940-f/out 1345 (!!!),<br />

songs, stn. sl. "<strong>BC</strong> - A Voz do Interior", TCs, etc.; 23442.<br />

11830 R. CBN Anhangueera, Goiania GO, 21 July 2141-2155, news, prgr<br />

annts, TCs, all in "Jornal da CBN-2¦ [segunda] edicao"; 54444, co-ch QRM<br />

de UNID.<br />

11925 R. Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 21 July 2143-2156, f/ball prgr "Bate<br />

Bola"; 34433, adjc. QRM only.<br />

(all 37 de Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

[see this typical 200 Hertz offset, wb.] 4845.2 Radio Cultura Ondas<br />

Tropicais at 0140-0158* UT on July 31, program of love songs and ballads<br />

hosted by a man with Portuguese talks. ID and sign off annts at 0153 UT<br />

followed by choral National Anthem. Poor to fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 31)<br />

BULGARIA Radio Varna special on Suns 2200-2400 / Mons 0000-0400 UT<br />

tentatively in B-<strong>05</strong> season on<br />

7600 2200-0400 27,28 VRN 100 0 RBU BUL Radio VARNA<br />

(in B-04: 9500 Mons 0000-0400 UT 27,28 VRN 100 0 RBU BUL)<br />

BURKINA FASO 7230 R.Burkina, Ouagadougou, audible on 20 July at 1414-<br />

1540, French, ann. for some children prgr called "Didi Radio", then<br />

feature "Antenne Directe", Vernacular prgr later on; 35443.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

CHAD 6165 RD.Natl. Tchadienne, N'Djamena, audible on 20 July 1616-1809,<br />

Vernacular, talks; 33432, improving QSA despite QRM de HRV.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

CHINA Yunnan Broadcasting Station 6035 kHz at 1000-1103 UT in<br />

Vietnamese: frequent mention of Vietnam; also Vietnamese traditional and<br />

pop mx.<br />

Voice of Pujiang 3280 very poor, and // 4950 almost completely covered by<br />

a tone, at 1156-1236 UT: on suddenly at 1156 with slow instrumental; 1200<br />

Chinese bamboo marimba/xylophone; ".po tiantai." id by woman; almost<br />

entirely talk by men and woman.<br />

Voice of Kuanghua 9745 fair at 0655-0733 UT in Mandarin: 0655 id by a<br />

woman; vocal [woman] and instrumental Republic of China anthem, the same<br />

as used by Radio Taiwan Int'l., San Min Chul [The Rights of the People];<br />

talking and pop mx; several ids ".po tiantai. Kuanghua."<br />

Guangxi Foreign Broadcasting Station 9820 excellent at 1400-1436 UT: 1400<br />

a man gave id in Mandarin ".po tiantai."; then a woman gave Vietnamese id,<br />

"Day la dai.", and the rest was in Vietnamese with many mentions of<br />

Vietnam; 1416 brief bit of Hoedown from Rodeo by Aaron Copeland.<br />

(Wendel Craighead, Bao Loc, Lam Dong-VTN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 29)<br />

11980, China Radio International via Kunming, at 2348-0004 UT on July 30,<br />

long English talks until woman announcer with ID: "English Service of<br />

China Radio International." Program closing annts, mailing address, etc.<br />

with some soft instrumental mx until program in Chinese opened. Poor<br />

signal with deep fades. (Rich D'Angelo-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 31)<br />

CLANDESTINE 4375.91 V.O.Communist Party of Iran on July 25 at *1626-<br />

1634 UT, 32432-31431 Persian, at 1626 UT sign-on with IS, at 1630 UT ID<br />

and opening mx, talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium July 26)

CLANDESTINE [and others; VIETNAM non] Loggings from Bao Loc, Lam Dong,<br />

Vietnam.<br />

[Great report by Wendel Craighead from VTN post, wb.]<br />

I recently returned from several weeks in Bao Loc, Vietnam. Bao Loc is in<br />

the mountains of Lam Dong Province and is 188 km northeast of Ho Chi<br />

Minh/Saigon or 112 km southwest of Dalat.<br />

I used the Yacht Boy 400 with a 15 ft. wire strung across my hotel room.<br />

It was a real pleasure to <strong>DX</strong> where the bands, even the tropical bands,<br />

were almost completely quiet. That was very different from the situation<br />

at my home location. Even though Bao Loc is a large city, there was very<br />

little noise, man-made or atmospheric, and on many days tropical band<br />

stations could be heard throughout much of the day.<br />

I checked recently-reported freqs for Vietnamese regionals but heard<br />

nothing. On all my previous trips I heard a few of these and discovered<br />

they were usually on the air only for short periods of time.<br />

Many of the stations I really wanted to hear were covered by Chinese<br />

stations. Bhutan on 6035 kHz for example. My primary interest in <strong>DX</strong>ing is<br />

clandestine broadcasters, so I concentrated on those, as well as some<br />

Asian and Pacific stations which are difficult or impossible to hear at my<br />

home in the center of North America. I am reporting a number of my<br />

loggings, with varying amounts of detail, and will report a few more in a<br />

day or two. Although some of the loggings are a bit old now, I hope they<br />

might still be of interest to some.<br />

Clandestine: Voice of Jammu Kashmir Freedom 5102 kHz at 1336-1429« poor on<br />

19 June; mostly talk with some Indian-sounding mx; 1429« off suddenly.<br />

Radio Sedayee Kashmir 6100 kHz at 1430-1530 good on 19 June and other<br />

days: 1430 a woman said ".Radio Seday."; Indian pop mx; talking with many<br />

mentions of Pakistan; 1530 off suddenly.<br />

Chan Troi Moi/New Horizon 1503 at 1329-1430 via Taiwan good in Vietnamese<br />

on 29 May and other days. Programming very similar to its SW broadcasts of<br />

2002 and 2003, even to the frequent use of Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik<br />

and Beethoven's Symphony #5; opened and closed with "Day la dai.Chan Troi<br />

Moi. Vietnam." and instrumental anthem [but not Call to the Citizens which<br />

most clandestine-type broadcasters to Vietnam seem to use] at opening;<br />

mostly short talks with Vietnam mentioned many times in each segment and<br />

Chan Troi Moi mentioned several times; 1430 5 short tones followed by a<br />

longer tone on a higher pitch. I hope I can get a QSL for this MW logging.<br />

I have veries from a few hundred clandestine broadcasters, but I think<br />

only 2 of them are for medium wave: Radio Americas on 1165 and Radio Cuba<br />

Libre via WWL, New Orleans, on 870.<br />

Que Huong Radio 15680 at 1200-1258 via Vladivostok good in Vietnamese on<br />

10 June: 1200 chorus and band anthem Call to the Citizens; id by a man<br />

"Day la dai.Vietnam."; mostly talking; 1209 Call to the Citizens again;<br />

1255 different anthem by choir & band.<br />

Degar Voice 7350 kHz good at 1304-1329« UT via Chita in presumed Klei<br />

Degar: 1304 a man was speaking, mentioning Degar [several times]; Hanoi;<br />

etc. 1320 the man said, ".Degar Voice."; then unaccompanied Degar singing<br />

by a man; 1329« tone, then silence [18 June]. In my reception report to<br />

Kok Ksor, President of the Montagnard Foundation, I told about one of my<br />

Vietnamese friends taking me to the home of his friends for dinner with 7<br />

Montagnard farmers and their families. I also mentioned that a Vietnamese<br />

friend gave me another Degar back basket which is similar to the one on<br />

the Degar Voice letterhead and the third one in my collection. I hope<br />

these personal notes help in getting a QSL.

Democratic Voice of Burma 5910 fair at 1429-1530 UT via Almaty: opened<br />

with DVB instrumental theme mx and closed with vocal and band anthem at<br />

1529«. 17625 good via Talata at 1429-1527«.<br />

Voice of Tibet 17520 via Tashkent on 2 June at 1430 UT in Tibetan until<br />

1440« when it moved up to 17525 and switching to Mandarin at 1503:<br />

excellent on both freqs and, surprisingly, no sign of jamming on this day<br />

so I don't know why they changed freqs; 1518 silence. 17525 via Dushanbe<br />

1301 in Tibetan until 1334, then Mandarin; 1349 tx off after Mandarin id.<br />

Good signal but mo<strong>der</strong>ate Chinese traditional instrumental mx jam most<br />

days.<br />

Radio Mustaqbal 15530 at 0630-0659« UT via Dhabbaya, UAE, fair in Somali<br />

on several days: Horn of Africa vocal and instrumental mx; talking with<br />

occasional very brief mxal glissandos up and down; 0656« a man said,<br />

".EDC.USAID." 0657« silence.<br />

Voice of Liberty - Eritrea 15675 at 0600-0700 via Samara fair signal but<br />

splatter from China way up on 15685 kHz on 1 June: 0600 on with<br />

instrumental anthem; talking by a man and Horn of Africa vocal (man) and<br />

instrumentals; presumed Tigrigna until 0630, then Arabic; 0700 tx off.<br />

(Wendel Craighead, Bao Loc, Lam Dong-VTN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 29)<br />

[second part, later]<br />

Hmong Lao Radio 15260 at 0103 to 0158« UTexcellent in Hmong via Taiwan:<br />

0101« tx came on with an excerpt from Vivaldi's Four Seasons [probably not<br />

part of Hmong Lao program] 0103 brief Montagnard instrumental mx and a man<br />

announced freqs; some Asian vocal and instrumental mx but mostly talking<br />

with many mentions of Lao, and also America, Vietnam, Hanoi, Kampuchea,<br />

etc.; 0158« tx went off.<br />

Radio Voice of Iran 11575 at 1530 to 1639 UT fair in Persian and presumed<br />

via Sofia: 1330 UT a man spoke briefly, then a slow anthem by a band;<br />

mostly talking with occasional "Inja saydee . . . Radyo ..." and<br />

mentioning: Iranya; etc.; 1602 a man spoke with callers on the phone.<br />

Radio Nationale Lao 6130 kHz good at 1038-1143 UT on June 12: mix of Lao<br />

traditional and pop mx and men and women speaking in Lao, mentioning Lao<br />

many times. 7145 fair signal at 1323 to 1400« on June 12 and other days,<br />

but almost totally squeezed out by same VOA Special English program on<br />

7140 and 7150: 1323 a man was speaking in French; 1331 A woman said, "...<br />

Our English lang broadcast from 5:30 ... 7145 kHz. ... 97.5 MHz on FM.";<br />

nx in English by a man; a woman interviewed a man about Kenya; 1400« tx<br />

went off.<br />

Germany, I<strong>BC</strong>-Tamil 7315 kHz via Juelich good at 0000-0032 UT: mostly talk<br />

with occasional mentions of I<strong>BC</strong> and I<strong>BC</strong> Tamil.<br />

Myanmar, Defence Forces Broadcasting Unit 5770 kHz at 1330-1400 UT fair on<br />

June 17 and 20 and other days in presumed Bamar: 1330 UT on suddenly with<br />

Asian instrumental mx; mostly Asian mx.<br />

Myanmar, Myanmar Radio 9731 kHz good at <strong>05</strong>30 UT to very poor by 0700 on<br />

June 20: <strong>05</strong>30 Bamar talk, with occasional mention of Myanmar, and pop mx;<br />

<strong>05</strong>44 chorus and band anthem; kids singing; vocal and instrumental Never On<br />

Sunday; 0700 a woman announced freqs and said, "... our txion ... the nx<br />

read by ... first the headlines ..." and read international news, then<br />

Myanmar nx which mostly concerned the opening of a new primary school;<br />

07<strong>05</strong>« the woman said, "This nx comes to you from Myanmar Radio ..." and<br />

spoke about U.S. astronauts, UN Environmental Agency; etc.; 0709 the woman<br />

gave the main points again; 0709« vocal and instrumental mx 0729« Myanmar<br />

instrumental theme mx; 0730« tx went off. 5986 strong but almost covered<br />

by B<strong>BC</strong> on 5990 at 1426-1600 UT on 15 June: 1426 Asian mx and Bamar annmts;<br />

1430« 3 different versions of Singin' In the Rain and other mx, including

luegrass, with annts by a woman; 1559 band anthem, 1600 UT silence.<br />

Korea, DPR: Pyongyang Broadcasting Station 6400 kHz fair at 1412-1517 UT<br />

on June 16 and other days in Korean: mostly chorus and orchestra mx, also<br />

anthems or martial mx; 1500 UT three short tones followed by a longer tone<br />

on a higher pitch.<br />

Palau: T8BZ 15725 kHz excellent at 0856-1010 UT on June 15 and other days:<br />

0856 UT a man sang We Got To All Get Together In Jesus' Name [same song<br />

every day]; 0858 a woman said, "Day la dai ..." and continued in<br />

Vietnamese with occasional hymns [this woman has a very distinctive and<br />

unusual voice]; 0958 a man said, "Welcome to Gospel Radio, 15725 kHz.<br />

Gospel Radio is dedicated to proclaiming The Word to all nations.";<br />

Christian program in English followed.<br />

Indonesia: RRI Jambi 4925 kHz good at 1332 to 1432 UT on June 9 and other<br />

days: mostly INSn pop mx with occasional talking and mentions of INS;<br />

Radio Republik INS ids at 1359 UT and other times.<br />

Taiwan?: Sound of Hope Radio International 7310 UT fair to strong in<br />

Mandarin at 1300 UT on June 11 and several other days but even when strong<br />

it was unreadable due to a CNR jam in the same lang, sometimes with an<br />

echo suggesting 2 different tx sites: 1300 man and woman spoke; then<br />

instrumental mx. Occasionally heard un<strong>der</strong> the jammer.<br />

Taiwan: Truth for the World 7220 kHz fair in Mandarin at 1400 UT on June<br />

11 and several other days, but QRM from VOA on 7215 kHz made it mostly<br />

unreadable. 1400 came on with a man speaking and this continued until 1429<br />

when he always gave what sounded like an address, "... R.A.C.E.I.A ...<br />

Post ... O.N.K. ... Taiwan ..."; 1430 UT silence. Program was the same<br />

every day, just the man talking and giving an address at 1429.<br />

Although the May WRTH Update lists this as a clandestine, Truth for the<br />

World's website calls it a mission work and gives addresses of the 2<br />

churches [in Mexico, Missouri, and Duluth, Georgia, USA]. Of course<br />

churches have been known to produce clandestine-type programs: the anti-<br />

Guatemalan-govt La Voz Popular in the 80s and 90s and more recently the<br />

anti-Vietnamese-govt Chan Troi Moi/New Horizon which I heard in Vietnam on<br />

MW.<br />

Taiwan: Trans World Broadcasting Ministry on 11940 kHz fair in Mandarin at<br />

1300 UT: 5 short tones plus one tone on a higher pitch; slow ballad-like<br />

Christian vocals and men and women spoke; 1356 a man mentioned Trans World<br />

several times; 1357« English hymn "... of the Lord."; 1400 tx off.<br />

Radio Free Asia: I checked all the freqs for all Radio Free Asia<br />

broadcasts to Southeast Asia, checking some of the broadcasts on several<br />

days, and reception was usually good to excellent on most freqs. My<br />

location was of course right in the Vietnam target area and was only about<br />

50 miles from Kampuchea, 200 miles from Laos, and 500 miles from the<br />

nearest point of Myanmar. Reception of broadcasts in Korean was also good<br />

on most freqs.<br />

But it was a totally different story with broadcasts to China. My longest<br />

good logging was about 30 seconds, just long enough for the RFA theme mx<br />

and English ID. Then the jammer came on. And in many cases the jammer was<br />

there long before the RFA programs began. Now almost all jamming consists<br />

of China National Radio broadcasts. In a few instances I heard the Chinese<br />

traditional instrumental mx which was previously used to jam RFA. And in a<br />

few cases both CNR and the mx jammer were in use on the same frequency.<br />

Sometimes CNR was heard with an echo over RFA, as well as other<br />

broadcasters, apparently the result of broadcasting the same program from<br />

two widely separated tx sites. If I un<strong>der</strong>stood Mandarin I probably could

have separated RFA from CNR. The broadcasts in Tibetan and Uyghur were a<br />

little easier to follow since those langs sound very different from the<br />

Mandarin of CNR.<br />

I heard jamming not just against RFA but also covering just about every<br />

Chinese and Tibetan-language sce I checked: Voice of China, Voice of<br />

Tibet, Sound of Hope, VOA, B<strong>BC</strong> via SNG, Deutsche Welle, etc.<br />

To summarize my listening experience in Vietnam, there was both good nx<br />

and bad news. The good news: the bands are full of stations [more than I<br />

can ever hear at my home in Kansas, in spite of my more modest receiver<br />

and antenna in Vietnam]. The bad news: many of these stations are in<br />

China. But then, since China has half the world's population, maybe it's<br />

entitled to half the world's SW txs!<br />

(Wendel Craighead, Bao Loc, Lam Dong-VTN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 29)<br />

COLOMBIA 5910 LV de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, audible on 20 July at<br />

2206-2221 UT, Spanish, advts, songs, TCs and infos; 34432.<br />

6010.1 LV de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 24 July at 0850-f/out 0940 UT,<br />

Spanish, NAm song, preaching; 14442, het. with UNID (MEX?).<br />

6035 LV del Guaviare, San Jose del Guaviare, noted on 20 July at 2212- -<br />

2228, Spanish, songs; 24331.<br />

(all Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

CUBA 5025 R.Rebelde, Bauta, obs'ed on 24 July at 0845-f/out 0935,<br />

songs, TCs; 15421.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

CRI tentatively planned in B-<strong>05</strong> season via La Habana-CUB relay:<br />

13740 1400-1600 6,7SW HAB 100kW 3<strong>05</strong>deg CUB CRI RTC.<br />

All entries decreased from 250 to 100 kW, compared to B-04/A-<strong>05</strong><br />

registrations. So seemingly 250 kW units will work with 100 kW only due of<br />

main power deficiency.<br />

In B-04 ex17730 1400-1600 6,7 HAB 250kW 3<strong>05</strong>deg CUB CRI RTC.<br />

DJIBOUTI Djibouty after 0300 on 4870 kHz is presenting the best signal<br />

on 60 mb at this time. With programs in Arabic and Horn of Africa mx.<br />

Remarkable the fact that this signal seems to be coming directly from<br />

Eastern Africa, and no Western African stations are heard as in the past<br />

around here. (Raul Saavedra-CTR, dxld July 29)<br />

EQUAT GUINEA 50<strong>05</strong> RNGE, Bata, obs'ed on 20 July 1816-1829, nx in<br />

Vernacular; 45343. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

GAMBIA 648 GRTS, Bonto, noted again on 20 July at 2243-... UT, English,<br />

home news, rpts on f/ball matches; 34343, QRM de E+G.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

GEORGIA At 0200 UT s/on on 1350 kHz MW of Apsua Radio and carriers on<br />

9495 and 9535 kHz, both rumbling and both switched on at 0230 UT // 1350<br />

kHz in Abkhazian.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 30)<br />

GERMANY Corrections and changes for A-<strong>05</strong> of DTK T-Systems:<br />

Radio Nuateri or Muateri (not Radio Solmal or Soomal) from July 22:<br />

1330-1400 on 17550 July 100 kW / 130 deg Fri to EaAf in Somali<br />

Bible Voice Broadcasting Network (BVBN) from July 18:<br />

1530-1600 NF 13840 WER 250 kW / 090 deg Mon-Fri to SoEaAs in Hindi,<br />


Brother Stair/The Overcomer Ministries (TOM) from July 22:<br />

1800-2200 on 13810 July 100 kW / 120 deg Daily to ME in English, addit<br />

txion.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 29)<br />

Radio Waaberi is a new target radio program aimed at listeners in Somalia<br />

(in particular, Somaliland), produced by the California-based Waberi<br />

Broadcasting Services. It is aired Fri 1330-1400 via Julich on 17550 kHz.<br />

Website: <br />

e-mail: <br />

Quote from the website: "Waaberi Broadcasting Services (Radio Waaberi) was<br />

incorporated on April 18, 20<strong>05</strong> in the State of California and is currently<br />

seeking 501 (C) (3) Tax exemption code from the Internal Revenue Service.<br />

Waaberi Broadcasting Services is nonprofit, nongovtal international<br />

communication sce broadcasting from overseas in Somali via SW to East<br />

Africa and the Middle East and of course via the internet to the worldwide<br />

diaspora."<br />

NB. This program was earlier reported in the <strong>DX</strong> press as "Radio<br />

Solmal/Soomal" and "Radio Nuateri/Muateri".<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld July 29)<br />

Yes, if you have printed the WRTH A<strong>05</strong> update, please correct the<br />

preliminary entry on page 5 mentioning R Soomaal to Waaberi and time 1600-<br />

1630 to 1330-1400 UT.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, dxld July 29)<br />

GUINEA 7125 R. Guinee (a.k.a. R.Conakry), Conakry, observed on 20 July<br />

at 1412- 1545 UT, Vernacular, Cuban-like Afr songs & pops; 35443.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

[7125 I guess, wb.] RTG is putting Conakry back in the scene after some<br />

weeks missed, as always with good signals but not before 2200 UT,<br />

enhancing towards 2300 when Russia Int. drawn it. We'll have to wait till<br />

Winter when Russia changes its opening one our later.<br />

(Raul Saavedra-CTR, dxld July 29)<br />

HONDURAS 4820 HRVC, La Voz Evangelica, Tegucigalpa has been<br />

reactivated. They re-started their broadcasts on SW on Jul 22 at 2200. I<br />

failed to measure the exact frequency... It seems they are on 4820.<br />

I spoke with one of their engineers who told me that they are currently<br />

using on 2 kW as they are still doing some adjustments, and using a V-type<br />

antenna. They plan on increasing to 5 kW shortly, and they are already<br />

working on a new H-type antenna with more gain which should improve the<br />

efficiency of the tx, thus the range. Their schedule will be daily 2100-<br />

1600 UTC. Programs are 99% in Spanish but there will be a program in<br />

English on Sundays at 10 PM (UTC Mondays at 0400). They might increase<br />

their English schedule, but that depends on the response from the<br />

audience, and still, English programs would be aired at night only.<br />

I heard it here at 0210 already on Jul 23 (Friday night here in Honduras)<br />

with very strong signal, no interference and virtually no fading. The<br />

audio was also excellent. Truly outstanding reception.<br />

They use many canned ID's "HRVC, Cadena Radial" and some long ID's<br />

mentioning the regional stations on mediumwave, for example La Ceiba on<br />

810, Choluteca on 1140, Tegucigalpa on 1370, San Pedro Sula on 1310, etc.<br />

They had promised to respond to all reports from abroad and send out<br />

calendars, pens, key chains, etc. So another one on the tropical bands!<br />

(Escoto, via dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Jul 25)

4819.14, HRVC, La Voz Evangelica, Tegucigalpa, 0450-1215, Jul 22 and 23,<br />

religious programming in Spanish, preaching, songs, both religious and<br />

ballads, many IDs. Varied from poor at tune-in (heavy static) to good<br />

after <strong>05</strong>50. They are still there at 1000 (now weak). URL is<br />

, but most of it is un<strong>der</strong> construction. It's nice<br />

to see one of the old regulars back.<br />

(Berg, D'Angelo, Malm, Howard and Wilkner; via dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Jul 25)<br />

Also heard 0220-0610, Jul 24 and 25, religious talks, clear IDs by man and<br />

woman: "La Voz Evangelica de Honduras, la radio del evangelista". "Nuestra<br />

mision es evangelizar nuestro pais", Christian popmusic, 24333. (Mendez,<br />

Petersen and Vestesen). Recordings at:<br />

(Malm via dxld, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Jul 25)<br />

5010, HRMI, R Misiones Internacionales as reported in <strong>DX</strong>W no.276 was not<br />

heard on this frequency, but on 3340!<br />

(Aguilar Bustamante via Mendez, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Jul 25)<br />

ICELAND 7590 AFN, Grindavik, tried on 26 July at 1357-1409 UT when rtd.<br />

15341; talks, ann. for "Good Recipes for Good Health", ID, nx 1400. //<br />

9980 rtd. 25433.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

9980 10 kW. Wuerde mich ueber eine email-Adresse von AFN via Keflavik<br />

sehr freuen.<br />

(Joe Ley<strong>der</strong>-LUX, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

ergibt z.B. unter Island:<br />

AFRTS, 13855U, n/d verie e-mail w/ site (Grindavik) in 1 day for an e-mail<br />

report to<br />

V/S, Patricia Huizinga, OIC. Also received<br />

a friendly e-mail from the Keflavik Navy Chaplan, Bruce Pierce, who also<br />

operates a ham station there.<br />

(via Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 25)<br />

ICELAND [not GREENLAND !! ] Sorry mixed up this Iceland item of 2004.<br />

(wb)<br />

I heard the UNID AFRTS outlet on new 9980USB today at 1230-1500 UT with "<br />

AFN Sports" by Ken Allen, business news. 1300 ID: "You are listening to<br />

AFN" and news. Strong signal: 35444 heard // weaker Grindavik 7590<br />

(25233). Heard again same day on recheck 1730-1815 with same signal<br />

strength, but a more noisy modulation: 35443. Former Grindavik on 13855USB<br />

was unheard during each period, so 9980 may be a replacement!<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 25, 2004 !! )<br />

INDONESIA 9680 RRI, Cimanggis, observed on 22 July at 0830-f/out 1120<br />

UT, INSn, phone-ins, talks, mx; 35433; co-ch with UNID by 1100 UT.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

[co-ch CBS Taipei-TWN and CHN jammer, wb.].<br />

3945 RRI Denpasar, Bali heard at 1129 UT July 26 with INSn pop song and<br />

gamelan Bali then Hindu relig px by YL about Women in Hindu, 1200 ID then<br />

nx from Jakarta up to 1218 "Padamu Negeri" chorus. (On calling the station<br />

at +62 361 223087 one of staff at studio confirm on repair at their<br />

transmitter site at Latu - about 16 km from Denpasar - 1 or 2 weeks ago).<br />

1300 OM talk about the next local election then mx by request via phone.<br />

1308 tune out then check on 1357 not heard anymore.<br />

(Tony Ashar, Depok-INS, hcdx July 30)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ [KURDISTAN non] Some Kurdish websites in support of the<br />

former PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) - now "Kurdistan Freedom and

Democracy Congress" (KADEK) - include a link to the audio streaming of<br />

"Radyo Roj" (Radio Roj), which has been observed irregulary and drifting<br />

around 6310-6315 kHz since the beginning of 20<strong>05</strong> (nominally on 6310 kHz<br />

acc. to the station's initial annt). Example:<br />

(note - the streaming requires, and<br />

asks for, an installation of the "Flatcast" player). Radio Roj is<br />

described as a 24hrs Kurdish online mx station. The server for the audio<br />

streaming is located in Switzerland.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 31)<br />

ITALY 1116 QSL-Karte - RAI Sizilien. Nachdem meine frueheren Versuche<br />

eine QSL-Karte von RAI Sizilien fuer ein Lokalprogramm zu bekommen nichts<br />

gefruchtet haben, ist <strong>der</strong> letzte Versuch nun gelungen.<br />

Frequenz: 1116 khz.<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong>: Palermo - Monte Pellegrino (det. aufgefuehrt auf <strong>der</strong> Karte)<br />

Laufzeit: 52 Tage. Uebliche RAI Way Karte. Adresse: Viale Strasburgo 19,<br />

90146 Palermo. (Die bisher im EMWG aufgefuehrte<br />

Adresse Via Cerda ist falsch, sollte aber nun korrigiert sein.)<br />

Empfangsort: Sardinien.<br />

Interessanterweise habe ich von Sardinien und Sizilien die<br />

Mittagslokalsendung (Dauer 20 Minuten) beim ersten Versuch bestaetigt<br />

bekommen. Vorher war die Ausbeute mager; besser gesagt null. Dies<br />

allerdings fuer die Fruehsendung, die ja nur knapp 10 Minuten dauert.<br />

Vielleicht beharren sie ja auf eine Mindesthoerzeit von 15 Minuten ...<br />

(Sandro Blatter-SUI, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 30)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. of Change of Satellite Frequency from August 3, 20<strong>05</strong>:<br />

Hello! According to annmts made in the programmes of the Voice of Korea,<br />

Pyongyang, DPR Korea (North Korea), the satellite freq for the<br />

transmissions of the KOREAN CENTRAL TV STATION (KCTV) and VOICE OF KOREA<br />

will be changed effective August 3, 20<strong>05</strong> from:<br />

old: 3424.5 MHz<br />

to<br />

new: 3674.6 MHz<br />

Unfortunately, no further information is given as to whether the satellite<br />

used will be changed etc. The relays were started on April 11, 2003 via<br />

THAICOM 3 at 78.5 degrE. You may find the current data valid until Aug. 3<br />

on<br />

<br />

I would appreciate a wide publicity of this information by stating me as<br />

the source.<br />

Best '73, (OM Arnulf Piontek-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 30)<br />

KUWAIT [History 60 mb.] Could any of you recall WHICH freq was used by<br />

R.Kuwait on occasional basis (maybe one season or so) in the 60mb. It was<br />

10-15 years ago. And the same question about UAE ...<br />

(Vlad Titarev-UKR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 29)<br />

Hi Vlad, acc to WRTH in the past<br />

KUWAIT appeared in<br />

1958 5000 kHz 1 kW daily 1600-1930, Fris <strong>05</strong>00-0700 UT.<br />

1959-1960 4967 kHz 5 kW.<br />

1960 new 10 kW SW tx introduced.<br />

1962 new 50 kW SW tx introduced.<br />

4967 kHz 10/50 kW entry til 1971. Latter disappeared in WRTH 1972.<br />

VoUAE Abu Dhabi: 49<strong>05</strong> kHz appeared in WRTH 1987 (wb, July 29)

Tnx, Wolfie. I remember that 'ancient' 4967 but what I mean something<br />

sporadic in early 90s (or late 80s). I looked through all WRTHs - no such<br />

data, but it may be (appearances were very SHORT term, maybe less than one<br />

SEASON)<br />

Okay. I've found answer about UAE in my .... QSL-boxes:<br />

16-Feb-1986 at 1606 UTC they QSLed my report on 49<strong>05</strong> kHz<br />

I feel KWT appeared few years later (4990 ?... can't recall and can't find<br />

any reference yet). (Vlad Titarev-UKR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 30)<br />

LAOS 6130 R. Nationale Lao, Vientiane. On July 24 at 1143-1200 UT.<br />

SINPO 34333. Female talk in Lao and local songs. Bells rang seven times at<br />

1159 UT, then ID as "Thini sathani ... sat Lao...". News followed.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, July 29)<br />

MALI 4782.5 R. Mali, Kati, on 25 July at 2230-...UT, French, ID+IS 2230<br />

after airing prgr in Vernacular, nx magazine; 53433; // 5995 kHz only,<br />

rtd. 53443, QRM de DRM signal.<br />

11960 R. Mali, Kati, on 20 July at 1422-1610 UT, Vernacular, talks<br />

(seemingly messages), African pops; 34443, adjct QRM only.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

MAURITANIA is missed from 4845 after providing us with the best arriving<br />

at sunset our local time, before 0000 UTC. I guess a Brazilian in that<br />

frecuency, barely audible, is what's left in the background. What could be<br />

that one.<br />

(Raul Saavedra-CTR, dxld July 29)<br />

MONGOLIA 4895 Mongoliin R, Murun, audible on 20 July at 2121-2132 UT,<br />

few talks, orchestral mx, talks (news?) 2130 UT); 45332.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

NEPAL 50<strong>05</strong>.32 R Nepal, Khumaltar on Jul 24 at 2340 UT. Native mx with<br />

flutes and vocals. Male announcer at 2344 UT, but un<strong>der</strong>modulated so too<br />

little audio to make out anything. Weak but in the clear, except for some<br />

occasional CW QRM. Fading out.<br />

(Mark Veldhuis, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Jul 25)<br />

Going strong despite a very bad splatter from AIR 5010 which is a real<br />

menace.<br />

(Victor Goonetilleke-SLK, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Jul 25)<br />

NETH ANTILLES [BONAIRE] 11935, JPN Shortwave Club verified the special<br />

70th anniversary of Radio Japan's "Hello from Tokyo" program that was in<br />

35 days from v/s Toshi Ohtake who thanked me for participating in the<br />

program.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 31)<br />

NEW ZEALAND 11725 R. NZi, Rangitaiki, monitored on 22 July at 2035-<br />

2<strong>05</strong>7* UT, prgr Sports Story, IS prior to fq. shift to 15720; 33442, adjc.<br />

QRM.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

15720 R. NZi, Rangitaiki, on 19 July at 2114-... UT, mx, home newscast,<br />

feature Passport; 35434, best via an on the ground K9AY with 2x25 m per<br />

loop.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

NIGER La Voix du Sahel on July 28 at 0400 UT with good signal on 9704<br />

kHz. Lots of interesting vernacular songs, especially one played with

organ, but no way to un<strong>der</strong>stand anything from the announcers. Must be<br />

Swahili, not French.<br />

(Raul Saavedra-CTR, dxld July 29)<br />

NIGERIA 7275 R. Nigeria, Abuja, logged on 22 July 0941-1346 UT,<br />

Vernacular, tribal songs, talks, etc.; 25432, then rtd. 15331 at 1345 UT.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

Nigera was heard in English, after a long time, last Saturday around 1300<br />

UT on 15120 kHz with a real poor signal. They haven't fixed that muffled<br />

audio in their pre-recorded programs yet. 7255 is their only regular but<br />

poor signal with arabic before sign-off at 2300 UT.<br />

(Raul Saavedra-CTR, dxld July 29)<br />

PAKISTAN Nx in En at 1600-1614 UT reported on 4790, 11570, 15100, 15725<br />

kHz, not on announced 11850 kHz. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 30)<br />

PERU 6020 R. Victoria, Lima, audible on 22 July at 0832-0900 UT (when<br />

blocked by R. Australia), Portuguese, preacher; 25432; // 9720 kHz<br />

observed at 0833- -f/out 0910 UT, rtd. 34443.<br />

6520.3 R. Paucartambo, Paucartambo, logged on 23 July at 2234-2246 UT,<br />

Spanish+Quechua, Indian songs, annts; 34332.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

PHILIPPINES Freq change for Radio Veritas Asia in Bengali:<br />

0030-0<strong>05</strong>7 NF 11730, ex 11770 to avoid CNR-1 in Chinese.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 29)<br />

PORTUGAL Updated summer A-<strong>05</strong> schedule of RDP Internacional Radio<br />

Portugal:<br />


to Europe<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0655 7240 300 kW / 045 deg <strong>05</strong>00-0755 9840 100 kW / <strong>05</strong>2 deg<br />

0645-0800 11850 250 kW / <strong>05</strong>5 deg 0700-0755 9815 300 kW / 045 deg<br />

0800-1200 12020 300 kW / 045 deg 1600-1900 15555 300 kW / 045 deg,<br />

x119<strong>05</strong><br />

1600-1900 13770 100 kW / <strong>05</strong>2 deg 1900-2300# 9820 300 kW / 045 deg<br />

1900-2300#13820 100 kW / <strong>05</strong>2 deg<br />

to Middle East and India 1300-1500 15770 100 kW / 082 deg<br />

to Africa<br />

1000-1200 21830 100 kW / 144 deg 1600-1900 17680 300 kW / 144 deg<br />

1900-2300#11945 300 kW / 144 deg<br />

to North America<br />

1200-2300#15560 100 kW / 294 deg 2300-0200 9715 100 kW / 294 deg<br />

2300-0200 11630 100 kW / 310 deg<br />

to South America North West<br />

1700-2300#15555 100 kW / 261 deg 2300-0200 13700 100 kW / 261 deg<br />

to South America East<br />

2300-0200 13660 100 kW / 215 deg 2300-0200 15295 300 kW / 226 deg<br />

to South America and West Africa<br />

1000-1200 15575 100 kW / 226 deg 1600-1900 21655 100 kW / 226 deg<br />

1600-2000#21655 100 kW / 226 deg 2000-2300#15295 100 kW / 226 deg<br />


to Europe<br />

0700-1355 12020 300 kW / 045 deg 0700-1355 13640 100 kW / <strong>05</strong>2 deg

0830-1000 11995 250 kW / <strong>05</strong>5 deg 1400-1755 15555 100 kW / <strong>05</strong>2 deg<br />

1400-2000 13770 300 kW / 045 deg 1800-2000 15555 100 kW / <strong>05</strong>2 deg,<br />

x11700<br />

1900-2300# 9820 300 kW / 045 deg 1900-2300#13720 100 kW / <strong>05</strong>2 deg<br />

to Africa<br />

0700-0955 15160 100 kW / 144 deg 1000-1655 21830 100 kW / 144 deg<br />

1700-2000 17680 300 kW / 144 deg 1900-2300#11945 300 kW / 144 deg<br />

to North America<br />

1200-2000 15560 100 kW / 294 deg 2000-2300#15560 100 kW / 294 deg<br />

to South America North West<br />

1200-2000 17615 100 kW / 261 deg 1900-2300#15555 100 kW / 261 deg<br />

to South America and West Africa<br />

0700-0955 12000 300 kW / 226 deg 1000-2000 21655 300 kW / 226 deg<br />

2000-2300#15295 100 kW / 226 deg<br />

# for specials txions only<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 29)<br />

For some odd, yet interesting, reasons, it seems both the RDPi and its<br />

antipode stn R NZi have their schedules repeated.<br />

Let me now correct a few details on R. Portugal's (=RDPi) A<strong>05</strong>:<br />

Mon-Fri<br />

Eur 13770 kHz is 1600-1900 300 kW 45deg<br />

15555 kHz (x119<strong>05</strong>) is 1600-1900 100 kW 52deg<br />

(this amendment is dtd. 16 May)<br />

NAm 1200-2300* 15560 kHz 100 kW 300deg, not 294deg<br />

2300-0200 9715 100 300deg, not 294deg<br />

(this took effect on 03 May)<br />

Sat+Sun<br />

Eur 1400-2000 (ex-1400-1800) 15555 kHz 100 52deg<br />

(because 1800-2000 11700 kHz 100 kW 52deg was deleted on 28 May)<br />

NAm 1200-2000 17615 kHz 100 kW is 300deg, not 294deg<br />

2000-2300* 15560 kHz 100 kW is 300deg, not 294deg<br />

*) used for extra or special txssions only - which are NOT necessarily<br />

filled with relays of major (typically) football match relays (parallel to<br />

RDP Antena 1) only: they may apply to other events, even political, e.g.<br />

elections, religious (...), e.g. rpts. on Fatima celebrations.<br />

Those amendments for Europe were partly (or entirely!) due to the removal<br />

of another old 100 kW tx, which leads to a present total of just 4x100 kW<br />

txs + 2 Thales 300 kW txs. The 3rd & 4th Thales 300 kW txs were delivered<br />

months ago, and by this time at least one is already operational or<br />

finishing tests, so the situation by Oct'<strong>05</strong> will hopefully be 1x300 kW AEG<br />

txs, 3x300 kW Thales txs and possibly still 4x100 kW old units.<br />

The 300deg azimuth to NoAm is via their new curtain array (the other is<br />

still via an old rhombic antenna): AHR 4/4/1.0 300deg is the curtain data<br />

supplied by the RDPi freq manager.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 30)<br />

I did not add any notes re. the data you'd like to see publicised simply<br />

because (see my data on p. 323 & 324 of the WRTH 20<strong>05</strong>, for instance) RDP<br />

Africa is a sce. merely available via:<br />

a) VHF-FM 101.5 MHz for the greater Lisbon area

) Satellite *<br />

c) VHF-FM relays in Guine*, Cabo Verde, Sao Tome e Principe, and<br />

Mocambique (for the time being at least - and, apparently, strangely too!<br />

- no similar relays in Angola).<br />

d) internet at <br />

(this automatically switches to where one must choose between<br />

radio & tv)<br />

*) there are a few changes for the WRTH 2006.<br />

See<br />

<br />

and you'll find all details on fqs, exc. ERP for the VHF-FM txs. See<br />

<br />

and you'll get a glance of what their purpose is.<br />

So in practical terms, any prgr from any Portuguese speaking country in<br />

Africa (Angola included) may be listened to simultaneously in Lisbon and<br />

locally in the 4 other countries via the local relays (the cheapest<br />

method), via satellite or even via the internet. This prgr has nothing to<br />

do with the normal RDPi b/casts, which are carried via HF, satellite and<br />

webradio. For certain prgrs, mainly newscasts, RDP Africa relays RDP<br />

Antena 1 (=RDP 1).<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, dxld July 28)<br />

RUSSIA Bible Voice Broadcasting Japanese sce has changed its frequency<br />

and sked as: (Su) 1130-1145 5910 kHz.<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, JPNpremium, July 26)<br />

[Vladivostok 250kW 230deg, tentatively on 5955 in B-<strong>05</strong> season, wb.]<br />

[to VIETNAM non] Degar Voice replied my S-mail reception report (sent to<br />

P.O.Box 17114, Spartanburg, SC 29031, U.S.A.) by E-mail in English after<br />

45 days. E-mail was received from and the sen<strong>der</strong> was<br />

Kok Ksor. He says the broadcast is for the Montagnard people in the<br />

central highlands in Vietnam, who are persecuted by Vietnamese govt. Their<br />

URL is<br />

<br />

(Takahaito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 29)<br />

In B-04: 7125 Degar Voice, via Oyash, Russia;<br />

In A-<strong>05</strong>: 7350 Degar Voice, via Chita, Russia, 250kW 194deg.<br />

Most current schedule (1300-1330 UT via Chita): Tue 7250, Thu 7420, Sat<br />

7350 kHz.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 29)<br />

SAUDI ARABIA Summer A-<strong>05</strong> schedule of B S K S A :<br />

1st Main px in Arabic<br />

0600-0855 on 9675 17730 17740 0900-1155 on 9675 178<strong>05</strong> 217<strong>05</strong><br />

1200-1455 on 9675 215<strong>05</strong> 21640 1700-1755 on 15315 15435<br />

1800-2255 on 9555 9870<br />

Voice of Islam in Arabic 1500-1655 on 15315 15435<br />

Holy Qu'ran in Arabic<br />

0300-<strong>05</strong>55 on 9715 15170 17895 0600-0755 on 9715 15380 17895<br />

0800-0855 on 9715 15380 0900-1155 on 11935 17615 21495<br />

1200-1255 on 15380 17895 21600 1300-1355 on 15380 17895 21460 21600<br />

1400-1455 on 17895 21460 1500-1555 on 13710 21460<br />

1600-1755 on 13710 152<strong>05</strong> 17560 1800-2255 on 11740 11820 11915

2nd px in Arabic<br />

0300-<strong>05</strong>55 on 9580 0600-1655 on 11855 1700-2155 on 9580<br />

External Services<br />

0400-0455 on 17760 in Somali 0400-<strong>05</strong>55 on 15275 in Turkish<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>55 on 17760 in Swahili 0800-0955 on 17785 in French<br />

1000-1155 on 21670 in INSn 1200-1355 on 15345 in Urdu<br />

1400-1555 on 21600 in French 1400-1555 on 11745 in Persian<br />

1400-1555 on 9730 in Turkmen 1600-1655 on 9525 in Pashto<br />

1600-1655 on 15345 in Bengali 1700-1755 on 17775 in Bambara<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 29)<br />

New positions of the spurs in 13 m.b.:<br />

from 1410 UT prgr in Ar on 21460 kHz, another in Ar on 215<strong>05</strong>, 21460 and<br />

21775 On 21600 kHz in French and mixing products were on 21560 and 21680<br />

with both prgrs of 21640 and 21600.<br />

The formula seems to be 21680 - 21640, 21640 - 21600, 21600 - 21560 = 40<br />

kHz difference.<br />

The signal on 21775 kHz is maybe spur: 21640 - 215<strong>05</strong>, 21775 - 21640<br />

= 135 kHz.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 1)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA [to CONGO-KINSHASA] 11690 Radio Okapi via Sentech, on<br />

July 25 at <strong>05</strong>48-0600* UT, in French, several songs in English ("Waiting<br />

for Love" and "Stop the Train I'm Leaving"), several IDs for "Radio<br />

Okapi," calypso type mx, strong signal. Have checked July 26 and 27 at<br />

0400 UT, their scheduled sign-on time, but have not been able to heard<br />

anything, but by <strong>05</strong>30 UT they have a decent signal.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 28)<br />

11890 R. Okapi via Meyerton. On July 22 at 1600 (S/on)-1620 UT. SINPO<br />

34333. Nx sce in French. S/on with African mx and chorus"Okapi, Okapi",<br />

follwed by male talk with correspondent reports.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, July 29)<br />

SRI LANKA More honours to RSSL and Victor Goonetilleke.<br />

At the invitation of the Japanese radio club, Victor is going to Tokyo and<br />

Osaka on August 19-25, together with the RSSL Vice President and Secretary<br />

to be honoured for their humanitarian work as radioamateurs during the<br />

Tsunami catastrophe in December 2004.<br />

Furthermore, at the opening of a German-Dutch Radio Amateur Meeting in the<br />

castle in the German town Bad Bentheim on August 26, the major, Mr Guenter<br />

Alsmeier, is going to award Victor Goonetilleke as President of the RSSL<br />

with the "Golden Antenna 20<strong>05</strong>" for its important part in Emergency Amateur<br />

Radio after the Tsunami.<br />

Our sincere congratulations ! (Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W July 28)<br />

TAJIKISTAN The U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) intends to<br />

negotiate a non-competitive contract with Continental Electronics<br />

Corporation (Continental), 4212 S. Buckner Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75227 for<br />

the fabrication and shipping of a 500 kW SW broadcast tx (Model 420C) and<br />

ancillary equipment for installation at the Tajikistan Govt's AOOT<br />

Teleradiocom SW facility in Yangiul [sic], Tajikistan. Continental shall<br />

also provide site support for installation and commissioning of the tx, as<br />

well as on-site training.<br />

In addition, the BBG intends to negotiate a non-competitive contract with<br />

TCI, a Dielectric Company, 47300 Kato Road, Fremont, CA 94538 for an<br />

Antenna System at the same location in Yangiul, Tajikistan. The statutory<br />

authority permitting other than full and open competition that is<br />

applicable to these procurements is 41 U.S.C. 253(c)(4), FAR 6.302-4<br />

International Agreement. By the terms of an International agreement

etween the BBG and the Tajikistan Govt (via AOOT Teleradiocom) to improve<br />

the signal quality of BBG broadcast txions, the BBG will acquire tx<br />

equipment manufactured by Continental Electronics and antenna equipment<br />

manufactured by TCI.<br />

AOOT Teleradiocom conducted independent market research of manufacturers<br />

in the high power SW market. As a result of their market research,<br />

Teleradiocom selected Continental Electronic (transmitter) and TCI<br />

(antenna) as their supplier for the broadcast system. Delivery: FOB<br />

Destination. Period of Performance: 18 to 24 months after contract award.<br />

This Public Notice of the BBG's intent to non-competitively contract with<br />

Continental Electronics Corporation and TCI, a Dielectric Company is not a<br />

RFP, IFB, or RFQ (Fedbizopps July 29 via Ben Dawson-USA, via dxld July 31)<br />

TANZANIA [Zanzibar and non] 6015 / 11735<br />

Radio Tanzania in Swahili (incl. English nx 1800-1810 UT) again on SW:<br />

1500-2100 on 11735.0* (not on traditional 11734.0)<br />

*co-ch VOTurkey in Arabic till 1555 and UN-Radio in French 1700-1715<br />

Mon-Fri.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 29)<br />

[Rather "Voice of Tanzania Zanzibar", thanks advice by Dave Kenny-UK, wb.]<br />

5<strong>05</strong>0.1 R. Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, audible on 19 July 1858-1921 UT, prgr<br />

in Swahili, talks, TS, ID, more talks (news?); 35342, deteriorating.<br />

11735 Voice of Tanzania Zanzibar, Dole, observed on 19 July at 1814-1920<br />

UT, Swahili, talks; 54444, adjct QRM only. Also on 20 July at 1426-1616<br />

(!) UT, talks, Afr. pops; 44443 and improving despite adjacent QRM. All<br />

this thanks to the CeAfr Beverage.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

5<strong>05</strong>0.1 R. Tanzania, Dar es Salaam. July 22 at 2040-2100(S/off) UT. SINPO<br />

24332. Music program with local pops. Preligious talk(?) in Swahili at<br />

2<strong>05</strong>4 UT. Closing annmt at 2<strong>05</strong>8 UT, followed by National Anthem.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, July 29)<br />

11735 V of Tanzania Zanzibar on July 17 at 1755-1806 UT, 34333-33333<br />

Swahili, talk, ID at 1759 and 1800 UT, 1759 Drums(IS?), 1800 News.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium July 26)<br />

11735, Radio[Voice of] Tanzania Zanzibar, at 2037-2100 UT on July 30,<br />

program of local vocals hosted by a woman announcer with Swahili talks<br />

between selections. Closing ID and annts at 2<strong>05</strong>9 UT by the woman announcer<br />

followed by orchestra national anthem. Fair signal.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 31)<br />

Zanzibar 11735?<br />

Is Zanzibar 11735 still off? Altho propagation is not very good today,<br />

please check between 1600 and 2100 when it should be in the clear.<br />

(Glenn Hauser, dxld July 29)<br />

Glenn, Its back on today - good signal here at 1559 UTC with ID "sauti ya<br />

tanzania zanzibar" and into nx in Swahili. (Dave Kenny-UK, dxld July 29)<br />

On past days and yesterday was off air. BUT Zanzibar heard today again<br />

before 1500 and 1557 UT on equal level with co-channel TRT Ankara in<br />

Arabic.<br />

Now at 1608 UT easily in the clear, typical Swahili lang program and<br />

African drum mx.<br />

On July 28th the co-channel Brazilian station Radio Transmundial progr<br />

heard instead. (wb, July 29)

UGANDA 4976 R. Uganda, Kampala, noted on 20 July at 1812-1826 UT,<br />

Vernancular prgr, presumably with newscast; 35343.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

UNIDENTIFIED UNID 1376.002.<br />

Does anyone else in Europe have a carrier on this fq?<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, mwoffsets July 28)<br />

My rx/pc were tuned to 1377 last night, but I can't see any trace on<br />

1376.002 or near it, in my QTH.<br />

The lowest were: 1376.8 UKR Mykolayiv spur (there are 6! +- 25, 100, 200<br />

Hz), +-100 are strongest among those (*0345-1600* TX 'ON' time, 0400-1600<br />

Prog 'ON') 1376.914 IRN

<br />

<br />

Aug 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

U.A.E. Ending the // txion of BBG's Radio Farda at the Dhabbaya site on<br />

both 1170 and 1575 kHz in the last couple of months, the 800 kW tx on 1170<br />

kHz has been switched to Radio Sawa. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx July 27)<br />

11665 on July 23 at <strong>05</strong>56 UT. Indian songs and annts OM/YL. 0600-0700 UT<br />

QRM RFI. At 0602 UT it started by mistake the chinese mx jammer but it<br />

suddendly disappeared. RAINBOW FM reactivated? Fair/Good (DE1103).<br />

(Lucca Botto-I, hcdx July 29)<br />

Re the "Indian Songs" station heard on 11665 kHz - this is actually Radio<br />

Solh to Afghanistan via a tx in the UAE. Check page 4 of the latest WRTH<br />

Summer update and you'll find that it replaces former 11810 at <strong>05</strong>00-0900<br />

UT.<br />

It's been heard on this new freq for about two months, but usually not<br />

very strongly at my location. RFI is via ASC and in English for the first<br />

half hour.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, hcdx July 30)<br />

U.S.A. Some changes to the WHR times of <strong>DX</strong>ING WITH CUMBRE: The Saturday<br />

0730 airing on both WHRI transmitters, the Saturday 0900 and Sunday <strong>05</strong>00<br />

airings on KWHR and the Friday 2100 airing on WHRA are no longer listed.<br />

As for RADIO WEATHER, some changes there as well. Here's an edited version<br />

of the alleged current schedule of both programs:<br />

UT time / UT! date (sort of) / Program / Freq kHz / WHR Angel #...<br />

0230 Monday Dxing with Cumbre 5850 5<br />

0300 Monday Radio Weather 7465 2<br />

0330 Monday Dxing with Cumbre 7315 1<br />

0330 Monday Radio Weather 17510 3<br />

2130 Monday Radio Weather 15785 2<br />

0230 Saturday Dxing with Cumbre 5850 5<br />

0330 Saturday Dxing with Cumbre 17510 3<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 Saturday Dxing with Cumbre 7315 1<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 Saturday Dxing with Cumbre 7465 2<br />

0700 Saturday Dxing with Cumbre 9510 4<br />

0930 Saturday Radio Weather 9510 4<br />

1030 Saturday Radio Weather 7520 2<br />

1230 Saturday Radio Weather 15310 5<br />

1730 Saturday Radio Weather 15785 2<br />

1930 Saturday Dxing with Cumbre 15285 1<br />

2330 Saturday Radio Weather 15120 2<br />

0030 Sunday Radio Weather 7315 1<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 Sunday Dxing with Cumbre 9510 4<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 Sunday Radio Weather 17510 3<br />

0930 Sunday Radio Weather 7520 2<br />

1230 Sunday Radio Weather 9840 2<br />

1230 Sunday Radio Weather 15310 5<br />

1500 Sunday Dxing with Cumbre 11555 3<br />

1530 Sunday Dxing with Cumbre 15285 1<br />

2000 Sunday Radio Weather 15285 1

2030 Sunday Dxing with Cumbre 15785 2<br />

2230 Sunday Radio Weather 11765 5 (John Norfolk-USA, dxld July 30)<br />

VANUATU Vanuatu is putting in a good signal here in the morning and<br />

early evening local time on 7260 kHz, but the modulation is very variable<br />

and usually low. It is no better when they change to 3945 kHz around 0800<br />

UT, good signal but low modulation!<br />

I am enjoying the ICOM R-75 receiver, it takes a bit of getting used to<br />

after the Yaesu FRG-7! (Barry Hartley-NZL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 29)<br />

Vanuatu gets two new MW and DRM capable txs. The New Zealand Govt has<br />

given funds for two new MW txs, one for Vila area, the other for Santo<br />

area, and both will be installed by September 20<strong>05</strong>. Each will be DRM<br />

capable.<br />

In handing over funding, the NZ High Commissioner [Ambassador] said that<br />

FM and TV might be 'nice to have', but mediumwave 'is an essential part of<br />

a functioning democracy'.<br />

MW broadcasts in many parts of the Pacific are in danger of shut down from<br />

high power costs [usually diesel generators], lack of technical expertise,<br />

weather damage and old equipment.<br />

Currently, Radio Cook Islands 630, S<strong>BC</strong> Samoa 540 and SI<strong>BC</strong> Honiara 1035 are<br />

all running at half or reduced power because of power costs, Nauru 1323 is<br />

off air, KJAL American Samoa 580 is on reduced power after a cyclone, WVUV<br />

American Samoa 648 has been operating only at very low power awaiting an<br />

FCC freq and tower change and part of Papua New Guinea's MW network is<br />

being rebuilt with Japanese aid.<br />

The comments from the New Zealand govt reflect a real concern that<br />

neighbor island broadcasters are un<strong>der</strong> severe pressure to survive.<br />

Both RNZI and Radio Australia now provide much of the technical and<br />

training expertise needed to keep stations on air as far away as the<br />

Marshall Islands and as close as Tonga and Niue. This 'aid' is expected to<br />

expand in the future.<br />

The model emerging is for island stations to get help buying new DRM<br />

capable MW txs so they can relay RNZI DRM [from later this year] and RA<br />

DRM [2006] broadcasts to local repeater FM stations whilst providing a<br />

stable MW signal for continued reception on analog radio sets.<br />

Recommended reading: 'Digital Radio Broadcasting' and 'Radio Happy Isles'<br />

from the Top 40 Radio Book List now available at The Radio Heritage Store<br />

(c) at <br />

Warm regards<br />

David Ricquish, Radio Heritage Foundation, <br />

(hcdx July 31)<br />

VATICAN STATE "Sehr geehrte, liebe Damen und Herren, die uns Reception-<br />

reports schicken! Die fleissigen Leute, die uns immer wie<strong>der</strong> Reception-<br />

reports schicken verdienen ein Lob und einen Dank, <strong>der</strong> soll mit diesem<br />

Brief kommen soll. Diese technischen Empfangsberichte interessieren vor<br />

allem unsere riesige Sendeanlage in Santa Maria di Galeria. Die dortige<br />

Direktion bewun<strong>der</strong>t immer wie<strong>der</strong> das Interesse und den Eifer <strong>der</strong><br />

deutschsprachigen Hoererinnen und Hoerer. Neulich waren die Mitglie<strong>der</strong> <strong>der</strong><br />

deutschsprachigen Redaktion gemeinsam draussen vor <strong>der</strong> Stadt auf <strong>der</strong><br />

Sendeanlage. Viele von ihnen waren noch nie dort. Vor allem die Neulinge<br />

haben voller Bewun<strong>der</strong>ung die Antennenanlagen vor allem die Drehantennen -<br />


Es ist ein wun<strong>der</strong>volles Gelaende, eingezaeunt von einer, hohen und<br />

geradezu schoenen Steinmauer. Es koennte mal jemand ausrechnen, wie lang<br />

die Mauer sein muss, wenn man 440 Hektar einzaeunt. Kein Wun<strong>der</strong> also, dass<br />

Bauloewen Radio Vatikan von dort vertreiben wollen und den Vorwurf<br />

erfinden, <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong> verursache Leukaemie. Was machen die an<strong>der</strong>en Sen<strong>der</strong>?<br />

Das wollen wir hier nicht eroertern.<br />

Wenn Sie die Sendeanlagen einmal kennen lernen wollen, schreiben Sie Herrn<br />

Isermann (Langenhorsterstr. 25b, 42551 Velbert). Er ueberlegt, ob er noch<br />

einmal eine Romfahrt <strong>der</strong> Radio-Vatikan-Hoerer vorbereiten soll. Wir<br />

gruessen ganz herzlich alle, die mit uns durch ihre Receptionreports<br />

geistig verbunden sind.<br />

Danke und viele Gruesse aus Rom, P. Eberhard von Gemmingen SJ, Juli 20<strong>05</strong>."<br />

(via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Aug 1)<br />

VENEZUELA 4939.6 R. Amazonas, Ptdeg Ayacucho, audible on 22 July at<br />

2233-2246 UT, advts, annmts, mx; 25321... I miss those strong Venez.<br />

signals.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 22-26)<br />

VIETNAM [see also great report from VTN un<strong>der</strong> CLANDESTINE... above, wb.]<br />

DRM trial kicks off in Vietnam:<br />

The first trial of DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) over medium freq (MF) in<br />

Vietnam kicked off yesterday in Dong Hoi, the capital city of Quang Binh<br />

province.<br />

Organized and hosted by VOV-Vietnam with the ABU's assistance, the trial<br />

featured a workshop on the first day where new digital radio technology<br />

was presented to technical experts from VOV and the Ministry of Science<br />

and Technology, as well as govt advisors responsible for the country's<br />

digital broadcast development plan.<br />

In opening the workshop, VOV's Director-General Vu Van Hien outlined the<br />

radio broadcaster's commitment to staying abreast of developments in<br />

technology in radio broadcasting.<br />

He added that VOV would use DRM to build on its successes in providing a<br />

wide range of radio programmes to not only the people of Vietnam but to<br />

the rest of the world through SW txions.<br />

Mr Hien expressed his gratitude for the support received from the DRM<br />

consortium and organizations that have actively worked with VOV in<br />

bringing the trial to reality.<br />

The workshop's tutorial presentations were made by VOV's senior staff and<br />

experts from the Harris Corporation and VT Communications who are in Dong<br />

Hoi to assist VOV with the trial.<br />

The trial will continue with a field strength measuring campaign to assess<br />

the digital radio performance throughout the Dong Hoi MF sce area, and to<br />

better un<strong>der</strong>stand the differences in quality of the DRM signal in the<br />

station's distant coverage areas.<br />

(ABU Website, July 29, via Azizul Alam Al-Amin-BGD, hcdx)<br />

ZAMBIA 6165 Radio Zambia, at *0235-0259 UT July 27, thanks to Ron<br />

Howard tip noted with open carrier prior to famous Fish Eagle IS from 0240<br />

UT // 4910 kHz. Opening choral singing slightly ahead of 4910. ID and<br />

opening annts at 0252 UT. Man with brief talk followed by singing.<br />

Generally poor but in the clear until Radio Netherlands opened at 0259 UT<br />

burying Zambia. (Rich D'Angelo-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 31)<br />

International Radio Exhibition Berlin: big meeting of SW listeners.

On Saturday, September 3rd 20<strong>05</strong>, there will be the traditional big SW<br />

listener meeting at the "International Radio Exhibition" in Berlin. It<br />

will begin at 1500 UTC in the "Borussian House of Agriculture",<br />

Flatowallee 23, in Berlin-Charlottenburg (near the S-trainport station<br />

"Olympiastadion").<br />

Mr. Wolfram Hess, a popular German SW hobbyist, also a former mo<strong>der</strong>ator of<br />

a SW magazine in the former radio station "RIAS Berlin", will present his<br />

opening reference, where he will tell us much about new developments on<br />

the SW hobby. Between 1630 and 1730 UTC many people can tell us something<br />

about the different aspects of SW listening (also for example utility<br />

stations).<br />

For further information, please ask Thomas Kubaczewski in Berlin<br />

- he already makes the SW meetings at the Berlin Radio<br />

Exhibitions for many years.<br />

Please forward this info also to other SW lists or forums, so that we'll<br />

really have an international great SW listener meeting.<br />

Most likely we'll see us in Berlin. (Jochen Kopf, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK July 29)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 723 11 Aug 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

<strong>Private</strong> <strong>Verwendung</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Meldun</strong>gen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede<br />

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Extracts of items sourced to E<strong>DX</strong>P may be further reproduced but only by<br />

organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements<br />

with E<strong>DX</strong>P.<br />

!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews. !!!<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio<br />

may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all<br />

stages, from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting<br />

are made available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

credit is given to the contributor and to <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only<br />

with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our<br />

WW<strong>DX</strong>C WWW homepage-German AG<strong>DX</strong> Club-direct address:<br />

<br />

or via Link of Homepage: <br />

Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

ALASKA World Christian Broadcasting, charter member of NASB and owner<br />

and operator of KNLS, Anchor Point, Alaska, has announced expansion of<br />

their KNLS facility. They are also announcing the beginning of<br />

construction of a broadcast center on the island of Madagascar. Charles<br />

Caudill, President, stated that their expansion is an indication of the<br />

company's confidence in the future of SW and that they are looking forward<br />

to DRM usage worldwide.<br />

KNLS has been on the air since July 1983. Situated on a 70-acre property<br />

located just south of the small town of Anchor Point and some 120 air<br />

miles southwest of Anchorage on the Kenai Peninsula, they began<br />

broadcasting daily in the Russian, Mandarin Chinese and English langs.<br />

Since 1983 they have been using a 100 kW Harris tx and a TCI 611 antenna.<br />

On May 1, 20<strong>05</strong> they doubled the broadcast day by adding a 100 kW<br />

Continental 418F tx and another TCI 611 antenna. Director of Engineering,<br />

Kevin Chambers, reports the new facility is working well.<br />

During November 2004 World Christian Broadcasting obtained 85 acres of<br />

land on the island nation of Madagascar. Initial plans were to begin an<br />

Arabic lang sce to add to the present programming in English, Russian and<br />

Chinese from Alaska. But, after propagation studies showed that excellent<br />

signals could be put into Western Europe, southern and western China,<br />

India, INS, South America and of course, Africa, it was decided to expand<br />

the original plan.

Construction will begin this October un<strong>der</strong> the supervision of Chambers.<br />

The facility will be comprised of three 100 kW txs, feeding into four<br />

antennas; two 9-17 MHz 4/4/1, one 7-15 MHz 4/4/1 and one Log Periodic<br />

antenna. The three curtain dipole antennas will be aimed to reach the<br />

areas of the world mentioned above. The Log Periodic antenna will be used<br />

to broadcast directly to the people of Madagascar. In fact, World<br />

Christian Broadcasting has agreed for the govt of Madagascar to use that<br />

antenna to broadcast to the Malagasy people.<br />

At a projected cost of $7,000,000, construction is expected to be<br />

completed early in 2008.<br />

World Christian Broadcasting Operation Center and Studios are located in<br />

Franklin, Tennessee. Using a magazine format of programming content, they<br />

present a variety of programs including: good mx; programs on science,<br />

health, technology; life in America; family life; lang tutorials and more.<br />

The Bible messages vary in length from one to five mins. They are brief<br />

and simple, with the focus on reaching out to unbelievers.<br />

(August NASB Newsletter; direct, and via dxld July 31)<br />

ALBANIA Dear Mrs. Drita,<br />

as promised recently, I checked signals of Radio Tirana's German sce<br />

yesterday Aug 2nd and tonight Aug 3rd. Location of the receiving post is<br />

Stuttgart Southern Germany.<br />

1458 kHz MW Fllake overal rating SINPO 54444, suffering a little sideband<br />

splash of Vatican Radio from 1467 kHz upper channel.<br />

6130 kHz SW Shijak signal SINPO 54444 at 1758 to 1804 UT, then 18<strong>05</strong>-1826<br />

UT 41331 only, depending of QRM interference by RAI Rome co-channel<br />

signal.<br />

17.58 UT TX on. 17.59 - 18.00:58 UT interval signal of Radio Tirana.<br />

18.01 UT Identification: "Hier ist Radio Tirana", schedule announced<br />

Monday-Saturday 18.00-18.30 UT, freqs 1458 and 6130 kHz.<br />

18.<strong>05</strong> UT RAI Rome bird chirping interval signal started on 6130 kHz, heavy<br />

rapid fading signal of mixed Tirana and Rome signals together, on very<br />

same channel.<br />

RAI Rome started Czech lang sce at 18.10 UT, followed by Slovak lang sce<br />

from 18.25 UT onwards.<br />

18.15 UT Albanian song, "Der Sturm durch die Heimat".<br />

18.23 UT farewell annt by female announcer.<br />

18.24:20 UT Radio Tirana's interval signal again.<br />

18.25:57 UT Fllake 1458 kHz tx off air.<br />

Comment: 6130 kHz freq selection:<br />

Radio Tirana should move the Shijak freq 5 kHz down to 6125 kHz to avoid<br />

RAI Rome signal co-channel at 18.00-18.25 UT. At least allow this for the<br />

new A-06 season from March 2006 next year. The only - more or less -<br />

interference free channels at this time segment are 5870, 6125, and 6240<br />

kHz, well advised from German monitoring post.<br />

Other Radio Tirana sces observed on Aug 2nd and 3rd:<br />

18.45 UT English 6115 kHz SINPO 32222 suffered by co-channel Radio<br />

Belarus. My advice: move to either 5895, 6110, 6125, or 6240(best) kHz<br />


7210 kHz SINPO 32222 suffered by co-channel Polish Radio Warsaw. My<br />

advice: move to either 7165, 72<strong>05</strong>(best), 7390, 7420, or 7425 kHz channel.<br />

19.00 - 19.25 UT Italian lang. Nx around 19.15-19.20 UT. 7240 kHz SINPO<br />

43443, slight QRM by RCI Montreal in French lang on 7235 kHz.<br />

19.00 - 19.25 UT French lang. Albanian folks songs around 18.14 to 18.22<br />

UT. 9520 kHz SINPO 32333, slight interference by CRI Beijing external sces<br />

on both flanks, i.e. 9515 kHz in Czech, and 9525 kHz in Russian lang.<br />

7240 kHz at 19.00 UT was the best channel on all Radio Tirana's external<br />

sces on past two days. Very fine audio from the broadcasting house studio.<br />

(wb, Aug 3)<br />

ALGERIA [to WeSAHARA] 7460 Polisario Front, Tindouf Rabuni.<br />

RN de la Republica Arabe Saharaui Democratica again on 7460 (x7466) kHz.<br />

0600-0800 in Arabic<br />

1700-2300 in Arabic, co-ch RFA in Korean 2100-2300.<br />

2300-2400 in Spanish.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 8)<br />

ANGOLA 7216.8 at 0242-0309 UT, Radio Nacional de Angola (tentative)<br />

heard July 7th, mostly with talks in Vernacular, interference from Radio<br />

Liberty on 7220, poor, best in AM Sync LSB.<br />

(Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, hcdx July 7)<br />


Schedule of Star Radio Liberia in English via VT Communications:<br />

0700-0900 9525 ASC 250 kW / 027 deg,<br />

very poor reception in BUL SINPO 23322<br />

2100-2200 11965 ASC 250 kW / 027 deg,<br />

very good reception in BUL SINPO 45554<br />

Tentative schedule for B-<strong>05</strong>:<br />

0700-0900 9525 ASC 250 kW / 027 deg<br />

2100-2200 11995 ASC 250 kW / 027 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> July 15)<br />

According to Chinese <strong>DX</strong>er, Mr. Shifeng Zhang, E-mail addresses of Star<br />

Radio are as follows:<br />

Liberia direct replier Mr. James Morlu.<br />

Hirondelle. replier Mr. Viem Pham.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 9)<br />

BAHRAIN 9745 R Bahrain - daily monitoring of this channel via <strong>DX</strong> Tuner<br />

Sweden from July 15 has turned up no sign of R Bahrain in the 2200-2300 UT<br />

time interval, the time it was heard on July 14 and prior, usually in<br />

between Voice of Han fade out and HCJB Quechua sce fade in. In this<br />

interval the pgming was non-stop Arabic mx which is quite distinguishable<br />

from Han or HCJB pgming. When hrd on July 11th and 14th the signal quality<br />

was not at the nominal 60 kW level.<br />

(Bruce W. Churchill-CA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 3)<br />

CMF Radio One 9133 kHz.<br />

Heute ist auch bei mir die Bestaetigung in Form eine allgemeines Briefes<br />

ohne Details von Coalition Maritime Forces Radio One angekommen. Laufzeit<br />

79 Tage. Der Absen<strong>der</strong> war die gleiche wie Patric Robic in seiner Mail vom<br />

Donnerstag geschrieben hat:<br />

Department of the Navy, COMUSNAVCENT, Operations N3, FPO AE 09501-6008,<br />

USA. v/s K.Auten, Captain US Navy-US. Naval Forces Central Command-Deputy<br />

Chief of Staff for Operations/Plans U.S. FIFTH Fleet.<br />

Ich hatte den Bericht an die folgende Adresse geschickt, RR to:

CMF Radio One, NSA-Marlo, P.O.Box 116, Manama, Bahrain.<br />

Zur Zeit ist auf 9133 lei<strong>der</strong> nichts zu hoeren.<br />

(Dieter Knust-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 2)<br />

BENIN [tent.] Nachdem gestern auf 5025 kHz Australien gut zu hoeren<br />

war, folgt heute anscheinend Afrika auf 5025 kHz. Genauer auf 5025.95<br />

hoere ich seit 2110 UT eine Sendung in Lokalsprache, die Musik wuerde ich<br />

Afrika zuordnen, noch war kein Hinweis auf den Standort zu hoeren, ORTB<br />

Parakou waere mein Tipp, die waren allerdings nach den vielen Infos die<br />

ich im Web gefunden habe, bis jetzt immer genau auf 5025.<br />

Aber wir werden ja noch draufkommen... Thorsten?<br />

(Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 8)<br />

(Zumindest war ?Benin? auf 5025 nahe x.00 gehoert, vor 8 Wochen auf<br />

Mallorca, nicht von Tashkent-UZB zu separieren, etwas Schwebungen zwar zu<br />

verzeichnen, aber eine co-channel Station von gleicher Staerke ist mit dem<br />

eher bescheidenen Sony-SYNC nicht sauber zu messen. 73 wolfgang)<br />

CANADA 6160 CKZN at 0215-0228 UT on August 2, English, Relay of C<strong>BC</strong><br />

Radio 1 prg. "Northern Lights" with classical mx featuring the Oboe. YL<br />

b/w selections and full ID at 0227. Fair/good.<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Aug 7)<br />

CHILE 15485 at 2143 UT, CHL Voz Cristiana, P, U-Musik, mv, Slogans, ID<br />

35433 (evtl. neue QRG, frueher d.h. letzten Monat noch auf 15575 kHz<br />

geloggt).<br />

(Willi Stengel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 3)<br />

Voz Cristiana Santiago wechselte am 22. Juni um 10 kHz hoeher, um RN San<br />

Gabriel in <strong>der</strong> Antarktis nicht mehr zu stoeren. Dies nach mehrmonatigen<br />

Bemuehungen von Glenn Hauser.<br />

Der CVI Frequenzmanager in Florida gab sich ahnungslos, und wusste gar<br />

nicht, wer auf den Frequenzen zugange ist/war ... - wer soll dann noch<br />

jahrzehntelange Frequenznutzer vor den boesen Onkels schuetzen? ...<br />

(wb, Aug 3)<br />

CHINA 4000 Nei Menggu PBS at 1159-12<strong>05</strong> UT on Aug 9. Good with pips, ID<br />

and talks in CH by man and woman. Best on LSB to avoid Kendari on 4000.23<br />

kHz.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 10)<br />

COSTA RICA [TIFC] 5<strong>05</strong>4.59 on Aug. 7 at 0312 UT, audio very weak, unable<br />

to tell anything about it, but something there. Rechecked 0716, still too<br />

weak to make out.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld Aug 7)<br />

5<strong>05</strong>4.6v: I heard the station this morning without ID but it is 100% Faro<br />

del Caribe.<br />

(Bjoern Malm-EQA, dxld Aug 7)<br />

5<strong>05</strong>4.6V Faro del Caribe??<br />

Today 4th August, I received UNID stn on 5<strong>05</strong>4.6V kHz around 1000-1200 UT.<br />

With a misfortune, receiving state was not so good because of some QRM and<br />

very slight modulation. So I was able to check some Spanish words only.<br />

Is it Faro del Caribe? Aren't someone known?<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, hcdx Aug 5) 5 kW station ! (wb.)<br />

Bjoern Malm in Ecuador confirmed it and I come here to reconfirm it: It is<br />

TIFC, Faro del Caribe (Caribbean Lighthouse, as I heard an announcer call<br />

it many years ago) the Costa Rican Oldest Evangelical Station what many<br />

colleagues have been hearing or reporting on 5<strong>05</strong>5v.

I phoned them and talked to txion engineer Salvador Lopez who told me,<br />

they have been testing since last week after a long time off the air. The<br />

occasion to log it seems good for everyone out there as he told me Faro is<br />

running all around the clock these days. But once testings are over the<br />

schedule will be 0000 to 0400 and 1000 to 1600 UT.<br />

They used to come out on the 31 mb [9645v] in the past but no plans for<br />

this in the near future.<br />

TIFC was founded in the late 1930s when San Francisco de Dos Rios, where<br />

studios are located, were the huge coffee plantations of Southern San<br />

Jose. As happened the world over, they have to move their AM txs out from<br />

what after 65 years has become one the most populated outskirts of<br />

Tiquicia's capital city, to their current transmitter field in Santo<br />

Domingo de Heredia.<br />

(Raul Saavedra-CTR, dxld Aug 8)<br />

FRANCE Media Network adds: Acc to the RFI website, the additional<br />

[French lang to WeAF] freqs were actually introduced on 5 August, and are<br />

as follows:<br />

0600-0700 UTC on 13695 kHz<br />

0900-1100 UTC on 15315 kHz<br />

1500-1600 UTC on 156<strong>05</strong> kHz<br />

1900-2100 UTC on 11615 kHz<br />

2100-2200 UTC on 9485 kHz. (RNW MN NL Aug 9 via dxld)<br />

GERMANY DW World <strong>DX</strong> Meeting. If like me, you usually miss DW's<br />

un<strong>der</strong>publicized English <strong>DX</strong> program, because it is only monthly on the last<br />

Sunday, is a sub-program, and of course not broadcast to North America on<br />

SW, note that you can retrieve it for perhaps a week following by going to<br />

audio on demand page<br />

<br />

and clicking on Mailbag and then skipping to 42 mins into the file for ten<br />

mins of the "World <strong>DX</strong> Meeting"; at least that is the case currently with<br />

#182. The Mailbag is tagged as 02.08 but announced in the opening as the<br />

final week in July. Wolfram was doing the carefully scripted show himself,<br />

whilst Uwe was on holiday. Still talking about ham radio in the tsunami<br />

catastrophe; degraded signal on DW's 6140 freq due to a coronal hole.<br />

Concluded with some <strong>DX</strong> nx from our contributor in Bangladesh, "M.D."<br />

actually Md. For Mohammed, I think, Azizul Alam Al-Amin, about RVA in<br />

Urdu, B<strong>BC</strong> Burmese & Nepali, which is not of too much use if you speak<br />

English rather than Urdu, Burmese or Nepali. BTW "76" means 'the Lord<br />

bless you", among his characteristic numerical goodbyes. Says the show is<br />

on all Sunday English broadcasts of DW, with the final airing each month<br />

on UT Monday after 0800, so this time that was actually in August.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Aug 2) [<strong>DX</strong> editor is Wolfram Hess DL1RXA]<br />

6190 Deutschlandfunk [Berlin Britz 17 kW, wb], at 0153-0211 UT on Aug<br />

2nd, German, Very nice mix of classical mx, YL between selections. ID at<br />

0200 then nx until mx resumed at 02<strong>05</strong>. Fair.<br />

(Scott R. Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Aug 7)<br />

RTL starts DRM test txions to the UK on 7145 kHz Radio Television<br />

Luxembourg (RTL) has started test DRM txions towards the UK on 7145 kHz.<br />

The txions will continue through 31 August, 20<strong>05</strong>, from 1000 UT to 1600 UT<br />

and will be broadcast from the Juelich txion site. Reception reports are<br />

welcome at <br />

(DRM Software Forum via RNW MN NL, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Aug 4)

Westdeutscher Rundfunk will produce a special program for the Catholic<br />

event World Youth Day at Cologne from August 15 to August 21. This WDR 5-<br />

Weltjugendtagsradio is to be carried not only on a special FM freq at<br />

Cologne (87.6) but also on mediumwave 720 and 774 kHz. Between 2100 and<br />

0400 Funkhaus Europa will be relayed. See<br />

<br />

where they also mention that WDR 5-Weltjugendtagsradio will originate<br />

"from the latest, fully automated digital studio" of Westdeutscher<br />

Rundfunk, as if this would matter at all and as if automation would be a<br />

positive term for a radio station.<br />

Recently the new govt of Nordrhein-Westfalen made attempts to get the FM<br />

freqs of BFBS, namely the high power outlets Langenberg 96.5 and Bielefeld<br />

103.0. These freqs could be used to establish a second program of Radio<br />

NRW, the de-facto state-wide commercial station in Nordrhein-Westfalen.<br />

The intended deal was to offer BFBS slots on DAB instead, arguing that the<br />

FM allocations would be "absolutely worthless in just five years". Of<br />

course the new Duesseldorf govt did not explain why they are so keen on<br />

soon "absolutely worthless" freqs. Anyway, these attempts failed entirely.<br />

BFBS was not even willing to discuss the matter at all; press reports<br />

quote an assistant of the BFBS Germany program director at Herford with<br />

the statement "we're not closing". (Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 3)<br />

RTL starts DRM test txions to the UK on 7145 kHz.<br />

Surely no one can dispute this is 'Ham' country, or do large broadcasting<br />

companies ignore such conventions, whilst from experience Amateurs work is<br />

mainly up to 7140 on 40 metres the usual DRM buzz is, if it covers the<br />

range as RTL expects, going to mess things up with SSB, even at 'low<br />

power' somewhat. Hasn't the time come for Broadcast authorities - if they<br />

take DRM at all seriously - to at least restrict testing to a certain<br />

band. That way, at least until DRM is proved practical (including<br />

availability of receivers as low priced as present AM radios) - and its<br />

nowhere near that stage if it ever will be - AM, SSB other modes and DRM<br />

can live side by side, as AM, FM and DAB do without conflict.<br />

(Rog Parsons-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Aug 3)<br />

I am not sure what you mean by "Ham country" or that amateurs work is<br />

mainly up to 7140?<br />

The allocated amateur radio band in Region 2 (the Americas) is 7000-7300.<br />

In the other regions it is 7000-7100. However as ARRLweb reports:<br />

Effective <strong>Jan</strong>uary 20<strong>05</strong>, WRC-03 allocated the band 7100-7200 kHz to the<br />

Amateur Service in Regions 1 and 3 on a co-primary basis with<br />

broadcasting. After March 29, 2009, 7100-7200 kHz will be allocated to the<br />

Amateur Service on an exclusive basis throughout the world, except in some<br />

Region 1 and Region 3 countries.<br />

"As such, Amateur Service use of this 100 kilohertz will be on a de facto<br />

secondary basis in Regions 1 and 3 until the broadcasting sce vacates the<br />

band 7100-7200 kHz at the conclusion of Schedule B in 2009," the FCC<br />

noted. "This means that amateur stations in Regions 1 and 3 will shortly<br />

be permitted to transmit in the band 7100-7200 kHz, if they can find a<br />

freq that is not being used by an international broadcast station."<br />

There is a move by the radio amateurs to get a worldwide allocation of<br />

7000-7300 but there are doubts whether this will be achieved, see<br />

<br />

Not all administrations have amended the licence conditions to allow

amateur radio operation on 7100-7200, the UK was one of the first. But<br />

international radio stations have a perfect right to use 7100-7200. If you<br />

check the HFCC listings you will see that in most cases if a DRM test is<br />

on say 5995 there are no AM other txions to the region it is beaming to on<br />

5990, 5995 or 6000, if there are that administration should put in a<br />

complaint.<br />

It certainly would be better public relations if RTL DRM could find a freq<br />

outside of the 7100-7200 range as radio amateurs are likely to be early<br />

adopters of the technology though it must be said if you tune 7100-7200<br />

between 1000 to 1600 it is fairly empty.<br />

It would also be better if DRM tests could take place in sub sections of<br />

the broadcast bands. The problem with that is that it would take<br />

international agreement, not all international broadcasters are thinking<br />

of DRM and they would not wish to move from their traditional freqs where<br />

they have been for years and where they are known to be by their<br />

listeners. (Mike Barraclough-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Aug 4)<br />

Some DTK T-Systems changes:<br />

Bible Voice Broadcasting Network (BVBN):<br />

0630-0815 5945 JUL 100 kW / 290 deg Sat to WeEu English, ex 0700-0815<br />

0630-0830 5945 JUL 100 kW / 290 deg Sun to WeEu English, ex 0700-0845<br />

1800-1830 11965 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg Wed to ME Persian, addit. from Aug.3<br />

1800-1830 11965 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg Thu to ME Persian, addit. from Aug.4<br />

Hamburger Local Radio:<br />

0900-1000 6045 JUL 100 kW / non-dir Sat to CeEu German, deleted from Aug.6<br />

<strong>BC</strong>E Radio Luxembourg (August 1-31):<br />

1000-1600 7145 JUL 040 kW / 290 deg Daily to Eu German DRM, ex0600-1800<br />

Brother Stair/The Overcomer Ministries (TOM):<br />

1400-1600 6110 JUL 100 kW / 290 deg Daily to Eu English, deleted from<br />

Aug 1<br />

Pan American Broadcasting (PAB):<br />

1400-1430 15650 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg Sat to ME Persian, deleted from Aug.6<br />

1430-1500 15650 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg Sat to ME English, x1430-1600<br />

1600-1630 13820 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg Sat to ME English, addit. from Aug.6<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 4)<br />

Some DTK T-Systems changes:<br />

Bible Voice Broadcasting Network (BVBN):<br />

0845-1015 NF 17595 WER 125 kW / 135 deg Fri to ME in Arabic, x17565 kHz.<br />

Pan American Broadcasting (PAB) from Aug.6:<br />

1600-1630 on 13820 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg Sat to ME in Persian, ex in<br />

English.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 8)<br />

DTK Frequ schedule.<br />

Lieber Herr Brodowsky, lieber Herr Weyl,<br />

seit ca. dem 3. August ist RDP-Radio Portugal auf 13590 kHz zwischen 1600<br />

und 1855 UT und <strong>der</strong> Empfang des BVB ist fast unmoeglich - beobachtet vom<br />

3. bis zum 5. August.<br />

Vielen Dank fuer den T-Systems Freq Plan!<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 6)<br />

Bible Voice Broadcasting Network (BVBN):<br />

1540-1615 13590 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Mon-Fri to ME English<br />

1630-1700 13590 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Tue to ME English<br />

1700-1715 13590 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Tue to ME Russian<br />

1615-1630 13590 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Tue/Thu to ME Hebrew

1700-1800 13590 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Wed/Fri to ME English<br />

1630-1645 13590 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Thu to ME English<br />

1545-1830 13590 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Sat to ME English<br />

1545-1800 13590 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Sun to ME English<br />

RDP Lisbon registered 13770 kHz once, but now on 13590 kHz instead,<br />

seemingly to avoid co-channel AIR Bangalore powerhouse:<br />

Mon-Fri 1600-1900 13770 100 kW / <strong>05</strong>2 deg<br />

Sat/Sun 1400-2000 13770 300 kW / 045 deg (wb)<br />

On the occasion of the RC World Youth Convention, the regional public<br />

broadcaster WDR Cologne will broadcast a special "Weltjugendtags-Radio".<br />

The programme will be heard from 15 August 0700 UT until 21 August 1800 UT<br />

on the following freqs: locally Cologne FM 87,6 MHz, all over Northrhine-<br />

Westphalia with an additional coverage of neighbouring states and<br />

countries on the mediumwave freqs Langenberg 720 kHz and Bonn 774 kHz. The<br />

special programme is carried 0700-2100 UT while the rest is a relay from<br />

WDR 5 and WDR Funkhaus Europa.<br />

International QSL-hunters might appreciate the fact, that the special<br />

programme will include sce different langs, including English at the half<br />

hour (:30).<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 4)<br />

The radio museum at Koenigs Wusterhausen was open to the public for the<br />

last time so far on Sunday, when the lease of the building expired. They<br />

were supposed to hand over the building today (Aug 3). It remains to be<br />

seen what will happen now. Word on Sunday was that the former Koepenick<br />

693 kHz tx<br />

<br />

could be soon transferred to elsewhere. The Deutz diesel<br />

<br />

is subject of a preservation or<strong>der</strong> and to remain where it is. It is to<br />

expect that the last remaining mast at Koenigs Wusterhausen<br />

<br />

will be demolished next year, since its continued preservation would cost<br />

250,000 Euro then. (Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 3)<br />

DARC Deutschland-Rundspruch 30/20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Museum in Koenigs Wusterhausen bis auf Weiteres geschlossen - Das Sen<strong>der</strong>-<br />

und Funktechnikmuseum Koenigs Wusterhausen bleibt ab 8. August bis auf<br />

Weiteres geschlossen. Alle Bemuehungen, mit <strong>der</strong> Eigentuemerin, <strong>der</strong> Firma<br />

Telekom, Gespraeche ueber eine weitere Nutzung zu fuehren, hatten keinen<br />

Erfolg. Der Foer<strong>der</strong>verein "Sen<strong>der</strong> Koenigs Wusterhausen" e.V. versucht auch<br />

weiterhin, die dauerhafte Schliessung <strong>der</strong> einmaligen, historischen<br />

Kulturstaette auf dem Funkerberg in Koenigs Wusterhausen zu verhin<strong>der</strong>n.<br />

Mehr unter (DARC Rundspruch, Aug 3)<br />

Wie die lokale Tagespresse berichtet, bleibt ab heute, Montag den<br />

08.08.20<strong>05</strong>, das "Sen<strong>der</strong>- und Funktechnikmuseum Koenigs Wusterhausen" bis<br />

auf Weiteres geschlossen. Alle Bemuehungen, mit <strong>der</strong> Eigentuemerin Telekom<br />

Gespraeche ueber eine weitere Nutzung zu fuehren, hatten keinen Erfolg.<br />

Der Foer<strong>der</strong>verein "Sen<strong>der</strong> Koenigs Wusterhausen" e.V. versucht auch<br />

weiterhin, die dauerhafte Schliessung <strong>der</strong> einmaligen, historischen<br />

Kulturstaette auf dem Funkerberg in Koenigs Wusterhausen zu verhin<strong>der</strong>n. In<br />

dem Zusammenhang sei erwaehnt, dass auch die "Stiftung Funkerberg" wohl<br />

pleite ist.<br />

Dem geplante Lokalsen<strong>der</strong> "Radio Koenigs-Wusterhausen", an dem die Stiftung<br />

massgeblich beteiligt ist, ging kurz vor dem offiziellen Sendestart das<br />

Geld aus. Nun werden die Frequenzen wohl neu ausgeschrieben.<br />

Infos zum Funkerberg www.funkerberg.de

Infos zu Radio Koenigs-Wusterhausen: <br />

(Daniel Moeller-D DL3RTL, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 8)<br />

GUINEA 7125 RTV Guineenne noted on July 29, 30 and 31 at excellent<br />

lvls, peaking at S4+ around 0700 UT. On July 30 tuned from 0628 UT w/<br />

gradually improving signal. Sigs began to fade around 0730 UT on all three<br />

days. Vy interesting Guinean vocal/inst mx selections and anncrs in FF and<br />

Vernaculars. Other than occasional mentions of Guinea, no real ID's hrd.<br />

On 8/1, the signal was virtually non-existent at 06<strong>05</strong> UT tune.<br />

(Bruce W. Churchill-CA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 3)<br />

HAWAII 11555 R. Free Vietnam via KWHR at 1249-1258 UT on Aug 2. Presumed<br />

with YL talk in VT; then a few bars of a song sung to the tune of Cher's<br />

"Bang Bang"; closing comments, then KWHR ID at 1258 UT. Good signal.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 3)<br />

HFCC B<strong>05</strong> HFCC VALENCIA conference, August 22-26, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Glenn: I know you had a short item about the upcoming HFCC Conference on<br />

your issue <strong>DX</strong>LD 5-093, but there is more detail here:<br />

(John Babbis-USA, dxld Aug 8)<br />

INDONESIA 4604.96 RRI Serui at 1225-1302 UT on Aug 3. Indo and "island"<br />

mx, some of it reminiscent of what Radio Tahiti used to play. No annmts<br />

until 1258 UT when a M ancr spoke, including possible ID; SCI at 1259 UT<br />

was followed by Jak pgm at 1300 UT. Good signal but beginning to lose<br />

steam.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 3)<br />

3950.3v unID RRI at 1208-1235+ on Aug 9. RRI outlet here // 3976.06 kHz et<br />

al. Drifting up and down between approx. 3950.1 and 3950.7 kHz. Also<br />

presumed same stn next morning (Aug 10) w/weak signal at 1315 on 3947 kHz<br />

still drifting. Palu wan<strong>der</strong>ing?<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 10)<br />

3325 RRI Palangkaraya on Jul 27 at 1511-1521* UT. 44333-44444 INSn,<br />

Jakarta nx relay, ID at 1519 UT, Love Ambon and closing announce, 1521 UT<br />

sign off.<br />

4604.97 RRI Serui on Jul 27 at 1255-13<strong>05</strong> UT. 44343 INSn, talk, ID at 1259<br />

UT. 1300 UT Jakarta nx realy. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 5)<br />

9680.0, RRI (P), on Aug 6 at 1007-1035 UT, two young men with program of<br />

pop Indo songs, many mentions of Jakarta, fair-good. 9524.9 kHz still<br />

silent.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 7) via PAC path in darkness. wb.<br />

The past few days I have found VOI missing from 9525, both before 1400<br />

when there used to be INSn fairly well heard here, and afterwards with the<br />

useless and wasteful open carrier. August 2 I did not tune in before 1400,<br />

but then could not find any carrier on 9525. So I checked the other freqs:<br />

11785 too battered by QRM to tell; but 15150 had a carrier, no modulation<br />

audible at 1414, but with BFO on, it seemed a smidgen on the low side, and<br />

slightly unstable, wavering pitch. At 1441 recheck there was a het of some<br />

200 Hz, indicating VOI was now clashing with some other weak signal<br />

actually on 15150.0 such as Iran, scheduled there per HFCC at <strong>05</strong>30-1630<br />

UT. Then at 1606 recheck I still heard the het, but now bits of Arabic,<br />

which could be VOI as scheduled.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Aug 2)<br />

KENYA During my annual exercise to update the WRTH entry for Kenya (to<br />

assist Mauno Ritola, who does such a good job on the African entries) I<br />

confirmed that K<strong>BC</strong> has dropped its morning (0300-0700 UT) transmission on<br />

4915 kHz (the only SW freq still active from Kenya) and is now on air on

that channel only at 0900-1900 (Monday-Friday only). Total output on 4915<br />

is unchanged at 10 hours a day, but this dropping of the morning period<br />

significantly cuts the opportunity for it to be heard in Europe.<br />

(Chris Greenway-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Aug 6)<br />

LATVIA The Latvian relay facilities on SW and MW that are provided by<br />

KREBS TV (9290, 1350, and Radio Nord on 945) are enjoying great popularity<br />

among smaller and larger program producers. When renting airtime on these<br />

facilities, some of these producers sometimes claim that the facilities<br />

are "theirs". However, there is only one license owner for these txions:<br />

KREBS TV. All others are clients of KREBS TV, with no exception.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Aug 2)<br />

MADAGASCAR [to SUDAN] 12060, on Aug 6 at 0430 UT: They [R. Nile] had<br />

just begun their txion, but what I'm hearing is Arabic (?) on 12060 kHz,<br />

not English, as Liz Cameron reported from Aug 2. Besides there is this<br />

waterfall jamming on that frequency. SINPO 32232, good signal after all,<br />

consi<strong>der</strong>ing it is Madagascar.<br />

(Raul Saavedra-CTR, dxld Aug 6)<br />

MALAYSIA 5964.92 RTVM at 1224-1240 on Aug 4. Song by Chicago, then a few<br />

Indian-flavored pop songs; M ancr spoke briefy in BM at 1234. Fair signal.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 4)<br />

MAURITANIA 4845 R Mauritania uses to be audible now at 1900 UTC on<br />

4845, as it was here two days ago, but today after the military coup<br />

d'etat in that country, the freq is silent. Maybe the Off-period in July<br />

has some relation to this ??.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 2)<br />

Now at 1940 UT Koran recitation audible.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 3)<br />

Checking 3 Aug at 1955 Mauritania on 4845 with continuous Quran-like<br />

chanting, passing TOH 2000 without interruption. Around 2007 Arabic ID and<br />

talks about democracy in Mauritania.<br />

Around 2012 back to chanting and after a moment talks about democracy in<br />

local lang.<br />

I un<strong>der</strong>stand the coup was on 3 Aug but the station appeared on 4845 a few<br />

days ago after (some weeks?) of silence. (Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld Aug 3)<br />

Yes, it came on at 1930 UT and was heard till past 2030 with SINPO 45444.<br />

At 2007a talk in Arabic which often mentioned a Mohammed. At 2014 UT annt<br />

in a local African lang followed by a talk in French about "demokratie",<br />

2027 UT muslim chanting.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 4)<br />

4845 on Aug 3rd, at 2115 UT, just as usual ("kor'an singing") and QSA 4.<br />

Did not care about the coup d'etat which was said to be in progress.<br />

(<strong>Jan</strong> Edh-SWE, SW Bulletin Aug 7, translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for<br />

dxld)<br />

MEXICO 6044.93 R. Universidad at 1256-1307 UT on Aug 4. Semi-classical<br />

mx with a flute solo; ads or anmts from 1258-1301 UT, with possibly an ID<br />

couched in there somewhere; a piano concerto followed. Signal was almost<br />

fair today but still tough copy.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 4)<br />


Dear OM, Follow up on the take over of NOZEMA (Netherlands)<br />

The court of justice in The Hague ruled that the proposed take over by KPN

is "off the air". The govt was planning to sell NOZEMA to KPN but was<br />

taken to court by other parties.<br />

BROADCAST Partners (Radio 538, BNR, Radio Noordzee) convinced the judges<br />

that they had no fair chance to make a bid.<br />

In the meantime the NMA ( the dutch trade/competition authority) gave a<br />

negative advise on the matter of a take over by KPN.<br />

A new public auction is now proposed. KPN is among the interested parties.<br />

Greetings, Gerard A. Koopal LL.M<br />

ALJURE _ Legal<br />

The Netherlands (via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 2)<br />

POLAND QSL Twoje Radio 6 Plus Radzyn Podlaski 1395 kHz bestaetigte<br />

innerhalb von 171 Tagen mit einem det. Brief.<br />

QTH: ul. <strong>Jan</strong>a Pawla II 2, 21-300 Radzyn Podlaski, Polen.<br />

e-mail: <br />

Laut dem Brief sendet man Lokalprogramme seit 1. Juni 20<strong>05</strong> von 8-9 Uhr und<br />

von 1700-1900 Uhr LT. Fuer die Sendungen im Februar (waren wohl<br />

Testsendungen, wenn sich beim Sendestart kein Druckfeher eingeschlichen<br />

hat) erhielt die Station Empfangsberichte aus FNL, AUT, I, HOL.<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 4)<br />

RUSSIA 13855 Voice of RUSSIA spurious signals.<br />

Russian sce to NE/ME produces two accompanied spurious signals 38.88 kHz<br />

away each on<br />

13816.12 and 13893.88 kHz. Moscow site 250 kW 190 deg.<br />

Date August 2, 20<strong>05</strong> Time 1400-1800 UT<br />

Heard on three rx like Kenwood-1000, AOR 7030, SONY ICF2010. (wb, Aug 2)<br />

Hello dear Wolfgang,<br />

thanks for your monitoring of the Voice of Russia txions. The signals you<br />

have mentioned are from another tx site near Moscow, their txs are also<br />

used for Voice of Russia SW broadcasting. They will be acquainted with<br />

your information.<br />

Best regards, (Radiocentre-3 Moscow-RUS, Aug 2)<br />

9996 RWM, at 0417 on July 24, another offshoot to regular SW <strong>DX</strong>ing. Noted<br />

an unmodulated signal on 9996 kHz, so I offset to 9996.2 to hear<br />

in LSB (or use CW) . Double pips from the 9th to the 14th second, data<br />

transfer started at 0420 until 0424:55, and then again from 0425:00 to<br />

0429:55. A steady carrier tone from 0430 until 0437:55, and then "RWM"<br />

repeated over and over again in Morse from 0438 until 0440, then back into<br />

regular unmodulated time pips. CW mode works well to listen to them.<br />

Excellent level. Xmtr is, I think, in Moscow. I won<strong>der</strong> how to demodulate<br />

the data stream; didn't sound like any mode I've hrd before. Any ideas?<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 31)<br />

This may give an idea of the txion modes:<br />

<br />

m s m s<br />

00:00 - 07:55 MON signals (no modulation)<br />

08:00 - 09:00 tx is signed off<br />

09:00 - 10:00 station's identefication is sent by Morse Code<br />

10:00 - 19:55 A1X signals and identefication of DUT1+dUT1<br />

20:00 - 29:55 <strong>DX</strong>XXW signals<br />

30:00 - 37:55 N0N signals (no modulation)<br />

38:00 - 39:00 tx is signed off

39:00 - 40:00 station's identefication is sent by Morse Code<br />

40:00 - 49:55 A1X signals and identefication of DUT1+dUT1<br />

50:00 - 59:55 <strong>DX</strong>XXW signals<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 1)<br />

Tensae Ethiopia Voice of Unity in Amharic now on air:<br />

1500-1600 Daily (ex Sun-Fri) on 15660 SAM 250 kW / 199 deg to EaAF.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 8)<br />

SAUDI ARABIA [and non] August 2 at 1610 UT, 152<strong>05</strong> noted with two signals<br />

at about equal level, Holy Qur'an by a tenor (surely not a soprano), and<br />

uncertain lang, confirmed to be VOA when a brief English ID was inserted<br />

at 1629 UT. This is when VOA is scheduled to switch from Oromo to Tigre,<br />

via Morocco, 250 kW, 108 degrees, per HFCC and the other is Riyadh, 500<br />

kW, 320 degrees. If the collision is so bad over here, what can it be like<br />

in Africa and Europe?<br />

FWIW, 152<strong>05</strong> kHz is a traditional VOA freq going back sesquidecades, now<br />

also used by DW later in the UT day. If we're such great friends with<br />

royal Sa'udi Arabia, why can't we get our SW freqs cooerdinated with them?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Aug 2)<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> schedule of B S K S A:<br />

1st Main px in Arabic<br />

0600-0855 on 9675 17730 17740<br />

0900-1155 on 9675 178<strong>05</strong> 217<strong>05</strong><br />

1200-1455 on 9675 215<strong>05</strong> 21640<br />

Since reading this new sched I have been trying to clarify the listing of<br />

9675. This freq was without doubt carrying the 2nd Programme and heard in<br />

// with v11855. However, due to adverse propagation, I am having<br />

difficulty hearing either freq regularly of clearly, and the Brazilian<br />

station is causing problems on 9675.<br />

But today Aug 5th I could hear three distinct versions of the Koran - one<br />

on 17730 // 17740 (the Main Arabic pgm), another on 15380 // 17895 The<br />

Holy Qu'ran (9715 has WYFR) and a third on 9675 (11855 was inaudible).<br />

This suggests to me that 9675 is still carrying the 2nd Pgm as previously.<br />

And 9675 was known to go off air c0900 and despite many attempts, has<br />

never been heard after that time.<br />

Can anyone closer to the target area clarify this?<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, dxld Aug 5)<br />

Re your inquiry concerning 9675 kHz , I gott tell you that even here in my<br />

QTH - Cairo, Egypt - it's not audiable at all.<br />

Furthermore the reception of the 2nd program is always very weak around<br />

here . pecially around that time: 2nd px in Arabic 0600-1655 on 11855 kHz.<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY, dxld Aug 7)<br />

Hello Tarek, Thanks for your message re ARS 9675.<br />

This one is registered with the HFCC as<br />

9675 0300-0900 and 0900-1600 39S RIY 500 0<br />

and I think the 0 (zero) means omnidirectional which might be why it isn't<br />

audible in Cairo. But, it was audible here today [Aug 7] at much better<br />

strength although still with co-channel from Brazil at 0643 UT. It was<br />

definitely not carrying the Main Programme as heard on 17730 & 17740, nor<br />

the Qur'an Programme on 15380. So I still think it broadcasts the 2nd<br />

Programme as previously.<br />

The other 2nd Programme outlet on 11855 - registered

11855 0600-1700 38E,39,48NW JED 50 0<br />

was not audible for any comparison. The last time I heard it, modulation<br />

level was low and freq was slightly on the low side of nominal.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, dxld Aug 8)<br />

SOLOMON ISLS SI<strong>BC</strong> at 5019.88 on Aug 4. Honiara presumed with a B<strong>BC</strong><br />

program on sports technology; report on a high-energy juice product. Fair<br />

signal.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 4)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA [to CONGO-KINSHASA] 11690/11890 Radio Okapi via Sentech.<br />

Heard weak to fair here on 11890 kHz from 1625 UT tune in July 23rd, clear<br />

channel but best in LSB. Mainly talk, identification as Radio Okapi by<br />

woman 1630 and quite a few identifications heard between 1630 and 1635 UT.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C Contact Aug)<br />

New evening txion for Radio Okapi in French:<br />

morning 0400-0600 11690 MEY 500 kW / 342 deg. For B-<strong>05</strong> on 11670<br />

evening 1600-1700 11890 MEY 250 kW / 330 deg. For B-<strong>05</strong> on 11890<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 4)<br />

SRI LANKA Have anybody noticed this: Sri Lanka <strong>BC</strong> has moved to 15747 kHz<br />

for his English sce from 0030 to 0430 UT ( // 9770) since last Aug. 1st.<br />

They have a nice selection of oldies, mainly from the 50s, wich I enjoyed<br />

around 0100 Aug. 2nd with good signal till fading near 0400. The opening<br />

on 9770 lasts till 0300 UT. Let's hope they don't cut this one as it<br />

happened with their evening schedule. It's my feeling that there's no<br />

other SW station playing such nostalgia at present. Or am I missing<br />

something?<br />

(Raul Saavedra-CTR, / Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Aug 3)<br />

I think it has always been on 15747 (15748?) at 0030 UT, but may not<br />

propagate as well as it did in our mornings. Certainly not to here, but<br />

you have a much lower-latitude path.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Aug 3)<br />

SUDAN 7200 Watching this frequency, I was pleased to note Khartoum at an<br />

excellent level from about 0330 past 0400 with news, a bit of mx mixed in,<br />

numerous mentions of Sudan. This was the night that nx of SPLM lea<strong>der</strong> and<br />

VP Garang's death in a helicopter crash in Uganda, and you could hear<br />

clear mentions of this in the program. Has anyone had any success<br />

whatsoever in obtaining actual paper verifications from Khartoum recently?<br />

(Dan Robinson, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 3)<br />

Heard also in Buenos Aires on 7200 kHz, from 21<strong>05</strong>+ with arabic programmes<br />

and Nubian mx on the past July 31, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 3)<br />

4750 Radio Peace. Received a p/d e-mail QSL from Peter Stover in about 6<br />

hours for my follow-up e-mail report to him. This was for my reception of<br />

Radio Peace in March, 2004. In his e-mail (copied below) Pete requested<br />

that <strong>DX</strong>ers no longer send him e-mail audio attachments as it consumes too<br />

much hard drive space. He also clarified which organizations were<br />

supporting Radio Peace. (George Maroti-NY-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 5)<br />

Thanks for the information. Please consi<strong>der</strong> your monitoring report<br />

verified.<br />

One thing you can do to help us is to report that we are not looking for<br />

audio MP3 files to verify reception reports. We are keeping records of the<br />

emails that we receive from the <strong>DX</strong> community, but we don't want and won't

keep those that send MP3s because of the disk space this consumes. As in<br />

the "old days" we will trust the <strong>DX</strong>er's word and their written report to<br />

verify reception of RP.<br />

As for the station, there has been misinformation reported about those<br />

involved in RP. The lead organizations are: non-profit Educational Media<br />

Corporation (EMC, that's ours) and Persecution Project Foundation.<br />

Also, involved in various operational and programming aspects are:<br />

WODRANS, a Southern Sudan NGO headed by Rebecca Garang; ACROSS, a<br />

Christian program producer located in the region; MERF, Middle East Radio<br />

Fellowship based in Kenya; and African Lea<strong>der</strong>ship, based in Kenya. It has<br />

been falsely reported that BFO (Blessings for Obedience) is/was involved<br />

in RP. This is totally inaccurate. We don't know BFO. You would have to<br />

ask them concerning any involvement in Sudan.<br />

You are correct, RP on 4750 and now also operating on 5895 daily is<br />

broadcasting at low power as domestic SW facilities. 4750 is 1kw focused<br />

on Southern Sudan. 5895 is 2.5kw focused on Nuba and the North.<br />

I hope this helps.<br />

All the best!<br />

Peter Stover, EMC. (via <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 5)<br />

SYRIA Aug 6 they are heard back on 9330 kHz (x13610) in // with 12085<br />

kHz in the UT evening. (Erik Koie-DEN, dxld Aug 6)<br />

TAIWAN 7380 Little Saigon Radio, via Taiwan, on July 27 at *1500-1511<br />

UT. 45444-45433 Vietnamese, 1500 UT sign on with opening mx, ID, talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 5)<br />

TANZANIA [Zanzibar and non] 6015 / 11735 "Voice of Tanzania Zanzibar".<br />

R Tanzania Zanzibar hrd at threshold level from 1500 UT on Aug 1st -<br />

compared pgming w/ <strong>DX</strong> Tuner Sydney to verify that's what I was hearing.<br />

Not good enough for logging, but the channel was clear. For West Coasters,<br />

this may start popping in as the days shorten and sunrise gets later.<br />

Between now and the next HFCC change would be the best bet.<br />

(Bruce W. Churchill-CA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 3)<br />

UKRAINE Photos from Dario Monferini's recent visit to UKR-HNG, starting<br />

with Dario himself, then Alexan<strong>der</strong> Yegorov of RUI, <strong>DX</strong>er Vlad Titarev among<br />

others:<br />

<br />

(73, Vlad Titarev-UKR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 2)<br />

U.K. No txion on Aug.7/8 of Internews/Salaam Watandar via VT<br />

Communications.<br />

1300-1430 on 15500 RMP 500 kW / 095 deg to WeAs in Dari/Pashto. Cancelled<br />

or NF?<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 8)<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring, the global listening sce used by the govt in its fight<br />

against terrorism, is axing at least 50 jobs. About 10% of the unit's 500<br />

posts will be cut after a Cabinet Office review of its funding. The cuts<br />

will fall in the unit's headquarters in Caversham, near Reading, and<br />

across its six international bureaus.<br />

The B<strong>BC</strong> will first look for voluntary redundancies but then move on to<br />

compulsory cuts to meet a deadline of April 2007.<br />

The move comes after a new funding deal was agreed between its<br />

stakehol<strong>der</strong>s, the B<strong>BC</strong>, the Foreign Office, the Ministry of Defence and the<br />

Cabinet Office. The review, led by Sir Quentin Thomas - formerly head of<br />

broadcasting at the Home Office - means the unit will now receive

approximately £1.8m a year on top of the £22.1m it already receives.<br />

It is un<strong>der</strong>stood the job cuts are part of efficiency savings to secure the<br />

increased funding, which has been loaded on to the first few years of the<br />

deal. The unit will get £24.6m per year in financial years 2006-07 and<br />

2007-08, falling to £23.4m between then and 2011.<br />

In a statement, the corporation said it welcomed the new deal, un<strong>der</strong>stood<br />

to have come about after the Foreign Office decided to scale back its<br />

funding, but said it meant facing "tough choices".<br />

"The B<strong>BC</strong> is pleased that Sir Quentin Thomas' review has unequivocally<br />

established the value of B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring's products and sces to its<br />

stakehol<strong>der</strong>s and partner and has identified ways in which that value can<br />

be maximised.<br />

"Tight public sector funding is a fact of life for all public sector<br />

organisations. In or<strong>der</strong> to serve our customers better and efficiently<br />

using new technology, we will face tough choices. We will be talking to<br />

staff and unions about the implications for these changes. We will aim to<br />

deal with these issues with sensitivity while giving staff our full<br />

support."<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring scrutinises 3,000 sources, ranging from official<br />

mouthpieces to rebel radio stations, and is often an important source for<br />

analysts.<br />

Set up on the eve of the second world war to help Britain track foreign<br />

propaganda, B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring has been a mine of information during<br />

subsequent upheavals, including the cold war, the collapse of communism<br />

and more recent crises in the Middle East and the Balkans.<br />

It also played an important role in helping observers to keep track of<br />

developments during the disintegration of the Soviet Union.<br />

(The Guardian, via Alan Pennington-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Aug 2)<br />

Also on website<br />

<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring staff are due to hear today the results of a Cabinet Office<br />

review of its funding One of the govt's means of monitoring terrorists may<br />

face cutbacks today. B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring listens to nx and information from<br />

media around the globe, translating it into English and supplying it to<br />

the British govt as well as to the B<strong>BC</strong>.<br />

It also passes on the information to other govts and media organisations<br />

around the world. However, B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring staff are due to hear today the<br />

results of a Cabinet Office review of its funding.<br />

Insi<strong>der</strong>s say staff at the department's main office, in Reading, and its<br />

overseas units are bracing themselves for the possibility of substantial<br />

job cuts.<br />

They are calling for any compulsory redundancies not to come into force<br />

until at least July 2006. The cutbacks are not related to the plan by the<br />

director general, Mark Thompson, to axe 4,000 jobs across the B<strong>BC</strong>.<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring is separate from the licence-fee funded part of the<br />

corporation. The bulk of its money comes from the Foreign Office, the<br />

Ministry of Defence and the Cabinet Office.<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring scrutinises 3,000 sources ranging from official mouthpieces<br />

to rebel radio stations. It is an important source for Middle East<br />

analysts. Set up on the eve of the second world war to help Britain to

track foreign propaganda, B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring has been a mine of information<br />

during subsequent upheavals, including the cold war, the collapse of<br />

communism and more recent crises in the Middle East and the Balkans.<br />

It also played an important role in helping observers to keep track of<br />

developments during the disintegration of the Soviet Union.<br />

It employs around 1,000 staff, including freelances, and has six bureaux<br />

abroad. The director of B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring, Chris Westcott, said he could not<br />

comment on the details of the review until he had unveiled it to staff.<br />

(The Guardian via Dan Say, dxld Aug 1)<br />

Staff at B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring have been told that there will be at least 50, and<br />

possibly as many as 80, job losses by spring 2007. This is despite the<br />

outcome of the govt's spending review, announced today, that will see<br />

funding over the five years from 2006 to 2011 increase by an average of<br />

£1.8m annually from its current level of £22.1m. B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring's<br />

Director, Chris Wescott, told staff he intends to push ahead with cost<br />

reductions and efficiency savings. It's not yet clear whether the job cuts<br />

will affect the 150 staff based overseas.<br />

A spokesman for B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring said "The B<strong>BC</strong> welcomes the outcome of the<br />

recent Cabinet Office led review with its endorsement of the role and<br />

value of B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring as a national and international resource of<br />

information on the media. The stability afforded by the review outcome<br />

will enable B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring to focus on meeting the challenges of operating<br />

in a rapidly evolving global media environment."<br />

Separate funding arrangements for B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring - from the Foreign<br />

Office, Cabinet Office, Ministry of Defence and the B<strong>BC</strong> itself - will be<br />

replaced by a single 'ring-fenced' fund agreed in advance by all the<br />

stakehol<strong>der</strong>s. The Cabinet Office will replace the Foreign Office as the<br />

principal stakehol<strong>der</strong>.<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, RNW MN NL Aug 1)<br />

U.S.A. An unexpected airing of Glenn Hauser's World of Radio progr was<br />

on W<strong>BC</strong>Q at 2330 UT Thursday July 28 replacing "Uncle Ed's Musical<br />

Memories". Unknown if that program has been dropped or not unfortunately,<br />

that's one of the ones I recommended as worthwhile listening on domestic<br />

SW<strong>BC</strong>s. UT Saturday 0100 UT July 30th on W<strong>BC</strong>Q 51<strong>05</strong> kHz not the listed<br />

repeat of Allan Weiner WorldWide but instead Good Friends Radio. That's in<br />

line with what Allan said last week about GFR taking over 51<strong>05</strong> ever<br />

Yevening.<br />

W<strong>BC</strong>Q's "Tom and Darryl" show on 7415 at 0400 UT Sundays has been wasting<br />

airtime and tx power by broadcasting very old repeat programs. At least<br />

they DO announce at the start that they will be a repeat, but the 7/31 one<br />

was from Aug '03. The person introducing this repeat DID say that there<br />

would be new programs coming up shortly; I believe he said that the hosts<br />

were coming back from travelling somewhere. Also, for what it's worth,<br />

this past weekend's <strong>DX</strong>ing with Cumbre was a repeat of the previous week's<br />

#461. I *DID* hear a new Radio Weather, tho! (A rare event! :-)<br />

This one was on at 2330 UT Saturday July 30 on 9495 kHz and begins with a<br />

reference to "electromagnetic pulse" as a discussion topic. However,<br />

that's really sort of false advertising, since that topic is NOT addressed<br />

until the very end of the program, when Hembree states that this<br />

particular topic will be stretched over a series of four Radio Weather<br />

programs. Since new RWs come out so sporadically, I have no idea if this<br />

means that he really is planning on a new program coming out each week or<br />

not. That new RW was repeated 0030 UT Sunday 7/31/<strong>05</strong> on 7315 kHz. Another<br />

topic included in this new RW was the B<strong>BC</strong> Charter.<br />

Note that the RW that was aired on WWCR at 0300 UT 7/31/<strong>05</strong> was an old

epeat, not this new one. By the way, that 9495 kHz airing is NOT listed<br />

on the schedule in the messages I'm replying to, but it was on this past<br />

weekend. Is that schedule supposed to be as of 1 August or what?<br />

(Will Martin-MO-USA, dxld Aug 1)<br />

AFRTS. Am DO, 04.08., um 0430 UT war das Programm von AFRTS auf vier<br />

Frequenzen - 7590 (hier mit guten O=3), 9980, 12133.5 und 5446.5 kHz - zu<br />

hoeren.<br />

(Herbert Meixner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 4)<br />

Updated A-<strong>05</strong> schedule for Radio Free Asia as August 1:<br />

0000-0100 LAO 12015 13830 15545<br />

0030-0130 BURMESE 11540 13680 13820 17835<br />

0100-0200 UYGHUR 9350 11520 11895 11945 17640 21470<br />

0100-0300 TIBETAN 9365 11695 11975 15225 15695 17730<br />

0300-0600 MANDARIN 13670 13760 15130 15685 17495 17525 17615 17880 21690<br />

0600-0700 MANDARIN 13670 13760 15165 15685 17495 17525 17615 17880<br />

0600-0700 TIBETAN 17780 17510 17720 21500 21690<br />

1100-1200 LAO 9355 9545 15560<br />

1100-1200 TIBETAN 7470 13625 13830 15510 17855<br />

1200-1400 TIBETAN 7470 11590 13625 13830 15510 17855<br />

1230-1330 BURMESE 9455 11540 12030 13675<br />

1230-1330 KHMER 13645 15525 15670<br />

1400-1500 CANTONESE 9355 9780 11715 11850<br />

1400-1500 VIETNAMESE 7380 9455 9635 11510 11535 116<strong>05</strong> 11680 13685 13775<br />

1500-1700 KOREAN 7210 9385 13625<br />

1500-1600 MANDARIN 7540 9455 99<strong>05</strong> 11765 12025 13675 13725 15495<br />

1500-1600 TIBETAN 7470 11540 117<strong>05</strong> 11795 13825<br />

1600-1700 MANDARIN 7540 9455 99<strong>05</strong> 11795 12025 13675 13715 15530<br />

1600-1700 UYGHUR 7465 9350 9370 9555 11750 11780<br />

1700-1800 MANDARIN 7280 7540 9355 9455 9540 9670 99<strong>05</strong> 11795 13625 13715<br />

1800-1900 MANDARIN 7280 7530 7540 9355 9455 9540 9865 11700 13625 15510<br />

1900-2000 MANDARIN 7260 7530 7540 9355 9455 9760 9865 99<strong>05</strong> 11700 11785<br />

13625 15510<br />

2000-2100 MANDARIN 7260 7530 7540 9355 9455 9850 99<strong>05</strong> 11700 11740 11785<br />

13625<br />

2100-2200 MANDARIN 71<strong>05</strong> 7540 9850 9910 9920 11740 11935 13625<br />

2100-2300 KOREAN 7460 9385 9770 12075<br />

2200-2300 CANTONESE 9355 9955 11785 13675<br />

2230-2330 KHMER 9490 9930 13735<br />

2300-2400 MANDARIN 7540 9910 11760 13670 13755 15430 15585<br />

2300-2400 TIBETAN 7470 7550 9395 98<strong>05</strong> 9875 15695<br />

2330-0030 VIETNAMESE 11540 11560 11580 116<strong>05</strong> 11670 12110 13735 15535 15560<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 4)<br />

Updated summer schedule of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty<br />

ARABIC# 0100-0600 1593<br />

1400-1600 1593<br />

2000-2200 1593<br />

ARMENIAN 1400-1500 9790<br />

AVARI 0400-0420 9855 11780 15460<br />

1700-1720 117<strong>05</strong> 12045 15255<br />

AZERI 0300-0400 9855<br />

1500-1600 15160<br />

1800-1900 11865<br />

BELORUSSIAN 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 612 6170 9635<br />

1500-1700 612 9725 15215<br />

1700-1900 612 7195 15480<br />

1900-2100 612 7115 9750

CHECHEN 0420-0440 9855 11780 15460<br />

1720-1740 117<strong>05</strong> 12045 15255<br />

CHERKASSI 0440-<strong>05</strong>00 9855 11780 15460<br />

1740-1800 117<strong>05</strong> 12045 15255<br />

DARI& 0330-0430 1296 15615 17670 19010<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-0630 1296 15615 17670 19010<br />

0730-0830 1296 15615 17685 19010<br />

0930-1030 1296 15090 17685 19010<br />

1130-1230 1296 15090 17685 19010<br />

1330-1430 1296 15090 17600<br />

GEORGIAN <strong>05</strong>00-0600 9855<br />

1400-1500 15255<br />

FARSI* 0030-0200 1170 1575 9615 98<strong>05</strong> 9865<br />

0200-0400 1170 1575 9775 98<strong>05</strong> 9865<br />

0400-0600 1170 1575 9510 9865 15185 15290<br />

0600-0830 1170 1575 9510 15290 17845<br />

0830-1030 1170 1575 15290 15690 17755<br />

1030-1400 1170 1575 15375 15690 17755<br />

1400-1500 1170 1575 9435 13870 17750<br />

1500-1600 1170 1575 13870 15170 17750<br />

1600-1700 1170 1575 13870 15170 17670<br />

1700-1900 1170 1575 71<strong>05</strong> 7580 9760<br />

1900-2000 1170 1575 5860 7365 95<strong>05</strong> 9540<br />

2000-2100 1170 1575 5860 7190 95<strong>05</strong> 9960<br />

2100-2130 1170 1575 7190 95<strong>05</strong> 9960<br />

2130-0030 1170 1575<br />

KAZAKH 0000-0100 5945 7295 9815<br />

0200-0300 7260 9680 152<strong>05</strong><br />

0300-0400 9615 11990 15215<br />

1200-1300 11515 15215 17890<br />

1400-1500 4995 15355 15455<br />

1500-1600 7170 9815 15255<br />

KYRGHYZ 0000-0200 5995 9670 120<strong>05</strong><br />

1200-1230 11930 15120 17615<br />

1300-1330 11930 15120 17615<br />

1400-1600 5860 12115 15530<br />

PASHTO& 0230-0330 1296 12140 15615 19010<br />

0430-<strong>05</strong>30 1296 15615 17670 19010<br />

0630-0730 1296 15615 17685 19010<br />

0830-0930 1296 15615 17685 19010<br />

1030-1130 1296 15090 17685 19010<br />

1230-1330 1296 15090 17600 19010<br />

ROMANIAN 1500-1530 119<strong>05</strong> 15380<br />

1800-1900 9585 11815 Mon-Fri<br />

RUSSIAN 0000-0100 7120 7175 7220 9520<br />

0200-0300 7155 7175 7220 9520<br />

0300-0400 61<strong>05</strong> 7155 7175 7220<br />

0400-<strong>05</strong>00 61<strong>05</strong> 7175 7220 9520 9760<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 9520 9635 9760 11815 17730<br />

0600-0700 9520 9635 11815 15130 17730<br />

0700-0800 9635 11815 11855 15130 17730<br />

0800-0900 11855 15280 17730 17810<br />

0900-1000 11860 15280 17730 17810<br />

1000-1100 15130 17730 17810 21530<br />

1100-1200 117<strong>05</strong> 13745 15130 17730 21530

1200-1300 117<strong>05</strong> 13745 15130 152<strong>05</strong> 17730<br />

1400-1500 11725 11895 13755 15130 15195<br />

1500-1600 9520 11725 11895 13755 15130<br />

1600-1700 7220 9520 9565 11725 15130<br />

1900-2000 61<strong>05</strong> 7220 9520 9690<br />

2000-2200 5955 7220 9520<br />

2200-2300 5985 7220 9520 9590<br />

2300-2400 5985 7120 7220 9520<br />

TAJIK 0100-0200 4760 9695 9760<br />

0200-0300 9695 9760 15525<br />

0300-0400 9760 11655 15525<br />

1400-1500 15370 15725 17670<br />

1500-1600 9790 11975 15370<br />

1600-1700 7190 9790 15370<br />

TATAR-BASHKIR 0300-0400 9815 11820<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 11990 12015<br />

1500-1600 11990 15415<br />

1900-2000 9650 11925<br />

TURKMEN 0200-0300 864 7295 9555 15290<br />

0300-0400 7295 9555 15290<br />

1400-1530 13815 15120 15145<br />

1530-1600 864 13815 15120 15145<br />

1600-1700 11895 13815 15120<br />

1700-1800 9595 11895 15120<br />

UKRAINIAN 0300-0400 6065 7265 9710 Mon-Sat<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 7220 7265 11780 Mon-Fri<br />

1600-1700 6185 118<strong>05</strong> 17815 Mon-Fri<br />

1700-1800 118<strong>05</strong> 12035 15135<br />

1800-1900 7125 118<strong>05</strong> 11875<br />

UZBEK 0100-0200 864<br />

0200-0400 12015 12110 15145<br />

1300-1400 1143<br />

1600-1700 9595 11885 11980<br />

1700-1800 9390 98<strong>05</strong> 11980<br />

# Radio Free Iraq<br />

& Radio Free Afghanistan<br />

* Radio Farda<br />

Cancelled txions from July 1: ALBANIAN 1900-1930 97<strong>05</strong> 9840 15140<br />

SERBOCROATIAN 0730-0800 9555 11795 15260<br />

1300-1330 9555 11795 15255<br />

1600-1700 6<strong>05</strong>5 9840 11925<br />

1730-1800 6130 9895 15325<br />

1800-1900 95<strong>05</strong> 11715 15320<br />

2000-2100 5970 7165 11935<br />

2200-2400 6130 9635 11730<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 8)<br />

UZBEKISTAN Freqs changes for Voice of Tibet in Tibetan and Chinese:<br />

1100-1148 NF 17563 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg, ex 17522/17525/17528<br />

1212-1300 NF 17563 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg, ex 17522/17525/17528<br />

1302-1350 NF 17563 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg, ex 17522/17525/17528<br />

1430-1518 NF 17563 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg, ex 17522/17525/17528<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 4)<br />

<strong>DX</strong>ers meeting at IFA - International Berlin Radio and TV Exhibition.<br />

Anlaesslich <strong>der</strong> IFA in Berlin, findet am Sonnabend, dem 03.09.20<strong>05</strong>, ein<br />

Hoerertreffen im Preussischen Landwirtshaus, Flatowallee 23, gegenueber S-

Bahnhof Olympiastadion, ab 17.00 Uhr Ortszeit statt.<br />

On Saturday Sept 3rd, 20<strong>05</strong>, at Preussisches Landwirtshaus, location:<br />

Flatowallee 23, opposite Subway-station Olympiastadion [Olympic stadium],<br />

at 1700 hrs CEST-local time [1500 UT].<br />

(Thomas Kubaczewski-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 5)<br />

Fotos vom SWLCS <strong>DX</strong>-Camp 20<strong>05</strong> in Merchweiler.<br />

Von Volker Willschrey bekam ich eben eine Mail mit den Links zu Fotos vom<br />

diesjaehrigen SWLCS-<strong>DX</strong>-Camp in Merchweiler.<br />

Radio Taiwan International:<br />

Unter Rubrik "Aktuelles"<br />

Radio China International:<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 724 18 Aug 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

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with E<strong>DX</strong>P.<br />

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Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio<br />

may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all<br />

stages, from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting<br />

are made available to gh in exchange.<br />

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Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

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[We]AFRICA 17555 Democracy Radio Begins Test Transmission.<br />

The Analyst (Monrovia) NEWS, August 18, 20<strong>05</strong><br />

A new international radio station to promote and defend the ideals of<br />

democracy and open society in and among West African countries has begun a<br />

week test txion on 17555 kHz on the SW.<br />

The West Africa Democracy Radio (WADR) based in Dakar, Senegal, will<br />

broadcast distinctive programs on transparency and accountability in govt,<br />

regional economic integration as well as social and culture development.<br />

According to a release from the WADR Country Office in Monrovia, the<br />

station will also disseminate information on the causes of conflicts and<br />

make programs that will give voice to those at the grass root level.<br />

The radio will at the same time work in partnership with a network of<br />

local stations to promote dialogue using traditional radio technologies<br />

and mo<strong>der</strong>n electronic media such as digital satellite radio.<br />

In Liberia, ten local stations will be either relaying or re-broadcasting<br />

WADR nx and feature programs.<br />

Though the WADR will be broadcasting throughout West Africa, its initial<br />

focus is the Mano River Basin, and has set up Country Offices in Liberia,<br />

Sierra Leone and Guinean.

The test txion which begins today will continue daily from 08:00 AM -<br />

09:00 AM for one week.<br />

<br />

(via Mauno Ritola-FIN, Cumbre Aug 18)<br />

AUSTRALIA R Christian voice on 13635 kHz in English at 1252 UT with song<br />

hits Great mx. Good company and message of hope Song, remember me by YL<br />

34433 about morality and fishees. July 31 ON 2.8.5 with 44434 // 13685<br />

24432 15365 prg in INSn, with talks and rock songs, ads at 1016 ID cvc.tv.<br />

Fair signal with some splatter for VoTurkey 33433 7180 Indon prg on 1540<br />

with pop songs, adverts, warga ID cvc.com 34433.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 12)<br />

2310 VL8A, Alice Springs NT, logged on 03 Aug at 1955-2015, English,<br />

songs, talks; 25231.<br />

2485 VL8K, Katherine NT, also on 03 Aug at 1921-1936, English, same menu<br />

as on // 2310; 25231.<br />

4835 VL8A, Alice Springs NT, logged on 06 Aug at 2222-2236, English, nx<br />

magazine prgr Nx all Over (I think I got the name correctly), TCs; 35332.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

BELGIUM Am 29. und 30. Oktober 20<strong>05</strong> treffen sich in Bruessel die<br />

Produzenten, Freunde und Geschaeftspartner <strong>der</strong> deutschsprachigen<br />

Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Internetportale, Radio- und Fernsehprogramme aus<br />

allen Erdteilen. Ausserhalb des deutschen Sprachraums werden <strong>der</strong>zeit ueber<br />

3000 deutschsprachige Medien fuer Auslandsdeutsche, Auslandsoesterreicher,<br />

Auslandsschweizer, Touristen, Geschaeftsreisende und Sprachschueler<br />

produziert. Die deutschsprachigen Auslandsmedien gelten mit einer<br />

taeglichen Reichweite von ueber 3 Mio. Menschen weltweit als die<br />

bedeutendsten Kulturbotschafter und Aussenhandelsfoer<strong>der</strong>er Deutschlands,<br />

Oesterreichs und <strong>der</strong> Schweiz. Weitere Informationen zum Medientreffen in<br />

Bruessel findet man unter <br />

(Dorothee Lange <br />

via ntt, Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Aug 12)<br />

BHUTAN Schedule A<strong>05</strong> of Bhutan Broadcasting Service - BBS:<br />


0100 0300 Dzongkha 6035 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa<br />

0300 0400 Sharchhop 6035 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa<br />

0400 <strong>05</strong>00 Nepali 6035 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 0600 English 6035 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa<br />

0600 0800 Dzongkha 6035 Su Sa<br />

0800 0900 English 6035 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa<br />

0900 1000 Nepali 6035 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa<br />

1000 1100 Sharchhop 6035 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa<br />

1100 1300 Dzongkha 6035 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa<br />

(<strong>DX</strong>Asia Website via JKB, March 20<strong>05</strong>; WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>DX</strong>M Aug)<br />

BOLIVIA 5952.5 R.Pio XII, Siglo XX, audible on 09 Aug at 2215-2229 UT,<br />

Quechua, talks; 44333. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

BRAZIL 4765 R.Emissora Rural, Santarem PA, 02 Aug at 2120-2133 UT,<br />

Brazilian songs; 45332.<br />

48<strong>05</strong> R.Difa do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 06 Aug at 2211-2224 UT, talks; 25331.<br />

4815 R.Difa, Londrina PR, 06 Aug at 2217-2227 UT, preacher & songs to<br />

match the menu; 24331.<br />

4825 R.Educadora, Braganca PA, 02 Aug at 2115-2124 UT, talks; 44331,<br />

adjc. QRM de CHN 4820. Rated 35332 on 07 Aug at 2210.

4865 UNID (3 stns using the ch.), 08 Aug at 2218-2226, A Voz do Brasil;<br />

24432, uty. QRM. Then R.Alvorada (tent) ID+list of affiliated stns heard<br />

at 2304.<br />

4876.3 R.Difa, Boa vista RR, 07 Aug at 2200-2214, advts, ID+fqs, infos on<br />

f/ball matches during some match report; 24331, adjc. uty. QRM.<br />

4885 R.Club do Para, Belem PA, 02 Aug at 2123-2136, interviews on f/ball;<br />

45332.<br />

4985 R.Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 08 Aug at 2222-2242, A Voz do Brasil;<br />

45434.<br />

5015 R.Pioneira, Teresina PI, 07 Aug at 2217-2229, folk songs; 44432, QRM<br />

de TKM.<br />

5045 R.Guaruja Paulista, Sao Paulo SP (no more "via R.Presidente<br />

Prudente" on this fq. because acc. to their webpage, they bought the<br />

outlet), 09 Aug at 2224-2232, senate discussion & reports; 25332; //<br />

5940.3 at 34342.<br />

5940.3 R.Guaruja Paulista SP, 09 Aug at 2221-2235, relay of senate<br />

discussion, reports; 34342.<br />

5990 R.Senado, Brasilia DF, audible on 15 Aug at 2155-2209, news, then A<br />

Voz do Brasil 2200; 32441, adjc. QRM de DRM sig. 5985.<br />

6010.1 R.Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, 11 Aug at 2206-2216, A Voz do<br />

Brasil part 1; 23441, QRM de CLM 6010.1 kHz.<br />

6040 R.Club Paranaense, Curitiba PR, 06 Aug at 2137-2150, results &<br />

reports on f/ball matches; 44433, adjc. QRM. Also noted on // 1430 on 09<br />

Aug at 2125-2139 at 33342 & 14 Aug at 2202-2217 at 54443!<br />

6134.9 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 06 Aug at 2131-2149, advts for truck<br />

parts & mx in prgr "Pe na Estrada"; 44433, adjc. QRM only.<br />

6150 R.Record, Sao Paulo SP, 06 Aug at 2125-2138, f/ball match rpt Sao<br />

Caetano vs. Corithians, comments; 32441, adjc QRM de CRI 6145 & AUT 6155.<br />

6185 R.Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia DF, 15 Aug at 2204-2214, A Voz do<br />

Brasil prgr; 43432, adjc. QRM de CHN 6175 (!) + D 6190.<br />

9504.8 R.Record, Sao Paulo SP, 02 Aug at 2139-2149, sports prgr; 34443.<br />

9515 R.Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 02 Aug at 2143-2151, religious prgr,<br />

songs; 34443.<br />

9564.6 R.Tupi, Curitiba PR, 11 Aug at 2106-2116, religious prgr from<br />

Igreja Pentecostal "Deus e Amor", also in Spanish; 23442, QRM de R.Marti +<br />

Cuban J.<br />

9615 R.Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 13 Aug at 2148-2211, Braz. songs, talks,<br />

prgr announcements; 34433, adjc. QRM.<br />

9630 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 09 Aug at 1235-..., talks (seemingly<br />

news); 15331.<br />

9630 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 11 Aug at 2101-2115, RCR news, TC,<br />

rosary; 34443, splatter de CRI 9640 in Spanish.<br />

9664.9 R.Marumby, Florianopolis SC, 02 Aug at 2134-2150, religious prgr,<br />

messages, songs; 33432, strong splatter de B 9675!

9664.9 R.Marumby, Florianopolis SC, 03 Aug at 0836-f/out 0925, talks in<br />

religious prgr; splatter de B 9675.<br />

9675 R.Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 13 Aug at 2155-2223,<br />

advertisements, ID+60 m fq, edition no. 162 of <strong>DX</strong> prgr "Alem Fronteiras"<br />

at 2200; 45444, distorted modulation spreading to the adjacent ch's.<br />

9725 R.Club Paranaense, Curitiba PR, 10 Aug at 22<strong>05</strong>-2214, A Voz do Brasil<br />

part 1; 23441, adjc. QRM. Also heard on 1430 on 09 Aug at 2125-2139 when<br />

rtd. 33342 and 14 Aug at 2202-2217 rtd. 54443 (// 6040 at just 25332 that<br />

day).<br />

11830 R.CBN Anhangueera, Goiania GO, 09 Aug at 1017-..., newscast; 14441,<br />

but still perceived at 1235!<br />

(all 28 de Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

BURKINA FASO 7230 R.Burkina, Ouagadougou, monitored on 06 Aug at 1409-<br />

1536, Vernancular, Afr. pops, talks, French prgr later on; 25432.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

COLOMBIA 5910 LV de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, logged on 11 Aug at 2218-<br />

2229, Spanish, songs, prgr "servicio social"; 35333; 6010.1 not parallel.<br />

6010.1 LV de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, heard on 03 Aug at 0849-f/out 0945<br />

UT, Sanish, preaching, addr. for "(...) de Paz"; 24442, het. with stn on<br />

6010, presumably MEX.<br />

6010.1 LV de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, this time heard in the evening, 11<br />

Aug at 2214-2224 UT, Spanish, songs, e-mail addr. & ID; 23442, QRM de B<br />

6010.2 kHz; 5910 not parallel.<br />

6035 LV del Guaviare, San Jose del Guaviare, obs'ed on 15 Aug at 2146-<br />

2156 UT, Spanish, talks, interviews; 23441, adjc. QRM.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

Marfil Stereo 5910 kHz. Nachdem man eine qsl schon per email versprochen<br />

hatte, kam gestern wirklich eine super tolle f/d qsl Karte, Sticker und<br />

einem Kurzbrief hier an. Laufzeit 8 Monate. v/s Editor <strong>DX</strong> Rafael Rodriguez<br />

R. Adresse: RTE/Organizacion Colombia Para Cristo, Calle 44 No. 13-67,<br />

Bogota D.C., Colombia.<br />

(Andre Bollin, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 14)<br />

Die QSL von Marfil Estereo, 5910 kHz ist nun auch bei mir aufgeschlagen.<br />

Die Laufzeit: 6 Monate + 2 Tage. Der rpt wurde per e-Mail gesendet.<br />

Wirklich gut aufgemachte Karte, ganz wie in alten Zeiten und man kann<br />

hinten unterstreichen, ob sie fuer La Voz de tu Concienca o<strong>der</strong> fuer Marfil<br />

Estereo sein soll. Vielleicht, solange Karten und Spesen und Lust beim<br />

Editor <strong>DX</strong> Rafael Rodriguez R. da sind, gibt es fuer die Stimme <strong>der</strong><br />

Inkontinenz (M.E.) auch noch solch schoene Karten.<br />

(Dr. Matthias Zwoch-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 15)<br />

COSTA RICA 5<strong>05</strong>4.59 TIFC, R Faro del Caribe, San Isidro, Herida<br />

[Heredia?], heard at 0158-0215 UT on Aug 09, religious mx, but faint and<br />

noisy signal, 24121. Also heard in Australia, Japan, Ecuador and Peru at<br />

1000-1200 UT. It had been off the air since July 2004 due to tx problems.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Aug 10)<br />

5<strong>05</strong>4.6 Radio Faro del Caribe (Tentative), on Aug 13 at 1113-1131 UT,<br />

religious singing in SP, long talk (sermon?), no ID. Was weak, but the<br />

best signal so far.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 14)

5<strong>05</strong>4.6, TIFC, SP religious prgmng and light mx hrd at 0800-0930 UT on Aug<br />

13, very strong signal, extremely low audio although a tiny bit "better"<br />

this day (and Aug 14) than most. The prgmng is // their internet audio for<br />

1080 MW at (The internet audio is a few<br />

secs. behind the on-air audio.)<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 14)<br />

CUBA 5025 R. Rebelde, Bauta, audible on 06 Aug at 0830-f/out 0925,<br />

Spanish, songs, talks, phone-ins, mx, IDs; 25432.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

Shortwave radio broadcasts to Venezuela and Central America were<br />

interrupted for two days this week when someone stole aluminum insulators<br />

from txion towers.<br />

A source at the towers, located in San Felipe, south of Havana, said the<br />

thief slipped through state security and obviously stole the insulators to<br />

sell them for the aluminum content.<br />

The towers also carry a signal which interrupts reception of the U.S.<br />

govt's Radio Marti and TV Marti signals from Florida.<br />

"The interruption occurred on Monday and Tuesday," said the source.<br />

<br />

Havana, Cuba, August 12, Richard Rosello <br />

(Mike Terry-UK via dxld, Aug 16)<br />

DRM DRM I wish you would stop referring to the "Media Network DRM sched"<br />

implying that it is something produced by Media Network. It isn't. As it<br />

says at the top of the page, it is compiled and permanently updated by<br />

Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>, Germany C 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

That means Klaus holds the copyright for the information, not Media<br />

Network, and since he has been doing this for several years already I<br />

believe he should be credited for his efforts. The copyright Radio<br />

Ne<strong>der</strong>land Wereldomroep notice that appears at the bottom is something that<br />

appears on every page of our site and is put there by the Content<br />

Managagement System when the page is published, so I cannot remove it. But<br />

when referring to this page please credit Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>. Thanks.<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL to Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Aug 12)<br />

DRM - IFA Berlin exhibition.<br />

Die LW 177 aus Oranienburg wird Ende August wie<strong>der</strong> in den DRM-Betrieb<br />

gehen, aber das war vor zwei Jahren auch schon so. Ob es sich diesmal um<br />

eine dauerhafte Umstellung handelt, scheint immer noch offen. Hoffentlich<br />

verzichtet man auf den unsinnigen Simulcast-Betrieb. Die DRM-faehigen<br />

Mittelwellen 549 und 756 kHz werden wohl erst 2006 umgestellt werden,<br />

jedenfalls gibt es bis dato keine Infos ueber einen moeglichen Testbetrieb<br />

waehrend <strong>der</strong> IFA. Die 855 soll angeblich jetzt dauerhaft in DRM senden.<br />

Auf <strong>der</strong> Kurzwelle gibt es seit einigen Tagen eine neue Frequenz <strong>der</strong> DW,<br />

die nicht im Sendeplan auftaucht: 0400-0600 UTC auf 9690 kHz aus Taldom,<br />

was aber wohl nichts mit <strong>der</strong> IFA zu tu hat. Ab 1. September soll<br />

Wertachtal vormittags zusaetzlich die 5900 kHz belegen.<br />

RFI hat seine DRM-Sendungen auf 6175 kHz Anfang August gestoppt, weil <strong>der</strong><br />

Sen<strong>der</strong> fuer zusaetzliche Sendezeiten fuer Westafrika gebraucht wurde. Zur<br />

IFA soll aber wie<strong>der</strong> in DRM gesendet werden, wahrscheinlich auf 41 mb,<br />

weil die 6175 tagsueber Probleme hat, ueberhaupt bis Berlin zu kommen.<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

New Scientist magazine turns its attention this week to Digital Radio<br />

Mondiale and what the technology might mean for global AM band listeners.

"In early June, electronics giant Texas Instruments unveiled the future of<br />

radio: a tiny receiver that took several years and millions of dollars to<br />

develop," the U.K. magazine notes.<br />

"Using the latest coding and compression tricks, DRM will squeeze high-<br />

quality stereo sound into the narrow AM bands and send these signals over<br />

greater distances and with less interference than ever before. The<br />

technology promises to breathe new life into ailing AM stations the world<br />

over. Convert a medium-wave tx to DRM, for instance, and a station that<br />

once struggled to reach 10,000 listeners could embrace a hundred times as<br />

many."<br />

The article discusses the potential use of DRM to deliver data and<br />

multimedia information, including software upgrades to appliances. It<br />

notes the benefits of AM's long-distance coverage, the lower power needs<br />

of the txs and DRM's position as "the only digital system that can be used<br />

on any AM freq anywhere in the world. ... Twenty broadcasters have begun<br />

DRM test txions including B<strong>BC</strong> World Service, Deutsche Welle and Radio<br />

Luxembourg."<br />

One international broadcaster calls DRM the "essential cornerstone" to a<br />

new radio revival. Others are quoted saying it could be an important way<br />

to reach inaccessible regions or those recovering from natural disasters.<br />

It notes that Red Cross has joined the DRM Consortium.<br />

The new TI receiver module, it states, should help bring receiver prices<br />

down.<br />

The article appears in New Scientist magazine, and an abridged version is<br />

at <br />

Do not adjust your radio 13 August 20<strong>05</strong> Barry Fox Magazine issue 2512.<br />

Surely that's not the crystal clear sound of digital radio in the old AM<br />

bands? You'd better believe it.<br />

IN EARLY June, electronics giant Texas Instruments unveiled the future of<br />

radio: a tiny receiver that took several years and millions of dollars to<br />

develop. Eagerly awaited by broadcasters and manufacturers alike, it isn't<br />

designed to pick up radio broadcasts from satellites or the internet.<br />

Instead the new chip will tune in to the old-fashioned AM bands - the<br />

short, medium and long-wave signals pioneered by Guglielmo Marconi more<br />

than a century ago.<br />

At first glance this would seem as likely as Boeing resurrecting the<br />

biplane. Audiences have been turning their backs on AM for decades. Medium<br />

and long-wave broadcasts sound rotten and are easily swamped by<br />

interference. And although short-wave broadcasts can reach around the<br />

world, if you're on the move you must constantly re-tune your receiver if<br />

you want anything more than white noise.<br />

Meanwhile FM radio has spread almost everywhere, and the internet can give<br />

you perfect ...<br />

The complete article is 2518 words long.<br />

To continue reading this article, subscribe to New Scientist. Get 4 issues<br />

of New Scientist magazine and instant access to all online content for<br />

only $4.95.<br />

(Radio World NewsBytes, Aug 11)<br />

Radioscape to showcase DRM/DAB radio receivers at IFA 20<strong>05</strong><br />

Still can't see the mass market for these looking at the list of stations<br />

carried and putting the word "affordable" in the context of the price of

FM receivers which most people in Europe are listening to.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, Aug 11)<br />


World's first affordable, integrated, multi-standard, digital radio<br />

receivers.<br />

RadioScape, the world lea<strong>der</strong> in Software Defined Digital Radio solutions,<br />

will be showcasing multi-standard digital radios based on its recently<br />

launched RadioScape RS500T module at IFA 20<strong>05</strong> in Berlin, Germany (2-7 Sept<br />

20<strong>05</strong>). RadioScape has worked with several leading manufacturers who will<br />

be launching their digital radios at the show that will be able to receive<br />

DRMT (Digital Radio MondialeT) as well as DAB (Digital Audio Broadcast),<br />

FM with RDS, LW, MW and SW.<br />

DRM will be featured at two IFA locations this year, where the new DRM/DAB<br />

radios will be on display. The DRM receivers booth in Hall 5.2, which is<br />

organized by RTL Group, Deutsche Welle, Radio Netherlands, B<strong>BC</strong>,<br />

Deutschlandradio, Voice of Russia, Truckradio, DRF, Radio de la Mer and<br />

Littoral AM, where participants will be discussing their plans for DRM<br />

sces across Europe, and the DRM Consortium booth in Hall 5.3 (TWF), which<br />

focuses on DRM products and technology.<br />

"IFA is one of the most important consumer electronics events and is the<br />

perfect showcase for the first, consumer-priced DRM/DAB radios," said Dave<br />

Hawkins, VP of RadioScape's Receivers Business. "This will really help DRM<br />

take off with the general public. Our unique software architecture has<br />

enabled us to create cost-effective, multi-standard, multi-application<br />

modules by using software stacks running on a powerful Texas Instruments<br />

DSP engine. DRM is a complex technology, but our expertise in developing<br />

with many other radio standards has enabled us to create and verify a<br />

complete, multi-standard radio solution in record time.<br />

DRM broadcasters have been waiting for the launch of consumer-priced<br />

receivers and, through our close cooperation with a number of leading<br />

radio manufacturers and broadcasters, we will enable this to happen right<br />

on schedule for the run up to the 20<strong>05</strong> Christmas market. DRM will be the<br />

hot technology at IFA this year with many broadcasters and manufacturers<br />

making DRM annts. As a result, 2006 will be the year that DRM becomes<br />

mainstream."<br />

The RadioScape RS500 module.<br />

The RS500 supports capabilities such as the highly popular Pause, Rewind<br />

and Record to MMC card features as well as the ability to display and use<br />

Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) data. Modules are sampling now to select<br />

customers and will be generally available after IFA. RadioScape forecasts<br />

that multi-standard, multi-band receivers based on the RS500 could have<br />

end user prices below $250 almost a quarter the price of existing DRM<br />

receivers in the market.<br />

About DRM DRM is the world's only, non-proprietary global standard for the<br />

digitizing of short-wave, medium-wave and long-wave broadcasting.<br />

Additionally, the DRM consortium recently voted to begin the process of<br />

extending the DRM system into the broadcasting bands up to 120 MHz. Able<br />

to cover great distances and provide near "FM quality" audio using lower<br />

txion powers and compatible channel allocations, DRM is currently being<br />

adopted in markets worldwide to provide new and higher quality broadcasts<br />

for local, national and international audiences. Over 20 Broadcasters are<br />

already broadcasting using DRM across the globe and include the B<strong>BC</strong> (World<br />

Service), Deutsche Welle, RTL Group, Radio Netherlands, and TDF.<br />

More information can be found at <br />

About RadioScape. RadioScape© Ltd. is the world's only developer of end-

to-end digital audio broadcasting solutions giving RadioScape unmatched<br />

systems knowledge and enabling it to ensure that customers receive the<br />

highest levels of quality, robustness and reception at all stages.<br />

Its Digital Radio broadcast suite is used extensively throughout the world<br />

including the largest DAB installation to date the UK's commercial DAB<br />

network.<br />

Its innovative Software Defined Digital RadioT approach has made it a<br />

lea<strong>der</strong> in DAB and DMB technology with its DAB receiver modules being<br />

extensively used by many of the world's leading consumer electronics<br />

manufacturers. The company has announced that it is working on DRM<br />

capability that will result in true, multi-standard, digital radio<br />

receivers.<br />

Founded in 1996, RadioScape's investors include Atlas Venture, Royal Bank<br />

Ventures, Scottish Equity Partners, JAFCO, Texas Instruments, Yasuda<br />

Enterprise Development, iGlobe Partners, Psion and NTL. RadioScape is<br />

headquartered in London, England with offices in SNG and Hong Kong. For<br />

more information, please visit <br />

RadioScape is a registered trademark of RadioScape Limited. All other<br />

trademarks are acknowledged.<br />

For an image of the RadioScape modules, please go to<br />

<br />

For more information, please contact: Caroline Skipworth RadioScape Ltd<br />

tel +44 20 7317 1996. Nigel Robson Vortex PR +44 1481 233080<br />

(via Robin Emery, DAB Yahoo group; via Mike Barraclough-UK, Aug 11)<br />

EQUATORIAL GUINEA 50<strong>05</strong> RNGE, Bata, logged on 02 Aug at 2130-...,<br />

Spanish, political talk praising the head of state...; 55333.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

ETHIOPIA (pres) 9560.10 Voice of the Democratic Alliance (Presumed)<br />

via Radio Ethiopia. Noted something here on the 14th, from 1520 to 1542<br />

UT. Initially heard very distinctive Horn of Africa mx, then male speaker<br />

with a Political Commentary in Arabic. At 1526 UT mention something about<br />

the 'Broadcasting Alliance' in English. This was followed with more Horn<br />

of Africa Instrumental Music with singers. This was followed at 1528 with<br />

another speaker but in a different Language ( not Arabic) with mention<br />

something about a B<strong>BC</strong> Report. Brief HofA mx, then into a nx commentary by<br />

the same speaker at 1530 with clear mentions of Washington, Ethiopia,<br />

Eritrea.<br />

Bit's of Instrumental mx was played during this commentary. Art 1535<br />

mentioned something about the recent death of the VP of Ethiopia, with<br />

interview clip. By 1542 UT pretty much the signal was lost in the noise<br />

floor. Even no ID was heard I suspect it's this station with the<br />

programming and the nature of the mx played... Any confirmation of this?<br />

(Ed Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 14)<br />

7110 R.Ethiopia, Gedja Jewe, audible on 14 Aug at 1500-1521, Vernacular,<br />

chimes, news, talks; 14442; // 9704.2 kHz.<br />

9704.2 R.Ethiopia, Gedja Jewe, logged on 06 Aug at 1532-..., Vernacular,<br />

local songs; 25433. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

7110, on Aug 17 at 0435. Radio Ethiopia. SINPO 24332. Good opening tonight<br />

in the lower bands. Very few distant T-storms. // 9704 poor. Lots of<br />

interesting HofA mx.<br />

(Raul Saavedra-CTR, dxld Aug 17)

GABON 15355 Radio E<strong>DX</strong>P Special Broadcast via NHK 70th Anniversary via<br />

Moyabi. Full data "Laughing Kookaburra' QSL Card. Reply in 28 days. v/s<br />

Bob Padula.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 12)<br />

GAMBIA 648 GRTS, Bonto, noted on 09 Aug at 2209-2217, English, nx<br />

bulletin; 53442, co-ch QRM de G.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

GEORGIA After 1 week absence "Apsua Radio" observed 0446 (Aug 9) and<br />

1100 (Aug 9) on 9495 kHz. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 9)<br />

[ABKHAZIA] 9495 Absua Radio at 1355 UT, with song 'you can leave our head<br />

on' adn another song ID at 1400 UT with Absua Radio ... FM" on 1404 UT<br />

with festial song. Good signal 44434. NO // found on the 9500+.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 6)<br />

GERMANY 17550 Radio Waaberi via Juelich, Germany. On Aug 5 at<br />

1330(S/on)- 1400(S/off) UT. SINPO 25332. S/on with annmt in English as<br />

"This is Radio Miami International, the following program is in Somali."<br />

Folk mx and talk in Somali followed. Interview from 1336. ID in Smali was<br />

heard at 1336 as "... Radio Waaberi ..." I received an e-mail from for my e-mail report in one day. They said "Yes, you are<br />

right and thank you for the report Radio Waaberi management".<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 12)<br />

Radio Waaberi (Fri at 1330-1400 UT on 17550 kHz in Somali) sent me an E-<br />

mail "thanks" letter from Mr. Ali Gulaid, president for my reception<br />

report to<br />

only after 2.5 hours.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 14)<br />

Waaberi Broadcasting Services, via Juelich 100 kW 130 deg towards Somalia.<br />

6045 R Mecklenburg Vorpommern Baltic R, Schwerin, via Juelich, at 1210-<br />

1259* UT, on Sun Aug 07, German/English annmts, IDs, website:<br />

pop> songs, local nx from the Baltic area,<br />

also ID in French and Polish, mentioned reception reports received, e.g.<br />

from our British member Keith Phillimore. It was on 6045 and not 6015.<br />

45555. (Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Aug 10)<br />

15670 Voice of Ethiopian Salvation via DTK Juelich Aug 14 at 1646-1659*<br />

UT. Noted with H.of A. mx, then a clear mention for 'Democratica Ethiopian<br />

Medhin' then a 'radio politico' hosted by a male speaker in presumed<br />

Amharic. 1656 gave some information about their station, then H.of A. mx<br />

followed. Noted to 1659 sign-off, after which at *1700 Voice of Democratic<br />

Eritrea signed 0n with H.of A. opening I.S. then into broadcast.<br />

(Ed Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 14)<br />

New 738 Truck Radio Stuttgart Hirschlanden.<br />

738 went on air with Truckradio (// Juelich 702 and Nordkirchen 855 kHz)<br />

this morning. This is the tx used until 2003 by Megaradio, diplexed into<br />

the same antenna as AFN's 1143 (operated by T-Systems, not by AFN itself).<br />

With a mere 5 kW it is of course only a faint whisper un<strong>der</strong>neath Barcelona<br />

here.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Aug 15)<br />

Bis 1930 UT war Hirschlanden 738 knall-bumm allein auf <strong>der</strong> Flur. Seitdem<br />

heftiges Fading und Barcelona staerker und staerker werdend, und<br />

spanisches Programm schwach darunter wahrnehmbar.<br />

Dies alles in Degerloch, 17 km Luftline zum Telekom Standort.<br />

Auf 4<strong>05</strong> und 1881 kHz keine Mischprodukte zu hoeren.

Was ist denn ein uebliches Versorgungsgebiet eines 5 kW Sen<strong>der</strong>s?<br />

(73 wb, Aug 15)<br />

Truck Radio auf 738 kHz sendet via Hirschlanden mit 5 kW. Ausser im<br />

Grossraum Stuttgart wird sich daher des Nachts nichts an <strong>der</strong> ueblichen<br />

Empfangbarkeit von Barcelona aen<strong>der</strong>n. Das war schon so, als Mega Radio auf<br />

dieser QRG sendete. Hier in Frankfurt kommt Truck Radio tagsueber sogar<br />

schlechter an, als seinerzeit die Jugendwelle.<br />

(Heinz Schulz-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 15)<br />

In Salzburg spielt Truck-Radio auf 738 kHz gerade Vollgas um mit <strong>der</strong><br />

Zielgruppe zu sprechen, sogar ueber Woodstock wurde aus dem Blickwinkel<br />

des Verkehsstaus berichtet, das hat was.<br />

Gestern konnte ich noch nichts auf dieser Frequenz hoeren, da ich bei <strong>der</strong><br />

Gestaltung des kommenden Radio-Kurier - weltweit hoeren Titelbildes ueber<br />

Truck Radio gleich zur Tat schreiten wollte ...<br />

Und besser als Megaradio ist das Programm allemal.<br />

(Christoph Ratzer-AUT, OE2CRM, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 15)<br />

Auch hier in Eningen bei Reutlingen, 41 km SW vom Sen<strong>der</strong> Hirschlanden,<br />

kommt Truck Radio knall-bumm (ueber S=9) herein. AFN vom gleichen Standort<br />

kommt auf 1143 kHz ca. 10 dB schwaecher und mit mehr lokalken Stoerungen<br />

herein. Abends duerfte wie<strong>der</strong> eine leichte Schwebung (ca. 1Hz) zu RNE<br />

Barcelona auftreten, wie in alten Mega-Radio-Zeiten.<br />

CR: Und besser als Megaradio ist das Programm allemal.<br />

Ist auch meine, wohl altersbedingte, Meinung :-) Auf jeden Fall eine<br />

programmliche Bereicherung <strong>der</strong> inzwischen sehr wortlastig gewordenen<br />

Mittelwelle.<br />

WB: Was ist denn ein uebliches Versorgungsgebiet eines 5 kW Sen<strong>der</strong>s?<br />

Schaetze mal fuer diese Frequenz tagsueber so um die 50 km. Nachts<br />

theoretisch viiiiel mehr, wegen RNE aber deutlich weniger.<br />

(Juergen Martens-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 16)<br />

Hier in Aachen ist noch immer <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong> Barcelona von RNE 1 gut zu<br />

empfangen; Truck Radio stoert hier kaum, mehr schon 4 kW starke Sen<strong>der</strong> aus<br />

Paris. Wie Truck sich anhoert, erlebe ich hier fast in Sichtweite <strong>der</strong><br />

Sen<strong>der</strong>s in Juelich, auch wenn sie behaupten aus dem Koelner Raum zu<br />

senden. Heute nacht herrschen allerdings schlechte Empfansgbedingunen in<br />

Empfangsrichtung sued-suewest fuer die Mittelwelle; mal hoeren, wie es<br />

sich die kommenden Naechte verhalten wird.<br />

(Klaus Spielvogel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 16)<br />

Unter dem Motto "Selbst wenn Sie nicht dabei sein koennen, Sie verpassen<br />

nichts" startete heute Morgen punkt 6 das Weltjugendtags-Radio von WDR 5.<br />

Gesendet wird taeglich live von 0600 bis 2300 Uhr (bis zum 21. August) auf<br />

den beiden WDR-Mittelwellenfrequenzen 720 und 774 kHz, in Koeln auf UKW<br />

87,6 MHz, im Digitalradio DAB und als Live-Stream im Internet. Das<br />

Programm beinhaltet drei Mal taeglich ein Weltjugendtags-Magazin mit<br />

Informationen, Kommentaren und Analysen zum Geschehen sowie einen<br />

umfassenden Serviceteil: Reporter sammeln in den Leitstellen von Polizei,<br />

Feuerwehr und Verkehrsbetrieben wichtige <strong>Meldun</strong>gen und praesentieren sie<br />

zweisprachig (deutsch und englisch).<br />

Gesendet wird auf <strong>der</strong> 87,6 FM vom "Koeln-Turm" mit 300 Watt horizontal (PI<br />

D391). Normalerweise ist dieser Sen<strong>der</strong> fuer das WDR-Jugendprogramm 1Live<br />

vorgesehen - Bereich Koeln-Innenstadt.<br />

(Tom DF5JL, Thomas Kamp-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 15)

Hat jemand eine Idee, wie man vom WDR eine QSL bekommt ? Auf meine RRs hat<br />

<strong>der</strong> WDR seit Jahren nicht geantwortet, kennt jemand etwa eine Email-Ads<br />

"des zustaendigen" Mitarbeiters. Hat das WJT radio eine eigene Email-Ads ?<br />

(Tom, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 15)<br />

Wende Dich wegen einer Empfangsbestaetigung bitte an:<br />

Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Abt. Programmverbreitung AH 1350, 50600 Koeln.<br />

(Thomas Kamp-D DF5JL, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 16)<br />

Aus Anlass des katholischen Weltjugendtags strahlt <strong>der</strong> WDR vom 15. bis 21.<br />

August 20<strong>05</strong> das "WDR 5 Weltjugendtags-Radio" aus. Das Son<strong>der</strong>programm wird<br />

von den Mitarbeitenden des ARD-Pools betreut, die ohnehin an die<br />

verschiedenen ARD-Sen<strong>der</strong> berichten wuerden, und begleitet die Ereignisse<br />

zwischen 0900 und 2300 Uhr Ortszeit. Nachts kommt das Programm vom WDR<br />

Funkhaus Europa, morgens 0600-0900 Uhr wird das Morgenecho von WDR 5<br />

ausgestrahlt.<br />

Das Programm soll nicht nur die Veranstaltungen Aussenstehenden<br />

zugaenglich machen, son<strong>der</strong>n auch fuer Durchsagen und Informationen an die<br />

Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen dienen. Als fester Sendeplatz fuer<br />

Mitteilungen in Deutsch ist die volle Stunde, fuer Englisch die halbe<br />

angekuendigt. Ausserdem sollen Durchsagen in Franzoesisch, Spanisch,<br />

Italienisch, Daenisch, Finnisch, Nie<strong>der</strong>laendisch und Polnisch erfolgen. Zu<br />

den angekuendigten Live-Uebertragungen gehoeren unter an<strong>der</strong>em die<br />

Eroeffnungs- und Schlussgottesdienste, sowie die Programmpunkte des<br />

Besuchs von Papst Benedikt XVI. Ausgestrahlt wird das Son<strong>der</strong>programm lokal<br />

auf <strong>der</strong> UKW-Frequenz Koeln 87,6 MHz und ueberregional auf den Mittelwellen<br />

Langenberg 720 kHz und Bonn 774 kHz.<br />

(via ntt, Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Aug 12)<br />

Die Deutsche Welle ist <strong>der</strong> internationale Medienpartner des 20.<br />

katholischen Weltjugendtags. Vom 16. bis 21. August 20<strong>05</strong> werden rund eine<br />

Million Besucher aus ueber 120 Laen<strong>der</strong>n in Koeln erwartet. Als offizieller<br />

Medienpartner bietet die Deutsche Welle schon im Vorfeld ein umfangreiches<br />

Informationspaket unter . Nutzer weltweit finden hier<br />

Hintergrundinformationen in den sieben Schwerpunktsprachen Arabisch,<br />

Chinesisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Portugiesisch und Spanisch sowie<br />

23 weiteren Sprachen.<br />

Die offizielle Homepage des Weltjugentags verlinkt in<br />

allen dort verfuegbaren Sprachen auf Angebote bei DW-WORLD.DE - etwa auf<br />

die Rubrik "Deutschland entdecken" und die interaktive Deutschland-Karte.<br />

In Son<strong>der</strong>sendungen auf Deutsch, Englisch und Spanisch wird DW-TV vom<br />

weltgroessten katholischen Jugendtreffen berichten. So wird das deutsche<br />

Auslandsfernsehen unter an<strong>der</strong>em Bil<strong>der</strong> vom Papst-Besuch auf dem Marienfeld<br />

ueber sein weltweites Satellitennetz ausstrahlen.<br />

Die Abschlussmesse werden DW-TV und DW-RADIO live uebertragen. Die<br />

Reporter melden sich vom "Global-Village" in Bonn, beobachten die<br />

Ereignisse am Rande und widmen sich ausfuehrlich dem Rahmenprogramm. So<br />

wird beispielsweise die Arabische Redaktion von DW-RADIO bei <strong>der</strong><br />

Veranstaltung "Lebanese meets Latinoamericans" in Bonn dabei sein, und die<br />

Asien-Programme berichten ueber das "Asian Youth Gathering".<br />

(Pressemitteilung 183/<strong>05</strong> <strong>der</strong> Deutschen Welle 26. Juli 20<strong>05</strong>;<br />

via ntt, Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Aug 12)<br />

Deutschland (Nordrhein-Westfalen): Aus <strong>der</strong> Radiowerkstatt des Katholischen<br />

Bildungswerkes im Domforum sendet vom 8. bis zum 21. August "101,7 - Das<br />

Weltjugendtagsradio" fuer das Stadtgebiet Koeln. Ausfuehrlich berichtet<br />

das Veranstaltungsradio schon in <strong>der</strong> Vorwoche ueber die Vorbereitungen und<br />

die Veranstaltungen in den deutschen Dioezesen, wo die internationalen<br />

Teilnehmer des Weltjugendtages dann bereits zu Gast sind.<br />

Ab dem 15. August uebertraegt das "Weltjugendtagsradio" alle grossen

Feiern, so den Eroeffnungsgottesdienst mit Kardinal Meisner und den<br />

Schlussgottesdienst mit Papst Benedikt XVI., aber auch an<strong>der</strong>e liturgische<br />

Angebote. In den Informationsmagazinen und Unterhaltungsprogrammen sollen<br />

beson<strong>der</strong>s Weltjugendtags-Teilnehmer selber zu Wort kommen. Die Redaktion<br />

des Veranstaltungsradio kooperiert mit katholischen Sen<strong>der</strong>n wie dem<br />

domradio und Radio Vatikan; an<strong>der</strong>e Sen<strong>der</strong> in Oesterreich und Italien<br />

uebernehmen Teile des Programms, so die Sendung "Kompakt" um 6.30 Uhr bzw.<br />

23.30 Uhr, in <strong>der</strong> die Highlights des Tages noch einmal zusammengefasst<br />

werden und auf die kommenden Programmhoehepunkte des Weltjugendtages<br />

hingewiesen wird.<br />

Kontakt: "101,7 - Das Weltjugendtagsradio", Radiowerkstatt im Katholischen<br />

Bildungswerk Koeln, Rainer Tueschenboenner, Domkloster 3, 50667 Koeln,<br />

Tel. 0221 / 92 58 47-57, Fax -51,<br />

e-mail <br />

(via Lothar Ruehl; via ntt, Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Aug 12)<br />

GHANA 4915 G<strong>BC</strong>, Accra, noted on 15 Aug at 2214-2224, Vernancular, talks<br />

(seemingly children); 54433, QRM de B.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

GUATEMALA R Verdad, 4<strong>05</strong>2.5 kHz mid July received e-mail from Dr. Madrid<br />

that lightning damaged tx putting it out of use, and it was no longer to<br />

be heard. He spent a lot of time repairing it, and returned to air July 26<br />

with just 250 watts. Station is financed by local listeners and a local<br />

church; took him 16 years to get together funds to purchase tx. Heard in<br />

most worldparts, excellent QSLer, but be sure to enclose return postage.<br />

Financial support welcomed. Also prays for license to broadcast locally on<br />

FM.<br />

(Christer Brunstroem-SWE, Christian <strong>DX</strong> Report, HCJB <strong>DX</strong> PL Aug 6, notes by<br />

gh for dxld)<br />

GUINEA 7125 R.Conakry, logged on 15 Aug at 2225-..., French, news;<br />

44433. R.Rurale, Labe, 1385.9 also nicely heard evenings, e.g. 12 Aug at<br />

2129-2150 (off shortly before 2200) at 55444.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

1385.91 GUI R Rurale Vn, YL, afro-mx 33333 2110 17/8.<br />

(Christoph Mayer-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

As never before on 7125 from RDT Guineenne, Conakry. On Aug 10th at 2251<br />

UT: Guantanamera played by some latin american flavored (?) orchestra,<br />

wich give us a clear idea why this style is known as "afro-cuban", this mx<br />

is rooted in Africa and no matter the lang, you can find it from Gabon to<br />

Guinea and beyond, as I have heard them playing salsa, merengue or cha cha<br />

cha as well.<br />

Suddenly, as expected, Russia International Radio signed-on for its 2300<br />

to <strong>05</strong>00 txion, and the Conakry dream was over. Were not for fading the RDT<br />

Guineenne signal was beautiful, no T-storms disturbing. Plainly is the<br />

best African arrival we can get in Tiquicia at this time, rivaling only<br />

with Africa #1 on 17630 during the 1200 to 1600 UT slot. SINPO 45533.<br />

(Raul Saavedra-CTR, dxld Aug 11)<br />

INDIA All India Radio, Bangalore is conducting test txions to North<br />

India as follows with AIR FM Gold programs:<br />

9425 kHz (500 kW) : 0130-1230 UTC approx. (not continous).<br />

Reception Reports are appreciated and may be sent to:<br />

The exact sked of test broadcasts on 9425<br />

kHz from AIR Bangalore is 0130-<strong>05</strong>30 & 0830-1230 UTC. This is in // to 9470<br />

kHz via AIR Aligarh.<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Aug 17)

KASHMIR [non non]. Listening to 1284, the mention of Radio Kashmir<br />

reminded me of my visit to the station in 1989. I was in Srinagar for a<br />

month and frequently walked by the Radio Kashmir building. One day I<br />

decided to be bold and request a tour PLUS a meeting with the station<br />

director. I stopped at the front entrance and explained to the guard that<br />

I would like to meet and interview the director. After a few mins, he came<br />

back and asked if I had business card. I did not, but I produced my<br />

amateur radio license. He took that inside, apparently it was good enough<br />

since he escorted me to the director's office who was sitting behind the<br />

desk holding my license.<br />

We chatted about the station and such things as QSL procedures at the<br />

station. I was also bold enough to ask a few questions about the political<br />

situation in the region. He gave me a lecture about how the local people<br />

accepted Indian rule despite my mentioning that most locals I had met<br />

favored either Independence, or affiliation with Pakistan (the next day<br />

small riots broke out, the start of major unrest that would impact the<br />

country for the next decade).<br />

I took notes and also tape recorded the interview. One of these days I<br />

will have to dig out the boxes from my basement and see if I can find the<br />

information. I had intentions of writing an article for a short- wave<br />

magazine but, if my memory is correct, I never got around to it - mostly<br />

due to the fact that I did not get back to the USA until a year later. I<br />

took photographs of the station too, no easy task since there were signs<br />

in front of the building stating that photography was prohibited. I stood<br />

in the street pretending to be carefully composing pictures of the ornate<br />

gardens nearby and covertly took a few snaps of the station!<br />

(Andy O'Brien-NY-USA, dxld Aug 16)<br />

INDONESIA 3950.3v, unid. RRI, 1208-1235+ Aug 9, RRI outlet here //<br />

3976.06 et al. Drifting up and down between approx. 3950.1 and 3950.7.<br />

Also presumed same stn next morning (Aug 10) with weak signal at 1315 UT<br />

on 3947 kHz still drifting. Palu wan<strong>der</strong>ing?<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 10)<br />

The station mentioned in John Wilkins' report is indeed RRI Palu. I've<br />

been hearing it varying around 3949-3950 kHz over the past week. Their<br />

rarely reported daytime freqs of 1035 and 7234v kHz were also heard when I<br />

visited Balikpapan in East Kalimantan last weekend.<br />

(Alan Davies-INS, dxld Aug 13)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ CLANDESTINES 6310v, R Roj. Some Kurdish websites in support<br />

of the former PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) - now "Kurdistan Freedom and<br />

Democracy Congress" (KADEK) - include a link to the audio streaming of<br />

"Radyo Roj" (R Roj), which has been observed irregulary and drifting<br />

around 6310-6315 kHz since the beginning of 20<strong>05</strong> (nominally on 6310 acc.<br />

to the station's initial ann).<br />

Example: <br />

(note - the streaming requires, and asks for, an installation of the<br />

"Flatcast" player). R Roj is described as a 24h Kurdish online mx station.<br />

The server for the audio streaming is located in Switzerland.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, Dxplorer July 31)<br />

Cland: Voice of Revolution in Kurdish s/on 1424 on 6425, 4375, 3875 with<br />

IS from Shecherazada by Rimsky-Korsakoff, close down at 1547 UTC.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 9)<br />

JAPAN JSWC at Tokyo HAM Fair Month of August is our annual HAM Fair.<br />

This is organized by JARL, or JPN Amateur Radio League and will be held on<br />

August 20 and 21 at Tokyo Big Sight, or Tokyo International Exhibition<br />

Center, where 30 thousand people are expected to visit during the two-day

weekend.<br />

The purpose of the Fair is to promote the enjoyment of Ham, or amateur<br />

radio operation, but we, JSWC, also prepare to set up a special booth to<br />

impress the general public with the enjoyment and importance of<br />

international broadcasting, and to give technical advice on short wave<br />

listening. This year we are having Mr. David Baden of Radio Free Asia who<br />

is going to speak about RFA activities. We are also told that Mr. Victor<br />

Goonetilleke of Sri Lanka is invited by JARL to speak on their club's<br />

Tsunami Relief activities.<br />

Other visitors from broadcasting houses are Voice of Vietnam Tokyo Bureau<br />

and AWR Japan. JSWC booth number is C-091, so please drop in if any of you<br />

are happened to be in Tokyo this time.<br />

(Toshi Ohtake-JPN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Aug 10)<br />

KIRIBATI This week I received a verification by email from T3K1 Radio<br />

Kiribati, Tarawa, confirming my reception on 846 kHz in arctic Norway last<br />

October. See for details about our KONG <strong>DX</strong>peditions.<br />

The station was heard in Kongsfjord also in October 2003, and these are so<br />

far the only mediumwave loggings in Europe of this station.<br />

(Arnstein Bue-NOR, hcdx Aug 13)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. 3959.74 KCBS Kanggye at 1144-1154 UT Aug 12. Korean choral<br />

mx // 2850.02 kHz, both freqs fair. (John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 14)<br />

KYRGYZSTAN The Kyrgyz govt decided to move the standard time in the<br />

country to UTC +6hrs. This corresponds to the current local time during<br />

the summer months; there will be no shift back one hour in autumn.<br />

Formerly, Kyrgyzstan was in the UTC +5hrs zone, with DST shift to UTC<br />

+6hrs during the summer. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx Aug 17)<br />

LATVIA From <br />

Radio73 goes On Air! On 14th of August at 1700 UTC Radio73 will have it's<br />

first 1 hour txion on 9290 kHz via the tx of Krebs-TV in Latvia.<br />

There will be plenty of Music in the programme and I tell You a bit about<br />

making Your own radio programme on short wave. Farther there is a<br />

competition about the farthest listener.<br />

All reception reports with 1$ for the return postage will be answered with<br />

a QSL-Card from Radio73.<br />

So please tune your radio on 14th of August at 1700 UTC to 9290 kHz.<br />

To get a QSL-Card from Radio73 please send Your reception report to:<br />

Matthias Krause Dorfstr. 36 25474 Boeningstedt Germany e-mail: <br />

(Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 13)<br />

MADAGASCAR 12060 // 15320 Radio Nile/IRIN on Aug 15 at *0427-0457* UT.<br />

Noted with sudden sign-on with mxal selection, into EG annts with ID,<br />

followed with African News. Sudanese Music at 0433, followed with a<br />

Culture program interspersed with mx. This followed with a program in<br />

Sudanese Arabic, followed with a Program called 'Education Today' at 0445<br />

UT in En. More Music followed to 0452 with female speaker gave contact<br />

information a phone number, and a web site but said it so fast it was<br />

difficult to copy. Off at 0457 Both 12060 and 15320 kHz where clearly<br />

heard but 15320 managed to edge out 12060 kHz after 0450 UT.<br />

(Ed Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 18)<br />

MALAYSIA 6024.88 RM/Voice of Islam, on Aug 10 & 11 at 1332-1407 UT,<br />

assume in Malay, pop songs and phone-in program, 1359 UT Middle Eastern

type mx, ToH two time clicks, ID "Radio Suara Islam" (Voice of Islam),<br />

"Salam Alaikum," several freq's given, several mentions of "FM," singing<br />

jingle for "Suara Islam," fair-poor.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 12)<br />

MALI 4782.5 R. Mali, Kati, 15 Aug at 2217-... UT, Vernacular, folk<br />

tunes; 54433, adjc. uty. QRM; // 5995 khz at 54444 with adjc. QRM de DRM<br />

sig. on 5985 (also affecting B's R.Senado).<br />

7286.3 R. Mali, Kati, audible on <strong>05</strong> Aug at 1417-1510, Vernacular, talks;<br />

25442.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

MAURITANIA 4845 R Mauritania, Nouakchott, heard with late sign on at<br />

*1930-2030 UT on Aug 03, some hours after the coup d'etat, when the<br />

Presidential Guard took over the Radio and TV station, the airport and the<br />

palace of President Maaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya while he was flying back<br />

from the funeral of King Fahd in Saudi Arabia. Qur'an recitations.<br />

At 2007 UT a talk in Arabic which often mentioned a Mohamed. By the way,<br />

the name of the Comman<strong>der</strong> of the Presidential Guard is colonel Mohamed<br />

Ould Abdel-Aziz! At 2014 annt in a local African lang followed by a talk<br />

in French about "demokratie", 2027 UT Muslim chanting. 45444.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Aug 10)<br />

7245 R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott, observed on 02 Aug at 1401-1638 UT,<br />

French, news, etc., prayer at 1525; 34332, adjc. QRM de DRM sig. 7240.<br />

While that, also active on 4845 evenings (typically putting S9+40 dB) plus<br />

on 783 noted on 09 Aug at 2207-2219 at 54444.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

MEXICO 6185 R.Educacion, Cd. de Mexico, audible on on 06 Aug at 0835-<br />

f/out 0935, Spanish, Chines mx followed by Spanish ballads; 25432.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

MONACO/FRANCE Enclosed an item from the NTT newsletter of Dr Hansjoerg<br />

Biener. Ghist: At present it is subject of an internal discussion at<br />

Evangeliums-Rundfunk to abandon the MCR mediumwave and SW txs (i.e.<br />

Roumoules and Fontbonne). They say that a hour of airtime on the Roumoules<br />

tx costs five times more than at Mainflingen and hope, that the current<br />

reconstruction of the Mainflingen facility will provide satisfactory<br />

coverage, enabling them to do without the expensice MCR tx. No explicit<br />

mention of SW by the quoted ERF official here, but it seems to me that the<br />

SW txions would be cancelled together with 1467 kHz. Note that the only<br />

remaining Fontbonne txion beside ERF German is English in the morning on<br />

9870 kHz. I can hardly imagine that TWR as customer and/or MCR as operator<br />

will bother to keep the site for such a minor usage.<br />

Die traditionelle Mittel- und Kurzwelle wird beim Evangeliums-Rundfunk<br />

immer mehr von Satellit und Kabel abgeloest. Dies geht aus Zahlen einer<br />

Hoererumfrage hervor, die <strong>der</strong> Evangeliums-Rundfunk in seinem Programmheft<br />

August veroeffentlicht hat: "Unsere neuste Hoererumfrage ergibnt, dass<br />

tatsaechlich ca. 45 % unserer Hoerer ERF Sendungen ueber Satellit<br />

empfangen, ca. 30 % ueber Mittelwelle Mainflingen und Monte Carlo, 15 %<br />

ueber Kurzwelle und ungefaehrt 19 % ueber Kabel (Mehrfachnennungen waren<br />

moeglich." Hartmut Diehl, Direktor Technik und Marketing und Mitglied <strong>der</strong><br />

Missionsleitung, berichtet in dem zitierten Beitrag von internen<br />

Diskussionen ueber die Abschaltung <strong>der</strong> Mittel- und Kurzwelle Monte Carlo.<br />

"Eine Stunde ueber den MW-Sen<strong>der</strong> in Monte Carlo kostet den ERF den<br />

fuenffachen Preis einer Stunde ueber die Sendeanlage in Mainflingen."<br />

Sobald die Erneuerung <strong>der</strong> Anlage in Mainflingen akzeptable Ergebnisse<br />

zeitigt, "hoffen wir, die MW-Ausstrahlungen ueber den teuren Sen<strong>der</strong> in<br />

Monte Carlo einstellen zu koennen." Erstmals werden mit diesen Bemerkungen

die Freunde des ERF auf den Abschied von <strong>der</strong> seit 1961 eingesetzten TWR-<br />

Station in Monte Carlo vorbereitet.<br />

(Zitate aus Antenne Aug. 20<strong>05</strong>, S. 9 via ntt, Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Aug<br />

12)<br />

NIGERIA 7275 R.Nigeria, Abuja, noted on 09 Aug at 1240-...,<br />

Vernancular, few talks, music; 15331.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

OMAN 15375 Oman in Arabic at 1415 UT with talks by YL, quranic verses<br />

1420 a song then ID, 33433 splash by RFE Tajik. nothing on 15140 kHz. July<br />

31.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 12)<br />

PAKISTAN [KASHMIR non] Radio Azad Kashmir (probably) on 6780 kHz at<br />

1350 UT with Urdu-like lang with words such as Azad Kashmir, Pakistan<br />

Jammu & Kashmir. At 1400 changes to Radio Pakistan on the same freq in<br />

Urdu.<br />

(Manikant Lodaya-IND vu2jro, Aug 16, WOR1284, dxld)<br />

see also un<strong>der</strong> India, Kashmir...<br />

Frequency 6780 is being used by Radio Pakistan via Islamabad API-2 100 kW<br />

via a Quadrant antenna as follows [according to schedule]<br />

1215-1330 Kashmiri Service Pindi-I<br />

1350-1400 Balti News<br />

1420-1428 Sheena News<br />

No programme is listed between 1400 and 1420 UTC but maybe the frequency<br />

continues with a relay of one of the domestic Urdu sces?<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, dxld Aug 18)<br />

PARAGUAY 9736.9v R. Nac. del Paraguay, on Aug 14 at 0010-0033 & 0327-<br />

0431 UT, SP ballads, phone-in segments, many IDs, fair-good.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 14)<br />

9736.9 RNP, Asuncion, audible on 06 Aug at 0845-f/out 09<strong>05</strong> UT, Spanish,<br />

songs; 15341.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

PERU 3375.1 R.San Antonio, Padua de Callalli, observed on 12 Aug at<br />

2245-..., Spanish (tent), talks, Indian songs & mx; 22341, dreadful uty.<br />

QRM, and best received via an on the ground K9AY loop.<br />

6520.3 R.Paucartambo, Paucartambo, audible on 04 Aug at 0<strong>05</strong>7-0114,<br />

Quechua, talks, songs, TCs in Spanish; 45333.<br />

6536 R.Difusora Huancabamba, Huancabamba, logged on 04 Aug at 01<strong>05</strong>-0115,<br />

Spanish, talks; 25331. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

4886.6 R. Virgen del Carmen (pres), on Aug 13 at 1136-1151 UT, non-stop<br />

religious sce & singing, fair-poor. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 14)<br />

RUSSIA Voice of Russia via Vladivostok on 7390 at 1459 UT. English 444,<br />

Aug 3, YL with an ID and IS at 1459 UT. Off the air at 1500 UT.<br />

(Stewart MacKenzie-USA, JPNpremium Aug 12)<br />

12065 R. Pacific Ocean, on Aug 14 at *0835-0900* UT, chimes IS, ID, usual<br />

Russian prgm'ing, some nice Russian songs, sign-off annt, followed by an<br />

En song (Elvis, with "A Thing Called Love") till off in mid-song, good.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 14)<br />

I won<strong>der</strong> if the Russian tx you logged on 13855 with spurs is the same one<br />

that is used during the day on 13665. That also has spurs. Or maybe there

is a fault at the station that produces spurs when operating on 13 MHz.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 16)<br />

12130 Voice of Delina via Armavir. Aug 14 at 1832 to 1859* UT. Noted at<br />

tune-in with HoA mx, then into length commentary with some En phrases such<br />

as 'no Guarantees ... Peace, ... our kind' in the Trigrinya Language. 1852<br />

caught a nice Id as 'dmsi Delina ... democratica-al Eritrea' followed with<br />

a nice selection of Instrumental / Horn / flute HoA music by a local<br />

group. 1858 Female speaker with closing comments and gave the California<br />

Address for the Tesfa Delina Foundation, then sign-off. Signal was quick<br />

good but some interference from the swisher on 12120 kHz.<br />

(Ed Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 18)<br />

Complete results of the 7th Russian <strong>DX</strong> Contest can be found at:<br />

<br />

This year we had 27 participants from eight countries (Russia, Ukraine,<br />

Austria, Belarus, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, and USA). Top three are<br />

listed below:<br />

1. Rolands Strautmalis, Latvia<br />

2. Magsum Galimov, Russia<br />

3. Alexan<strong>der</strong> Sidorov, Ukraine.<br />

Thanks to all participants, as well as to all persons and organizations<br />

that provided prizes for the Contest! (Dmitry Mezin-RUS, hcdx Aug 13)<br />

DW Bonn DRM program via Moscow Taldom 0400-0600 UT 9690 kHz.<br />

Auf <strong>der</strong> Kurzwelle gibt es seit einigen Tagen eine neue Frequenz <strong>der</strong> DW,<br />

die nicht im Sendeplan auftaucht: 0400-0600 UTC auf 9690 kHz aus Taldom,<br />

was aber wohl nichts mit <strong>der</strong> IFA zu tun hat.<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

Nach Angaben des Kommentators von RIA Novosti, Vasily Kononenko, sind die<br />

Hoererzahlen fuer Auslandssen<strong>der</strong> drastisch zurueckgegangen. Eine Umfrage<br />

im Juni habe ergeben, dass Radio Liberty in Moskau mit 1,2 Prozent auf<br />

Platz 28 <strong>der</strong> Publikumsgunst lag, B<strong>BC</strong> Russisch auf Platz 33 (0,5 %) und<br />

Voice of America auf Platz 36 (0,4%). Als naheliegendste Gruende nannte<br />

Kononenko die groessere lokale Konkurrenz seit dem Fall des Sowjetregimes<br />

und die <strong>Verwendung</strong> von Mittelwelle statt UKW. "Aber es gibt auch an<strong>der</strong>e<br />

Gruende. Russland kaempft seinen eigenen Krieg gegen den Terror. Das<br />

Publikum reagiert negativ auf die westliche Wortwahl, wenn etwa<br />

Terroristen, die Kin<strong>der</strong> in Beslan als Geiseln nehmen, als Rebellen<br />

bezeichnet werden. Wenn die westlichen Sen<strong>der</strong> aber nicht mehr als<br />

Nachrichtenquelle ernst genommen werden, ist <strong>der</strong> Zusammenbruch <strong>der</strong><br />

Hoererzahlen unvermeidlich."<br />

(RIA Novosti via RNW MN NL 10.8.20<strong>05</strong>;<br />

via ntt, Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Aug 12)<br />

SAINT HELENA Gary sits on 1548, hoping to hear St.Helena for the first<br />

time in many a year. Soon he does get some audio from them and listens to<br />

adverts for a competition they are running. We last heard this old<br />

favourite in the 80s. Throughout the <strong>DX</strong>pedition we were also trying for<br />

Ascension on 1602 but that freq is quite messy with lots of burbling but<br />

nothing definite. Eventually I get an ID from R. Vitoria in Spain, but at<br />

no point did we even get a whiff of Ascension.<br />

(Vince Stevens-AFS, Seefontein 2 <strong>DX</strong>-pedition, dxing.info via dxld Aug 14)<br />

Another highlight for me was the reception of St.Helena on 1548 kHz - To<br />

the best of my knowledge, the 100 watt station was last received by yours<br />

truly and a few SA <strong>DX</strong>ers, including Vince & John, during the excellent<br />

reception conditions of the middle/late 80's. The local annts brought back<br />

some great <strong>DX</strong> memories! Thanks to the directional beverage, the low power<br />

signal managed to appear with, and over Capitol Gold (UK), both on top of

a subdued local 10 kW Radio Islam which normally dominates on this<br />

frequency. Viz.:<br />

1548 kHz, at 2015 on July 26, Radio St. Helena Jamestown in English with<br />

station ID by male announcer followed by pop mx. Also heard at 2144 hours<br />

with local annts by female presenter including: "... The radio quiz on<br />

Radio St. Helena continues this week and the winner will receive ten<br />

pounds ..." Also heard on July 28th at 0000 hours with B<strong>BC</strong> nx relay, poor<br />

with occasional fair peaks sharing with Capitol Gold, London - only slight<br />

intermittent QRM from Radio Islam at this time.<br />

(Vince Stevens-AFS, Seefontein 2 <strong>DX</strong>-pedition, dxing.info via dxld Aug 14)<br />

SAUDI ARABIA Second prgr in Ar: 0300-0855 9675 and 0856-1655 11855 (but<br />

no heard 9580);<br />

Call of Islam (not "Voice of Islam") 1500-1700 15315, 15435.<br />

Three (maybe more) central bulletins of nx of BSKSA in Ar observed1130-<br />

1145 11935, 17615, 178<strong>05</strong>, 21495, 217<strong>05</strong> 1400-1408 17895, 21460, 215<strong>05</strong>,<br />

21640 1800-1815 9555, 9870, 11740, 11820, 11915.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 6-11)<br />

Propagation has been awful on many mornings but I noticed an improvement<br />

today. There was a nice signal coming from Saudi on 9675 which is 100% //<br />

with 11855 kHz - this was also audible but with low modulation at 0630 UT.<br />

So Rumen Pankov has got it wrong somehow. And today I could also hear the<br />

ARS Koran programme on 9715 - weak but // 15380 kHz.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 16)<br />

15380 BSKSA, Riyadh, at 1200-1330 on Aug 02, joint program by the<br />

General Service and Holy Qur'an with live txion from the simple funeral<br />

sce in a mosque in Riyadh of King Fahd, heard // 17895, 215<strong>05</strong>, 21600 and<br />

21640. Qur'an recitations, report from the arrival of Muslim dignities,<br />

ID, special call to prayer for the late King, 1245 interviews and report<br />

while the body was carried to the public al-Od cemetery and buried, 1303<br />

ID and a prayer for the new King Abdullah ben Abdel Aziz. 44444.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Aug 10)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA [CLANDESTINE] 7380 Voice of Biafra International via<br />

Sentech, South Africa. On Aug 6 at 2103(S/on)-2115 UT. SINPO 35333.<br />

Carrier continued till 2103, then s/on with chorus sounded like hymn till<br />

21<strong>05</strong>, then ID in English as "You are listening to the Voice of Biafra<br />

International broadcast, coming to you from Washington DC, transmitting on<br />

7380 kHz freq equivalent to 41 mb." Prayer followed. ID again at 2109 UT,<br />

then talk by a man.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 12)<br />

11690 B<strong>BC</strong>WS via JORDAN?<br />

What is the world is going on with R. Jordan on 11690? Sat Aug 13 at 1515<br />

I hear play-by-play sports in British English, sounds just like the B<strong>BC</strong>!<br />

It IS the B<strong>BC</strong> WS // 12095 and synchronized, unlike 9740.<br />

I was in a hurry to get this posted so others could check it out. Then I<br />

looked up 11690 in HFCC A-<strong>05</strong> and found:<br />

11690 1500 1700 48SW,52NE,53NW MEY 500 5 2703-3010<strong>05</strong> G B<strong>BC</strong> MER<br />

So B<strong>BC</strong> is on the books via South Africa during this bihour but how come we<br />

have only been hearing Jordan previously? Was this B<strong>BC</strong> txion just<br />

activated? And is Jordan off the air or just not propagating, as<br />

conditions are below normal.<br />

11690 MEY - former 9750 kHz entries in HFCC A<strong>05</strong> in March 20<strong>05</strong>:<br />

11690 1500-1530 smtwtfs B<strong>BC</strong> Meyerton 500 0<strong>05</strong> English E AF HR 4/3/0.5<br />

11690 1530-1615 smtwtfs B<strong>BC</strong> Meyerton 500 0<strong>05</strong> Swahili E AF HR 4/3/0.5

11690 1615-1630 smtwt.. B<strong>BC</strong> Meyerton 500 0<strong>05</strong> Swahili E AF HR 4/3/0.5<br />

11690 1615-1700 .....fs B<strong>BC</strong> Meyerton 500 0<strong>05</strong> English E AF HR 4/3/0.5<br />

11690 1630-1700 smtwt.. B<strong>BC</strong> Meyerton 500 0<strong>05</strong> Krwanda/Krundi E AF HR<br />

4/3/0.5<br />

... and instead on MEY 21490 kHz in B-<strong>05</strong> season. (wb, dxld Aug 13)<br />

So maybe B<strong>BC</strong>WS just replaced 9750 with 11690. Jordan is in for a bad time,<br />

this added to RTTY and HCJB QRM earlier. If B<strong>BC</strong> English is only for half<br />

an hour at 1500, that must be frustrating for the sports addicts on<br />

Saturdays. A prime example of how different propagation can be some 2<br />

megameters away, a few mins later:<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Aug 13)<br />

Radio Jordan, 11690, tune up to avoid RTTY at 1528 UT Aug 13 with English<br />

pop tunes from the like of Elton John, Shania Twain etc. IDs like "Hits<br />

from the past and present, 96.3 FM" and "Radio Jordan 96.3 FM". Two time<br />

pips to 1600 Newscast. The main points were repeated at 1607 followed by<br />

contact addresses and e-mails. Local Jordanian weather at 1608 then back<br />

to 96.3 FM at 1609 after time check. (Mick Delmage-Alb-CAN, dxld Aug 13)<br />

SPAIN/CANARY ISLS 15110 (Noblejas). REE special program from Canary Isls<br />

Mon-Fri 1510 UT 21700 17850 17760 15585 15385 11815, and 9765 kHz.<br />

1510 UTC Sat 17660 15385 kHz. 21<strong>05</strong> UTC Mon-Fri 17850 15110 11815 11625<br />

9765, and 7275 kHz. 22<strong>05</strong> UTC Sat 17850 15110 11815 9765, and 7275 kHz.<br />

Radio Exterior de Espana, Espanoles en la Mar, Apartado 1233, 38080 Santa<br />

Cruz de Tenerife, Islas Canarias, Espana.<br />

Radio Exterior de Espana. Recibida carta desde las Islas Canarias<br />

conteniendo carta QSL con datos completos, firmada por v/s Mary Cortes,<br />

productora del programa "Espanoles en la Mar", asi como pegatinas<br />

"stickers" y carta de agradecimiento, pidiendo disculpas por la tardanza<br />

en respon<strong>der</strong>, en la que dice que por estar enferma durante tres meses, el<br />

programa "Espanoles en la Mar"estuvo fuera del aire durante ese tiempo,<br />

pero que ya esta de nuevo en antena, asi como que tiene la correspondencia<br />

atrasada.Termina diciendo que espera que siga enviando informes y<br />

colabarondo con el programa. Tardaron en contestar 75 dias y la carta se<br />

envio a:<br />

El programa "Espanoles en la Mar", que se produce en las Islas Canarias, y<br />

que tiene una duracion de 50 minutos, es transmitido por Radio Exterior de<br />

Espana en los siguientes horarios y frecuencias:<br />

1510 UTC de Lunes a Viernes por 21700, 17850, 17760, 15585, 15385, 11815 y<br />

9765 kHz.<br />

1510 UTC Sabados por 17660 y 15385 kHz. 21<strong>05</strong> UTC de Lunes a Viernes por<br />

17850, 15110, 11815, 11625, 9765 y 7275 kHz. 22<strong>05</strong> UTC Sabados por 17850,<br />

15110, 11815, 9765 y 7275 kHz.<br />

(Manuel Mendez-ESP, hcdx Aug 13)<br />

SUDAN 95<strong>05</strong> Radio Omdurman. On Aug 6 at 1655-17<strong>05</strong> UT. SINPO 44433.<br />

Telephone interview in Arabic. Sudanese mx at 1656 UT, ID was given at<br />

1701 as "...Omdurman, Idha'at gumhuriya as Sudan.", followed by news.<br />

Audio was interrupted at 1703 UT.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 12)<br />

7200 SN<strong>BC</strong>, Omdurman, at *0302-0430 UT on Aug 01 and 04, phone-in program<br />

in Arabic with light instrumental mx and frequent mentions of Sudan, 0400<br />

ID and news, 45444. From *0430 covered by R Bulgaria. Nothing was heard on<br />

95<strong>05</strong> kHz. It was also heard on 7200 kHz at 21<strong>05</strong> UT on Jul 31 with Arabic<br />

programs and Nubian mx.<br />

(Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, and Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Aug 10)

SYRIA/USA There have been reports that the old contact address for Radio<br />

Free Syria, the Reform Party of Syria's address in Potomac, MD (USA) is no<br />

longer valid. The party's website,<br />

gives this new address for their headquarters:<br />

Suite 400. 1700 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., Washington, DC 20004, USA.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 17)<br />

TAIWAN 11940 Trans World Broadcasting Ministry via Taipei. Full data<br />

QSL Cards, one in English and the other in Chinese, with my own Prepared<br />

Cards, signed and stamped. Also Listed the Transmitter site with power<br />

(Taipei - 100 kW's) Also sent a accompanying letter apologizing for the<br />

poor English, with station History and Information. This for a Postal<br />

report to this address:<br />

Trans World Broadcasting Ministry, 467 Chih Sien 1st Rd. 7/F, Kaohsiung<br />

800, Taiwan, Republic of China. Reply in 62 days.<br />

v/s: Dau-Sheng Chu.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 12)<br />

TANZANIA [Zanzibar and non] 6015 / 11735 "Voice of Tanzania Zanzibar".<br />

Radio Tanzania-Zanzibar 11735 at tune in 1700 Aug 14 with nx in lang(?)<br />

[Swahili reported] with many mentions of Dar es Salaam. Probably nx<br />

datelines. At 1715 definite ID for Radio Tanzania, Dar es Salaam.<br />

Listening to 1800 when they went into English nx after time pips. ID as<br />

Radio Spice-FM. The nx featured items from Zanzibar, followed by African<br />

nx and then World news. The main headlines were repeated at 1809 and they<br />

returned to lang at 1810. Tremendous signal, 454. HUGE signal this morning<br />

and continues past 1820 UT. (Mick Delmage-Alb-CAN, dxld Aug 14)<br />

11735 R.Tanzania-Zanzibar, Dole, logged on 09 Aug at 1545-1611, Swahili,<br />

oriental songs, ID, newscast; 34443, adjc. QRM.<br />

5<strong>05</strong>0.1 R.Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, audible on 03 Aug at 1825-1855,<br />

Swahili, talks, mx, african tunes; 45433.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

5<strong>05</strong>0.09 R Tanzania, Dar-es-Salaam, at 2044-2100* on Jul 31, Swahili, pop-<br />

music, nx headlines, ID, Dar-es-Salaam mentioned several times. 33232.<br />

(Bjarke Vestesen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Aug 10)<br />

TURKEY At 0700 the TRT Ankara IS was heard on 9675 and it started on the<br />

hour in a unid. lang which I believe was their Georgian sce, normally on<br />

listed 9760. There was no txion audible on that freq so someone forgot to<br />

adjust the tx!!!<br />

[9760 Emirler, 500 kW 72deg Georgian. 9675 is used for Russian sce 1700-<br />

1755 on 9675, wb.]<br />

Also on 9675 I could hear a ditter using USB but the dit tones were<br />

different to the one loudly audible on 11760LSB. And when I checked for<br />

9704 I found more UTE activity on about 9706 - difficult to tell the exact<br />

frequency. This one had a digital signal on USB and RTTY on the LSB! I<br />

won<strong>der</strong> why these txions are in the bc band?<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 16)<br />

UGANDA 4976 R.Uganda, Kampala, noted on 15 Aug at 2212-2223,<br />

Vernancular, African songs; 45433, but noisy audio and distorted<br />

modulation.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

UNID Can anybody hear ANYthing on 9170.010 kHz? Unid faded in 1730,<br />

still ON at 1850z (at N-floor level) Theoretical chances have beeb<br />

increased since CNR6 closed (-1800*). But seems they're just chances not<br />

more ;) I think it's very likely an harmonic from MW (east Asia?).<br />

(Vlad Titarev-UKR, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 17)

Nothing heard here Aug 18 at 1801 UT, after CNR (S=4-5 fair signal)<br />

closed, wb.<br />

UNID 1550.2 (as I previously reported too) Silent carrier noted again<br />

on 09 Aug at 2149-...; 33442, adjc. QRM & Brazilian stn audible<br />

un<strong>der</strong>neath. Some DF with my Beverages and on the ground K9AY indicate it's<br />

probably coming from the SoWest, but it still remains to be ascertained<br />

whether it's W.Sahara, which, by the way, continues active on 700 & 7460<br />

- and if it really is the Polisario, then the level of this signal is well<br />

below the one they had on 1550.0 kHz.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

U.K. SRS on 17660 kHz adds an extra hour. Sudan Radio Service (studios<br />

in Nairobi - transmitted via VT) has added an extra hour to its evening<br />

txion, following the death of Sudanese Vice-President John Garang. The<br />

station is now on the air at 1400-1800 (formerly 1500-1800) UT on 17660<br />

kHz (Monday-Friday only). This schedule extension is for the period 9<br />

August to 9 September.<br />

The morning txion continues at 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 on 11665 kHz and <strong>05</strong>00-0600 on<br />

15325 kHz (again, Monday-Friday only). (Chris Greenway-UK, dxld Aug 10)<br />

17660 WOF 250 kW 140 deg, 11665 RMP 500 125, 15325 WOF 300 126.<br />

Cland 15550[sic 15500] Salan Watandar (pres) talks by OM and YL 1324 abt<br />

Pakistan, Kabul mentions of BAsjhkir, technicians. Khabar Boshet then a<br />

program mof mixed talks and hindic type songs. July 31.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 12)<br />

RMP 500kW 95deg Persian/Dari<br />

U.S.A. /HAWAII Updated summer schedule of <strong>DX</strong>-ing With Cumbre as July<br />

29:<br />

Fri 21<strong>05</strong> 11765 HRA 250 kW / 090 deg Angel 5, cancelled<br />

Sat 0230 5850 HRA 250 kW / 060 deg Angel 5, additional<br />

0330 17510 WHR 100 kW / 300 deg Angel 3<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 7315 HRI 250 kW / 152 deg Angel 1<br />

7465 HRI 250 kW / 042 deg Angel 2<br />

0700 9510 WHR 100 kW / 225 deg Angel 4, cancelled<br />

0730 7315 HRI 250 kW / 152 deg Angel 1, cancelled<br />

7465 HRI 250 kW / 042 deg Angel 2, cancelled<br />

0900 9510 WHR 100 kW / 225 deg Angel 4, cancelled<br />

1230 11785 HRI 250 kW / 315 deg Angel 1, cancelled<br />

1930 15285 HRI 250 kW / 173 deg Angel 1<br />

Sun <strong>05</strong>00 9510 WHR 100 kW / 225 deg Angel 4<br />

1500 11555 WHR 100 kW / 285 deg Angel 3<br />

1530 15285 HRI 250 kW / 173 deg Angel 1<br />

2030 15785 HRI 250 kW / 042 deg Angel 2<br />

Mon 0230 5850 HRA 250 kW / 060 deg Angel 5<br />

0330 7315 HRI 250 kW / 152 deg Angel 1<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 16)<br />

Updated summer A-<strong>05</strong> schedule for Voice of America:<br />

AFAN/OROMO 1600-1630 117<strong>05</strong> 11790 152<strong>05</strong> Mon-Fri<br />

ALBANIAN <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 1215 118<strong>05</strong> 11825 13615<br />

1600-1630 9575 13740 17725<br />

1830-1900 1458 9840 15145<br />

AMHARIC 1800-1830 11895 13670 13835 Mon-Fri<br />

1800-1900 11895 13670 13835 Sat/Sun

ARABIC# 0400-0800 990 1260 1548<br />

0800-1500 990 1548<br />

1500-1600 990 1260 1548<br />

1600-0400 990 1260 1431 1548<br />

AZERI 1730-1800 9740 11670 15245<br />

BANGLA 0130-0200 11735 15165 17780<br />

1600-1700 1575 7430 9740 11835<br />

BOSNIAN 2130-2200 792 Mon-Fri<br />

BURMESE 1130-1200 1575 9720 11850 15225<br />

1430-1500 1575 5955 7155 9720<br />

2330-2400 6185 95<strong>05</strong> 11840 15220<br />

CANTONESE 1300-1500 1170 7115 9355 11865<br />

CHINESE 0000-0100 7190 9545 11830 11925 15150 15385 17765<br />

0100-0200 9545 11830 11925 15150 15385 17765<br />

0200-0300 9545 11830 11925 15385 17765<br />

0700-0900 12010 13610 13720 13740 15160 15250 17855 21540<br />

217<strong>05</strong><br />

0900-1000 11825 11895 12010 13610 13720 13740 15160 15250<br />

15665 17855<br />

1000-1100 9575 11825 11895 12010 13610 13740 15160 15230<br />

15250 15665 17855<br />

1100-1200 1170 6110 9575 11785 11825 11965 11990 12040<br />

15250<br />

1200-1230 6110 9845 11785 11825 11965 11990 12040 15250<br />

1230-1300 6110 9845 11785 118<strong>05</strong> 11825 11965 12040 15250<br />

1300-1330 6110 9845 11785 118<strong>05</strong> 11965 11990 12040<br />

1330-1400 6110 9845 11785 118<strong>05</strong> 11825 11965 11990 12040<br />

1400-1500 6110 9770 9845 118<strong>05</strong> 11965 11990 12040<br />

2200-2300 7150 7190 7200 9510 9545 11925 13775<br />

CREOLE 1130-1200 11890 11925 15360 Mon-Fri<br />

1630-1700 15390 17565 21555<br />

2100-2130 11895 13725 21555<br />

CROATIAN 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 756 792 1458 5965 11855<br />

1830-1900 7175 15170<br />

DARI& 0130-0230 972 1296 11995 12140<br />

1500-1530 972 1296 12140 15090<br />

1630-1730 972 1296 12140 15090<br />

1800-1830 972 1296 12140 15090<br />

1930-2030 972 1296 12140<br />

ENGLISH 0000-0030 1575 1593 7215 12140 15185 15290 17820<br />

0030-0100 1575 1593 7215 9780 11760 15185 15290 17740<br />

17820<br />

0100-0130 7115 9885 117<strong>05</strong> 11725<br />

0130-0200 7115 74<strong>05</strong> 9775 9885 117<strong>05</strong> 11725 13740 Mon-Fri<br />

0130-0200 7115 9885 117<strong>05</strong> 11725 Sat/Sun<br />

0200-0300 7115 9885 117<strong>05</strong> 11725 Mon-Fri<br />

0300-0330 909 1530 4930 6080 7290 7340 9885 12080<br />

17895<br />

0330-0400 909 1530 4930 6080 7290 9885 12080 17895<br />

0400-0430 909 1530 4930 4960 6080 7290 9575 9885<br />

11835 12080 17895<br />

0430-<strong>05</strong>00 909 4930 4960 6080 7290 9575 11835 12080<br />

17895<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 909 4930 6080 6180 7290 12080 13645

0600-0700 909 1530 6080 6180 7290 12080 13645<br />

0700-0900 6080 7290 13645<br />

0900-1100 9520 152<strong>05</strong> 17745<br />

1100-1130 9520 152<strong>05</strong> 17745 Mon-Fri<br />

1100-1130 1575 9520 152<strong>05</strong> 17745 Sat/Sun<br />

1130-1200 9520 152<strong>05</strong> 17745<br />

1200-1230 1170 6160 9645 9760 15240<br />

1230-1300 6160 9645 9760 15240<br />

1300-1400 9645 9760<br />

1400-1500 6160 7125 9760 15265<br />

1500-1530 6160 7125 9580 9590 9760 9825 9845 9850<br />

12040<br />

13690 15195 15445 15550 15580 17715 Mon-Fri<br />

1500-1530 1575 6160 7125 9580 9590 9760 9825 9845<br />

9850<br />

12040 13690 15195 15445 15550 15580 17715 Sat/Sun<br />

1530-1600 1575 6160 9590 7125 9760 9825 9845 9850<br />

12040<br />

15195 15445 15550 15580 17715<br />

1600-1700 909 1170 1530 4930 6160 7125 9700 9760<br />

9825<br />

9850 12080 13600 15195 15410 15445 15580 17895<br />

1700-1740 1170 1575 6160 7125 9345 9850 15410 15580<br />

Mon-Fri<br />

1700-1740 6160 7125 9345 9850 15410 15580 Sat/Sun<br />

1740-1800 909 1170 1575 4930 6160 7125 9345 9850<br />

11975 15410 15580 17895 Mon-Fri<br />

1740-1800 909 4930 6160 7125 9345 9850 11975 15410<br />

15580 17895 Sat/Sun<br />

1800-1900 909 4930 9850 11975 15410 15580 17895<br />

1900-2000 909 4930 4940 6040 9670 9850 11975 13635<br />

13670 15410 15445 15580 17895<br />

2000-2030 909 1530 4930 4940 6040 9670 9850 11975<br />

13635 13670 15410 15445<br />

2030-2100 909 1530 4930 6040 9670 9850 11975 12140<br />

13635 13670 15410 15445 Mon-Fri<br />

2030-2100 909 1530 4930 4940 9850 11975 12140 13670<br />

15410 15445 Sat/Sun<br />

2100-2200 909 1530 4930 11975 12140 13670 15410 15445<br />

2200-2230 1593 7215 12140 15185 15290 153<strong>05</strong> 17740 17820<br />

2230-2300 1575 1593 7215 9570 12140 13755 15145 15185<br />

15290 153<strong>05</strong> 17740 17820 Fri/Sat<br />

2230-2300 1593 7215 9570 12140 13755 15145 15185 15290<br />

153<strong>05</strong> 17740 17820 Sun-Thu<br />

2300-2330 1593 1575 7215 7260 12140 13725 15185 15290<br />

153<strong>05</strong> 17740 17820 Fri/Sat<br />

2300-2330 1593 7215 7260 12140 13725 15185 15290 153<strong>05</strong><br />

17740 17820 Sun-Thu<br />

2330-2400 1593 1575 7215 12140 15185 15290 153<strong>05</strong> 17740<br />

17820 Fri/Sat<br />

2330-2400 7215 12140 15185 15290 153<strong>05</strong> 17740 17820 Sun-Thu<br />

FRENCH <strong>05</strong>30-0600 1530 4960 6035 6095 9885 13710 Mon-Fri<br />

0600-0630 4960 6035 6095 9885 13710 Mon-Fri<br />

1830-2000 1530 9815 9830 12080 15730 17785<br />

2000-2030 9815 9830 11720 12080 15730<br />

2030-2100 9815 9830 11720 12080 15730 Sat/Sun<br />

2100-2130 9815 9830 11720 12035 12080 Mon-Fri<br />

GEORGIAN 1530-1600 118<strong>05</strong> 15475 17870<br />

HAUSA <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 1530 4960 6035 6095 9885<br />

1500-1530 9710 11990 13745<br />

1800-1830 1530 4940 9565 11955 17785 Sat/Sun

2030-2100 4940 9815 9830 11720 12080 15730 Mon-Fri<br />

HINDI 0030-0100 7430 9560 11820<br />

1600-1700 7260 9315 12155<br />

INDONESIAN 0000-0030 9535 118<strong>05</strong> 15145 152<strong>05</strong><br />

1100-1130 9700 9890 12010<br />

1130-1230 7260 9700 9890 12010<br />

1230-1300 9700 9890 12010<br />

1400-1500 13620 151<strong>05</strong> 15490 Thu-Sat<br />

2200-2330 7225 9535 9620 118<strong>05</strong> 152<strong>05</strong><br />

2330-2400 7225 9535 118<strong>05</strong> 152<strong>05</strong><br />

KHMER 1330-1430 1575 5955 7155 9680<br />

2200-2230 1575 6060 7130 7260 13725<br />

KINYARWANDA 0330-0430 6095 7340 13725<br />

1600-1630 117<strong>05</strong> 11790 152<strong>05</strong> Sat<br />

KOREAN 1300-1400 648 7215 7235 11740<br />

1400-1500 7215 7235 11740<br />

2000-2030 6060 7125 9510<br />

2030-2100 6060 7125 9510 15470<br />

KURDISH 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 7115 9730 11980<br />

1300-1400 1593 9695 9825 15245<br />

1600-1700 15470 15545 17745<br />

1800-1900 9625 119<strong>05</strong> 15545<br />

1900-2000 1593<br />

LAOTIAN 1230-1300 1575 6030 7225 9545 11930<br />

NDEBELE 1720-1740 909 4930 11975 17895<br />

PASHTO& 0030-0130 972 1296 11995 12140<br />

1430-1500 972 1296 12140 15090<br />

1530-1630 972 1296 12140 15090<br />

1730-1800 972 1296 12140 15090<br />

1830-1930 972 1296 12140<br />

PERSIAN 0200-0300 9840 11660 17855<br />

1600-1700 6040 9670 11760<br />

1700-1800 1593 6040 9680 11740<br />

1800-1900 648 1593 6040 9680 11740<br />

PORTUGUESE 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 1530 6095 7340 9885 13725<br />

1700-1730 1530 9565 12080 17785<br />

1730-1800 1530 9565 9815 12080 15730 17785<br />

1800-1830 1530 9565 9815 12080 15730 17785 Mon-Fri<br />

RUSSIAN 1300-1400 11725 15130 152<strong>05</strong> 15215 17720 17730<br />

1700-1800 61<strong>05</strong> 7220 9520 9615 11935 15370<br />

1800-1900 61<strong>05</strong> 7220 9520 9615 11885 11935<br />

SERBIAN <strong>05</strong>30-0600 1458 118<strong>05</strong> 11825 13615<br />

1930-2000 792 97<strong>05</strong> 11910 15280<br />

2100-2130 756 7210 11885 11910 Mon-Fri<br />

SHONA 1700-1720 909 4930 11975 17895<br />

SPANISH 0100-0200 9560 9735 9885 11815 13760<br />

1100-1130 9535 11925 13790<br />

1130-1200 9535 13790<br />

1200-1230 7370 11890 13770 15360

SWAHILI 1630-1700 9815 13670 15730<br />

1700-1730 9815 13670 15730 Mon-Fri<br />

TIBETAN 0000-0100 7200 7255 11690 11875<br />

0400-0600 15265 15490 17665 17770<br />

1400-1500 6030 117<strong>05</strong> 11975 15680<br />

TIGRINA 1630-1700 117<strong>05</strong> 11790 152<strong>05</strong> Mon-Fri<br />

TURKISH 0330-0400 792 72<strong>05</strong> 9510 11780 Mon-Fri<br />

1030-1100 11735 13795 17670 Mon-Fri<br />

1800-1900 792 9385 11925 15235<br />

UKRAINIAN 0400-0430 7265 9680 12015 Mon-Fri<br />

2000-2015 7230 9715 11840 Sat/Sun<br />

2000-2030 7230 9715 11840 Mon-Fri<br />

URDU* 0100-0200 972 7155 9835 118<strong>05</strong><br />

1400-1500 972 9510 11790 15170 15345<br />

1500-1700 972<br />

1700-1800 972 9315 119<strong>05</strong> 12155<br />

1800-0100 972<br />

UZBEK 1500-1530 801 11515 11780 15390<br />

VIETNAMESE 1300-1330 1575 5955 95<strong>05</strong> 9720<br />

1500-1600 1170 5955 6120 7195 9780<br />

2230-2330 6060 7130 7260 13725<br />

# Radio Sawa<br />

& Radio Ashna<br />

* Radio Aap Ki Dunyaa<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 16)<br />

WRMI is still carrying WRN during certain hours; on Wed Aug 17 at 1409 UT<br />

a weak signal on 7385 was talking about Israel, but in a reasonable tone<br />

of voice you don't get from gospel huxters, especially Brother Scare.<br />

Signal actually improved at 1420 recheck when talking about Cologne what<br />

else but DW, even after moving to the suburb of Bonn. I hope the city<br />

fathers in Koeln realize how DW put that city on the world map. At 1440 UT<br />

recheck it was R. Sweden, both in accordance with the WRN North America<br />

schedule. As of Aug 17, the new WRMI program schedule still has not been<br />

posted at <br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Aug 17)<br />

Dear Allen and Glenn: As you know, our new programming to Cuba that began<br />

this week is causing us to reduce the number of hours we broadcast to<br />

North America substantially. On weekends, we are going to be transmitting<br />

to Cuba/Latin America from 5-9 am, 12 noon-4 pm and 6 pm-12 midnight<br />

Eastern Time on 9955 kHz. So for afternoons and evenings, that only leaves<br />

us a two-hour window from 4-6 pm ET to North America on 7385 kHz.<br />

Therefore, we will move the <strong>DX</strong> programs up to that time block as of this<br />

coming Saturday the 20th. Specifically:<br />

2100 UT Sat World of Radio 7385 kHz. 2130 UT Sat <strong>DX</strong> Party Line 7385 kHz.<br />

I am also hoping to get both programs on Sunday mornings somewhere around<br />

1400 UT on the same freq to North America. It may not happen this weekend,<br />

but hopefully by the next. We are also now airing Glenn's Spanish <strong>DX</strong><br />

program Mundo Radial Sundays at 2345 UT on 9955 kHz to Latin America, and<br />

I am hoping a half-hour space will open up so we can get the <strong>DX</strong>PL on the<br />

Latin American beam as well.<br />

I am sorry about these sudden changes, but as you know we have needed a

financial shot in the arm, which this new Cuban programming is giving us,<br />

and that will enable us to do a lot more things in the long run, such as<br />

get the second tx on air.<br />

(Jeff White-FL-USA, WRMI, dxld Aug 17)<br />

UZBEKISTAN R Tashkent Intl - 5060 kHz. (x5025?)<br />

Radio Tashkent International now using 5060 khz (ex 5025 kHz) for their<br />

half hourly English broadcasts at 2030 and 2130 UTC. Also announced //<br />

9715 and 119<strong>05</strong> in their sign-on annt - neither audible here. Very strong<br />

signal yesterday (15 Aug) and today - probably the strongest on 60 metres<br />

here.<br />

Feature yesterday evening on the "Uzbekistan-Switzerland Friendship<br />

Society". According to their announcer yesterday, Radio Tashkent has 120<br />

such "Friendship clubs". Met up with Chris Greenway in the "Prince of<br />

Wales" this evening, who by strange coincidence had also tuned into<br />

exactly the same broadcast from Tashkent yesterday evening. On the basis<br />

of this, maybe we could form a Radio Tashkent - Caversham Friendship<br />

Society?<br />

(Alan Pennington-UK, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Aug 16)<br />

5060 (x5025). Das muesste somit auch fuer die Deutsch-Stunde 1935 bis 2027<br />

UTC gelten?<br />

Dann waere die Uganda Frequenz zur weiteren Beobachtung frei...<br />

Tashkent: // 119<strong>05</strong>, aber im Sommer nicht auf <strong>der</strong> (dritten) Winterfrequenz<br />

9545.<br />

73 wb, Aug 16<br />

YEMEN 6135 R Sanaa, Yemen, at 0420 on Aug 07, Arabic annmt, 23332,<br />

fading out, in the clear until co-channel B<strong>BC</strong> Meyerton appeared 0425,<br />

exactly on same frequency, // 9779.48 kHz.<br />

(Martien van Groot-HOL, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Aug 10)<br />

(pres) 6135 at 1434 UT with imam praying signal 24332 on Aug 7th at 1435<br />

UT with Arab songs and 14432. Aug 1&7 using De1102.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 12)<br />

ZAMBIA 4965 Christian Voice, Lusaka, logged on 08 Aug at 2221-2232,<br />

English, preaching prgr; 25332, so worse than typical.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

ZIMBABWE 6600 Z<strong>BC</strong>, Gweru, at 0402 on Aug 02, Vernacular nx after usual<br />

drums on hour, also noted here at 1906 on same day, in clear after<br />

presumed co-channel Voice of the People sign-off; still on this new freq<br />

Aug 03, 04 (morning only), back on 6612 Aug 04 (evening), <strong>05</strong>, 06, then<br />

again on 6600 Aug 07 at 0400, so does this imply that there is also a<br />

nominal on 3300?, poor. (Martien Groot-HOL, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Aug 10)<br />

Heard on 6612 at 0155-0315, Aug 09, Vernacular annt with Afropop, 25232.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Aug 10)<br />

6612 R. Zimbabwe (pres), on Aug 14 at 0435-<strong>05</strong>02 UT, woman talking in Afr.<br />

lang. over background Afr. mx, played one Afr. pop song in EG ("We Love<br />

You"), ToH drums, fair-poor, heard no ID. Especially good night for<br />

Africa. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 14)<br />

Radio Zimbabwe, 3306 & on harmonic 6612 at <strong>05</strong>30, heard here in Zimbabwe,<br />

12 Aug.<br />

The harmonic 6612, as I mentioned earlier is as strong as the original<br />

3306 frequency. Checked reported 6600 and 3300 for any signal but nothing<br />

heard at this time but will check again evenings.

Radio Zimbabwe's SW tx on 90m is located in central Zimbabwe at<br />

Guineafowl, Gweru; has been known in the past to air on 3306 or 3300 so it<br />

seems a tx tuning error is the factor here that somedays the harmonic airs<br />

on 6612 and others on 6600.<br />

Voice of the People to Zimbabwe from RN Madagascar, which airs daily on<br />

7120, 1700-1800 is the only freq and time monitored for this station. It<br />

is not currently being affected by any Radio Zimbabwe interference nor any<br />

jamming by the facilities which previously jammed SW Radio Africa off the<br />

air. (David Pringle-Wood-ZWE, dxld Aug 12)<br />

URGENT As of 1700, Sat 13 Aug, V. of the People, 7120 [via Madagascar] is<br />

jammed by Zimbabwean facilities. The same Chinese retro jammer in use,<br />

severe. Confirmed jamming by another local monitor.<br />

(David Pringle-Wood, Harare-ZWE, dxld Aug 13)<br />

<strong>DX</strong>ers meeting at IFA - International Berlin Radio and TV Exhibition.<br />

Anlaesslich <strong>der</strong> IFA in Berlin, findet am Sonnabend, dem 03.09.20<strong>05</strong>, ein<br />

Hoerertreffen im Preussischen Landwirtshaus, Flatowallee 23, gegenueber<br />

S-Bahnhof Olympiastadion, ab 17.00 Uhr Ortszeit statt.<br />

On Saturday Sept 3rd, 20<strong>05</strong>, at Preussisches Landwirtshaus, location:<br />

Flatowallee 23, opposite Subway-station Olympiastadion [Olympic stadium],<br />

at 1700 hrs CEST-local time [1500 UT].<br />

(Thomas Kubaczewski-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 5)<br />

DNAT - 37. Deutsch-Nie<strong>der</strong>laendische-Amateurfunker-Tage.<br />

Mr. Victor Goonetilleke 4S7VK of Sri Lanka is invited by DARC to speak on<br />

their club's Tsunami Relief activities and will get the award "Golden<br />

Antenna 20<strong>05</strong>" for RSSL Ham Radio Assoc. on August 25th.<br />

Die 37. Deutsch-Nie<strong>der</strong>laendischen-Amateurfunker-Tage sind vom 25. bis 28.<br />

August in Bad Bentheim. Neben zahlreichen Treffen gibt es zwei<br />

Fachvortraege in den Raeumen <strong>der</strong> oertlichen Realschule, auf <strong>der</strong>en Gelaende<br />

sich auch <strong>der</strong> Flohmarkt befindet. Am Samstag um 13 Uhr [MESZ-CEST]<br />

referiert Bernd Mischlewski, DF2ZC, ueber EME-Verbindungen mit dem<br />

Programm WSJT. Anschliessend berichtet ab 14 Uhr [MESZ-CEST] Peter Zenker,<br />

DL2FI, ueber den 4-Band-Transceiver Blue-Cool-Radio <strong>der</strong> DL-QRP-AG.<br />

Weitere Informationen bekommen Sie auf <strong>der</strong> Webseite o<strong>der</strong> in<br />

<strong>der</strong> CQ DL 7/<strong>05</strong> auf Seite 499 bzw. bei Siegfried Prill, DC9XU, per Telefon<br />

(0 59 23) 40 10 o<strong>der</strong> E-Mail <br />

<strong>DX</strong>, Media, Letterbox Program List A-<strong>05</strong>, Version 7 updated<br />

see un<strong>der</strong> WW<strong>DX</strong> Club Germany website<br />

<br />

click<br />

"List of SWL/Media Programmes in English and German" for the A<strong>05</strong> period<br />

(27/03/20<strong>05</strong> - 30/10/20<strong>05</strong>) in PDF format (Adobe Rea<strong>der</strong>),<br />

compiled by Wolfgang Bueschel.<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 725 25 Aug 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

<strong>Private</strong> <strong>Verwendung</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Meldun</strong>gen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede<br />

kommerzielle <strong>Verwendung</strong> bedarf <strong>der</strong> Zustimmung des Newslettereditors.<br />

Extracts of items sourced to E<strong>DX</strong>P may be further reproduced but only by<br />

organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements<br />

with E<strong>DX</strong>P.<br />

!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews. !!!<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio<br />

may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all<br />

stages, from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting<br />

are made available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

credit is given to the contributor and to <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only<br />

with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our<br />

WW<strong>DX</strong>C WWW homepage-German AG<strong>DX</strong> Club-direct address:<br />

<br />

or via Link of Homepage: <br />

Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

ALGERIA 7460. Based on a request from Wolfy...here's the translation of<br />

the Audi file of RASD West Saharan Radio recorded by Carlos Goncalves in<br />

Lisbon Portugal.<br />

The file starts with the National Anthem of the Sahrawy Rep. (52")<br />

followed by an ID of the station "Idhaat aljamhureya alarabya alsahraweya<br />

aldemokratia" in our central studios, the best thing to start our evening<br />

transmission with is the recitation of Holy Quran and some of the book of<br />

Allah by the chanter Abd Alrahman Alsoudees hope Allah would make us<br />

benefited by it. (1'18) then a Quran recitation starts.<br />

all the best my friend.<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 22)<br />

ARGENTINA 6214.1 Radio Baluarte (ARG) um 2248 UT mit Predigt in<br />

Portug., ab 2300 UTC ID und Px in Spansich. 24322.<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 19)<br />

ARMENIA 1377 on 18 Aug, at 1655-1700 UT , heard Radiokanal Sodruzhestvo<br />

on 1377 kHz. Tx signed off at 1700 UT. Fair reception.<br />

(open_dx - Andrey Burlaka, Simferopol-UKR, RUS-<strong>DX</strong> Signal, Aug 21)<br />

Heard it on 1377 kHz this week, too - but at a bit later time. Nx and<br />

program "Sevodnya v mire" (The World Today) were on the air at 1700-1715<br />

UT. I didn't hear an ID, because didn't listen continuously, but moved

through the dial. Signal disappeared at 1715, and after five mins of<br />

silence TWR interval signal showed up. Vasily Guliayev reported in open_dx<br />

that TWR programs are here at 1725-1825.<br />

Transmitter is located in Armenia - and obviously there is no strict<br />

schedule of Sodruzhestvo relay.<br />

(open_dx - Dmitry Mezin-RUS, RUS-<strong>DX</strong> Signal, Aug 21)<br />

1377 - Voice of Russia, Sodruzhestvo channel, in Russian 1377 kHz (600<br />

kW): 1600-1900 ("Club <strong>DX</strong>" # 740, VOR 30.5.20<strong>05</strong>) "RUS-<strong>DX</strong>" # 143 - A 1377<br />

1800- Trans World Radio via Gavar, Armenia? In Persian. So the Sodruzhesto<br />

relay was just a test for this?<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, ARC MvEko July 11)<br />

AUSTRALIA 13685 CVC (former Voice International), on 16 Aug at 1131 UT,<br />

in English. Recharge show: easy chat and mx requests. SINPO 44444.<br />

Parallel 13635 kHz came weaker, 34433.<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, RUS-<strong>DX</strong> Signal, Aug 21)<br />

New History Material at <br />

Un<strong>der</strong> "Articles, Research, etc.," "Recordings": Every SWL who was<br />

listening from the late 1940s to 1980 remembers the Radio Australia<br />

mailbag program, which was hosted by Keith Glover for 25 of those years.<br />

Here is a recording of the last mailbag show, aired on December 28, 1980.<br />

It's hard to believe that that date was itself 25 years ago.<br />

(Jerry Berg-NY-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 21)<br />

AUSTRIA CVC (Christian Voice) did from Aug 12 to Aug 17 additional DRM<br />

tests not only via Moosbrunn (1100-1300 on 11815) but also from Juelich<br />

(1000-1300 on 6065), both towards the UK.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 19)<br />

BELGIUM The people who live in the vicinity of the VRT tx masts along<br />

the Drijpikkelstraat in Wolvertem are disgusted by the uncertainty. For<br />

years they have had to put up with all kinds of electrical equipment<br />

acting up in the strangest ways and now they have begun to won<strong>der</strong> about<br />

the health risks. Now that the VRT have applied for an environmental<br />

licence for the next twenty years the neighbours are angrily demanding<br />

clarity once and for all. "We want a public meeting about the contents of<br />

the licence and the health risks".<br />

The VRT uses the tx masts for the broadcasts of Radio 1 and Radio<br />

Vlaan<strong>der</strong>en International on Medium Wave. They have been along the<br />

Drijpikkelstraat for thirty years.<br />

(Media Magazine, The Netherlands. Translated from the Br<strong>DX</strong>C Bulletin,<br />

via Chris Stacey, B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, via Sept MW Nx via dxld Aug 23)<br />

On three nights during August VRT kept 927 kHz on air all night<br />

broadcasting Radio 1. This was to provide coverage whilst FM txs in Egem<br />

were off air for maintenance.<br />

(Herman Boel-BEL, Sept Medium Wave Nx via dxld Aug 23)<br />

BENIN In early 2004, Trans World Radio obtained a license to broadcast<br />

on medium wave from Benin. The protestant radio ministry hopes to be on<br />

the air with a 100 kW transmitter in November 20<strong>05</strong>. Now, TWR and HCJB<br />

World Radio, another international Christian broadcaster, plan to expand<br />

the scale of the station to short wave. This would finally to fill the gap<br />

left by the destruction of missionary radio station ELWA Monrovia during<br />

Liberia's civil war. More information can be found at:<br />

<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 19)<br />

CANADA? VT Merlin test txion 5/24/<strong>05</strong>; 6040 kHz; SINPO 44343; 0207-

0223+UT.<br />

Unknown tx site. Loop of mx with annt "You are listening to a test txion<br />

by VT Merlin communications, a leading provi<strong>der</strong> of international broadcast<br />

sces. If you would like to find out more about us, please visit www.<br />

vtplc. com /Merlin"<br />

Coming less well than 5975 kHz. B<strong>BC</strong> (44444) from Montsinery.<br />

(Mark Taylor, dxld Aug 24)<br />

Most likely the usual loop annmt of Merlin operating room in London; on-<br />

air switch-over at Sackville-CAN, 250 kW unit leaves 9790 at 0200 UT, for<br />

6040 kHz which is scheduled to start at 0300 UT.<br />

9790 0100-0200 6, 7 SAC 250 277 CAN CRI RTC<br />

6040 0300-0330 7E,8 SAC 250 240 CAN RCI RCI<br />

all other 250 kW units remain more or less on their freqs at this time<br />

span, like 5960, 6010, 6100, 9560, 9755, 11990. (wb., Aug 24)<br />

CHINA 6937 Yunnan PBS (pres) on Aug 13 at 1637-1653* UT. 34443 Chinese,<br />

Chinese talk, 1653 UT sign off. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 19)<br />

CUBA The website of Radiocuba, the national tx network operator (which<br />

a.o. provides the SW facilities for Radio Habana) now contains contact<br />

info for the enterprise's three international transmitting centers in<br />

Bauta, Bejucal and Quivican:<br />

<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Aug 22)<br />

DRM IFA Berlin exhibition fair on Sept 2nd to 7th, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

see also website in English:<br />

<br />

DRM mode txion series on longwave 177 kHz via Oranienburg tx site on the<br />

occasion of IFA - Berlin International Consumer Electronics trade fair -<br />

will start in end of August again, like two years ago. [Most likely DLR<br />

Berlin program. wb.]<br />

Exact DRM mode time schedule is not known yet. Hopefully will carry pure<br />

DRM txion mode during this event season, not 'silly' [absurde/nonsense,<br />

wb] Simulcast mode as two years ago.<br />

DLF mediumwaves 549 and 756 kHz are capable of DRM mode also, but no<br />

decision made about test series during IFA fair and seemingly will carry<br />

that mode not before 2006 year.<br />

MW Berlin Britz 855 kHz carries DRM mode continously now.<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 18)<br />

An important addition on the 855 sentence: Klaus wrote "angeblich"<br />

allegedly, i.e. it is no reliable information he quoted.<br />

This is important because 855 is still shown for various special<br />

programmes, together with 177. For 177 two upcoming silence periods are<br />

announced: On Aug. 22 0930-1800, on Aug. 23 0930-1900 (starting at 0930<br />

obviously out of consi<strong>der</strong>ation for the sea weather forecast at 09<strong>05</strong>) "to<br />

ensure the DRM txions", so it is to expect that DRM tests, tones etc. will<br />

be carried during these periods. See

And in case you are interested in satellite radio as well: All but a few<br />

ARD radio programs were to be launched on Astra 1H, 12.266 GHz h, on the<br />

occassion of the IFA fair. They have just been fired up, some three hours<br />

ago ...<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 19)<br />

855 in AM. I checked Berlin-Britz 855 tonight for the scheduled Sabine<br />

Christiansen (TV sound) programme after 1945: It was a bit difficult with<br />

co-channel Romania, but I think there was indeed the same audio than on<br />

longwave 177 kHz. So it appears to be rash to say that 855 is DRM-only by<br />

now.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 22)<br />

Die Langwelle 177 kHz sendet im Moment in DRM. Die Audioqualitaet ist<br />

(noch) ziemlich mies, das Spektrum zeigt nur 6 kHz. Trotz hoher<br />

Signalstaerke (Naehe Kassel) mit S 9 + 20 dB nur schlechtes SNR (14-15<br />

dB). Grund ist <strong>der</strong> zu geringe Abstand zu Felsberg auf 183 kHz.<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 23)<br />

The DRM txions on 6175 have been suspended to free the tx for the<br />

additional RFI freqs to West Africa. TDF will bring up DRM from Issoudun<br />

during IFA again, but this time on 41 metres because 6175 hardly makes it<br />

to Berlin during daytime. (Comment: Just this morning others report DRM<br />

from Issoudun on 7135 and 7310.)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 19)<br />

DRM 6175 kHz, <strong>05</strong>00-0100 30 kW, except 1400-1600 & 1700-2000 UT, except<br />

1100-1200 500kW 270 deg, 2000-2200 500kW 180deg, both when in AM mode.<br />

DRM target: <strong>05</strong>00-0700 50deg Fr/Ge, 0700-0800 180deg Fr, 0800-0900 330deg<br />

Fr, 0900-1000 non-dir various, 1000-1100 50deg Fr/Ge, 1200-1400 non-dir<br />

various, 1600-1700 50deg Ge, 1700-1800 180deg Fr, 2200-2230 non-dir<br />

various, 2230-2330 225deg Sp, 2330-0100 non-dir various. (wb, Aug 19)<br />

Additional DRM txions during IFA: From Sines 1100-1600 on 13810 and 1600-<br />

1700 on 13590, from Wertachtal 1400-1600 on 7190. The otherwhise ND txions<br />

from Wertachtal will be directional towards Berlin instead. Another<br />

recently added DRM frequency, presumably not connected with IFA: 0400-0600<br />

on 9690 from Taldom.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 19)<br />

During IFA Berlin fair on Sept 2nd to 7th, 20<strong>05</strong>, additional DRM txion<br />

freqs by DW Bonn on schedule:<br />

7190 kHz 1200-1359 UTC (Wertachtal-D, 15deg)<br />

13590 kHz 1400-1459 UTC (Sines-POR, 40deg)<br />

13810 kHz 0900-1359 UTC (Sines-POR, 40deg)<br />

Regular Wertachtal DRM freqs to EUR are beamed on 15degrees beams towards<br />

Berlin area, instead of usual non-dir antenna usage.<br />

(Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 19)<br />

Kvitsoy-NOR will have DRM txions of B<strong>BC</strong> Worldservice in B<strong>05</strong>: 0700-1600 on<br />

9470, 1600-1900 on 7465. (Comment: Probably these are so far only<br />

tentative HFCC registrations.)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 19)<br />

Kvitsoy planned DRM winter freq schedule:<br />

7465 kHz 1600-1900 UTC, 190deg, 50 kW.<br />

9470 kHz 0700-1600 UTC, 190deg, 50 kW.<br />

Program B<strong>BC</strong> World Service. (Klaus Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 19)<br />

ERITREA [CLANDESTINE] 7999.33 V.of Sudan on Aug 13 at *1530-1601* UT

35443-35343 Arabic, 1530 sign on with IS, ID, Opening mx, Talk, ID at 1532<br />

and 1550, Music, 1601 sign off. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 19)<br />

Inspired by a logging of Japanese <strong>DX</strong>-er Kouji Hashimoto (dxld) also I was<br />

able to hear the Voice of Sudan on 7999.34 kHz closing down at 1600 UTC.<br />

I've heard this genuine clandestine station, not a target broadcast a<br />

couple of times before.<br />

Nice reception with signal level S6-7. Where is the tx located, maybe in<br />

Eritrea? That was just a wild guess or memory.<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, hcdx Aug 20)<br />

Yes originate from Unknown site in Eritrea, 5 kW, wb.<br />

ETHIOPIA 9560.3 V.O.Democratic Alliance via R Ethiopia on Aug 13 at<br />

*1500-1512 UT 32432 Arabic, 1500 IS, ID, Talk.<br />

9704.2 R Ethiopia on Aug 17 at *1459-1510 UT 33443 Amharic, 1459 sign on<br />

with IS, ID, Three gong's, News. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 19)<br />

GERMANY [to Gambia]. 94<strong>05</strong> Aug 13 at *2000-2030* UT. Voices from the<br />

Diaspora - Juelich (Germany), Vernacular, OM mentions of Gambia and<br />

America. QRM B<strong>BC</strong> 9410 kHz. PBT R7 USB. Fair/Good.<br />

(Luca Fiora-I, hcdx Aug 19)<br />

[to Maldives] 13855, Minivan Radio via DTK Juelich verified with a full<br />

data "Miami Bayside Market Place" card from v/s Jeff White at WRMI the<br />

program broker in 348 days.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 21)<br />

60<strong>05</strong>, Deutschland Radio, at 2359-0022 UT on Aug 17, man in German with<br />

annmt and ID followed by three short and one long time pip at top of the<br />

hour and news. English rock/pop mx program at 00<strong>05</strong> UT hosted by a woman<br />

announcer. Poor to fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 21)<br />

6190, Deutschlandfunk, at 0024-0106 UT on Aug 18, classical piano mx<br />

followed by brief annt in German by a woman announcer in German at 0027<br />

UT. More classical mx up to 0<strong>05</strong>9 ID and annts by the woman followed by<br />

three short and one long time pip and news. Poor to fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 21)<br />

Radio DW (Voice Of Germany) Bonn needs monitors in these countries:<br />

1 - Iran 2 - Yemen 3 - Libya<br />

4 - Saudia Arabia 5 - Syria 6 - Afghanistan<br />

7 - Oman 8 - UAE 9 - Iraq<br />

10 - Egypt 11 - Bahrain 12 - Qatar<br />

13 - Kuwait 14 - Bhutan 15 - Thailand<br />

16 - Vietnam 17 - Laos 18 - Combodia<br />

19 - Myanmar 20 - Mongolia<br />

Interested listeners and dxers these countries may contact with full bio-<br />

data (Name, Nationality, Postal & e-mail address are the essential parts<br />

of required information.) on these e-mail addresses.<br />

<br />

Abid Hussain Sajid - DW (Voice Of Germany) Official Monitor in Pakistan.<br />

<br />

(PAK <strong>DX</strong>ers, Aug 21)<br />

"Mr. Wolfram Hess, a popular German SW hobbyist, also a former mo<strong>der</strong>ator<br />

of a SW magazine in the former radio station "RIAS Berlin"<br />

[or was it RBI? gh]":

Well, both, but not at the same time of course. Wolfram Hess had a <strong>DX</strong> show<br />

on RBI's English sce [GDR era til Oct 1990]. After the closure of RBI he<br />

launched a German-language <strong>DX</strong> show on mediumwave txs of the remaining<br />

domestic sce of what was previously GDR radio. This show was called <strong>DX</strong>-<br />

Aktuell, and it managed to survive three drastic changes.<br />

First time: The shut-down of the entire mediumwave network of Radio<br />

Aktuell (the former Radio DDR 1) in spring 1991. <strong>DX</strong>-Aktuell continued on<br />

longwave 177, otherwise used by Deutschlandsen<strong>der</strong> (DS) Kultur.<br />

Second time: The final wind-up of GDR radio (now called "Funkhaus Berlin")<br />

by the end of 1991. DS Kultur station continued on a preliminary status,<br />

kept 177 (the longwave tx was actually supposed to either go dark or to be<br />

used by Deutschlandfunk) and also the <strong>DX</strong>-Aktuell show.<br />

Third time: DS Kultur and RIAS Berlin merged to Deutschlandradio Berlin as<br />

of 1994. <strong>DX</strong>-Aktuell continued however, only until September 1994 when<br />

Deutschlandradio Berlin finally cancelled the show, together with various<br />

other former DS Kultur and RIAS programs.<br />

The 177 tx provides only poor coverage in parts of Germany. So Wolfram<br />

Hess tried to get <strong>DX</strong>-Aktuell on RIAS as well. They agreed to air a <strong>DX</strong> show<br />

on 855 and 60<strong>05</strong>, but not to relay the original DS Kultur program. So<br />

instead a separate show called <strong>DX</strong>-Report was produced for RIAS.<br />

Pictures: <br />

In the lower half of the page are some shots from a <strong>DX</strong>-Aktuell production<br />

session at Deutschlandradio Berlin, in the former RIAS 2 on-air studio, in<br />

1994. At the bottom of the page a picture of the separate RIAS <strong>DX</strong> show in<br />

1992.<br />

Audio: <br />

The opening of the <strong>DX</strong>-Aktuell show on December 31 1993, the last day of DS<br />

Kultur. Don't be surprised about the audio quality: 177 was also used for<br />

data txions by the GDR shipping company. The AM of the program audio<br />

interfered with the phase modulation of the data (the ancient tx was<br />

unable to separate them sufficiently, so would today not be DRM-capable as<br />

well ...), and this problem was solved by putting a 200 Hz highpass filter<br />

into the audio chain, effectively ruining any mx reproduction of course.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Aug 22)<br />

Since Friday around 1200 the vast majority of the public radio stations in<br />

Germany is on air via Astra 1H, 12.266 GHz H details see<br />

using an unusually high bitrate of<br />

320 kbps for stereo programs, also in regard of a possible use of these<br />

signals as STL and for other professional purposes. This sce will be<br />

officially launched on August 29, until then these txions are consi<strong>der</strong>ed<br />

as tests.<br />

Zehlendorf 177 will be switched off on Sep 22 at 0930-1800 UT and on Sep<br />

23 at 0930-1900 UT "to ensure the DRM txions", so DRM tests (plus open<br />

carrier / test tones) can be expected during these times. Reportedly 177<br />

and Berlin-Britz 855 will be used for DRM presentations during the IFA. It<br />

remains to be seen what will happen with these freqs afterwards, since<br />

they are still provided for special broadcasts (the upcoming tx work<br />

apparently starts not earlier than 0930 out of consi<strong>der</strong>ation for sea<br />

weather forecasts at 09<strong>05</strong>), cf.<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Aug 20)<br />

HAWAII 11555 R. Free Vietnam via KWHR on Aug 12 at *1230-1242 UT 45444

Vietnamese, 1230 sign on with opening mx, ID, Theme song, Talk.<br />

11555 R.Hoa-Mai via KWHR on Aug 13 at *1328-1358* UT. 35333-45444<br />

Vietnamese, 1328 sign on with IS, Opening announce, Opening mx, Talk, ID<br />

at 1355, 1357 IS, 1358 sign off.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 19)<br />

INDIA All India Radio 60 mb usage. As reported earlier, AIR is going to<br />

drop all 90mb freqs with 60mb. This will be effective at the start of B<strong>05</strong><br />

schedule.<br />

The proposed channels are:<br />

Bhopal 4870 kHz replacing 3315 kHz.<br />

Shimla 4980 kHz replacing 3223 kHz.<br />

Gangtok 4810 kHz replacing 3390 kHz.<br />

Delhi 5020 kHz replacing 3365 kHz (not yet finalised).<br />

<br />

(Alokesh-IND, <strong>DX</strong>india Aug 19)<br />

Besides, we have started test txion on 9425 (Bangalore ) & 9470 kHz<br />

(Aligarh) from 0130-<strong>05</strong>30 & 0830-1230 UTC to analyse their reach across the<br />

country. Though we have requested several AIR stations to monitor these<br />

freqs. We shall be happy to receive your valuable reports. In addition,<br />

you may also spread our request for monitoring to your colleagues across<br />

the country.<br />

With best regards,<br />

Yours Sincerely, (Sunil Bhatia) Dy.Director (Engg.)<br />

Spectrum Management & Synergy Division. Directorate General : All India<br />

Radio<br />

# 207, Akashvani Bhawan, New Delhi-01. Website: <br />

Email: <br />

(via Mukesh Kumar-IND, <strong>DX</strong>india Aug 20)<br />

INDONESIA 4871.<strong>05</strong> (pres) Sorong, at 1007-1019 UT on Aug 20. Whisper<br />

quiet vocal ballads un<strong>der</strong> static. Poor w/ het (Wamena?) just below 4871<br />

kHz.<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Aug 21)<br />

15149.8 at 1355 UTC I heard Radio Republik INS on 15149.8 kHz broadcasting<br />

in Bahasa INS, scheduled 1300-1400 UT with very strong co-channel QRM by<br />

IRIB Tehran in Arabic scheduled <strong>05</strong>30-1630 UT. Normally the best RRI freq<br />

here is 11860 kHz, but not heard this afternoon.<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, hcdx Aug 19)<br />

9525 VOINS at 2036-2100* UT on Aug 15, Vernacular, OM and YL w/ banter,<br />

mx bits. ID at 2<strong>05</strong>5 UT over mx then open carrier until R.Budapest IS at<br />

2100. Where'd the English sce go? Fair/poor.<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Aug 21)<br />

KAZAKHSTAN I just noted the sign on of the Democratic Voice of Burma on<br />

15480 kHz at 1430 UTC. Reception is fair to good. What's the QTH, Julich?<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, hcdx Aug 19)<br />

This was an additional freq a few months ago, site unknown, but apparently<br />

not Madagascar which is on 17625. I went again to<br />

and<br />

searched for 15480 but got no results, further confirming my previous<br />

contention that they do not even bother to put their SW schedule anywhere<br />

on their website.<br />

Then I went to<br />

6103614c><br />

for the "latest schedule matrix" but it does not even list DVB at this<br />

time, just a semi-broadcast at 0000-0030 on 5955, and in any event does<br />

not show any tx sites whatsoever for any of the stations which are listed!<br />

That however led to CRW's page about DVB, old reports, and in turn to<br />

their own official schedule page<br />

- but it's dated 30 March 2004 and<br />

of course does not show 15480. The incompetence of this organization,<br />

unable or unwilling to display its own schedule of two hours on three<br />

freqs accurately, is incredible.<br />

EiBi A-<strong>05</strong> does have the 1430 broadcast on 15480, but no info on tx site.<br />

However, N<strong>DX</strong>C, just updated Aug 19, has the answer:<br />

15480 DEM.VOICE OF BURMA 1430-1530 Burmese Tashkent 200 125 UZB 6909E4113<br />

DVB May 28-<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld)<br />

I just noted the sign on of the Democratic Voice of Burma on 15480 kHz at<br />

1430 UTC. Reception is fair to good. What's the QTH, Julich?<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, hcdx Aug 20)<br />

Almaty-KAZ 200 kW 132 deg<br />

LAOS 4677.60 Xam Nua now on this freq Aug 22 w/ what sounded like sign-<br />

on mx 1200-00.5, alternating man and woman announcers w/ actualities the<br />

first 10 min or so, then just alternating ancrs. Brief inst mx hrd at<br />

1224.5. Carrier off at 1230:55 after short closing anmt by woman at<br />

1230.5. SINPO 25332.<br />

(Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 23)<br />

MADAGASCAR 3214.99 R Feon'ny Filazantsara on Aug 17 at 1640-1656* UT<br />

24242 Malagasy. Talk and chorus mx, 1655 closing mx, 1656 IS, 1656 sign<br />

off.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 19)<br />

MONGOLIA 10 Aug at 2306 noted a nx bulletin in Russian from Ulaanbaatar<br />

on 4895 kHz. I didn't check 4830 kHz, but these two freqs are always in<br />

parallel. At the end of the nx (2308) postal address was announced:<br />

Russian editorial desk, P.O.Box 365, Central Post Office, Ulaanbaatar,<br />

Mongolia.<br />

It looks like this nx is rather irregular - there was nothing in Russian<br />

the next day at 2300 UT.<br />

(open_dx - Vladimir Kovalenko, Tomsk-RUS, RUS-<strong>DX</strong> Signal, Aug 21)<br />

4895 Murun-MNG, carrier comes on at around 2040 UT, but modulation depth<br />

is terrible at the official sign-on at 2100 UT.<br />

(Bob Padula-AUS, RUS-<strong>DX</strong> Signal, Aug 21)<br />

NEPAL Radio Nepal will extend its txion time to 18 hours a day starting<br />

21 August. Transmissions will run continuously from 11:15 p.m. to 5:15<br />

p.m. daily. [gmt, <strong>05</strong>00-2300 local time] {a strange way to express it, so<br />

UT is 2315-1715 gh}<br />

The additional hours will include nx bulletins and a variety of lively,<br />

entertaining, informative and educative programmes especially aimed at<br />

young listeners.<br />

The txion hours were extended to compete with the commercial FM stations,<br />

which were recently given the green light by the Nepali Supreme Court to<br />

continue broadcasting nx bulletins despite govt attempts to ban them from<br />

carrying news.

The executive director of Radio Nepal, Tapa Nath Shukla, said he believed<br />

Radio Nepal would emerge as a popular radio station among the youths after<br />

the additional txion sce.<br />

Currently, informational and educational programmes constitute 42 per cent<br />

of Radio Nepal's total programming while entertainment, including<br />

commercials, make up the remaining 58 per cent.<br />

(Asia-Pacific Broadc. Union website, K-L-MLA via B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld Aug 22)<br />

NETHERLANDS NOZEMA Take over follow up.<br />

As expected, the dutch authorities decided this week to issue a (new)<br />

controlled auction to sell NOZEMA.<br />

Controlled means that there are several bids on which (preselected)<br />

competitors are offered the chance to make an offer.<br />

The one with the best conditions and offer will finally take over NOZEMA.<br />

Will keep you informed.<br />

New on the dutch MW scene is talk station "Voetbalradio"(dutch for<br />

soccerradio). Located in Lelystad (Flevoland, the Netherlands) they intend<br />

to broadcast talkshows solely on Soccer. New is that everybody is offered<br />

to buy airtime to give his (or her) own expression on soccer-items. Not<br />

clear is what the exact prices are.<br />

As far as i un<strong>der</strong>stand it, they intend to broadcast these expressions with<br />

a delay in or<strong>der</strong> to be able to correct indecent or inproper lang.<br />

The owner stated this week in a dutch newspaper that interest of sponsors<br />

for the new radiostation is overwhelming.<br />

Since this new station is only 20 km. away from my hometown, I will try to<br />

visit them or at least give them a phonecall in the nearby future to find<br />

out more.<br />

Gerard A. Koopal. ALJURE - Legal. The Netherlands.<br />

(via WW<strong>DX</strong>C, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 21)<br />

NEW ZEALAND 3935 Radio Reading Service 1130-1147 UT, "Gunsmoke" radio<br />

programme from the 1950's Matt, Kitty, Chester and Doc Never will hear<br />

3935 kHz from South Eastern Florida - have tried for years.<br />

"/You going to let him walkaway like that Matt/?" Long Musical interlude<br />

.... forgot how long these mxal interludes lasted in the radio days of<br />

"Gunsmoke".<br />

Last I recall hearing this was N<strong>BC</strong> 610 *WCKR*, Miami before they went back<br />

to their old call letters from the 1930's ?<br />

"/How is he Doc/" "/I don't think he is going to die/". "/Next week a<br />

gambler gets cured of ... the ... hard way./" 15 mins long Gunsmoke<br />

episode. 1155 Fe<strong>der</strong>al Trade Commission promotion, the into Minnesota<br />

Vikings spot for the National Weather Service. 1200" This is the radio<br />

reading sce broadcasting on ... 3935. Contact us by email ..."<br />

(Wilkner-<strong>DX</strong>tuner Australia, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 19)<br />

Adrian Sainsbury informed that there will be a new freq from RNZI English<br />

from Sept 4. 9520 will replace 9885 from 1100 to 1300. This change is to<br />

improve reception in Papua New Guinea and INS area.<br />

(T. R. Rajeesh-IND VU3PIK, W<strong>DX</strong>C via Mike Barraclough-UK, Aug 22)<br />


Schedule: Eff 4 SEPT - 30 OCT 20<strong>05</strong>

UTC Time kHz Primary Target<br />

1300-1650 6095 All Pacific<br />

1651-1750 6095 NE Pacific, Niue, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands<br />

1751-1850 9630 NE Pacific, Niue, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands<br />

1851-2<strong>05</strong>0 11725 All Pacific<br />

2<strong>05</strong>1-0459 15720 All Pacific, also heard West Coast Canada & USA<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-07<strong>05</strong> 11820 All Pacific, also heard Europe, and mid-west USA<br />

0706-1<strong>05</strong>9 9885 All Pacific, also heard mid-west USA<br />

1100-1259 9520 NW Pacific, Bougainville, PNG, Timor, Asia.<br />



P.O.Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand<br />

Phone: +(64 4) 4741 437 Facsimile +(64 4) 4741 433<br />

E-mail address: <br />

Web Address: <br />

(RNZi, Aug 18)<br />

Hi Adrian, Note your plan to move to 9520 Sept 4. No doubt you checked<br />

this out and found it clear; however, I would like to point out that V. of<br />

INS was active on 9525 until a few weeks ago during this time period, and<br />

as erratic as they are, might come back at any time, causing you problems.<br />

Or perhaps you had some assurance that they will not?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA to Adian Sainsbury-NZL, RNZi, via dxld Aug 24)<br />

Hello Glen[n], Thank you for your comments on 9520. 9885 has adjacent<br />

splash affecting listeners in PNG which is why we are changing frequency.<br />

We have been recording 9520 at the Darwin RMS for only the past three<br />

weeks and it has been clear throughout. Your warning is appreciated and we<br />

will keep a close watch on that frequency.<br />

(Adrian Sainsbury-NZL, Technical Manager, RNZi, dxld Aug 24)<br />

NIGERIA 7275 R. Nigeria, Abuji, on Aug 19, open carrier started at 0425<br />

UT, at 0431 Afr mx (flutes & drums) and singing, into what seemed to be<br />

EG, clear mention of Nigeria, 0434-0440 UTreciting from the Koran.<br />

Surprised at the decent signal un<strong>der</strong> Tunisia.<br />

Checked again on Aug 20, Nigeria could not be heard.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 20)<br />

7275 monitored this channel for Abuja from 0435 to 0630 UT on Aug 22 w/<br />

fol results: RTV Tunisienne dominated from 0435 until it apparently signed<br />

off at <strong>05</strong>30 at which time Abuja began to fade in around <strong>05</strong>35-<strong>05</strong>40 w/<br />

Vernacular pgming to 0446.5. Hvy adj ch QRM until 0600 when channel became<br />

clear, but w/ lots of noise. Many pgm anmts by woman w/ inst mx mixed in<br />

until 0601.5 UT.<br />

By 0600 Abuja had a very nice signal with a clear ID by woman at 0601.5 as<br />

"This is the National Service of Radio Nigeria" followed by drums IS, time<br />

pips at 0602 then annmt "The time is 7 O'Clock". Then into R. Nigeria<br />

network nx program w/actualities, etc. w/ man ann in EE. Station appears<br />

to have what sounds like periodic govt and other commercials, e.g. Nigeria<br />

Export Commission. ID of "Radio Nigeria, the Network for the Millenium"<br />

hrd often during nx pgm. This is the national network program ID. SINPO<br />

45344 w/ easily readible programming after 0600. Before 0600 Interference<br />

was I-3 at best.<br />

(Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 23)<br />

OMAN 15375 R. Sultanate of Oman on Aug 17 at 1359-1415 UT 35333 Arabic,<br />

1400 IS, ID at 1401, Nx and arabic mx. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium<br />

Aug 19)<br />

PAKISTAN Radio Azad Kashmir (probably) on 6780 at 1350 UT with Urdu-like

lang with words such as Azad Kashmir, Pakistan Jammu & Kashmir. At 1400<br />

changes to Radio Pakistan on the same freq in Urdu.<br />

(Manikant Lodaya-IND vu2jro, dxld Aug 16)<br />

Frequency 6780 is being used by Radio Pakistan via Islamabad API-2 100 kW<br />

via a Quadrant antenna as follows [according to schedule]<br />

1215-1330 Kashmiri Service Pindi-I<br />

1350-1400 Balti News<br />

1420-1428 Sheena News<br />

No programme is listed between 1400 and 1420 but maybe the freq continues<br />

with a relay of one of the domestic Urdu sces?<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, dxld Aug 17)<br />

PALAU Acc to the E-mail from Ben Chan of High Adventure Ministries -<br />

Palau, T8BZ is still in the management of High Adventure Ministries.<br />

"Gospel Radio" is only the new name of the station. Reception Reports<br />

should not be sent to CPO P.O.Box 6804, Hong Kong but to their original<br />

address High Adventure Ministries, P.O.Box 66, Koror PW 96940, Republic of<br />

Palau.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 24)<br />

PNG / SOLOMON ISLS [Bougainville]<br />

Hello Walter and Group:<br />

Walter, you are my old and dear friend. After seeing first hand THE TRUTH<br />

behind one of Sam Voron's "radio projects", Radio Galkayo, perhaps we are<br />

better off without them and the world a little more stable. Let the TRUTH<br />

be known!<br />

(Joe Talbot-CAN VA6JWT, 6O0JT [6 Oscar Zero JT] hcdx Aug 16)<br />

Radio Free Bougainville RIP.<br />

I don't know whether anyone reported this or not, but I noticed the<br />

following obituary in the July 31st Victoria Times-Colonist:<br />

"Francis Ona. Bougainville separatist proclaimed himself king"...<br />

It's too long to quote here, but I found another site with a link:<br />

<br />

We should remember this is the fellow who was behind Radio Free<br />

Bougainville ... from whom I received a QSL (actually it was from Sam<br />

Voron) ten or more years ago now. I still recall the story they told, of a<br />

coconut oil powered generator and an output of 40 watts on 3850. Those<br />

were the days! (Walt Salmaniw-CAN, hcdx Aug 16)<br />

3235 0910 PNG, R West New Britain fair in Tok Pisin with comment on local<br />

news.<br />

3260 0915 PNG, R Madang poor in Tok Pisin with comment.<br />

3275 0915 PNG, R Southern Highlands poor in Tok Pisin with talk.<br />

3290 0915 PNG, R Central fair in Tok Pisin with mx prgm.<br />

33<strong>05</strong> 0920 PNG, R Western fair in English with comment on local politics,<br />

better USB.<br />

4890 0845 PNG, Port Moresby good with C&W songs in English.<br />

7120 0840 PNG, Wantok Light Radio good in English with "Back to the<br />

Bible", then into Tok Pisin, TOH Bible reading, 0902 ID then<br />

advert in English. (all Ken Baird-NZL, JPNpremium Aug 15)<br />

PORTUGAL RDPi - R. Portugal A<strong>05</strong> dated 19 August

effective as of today, Aug 19th. Programs in Portuguese only. *) periods<br />

reserved for extra broadcasts, typically used for relaying RDP-1 with<br />

major football matches.<br />

Powers used at RDP HF site Sao Gabriel (near Pegoes) as of 19 Aug 20<strong>05</strong>:<br />

4 x Continental 100 kW, 1 x Brown Boveri 100 kW, 1 x AEG 300 kW,<br />

3 x Thales 300 kW.<br />

The 250 kW tx facility is via Pro-Funk GmbH, Sines:<br />

3 x 250 kW (1 is reserve)<br />

EUROPE, zones 18, 27, 28 & 29<br />

M-F kHz kW degrees<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0700 7240 300 45<br />

0700-0755 9815 300 45<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0755 9840 100 52<br />

0645-0800 11850 250 55<br />

0800-1200 12020 300 45<br />

1600-1900 13590 300 45<br />

1600-1900 15555 100 52<br />

1900-2300* 9820 300 45<br />

1900-2300*13720 100 52<br />

Sat/Sun<br />

0700-1355 12020 300 45<br />

0830-1000 11995 250 55<br />

1400-2000 15555 100 52<br />

1400-2000 13590 300 45<br />

1900-2300*13720 100 52<br />

1900-2300* 9820 300 45<br />

Middle East + India, zones 39 & 41<br />

M-F only<br />

1300-1500 15770 100 81.5<br />

Africa: STP-AGL-MOZ-AFS, zones 48, 52, 53 & 57<br />

M-F<br />

1000-1200 21830 100 142<br />

1600-1900 17680 300 144<br />

1900-2300*11945 300 144<br />

Sat / Sun<br />

0700-1000 15160 100 144<br />

1000-1700 21830 100 144<br />

1700-2000 17680 300 144<br />

1900-2300*11945 300 144<br />

N. America, zones 6, 7 & 8<br />

M-F<br />

1200-2300*15560 300 300<br />

2300-0200 9715 300 300<br />

2300-0200 11630 100 310<br />

Sat / Sun<br />

1200-2000 15560 300 300<br />

2000-2300*15560 300 300<br />

Venezuela, zones 10, 11 & 12<br />

M-F<br />

1700-2300*15555 100 261<br />

2300-0200 13700 100 261<br />

Sat / Sun<br />

1200-2000 17615 100 261

1900-2300*15555 100 261<br />

Brazil (zones 12, 13, 14 & 15) & Cape Verde + Guinea-Bissau (zone 46)<br />

M-F<br />

1000-1200 15575 300 226<br />

1600-1900 21655 300 226<br />

1900-2000*21655 300 226<br />

2000-2300*15295 300 226<br />

Sat / Sun<br />

0700-1000 12000 300 226<br />

1000-2000 21655 300 226<br />

2000-2300*15295 300 226<br />

Brazil only, zones 12, 13, 14 & 15<br />

M-F<br />

2300-0200 13660 100 215<br />

2300-0200 15295 300 226<br />

I expect to be able to receive the definite B<strong>05</strong> schedule soon. The one<br />

registered with HFC doesn't entirely coincide with that issued on 30 June<br />

20<strong>05</strong> by the former "Grupo Redes de Emissores", now renamed "Direccao de<br />

Engenharia e Tecnologias, Gabinete de Tecnologias de Transmissao e<br />

Difusao"... oof, how's that for a "short" label?<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 19)<br />

ROMANIA 23 July<br />

531 1839 ROU Radio Antena Satelor. Romanian folk // 603, 630, 1314 kHz.<br />

33333.<br />

24 July, morning<br />

1314 0254 ROU Radio Oltenia Craiova. IS, ID + freq listing; Ro 32442<br />

1530 0300 ROU Radio Constanta. OM ID, ann, freqs, Romanian song; Ro 43543<br />

1584 0214 ROU Radio Micul Samaritean. Prayer by a child; Ro 22422. Faded<br />

out very soon.<br />

24 July, evening<br />

630 1500 ROU Radio Timisoara. YL ID + info, UKR melody; Ukr 25352<br />

25 July, morning<br />

909 0945 ROU Radio Cluj. OM ID, YL info; Ukr 35353<br />

1<strong>05</strong>3 0954 ROU Radio Iasi. OM's talk, English song, YL ID; Ro 35353<br />

1323 0259 ROU Radio Targu Mures. OM ID + freqs + ann, YL news; Ro 44444.<br />

26 July, morning<br />

1404 0426 ROU Radio Sighet. Jingle, OM info (incl. freq), exchange rates,<br />

Romanian song; Ro 44444.<br />

26 July, evening<br />

1602 2300 ROU Radio CNM. OM ID "Ascultati Radio CNM", Romanian Christian<br />

mx; Ro 22432.<br />

(Alexan<strong>der</strong> Mak, Lutsk-UKR, RUS-<strong>DX</strong> Signal, Aug 21)<br />

RUSSIA [Clandestine Eritrean] 12130, Voice of Delina via Armavir. On<br />

Aug. 14, at 1832 to 1859* UT. Noted at tune-in with HoA mx, then into<br />

lengthy commentary with some English phrases such as 'no guarantees ...<br />

peace, our kind' in the Tigrinya Language. 1852 caught a nice ID as 'dmsi<br />

Delina ... democratica-al Eritrea' followed with a nice selection of<br />

instrumental/horn/flute HoA mx by a local group. 1858 female speaker with<br />

closing comments and gave the California address for the Tesfa Delina<br />

Foundation, then sign-off. Signal was quite good but some interference<br />

from the swisher on 12120 kHz.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, dxld Aug 18)

729, no signal of Narodnoye Radio from Samara at <strong>05</strong>35 UT on 14 Aug. Not<br />

heard in the following days either - neither in the morning, nor in the<br />

afternoon. (Station used to operate at 0300-1500 UT in this summer<br />

season). There were reports in Russian <strong>DX</strong> media, stating that 729 kHz has<br />

been allocated for Defence Ministry radio station.<br />

It looks like Mayak txs in Sovetskiy (900 kHz) and Cheboksary (531 kHz)<br />

operate on the air at 0200-1100 UT, i.e. only nine hours per day.<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, RUS-<strong>DX</strong> Signal, Aug 21)<br />

RFI relay via Vladivostok, 12075 kHz, friendly personal letter, a field<br />

strength contour map for South Africa from their Vladivostok transmitter<br />

at the time of my reception, and a post card in 9 weeks - via JSC<br />

"Radioagency-M" (see WRTH page 541), although the report was sent to<br />

Russian TV & Radio Broadcasting Network, the txs operator. V/s A.<br />

Batyushkin (General Director).<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 22)<br />

RWANDA Enhanced 16m propagation now?<br />

Surprised to hear presumed DW in Arabic on 17820 at 1820 UT, S4-S6 on my<br />

Satellit 800. A few mins later I heard what sounded like a different<br />

Arabic broadcast, even stronger, on 17860. Checked PTWB '<strong>05</strong> but nothing<br />

really matched.<br />

I certainly haven't heard anything that exotic there this summer. In fact,<br />

I've been lucky to get RNW on 17735 clearly. What's up? Blaine<br />

(Blaine Waterman-CA-USA, dxld Aug 21)<br />

DW to IRAN<br />

Persian 1730-1930 7375 RUS KRASNODAR<br />

13800 D WERTACHTAL<br />

1800-1930 17820 RRW KIGALI 250 kW 030 deg<br />


ARABIC 1800-2000 11690 D WERTACHTAL<br />

13790 POR SINES<br />

17860 RRW KIGALI 250 kW 310 deg<br />

Both scheduled since March 27.<br />

Kigali Rwanda path towards CA is about 310 to 330 deg via Ireland,<br />

southern tip of Greenland, 14.500 kms distance. (73 wb, Aug 22)<br />

SAUDI ARABIA 927 talks in Arabic at 1930 UT on 13 Aug, QRM by Iran,<br />

33222. WRTH suggests a 20 kW tx of BSKSA 2nd program in Aflaj. It was this<br />

station, indeed - // channel was found on 783 kHz (but be careful: besides<br />

Saudi Arabia, Syria is also heard on the latter freq). There's no mention<br />

of this Saudi tx in the latest EMWG.<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, RUS-<strong>DX</strong> Signal, Aug 21)<br />

SOLOMON ISLANDS 5019v (tent) SI<strong>BC</strong> at 1008-1100 UT on Aug 15,<br />

Vernacular/English, YL w/ nx and soundbites; numerous ment. of Solomon<br />

Islands. Ad/PSA at 1023 in En "..for more info call us at..". Ballad then<br />

OM at 1032 in En, "Welcome to the b/c today.." and devotional sounding<br />

prg. Brief YL at 1045 then ballads until YL again at 1100. Fair at t/in,<br />

fading un<strong>der</strong> increasing Rebelde-5025 slop by ToH which also made finding<br />

the exact frq. difficult. First log here in quite some time. Power<br />

increase or good propogation?<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Aug 21) see also un<strong>der</strong> PNG-Bougainville.<br />

SOUTH AFRICA 3230 Family Radio via Meyerton. Aug 13 at 2015-2025 UT.<br />

SINPO 25432. Religious talk by a man. ID at 2020.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Aug 19)<br />

9555 Aug 7th at *<strong>05</strong>15-<strong>05</strong>30 UT. CVC Int. - Meyerton (South Africa), EE,

talk OM/YL, religious mx. QRM R. Habana Cuba 9550 kHz (SYNCH S500 9555.9).<br />

<strong>05</strong>27 UT s/on R. Romania Int. 9555 kHz. Fair/Poor.<br />

(Luca Fiora-I, JPNpremium, Aug 19)<br />

11890 R Okapi via Meyrton on Aug 17 at *1600-1616 UT. 45433-45444 French,<br />

1600 sign on with IS and SJ, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 19)<br />

SRI LANKA SL<strong>BC</strong> Colombo Ekala is lately noted on 7312.5 instead of 7300<br />

at around 00030-0400 & 0800-1530 UTC in Indian langs. 119<strong>05</strong> is in<br />

parallel.<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, <strong>DX</strong>india Aug 19)<br />

SUDAN 95<strong>05</strong> R Omdurman on Aug 17 at 1540-1557 UT. 1617-1629 43443 Arabic,<br />

Music and talk and koran, ID at 1544 and 1617.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 19)<br />

SYRIA [non] What's the URL? I see that<br />

links to<br />

but that page cannot be found.<br />

It's the sponsor of 'R. Free Syria". Is that distinct from V. of Free<br />

Syria, which RMI had on 9495 via Germany last year, not mentioned by CRW?<br />

(gh, dxld Aug 24)<br />

As so often, Google provides the instant answer:<br />

and <br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Aug 24)<br />

The blog is all in English. The latter refers to Radio Free Syria, not V.<br />

of Free Syria.<br />

(gh, dxld Aug 24)<br />

"Voice of Free Syria" and "Radio Free Syria" are two names for the same<br />

station (program). In English releases, the program was/is promoted as<br />

"Radio Free Syria", while the on-air ID in Arabic was "Voice of Free<br />

Syria" (Sawt Syria al-Hurra).<br />

Websites: (English),<br />

(Arabic, contains audio files of previous<br />

txions with the VO Free Syria ID). (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Aug 24)<br />

TAJIKISTAN 972 On 17 Aug at 1804-1807 UT, Radio Aap Ki Dunyaa SINPO:<br />

35553. YL read the news. Song started at 18<strong>05</strong> UT.<br />

(open_dx - Ivan Zelenyi, Nizhnevartovsk-RUS, RUS-<strong>DX</strong> Signal, Aug 21)<br />

TANZANIA 11735 V. of Tanzania-Zanzibar on Aug 13 at 1557-16<strong>05</strong> UT. 43443<br />

Swahili, Arabic mx, ID at 1559, 1559 Drum's IS, 1600 News.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 19)<br />

THAILAND 7380 Little Saigon Radio via THA um 1515 UTC in Vietnamesisch<br />

mit lokaler Mx, ID und Bericht. s/off 1530 UTC. SINPO 22332.<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 19)<br />

[TAIWAN?] 7380 Little Saigon R. via Taiwan on Aug 17 at 1520-1530* UT<br />

45444 Vietnamese, Talk, ID at 1527, 1530 IS, 1530 UT sign off.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 19)<br />

UGANDA [pres] 4976, Radio Uganda, at 0310-0316 UT on Aug 18, noted in<br />

passing with a man speaking in unidentified local lang but impossible to<br />

make out. Nice signal but weak modulation. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer<br />

Aug 21)<br />

UKRAINE There are no regional Crimean inserts on Simferopol MW tx (648

kHz) at present.<br />

(open_dx - Andrey Burlaka, Simferopol-UKR, RUS-<strong>DX</strong> Signal, Aug 21)<br />

1377 regional channel from Mykolayiv is active. I usually hear it with a<br />

weak signal during the day. Estimated power is 5...7.5 kW. Station is on<br />

the air at approximately 0400-1600 (or even until 1700) UT.<br />

(open_dx - Vladimir Titarev, Kremenchuk-UKR, RUS-<strong>DX</strong> Signal, Aug 21)<br />

U.K. Eglise du Christ relay, 11950 kHz, friendly e-mail for an airmail<br />

report, plus attachments with schedule, signal coverage map etc., in 22<br />

days, verie signer:<br />

Jean Grenier, QTH: C.P. 2026 - Jonquiere - QC - G7X 1P8 - Canada.<br />

E-mail: <br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 22)<br />

11950 WOF 300kW 180 deg Wed 1800-1830 UT in French. wb.<br />

Leading The Way relay, 9800 kHz, full-data card in 6 months, signed "LTW<br />

Team".<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 22)<br />

B-04: 9800 RMP 500kW 62/95 deg Tue/Fri/Sat/Sun 1700-1730 UT in Pe/Ru.<br />

In A-<strong>05</strong> on 15495 kHz. wb.<br />

On 19 Aug at 0800 WADR, West Africa Democracy Radio (via unknown site)<br />

heard with rather good signal on 17555.<br />

Gave contact info as:<br />

tel 221 869 1569 fax 221 864 7090 e-mail <br />

mail P.O.Box 16650, Dakar Fann, Senegal.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld Aug 19)<br />

via Rampisham, UK. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Aug 19)<br />

17555 kHz West Africa Democracy Radio Testsendung via ? um 0759 UTC mit<br />

s/on und Info ueber die Station in Englisch. Angesagte<br />

Kontaktmoeglichkeiten:<br />

Telefon: Senegal 2218691569, e-mail: Postanschrift: WADR,<br />

P.O.Box 16650, Dakar, Fann, Senegal. SINPO zu Beginn 24432. Signal wurde<br />

aber immer schwaecher. Ab 0815 UTC kaum noch zu hoeren.<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 19)<br />

<br />

The Analyst (Monrovia) NEWS August 18, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

A new international radio station to promote and defend the ideals of<br />

democracy and open society in and among West African countries has begun a<br />

week test txion on 17555 kHz on the SW.<br />

The West Africa Democracy Radio (WADR) based in Dakar, Senegal, will<br />

broadcast distinctive programs on transparency and accountability in govt,<br />

regional economic integration as well as social and culture development.<br />

According to a release from the WADR Country Office in Monrovia, the<br />

station will also disseminate information on the causes of conflicts and<br />

make programs that will give voice to those at the grass root level.<br />

The radio will at the same time work in partnership with a network of<br />

local stations to promote dialogue using traditional radio technologies<br />

and mo<strong>der</strong>n electronic media such as digital satellite radio.<br />

In Liberia, ten local stations will be either relaying or re- broadcasting<br />

WADR nx and feature programs.

Though the WADR will be broadcasting throughout West Africa, its initial<br />

focus is the Mano River Basin, and has set up Country Offices in Liberia,<br />

Sierra Leone and Guinea.<br />

The test txion which begins today will continue daily from 8:00 AM- 9:00<br />

AM for one week.<br />

(via Mauno Ritola, Finland, Aug 18, dxldyg via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

Presumably UT, and via T-Systems or Merlin somewhere (gh)<br />

Ulis, Who funds this 'democratic' station? (Andy O'Brien, ibid.)<br />

West African Democracy Radio (WADR) began a week of test txions today at<br />

0800-0900 UT on 17555 kHz. The West Africa Democracy Project, born out of<br />

numerous consultations with civil society and media groups in the region,<br />

is based in Dakar, Senegal and has been created to enable citizens to<br />

share information and participate in the production of programmes. The<br />

project is supported by the Open Society Initiative for West Africa<br />

(OSIWA).<br />

According to the OSIWA website, WADR will act as an independent<br />

broadcaster, whose mission is to create and support the development of<br />

independent and diverse media, promote popular participation, facilitate<br />

regional integration, economic development and human security, provide<br />

improved access to information, and provide a major source of educational<br />

materials on health, agriculture, technology, non-violence, gen<strong>der</strong><br />

equality and peace building.<br />

WADR's production strategy involves collaborative teams of journalists and<br />

producers who will manage programme production and deliver country-<br />

specific programmes to their audiences. Programming will extensively use<br />

langs that are generally un<strong>der</strong>stood by the majority of the populations in<br />

all three countries, and will include nx coverage, public debate forum<br />

programs, summaries of media coverage as well as addressing regional<br />

problems such as the reuniting of families displaced by conflict, human<br />

rights and development. (RNW MN NL Aug 18)<br />

On 19 Aug at 0800 WADR, West Africa Democracy Radio (via unknown site)<br />

heard with rather good signal on 17555. Gave contact info as: tel 221 869<br />

1569 fax 221 864 7090<br />

e-mail mail P.O.Box 16650, Dakar Fann, Senegal.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld Aug 19)<br />

Test txions from new Democracy Radio 17555 heard from 0848 tune in here,<br />

weak to fair with some fading on clear channel, programming was in French.<br />

(Mike Barraclough, UK, worlddxclub via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

On 19 Aug at 0800 WADR, West Africa Democracy Radio (via unknown site)<br />

heard with rather good signal on 17555. (Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld Aug 19)<br />

West Africa Democracy Radio on 17555. "West Africa Democracy Radio - WADR"<br />

heard today (Saturday 20 August) with a good signal on 17555 from tune-in<br />

at 0845.<br />

Continuous annts about the station in English and French. Mentions of<br />

Senegal, Liberia, Sierra Leone. Scheduled 0800-0900 on this freq from an<br />

unknown site.<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Aug 20)<br />

Re: 17555. Via Rampisham-UK 500 kW acc Bernd Trutenau in dxld.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Aug 19)<br />

17555, West Africa Democracy R, via ?, *0800-0857*, Aug 21, test programme<br />

in English and from 0830 similar programme in French. IDs 0800: "

Good morning and welcome to the test txion from the West Africa Democracy<br />

Radio broadcasting from Dakar, Senegal." 0830: "West Africa Democracy<br />

Radio, La Radio pour la dialogue - WADR! Bonjour." Reception reports<br />

requested by phone to 221(Senegal) 869 15 (69?), or fax to 221 864 7090,<br />

or e-mail to or ordinary mail to West Africa Democracy<br />

Radio, P. O. Box 16650, Dakar-Fann, Senegal. The station promotes<br />

Democracy and good Governance in West African countries.In the near future<br />

the tests will be followed by four hours of broadcasts daily with two<br />

hours in English and two in French. A senior technician explained that<br />

besides SW, the future broadcasts will also be sent via digital satellite<br />

covering all Africa and parts of Western Europe and the Middle East,<br />

supplemented with local FM retransmissions. A website will make listening<br />

to the programmes on demand possible. A close dialogue with listeners in<br />

the villages is encouraged via exchange of tapes. Statements from<br />

journalists in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Senegal and Guinea.<br />

The tx carrier signed off at 0859. SINPO in Denmark varied from 23433 to<br />

45544. During occasional fades, I heard some splashes from CNR 1 on 17550<br />

and unidentified, pulsing noise of mo<strong>der</strong>ate strength which covers the<br />

whole 16 mb. The tests are expected to end this coming Wednesday.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 21)<br />

Hello, tried to record a digital file of 17555 RMP WADR, West Africa<br />

Democracy Radio towards WeAfrica at 0800-0900 UT today. But signal is<br />

very, very poor and thiny. I could only recognize an English annmt.<br />

My angle from UK is just 95deg off Rampisham. Direction angle from RMP to<br />

WeAfrica is about 170 to 190 deg. So, I would suggest dear Carlos to try<br />

record that station in Portugal instead, the angle towards Lisbon is about<br />

195 deg from Rampisham. And 1st hop will spread out some signal towards<br />

your Portugal area most days.<br />

(wb, Aug 21)<br />

WADR's test txion was audible here today with SINFO 35443 from *0800 to<br />

0830 tune-out. Gave contact details as:<br />

telephone +221 869 1569, fax +221 864 7090 (not sure of the last digit),<br />

e-mail , postal address P.O. Box 16650, Dakar, Senegal.<br />

Any idea which tx is being used? (Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 21)<br />

I got the following nice e-mail QSL from West Africa Democracy Radio<br />

(WADR) tonight. They had attached two articles, containing info about the<br />

project and the programmes:<br />

My name is Abdou LO. I am the Bilingual (French-English) Researcher of<br />

WADR and occasionaly producer and journaliste. We would like to thank you<br />

for your interest in WADR and your so complete Reception Report. It is so<br />

professional. I have shown it to everybody here. Well, as you may guess<br />

WADR's tx is located in UK.<br />

For your magazine, please find here some documents attached. I will send<br />

you as soon as possible our txion schedule and all the informations you<br />

may need. Best regards, Abdou ><br />

PS : Please keep in touch. My WADR e-mail adress should be available by<br />

tomorrow.<br />

(Bjoern Fransson-SWE, hcdx Aug 22)<br />

UZBEKISTAN 119<strong>05</strong> 1935-2227 UT, the night frequency from Tashkent<br />

towards western world couldn't be heard in previous weeks. Only single<br />

outlet on air of 5025 kHz for German 1935-2027 UT, then change to 5060 kHz<br />

for English sces at 2030 and 2130 UT.<br />

(wb, Aug 25)

VIETNAM 4739.8 R.TV.Son La at Aug 13 on 1300-1317 UT 35333 Vietnamese,<br />

1300 Theme mx, ID at 1300, Talk. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 19)<br />

ZAMBIA 4910 Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation, at 0302-0334 UT<br />

on Aug 18, tribal vocals hosted by a woman announcer in English and other<br />

langs with mentions of Zambia. At 0316 UT two fast talking man in a local<br />

lang spoke before returning to tribal vocals program. Two men and a woman<br />

spoke from 0326 UT with laughter and early morning chatter. Fair to good.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 21)<br />

The current confirmed/monitored schedule is:<br />

Radio 1 - 4910 kHz *0245-<strong>05</strong>15* and *1555-22<strong>05</strong>*, 5915 kHz *<strong>05</strong>15-1555*.<br />

Radio 2 - 6165 kHz *0245-22<strong>05</strong>*.<br />

Christian Voice: The current/monitored schedule is: 4965 kHz *1600-06<strong>05</strong>*<br />

and 9865 kHz *06<strong>05</strong>-1600*, i.e. the 0400-0700 txion on 6065 kHz has been<br />

dropped.<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 21)<br />

ZIMBABWE Currently on 3306 kHz at *1630-<strong>05</strong>30v* and on 6045 kHz *<strong>05</strong>30v-<br />

1630* UT. "R Zimbabwe" is relayed 24 hours a day as far as I can tell. The<br />

signal strength has definitely come down lately, obviously some tx<br />

problem. The widely reported harmonic on 6612 kHz can be explained by its<br />

signal sometimes being stronger than the fundamental frequency, but in the<br />

past few days the 6612 kHz has been barely audible here.<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 21)<br />

Chinese equipment employed to jam the Short Wave txions of SW Radio Africa<br />

is now being used to jam, Voice of the People. VOP which broadcasts via<br />

Radio Netherlands carries various programs on Zimbabwe produced by<br />

journalists based in the country. It would seem that soon after SWRA<br />

stopped broadcasting on SW, the jamming equipment became idle and govt<br />

decided to find a use for the expensive devices.<br />

Broadcast experts suspect the jamming started on the 14th of August and<br />

the stations programs from 7 to 8pm Zimbabwean time are being wiped out.<br />

Monitors of the jamming said sometimes parts of the broadcasts were<br />

audible, but generally it was a wipe out. The Executive Director of the<br />

Station, John Masuku, confirmed receiving reports of the jamming but said<br />

they were still conducting further monitoring sessions to be absolutely<br />

sure they are being jammed. Govt has never admitted to jamming SWRA<br />

broadcasts and will, no doubt, deny any jamming of VOP.<br />

<br />

(SW Radio Africa Zimbabwe news, Aug 18)<br />

<br />

Reacting to the recently-begun jamming of Sound of Hope Radio Network,<br />

like Radio Free Asia and Voice of America before it, RSF has condemned<br />

China's latest advance in the construction of a "Great Wall of the<br />

airwaves."<br />

"Beijing is stepping up its control of both the airwaves and the<br />

Internet," the organisation said. "Chinese radio listeners and Internet<br />

users only have a right to nx and information controlled by the govt."<br />

Based in San Francisco, Sound of Hope broadcasts four hours a day of nx<br />

and cultural programmes to China from txs outside the country. Significant<br />

jamming has been noted in many Chinese cities including Dalian, Fuzhou and<br />

Xinjiang since June. At the behest of the National Security Bureau, Public<br />

Security Bureau and General Military Intelligence Sector II, its<br />

programmes are being drowned out by mx or by the broadcasts of China's<br />

Central Radio Station. At best, listeners can catch the odd phrase. At

worst, Sound of Hope can no longer be heard at all.<br />

Similar jamming was reported last October by the Voice of Tibet (based in<br />

Norway), the B<strong>BC</strong> World Service, Voice of America and Radio Free Asia.<br />

Thanks to txs, antennae and other equipment supplied by the French company<br />

Thales, the govt has been able to improve its jamming capabilities and can<br />

now effectively block short-wave broadcasts by foreign radio stations<br />

based in Europe and Central Asia.<br />

(RSF/IFEX via Jean-Michel Aubier-F, dxld Aug 18)<br />

ETON E1 rx.<br />

Nils Schiffauer ueber den Eton E1. Ein Link sagt mehr als tausend Worte:<br />

<br />

(Michael Geisel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 21)<br />

Wie wahr, die Worte von Nils laesst man sich auf <strong>der</strong> Zunge zergehen ...<br />

Seine Schreibe tut auch nach 30 Jahren Journalismus gut. (wb, Aug 21)<br />

"... das mit <strong>der</strong> Aufloesung des EAWRC Contest stimmt nach meinen<br />

Informationen so nicht."<br />

(Friedhelm Wittlieb-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 22)<br />

Doch Friedhelm. Nachzulesen in <strong>der</strong> Ausgabe 338 des EAWRC Bulletin, das vor<br />

mir liegt un nun soeben eingescannt ist:<br />

Liebe Clubfreunde des EAWRC!<br />

Mancher Insi<strong>der</strong> mag es wohl schon laenger geahnt o<strong>der</strong> befuerchtet haben:<br />

es bleibt uns nach laengeren internen Aussprachen nichts an<strong>der</strong>es uebrig,<br />

als den EAWRC zum Jahresende aufzuloesen !<br />

Fazit ist, dass nach fast 29 Jahren Taetigkeit fuer den EAWRC wir, Adolf<br />

Schwegeler und Hardy Borger, nicht mehr den erfor<strong>der</strong>lichen Zeitaufwand<br />

aufbringen koennen, den EAWRC in gewohnter VVeise weiterzufuehren.<br />

Die Gruende fuer diese Entscheidung sind vielfaeltig. Primaer liegt es bei<br />

Hardy Borger an einer beruflichen Neuorientierung zusaetzlich zur Lehre an<br />

<strong>der</strong> Universitaet Tuebingen, bei Adolf Schwegeler ebenso an beruflichen<br />

Gruenden, v.a. aber auch an einem gesundheitlich angekratzten Zustand mit<br />

dem aerztlichen Rat "kuerzerzu treten".<br />

Natuerlich besteht als Alternative zur Clubaufloesung die Moeglichkeit,<br />

dass sich <strong>der</strong> eine o<strong>der</strong> an<strong>der</strong>e Enthusiast o<strong>der</strong> auch mehrere Hobbyfreunde<br />

entschliessen, den Club weiter zu fuehren. In diesem Fall stehen wir in<br />

<strong>der</strong> ersten Zeit gerne beratend zur Seite, falls dies gewuenscht wird, denn<br />

Druck, Versand und Finanzen haben so ihre Tuecken. Eine Funktion jeglicher<br />

Art koennen wir aber nicht mehr uebernehmen.<br />

Seit Jahren waren wir darauf bedacht, dass moeglichst viele Hobbyfreunde<br />

ihren Clubbeitrag zum 1. <strong>Jan</strong>uar eines Jahres entrichten. Wenige OM haben<br />

bereits ueber den 1. <strong>Jan</strong>uar 2006 hinaus Beitraege entrichtet. Diese werden<br />

von uns selbstverstaendlich erstattet.<br />

Das Bulletin wird noch bis einschliesslich Dezember 20<strong>05</strong> in gewohnter<br />

Weise erstellt und zugestellt, so dass die Finanzen zum Jahresende<br />

ausgeglichen sein werden.<br />

Wir bedauern diese Entscheidung sehr, denn <strong>der</strong> EAWRC war ein Teil unseres<br />

Lebens.<br />

Herzliche Gruesse Hardy (via Christoph Ratzer-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 22)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 726 02 Sep 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

<strong>Private</strong> <strong>Verwendung</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Meldun</strong>gen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede<br />

kommerzielle <strong>Verwendung</strong> bedarf <strong>der</strong> Zustimmung des Newslettereditors.<br />

Extracts of items sourced to E<strong>DX</strong>P may be further reproduced but only by<br />

organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements<br />

with E<strong>DX</strong>P.<br />

!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews. !!!<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio<br />

may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all<br />

stages, from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting<br />

are made available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

credit is given to the contributor and to <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only<br />

with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our<br />

WW<strong>DX</strong>C WWW homepage-German AG<strong>DX</strong> Club-direct address:<br />

<br />

or via Link of Homepage: <br />

Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

ARMENIA Armenian Radio home service was reported on Sunday 21st from<br />

04<strong>05</strong>-<strong>05</strong>00 UT on 4810 kHz with talk and mx in Russian lang.<br />

(Gancho Lulchev-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 26)<br />

Reported here Mon-Sat 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 UT "Informatsionno analitichna programa<br />

"Armenia" in Russian but on Sun begins earlier.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 1)<br />

ASCENSION ISLS Star Radio Liberia 11965 kHz QSL card, letter in 18d for<br />

English report. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 26)<br />

Heute kam nach 24 Tagen Laufzeit eine QSL-Karte & Brief von Star Radio<br />

Liberia (11965 kHz) via Fondation Hirondelle - zuverlaessig wie immer.<br />

Falls jemand an <strong>der</strong> Direktanschrift von Star Radio interessiert ist:<br />

Old CID Road, Mamba Point, Monrovia, Liberia.<br />

Email: <br />

(Juergen Waga-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 25)<br />


<br />

Here's more on the Australian switch to UTC from GMT.<br />

(Stephen Cauchi, Science Reporter, Aug 27, via Bill Westenhaver-CAN, dxld)<br />

HCJB AUSTRALIA A-<strong>05</strong> revised schedule, w-effect 28th Aug till 30 Oct 20<strong>05</strong>

0000-0030 UTC: 15525 EaAS English<br />

0030-0045 UTC: 154<strong>05</strong> So&SoEaAS Nepali<br />

0045-0100 UTC: 154<strong>05</strong> So&SoEaAS - Chattisgarhi(Sun),Bangla (Mon-Sat)<br />

0100-0115 UTC: 154<strong>05</strong> So&SoEaAS English (Sun), Chattisgarhi (Mon,Sat),<br />

Bhojpuri (Tues), Tamil (Wed), Marwari (Thurs), Marathi (Fri)<br />

0115-0130 UTC: 154<strong>05</strong> So&SoEaAS Hindi<br />

0130-0200 UTC: 154<strong>05</strong> So&SoEaAS English<br />

0200-0230 UTC: 154<strong>05</strong> So&SoEaAS English (Sun), Urdu (Mon-Sat)<br />

0700-0900 UTC: 11750 South Pacific English<br />

1000-1030 UTC: 15425 EaAS Cantonese<br />

1030-1130 UTC: 15425 EaAS English<br />

1130-1200 UTC: 15425 So&SoEaAS English<br />

1200-1230 UTC: 15425 So&SoEaAS INSn<br />

1230-1245 UTC: 15425 So&SoEaAS Nepali<br />

1245-1300 UTC: 15425 So&SoEaAS Hindi (Sun), Bangla (Mon Sat)<br />

1300-1315 UTC: 154<strong>05</strong> South Asia Chattisgarhi (Sat-Mon),<br />

Bhojpuri(Tue),Tamil (Wed), Marwari (Thur), Matathi (Fri)<br />

1315-1330 UTC: 154<strong>05</strong> South Asia Hindi<br />

1330-1400 UTC: 154<strong>05</strong> South Asia English (Sun), Urdu (Mon -Sat)<br />

1400-1430 UTC: 154<strong>05</strong> South Asia English<br />

1430-1530 UTC: 15390 South Asia English<br />

2230-2300 UTC: 15525 EaAS English (Sun), Mandarin (Mon - Sat)<br />

2300-0000 UTC: 15525 EaAS Mandarin<br />

(Alokesh Gupta-IND, hcdx Aug 29)<br />

5025 kHz.<br />

Gestern abend waren die Australier wie<strong>der</strong> auf allen 3 Frequenzen im 60 mb<br />

zum s/on um 2130 UTC in brauchbarer Qualitaet zu empfangen. Merkwuerdig<br />

war allerdings, als ich um 2143 UTC auf die 5025 kHz schaltete, dort ein<br />

an<strong>der</strong>es Programm lief als auf den an<strong>der</strong>en beiden QRGs. Noch merkwuerdiger<br />

war dann um 2150 UTC eine Ansage durch YL "This is Radio Wollongong". Das<br />

liegt ja nun doch in einer ganz an<strong>der</strong>en Ecke von Australien.<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 26)<br />

Ich habe auch die vergangenen Tage beobachtet, dass auf 5025 kHz nach den<br />

Nachrichten um 2130 UTC ein sich von 4835 kHz unterscheidendes Programm<br />

laeuft. Auf 4835 kHz lief ein Kommentar, auf 5025 kHz eine Country Music-<br />

Sendung, dabei wurde auch Katherine mehrmals erwaehnt. Was hat es mit<br />

"Wollongong" auf sich.<br />

Gestern abend bei mir uebrigens auf 4835 kHz O=3, auf 5025 ebenso,<br />

teilweise sogar klarer als 4835 kHz. (Rudi Lo<strong>der</strong>bauer-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 26)<br />

AUSTRIA CVC (Christian Vision) has announced special DRM txions<br />

directed towards Berlin for the IFA between 2nd and 7th Sept. The<br />

broadcasts will be at 1000-1300 UTC on 6065 kHz, DRM power 50 kW, from<br />

Moosbrunn (Austria) using an 11.8dB log-periodic antenna at 335 degrees.<br />

The programme content will be live, with English mx and chat, originating<br />

in the CVC broadcast centre in Queensland, Australia. For these days the<br />

regular 1000-1100 txion to the UK on 11815 kHz will be suspended.<br />

(Andrew Flynn, Christian Vision in DRM Software Radio Forum Wed. Aug 31,<br />

via Roberto Scaglione-I, <strong>BC</strong>LNEWS.IT)<br />

see also DRM un<strong>der</strong> Austria, Ecuador, France, Netherlands, Norway and U.K.<br />

BENIN Die protestantische Radiomission Trans World Radio will bis<br />

November 20<strong>05</strong> einen 100-kW-Mittelwellensen<strong>der</strong> in Benin in Betrieb nehmen.<br />

Nun soll das bisher auf 1,5 Mio. USD veranschlagte Projekt erweitert<br />

werden. In Kooperation mit HCJB World Radio will man auch auf Kurzwelle<br />

senden und bereitet einen entsprechenden Antrag bei den Behoerden vor. Auf<br />

diese Weise soll endgueltig die Luecke geschlossen werden, die die<br />

Zerstoerung von Radio ELWA Monrovia im liberianischen Buergerkrieg<br />

hinterlassen hat. Mehr Informationen ueber das laufende<br />

Mittelwellenprojekt finden sich bei

(Dr. Hj. Biener-D, ntt Sep 1)<br />

BOSNIA [SERBIA & MONTENEGRO] An incomplete scheduled covering 1745-<br />

2200 UT only for "R. Yugoslavia", but dated effective 1 Aug shows Arabic<br />

at a new time:<br />

1745-1800, ARABIC 1, zones 27,28 EUR, 6100kHz 49.18mb, 250kW, B06 - ND.<br />

(Jose Elias Diaz Gomez-VEN, dxld Aug 26)<br />

The original A-<strong>05</strong> had Arabic only at 1430-1500 UT on 11800 kHz for ME and<br />

Italian at 1730-1800 UT (always only one lang at a time), so has that been<br />

truncated to 1730-1745 UT only? (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Aug 26)<br />

That would be "SERBIA & MONTENEGRO [non]" acc. to the <strong>DX</strong>LD labelling<br />

system ... via Bijeljina [tx site BIJ Bijeljina G.C.44N42 019E10 in],<br />

Bosnia & Herzegovina.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Aug 26)<br />

New schedule cutting, supposedly due of another power budget limitation in<br />

Belgrad/Bijeljina??<br />

Nothing heard on European sce 7200, 11800, 11870, 6100, 9620 kHz at 1300-<br />

1615 UT on Sept 1st. When looked-in around on 6100 kHz at 1747 UT, heard<br />

Arabic progr still in progress. Followed by Russian and English still on<br />

6100; also Spanish on 7200 kHz then at 1900 UT. And the 6100 kHz 1930-2100<br />

UT block also like official schedule on air today. (wb, Sep 1)<br />

A-<strong>05</strong> schedule of International Radio of Serbia & Montenegro,<br />

acc to monitoring on September 1st:<br />

New 1745-1758 Daily6100 BEO 250 kW 130?deg Arabic ME?<br />

1800-1828 Daily 6100 BEO 250 kW 040 deg Russian RUS<br />

1830-1858 Daily 6100 BEO 250 kW 310 deg English WeEu<br />

1900-1928 Daily 7200 BEO 250 kW 250 deg Spanish SoEu<br />

1930-1958 Sun-Fri 6100 BEO 250 kW 310 deg Serbian WeEu<br />

1930-2028 Sat 6100 BEO 250 kW 310 deg Serbian WeEu<br />

2000-2028 Sun-Fri 6100 BEO 250 kW 310 deg German WeEu<br />

2030-2<strong>05</strong>8 Daily 6100 BEO 250 kW 310 deg French WeEu<br />

(R BUL Observer, June 3)<br />

But not observed on this part:<br />

1300-1428 Daily 7200 BEO 250 kW non-dir Serbian EaEu(relay HS-1)<br />

1430-1458 Daily 11800 BEO 250 kW 130 deg Arabic ME<br />

1500-1528 Daily 11870 BEO 250 kW 040 deg Russian RUS<br />

1530-1543 Daily 6100 BEO 250 kW non-dir Hungarian CeEu<br />

1545-1558 Daily 6100 BEO 250 kW 130 deg Greek SoEaEu<br />

1600-1628 Daily 9620 BEO 250 kW 310 deg French WeEu<br />

1630-1658 Daily 9620 BEO 250 kW 310 deg German WeEu<br />

1700-1713 Daily 6100 BEO 250 kW 180 deg Albanian SoEaEu<br />

1715-1728 Daily 6100 BEO 250 kW 130 deg Bulgarian SoEaEu<br />

1730-1758 Daily 9620 BEO 250 kW 310 deg Italian WeEu<br />

2100-2128 Daily 6100 BEO 250 kW 310 deg English WeEu<br />

2130-2158 Sun-Fri 7230 BEO 250 kW 100 deg Serbian AUS<br />

2130-2228 Sat 7230 BEO 250 kW 100 deg Serbian AUS<br />

2200-2228 Sun-Fri 7230 BEO 250 kW 100 deg English AUS<br />

2230-2258 Daily 9580 BEO 250 kW <strong>05</strong>5 deg Chinese SoEaAs<br />

2300-2328 Daily 9680 BEO 250 kW 265 deg Spanish SoAmWe<br />

2330-2358 Mon-Sat 9580 BEO 250 kW 310 deg Serbian NoAmEa<br />

2330-0028 Sun 9580 BEO 250 kW 310 deg Serbian NoAmEa<br />

0000-0028 Mon-Sat 9580 BEO 250 kW 310 deg English NoAmEa<br />

0030-0<strong>05</strong>8 Daily 9580 BEO 250 kW 310 deg Serbian NoAmEa(relay HS-1)<br />

0430-0458 Daily 9580 BEO 250 kW 325 deg English NoAmWe

(wb, Sept 1)<br />

BOTSWANA 4930, VOA Studio 7 (via Moepang Hill), full-data personal ltr<br />

along with VOA calendar and prgm magazine from Thomas R. Powell,<br />

Transmitter Plant Supervisor, for a rpt to Botswana. The ltr was dated and<br />

envelope postmarked one month after I sent my rpt, but it did not arrive<br />

until three mos. later. Although it carried many very nice Botswana<br />

stamps, I suspect it did not come via air.<br />

(Wendel Craighead-KS-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 29)<br />

Re VOA-BOTSWANA Can anybody suggest me the valid email address for Voice<br />

of America Botswana relay?<br />

Here is an address that worked for me on August 28:<br />

<br />

A few days ago I received a verification letter, along with several<br />

enclosures, from Thomas R. Powell, Transmitter Plant Supervisor, for<br />

reception of Voice of America Studio 7. The letterhead included this e-<br />

mail address, which might have been obsolete since the letter was dated<br />

and postmarked one month after I mailed my report and then took three more<br />

months to arrive. Despite the many nice Botswana stamps on the large<br />

envelope it obviously did not come via air. But yesterday I sent an e-mail<br />

to Mr. Powell thanking him for the verification, and so far my e-mail has<br />

not bounced.<br />

(Wendel Craighead-KA-USA, Signal Sept 1 via dxld)<br />

And I feel that tpowell @ bot.ibb.gov may be valid, too - my recent<br />

message did not bounce either. (Dmitry Mezin, Kazan-RUS, ibid.)<br />

BULGARIA 7400 R.Varna on Aug 21 at 2102-2136 UT. 35232-35333 Bulgarian,<br />

News and mx, ID at 2131 UT. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 26)<br />

In B-<strong>05</strong> on 7600 kHz, only Sun2200 - Mon0400 UT, 100 kW non-dir to zones 27<br />

& 28. (wb)<br />

The one-day-a-week, summers-only sce from Radio Varna in Bulgaria is on on<br />

7400 kHz, nicely listenable here in New Jersey. They have their own<br />

transmitter rather than just being relayed over the txs of the<br />

international sce. Got an ID from them during the nx @ 0100. I think I<br />

last heard this 25 years ago as "Radio Holidays".<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 29)<br />

I am sorry to correct this a little bit: this is not their own tx.<br />

Like all SW tx's in the country, it belongs to the national tx<br />

operator "Bulgarian Telecommunications Company" (BTC), and just like<br />

Radio Bulgaria is renting air time on the BTC SW tx's in Sofia and<br />

Plovdiv, Radio Varna is renting air time on the BTC SW tx in Varna.<br />

Radio Varna is a regional station un<strong>der</strong> the roof of the the<br />

public-service Bulgarian National Radio.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 29)<br />

Thanks, Bernd. I'm not well versed in the corporate structure of the<br />

Bulgarian broadcasting industry, so perhaps wasn't as clear as I should<br />

have been. When I said it was "their own" tx, I was just trying to<br />

highlight that it was distinct from the txs used by Radio Bulgaria and a<br />

different site, one that's not on the air very often.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 29)<br />

CANADA [tentat] VT Merlin test txion Aug 26; 6040 kHz; SINPO 34344;<br />

0200-0230 UT. Loop of mx and annt which ended mid annmt at 0230 UT.<br />

Same pattern as the DRM - like signal last night and the analog test the<br />

night before.

(Mark Taylor-WI-USA, dxld Aug 26)<br />

Came across an interesting one on 9790 at 0023 UT Sat 8-2. Endless loop<br />

annt, with background mx. "You are listening to a test transmission by V-T<br />

Merlin communications, a leading provi<strong>der</strong> of international broadcast sces.<br />

If you would like to find out more about us, please visit www-dot-vtplc-<br />

dot-com-forward slash-merlin." On the page, un<strong>der</strong> "latest news," it says<br />

"B<strong>BC</strong> World Service txion contract to continue. VT Group, through its VT<br />

Communications subsidiary, has reached agreement to continue distributing<br />

and transmitting B<strong>BC</strong> world sce radio programming for a further five years<br />

to 2012..." The contract was signed two months ago, but this is the first<br />

signal I've heard. solid 5-9, until carrier dropped in the middle of the<br />

loop annt at exactly 0030.<br />

(Jim Wishner-MN-USA, dxld Aug 26)<br />

Merlin feed switch over on-air at Sackville-CAN ?<br />

9790 0100-0200UT to zones 6,7 SAC 250kW 277deg CAN CRI RTC<br />

see also DRM un<strong>der</strong> Austria, Ecuador, France, Netherlands, Norway and U.K.<br />

CHILE 5960 Voz Cristiana on Aug 18 at 0950-10<strong>05</strong> UT. 34333. Male talk in<br />

Spanish and song. ID was heard at 0958 UT, followed by talk by a man and a<br />

woman.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 26)<br />

CHINA/FRANCE Re. Frequency change for China Radio International in<br />

Bulgarian: 2030-2<strong>05</strong>7 NF 9720 KAS 500 kW / 308 deg, x6145 ISS 500 kW / 098<br />

deg // 7160.<br />

(Observer-BUL, dxld Aug 26)<br />

Actually the Issoudun txion still exists, just confirmed until 2<strong>05</strong>7 UT<br />

cut-off with extremely strong signal and programming (not // 9720 kHz) in<br />

a Slavic lang I unfortunately can not further specify. The audio was no<br />

longer of the telephone quality that used to be typical for the CRI relays<br />

via European SW sites.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Aug 28)<br />

Gannan People's Broadcasting Station Aug 17 at 20<strong>05</strong>-2220-0100, 0950-1400<br />

UT Tibetan/Chinese 5970 3990 [including:] (2300, 1300 relay CNR8)<br />

Nei Menggu PBS - Chinese Service<br />

9520 0120-0900 6045 2150-0115, 09<strong>05</strong>-16<strong>05</strong><br />

7165 0120-0900 4620 2150-0115, 09<strong>05</strong>-16<strong>05</strong><br />

71<strong>05</strong> 0120-0900 4000 2150-0115, 09<strong>05</strong>-16<strong>05</strong><br />

Mongolian Service<br />

9750 0045-0800 6195 2150-0040, 08<strong>05</strong>-16<strong>05</strong><br />

7210 0045-0800 4785 2150-0040, 08<strong>05</strong>-16<strong>05</strong><br />

7270 0045-0830 4525 2150-0040, 0835-16<strong>05</strong><br />

(Nagoya Dxers Circle via Sept A<strong>DX</strong>N via dxld + direct Aug 29)<br />

COSTA RICA 5<strong>05</strong>4.6 Faro del Caribe on Aug 24 at 0853-0910 UT, M & W<br />

talking in Spanish, ID, ToH mx program. Finally the audio has increased to<br />

a decent level.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld Aug 29)<br />

CUBA Checking for "Alo Presidente" this Sunday Aug 28: at 1404 on 11875,<br />

freq listing but did not catch them all. One definitely mentioned was<br />

17750, where I could hear nothing but a very strong WYFR. Then confirmed<br />

// on 11670, also with WYFR but somewhat atop it; and very good on 13750,<br />

much better than 13680. Meanwhile normal RHC programming continued on<br />

9550, 11760, 11800, 12000, 15230 kHz.<br />

However, the Alo freqs were actually as usual also programmed by RHC at

the outset, going into the weekly nx review Mundo Siete at 1407. When I<br />

rechecked at 15<strong>05</strong>, 17750 actually had enough signal from Cuba to cause a<br />

SAH to WYFR, but nothing more. 13750 had vanished, but 11875 and 11670<br />

were still on; however, at 1509 they were giving the RHC e-mail address,<br />

not RNV. I guess Hugo was late or MIA as often happens.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Aug 28)<br />

CZECH REP Ich habe die Sendung von Radio Prag gesucht, die ich auf <strong>der</strong><br />

Hinfahrt im Becker Monza gehoert habe. Hier sind die Manuskripte mit <strong>der</strong><br />

Moeglichkeit, sich die Sendung noch einmal anzuhoeren.Vorzueglicher<br />

Service von Radio Prag!<br />

Im Teil kam das Pausenzeichen und die ID vom Sen<strong>der</strong> Melnik vor.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

(Uwe Volk-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 29) Vorzuegliche Arbeit ! wb.<br />

See also of 1938-1945 era in CZE:<br />

Boehmen 1113 kHz [Prague II 60 kW]<br />

Danube 922 kHz [Brno Dobrochov/Dobrochau]<br />

Brno Protectorate 1158 kHz, 32 kW<br />

Prague Protectorate 638 kHz, 120 kW.<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong> Danube "Donau" 922 kHz 325.4 meter band.<br />

And Sen<strong>der</strong> Alps, see websites:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

ECUADOR 15375d Then I go to the DRM Forums and do a new search on<br />

15375, finally uncovering a recent post that someone else has noticed DRM<br />

there as I have been reporting for weeks and weeks.<br />

The Holy Qur'an Station, analog 15380, was again suffering from severe<br />

QRDRM centred on 15375, August 26 at 1250, and presumably from the<br />

Qhristian Qrusa<strong>der</strong>s in Quito. I suspect there is more unacknowledged DRM<br />

activity than usual this week for the benefit of the HFCC meeting in<br />

Valencia, now about over. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Aug 26)<br />

Weak DRM signal on 15375 kHz - Hi all, at 1400 UT a very weak DRM signal<br />

on 15375 kHz, max. 6 dB. Maybe a test txion from HCJB in Ecuador? Due to a<br />

strong AM station on 15370 kHz no label and no audio. Anyone who can<br />

verify this observation?<br />

Equipment: Winradio WR- G303I, magnetic longwire balun (12,5 m), <strong>DX</strong>-10<br />

active antenna.<br />

<br />

(Klaus -, Bad Wildungen, Germany, DRM Software Radio Forums July 29 via<br />

dxld)<br />

Greetings Klaus, I just returned from vacations and read your note. I<br />

cannot confirm your reception of HCJB on that date, but I will say that it<br />

is possible it was us. Although we do not have regular transmissions on<br />

DRM at the moment, we do run our tx up from time to time to make sure that<br />

it is still operational. I would be a bit surprised if you received us in<br />

Europe though. Our tx is only 4 kW of DRM power, so it is not very<br />

powerful. I will be sure to let the forum know when we do start regular<br />

txions in DRM though. Take care,<br />

(Doug Weber-EQA HCJB HC7AW, Aug 16, ibid.)<br />

Doesn't HCJB keep a log of its own txions? (gh, dxld Aug 26)

see also DRM un<strong>der</strong> Austria, Ecuador, France, Netherlands, Norway and U.K.<br />

ERITREA [Clandestine] 7999. 33 V. of Sudan on Aug 19 at *1528-1540 UT.<br />

25442 Arabic, 1528 UT sign on with IS, opening announce, opening mx, ID at<br />

1532 UT as "Idha'at Sawt Sudan. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 26)<br />

FRANCE/MONACO 7135d From Sept 2nd to 7th, 20<strong>05</strong>. Special broadcasts to<br />

Berlin (for IFA fair show), from Radio France on short wave in DRM. It<br />

will be a relay of the mxal programme F.I.P. The freq will be 7135 kHz,<br />

day time.<br />

One hour per day (from 0900 to 1000 UT) also on 7135 kHz, "Canal DRM<br />

France" will be on the air; it's a cocktail of programmes from the<br />

following stations: RTL, Europe 1, la Radio de la Mer, Superloustic, R.<br />

Orient, TeleramaRadio, R. Nouveaux talents, Beur FM, Littoral AM).<br />

(Christian Ghibaudo, Nice-F, dxld Aug 29)<br />

Again DRM tests from Fontbonne, this time on 7160 instead of previously<br />

used 6150.<br />

7160 is an old standard for the Evangeliums-Rundfunk transmissions via<br />

Fontbonne.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 1)<br />

7160 [north of Monte Carlo]. Yes, noted DRM noise today Sep 1st, but was<br />

gone when connected AOR 7030 to DRM decoding program on PC. (wb)<br />

see also DRM un<strong>der</strong> Austria, Ecuador, France, Netherlands, Norway and U.K.<br />

R. France Int schedule has been updated for Sept 4.<br />

0400-0430 98<strong>05</strong> x7315 via Gabon; <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 11995 x9825 via Gabon and 13680<br />

x15160 direct; 1400-1500 7180 x9580 via China.<br />

(RFI website via Jean-Michel Aubier-F, dxld Sep 1)<br />

RFI changes, as of Sept 4th:<br />

3965 0400 <strong>05</strong>00 37,38W,46N ISS 500 180 French F RFI TDF<br />

3965 2100 2200 18S,28,29 ISS 250 60 Polish F RFI TDF<br />

5920 2000 2100 28S,29S ISS 250 85 Romanian F RFI TDF<br />

6045 <strong>05</strong>00 <strong>05</strong>30 28S,29S ISS 250 98 Serbian F RFI TDF<br />

6120 1400 1500 44S,49,50,54 YAM 300 235 Vietnamese J RFI TDF<br />

6175 1900 2000 28S,29S ISS 250 98 Serbian F RFI TDF<br />

7135 0600 0700 37,38W,46N ISS 500 180 French F RFI TDF<br />

7175 1200 1300 33S,43E,44 YAM 300 290 Mandarin J RFI TDF<br />

7180 1400 1500 41 XIA 150 255 English CHN RFI TDF<br />

9655 0930 1030 33S,43E,44 YAM 300 290 Mandarin J RFI TDF<br />

9790 0600 0700 37E,38W,47N ISS 500 155 French F RFI TDF<br />

9790 0600 0700 37W,46W ISS 500 204 French F RFI TDF<br />

9790 1900 2000 37E,38W,47N ISS 500 155 French F RFI TDF<br />

9790 1900 2000 37W,46W ISS 500 204 French F RFI TDF<br />

98<strong>05</strong> 0400 0430 48S,52E,53,57E GAB 250 127 English GAB RFI TDF<br />

11615 1900 2000 37,46 ISS 500 185 French F RFI TDF<br />

11700 0600 0700 37,46 ISS 500 185 French F RFI TDF<br />

11995 <strong>05</strong>00 <strong>05</strong>30 48S,52E,53,57E GAB 250 127 English GAB RFI TDF<br />

13680 <strong>05</strong>00 0600 38E,47E,48,53,68 ISS 500 135 English/Fr F RFI TDF<br />

21645 1130 1200 7S,8S,10E,11,12N ISS 500 270 French F RFI TDF<br />

GEORGIA/RUSSIA 0700-0809 close down of "Apsua Radio" (Abkhaz Radio)<br />

feat. Children songs in Vernacular, nx in Russian from 0800 UT, said next<br />

nx will be at 1500 hrs local time or 1100 UT. All heard on both 9495 and<br />

9535 (here rumbling with KBSW from Skelton till 0759), BUT!!! close down<br />

on 9535 kHz was at 08h09m10s and on 9495 kHz 10 sec later, so 9495 and<br />

9535 are coming from different txs!!! and 9535 is not a spur.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 1)<br />

[ABKHAZIA] Heard Radio Rossii on 25 Aug at 1650-1700 UTC on 1350 kHz with

O=4. But at 1700 UT a broadcast in unknown language started. Where did the<br />

signal come from?<br />

(open_dx - Andrey Burlaka, Simferopol-UKR, dxld)<br />

My version: Apsua Radio (=R. Abkhazii), Sokhum, in Abkhazian. Frequency is<br />

usually shifted 30 ... 40 Hz up from the nominal. // SW 9494.8v. Operation<br />

time is rather erratic. You may try to listen between 0330-1730 (but a<br />

couple of years ago MW tx worked on distinct schedule, i.e. was on the air<br />

at *0200-2000*) UT.<br />

(open_dx - Vladimir Titarev-UKR)<br />

See an extract from EMWG below:<br />

R Respubliki Abkhazii/Radio Rossii, Sukhumi 50 kW 0200-(Tu-Sa), 0400-<br />

(Su/Mo); programmes in Abkhaz: 0200-0230(Tu-Sa), 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 (daily) and<br />

Russian; Radio Rossii: 0230-0400(Tu-Sa), 1600-; SW parallel: 9495v kHz<br />

(not always in parallel!); Same hour in Summer!<br />

(open_dx - Vasily Gulyaev-RUS)<br />

You might want to listen to the following audio clip of the station:<br />

<br />

(open_dx - Victor Rutkovsky-RUS)<br />

Now, after listening to the clip, I'm sure that I really caught the<br />

Abkhazian tx.<br />

(open_dx - Andrey Burlaka, Simferopol-UKR, all <strong>DX</strong>signal Sept 1<br />

via Michael Bethge, WW<strong>DX</strong>C / dxld)<br />

GERMANY 94<strong>05</strong> on Aug 13 at *2000-2030* UT. Voices from the Diaspora -<br />

Germany. Vernacular, OM mentions of Gambia and America. QRM B<strong>BC</strong> 9410 kHz.<br />

PBT R7 USB. Fair/Good.<br />

(Luca Botto Fiora-I, JPNpremium Aug 26)<br />

94<strong>05</strong> 2000-2030UT zone 46[to WeAF] JUL 100kW 210deg 7=Sat only 0406-<br />

3010<strong>05</strong> RMI<br />

11800 Minivan R. via DTK on Aug 19 at *1600-1610 UT. 33443-44443<br />

Vernacular, 1600 UT sign on with IS, ID, Opening announce, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 26)<br />

11800 1600 1700UT zone 41[to PAK/IND/BGD] 100kW 100deg daily <strong>05</strong>06-3010<strong>05</strong><br />

RMI<br />

17870 R. Rhino Int. Africa via DTK on Aug 19 at 1503-1513 UT. 25421-35422<br />

English, theme mx at 1503 UT, talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 26)<br />

17870 1500-1530UT to zones 47,48[Ce&EaAF] 100kW 145deg 46=Wed/Fri 0107-<br />

3010<strong>05</strong> AWH<br />

AWH = Allerweltshaus Cologne e.V.<br />

15670 Voice of Ethiopian Medhin via DTK Juelich, Germany. Aug. 21 at 1600-<br />

1636 UT. 24332. S/on with flute mx and ID in Amharic. Mainly talk by a<br />

man.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 26)<br />

15670 1600-1659UT to zones 39S,48[ARS,EaAF] 100kW 130deg 1=Sun only EUV<br />

The new August edition of World <strong>DX</strong> Meeting from DW English section is<br />

available ondemand this week, 42 mins into the Mailbag file for Aug 30th.<br />

This was mostly an extension of the mailbag, but concluded with a brief<br />

clip of Alice's Restaurant via Latvia.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Aug 30)

New DTK (T-systems) Juelich Germany operational file, sorted by freq and<br />

by bc organization/station. A-<strong>05</strong> V.16 of Aug 17th, 20<strong>05</strong>. Via WW<strong>DX</strong>C<br />

Germany.<br />

Schedule of German Telekom transmitting station Juelich<br />

A<strong>05</strong> period (27/03/20<strong>05</strong> - 30/10/20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

frq startstop ciraf zone azi day from to loc pow broad<br />

3955 1400 1559 27W,28S,36 ND 7 0406<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 40 TDP<br />

3955 1700 1800 27,28 ND 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 YFR<br />

5910 1807 1840 27,28 130 1234567 30<strong>05</strong><strong>05</strong> 3107<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TWR<br />

5925 1300 1415 27,28 ND 1 0708<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RTR<br />

5945 0100 0300 39,40 100 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 VOR<br />

5945 0630 0815 27,28N 290 7 0608<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

5945 0630 0845 27,28N 290 1 0608<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

5945 0700 0815 27,28N 290 7 2703<strong>05</strong> <strong>05</strong>08<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

5945 0700 0845 27,28N 290 1 1906<strong>05</strong> <strong>05</strong>08<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

5945 0715 0830 27,28N 290 6 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

5945 1100 1115 27,28 ND 1 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> WER 250 MWA<br />

5945 1100 1129 27,28 ND 7 07<strong>05</strong><strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> WER 500 FVM<br />

5965 <strong>05</strong>00 0600 28E 115 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 AWR<br />

5975 1000 1600 28,39N 110 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 40 DRM<br />

5975 2000 2100 37NW 230 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 CBS<br />

5985 1900 2100 39,40 115 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 VOR<br />

6015 1530 1600 28,29 70 1 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 <strong>BC</strong>A<br />

6015 1600 1700 27,28 ND 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 40 DRM<br />

6015 1700 1800 27W,28 ND 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 HCJ<br />

6015 1800 1900 28,29 60 7 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

6015 1800 1930 28,29 60 1 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

6015 1815 1830 28,29 60 23456 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

6045 0858 1000 27,28 ND 1 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 EVR<br />

6045 1200 1300 27,28 60 1 0307<strong>05</strong> 3110<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 MVB<br />

6<strong>05</strong>5 0900 0959 27,28 115 1 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 CHW<br />

6<strong>05</strong>5 1030 1<strong>05</strong>9 27,28 ND 17 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> WER 125 EMG<br />

6<strong>05</strong>5 1100 1159 27,28 ND 1 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 UNL<br />

6<strong>05</strong>5 1130 1159 27,28 ND 7 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 UNL<br />

6065 0100 1300 27 295 2346 1208<strong>05</strong> 1708<strong>05</strong> JUL 40 DRM<br />

61<strong>05</strong> 0827 0845 28 1<strong>05</strong> 34567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TWR<br />

6110 1100 1159 27,28W ND 1 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM<br />

6140 0600 0959 27,28 175 1234567 0107<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 DWL<br />

6140 1000 1259 27,28 175 1234567 0107<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 40 DWL<br />

6140 1300 1559 27,28 175 1234567 0107<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 DWL<br />

6140 1600 1900 27,28 175 1234567 0107<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 40 DWL<br />

6145 2200 2300 39,40 100 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 VOR<br />

7145 1000 1559 27 290 1234567 0108<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 40 <strong>BC</strong>E<br />

7210 <strong>05</strong>27 <strong>05</strong>45 28,29 100 23456 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TWR<br />

7210 0827 0845 28 100 34567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TWR<br />

7225 1027 1100 28,29 1<strong>05</strong> 7 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TWR<br />

7260 2000 2100 39,40 120 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 VOR<br />

7315 0000 0<strong>05</strong>9 41 90 1234567 1304<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> WER 250 WRN<br />

94<strong>05</strong> 2000 2030 46 210 7 0406<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RMI<br />

9430 1615 1729 39,40 115 246 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

9430 1700 1729 39,40 115 35 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

9430 1700 1759 39,40 115 17 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

9430 1730 1800 39,40 125 3 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> NAU 125 BVB<br />

9430 1800 1900 39,40 125 7 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> NAU 250 BVB<br />

9430 1800 1915 39,40 125 1 15<strong>05</strong><strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> NAU 250 BVB<br />

9430 1815 1900 39,40 125 6 15<strong>05</strong><strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> NAU 250 BVB<br />

9430 1900 1930 46,47 170 7 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

9430 1930 1959 46,47 170 1 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

9430 1930 2000 46 200 7 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

9435 1800 1830 27,28 210 1 0307<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

9435 2330 0030 41,49 80 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 DVB

9470 0400 0700 55,59,60 230 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 HRT<br />

9485 0100 0129 41 90 1 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 UNL<br />

9485 1730 1845 47,48,52 145 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 IBR<br />

9490 1027 1100 28,29 100 7 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TWR<br />

9495 0030 0130 40,41 90 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> WER 250 GFA<br />

9560 2330 0030 41,43,49 75 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> WER 250 GFA<br />

96<strong>05</strong> 2000 2100 39,40 115S 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 YFR<br />

9610 0659 0757 28E,29 50 1234567 0106<strong>05</strong> 3108<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RNW<br />

9655 1800 1859 28,29 85 7 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 CHW<br />

9675 1900 2045 46NE,SE,NW 190 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 IBR<br />

9725 1500 1659 29 50 1234567 22<strong>05</strong><strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 IBB<br />

9740 0030 0045 41 90 1 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 PAB<br />

9825 1900 2100 39,40 100 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 VOR<br />

9840 2000 2100 37,38 175 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 IBR<br />

9845 1559 1759 27,28W ND 1234567 2704<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> WER 500 TOM<br />

9925 0100 <strong>05</strong>00 2-10 325 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 HRT<br />

9925 2200 0300 55,59,60 230 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 HRT<br />

9925 2300 0300 6-10 300 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 HRT<br />

11610 1500 1530 29,30 60 7 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> WER 250 EMG<br />

11610 1530 1545 29,30 60 4 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 PAB<br />

11655 <strong>05</strong>59 0657 18,27,28 20 1234567 0106<strong>05</strong> 3108<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RNW 1<br />

11775 0900 1000 28W 145 1 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 AWR<br />

11785 1700 1800 39N,40W 115 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 YFR<br />

11800 1600 1700 41 100 1234567 <strong>05</strong>06<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RMI<br />

11840 1100 1130 19-26 20 7 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> NAU 250 EMG<br />

11865 1630 1700 39,40 1<strong>05</strong> 7 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> WER 250 FVM<br />

11965 1800 1830 39,40 100 456 0308<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

11965 1800 1830 39,40 100 6 0107<strong>05</strong> 0208<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

11965 1800 1859 39,40 100 17 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

11975 0100 0300 42S,43W 75 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> WER 250 IBB<br />

13590 1530 1759 39,40 115 1 2406<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

13590 1540 1615 39,40 115 246 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

13590 1540 1645 39,40 115 5 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

13590 1540 1715 39,40 115 3 2406<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

13590 1545 1830 39,40 115 7 2406<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

13590 1700 1759 39,40 115 46 2406<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

13590 2000 2100 37,38,46,47 190 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 YFR<br />

13600 1330 1430 41NE 75 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> WER 250 GFA<br />

13600 1630 1715 39,40 120 34 20<strong>05</strong><strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> WER 250 BVB<br />

13600 1630 1715 39,40 120 7 2008<strong>05</strong> 2008<strong>05</strong> WER 250 BVB<br />

13600 1630 1730 39,40 120 256 20<strong>05</strong><strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> WER 250 BVB<br />

13645 1430 1530 41,43,49 75 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> WER 250 GFA<br />

13720 1700 1800 37,38 175 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 YFR<br />

13750 1530 1630 40,41 90 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> WER 250 GFA<br />

13750 1700 1730 37,46 210 3 03<strong>05</strong><strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> WER 125 CHW-2<br />

13750 1700 1730 47,52N,48E 160 5 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 CHW-2<br />

13810 1630 1730 38S;39S;47,4 130 2356 0907<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

13810 1630 1759 38S;39S;47,4 130 147 0907<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

13810 1800 1959 38E,39 120 1234567 2207<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 TOM<br />

13820 0600 1000 58,59,60 270 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 HRT<br />

13820 1600 1630 39,40 100 5 1108<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 PAB<br />

13820 1600 1630 39,40 100 7 0608<strong>05</strong> 1008<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 PAB<br />

13820 1900 1929 39,40 115 1 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 UNL<br />

13840 1530 1600 41 90 23456 1807<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> WER 250 BVB<br />

13840 1530 1600 41 90 7 2008<strong>05</strong> 2008<strong>05</strong> WER 250 BVB<br />

13840 1530 1600 41 90 7 3007<strong>05</strong> 3007<strong>05</strong> WER 250 BVB<br />

15245 1900 2030 37,38W 200 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 AWR<br />

15430 1400 1500 39,40 115 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 VOR<br />

15450 1730 1759 39S,47E,48 135 1234567 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> WER 125 IBR<br />

15565 1830 1930 39S,48 130 14 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 EFD<br />

15640 1600 1629 37,38 175 1 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 UNL<br />

15650 1430 1445 39,40 100 7 14<strong>05</strong><strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 PAB<br />

15650 1430 1445 41 90 1 03<strong>05</strong><strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 PAB<br />

15650 1445 1500 39,40 100 7 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 PAB

15650 1545 1600 39,40 100 1 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 PAB<br />

15650 1600 1630 39,40 100 1 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 PAB<br />

15670 1600 1659 39S,48 130 1 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 ZUV<br />

15670 1630 1659 39S,48 130 36 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RHU<br />

15670 1700 1759 39S,48 130 1346 2406<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 SBO<br />

15670 1700 1759 39S,48 130 5 3006<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 ELF<br />

15675 1800 1829 46,47,48 160 1 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 UNL<br />

15675 1830 1859 52,53 160 5 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RRP<br />

15690 1500 1559 39S,48 130 7 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 ELF 2<br />

17510 1500 1600 40,41 90 37 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

17510 1530 1600 40,41 90 12456 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 BVB<br />

17545 0957 1116 47,48,52,53 160 1234567 1107<strong>05</strong> 2808<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RTB<br />

17550 1330 1400 47,48 130 6 2207<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RMI<br />

17570 1457 1700 47,48,52,53 160 2 1104<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RTB<br />

17570 1457 1800 47,48,52,53 160 134567 1104<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RTB<br />

17580 0457 0716 47,48,52,53 160 23456 1104<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RTB<br />

17580 0457 1000 47,48,52,53 160 17 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 RTB<br />

17595 0845 1015 38,39 135 6 2703<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> WER 125 BVB<br />

17870 1500 1530 47,48 145 46 0107<strong>05</strong> 3010<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 AWH<br />

* changes<br />

+ active on demand<br />

# momentary not active<br />

AWH Allerweltshaus K"ln e.V.<br />

AWR Adventist World Radio<br />

BVB Bible Voice Broadcasting<br />

<strong>BC</strong>A Bible Christian Association<br />

<strong>BC</strong>E Broadcasting Center Europe S.A.<br />

CBS Radio Taiwan International<br />

CHW Christliche Wissenschaft<br />

DTK Deutsche Telekom<br />

DVB Democratic Voice of Burma<br />

DWL Deutsche Welle<br />

EMG Evangelische Missions Gemeinden in Deutschland<br />

EVR Evangeliums Radio Hamburg<br />

FVM Freie Volksmission Krefeld<br />

GFA Gospel For Asia<br />

HCJ Voice of the Andes<br />

HLR Hamburger Lokal Radio<br />

HRT Hrvratska Radio Televizija<br />

IBB International Broadcast Bureau<br />

IBR IBRA Radio Sweden<br />

MWA Missionswerk Arche<br />

MVB Mecklenburg- Vorpommern Baltic Radio<br />

PAB Pan Am Broadcasting<br />

RMI Radio Miami International<br />

RNW Radio Netherlands World Service<br />

RRP Radio Reveil Paroles de Vie<br />

RTB Radio Television Belge de la communaute Francaise<br />

RTR Radio Traumland (Belgien)<br />

SBO Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo<br />

TDP Transmitter Documentation Project<br />

TOM The Overcomer Broadcast<br />

TWR Trans World Radio<br />

UNL Universelles Leben<br />

VOR Voice of Russia<br />

WRN World Radio Network<br />

YFR WYFR Family Radio<br />

Walter Brodowsky<br />

Internet <br />

T-Systems International GmbH<br />

Media&Broadcast, Regional Media&Broadcast Koeln

Kurzwellen-Rundfunksendestelle Juelich<br />

If you would like to visit our Internet page with regard to shortwave<br />

business please use the following link-address:<br />

<br />

(via Michael Bethge-D, WW<strong>DX</strong>C via wb WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 17 / 31)<br />

Nach einer <strong>Meldun</strong>g vom Fruehjahr sollten im September in Mainflingen mit<br />

Bauarbeiten zur Verbesserung <strong>der</strong> Raumwelle <strong>der</strong> Mittelwelle 1539 kHz<br />

begonnen werden. Der Standort liegt in einem Landschaftsschutz- und Flora-<br />

Fauna-Habitat-Gebiet. Bau- und Rodungsarbeiten sind dort nur im Zeitraum<br />

von Anfang September bis Mitte Maerz zugelassen. "Wir rechnen mit einer<br />

Montagezeit von etwa vier Wochen", sagt Willi Trella, Referent fuer Hoch-<br />

und Tiefbau bei <strong>der</strong> Firma T-Systems.<br />

(Offenbach-Post 14. April 20<strong>05</strong> via Lothar Ruehl, von Dr. Hansjoerg Biener<br />

gekuerzt; ntt Sep 1)<br />

Das Material fuer den Steilstrahler ist bereits seit dem Fruehjahr auf dem<br />

Gelaende. Beim ERF hofft man auf eine deutliche Verbesserung <strong>der</strong><br />

Empfangsergebnisse, nachdem sie bisher gemessen an <strong>der</strong> hohen Sendeleistung<br />

von 700 kW eher enttaeuschend blieben. Auseinan<strong>der</strong>setzungen um den<br />

Fortbestand des Mittelwellensen<strong>der</strong>s in Mainflingen hatten eine<br />

Mo<strong>der</strong>nisierung <strong>der</strong> Anlagen ueber Jahre verzoegert. Der ERF sendet <strong>05</strong>.00-<br />

24.00 Uhr auf 1539 kHz und zusaetzlich fuer die europaweite<br />

Flaechendeckung <strong>05</strong>.45-06.15 und 21.30-22.00 Uhr Ortszeit auf <strong>der</strong><br />

franzoesischen Mittelwelle Roumoules 1467 kHz.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Sep 1)<br />

GREECE On Aug 22 Radio "Filia" 1700 Alb, 1730 French, 1800 Polish, 1830-<br />

1900 En was on 7475 and not on 121<strong>05</strong> kHz.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 1)<br />

INDIA All India Radio 60 mb usage. As reported earlier, AIR is going to<br />

drop all 90mb freqs with 60mb. This will be effective at the start of B<strong>05</strong><br />

schedule.<br />

The proposed channels are :<br />

Bhopal 4870 kHz replacing 3315 kHz<br />

Shimla 4980 kHz replacing 3223 kHz<br />

Gangtok 4810 kHz replacing 3390 kHz<br />

Delhi 5020 kHz replacing 3365 kHz (not yet finalised)<br />

Source: (Gupta-IND, JPNpremium Aug 26)<br />

INDONESIA 3952.2v presumed RRI-Palu at 1235-1307 UT on Aug 28, non-<br />

descript mx, few, if any, anmts. Not very strong; varied up to 3952.5 kHz.<br />

Presume this is RRI-Palu still drifting around.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 28)<br />

4604.95 RRI Serui on Aug 19 at 1225-1235 UT. 45444 INSn, Jakarta nx realy<br />

and talk, ID at 1232 UT. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 26)<br />

4870.87, RRI Sorong, at 0936-0945 UT. Noted a period of Islamic mx with<br />

INSn comments from a woman between tunes. At 0940 woman presents a news.<br />

Signal was fair during period.<br />

4604.90 RRI Serui, at 0953-1000 UT. Initially noted mx. At 1002 men<br />

interrupts the mx with INSn comments. Signal was poor and details<br />

difficult to ascertain.<br />

4789.91, RRI Fak Fak, at 10<strong>05</strong>-1010 UT Noted mx at tune in. At 1006 UT man<br />

commences Quran prayer period. Signal was poor and noise was constant.<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, hcdx Aug 28)

IRAN/IRAQ First time since April back on 4160 kHz heard with close down<br />

at 1632 UT with ID in Arabic "Huna ... Kurdistan", presumed Radio Voice of<br />

Independence (Aug 20).<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 1)<br />


NHK began radio broadcasting on June 1, 1935 to the east coast of North<br />

America and Hawaii using a 20 kW SW tx. Then the call sign was 'Radio<br />

Tokyo' which used to broadcast daily one hour of Japanese and English<br />

programs which consisted of mx and various performance shows. During the<br />

Second World War Radio Tokyo increased the lang broadcasts to twenty-four<br />

and new 30 kW txs were put into sce. The one hour English sce was<br />

increased to five broadcast hours per day. Japanese and American English<br />

program hosts were introduced after the Second World War. Radio Tokyo<br />

changed its call sign to Radio Japan.<br />

During 1959 the international broadcasts were increased to six hours and<br />

repeated ten times a day. Regional lang broadcasts were introduced in<br />

various langs including Korean, Swedish, Russian, Chinese etc. Also 3 x<br />

100 kW, 2 x 50 kW and 2 x 20 kW SW txs were commissioned into sce.<br />

During the 1960's huge economic growth took place in Japan. Coal replaced<br />

oil and the economy flourished. In 1964, 28 countries and 24 organisations<br />

from Asia formed the Asian Broadcasting Union (ABU) at Tokyo. An essay<br />

contest was conducted by Radio JPN during this occasion and five winners<br />

were invited to visit Japan. 1964 also saw the Tokyo Olympics being held<br />

in Japan. During the 1970 World Expo, in which 77 countries participated,<br />

was held in JPN and 100 hours of program relay went on air from Radio<br />

Japan.<br />

In 1984 the txion facilities of Radio JPN expanded. During the period of<br />

the Cold War Olympics were held at Moscow in 1980 and at Los +ngeles in<br />

1984. Radio JPN covered both Olympics extensively. NHK World relayed its<br />

programmes for the first time from Moyabi (Gabon). During 1988 the Yamata<br />

Transmitting Station was inaugurated with 4 x 300 kW, 4 x 100 kW txs and<br />

17 directional antennae, The introduction of new transmitting station and<br />

relay sces brought letters and reception reports from listeners in all<br />

corners of the world. Radio Japan/NHK received 60,000 letters from 160<br />

countries around the globe. 1990's also saw the fall of the Iron Curtain<br />

and the end of the Cold War. New programming and change of program aspects<br />

also took place at NHK.<br />

Now NHK broadcasts to the world through SW, satellite and internet. Radio<br />

JPN relays its programs from nine relay stations in the U.K., Ascension<br />

Islands, Gabon, UAE, SNG, Canada, French Guyana and Netherlands Antilles.<br />

The new multimedia platform helps listeners to listen to programs from the<br />

archives, if they miss the SW sce. During its 70th anniversary Radio JPN<br />

is looking to the broadcast years to come.<br />

Compiled by T. R. Rajeesh VU3PIK with excerpts from<br />

70th Anniversary Hello from Tokyo Show in <strong>Jan</strong>uary 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(Report from India, Sept World <strong>DX</strong> Club Contact magazine via dxld)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. 6071.6 VoK at 1211-1222+ UT on Aug 23. Man speaking in<br />

Japanese; choral mx at 1219 UT. Fair signal.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 26)<br />

KUWAIT 15090 R. Ashna on Aug 20 at *1430-1443 UT 45444 Pushto, ID at<br />

1430 UT, news, // 12140 (45444).<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 26)<br />

15615 Dari/Pashto 0230-<strong>05</strong>30 KWT 250kW 70deg<br />

17670 Dari/Pashto 0430-0630 KWT 250kW 70deg<br />

15615 Dari/Pashto 0730-0930 KWT 250kW 70deg

15090 Dari/Pashto 0930-1830 KWT 250kW 70deg<br />

17600 Dari/Pashto 1230-1430 KWT 250kW 70deg<br />

12140 Dari/Pashto 1430-2030 KWT 250kW 70deg<br />

LAOS 4677.60 Xam Nua, now on this fqy, what sounded like s/on mx at<br />

1200 UT on Aug 22, alt. M&W with actualities the first 10 min. or so, then<br />

just alt. ancrs. Brief instr. mx hrd at 1224+ UT. Carrier off at 1231 UT<br />

after short closing anmt by woman. SINPO 25332.<br />

(Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 28)<br />

LIBERIA 5470 R. Veritas at 2200 UT on Aug 20, signal already pretty<br />

decent with EG nxcast by man, then into their usual Saturday Nite Dance<br />

Party until 2302* UT after the Lord's Prayer ID and sked. ELWA on 4760 was<br />

there, but the "swisher" QRM was too irritating to bother with.<br />

(Chris Lobdell-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 28)<br />

MALAYSIA 6024.88 RTVM Kajang on 1303-1340+ at Aug 22. Phone chats, pop<br />

mx selections, M ancr in lang ("Orang Asli" listed); Good signal.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 26)<br />

NETHERLANDS In connection with the IFA in Berlin, Radio Netherlands will<br />

have a few extra DRM txions on the air from 2 to 7 Sept:<br />

Juelich: Daily: 3965 kHz 1600-1700 UTC and 1900-2100 UTC, Omni-antenna.<br />

(Thanks to Jacques Gruson [TDF France, 3965 1800-2400 UT] for using their<br />

HFCC co-ordinated frequency)<br />

Rampisham 5-7 September only:<br />

9770 kHz 1300-1500 UTC Daily: 7240 kHz 0830-1300 UTC and 1500-1600 UTC 62<br />

degrees; 2/4/0.5 antenna.<br />

Flevo on 7240 kHz will be switched off between 0800-1300 UTC and 1500-<br />

1600 UTC. Programmes will be a mixture of Radio Netherlands Dutch and<br />

English programmes. On weekdays between 1000-1100 UTC we'll try two audio<br />

sces on one channel.<br />

(RNW MN NL via dxld Aug 30)<br />

see also DRM un<strong>der</strong> Austria, Ecuador, France, Netherlands, Norway and U.K.<br />

NIGERIA 7275 R. Nigeria, monitored this channel for Abuja from 0435 to<br />

0630 UT on Aug 22. RTV Tunisienne dominated from 0435 until it apparently<br />

signed off at <strong>05</strong>30, at which time Abuja began to fade in arnd <strong>05</strong>35-<strong>05</strong>40<br />

with vernac. prgmng to 0446. Hvy adjacent channel QRM until 0600 when<br />

channel became clear, but lots of noise. Many prgm anmts by woman with<br />

instr. mx mixed in until 0601+. By 0600 Abuja had a very nice signal, with<br />

a clear ID by woman at 0601+, "This is the Natl Svc of R. Nigeria"<br />

followed by drums IS, time pips at 0602, then "The time is 7 o'Clock."<br />

Into R. Nigeria network nx prgm with actualities, etc. by man annmt in En.<br />

Stn appears to have what sounds like periodic govt and other commercials,<br />

e.g. Nigeria Export Commission. ID of "R. Nigeria, the Network for the<br />

Millenium" hrd often during nx prgm. This is the natl network prgm ID.<br />

SINPO 45344 with easily readable prgmng after 0600. Before 0600,<br />

interference was I-3 at best.<br />

(Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 28)<br />

NORWAY According to a newspaper article in "Stavanger Aftenblad" Aug.<br />

29th, the SW station at Kvitsoy, Norway should resume broadcasting, in<br />

DRM.<br />

For a test-period of nine months, DRM signals from the B<strong>BC</strong> will target<br />

Central-Europe from Norkring Kvitsoy. No information given on dates or<br />

freqs.<br />

Ordinary SW-transmissions from the txs at Kvitsoy and Sveio, ended on Dec.

31st 2003, when Radio Norway and Radio Denmark closed down.<br />

More information (in Norwegian) at:<br />

<br />

<br />

(Svein Olav Pe<strong>der</strong>sen-NOR, hcdx Aug 31)<br />

see also DRM un<strong>der</strong> Austria, Ecuador, France, Netherlands, Norway and U.K.<br />

Telenor-owned Norkring has entered into an agreement with the B<strong>BC</strong> World<br />

Service for digital broadcasting over SW, DRM [Digital Radio Mondial]. As<br />

part of the agreement, the B<strong>BC</strong> will be among the first in the world to<br />

broadcast over DRM.<br />

From Norkring's transmitting station at Kvitsoy, signals will be broadcast<br />

to Central Europe. This new agreement with the B<strong>BC</strong> is an important step in<br />

the digitalisation of SW, which actually has the capacity to achieve<br />

global reach. The agreement involves broadcast of the radio channel B<strong>BC</strong><br />

World Service "English for Europe" for an initial period of 18 months. The<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> is also using UK-based transmitters owned and operated by VT<br />

Communications (VTC) to provide a multi-frequency network aimed at Benelux<br />

and neighbouring countries. "For us this as an exciting partnership with<br />

one of the world's leading broadcasters. The B<strong>BC</strong> is a driving force within<br />

DRM, and contributes to set the standard for the future role of SW," said<br />

sales and marketing director at Norkring, Per Maltun.<br />

The first major test will be the launch of receivers for DRM at the<br />

world's largest exhibition for consumer electronics, the IFA in Berlin 2-7<br />

September 20<strong>05</strong>. [Passage omitted]<br />

About Norkring.<br />

Norkring is Norway's largest distributor of broadcast programmes. The<br />

company owns and operates most large tx stations for terrestrial<br />

broadcasting in Norway. Norkring has a nationwide infrastructure that<br />

consists of 6,500 transmitting units, installed at 47 main stations and<br />

2,700 smaller stations. Norkring is wholly owned by Telenor, and is part<br />

of the Business Segment Telenor Broadcast. For more information, please<br />

contact: Director of Information at Telenor Broadcast, Ingrid Schiefloe:<br />

Tel: +47 951 56 977<br />

(Norkring press release, 31 Aug via B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld)<br />

OMAN 15140 R. Sultanate of Oman, at *1400-1500 on Aug 20; 1400 English<br />

news; IDs, pop mx, techno-pop dance mx; 1500 into Arabic. Weak but in the<br />

clear; improved to fair level by 1445 UT.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Aug 28)<br />

I presume this is a relay of the domestic English lang network (throughout<br />

Oman on FM, cf. WRTH page 303) and not a program produced for listeners<br />

abroad. Same pattern like in the English SW txions from some other Arabic<br />

countries, like Jordan.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Aug 28)<br />

Yes, indeed it is a relay of Oman's "Radio 2" which also can be heard on<br />

the digital Hotbird satellite. You can also hear their English FM program<br />

via their web site:<br />

<br />

You might compare it with 15140 kHz at 1400 UT.<br />

(Erik Koie, Copenhagen-DEN, dxld Aug 29)<br />

R. Sultanate of Oman on 15140, it's heard in JPN just now, with very weak<br />

signal.<br />

(Hiroshi Tokusa-JPN, ibid.)<br />

15140, 1400- UT, Radio Sultanate of Oman, Aug 28. Fair reception at sign-<br />

on with a time check of 6:00 PM and ID as Radio Sultanate of Oman. Signal

dramatically improved to at least an S7 with very nice western EZL mx when<br />

I tuned away at 1425 UT. Glad to see them back! A nice opportunity to try<br />

my various receivers. I preferred the audio in the following or<strong>der</strong>: Ten<br />

Tec 340, Collins HF-2<strong>05</strong>0, Icom 756 Pro2, AOR 7030+, and finally my 'lowly'<br />

JRC 535D!<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, dxld Aug 28)<br />

PNG 3235 Radio West New Britain. On Aug 18 at 1326-1403(S/off) UT.<br />

34333. Music program with pops. Talk sounded like weather forecast in<br />

Pidgin at 1357 UT. ID at 1359 UT, as "Karai National ... Radio West, Maus<br />

bilong tavur ... Kimbe ... 900 kHz medium wave and tropical band 3235<br />

kHz..." followed by National Anthem, and S/off at 1403 UT.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 26)<br />

7120 Wantok Radio Light at 1324-14<strong>05</strong>+ UT on Aug 23. Good signal, in the<br />

"best ever" category, with usual religious songs, M and W ancrs, short<br />

features, and occasional ID's with phone numbers. Still readable past 1400<br />

UT, an hour past local sunrise.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 26)<br />

PHILIPPINES Radio Veritas Asia has three 250 kW txs in Palauig,<br />

Zambales. The first two namely, TX-l and TX-II were built in 1986. The<br />

third one, known as TX-III, also known as Pulse Step Modulator (PSM), was<br />

built in 1992.<br />

The tx serves the purpose of providing coverage of large areas, in some<br />

cases thousands of kilometers away, with evangelization and human<br />

developmental programs produced in the studios. This is made possible due<br />

to the physical propagation of the electromagnetic waves.<br />

To cope up with the fast changing technology and to enhance a better txion<br />

system to the target areas, the Technical Department of RVA pushed for the<br />

modification of the two old txs. The modification process entailed the<br />

replacement of the existing modulators to a Pulse Step Modulator Thales<br />

Stage Modulator-6 (TSM-6).<br />

The project for each tx was divided into three phases - the dismantling,<br />

the installation and the commissioning.<br />

Headed by a German installation engineer, the technical team from the<br />

Palauig Transmitter Site worked on the modification process. The<br />

installation phase of the first tx was concluded on <strong>Jan</strong>uary 14, 20<strong>05</strong>. On<br />

February 1, 20<strong>05</strong>, the final step, which is commissioning, was completed.<br />

The first broadcast using the newly modified tx commenced the following<br />

day, February 2. 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Meanwhile, the dismantling of Transmitter II started on February 4, 20<strong>05</strong><br />

and the installation of the new modulator immediately followed. It took<br />

less than two weeks to finish the whole process and by February 21,<br />

Transmitter II was ready for commissioning. After the complete<br />

modification of the second tx, the regular broadcast txion using the three<br />

txs resumed as operations were interrupted to give way for the<br />

modifications.<br />

A significant result of the modification of the two txs is the reduction<br />

of the number of power tubes being used in txion. Furthermore, the<br />

improvement of the efficiency to about 97% of tx use has been attained.<br />

In the tx site, the personnel are not only inspired with the result of a<br />

job well done, more importantly, they feel challenged because of the<br />

opportunity of exploring the possibilities of developing an equipment and<br />

bringing it to a state of the art status. While nobody can predict the<br />

future trends in international broadcasting, the significance of the<br />

modifications of RVA's txs will be felt for many years.

Article by Reizal Eaia, taken from RVA Uplink, March 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(T. R. Rajeesh, Report from India, Sept W<strong>DX</strong>C Club Contact magazine Aug 25)<br />

RUSSIA This evening (*Friday* August 19th) at 1840-1900 UT on 6240 kHz I<br />

noted Special Radio. Was no more on Thursday or they have extended the<br />

schedule at other days?<br />

(Luca Botto Fiora-I, JPNpremium Aug 26)<br />

9865 R. Kanal Sodruzhestvo via V.O.Russia on Aug 19 at *1500-1520 UT.<br />

43443 Russian. News, ID at 1500 and 15<strong>05</strong> UT, QRM of Christian Voice on<br />

c/c.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 26)<br />

VOR Moscow nx - From Sept 4 the following earlier announced VOR freqs for<br />

Europe will not be used:<br />

Romanian 1600-1700 9490Serb-Cr 1530-1700 12000Bulgarian 1700-1800<br />

12000English 1700-1800 (Sat-Sun), 1800-1900 9820Norwegian, Swedish,<br />

Finnish 1700-1800 (Mon-Fri) 9820.<br />

All of these freqs are from Samara.Vadim Alexeew, VOR Russian WS <strong>DX</strong>-<br />

programme editor. (Aug 31)<br />

RUSSIA/ETHIOPIA Yes, it was the station's website, but the correct<br />

spelling is a domain with the spelling "tinsae"<br />

does/did not exist. More on this matter:<br />

<br />

The program itself via TDP air time booking (1500-1600 UT on 15660 kHz)<br />

was still on the air as of yesterday. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Aug 30)<br />

Samara-RUS 250kW 188deg<br />

RUSSIA/GERMANY 15430 Radiokanal Sodruzhestvo (via Juelich, Germany), on<br />

15 Aug at 1444 UT, rather strong (43443) and making interference to the<br />

Russian sce of DW on 15425 kHz.<br />

(RUS <strong>DX</strong>signal Dmitry Mezin, Kazan-RUS Aug 28)<br />

But the handbook "Broadcasting in Russian" lists Russian International<br />

Radio on this frequency. And, if I remember correctly, I heard RIR a while<br />

ago myself on 15430 kHz. Of course, I realize that it's hard to<br />

distinguish these two stations - broadcasting style is similar, though<br />

there is more mx on RIR.<br />

(RUS <strong>DX</strong>signal Alexan<strong>der</strong> Yegorov, Kyiv-UKR Aug 28)<br />

No RIR but Sodruzhestvo during my subsequent checks. Parallel freqs: 11830<br />

kHz with fair signal, and fair-poor 7370, 9800, 9920 kHz. Best audio is on<br />

15430 kHz, but DW from 15425 kHz causes consi<strong>der</strong>able splash. Not the best<br />

freq coordination.<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, RUS <strong>DX</strong>signal Aug 28)<br />

SAUDI ARABIA Exact schedule was lost in Internet but once again:<br />

Second Prgr of BSKSA was reported here in July-August as:<br />

0300-0900 on 9675; 0600-1700 on 11855 both reported and 9580 (not heard )<br />

0300-0600 and 1700-2200.<br />

The News of Main prgrs are on the air also via Holy Quran prgr freqs at:<br />

0400; 0600; 0800; 1130; 1400; 1800 and maybe more.<br />

The mixed freqs and spurs are currently 21560, 21640 and 21775 (sometimes<br />

21440), reported in Sofia and Plovdiv on different receivers.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 1)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA 17565 Amateur R. Mirror Int. On Aug 21 at *0757-0809 UT.<br />

35332-35333 English, 0757 sign on with Guitar's IS and ID, 0800 Opening

announce, News.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 26)<br />

SRI LANKA Victor Goonetilleke, 4S7VK, mit Goldener Antenne <strong>der</strong> Stadt Bad<br />

Bentheim ausgezeichnet.<br />

Die Goldene Antenne <strong>der</strong> Stadt Bad Bentheim erhielt in diesem Jahr <strong>der</strong><br />

Praesident <strong>der</strong> Radio Society of Sri Lanka (RSSL), Victor Goonetilleke,<br />

4S7VK. Stellvertretend fuer seinen Club, hat man OM Goonetilleke waehrend<br />

eines Festaktes <strong>der</strong> 37. Deutsch-Nie<strong>der</strong>laendischen Amateurfunkertage (DNAT)<br />

fuer die organisatorische und humane Hilfeleistung bei <strong>der</strong> Tsunami -<br />

Katastrophe ausgezeichnet.<br />

Im Dezember 2004 waren Funkamateure in Indien, Sri Lanka, Indonesien,<br />

Thailand und MLA ununterbrochen im Einsatz, um die Nachrichtenverbindungen<br />

nach <strong>der</strong> verheerenden Flutwelle aufrecht zu erhalten.<br />

Zu den DNAT konnten die Veranstalter dieses Jahr 3500 Besucher begruessen.<br />

(DARC DL Rundspruch, Aug 31)<br />

SUDAN 95<strong>05</strong> R. Omdurman on Aug 19 at *1459-15<strong>05</strong> UT. 33443 Arabic, 1459<br />

sign on with mx, ID at 1500, News.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 26)<br />

THAILAND [Site Unknown]<br />

9510 R. Aap Ki Dunyaa via VOA on Aug 19 at *1400-1452 UT, 44444 Urdu, 1359<br />

UT sign on with VOA's ID and IS, 1400 UT opening mx, ID, News, ID at 1400<br />

UT as "Redyo Aap Ki Dunyaa". (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 26)<br />

A-<strong>05</strong> 9510 1400-1500 Udorn Thani THA 250 kW 300 deg, B-<strong>05</strong> via Kavalla GRC.<br />

U.K. 17700 R. Solh via Rampisham on Aug 20 at 1338-1354 UT. 34332 Pushto<br />

and Dari, Afganistan mx, ID at 1349.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 26)<br />

17555 West Africa Democratic Radio via DTK Juelich. On Aug 19 at 0831-<br />

0858* UT. 24422-35422 English, talk and African local mx, ID at 0844 and<br />

0854 and 0858 UT.<br />

On Aug 20 at 0759(S/on)-0858(S/off) UT. 25332. S/on with mx and ID. Talk<br />

in English with African songs. Talk in French from 0842 UT.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Aug 26)<br />

Not included in latest DTK schedule of Aug 17th, ?txion via ASC, UK or<br />

UAE? wb.<br />

["SENEGAL."] 17555 West Africa Democracy Radio (WADR): Test xmsn was<br />

audible here Aug 21 with SINFO 35443 from *0800 to 0830 tune-out. Gave<br />

contact details as:<br />

tel. +221 869 1569, FAX +221 864 7090 (not sure of the last digit)<br />

e-mail postal address P.O.Box 16650, Dakar, Senegal.<br />

Any idea which xmtr is being used? (Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 29)<br />

Rampisham-UK. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 29)<br />

Xmsns ended Aug 22. Might start b/cing in September.<br />

(WADR via Savolainen-FIN, hcdx)<br />

11950, Eglise du Christ relay, friendly e-mail for an airmail rpt, plus<br />

attachments with sked, signal coverage map, etc.; in 22 days, V/S Jean<br />

Grenier.<br />

QTH: C.P. 2026, Jonquiere, QC G7X 1P8, Canada, <br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 29)

11950 1800-1830 on Thurs only MNO Skelton 300kW 180 deg French NoAF HR<br />

2/2/0.3<br />

In B-<strong>05</strong> 7265 1900-1930 to zone 37 WOF 300kW 180deg USA MNO MER.<br />

On Thursdays only, thanks to Patrick-Robic-AUT.<br />

Orfordness-UK 1296 kHz is reported to run in DRM mode only as of tomorrow,<br />

cf. <br />

So far 1296 carried B<strong>BC</strong> WS in AM 1830-2000 UT. Today at 1955 UT, when<br />

checking for what could be the very last mins in AM, the tx already run<br />

DRM instead.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 31)<br />

I am pleased to announce that on the 30th of August, we commenced a DRM<br />

"Phase 1" sce to Europe for the B<strong>BC</strong> World Service. This service is timed<br />

to co-incide with the official launch of consumer DRM receivers at the<br />

world's largest exhibition for consumer electronics, the IFA in Berlin<br />

from the 2nd to the 7th of September.<br />

The sce comprises of 12 hours per day from Rampisham on Shortwave,<br />

targeting Germany and 16 hours per day on Medium Wave from Orfordness, (to<br />

be extended to 18 hours per day from the beginning of the winter<br />

schedule), targeting Benelux during daylight hours and Western Europe<br />

during hours of darkness.<br />

The B<strong>BC</strong> have also separately hired 12 hours per day from Norkring's site<br />

at Kvitsoy, Norway to provide an extended coverage area including France,<br />

and to some extent, create a multi freq network.<br />

While this sce is very much a precursor to the fully managed DRM service<br />

to Europe, which is un<strong>der</strong> continuing discussion with the B<strong>BC</strong>, it<br />

nevertheless marks a significant milestone in the development of DRM as it<br />

evolves from a test and develop phase into a "real" sce targeted at the<br />

radio listening public.<br />

(John Emmerson, VT Communications, via Mike Barraclough-UK, WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Sep 2)<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> World Service today launched a digital radio sce in English to the<br />

Benelux countries and neighbouring parts of France and Germany. A<br />

mediumwave frequency, 1296 kHz, provides the core sce 18 hours a day,<br />

supplemented by digital txions on SW. Transmission provi<strong>der</strong>s for the new<br />

sce are Telenor in Norway, and VTC in the UK, who operate and manage both<br />

the B<strong>BC</strong>'s analogue and digital networks internationally.<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> World Service regards DRM as a major opportunity, as John Sykes, B<strong>BC</strong><br />

Project Director, Digital Radio, explains: "Digital Radio is about<br />

increased listener choice, and a revolution in the way we use radios. No<br />

more fiddling around with freq dials and wavebands: you select your<br />

station by name, and the radio will find the best freq automatically.<br />

We're also planning to introduce an electronic programme guide, which will<br />

allow listeners who are using radios with a record function to effectively<br />

create their own schedule.We'll be working closely with the radio industry<br />

to foster and encourage innovative products which our listeners will find<br />

easy to use."<br />

(RNW Media Network, Sep 1)<br />

see also DRM un<strong>der</strong> Austria, Ecuador, France, Netherlands, Norway and U.K.<br />

AWR Europe has a new address: Adventist World Radio - Europe Region<br />

Director:<br />

Bert Smit. 1 Millbank Court, Millbank Way Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1RP,<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Tel: 44-1344-401-401 Fax: 44-1344-401-419 E-mail: <br />

Staff at Europe's Adventist World Radio (AWR), the international radio sce

for the Seventh-day Adventist church, moved into the newly-purchased<br />

office building in Bracknell, England. Previous office space, located<br />

adjacent to Newbold College, has been sold. The facility offers more space<br />

for staff and AWR's global distribution system, which is managed in<br />

England, and room for future growth, according to AWR officials. AWR has<br />

three other regional offices around the world: in Africa, the Americas and<br />

Asia/Pacific. They assist in the development of new studios and langs and<br />

coordinate radio broadcasts to each region. Worldwide, AWR airs 1,200<br />

hours of programming each week, in 55 langs.<br />

Editor: Shelley Nolan Freesland/AWR/APD. Bracknell, England,<br />

10.08.20<strong>05</strong>/APD<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D - wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 30)<br />

VATICAN CITY Has Vatican started tests/broadcasts of DRM on 1530 kHz?<br />

last night at 2220 UT I heard a massive DRM style signal completely<br />

swamping 1530 kHz. On re-checking at 2235 it had gone and UK local<br />

stations were dominant though mixing with others. Nothing I could see on<br />

or<br />

<br />

(Steve Whitt-UK, MWC via dxld Aug 28)<br />

see also DRM un<strong>der</strong> Austria, Ecuador, France, Netherlands, Norway and U.K.<br />

VIETNAM VOV's external sce (a.k.a. Overseas Service Channel VOV-6) is<br />

now streaming live on an embedded WM player which launches auto at<br />

<br />

It was in English when I brought it up at 18<strong>05</strong> UT on Sept 1; page also has<br />

links to lang/SW freq schedules, mx. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Sep 1)<br />

ZIMBABWE/MADAGASCAR Z<strong>BC</strong>: Currently on 3306 kHz at *1630-<strong>05</strong>30v* UT and on<br />

6045 kHz at *<strong>05</strong>30v-1630* UT. "R.Zimbabwe" is relayed 24 hrs. a day as far<br />

as I can tell. The signal strength has definitely come down lately,<br />

obviously some xmtr problem. The widely rptd harmonic on 6612 can be<br />

explained by its signal sometimes being stronger than the fundamental fqy,<br />

but in the past few days 6612 kHz has been barely audible here.<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 29)<br />

R. Zimbabwe's SW xmtr on 90 mb. is located in central Zimbabwe at<br />

Guineafowl, Gweru; has been known in the past to air on 3306 or 3300 kHz,<br />

so it seems a xmtr tuning error is the factor here that somedays the<br />

harmonic airs on 6612 and others on 6600 kHz.<br />

(Pringle-Wood-ZWE, dxld Aug 29)<br />

6612.0 R. Zimbabwe, on Aug 29 at 0422-<strong>05</strong>00 UT, programming in African<br />

lang, man announcer with nice prgm of Afr. highlife mx (Afr. pop, Calypso<br />

steel drums, etc), many local time checks in EG (UTC + 2 hrs: such as "16<br />

mins till 7 o'clock"), singing jingle for "Radio Zimbabwe," did not hear<br />

any spoken ID for R. Zimbabwe, just the jingle, ToH drums and tentatively<br />

seemed to go off the air but am not positive. Fair signal and certainly<br />

the best I have heard them. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 30)<br />

China's jamming efforts don't stop at the country's bor<strong>der</strong>s, and it also<br />

assists other regimes with which it has friendly relations to suppress<br />

broadcasts they don't like. Media Network has reported on the problems<br />

encountered by SW Radio Africa, which has had to stop using SW to<br />

broadcast to Zimbabwe because of govt jamming using equipment supplied by<br />

the Chinese. We have subsequently learned that there's clear evidence that<br />

members of Zimbabwe's intelligence sces and military were sent to China to<br />

train in the use of the jamming equipment that was provided.<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, RNW MN NL Aug 30)<br />

As of 1700 13th August, Voice of the People, 7120 kHz via Madagascar is<br />

being jammed by Zimbabwean facilities. The same Chinese retro jammer is in

use and jamming is severe.<br />

Severe jamming of Voice of the People 17th August on 7120 kHz at 1745 UT.<br />

Someone out here doesn't like them that much. 7120 in the clear for most<br />

programming, the jammer just idling away which can heard on frequency. At<br />

1745 UT, all plugs put in by the jammers, a total 80 kHz wipeout of the<br />

freq band in use, very, very severe. What is of note is that this jammer<br />

can block a wide range of freqs within a centred one, i.e. 7120, therefore<br />

causing extremely difficult reception for modest radios. Also the jammer<br />

has the ability to control power level to the tx so enabling both to be<br />

able to monitor and then block a certain frequency. The jamming of VOP, to<br />

Zimbabwe 7120, 1700-1800 UT is for real and not kind to listen to.<br />

(David Pringle-Wood, Harare-ZWE, dxld Aug 30)<br />

Current Z<strong>BC</strong> schedule is 1630-<strong>05</strong>30 on 3306, <strong>05</strong>30-1630 on 6045 kHz.<br />

(Vashek Korinek-AFS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 1)<br />

DRM Blitzumfrage AD<strong>DX</strong>.<br />

Mir ist gerade aufgefallen das die AD<strong>DX</strong> wohl heute ein Formular zur<br />

unkomplizierten Teilnahme an <strong>der</strong> DRM-Umfrage online gestellt hat.<br />

Zu finden unter:<br />

<br />

o<strong>der</strong> einfach ueber addx.de den Link benutzen.<br />

Die Umfrage ist uebrigens nicht nur fuer AD<strong>DX</strong> Mitglie<strong>der</strong>, es gibt einen<br />

eigenen Punkt "AD<strong>DX</strong>-Mitglied ja-nein" somit freut es mich das alle<br />

Hobbyfreunde in den naechsten Tagen daran teilnehmen koennen.<br />

Nuetzt die Gelegenheit und schreibt eure Meinung zu DRM - positiv und/<br />

o<strong>der</strong> negativ, einfacher gehts nicht!<br />

(73 Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, Aug 29)<br />

DRM Press Conference at IFA, Sept. 4<br />

Industry Briefing at I<strong>BC</strong>, Sept.10<br />

Berlin and Amsterdam - The world's first, affordable DRMTM -capable<br />

consumer radios will arrive at Europe's media exhibitions IFA and I<strong>BC</strong> in<br />

September, as major commercial and public broadcasters simultaneously<br />

announce new and extended DRM broadcasts. DRM is the world's only non-<br />

proprietary, universally standardized, digital on-air system for short-<br />

wave, medium-wave/AM and long-wave.<br />

Texas Instruments and RadioScape will unveil several manufacturers' multi-<br />

standard consumer receivers with DRM (Digital Radio MondialeT), DAB<br />

(Digital Audio Broadcast), FM - RDS, LW, MW and SW capabilities based on<br />

TI's DRM350 multi-standard digital radio baseband. Also, Coding<br />

Technologies, AFG Engineering GmbH and Himalaya (Power) Electronics will<br />

present a DRM-capable radio based on Analog Devices' Blackfin©.<br />

RTL Group will discuss its DRM strategy and will broadcast live RTL<br />

programs in German, French and English. Deutsche Welle will reveal its<br />

upcoming DRM expansion, and will broadcast live from IFA along with RFI.<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> World Service launches its DRM Europe sce to the Benelux countries,<br />

and neighboring France and Germany. Radio Netherlands will add special<br />

broadcasts to its existing DRM line-up during IFA and I<strong>BC</strong>.<br />

DeutschlandRadio, Voice of Russia, TruckRadio, TDPradio, and CVC will send<br />

DRM broadcasts. TDF and French broadcasters RFI, Radio France, RTL, Europe<br />

1, Radio de la Mer, Superloustic, Radio Orient, Radio Telerama, Radio<br />

Nouveaux Talents, Beur FM and Littoral AM join together for a special DRM<br />

txion. T-Systems will broadcast RADIO1 during IFA.

DRM will showcase the consumer radios and outline broadcasters' plans at<br />

two events:<br />

September 4, Berlin:<br />

DRM Press Conference at IFA consumer electronics show, featuring DRM<br />

Chairman/Deutsche Welle COO Peter Senger, RTL Group, B<strong>BC</strong> World Service,<br />

RadioScape, Texas Instruments, and World DAB Forum President Annika<br />

Nyberg. 11:30 -12:30, in Hall 5.3 (TWF Stage).<br />

September 10, Amsterdam:<br />

DRM Industry Briefing at I<strong>BC</strong>, featuring DRM Vice Chairman/Radio<br />

Netherlands Director General <strong>Jan</strong> Hoek, Peter Senger, WRN, and<br />

manufacturers.10:30-11:30, at the DRM Stand (8.490).<br />

Recently, UK commercial broadcasters Virgin Classic Rock, Classic Gold<br />

Digital, Asian Sound Radio, Premier Christian Radio and CVC conducted a MW<br />

DRM pilot scheme in the UK, provided by VT Communications. DRM programs<br />

from Radio Sweden, TDF Radio, Radio Vatican, Radio New Zealand<br />

International, Radio Australia, Radio Taiwan International, TalkSPORT,<br />

Radio Kuwait, Radio Korea International, BYU Radio, SWR Das Ding,<br />

biteXpress, B2-B5akt and Campus Radio are also available in Europe.<br />

An open standard, DRM has received the endorsement of the European<br />

Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), the International<br />

Telecommunications Union (ITU) and the International Electrotechnical<br />

Committee (IEC).<br />

While DRM currently covers the broadcasting bands below 30 MHz, the DRM<br />

consortium voted in March 20<strong>05</strong> to begin the process of extending the<br />

system to the broadcasting bands up to 120 MHz. This will enhance the<br />

range of non-proprietary, digital radio solutions offered worldwide by the<br />

DRM Consortium and the World DAB Forum, which work together on projects of<br />

mutual interest. The design, development and testing phases of DRM's<br />

extension are expected to be completed by 2007-2009.<br />

DRM at IFA<br />

At IFA, September 2-7, DRM will be featured at various locations. The DRM<br />

Consortium Booth (Hall 5.3 -TWF, Stand <strong>05</strong>) will display DRM products from<br />

Atmel GmbH, Coding Technologies GmbH, Fraunhofer IIS, RadioScape, Robert<br />

Bosch GmbH, TELEFUNKEN Sen<strong>der</strong>Systeme Berlin AG, Texas Instruments and<br />

others to be announced at IFA. The DRM Receivers Booth (Hall 5.2, Stand<br />

102), organized by RTL Group, Deutsche Welle, Radio Netherlands, B<strong>BC</strong>,<br />

DeutschlandRadio, Voice of Russia, TruckRadio, DRF, Radio de la Mer and<br />

Littoral AM, will showcase consumer products and broadcasters' plans.<br />

Several DRM members will also highlight their DRM plans at their own IFA<br />

booths.<br />

Following the DRM press conference at IFA on September 4, Peter Senger and<br />

various DRM members will participate in a DRM Symposium, "Talk In TWF," in<br />

the same location, Hall 5.3, TWF Stage, 13:00-16:15. Participants include<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> World Service, Fraunhofer IIS, Robert Bosch GmbH, TELEFUNKEN<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong>Systeme Berlin AG, Texas Instruments and T- Systems.<br />

DRM at I<strong>BC</strong><br />

At I<strong>BC</strong>, September 9-12, DRM-capable equipment and live DRM broadcasts will<br />

be showcased at the DRM Stand in the Radio Hall (8.490). Equipment from<br />

B<strong>BC</strong>, DIGIDIA, Coding Technologies GmbH, Nero AG, RadioScape, Texas<br />

Instruments, Sat-Service Schnei<strong>der</strong>, STARWAVES GmbH, and others to be<br />

announced, will be on display.<br />

DRM-capable products and live DRM broadcasts will also be available at the<br />

stands of DIGIDIA, Harris Corporation-Broadcast Communications Division,<br />

Nautel Ltd., RadioScape, RIZ Transmitters Co., TELEFUNKEN Sen<strong>der</strong>Systeme<br />

Berlin AG and Thales Broadcast & Multimedia.

About DRM<br />

The DRM Consortium, founded in 1998, includes broadcasters, broadcasting<br />

associations, network operators, manufacturers, NGOs and others. DRM<br />

Consortium membership is at a record high of 93 members from 30 nations.<br />

With DRM, broadcasters can integrate data and text with audio, giving<br />

consumers new features such as up-to-the-minute nx scrolls and traffic<br />

data. DRM broadcasts are now available in Europe, North America, and North<br />

Africa. Testing is un<strong>der</strong>way in Latin America and Asia. DRM is online at<br />

(DRM Consortium Web site), as well as<br />

(German), (DRM France),<br />

(Russian) and<br />

<br />

(U.S.A. DRM Group).<br />

DRM Members<br />

Commercial Radio Australia (Australia); TDP, TDP Radio (Belgium); Nautel<br />

Ltd., Radio Canada International/C<strong>BC</strong> (Canada); Academy of Broadcasting<br />

Science of China, Communications University of China (China); RIZ<br />

Transmitters (Croatia); HFCC (Czech Republic); ESPOL, HCJB World Radio<br />

(Ecuador); Digita Oy, Kymenlaakso Polytechnik (Finland); CCETT, DIGIDIA,<br />

DRF Committee, Radio France, Radio France Internationale, TDF, Thales<br />

Broadcast & Multimedia (France); AD<strong>DX</strong>, APR, Atmel Germany GmbH, Coding<br />

Technologies GmbH, Deutsche Welle, DeutschlandRadio, DLM, Sen<strong>der</strong> Europa 1,<br />

Fraunhofer IIS, Georg-Simon- Ohm - University of Applied Sciences<br />

Nuremberg, Harman/Becker Automotive Systems GmbH, IRT, Medienanstalt<br />

Sachsen-Anhalt/Digitaler Rundfunk Sachsen-Anhalt, Micronas GmbH, Nero AG,<br />

Robert Bosch GmbH, Sony International Europe, SWR Suedwestrundfunk,<br />

TELEFUNKEN Sen<strong>der</strong>Systeme Berlin AG, T-Systems International GmbH,<br />

University of Applied Sciences - FH Merseburg, University of Hannover,<br />

University of Ulm, VPRT (Germany); Antenna Hungaria, National<br />

Communications Authority Hungary (Hungary); Basamad College, Tehran<br />

(Iran); Hitachi Kokusai Electric Ltd., NEC Corporation, NHK (Japan);<br />

Samsung Electronics (Korea); Libyan Jamahiriya Broadcasting (Libya);<br />

Broadcasting Centre Europe, RTL Group (Luxembourg); Asia Pacific<br />

Broadcasting Union (Malaysia); Agentschap Telecom, Nozema, Radio<br />

Netherlands, Technical University Delft (Netherlands); Radio New Zealand<br />

International (New Zealand); Voice of Nigeria (Nigeria); Telenor/Norkring<br />

(Norway); Radiodifusao Portuguesa (Portugal); RTRN/Voice of Russia<br />

(Russia); Govt of Catalonia, Cadena SER - Sociedad Espanola de<br />

Radiodifusion, Universidad del Pais Vasco, (Spain); SR International/Radio<br />

Sweden (Sweden); EBU, International Committee of the Red Cross, ITU<br />

(Switzerland); Arab States Broadcasting Union (Tunisia); B<strong>BC</strong>, Christian<br />

Vision, Digital One Ltd., Imagination Technologies Ltd., QinetiQ,<br />

RadioScape Ltd., VT Communications, WRN (U.K.); Broadcast Electronics,<br />

Inc., Dolby Laboratories Incorporated, Dolby Laboratories Licensing<br />

Corporation, Continental Electronics Corporation, Harris Corporation,<br />

Broadcast Communications Division, IBB/VOA, Kintronic Laboratories, Inc.,<br />

National Association of Short-wave Broadcasters, Sangean America, Inc.,<br />

TCI International, Inc., Texas Instruments Incorporated; Via Licensing<br />

Corporation (U.S.A.); and Vatican Radio (Vatican City).<br />

(Siriol Evans, Director, Press & Communications, DRM,<br />

<br />

(via dxld Aug 25)<br />

177 Deutschlandradio now officially announced that 177 and 855 kHz will<br />

switch to DRM on Monday [Aug 29]:<br />

<br />

Apparently the special programmes will be kept on 177 also after the<br />

conversion and otherwhise go out on 990 kHz, judging from a note for Oct 3<br />

on the otherwhise not yet<br />

updated page and an

explicit mention of the sea weather forecasts. (Perhaps 177 will switch<br />

back to AM for these programmes, but I would not expect this.)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 26)<br />

Information from<br />

<br />

not further researched so far:<br />

Zehlendorf 177 kHz will be *permanently* switched to DRM mode on Aug 29<br />

around 0800 UT. Berlin-Britz 855 kHz will be used for a DRM sce of<br />

Deutschlandfunk (instead of Deutschlandradio Berlin). 990 kHz will be kept<br />

in AM mode and in future carry the special programmes (ex-177/855;<br />

comment: but of course will not be an adequate substitute for the sea<br />

weather forecasts).<br />

Since yesterday a DRM signal with RBB Radio Eins programming on 1485 kHz<br />

is reported. It so happened that I was in Berlin today and did some<br />

bandscanning, so I noted this signal as well, of course without any<br />

possibility to find out about the content. At the Wuhlheide forrest I<br />

nulled the signal at an East/West direction. This would point at RBB's<br />

Stallupoener Allee mediumwave station.<br />

Actually I was in Berlin for an auction of the equipment of the "old"<br />

Radio Hun<strong>der</strong>t,6. The former Hun<strong>der</strong>t,6 studios have been entirely<br />

dismantled, the current program from another location is produced on<br />

behalf of the bankrupt Hun<strong>der</strong>t,6 Medien GmbH. This to keep following up on<br />

this story, in case it is of interest for you. By the way, in the end I<br />

did not attend the auction, since I felt I could not bear it.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / dxld Aug 26)<br />

Today at 07:57:<strong>05</strong> the Zehlendorf tx on 177 switched to DRM and did not<br />

revert to AM for the sea weather forecast at 09<strong>05</strong>, still carried on this<br />

frequency. Here is a recording of the very last min in AM (caution: do not<br />

turn up the volume too much towards the end, it gets quite loud):<br />

<br />

Felsberg on 183 now gets almost entirely drowned out, and it is much more<br />

difficult to still pick Bolshakovo on 171 out of the DRM slope. I won<strong>der</strong><br />

if Zehlendorf will still be a problem in the primary target area of 171<br />

(Belarus, Baltics), perhaps even on the other side in French?<br />

Here is the start of the mentioned sea weather programme yesterday, still<br />

in audible mode:<br />

<br />

Note the very slow delivery to allow listeners to take notes and the<br />

extremely emphasized (already ridiculous for a casual listener) Oooooooost<br />

which donates East (Ost). These sea weather forecasts go out on 177 plus<br />

audible 1269, 60<strong>05</strong> and 6190 in summer at 0440, 09<strong>05</strong>, 19<strong>05</strong> and 23<strong>05</strong>, in<br />

winter at <strong>05</strong>40, 10<strong>05</strong> and 00<strong>05</strong>, cf.<br />

<br />

And now I see at<br />

<br />

this comment: "Authorites should think about putting these two stations<br />

back into the normal 9 kHz scheme."<br />

Well, authorities were in fact thinking about putting these two stations<br />

back into the normal 9 kHz scheme ten years ago. Back then I was frankly<br />

told "we will stay on 177 as long as we receive no letter with a seal".<br />

This was when the Dutch authorities were in favour of the Delta 171<br />

project and consi<strong>der</strong>ing to insist on Zehlendorf moving out of 177 and back

to 180, which would of course have Felsberg required to move to 180 as<br />

well. (Actual idea behind this comment is using 189 kHz for either tx.<br />

There is certainly no need to discuss this further here.) (Kai Ludwig-D,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 29)<br />

Aus <strong>der</strong> Zeitschrift "Deutschlandradio", Editorial, Heft September 20<strong>05</strong>:<br />

Ob auf UKW, Mittel-, Lang- und Kurzwelle, ob im Kabel, ueber Digitalradio<br />

und per Satellit o<strong>der</strong> auch im Internet - <strong>der</strong> nationale Hoerfunk nutzt alle<br />

technischen Moeglichkeiten, um seine beiden Programme bundesweit<br />

auszustrahlen. Denn nur so laesst sich <strong>der</strong> gesetzliche Auftrag erfuellen,<br />

Deutschlandfunk und Deutschlandradio Kultur flaechendeckend zu verbreiten.<br />

Auf <strong>der</strong> Internationalen Funkausstellung in Berlin Anfang September wird<br />

eine weitere Moeglichkeit demonstriert und auch dauerhaft eingefuehrt: die<br />

digitalisierte Mittel- und Langwelle naemlich, die es ermoeglicht, die<br />

traditionellen Hoerfunkwellen praktisch ungestoert und fast in UKW-<br />

Qualitaet zu empfangen. DRM (Digital Radio Mondial) heisst das Zauberwort,<br />

das kuenftig eine grossflaechige Rundfunkversorgung vor allem in <strong>der</strong><br />

Dritten Welt sicherstellen soll, fuer eine absehbare Zukunft aber auch dem<br />

Mangel an UKW-Frequenzen hierzulande abhelfen koennte. Erste<br />

Empfangsgeraete mit dem DRM-Chip sollen entsprechend auf <strong>der</strong> IFA zu<br />

bestaunen sein - und auch schnell und kostenguenstig in grosser Stueckzahl<br />

zur Verfuegung stehen.<br />

Der Deutschlandfunk nutzt die neue Technik zunaechst auf <strong>der</strong> Mittelwelle<br />

855 kHz und strahlt auch darueber seine Son<strong>der</strong>programme aus;<br />

Deutschlandradio Kultur startet zunaechst, einschliesslich<br />

Seewetterbericht, auf <strong>der</strong> Langwelle 177 kHz. Bei entsprechen<strong>der</strong> Resonanz<br />

auf DRM sollen weitere Sen<strong>der</strong> umgestellt werden.<br />

Und noch eine Neuerung gibt es auf <strong>der</strong> IFA: Deutschlandfunk und<br />

Deutschlandradio Kultur stellen erstmals einen elektronischen<br />

Programmfuehrer (EPG) fuer den Hoerfunk vor, <strong>der</strong> ueber Digitalradio<br />

ausgestrahlt und ueber entsprechende DAB-Geraete bzw. den PC sichtbar<br />

gemacht werden kann. Ein Grund mehr also, den nationalen Hoerfunk an<br />

seinem Stand auf <strong>der</strong> IFA in Halle 2.2 zu besuchen und sich ueber die neuen<br />

Techniken informieren zu lassen.<br />

Dietmar Boettcher, Leiter Presse- und Oeffentlichkeitsarbeit.<br />

(via Bernhard Weiskopf-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 26)<br />

Deutschlandfunk im digitalen DRM-Modus.<br />

Ab dem 1. September strahlt <strong>der</strong> 500-kW-Langwellensen<strong>der</strong> Oranienburg bei<br />

Berlin auf 177 kHz das Programm Deutschlandradio Kultur im Standard<br />

Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) aus. Gleichzeitig stellt man die Sendungen<br />

des Berliner 855-kHz-Mittelwellensen<strong>der</strong>s ebenfalls auf DRM um. Der Empfang<br />

gelingt beispielsweise in Verbindung mit einer Soundkarte, <strong>der</strong> Dream-<br />

Software unter und einem Empfaenger mit 12-<br />

kHz-ZF-Ausgang. (DARC DL Rundspruch, Aug 31)<br />

Anfang September findet in Berlin die Internationale Funkausstellung<br />

statt. Sie gilt wie die I<strong>BC</strong> 20<strong>05</strong> in Amsterdam als vorletzte Moeglichkeit,<br />

Digital Radio Mondiale zum Durchbruch zu verhelfen. Zwar gibt es schon<br />

zahlreiche DRM-Sendungen, aber kaum erschwingliche Empfaenger. Einige<br />

Firmen haben nun die Praesentation von Radioempfaengern angekuendigt.<br />

Sollte die Markteinfuehrung nicht gelingen, duerfte DRM, das wegen seiner<br />

ueberlegenen Klangqualitaet ein Hoffnungstraeger fuer die traditionelle<br />

Lang-, Mittel- und Kurzwelle ist, mangels Hoererschaft scheitern.<br />

Aus Anlass <strong>der</strong> Funkausstellung strahlen verschiedene Programmanbieter<br />

spezielle DRM-Sendungen aus, so RTL, Deutsche Welle, RFI Paris, B<strong>BC</strong> World<br />

Service. TDF und die franzoesischen Stationen RFI, Radio France, RTL,<br />

Europe 1, Radio de la Mer, Superloustic, Radio Orient, Radio Telerama,

Radio Nouveaux Talents, Beur FM und Littoral AM verbuenden sich fuer DRM.<br />

Viele dieser Stationen haben Sen<strong>der</strong>echte auf Mittelwelle erworben und<br />

setzen auf DRM, das die Mittelwelle gegenueber UKW konkurrenzfaehig machen<br />

wuerde.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Sep 1)<br />

see also DRM un<strong>der</strong> Austria, Ecuador, France, Netherlands, Norway and U.K.<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 727 10 Sep 20<strong>05</strong><br />

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may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all<br />

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ALBANIA 6235 TWR-Europe, P.O.Box 141, A-1235 Vienna, Austria, QSL card<br />

full data with a beautiful view for a Albania tx location site reception<br />

report. V/S: Beth Chick. Delay: 8 months<br />

The station sent me the broadcast schedule (A-<strong>05</strong>) too.<br />

(Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 3)<br />

ANGOLA 4950 RNA-Canal "A", Mulenvos, vy. poorly on 30 Aug at 2110-2132,<br />

Portuguese, mx, mainly Afr., talks; 35231.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />

ARGENTINA 6214.2 R.Baluarte, Puerto Iguazu, noted on 25 Aug at 2332-<br />

2344, Spanish, religious prgr, phone-ins; 34342.<br />

11710 RAE, General Pacheco, audible on 24 Aug at 2204-2210, Spanish,<br />

newscast; 32441, QRM de CHN (tent).<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />

ASCENSION ISLS [LIBERIA] 11965 Star Radio. Full data Star Radio QSL<br />

Card, with accompanying Information Letter. This in response to a F/up Rpt<br />

to Hirondelle Foundation, after no response to their e-mail address. Reply<br />

in 14 days, for postal report. v/s Darcy Christen.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 4)<br />

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia broadcast from 1400-1600 UT on 9625 kHz every<br />


(Gancho Lulchev, Plovdiv-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sept 2)<br />

Well heard in EUR on every day. wb.<br />

9625 R Australia (surely beamed to Asia), on 8 Sep at 1430-... UT,<br />

English, tennis reports, interviews, annts; 43443 (best via LSB), adj. QRM<br />

de YLE, Finland, 9630 kHz in Swedish. I've visited the A<strong>BC</strong> webpage<br />

which indicates the prgr should be sport,<br />

// to 9475 (getting adj. DRM QRM) & 11660 (both not audible). I'd say<br />

9625 is via Darwin NT, not directly from Shepparton VIC - or am I wrong?<br />

It's been some time since I last visited their page... and it seems it<br />

became even worse for those wanting to see a full, detailed schedule. Who<br />

doesn't miss miss the layout of the now old RA aerogrammes with the<br />

cangaroo image holding a microphone and where every detail was actually<br />

there!<br />

The C<strong>BC</strong>-Northern Quebec Sce. via Sackville 9625 kHz is, however, audible<br />

at times right after s/on and until it's blocked by some other stn (the<br />

TRT used to be case). My latest recorded log on them during day time was<br />

on 27 Feb'<strong>05</strong> at 1240-1320 UT; 35333.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />

4910 VL8T, Tennant Creek NT, audible on 22 Aug at 2139-2204, English, end<br />

of newscast, mx, talks & interview; 34332, QRM de ZMB; // 4835 poor -<br />

fair.<br />

5025 VL8K, Katherine NT, noted on 22 Aug at 2155-2214, English, talks,<br />

mx, surely TEABBA prgr as not // to 4835 or 4910; 24321, QRM de uty. stn<br />

+CUB (tent); rated 34432 on 25 Aug at 2145.<br />

6020 R Australia, Shepparton VIC, noted on 30 Aug at 0916-f/out 10<strong>05</strong>,<br />

Pidgin to PNG, talks & interviews, mx, TS for newscast 0930; 25432; //<br />

9710.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />

BAHRAIN Coalition Maritime Radio One was heard today September 7 1610-<br />

1635 UTC on 9133 kHz USB. Reception varied a lot, being good to poor.<br />

Station played mx from the Middle East. From where does this txion<br />

originate? From a ship in Bahrain waters?<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, hcdx Sep 7)<br />

BELGIUM/RUSSIA The programme is produced by Jurgen Verstrepen of Vlaams<br />

Belang, his weblog is<br />

<br />

and includes an email address is one of his blogs<br />

<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 3)<br />

[Vlaams Belang SW broadcast, wb.]<br />

Freq change for Zwart of Wit / Black or White in Dutch:<br />

0900-1100 Sun June 19 NF 15660 ARM 250 kW / 284 deg to WeEu, ex 13680.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 21,<br />

20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

Speaking about Tbilisskaya: On Sunday Zwart of Wit (i.e. Vlaams Belang)<br />

was indeed on 15660 kHz, preceeded by 1<strong>05</strong>0 Hz tones, so there should be no<br />

doubt about Tbilisskaya indeed being the origin of these txions.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 23, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

BOLIVIA 4845.36 Radio Municipal, Canavari, at 1017-1020 UT on August<br />

30, Spanish/Aymara, local advs., ann. & ID as: "....a la audiencia de

Radio Municipal", messagges: "atencion, atencion Junta Vecinal.....",<br />

34433.<br />

5967.82 Radio Nacional de Huanuni, Huanuni, at 1025-1032 UT on August 30,<br />

Spanish, Ann-, TC & ID as: "buenos dias, las 6 de la manana con 27 minutos<br />

... a traves del amanecer de Radio Nacional ... saludos para los<br />

companeros trabajadores, las amas de casa ... siguen en sintonia con Radio<br />

Nacional de Huanuni ...", different songs, 34433.<br />

(Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 3)<br />

Thank you very much Hans Johnson and Glenn Hauser for information and<br />

feedback regarding my unID "Catolica Mundial" on 5745.75 kHz. I do not<br />

know if it's Bolivia or not - I have just a "feeling" that it is not. I<br />

did not listen this morning, I was very occupied with my unID Bolivian on<br />

1590.43 kHz but after months of listening I now have the ID and will<br />

present the station later today or tomorrow on my web ID-site.<br />

(Bjorn Malm-EQA, hcdx Sep 3)<br />

? 5745 R Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza-BOL ?<br />

4796.4 R.Mallku, Uyuni, noted on 25 Aug at 2217-2229, Spanish, talks,<br />

TCs, Indian songs; 24342.<br />

61<strong>05</strong>.5 R.Panamericana, La Paz, audible on 25 Aug at 2232-2245, Spanish,<br />

f/ball match rpt., comments; 43432, adjc QRM.<br />

6134.8 R.Santa Cruz, St¦ Cruz de la Sierra, obs'ed on 26 Aug at 0941-<br />

f/out 0955, Spanish, talks, mx; 15441.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />

6155.1 R.Fides (tent), La Paz, noted on 25 Aug at 2230-..., Spanish (t),<br />

talks; 13441, adjc QRM + CHN 6155.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />

R. Tacana on 4781.34 kHz, was heard here in Sweden last night with weak<br />

but clear signal, and a lots of IDs. I also had an Andean station on<br />

1610.34 kHz, Peru?<br />

(Bernt-Ivan Holmberg-SWE, hcdx Sept 10)<br />

BRAZIL 6160 Radio Boa Vontade, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, at<br />

10<strong>05</strong>+ UT on August 30, Portuguese, ann. web page:<br />

<br />

Complete ID at 10<strong>05</strong> UT: "... 49 metros Radio Boa Vontade ... Porto Alegre,<br />

Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, una emissora da rede Boa Vontade".<br />

Greetings: "saludos para as amigos das Pampas da segunda a sexta<br />

feiras...". Ann. three QRG's: 6160 kHz, 9550 kHz and 11795 kHz (not<br />

listened in 31 & 25 meters at this hour), 34443.<br />

(Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 3)<br />

9675 R Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, on 3 Sep at 0950-f/out 1045<br />

UT, religious prgr, songs to match; 24442, terrible splash de F (RFI in<br />

French) on 9970 kHz. RFI tx malfunction ! -<br />

9695.1 R Rio Mar, Manaus AM, on 3 Sep at 0955-f/out 1015 UT, talks<br />

(seemingly nx at 1000); 14441, splash de RFI in French 9970 kHz. RFI tx<br />

malfunction !<br />

the same phenomenon was observed above 10 MHz, but a uty. stn almost<br />

drowned RFI's splash. (...) 11915.1 kHz R Gaucha, Porto Alegre RS, on 24<br />

Aug at 2145-2200 UT, advts,<br />

nx bulletin "Correspondente Ipiranta", A Voz do Brasil 2200; 34443.<br />

it should read "IPIRANGA" - sorry !!!

Ipiranga: local river in Brazil, and know for historical reasons when a<br />

Portuguese monarch, who refused to return to Portugal after the troubles<br />

of the Napoleonic invasions, proclaimed the independence of Brazil. In<br />

both B & POR, that day became known as "O Grito do Ipiranga."<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sept 5)<br />

3235 R. Guaruja Paulista, Marilia SP, 25 Aug at 2202-2223, advts, prgr<br />

anns., songs; 24443; 3385 & 5045 airing different prgR.<br />

3365 R. Cultura, Araraquara SP, 25 Aug at 2154-2211, prize results,<br />

comments & interviews on f/ball, A Voz do Brasil 2200; 35443.<br />

3375 UNID, 25 Aug at 2155-2209, talks and then A Voz do Brasil 2200;<br />

33442, QRM de SSB tx.<br />

3385 R. Guaruja Paulista, Sao Paulo SP, 25 Aug at 2156-2214, talks about<br />

f/bal, mx, prgr "O Radar Desportivo"; 33442; // 5045 but not 3235 kHz.<br />

4775 R. Congonhas, Congonhas MG, 25 Aug at 2214-2228, Voz do Brasil end<br />

of part 1; 25332.<br />

48845 R. Club do Para, Belem PA, 25 Aug at 2113-2129, talks on f/ball,<br />

interviews; 44444, splatter de uty. stn.<br />

4915 R. CBN Anhangueera, Goiania GO, 25 Aug at 2118-2134, talks, IDs,<br />

songs; 43442.<br />

4945 Emissora Rural (tent), Petrolina PE, 25 Aug at 2121-2133, religious<br />

prgr, rosary (noted daily at around this time) 2135, then seemingly no A<br />

Voz do Brasil 2200; 33442, QRM de B itself.<br />

4965 R. Alvorada, Paritins AM, 25 Aug at 2132-2145, talks; 23431, QRM de<br />

ZMB + uty. stn.<br />

5035 R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 25 Aug at 2140-2157, usual prgr at this<br />

time "Pe na Estrada", with advts & songs; 44433, and better than // 9630!<br />

5969.8 R. Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, 27 Aug at 2246-2254, talks; 23441,<br />

QRM de carrier + adjc. chs..<br />

6010.2 R. Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, 26 Aug at 0925-f/out 0947,<br />

(unreadable) talks; 15441.<br />

6020 R. Gaucha, Porto Alegre RS, 29 Aug at 2134-2144, talks about f/ball<br />

& interviews; 13341, adj & co-ch QRM.<br />

6080 R. Novas de Paz + CBN Anhangueera 25 Aug at 2239-..., both airing A<br />

Voz do Brasil, with one of the pair denoting some feed delay; 34443.<br />

6160 R. Boa Vontade, Porto Alegre RS, 25 Aug at 2223-2237, A Voz do<br />

Brasil; 33442, adjc. QRM only.<br />

6185 R. Nac. da Amazonia, Brasilia DF, 26 Aug at 0946-f/out 1010,<br />

(unreadable) talks; 14431... but rated 53443 on 25 Aug at 2227.<br />

95<strong>05</strong>.8 R. Record, Sao Paulo SP, 2 Sep 0950-f/out 1020, talks; 13441,<br />

het. with a UNID on 95<strong>05</strong>.<br />

9675 R. Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 3 Sep 0950-f/out 1045,<br />

religious prgr, songs to match; 24442, terrible splash de F (RFI in<br />

French) on 9970 kHz.<br />

9695.1 R. Rio Mar, Manaus AM, 3 Sep 0955-f/out 1015, talks (seemingly nx<br />

at 1000); 14441, splash de RFI in French 9970 kHz.

11725 R. Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 24 Aug at 2040-2100*, religious prgr,<br />

songs; 34443, adjc QRM.<br />

11815 R. Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 24 Aug at 2114-2200, nx & sport,<br />

advts, TCs, A Voz do Brasil 2200; 45444.<br />

11829.9 R. CBN Anhangueera, Goiania GO, 24 Aug at 2134-2200, newscast<br />

"Jornal da CBN - 2¦ edicao", advts, sl. "CBN-Anhangueera, a radio que toca<br />

noticia", A Voz do Brasil 2200; 44443, QRM de stn in Arabic. Also on 04<br />

SEP 1714-..., f/ball match report; 15431.<br />

11915.1 R. Gaucha, Porto Alegre RS, 24 Aug at 2145-2200, advts, nx<br />

bulletin "Correspondente Ipiranta", A Voz do Brasil 2200; 34443.<br />

11925 R. Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 29 Aug at 2117-2136, news, traffic<br />

infos, weather & advts all in nx magazine "Servico Bandeirantes"; 34433,<br />

QRM de CHN.<br />

17814.9 R. Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 4 Sep 1450-..., songs; 13441,<br />

detectable het., extremely faint sig., adjc. QRM only.<br />

(all 25 de Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />

CHAD 6165 R. Natle. Tchadienne, N'Djamena, audible on 25 Aug at 1634-<br />

... UT, vernancular, talks; 33441, strg. QRM de HRV.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />

CHINA [?] 5049.92, at 1409- UT, ?Guangxi FBS, Nanning on Sep 5. This is<br />

a tentative logging. There is a station heard, not in Chinese, and not the<br />

AIR station. Possible Vietnamese, which is listed on at this time. I'm<br />

reporting this just to alert listeners that there is a station off-<br />

frequency, and it's not ARDS, so beware! Fair reception.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sept 5)<br />

6115 VoStraint (tent), Fuzhou, heard on 26 Aug at 0938-f/out 1015 UT,<br />

Chinese, talks 24432.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />

CHINESE MUSIC JAMMER logged strongly abt 1625-1650 Sep 6 on 7130 (?jamming<br />

who?), 9680, 11750, 11765 kHz (on 11750 two very vague Asians talking<br />

un<strong>der</strong> that signal). Also on exactly 17560 - no signal whatsoever of<br />

V.O.Tibet on or near this freq audible.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 8)<br />

Hi Finn, once again welcome back with new antennas on air.<br />

7130 is used by CBS Taipei Kouhu in Mandarin, and covered by CHN mainland<br />

at same with Chinese opera jamming, 1400-1800.<br />

Same on 9680 against CBS Taipei HuWei, 1100-1800.<br />

11750 against US-RFA Uighur from Iranawila Ceylon.<br />

Against 17560, nominal Vo Tibet via Taskent, but really +/- 3 apart on<br />

17517, 17522/3, 17528, 17562, 17568 kHz. (wb, Sep 8)<br />

<strong>DX</strong>-ing in Heilongjiang 50 years ago.<br />

Our Russian member Valentin Kolchanov has sent us a long and exclusive<br />

article for the 50th Anniversary of the DSWCI next year. 50 years ago,<br />

Valentin lived as a teenager in Harbin in the Heilongjiang Province in<br />

North East China with his Russian parents. In 1965 they moved back to<br />

Russia. Here is the first part of it. The full article will be published<br />

later on in SWN. (Anker Petersen-DEN)<br />

Let me inform you that the Heilongjiang PBS was the first radio station

that I heard on my own radio set. It was 50 years ago in Harbin, China<br />

when my father (or better, Santa Claus) gave me at the Christmas Party on<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary 7, 1955 (25th of December by Julian Calendar) an interesting gift:<br />

a small box with 4 terminals and a pair of headphones. Thus I got my own<br />

Chinese made crystal radio set with a Galena detector. (Before that, I<br />

used to listen my father's Latvian made 5 tubes' "Riga T-755" radio set<br />

when he was absent).<br />

It could catch only one local station _ the Heilongjiang PBS on around<br />

1000 kHz (WRTH gives 972 kHz). Since that time I have been listening to<br />

the station every day. The other more weak station _ Harbin PBS on around<br />

600 kHz (WRTH gives 621 kHz) couldn't be heard due to bad selectivity of<br />

radio: the coil was connected directly to antenna terminal.<br />

But I always wanted to listen to <strong>DX</strong> stations. And one day when<br />

Heilongjiang station had signed off, I was able to catch the Qiqihar PBS<br />

situated 260 km from Harbin. It was my first <strong>DX</strong> catch and I was happy! I<br />

was only able to listen to it once again, because local stations in China<br />

usually signed off simultaneously around 1130 Local time and resumed<br />

trans-missions in the evening at 1600-1700 Local time.<br />

(Kolchanov-RUS, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Aug 14)<br />

COLOMBIA 6139.78 Radio Li<strong>der</strong>, on Sept 2 at <strong>05</strong>50-0613 & 0742-0830 UT.<br />

Noted again after an absence of some months, program of Spanish ballads<br />

with IDs between just about every song, fair-good. Not back on a regular<br />

basis, as I have not heard them again.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 4)<br />

6035 LV del Guaviare, San Jose del Guaviare, noted on 26 Aug at 0948-<br />

f/out 10<strong>05</strong>, Spanish, songs, TCs; 25432.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />

DJIBOUTI 4780 RD.TV de Djibouti, Doraleh, obs'ed on 04 SEP 1724-1732,<br />

Vernancular, local songs, talks; 34443.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />

DRM DIGITAL RADIO MONDIAL - Updated schedule of DRM txions as Sep 9<br />

(shortwave only):<br />

3955 JUL 040 kW / non-dir to WeEu 1400-1600 TDP Radio Music Sat<br />

3995 WER 200 kW / non-dir to WeEu 1600-1000 DW German<br />

5875 RMP 035 kW / 080 deg to WeEu 1800-1900 B<strong>BC</strong> WS English<br />

5875 RMP 035 kW / 080 deg to WeEu 0700-0830-1900 B<strong>BC</strong> WS English<br />

5955 FLE 040 kW / non-dir to WeEu 1700-1800 Radio Sweden English/German<br />

5980 SIN 090 kW / 040 deg to WeEu 2100-2200 DW English<br />

5990 JUN <strong>05</strong>0 kW / non-dir to WeEu 0000-2400 <strong>BC</strong>E/RTL French<br />

6085 ISM <strong>05</strong>0 kW / non-dir to WeEu 0400-2200 BRF German<br />

6095 JUN <strong>05</strong>0 kW / non-dir to WeEu 0000-2400 <strong>BC</strong>E/RTL German<br />

6130 WER 200 kW / non-dir to WeEu 0600-1000 DW German/English (x5975)<br />

6140 JUL 040 kW / 120 deg to WeEu 1000-1300 DW English/German<br />

6140 JUL 040 kW / 120 deg to WeEu 1600-1900 DW English/German<br />

6180 WER 200 kW / non-dir to WeEu 1400-1600 DW German/English<br />

7145 JUL 040 kW / 290 deg to WeEu 1000-1800 <strong>BC</strong>E/RTL English<br />

7160 test;test; test;test to WeEu 0900-1600 RMC French<br />

7175 WER 200 kW / 040 deg to WeEu 1600-1700 DW English<br />

7240 FLE 040 kW / 123 deg to WeEu 0800-0900 RNW Dutch<br />

7240 FLE 040 kW / 123 deg to WeEu 0900-1100 RNW English<br />

7240 FLE 040 kW / 123 deg to WeEu 1100-1300 RNW Dutch/English<br />

7240 FLE 040 kW / 123 deg to WeEu 1300-1330 RCI English<br />

7240 FLE 040 kW / 123 deg to WeEu 1330-1400 RNW English<br />

7240 FLE 040 kW / 123 deg to WeEu 1400-1415 Vatican Radio German<br />

7240 FLE 040 kW / 123 deg to WeEu 1415-1700 RNW Dutch<br />

7265 WER 200 kW / non-dir to WeEu 0600-1200 DW German/English<br />

7265 SIN 090 kW / 040 deg to WeEu 0700-0900 DW English/German

7265 WER 200 kW / 040 deg to WeEu 1700-1800 DW German<br />

7320 RMP 035 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg to WeEu 0830-1800 B<strong>BC</strong> WS English<br />

7325 FLE 040 kW / 123 deg to WeEu 0600-0800 RNW Dutch<br />

7465 KVI <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 190 deg to CeEu 1600-1930 B<strong>BC</strong> WS English<br />

7515 MSK 040 kW / 260 deg to WeEu 1900-2100 DW German/English<br />

9470 KVI <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 190 deg to CeEu 0700-1600 B<strong>BC</strong> WS English<br />

9480 MSK 035 kW / 240 deg to WeEu 1300-1500 VOR WS Russian/English<br />

9480 MSK 035 kW / 240 deg to WeEu 1500-1700 VOR German/French<br />

9565 RMP 035 kW / 095 deg to WeEu 1400-1500 BYU Radio English Sun<br />

9655 WER 200 kW / 300 deg to WeEu 1200-1400 DW German/English<br />

9690 MSK 040 kW / 260 deg to WeEu 0400-0600 DW German/English<br />

9720 MOS <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 295 deg to WeEu 0800-0900 Talksport English<br />

9770 RMP 035 kW / 095 deg to WeEu 1400-1430 RFI English Fri<br />

9770 RMP 035 kW / 095 deg to WeEu 1400-1430 RNZI English Sat<br />

9770 RMP 035 kW / 095 deg to WeEu 1400-1500 BYU Radio English Wed<br />

9770 RMP 035 kW / 095 deg to WeEu 1430-1500 KBS World English Fri<br />

9770 RMP 035 kW / 095 deg to WeEu 1430-1500 Radio Australia English Sat<br />

9770 RMP 035 kW / 095 deg to WeEu 1500-1600 RTI English Fri<br />

9770 RMP 035 kW / 095 deg to WeEu 1600-1700 NHK World English Fri<br />

9800 SAC 070 kW / 268 deg to NoAm 1945-2030 Vatican Radio English<br />

9800 SAC 070 kW / 268 deg to NoAm 2030-2100 RNW English<br />

9800 SAC 070 kW / 268 deg to NoAm 2100-2200 RCI English<br />

9800 SAC 070 kW / 268 deg to NoAm 2200-2230 DW English<br />

9800 SAC 070 kW / 268 deg to NoAm 2230-2300 Radio Sweden English<br />

9800 SAC 070 kW / 268 deg to NoAm 2300-2400 B<strong>BC</strong> WS English<br />

9880 KBD 120 kW / 282 deg to NoAf 1315-1730 Radio Kuwait Arabic<br />

11675 KBD 120 kW / 350 deg to NoAm 2200-0200 Radio Kuwait Arabic<br />

11815 MOS <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 295 deg to WeEu 1000-1100 CVC English (1000-1300 till<br />

Sep 13)<br />

11900 SAC 070 kW / 240 deg to NoAm 1600-1800 TDP Radio Music Sat<br />

11900 SAC 070 kW / 240 deg to NoAm 1800-1830 NASB English Sat<br />

[not on service now, wb.]<br />

11900 NASB hasn't been running the DRM programs from Sackville for months<br />

now. We've talked about possibly resuming the programs in the future, but<br />

perhaps from another site. Nothing definite yet. (Jeff White-FL-USA, NASB,<br />

dxld Sept 9)<br />

11955 SAC 070 kW / 268 deg to NoAm 0300-0400 B<strong>BC</strong> WS English<br />

13620 KBD 120 kW / 310 deg to WeEu 0915-1300 Radio Kuwait Arabic<br />

13790 SIN 090 kW / 040 deg to WeEu 1500-1800 DW German/English<br />

15215 RMP 035 kW / 062 deg to EaEu 1800-1900 B<strong>BC</strong> Russian<br />

15265 SIN 090 kW / 040 deg to WeEu 1200-1600 DW German/English<br />

15435 SIN 090 kW / <strong>05</strong>0 deg to SoEu 1800-2000 DW German/English<br />

15440 SIN 090 kW / 040 deg to WeEu 0800-1500 DW German/English<br />

15545 SIN 090 kW / 040 deg to WeEu 0900-1200 DW English/German<br />

15780 MSK 035 kW / 240 deg to WeEu 0600-0900 VOR WS English<br />

15780 MSK 035 kW / 240 deg to WeEu 0900-1200 VOR German<br />

21675 TRM 090 kW / 300 deg to NeME 0700-1000 DW English<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />

DRM. Kvitsoy-NOR has started with B<strong>BC</strong> World Service DRM txions on 7465,<br />

running as late as 2200, reports on this thread, note interference<br />

problems from Western Sahara on 7460 kHz.<br />

<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 3)<br />

In answer to Glenn's question "So why doesn't he go on and give the<br />

schedule??" the freqs can be found in the current DRM schedule, ie:<br />

0700-1600 on 9470 kHz 1600-1900 on 7465 kHz.<br />

The beam for both txions is 190 degrees, and the DRM power is 50 kW.<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld Sep 3)

Huge signal. The strongest DRM station in southern Germany. wb.<br />

DRM Radios and sces publicly launched at IFA.<br />

DRM Members Texas Instruments and RadioScape introduced three multi-<br />

standard, tabletop consumer radios with DRM, DAB (Digital Audio<br />

Broadcast), FM - RDS, LW, MW and SW capabilities, which use RadioScape's<br />

RS500 module and TI's DRM350 multi-standard digital radio baseband. The<br />

Roberts receiver has Pause Plus (for digital pause and rewind), built-in<br />

stereo speakers, and runs on batteries or mains electricity. The Morphy<br />

Richards receiver has mmc or sd card storage, and is capable of record or<br />

playback. And Sangean's radio features MP3, plus mmc or sd card storage.<br />

DRM Member Coding Technologies, in cooperation with AFG Engineering GmbH<br />

and Himalaya (Power) Electronics, demonstrated a DRM-capable radio based<br />

on Analog Devices' Blackfin©. Additionally, DRM Member Fraunhofer IIS has<br />

developed a complete DRM processing chain for integration into a DRM- only<br />

or multi-standard receiver IC, supplemented by Coding Technologies' Audio<br />

Deco<strong>der</strong> Library.<br />

DRM Member Robert Bosch GmbH presented a modified car receiver with DRM<br />

capabilities. In collaboration with DRM Member RTL Group, Visteon<br />

Corporation demonstrated its in-vehicle DRM, FM & AM CD Tuner. Panasonic<br />

showcased an OEM DRM-capable car radio prototype.<br />

"The arrival of a range of consumer-priced, DRM-capable products at IFA<br />

marks the European launch of DRM," said DRM Chairman and Deutsche Welle<br />

COO Peter Senger. "The timing is excellent at the same time that popular<br />

commercial stations and respected public broadcasters are increasing the<br />

availability of DRM content, DRM- capable consumer products are heading<br />

for the shops for Christmas 20<strong>05</strong>."<br />

RTL Group announced at IFA that it is broadcasting three DRM sces, in<br />

German, French and English. Deutsche Welle is broadcasting 90 hours of DRM<br />

content per day, and will launch a new channel designed for European<br />

listeners in 2006. (more)<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> World Service launched its DRM Europe sce to the Benelux countries,<br />

and neighboring France and Germany, with 18 hours of DRM content per day,<br />

delivered from three txs. DeutschlandRadio is broadcasting 24 hours of DRM<br />

content per day on both medium-wave and long-wave, and has announced that<br />

all its txs will be DRM-capable by 2006 for German national broadcasts.<br />

Radio Netherlands, Voice of Russia, TruckRadio, TDPradio, and CVC are<br />

sending DRM broadcasts. WRN announced plans for a DRM sce to Europe, as<br />

well as a 26 MHz and medium-wave DRM test project in London. TDF and<br />

French broadcasters RFI, Radio France, RTL, Europe 1, Radio de la Mer,<br />

Superloustic, Radio Orient, Radio Telerama, Radio Nouveaux Talents, Beur<br />

FM and Littoral AM joined together for a special DRM txion at IFA.<br />

T-Systems broadcast RADIO1 during the show.<br />

Recently, UK commercial broadcasters Virgin Classic Rock, Classic Gold<br />

Digital, Asian Sound Radio, Premier Christian Radio and CVC conducted a<br />

medium-wave DRM pilot scheme in the UK, provided by VT Communications.<br />

(via Peter Jackson, DRM-L yahoo group; via Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc<br />

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 4)<br />

This morning Sept. 4th, at 0900-1000 UT, on 11815 kHz I noted that the DRM<br />

txion planned as Virgin Radio from Moosbrunn (Austria) emits a noise<br />

completely different from the 'well' known wide-hash and the positive fact<br />

is that - with a Degen DE1103 - the freqs at +-5 kHz were absolutely not<br />

interferred. (Luca Botto Fiora-I, hcdx Sep 4)<br />

If they only knew what they were talking about! Sometimes this SW radio<br />

hobby of ours can be frustrating when "experts" chime in with their

opinions. A case in point was a recent column called "Inside Track" by<br />

John Dvorak in PC Magazine that talked about Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM).<br />

According to Mr Dvorak, this is the "latest and greatest digital radio<br />

technology." In his opinion DRM has already reached critical mass and is<br />

expanding everywhere but in the US where we have never heard of it.<br />

Three interesting points, all of which are wrong. To bolster his<br />

unsubstantiated claims he quotes the propaganda, unchallenged, that<br />

appears on the DRM website. He claims critical mass, when a commercial<br />

receiver capable of decoding the signal has not been produced (there are<br />

expectations that this may happen in Europe in time for Christmas sales).<br />

Although frequently tested in Europe with mixed results, isolated tests in<br />

North, South and Central America cannot be called "expanding everywhere."<br />

DRM has a long way to go but it clearly will not be a worldwide platform.<br />

Regional or one hop use is possible.<br />

Finally, he is not aware of the US DRM Group that is looking into the<br />

issue. However, the use of DRM domestically may require an entire new<br />

mindset from radio listeners that technology alone may not be able to<br />

deliver.<br />

The good nx is, a computer columnist is talking about SW radio with a<br />

future. The bad nx is, he needs to do more homework on the subject.<br />

(Richard A. D'Angelo-USA, NASWA Notes, Sept NASWA Journal via dxld Sep 4)<br />

If anyone told me that to listen to them any more I would need to spend<br />

250 to 300 Euros to replace a radio I had, that worked perfectly well for<br />

every other station, I would just not listen to them anymore; does Senger<br />

intend to switch off the internet streaming as well? He said in <strong>Jan</strong>uary<br />

that he expects 1 million DRM receivers to be in use by the end of next<br />

year. People in the industry think radio is more important to the consumer<br />

than it actually is; in the main, consumers replace radios when they are<br />

broken.<br />

Unlike when I was young there are plenty other sources of home<br />

entertainment, mp3 players, more TV channels, computers, game consoles,<br />

etc. A lot of radio listening is now done in the car, yet none of the<br />

three car radios on display seem to have committed to an actual launch<br />

date for their product. The price point of 250 to 300 Euros is too high<br />

for mass sales as a new product. He is correct in thinking that if there<br />

are stations on digital that are not on analogue it serves to drive sales<br />

but not at that price point for one digital-only station.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, dxld Sep 8)<br />

DRM radios - IFA fair report<br />

There's a report from someone who attended the fair here spotted by N.<br />

Scheer on the drmrx forums:<br />

<br />

The model he has got most information and pictures on is the Roberts/<br />

Sangean RD2 to be released in the German market for Christmas, 250 to 300<br />

Euros.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, dxld Sep 4)<br />

Totally in German lang.<br />

Some notes from the DRM press conference today at Berlin:<br />

In next year Deutsche Welle will start to run the famous 6075 kHz (German<br />

24/7) outlet in DRM during certain hours in or<strong>der</strong> to guide listeners to<br />

DRM. "There will be only digital txions in future."<br />

The 1485 kHz test outlet at Berlin has been switched from RBB Radio Eins<br />

(used as modulation for mere engineering tests) to Oldiestar as official

test now. This commercial station is un<strong>der</strong>stood to start a DRM sce via<br />

Burg 1575 before yearend.<br />

A cooperation agreement of DAB with Ibiquity exists but is suspended at<br />

present.<br />

One guest asked what he should do with his many SW receivers, can he send<br />

them in when he can no longer receive DW with them? Yes, for the museum.<br />

It was told for a laugh that Deutschlandradio received calls from<br />

listeners asking if the 177 kHz tx suffered a failure, since there is only<br />

white noise.<br />

Here are the promised DRM receivers on display:<br />

<br />

Note the "DIGITAL radio DR" logo, denoting DRM plus DAB.<br />

One picture portrays the Radioscape chipset, mounted on a demonstration<br />

board. Appears to be a bit too big to design radios of the size of an ATS<br />

909. Unfortunately I forgot to ask about the power consumption.<br />

I took a closer look at the Roberts RD 20 with the size of a small<br />

ghettoblaster: The DRM reception behaviour appeared to be more or less<br />

what is already known from software decoding solutions. For some reason<br />

the set was not able to decode the local 177 kHz signal. It was promised<br />

that this set will be available for Christmas and cost 200 ... 250 USD.<br />

Other notes: The German sce of Deutsche Welle will be thoroughly<br />

reformatted with the start of B04. There will be no unified program<br />

anymore but customized versions for the individual target areas (sounds<br />

familiar...). The current structure with a 4 hours schedule will become a<br />

thing of the past.<br />

Not further researched yet: There were hints about German TV to be closed<br />

down by the end of this year.<br />

Re.: "693, Sep 2, 2220-, Germany: Voice of Russia via Germany. In Arabic.<br />

Terrible noise caused by the DRM simulcast; I won<strong>der</strong> how this sounds at<br />

the 'target area'?"<br />

Just the same, but even more distinctive and disturbing since a local-<br />

strength AM signal is supposed to be noise-free. Listening from Berlin<br />

reveals that there is not only the ever-present background hiss but also a<br />

crackling (at least this was the case a few days ago).<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 4)<br />


I apologise if this is posted to the wrong site, but can anyone tell me<br />

what the dreadful noise is, that appears around 7140 kHz, between 0900-<br />

1300 UT; in fact, there seem to be three broad spots, approximately 5 khz<br />

apart, which leads me to won<strong>der</strong> if there are three "digital" stations<br />

there. (John Cleeve-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Sep 4)<br />

It's Radio Luxembourg English sce with DRM tests to the UK on 7145 kHz.<br />

(Mike Barralcough, UK, ibid.) via Juelich GERMANY in this case<br />

RTL 7145 1000-1559UT zone 27 40kW 290deg daily 0108-3010<strong>05</strong> JUL <strong>BC</strong>E LUX<br />

May I interject a note of criticism of the apparently heralded DRM, based<br />

on personal observation and also it seems Mr Cleeve's listening. I know<br />

I'll be filed as an old fashioned reactionary but surely if DRM causes so<br />

much off channel noise it's a non-starter as if, has been pointed out by<br />

other members, it in effect uses more band space (its own send freq plus<br />

at least one corrupted spot) it can hardly, in these days of economical

use of bandwidth, e.g. satellite/terrestrial digital TV as opposed to UHF<br />

analogue, be argued as feasible as a proper replacement of AM or even FM<br />

even allowing for the lower powered sen<strong>der</strong>s required. Whilst I realise I'm<br />

in a minority it seems in B<strong>DX</strong>C I am sincerely of the mind that 'if it<br />

ain't busted don't replace it with one that is!'<br />

Surely it would be more logical, given sales levels of 'ordinary' AM and<br />

FM radios to the general public, to work to improve send quality of AM and<br />

FM and more sensible freq allocation of low power stations, using perhaps<br />

segregated parts of the Medium Wave and VHF-FM bands rather than the 'pick<br />

and mix' so called 'system' used now.<br />

Part of the reason I see a total mess-up with DRM is obviously stations<br />

will tell the radio authorities they must keep their pre-DRM channels<br />

rather than be shepherded to a DRM section of the dial where if they<br />

interfere with others, they will only mess up other DRM stations.<br />

However, it does seem a gaggle of members are in the opinion anything new<br />

is bound to be better. Presumably they still have their RCA Videodisc<br />

players, Betamax VCRs, Sinclair C5's - all brilliant out of the wind and<br />

weather but they didn't, by their introduction, make anything redundant.<br />

No piece of equipment was made functionally obsolete by their invention<br />

and they didn't prevent development - where as DRM certainly does.<br />

(Rog Parsons-Uk Br<strong>DX</strong>C, ibid.)<br />

In Germany, the public-service broadcasters have brought into sce a<br />

transpon<strong>der</strong> on Astra 1H for radio sces. The transpon<strong>der</strong>, according to the<br />

ARD, broadcasts "all" the radio sces of the various member regional<br />

broadcasters and two programme streams from the international broadcaster<br />

Deutsche Welle.<br />

Interviewed on WDR, Lutz Bruehl, WDR Programme Distribution, said the<br />

intention was to fulfill the wish of serious radio listeners for an<br />

improved audio quality by broadcasting at a much higher data rate. Stereo<br />

sces would be broadcast with a bitrate of 320 kbit/s, a significant<br />

improvement over both the sces broadcast hitherto on Astra, and over any<br />

sces currently available on DAB.<br />

The DVB-S bouquet is assembled and uplinked from WDR Langenberg and will<br />

include surround-sound broadcasts using Dolby AC3. The footprint of the<br />

Astra 1H transpon<strong>der</strong> covers most of Western, Central and Northern Europe<br />

from 19.2E, including much of the British Isles.<br />

Transpon<strong>der</strong>: 93<br />

Frequency: 12.266 MHz<br />

Polarisation: horizontal<br />

FEC: 3/4<br />

Symbolrate: 27.500<br />

Since the audio quality and bit rate on satellite is already relatively<br />

high (192kBs being farely normal) and the source audio from these stations<br />

is often no higher in quality I doubt if anyone will notice an<br />

improvement. However, full marks for attitude!<br />

(Andrew Tett-D, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Sep 9)<br />

DRM Es gibt sie doch ... die neuen DRM-Empfaenger.<br />

Eben durch einen Hinweis im Forum vom UKW-/TV-Arbeitskreis gefunden:<br />

<br />

Beson<strong>der</strong>s ueberzeugt mich <strong>der</strong> Sangean RD2 mit sagenhaften 6 Stunden<br />

Betriebszeit aus 6 Mono-Zellen. Technischer Fortschritt in Reinkultur.<br />

Der guten Ordnung halber <strong>der</strong> Hinweis, dass diese Geraete definitiv nicht<br />

als Prototypen, son<strong>der</strong>n als Vorseriengeraete apostrophiert wurden.

(Michael Geisel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sept 4)<br />

<br />

V o r z u e g l i c h e Analyse und ungeschminkt, grosser Dank an Erik.<br />

Gleicher Inhalt und Form haette auch dem Jubel-Kurier gut angestanden.<br />

(wb, Sep 3)<br />

DJIBOUTI 4780 RTD Djibouti, at *0300-0325+ UT on Aug 27, sign-on with<br />

local instrumental mx. 0301 vernacular talk, 0302 Kor'an, 0311 vernacular<br />

talk, 0320 Horn of Africa mx. Good. Appears to be irregular; not heard<br />

every night. Occasional ute QRM.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Sep 2)<br />

ECUADOR HCJB Quito ceases German sce direct from Pifo, as of Oct 29th,<br />

20<strong>05</strong><br />

HCJB nicht mehr aus Pifo fuer Europa.<br />

Heute frueh habe ich bei Radio HCJB in <strong>der</strong> "Sendung fuer <strong>DX</strong>er" gehoert,<br />

dass man im Winter nicht mehr aus Ekuador in Deutsch nach Europa senden<br />

wird, son<strong>der</strong>n nur noch ueber T-Systems auf 3955 kHz. Begruendet wurde dass<br />

u.a. mit den beginnenden Abbauarbeiten in Pifo und den finanziellen<br />

Konsequenzen. Da sinkt dann auch noch die Entfernung fuer die Kurzwelle.<br />

Aber im Gegensatz zu vielen an<strong>der</strong>en Sprachen gibt es noch die deutschen<br />

Sendungen aus dem fernen Quito. (Andreas Nitschke-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 10)<br />

4909.21 Radio Chaskis, Otavalo, very strong signal at 1045 with "flauta<br />

andina" of most excellent quality, om on the hour, continued mx and then<br />

fade out 1115, 4 September. Last previous log was 24 August ~ same time,<br />

same excellent programing.<br />

(Robert Wilkner-USA, JPNpremium, Sep 9)<br />

FRANCE/LIBYA Updated A-<strong>05</strong> for LJ<strong>BC</strong>orp via TDF's txs according to<br />

monitoring:<br />

1100-1200 21695 ISS 500 kW / 140 deg carrier+test tone 1000 Hz<br />

1200-1300 21695 ISS 500 kW / 140 deg Swahili<br />

1300-1400 21695 ISS 500 kW / 140 deg English<br />

1200-1300 21675 ISS 500 kW / 153 deg Swahili<br />

1300-1400 21675 ISS 500 kW / 153 deg English<br />

1600-1700 17870*ISS 500 kW / 153 deg French<br />

1700-1800 17870 ISS 500 kW / 153 deg Hausa >>> new freq, ex 17880<br />

1600-1700 17695 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg French<br />

1700-1800 17695 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg Hausa<br />

1600-1700 15660 ISS 500 kW / 204 deg French<br />

1700-1800 15660 ISS 500 kW / 204 deg Hausa<br />

1800-1900 15660 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg carrier+test tone 1000 Hz<br />

1800-2000 152<strong>05</strong> ISS 500 kW / 153 deg carrier+test tone 1000 Hz<br />

1700-1800 11615 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg Arabic<br />

1800-1900 11615 ISS 500 kW / 204 deg Arabic+nx in Fr/En<br />

1900-2100 9590 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg Arabic+nx in En/Fr,co-ch RRI Ge till<br />

1956 UT.<br />

2100-2200 9590 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg Arabic<br />

2200-0400 7320 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg Arabic+nx in<br />

French/Hausa/English/Swahili<br />


1000-1100 21695 ISS 500 kW / 140 deg Arabic<br />

1100-1200 21675 ISS 500 kW / 153 deg Arabic<br />

1400-1500 21675 ISS 500 kW / 153 deg Arabic<br />

1700-1800 17880 ISS 500 kW / 153 deg Arabic<br />

1100-1230 17695 ISS 500 kW / 185 deg Arabic<br />

1700-1900 15615 ISS 500 kW / 140 deg Arabic<br />

1100-1230 15610 ISS 500 kW / 204 deg Arabic<br />

1900-2030 11715 ISS 500 kW / 140 deg Arabic

2000-2130 11635 ISS 500 kW / 153 deg Arabic<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 2)<br />

GERMANY DTK T-systems Nauen sightseeing Day, Sep 11, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Laut einem auf <strong>der</strong> IFA verteilten Flyer laden DW und T-systems auch in<br />

diesem Jahr zum Tag des offenen Denkmals zum Besuch <strong>der</strong><br />

Rundfunksendestelle Nauen ein:<br />

"Besuchen Sie eines <strong>der</strong> mo<strong>der</strong>nsten KW-Sendezentren Europas.<br />

Sonntag, 11. September 20<strong>05</strong><br />

0800-1400 UT - 10.00 bis 16.00 Uhr MESZ LT,<br />

Graf-Arco-Str. 154, Nauen"<br />

Wirklich sehenswert und zu empfehlen, sowohl die imposante Sendeanlage und<br />

Antennen als auch die historischen Gebaeude! Ich war zu solch einem Tag<br />

vor einigen Jahren und kann die Veranstaltung nur loben. Am Rande gab es<br />

auch einige hobbybezogene Staende mit Infomaterial, Empfaengern etc.!<br />

Also wer es noch nicht gesehen hat und wem es in den Zeitplan passt,<br />

Hobbyfreunde aus Berlin-Brandenburg, angrenzenden Gebieten und wer sich<br />

sonst noch auf den Weg machen will - eine Woche nach <strong>der</strong> IFA ruft Berlin<br />

(Brandenburg!) schon wie<strong>der</strong>!<br />

(Ralf Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 6)<br />

Nauen sightseeing Open Day Sep 11, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

sagt u.a.: "1997 wurden 4 neue KW-<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong> mit jeweils 500 kW in Betrieb genommen. Sen<strong>der</strong> und<br />

Antenne bilden eine Einheit (Foto eines <strong>der</strong> vier Sen<strong>der</strong>aeume<br />

). Die alten KW-Sen<strong>der</strong> aus DDR-Zeit sind noch im Reserve-<br />

Betrieb. Die alte Dreh-Antenne war weltweit bekannt. Ein Teil<br />

<strong>der</strong> alten Antennen-Anlage ist 1999 abgerissen worden."<br />

Weitere Infos, aber nicht unmittelbar zu Deiner Frage, auch unter:<br />

<br />

(Ralf Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 7)<br />

94<strong>05</strong> UNID ¨Voice from the Diaspora? via Julich, Germany, 2000-2030 Ut on<br />

Sept 3, Vernacular. Announcement by male and long speech or discurse or<br />

talk until 2025 UTC! Very bad audio or sound. At 2025 UT, beautiful<br />

vernacular song by female, with xilophone and local instruments (with good<br />

sound) and abrupt s/off at 2031, SINPO: 34433.<br />

(Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 5)<br />

This is the clandestine "Save the Gambia Democracy", via Juelich, Germany<br />

broadcasting to Gambia each Saturday at 2000-2030 UT in English and<br />

Vernaculars. Heard well here in Denmark.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 5)<br />

94<strong>05</strong> 2000-2030 to zone 46 JUL 100kW 210deg Sat 0406-3010<strong>05</strong> RMI<br />

Notes from the IFA Berlin [see also un<strong>der</strong> DRM ! ]:<br />

Report in English with links to pictures of receivers on DRM at IFA Berlin<br />

exhibition fair:<br />

<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 7)<br />

Peter Senger announced at IFA that next year DW would cease analog txion<br />

to Europe. He said "We want to force our listeners in Europe to buy DRM<br />

radios"<br />

(Aaron Zawitzky, dxld Sep 6)<br />

The German sce of Deutsche Welle will be thoroughly reformatted with the<br />

start of B<strong>05</strong>. There will be no unified program anymore but customized

versions for the individual target areas (sounds familiar...). The current<br />

structure with a 4 hours schedule will become a thing of the past.<br />

Not further researched yet: There were hints about German TV to be closed<br />

down by the end of this year. (Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Sept 4)<br />

Da sich noch niemand hier zum <strong>DX</strong>er-Treffen in "unserem IFA- Stammlokal" in<br />

<strong>der</strong> Flatowallee gestern Abend geaeussert hat, wahrscheinlich sind alle<br />

noch o<strong>der</strong> wie<strong>der</strong> auf DRM-RX-Suche gewesen heute ... , moechte ich das<br />

hiermit tun.<br />

Es war wirklich sehr schoen dort und ein inspirieren<strong>der</strong> Abend, bekannte<br />

und bisher unbekannte Gesichter <strong>der</strong> Szene zu treffen! Zuerst auch mein<br />

Dank an den Organisator Thomas Kubaczewski, <strong>der</strong> das wie immer ohne grosses<br />

Aufsehen und mehr im Hintergrund die Faeden ziehend ermoeglicht hat!<br />

Klasse, die Mo<strong>der</strong>ation in die bewaehrten Haende - quatsch, in den Mund...-<br />

von OM Wolfram Hess zu legen, ein grossartiger "Schachzug" meiner Meinung<br />

nach! Nachdem auch ein Teil <strong>der</strong> Besucher des Korea-Hoerertreffens zu uns<br />

stiess, waren wir ueber 30 Leute dort, erfreulicherweise alle<br />

Altersgruppen und <strong>DX</strong>er-Coleur vertreten, fand ich!<br />

Es gab zu Beginn einige interessante Beitraege, hervorzuheben aus meiner<br />

Sicht beson<strong>der</strong>s die lebhafte Schil<strong>der</strong>ung seiner Free-Radio-Erlebnisse von<br />

OM Leonhardt, die Ausfuehrungen von Wolfram Hess zum Sonnenfleckenzyklus<br />

und seinen Berechnungen, sowie Manfred Boehm von <strong>der</strong> DW mit brandaktuellen<br />

Neuigkeiten zur bevorstehenden Programmstrukturreform - o<strong>der</strong> sollte man<br />

besser "Revolution" sagen ...?!<br />

Auch <strong>der</strong> Beitrag zu DRM-Empfaengern auf <strong>der</strong> IFA von dem schon vorher<br />

"gesichteten Fachhaendler aus Remscheid" (Zitat a-dx) war sehr sachlich<br />

und vermittelte sicher den meisten Hobbyfreunden zusaetzliche Infos zu dem<br />

auf <strong>der</strong> IFA selbst Beobachtetem!<br />

Kontroverser, zumindest an meinem Tisch, wurde die Meinung von OM Markus<br />

Weidner diskutiert, das <strong>der</strong> "Fortschritt", sprich also DRM, sozusagen<br />

durchgedrueckt werden muss, sonst wird das nichts...! Dazu wurde hier in<br />

<strong>der</strong> Liste[A-<strong>DX</strong>] aber schon genug geschrieben !<br />

Ein Aspekt von mir nur noch dazu, <strong>der</strong> gern verschwiegen wird: DRM muss<br />

sich auch auseinan<strong>der</strong>setzen mit Internetradio, beson<strong>der</strong>s in Zeiten<br />

sinken<strong>der</strong> Kosten fuer DSL und Flatrates! Und wohl auch auf <strong>der</strong> mobilen<br />

Empfangsseite, eigentlich <strong>der</strong> urspruengliche Vorteil, wird DRM da wohl zu<br />

spaet kommen!?<br />

Fuer mich gesprochen am Beispiel RFI: Seit Jahren die einzige Moeglichkeit<br />

fuer mich Deutsch aus Paris zu hoeren ist das Internet. Nun kommt man<br />

zurueck auf die Kurzwelle, mit DRM, aber fuer mich sehe ich da keinen<br />

Vorteil gegenueber Internetradio!? Nicht mal in den zwei Wochen<br />

Sommerurlaub, dafuer lohnt es nicht einen DRM-RX zu kaufen! O<strong>der</strong> werden<br />

die Internet-Streams auch zurueckgefahren, um DRM zu pushen?<br />

Glaube ich nicht mal fuer die DW! Aber wir werden sehen...! Jedenfalls war<br />

es ein spannen<strong>der</strong> Erfahrungsaustausch, DRM bestimmte das Thema nicht<br />

vorrangig. Auch auf <strong>der</strong> IFA erscheint es nur am Rande, mehr fuer Insi<strong>der</strong><br />

hat man den Eindruck! Es gibt Empfaenger zu sehen, ja, aber ob die<br />

irgendeinen Markt bzw. das Weihnachtsgeschaeft bestimmen ist sehr<br />

fraglich. Zum Glueck hatte ich gestern Abend noch nicht die A-<strong>DX</strong>-mails vom<br />

gestrigen und heutigen Tage gekannt, da waere auch bei an<strong>der</strong>en OMs<br />

bestimmt die Debatte schaerfer verlaufen!<br />

So bleibt ein sehr netter Abend <strong>der</strong> Begegnung in Erinnerung! Uebrigens ist<br />

es natuerlich schwer, mehrere Termine zu vereinbaren, es gibt nun mal nur<br />

den einen IFA-Samstag, und Samstag ist fuer die meisten Leute <strong>der</strong> einzig<br />

moegliche Tag fuer einen Besuch in Berlin!

Die Korea-Freunde haben es aber vorgemacht, gibt es dazu bald einen<br />

Bericht?<br />

(Ralf Schnei<strong>der</strong>-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 4)<br />

GUATEMALA 4<strong>05</strong>2.51 Radio Amistad is broadcasting at the present time,<br />

2345 UT with reduced power. At worthy target for checking antennas and<br />

radios.<br />

(Rob Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 7)<br />

ICELAND 207 RUV, Eidar, noted on 26 Aug at 2217-2238 UT, songs, talks;<br />

34433, QRM de D only as MRC was off; // 189 rtd. 34453.<br />

7590 kHz-usb AFN, Grindavik, noted on 26 Aug at 1223-1410 UT, English,<br />

talks, anns., talks on consummer confidence, then Paul Harvey's Nx &<br />

Comments feature; 25443.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />

INDONESIA The following item copied from V. of INS web site about my<br />

query of asking for QSL card:<br />

VOI QSL card I was surprised when noted that you are asking for IRC /<br />

return stamp for QSL card. I think INSn govt. should spent some money for<br />

its overseas listeners. Swopan Chakroborty,<br />

Kolkata 700092<br />

Dear Mr. Swopan Chakroborty, It seems to us that you are shocked to know<br />

that if our listeners expect some QSL card, they can give us some IRCs.<br />

The budget allocated by the govt for our sce is not sufficient. Priority<br />

is given to the maintenance and survival of the broadcast. Please be<br />

advised accordingly. Best regards from Jakarta - INS English Desk/Service<br />

(from<br />

<br />

via Swopan Chakroborty-IND, dxld Sep 4)<br />

3325 RRI Parangkaraya. On Sept 1 at 1301-1330 UT. 34333. Relaying nx in<br />

INSn from Jakarta. Koran recitation at 1325 UT. Address by a man from 1330<br />

and it lasted past 1400 UT. (Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Sep 9)<br />

4604.96 RRI Serui on Sep 01 at 1154-12<strong>05</strong> UT 45444 INSn, Talk and mx, ID at<br />

1201, 1201 Jakarta nx realy. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 9)<br />

15149.8 Voice of INS, Cimanggis, noted on 30 Aug at 1345-1400* UT, Bahasa<br />

INS, mx, talks, addR. , n.anthem; 34543, het. with stn on 15150 kHz.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />


FINALS.<br />

RTE are broadcasting the All Ireland Hurling and Football finals on SW but<br />

to Africa only!! What listeners and supporters in other areas of the world<br />

are meant to do is unclear or perhaps RTE is not really interested in<br />

them? (Paul Guckian-IRL, dxld Sep 2)<br />

RTE is please to announce txion details for txion of the All Ireland<br />

hurling and football finals to the continent of Africa. In line with our<br />

continued commitment to those Irish people overseas, particularly in<br />

geographically or technically isolated areas, RTE will be providing txion<br />

of both games on the 11th and 25th of Sept [Sundays] from 2 pm until 6 pm<br />

(Irish time) on the following Shortwave freqs:<br />

Target Irish Time Transmitter site Frequency

Ea/Ce/SoAfrica 1300-1700 Woofferton 21730<br />

West Africa ... 1300-1700 Ascension 17680<br />

East Africa ... 1300-1430 Meyerton 15255<br />

Central Africa 1430-1700 Ascension 15255<br />

(via Paul Guckian-IRL, dxld Sep 2)<br />

Anyone in the Republic of Ireland can now text 'shortwave' to 51101 to<br />

receive all of the above details by text.<br />

Source: RTE. (RNW MN NL via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK 8 Sept, Dxplorer)<br />

JAPAN/GERMANY/FRANCE Victor Goonetilleke 4S7 VK on tour to Japan,<br />

Germany, and France.<br />

Report from the annual HAM Fair in Tokyo. On Aug 20 and 21, the JPN<br />

Amateur Radio League (JARL) organized our annual HAM Fair at Tokyo Big<br />

Sight which was visited by almost 30 thousand people! The number was two<br />

thousands more than the last year. The JPN SW Club set up a special booth<br />

to impress the general public with the enjoyment and importance of<br />

international broadcasting, and to give technical advices on short wave<br />

listening.<br />

This year we had Mr. David Baden of Radio Free Asia who joined us by<br />

combining his business trip to Asia. He gave us a lecture on RFA's<br />

Automatic QSL System. He said RFA's future plan included issueing of QSLs<br />

in a day and setting up of e-mail network to notify listeners such as a<br />

new QSL card and even one day only special QSL.<br />

Mr. Victor Goonetilleke of Sri Lanka was invited guest of JARL and joined<br />

the tape cutting ceremony of the Fair with Mr. Hara, President of JARL. He<br />

spoke on their club's Tsunami Relief activities in Sri Lanka in December<br />

2004. He visited our club booth with his wife (an English teacher at<br />

Japanese Childrens' School in Sri Lanka) and two other members of RSSL -<br />

Sri Lanka Radio Society.<br />

We were also visited by staff of Pacific Broadcasting Association<br />

(transmitted by KTWR, Guam) and AWR JPN office. We enjoyed to talk with<br />

many old and new friends to share information and renew friendship.<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN JSWC, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W)<br />

Golden Antenna 20<strong>05</strong> to RSSL association.<br />

As mentioned in <strong>DX</strong>-Window, Victor Goonetilleke, right after this HAM Fair<br />

was invited to receive the "Golden Antenna 20<strong>05</strong>" Award for the Tsunami<br />

Relief activities [of RSSL] at the Gernam-Dutch Radio Amateur Meeting in<br />

Bad Bentheim, Germany on Aug 26. This all went well and Victor also had a<br />

chance again to meet his close <strong>DX</strong>-friends in Germany: Gerhard Werdin,<br />

Wolfgang Bueschel and Uwe Volk at Gerhard's home in Duesseldorf.<br />

[Victor allso visited the French Ham Radio Association in Paris and<br />

Southern France Aug 30-Sep 2nd, wb.]<br />

On Sep 04 Victor wrote us: " Just a quick one to say that I am back at the<br />

base station here in Piliyandala after a great trip to Japan, from there<br />

to Dusseldorf, Bad Bentheim, Paris, Lourdes and back home via Gerhard's<br />

home in Germany. It was great to meet good friends who took great care of<br />

you and saw to it that nothing went wrong and all ended in a great trip."<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Sep 9)<br />

KAZAKHSTAN [KAZ to BURMA]. 15478, Democratic Voice of Burma, 1430-1445<br />

UT, escuchada el 4 Sep en burmese; inician emision con un segmento de mxa<br />

folklorica, locutora con comentarios, sufre fuerte interferencia de la B<strong>BC</strong><br />

emitiendo en 15485 kHz, 43443. (Jose Miguel Romero-ESP, dxld Sep 6)<br />

Another case of side tuning to avoid interference and then going by the

eadout instead of the carrier frequency, which can easily be determined<br />

with the ATS-909 SSB/CW funxion? Or was DVB really varying from 15480?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Sep 6)<br />

Via Almaty-KAZ 15480.00 200 kW 132deg 1430-1530UT zone 49, x5910.<br />

Report of Sep 7th, Dem Voice of Burma was n o t varying, at least today.<br />

Signal only S=2 in Europe, but easily to follow, despite of powerful B<strong>BC</strong><br />

Skelton on upper flank 15485. (wb Sep 7)<br />

KYRGYSTAN 4010.1 Kyrgyz Radio, on Sept 3 at 1643-1710 UT. 35443. Talk<br />

in Kyrgyz(?) by a man and a woman with local songs. ID as "Bishkek, Kyrgyz<br />

... ale mai." with mx at 1659, followed by female talk with classic mx.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Sep 9)<br />

LATVIA 9290 Radio Tatras In't via Ulbroka. Full data verification<br />

letter, from KREBS TV, verifying my reception. Reply in 38 days , in<br />

response to my Postal Rpt, for April.10. v/s Raimonds Kreicbergs (same<br />

verification as Jerry Berg's on NU S&S Posting).<br />

(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 4)<br />

MADAGASCAR Radio Ne<strong>der</strong>land's INSn sce was heard at 1127 UT on Sept 5th.<br />

Frequency was odd 21482.1 kHz. 25332. Talk by a man, but suddenly S/off at<br />

1129 UT. After 2 mins of break, R.Ne<strong>der</strong>land appeared on the right freq<br />

21480 with strong signal. Anything trouble with its tx ?<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Sep 9)<br />

MALAYSIA 6024.88 Voice of Islam program via RTVM, on Aug 30, Sept 1 &<br />

2, at 1400 UT two time clicks, ID "Radio Suara Islam," young woman & man<br />

with program of various mx, reciting from the Koran, 1450-1500 UT news,<br />

often gives "Salaam Alaykum" greeting, several freqs given, including<br />

"FM," singing jingle for "Suara Islam" and many IDs for Suara Islam.<br />

Assume in Malay, consistently fair. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 4)<br />

6024.88 Voice of Islam program via RTVM, on Aug 30, Sept 1 & 2, at 1400<br />

UT two time clicks, ID "Radio Suara Islam," young woman & man with program<br />

of various mx, reciting from the Koran, 1450-1500 news. Often gives<br />

"Salaam Alaykum" greeting, several freqs given, including "FM," singing<br />

jingle for "Suara Islam" and many IDs for Suara Islam. Assume in Malay,<br />

consistently fair (Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld Sep 4)<br />

MAURITANIA 4845 R. Mauritanie, Nouakchott, on 4 Sep at 1726-... UT,<br />

Vernacular (not Arabic), talks; 34443.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />

MONACO [non, - rather France soil]. Again DRM tests from Fontbonne, this<br />

time on 7160 instead of previously used 6150, cf.<br />

<br />

7160 is an old standard frequency for the TWR/Evangeliums-Rundfunk txions<br />

via Fontbonne. (Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Sep 1)<br />

Now where is Fontbonne?? It is not on the HFCC site list.<br />

(Glenn to Kai, via dxld)<br />

This is the old transmitting station above Monte Carlo [therefore, really<br />

in France], "MC" in HFCC. The description in the first link is of course<br />

no longer true, since TWR moved most of these programs to other,<br />

apparently cheaper sites (primarily Albania and Juelich):<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Sep 2)

ITU entry: MC Monte Carlo MCO 43N44 007E26<br />

MYANMAR 5040.32 R Myanmar, Yangon, 1130 om in indigenous lang, steady<br />

signal with no fading, yl annoucer at 1139 both alternating till 1150 UT.<br />

(Rob Wilkner-USA, JPNpremium Sep 9)<br />

NEW ZEALAND New frequency schedule of Radio New Zealand Internat from<br />

Sep 4<br />

0459-07<strong>05</strong> 11820 / 000 deg to All Pacific, also heard in Europe,<br />

and mid-west USA<br />

0706-1<strong>05</strong>9 9885 / 000 deg to All Pacific, also heard Midwest USA<br />

1100-13<strong>05</strong> 9520*/ 325 deg to NW Pacific, Bougainville, PNG, Timor, Asia<br />

1306-1650 6095 / 000 deg to All Pacific<br />

1651-1750 6095 / 035 deg to NE Pacific, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands<br />

1751-1850 9630^/ 035 deg to NE Pacific, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands<br />

1851-2<strong>05</strong>0 11725 / 000 deg to All Pacific<br />

2<strong>05</strong>1-0458 15720 / 000 deg to All Pacific<br />

* on same freq VOA in English via KAV 250 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg to ME til 1200 UT.<br />

^ on same freq B<strong>BC</strong> in Swahili/Somali via SEY 250 kW / 285 deg to EaAF<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 2)<br />

9885 swtiching to 9520 at 1<strong>05</strong>9 UT; all I can hear on the latter fq. is<br />

some VoA prgr in En, but haven't looked for any data about site (Asian?)<br />

or schedule.<br />

15720 R. NZi, Rangitaiki, obs'ed on 23 Aug at 2100-2225 UT, English,<br />

news, sport. Trade Winds prgr, ID in Spanish only (!), nx about NZ, mx, nx<br />

again 2200, sport, Dateline Pacific; 35433, weak & fluttery by 2215.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />

NIGERIA 6089.9 R. Nigeria, Kaduna, audible on 25 Aug at 2235-2248 UT,<br />

Vernancular, talks; 54443, adjct QRM de DRM sig. + B on 6090 kHz.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />

No chance in Europe due of DRM noise on 6080-61<strong>05</strong> kHz range. wb.<br />

OMAN Radio Sultanate of Oman in Arabic again on SW. Monitored schedule:<br />

0400-0600 on 9515 SEB 100 kW / 320 deg to ME, co-ch CRI in Arabic<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>57<br />

0600-1400 on 13640 SEB 100 kW / 320 deg to ME<br />

2000-2200 on 13640 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu<br />

2200-2400 on 13640 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu, additional time to WeEu<br />

1400-1500 on 15140 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu in English<br />

1500-1800 on 15140 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu, co-ch AIR in Russian<br />

1615-1715<br />

1800-2000 on 15140 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu, additional time to WeEu<br />

1400-1800 on 15375 SEB 100 kW / 240 deg to EaAf<br />

Registered, but not active freqs:<br />

0200-0400 on 6085 SEB 100 kW / 320 deg to ME<br />

2000-2400 on 6085 SEB 100 kW / 240 deg to EaAf<br />

1800-2000 on 6190 SEB 100 kW / 240 deg to EaAf<br />

0000-0200 on 9760 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu<br />

0200-0400 on 15355 THU 100 kW / 220 deg to SoAf<br />

1800-2000 on 15355 THU 100 kW / 220 deg to SoAf<br />

2200-2400 on 15355 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu<br />

0400-0600 on 17590 THU 100 kW / 220 deg to SoAf<br />

0600-1000 on 17630 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 2)<br />

PARAGUAY 9737 R. Nac. Asuncion 2141 OM SS w/ID. Lots of talk some MX.<br />

Somewhat poor, 21111, but audible. My first Paraguay and my first log into<br />

Hard-core-dx. Hope it is ok? Hi Glenn, it has been a long time.<br />

(Jerry Ervine-TX-USA, hcdx Sep 8)

PERU 6520.36 Radio Paucartambo, Paucartambo, at 1012+ UT on August 30,<br />

Spanish/Quechua, greetings and local advs. by male, huaynos, 24432.<br />

(Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 3)<br />

4751.77 Radio Huanta Dos Mil at 1040 UT operating on alternative<br />

frequency, Musica Latina. (Rob Wilkner-USA, JPNpremium, Aug 31)<br />

6020.2 R. Victoria, Lima, audible on 26 Aug at 0931-f/out 1025,<br />

Portuguese, preacher, Spanish at 1000, talks; 13441, QRM de R. Ne<strong>der</strong>lands<br />

via ATN.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />

RUSSIA CLANDESTINE (Eritrean) 12130 Voice of Delina via TDP-Armavia.<br />

Full data Prepared QSL Cards, signed, for my Postal rpt to their<br />

California address. Reply in 12 days. Report sent to this address: Tesfa<br />

Delina Foundation, 17326 Road, A-230 Cerritos, California. 90703 v/s<br />

illegible. (Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 4)<br />

7300 on Sep 2nd, at *2200-2220 UT. R. VATICANA - Irkutsk-RUS, Chinese,<br />

meditations OM/YL. QRM REE 7275 kHz!!! From this tx site 'til Sept 3rd.<br />

Poor/Fair. (Fiora-I, JPNpremium, Sep 9)<br />

Til Sept 4th: IRK-RUS 250kW 152deg, from Sept 5th: SMG-VAT 500kW 55deg<br />

to zone 44.<br />

RWANDA 6<strong>05</strong>5 R. Rwanda, Kigali, noted on 25 Aug at 2<strong>05</strong>1-2100* UT,<br />

Vernancular, few talks, pops, anns. in several langs. incl. English;<br />

54433.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />

SAINT HELENA Further information from Robert Kipp in Germany regarding<br />

Radio St. Helena: What do you think of the chances of getting St. Helena<br />

back on SW? Well, we are trying. There is no TX available at present, but<br />

I am trying to clarify that point. The old antenna MAY still be there, but<br />

I need to clarify that also. Then again, it might be better to buy and<br />

modify a 100 Watt / 200 Watt Ham TX and also a GOOD 1500 Watt linear<br />

amplifier (modified to TX on 11092.5 kHz).<br />

The TX / Amp would have to hold up to 4 or more hours of continuous USB<br />

operation. This equipment would have to work on 240 VAC / 50 Hz mains<br />

power. If that all came true, then it would be great to have a 3-element<br />

(not more; the gain is important but not the directivity) (monoband?) beam<br />

for 11092.5 kHz (perhaps from "Force 10"; St. Helena is subject to some<br />

severe storms now and then).<br />

I am NOT sure where the beam could be mounted (crank-up mast needed??) OR<br />

how far the antenna would be from the TX (would 50 meters of 1/2 inch<br />

hardline with N-connectors be sufficient)?? I "assume" that Cable &<br />

Wireless would provide us with power and a place to put all this<br />

equipment, IFFFF we can get a station together. So, as you can see,<br />

*everything* is up in the air at present. Hope?? Well, yes, we still have<br />

some.<br />

Many thanks for your help. Cheers, Robert Kipp.<br />

(via Rich D'Angelo-USA, NASWA Flashsheet, dxld Sept 4)<br />

SOLOMON ISLDS 5019.9 SI<strong>BC</strong> religious message at 1127 UT, into island mx,<br />

surprised and pleased by the signal strength 23 August, 0930 om at<br />

threshold level -1 September, 1010 sports program in progress with poor<br />

signal 3 Sept.<br />

(Rob Wilkner-USA, JPNpremium, Sep 9)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA 11690 R Okapi via Meyerton-AFS. On Sep 1 at <strong>05</strong>33-<strong>05</strong>59* UT.<br />

33332-33433 French, Talk, SJ at <strong>05</strong>54, Music, <strong>05</strong>59 sign off.

11890 R Okapi via Meyerton Sep 6 at *1600-1606 25332 French, 1600 sign on<br />

with SJ, ID at 1600, Talk. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 9)<br />

SPAIN SMP List: REE Prgr "Amigos de la Onda Corta" in Spanish is<br />

included in all FSces in Ar, Fr, Ge, Ru, En - for example on Aug 11th<br />

1750-1800 on 9665 in Ge prgr; 1720-1730 on 15325 in Ru prgr etc.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 1)<br />

SRI LANKA 11715 on Sep 7 at 1645- UT. SL<strong>BC</strong> Ekala. SL<strong>BC</strong> Ekala in Sinhala<br />

to Middle East noted here, x11775 kHz.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 7)<br />

My latest monitoring observation of SL<strong>BC</strong>, Sri Lanka shows that their Hindi<br />

and Tamil Services has now been reduced.<br />

7313 has been replaced by 7275 at 0030-0400 in Hindi, 0800-1230 to Asia in<br />

Kannada, Telegu, Malayalam & Tamil. The evening Hindi Service to Asia at<br />

1330-1530 on 7275, 119<strong>05</strong> is dropped. Tamil Service has been cut and now<br />

signs off at 1230 (ex 1330) on the above fqs. The Sinhala sce to Middle<br />

East is noted on 11715 at around 1530.<br />

(K.Raja, Chennai & Mr.B.L.Maohar, VU2UR, Bangalore-IND, via J.Jacobs-IND,<br />

<strong>DX</strong>india Sep 10)<br />

SURINAME 4990 R. Apintie, Paramaribo, vy. poorly audible on 25 Aug at<br />

2137-..., seemingly in Dutch, songs; 24331.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 9)<br />

SYRIA 9330 Radio Damascus on Sept 1 at 2039-2115 UT. 34333. Music<br />

program with Arabic songs. National Anthem at 2114 UT, then ID in English<br />

and news. Audio modulation was poor, but it get better around 2<strong>05</strong>0.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Sep 9)<br />

TAIWAN 15260 Hmong Lao Radio via Taiwan on Sep 07 at *0100-0111 UT.<br />

4443-44444 Laotian, 0100 sign on with flute's IS, Opening announce, Talk,<br />

Wed and Fri only.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 9)<br />

According to Chinese <strong>DX</strong>er Mr. Shifeng Zhang, Trans World Brodcasting<br />

Ministries has a Taiwan local web site at<br />

<br />

providing information both in traditional (for Tawian and Hong Kong) and<br />

simplified (for Chinese mainland) Chinese characters.<br />

They also have local E-mail addresses for Chinese audience<br />

and <br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 3)<br />

Please take a look at my homepage "Monthly SHORTWAVE"<br />

<br />

in which you can find the articles and photographs of Mr. Goonetilleke and<br />

Mr. David Baden visit to Ham Fair 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

I also attached the photograph of JSWC booth and JSWC members including<br />

myself. Some members and I are wearing RFA hats on the head !<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 3)<br />

TAJIKISTAN 7245 Radio Tajikistan on Sept 4 at 1640-1700 UT. 34433. Talk<br />

in Dari till 1644, then IS and ID in English as "This is Dushanbe, the<br />

capital of Republic of Tajikistan." Nx and mx followed. Arabic program<br />

from 1700 UT.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Sep 9)<br />

THAILAND 6765USB Bangkok Meteological Radio, on Sep 2 at 1208-1248 UT.

33333 Weather infomation in Thai and English.<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 9)<br />

TURKEY Freqs changes for TRT Voice of Turkey to WeEu/NoAm from Sep 4:<br />

2100-2155 Turkish NF 7300 EMR 500kW 325deg x9460 CAK 500 kW / 313deg<br />

2200-2255 English NF 7300 EMR 500kW 310deg x9830 EMR 500 kW / 310deg<br />

2300-0655 Turkish NF 7300 EMR 500kW 325deg x9460 CAK 500 kW / 313deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 2)<br />

USA Friday: 16<strong>05</strong> UT "Talk To America" by Kim Elliot ... This prgr is<br />

also on the air Mon-Fri from 09<strong>05</strong> & 11<strong>05</strong> UT on 9520, 152<strong>05</strong>, 17745 to Eur,<br />

ME, NoAF -both are repeats from 1600 UT edition.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 1)<br />

WWL relay on SW. New Orleans' WWL currently simulcast on SW. The New<br />

Orleans station WWL 870 is currently being simulcast on SW by WHRI. The<br />

tentative schedule, employing Here's what I hope is the correct UTC<br />

version:<br />

Monday 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 on 5835 kHz<br />

Tuesday-Friday <strong>05</strong>00-1100 on 5835 kHz, 1200-1400 on 11785 kHz, 1400-2000 on<br />

15285 kHz, 2200-2400 on 9840 kHz<br />

Saturday <strong>05</strong>00-1200 on 5835 kHz, 1400-1700 on 15285 kHz, 2300-2400 on 9840<br />

kHz, 2400-0200 and 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 on 5835 kHz<br />

Sunday <strong>05</strong>00-1200 on 5835 kHz, 1400-1700 and 1800-2200 on 15285 kHz<br />

a split feed from a 250 kW tx to two antennas to cover North America, is<br />

as follows:<br />

(dxld, WWL website, via RNW MN NL, Sep 5)<br />

URBONO was really messed up this morning, Sept 7 on 15285 via WHRI after<br />

1400 UT.<br />

Revised sked as shown on <br />

and converted to UTC (CDT+5) by JB (days as shown on website):<br />

Mon-Fri at <strong>05</strong>00-1100 on 5835, 1200-1400 on 11785, 1400-2000 ("interrupted<br />

10 am-1 pm [1500-1800 UTC] for maintenace, as required") on 15285, and<br />

2200-2400 on 9840.<br />

Sat at <strong>05</strong>00-1200 on 5835, 1400-1700 on 15285, 2300-2400 on 9840, and 0000-<br />

0200 & 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 on 5835.<br />

Sun at <strong>05</strong>00-1200 on 5835, 1400-1700 on 15285, 1800-2100 on 15285, and<br />

0200-<strong>05</strong>00 on 5835.<br />

(Jerry Berg-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 7)<br />

Via WRNMI. World of Radio<br />

Glenn Hauser <br />

<strong>DX</strong> program with nx about developments in radio, especially SW<br />

broadcasting. Broadcast Schedule: 2100-2130 UTC Saturday on 7385 kHz<br />

1400-1430 UTC Sunday on 7385 kHz. English.<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Party Line. HCJB - The Voice of the Andes <strong>DX</strong> Partyline<br />

Casilla 17-17-691 Quito, Ecuador<br />

<br />

<strong>DX</strong>ing is the hobby of SW or distance listening, and it is so much fun! How<br />

exciting it is to "catch" a station from far, far away! Get more out of<br />

this hobby by listening to the <strong>DX</strong> Partyline for <strong>DX</strong> tips, loggings, news,<br />

special features and more. Your host is Allen Graham. Broadcast Schedule:<br />

2130-2200 UTC Saturday on 7385 kHz 1330-1400 UTC Sunday on 7385 kHz,

English.<br />

Mundo Radial, by Glenn Hauser <br />

<br />

Esta es una version mensual en espanol del programa para diexistas "World<br />

of Radio." Horario de transmision: 2345-0000 UTC domingo 9955 kHz.<br />

Spanish.<br />

Viva Miami.Radio Miami International Viva Miami Radio Miami International<br />

175 Fontainebleau Blvd., Suite 1N4 Miami, Florida 33172 USA.<br />

Tel: +1-3<strong>05</strong>-559-9764 Fax: +1-3<strong>05</strong>-559-8186<br />

E-mail: <br />

Information, interviews, mx, <strong>DX</strong> news, letters from listeners and travel<br />

features. Program has both English and Spanish editions. Producer: Jeff<br />

White. Assistant Producer: Thais White.<br />

Broadcast Schedule: Saturday 2030-2100 UT on 7385 kHz. Sunday 2100-2130 UT<br />

on 7385 kHz. English/Spanish Regular program schedule is "un<strong>der</strong><br />

development."<br />

(via John Norfolk-USA, dxld Sep 5)<br />

My trip home from Kulpsville went by way of (or rather, way out of the way<br />

to) the WOR tx sites, new and old. The first section of tower is now up on<br />

the first of the three towers at the new site. And of COURSE I have<br />

pictures, now up at (Thanks to Tom's colleague Kerry<br />

Richards for a butt-rattling ride to the new site...)<br />

(Scott Fybush-NY, ibid.)<br />

Our NEW YORK nx kicks off with a brand-new tower - three of them, in fact!<br />

The steel is beginning to rise at WOR (710)'s new site in New Jersey's<br />

Meadowlands. The tower raising will continue through the next couple of<br />

months, according to CE Kerry Richards, and we promise you'll see lots of<br />

pictures right here, beginning with this batch from a visit on Sunday:<br />

[4 pix; see] <br />

What you're seeing here is the first completely new high-power AM site to<br />

be built in the New York area in almost 40 years. (WNEW, now WBBR, on 1130<br />

and WOR's existing plant on 710 both date to the late sixties.) Right now,<br />

just a couple of segments of one tower are up, but all the pieces for the<br />

first of three 560-foot towers (made by Indiana's Central Tower) are in<br />

place at the site just north of WOR's existing plant in Lyndhurst, N.J.<br />

The tx building's finished, too, and inside it two brand-new Harris 3<strong>DX</strong>50<br />

txs, along with a phasor, ATUs and other goodies await installation.<br />

The site itself sits perhaps half a mile north of the current WOR site,<br />

which is being taken for the construction of the huge Encap Golf project.<br />

The new WOR site sits on the edge of what will eventually be the golf<br />

course, on what will eventually be a major four-lane roadway running<br />

between Valley Brook Ave. (where the current WOR site is) and the Route 17<br />

frontage road, just south of Route 3. (It can also be seen clearly from<br />

the west spur of the New Jersey Turnpike.)<br />

(Scott Fybush, NE Radio Watch Sept 5 via dxld)<br />

Where's the new site vs. the old? It's less than a half-mile to the north,<br />

on reclaimed landfill that will soon be part of a big new development that<br />

will include a huge golf course. The construction of the golf course is<br />

what's taking the land where WOR now sits.<br />

(Scott Fybush, NRC-AM via dxld Sep 6)<br />

Actually, Scott, that land we are building on is virgin swamp land. Only<br />

the road into that area, originally built for fire protection, is made of<br />

trash, which will soon come out (original road is only 1-1/2 lanes at

est). The old site is being reclaimed for the golf course. Our present<br />

site is where the condos will be.<br />

(Thomas R. Ray, III, CPBE, KC2NTU, Vice President, Corporate Director of<br />

Engineering, Buckley Broadcasting/WOR Radio, Chairman, Society of<br />

Broadcast Engineers, Chapter 15, New York City, ibid. Sep 6)<br />



From 1st September Voice of Tibet starts two new SW radio txions<br />

broadcasting into India. The 30-minute-long programs contains unbiased nx<br />

and information in Tibetan lang only. The timings will be 1400-1430, 1530-<br />

1600 UT. Frequency will be 17550, which is (low) on 16 mb.<br />

"Since these two broadcasts targets the Tibetan exile community in India<br />

only, we hope and expect that the Chinese authorities will not attempt to<br />

interfere on these txions," says Oystein Alme at VOT administrative office<br />

in Norway. "Our txions into Tibet and China has faced severe jamming<br />

attempts by Chinese stations for many years now, thus badly affecting the<br />

availability of VOT's short wave txions also in India. That is why we want<br />

to provide a separate sce to the exile community in India."<br />

The Chinese authorities has for many years interfered on all foreign short<br />

wave broadcasts providing unbiased information into Tibet and China. VOT,<br />

VOA and RFA Tibetan and Chinese sces are facing the same, along with<br />

several others. "Control over the media and access to information is<br />

tighter in China and Tibet than anywhere else in the world, but it will<br />

mark a new turn if they also start blocking txions aimed at listeners in<br />

India only," says Oystein Alme.<br />

"Maybe I am too optimistic, but I can not see China going so far at this<br />

stage. With the Olympics in Beijing 2008 and their attempts to improve<br />

their international image, I can hardly see them wanting to further harm<br />

their international profile.<br />

"We will follow the txions closely, and hope that many listeners in India<br />

will tune to 17550 kHz at 7:30 and 9 pm (Indian time) in the evenings. It<br />

would also be of great interest and importance to us if the listeners<br />

could write us about the signal in their area.<br />

We also hope they will write us feedback on the contents and profile of<br />

the programs. Such feedback can be sent by e-mail to:<br />

<br />

VOT's programs are also available in mp3 format on the internet at:<br />

<br />

Contact persons:<br />

Mr. Karma Yeshi, VOT Editor-in-Chief: <br />

tel: +91 1892 2 26471 / 22384 - mobile: +91 94 1804 3890<br />

For English lang media also Mr. Oystein Alme, VOT adm. director, can be<br />

contacted:<br />

- tel: +47 22111209 - mobile: +47 99378097<br />

(via Jaisakthivel-IND, dxld Sep 4)<br />

VENEZUELA [non]/CUBA Eine freudige Ueberraschung: heute erreichten mich<br />

nach 77 Tagen Laufzeit ein schoenes QSL-Blatt und zwei Sticker von RN<br />

Venezuela (13680 kHz). Mein Bericht ging direkt nach Venezuela. Die<br />

heutige Antwort kam von Cesar Mendez M., 7<strong>05</strong> NW 111 C.T., Ap. No.8, Miami,<br />

Florida 33172, USA. (Juergen Waga-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 7)<br />


Have been adjusting to my new RX340. It certainly is an impressive looking<br />

set and the performance is also nothing less than outstanding. It's a<br />

radical departure from my JRC sets (NRD535D and NRD545). I had always<br />

thought the JRCs were excellent but they do not compare to the Ten-Tec<br />

receiver. Almost all the stations I heard before are now heard with much<br />

stronger reception. Tuning through the bands I now note a number of<br />

stations that in the past never got above the threshold level, but now I<br />

am able to make out program details. Of course I am still learning the<br />

ins-and-outs of the various filters but it is basically an easy set to get<br />

the feel for. True, it is expensive, but after trading in both JRCs to<br />

Universal Radio, it was not all that bad. The only negative thing I can<br />

say about the RX340 is that it makes me want to stay up all night, EVERY<br />

NIGHT, and enjoy the reception, which is just not possible. Maybe when I<br />

retire, hi.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, Sept NASWA Journal via dxld Sep 4)<br />


Ramadan - First day: Oct 4 20<strong>05</strong>; last day: Nov 2 (or maybe Nov 3) 20<strong>05</strong><br />

<br />

Many stations in the Islamic areas of the world have special schedules<br />

during Ramadan. Often they operate 24/7 so increasing the chance for <strong>DX</strong>ers<br />

to hear them.<br />

(Steve Whitt, MWC via dxld Sep 9)<br />

Date differs between PHL, EaINS in the East, and MRC in WeAF.<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 728 19 Sep 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

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Extracts of items sourced to E<strong>DX</strong>P may be further reproduced but only by<br />

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!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews. !!!<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio<br />

may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all<br />

stages, from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting<br />

are made available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

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Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only<br />

with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our<br />

WW<strong>DX</strong>C WWW homepage-German AG<strong>DX</strong> Club-direct address:<br />

<br />

or via Link of Homepage: <br />

Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

AFGHANISTAN As a part of the $550 million reconstruction assistance<br />

provided by New Delhi to Kabul, India has set up a new earth station at<br />

the Afghanistan Radio and TV Centre here and provided a free transpon<strong>der</strong><br />

on the INSAT-3-A to transmit Kabul TV signals to 10 provincial TV centres<br />

where Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Ltd. (BECIL) have installed<br />

downlink facilities.<br />

The remaining 23 provinces will soon get the facility with the completion<br />

of the downlink set up as a part of the $550 million reconstruction<br />

assistance provided by India to Afghanistan.<br />

"Uplink and downlink facilities executed by India will bring the country<br />

together like nothing before," said Abdul Rehman Panjshiri, director of<br />

international relations at the Afghan Radio and TV.<br />

"The 100-kW short-wave tx with seven antennas being installed by India at<br />

Yakatoot in Kabul is being completed this month. It will enable Kabul<br />

Radio programmes to be heard in South East Asia, South Asia, Africa and<br />

Europe.<br />

Full report at:<br />

<br />

(By Gurin<strong>der</strong> Randhawa, Kabul-AFG. via Alokesh Gupta-IND, dxld Sep 13)<br />

The Indo-Asian Nx sce quotes Abdul Rehman Panjshiri, director of

international relations at the Afghan Radio and TV, as saying that "The<br />

100 kW SW tx with seven antennas being installed by India at Yakatoot in<br />

Kabul is being completed this month. It will enable Kabul Radio programmes<br />

to be heard in South East Asia, South Asia, Africa and Europe. The people<br />

in remote areas in Afghanistan who remain cut off during the harsh winter<br />

months will now be able to follow the happenings in Kabul and other areas<br />

of the country through the programmes beamed on this SW tx."<br />

(RN MN NL via dxld Sep 13)<br />

ALBANIA VOA Croatian heard on 1395 kHz instead, on Sept 3rd. Nominal on<br />

1458 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 VOA CROA DUR 500 kW 338deg<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 3)<br />

ANGOLA 4950 R Nacional de Angola - Canal "A", Mulenvos, noted with fair<br />

signal on 17 Sep at 2235-2254 UT, Portuguese, mx prgr "Discolandia";<br />

45433. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

ARGENTINA 6060 R Nacional, B.Aires, 17 Sep at 2118-2128, f/ball infos &<br />

match report, advertisements for Loto Cinco and Ticket Doctor; 33442, adj.<br />

QRM; // 15345.1 kHz vy. strong<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

15345.08v, R. Nacional, on Sept 10 at 2308-2348 UT, "National Futbo" prgm<br />

with sports coverage in SP, numerous R. Nacional ID's, adv., fair-good.<br />

Noted Sept 15 on 15344.56v at 2230 UT.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 18)<br />

ARGENTINA ANTARCTICA 15476 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base<br />

Antartica Esperanza, at 2020-2035 UT on September 12, Spanish, long talk<br />

about the 19th century national lea<strong>der</strong> Domingo Faustino Sarmiento.<br />

Announcement and ID as: "Saludamos a todos los que sintonizan la<br />

frecuencia de 15476 kHz ... LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel,<br />

desde la Base Esperanza, de la Antartida Argentina". 35443.<br />

(Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 17)<br />

ARMENIA on 4810 kHz s/on at 0150 UT and prgr in Armenian // MW 1395 and<br />

also from 0200 UT but on 9965 kHz another prgr in Armenian, followed by<br />

prgr in Spanish at 0230 UT. 0100-0200 on MW 864 kHz ID "Radio Azadi" //<br />

9760 (Tajik? in schedules is Uzbek); 0200-0300 UT 864 // 9555 in Turkmen;<br />

0330-0400 UT on 4810 PRA in Persian (Sep 5-7).<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 18)<br />

ASCENSION ISL 11965, Star Radio (via Ascension), partial-data (fqy and<br />

time) card and form ltr in 21 days for 1 IRC to the Swiss office.<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 18)<br />

AUSTRALIA 15390 HCJB Kununurra was heard September 9 at 1510 UT to<br />

closing time 1530 UT with very nice S9 reception on 15390 kHz. I liked the<br />

programme "Asia Focus".Their web-site tells, that they broadcast to South<br />

Asia (Indian subcontinent, INS) with 100 kW of power 1430-1600 UTC, but<br />

their closure time was 1530 UTC. Web-site of HCJB is never up-to-date.<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, RUSdxsignal Sep 10)<br />

Updated schedule for HCJB Australia (by freqs):<br />

11750 KNX <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 120 deg to SoPac<br />

0700-0900 English Daily, strong co-ch TRT/Voice of Turkey in Turkish<br />

15390 KNX 100 kW / 307 deg to SoAs:<br />

1430-1530 English Daily, strong co-ch UNID (CNR?) in Chinese from 1500<br />

154<strong>05</strong> KNX 100 kW / 307 deg to SoEaAs:<br />

0030-0045 Nepali Daily<br />

0045-0100 Chattisgarhi Sun<br />

0045-0100 Bangla Mon-Sat

0100-0115 English Sun<br />

0100-0115 Chattisgarhi Sat/Mon<br />

0100-0115 Bhojpuri Tue<br />

0100-0115 Tamil Wed<br />

0100-0115 Marwari Thu<br />

0100-0115 Marathi Fri<br />

0115-0130 Hindi Daily<br />

0130-0200 English Daily<br />

0200-0230 English Sun<br />

0200-0230 Urdu Mon-Sat<br />

154<strong>05</strong> KNX 100 kW / 307 deg to SoAs:<br />

1300-1315 English Sun<br />

1300-1315 Chattisgarhi Sat/Mon<br />

1300-1315 Bhojpuri Tue<br />

1300-1315 Tamil Wed<br />

1300-1315 Marwari Thu<br />

1300-1315 Marathi Fri<br />

1315-1330 Hindi Daily<br />

1330-1400 English Sun<br />

1330-1400 Urdu Mon-Sat<br />

1400-1430 English Daily<br />

15425 KNX 100 kW / 340 deg to EaAs:<br />

1000-1030 Cantonese Daily<br />

1030-1130 English Daily<br />

15425*KNX 100 kW / 307 deg to SoEaAs:<br />

1130-1200 English Daily<br />

1200-1230 INSn Daily, strong co-ch B<strong>BC</strong> in French<br />

1230-1245 Nepali Daily, strong co-ch B<strong>BC</strong> English by Radio in French<br />

1245-1300 Hindi Sun<br />

1245-1300 Bangla Mon-Sat<br />

15525 KNX 100 kW / 340 deg to EaAs:<br />

2230-2300 English Sun<br />

2230-2300 Mandarin Mon-Sat<br />

2300-2400 Mandarin Daily<br />

0000-0030 English Daily<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Party Line - New schedule:<br />

Sat 0730-0800 on 11750 to SoPac (ex 0830-0900)<br />

Sat 1030-1100 on 15425 to EaAs (ex 1200-1230)<br />

Sat 1430-1500 on 15390 to SoAs (ex 1500-1530)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 13)<br />

HCJB Australia - The Voice of the Great Southland, 154<strong>05</strong> kHz at Sept 17,<br />

20<strong>05</strong>, 14:00-14:29:40* UTC, nice signal (43333), programme about Christian<br />

mx bands. Just before c/d freq change annoucement. Returned to 15390 kHz:<br />

s/on 14:29:55, ID and opening ann. of <strong>DX</strong> Partyline, 43443 with a het.<br />

(Eike Bierwirth-D, hcdx Sep 19)<br />

AZERBAIJAN 549, Azerbaijan Radio, 10 Sep, 0101, SINPO 23432. Start of<br />

day's broadcasting: anthem, clear ID "Azerbaijan Radiosu ...<br />

kilohertz ...".<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, RUSdxsignal Sep 10)<br />

BAHRAIN/IRAN [and non] 9133 kHz (USB), on 3 Sep at 2315 UT, an Arabic-<br />

speaking station, annts between songs. Where does the signal come from?<br />

Heard it then 4 Sep in the morning, up to the fade-out at about 0400 UT.<br />

(open_dx - Alexan<strong>der</strong> Yegorov-UKR, RUSdxsignal Sep 10)<br />

That's Bahrain, Coalition Maritime Forces Radio One. (Ed.)

Coalition Maritime Radio One was heard today September 7 at 1610-1635 UTC<br />

on 9133 kHz USB. Reception varied a lot, being good to poor. Station<br />

played mx from the Middle East. From where does this txion originate? From<br />

a ship in Bahrain waters?<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, RUSdxsignal Sep 10)<br />

9135 kHz IRIB um 2107 UTC mit dem arabischsprachigen Programm. Um 2114 UTC<br />

klare ID "Sawt al jumuhiriya till islamiya fi Iran". s/off 2127 UTC.<br />

SINPO: 24332. Auf jeden Fall eine merkwuerdige Frequenz.<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 16)<br />

WB: ?? Gibt es einen Zusammenhang mit dem genauso dubiosen US<br />

Propagandasen<strong>der</strong> "Coalition Maritime Forces" auf 9133 kHz aus Manama<br />

Bahrain Hafen ??<br />

PR: Vorstellbar waere es. Allerdings hab ich CMF schon laenger nicht mehr<br />

gehoert, und auch keine Logs gesehen.<br />

WB: Als Jamming <strong>der</strong> persischen Sicherheitsdienste wuerde ja <strong>der</strong> Zugriff<br />

auf das Arabisch Programm von IRIB Sinn machen, das alles mit mit 2 kHz<br />

Versatz. Damit sind die Amis im Persischen Golf und Indischen Ozean<br />

zugedeckt.<br />

PR: Die Staerke (o<strong>der</strong> besser gesagt die Schwaeche) des Signals ist ja doch<br />

eher ungewoehnlich fuer IRIB, daher hatte ich Anfangs auch an irgendeine<br />

Clandestine-Station gedacht, bis ich die ID hoerte. Ich wollte ja auch<br />

nach // Freqs suchen, aber offiziell wird zu dieser Zeit nur auf <strong>der</strong> MW in<br />

Ar gesendet, und da war lei<strong>der</strong> nix zu hoeren.<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 16)<br />

9135/9133 should be checked against IRIB's Arabic sce:<br />

3985 1630-0330 39,40 MAS 500 0 ARABIC IRN IRB<br />

6025 1630-0330 37-39 MAS 500 255 ARABIC IRN IRB<br />

7285 1530-0330 38,39,47,48 MAS 500 238 ARABIC IRN IRB<br />

9935 1630-<strong>05</strong>30 37,38,39 SIR 500 295 ARABIC IRN IRB<br />

13790 0230-1430 38,39 KAM 500 178 ARABIC IRN IRB<br />

13800 0230-1430 38,39 ZAH 500 289 ARABIC IRN IRB<br />

15125 0330-1630 39 MAS 500 210 ARABIC IRN IRB<br />

15150 <strong>05</strong>30-1630 37,38,39 SIR 500 295 ARABIC IRN IRB<br />

BELARUS During several years already, Radio Hrodna transmits programs in<br />

Polish. They go out every Monday at 1500-1540 UT. SW freqs are 6040 and<br />

7110 kHz, 5 kW.<br />

Reports to Radio Hrodna can still be sent to my attention. You can write<br />

them in Russian, Belarussian, Polish or English. IRCs are required.<br />

Postal adr: Ul. Horkaha 85, 230015, Hrodna, Belarus.<br />

Chief Engineer Alexan<strong>der</strong> Bakursky also accepts reports sent to his e-mail<br />

(see it at ).<br />

(open_dx - Sergey Alekseychik, Hrodna-BLR, RUSdxsignal Sep 10)<br />

6040.0 // 7110, Belaruskaje R 1, Hrodna, at 1430-1600 on Mon Aug 29, 1430<br />

sports nx in Belarusian heard // Minsk 6115, 1500-1535 nx and speeches in<br />

Polish mentioning President Alexan<strong>der</strong> Lukasjenko, not // 6115, 1535-1600<br />

Belarusian programme of local pop songs // 6115, 45444 (6040) and 44444<br />

(7110). (Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Sep 11)<br />

7290, Radiostantsiya Belarus, on 3 Sep at 1915-1935 UT, SINPO 44444. Talk<br />

on anti-Belarus histeriya in Poland. Sked read at 1929 (7290 kHz wasn't<br />

even mentioned in it). German broadcast started at 1930. Weak signal, deep<br />

un<strong>der</strong> Voice of Vietnam, on 7280 kHz. 71<strong>05</strong> kHz came weak as well, but there<br />

were no co-channels. (Dmitry Mezin-RUS, Sep 11)

BELGIUM Am 29. und 30. Oktober 20<strong>05</strong> treffen sich in Bruessel die<br />

Produzenten, Freunde und Geschaeftspartner <strong>der</strong> deutschsprachigen<br />

Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Internetportale, Radio- und Fernsehprogramme aus<br />

allen Erdteilen. Die Zusammenkunft gilt als groesstes internationales<br />

Treffen deutschsprachiger Medien. Zu den teilnehmenden Medien gehoeren<br />

unter an<strong>der</strong>em die Radiosen<strong>der</strong> Radio Vatikan, Radio Prag und Radio Schweden<br />

Ausserhalb des deutschen Sprachraums werden <strong>der</strong>zeit ueber 3.000<br />

deutschsprachige Medien fuer Auslandsdeutsche, Auslandsoesterreicher,<br />

Auslandsschweizer, Touristen, Geschaeftsreisende und Sprachschueler<br />

produziert.<br />

Die deutschsprachigen Auslandsmedien gelten mit einer taeglichen<br />

Reichweite von ueber 3 Mio. Menschen weltweit als die bedeutendsten<br />

Kulturbotschafter und Aussenhandelsfoer<strong>der</strong>er Deutschlands, Oesterreichs<br />

und <strong>der</strong> Schweiz.<br />

Auf dem Programm stehen unter an<strong>der</strong>em Praesentationen <strong>der</strong> Medien, eine<br />

Praktikumsboerse fuer Studenten, die bei deutschsprachigen Auslandsmedien<br />

Praktika absolvieren moechten, o<strong>der</strong> Hoerertreffen von Radiosen<strong>der</strong>n und<br />

Fach-Arbeitskreise fuer Medienmacher.Weitere Informationen zum<br />

Medientreffen in Bruessel findet man unter <br />

(Dorothee Lange <br />

via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Sep 15)<br />

BOLIVIA 4781.35, R. Tacana, recently hrd as unid. by Malm in Ecuador<br />

and, last month, by Tore B. Vik in Norway, this is R. Tacana, Tumupasa,<br />

Bolivia. S/off was 0200+ in one case, 0300+ in the other. Using a<br />

Sennheiser mb@30 headset I missed out on the ID in the most outrageous way<br />

when listening to Vik's clip. Now, with another headset, I can little<br />

problems in copying their s/off anmt: "Desde Tumupasa, provincia de<br />

Iturralde, en el departamento de La Paz, nace esta senal para unirnos en<br />

amor y esperanza. R. Tacana transmite en los 4780 MHz, banda de 60 metros<br />

onda corta." Yes, they said "MHz." The s/off theme, which is very popular<br />

with several other Bolivian stns, is "Ballade pour Adeline" played by<br />

Richard Clay<strong>der</strong>man. I am disposing of the Sennheiser headset now.<br />

(Klemetz-SWE, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 11)<br />

4796.4 R Mallku, Uyuni, noted vy. poor on 17 Sep at 2222-2231,<br />

Quechua/Spanish, talks; 24321, uty. QRM.<br />

5952.5 R.Pio XII, Siglo XX, noted on 16 Sep at 2304-2316 UT, Quechua,<br />

talks (news?), Indian tunes; 44433, adj. QRM.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

4904.96 Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, at 0954-0959 UT, September 16,<br />

Spanish, ID: "...en Radio San Miguel". Local and regional nx programme,<br />

24432.<br />

5967.85 Radio Nacional de Huanuni, Huanuni, at 1000-1006 UT, September 16,<br />

Spanish, andean mx, ID by female: "Nacional de Huanuni...", local advs in<br />

Spanish by male & female !: "Radiotaxis....", ann. & ID as: "...vamos con<br />

mas informaciones a traves de Radio Nacional", Nx abt Oruro. 43433.<br />

(Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 17)<br />

BOSNIA [SERBIA & MONTENEGRO] New limited schedule for International<br />

Radio of Serbia & Montenegro [BEO - Bijeljina Bosnia tx site] :<br />

1745-1758 Daily 6100 BEO 250 kW / non-dir Arabic to WeEu<br />

1800-1828 Daily 6100 BEO 250 kW / 040 deg Russian to RUS<br />

1830-1858 Daily 6100 BEO 250 kW / 310 deg English to WeEu<br />

1900-1928 Daily 7200*BEO 250 kW / 250 deg Spanish to SoEu<br />

1930-1958 Sun-Fri 6100 BEO 250 kW / 310 deg Serbian to WeEu<br />

1930-2028 Sat 6100#BEO 250 kW / 310 deg Serbian to WeEu<br />

2000-2028 Sun-Fri 6100#BEO 250 kW / 310 deg German to WeEu

2030-2<strong>05</strong>8 Daily 6100#BEO 250 kW / 310 deg French to WeEu<br />

*strong co-ch till 1926 CRI in Arabic via MSK 200 kW / 190 deg from Sep 4<br />

#stromg co-ch from 2000 AWR in French/Hausa via MEY 250 kW / 350 & 328 deg<br />

CANCELLED Services:<br />

Albanian/Bulgarian/Greek to Balkans.<br />

Chinese to East Asia<br />

HS-1 in Serbian/Hungarian to Europe<br />

English/Serbian to Australia and North America<br />

Spanish to South America<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

BOTSWANA Thomas Powell, VoA transmitting plant manager in Botswana,<br />

replied to my emailed reception report. Here is what he writes:<br />

From: "Thomas Powell" <br />

Good Morning from Botswana,<br />

Mr. Mezin, Please let everyone know in your radio community that the e-<br />

mail address you have for me is correct. Here in Botswana we try very hard<br />

to answer every reception received at this station. It is very nice for my<br />

technicians to know that the hard work they are doing is being received<br />

around th world. Please keep listening in.<br />

Best Regards from Botswana Tom Powell.<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, RUSdxsignal Sep 11)<br />

BRAZIL Their MW stns fading in shortly before 2100, with many ch's to be<br />

observed, and R.Continental Nova de Paz, Recife PE, 1379.9 kHz being the<br />

usual strongest stn.<br />

4815 R.Difusora, Londrina PR, 17 Sep at 2223-2233, talks, songs; 34321,<br />

uty. QRM.<br />

4825 R.Educadora, Braganca PA, 17 Sep at 2232-2242, pops; 45332.<br />

4915 R.difusora, Macapa AP, 18 Sep at 0810-f/out 0840, mx, IDs; 25432. At<br />

this time, the following were audible on 60 m: this B stn, AUS 4835 & 4910<br />

(5025 was covered by CUB), CUB 5025 and a pest USA stn using the band<br />

mainly for religious propaganda.<br />

5045 R.Guaruja Paulista, Sao Paulo SP, 17 Sep at 2243-..., songs, talks;<br />

24332, uty. QRM. No chance with their or other stns 90 m ch's this time.<br />

5969.8 R.Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, 16 Sep at 2310-..., interview,<br />

phone-ins; 33341, heterodyne with some UNID.<br />

5980.2 R.Guaruja, Florianopolis SC, 16 Sep at 2315-2324, f/ball match<br />

report; 33442.<br />

6000 R.Guaiba, Pto Alegre RS, 17 Sep at 2130-2132, f/ball, advts, infos;<br />

24441, adj. QRM. Clear 2130 after the VoRUS s/off, but RAI blocked the fq<br />

2132.<br />

6010.2 R.Inconfidencia, Belor Horizonte MG, 16 Sep at 2319-2329, start of<br />

match report; 33442, QRM de CLM.<br />

6020 R.Gaucha, Pt§ Alegre RS, 16 Sep at 2321-2333, talks on f/ball before<br />

relay of match; 34432, adj. QRM.<br />

6040 R.Club Paranaense, Curitiba PR, 17 Sep at 2120-2132, f/ball report,<br />

comments, results; 33442, QRM de BLR.<br />

61<strong>05</strong>.1 R.Cultura Filadelfia (tent), Foz do Iguacu PR, 17 Sep at 2115-2122,<br />

preaching; 23441, QRM de UNID airing Arab songs. This was not R.Cancao

Nova as I checked against the latter's 9675 outlet.<br />

6134.8 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 17 Sep at 2110-2120, religious prgr,<br />

songs, Bible passages, mx prgr "Sertao Sucesso"; 54433, adj. QRM, vy. good<br />

on // 9630.<br />

6150 R.Record, Sao Paulo SP, 17 Sep at 21<strong>05</strong>-2114, f/ball match report<br />

Corinthians vs. (...) (tent); 32441, adj. QRM.<br />

9504.8 R.Record, Sao Paulo SP, 16 Sep at 2223-2236, A Voz do Brasil news,<br />

part 2 at 2225; 44433, adj. QRM.<br />

9515 R.Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 14 Sep at 2117-2136, songs; 34443, adj.<br />

QRM only.<br />

9530 R.Nova Visao, Sta Ma RS, 16 Sep at 2226-2240, A Voz do Brasil with<br />

judicial nx till 2230 followed by Jornal do Senado at 2231; 44443, adj.<br />

QRM<br />

9565 R.Tupi, Curitiba PR, 16 Sep at 2230-2244, A Voz do Brasil with Jornal<br />

do Senado; 55433. Obs'ed the following morning too >>> 9565 R.Tupi,<br />

Curitiba PR, 17 Sep at 0845-1000 when blocked by CUB, religious prgr "A<br />

Voz da Libertacao"; 24443.<br />

9615 R.Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 16 Sep at 2234-2255, nx magazine "Atencao,<br />

Brasil!", fqs, prgr annts, e.g. for "Gramofone" and "Programa do<br />

Estudante"; 55444. Also obs'ed in the morning >>> 9615 R.Cultura, Sao<br />

Paulo SP, 17 Sep at 0840-f/out 0950, few talks, Braz. songs; 24432.<br />

9630 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 16 Sep at 2240-2254, A Voz do Brasil with<br />

nx from the chamber of fe<strong>der</strong>al deputies, then feed went dead for abt. 1<br />

min. which was noted occurring on other stns too; 55444. And also noted in<br />

the morning >>> 9630 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 17 Sep at 0924-f/out 1<strong>05</strong>5,<br />

"musica sertaneja", talks; 25433.<br />

9645 R.Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 16 Sep at 2243-..., talks on football<br />

(no VdoB); 33432, adj. QRM.<br />

9675 R.Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 16 Sep at 2245-2200, A Voz do<br />

brasil with education, economy & agriculture news; 55444.<br />

9725 R.Club Paranaense, Curitiba PR, 16 Sep at 2247-2200, A Voz do Brasil;<br />

44433, QRM de CTR (University Network, Cahuita, rated 54433 via the<br />

CeAm/Caribb. Beverage).<br />

11725 R.Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 17 Sep at 2037-2102 (did not s/off at<br />

2100 this day), religious prgr, songs, continuing after the hour, but I've<br />

already observed them closing at 2100, so either variable or closes 2100<br />

on certain days only; 54444, QRM de NZL rtd. 54444 via another aerial<br />

(s/off 2<strong>05</strong>8).<br />

(all 26 de Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

15325 Radio Gazeta, Sao Paulo, SP, at 1035-1040 UT, September 16,<br />

Portuguese, ID: "Radio Gazeta!!!...", ann. sports programme. Ann.: "Jornal<br />

... en primer lugar ..." Nx programme. 24422.<br />

(Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 17)<br />

BULGARIA [?] 648, 10 Sep, 0109 UT, SINPO 22411. Classical piano mx,<br />

heard rather weak un<strong>der</strong> Iran. At 0113 there were applauses, and after that<br />

a talk in one of Slavic langs followed. Too weak to identify - I was even<br />

unable to make any conclusion about the lang.<br />

I guess that was Bulgaria, 30 kW tx in Plovdiv (listed as carrying Christo<br />

Botev program and regional broadcasts). Another option might be Radio

Murski Val in Slovenia, but it has less power (10 kW), and larger distance<br />

from my listening point.<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, RUSdxsignal Sep 10)<br />

CANADA/SWEDEN New DRM Tests to Europe. Through the courtesy of Radio<br />

Canada International, starting Sept. 12th Radio Sweden will be testing in<br />

DRM from Sackville to Europe in English on 15120 kHz at 1815-1845 UTC.<br />

The test txions will last for at least 4 days<br />

More: <br />

(George Wood-SWE, dxld Sep 11)<br />

Nothing could be heard on 15120 kHz in DRM mode tonight at Stuttgart<br />

49North. 1815-1845 UT, via Sackville-CAN. Better signals on 15435 DW Sines<br />

and 7465 B<strong>BC</strong>WS Kvitsoe, S/N 17 to 23 dB at same time.<br />

DREAM software couldn't decode DRM signal from Sackville on subsequent<br />

days.<br />

Signal seems suffering here in southern Germany. I fear DRM is a single-<br />

hop mode happening only. (wb.)<br />

DRM test at 1815-1845 on 15120 from Sackville: As if there wasn't enough<br />

noise on the bands already, this DRM signal is really eating up the<br />

bandwidth. I can't hear anything from 15112.78 to 15124.68 kHz. It's very<br />

alarming to think that someday just a few of these DRM signals could cover<br />

the entire band they are on.<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, dxld Sep 14)<br />

Radio Sweden is currently conducting DRM tests from Sackville (Canada) to<br />

Europe in English on 15120 kHz at 1815-1845 UT. The station says it has<br />

received reports of good reception from different parts of Germany, and as<br />

far away as Athens. The tests, which started on Monday, were originally<br />

planned for four days, but may be extended because propagation conditions<br />

have worsened temporarily due to the effects of Sunspot 798.<br />

(RNW MN NL Sept 14)<br />

CHAD 6165 Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne; N'djamena-Gredia, on<br />

Sep. 13 at 2017-2025 UT, Very nice signal on top of Croatian Radio. Male<br />

speaker in French, Afropop. Full ID at 2020 UT. 43444.<br />

(Mark Veldhuis-HOL, dswci Sep 14)<br />

6165 Rd. Nationale Tchadienne, N'Djamena, vy. strong despite the usual co-<br />

ch. QRM de HRV, on 17 Sep at 2<strong>05</strong>1-2109 UT, African songs; 53443, better on<br />

SSB. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

CHINA 4460, China National Radio 1, Beijing, 21 Aug, 2029, SINPO 45444.<br />

Chinese traditional mx.<br />

4750, Qinhai PBS, Xian, 21 Aug, 20<strong>05</strong>, in Chinese, SINPO 32432. QRM by<br />

various utilities.<br />

4800, China National Radio 1, Geermu, Qinhai, 21 Aug, 2007, in Chinese,<br />

SINPO 45444. Can anybody help me with the exact location of Geermu - I'm<br />

not able to find it on the map.<br />

[GEM Geermu CHN 36N24 094E59]<br />

4820, Tibet PBS, Lhasa, 21 Aug, 2009, SINPO 45444. Chinese traditional mx.<br />

(Alexan<strong>der</strong> Beryozkin-RUS, RUSdxsignal Sep 10)<br />

Xizang People's Broadcasting Station, Lhasa played beautiful instrumental<br />

Tibetan mx. Heard from 1710 UTC till the close down at 1730 UTC on 4820<br />

kHz. Only slight QRM by AIR Kolkata.

Central People's Broadcasting Station, Geermu signed off at 1732 UTC on<br />

4800. Some QRM by AIR Hy<strong>der</strong>abad. (Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, RUSdxsignal Sep 10)<br />

(to China/Tibet) Mx jammer Sep 7 at 1200 UT on 17560, again 1358 UT on<br />

17565 kHz. But Tibetan from V.O.Tibet in the clear with no jamming noticed<br />

1408-1417+ UT on 17553 kHz, weak at first but became fair. On 17553 kHz<br />

Sep 8 Tibetan at 1507-1518* UT, again no jamming.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 14)<br />

7280 VoStraing (tent), Fuzhou, heard on 18 Sep at 0911-f/out 0950, Amoy /<br />

Hakka (as listed), talks; 25432.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

3280 & 4950, Voice of Pujiang, Shanghai, no-data ltr in 2 mos. for a<br />

logging from Vietnam. No other enclosures, although the ltr said radio and<br />

TV skeds were included.<br />

(Craighead-KS-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 18)<br />

(Tibet): Mit dem 1. September 20<strong>05</strong> hat die Voice of Tibet, die als Stimme<br />

<strong>der</strong> Exilgemeinde fungiert, mit zwei neuen Kurzwellensendungen begonnen.<br />

Die halbstuendigen Programme werden 1400-1430 und 1530-1600 Uhr auf 17550<br />

kHz ausgestrahlt. "Da die beiden Sendungen fuer die Tibeter in Indien<br />

bestimmt sind, hoffen und erwarten wir, das die chinesischen Behoerden<br />

diese Sendungen nicht stoeren werden" sagt Oystein Alme vom Buero <strong>der</strong><br />

Stimme Tibets in Norwegen. "Unsere Sendungen fuer Tibet und China werden<br />

seit Jahren massiv von <strong>der</strong> Regierung gestoert, was die Hoerbarkeit auch in<br />

Indien beeintraechtigt. Deshalb wollen wir jetzt ein eigenes Programm fuer<br />

die Exilgemeinde in Indien anbieten." Angesichts <strong>der</strong> Imagekampagne, die<br />

mit den Olympischen Spielen 2008 verfolgt werde, werde die Regierung<br />

hoffentlich nicht so weit gehen und Sendungen, die nicht fuer China,<br />

son<strong>der</strong>n fuer Indien bestimmt sind, mit Stoersendungen belegen.<br />

Ob dies ein frommer Wunsch o<strong>der</strong> ein gut angelegter Oeffentlichkeitscoup<br />

ist, muss dahingestellt bleiben. Die chinesische Regierung laesst seit<br />

langem missliebige Kurzwellensendungen aus dem Ausland stoeren. Betroffen<br />

sind zum Beispiel die Voice of America und Radio Free Asia in Chinesisch<br />

und Tibetisch. Da auch Sendungen von All India Radio in Tibetisch mit<br />

Stoersendungen belegt wurden, hat China in dieser Hinsicht die Beziehungen<br />

ebenfalls schon belastet. Tibeter mit Zugang zum Internet koennen die<br />

Programme <strong>der</strong> VOT auch als mp3-files bei abrufen.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Sep 15)<br />

COLOMBIA 5910 VL de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, heard on 15 Sep at 2231-<br />

2246, Spanish, songs; 45343; 6010.2 not //.<br />

6035 VL del Guaviare, San Jose del Guaviare, audible on 15 Sep at 223-<br />

2242, Spanish, advts, mx, infos; 34342, adj. QRM.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

COSTA RICA University Network Radio in English at 0412 UTC with song of<br />

Elvis Presley was heard on 5030 kHz // 5755, 5935, 6150 (here the<br />

strongest signal), 7375 and 9725 kHz. (Sep 5)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 18)<br />

CUBA 5025 R Rebelde, Bauta, observed on 15 Sep at 2121-2236 UT, Spanish,<br />

mx, TCs, sl. "Rebelde, La Habana - la emisora de la revolucion", IS prior<br />

to news bulletin 2230 UT; 45343. Nicely heard mornings till around 0900<br />

UT.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

5<strong>05</strong>5.0, RHC, on Sept 16 at 0219-0336 UT. Not heard on Sept 17, but Sept 18<br />

on again at 0147-0230 UT. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 18)<br />

5<strong>05</strong>5 RHC, at 0219-0336 UT on Sep 16, SP prgmng, 0236-0258 UT speech by

Presidente de la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela, ments. of the<br />

economy, terrorism, the American President, Washington, etc., fair-good.<br />

What are they doing here? A quick check found Rebelde on 5025 with what<br />

seemed their usual prgmng, not //. Did not check other fqys for //. TIFC<br />

was not hrd on 5<strong>05</strong>4.6; usually I note TIFC later, about 0800-0900, with a<br />

good carrier but almost no audio recently. They certainly will not have<br />

much of a chance if RHC stays here. Not hrd on Sep 17, but Sep 18 on again<br />

at 0147-0230.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 18)<br />

0017+ Sep 18, Spanish, M&W with nx, IDs, // 6000. Fair with hum. Nice of<br />

RHC to pick this fqy weeks after Faro del Caribe reactivated it. What<br />

gives? Tnx Ron Howard tip.<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 18)<br />

"En Contacto" Por RHC Radio Habana Cuba Dedicado a los oyentes de las<br />

ondas cortas, Diexistas y Radioaficionados con Manolo de la Rosa y Malena<br />

Negrin, con intervenciones periodicas de Ignacio Canel y Arnaldo Coro.<br />


Domingos 1335 por OC (6000, 9550, 11760, 11800, 12000 y 15230 kHz.)<br />

Lunes [UTC] 0135 por OC (5965, 6060, 6140, 9600, 11760 y 15230 kHz.)<br />

Tambien por Internet: <br />

Programa "En Contacto" Radio Habana Cuba Apartado Postal 6240 La Habana,<br />

Cuba. E-mail: <br />

(Dino Bloise-FL-USA, dxld Sep 18)<br />

Tambien debe aparecer en las frecuecias habituales alrededor de las 2150 o<br />

2155 de los domingos. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Sep 18)<br />

DENMARK Danish public broadcaster Danmarks Radio (DR) has announced that<br />

it is to reduce its budget by 95 million kroner over the next two years.<br />

Approx 100 jobs will be cut, mostly through voluntary retirement. However,<br />

the budget cuts also mean that the nx in English and five other foreign<br />

langs on radio, Internet, teletext and via telephone will end. The new<br />

Managing Director of DR, Kenneth Plumber, said at a press conference that<br />

DR will still spend more on programming next year than this year. The<br />

financial crisis affecting DR has been caused by the late-running and<br />

heavily over-budget construction of a new HQ building, due to open next<br />

year.<br />

(RN MN NL via Steve Whitt, Sept 9, MWC)<br />

It was also decided that the LW and MW txs in Kalundborg would be closed<br />

down - and so DR will stop using 243 and 1062 kHz.<br />

The final decision on such a closure must however be taken by the Ministry<br />

of Culture. Currently DR is obliged to use LW and MW. A decision on the<br />

closure of the txs in Kalundborg will probably take effect as of <strong>Jan</strong>uary<br />

1st 2007.<br />

The foreign lang sces (in English, Arabic, Serbo-Croatian, Somali, Urdu<br />

and Turkish) will be terminated by the end of December 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

I was the only board-member to vote against these cuts. Too bad :-(<br />

(Stig Hartvig Nielsen-DEN, ibid. dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Sep 11)<br />

Danmarks Radio stellt AM-Ausstrahlung ein.<br />

*Danmarks Radio streicht AM-Sendungen*. Der Rundfunkrat von Danmarks Radio<br />

hat nach Angaben von dessen Mitglied Stig Hartvig Nielsen beschlossen, auf<br />

eine weitere Nutzung <strong>der</strong> Mittel- und Langwellensen<strong>der</strong> in Kalundborg zu<br />

verzichten. Darueber berichtet das Medienmagazin des Rundfunks Berlin-<br />

Brandenburg in seiner Online-Ausgabe. Die Stilllegung <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong>, fuer die<br />

<strong>der</strong> 31. Dezember 2006 als moeglicher Termin genannt wurde, bedarf<br />

allerdings noch <strong>der</strong> Zustimmung des daenischen Kulturministeriums.

Bereits Ende Dezember 20<strong>05</strong> eingestellt werden die Nachrichten in Englisch,<br />

Arabisch, Urdu, Tuerkisch, Somali und Serbokroatisch, die fuer<br />

fremdsprachige Hoerer in Daenemark bestimmt sind und auf Mittelwelle 1062<br />

kHz laufen. Diese Entscheidungen fielen im Rahmen von Bemuehungen, in den<br />

kommenden beiden Jahren 95 Millionen Daenische Kronen einzusparen. Dabei<br />

sollen 100 Arbeitsplaetze abgebaut werden. Anlass fuer diese<br />

Sparmassnahmen sind finanzielle Schwierigkeiten, als <strong>der</strong>en massgebliche<br />

Ursache <strong>der</strong> gross angelegte Bau eines neuen Funkhauses gilt.<br />

Quelle: SatelliFAX vom 14.9.20<strong>05</strong>. (Marcel Goerke-D, MA-<strong>DX</strong> / ntt Sep 14)<br />

DJIBOUTI 4780, RTD, at 0332-0336 on Sep 17, AR, long talk by male in AR<br />

about Afghanistan, excelent quality rcpn, SINPO 35443.<br />

(Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 17)<br />

ECUADOR HCJB plans a just a few changes for B-<strong>05</strong>: 9745 in morning to<br />

Mexico, 1300-1500 will change to 11960; 11720 to Ams in Spanish 2300-0100<br />

moves to 11700 kHz.<br />

(Doug Weber, HCJB <strong>DX</strong> PL Sept 10, notes by Glenn Hauser for dxld Sep 13)<br />

And <strong>DX</strong> Parytline will soon be available for podcasting; see<br />

<br />

HCJB German sce not only announced that there will be no txion from Pifo<br />

to Europe (German to the Americas is not affected) in B<strong>05</strong> but also this:<br />

With a recently signed agreement HCJB has to dismantle the Pifo facilities<br />

within two years. No decision has been made yet if a new station elsewhere<br />

in Ecuador will be built. In the end this will depend on the financial<br />

situation of the mission. Also for this reason the txion to Europe has<br />

been cancelled for B<strong>05</strong> in or<strong>der</strong> to save money that otherwhise would have<br />

been spend on a tx not able to provide a reliable sce.<br />

Back in May a studio guest of Kim Elliot already explained that earlier<br />

hopes to continue at Pifo after dismantling the tallest towers have been<br />

crushed. Now it appears to be questionable if any substantial replacement<br />

for Pifo will be ever built.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 16)<br />

Radio HCJB Quito stellt am 29. Oktober 20<strong>05</strong> die deutsche Morgensendung aus<br />

Pifo ein. Dies gab Redaktionsleiter Horst Rosiak im <strong>DX</strong>-Programm am 10.<br />

September bekannt. Er begruendete diese mit den Kosten und den zu<br />

erwartenden Empfangsproblemen. Damit verbleibt im Winter nur die<br />

Abendsendung ueber T-Systems Juelich dann auf 3955 kHz.<br />

Aktuell sendet Radio HCJB Quito morgens <strong>05</strong>00-0600 UT auf 9780 kHz aus Pifo<br />

und 1700-1800 UT auf 6015 kHz aus Juelich. Da die Sendeanlage in <strong>der</strong><br />

Einflugschneise des neuen Grossflughafens von Quito liegt, hat Radio HCJB<br />

mit dem Abbau <strong>der</strong> Sendeanlage begonnen. Es ist jedoch unklar, wo und in<br />

welchem Umfang ein Ersatzstandort aufgebaut wird.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Sep 15)<br />

EGYPT Die Zukunft des aegyptischen Auslandsdienstes soll nach Angaben<br />

von Omar Bateesha auch weiterhin gesichert werden. Wie <strong>der</strong> Chef <strong>der</strong> Radio<br />

Division <strong>der</strong> ERTU in einem Interview mit <strong>der</strong> Zeitung Egypt Today betonte,<br />

werde er auch weiterhin fuer den Bestand <strong>der</strong> Auslandssendungen kaempfen.<br />

Bei seinem Dienstantritt habe er im Maerz 2001 Plaene vorgefunden, 25<br />

Fremdsprachen zu streichen und den Auslandsdienst von 71 auf 20<br />

Programmstunden taeglich zu kuerzen.<br />

Aber: "Die Programme haben eine wichtige wirtschaftliche und politische<br />

Rolle. Sie helfen Aegypten. mit Freunden in Kontakt zu kommen und zu<br />

bleiben. Wir sprechen die ganze Zeit davon, mit an<strong>der</strong>en zuu<br />

koimmunizieren, falsche Vorstellungen zu korrigieren, und zugleich sollen

wir die Programme aus Kostengruenden streichen? Das Budget einer einzigen<br />

Seifenoper im Fernsehen ist groesser als das des ganzen Auslandsdienstes".<br />

(RNW MN NL 7.9.20<strong>05</strong> via Klaus Spielvogel-D, ntt Sep 15)<br />

ETHIOPIA 9704.2 R Ethiopia, for once very good reception of this one<br />

Sep 8 1720 with adv-like string (... Telecom Corporation), many telephone<br />

numbers etc. Still good 1820. Hrd with less quality daily here presently,<br />

same with other Horn stations V.O.Tigray Rev 5500 // 6350, sometimes Fana<br />

6210 // 6940 around 1730 UT.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 14)<br />

FRANCE [MONACO non]. Hello, Some tests txions in DRM from Monte Carlo<br />

Radiodiffusion (MCR) from the Fontbonne site [just north of Monaco].<br />

Broadcasts until September 13th, on short wave 6130 kHz at 1000-1530 UT.<br />

Programme of RMC Info in French (// with 216 kHz LW).<br />

(Christian Ghibaudo-Nice-F, dxld Sept 11)<br />

6130drm 1355 UT RMC test from MC<br />

24 kHz Mono / French News<br />

Bit rate 18.78 kbps<br />

SNR jumped zwischen 11 und 16 dB hin und her.<br />

Einige Aussetzer, das funktioniert auf diese Entfernung Monte Carlo-<br />

Stuttgart fair bis gut. Dagegen gehen mal wie<strong>der</strong> LUX6095 und WER6180 gar<br />

nicht, weil schon Tote Zone.<br />

(Wolfgang Bueschel-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 13)<br />

GEORGIA The second outlet of "Abkhaz Radio" (Absua Radio) on 9535 kHz<br />

(probably is 9534.8?) is on the air only mornings, when the program is<br />

from Sukhum, 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 and 0700-0810 Mon-Fri. Both [9495/9535] are typical<br />

ex-Soviet jammers with odd x.8 kHz setting.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 3-7)<br />

On 9495 kHz, at 0650 UTC prgr in Russian called "75 Years of Radio Sochi"<br />

(Sep 3). 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 and after 0700 on 9495 // 9535 kHz Apsua Radio in<br />

Abkhazian, after <strong>05</strong>00 and at 0625 Radio Rassii in Russian but only on 9495<br />

(Sep 5). At 0930 Nx in Russian from prgr "Mayak" (!) on 12015 (Sep 9).<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 18)<br />

An mehreren Vormittagen konnte ich auf 9494.81v einen (mir unbekannten)<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong> hoeren. Die Frequenz erinnerte mich an vor Jahren aktive Sen<strong>der</strong> aus<br />

dem Raum Aserbaidshan, Abkhasien o<strong>der</strong> Georgien (o<strong>der</strong> die Gegend).<br />

Das duerften die Abchasen sein.. Glueckwunsch! Die Station sendet immer<br />

noch mit Regionalprogrammen und (inoffiziellen) Uebernahmen des Programms<br />

aus Sotschi (Nachbarstadt auf russischer Seite <strong>der</strong> Grenze). Auch die<br />

Parallel-MW 1350 kHz wird von OMs auf dem Balkan immer mal wie<strong>der</strong> gehoert.<br />

Hier die <strong>der</strong>zeitige Belegung <strong>der</strong> 9495:<br />

0300-0815 GEO R.Rep.Abkhazia AB GEO<br />

1030-1200 GEO R.Rep.Abkhazia AB GEO<br />

1200-1400 Sa GEO R.Rep.Abkhazia AB GEO<br />

1400-1700 GEO R.Rep.Abkhazia AB GEO<br />

(Thomas Lindenthal-D / Eike Bierwirth-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 14)<br />

Am Mittwoch Sept 14, ab 1358 UT Pop-mx, dann IS gefolgt von ID?, Ansagen<br />

und mx. Etwa 1410 UT ... eine Menge klarer IDs. Empfang mit O=3. Kein QRM,<br />

dafuer QRN und Schwund.<br />

(Herbert Meixner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 15)<br />

GERMANY Tests txions of CVC International via DTK T-Systems on September<br />

12-17<br />

via WER 500 kW / 180 deg to NoCeAf:<br />

1500-1700 on 17545 (34443)

1700-1900 on 13820 (34443)<br />

1900-2000 on 9775 (55555)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 13)<br />

(to Somalia). 17550, R. Waaberi, 1330-1400 Fri via Juelich. Contact info:<br />

Waaberi B/Cing Svcs, R. Waaberi, 5529 Walnut Blossom Dr. #5, San Jose, CA<br />

95123, USA, <br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 18)<br />

Some DTK T-Systems changes:<br />

Pan American Broadcasting (PAB):<br />

1530-1600 13840 WER 250 kW / 090 deg Sat to SAs Hindi, addit. from<br />

Oct.8<br />

1600-1630 13820 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg Thu to ME Persian,addit. from<br />

Sep.1<br />

1600-1630 13820 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg Sat to ME Persian,deleted from<br />

Sep.3<br />

2000-2015 9430 WER 250 kW / 180 deg Sun to NAf English,addit. from<br />

Sep.4<br />

Brother Stair/The Overcomer Ministries (TOM):<br />

1400-1600 6110 JUL 100 kW / non-dir to WEu English, addit. from Sep.12<br />

1400-1600 13810 WER 250 kW / 120 deg to ME English, addit. from Sep.14<br />

1600-1800 9845 WER 250 kW / non-dir to WEu English, xWER 500 kW<br />

1800-2000 13810 JUL 100 kW / 120 deg to ME English, deleted from Sep.14<br />

HCJB (The Voice of Andes):<br />

1700-1800 6015 WER 125 kW / non-dir to WEu German, xJUL 100 kW<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

It had been reported that Deutsche Welle will abandon the AM sce for<br />

Europe in next year acc. the DRM press conference in Berlin, but this is<br />

not a correct quotation. Perhaps the confusion arised because Peter Senger<br />

made these remarks in German. So here a reproduction of what had been<br />

actually said, as correct as I can give it:<br />

"We [Deutsche Welle] are fully comitted to DRM. Already from next year we<br />

will even our 6075, certainly known to you, run in digital mode and no<br />

longer analogue at times, provided the radios are on the market for<br />

reasonable prices, in or<strong>der</strong> to draw our listeners in Europe step-by-step<br />

to the digital txion."<br />

[Later: Question from a listener; says he has many conventional SW radio,<br />

what can he do with them in future, shouldn't DW better keep 6075 and use<br />

other freqs for DRM?]<br />

"I did not say that we will switch off 6075 entirely. I said that we will<br />

select slots outside the peak listening hours and try to start there with<br />

DRM."<br />

Summary of Senger's further remarks: We are interested in establishing DRM<br />

on the market as quickly as possible, because it saves us much money, and<br />

we can not continue in AM only because some listeners have many<br />

conventionnal radios. You can donate them to the museum. [People on stage<br />

and some in the auditorium are amused, others not.] "Sorry, tut mir leid."<br />

Anyway: This annt already triggered some discussion here in Germany, and I<br />

received also a comment from somebody outside the SW scene, saying the<br />

same than some observers from "within": It could also be the case that<br />

Deutsche Welle is going to shoot itself in the own knee as German saying<br />

goes, because it is well possible that listeners will simply say "sorry,<br />

tut mir leid" and get lost as audience.<br />

I would like to add that the DRM radios shown at IFA are certainly still

too big to be convenient for travellers. And this is the most typical<br />

scenario where people listen to Deutsche Welle (German program, since the<br />

discussion focussed on 6075).<br />

Rumours: On recent discussions in DRM circles it had been argued that the<br />

future of the Juelich station is uncertain because it has 100 kW txs<br />

"only" and is not ideal for DRM sces to Central Europe. Still a rumour as<br />

well, but apparently a substantial one: Voice of Russia prepares to use<br />

Wilsdruff 1431. Indeed allocation procedures for this freq are on the way,<br />

and the bid for ten<strong>der</strong> appears to be customized to VoR (information-<br />

orientated sce, if possible including foreign-language programmes):<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 16)<br />

549 DLF Thurnau. Vorhin [Sep 19] gab <strong>der</strong> DLF Sen<strong>der</strong>abschaltung von 549 kHz<br />

ab heute bis einschliesslich 24. Sep. aus dringenden Wartungsgruenden<br />

bekannt. Genannt wurde 8 Uhr 10 bis 1930 Uhr [MESZ - CEST] Ortszeit.<br />

(Joachim Thiel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

SLM schreibt Mittelwellenfrequenz am Standort Dresden 1431 kHz aus.<br />

Die saechsische Landesanstalt fuer privaten Rundfunk und Neue Medien (SLM)<br />

hat in ihrer Sitzung am 12. September eine Mittelwellenfrequenz am<br />

Standort Dresden 1431 kHz ausgeschrieben. Mit <strong>der</strong> ausgeschriebenen<br />

Hoerfunkfrequenz kann am Tage - bis auf wenige Versorgungsluecken im<br />

Vogtland und Teilen <strong>der</strong> Lausitz ganz Sachsen versorgt werden. Bei <strong>der</strong><br />

Auswahl aus den Bewerbungen haben jene Antragsteller Vorrang, die einen<br />

groesseren Beitrag zur Programm- und Meinungsvielfalt im Sendegebiet<br />

erwarten lassen. Um diese Vielfalt zu foer<strong>der</strong>n, ist ein<br />

informationsorientiertes Hoerfunkprogramm, nach Moeglichkeit mit<br />

fremdsprachigen Programmen o<strong>der</strong> Programmteilen, vorgesehen.<br />

Die Ausschreibungen werden im Saechsischen Amtsblatt und auf <strong>der</strong> SLM-<br />

Homepage unter veroeffentlicht. (infosat, Sep 14)<br />

bayerntxt: Das Sen<strong>der</strong>verzeichnis des BR fuer das Jahr 20<strong>05</strong>/ 2006 kann<br />

bestellt werden und bietet unter an<strong>der</strong>em:<br />

-ausfuehrliche Informationen zum Start des digitalen terrestrischen<br />

Fernsehens(DVB-T) in Bayern<br />

-Ueberblick ueber die Verbreitungswege und - techniken von Fernsehen und<br />

Radio<br />

-Wissenswertes ueber digitales Fernsehen und Digital Radio, Satelliten -<br />

und Kabelempfang sowie VPS und Radio Daten System<br />

-Verbreitungskarten mit Sen<strong>der</strong>standorten, Radiofrequenzen und Fernseh-<br />

Kanaelen<br />

-Servicenummern des BR<br />

Das Sen<strong>der</strong>verzeichnis erscheint jaehrlich und ist kostenlos erhaeltlich<br />

bei:<br />

BR Technische Information 80300 Muenchen. Tel: 018<strong>05</strong> / 590219. <br />

(Paul Gager-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 16)<br />

Gibt es auch in Deutschland Hoerer, die DLR Berlin auf 177 kHz bislang<br />

brauchbar empfangen konnte, und nun in DRM das Signal nicht mehr<br />

dekodieren koennen, und auch nicht im Einzugsbereich eines UKW-Sen<strong>der</strong>s<br />

wohnen ? (Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 11)

Da kann ich wenig zu sagen, denn bei mir steht <strong>der</strong> DLR UKW Sen<strong>der</strong><br />

praktisch vor <strong>der</strong> Haustuer. Zur Versorgung kannst du hier nachsehen:<br />

<br />

Mit ein wenig Antennenaufwand laesst sich natuerlich auch in angeblich<br />

unversorgten Gebieten noch etwas machen. Allerdings halte ich es<br />

nachgerade fuer einen Skandal, dass nach <strong>der</strong> Vereinigung versucht wurde,<br />

dem DLR Frequenzen vorzuenthalten und sie kommerziellen Sen<strong>der</strong>n zur<br />

Verfuegung zu stellen. So verlor <strong>der</strong> DLR in Sachsen seine drei starken FM<br />

Frequenzen. Als dann neue Frequenzen an den Dudelfunk verteilt waren,<br />

hatte die Landesmaedchenanstalt ein Einsehen und gab dem Aschenputtel noch<br />

ein paar Brosamen. In Hamburg ist das DLR im Autoradio nicht sicher zu<br />

empfangen und nach Sueden ist es hinter <strong>der</strong> Stadtgrenze ganz schnell<br />

vorbei.<br />

Allerdings wehrt sich das DLR gegen solche Praktiken:<br />

<br />

Dennoch bleibt, dass ein bundesweites Radioprogramm sich mit Minisen<strong>der</strong>n<br />

begnuegen muss, waehrend kommerzielle Stationen ihre Sendegebiete doppelt<br />

und dreifach abdecken koennen sowie teilweise weit ueber das vorgesehene<br />

Verbreitungsgsgebiet hinaus senden. So hat Radio SAW in Braunschweig<br />

heftig Werbung gemacht, bis die Konkurrenz darauf hinwies, dass BS nicht<br />

in Sachsen-Anhalt liegt. Zwar ist dies nicht die feine Art, und mir ist<br />

das auch egal, es zeigt jedoch, dass hier teilweise mit harten Bandagen um<br />

die Lizenzen zum Gelddrucken gekaempft wird.<br />

Ansonsten hast du dir durch das Zitat <strong>der</strong> Antwort des DLR aber auch selbst<br />

eine Antwort gegeben.<br />

"... <strong>der</strong> unzureichend zur Verfuegung stehenden UKW-Frequenzen noch lang<br />

nicht ueberall in Deutschland zu empfangen."<br />

(Joachim Stiller-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 10)<br />

IFA-Nachlese. ... Und dieses Vorgehen erinnert mich ein wenig an das, was<br />

wir ja aus Oesterreich erfuhren, naemlich, dass 177 aus Oranienburg bzw.<br />

855 kHz in analoger Zeit empfangbar waren, nun aber - trotz DRM und den<br />

damit angeblichen Verbesserungen nicht dekodiert werden koennen.<br />

(Joachim Thiel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 13)<br />

177 kHz DRM mode, hierzu <strong>der</strong> Kommentar von Noel aus England:<br />

I've also been hearing the DRM txions on 177, ... The signal is not strong<br />

enough to cause harmful interference to adjacent stations at my location<br />

but there is, of course, only 6 kHz spacing between 171, 177, 183 and 189<br />

with TUR "sandwiched" in between on the correct channel of 180. The simple<br />

colution would be to move 177 to 261 and 183 to 180 - but maybe that's<br />

just wishful thinking! (Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 13)<br />

104.9 OldieStar Radio hat aus Anlass <strong>der</strong> Internationalen Funkausstellung<br />

mit Testsendungen im DRM-Modus begonnen. Auf <strong>der</strong> eingesetzten Mittelwelle<br />

1485 kHz uebertrug T-Systems zur IFA gelegentlich auch die RBB-Welle Radio<br />

Eins. Bereits im April 20<strong>05</strong> hatte die Medienanstalt Sachsen-Anhalt die<br />

Mittelwelle Burg 1575 kHz fuer eine digitale Verbreitung von 104.9<br />

OldieStar Radio vergeben. Wie ein T-Systems Sprecher auf <strong>der</strong> IFA<br />

informierte, wird angestrebt, den regulaeren Sendebetrieb in Burg noch in<br />

diesem Jahr aufzunehmen. Die Oldie-Welle sendet auch ueber die UKW-<br />

Frequenz 104.9 MHz vom Standort Oranienburg und erreicht von hier aus<br />

Teile von Berlin und Brandenburg. Zusaetzlich ist 104.9 OldieStar Radio<br />

seit 29. August 20<strong>05</strong> auch via DVB-T Radio in Berlin zu hoeren.<br />

(Stefan Hagedorn, ntt 6.9.20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

GUINEA Thanks to the Solar activity, conditions to Africa have been<br />

exceptional good. Heard two stations from Guinea August 31: R Rurale, Labe<br />

on 1385,9 kHz at 2150 UTC and RTG Conakry in SW. Signal was pretty strong,

S8-9.<br />

RTG Conakry heard 31 Aug on 7125 kHz at 2110-2130 UTC. Signal was pretty<br />

strong, S8-9. Reception of Conakry was ruined by the sign-on of R Tirana<br />

2130 UTC on 7120 kHz in English. (Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, RUSdxsignal Sep 10)<br />

7125 R Conakry, on Aug 21 at 0700-0730 UT in French, with a programme<br />

about new Broadcasting legislation on the country. 24443.<br />

(Jose Turner, near Porto-POR, RUSdxsignal Sep 10)<br />

7125 R.Guine / R.Conakry, Conakry, observed on 18 Sep at 0845-1207 UT when<br />

extremely poor, French, Fr. lesson, mx, etc.; 25443. R.Rurale 1385.9 kHz<br />

was also obs'ed these days, i.e. 15-17 Sep, with very clear, strong<br />

signals.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

GUYANA 3291.12 G<strong>BC</strong>, at 0900-1030 on Sep 18, YL with nx, talk between<br />

M&W, very poor audio level. The third attempt to return to SW.<br />

(Robert Wilkner-USA, JPNpremium, Sep 18)<br />

HONDURAS 4821 HRVC at 0335-0400, relig progr in En. Address in Chicago<br />

Illinois, silencew 0400-0402, then progr in SP, ID "La Voz Evangelica".<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 5)<br />

3250, R. Luz y Vida, poor at 0319 on Sep 5 with religious drama in EG, EG<br />

ID at 0320; much improved on Sep 10. (Ronda-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 11)<br />

3249, excellent level at 0320 on Sep 8. (Dexter-WI, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 11)<br />

3340, R. Misiones Intl, good at 0340 on Sep 8 with talk by man, ID by a<br />

man at 0327, then by a woman. (Dexter-WI, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 11)<br />

Poor at 0232 Sep 10 with SP preaching and religious mx; slightly better at<br />

same time on Sep 11. (Ronda-OK, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 11)<br />

ICELAND 7590 USB AFN, Grindavik, on Aug 30 at 0900-0915 UT. SINPO 34333<br />

and again the same day at 2330-2400 UT close down with an interview with<br />

an ancient baseball player, beamed to the American soldiers in Mossul.<br />

44433.<br />

(Jose Turner, near Porto-POR, RUSdxsignal Sep 10)<br />

INDONESIA 9680, KGRE, Kang Guru Radio English, an Australian Aid stn for<br />

EG learners, using RRI facilities on SW plus 89 odd FM outlets. Heard Sep<br />

7 and ancd details: 9680, Wed & Sun, 1800 Indo time, 1000 UTC. Prgm is 20<br />

mins. duration. QRA details in PWBR. (Ron K.-NZ, hcdx Sep 11)<br />

<br />

9680 KGRE (Kang Guru Radio English) prgm (via RRI-Jakarta [Cimanggis]),<br />

at 1000-1020 UT on Sep 18, ancrs Kevin (Dalton) and Rachel (Pearson)<br />

interview a nurse and chef about their jobs, student who rcvd an<br />

Australian Development Scholarship talked about studying for the<br />

diplomatic corps, Australian singing group "The Wiggles" with song about<br />

food, comments about Aceh by the Australian Ambassador to INS, David<br />

Ritchie; AusAID helps make this prgm possible, many ments. of the Aug 20<strong>05</strong><br />

KGRE magazine.<br />

Their website is fairly good, with info about<br />

some of the RRI stns (click on "radio," at the bottom of the page, click<br />

on "RRI Station Profiles.")<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 18)<br />

9680 RRI, Cimanggis, audible again on 17 Sep at 0932-1<strong>05</strong>0 (unable to<br />

observe f/out or s/off time), Bahasa INS, songs; 35443.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)

IRAN/IRAQ 4410 at 1553 UT, "Eira Dengi Sarbakhoye Kurdistana Iran"<br />

(presum. Voice of the Independent Iranian Kurdistan) was heard on Sep 3rd.<br />

But on 4th: some kHz down, *1459-1556* on 4000 kHz, jammed by Iran?<br />

4160 "Voice of Independence" station in Kurdish and Arabic, herad poor at<br />

about 1558-1630* UT, Sep 3. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 3-4)<br />

4410 kHz hymn at 1500 UTC, prayer at 1506 (Sep 3); on Sep 4: * 1500-1556*<br />

tc in Kurdish and rarely in Persian, ID "Eira Dengi Sarbakhoye Kurdistana<br />

Iran" (or approx "Here is the Voice of Independent Iranian Kurdistan)<br />

jammed by Iran. Seems to be a NEW STATION because the other "Voice of<br />

Independence" was at 1545 UTC on 4160 kHz and there were no //. MW 990<br />

with home sce at 0130 tc in Persian + jammer were heard on Sep 11.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 18)<br />

V.O.Iranian Revolution was noticed Sep 13 1715 on 3880.4 / 4395.7 / 6391.2<br />

kHz, at 1719 UT on 3880.4 jumped to 3871.0 others stayed. Again listened<br />

in 18<strong>05</strong> UT to hear them on 3880.6 / 4365.1 kHz. Nothing but jammer on 6<br />

MHz (on 6420.0). In latest reports I've seen it should not be there at<br />

this hour? Going strong since 1983.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 14)<br />

ISRAEL Word from Moshe Oren, regarding Kol Israel tests aimed towards<br />

Asia:<br />

"For the next 7 days Sept 11 to Sept 17 we will broadcast between 0930-<br />

1030 UTC at 17600 and the next 7 days, Sept 18 to Sept 24, between 0930-<br />

1030 UTC at 15760."<br />

Seemingly, this would be Reshet Hey: English, Ladino, French, Bukharian.<br />

Currently, the 0330 UTC English broadcast has a tx aimed towards Asia.<br />

(dxld Sep 11)<br />

ISR noted today Sept 15 around 0950 UT, though S=1-2 signal level only in<br />

Europe. Huge sideband splash from B<strong>BC</strong> Skelton 17610 in Arabic, 15 kHz wide<br />

each sideband ...<br />

(wb, Sep 15)<br />

I confirmed with Moshe Oren that the Kol Israel tests to Asia are an<br />

attempt to see if reception to Asia is better at 0930 UT, instead of the<br />

current 0330 UT. He said that if anyone in Asia receives the broadcast,<br />

they should send him an email to report the reception:<br />

(Doni Rosenzweig-ISR, dxld Sept 13)<br />

KAZAKHSTAN Vo.Orthodoxy, 9355 kHz, QSL Card, sked and booklet in 41<br />

days. (Alexan<strong>der</strong> Beryozkin-RUS, RUSdxsignal Sep 11)<br />

(to Burma/Myanmar) 15480 Democratic Voice of Burma on Sep 8 at 1455-1515+<br />

UT, and again 1525 UT. Strong.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 14) [via Almaty-KAZ]<br />

KUWAIT/UAE Radio "Sawa" is already on MW 1170 kHz instead of Radio<br />

"Farda" (now heard only on 1575 kHz and SW). Common nx in Arabic from<br />

"Sawa" were at 0215 UTC on 990 CYP, 1260 GRC, 1170 UAE, 1548 KWT, 1431 DJI<br />

- all heard here on Sep 11.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 18)<br />

MW outlets on 1170 and 1575 kHz earlier carried Radio Farda, but heard<br />

Sept 1-7: 1575 Farda, 1170 Sawa.<br />

Common news at 1715 UT on all these: 990 CYP, 1260 Rhodes GRC, 1170 UAE,<br />

1431 DJI, 1548 KWT, but from 1720 UT three different music programs noted:<br />

990+1260; 1170+1548; 1431 kHz. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 3-7)

kHz time progr fee<strong>der</strong> txloc ant-degr<br />

990 0000-2400 SAW MRN3 ARAB CYP 134<br />

1170 0000-2000 FRD FRD PE DHB 000 til July 1st<br />

1170 0000-2000 SAW MRN4 ARAB DHB 000 from July 9th<br />

1170 2000-2400 FRD FRD PE DHB 000 til July 30th<br />

1170 2000-2400 SAW MRN4 ARAB DHB 000 from July 8th<br />

1260 0000-0800 SAW MRN3 ARAB RHO 134<br />

1260 0900-1400 ERT ERT VAR RHO 134<br />

1260 1500-2400 SAW MRN3 ARAB RHO 134<br />

1431 0000-2400 SAW MRN6 ARAB DJI non-dir<br />

1548 0000-2400 SAW MRN2 ARAB KWT 323<br />

1575 0000-2400 FRD FRD PE DHB 000<br />

1593 0000-0030 VOA A ENGL KWT 350<br />

1593 0030-0100 VOA C ENGL KWT 350<br />

1593 0100-0600 RFE RLIQ Arab KWT 350 Iraq special<br />

1593 1300-1400 VOA H KURD KWT 350<br />

1593 1400-1600 RFE RLIQ Arab KWT 350 Iraq special<br />

1593 1600-1900 VOA M1 PERS KWT 350<br />

1593 1900-2000 VOA H KURD KWT 350<br />

1593 2000-2200 RFE RLIQ Arab KWT 350 Iraq special<br />

1593 2200-2300 VOA A ENGL KWT 350<br />

1593 2300-2330 VOA C ENGL KWT 350<br />

1593 2330-2400 VOA A ENGL KWT 350<br />

KYRGYZSTAN 4010 Deutsche Welle in Russian noted at 1600-1630 UT, // 9715<br />

11915 15425 kHz. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 7)<br />

6030, R Maranatha, Bishkek, at *15<strong>05</strong>-1506 on Sep 06, late sign on (usually<br />

*1455) with a song and ID in Persian-like lang. Clear un<strong>der</strong> co-channel<br />

China.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Sep 11)<br />

LAOS QSL Lao National Radio 6130 & 7145 kHz. Partial-data personal<br />

letter from Inpanh Satchaphansy, Head of External Relations, in seven<br />

weeks for a logging in Vietnam.<br />

(Wendel Craighead-KS-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 15)<br />

7145 Radio Nationale Lao, Vientiane. Sept 12 at 1339-1404 UT (S/off).<br />

SINPO 33333. Nx in English, Laotian mx and talk. Talk in Lao by a man &<br />

woman at 1402 and S/off at 1404 UT.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Sep 16)<br />

LUXEMBOURG Luxembourg DRM spectrum mask out of ITU specification. Some<br />

discussion of Luxembourg's DRM txion in this month's RadCom (RSGB<br />

magazine).<br />

In essence - measurements of the "spectrum mask" of the DRM txion by<br />

Amateur operators has shown it to be out of ITU specification and this has<br />

been acknowledged by T-Systems in Germany who operate the tx. T-Systems<br />

has committed to fix the problem, judging by the various recent on air<br />

comments by 40M operators T-Systems still has to deliver on their<br />

commitment.<br />

(G8JXA, Windsor, drmrx.org forums; via Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Sep 15)<br />

MADAGASCAR 5010, Radio Nationale Malagasy, at *0257-0311 on Sep 15,<br />

choral anthem opening followed by a man with ID and opening annts in

Malagasy lang. Segment of group singing before talk by a woman announcer.<br />

Vocals from 03<strong>05</strong> UT. Poor to fair with flutter.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 17)<br />

5010 Radio Nasionaly Malagasy, Antananarivo, at 0340-0345 on Sept 17,<br />

Vernacular, talk or commentary by male, 24442.<br />

(Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 17)<br />

MALI China Radio International changes:<br />

1600-1757 (ex 1600-1727) Swahili on 11600 KAS, 12000 XIA + from 1700 on<br />

15125 BKO<br />

1800-1827 (ex 1730-1827) Hausa on 11640 BKO, 13670 BKO<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 13)<br />

CRI Bamako 17630 QSL, paper craft, steel bookmark, sticker in 9<br />

days. (Sergey Kolesov-UKR, RUSdxsignal Sep 10)<br />

7286.3 R.Mali, Kati, observed on 18 Sep at 0854-1200 UT, Vernacular,<br />

tribal songs, talks, French, nx magazine for Sunday; 25442, stronger audio<br />

than in the past, // 11960 only; noted in Vernacular again 1200 when vy.<br />

poor.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

MEXICO 6185 R Educacion, Cd. de Mexico, observed on 17 Sep at 0835-f/out<br />

0945 UT, Spanish, brass band mx; 25432.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

4810, Radio Transcontinental de America ? XERTA, 0254-0340 Sep 16, Spanish<br />

talks by various announcers. Formal ID and freq annt at 0300. More talks,<br />

some mx and frequent IDs. Fair in LSB but buried in crud in upper.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 17)<br />

4810, XERTA, QSL package rcvd incl. QSL-card, V/S Victor Rosas, ltr from<br />

el Director de XERTA, Licenciado Ruben Castaneda, also postcards. In 40<br />

days for US$1 to: XERTA, R. Transcontinental de America, Plaza San Juan<br />

No. 5, Int. 2, Col. Centro, Mexico, D.F. Stn says they transmit via SW on<br />

weekends only [this apparently having something to do with not being<br />

licensed to operate commercially, Jerry Berg-USA].<br />

(Mendez-ESP, Conexion Digital <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 18)<br />

MOLDOVA UNIDs 7480 at *1800-1845* UT quite strong in Persian starting<br />

and ending programmes with classical mx and YL announcing telephone<br />

numbers but I could not hear a single sentence that sounded like an ID.<br />

Should be Payam-e-Doost.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 12, 13)<br />

1413 Looking for a reference I found only a mention of the CRI relays in<br />

the afternoon, so it should perhaps be noted that apparently all ex-1467<br />

txions from Grigoriopol have now settled on 1413 kHz, as noted a few days<br />

ago with Voice of Russia in Bulgarian 1700-1800 UT.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 16)<br />

NEW ZEALAND 11725 R NZi, Rangitaiki, nicely heard this time, on 17 Sep<br />

at 2037-2<strong>05</strong>8* UT, English, prgr "Time in Parliament"; 54444, QRM de B.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

9520 RNZi on Sept 15 at 1256-1259:00* UT, weak, says to retune to 6095<br />

kHz, which I did for *1259:30, fair. On Sept 17 on 15720 at 2100 special<br />

coverage of the elections, talking to the various candidates.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 18)<br />

NIGERIA 7255 VoNigeria, Ikorodu, noted on 18 Sep at 0857-ca. 1000 UT,<br />

Vernacular, African mx & songs; 24442, adj. QRM de DRM signal.

7275 R.Nigeria, Abuja, audible on 18 Sep at 0852-f/out 1115 UT,<br />

Vernacular, talks; 15421.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

NORWAY The Aftenbladet report about the B<strong>BC</strong> DRM sce via Kvitsoy at<br />

<br />

includes a picture. Look behind the elbow of the engineer for a piece of<br />

equipment they are supposed to never need again: An AM Optimod. Below it<br />

in the same rack sits also what appears to be a Belar modulation monitor.<br />

It had been reported that Telenor/Norkring will not use these txs for AM<br />

txions anymore (remember also the preliminary tests in SSB instead of AM).<br />

I won<strong>der</strong> why? Tired about the customers they got until the end of 2003,<br />

resulting even in NRK reports about Norkring airing programming from<br />

terrorist groups?<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 16)<br />

OMAN 576, Radio Sultanate Oman, 10 Sep, 0026, in Arabic, SINPO 24322.<br />

Talk, ID, mx. // 1242 kHz, but weaker and more noisy on the latter.<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, RUSdxsignal Sep 10)<br />

[OMAN?] 15140 R.Sultanato de Oman?. At 1416-1512 UT, escuchada el 4 Sep a<br />

locutora en ingles presentando temas mxales de pop, rock y rap, a las<br />

15:00 campanadas de reloj, locutora con comentarios y mxa disco, a las<br />

15:09 se corta emision e interviene locutora en arabe, SINPO 44443.<br />

(Jose Miguel Romero-ESP, RUSdxsignal Sep 11)<br />

Radio Sultamate of Oman in Arabic noted:<br />

0600-0800 on 17630 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu (registered 0600-1000)<br />

0800-1400 on 13640*SEB 100 kW / 320 deg to ME (registered 0600-1400)<br />

* strong co-ch RDP Int/Radio Portugal in Portuguese on Sat/Sun.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 13)<br />

PNG 7120 QSL, Wantok Radio Light, full-data "Grass Hut and Locals<br />

Holding Portable Radios" card (same as posted on <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sight & Sound)<br />

with info ltr, in 3 mos., V/S David Olson, CE, P29CQ/KL7K. Surprising was<br />

the the date on the ltr, which was four days after I sent a follow-up to<br />

the stn. If so, a very rapid reply.<br />

(Ed Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 11)<br />

PARAGUAY 9736.9 RNP, Asuncion, monitored on 17 Sep at 0930-f/out 1150<br />

(!) UT, Spanish, local songs, IDs, talks; 33432, adj. QRM de B<strong>BC</strong> 9740.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

9736.93 R Nac.del Paraguay on Sep 12 at 0759-0817 UT. 45444 Spanish, Talk<br />

and paraguay mx, ID at 0808 and 0813 UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 16)<br />

9736.98v, R. Nacional del Paraguay, at 0842-0916 UT on Sep 17, LA mx,<br />

0855-0900 UT possibly nx, several IDs, fair-good, in the clear with no QRM<br />

from 9735. Also 0<strong>05</strong>8 UT on Sep 18 on 9736.7v kHz, good signal but with<br />

consi<strong>der</strong>able splatter from 9735 kHz.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 18)<br />

PERU 4950 2235-..., R.Madre de Dios, Pto Maldonado, audible on 17 Sep<br />

at 2235-..., Spanish (tent), talks, mx; 22341, QRM de AGL.<br />

9720 R.Victoria, Lima, audible on 16 Sep at 0925-... UT, Portuguese,<br />

preacher; 24432, adj. QRM. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

5019.95 Radio Horizonte at 1006-1032 UT on Sep 12, non-stop OA vocals<br />

with ID, Spanish talk by a man announcer and ad string at 1021 UT. Another<br />

ID and a TC at 1024 UT followed by more OA vocals. Fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 17)

6520.4 Radio Paucartambo, Paucartambo, at 1010-1014 UT on September 16,<br />

Quechua, huaynos, local advs by male in quechua: "... Hotel<br />

Colonial ...", 25442.<br />

6192.86 Radio Cusco, Cusco, at 1022-1030 UT on Sept 16, Spanish, Very<br />

nice huaynos selection, ann. by male, 23432.<br />

(Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 17)<br />

PORTUGAL Freq change for RDP R.Portugal in Portuguese to WeEu from Sep<br />

15:<br />

1400-2000 Sat/Sun NF 13595 LIS 300 kW / 045 deg, x13590 to avoid BVBN<br />

1600-1900 Mon-Fri NF 13595 LIS 300 kW / 045 deg, x13590 to avoid BVBN<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

In A<strong>05</strong>-19th August version, the following change took place, presumably as<br />

from the date when the RDP message was sent to me, i.e. last Friday, Sep<br />

16:<br />

13595 kHz replaces 13590 to Europe Mo-Fri 1600-1900, Sats+Suns 1400-2000.<br />

I'd certainly have liked to see the B<strong>05</strong> attached to the RDP info.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 18)<br />

Informamos que a frequencia da nossa transmissao para a Europa das 1600-<br />

1900 UTC (2nd a 6th feira) e 1400-2000 UTC (sabados e domingos) em 13590<br />

kHz foi substituida por 13595 kHz.<br />

Gratos pela sua colaboracao apresentamos os melhores cumprimentos.<br />

Teresa Beatriz Abreu. Gabinete de Tecnologias de Transmissao e Difusao.<br />

(RDP Sep 16)<br />

RUSSIA (to Ethiopia) 12120 V.O.Oromo Liberation on Sep 8 carrier/pips<br />

at 1656 UT with sign-on 1700 in Oromo. Strong. Another 'old' clandestine<br />

operation. It was reported 6 June 1988, since on and off from various<br />

sites. On 15670 kHz Sep 7 at 1715-1721 UT, fair.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 14)<br />

On 31 August, the independent broadcaster "Narodnoye Radio"<br />

(Web: ) received a license to transmit from St.<br />

Petersburg on 801 kHz with 500 kW. The tx is leased from Russia's national<br />

tx operator RTRN, and was earlier rented by the regional state broadcaster<br />

TRK Peterburg until it was closed down some years ago.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx Sep 18)<br />

It appears that a major studio refitting is un<strong>der</strong> way at Voice of Russia.<br />

For some time now the microphone audio on the German sce has completely<br />

changed, and last night I noted a very similar sound on the Russian world<br />

sce as well. But this is no improvement, since the new set-up sounds dull<br />

and muffled, compared to the old installations with distinctive room<br />

ambience (OK, frequently there was a bit too much reverb) and clear,<br />

present voices. Bring the Oktava's back on!!<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 16)<br />

Que Huong Radio, via Vladivostok/RUS, 15680 kHz, Sept 17, 20<strong>05</strong>, 1200-1230<br />

UTC, very weak (23322), from 12<strong>05</strong> UTC accompanied by a horn-type noise<br />

(jammer?) I=2, jumped to S=3 at 1215 UTC. Time Signal, mx, talk, reports<br />

in Vietnamese lang, 1220 UTC Vietnamese song.<br />

(Eike Bierwirth-D, hcdx Sep 19)<br />

The Voice of Russia has been noted on a non-listed frequency: 6180 kHz, in<br />

Russian, 0100-0200 UT, 32332 here on Sep 18, in // to 5900 kHz.<br />

(Eike Bierwirth-D, hcdx Sep 19)<br />

Here are the current details of getting QSLs from Tatarstan Wave. Send

your reports (written in English, German, or Russian) to:<br />

QSL Manager, c/o Ildus Ibatullin, P.O.Box 134, Kazan 420136, Russia<br />

The station doesn't have funds for QSLing, therefore please enclose return<br />

postage: 2 IRCs, or $1, or 1 Euro. Taped reports are accepted, but I'm<br />

afraid the cassettes are not returned.<br />

Reports sent during this summer/autumn will be confirmed with special QSL<br />

cards devoted to the 1000th anniversary of Kazan. There are several card<br />

designs, so send your reports in a batch if you wish to have various<br />

cards!<br />

Broadcast schedule is the following:<br />

0410-<strong>05</strong>00 15140 250 kW 60 deg (to the Far East)<br />

0610-0700 9690 250 kW 60 deg (to Central Asia)<br />

0810-0900 11925 100 kW 310 deg (to Europe)<br />

Please keep in mind that broadcasts start at xx10, not at xx00! That's<br />

because the last broadcast is relayed locally in Kazan and the whole<br />

Tatarstan in LW/VHF, and it must not overlap the regular Radio Rossii nx<br />

(not relayed in SW), which take the initial 10 mins of the hour on local<br />

radio nets. (Ildus Ibatullin-RUS, RUSdxsignal Sep 11)<br />

6240, Special Radio, Krasnodar, E-QSL in one day for E-rpt sent to<br />

V/S Maria Anikeeva, Press Attache, PR-manager.<br />

(Fiora-Italy, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Sep 11)<br />

SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA Riyadh observed on 13 mb at 1300-1355 UT:<br />

On nominal 215<strong>05</strong> and 21640 kHz, as well as on spurs 21412 and 21775 kHz.<br />

Radio Holy Quran on 21560 and 21600. Mixed - of both - program spurs on<br />

21560 and 21680 kHz. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 7)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA 17565, Amateur Radio Mirror International, at 4 Sep, on<br />

0802-0823 UT, in English, SINPO 35322. Nx from the South African Radio<br />

League, followed by a report about radio amateurs' involvement into USA<br />

disaster.<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, RUSdxsignal Sep 11)<br />

SPAIN On Sep 15, Thu at 1732-1759 UT <strong>DX</strong> prgr "Amigos de la Onda Corta"<br />

(acc to ID) in Spanish, 1759-1800 UT short prgr in German, 1800 prgr in<br />

French all on 9665 kHz.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 18)<br />

SRI LANKA Freq change for SL<strong>BC</strong> in Sinhala to ME:<br />

1610-1840 NF 11715*EKA 100 kW / 350 deg, x11775.<br />

* strong co-ch 1540-1640 Vatican Radio in Armenian/Russian<br />

For B-<strong>05</strong>: 1610-2040 on 11715 EKA 100 kW / 350 deg and 11775 EKA 035 kW /<br />

350 deg.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 13)<br />

Latest changes at SL<strong>BC</strong>, Sri Lanka. My latest monitoring observation of<br />

SL<strong>BC</strong>, Sri Lanka shows that their Hindi and Tamil Services has now been<br />

reduced.<br />

7313 has been replaced by 7275 at 0030-0400 in Hindi, 0800-1230 to Asia in<br />

Kannada, Telegu, Malayalam & Tamil<br />

The evening Hindi Service to Asia at 1330-1530 on 7275, 119<strong>05</strong> is dropped.<br />

Tamil Service has been cut and now signs off at 1230 (x1330 UT) on the<br />

above fqs.<br />

The Sinhala sce to Middle East is noted on 11715 at around 1530.<br />

(With thanks also to Mr.K.Raja, Chennai & Mr.B.L.Maohar, VU2UR,<br />


(Jose Jacob VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Sep 10)<br />

SL<strong>BC</strong> reduces external sce schedule. 18 September 20<strong>05</strong>. SL<strong>BC</strong> has dropped<br />

all evening txions to India both in English and Hindi. Hindi 0030-0400 UTC<br />

is now on 7275 (strong cochannel from AIR Chennai) and 119<strong>05</strong> kHz. 2nd<br />

txion is at 0800-1230 hrs (Tamil is now at 1130-1230 UTC) on 7275 and<br />

119<strong>05</strong> kHz. Transmission closes at 1230 UTC. Also English in the evening is<br />

completely dropped.<br />

Radio Tashkent revised schedule 18 September 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Radio Tashkent has introduced a revised sched : 1200-1500 UTC now uses<br />

5060, 9715 and the new 119<strong>05</strong> kHz (the first half hour is cochanneled by<br />

SL<strong>BC</strong>).<br />

(via <strong>DX</strong>asia Sep 19)<br />

As promised, Alok das Gupta has monitore the current SL<strong>BC</strong> schedule for<br />

and reports:<br />

SL<strong>BC</strong> has dropped all evening txions to India both in English and Hindi.<br />

Hindi 0030-0400 UTC is now on 7275 (strong cochannel from AIR Chennai) and<br />

119<strong>05</strong> kHz. 2nd txion is at 0800-1230 hrs (Tamil is now at 1130-1230 UTC)<br />

on 7275 and 119<strong>05</strong> kHz. Transmission closes at 1230 UTC. Also English in<br />

the evening is completely dropped. The Sinhala sce to ME is at 1610-1840<br />

hrs is now 11715 kHz.<br />

Revised schedule at <br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld Sep 18)<br />

SUDAN 95<strong>05</strong>, Radio Sudan Republic, on 1 Sept at 1608 UT, in Arabic, SINPO<br />

34433. Used the hint of Vlad Titarev. Indeed, signal was rather strong and<br />

readable. Sudan uses 95<strong>05</strong> kHz in the afternoon, instead of 7200 kHz.<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, RUSdxsignal Sep 11)<br />

95<strong>05</strong> Sudan R&TV Corp., Omdurman, noted on 11 Sep at 1746-1807 UT, Arabic,<br />

talks, ID, jingls, news; 44333, adj. QRM only.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

SWEDEN Mediascan returns, as a blog Hi everyone, Things have been pretty<br />

quiet on the MediaScan front recently, as my other duties at Radio Sweden<br />

have prevented me from compiling proper bulletins. What I plan to do now<br />

is update with media news, primarily about Sweden, on an irregular, but<br />

more frequent, basis, as a blog. You can find the blog itself at<br />

<br />

But the blogs (published through Blogdrive) should also be available as an<br />

RSS feed:<br />

<br />

I wrote a couple of new items yesterday. I probably won't have time today,<br />

despite a couple of interesting stories. They will probably have to wait a<br />

day or two. But give it a try, subscribing to the RSS, and let me know<br />

what you think.<br />

If you have trouble with RSS, you an always get youself a My Yahoo page at<br />

Yahoo, and subscribe to MedisScan and other RSS feeds there. Also, don't<br />

forget that Radio Sweden's Monday to Friday programs are now available as<br />

a podcast! More details at<br />

<br />

Take care, (George Wood, Radio Sweden, dxld Sept 13)<br />

The famous old Grimeton Radio station near Varberg in Sweden will be<br />

making additional txions on Sunday 25 September between 0930 and 1230 UT.<br />

The txions will be on 17.2 kHz VLF. The callsign is SAQ. Grimeton Radio is

one of only a very few surviving pre-electronic tx for trans-Atlantic<br />

work. It was granted World Heritage status last year.<br />

The Grimeton radio station in Halland County, Sweden was erected in 1922-<br />

24 as a link in the worldwide network of broadcast txs. With an aerial<br />

system of six impressive steel towers and an Alexan<strong>der</strong>son alternator, the<br />

tx symbolizes a crucial step in the evolution of mo<strong>der</strong>n wireless<br />

communications and is the only one of its kind still in operation.<br />

The need for rapid, secure communications between Sweden and the United<br />

States became increasingly evident in the early Twenties. Transatlantic<br />

cables had proven to be highly vulnerable, particularly in wartime. So the<br />

Swedish Parliament appropriated close to 5 million kronor in 1920 for<br />

construction of a major new radio station. Built by RCA and started up on<br />

1 December 1924, the tx boasted of the latest technology. King Gustaf V<br />

officially inaugurated it on 2 July 1925. As one link in an international<br />

network of similar txs, it played a major role in transatlantic telegraph<br />

communications.<br />

Grimeton's pride, and the heart of the tx, is an alternating current<br />

generator dubbed the Alexan<strong>der</strong>son alternator. Its inventor was Ernst<br />

Fredrik Werner Alexan<strong>der</strong>son (1878-1975), a Swedish-American engineer and<br />

pioneer in radio and television engineering who obtained more than 300<br />

patents during his lifetime. The Grimeton tx has the last complete<br />

Alexan<strong>der</strong>son alternator still in operation.<br />

The six 127 meter towers are awesome to behold. Spaced 380 meters apart,<br />

each tower has a 46 meter cross beam. Eight wires carry antenna current<br />

between the towers. A vertical antenna wire transmits from each tower.<br />

Adjacent to the towers are the station's buildings, still well preserved<br />

more than 80 years after their design by architect Carl kerblad. A little<br />

nearby village houses the staff.<br />

The Grimeton tx not only represents a major advance in the evolution of<br />

mo<strong>der</strong>n wireless communications, but is one of western Sweden's biggest<br />

structures and a unique historic monument.<br />

For additional information, phone:<br />

Alexan<strong>der</strong> Association - +046 340 67 42 51.<br />

County Museum of Halland - +046 340 828 30.<br />

Varberg Tourist Bureau - +046 340 887 70.<br />

Administrative Board of Halland County - +046 35 13 20 00.<br />

Halland County Tourist Bureau - +046 35 10 95 60.<br />

<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Sep 16)<br />

SYRIA at 1730-1800 two different prgrs were heard, both in Russian with<br />

different songs on MW 783 and 9330 kHz. At 1750 UT on 783 kHz anti-US<br />

commentary and 2 min later same was aired on 9330 kHz. Home Service in<br />

Arabic was heard at 1645 on 666 // 747, 918, 936 and 1071 kHz (Sep 10)<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 18)<br />

TAJIKISTAN Radio Free Asia via Tajikistan, 11535 kHz, QSL-card in 31<br />

days after hand-helding the report over to Andrew <strong>Jan</strong>itchek, station's QSL<br />

manager.<br />

(Alexan<strong>der</strong> Beryozkin-RUS, RUSdxsignal Sep 11)<br />

New txions for Voice of Tibet in Tibetan to India:<br />

1354-1427 and 1527-1600 UT on 17550 DB 100 kW / 131 deg. For B-<strong>05</strong> both on<br />

7465.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 13)<br />

TANZANIA 5<strong>05</strong>0, Radio Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam, on 21 Aug, SINPO 35443.

Western English-worded pop mx.<br />

(Alexan<strong>der</strong> Beryozkin-RUS, RUSdxsignal Sep 11) Time?<br />

5<strong>05</strong>0 Radio Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, at 0348-0355 UT on Sept 17,<br />

Vernacular, report by male. Long talk by female, 24442.<br />

(Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 17)<br />

THAILAND 151<strong>05</strong> daily English at 1500-1700 UT [but scheduled to 1600 UT<br />

only, wb]<br />

151<strong>05</strong> 1500-1600 VOA UDO 272deg. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 7)<br />

UKRAINE VORussia, prgr RKS in Russian at 1545 UT on MW 1377 // 1431,<br />

7370, 7440 etc were heard (Sep 9) (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 18)<br />

UNID 729 at 2144-2156 UT on Sep 3rd. Rock songs and tunes in Italian<br />

language, no ID.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 7)<br />

59<strong>05</strong>v presumed LA, 2230-2258 UT with nonstop melodic and soft vocals mx in<br />

SP. Unstable carrier, het at some moments with pitch depending of fq<br />

offset, at 2258 ID by female where I could only get "... frecuencia<br />

modulada..." and something that resembled Tupiza for me, but not sure.<br />

Couldn't record anything since no recor<strong>der</strong> working at that moment. Then at<br />

2302 UT followed a rlg pgm in SP when preacher said "Hermanos y hermanas"<br />

(Brothers and sisters, no "Deus e Amor" crazy style).<br />

(Horacio Nigro-URG, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 18)<br />

Drifting to 5907/08 today, FMing also, there is definitively a Bolivian<br />

here, with a rlg christian format. Same prgm pattern as yesterday, and<br />

confirming that to my QTH there is a listening window from 1930 to 2030<br />

UT, peaking at around 2300 UT, just for the ID by w at this hour. Instr.<br />

mx, an ad w/ a "bolivianos" hrd, then a canned promo read by same w. ID at<br />

2258 UT, and mass goes from 2300 to at least 2330 but at this hour the stn<br />

goes back into the mud.<br />

QSB is slow with QSA 1/2 to 3/4 (the best sigs occur during less than a<br />

min)<br />

Agn ID sounded as Tupiza or similar.<br />

I checked this out circa 0030 UT and there was definitely something there,<br />

but not enough to work with. Bears further checks.<br />

(Jerry Berg-USA and Horacio Nigro-URG, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 18)<br />

U.K. 1296 Note that acc. the official annts the DRM sce on 1296 (at<br />

present 0600-2200 8 AM to midnight CET) will be extended to 18 hours with<br />

the start of B<strong>05</strong>. No times were given, but I would consi<strong>der</strong> an earlier<br />

start as more likely than an extension into the night. This suggests that<br />

the RNW relays on 1296 (at present <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>57 UT) will come to an end.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 16)<br />

MARK HATTAM forwards the following from Steve Whitt of the Medium Wave<br />

Circle.<br />

UK & Ireland: MW & LW Transmitters - new CD<br />

Over the years information about LW & MW txs operating in the UK & Ireland<br />

has been fragmented, incomplete or out of date. More recently the Internet<br />

has augmented the printed medium but still it is exceedingly difficult to<br />

get all information in one place. In an attempt to improve matters I have<br />

spent several weeks collecting, collating and checking data about radio<br />

txs operating on Long and Medium Wave freqs; in essence every tx in the UK<br />

and Ireland operating below 1700 kHz. I imagine that I won't be the only<br />

person interested in having as much information as possible all together

in one place, so I will happily copy my files onto a CD-ROM for anyone who<br />

wants one.<br />

The CD contains the following:<br />

1. A full listing of over 500 txs and who is using them, along with data<br />

about them such as power, location (both National Grid Reference and<br />

latitude and longitude) and, where known, date activated. A description of<br />

the antenna and its radiation pattern is also included. The listing<br />

includes all currently active stations and some recently decommissioned.<br />

You will find broadcasters, navigation beacons, time standards, maritime<br />

and military txs listed. You will also find some unusual freq allocations;<br />

do you know who uses 87 kHz, 457 kHz, 846 kHz or 1641 kHz?<br />

2. A collection of B<strong>BC</strong> local radio coverage maps.<br />

3. A similar collection of maps for non-B<strong>BC</strong> stations.<br />

4. A large collection of detailed photographs of 200+ tx sites and the<br />

antennae in use.<br />

5. A collection of high quality scans of QSL cards from 100+ of the<br />

stations in the file.<br />

6. Directional antennae radiation patterns.<br />

7. Features: Extra features include a historical perpective of MW freq<br />

assignment & usage in the UK. Additionally a dossier covering quiet radio<br />

areas in the UK is included with detailed information to help you select a<br />

listening site with minimum noise or interference. The CD also contains a<br />

range of useful country maps showing counties, postcode areas and so on.<br />

In addition it includes direct linking to the Internet which will take you<br />

to a station's own website and to a detailed on-line mapping sce that will<br />

show you on an Ordnance Survey map where the tx is physically located. The<br />

CD is fully interactive and uses links to ensure you can quickly find the<br />

info you need. The main station listing uses a spreadsheet that you can<br />

sort and filter data as you wish.<br />

ORDERING There are two ways of or<strong>der</strong>ing a copy of this CD<br />

1. By post. Write to me enclosing payment, and your mailing address and I<br />

will send you the CD by return post. Write to me at: Landsvale, High<br />

Catton, York YO41 1EH, England.<br />

Cash payment can be $11US; 10 Euro or 5 Sterling notes well concealed<br />

inside an ordinary letter envelope. If you don't want the risk of sending<br />

cash in the post, I recommend registered post. Non-cash payments such as<br />

cheques, Postal Or<strong>der</strong>s or International Money Or<strong>der</strong>s must be 5.00<br />

Sterling. 2. Over the Internet.<br />

You can pay by PayPal by sending payment to:<br />

<br />

The PayPal prices are $11.75US; 10.75 Euro or 5.50 Sterling due to the<br />

charges levied by PayPal.<br />

Prices include post and packing. All or<strong>der</strong>s will be despatched by post in<br />

a protective envelope and overseas or<strong>der</strong>s will go airmail. I only use high<br />

quality CDs, such as TDK, to ensure you have a reliable and long lasting<br />

archive.<br />

(W<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Contact Sept; Paul Youngs_wdxc, Alan Roe-UK, Mike Barraclough-UK,<br />

Sep 10)<br />

Thanks Mike, thanks Alan.

USA The following is the Final 30 October 20<strong>05</strong> to 26 March 2006<br />

High Frequency Schedule for Family Stations, Inc., WYFR.<br />

kHz Time UTC Az(deg) Zone Power kHz Time UTC Az(deg) Zone Power<br />

5745 <strong>05</strong>00-1000 181 11 50 11530 <strong>05</strong>00-0800 44 27,28 100<br />

5810 <strong>05</strong>00-0800 44 27,39 100 11530 1200-1400 160 13 100<br />

5810 0800-1200 160 14 100 11565 1345-1700 315 2 100<br />

5810 2000-2300 44 27,28 100 11565 2000-2145 44 27,28 100<br />

5950 0300-1200 285 10 100 11580 0400-0900 87 47,52,57 100<br />

5950 2100-0300 355 4,5,9 100 11665 1945-2300 44 27,28 100<br />

5985 0445-0700 315 2 100 11720 2245-0145 142 13 100<br />

5985 2000-0445 181 11 50 11725 1100-1600 222 11 100<br />

6065 0100-0445 355 4,5,9 100 11740 2145-2345 315 2 100<br />

6085 2245-0100 355 4,5,9 100 11740 0145-<strong>05</strong>00 222 11 100<br />

6085 0945-2000 181 11 100 11740 0800-1600 151 15 100<br />

61<strong>05</strong> 0800-1100 142 15 100 11825 0045-0300 160 14 100<br />

11830 1100-1300 140 13 100<br />

6855 0300-0900 355 4,5,9 100 11830 1300-1700 315 2 100<br />

6855 0900-1300 355 4,5,9 100 11855 1300-1700 355 4,5,9 100<br />

6855 1945-2245 44 28 100 11855 2000-<strong>05</strong>00 222 11 100<br />

6890 0900-1300 355 4,5,9 100 11885 2300-0145 140 13 100<br />

11970 1145-1345 285 10 100<br />

7355 0300-0745 44 27,28 100<br />

7355 1045-1345 315 2 100 13615 1200-1600 160 15 100<br />

7455 0700-1100 315 2 100 13695 1300-1945 355 4,5,9 100<br />

7520 0100-0400 142 13 100<br />

7520 0400-0800 44 27,28 100 15115 1700-2100 87 46 100<br />

7570 0045-0400 160 15 100 15130 1245-2345 285 10 50<br />

15170 2245-0045 160 15 100<br />

9355 0400-0800 44 27,28 100 15210 1400-1600 160 14 100<br />

9355 1845-2300 44 27,28 100 15215 2300-0400 160 16 100<br />

9495 <strong>05</strong>00-1000 222 11 100 15355 1245-1400 222 12 100<br />

95<strong>05</strong> 0000-0445 315 2 100 15355 1400-1600 142 13 100<br />

9525 0100-0400 285 10 50 15400 2300-0100 151 15 100<br />

9555 0800-1400 160 16 100 15440 1945-2100 355 4,5,9 100<br />

9575 0900-1200 160 15 100 15440 2145-0300 285 10 100<br />

96<strong>05</strong> 0800-1100 142 13 100 15565 1800-1945 44 27,28 100<br />

96<strong>05</strong> 1100-1300 222 12 100 15565 2100-2245 87 37,46 100<br />

9680 0145-0800 315 2 100 15665 1600-1700 44 27,28 100<br />

9680 0800-1100 140 13 100<br />

9690 2145-0045 142 13 100 17510 1400-1600 160 13 100<br />

97<strong>05</strong> 1100-1245 285 10 50 17510 1700-2145 285 10 100<br />

9715 2345-0100 285 10 50 17535 1700-2200 315 2 100<br />

9715 0400-1100 285 10 50 17575 1700-2245 140 13 100<br />

9985 0100-<strong>05</strong>00 151 15 100 17690 1600-1945 87 37,46 100<br />

9985 <strong>05</strong>00-0900 87 37,46 100 17760 1345-1700 285 10 100<br />

17760 1700-2000 44 27,28 100<br />

17845 2300-0045 160 14 100<br />

18930 1600-1845 44 27,28 100<br />

18980 1600-1945 44 27,28 100<br />

21455 1600-2000 44 28 100<br />

21525 1945-2245 87 47,52,57 100<br />

21745 1600-1745 44 28,29 100<br />

(Evelyn Marcy-FL-USA, WYFR, dxld Sept 13)<br />

Some VOA changes:<br />

Afan/Oromo 1730-1800 Mon-Fri 9875 119<strong>05</strong> 13870, x1600-1630 117<strong>05</strong> 11790<br />

152<strong>05</strong> Mon-Fri<br />

Amharic 1800-1900 Daily 9875 119<strong>05</strong> 13870, x1800-1900 on 11895 13670<br />

13835 Mon-Fri<br />

Tigrigna 1900-1930 Mon-Fri 9875 119<strong>05</strong> 13870, x1630-1700 on 117<strong>05</strong> 11790<br />

152<strong>05</strong> Mon-Fri<br />

Kurdish 1800-1900 Daily NF 11530, x119<strong>05</strong> // 9625 15545

Turkish 1800-1900 Daily NF 11865, x9385 // 11925 15235<br />

Urdu(Radio Aap Ki Dunyaa) 1700-1800 Daily NF 9585, x119<strong>05</strong> // 9315 12155<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

Some RFE/RL changes:<br />

1800-1900 Azeri on 11865, deleted<br />

1700-1800 Turkmen NF 9390, ex 9595<br />

0200-0400 Uzbek NF 15460, additional<br />

1600-1800 Uzbek NF 9840, additional<br />

1700-1800 Uzbek NF 9595, ex 9390<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

5835, WWL relay, on Sept 16 at <strong>05</strong>31-<strong>05</strong>41 & 0810-0851 UT, still going<br />

strong with Jeff and Al call-in prgm, wx, nx updates.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 18)<br />

(New Jersey): Nach gut 40 Jahren wird erstmals wie<strong>der</strong> eine grosse<br />

Mittelwellenanlage fuer den Raum New York errichtet. Buckley<br />

Broadcasting/WOR Radio 710 bekommt in Lyndhurst einen Kilometer noerdlich<br />

<strong>der</strong> alten Sendeanlage eine neue. Im neuen Sen<strong>der</strong>gebaeude stehen bereits<br />

zwei nagelneue Harris 3<strong>DX</strong>50-Sen<strong>der</strong>. Die drei Antennentuerme werden in den<br />

naechsten Wochen errichtet. Das seit den 60er Jahren belegte alte Gelaende<br />

wird einer an<strong>der</strong>en kommerziellen Nutzung zugefuehrt, unter an<strong>der</strong>em einem<br />

Golfplatz.<br />

(Scott Fybush 5.-6.9.20<strong>05</strong> via Glenn Hauser dxld)<br />

URUGUAY 9620.6 SODRE, Montevideo (no ID, but what else?) noted on 16<br />

Sep at 2238-2249 UT, opera songs; 24442, adj. QRM de CAN 9625 kHz.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

UZBEKISTAN WYFR via Tashkent, 7435 kHz, QSL card, sked, religious<br />

materials, six monitoring envelopes in 59 days.<br />

(Alexan<strong>der</strong> Beryozkin-RUS RUSdxsignal Sep 11)<br />

5060 R Tashkent International on Sep 7 rcd in English at 2040 (2030-2100<br />

tx) and at 2157 (2130-2200 tx). 5060 kHz ann'd on air, their web-site says<br />

5025 kHz.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 14)<br />

Freqs changes of R.Tashkent:<br />

1200-1330 English/Urdu/Hindi NF 119<strong>05</strong>, x7285<br />

1330-1500 English/Urdu/Hindi NF 119<strong>05</strong>, x7285<br />

1520-1550 Dari NF 119<strong>05</strong>*, x6190<br />

1550-1630 Uzbek NF 119<strong>05</strong>*, x6190<br />

* co-ch RFE Romanian till 1530 Mon-Fri and VOT in Turkmen 1530-1625.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

VIETNAM Liberation Radio A - eine Darstellung aus nordvietnamesischer<br />

Perspektive Auf <strong>der</strong> Homepage <strong>der</strong> Voice of Vietnam fand sich Ende August<br />

folgendes Feature ueber Liberation Radio A, das 1962-1975 von Hanoi aus<br />

den suedvietnamesischen Untergrund unterstuetzte. Nach eigenen Angaben<br />

standen die Sen<strong>der</strong> von Radio Liberation in Suedvietnam. Westlichen<br />

Journalisten, die in den Vietcong-Gebieten herumgefuehrt wurden, zeigte<br />

man auch einige Sen<strong>der</strong>, nur wurden diese von technisch versierten<br />

Besuchern als unbrauchbar erkannt.<br />

"Am 1. February 1962 begann Liberation Radio mit seinen Sendungen von<br />

einer Untergrundbasis in Suedvietnam. Trotz <strong>der</strong> geringen Reichweite wurden<br />

die Sendungen umgehend gestoert. Um Hoerern in Sued- und Nordvietnam, aber<br />

auch im Ausland besseren Empfang zu verschaffen, beschloss die Fuehrung<br />

<strong>der</strong> nordvietnamesischen Radio Voice of Vietnam am 30. April 1962 die<br />

Schaffung einer Relaisstation, die Liberation Radio A genannt wurde. Die<br />

Station wurde in <strong>der</strong> 56 Quan Su Strasse im Zentrum Hanois, gleich bei <strong>der</strong><br />

Radio Voice of Vietnam, eingerichtet. Obwohl man nicht direkt an <strong>der</strong> Front

stand, betrachteten sich die etwa 400 Mitarbeitenden als kaempfende<br />

Truppe. Unter den Bedingungen des Vietnamkriegs war es nicht einfach,<br />

aktuelle Sendungen auszustrahlen.<br />

Aus verschiedenen Gruenden, schlechter Ausruestung, widrigen<br />

Wetterumstaenden usw., waren die Programme von Liberation Radio B aus<br />

Suedvietnam nur schwach aufzunehmen und sehr verzerrt. Fuer einen<br />

urspruenglich fuenf o<strong>der</strong> sieben-minuetigen Kommentar brauchten die<br />

Mitarbeitenden in Hanoi zwei bis drei Stunden fuer die Transskription und<br />

Wie<strong>der</strong>ausstrahlung. Die Fruehjahsoffensive von 1975 brachte eine letzte<br />

grosse Anstrengung. Die Mitarbeitenden in Hanoi arbeiteten schier rund um<br />

die Uhr, um die Nachrichten vom Vormarsch zu verbreiten.<br />

Journalist Vinh Tra von Liberation Radio A beschreibt die Atmosphaere vom<br />

April 1975 so: 'Je<strong>der</strong> arbeitete wie eine Maschine. Wir gaben unser bestes,<br />

aber wir ermuedeten nicht. Wir waren gluecklich, und wenn ich an diese<br />

Tage denke, fuellen sich meine Augen mit Traenen. Liberation Radio war ein<br />

hoechst wirksames ideologisches Werkzeug fuer den suedvietnamesischen<br />

Untergrund und trug zu ihrem Sieg und <strong>der</strong> Vereinigung von Nord- und<br />

Suedvietnam bei. Fuer die mehr als 400 an Liberation Radio A Beteiligten<br />

haben sich die 13 Jahre in die Erinnerungen eingegraben."<br />

<br />

von Dr. Hansjoerg Biener uebersetzt und eingeleitet, ntt Sep 15)<br />

YEMEN 9779.5, R. Yemen, San'a, at *0257-0324 on Sep 10, opening male<br />

vocal to 0300 ID and fqy anmt and the nx in AR read by a man ancr. Nx<br />

ended at 03<strong>05</strong> with segment of instr. mx, some talk by a man followed by ME<br />

vocals. Drama prgm began at 0315. Fair signal.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 11)<br />

When visiting Yemen a few years ago, I learned that although Al Hiswa is<br />

still the location near Aden of a MW outlet, the SW txs there were bombed<br />

and destroyed by the North Yemeni Air Force during the War of Unification.<br />

Since then the Yemeni SW outlets are ONLY at Sana'a.<br />

(Maarten Van Delft-HOL, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Sep 7)<br />

ZIMBABWE 6612 (really an harmonic of 3306?!) ZN<strong>BC</strong>, Gweru, noted on 17<br />

Sep at 2211-2226 UT, Vernacular, african pops, few talks; nothing audible<br />

on 3306 kHz.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

Solar Eclipse Oct 3rd, in Germany 0745-0935 UT, in WeEUR 0845-1220 UT.<br />

Quelle: <br />

(mit Sofi-Vorschauen auf Globusbil<strong>der</strong>n.)<br />

Am 3. Oktober 20<strong>05</strong> findet eine ringfoermige Sonnenfinsternis statt, die in<br />

ganz Europa partiell, in Spanien auch ringfoermig zu sehen ist. Die<br />

ringfoermige Phase dauert an <strong>der</strong> spanischen Mittelmeerkueste 4 Minuten 10<br />

Sekunden, <strong>der</strong> Mond deckt dabei 90.39 % <strong>der</strong> Sonnenscheibe ab.<br />

Vielleicht wie<strong>der</strong> interessante MW-Empfaenge waehrend <strong>der</strong> Durchgangszeit.<br />

(Herbert Meixner-AUT, wwdxc Sep 15)<br />

Herbert, um wieviel Uhr soll die Sonnenfinsternis denn stattfinden?<br />

(Klaus Spielvogel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong>)<br />

Ich habe das mal kurz mit einem Programm berechnen lassen.<br />

Sonnenfinsternis am : 03.10. 20<strong>05</strong> IN EUROPA SICHTBAR<br />

Finsternisbeginn: 0845 UTC ausserhalb Europas, 46.4No 24.5We<br />

Finsternisende: 1220 UTC ausserhalb Europas, 09.8So 76.9Ea<br />

Art <strong>der</strong> Finsternis: ringfoermig. (Joachim Thiel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 15)

Herbert, um wieviel Uhr soll die Sonnenfinsternis denn stattfinden? Ich<br />

vermute am spaeten Vormittag, fruehen Mittag, o<strong>der</strong>?<br />

Vielleicht kann man zusammen einmal ausprobieren, wie sich die<br />

Empfangsverhaeltnisse bei einer <strong>der</strong>artigen Finsternis veraen<strong>der</strong>n.<br />

Gute Beschreibung und sonstige Infos unter<br />

<br />

"... Ueber dem deutschsprachigen Gebiet beginnt die Sonnenfinsternis am<br />

Montagmorgen, 3. Oktober 20<strong>05</strong>, zwischen 09:45 und 10:<strong>05</strong> MESZ. Die Sonne<br />

steht dann schon ueber 20 degr ueber Horizont. Etwa 70 Minuten spaeter hat<br />

sich <strong>der</strong> Mond bis auf ueber 70% des Sonnendurchmessers vor die Sonne<br />

geschoben - die maximale Finsternis ist erreicht. Die genauen Zeiten<br />

hierfuer sind in oben stehen<strong>der</strong> Karte o<strong>der</strong> bei CalSKY.com zu finden. In<br />

Berlin reicht <strong>der</strong> Mond genau bis zur Mitte <strong>der</strong> Sonnenscheibe und die<br />

Bedeckung nimmt gegen Suedwesten zu. Anschliessend zieht sich die<br />

Mondscheibe wie<strong>der</strong> zurueck und verlaesst die Sonne zwischen 11:25 und<br />

11:35 MESZ.<br />

Die Sonnenfinsternis darf nur unter <strong>Verwendung</strong> von speziellen<br />

Sonnenfinsternisbrillen beobachtet werden. Sonnenbrillen, CDs, belichtete<br />

Filmstreifen lassen die unsichtbaren aber gefaehrlichen IR-Strahlen<br />

praktisch ungehin<strong>der</strong>t durch. Sie koennen Sonnenfinsternisbrillen ueber uns<br />

beziehen. Neben diesem Sonnenschutz brauchen Sie fuer die Beobachtung<br />

keine spezielle Ausruestung."<br />

Google hilft mit z.B. Eintrag "Sonnenfinsternis Oktober 20<strong>05</strong>" mit vielen<br />

Eintraegen weiter. Mal sehen was daraus wird ...<br />

(Herbert Meixner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 15)<br />

DRM Special Radio entered the DRM Consortium. Starting from October, it<br />

will go out in SW using DRM mode.<br />

<br />

(open_dx - Victor Rutkovsky-RUS, RUSdxsignal Sep 11)<br />

Power level of DRM txions: On the IFA press conference the speaker of T-<br />

Systems explained with pride that they are able (and do so at least on<br />

7265) to provide DRM txions with 200 kW from their Wertachtal site,<br />

equivalent to 1000 kW AM carrier power. Made me immediately think about<br />

the old Soviet approach... So where do they save so much money when still<br />

churning out 200 kW in DRM instead of 500 kW in AM? And Juelich<br />

demonstrates every day how 100 kW do the job as well when operational<br />

costs are a real matter.<br />

The presentations from this press conference are now available as PDF<br />

documents at<br />

<br />

(the set of nine "download" buttons there).<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 16)<br />

DRM radio sets should be available by Christmas.<br />

Radio listeners are soon to be offered a new type of radio which can play<br />

and record both digital and conventional radio.<br />

The new generation of such radio sets was demonstrated in Amsterdam at the<br />

I<strong>BC</strong>, International Broadcasting Convention, by the Digital Radio Mondiale,<br />

(DRM), consortium.<br />

They were first unveiled last week at a Berlin consumer electronics show.<br />

Peter Senger, DRM chairman and chief of Germany's international radio<br />

station Deutsche Welle, said that it is the first digital radio which can

eceive the main European radio systems: DAB, DRM, AM, FM/RDS and short<br />

wave.<br />

DRM is intended to replace long wave, medium wave and short wave<br />

broadcasts with a more reliable and higher-quality sce for an audience<br />

which has largely moved to FM. AM is perceived as low quality because of<br />

interference and low fidelity.<br />

The sample radio sets are the product of collaboration between the DRM<br />

consortium, Texas Instruments and RadioScape.<br />

What started as discussions between international broadcasters is now<br />

almost ready for the general public.<br />

"We have been pregnant for seven years and have now given birth", said<br />

John Sykes, the B<strong>BC</strong> World Service's digital radio project director. This<br />

technology allows better radio, over greater distances, in better quality.<br />

Anton Hierhager, Texas Instruments.<br />

Currently, 40 European broadcasters send more than 500 hours of<br />

programming daily using the system.<br />

The choice is limited but ever-increasing: Radio Luxembourg has just<br />

relaunched an English sce using DRM.<br />

The B<strong>BC</strong> World Service also started a DRM radio sce for Europe and even<br />

Deutsche Welle has committed to the phasing-out out of conventional short<br />

wave in favour of DRM.<br />

There are opportunities for more stations. World Radio Network, which<br />

packages radio programmes from abroad is to trial a London-wide DRM sce<br />

and regional sces for Europe beamed from Bulgaria.<br />

"London will provide a rigorous test environment," said its managing<br />

director, Gary Edgerton. "If it works in London it will work anywhere."<br />

He envisaged specialised niche sces which present AM and FM do not<br />

provide. International commercial and public sce broadcasters are<br />

frustrated that they cannot reach many listeners reliably across bor<strong>der</strong>s.<br />

DRM could help them.<br />

"This technology allows better radio, over greater distances, in better<br />

quality", said Anton Hierhager, business development manager digital radio<br />

for Texas Instruments.<br />

At the same time that popular commercial stations and respected public<br />

broadcasters are increasing the availability of DRM content. DRM-capable<br />

radios products are heading for the shops for Christmas 20<strong>05</strong>, DRM chief<br />

Peter Senger said.<br />

The radios will first be made by Morphy Richards, Roberts Radio and<br />

Sangean. There is no official price tag but it is thought that the early<br />

models will cost in the region of about 250 euros (œ169). The designs are<br />

varied and not unlike DAB sets already on sale.<br />

I<strong>BC</strong> takes place in Amsterdam from 8 to 13 September.<br />

<br />

(12 Sep By Chris McWhinnie and Ian Piper B<strong>BC</strong> M, in Amsterdam Sep 13)<br />

Some discussion of Luxembourg's DRM txion in this month's RadCom (RSGB<br />

magazine).<br />

In essence - measurements of the "spectrum mask" of the DRM transmission<br />

by Amateur operators has shown it to be out of ITU specification and this

has been acknowledged by T-Systems in Germany who operate the tx. T-<br />

Systems has committed to fix the problem, judging by the various recent on<br />

air comments by 40M operators T-Systems still has to deliver on their<br />

commitment.<br />

(G8JXA, Windsor, drmrx.org forums; via Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong><br />

Sep 15)<br />

DRM (Sep 17)<br />

Navy Nx 9725<br />

Hi . New station om DRM 9725 kHz ModeB / 5 kHz.<br />

No sound.<br />

Attachment: <br />

Sixten SM5DAJ<br />

Location: Marsta Sweden<br />

15.9.<strong>05</strong>, 10:37 am<br />

Here is 30min. log freq can be 9725 or 9720 kHz<br />

Signal S9+10db here in my QTH .<br />

Attachment: <br />

15.9.<strong>05</strong> 11.07 am<br />

The screen shot of the txion says Data Service: MOT Broadcast Web Site,<br />

Navy News, Bit Rate 6.86 kbps.<br />

I could hear this myself with a weak signal though it did not spread to<br />

9720 and 9730 like a normal DRM signal would.<br />

Where is this coming from and should DRM be being used for data only<br />

txions on the international SW broadcast bands?<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, dxld Sep 15)<br />

Whose Navy and from what site? What does MOT mean? (Glenn Hauser)<br />

Presumably MOT stands for Multimedia Object Transfer Protocol, the<br />

protocol used in DAB for transferring file oriented data.<br />

<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, dxld Sep 15)<br />

It was on 11815 at 1.10 pm (not sure whether times in the drmrx forum are<br />

UTC??) according to a reporter in Bad Wildungen.<br />

Just checked here (1308 UTC) and it is a massive signal, not behaving like<br />

other DRM signals as does not seem to spread lsb but spreads up to 11820<br />

before dropping off. As I cant decode DRM I can't tell whether it is data<br />

only.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, dxld Sep 15)<br />

Quoting Wolfgang Bueschel_web<br />

9725 Nothing could be heard here in GER around 12.30 UT, Sept 15th. (wb)<br />

Ramadan: Am 4./5. Oktober beginnt in diesem Jahr <strong>der</strong> Ramadan. Im<br />

islamischen Fastenmonat sind Muslime gehalten, tagsueber zu fasten. Im<br />

Gegenzug werden die Abendessen zum wichtigen sozialen Ereignis sowohl in<br />

den Familien als auch bei Einladungen an die Armen. Da sich das soziale<br />

Leben in den Abend verlagert, verlaengern viele Stationen <strong>der</strong> islamischen<br />

Welt ihre Programme in die Nacht o<strong>der</strong> senden sogar rund um die Uhr. In<br />

frueheren Jahren bedeutete das fuer europaeische <strong>DX</strong>er beispielsweise<br />

Empfangsmoeglichkeiten fuer die jetzt reaktivierte Kurzwelle 4780 kHz von<br />

RTV Djibouti.<br />

Der Beginn des Ramadanfest zum Ende des Fastens duerfte auf den 3./4.<br />

November fallen.

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Sep 15)<br />

Nach <strong>der</strong> Sommerpause gehen wie<strong>der</strong> die (klubsuebergreifenden, klubneutrale)<br />

Hobbytreffen im Rundfunkmuseum Fuerth weiter, letzter Donnerstag im Monat<br />

ab 1800 Uhr Lokalzeit [MESZ/CEST].<br />

Der kommende Termin:<br />

Donnerstag, 29. September 20<strong>05</strong><br />

Hierfuer vorgesehen:<br />

1900 Uhr: ein Vortrag ueber DRM und eine Vorfuehrung des digitalen<br />

Empfaengers DRT1.<br />

Insbeson<strong>der</strong>s sind diese Hobbytreffen Gelegenheiten, sich persoenlich mit<br />

an<strong>der</strong>en zu treffen und ueber das Hobby auszutauschen. Und in diesem Fall<br />

sogar in einer sehr angenehmen und historisch traechtigen Umgebung.<br />

Alle Interessenten sind eingeladen und gerne gesehen!<br />

Weitere Hinweise: <br />

(Dr. Anton J. Kuchelmeister-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 17)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 729 27 Sep 20<strong>05</strong><br />

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ARGENTINA 6<strong>05</strong>9.95 RAE, on Sep 20 at 1020-1140 UT, 34333, Japanese,<br />

International program in Japanese , good signal. I won<strong>der</strong> it was txion<br />

error. Now, it is very difficult to receive the Japanese program of RAE on<br />

11710 kHz, because there is severe QRM of CPBS and Voice of Korea on co-<br />

frequency. (Hiroshi Tokusa-JPN, dxld Sep 20)<br />

8098LSB R.La Red on Sep 18 at 0858-0907, 0959-1012 UT. 35443 Spanish,<br />

Talk and news, ID at 0900 and 0902 UT etc.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 23)<br />

ARMENIA Propagation on MW last week (37) has been very strange due to<br />

the geomagnetic storm. On 1377 kHz I can un<strong>der</strong> normal conditions hear<br />

France Info, Lille 300 kW. Sometimes a Chinese station. This week at 1730<br />

UT the dominating station has been TWR Gavar, Armenia signing on at 1725<br />

UT.<br />

1800 UT on 1314 kHz I?ve been hearing B<strong>BC</strong> Al Dhabbaya, United Arab<br />

Emirates instead of NRK?s powerhouse.<br />

On Wednesday 14/9 almost the only station on MW-dial around 1800 UT was<br />

YLE Pori. MW-band was almost totally silent except some stations from Iran<br />

and Romania. For some reason during the geomagnetic storms mw-stations<br />

from Italy, Romania and Iran come with exceptional good reception.<br />

Selection is very limited indeed.<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, RUS<strong>DX</strong>signal Sep 24)

ASCENSION ISLS [LIBERIA non] 9525 Star Radio, on Sept 23 at 0826-0900*<br />

UT, English and vernacular; program "Meet the Candidates," in depth<br />

interview with a member of the Labor Party, who is a candidate in the<br />

upcoming October elections; fair-poor.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld Sep 24)<br />

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia's sce to PNG from Shepparton was VERY strong<br />

in Port Douglas. 21725 kHz in the afternoon and 9710 and 6020 kHz were as<br />

strong as local AM stations!<br />

(Barry Hartley-NZL, on tour in NoQueensland-AUS, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 23)<br />

7875 I've never run across this one before. Do you know who is relaying<br />

this? 7875 USB, A<strong>BC</strong> Western Australia, at 1030-1130 on Sept 18, Shortwave<br />

SSB relay of A<strong>BC</strong> Western Australia sce. Sports talk, ID "A<strong>BC</strong> local radio"<br />

at 1030, more talk on sports, then took callers on topic of computers till<br />

1100. ID then national and international nx till 1110, then canned promo<br />

with "We're tuned in on you, A<strong>BC</strong> Western Australia." Mention of "A<strong>BC</strong><br />

Western Australia" again a min later, then back into national feed. Some<br />

mx with promo for A<strong>BC</strong> TV between songs then back into talk format. Strong<br />

clear signal.<br />

(David Hodgson-TN-USA, dxld Sep 19)<br />

Re David Hodgson's log of A<strong>BC</strong> Western Australia relayed on 7875 kHz. Today<br />

22 Sep at 1815 UT it is audible here with strong signal. At 1830 a brief<br />

mention of A<strong>BC</strong> Perth. Plays oldies like Ray Charles and Fred Astaire.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Sep 22)<br />

7875 USB Aussie. Coming in with good reception quality. Have listened to<br />

the station for a few hours now. Programming follows the schedule at<br />

<br />

although hosts of the shows don't always match. Identifies as "720 A<strong>BC</strong><br />

Perth and local radio WA". Still no idea of the tx location and purpose.<br />

(Mika Makelainen-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 23)<br />

Unid still going at 2355 w/ nx bcst by man w/ coverage on Hurricane Rita<br />

etc. at SINPO 35353 w/ high backgnd noise lvl on USB (via <strong>DX</strong> Tuner UK).<br />

Started to fade around 0000 UT.<br />

This may be an Australian Defence Forces relay as they used to bcst via a<br />

USB station around 8 MHz several years ago ... if so, would be for<br />

Australian forces in Asia.<br />

(Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 24)<br />

7875.4USB, at 2045 on Sept 22nd, A<strong>BC</strong> Western Australia with phone in<br />

programme being heard at fair strength.<br />

(Nick Sharpe-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C Sep 23 via Mike Barraclough)<br />

A<strong>BC</strong> Western Australia - audible now on 7875 usb. This station is coming in<br />

well now at 1610 UT Saturday. I measure the freq as 7875.0 kHz in upper<br />

sideband. Just identified as "Overnight on WA".<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Sep 24)<br />

A<strong>BC</strong> Western Australia 7876 usb. I tuned into the A<strong>BC</strong> Western Australia<br />

relay on 7876 kHz usb last night at 2227 UT.<br />

Fair strength clear signal at first using just my portable Sony 7600 GR<br />

with its telescopic aerial. Still audible but weaker and fading out when I<br />

tuned out around 23<strong>05</strong> UT. Programme included A<strong>BC</strong> Regional Nx at 2230<br />

("half past Six") promos for "A<strong>BC</strong> North West - the Best Part of Western<br />

Australia" and chat on the breakfast show about the upcoming (Australian<br />

Rules Football) "Grand Final" - Eagles v Swans. Also a promo for "Midsomer<br />

Mur<strong>der</strong>s" on TV! Western Australia was refered to as "WA". Nice to hear<br />

some local radio on SW! (Alan Pennington-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Sep 24)

7875U A<strong>BC</strong> Western Australia SSB <strong>BC</strong>B. Sept. 25. 1356-1445+ Noted with the<br />

prgm 'Speaking Out' with host Karen Dorante @ tune-in, noted to 1400 then<br />

relay of the A<strong>BC</strong> National News. 1409 Sports Report which afterwards<br />

followed with the Program called 'Sunday Night Talk' with John Clearly.<br />

Tonight's topic was about Hope, with call-in phone number of 1-300-800-<br />

2222. One ID was caught at 1420 as 'A<strong>BC</strong> Western Australia' and other at<br />

1435 as 'On Sunday Night, right here on A<strong>BC</strong> Western Australia'. Signal was<br />

Very Good+ on the loop, at this time period.<br />

(Ed Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 25)<br />

Re Australia on 7875 USB - this one was already giving a good signal at my<br />

location in NW England at tune in 1730 on the 23rd. The programme was<br />

'Overnight Australia', a phone in show. I didn't hear an ID but there was<br />

a time check which gave zonal times in Australia and another annt which<br />

MIGHT have been the beginning of an ID shortly before 1800. But this was<br />

interrupted by the well known theme mx used to introduced the A<strong>BC</strong> nx on<br />

the hour.<br />

I tried again this morning between 0630 and 0700 for any possible signal<br />

via the long path but heard nothing. Perhaps not surprising if the tx is<br />

located in Western Australia UT +8 hrs.<br />

Max van Arnhem, Holanda reports "WUN president Ary Boen<strong>der</strong> informed me<br />

that the Australian Navy is 1.5 kHz lower in frequency."<br />

I also notice that Christmas Island [Australian] - the one near INS -<br />

rebroadcasts programmes from A<strong>BC</strong> Perth while the Cocos [Keeling] Islands<br />

further to the south-west also relays the A<strong>BC</strong> according to the WRTH.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, dxld Sep 25)<br />

Yes I can hear it also in Italy, this evening, with fair to good signal,<br />

on 7875 kHz. On the hour at 21 and 22 UT "A<strong>BC</strong> News". Now at 22.15 UT<br />

Italian opera: "Libiam nei lieti calici", from La Traviata by Giuseppe<br />

Verdi. Also yesterday I heard some Italian mx as a song of Mina, great<br />

Italian singer. Ciao Giampiero<br />

(Giampiero Bernardini-I, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Sep 25)<br />

Seems this tx may be located at Northwest Cape in WA. An Australian<br />

defence force tx.<br />

(Tony Magon VK2IC, dxld Sep 25)<br />

Great information, Tony. I did a Google search for the ADFR and didn't<br />

come up with anything. Source for your information? Any tx info? My guess<br />

is 10 to 40 kW, as the reception is very good here on the WCNA.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-USA, dxld Sep 25)<br />

7875 Exmouth, Western Australia? The txions on 7875U carrying A<strong>BC</strong><br />

programming: The ACMA licence register shows 7875 kHz authorized for the<br />

Department of Defence, 40 kW, located at Exmouth, North West Cape, Western<br />

Australia. Callsign is AXAA, and is a "Point to Multipoint" sce, SSB.<br />

Interestingly, the licence has only just been granted, effective from Sep<br />

20 20<strong>05</strong>, and is in effect until Sep 19 2006.<br />

So, obviously a military operation from ADF, and not "broadcasting" in the<br />

classical sense ... I don't know what the big deal is with this! The ADF<br />

can do what it wants, and carry programming from wherever it chooses, and<br />

this txion is probably some sort of transmitter/propagation test, in<br />

anticipation of a regular ADF sce to our military people in the Middle<br />

East/Asia. There is nothing new about this, as previous ADF broadcasts for<br />

Australian scemen and women were widely heard some years ago, as back-up<br />

txions for our people serving in the Middle East.<br />

The signal is easily heard here in Melbourne all day and night, running 24

hrs, carying a mix of A<strong>BC</strong> programming - Radio Australia, Radio National,<br />

and A<strong>BC</strong> Western Australia.<br />

<br />

(Bob Padula-AUS via <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 27)<br />

Exmouth contains also US Air Force and Navy National Defense - Military<br />

and Overseas Government Installations since 1963, like very low freq fixed<br />

submarine broadcast system site.<br />

Learmonth RAAF base. (wb)<br />

See un<strong>der</strong> Google search: +Exmouth+Australia+Defense<br />

"Two major communications facilities will close with the introduction of<br />

the mo<strong>der</strong>nised high freq communication system. The Canberra communication<br />

site, and the High Frequency component situated at Harold E. Holt at<br />

Exmouth, Western Australia, will be decommissioned commencing in July<br />

20<strong>05</strong>."...<br />

very low freq fixed submarine broadcast system site:<br />

... "Continental Electronics Corporation, Dallas, Texas, is being awarded<br />

a $5,626,886 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, cost-plus-incentive-<br />

fee type contract to provide upgrades, modifications, engineering support,<br />

on-site technical sces, material procurement and maintenance to extend the<br />

life of the very low freq fixed submarine broadcast system sites. The<br />

scope of work includes manufacturing, assembly, integration, installation<br />

and testing. Work will be performed in Dallas, Texas (50%); Cutler, Maine<br />

(10%); Arlington, Wash. (10%); Lualualei, Hawaii (10%); Exmouth, Australia<br />

(10%); and Aguada, Puerto Rico (10%), and is expected to be completed by<br />

September 1999."<br />

BAHRAIN - off coast? 6125 USB only, Information R (R Maluumaati) via<br />

Naval Ships of Coalition Maritime Forces in waters around Saudi Arabia,<br />

around 0100, Sep 09 and 12, talks in Arabic, Farsi, Dari and Pashto,<br />

various Middle East mx, Iran was mentioned several times during the Farsi<br />

programme, 22222. Checked each night, but not audible every night!<br />

(Bjarke Vestesen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 19)<br />

6125 USB only, Information R (R Maluumaati) via Naval Ships of Coalition<br />

Maritime Forces in waters around Saudi Arabia, heard 0100-0159 UT on Sep<br />

19 with short talks in Arabic, Farsi, Dari and Pashto between various<br />

Middle East mx. First SINPO 24332, squeezed between Urumqi in Uighur on<br />

6120 and Lhasa in Tibetan on 6130, but they quickly faded out. Then deep<br />

fading and varying between 15211 and 23211 with intermittent utility<br />

conversation in Serbocroatian (?) off frequency. Drowned at *0159 when REE<br />

Cariari signed on in Spanish with QSA 2. This is an early broadcast on<br />

this frequency!<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 19)<br />

COALITION MARITIME FORCES 6125 Information R (pres) on Sep 24 at 0230-0315<br />

UT, every time I listened in only the usual type of ME mx, no talk. Mixing<br />

with stronger REE. I don't know when it switched to 9133 kHz where I heard<br />

it 0438 past 0618 UT. Same pattern and no speech noted even on the hour<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 UT. Very weak, signal fading in and out.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 24)<br />

COALITION MARITIME 6125 tuned in early today, at 0031, and found fair to<br />

quite good signal of ME songs and anns this time. Past 0135 UT.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 25)<br />

6125 USB, Radio Maluumaati/Information Radio, Gulf of Oman; at 2352-0200<br />

UT on Sept. 24-25. Monitoring the channel from 2335+, nothing until 2352,<br />

when mid-east vocals popped up (not sure it truly appeared at 2352, but<br />

nothing present prior to that here). From 2352 till 0200, continuous mid-<br />

eastern flutes/vocals, brief talk occasionally by M, seemingly in

Dari/Pashto (not Arabic or Farsi). One clear "Radyo Mal-U-Ma -" by M at<br />

0038. Blocked from 0158 by Radio Exterior de Espana carrier (flutes still<br />

making it through), but lost from 0200 when Spain programming began.<br />

Signal began dropping down slowly from 0045. Great reception, in the<br />

clear, absolutely no QRM until 0158, USB mode. This cannot be 250-watts,<br />

how about 5 kW+!<br />

<br />

(Terry L Krueger-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 25)<br />

BELARUS Deutsche Welle wollen die Medienvielfalt in Weissrussland<br />

foer<strong>der</strong>n. Das Pikante: Gesendet wird vor allem in <strong>der</strong> alten<br />

Besatzersprache Russisch.<br />

Bislang lautet das Motto im weissrussischen staatlichen Fernsehen und<br />

Radio: Praesident Alexan<strong>der</strong> Lukaschenko auf allen Kanaelen. Doch damit<br />

duerfte bald Schluss sein. Letzte Woche kuendigte die Europaeische<br />

Kommission in Bruessel an, fuer die Produktion unabhaengiger Radio- und<br />

Fernsehsendungen in russischer und weissrussischer Sprache, die in<br />

Weissrussland gesendet werden sollen, rund zwei Millionen Euro zur<br />

Verfuegung zu stellen. Bis zum 11. Oktober koennen sich Sendeanstalten<br />

fuer das Projekt, das auf zwei Jahre angelegt ist und am 1. <strong>Jan</strong>uar 2006<br />

starten soll, bewerben.<br />

"Die Menschenrechtssituation in Weissrussland verschlechtert sich immer<br />

weiter. Wenn das Land seinen Weg zur Demokratie finden soll, brauchen die<br />

Menschen Zugang zu freien Medien", sagte die Kommissarin fuer EU-<br />

Aussenbeziehungen Benita Ferrero-Waldner.<br />

Zwar duerfte niemand die Notwendigkeit eines Gegengewichtes zu den<br />

staatlich gelenkten Lukaschenko-Propagandasen<strong>der</strong>n bestreiten. Dennoch<br />

stoesst das Bruesseler Projekt auf Kritik - beson<strong>der</strong>s bei EU-<br />

Parlamentariern aus den neuen Mitgliedstaaten. Die Kommission riskiere,<br />

sich zu Russlands Komplizen bei <strong>der</strong> Russifizierung seiner Nachbarn zu<br />

machen, sagte Litauens Ex-Staatspraesident Vytautas Landsbergis unter<br />

Verweis auf die geplanten Beitraege in russischer Sprache. Der Este Toomas<br />

Hendrik bezeichnete die jeweiligen Landessprachen als ein Hauptwerkzeug<br />

demokratischer Veraen<strong>der</strong>ungen in Osteuropa: "Natuerlich verstehen alle<br />

Weissrussen Russisch. Aber koennen Sie sich vorstellen, was das fuer die<br />

Menschen bedeutet, an die sie sich wenden?"<br />

Fuer zusaetzliche Veraergerung sorgen die Ausschreibungsregeln Bruessels.<br />

So muessen Sendeanstalten einen jaehrlichen Mindestumsatz von drei<br />

Millionen Euro nachweisen, wollen sie den Zuschlag erhalten. Dieses<br />

schliesse Polen und Litauen von vornherein aus, maulten einige EU-<br />

Parlamentarier. Bereits im vergangenen Monat hatte ein Medienprojekt fuer<br />

Weissrussland Staub aufgewirbelt. Dabei geht es um ein fuenfzehnminuetiges<br />

Programm, das die Deutsche Welle ab dem 1. November an fuenf Tagen in <strong>der</strong><br />

Woche in Lukaschenkos Reich ausstrahlen wird. Gegenstand <strong>der</strong><br />

Berichterstattung sollen vor allem Politik, Wirtschaft und soziale Fragen<br />

sein. Das Projekt, das zunaechst auf ein Jahr angelegt ist und auf die<br />

Zuarbeit weissrussischer Korrespondenten setzt, wird von Bruessel mit<br />

138.000 Euro unterstuetzt. Stein des Anstosses fuer Teile <strong>der</strong><br />

weissrussischen Opposition: Die Deutsche Welle wird in russischer Sprache<br />

senden.<br />

Begruendet wird dies unter an<strong>der</strong>em mit begrenzten finanziellen<br />

Moeglichkeiten. Zwar ist das Russische, neben dem Weissrussischen, zweite<br />

Staatssprache und das Hauptverstaendigungsmittel in dem 10-Millionen-<br />

Einwohner-Staat. Genau diese Dominanz ist aber auch eins <strong>der</strong> erklaerten<br />

Ziele <strong>der</strong> Politik Lukaschenkos. Seit seinem Amtsantritt im Jahre 1994<br />

versucht <strong>der</strong> autokratische Staatschef und Sowjetnostalgiker die<br />

weissrussische Kultur und Sprache, die er selbst nur unzureichend<br />

beherrscht, mit allen Mitteln zu bekaempfen.

Daher sehen diejenigen Lukaschenko-Kritiker, die seit <strong>der</strong> Unabhaengigkeit<br />

des Landes 1991 fuer die Foer<strong>der</strong>ung des zu Sowjetzeiten unterdrueckten<br />

nationalen Kulturerbes einsetzen, das geplante Deutsche-Welle-Programm als<br />

Affront. Die weissrussische Gesellschaft sei sehr verletzt angesichts des<br />

mangelnden Respekts <strong>der</strong> deutschen Seite, befand Aleh Trusau, Vorsitzen<strong>der</strong><br />

<strong>der</strong> Gesellschaft fuer die weissrussische Sprache.<br />

Uladzimir Kolas, potenzieller Kandidat <strong>der</strong> Opposition fuer die<br />

Praesidentenwahlen 2006, bemueht sich um eine pragmatische Sichtweise. Bis<br />

2001 war er Direktor eines Gymnasiums in Minsk, in dem ausschliesslich auf<br />

Weissrussisch unterrichtet wurde. Dann liess Lukaschenko die "Brutstaette<br />

<strong>der</strong> Opposition" schliessen. "Wer zahlt, bestellt eben auch die Musik",<br />

sagt Kolas. Zwar bestuende die Gefahr, dass durch das Programm die Graeben<br />

in <strong>der</strong> Gesellschaft vertieft wuerden. Doch sei Sprache nicht alles:<br />

"Wichtiger sind die Inhalte des Programms und die Professionalitaet <strong>der</strong><br />

Programmmacher."<br />

(taz 21.9.20<strong>05</strong>, by Barbara Oertel; via Juergen Lohuis-D)<br />

BELGIUM Radio Television Belge de la Communaute Francais (RTBF) recently<br />

contracted Thales for the supply of a fully automatic DRM 100 kW SW tx<br />

type TSW 2100D. As DRM front-end, RTBF chose the latest generation Thales<br />

Skywave 2000 DRM Multi-Program Multiplexer CIRRUS (TXW 5125D) and the DRM<br />

Versatile Modulator / RF Exciter STRATUS (TXW 5126D). The equipment will<br />

be installed at the existing station at Wavre.<br />

Beginning March 2006, RTBF intends to sce Southern Europe with the new DRM<br />

tx. Programs will include regular analog SW as well as DRM tests.<br />

"We had to buy a new tx to go on with our SW txions, and of course to go<br />

digital" explains Mr. Fantuzzi, head Manager of the RTBF RF Department.<br />

"Our existing txs are very old. Some of them have been installed in 1952!"<br />

Thales was the best technical choice. Their TSW 2100D allows RTBF to start<br />

very rapidly DRM txions. But we foresee an analog simulcast in the<br />

beginning, so as not to disappoint our many listeners. Besides, Thales<br />

will help us to repair some of the curtain antennas on our Wavre txion<br />

site, which will appreciably improve our coverage", adds Mr. Fantuzzi.<br />

RTBF had stopped its SW txions in 1990, but it came back on air after a<br />

few years. "The Belgian French speaking public broadcaster has to be heard<br />

outside Belgium. We received a lot of congratulations and encouragements<br />

when we started again", says Mr. Francis Goffin, Head Director of the RTBF<br />

Radios. "We want to keep contact with all Belgian people who are on<br />

holidays or live in Southern Europe, but we also broadcast for all French<br />

speaking people. Many of them write us to tell us, that they like our<br />

programs. And now we intend to be among the first broadcasters to operate<br />

in DRM. In a few months, our listeners will be able to listen to RTBF<br />

International with an FM-like quality!", concludes Mr. Goffin.<br />

(THALES Radio Nx Autumn 20<strong>05</strong>, Issue 20. via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 20)<br />

BOLIVIA 4904.78v Radio San Miguel at 1000 to 1040 UT dominant in the<br />

morning, om and yl ID's mx 20 Sept.<br />

(Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 25)<br />

4845.18, R. Norteno, Caranavi: Two days ago I rcvd info from Rogildo F.<br />

Aragao (Bolivia). He says that "R. Municipal" now has the ID "R. Norteno."<br />

I have been trying to make a recording of this new name, but the rcpn is<br />

very poor for the moment. I managed to get an ID one hour ago, low quality<br />

recording but two clear "R. Norteno" IDs<br />

<br />

Thank you very much Rogildo for your info. (Malm-EQA, hcdx Sep 25)<br />

BRAZIL 5940.2 R. Guaruja Paulista, at 2224 on Sep 21, seeming ad block,<br />

then lots of frantic yelling as if a sporting event. Very weak and

deteriorating towards 2300; // 5045 was nearly solid. Apparently a move<br />

from listed 5930 (WRTH) or 5930.4 (PWBR). This one isn't carrying "A Voz<br />

do Brasil" at 2200-2300 UT as most ZYs are scheduled to do. A stn on 3385<br />

with the same name, this one located in Sao Paulo, may be the one<br />

sometimes faintly audible here arnd 2230-2300 UT since Sep 11; it's said<br />

to carry different prgmng from 5045 kHz.<br />

(Bob Hill-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 25)<br />

CANADA [GER/POR non] 6250 Deutsche Welle at 0310-0330+ UT on Sept 10.<br />

At first I thought I had a Euro-pirate but eventually realized this was DW<br />

in German. A weak spur from // 6075. Transmitter site? Not heard following<br />

night.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Sep 16)<br />

6075 is Sines, Portugal and/or Wertachtal, Germany sometimes DW actually<br />

uses two sites at once. But that would not work out as a mixing product<br />

with anything else to land on 6250. Instead, you must have had Sackville,<br />

also with DW in German at this hour on 6100, leapfrogging their Vietnam<br />

relay on 6175, another 75 kHz to land on 6250 kHz. I think you would have<br />

found an exact match with the audio on 6100, and probably not on 6075.<br />

(Glenn Hauser / Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Sep 16)<br />

A new series of DRM tests from Sackville have commenced and will<br />

maintained until at least Sep 28. These are carrying Radio Sweden English<br />

programming, for Europe, on 13650 kHz at 1815-1845 UT. Reception reports<br />

are invited. The previous tests on 15120 kHz to Europe were satisfactory<br />

in western Germany, but unsatisfactory elsewhere, with very few reports<br />

from the UK. See the DRM Software Forum for details:<br />

<br />

(RNW MN NL Sep 21)<br />

9625 C<strong>BC</strong>-Northern Quebec Sce., Sackville NB, noted on 23 Sep at 1100-1225<br />

UT, French, anns., news, ID as "R.Canada, Montreal", addr. in English,<br />

Vernacular/s 1115 UT, then repeat; 34432, adjt. QRM only.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 23)<br />

UNIDENTIFIED. 6175, Cf. dswci <strong>DX</strong>W no. 280. I really doubt that Namibia has<br />

been reactivated. During my last few band scans recently, there certainly<br />

was no Namibia on 6175 kHz. I would also normally hear Voice of Vietnam<br />

here at that hour [0100-<strong>05</strong>30 UT via Sackville-CAN], and I am surprised<br />

that it was not the same in Madagascar. Perhaps some small local<br />

Madagascar station? But that would be a pure speculation, I really have no<br />

idea what it was. (Vaclav Korinek-AFS, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Sep 6/23)<br />

CANADA/CYPRUS 6040.00 Radio Monte Carlo.<br />

I do not remember if it was Saturday or Friday evening but I heard a<br />

station on 6040 kHz with Arab talk and mx and many "Radio Monte Carlo"<br />

IDs. Close down around 0320 UT. Super strong signal. What is this??<br />

(Bjorn Malm-EQA, hcdx Sep 26)<br />

On EXCHANGE sce for at least a decade.<br />

RMC Arabic on 6040kHz via Sackville CAN 250 kW 240 deg<br />

towards North American audience.<br />

6040kHz 0300-0330UT zones7E,8 SAC 250kW 240deg CAN RCI (alternative 9755<br />

kHz).<br />

Exchange with RCI Montreal via RMC Cyprus mediumwave relay.<br />

2115-2144 summer, 2215-2244 winter UT,<br />

RMC 1233kHz MW Cyprus towards Middle East ARABIC. (73 wb)<br />

CHILE 17625 China R. International relay via Santiago, with theatre nx<br />

in English at 1350 UT; very good, off at 1400 9/18, using Sony ICF-7600G<br />

with the Sony AN-LP1 loop antenna, in Mays Landing, NJ.

(Joe Hanlon-NJ-USA, dxld Sep 18)<br />

CHINA Freq change for China Radio International in French:<br />

1600-1657 NF 11690#KAS 500 kW / 308 deg to WeEu, x17650<br />

1700-1757 NF 11690*KAS 500 kW / 308 deg to WeEu, x7350<br />

#co-ch B<strong>BC</strong> Swahili/Kirundi via MEY 500 kW / 007 deg + R.Jordan En till<br />

1630 UT.<br />

*co-ch B<strong>BC</strong> Hindi/Urdu via NAK 250 kW / 280 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 26)<br />

COLOMBIA 6010.1 LV de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, monitored on 21 Sep at<br />

0750-f/out 0850 UT, Spanish prg with Colombia mx & songs, IDs, Bible<br />

readings; 55433.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 23)<br />

CUBA Noticed a change in RHC freq annt at 1402 UT on Sept 21 on 11760<br />

kHz: 118<strong>05</strong> was among those listed. Sure enough, on 118<strong>05</strong> now instead of<br />

11800. Maybe someone at RHC noted my previous comment about QRM from the<br />

Firedrake on 118<strong>05</strong>. So now instead of being on the side, it's commies vs<br />

commies on the SAME frequency! But RHC on top here, Firedrake clearly<br />

un<strong>der</strong>neath. Won<strong>der</strong> if 118<strong>05</strong> will also apply to other dayparts, such as the<br />

overlap with Rai on 11800 kHz.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Sep 21)<br />

CUBA Jamming ITSELF? 6000, R Habana Cuba with two different txs - English<br />

and Spanish on Sep 24 at 0303-0310 (and later) UT, equal quite strong<br />

levels.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 24)<br />

UNID 5990 with English -0110* when just left air after news, no annmt.<br />

Strange behavior. (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 25)<br />

Probably CRI Beijing via La Habana CUB 2300-2357 En, 0000-0<strong>05</strong>7 Sp.<br />

Late switch to 9580 kHz 250 kW 10 deg, scheduled 0100-0157 UT En, 0200-<br />

0257 Mandarin. (wb.)<br />

NUMBERS 3292 Spy numbers /en Espanol/ from Havana, Langley ~ whatever -<br />

0116 yl.<br />

(Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 25)<br />

DENMARK It was also decided that the LW and MW txs in Kalundborg would<br />

be closed down - and so DR will stop using 243 and 1062 kHz.<br />

The final decision on such a closure must, however, be taken by the<br />

Ministry of Culture. Currently DR is obliged to use LW and MW. A decision<br />

on the closure of the txs in Kalundborg will probably take effect as of<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary 1st 2007. The foreign lang sces (in English, Arabic, Serbo-<br />

Croatian, Somali, Urdu and Turkish) will be terminated by the end of<br />

December 20<strong>05</strong>. I was the only board-member to vote against these cuts. Too<br />

bad :-(<br />

(Stig Hartvig Nielsen via MWC e-mail nx 9.9.20<strong>05</strong>; ARC MV Eko)<br />

So, there is a chance to move Europe-1 Saarlouis 183 kHz and DLR<br />

Oranienburg 177 kHz into raster 180/243 kHz in future? wb.<br />

ECUADOR HCJB German sce not only announced that there will be no txion<br />

from Pifo to Europe (German to the Americas is not affected) in B<strong>05</strong> but<br />

also this: With a recently signed agreement HCJB has to dismantle the Pifo<br />

facilities within two years. No decision has been made yet if a new<br />

station elsewhere in Ecuador will be built. In the end this will depend on<br />

the financial situation of the mission. Also for this reason the txion to<br />

Europe has been cancelled for B<strong>05</strong> in or<strong>der</strong> to save money that otherwise<br />

would have been spent on a tx not able to provide a reliable sce.

Back in May a studio guest of Kim Elliott already explained that earlier<br />

hopes to continue at Pifo after dismantling the tallest towers have been<br />

crushed. Now it appears to be questionable if any substantial replacement<br />

for Pifo will ever be built.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Sept 16)<br />

EQUAT GUINEA 50<strong>05</strong> Radio Nacional, Bata at 2245-2300* UT on Sept. 24.<br />

Clear and very good w/ highlife vocals, SP M 2256 w/ closing anmts, band<br />

anthem from 2257, then another anthem from 2258-2300 UT, immediately off.<br />

(Terry L Krueger-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 25)<br />

ETHIOPIA 7110 Radio Ethiopia. On Sept 17 at 1856-1925 UT. 34433.<br />

Ethipian popular song. Bells rung three times at 1900 UT, then ID in<br />

Amharic. Nx followed. Nx report or commentary at 1912 UT. // 9704.2 kHz<br />

34433. (Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Sep 23)<br />

GERMANY/USA/SOMALIA Just had a look at WRMI-web and seemingly lately up-<br />

dated (I hadn't seen much of the info before, anyway); saw this too late<br />

to try today, sigh:<br />

CLANDESTINE (to Somalia) Radio Waaberi.<br />

Waaberi Broadcasting Services, Radio Waaberi, 5529 Walnut Blossom Dr # 5,<br />

San Jose, CA 95123, U.S.A.<br />

<br />

Broadcast Schedule (Somali): 1330-1400 UTC Friday 17550 kHz (via Julich,<br />

Germany relay station) Program is heard at 1630-1700 local time in<br />

Somaliland. Said web-site now up-dated and running.<br />

Waaberi Broadcasting Services is nonprofit, nongovtal international<br />

communication sce broadcasting from overseas in Somali via SW to East<br />

Africa and the Middle East and of course via the internet to the worldwide<br />

diaspora.<br />

The foun<strong>der</strong>, Mr. Ali Gulaid, has experience in finance, accounting and<br />

auditing in the govt sector and international financial development<br />

institutions. Mr. Gulaid has an accounting degree form Marquette<br />

University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and is a certified Public Accountant<br />

with over 20 years experience in the fields of accounting and auditing.<br />

Mr. Gulaid is currently a senior financial accountant with a local govtal<br />

agency in San Jose, California. Prior to that, Mr. Gulaid has held various<br />

positions namely principal finance officer with the African Development<br />

Bank and Auditor with Santa Clara County, San Jose, California.<br />

Waaberi Broadcasting Services (Radio Waaberi) is a nonprofit and non-<br />

govtal educational organization set up for the following with the ultimate<br />

goal of empowering the Somali speaking people.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 16)<br />

[to ETH] 15670 V.O.Ethiopian Medhin on Sep 25 (Sun) at +1646-1659* UT,<br />

horn mx between spoken items during (Oromo) prgr, talk about universities.<br />

No ID heard at 1653 when longish song was played till off-1659* UT.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 26) via DTK Juelich 100kW 130deg. (wb)<br />

13820 on Sep 16 at 1829 UT. CVC INT. - Wertachtal Germany, En, pop mx, ids<br />

OM, nxs YL. QTH announced: Mailbag - P.O.Box 4776 - Ikeja - Lagos State -<br />

100001, Nigeria. Last test tomorrow 17/9.<br />

(Luca Botto Fiora-I, JPNpremium Sep 23)<br />

[GERMANY and non]. It had been reported that Deutsche Welle will abandon<br />

the AM sce for Europe in next year according the DRM press conference in<br />

Berlin, but this is not a correct quotation. Perhaps the confusion arose<br />

because Peter Senger made these remarks in German. So here is a<br />

reproduction of what had been actually said, as correctly as I can give

it:<br />

"We [Deutsche Welle] are fully committed to DRM. Already from next year we<br />

will even our 6075, certainly known to you, run in digital mode and no<br />

longer analogue at times, provided the radios are on the market for<br />

reasonable prices, in or<strong>der</strong> to draw our listeners in Europe step-by-step<br />

to the digital txion."<br />

[Later: Question from a listener; says he has many conventional SW radios,<br />

what can he do with them in future, shouldn't DW better keep 6075 and use<br />

other freqs for DRM?]<br />

"I did not say that we will switch off 6075 entirely. I said that we will<br />

select slots outside the peak listening hours and try to start there with<br />

DRM."<br />

Summary of Senger's further remarks: We are interested in establishing DRM<br />

on the market as quickly as possible, because it saves us much money, and<br />

we cannot continue in AM only because some listeners have many<br />

conventional radios. You can donate them to the museum. [People on stage<br />

and some in the auditorium are amused, others not.] "Sorry, tut mir leid."<br />

Anyway: This annt already triggered some discussion here in Germany, and I<br />

received also a comment from somebody outside the SW scene, saying the<br />

same as some observers from "within":<br />

It could also be the case that Deutsche Welle is going to shoot itself in<br />

its own knee as German saying goes, because it is well possible that<br />

listeners will simply say "sorry, tut mir leid" and get lost as audience.<br />

I would like to add that the DRM radios shown at IFA are certainly still<br />

too big to be convenient for travelers. And this is the most typical<br />

scenario where people listen to Deutsche Welle (German program, since the<br />

discussion focused on 6075).<br />

Rumours: On recent discussions in DRM circles it had been argued that the<br />

future of the Juelich station is uncertain because it has 100 kW txs<br />

"only" and is not ideal for DRM sces to Central Europe.<br />

Still a rumour as well, but apparently a substantial one:<br />

Voice of Russia prepares to use Wilsdruff 1431 kHz. Indeed allocation<br />

procedures for this freq are on the way, and the bid for ten<strong>der</strong> appears to<br />

be customized to VoR (information-orientated sce, if possible including<br />

foreign-language programmes):<br />

<br />

From 2001 Megaradio used a new 250 kW tx from Wilsdruff on 1431 kHz. This<br />

tx went silent again when Megaradio shut down in 2003 and is for this<br />

reason not shown in WRTH 20<strong>05</strong>. Here is a picture of this rig:<br />

<br />

Old 250 kW tx from 1953, shut down in 1993 (after carrying for a year DT64<br />

as a big last hurrah) but (at least I hope so!) still kept as a witness of<br />

radio history:<br />

<br />

20 kW aux, used on 1431 from 1979 to 1991 and on 1044 since 1993:<br />

<br />

(SM 4 Sen<strong>der</strong> Mittelwelle 4 mediumwave tx number 4; SM 4 E Ersatz<br />

substitute)<br />

New txs, placed on the antennas (not in the old tx building); 20 kW

Thomcast 1044 (MDR), 250 kW Telefunken 1431 (ex-Megaradio), both diplexed<br />

into the 153 metres pipe mast (original 1043/1044 main antenna):<br />

<br />

More pictures:<br />

<br />

And yes, Voice of Russia again uses the 1431 tx at Kopani near<br />

Nikolayev/Mykolaiv (officially listed as "Simferopol" although the txs are<br />

not there; this concerns SW as well: SMF is in fact Kopani), as the old<br />

Radio Moscow foreign sce did until the break-up of the Soviet Union. Made<br />

me immediately think about herewith VOR interfering with itself However,<br />

Kopani is not less than 2000 km away, and during the Megaradio episode<br />

Wilsdruff was easily the dominating station on 1431 here in Germany. So if<br />

VOR starts a sce via Wilsdruff they will have two entirely independent<br />

1431's.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Sept 16/17)<br />

For some time - since early September? - I can hear Voice of Russia in<br />

English on 630 kHz. It is apparently ex 603 kHz. VoR web site still lists<br />

603, the same goes for EMWG.<br />

The signal is very strong, practically on the same level as 693 kHz. It<br />

seems the power is higher than what is listed for 603 kHz - 5 or 20 kW.<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, mwdx Sep 25)<br />

Yup, audible here, too. Not very surprising, consi<strong>der</strong>ing the fact that<br />

they are running 100 kW and are less than 15 km away as the crow flies. In<br />

fact it is a reactivation of Schandelah (listed as Braunschweig-<br />

Koenigslutter in WRTH), formerly using this outlet for Megaradio and I<br />

have multiple mixing effects all over the mediumwave with DLF 756 kHz 200<br />

kW from the same site.<br />

(Martin Elbe-D, mwdx Sep 25)<br />

c.f. <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> #715:<br />

630 kHz - The authorities in Nie<strong>der</strong>sachsen, Germany, have licensed the 200<br />

kW mediumwave tx at Cremlingen, near Braunschweig, on 630 kHz.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, ARC-Eko April 25 / June 4)<br />

Actually 100 kW day, 16 kW night. The 200 kW power level applies to 756<br />

kHz from the same site. (Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 5)<br />

Below follows current schedule of Voice of Russia via Braunschweig<br />

transmitter in Germany - 630 kHz, 100 kW.<br />

0400-0900 Voice of Russia in English<br />

0900-1200 Voice of Russia in German<br />

1200-1500 Russian International Radio in Russian<br />

1500-1600 Voice of Russia in German (special broadcast for Berlin area)<br />

1600-1700 Voice of Russia in German<br />

1700-1800 Voice of Russia, World Service in Russian<br />

1800-1900 Voice of Russia in German (special broadcast for Berlin area)<br />

1900-2100 Russian International Radio in Russian<br />

2100-2200 Voice of Russia, Radiokanal Sodruzhestvo in Russian.<br />

(open_dx - Pavel Mikhaylov, Moscow-RUS - info from Voice of Russia<br />

Technical Management; <strong>DX</strong>signal June 7)<br />

Re. "177 Germany just went fully DRM, which means that there must be a lot<br />

of DRM radios over there or they wouldn't have made the switch, right?"<br />

The only available DRM radio is still the power-hungry and deaf Mayah set<br />

for 800 Euro.<br />

Actually 177 was already for quite some time a freq with a very small

audience. In fact it was supposed to go dark by the end of 1991, but<br />

finally the txions continued with only a third of full power (250 instead<br />

of 750 kW). In 1994 these 250 kW were further reduced to 100 kW, and one<br />

had to get the impression that the end is near. But a few years later<br />

Deutschlandradio decided to keep 177 and agreed with Deutsche Telekom to<br />

again use 500 kW and to install a new tx.<br />

In eastern Germany, the area well reached by 177, Deutschlandradio Kultur<br />

has a very good FM coverage, so there is no need for a longwave sce. They<br />

have only a few FM freqs in other parts of Germany, but in these areas 177<br />

is only a poor signal and/or buried in the 183 splatter. For these reasons<br />

hardly any domestic audience for the Zehlendorf longwave tx existed<br />

anymore. One could imagine that there were still listeners in Poland or at<br />

sea (there 177 is a good signal as well), but apparently they are subject<br />

to "sorry, tut mir leid". (Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Sept 22)<br />

DRM und Langwelle 177 kHz. Zu 177 kHz (DLR Berlin):<br />

Durch die analoge Abschaltung <strong>der</strong> 177 kHz und nunmehr auschliesslichen<br />

DRM-Betrieb sind wir hier im Raum Dresden wie<strong>der</strong> einmal (wie schon zu DDR-<br />

Zeiten) zum "Tal <strong>der</strong> Ahnungslosen" geworden, jedenfalls was bestimmte<br />

Sendungen des DLR Kultur betrifft, die "auschliesslich" ueber MW 990 kHz<br />

(AM) und LW 177 kHz (DRM) ausgestrahlt werden.<br />

Beispiele <strong>der</strong> letzten Tage: "Management Forum" und "Berlin Mitte" am 1.9.,<br />

"Verleihung des Medienpreises <strong>der</strong> Evangelischen Kirche (Robert-<br />

Geisendoerfer-Preis)" am 5.9. 990 kHz ist hier tagsueber zu schwach, um<br />

empfangen werden zu koennen.<br />

Und zu zukuenftigem Empfang mit "DRM-Taschenradios": Ob sich solche<br />

Receiver (wenn sie ueberhaupt auf den Markt kommen sollten) ueberhaupt<br />

durchsetzen werden, ist aus Gruenden des zu erwartenden hohen Bedarfes an<br />

Batterieleistung, <strong>der</strong> durch die Decodierung verursacht werden wird,<br />

fraglich. So wird z.B. die Batterieleistungsdauer meines in Taiwan<br />

gebautes Taschenradio fuer den Empfang von DAB (Digital Audio<br />

Broadcasting) nur mit 10 Stunden angegeben, waehrend in meinem alten ICF-<br />

SW10-Taschenradio von SONY dieselbe Batteriemenge (2 AA-Batterien) etwa<br />

die 10fache Zeit reicht!<br />

(Klaus Nindel, Dresden-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 22)<br />

GHANA 4915 Ghana Broadcasting Corporation. ON Sept.16 at 2044-21<strong>05</strong> UT.<br />

35433. Prayer in English. African drums at 2<strong>05</strong>9 UT, followed by news.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Sep 23)<br />

GREECE 15650 I was hearing German with such a funny accent at 1345 UT<br />

on Sept 23 that I figured it must be Yiddish from Israel but looking it up<br />

later, that would be the semihour in real German scheduled on V. of Greece<br />

(while Greek is on 15630); they were talking about INS, and at 1348<br />

"Nachrichten aus <strong>der</strong> Bundesrepublik Deutschland" could that be a relay of<br />

some other station as ERT is known to do in some of its<br />

Fremdsprachenaussendungen? Is the term BRD used much any more since there<br />

is only one Germany? For real Yiddish one must listen to Kol Israel on<br />

15640 at 1600-1625 UT.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Sep 23)<br />

In Oct 1990 GDR did accede to "Bundesrepublik Deutschland" [founded in<br />

1949], the official name like "Fe<strong>der</strong>al Republic of Germany", wb.<br />

GUAM I am a licensed ham operator and frequently travel to Guam. I have<br />

been to KTWR, AWR SW and was curious just where does your station transmit<br />

from on Guam. Is it on Baragada Hill or some other location, and can I<br />

view the site.<br />

(Larry Fields, n6hpx, Sept 13, to AFN, via dxld)<br />

Larry, we don't have an affiliate there anymore. The base there is served

y Guam Cable. They transmit AFN to our troops there. You can reach them<br />

at 671-477-8266 or 1885. I think the company may have changed its name to<br />

Marianas Cable.<br />

(SFC Gary L. Qualls, Jr., Affiliate Relations NCOIC, AFN Broadcast Center,<br />

via Fields, ibid.)<br />

That's kinda of funny as many of my friends and I hear 'em on 13362 kHz<br />

upper sideband and they come in quite loud into parts of the Pacific.<br />

(Larry Fields n6hpx/mm, dxld Sep 23<br />

GUATEMALA 4779.97 R. Cultural Coatan, at 0155-0232* on Sept 10, local<br />

religious mx, ranchera mx. Spanish annmts. 0158 & 0218 IDs caught. 0231 UT<br />

sign-off annmts and off. Poor to fair with some RTTY ute QRM.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Sep 16)<br />

GUYANA 3291.12 G<strong>BC</strong>, at 0900 to 1030 UT young woman with news, Talk<br />

between om and yl, very poor audio level. The third attempt to return to<br />

SW. Sep 18.<br />

3291.11 at 0915-0920 UT. om ID followed by vocal "/You're just too good to<br />

be true/" Improving signal for this tropical band station - 23 Sept.<br />

(Robert Wilkner-USA, JPNpremium Sep 18/23)<br />

3291.1 V.O.Guyana (pres) on Sep 24 seemed B<strong>BC</strong> prgr (in English) from 0425<br />

UT but couldn't establish B<strong>BC</strong>- // - Still at recheck 0450 onwards. Finally<br />

faded completely out at 0615. REE CTR in Spanish on 3350 // 6125 low level<br />

but clear 0425 UT.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 24)<br />

Guyana was even better than yesterday on 3291.1 kHz from as early as 0020.<br />

Very few other LAs audible in tropical bands and that with VERY low<br />

signals 0020-0130. A few in 49m band had a bit better signal.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 25)<br />

3291.14 Voice of Guyana; at 2306-2335 UT on Sept 24. Perfectly clear and<br />

alone, low modulation but slowly improving with local sunset. Heavily-<br />

accented En M, whiney En W, oldie pops.<br />

(Terry L Krueger-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 25)<br />

HONDURAS 3340 La Voz de Misiones Internacional[es], at 0215-0300* UT on<br />

Sept 12, Spanish religious talk, and mx, 0259 ID and off. Weak, poor<br />

signal.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Sep 16)<br />

4819.2 LV Evangelica, Tegucigalpa, logged on 22 Sep at 0735-f/out 0755<br />

UT, talks in Spanish; 14331.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 23)<br />

INDIA AIR is now accepting on line Reception Reports. For more details<br />

please visit:<br />

<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND VU2JOS, dx_india Sep 23)<br />

It is now confirmed that the 1000 kW tx operating from Rajkot on 1071 kHz<br />

for External Services of AIR has closed down in June 2004. It started<br />

tranmsisions sometime around (August) 1970 and used to beam towards<br />

Pakistan and Afghanistan.<br />

They used to issue nice QSL cards. To view the one I got please click:<br />

<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Sep 26)<br />

AIR Chennai has changed to 7270 (x7275) at 0025-0430 UT due to<br />

interference from SL<strong>BC</strong> Sri Lanka which suddenly appeared on 7275 kHz.

However 7270 is also used by B<strong>BC</strong> at 0100 in Hindi, 0130 Urdu ... and so<br />

it has also to be sorted out.<br />

The address of the New Broadcasting House in Delhi is 27, Mahadev Road,<br />

New Delhi. AIR Imphal is noted sign on now at 0000 (x0030) on 4775 kHz.<br />

(<strong>DX</strong>ERS GUIDE Edition 08 - info from Jose Jacob-IND VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india<br />

RUS<strong>DX</strong>signal Sep 24)<br />

INDONESIA 3945 on Sep 19 at 1115-1602 UT, RRI Palu i/o RRI Denpasar as<br />

reported previously. Regional nx, IS, IDs on 1138, 1220, 1253, 1301, 1344,<br />

1536 and 1559 UT.<br />

SINPO 24332 up to 1324 UT when signal strolling higher to 3950 kHz. Nx<br />

relayed f/ Jakarta on 1200-1219 UT followed by "Pelangi Nusantara" px,<br />

i.e. vern & INSn pop sxs up to 1330 UT. Phone-in mx by req px (tel +62 451<br />

455442) served listeners as far as Manado, abt 700 north-eastward.<br />

Mostly INSn sxs played, but Celine Dion's "The Power of Love", Christian<br />

St Peter's "Willingly", Tom Jones' "Green Green Grass of Home", and Dan<br />

Hill's "Boulevard" also heard. On closing, OM Bram ment. Tondo as txr site<br />

and sts address Jl Kartini 39, Palu.<br />

Sep 20 at 1125-1135 UT 3950 kHz RRI Palu SINPO 33333. YL w/ var local anns<br />

in Public Service px. 1130 UT TC followed by Hindu Religion px opened w/<br />

Balinese typical gamelan which made me came to think of Bali or RRI<br />

Denpasar on this hour and this day, Tuesday, eight weeks ago.<br />

(Tony Ashar-INS, hcdx Sep 22)<br />

4604.96 RRI-Serui Sep 13 1132-1143 45444 INSn, Local news, ID at 1134.<br />

4789.98 RRI-Fak Fak Sep 13 1154-1203 45444 INSn, Music, ID at 1158, RPK,<br />

1200 Jakarta nx realy.<br />

4870.94 RRI-Sorong Sep 17 1101-1114 44444 INSn, Local news, ID at 11<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 23)<br />

4870.92 RRI Sorong at 11<strong>05</strong>-1115* UT on Sep 25. Presumed with vocal mx,<br />

then YL announcer 1107-1112 UT; tuned away for a couple of mins and when I<br />

returned at 1115 UT, they were gone. Fair signal.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 25)<br />

RRI Jakarta was heard in North Queensland opening at 2300 UT on 9680 kHz<br />

at 2300 UT after several mins of their id. signal "Song of the Coconut<br />

Islands." It suffered splash from N<strong>BC</strong> Port Moresby on 9675 kHz.<br />

(Barry Hartley-NZL, on tour in NoQueensland-AUS, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 23)<br />

RRI Overseas Service (as ann'd) 15149.8 kHz strong on Sep 21 at 1706-1729<br />

UT in Spanish with gamelan mx, later 'El ritmo archipelago'. Had English<br />

ID in midst of it all at 1713 UT also mentioning <br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 22)<br />

9680 KGRE via RRI Jakarta on Sept 25 at 1002-1022 UT, Kang Guru jingle;<br />

opening ID something like: Do you Like English? Yah! Are you studying<br />

English? Yah! Would you like some help with your English? Yah! Well Kang<br />

Guru Radio English can help you, from Jakarta every week tune into program<br />

for FM 92.8, M wave 1332 or S wave 9680, every Sunday and Wednesday at 6<br />

o'clock in the afternoon; Kevin and Rachel with a different program then<br />

last week; gives several riddles; interviews a singer/model; address to<br />

write in for their August 20<strong>05</strong> KGRE Magazine (IALF, P.O. Box 3095 Denpasar<br />

80030, Bali, Indonesia); reception not as good as last week but still<br />

enjoyable listening.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld Sep 25)<br />

One of the nice things about fall is the possibility of (late-) afternoon

eception of Asian stations. China and India have sometimes been audible<br />

as early as August, but I didn't have any luck this season yet with INS.<br />

Until today.<br />

4925, RRI; Jambi, on Sept. 26 at 1549-1555 UT, Male chants. At 1552 UT<br />

short piece of guitar mx, followed by male speaker in Bahasa INS, who gave<br />

full local ID at 1553 UT. 24332. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, dxld Sep 27)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ Re my last entry CLANDESTINE (to Iran) V.O.Iranian Revolution<br />

- I mix a bit up these days, hi, should be the other communist operation<br />

Communist Party on same tx. Just wanted to establish in which range they<br />

xmit now. Plse correct. Tried 1425 but found Rev (should be) freq 6420 kHz<br />

covered by heavy jammer. Others not propagating yet at this hour.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 16)<br />

44<strong>05</strong> / 4407 VoIndependent Iranian Kurdistan um 1546 UT mit laengerem<br />

Bericht ueber Afghanistan und ID "Aira dengi Sarbakoye Kurdistana Irana".<br />

Die Station wechselte staendig zwischen den Frequenzen, obwohl <strong>der</strong> Jammer<br />

konstant auf 4407 kHz blieb. SINPO: 34333 auf 44<strong>05</strong> kHz und 32332 auf 4407<br />

kHz. (Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 24)<br />

[to Kurdistan?] 3959.6 think V.O.Iranian Kurdistan here on Sep 27 at<br />

+0312-0330* UT bubblejammed. No ID possible. Stn left the air 0330, the<br />

jammer at 0332 UT. The web-site of Radyo Dengi Kurdestani Iran is<br />

<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 27)<br />

[KURDISTAN non]. Voice of Independence of Iranian Kurdistan - NOT: Reports<br />

of the birth of a new Kurdish clandestine have been greatly exaggerated, I<br />

believe!<br />

I've listened to the station on 4400 kHz at 1500-1600 UT (and 0200- 0300<br />

UT) and hear it identifying as "Aira Dengi KHABATI [not Sarbakhoye]<br />

Kurdistani Irana", so therefore "Voice of the Struggle [not Independence]<br />

of Iranian Kurdistan" and not a new station. Given jamming and poor<br />

reception such a mishearing is un<strong>der</strong>standable; if that doesn't seem so<br />

listen here, recorded earlier this week:<br />

<br />

However, what I believe is a new development is that the station now seems<br />

to broadcast 50/50 in Farsi as well as in Kurdish. Until recently I've<br />

only ever heard them in Kurdish with maybe the occasional ID in Farsi,<br />

which is: "Seda-ye Khabati Kurdistan-e Iran".<br />

The station appears to have an associated website at<br />

run by "The Revolutionary Khabat Organization of<br />

Iranian Kurdistan" according to the heading banner. The English section of<br />

the website mentions their radio station in passing, but without giving<br />

the name or any other details apart from the fact that it started<br />

broadcasting in April 1985.<br />

Incidentally, I also hear Voice of Independence on 4160 occasionally (or<br />

elsewhere within the 4158-4163 kHz range) at 0200-0300 UT, but more often<br />

than not there's no trace, it only seems to come out to play when the<br />

weather's nice.<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, intervalsignals / dxld Sept 23)<br />

R. Dar as-Salam from Baghdad was heard at 1930 UT on 1115.952 kHz. Signed<br />

off at 2006 UT.<br />

(mwoffsets - Mauno Ritola-FIN, RUS<strong>DX</strong>signal Sep 24)<br />

ITALY 845 Two+ month-old discussion of the "electro-smog" case<br />

involving Rai on 845 kHz:<br />

%20a%20rai%20way_<strong>05</strong>_07_<strong>05</strong>.htm><br />

(via Dario Monferini-I, Play<strong>DX</strong> via dxld Sep 21)<br />

A possible merger between Raiway (the RAI txs' managing company) and<br />

Telespazio (the Italian satellite sce company) is positively commented by<br />

high ranking official of the Italian state radio-tv and the Ministry of<br />

Communications.<br />

Raiway operates RAI over 3,000 terrestrial freqs ranging from FM to TV and<br />

MW and SW throughout the country and it is a subsidiary company of RAI.<br />

Telespazio operates in the satellite up and downlink sces since over 30<br />

years and it is also a state-owned company. Some years ago Raiway was<br />

separated from RAI and a sell-out of the company to international<br />

investors also believed as possible. The new merger may instead streghten<br />

the Italian presence in broadcasting sces.<br />

(Luigi Cobisi-I, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Sep 7)<br />

JAPAN On September 10, a special report named " Fingers on the dial:<br />

Radio alive and kicking " was appeared in "The Daily Yomiuri", the English<br />

version of the Japanese major newspaper "Yomiuri Shinbun".<br />

In the article, Mr. Atsushi Konno of JPN <strong>BC</strong>L Fe<strong>der</strong>ation and I are<br />

interviewed about why the middle-aged SW listeners are increasing in<br />

Japan, and why the SW broadcasting is still useful in this internet<br />

society.<br />

For the entire article, take a look at<br />

<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 20)<br />

NHK has terminated its domestic SW relays. Acc. to NHK Engineering HQ, it<br />

was decided in March and they were actually terminated by the end of May.<br />

NHK had been using the relays for almost 60 yrs., but satellite links and<br />

quality land lines are more reliable and convenient these days.<br />

Terminated relays are: Sapporo, 600 watts DSB on 3970, 60<strong>05</strong> & 9535; Tokyo,<br />

900 watts SSB on 3607.5, 6175 & 9550; Nagoya, 300 watts SSB on 3970, 60<strong>05</strong><br />

& 9535; Osaka, 300 watts SSB on 3373.75, 5428 & 9181; and Fukuoka, 300<br />

watts SSB on 3259, 6130 & 9535 kHz.<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, president JSWC Sep 25)<br />

This is indeed sad news. I was beginning to won<strong>der</strong> about them, as I have<br />

not heard even a whisper from Sapporo on 60<strong>05</strong>, Osaka on 3373.5(U) nor<br />

Tokyo on 3607.5(U) during random checking during the last few months,<br />

which is unusual. Sapporo and Tokyo were the most frequently hear when<br />

they were on and Osaka not as much as the others. My last reception for<br />

Osaka (JOBB NHK-2 programming) was back on March 19th, with English lang<br />

lessons from 0931 to 1017 UT.<br />

They will be missed. Back in the 1970's I first came across Osaka on<br />

3377.5 kHz, in USB, with 300 watts, and got hooked on these low powered<br />

relay stations. They were among my favorites. They may be gone, but I will<br />

always have some good memories of their programming and some nice QSL's.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld Sep 25)<br />

KAZAKHSTAN / RUSSIA Freqs changes for TWR India from Sep 25:<br />

NF 7410 A-A[Almaty] 200 kW / 135 deg to SoAs, x11965:<br />

2330-2400 Kokborok Sun-Thu<br />

2345-2400 Kokborok Fri<br />

0000-0030 Assamese Mon-Sat<br />

0030-0045 Bengali Mon-Fri<br />

NF 9445 NVS 250 kW / 180 deg to SoAs, x15580:

0015-0030 Mundari Mon<br />

0015-0030 Sadri Tue/Wed<br />

0015-0030 Maghi Thu<br />

0015-0030 Kurukh Fri/Sat<br />

0030-0100 Dzonghna Sat<br />

0030-0130 Hindi Mon-Fri<br />

0100-0115 Newari Sat<br />

0115-0130 Hindi Sun<br />

0115-0145 Hindi Sat<br />

0130-0145 Tibetan Sun<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 26)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. 9345 Voice of Korea at 0345 UT English 333 on Sept 13 YL<br />

with opera style singing plus choir mx. YL ancr with ID at 0347. More mx<br />

with an OM ancr.<br />

(Stewart H. MacKenzie-USA, JPNpremium Sep 23)<br />

KYRGYZSTAN The Kyrgyz govt decided to move the standard time in the<br />

country to UT +6h. This corresponds to the current local time during the<br />

summer months; there will be no shift back one hour in autumn. Formerly,<br />

Kyrgyzstan was in the UT +5h zone, with DST shift to UT +6h during the<br />

summer.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau via MW<strong>DX</strong> 17.8.20<strong>05</strong>; ARC MV Eko)<br />

LAOS 4677.88 Lao National Radio, at 1115 to 1130 UT, fading up with<br />

some audio, mx 21 Sept. ; 20 Sept. same time similar details.<br />

(Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 25)<br />

LUXEMBOURG/GERMANY Some additional thoughts on Luxembourg 7145 [via<br />

Juelich].<br />

Traditional AM txs either use "plate mod" of the final stage or have a<br />

linear output stage with "low level" modulation. Personally have always<br />

thought that plate modulated txs sounded better with less "muddy" audio.<br />

So what has this to do with ODFM? Luxembourg is running DRM mode B which<br />

is 2<strong>05</strong> OFDM carriers. DRM OFDM modulation is "low level" modulation with a<br />

linear output stage. Any non-linearity in the output stage with show up as<br />

"hash" and "phantom" carriers outside of the 10KHz channel. Filtering will<br />

be difficult as need a flat freq response across the 10 kHz channel.<br />

Other DRM stations have been noted recently in this band including RMC on<br />

7160 and Radio France on 7135.<br />

As amateurs are secondary users of this band it is difficult to complain,<br />

however using the band may discourage the broadcasters adopting this band<br />

as a "DRM band".<br />

Personally like Luxembourg and actually listen to them quiet often, good<br />

to see some decent programming on DRM.<br />

(G8JXA, Sept 16, SW Magazine via dxld)<br />

MADAGASCAR/GERMANY x7265 former SWR Rohrdorf Germany unit shipped to<br />

Madagascar.<br />

Peter Beck reports that SWR sold the Rohrdorf SW tx to Madagascar. This tx<br />

was built in 1982 for Radio Bremen (6190), in 1997 taken over by SWR,<br />

thoroughly refurbished and afterwards used as new main tx for 7265.<br />

Actually the people from Madagascar were interested in the SW antenna as<br />

well, but too late: It had been already scrapped by a demolition crew,<br />

together with two of the four mediumwave masts at Rohrdorf (I assume the<br />

directional array, so 666 should be always non-directional now). No new<br />

home has been found for the ex-6030 tx yet, but apparently SWR engineering<br />

consi<strong>der</strong>s this quite new rig as too valuable for the junk yard as well.

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Sept 22)<br />

Jetzt ist es offiziell, so dass ich es hier erzaehlen darf: Der SWR<br />

verkauft den 20 kW-Sen<strong>der</strong>, <strong>der</strong> einst von Rohrdorf aus auf 7265 kHz<br />

spielte, nach Madagaskar. Der Sen<strong>der</strong> ist Baujahr 1983 und wurde 1997 vom<br />

damaligen Suedwestfunk von Radio Bremen uebernommen. Jetzt ist er verpackt<br />

und wird via Hamburg verschifft.<br />

(Peter Beck-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 22)<br />

x7265<br />

Das freut mich, sowohl fuer den Kaeufer, als auch fuer die SWR Mannschaft<br />

in Rohrdorf. Endlich mal eine positive <strong>Meldun</strong>g in <strong>der</strong> heutigen Wegwerf-<br />

Gesellschaft.<br />

Laut den beiden Besichtigungen vor 5 Jahren da-dorten, haben letztere doch<br />

1997 mit viel Herzblut die Aufgabe uebernommen, die beiden robusten<br />

Siemens-Wien-OE Einheiten aus Bremen wie<strong>der</strong> in Rohrdorf aufzubauen und mit<br />

Hilfe aus Bremen und Wien zu dokumentieren.<br />

Was geschieht mit <strong>der</strong> neueren Quadrant-Corner-Reusenantenne aus Rohrdorf?<br />

Geht die im Beipack auch nach MDG? Bei entsprechen<strong>der</strong> Modifikation ist<br />

diese doch entwe<strong>der</strong> fuer 41 o<strong>der</strong> im 49 m Band weiterhin einsetzbar. Im<br />

WRTH'<strong>05</strong> sehe ich MDG als Nutzer im 90 bis 31 mb.<br />

x6030<br />

Ich hoffe, dass Du bald auch aehnlich positiv ueber die Vermittlung des<br />

neueren Computer gesteuerten 20 kW RIZ Sen<strong>der</strong>s mit Standort Muehlacker<br />

berichten kannst. (wb, Sep 22)<br />

5010 R. Madagasikara, at *0254-0310+ on Sept 11, sign-on with IS, 0257<br />

choral NA, 0259 opening in Malagasy, religious programming with religious<br />

choral mx and talk; fair. (Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Sep 16)<br />

17550 V.of Tibet via Madagascar site on Sep 19 at *1400-1411 UT. 35433<br />

Tibetian, 1359 c/on, 1359 UT sign on with R. Ne<strong>der</strong>land's IS, freq<br />

announce, 1400 UT V.O.Tibet sign on with opening mx, 1401 UT Opening<br />

announce, Talk, No Jamming.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 23)<br />

VoT see also un<strong>der</strong> Uzbekistan, wb.<br />

MALAYSIA 6024.88 V.of Islam via RTM on Sep 13 at 1400-1410 UT. 33443<br />

Malay, ID at 1400 UT, talk and koran.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 23)<br />

5964.94 Nasional FM via RTM, on Sept 23 at 1337-1419 UT, in Malay;<br />

program of SE Asia mx, on-air phone call ("Hello, hello, hello" before<br />

person answered, caller spelled his name: Wahte); several "Salaam Alaykum"<br />

greetings; frequent and distinctive IDs (spoken IDs, short singing jingles<br />

for "Nasional FM" and even a few longer station jingles), 14<strong>05</strong>-1415<br />

announcer on the phone with someone talking/reporting about INS. Good<br />

reception. Believe that Nasional FM was formerly Radio 1/Radio Satu.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld Sep 24)<br />

MALI 4782.6 Rdif. TV Malienne, Kati, at 0040-0<strong>05</strong>4* on Sun Sep 11, late<br />

broadcast with men talking in Vernacular, 0<strong>05</strong>0 French ann and national<br />

hymn by choir, 25222 heard // 5995: 33332.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Sep 21)<br />

7286.3, Rdif. TV Malienne, Kati, at 0854-1200 UT, Vernacular, tribal<br />

songs, talks, French, nx magazine for Sunday; 25442, stronger audio than<br />

in the past, // 11960 only; noted in Vernacular again 1200 UT when very<br />

poor.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Sep 18)

MEXICO 6184.96 R. Educacion, at <strong>05</strong>10-<strong>05</strong>30+ on Sept 12, local Spanish<br />

ballads/pops, mariachi mx. Spanish talk. Good; // 1060 weak un<strong>der</strong> KYW<br />

Philadelphia.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Sep 16)<br />

MOLDOVA 7360 Family Radio via Grigoriopol. Sept.13 at 237-2100. 35333.<br />

Address annt in English at 2037 UT, followed by Gospel song and talk.<br />

Interview at 2<strong>05</strong>0 UT.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Sep 23)<br />

[UNID Kurdistan] 13800 Kurdish workers stn? on Sep 26 (Mon) at 1650-1700*<br />

UT with 1658 something sounding like '... kargaran-e Kargania Sharodje<br />

Jayami Jodobhe Kargaran-e kargaran Nastashe Kurdestan' very short mx and<br />

'Kargaran (Ne)starodje Kargan-e Kurdestan' + telephone + very short mx (2-<br />

3 secs), pip and off. (very phonetic, hi) Have I missed something or is<br />

this new? In fact I think I heard this before but cannot find notes. Help?<br />

via Kichinev [Moldova]? (Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 26)<br />

Hi Finn, usually Internationaaaal station via Grigoriopol-MDA [short call<br />

of USSR era KCH] in Farsi, maybe they spread out a Kurdish corner on<br />

Mondays only?<br />

(73 wb)<br />

Radio International Farsi<br />

1630-1700 Daily 13800 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg<br />

1700-1715 Tue/Thu/Sat 13800 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg<br />

It is possible to listen to the daily audio files on the Radio<br />

International website: <br />

The current file (the text hea<strong>der</strong> is auto-dated 27 Sept, but probably it<br />

is still yesterday's txion) includes the mentioned reference to Kurdistan,<br />

repeatedly made by the prgr's presenter in connection with a telephone<br />

interview. After that the presenter gives an ID for "Radio International"<br />

with the telephone numbers for RA, then the prgr closes. The lang is Farsi<br />

(Iranian Persian) throughout.<br />

From a Farsi speaking person I received a translation of the end of<br />

yesterday's Radio International txion with the Kurdistan item observed by<br />

Finn and heard in the Monday audio file on the RI website. The item is a<br />

telephone interview with a worker from the Shohut Sock Company in Iranian<br />

Kurdistan who is criticizing factory officials for firing half of the<br />

factory workers. The workers are on strike and struggling.<br />

It's about the struggle of workers at the Shohut Sock Company in Iranian<br />

Kurdistan. I quickly listened through the recordings for each day, and I<br />

can see that typically they have phone-in reports about workers' actions -<br />

that is what they give the phone numbers for and that is what the<br />

activities of the Worker-communist Party of Iran is about, i.e. to support<br />

these workers.<br />

The Worker-communist Party of Iran (which is producing the Radio<br />

International prgr's) is supporting worker's actions in Iranian Kurdistan,<br />

see a.o. <br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 27)<br />

MYANMAR 5985.83 R. Myanmar, at 1431-1447 UT on Sep 24, cmtry in En,<br />

seemed to be about cultural un<strong>der</strong>standing and ments. natl development and<br />

different nationalities; poor, at times heavy QRM from 5985 kHz; 1440 UT<br />

ID, "You are listening to Myanmar Radio from Yangon."<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 25)<br />

NEW ZEALAND 9520 R.NZi, Rangitaiki, observed on 23 Sep at 1220-1400*<br />

(listed 1259 in their current schedule) (believe co-ch VoA via GRC closes

at 1200, but I couldn't observe the fq. at this time), English prgr, R.<br />

Natl. feature with phone-ins; 25432, QRM de CEY (noted the usual SL<strong>BC</strong> tune<br />

after start of prgr, but cannot find this fq in <strong>DX</strong>Asia's webpage) at<br />

recheck 1330 UT when QSA=3.<br />

9630 kHz R.NZi, Rangitaiki, audible on 21 Sep at 1840-1850* UT, English,<br />

nx in sev. Pac. islands Vernaculars, fq annt prior to some mx & IS; 32431,<br />

QRM de adj. ch's + B<strong>BC</strong> Africa in English (presum. via SEY).<br />

9885 kHz R.NZi, Rangitaiki, heard on 23 Sep at 1041-1<strong>05</strong>9* UT, feature<br />

about NZ postage stamps in "Night at R.NZ", fq. annt and abrupt s/off and<br />

shift to 9520 (blocked by VoA via GRC); 35433.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 23)<br />

NIGERIA/U.K. 7255 V. of Nigeria, at 0459-0635+ on Sept 10, tune-in to<br />

NA and <strong>05</strong>00 into English sign-on ID annts, freq as "15120". <strong>05</strong>01 English<br />

news, Afro-pops. 0601 drums IS, English news. Fair to good level but some<br />

programming with the usual mediocre audio. Also 2215-2300* Sept 11, tune-<br />

in to vernacular talk, African folk mx, sign-off with NA. Poor-fair.<br />

7275 R. Nigeria at 0600-0620+ on Sept 10, tune-in to English programming<br />

with 0600 ID, English news. Poor, weak in noisy conditions. VON on 7255<br />

much stronger.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Sep 16)<br />

Voice of Nigeria, 7255 kHz pounding in at 21<strong>05</strong> UT on Sept 24 with nx in<br />

French. Mentioned only because of the strength and fairly early hour (for<br />

us).<br />

(Gerry Dexter-WI-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 25)<br />

[non] At 25.09.20<strong>05</strong> Wendel Craighead wrote:<br />

from the somewhat anti-Nigerian-govt Radio Salama to the strongly anti-<br />

Vietnamese-govt Chan Troi Moi/New Horizon [which I heard on MW while in<br />

Vietnam] to the strident anti-Guatemalan-govt La Voz Popular in the 80s<br />

and 90s.<br />

It appears that also the nature of Salama Radio International was often<br />

misinterpreted in the <strong>DX</strong> press. Rather than having anti-Nigerian<br />

un<strong>der</strong>tones, this is a missionary program for the whole of West Africa<br />

(originally, the plan was to broadcast in English, French, Arabic, Hausa<br />

and Fulfulde), and in 2002 the activities were moved from the UK to<br />

Nigeria where the prgr's of Salama Radio International are broadcast<br />

locally on FM, acc. to the station. There is a good portrait of the<br />

station on this German website:<br />

<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 26)<br />

11885 New station via VT Communications - Salama Radio International:<br />

WOF-Woofferton-UK in Hausa/English. (Observer, Bulgaria, May 27, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

Salama Radio Inter in Hausa/English to Nigeria via VT Comm:<br />

1930-2030 Wed/Sun on 11885 WOF 300 kW / 180 deg, cancelled from Sep.14<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 26)<br />

OMAN 15140 R Sultanate of Oman, Thumrait, at *1401-1500 UT on Sep 15,<br />

s/on a little late with ID in Arabic, nx in English and pop-music. Heard<br />

for the first time after regular listening in many days. 44444.<br />

(Bjarke Vestesen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Sept 23)<br />

(tent) Radio Sultanate of Oman, 9760 kHz at 0250 UT on Sept 9 with ME mx,<br />

0259 chimes and man in Ar with what sounded like mentions of Oman, then<br />

into apparent news. Back to mx at 0313 UT with woman host. Listed here but<br />

for 0200* WRTH A<strong>05</strong> does not show this freq at all.<br />

(Gerry Dexter-WI-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 25)

PAKISTAN 5085 - UNID heard 28 Jul at 1713, 29 Jul at 1415, 30 Jul at<br />

1700. It probably was temporary freq shift of Pakistan (normally on 5080<br />

kHz).<br />

5102 - Azad Kashmire. Broadcast starts at 1300 UT.<br />

(open_dx - Vladimir Kovalenko-RUS, RUS<strong>DX</strong>signal Sep 24)<br />

6060 kHz Radio Pakistan um 1523 UT in Pashtu mit Nachrichten und<br />

pakistanischer Mx.<br />

SINPO: 34333. (Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 24)<br />

PAPUA NEW GUINEA I have just spent eight days in Port Douglas, which is<br />

about an hours drive north of Cairns in North Queensland, Australia. I<br />

took along my Sony ICF SW 7600G receiver and about 10 metres of wire for<br />

an antenna.<br />

I was able to listen to N<strong>BC</strong> Port Moresby during local daylight at good<br />

strength on 9675 kHz and 4890 kHz early morning and evening.<br />

I also checked out "Wantok Radio Light" on 7120 kHz and they were easily<br />

heard in the local morning and evening, between 2100-2300 and 0900-1100<br />

UT. They have lots of inspirational mx and talk in English and Tok Pisin<br />

that I personally found hard to listen to. As an example, PNG has just<br />

celebrated 30 years of independence and amongst all the Christian<br />

propaganda I heard was the phrase" "There can be no independence without<br />

dependence on God". I would have thought that the last thing a country<br />

like PNG, with all its problems would need, is that sort of trite rubbish!<br />

I also checked out the local AM medium wave band out of curiosity to see<br />

what was there. I only heard two stations, the first being Port Moresby on<br />

585 kHz in // with 4890 kHz.<br />

The other station was on 810 kHz and I expected it to be N<strong>BC</strong> Rabaul, a<br />

station I heard regularly in the late 1960's when I last lived in this<br />

area. But it was actually Radio Morobe in Lae in Parallel with 3220 kHz<br />

and 1<strong>05</strong>.1 FM, according to station annts. I couldn't hear the FM freq as<br />

it is used by A<strong>BC</strong> Radio National in Cairns.<br />

I tried for the Catholic station on 4960 kHz but I can't say for sure I<br />

heard it. At times there was a very weak station playing syrupy sweet<br />

Christian mx but it was too weak to identify.<br />

(Barry Hartley-NZL, on tour in NoQueensland-AUS, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 23)<br />

PARAGUAY 9737 R. Nac. del Paraguay on Sep 18 at 0800-0812 UT. 45433-<br />

45444 Spanish, Paraguay mx, ID at 0804 UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 23)<br />

9737 R. Nac. del Paraguay on Sep 20 at 2<strong>05</strong>9-2130 UT. 43333 Talk and mx in<br />

Spanish.<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 23)<br />

9736.93 R. Nac. del Paraguay, on Sept 25 at 2353 UT with super signal.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 26)<br />

PERU 6020.2 R.Victoria, Lima, audible on 20 Sep at 0725-f/out 0830 UT,<br />

Braz. Portuguese, preacher in prgr from A Voz a Libertacao; 35432.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 23)<br />

Listened a bit this morning with no Peruvians audible (exc 6020.3 R<br />

Victoria at 04<strong>05</strong>-0610 UT fade out. On and off with doomday (sounding)<br />

priests ao.) Colombia (Consiencia on 6010.1 at 0310-0445 UT period, good<br />

at times. Marfil (pres) ard 0615 UT).<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 24)

5039.25 Radio Libertad, Junin at 1115 to 1128 UT early sign on with yl<br />

/en Espanol/ ; A regular last season good to see they are still on the<br />

air.<br />

(Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 21)<br />

R. Reina de la Selva, QSL-card, postcard, ltr, V/S Jose David Reina,<br />

Gerente General; in 40 days. Address: R. Reina de la Selva, Jr. Ayacucho<br />

944, Plaza Mayor, Chachapoyas, Amazonas, Peru,<br />

<br />

(Rojas Gordillo-PRU, Noticias <strong>DX</strong> via dxld Sep 25)<br />

PHILIPPINES 9685 R. Blagovest via R.Veritas Asia Sep 13 1510-1520 44444<br />

Russian, Talk, ID and address announce at 1511 UT. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN,<br />

JPNpremium Sep 23)<br />

RUSSIA/KAZAKHSTAN TWR-INDIA A'<strong>05</strong> changes wef 25th Sept 20<strong>05</strong><br />


0115-0145 9445 VARIOUS 1...... NVS 250 4/4/1 218 180 (x15580)<br />

0015-0145 9445 VARIOUS ..34567 NVS 250 4/4/1 218 180 (x15580)<br />

2330-2400 7410 KOKBOROK .23456. A-A 200 4/4/1 218 132 (x11965)<br />

2345-2400 7410 KOKBOROK ......7 A-A 200 4/4/1 218 132 (x11965)<br />

0000-0030 7410 ASSAMESE .234567 A-A 200 4/4/1 218 132 (x11965)<br />

0030-0045 7410 BENGALI .23456. A-A 200 4/4/1 218 132 (x11965)<br />

(Alokesh Gupta-IND, Cumbre Sep 20)<br />

NVS = Novosibirsk-RUS, A-A = Almaty-KAZ<br />

[TATARSTAN] 11925 While enjoying a folkmusic programme from the<br />

Tatarstan Wave the SINPO at 0846 on Sep 12 abruptly fall from a stable<br />

55555 to 25121 obviously due to a "Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance" (SID).<br />

Most other stations on SW also weakened or disappeared at the same time.<br />

SW reception generally has been poor the past two weeks, but nonetheless a<br />

250 watt Coalition Maritime Forces Radio broadcasting from a ship near<br />

Bahrain has been audible three times here in Denmark on 6125!<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Sep 21)<br />

15140 Tatarstan Wave. On Sept 19 at 0411(IS)-<strong>05</strong>00(S/off) UT. SINPO 25432.<br />

ID & ID in Russian at 0411 as "V efire programa na volne Tatarstan."<br />

Mainly talk by a man. ID was heard at 0430 UT again, followed by talk &<br />

folk songs.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Sep 23)<br />

[to ETH] 12120 V.O.ENUF (pres) on Sep 25 (Sun) at *1700-1717+ UT right<br />

into male talk uninterruptedly, no usual flute intro nor IDs observed. No<br />

mx which is normally played during prgr. Had to leave 1717 UT.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 26)<br />

15660 Tesae Ethiopia R (pres) on Sep 25 (Sun). Strong at first but<br />

weakened. At tune-in 1518 UT session of 'fore'man yelling excitingly with<br />

crowd then repeating same. Had to leave the receiver at 1530 UT when same<br />

was still going on.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 26)<br />

Both via Samara-RUS 250 kW 188deg. (wb)<br />

Interesting report found on the internet:<br />

Tensae reported on its website :<br />

Our web hosting company has received a complaint that has<br />

false and defamatory statements. In or<strong>der</strong> to continue hosting us, the<br />

company needs to provide a written response. We have less than 72 hours to<br />

save or shutdown Tensae website.<br />

However, as Tensae failed to provide any support for its defamatory

allegations, the web host suspended Tensae.com from its servers. It is now<br />

weeks since the Ethiopian defamation victims' lawsuit against Tensae was<br />

announced, and neither Tensae nor its operators have written a single word<br />

to support or explain their malicious lies against the defamation victims.<br />

(full Aug 30 story on<br />

<br />

So now found as <br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 26)<br />

Freqs changes for Voice of Russia eff from Sep 4:<br />

1500-1530 Albanian NF 9470, x15290<br />

1700-1800 Arabic NF 7130, x12065<br />

1700-1900 Arabic NF 9470, x 9835<br />

1830-1900 Arabic NF 7130, x12065<br />

1900-2000 Bulgarian NF 6000, x 9470<br />

1000-1300 Chinese NF 9470, x12000<br />

1400-1900 Commonwealth NF 7440, x 9820<br />

1700-1900 Commonwealth NF 7425, x12<strong>05</strong>5<br />

1745-1830 Czech NF 5940, NF 7420, x15350, 11745<br />

1700-1745 Hungarian NF 5940, NF 7420, x15350, 11745<br />

0100-<strong>05</strong>00 English WS NF 7180, x 9665<br />

0300-<strong>05</strong>00 English WS NF 5900, x 9880<br />

1400-1500 English WS NF 62<strong>05</strong>, x12<strong>05</strong>5<br />

1500-1600 English WS NF 9810, NF 11980, x15455, 12040<br />

1800-1900 English WS NF 9480, x11630 + addit. 9820<br />

2000-2100 English WS NF 7310, NF 7330, x12070, 15455<br />

1700-1800 English WS NF 7390, NF 9820, x 9480, 11675 Sat/Sun<br />

1700-1730 Finnish NF 7390, NF 9820, x 9480, 11675 Mon-Fri<br />

1600-1800 French NF 7310, NF 9810, NF 11980, x12070, 15455, 12040<br />

1800-2000 French NF 7330, NF 12070, x 7310, 12000<br />

1500-1700 German NF 7380, x 9795<br />

1800-1900 German NF 7380, additional<br />

1800-1900 Greek NF 6000, NF 7230, x 9470, 12015<br />

1700-1800 Italian NF 12060, x11840<br />

1730-1800 Norwegian NF 7390, NF 9820, x 9480, 11675 Tue/Thu<br />

1700-1800 Polish NF 11630, x11980<br />

2000-2030 Portuguese NF 9480, x11630<br />

2300-2400 Portuguese NF 7390, x12010<br />

1600-1700 Romanian NF 5940, x15350<br />

0100-0300 Russian WS NF 5900, NF 7260, x 9880, 12070<br />

1500-1600 Russian WS NF 7130, x15440<br />

1700-1800 Russian WS NF 9480, x11630<br />

1900-2000 Russian WS NF 7420, NF 9480, x11745, 11630<br />

1900-2100 Russian WS NF 7425, x12<strong>05</strong>5<br />

1530-1700 Serbian NF 9470, NF 12060, x15290, 11840<br />

1830-1900 Slovak NF 5940, NF 7420, x15350, 11745<br />

0000-0100 Spanish NF 7180, x 9665<br />

0000-0200 Spanish NF 7390, x12010<br />

2030-2100 Spanish NF 9480, x11630<br />

1730-1800 Swedish NF 7390, NF 9820, x 9480, 11675 Mon/Wed/Fri<br />

Freqs changes for China Radio International via RUS txs from Sep.4:<br />

1600-1657 Arabic NF 7130 S.P 400 kW / 145 deg, x12065<br />

1800-1827 Persian NF 7130 S.P 400 kW / 145 deg, x12065<br />

1830-1927 Arabic NF 7200 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg, x12035<br />

No txions for Zwart of Wit/Black or White in Dutch on Sep.4/11/18/25<br />

0900-1100 Sun on 15660 ARM 250 kW / 290 deg to WeEu. Cancelled or NF?<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 26)<br />

RWANDA 6<strong>05</strong>5 R Rwanda on Sep 21 at 2040-2<strong>05</strong>9 UT weak but on clear freq<br />

in local lang (Kinyarwanda) and local pops presented by very lively and<br />

enthusiastic DJ. Mentions of Rwanda when Radio JPN took over the freq in

English at 2<strong>05</strong>9 UT with stunning signal.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 22)<br />

SINGAPORE Radio SNG International on 6080 kHz was good every day in<br />

North Queensland on 6080 kHz around 1115 & 1215 UT. They had a series of<br />

programmes about the fall of SNG to the Japanese in World War II. The //<br />

freq of Radio SNG is 6150 kHz, could not be heard through the clutter on<br />

that channel.<br />

(Barry Hartley-NZL, on tour in NoQueensland-AUS, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 23)<br />

6150 Mediacorp Radio. Sept 16 at 0959-10<strong>05</strong>. SINPO34433. ID in English. Nx<br />

headlines and traffic report at 1000.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Sep 23)<br />

6150 Mediacorp Radio, Kranji on Sept 14. "You are listening to the SW<br />

relay from Mediacorp Radio ... Nx Radio 9-3-8 ". Radio SNG International<br />

1100-1400 UT, I suppose. Sign off of Mediacorp Radio on 6150 kHz at 1600<br />

UT. Really nice reception of the SNG?s Chinese sce on 6000 kHz also<br />

closing down at 1600 UT.<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, RUS<strong>DX</strong>signal Sep 24)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA/CONGO D.R. 11690 R. Okapi via South Africa, at <strong>05</strong>15-<strong>05</strong>59*<br />

French talk, <strong>05</strong>55 & <strong>05</strong>59 UT "Okapi" jingles, and sign-off; good.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Sep 16)<br />

11690 R Okapi via Meyerton on Sep 18 at <strong>05</strong>32-0600* UT. 34433 French,<br />

Talk, ID at <strong>05</strong>36 UT etc, SJ at <strong>05</strong>57 and <strong>05</strong>59, 0600 sign off.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 23)<br />

[IRELAND non]. 15255 kHz RTE, Ireland via Meyerton-AFS. Sept. 11 at 1329-<br />

1430 UT. 23332-34333. Signal got stronger around 1400 UT. "Football final"<br />

in English with nx break at 1401. 21730 and 17680 kHz were not heard.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPN Premium Sep 16)<br />

RTE (tent) 15255 via Meyerton at 1320 on 9/25. Very poor but seemed to be<br />

a play-by-play broadcast. 21730 was empty and 17680 in full control of<br />

Christian Voice.<br />

(Gerry Dexter-WI-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 25)<br />

RTE to relay Irish football final on SW.<br />

All Ireland Football Final on SW to Africa. Irish public broadcaster RTE<br />

will broadcast the All Ireland Football Final to Africa via SW on Sunday<br />

25 Sept as follows:<br />

Eastern, Central and Southern Africa:<br />

1300-1700 UTC via Wofferton 21730 kHz<br />

West Africa: 1300-1700 UTC via Ascension 17680 kHz<br />

East Africa: 1300-1430 UTC via Meyerton 15255 kHz<br />

Central Africa: 1430-1700 via Ascension 15255 kHz<br />

Source: RTE website. (RNW MN NL, via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Sep 20)<br />

6160 Channel Africa on Sep 24 at 0334-0355* UT. Nice as always to hear<br />

them with nx magazine and sports in English. Non-stop mx until 0355 UT<br />

when it just left the air, no closing annmt.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 24)<br />

SRI LANKA SL<strong>BC</strong> has cancelled all evening txions to India in English and<br />

Hindi. Hindi 0030-0400 UT is now on 7275 and 119<strong>05</strong>, and 0800-1230. Tamil<br />

is now 1130-1230 on 7275 and 119<strong>05</strong>. Sinhala to ME has been noted on new<br />

11715 kHz at 1610-1840 UT (ex 11775).<br />

(<strong>DX</strong>AsiaInfo Sep 24)<br />

SL<strong>BC</strong> schedule reshuffeled, see also un<strong>der</strong> India, wb.<br />

SUDAN 95<strong>05</strong> R Omdurman on Sep 13 at 1630-1708 UT. 43443-44444 Arabic,

talk and koran and news, ID at 1700 UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 23)<br />

SUDAN Implements M2W.<br />

The state-owned national broadcaster Sudan Radio & TV Corporation (SRTC)<br />

has contracted Thales for the supply and installation of four latest<br />

generation 50 kW M2W medium wave txs. One of these txs will be factory<br />

equipped for automatic DRM operation, using the Thales Skywave 2000 front-<br />

end DRM Enco<strong>der</strong>/Modulator ALTO-STRATUS.<br />

SRTC is expanding and mo<strong>der</strong>nizing its network to improve national<br />

coverage. The new equipment is scheduled to go on air beginning 2006.<br />

(THALES Radio Nx Autumn 20<strong>05</strong>, Issue 20. via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 20)<br />

TAIWAN 9795 "Hi dear Takahito, may you can check this: Sat/Sun only.<br />

UNID to Vietnam at 1500-1600 UT on 9795 via Taiwan tx."<br />

I tried on Sunday, September 25 at 1500 UT. But no such a txion was<br />

observed. Observed KLNS in Russian only.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 26)<br />

A new target broadcast for Vietnam reportedly started last weekend via a<br />

tx in Taiwan on 9795. It is currently scheduled Sat/Sun at 1500-1600. The<br />

name of the broadcast and the producer has not yet been established.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 27)<br />

TANZANIA 6015, R Tanzania-Zanzibar on Sep 24 at 0315 UT, fair with Dar-<br />

es-Salaam ID at 0315 UT, then mentions of Zanzibar. Had become weak at<br />

tune-out 0333 UT.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 24)<br />

UKRAINE Change of frequencies of Radio Ukraine International from Sept<br />

27:<br />

UTC Frequency from - to:<br />

0000-<strong>05</strong>00 7485 5830<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0800 9945 7420<br />

0800-1300 15675 9925<br />

1300-1700 7530 5830<br />

1700-2400 7490 5830<br />

2300-0400 7440 5910<br />

(NRCU Alexan<strong>der</strong> Yegorov-UKR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 27)<br />

UNID 94<strong>05</strong> Unidentified Arabic program was heard on 94<strong>05</strong> kHz at 2004-<br />

2030(S/off) on Saturday, Sept 17. Maily talk by a man and a woman. Arabic<br />

song at 2024 UT. Address in Limassol, Cyprus was announced at 2015 & 2027<br />

UT. Voices from the Diaspora has used this freq on Saturdays, but it was<br />

not the station.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Sep 23)<br />

UNID 5040 UNID and extremely low, almost certainly Spanish on Sep 24 at<br />

0420 UT. Hope cond's will hold agn tomorrow for this. Who?<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 24)<br />

Voz del Upano-EQA? - see also un<strong>der</strong> Peru. wb.<br />

UNID 5006.16 at 1035 to 1<strong>05</strong>5 UT. Latin Asian ??? 23 Sept.<br />

(Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 25)<br />

U.A.E. UNID SITE 6010 Bible Voice Broadcasting on Sep 25 at 0049-0<strong>05</strong>9*<br />

UT had English relig 'Oh God' programme (Bible Study). Closed with<br />

'Amazing Grace'. Could not find this prgr on the biblevoice.org web-site.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 25)

0030-0100 via Al Dhabbaya-UAE, 250 kW 85 degr towards Indian peninsula.<br />

(wb)<br />

Freq change for TWR Africa in Amharic via VT Communications:<br />

1800-1830 Mon-Fri<br />

1800-1845 Sat/Sun NF 12035 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg, x11810, re-ex 12035<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 26)<br />

U.K. 279 Former B<strong>BC</strong> Radio 1 DJ Mike Read, currently working for the<br />

commercial station Big L - Radio London, has been named as one of the<br />

presenters on the new longwave station in the Isle of Man. A report on the<br />

Isle of Man Today website says that bosses of the station have confirmed<br />

that Read will be in the lineup along with former Radio Caroline<br />

presenters and 'at least one Manx Radio personality'. The report quotes<br />

Isle of Man International Broadcasting Chief Executive Paul Rusling as<br />

saying there has been a six-month delay to the planned launch date, but<br />

the station will be on the air in the New Year as the antenna and tx<br />

suppliers have confirmed both will be ready for txion by <strong>Jan</strong>uary. The on-<br />

air name of the station, which will broadcast on 279 kHz, remains a<br />

closely guarded secret, but there are many other details on the station's<br />

corporate website.<br />

via MWC e-mail nx 1.9.20<strong>05</strong>; ARC MV Eko)<br />

1296 - I am pleased to announce that on the 30th of August, we commenced a<br />

DRM "Phase 1" sce to Europe for the B<strong>BC</strong> World Service.<br />

This sce is timed to co-incide with the official launch of consumer DRM<br />

receivers[? wb.] at the world's largest exhibition for consumer<br />

electronics, the IFA in Berlin from the 2nd to the 7th of September.<br />

The sce comprises of 12 hours per day from Rampisham on Shortwave,<br />

targeting Germany and 16 hours per day on Medium Wave from Orfordness, (to<br />

be extended to 18 hours per day from the beginning of the winter<br />

schedule), targeting Benelux during daylight hours and Western Europe<br />

during hours of darkness.<br />

(John Emmerson, VT Communications via Mike Barraclough-UK; ARC MV Eko Sep<br />

24)<br />

From A.J. <strong>Jan</strong>itschek of Radio Free Asia ("RFA"): The Technical Operations<br />

Division has just released of the company?s eighth QSL card. The card is<br />

scheduled for distribution from Sep 1 to Dec 31, 20<strong>05</strong>. This QSL Card<br />

commemorates the ninth anniversary of RFA?s first broadcast which took<br />

place on Sep 29, 1996; this broadcast was in Mandarin Chinese. Since then<br />

RFA has grown to 9 Asian langs broadcasting a total of 36 hours of radio<br />

programming daily; primarily on SW freqs.<br />

RFA welcomes all reception report submissions at <br />

(follow the QSL REPORTS link) not only from <strong>DX</strong>?ers but from its general<br />

listening audience as well. Reception reports are also accepted by email<br />

at <br />

For anyone without Internet access, reception reports should be mailed to:<br />

Reception Reports, Radio Free Asia, 2025 M. Street NW, Suite 300,<br />

Washington DC 20036, USA. Upon request, RFA will also send a copy of the<br />

current broadcast schedule and a station sticker.<br />

(via Rich d'Angelo-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 25)<br />

U.K./CYPRUS Freq change for B<strong>BC</strong> in Azeri:<br />

1700-1730 NF 11855 SKN 300 kW / 090 deg, x11665 RMP 500 kW / 076 deg<br />

// 5875 CYP 250 kW / 047 deg and 9570 CYP 250 kW / <strong>05</strong>7 deg<br />

Cancelled txion for B<strong>BC</strong> in Russian in DRM mode:<br />

1800-1900 on 15215 RMP 035 kW / 061 deg to RUS<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 26)

USA 5835 WWL via WHRI on Sep 16 at 0736-0810 UT. 33333 Talk in English.<br />

ID at 0809 UT as '...WWL, AM', at 0803 UT as 'This is World Harvest<br />

Radio'.<br />

cf: <br />

Today's Top Story (September <strong>05</strong> 20<strong>05</strong>) and Nagoya <strong>DX</strong>ers Circle official<br />

website (Mr. Kagawa and Mr. Aoki, Thank you).<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 23)<br />

7811 USB, AFRTS relay (via US Navy NAR facilities), Saddlebunch Keys; at<br />

1450-1500 on Sept. 24. "Focus On Racing Radio On Westwood One." Xlnt/local<br />

level, // local level 5446.5 USB. Still highly amused after all these<br />

years that everyone who logs these chose to ignorantly list the site as<br />

"Key West."<br />

(Terry L Krueger-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 25)<br />

The WRNO SW site in New Orleans came thru Katrina virtually unscathed. The<br />

tx building and the tx are OK; there was no flooding in the building, and<br />

no damage to the antenna or coupler, etc. However, a large oak(?) tree<br />

fell on power lines nearby, and that is the main problem. It may have to<br />

be removed by an independent contractor. Now the target date for going on<br />

the air is by the end of October, according to sources at the station.<br />

(George Thurman-TX-USA, dxld Sept 16)<br />

Another version: Just wanted to let everyone know that I have found out<br />

that the tx site for WRNO SHORTWAVE near New Orleans for the most part did<br />

not suffer any serious damage due to hurricane Katrina. The xmtr building<br />

had no flooding, and the antenna, and txion line did not suffer any wind<br />

damage. The only real problem is an Oak tree that has fallen, and has cut<br />

electrical power to the building. It may be some time before the tree can<br />

be removed, and the station hopes to get on the air by late October<br />

(GEORGE THURMAN, Sept 16, rec.radio.shortwave via Dave Zantow, dxld)<br />

BTW, at times personalities from WRNO 99.5 are heard on URBONO. Just a<br />

remin<strong>der</strong> that despite the same call letters, this no longer has any<br />

relation to the inactive SW station. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Sep 16)<br />

Additional RFE/RL changes:<br />

0300-0400 Azeri on 9855 cancelled<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 Georgian on 9855 cancelled<br />

1400-1500 Armenian on 9790 cancelled<br />

1400-1500 Georgian on 15255 cancelled<br />

1400-1500 Kazakh NF 15255, x15455 // 4995 15355<br />

1400-1500 Tajik NF 9790, x17670 // 15370 15725<br />

1500-1600 Azeri on 15160 cancelled<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 26)<br />

UZBEKISTAN 17560V[17562/17568] V.of Tibet on Sep 18 at 1212-1231 UT.<br />

45433-43433 Tibetian, Opening mx, Opening announce, Talk, 1214 UT mx<br />

jamming on c/c.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 23)<br />

VoT see also un<strong>der</strong> Madagascar, (wb.)<br />

In 1980 I visited the Uzbek SSR as a member of an American peace<br />

delegation. The primary purpose of this diversion from our scheduled trip<br />

to Moscow was to see how happy the Muslims in Uzbekistan were in the<br />

Soviet system, the point being that the Afghans (then fighting Soviet<br />

troops) across the bor<strong>der</strong> ought to be just as happy (they weren't). During<br />

our visit we were interviewed by Radio Tashkent about a number of<br />

international issues, including the boycott of the Olympics by the US.<br />

After the interview I was given an envelope, which upon opening I was

surprised to find 40 rubles in currency. I asked what it was for and I was<br />

told that since an interview is an economic transaction it was only fair<br />

that I got paid! My inclination at the time was to give the money to the<br />

organization that had sponsored me for the trip, but upon learning that it<br />

was illegal to transport rubles across the bor<strong>der</strong> I think we ended up<br />

buying drinks for the people at the table next to us in a Tashkent<br />

restaurant. Was it a bribe? I don't know, but the Armenian group at the<br />

next table was definitely happier!<br />

(Jim Renfrew-NY-USA, dxld Sep 21)<br />

VANUATU This info comes from an engineering source in Vanuatu. Only one<br />

out of three Radio Vanuatu's SW txs is working at the moment. It was off<br />

for couple of days since 16 September due to fault in the exciter power<br />

supply, but should be on the air by now. Transmitter is rated 10 kW but<br />

runs around 8 kW.<br />

The schedule is (times UTC)<br />

3945 1900-2100, <strong>05</strong>00-1100<br />

7260 2100-<strong>05</strong>00<br />

The switch-over times from one freq to another are "about" as there is no<br />

remote control system functioning and station's tech has to go to the tx<br />

site (10km from the town) and manually change freq and antenna system.<br />

Audio might be a bit un<strong>der</strong>modulated due to audiofeed link problems.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Sep 22)<br />

VIETNAM 4739.75 R.TV.Son La on Sep 13 at 1258-1306 UT. 34433-33433<br />

Vernacular and Vietnamese, Talk, 1300 Theme mx, ID at 1301 UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 23)<br />

WESTERN SAHARA (yes, "AOE" may probably stand for "Africa Occidental<br />

Espanola", or probably not) 700 kHz Polisario Front (which site, Tindouf<br />

too, like on inactive 1550 kHz?) noted this morning, on 23 Sep at 06<strong>05</strong>-...<br />

UT with talks in Arabic; 14331, co-ch QRM de... LAm stns (!), all this via<br />

my raised K9AY. Well, I believe I logged R. Cordoba, Cordoba, ARG, on 22<br />

Sep at 0601-0614 UT, unless it was some other LAm stn, but the accent did<br />

sound vy. much Argentinian to me. // 7460 kHz with adjacent QRM de USA.<br />

The evening patter is completely different: after dark, 700 kHz do provide<br />

a good signal here.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 23)<br />

YEMEN 9779.55 Yemen R. on Sep 13 at 1614-1628 UT. 25322-34332 Arabic,<br />

talk, 1626 UT theme mx. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 23)<br />

ZIMBABWE 6612 R. Zimbabwe, on Sept 21 at 0220-0434 UT, wide range of mx<br />

(highlife, pop western mx, jazz, Afr. choral (almost like religious<br />

singing), M. announcer in African lang., 0323 clear ID for R. Zimbabwe<br />

(but this was the only ID I could make out), after 0331 seemed to be phone<br />

conversations, poor-fair, but the mx was enjoyable. Sept 22, at 0135<br />

already heard with Afr mx and will probably be better in a few hrs.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 22)<br />

NOR<strong>DX</strong>-20<strong>05</strong> will be held between Friday November 18 and Thursday December<br />

01, 20<strong>05</strong>. All information, rules and more about the contest could be found<br />

on the NOR<strong>DX</strong> homepage: All <strong>DX</strong>-ers in the Nordic countries<br />

are welcome and there is also an "open class" for participants from the<br />

rest of the world.<br />

(Claes Olsson-SWE, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Sep 7)<br />

News from the European <strong>DX</strong> Council<br />

On Aug 07 - Sep 09, the Board of Deputies representing eight Full Member<br />

Clubs of the E<strong>DX</strong>C had their first internet meeting since the E<strong>DX</strong>C

Conference in Prague. The decisions taken are as follows:<br />

a. Mr Harald Gabler is again a member of the Board representing the 60<br />

members of the club "Rhein Main <strong>DX</strong> Club" with 10 votes. By this the E<strong>DX</strong>C<br />

has nine Full Member Clubs and three Observer Clubs.<br />

b. E<strong>DX</strong>C membership is open for Clubs at any time and has been opened for<br />

individuals since the approval of the new statute (April 09, 20<strong>05</strong>).<br />

c. The Interim Secretary General (ISG), Luigi Cobisi, is requested<br />

officially to ask the clubs to pay their membership fees for 2004-20<strong>05</strong><br />

proposing a deadline for their payment amounting to the sum previously due<br />

for one year. (This has been done and at least four clubs, incl. DSWCI,<br />

have already paid their fees.)<br />

d. Establish in 10 Euros the fee for individual members in 20<strong>05</strong> and a<br />

deadline for its payment inviting individual dxers to join the Council<br />

through the E<strong>DX</strong>C Mailing List and the Web Portal ). The<br />

decision completes the new organization of the Council allowing individual<br />

<strong>DX</strong>er to join it. According to Article 6 of the new E<strong>DX</strong>C Statutes: "Any<br />

individual <strong>DX</strong>-er living in Europe shall be entitled to become a Full<br />

Member of the E<strong>DX</strong>C, even if he or she is a member of a <strong>DX</strong> Club or of an<br />

Umbrella organization of <strong>DX</strong> clubs which also is a Full Member of the<br />

E<strong>DX</strong>C."<br />

Methods of payment to the ISG:<br />

-you can pay in cash by sending bank notes of any major European currency<br />

or US dollars (registered mail);<br />

-cheques in Euro or IMOs are also possible. Should you however want to use<br />

them, you must add 10.00 Euro to cover the costs at this end.<br />

-bank transfer to one of the two bank accounts of the ISG:<br />

Account No. 165 84 500, Bancoposta Bank, Firenze, Italy. Beneficiary: Mr.<br />

Luigi Cobisi.<br />

Account No. 10048337 Sparkasse Freiburg BLZ 680 501 01, Germany. Attn.:<br />

Mr. Luigi Cobisi.<br />

In addition a message about the payment is appreciated by the ISG.<br />

e. To publish immediately after the above mentioned deadlines the new<br />

members list both on the E<strong>DX</strong>C Mailing List and the Web Portal.<br />

f. To establish a further deadline for candidatures for the posts of new<br />

Secretary General and Assistant Secretary General, as well as new<br />

Auditors.<br />

g. Tibor Szilagyi has offered to organize E<strong>DX</strong>C Conferences in St.<br />

Petersburg, Russia, on Oct 19-22, 2006 together with local dxers, and in<br />

Lugano, Switzerland on Nov 01-04, 2007. The Board of Deputies decided to<br />

ask for other possible Conference bids before Dec 31, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(Anker Petersen, representing the DSWCI in the Board of Deputies;<br />

dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Sep 22)<br />

Shortwave Array Antennas. Customized Solutions.<br />

What makes SW antenna arrays so attractive is the fact that they are<br />

available in an extraordinary variety of designs. Depending on<br />

requirements, optimal antenna array solutions can be engineered for a very<br />

wide range of site specific conditions.<br />

If a SW antenna array comes into question for your station, the desired<br />

specific radiation characteristics and beam slewing performances of the

system will depend greatly on such important design parameters as<br />

number and arrangement of dipoles and<br />

the layout of the antenna feeding.<br />

Consequently, an essential question arising in connection with the choice<br />

of a new antenna system is:<br />

Which type of dipoles are suitable for a specific antenna array?<br />

Thales provides two basic solutions to help customers make the right<br />

decision:<br />

The use of half-lambda dipoles (the length of one dipole in portions of<br />

wavelength of the design freq is lambda/2).<br />

The use of lambda dipoles (the length of one dipole in portions of<br />

wavelength of the design freq is lambda.<br />

Defining Dipoles. The ITU defines array antennas as follows: AHR m/n/h<br />

(Aperiodic Horizontal Reflector), whereby the number of dipoles in each<br />

horizontal row is m. However, m counts the number of lambda/2 components<br />

in one row, so one lambda-dipole can be seen to be consisting of two<br />

lambda/2 elements.<br />

Another way to look at it is to consi<strong>der</strong> one (center-fed) lambda-dipole as<br />

two end-fed lambda/2-dipoles.<br />

Comparing Solutions: lambda/2 Alternative<br />

Both dipole versions have their advantages. In case maximum freq range and<br />

a minimum electrical main-beam slewing are requested, the choice should be<br />

made for the lambda/2-dipole.<br />

In addition, a lambda/2-dipole can be realized as a so-called folded<br />

dipole. In this case a static ground connection can be applied, giving an<br />

additional margin of reliability especially un<strong>der</strong> certain atmospheric and<br />

weather conditions.<br />

Thales has excellent results using this version of dipoles in its rigid<br />

array antenna technology without any insulation in structural parts.<br />

Using Full Wave Dipoles. In case a highly economic solution is preferred<br />

and limited slew are required, the lambda-dipole is an appropriate choice.<br />

The use of full wave dipoles does not necessarily limit the freq range of<br />

operation. However it does reduce the azimuthal slew range to about a<br />

quarter of the range of half-wave dipoles. This is above all due to the<br />

occurrence of the so-called grating lobes.<br />

The antenna's feed system will be simpler as the number of dipole feeding<br />

points is reduced by 50%. Less hardware, less weight and therefore less<br />

mechanical loads applied on the structures make it possible to design the<br />

system un<strong>der</strong> economically optimized aspects.<br />

Customer's Choice. A comparison of the slewing capability of an antenna<br />

AHRS 4/4/0.5 with a freq of 6-12 MHz equipped with lambda/2-dipoles and an<br />

antenna of the same type equipped with lambda-dipoles show significant<br />

differences for higher slewing angles, especially when looking at the side<br />

lobes.<br />

The decision which dipole type will be suitable for a specific array<br />

antenna system depends on specific customers needs and requirements with<br />

respect of performance, coverage and/or budgetary limits.

Thales antenna engineers are happy to assist customers in making the best<br />

possible choice for their system.<br />

THALES<br />

THALES SUISSE SA Broadcast & Multimedia<br />

Spinnereistrasse 5, CH-5300 Turgi, Switzerland<br />

<br />

THALES Broadcast & Multimedia<br />

1, Rue de l'Hautil, F-78702 Conflans Ste. Honorine, France<br />

<br />


Ohmweg 11-15, D-68199 Mannheim, Germany<br />

<br />

(THALES Radio Nx Autumn 20<strong>05</strong>, Issue 20. via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 20)<br />

Invitation to the 30 Anniversary of Rhein-Main-Radio-Club, Germany.<br />

Dear <strong>DX</strong> friends,<br />

the Rhein-Main-Radio-Club, Frankfurt - you know from E<strong>DX</strong>C Conference 2003<br />

- is celebrating his *30th-Anniversary* at the <strong>DX</strong>-Camp (26.9.-3.10.20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

at Langenselbold (near Hanau) Naturfreundehaus.<br />

Fr. 30.9. Talk with Wolfram Hess DL1RXA (RIAS und DW)<br />

Anniversary with welcome with champagne Sa. 1.10., 19.00 CEST, Buffet und<br />

Tombola with very god prises like DRM-Receiver, Sony SW1, <strong>DX</strong>-Buecher,<br />

WRTH, CDs (info: )<br />

For this reason Rhein-Main-Radio-Club is publishing a *QSL-card-wall-<br />

calendar 2006*.<br />

The calendar will be presented officially at 1.10.<strong>05</strong>. And it is a<br />

beautifull and very decorative calendar. You can see it now at att. !!!!!<br />

Sure this beautiful calendar would be a pleasure for all dx-friend and<br />

hams. If you will or<strong>der</strong> some of this QSL-card calendars 2006 of the Rhein-<br />

Main-Radio-Club, Frankfurt, we will send it to you.<br />

You pay only 14,80 Euro each to our account RMRC-Konto:<br />

Heinz Schulz / RMRC Konto Nr. 686512 309 - BLZ 250 100 30<br />

Postbank Hannover SWIFT-/BIC-Code: PBNKDEFF - IBAN: DE89 2501 0030 0686<br />

5123 09.<br />

If you want or<strong>der</strong> more please tell us. (then you can get the calendar also<br />

in Engl.)<br />

Greetings from Germany<br />

Harald Gabler, RMRC-Vorstand<br />

<br />

Rhein-Main-Radio-Club - P.O.Box 700849 - 6<strong>05</strong>58 Frankfurt, Germany<br />

(Sep 18)<br />

Der Rhein-Main-Radio-Club laed einzum 34. <strong>DX</strong>- Camp des Rhein-Main-<br />

Radio-Clubs mit 30-jaehrigem Clubjubilaeumim Naturfreundehaus auf dem<br />

Wingertskippel in 635<strong>05</strong> Langenselbold<br />

vom 26.9.20<strong>05</strong> bis 3.10.20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Anmelden per e-Mail o<strong>der</strong><br />

telefonisch: 0177 - 2374326

Fr. 30.9.20<strong>05</strong> Vortrag und Gespraech mit Wolfram Hess DL1RXA.<br />

Am Samstag, dem 1.10.<strong>05</strong> Abend ab 19.00 MESZ findet die Feier zum<br />

30-jaehrigen bestehen des RMRC statt.<br />

Sekt-Empfang, <strong>der</strong> Champus fliesst, dazu kleine Werbeschmankerl<br />

Jubilaeumsparty, Die besten Bil<strong>der</strong> aus 30 Jahren RMRC, Vorstellung des<br />

RMRC-QSL-Karten Kalen<strong>der</strong>s 2006, Vorstellung des RMRC-Online-Logbuch.<br />

Kaltes und warmes Buffet<br />

Tombola<br />

1. Preis Digital World Traveller, DRM-USB-Empfaenger incl. Software<br />

2. Preis Sony Weltempfaenger SW1, <strong>der</strong> kleine Reiseempfaenger<br />

3. Preis Designerhandy Nokia 8850 Gold Edition Weitere tolle Preise:<br />

Solarladegeraet fuer Reiseempfaenger, Nokia Card Phone -Telefon fuer den<br />

Laptop, interessante Radiobuecher, WRTH 2006, CD's<br />

(Auch wer lei<strong>der</strong> nicht zum <strong>DX</strong>-Camp kommen kann, kann an <strong>der</strong> RMRC-<br />

Jubilaeums-Tombola teilnehmen, online unter , per Telefon<br />

0177-2374326 o<strong>der</strong> per Post an RMRC, Pf. 70 0849, 6<strong>05</strong>58 Frankfurt -<br />

Lospreis 2 Euro.)<br />

Waehrend des <strong>DX</strong>-Camps ist je<strong>der</strong> fuer seine Verpflegung selbst<br />

verantwortlich. Getraenke wie Cola, Fanta, Bier etc. werden vom<br />

Naturfreundehaus angeboten. Kochmoeglichkeiten sind in <strong>der</strong> gut<br />

ausgestatteten Kueche vorhanden.<br />

Der RMRC bietet Anschluss an eine Langdrahtantenne und einen<br />

Tropenbanddipol ueber einen Antennenverteiler. Es wird pro Antenne ein ca.<br />

10 Meter langes Koaxialkabel RG-58 o<strong>der</strong> aequivalent, mit einem BNC-Stecker<br />

benoetigt. Einige Kabel sind vorhanden.<br />

Empfaenger und Zubehoer und ggf. das Material fuer den Aufbau weiterer<br />

Antennen muessen mitgebracht werden. Es darf nur mit Kopfhoerer gehoert<br />

werden.<br />

Uebernachtung im Hause erfolgt in Mehrbettzimmern. Kosten: Euro 10,00 pro<br />

Nacht bei Benutzung eigener Bettwaesche. Wer keine Bettwaesche mitbringt,<br />

muss diese vom Naturfreundehaus mieten fuer einmalig 5,00 Euro.<br />

Uebernachtung im Zelt/Wohnwagen 5,00 Euro pro Uebernachtung.<br />

Teilnahmegebuehr fuer das Jubilaeums-<strong>DX</strong>-Camp einmalig 20,00 Euro pro<br />

Teilnehmer incl. Jubilaeumsparty und Endreinigung.<br />

Alleinige Teilnahme an <strong>der</strong> Jubilaeumsparty 15.00 Euro.<br />

Alle anfallenden Kosten werden von OM Harald Gabler, <strong>der</strong> auch die Leitung<br />

<strong>der</strong> nicht oeffentlichen Veranstaltung hat, vor Ort in bar erhoben. Im<br />

Tagungsraum darf nicht uebernachtet werden.<br />

Je<strong>der</strong> Teilnehmer haftet fuer seine Geraete und Gegenstaende sowie fuer<br />

seine koerperliche Unversehrtheit selbst. Der RMRC lehnt jegliche Haftung<br />

bei Diebstahl, Beschaedigung von Geraeten o<strong>der</strong> Gegenstaenden sowie bei<br />

Personenschaeden generell ab.<br />

Teilnehmer, die mit <strong>der</strong> Bahn kommen, koennen nach Voranmeldung vom Bahnhof<br />

Langenselbold abgeholt werden. Im Naturfreundehaus sind wir unter Telefon:<br />

06184 / 1031 o<strong>der</strong> dem Clubtelefon 0179 / 4429992 erreichbar.<br />

Wir freuen uns ueber jeden Teilnehmer. Gute Laune sollte mitgebracht

werden.<br />

Harald Gabler<br />

RMRC Vorstand<br />

(via Markus Weidner-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 19)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 730 <strong>05</strong> Oct 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

<strong>Private</strong> <strong>Verwendung</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Meldun</strong>gen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede<br />

kommerzielle <strong>Verwendung</strong> bedarf <strong>der</strong> Zustimmung des Newslettereditors.<br />

Extracts of items sourced to E<strong>DX</strong>P may be further reproduced but only by<br />

organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements<br />

with E<strong>DX</strong>P.<br />

!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews. !!!<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio<br />

may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all<br />

stages, from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting<br />

are made available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

credit is given to the contributor and to <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only<br />

with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our<br />

WW<strong>DX</strong>C WWW homepage-German AG<strong>DX</strong> Club-direct address:<br />

<br />

or via Link of Homepage: <br />

Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

RAMADAN Am 4./5. Oktober beginnt in diesem Jahr <strong>der</strong> Ramadan.<br />

Im islamischen Fastenmonat sind Muslime gehalten, tagsueber zu fasten. Im<br />

Gegenzug werden die Abendessen zum wichtigen sozialen E0reignis sowohl in<br />

den Familien als auch bei Einladungen an die Armen. Da sich das soziale<br />

Leben in den Abend verlagert, verlaengern viele Stationen <strong>der</strong> islamischen<br />

Welt ihre Programme in die Nacht o<strong>der</strong> senden sogar rund um die Uhr. In<br />

frueheren Jahren bedeutete das fuer europaeische <strong>DX</strong>er beispielsweise<br />

Empfangsmoeglichkeiten fuer die jetzt reaktivierte Kurzwelle 4780 kHz von<br />

RTV Djibouti. Der Beginn des Ramadanfest zum Ende des Fastens duerfte auf<br />

den 3./4. November fallen.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Sep 29)<br />

AUSTRALIA 2310 VL8A-Alice Springs, at 0948-1004 on Sep 26, English,<br />

Local mx w/ talk over, A<strong>BC</strong> promos, wx forecast for entire continent. Song<br />

"Midnite Moon" thru ToH, quick ID at 1003 UT then more mx. Fair using USB.<br />

// 2325-VL8T poor.<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Sep 27)<br />

7875U A<strong>BC</strong>-WA, at 1<strong>05</strong>6-1106 on Sept.26, English, "PM" prg w/ economic nx<br />

re Aussie land council; hurricane effects on oil industry. Trivia quiz re<br />

"English Premier League" into A<strong>BC</strong> Nx at 1100 UT re Aussie Homeland<br />

Security. Fair/poor.<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Sep 27)

7875 kHz SW<br />

Dear Mr Sonntag, Thank you for your email.<br />

The 7875 kHz A<strong>BC</strong> Radio sce you can hear is not currently being transmitted<br />

by the A<strong>BC</strong>. We believe this sce is being transmitted by the Australian<br />

Military, to troops overseas, although we have been unable to confirm this<br />

as yet.<br />

Additionally, as we are not transmitting this sce, we are unaware of how<br />

long the broadcasts will continue.<br />

I'm sorry I could not provide you with more details. Thank you for taking<br />

the time to write to the A<strong>BC</strong>.<br />

Yours sincerely, Jo Lindsay. Communications Officer-<br />

A<strong>BC</strong> Transmission Public Relations. TTY: 1800 627 854<br />

Reception Advice Line: 1300 13 9994 (8am-7pm Monday to Friday EST)<br />

Reception Advice" <br />

(Rudolf Sonntag-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 30)<br />

There's been no sign of ADFR on 7875.<strong>05</strong> USB for a few days now at my local<br />

dawn (1400 UT). Last week they were very well hrd. Test xmsns only? A<br />

change in fqys?<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 1)<br />

So, the sports final test txion on 7875usb towards Australian soldiers<br />

serving in Asia seems over now.<br />

Shortwave listeners worldwide heard broadcasts in upper sideband of A<strong>BC</strong><br />

Perth late Sept for 10 days on 7875. It originated from an Australian<br />

Defence Forces tx in Exmouth, WeAUS. It operates on an irregular basis for<br />

Australian troops and was active due to the Australian rules football<br />

grand final. Power was 40 kW.<br />

But here are the remaining freqs for northern Australia / Dili UTE<br />

services of various Defense installation in AUS and elsewhere in Asia:<br />

6685 6709 6727 6730 6760 7735 7875 8977 8974 8989 9023 9025 11143 11187<br />

11195 11199 112<strong>05</strong> 11235 11238 11271 13206 13861 15016 15061 15085 18003<br />

18018 18430 18735 23203 kHz.<br />

(73 wb Oct 2)<br />

AZERBAIJAN [Nagorno-Karabakh] VOJustice reported on Sep 24 at <strong>05</strong>00 UT<br />

on 9680 kHz, but no signal was on Sep 23 at 1300 and 1400 UT.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 29)<br />

History - A radio station 'Voice of Justice' broadcasting in Stepanakert<br />

in the Azerbaijani lang tries to establish a 'trust bridge' between the<br />

Karabakh conflict parties.<br />

<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld Nov 27, 2004)<br />

9677v kHz. The station is on the air since August 1997, the "actual" name<br />

(in Azeri) is "Aedaelaen Saesi Radiosu". (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, ibid. 2004)<br />

BAHRAIN [non] 9133U CMF R. Information / R. One at 2041 UT on Sept 27,<br />

finally heard after numerous tries. Barely above the noise with Middle<br />

Eastern singing; telephone-quality audio. Woman in what sounded like<br />

Arabic at 2047 UT, then back to mx with wild vocal accompanied by flute,<br />

ud, etc.; no break across 2100 UT. Unlike 6125U, which is (or at least has<br />

been whenever I've heard it) carrier plus USB, this one is pure USB with<br />

no carrier. Slightly stronger on Sept. 29 and 30 but still seems extremely<br />

low-powered, barely goosing a couple of red lights on my 2010.<br />

(Bob Hill-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 28)

Information Radio (Radio Maluumaati) via Naval Ships of Coalition Maritime<br />

Forces in waters around Saudi Arabia.<br />

I listened to the station on 9133 upper sideband for three hours Sept<br />

27th, 1830-2130. The entire program was Middle Eastern mx. A woman gave<br />

occasional annts in Arabic and a man did the same in Farsi. No other langs<br />

were heard. The woman in Arabic mentioned the station's freqs and gave the<br />

identification as Coalition Maritime Radio. There was also the usual annt<br />

of the Rewards for Justice program. Some of the annts were repeated over<br />

time as there was only about four different ones.<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre via W<strong>DX</strong>C Contact Oct)<br />

Coalition Maritime Radio 9133 upper sideband heard with good strength here<br />

at 1730 UT, September 29th, Arabic mx and annmts.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C Contact Oct)<br />

BHUTAN On checking at 0<strong>05</strong>8 UT hear tone modulated opening carrier. 0100<br />

s.on procedure. So it is very much on SW. Signals fair but by 0130 UT fade<br />

out here near the equator. Will get stronger as the sun goes down to the<br />

Southern Hemisphere. Cant hear it around 1200-1400 UT, too much QRM.<br />

(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 2)<br />

Yes - the freq should read 6035 kHz for 0100 UT s.on.<br />

(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 3)<br />

BRAZIL 61<strong>05</strong>.12 Radio Cultura Filadelfia on Sep 27 at 2254 UT, OM and YL<br />

alternating talking, program theme mx, ID "Radio Cultura Filadefia" with<br />

freqs at 2300, mentions of Foz do Iguacu.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 2)<br />

3325 R Mundial, Sao Paulo SP, 01 Oct at 2108-2119, (unreadable) talks;<br />

24241, adj. uty. QRM.<br />

4885 R Club do Para, Belem PA, 30 Sep at 2202-2215, A Voz do Brasil news;<br />

45333.<br />

6040 R Club Paranaense, Curitiba PR, 01 Oct at 2114-2129, lengthy talks<br />

on football, interviews; 54443, adjc. QRM; // 1430 rated 33432.<br />

6060 R Tupi, Curitiba PR, 01 Oct at 2111-2118, talks; 22441, adjc. & co-<br />

ch QRM.<br />

6150 R Record, Sao Paulo SP, 01 Oct at 2117-2130, football match reports,<br />

e.g. Sao Caetano vs. Fortaleza, advts; 44443, adjc. QRM only.<br />

9630 R Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 02 Oct at 0947-f/out 12<strong>05</strong>, songs, TCs,<br />

slogans, e.g. "A radio que acorda o Brasil", religious prgr 1030, prayer<br />

later on; 24433, adjc. QRM only.<br />

9675 R Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 01 Oct at 0957-f/out 1210, mx,<br />

nx bulletin at 1000 (curiously, in // with R Rio Mar 9695 kHz), etc.;<br />

24433, adjc. QRM.<br />

9695 R Rio Mar, Manaus AM, 01 Oct at 0958-f/out 1145, IDs, TC, advts,<br />

fqs, newscast (aired // to R Cancao Nova 9675 !); 24442, adjc. QRM only.<br />

11735 R Nova Visao, Sta Ma RS, 30 Sep at 1850-1909, R Transmundial<br />

programming/relay, health prgr at 1900; 43442, QRM de TZA + adjc. chs.<br />

11785 R Guaiba, Pto Alegre RS, 01 Oct at 2046-21<strong>05</strong>, f/ball match report<br />

St¦ Cruz vs. Gremio Portoalagrense, advts; 34443, adjc. QRM.<br />

11915 R Gaucha, Pto Alegre RS, 01 Oct at 2<strong>05</strong>0-2102, f/ball match report

St¦ Cruz vs. Gremio (2-0), advts; 34443, adjc. QRM.<br />

11925.2 R Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 30 Sep at 1847-1900 (when blocked),<br />

talks on economics; 44443, adjc. QRM.<br />

17814.9 R Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 02 Oct at 1155-1241, talks (seemingly a<br />

news-like feature); 14441, adjc. QRM.<br />

17815 R Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 01 Oct at 1744-1814, Braz. mx; 15341, yet<br />

improving despite adjc. QRM /1800; Rated 14442 at 2045 on same day, when<br />

also noted // 9615 at 44444 later at 2245.<br />

(all 14 de Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 3)<br />

BURKINA FASO 7230 R Burkina, Ouagadougou, noted on 29 Sep at 08<strong>05</strong>-<br />

f/out 1010, Vernacular, tribal songs; 35443.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 3)<br />

CANADA 6030 CFVP-presumed, at 0414-0438 On Sep 26, country mx vocals<br />

hosted by a man with brief English words between songs. Apparent ad string<br />

at 0420 UT and a PSA. Not able to ID the poor signal with very deep fades<br />

and disappearing by tune out.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 2)<br />

6070 CFRX-Toronto relaying CFRB-AM fair-poor with phone-in show; phone<br />

numbers; ad string; mention of Newstalk 1010 UT, the ID for CFRB.<br />

(Jim Ronda-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 2)<br />


We have been advised that our DRM txion at 2130-2200 UT on 9800 kHz via<br />

Sackville in Canada is off the air due to a technical problem.<br />

The tx needs a spare part from the manufacturer, and this could take up to<br />

several weeks. This affects all DRM txions from the Sackville site.<br />

Further information when we have it.<br />

(RNW MN NL Sept 29)<br />

CHAD 6165 Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne. On Sep 25 at 1940-2003<br />

UT. 34333, but covered by Radio JPN co-channel at 1955 UT. Nx report in<br />

French with some interview. ID was heard at 2000 UT, then popular song.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 30)<br />

CHILE 17680 Voz Cristiana at 2227 UT Spanish 444 on Sept 20. YL and OM<br />

with ongoing comments plus an ID then into mx.<br />

(MacKenzie-USA, JPNpremium Sep 30)<br />

The address given in WRTH for Voz Cristiana is incorrect; it should be<br />

Castilla 395, Talagante, Region Metropolitana, Chile.<br />

(Allen Dean-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C Contact Oct 1)<br />

CHINA CNR1 heard at 1957 UT with IS, ID, Marsh on MW 1377 // 4800 kHz,<br />

Sep 24.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 29)<br />

CIS/USA B-<strong>05</strong> for WYFR via CIS's txs:<br />

1900-2000 on 62<strong>05</strong> MSK 250 kW / 240 deg Italian<br />

2000-2200 on 7360 ARM 250 kW / 290 deg English<br />

1900-2000 on 7370 SAM 250 kW / 284 deg German<br />

1700-1900 on 7435 TAC 200 kW / 311 deg Russian<br />

1900-2000 on 7440 MNS 150 kW / 246 deg Spanish<br />

1400-1500 on 7475 ARM 300 kW / 110 deg Bengali<br />

1000-1100 on 7480 K/A 250 kW / 178 deg Japanese<br />

1400-1500 on 7510 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg Urdu<br />

1900-2000 on 7520 ARM 250 kW / 290 deg French<br />

1300-1500 on 7580 SAM 250 kW / 140 deg English

1500-1700 on 7580 SAM 250 kW / 140 deg Hindi<br />

0900-1100 on 9450 NVS 250 kW / 110 deg English<br />

1100-1200 on 9450 NVS 250 kW / 110 deg Korean<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 4)<br />

COLOMBIA 6139.78 Radio Li<strong>der</strong>, makes another appearance on Sept 28 at<br />

0821-0907 UT; believe not on since last heard Sept 2; Man announcer with<br />

program of SP ballads, love songs, etc.; many short IDs; 0827 & 0857<br />

chimes, full ID and chimes again; ToH mx fanfare, short ID, brief mention<br />

of a bank; fair-good.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 28)<br />

5910 La Voz de tu Conciencia c/o Russell Stendeal at Apartado Aereo 95300<br />

in Bogota was returned as undeliverable indicating the postal box is<br />

closed.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 2)<br />

CONGO REP. 5985 (T)RTV Congolaise, at 2049-2100 on Sept 26, French, OM<br />

w/ talks over and b/w Hi-life mx, tent.ID at 2<strong>05</strong>5. Fair/poor signal prior<br />

to being crushed at 2100 UT by 20 kHz wide "hash", presumably DRM?<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 27)<br />

The 20 kHz wide hash at that hour would be Deutsche Welle in DRM on 5980,<br />

and Radio Luxembourg in DRM on 5990. So it's only fair to assume that one<br />

DRM signal wipes out 10 kHz, not 20. :-P<br />

(Ralph Brandi-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 28)<br />

5985 R Congo, Brazzaville, noted on 25 Sep at 1832-1849 UT, French,<br />

songs, actualities prgr; 53433, adjc. QRM de DRM sig. 5990, which also<br />

affects MLI on 5995 kHz.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 3)<br />

COSTA RICA 5<strong>05</strong>4.6 Faro del Caribe, at 0<strong>05</strong>1-0115 UT on Sep 28, man with<br />

long Spanish talk followed by light instrumental mx at 0<strong>05</strong>7 UT, more talk<br />

and a vocal to 0100 ID. Next program was mainly vocals hosted by a man and<br />

woman. Poor to fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 2)<br />

5<strong>05</strong>4.58 Faro del Caribe, semi-normal audio when hrd Sep 30, a little low<br />

and sometimes swallowed up by the carrier, but better than usual. Hrd at<br />

0845 with mostly talk, ID 0859 UT, still there at 1015.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 2)<br />

CUBA/VENEZUELA RNV not heard for some time, including Sunday Oct 2<br />

during the 2000 hour, but on Monday Oct 3, there it was, on via Cuba 13680<br />

// 9550 kHz at 2008 UT and synchronized. Still the same segments, making<br />

me won<strong>der</strong> if a few old CDs are being played over and over, e.g. about<br />

Chavez to the mx of Wagner; and closing with the thoughts of Simon Bolivar<br />

to 2<strong>05</strong>6* and still giving the Apartado 3979 address. Nothing audible on<br />

15230 or 177<strong>05</strong>/17750. Oct 2 after 2300, CRI via Canada was on 13680, and<br />

there may have been a trace of this un<strong>der</strong>neath.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Oct 4)<br />

DENMARK 243 longwave.<br />

It was also decided that the LW and MW txs in Kalundborg would be closed<br />

down - and so DR will stop using 243 and 1062 kHz.<br />

The final decision on such a closure must, however, be taken by the<br />

Ministry of Culture. Currently DR is obliged to use LW and MW. A decision<br />

on the closure of the txs in Kalundborg will probably take effect as of<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary 1st 2007. The foreign lang sces (in English, Arabic, Serbo-<br />

Croatian, Somali, Urdu and Turkish) will be terminated by the end of<br />

December 20<strong>05</strong>. I was the only board-member to vote against these cuts. Too<br />

bad :-(

(Stig Hartvig Nielsen-DEN, via MWC e-mail nx 9.9.20<strong>05</strong>; ARC MV Eko)<br />

So, there is a chance to move Europe-1 Saarlouis 183 kHz and DLR<br />

Oranienburg 177 kHz into raster 180/243 kHz in future? (wb.)<br />

Dear Wolfgang<br />

No, I don't think there's a chance that DR or Denmark would give up 243<br />

kHz even though txions on 243 kHz are likely to be suspended as of Dec 31,<br />

2006. Plans are that the txs will be kept in place ready to be taken into<br />

use should it be necessary in an emergency situation or whenever DRM<br />

should become relevant.<br />

I am one of the 10 members of the board of DR and I was the only one to<br />

vote against the closure of the MW and LW txs in Kalundborg. Following the<br />

board meeting (where the decision was taken) I suggested replacing the<br />

LW/MW txions with SW txions of a few newscasts to serve Danes abroad<br />

(incl. fishermen at sea) but this was (of course) also turned down.<br />

Please get in touch should you wish any further details about the<br />

situation here.<br />

(Stig Hartvig Nielsen-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 30)<br />

DJIBOUTI 4780 Radio Djibouti on Sep 28 at 0314 UT. Arabic mx, YL<br />

talking at 0329 UT including ID "Radio Djibouti", theme mx, into nx report<br />

read by OM, ending at 0340 UT, more mx.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 2)<br />

Block buster signal at 1455 UT on 4780 kHz. Typical fast chanting singing<br />

with the drum beats.<br />

(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 3)<br />

EL SALVADOR/USA/GREECE Radio Imperial (pres) making an appearance here<br />

on 17838.3 kHz this afternoon at 1840 UT. Rapid talks in Spanish by man<br />

and woman. Signal drifted up to about 17838.4 kHz by 1910 UT. Unfortunatly<br />

the signal was in one its many long deep fades at ToH.<br />

(Steve Lare-MI-USA, dxld Sep 29)<br />

In light of reports of R. Imperial presumably active around 17838-17839<br />

kHz, one of which said its mx sounded Greek, I checked Sept 30 at 2045 and<br />

guess what I found? A weak signal on about 17839.1 kHz had Greek mx, and<br />

it was // 177<strong>05</strong> kHz, i.e. ERT via Delano, just as I suggested. Next thing<br />

to do is tune the same displacement below 177<strong>05</strong>, about 134 kHz. That would<br />

be 177<strong>05</strong> - 134 = 17571 kHz. There was a weak carrier there too, not 17570!<br />

Tho too much in the splatter of the OTHER ERT relay via Greenville on<br />

17565 kHz to // the audio.<br />

Since 177<strong>05</strong> kHz is overwhelmingly strong here, I would hesitate to assume<br />

such spurs are tx- rather than receiver-produced, but the former certainly<br />

seems to be the case now, as I could also detect them on another receiver,<br />

and with maximum attenuation. This is not to say that R. Imperial may not<br />

also be active sporadically, especially if someone hears a signal<br />

definitely in Spanish rather than Greek, but beware of 177<strong>05</strong> kHz spurs and<br />

be sure to check that if during the period it is on the air. After 2200 UT<br />

there would be no such problem. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Oct 1)<br />

ETHIOPIA 6210 R Fana, Addis Ababa, noted on 25 Sep at 1747-1804 UT,<br />

Amharic, songs, talks at 1800 UT, pops; 54343, adjc. QRM de 62<strong>05</strong> kHz; //<br />

6940 worse signal.<br />

9704.2 R Ethiopia, Gedja Jewe, obs'ed during the 3rd Oct at eclipse,<br />

0941-1015 UT /vy. faint by approx. 1040), Vernacular, talks; 35443.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 3)<br />

GERMANY 11800 Minivan R. via DTK Juelich on Sep 24 at *1600-1619 UT.

43443-44444 Vernacular, 1600 UT sign on with ID as "This is Radio Miami<br />

International ...", IS, ID as "Me Minivan Radio", Opening announce, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 30)<br />

94<strong>05</strong>, Save the Gambia Project (pres) via DTK Juelich, at 2014-2030* UT on<br />

Oct 1, man talking in English mentioning Gambia numerous times and talking<br />

about suffering and the future of the people of Gambia. Switch to UNID<br />

lang at 2022 UT and off suddenly at 2030 UT. Poor to fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 2)<br />

Additional DTK T-Systems changes:<br />

TNT Hit Radio:<br />

1400-1600 5975 JUL 100 kW / non-dir Sat to WeEu Dutch,additional from<br />

Oct.1<br />

Pan American Broadcasting (PAB):<br />

1530-1545 11610 JUL 100 kW / 060 deg Wed to EaEu English, deleted from<br />

Oct.5<br />

WYFR (Family Radio):<br />

1600-1700 9925 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Daily to ME Turkish, addit. from<br />

Sep.29<br />

CVC International from Oct.10:<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 9815 WER 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf English<br />

0600-0900 15235 WER 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf English<br />

1500-1700 17545 WER 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf English<br />

1700-1900 13820 WER 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf English<br />

1900-2100 9775 WER 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf English<br />

CVC International, tent. freqs for B-<strong>05</strong><br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0700 9430 WER 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf English<br />

0700-0900 15200 WER 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf English<br />

1500-1700 15460 WER 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf English<br />

1700-1800 11850 WER 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf English<br />

1800-2000 9765 WER 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf English<br />

2000-2100 7285 WER 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf English<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 4)<br />

6085DRM [heard DRM mode encoded in New Jersey-USA!] Bayerischer Rundfunk<br />

BR-B5akt on Sep 27 at 2107 UT S/N ratio hovering around 15 dB, marginal<br />

for audio but much better than yesterday; about 35-40% of audio getting<br />

through; ID as "Bay-fuenf" at 2110, weather report at 2114 UT, ID at 2115<br />

UT "Bayern fuenf, aktuell", into news, discussion of possible Grand<br />

Coalition between two major parties that both lost the recent election<br />

(CDU/CSU and SDP), nx item about the EU, football results, weather in<br />

Bavaria, ID "B5, das Radio fuer die Infogesellschaft" at 2130, into news;<br />

S/N up to 18-19 dB by 2130 UT, and audio 95+% audible, to the point of<br />

being listenable, even; nx headlines every fifteen mins; off at 22<strong>05</strong> UT.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 2)<br />

[excerpt] Text of interview with Erik Bettermann, Deutsche Welle's<br />

director-general in the September edition of the Association of<br />

International Broadcasters monthly publication The Channel titled<br />

"Dialogue between cultures is key".<br />

Since Oct 2001, Erik Bettermann has been instrumental in shaping the<br />

strategy of Germany's international broadcaster Deutsche Welle in his<br />

capacity as director-general.<br />

[Q] DW is one of the big names in international broadcasting - in your<br />

view, what role does international broadcasting have in our century?

[A] There is a role for international broadcasters even in the 21st<br />

century. International broadcasting isn't just short wave radio anymore.<br />

The decisive factor is not the delivery platforms, which have changed a<br />

lot over the past decades, but the journalism. Particularly in the age of<br />

globalisation, we cannot do without transnational media.<br />

A country has to have a presence and position itself and its strengths. As<br />

for the much-invoked dialogue between cultures, we must take it seriously<br />

as a precondition for a safe, peaceful future.<br />

[Q] DW is not only a big name but also a huge organisation, employing<br />

around 1,500 people and operating DW-Radio, DW-TV and the<br />

multimedia/multilingual web site DW-World.de. You currently broadcast in<br />

30 langs - how do you decide which langs to broadcast in?<br />

[A] The most important question is: whom do I want to reach where and why?<br />

Our statutory mission defines the following target groups: present and<br />

future opinion lea<strong>der</strong>s and decision makers who are interested in<br />

differentiated information about Germany and Europe, people living in<br />

censored media markets or crisis regions, Germans who live permanently or<br />

temporarily overseas and people all over the world who are learning<br />

German.<br />

We try to align our sces and txion routes as precisely as possible to the<br />

specific interests and needs of the audience. They have to be configured<br />

to offer viewers, listeners and users distinct added value, with as little<br />

technical effort as possible and at the optimal broadcasting time. We rely<br />

both on traditional and on the most mo<strong>der</strong>n delivery platforms. Our<br />

priorities are determined in the so-called "task plan".<br />

Until 2009, we are focusing chiefly on dialogue with the Islamic world,<br />

increased regionalisation - for example in Latin America - , strengthening<br />

of our presence in Asia and promoting European cooperation. In doing so,<br />

we also ask: can we reach the people there with what we have or do we need<br />

to launch new programmes? On 1 October 20<strong>05</strong>, for instance, we are<br />

launching a specific radio slot for Belarus.<br />

[Q] Have your lang priorities changed over the last years?<br />

[A] Rapid technological developments and geopolitical changes constantly<br />

force us to examine our lang priorities. Reflecting the developments<br />

within the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), we set up a Ukrainian<br />

Service in the year 2000; since then Ukrainian has also been used on our<br />

website DW-World.de.<br />

Another example: following the attacks on September 11, we set up an<br />

Arabic-language programme slot on DW-TV in the summer of 2002 with the aim<br />

of intensifying the dialogue with people of the Muslim faith. Along with<br />

strengthening DW-TV, we consi<strong>der</strong>ably extended our radio sce in Arabic - to<br />

five hours - and set up a separate Arabic-language desk at DW online.<br />

[Q] In May of this year you signed a new rebroadcasting partner in Iraq,<br />

Radio Alnas - your second rebroadcaster in that country. Are you targeting<br />

specifically the Middle East?<br />

[A] Yes, we give special attention to the Arabic world. After all, it is a<br />

highly politically sensitive region that is not far from us. Dialogue with<br />

the Islamic world means not only sces in Arabic, but also in langs such as<br />

Urdu, Dari, Pashto and INSn. Since late February, Dima Tarhini is the<br />

first Arabic woman in Europe to anchor the Arabic-language nx for a<br />

western international broadcaster.<br />

DW-TV is relevant as an alternative to the govt-controlled media in the<br />

region and to the Anglo-American channels. We expanded the Arabic sces on

DW-Radio and DW-World.de as well. In the Middle East, we are seeing signs<br />

of an opening vis-a-vis democratic principles: to permit elections, to<br />

allow women more rights and to align economic structures to western<br />

ideals. We should take advantage of this new openness by using our sces to<br />

help people form their own opinions.<br />

[Q] How do you measure your success in different markets?<br />

[A] It's difficult to get reliable figures. We share this problem with all<br />

international broadcasters. We estimate that Deutsche Welle has a weekly<br />

reach of more than 90 million listeners and viewers worldwide. For the<br />

internet, our figures have jumped by 1.000 per cent over the last three<br />

years - DW is the most efficient international broadcaster on the<br />

internet. Around 65 million listeners worldwide use DW-Radio as their<br />

source of information, received via short wave, satellite, rebroadcasting<br />

and other txion techniques. Our international television sce DW-TV, which<br />

can be received worldwide via satellite, is watched by a good 28 million<br />

viewers - primarily in Latin America, in the countries of the EU and in<br />

the Middle East and northern Africa.<br />

[Q] You say you are not satisfied with the funding of DW - how is DW<br />

funded at present?<br />

[A] Deutsche Welle is largely funded from the fe<strong>der</strong>al budget. Our funds<br />

are allocated to us annually; for the year 20<strong>05</strong> DW's operating budget is<br />

Euro261 million. We have made clear our objectives to the German<br />

Bundestag: qualified journalistic coverage of vital German interests in<br />

the world. This of course costs money. We at DW are aware that the public<br />

coffers are not exactly overflowing. But we need answers to questions such<br />

as: What is Germany's international image worth to the country? What<br />

benefits does the govt expect from an efficient, competitive media vehicle<br />

that carries Germany's economic, academic and cultural image into the<br />

world? In view of the current fe<strong>der</strong>al budget, it is likely that we will<br />

have to put some projects on ice.<br />

[Q] DW and RFI are joining forces in the Arab world and CIS, helping each<br />

other to develop programmes and reach more listeners. How important is co-<br />

operation with other international broadcasters?<br />

[A] I think that cooperation with other - especially European -<br />

international broadcasters is indispensable - and not only because the new<br />

DW Act demands it. The countries of Europe are moving closer together and<br />

that cannot pass unnoticed by the national broadcasters. The better we are<br />

networked, the better we can mutually support one another. Take the<br />

internet for example: there has been a regular exchange of DW and B<strong>BC</strong><br />

online editors since 2004. Both sides benefit from knowledge sharing and<br />

even joint internet campaigns have taken place. In radio, we cooperate<br />

closely with RFI, for example through the joint use of FM freqs in Eastern<br />

Europe, the CIS regions and Africa.<br />

[Q] DW is also involved in German TV, the joint German-language programme<br />

of DW, ARD and ZDF. The channel has been on air for just over three years<br />

now - how successful has it been?<br />

[A] German TV now reaches over 20,000 subscribers in North America and<br />

various regions of Latin America. It has become apparent that we are<br />

unlikely to achieve the number of subscribers needed to cover the<br />

operating costs. Therefore, and due to ever-tighter public budgets, we<br />

want to find a solution that satisfies the current subscribers of German<br />

TV and does not place an additional burden on the fe<strong>der</strong>al budget. Also, we<br />

wish to maintain the good alliance between the regional broadcasters of<br />

the ARD, the ZDF and Deutsche Welle. At the same time, the German<br />

international television sce should be free- to-air. The coming weeks will<br />

show what future there is for the project "German international television

sce".<br />

[Q] You are heavily involved in Digital Radio Mondiale - what is your<br />

prognosis for success or failure?<br />

[A] The technological development of radio, television and telemedia is<br />

marked by increasing digitalisation and convergence. I am sure that short<br />

wave digitalisation will succeed and lead to a short wave renaissance.<br />

Transnational radio programmes will soon be heard in FM quality in<br />

countries such as China, India and Uganda, countries where freedom of<br />

information is not a matter of course. We were among the first to join DRM<br />

and our radio strategy is consistently aligned to it.<br />

[Q] How important is it for Germany to have an international broadcasting<br />

voice of its own?<br />

[A] Germany's political and economic weight in Europe and the world grew<br />

with unification. Yet in many places little is known about German society,<br />

culture and economics or about Germany's important role in the process of<br />

European unity. If a nation's culture and lang are not accessible, that<br />

nation is immediately less attractive. It is Deutsche Welle's job to<br />

spread information from Germany and Europe and to convey Germany's image<br />

to the world.<br />

(...) Background on Deutsche Welle Deutsche Welle is Germany's<br />

international broadcaster with DW-TV, DW- Radio and DW-World.de. Publicly<br />

funded, it is one of the five largest international broadcasting sces in<br />

the world - more than 1,400 broadcast professionals from over 60 nations<br />

staff its radio, TV and internet divisions. DW offers nx and cultural<br />

highlights from all over the world with a European and German perspective.<br />

DW-Radio broadcasts in German, English and 28 other langs (including<br />

Amharic, Urdu, Bengali and Ukrainian).<br />

Reception is direct-to-home via short wave, satellite or cable, or local<br />

stations operated by rebroadcasting partners. DW-TV broadcasts its 24-hour<br />

information programme in German and English from studios in Berlin. There<br />

are also regional programme slots in Arabic, Dari and Pashto.<br />

<br />

(The Channel, London, Sep 5 via B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld)<br />

DLF/DLR National Radio Frequency Coordination on FM band.<br />

Der Hoerfunkrat des Deutschlandradio hat den Intendanten Ernst Elitz<br />

aufgefor<strong>der</strong>t, auf eine Neuordnung <strong>der</strong> UKW-Frequenzordnung in Deutschland<br />

hinzuwirken. Die Verteilung <strong>der</strong> Uebertragungskapazitaeten, die weitgehend<br />

in den 50er und 80er Jahren des letzten Jahrhun<strong>der</strong>ts zugewiesen wurden,<br />

sagte <strong>der</strong> Vorsitzende des Hoerfunkrats Hinrich En<strong>der</strong>lein, muesste an die<br />

aktuelle Bedarfs- und Angebotssituation angepasst werden. Programme <strong>der</strong><br />

Landesrundfunkanstalten und <strong>der</strong> privaten Anbieter waeren heute zum Teil<br />

mit Doppel- und Mehrfachversorgungen ausgestattet, waehrend die<br />

werbefreien Grundversorgungsprogramme des nationalen Hoerfunks fuer<br />

Information und Kultur - Deutschlandfunk und Deutschlandradio Kultur - in<br />

vielen Regionen Deutschlands nicht o<strong>der</strong> nur schlecht zu empfangen waeren.<br />

Auf <strong>der</strong> Sitzung des Hoerfunkrats hatte <strong>der</strong> Intendant des Deutschlandradio,<br />

Ernst Elitz, vorgetragen, dass die Media-Analyse fuer den Deutschlandfunk<br />

eine Steigerung von 10 Prozent <strong>der</strong> taeglichen Hoererschaft ausgewiesen<br />

habe. Dies sei ein Beweis dafuer, dass es in <strong>der</strong> deutschen<br />

Medienlandschaft "grosses Interesse und Bedarf an den werbefreien<br />

Qualitaetsprogrammen des Deutschlandradio" gebe. Nach regionalspezifischen<br />

Analysen koennten Deutschlandfunk und Deutschlandradio Kultur, wenn sie<br />

mit entsprechenden Empfangskapazitaeten ausgestattet waeren wie die Wellen<br />

<strong>der</strong> Landesrundfunkanstalten und kommerzieller Anbieter, ihre Hoererzahlen<br />

nahezu verdoppeln.

Voraussetzung waere eine oekonomisch nachvollziehbare Verteilung <strong>der</strong> UKW-<br />

Frequenzen in Deutschland. Der Hoerfunkrat for<strong>der</strong>te den Intendanten auf,<br />

mit den Laen<strong>der</strong>n in Gespraeche ueber eine <strong>der</strong> aktuellen Bedarfslage<br />

entsprechende Neuverteilung <strong>der</strong> UKW-Kapazitaeten einzutreten.<br />

(Pressemitteilung 12.09.20<strong>05</strong>: Deutschlandradio-Hoerfunkrat for<strong>der</strong>t<br />

Neuordnung <strong>der</strong> Frequenzlandschaft<br />

<br />

via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Sep 29)<br />

New AWR Germany Media Center to be built at Alsbach-Haehnlein near<br />

Darmstadt.<br />

Am 25. Okt 20<strong>05</strong> findet in Alsbach-Haehnlein bei Darmstadt <strong>der</strong> erste<br />

Spatenstich fuer das neue Medienzentrum <strong>der</strong> Stimme <strong>der</strong> Hoffnung <strong>der</strong><br />

Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten statt. Die Einweihung ist laut Pastor Matthias<br />

Mueller, dem Leiter <strong>der</strong> freikirchlichen Einrichtung, Ende 2006 vorgesehen.<br />

Im neuen Gebaeude mit mo<strong>der</strong>nen Fernseh- und Radiostudios haben 25<br />

Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter ihre Bueros.<br />

Ausserdem wird dort <strong>der</strong> technische Dienst von Adventist World Radio (AWR)<br />

vertreten sein. Auch die bisherige Adventgemeinde Seeheim-Jugenheim findet<br />

in Alsbach-Haehnlein neue Raeume. Die Baukosten betragen laut Mueller<br />

sieben Millionen Euro.<br />

Deutsche Radioprogramme <strong>der</strong> 1948 gegruendeten Stimme <strong>der</strong> Hoffnung sind zur<br />

Zeit zweieinhalb Stunden taeglich ueber UKW, Kurzwelle und Satellit zu<br />

hoeren und Fernsehsendungen ueber Hope Channel" an fuenf Stunden pro Woche<br />

zu sehen. Die Stimme <strong>der</strong> Hoffnung" besteht aus den Abteilungen Radio,<br />

Fernsehen, Blindenhoerbuecherei, Internationales Bibelstudien-Institut,<br />

Internet mit <strong>der</strong> Bildagentur www.churchphoto.de sowie dem Online-Shop und<br />

Adventist Media zur Produktion von CDs und DVDs. Pro Jahr werden auf <strong>der</strong><br />

Homepage etwa eine halbe Million Nutzer<br />

verzeichnet. Die Blindenhoerbuecherei betreut rund 3 400 Sehbehin<strong>der</strong>te.<br />

Das Internationale Bibelstudien-Institut bietet neun kostenlose<br />

Bibelfernkurse an: Pro Jahr werden rund 25 000 Studienbriefe bearbeitet.<br />

(APD 22.9.20<strong>05</strong>; via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Sep 29)<br />

GREECE [or non; PIRATES] Greek mx, tc, bizzy audio, strong signal on<br />

4960 kHz // 1653 kHz mediumwave, another prgr in Greek was heard on 4887<br />

kHz, both at 2015 UT on Sep 24. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 29)<br />

GUAM KSDA / AWR in English, instead of Oriya:<br />

1600-1630 on 12015, co-ch Voice of Korea in German // 11640 and 11680:<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 4)<br />

GUINEA 1385.9 Radio Rurale, Labe on Sep 25 at 2214 UT. Decent signal<br />

with man in African lang (not French). Played lively "hi-life" mx and<br />

mentioned Labe a few times. Nice ID caught at 2228 UT.<br />

(Niel Wolfish-CAN?, IRCA via dxld Oct 3)<br />

GUYANA 3291.2 V of Guyana Sept 27 w/ B<strong>BC</strong> WS relay from <strong>05</strong>45 tune ("The<br />

World Today" pgm) to 0645 UT. Excellent signal w/ none of the recent<br />

un<strong>der</strong>-modulation noted (as recently as 9/25). Some static crashes, but<br />

otherwise almost armchair lvl. Retuned at 0715 to 0815 w/ continuation of<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> WS relay until 0806 w/ B<strong>BC</strong> nx at 0800. At 0806 a 30 second pause was<br />

fol by a local man ann and a short inst mx interlude and then into Koran<br />

reading (Arabic chant w/ EE translation) to 0815 tune out. Wish I had<br />

started my second recording later to catch some of the local pgming and to<br />

see if sign/off at listed 0900.<br />

(Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 27)<br />

3291.28 G<strong>BC</strong>, at 0128-0147 on Sep 27, English, YL and OM w/ discussion on<br />

"family structure". Prg. credits, YL thanx guests, "3rd part of discussion

next Monday". Music bridge at 0140 into PSA, ad re home saving plan. Brief<br />

anncr at 0141 UT into a presumed recording of a live event w/ ancr.<br />

congratulating winners. Signal crushed by het tone at 0146. Poor/weak w/<br />

flux audio. (Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Sep 27)<br />

3291.3 Voice of Guyana poor at 0235 UT with choral mx and individual<br />

voices just above QRN level; slow improvement at 0255 to poor plus!; could<br />

not catch ID at TOH; back to vocal mx. (9/26)<br />

Much the same on 9/30 in same time period.<br />

(Jim Ronda-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 2)<br />

HONDURAS 3340 R. Misiones Int. poor at 0<strong>05</strong>3 UT with choral gospel mx.<br />

(Jim Ronda-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 2)<br />

HUNGARY Soeben hat Herr Banky von Radio Budapest uns mitgeteilt, dass<br />

<strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong> in Jaszbereny (100 kW) nicht wie erhofft rechtzeitig fertig<br />

wurde (Renovierungsarbeiten). Daher werden auch in <strong>der</strong> naechsten<br />

Sendeperiode ab 30. Oktober einige Sendungen aus <strong>der</strong> Slowakei (Rimavka<br />

Sobota) gefahren werden. (Harald Suess-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 2)<br />

Harald Suess reports that according to Radio Budapest, the 100 kW txs at<br />

Jaszbereny, moved from the Szekesfehervar site after it had been closed a<br />

year ago, will still not be available yet for the B<strong>05</strong> season. Hence Radio<br />

Budapest will still have some txions from Rimavska Sobota in Slovakia.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 2)<br />

Budapest B<strong>05</strong> file, extracted from Excel sheet by Mr. Banky. Translation of<br />

the lang sections by yours truly. File sent in via AD<strong>DX</strong> by Andreas Volk,<br />

Sept 30.<br />

On the far most right flank you will see some ol<strong>der</strong> data of the last<br />

decade and some expense calculation data, as well as former langs like<br />

Ukrainian and Serbian then.<br />

The remove work of the two 100 kW tx units from Diosd to Jaszbereny site<br />

has not been finnished yet. So, some of the Radio Budapest txions in B<strong>05</strong><br />

will again handled via Rimavska Sobota site in southern Slovak Republic.<br />

That's why this excel file is obsolete in total?<br />

(73 wolfgang Oct 2)<br />

Well, the txs to be moved were from the Szekesfehervar site between<br />

Budapest and the Balaton lake. Antenna Hungaria closed this site by the<br />

end of A04. Back then it had been reported that the Szekesfehervar txs<br />

will be moved to Jaszbereny and resume operations there for A<strong>05</strong>, i.e. the<br />

use of Rimavska Sobota by Radio Budapest was supposed to be a temorary<br />

matter for B04 only. But instead it continued for A<strong>05</strong>, and now Mr. Banky<br />

told Harald Suess that the moved txs will still not be available for B<strong>05</strong><br />

and herewith the txions via Rimavska Sobota continue.<br />

It is my impression that the right column in question shows some kind of<br />

spare registrations. Note that they include Ukrainian, Slovak, Romanian<br />

and Serbian, langs Radio Budapest had to abandon a few years ago due to<br />

budget constraints.<br />

Concerning Diosd: They have not used this site in the outskirts of<br />

Budapest for a couple of years now. Today there is a museum at Diosd,<br />

located "in the former broadcasting room", cf.<br />

<br />

But I think Diosd was still on air after 1995, I think until 1999 or so.<br />

So I assume that this not refers to the room with the two Brown Boveri SW<br />

txs. So what's the current status of this (former?) site?<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 2)

History - very last Diosd Hungary schedule, ceased service on Mar 28,<br />

1999:<br />

5965 1630-1700 28 DIO 100 120 1234567 251098 280399 Rumanian HNG<br />

7135 1200-1300 27,28 DIO 100 ND 1...... 251098 280399 Hungarian HNG<br />

7165 2030-2100 28 DIO 100 ND 1...... 251098 280399 Serbian HNG<br />

7230 2100-2200 27,28 DIO 100 300 1234567 251098 280399 Hungarian HNG<br />

7260 <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 28 DIO 100 120 1234567 251098 280399 Rumanian HNG<br />

9870 0630-0700 28 DIO 100 ND 1234567 251098 280399 Serbian HNG<br />

25700 1100-1200 55,58,59 DIO 100 090 1234567 251098 280399 Hungarian HNG<br />

25700 1200-1300 55,58,59 DIO 100 090 1...... 251098 280399 Hungarian HNG<br />

(HFCC 1999)<br />

The Hungarian operator Antenna Hungaria (AH) confirmed that also in B<strong>05</strong><br />

some txions of Radio Budapest will be carried by the Rimavska Sobota site<br />

in Slovakia instead of Jaszbereny in Hungary. AH relocated both the txs<br />

and antennas from the closed site in Szekesfehervar to Jaszbereny. The txs<br />

are ready at the new location, but the antenna works still require some<br />

more time.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Oct 3)<br />

Most likely usage of Rimavska Sobota-SVK unit in B-<strong>05</strong>:<br />

6025 <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 29 RSO 150 50 ....... Russian SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 <strong>05</strong>30-0600 27,28,37 RSO 150 245 ....... Spanish SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 1200-1400 27,28 RSO 150 290 1 German SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 1400-1600 27,28 RSO 150 290 1 German SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 1600-1730 27,28 RSO 150 290 ....... French SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 1700-1830 29 RSO 150 50 234567 Russian SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 1700-1900 27,28 RSO 150 290 1 German SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 1730-1900 27,28 RSO 150 290 234567 German SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 1930-2100 29 RSO 150 50 1 Russian SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 1930-2100 27,28 RSO 150 290 234567 German SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 2100-2230 27,28 RSO 150 290 ....... English SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 2130-2300 27,28,37 RSO 150 245 ....... Spanish SVK RBP HNG<br />

INDIA Well if you are won<strong>der</strong>ing whether the 90mb. signals are still<br />

there, well they are on 3223, 3315, 3365 and 3390 kHz. At 1300-1400 area<br />

today as well Sep 24. So not moved to 60 metres yet.<br />

(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 24)<br />

INDONESIA 3325 and 3345 doing well, also heard 3950, 3977, 4925 kHz.<br />

At 1300-1400 UT on Sep 24.<br />

(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 24)<br />

3976 RRI Pontianak at 1038-1108 UT on Oct 1, Vernacular. Call to Prayer-<br />

like chanting at t/in w/ co-channel amatuer traffic. Brief anncr and more<br />

chants. Announcer at 1044 then Indo pops and ballads thru 1100 UT.<br />

Announcer at 1107 w/ (P)ID then back to mx. Fair signal. Would have been<br />

better w/ out QRM tho using USB eliminated it rather well.<br />

(Scott R. Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Oct 1)<br />

9680 KGRE via RRI-Jakarta, at 1002-1022 UT on Sep 25, EG, Indo ballad at<br />

tune-in, KGRE s/on at 1002 UT with man, banter between M&W, too weak to<br />

detail at this point. Improved a bit to note pop mx at 1007 followed by<br />

jingle with "Kang Guru Radio English" ID and presumed contact info at<br />

1010. Talks resume, able to pick out a few phrases. "Thats What Friend Are<br />

For" at 1020 followed by ment.n of "Australia Aid," prgm hilites for next<br />

week and "P.O. Box 3095" contact info. RRI Indo. returns at 1022 with YL<br />

ment. KGRE, into Indo mx. Poor, best using USB. Re rcpn improving during<br />

B<strong>05</strong>, PWBR 20<strong>05</strong> shows WYFR on this fqy at 0800-1045 UT during the winter<br />

months. (Scott Barbour-NH-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 2)<br />

As I write at 1430 UT RRI Bukkittinggi is coming through fine here on<br />

3231.9 kHz. Best of the three Indos I can hear on 90m.b. Has this been off

the air for a while? Though I admit that I have been not very active in<br />

the past 9 months, I did check from time to time and can't remember<br />

hearing 3231.9 until 1st October.<br />

By the way RRI Palagkaraya 1435-1500 s.off: is playing a beautiful song<br />

and I am getting rather emotional and it triggers a stream of<br />

consciousness for those lovely years in the past. I think the love for LFs<br />

will never die. 1435 UT another song and the Hawaiian type guitars and YL<br />

singing. This must be due to Ramadan (Ramazan as in Sri Lanka) extended<br />

sce because they usually go off at 1400 UT. RRI 3345 also still going on<br />

tho very weak. Palangkaraya off at 1500 UT.<br />

RRI Macassar ?? 4750 Terribily distorted signal 1502. A week ago no<br />

signals noted from the station. Probably an effort for Ramadan?.<br />

I didn't have the time to do up my 80m and 160m ham band antennas in the<br />

last 2 years, and they are priorities. Imagine my 20-10 Cushcraft log<br />

periodic is as good as my 40m and shabby 80m loop on 3 MHz!!<br />

(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 3)<br />

The INSn govt announced yesterday that Ramadhan would officially begin in<br />

INS on Wednesday 5 Oct as the moon wasn't observed in the necessary state<br />

yesterday.<br />

I'd expect many RRI stations will have extended hours from the early<br />

morning of 5 October local time, meaning late Tuesday 4 October UTC, to<br />

continue until the Idul Fitri holiday in early November.<br />

(Alan Davies-INS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 4)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ Starting Sept 23 the s/on is with 1 hour later as follows:<br />

"Dengi Kurdestana Iran" at 1427 UT on 3970 kHz; "Dengi Kurdi Iran" at 1526<br />

UT on 3885, 4380, 6425 kHz; "Dengi Hezbe Komuniste Irana" at 1725 UT on<br />

above freqs; "Dengi Komala" at 1700 UT on 3930 kHz; "Dengi Sarbakhoye<br />

Kurd. Iran" at 1557 UT on 4410 kHz.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 29)<br />

IRELAND [non, ASC/AFS] 17680/15255 RTE w/ broadcast of All-Irish<br />

Football finals via Meyerton and Ascension 9/25. 17680 Ascension hrd from<br />

1356 via <strong>DX</strong> Tuner UK w/ S4 sigs in the clear - pre-game ceremonies,<br />

commentary, coml's etc. At 1427 switched to Meyerton on 15255 (also via <strong>DX</strong><br />

Tuner UK) but only S2 sigs here w/ adj ch QRM. At 1430 the sig on 15255<br />

markedly improved as the feed switched to Ascension. Then tuned home rig<br />

to 17680 at 1432 but only Voz Cristiana hrd here - however 15255 on<br />

Ascension was S3 at 1437 fading to S2 by 1458. Retuned at 1509 to 1520 and<br />

the signal was holding at S2 w/ co-ch QRM (a VOA xmtr I believe) which<br />

actually made it easier to copy RTE.<br />

(Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 27)<br />

JAPAN 3925 R. Nikkei poor-fair at 0914 UT with JJ talk; vocals with JJ<br />

ancts between selections by YL ancr; first time here since last May.<br />

(Jim Ronda-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 2)<br />

According to one of the major Japanese newspapers "Sankei Shinbun",<br />

"Investigation Commission on Missing Japanese Probably Related to North<br />

Korea", a civil organization who investigate the information on more than<br />

a hundred missing Japanese citizens kidnapped by North Korea, is planning<br />

to start 30 mins a day SW broadcast, consisting of the names of the<br />

missing persons and the messages from the bereaved families, to North<br />

Korea in October at the earliest from some foreign tx site. In North Korea<br />

receivers are generally fixed to the govt frequency, but some people are<br />

said to alter the receiver to listen to foreign broadcasts such as VOA or<br />

RFA.<br />

One report says 70% of refugees from North Korea listened to foreign

oadcasts in the country. In April North Korean govt blamed Radio Free<br />

Asia for slan<strong>der</strong>ing the socialism system and scattering the corrupted way<br />

of life of capitalism. Also, despite of the control by the govt, many low-<br />

priced Chinese SW receivers are secretly brought into North Korea. The<br />

organization says there will be some possibility to bring information by<br />

SW into the country. (Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 3)<br />

JORDAN 61<strong>05</strong> R. Jordan at 2026 UT, Middle Eastern vocal, ID in Arabic at<br />

2029 UT and into "My Funny Valentine" (!) as a theme intro to coversation<br />

or interview. Weak/fair here; fair but very choppy on // 15435 kHz.<br />

(Bob Hill-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 28)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. 6249.8 Pyongyang <strong>BC</strong>S, at 1040-1101 on Sep 27, Korean,<br />

Ballads until YL and OM at 1<strong>05</strong>4. Instrumental at 1<strong>05</strong>8, Pips at 1100, OM w/<br />

presumed ID and talk. Fair.<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Sep 27)<br />

DPRK 1800-1900 UT heard on 3560 kHz // 11535 in French and on 44<strong>05</strong> //<br />

13760 in English of Voice of Korea (Sep 24).<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>- <strong>DX</strong> Sep 29)<br />

LAOS 7145, Lao National Radio. On Sep 24 at 1335-1402* UT. 33332.<br />

External sce in English. News, followed by interview from 1340. Nx<br />

headlines at 1354. National anthem after ID at 1358 UT. Talk in Lao at<br />

1400 and Sign-off at 1402 UT.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 30)<br />

4677.88 Lao National Radio, at 1115 to 1130 UT fading up with some audio,<br />

mx 17 Sept. ; 16 Sept. same time similar details.<br />

(Rob Wilkner-USA, JPNpremium Sep 30)<br />

LIBERIA 5470 R. Veritas on Sep 25 at 2<strong>05</strong>9-2142 UT. 35333-25332 English,<br />

Nx and talk and mx, ID at 2100 and 2131 UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 30)<br />

MADAGASCAR 3214.99 R.Feon'ny Filazantsara on Sep 24 at *1630-1640 1650-<br />

1654 UT. 25342-25442 Malagasy, 1630 UT sign on with opening mx, Opening<br />

announce,Chorus mx,Talk, 1653 Closing mx, 1654 IS, 1654 sign off.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 30)<br />

7420 Radio Ne<strong>der</strong>land[sic, Radio Sweden program in Sw/En to AS7PAC in 125<br />

deg!, wb.] via Madagascar. Sep 23 at 2100(S/on)-2115 UT. 35433. Opening mx<br />

and ID in Swedish, followed by news.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Sep 30)<br />

MALAYSIA Radio 4 (RTM) has been noticeably absent from 7295, for a<br />

number of days now, during my checking around 1300-1400 UT, when it<br />

usually is heard here.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 29)<br />

I'll try to check 7295 soon.<br />

By the way, RTM renamed its networks a few months ago, and Radio 4 is now<br />

called Traxx FM (yuk!). The other renamed networks on SW are now Nasional<br />

FM (ex-Radio 1) in Malay on 5965v; Asyik FM (ex-Radio 7) in Malay & Orasng<br />

Asli langs on 6025; Wai FM in Iban/Bidayuh etc. on Kuching 7270; Sarawak<br />

FM in Malay on Kuching 5<strong>05</strong>0 & 7130. The Sabah network on 5980v has been<br />

renamed as Sabah V FM, but I haven't heard the SW freq for some time.<br />

In SNG, Mediacorp has also rebranded their English network relayed on 6150<br />

kHz - it's now 938LIVE (ex-NewsRadio 93.8).<br />

(Alan Davies-INS, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 30)<br />

Thank you Alan. This is very helpful and I hope that Traxx FM will return

to the air soon, so I can have a chance to catch this ID. Nasional FM I<br />

have recently heard with the new ID, but it's always nice to get first<br />

hand reports such as yours.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld Sep 30)<br />

I am not hearing 7295 kHz today 1300-1400+ UT. This was a regular signal.<br />

Maybe a tx problem. 5965, 6025, 5030 however heard well, on Sept 24.<br />

(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 24)<br />

7295, the new TraXXfm (formerly Radio 4) (RTM), Oct 2, has been noticeably<br />

absent over the past week, during my daily checking around 1300-1400, the<br />

time period when I last heard Radio 4 here, several months ago. Can only<br />

hear them now via their web site: which does not<br />

list a SW freq.<br />

(Ron Monterey-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 3)<br />

MALI 4782.5 RTV Malienne, Bamako, at 2<strong>05</strong>7-2100 UT on Sep 24,<br />

Vernacular, comments by man announcer, Musical Program, 34443.<br />

(Eramo-I, JPNpremium Sep 30)<br />

MEXICO 6184.96 Radio Educacion, on Oct 4 at 0342-<strong>05</strong>40 UT, mx program of<br />

C & W songs in English, long segment of big band songs, in English, from<br />

the 1940' s, mo<strong>der</strong>n mxal composition (sound bits, sound affects, sound of<br />

horses running; rather far out and chaotic!) and classical mx; a few<br />

Spanish IDs (classical guitars before and after); English ID: "This is the<br />

short wave of Radio Educacion Mexico. Our phone number is 15 00 10 73, and<br />

the Area Code for Mexico City is 55 and the Country Code is 52. Why don't<br />

you call us? We would like to record your conversation." Reception was<br />

good. Enjoyable listening.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 4)<br />

MOLDOVA 1413 mediumwave.<br />

Thanks all for taking time to respond.<br />

From The World's Northernmost <strong>DX</strong>-er<br />

Bjarne Mjelde, Berlevag, Arctic Norway<br />

weblog: <br />

Hello dear Bjarne,<br />

I believe that is the Grigoriopol site in Moldova, used for both VoRUS and<br />

CRI Beijing relay too, at least since start of May 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Formerly on 1467 kHz, but now freed to let TWR/Vatican Radio co-channel<br />

from France in the clear. (73 wb df5sx)<br />

1215[Fllake-ALB] / 1413[Grigoriopol/Maiac-MDA] with CRI: at 1430 UT with<br />

Russian program and Chinese lang lessons at 1615 UT, and S2 24442. 1215-<br />

ALB kHz with prg in Romanian S3-5 max, 34443.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 22, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

History - MOLDOVA (PRIDNESTROVYA) 5910 R DMR Maiac noted in English,<br />

Mons at 1615 UT, "RUS-GEO message", 35333.<br />

(wb-m, touring Baleares Isls, Spain May 17, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

History - Freq change for China Radio International in Russian:<br />

1430-1630 NF 1413 kHz via Maiac/Grigoriopol, ex 1467 kHz.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May 18,<br />

20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

History - CRI informs its listeners in Moldova, Ukraine and Southern<br />

Russia that starting from 9 May, Russian Service relay via Moldova at<br />

1430-1630 will go on the air on 1413 kHz, replacing the former 1467 kHz.<br />

(VoRussia, Club <strong>DX</strong> No. 737; <strong>DX</strong>signal May 26, 20<strong>05</strong>)

History - Freq change for Voice of Russia in Bulgarian / Greek /<br />

Bulgarian:<br />

1700-2000 NF 1413 via Maiac/Grigoriopol, ex 1503/1510/1566/1467 kHz.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> May<br />

18,20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

Andy Sennitt wrote:<br />

lists:<br />

MDA - China R Int / Voice of Russia, Grigoriopol (500 kW) - China R: 1530-<br />

1730 Russian; VO Russia: 1800-1900 Bulgarian, 1900-2000 Greek, 2000-2100<br />

Bulgarian; antenna beam: 80 degr.<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, hcdx Oct 1) sic times?<br />

MYANMAR Defense Forces Station still going strong at 1330 UT on 5770 kHz<br />

past 1415 UT. 1630 should be the s.off. Some nice INSn lilting melodies!<br />

Sept 24.<br />

(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 24)<br />

5770.06 at 1620 UT Myanmar Defence Forces Radio (tent.) 22332,<br />

burmesische Versionen von US-Schnulzen, aehh - Evergreens -. 1630 UT<br />

cl/down. (Uwe Volk-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 1)<br />

NAMIBIA [and non] Aufgrund meines Namibia-Urlaubs diesmal keine Logs,<br />

son<strong>der</strong>n ein kleiner Namibia-Bandscan vom Nachmittag und fruehen Abend.<br />

kHz kW ITU Station px, Bem.<br />

567 AFS ? E talkradio<br />

576 50 AFS R Metro, Meyerton E<br />

594 100 NMB Namibian Broadc. Corporation, Tsumeb E<br />

621 unid<br />

648 50 BOT R Botswana, Mopipi // 693<br />

657 50 AFS R Pulpit, Meyerton rlg<br />

675 50 MWI Malawi Broadcasting Corp. (tent)<br />

693 BOT R Botswana, ? // 648<br />

873 50 BOT R Botswana, Gansti<br />

891 50 LSO Lesotho Nat. Broadcasting Service<br />

909 500 BOT VoA Botswana, Selebi Pikwe E<br />

972 50 BOT R Botswana, Sebele<br />

1008 50 MOZ Em. Interprov. de Maputo P/Vn<br />

1071 25 BOT R Botswana, Iwaneng<br />

1088 AGL R Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos P<br />

1098 50 AFS Ikwekwezi FM Stereo, Ga-Rankuwa Vn<br />

1134 AGL ? P<br />

1197 100 LSO Family R via Lesotho E rlg<br />

1215 50 BOT R Botswana, Mahalapye<br />

1260 10 AGL Em. Provincial do Uige P<br />

1269 AFS Chinese R, Midrand Ch<br />

1350 50 BOT R Botswana, Tsabong<br />

1422 AFS R South Africa, Bedfordview E/Griechisch(!)<br />

1530 STP VoA Sao Tome, Pinheira E<br />

3200 50 SWZ TWR Swaziland 16-17 P/Vn, 17-2030 E<br />

3230 100 AFS Family R via Meyerton 19-21 E<br />

3255 100 AFS B<strong>BC</strong> WS via Meyerton E<br />

3320 100 AFS R Son<strong>der</strong> Grense, Meyerton Afrikaans<br />

3345 100 AFS Channel Africa, Meyerton P<br />

4760 50 SWZ TWR Swaziland Shona/Ndebele<br />

4780 50 DJI R Djibouti, Djibouti F/Vn<br />

4845 100 MTN R Mauritania, Nouakchott A/F/Vn<br />

4910 100 ZMB ZN<strong>BC</strong> - R Zambia, Lusaka Vn/E<br />

4930 100 BOT VoA Botswana, Selebi Pikwe 17-18 Studio 7, 18-22 E<br />

4940 100 STP VoA Sao Tome, Pinheira E<br />

4950 100 AGL R Nacional de Angola, Luanda P<br />

4965 100 ZMB Christian Voice, Lusaka E<br />

50<strong>05</strong> 50 GNE R Nacional, Bata S/Vn

5985 100 COG R Congo, Brazzaville F/V<br />

6045 100 ZWE Zimbabwe <strong>BC</strong>, Harare Vn<br />

6<strong>05</strong>5 100 RRW R Rwanda, Kigali F/Vn<br />

6020 50 MDG WYFR via Talata-Volondry E<br />

6100 100 SWZ TWR Swaziland P<br />

6165 50 ZMB ZN<strong>BC</strong> - R Zambia, Lusaka E<br />

6612 100 ZWE Zimbabwe <strong>BC</strong>, Harare 2x 3306, Vn<br />

7170 100 AFS RFI via Meyerton E<br />

9580 250 GAB Africa No 1, Moyabi F<br />

11890 100 AFS R Okapi via Meyerton F<br />

17780 250 AFS Channel Africa, Meyerton Swahili<br />

(73, Hans-Friedrich Dumrese-D, touring in Namibia, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 1)<br />

NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Those interested in QSLing the AWR broadcast via<br />

Bonaire, should hurry, because it will not be continued in the winter<br />

season. This was confirmed by Claudio Dedio of the AWR Frequency<br />

Management Office. The Spanish broadcast has been on the air since the<br />

winter season 2003/04: in winter 2300-0100 / in summer 2200-2400 h UTC on<br />

6165 kHz. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 5)<br />

NEW ZEALAND RNW MN reports today that Radio New Zealand International<br />

says that over the coming months there will be additional shut-down<br />

periods on SW from 1035-1700 NZST (2235-<strong>05</strong>00 UTC). This will allow work on<br />

the antenna system and related issues due to the installation of a new tx.<br />

The Internet live audio stream continues 24 hours a day at; The URL of<br />

Radio New Zealand International, as given in the item, is<br />

and not the domestic sce.<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL / Mike Terry-UK, dxld Oct 4)<br />

So for us with broadband there is no problem, I am starting to won<strong>der</strong> if<br />

there is any point using the shortwave option anyway, is the fun is going<br />

out of dxing stations such as this?! That's a worrying comment from me as<br />

I have been an avid dxer since 1962!! Time will tell - millions do not<br />

have access to the internet (yet!).<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 5)<br />

NORWAY The SW station at Kvitsoy has resumed broadcasting for a test<br />

period of nine months as part of the B<strong>BC</strong>WS DRM network. Shortwave txions<br />

ended on December 31st 2003 when Radio Norway and Radio Denmark closed.<br />

(Svein Pe<strong>der</strong>sen-NOR, hcdx via W<strong>DX</strong>C Contact Oct 1)<br />

Schedule is 0700-1500 on 9470 and 1500-1900 on 7465 per the drm.org<br />

website but reports on the drmrx.org forums indicate 7465 often runs<br />

later.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C Contact Oct 1)<br />

Time changes for B<strong>BC</strong> WS via KVI <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 180 deg to CeEu in DRM mode:<br />

0700-1500 (ex 0700-1600) on 9470* 1500-1900 (ex 1600-1900) on 7465#<br />

*to avoid Voice of Russia in Albanian/Serbian 1500-1600<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 4)<br />

PAKISTAN 5102 Voice of Jammu and Kashmir Freedom. Sept 27 at 1408 UT<br />

the Voice of Jammu and Kashmir Freedom, anti-Indian govt programming, was<br />

heard till the close down 1432 UT. Signal strength S5-7, and overall<br />

reception quite good. Power is 10 kW tells the WRTH. This is the first<br />

signs of the new Asia season on SW.<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, hcdx Sep 27)<br />

AZAD KASHMIR RADIO 4790 bad txer, at 1510 UT hum and distortion. It beats<br />

me why for years this txer should be like this. Surely this is not beyond<br />

repair??<br />

Radio Pakistan En nx at 1300 UT on 5080.2 kHz.

(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 3)<br />

PERU 5039.25 Radio Libertad, Junin noted at 1120 to 1125 UT with signal<br />

fading. 5040.00t. ECUADOR La Voz del Upano, Macas, seemingly the Latin<br />

here at 1045 UT on 5040.31 Myanmar R. M. with minorities programme, good<br />

strength at 1100 UT.<br />

(Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 78)<br />

PORTUGAL 1035 I notice R. Comercial's MW tx at Porto Alto 1035 kHz 100<br />

kW is putting an unusually good, punching audio for a few months' time,<br />

and finally decided to get in touch with the right person and learn what<br />

is going on, including their long halted future plans for MW. This<br />

individual wasn't available, but his assistant did provide interesting<br />

info, unlike what happened with their headoffice colleagues here in<br />

Lisboa. So here it goes.<br />

The Porto Alto MW site was dismantled (I knew for years that would happen<br />

in the near future) and a brand new 100 kW (presumably DRM capable) was<br />

installed in this new site at Belmonte, very near Benavente, approx. 9 km<br />

NE (in straight line) from the previous site. As far as I can recall what<br />

I was once told by RARET, the company operating RFE/RL here, their HF<br />

receiving site was very close to Benavente. Back in 1997 I think, a new<br />

100 kW tx was indeed planned for Porto Alto + 100 kW for Canidelo and 10<br />

kW for Faro, in the Algarve province.<br />

The ID you'll hear via R. Comercial's MW txs is, however, "Radio Club<br />

Portugues" - not the original, the old RCP, but simply the name applied to<br />

a mx station that's also carried via the officially called "southern VHF-<br />

FM network", granted to Radio Regional de Lisboa, S.A. (owned by the same<br />

group that, among other things, includes R. Comercial and the private<br />

commercial TV station TVI, keen to broadcast quite a few bad taste TV<br />

shows by the way).<br />

I also enquired about the state of their northern MW site of Canidelo (not<br />

Miramar: sorry, WRTH people and rea<strong>der</strong>s) 783 kHz 10 kW things are<br />

unchanged there. So in sum the station is currently just via Canidelo 783<br />

kHz 10 kW, place near Miramar, both south of Porto Benavente 1035 kHz 100<br />

kW, place NE of the capital<br />

The radio authority ANACOM's webpage is still<br />

showing the full list of licensed MW channels for R. Comercial as if they<br />

were all alive.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 29)<br />

ROMANIA 909 Radio Constanca observed at <strong>05</strong>15 UT back on MW 909 kHz<br />

(Sep 25). (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Sep 29)<br />

RUSSIA 9445 UNID, at 0040-0103 UT on Sep 26, Vernacular, OM w/ lenghty<br />

talks, "Amen" at 0<strong>05</strong>5 UT. Fanfare/caliope-like mx and YL w/ contact info<br />

"POB 588.." and what sounded like "Huayani" URL mentioned radiozz.org (at<br />

least it sounded like "zz"). OM at 0<strong>05</strong>9 thru t/out. PPWBR lists TWR via<br />

Uzbekistan but I cant find a listing anywhere else for this time. Good<br />

signal. (Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Sep 27)<br />

Via Novosibirsk 200 kW in A-<strong>05</strong>, via Irkutsk-RUS in B-<strong>05</strong> season:<br />

UT lang days loc ant deg kHz kW<br />

0015-0030 Kurukh 6 7 IRKUTSK 4/4/0.8 224 9445 250<br />

0015-0030 Maghai 5 IRKUTSK 4/4/0.8 224 9445 250<br />

0015-0030 Mundari 4 IRKUTSK 4/4/0.8 224 9445 250<br />

0015-0030 Nepali 1 2 3 IRKUTSK 4/4/0.8 224 9445 250<br />

0030-0100 Bhojpuri 2 3 4 5 6 IRKUTSK 4/4/0.8 224 9445 250<br />

0030-0100 Dzonkha 7 IRKUTSK 4/4/0.8 224 9445 250<br />

0030-0045 Nepali 1 IRKUTSK 4/4/0.8 224 9445 250<br />

0045-0100 Newari 1 IRKUTSK 4/4/0.8 224 9445 250

0100-0145 Nepali 2 3 4 5 6 IRKUTSK 4/4/0.8 224 9445 250<br />

0100-0115 Newari 1 7 IRKUTSK 4/4/0.8 224 9445 250<br />

0115-0130 Hindi 1 7 IRKUTSK 4/4/0.8 224 9445 250<br />

0130-0145 Nepali 7 IRKUTSK 4/4/0.8 224 9445 250<br />

(Alokesh Gupta-IND hcdx Mar 17; and eibi, Oct 5)<br />

Freq & time chnages for FEBA Radio to Iran / Afghanistan / Pakistan:<br />

NF 7350 MSK 250 kW / 159 deg, ex 9850 as follows:<br />

1630-1730 (ex 1530-1630) Persian Fri-Wed<br />

1630-1745 (ex 1530-1645) Persian Thu<br />

1730-1745 (ex 1630-1645) Turkmen Mon-Wed<br />

1730-1745 (ex 1630-1645) English Fri<br />

1730-1745 (ex 1630-1645) Baluchi Sat/Sun<br />

Tent. freq for B-<strong>05</strong> is 7345 kHz.<br />

B-<strong>05</strong> txions in DRM mode via MSK 035 kW / 240 deg:<br />

0700-1000 Voice of Russia English WS on 12060<br />

1000-1300 Voice of Russia German on 12060<br />

1400-1500 Voice of Russia Russian WS on 5810<br />

1500-1600 Voice of Russia English WS on 5810<br />

1600-1700 Voice of Russia German on 5810<br />

1700-1800 Voice of Russia French on 5810<br />

1900-2300 Deutsche Welle German/English on 5820<br />

B-<strong>05</strong> for Tatarstan Wave:<br />

<strong>05</strong>10-0600 on 151<strong>05</strong> SAM 150 kW / 065 deg to FE<br />

0710-0800 on 9860 SAM 250 kW / 060 deg to RUS<br />

0910-1000 on 11915 SAM 250 kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg to WeEu<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 4)<br />

x15660 [BELGIUM non] The controversial weekly SW radio programme Zwart<br />

of Wit (Black or White) produced by Flemish MP Jurgen Verstrepen of the<br />

right-wing political party Vlaams Belang has been taken off the air by the<br />

Russian govt. The programme was originally intended to be broadcast in DRM<br />

mode, but txion provi<strong>der</strong>s in Germany and the UK refused to air it after<br />

being made aware of its political content. Vlaams Belang then started<br />

renting airtime on an analogue SW tx in Russia. A report in the Gazet van<br />

Antwerpen, quoted by Verstrepen, mentions the site as Gregoriopol [sic]<br />

which is actually in the Transdnistria part of Moldova. We believe the<br />

site to be Krasnodar, and elsewhere on the page Verstrepen himself<br />

comments that "pressure was great, even on the Black Sea", which fits.<br />

According to Verstrepen, the Russian authorities began investigating the<br />

content of his programmes, and even requested an English translation. They<br />

then or<strong>der</strong>ed the broadcasting of the programme from Russian txs to be<br />

stopped. Verstrepen says he believes the Russians were acting on<br />

information from the Belgian govt, as he cannot believe they would<br />

suddenly launch an investigation on their own initiative. He says he had a<br />

legally binding contract for the broadcasts via Russia. The programme<br />

scheduled for 25 Sept was not broadcast, but Verstrepen says he has not so<br />

far received an official explanation from the Russians.<br />

Verstrepen says on his website that "the SW tx is temporarily off the air"<br />

but that the weekly programme will continue via the Internet, MP3,<br />

podcasting and live streaming.<br />

Jurgen Verstrepen <br />

(RNW MN NL Sept 28)<br />

History - 15660, "VB 15660 Zwart of Wit," at 0900 UT on Jun 26, preceded<br />

by typical Tbilisskaya tones. By the way, recently I saw frequently 250<br />

kW. ment. as power level for Tbilisskaya xmsns. Hard to believe that all<br />

these outlets should be run with the single 250 kW. rig there, so I assume<br />

that these may be also the big 1000 kW's, or rather half of them (as far

as I know they are in fact 2 x 500 kW, tho these twins are possibly not<br />

really independent xmtrs), running on reduced power as is probably not<br />

uncommon at Grigoriopol as well. (Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> June 27, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

RWANDA 6<strong>05</strong>5 Rdif. Republique Rwandaise at 2032 UT. Woman in Swahili-<br />

sounding African lang DJing a mix of soft pop, highlife, calypso, and rap<br />

songs, all interspersed with lots of greetings ("salaam," apparently a<br />

borrowing from Arabic) and listener call-ins; many mentions of Rwanda.<br />

Solid signal till 2<strong>05</strong>9 UT, when buried by s/on of R. JPN UK relay; seemed<br />

to go off shortly thereafter. Haven't come across this one for quite some<br />

time and assume it's only irregularly active.<br />

(Bob Hill-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 28)<br />

SAIPAN 15580 KFBS on Sep 25 at 1120-1130 (S/off) UT. 35433. Leading the<br />

Way in INSn and Eglish till 1126, then annmt of address. S/off after ID in<br />

English at 1129 UT.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Sep 30)<br />

SINGAPORE The transferring of production of the Wavescan program from<br />

England to SNG over AWR has been delayed. AWR still plans to relaunch the<br />

programme with Adrian Peterson providing consultation and some script<br />

preparation. Recently, the delays caused concern in the <strong>DX</strong> community that<br />

this program was quietly terminated. Apparently, that is not the case<br />

although when we will hear Wavescan again is not certain at this time.<br />

(September NASWA Journal, via W<strong>DX</strong>C Contact)<br />

Acc to (formerly NewsRadio 938) was<br />

launched on 13 June 20<strong>05</strong> "and is SNG's only English nx and talk station".<br />

Presumably the ID we will hear on 6150 kHz between 2300-1100 and 1400-1600<br />

UT will now be "938 Live".<br />

(Tony Rogers-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Oct 3)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA 11690 R Okapi via Meyerton on Sep 20 at <strong>05</strong>46-<strong>05</strong>59* UT.<br />

33433-34433 French, Talk and african pops mx, ID at <strong>05</strong>48, SJ at <strong>05</strong>59, <strong>05</strong>59<br />

sign off.<br />

11890 R Okapi on Sep 24 at *1600-1616 UT. 44343 French, 1600 sign on with<br />

IS and ID and SJ, Talk. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 30)<br />

3345, Channel Africa at 0402-0411 UT on Sep 26, man reading the nx in<br />

English. ID at 0408 UT followed by a woman with nx feature. Fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 2)<br />

SRI LANKA SL<strong>BC</strong> ALL ASIA having serious trouble. Now only 0025 UT s.on to<br />

0400 UT and no evening txion. 60<strong>05</strong>, 9770, 15747 kHz.<br />

(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 2)<br />

SL<strong>BC</strong> 119<strong>05</strong> HINDI SERVICE Reintroduced after protests by Indians and<br />

request by Indian High Commissioner!! 1530 UT s.off.<br />

(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 3)<br />

From <strong>DX</strong>Asia 30 Sep 20<strong>05</strong>: Robin Viegas in Bombay reports that SL<strong>BC</strong> has<br />

reintroduced the Hindi sce to India in the evenings 1330-1530 UT daily on<br />

119<strong>05</strong> & 7275 kHz. Radio Tashkent is using 119<strong>05</strong> kHz at 0000-0400 UT daily<br />

causing severe co-channel QRM to the SL<strong>BC</strong> both morning & evening.<br />

K. Raja in Chennai says that the Tamil Service is now on the air at 1130-<br />

1330 UT on 7275 and 119<strong>05</strong> kHz. (Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld Sep 30)<br />

SUDAN 95<strong>05</strong> R Omdurman on Sep 24 at 1657-1709 UT. 43443-44444 Arabic,<br />

Talk and news, ID at 1700 and 17<strong>05</strong> UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Sep 30)<br />

SWAZILAND 4775 Trans World Radio, at 0412-0436 UT on Sep 26, man with

long religious talk in German with some choir vocals mixed in. Singing ID<br />

and change to English preacher talking at 0430 UT. Fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 2)<br />

TANZANIA [ZANZIBAR] 11735 Sauti ya Tanzania Zanzibar on Sep 30 at 1801<br />

UT. Nx in English, car bombs exploding in Baghdad, ID at 1803 "This nx is<br />

coming to you from Spice FM" (WRTH says 1800 English nx is a relay of<br />

local station Spice FM, so this fits), report from Uganda, story from<br />

Tehran, Iranian president warning U.S. and Europeans about Iranian nuclear<br />

program, Iraqi foreign minister met Saudi official, main headlines again,<br />

"This is the end of the nx on Spice FM, thank you for listening." Into<br />

presumed Swahili. Nx in Swahili at 1900 UT, mentions of many of the same<br />

places, ID at end of nx at 1910 "Sauti ya Tanzania Zanzibar"; first time<br />

I've ever heard English on this station.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 2)<br />

UKRAINE Both strong RUI signals now from 2300 UT onwards on air.<br />

5910 kHz a little bit fluttery signal in southern Germany, despite the<br />

main lobe path is more northerly via Warsaw, Copenhagen, Kvitsoe, Faroer<br />

Isls. S=9 +10 dB<br />

RUI Interval signal of 5910 and 5830 not syncronized. Ukrainian program<br />

started exact at 2300 UT.<br />

5830 kHz a powerful signal all nighttime, S=9 +50 dB at least. Ukrainian<br />

2200-2300 UT, but German sce started a min later behind 5910 Ukrainian at<br />

2301 UT. (wb, Oct 1)<br />

Summer A-<strong>05</strong> for Radio Ukraine International:<br />

0000-<strong>05</strong>00 on 5830 KHR 100 kW / <strong>05</strong>5 deg to RUS [Tyumen]<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0800 on 7420 KHR 100 kW / 277 deg to WeEu<br />

0800-1300 on 9925 KHR 100 kW / 277 deg to WeEu<br />

1300-1700 on 5830 KHR 100 kW / <strong>05</strong>5 deg to RUS [Tyumen]<br />

1700-2400 on 5830 KHR 100 kW / 290 deg to WeEu<br />

2300-0400 on 5910 SMF 500 kW / 314 deg to NoAmEa<br />

Both strong RUI signals now from 2300 UT onwards on air.<br />

5910 kHz a little bit fluttery signal in southern Germany, despite the<br />

main lobe path is more northerly via Warsaw, Copenhagen, Kvitsoe, Faroer<br />

Islands, S=9 +10 dB<br />

RUI Interval signal of 5910 and 5830 not synchronized. Ukrainian program<br />

started exactly at 2300 UT. 5830 kHz a powerful signal all nighttime, S=9<br />

+50 dB at least. Ukrainian 2200-2300 UT, but German sce started a min<br />

later behind 5810 Ukrainian at 2301 UT.<br />

(wb, dxld Oct 1)<br />

Actually this txion is for Tyumen region which produces at least about 70%<br />

of Russian oil and almost 100% of Russian gas. All Tyumen region has about<br />

10% of Ukrainians. Some northern towns have up to 15-20%. And up to 10%<br />

Tatars. Until the 60's these territories were almost empty. So in this<br />

case this is not Stalin but experience, money and labour mobility.<br />

(Victor Rutkovsky-RUS, dxld Oct 1)<br />

Okay, okay, dear Victor, you are right and have most likely more details<br />

on this 'Tyumen' matter on hand. Then let's say Ukrainians moved there<br />

un<strong>der</strong> Chrustchev's, Breshnev's, or Andropov's USSR dictatorship.<br />

But many thousands of the Ukrainian and German[200.000? still] nationals<br />

living in Kazakhstan, stranded there during Stalin's dictatorship between<br />

1941 and after WW II in 1945. They stand on trial then, charged against<br />

collaborate with the German occupants during the war.<br />

Even after the USSR collapse in the nineties, RUI Ukrainian program was

sent to Almaty via SW fee<strong>der</strong> 10344usb / 6010usb kHz, retransmitted via<br />

Almaty mediumwave 1197, Kostanay 1440 kHz, and Unknown 1494 kHz, locally.<br />

(wb)<br />

U.A.E./IRAN 1573/1575 UNIDENTIFIED. Just read on de B<strong>DX</strong>C topica list<br />

here in The Netherlands that there is a very strong "jammer" on around<br />

1573 kHz. Also a bit "bubble" noise is heard. Is this also heard in the<br />

UK? I would say direction is S-E, although difficult to be sure about<br />

this.<br />

1575 Farsi annts and mx (Radio Farda, UAE?)<br />

1573 bubble jammer<br />

1570 UNID noise<br />

(Max van Arnhem-HOL, Sep 29, MWC via dxld)<br />

Max, I thought it had appeared in <strong>DX</strong> loggings but it seems not. I have<br />

heard for some time now. Not sure when I first noticed it though. It is<br />

presumably from the Middle East designed to disrupt R. Farda on 1575. It<br />

is precisely on 1573 kHz though I have not checked with Spectrum Lab<br />

accuracy. I heard it most nights.<br />

(Steve Whitt-UK, ibid.)<br />

USA "My monthly apperance on VOA's Talk to America has officially,<br />

permanently ended. Thanks to all of you who made the effort to tune in<br />

every first Friday of the month, and who contributed with your phone calls<br />

and e-mails. I tried to line up interesting audio and guests to keep you<br />

coming back every four weeks."<br />

<br />

(Dr. Kim Andrew Elliott-USA, via Andy Sennitt, dxld Sep 28)<br />

Jeff White advises that he has just updated the WRMI program listings for<br />

October, with the departure of Brother Scare. WRN fills a lot of time<br />

again:<br />

Daily 0400-0900 UTC on 7385 kHz<br />

Monday-Friday 1330-1555 UTC on 7385 kHz<br />

Monday-Friday 2000-2100 UTC on 7385 kHz<br />

Saturday 1330-1600 UTC on 7385 kHz<br />

<strong>DX</strong> Partyline has also been switched from 1330 to 1430 UT on 7385 kHz<br />

Sundays; no changes so far in WORLD OF RADIO, but MUNDO RADIAL moves from<br />

2345 to 1030 UT Sundays on 9955 kHz.<br />

More WRN via WRMI 7385: Consulting the WRN online schedules, we find these<br />

stations and programs now happen to be relayed by WRMI 7385 kHz:<br />

1330 M-Sa RTE Ireland [joined in progress?! Starts at 1300]<br />

1400 M-F DW, Sat Voices of Our World<br />

1430 M-Sa R. Sweden<br />

1500 M-Sa R. Romania International<br />

1530 M-Sa KBS World Radio<br />

2000 M-F CRI<br />

2030 M-F R. Budapest<br />

0400 D. R. Netherlands<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 D. Israel Radio, <strong>05</strong>28? Earth & Sky<br />

<strong>05</strong>30 M-Sa Channel Africa, Sun Copenhagen Calling<br />

0600 D. CRI<br />

0630 D. R. Sweden<br />

0700 D. R. Australia<br />

0800 D. V. of Russia<br />

0830 M-F RCI; Sat UN Radio, 0845 R. Guangdong<br />


(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Sep 30)<br />

EX YUGOSLAVIA/ITALY In mid-September we went on a tour that spent three<br />

days in Slovenia and ten days in Croatia with side excursions to Triest,<br />

Italy and Montenegro. Also cut through a corner of Bosnia. As we were<br />

constantly on the go my <strong>DX</strong>ing was limited plus being in hotel rooms and<br />

anyone knows the buzzes that occur in most hotels unless there is an<br />

outside balcony. I used my Sony-100 with a Gerry Thomas designed Q-Stick<br />

(passive ferrite rod with tuner) which did improve the weak signals but<br />

also made the noises lou<strong>der</strong>. Daytime <strong>DX</strong>ing varied. In Slovenia the nearby<br />

918 Ljubljana was very strong, with 1170 Beli-Cris and 1134 Croatia fair.<br />

And a Slovenian on 549 kHz. Not much else there days as we were in the<br />

mountains. The best daytime <strong>DX</strong> was from Dubrovnik in the southwest corner<br />

of Croatia on the Adriatic.<br />

There in the middle of the day I found about a dozen Italian stations,<br />

mostly on the other side of the Adriatic. The loudest was 1449 Squinzano,<br />

but stations on 693, 1314, 1431 and 1116 were also good. Bari is on 1116.<br />

But from Dubrovnik the strongest daytime signals were from the Albanians<br />

on 1089, 1395 and 1458 kHz. 1134 Zadar was good and 774 Hrav was fair.<br />

Also heard days there were 630 Tunisia, 675 Libya and 1008 Corfu, Greece.<br />

On the way down the Croatian coast we did a tour of Zadar but I couldn't<br />

find the towers for 1134 kHz. A local guide told me the main tower was<br />

atop a mountain just north of the city on the Adriatic but there must be<br />

more than one tower as they run directional at times and I think,<br />

southeast to northwest, which would put them on the great circle path to<br />

North America. Incidentally, this station is off the air from early<br />

morning to mid-afternoon. The Zagreb area, which we also visited, is<br />

covered by 1125 Deanavec.<br />

Nighttime listening is very interesting throughout the area of my trip.<br />

What you hear best are stations in Romania (several), Bulgaria (several)<br />

and Albania. Turkey on 702 and 1017 is very good and Egypt on 774, 819,<br />

864 and 1107 kHz. Several Greek stations come in easily, among them 729,<br />

999, 1494 and 1512 kHz. Libya is also very loud, especially on 1251 kHz.<br />

And of course, 1521 Saudi Arabia. Italy is easily heard, especially 900<br />

Milan, and Vatican on 1530 and 1622 kHz. One of the loudest stations heard<br />

nightly is 810 Macedonia which is easily identified. Stations in northern<br />

Europe are not as good except for the Germans while France and Spain are<br />

fair.<br />

I just didn't have time to keep a detailed report. I loved Slovenia and<br />

Croatia and the scenery, the food, the beer and wine, and the people were<br />

terrific. One final observation: I didn't hear a peep out of 846 Rome so<br />

they are either off or using low power. (Ben Dangerfield, PA, European<br />

Trip Report, NRC I<strong>DX</strong>D via dxld Oct 1)<br />

846 and 1332 Rome high power channel.<br />

Present Rome 1107 kHz should be replaced by 846 kHz again, when the new MW<br />

RAI Rome location at BLERA will be finnished [in 2006?].<br />

History - Present Santa Palomba site to be removed some 90 kilometers<br />

north-west of Rome to Blera, latter location registered according ITU MW<br />

list already.<br />

Other publications also show Rome on still 1332 kHz.<br />

(wb, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 10, 2004)<br />

As well-known 846 from Santa Palomba was in the end on air only with a<br />

fraction of full power. I won<strong>der</strong> if in fact no longer the stationary<br />

installations (reported to be an almost brand-new 1200 kW Thomcast<br />

transmitter I think) were in use but instead this mobile transmitter?<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 15, 2004)

Das bekannte englischsprachige Fachbuch<br />

Passport to World Band Radio 2006<br />

kann ab sofort bei Amazon vorbestellt werden. Die Ausgabe 2006 soll am 1.<br />

Dezember erscheinen. Wer dieses Fachbuch fuer nur 20,90 EUR<br />

versandkostenfrei bestellen moechte und damit zusaetzlich die A-<strong>DX</strong> Liste<br />

durch das Amazon Partner-Programm unterstuetzt, kann ab sofort den<br />

Vorbestell-Link auf<br />

benutzen.<br />

Passport to World Band Radio zeichnet sich jedes Jahr durch einen sehr<br />

umfangreichen Empfaengertestteil, natuerlich die aktuellen Frequenzen auch<br />

in grafischer Form aufbereitet ("Blue Pages"), eine sehr hilfreiche<br />

Sammlung und Bewertung von Stationsanschriften und das Antwortverhalten<br />

<strong>der</strong> Stationen und jede Menge Hintergrundberichte aus. Im Gegensatz zum<br />

WRTH ist PWBR mehr ein Lesebuch das auch durch seine Laen<strong>der</strong>berichte und<br />

Programmhinweise einen ganz an<strong>der</strong>en Stil als das WRTH o<strong>der</strong><br />

Sen<strong>der</strong>&Frequenzen hat. Insgesamt fast 600 Seiten die meiner Meinung nach<br />

die 20,90 EUR wert sind.<br />

(Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, A-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 1)<br />

Solar Eclipse Oct 3rd, in Germany 0745-0935 UT, in WeEUR 0845-1220 UT.<br />

Please check the mediumwave band !<br />

<br />

<br />

73 wb df5sx<br />

Mehr Infos z. B. auf:<br />

<br />

<br />

(Michael Oexner-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 3)<br />

Zur Sonnenfinsternis am 3. Oktober: an den Beobachtungen haben sich 4<br />

Hoerer beteiligt: Herbert Meixner, Wolfgang Bueschel, Andreas Karger und<br />

Klaus Spielvogel. Beobachtet wurde eine Signalverstaerkung einiger<br />

Mittelwellensen<strong>der</strong> waehrend <strong>der</strong> Finsternis ueber eine Stunde, rund 30<br />

Minuten vor dem Maximum <strong>der</strong> Finsternis bis rund 30 Minuten nach <strong>der</strong><br />

Finsternis. jeweils betrachtet auf ihren Standort bezogen.<br />

Die Randbedingungen <strong>der</strong> Empfangsverhaeltnisse waren gut. Am Tag hat es<br />

ueber Sueddeutschland geregnet, auch ueber Norditalien und Sued- und<br />

Suedostfrankreich. Das beguenstigt die Ausbreitung <strong>der</strong> Mittelwellen auch<br />

bei Tag. Weiterhin war auf Grund des Erdmagnetfelds eine gute<br />

Ausbreitungsbedingung fuer Mittelwellenradioverbindungen in Richtung Ost-<br />

West als auch Nordost-Suedwest vorhergesagt. Allein das erklaert schon die<br />

Beobachtungen von Andreas Karger (DR Kultur 990, Radio Bremen 936 o<strong>der</strong> DLF<br />

Neumuenster ... auf 1268), ebenso <strong>der</strong> Empfang von Andreas Karger und Klaus<br />

Spielvogel (diverse Englaen<strong>der</strong> auf 909, 1<strong>05</strong>3, 1215, 1548). Sunrise Radio<br />

auf 1458 kHz wurde von Klaus Spielvogel in nahezu konstanter Signalstaerke<br />

empfangen. Lediglich erhob sich zwischendurch das Radiosignal deutlicher<br />

aus dem Rauschen hervor.<br />

Herbert Meixner und Klaus Spielvogel beobachteten ein Ansteigen <strong>der</strong><br />

Signalstaerke einiger Sen<strong>der</strong>. Meist lag <strong>der</strong>en Beobachtungsrichtung<br />

beziehungsweise Empfangsrichtung ungefaehr senkrecht zur Bahn <strong>der</strong><br />

Sonnenfinsternis. Zum Zeitpunkt des jeweiligen Maximums <strong>der</strong> Finsternis<br />

wurde auch das Maximum <strong>der</strong> Feldstaerke beobachtet. Die Dauer des Steigens<br />

und Fallens <strong>der</strong> Signalstaerke betraegt rund eine Stunde. Das stimmt mit<br />

dem Beobachtungen aus gezielten Radioversuchen des Ruhterford Appelton<br />

Laboratory ueberein, die waehrend <strong>der</strong> totalen Sonnenfinsternis 1999<br />

durchgefuehrt wurden (Ruhterford Appelton Laboratory, Radio Communication<br />

Research Unit &#8211; Projekt 48 &#8211; Final report).

Klaus Spielvogel fuehrte am 4. Oktober gegen 9 UTC noch einmal eine<br />

Beobachtung <strong>der</strong> Frequenzen vom Vortag durch. Alle seine waehrend <strong>der</strong><br />

Finsternis beobachteten Sen<strong>der</strong> waren unter den gleichen oben beschriebenen<br />

Wetter- und Erdmagnetfeldbedingungen entwe<strong>der</strong> gerade erahnbar o<strong>der</strong> nur<br />

sehr schwach aufzunehmen.<br />

Eine partielle Sonnenfinsternis mit einem Bedeckungsgrad ab 60% fuehrt<br />

demnach zu veraen<strong>der</strong>ten Empfangsverhaeltnissen auf <strong>der</strong> Mittelwelle.<br />

Gezielte Empfangsversuche zur Beobachtung einer auch partiellen<br />

Sonnenfinsternis erscheinen sinnvoll. Auch kann eine nur partielle<br />

Sonnenfinsternis zum Empfang sonst nicht hoerbarer Sen<strong>der</strong> genutzt werden.<br />

(Klaus Spielvogel-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 5)<br />

Also da war ich heute in Stuttgart am falschen Standort. Es war ueberhaupt<br />

kein aussergewoehnliches Signal aufzunehmen, kein Vergleich zu den<br />

aufregenden Beobachtungen von <strong>der</strong> 11.8.1999 Finsternis hier in Europa.<br />

Die Breite des abgeschatteten Gebiets war heute laut Internet Karten sehr,<br />

sehr schmal. Hauptschattenpfad ging ueber Madrid, Valencia, Mallorca<br />

hinweg.<br />

Nur drei Spanier waren bis circa 0930 UT zu hoeren: 1224, 1296 Valencia,<br />

1413 kHz.<br />

Etwas angehoben fuer einige Minuten im Peak 0900-0920 UT waren Mailand<br />

899, Italien 1575, Tunis 630, Zagreb 1125. Die Monte Carlo Stationen 1350<br />

und 1557 wie immer.<br />

Zwei UNID whistle Traeger zur selben Zeit auf 676 Bengazi-LBY o<strong>der</strong> SCG?,<br />

und auf 691.2 kHz R Jamahiriyah-LBY?<br />

Die einzigen angehobenen Signale auf Kurzwelle: 9703.64 kHz ETH? um 0920-<br />

0940 UT, und ein zweiter Traeger nahebei von Niger? Nix von Yemen 9780<br />

aufzunehmen.<br />

Auch 15400 B<strong>BC</strong>WS Ascension kam heute etwas staerker herein.<br />

(73 wb, Oct 3)<br />

"If you be anywhere in Europe, Africa or parts of western and southern<br />

Asia on Monday, Oct. 3, you will be treated to a solar eclipse."<br />

But absolutely no phenomena seen - heard - during this total eclipse[70%<br />

at my place] today !!!<br />

Stuttgart Germany was the wrong place to see the ring eclipse, due of dark<br />

rain fall weather this morning.<br />

Nothing to compare with the tremendous observations of eclipse on August<br />

11, 1999 here in Europe.<br />

Main shadow path via Madrid, Valencia, and Mallorca Baleares Isl. in<br />

western Mediterranean.<br />

Only three Spanish stations noted on mediumwave around 0930 UT: 1224<br />

various, 1296 Valencia, 1413 kHz Mallorca.<br />

A little bit above threshold during 25 mins in peaktime 0900-0925 UT,<br />

signals of Milano 899, Italy 1575, Tunis 630, Zagreb 1125. Absolutely no<br />

signals from the Algerian powerhouses.<br />

Monte Carlo Fontbonne stations 1350 and 1557 kHz on usual morning signal<br />


Two UNID whistle carrier on 676 Bengazi-LBY or SCG?, and on 691.2 kHz<br />

Radio Jamahiriyah-LBY?, noted at same time span.<br />

The only increased signals on SW: 9703.64 kHz ETH? at around 0920-0950 UT,<br />

and a second carrier whistle nearby from Niger? Nothing audible from<br />

Sana'a Yemen 9780.<br />

Also 15400 B<strong>BC</strong>WS Ascension Isl was stronger today, despite of easterly<br />

beam.<br />

On 1547.36 kHz noted an UNID station, around 0800-0825 UT of course.<br />

From Boel's MW Guide list - :<br />

G - B<strong>BC</strong> Radio Bristol, Mangotsfield (5) - 0600-???? local programmes,<br />

????-0600 B<strong>BC</strong> World Service; on Sun local programmes start at 0700<br />

G - Capital Gold, Saffron Green (97.5) - 24h; great time mx station<br />

hits from the 60s, 70s and 80s, sport, local & national news<br />

G - Magic AM, Skew Hill (Sheffield) (0.740) - 24h; easy favourites, soft<br />

adult contemporary, local nx & information<br />

G - Magic Liverpool, Bebington (Liverpool) (1) - 24h; a soft mx-led<br />

station with nx and sport<br />

G - Forth AM, Colinswell (Edinburgh) (2.2) - 24h; classic hits, adult<br />

contemporary mx, nx and information, sport<br />

I - Radio Star, Vicenza (1)<br />

I - Radio Cuore, ? (?)<br />

SCG - Radio Podgorica 2, Bar (1) - 24h<br />

SCG - Radio Stara Pazova, Stara Pazova (1)<br />

Seemingly one of the UK Stations is on odd channel. Any suggestions?<br />

(73 wb)<br />

Zusammenfassung <strong>der</strong> Empfangsbeobachtung:<br />

Um die Voraussetzungen fuer den Empfang moeglichst denen bei <strong>der</strong> Sofi99<br />

anzugleichen, hoerte ich mit dem selben Apparat wie damals, einem<br />

Panasonic FR-B60 und <strong>der</strong> eingebauten Ferritantenne.<br />

Mein Standort: 15'36 Ost, 48'02 Nord<br />

Alle Zeiten in MESZ!<br />

Um kommende Empfangsveraen<strong>der</strong>ungen besser einordnen zu koennen, begann ich<br />

bereits ab 09.45 das Band abzuhoeren.<br />

Es waren keine Stationen ausser den starken <strong>der</strong> angrenzenden Laen<strong>der</strong> CZE,<br />

SVK und HNG hoerbar. Im Gegensatz zum NRD 535 DG blieb <strong>der</strong> Ferritstab da<br />

weitgehend taub.<br />

Ab etwa 1100 kHz (Der BR auf 801 kHz machte eine Ausaname, war aber bald<br />

auch wie<strong>der</strong> weg) machten sich hoehere Feldstaerken ab etwa 10.35<br />

bemerkbar.<br />

Ab 10.37 Uhr: RAI Genua(?) auf 1575 kHz - blieb hoerbar bis nach 11.30<br />

Evangeliumsrundfunk 1539 kHz mit bis S=4 (aber meist mit<br />

Interferenzpfeifen) - bis etwa 11.30 DLF auf 1422 kHz ebenfalls mit guten<br />

S=4 aber einigen Tiefen, bis 11.29 Frankreich Nizza(?) auf 1557 kHz blieb<br />

stabil hoerbar bis etwa 11.26<br />

Um 10.55 kam auf 1170 kHz R.Koper bis 11.31 1278 kHz Strassburg tauchte<br />

auf um 11.02 und blieb bis etwa 11.35 Einige Male mit kraeftigem Signal<br />

vorhanden war Kroatien auf 1125 kHz Ganz stark kam 1323 kHz Wachenbrunn ab<br />

11.10, etwa 11.30 schwaecher werdend, um dann gemeinsam mit an<strong>der</strong>er<br />

Station auf QRG (Rumaenien?) zu verschwinden (ab 11.38)<br />

Nun auch unter 1000 kHz hoerbar 918 kHz Slowenien nur kurz stark

einfallend rund um 11.26 und 900 kHz RAI-Station von 11.27 bis etwa 11.40<br />

Rumaenien tauchte ab 11.33 auch noch auf, auf 1593 kHz von bis ca. 11.39,<br />

1179 kHz bis etwa 11.36 und 1152 kHz nur kurz rund um 11.38<br />

Und <strong>der</strong> Vollstaendigkeit halber: Die - oben angefuehrten - starken<br />

Stationen aus CZE, SVK und HNG waren waehrend des Durchganges auch<br />

staerker hoerbar.<br />

Unmittelbar nach 11.38 war's wie<strong>der</strong> "Normalrauschig" auf <strong>der</strong> MW ;-)<br />

Insgesamt das erwartete Ergebnis vom Verlauf <strong>der</strong> ankommenden Stationen<br />

her. Keine Stationen von weiter suedlich; die hatte ich erwartet.<br />

(Herbert Meixner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 3)<br />

Via Mike Terry-UK<br />

<br />

The path of annularity averages 118 miles/189 kilometers in width. After<br />

touching down in the open waters of the north Atlantic roughly a thousand<br />

miles east of Newfoundland, the path will head in an east-southeast<br />

direction, making landfall in northwestern Iberia, near to the bor<strong>der</strong><br />

shared by Portugal and Spain.<br />

The citizens of Vigo, Spain and Braga, Portugal will be among the first to<br />

see the ringed Sun, while Porto, Portugal finds itself just outside the<br />

southern limit of the path. Keep in mind however, that in Portugal,<br />

maximum eclipse comes at around 9:53 a.m. WEST (Western European Summer<br />

Time).<br />

Spain, however, follows CEST (Central European Summer Time), which runs an<br />

hour later, so clocks there will read 10:53 a.m.<br />

Vacationers in Madrid on this day, will have the track of the so-called<br />

"negative shadow" or "anti-umbra" of the Moon passing directly over this<br />

metropolis of nearly four million resulting in the Sun mimicking a<br />

spectacular "ring of fire" for 4 mins 11 seconds beginning at 10:56 a.m. ><br />

CEST. Valencia, also within the track, will be treated to 3 mins 38<br />

seconds of annularity beginning just after 11:00 a.m. CEST.<br />

The path then crosses the Mediterranean Sea, passing over Ibiza, the<br />

southwesternmost of the three Balearic Islands, and then sweeps south and<br />

east across northern and eastern Africa, affecting parts of Algeria,<br />

Tunisia, Libya, Chad, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia. The path will<br />

come to an end over the central Indian Ocean. It is over central Sudan<br />

that the annular eclipse reaches its maximum: the apparent diameter of the<br />

Moon's disk appearing just 4.2 percent smaller than that of the Sun. Here,<br />

the duration of annularity will last 4 mins 31.6 seconds.<br />

(Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Oct 3)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 731 11 Oct 20<strong>05</strong><br />

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may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all<br />

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ALBANIA Radio Tirana on SW in B-<strong>05</strong>:<br />


5995 2115-2130 28 SHI 100 0 234567 SER/CRO ALB ALR<br />

6115 0245-0300 8 SHI 100 300 134567 ENGLISH ALB ALR<br />

6115 0330-0400 8 SHI 100 300 134567 ENGLISH ALB ALR<br />

62<strong>05</strong> 2130-2300 28 SHI 100 0 1234567 ALBANIAN ALB ALR<br />

6215 2001-2030 27 SHI 100 310 234567 FRENCH ALB ALR<br />

6225 1945-2000 27 SHI 100 310 234567 ENGLISH ALB ALR<br />

6280 1901-1930 28 SHI 100 350 234567 GERMAN ALB ALR<br />

71<strong>05</strong> 0730-1000 28 SHI 100 0 1234567 ALBANIAN ALB ALR<br />

7110 2230-2300 27 SHI 100 310 234567 ENGLISH ALB ALR<br />

7240 2001-2030 28 SHI 100 0 234567 ITALIAN ALB ALR<br />

7455 0000-0130 8 SHI 100 310 1234567 ALBANIAN ALB ALR<br />

7455 0245-0300 8 SHI 100 310 134567 ENGLISH ALB ALR<br />

7455 0330-0400 8 SHI 100 310 134567 ENGLISH ALB ALR<br />

7530 1945-2000 27 SHI 100 300 234567 ENGLISH ALB ALR<br />

(ALR - RT Oct 10)<br />

ANGOLA 4950 RN, 0240-0304, Oct.8, Portuguese, Various hilife and pop-<br />

like mx selections w/ "Nacional" zingers. Pips/ID at 0300 into (pres) nx<br />

headlines then back to mx. Fair. (Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Oct 8)<br />

ARGENTINA 6215, R. Baluarte, has been off the air for nearly a week<br />

now, per daily monitoring. (Nigro-URG, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 6)

ARMENIA 11590 Radio Free Asia verified with a full data (excluding tx<br />

site) "18th Winter SWL Festival" card commemorating the "largest gathering<br />

of listeners to the radio spectrum," the annual Kulpsville festival in 190<br />

days.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 9)<br />

AUSTRALIA The A<strong>BC</strong> would like to advice that it is in the process of<br />

upgrading its Alice Springs, Katherine and Tennant Creek SW Local Radio<br />

sces. this work is being un<strong>der</strong>taken to provide greater reliability of<br />

these sces.<br />

Each sce will be required to be switched off for approximately four to six<br />

weeks while replacement txs are installed. The Tennant Creek tx will be<br />

the first to be upgraded and will be turned off on Monday 10 October.<br />

<br />

I heard Alice Springs for the first time on 8 Oct. from 1010 UT on 2310<br />

kHz with a fairly decent signal.<br />

(A<strong>BC</strong> website via Dan Srebnick-NJ-USA, dxld Oct 9)<br />

AUSTRIA AWR STIMME DER HOFFNUNG. Die Rundfunksendungen <strong>der</strong> STIMME DER<br />

HOFFNUNG, dem deutschsprachigen Programmanbieter von Adventist World Radio<br />

(AWR) werden ab 30. Oktober 20<strong>05</strong> bis 25. Maerz 2006 nach folgendem<br />

Winterplan ueber Kurzwelle, Satelliten und auf Abruf im Internet<br />

ausgestrahlt:<br />

SW Moosbrunn (Austria): 1600-1630 UT 6015 kHz 49mb 100kW 320deg<br />

Empfangsberichte ueber den Kurzwellenempfang koennen ueber das Internet<br />

unter<br />

o<strong>der</strong> als Brief bzw. als Fax<br />

an die STIMME DER HOFFNUNG geschickt werden.<br />

Satelliten:<br />

ASTRA 1B (19 degr Ost) analog, hinter "MTV deutsch". 11,612 GHz<br />

horizontal, Tonuntertraeger 7,38 MHz "WRN-Deutsch". 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 UT 1100-1130<br />

UT 1630-1700 UT<br />

EUTELSAT Hot Bird 6 (13 degr Ost) digital. 12,597 GHz vertikal, SR 27.500,<br />

FEC 3/4. Kennung "WRN-Deutsch". 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 UT 1100-1130 UT 1630-1700 UT<br />

EUTELSAT Hot Bird 6 (13 degr Ost) digital. 12,597 GHz vertikal, SR 27.500,<br />

FEC 3/4. 1600-1630 UT Kennung "AWR 128k"<br />

UKW / FM (terrestrisch) Berlin Stadtgebiet 97,2 MHz 1 kW 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 UT<br />

INTERNET: <br />

(Lothar Klepp, Technischer Service, AWR, Oct 6)<br />

TRANS WORLD RADIO _ EUROPE B-<strong>05</strong> 30 OCT 20<strong>05</strong> _ 25 MAR 2006<br />

Shortwave<br />

TWR Monte Carlo, France<br />

0745-0920 7 ENGLISH 9800 100 324 27<br />

0800-0920 12345 ENGLISH 9800 100 324 27<br />

0815-0850 6 ENGLISH 9800 100 324 27<br />

0930-0945 123456 GERMAN 6230 100 13 28<br />

0930-0945 123456 GERMAN 7160 100 26 28<br />

0930-1015 7 GERMAN 6230 100 13 28<br />

0930-1015 7 GERMAN 7160 100 26 28<br />

1400-1430 7 GERMAN 6230 100 13 28<br />

1400-1430 7 GERMAN 7160 100 26 28<br />

1430-1500 1234567 GERMAN 6230 100 13 28<br />

1430-1500 1234567 GERMAN 7160 100 26 28


0630-0645 12345 SLOVAK 6130 100 100 28,29<br />

0930-0945 23456 HUNGARIAN 61<strong>05</strong> 100 1<strong>05</strong> 28<br />

0930-0945 23456 HUNGARIAN 7210 100 100 28<br />

1130-1200 6 SLOVAK 6130 100 100 28,29<br />

1130-1200 6 SLOVAK 7225 100 1<strong>05</strong> 28,29<br />


1545-1600 7 POLISH 6245 100 284 28<br />

1600-1630 1234567 POLISH 6245 100 284 28<br />

1630-1700 1234567 HUNGARIAN 6245 100 284 28<br />

1700-1715 12 45 CZECH 6245 100 284 28<br />

1700-1730 6 ROMANIAN 6245 100 284 28<br />


1700-1715 12 45 CZECH 62<strong>05</strong> 200 222 28<br />

1700-1730 6 RUMANIAN 62<strong>05</strong> 200 222 28<br />

Day 1 = Mon .. 7 = Sun<br />


0615-0630 1234567 POLISH 6235 100 350 28<br />

0615-0630 1234567 POLISH 7380 100 350 28<br />

0630-0645 12345 SLOVAK 7380 100 350 28/29<br />

0745-0920 7 ENGLISH 11865 100 310 27<br />

0800-0920 12345 ENGLISH 11865 100 310 27<br />

0815-0850 6 ENGLISH 11865 100 310 27<br />

1442-1457 1 RUSSIAN 7325 100 33 28/29/30<br />

1442-1527 67 RUSSIAN 7325 100 33 28/29/30<br />

1442-1557 2345 RUSSIAN 7325 100 33 28/29/30<br />

1457-1527 1 BELORUSS 7325 100 33 28/29/30<br />

1527-1557 1 RUSSIAN 7325 100 33 28/29/30<br />

1545-1600 7 POLISH 7355 100 350 28<br />

1600-1630 1234567 POLISH 7355 100 350 28<br />

1633-1703 12345 ARMENIAN/EAS 7375 100 100 29S/39N<br />

1633-1703 12345 ARMENIAN/EAS 9945 100 90 29S/39N<br />

1725-1840 1234567 FARSI 7355 100 90 30S/40<br />

1725-1840 1234567 FARSI 9960 100 90 30S/40<br />

1840-1855 7 QASHQAI 7355 100 90 30S/40<br />

1840-1855 7 QASHQAI 9960 100 90 30S/40<br />

1910-1940 1234567 FARSI 7375 100 90 40<br />


1442-1457 1 RUSSIAN 9495 100 55 28/29/30<br />

1442-1527 67 RUSSIAN 9495 100 55 28/29/30<br />

1442-1557 2345 RUSSIAN 9495 100 55 28/29/30<br />

1457-1527 1 BELORUSS 9495 100 55 28/29/30<br />

1527-1557 1 RUSSIAN 9495 100 55 28/29/30<br />

Day 1 = Mon .. 7 = Sun<br />

LW & MW (Long Wave & Medium Wave)<br />


0328-0358 7 French 216 2000 315 27<br />

0341-0356 123456 French 216 2000 315 27<br />

0445-<strong>05</strong>15 1234567 German 1467 1000 28<br />

1945-2015 12345 Italian 1467 1000 85 28<br />

2015-2030 7 Sous 1467 1000 241 37,38<br />

2015-2030 6 Slovenian 1467 1000 85 37,38<br />

2015-2030 5 Spanish 1467 1000 241 37,38<br />

2015-2030 4 Rumanian 1467 1000 85 37,38<br />

2015-2030 3 Mandarin 1467 1000 325 27,28<br />

2015-2030 2 Tarifit 1467 1000 241 37,38<br />

2015-2030 1 Tamazight 1467 1000 241 37,38

2030-2100 1234567 German 1467 1000 28<br />

2100-2130 123456 Kabyle 1467 1000 241 37,38<br />

2100-2300 7 Arabic 1467 1000 241 37,38<br />

2130-2145 2 4 Arabic 1467 1000 241 37,38<br />

2130-2145 1 3 Moroccan 1467 1000 241 37,38<br />

2130-2200 5 Moroccan 1467 1000 241 37,38<br />

2130-2300 6 Arabic 1467 1000 241 37,38<br />

2145-2200 4 Algerian 1467 1000 241 37,38<br />

2145-2200 2 Moroccan 1467 1000 241 37,38<br />

2145-2215 3 Arabic 1467 1000 241 37,38<br />

2145-2300 1 Arabic 1467 1000 241 37,38<br />

2200-2215 2 Arabic 1467 1000 241 37,38<br />

2200-2300 45 Arabic 1467 1000 241 37,38<br />

2215-2230 23 Moroccan 1467 1000 241 37,38<br />

2230-2300 23 Arabic 1467 1000 241 37,38<br />

2300-2315 7 Jordanian 1467 1000 241 37,38<br />

2300-2315 123456 Moroccan 1467 1000 241 37,38<br />

2315-2330 6 English 1467 1000 325 27<br />

2315-2345 7 English 1467 1000 325 27<br />


1910-1940 123456 Serbian 1395 500 330 28<br />

1940-2015 1234567 Hungarian 1395 500 330 28<br />

2015-2030 7 Russian 1395 500 330 28<br />

2015-2030 6 Croation 1395 500 330 28<br />

2015-2030 5 Arabic 1395 500 330 28<br />

2015-2030 4 Kurdish/Sora 1395 500 330 28<br />

2015-2030 3 Farsi 1395 500 330 28<br />

2015-2030 2 Turkish 1395 500 330 28<br />

2015-2030 1 Polish 1395 500 330 28<br />

2030-2045 1234567 Croatian 1395 500 330 28<br />

2045-2115 67 Bosnian 1395 500 330 28<br />

2045-2115 12345 Croatian 1395 500 330 28<br />

2115-2130 1234567 Slovak 1395 500 330 28<br />

2130-2200 1234567 Czech 1395 500 330 28<br />

Day 1 = Mon .. 7 = Sun<br />


2000-2030 67 Lithuanian 1494 600 258 29NW<br />

2000-2030 12345 Swedish 1494 600 258 18<br />

2030-2100 67 Estonian 1494 600 258 29NW<br />

2030-2100 12345 Norwegian 1494 600 258 18<br />


0255-0300 1234567 Arabic 1233 600 2<strong>05</strong> 38,39,40<br />

0300-0315 67 Arabic 1233 600 2<strong>05</strong> 38,39,40<br />

0300-0330 12345 Arabic 1233 600 2<strong>05</strong> 38,39,40<br />

0315-0330 7 Assyrian 1233 600 2<strong>05</strong> 38,39,40<br />

0315-0330 6 Iraqi 1233 600 2<strong>05</strong> 38,39,40<br />

2025-2044 12 Arabic 1233 600 2<strong>05</strong> 38,39,40<br />

2025-2<strong>05</strong>9 34567 Arabic 1233 600 2<strong>05</strong> 38,39,40<br />

2044-2<strong>05</strong>9 2 Sudanese 1233 600 2<strong>05</strong> 38,39,40<br />

2044-2<strong>05</strong>9 1 Syrian-Leban 1233 600 2<strong>05</strong> 38,39,40<br />

2<strong>05</strong>9-2100 1234567 Syrian-Leban 1233 600 2<strong>05</strong> 38,39,40<br />

2100-2115 2 Jordanian 1233 600 2<strong>05</strong> 38,39,40<br />

2100-2215 1 34567 Arabic 1233 600 2<strong>05</strong> 38,39,40<br />

2115-2215 2 Arabic 1233 600 2<strong>05</strong> 38,39,40<br />


1830-1845 67 Ukrainian 999 500 0 29<br />

1830-1900 12345 Ukrainian 999 500 0 29<br />

1845-1900 67 Russian 999 500 0 29<br />

2000-2015 6 Ukrainian 999 500 0 29<br />

2000-2030 345 Ukrainian 999 500 0 29

2000-2030 12 7 Russian 999 500 0 29<br />

2015-2030 6 Russian 999 500 0 29<br />

2030-2100 234567 Russian 999 500 0 29<br />

2030-2100 1 Belorussian 999 500 0 29<br />

1800-1830 1234567 Bulgarian 1548 1000 245 28<br />

1830-1845 1234567 Romani/Balka 1548 1000 245 28<br />

1845-1915 1234567 Romanian 1548 1000 245 28<br />

1915-1945 7 Macedonian 1548 1000 245 28<br />

1915-1945 6 Romanian 1548 1000 245 28<br />

1915-1945 12345 Romani/Vlax1548 1000 245 28<br />

1945-2000 1234567 Serbian 1548 1000 245 28<br />

Day 1 = Mon .. 7 = Sun<br />

(Updated: 06 Oct 20<strong>05</strong> TWR - EUR Vienna Office, Schraut, Oct 10)<br />

Vailed procedure by TWR officials; though TWR broadcasts via Gavar,<br />

Armenia deleted on this TWR frequency file.<br />

5855 1710-1840 30,31 ERV 100 78 ENG/KAZ ARM TWR // 864 kHz MW<br />

5855 1910-1940 30,31 ERV 100 100 PES ARM TWR<br />

Also Gavar-ARM 864 and 1350 kHz used in various ME/NE languages on other<br />

times of the day, see WRTH<strong>05</strong> un<strong>der</strong> ARMENIA internat. (wb, Oct 10)<br />

BAHRAIN 6125USB, CMF Radio 1, 0042-0112, Oct.7, Vernacular / English,<br />

Arabic mx w/ breaks for annmts in various langs, "Radio Mallumat" noted.<br />

YL in En at 0109, was able to copy a few phrases, "..please contact..",<br />

"..mariners around the world" and the freqs 6125, 9133, 15500 kHz and<br />

Rewards for Justice URL. Still going at t/out. Poor w/ peaks above static.<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Oct 8)<br />

9745, R. Bahrain, audible on USB at 2355 Sep 29 with AR mx; HCJB was just<br />

making its closing anmts. Bahrain was weaker but clearly audible, drowned<br />

out by CRI s/on at 0000 UT.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C Oct 9)<br />

BENIN 5025 ORTB, R Regionale, Parakou, 1830-2115, Sep 26 and Oct 02,<br />

French ID's and news, Afropop, 23432. It is better heard after R Tashkent<br />

moved its English broadcast to 5060.<br />

(Max van Arnhem and Mendez, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Oct 5)<br />

BHUTAN 6035, BBS, Thimpu, 0230-0300 Ut on Sep 16, OK signal, but audio<br />

modulation was low! (Sarathi-IND via dxld ibid.)<br />

On checking at 0<strong>05</strong>8, hear tone modulated opening carrier, 0100 s/on<br />

procedure. So it is very much on SW. Signals fair, but by 0130 fade-out<br />

here near the equator. Will get stronger as the sun goes down to the<br />

Southern Hemisphere. Cannot hear it around 1200-1400, too much QRM.<br />

(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Oct 5)<br />

BRAZIL/DRM Mr Rudolph Grimm (Brazil) sent me some days ago information<br />

abt DRM reception in North America that showed up at the A-<strong>DX</strong>-Liste.<br />

Well, just to let you know that since last year I've been receiveing DRM<br />

in Sao Bernardo do Campo (S Paulo State, Brazil, GG66RF). I've been able<br />

to listen to most of the transmitions above 3995KHz here (including 3995).<br />

I received a QSL card from RTL (6095KHz) station that I listen in an<br />

almost daily basis after 00:00 UTC (depends on HF propagation of course<br />

... I'm writing this e-mail listening to RTL 6095KHz, mxal tones<br />

identification as everyday from 0245 to 0300 UTC).<br />

I'm organizing a web page on my web site with the DRM<br />

audio, screen snapshots from deco<strong>der</strong>, Journaline and Image contents. For<br />

now, some audio and snapshots at <br />

I guess the only missing stations above 3995 kHz are the Campus Radio at<br />

26000 and 26012 kHz and the recent Luxembourg on 25795 kHz. But I received

iteXpress already, DW in several times and freqs, Kuwait, Taldom, TDF<br />

Radio, RTL, RTL-DRM2, B<strong>BC</strong>, C<strong>BC</strong>, VOR, RNW ...<br />

Missing some odd time schedules too due to working hours / propagation.<br />

Mostly Taiwan, Japan, etc.<br />

My conditions are:<br />

- Receiver: Home made quadrature sampling detector (QSD) + DDS local<br />

oscilator (simlar to SDR1000 hardware)<br />

- DrEAm software on a Pentium 2.8 GHz on I/Q mode.<br />

- Antennas: mag loop from 10 to 30 MHz, inverted L from 1.8 to 7 MHz,<br />

inverted vee dipole for 7 ... 10 MHz. Regards.<br />

(Marcus Ramos-Brazil PY3CRX/PY2PLL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 7)<br />

R Novas de Paz, Curitiba 9515 kHz Oct 3 21<strong>05</strong> UT with many other Brazilian<br />

stations in the 31 mb. Reception was poor to fair.<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, hcdx Oct 6)<br />

CHAD 6165 Rdiff.Nat.Tchadienne Oct 01 1925-1945 33333-34333 French,<br />

Talk and news, 1928 Drum's IS?, ID at 1927 etc.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

CHINA 9570 on 1 Oct at 0333 UT and later, SINPO 35222. It took some time<br />

to determine what program I heard. Nagoya <strong>DX</strong> Club's web page suggests CNR-<br />

2, but the program was different. A man spoke to the audience in a Turkic<br />

lang, alternating with another man who interpreted this speech in Chinese.<br />

That was not in // to CNR-2 freqs 15570 and 11915 kHz, audible here at<br />

these morning hours. CNR-8 has a Mongolian program at this time (language<br />

doesn't fit), so I had to conclude that my station was Xinjiang PBS.<br />

Indeed, it was Uighur sce from Urumqi, // to 13670 kHz. Another parallel,<br />

9560 kHz, was discovered after 0400. 11885 and 7275 kHz, both listed in<br />

Nagoya sked, were silent. Did Xinjiang replace one of them with 9570 kHz?<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, RUS<strong>DX</strong>signal Oct 7)<br />

7230 Xinjiang PBS, Mongolian Service *0000 "5+1" pips, "East Is Red"<br />

twice on vibraphone, IDs in presumed Mongolian by woman and man, "EIR"<br />

twice more and into talk; weak and choppy with mo<strong>der</strong>ate dual-path echo.<br />

WRTH, PWBR, and HFCC all list s/on as 2330, but it signed on at 0000 both<br />

Oct. 5 and 7. (Bob Hill-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 9)<br />

49<strong>05</strong> & 4920, Xizang PBS, Lhasa, surprisingly good at 1100 Oct 7 with talk<br />

by M&W and background mx, 49<strong>05</strong> slightly the better of the two.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 9)<br />

COLOMBIA 6139.81 R.Li<strong>der</strong>, 1014-1033, Oct 7, Spanish, Rough copy at t/in<br />

of OM w/ talks and mx. Improved by 1025 w/ full "Desde Bogata,<br />

Colombia..Radio Li<strong>der</strong>" ID annmt at 1030 UT. Poor/fair.<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Oct 8)<br />

CONGO 5985 Again a night where conds worsened - all bands almost faded<br />

out here yesterday evening with 49mb almost down from ard 2100 UT. These<br />

conds also allow strange things to happen like on 5985 kHz where I<br />

listened to Radio Congo with good signal until 1900 when Russian came on<br />

the channel with a huge signal so I looked for other stations. But in<br />

passing 5985 agn 15 mins later I noticed that Brazzaville had taken over<br />

completely again.<br />

Jordan 61<strong>05</strong> in Arabic stronger than usual and 'survived' the fade out and<br />

continued strong 1930-2235+ UT. Asia kept coming in on 31mb with rather<br />

strong VOV 9830 at 2<strong>05</strong>5 UT English into French 2100 and R Thailand Udon<br />

9680 in Thai -2115* UT.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 8)

COSTA RICA 11815 R. Exterior de Espana via Cariari de Pococi. Oct.1 at<br />

2158-2210. SINPO24332. Interview in Spanish till 2159, then mx. Nx after<br />

time pips for 2200 UT.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Oct 7)<br />

CROATIA Croatian Radio - unknown transmitter on 1143 kHz. Croatian Radio<br />

- The Voice of Croatia (incl. HR 1) can be heard on a new frequency of<br />

1143 kHz. The signal is quite strong in my location.<br />

I can hear all other croatian (HR) MW transmitters but Osijek (= Osiyek)<br />

594 kHz. Is it because of a strong German transmitter on this frequency or<br />

because Osijek was retuned to 1143 kHz? Osijek should have only 10 kW on<br />

594 kHz (see WRTH 20<strong>05</strong>, p. 506), but the transmitter on 1143 kHz seems to<br />

be stronger.<br />

No change mentioned on the HR web no response yet to my e-<br />

mail sent to their technical department ...<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, mwdx Oct 10)<br />

The Croatian transmitter network operator OIV confirmed that the<br />

transmitter in Osijek on 594 (HR Glas Hrvatske) was moved to 1143 kHz. The<br />

power is 10 kW. OIV is planning to perform DRM tests on 594 towards the<br />

end of this year.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx Oct 10)<br />

DJIBOUTI 4780, RTD, strong at 2145 Oct 7, animated talk, HoA mx; upbeat<br />

intro theme to nx at 2201. (Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 9)<br />

ECUADOR/GERMANY Lieber Volker [Willschrey],<br />

lei<strong>der</strong> koennen wir doch nur eine Stunde auf 21455 kHz senden, weil WYFR<br />

auf dieser QRG um 1600 UT auf Sendung geht. Anbei die korrigierte Fassung.<br />

Herzlichst aus Quito, Horst [Rosiak]. Radio HCJB, Die Stimme <strong>der</strong> Anden.<br />

(HCJB German, via Volker Willschrey, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 6)<br />

Aktueller Auszug aus dem Monatsbrief von Radio HCJB.<br />

Am 30.10.<strong>05</strong> werden die Frequenzen fuer Europa wie<strong>der</strong> umgestellt. Die<br />

Morgensendungen von Pifo nach Europa werden fuer die Wintermonate<br />

eingestellt, weil <strong>der</strong> Empfang erfahrungsgemaess sehr schlecht ist.<br />

Die plattdeutschen Sendungen nach Zentral- und Nordamerika werden zeitlich<br />

um eine Stunde nach hinten verschoben.<br />

Sie werden um 0300 UT (das ist 21.00 Uhr mittelmexikanische Zeit) auf 9780<br />

kHz nach den hochdeutschen Sendungen zu hoeren sein.<br />

Die HCJB-Antennen in Pifo muessen wegen des zukuenftigen Flughafens nun<br />

doch alle abmontiert werden. Ob und in welchem Umfang sie an an<strong>der</strong>er<br />

Stelle wie<strong>der</strong> aufgebaut werden, ist noch nicht geklaert. Wie es fuer den<br />

Deutschen Dienst in Quito dann weiter geht, ist ungewiss.<br />

Sendeplan vom 31.10.20<strong>05</strong> bis 25.03.2006<br />

Deutsch 1530-1600 21455 kHz/USB 10 kW<br />

1630-1700 3955 kHz 100 kW DTK Juelich Germany<br />

Mennoniten-Platt 1500-1530 21455 kHz/USB 10 kW<br />

1600-1630 3955 kHz 100 kW DTK Juelich Germany<br />

(Radio HCJB, Die Stimme <strong>der</strong> Anden, Oct 6)<br />

ETHIOPIA 5500 V.of Tigray revolution Oct 04 *1456-1508 44444-45433<br />

Tigre, 1456 sign on with IS, ID at 1400, Opening mx, Opening announce,<br />

Talk.<br />

9704.2 R.Ethiopia Oct 04 1613-1622 33432 Amharic, Ethiopian pops mx, //<br />

5990 kHz.

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

6940 R.Fana, 0324-0332, Oct.7, Vernacular, Horn of Africa mx and talks.<br />

Mx bit and diff. OM and YL w/ much weaker audio at BoH. No ID noted. Good.<br />

// 6210-fair. Wanted to listen longer but too darned tired!<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Oct 8)<br />

ETHIOPIA [ERITREA Cland] 5500 V.of Peace & Democracy Eritrea Oct 04<br />

*1416-1451* 35433-45433 Tigrigna, 1416 sign on with IS, ID, Opening mx,<br />

Opening announce, Local mx and talk, 1451 sign off.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

GABON 4777 Rdiff.TV.Gabonaise (pres) Oct 04 1651-1658* 33332-32332<br />

French?, African pops mx, 1658 sign off.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

GERMANY [Belgium] Today I checked 5975 for the reported Saturdays-only<br />

txion of TNT Radio and found it already in progress at 1358 UT tune-in.<br />

Website of this station is<br />

<br />

(to avoid Flash intro), and there the schedule is indeed given as 1000-<br />

1600. I noted some timechecks, suggesting that this txion is live, i.e. //<br />

FM. The modulation leaves something to be desired with a quite narrow<br />

audio bandwith, specifically an almost entirely suppressed bass range. I<br />

think Juelich otherwhise sounds different, but perhaps this was a<br />

Wertachtal tx (where I also noted quite a difference between 6075 and<br />

Croatian until 1415 on 7170 kHz, by the way)?<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 8)<br />

DW in B<strong>05</strong> season [FM entries deleted on this list, wb.]<br />


ALBANIAN 810 1200-1230 100 OVCE POLE 0ND EUR<br />

ALBANIAN 810 1600-1630 100 OVCE POLE 0ND EUR<br />

ALBANIAN 1215 0645-0700 500 FLLAKA 0ND EUR<br />

ALBANIAN 6045 0630-0700 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

ALBANIAN 7175 1200-1230 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

ALBANIAN 7195 0630-0700 125 NAUEN 135 EUR<br />

ALBANIAN 7210 1600-1630 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

ALBANIAN 9770 1200-1230 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

ALBANIAN 15470 1600-1630 250 SINES 075 EUR<br />

AMHARIC 11810 1400-1450 250 KIGALI 030 C/EAF<br />

AMHARIC 15225 1400-1450 250 TRINCOMALE 270 C/EAF<br />

ARABIC 1350 2100-2200 999 EREVAN 232 ME<br />

ARABIC 59<strong>05</strong> 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 500 WERTACHTAL 210 ME<br />

ARABIC 6035 0400-0430 250 SINES 095 ME<br />

ARABIC 6035 0430-0457 250 SINES 095 ME<br />

ARABIC 6130 2000-2100 500 NAUEN 210 NAF<br />

ARABIC 6130 2000-2100 500 WERTACHTAL 135 ME<br />

ARABIC 6130 2100-2200 500 NAUEN 210 NAF<br />

ARABIC 6130 2100-2200 500 WERTACHTAL 135 ME<br />

ARABIC 7230 1800-1900 500 WERTACHTAL 135 ME<br />

ARABIC 7230 1900-2000 500 WERTACHTAL 135 ME<br />

ARABIC 7320 0400-0430 500 WERTACHTAL 120 ME<br />

ARABIC 9495 2000-2100 250 SINES 095 NAF<br />

ARABIC 9495 2100-2157 250 SINES 095 NAF<br />

ARABIC 11690 0400-0430 250 KIGALI 030 ME<br />

ARABIC 11890 2000-2100 250 TRINCOMALE 300 ME<br />

ARABIC 11890 2100-2159 250 TRINCOMALE 300 ME<br />

ARABIC 12045 1800-1900 250 KIGALI 030 ME<br />

ARABIC 12045 1900-1957 250 KIGALI 030 ME<br />

ARABIC 13660 1800-1900 250 TRINCOMALE 300 ME<br />

ARABIC 13660 1900-1959 250 TRINCOMALE 300 ME<br />

ARABIC 152<strong>05</strong> 1800-1900 250 KIGALI 325 ME<br />

ARABIC 152<strong>05</strong> 1900-1957 250 KIGALI 325 ME

BENGALI 7285 0100-0200 500 WERTACHTAL 090 SAS<br />

BENGALI 9615 0100-0200 250 TRINCOMALE 015 SAS<br />

BOSNIAN 6045 0700-0715 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

BOSNIAN 6130 1700-1715 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

BOSNIAN 7175 1300-1330 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

BOSNIAN 7195 0700-0715 125 NAUEN 135 EUR<br />

BOSNIAN 9770 1300-1330 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

BOSNIAN 15470 1700-1715 250 SINES 065 EUR<br />

BULGARIAN 7195 0600-0630 125 NAUEN 135 EUR<br />

BULGARIAN 7200 <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 250 SINES <strong>05</strong>5 EUR<br />

BULGARIAN 9770 1230-1300 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

BULGARIAN 11970 1030-1100 125 NAUEN 128 EUR<br />

CHINESE 5915 2300-2350 500 IRKUTSK 152 CHN<br />

CHINESE 5995 2300-2350 250 DHABAYYA 065 CHN<br />

CHINESE 62<strong>05</strong> 1030-1<strong>05</strong>5 250 KOMSOMOLSK 213 CHN<br />

CHINESE 6225 1300-1350 200 NOVOSIBIR. 111 CHN<br />

CHINESE 6225 2300-2350 500 ALMA ATA 094 CHN<br />

CHINESE 13735 1300-1350 100 KRANJI 013 CHN<br />

CHINESE 15145 1030-1<strong>05</strong>5 250 TRINCOMALE 0<strong>05</strong> FE<br />

CHINESE 15190 1030-1<strong>05</strong>5 100 KRANJI 013 CHN<br />

CHINESE 15330 1300-1350 250 TRINCOMALE 015 CHN<br />

CHINESE 15490 1300-1350 250 TRINCOMALE 045 CHN<br />

CHINESE 17820 1030-1<strong>05</strong>5 250 TRINCOMALE 045 CHN<br />

CROATIAN 7175 1330-1400 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

CROATIAN 7175 1500-1515 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

CROATIAN 9770 0900-0915 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

DARI 15145 0830-0900 500 KRASNODAR 110 ME<br />

DARI 15640 1330-1400 500 WERTACHTAL 090 ME<br />

DARI 17610 1330-1400 500 WERTACHTAL 090 ME<br />

DARI 17710 0830-0900 250 TRINCOMALE 335 ME<br />

ENGLISH 1548 0000-0100 400 TRINCOMALE 035 SAS<br />

ENGLISH 1548 1600-1700 400 TRINCOMALE 035 SAS<br />

ENGLISH 5960 2000-2<strong>05</strong>7 250 KIGALI 0ND C/EAF<br />

ENGLISH 6030 0000-0<strong>05</strong>9 250 TRINCOMALE 015 SAS<br />

ENGLISH 6070 2300-0000 250 TRINCOMALE 075 SEAS<br />

ENGLISH 6140 0600-0700 100 JUELICH 175 EUR<br />

ENGLISH 6140 0700-0800 100 JUELICH 175 EUR<br />

ENGLISH 6140 0800-0900 100 JUELICH 175 EUR<br />

ENGLISH 6140 0900-1000 100 JUELICH 175 EUR<br />

ENGLISH 6140 1300-1400 100 JUELICH 175 EUR<br />

ENGLISH 6140 1400-1500 100 JUELICH 175 EUR<br />

ENGLISH 6140 1500-1600 100 JUELICH 175 EUR<br />

ENGLISH 6170 1600-1659 250 TRINCOMALE 015 SAS<br />

ENGLISH 6180 0400-0457 250 KIGALI 0ND C/EAF<br />

ENGLISH 6180 2200-2259 250 TRINCOMALE 060 FE<br />

ENGLISH 6225 2200-2300 500 ALMA ATA 094 FE<br />

ENGLISH 7225 0600-0700 250 SINES 150 WAF<br />

ENGLISH 7225 0600-0700 500 WERTACHTAL 210 WAF<br />

ENGLISH 7225 1600-1659 125 TRINCOMALE 345 SAS<br />

ENGLISH 7285 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 500 WERTACHTAL 165 C/EAF<br />

ENGLISH 7290 0000-0100 500 WERTACHTAL 090 SAS<br />

ENGLISH 7345 2100-2200 500 WERTACHTAL 210 WAF<br />

ENGLISH 9565 <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>57 250 KIGALI 0ND C/EAF<br />

ENGLISH 9615 2100-2200 250 TRINCOMALE 270 WAF<br />

ENGLISH 9660 2000-2<strong>05</strong>7 250 KIGALI 295 AF<br />

ENGLISH 9675 2000-2100 500 WERTACHTAL 165 C/SAF<br />

ENGLISH 9710 0400-0459 500 WERTACHTAL 150 AF<br />

ENGLISH 9815 2300-0000 250 TRINCOMALE 1<strong>05</strong> SEAS<br />

ENGLISH 9865 2300-0000 250 KIGALI 085 SEAS<br />

ENGLISH 11690 2100-2200 250 KIGALI 295 WAF<br />

ENGLISH 11695 1600-1700 500 WERTACHTAL 090 SAS<br />

ENGLISH 11785 0600-0700 500 WERTACHTAL 195 WAF<br />

ENGLISH 11865 1900-1957 250 SINES 110 C/EAF<br />

ENGLISH 12025 1900-2000 500 WERTACHTAL 150 C/EAF

ENGLISH 12025 2000-2100 500 WERTACHTAL 150 C/SAF<br />

ENGLISH 12035 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 250 KIGALI 180 C/SAF<br />

ENGLISH 15410 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 250 DHABAYYA 230 AF<br />

ENGLISH 15410 0600-0700 250 KIGALI 295 WAF<br />

ENGLISH 15410 2000-2100 250 TRINCOMALE 255 C/SAF<br />

ENGLISH 15445 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 250 TRINCOMALE 270 C/EAF<br />

ENGLISH 15470 1900-1957 250 SINES 125 C/EAF<br />

FRENCH 9670 1700-1757 250 KIGALI ND C/EAF<br />

FRENCH 9735 1700-1800 500 NAUEN 2<strong>05</strong> WAF<br />

FRENCH 9810 1600-1657 250 KIGALI 115 EAF<br />

FRENCH 12035 1600-1659 250 SINES 1<strong>05</strong> WAF<br />

FRENCH 12035 1700-1759 500 WERTACHTAL 195 WAF<br />

FRENCH 13645 1700-1800 500 WERTACHTAL 165 AF<br />

FRENCH 15145 1600-1657 250 KIGALI 0ND C/EAF<br />

FRENCH 15275 1600-1659 500 WERTACHTAL 180 WAF<br />

FRENCH 15410 1200-1300 250 KIGALI 0ND AF<br />

FRENCH 15410 1700-1757 250 KIGALI 295 WAF<br />

FRENCH 15470 1200-1300 250 SINES 1<strong>05</strong> NAF<br />

FRENCH 17610 1200-1259 500 WERTACHTAL 210 WAF<br />

FRENCH 17610 1600-1700 500 WERTACHTAL 210 WAF<br />

FRENCH 17800 1200-1300 250 KIGALI 295 AF<br />

FRENCH 21665 1200-1300 500 WERTACHTAL 180 AF<br />

GERMAN 693 0600-0700 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU<br />

GERMAN 693 0800-1000 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU<br />

GERMAN 693 1000-1200 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU<br />

GERMAN 693 1200-1400 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU<br />

GERMAN 693 1400-1500 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU<br />

GERMAN 693 2100-2200 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU<br />

GERMAN 693 2200-2300 010 MOSKVA 0ND MOSKAU<br />

GERMAN 1188 0600-0700 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG<br />

GERMAN 1188 0800-1000 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG<br />

GERMAN 1188 1000-1200 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG<br />

GERMAN 1188 1200-1400 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG<br />

GERMAN 1188 1400-1500 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG<br />

GERMAN 1188 2100-2200 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG<br />

GERMAN 1188 2200-2300 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG<br />

GERMAN 1548 1200-1400 400 TRINCOMALE 035 SAS<br />

GERMAN 1548 1400-1429 400 TRINCOMALE 035 SAS<br />

GERMAN 1548 1700-1800 400 TRINCOMALE 035 SAS<br />

GERMAN 5895 2200-0000 200 NOVOSIBIR. 111 FE<br />

GERMAN 59<strong>05</strong> 1000-1200 250 BONAIRE 0ND CAM<br />

GERMAN 5910 1000-1200 250 PETROPAVL. 247 FE<br />

GERMAN 6075 0000-0200 250 SINES 040 EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 0000-0200 250 SINES 295 N/CAM<br />

GERMAN 6075 0000-0200 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 0200-0400 250 SINES 040 EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 0200-0400 500 NAUEN 120 SEUR/ME<br />

GERMAN 6075 0200-0400 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 0400-0600 250 SINES 040 EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 0400-0600 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 0600-0755 250 SINES 040 EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 0600-0800 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 0800-1000 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 1000-1200 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 1200-1400 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 1400-1600 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 1600-1659 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 1600-1800 500 WERTACHTAL 135 SEUR/ME<br />

GERMAN 6075 1700-1800 250 SINES 040 EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 1700-1800 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 1800-1959 500 WERTACHTAL 180 NAF<br />

GERMAN 6075 1800-2000 250 SINES 040 EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 1800-2000 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 2000-2155 250 SINES 040 EUR

GERMAN 6075 2000-2200 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 2155-2200 250 SINES 040 EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 2200-0000 250 SINES 040 EUR<br />

GERMAN 6075 2200-0000 500 WERTACHTAL 0ND EUR<br />

GERMAN 6100 0200-0400 250 BONAIRE 3<strong>05</strong> NAM<br />

GERMAN 6145 0200-0400 500 WERTACHTAL 315 N/CAM<br />

GERMAN 7150 0400-0600 500 WERTACHTAL 150 AF<br />

GERMAN 7150 0600-0800 500 WERTACHTAL 030 SEUR/ME<br />

GERMAN 7150 0800-1000 500 WERTACHTAL 300 SEUR/ME<br />

GERMAN 7170 1800-2000 250 KIGALI 210 AF<br />

GERMAN 7395 2200-0000 500 ALMA ATA 131 SAS/SEAS<br />

GERMAN 7400 1000-1200 250 IRKUTSK 152 FE<br />

GERMAN 7430 0000-0200 500 KRASNODAR 110 SAS<br />

GERMAN 9535 1600-1755 250 KIGALI 180 SAF<br />

GERMAN 9545 0000-0200 250 BONAIRE 350 N/CAM<br />

GERMAN 9545 0600-0800 500 NAUEN 230 SWEUR<br />

GERMAN 9545 0600-0800 500 WERTACHTAL 120 SEUR/ME<br />

GERMAN 9545 0800-1000 500 NAUEN 230 SWEUR<br />

GERMAN 9545 0800-1000 500 WERTACHTAL 150 SEUR/ME<br />

GERMAN 9545 1000-1200 500 NAUEN 230 SWEUR<br />

GERMAN 9545 1200-1400 500 NAUEN 230 SWEUR<br />

GERMAN 9545 1400-1600 500 NAUEN 230 SWEUR<br />

GERMAN 9545 1600-1800 500 NAUEN 230 SWEUR<br />

GERMAN 9545 1800-2000 500 NAUEN 230 SWEUR<br />

GERMAN 9545 2000-2200 500 NAUEN 230 SWEUR<br />

GERMAN 9545 2200-0000 500 WERTACHTAL 240 WAF<br />

GERMAN 9655 0000-0155 250 KIGALI 295 CAM<br />

GERMAN 9715 0000-0200 250 TRINCOMALE 345 SAS<br />

GERMAN 9735 0600-0800 500 WERTACHTAL 255 OC<br />

GERMAN 9735 1800-1959 500 WERTACHTAL 195 WAF<br />

GERMAN 9875 0200-0355 250 KIGALI 310 WAF/AM<br />

GERMAN 11510 1000-1200 500 ALMA ATA 121 OC<br />

GERMAN 11690 0000-0200 250 KIGALI 265 CAM<br />

GERMAN 11690 2200-0000 250 KIGALI 265 CAM<br />

GERMAN 11865 0600-0700 250 KIGALI 210 AF<br />

GERMAN 11865 2200-2355 250 SINES 230 LA<br />

GERMAN 11935 2000-2100 250 TRINCOMALE 120 SEAS/OC<br />

GERMAN 11935 2100-2157 250 KIGALI 115 SEAS/OC<br />

GERMAN 12035 1200-1400 250 BONAIRE 350 N/CAM<br />

GERMAN 12045 0600-0800 500 WERTACHTAL 075 SEUR/ME<br />

GERMAN 13780 0400-0600 500 KRASNODAR 188 AF<br />

GERMAN 13780 0600-0800 500 WERTACHTAL 195 WAF<br />

GERMAN 13780 0800-1000 500 WERTACHTAL 120 SEUR/ME<br />

GERMAN 13780 0800-1000 500 WERTACHTAL 255 OC<br />

GERMAN 13780 1000-1200 500 WERTACHTAL 120 SEUR/ME<br />

GERMAN 13780 1200-1359 500 WERTACHTAL 120 SEUR/ME<br />

GERMAN 13780 1400-1559 250 TRINCOMALE 300 SEUR/ME<br />

GERMAN 13780 1600-1759 250 TRINCOMALE 270 SEUR/ME<br />

GERMAN 13855 1400-1600 500 WERTACHTAL 120 SEUR/ME<br />

GERMAN 15110 1000-1200 250 TRINCOMALE 120 OC<br />

GERMAN 15275 1400-1555 250 KIGALI 030 ME/EAF<br />

GERMAN 15275 1800-2000 250 KIGALI 295 AF<br />

GERMAN 15445 1400-1600 250 BONAIRE 320 NAM<br />

GERMAN 15475 1200-1400 250 TRINCOMALE 355 SAS<br />

GERMAN 17480 1200-1400 250 SAMARA 140 SAS<br />

GERMAN 17630 1200-1400 500 NAUEN 080 SAS/SEAS<br />

GERMAN 17710 0700-0800 500 WERTACHTAL 180 AF<br />

GERMAN 17710 1200-1357 250 SINES 295 N/CAM<br />

GERMAN 17770 1000-1157 250 SINES 225 LA<br />

GERMAN 17770 1000-1200 250 WERTACHTAL 240 LA<br />

GERMAN 17800 0400-0600 250 TRINCOMALE 240 AF<br />

GERMAN 21640 0800-1000 250 TRINCOMALE 120 SEAS/OC<br />

GERMAN 21840 1000-1200 500 NAUEN 085 SEAS/OC<br />

HAUSA 7240 0630-0700 250 SINES 150 WAF

HAUSA 9430 1800-1900 500 WERTACHTAL 180 WAF<br />

HAUSA 9565 0630-0700 500 WERTACHTAL 180 WAF<br />

HAUSA 11615 1800-1857 250 SINES 145 WAF<br />

HAUSA 12015 1800-1900 250 KIGALI 295 AF<br />

HAUSA 12025 0630-0700 250 KIGALI 295 WAF<br />

HAUSA 15410 1300-1350 250 KIGALI 310 AF<br />

HAUSA 17800 1300-1350 250 KIGALI 295 AF<br />

HAUSA 21665 1300-1350 500 WERTACHTAL 180 AF<br />

HINDI 1548 1515-1600 400 TRINCOMALE 035 SAS<br />

HINDI 7225 1515-1600 250 TRINCOMALE 345 SAS<br />

HINDI 9585 1515-1559 250 TRINCOMALE 015 SAS<br />

HINDI 13590 1515-1559 500 WERTACHTAL 090 SAS<br />

INDONESIAN 9610 2200-2250 250 TRINCOMALE 1<strong>05</strong> SEAS<br />

INDONESIAN 9655 1200-1250 250 TRINCOMALE 120 SEAS<br />

INDONESIAN 9720 2200-2250 250 KIGALI 085 SEAS<br />

INDONESIAN 12035 2200-2250 250 KIGALI 085 SEAS<br />

INDONESIAN 15250 1200-1250 250 TRINCOMALE 1<strong>05</strong> SEAS<br />

INDONESIAN 17820 1200-1250 250 DHABAYYA 1<strong>05</strong> SEAS<br />

MACEDONIAN 810 0730-0800 100 OVCE POLE 0ND EUR<br />

MACEDONIAN 810 1000-1030 100 OVCE POLE 0ND EUR<br />

MACEDONIAN 7175 1400-1430 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

MACEDONIAN 9615 0730-0800 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

MACEDONIAN 9770 1000-1030 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

PASHTO 15145 0800-0830 500 KRASNODAR 110 ME<br />

PASHTO 15640 1400-1430 500 WERTACHTAL 090 ME<br />

PASHTO 17610 1400-1430 500 WERTACHTAL 090 ME<br />

PASHTO 17710 0800-0830 250 TRINCOMALE 335 ME<br />

PERSIAN 6225 1730-1930 250 KRASNODAR 128 ME<br />

PERSIAN 6245 1730-1930 250 NOVOSIBIR. 240 ME<br />

PERSIAN 7175 1800-1900 500 NAUEN 1<strong>05</strong> ME<br />

POLISH 7240 1730-1759 500 SINES 040 EUR<br />

PORTUGUESE 9545 <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>45 500 WERTACHTAL 165 AF<br />

PORTUGUESE 9755 <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>45 250 KIGALI 180 AF<br />

ROMANES 119<strong>05</strong> 1130-1200 500 WERTACHTAL 1<strong>05</strong> SEUR/ME<br />

ROMANES 15275 1130-1200 500 WERTACHTAL 1<strong>05</strong> SEUR/ME<br />

ROMANIAN 11970 1100-1300 125 NAUEN 128 EUR<br />

RUSSIAN 693 0300-0400 010 MOSKVA ND MOSKAU<br />

RUSSIAN 693 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 010 MOSKVA ND MOSKAU<br />

RUSSIAN 693 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 010 MOSKVA ND MOSKAU<br />

RUSSIAN 693 0700-0800 010 MOSKVA ND MOSKAU<br />

RUSSIAN 693 1500-1600 010 MOSKVA ND MOSKAU<br />

RUSSIAN 693 1600-1700 010 MOSKVA ND MOSKAU<br />

RUSSIAN 693 1700-1800 010 MOSKVA ND MOSKAU<br />

RUSSIAN 693 1800-1900 010 MOSKVA ND MOSKAU<br />

RUSSIAN 693 1900-2000 010 MOSKVA ND MOSKAU<br />

RUSSIAN 693 2000-2100 010 MOSKVA ND MOSKAU<br />

RUSSIAN 999 0600-0630 500 GRIGORIOPO 0ND CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 999 1600-1700 500 GRIGORIOPO 0ND CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 999 1900-2000 500 GRIGORIOPO 0ND CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 1188 0300-0400 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG<br />

RUSSIAN 1188 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG<br />

RUSSIAN 1188 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG<br />

RUSSIAN 1188 0700-0800 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG<br />

RUSSIAN 1188 1500-1600 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG<br />

RUSSIAN 1188 1600-1700 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG<br />

RUSSIAN 1188 1700-1800 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG<br />

RUSSIAN 1188 1800-1900 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG<br />

RUSSIAN 1188 1900-2000 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG<br />

RUSSIAN 1188 2000-2100 010 ST.PETERB. 0ND PETERSBG<br />

RUSSIAN 59<strong>05</strong> 0200-0300 500 WERTACHTAL 075 ZAS<br />

RUSSIAN 59<strong>05</strong> 0300-0400 500 WERTACHTAL 075 ZAS<br />

RUSSIAN 5910 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 500 WERTACHTAL 045 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 5910 0600-0630 500 WERTACHTAL 045 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 5925 0100-0200 500 WERTACHTAL 060 CIS

RUSSIAN 5945 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 5980 1700-1800 500 WERTACHTAL 045 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 5980 1800-1900 500 WERTACHTAL 045 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 5980 1900-2000 500 WERTACHTAL 045 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 5980 2000-2100 500 WERTACHTAL 045 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 6180 2000-2100 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 7145 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 7145 1500-1600 500 WERTACHTAL 060 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 7145 1600-1700 500 WERTACHTAL 060 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 7145 1700-1800 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 7145 1800-1900 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 7145 1900-2000 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 7145 2000-2<strong>05</strong>7 250 SINES 045 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 73<strong>05</strong> 0200-0300 500 NAUEN 090 ZAS<br />

RUSSIAN 73<strong>05</strong> <strong>05</strong>00-0600 500 NAUEN 060 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 73<strong>05</strong> 0600-0630 500 NAUEN 060 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 9715 1500-1600 500 WERTACHTAL 045 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 9715 1600-1659 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 9715 1600-1700 500 WERTACHTAL 045 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 9715 1700-1800 250 TRINCOMALE 345 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 9715 1800-1900 250 TRINCOMALE 345 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 9715 1900-1959 250 TRINCOMALE 345 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 11720 1500-1559 500 WERTACHTAL 075 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 15110 0400-0457 250 KIGALI 030 ZAS<br />

RUSSIAN 15145 0100-0200 250 PETROPAVL. 263 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 15335 0100-0200 200 VLADIVOST. 320 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 15335 0200-0300 250 TRINCOMALE 345 ZAS<br />

RUSSIAN 15335 0300-0359 250 TRINCOMALE 345 ZAS<br />

RUSSIAN 15595 0100-0200 250 TRINCOMALE 025 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 17700 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 250 KIGALI 360 CIS<br />

RUSSIAN 17700 0600-0627 250 KIGALI 360 CIS<br />

SERBIAN 810 1030-1100 100 OVCE POLE 0ND EUR<br />

SERBIAN 1458 2100-2115 500 FLLAKA 004 EUR<br />

SERBIAN 6045 0715-0730 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

SERBIAN 7175 1030-1100 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

SERBIAN 7175 1430-1500 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

SERBIAN 7195 0715-0730 125 NAUEN 135 EUR<br />

SERBIAN 7245 2100-2115 250 SINES 065 EUR<br />

SERBIAN 9770 1030-1100 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

SERBIAN 9770 1430-1500 125 WERTACHTAL 120 EUR<br />

SERBIAN 119<strong>05</strong> 2100-2115 250 KIGALI 345 EUR<br />

SWAHILI 6180 0300-0400 250 KIGALI 210 AF<br />

SWAHILI 7150 0300-0359 500 WERTACHTAL 150 AF<br />

SWAHILI 9565 0300-0400 250 SINES 140 AF<br />

SWAHILI 9735 1500-1557 250 KIGALI ND AF<br />

SWAHILI 9875 1000-1<strong>05</strong>0 250 KIGALI 265 AF<br />

SWAHILI 12025 1500-1557 250 KIGALI 180 AF<br />

SWAHILI 12045 1000-1<strong>05</strong>0 250 KIGALI ND AF<br />

SWAHILI 15410 1000-1<strong>05</strong>0 250 KIGALI 180 AF<br />

SWAHILI 15445 0300-0359 250 TRINCOMALE 255 C/EAF<br />

SWAHILI 21780 1000-1<strong>05</strong>0 500 WERTACHTAL 165 AF<br />

SWAHILI 21840 1500-1559 500 WERTACHTAL 165 AF<br />

TURKISH 9615 0630-0700 500 WERTACHTAL 1<strong>05</strong> SEUR/ME<br />

TURKISH 9790 1530-1600 500 NAUEN 125 SEUR/ME<br />

TURKISH 119<strong>05</strong> 0630-0700 500 WERTACHTAL 1<strong>05</strong> SEUR/ME<br />

TURKISH 119<strong>05</strong> 1130-1200 500 WERTACHTAL 1<strong>05</strong> SEUR/ME<br />

TURKISH 15275 1130-1200 500 WERTACHTAL 1<strong>05</strong> SEUR/ME<br />

TURKISH 15470 1530-1600 250 SINES 075 SEUR/ME<br />

UKRAINIAN 999 <strong>05</strong>30-0600 500 GRIGORIOPO 0ND CIS<br />

UKRAINIAN 5945 <strong>05</strong>30-0600 500 WERTACHTAL 075 EUR<br />

UKRAINIAN 7200 <strong>05</strong>30-<strong>05</strong>59 250 SINES <strong>05</strong>5 EUR<br />

URDU 1548 1430-1515 400 TRINCOMALE 035 SAS<br />

URDU 7225 1430-1515 250 TRINCOMALE 345 SAS<br />

URDU 9440 1700-1730 500 WERTACHTAL 090 ME

URDU 11695 1700-1730 250 TRINCOMALE 335 ME<br />

URDU 13590 1430-1515 500 WERTACHTAL 090 SAS<br />

(AD<strong>DX</strong>, via Andreas Volk-D, Oct 7)<br />

6045 Evangeliums-Radio-Hamburg (EVR) ceases radio programmes for ever.<br />

Very last txion on Oct 23 at 0858-1000 UT via DTK Juelich, 100 kW non-dir.<br />

EVR-Presseinfo Einstellung des Sendebetriebes zum 23.10.20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Am 23.10.20<strong>05</strong> strahlt Evangeliums-Radio-Hamburg (EVR) seine letzte<br />

Radiosendung aus. Nach ueber 16 Jahren geht damit eine Aera christlichen<br />

Rundfunks in Deutschland zu Ende. Insgesamt wurden zwischen 1989 und 20<strong>05</strong><br />

rund 800 Sendungen produziert und ausgestrahlt. In den letzten beiden<br />

Jahren konzentrierte sich Evangeliums-Radio-Hamburg auf die Auslotung<br />

neuer Sendemoeglichkeiten ueber das digitale Kurzwellen-Radio (DRM) und<br />

das Internet.<br />

Nach einer Testphase entschied sich <strong>der</strong> EVR-Vorstand in diesem Sommer, die<br />

Testphase nicht zu verlaengern und sein analoges Kurzwellen-Programm im<br />

Oktober 20<strong>05</strong> einzustellen. Ein so kleiner uneigennuetziger Verein wie<br />

Evangeliums-Radio-Hamburg werde auf Dauer beson<strong>der</strong>s von den vielen neuen<br />

technischen Herausfor<strong>der</strong>ungen ueberfor<strong>der</strong>t, so eine gemeinsame<br />

Stellungnahme des EVR-Vorstandes, in <strong>der</strong> es abschliessend heisst:<br />

"Wir danken Gott, dass wir in einer Zeit tief greifen<strong>der</strong><br />

gesellschaftspolitischer und technischer Veraen<strong>der</strong>ungen die zeitlose<br />

Botschaft von Jesus Christus ueber das Radio verbreiten konnten. Wir sind<br />

dankbar, dass durch das Evangeliums-Radio-Hamburg Menschen zum Glauben<br />

gefuehrt worden sind. Inzwischen sind in Deutschland viele kleine<br />

christliche Radiostationen entstanden, die die Idee des EVR fortsetzen und<br />

weiterentwickeln. Damit sehen wir unseren Auftrag als erfuellt."<br />

(Ntt via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Oct 10)<br />

GUINEA 7125 Rdiff.TV.Guineenne Sep 29 0748-0802 25332 French, Talk, ID<br />

at 0757 and 0759. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

HONDURAS 4819.1 25/9 <strong>05</strong>.36 LV EVANGELICA - Tegucigalpa, SS, local mx.<br />

S5-6. (R7).<br />

(Luca Botto Fiora-I, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

INDIA According to the info I have the following are the new 60 meter<br />

fqs of AIR.<br />

4810 50 kW Bhopal 0025-0215, 1130-1742 (x3315)<br />

4870 10 kW Gangtok 0100-0400, 1030-1600 (Sun 1630)(x3390)<br />

4980 50 kW Shimla 0025-0200, 1300-1730 (Sat, Sun 1741) (x3223)<br />

The Old message from was as follows:<br />

All India Radio has finalised the move from 3 MHz to 5 MHz eff 30th<br />

October. Alok Dasgupta via <br />

(Jose Jacob-IND VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Oct 7)<br />

The following are some nx on AIR stations.<br />

Imphal : Noted signing on at 0030 again on 4775 (ex 0000).<br />

Several stations were noted with early sign ons due to the Navaratri<br />

festival season.<br />

Kolkata : Noted early sign on at 2325 UT (4.55 am)<br />

Gangtok: 1404 3390 noted already on today when I tuned in around 2345 UT<br />

(5.15 am)<br />

The stations in Orissa were also noted already on today when I tuned in<br />

around 2345 today. Though Jeypore was noted on 1467, the // SW channel was<br />

not heard on 5040 (maybe in skip). (Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS <strong>DX</strong>india Oct 10)

INDONESIA 3344.97 RRI-Ternate Oct 01 1217-1227 35343 INSn, Jakarta nx<br />

realy and mx, ID at 1219,<br />

46<strong>05</strong> RRI-Serui Oct 01 1310-1324 44444 INSn, Jakarta nx realy, ID at 1321,<br />

4789.98 RRI-Fak Fak Oct 01 1302-1310 44444 INSn, Talk, ID at 1302,<br />

4919.98 RRI-Biak Sep 30 1027-1032 23332 INSn, Music, 1030 IS,<br />

4925 RRI-Jambi Oct 01 1250-1302 44444 INSn, Music, ID at 1259, RPK, 1300<br />

Jakarta nx realy,<br />

7289.9 RRI-Nabire(P) Oct 01 0756-0802* 25432 INSn, Music, Announce at 0801<br />

by man, 0802 sign off. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

My first RRI-stations in tropical bands this season were heard Oct 3<br />

around 15 UTC. RRI Serui from Papua 46<strong>05</strong> kHz closed down with lovely Love<br />

Ambon 1501 UTC. Also logged 3976 kHz Pontianak, Palangkaraya 3325 kHz and<br />

Jambi 4925 kHz.<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, hcdx Oct 6)<br />

46<strong>05</strong>.03 RRI Serui, 1103-1117, Oct.7, Arabic-?, Continuos Ko'ran chanting,<br />

presumably for Ramadan, w/ brief talk b/w chants. Still going at t/out.<br />

Poor.<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Oct 8)<br />

3325 RRI Palangkaraya 1243-1345+ Oct 7. Vocal mx with occasional anmts;<br />

SCI at 1259, followed by Jak program; back to local programming at 1329,<br />

featuring indigenous vocals with no anmts heard. Good signal but fading<br />

after 1330.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 8)<br />

3950.7v RRI Palu 1307-14<strong>05</strong> Oct 7. Presumed with vocal mx, M ancr speaking<br />

occasionally in INSn. Went into Koran programming about 1330, and this<br />

continued past 1400. Fair signal, drifting up to 3951.4 by 1400 UT.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 8)<br />

unID 3231.85 1302-1320 Oct 7. Probably the reactivated RRI Bukittinggi<br />

with mx noted but couldn't make out any anmts. Weak signal and just a weak<br />

carrier the next day.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 8)<br />

9524.9 VOI on Oct 7 at 0925-0941 UT, believe this was last heard in early<br />

Aug.; assume on again for Ramadan but having tx problems (signal cutting<br />

in and out) and abruptly ended at 0941; ID: "If you wish to know more<br />

about Radio Republik INS's Overseas Service you may contact us by e-mail<br />

at To access a transcript of our daily news, please<br />

visit the web site of Radio Republik INS's Overseas Service at<br />

" (Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 7)<br />

3947v RRI Palu (pres) 1350-1400+ Oct 8. Noted with Koran recitations;<br />

varying up and down, as usual. Signal strength seems to be better than in<br />

previous years - they'd probably be quite "listenable" if they'd fix the<br />

drifting problem.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 9)<br />

4789.97 RRI Fak-Fak 1320-1359* Oct 8. Ramadan programming; off at 1359<br />

after usual steel-guitar theme. Good signal.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 9)<br />

IRAN 945 kHz, 1530 UT on 23 Sep, heard the ID "In ja Sanandaj-ast, Seda-<br />

ye Jomhuri-ye Islami-ye Iran, merkezi Kordestan. Audio clip is at<br />

(open_dx - Victor Rutkovsky-RUS, RUS<strong>DX</strong>signal Oct 7)<br />

ISRAEL Just a remin<strong>der</strong>. Israel changes back to Standard Time at 2 AM<br />

Sunday morning, October 9, local Israel time/date. That is, 2300 UTC on<br />

Oct 8.<br />

(Doni Rosenzweig-USA, dxld Oct 5)<br />

ITALY Stumbled after 1400 UT over a squealing tx on 9570. Did not bother<br />

to listen further, but HFCC suggests that this was RAI.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 8)<br />

RAI has at least two different txs with this annoying squealing. I noted<br />

the problem already before the start of A<strong>05</strong>, and it again proves that<br />

broadcasters are not listening to their own txions.<br />

The two txs in Panaji-IND still exhibit the same problem. The CNR-1 tx on<br />

176<strong>05</strong> had the same problem briefly some months ago. One of the CNR-1 type<br />

jammers has had the problem for a long time. Even two of the Tinian txs<br />

were noted with a remarkable squealing earlier this year - hopefully<br />

corrected by now. Since the txs affected are of different models and<br />

makes, the conclusion must be that the problem is in the audio processor.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 8)<br />

JAPAN 3925 R. Nikkei, decent at 1025 Oct 7, talk by M&W with musical<br />

interludes; // 6<strong>05</strong>5 not as good. (Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 9)<br />

JORDAN 11810 R Jordan Oct 04 1311-1325 43443 Arabic, Talk and arabic mx,<br />

ID at 1319.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

11690 Radio Jordan, at 1458-1532 on Oct 9, pop mx tune to top of the hour<br />

with 2 time pips, TC and ID: "Time now is 6 o?clock ? Radio Jordan? the<br />

news?" At 1504: "With that we end the nx that came to you from Radio<br />

Jordan, Amman. The time now is 4 mins past the hour." A man gave another<br />

ID: "Radio Jordan, 96.3 FM." Return to pop mx programming. Good signal.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 9)<br />

LIBERIA 5469.9 30/9 21.20 R. VERITAS LIBERIA - Monrovia, VV, tk OMs.<br />

S3-5. (R7).<br />

(Luca Botto Fiora-I, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

5470 R.Veritas Oct 01 2125-2135 34333 English, Talk and mx, ID at 2130.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

MALAYSIA 5964.9 Nasional FM via RTM Sep 29 1355-1406 44444 Malay, Music<br />

and nx and talk, ID at 1400 and 1403.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

Also noted RTM Sarawak (presumed) on 5030 kHz, from 1427-1537 UT on Oct 8,<br />

with non-stop reciting from the Koran till ToH; woman with possible nx for<br />

10 mins; into a mx program of local ballads and light pop songs. Same<br />

reception here as in Victoria, with a strong Beijing on top but Sarawak<br />

coming through the Chinese talk, but when Beijing played mx, it totally<br />

covered them. The lang sounded like Malay. Nice to know someone else was<br />

also listening in.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 8)<br />

5030 kHz at 1437- UT, RTM Sarawak on Oct 8 I'm assuming this is the<br />

station which is equal in strength to CNR 1 from Beijing with Koran<br />

recitals non-stop. Often stronger than China, so I can't imagine it being<br />

anything else. Presumably on at this time during Ramadan. I didn't notice<br />

them here earlier in the week.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 8)

MOLDOVA CRI Beijing noted Oct 3 at 1530 UT in Russian on 1413 kHz via tx<br />

in Grigoriopol. Very strong signal here in SW of Finland.<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, hcdx Oct 6)<br />

MYANMAR 5770 Defence Forces Broadcasting Unit, Tauanggyi, Shan State.<br />

October 5 1420 UTC playing nice Burmese mx with fair reception.<br />

Unfortunately rapidly fading out.<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, hcdx Oct 6)<br />

5040, Unident, 1102-1116 UT. Noted a man in comments until 1107. Then a<br />

woman talks for awhile and is joined by others. I can't distinguish the<br />

language, but it's not Indonesian or Chinese. It could be Burmese, but I<br />

can't identify Burmese either. The format of the program sounds like the<br />

format I recall from the Burmese station on 4725 when it was active? At<br />

1113 a man and woman discuss something. By 1115 it's difficult to hear the<br />

broadcast enough to tell what's happening. During the best period of<br />

listening, the signal was at a poor level.<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, hcdx Oct 10)<br />

Myanmar is on 5040.4 kHz. At least they were here in July when I was in<br />

the area.<br />

I heard Myanmar from tune in around 0900 till s/off at around 1500 or<br />

1510. On 5040.0 All India Radio were pretty strong and causing some<br />

interference towards Myanmar prior to close down and - in the clear after<br />

Myanmar s/off.<br />

(Stig Hartvig Nielsen-DEN, hcdx Oct 10)<br />

Today, 10 Oct the situation remains the same. 5040.4 Myanmar with the<br />

educational sounding programs as usual, 5040.0 AIR Jeypore. This during UT<br />

afternoon. Later during UT evening Croatia mix on this channel.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Oct 10)<br />

OMAN 15140 Radio Sultanate of Oman, at 1432-1503 on Oct 9, woman<br />

hosting pop mx program with Tony Orlando ("Sweet Gypsy Rose"), Michael<br />

Jackson, Momas and Papas ("California Dreaming"). Bells at 1500 followed<br />

by Arabic ID and nx read by a man. Poor to fair with very deep fades.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 9)<br />

PAKISTAN? On past two nights (Oct 5th/6th) appeared two observation logs<br />

on the Austrian-German newslistgroup A-<strong>DX</strong>:<br />

UNIDentified 4790 kHz heard til cl-down at 1927 UT.<br />

Seemingly via Rawalpindi 10 kW ???<br />

0230-0425 and 1335-1430 UT 4790 kHz Pindi III Pgm.<br />

Do you have more nx on that matter? It's only a late Ramadan txion<br />

towards subcontinent mountain region?<br />

73 Wolfy df5sx<br />

It is prolonged Pindi III prgr, but I don't hear them any more ID as "Azad<br />

Kashmir Radio Trarkhal he", only Radio Pakistan and in the end exclaiming<br />

"Azad Kashmir Zindabad" (phonetically), which. acc. to Abid Sajid means<br />

"Long live free Kashmir" and c/d with song "Azad Kashmir".<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>india Oct 7)<br />

Auf 4790 kHz ist nun 2325 UT eine asiatische Station mit Korangesaengen<br />

hoerbar. Koennte ebenfalls Pakistan sein.<br />

(Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, A-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 9)<br />

5080.2 R Pakistan Oct 1 1342-1355 35333 Urdu, Talk, ID at 1352.<br />

5080.2 R Pakistan Oct 04 17<strong>05</strong>-1713 34333 Urdu, News, ID at 17<strong>05</strong> and 1710.

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

PAKISTAN/INDIA I have just checked local SW stations in the earthquake<br />

area of Pakistan and Kashmir, as heard here in Denmark today:<br />

4790.08, R Pakistan, Islamabad, 1640-1730, Oct 09, emergency reports in<br />

Urdu after the very strong earthquake yesterday, talk by man and woman,<br />

1659 ann mentioning Islamabad, 1700 ID: "Yeh Radio Pakistan", nx in Urdu,<br />

mentioning Pakistan, further ID's at 1710 and 1712 mentioning freq 4790<br />

with figures in English (!), nx about Kashmir and Pakistan, 1713 songs of<br />

sorrow, 44444.<br />

4950, AIR Srinagar, 1650-1715, Oct 09, report in presumed Kashmiri, a man<br />

was speaking in a loudspeaker to a crowd, long interview and talk, 45434.<br />

5026.89, R Pakistan, Quetta, 1650-1700, Oct 09, man and woman talking<br />

about the earthquake // 4790, 22332 fading out.<br />

5080.3, R Pakistan, Islamabad, 1700-1710, Oct 09, Urdu nx heard // 4790,<br />

QRM strong utility noise station on 5085, 22222.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 9)<br />

There is no reported damage to any AIR station in the latest eartrhquake<br />

that hit Kashmir area. (Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS <strong>DX</strong>india Oct 10)<br />

PNG 3290, presumed R. Central, here in PNG purgatory I was surprised to<br />

find what was apparently this one at 0910 Oct 7, a good Pacific morning;<br />

seemingly EG talk, anmts at 0912, all // 4890. QRMed from Guyana -<br />

3291.15, tho in the clear by 1030 check when had very exotic, native-<br />

sounding mx, no longer // 4890. (Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 9)<br />

PERU 4299.68 unID Peru "Radio ... Internacional" (?)<br />

New Peruvian station? I listened this evening 2345 to close down 0110 UTC<br />

to nonstop Peruvian mx of good sound quality just interrupted twice by<br />

short IDs with low modulated microphone: "Transmite Radio ...<br />

Internacional(?)".<br />

Comments, photos and recordings at: <br />

(Bjorn Malm-EQA, dxld Oct 5)<br />

RUSSIA 12120 30/9 17.00 VO ENUF - Krasnodar (Russia), Amharic, s/on<br />

flute, ids YL. S4-5 then decreased. (R7)..<br />

(Luca Botto Fiora-I, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

15675 25/9 06.15 VO LIBERTY - Samara (Russia), Tigrigna, Horn of Africa<br />

mx, tk YL. S4-5. (DE1103). (Luca Botto Fiora-I, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

7420 Degar Voice via Chita, Russia. Sep 29 at 1300-1330 (S/off). 44444-<br />

43433. IS of V.O.Russia was heard for a moment at 1259 UT, but suddenly<br />

became carrier only. Opening mx and ID in Degar was heard at 1300 as "...<br />

Degar ...dae..." Mainly talk by a man. Jamming QRM from 1303 UT.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Oct 7)<br />

15670 V.of Liberty Oct 02 *0600-0606 32432 Tigrigna, 0600 sign on with<br />

opening mx, Opening announce, Eritrean pops mx, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

5920 at <strong>05</strong>53- UT, Magadan Radio Sep 28 Local program with ads mentioning<br />

Kamchatka, in Russian. Fair to good at times, but mostly un<strong>der</strong> cochannel<br />

WBOH. Weather forecast at <strong>05</strong>58. Hearing some negative temperatures all<br />

ready. Petropavlovsk mentioned, so still a local program. Kamchatka<br />

mentioned in an at at <strong>05</strong>59. 5 + 1 time pips at 0600 UT. TC for Moscow and<br />

into Radio Rossii program from the sounds of it. Now over WBOH.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 8)

This is GTRK "Kamchatka" via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy 100 kW.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 8)<br />

The Yekaterinburg tx used by VOR for the Sodruzhestvo program in the<br />

afternoon on 7370 (// Samara 7440) has a slight background rumble, very<br />

reminiscent to a now unused Kharkov-Taranovka tx where Olle presumed a<br />

microphone effect from the water cooling as cause. Sneg-M txs in use at<br />

Yekaterinburg as well? (Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 8)<br />

I just tuned in to 7370 at 1715 and the noise was quite prominent. This<br />

"singing" noise seems to be the product of some internal interference<br />

between certain ol<strong>der</strong> 100 kW Sneg txs when they are connected in parallel.<br />

Also noted, as Kai mentions, from the Taranivka site in the early 90's.<br />

Further back in time, the problem was very noticeable from one of the<br />

Tbilisskoye high power txs, which when more details became available<br />

turned out to consist of four // 100 kW txs. By the way, the "singing"<br />

Yekaterinburg tx pair for many years used to carry R Rossii on 7220 kHz.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 8)<br />

SINGAPORE 6080 Radio SNG International, open carrier to mxal opening<br />

at 1<strong>05</strong>9 followed by a man with ID and opening annts in English at 1100 UT.<br />

The nx was next ending at 1109 with a woman mentioning "News and views<br />

from Radio SNG International." Poor.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 9)<br />

SOLOMON ISL. 5019.87 SIBS, better-than-usual signal at 0915 Oct 7, but<br />

blocked by strong carrier opening on 5019.94 at 0933. Carrier was probably<br />

Horizonte, but never had any prgmng and SIBS was back on top after 1000,<br />

still there at 1100.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 9)<br />

SUDAN 95<strong>05</strong> R Omdurman Oct 04 1659-17<strong>05</strong> 33443 Arabic, Nx and koran, ID at<br />

1700.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

7200 R.Omdurman, 03<strong>05</strong>-0323, Oct 8, Arabic, Talks and mx at t/in, YL w/ ID<br />

at 0307 into OM w/ interview. OM and YL w/ alternating talks b/w mxal bits<br />

from 0316 thru t/out; very similar sounding to what I logged a few months<br />

ago. Booming signal!<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Oct 8)<br />

SWAZILAND 3240 Trans World Radio, at 0310-0336 on Oct 8, lively African<br />

vocals. Talk by man in Shona taking phone call from listener. Studio talk<br />

by a man and woman. Series of IDs and closedown annts plus address at 0327<br />

UT. Multiple IDs with change of langs at 0330 UT. Good signal.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 9)<br />

TAIWAN 15260 Hmong Lao R. via Taiwan Sep 30 *0100-0106 35433-33433<br />

Laotian, 0100 sign on with IS, Opening announce, Music, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

Unid TWN 11695 relig progr towards Cambodia/Vietnam noted testing around<br />

1130-1200 UT.<br />

(wb, Oct 8)<br />

7129.88, apparently Family Radio via Taiwan; Asian signal 1000-1100 UT Oct<br />

7, all talk by a lady, couldn't get lang., fair level. Mx at 1<strong>05</strong>7 incl.<br />

WYFR signature tune. Contd. in CH-sounding lang. after 1100.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 9)<br />

Voice of Han 9745 kHz. This is a tentative logging. Presumably the Voice<br />

of Han from Taiwan comes with very strong signal, S9 +10dB around 1200 UT

on 9745 kHz. Logged today Oct 7.<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, hcdx Oct 7)<br />

At 1257 7 Oct I could only hear Voice of Russia via Chita (it might be<br />

Russian WS, Sodruzhestvo or RIR - no clear ID at 1300) on 9745. Well, then<br />

some station in Chinese popped out at 1302, but my lang skills, that are<br />

about zero, didn't permit me to identify it. And I had to leave my<br />

listening post soon.<br />

And could it merely be a Chinese jammer over the Voice of Han?<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, hcdx Oct 7)<br />

I've heard this station several times around 1200 UT. It does not sound<br />

like a jammer. I'm pretty sure it's the Voice of Han.<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, hcdx Oct 7)<br />

9745 kHz - at same time slot 0700-0100 UT one or more Chinese mainland<br />

jamming stations are co-channel also.<br />

ILG shows Xian jammer, and VoH Kuan-Yin txion in 300 deg, main lobe<br />

towards western China Kashgar, UZB, Georgia, Greece, downwards Algeria,<br />

Morocco, WeSahara into southern Atlantic.<br />

At present - 1645 UT - I note VoRUS Armavir in French towards Africaco-<br />

channel. Also two different Chinese lang programmes. A real programme jam.<br />

(wb, hcdx Oct 7)<br />

But earlier, around 1100-1200 UT, the mainland China tx is either silent<br />

or not heard here. Last week I heard a clear "Kuang Hua" ID at 1100 UT,<br />

the same that is heard on mediumwave 846 kHz. Now at 1800 there was strong<br />

CNR audible.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, hcdx Oct 7)<br />

UNIDentified - Between 1400 and 1500 UT I noted a quite strong FSK<br />

signal on 5850 kHz, centered on this freq as far as I can tell. Only<br />

during daytime, so no problem for Hoerby in the evening? I seem to recall<br />

that Deutsche Telekom abandoned 5850 years ago due to consistent co-<br />

channel utility. And in the same period there was an open carrier on<br />

5752.1 kHz. (Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 8)<br />

Klingenfuss 20<strong>05</strong> shows a lot of Air Force and Meteo stations in the<br />

5700-5900 kHz range. Between 5830 and 5860 kHz there are a lot of digital<br />

METEO stations on air, at<br />

Offenbach, Bremen, Wasserkuppe, Hof, Regensburg, Munich, Konstanz,<br />

GarmischPartenkirchen, Orleans, Husum, Emden, Bremen, Hannover, Kahler<br />

Asten Sauerland, Aachen, Wurzburg, Ulm, and Guardia Civil Madrid Spain<br />

etc.<br />

5752.5 is registered for MFA (Foreign Affairs) Berne HBD20, and Swiss<br />

Embassy Paris HBD60. Digital SITOR mode. (wb, Oct 8)<br />

Last couple of UT evenings I've heard an unid station on 4770 (a bit low<br />

on the frequency). Audible from around 1600 onwards. Weak signal with<br />

occasional cut-offs. Audio weak and partly distorted. Can't get the<br />

language, but overall sounds like Nigeria. They had been silent for some<br />

time. Trying again?<br />

On 9 Oct at 1650 on 4777 there was a station with non-stop African hilife<br />

music. Rather good audio and the signal strength was also ok.<br />

Unfortunately the transmitter went off suddendly at 1656 and never came<br />

back. Earlier Gabon used this frequency, are they coming back or is this<br />

someone else? At the same time Djibouti was on 4780 and above mentioned<br />

unid on 4770.

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Oct 10)<br />

U.K. [to SENEGAL] Here's the mail I received from WADR:<br />

Regular programmes to begin from Monday 10th (2 hours in English and 2 in<br />

French).<br />

(Jean-Michel Aubier-F, dxld Oct 5)<br />

Salut Jean-Michel, Je vous confirme que nous avons repris nos tests de<br />

txion sur les 17555 kHz de 08H00 a 09H00 UT. 30 mn d'anglais et 30 mn de<br />

francais. Et a partir de lundi prochain nous allons commencer notre<br />

programmation reguliere: 07H00-09H00 (anglais) et 09H00-11H00 (francais).<br />

En vous remerciant pour l'interet que vous nous porter. Abdou. K. LO,<br />

Bilingual Researcher<br />

West Africa Democracy Radio. Sacre-Coeur 1, Villa N degr 8408, Dakar,<br />


Cell phones: (00221) 569-77-79 / 559-17-07<br />

Office phone: (00221) 869-15-69 Fax 864-70-09<br />

e-mail (pro): <br />

e-mails (perso): <br />

This is Abdou LO from West Africa Democracy Radio in Dakar (Senegal). I am<br />

very happy to inform you that we have started the second phase of our test<br />

transmission today. Sorry I could not inform in advance. I hope you can<br />

listen to us tomorrow as we featured some of your letters and emails.<br />

We will broadcast on 17555 kHz 0800-0900 UT. [via Rampisham-UK, wb.]<br />

(via Bjoern Fransson-SWE, dxld Oct 7)<br />

On 6 Oct at 0800 UT real strong and steady signal of WADR test on 17555<br />

kHz. Read also some letters from <strong>DX</strong>ers. Anker and Dmitri and one guy<br />

called Bjorn from the island of Gotland :-).<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, ibid. Oct 7)<br />

And voila, 17555 kHz was heard with half an hour in English from 0800 and<br />

half an hour in French from 0830 until off at 0900 UTC today (Oct 7)! My<br />

guess is that it is still via Rampisham and very typical of the sort of<br />

reception I have from that site in NW England.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, dxld Oct 7)<br />

WADR - 17555 a lot better signal Sep 6 than previous day, but again sloppy<br />

today Sep 8. Both days noticed with the sign off time 0859* after slogans<br />

in E/F, addr etc.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 8)<br />

VT-Schedule (MERLIN) B<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Thanks, Alokesh, for this useful resource. Would someone be able to put<br />

specific station names to these anonymous entries which are listed un<strong>der</strong><br />

"MNO" (which presumably still stands for Merlin Network One)?<br />

(Chris Greenway-UK, dxld Oct 4)<br />

Similar broadcasts compared to A-<strong>05</strong> brokered txions by VT-xMerlin.<br />

MNO<br />

6040 0030 0045 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 Bengali SE AS Gospel for Asia<br />

6010 0030 0100 .mtwtf. Dhabbaya 250 English S AS<br />

6010 0030 0100 s.....s Dhabbaya 250 English S AS Bible Voice Broadc.<br />

9750 1400 1500 s...... Rampisham 500 English W EUR<br />

9750 1400 1500 ...w... Rampisham 500 English W EUR<br />

DRM broadcasts: RNZi 1400, RA 1430. RFI 1400, RKI 1430 UT.<br />

9750 1500 1600 .....f. Rampisham 500 English W EUR DRM RTI Taipei

3955 1900 2000 smtwtfs Skelton 250 French W EUR WYFR<br />

7260 1900 1930 ....t.. Woofferton 300 French N AF Eglise du Christ to<br />

NoAF<br />

6170 1900 2000 smtwtfs Skelton 250 German W EUR RTI Taipei<br />

6020 0015 0030 smtwtf. Dhabbaya 250 Hindi S AS<br />

6020 0015 0030 ......s Dhabbaya 250 Hindi S AS Bible Voice Broadc.<br />

6145 0000 0130 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 Non-Spec S AS Gospel for Asia<br />

15515 1230 1330 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 Non-Spec S AS WYFR<br />

15215 1400 1500 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 Non-Spec S AS Gospel for Asia<br />

71<strong>05</strong> 1600 1630 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 Non-Spec S AS Gospel for Asia<br />

6040 2300 2400 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 Non-Spec S AS Gospel for Asia<br />

6020 0030 0045 ......s Dhabbaya 250 Telegu S AS Bible Voice Broadc.<br />

7380 1500 1530 smtwtfs Taipei 100 Vietnamese AS Little Saigon Radio<br />

(73 wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 5)<br />

Thanks Wolfgang. So, no sign of Radio Solh to Afghanistan??<br />

(Currently 17700 kHz at 1200-1800 from Rampisham-UK.)<br />

(Chris Greenway-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 6)<br />

.9750 1500-1800 40NE RMP 500 80 -15 206 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 USA NEW MER<br />

11665 <strong>05</strong>00-0900 40,41NW DHA 250 45 0 206 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 USA NEW MER<br />

11810 0200-<strong>05</strong>00 40,41NW DHA 250 45 0 206 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 USA NEW MER<br />

11810 0900 1200 40,41NW DHA 250 45 0 206 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 USA NEW MER<br />

15265 1200-1500 40NE RMP 500 85 -20 216 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 USA NEW MER<br />

Seemingly not VT-MNO brokered, but by RMI Jeff White ? un<strong>der</strong> short call<br />

USA NEW MER?<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 7)<br />

Thanks Wolfgang. So output is increasing to 16 hours a day from the<br />

current six!! Interesting. (Chris Greenway-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 8)<br />

No Chris, this don't reflect as inevitably the real broadcasting hours in<br />

B<strong>05</strong> winter season, could also be time-partly some 'wooden' registration<br />

hours for further usage ...<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 9)<br />

Pulse Classic Gold, Hud<strong>der</strong>sfield identified at 0358 UT Oct 3 on 1530 kHz.<br />

What a mess this freq is! One of the interfering stations was Vatican<br />

Radio.<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, hcdx Oct 6)<br />

VANUATU 3944.78 R Vanuatu Sep 29 0827-0848 34433 Pidgin, Music and<br />

talk, ID at 0829 UT. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

ZAMBIA 4965 Christian Voice Oct 04 1623-1640 35322-35333 English, Talk<br />

and mx, ID at 1636 UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

9865 Christian Voice Oct 04 1531-1556* 43433-43443 English, alk and mx, ID<br />

and freq announce at 1555, 1556 sign off.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 7)<br />

Solar Eclipse Oct 03 at 0911 UT.

While best observed along a somewhat narrow path ranging from the NW<br />

Atlantic to Southern Somalia, there was still an occasion here in the<br />

capital, Lisboa, when the sunlight decreased quite a bit and during which<br />

I had the chance of making a few brief observations, chiefly on MW (The<br />

2nd time is the fadeout time):<br />

kHz UT ITU Station, site SINPO<br />

765 0909-0915 SUI RSR, Sottens 35433<br />

1368 0857-0910 G Manx R, Douglas, I.of Man 45433<br />

1377 0901-0925 F R France-France Info, Lille 45443<br />

1404 0903-0921 F ditto, sev. sites 44443<br />

1548 0912-0930 G Capital Gold, London 55444<br />

France Info programme on 1377 even started the 0900 newscast with info on<br />

the eclipse; on 1404, the same programme was heard, but with some QRM from<br />

at least one co-channel stations that is also used for local/regional<br />

programmes. Many stations from Spain also noted with unusually strong<br />

signals. Seemingly no affect on the LW band.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 7)<br />

E-mail addresses of radiostations.<br />

You can download the new email-list by H.-F. Dumrese from<br />

(Scholz-D, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Oct 9)<br />

Pacific Asian MW Log Updated.<br />

Bruce Portzer's Mediumwave Pacific Asian Log [PAL] has been fully updated<br />

and is now available to download on-line at<br />

<br />

These are the Frequency, Country and combined pdf versions and contain<br />

major changes to New Zealand, Philippines and several other country lists.<br />

The latest fully searchable version is also available at<br />

. Over 4000 mediumwave stations from across Asia<br />

and the Pacific are included, plus Alaska and Hawaii. The PAL Guide is the<br />

only current and free list of its kind available on-line. Radio stations,<br />

listeners and regulatory agencies are invited to check all listings for<br />

accuracy, and advise me of any changes for the next update in October. The<br />

Pacific Asia Log is available exclusively at , and<br />

currently covers mediumwave stations only. Shortwave and FM versions are<br />

currently in development. (Bruce Portzer-NZL, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Oct 9)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 732 20 Oct 20<strong>05</strong><br />

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may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all<br />

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WW<strong>DX</strong>C WWW homepage-German AG<strong>DX</strong> Club-direct address:<br />

<br />

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Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

ALASKA B-<strong>05</strong> schedule: USA - KNLS<br />

0800-0900 9615 English 0800-0900 9655 Mandarin<br />

0900-1000 9615 Russian 0900-1000 9655 Mandarin<br />

1000-1100 9615 English 1000-1100 9655 Mandarin<br />

1100-1200 7355 Mandarin 1100-1200 9655 Russian<br />

1200-1300 7355 English 1200-1300 9615 English<br />

1300-1400 7355 Mandarin 1300-1400 9655 Mandarin<br />

1400-1500 7355 Mandarin 1400-1500 9655 English<br />

1500-1600 7355 Mandarin 1500-1600 9655 Russian<br />

1600-1700 7355 Mandarin 1600-1700 9655 Russian<br />

1700-1800 7355 Russian 1700-1800 9655 Mandarin<br />

(KNLS website via Mike Barraclough-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C-UK)<br />

ALBANIA. VOA on 1395 kHz was received 1395.284 kHz before sign off at<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 UT.<br />

(Dave G8SZX, Leicester, Oct 14, MWC via dxld)<br />

Online EMWG had it on 1394.82 kHz. (gh, dxld)<br />

Yes, the 1215/1395/1458 outlets are mostly lower side these days. Albania<br />

and China signed a contract already to replace these units from 1966-1968<br />

era by latest technology, incl. DRM mode capability, most likel"y in 2006.<br />

(wb)<br />

ALGERIA [WeSahara] No activity on 7460 kHz for some days now (at least<br />

since the 10th), 700 kHz* off on 11th inst, and - like Ignacio in Spain

eported for <strong>DX</strong>LD - 1550 kHz reappearing once more since the 11th; noted<br />

on 12 Oct 1721 at 55444.<br />

[ *) obs'ed on 10 Oct 0730-f/out 0748, rtd. 25341, 7460 off; obs'ed on 07<br />

Oct 1755-..., rtd. 34343, // 7460; recently being noted fading in before<br />

1730 UT]<br />

Audio on 1550 is somewhat better than on 700, which may mean different txs<br />

(and possibly even diff. sites too) are used.<br />

That's good for it clears 700 kHz for TA <strong>DX</strong>.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 13)<br />

Besides my recent reports on Polisario Front, here's another one: 1550 kHz<br />

(presumably, Tindouf, so via RTA facility [ALGERIA]) monitored on 14 Oct<br />

0717-0904*, when airing Arabic program only, with news, mx and annts;<br />

55444, no other // (700 or 7460v kHz) outlet audible. Both 1550 & 700 kHz<br />

are particularly strong when observed on the SW coast. As I said quite<br />

some time ago, possibly when I first found the 700 kHz outlet, I think<br />

this emanates from a more easterly site. Meanwhile, 7460 was still silent,<br />

as observed this morning (17th). (Carlos Goncalves-POR, dxld Oct 17)<br />

There is a wide spread misun<strong>der</strong>standing that a country's national<br />

broadcaster also is the operator of the txs in the country. In most<br />

countries of the world, this is not the case, the operators are separate<br />

entities, either commercial or state-owned enterprises or ministries. This<br />

has been so since the birth of radio, but made its way into the <strong>DX</strong> press<br />

only in recent years. In case of Algeria, the country's transmitters are<br />

owned and operated by the Ministry of Post of Telecomunications which<br />

holds a monopoly in this sector: "Le monopole des telecommunications est<br />

confie a l'administration des postes et telecommunication. On entend par<br />

telecommunication, toute txion, emission ou reception de signes, de<br />

signaux, d'ecrits, d'images, de sons ou de renseignements de toute nature,<br />

par fil, optique, radioelectricite ou autre systeme electromagnetique<br />

(art. 1 et 38 du code des postes et telecommunication, ordonnance n degr<br />

75-89 du 3 Decembre 1975, partie legislative)."<br />

As a result, technical support for the<br />

transmissions of Radio Nacional Saharaui is conducted by the Algerian PTT<br />

ministry (if not provided by the station itself), and has no connection<br />

with the broadcaster RTA (Radiodiffusion Television Algerienne).<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Oct 18)<br />

ARMENIA 9775 Voice of Armenia, on Oct 15 at 1751 - Good reception of<br />

the French sce of Voice of Armenia. Listed until 18<strong>05</strong>, and then English<br />

from 18:25 to 18:45 UT. I'll have to check. IS at 18:24 several times, and<br />

then into their presumed NA. They also mention 11640 and 4810 kHz, as well<br />

as satellite freqs. Only a weak het on 11640 kHz.<br />

11510 Voice of Russia World Service, on Oct 15 at 1807 - English nx with<br />

a fair amount of tx hum regarding the lost fighter jet in Lithuania. Then<br />

on to complaining of Swedish indiscretions towards Russia. Not finished<br />

yet, they go onto complain about Estonia's plan to erect a memorial<br />

regarding the second world war. Wow, the VOR has to complain about their<br />

lost neighbours more than anyone I've ever monitored! Transmitter is<br />

listed as in Yerevan (Gavar), Armenia with 500 kW.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 17)<br />

AUSTRALIA HCJB AUSTRALIA B<strong>05</strong> Broadcast Schedule. 30 Oct 20<strong>05</strong> - 25 March<br />

20<strong>05</strong><br />

UTC UTC Freq. TX Pwr Ant.Azi Target Days:<br />

Begin: End: (Khz.) (KW) (Degrees) Region SMTWTFS

English<br />

0000 0030 15530 100 340 East Asia 1111111 Kununurra<br />

0100 0115 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia 1...... Kununurra<br />

0130 0200 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia 1111111 Kununurra<br />

0200 0230 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia 1...... Kununurra<br />

0700 0900 11750 50 120 South Pacific 1111111 Kununurra<br />

1030 1130 15400 100 340 SE Asia 1111111 Kununurra<br />

1130 1200 15425 100 307 SE Asia 1111111 Kununurra<br />

1330 1400 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia 1...... Kununurra<br />

1400 1500 15390 100 307 South Asia 1111111 Kununurra<br />

1500 1530 15425 100 307 South Asia 1111111 Kununurra<br />

2230 2300 15530 100 340 East Asia 1.....1 Kununurra<br />

Bangla<br />

0045 0100 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia .111111 Kununurra<br />

1245 1300 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia .111111 Kununurra<br />

Bhojpuri<br />

0100 0115 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia 1 Kununurra<br />

1300 1315 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia 1 Kununurra<br />

Cantonese<br />

0930 1030 15400 100 340 SE Asia 1111111 Kununurra<br />

Chinese (Mandarin)<br />

2230 2300 15530 100 340 East Asia .11111. Kununurra<br />

2300 2400 15530 100 340 East Asia 1111111 Kununurra<br />

Chhattisgarhi<br />

0045 0100 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia 1...... Kununurra<br />

0100 0115 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia 1...... Kununurra<br />

1300 1315 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia 1.....1 Kununurra<br />

Gujarati<br />

0100 0115 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia .1...... Kununurra<br />

1300 1315 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia .1...... Kununurra<br />

Hindi<br />

0115 0130 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia 1111111 Kununurra<br />

1315 1330 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia 1111111 Kununurra<br />

Indonesian<br />

1200 1230 15425 100 307 SE Asia 1111111 Kununurra<br />

Malayalam<br />

0100 0115 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia .1..... Kununurra<br />

1300 1315 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia .1..... Kununurra<br />

Marwari<br />

0100 0115 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia 1...... Kununurra<br />

1300 1315 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia 1...... Kununurra<br />

Marathi<br />

0100 0115 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia .1..... Kununurra<br />

1300 1315 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia .1..... Kununurra<br />

Nepali<br />

0030 0045 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia 1111111 Kununurra<br />

1230 1245 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia 1111111 Kununurra<br />

Tamil<br />

1245 1300 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia 1...... Kununurra<br />


0200 0230 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia .111111 Kununurra<br />

1330 1400 154<strong>05</strong> 100 307 South Asia .111111 Kununurra<br />

HCJB Australia. G.P.O. Box 691. Melbourne, 3001. Australia.<br />

Frequency Manager: Dave Yetman. (via WW<strong>DX</strong>C HQ Oct 13)<br />

No. Terr. SW Svc: From<br />

<br />

"The A<strong>BC</strong> would like to advice that it is in the process of upgrading its<br />

Alice Springs, Katherine and Tennant Creek SW Local Radio sces. This work<br />

is being un<strong>der</strong>taken to provide greater reliability of these sces. Each sce<br />

will be required to be switched off for approximately four to six weeks<br />

while replacement txs are installed. The Tennant Creek tx will be the<br />

first to be upgraded and will be turned off on Monday 10 October. From<br />

this date those listeners who usually tune to the Tennant Creek SW sce<br />

will need to retune to the Alice Springs sce to continue to receive A<strong>BC</strong><br />

Local Radio. Listeners who have problems tuning to the Alice Springs sce<br />

during the day should attempt to tune to 11880 kHz."<br />

(Srebnick-NJ-USA, hcdx Oct 14)<br />

I talked to Nigel Holmes of R. Australia about the Northern Territory SW<br />

txs. The three old units were too unreliable, so the contractor is paying<br />

for replacing them with new 100 kW txs, but they will be operated at 50 as<br />

per regulations. One of them, Tennant Creek, will have DRM capability.<br />

They are owned by Broadcast Australia.<br />

(Chris Hambly-Vic-AUS, dxld Oct 19)<br />

AUSTRIA OE1-International (die Folgeerscheinung von ROI) wird weiterhin<br />

als RealAudio Live Stream angeboten, sofern ein Eigenprogramm ausgestrahlt<br />

wird.<br />

Der nicht dokumentierte Link:<br />

<br />

(Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, A-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 16)<br />

BANGLADESH According to the E-mail from Md. Motiar Rahman, Senior<br />

Engineer of Bangladesh Betar, they are not using 4880 kHz for their<br />

domestic sce at present. They will start txion again in March 2006 when<br />

they will complete the new transmitter.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 19)<br />

BENIN A French speaking station was heard on 1566 kHz at the <strong>DX</strong> Camp<br />

near Prague, the Czech Republic, on 13 Oct 20<strong>05</strong> during evening hours (this<br />

evening only). The station played mostly mx (arabic style) with sporadic<br />

annts, mentioning also freqs and "Benin". The lang was accented French of<br />

African type. TWR Benin plans to go on the air on this freq with its new<br />

tx in Parakou, Benin with 100 kW. Firstly planned for mid 20<strong>05</strong>, later<br />

postponed to November 20<strong>05</strong>. Maybe they are already testing using a<br />

modulation of a local station?<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, mwdx Oct 18)<br />

BHUTAN Bhutan is well heard at 0100 hrs on 6035 kHz here in Calcutta.<br />

Noted English at <strong>05</strong>00-0600 & again at 0800-0900 hrs. Now the winter is<br />

approaching us 0800 hrs txion is now audible. A few years back they were<br />

b'casting English at 0300 hrs and also at 1000 hrs which was good for<br />

propagation. Perhaps the present b'cast timings at <strong>05</strong>00 and 0800 are for<br />

the single shift work for the employees - certainly not a convenient<br />

timings for the listeners. Now 6035 kHz is s/off at 1300 hrs and not<br />

relaying the TV b'casts after 1300 hrs.<br />

(Alok Dasgupta-IND, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 17)<br />

BOLIVIA 4904.4 R.San Miguel, Riberalta, audible on 14 Oct 2207-2220,<br />

Spanish, many messages; 44343.

5952.4 R.Pio XII, Siglo XX, audible on 15 Oct 2219-2232, Vernacular,<br />

Indian songs, talks; 44433, QRM de CBS (Taiwan) via USA relay 5950.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 17)<br />

BRAZIL 4885 R.Club do Para, Belem PA, 15 Oct 2145-2204, talks on<br />

f/ball, songs, advertisements; 34332, QRM de B stn airing prayers &<br />

religious songs.<br />

4915 R.Difusora, Macapa AP, 11 Oct 0740-f/out 08<strong>05</strong>, few talks, songs;<br />

25421.<br />

4924.9 R.Difusora (tent), Taubate SP, 15 Oct 2207-2224, catholic prayers<br />

followed by mass; 23331, QRM de B + INS.<br />

5035 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 14 Oct 2144-..., prgr "Pe na Estrada"<br />

(approx. transl. might be "hitting the road"), songs, advts, which usually<br />

consist of items for your truck or car, TCs; 34322; // 9630 at 45433.<br />

5045 R.Guaruja Paulista, Sao Paulo SP, 14 Oct 2147-2156, f/ball prgr;<br />

25332.<br />

5969.9 R.Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, 15 Oct 2217-2226, talks on f/ball;<br />

32441, QRM de RAI in Polish 5970.<br />

9504.9 R.Record, Sao Paulo SP, 16 Oct 10<strong>05</strong>-f/out 1040, (unreadable)<br />

talks; 13441, adjc QRM.<br />

9615 R.Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 15 Oct 2115-2129, mx; 44433, adjc QRM de DW<br />

in Arabic 9620; // 17815 extremely faint.<br />

9630 R.Aparecida, Sao Paulo SP, 14 Oct 2142-2158, prgr "Pe na Estrada",<br />

advertisements, songs; 45433.<br />

9630 R.Aparecida, Sao Paulo SP, 16 Oct 1015-f/out 11<strong>05</strong>, sermon, etc.;<br />

24432, adjc QRM only.<br />

9645 R.Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 14 Oct 2140-2152, talks on f/ball;<br />

33442, adjc. QRM de ChinaRI in Spanish 9640.<br />

9665 R.Marumby, Florianopolis SC, 14 Oct 2136-2149, religious prgr "A Voz<br />

Missionaria"; 33432, splash de R.Cancao Nova 9675!<br />

9725 R.Club Paranaense, Curitiba PR, 14 Oct 2130-2135, talks about RCP;<br />

32441, QRM de ChinaRI in Arabic.<br />

9675 R.Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 14 Oct 2132-2150, compusory<br />

polit. campaign propaganda clip for 23rd inst. elections, then religious<br />

prgr; 55433.<br />

9675 R.Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 16 Oct 1017-1230 (!) (f/out<br />

shortly after), mx, talks; 24432, adjc QRM de INS 9680.<br />

11785 R.Guaiba, Porto Alegre RS, 15 Oct 1820-1845, talks on Braz. f/ball,<br />

advts, ann. for prgr "Jornada Desportiva"; 24432, adjc QRM only.<br />

11925 R.Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 15 Oct 1817-1848, chats, mx,<br />

advertisemtents, prgr "Jornada Dsportiva Bandeirantes" at 1847; 23432,<br />

adjc QRM but improving.<br />

17815 R.Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 15 Oct 2242-22<strong>05</strong>, Braz. songs; 15431.<br />

(all 18 Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 17)<br />

BULGARIA Winter B-<strong>05</strong> of RADIO BULGARIA from 30/10/20<strong>05</strong> to 26/03/2006:

MW: Petrich (G.C: 23.18E/41.42N): 747 kHz 500 kW / non-dir<br />

Vidin (G.C: 22.40E/43.49N): 1224 kHz 500 kW / 2<strong>05</strong> deg<br />

SW: P=Plovdiv/Padarsko (G.C: 24.42E/42.10N): 2 x 500 kW, 3 x 250 kW<br />

S=Sofia/Kostinbrod (G.C: 23.13E/42.49N): 2 x 100 kW, 2 x <strong>05</strong>0 kW<br />

ALBANIAN / e-mail: <br />

0630-0700 Mon-Fri Balkans 5900 P250/248, 1224<br />

0700-0800 Sat/Sun Balkans 5900 P250/248, 1224<br />

1200-1230 -daily- Balkans 7200 P250/248<br />

1700-1730 -daily- Balkans 5900 P250/248, 1224<br />

2000-2100 -daily- Balkans 5900 P250/248, 1224, 747<br />

BULGARIAN / e-mail: <br />

0100-0200 -daily- North America 7400 P500/295, 9700 P500/306<br />

0100-0200 -daily- South America 7500 P250/258, 9500 P250/245<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-0600 Mon-Fri West Europe 9500 P500/306, 11500 P500/306<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-0600 Mon-Fri Balkans 5900 P250/248, 1224<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-0600 Mon-Fri East Europe 5800 S100/030, 7500 S100/030<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 Sat/Sun West Europe 9500 P500/306, 11500 P500/306<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 Sat/Sun Balkans 5900 P250/248, 1224<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 Sat/Sun East Europe 5800 S100/030, 7500 S100/030<br />

1100-1130 -daily- Balkans 7200 P250/248<br />

1100-1130 -daily- East Europe 11600 S100/030, 13600 S100/030<br />

1100-1130 -daily- West Europe 11700 P500/306, 15700 P500/306<br />

1300-1500 -daily- Balkans 1224<br />

1300-1500 -daily- West Europe 11700 P500/306, 15700 P500/306<br />

1600-1700 -daily- Balkans 5900 P250/248, 1224<br />

1600-1700 -daily- East Europe 5800 S100/030, 7500 S100/030<br />

1600-1700 -daily- Middle East 9400 P500/126<br />

1600-1700 -daily- South Africa 17500 P500/185<br />

1900-2000 -daily- Balkans 5900 P250/248, 1224, 747<br />

1900-2100 -daily- Middle East 7400 P250/140<br />

1900-2100 -daily- West Europe 9400 P250/306<br />

ENGLISH / e-mail: <br />

0000-0100 -daily- North America 7400 P500/295, 9700 P500/306<br />

0300-0400 -daily- North America 7400 P500/295, 9700 P500/306<br />

0730-0800 -daily- West Europe 9500 P500/306, 11500 P500/306<br />

1230-1300 -daily- West Europe 11700 P500/306, 15700 P500/306<br />

1830-1900 -daily- West Europe 5800 P500/295, 7500 P500/306<br />

2200-2300 -daily- West Europe 5800 P500/295, 7500 P500/306<br />

FRENCH / e-mail: <br />

0200-0300 -daily- North America 7400 P500/295, 9700 P500/306<br />

0700-0730 -daily- West Europe 9500 P500/306, 11500 P500/306<br />

1200-1230 -daily- West Europe 11700 P500/306, 15700 P500/306<br />

1800-1830 -daily- West Europe 5800 P500/295, 7500 P500/306<br />

2100-2200 -daily- West Europe 5800 P500/295, 7500 P500/306<br />

GERMAN / e-mail: <br />

0600-0630 -daily- West Europe 9500 P500/306, 11500 P500/306<br />

1130-1200 -daily- West Europe 11700 P500/306, 15700 P500/306<br />

1730-1800 -daily- West Europe 5800 P500/295, 7500 P500/306<br />

2000-2100 -daily- West Europe 5800 P500/295, 7500 P500/306<br />

GREEK / e-mail: <br />

0600-0630 Mon-Fri Balkans 5900 P250/248, 1224<br />

0600-0700 Sat/Sun Balkans 5900 P250/248, 1224<br />

1130-1200 -daily- Balkans 7200 P250/248<br />

1730-1800 -daily- Balkans 5900 P250/248, 1224, 747<br />

2100-2200 -daily- Balkans 5900 P250/248, 1224, 747<br />

RUSSIAN / e-mail: <br />

0000-0100 -daily- Central Asia 9400 P250/045

0400-<strong>05</strong>00 -daily- East Europe 5800 S100/030, 7500 S100/030,<br />

1224<br />

0600-0630 -daily- East Europe 5800 S100/030, 7500 S100/030<br />

1130-1200 -daily- East Europe 11600 S100/030, 13600 S100/030<br />

1500-1600 -daily- East Europe 5800 S100/030, 7500 S100/030,<br />

1224<br />

1500-1600 -daily- Central Asia 9400 P250/045<br />

1700-1730 -daily- East Europe 5800 S100/030, 7500 S100/030<br />

1900-2000 -daily- East Europe 5800 S100/030, 7500 S100/030<br />

SERBIAN / e-mail: <br />

0700-0730 Mon-Fri Balkans 5900 P250/248, 1224<br />

0800-0900 Sat/Sun Balkans 5900 P250/248, 1224<br />

1230-1300 -daily- Balkans 7200 P250/248<br />

1800-1830 -daily- Balkans 5900 P250/248, 1224, 747<br />

2200-2300 -daily- Balkans 5900 P250/248, 1224, 747<br />

SPANISH / e-mail: <br />

0000-0100 -daily- South America 7500 P250/258, 9500 P250/245<br />

0200-0300 -daily- South America 7500 P250/258, 9500 P250/245<br />

0200-0300 -daily- Central America 9400 P250/295<br />

0700-0730 -daily- South Europe 11600 P250/260, 13600 P250/292<br />

1200-1230 -daily- South Europe 11600 P250/260, 13600 P250/292<br />

1730-1800 -daily- South Europe 9800 P250/260, 11800 P250/260<br />

2200-2300 -daily- South Europe 7400 P250/260, 9400 P250/260<br />

TURKISH / e-mail: <br />

0600-0630 -daily- Middle East 6000 P250/115, 7400 P250/140<br />

1100-1130 -daily- Middle East 6000 P250/115, 7400 P250/140<br />

1830-1900 -daily- Middle East 7400 P250/140, 1224, 747<br />

RADIO VARNA on SW with programm "Hello Sea" in Bulgarian:<br />

2200 Sun-0400 Mon Black Sea 7600 V100/ND<br />

<strong>DX</strong>-MIX px in Bulgarian will be on air:<br />

1445-1500 Sun 1224 11700 15700<br />

2045-2100 Sun 7400 9400<br />

<strong>DX</strong>-MIX px in Russian will be on air:<br />

1545-1600 Sat 1224 5800 7500 9400<br />

1715-1730 Sat 5800 7500<br />

1945-2000 Sat 5800 7500<br />

0045-0100 Sun 9400<br />

0445-<strong>05</strong>00 Sun 1224 5800 7500<br />

0615-0630 Sun 5800 7500<br />

1145-1200 Sun 11600 13600<br />

0615-0630 Mon 5800 7500<br />

1145-1200 Wed 11600 13600<br />

ADDR: 4, Dragan Tsankov Blvd., 1040 Sofia and P.O.Box 900, 1000 Sofia,<br />

Bulgaria.<br />

Tel.:+359 2 933 66 33; fax.:+359 2 865 <strong>05</strong> 60; Website: <br />

Programme Director: Angel Nedyalkov e-mail: <br />

Frequency Manager: Ivo Ivanov e-mail: <br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 18)<br />

The website about Bulgarian radio and TV<br />

stations has been consi<strong>der</strong>ably expanded. Transmitter site pictures can be<br />

found on the pages accessible via<br />

<br />

So far I found these AM facilities:<br />

<br />

Padarsko SW site 20 km outside Plovdiv, built between 1976 and 1979 by the

Soviet GSPI-RTV company. The text mentions also the installation of 10 x<br />

15 kW txs in 1986?! One rotatable antenna and various 4/8 dipole walls,<br />

i.e. no curtains but fixed structures. Are they representative for Soviet<br />

high power designs?<br />

<br />

Sofia 261/828/963, exact location of station specified as Vakarel. Three<br />

masts are apparently grouped as a directional antenna, probably further<br />

two ones as another directional system. Apparently dating back to the<br />

thirties is a single Blaw-Knox mast (longwave?). Note also below the<br />

Vakarel pictures the Bulgarian Intersputnik uplink station, with a typical<br />

building and the original antenna mounted on its roof.<br />

<br />

Pleven 594/1296, exact location of station specified as Grivitsa. The<br />

antennas (pipe masts and a triangular system) are typical GDR designs, so<br />

obviously not only a 250 kW tx has been delivered (Pleven-594 is a<br />

Funkwerk Koepenick tx like the ones used by the GDR stations on<br />

576/657/693/882/1044/1359/1575); instead it appears that the whole<br />

Grivitsa station was kind of a turn-key project. And even more intriguing:<br />

Shortwave curtains! Were these installations reserved for skywave jamming<br />

into the Soviet Union?<br />

<br />

Stara Zagora. I think the ancient Blaw-Knox is in use for 873 and the two<br />

newer masts are for the 500 kW tx on 1161 (and were built together with<br />

it; the fee<strong>der</strong> line design suggests a Soviet installation?)<br />

<br />

On the second row of photos a site attributed only to three FM txs, but<br />

this appears to be the Shumen 828/963 station. And what was the previous<br />

purpose of the mast on the last row, now home of a low power FM outlet but<br />

appearing to be a dismantled AM antenna?<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Oct 10)<br />

BURKINA FASO 5030, Radiodiffussion TV Burkina, at 2338-0001* on Oct 14,<br />

information program hosted by two men in French with short mxal segments.<br />

Program close with postal mailing address for Radio Burkina at 2358 UT.<br />

After that a man announcer gave brief annts with instrumental mx at<br />

closedown. Fair to good.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 16)<br />

7230 R.Burkina, Ouagadougou, nicely heard on 15 Oct 0915-1245 (when still<br />

fairly good), French, debate on politics, etc; 35444. At least at the<br />

locations I <strong>DX</strong> at, reception is better, or at least quieter than later -<br />

e.g. <strong>05</strong> Oct 1611-1627 rtd.43432, adjc QRM -, when other stns cause<br />

interference.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 17)<br />

CANADA Actually, the first two [Portuguese] broadcasts are on Friday<br />

only, the other two on both Sat and Sun, at least at the later hours in<br />

the A-<strong>05</strong> schedule. This also means the 2230 UT broadcast in Spanish is M-F<br />

only. There are a few other non-daily txions in<br />

<br />

(Glenn Hauser-CAN, dxld Oct 19)<br />

I note a difference on the RCI-Excel file:<br />

2000-2029 SAC 153<strong>05</strong> 250 163 Brazil PORTUGUESE 3R4 / P4<br />

SAC 17765 250 163 FRI / VEN: Canada direto<br />

SAT-SUN / SAM-DIM: Canada direto<br />

2100-2129 SAC 153<strong>05</strong> 250 163 Brazil PORTUGUESE 3R4 / P4<br />

SAC 17765 250 163 FRI / VEN: Canada direto

SAT-SUN / SAM-DIM: Canada direto<br />

2200-2229 SAC 153<strong>05</strong> 250 163 Brazil PORTUGUESE 3R1 / P1<br />

SAC 17765 250 163 FRI / VEN: Canada direto<br />

SAT-SUN / SAM-DIM: Canada direto<br />

2230-2259 SAC 11990 250 163 Brazil PORTUGUESE 3R5 / P5<br />

SAC 153<strong>05</strong> 250 163 FRI / VEN: Canada direto<br />

SAT-SUN / SAM-DIM: Canada direto<br />

All others daily, except local Ukrainian lang section in Kiev-UKR, latter<br />

1700-1729 UT Sat/Suns only. (wb, Oct 19)<br />

Radio Canada International.<br />

B<strong>05</strong> Broadcast Schedule for Radio (Medium Wave / Short Wave / FM Band).<br />

Eff October 30th, 20<strong>05</strong> to March 26th, 2006<br />


0000-0<strong>05</strong>9 SAC 6100 100 212 North Eastern United States FRENCH<br />

0000-0159 SAC 9755 250 227 United States / Cuba / Mexico ENGLISH<br />

0000-0029 SAC 9640 250 212 Mexico/Caribbean/South America SPANISH<br />

0000-0029 SAC 11990 250 176 Mexico/Caribbean/South America SPANISH<br />

0000-0029 HBY 5855 350 85 China CHINESE<br />

0000-0029 KIM 9565 100 225 China CHINESE<br />

0000-0029 KIM 11785 250 290 China CHINESE<br />

0000-0<strong>05</strong>7 KUN 9880 100 177 South East Asia ENGLISH<br />

0030-0<strong>05</strong>9 SAC 9640 250 212 Mexico/Caribbean/S.America SPANISH<br />

0030-0<strong>05</strong>9 SAC 11990 250 176 Mexico/Caribbean/S.America SPANISH<br />

0030-0<strong>05</strong>9 KIM 9565 100 225 China CHINESE<br />

0030-0<strong>05</strong>9 KIM 11785 250 290 China CHINESE<br />

0100-0129 SAC 6100 250 240 Mexico SPANISH<br />

0300-0329 SAC 6130 250 240 Mexico / Cuba SPANISH<br />

0300-0329 SAC 9755 250 240 Mexico / Cuba SPANISH<br />

0330-0359 HBY 5840 350 135 Middle East ARABIC<br />

0330-0359 WER 6025 250 120 Middle East ARABIC<br />

0430-0459 HBY 5840 350 135 Middle East ARABIC<br />

0430-0459 WER 5995 250 120 Middle East ARABIC<br />

0430-0459 SKN 7265 300 110 Middle East ARABIC<br />

1200-1359 SAC 6120 250 240 South East USA/Cuba/Haiti FRENCH<br />

1200-1259 YAM 71<strong>05</strong> 100 270 Asia / China ENGLISH<br />

1200-1259 YAM 9665 300 235 Asia / China ENGLISH<br />

1300-1329 YAM 9665 300 235 Asia / China ENGLISH<br />

1300-1329 YAM 9725 100 270 Asia / China ENGLISH<br />

1400-1659 SAC 9515 100 212 Central & Eastern USA/Cuba/Haiti ENGLISH<br />

1400-1659 SAC 13655 250 240 Central & Eastern USA/Cuba/Haiti ENGLISH<br />

1400-1659 SAC 17820 100 189 Central & Eastern USA/Cuba/Haiti ENGLISH<br />

1430-1459 YAM 5985 300 290 Asia / China FRENCH<br />

1430-1459 YAM 9780 300 270 Asia / China FRENCH<br />

1500-1557 KUN 9635 500 283 India ENGLISH<br />

1500-1557 URU 11975 500 212 India ENGLISH<br />

1600-1629 HBY 5840 350 85 Russia RUSSIAN<br />

1600-1629 SKN 9555 300 70 Russia RUSSIAN<br />

1600-1629 SKN 11935 300 90 Russia RUSSIAN<br />

1700-1959 SAC 17835 250 240 South East USA/Cuba/Haiti FRENCH<br />

1700-1729 NRCU UR-3 Ukraine UKRAINIAN [Sat-Sun]<br />

1700-1729 RMP 9555 300 47 Russia RUSSIAN<br />

1700-1729 SKN 11935 300 90 Russia RUSSIAN<br />

1800-1859 KAS 7185 100 239 Sub-Saharan Africa ENGLISH<br />

1800-1859 KAS 9770 100 239 Sub-Saharan Africa ENGLISH<br />

1800-1859 WER 11875 250 135 Sub-Saharan Africa ENGLISH<br />

1800-1859 SAC 17740 250 1<strong>05</strong> Sub-Saharan Africa ENGLISH<br />

1800-1859 HBY 5850 350 245 Europe FRENCH<br />

1800-1859 SAC 13650 250 60 Europe FRENCH

1900-1959 SKN 11845 300 160 Sub-Saharan Africa FRENCH<br />

1900-1959 SAC 13650 250 1<strong>05</strong> Sub-Saharan Africa FRENCH<br />

1900-1959 SAC 17740 250 1<strong>05</strong> Sub-Saharan Africa FRENCH<br />

2000-2<strong>05</strong>9 SAC 15180 250 240 South East USA / Cuba / Haiti FRENCH<br />

2000-2029 SAC 153<strong>05</strong> 250 163 Brazil PORTUGUESE [Fri/Sat/Sun]<br />

2000-2029 SAC 17765 250 163 Brazil PORTUGUESE [Fri/Sat/Sun]<br />

2015-2044 SKN 7240 300 180 Middle East / North Africa ARABIC<br />

2015-2044 SKN 9710 300 110 Middle East / North Africa ARABIC<br />

2015-2044 SAC 11865 250 92 Middle East / North Africa ARABIC<br />

2015-2044 SAC 13650 250 73 Middle East / North Africa ARABIC<br />

2100-2259 SAC 15180 250 240 South East USA/Cuba/Haiti ENGLISH<br />

2100-2159 HBY 5850 350 245 Europe ENGLISH<br />

2100-2159 SAC 9770 250 60 Europe ENGLISH<br />

2100-2159 SKN 7235 300 180 North Africa FRENCH<br />

2100-2159 MOS 98<strong>05</strong> 100 230 North Africa FRENCH<br />

2100-2159 SAC 11845 250 92 North Africa FRENCH<br />

2100-2129 SAC 153<strong>05</strong> 250 163 Brazil PORTUGUESE [Fri/Sat/Sun]<br />

2100-2129 SAC 17765 250 163 Brazil PORTUGUESE [Fri/Sat/Sun]<br />

2200-2229 KIM 6160 100 3<strong>05</strong> China CHINESE<br />

2200-2229 KIM 7195 100 225 China CHINESE<br />

2200-2229 YAM 9730 300 235 China CHINESE<br />

2200-2229 SAC 11990 250 176 South America ENGLISH<br />

2200-2229 SAC 153<strong>05</strong> 250 163 Brazil PORTUGUESE<br />

2200-2229 SAC 17765 250 163 Brazil PORTUGUESE<br />

2215-2244 RMC 1233 600 MW Middle East ARABIC<br />

2230-2259 SAC 11990 250 163 Brazil PORTUGUESE [Fri/Sat/Sun]<br />

2230-2259 SAC 153<strong>05</strong> 250 163 Brazil PORTUGUESE [Fri/Sat/Sun]<br />

2230-2259 KIM 6160 100 225 China ENGLISH<br />

2230-2259 KIM 7195 100 3<strong>05</strong> China ENGLISH<br />

2230-2259 YAM 9730 300 235 China ENGLISH<br />

2230-2259 SOL 1179 300 MW Northern Europe ENGLISH<br />

2300-2359 SAC 15180 250 227 South East USA / Cuba / Haiti FRENCH<br />

2300-2329 SAC 11990 250 176 South America SPANISH<br />

2300-2329 SAC 13730 250 176 South America SPANISH<br />

2300-2329 KIM 6160 100 3<strong>05</strong> China CHINESE<br />

2300-2329 KIM 7195 100 280 China CHINESE<br />

2300-2329 YAM 12045 300 235 China CHINESE<br />

2300-2359 SAC 6100 100 212 North Eastern United States ENGLISH<br />

2330-2359 SAC 11990 250 176 South America SPANISH<br />

2330-2359 SAC 13730 250 176 South America SPANISH<br />

B<strong>05</strong> Broadcast Schedule for Radio (Digital Radio Mondial - DRM)<br />

1400-1430 FLE 7240 40 123 Central & Eastern Europe ENGLISH<br />

2200-2300 SAC 9800 70 268 Northeast United States ENGLISH<br />

Transmitter Sites<br />









Issued on September 27th, 20<strong>05</strong>. This schedule subject to change without<br />

notice.<br />

(Bill Westenhaver, RCI)<br />

pdf version with program details available at:<br />

<br />

(Alokesh Gupta-IND, via JPNpremium Oct 14)<br />

6040 R. Monte Carlo (a member of the RFI group), Oct 11, 0302-0320*, in

Arabic with reports from various correspondents, many IDs, gives web site:<br />

, Islamic mx, good. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 16)<br />

6160 CKZU Vancouver at 1302-1314+ on Oct 15. C<strong>BC</strong> News, then detailed<br />

weather, with temps in Centigrade given at 1313 UT for Vancouver,<br />

Victoria, Comox, Prince Rupert, Revelstoke, Cranbrook, and several other<br />

British Columbia burgs. Good signal and have been able the past few days<br />

to // the signal to CBU on 690 kHz, which comes in well at times here<br />

around sunrise.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 16)<br />

9625 R.Canada-Nord Quebec, Sackville NB, obs'ed on 08 Oct at /1<strong>05</strong>8-1232<br />

UT, tone signal, natl. anthem, French ID, English, news, mx, weather,<br />

interview on cinema, mx from India, nx again; 34443. It seems the C<strong>BC</strong>-<br />

No.Quebec Sce. starts with English M-F but it's French on Sat&Sun.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 17)<br />

CHINA Yunnan PBS Chinese sce on 6035 kHz (-1100-1500 s/off) and Minority<br />

sce on 6937 kHz (1<strong>05</strong>0 s/on - 1500 s/off) seem to begin regularly<br />

broadcast.<br />

So Yunnan BS, sced with Chinese and Vietnamese for neighbor, is not<br />

carried.<br />

Mr. S.Aoki, N<strong>DX</strong>C says it is consi<strong>der</strong>ed to new TX.<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, hcdx Oct 14)<br />

7385 Holy Tibet, on Oct 15 at 16:35 - It's been a while since I've heard<br />

this program. There were many parallels. Unfortunately I found the female<br />

announcer difficult to follow. She was joined later by a male announcer<br />

who was easier to un<strong>der</strong>stand. The program ended at 16:59:45 with a quick<br />

'And that's the program'. At 17:00 they went back into local programming,<br />

which sounded Chinese rather than Tibetan to me. 7385 is fair, 49<strong>05</strong> is<br />

good, 4920 is good, 5240 fair, 6110 fair/good, and 6200 good.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 17)<br />

COLOMBIA 6139.8, Radio Li<strong>der</strong>, 0735-0808 Oct 16, program of romantic<br />

Latin vocals hosted by a man announcer with Spanish annts, IDs between<br />

mxal selections. Fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 16)<br />

CROATIA Acc. to the teletext of Croatian TV (available via satellite),<br />

the txion hours of the MW tx's in Croatia with HR Glas Hrvatske are as<br />

follows:<br />

Hvar (774) <strong>05</strong>00-1730, Buje (783) 0300-2300, Deanovac (1125) 24h, Zadar<br />

(1134) 1300-<strong>05</strong>30, Osijek (1143 x594) 24h. Times are UTC during summer.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx Oct 11)<br />

Die Mittelwelle von Osijek (HR Glas Hrvatske) wurde von 594 auf 1143 kHz<br />

(10 kW) geaen<strong>der</strong>t. Sen<strong>der</strong>betreiber OIV will gegen Jahresende DRM-Tests auf<br />

594 kHz durchfuehren.<br />

(Karel Honzik, Bernd Trutenau 10.10.20<strong>05</strong>; via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener, ntt<br />

Oct 15)<br />

Nur 010 kW? - damit wird <strong>der</strong> AFN Stuttgart in 14 km Luftlinie von<br />

Hirschlanden an meinem Standort heftigst bei Daemmerung und Dunkelheit<br />

gestoert. Zumindest im erweiterten Stadtgebiet war <strong>der</strong> AFN bisher<br />

stoerungsfrei zu hoeren (wb.)<br />

CUBA RHC on new(?) 15570, Oct 12 at 2001 with national anthem, then<br />

opening Portuguese to the Mediterranean area (but with a Brazilian<br />

accent!), giving only freq as "17750", which was occupied as usual by<br />

WYFR. Then opened program giving current date of 12 Oct. This nonsense<br />

happens so often at RHC that I hypothesize: the hierarchy at RHC is such

that lowly announcers do not have a need to know the correct freqs, which<br />

are at the very least confidential, if not top-secret; and even less so<br />

the even more lowly listeners. Closing Brazilian at 2029 once again<br />

claiming to be on 17750.<br />

BTW, suffered throughout from silly ballgame on 15560 Portugal splatter,<br />

no doubt even worse near its tx site, but perhaps OK elsewhere in Portugal<br />

tnx to skip zone. At 2030 into Arabic, "Huna Idha'at Havana Kuva" and I<br />

really need to learn to copy numbers in that lang; 2103 rechecked a bit<br />

late so missed what freq may have been announced in Spanish as "Revista<br />

Iberoamericana" was starting.<br />

Then cut off at 2107 while the show continued on 15230. The engineers just<br />

turn various freqs on and off when they feel like it with no concern for<br />

matching the times to programming either. 15570 has been used before by<br />

RHC or was it Rebelde?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Oct 13)<br />

[CUBA and others]<br />


I'd bet that tx sites in Cuba have been consolidated whenever possible and<br />

that they have several txs of Tesla vintage (the old Czechkoslovakian<br />

company) plus some acquired from China years ago plus some fairly new ones<br />

and that they want to be able to tune to any frequency likely to be used<br />

at that particular site, and not doing a good job at it. Some of the old<br />

Tesla rigs probably have arc burns all over the finals to the point that<br />

the final coils leak water and have to be resol<strong>der</strong>ed and rewelded on a<br />

daily basis.<br />

Or other repair parts just aren't available anymore so they have to<br />

improvise in fabricating replacements. The old American autos that have<br />

been fixed up and refixed up over and over on the streets of Havana are<br />

real won<strong>der</strong>s, but betcha they can't do that with old klunker txs because<br />

they don't have the shop equipment that they need. Just a stab in the<br />

dark.<br />

(WD9INP/4 Charles A & Leonor L Taylor-USA, IRCA via dxld Oct 17)<br />

All the Czech txs date back to about 1967. In fact, the Tesla folks,<br />

complete with a "political officer" visited me in about '68 to try to sell<br />

me some txs. They offered 3 models which had been "extensively proven" in<br />

Cuba, and they had pictures to show for it. The 30, 60 and 120 were all<br />

variants on the same basic modules, with different finals and power<br />

supplies. Most of the big low band Cubans were 120's. However, the one I<br />

was offered was not water cooled. It was a conventional high level plate<br />

modulated rig, with everyone's favorite Svetlana tubes in it. They were<br />

very bulky, and very heavy.<br />

The sheet metal in the cabinets was thicker than US txs of the time, and<br />

the internal plates were also steel, which surprised me as I was already<br />

building my own txs on aluminum frames and panels in '64. I guess they<br />

wanted them to hold up to an atomic attack. The technology throughout the<br />

Teslas was very conventional. They could easily be maintained anywhere in<br />

Latin America with rudimentary tools, an audio generator, a test set, a<br />

scope and a Simpson 260. I do not know of any freq agile txs in Cuba being<br />

used on MW. (David Gleason, IRCA via dxld Oct 17)<br />

David, There you go. Some of the old stuff is utility grade. It sounds<br />

like the 120 is not the culprit. You'd need a sledge hammer to knock it<br />

off the air. This newer frequency-agile stuff is also frequently very<br />

lightly built. More like consumer grade.<br />

The Brown-Boveri (ABB) txs in use at IBB Delano are good examples.<br />

Honestly, more like consumer grade equipment scaled up to 250 kW. The GE<br />

old BT250A txs in use at IBB Greenville are more like utility grade. They

are early 1950s technology. Still in use but showing their age. The ABBs<br />

will die much sooner.<br />

(Charles A & Leonor L Taylor-USA, ibid.)<br />

DJIBOUTI The exact times of beginning and close-down of the broadcasts<br />

of Radio Djibouti are 0257 and 2002 UT on 4780 kHz.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 10)<br />

4780 Radio Djibouti tunes ins on" 2011,2035,2114 talks in local lang and<br />

Islam on 2114 Signal 44534 with fast fades. Also heard on 1620z 18.10 with<br />

distorted audio, talks and trial song ,S7 QRMed by Mossad station on USB.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 19)<br />

ECUADOR Just noticed that HCJB website now has an extensive photo album,<br />

including 353 images un<strong>der</strong> Engineering:<br />

<br />

Unfortunately there is no slideshow funxion, nor any explicit captioning!<br />

But some nice aerial shots of Ecuador?<br />

I was starting to catch up on listening to the last few <strong>DX</strong>PLs, and the<br />

gallery is linked from the <strong>DX</strong>PL page. But the latest edition, Oct 8 still<br />

not available.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld Oct 12)<br />

HCJB WORLD RADIO B<strong>05</strong> Broadcast Schedule. 30 Oct 20<strong>05</strong> - 25 March 2006<br />

UTC UTC Freq. TX Power Ant. Azimuth Target Days:<br />

Begin: End: (Khz.) (KW) (Degrees) Region SMTWTFS<br />

COFAN<br />

1100 1130 6<strong>05</strong>0 50 18/172 S. America 1111111<br />


1100 1330 120<strong>05</strong> 100 330/124 N/S America 1111111<br />

1100 1330 21455 1 35/225 Eur./S. Pacific 1111111<br />

GERMAN (High)<br />

0300 0330 9780 100 324 Mexico 1111111<br />

1530 1600 21455 1 35/225 Eur./S. Pacific 1111111<br />

2300 2400 12040 100 150 S. America 1111111<br />

GERMAN (Low)<br />

0230 0300 9780 100 324 Mexico 1111111<br />

1500 1530 21455 1 35/225 Eur./S. Pacific 1111111<br />

2230 2300 12040 100 150 S. America 1111111<br />


1030 1100 6<strong>05</strong>0 50 18/172 S. America 1111111<br />

KULINA<br />

2250 2300 12020 50 100 Brazil 1111111<br />


0800 0930 9745 100 100 N. Brazil 1111111<br />

0800 0930 21455 1 35/225 Eur./S. Pacific 1111111<br />

1530 1800 15295 100 139 Brazil 1111111<br />

2300 0230 11920 100 126 Brazil 1111111<br />

2300 2400 12020 50 100 Brazil 1111111<br />

2400 0230 12020 100 100 Brazil 1111111<br />


0830 1000 6125 100 155 S. America 1111111<br />

0800 1100 690 50 000/180 Ecuador 1111111<br />

0830 1200 3220 8 90 (Vert.) S. America 1111111<br />

0830 1300 6080 8 90 (Vert.) S. America 1111111<br />

0930 1100 21455 1 35/225 Eur./S. Pacific 1111111<br />

2100 0300 6080 8 90 (Vert.) S. America 1111111<br />

2100 2300 9745 100 155 S. America 1111111<br />

0000 0300 3220 8 90 (Vert.) S. America 1111111<br />


0100 <strong>05</strong>00 9745 100 325 Mexico 1111111<br />

1100 <strong>05</strong>00 690 50 000/180 Ecuador 1111111<br />

1100 1500 6<strong>05</strong>0 50 18/172 S. America 1111111<br />

1100 1300 11960 100 355 Cuba 1111111<br />

1100 1500 11690 100 150 S. America 1111111<br />

1300 1500 11960 100 323 Mexico 1111111<br />

1330 1500 21455 1 35/225 Eur./S. Pacific 1111111<br />

1900 <strong>05</strong>00 6<strong>05</strong>0 50 18/172 Ecuador 1111111<br />

2000 <strong>05</strong>00 21455 1 35/225 Eur./S. Pacific 1111111<br />

2100 2300 12000 100 150 S. America 1111111<br />

2300 0100 11700 100 157/330 N/S America 1111111<br />

Note: HCJB's SW broadcast schedule also includes these programs<br />

transmitted from these locations.<br />

Schedule via Australia already posted earlier.<br />

Former Soviet Union Languages<br />

1700 1730 98<strong>05</strong> 500 62 Russia & CIS 1111111 U.K<br />

Southern Uzbek<br />

1645 1700 1251 100 Central Asia 11...11<br />

Uzbek<br />

1645 1700 1251 100 Central Asia ..111..<br />

Turkmen<br />

1700 1715 1251 100 Central Asia 1111111<br />

Arabic<br />

2100 2200 12025 250 150 N. Africa 1111111 U.K.<br />

Low German<br />

1600 1629 3955 100 Omni Europe 1111111 Germany<br />

High German<br />

1630 1659 3955 100 Omni Europe 1111111 Germany<br />

HCJB World Radio. 17-17-691. Quito, Ecuador South America<br />

FAX: +593 2 226 4765. Frequency Manager: Allen Graham<br />

E-Mail: (HCJB via WW<strong>DX</strong>C HQ Oct 13)<br />

EQUAT GUINEA 15190[tent] Presumably 1000 or 1100 UT as the target<br />

countries mentioned are UT +1 and 2. Would those in a position to monitor<br />

this Wednesday please do so. These are the same choral mx programs as via<br />

Sackville 9530 on Sat/Sun (gh, dxld)<br />

Glenn, Local Time in Equatorial Guinea. That would be UTC +01:00 [so<br />

monitor at 1100 UT]. By the way, we have been broadcasting for the last<br />

two Saturdays out of the Equatorial Guinea tx. Do you know if there is any<br />

way I can validate if the broadcast was performed by listener reports that<br />

you have access to. i.e. from emails, or reports you receive? All the<br />

Best, (Dean Phillips, ibid.)

Dean, I've put out the call to monitor tomorrow. Perhaps someone will have<br />

checked previously, but I doubt it. Too bad there was no advance publicity<br />

in the monitoring community until now. I'll pass on anything of interest.<br />

What were the exact times and freqs this was supposed to be broadcast on<br />

Saturdays? (Glenn to Dean, via dxld)<br />

Glenn, The 1st set of broadcasts in Africa were: Radio Africa West on<br />

[Fridays] Oct. 7, 20<strong>05</strong> and October 14, 20<strong>05</strong> at 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Local Time<br />

or UTC. source<br />

<br />

The County targets were different for the 1st two weeks. Mali, Niger,<br />

Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Cost, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Benin,<br />

Nigeria, Cameroon, Togo. All the Best, (Dean Phillips, ibid.)<br />

He still doesn't give the frequency, but I suppose 15190, or their even<br />

more elusive 7190. Here's one extremely vague hype page about Panamerican<br />

Broadcasting to Africa:<br />

(gh, dxld Oct 19)<br />

ETHIOPIA 9560.15 Radio Ethiopia, on Oct 15 at 1723 - External sce in<br />

French. Difficult to copy due to tinny audio, and het being off frequency.<br />

Listed // only heard as off freq het on 7165.03 kHz. The National sce on<br />

9704.2 is audible at this time as a carrier only<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 17)<br />

FINLAND Some additional background on the DAB shutdown in Finland: Since<br />

1997 only a few hundreds DAB receivers were sold. The now decommissioned<br />

DAB tx network covered 40 percent of the country. (Source: radionyt.dk via<br />

Peer-Axel Kroeske)<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Oct 10)<br />

FRANCE Am 4. Oktober 20<strong>05</strong> gab <strong>der</strong> Conseil superieur de l'audiovisuel<br />

(CSA) Paris Live Radio ein dreimonatiges Sen<strong>der</strong>echt auf <strong>der</strong> Mittelwelle<br />

963 kHz. Paris Live Radio sendet seit 2003 fuer die Englisch-sprachige<br />

Bevoelkerung, primaer <strong>der</strong> Ile de France, ueber Internet, Kabel und DAB.<br />

Urspruenglich wollte Paris Live Radio nachts als Partner von Radio de la<br />

Mer auf <strong>der</strong> Mittelwelle 1080 kHz senden. Auf <strong>der</strong> Homepage<br />

wird <strong>der</strong> terrestrische Sendebeginn von Paris Live Radio<br />

zwar angekuendigt, aber noch ohne genauen Termin. Die Mittelwelle 963 kHz<br />

wurde bis 1997 von Radio Sorbonne aus Romainville (8 kW) belegt.<br />

(Christian Ghibaudo-F, via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener, ntt Oct 15)<br />

GABON Last couple of days I've been monitoring 4777 presumed Gabon. It<br />

seems the carrier on 4777 starts around 1558 UT. And goes off around 1657.<br />

Lately it's been rather weak, so no luck with ID. I have also checked it<br />

against Africa 1 on 15475.<br />

Program is not in parallel. But funny thing is that when Africa 1 starts<br />

it's tx on 15475 around 1557 (un<strong>der</strong> VOA) the 4777 carrier arrives within a<br />

min or two also. And Africa 1 seems to turn off the 15475 tx around 1657<br />

for a moment (antenna and/or tx change?) and yes - 4777 disappears also<br />

around that time. 4777 doesn't come back but 15475 reappears around 1700<br />

with possibly weaker signal. These things are maybe not related, but<br />

strange anyway. 4777 has been logged also in JPN and Denmark.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Oct 16)<br />

GEORGIA 9534.76 at 0815 UT. Abkhaz R, Sokhumi. Thanks to Rumen Pankov's<br />

tip. S/on at 0700 UT along with KBS, // 9494.75 kHz which was heard<br />

earlier.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 14)<br />

GERMANY TNT Hit Radio via DTK T-Systems from Oct.8:<br />

1000-1600 5975 JUL 100 kW / non-dir Sat to WeEu Dutch+Mx (ex 1400-1600)

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 18)<br />

I just uploaded a recording of TNT-Radio on 5975. They went into<br />

commercials at 1559 UT and inmidst them the tx cut off (at the very end of<br />

the file is the sideband from CRI Cerrik [ALBANIA] on 5970 coming up), so<br />

this txion was apparently // FM. The typical bass of this techno mx is<br />

entirely missing while the upper mids are overly shrill. Three seconds<br />

into the file a sudden drop in audio level occurs where there should be<br />

actually a loud "boom". This kind of speech-optimized audio processing is<br />

certainly not suitable for mx.<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Oct 9)<br />

Winter B-<strong>05</strong> for IBB via DTK T-Systems:<br />

0100-0300 9670 WER 500 kW / 075 deg Radio Free Asia in Tibetan<br />

1700-1800 12110 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg Voice of America in Persian<br />

1800-1900 9495 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg Voice of America in Persian<br />

1900-2000 9680 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg Voice of America in Persian<br />

1900-2000 9485 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg Voice of America in Turkish<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 18)<br />

CVC Int. in English via WER 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf from Oct.10<br />

(updated):<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 NF 9430, ex 9815<br />

0600-0700 NF 9430, ex 15235<br />

0700-0900 NF 15640, ex 15235<br />

1500-1700 NF 15680, ex 17545<br />

1700-1800 NF 15680, ex 13820<br />

1800-1900 NF 9765* ex 13820 >>>>*co-ch CRI in Russian<br />

1900-2100 NF 9765, ex 9775<br />

CVC Int. in English via WER 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf from Oct.30<br />

(updated):<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0700 on 9430<br />

0700-0900 NF 15640, ex 15200<br />

1500-1700 NF 15680, ex 15460<br />

1700-1800 NF 15680, ex 11850<br />

1800-2000 on 9765<br />

2000-2100 on 7285<br />

Bible Voice Broadcasting Network (BVBN) tests on Oct.10/11/12:<br />

1700-1800 on 5980 WER 125 kW / <strong>05</strong>5 deg to RUS Mon-Wed in Arabic<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 11)<br />

Gabriele Schnell: "Das Lindenhotel".<br />

Berichte aus dem Potsdamer Geheimdienstgefaengnis.<br />

Christoph Links Verlag 20<strong>05</strong>, 12,90 Euro. <br />

Darin u. a. ein Bericht ueber Alwin Lache. Dieser hatte als 17 Jahre alter<br />

junger Mann in Premnitz einen Rock'n Roll-Piratensen<strong>der</strong> betrieben: dafuer<br />

gab es ein Jahr Knast [bei <strong>der</strong> DDR Stasi]. (Paul Gager-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 11)<br />

Die "Info-Welle" mit "vorwiegend deutsch-franzoesischem Charakter" wird<br />

noch in diesem Jahr auf <strong>der</strong> Mittelwelle [Heusweiler] 1179 kHz starten.<br />

Weitere Informationen werden bei den Pressemitteilungen unter<br />

zu finden sein.<br />

(Petra Jochum (SR) via D. Kaehler 7.10.; via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener, ntt Oct<br />

15)<br />

Vom 5. Oktober bis 25. November 20<strong>05</strong> wird in den Raeumen <strong>der</strong> Bayerischen<br />

Landeszentrale fuer neue Medien (BLM) eine Ausstellung von<br />

Deutschlandradio zur Radio- und Fernsehgeschichte praesentiert. In <strong>der</strong><br />

Ausstellung werden chronologisch wichtige Stationen <strong>der</strong> Rundfunkgeschichte<br />


von <strong>der</strong> ersten Radiosendung 1923 im Vox-Haus am Potsdamer Platz ueber die<br />

Rundfunkpolitik in <strong>der</strong> NS-Zeit, die Neustrukturierung <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong> durch die<br />

Siegermaechte nach dem Krieg bis zum heutigen dualen Rundfunksystem. Eine<br />

Kombination von historischen Text- und Bilddokumenten sowie O-Toenen<br />

veranschaulicht die Entwicklungen von Funk und Fernsehen. Je<strong>der</strong><br />

Zeitabschnitt wird ergaenzt durch historische Geraete, anhand <strong>der</strong>er die<br />

technischen Fortschritte vom Roehren- zum Digitalempfaenger greifbar<br />

werden.<br />

Die BLM hat die Ausstellung um einige Aspekte erweitert, die die<br />

Entwicklung des privaten Rundfunks in Bayern dokumentieren. Die<br />

Ausstellung wurde ermoeglicht durch die Unterstuetzung des Deutschen<br />

Rundfunkarchivs, des Deutsches Rundfunk-Museums Berlin e.V. sowie des<br />

Deutschen Technikmuseums Berlin. Realisiert wurde sie in Kooperation mit<br />

dem Institut fuer Kultur- und Medienmanagement in Berlin.<br />

"Achtung! Hier Sendestelle Berlin." - Stationen <strong>der</strong> Rundfunkgeschichte 5.<br />

Oktober bis 25. November 20<strong>05</strong>, Mo.-Fr. 1000 - 1700 Uhr, Eintritt frei<br />

Bayerische Landeszentrale fuer neue Medien (BLM), Heinrich-Luebke-Strasse<br />

27, 81737 Muenchen (Pressemitteilung <strong>der</strong> BLM 4920<strong>05</strong> 28.09.20<strong>05</strong> via Dr.<br />

Wolfgang Flieger, Tel. (089) 63 808-313, <br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener, ntt Oct 15)<br />

GUATEMALA 4799.8 Radio Buenas Nuevas San Sebastian-GTM, Oct 16 at 1130-<br />

1210z with good signals. Programming in Spanish. Loudest signal on the<br />

band this morning ... 1 kW ? NEW !<br />

(John Wilke-WI-USA K9RZZ, hcdx Oct 17)<br />

La Voz de Atitlan In reading about the recent mudslides in the Lake<br />

Atitlan region, I have been won<strong>der</strong>ing if any of it hit Radio La Voz de<br />

Atitlan. I found the following article on Google, which briefly recounts<br />

some of the work done at the station after the disaster, so the station<br />

survived.<br />

<br />

LV de Atitlan is no longer on SW, but was on 2390 kHz for many years. An<br />

article on the town of Santiago Atitlan and my visit to the station in<br />

1987 is told in an article of mine at<br />

<br />

What is amazing is how much things have changed there. A co-worker visited<br />

the Lake Atitlan region about a year ago and told me that in Santiago<br />

Atitlan (which used to be one of the most traditional towns) now about 90%<br />

of the people wear western style clothing, instead of the traditional<br />

dress that was the norm less than 20 years ago. And, there is now a<br />

McDonalds along the lakeshore in Santiago Atitlan - mostly to serve the<br />

foreign tourists. If you've read my article, you'll un<strong>der</strong>stand just how<br />

much of a change that is.<br />

Humpty Dumpty was pushed. Radio & Latin American website:<br />

<br />

Highly Recommended: and<br />

(Don Moore, dxld Oct 16)<br />

That reminds me of my one and only trip to Lake Atitlan in November 1978.<br />

During the trip to MEX and GTM I used the fine Barlow Wadley loop rx -<br />

Made in RSA -, and discovered Radio Sandino - Sistema Sandinista de Medios<br />

de Comunicacion, the official Voice of the FSLN, and that came to the<br />

attention of the world's <strong>DX</strong>ers at the beginning of 1979 in SC<strong>DX</strong> bulletin<br />

#1516 on <strong>Jan</strong> 23, 1979. Heard R Sandino from Nicaragua/Costa Rican bor<strong>der</strong><br />

region on 7325 kHz, later also reported on 7449 or 7588 kHz. (wb)<br />

GUINEA 7125 Radiodiffusion Television Guineenne. On Oct 10 at 0718-0800

UT. 24332. Talk in French by a man until 0727 UT, then guitar mx. ID at<br />

0731 UT, followed by mx program with local pops. I received an e-mail<br />

confirmation from Issa CONDE for my e-mail report in French after one day.<br />

The address is <br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Oct 14)<br />

1385.9 R.Rurale, Labe, obs'ed on 14 Oct at 1909-1925 UT, Vernacular,<br />

African songs; 24332, QRM de LTU (I believe it's LTU at this time, not<br />

Kaliningrad, RUS).<br />

7125 R Guinee, Conakry, logged on 15 Oct at 1011-1236 UT, French, mx<br />

prgr, Vernacular later, pops 1230 UT, when still fair; 25332.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 17)<br />

GUYANA 3291.1 G<strong>BC</strong>, Sparendaam, heard on 14 Oct at 2119-2129, English<br />

prgr, pops, ID "Voice of Guyana", TC, prgr annts; 34342, adjc uty. QRM<br />

thence better on USB; curiously, that utility stn was often off at around<br />

this time when the G<strong>BC</strong> was silent for months.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 17)<br />

HUNGARY Winter B-<strong>05</strong> for IBB via JBR, Hungary:<br />

0300-<strong>05</strong>00 9520 JBR 250 kW / 065 deg Radio Liberty in Russian<br />

1700-1800 7220 JBR 250 kW / <strong>05</strong>5 deg Radio Liberty in Russian<br />

1800-1900 7220 JBR 250 kW / <strong>05</strong>5 deg Voice of America in Russian<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 18)<br />

Winter B-<strong>05</strong> schedule of R.Budapest (*RSO=Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia)<br />

English to Eu 1600-1628 Sun 6025 9565<br />

2000-2028 Daily 3975 6025* >>*RSO 150 kW / 290 deg<br />

2200-2228 Daily 6025* >>*RSO 150 kW / 290 deg<br />

English to SoAf 2200-2228 Daily 9735<br />

English to NoAm 0200-0228 Daily 9515<br />

0330-0358 Daily 9775<br />

German to Eu 1300-1358 Sun 6025 7215<br />

1500-1558 Sun 6025 7275<br />

1800-1858 Sun 3975 6025* >>*RSO 150 kW / 290 deg<br />

1830-1858 Mon-Sat 3975 6025* >>*RSO 150 kW / 290 deg<br />

2030-2<strong>05</strong>8 Mon-Sat 3975 6025* >>*RSO 150 kW / 290 deg<br />

French to Eu 1700-1728 Daily 3975 6025* >>*RSO 150 kW / 275 deg<br />

2100-2128 Daily 3975 6025<br />

Hungarian to Eu <strong>05</strong>00-1158 Sun 6025 relay Kossuth Radio<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-1658 Mon-Sat 6025 relay Kossuth Radio<br />

1200-1258 Sun 6025<br />

1400-1458 Sun 6025<br />

1900-1958 Daily 3975 6025<br />

2300-2358 Daily 6025<br />

Hungarian to NoAm 0100-0158 Daily 9870<br />

0230-0328 Daily 9855<br />

2200-2258 Daily 9825<br />

Hungarian to SoAf 2000-2<strong>05</strong>8 Daily 11785<br />

Hungarian to SoAm 2300-2358 Daily 12010 9580* >>*RSO 250 kW / 245 deg<br />

0000-0<strong>05</strong>8 Mon 12010 9580* >>*RSO 250 kW / 245 deg<br />

Hungarian to AUS 1200-1258 Daily 21590<br />

1900-1958 Daily 11675* >>*RSO 250 kW / 090 deg<br />

Italian to Eu 1730-1758 Daily 3975 6025* >>*RSO 150 kW / 230 deg<br />

2130-2158 Daily 3975 6025<br />

Russian to Eu 0400-0428 Daily 3975 6025* >>*RSO 150 kW / <strong>05</strong>0 deg<br />

1630-1658 Sun 3975 6025<br />

1800-1828 Mon-Sat 3975 6025* >>*RSO 150 kW / <strong>05</strong>0 deg<br />

2030-2<strong>05</strong>8 Sun 3975 6025* >>*RSO 150 kW / <strong>05</strong>0 deg<br />

Spanish to Eu&SoAm 0430-0458 Daily 3975 6025* >>*RSO 150 kW / 245 deg<br />

2230-2258 Daily 6025 7285* >>*RSO 150 kW / 245 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 11)

R. Budapest, 10000.0 kHz, at *2200-2258* on Sept 29, 30, Oct 1. Punch-up<br />

error? Spur? Strong, mixing with WWV. Talk in listed Hungarian. Brief mx<br />

breaks, IS and off. Heard // 9850 and 12030; listed // 6025 not heard.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Oct)<br />

This could be 3975+6025. But I guess 3975 is not listed at that time Brian<br />

was listening. By the way, 3975 has a strong harmonic on 7950 kHz.<br />

(Jari-FIN, dxld Oct 11)<br />

Die Verlegung <strong>der</strong> beiden 100 kW-Sen<strong>der</strong> von Szekesfehervar nach Jaszbereny<br />

ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Daher wird Radio Budapest auch in <strong>der</strong><br />

naechsten Sendeperiode ab 30. Oktober einige Sendungen vom slowakischen<br />

Standort Rimavska Sobota ausstrahlen.<br />

(H. Suess 2.10.20<strong>05</strong> via Christoph Ratzer A-<strong>DX</strong>)<br />

Von den frueher drei Kurzwellenstandorten verstummte Diosd 1999 und<br />

Szekesfehervar 2004. Die verlegten Sen<strong>der</strong> sind bereits am neuen Standort,<br />

doch sind noch Arbeiten auf dem Antennenfeld noetig.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener, ntt Oct 15)<br />

INDIA 1071 Farewell to Rajkot 1071 kHz 1000 kW tx - It is now confirmed<br />

that the 1000 kW tx operating from Rajkot on 1071 kHz for External<br />

Services of AIR has closed down in June 2004. It started txions sometime<br />

around (August) 1970 and used to beam towards Pakistan and Afghanistan.<br />

(Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur Radio, dx_india Oct 10)<br />

Says AIR secretary Rakesh Panara, "the sce stands discontinued since April<br />

2004, when the second part of its super-power tx malfunctioned and could<br />

not be restored despite several attempts by the engineers. The first tx<br />

had stopped functioning several years ago. Prasar Bharati Corporation has<br />

requisitioned for a new digital tx for Rajkot, which would cost an<br />

estimate Rs 42 crore.<br />

The funds constraint remain a major handicap, especially after it<br />

initiated austerity measures announced by the Finance Ministry.<br />

(via Alokesh Gupta-IND, dx_india via ARC MV Eko Oct 10)<br />

1071 Fuehrungskraefte von All India Radio machen Druck, um die<br />

Grosssendeanlage von Rajkot wie<strong>der</strong> auf Sendung zu bringen. Indien hatte<br />

Ende <strong>der</strong> 60er / Anfang <strong>der</strong> 70er Jahre drei Megawatt-Anlagen in Aligarh,<br />

Nagpur und Rajkot errichtet. Waehrend die ersten beiden Standorte mit<br />

Digitalsen<strong>der</strong>n erneuert wurden, ist Rajkot Sparmassnahmen des<br />

Finanzministeriums zum Opfer gefallen und seit April 2004 nicht mehr auf<br />

Sendung. Nach Angaben von AIR Secretary Rakesh Panara hatte <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong><br />

schon mehr als 15 Jahre ueber die erwartete Betriebsdauer gesendet, als<br />

eine wichtige Sen<strong>der</strong>oehre kaputt ging. Stationsingineur K. A. Raval sieht<br />

keinerlei Moeglichkeit, den alten Sen<strong>der</strong> wie<strong>der</strong> betriebsfaehig zu machen.<br />

Die benoetigte Sen<strong>der</strong>oehre wird von niemandem mehr produziert, und auch um<br />

das restliche Innenleben des Sen<strong>der</strong>s ist es schlecht bestellt.<br />

Die Prasar Bharati Corporation hatte einen Digitalsen<strong>der</strong> fuer Rajkot auf<br />

<strong>der</strong> Liste, doch wuerde <strong>der</strong> eine Investition von 420 Mio. Rupien bedeuten.<br />

Nach Angaben von Panara sieht man sowohl im Aussen- als auch im<br />

Innenministerium Bedarf, den Urdu-Sendungen aus Pakistan eine machtvolle<br />

Stimme entgegenzusetzen. Immerhin haetten die Mittelwellensendungen des<br />

Urdu-Auslandsdienstes von All India Radio in <strong>der</strong> Vergangenheit grosse<br />

Bedeutung sowohl im Inland als auch im Ausland gehabt.<br />

Die Grossstation in Rajkot ging im Sommer 1970 auf Sendung und wurde am 8.<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uar 1971 eingeweiht. Sie wurde primaer fuer Auslandsendungen in<br />

Baluchi, Sindhi und Urdu eingesetzt, wobei es insbeson<strong>der</strong>e fuer Urdu auch<br />

eine grosse Hoererschaft in Indien selber gibt. Durch eine endgueltige<br />

Schliessung <strong>der</strong> Sendeanlage werden ueberdies auch qualifizierte<br />

Arbeitsplaetze in <strong>der</strong> Region verloren gehen.

(Tanvir Siddiqui: AIR woes: Urdu sce still off air 3.10.20<strong>05</strong><br />

<br />

via A. Gupta-IND in <strong>DX</strong>india, von Dr. Hansjoerg Biener, ntt Oct 15<br />

ergaenzt)<br />

INDONESIA 4790 RRI-Fak Fak Oct.7 1238-1400(sign off) 43333 Talk and mx<br />

in INSn.ID at 1359 as 'Radio Republik INS, Fak Fak'. (Kyoshiro Ishizaki-<br />

JPN, JPNpremium, Oct 14)<br />

4925 Jambi at 2017 with Islamic tunes Abt S3

2959.97 RPDT Manggarai, on Oct 16 at 1106 UT. Just started my last<br />

session at Grayland for this visit. Manggarai is present with weak audio<br />

with talk in Bahasa INS by YL. Fair at best.<br />

3344.98 RRI Ternate, Oct 16 at 1204 - No sign of Radio Northern. Instead<br />

good reception from this RRI station with national nx ( // to 3325, but<br />

with delay).<br />

3578.74 RSPK Ngada, Bajawa, Oct 16 1255 - Poorly heard, but there at this<br />

time. I'll listen for the top of the hour for anything discernible.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 17)<br />

4925 RRI, Jambi, audible on 15 Oct 2207-2216, Bahasa INS, news (tent),<br />

Koranic prayer; 23331, mixed with 2 Brazilian stns.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 17)<br />

IRAN 15600 V.O. Islamic Republic of Iran. Oct.10 at 11<strong>05</strong>-1127(S/off).<br />

35433. Talk in English about Islam. ID at 1115, then talk about Islamic<br />

Revolution. Closing annt at 1123 and ID at 1126 UT.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Oct 14) En to Indian subc.<br />

IRAQ/IRAN [non?] Cland 4870 ?unIDed at 1627 UT, Kurdish in Farsi at<br />

1632 covered with jammer. (Oct 18)<br />

4840 unIDed station on 2118 Arabic program, with interview and mentions of<br />

Maklumat (Info). Seems stable signal not // 9680 (vacant).<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 19)<br />

[also noted by Guido Schotmans-BEL]<br />

Re unID on 18727, I gave the audio file on <strong>DX</strong>LD yahoo group a listen and<br />

the formula of the program (a song followed by a man/woman talking about<br />

the situation in Iraq) reminded me of the Information Radio. The US psyop<br />

to Iraq. So today 10/10/20<strong>05</strong> I picked up the station around 1655 UT and as<br />

usual a song by an Egyptian singer, followed by a guy talking about the<br />

incidents caused by terrorists in Iraq, mentioning "Abu Mos'ab Alzarqawi"<br />

a lot and giving out phone numbers in Iraq so anybody with information<br />

about "Abu Mos'ab Alzarqawi" or anyone of his group would call in with<br />

info.<br />

Followed by another Arabic song, with no ID, so I kept listening for a<br />

while, and then around 1825 UT I heard another guy saying "to get more<br />

info about the situation in Iraq, please stay tuned to our freqs 756 kHz<br />

and 846 kHz". By checking the MW stations in Iraq I'm positive that 756 is<br />

Information radio, but it's the first time for me to know that they have<br />

// of 846 kHz I tried to get an ID but in vain. But I have to say it's<br />

typically Information Radio style.<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / dxld Oct 11)<br />

A tx feed? 18727 is in the ITU segment 18168-18780 kHz which is primarily<br />

assigned for fixed military links (which would include an Information<br />

Radio feed, being a military operation).<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Oct 12)<br />

Just what I was thinking, but from where to where on a rather high freq<br />

which would skip over the immediate Gulf area?<br />

(Glenn Hauser, ibid.)<br />

ISRAEL Freq change for Kol Israel from Oct.9:<br />

1500-1600 Fri/Sat Persian; 1500-1625 Sun-Thu Persian;<br />

1600-1625 Fri Russian; 1600-1625 Sat Ladino NF 9985, ex 15640 //<br />

116<strong>05</strong>,17535<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 18)<br />

KENYA 4915 K<strong>BC</strong> (tent), Langata, tentatively heard co-ch with GHA (tent)

on 12 Oct 1846-1902 UT, Swahili (tent), African mx, talks; 43432, QRM de<br />

GHA (with western tunes, no talks); better on LSB. I tried this with other<br />

antennae on the SW coast at the same time on Sat. 15 Oct, but only GHA was<br />

(strongly) audible. The K<strong>BC</strong> was recently reported closing at 1900 UT.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 17)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. 3250.03 Pyongyang Broadcasting Station, on Oct 15 at 15:42<br />

- Very good reception on several SW freqs (and in // to 657 MW): 3320.21<br />

(very good), 6250.136 (good if you use LSB to avoid the upper ute).<br />

6378.776 (good to very good) with a pretty Korean vocal sung by a young<br />

woman, and not at all strident as is so usually the case.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 17)<br />

Die nordkoreanische Zentrale Rundfunkstation (Korean Central Broadcasting<br />

Station - KCBS), Pyongyang, feierte juengst den 60. Jahrestag ihres<br />

Bestehens. Folgende englischsprachige <strong>Meldun</strong>g veroeffentlichte aus diesem<br />

Anlass die nordkoreanische Nachrichtenagentur KCNA unter<br />

<br />

Anniversary of Korean Central Broadcasting Station Marked.<br />

Pyongyang, October 15 (KCNA) The Korean Central Broadcasting Station<br />

observed the 60th anniversary of its foundation. It has successfully<br />

discharged its honorable revolutionary duty of broadcasting the voices of<br />

the Workers' Party of Korea at home and abroad over the last 60 years<br />

since it broadcast for the first time the historic speech made by<br />

President Kim Il Sung on his triumphant return home on Oct. 14, Juche 34<br />

(1945).<br />

The workers, technicians and officials of the broadcasting station,<br />

cherishing the great honor and responsibility of ensuring the ideological<br />

work of the Party, have laid the firm material and technical foundation of<br />

broadcasting and normalized broadcasting operation with their good<br />

management of equipment and techniques, thus making positive contributions<br />

to stepping up the revolution and construction and enhancing the external<br />

prestige of the country.<br />

A meeting took place on Oct. 14. In a congratulatory message to the<br />

workers, technicians and officials of the Korean Central Broadcasting<br />

Station the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea highly<br />

appraised them for ensuring the broadcasting information work of the Party<br />

in a responsible manner with their intense loyalty and patriotic devotion<br />

to the Party and the lea<strong>der</strong>.<br />

The meeting laid stress on the issues of establishing the scientific<br />

management system of the broadcasting equipment, accelerating<br />

mo<strong>der</strong>nization, effecting a new turn in the broadcasting operation to give<br />

fuller play to the might of the Juche broadcasting and thus positively<br />

contribute to making the voices of the Party resound worldwide.<br />

(via Arnulf Piontek-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 18)<br />

LATVIA 9390 Hallo Freunde,<br />

nach dem Erfolg unserer dreistuendigen Son<strong>der</strong>sendung am 2.10.20<strong>05</strong> haben<br />

wir uns entschlossen regelmaessig auf Sendung zu gehen. Wir bekamen viele<br />

Empfangsberichte, sogar aus Japan. Alle erhalten natuerlich unsere Son<strong>der</strong>-<br />

QSL-Karte "30 Jahre Rhein-Main-Radio-Club".<br />

Am Samstag 22.10.20<strong>05</strong> ist <strong>der</strong> Rhein-Main-Radio Club wie<strong>der</strong> ueber Kurzwelle<br />

[Ulbroka] auf 9290 zu hoeren, und zwar von 1400-1500 UTC.<br />

Natuerlich kann man die Sendung auch ueber hoeren<br />

Guten Empfang. (Harald Gabler, RMRC Vorstand, Oct 19)<br />

MALAYSIA 7295 TraXXfm (Kuala Lumpur), is still not heard during the

1300-1400 UT time period. The XX is for "Xperience the Xcitment."<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 19)<br />

7270 (Kuching) Wai FM (RTM), Oct 18 at 1335-1404, woman DJ with prgm of<br />

pop songs in various langs (En song: "I Live My Life for You"), ToH<br />

singing station jingle (men with "Wai, Wai, Wai, Wai, Wai Wai Wai" and a<br />

woman comes in with "FM"), assume the nx. Scheduled langs are<br />

Iban/Bidayuh/Kayan/Kenyah. Fair. Thanks again to Alan Davies, from<br />

Indonesia, for the information on the renaming of the Malaysian stations.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 19)<br />

MALEDIVES [non] 13855, Minivan Radio via Julich, Germany after<br />

verifying my reception report last year forwarded my reception report that<br />

I sent to them over program placement guru Jeff White at WRMI for<br />

verification. V/S Jeff White signed and stamped my prepared card (with a<br />

Radio Miami International stamp!) in 401 days giving me another<br />

verification of this "station." Short hand written note from Jeff along<br />

with a nice WRMI bumper sticker and nx about WRMI launching its newly<br />

designed website in September 20<strong>05</strong> completed the package.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 16)<br />

MALI 7284.9 R.Mali, Kati, obs'ed on 15 Oct at 1015-1230 UT (when vy.<br />

poor), Vernacular, tribal songs, pops; 35443.<br />

11960 R.Mali, Kati, monitored on 16 Oct at 1332-1440 UT, French, talks on<br />

home affairs; weackish audio; 43442, adjc QRM only.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 17)<br />

MOLDOVA 5910, Radio DMR, State R of Pridnestrovye, Tiraspol, at *1600-<br />

1636 UT on Sep 20 and 26, English, French and German programs with chime,<br />

ID and commentary. They announced "5960 kHz", 45444.<br />

(Satoshi Wakisaka, in Duesseldorf-GER and Klaus-Dieter Scholz-D, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W<br />

Oct 9)<br />

MYANMAR 5985.8 Radio Myanmar. On Oct 9 at 1510-16<strong>05</strong>(S/off) UT. 34433.<br />

Music program with pops till 1515, then ID and nx in English. Music<br />

program with instrumental mx from 1529 UT. Talk in Burmese from 1603.<br />

S/off after National Anthem.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Oct 14)<br />

5985.83 R. Myanmar at 1322-1335+ UT on Oct 16. Exotic Burmese vocals; YL<br />

ancr at 1325 and 1329 UT; instrumental IS at 1329, chimes, then apparent<br />

ID and nx at 1330 UT by M ancr. Good signal but began deteriorating<br />

shortly after 1330 UT.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 16)<br />

NEPAL 50<strong>05</strong>.28 R. Nepal (tent), Khumaltar, tentatively heard on 09 Oct<br />

on 1710-1715* UT, Asian mx; 13431, QRM de IND 5010 + GNE 50<strong>05</strong>, both<br />

causing a het. with NPL, which was gone at 1715 UT.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 17)<br />

NETHERLANDS The Netherlands 1008 In an e-mail verification from Jaap van<br />

't Riet on Talparadio, he wrote that Radio 10 Gold on 1008 kHz in<br />

Flevoland, Netherlands will get a new tx at the end of this year. Also<br />

this new tx can transmit DRM mode.<br />

(Ge Huijbens-BEL via MWC e-mail nx 12.8.20<strong>05</strong>; via ARC MV Eko)<br />

1395 Die Nozema hat am 12. September 20<strong>05</strong> die Ausstrahlung von Big L -<br />

Radio London auf <strong>der</strong> Mittelwelle Trintelhaven 1395 kHz unterbrochen.<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong>betreiber und -nutzer streiten ueber die Bezahlung <strong>der</strong> Sendekosten.<br />

Ray An<strong>der</strong>son von Big L besteht auf einer Reduzierung <strong>der</strong> Rechnung, da die<br />

Station "in vier Monaten nur zwei Wochen mit <strong>der</strong> vereinbarten<br />

Sendeleistung" gearbeitet habe.

An<strong>der</strong>son drohte mit Alternativen, die er habe. Der Verlust des Kunden wird<br />

Nozema kaum schrecken, da <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong>betreiber bisher noch ueberhaupt kein<br />

Geld von Big L bekommen hat. Ruud Poeze, <strong>der</strong> sein Sen<strong>der</strong>echt an Big L<br />

weitgibt, for<strong>der</strong>te die Streitparteien zur baldigen Einigung auf.<br />

(Radio Netherlands 13., 15., 23.9., 4.10.20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

"The Heart and Soul of Rock n Roll" sendet auch ueber Sky Digital 940<br />

(Eurobird 1 28.5 degr Ost, 11,390 GHz vertikal, 27500 FEC: 2/3 APID: 2338)<br />

und Internet braucht aber die Mittelwelle auch, um ein bisschen an das<br />

Hoergefuehl <strong>der</strong> fuenfziger, sechziger und siebziger Jahre anzuschliessen.<br />

Die Musikfarbe wird mit historischen Musikgiganten wie Bill Haley, Buddy<br />

Holly, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Cliff Richard, Beatles, Stones,<br />

Hendrix, Cream bis zu den mo<strong>der</strong>nen Klassikern beschrieben. (RNW MN NL<br />

4.10.20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

RTL FM hat im Juni 2003 sein Sen<strong>der</strong>echt zu Unrecht erhalten. Das entschied<br />

ein Gericht in Rotterdam. Das Sen<strong>der</strong>echt sei fuer eine Station mit<br />

ueberwiegend nie<strong>der</strong>laendischer Musik ausgeschrieben worden. Die Station<br />

hatte tagsueber 0700-1900 Uhr mindestens 30 Prozent Musik in<br />

nie<strong>der</strong>laendischer Sprache ausstrahlen sollen.<br />

An<strong>der</strong>e Bewerber, die wie 100%NL 70 Prozent Anteil in Nie<strong>der</strong>laendisch<br />

versprochen hatten, gingen vor Gericht. Ihrer Argumentation schloss sich<br />

das Gericht an: Da es sich um eine Sendelizenz mit einem spezifischen<br />

Programmprofil gehandelt habe, haette sich das Ministerium nicht dem<br />

hoechsten Gebot den Zuschlag geben muessen, son<strong>der</strong>n dem Bewerber mit dem<br />

passendsten Programmprofil. 100%NL, das <strong>der</strong> finnischen RadioCorp OY<br />

gehoert, hat nach Ansicht des Gerichts das beste Programmangebot gemacht.<br />

Direktorin Denny Terpstra geht nun davon aus, das RTL sein Sen<strong>der</strong>echt an<br />

100%NL verliert. Insgesamt hatten sich vier Bewerber fuer das Sen<strong>der</strong>echt<br />

interessiert.<br />

(RNW MN NL 6.10.20<strong>05</strong>; via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt Oct 15)<br />

NIGERIA 7255 VoNigeria, Ikorodu, obs'ed on 15 Oct at 1013-1815 UT (!),<br />

English, interviews, mx; at a certain time (1230), they linked with Abuja<br />

studions and the audio suddenly became a disaster; 25332; rated 55444 at<br />

1800 UT.<br />

7275 R. Nigeria, Abuja, also obs'ed on 15 Oct at 1013 UT, but signal was<br />

vy. poor.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 17)<br />

[tent] 4770 Kaduna if activated back on 2110 UT had a signal of ca S8<br />

with microphonic noise and possibly nx heard at very lo audio level near<br />

to unintelligible. Same was on Oct 17.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 19)<br />

PAKISTAN [non] Due to the emergency in South Asia, the B<strong>BC</strong> and Deutsche<br />

Welle have temporarily extended their sces in Urdu:<br />

Deutsche Welle has introduced another Urdu txion at 0030-0100 UTC on 1548,<br />

7130, 95<strong>05</strong> and 9825 kHz (instead of the regular English programme).<br />

The B<strong>BC</strong> has extended its morning Urdu sce (normally 0130-0200) to 0230<br />

UTC, but the extra 30 min can be heard on 1413 and 15510 kHz and also one<br />

FM station in Pakistan.<br />

(Alok das Gupta-IND, RNWMNNL / <strong>DX</strong>Asia Oct 11)<br />

PNG 3219.97 Radio Morobe, Oct 16 1108 - Good reception with English<br />

mo<strong>der</strong>n Christian song (I just pray on my knees...). Some static crashes,<br />

but otherwise very enjoyable. Pidgin at 11:13 with 'Morobe' heard. Radio<br />

Morobe FM 1<strong>05</strong> heard at 11:13.<br />

3235 Radio West New Britain, Oct 16 1115 - Also good reception of this old

favourite with Sunday night programming. Western Christian vocal. Minor<br />

static crashes. Pidgin annts at 1118 'regular listeners', etc.<br />

3245 Radio Gulf, Oct 16 1120 - Radio play about a violin. S5 signal in the<br />

clear, but with some static crashes. Generally an easy to follow program.<br />

At 11:22:40 an ad for 'yourstruly.org', the sponsor of this program. Local<br />

dj at 11:37 was very muffly, although the mx in the background was<br />

flawless.<br />

3260 Radio Madang, Oct 16 1126 - Relatively weak compared to the other<br />

PNGs this morning, and suffering more from the static crashes. Mostly all<br />

western mx, with rather tinny audio. Fair to good overall. More pleasant<br />

to listen to in AM than my usual side band, and more intelligible. Time to<br />

move on!.<br />

3275 Radio Southern Highlands, Oct 16 1132 - The weakest so far this<br />

morning, at poor to fair levels only and too weak to make much out this<br />

morning.<br />

33<strong>05</strong> Radio Western, Oct 16 1143 - Only fair reception this morning. Lots<br />

of PNGs, but I've heard them in the past at much better levels than this<br />

morning. 3290, Radio Central noted not on the air this morning. As is so<br />

often the case, the mx is well modulated and clean, while the announcer<br />

(at 11:47) seems very anemic. A local lang, not English, nor Pidgin from<br />

the sound of the lang, though, although I did hear 'number one', 'number<br />

two', and up to 'number 8' so far. (Walt Salmaniw-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 17)<br />

3315 Radio Manus, Oct 16 1151 - Possibly some tx trouble. I did hear a YL<br />

just as I tuned there, but only hear dead air now. Not confirmed then this<br />

morning.<br />

3325 Radio North Solomons, Oct 16 1154 - Strongest by far this morning,<br />

and well over cochannel RRI Palangkaraya, with easy listening mx. S9 + 10<br />

at peaks. Oops, the RRI station is in fact the dominant station, with Love<br />

Ambon at 11:58, but the PNG station is audible un<strong>der</strong>neath.<br />

3335 Radio East Sepik, Oct 16 1157 - Another strong performer with a nice<br />

strong signal. I rechecked here a few mins later, and they are clearly<br />

signing off with the PNG anthem at 12:02, but instead of signing off, the<br />

National nx in English came on in progress! Strange.<br />

3365 Milne Bay, Oct 16 1207 - Only weakly heard despite a strong carrier<br />

(or perhaps an OC from a ute over top?). 3355 Radio Simbu not heard, but<br />

possibly might have signed off before the TOH.<br />

3384.99 Radio East New Britain, Oct 16 1209 - Late Saturday night radio<br />

program at very good levels. Also noted a loud open carrier on 3375, so<br />

I'm thinking that Radio Western Highlands was on, but signed off at 12:00.<br />

No sign of Radio Eastern Highlands on 3395. Also nothing on 39<strong>05</strong>, the freq<br />

for Radio New Ireland.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 17)<br />

PHILIPPINES Greetings! We would like to invite you to view the Radio<br />

Veritas Asia - Audience Relations Section website.<br />

You can download some our forms such as<br />

Listener's Demographic Profile Sheet, Transmission Schedule, Reception<br />

Report Log. We have provided a page for our Online Survey. There is also a<br />

Discussion Board and post any topic you want.<br />

We aim to know you so we could serve better and provide you highly<br />

informative programs and up-to-date information about our Language<br />

Broadcasts and our audience.<br />

You could also post your reception reports on our Board and we will verify

them as soon as possible.<br />

Hoping to see you and interact with you.<br />

Sincerely, Shiela Hermida Audience Relations Section<br />

<br />

(via Swopan Chakroborty-IND, hcdx Oct 14)<br />

15040 Spurious. Heard on October 15 on 15040 at 0834z Spur of 15280 kHz<br />

RFE-RL via Philippines 250 kW to East Asia, Russian Px, 0800-1000z.<br />

Heard with RR Ma, best with AM-N filter, checked 240 kHz higher, 15520 and<br />

nothing heard there, peaked at 0849z with 4 x 4, best heard so far,<br />

sometimes only a weak Het here, took 8-10 days before I could ID it.<br />

(David Vitek-AUS, harmonics Oct 18)<br />

Tinang scheduled<br />

15160 0700-1100 VOA CHIN PHT 349deg 15280 0800-1000 RFE RUSS PHT<br />

349deg<br />

so the fundamental spur difference should be 120 kHz. Check 15400 kHz<br />

channel also on the upper side, at least between 0800 and 1000 UT.<br />

Spurious signal should disappear at 1000 UT.<br />

(wolfy df5sx Oct 18)<br />

PORTUGAL [special broadcasts] In case you may still receive this before<br />

2300 UT, maybe you could try the RDPi (to NAm 15560, to Venez 15555, to<br />

Eur 9820 & 13720) and "see" for yourselves: normally, f/ball, then on the<br />

9th Oct., the municipal elections and today the Fatima rlgs. celebrations,<br />

which will continue until tomorry, 13th (they occur on the 13th of May &<br />

October).<br />

At one time, an endless list of countries represented by many pilgrims...<br />

from Gilbraltar and the USA to Vietnam and MLA (*), SNG.<br />

Some say Portugal is the country of the 3 "f"... football, Fatima and<br />

fado.<br />

*) suggestion: <br />

In Malacca or Macau, for instance, one may see local dance groups<br />

performing Port. folk dances and songs.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 12)<br />

Champions League live coverage at present 1845-2030 UT. Benfica Lisbon vv<br />

Spanish team on RDP Lisbon shortwave. 9820 kHz S=9+20 db, 15560! kHz S=9.<br />

Weak 13595 15555! 17680. Not heard on 21655 kHz to Brazil, due of prop<br />

skip. (wb, Oct 18)<br />

RUSSIA On 11th Oct, GTRK-Kamchatka - 5920 kHz relayed local program of<br />

Palana, Koryak Avt. Obl. from 1910 to 2000 UT. I confirmed only this day,<br />

so I can not suggest its regularity. Only Tuesday? Recorded audio sample<br />

is<br />

<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, hcdx Oct 14)<br />

5920 at <strong>05</strong>55- UT. GTRK Kamchatka, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. Regional<br />

weather report, heavy QRM by WBOH. Thanks to the tip from Walt Salmaniw-<br />

CAN.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 14, hcdx Aug 15)<br />

12065 R. Station Pacific Ocean, on Oct 14 at 0853-0900* UT, strong signal,<br />

Russian programming and mx, clear ID "Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean."<br />

Recently this has not been well heard at all, so this was a nice change.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 16)

801 On 31 August, the independent broadcaster "Narodnoye Radio" (Web:<br />

http://www.narodinfo.ru ) received a license to transmit from St.<br />

Petersburg on 801 kHz with 500 kW. The tx is leased from Russia's national<br />

tx operator RTRN, and was earlier rented by the regional state broadcaster<br />

TRK Peterburg until it was closed down some years ago.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, via MW<strong>DX</strong> 18.9.20<strong>05</strong>; via ARC MV Eko)<br />

That would affect Bayer Rundfunk Munich Ismaning 801 kHz co-channel<br />

coverage in Germany too. (wb)<br />

7320 Radio Rossii, on Oct 14 at 0410 - Listed as Arman, in the Russian<br />

Far East in Russian at strong level, // to 5940, also listed as Arman, and<br />

5920 which is about a second ahead of the other two, and listed as<br />

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. All strong. 7345 also // weakly, listed as<br />

Yakutsk. Also 9480 (Moscow) poor.<br />

5920 GTRK Kamchatka, on Oct 17 at <strong>05</strong>22 - I was busy typing my loggings<br />

for the last 3 nights at Grayland, and while doing so I've monitored 5920.<br />

Althogh WBOH dominates, the Russian is audible un<strong>der</strong>neath, and mentnions<br />

Kamchatka repeatedly, so I'm assuming this to be a local program, and not<br />

a network Radio Rossii feed.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 17)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA SENTECH B<strong>05</strong> Schedule effective from Sunday 30 October 20<strong>05</strong><br />

Adventist World Radio<br />

1700 1800 11915 250 1234567 Kenya/Uganda Swah/Masai<br />

1800 1830 3215 100 1234567 Namibia English<br />

1800 1830 3345 100 1234567 Zimbabwe English<br />

1800 1830 11925 250 1234567 Kenya/Uganda English<br />

1900 1930 15140 250 1234567 West Africa Fulfulde<br />

1930 2000 11750 250 1234567 West Africa Hausa<br />

1930 2000 11885 500 1234567 West Africa Ibo<br />

2000 2030 9655 250 1234567 Central Africa English<br />

2000 2030 98<strong>05</strong> 500 1234567 Central Africa French<br />

2000 2100 11845 250 1234567 Congo,Gabon French/Yoruba<br />

B<strong>BC</strong><br />

0300 0330 9610 500 1234567 East Africa Swahili<br />

0300 0700 11765 250 1234567 West Africa English<br />

0400 0430 15400 250 1234567 East Africa Swahili<br />

0430 <strong>05</strong>00 3390 100 1234567 S. Moz Portuguese<br />

0430 <strong>05</strong>00 6135 250 1234567 N. Moz Portuguese<br />

0430 <strong>05</strong>00 72<strong>05</strong> 500 1234567 Angola Portuguese<br />

<strong>05</strong>30 0600 15400 250 .....67 Central Africa Kirundi<br />

0700 0730 17695 500 1234567 Central Africa French<br />

1500 1700 21490 500 1234567 Central Africa Eng/Swahili<br />

1700 1900 15420 250 1234567 East Africa English<br />

1730 1745 3390 100 1234567 S. Moz Eng teaching<br />

1730 1800 7230 500 1234567 East Africa Eng/Swahili<br />

1730 1745 9620 500 1234567 Angola Eng teaching<br />

1800 1830 7230 250 1234567 Madagascar French<br />

2030 2100 3390 100 1234567 S. Moz Portuguese<br />

2030 2100 6135 250 1234567 N. Moz Portuguese<br />

2030 2100 7260 500 1234567 Angola Portuguese<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> World Service<br />

0300 <strong>05</strong>00 3255 100 1234567 South Africa English<br />

0300 <strong>05</strong>00 6190 100 1234567 Zimbabwe English<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 1700 6190 100 1234567 South Africa English<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 1700 11940 100 1234567 Zimbabwe English<br />

1700 2200 3255 100 1234567 South Africa English<br />

1700 2200 6190 100 1234567 Zimbabwe English

Channel Africa<br />

0300 <strong>05</strong>00 3345 100 1234567 Southern Afr English<br />

0300 0400 6120 250 1234567 East Africa Swahili<br />

0300 0400 7390 500 1234567 East Africa English<br />

0400 <strong>05</strong>00 7390 500 1234567 Central Africa French<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 0700 7240 100 1234567 Southern Afr English<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 0600 11875 500 1234567 West Africa English<br />

0600 0700 15255 250 1234567 West Africa English<br />

0700 1600 11825 100 1234567 Southern Afr Eng/Loz/Nya<br />

1500 1600 17770 500 1234567 East Africa English<br />

1500 1600 17780 250 1234567 East Africa Swahili<br />

1600 1700 15285 500 1234567 West Africa French<br />

1700 1800 15285 500 1234567 West Africa English<br />

1900 2200 3345 100 1234567 Southern Afr Port/English<br />

China Radio International<br />

1500 1900 6100 100 1234567 Southern Afr Eng/Chinese<br />

Christian Voice<br />

<strong>05</strong>15 1545 9555 100 1234567 Southern Africa English<br />

Family Radio<br />

1900 2100 3230 100 1234567 Southern Afr English<br />

FEBA Radio<br />

1500 1545 12125 250 1234567 Sudan Nuer/Dinka<br />

1545 1600 12125 250 1234567 Moz/Tanzania Makonde<br />

1600 1700 12125 250 1234567 Ethiopia Amharic<br />

Hirondelle Foundation<br />

0400 0600 11690 250 1234567 DR Congo French/Various<br />

1600 1700 11890 250 1234567 DR Congo French/Various<br />

Radio France International<br />

0300 0400 7135 250 1234567 East Africa French<br />

0700 0800 15170 250 1234567 West Africa French<br />

1100 1200 17850 250 1234567 Central Africa French<br />

1200 1400 17850 250 1234567 West Africa French<br />

1230 1300 21760 250 1234567 West Africa French<br />

1600 1700 9730 100 1234567 Southern Afr English<br />

1600 1700 15160 250 1234567 West Africa English<br />

1900 2200 7160 250 1234567 West Africa French<br />

Radio Son<strong>der</strong> Grense<br />

0000 <strong>05</strong>00 3320 100 1234567 N. Cape Afrikaans<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 0700 7185 100 1234567 N. Cape Afrikaans<br />

0700 1700 9650 100 1234567 N. Cape Afrikaans<br />

1700 2400 3320 100 1234567 N. Cape Afrikaans<br />

SA Radio League<br />

0800 0900 72<strong>05</strong> 100 ......7 Southern Afr English<br />

0800 0900 17700 250 ......7 East Africa English<br />

1900 2000 3215 100 1...... Southern Afr English<br />

Trans World Radio<br />

0330 0345 7215 250 123456. Ethiopia Amha/Sidamo<br />

0330 0357 7215 250 ......7 Ethiopia Oromo<br />

0600 0645 11640 500 12345.. Nigeria English<br />

0600 0615 11640 500 .....67 Nigeria English<br />

1600 1630 9675 250 1234567 Burundi Kirundi<br />

1625 1655 9660 500 1234567 Somalia Somali<br />

1645 1800 9930 250 1234567 Ethiopia Amha/Oromo<br />

1657 1712 9660 500 .23456. S. Sudan Juba

1657 1727 9660 500 1.....7 S. Sudan Juba<br />

1703 1733 7265 250 1.34.6. Mozambique Sena/Yao<br />

1703 1748 7265 250 .2..5.7 Mozambique Sena/Yao<br />

1755 1825 9620 500 1234567 Mali, S.Niger Pulaar/French<br />

1810 1940 9720 250 1234567 West Africa Various<br />

1830 1930 9510 500 ..345.. West Africa Fulfulde/Yoruba<br />

1830 1945 9510 500 12..... West Africa Various<br />

1830 2000 9510 500 .....6. West Africa Various<br />

1830 2015 9510 500 ......7 West Africa Various<br />

1830 1915 9745 500 1234567 Nigeria Hausa/Kanuri<br />

United Nations Radio<br />

1700 1715 7170 100 12345.. Madagascar French<br />

1700 1715 21535 500 12345.. Central Africa French<br />

1730 1745 7170 100 12345.. Zimbabwe English<br />

Times are UTC. Day 1 Monday. Updated on 10 October 20<strong>05</strong><br />

(Kathy Otto, Sentech; via WW<strong>DX</strong>C HQ Oct 13)<br />

SPAIN RTVE-Generaldirektorin Carmen Cafarell gab am 6. Oktober 20<strong>05</strong> die<br />

Bildung einer Arbeitsgruppe bekannt, die eine "Adecuacion de la estructura<br />

organizativa central y territorial" vorbereiten soll. Die<br />

Neustrukturierung <strong>der</strong> landesweiten und regionalen Rundfunkarbeiten duerfte<br />

vor allem die Mittelwellensen<strong>der</strong> und die Lokalprogramme treffen. Die<br />

Szenarios reichen von <strong>der</strong> Schliessung von Radio 5 - Todo Noticias und<br />

dessen Regionalstudios bis zu, im besten Fall, regionalen<br />

Fensterprogrammen tagsueber. Die Entscheidungen stehen unter Zeitdruck, da<br />

das naechste Budget ab dem 1. <strong>Jan</strong>uar 2006 laeuft.<br />

(M. Molano 7.10.20<strong>05</strong> in emwg; via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener, ntt Oct 15)<br />

SUDAN 4750 R. Peace, Nuba Mtns., audible on 10 Oct at 1709-1731 UT,<br />

vernacular (tent), talks, songs; 34241, adjct uty. QRM and deteriorating.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 17)<br />

SWEDEN Radio Schweden International stellt einige fremdsprachige In- und<br />

Auslandsdienste ein. Fortgesetzt werden die Sendungen in Schwedisch,<br />

Belarussisch, Deutsch, Englisch und Russisch. Die Inlandsprogramme in den<br />

Min<strong>der</strong>heitensprachen Assyrisch, Kurdisch und Romani werden ebenfalls<br />

weiter auf Mittel- und Kurzwelle auch fuer das Ausland ausgestrahlt.<br />

Beendet werden im Inlandsfunk Spanisch und Tuerkisch, im Auslandsfunk die<br />

1998 begonnenen Fremdsprachen Estnisch und Lettisch. Ebenfalls aufgegeben<br />

wird eine Internetpraesenz in Polnisch.<br />

Die Mittel sollen in die verbleibenden Einwan<strong>der</strong>erprogramme umgeschichtet<br />

werden. Programmdirektorin Director Kerstin Brunnberg verwies in einer<br />

Betriebsversammlung am 26. September darauf, dass Estland und Lettland<br />

inzwischen EU-Mitglie<strong>der</strong> seien, ein Beitrag zur Unabhaengigkeit und<br />

Demokratisierung durch die schwedischen Auslandssendungen also nicht mehr<br />

so wichtig seien wie in <strong>der</strong> Sowjetzeit.<br />

Bei den Inlandssendungen verwies sie darauf, dass die spanischsprachigen<br />

Einwan<strong>der</strong>er vor allem 1973 nach dem Militaerputsch in Chile gekommen<br />

seien, die tuerkischen nach dem Putsch 1980. Man geht davon aus, dass die<br />

Aen<strong>der</strong>ungen im Inlandsdienst am 16. <strong>Jan</strong>uar und im Auslandsdienst<br />

spaetestens im naechsten Maerz in Kraft treten. Insofern bleibt noch Zeit<br />

zur politischen Debatte. Dass die kurdischen Sendungen beibehalten werden,<br />

hat beispielsweise schon Kritik auf sich gezogen.<br />

(RNW MN NL 27.9., 5.10.20<strong>05</strong>, Radio Schweden via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener, ntt<br />

Oct 15)<br />

TAIWAN Winterfrequenzen des RTI- Deutschprogrammes<br />

(30. 10. 20<strong>05</strong>- 25. 03. 2006)<br />

1800-1900 UTC 9955 khz via Tainan Taiwan

1900-2000 UTC 6170 khz via Al-Dhabbaya UAE<br />

2100-2200 UTC 11665 khz via Okeechobee FL USA<br />

0600-0700 UTC 5810 khz via Okeechobee FL USA<br />

(Paul Gager-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 16)<br />

TRUTH FOR THE WORLD QSL: For loggings of Truth for the World via Taiwan on<br />

7220 on 3 different days in Bao Loc, Vietnam, 16 days after sending a<br />

report to P.O. Box 5048, Duluth, Georgia, 30096-0065, USA.<br />

I received the following: partial-data letter from John M. Grubb, Mr.<br />

Grubb's business card in English & Chinese, and, surprisingly, a full-data<br />

Radio Taiwan International "child & wax apples from Lin-bien" QSL card and<br />

a small but elaborate multi-colored embroi<strong>der</strong>ed cloth Radio Taiwan<br />

International pennant. I have received QSLs from a number of broadcasters<br />

for their broadcasts via Taiwan but all have sent their own cards. Truth<br />

for the World appears to have not only a supply of RTI QSL cards but also<br />

pennants.<br />

Is this a Christian or clandestine-type broadcast? WRTH lists it un<strong>der</strong><br />

clandestines, but according to the TFTW website and letterhead it is "a<br />

work of the Duluth Church of Christ" [they point out this is not the large<br />

denomination by the same name]. The programs gave me no clue as to what<br />

kind of broadcast it was. The format was identical on all 3 days: a man<br />

spoke for 29 mins and then gave what was probably an address in Taiwan. I<br />

feel it probably was religious, although there was no mx. And no jamming<br />

was heard.<br />

(W. Craighead-KS-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 25)<br />

"Truth for the World" is a strictly missionary station, see<br />

<br />

The Chinese sce is only one out of 4 lang sces, the others are English,<br />

Spanish, INSn.<br />

Start quote from <br />

Truth for the World is a mission work of the churches of Christ. It is a<br />

total approach to world evangelism involving radio and television<br />

programs, literature and campaign follow-up.<br />

Truth for the World is un<strong>der</strong> the oversight of the Duluth church of Christ,<br />

3239 Highway 120, Duluth, Georgia 30096. The work is also supported by<br />

other churches of Christ throughout the United States, and by individual<br />

members of the churches of Christ.<br />

(...) The Chinese sce consists of bible lessons and other religious<br />

broadcasts, examples can be found in the English menus on the Chinese site<br />

<br />

Btw, the Church of Christ in Duluth also has its own, extensive website:<br />

<br />

This link may provide an idea of the truely missionary nature of the<br />

"Truth for the World" broadcasts:<br />

<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Sep 25)<br />

TANZANIA [ZANZIBAR] 11735, Spice FM via Voice of Tanzania-Zanzibar, at<br />

18<strong>05</strong>-1812 UT on Oct 13, man with nx in English. Headlines repeated at 1808<br />

UT followed by "and that?s the end of the nx from Spice FM." Return to<br />

regular programming with a woman announcer began speaking in Arabic. Fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 16)

THAILAND 6765USB Bangkok Meteological R. on Oct 7 at 1204-1235 UT 33222<br />

Weather infomation in Thai and English.<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium, Oct 14)<br />

TURKMENISTAN 5015 Turkmen Radio at 2018 UT with very dull audio S4-5,<br />

34431. Seems un<strong>der</strong>modulated on Oct 18 with S4 too but better audio.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 19)<br />

UNIDentified [USA non] Additional freq for Radio Free Asia in Mandarin<br />

Chinese:<br />

1800-2200 on 7355 + Chinese mx jammer. UNID site.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 18)<br />

U.K. [and non] New schedule for B<strong>BC</strong> in Uzbek:<br />

1300-1330 Daily, additional txion on the following freqs:<br />

11795 CYP 250 kW / 077 deg, on same freq for B-<strong>05</strong><br />

136<strong>05</strong> CYP 250 kW / 077 deg, on same freq for B-<strong>05</strong><br />

15390 RMP 500 kW / 076 deg, on same freq for B-<strong>05</strong><br />

1600-1630 Daily, ex 1600-1700 Mon-Fri and 1600-1630 Sat/Sun as follows:<br />

9615 CYP 250 kW / 077 deg, for B-<strong>05</strong> on 9615 CYP 250 kW / 077 deg<br />

11950 SLA 250 kW / 010 deg, for B-<strong>05</strong> on 9635 SNG 100 kW / 320 deg<br />

12090 MSK 250 kW / 117 deg, for B-<strong>05</strong> on 7435 MSK 250 kW / 117 deg<br />

17630 CYP 300 kW / 077 deg, for B-<strong>05</strong> on 7325 CYP 300 kW / 077 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 11)<br />

Die B<strong>BC</strong> will 2006 neun neue DAB-Sendeanlagen in England und Wales in<br />

Betrieb nehmen. Damit koennten weitere 1,2 Mio. Hoerer und Hoererinnen<br />

B<strong>BC</strong>-Sendungen digital empfangen.<br />

(RNW MN NL 12.10.20<strong>05</strong>; via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener, ntt Oct 15)<br />

USA 15385 KJES, on Oct 15 at 1854 UT - Haven't heard this one in a long<br />

while, and not a lot has changed, although there seems to be a hymn<br />

quietly being sung in the background, and rather than just children<br />

reading the Bible, an adult is reading a passage for a number of mins.<br />

Good reception. Canned ID by child at 18:58 UT in English, and then<br />

Spanish ID, and then similar Spanish programming.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 17)<br />

Radio Miami International has revamped its internet site <br />

Some pages concerning WRMI Miami are still "un<strong>der</strong>" construction. It is<br />

interesting to note that there is an integrated schedule for WRMI which<br />

includes programmes brokered on other sites.<br />

WRMI TRANSMISSION SCHEDULE, Eff October 1, 20<strong>05</strong><br />

0000-0400 UTC Tuesday-Saturday on 7385 kHz to North America<br />

0000-0400 UTC Sunday and Monday on 9955 kHz to North America<br />

0400-0900 UTC daily on 7385 kHz to North America<br />

0900-1300 UTC daily on 9955 kHz to the Caribbean and Latin America<br />

1300-1600 UTC daily on 7385 kHz to the Caribbean<br />

1330-1400 UTC Friday on 17550 kHz to East Africa<br />

(via Julich, Germany relay)<br />

1600-1700 UTC daily on 11800 kHz to South Asia (via Julich, Germany relay)<br />

1600-2000 UTC daily on 9955 kHz to the Caribbean and Latin America<br />

2000-2030 UTC Saturday on 94<strong>05</strong> kHz to West Africa<br />

(via Julich, Germany relay)<br />

2000-2200 UTC daily on 7385 kHz to North America<br />

2200-0000 UTC Monday-Friday on 7385 kHz to North America<br />

2200-0000 UTC Saturday and Sunday on 9955 kHz to the Caribbean and Latin<br />

America<br />

Technical Information:<br />

WRMI Transmitter Site: Hialeah, Florida, USA<br />

Primary Transmitter Power: 50,000 watts

Auxiliary Transmitter Power: 5,000 watts<br />

Primary Target Areas: North, Central and South America and the Caribbean.<br />

Antenna Azimuth to North America: 317 degrees (toward Vancouver, <strong>BC</strong>)<br />

Antenna Azimuth to Latin America: 160 degrees (toward Barranquilla,<br />

Colombia)<br />

Station Licensee: Radio Miami International, Inc.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 12)<br />

Radio Miami International (175 Fontainebleau Blvd., Suite 1N4 Miami,<br />

Florida 33172 USA., Tel: +1-3<strong>05</strong>-559-9764 Fax: +1-3<strong>05</strong>-559-8186, , das auch als Sendezeitmakler auftritt, hat<br />

seinen Internetauftritt bei vollstaendig ueberarbeitet. Die<br />

Webseiten zur eigenen Station sind teilweise noch Baustelle.<br />

Nachdem Brother Stair seine Sendezeit aufgegeben hat werden die<br />

Sendezeiten 04.00-09.00, Mo-Sa 13.30-16.00 und Mo-Fr 20.00-21.00 Uhr auf<br />

7385 kHz wie<strong>der</strong> mit Relais von World Radio Network belegt, das diverse<br />

Auslandssendungen fuer Nordamerika zusammenfasst. Bei an<strong>der</strong>en<br />

Kurzwellenstationen betreute Oppositionssen<strong>der</strong> 13.30-14.00 Uhr 17550 kHz<br />

(Juelich) fuer Ostafrika: Fr Radio Waaberi fuer Somalia 16.00-17.00 Uhr<br />

11800 kHz (Juelich) fuer Suedasien: Minivan Radio fuer die Malediven<br />

20.00-20.30 Uhr 94<strong>05</strong> kHz (Juelich) fuer Westafrika: Sa Save the Gambia<br />

Democracy WRMI Miami sendet aus Hialeah (Florida, USA) mit 50 kW (160<br />

degr, 317 degr). Ein Reservesen<strong>der</strong> hat 5 kW.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener, ntt Oct 15)<br />

W<strong>BC</strong>Q The Planet (274 Britton Road, Monticello, Maine 04743 USA, (207) 538-<br />

9180, wechselte am 3. Oktober von 51<strong>05</strong> nach 5110 kHz, um<br />

Utility-Interferenz zu entgehen. Man sendet damit auf den Kurzwellen 5110,<br />

7415, 9330 und 17495 kHz (je 50 kW). Al Weiner, <strong>der</strong> urspruenglich mit<br />

einem Seesen<strong>der</strong> bzw. Seesen<strong>der</strong>programm bei WWCR Nashville das Interesse<br />

<strong>der</strong> <strong>DX</strong>er gewann, sendet seit 1998 ueber eine eigene Station, die<br />

allerdings unter Berufung auf das "First Amendment right to free speech"<br />

hoechst kontroverse Programme ausstrahlt.<br />

16.00-04.00 9330, Sa So 20.00-03.00 Uhr<br />

17.00-23.00 17495, Sa So bis 22.00 Uhr, Mi bis 23.30 Uhr<br />

18.00-<strong>05</strong>.00 7415, Sa So ab 20.00 Uhr<br />

23.00-04.00 5110.<br />

Uhr Weltzeit (+2=MESZ) Frequenz. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener, ntt Oct 15)<br />

URUGUAY 9650 on Oct 16 at 1615 UT. Emisora Ciudad de Montevideo,<br />

Montevideu, informacoes esportivas diversas: vitoria do Penarol, proximos<br />

jogos, arbitragens etc. Identificacao: "en 1370 kHz AM e triple w<br />

emisoraciudaddemontevideo.com.uy para todo el mundo", anuncio comercial da<br />

Sapataria Matri (?), emissora reativada! Excelente sinal!<br />

(Celio Romais-B, radioescutas via <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 16)<br />

Also checked by myself some mins later. Nice modulation, I would say they<br />

have the best quality of all URG's SW'ers which are not many these days.<br />

(Horacio Nigro-URG, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 16)<br />

UZBERKISTAN VT Communications is testing 7260 kHz from Tashkent with<br />

World Service nx at 1400-1430 UT for FEBA Radio. The test period is 10th-<br />

14th Oct.<br />

(<strong>DX</strong>Asia via dxld Oct 11)<br />

VIETNAM In early Oct, DienBien BS QSY from 6442V kHz to 6377V kHz.<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, hcdx Oct 14)<br />

4739.68 Radio Son La, on Oct 16 at 1212 - On nominal 4740, but tuned in at<br />

4739.68 kHz with a very strong signal with very distinctive vocal mx and<br />

Vietnamese type dialect. A ute plopped on right on top of them making

listening a little less than perfect, but still powerful. Both Guy Atkins<br />

(who pointed them out, thanks!) and I heard 'Son La' clearly right after I<br />

tuned in. They left the air right at 1400 and the sick tx whistles<br />

disappeared immediately. Very strong. Too bad they were so distorted!.<br />

9730 Voice of Vietnam, on Oct 15 at 1747 - A confusing picture. 9730 is<br />

direct from Hanoi with good reception. 9725 is listed via Moosbrunn,<br />

Austria. The same female announcer is on each, but the programs are<br />

different. I thought simply a difference in satellite or tape delay, but<br />

this is not the case. Not sure what the answer is.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 17)<br />

ZIMBABWE [and non]. Voice of the People, VOP, (from MDG to Zimbabwe),<br />

7120 at 1700-1800 UT daily is still severely jammed from within Zimbabwe.<br />

Severe jamming of this freq and time. This is one of the same Chinese<br />

jamming txs sent to Zimbabwe early this year (March) and utilised by the<br />

State to block SW Radio Africa's txions from abroad.<br />

Voice of the People (VOP) from Madagascar to Zimbabwe, 7120, 1700-1800<br />

daily. Yet again severely jammed from within Zimbabwe this evening.<br />

(David Pringle-Wood-ZWE, dxld Oct 10)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 733 29 Oct 20<strong>05</strong><br />

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may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all<br />

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<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

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Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

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with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

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<br />

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<br />

e-mail <br />

Next <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews file will not be issued before November 9th. 73 wb<br />

AFGHANISTAN [non, UAE/U.K.] B-<strong>05</strong> R Solh. I listen to the latter almost<br />

every morning sometime between 1300 and 1600 for the mx, on 17700 kHz, but<br />

I am afraid it will QSY for B-<strong>05</strong>. My psy is being opped and I don't even<br />

know it.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Oct 26)<br />

11810 0200-<strong>05</strong>00 40,41NW DHA 250 45 USA NEW MER<br />

11665 <strong>05</strong>00-0900 40,41NW DHA 250 45 USA NEW MER<br />

11810 0900 1200 40,41NW DHA 250 45 USA NEW MER<br />

15265 1200-1500 40NE RMP 500 85(65) USA NEW MER<br />

.9875 1500-1800 40NE RMP 500 80(65) USA NEW MER (not 9750).<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 27)<br />

ALBANIA. VOA on 1395 kHz was received 1395.284 kHz before sign off <strong>05</strong>00<br />

UT.<br />

(Dave G8SZX, Leicester, Oct 14, MWC via dxld)<br />

Online EMWG had it on 1394.82 kHz. (gh, dxld)<br />

Yes, the 1215/1395/1458 outlets are mostly lower side these days. Albania<br />

and China signed a contract already to replace these units from 1966-1968<br />

era by latest technology, incl. DRM mode capability, most likel"y in 2006.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 20)

ALB Fllaka MW off freqs. Checked the MW site Fllaka-ALB on past three<br />

days:<br />

1214.92<br />

1394.82<br />

and nearly 1458.00, only few Hertz difference to co-channel Sunrise Radio<br />

London GB.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 20)<br />

Tonight as sometimes earlier they have returned to much nearer the<br />

nominal: 1457.986 kHz! (Mauno Ritola-FIN, AB<strong>DX</strong> dxld Oct 20)<br />

I woke up around 0400 UT today. And subsequently checked the odd sces of<br />

Abkhazia-Georgia and Albania. Heard ALB surprisingly on upper flank<br />

1395.20 kHz, 338 deg.<br />

So tx#2 (1457.99) is on upper side, when re-tuned to VOA Serbian 1395 kHz<br />

morning sce.<br />

Today 24th noted Fllaka on<br />

1395.20 VOA Croatian, 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 UT, cl-down <strong>05</strong>.00:15 UT.<br />

1214.85 VOA Albanian, <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 UT.<br />

1214.85 DW Albanian, <strong>05</strong>43-0600 UT.<br />

1214.85 CRI English, 0600-0800 UT.<br />

1214.85 RTirana, Alb 0801-0900 UT.<br />

1457.99 VOA Serbian, <strong>05</strong>30-0600 UT.<br />

1457.99 RTirana, Alb 0630-0800 UT. (wb, Oct 21-24)<br />

Updated on October 21 B-<strong>05</strong> schedule of Radio Tirana:<br />

Albanian Daily<br />

0000-0130 6215, 7455*to NoAm >>>>>* additional freq<br />

0730-0900 1458, 71<strong>05</strong> to WeEu<br />

0900-1000 1395, 71<strong>05</strong> to WeEu<br />

1500-1630 1458 to Eu<br />

English Mon-Sat<br />

1945-2000 7465* 7530 to WeEu >>>>>* ex 6225<br />

2230-2300 7110 to WeEu<br />

English Tue-Sun<br />

0245-0300 6115, 7455 to NoAm<br />

0330-0400 6115, 7455 to NoAm<br />

German Mon-Sat 2030-2100 7465*to WeEu >>* ex 1900-1930 on 6280<br />

1901-1930 1458 500kW 338deg<br />

Greek Mon-Sat 1645-1700 1458 to Eu<br />

French Mon-Sat 2000-2030 7465*to WeEu >>>>>* ex 6215<br />

Italian Mon-Sat 2000-2030 7240 to WeEu<br />

Serbian Mon-Sat 2115-2130 1458, 5995 to Eu<br />

Turkish Mon-Sat 1630-1645 1458 to Eu<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 25)<br />


IN ALBANIAN LANGUAGE during the Winter Season B-<strong>05</strong><br />

(30 October 20<strong>05</strong> - 25 March 2006)<br />

Language Destination UTC/Days Tx/Pwr kW Frq Beam

Albanian Europe 0730-0900 1234567 Shijak 100 71<strong>05</strong> OND<br />

Fllaka 500 1458 338<br />

0901-1000 1234567 Shijak 100 71<strong>05</strong> OND<br />

Fllaka 500 1395 033<br />

1500-1630 1234567 Fllaka 500 1458 OND<br />

2130-2300 1234567 Shijak 100 62<strong>05</strong> OND<br />

North America 0000-0130 1234567 Shijak 100 6215 300<br />

Shijak 100 7455 310<br />

English England 1945-2000 234567 Shijak 100 7465 310<br />

Shijak 100 7530 300<br />

2230-2300 234567 Shijak 100 7110 310<br />

U.S.A. 0245-0300 1 34567 Shijak 100 6115 300<br />

Shijak 100 7455 310<br />

0330-0400 1 34567 Shijak 100 6115 300<br />

Shijak 100 7455 310<br />

French France 2001-2030 234567 Shijak 100 7465 310<br />

Greek Greece 1645-1700 234567 Fllaka 500 1458 OND<br />

German Germany 2031-2<strong>05</strong>9 234567 Shijak 100 7465 350<br />

1901-1929 Fllaka 500 1458 338<br />

Italian Italy 2001-2030 234567 Shijak 100 7240 OND<br />

Serbian Ex-Yugoslavia 2115-2130 234567 Shijak 100 5995 OND<br />

Fllaka 500 1458 004<br />

Turkish Turkey 1630-1645 234567 Fllaka 500 1458 OND<br />

Note: Sunday=1, Monday=2, ... Saturday=7.<br />

Example: German Program / Days: 234567<br />





(Oct 25)<br />

ARMENIA 9775, Voice of Armenia, on Oct 15 at 1751 - Good reception of<br />

the French sce. Listed until 18<strong>05</strong> UT, and then English from 1825 to 1845<br />

UT. I'll have to check. IS at 1824 several times, and then into their<br />

presumed NA. They also mention 11640 and 4810 kHz, as well as satellite<br />

freqs. Only a weak het on 11640 kHz.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw, Grayland WA-USA, dxld Oct 22)<br />

B<strong>05</strong> Gavar Yerevan operational schedule on SW:<br />

4810 0300 0400 29,39,40 ERV 100 140 ARM GFC<br />

4810 0430 1945 29,39,40 ERV 100 140 ARM GFC<br />

4810 2000 2100 29,39,40 ERV 100 140 ARM GFC<br />

5855 1710 1840 30,31 ERV 100 78 ENG/KAZ TWR TWR<br />

5855 1910 1940 30,31 ERV 100 100 PES TWR TWR<br />

5885 0030 0200 41 ERV 100 125 FEB GFC<br />

7250 0200 0400 7,8,27 ERV 500 3<strong>05</strong> VOR GFC<br />

9960 1600 1630 27,28 ERV 500 3<strong>05</strong> ARM GFC<br />

9965 0300 0345 12-16 ERV 500 260 ARM GFC<br />

9965 1815 1945 29 ERV 500 3<strong>05</strong> ARM GFC<br />

11510 1700 2000 38,39,47,48,52,53 ERV 500 190 VOR GFC<br />

(ANR Yerevan Oct 25)<br />

ASCENSION ISL 9525, Star Radio (Liberia), on Oct 22 at 0706-0740 UT, nx<br />

bulletin in English, mostly about the elections, series of Star Radio<br />

reporters interviewing different people. Fair-poor.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

AUSTRALIA Further informations from Andreas Volk re. A<strong>BC</strong> Northern<br />

Territory: Additional 11880 from Shepparton runs 2330-0800 UT and is

scheduled until Nov. 18 so far. The new txs are described as RIZ 50 kW.<br />

This model would match the description:<br />

<br />

Of course they would need a customized modification to run the 120 metres<br />

freqs. Is any "off the shelve" broadcasting tx able to operate in this<br />

quite unusual range at all? I'am only aware of models with a freq range<br />

starting at 3.2 MHz (no 500 kW's, they go not below 3.9 MHz I seem to<br />

recall).<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 22)<br />

7875U A<strong>BC</strong> Perth/Western Australia Service Short WaveRelay. Returned my<br />

PPC's, signed and stamped, also accompanying letter, simply stating, that<br />

it was their broadcast. Also noted that they no longer have QSL Cards, and<br />

to accept this letter as confirmation. Sent 720 A<strong>BC</strong> DJ Bookmakers and 720<br />

Sticker.<br />

Reply in 24 days with report sent to this address:<br />

A<strong>BC</strong> Western Australia Service 30 Fiel<strong>der</strong> St. (cnr Royal) East Perth,<br />

Western Australia GPO Box 9994 Perth, Western Australia, 6848. v/s: Mark<br />

Yates, A/Resource Manager.<br />

(Edward KUSAlik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

No. Territory SW Svc: I talked to Nigel Holmes of RA about the No.<br />

Territory SW xmtrs. The three old units were too unreliable, so the<br />

contractor is paying for replacing them with new 100 kw xmtrs, but they<br />

will be operated at 50 as per regulations. One of them, Tennant Creek,<br />

will have DRM capability. They are owned by Broadcast Australia.<br />

(Chris Hambly-OZ, dxld Oct 23)<br />

BAHRAIN The US Navy Maritime Liaison Office (MARLO) in Bahrain,<br />

responsible for the broadcasts of "Coalition Maritime Radio One", has a<br />

new website:<br />

and also a new email address:<br />

.<br />

They use a translation of "Information Radio" as ID in local languages<br />

(Radio Malumat etc), in English they ID as "Coalition Maritime [Forces]<br />

Radio One", "CMF Radio One" and similar.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 27)<br />

BENIN 5025 ORTB Radio Benin (pres), Parakou, 2112 - 2125, Oct 21,<br />

French, Comments by man announcer, Parakou mentioned several times, 23332.<br />

(Nicolas Eramo-ARG, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

BHUTAN BBS to expand its SW sces. Contrary to what was reported in the<br />

various e-groups some time back instead of shutting down their SW sces BBS<br />

is going to continue and will also expand their SW sces.<br />

Incidently I visited the AIR high power txs at Khampur at outskirts of<br />

Delhi alongwith other dxers and the station engineer over there Mr.V.K.<br />

Baleja informed that he recently came back from a trip to Bhutan after<br />

doing extensive repairs on the BBS sw txer (50 kW SK45S3).<br />

Apparently the txer had modulation problem & Mr Baleja was deputed to fix<br />

the same.<br />

He showed us the photo's of BBS txer & the repairs carried on over there.<br />

He also informed that BBS is soon going to install another 100kw sw txer<br />

with the help of Indian govt.<br />

After I came back from there checked the BBS website & here's the official

id invitation notice :<br />

INVITATION FOR BIDS The Bhutan Broadcasting Service Corporation has<br />

received a grant from the govt of India for the purchase of a 100KW SW tx<br />

in Thimphu.<br />

BBS invites sealed bids from eligible bid<strong>der</strong>s/manufacturers of SW txs for<br />

the supply, installation, and commissioning of 100KW SW tx for the<br />

purposes of the project.<br />

A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by any interested<br />

eligible bid<strong>der</strong> upon payment of a non-refundable fee of US $ 500 between<br />

1st November and 30th November 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of not less than 2% of the<br />

total bid price and must be delivered in accordance with the instructions<br />

to bid<strong>der</strong>s on or before 10th <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2006 12.00 noon.<br />

Interested eligible bid<strong>der</strong>s may obtain further information on the bid form<br />

and bidding documents at the office of the:<br />

Managing Director, Bhutan Broadcasting Service, P.O. Box 101, Thimphu,<br />

Bhutan.<br />

Tel: +975-2-323580/322770 Fax: +975-2-323073 e-mail: <br />

For advts on Television and Radio as well as on the Website, contact us at<br />

telephone number +975-2-328661 or<br />

+975-2-323071/322866/326862/326863/326864 and ask for extension no. 220<br />

and / or fax us at +975-2- 323073. Or e-mail us at <br />

(Alokesh Gupta-IND, hcdx Oct 23)<br />

BRAZIL RNA, 11780, good signal but with some flutter, on Oct 21 at 0015<br />

with beautifully harmonious male duet; during next dekaminute there was a<br />

mandatory political annt promoting democratic socialism, leading up to the<br />

referendum on Oct 23; more mx and live announcer claiming the time "in all<br />

of Brazil" was 22:something. Well, not exactly Brasil has three time<br />

zones, or four if you count the UT-2 coastal DST as a separate one. But<br />

who cares about the remote western regions, even on the Amazonian sce?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Oct 21)<br />

R. Senado, Brasilia, 5990 at 0900-0920+ on Oct 16, Portuguese talk, short<br />

mx breaks, jingles. 0910 UT IDs. Local ballads. Strong, very good.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Oct 21)<br />

I've received Radio Nacional da Amazonia on 6180 instead of 6185 kHz,<br />

around 0900 UT since 19th Oct. // with 11780 kHz.<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, hcdx Oct 22)<br />

Yes, correct, last days I observed the 'change' from 6185 to 6180 kHz.<br />

6180 is the official freq from Radio Nacional da Amazonia, but last time<br />

RNA moved their signal (????) to 6185 kHz. It is correct, // 11780 kHz.<br />

(20 km from the big city of Sao Paulo!)<br />

(Rudolf Grimm-BRA, <br />

<br />

radioescutas yg via dxld) They switch back and forth unpredictably<br />

(gh, dxld Oct 23)<br />

BURKINA FASO 5030 Radio Burkina, Ouagadougou, at 2126-2130 UT on Oct 21,<br />

Vernacular, Call In, Female announcer, Burkina Faso was mentioned, 34443.<br />

(Nicolas Eramo-ARG, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

7230 R. Burkina 0801 First noted Oct. 19 at 0812 with seemingly endless<br />

disco-type pop vocal; weak/fair in QRN. On Oct. 21, carrier on at 0756 UT,<br />

cut on in midsentence with man in African-accented French at 0757 for a

few moments, then silence past 0800. Man in French at 0807 recheck. On<br />

Oct. 23 from 0801, again late with the switchover from 5030; brief annt in<br />

French, nondescript vocal with accordion. Continued with pop vocals<br />

interspersed with annts, one of which mentioned "Burkina." Weaker than<br />

previous days, with audio varying up and down.<br />

(Bob Hill-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

CANADA 3355 RCI at *2200-2230* Heard daily since Oct. 19 with Spanish<br />

program // 11825 and 15455 kHz; weak, but the only signal readable on<br />

dismal 90 meters except for CHU. This spur most likely represents the<br />

difference between 11825 kHz and another RCI tx on 15180 kHz, which<br />

carries French at the same time. (Bob Hill-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

CHAD 6165 Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchandienne, at 2147-2202 on Oct 22,<br />

highlife vocals with man announcer with French talks, ID and more mx. Poor<br />

to fair signal and wiped out by Adventist World Radio via Bonaire opening<br />

at 2200. Heard faintly in deep background from that point.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

CHINA 5860 presumed Voice of Jinling, at 1133-1200 UT on Oct 22, fading<br />

up at 1133 UT with western-style vocal/guitar mx, woman with lengthy<br />

interview of man, more mx. Pips at 1200 UT and ID by woman, but no ment.<br />

of "Jinling" (sounds more like "Jiangsu zhi sheng . . .").<br />

(John Herkimer-NY-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

Xinjiang PBS signs in at 0000 UT on Oct 4, with test tones before. Uighur<br />

sce is heard on 1044/1413; Kazakh sce is on 963/1107/1233 kHz.<br />

(open_dx - Victor Rutkovsky, Yekaterinburg-RUS, via <strong>DX</strong>signal Oct 24)<br />

1107 on 16 Oct, 1323 two stations: Xinjiang PBS in Kazakh (43443) and<br />

Radio Afghanistan (22432). Recorded a good ID of Afghan station when re-<br />

checked at 1330 UT.<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS and Alexey Kulinchenko-RUS,<br />

Kazan mini <strong>DX</strong>pedition Oct 24)<br />

6060 on 16 Oct at 1245 Chinese station: according to DBS-7, it's The Voice<br />

of the Golden Bridge (Life, Travel, and City Service). Comes from Chengdu,<br />

Sichuan province. Strangely misses in the ILGRadio database. SINPO 43443;<br />

raised to 54433 by 1258 UT, when we tried to note station's ending<br />

procedure. But, contrary to WRTH/DBS info, broadcast extended beyond 1300<br />

UT.<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS and Alexey Kulinchenko-RUS,<br />

Kazan mini <strong>DX</strong>pedition Oct 24)<br />

Many of the CPBS/CNR stations had abandoned their numerical identification<br />

(such as CNR-1 and CNR-2) some years ago and adopted station names that<br />

are more in line with the character of the station.<br />

CNR-1 is now known as Voice of China and is heard on FM in all major<br />

cities across China. It also uses 6030, 7504, 9645, and 9800 kHz SW.<br />

CNR-2 is now known as China Business Radio and uses 7200, 9064, and 11040<br />

kHz SW.<br />

CNR-3 is now Music Radio and is only available on FM 90 MHz in Beijing.<br />

CNR-4 is now Metro Radio using FM 101.8 MHz in Beijing.<br />

(Richard Lam-SNG, Jihad <strong>DX</strong>, via Salmaniw-CAN/Conti-USA/NRC<br />

via E-<strong>DX</strong>/dxld Oct 26)<br />

9820 on 16 Oct at 1013 UT. UNID. Audio was not perfect, so I cannot even<br />

make any conclusions regarding the lang. Music, annts. Could it be Guangxi<br />

Foreign BS, China? If so, then the lang should be Vietnamese. As far as I<br />

know, CNR2 does not appear here before 1100. UT.

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS and Alexey Kulinchenko-RUS,<br />

Kazan mini <strong>DX</strong>pedition Oct 24)<br />

Nanning 225 deg 15 kW in Vietnamese. (wb)<br />

CROATIA Here are some pages about the Deanovec station:<br />

<br />

All in Croatian language, but I think it is still possible to make out the<br />

individual pieces of equipment portrayed on these pages.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 22)<br />

DJIBOUTI 4780 Radio Djibouti, Full data prepared card, station sticker<br />

and partial data QSL sheet for my reception of them in March, 20<strong>05</strong>. Ten<br />

weeks after a taped, follow-up report in French, with $1.00 enclosed for<br />

return postage. Return address was RTD, BP 97, Djibouti. V/S is illegible,<br />

but title is Le Chef des Services Technique. E-mail address is <br />

(George Maroti-NY-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 25)<br />


web site<br />

[caption]<br />

The Quito studios and equipment were cast in the 50s; reel-to-reel tape<br />

decks, et al., but the Pifo site was quite something to behold; the Sterba<br />

Curtain array, the cubical quad and other antennas and then to literally<br />

walk into the 500,000 watt tx. The RF and modulator sections were on the<br />

left of the aisle facing towards the control room, the power supply on the<br />

right immediately above a large swimming pool. The pool water was heated<br />

for the Pifo tx staff and family use by circulating it through the tx.<br />

There were four other smaller txs in the same building, a 100 watter, a 1<br />

kW, a 50 kW and a 250 kW.<br />

Switching antennas from one tx to another, or changing directions, was<br />

literally done by hand-throwing huge knife-type switches in the building<br />

attic. One needed to be very careful in the attic where OSHA would have<br />

never ventured. The entrance door foyer to the building has two glass<br />

cases showing "mistakes" in engineering; melted tubes, melted and charred<br />

insulators, txion line, those things that happen in a high RF environment.<br />

(Compiled by Bill Smith (USA), Oct NZ <strong>DX</strong> Times via dxld)<br />

ETHIOPIA 5500 V.of Tigray Revolution on Oct 17 at *1455-15<strong>05</strong> 33333-<br />

34333 Tigre, 1455 sign on with IS, 1500 ID, Opening mx, Opening announce,<br />

Talk.<br />

9560.42 V.of Democratic Alliance on Oct 17 at *1500-1510 33443 Arabic,<br />

1500 IS, ID, Opening announce, Talk and Ethiopian pops Music.<br />

9704.2 R.Ethiopia on Oct 12 at *1459-1507 33332 Amharic, 1459 sign on<br />

with IS, ID, Three gong's, Talk. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 17)<br />

6209.9, Radio Fana, at 0315-0341 on Oct 22, talk by man in Amharic lang<br />

with nice Horn of Africa vocals at 0320 UT. ID and nx at 0330 UT. Brief mx<br />

segment before more talks. Poor to fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

9704.33 Radio Ethiopia, Gedja, at 0423-0430 on Oct 23, Vernacular, talk<br />

by male, 33433. I could head the station in // with 7110 khz with SINPO:<br />

25432 too.<br />

(Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, hcdx Oct 23)<br />

FRANCE Test txions for Radio Monte Carlo in French in DRM mode:<br />

0600-1600 on 6165 FON 030 kW / non-dir, strong co-ch Croation Radio HS-1

in AM mode.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 25)<br />

GEORGIA Abkhaz Radio & TV via Soxum SW heard on 9494.76[S=1-2] and<br />

9534.75[thiny S=1] kHz today, low modulation. I guess morning prop<br />

condition path from Georgia into Western Europe will be increase in deep<br />

northern winter coming four months.<br />

Carrier was still on at 0400 UT, but Chorus opening started around 0415<br />

UT. Signal increased around 0435 UT. At 0444 UT male Russian announcer<br />

identified. At 0447 UT more Russian Chorus songs. At <strong>05</strong>10 and 0615 UT<br />

female and male announcers and Russian commentator noted, and much chorus<br />

performing in between.<br />

Co-channel 9535 REE Noblejas-E in Spanish til <strong>05</strong>00 UT, but Soxum could be<br />

easily separated using 2.7 kHz Collins filter on lower flank. 9495 is<br />

totally free channel, adjacent fair signals of Plovdiv-BUL on 9500 in<br />

German, Hoerby-SWE on 9490 in Swedish.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 24)<br />

GERMANY Aus dem Rundbrief <strong>der</strong> DW im Oktober 20<strong>05</strong><br />

Liebe Hoererin, lieber Hoerer,<br />

anliegend erhalten Sie die Uebersicht fuer den Monat November.<br />

Diesmal in einer etwas umfangreicheren Form, denn wir haben auch den<br />

Programmtipp beigefuegt, <strong>der</strong> Erklaerungen zum neuen Programm enthaelt.<br />

Ausserdem sind auf einer Seite die Frequenzen zusammengefasst. Wir hoffen<br />

sehr, dass die Neuerungen auch bei Ihnen Anklang finden werden. Ueber eine<br />

Stellungsnahme wuerden wir uns sehr freuen.<br />

Bei dieser Gelegenheit moechte ich mich von Ihnen verabschieden. In den 27<br />

Jahren im Dienst <strong>der</strong> Deutschen Welle war ich im Deutschen Programm fuer<br />

die Betreuung unserer Hoererinnen und Hoerer zustaendig und habe fuer<br />

Sendungen mit Hoerereinbindung gearbeitet, wie z.B. "Stadtbummel", "Unter<br />

uns gesagt" und auch fuer das "Forum". Im Zuge <strong>der</strong> Reformen, die ja nicht<br />

nur das Programm betreffen, habe ich das Vorruhestands- Angebot <strong>der</strong> DW<br />

angenommen und werde am 30. November meinen Platz raeumen.<br />

Die Arbeit mit Ihnen hat mir viel Freude gemacht. Aus vielen zunaechst<br />

knappen Kontakten haben sich langjaehrige Korrespondenzen entwickelt.<br />

Einige Hoererinnen und Hoerer konnte ich persoenlich kennen lernen, wenn<br />

sie als Quizgewinner z.B. o<strong>der</strong> Besucher im Funkhaus waren. Und natuerlich<br />

auch, wenn sie mir auf meinen Reisen begegnet sind.<br />

Ich bedanke mich fuer vieles, was ich durch Sie, liebe Hoererinnen und<br />

Hoerer, erfahren habe und bitte Sie, sich auch weiterhin mit Ihren<br />

Wuenschen, Anregungen und Ihrer Kritik an die Deutsche Welle zu wenden.<br />

Auf Wie<strong>der</strong>sehen <strong>Jan</strong>ine Charles <br />

(via Paul Gager-AUT, Oct 26)<br />

HAWAII 10320 USB, AFRTS, Pearl Harbor at 0300 UT on Oct 16, govtal sce<br />

to military forces, news, comments and sports. Rare reception here in Sao<br />

Bernardo. 25322.<br />

(Grimm-BRA, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Oct 19)<br />

INDONESIA 9524.97v, VOI, on Oct 20 at 0841-0903, English programming,<br />

several IDs for VOI, 0858-0903, "News in Brief," into programming in<br />

Bahasa Malaysia. Seems as if their tx is working better now and they are<br />

back on a more routine schedule. Some QRM from Star Radio, till about 0900<br />

UT.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)

3578.75, presumed RSPK Ngada, at 1235-1301 UT on Oct 16, noted talk in<br />

Indo. by two male ancrs, with ments. of Kalimantan and Jakarta. Brief<br />

flute or woodwinds mx 1245 UT followed by ment. of INS. Female ancr spoke<br />

across ToH, but I couldn't catch an ID. Weak signal, and presumed.<br />

2960, RPDT Manggarai, at 1104-1109 UT on Oct 16, weak but improving signal<br />

of female ancr with nx items, brief mx 1106 UT, male ancr ment. INS Timor<br />

and other regions.<br />

(Guy Atkins-Grayland, WA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

2959.97, at 1106 UT on Oct 16, present with weak audio, talk in Bahasa INS<br />

by YL. Fair at best.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-Grayland, WA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

IRAN B<strong>05</strong> VoRIB Tehran operational schedule.<br />

3945 0130 0230 40E,41N ZAH 500 0 URDU IRN IRB<br />

3945 0330 0430 39 KAM 500 0 KURDI-SO IRN IRB<br />

3945 1430 1530 40E,41W ZAH 500 0 PUSHTU-m IRN IRB<br />

3945 1530 1730 40E,41N ZAH 500 0 URDU-m IRN IRB<br />

3985 1630 0330 39,40 MAS 500 0 ARABIC IRN IRB<br />

3985 1700 1800 29-31 KAM 500 0 RUSSIAN IRN IRB<br />

3985 1900 1930 38E,39W AHW 250 0 Hebrew IRN IRB<br />

3985 1930 2030 28E,29,30 KAM 500 0 RUSSIAN IRN IRB<br />

59<strong>05</strong> 0030 0130 41NE KAM 500 100 BENGALI IRN IRB<br />

5935 2230 2330 49,50,54 SIR 500 106 MALAY-p IRN IRB<br />

5945 1500 1600 30S,31S,40NE KAM 500 58 UZBAKI IRN IRB<br />

5945 1600 1730 30,31,40,41,42 KAM 500 58 TADJIKI IRN IRB<br />

5945 2230 2330 49,50,54 SIR 500 106 MALAY IRN IRB<br />

5955 0100 0230 30,31,40,41,42 SIR 500 43 TADJIKI IRN IRB<br />

5955 1500 1600 30S,31S,40NE SIR 500 31 UZBAKI IRN IRB<br />

5955 1600 1730 30,31,40,41,42 SIR 500 43 TADJIKI IRN IRB<br />

5960 1230 1330 40E,41W SIR 500 68 PUSHTU-p IRN IRB<br />

5970 1900 1930 38E,39W KAM 500 250 Hebrew IRN IRB<br />

5990 1330 1630 39 KAM 500 0 KURDI-SH IRN IRB<br />

60<strong>05</strong> 1630 1730 40E,41W AHW 250 84 PUSHTU IRN IRB<br />

6010 0130 0230 40E,41N KAM 500 94 URDU IRN IRB<br />

6010 1930 2030 27,28 KAM 500 304 ENGLISH IRN IRB<br />

6015 1630 1730 40E,41W SIR 500 90 PUSHTU IRN IRB<br />

6015 1900 1930 38E,39W KAM 500 250 Hebrew-p IRN IRB<br />

6035 1800 1900 29,30 SIR 500 328 RUSSIAN IRN IRB<br />

6040 0230 0300 30S,31S,40NE SIR 500 31 UZBAKI IRN IRB<br />

6040 0300 0330 30,31 KAM 500 58 RUSSIAN IRN IRB<br />

6065 1630 <strong>05</strong>30 37-39 SIR 500 295 ARABIC IRN IRB<br />

6095 0230 0330 40E,41W KAM 500 94 PUSHTU IRN IRB<br />

6100 1830 1930 28S SIR 500 295 ALBANI IRN IRB<br />

6100 2030 2130 28S SIR 500 295 ALBANI IRN IRB<br />

6120 0130 0230 7-10 KAM 500 333 ENGLISH IRN IRB<br />

6120 1330 1430 40E,41N SIR 500 90 URDU-p IRN IRB<br />

6130 1730 1800 41 SIR 500 90 URDU IRN IRB<br />

6140 0230 0330 40E,41W SIR 500 90 PUSHTU IRN IRB<br />

6140 1700 1800 29-31 AHW 250 26 RUSSIAN-p IRN IRB<br />

6145 0330 0430 39 SIR 500 295 KURDI-SO IRN IRB<br />

6145 2100 2130 45 SIR 500 60 JAPANESE IRN IRB<br />

6175 0100 0230 30,31,40,41,42 KAM 500 58 TADJIKI IRN IRB<br />

6175 0230 0300 30S,31S,40NE KAM 500 58 UZBAKI IRN IRB<br />

6175 1230 1330 40E,41W SIR 500 68 PUSHTU IRN IRB<br />

6175 1330 1430 40E,41N SIR 500 80 URDU IRN IRB<br />

6180 1830 1930 27,28 KAM 500 310 FRENCH IRN IRB<br />

6185 0030 0130 41NE KAM 500 100 BENGALI IRN IRB<br />

6185 1630 1730 29SE,39NE,40NW SIR 500 320 ARMENIAN IRN IRB<br />

6190 0130 0230 40E,41N AHW 250 84 URDU IRN IRB<br />

6200 1430 1700 29S,40NW SIR 500 338 TURKI-AZ IRN IRB<br />

6200 1630 0330 39,48,53 MAS 500 210 ARABIC IRN IRB<br />

6215 1730 1830 27,28 SIR 500 320 GERMANY IRN IRB

6215 1930 2000 28S SIR 500 295 ITALY IRN IRB<br />

71<strong>05</strong> 0130 0230 30,31 SIR 500 30 KAZAKI-p IRN IRB<br />

7125 0300 0330 29E,30,31 SIR 500 18 RUSSIAN IRN IRB<br />

7125 1600 1730 29S,39N KAM 500 289 TURKI-ES IRN IRB<br />

7130 2030 2130 27S,28S,37,38 KAM 500 289 SPANISH IRN IRB<br />

7130 2330 0030 44 SIR 500 68 CHINA IRN IRB<br />

7135 0130 0230 30,31 SIR 500 30 KAZAKI IRN IRB<br />

7165 1430 1530 30,31 KAM 500 58 RUSSIAN IRN IRB<br />

7165 1830 1930 28S KAM 500 298 ALBANI IRN IRB<br />

7170 1230 1330 40E,41W SIR 500 90 PUSHTU IRN IRB<br />

7170 1700 1800 29-31 AHW 250 26 RUSSIAN IRN IRB<br />

7185 1730 1830 27,28 KAM 500 310 GERMANY IRN IRB<br />

7185 2100 2130 45 SIR 500 53 JAPANESE IRN IRB<br />

72<strong>05</strong> 1930 2030 28E,29 SIR 500 340 RUSSIAN IRN IRB<br />

7210 0130 0230 40E,41N AHW 250 84 URDU-p IRN IRB<br />

7210 1700 1800 29-31 AHW 250 26 RUSSIAN-p IRN IRB<br />

7225 0030 0330 13-16,37,38 KAM 500 259 SPANISH-p IRN IRB<br />

7225 1730 1800 41 KAM 500 109 URDU IRN IRB<br />

7230 1630 1730 29SE,39NE,40NW SIR 500 320 ARMENIAN IRN IRB<br />

7235 2130 2230 28S SIR 500 295 BOSSNI IRN IRB<br />

7250 0330 0430 38E,39W KAM 500 250 VoPalestineIRN IRB<br />

7250 0430 <strong>05</strong>00 38E,39W KAM 500 250 Hebrew-p IRN IRB<br />

7260 1730 1830 28S KAM 500 298 BOSSNI-p IRN IRB<br />

7265 0130 0230 30,31 SIR 500 18 KAZAKI IRN IRB<br />

7275 2230 2330 49,50,54 KAM 500 109 Malay IRN IRB<br />

7295 0300 0330 29SE,39NE,40NW SIR 500 320 ARMENIAN IRN IRB<br />

7295 1730 1830 28S SIR 500 320 BOSSNI IRN IRB<br />

7295 1830 1930 28SE SIR 500 295 ALBANI-p IRN IRB<br />

7295 1930 2000 28S KAM 500 298 ITALY-p IRN IRB<br />

73<strong>05</strong> 1430 1530 41NE KAM 500 100 BENGALI IRN IRB<br />

73<strong>05</strong> 1800 1900 29,30 KAM 500 335 RUSSIAN IRN IRB<br />

7310 1600 1730 29S,39N KAM 500 298 TURKI-ES IRN IRB<br />

7320 1930 2030 27,28 SIR 500 313 ENGLISH IRN IRB<br />

7325 2330 0030 44 SIR 500 75 CHINA IRN IRB<br />

7330 1530 1630 41,49,50,54 SIR 500 1<strong>05</strong> ENGLISH IRN IRB<br />

7335 1830 1930 46,47 KAM 500 255 Hausa IRN IRB<br />

7340 1930 2000 28S KAM 500 298 ITALY-p IRN IRB<br />

7350 1930 2030 27,28 SIR 500 313 ENGLISH-p IRN IRB<br />

7350 2030 2130 27S,28S,37,38 SIR 500 295 SPANISH IRN IRB<br />

7380 1730 1830 27,28 KAM 500 310 GERMANY-p IRN IRB<br />

7380 1930 2000 28S KAM 500 298 ITALY IRN IRB<br />

95<strong>05</strong> 0330 0430 38E,39W SIR 500 282 VoPalestineIRN IRB<br />

9510 1200 1300 42-44 KAM 500 64 CHINA-p IRN IRB<br />

9510 1300 1330 45 KAM 500 60 JAPANESE IRN IRB<br />

9545 1430 1530 41NE KAM 500 100 BENGALI-p IRN IRB<br />

9555 0030 0230 11-15 KAM 500 274 SPANISH-p IRN IRB<br />

9565 1430 1530 39S,40S KAM 500 178 BENGALI IRN IRB<br />

9565 1830 1930 46,47 KAM 500 259 FRENCH IRN IRB<br />

9575 1430 1530 29,30 SIR 500 330 RUSSIAN IRN IRB<br />

9595 1730 1830 39S,47,48,52,53KAM 500 210 SAWAHILI IRN IRB<br />

9635 2330 0030 44 KAM 500 64 CHINA IRN IRB<br />

9640 1300 1330 45 SIR 500 60 JAPANESE IRN IRB<br />

9660 1300 1400 30,31 SIR 500 30 KAZAKI IRN IRB<br />

9665 0130 0230 7-10 SIR 500 328 ENGLISH IRN IRB<br />

9680 0030 0230 11-15 KAM 500 274 SPANISH IRN IRB<br />

9695 0930 1000 29SE,39NE,40NW KAM 500 0 ARMENIAN IRN IRB<br />

97<strong>05</strong> 1600 1730 29S,39N KAM 500 298 TURKI-ES-p IRN IRB<br />

97<strong>05</strong> 1730 1830 28S KAM 500 298 BOSSNI IRN IRB<br />

9710 2130 2230 28S KAM 500 298 BOSSNI IRN IRB<br />

9735 1430 1530 30,31 AHW 250 26 RUSSIAN IRN IRB<br />

9740 2030 2130 28S KAM 500 298 ALBANI IRN IRB<br />

9750 2030 2130 27S,28S,37,38 SIR 500 295 SPANISH-p IRN IRB<br />

9755 1830 1930 27,28 SIR 500 310 FRENCH IRN IRB<br />

9775 1830 1930 46,47 SIR 500 268 Hausa IRN IRB

9790 1230 1330 40E,41W SIR 500 90 PUSHTU-p IRN IRB<br />

9820 0430 <strong>05</strong>00 38E,39W KAM 500 250 Hebrew IRN IRB<br />

9820 1300 1330 45 SIR 500 60 JAPANESE-p IRN IRB<br />

9835 1330 1430 39 KAM 500 178 URDU IRN IRB<br />

9845 0330 0430 38E,39W SIR 500 282VoPalestine?pIRNIRB<br />

9855 1930 2030 52,53,57 KAM 500 2<strong>05</strong> ENGLISH IRN IRB<br />

9855 2230 2330 49,50,54 KAM 500 109 Malay-p IRN IRB<br />

9865 0330 <strong>05</strong>30 29S,40NW SIR 500 338 TURKI-AZ IRN IRB<br />

9875 0300 0630 30S,31S,40E KAM 100 85 DARI IRN IRB<br />

9875 1430 1530 41 KAM 500 118 HINDI IRN IRB<br />

9895 1200 1300 42-44 KAM 500 64 CHINA IRN IRB<br />

99<strong>05</strong> 0030 0330 12-16 KAM 500 259 SPANISH IRN IRB<br />

9925 1930 2030 52,53,57 SIR 500 211 ENGLISH-p IRN IRB<br />

9930 1430 1530 41NE KAM 500 100 BENGALI IRN IRB<br />

9935 1630 <strong>05</strong>30 37-39 SIR 500 295 ARABIC-p IRN IRB<br />

9940 0830 1500 30S,31S,40E KAM 100 85 DARI IRN IRB<br />

9940 1530 1630 41,49,50,54 KAM 500 100 ENGLISH IRN IRB<br />

11640 1430 1530 41 SIR 500 95 HINDI-p IRN IRB<br />

11670 1200 1300 42-44 KAM 500 65 CHINA IRN IRB<br />

11695 1930 2030 52,53,57 SIR 500 211 ENGLISH IRN IRB<br />

117<strong>05</strong> 0830 0930 39 SIR 500 198 BENGALI IRN IRB<br />

11730 1430 1530 41NE SIR 500 102 HINDI-p IRN IRB<br />

11745 1300 1400 30,31 KAM 500 58 KAZAKI IRN IRB<br />

11750 1730 1830 47,48,52,53 SIR 500 223 SAWAHILI IRN IRB<br />

11870 1230 1330 40E,41W KAM 500 118 PUSHTU IRN IRB<br />

11910 0300 0630 30S,31S,40E KAM 100 85 DARI-p IRN IRB<br />

11925 0430 <strong>05</strong>00 38E,39W SIR 500 282 Hebrew IRN IRB<br />

11950 1330 1430 40E,41 KAM 500 118 URDU-p IRN IRB<br />

11990 0730 0830 40E,41W SIR 500 65 PUSHTU IRN IRB<br />

120<strong>05</strong> 1330 1430 40E,41 KAM 500 118 URDU IRN IRB<br />

12025 <strong>05</strong>00 <strong>05</strong>30 28E,29,30 KAM 500 358 RUSSIAN IRN IRB<br />

12090 1430 1530 41NE KAM 500 100 BENGALI-p IRN IRB<br />

13580 0830 1430 30S,31S,40E AHW 250 84 DARI-p IRN IRB<br />

13600 1430 1530 41NE SIR 500 102 HINDI-p IRN IRB<br />

13620 0630 0730 28S KAM 500 295 ITALY IRN IRB<br />

13640 0330 0430 39S,47,48,52,53SIR 500 216 SAWAHILI IRN IRB<br />

13645 1200 1300 42-44 SIR 500 65 CHINA IRN IRB<br />

13720 <strong>05</strong>30 0630 27S,28S,37,38 KAM 500 289 SPANISH IRN IRB<br />

13720 0830 1430 30S,31S,40E AHW 250 84 DARI IRN IRB<br />

13725 0230 0300 41 SIR 500 95 HINDI IRN IRB<br />

13740 0300 0630 30S,31S,40E AHW 250 84 DARI IRN IRB<br />

13745 1430 1530 41NE SIR 500 102 HINDI IRN IRB<br />

13750 0430 0600 29S,39N KAM 500 289 TURKI-ES IRN IRB<br />

13790 0230 1430 38,39 KAM 500 178 ARABIC IRN IRB<br />

13800 0230 1430 38,39 ZAH 500 289 ARABIC IRN IRB<br />

15085 0630 0730 28S KAM 500 310 ITALY IRN IRB<br />

15085 0730 0830 27,28 KAM 500 310 GERMANY IRN IRB<br />

15125 0330 1630 39 MAS 500 210 ARABIC IRN IRB<br />

15150 1200 1300 42-44 SIR 500 76 CHINA IRN IRB<br />

15165 0230 0300 41 SIR 500 102 HINDI IRN IRB<br />

15200 1230 1330 49,54 SIR 500 115 Malay IRN IRB<br />

15235 <strong>05</strong>30 0630 28S KAM 500 298 BOSSNI IRN IRB<br />

15235 0630 0730 28S KAM 500 298 ALBANI IRN IRB<br />

15240 0830 0930 47,48,52,53 KAM 500 210 SAWAHILI IRN IRB<br />

15260 0330 0430 39S,47,48,52,53KAM 500 210 SAWAHILI IRN IRB<br />

15260 0430 0600 29S,39N KAM 500 298 TURKI-ES IRN IRB<br />

15260 0930 1000 29SE,39NE,40NW SIR 500 322 ARMENIAN IRN IRB<br />

15275 1230 1330 49,54 KAM 500 109 Malay IRN IRB<br />

15320 <strong>05</strong>30 0630 27S,28S,37,38 SIR 500 300 SPANISH IRN IRB<br />

15340 <strong>05</strong>30 0630 28S SIR 500 310 BOSSNI IRN IRB<br />

15340 0630 0730 28S SIR 500 310 ALBANI IRN IRB<br />

15425 0630 0730 27,28,37,38 KAM 500 304 FRENCH IRN IRB<br />

15440 0730 0830 40E,41W AHW 250 84 PUSHTU IRN IRB<br />

15460 1030 1130 41 KAM 500 109 ENGLISH IRN IRB

15480 1030 1130 41 KAM 500 100 ENGLISH IRN IRB<br />

15530 <strong>05</strong>00 <strong>05</strong>30 28E,29,30 SIR 500 322 RUSSIAN IRN IRB<br />

15545 <strong>05</strong>30 1630 37-39 SIR 500 295 ARABIC IRN IRB<br />

17590 0630 0730 27,28,37,38 SIR 500 285 FRENCH IRN IRB<br />

17590 0730 0830 27,28 SIR 500 310 GERMANY IRN IRB<br />

17660 0830 0930 47,48,52,53 KAM 500 210 SAWAHILI IRN IRB<br />

17680 <strong>05</strong>00 <strong>05</strong>30 30-33 SIR 500 40 RUSSIAN IRN IRB<br />

17780 <strong>05</strong>00 <strong>05</strong>30 30-33 SIR 500 46 RUSSIAN IRN IRB<br />

17810 0600 0700 46,47 SIR 500 260 Hausa IRN IRB<br />

21810 0600 0700 46,47 SIR 500 270 Hausa IRN IRB<br />

-p = alternate. (IRIB via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 25)<br />

IRAQ/IRAN Cland 4870 ?unIDed 1627 Kurdish in Farsi at 1632 UT covered<br />

with jammer.<br />

(ZL ibid.? Oct 18th)<br />

This is Voice of Iranian Kurdistan (ex-4860). It has moved and observed on<br />

various freqs 4865-4885 kHz. It is also audible around variable 3970. Same<br />

program on both channels but one day I observed the 3970 kHz audio was<br />

more than a min delayed of the 60mb audio.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Oct 20)<br />

3980.2 Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, Al-Sulaymaniyah, No. Iraq, at 1630-<br />

1645 on Oct 17, Kurdish talk, mentioning Iran and Iraq, weak jamming; best<br />

in USB due to QRM, 33333. Not // to jammed clandestine on 4860!<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Oct 19)<br />

ISRAEL The full Winter 20<strong>05</strong>-2006 Kol Israel schedule in PDF form s now<br />

available from a link on: <br />

Go to the "shortwave" section and then there is a link on the top of the<br />

page. The direct URL is:<br />

<br />

(Doni Rosenzweig-USA, dxld Oct 23)<br />

ITALY 693 Milano Siziano to begin DRM testing (likely on 693).<br />

According to the Italian press wire ASCA quoted, in Italian, on<br />

<br />

Rai Way will soon begin experimenting with DRM via Milano Siziano. Tests<br />

will be conducted at nighttime, presumably on the former Radio 2 freq of<br />

693 kHz. Exact power levels are not mentioned (in the above mentioned nx<br />

flash the writer says "at low power" adding, however, that will ensure<br />

"high quality" and Europe wide coverage). Milano 2 wasn't exactly a low<br />

power plant.<br />

Nothing new, really, DRM conversion of the ex Radio 2 tx has been planned<br />

for a long time as per RAI "insi<strong>der</strong>" Andrea Borgnino. According to the<br />

same source, Rai Way begun installing DRM equipment in Milan at end of<br />

last year for tests beginning at the beginning of 20<strong>05</strong>. Apparently these<br />

were postponed to end of 20<strong>05</strong>/beginning of 2006.<br />

(Andrea Lawendel-I, mwdx - Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK NL Oct 21)<br />

UKWTV und fmdxITALY arbeiten mit vereinten Kraeften an <strong>der</strong> Aktualisierung<br />

<strong>der</strong> italienischen FM-Sen<strong>der</strong>liste.<br />

UKWTV, die Seite von deutschsprachigen Radiobegeisterten, sowie <strong>der</strong> UKWTV-<br />

Arbeitskreis, <strong>der</strong> mit FMLIST eine online-Datenbank aller FM-Sen<strong>der</strong> in<br />

Europa betreibt, hat eine Vereinbarung mit fmdxITALY, <strong>der</strong> Liste <strong>der</strong><br />

italienischen FM-Begeisterten, getroffen, um eine einzige Liste <strong>der</strong><br />

italienischen UKW-Sen<strong>der</strong> zu erstellen. In einem ersten Schritt wird die<br />

deutsche Datenbank mit den von fmdxITALY fuer RDS<strong>DX</strong> erstellten und top-<br />

aktuellen Daten synchronisiert, in <strong>der</strong> Folge wird <strong>der</strong> Datenbestand dann<br />

gemeinsam weiter gepflegt.

Die Arbeit wird von Ulrich Onken, Chefredakteur von FMLIST, und von<br />

Guenter Lorenz, Gruen<strong>der</strong> von FMLIST und treibende Kraft hinter <strong>der</strong> neuen<br />

Software, ueberwacht. Die Leitung uebernimmt fuer fmdxITALY Fabrizio<br />

Carnevalini, <strong>der</strong> die Laen<strong>der</strong>redakteure (zur Zeit Luigi Cobisi, Bernd<br />

Gundel, Roberto Scaglione und Andreas Wohlhaupter) koordiniert. Im<br />

italienischen Aether sprudelt es auch 30 Jahre nach <strong>der</strong> Gruendung <strong>der</strong><br />

ersten privaten Radios immer noch: Der Verkauf grosser und bedeuten<strong>der</strong><br />

Sen<strong>der</strong>ketten hat nicht nur eingefuehrte Programme durcheinan<strong>der</strong>gewuerfelt,<br />

son<strong>der</strong>n in wenigen Monaten auch hun<strong>der</strong>te Frequenzbelegungen veraen<strong>der</strong>t.<br />

Die neue FMLIST bietet neben <strong>der</strong> direkten online-Recherche nicht nur die<br />

Moeglichkeit, je<strong>der</strong>zeit aktuelle PDF-Dateien zu erzeugen und zu drucken,<br />

son<strong>der</strong>n auch eine Datei im RDS<strong>DX</strong>-Format zu erzeugen. Wir hoffen, dass wir<br />

mit vereinten Kraeften die Aktualitaet unserer Daten verbessern koennen<br />

und die aufwaendige Arbeit <strong>der</strong> Redakteure erleichtern, so dass mehr Zeit<br />

zum Hoeren und fuer die Recherche bleibt. Wir erwarten aber auch Eure<br />

aktive Mitarbeit: Je<strong>der</strong> kann beitragen, in dem er uns (auf schnelle und<br />

einfache Art und Weise) direkt Aen<strong>der</strong>ungen und Abweichungen meldet, die er<br />

beim Hoeren festgestellt hat. Die <strong>Meldun</strong>gen werden von den Redakteuren<br />

ueberprueft und stehen dann sofort zur Verfuegung.<br />

<br />

Der UKWTV-Arbeitskreis wurde 1970 gegruendet, hat zurzeit 130 Mitglie<strong>der</strong><br />

und ist Herausgeber <strong>der</strong> Zeitschrift "Reflexion". Die Foren und Seiten von<br />

UKWTV.de werden taeglich ueber 2000 mal besucht. <br />

fmdxITALY wurde 2003 gestartet, hat 250 Mitglie<strong>der</strong> aus Italien und dem<br />

Mittelmeerraum. Es wird als Yahoo-Forum<br />

<br />

gefuehrt und verfuegt u.a. ueber 100 detaillierte italienische Bandscans,<br />

eine Website entsteht gerade unter<br />

<br />

RDS<strong>DX</strong> ist ein Programm, mit dem RDS-Daten am PC angezeigt und verarbeitet<br />

werden koennen. Das Programm wurde von Arno Vainio aus Finnland<br />

geschrieben, Herman Vijnants aus Belgien koordiniert die Datensammlung.<br />

RDS<strong>DX</strong> verfuegt ueber eine Datensammlung <strong>der</strong> europaeischen und<br />

nordamerikanischen FM-Sen<strong>der</strong> und ist - an Stelle von gedruckten Listen -<br />

ein schnelles und effizientes Werkzeug, um die empfangenen Sen<strong>der</strong> waehrend<br />

<strong>der</strong> oft nur kurzen Bandoeffnungen zu identifizieren<br />

<br />

(Ulrich Onken-D, Fabrizio Carnevalini-I, Guenter Lorenz-D, Oct 23)<br />

JAPAN 3373.5, NHK-Osaka: As these low powered relay stns are no longer<br />

in operation, I wanted to try for one last QSL, so I sent off a report in<br />

EG, with $1. Was a nice surprise to receive a registered package<br />

containing a full-data ltr (indicating power as 300 watts and the name of<br />

the prgms I had hrd, but with incorrect fqy of 828 kHz), brochure "Welcome<br />

to Osaka B/Cing Station," which is a very impressive complex which opened<br />

in 2001, and a large booklet ("50 Years of NHK Television"), in 25 days.<br />

V/S Takashi Otsuka, Associate Director, Planning and General Affairs<br />

Division. NHK, Osaka Station, 4-1-20 Otemae, Chuo-ku, Osaka 540-8501,<br />

Japan.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

Radio Japan "NHK World" in B-<strong>05</strong> season<br />

To SoEaAS<br />

Burmese 1030-1100 11740SNG 1230-1300 9695<br />

2320-2340 13650<br />

Chinese 0600-0630 17860 1200-1230 11740SNG<br />

2240-2300 13650 2340-0000 13630 17810

English 0100-0200 17810 11860SNG<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 17810 0600-0700 11740SNG<br />

1000-1200 9695 1400-1600 7200<br />

0000-0015 13650 17810<br />

Indonesian 0930-1000 9695 1130-1200 & 1230-1300 13660<br />

2300-2320 17810 2340-0000 13650<br />

Japanese 0200-0300 11860SNG 0200-<strong>05</strong>00 17810<br />

0700-0900 17860 0700-1000 11740SNG<br />

0900-1600 11815 1600-1900 7200<br />

2000-0000 11665 2000-2200 7225<br />

Malay 1200-1230 9695 13660 1300-1330 9695<br />

2240-2300 17810<br />

Thai 1130-1200 11740SNG 1330-1400 7200<br />

2300-2320 13650<br />

Vietnamese 1100-1130 13660 1230-1300 11740SNG<br />

2320-2340 17810<br />

To Asian Continent<br />

Chinese 0400-0430 & <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 17845<br />

1200-1230, 1300-1330 6190 1430-1500 6190<br />

2230-2250 9560<br />

English 0100-0200 17845 <strong>05</strong>00-0700 15195<br />

1000-1200 11730 1500-1600 6190<br />

Japanese 0200-0300 17845 0200-<strong>05</strong>00 & 0700-0800 15195<br />

0800-1700 9750 1600-1900 6035<br />

2000-0000 11910 2000-2100 6165<br />

2100-2210 9560<br />

Korean 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 & <strong>05</strong>30-0600 17845 1115-1145 6090<br />

1230-1300 6190 1400-1430 6190<br />

2210-2230 9560<br />

Russian 0330-0400 17845 1330-1400 6190<br />

To FE Russia<br />

English 0600-0700 11715 11760<br />

Japanese 0700-0800 6145 6165<br />

Russian <strong>05</strong>30-0600 11715 11760<br />

0800-0830 6145 6165 1900-1920 5955<br />

To SoWeAS<br />

Bengali 0630-0700 15590 11890SRI 1230-1300 11890SRI<br />

English 0100-0200 15325 1400-1600 9875<br />

Hindi 0700-0730 15590 11890SRI 1300-1330 11890SRI<br />

Japanese 0200-<strong>05</strong>00 15325<br />

0800-1000 15590 1500-1700 12045SNG<br />

1700-1800 11865SNG<br />

Urdu 0730-0800 15590 11890SRI 1330-1400 11890SRI<br />

To Oceania<br />

English 0100-0200 17685 0300-0400 21610<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0700 & 1000-1100 21755 1400-1500 11840SRI<br />

2100-2200 6035SNG<br />

Japanese 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 17685<br />

0700-1000 21755 11920SNG 1700-1900 7140<br />

1900-2100 6035SNG 2200-2300 11770SRI<br />

To NoAM<br />

English 0000-0100 6145CAN 0100-0200 17825<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 6110CAN(West) 0600-0700 11690<br />

1000-1200 6120CAN(East) 1500-1600 95<strong>05</strong><br />

1700-1800 9535 2100-2200 17825<br />

Japanese 0200-<strong>05</strong>00 5960CAN(East) 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 17825<br />

0800-1000 9540 1300-1500 117<strong>05</strong>CAN(Ea)<br />

1500-1700 9535 2200-2300 17825

To Hawaii<br />

English 0600-0700 17870 2100-2200 21670<br />

Japanese 0700-0800 17870 0800-1000 9825<br />

1700-1900 9835<br />

To CeAM<br />

English 0100-0200 17825 0600-0700 11690<br />

1500-1600 95<strong>05</strong> 1700-1800 9535<br />

Japanese 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 17825 0800-1000 9540<br />

1500-1700 9535<br />

2200-2300 11895GUF 17825<br />

Spanish <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 11895GUF 1000-1030 9540<br />

To SoAM<br />

English 0100-0200 11935ATN<br />

Japanese 0200-0300 11935ATN 0300-0400 9660GUF(West)<br />

0800-1000 9825 9530GUF(Ea) 1700-1800 21600GUF(West)<br />

1700-1900 9835 2200-2300 15220ASC<br />

2300-2400 176<strong>05</strong>ATN<br />

Portug 0230-0300 9660GUF(East) 1030-1100 9530GUF(East)<br />

Spanish 0400-0430 9660GUF(West)<br />

1000-1030 9710 9530GUF(East)<br />

To Europe<br />

English <strong>05</strong>00-0600 5975UKr <strong>05</strong>00-0700 7230UKw<br />

1000-1100 17585UAE<br />

1700-1800 11970<br />

2100-2200 6090UKs 6180UKs<br />

French 0630-0700 11970GAB 1800-1820 11970<br />

German 0600-0630 11970GAB<br />

1100-1130 9660UKs 11710UKs<br />

Italian <strong>05</strong>30-<strong>05</strong>45 11970GAB 1030-1045 21820GAB<br />

Japanese 0800-1000 11710UKs 1700-1800 9750UKr<br />

1700-1900 6175UKs 2000-2100 11970<br />

2200-2300 6115UKs<br />

Russian 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 11970GAB 1130-1200 11710UKs<br />

1840-1900 11970<br />

Spanish <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 11970GAB 1820-1840 11970<br />

Swedish <strong>05</strong>45-0600 11970GAB 1045-1100 21820GAB<br />

To ME & NoAF<br />

Arabic 0400-0430 17780SRI 0700-0730 15220ASC(West)<br />

[delete 1200-1215 17560UKr]<br />

English 0100-0200 6030UKr 17560 1000-1100 17720UAE<br />

French <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 17820SRI 1630-1650 71<strong>05</strong><br />

Japanese 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 17560 0800-1000 17720UAE<br />

1700-1900 9575UAE 2200-2300 7115UAE<br />

Persian 0230-0300 17880SRI<br />

0830-0900 17675SRI<br />

To Africa<br />

Arabic 0400-0430 17780SRI 0700-0730 15220ASC(West)<br />

English 1700-1800 15355GAB(South)<br />

2100-2200 11855ASC(Central)<br />

French 1230-1300 15400ASC(West) 17870ASC(Central)<br />

1800-1820 9685 11785<br />

Japanese 0800-1000 17650ASC(West)<br />

1500-1700 21630ASC(Central)<br />

1800-1900 15355GAB(South)<br />

Swahili 0330-0400 6135ASC(Central)<br />

1300-1330 17870ASC(Central)<br />

Relays:<br />

ASC = Ascension 250 kW ATN = Bonaire 250 kW CAN = Sackville 250 kW

GAB = Gabon 500 kW GUF = Fr.Guiana 300 kW SNG = Singapore 100/250 kW<br />

SRI = Sri Lanka 300 kW UAE = Al Dhabbaya 500 kW<br />

UK = United Kingdom, RMP 500 kW, SKN 250/300 kW, WOF 250/300 kW<br />

remaining via Yamata-JPN, 300 / 100 kW.<br />

Please be advised that the schedule is subject to change.<br />

Radio Japan En: <br />

e-mail (NHK R Japan B-<strong>05</strong> booklet, Oct 22)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. of 11865 at 1201 Voice of Korea, in Japanese, 44343. ID<br />

(...choson-no...), anthem, annts.<br />

9345 on 16 Oct at 0839 UT Voice of Korea, in Chinese, 25332. Talks.<br />

9650 on 16 Oct, 1102 Voice of Korea, in Japanese, 34433. Start of<br />

broadcast after the anthem. Quite a jolly introductory mx piece was used!<br />

9975 on 16 Oct, 0839 Voice of Korea, in Korean, 43343. Female talk.<br />

Consi<strong>der</strong>able splash - not only by RTBF (9970 kHz), but also by a wide-band<br />

signal of time-and freq station RWM (Moscow, 9996 kHz).<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS and Alexey Kulinchenko-RUS,<br />

Kazan mini <strong>DX</strong>pedition Oct 24)<br />

KYRGYZSTAN 4010 Kyrgyz R, Bishkek, QSL-letter, schedules of 1st and 2nd<br />

programmes of Kyrgyz Radio, "KTR-Obo" newspaper with programme schedule of<br />

Kyrgyz TV; in 35 days, V/S J. Muslimova, VP of National TV and<br />

Broadcasting Corp. of Kyrgyz Republic.<br />

Tel. 65-80-88, 65-66-89, FAX 65-10-64.<br />

(Beryozkin via <strong>DX</strong>Signal, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Oct 19)<br />

6030, R Maranatha (tent), Bishkek, at 1500-1628 on Oct 06, 09, 10 and 11,<br />

ann in Kyrgyz (tent), local songs and English pop songs, several ID's:<br />

"Hit Shortwave"! So probably it can transmit programmes from many<br />

religious organisations and play Afghan pop during intervals. Until 1500*<br />

the freq is covered by VOA via Udon Thani in Tibetan and from *1628 by B<strong>BC</strong><br />

via Oman in Arabic (scheduled 1630-2000). In between Bishkek is fighting<br />

with CNR 1 in Chinese plus CWQRM on 6029.58 kHz resulting in a 23433.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN and Mauno Ritola-FIN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Oct 19)<br />

LAOS 6130, R Nationale Lao, Vientiane (National sce), at 1421-1501 UT on<br />

Sep 28, Lao popular songs with short ann. An English song with refrain<br />

"Asia we are one" could also be heard during the program. Very strong<br />

signal with 55444, // 567 MW the signal was weak, but audible. Reception<br />

at Siem Reap, Cambodia.<br />

7145, R Nationale Lao, Vientiane (International sce) at 2330-00<strong>05</strong> UT on<br />

Sep 29/30, opening mx with ID in Vietnamese "Day la dai phat<br />

thanh......Lao", followed by Vietnamese broadcast mainly consists of talk<br />

programs. At 0000 UT next Khmer broadcast began with ID "Thini......Lao",<br />

34333-44444. Reception condition was stable. Reception at Siem Reap,<br />

Cambodia.<br />

Nobuya Kato has sent us his report about a Dxpedition to Cambodia three<br />

weeks ago. He brought two portable radios: SONY ICF-SW1000T and SONY ICF-<br />

100S with AN-100A, an active indoor antenna (longwire type with<br />

approximately 2m).<br />

(Nobuya Kato-JPN, touring Siem Reap Cambodia, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Oct 17)<br />

LIBERIA 5470 R.Veritas on Oct 13 at 2<strong>05</strong>9-2135 25332-35333 English, 2<strong>05</strong>9<br />

Drums, 2100 News, 2117 African pops mx etc, ID at 2100 etc.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 17)<br />

MADAGASCAR R. Sweden B-<strong>05</strong> English via Madagascar relay.<br />

Asia and the Pacific

0130-0200 11550 ( 50deg) via Madagascar<br />

2030-2100 7420 (125deg) via Madagascar (to Australia)<br />

That last one is interesting. Maybe it's not new, but I don't recall Mad<br />

using such an azimuth before, toward the SE, and skirting the southern<br />

auroral zone, where Australia would be the only possible target. Will be<br />

interesting to see how well that works. Did they have to build a new<br />

antenna? No, it just so happens that 125 degrees is the reverse of an<br />

existing 3<strong>05</strong> degree antenna aimed across Africa.<br />

(via Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld Oct 24)<br />

Not on the RN A-<strong>05</strong> txion schedule<br />

<br />

so from some other site? Right, Andy? (Glenn Hauser Oct 24)<br />

2030-2100 7420 (125 degr) via Madagascar (to Australia)<br />

In their current A<strong>05</strong> they use this one at 2130 UT.<br />

(Erik Koie-DEN, dxld Oct 25)<br />

R Sweden B-<strong>05</strong> program leaflet arrived yesterday Oct 24th.<br />

Shows Swedish P1 progr via Madagascar 13580 000degr on Mon-Fri 0430-<strong>05</strong>30<br />

UT, like<br />

13580 0430-<strong>05</strong>30 27,28,29E,38-40,47,48 MDC 250 000 .23456. SWE P1 S RSW<br />

TER.<br />

but RNW' workbook schedule of Oct 11 shows 13660 kHz instead, repeat of<br />

0100 UT broadcast, marked 'TD' .<br />

Leo van <strong>der</strong> Woude editor shows RSwe P1 progr at 0430-<strong>05</strong>00[!] UT 13660 kHz<br />

instead of 13580[print out in RSwe's leaflet], in RNW's Workbook schedule<br />

in Excel-format of Oct 11, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

R Swe also registered:<br />

9490 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 27,28,29E,38-40,47,48 HB 500 140 15 .23456. SWE P1 S RSW<br />

TER<br />

Also R Sweden see 500 kW entry English at 2030-2100 UT.<br />

7420 2000-2100 41-45,49-51,54-56,58-60 MDC 250 125 15 SWE S RSW TER<br />

7420 2030-2100 41-45,49-51,54-56,58-60 MDC 500 125 15 ENG S RSW TER<br />

11550 0100-0200 39S,40-43,49 MDC 250 50 25 SWE/ENG S RSW TER<br />

Glenn, yes, this 125 deg +0deg slew had been registered for A-<strong>05</strong> in March<br />

20<strong>05</strong> already.<br />

But for coming B-<strong>05</strong> season entry changed to 125 +15deg slew, that means<br />

140 deg via southern Indian Ocean zone to AUS/NZ/PAC.<br />

Sydney is in direction of approx. 127 degrees, 10300 km; NZ 145 degrees,<br />

11700 km.<br />

(73 wb wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 25)<br />

MALAYSIA 6175, Voice of Islam program via RTVM, Kajang at 1500-1532 on<br />

Sep 30, broadcast in Bahasa Malaysia. Popular songs often with "Assalaam<br />

Alaikum" greeting, and short ann with the words "Suara Islam" could be<br />

confirmed just after each mx ended. Reception at Siem Reap, Cambodia.<br />

(Nobuya Kato-JPN, touring Siem Reap Cambodia, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Oct 17)<br />

Sarawak Kuching 7270, Wai FM (RTM), 1335-1404 Oct 18, woman DJ with prgm<br />

of pop songs in various langs. (EG song: "I Live My Life for You"), ToH<br />

singing stn jingle (men with "Wai, Wai, Wai, Wai, Wai Wai Wai" and a woman<br />

comes in with "FM"), assume the nx. Scheduled langs. are<br />

Iban/Bidayuh/Kayan/Kenyah. Fair. Tnx again to Alan Davies, INS, for the<br />

info on the renaming of the Malaysian stns. And at 1335-1411 UT on Oct 19,<br />

pop mx with woman DJ, several different distinctive "Wai FM" singing

jingles, ToH five mins. of "Berita Wai FM" (nx), more pop mx, good rcpn.<br />

On Oct 19 at 1335-1411, pop mx with woman DJ, several different<br />

distinctive "Wai FM" singing jingles, ToH five mins of "Berita Wai FM"<br />

(news), more pop mx, good reception.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

MYANMAR 5985, R Myanmar, Yangon at 1556-1600* UT on Sep 28, popular mx<br />

program followed by closing ann. The txion signed off with the National<br />

Anthem of Myanmar.<br />

(Nobuya Kato-JPN, touring Siem Reap Cambodia, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Oct 17)<br />

NETHERLANDS/SWEDEN It looks as though Radio Netherlands may be dropping<br />

their English broadcast to Europe (currently at 2300-0000 UTC via Sweden<br />

on 1179 kHz) for the B<strong>05</strong> schedule period which starts on Sunday. There is<br />

no mention of it in the Winter edition of On Target which arrived this<br />

morning.<br />

In a footnote to the satellite listing, On Target mentions that "By the<br />

end of 20<strong>05</strong>, RNW2 will also be available on the BSkyB platform in the UK".<br />

So it seems that MW is being replaced by a satellite feed ...<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Oct 24)<br />

The B<strong>05</strong> SW freq schedule of Radio Netherlands is now online. For our<br />

listeners in New Zealand, the broadcast time of our English txion has<br />

changed to <strong>05</strong>00-0600 UT, which is 1800-1900 New Zealand summer time, for<br />

propagation reasons. Also new this season is a two hour txion in Dutch to<br />

Europe at 2100-2300 UT from Dhabbaya in the UAE. Low sunspot numbers<br />

require creative solutions! Radio Netherlands winter freq schedule<br />

<br />

(via Andy Sennitt-HOL, RNW MN NL via dxld Oct 25)<br />

B-<strong>05</strong> RNW schedule, includes also brokered and exchanged services.<br />

1=Sun/7=Sat<br />

5885 1245 1357 44,45,49,50,54 P.K 250 244 0 Dut RUS RNW GFC<br />

59<strong>05</strong> 1000 1200 11,12N BON 250 0 0 GERMAN HOL DWL DWL<br />

5955 0600 0656 18,27,28W MSK 250 260 -10 Dut RUS RNW GFC<br />

5955 0656 1700 18,27,28W FLE 500 210 0 17 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

5955 0656 1715 18,27,28W FLE 500 210 0 23456 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

5955 1700 1757 27,28,37N,39NW HB 500 190 0 17 Dut S RNW RNW<br />

5955 1715 1757 27,28,37N,39NW HB 500 190 0 23456 Dut S RNW RNW<br />

5975 0359 0457 10,11 BON 250 290 0 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

6010 1659 1757 27S,28S,37N FLE 500 191 0 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

6015 0600 0656 18,27,28W KLG 160 245 0 Dut RUS RNW GFC<br />

6015 0656 0757 27,28,37N,39NW HB 500 190 0 Dut S RNW RNW<br />

6015 2<strong>05</strong>9 2300 18,27,28 DHA 500 315 0 Dut UAE RNW RNW<br />

6020 0929 1015 12NE BON 250 110 0 234567 DutHOL RNW RNW<br />

6020 1659 1757 52S,53S,57 MDC 250 255 0 Dut MDG RNW RNW<br />

6020 1759 1857 52S,53S,57 MDC 250 255 0 ENG MDG RNW RNW<br />

6035 0700 0757 27S,28S,37N FLE 500 191 0 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

6035 0859 1100 27,28 HB 500 190 0 Dut S RNW RNW<br />

6100 0200 0359 2-4,6-8,11N BON 250 320 -15 GERMAN HOL DWL DWL<br />

6110 1<strong>05</strong>9 1130 12 BON 250 210 0 Spa HOL RNW RNW<br />

6110 1200 1230 12 BON 250 210 0 Spa HOL RNW RNW<br />

6120 2159 2357 51W,54 SNG 250 140 -20 Ind SNG RNW RNW<br />

6165 0<strong>05</strong>9 0157 3,4,7,8 BON 250 335 0 Eng HOL RNW RNW<br />

6165 0159 0357 10,11 BON 250 290 0 Spa HOL RNW RNW<br />

6165 0359 0457 3,4,7,8 BON 250 335 0 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

6165 0459 <strong>05</strong>57 2,3,6,7,10NW BON 250 320 -15 Eng HOL RNW RNW<br />

6165 <strong>05</strong>59 0657 2,3,6,7,10NW BON 250 320 -15 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

6165 1<strong>05</strong>9 1127 8S,11W BON 250 320 -15 Spa HOL RNW RNW<br />

6165 2259 2357 4,8,9 BON 250 341 6 Dut HOL RNW RNW

6165 2359 0<strong>05</strong>7 4,8,9 BON 250 341 6 Eng HOL RNW RNW<br />

71<strong>05</strong> 1659 1757 28S FLE 500 123 0 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

7120 1859 2<strong>05</strong>7 47,48,53,57 MDC 250 270 -10 ENG MDG RNW RNW<br />

7120 2<strong>05</strong>9 2157 47,52N MDC 250 280 0 Dut MDG RNW RNW<br />

7125 <strong>05</strong>59 0757 28S,38,39N FLE 500 123 0 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

7175 1559 1657 27S,28S,37N FLE 500 191 0 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

7240 0700 0757 27S,37N FLE 40 230 -30 N Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

7240 0759 1<strong>05</strong>9 27S,28S,37N FLE 40 191 0 N Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

7240 0759 1<strong>05</strong>9 27S,28S,37N FLE 40 191 0 N Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

7240 1<strong>05</strong>9 1159 18,27,28 FLE 40 123 0 N Eng HOL RNW RNW<br />

7240 1159 1257 18,27,28 FLE 40 123 0 N Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

7240 1257 1329 18,27,28 FLE 40 123 0 N Ger HOL RSW RNW<br />

7240 1329 1400 18,27,28 FLE 40 123 0 N Eng HOL RSW RNW<br />

7240 1400 1430 18,27,28 FLE 40 123 0 N Eng HOL RCI RNW<br />

7240 1430 1459 18,27,28 FLE 40 123 0 N Eng HOL RNW RNW<br />

7240 1459 1515 18,27,28 FLE 40 123 0 N Eng HOL VAT RNW<br />

7240 1515 1657 18,27,28 FLE 40 123 0 N Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

7285 2159 2300 51W,54 MDC 250 85 -15 . Ind MDG RNW RNW<br />

7315 0955 1100 43-45,49,54 P.K 250 244 0 . RUS RNW GFC<br />

7330 2159 2300 36E,37 FLE 40 191 0 N Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

7420 2000 2030 41-45,49-51,54-56,58-60 MDC 250 125 15 SWE S RSW TER<br />

7420 2030 2100 41-45,49-51,54-56,58-60 MDC 500 125 15 ENG S RSW TER<br />

9345 1359 1557 41,49,54 TAC 100 131 0 UZB RNW GFC<br />

9525 2259 2357 11,12,13 SAC 250 189 13 Dut CAN RNW RNW<br />

9545 0000 0200 3,4,7-9,11N BON 250 350 15 GERMAN HOL DWL DWL<br />

9590 2159 2357 51W,54 MDC 250 75 0 Ind MDG RNW RNW<br />

9625 0659 0757 55,59,60 BON 250 230 0 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

9715 1130 1200 10S,11 BON 250 290 0 Spa HOL RNW RNW<br />

9795 0959 1<strong>05</strong>7 44,45,49E,50 KHB 100 218 0 Dut RUS RNW GFC<br />

9795 1<strong>05</strong>9 1200 51W,54 SNG 100 140 -20 Ind SNG RNW RNW<br />

9795 1200 1257 51W,54 SNG 250 140 -20 Ind SNG RNW RNW<br />

9800 2130 2200 4,8,9 SAC 70 268 0 N Eng CAN RNW RNW<br />

9890 1159 1257 4,8,9 BON 250 350 15 Eng HOL RNW RNW<br />

9895 0000 0157 11,12,13 MDC 250 265 -15 Spa MDG RNW RNW<br />

9895 0159 0357 10,11W MDC 250 280 0 Spa MDG RNW RNW<br />

9895 <strong>05</strong>59 0657 60 BON 250 230 0 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

9895 0659 0857 28S FLE 500 127 -30 234567Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

9895 0659 0858 28S FLE 500 127 -30 1 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

9895 0759 0857 27S,37N FLE 500 2<strong>05</strong> 0 23456 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

9895 0759 1657 27S,37N FLE 500 2<strong>05</strong> 0 17 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

9895 1559 1657 28S FLE 500 127 -30 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

9895 1559 1657 27S,37N FLE 500 2<strong>05</strong> 0 23456 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

9895 1659 1757 27E,28,48,53N MDC 250 335 15 Dut MDG RNW RNW<br />

9895 1759 1957 47E,48,52E,53 FLE 500 142 -15 Eng HOL RNW RNW<br />

9895 1959 2<strong>05</strong>7 46,47W FLE 500 191 0 Eng HOL RNW RNW<br />

9895 2<strong>05</strong>9 2300 36,37,46N,47,52N MDC 250 3<strong>05</strong> -15 Dut MDG RNW RNW<br />

9940 1245 1400 44,50,54 KHB 100 218 0 Dut RUS RNW GFC<br />

9940 2300 2357 51W,54 MDC 250 85 -15 Ind MDG RNW RNW<br />

11550 0100 0130 39S,40-43,49 MDC 250 50 25 SWE S RSW TER<br />

11550 0130 0200 39S,40-43,49 MDC 250 50 25 156ENG S RSW TER<br />

11655 1559 1657 27E,28,48,53N MDC 250 335 15 Dut MDG RNW RNW<br />

11655 1659 1757 27S,36,37,48,53N MDC 250 320 0 Dut MDG RNW RNW<br />

11655 1759 2<strong>05</strong>7 46,47,52N MDC 250 3<strong>05</strong> -15 ENG MDG RNW RNW<br />

117<strong>05</strong> 1657 1755 47E,48,52E,53 MDC 50 265 -15 EngVoP ZWEMDG NEW RNW<br />

11710 0459 <strong>05</strong>57 60 BON 250 230 0 Eng HOL RNW RNW<br />

11900 2359 0157 14,15,16 ASC 250 245 0 Spa G RNW RNW<br />

11935 0100 0300 14,15,16 BON 250 170 0 Various HOL NHK NHK<br />

11935 0759 0857 27S,28S,37N FLE 500 191 0 234567Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

11935 0759 0858 27S,28S,37N FLE 500 191 0 1 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

12035 1200 1300 7E,8 BON 250 350 0101-260306GERHOL DWL DWL<br />

12035 1300 1400 7E,8 BON 250 350 0 GERMAN HOL DWL DWL<br />

12065 0945 1100 44,50,54 IRK 250 152 0 Dut RUS RNW GFC<br />

12070 1255 1357 41 TAC 100 131 0 UZB RNW GFC<br />

12080 1359 1557 41,49 MDC 250 50 -25 ENG MDG RNW RNW

13700 0859 1557 28S FLE 500 123 0 17 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

13700 0859 1557 27S,37N FLE 500 191 0 17 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

13700 1559 1657 28S,37,38,46,47,48MDC 250 320 0 Dut MDG RNW RNW<br />

13840 1600 1657 38E,39,48N MDC 250 0 10 Dut MDG RNW RNW<br />

15310 2259 2357 14,15,16 BON 250 170 0 Spa HOL RNW RNW<br />

15315 1859 2<strong>05</strong>7 3,4,7,8 BON 250 320 -15 17 Eng HOL RNW RNW<br />

15315 2<strong>05</strong>9 2157 12NE,13,15 BON 250 133 23 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

15315 2159 2257 12,13,14,15,16 BON 250 185 15 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

15445 1400 1500 6-8,10 BON 250 320 -15 GERMAN HOL DWL DWL<br />

15525 1859 2<strong>05</strong>7 4,8,9 BON 250 350 0 17 Eng HOL RNW RNW<br />

15525 1859 2<strong>05</strong>7 4,8,9 BON 250 350 0 17 Eng HOL RNW RNW<br />

15565 1159 1257 44,45,49E,50 MDC 250 60 10 Dut MDG RNW RNW<br />

15595 1359 1557 41,49 MDC 250 50 0 ENG MDG RNW RNW<br />

15640 1200 1257 51W,54 MDC 250 85 -15 Ind MDG RNW RNW<br />

17580 1<strong>05</strong>9 1158 51W,54 MDC 250 85 -15 Ind MDG RNW RNW<br />

17580 1200 1257 51W,54 MDC 250 85 20 Ind MDG RNW RNW<br />

17580 1259 1357 41,49 MDC 250 45 -20 Dut MDG RNW RNW<br />

176<strong>05</strong> 2300 2400 14,15,16 BON 250 170 0 Japanese HOL NHK NHK<br />

17725 1859 2<strong>05</strong>7 2,3,6,7,10NW SAC 250 285 0 17 Eng CAN RNW RNW<br />

17810 1859 2<strong>05</strong>7 46,47W BON 250 80 15 Eng HOL RNW RNW<br />

17810 2<strong>05</strong>9 2157 46,47W BON 250 80 15 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

17815 1259 1357 49,50,51,54 MDC 250 85 -15 Dut MDG RNW RNW<br />

17895 2<strong>05</strong>9 2157 14,15,16 BON 250 170 15 Dut HOL RNW RNW<br />

21480 1<strong>05</strong>9 1158 51W,54 MDC 250 85 20 Ind MDG RNW RNW<br />

NETH ANTILLES Bonaire bandscan from Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles Sept<br />

20<strong>05</strong>. Impressive pictures, see URL<br />

<br />

This year we took off for Bonaire, and you won't find a more laid-back<br />

place in the Caribbean. There are none of the crowds of Aruba - and you<br />

can have that cattle pen of an airport there! There are only 10,000<br />

residents, beautiful scenery, flora, fauna, and plenty of great<br />

restaurants. Downtown Kralendijk is small, walkable, and picturesque. And<br />

the place is completely attitude-free. English is spoken almost<br />

everywhere, but a few words in Dutch or Papiamentu will win you instant<br />

friends.<br />

I expected an RF jungle, but even though we were less than 10 kM from the<br />

100 kW tx of TWR on 800 kHz, and about 50 or so from the big RNW relay<br />

station, the only ill effect noticed was some splash plus and minus 20 kHz<br />

from 800 - to be expected, really.<br />

RNW and TWR both have offices on the north end of Kralendijk, distinct<br />

from their tx sites. We gave TWR's a miss, but dropped in on RNW and met<br />

the very accommodating station manager, Hans. He spoke of continually<br />

having to justify SW to the Dutch govt, who (predictably) wants to cut SW<br />

in favor of internet streaming. They have an internal joke that they<br />

provide an alternative viewpoint to countries with tightly-controlled<br />

media - like the US! And we told him there was a certain element of truth<br />

to their joke. He suggests writing to RNW director <strong>Jan</strong> Hoek at the usual<br />

PO Box 222 address in Hilversum if you wish RNW to continue on SW.<br />

Hans is happy to arrange tours of the tx site (we had to decline due to<br />

time constraints - the beach was calling. However, He called ahead to the<br />

site to let them know two crazy tourists were going to come up and take<br />

pictures - "we're off until 3:00, it's safe!"). We were not challenged the<br />

entire time we were in the shadows of the awesome curtain arrays.<br />

Pictures of the RNW site, as well as the TWR site, both stations' offices,<br />

and beer and listening post pictures, are available here:<br />

<br />

Stations heard on AM were almost exclusively from the Venezuelan states of<br />

Falcon, Carabobo, Aragua, Miranda, coastal Anzoategui, and Nueva Esparta,

and the city of Caracas - all via water path. Inland stations were almost<br />

completely absent. There also seemed to be a direct path to the Dominican<br />

Republic, whose stations were heard on many freqs where there were no<br />

Venezuelans audible.<br />

Equipment used on this trip included a Sony ICF-SW7600GR radio and Kiwa<br />

pocket loop.<br />

(Jay Novello-NC-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 10)<br />

NEW ZEALAND [and non]. Re comments about RNZI's use of DRM for the<br />

Pacific. The strategy involves RNZI using a DRM tx to targeted island<br />

broadcasters, who are supplied with free DRM receivers by RNZI.<br />

The local broadcaster can then relay the RNZI broadcasts as effective<br />

stereo FM quality over local FM txs, or as effective studio quality<br />

broadcasts over local AM and/or SW txs.<br />

An example is SI<strong>BC</strong> Solomon Islands, whose new SW tx will be DRM capable.<br />

This will be used to relay SI<strong>BC</strong> and RNZI programs to low power FM relay<br />

txs outside Honiara.<br />

At the same time, depending on the bit rates used, SI<strong>BC</strong> can theoretically<br />

generate revenue by feeding govt voice or teletext type messages to<br />

outlying govt offices at cheaper rates than the local telephone company.<br />

It could also, theoretically, carry mx or nx programs from a private FM<br />

station in Honiara to private FM relay txs co-sited with its own FM<br />

relays, thus giving distant parts of the country access to a second radio<br />

sce. And generating revenue.<br />

The new VBTC [Radio Vila] AM txs gifted by the NZ Govt, are also DRM<br />

capable. Here again, the option is available for point-to-point use for<br />

relays via low power FM txs in isolated parts of Vanuatu, and new revenue<br />

generation.<br />

The end user [listener] doesn't need a digital radio, just their existing<br />

battery operated FM or AM radio.<br />

As explained in our radio heritage documentary on Pacific DRM trends on<br />

Mailbox earlier this year, this is a different end use for DRM than that<br />

contemplated in Europe, the Americas, or Australia.<br />

RNZI, Radio Australia and UCB Pacific have all relied on either SW or<br />

satellite delivery in the past, but the sudden collapse of sce earlier<br />

this year when the main Pacific satellite went out of orbit, has been a<br />

strong remin<strong>der</strong> of how fragile satellite radio delivery actually can be.<br />

Add to this the expense of installing satellite dishes on small islands,<br />

with little or no technical maintenance skills available locally, plus the<br />

easy destruction of dishes during cyclones, [hurricanes], as well as wet<br />

and humid conditions for sensitive computerized equipment, and the<br />

decision to run DRM via SW with analog backup makes engineering and<br />

economic sense in the Pacific.<br />

Some islands [New Caledonia, Tahiti, Fiji] may develop local DRM<br />

broadcasts, but with British, French and American digital systems all<br />

potentially clashing [like TV's PAL, NTSC and SECAM already do in the<br />

region], then using DRM for point-to-point retransmission is a sensible<br />

early transition into the new technology.<br />

RNZI will be testing the new DRM tx towards Tonga in November, using<br />

different bit rates for different program streams and quality levels. This<br />

will be during the Pacific breakfast program.

UCB Pacific [who had relied on the defunct satellite to deliver their<br />

Pacific program stream to their Tonga, Solomons, Vanuatu stations] are<br />

also investigating being able to share the RNZI DRM tx to provide point-<br />

to-point delivery to their growing number of stations.]<br />

UCB Pacific are part of the larger Rhema Broadcasting Group [RBG] which<br />

participated in the April DRM tests in New Zealand via the 657 AM<br />

Wellington outlet of their Southern Star program stream.<br />

(David Ricquish, Radio Heritage Foundation<br />

dxld Oct 23)<br />

NIGERIA 4770 Kaduna if activated back on 2110 UT had a signal of ca S8<br />

with microphonic noise and possibly nx heard at very lo audio level near<br />

to unintelligible.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 15+17)<br />

PALAU 99<strong>05</strong> Radio Free Asia (via KHBN/Palau Island) Full data (minus<br />

site) 18th Annual SWL Winterfest QSL Card, in response to a e-mail (2nd)<br />

follow-up. In a e-mail response to my follow-up inquiry about my reception<br />

report, this reply from AJ <strong>Jan</strong>itschek at RFA:<br />

One last bit of news; currently we are not confirming any tx sites on our<br />

QSL cards; even IBB sites. I believe the term, "in the interests of<br />

Homeland Security" were the exact word used by our Director of Program<br />

Delivery.<br />

Thanks again for your note and for your patience. Best wishes from<br />

Washington DC.<br />

(Edward KUSAlik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

PARAGUAY 9736.95 R.Nac. del Paraguay on Oct 23 at *0809-0827 UT, 45433<br />

Spanish, 0809 UT sign on with IS, Opening announce, Paraguay mx.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Oct 28)<br />

PERU [tent] 5949.717 kHz at 0230 UTC:<br />

I think this is a reactivation of Radio Bethel, Arequipa (Peru), at least<br />

I myself have not noted the station for some years. Same type of "hard"<br />

preaching without any IDs - it's very difficult to ID this station.<br />

Yes, I confirmed R. Bethel 5949.8 kHz on 1st Sep 20<strong>05</strong>. In Japan, this<br />

station is hardly not heard recently because of bad condx. I could hrd<br />

some folklore until 1100 UT then started religious, preaching px with<br />

opening ann by OM.<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, hcdx Oct 25)<br />

POLAND B<strong>05</strong> Radio Polonia, from 30 Oct 20<strong>05</strong><br />

English<br />

1300-1400 UT 9525 khz Antena W3 / azymut 285deg<br />

11850 khz Antena S 64/ azymut 310<br />

1800-1900 UT 7265 khz Antena W 63/ azymut 270<br />

7220 khz Antena W2 / azymut 285<br />

Esperanto<br />

1600-1625 UT 7270 khz Antena W2 / azymut 285<br />

7285 khz Antena S1 / azymut 347<br />

1900-1925 UT 7290 khz Antena S42 / azymut 248<br />

(Paul Gager-AUT, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Oct 22)<br />

PORTUGAL RDPi - B<strong>05</strong> different format. Hello all! Maybe the format I<br />

compiled for the WRTH is of some use. 73, Carlos.<br />

0000-0300 .twtf.. NAm 9715 lis<br />

0000-0300 .twtf.. NAm 9410 lis

0000-0300 .twtf.. VEN 13700 lis<br />

0000-0300 .twtf.. B 11980 lis<br />

0000-0300 .twtf.. B 13770 lis<br />

0600-0855 mtwtf.. Eur 9755 lis<br />

0600-1300 mtwtf.. Eur 9815 lis<br />

0745-0900 mtwtf.. Eur 11660 sin<br />

0800-1<strong>05</strong>5 .....ss B+WAfr 17710 lis<br />

0800-1455 .....ss Eur 11875 lis<br />

0800-1455 .....ss Eur 15575 lis<br />

0800-1655 .....ss Afr 21830 lis<br />

0900-1<strong>05</strong>5 mtwtf.. Eur 11875 lis<br />

0930-1100 .....ss Eur 9815 sin<br />

1100-1300 mtwtf.. Eur 15140 lis<br />

1100-1300 mtwtf.. Afr 21830 lis<br />

1100-1300 mtwtf.. B+WAfr 21655 lis<br />

1100-2100 .....ss B+WAfr 21655 lis<br />

1300-1700 mtwtf.. NAm 15575 lis *<br />

1300-1700 .....ss NAm 15575 lis<br />

1300-1800 .....ss VEZ 17745 lis<br />

1400-1600 mtwtf.. IND+ME 15690 lis<br />

1500-1800 .....ss Eur 11960 lis<br />

1500-1755 .....ss Eur 11635 lis<br />

1700-1900 mtwtf.. NAm 17825 lis *<br />

1700-1900 .....ss NAm 17825 lis<br />

1700-2000 mtwtf.. Eur 11630 lis<br />

1700-2000 mtwtf.. Afr 17680 lis<br />

1700-2000 mtwtf.. B+WAfr 21655 lis<br />

1700-2100 .....ss Afr 17680 lis<br />

1800-2100 .....ss Eur 11630 lis<br />

1800-2100 .....ss Eur 11740 lis<br />

1800-2100 mtwtf.. VEN 15535 lis *<br />

1800-2100 .....ss VEZ 15535 lis<br />

1900-2400 mtwtf.. NAm 15540 lis **<br />

1900-2400 .....ss NAm 15540 lis<br />

2000-2400 daily Eur 9795 lis **<br />

2000-2400 daily Eur 9460 lis **<br />

2000-2400 daily Afr 11825 lis **<br />

2000-2400 mtwt.. B+WAfr 15555 lis **<br />

2100-2400 daily VEZ 11635 lis **<br />

*) extra or special broadcasts<br />

**) broadcast may extend until 2400 UT.<br />

[LIS] Sao Gabriel: 5 x 100, 4 x 300 kW<br />

Also uses Pro-Funk GmbH, Sines 250 kW [all only in Portuguese]<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR dxld Oct 24)<br />

RUSSIA VoR Russia Sce. - Winter Sked<br />


TIME/FREQUENCY SCHEDULE FOR WINTER PERIOD '20<strong>05</strong>-2006<br />

(TIMES in UT; [Moscow Winter Time UTC + 3 hrs]<br />

FREQUENCIES = kHz)<br />

To EUROPE:<br />

0200-0300 603, 936<br />

0300-0400 936<br />

1300-1400 936, 972, 999, 1431, 1548<br />

1400-1500 558, 5810<br />

1700-1800 603, 630, 693, 9480**, 11630*<br />

1800-1900 603, 630, 693 7390<br />

2100-2200 1215.

To MOSCOW Region:<br />

2000-2100 612.<br />


0200-0300 648, 972, 1503, 5995<br />

1300-1400 1143<br />

1400-1500 7315<br />

1600-1700 1251, 1314, 73<strong>05</strong>, 7315<br />

1800-1900 5985<br />

2000-2100 6170, 7445<br />

2100-2200 7445.<br />


1300-1500 9770.<br />


0200-0300 7150, 7240, 7350, 12010, 13665<br />

0300-0400 7150, 7240, 12010, 13665.<br />


0200-0300 6195, 7260<br />

0300-0400 7260, 7330.<br />


0200-0300 648, 972, 1503<br />

1300-1400 1143, 15460*, 17570**<br />

1400-1500 1251, 15460*, 17570**<br />

1600-1700 1251.<br />


1300-1400 7260, 9495, 9770, 9885, 15460*, 17570**<br />

1400-1500 62<strong>05</strong>, 7260 9495, 9770, 9885, 11500, 15460*, 17570**<br />

1600-1700 9885.<br />

To ASIA (including FAR EAST):<br />

1300-1400 1143, 5920, 6145, 9770, 9885, 15460*<br />

1400-1500 5995, 7220, 7315, 9770, 9885, 11500, 12<strong>05</strong>5, 15460*, 17570**<br />

1600-1700 1251, 7315, 9885.<br />

To CAUCASIAN Region:<br />

2100-2400 7445.<br />


0200-0400 936<br />

1300-1400 936, 972, 999, 1431, 1548.<br />


2000-2100 7390.<br />

NOTES: *) Till March, 4th; **) Since March, 5th.<br />

Russian World Service, "The Voice of Russia", Moscow-Radio, 115326 Russia.<br />

VOICE: [+7 095] 950-6868.<br />

FAX: [+7 095] 950-6116.<br />

E-MAIL: <br />


<br />

Regards, Pavel Mikhaylov, Moscow-RUS (via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 20)<br />

Winter B-<strong>05</strong> for Voice of Russia WS in Russian:<br />

0200-0300 on 603 648 936 972 1503 6195 7150 7240 7260 7350<br />

12010 13665<br />

0300-0400 on 936 7150 7240 7260 7330 12010 13665<br />

1300-1400 on 936 972 999 1143 1431 1548 5920 6145 7260 9495

9770<br />

9885 15460*17570#<br />

1400-1500 on 558 5810^ 5995 62<strong>05</strong> 7220 7315 9770 11500 12<strong>05</strong>5<br />

15460*17570#<br />

1600-1700 on 603 630 693 1251 1314 73<strong>05</strong> 7315 9885 9480*11630#<br />

1800-1900 on 603 630 693 5985 7390<br />

2000-2100 on 612 6170 7390 7445<br />

2100-2200 on 1215 7445<br />

*till March 4 #from March 5 ^DRM txions<br />

Winter B-<strong>05</strong> for Radio Rossii in Russian via MSK 250 kW / 260 deg:<br />

0200-<strong>05</strong>00 on 5925 <strong>05</strong>25-0800 on 12075 0825-1500 on 17600<br />

1525-1800 on 7310 1825-2200 on 6235<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 25)<br />

B-<strong>05</strong> - Tatarstan Wave via Samara, Russia:<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 151<strong>05</strong> SAM 160 kW / 065 deg to FE<br />

0700-0800 9860 SAM 250 kW / 060 deg to CeAs<br />

0900-1000 11915 SAM 250 kW / 3<strong>05</strong> deg to Eu<br />

(wb wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong>, Oct 24)<br />

Here are the current details of getting QSLs from Tatarstan Wave. Send<br />

your reports (written in English, German, or Russian) to:<br />

QSL Manager, c/o Ildus Ibatullin, P.O.Box 134, Kazan 420136, Russia<br />

The station doesn't have funds for QSLing, therefore please enclose return<br />

postage: 2 IRCs, or $1, or 1 Euro. Taped reports are accepted, but I'm<br />

afraid the cassettes are not returned.<br />

Reports sent during this summer/autumn will be confirmed with special QSL<br />

cards devoted to the 1000th anniversary of Kazan. There are several card<br />

designs, so send your reports in a batch if you wish to have various<br />

cards!<br />

Please keep in mind that broadcasts start at xx10, not at xx00! That's<br />

because the last broadcast is relayed locally in Kazan and the whole<br />

Tatarstan in LW/VHF, and it must not overlap the regular Radio Rossii nx<br />

(not relayed in SW), which take the initial 10 mins of the hour on local<br />

radio nets.<br />

(Ildus Ibatullin-RUS, RUSdxsignal Sep 11, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

SEYCHELLES Thanks to Hans-Dieter Buschau for the info on B<strong>BC</strong> Oman<br />

address for QSL. On my postcard report to Seychelles Relay Station I<br />

wrote: Resident Engineer, VT Merlin Communications & Partners LLC, B<strong>BC</strong><br />

Indian Ocean Relay Station, PO Box 448, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles. 40<br />

days later I got the confirmation letter signed by Albert Quatre, Senior<br />

Engineer. On the top part a view on the tx site showing "six Marconi 4<br />

band arrays strung across four towers" and "B<strong>BC</strong> INDIAN OCEAN RELAY<br />

STATION" printed by side. Also informed below "The transmitting station<br />

was opened and operated by the B<strong>BC</strong> in 1988, in 1997 as part of B<strong>BC</strong> txion<br />

privatisation the management of the site was transferred to Merlin<br />

Communications, a new company formed by ex B<strong>BC</strong> staff. The company is now<br />

part of VT Group of UK."<br />

(Ashar, Depok-INS, hcdx Oct 20)<br />

SLOVAK REP / HUNGARY B-<strong>05</strong> usage of Rimavska Sobota-SVK site by Radio<br />

Budapest:<br />

6025 0400-0430 29 RSO 150 <strong>05</strong>0 ...... Rus SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 27,28,37 RSO 150 245 ...... Spa SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 1700-1730 27,28 RSO 150 275 ...... Fre SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 1730-1800 28 RSO 150 230 ...... Ita SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 1800-1830 29 RSO 150 <strong>05</strong>0 234567 Rus SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 1800-1900 27,28 RSO 150 290 1 Ger SVK RBP HNG

6025 1830-1900 27,28 RSO 150 290 234567 Ger SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 2000-2030 27,28 RSO 150 290 ...... Eng SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 2030-2100 27,28 RSO 150 290 234567 Ger SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 2030-2100 29 RSO 150 <strong>05</strong>0 1 Rus SVK RBP HNG<br />

6025 2200-2230 27,28 RSO 150 290 ...... Eng SVK RBP HNG<br />

7285 2230-2300 27,28,37 RSO 150 245 ...... Spa SVK RBP HNG<br />

9580 0000-0100 13-16 RSO 250 245 2 Hun SVK RBP HNG<br />

9580 2300-2400 13-16 RSO 250 245 ...... Hun SVK RBP HNG<br />

11675 1900-2000 55,58,59 RSO 250 090 ...... Hun SVK RBP HNG<br />

SLOVENIA 594 Habt Ihr vielleicht auch eine Anschrift???<br />

Platiseva ul.39, 5282 Cerkno, Slovenia.<br />

Ist das nicht frueher Radio Cerkno gewesen? Wie mir Miha schon einmal<br />

mitgeteilt hat bedeutet "Odmev" auf Deutsch "Echo"<br />

Radio Odmev ist <strong>der</strong> Stationsname, <strong>der</strong> Name <strong>der</strong> Betreibergesellschaft (?)<br />

lautet Radio Cerkno d.o.o. (Ich hoffe, das ist so richtig, Miha ?)<br />

Web: <br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 25)<br />

Genauso. Und Cerkno ist eine kleine Stadt in <strong>der</strong> Mitte des voralpischen<br />

Gebirges. In <strong>der</strong> Naehe von Idrija. Der Sen<strong>der</strong> steht auf einem kleinen<br />

Huegel in Mitte von Cerkno.<br />

(Miha Rus-SVN, A-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 26)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA [non, Cland to Biafra Nigeria] 7380, Voice of Biafra<br />

International via Meyerton, at 2120-2146 on Oct 22, nice Nigerian vocal<br />

selection followed by English talks, ID and freq annt and more anti-<br />

Nigerian govt talk in English. ID and lang change into Igbo with announced<br />

nx analysis feature. Fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

Wed/Sat 7380 2100-2200 to zones 46S,47SW MEY 250kw 328degr, slew minus<br />

12deg. in A-<strong>05</strong> and B-<strong>05</strong>.<br />


Robin Viegas in Bombay reports that effective Monday Oct 24, 20<strong>05</strong>, the<br />

SL<strong>BC</strong> will be merging their Hindi & English sces in the evenings at 1330-<br />

1530 UT. Now there will be a Hindi & English announcer and programing will<br />

be heard on 119<strong>05</strong> & 7275 kHz daily.<br />

(from dxasia.info via Alokesh Gupta-IND, hcdx Oct 21)<br />

TAIWAN 9745 Voice of Han (via CBS). Full data multicolored Satellite<br />

Dish / Arm Services card , with accompanying schedule brochure. This in<br />

response possibly to a follow-up with I sent recently to this address:<br />

The Voice of Han Broadcasting, B Building 5 F No.3, Sin Yi Road, section<br />

1, Taipei, Taiwan . R.O.C. Rely time was a total of 16 months, 53 days<br />

after sending out a follow-up.<br />

(Edward KUSAlik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

846 Voice of Kuanghua, Kuanyin at 2130-2150 on Oct 06, 2130 Chinese<br />

talks, 2142 short mx interval, ann, talks, fading out. Interference from a<br />

station with continuous English songs, probably the pirate R North from<br />

Ireland, 24432/3.<br />

(Max van Arnhem-HOL, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Oct 17) Reception in Europe !<br />

7129.88, Family Radio via Taiwan at 1000-1100 on Oct 07, all talk, could<br />

not get lang, fair level. Music at 1<strong>05</strong>7 UT incl. WYFR signature tune.<br />

Continued in Chinese-sounding lang after 1100 UT.<br />

(Jerry Berg-USA, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Oct 17)<br />

11940, Trans World Broadcasting Ministry, at 1338-1355* on Oct 23, program

of Chinese mx and vocals hosted for a while by a woman with brief Chinese<br />

talks and then a man with additional Chinese talks. Off with brief annt at<br />

1354 UT followed by instrumental mx until carrier cut. Fair signal but<br />

very deep fades.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

1098 on 16 Oct at 1422 UT. CBS1 (presumed), external sce from Taiwan in<br />

Chinese. Female talk with awful whistle. At 1430 UT, after a song, woman<br />

announcer said: "zhung yang guan bo ten tai, tai wan zhen min...".<br />

1557 on 16 Oct, 1351 WYFR (relayed via Taiwan), in slow English, 43443,<br />

improving. Some Middle-Eastern station (presumed Radio Asia, UAE) spoiled<br />

the fun.<br />

(Dmitry Mezin-RUS and Alexey Kulinchenko-RUS,<br />

Kazan mini <strong>DX</strong>pedition Oct 24)<br />

TAJIKISTAN 4635 R. Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Tajik vocal/instr. mx (male<br />

singer) at 0142-0146 UT on Oct 22, man ancr in vernac. 0146 to past 0150<br />

with actuality. Started fair, but fading fast after 0145 UT. Now that<br />

we're in <strong>DX</strong> season, this one will get better.<br />

(Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

UKRAINE Radio Ukraine International<br />

Winter B<strong>05</strong> Broadcasting Schedule<br />

(30 October 20<strong>05</strong> - 26 March 2006)<br />

Time UTC; Frequency; Transmitter Site; Power; Azimuth; Target Area<br />

0000-<strong>05</strong>00 5910 Mykolaiv 500kW 314deg Northeastern America<br />

0100-0600 5830 Kharkiv 100 <strong>05</strong>5 Russia [Tyumen]<br />

0600-0900 7420 Kharkiv 100 290 Western Europe<br />

0900-1400 9925 Kharkiv 100 277 WEurope<br />

1400-1800 5830 Kharkiv 100 <strong>05</strong>5 Russia [Tyumen]<br />

1800-0100 5840 Kharkiv 100 290 W.Europe<br />

Transmission schedules in various langs are as follows:<br />

ENGLISH (one hour long): at 2200 on 5840 kHz, at 0100 & 0400 on 5910 kHz,<br />

at 1200 on 9925 kHz.<br />

GERMAN (one hour long): at 1800, 2100 & 0000 on 5840 kHz.<br />

UKRAINIAN programmes are transmitted on all freqs and at all times except<br />

for the time reserved for English and German programmes, as shown above.<br />

Romanian (half an hour long): at 1800, 2030 & 2200 on 657 kHz (via<br />

Chernivtsi).<br />

On WEB-site www.nrcu.gov.ua txions in Real Audio format:<br />

ENGLISH: at 2200, 0100, 0400;<br />

GERMANY: at 1800, 2100, 0000;<br />

UKRAINIAN: all other time of the day.<br />

(Alexan<strong>der</strong> Yegorov, Kyiv, Ukraine, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 24)<br />

1242 kHz is again active with some testing.<br />

(open_dx - Andrey Burlaka, Simferopol-UKR, via <strong>DX</strong>signal Oct 24<br />

Most likely it's Dokuchayevsk, near Donetsk. Other UKR plans are:<br />

- reactivate Taranivka (837 kHz) for Promin.<br />

- increase power in Mykolayiv (549 kHz) to 500 kW.<br />

- increase UR3 broadcasting via Chernivtsi to 19 hours per day.<br />

(open_dx - Alexan<strong>der</strong> Yegorov, Kyiv-UKR, Oct 24)<br />

Radio Tsentr from Donetsk heard with a quite loud signal on 1242 kHz (ex<br />

1359). Song requests in Russian until 1500 UT, followed by nx bulletin in<br />


(open_dx - Victor Puzanov-RUS, via <strong>DX</strong>signal Oct 24)<br />

I'm troubled that there continues to be a continuation of Russian spelling<br />

for the tx sites for Ukrainian radio. Kharkov should be spelled Kharkiv,<br />

and Nikolayev, Mikolayiv. I checked the NRCU website, and at least the<br />

Ukrainian site is completely in Ukrainian. I couldn't find any tx sites on<br />

their English website, though. It's 14 years since independence, and let's<br />

accept the proper spellings! Remember, Beijing was once Peking and<br />

Peiping!<br />

While I "vent", another thing that burns me is the continued use of "CIS"<br />

in <strong>DX</strong> circles. This is a totally moribund organization and an attempt by<br />

Russia to resurrect the USSR. Why bother using the term anymore. These<br />

countries are all independent and separate <strong>DX</strong> countries. Using the term<br />

CIS is confusing and nonsensical in my opinion. Thanks for the bandwidth!<br />

(Volodya Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, hcdx Oct 24)<br />

I note in the above: Kharkiv and Chernivtsi are spelled right in Ukrainian<br />

writing style.<br />

73 wolfgang<br />

USA WRMI to shut down for Wilma.Here we go again. This time South<br />

Florida is being threatened by Hurricane Wilma. It is expected to be a<br />

category two hurricane when it arrives in South Florida. The latest<br />

reports indicate that conditions are going to deteriorate quickly around<br />

midnight tonight (Sunday), and will probably remain bad until Monday<br />

afternoon. Miami is basically going to shut down on Monday, and people are<br />

advised not to go out after late this evening.<br />

The winds will certainly be high enough to potentially affect our<br />

antennas, not to mention the flooding and probable power outages. Because<br />

of these reasons, and the safety of our tx site operators, we have decided<br />

to shut down our txions as of midnight tonight (Sunday) until Wilma passes<br />

through.<br />

At the moment, we are tentatively planning to resume broadcasts as of<br />

about 5:00 pm Eastern Time on Monday, assuming there is no damage and that<br />

we have electricity. However, we could be back on the air earlier or<br />

later, depending on conditions.<br />

(Jeff White-FL-USA, WRMI, dxld Oct 23)<br />

VOA Frequency Engineer Anna L. Case Dies.<br />

Anna L. Case, 86, a freq engineer with a 50-year career in international<br />

SW radio communication, died Oct. 16 of complications of leukemia at<br />

Virginia Hospital Center in Arlington. . .<br />

<br />

(via Mike Cooper-USA, dxld Oct 24)<br />

Here's the George Jacobs page about her, and other staff:<br />

(via GH, dxld Oct 24)<br />

WWCR B-<strong>05</strong> FINAL TRANSMITTER SCHEDULE.<br />

This has still not been posted on their website, but WWCR mailed me a<br />

copy, dated 14 July as notified to the FCC International Branch by George<br />

McClintock. I reformat it to make it a bit more convenient:<br />

Tx# kHz UT Nov & March UT Dec-<strong>Jan</strong>-Feb<br />

1 9985 10-11 10-11<br />

15825 11-22 11-21<br />

7465 22-24 21-23<br />

3210 00-10 23-10

2 13845 13-01 14-24 [University Network exclusively]<br />

5935 01-13 00-14 [University Network exclusively]<br />

3 9985 13-15 13-16<br />

12160 15-23 16-22<br />

5070 23-13 22-13<br />

4 7465 13-15 14-16<br />

9985 15-19 16-19<br />

9975 19-22 19-22<br />

9985 22-24 22-24<br />

7465 00-02 00-02<br />

5765 02-13 02-14<br />

First column dates are actually 30 Oct to 30 Nov & 1 Mar to 1 Apr.<br />

Since two of the freqs are used by more than one tx, here is a breakdown<br />

of those:<br />

7465 13-15 4 14-16 4<br />

22-24 1 21-23 1<br />

00-02 4 00-02 4<br />

9985 10-11 1 10-11 1<br />

13-15 3 13-16 3<br />

15-19 4 16-19 4<br />

22-24 4 22-24 4<br />

Note that in Dec-<strong>Jan</strong>-Feb, there will be a one hour break in 7465 at 23,<br />

which, barring interference from any other stations, should be good for<br />

Polisario's Spanish hour on 7460.<br />

Assuming present WORLD OF RADIO and MUNDO RADIAL times continue as<br />

timeshifted, which has not been reconfirmed, the B-<strong>05</strong> schedule will be:<br />

UT Nov & March UT Dec-<strong>Jan</strong>-Feb<br />

WOR Thu 2130 15825 Thu 2130 7465<br />

MR Fri 2215 7465 Fri 2215 7465<br />

WOR Sun 0330 5070 Sun 0330 5070<br />

WOR Sun 0730 3210 Sun 0730 3210<br />

MR Mon 2215 7465 Mon 2215 7465<br />

WOR Wed 1030 9985 Wed 1030 9985<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Oct 24)<br />

WW<strong>DX</strong>Ctopnews. Bill Lauterbach tells me that he has ceased production of <strong>DX</strong><br />

Radio School in or<strong>der</strong> to devote more time to his studies, and because WWCR<br />

has not broadcast the latest ones produced. Some reruns may still be<br />

appearing at the formerly scheduled times:<br />

Thu 0930 9985, Sun 0330 5070 [and after timeshift:], Sun 2200 7465.<br />

Please confirm whether or not it still appear.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld Oct 25)<br />

VIETNAM I received FM broadcast of Voice of Vietnam (VOV) at transit<br />

area of the international airport at Ho Chi Minh City as follows: VOV5<br />

English program on 1<strong>05</strong>.6 MHz, 1433-1500, Oct 02, non-stop march composed<br />

by SoUSA as a part of English broadcast. At 1500 ID in Vietnamese "Day la<br />

Tieng Noi Viet Nam". 55555. VOV was also received on 104.5 MHz at 1506-<br />

1540. Vietnamese program and ID at 1530 UT "Tieng Noi Viet Nam", 45554.<br />

(Nobuya Kato-JPN, touring Siem Reap Cambodia, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Oct 17)<br />

I won<strong>der</strong> if the new target broadcast on 9795 as in dxld 5-170 and 5-171<br />

has ever been identified?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld Oct 21)

This test was apparently not successful, poor reception in Vietnam and was<br />

already cancelled by the second weekend. Another freq tried from Taiwan<br />

was 11695, which earlier had the VT Merlin test loop.<br />

(Aaron Zawitzky, dxld Oct 23)<br />

4739.7 R. TV Son La, at 1211-1224 UT on Oct 16, very unusual "hill<br />

country" native vocal mx to 1216 ments. of Son La and Vietnam by female<br />

ancr in VT or lang. Male vocalist at 1220 with similar tonal singing.<br />

Quite strong signal on NW Beverage, but a slight buzz and distortion from<br />

the Son La xmtr.<br />

(Guy Atkins-Grayland, WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

4739.68, at 1212 UT on Oct 16, on nominal 4740, but tuned in at 4739.68<br />

with a very strong signal with very distinctive vocal mx and VT-type<br />

dialect. A ute plopped on right on top of them making listening a little<br />

less than perfect, but still powerful. Both Guy Atkins (who pointed them<br />

out, tnx!) and I hrd "Son La" clearly right after I tuned in. They left<br />

the air right at 1400 UT, and the sick xmtr whistles disappeared<br />

immediately. Very strong too bad they were so distorted.<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-Grayland, WA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 23)<br />

News from Klingenfuss Publications<br />

The new 2006 editions of our publications will soon be available. We have<br />

hundreds of new utility freqs and Mr. Weber is working with his team on<br />

the new broadcast database including latest DRM txions. In <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2006 we<br />

will publish a printed Supplement to the 20<strong>05</strong>/2006 Guide to Utility Radio<br />

Stations. It will be attached, free, to all or<strong>der</strong>s for this book received<br />

after 01 December 20<strong>05</strong>, so that the Utility Guide continues to be as up-<br />

to-date as possible. Several hundred new freqs from all over the world<br />

will be included in the Supplement. See our hotfrequencies webpage for the<br />

very latest digital data deco<strong>der</strong> screenshots.<br />

The updated 2006 utility database will be perfectly integrated into the<br />

2006 Shortwave Frequency Guide.<br />

Klingenfuss Publications, Hagenloher Str. 14, D-72070 Tuebingen, Germany<br />

Phone +49 7071 62830, Fax +49 7071 600849, E-Mail <br />

Internet <br />

(Joerg Klingenfuss-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong>, Oct 15)<br />



Fuer Kurzwellenhoerer:<br />

Treffen deutschsprachiger Auslandsradioredaktionen.<br />

Am 29. und 30. Oktober 20<strong>05</strong> treffen sich in Bruessel im Rahmen des<br />

Kongresses<br />

<strong>der</strong> deutschsprachigen Auslandsmedien die Redakteure <strong>der</strong> deutschsprachigen<br />

Programme von<br />

- Radio Schweden<br />

- Radio Vatikan<br />

- Radio Prag<br />

- Radio Tirana International<br />

- Stimme Russlands.<br />

Engagierte Kurzwellenhoerer sind zu diesem Treffen eingeladen.<br />

Weitere Infos zum Treffen in Bruessel und ein Anmeldeformular sind hier zu<br />

finden: <br />


Weltverband Deutschsprachiger Medien<br />

Buero Koeln/Bonn<br />

Telefon: 02242-914490<br />

<br />

PROTESTAUFRUF: Die deutschsprachige Redaktion von Radio Georgien konnte<br />

durch Proteste im letzten Jahr erhalten werden. Aber sie darf seit einigen<br />

Monaten nicht senden. Protestieren Sie jetzt bei <strong>der</strong> georgischen Botschaft<br />

in Berlin dafuer, dass die Redakteure wie<strong>der</strong> ihrer normalen Arbeit<br />

nachgehen koennen:<br />

Botschaft von Georgien<br />

I.E. Frau Dr. Maja Pandshikidse<br />

Heinrich-Mann-Strasse 32<br />

D-13156 Berlin<br />

Fax: +49 (30) 48 49 07 20<br />

<br />

(Oct 26)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 734 09 Nov 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

<strong>Private</strong> <strong>Verwendung</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Meldun</strong>gen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede<br />

kommerzielle <strong>Verwendung</strong> bedarf <strong>der</strong> Zustimmung des Newslettereditors.<br />

Extracts of items sourced to E<strong>DX</strong>P may be further reproduced but only by<br />

organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements<br />

with E<strong>DX</strong>P.<br />

!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews. !!!<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio<br />

may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all<br />

stages, from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting<br />

are made available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

credit is given to the contributor and to <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only<br />

with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our<br />

WW<strong>DX</strong>C WWW homepage-German AG<strong>DX</strong> Club-direct address:<br />

<br />

or via Link of Homepage: <br />

Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

ALASKA Hier <strong>der</strong> aktuelle Sendeplan von KNLS Anchor Point.<br />

Weitere Informationen unter <br />

Time UT kHz Language<br />

0800-0900 9615 English 0800-0900 9655 Mandarin 0900-1000 9615 Russian<br />

0900-1000 9655 Mandarin 1000-1100 9615 English 1000-1100 9655 Mandarin<br />

1100-1200 7355 Mandarin 1100-1200 9655 Russian 1200-1300 7355 English<br />

1200-1300 9615 English 1300-1400 7355 Mandarin 1300-1400 9655 Mandarin<br />

1400-1500 7355 Mandarin 1400-1500 9655 English 1500-1600 7355 Mandarin<br />

1500-1600 9655 Russian 1600-1700 7355 Mandarin 1600-1700 9655 Russian<br />

1700-1800 7355 Russian 1700-1800 9655 Mandarin<br />

Zur Zeit (0920 UT) ist die Station in Russisch schwach auf <strong>der</strong> freien<br />

Frequenz 9615 kHz zu hoeren.<br />

(Uwe Volk-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 2)<br />

ALGERIA Polisario Front radio from Tindouf Algeria now on air with new<br />

equipment on exact 1550.00 kHz [formerly on odd freq wan<strong>der</strong>ing around<br />

1547...1551 kHz], starts with Holy Quran prayer at 1700 UT daily, nearby<br />

Moroccan counter jammer starts at 1658 UT on 1553.3 kHz and fades up to<br />

1553.7 kHz around 1715 UT.<br />

73 wb (travelling Andalusia Spain, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 5)<br />

AUSTRALIA You'll find on the ACMA website a pdf copy of Australian<br />

Broadcasters By Region And State ACMA 12 October 20<strong>05</strong> It covers AM FM and

TV<br />

<br />

(John Smith-AUS, AR<strong>DX</strong>C via dxld / wwdxc Nov 4)<br />

The schedule being sent out by Nigel Holmes of R. Australia shows 17785<br />

kHz at 2200-2400 UT, 100 kW from Shepparton to Pacific and North America.<br />

The schedule on the web site is always wrong!<br />

(Sean D. Gilbert G4UCJ/G4001SWL International Editor - WRTH, Nov 2, dxld<br />

Nov 3)<br />

So here's the REAL Radio Australia B-<strong>05</strong> schedule, inconveniently sorted<br />

by:<br />

1) tx site, 2) target area, 3) frequency, 4) daily or not, 5) time<br />

starting with local Australian morning, 6) lang<br />

Brandon, Qsld; Darwin, NT; Dhabbaya, UAE; Shepparton, Vic.; Kranji,<br />

Singapore; Taiwan<br />

UTC lang site kW target days kHz<br />

2000-2200 English BRN 10 Pac daily 11660<br />

2300-0900 English BRN 10 Pac daily 12080<br />

2000-2200 English BRN 10 Pac daily 12080<br />

2200-2300 B<strong>BC</strong> WS BRN 10 Pac daily 12080<br />

0800-0900 English BRN 10 PNG daily 5995<br />

1100-1400 English BRN 10 PNG daily 5995<br />

2100-2200 English BRN 10 PNG daily 9660<br />

2200-2300 B<strong>BC</strong> WS BRN 10 PNG daily 9660<br />

2300-0800 English BRN 10 PNG daily 9660<br />

0000-0030 INSn DRW 250 As daily 9630<br />

2130-2330 INSn DRW 250 As daily 9630<br />

0800-0830 INSn DRW 250 As mtwtf 11550<br />

0400-0430 INSn DRW 250 As daily 17855<br />

2200-0000 English DRW 250 As,Eu daily 12010<br />

0000-0130 English DRW 250 As,Eu daily 17775<br />

1400-1600 English DRW 250 SAs daily 11750<br />

2330-0000 Vietnamese DRW 250 SEA daily 11820<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-0600 Vietnamese DRW 250 SEA daily 17855<br />

0400-0430 INSn DHA 250 As daily 21780<br />

1400-1800 English SHP 100 As daily 6080<br />

1300-1430 Chinese SHP 100 As daily 9475<br />

1100-1300 English SHP 100 As daily 9475<br />

1300-1430 Chinese SHP 100 As daily 11660<br />

1430-1700 English SHP 100 As daily 11660<br />

2130-2330 INSn SHP 100 As daily 11695<br />

0900-1300 English SHP 100 As daily 11880<br />

0030-0400 English SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

0430-<strong>05</strong>00 English SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-0800 English SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

0830-0900 English SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

0930-1100 English SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

2330-0000 English SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

0000-0030 INSn SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

0400-0430 INSn SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 INSn SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

0900-0930 INSn SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

2130-2330 INSn SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

2330-0900 English SHP 100 As daily 17750<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 INSn SHP 100 As daily 17855<br />

1430-1900 English SHP 100 As,Eu daily 9475<br />

1900-2130 English SHP 100 As,Eu daily 9500

2200-0000 English SHP 100 As,Eu daily 15230<br />

2100-2130 English SHP 100 As,PNG daily 11695<br />

1400-1700 English SHP 100 Pac daily 7240<br />

1700-2000 English SHP 100 Pac daily 9580<br />

2100-2300 English SHP 100 Pac daily 13630<br />

2200-0200 English SHP 100 Pac daily 17795<br />

0800-1400 English SHP 100 Pac,NAm daily 9580<br />

1700-2100 English SHP 100 Pac,NAm daily 11880<br />

0700-0900 English SHP 100 Pac,NAm daily 13630<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0800 English SHP 100 Pac,NAm daily 15160<br />

0200-0700 English SHP 100 Pac,NAm daily 15515<br />

0000-0200 English SHP 100 Pac,NAm daily 17715<br />

2200-0000 English SHP 100 Pac,NAm daily 17785<br />

2100-2300 English SHP 100 Pac,PNG daily 15515<br />

1800-2000 English SHP 100 PNG daily 6080<br />

1100-1400 English SHP 100 PNG,As daily 9560<br />

2300-0700 English SHP 100 PNG,As daily 13670<br />

0700-0900 English SHP 100 PNG,J daily 9710<br />

0200-<strong>05</strong>00 English SHP 100 PNG,J daily 21725<br />

1400-1800 English SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 5995<br />

0900-1100 Tok Pisin SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 5995<br />

1100-1400 English SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 6020<br />

0900-1100 Tok Pisin SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 6020<br />

2000-2100 Tok Pisin SHP 100 PNG,Pac mtwtf 6080<br />

1800-2000 English SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 7240<br />

2100-2200 English SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 7240<br />

2000-2100 Tok Pisin SHP 100 PNG,Pac mtwtf 7240<br />

1600-2000 English SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 9710<br />

0900-1100 Tok Pisin SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 9710<br />

2000-2200 English SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 11650<br />

0900-1100 Tok Pisin SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 12080<br />

0000-0800 English SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 15240<br />

0800-1600 English SHP 100 PNG,Pac,NAm daily 9590<br />

0000-0030 INSn SNG 250 As daily 6120<br />

1300-1430 Chinese SNG 100 As daily 12010<br />

2300-2330 Khmer SNG 100 SEA daily 9730<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-0600 Vietnamese SNG 250 SEA daily 15280<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 Khmer SNG 250 SEA daily 15445<br />

0900-0930 INSn TAI 250 As mtwtf 11550<br />

2130-2330 INSn TAI 250 As daily 11550<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 INSn TAI 250 As daily 11745<br />

0800-1130 English TAI 250 As daily 15240<br />

2200-2330 English TAI 250 As daily 15240<br />

0800-0830 INSn TAI 250 As daily 15415<br />

2330-0000 Vietnamese TAI 250 SEA daily 15110<br />

(via Nigel Holmes-AUS, RA, via Sean Gilbert, WRTH, dxld Nov 3)<br />

BELGIUM [and non] Radio Vlaan<strong>der</strong>en International schedule is now<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-2300 on 1512, 0700-0800 on 13740 St. Petersburg, 0800-0900 on 9790<br />

via Skelton, 1800-1900 on 62<strong>05</strong> via St. Petersburg, 1900-2000 on 6040 via<br />

Skelton.<br />

(Sergey Kolesov-UKR, Nov World <strong>DX</strong> Club Contact via Mike Barraclough, dxld<br />

and direct)<br />

6040 1900-2000 27,28,37-39 SKN 250 180 G VRT<br />

62<strong>05</strong> 1757-1856 27S,28S S P 400 215 RUS VRT<br />

9790 0800-0900 27,28,37-39 SKN 250 180 G VRT<br />

13740 0657-0756 27,28,37 S.P 400 215 RUS VRT (not 13685)<br />

And RTBF Brussels via Wavre-BEL:<br />

5940 0600-0800 27,28,37-39 WAV 100 167 BEL VRT (not 5965)<br />

9970 0600-2300 27,28,37-39 WAV 250 167 BEL VRT

BURKINA FASO/NIGERIA Most exciting African daytimer in 41mb around<br />

1200-1300 UT on<br />

7230 R Burkina Ouagadougou Burkina Faso 35553, and<br />

7255 kHz most likely VoNigeria Ikorodu Nigeria 1-2 555 1-2, on latter We<br />

African vernac talks and mx.<br />

73 wb (travelling Andalusia Spain, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 5)<br />

5030, Radio Burkina at 0630-0645 UT on Nov 04, Inicio de las<br />

transmisiones, frances: "Vous etes a l'ecoute du programme de la RTB, la<br />

presente edition des nouvelles, bonjour". Locutor y locutora, noticias de<br />

Burkina. 34333.<br />

(Manuel Mendez-ESP, dxld Nov 4)<br />

7230 kHz R.Burkina, Ouagadougou, obs'ed on <strong>05</strong> Nov 1508-1529, French, pops;<br />

45444.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

CANADA A new round of DRM test transmissions from Sackville, beamed to<br />

Europe, has begun. The transmissions started yesterday, Sunday November 6,<br />

and will last for one week, maybe longer. The programme is Radio Sweden in<br />

English.<br />

Frequency: 13725 kHz. Time: 1900-1930 UTC. Azimuth: 60deg<br />

Reception reports are highly appreciated by Radio Sweden.<br />

(DRM Software Radio Forum, via RNW MNNL, via bdxc Mike Terry, Nov 7)<br />

DRM to UK:<br />

13725 1900-2000 27,28 SAC 250kW [usual 60kW, wb] 60deg N CAN RCI (x13700)<br />

DRM buzz spreading many kHz centred on 9800, at 1600 Nov 3, presumably<br />

Sackville as is the case later in the afternoon, but it went off shortly.<br />

Perhaps testing.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 3)<br />

DRM 9800 to 4,7,8,9 SAC 70kW 268deg<br />

9530, Voice of Joy (via Sackville), good looking, multi-colored, full-data<br />

map QSL, V/S Dean Phillips, who preceded the QSL with a tel. call where we<br />

talked about SW. Also sent brightly-colored map-style sked and info sheet<br />

(but text truncated). In 2 wks. for CD rpt to Box 610411, Dallas, TX<br />

75261.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

New RCI schedules / Nouveaux horaires de RCI.<br />

RCI's new schedules for the B<strong>05</strong> broadcast season (30 October 20<strong>05</strong> to 26<br />

March 2006) have been posted on the "Schedules and Frequencies" page of<br />

our website at the following address:<br />

<br />

You will find not only our SW broadcast schedules, but also the schedules<br />

for our three 24-hour per day satellite channels. These channels can also<br />

be heard via our website.<br />

Please note that the schedules are posted in PDF format. If you do not<br />

have the Adobe Rea<strong>der</strong> software to read PDF files, you may download it free<br />

of charge by following the link given on the "Schedules and Frequencies"<br />

page.<br />

We wish you good listening in the coming season.<br />

(RCI news via Mike Bethge-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 7)

CHAD 6165 kHz RD. Natle. Tchadinenne, N'Djamena, obs'ed on <strong>05</strong> Nov 2254-<br />

2300*, French, int'l songs, Afr. pops; 53433, QRM de HRV.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

CHINA Hulun Buir People's Broadcasting Station, Inner Mongolia, China<br />

sent me a prepared form QSL card and letter in Chinese after 36 days for<br />

my reception report in Chinese with 10 yuan. There was no personal<br />

signature in the QSL but official imprint of the station. According to the<br />

letter the station digitalized all the equipment before the tx in 2003, so<br />

the improved reception will be expected. Their recent schedule;<br />

Chinese 2130-1440 603 3900 kHz<br />

Mongolian 2125-1425 954 6080 kHz<br />

FM (Traffic Literature and Life) 2200-2400 104.6 MHz.<br />

Address: 11 Shengli Dajie, Hailar, Hulun Buir, Nei Menggu, China<br />

Telephone: +86 8256100 2065 Fax: +86 8256100 2<strong>05</strong>4<br />

QSL card, letter, photographs are shown in my homepage<br />

<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 2)<br />

CUBA Three RHC freqs stayed on past 0700 Nov 5: 9550, 6060 and 11760 all<br />

with // program of low-key guitar mx. Did not hear any station / network<br />

ID so I won<strong>der</strong> if this was from R. Musical Nacional; certainly not Reloj<br />

as sometimes gets relayed. All of these went off without annt, within a<br />

few seconds of each other around 0730*.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 6)<br />

12000 Radio Habana.<br />

Hoerte heute um 1130 UTC auf 12000 kHz Radio Habana Kuba in spanischer<br />

Sprache mit O=3. Handelt es sich hier um eine "fahrplanmaessige" Sendung<br />

o<strong>der</strong> um eine Testsendung? Koennte eventuell auch ein Relais in Russland in<br />

Frage kommen?<br />

(Michael Lindner-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 4)<br />

Das muessen gestern schon saumaessig gute Winterbedingungen gewesen sein.<br />

Diese 12000 kHz aus La Habana sind mindestens schon ein Jahr gelistet.<br />

Aber 1100-1500 UT fuer die SoAM Richtung, 100 kW 156 Grad in Richtung<br />

Brasilien/Argentinien. Da bleibt in Richtung Greiz-Schleiz-Lobenstein<br />

nicht mehr viel Antennensignal uebrig.<br />

(73 wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 5)<br />

CZECH REP [non] We had a report that earlier in Oct, R. Prague had<br />

started a relay via Sackville at 0330 on 6040 kHz. I did not manage to<br />

check that on UT Nov 2, but at 0415 I found R. Prague loud & clear on 6100<br />

kHz. This too is not mentioned on their own website's B-<strong>05</strong> schedule at<br />

<br />

This was obviously a relay, likely Canada. Each txion is nominally 27 mins<br />

long, but this kept going at 0427 UT with a recitation of the entire<br />

English target, time and freq schedule. But the txion cut off at 0429<br />

before the announcer got to NoAmerica, which was no doubt last on the<br />

list. It's great to hear R. Prague so clearly, but they really need to get<br />

their act together so their actual txions match their published schedule<br />

match their announced schedule.<br />

(...) DW via Bonaire in German occupies 6100 kHz at 0200-0400. Definitely<br />

R. Prague again the next night in English UT Nov 3 until 0429* on 6100<br />

again giving txion schedule, much weaker reception.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Oct 3)<br />

But FCC-private and HFCC lists WHRI 100 kW 290 deg at 0400-0600 instead,<br />

(wb Nov 8)

Sackville relays may sound like a good idea for North American listeners,<br />

but they present problems for at least much of the northeastern quadrant<br />

of the U.S. For example, at this point of the season (and others) in<br />

upstate NY, I rarely get useable reception of RCI or Radio Sweden in the<br />

evenings via Sackville. On top of that, Sackville has had and continues to<br />

have some well documented problems in operations that result in late<br />

start-ups, drop outs and mis- switches.<br />

In light of all this, it's somewhat puzzling that Sackville seems to be<br />

getting more relay business. It really is a mixed result (at best) for<br />

listeners.<br />

(John Figliozzi-NY-USA, dxld Nov 3)<br />

ETHIOPIA [non] CLANDESTINES via GERMANY: 9620, V. of Path of Ethiopian<br />

Unity via DTK, Oct 30 *1830-1836, 35443- 35433 Amharic, 1830 sign on with<br />

IS, ID, Opening announce, Talk; Sun and Wed only.<br />

9820, V. of Ethiopian Salvation via DTK, Oct 30 *1600-1610, 32432- 33433<br />

Amharic, 1600 sign on with IS, ID and Opening announce, Opening mx, Talk<br />

and Ethiopian pops mx; Sun only.<br />

9820, V. of Oromo Liberation via DTK, Oct 30 *1700-1707, 24432 Oromo, 1700<br />

sign on with opening mx, ID, Opening announce, Talk; Sun and Tue and Wed<br />

and Fri only.<br />

9820, R. Freedom via DTK, Nov 01 *1630-1640 23432-34432 Somali, 1630 sign<br />

on with opening mx, Opening announce, Kor'an, Talk; Tue and Fri only.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 4)<br />

Other Ethiopian clandestines:<br />

7560, V. of Delina (pres), Oct 30 1836-1840 35443 Tigrigna, Talk; Sun<br />

only.<br />

7590, V. of ENUF, Oct 30 *1700-1710 35333 Amharic, 1700 sign on with IS,<br />

ID, Opening announce, Talk; Sun and Fri only.<br />

7590, R. V. of Oromo Liberation Front, Oct 31 *1700-1706, 35333, Oromo,<br />

1700 sign on with IS, ID, Local mx, Talk; Mon and Thu only.<br />

12115, Tensae Ethiopian V. of Unity, Oct 30 *1501-1512, 45444, Amharic,<br />

1501 sign on with opening mx, Opening announce, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 3)<br />

9704.2 kHz R.Ethiopia, Gedja Jewe, logged on <strong>05</strong> Nov 1857-1925, Vernacular,<br />

local pops, chimes on the hr, news, talks; 45433, increasing "hum" in<br />

carrier; // 7110 un<strong>der</strong> severe QRM.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

FALKLAND ISLS [non] No won<strong>der</strong> I could not hear Calling the Falklands on<br />

11680, as in an earlier B-<strong>05</strong> B<strong>BC</strong>WS schedule. The one below un<strong>der</strong> UK shows<br />

this back on 11720, Tue & Fri 2130-2145 UT. Trouble is, I also checked<br />

11720 on Tue Nov 1 and did not hear it there either.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 4)<br />

Calling the Falklands is on 11720 according to the B<strong>BC</strong>WS frequency charts<br />

at:<br />

<br />

Won<strong>der</strong> where you got 11680 from ? (Dave Kenny-UK, dxld Nov 4)<br />

It was in the 'complete' VT Merlin B-<strong>05</strong> schedule posted on the group some<br />

weeks ago. Must check 11720 again Tuesday. (gh, dxld Nov 4)<br />

If you then select Tuesday or Friday, there's no mention of Calling the<br />

Falklands in the 24-hour programme schedule, and the only shortwave freqs

listed for the entire day are 12095 and 9825 at 0200-0300 UT. That<br />

strongly suggests there is no longer any SW outlet for the programme,<br />

which probably continues on satellite.<br />

The FIBS schedule at <br />

indicates that Calling the Falklands is scheduled on Monday and Wednesday<br />

at 1230 pm local time (1530 UT). Whether this is a direct relay or a<br />

delayed rebroadcast isn't clear.<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld Nov 7)<br />

Monitoring confirmation is still needed. Everybody, especially those in<br />

Europe, Africa and South America, please check Tuesday at 2130 on 11680,<br />

11720, and if neither heard, also look around the 25m band for some other<br />

possible frequency. I think Andy may be putting too much confidence in the<br />

accuracy of B<strong>BC</strong> online schedules.<br />

We also have to pretend we are in Mexico City to come up with SW freqs<br />

audible in OK. Since this is a 'special' sce it could very well be<br />

overlooked in the setup for hearing B<strong>BC</strong>WS regular programming on SW. From<br />

this far-offbeam vantage point, the 11720 or 11680 signal could still be<br />

there but it would take a good day, or a better location, to hear it.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 7)<br />

GEORGIA The Georgian govt reverted the decision of spring 20<strong>05</strong> to move<br />

the country to the UTC+3h time zone (including DST UTC+4h). The clocks<br />

were not switched back one hour on 30 October when Georgia ended DST, and<br />

the country is now again in the UTC+4h time zone.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU. mwdx Nov 8)<br />

[Noted Abkhaz Radio & TV via Soxum SW 9494.76 and 9534.75 kHz in Oct, wb.]<br />

9295 Abkhaz Radio <strong>05</strong>48 rock songs 32442 nothing found on 9535 on 08<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 27)<br />

Is that 9295 kHz OKAY ??? Or you mean 9495 kHz ??? 73 wolfy Nov 7<br />

GERMANY 5910, TNT Hit Radio via DTK Juelich, at 1500-1540 UT on Nov <strong>05</strong>,<br />

mxa pop, programa "The TNT Parade" y "The TNT Hits 50", canciones<br />

presentadas por locutor, idioma flamenco (Dutch). Muy buena mxa,<br />

presentada con mucho dinamismo por los disc-jockeys de la emisora. Senal<br />

muy fuerte. 45444.<br />

TNT Hit Radio transmitia antes del dia 5 de Noviembre por los 5975 kHz<br />

entre las 1000 y las 1600 UTC. Ahora, a partir de este fin de semana, lo<br />

hace por los 5010[sic, 5910], tambien entre las 1000 y las 1600 UTC.<br />

Direccion:<br />

TNT-Radio<br />

Molenstraat 67<br />

9900 EEKLO<br />


E-mail: or <br />

web: <br />

(via Manuel Mendez-ESP, Nov 5)<br />

5910 TNT<br />

Came across this terrible like "psychedelic 'music'" at 1140 UT on Nov<br />

5th. Heard with 45554 on the Andalusian coast line pool beach in Huelva<br />

north of Jerez Spain.<br />

5910 1000-1600 27,28 NonDir 7=Sat 3010<strong>05</strong>-260306 DTK Juelich 100kW TNT<br />

Similar signal on 5945 kHz around 1207 UT also Nov 5th, "Wahre Gemeinde"

elig program. Sat only. 45554, but via DTK Wertachtal.<br />

5945 1200-1229 27,28 NonDir 7=Sat 3010<strong>05</strong>-260306 WER 500kW FVM ? Free<br />

People's Mission Krefeld Inc. ?<br />

At same time noted thiny DLF Berlin Britz on 6190 kHz with 1-2 555 1-2,<br />

all 2500 kms south of Germany.<br />

73 wb (travelling Andalusia Spain, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 5)<br />

Updated on Oct.28 B-<strong>05</strong> for Brother Stair TOM via DTK T-Systems:<br />

0800-1000 6045 JUL 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu English<br />

1100-1200 6110 JUL 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu English (2nd Sun only)<br />

1900-2100 9845 JUL 100 kW / 160 deg to SoAf English<br />

1900-2100 9845 WER 500 kW / non-dir to WeEu/ME English<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 1)<br />

During the last days the new 1179 tx at Heusweiler was again on air until<br />

required 1700 sign-off, this time with SR Info audio, which is so far a<br />

DAB channel consisting of not much more than recorded nx from SR3<br />

Saarlandwelle. It is planned to extend this sce (amongst other things also<br />

with RFI relays), hence the new mediumwave outlet for a real-world<br />

audience. Just as a remin<strong>der</strong>: The big 1422 at Heusweiler, carrying<br />

Deutschlandfunk for a decade now, is still owned and operated by<br />

Saarlaendischer Rundfunk.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

A solution to keep the radio museum and other relics of the past at<br />

Koenigs Wusterhausen site appears to be possible now: The municipality of<br />

Koenigs Wusterhausen will purchase the whole station with the exception of<br />

four facilities still in use by Deutsche Telekom for the symbolic price of<br />

1 Euro. Earlier Deutsche Telekom applied for 1.5 millions Euros of<br />

subsidies from the European Union to keep the site, giving an impression<br />

how expensive the maintenance is. Amongst the mentioned facilities still<br />

in use by Deutsche Telekom is a cellphone tower where also TSI (T-Systems<br />

International, the tx operator) runs an FM transmitter on 1<strong>05</strong>.1, after<br />

years of silence now again active with locally produced Sen<strong>der</strong> KW<br />

programming, cf. <br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

6130DRM Deutsche Welle on Nov 3 at 0702 News, Newslink, story about Iran<br />

replacing half of its ambassadors abroad, terror laws being strengthened<br />

in U.K. and Australia to the concern of human rights advocates; signal<br />

spotty, averaging about 13 dB, not quite enough to support the 14 kbps<br />

rate of this broadcast, but program largely un<strong>der</strong>standable (with many<br />

dropouts).<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

Cland.? 94<strong>05</strong>, Save the Gambia Project via Juelich verified an e-mail<br />

report with an e-mail reply via T-Systems in 25 days from v/s Walter<br />

Brodowsky, Account Manager for short-wave broadcast. Walter's e-mail<br />

states: Thank you very much for your kind reception report which we<br />

confirm and which is attached to this email. You did listen to a txion of<br />

Radio Miami International (RMI) which was broadcasted towards Gambia by<br />

using a 100 kW tx from Short-wave Radio Station Juelich. Your reception<br />

report is highly appreciated and we forwarded it to our Customer, too. We<br />

would like to thank you for your efforts in this matter."<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

GUYANA 3291.16 Voice of Guyana on Oct 31 at 0720 UT. B<strong>BC</strong> World Service<br />

news, local ID at 0728 "This is the Voice of Guyana beginning its<br />

broadcasting day", upcoming programs, into Islamic mx; very clear and<br />

loud, "This is the Voice of Guyana, it is 3hours 40", into Ramadan<br />

program, list of times when fast can be broken.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)

INDIA The B-20<strong>05</strong> schedules of AIR is now available in the offical site<br />

from today at:<br />

<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 2)<br />

INDONESIA 3976.06 RRI Pontianak on Nov 5 at 1024 UT, lengthy talk by OM<br />

in Bahasa INS, many mentions of Pontianak, call to prayer at 1030, mx.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

9680, RRI Jakarta (Cimanggis), Nov 2 (Wed.) at 0855-1110 UT, woman DJ with<br />

program of pop INSn songs, ID for "FM Jakarta," 1000 into Ramadan program<br />

with two men announcers with on-air phone calls, reciting from the Qur'an,<br />

IDs for R.R.I. Jakarta. At 1<strong>05</strong>9 Taiwan (presumed) signed-on.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld Nov 4)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ Heard on November 4 at 1130 UT the opening of this English<br />

broadcast from IRIB in Tehran, Iran on 15485 with a very strong signal<br />

here in Melbourne. It opened with a list of satellites and download<br />

frequencies and that it could be heard on the website<br />

<br />

It wasn't supposed to be on SW at all! The tx went off the air at 1138<br />

just after a reading from the Koran began. Investigating today I see that<br />

there are several such broadcasts of "The Voice of Justice" throughout the<br />

day that are shown on the website as only available via satellite or<br />

internet. What a pity (regardless of one's views about Iran) when so many<br />

people could be covered with a single SW tx, that they are expected to sit<br />

in front of their PC to listen to a radio program.<br />

(Morrison Hoyle-AUS, dxld Nov 4)<br />

Correct Time? Frequ? Checked on Nov 8th, still on 15460 and 15480 kHz one<br />

hr earlier to zone 41 Pakistan, India, Bangladesh. (wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong>)<br />

S=3 on 15460 1030-1130 41 KAM 500 109 ENGLISH IRN IRB<br />

S=4-5 on 15480 1030-1130 41 KAM 500 100 ENGLISH IRN IRB<br />

IRIB schedule in B-<strong>05</strong> see <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> #733<br />

Cland' 3970 kHz VoIranian Kurdistan (tent), logged on 06 Nov 1540-...,<br />

Kurdish (presumed), talks; drifted to 3969.30 kHz; 14331, barely heard<br />

jammer.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

Hi Carlos, same Clandestine stn heard in nearby Andalusia on Nov 3rd and<br />

5th around 1530 UT, Persian and Bubble jamming on 3971.1 kHz.<br />

73 wb (travelling Andalusia Spain, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 5)<br />

JAPAN Radio Japan "NHK World" in B-<strong>05</strong> season, late correction.<br />

To SoWeAS Japanese 1700-1800 12045SNG (x11865SNG)<br />

Relays:<br />

ASC = Ascension 250 kW ATN = Bonaire 250 kW CAN = Sackville 250 kW<br />

GAB = Gabon 500 kW GUF = Fr.Guiana 300 kW SNG = Singapore 100/250 kW<br />

SRI = Sri Lanka 300 kW UAE = Al Dhabbaya 500 kW<br />

UK = United Kingdom, RMP 500 kW, SKN 250/300 kW, WOF 250/300 kW<br />

remaining via Yamata-JPN, 300 / 100 kW.<br />

Please be advised that the schedule is subject to change.<br />

Radio Japan Enn: <br />

e-mail <br />

(NHK R Japan B-<strong>05</strong> booklet, update of Nov 3)<br />

DAVID CRYSTAL in Israel comments on the Strange Radio Station Goodies<br />

feature last month:

Around 1967 Radio JPN NHK compensated listeners who reported reception<br />

with a big gift for each letter. In those days listening to Radio JPN was<br />

torture. Their signal was strong enough but the interference was awful.<br />

The reasons were: Radio JPN had no relay stations There were no<br />

satellites. There was no 13 MHz broadcast band. All the SW bands were much<br />

more narrow than they are today, There was no High Frequency Co-ordination<br />

Conference.<br />

The gifts were big and expensive Japanese crafts. I did not get many<br />

because listening to Radio JPN was indeed torture. I have only two today.<br />

I have a big heavy book, New Japan, 1967, with articles on just about<br />

everything, lots of pictures and colour, and oodles of ads. Published by<br />

The Mainichi Newspapers, and this book is an annual. Sony has a full page<br />

ad for the Sony TR-1000 ten transistor four bands portable. I think it<br />

gave respectable sce. In those days I used a Trio 9R-59.<br />

I have a small painting, by hand, not a print, of a Japanese subject. I<br />

have had it framed, and it now hangs prominently in my home. Classy.<br />

Today listening to JPN is easy but I have trouble getting a reply.<br />

(David Crystal, Ramat Zvi-ISR, Nov W<strong>DX</strong>C Contact via dxld and direct)<br />

Listening to Radio JPN in the UK was also difficult in the 1960s. Another<br />

reason here was that it was the Cold War so the bands were full of<br />

multiple freq txions from Radio Moscow, Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty<br />

and Voice of America with the last three stations being jammed.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, dxld Nov 7)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. Voice of Korea Pyongyang to change freqs as of Nov 7, 0700<br />

UT.<br />

Die Stimme Koreas, P'yongyang, Nordkorea, aen<strong>der</strong>t seine Frequenzen nach<br />

eigenen Ansagen ab Montag, den - 07.11.20<strong>05</strong>, 0700 UT.<br />

Den Sendeplan findet Ihr nachfolgend und als verschiedene Word-Dokumente<br />

im Anhang. Ich bitte um weitere Verbereitung und Veroeffentlichung mit<br />

Quellenangabe.<br />

Sollte es noch die eine o<strong>der</strong> an<strong>der</strong>e Aen<strong>der</strong>ung geben, so werde ich sie<br />

nachreichen.<br />

Vy 73 + gut <strong>DX</strong> wuenscht<br />

(OM Arnulf Piontek, Berlin, Deutschland, Grundig Satellit 600,<br />

Teleskopantenne,<br />

Nov 5)<br />

0000 Chinesisch 13650 15100 SEAs<br />

0000 Koreanisch (PBS) 7140 9345 9730 NECHN<br />

0000 Spanisch 11735 13760 15180 CAm<br />

0100 Englisch 7140 9345 9730 NEAs<br />

0100 Englisch 11735 13760 15180 CAm<br />

0100 Franzoesisch 13650 15100 SEAs<br />

0200 Chinesisch 7140 9345 9730 NECHN<br />

0200 Englisch 13650 15100 SEAs<br />

0200 Spanisch 11735 13760 15180 CAm<br />

0300 Chinesisch 13650 15100 SEAs<br />

0300 Englisch 7140 9345 9730 NEAs<br />

0300 Franzoesisch 11735 13760 15180 CAm<br />

0700 Japanisch 621 3250 7580 9650 J<br />

0700 Koreanisch (PBS) 7140 9345 NECHN<br />

0700 Russisch 9975 11735 FE<br />

0700 Russisch 13760 15245 Eu<br />

0800 Chinesisch 7140 9345 NECHN<br />

0800 Japanisch 621 3250 7580 9650 J<br />

0800 Russisch 9975 11735 FE

0800 Russisch 13760 15245 Eu<br />

0900 Japanisch 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 J<br />

0900 Koreanisch (KCBS) 7140 9345 NECHN<br />

0900 Koreanisch (PBS) 9975 11735 FE<br />

0900 Koreanisch (PBS) 13760 15245 Eu<br />

1000 Englisch 6285 9325(x9335) CAm<br />

1000 Englisch 6185 9850 SEAs<br />

1000 Japanisch 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 J<br />

1000 Koreanisch (PBS) 7140 9345 NECHN<br />

1100 Chinesisch 7140 9345 CHN<br />

1100 Franzoesisch 6285 9325(x9335) CAm<br />

1100 Franzoesisch 6185 9850 SEAs<br />

1100 Japanisch 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 J<br />

1200 Japanisch 621 3250 6070 7580 9650 J<br />

1200 Koreanisch (KCBS) 6285 9325(x9335) CAm<br />

1200 Koreanisch (KCBS) 6185 9850 SEAs<br />

1200 Koreanisch (PBS) 7140 9345 NECHN<br />

1300 Chinesisch 6185 9850 SEAs<br />

1300 Englisch 7570 12015 WEu<br />

1300 Englisch 9335 11710 NAm<br />

1300 Koreanisch (PBS) 6285 9325 Eu<br />

1400 Franzoesisch 7570 12015 WEu<br />

1400 Franzoesisch 9335 11710 NAm<br />

1400 Koreanisch (KCBS) 6185 9850 SEAs<br />

1400 Russisch 6285 9325 Eu<br />

1500 Arabisch 9990 11545 ME, NAf<br />

1500 Englisch 7570 12015 WEu<br />

1500 Englisch 9335 11710 NAm<br />

1500 Russisch 6285 9325 Eu<br />

1600 Deutsch 6285 9325 WEu<br />

1600 Englisch 9990 11545 ME, NAf<br />

1600 Franzoesisch 7570 12015 WEu<br />

1600 Franzoesisch 9335 11710 NAm<br />

1700 Arabisch 9990 11545 ME, NAf<br />

1700 Koreanisch (KCBS) 7570 12015 WEu<br />

1700 Koreanisch (KCBS) 9335 11710 NAm<br />

1700 Russisch 6285 9325 Eu<br />

1800 Deutsch 6285 9325 WEu<br />

1800 Englisch 7570 12015 WEu<br />

1800 Franzoesisch 7100 11910 SAf<br />

1800 Franzoesisch 9975 11535 ME, NAf<br />

1900 Englisch 9975 11535 ME, NAf<br />

1900 Englisch 7100 11910 SAf<br />

1900 Deutsch 6285 9325 WEu<br />

1900 Spanisch 7570 12015 WEu<br />

2000 Franzoesisch 7570 12015 WEu<br />

2000 Koreanisch (KCBS) 7100 11910 SAf<br />

2000 Koreanisch (KCBS) 6285 9325 WEu<br />

2000 Koreanisch (KCBS) 9975 11535 ME, NAf<br />

2100 Chinesisch 7180 9345 NECHN<br />

2100 Chinesisch 9975 11535 CHN<br />

2100 Englisch 7570 12015 WEu<br />

2100 Japanisch 621 3250 7580 9650 J<br />

2200 Chinesisch 7180 9345 NECHN<br />

2200 Chinesisch 9975 11535 CHN<br />

2200 Japanisch 621 3250 7580 9650 J<br />

2200 Spanisch 7570 12015 WEu<br />

2300 Japanisch 621 3250 7580 9650 J<br />

2300 Koreanisch (KCBS) 7180 9345 NECHN<br />

2300 Koreanisch (KCBS) 7570 12015 WEu<br />

2300 Koreanisch (KCBS) 9975 11535 CHN<br />

(Arnulf Piontek-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 5)<br />

Following a slight change to my schedule sent on Nov. 7th. The 10, 11, 12

UT broadcasts to Central America have been actually monitored on 9325 kHz<br />

rather than the previously announced 9335 kHz. So please find the amended<br />

schedule below and as Word-attachment. I hope for a wide publicity stating<br />

me as the source and perhaps one or another may write a reception report<br />

to:<br />




(tnx; '73S and good <strong>DX</strong>ing from OM Arnulf Piontek, Berlin, Germany,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 7)<br />

LAOS 6130, Lao National Radio, at 1156-1207 UT on Nov 4, nice local<br />

instrumental mx until 1159 when a man spoke briefly with presumed ID<br />

although spoken word much weaker than mx. Clear seven gongs to the top of<br />

the hour. Musical fanfare followed by a man with the news. Poor. My first<br />

log of LNR of the new <strong>DX</strong> season.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 5)<br />

LITHUANIA Just letting you know that from Wednesday 30th November<br />

Pipeline Radio will commence its weekly quality pop/rock format from<br />

Lithuania in English to northern Europe. Reasons to switch on your radio<br />

on winter Wednsday Nights are- Pipeline Radio will broadcast from 2300 hrs<br />

Central European until 0100 [2200-2400 UT].<br />

Pipeline Radio will be available on 1386 AM Wednesday nights and 7/24 on<br />

the net Pipeline Radio on 1386 will be heard in Sweden, Lithuania,<br />

Lativia, Finland and Belarus. Pipeline Radio is always avaliable 24/7<br />

around the world at <br />

Reception reports welcomed at <br />

(Steve Cisco, Rus-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6 via dxld)<br />

This will be via the 7 kW tx in Bubiai (NW Lithuania), not via the 500 kW<br />

tx in Sitkunai which is used for China Radio International relays on 1386<br />

at other times. However, despite of the small power this tx used to<br />

propagate rather well in the region during earlier tests. Both relays on<br />

1386 are provided by Radio Baltic Waves International (RWBI).<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Nov 7)<br />

MADAGASCAR/NETHERLANDS There is currently a water shortage in<br />

Madagascar. At the moment, the power supply to the Radio Netherlands relay<br />

station in peak hours is not reliable. Shortwave coverage is being<br />

maintained as far as possible by using txs from Flevo when necessary.<br />

Because the situation varies from day to day we cannot give information in<br />

advance about which txions are affected. If you normally listen to a<br />

particular freq from Madagascar, and it fails to appear, please check<br />

other freqs listed for that txion.<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, Radio Netherlands, dxld Nov 2)<br />

11655 Radio Netherlands: Sometimes it is tough to tell if you have<br />

Flevoland or Madagascar. At 1900 UT on Nov 5, both were there, the second<br />

weaker signal on about a 2 second delay, though clearly readable. Program<br />

was Dutch Horizons. This continued when signal was rechecked several times<br />

over the 1900-2000 hour.<br />

(Roger Chambers-NY-USA, dxld Nov 6)<br />

I figured this would happen when we heard that Flevo would be subbing for<br />

Madagascar due to water and hence power shortages on the island. You'd<br />

think the two stations could keep in immediate contact to sort out which<br />

one would be on the air at which time during this situation!<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld)<br />

Have been noticing frequent short-duration tx dropouts every morning I<br />

hear RN from Bonaire to NA on 9890 kHz in the 1200 UT hour. Much worse at

the early part of the hour; usually the feature program in the second part<br />

of the hour is minimally interrupted.<br />

But the nx and Newsline can be hard to follow as the signal drops away and<br />

returns after a few-words-gap over and over. Note that this is not the<br />

audio-only type of dropout we've been hearing on B<strong>BC</strong>; the carrier itself<br />

disappears.<br />

Is this a tx being turned on after a night of downtime for this specific<br />

broadcast? If so, maybe they need to power it up a bit early even if it<br />

costs some fuel for the generators, so that it is warmed upwhen the<br />

broadcast begins?<br />

The evening broadcasts on 6165 kHz do NOT seem to suffer from this; I'm<br />

guessing the tx therehas already been running all day long.<br />

(Will Martin-MO-USA, dxld Nov 1)<br />

RN's only freq in English to NAm in the evening is missing: zero on 6165<br />

before and after 0130 UT Nov 3. What's going on at Bonaire??<br />

I just looked at<br />

<br />

to be sure about the nominal schedule. Yes, 6165 Bonaire is supposed to be<br />

on to CNAm at 01-02 (as well as ENAm 00-01). And there is no longer any<br />

second frequency.<br />

Now there is the notice about the Madagascar water situation at the top.<br />

At 0215 I checked all three scheduled Bonaire freqs: 6165 was still<br />

missing tho it is supposed to be RN Spanish; but 6100 with DW in German<br />

was going strong, and 11935 with NHK in Japanese was audible. Obviously<br />

relay clients get higher priority than RN's own programs when one tx is<br />

down. A sad situation. At least for Spanish there is a second frequency,<br />

9895 scheduled via Madagascar, audible weakly here. But is it really<br />

Madagascar at the moment? Is Bonaire also serving as backup for<br />

Madagascar, pulling the 6165 tx somewhere else?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld Nov 4)<br />

Glenn, this is what I got from RN after 0300 last couple of nights. Caught<br />

my attention that the Spanish Service on 9895, I read is coming from<br />

Madagascar but I got the same suspect that was coming from Bonaire with<br />

such signal. And definitely, it was Spanish what I heard on 6165,<br />

curiously after no Spanish was available at all after 0300, whereas<br />

sometimes on 49m, sometimes on 31m during A-<strong>05</strong>, now we got a 2X1 in<br />

Castellano for B-<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(Raul Saavedra-CTR, dxld Nov 4)<br />

MALI 7284.4 tentat RTM Bamako heard fade in from 1500 UT onwards. POL<br />

and UZB co-channel QRM.<br />

73 wb (travelling Andalusia Spain, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 5)<br />

MAURITANIA 7245 R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott, obs'ed on 06 Nov 1421-1451,<br />

French, talks & interview abt. the Koran & politics; 33443, QRM de UNID<br />

(int'l stn) in Bahasa INS. At about this hr and in this time of the year,<br />

their typically quiet signal at around (our) lunch time starts to get some<br />

QRM.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

MOROCCO 1637.9 kHz, RTM Rabat, logged on 06 Nov at 1622-... UT, Arabic,<br />

football; 15442 on this harmonic of 818.95 kHz.<br />

(Carlos Gon?alves-POR, mwoffsets Nov 8)<br />

MYANMAR R Myanmar, Yangon noted today Nov 4 at 1320 UT on 5040.40 kHz

with poor to fair reception. Signal strength S5 and mx was nice local.<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, dxld Nov 4)<br />

NIGERIA Heute erhielt ich nach einer Laufzeit von 127 Tagen einen<br />

teildetaillierten QSL-Brief von<br />

Radio Abuja 7275 kHz. QTH: Broadcasting House, P.O.Box 377, Gwagwalada /<br />

P.M.B.71, Gark1, Abuja, Nigeria. v/s Ben Obeta.<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 8) see also 7255 kHz un<strong>der</strong> Burkina Faso.<br />

7275, FRCN-Abuja, nice looking date+fqy veri ltr confirming Abuja xmsn and<br />

giving hrs. as 0430-2130 (not sure if all on the same fqy) in EG and<br />

Nigerian langs. V/S Ben Obeta for Exec. Director; in 20 wks. for CD rpt<br />

and $1. Ltr is dated Aug 4 but postmark is illegible, so I can't tell if<br />

it was really en route for 3 mos. or not.<br />

Address on ltr: FRCN Abuja National Station, Broadcasting House,<br />

P.O. Box 377 Gwagwalada/P.M.B. 71, GARK1 ["GARK one"], Abuja, Nigeria.<br />

tel. 09-8821065 & 8821341, FAX 09-8821040.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 6)<br />

PAPUA NEW GUINEA On October 30th I found a signal on 7120 at 0755 best<br />

on LSB due to utility interference. I could hear mx and speech could not<br />

detect the lang, faded by 08<strong>05</strong>. Radio Wantok is here.<br />

(Noel Green-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C Contact Oct 30)<br />

Today I have been hearing this station on 7120 kHz at good strength here<br />

in New Zealand. It would seem to indicate that the station has a new and<br />

more powerful tx as I have never actually heard it here before, only in<br />

North Queensland, Australia near to PNG.<br />

I first heard it around 0930 UTC on 1 November on Tok Pisin and English<br />

with a panel discussion about how great Radio Light is and it may have<br />

been to do with the opening of a new tx. I heard it again around 1900 UTC<br />

playing mx with the annt: "This is Radio Light, the Papua New Guinea<br />

Christian Network" at 1901. There was a bit of sideband splash from 7125<br />

kHz.<br />

I am home on "sick leave" until 21 November, although I feel fine after my<br />

hip resurfacing operation two Fridays ago. Basically, I'm trying to beat<br />

the boredom from setting in. I certainly won't be listening to Radio Light<br />

to help out with that!!<br />

(Barry Hartley-NZL, dxld Nov 2)<br />

I am hearing Radio Light in Papua New Guinea on 7120 kHz around 0900 and<br />

1900 UTC daily at good strength. They obviously have a new higher power<br />

tx, possibly the 100 kw unit mentioned in the WRTVH as "future plans".<br />

(Barry Hartley-NZL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 7)<br />

RUSSIA/CIS Updated B-<strong>05</strong> for Radio Rossii in Russian via MSK 250 kW / 260<br />

deg:<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0800 9840<br />

0820-1300 12075<br />

1320-1800 7310,co-ch CNR in Chinese + VOIROI/IRIB in Turkish 1600-1727.<br />

1820-2200 6235,co-ch R.Pakistan in Urdu till 1900 + VOA in En from 2130.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 1)<br />

Additional txions for WYFR Family Radio via CIS txs:<br />

1400-1500 9310 TAC 100 kW 131 deg SoAs Urdu // 7510 TAC 100 kW 131 deg<br />

1600-1700 7520 SMF 250 kW / 131 deg to WeAs Persian<br />

1800-1900 7425 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to ME English<br />

1900-2000 7425 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to ME Arabic<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 1)

Roman Nazarov (open_dx) reports:<br />

"Tikhiy Okean" in B<strong>05</strong> uses MW 810 and SW 5960 kHz. Nov 10-18 they provide<br />

TEST on 7330 kHz towards OKHOTSK Sea, and asking for reception reports<br />

wich could be sent to:<br />

(for "Tikhiy Okean")<br />

(Vlad Titarev-UKR, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 5)<br />

Should that be? 1 hr later now?<br />

5960 0930-1000 to 34,35 via VLD 250kW at 50deg RUS VOR GFC<br />

7330 0930-1000 to 34,35 via VLD 250 30 RUS VOR GFC<br />

(wb, Nov 7)<br />

5960, Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean (R. Station Pacific Ocean), Nov 8,<br />

*0935-1000*, indeed they have changed their broadcast time and freq. OC<br />

noted at 0927 tune-in, usual IS (chimes), Russian prgm'ing consisting<br />

mostly of W. talking, with constant background mx, a few segments seemed<br />

to be recorded interviews, several selections of pop Russian songs, many<br />

IDs for "Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean." Fair, about as good as their former<br />

frequency of 12065. Nothing heard on 7330.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 8)<br />

[Irkutsk to KOREA NORTH]<br />

The "Shiokaze" programme to Japanese abductees in North Korea was observed<br />

on 5890 kHz with their second day's broadcast at 1530-1600 utc on 31<br />

October. On 1 November however, a carrier was noted at 1525 tune-in, un<strong>der</strong><br />

which a jammer could be faintly heard. At 1530 the programme didn't<br />

appear, and the carrier went off at 1532 approx - so either it switched<br />

freq to avoid the jammer, or it wasn't on at all!<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, dxld Nov 4)<br />

On October 30 and 31, the "Shiokaze" broadcast was done 1 hour later at<br />

1530-1600; on November 1 returned to the normal time 1430-1500 UT. On<br />

November 1 the station mis-transmitted Radio Australia for the first 10<br />

mins, then turned to "Shiokaze" broadcast. There has been no jamming for<br />

these 3 days. A Chinese <strong>DX</strong>er reported me that the broadcast was also well<br />

heard in Shanghai.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 2)<br />

Now (1 Nov [means 2 Nov?]) on the air at 1430 UT on 5890 kHz in Japanese;<br />

mis-transmission on 1 Nov. at 1430 to 1441 UT carrying R. Australia<br />

English.<br />

(Nagoya <strong>DX</strong>ers Circle, via WoR, dxld Nov 4)<br />

Quite a strong signal here in Victoria. Piano mx right at 1530 but then it<br />

seemed to drop quite a bit. I could then hear some bubble jamming, but<br />

that seemed to disappear. Same male with a gentle voice and the piano mx<br />

in the background continues. About an S7 to S9 signal.<br />

5890, 1515-, Shiokaze program to North Korea, Oct 30. Open carrier first<br />

noted a few mins after 1500. Right at 1530 started their programming with<br />

piano mx and then JJ talk by a male with a very gentle voice. This<br />

continues as I type this at 1545 (along with the piano mx). Fairly<br />

nondescript programming. I'm sure I heard some bubble jamming immediately<br />

after they started, but this appeared to last only a short while.<br />

Initially about a S9 + 10, but has faded to S7 to S9 now. Continued until<br />

1558:20 and off. Open carrier remains after 1600, but left at 55 sec past<br />

the TOH.<br />

Site reported to be from Angarsk, Russia (near Irkutsk).<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 30)<br />

Registered 5890 on 1430-1500 UT slot. Zones 43-45 via IRK 100kW 125deg.<br />


SERBIA & MONTENEGRO The B<strong>05</strong> schedule for International Radio of Serbia &<br />

Montenegro is now on line, showing much reduced output. There is now only<br />

one English broadcast listed.<br />

<br />

This is the complete schedule:<br />

1845-1900 Arabic Eu 6100<br />

1900-1930 Russian Eu 6100<br />

1930-2000 English Eu 6100<br />

2000-2030 Spanish Eu 7200<br />

2030-2100 Serbian Eu 6100 (not Saturday)<br />

2100-2130 German Eu 6100 (not Saturday)<br />

2030-2130 Serbian Eu 6100 (Saturday only)<br />

2130-2200 French Eu 6100<br />

(via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Nov 8)<br />

These time schedule limitation for International Radio of Serbia &<br />

Montenegro services last since mid June 20<strong>05</strong> at least, (wb)<br />

SOLOMON ISLS Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation on 9545 kHz.<br />

SI<strong>BC</strong> have reactivated 9545 kHz. I am hearing it from around 0900 UT<br />

causing interference to Deutsche Welle on the same frequency. The txion is<br />

in // with 5020 kHz, but it is an overmodulated, distorted, virtually<br />

unintelligible mess!<br />

(Barry Hartley-NZL, dxld Nov 4)<br />

I also heard SI<strong>BC</strong> Honiara on 4 November around 0900-1100 UTC in 9545 kHz<br />

with a distorted, overmodulated signal in // with 5020 kHz. I haven't<br />

heard them since in spite of listening every day. Deutsche Welle is very<br />

dominant on 9545 kHz. By the way, DW have dropped 9735 kHz in German to<br />

Oceania 0600-0800 UTC.<br />

(Barry Hartley-NZL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 7)<br />

So, does SI<strong>BC</strong> have two SW txs? I mean the mentioning of // 9545 // 5020.<br />

Btw, they are audible (mostly poor signal) with B<strong>BC</strong> relay during UT<br />

afternoons on 5020 (a bit low, maybe 5019.9 kHz).<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld Nov 4)<br />

Yes, they have two txs. They only way I could actually identify 9545 kHz<br />

given its distorted mess was to listen to 5020 kHz and confirm that the<br />

programme was the same on both freqs. Adrian Sainsbury was in the Solomons<br />

a few months ago on behalf of RNZI and said then the SI<strong>BC</strong> was about to<br />

reactivate 9545 kHz with a new tx, I think he said, but I'll clarify that<br />

next week when he returns to work. He may also be able to speak to someone<br />

there about getting the technical problems fixed as well.<br />

(Barry Hartley-NZL, ibid. and direct)<br />

SPAIN [and non] Uebrigens sind in Andalusien tagsueber[!] 60<br />

Mittelwellenstationen (Kanaele) hoerbar, da ist Deutschland heute ein<br />

Mittelwellen-Entwicklungsland geworden ...<br />

Here is my short report of LW and MW occupation during dayligt time on the<br />

Atlantic coast near Huelva/Sevilla province in Andalusia Spain, at 1100-<br />

1300 UT during last week Oct 28th - Nov 6th, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

On 567 kHz I heard three station echos of the same program !!<br />

999 MRC and 1035 POR were silent on Thursday and Saturday check.<br />

RX Sony ICF 2010, built-in antennas, and some checks of thiny signals I<br />

used a MARTENS mediumwave frame aerial also.<br />

LW<br />

153 RTA Bechar S=1

162 FI Allouis S=6<br />

171 Medi 1 Nador S=8<br />

183 Europe 1 Saarlouis S=6<br />

198 RTA Quargla S=1<br />

207 RTM Azilal S=3<br />

[seemingly in the poor 10-20 kW power range now, same poor signal<br />

noted on Mallorca Isl during May-June 20<strong>05</strong>]<br />

216 RMC Roumoules S=6<br />

234 RTL Junglinster S=6<br />

252 RTA Tipaza S=10+<br />

MW<br />

531 RNE5 C¢rdoba<br />

540 RTM Tanger<br />

549 RTA Hamadouche<br />

567 RNE5 three echos ! Marbella/Murcia/? only two listed.<br />

576 RNE5 Barcelona<br />

585 RNE1 Madrid<br />

594 Renascenca Muge<br />

603 RNE5 Sevilla<br />

612 RTM Sebaa-Aioun<br />

621 RNE1 Jaen Andalusia<br />

639 RNE1 Almeria<br />

648 RNE1 Badajoz<br />

657 RNE5 Madrid<br />

666 RDP-A1 Castanheira do Ribatejo, no. of Lisboa<br />

684 RNE1 Sevilla<br />

720 RDP-A1 Faro<br />

729 RNE1 Malaga<br />

747 RNE5 Cadiz<br />

774 RNE1 Granada<br />

792 SER Sevilla<br />

801 RNE1 Ciudad Real<br />

810 SER Madrid<br />

819 RTM Rabat<br />

837 Cope Sevilla<br />

855 RNE1 Huelva<br />

891 Renascenca Vila Moura<br />

918 Intercontinental Madrid<br />

927 Renascenca Evora<br />

945 France Blue Toulouse !<br />

954 OCR Madrid<br />

963 Renascenca Seixal<br />

972 RNE1 Mellilla (Africa)<br />

990 SER Cadiz<br />

[999 RTM Tanger, not on air, silent channel]<br />

1008 SER Alicante<br />

1017 RNE5 Granada<br />

1026 SER Jerez de la Frontera<br />

[1035 POR Nacional Porto Alto, not on air, silent channel]<br />

1044 RTM Sebaa-Aioun<br />

1098 RNE5 Hulva<br />

1134 COPE Jerez de la Frontera<br />

1152 RNE5 Malaga<br />

1215 COPE Cordoba<br />

1224 COPE Huelva<br />

1260 SER Algeciras<br />

1269 COPE Badajoz / Ciudad Real<br />

1296 COPE Valencia<br />

13<strong>05</strong> RNE5 Ciudad Real<br />

1341 OCR Almeria / Ciudad Real<br />

1377 FI Lille !<br />

1404 France Bleu Ajaccio

1413 RNE5 Jaen<br />

1422 RTA Fayet [very strong]<br />

1458 G<strong>BC</strong> Wellington Gibraltar<br />

1485 OCR Antequera [not SER network]<br />

1494 France Blue Bastia<br />

1503 RNE5 La Linea<br />

1539 SER Elx Alicante<br />

1557 FI Fontbonne(Monaco)<br />

1575 SER Cordoba<br />

1584 R Ol, Ceuta (Africa)<br />

1602 R Vitoria<br />

Surprisingly winter noon conditions, strong propagation path via salt<br />

water on Medit Sea from Corse island to Andalusia Spain on 1404 and 1494<br />

kHz.<br />

73 wb (travelling Andalusia Spain, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 5)<br />

Comments by Carlos:<br />

RTM is silent on several other outlets at times.<br />

R.Club Portugu^s 1035 kHz 100 kW (new tx on new site too: Belmonte, near<br />

Benavente), // Canidelo (near Miramar [RDP 1 720 kHz 10 kW], both so. of<br />

Porto) 783 kHz 10 kW old tx.<br />

R.Comercial changed the name of the progr aired via MW, dropping<br />

"R.Nacional" for good.<br />

R.Comercial's sister (music-)stn RCP was already being aired via VHF-FM.<br />

This new RCP has nothing to do, prgr-wise, with the former R dio Club<br />

Portugu^s, which in the 1936-1939 Sp. civil war aired pro-Falangist<br />

propaganda supported by the Port. govern. The only thing in common with<br />

that old stn is the name & logo.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 8)<br />

SUDAN/ERITREA Eastern Radio transmitting to Eritrea on 909 kHz<br />

mediumwave - According to Sudanese newspaper Al-Watan, a new Eritrean<br />

opposition station called Eastern Radio has started test transmissions on<br />

909 kHz MW in October. Eastern Radio is said to be broadcasting at 0400-<br />

0700 UTC and at 1600-1900 UTC. Officially the station was launched on Eid<br />

al-Fitr, a three-day festival marking the end of Ramadan in the Islamic<br />

calendar. <br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, MW<strong>DX</strong> via dxld Nov 3)<br />

More on this station from the Internet:<br />

<br />

(not available anymore, but below a Google copy)<br />

Eritrean radio station covering eastern Sudan to be launched soon.<br />

The Eastern Radio station has launched its trial broadcasts on MW 330 at<br />

909 kHz between 7 10 a.m. and 7 10 p.m.<br />

The Eritrean station aims at establishing principles of justice,<br />

democracy, peace and disseminating human rights in Eritrea. Official<br />

programmes will begin broadcasting during Id al-Fitr and will include<br />

interviews with opposition lea<strong>der</strong>s in addition to society figures and<br />

those representing social entities.<br />

Programmes will also concentrate on culture, civilization, arts and<br />

society. The station, which will broadcast its programmes in Arabic and<br />

Tigrinya, will cover the whole of Eritrea and some areas of neighbouring<br />

states including Sudan and Ethiopia.<br />

Al-Watan, Khartoum, in Arabic 28 Oct, via B<strong>BC</strong>M.<br />

(via Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Nov 8)

TAIWAN/USA 5745(x5810) RTI Frequenzaen<strong>der</strong>ung.<br />

Liebe Hoererinnen und Hoerer von Radio Taiwan International, Radio Taiwan<br />

International sendet sein Deutschprogramm nun von 0600-0700 UT auf <strong>der</strong><br />

Frequenz 5745 kHz (via Family Radio, Okeechobee, USA), nicht wie<br />

angekuendigt auf <strong>der</strong> Frequenz 5810 kHz<br />

Family Radio nahm diese Frequenzaen<strong>der</strong>ung auf Grund einer Benachrichtigung<br />

<strong>der</strong> Fe<strong>der</strong>al Communications Commission (FCC) ueber Stoerungen an<strong>der</strong>er<br />

Frequenzen durch die Ausstrahlung auf <strong>der</strong> Frequenz 5810 kHz vor.<br />

Die Winterfrequenzen 20<strong>05</strong>/2006 des Deutschprogrammes von RTI sind nun:<br />

1800-1900 UTC: 9955 kHz Tainan, Taiwan<br />

1900-2000 UTC: 6170 kHz Skelton-UK o<strong>der</strong> Al-Dhabbaya, UAE<br />

[registered Skelton-Cumbria 6170 1900-2000 27SE,28W SKN 250kW 1<strong>05</strong>deg, wb.]<br />

2100-2200 UTC: 11665 kHz YFR Okeechobee, USA<br />

0600-0700 UTC: 5745 kHz YFR Okeechobee, USA<br />

Die durch Hurrikan Wilma verursachten Stoerungen bei <strong>der</strong> Ausstrahlung<br />

unserer Sendungen von 2100-2200 UT und von 0600-0700 UT sind mittlerweile<br />

wie<strong>der</strong> behoben.<br />

Mit herzlichen Gruessen aus Taipei<br />

RTI-Deutschredaktion<br />


RUSSIAN 1400-1455 11980<br />

1800-1855 6135<br />

SERBIAN 1430-1455 9510 till Dec.31<br />

SERBOCROAT 1700-1725 7155<br />

SPANISH 1730-1755 9780 till Dec.31<br />

SPANISH 1730-1825 9780 from <strong>Jan</strong>.01<br />

TATAR 1600-1655 5980 till Dec.31<br />

TATAR 1530-1625 6140 from <strong>Jan</strong>.01<br />

TURKISH <strong>05</strong>00-0755 9460 from <strong>Jan</strong>.01<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0755 17690<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0955 11925<br />

0800-1655 11955<br />

0800-1455 15350 from <strong>Jan</strong>.01<br />

0800-1655 15350 till Dec.31<br />

0900-1155 17720 from <strong>Jan</strong>.01<br />

1000-1255 17720 till Dec.31<br />

1100-1555 17860 Friday only<br />

1300-1655 9625 till Dec.31<br />

1500-2255 5980 from <strong>Jan</strong>.01<br />

1700-2155 5980 till Dec.31<br />

1700-2255 6120<br />

1700-2255 9560 till Dec.31<br />

1800-2255 9840<br />

2200-0755 7300 till Dec.31<br />

2300-0155 7300 from <strong>Jan</strong>.01<br />

TURKMEN 1630-1725 5965<br />

URDU 1300-1355 15225<br />

UZBEK 0200-0255 7115 till Dec.31<br />

1330-1425 11865 from <strong>Jan</strong>.01<br />

1800-1855 5955 till Dec.31<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 1)<br />

U.K. Sudan Radio Service via Wofferton, UK (per past information). Nov<br />

2, 11665 kHz, SINPO 34433, 1544-1600 UT. In Arabic. Articles narrated by a<br />

man, Xylophone mxal bridges along with Afropops to frequent ID's, Nx at<br />

ToH (incl. EE sound bites), article on coalition govt translated into<br />

Arabic, more ID's with postal addresses in Kenya and USA, internet ( www.<br />

Sudan radio .org & srs @bbc .org ), more nx of Africa, Afropop,<br />

translation (apparently of comments by Desmond Tutu), folk style mx,<br />

multilingual ID, off 1700 UT.<br />

(Mark Taylor-WI-USA, dxld Nov 2)<br />

USA From Oct 30 WYFR Family Radio on NF 7780, ex traditional 7355 as<br />

follows:<br />

to Eu/ME via YFR 100 kW / 044 deg<br />

0300-0400 Russian<br />

0400-<strong>05</strong>00 English<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 German<br />

0600-0745 English<br />

to SoAm via YFR 100 kW / 315 deg<br />

1100-1200 English<br />

1200-1345 Spanish<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 1)<br />

UZBEKISTAN Radio Tashkent, Uzbekistan on 7190 kHz at 1228 UT Sign off<br />

(English) - sio: 444 - Right at Tashkent sunset, my sunrise. Very good<br />

sigs and excellent copy in English. CRI heard un<strong>der</strong> and after 1228z<br />

Tashkent s/off.<br />

(John Wilke K9RZZ WI-USA, hcdx Nov 8)<br />

Radio Tashkent Int B-<strong>05</strong> Schedule<br />


1700-1730 5975 5885<br />

1900-1930 5975 5885<br />

Chinese<br />

1330-1400 5040<br />

1430-1500 5040<br />

Dari<br />

0130-0200 7160 7190<br />

1520-1550 7285 5975<br />

English<br />

0100-0130 7160 7190<br />

1200-1230 5975 7190<br />

1330-1400 5060 7190<br />

2030-2100 7185<br />

2130-2200 7185<br />

Farsi<br />

1630-1700 5975 5885<br />

1830-1900 5975 5885<br />

German<br />

1935-2030 5025<br />

Hindi<br />

1300-1330 5060 7190<br />

1430-1500 5060 7190<br />

Pushto<br />

0200-0230 7160 7190<br />

Turkish<br />

0600-0630 15330<br />

1700-1730 9540<br />

Uighur<br />

1400-1430 5040<br />

Urdu<br />

1230-1300 5060 7190<br />

1400-1430 5060 7190<br />

Uzbek<br />

0230-0330 7215 7190 9530<br />

1550-1630 5975 7190<br />

1730-1830 5975 5885<br />

(R.Tashkent Int. website via Alan Roe-UK W<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Nov 4)<br />

But registered much more channels, some alternate channels, and for<br />

sunspot maximum season on end of this decade:<br />

5025 0230 0330 28,39 TAC 100 316 Uzb UZB<br />

5025 1550 1630 28,39 TAC 100 316 Uzb UZB<br />

5025 1730 1830 28,39 TAC 100 302 Uzb UZB<br />

5025 1935 2100 28 TAC 100 302 Ger UZB<br />

5025 2130 2200 28 TAC 100 302 Eng UZB<br />

5040 1330 1500 42,43 TAC 100 156 CHi UZB<br />

5060 1200 1500 40,41 TAC 100 183 Eng UZB<br />

5060 1330 1500 42,43 TAC 100 90 Uzb UZB<br />

5060 2030 2200 28 TAC 100 302 Uzb UZB<br />

5885 1630 1700 39 TAC 100 56 Per UZB<br />

5885 1700 1930 38-40 TAC 100 236 Per UZB<br />

5975 0100 0230 40,41 TAC 100 183 Eng,DoI UZB<br />

5975 0230 0330 38-40 TAC 100 219 Uzb UZB<br />

5975 1200 1500 40,41 TAC 100 131 Eng,HiN UZB<br />

5975 1230 1258 40,41 TAC 100 163 Urd UZB<br />

5975 1520 1930 38-40 TAC 100 219 DoI,UzB UZB<br />

6025 1230 1258 40,41 TAC 100 183 Urd UZB<br />

6025 1300 1500 40,41 TAC 100 131 Eng,HiN UZB<br />

6025 1520 1630 38-40 TAC 100 183 Uzb,DoI UZB<br />

6165 0100 0330 38-41 TAC 100 183 Uzb,DoI UZB<br />

7160 0100 0130 41 TAC 200 131 Eng UZB<br />

7160 0100 0230 40,41 TAC 100 163 Eng,DoI UZB<br />

7160 0200 0230 40 TAC 200 131 Rus UZB<br />

7185 2030 2100 28 TAC 100 302 Eng UZB

7185 2130 2200 28 TAC 100 302 Eng UZB<br />

7190 0100 0330 38-41 TAC 100 183 Eng UZB<br />

7190 1200 1330 41 TAC 100 131 UZB<br />

7190 1230 1500 40,41 TAC 100 183 UZB<br />

7190 1520 1930 38-40 TAC 100 219 UZB<br />

7190 1550 1630 40,41 TAC 100 219 UZB<br />

7215 0130 0200 40 TAC 200 236 Doi UZB<br />

7215 0230 0330 38-40 TAC 200 236 Uzb UZB<br />

7285 1520 1930 38-40 TAC 200 236 Doi,UzB UZB<br />

9530 1550 1630 28,39 TAC 100 274 UZB<br />

9530 1700 1830 28,39 TAC 100 274 UZB<br />

9540 0230 0330 28,39 TAC 100 270 Uzb UZB<br />

9540 1550 1630 28,39 TAC 100 270 Uzb UZB<br />

9540 1700 1830 28,39 TAC 100 270 Uzb UZB<br />

9715 1200 1500 40,41 TAC 200 131 Eng UZB<br />

119<strong>05</strong> 0100 0330 41 TAC 100 183 Eng,DoI UZB<br />

119<strong>05</strong> 1935 2030 28 TAC 200 311 Ger UZB<br />

119<strong>05</strong> 2030 2100 28 TAC 200 311 Eng UZB<br />

119<strong>05</strong> 2130 2200 28 TAC 200 311 Eng UZB<br />

15200 0600 0629 39 TAC 100 270 Tur UZB<br />

15330 0600 0629 39 TAC 100 270 Tur UZB<br />

DSWCI AGM and 50th year anniversary at Vejers Strand 4-7th May 2006.<br />

The Board of the Danish Shortwave Club International hereby announces,<br />

that the annual general meeting, <strong>DX</strong>-Camp and 50th year anniversary will be<br />

held at Vejers Strand near the westernmost point in Denmark in the period<br />

4-7th May 2006. All present and former members of the DSWCI are invited to<br />

participate. Their spouses are welcome as well.<br />

Preliminary programme:<br />

Thursday 4th May 2006: 1400 _ ??? Arrival and setting up of antennas etc.<br />

Evening meal (on your own), <strong>DX</strong>-night at Vardeborg Scout Camp.<br />

Friday 5th May 2006: 1000- 1500 Excursion to Varde where we will see the<br />

interesting paintings of the Danish painter Otto Frello at Jugendhaus.<br />

Entrance fee: DKK 25,00. After visiting the exhibition we suggest a lunch<br />

at a nearby hotel or in nearby town centrum. Lunch on your own account.<br />

Transportation by own cars or taxi. 1530-1800 Lectures at "Strandhotellet"<br />

in Vejers. Subjects will be given at a later date. 1900-2300 Jubilee-<br />

Banquet at "Strandhotellet" incl. lottery etc.<br />

Price estimated : DKK 225,00 excl.beverages 2300-???? <strong>DX</strong>-night.<br />

Saturday 6th May 2006: Morning . At your free disposal. For those who are<br />

interested , we will take our "usual" walk-around in the surroundings of<br />

Vejers. Lunch on your own account. 1400-1600 Annual general meeting at<br />

Vardeborg incl. coffee and pastry 1600-1700 No fixed programme, eventual<br />

lectures at Vardeborg. Group photo. 1800-2100 Informal Danish buffet at<br />

Hotel Klithjem.<br />

Price estimated: DKK 100,00 excl. beverages. 2100-???? <strong>DX</strong>-night<br />

Sunday 7th May 2006 : Morning. Time to pack all your gear and leave after<br />

a hopefully good event.<br />

- Participation fee Price for participation is DKK 500,00/EUR 70,00 if you<br />

want to use the facilities of Vardeborg for <strong>DX</strong>-ing and /or accommodation.<br />

Payment for meals etc. to be paid in Vejers and NOT together with your<br />

participation fee, as the prices are not yet fixed . However please note<br />

that your wish to take part in the meals etc. are binding!<br />

If you just participate in the AGM it's for free.<br />

Accomodation Please note that accommodation at Vardeborg is in bunks.

There might be up to 8 people sharing each room, but we will of course try<br />

to disperse the participants over the rooms available.<br />

If you prefer to stay in a hotel, summercottage or at one of the 3<br />

camping-sites in Vejers, please make your own reservations at:<br />

Hotel Klithjem e-mail: <br />

Strandhotellet e-mail: <br />

Summercottages: Die "hyggelige" Daenen e-mail: <br />

Camping sites: Vejers Strand Camping <br />

e-mail: <br />

Vejers Familie Camping <br />

e-mail: <br />

Stjernecamping e-mail: <br />

If you need further information about the accomodation possibilities in<br />

Vejers and the surroundings, please contact our treasurer. Except for<br />

hotels, you MUST bring your own sleeping bag or bed clothes, blankets and<br />

towels.<br />

Your participation In or<strong>der</strong> to get this event working OK, it is IMPORTANT<br />

that you fill out the form on the next page and return it to the treasurer<br />

not later than 1st April 2006.<br />

Payment of participation-fee must be received by the treasurer or at our<br />

representatives in Germany or the UK not later than 10th April 2006.<br />

DSWCI 50 years in 2006 - the <strong>DX</strong> Club that had global membership 30 years<br />

before "Globalization"<br />

DSWCI AGM, <strong>DX</strong>-Camp and 50th year anniversary 4-7th May 2006<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 735 16 Nov 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

<strong>Private</strong> <strong>Verwendung</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Meldun</strong>gen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede<br />

kommerzielle <strong>Verwendung</strong> bedarf <strong>der</strong> Zustimmung des Newslettereditors.<br />

Extracts of items sourced to E<strong>DX</strong>P may be further reproduced but only by<br />

organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements<br />

with E<strong>DX</strong>P.<br />

!!! Sorry, no reproduction allowed anymore for WW<strong>DX</strong>C <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews. !!!<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio<br />

may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all<br />

stages, from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting<br />

are made available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

credit is given to the contributor and to <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only<br />

with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our<br />

WW<strong>DX</strong>C WWW homepage-German AG<strong>DX</strong> Club-direct address:<br />

<br />

or via Link of Homepage: <br />

Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

AFGHANISTAN [non] The revised schedule of the Radio Solh PsyOps txions:<br />

0200-1200 on 11675 (Dhabbaya-UAE), 1200-1500 on 15265 (Rampisham-UK),<br />

1500-1800 on 9875 (Rampisham-UK).<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Oct 31)<br />

Thanks for the R Solh sked. I logged correctly at 1530 UT on 9875 kHz.<br />

They are heavily disturbing NHK English to SW Asia. Do you have their<br />

email ID or do they verify with QSL cards?<br />

(Swopan Chakroborty-IND, dxld Nov 11)<br />

ALBANIA Updated on Oct.21 B-<strong>05</strong> schedule of Radio Tirana:<br />

Albanian Daily<br />

0000-0130 6215, 7455*to NoAm >>>>>* additional freq<br />

0730-0900 1458, 71<strong>05</strong> to WeEu<br />

0900-1000 1395, 71<strong>05</strong> to WeEu<br />

1500-1630 1458 to Eu<br />

English Mon-Sat<br />

1945-2000 7465* 7530 to WeEu >>>>>* ex 6225<br />

2230-2300 7110 to WeEu<br />

English Tue-Sun<br />

0245-0300 6115, 7455 to NoAm<br />

0330-0400 6115, 7455 to NoAm<br />

German Mon-Sat 2030-2100 7465*to WeEu >>>>>* ex 1900-1930 on 6280<br />

Greek Mon-Sat 1645-1700 1458 to Eu

French Mon-Sat 2000-2030 7465*to WeEu >>>>>* ex 6215<br />

Italian Mon-Sat 2000-2030 7240 to WeEu<br />

Serbian Mon-Sat 2115-2130 1458, 5995 to Eu<br />

Turkish Mon-Sat 1630-1645 1458 to Eu<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 25)<br />

Radio Tirana reception.<br />

Dear Drita, I have been listening to your English Second Edition to Europe<br />

at 2230 UTC (2330 CET) over the past week, and I'm pleased to say<br />

reception has mostly been good on 7110 kHz. in the 41 mb. Last night I<br />

noticed another unidentied station in the back-ground, but that hardly<br />

spoiled your programme. I enjoy your features, such as "Focus on Albania"<br />

and "Music Across Albania".<br />

(Ian Wadman-UK, via R Tirana Nov 112)<br />

ALGERIA [to WeSAHARA] Raul Saavedra in CTR and Miguel Romero in E, the<br />

Polisario Front dropped 7460 kHz even before (some 2-3 days earlier)<br />

silencing 700 kHz (my last recorded obs. was on 10 Oct last) again, to<br />

reactivate 1550 kHz, which is running at its normal schedule, with later<br />

(1 hr) s/off on Fri. morning.<br />

Manuel Mendez in E and Wolfgang Bueschel in D now say they've got a new<br />

tx. I can't notice any difference in their steady, normal, strong, clean<br />

1550 kHz signal, nor do I notice the Moroccan jammer Wolfgang says he<br />

logged while touring So.Spain. Interesting to note how reception<br />

conditions can be so different in a small area.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, dxld Nov 10)<br />

Das Radioprogramm <strong>der</strong> Polisario Front konnte ab 11. Oktober wie<strong>der</strong> auf<br />

1550 kHz gehoert werden, dafuer aber nicht mehr wie noch im September auf<br />

<strong>der</strong> alternativen Mittelwelle 700 kHz und auch nicht auf <strong>der</strong> Kurzwelle 7460<br />

kHz. Da die Audioqualitaet auf 1550 kHz besser ist als auf 700 kHz, muss<br />

man wohl von zwei Sen<strong>der</strong>n und moeglicherweise auch zwei Standorten<br />

ausgehen.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, 23.9., 13., 17.10.20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

Fuer 1550 kHz gilt es unter <strong>DX</strong>ern als ausgemacht, dass diese Mittelwelle<br />

in <strong>der</strong> algerischen Oase Tindouf steht. Die algerischen Sen<strong>der</strong> gehoeren dem<br />

Ministerium fuer Post und Telekommunikation, das das Rundfunkmonopol hat.<br />

(art. 1 et 38 du code des postes et telecommunication, ordonnance n degr<br />

75-89 du 3 Decembre 1975, partie legislative). Darum sind die<br />

Ausstrahlungen des Radio Nacional Saharaui von algerischem Boden als<br />

direkte Unterstuetzung <strong>der</strong> Unabhaengigkeitsbewegung durch Algerien zu<br />

interpretieren. Mit den Sendungen von Radiodiffusion Television Algerienne<br />

haben die Sendungen nichts zu tun.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU Oct 18, via Glenn Hauser dxld, via ntt Oct 30)<br />

ANGOLA 4950 RNA-Canal "A", Mulenvos, heard on 04 Nov 2219-2234,<br />

Portuguese, songs, mainly African, talks; 35332, but better on 5 Nov at<br />

approx. the same time.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

ARMENIA V. of Armenia, 9965 at 1925-1944* on Nov 4. English opening<br />

annts with sked. Still announcing 9775 kHz. At 1926-1933 English news,<br />

then weather, lite instrumental mx, commentary. 1943 sign-off annmts with<br />

address and e-mail address. Very good.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Nov 15)<br />

AUSTRALIA 6020 R. Australia, Sheppperton VIC, heard on 06 Nov at 0955-<br />

11<strong>05</strong> UT, Pidgin to PNG, mx, nx 1030, songs, English at 1100 when already<br />

very poor; 35433.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

7875 USB, A<strong>BC</strong> Perth relay. We have received after 23 days a letter from

Kris Bathgate, Manager Technical Services, Western Australia for our<br />

reception. He confirms that we heard A<strong>BC</strong> Perth.<br />

After some investigation he found out that the Australian Defence<br />

Department seems to rebroadcast the sce on a tx on the North West Cape,<br />

near Exmouth, in the northern region of Western Australia using a<br />

combination of A<strong>BC</strong> Radio Australia and A<strong>BC</strong> Western Australia programming,<br />

for staff involved in Arab Gulf Defence Department Operations.<br />

The tx power is 40 kW. More information about A<strong>BC</strong> Perth can be found at<br />

<br />

(Max Van Arnhem-HOL / Jorgensen, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Nov 2)<br />

RA still on unlisted 17785. I am again hearing RA on 17785 at 2318 UT Nov<br />

1, despite its absence from the posted schedules. Nothng audible on 21740,<br />

which I suspect it replaces. This makes the entire schedules suspect,<br />

whatever dates may supposedly be associated with them, if any.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 2)<br />

So here's the REAL Radio Australia B-<strong>05</strong> schedule, inconveniently sorted<br />

by: 1) tx site, 2) target area, 3) frequency, 4) daily or not, 5) time<br />

starting with local Australian morning, 6) lang<br />

Brandon, Qsld; Darwin, NT; Dhabbaya, UAE; Shepparton, Vic.; Kranji, SNG;<br />

Taiwan<br />

UTC lang site kW target days kHz<br />

2000-2200 English BRN 10 Pac daily 11660<br />

2300-0900 English BRN 10 Pac daily 12080<br />

2000-2200 English BRN 10 Pac daily 12080<br />

2200-2300 B<strong>BC</strong> WS BRN 10 Pac daily 12080<br />

0800-0900 English BRN 10 PNG daily 5995<br />

1100-1400 English BRN 10 PNG daily 5995<br />

2100-2200 English BRN 10 PNG daily 9660<br />

2200-2300 B<strong>BC</strong> WS BRN 10 PNG daily 9660<br />

2300-0800 English BRN 10 PNG daily 9660<br />

0000-0030 INSn DRW 250 As daily 9630<br />

2130-2330 INSn DRW 250 As daily 9630<br />

0800-0830 INSn DRW 250 As mtwtf 11550<br />

0400-0430 INSn DRW 250 As daily 17855<br />

2200-0000 English DRW 250 As,Eu daily 12010<br />

0000-0130 English DRW 250 As,Eu daily 17775<br />

1400-1600 English DRW 250 SAs daily 11750<br />

2330-0000 Vietnamese DRW 250 SEA daily 11820<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-0600 Vietnamese DRW 250 SEA daily 17855<br />

0400-0430 INSn DHA 250 As daily 21780<br />

1400-1800 English SHP 100 As daily 6080<br />

1300-1430 Chinese SHP 100 As daily 9475<br />

1100-1300 English SHP 100 As daily 9475<br />

1300-1430 Chinese SHP 100 As daily 11660<br />

1430-1700 English SHP 100 As daily 11660<br />

2130-2330 INSn SHP 100 As daily 11695<br />

0900-1300 English SHP 100 As daily 11880<br />

0030-0400 English SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

0430-<strong>05</strong>00 English SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-0800 English SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

0830-0900 English SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

0930-1100 English SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

2330-0000 English SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

0000-0030 INSn SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

0400-0430 INSn SHP 100 As daily 15415

<strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 INSn SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

0900-0930 INSn SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

2130-2330 INSn SHP 100 As daily 15415<br />

2330-0900 English SHP 100 As daily 17750<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 INSn SHP 100 As daily 17855<br />

1430-1900 English SHP 100 As,Eu daily 9475<br />

1900-2130 English SHP 100 As,Eu daily 9500<br />

2200-0000 English SHP 100 As,Eu daily 15230<br />

2100-2130 English SHP 100 As,PNG daily 11695<br />

1400-1700 English SHP 100 Pac daily 7240<br />

1700-2000 English SHP 100 Pac daily 9580<br />

2100-2300 English SHP 100 Pac daily 13630<br />

2200-0200 English SHP 100 Pac daily 17795<br />

0800-1400 English SHP 100 Pac,NAm daily 9580<br />

1700-2100 English SHP 100 Pac,NAm daily 11880<br />

0700-0900 English SHP 100 Pac,NAm daily 13630<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0800 English SHP 100 Pac,NAm daily 15160<br />

0200-0700 English SHP 100 Pac,NAm daily 15515<br />

0000-0200 English SHP 100 Pac,NAm daily 17715<br />

2200-0000 English SHP 100 Pac,NAm daily 17785<br />

2100-2300 English SHP 100 Pac,PNG daily 15515<br />

1800-2000 English SHP 100 PNG daily 6080<br />

1100-1400 English SHP 100 PNG,As daily 9560<br />

2300-0700 English SHP 100 PNG,As daily 13670<br />

0700-0900 English SHP 100 PNG,J daily 9710<br />

0200-<strong>05</strong>00 English SHP 100 PNG,J daily 21725<br />

1400-1800 English SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 5995<br />

0900-1100 Tok Pisin SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 5995<br />

1100-1400 English SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 6020<br />

0900-1100 Tok Pisin SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 6020<br />

2000-2100 Tok Pisin SHP 100 PNG,Pac mtwtf 6080<br />

1800-2000 English SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 7240<br />

2100-2200 English SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 7240<br />

2000-2100 Tok Pisin SHP 100 PNG,Pac mtwtf 7240<br />

1600-2000 English SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 9710<br />

0900-1100 Tok Pisin SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 9710<br />

2000-2200 English SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 11650<br />

0900-1100 Tok Pisin SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 12080<br />

0000-0800 English SHP 100 PNG,Pac daily 15240<br />

0800-1600 English SHP 100 PNG,Pac,NAm daily 9590<br />

0000-0030 INSn SNG 250 As daily 6120<br />

1300-1430 Chinese SNG 100 As daily 12010<br />

2300-2330 Khmer SNG 100 SEA daily 9730<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-0600 Vietnamese SNG 250 SEA daily 15280<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 Khmer SNG 250 SEA daily 15445<br />

0900-0930 INSn TAI 250 As mtwtf 11550<br />

2130-2330 INSn TAI 250 As daily 11550<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 INSn TAI 250 As daily 11745<br />

0800-1130 English TAI 250 As daily 15240<br />

2200-2330 English TAI 250 As daily 15240<br />

0800-0830 INSn TAI 250 As daily 15415<br />

2330-0000 Vietnamese TAI 250 SEA daily 15110<br />

(via Nigel Holmes-AUS, RA, via Sean Gilbert, WRTH, dxld Nov 3)<br />

A<strong>BC</strong> registrations:<br />

2310 0830 2130 55,58,59 ALI 50 0 0<br />

2325 0830 2130 55,58,59 TEN 50 0 0<br />

2485 0830 2130 55,58,59 KTH 50 0 0<br />

4835 2130 0830 55,58,59 ALI 50 0 0<br />

4910 2130 0830 55,58,59 TEN 50 0 0<br />

5025 2130 0830 55,58,59 KTH 50 0 0<br />

5995 0800 1400 51,56,61,64,65 BRN 10 10 0

5995 1400 1800 2,6,7,51,55,56,61,64,65,76,77SHP 100 30 0<br />

6020 0900 1100 51,55,56,64,65 SHP 100 30 0<br />

6020 1100 1400 2,6,7,51,55,56,61,76,77 SHP 100 30 0<br />

6035 1100 1300 45,51,54E,55,56,64,65 SHP 100 5 13<br />

6080 1400 1800 44,45,50,51,54E,55,59N,64 SHP 100 334 -13<br />

6080 1800 2100 45,50,51,54E,56W,64 SHP 100 5 13<br />

6120 0000 0030 54 SNG 250 140 -20<br />

7220 1600 2130 2-4,6-10,56,60-63,76,77 SHP 100 70 0<br />

7240 1400 1700 2,6-8,56,60-63,76,77 SHP 100 50 -20<br />

7240 1800 2000 2,6,7,51,55,56,61,64,65,76,77SHP 100 30 0<br />

7240 2000 2100 51,55,56,61,64,65 SHP 100 30 0<br />

7260 1400 1600 2,6-8,56,60-63,76,77 SHP 100 50 -20<br />

7260 1600 1900 2,6,51,55,56,61,64,65,76,77 SHP 100 30 0<br />

9475 1100 1900 27,28,43,44,50,51,54,55,58N SHP 100 329 -13<br />

9500 1900 2130 27,28,43,44,50,51,54,55,58N SHP 100 329 -13<br />

9560 1100 1400 45,51,54E,55,56,64,65 SHP 100 5 13<br />

9580 0800 1400 2-4,6-10,56,60-63 SHP 100 70 0<br />

9580 1700 2000 2-4,6-10,56,60-63 SHP 100 70 0<br />

9590 0800 1600 2,6-8,51,55,56,60-65 SHP 100 30 0<br />

9630 0000 0030 54 DRW 250 290 -13 INSn<br />

9630 2130 2330 54 DRW 250 290 -13 INSn<br />

9660 0000 0800 51,56,61,64,65 BRN 10 10 0<br />

9660 2100 2200 51,56,61,64,65 BRN 10 10 0<br />

9660 2200 2300 51,56,61,64,65 BRN 10 10 0 B<strong>BC</strong> WS<br />

9660 2300 2400 51,56,61,64,65 BRN 10 10 0<br />

9690 2130 2330 54 TAI 250 2<strong>05</strong> 0<br />

9710 0700 0800 45,51,54E,55,56W,64,65W SHP 100 353 0<br />

9710 0800 1100 45,51,54E,55,56W,64,65W SHP 100 353 0<br />

9710 1600 2000 2,6,51,55,56,61,64,65,76,77 SHP 100 30 0<br />

9730 2300 2330 49SE SNG 100 13 -12<br />

9750 1430 1500 27SE,28W RMP 35 95 -10 Sat only N=DRM via VT-Merlin<br />

11550 0900 0930 54 TAI 250 2<strong>05</strong> 0<br />

11650 2000 2200 2,6,51,55,56,61,64,65,76,77 SHP 100 30 0<br />

11660 1300 1700 27,28,44,49-51,54,55,58N SHP 100 329 -13<br />

11660 2000 2200 6-8,10,56,60-63,76,77 SHP 100 70 0<br />

11695 2130 2400 50,51,54,55,58N SHP 100 329 -13<br />

11750 1400 1600 49S,54 DRW 250 290 -13 English<br />

11820 2330 2400 49E DRW 250 316 13 Vietnamese<br />

11880 0600 0800 45,51,54E,55,64 SHP 100 355 13<br />

11880 0900 1300 44,49-51,54,55,58N SHP 100 329 -13<br />

11880 1700 2130 6,56,60-63,65 SHP 100 50 0<br />

11880 2130 2300 51,55,56,61,64,65 SHP 100 30 -20<br />

12010 1300 1430 43E,44 SNG 100 13 -12<br />

12010 2200 2400 49,50,54 DRW 250 317 -23 English<br />

12080 0000 1200 51,56,60-62 BRN 10 80 0<br />

12080 2000 2200 51,56,60-62 BRN 10 80 0<br />

12080 2200 2300 51,56,60-62 BRN 10 80 0 B<strong>BC</strong> WS<br />

12080 2300 2400 51,56,60-62 BRN 10 80 0<br />

136<strong>05</strong> 0600 0700 45,50,51,54W,55,56,64,65 SHP 100 353 0<br />

13630 0700 0900 2,6-8,56,60-63,76,77 SHP 100 50 -20<br />

13630 2100 2300 51,56,61,64,65 SHP 100 65 0<br />

13630 2300 0800 45,51,54E,55,64 SHP 100 353 0<br />

13670 2300 0800 45,51,54E,55,64 SHP 100 353 0<br />

15110 2330 2400 49E TAI 250 225 0<br />

15160 <strong>05</strong>00 0800 6-8,10,11,56,60-63 SHP 100 65 0<br />

15230 2200 2400 51,55,56,61,64,65,76,77 SHP 100 30 0<br />

15240 0000 0800 51,55,56,61,64,65 SHP 100 30 0<br />

15360 2200 2400 51,55,56,61,64,65,76,77 SHP 100 30 0<br />

15415 0000 1100 50,51,54,55,58N SHP 100 329 -13<br />

15415 2130 2400 51,54,55,58N SHP 100 329 -13<br />

15470 <strong>05</strong>00 0600 49E SNG 250 13 -12<br />

15515 0200 0700 2,6-8,61-63 SHP 100 70 20<br />

15515 0700 0900 6-8,10,61-63,77 SHP 100 70 20<br />

15515 2100 2300 51,55,56,61,64,65,76,77 SHP 100 30 0

17585 2130 2400 2,6-8,56,60-63,76,77 SHP 100 50 -20<br />

17715 2100 0200 6-8,10,56,60-63,76,77 SHP 100 70 0<br />

17750 0000 0900 44,49-51,54,55,58N SHP 100 329 -13<br />

17750 2330 2400 50,51,54,55,58N SHP 100 329 -13<br />

17775 0000 0130 49,50,54 DRW 250 317 -23 English<br />

17795 2300 0200 6-8,10,51E,56,61-65 SHP 100 50 0<br />

17855 0400 0430 54 DRW 250 290 -13 INSn<br />

17855 <strong>05</strong>00 <strong>05</strong>30 54 DRW 250 290 -13 INSn<br />

17855 <strong>05</strong>30 0600 49E DRW 250 317 -23 Vietnamese<br />

21725 0000 0300 45,50,51,54W,55,56,64,65 SHP 100 355 13<br />

21725 0300 0600 43-45,49-51,54,55,64 SHP 100 329 -13<br />

21740 2100 2400 6-8,10,11,56,60-63 SHP 100 70 0<br />

21780 0400 0430 54 DHA 250 120 30<br />

BAHRAIN/INTERNATIONAL WATERS The US Navy Maritime Liaison Office (MARLO)<br />

in Bahrain, responsible for the broadcasts of "Coalition Maritime Radio<br />

One", has a new website: <br />

and also a new email address:<br />

<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, Dxplorer Oct 27)<br />

BELARUS Radio Station Belarus has a B-<strong>05</strong> schedule up at<br />

<br />

It gives its schedule as 0200-0400 on 5970 6155 7210 and 2000-2300 on 1170<br />

7125 7340 7440 kHz.<br />

English is scheduled 0300-0330 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,<br />

Friday and Saturday, 0330-0400 Sunday, 2030-2100 Monday, Tuesday,<br />

Thursday, Friday and 2200-2230 Sunday.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, dxld Nov 9)<br />

1170 / 2340 Yesterday on Nov 10 at 1845 UTC I heard the Voice of Russia<br />

with ID: "Hovorit Moskva" on 1170 kHz from Sasnovy, Belarus. This tx is<br />

producing harmonics, also noted on 2340 kHz with almost equal reception<br />

with 1170 kHz.<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, hcdx Nov 11)<br />

BELGIUM No sign of RTBF relay of domestic Premiere network noted on<br />

17570 during 1500-1800 period. Frequency had been reliable until Oct 30,<br />

is still listed on Web site.<br />

(Mike Cooper-GA-USA, dxld Nov 8)<br />

13590 1400 1900 47,48,52,53 JUL 100 160 RTB DTK<br />

13720 0600 0700 47,48,52,53 JUL 100 160 RTB DTK Tentat<br />

17545 1100 1400 47,48,52,53 JUL 100 160 RTB DTK Tentat<br />

17570 1400 1900 47,48,52,53 JUL 100 160 RTB DTK Tentat<br />

17580 0600 1000 47,48,52,53 JUL 100 160 RTB DTK<br />

21565 1000 1400 47,48,52,53 JUL 100 160 RTB DTK<br />

And RTBF Brussels via Wavre-BEL:<br />

5940 0600-0800 27,28,37-39 WAV 100 167 BEL VRT (not 5965)<br />

9970 0600-2300 27,28,37-39 WAV 250 167 BEL VRT<br />

Latter tx owned by RTB, but served by VRT Flemish section at Wavre. (wb)<br />

BOLIVIA 3310 R.Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, audible on 04 Nov 2304-2314,<br />

Quechua, talks; 44332.<br />

3390.2 R.Emuisoras Camargo (tent), Camargo, audible on 04 Nov 2321-2329,<br />

Vernacular (tent), talks; 23341.<br />

4498 R.Estambul (tent), Guayaramerin, logged on 04 Nov 2317-2328, Indian<br />

songs; 25331.

4716.8 R.Yura, Yura, audible on <strong>05</strong> Nov 2239-2249, Indian songs; 24332.<br />

4904.96 R.San Miguel (t), Riberalta, logged on <strong>05</strong> Nov 2225-2232, messages<br />

in Spanish; 32341, QRM de CHN.<br />

5952.5 R.Pio XII, Siglo XX, obs'ed on 04 Nov 2328-2340, Spanish, talks on<br />

agriculture policies; 44433, adjc. QRM.<br />

(all Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

5745,30 Radio Virgen de Remedios (pres), Tupiza, Potosi department, 2352-<br />

0030, November 10, Spanish, catholic programme. religious messagges by<br />

male. Catholic songs.<br />

At 0000 UTC, the station connected with EWTN (Radio Catolica<br />

Mundial/Catholic World Radio) and reproduced a programme with mx and talks<br />

about the Bible. S/off at 0030 UTC. 34433. Thanks Bjorn Malm-EQA for the<br />

tip.<br />

(Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 13)<br />

BOTSWANA 15580, VOA Botswana verified with QSL letter. It gave me some<br />

information about this tx:<br />

History<br />

The station in Botswana began its operation in 1981, with 50 kW tx in<br />

Selebi-Phikwe that was later handed over to R Botswana. Our station<br />

presently operates a 500 kW tx which is fixed at 909 kHz AM, and four 100<br />

kW short wave txs to transmit in English, Amharic, Swahili, Portuguese,<br />

Hausa, Shona, Ndebele and French. All VOA programs originate from studios<br />

in Washington D.C., and are delivered to the station for broadcast via<br />

satellite.<br />

Facilities<br />

Our SW site can be identified by six towers from the main road. The<br />

complex consists of the Admin Office, a Transmitter Building and<br />

Facilities Offices. Additionally, the station's satellite terminal<br />

equipment is located here. The medium wave site can be identified by four<br />

towers from the main road and consists of a Transmitter Plant building and<br />

Facilities. Both stations are equipped with emergency generators capable<br />

of maintaining operations incase of commercial power failure.<br />

Staffing<br />

The station is managed by two American Foreign Service Officers (Manager -<br />

Mr. William Martin and Transmitter Plant Supervisor - Mr. Thomas Powell).<br />

There are currently 25 fulltime local employees, who fall un<strong>der</strong> three<br />

units: Administration, Transmitter Plant and Facilities. There is also a<br />

contract staff of approximately 22 employees, who provide daily support of<br />

gardening, janitorial, chauffeur, and facilities maintenance sce.<br />

Address: International Broadcasting Bureau, <strong>Private</strong> Bag 0038, Selebi-<br />

Phikwe, Botswana.<br />

E-mail: V/S: Thomas R. Powell.<br />

(Masato Ishii-JPN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Nov 11)<br />

BRAZIL 3365 R.Cultura, Araraquara SP, 04 Nov 2310-2316, talks, mx;<br />

32341, uty. QRM + Italian pir. in QSO.<br />

4775 R.Congonhas, Congonhas MG, <strong>05</strong> Nov 2113-2118, folk songs & chats;<br />

25322.<br />

4815 R.Difusora, Londrina PR, <strong>05</strong> Nov 2204-2213, reports on the American<br />

states summit meeting in ARG & speech by president Lula da Silva; 23341.<br />

4825 R.Educadora, Braganca PA, <strong>05</strong> Nov 2207-2219, mx; 35332.

4876.2 R.Difusora, Boa Vista RR, <strong>05</strong> Nov 2217-2229, ballads; 35342.<br />

4885 R.Club do Para, Belem PA, <strong>05</strong> Nov 2221-2231, comments on f/ball<br />

matches, interviews; 34343, QRM de B.<br />

4945 R.Difusora (tent), Pocos de Caldas MG, <strong>05</strong> Nov 2230-2236 (vanished at<br />

this time, probably tx breakdown), talks on legislation proposals mainly<br />

re. agriculture; 35332.<br />

4985 R.Brasil Central, Goiania GO, <strong>05</strong> Nov 2237-..., preacher; 45333.<br />

5940 R.Guaruja, Sao Paulo SP, 04 Nov 2330-2343, mx, stn sl. "Guaruja - a<br />

radio da familia!"; 23431.<br />

5969.9 R. Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, 04 Nov 2226-2236, advts, songs;<br />

33432, adjc. QRM.<br />

6134.8 R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, <strong>05</strong> Nov 2252-2310, songs, IDs, prgr<br />

annts & rosary schedule; 45433.<br />

9504.8 R. Record, Sao Paulo SP, 04 Nov 1915-1926, news, traffic reports;<br />

24443, adjc. QRM only.<br />

9615 R. Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, prgr "Gramofone", typicall a feature<br />

devoted to oldies; 45433.<br />

9675 R. Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, <strong>05</strong> Nov 1845-1912, songs,<br />

ID+fqs+list of affil. stns, educational prgr, songs; 23532, adjc. QRM<br />

only.<br />

9695 R. Rio Mar, Manaus AM, 06 Nov 1040-f/out 1145, advts, TCs, ID+fqs,<br />

"gauchada pela Rio Mar", folk songs; 25443. Also noted the previous day,<br />

<strong>05</strong> Nov, 1855-1910 with talks on f/ball & match report Fluminense vs (...);<br />

45433.<br />

17814.7 (typically 17814.8 or 9, normally not as low as ~7) R. Cultura,<br />

Sao Paulo SP, 06 Nov 1418-1430, talks, mx; 14441, adjc. QRM.<br />

(all 16 de Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

BULGARIA 7600 Radio Varna on Nov. 6 at 2159-2220 UT. SINPO 25332.<br />

Chorus till 2200 UT, then time pips and another chorus. Nx in Bulgarian<br />

from 2201 UT. ID was heard at 2209 UT, followed by mx program.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPN Premium Nov 9)<br />

CANADA/CZECH REP Ran across R. Praga in Spanish Oct 30 at 2333 on 9660,<br />

unscheduled frequency. Too strong to be direct, consi<strong>der</strong>ing lack of other<br />

Europeans on band. Most likely new Sackville relay, which in published B-<br />

<strong>05</strong> schedule was supposed to be on 9755. Another foulup at Sackville, or<br />

deliberate change?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 1)<br />

Starting on the night of 11th-12th October 20<strong>05</strong>, on a trial basis for the<br />

winter season, Radio Prague is extending its SW broadcasts in English for<br />

central and western parts of North America, with a new time and freq<br />

relayed via Sackville in Canada. Previously Radio Prague's freqs at this<br />

time were directed to listeners in other parts of the world. We look<br />

forward to your reception reports, letting us know if the signal is<br />

reaching you loud and clear. ENGLISH 0330-0357 6040 49 250 Sackville,<br />

Canada.<br />

(Station website via Nov Australian <strong>DX</strong> Nx)<br />

?? No such txion in the B-<strong>05</strong> schedule at<br />

but I see that it now shows 9660

instead of 9755 at 2330 in Spanish via Sackville, contrary to the<br />

originally published version, and there may have been further changes.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 1)<br />

We had a report that earlier in Oct, R. Prague had started a relay via<br />

Sackville at 0330 on 6040 kHz. I did not manage to check that on UT Nov 2,<br />

but at 0415 I found R. Prague loud & clear on 6100 kHz. This too is not<br />

mentioned on their own website's B-<strong>05</strong> schedule at<br />

This was obviously a relay, likely<br />

Canada. Each txion is nominally 27 mins long, but this kept going at 0427<br />

with a recitation of the entire English target, time and freq schedule.<br />

But the txion cut off at 0429 before the announcer got to North America,<br />

which was no doubt last on the list. It's great to hear R. Prague so<br />

clearly, but they really need to get their act together so their actual<br />

txions match their published schedule match their announced schedule.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 2)<br />

Glenn, did you see the 6100 WHRI entry in FCC-private and HFCC lists?<br />

6100 0400-0600 WHRI 100 290 2<br />

6100 0400-0600 2 HRI 100 290 0 800 1234567 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 USA HRI FCC<br />

(wb, dxld Nov 9)<br />

No, I had not noticed. That is one of several 100 kW WHRI entries, which<br />

would be an old Indiana tx moved to South Carolina, making three freqs<br />

possibly in use at one time from there. But unclear whether this tx<br />

(and/or another like it supposedly moved to WHRA Maine) is actually<br />

operational.<br />

Need to check again for an RCI IS/ID immediately before or after the<br />

Prague 6100 relay, or maybe some clue that it is really WHRI.<br />

I was monitoring 6100 closely UT Nov 9; at 0358* DW was cut off in mid-<br />

word by Bonaire. Carrier came on at 0359:30 or so, with RCI IS and ID,<br />

crossing to opening of R. Prague in English at 0400. So this is Sackville,<br />

and the WHRI scheduling a red herring, altho an interesting subject in<br />

itself.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 9)<br />

Then I wrote to Radio Prague about it, asking why it is not on the<br />

schedule and if they are even aware of it? (gh, dxld Nov 9)<br />

Dear Glenn, Thanks for the mail. Yes, we are aware of the relay, but it<br />

was confirmed too late to get into our freq schedule. We are now trying to<br />

promote it via our website and in our broadcasts. I'm delighted that it<br />

provides good reception. Yours, David Vaughan<br />

David Vaughan, Editor-in-Chief Radio Prague, 120 99 Praha 2, Czech<br />

Republic.<br />

tel.: +420 22155 29<strong>05</strong> fax: +420 22155 2903<br />

Radio Prague Online: <br />

Listen on demand in MP3! Radio Prague: broadcasting from the Czech<br />

Republic in six langs (via dxld Nov 9)<br />

Dear Mr. Cip, for some time now North American listeners noted some Radio<br />

Prague SW relays in North America, i.e. 6040 kHz in A-<strong>05</strong>, and now at 0400<br />

UT on 6100 kHz in B-<strong>05</strong> season. May you can tell me the origin location of<br />

this (test?) broadcasts via tx settled in North America (USA, CAN, or even<br />

RNW Bonaire?). kind regards 73<br />

(Wolfgang Bueschel, df5sx, Stuttgart, Germany, Nov 9, to Oldrich Cip, R.<br />

Prague)<br />

Thanks: This is a good question, Mr. Bueschel. Yes, this txion is<br />

experimental and consequently it is not listed in the B<strong>05</strong> schedule. This<br />

is a relay via the Sackville txion site in Canada and it is targeted to

the Central and Western part of the North American continent. Listeners<br />

have been asked for reports that are very much appreciated. 73! OC<br />

(Oldrich Cip-CZE, R. Prague, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 9)<br />

Radio Prague Internet Team has passed on to me your query: I can confirm<br />

that 6100 kHz is a new - and experimental - channel for the 0400 UTC<br />

programme in English. This is a relay sce txion via the Sackville tx site<br />

in Canada that has been on the air since the start-date of the present B<strong>05</strong><br />

Winter Schedule.<br />

A directional antenna array is employed covering Central and Western part<br />

of the North American continent. That is probably why your reception was<br />

relatively weak on the Eastern seabord.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

(Oldrich Cip-CZE, R Prague via dxld Nov 11)<br />

While I was monitored Prague on new 6100 via Canada, I also found the 0400<br />

Arabic relay of R. Monte Carlo on a new frequency, 6080 [also via<br />

Sackville-CAN, wb.], until off abruptly at 0420 Nov 2.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 1)<br />

Radio Monte Carlo-Moyen Orient has to be labelled "France [non]" to be<br />

correct. RMC-MO is produced in the RFI broadcasting house in Paris since<br />

it became a 100% daughter of Radio France Internationale in 1996. RMC-MO<br />

is only a "brand" these days (since it is a wellknown name for the Arabic<br />

audience), the Monaco days are long gone.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Nov 2)<br />

Is there any nx where Sunday "Voice of Joy" broadcasts via Sackville moved<br />

in B<strong>05</strong>?<br />

Quoting an earlier <strong>DX</strong>LD:<br />

Time: 2000 to 2<strong>05</strong>9:00 UT, 4:00-5:00 P.M. Eastern, 3:00-4:00 P.M. Central<br />

Frequency: 9530 kHz [Sackville]<br />

Transmitter Power: 100 kW. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Oct 30)<br />

My impression was that these were special bookings during October only,<br />

but we should ask them to be sure. (Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld Oct 31)<br />

CHINA 4800 CNR-1, Ge'ermu, logged on 06 Nov 1524-1534, Chinese, songs,<br />

talks (news) 1530; 24433, QRM de IND.<br />

4980 Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, heard on 06 Nov 1536-1548, Uighur (as listed),<br />

talks; 15432.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

The abbreviation name of Hulun Buir Peoples Broadcastin Station is "HNR",<br />

which may be from the Russian translation "Hulun Buir Narodnii<br />

Radiostantsia". Hulun Buir region is bor<strong>der</strong>ed on the north by Russia.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 3)<br />

Seems the Chinese have come up with yet another jamming technique. October<br />

18th at 1403 on 7330 I was hearing Chinese talk with multiple quick<br />

echoes. It was hard to tell, but each word must have echoed three or four<br />

times. Could be from one tx, or multiple sites, and surely no accident.<br />

This is to block B<strong>BC</strong> in Chinese via Vladivostok. Just one more remin<strong>der</strong><br />

that when you hear CRI in English clearly relayed via Albania, Canada,<br />

Chile, Cuba, French Guiana, Mali, Toronto, Washington DC, or wherever,<br />

they do not deserve it.<br />

(Glenn Hauser, dxld in W<strong>DX</strong>C Contact November)<br />

CROATIA Das kroatische Fernsehen listet folgende Mittelwellensen<strong>der</strong> fuer<br />

HR Glas Hrvatske, das um das um fremdsprachige Nachrichten ergaenzte erste

Programm des kroatischen Rundfunks:<br />

Hvar 774 kHz 07.00-19.30 Uhr Ortszeit<br />

Buje 783 kHz <strong>05</strong>.00-01.00 Uhr Ortszeit<br />

Deanovac 1125 kHz 24 hrs<br />

Zadar 1134 kHz 15.00-07.30 Uhr Ortszeit<br />

Osijek 1143 (ex 594) kHz 24 hrs.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU Oct 11)<br />

Auf <strong>der</strong> Frequenz nun wie<strong>der</strong> belegten Frequenz 1143 kHz war bis 1991 ein<br />

Grosssen<strong>der</strong> (300 kW) im kroatisch-serbischen Grenzort Tovarnik in Betrieb,<br />

<strong>der</strong> jedoch seinerzeit bei Kampfhandlungen schwer beschaedigt und nicht<br />

wie<strong>der</strong> aufgebaut wurde. Beobachter aeussern angesichts <strong>der</strong> von ihnen<br />

verzeichneten Empfangsstaerken Zweifel an <strong>der</strong> fuer den Sen<strong>der</strong> Osijek mit<br />

nur 10 kW angegebenen Sendeleistung.<br />

Nach diesen offiziellen Angaben ist in Osijek weiter ein zweiter 10 kW<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong> auf 1557 kHz in Betrieb, <strong>der</strong> als einziger Mittelwellensen<strong>der</strong> von<br />

Hrvatska Radio nicht Glas Hrvatske, son<strong>der</strong>n das Programm von Radio Osijek<br />

uebertraegt.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, ntt Oct 28)<br />

CUBA 5025 R. Rebelde, Bauta, logged until late in the morning on 06 Nov<br />

0952-f/out 1<strong>05</strong>0, Spanish, mx, chats; 15431.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

Heard also in GER around 0600-0700 UT daily. wb.<br />

5025 Rebelde 2318 UT talks , nx on Cuba , US Argentina , Bush etc S5<br />

34333.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, JPNpremium Oct 26)<br />

5025 R. Rebelde on Nov <strong>05</strong> at 1158-1208 UT. 32442-33443 Spanish, Talk, ID<br />

at 1101 UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 11)<br />

5025 En la actualidad Radio Rebelde se encuentra situada en el edificio<br />

del Instituto Cubano de Radio y Television (ICRT) sito en calle 23 No. 258<br />

e/ L y M, Vedado. Apartado postal 6277 codigo postal 10600 Habana 6.<br />

Ciudad de la Habana,Cuba.<br />

Telefonos. (537) 831 3514 - FAX (537) 33 4270<br />

La emisora transmite las 24 horas del dia, una programacion esencialmente<br />

informativa, un elevado porciento de sus transmisiones se dedica a la<br />

transmision de eventos deportivos nacionales e internacionales en vivo o<br />

de manera diferida. El resto de la programacion es abierta, y la conforman<br />

6 radio-revistas en vivo.<br />

Radio Rebelde tiene una capacidad de potencia instalada de 891 Kilowats,<br />

con 44 transmisores para una cobertura del 98% de todo el pais. Posee<br />

ademas en Onda Corta en la banda tropical de 60 metros en los 5025 Mhz y 4<br />

de FM con 5316 KWs con frecuencias de 96.7 Mhz, 92.1 Mhz, 92.7 Mhz, y<br />

102.9 Mhz En nuestras instalaciones laboran aproximadamente 274<br />

trabajadores, que hacen posible sus transmisiones. Contamos con<br />

corresponsalias en cada una de las provincias del pais incluyendo el<br />

municipio especial Isla de la Juventud.<br />

AMPLITUD MODULADA (AM): 670 Y 710 Kc<br />

ONDA CORTA : Banda 31 m 9 600 Khz<br />

Banda 49 m 6 140 Khz<br />


(via Jose Miguel Romero-ESP, hcdx Nov 11)<br />

Saludos cordiales, completo esquema de horarios y frecuencias

de Radio Habana Cuba para el periodo B-<strong>05</strong>:<br />

<br />

(Jose Miguel Romero-ESP, dxld Nov 10)<br />

Tried many times, but I never got access to the website, (wb.)<br />


Valido octubre 20<strong>05</strong> a marzo 2006<br />


ESPA¥OL<br />

Nueva York 12000 11-15<br />

Norte, Centro, Suramerica 6000 11-15<br />

Caribe 9550 11-15<br />

America del Sur 118<strong>05</strong> / 15230 11-15<br />

Caribe 9550 / 11800 21-23<br />

Buenos Aires 15230 21-23<br />

Norte, Centro, Suramerica 11760 00-<strong>05</strong><br />

America Central 6140 / 5965 00-<strong>05</strong><br />

Nueva York 9820 / 6000 / 6060 00-01 / 00-<strong>05</strong><br />

[unclear which of the two time spans applies to each of 3 freqs]<br />

Caribe 9550 02-<strong>05</strong><br />

America del Sur 15230 / 11875 00-<strong>05</strong><br />


America del Norte 6000 / 11875 23-01<br />

ALà PRESIDENTE [Sunday only, open-ended, but nominally until 1830?]<br />

America Central 13680 14<br />

Caribe 11670 14<br />

America del Sur 11875 / 17750 14<br />

America del Norte 13750 14<br />

INGLES<br />

Caribe 9550 23-24 / <strong>05</strong>-07<br />

America del Norte 9820 / 6000 / 6060 01-<strong>05</strong> / <strong>05</strong>-07<br />

Norte, Centro, Suramerica 11760 <strong>05</strong>-07<br />


Caribe 9550 / 95<strong>05</strong> 00-01 / 01:30-02 / 22-22:30<br />

Norte, Centro, Suramerica 11760 20-20:30 / 21:30-22<br />


America del Sur 177<strong>05</strong> / 15230 22-22:30 / [sic:]23-23:30 23-24<br />

Caribe [sic] 11800 20-20:30<br />

GUARAN+<br />

America del Sur 177<strong>05</strong> 22:30-23 / 23:30-24<br />


America del Sur 177<strong>05</strong> 00-00:30<br />

CREOLE Caribe 95<strong>05</strong>-9550 21:30-22 / 22:30-23 / 01-01:30<br />

+RABE Caribe [sic] 11800 20:30-21<br />

ESPERANTO [Sundays only!]<br />

America del Norte 6000 0700-0730.<br />

Norte, Centro, Suramerica 11760 1500-1530 / 1930-2000.<br />

America Central 6140 2330-2400.<br />

(RHC website via Sean Gilbert-UK, WRTH, cleaned up by gh for dxld Nov 10)<br />

Several RHC txs are still down; at 2250 Oct 30 the only one I could find<br />

was 9550 with a numismatics talk in Spanish; nothing on 11760, 11800 or

12000. After 2300, 9550 into French. Before 2400 there were large carriers<br />

on 11875 and 11760, which opened on the hour with RHC news, and incredibly<br />

divergent audio. As with Venezuela relay in the morning, 11875 was<br />

extremely overmodulated and distorted, while 11760 had good clear audio;<br />

the two were also slightly out of synch producing a reverb when monitored<br />

on two receivers.<br />

Missing the previous morning, RHC txs were back in action Oct 31 at 1420<br />

with a fragment of Fidel, as always during this semihour, on 9550, 11760,<br />

118<strong>05</strong> and 12000.<br />

Then Nov 1 at 1442, weak signal from RHC on 11850. This would be a mixing<br />

product at 45 kHz interval between 11760 and 118<strong>05</strong>. Anything on 11715 was<br />

blocked by other signals.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 1)<br />

DRM DRM, Digital Radio Mondiale txions continue to generate interference<br />

well away from the assigned 10 kiloHertz short wave broadcast channels,<br />

and this is causing many listener's anger. There is no reason to operate<br />

DRM broadcasts with such a greater than required bandwidth, and as a<br />

matter of fact, I think that DRM short wave broadcasts must be assigned a<br />

number of sub-bands, so that they don't continue to cause such harmful<br />

interference to stations using the standard AM broadcast double side band<br />

plus carrier system with five kiloHertz audio bandwidth that uses, when<br />

properly adjusted, 10 kiloHertz of spectrum space for each station.<br />

In actual practice, an audio filter with a steep slope above 4.3 kiloHertz<br />

actually improves the reception of an AM SW broadcast, and using a filter<br />

with a similar fast slope that will reduce the bass freq response below<br />

100 Hertz is also a very good idea to put in practice.<br />

The concept of isolating the DRM stations into sub-bands of the existing<br />

short wave international broadcast bands, or even assign new bands for<br />

them to broadcast, is now advancing among several telecommunications<br />

administrations, and already I am keeping a watchful eye on several DRM<br />

broadcasts that are on the air on freqs that are far away from the 6<br />

megaHertz band assignment, as they may be signalling the beginning of a<br />

trend.<br />

(Arnie Coro-CUB CO2KK, RHC <strong>DX</strong>ers Unlimited Nov 1 via O<strong>DX</strong>A via dxld)<br />

ETHIOPIA 9704.2 on Oct 26 at 0657 UT. R. Ethiopia - Gedja, Amarico,<br />

telefonata OM, canzone YL. At 0701 UT nxs OM (nominata l'Etiopia alle<br />

07.03!). Irregolare a quest'ora. S2-3.<br />

(Botto Fiora-I, JPNpremium Nov 4)<br />

7110 R. Ethiopia at 0340-0401 UT on Nov 15, Vernacular, Various<br />

announcers and interview b/w jazz-like mx bits. ID/IS at 0359 then<br />

presumed news. Fair. Nothing on // 9704v but presumed DRM hash.<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Nov 15)<br />

R. Fana, 6209.92, at *0257-0315+ UT on Nov 4, sign-on with IS, 0259 talk<br />

in local lang, 0300 Horn of Africa mx. Fair; weaker on // 6940.<br />

V. of Tigray Revolution, 5500, at *0356-0415+ UT on Nov 4; sign-on with<br />

flute IS, 0400 vernacular talk. Weak; stronger on // 6350.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Nov 15)<br />

FALKLAND ISLS/U.K. [and non]. A remin<strong>der</strong> to please check 11680, 11720<br />

and elsewhere on the 25m band for Calling the Falklands from B<strong>BC</strong>WS,<br />

Tuesday at 2130-2145 UT. Thanks,<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld Nov 8)<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Calling the Falklands confirmed tonight at 2130 on 11680 kHz: fair<br />

reception here, though weak and fluttery. So the B<strong>BC</strong>WS website is wrong as

it shows this being on 11720. I won<strong>der</strong> what other inaccuracies there are<br />

in the WS freq charts which were all recently updated on the web site.<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, dxld Nov 8)<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> English to the Falklands on 11680. Heard the Bow Bells IS at 2129 UT<br />

Tuesday, 8 November using a narrow filter because of splash from B<strong>BC</strong> WS on<br />

11675 to Caribbean and Central America. Voice wiped out by 11675 and also<br />

somewhat from 11690, DW in English to West Africa. Could detect voice<br />

using USB but very weak. What a poor choice of freq with 11675 booming in.<br />

Nothing heard on listed 11720. B<strong>BC</strong> WS also good during this hour on 15400,<br />

15390 (to 2130), 9410, and 6195. Also 60<strong>05</strong> was very weak.<br />

(Bernie O'Shea-Ont-CAN, dxld Nov 8)<br />

Glenn, as promised, B<strong>BC</strong>, the Falklands Islands special is still on 11680<br />

kHz, at least on Tue Nov 8th at 2130 UT. B<strong>BC</strong> interval signal at 2129 UT<br />

into ID by lady and male announcer. Level S=1 just over threshold.<br />

Condition in 25 mb is lousy tonight; listen to the short MP3 recording, as<br />

attachment.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 8)<br />

Well, done, gentlemen; thanks! In case there were no responses I also<br />

tried, interrupting a shopping trip to try on my home rigs. In the splash<br />

of 11675, I was only able to detect a carrier on 11680 at 2130, so I<br />

waited to see when it went off: precisely at 2144:30, just as was always<br />

the case with Calling the Falklands when I could really hear it, so I<br />

figured it was still there.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 9)<br />

re B<strong>BC</strong> 11680 - the path to the Falklands from the UK must be a difficult<br />

one at 2130. A relay via Meyerton or Ascension would surely work better.<br />

But, if VT can get the signal past the first reflection point then maybe<br />

it will work better than I think!<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 10)<br />

This page (now) also mentions 11680 kHz as frequency, but one has to<br />

disregard the tx details page linked there:<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 13)<br />

FRANCE Test txions for Radio Monte Carlo in French in DRM mode:<br />

0600-1600 on 6165 FON 030 kW / non-dir, strong co-ch Croation Radio HS-1<br />

in AM mode<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 25)<br />

Radio France Internationale (RFI) has created two separate programming<br />

divisions - an Africa sce division and a world sce division. RFI has also<br />

created a Europe unit, to "co-ordinate the different ways of reporting<br />

European news", RFI said. The three new structures will come un<strong>der</strong> RFI's<br />

nx directorate.<br />

The Africa sce division will "handle programmes intended for the African<br />

continent", while the world sce division will "handle programmes intended<br />

for the rest of the world, including the Paris FM frequency", according to<br />

RFI. The managing editors of these two sces "will draw up and implement<br />

the programme strategy suitable to their respective target audiences", the<br />

broadcaster announced.<br />

It is unclear what effect this will have on the broadcaster's output at<br />

present, but reflects the importance of Europe and Africa to the<br />

broadcaster which is funded both by French TV licence fees and by grant<br />

from the French govt.<br />

(Association for International Bc, via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Nov 14)

As of UT November 14, a fortnight after the start of season B-<strong>05</strong>, RFI<br />

English website<br />

http://www.rfi.fr/fichiers/Langues/rfi_anglais_main.asp<br />

still shows outdated A-<strong>05</strong> freqs along the right margin. Does anyone<br />

have an accurate, complete and up-to-date RFI B-<strong>05</strong> freq schedule yet?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 14)<br />

7180 1400-1500 40S,41,43S XIA 150 255 3010<strong>05</strong> 260206 En CHN<br />

7315 0400-0430 48S,52E,53,57E GAB 250 127 En GAB<br />

9555 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 38,47E,48,52E,53,57E ISS 500 135 3010<strong>05</strong> 260206 En/Fr F<br />

9580 1400-1500 40S,41,43S XIA 150 255 260206 260306 En CHN<br />

9730 1600-1700 52,53,57N MEY 100 5 En AFS<br />

11615 1600-1700 37E,38W,47N ISS 500 145 En F<br />

11615 1600-1730 28S,38E,39,40 ISS 500 110 En F<br />

11725 0700-0800 37S,46,47S GAB 250 307 En GAB<br />

11850 <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 48S,52E,53,57E GAB 250 127 En GAB<br />

11995 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 38E,47E,48,53,68 ISS 500 135 260206 260306 En/Fr F<br />

11995 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 38,47E,48,52E,53,57E ISS 500 135 3010<strong>05</strong> 260206 En/Fr F<br />

15155 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 38,47E,48,52E,53,57E ISS 500 135 260206 260306 En/Fr F<br />

15155 0600-0630 38,47E,48,52E,53,57E,ISS 500 135 En F<br />

15160 1600-1700 37S,46,47W,52N MEY 250 328 En AFS<br />

15365 1600-1700 38W,46E,47,52,57N ISS 500 162 3010<strong>05</strong> 260206 En F<br />

156<strong>05</strong> 1600-1730 38E,47E,48,53,68 ISS 500 140 En F<br />

17515 1400-1500 28S,29S,39,40 ISS 500 100 En F<br />

17800 0600-0700 38E,47E,48,52E,53,57EISS 500 135 En/Fr F<br />

17850 1600-1700 38W,46E,47,52,57N ISS 500 162 260206 260306 En F<br />

21620 1200-1300 38E,47E,48,53,68 ISS 500 130 En/Fr F<br />

GERMANY 1179 SR Info (Saarlaendischer Rundfunk Infoprogramm) is now<br />

testing. HM heard the station on the first test day on October 25th. The<br />

testprogram is a relay of SR3 Saarlandwelle (FM).<br />

This week they also used SR1 Europawelle Saar as modulation, the program<br />

that was carried on 1422 kHz until 1994y.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 14)<br />

I just received word that Berlin 567 will be shut down on December 31.<br />

Error excepted for the moment, but actually the only nx here is this<br />

deadline.<br />

Herewith the MW operations from the Stallupoener Allee site are to cease<br />

after 59 years. The last fittings there consisted of two 5 kW txs from<br />

1972/1973 (replaced the original rigs from 1946) for 810/1449 and a 100 kW<br />

PDM tx (Telefunken, so should be an S4002) from 1980 (replaced the old 100<br />

kW from 1960) for 567. 1449 was the second mediumwave outlet of Sen<strong>der</strong><br />

Freies Berlin and shut down in 1994. 810 was the Berlin freq of the B<strong>BC</strong><br />

who abandoned it by the end of 1988, afterwards a relay of Deutschlandfunk<br />

on this frequency started in spring 1989 and was kept until<br />

Deutschlandfunk came on FM in Berlin in the early nineties. Last 810<br />

activity from Stallupoener Allee were DRM demonstrations during the IFA<br />

2001. And the story of 567: In the early nineties the output was reduced<br />

from 100 to 50 kW and in a second much more dramatic step to a mere ca. 2<br />

kW in spring 1997, reportedly first from a 5 kW running at reduced power<br />

but later from a new tx. The Radio B2 program carried on 567 was<br />

discontinued in August 1997, since then Radio Multikulti is used as<br />

modulation on 567.<br />

I assume it went by widely unnoticed that between Christmas and New Years<br />

Eve 1996 the Ostdeutscher Rundfunk Brandenburg program Radio Brandenburg<br />

was carried for one night on 567 for a very special program. The 50 kW<br />

still in use then were sufficient to produce a feedback on air from near<br />

Cottbus. I bet this was the first and last time a telephone on a railway<br />

signal tower went on air live. It was a really ancient one, with a carbon<br />

microphone of course, and unfortunately it was gone when I three years ago

visited this signal tower again. That's my personal 567 story ...<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 14)<br />

Deutschlandfunk 1269 kHz will be switched off on November 15, 20<strong>05</strong>, from<br />

11:30 to 20:00 local time (=10:30-19:00 UTC) for urgent maintenance.<br />

From <br />

Abschalthinweis Mittelwellensen<strong>der</strong> Neumuenster 1269 kHz 15.11.<strong>05</strong> von 11:30<br />

Uhr bis 20:00 Uhr<br />

Ein Hinweis in eigener Sache: Wegen dringen<strong>der</strong> technischer<br />

Wartungsarbeiten muss <strong>der</strong> Mittelwellensen<strong>der</strong> Neumuenster 1269 kHz am<br />

15.11.20<strong>05</strong> von 11:30 Uhr bis 20:00 Uhr abgeschaltet werden.<br />

(Guenter Lorenz-D, mwoffsets Nov 12)<br />

Interessante Sendung auf Phoenix (Wie<strong>der</strong>standssen<strong>der</strong> betrieben und mit dem<br />

Leben bezahlt)<br />

Hallo,<br />

<br />

hierzu noch ein Link von Spiegel Online:<br />

<br />

vy73 (Christof Proft, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 8)<br />

(...)<br />

"In einer Wohnung in <strong>der</strong> Altenburger Lessingstrasse versammeln sich vier<br />

junge Leute: Joern-Ulrich Broedel, Ulf Uhlig, Joachim Naether und Gerhard<br />

Schmale. Sie sind 18 Jahre alt, besuchen die 11. Klasse <strong>der</strong> "Karl-Marx-<br />

Oberschule" und gehoeren einem oppositionellen Zirkel in ihrer Schule an.<br />

Fuer diesen Abend planen sie eine wagemutige Aktion - eine illegale<br />

Radiosendung aus Anlass des 70. Geburtstages von Josef Stalin." (...)<br />

Folgenden Link habe ich gerade im Netz gefunden:<br />

<br />

Ich denke, er ist fuer einige nicht ganz uninteressant.(ibid.)Der<br />

Schwarzsen<strong>der</strong> war im gesammten MW Band abstimmbar, sendete mit 600 Watt<br />

auf <strong>der</strong> Welle Leipzig Wie<strong>der</strong>au 785 kHz, die damals den Sueden <strong>der</strong><br />

Sowjetzone abdeckte. Die weiteste Empfang wurde aus Markleeberg in 40 km<br />

Entfernung gemeldet.<br />

(DK1HL Gerhard Schmale via wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 14)<br />

Deutsche Welle - ungutes Gefuehl !<br />

In <strong>der</strong> letzten Zeit kommt es mir so vor, als ob die DW auf <strong>der</strong><br />

"Hausfrequenz" 6075 kHz irgendwie schlechter zu empfangen ist als sonst.<br />

Waehrenddessen ist z.B. Radio Schweden mit auslaendischem Programm auf <strong>der</strong><br />

6065 kHz knallbumm zu empfangen, also schliesse ich nicht unbedingt auf<br />

schlechte Ausbreitungsbedingungen!<br />

Auch das neue 2-Stunden-Programm macht mir Sorgen! Auch wenn ich mich<br />

selber halb als Programmhoerer und halb als <strong>DX</strong>-er bezeichnen wuerde, bin<br />

ich mit <strong>der</strong> DW zur Zeit nicht recht zufrieden!<br />

Kurzfazit: Das Programm ist mit 2 Stunden zu kurz geworden! Ich haette<br />

gerne wie<strong>der</strong> das vorige Programmschema zurueck! Das werde ich <strong>der</strong> DW auch<br />

schreiben, nur nutzen wird es vielleicht nur was, wenn es hun<strong>der</strong>te an<strong>der</strong>e<br />

auch tun wuerden.<br />

Ich bin ja schon froh, dass die DW ueberhaupt noch analog sendet, sonst<br />

koennte auch <strong>der</strong>zeit kaum einer ueber das Programm schreiben ;-)<br />

(Frank M. Muth-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 9)

Nein Frank, es gibt keine Reduktionen technischer Art auf 6075 kHz.<br />

Das duenne Signal tagsueber [hier in D.] ergibt sich nur aus den<br />

Winterbedingungen in <strong>der</strong> Nahzone im November bis Ende Februar.<br />

WER ist 24 Stunden auf 6075 zugange, plus 2 Std. Nauen, sowie Sines<br />

Portugal um 1700-0800 UT.<br />

Checke doch mal an Deinem Standort den Empfang um 0754-0756 und 1659-1701<br />

UT, beim Ab- o<strong>der</strong> Aufschalten von Sines.<br />

6075 0000 0800 18,27,28,37N WER 500 0 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 GERMAN D DWL<br />

6075 0200 0400 39,40W NAU 500 120 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 GERMAN D DWL<br />

6075 0400 0755 27,28W SIN 250 40 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 GERMAN POR DWL<br />

6075 0800 1600 27,28 WER 500 0 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 GERMAN D DWL<br />

6075 1600 1800 38,39 WER 500 150 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 GERMAN D DWL<br />

6075 1600 1800 18,27,28 WER 500 0 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 GERMAN D DWL<br />

6075 1700 2155 28,29 SIN 250 40 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 GERMAN POR DWL<br />

6075 1800 2400 18,27,28,37N WER 500 0 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 GERMAN D DWL<br />

6075 1800 1959 37E,38W,46E,47W WER 500 180 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 GERMAN D DWL<br />

6075 2155 0400 28,29 SIN 250 40 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 GERMAN POR DWL<br />

Zum Programm: wir waren letzte Woche in Spanien und ich habe mehrere Male<br />

im Hotel in die DW hinein gehoert, immer auf 9545 aus Nauen:<br />

fuer mich ist das DW Programm so duerftig geworden, eher vergleichbar den<br />

Nx Sen<strong>der</strong>n hier wie SWR ContRa o<strong>der</strong> hr-Info auf Mittelwelle, Bayern5 [die<br />

ich alle mag]. Da koennen sie gleich den ARD Haeppchen Pool ansaugen.<br />

Nur als Auslandssen<strong>der</strong> muss ich dann keine 600 Journalisten mehr haben,<br />

das duerftige deutsche Programm kommt dann mit

INDIA AIR Leh heard on 4760 September 27th at 1545 UT with English nx in<br />

// with Port Blair, which was stronger, but with slight difference in<br />

sound. There were separate programmes after 1545 where Leh was in // with<br />

Srinagar.<br />

(<strong>Jan</strong> Edh-SWE, SW Bulletin via Thomas Nilsson, dxld Nov 9)<br />

INDONESIA 3325 RRI Palangkaraya at 1349-1410 UT on Nov 11. Sub-<br />

continental vocals; M ancr at 1359 with ID, followed by 4 reps of local<br />

IS; another ID at 1400 and time check were followed by local/regional<br />

berita to 1410 UT tuneout. Good signal.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 12)<br />

3325 RRI Palangkaraya, Nov 11, 1319-1336, with mx program, reception<br />

fair. So as Victor Goonetilleke points out, the fire there must not have<br />

been that bad, as they are back on the air again with a decent signal.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 13)<br />

4790 RRI Fak Fak on Nov. 7 at 1013-1100 UT. 43333 Talk and mx in INSn.ID<br />

at 1031 as 'programa satu, Radio Republik INS, Fak Fak'.<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 11)<br />

4925 RRI, Jambi, obs'ed on 06 Nov 1532-1546, Bahasa INS, talks, songs;<br />

15421. Noted the previous day, <strong>05</strong> Nov, 2227-2233 when rated 24331, QRM de<br />

B (tent).<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

4925 RRI, Jambi, obs'ed on 06 Nov 1532-1546, Bahasa INS, talks, songs;<br />

15421. Noted the previous day, <strong>05</strong> Nov, 2227-2233 when rated 24331, QRM de<br />

B (tent).<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

9524.98 VOI on Nov 7 at 0859 UT full ID: "This is the Voice of INS in<br />

Jakarta, for listeners in the Pacific area, Europe, the Middle East, north<br />

Africa or wherever you are listening. We now have come to the end of our<br />

English txion. The English program of the V.O.I. can be heard daily on<br />

9525 kHz, on the 31 mb, 15150 kHz on the 18 mb and 11785 kHz on the 25<br />

mb." Have not heard them since Nov 7, so they are back to their usual<br />

erratic schedule.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 13)<br />

9552.56 Radio Republik INS, Makassar. Nov. 6 at 0657-0756 UT. SINPO<br />

24332. Talk till 0700 UT, then another talk sounded like news. ID was<br />

heard at 0718 UT, then mx program with INSn popular songs.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 11)<br />

9680 RRI Jakarta (Cimanggis), on Nov 2 (Wed.) at 0855-1110 UT, woman DJ<br />

with prgm of pop Indo songs, ID for "FM Jakarta," 1000 into Ramadan prgm<br />

with two men announcers with on-air phone calls, reciting from the Quran,<br />

IDs for R.R.I. Jakarta. Was looking for the KGRE (Kang Guru Radio English)<br />

program but they were not on during this time period. At tune-in noted<br />

mo<strong>der</strong>ate QRM from assume WYFR (in Portuguese?) but RRI steadily got<br />

stronger and by 1000 WYFR was very faint. At 1<strong>05</strong>9 Taiwan (presumed)<br />

signed-on.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 3)<br />

9680 KGRE program via RRI Jakarta on Nov 13 at 1006-1021 UT, in English,<br />

KGRE jingle, ID, freqs. They have returned to their regular, post-Ramadan<br />

schedule. Fair-poor, mixing with WYFR (in French). Both about the same<br />

strength.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 13)<br />


Bjarke Vestesen-DEN once more has visited Syria as a Tour Guide. This time<br />

he brought his AOR AR7030 PLUS receiver which gave excellent results from

a noise-free hotel in the Palmyra desert. However, several customs<br />

officers at Damascus Airport took a very close look at it, but finally<br />

accepted it and welcomed Bjarke to Syria!<br />

(Bjarke Vestesen in Palmyra-SYR, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Nov 2)<br />

3860.5v, UNID, 1710-1722*, Oct 19, Farsi-language, mentioned Kurdistan,<br />

jammed and suddenly off at 1722. Probably changed freq to avoid jamming as<br />

the same female announcer was heard at 1725 on 4365.5. 43444.<br />

(Bjarke Vestesen in Palmyra-SYR, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Nov 2)<br />

Probably the Voice of the Communist Party of Iran (AP.)<br />

3865, Voice of the Communist Party of Iran, 1715-1753*, Oct 20, Farsi ann,<br />

IDs as "Radyo Komalah". Jammed. At 1738 freq was changed to 3855.71 kHz to<br />

avoid jamming, but this lasted for only one min! At 1745 freq was changed<br />

once again to 3865.84 kHz with nx reports (Washington mentioned several<br />

times). Jamming began here at 1748 and heard here untill s/off at 1753*.<br />

42332-44444.<br />

3895.06, UNID, 1524-1530, Oct 20, Kurdish folk mx, again completely<br />

covered by Iranian jamming. 31331.<br />

(Bjarke Vestesen in Palmyra-SYR, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Nov 2)<br />

Probably the Voice of Iranian Revolution. (AP.)<br />

3968.4v, Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, 0410-0429*, Oct 21, Kurdish, clear ID<br />

at 0413 and 0429. Denmark mentioned. Jammed and best audible in LSB. Not<br />

// to 4850 which was heard at the same time. Frequency changed at 0429-<br />

0430 to avoid jamming to 3960, heard here with IDs like "Radyo Kurdistani<br />

Irani" several times. Also jammed here. 33443-43443.<br />

3970, Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, 0425-0456*, Oct 20, Kurdish or Farsi<br />

(could not hear the difference clearly), ann, Kurdish mx, jammed but still<br />

best audible in USB, ID at 0430 and 0455 as "radyo sedaye kurdistani<br />

Irani". Same programme heard on 4870, but not in // - but mx, announcers<br />

etc. were the same. 42332.<br />

4375.76, UNID, 1520-1525, Oct 20, Farsi or Kurdish ann, Quran-prayer,<br />

almost completely blocked by jamming. 41331.<br />

(Bjarke Vestesen in Palmyra-SYR, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Nov 2)<br />

Probably the Voice of Iranian Revolution // 3880v. (AP.)<br />

4395.7, Voice of the Independence of Iranian Kurdistan, 1507-1511*, Oct<br />

20, Farsi, heavy jammed, suddenly off-air and after some detective work it<br />

might have changed freq to 4385 for a few mins and then off, 31331.<br />

4404.15, UNID, 15<strong>05</strong>-1530, Oct 20, no ann but only nonstop Arabic mx,<br />

jammed at 1519 and then not audible. Untill then: 34444.<br />

(Bjarke Vestesen in Palmyra-SYR, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Nov 2)<br />

Probably the Voice of the Independence of Iranian Kurdistan. (AP.)<br />

4406.2, Voice of the Independence of Iranian Kurdistan, 1525-1544*, Oct<br />

31, orchestra mx until 1534 when a man gave ID in Kurdish twice: "Eira<br />

Dengi Sarbakhoye Kurdistana Irana" followed by a martial song by mixed<br />

choir, 1537 another ID in Kurdish, a fanfare and a long sentence with<br />

several ID's! 34343 with slight CWQRM. At 1538 another man gave an ID<br />

possibly in Farsi and jamming immediately started, 32342. At 1540 the<br />

station was heard on 4404.9 with a song and then disappeared.<br />

4850, Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, 0410-0428*, Oct 21, Kurdish, same<br />

announcer as on 3968.4, but not in//and seemingly not the same programme.<br />

Weaker here, but also less jamming. Clear ID at 0427. Frequency changed to

4870 from 0432, also heard at this time with IDs. Jammed. Disappeared<br />

after checking at 0455 (I was listening on 3960 at this time). 23433-<br />

22442.<br />

4870, Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, 0450-0459*, Oct 20, same programme as<br />

heard on 3970, but not in parallel. Jammed - as usual. 33333.<br />

6335, Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan, *1400-1430, Oct 16, s/on with nonstop<br />

Kurdish mx, ann, ID in Kurdish and Quran-prayer. 34333.<br />

(all Bjarke Vestesen in Palmyra-SYR, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Nov 2)<br />

3970.3 Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, Al-Sulaymaniyah, Iraq, at *0247-0310<br />

on Nov 06, *0244 Carrier s/on, 0247 non-stop Kurdish songs, 0300 Kurdish<br />

ID: "Aira dangi Kurdistan Irana", 35343, martial song - and jamming began!<br />

then 33342, recitations from the Qur'an. The // was not heard on 4860v,<br />

but jamming began on 4861.6 at *0302 and it jumped to 4885.9 at 0318.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Nov 11)<br />

Also heard at 1540 UT, Nov 06, Kurdish talks; drifted to 3969.30 kHz;<br />

14331, barely heard jammer.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Nov 11)<br />

4615.1, R Voice of Komala, *0327-0340, Nov 06, Ouverture followed by six<br />

(!) ID's in Kurdish: "Eira dengi Komala", talk, 35333 - jammed from *0335,<br />

then 33333. // 3930 not heard, but open carrier on 3939.56 at *0314-0335<br />

UT.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Nov 11)<br />

6335.5, Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan, Salah al-Din, No. Iraq, at 0340-0401 UT<br />

on Oct 30 and Nov 06, Kurmanji Kurdish ann, Kurdish songs - always heavily<br />

disturbed by a digital utility tx on 6335.0 kHz, so audible in USB only,<br />

21331.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Nov 11)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. 4450 KCBS, Pyongyang, logged on 04 Nov at 2312-... UT,<br />

Korean, orchestral themes; 34443.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

3320.2 Pyongyang at 1230-1251 UT on Nov 11. M&W chatting to 1241, then<br />

typical KR choral mx. Fair signal, improving to good, as were // freqs<br />

6250.1 and 6398.8.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 12)<br />

LAOS 6130, Lao National Radio, at 1200-1227 on Oct. 27, tune-in just as<br />

familiar gongs were ringing slowly, brief Asian theme or anthem, ID, then<br />

into man and woman alternating nx with many mentions of Vientiane. Into<br />

possible commentary 1223-1226 framed by brief mx themes. Fair at peaks but<br />

another station building un<strong>der</strong>neath.<br />

(John Herkimer-NY, NASWA Nov 1)<br />

LATVIA Hallo Radiofreunde,<br />

am diesem Sonntag das ist <strong>der</strong> 13.11.20<strong>05</strong> um 13:00 Uhr UTC, gibt es die<br />

naechste Sendung von "Radio73" auf 9290 kHz ueber den Sen<strong>der</strong> von Krebs-TV<br />

in Ulbroka Lettland. Diesmal gibt es Musik aus Filmen und Fernsehserien,<br />

einen Beitrag ueber Hoerspiele, eine Geistergeschichte und die Bekanntgabe<br />

des Gewinners des Wettbewerbes aus <strong>der</strong> Augustsendung.<br />

Ich wuerde mich freuen, wenn Ihr mal reinhoert.<br />

Natuerlich gibt es fuer jeden Empfangsbericht mit ausreichend Rueckporto<br />

eine QSL-Karte!<br />

Weitere Infos unter:<br />

Also dann bis Sonntag!<br />

Euer Mattias aus Boenningstedt bei Hamburg! (Nov 13)<br />

LIBERIA [non] Do you have any idea what this tx might be?<br />

2110-2130 English lang interview (sport) ;<br />

2130-2133 Nx in French (lots of mentions of Liberia);<br />

2133-2200 Health programme in English;<br />

No idents; 11960; SINPO 34333. I can't find it in any lists.<br />

(Jon Kempster-UK, dxld Nov 10)<br />

Jonathan, That would be Star Radio, Liberia, via Ascension. They are also<br />

on 9525 kHz at 0700-0900 UT. Have been operating for a few months now.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld Nov 10)<br />

LITHUANIA Just letting you know that from Wednesday 30th Nov Pipeline<br />

Radio will commence its weekly quality pop/rock format from Lithuania in<br />

English to northern Europe. Reasons to switch on your radio on winter<br />

Wednsday Nights are- Pipeline Radio will broadcast from 2300 hrs Central<br />

European until 0100 [2200-2400 UT].<br />

Pipeline Radio will be available on 1386 AM Wednesday nights and 7d/24hrs<br />

on the net Pipeline Radio on 1386 will be heard in Sweden, Lithuania,<br />

Lativia, Finland and Belarus. Pipeline Radio is always avaliable 24/7<br />

around the world at <br />

Reception reports welcomed at <br />

(Steve Cisco, Rus-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

This will be via the 7 kW tx in Bubiai (NW Lithuania), not via the 500 kW<br />

tx in Sitkunai which is used for China Radio International relays on 1386<br />

at other times. Howevber, despite of the small power this tx used to<br />

propagate rather well in the region during earlier tests. Both relays on<br />

1386 are provided by Radio Baltic Wavbes International (RWBI).<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Nov 7)<br />

1386 This looks like the same tx:<br />

Pipeline Radio from northern Lithuania.<br />

Radio Sweden MediaScan reports that Pipeline Radio, a UK net-based station<br />

<br />

is about to commence programmes from Bubia in northern Lithuania on 1386<br />

kHz AM. The station will operate every Wednesday evening from the 30<br />

November from 2300 UTC after China Radio International close-down.<br />

<br />

Radio 390 to return on 1386.<br />

Paul Francis of Radio 390 posted the following on Anorak Nation November<br />

13th:<br />

Hi, Paul Francis here. Just to let you know, we are going on 1386 kHz<br />

between 10.00pm to 03.00am. Our first fulltime programes will be on<br />

Christmas Eve, but before then, we will be doing a 15min test on 1386khz<br />

on a Wednesday night which l will let you know the date in the next few<br />

days.<br />

Their website is now: <br />

I checked the Listen Live stream this morning and it was playing a<br />

webstream from MOR memories:<br />

<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Nov 14)<br />

Radio Baltic Waves International (RBWI) resumed the lease of the 7 kW<br />

transmitter in Bubiai (near Siauliai) in Northern Lithuania on 1386 kHz,<br />

and is providing the following relay sces:

- Relay of RFE/RL in Russian daily from 1300-1600 with 3.5 kW<br />

- Relay of Pipeline Radio 1386AM every Wednesday 2200-2400 for 5 weeks,<br />

starting 30 November, with 7kW<br />

Pipeline Radio 1386AM is produced by the UK net station Pipeline Radio<br />

; their txion block may also include<br />

programming produced by other broadcasters.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx Nov 15)<br />

MALI 4782.43 R. Mali, Kati, observed on 31 Oct 2312-2324 (no use keep<br />

listening till later...), French, annts, folk tunes and songs, mentioned<br />

some program called "(...) et Developpement"; // 5995 kHz un<strong>der</strong> adjacent<br />

DRM QRM; 54433, BUT extremely weak audio - what's the point of of handling<br />

such a signal?!<br />

5995 R. Mali, Kati, on 31 Oct at 2324-2340, French, tunes + folk songs;<br />

adacent QRM de DRM signal; 54433, but weakish audio, though not as serious<br />

as on 60 mb.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, dxld Oct 31)<br />

MADAGASCAR 117<strong>05</strong> [to ZIMBABWE] Voice of the People (from Madagascar) to<br />

Zimbabwe. 7120 at 1700 this evening is again severely jammed by Zimbabwean<br />

authorities but they aren't here.<br />

VOP has moved to a new freq as of B-<strong>05</strong> schedule from RNW facilities on<br />

Madagascar which is 117<strong>05</strong>. This freq has a hollow sound from the tx on<br />

Madagscar but propagates well into Zimbabwe.<br />

(David Pringle-Wood-ZWE, dxld Oct 31)<br />

MALAYSIA 6024.88 Voice of Islam, on Nov 9 at 1438-1459 and 1519-1526<br />

UT, young woman DJ with pop songs, many IDs for "Radio Suara Islam" and<br />

mentions "FM," 1450 into news, on-air phone calls. Audio somewhat<br />

distorted. Fair.<br />

7270, Wai FM, Nov 9, 1356-1420 and 1531-1600* UT, good reception, woman DJ<br />

with pop songs, 1400-14<strong>05</strong> UT "Berita Wai FM" (news), many singing station<br />

jingles, on-air phone call from Brunei. Off in mid-song.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld Nov 10)<br />

MEXICO 6010 R. Mil, Cd. de Mexico, logged on 06 Nov at 0956-f/out 1<strong>05</strong>0,<br />

Spanish, songs; 24432, increasingly weak het. with CLM.<br />

6185 R.Educacion, Cd. de Mexico, obs'ed on 06 Nov 10<strong>05</strong>-f/out 1<strong>05</strong>5,<br />

Spanish, class. mx themes & other mx later; 25442.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

MYANMAR R Myanmar, Yangon noted today Nov 4 at 1320 UTC on 5040,40 kHz<br />

with poor to fair reception. Signal strength S5 and mx was nice local. A<br />

couple days ago I heard all four 90 mb All India Radio stations still<br />

using their current freqs. Not freq change to 60 meter band yet.<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, RUS <strong>DX</strong>signal Nov 9)<br />

NETHERLANDS In an earlier message I reported that the govt of the<br />

Netherlands was taken to court over an auction to sell NOZEMA.Yesterday,<br />

november the 9th, a dutch court ruled that the take over of NOZEMA (owner<br />

of all broadcast txsites in The Netherlands) by means of an auction was<br />

not unlawfull.<br />

The court decided that the govt did not harm the rights of any interested<br />

parties in NOZEMA.<br />

The complete text of this case has not been issued therefore details are<br />

unknown to me.

The parties involved in this case have a right to appeal but uncertain is<br />

if they will. It will be interesting to know how things work out once<br />

NOZEMA is taken over.<br />

Greetings from the Netherlands,<br />

Gerard A. Koopal LL.M<br />

ALJURE - Legal<br />

(via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 11)<br />

NETHERLANDS ANTILLES R. Ne<strong>der</strong>land Bonaire relay:<br />

With the various troubles being reported for the Bonaire txs, I won<strong>der</strong><br />

about the future of this facility. The original two Philips units are<br />

almost 37 years old, while the ABB unit is 17. Anyone heard of any plans<br />

for new txs, presumably DRM capable, for Bonaire?<br />

They supposedly upgraded the power generation plant after the Easter 2000<br />

fire, which would have suggested more units on the way, but none so far.<br />

Perhaps the budget cuts at RN have nixed any such ideas? Also curious if<br />

the 50 kW unit Bonaire uses for a few txions is the same one used for the<br />

recent DRM tests, but now running in AM mode?<br />

(Stephen Luce-TX-USA, dxld Nov 10)<br />

NEW ZEALAND I also listened to R. NZi 9870 on Tues. afternnon (here in<br />

SW Eur) and immediately the non-stop class. mx prgr was the result of an<br />

amendment of a B<strong>05</strong> of some stn, thus ruining the fair reception of<br />

Rangitaiki during this season... but that UNID was gone just like that<br />

(can't remember the exact time, and being a casual listening, no records<br />

were written down). I remember having spotted 1~2 similar cases on 7 MHz<br />

late last year. Yesterday, 9 Nov, when R.NZi changed the aerial azimuth<br />

for 9870 at 1650, reception didn't become that bad, but as earlier<br />

reported by me, their clean afternoon (here) signal starts to get trouble<br />

as from 1500 onwards when some adjacent QRM arises.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, dxld Nov 10)<br />

NIGERIA 7255 It doesn't seem the arrival of B-<strong>05</strong> has to do with African<br />

SW txions in the sense they are more locally intended.<br />

Well, the English Service of Voice of Nigeria just delivered a pleasant<br />

surprise with a powerful signal I don't get from them at least for the<br />

last 6 months on 7255 opening at <strong>05</strong>:00, Sun. Oct. 30th, mostly with nx and<br />

commentaries but few or no mx this time.<br />

Conditions in their broadcasts remains the same: clear audio while<br />

newsrea<strong>der</strong>s are on the air, but oh no! ... that terrible muffled audio<br />

whenever they play those pre-recorded programs, that invites you to think<br />

they are not coming from not even from an open-reel tape (unless played at<br />

low speed), but from a cassette tape recor<strong>der</strong>.<br />

(Raul Saavedra-CTR, dxld Oct 10)<br />

7275, Radio Nigeria - Abuja verified with a date/frequency letter in 108<br />

days from v/s Ben Obeta for the Executive Director. Address from letter:<br />

Fe<strong>der</strong>al Radio Corporation of Nigeria (Abuja National Station),<br />

Broadcasting House, P. O. Box 377 Gwagwalada / P.M.B 71, Gark1, Abuja,<br />

Nigeria.<br />

The verie letter provided the schedule as 0430-2130 UTC (<strong>05</strong>30-2230<br />

Nigerian time).<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 13)<br />

OMAN 6135 at 1259 UT mostly adverts 13421. New tune at 1346 UT with ID<br />

hen a theatre play ID at 1400 UT, on fade off.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 29)<br />

PAKISTAN Cland 5102 Jamu & Kashmir at 1415 UT with song, talks by OM at

1423 UT a pop sng . Marginal signal at best.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 29)<br />

15100 Radio Pakistan. on Nov.3 at 1038-1<strong>05</strong>0 UT. SINPO 35333. Talk in Urdo<br />

and folk song. ID was heard at 1038 UT. 17835 kHz was not heard.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 11) Both heard here in EUR at same<br />

time, (wb.)<br />

Domestic sce of R.Pakistan via their Rewat txs near Islamabad in B<strong>05</strong> are<br />

...<br />

via API-2 100 kW<br />

0045-0200 Haya Allal Falah & 0200-0215 Urdu nx on 5095<br />

0600-1115 on 5860 this has Urdu nx 0600, Rawalpindi pgm<br />

0604-0700, Urdu nx 0700, Punjabi news<br />

0703, Rawalpindi pgm 0707-0755, Sindhi nx 0755, ENGLISH news 0800-0810,<br />

0810-0900<br />

Rawalpindi pgm, 0900-0903 Islamabad pgm, 0903 Pushto news,<br />

0907-1000 Islamabad pgm, 1000 Urdu news, 10<strong>05</strong>-1100 Islamabad pgm, 1100<br />

ENGLISH news,<br />

1104-1115 Islamabad pgm.<br />

1230-1330 Kashmiri Service Pindi-I on 5095<br />

1350-1400 Balti nx & 1420-1428 Sheena nx on 5095<br />

1615-1700 Islamabad Programme (AAINA) on 5095<br />

via API-4 100 kW<br />

0200-0400 Current Affairs on 5080<br />

0800-1200 Rawalpindi-II Programme on 5925<br />

(this directional via 68 degrees)<br />

1300-1800 Current Affairs on 5080<br />

I have no updates for Rewat API-8 (Azad Kashmir/Pindi-III) or the regional<br />

txs at Quetta, Peshawar and Rawlpindi.<br />

Note that 5095 is also used for External Services at 1500-1530 Pushto to<br />

AFG, 1715-1800 Irani and 1800-1900 Islamabad Progr. to Gulf & M.E.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 9)<br />

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3325 R. Bougainville (tentative), on Nov 12 at 1031-<br />

1200 UT, RRI noted with decent signal at tune-in, with another station<br />

un<strong>der</strong> it. Impossible to tell who till about 1117, when RRI dropped down<br />

some. Man DJ with pop songs till 1150 UT, into program of annts or<br />

something (did not sound like news), mention of Solomon Islands and Papua<br />

New Guinea. Poor. By 1200 UT, RRI was back on top. Conditions were<br />

unusually good.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 13)<br />

PARAGUAY 9736.95 R. Nac. del Paraguay on Oct 25 at *0833-0842 UT. 35433<br />

Spanish, at 0833 UT sign on with IS, Opening announce, Paraguay mx.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 4)<br />

PHILIPPINES Two QSL cards and a program schedule received in reply to<br />

two reports on the Mandarin sce. One of the cards, the one with the green<br />

colored frame, can be seen at<br />

<br />

The Mandarin sce includes various kinds of English lang lessons, some of<br />

which are newspaper articles read in English and translated into Mandarin.<br />

Address: Radio Veritas, P O Box 2642, Quezon City 1166, Philippines.<br />

(Henrik Klemetz-SWE, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 7)<br />

15120 Radyo Pilipinas on Nov. 6 at 0230-0330* UT. SINPO 35443. Philippine

pops and economic talk in English. Music program from 0256 UT. ID was<br />

heard at 0255 & 0324. // 15270 kHz, 21331. 25mb outlet was not observed.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 10)<br />

RUSSIA/JAPAN/KOREA D.R.P. Acc. to a well informed source, the "Shiokaze"<br />

prgr's in Japanese will be transmitted 1530-1600 on 5890 from the Angarsk<br />

site (near Irkutsk) in Russia, starting 30 October.<br />

(various <strong>DX</strong> lists - Bernd Trutenau-LTU, Nov 2)<br />

A private group in JPN has begun a short-wave radio program to encourage<br />

Japanese nationals believed abducted to North Korea.<br />

The program, launched by the Investigation Commission on Missing Japanese<br />

Probably Related to North Korea, is called "shiokaze" (sea breeze) because<br />

group members hope sea breezes will transport their voices to abducted<br />

people.<br />

"If abduction victims learn that we are carrying out rescue activities, it<br />

will give them hope," said Kazuhiro Araki, representative of the group.<br />

The program is aired in the freq band of 5.89 megahertz for 30 mins every<br />

night.<br />

Group members record the contents of the program at their office in<br />

Tokyo's Bunkyo-ku.<br />

The program starts with the call, "This is shiokaze." The names of about<br />

50 missing people and their birth dates are read out on each program. The<br />

time and locations of suspected abductions are also read.<br />

The list of names includes 11 people recognized by the Japanese govt as<br />

those abducted, 250 people who went missing, and five others who were<br />

probably kidnapped.<br />

The group plans to air the voices of relatives of the suspected abduction<br />

victims.<br />

"We apologize to abduction victims for conducting few rescue activities so<br />

far. You will definitely be saved," Araki often says in the program. "Hang<br />

on a little longer."<br />

At the request of the Japanese group, a London-based broadcasting sce<br />

relays the group's shiokaze program through a facility in a third country.<br />

The group doesn't reveal the location of the facility for security<br />

reasons.<br />

The program costs the group about 3 million yen a year. The group covers<br />

the costs by contributions from supporters.<br />

Tamaji Takeshita, an el<strong>der</strong> sister of Noriko Furukawa who went missing in<br />

1973, said, "I hope the program will reach missing people to give them<br />

encouragement."<br />

Security officials in JPN say that radio ownership must be reported to<br />

authorities in North Korea and the available freq bands are limited there,<br />

adding that radio waves are jammed to prevent people from listening to<br />

overseas programs.<br />

Toru Yamashita, director of a private broadcasting research group,<br />

however, said that Chinese-made short wave radio receivers are probably on<br />

sale in the un<strong>der</strong>ground market of North Korea, and that short-wave bands<br />

are not too jammed.<br />

Charles Jenkins, husband of former abductee Hitomi Soga, says in his book

that he listened to a Voice of America nx program about the 2002 summit<br />

meeting between JPN and North Korea on a radio he secretly owned in North<br />

Korea.<br />

<br />

(Mainichi Nov 5, via Br<strong>DX</strong>N Nov 13)<br />

Acc to Asian Broadcasting Institute, Investigation Commission on Missing<br />

Japanese Probably Related to North Korea announced on October 26 that they<br />

start SW broadcasting called "Shiokaze" (sea breeze) to North Korea from<br />

October 30 at 14:30-15:00 everyday on 5890kHz. The programs are produced<br />

in their Tokyo office and sent to VT Communications Ltd. via internet. The<br />

txion will be over the VT Communication's facility in the third country.<br />

The aim of this txion is<br />

1)to inform the kidnapped Japanese persons in North Korea that they will<br />

be rescued from interment,<br />

2) to promote North Korea to announce information about the kidnapped<br />

persons,<br />

3) to provide information on places of refuge in case of the collapse of<br />

North Korea.<br />

In the broadcast the data of 150 kidnapped persons per day will be read in<br />

Japanese. The cost of 30 mins daily broadcast is about $30000 per year,<br />

which will be supplied by civil contribution. They do not prepare QSL card<br />

for reception reports, but letter of thanks will be sent if the reporter<br />

sends more than 1000 yen as a contribution to Japanese Postal Giro Account<br />

00160-9-583587 with the reception data (date, frequency, condition etc.)<br />

in the space for correspondence.<br />

On October 30 and 31, the broadcasting was done 1 hour later at 15:30-<br />

16:00, on November 1 returned to the normal time 14:30-15:00. On November<br />

1 the station mis-transmit Radio Australia for the first 10 mins, then<br />

turned to "Shiokaze" broadcast. On November 2 the broadcast was normally<br />

done, but also relayed Russian domestic broadcast for 2 mins after<br />

"Shiokaze"! There has been no jamming in these 4 days. A Chinese <strong>DX</strong>er<br />

reported me that the broadcast was also well heard in Shanghai.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 3)<br />

A citizens' group in Tokyo is taking to the airwaves, trying to contact<br />

hundreds of Japanese who may still be alive in North Korea, years after<br />

being kidnapped by the communist state. The group has begun beaming a<br />

daily half-hour SW radio program to North Korea, using a tx in a third<br />

country. The message to any Japanese in North Korea who may hear it is<br />

that they have not been forgotten.<br />

The unprecedented broadcast begins with an announcer telling Japanese in<br />

North Korea to hang in there, because "it will not be long until we<br />

definitely rescue you."<br />

Soothing piano mx plays in the background as the announcer reads the names<br />

of possible Japanese abduction victims, the dates when they disappeared<br />

and their ages.<br />

Takushoku Univ. professor Kazuhiro Araki, center, helps COMJAN volunteers<br />

fold newsletters announcing group's plan to try to contact Japanese<br />

abductees in North Korea via SW radio [caption]<br />

An organizer of the grassroots project, Takushoku University professor<br />

Kazuhiro Araki, says the group believes North Korea kidnapped at least 265<br />

Japanese, beginning in the 1950s.<br />

Professor Araki says SW radio is a good way to reach the abductees, or

anyone who knows the missing Japanese. He explains that former U.S. Army<br />

soldier Charles Jenkins, who emerged after spending decades in North<br />

Korea, has revealed that some North Koreans and foreign abductees secretly<br />

tune in VOA and other international broadcasts.<br />

In North Korea it is illegal to listen to foreign broadcast stations.<br />

Japan's govt currently acknowledges 10 abduction cases involving 15<br />

Japanese. North Korea previously admitted kidnapping 13 Japanese to train<br />

its spies in Japanese lang and culture. Pyongyang allowed five of them to<br />

return home in 2002 and has said the other eight Japanese died in North<br />

Korea.<br />

Professor Araki is a representative of the group known as COMJAN, or the<br />

Investigation Commission on Missing Japanese Probably Related to North<br />

Korea. He says anyone who hears the txion is being urged to get a message<br />

out that he or she is still alive.<br />

Professor Araki says the broadcasts will include information and<br />

instructions for Japanese in the event of upheaval in North Korea.<br />

The program, in Japanese, is called "Shiokaze," or "Sea Breeze." It will<br />

air nightly (at 1430 UTC on 5.890 megahertz) for the next year.<br />

Because Pyongyang could try to jam the signal, COMJAN hopes to raise money<br />

for added freqs and more broadcasting time. The group is spending $30,000<br />

for a one-year contract with a British company (VT Communications) that<br />

acts a broker for SW txs in many countries, including Russia.<br />

COMJAN has not identified the location of its tx beyond saying it is in a<br />

country close to North Korea. (VOA Nx via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

The time has already been confirmed as 1530 UT, not 1430! Why do they keep<br />

getting it wrong? That works out to $82.19 per half hour (gh, <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

Japanese Try to Contact Abductees in North Korea by Radio<br />

VOA story, with audio, confirms that VT Communications is the broker for<br />

these txions, and also says they will run for one year. Gives the<br />

frequency, too :-)<br />

<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld Nov 1)<br />

RUSSIA 5930 on Oct 29 at 0709 UT. R. Rossii, Monchegorsk, RR, nxs YL.<br />

S2-3. Segnale vicino al fade out.<br />

(Botto Fiora-I, JPNpremium Nov 4)<br />

Winter B-<strong>05</strong> for Voice of Russia WS in Russian:<br />

0200-0300 on 603 648 936 972 1503 6195 7150 7240 7260 7350<br />

12010 13665<br />

0300-0400 on 936 7150 7240 7260 7330 12010 13665<br />

1300-1400 on 936 972 999 1143 1431 1548 5920 6145 7260 9495<br />

9770 9885 15460*17570#<br />

1400-1500 on 558 5810^ 5995 62<strong>05</strong> 7220 7315 9770 11500 12<strong>05</strong>5<br />

15460*17570#<br />

1600-1700 on 603 630 693 1251 1314 73<strong>05</strong> 7315 9885 9480*11630#<br />

1800-1900 on 603 630 693 5985 7390<br />

2000-2100 on 612 6170 7390 7445<br />

2100-2200 on 1215 7445<br />

*till March 4<br />

#from March 5<br />

^DRM txions

Winter B-<strong>05</strong> for Radio Rossii in Russian via MSK 250 kW / 260 deg:<br />

0200-<strong>05</strong>00 on 5925<br />

<strong>05</strong>25-0800 on 12075<br />

0825-1500 on 17600<br />

1525-1800 on 7310<br />

1825-2200 on 6235<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 25)<br />

Balashikha Transmission Mast is the radio mast of the 13th broadcasting<br />

centre at Balashikha near Moscow, Russia. It is a 460 metre high guyed<br />

radio mast, which is guyed in 6 levels. Balashikha Transmission Mast<br />

weighs 421 tons and is of triangular cross section with a side length of<br />

3.6 metres.<br />

Further information on<br />

and on<br />

off at 1000 after Russian pops. The same program was also heard on 5960<br />

with SINPO 44444.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, dxld Nov 10)<br />

5960 // 7330, R. Station Pacific Ocean, on Nov 10, 11 and 12, this station<br />

has been consistently good on 5960 and almost as good on 7330, *0935-<br />

1000*.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 13)<br />

Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean (R. Station Pacific Ocean) announced today<br />

that their test txion on 7330 kHz will go on until 17 November 20<strong>05</strong>. Now<br />

they broadcast on 810, 5960, 7330 from 09:35 to 10:00UTC. 7330kHz is<br />

better than 5960 kHz in my area.<br />

(Kunitoshi Hishikawa-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 14)<br />

7420, Degar Voice, via Chita (pres) at *1258-1337 UT on Oct 26 and 27,<br />

drums mx , talk, just poor carrier at best.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Nov 11)<br />

Ex 7350, ex 7125 in Khmer and Vietnamese langs. (AP)<br />

SERBIA & MONTENEGRO (Kosovo) Un<strong>der</strong> construction are two MW-transmitters.<br />

Drenas on 1413 kHz and Prizren on 1377 kHz. Date of completion not known.<br />

(WRTH 2006; via ARC MV-Eko Nov 7)<br />

1413 kHz registered for Pristina 1000 kW but destroyed in Kosovo war; but<br />

1413 now used by Moldavian powerhouse Grigoriopol 500 kW (x1467). (wb)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA 3320 SAUK/R.Son<strong>der</strong> Grense, Meyerton, observed on <strong>05</strong> Nov at<br />

1914-1940 UT, Afrikaans prgr, Afrikan<strong>der</strong> songs; 45433. Other good signals<br />

from the RSA: 3345 Canal +frica in Portuguese, with Desporto, Revista da<br />

Semana and mx; 55444 // 3230 Family R. in English; 35433, occasional uty.<br />

QRM.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

SRI LANKA Can anyone help confirm the current B<strong>05</strong> schedule for Sri Lanka<br />

Broadcasting Corp external sces in English?<br />

Are there still SL<strong>BC</strong> English txions at 0030-0430 and 1230-1530 on 60<strong>05</strong>,<br />

9770, and 15748 kHz ?<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Nov 12)<br />

English o n l y during the 0030-0400 slot. There is a bilingual Hindi<br />

txion En and Hindi 119<strong>05</strong>, 7275 1330-1530 UT.<br />

(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Nov 14)<br />

SUDAN 95<strong>05</strong> R. Omdurman on Oct 30 at 1633-1643 UT. 44444 Arabic, Koran<br />

and talk, ID at 1635 etc.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 4)<br />

7999.33 V. of Sudan on Oct 30 at *1529-1540 UT. 34332 Arabic, at 1529 UT<br />

sign on with IS, Opening announce, Opening mx, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 4)<br />


There will be a change of freq in the Radio Sweden DRM tests from RCI<br />

Sackville, beamed to Europe. From Sunday Nov 13th 13725 kHz will be<br />

replaced by 118<strong>05</strong> kHz. Please note that the starting time will be 1902<br />

UTC, with sign off at 1959. The program will be Radio Sweden in English.<br />

(Radio Sweden via DRM Software Radio Forum, Nov 9)<br />

SWEDEN/CANADA 1179 RCI English via Soelvesborg SWE.<br />

Do you know the exact txion time for RCI relay ?

RCI .XLS sheet mentions 2230-2300 UT, but the printed colorful leaftlet of<br />

RCI Montreal shows<br />

2330-0000 UTC weekdays: Canada Today<br />

Sat: Media Zone<br />

Sun: The Maple Leaf Mailbag<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 14)<br />

English is now at 2330-0000 as per the printed leaflet - the XLS was<br />

wrong.<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Nov 14)<br />

TAIWAN 9745 HAN Dien Sheng at 1241 UT with Chinese pop songs at 1213 UT.<br />

YL with many mentions of Han then pop songs continue.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 29)<br />

7380 Little Saigon R. via Taiwan on Nov 06 at *1500-1509 UT. 34433<br />

Vietnamese, 1500 sign on with IS, Opening mx, Opening announce, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 11)<br />

7310, Sound of Hope, via Tan Shui, Taiwan at *1300-1340 UT on Nov 06 and<br />

08, Chinese talk mentioning Taiwan, many jingles, ID's: "Xiwang Zhi Sheng<br />

Guiji Guan po dien tai", 44444. From *1325 UT QRM R Rossii.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Nov 11)<br />

[to VIETNAM] 7380 Little Saigon Radio via Taiwan (?) at *1500-1530* on<br />

Nov.12 Sign-on with a Orchestra Music, short introduction with ID in VT '<br />

dai la Little Saigon Radio', mention California location. Followed with<br />

more mx. Most of the program consi<strong>der</strong>ed of commentaries and nx items.<br />

Noted ID's at 1510 & 1517 UT.( 1517 a possible web site but only a partial<br />

www.) 1520 noted with a commentary or talk, reference to Vietnam and WHO.<br />

1526 closing anmmts, I.D. then followed a VT Ballad with a female singer<br />

to 1530* Reception was good to fair at times, despite the slight noise and<br />

slight heterodyne (notch used).<br />

(Ed Kusalik-Alb-CAN <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 12)<br />

THAILAND Monitored Radio Thailand on 9810 kHz at 1230 UT for the past 3<br />

mornings. Signals were strong enough to listen in my automobile (Yaesu<br />

FT100 / Atas 120 ) while commuting. Their website<br />

<br />

however, lists 9600 khz at this time.<br />

(James Olson-USA, dxld Nov 11)<br />

R. Thailand B-<strong>05</strong> English, via Udon Thani u.o.s.:<br />

0000-0030 9680 Af<br />

0030-0100 5890 (Greenville) NAm<br />

0300-0330 5890 (Delano) NAm<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-0600 13770 Eu<br />

1230-1300 9810 As/Pac<br />

1400-1430 9725 As/Pac<br />

1900-2000 98<strong>05</strong> Eu<br />

2030-2045 9535 Eu<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 11)<br />

TUNISIA Gemaess Beobachtungen vor Ort vom Juli-August 20<strong>05</strong> sind die<br />

Mittelwellen 603 kHz RTT Monastir, und 720 kHz RTT Sfax, <strong>der</strong>zeit inaktiv.<br />

Radio Tunisia International sendet taeglich in Deutsch von 07.00 bis 08.00<br />

UTC mit Kurznachrichten um 0730 UT. Eingesetzt wird die Mittelwelle 963<br />

kHz; aber auch UKW 92,0, 93,4; 93,8; 95, 4; 98,2 MHz.<br />

(Dieter Leupold-D, AD<strong>DX</strong> Radiokurier Nov. 20<strong>05</strong> via ntt)<br />

UKRAINE Winter B-<strong>05</strong> for Radio Ukraine International:

0000-<strong>05</strong>00 on 5910 SMF 500 kW / 314 deg to NoAmEa<br />

0100-0600 on 5830 KHR 100 kW / <strong>05</strong>5 deg to RUS<br />

0600-0900 on 7420 KHR 100 kW / 290 deg to WeEu<br />

0900-1400 on 9925 KHR 100 kW / 277 deg to WeEu<br />

1400-1800 on 5830 KHR 100 kW / <strong>05</strong>5 deg to RUS<br />

1800-0100 on 5840 KHR 100 kW / 290 deg to WeEu<br />

German 0000-0100 on 5840<br />

1800-1900 on 5840<br />

2100-2200 on 5840<br />

English 0100-0200 on 5910<br />

0400-<strong>05</strong>00 on 5910<br />

1200-1300 on 9925<br />

2200-2300 on 5840<br />

Ukrainian on all other times and frequencies.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 25)<br />

5910 Radio Ukraine International, on Oct 30, Nov 6 and Nov 13 at 0400 UT<br />

from Nikolayev/Mykolaiv. There is something wrong with their English sce.<br />

Heard "<strong>DX</strong> club" at 0420 UT and "Greetings from Kyiv" (Mailbag) at 0430 UT,<br />

but both programs had the same content on every Sunday morning on these<br />

three weeks. Strike or no money to change their programs?<br />

(Klaus Nindel-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 13)<br />

U.K. 117<strong>05</strong> (not 11715) Sudan Radio Service via Woofferton, UK laut und<br />

klar, S=9 +20 dB heute auf 117<strong>05</strong> kHz. Typische EaAF Musik etc., die<br />

Signalqualitaet leidet nicht unter dem Aussendungspfad von WOF nach<br />

Stuttgart, son<strong>der</strong>n eher aus typischer ISDN?/Internet Flutter Qualitaet <strong>der</strong><br />

Uebertragung, wie sie auch in Juelich o<strong>der</strong> Grigoriopol, o<strong>der</strong> via dem<br />

Merlin/VT Schaltraum manchmal zu beobachten ist.<br />

Nur ein ganz, ganz schwaches Signal auf 11715 kHz, S=1, gerade noch<br />

Musikrichtung verstaendlich, muesste Colombo Ekala 100 kW in Sinhala fuer<br />

den Nahen Osten sein.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 9 + 10)<br />

117<strong>05</strong> (not 11715 in B-<strong>05</strong>) Sudan Radio Service at present loud and clear,<br />

light BUZZ tone ?from ISDN fee<strong>der</strong>?, S=9 +20 dB. Mo-Fr only at 1700-1800<br />

UT.<br />

Typical EaAfrican mx. On formerly registered 11715, S=1, but seemingly<br />

Colombo Ekala 100 kW in Sinhala to Near East workers.<br />

.7120 0300-<strong>05</strong>00 47E WOF 300 126 12 .23456. USA MNO MER<br />

.9525 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 47E WOF 300 126 12 .23456. USA MNO MER<br />

11665 1400-1700 47E WOF 300 126 12 .23456. USA MNO MER<br />

117<strong>05</strong> 1700-1800 47E WOF 300 126 12 .23456. USA MNO MER (x11715)<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 10)<br />

Latter service: Beware of co-channel 117<strong>05</strong> kHz VoP from MDG to Zimbabwe.<br />

(wb)<br />

Sudan Radio Service has conducted publicity events in Maridi, Yei, Rumbek,<br />

and many other communities across southern Sudan, since Sep 2004. Pictures<br />

taken of SRS-sponsored activities in Maridi at<br />

<br />

<br />

UK/SENEGAL 12000 [sic, not 17555] 0700-0900 UT via Woofferton-UK site.<br />

(Nov 15)<br />

The West Africa Democracy Radio (WADR) will start broadcasting on Monday<br />

14 November 20<strong>05</strong>. The station will broadcast from its studios in Dakar,<br />

Senegal, on 17555[sic, see below] kHz on Short Wave to the whole of West

Africa and beyond, and on 94.9 FM in Dakar. In the near future, it will<br />

broadcast online, and also through local community radio partners in the<br />

Mano River Union (MRU) countries of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone.<br />

These partners will also generate some of its broadcast content.<br />

For this phase, which ends on 1 <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2006, WADR will broadcast for two<br />

hours in English and French starting at 07:00 UT and will focus on the<br />

Mano River Union countries. It has already set up offices in Monrovia,<br />

Conakry and Freetown. The offices will generate nx and other materials<br />

that promote dialogue and democracy in the region. WADR will later expand<br />

to bring onboard other West African countries including Chad and Cameroon.<br />

The station will air programmes on nx and current affairs as well as<br />

magazine programmes on good governance, health, agriculture, gen<strong>der</strong>, youth<br />

and sports with a view to promoting peace and human security, transparency<br />

and accountability in governance, regional economic integration, and<br />

social and cultural development amongst the peoples of the region.<br />

A brainchild of the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA), WADR<br />

is conceived to be the hub of a West African network of public, private<br />

and community radio stations, creating an avenue for networking between<br />

the radio stations and a channel for dialogue among the peoples of the<br />

respective countries they serve.<br />

Essoh Honore, WADR - Radio Production Officer,<br />

Sacre-c ur 1, n degr8408 Dakar, SENEGAL<br />

Phone: +221 569 7785 / 869 15 69 Fax: +221 864 70 09<br />

Postal P.O.Box:16 650 Dakar-Fann, SENEGAL<br />

E-mail:wadr@wadr.org<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 14)<br />

I don't know if this is old or new, but at<br />

<br />

they say:<br />


WADR shall broadcast on 12000 kHz between 0700 and 0900 UCT and on 17860<br />

kHz between 09.00 and 11.00 UCT on SW to the whole of West Africa and Chad<br />

and Cameroon as well as 94.9 on FM (Dakar only). It shall also be<br />

rebroadcast on various other FM freqs by local broadcast partners in<br />

Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone who will receive WADR programmes by<br />

digital satellite radio. This will be available to individuals with<br />

digital satellite receivers in the whole of Africa.<br />

(via Jari, dxld Nov 14)<br />

WADR 12000 kHz - Switched on my rx around 0712 UT and noted an English<br />

lang program in progress, with some 'smooth' French accent of the<br />

commentator. Many African items covered.<br />

So 0700-0900 UT schedule on 12000 kHz fits, English 0700-0800, French<br />

0800-0900 UT. Signals sounds like 'skip over my head' one from RMP/WOF in<br />

U.K. towards Africa.<br />

see attachment, mp3 record took at 0800 UT, when French segment started<br />

after a break of 2 mins between 0759 and 0801 UT.<br />

73 wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 15<br />

USA Dan Ferguson Retires.Just a note to let all know that Dan Ferguson<br />

at IBB (VOA) who started this list will be retiring on Nov 10th. I know we<br />

all wish him a won<strong>der</strong>ful retirement and that he will still continue to<br />

monitor the VOACAP list from South Carolina.<br />

Dan, welcome to the land of the retirees ... nearly 10 for me now. It was<br />

a real pleasure working with you for 13 years. By the way I think you even

eat my record of counting down the days to retirement, so I have been<br />

told!!!<br />

Best wishes,<br />

(George Lane-USA, via VOACAP Nov 8)<br />

RFA currently bcs from 1100-0700 UT; there are no txions between 0700 and<br />

1100 UT. Daily programming incl Mandarin for 12 hrs, Cantonese for two<br />

hrs, Uyghur for two hrs, and Tibetan for eight hrs.<br />

Via US belonging txion facilities at KHBN Palau, Kuwait-KWT, Lampertheim-<br />

GER, Saipan-MRA, Tinian-SoMRA, WHR Hawaii-HWA as well as via foreign<br />

relays at Al Dhabayya-UAE, Almaty-KAZ, Dushanbe-TJK, Iranawila-CLN,<br />

Irkutsk-RUS, Taiwan-TWN, Ulaanbaatar-MNG, Vladivostok-RUS, Wertachtal-GER.<br />

RFA schedule in B-<strong>05</strong>, valid from Oct 30th 20<strong>05</strong> til March 26th, 2006.<br />

RFA uses US belonging and IBB txs at HBN/P=KHBN Palau Isl,<br />

IRA/I=Iranawila Sri Lanka, KWT/K=Kuwait, LAM/L Lampertheim-GER,<br />

SAI/S=Saipan, TIN/T=Tinian NoMariana Isls, WHR/H Hawaii-HWA.<br />

And foreign relays at ALM/A=Almaty-KAZ, DUS/D=Dushanbe-TJK,<br />

IRK=Irkutsk-RUS, TWN/N=Taiwan, UAE=Al Dhabayya-UAE,<br />

ULA/U=UlaanBataar Mongolia, VLD/V=Vladivostok-RUS,<br />

WER=Wertachtal Germany.<br />

0000-0100 LAO 11830I 15545T 15590V<br />

0030-0130 BURMESE 11535D 13710S 13815I 15700T<br />

0100-0200 UYGHUR 7480D 9365D 9645UAE 9690UAE<br />

15270T 17570T<br />

0100-0300 TIBETAN 7470D(D-<strong>05</strong> season til Mar4) 7560K 9670WER<br />

11695UAE 15220T 17730U<br />

15660D(M-06 season from Mar 5)<br />

0300-0600 MANDARIN 11980IRK 13625T 13760T 15150T 15665T<br />

17495D 17525D 17615S 17880S 21540T<br />

0600-0700 MANDARIN 11980IRK 13625T 13760T 15150T 15665T<br />

17495D 17525D 17615S 17880S<br />

0600-0700 TIBETAN 17515D 17715K 17720U 21570T 21715UAE<br />

break<br />

1100-1200 LAO 9355S 9775T 15565I<br />

1100-1200 TIBETAN 7470U 11540D 11590K 13625T 15435UAE<br />

1200-1400 TIBETAN 7470U 11540D 11590K 13625T 15185S 15435UAE<br />

1230-1330 CAMBODIAN 5910V 13725I 15395T<br />

1230-1330 BURMESE 9365D 11795T 121<strong>05</strong>I 15700T<br />

1400-1500 CANTONESE 9825T 11950S 15255T<br />

1400-1500 VIETNAMESE 7380U(?5855U) 9365D 9455S 9930WHR<br />

116<strong>05</strong>T 13725P 13865I 15470T 21625I<br />

1500-1600 TIBETAN 7470U 7495D 11500K 15385UAE<br />

1500-1600 MANDARIN 7540D 99<strong>05</strong>P 11945T 13670T 13745T<br />

15510T 17565T (1530- 6095T)<br />

1500-1700 KOREAN 7210IRK 11870S 13625T<br />

1600-1700 UYGHUR 7515D 7530D 9625UAE 11720T 13725I<br />

1600-1700 MANDARIN 6095T 7540D 9455S 99<strong>05</strong>P 11945T 13670T<br />

13745T 15510T 17565T<br />

1700-1800 MANDARIN 7540D 9355S 9455S 99<strong>05</strong>P 11945T<br />

13670T 13745T 15510T 17565T<br />

1800-1900 MANDARIN 6095T 7455D 7540D 9355S 9455S 11790T<br />

11945T 13670T 13745T 15510T<br />

1900-2000 MANDARIN 1098N 5990T 6095T 7455D 7540D 9355S<br />

9455S 9875P 11790T 11945T 11970T 13670T<br />

13745T 15510T<br />

2000-2100 MANDARIN 1098N 5990T 6095T 7455D 7540D 9355S

9455S 9875P 9885T 11900T 11950T 11970T<br />

13745T 15510T<br />

2100-2200 MANDARIN 1098N 6095T 7455D 7540D 9355S 9455S<br />

9875P 9885T 9920N 11950T 11970T 13745T<br />

15510T<br />

2100-2300 KOREAN 7460U 9385T 11785S 13625T<br />

2200-2300 CANTONESE 9570S 9845P 11740T 11775T<br />

2230-2330 CAMBODIAN 7185I 9930P 15485T<br />

2300-2359 MANDARIN 7540D 99<strong>05</strong>P 11775T 13745S 13800T 15430T<br />

15550T<br />

2300-2359 TIBETAN 6010UAE 7415D 7470U 7550K 9875LAM<br />

2330-0029 VIETNAMESE 7515D 9930P 11580U 116<strong>05</strong>N 11965T 13720S<br />

13865I 15565V<br />

( and other sources,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 15)<br />

Acc to Mr. Michael Pallone, Director of Engineering and technical<br />

Operation of Radio Marti, they are now developing a new QSL card. As they<br />

are keeping the data of the past reporters, the card will be sent to them<br />

when available.<br />

They also hope non-Cuban listeners to learn Spanish through listening to<br />

Radio Marti. The recent schedule is available at<br />

<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 9)<br />

WYFR schedules corrected by hand. For example:<br />

<br />

<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>LD Nov 11)<br />

WRMI Update - To all interested parties:<br />

We had hoped to get WRMI back on the air last night, but the antenna<br />

repairs have taken more time than expected. As I write this, workers are<br />

making repairs on both antennas. The status is this: There is very little<br />

damage to our corner reflector antenna beamed south, but the large<br />

security fence around it was knocked down, and a crew is repairing it. We<br />

cannot legally begin broadcasting on that antenna until the fence is<br />

repaired, as we have to ensure that no one (including stray cows, which<br />

share the land with us) could come into contact with the antenna and harm<br />

themselves while it is on the air. We expect this work to be finished<br />

tomorrow (Monday), so perhaps we can go on the air to the Caribbean and<br />

Latin America on Tuesday morning if all goes well.<br />

On the log periodic antenna beamed to North America, the damage is more<br />

severe. We lost several elements. The manufacturer is at the site right<br />

now, but they say they cannot repair it on site with available materials.<br />

They need to return to their factory in central Florida, make some parts<br />

and bring them back down to us. This is likely to take a few weeks.<br />

However, they are helping us arrange some sort of temporary antenna so<br />

that we can perhaps go back on the air to North America on Tuesday. We<br />

will keep you updated.<br />

(Jeff White-FL-USA WRMI, dxld Nov 6)<br />

6 pm Eastern Time (2300 UTC) Sunday<br />

Despite my earlier message today, I am happy to report that we were able<br />

to get the fence temporarily repaired enough to get back on the air today.<br />

We are now on the air on on 9955 kHz, and we are resuming our normal<br />

schedule on this frequency. We hope to resume normal operations to North<br />

America by Tuesday.<br />

(Jeff White-FL-USA WRMI, dxld Nov 6)

Still haven't got the 7385 antenna ready, but maybe by late tomorrow.<br />

Certainly before the weekend, providing there are no further<br />

complications. I can't wait!<br />

(Jeff White-FL-USA WRMI, dxld Nov 10)<br />

UZBEKISTAN 9715 R Tashkent at 1333 UT, IS ID with En sce 24432.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 28)<br />

Hallo <strong>DX</strong>- Freunde,<br />

<strong>der</strong> Rhein-Main-Radio-Club e.V. besucht am<br />

Freitag 2.12.20<strong>05</strong> das Deutsche Rundfunkarchiv in Wiesbaden<br />

mit seinem riesigen Schallarchiv (90 000 Schellack Platten, 2000<br />

Schallfolien, 800 Edison Zylin<strong>der</strong>n usw.), seinem Fernseharchiv mit mehr<br />

als 100 000 Titeln, Schriften und vielem Interessanten aus <strong>der</strong><br />

Rundfunkgeschichte.<br />

Die Besichtigung mit spezieller Fuehrung fuer uns wird ca. 1-2 Stunden<br />

dauern. Wir treffen uns um 14.00 [MEZ] am Eingang, Unter den Eichen 5,<br />

65195 Wiesbaden,<br />

Eingeladen ist jeden <strong>DX</strong>er, <strong>der</strong> Lust und Zeit hat mitzukommen.<br />

Harald Gabler<br />

RMRC Vorstand (RMRC Nov 9)<br />

WWH vor 30 Jahren.<br />

Und die Ausgabe Oktober 1975 <strong>der</strong> Fachzeitschrift<br />

weltweit hoeren liegt nun auch in meiner Rubrik "vor 30 Jahren" zum<br />

Download bereit. Die erst gestern abend angekuendigte Ausgabe 9/75 wurde<br />

seither bereits mehr als 230 mal in <strong>der</strong> hochaufloesenden Version von<br />

ratzer.at geladen, die kleine Datei auch schon 155 mal. Unglaublich.<br />

Auch diesmal in zwei PDF-Versionen, einmal hochaufloesend, einmal klein,<br />

ganz wie gewuenscht. Alles weitere wie immer unter:<br />

<br />

Diesmal zu lesen: Radio Canada International loest seinen<br />

Kurzwellenhoerer-Klub auf, Der IFA Bericht (spannend!), Internationale<br />

Rundfunkkonferenz, Vom Newcomer zum Top-<strong>DX</strong>er, Teil III (sehr zu<br />

empfehlen!), MW-<strong>DX</strong>ing - Ein Hexenwerk?, Klubnachrichten, <strong>DX</strong>-Chronik, RTTY,<br />

weltschau, dx-log, utility. amateurfunk, Angebote (ein gewisser Herbert<br />

Meixner hat einen HEA Trixi stereo zu verkaufen, falls jemand Interesse<br />

hat)<br />

Also, auch diesmal: Viel Spass bei <strong>der</strong> Zeitreise mit wwh!<br />

73 Christoph, (A-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 30)<br />

Oooh Nostalgie: AFN Frankfurt Besichtigung bei <strong>der</strong> Convention 1975. Ich<br />

sehe noch die grossen Schelllackplatten vor mir, die uns die<br />

Musikredakteurin damals zeigte, ein wahrer Schatz aus 30 Jahren<br />

Armeerundfunk im Jazz und an<strong>der</strong>en Genres.<br />

(wb, Oct 30)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 736 23 Nov 20<strong>05</strong><br />

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may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all<br />

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ALASKA Continental Electronics Corporation today announced that it is<br />

ahead of schedule in delivering 132 ultra-low-noise txs to US govt<br />

contractor BAE Systems for use in the High-Frequency Active Auroral<br />

Research Program (HAARP) near Gakona, Alaska. When the massive planar<br />

array for ionospheric research is completed in 2007, it will include a<br />

total of 180 Continental Electronics Corporation D616G 10 kW combined txs,<br />

which the company is upgrading specifically for HAARP. HAARP first<br />

installed Continental Electronics txs in 1993 when the project began.<br />

The US govt is constructing the HAARP facility to conduct upper-<br />

atmospheric and solar-terrestrial research via a phased array tx, with an<br />

aim of learning more about the ionosphere - an upper section of the<br />

Earth's atmosphere ionized by solar radiation with natural electrical<br />

currents that can be modulated with powerful radio signals. Much of the<br />

ionosphere's scientific potential lies in satellite communications, which<br />

depends on signals passing through it.<br />

BAE Systems today leads the installation at HAARP, which began in 1993<br />

with 18 txs, grew to 48 in 1998, and is currently being expanded to a<br />

total of 180 txs - all built by Continental Electronics with some<br />

components from BAE and other suppliers. The final expansion will bring<br />

the HAARP array to full power, with its effective radiated power (ERP)<br />

increasing from 84 dBW to about 96 dBW. It will have greater tx modulation<br />

capability, variable freq range, and beam steering than any other high-<br />

frequency transmitting system in the world. Continental Electronics is

un<strong>der</strong> contract to supply six txs per month.<br />

The txs for HAARP needed to have extremely low noise characteristics to<br />

maximize the ability to manipulate the ionosphere. They also must be tough<br />

enough to perform reliably in the challenging Alaskan environment.<br />

HAARP Home Page <br />

(via Andy Sennitt-HOL RNW MN NL Nov 15)<br />

ALBANIA Radio Tirana in Albanian NoAm from Nov. 20:<br />

0000-0130 on 7455 SHI 100 KW 310 deg & deleted 6215 SHI 100 kW 300 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

Freq change for TWR in Russian from Nov. 20:<br />

1445-1600 NF 11615 SHI 100 kW 033 deg, ex 7325//9495 MOS 100 kW <strong>05</strong>5 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

1701.13 kHz spurious signal<br />

No, I realised it after sending the message. There is surely one near 1575<br />

kHz, caused by 1215 & 1395 kHz, but probably as weak as this.<br />

(73, Mauno Ritola-FIN)<br />

Some mathematics:<br />

1701-1215 = 486, 486 * 3 = 1458 : pure coincidence ?<br />

(Guenter Lorenz-D, , mwoffsets Nov 21)<br />

[1215 + 243 kHz = 1458. 1215 - 243 = 972. 1215 - 486 = 729 kHz]<br />

1701.13 kHz spurious signal. The 1701.13 kHz spurious signal that I have<br />

been chasing for a long time proved to be much less interesting than I<br />

thought. First of all, the changing of c/d from summer's 1800 UT to<br />

winter's 1900 couldn't indicate Kyrgyzstan, because namely that country<br />

kept the same time during the big switch-back.<br />

Also the trace hasn't been there before 1600 UT, so I started looking for<br />

a suitable FS txion between 1600-1900. Today I found the // ; it's CRI via<br />

Albania on 1214.84 kHz. The spurious signal won<strong>der</strong>ed today from 1701.08 to<br />

1701.13 kHz. Anyway, something to be aware of when trying to hear the<br />

Aussies on 1701 kHz.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, mwoffsets Nov 21)<br />

ALBANIA/CHINA Winter B-<strong>05</strong> for China Radio International via Cerrik 150<br />

kW:<br />

0000-0157 English *6020 3<strong>05</strong> deg NoAm; *9570 3<strong>05</strong> deg NoAm<br />

0200-0357 Chinese *6020 3<strong>05</strong> deg NoAm; *9570 3<strong>05</strong> deg NoAm<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>57 English 7220 140 deg EaAf; 9590 140 deg EaAf<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0657 Arabic 5985 240 deg NoAf; 7120 240 deg NoAf<br />

0600-0657 English 9590 140 deg EaAf; 11750 140 deg EaAf<br />

0700-0857 Chinese 11855 310 deg WeEu<br />

0700-0857 English 11785 310 deg WeEu<br />

1100-1257 English 13665 310 deg WeEu<br />

1400-1557 French 11920 240 deg NoAf; 13670 240 deg NoAf<br />

1500-1557 Turkish 7120 non-dir TURK; 9565 non-dir TURK<br />

1600-1757 Arabic 9555 140 deg EaAf; 11725 240 deg NoAf<br />

1600-1757 German 5970 330 deg WeEu; 7155 330 deg WeEu<br />

1800-1957 French 5970 310 deg WeEu; 6<strong>05</strong>5 240 deg NoAf<br />

1800-1957 French 6180 310 deg WeEu; 7385 240 deg NoAf<br />

2000-2157 Arabic 6185 193 deg NoAf; 7215 193 deg NoAf<br />

2000-2157 English 5960 310 deg WeEu; 7285 310 deg WeEu<br />

2200-2257 Portuguese 6175 280 deg SoEu<br />

2200-2357 Spanish 7210 280 deg SoEu<br />

2300-2357 Spanish 6175 280 deg SoEu<br />

* 2x150 kW in parallel<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)

CRI deutsch 1600-1800 UT via Cerrik ALB relay. Bisher kam C R I um diese<br />

Zeit aus Albanien auf 5970 und 7155.<br />

Heute hoere ich nur 5970 in deutsch, waehrend auf 7155 ein an<strong>der</strong>es<br />

Programm laeuft.<br />

Schaltfehler o<strong>der</strong> Frequenzaen<strong>der</strong>ung, weisst Du mehr?<br />

(Rudolf Kumm-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

??, aus <strong>der</strong> heutigen Mail[Nov 22] von Drita aus Tirana entnehme ich:<br />

Radio Tirana hat neue Installationen <strong>der</strong> Programmsteuerung in Betrieb<br />

genommen.<br />

Ob es da auch Verbindungen zu dem CRI Feed gibt [ueber Tirana Funkhaus?],<br />

o<strong>der</strong> ob die Chinesen das Signal direkt vom Satelliten aus Beijing nach<br />

Cerrik/Fllaka uebernehmen?, kann man nur vermuten.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 22)<br />

Ach so, habe ich vergessen:<br />

das deutsche Programm von R Tirana war gestern ueberhaupt nicht auf<br />

Sendung, bzw. nur als Traeger ohne Audio. (73 wb)<br />

New Central Apparatus of Radio Tirana<br />

"...installed a new computerized Central Apparatus..."<br />

(Drita Cico).<br />

Well, maybe this new equipment is the cause of some irregularities of your<br />

txions tonight, Monday, November 21:<br />

1945 UT - English: Only carriers for about 3 mins, then "Hello Listeners"<br />

followed by some seconds of silence, before the program started with lower<br />

modulation.<br />

7465 kHz: S9+60dB - very strong, but with hum. SINPO 55544<br />

7530 kHz: S9+20dB - without hum, and on a clear fq.<br />

2030 UT - German: 7465 with a good signal on a clear frequency:<br />

S9+10-20dB, but there was NO audio at all during the entire<br />

"transmission"!<br />

2230 UT - English: 7110 - wasn't on the air from the start, then strong<br />

carrier, and first at 22.35.37 (37 seconds) the nx was abruptly switched<br />

on. SINPO 5(4-5)544.<br />

(Erik Koie-DEN, R Tirana Nov 21)<br />

Re: New Central Apparatus of Radio Tirana<br />

"...installed a new computerized Central Apparatus..."<br />

(Drita Cico-ALB, Nov 22)<br />

Liest sich fuer mich nach einem neuen Schaltraum. Koennte man evtl. auch<br />

als Sendeablaufsteuerungen in den Studios (Stichwort D'Accord, Dalet,<br />

Radiomax, Zenon usw.usf.) deuten.<br />

Was die Uebertragungen von CRI betrifft: Die klingen (o<strong>der</strong> taten das<br />

zumindest zu Beginn) auf Mittelwelle Fllake deutlich an<strong>der</strong>s als alles<br />

an<strong>der</strong>e, was von dort ausgestrahlt wird (Radio Tirana, Trans World Radio,<br />

Deutsche Welle). Das deutet darauf hin, dass die Chinesen fuer ihre Zwecke<br />

eigene Satellitentechnik aufgebaut haben. In Cerrik sind die Albaner<br />

ohnehin de facto raus; sollte mich wun<strong>der</strong>n, wenn da noch irgendwelche<br />

Zuspielungen ueber das Funkhaus in Tirana laufen.

(Kai Ludwig-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 22)<br />

ANGOLA 7216.7 RNA, Mulenvos, noted on 19 Nov at 1742-..., Vernacular,<br />

African mx; 23441, vy. strg. adjc. QRM. 4950 not // as it was relaying our<br />

RDPi for a f/ball match.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

ANTARCTICA 15476 R. Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza,<br />

noted on 10 Nov at 1900-1950, Spanish, newscast, songs, ID+fq+addr prior<br />

to s/off; 25442.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

ARABIAN WORLD Bush had al-Jazeera attack in mind, says paper.<br />

The US President, George Bush, planned to bomb the pan-Arab television<br />

broadcaster al-Jazeera, according to a British newspaper that cited a<br />

Downing Street memo marked "Top secret".<br />

The five-page transcript of a conversation between Mr Bush and the British<br />

Prime Minister, Tony Blair, published in the Daily Mirror yesterday,<br />

reveals that Mr Blair talked Mr Bush out of launching a military strike on<br />

the station, unnamed sources told the newspaper.<br />

The transcript of the pair's talks during Mr Blair's visit to Washington<br />

on April 16 last year allegedly shows Mr Bush wanted to attack the<br />

satellite channel's headquarters.<br />

Mr Blair allegedly feared such a strike, in the business district of Doha,<br />

the capital of Qatar, a key western ally in the Persian Gulf, would spark<br />

revenge attacks.<br />

The Mirror quoted an unnamed British govt official as saying Mr Bush's<br />

threat was "humorous, not serious".<br />

Al-Jazeera's perspectives on the war in Iraq have drawn criticism from<br />

Washington since the US-led invasion in March 2003.<br />

The station has broadcast messages by Osama bin Laden and the beheadings<br />

of Western hostages by insurgents in Iraq, as well as footage of dead<br />

coalition scemen and Iraqi civilians killed in fighting.<br />

A source told the Mirror: "The memo is explosive and hugely damaging to<br />

Bush.<br />

"He made clear he wanted to bomb al-Jazeera in Qatar and elsewhere. Blair<br />

replied that would cause a big problem.<br />

"There's no doubt what Bush wanted to do - and no doubt Blair didn't want<br />

him to do it."<br />

Another source said: "Bush was deadly serious, as was Blair. That much is<br />

absolutely clear from the lang used by both men."<br />

A spokesman for Mr Blair's Downing Street office said: "We have got<br />

nothing to say about this story. We don't comment on leaked documents."<br />

The Mirror said the memo turned up in the office of the then British MP<br />

Tony Clarke, a member of Mr Blair's Labour Party, in May last year. A<br />

civil servant, David Keogh, is accused un<strong>der</strong> the Official Secrets Act of<br />

handing it to Mr Clarke's former researcher Leo O'Connor. Both are to<br />

appear at Bow Street Magistrates Court in central London next week.<br />

Mr Clarke returned the memo to Downing Street. He said O'Connor had<br />

behaved "perfectly correctly". He told Britain's domestic Press

Association nx agency that O'Connor had done "exactly the right thing" in<br />

bringing it to his attention.<br />

The Mirror said such a strike would have been "the most spectacular<br />

foreign policy disaster since the Iraq war itself".<br />

The newspaper said that the memo "casts fresh doubt on claims that other<br />

attacks on al-Jazeera were accidents". It cited the 2001 direct hit on the<br />

channel's Kabul office.<br />

Agence France-Presse. Story In Today's Sydney Morning Herald:<br />

<br />

(Nov 23)<br />

ARGENTINA 6060 R. Nacional, General Pacheco (is this the actual site,<br />

like for RAE?), with a superb signal on 04 Nov 2331-2345, Spanish, speech,<br />

cheering crowd, surely related with the recent summit down south; 43442,<br />

spoiled by RAI.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 6)<br />

6214.<strong>05</strong> Radio Baluarte, Puerto Iguazu; 0152-0240+ on 22 Nov. Presumed the<br />

one, tune-in to seemingly Spanish pop-ish mx, very bassy/hollow audio with<br />

male emphatic religious preaching from 0202 UT in what actually seemed to<br />

be Portuguese (vs. Spanish). Not all that bad, just muddy audio.<br />

(Terry L Krueger-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 22)<br />

6214.1 R. Baluarte ("t" as no lang. was heard), Puerto Iguazu, logged on<br />

19 Nov at 2324-2335, songs; 24432.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

6214.10 presumed R. Baluarte, 09 Nov, 2239-2242 - Preaching in Portuguese;<br />

fair.<br />

(Jean Burnell-NS-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 16)<br />

ARMENIA see un<strong>der</strong> Tanzania.<br />

ASCENSION 9525 Star R. on Nov 07 at 0731-0741 UT. 34333-34433 English,<br />

Talk, ID at 0737 UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

11875 Family Radio via Ascension. On Nov 12 at 2230-2300 UT in English.<br />

SIO443. Family Bible reading fellowship. Treasure from the Bible from 2258<br />

UT.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

AUSTRALIA Concerning the new txs for the A<strong>BC</strong>, I believe I read that<br />

these are capable of 100 kW but will operate at only 50 kW as specified in<br />

their licence. So if they are RIZ then maybe they are K-01A and will be<br />

capable of operating at 3.2-18 MHz - no necessity to go as high as 26.1!<br />

But this does seem slightly illogical - why pay for a 100 kW unit then<br />

operate it at 50 kW when there is a 50 kW unit available? Obviously, some<br />

sort of modification is necessary to operate as low as the 2 MHz band.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 23)<br />

2310 VL8A, Alice Springs NT, nicely audible on 19 Nov at 1807-1844,<br />

English, songs & phone-ins, A<strong>BC</strong> nx 1830-1835, more of the former; 25332,<br />

deteriorating; feed relay relative to // VL8K 2485; VL8T not audible (not<br />

ready yet?).<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

2485 VL8K, Katherine NT, even better on 19 Nov at 1809-1850, English,

songs & phone-ins, chats, 5' A<strong>BC</strong> nx 1830; 35343 but deteriorating towards<br />

1900. From all 3 NT 120 m outlets, this used to be the worst... i.e. to<br />

log here.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

9710 R. Australia, Shepperton VIC, nicely heard on 19 Nov at 1017-1100*<br />

with Pidgin prgr to PNG, songs, nx 1030, more mx; 45434.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

12080 R. Australia, Brandon (10 kW) QL, audible on 19 Nov at 1012-1100*,<br />

Pidgin to PNG, songs, nx 1030 UT, mx; 23542.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

AUSTRIA I caught a few mins of some very odd vocal mx until 1459* UT Nov<br />

20 on 17610. Per EiBi B-<strong>05</strong> that would be AWR in Afar at 1430. Must listen<br />

again earlier.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 20)<br />

AWR via Moosbrunn-AUT, but beware of DW Wertachtal til 1430 and from 1600<br />

UT. (wb)<br />

BAHRAIN/INTERNATIONAL WATERS 6125USB "CMF1," 08 Nov at 0023-0034 -<br />

Middle Eastern (presume Afghan) mx, talk by male and female had horrible<br />

modulation; poor un<strong>der</strong> Spanish station.<br />

9133 USB "CMF1," 11 Nov, 0127-0259 - Middle Eastern mx, talk between most<br />

songs but mushy audio on the voice really made this a challenge, mentioned<br />

www.rewardsforjustice a few times, possible ID's at 0221 and 0255 (need to<br />

confirm tape); poor-fair with occasional UTE QRM.<br />

(Jean Burnell-NS-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 16)<br />

BELARUS 5970 R. Belarus, 02<strong>05</strong>-0216, Nov. 14, Belarussian, YL and<br />

occasional OM w/ talks and local mx. Poor, boxed in by QRM, RHC and B<strong>BC</strong><br />

respectively. // 7210-whisper quiet un<strong>der</strong> static.<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Nov 15)<br />

Belorusskoe Radio. B<strong>05</strong>. [note powers!] Foreign Service to West Europa<br />

[sic; supposed to be to NAm]<br />

0200-0400<br />

5970 kHz (250 kW)<br />

6155 kHz (150 kW)<br />

7210 kHz ( 75 kW)<br />

To West Europa<br />

2000-2300<br />

7340 kHz ( 75 kW)<br />

7125 kHz (250 kW)<br />

7440 kHz (150 kW)<br />

Belorusskoe Radio-1<br />

0400-2300 daily. The circular aerial 6115 kHz ( 75 kW)<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0700 daily. To Russia. 7170 kHz (250 kW). +öâ ??)<br />

1000-1100 daily. To Russia. 11960 kHz (250 kW)<br />

1600-1800 daily. To Russia. 7255 kHz (250 kW)<br />

(1600-1640 Local programme oblast TRK) (Rus <strong>DX</strong> Nov 20 via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

A few years ago the following line-up was reported for the 1600-1640 slot<br />

within the 1600-1800 on 7255 txion: Mon Homiel/Gomiel, Tue<br />

Viciebsk/Vitebsk, Wed Mahiliou/Mogilyov, Thu Brest, Fri Hrodna/Grodno.<br />

Radio WYFR<br />

1900-2000 daily. Spanish lang. 7440 kHz (150 kW). To West Europe.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, wb; wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 20)

The 75 kW outlets are likely run with 15 combined 5 kW txs (ex-jammers).<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Nov 20)<br />

BRAZIL 6180 R. Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, Brazil. On Nov 13 at<br />

0741-0757 UT in Portuguese. SIO242. Brazilian songs & interview. ID at<br />

0754 UT.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

3235 R. Guaruja Paulista, Marilia SP, 18 Nov at 2313-2318, advs, songs;<br />

23341; // 5045. 4754.9 R. Educacao Rural, Cp§ Grande MS, 18 Nov 2322-2334,<br />

religious prgr often ment'ing the Xmas spirit; 25332.<br />

4765 R. Emissora Rural, Santarem PA, 18 Nov 2335-2339, f/ball match rpt;<br />

35322, sporadic CW QRM.<br />

48<strong>05</strong> R. Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 18 Nov 2345-2354, light songs;<br />

35333.<br />

5045 R. Guaruja Paulista, Sao Paulo SP, 18 Nov 2314-2320, advs, songs;<br />

34332; // 3235.<br />

9630 R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 19 Nov 1125-1155 (didn't f/out at this<br />

time), mass-like prgr, religious songs; 15431.<br />

9675 R. Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 19 Nov 1127-1152 (didn't f/out<br />

at this time), talks by priest; 14431, adjc. QRM (9680).<br />

11724.9 R. Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 18 Nov 1835-1850, songs; 33432, adj.<br />

QRM, but splendid at 1930.<br />

11735 R. Nova Visao, St¦ M¦ RS, 20 Nov 1220-1303, songs, religious prgr<br />

"(...) didactica" (Radio didactica, I presume), nx 1300; 14442, but vy.<br />

bad by end of observation.<br />

11829.9 R. CBN Anhangueera, Goiania GO, 20 Nov 1245-1435, talks on f/ball,<br />

news... more f/ball noted at 1430; 13441; audible right after Family R<br />

s/off in Port. to Brazil 1245.<br />

11925 R. Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 20 Nov 1022-1301, talks, TCs, advs,,<br />

talks on f/ball & f/ball match rpt (so early?!); 24442, strgr. adj. QRM at<br />

1300.<br />

17814.8 R. Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 18 Nov 1840-1856, songs; 25432.<br />

(all 12 de Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

R. Record, Sao Paulo, 6150, 0820-0845+ on Nov 12. Weak un<strong>der</strong> Costa Rica's<br />

University Network. Local ballads, Portuguese annts, IDs, ads, jingles.<br />

Much better on // 9504.81.<br />

R. Aparecida, 5035, 0810-0830+ on Nov 12. Very weak with Portuguese<br />

announcmeents, ads, jingles, local pops, ballads. Much stronger on //<br />

6134.77 and 9630.02.<br />

R. Cultura, Sao Paulo, 6170.01, 0830-0850+ on Nov 12. Portuguese talk,<br />

Brazilian ballads. // 9614.97, both very weak.<br />

R. Nacional da Amazonia, 6180, 0945-1000+ on Nov 12. Portuguese talk by<br />

M&W. Brief mx breaks; ID. // 11780, both fair.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Nov 17)<br />

BURKINA FASO R. Burkina, 5030, 2300-2400* on Nov 11. French talk, Afro-<br />

pops. Sign-off with instrumental tune; good. Gene Scott [Costa Rica] not<br />

on the air.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Nov 17)

5030 R. Burkina poor-fair at 2250 UT with Afro-pop vocals; French ancts<br />

at 2252 UT, then back to drum and whistle mx; French ID at 2301 UT and<br />

into French talk perhaps nx by same ancr.<br />

(James Ronda-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 19)<br />

CHAD/ZAMBIA/CROATIA 6165 ca. 1930-2115 etwa die folgende Lage: - RN<br />

Tchadienne: meistens dominant auf <strong>der</strong> Frequenz, ueberwiegend frz.<br />

wortprogramm, hoert sich alles ein bisschen dumpf an, gut zu hoeren mit<br />

eingefahrener Teleskopantenne und Synchrondetektor.<br />

- darunter draengelte gegen 2000, 2030 eine Station kurzzeitig nach oben,<br />

die viel eher nach Afrika denn nach Kroatien klang, womoeglich also Zambia<br />

2.<br />

- nach 2100 eine Station in chinesisch, aber nicht CRI, zu hoeren.<br />

- um 2035 wurde auf frz. die E-Mailadresse von RFI durchgegeben, schien<br />

ueber den Tschad-Sen<strong>der</strong> zu kommen<br />

- von Kroatien aber wirklich nichts zu hoeren.<br />

(Thorsten Hallmann-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 16)<br />

CHILE 17680 Voz Cristiana at 2328 UT Spanish 444, on Nov 1. Popular<br />

Latino mx with an OM ancr at 2331 UT followed by a YL and OM at 2332 UT.<br />

// 15485 [444].<br />

(MacKenzie-USA, JPNpremium Nov 11)<br />

CHINA 4460 CPBS-Beijing. 1046-1104, Nov.14, Mandarin, OM and YL w/<br />

talks, CNR "jingle" mx at 1<strong>05</strong>6. Pips, jingle mx and ID at 1100. Poor, best<br />

in USB to avoid ute. // 4800-Gerrmu.<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Nov 15)<br />

COLOMBIA 6035 LV del Guaviare, San Jose del Guaviare, noted on 19 Nov<br />

at 2322-2334, Spanish, talks; 33432, adjct. QRM.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

5910 Marfil Estereo, 11 Nov at 0917-0934 UT. Rustic mx, all sorts of<br />

animal noises and bells tolling between selections, nice ID at 0930; fair.<br />

6139.82 R. Li<strong>der</strong>, 10 Nov at 1041-1044 - News, ID and time check; fair.<br />

(Jean Burnell-NS-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 16)<br />

I listened to Radio Li<strong>der</strong> on 6139.8 KHz from 10:55 UTC to 11:15 UTC on<br />

October 22, 20<strong>05</strong>. Mailnly male talk in Spanish and mx. ID at 10:55, 11:01<br />

and 11:02. SINPO-33332/23232. Interference was beat sound.<br />

(Yasuhiro Shiozaki-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

COSTA RICA 5<strong>05</strong>4.56 Faro Del Caribe, at 1015 Noted a man in Spanish<br />

Religious comments. ID given as call letters at 1020 UT, when announcing<br />

address. Checked 9645 KHz for a//txion but could only hear a slight<br />

carrier there which could have been someone else? Signal on 5<strong>05</strong>4.56 was<br />

good.<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, hcdx Nov 12)<br />

CROATIA Eine kleine Korrektur zum dieswoechigen <strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>:<br />

c.f. <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> #735 "...HR Glas Hrvatske, das um das um fremdsprachige<br />

Nachrichten ergaenzte erste Programm des kroatischen Rundfunks:"<br />

Stimmt so nicht ganz, denn auch <strong>der</strong> groesste Teil des kroatischen<br />

Programms von Glas Hrvatske ist ein eigenes Programm und nicht mit dem<br />

Programm von HR1 identisch. In <strong>der</strong> Regel werden nur einige<br />

Nachrichtensendungen // zu HR1 auf UKW ausgestrahlt (z.B. gerade ebenvon

2100-2132 UTC, seither werden wie<strong>der</strong> getrennte Programme gesendet -<br />

uebrigens auch nicht // zu HR2 o<strong>der</strong> HR3).<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 16)<br />

CUBA RHC ESPERANTO [Sundays only!]<br />

America del Norte 6000 0700-0730. [x9550, xx9820]<br />

Norte, Centro, Suramerica 11760 1500-1530 / 1930-2000.<br />

America Central 6140 2330-2400.<br />

(RHC website via Sean Gilbert-UK, WRTH, cleaned up by gh for dxld Nov 10)<br />

95<strong>05</strong> Radio Rebelde also was heard on 95<strong>05</strong> kHz here in Germany on Nov 4th<br />

from 1000-1200 UTC. Program Noticias Rebelde and many IDs. Weak but good<br />

readable.<br />

A move from 9600 or a second channel on 31m?<br />

(Harald Kuhl-D, hcdx Nov 15)<br />

Radio Rebelde tiene una capacidad de potencia instalada de 891 Kilowats,<br />

con 44 transmisores para una cobertura del 98% de todo el pais. Posee<br />

ademas en Onda Corta en la banda tropical de 60 metros en los 5025 Mhz y 4<br />

de FM con 5316 KWs con frecuencias de 96.7 Mhz, 92.1 Mhz, 92.7 Mhz, y<br />

102.9 Mhz En nuestras instalaciones laboran aproximadamente 274<br />

trabajadores, que hacen posible sus transmisiones. Contamos con<br />

corresponsalias en cada una de las provincias del pais incluyendo el<br />

municipio especial Isla de la Juventud.<br />

AMPLITUD MODULADA (AM): 670 Y 710 Kc<br />

ONDA CORTA: Banda 31 m 9600 kHz Banda 49m<br />

6140 kHz<br />


(ibid.)<br />

DIEGO GARCIA Direction-finding from Europe on 18727 Information Radio<br />

puts it on this line: Adana, W Iraq, Thumrait, Diego Garcia.<br />

(WoR, Nov 15)<br />

ECUADOR 15370 Haven't heard the HCJB DRM on 15370 the last few days.<br />

The HFCC B-<strong>05</strong> DRM schedule confirms this txion was to end on Nov 12.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 20)<br />

ETHIOPIA 13799.1 on Nov 19 at 1800- UT, R Ethiopia HS. // 9704.2 kHz.<br />

Very low modulation.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 19)<br />

Its very strange, VoA Amharic sce bcing on 13800 at same ...<br />

7245 1800-1900 Iranawila 250kW 279deg<br />

11690 1800-1900 Kavalla 250 172<br />

13800 1800-1900 Iranawila 250 275<br />

(73 wb, dxld Nov 19)<br />

To jam VOA? (gh, <strong>DX</strong>LD) Yes Sir, I guess. (wb)<br />

7165.13 V. of Democratic Alliance (pres) 1502-1516 on Nov 16. Talks by M<br />

to 1513, then a short selection of vocal mx; back to talk at 1515. Fair<br />

signal, // to 9559.73 which was good but splattered by 9565.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 17)<br />

GABON 4777 at 1630-1658* UT RTV Gabonaise, O=3, franzoesisch =><br />

eigentlich recht haeufiger Fang in den letzten Wochen.<br />

(Thorsten Hallmann-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 16)<br />

GEORGIA The Georgian govt reversed the decision of spring 20<strong>05</strong> to move<br />

the country to the UTC +3h time zone (including DST UTC +4hrs). The clocks

were not switched back one hour on 30 October when Georgia ended DST, and<br />

the country is now again in the UTC +4h time zone.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Nov 8)<br />

GEORGIA/RUSSIA Observed in Sofia, Bulgarien daily from 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 UT on<br />

9495; Mon-Fri 0700-08<strong>05</strong> UT 9495 and 9535 kHz. Daily from 1100-1145 UT and<br />

1400-1430 UT; and Mon-Sat 1430-1500 UT (occasionally until 1600 UT) on<br />

9495 kHz with programme of Abkhazian Radio. At other times, between <strong>05</strong>00-<br />

0700 UT and between 1430-1600 UT are the programmes of Radio of Russian<br />

radio Sochi and Radio Kuban.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 28)<br />

GERMANY cland? 7110 'Tamil I<strong>BC</strong>' 0000+, ID by man, followed by talks of<br />

OM and YL: 'tabirum tamil' followed by hymn and YL with news(?), hen with<br />

possibly catholic song program S9+20, 45544.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 19)<br />

From Nov 16th 7110 250 kW Wertachtal-GER [x6<strong>05</strong>5 til Nov 15th], two HFCC<br />

list entries of same broadcast, one of DTK Germany, other of WRN Provi<strong>der</strong><br />

in London:<br />

7110 0000-0100 41 WER 250 90 1611<strong>05</strong> 260306 DTK<br />

7110 0000-0100 41 WER 250 1<strong>05</strong> 1611<strong>05</strong> 260306 WRN<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 19)<br />

Additional DTK T-Systems changes:<br />

I<strong>BC</strong> Tamil Sce in Tamil from Nov.18:<br />

0000-0100 NF 7110(not71<strong>05</strong>)WER 250 kW 090 deg SoAs,x6<strong>05</strong>5 avoid REE<br />

Bible Voice Broadcasting Network (BVBN) from Nov.19/20 and from Nov.22/23:<br />

0800-0915 on 5945 JUL 100 kW 290 deg Sat WeEu in English,x0730-0915<br />

0800-0945 on 5945 JUL 100 kW 290 deg Sun WeEu in English,x0730-0945<br />

1600-1630 on 13810 JUL 100 kW 130 deg Tue EaAf in Amharic, additional<br />

1600-1630 on 13810 JUL 100 kW 130 deg Thu EaAf in Amharic, additional<br />

1930-2000 on 7260 NAU 125 kW 210 deg Sat WeAf in English, cancelled<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

Note a Russian lang bc via Juelich-Germany on 5850 kHz at present,<br />

registered at 1700-1800 UT. This sce had previous test on 0711<strong>05</strong>-0811<strong>05</strong><br />

days. HFCC lines #17585 / 17594.<br />

Checked against DW Russian on 7145 kHz, but not //. Please help, due of<br />

heavy digital txion in this channel part by European meteo stations, is<br />

difficult to follow this Russian txion.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 18)<br />

Radio Taiwan International, now using Juelich instead of Issoudun for this<br />

txion.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 18)<br />

I think 5850 is actually Radio Taiwan International Russian sce. There is<br />

much mention/talk about Taiwan in the latter part of the sce plus Chinese<br />

style mx breaks. And confirmed by ID at 1758. Radio Canada Intl took over<br />

the freq at 1759 in French - I assume via Sweden. I think there was a<br />

break between the closing of RTI and the opening of RCI but it wasn't so<br />

easy to distinguish due to the digi noise.<br />

The sched put out by Miller Liu in dxld lists 11635F (Issoudun?) at 1700-<br />

1800 but another received direct from the station shows 6060 via<br />

Wertachtal 125 kW. I don't hear Russian on either 11635 or 6060.<br />

Digital QRM is also very bad here but the broadcast is mostly on top.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, dxld Nov 18)


I haven't visited DW's website in a few weeks, partially because I have<br />

always felt it was one of the more poorly organizaed sites out there. I<br />

was pleasantly surprised this morning to see a new layout that facilitates<br />

one-click access to live audio, on-demand audio and the current program<br />

and freq guides.<br />

<br />

(Richard Cuff-PA-USA, Swprograms mailing list via dxld Nov 17)<br />

177 kHz LW may return to AM.<br />

Deutschlandradio consi<strong>der</strong>s for Zehlendorf 177 a return to AM operation,<br />

with the exception of three hour DRM tests at night, since it is now clear<br />

that no DRM receivers will be available for Christmas as it was promised<br />

at IFA. This according the Radio-Kurier magazine, already quoted in<br />

advance at<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 16)<br />

Noted also LUX 1440 kHz back on AM during daytime, formerly DRM mode. (wb)<br />

738 AM/DRM - Wollte um etwa 0745 UT Truck Radio auf 738 kHz hoeren und<br />

fand einen Rauschteppich mit etwas Gezwitscher vor. Das Spektrum <strong>der</strong><br />

DReaM-software zeigte eindeutig einen DRM-Kasten, aber mit einem dicken<br />

Traeger in <strong>der</strong> Mitte. So fingen letztes Jahr auch die DRM-Tests des BR auf<br />

6085 kHz an.<br />

Eine Dekodierung war aber trotz S9-Signal nicht moeglich. Etwa 5 Minuten<br />

spaeter wurde total abgeschaltet, kurz vor 0800 UT wurde <strong>der</strong> Traeger<br />

wie<strong>der</strong> eingeschaltet. Seit 0810 UT laeuft wie<strong>der</strong> das Truck Radio Programm.<br />

Gruesse aus Eningen u.A., 40 km SO von Hirschlanden.<br />

(Juergen Martens-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 15)<br />

GREENLAND The postal address of OZL Ammassalik Radio which relays KNR<br />

(Greenlandic Radio) on 3815 kHz is: Silasiorpimmut B920, 3913 Tasiilaq,<br />

Greenland. Some photos of Greenlandic costal radio stations incl. OZL can<br />

be found at<br />

<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 14)<br />

3815 USB KRN, Tasiilaq, 09 Nov at 2133-2215 - Woman in Greenlandic,<br />

switched to Danish (man) at 2144; fairly strong, but with terrible UTE<br />

QRM.<br />

(Jean Burnell-NS-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 16)<br />

GUATEMALA 4780 R. Cultural Coatan, San Sebastian de Coatan, audible on<br />

18 Nov at 2341-2347, Chuj dialect (as listed), talks often ment'ing<br />

"candidato" (=candidate); 34332, some splash de MLI.<br />

4799.8 R. Buenas Nuevas, San Sebastian, also audible on 18 Nov at 2343-<br />

2351, Vernacular, talks, fanfares; 33331, adjc. QRM de CHN 4800.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

GUYANA 3291.16, (pres) G<strong>BC</strong>, 0123-0137, Nov. 15, English, Cover of Simon<br />

& Garfunkel tune. OM at 0129 w/ date, talk re phone poll followed by<br />

listener phone calls. No ID noted. Poor/fair.<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Nov 15)<br />

HONDURAS 3340, Radio Misiones Internacional, 0332-0406 Nov 11, group<br />

vocals, talk by a man announcer in Spanish with ID. Lively Latin vocals<br />

until another man began long religious talk at 0345. At 0359 another ID<br />

followed by more talking. Poor to fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 13)

ICELAND Checking their website yields the following:<br />

<br />

(obviously, "Stuttbylgja" means SW in Icelandic)<br />

for Europe:<br />

1215-1300 UTC 13865 kHz (125deg)<br />

1755-1825 UTC 12115 kHz (125deg)<br />

for North America<br />

1410-1440 UTC 13865 kHz (251deg)<br />

1835-19<strong>05</strong> UTC 13865 kHz (251deg)<br />

2300-2335 UTC 12115 kHz (251deg)<br />

But there is no date given, so we don't know whether this is actually B<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Try it out!<br />

(Eike Bierwirth-D, dxld Nov 19)<br />

They seem to be A<strong>05</strong> fq's, but I shall be checking the 1215 UT txion in one<br />

hour.<br />

(later) Iceland was heard opening at 1210 UT on 13865 kHz. Here at 1755 UT<br />

I cannot find them.<br />

(Erik Koie-DEN, dxld Nov 18)<br />

Iceland 12115 kHz was on air, but late, started around 1800 ... 1801 UT on<br />

12115 in USB mode?? Side band splash, 1755-1800 UT QRM by VoA Juelich<br />

12110 in Persian.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 19)<br />

Yes, reduced carrier -6db<br />

(Roberto Scaglione-I, Nov 18)<br />

INDONESIA After the terrorist attack on the Island of Bali, several INSn<br />

local stations were received with extended bc times on Oct 1st, such as:<br />

Radio Serui 46<strong>05</strong>, til cl-down at 1502 UT. Radio Biak 4920 kHz and R Jambi<br />

4925 kHz til fade-out of the signal around 1525 UT.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 28)<br />

3325 RRI Palangkaraya on Nov 12 at 1351-1402 UT. 32432-33433 INSn, Music,<br />

1358 IS, 1400 Local news.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

4874.6 RRI Sorong on Nov 13 at 2036-2100 UT. SINPO 35433. INSn popular<br />

songs and talk in INSn. ID at 2<strong>05</strong>9 UT, then "Rayuan pulau Kelapa". Nx from<br />

2100 UT.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

7289.9 RRI Nabire (pres) on Nov 07 at 0807-0908 UT. 25321-35433-25332<br />

INSn, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

9680, KGRE via RRI Jakarta, Nov 16 (Wed.), 1000-1020 UT, repeat of the Nov<br />

13 (Sun.) prgm. They have resumed their Sun. & Wed. schedule.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 19)<br />

9680, KGRE program via RRI Jakarta, Nov 16 (Wed.) at 1000-1020 UT, repeat<br />

of the Nov 13 (Sun.) program. They have resumed their Sun. & Wed.<br />

schedule.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA_Usa, dxld Nov 18)<br />

RRI program 4 on 9680, the heaviest signal of all from the Asia- Pacific<br />

rim as late as 1500, was missed this morning here in Tiquicia.

I won<strong>der</strong> how long 9680 from RRI stays on? Around 1400 I hear a heavy mix<br />

of QRM, as we see in HFCC B-<strong>05</strong>:<br />

9680 1100-1500 42-44 PHT 250 349 PHL IBB IBB<br />

But no mention of INS, China or Taiwan, all that info censored!<br />

N<strong>DX</strong>C B-<strong>05</strong> reveals the awful clashes really taking place, not only RRI and<br />

VOA Chinese, but both China and Taiwan!!:<br />

9680 CNR 2 1100-1300 1234567 Chinese Beijing 50 180<br />

9680 CNR 2 1300-1400 1234567 English Beijing 50 180<br />

9680 CNR 2 1400-1430 1234567 Chinese Beijing 50 180<br />

9680 CNR 2 1430-1600 1234567 Chinese Beijing 50 180<br />

9680 CBS TAIWAN 1100-1800 1234567 Chinese Taipei 100 352<br />

9680 RRI Jakarta 1000-1020 1..4... English Cimanggis 250 316<br />

9680 RRI Jakarta 2200-1300 1234567 INSn Cimanggis 250 316<br />

9680 VOA 1100-1500 1234567 Chinese Tinang 250 349<br />

Above info has been condensed, and only relevant items included. The CNR2<br />

listings are followed by "CNR2=6040" which I guess means //. The numbers<br />

"491" appear after Beijing; I don't know why. The 1400- 1430 segment is a<br />

relay of CNR1. May I suggest that VOA and RRI ought to move and let the<br />

Chinese faxions fight it out on 9680? O, the Chicoms at least would move<br />

right along to jam VOA, but at least that would lessen interference for<br />

RRI, which is unlikely to move.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 19)<br />

IRAN Freq change for VOIROI/IRIB in Bengali:<br />

1430-1527 NF 7295, x73<strong>05</strong> avoid VOR in Urdu/Hindi // 9565 and 9930<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

IRIB, Radio Tehran Bengali shift to 7295 kHz (x73<strong>05</strong> kHz) from 1430-1530 UT<br />

to avoid strong co-channel interference from Voice of Russia Hindi<br />

programme.<br />

(Swopan Chakroborty-IND, hcdx Nov 16)<br />

IRAQ/IRAN [KURDISTAN or wherever] 3959.71 (CLANDESTINE) Voice of<br />

Iranian Kurdistan; 0302-0315 on 22 Nov. Iranian bubble jammer on 3961,<br />

with this poorly on the low side. Qu'ran recital, non-Arabic man 0309.<br />

Same style Iranian jammer bubbling away on 4860.<br />

(Terry L Krueger-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 22)<br />

Radio announcing itself as "Voice of the Struggle", Voice of the<br />

Independence of Iranian Kurdistan" was reported at new time between 1520<br />

and 1625 UT in range from 4400 to 4410 kHz. Radio "Voice of the Communist<br />

Party of Iran" was heard at new times from 1425 and from 1625 UT on 3980,<br />

4380, and 6425 kHz.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Oct 28)<br />

4850 UNID I'm hearing something on 4850 kHz, but it's weak and<br />

unintelligible. I tuned in at 0400 and it was in the clear, but since<br />

0402, it sounds like the txion is being jammed. Looking through Passport<br />

and the last 8 years of NASWA loggings, I don't see any likely candidates<br />

for jamming. Jammer disappeared abruptly at 0412, its target apparently<br />

having absconded. Any ideas?<br />

(Ralph Brandi-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 20)<br />

4850 Voice of Iranian Kurdistan from Iraq. 0200-0300 Kurdish, 0300-0400<br />

Farsi. Varies up to 4870 at times. // 3970v/3980v kHz.<br />

Also at 1330-1530 UT on 3970v and 4860.<br />

// Noted by yours truly in southern Spain on 3971.1 kHz at 1520 UT also,<br />

on Nov 5th.

(wb, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 20)<br />

That makes sense. I'll have to try again over the next few days and see if<br />

I hear it more clearly at an earlier hour. Thanks!<br />

(Ralph Brandi-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 21)<br />

JAPAN 9595 Radio Nikkei at <strong>05</strong>45 UT Japanese 444 on Nov 2. OM chatting<br />

with a YL. The YL talking before a group people along with an OM at times.<br />

(Stewart MacKenzie-USA, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

3925 R. Nikkei, f/d English/Japanese card ("Thanks For Your Report!") in<br />

17 days for $1.<br />

(John Herkimer-NY-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 20)<br />

KOREA DPR. 6398.90 R. Pyongyang, on 11 Nov at 2<strong>05</strong>9-2102 UT - IS, pips,<br />

anthem, then very weak talk; poor.<br />

(Jean Burnell-NS-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 16)<br />

P'yongyang Broadcasting Station, 6250.13, 0925-0945+ Nov 12. Nice program<br />

of local mx. // 6398.81, both fair to good.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Nov 17)<br />

KOREA Rep. of 6348.0 R Echo of Hope, Kimp'o, So. Korea, 1430-1530, Nov<br />

09, Korean talks and local mx, 1500 probably nx read by man and woman,<br />

33333, heard // 3985 (21221).<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Nov 11)<br />

KUWAIT Winter B-<strong>05</strong> for IBB via KWT 250 kW 070 deg:<br />

0000-0200 RFE Kyrgyz 7595<br />

0030-0130 ASH Pashto 12140<br />

0100-0300 RFA Tibetan 7560<br />

0130-0230 ASH Dari 12140<br />

0230-0330 AFG Pashto 11940<br />

0330-0430 AFG Dari 11940<br />

0400-0600 VOA Tibetan 17665<br />

0430-<strong>05</strong>30 AFG Pashto 11940 19010<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-0630 AFG Dari 11940 19010<br />

0600-0700 RFA Tibetan 17715<br />

0630-0730 AFG Pashto 11940 19010<br />

0730-0830 AFG Dari 11940 19010<br />

0830-0930 AFG Pashto 11940 19010<br />

0930-1030 AFG Dari 11940 19010<br />

1030-1130 AFG Pashto 12140 19010<br />

1100-1400 RFA Tibetan 11590<br />

1130-1230 AFG Dari 12140 19010<br />

1230-1330 AFG Pashto 11940 12140<br />

1330-1430 AFG Dari 9335 12140<br />

1400-1500 VOA Tibetan 11885<br />

1400-1600 RFE Kyrgyz 13620 >>>>> from Nov.21<br />

1430-1500 ASH Pashto 9335 12140<br />

1500-1530 ASH Dari 9335 12140<br />

1500-1600 RFA Tibetan 11500<br />

1530-1630 ASH Pashto 9335 12140<br />

1600-1800 RFE Turkmen 62<strong>05</strong><br />

1630-1730 ASH Dari 12140<br />

1730-1800 ASH Pashto 12140<br />

1800-1830 ASH Dari 12140<br />

1830-1930 ASH Pashto 7595<br />

1930-2030 ASH Dari 7595<br />

2030-2130 VOA English 7595<br />

2130-0030 VOA English 6235<br />

2300-2400 RFA Tibetan 7550<br />

AFG=Radio Free Afghanistan

ASH=Radio Ashna<br />

RFA=Radio Free Asia<br />

RFE=Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty<br />

VOA=Voice of America<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

VOA on new 6235, 2240-2345+ Nov 4, in English, business news, IDS; fair.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Nov 15)<br />

That would be Kuwait; surprising that IBB would invade this maritime band.<br />

(gh, <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

LAOS 6130 LNR, 1142-1204, Nov.15, Laotian, YL b/w mx bits. Vocal<br />

ballads at 1150. Instr. mx and 7 gongs at 1200 followed by fanfare and<br />

presumed ID. OM and YL w/ news, soundbites. Poor/fair.<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Nov 15)<br />

4678.1 Laos National Radio threshold signal 1100 to 1120 UT on 20<br />

November.(Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 20)<br />

LATVIA 9290 R. Tatras International, 9290, photocopied n/d letter with<br />

"QSL Confirmation" at top, nice RTI bumper sticker, and color postcard of<br />

Aqua City Resort in Slovakia with detachable discount coupons. In 10 days<br />

for follow-up e-mail report and audio clip to <br />

Reply mailed from Slovakia.(John Herkimer-NY-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 20)<br />

LIBERIA R. Veritas, 5469.96, 23<strong>05</strong>-2309* Nov 4. Tune-in to English<br />

religious message and prayer asking for peace in Liberia. 2307 Lord's<br />

Prayer, lite mx until 2309* Fair.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Nov 15)<br />

LITHUANIA The schedule of the 500 kW tx in Sitkunai on 666, carrying<br />

Lithuanian Radio (LR), was reduced to 0300-1830 UT. As a result, the tx no<br />

longer carries Radio Vilnius in English which is carried on LR for<br />

domestic listeners at 1900-1930 (now FM only).<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx Nov 19)<br />

Ich wollte nicht vergessen darauf hinzuweisen - es geistern etliche<br />

haarstraeubende Zeitangaben herum zu den Bubiai-Sendungen mittwochs, daher<br />

nochmals die tatsaechlichen Sendezeiten:<br />

Sitkunai 1386 schliesst um 2200 UTC, und Bubiai 1386 laeuft (Wed) von<br />

2200-2400 UTC.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 16)<br />

Relay schedules for the MW txs Vilnius 612 (licensee: Radio Baltic<br />

Waves/RBW) and Sitkunai 1386/1557 kHz (licensee: Radio Baltic Waves<br />

International/RBWI):<br />

Vilnius 612 kHz 100 kW (RBW)<br />

0345-0400 RBW Music<br />

0400-0600 RFE/RL Belarusian<br />

0600-0745 Break<br />

0745-0800 RBW Music<br />

0800-1000 VOR Radiokanal Sodruzhestvo Russian<br />

1000-1400 VOR Russkoye Mezhdunarodnoye Radio Russian<br />

1400-1600 VOR Radiokanal Sodruzhestvo Russian<br />

1600-2200 RFE/RL Belarusian<br />

2200-2300 R. Polonia Belarusian<br />

Sitkunai 1386 kHz 500 kW (RBWI)<br />

2002-2100 CRI Czech<br />

2100-2200 CRI English

Sitkunai 1557 kHz 150 kW (RBWI)<br />

1800-1900 DW Russian (from 1 Dec)<br />

1900-2100 CRI Russian<br />

2100-2200 CRI Polish<br />

2200-2300 CRI Chinese<br />

All times are UT. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx Nov 16)<br />

MADAGASCAR CLANDESTINE 12060, Radio Nile via Madagascar, 0404-0439 Nov<br />

12, woman announcer with the nx headlines alternating with mxal segments<br />

followed by the nx in detail in English. ID at 0407: "You are listening to<br />

the nx on Radio Nile." Change of lang at 0430. Fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 13)<br />

12060 R. Nile relay, 0402-0413, Nov. 15, Vernacular/English, YL in lang.<br />

at t/in. OM at 0404 w/ EG talks over mx, numerous mentions of "Radio<br />

Nile". Prg began at 0411 that I could not copy the name of. Poor w/<br />

constant bubble jammer-like QRM.<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Nov 15)<br />

MALAYSIA 7270 SARAWAK. Wai FM (RTM), Nov 11, 1300 two time clicks,<br />

"Assalam Alaikum" greeting, tentatively carried "Berita Nasional FM" (the<br />

nx from Kula Lumpur), as opposed to the 1400 news, which always seems to<br />

be "Berita Wai FM" (the nx from Kuching), 1315 UT ID with their long<br />

version of the station's singing jingle.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 13)<br />

5965 R. Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur on Nov 13 at 0925-0931 UT in Malay. SIO<br />

342. Music program till 0929 UT, then ID as "Nasional FM". Talk followed.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

6024.88 V.of Islam via RTM on Nov 12 at 1446-1458 UT. 43443 Malay. Talk<br />

and mx, ID at 1447 and 1455 UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

7269.7 Wai FM via RTM on Nov 12 at 1301-1324 UT. 43443-33443 Malay. News,<br />

SJ at 1310, ID at 1316 UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

MALI 4784.4 R. Mali, Kati, this time with almost normal, strong audio,<br />

on 18 Nov at 2340-..., African pops; 55444.<br />

11960 R. Mali, Kati, obs'ed on 20 Nov at 1431-..., Fernch/Vernacular,<br />

Afr. songs, welcoming listeners' participation in Sunday's 1430-1600<br />

Malian mx prgr; 43443. Barely audible on // 7285v.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

MEXICO 4810, XERTA, I have heard Radio Transcontinental de America on<br />

the air more than their former schedule of only being on during the<br />

weekends. Nov 9, 16 and 17 heard at different times between <strong>05</strong>35-1036 UT,<br />

with prgm'ing in SP. Suspect that it's this new extended schedule that<br />

triggered their e-mail to me.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 19)<br />

NETHERLANDS 747 The newspaper NRC Handelsblad reports today that the<br />

Governing Council of Dutch public broadcasting wants to bring forward the<br />

closure of Radio 747 on mediumwave. That was planned for 2010, but could<br />

be as early as 2007. The closure of the high power mediumwave tx would<br />

save 2 million euro a year. Radio 747, which recently changed its on-air<br />

identification from 747 AM, would then be available on DAB, cable and the<br />

Internet.<br />

(via Mike Terry-UK, mwdx Npov 20)<br />

NEW ZEALAND RNZI's use of DRM for the Pacific involves them using a DRM

tx to targeted island broadcasters, who are supplied with free DRM<br />

receivers by RNZI. The local broadcaster can then relay the RNZI<br />

broadcasts as effective stereo FM quality over local FM txs, or as<br />

effective studio quality broadcasts over local AM and/or SW txs. An<br />

example is SI<strong>BC</strong> Solomon Islands, whose new SW tx will be DRM capable. This<br />

will be used to relay SI<strong>BC</strong> and RNZI programs to low power FM relay txs<br />

outside Honiara.<br />

At the same time, depending on the bit rates used, SI<strong>BC</strong> can theoretically<br />

generate revenue by feeding govt voice or teletext type messages to<br />

outlying govt offices at cheaper rates than the local telephone company.<br />

It could also, theoretically, carry mx or nx programmes from a private FM<br />

station in Honiara to private FM relay txs co-sited with its own FM<br />

relays, thus giving distant parts of the country access to a second radio<br />

sce and generating revenue.<br />

The new VBTC [Radio Vila] AM txs gifted by the New Zealand Govt, are also<br />

DRM capable. Here again, the option is available for point-to-point use<br />

for relays via low power FM txs in isolated parts of Vanuatu, and new<br />

revenue generation. RNZI, Radio Australia and UCB Pacific have all relied<br />

on either SW or satellite delivery in the past, but the sudden collapse of<br />

sce earlier this year when the main Pacific satellite went out of orbit,<br />

has been a strong remin<strong>der</strong> of how fragile satellite radio delivery<br />

actually can be.<br />

Add to this the expense of installing satellite dishes on small islands,<br />

with little or no technical maintenance skills available locally, plus the<br />

easy destruction of dishes during cyclones, [hurricanes], as well as wet<br />

and humid conditions for sensitive computerised equipment, and the<br />

decision to run DRM via SW with analogue backup makes engineering and<br />

economic sense in the Pacific.<br />

(David Ricquish-NZL, wdxc-UK Contact Nov 2)<br />

R. NZi's signals on all daytime (SW Eur) fqs, viz. 15720, 9885, 15530,<br />

9870, 11980, are being fair/good despite some ups & downs mainly on 9870<br />

when the signal is affected mostly 1500~1530 & until switching to 11980<br />

due to adjc. QRM ut and on 11980 after 1830 ut which is when the VoA s/on<br />

on an adjct. fq, but, some days, Rangitaiki's signal is so strong, the<br />

interference is no issue. 15720 kHz at 1851-2235 and then 17675 kHz are,<br />

nonetheless simply useless... till prop' condx improve; until then,<br />

evening reception can be achieved via something we <strong>DX</strong>ers are kind of<br />

reluctant to use: www.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 19)<br />

9870 R. NZi, Rangitaiki, heard on 10 Nov at /1651-1750* UT, IS, English<br />

prgr, mx, Pacific Reg. News, Pacific Correspondent (sole change to hear<br />

the usual rpt in French), nx in Pac. Vernaculars, IS; 54544, no adjt. QRM<br />

after 1730.<br />

11980 R. NZi, Rangitaiki, obs'ed on 10 Nov at /1751-1850* UT, IS, English<br />

prgr, coastal weather forecast, news, int'l sports, Dateline Pacific, Nx<br />

About NZL, nx in Samoan, IS again for fq change; 55544.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />


The Voice of Nigeria (VON) director-general, Mallam Abubakar Jijiwa, has<br />

taken responsibility for the re-branding and upgrading of equipment of the<br />

station, the Lagos-based The Sun website reported on 8 November.<br />

The report said that the organization was conducting an upgrade of its<br />

equipment and motivating its workforce in or<strong>der</strong> to "achieve excellence<br />

through optimal utilization of existing human and material resources in<br />

or<strong>der</strong> to make VON a leading international broadcasting station like B<strong>BC</strong>,

VOA, Deutsche Welle, and in particular among the African audiences, and to<br />

give VON the cutting edge in broadcasting [technology]".<br />

VON has installed at its Ikoyi location a 250-kW standby generator and<br />

awarded a contract for a full digital studio in Abuja. In addition, two tx<br />

valves have been purchased, and efforts are ongoing to "restore VON's txs<br />

into full txion capacity" by mid- 2006. The Ikorodu tx power station and<br />

other equipment are also in line for upgrading.<br />

The report said that VON is in partnership with the Nigeria Television<br />

Authority (NTA) for distribution of its signals world-wide using the NTA's<br />

existing satellite network. This was part of plans to develop Voice of<br />

Nigeria External Service TV.<br />

(The Sun website, Lagos-NIG, Mov 8 via B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld)<br />

4770 R. Nigeria, Kaduna, putting a useless signal on 19 Nov at 1850-...<br />

UT, Vernacular, talks; 45433, but muffled, noisy & dist. audio.<br />

7255 VoNigeria, Ikorodu, noted on 12 Nov at 1246-1304, English, reports,<br />

African drum jingles; 35342, adj. QRM de CVA starting at 1300.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

NORWAY The weekly media magazine "Kurer" which is heard on NRK home sce<br />

once a week made a brief visit to the Kongsfjord <strong>DX</strong>-Pedition site in<br />

October. At this place in northern Norway all continents can be heard. In<br />

October New Zealand was logged and verified for the first time in Europe.<br />

The reporter talked to Norwegian top-<strong>DX</strong>ers Bjarne Mjelde, <strong>Jan</strong> Alvestad,<br />

Ole Forr and Tore B. Vik, who devote much of their spare time to "fishing<br />

and hunting" on the MW band. Pictures and text at<br />

<br />

(Henrik Klemetz-SWE, dxld Nov 10)<br />

OMAN Radio Sultanate of Oman in Arabic:<br />

0600-0800 NF 15355, x17630 // 13640<br />

0800-1000 no txion on 17630, only 13640<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

Radio OMAN B<strong>05</strong> (Valid from 30/10/<strong>05</strong> till 26/03/06)<br />

Updated 17/11/20<strong>05</strong><br />


6085 0200 0400 39N,40W SEB 100 320 0 141 Arabic<br />

6085 2000 2200 39SW,48 SEB 100 240 0 146 Arabic<br />

6190 1800 2000 39SW,48 SEB 100 240 0 146 Arabic<br />

9515 0400 0600 39N,40W SEB 100 320 0 141 Arabic<br />

9760 2300 0200 28,39N THU 100 315 0 218 Arabic<br />

13640 0600 1400 39N,40W SEB 100 320 0 141 Arabic<br />

13640 2000 2200 28,39N THU 100 315 0 218 Arabic<br />

15140 1400 1500 28,39N THU 100 315 0 218 english<br />

15140 1500 1800 28,39N THU 100 315 0 218 Arabic<br />

15355 0200 0300 48,53 THU 100 220 0 2<strong>05</strong> Arabic<br />

15355 0300 0400 48,53 THU 100 220 0 2<strong>05</strong> English<br />

15355 1800 2000 48,53 THU 100 220 0 2<strong>05</strong> Arabic<br />

15355 2200 2400 28,39N THU 100 315 0 218 Arabic<br />

15375 1400 1800 39SW,48 SEB 100 240 0 146 Arabic<br />

17590 0400 0600 48,53 THU 100 220 0 2<strong>05</strong> Arabic<br />

17630 0600 1000 28,39N THU 100 315 0 218 Arabic<br />

(Alokesh Gupta-IND, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 18)<br />

PAKISTAN Interestingly, for English Nx & Commentary to the Gulf & ME at<br />

1600-1615 freq 6215 is via one of the 100 kW units at 282 deg. 11570 250<br />

kW is at 233 deg to East Africa!<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 12)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3275 R. Southern Highlands, Mendi, Papua New Guinea.<br />

On Nov 12 at 1300-1307(S/off) UT in vernacular. SIO252. Pops. ID & Closing<br />

annt at 1303 UT, then National Anthem.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

7120 Wantok R. Light on Nov 12 at 0801-0809 UT. 45433 English, ID at 0801,<br />

Music.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

7120 Wantok Radio Light. Received another reply from the station in the<br />

form of full data QSL Card, Information letter about the station and the<br />

technical equipment, for a follow-up sent back in August. Reply this time<br />

in 80 days.<br />

They have a e-mail address as: <br />

Their phone number is 321-3399 FAX 321-5565 v/s Sarah Good.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 20)<br />

PERU 4746.9 R. Huanta 2000, Huanta, logged on 18 Nov at 2319-2331,<br />

Spanish+Quechua, lots of advs.; 34332.<br />

9720 R. Victoria, Lima, fair on 19 Nov at 2236-2246, Spanish, ann. for<br />

Sun. religious event "Domingo de los Milagros"; 24443, vy. strg. audio,<br />

QRM de UNID in Chinese.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

PHILIPPINES Freqs changes for Radio Veritas Asia eff from Nov.27:<br />

0000-0027 Sinhala NF 9510, x15520<br />

0030-0<strong>05</strong>7 Bengali NF 11820, x11935 avoid RRI in Spanish<br />

1330-1357 Hindi NF 11870, x11875 avoid RDP in Portuguese Sat/Sun<br />

1400-1427 Bengali NF 11870, x11875 avoid RDP in Portuguese Sat/Sun<br />

1430-1457 Urdu NF 11870, x11875 avoid RDP in Portuguese Sat/Sun<br />

2330-2357 Tagalog NF 9720, x 9730 avoid Radio Australia in Khmer<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

From 27th Nov Radio Veritas Asia going to make the following changes:<br />

Language UTC New Freq.(kHz) Old Freq.<br />

Sinhala 0000-0027 9510 15520<br />

Bengali 0030-0<strong>05</strong>7 11820 11935<br />

Hindi 1330-1400 11870 11875<br />

Bengali 1400-1430 11870 11875<br />

Urdu 1430-1457 11870 11875<br />

Philipino 2300-2327 9720 9730<br />

(Ashik Eqbal Tokon-BGD, dxld Nov 17)<br />

9570 R Blagovest via R Veritas Asia on Nov 10 at 1510-1519 UT. 45444<br />

Russian, Talk, ID at 1514 UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

17830 R. Blagovest via R. Veritas Asia on Nov 11 at *0130-0139 UT. 44444<br />

Russian, 0130 sign on with Gong's IS, ID, Opening announce, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

PORTUGAL Right now, 1915 UT, the RDPi is starting another extra HF<br />

txssion to relay RDP-1 ... for another football match report:<br />

Eur 11630, Afr 17680, NAm 15540 (bad audio), Ven 15535 (old 100 kW tx;<br />

fair audio), B+WAfr 21655 are the fqs until 2000 UT (Ven, till 2100), then<br />

at 2000 UT Eur 9795+9460, Afr 11825, NAm 15540, Ven 11635 (2100~), B+WAfr<br />

15555 ... and now I shall be phoning the HF centre to learn why the audio<br />

quality dropped.

Other // stns scattered throughout the world include R. Macau as<br />

announced, and I'm sure R. Nacional de Angola (to mention but the sole<br />

Portuguese speaking Afr stn using HF these days) will again be relaying<br />

the RDPi.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 22)<br />

ROMANIA Freqs changes for Radio Romania International from Nov.20:<br />

0000-0<strong>05</strong>7 Spanish NF 5960, x11935 avoid RVA in Sinhala till 0027<br />

0100-0157 English NF 6150, x11970 avoid RRI in French<br />

0100-0157 Romanian NF 6040, x11960 avoid CNR in Chinese<br />

0200-0257 French NF 6045, x11965<br />

0200-0257 Romanian NF 6080, x11950<br />

0300-0357 Spanish NF 5960, x11895<br />

0300-0357 Spanish NF 6080, x11940 avoid R. Free Afghanistan in Pa/Da<br />

0400-0457 English NF 6115, x 6125 avoid REE in Spanish<br />

1630-1657 Italian NF 6175, x 71<strong>05</strong><br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

RUSSIA UNID in Japanese is Shiokaze (Sea Breeze) via IRK 100 kW 125 deg:<br />

1430-1500 (x1530-1600) on 5890 (45544)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

5960, Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean // 7330. 0945 to 1000 UT, ID's at end of<br />

the broadcast. 7330 is definitely the weaker of the two signals but does<br />

lock in AM-synch.<br />

(Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 14)<br />

7330 Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean (R. Station Pacific Ocean), Nov 18 at<br />

*0935-0950* UT, usual IS (chimes) and Russian prgm'ing. This was the last<br />

day of their test txions on 7330 and ended earlier than usual, off in mid-<br />

song, with 5960 continuing till 1000*. Nov 19, *0935-1000* heard only 5960<br />

kHz.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 19)<br />

7330 Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean, Vladivostok, Russia. Nov 10 at<br />

0935(S/on)-1000(S/off) UT in Russian. SIO 353. S/on with annt "Govorit<br />

Vladivostok", then IS (Chime) and ID as "... Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean"<br />

Female talk in Russian followed. ID was also heard at 0943 & 0958. S/off<br />

at 1000 after Russian pops. Test txion between Nov.10 & 18. The same<br />

program was also heard on 5960 (SIO 444).<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

5960 Radiostansiya Tikhiy Okean via Vladivstok Nov.19 *0935-10oo* S/on<br />

with Chime I.S., with clear ID's for 'Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean'. This<br />

was followed with a program about the consummation of alcohol in Russia,<br />

followed with a feature about taking a Holiday on Cruise Lines ship ( such<br />

as the Mayak) 0958 YL speaker with closing comments, telephone numbers<br />

given, followed with a closing melody till sign-off. Best heard on the<br />

Western Trap-sloper.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 20)<br />

5960 Radio Tikhy Okean, Vladivostok, 0935-0942, November 20, Russian, s/on<br />

at 0935 UTC with this ann. by male: "Govorit Vladivostok"; after, interval<br />

signal and ID by male at 0936 as "....Radiostancia Tikhy Okean"......";<br />

annt and two identifications more. Nx bulletin, 34443 I couldn't head the<br />

station on 7330 kHz.<br />

(Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

5910 Kamchatka Rybatskaya, Petropavlovsk, Russia. Nov.13 at 0000(S/on)-<br />

0015 in Russian. SIO353. Music & ID, followed by female talk & interview.<br />

Sudays only.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

5960 Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean // 7330, 0945 to 1000 UT, ID's at end of

the broadcast. 7330 is definitely the weaker of the two signals but does<br />

lock in AM-synch.<br />

(Robert Wilkner-USA, JPNpremium Nov 14)<br />

7480 Family Radio via Komsomolsk-na-Amure. Nov.19 1024-11oo* Japanese <strong>BC</strong>B<br />

to Asia, with interview on Missionary work, off with ID's and web site for<br />

I.S to 11oo. Fair reception on Longwire.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 20)<br />

7535 TWR via Irkutsk. Nov. 19 1424-1450 Multi-Language Broadcasts (.15 min<br />

-duration's such as Kashmiri, Hindi) to India, with religious text, and<br />

I.D's. gave their web site for Fair signal on 3.8 meter<br />

Loop.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 20)<br />

7200 R. Respublik Sakha on Nov 07 at 0910-0922 UT. 44444-43443 Yakut and<br />

Russian, 0910 UT IS, ID, News, 0910 UT Local program.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

Magadan Radio 7320 <strong>05</strong>53 GMT Russian 333 Nov 2 YL and an OM with comments<br />

plus folk mx.<br />

(Stewart MacKenzie-USA, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

Acc to monitoring in Oct/Nov, Radio Sakhalin (GTRK-Sakhalin) on 279 kHz is<br />

carring own local px as;<br />

Su-Th 2110-2200, Mo-Fr 0000-0010, Mo-Fr 0800-0810, Sa,Su 0010-0100<br />

Irregularly Korean px was heard on 0810-0900. Audio sample<br />

<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, hcdx Nov 21)<br />

Since I just brought up the Lesnoy site northeast of Moscow:<br />

<br />

If I'am not terribly this is the QSL card issued by RNW in 1993 to<br />

commemorate their first txions via CIS sites, so the featured station<br />

would be Lesnoy and the portrayed tx a 250 kW rig there. To the left<br />

another tx with an inscription I tend to read as RV-192 which indeed would<br />

be a Lesnoy unit.<br />

There is a chance that RNW is at present on air from Lesnoy again. This<br />

would be the case if 5955 kHz at 0600-0700 via "Moscow" not originates<br />

from either Kurovskaya or Taldom instead.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 19)<br />

12130 R. Free Southern Cameroons on Nov 13 at *1801-1840 UT, 25322-35333<br />

English, 1801 sign on with announce by man, Local mx, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

TDP brokered. Sats only, via Armavir-Krasnodar-RUS.<br />

12130 1800-1900 46,47 ARM 300kW 235deg<br />

RUSSIA/FRANCE Additional freq for Radio France Int. in English from<br />

Nov.14<br />

1400-1458 on 5920 TCH 500 kW 230 deg SoAs // 7180 XIA and 17515 ISS<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

RUSSIA/VIETNAM [non] 7380, Little Saigon Radio via Taiwan (?) at *1500-<br />

1530* on Nov 12. Sign-on with orchestral mx, short introduction with ID in<br />

VT 'Dai la Little Saigon Radio', mention California location. Followed<br />

with more mx. Most of the program consi<strong>der</strong>ed of commentaries and nx items.

Noted IDs at 1510 & 1517. (1517 a possible web site but only a partial<br />

www.) 1520 noted with a commentary or talk, reference to Vietnam and WHO.<br />

1526 closing annts, ID, then followed a Vietnamese ballad with a female<br />

singer to 1530*. Reception was good to fair at times, despite the slight<br />

noise and slight heterodyne (notch used).<br />

(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, dxld Nov 16)<br />

RUSSIA/JAPAN/KOREA D.R.P. 5890 kHz UNIDENTIFIED religious station in<br />

Japanese with good signal here in BUL: 1430-1500 (ex 1530-1600) on 5890<br />

IRK 100 kW / 125 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 15)<br />

Acc. to a well informed source, the "Shiokaze" prgr's in Japanese will be<br />

transmitted 1530-1600 on 5890 from the Angarsk site (near Irkutsk) in<br />

Russia, starting 30 October.<br />

(various <strong>DX</strong> lists - Bernd Trutenau-LTU, Nov 2)<br />

RWANDA 11690 Radio Deutsche Welle, 2150-2204 Nov 12, two woman talking<br />

about situations in Africa on program called "Africa This Week." Tribal<br />

vocals at 2158 followed by beginning of German sce at 2200 with ID and<br />

news. Fair to good.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 13)<br />

SAINT HELENA Hello Duane, I thought I would let you know that I received<br />

today my QSL card from Radio Saint Helena from their final broadcast in<br />

1999. Better late than never. It took a while, but worth the wait.<br />

(Gregory Mengell, Nov 15, swl at qth.net via dxld)<br />

Hey Gregory! Wow! That is absolutely super!<br />

Congratulations my friend!<br />

I suspect you were successful because of the efforts on your behalf by the<br />

ham in Germany who is helping the man who replaced Tony Leo at the<br />

station? If so, you should drop him a quikc note and express your thanks.<br />

Save the envelope! Those stamps and the cancellation mark are valuable! I<br />

put mine inside a protective clear plastic sheet used to protect 8 X 10<br />

photographs. What you have, as do all the others who got this QSL, is a<br />

'for real' piece of history that will NEVER ever happen again.<br />

Gregory, do you think I should reproduce the original live recording of<br />

that last txion and make it available? I have it on three cassette tapes.<br />

The signal was booming in here, (fortunately!), for the entire final txion<br />

of Radio St. Helena from Saint Helena. This allowed me to get a very good<br />

quality recording using the Sangean 818CS with 150 foot longwire at 25<br />

feet elevation.<br />

The recording was made direct, no microphone, so there is zero background<br />

noise. Maybe those who missed hearing it, as well as those who did hear it<br />

but did not record it, would like to hear it. Your thoughts?<br />

Again Gregory, congratulations! Five years did pay off, although at times<br />

I had my sincere doubts it was ever going to happen.<br />

(Duane W8DBF Fischer, ibid.)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA [to CONGO DR] R. Okapi, 11690, *0400-0420+ Nov 5, sign-on<br />

with "Okapi" jingles. French talk. Many "Okapi" jingles. Good.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Nov 15)<br />

11890 R. Okapi, Meyerton, 06 Nov at 1635-1700 UT - Congolese lang<br />

interviews, French ID before s/off at 1700 UT; excellent.<br />

(Jean Burnell-NS-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 16)

[Clandest] 7380 V.of Biafra Int. On Nov 09 at 2100-2128 UT. 25332-35333<br />

English, Local mx, 2100 ID, Theme mx, Chorus, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

7380 2100-2200 46S,47SW MEY 250kW 328deg<br />

SPAIN New schedule now available at<br />

(dxld, Oct 28)<br />

189/227. Spain longwave. And thanks for the postcard from Andalucia that<br />

came in the post yesterday. I like the picture showing all the ladies on<br />

the backs of the horses and dressed in their "flamenco" style dresses.<br />

It's certainly very colourful.<br />

And good to know that you managed some listening as well as sunbathing!<br />

I haven't heard 7460[RASD WeSahara] in the mornings recently so I guess it<br />

is off air. And I can't hear anything evenings on 7460 until the DRM goes<br />

off 7465 - and then ALB is putting in a good signal here. Then nothing on<br />

1550, I hear traces of now and again but it's difficult due to the UK<br />

stations on 1548 and 1557 for me. I did notice all of your other loggings<br />

on the Internet and was especially interested in the LW reception down<br />

there. I won<strong>der</strong> why a large country like Spain didn't establish a LW<br />

station to cover more or less all of it - perhaps their radio was too<br />

localised in the 1930's for that to happen.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 12)<br />

According to ITU plan of 1978(MW) and 1986(LW) Spain catched two channel<br />

registrations, but NEVER realized that project !<br />

189 kHz 1000 kW 33.0dB directional pattern 24 hrs GC 02W30 41N00 Madrid<br />

227 800 34.0 directional pattern 24 hrs GC 02E15 41N40 Barcelona<br />

227 400 30.0 directional pattern 24 hrs GC 02W45 43N25 Bilbao<br />

227 400 30.0 directional pattern 24 hrs GC 03W40 38N00 Linares<br />

227 200 27.0 directional pattern 24 hrs GC 07W45 43N02 Lugo<br />

Similar in Egypt 162 2000d/1000n kW, Netherlands 171 500, Sweden ex 3x on<br />

189, Italy 189 600, Egypt 198 500, Italy 207 60, Norway 216 1200d/200n,<br />

Egypt 225 200, Libya 234 1000, Italy 243 300, Syria 252 500, and Israel<br />

279 500d/100n too.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 20)<br />

SRI LANKA Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation can still be heard here in<br />

Finland. Their bilingual Hindi/English Service was noted today Nov 18 on<br />

7275 and 119<strong>05</strong> kHz at 1500 UTC scheduled 1330-1530 UTC.<br />

Hindi section of the programme was introduced by a lady announcer, English<br />

by a male announcer. Music mainly Asiatic/Indian, no more Western<br />

evergreens. I miss the old format on 15748 kHz.<br />

Last 34 mins before close down at 1534 UTC reception on 119<strong>05</strong> kHz was<br />

good. Signal strength at peaks S9. Reception in the 41 mb, 7275 kHz was a<br />

lot weaker, suffering Chinese QRM after 15 UTC. I measured nominal 7275<br />

kHz with all QRM 7274,75 kHz. Maybe I'm wrong.<br />

Anyway, glad to hear SL<strong>BC</strong>! (Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, hcdx Nov 18)<br />

SURINAME 4989.98 Radio Apintie, Paramaribo; 0332-0350 on 22 Nov.<br />

Nonstop, mostly '80's US R&B and soft rock ballads. Quick female words at<br />

0348 in accented Dutch. Clear and fair. Much weaker an hour or so earlier.<br />

(Terry L Krueger-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 22)<br />

SWAZILAND 3200, Trans World Radio, 0310-0331* Nov 11, man announcer with<br />

talk in listed Ndebele lang, choir vocals and more religious talking. ID<br />

at 0329 during closedown but no IS. Fair.

4775, Trans World Radio, 0354-0357* and *0359-0402 UT on Nov 10, tune in<br />

to apparent close of program with familiar IS and a man giving the ID:<br />

"This is Trans World Radio, Swaziland." After a brief break, a new IS<br />

commenced with ID and annt that the German sce was beginning. Poor to<br />

fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 13)<br />

SWITZERLAND 1485 Radio Suisse Romande, Sen<strong>der</strong> Saviese - Wallis<br />

1485 kHz low power 1 kW.<br />

Obiger das Programm Option Musique ausstrahlen<strong>der</strong> MW Sen<strong>der</strong> wird laut<br />

juengst zugegangener detaillierter QSL mit Jahresende stillgelegt. Die QSL<br />

kam nebst diversen Aufklebern und einem Kugelschreiber nach 4 Wochen von<br />

Radio Suisse Romande<br />

40 av du Temple<br />

CH-1010 Lausanne<br />

Switzerland<br />

(Ewald Glantschnig-SUI, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 22)<br />

TAIWAN/CHINA/VIETNAM 7310, Sound of Hope, via Tan Shui, Taiwan, *1300-<br />

1340, Nov 06 and 08, Chinese talk mentioning Taiwan, many jingles, ID's:<br />

"Xiwang Zhi Sheng Guiji Guan po dien tai", 44444. From *1325 QRM R Rossii.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Nov 11)<br />

And CHN Mainland jamming, scheduled at 1300-1400 and 2300-2400 UT. (wb)<br />

UNID. 7310, maybe Sound of Hope: Help needed on 7310. I have been tracking<br />

this one for a while at *1300 and rcpn has been mediocre at best, poor<br />

level and often bothered by the firedragon. On Nov 16 the firedragon was<br />

there from arnd 1250, but at lower than usual level, and seemed gone<br />

altogether by the time "SoH" came on at 1259:30 with intro anmt, 5+1 pips,<br />

and orch. buildup followed by ID. Prgm was virtually all talk, with many<br />

upbeat, animated, commercial-sounding anmts. The signal was so-so at first<br />

but built up to a surprisingly good level until it started fading circa<br />

1340. Went off at 1400*; some background QRM noted at 1325, tho well below<br />

"SoH".<br />

(Anker Petersen rpts QRM as R. Rossii).<br />

This fits SoH sked, but not positively IDed; tried comparing with SoH<br />

streaming audio, but they were very different and there were no IDs that I<br />

could make out on the streaming.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 18)<br />

15260 Hmong Lao R. via Taiwan [to Vietnam] on Nov 11 at *0100-0210 UT.<br />

45444 Laotian, 0100 UT sign on with IS, Opening announce, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

TAIWAN [and non] CBS/RTI schedule B<strong>05</strong> Hi, Here's attached<br />

Radio Taiwan International B<strong>05</strong> schedule and its relays.<br />

Hope this helpful to <strong>DX</strong>LD!<br />

(Miller Liu-TWN, dxld Nov 16)<br />


current schedule as follows: Revised : NOV 16, 20<strong>05</strong><br />

NOTICE: To Avoid China Heavy Jammer With CNR programs, Chinese traditional<br />

mx, all freqs vary. It applies to Mandarin, Mainland Networks.<br />

1. VOT MANDARIN NETWORK ONE (in CH) 2200-<strong>05</strong>00, 0900-1800<br />

603 0900-1600 TWN C CHN<br />

1008 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 0900-1800 TWN C CHN S CHN<br />

1098 1300-1800 TWN C CHN S CHN

1422 0900-1500 TWN N CHN<br />

1503 1000-1200 1600-1700 SEAs<br />

1521 1200-1800 TWN N CHN<br />

6085 0900-1500 C&S CHN<br />

61<strong>05</strong> 2200-0000 0900-1400 C CHN<br />

6150 2200-0000 C&S CHN<br />

7185 0900-1800 N CHN<br />

7365 1600-1800 N CHN<br />

9680 1100-1800 C CHN<br />

9780 1000-1400 S CHN<br />

11640 0000-<strong>05</strong>00 C CHN<br />

11665 0900-1600 N CHN<br />

11710 2200-0000 N CHN<br />

11780 1100-1500 N CHN<br />

11885 2200-<strong>05</strong>00 N CHN<br />

15245 2300-0400 C CHN<br />

11635 2200-0000 SEAs<br />

11715 1100-1200 AUS NZL<br />

15290 0200-<strong>05</strong>00 SEAs<br />

5950 2200-0000 E NAm<br />

9495 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 CAm<br />

11825 0100-0200 SAm<br />

15215 0100-0200 SAm<br />

15440 2200-0000 W NAm<br />

2. VOT Mandarin NETWORK TWO: (repeat some of Mandarin NETWORK ONE)<br />

0400-<strong>05</strong>00 5950U 9680U 15320 15270 SEAs NAm<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 15270 SEAs<br />

0400-0700 1210 Sacramento CA, USA<br />

0900-1000 11715 116<strong>05</strong> 11635 11940 15525 SEAs NEAs Oc<br />

0900-1100 9415 N CHN<br />

1200-1300 15465 116<strong>05</strong> SEAs NEAs<br />

1300-1400 15265 SEAs<br />

1300-1500 7445 SEAs<br />

1900-2000 17750U 9955U Eu RUS<br />

2200-2300 3965F WEu<br />

3. Mainland NETWORK ("Date with Taipei" features program)<br />

0600-1000 11795<br />

1400-1800 6145 7130<br />

2300-0300 9660<br />

4. DIALECT NETWORK (in Amoy Hakka Cantonese Mongolian Tibetan)<br />

1) Amoy (mainly spoken in Taiwan, Fujian)<br />

0000-0100 15440U 11875 W NAm SEAs<br />

0100-0200 11875 SEAS<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 15580 1422 1008 SEAs CHN<br />

0600-0700 15580 1422 1008 S CHN TWN SEAs<br />

0900-1000 1206 15465 CHN TWN<br />

1000-1100 1206 116<strong>05</strong> 15465 As CHN<br />

1200-1300 11715 TWN SEAs<br />

1300-1400 11635 15465 SEAs<br />

2100-2200 5950U E NAM<br />

2) Cantonese (spoken in Hong Kong Guangdong)<br />

0100-0200 5950U 15440U 15290 NAm SEAs<br />

0200-0300 15610 SEAs<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 5950U 9680U NAm<br />

15320 SEAs<br />

0700-0800 1210 Sacramento, CA, USA<br />

1000-1100 11715 15270 11635 15525 SEAs AUS NZL<br />

1100-1200 15270 1206 SEAs CHN TWN

1200-1300 11915 61<strong>05</strong> 1206 SEAs CHN<br />

1300-1400 11915 61<strong>05</strong> SEAs CHN<br />

2200-2300 5745 Eu<br />

3) Hakka (mainly spoken in Taiwan, E. Guangdong, S. Fujian)<br />

0000-0100 5950U E NAM<br />

0200-0300 15440U W NAM<br />

0300-0400 15610 SEAs<br />

1000-1100 61<strong>05</strong> 15465 CHN SEAs<br />

1100-1200 11635 15465 61<strong>05</strong> SEAs CHN<br />

1300-1400 15175 SEAs<br />

1400-1500 11915 SEAs<br />

1600-1700 11875 EAF SEAs<br />


English 0200-0300 9680U 5950U NAm CAm<br />

11875 15465 SEAs NEAs<br />

0300-0400 5950U 15320 NAm SEAS 15215U SAm<br />

0700-0800 5950U WNAm<br />

0800-0900 9610 SEAs AUS NZL<br />

1100-1200 7445 SEAs<br />

(1100-1200Th 747 927 Program for Foreign Workers)<br />

1200-1300 7130 NEAs<br />

1400-1500 15265 SEAs<br />

1600-1700 11815 INDIA S CHN<br />

1800-1900 3965F Eu<br />

2200-2300 9355U Eu<br />

Spanish 0200-0300 15215U 11825U wSAm<br />

0400-<strong>05</strong>00 11740U CeAM<br />

0600-0700 5950U wNAm<br />

2100-2200 6120D EUR<br />

2300-0000 9690U 11720U eSAm<br />

German 0600-0700 5745U Eu<br />

1800-1900 9955 Eu<br />

1900-2000 6170G Eu<br />

2100-2200 11665U Eu<br />

French 0700-0800 7520U Eu<br />

1900-2000 3955G Eu<br />

2000-2100 9955 11665U 15440U Eu NAm<br />

2100-2200 73<strong>05</strong>F WAf<br />

Russian 1100-1200 11985 EaCIS<br />

1300-1400 11935 WeCIS<br />

1700-1800 11635F WeCIS<br />

[but heard on 5850 and 6060 via Juelich and Wertachtal Germany instead,<br />

see un<strong>der</strong> Germany]<br />

Japanese 0800-0900 116<strong>05</strong> JPN<br />

1100-1200 7130 116<strong>05</strong> JPN<br />

1300-1400 7130 9635 JPN<br />

Thai 0600-0700a 15270 THA<br />

1400-1500a 15465 11635 THA<br />

1400-1500b 747 927 TWN<br />

1500-1600b 7445 1503 THA TWN<br />

2200-2300a 7445 1503 THA<br />

2300-2400b 7445 927 THA TWN<br />

Indo. 1000-1100a 11550 11520 INS<br />

1100-1200b 11550 11520 INS

1200-1300b 11635 7445 927 SEAs<br />

1400-1500a 11875 SEAs<br />

1500-1600b 1422 SoTWN<br />

0400-0600ba 927 SoTWN<br />

Viet. 0900-1000 15270 VNM<br />

1100-1200 1521 SoTWN<br />

1300-1400 1206 SoTWN<br />

1500-1600 9565 VNM<br />

2200-2300 9785 VNM<br />


Relay via: U-Okeechobee, USA D-Juelich, Germany G-Skelton, UK<br />

F-Issoudon, France [and Juelich / Wertachtal Germany too]<br />

Relay stn via CBS :<br />

WYFR (World Family Radio): B<strong>05</strong><br />

CHINESE 0100-0300 <strong>05</strong>00-0600 0700-1000 2100-2200 1503<br />

2200-0300 0900-1400 1700-1900 1557<br />

1000-1100 1700-1800 1359<br />

1000-1300 1098<br />

1200-1400 747<br />

1102-1602 7235 9280<br />

2100-0000 7235 9280<br />

CANTONESE 0800-0900 1557<br />

2300-0100 0600-0700 1503<br />

ENGLISH 1400-1700 1900-2200 1557<br />

1800-2100 1503 1359<br />

0100-0200 15060<br />

1300-1500 11560<br />

1500-1700 6280<br />

KOREA 1000-1100 7130<br />

Hindi 0000-0100 15060<br />

1500-1600 11560<br />

Russian 1500-1700 9955<br />

Vietnamese 1300-1400 1600-1800 2100-2200 1359<br />

Tagalog 1100-1200 1400-1500 2200-2300 1359<br />

Indonesia 1200-1300 1500-1600 2300-2400 1359<br />

AWR-KSDA: B<strong>05</strong><br />

Vietnamese 0100-0200 15445(Sa)<br />

1400-1500 11695<br />

B<strong>BC</strong>: B<strong>05</strong><br />

Vietnamese 1430-1500 1503 // 6135 7135 11685<br />

R. AUSTRALIA: B<strong>05</strong><br />

ENGLISH 0800-1130 15240<br />

2200-2330 15240<br />

INDONESIAN <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 11745<br />

0800-0830 15415<br />

0900-0930 11550<br />

2130-2330 11550<br />

VIETNAMESE 2330-0000 15110

R. FRANCE INT'L A<strong>05</strong><br />

CHINESE 2200-2300 1098.747 // 120<strong>05</strong> 12045<br />

1200-1300 1503<br />

0930-1030 11875<br />

RADIO FREE ASIA B<strong>05</strong><br />

VIETNAMESE 2330-0030 116<strong>05</strong><br />

[RFA Mandarin 1900-2200 MW 1098TWN, 2100-2200 9920TWN; wb.]<br />

CHINESE 2100-2200 9920<br />

1900-2200 1098<br />

TRUTH FOR THE WORLD A<strong>05</strong><br />

CHINESE 1400-1430 7220(Sa)<br />

Little Saigon RADIO<br />

VIETNAMESE 1500-1530 7380<br />

Clandestine station in Taiwan :<br />


11430 Star Star Channel 1<br />

15388 Star Star Channel 2<br />

9725 Star Star Channel 3<br />

8300 Star Star Channel 4<br />

13750 Star Star Channel 5<br />

NB: seems inactive due to cases of Mainland spy<br />


CHINESE 2230-2330 7270<br />

0800-0900 11940<br />


LAOTIAN 0100-0200 15260 (3.5) [Wed & Fri, or Tue & Thu?]<br />

Radio Chan Troi Moi (New Horizon Radio):<br />

VIETNAMESE 1330-1430 1503 // 17595v<br />

(via Miller Liu-TWN, dxld Nov 16)<br />

TANZANIA [ZANZIBAR] 11735, RTZ (tent) on Nov 10 at 1833-2<strong>05</strong>9:30* UT,<br />

Swahili & Arabic; DJ with African mx (Calypso type mx), 1859 drums, 5+1<br />

time clicks, 10 mins of nx (items about Zambia, Zanzibar, etc), Celine<br />

Dion singing "Power of Love," pop rap African song, in lang and English<br />

("All Night Long"), 1915-2<strong>05</strong>5 UT Middle East style Arabic mx and songs,<br />

Anthem. Mostly fair, but unable to catch an ID.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 13)<br />

11735 R. Tanzania, Dole, Zanzibar, quite far on 18 Nov at 1831-1849 UT,<br />

Swahili, talks, interviews; 44444, adjct. QRM only.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

I listened to Voice of Tanzania-Zanzibar on 11735 kHz from 1558 UT to 1628<br />

UT on October 5, 20<strong>05</strong>. Mainly talk in Swahili by man. ID at 1558 and 1600.<br />

SINPO 33333~32332. QRM Unknown station on 11730 kHz.<br />

(Yasuhiro Shiozaki-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

Is 1377 kHz R. Free Africa, Mwanza, which I phased against co-ch F on 17<br />

Nov at 1921-1945 UT (but audible until much later), rtd. 24432, relaying<br />

TWR? I could almost swear I heard part of TWR IS (as heard via Monte<br />

Carlo) during the process of adjusting my CeAfr 4x12x4 m Ewe antenne and<br />

phaser to minimize France's QRM. I tried to check RFAfr signal via their<br />

webpage, which is mostly in Swahili, but no luck - or they don't carry any<br />

prgr on internet at all.

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 19)<br />

Re "Is 1377 kHz, R. Free Africa, Mwanza, (...)<br />

Gavar, Armenia with 600 kW is relaying TWR on 1377 kHz.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld Nov 20)<br />

I was thinking there was something like that, but the WRTH 2004 freq list<br />

shows no such tx, nor anything on 1377 un<strong>der</strong> ARMENIA, so I guess it be<br />

new. To find the TWR schedule, you have to look un<strong>der</strong>, where else,<br />

AUSTRIA.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-FIN, dxld)<br />

1377 -- The TWR relay referred to in my message beklow is in fact via<br />

Gavar, Armenia, 600 kW, and prgr starts at 1925 UT, thence the old TWR IS<br />

I heard. Even better reception today, 22Nov, again via the same Ewe<br />

antenna & no need for the Quantum Phaser albeit some QRM de F. No trace of<br />

TZA today.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 22)<br />

For security reason of their CeAS local mission people, all Gavar entries<br />

which still covered in 2000y-2003y has been deleted in 2004y-20<strong>05</strong>y<br />

operational schedules by Austrian TWR office. Only hidden in printed<br />

schedule leaflet, by frequ, target, time, lang, but no tx site given.<br />

My comment in <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> #731 of Oct 11:<br />

TWR Broadcasts via Gavar, Armenia on this TWR file MISSING:<br />

5855 1710-1840 30,31 ERV 100 78 En/diverse ARM TWR // 864 kHz MW<br />

5855 1910-1940 30,31 ERV 100 100 Farsi ARM TWR<br />

Also 864, 1350, and 1377 kHz used on various ME/NE langs on other times of<br />

the day.<br />

.864 1000kW 0400-0430 Armenian, 1710-1725 En, 1725-1740(Mon-Thur) Kazakh,<br />

1725-1740(Fri-Mon) 1740-1755(Sat) Turkmen, 1740-1755(Sun) Karakalpak,<br />

1740-1810(Mon-Fri) Ru, 1755-1810(Sat/Sun) Uzbek, 1810-1840(Sun) Tajik,<br />

1810-1910 Farsi, 1910-1925 Sorani Kurdish.<br />

1377 .600kW 1825-1840 No.Caucasus various langs, 1840-1910 Farsi, 1910-<br />

1925 Sorani Kurdish.<br />

1350 .850kW 1930-2000 Turkish, 2001-2101 Hebrew, 2001-2031 Ru on Fris<br />

only.<br />

(wb, Oct 11)<br />

THAILAND [tent. wb.] Freq change for Radio Liberty in Russian from<br />

Nov.19:<br />

0700-0900 NF 15130, ex 17730 avoid BSKSA Main px in Arabic on 17730.4<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

HFCC registered Udorn Thani 17730 0300-0700 33,34 250kW 030deg<br />

TURKMENISTAN 279 Turkmen R, Asgabat ("s" written like in Turkish for<br />

[sh] sound), splendid on 19 Nov at 2237-2255, Turkmeninan, poetry or text<br />

reading w/ background mxal piece; 54433, QRM de BLR (usually dominating);<br />

// 5015 kHz.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

UGANDA 5025.96 U<strong>BC</strong>-Blue, Kampala; *0249-0254 22 Nov. Tune-in to open<br />

carrier, abruptly into vernacular, lipsy man & woman from 0249. Rebelde<br />

off initially, but back up with tone from 0252, into audio at 0254,<br />

effectively smashing U<strong>BC</strong>. First log of 5026 for me in ages.<br />

(Terry L Krueger-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 22)

4976 R. Uganda, Kampala, very strong though spoiled by noise, on 19 Nov<br />

at 1847-1857 UT, Vernacular, talks; 45333.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

UKRAINE 5830/11980 Radio Dniprovskaya Hvylya (Zaporozhje) will replace<br />

former freq 11980 on 5830 kHz. Time of an annt 0700-1000 Sat / Sun. An<br />

azimuth of radiation of the aerial 340 Hailstones [sic]. Capacity of the<br />

tx 250 Watt [sic].<br />

(Alexan<strong>der</strong> Egor[sic]-UKR, "open_dx" via Rus-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 20 via dxld)<br />

"Dniprovska khvylia" (=Ukrainian spelling) - "Dnepr Wave" - is a licensed<br />

operation by the local broadcasting company "Alex" in Zaporizhia<br />

(=Ukrainian spelling) which also has an FM license since several years<br />

(relaying one of Ukraine's major mx networks). 11980 was/is a freq<br />

registered with the HFCC (for max. 5 kW; site registered as "SMF"<br />

Mykolaiv, instead of adding a new site code for the town of Zaporizhia);<br />

5830 is another coordinated Ukrainian frequency, used by RUI from Kharkiv<br />

at various times (though not currently registered for the weekend morning<br />

broadcasts of Dniprovska khylia).<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 21)<br />

U.K. Test txions of Sudan Radio Sce in English/Arabic/Various via VT<br />

Comm:<br />

1500-1530 Mon/Thu/Sat on 15575 WOF 300 kW 126 deg EaAf // 11665<br />

1600-1630 Mon/Thu/Sat on 15575 WOF 300 kW 126 deg EaAf // 11665<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

Sudan Radio Service, via UK, 11665, *1500-1700* Nov 4. English sign on<br />

with IDs, sked, e-mail address, phone and fax numbers, Nairobi address.<br />

15<strong>05</strong> English news, local mx. Later in broadcast, into Arabic talk. Sign-<br />

off in Arabic. VG. It appeared that VOA programming started on this tx at<br />

1700.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Nov 15) 15575 from Nov 14th.<br />

Sudan (non) again on 15575 kHz.<br />

SRS is again on 15575 this Friday Nov 18 at 1501 UT, // 11665 but much<br />

better on 15575. If they announced this freq at the opening, I tuned in<br />

too late. Will it cut off again at 1529 UT as it did on Monday?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 18)<br />

What's about the registered RDP Lisbon on co-channel?<br />

Latter not on air ?<br />

RDP to EUA e Canada<br />

1300-1700 15575 300kW 300deg<br />

[regular Sats/Suns, but only occassionally Mon-Fri on special events, wb.]<br />

In Germany I note a 55555 signal of SRS on both 11665 and 15575 kHz today.<br />

Side band splash, 1755-1800 UT QRM by VoA Juelich 12110 in Persian.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 18)<br />

No sign of Portugal on Friday, but it is certainly on 15575 Saturday<br />

around 1500 UT, I suppose a weekend-only txion. If SRS is also there, it<br />

is buried, but ought to be coordinated to avoid such a collision.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 19)<br />

Glenn, I was intrigue by the many reports on this issue during the last<br />

few days. Well, I just got my turn this Saturday morning, my local time.<br />

In fact, Portugal was on the air as HFCC points out for days 1&7, no sign<br />

of Sudan, which was buried by RDP at 1500 UT. I checked back at after<br />

16:00 and there were two signals mixed but this time what finally overcome<br />

was SRS with a no IDed lang and East Africa pop mx. Among the IDs at 16:30

closing, one in English: "This is Sudan Radio Service" SINPO 44444.<br />

The things is that RDP is listed by HFCC on this same frecuency with<br />

shortened sked all week but with different azzimuth. And you're right:<br />

coordination by HFCC is failing in this case. Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica.<br />

No sign of Portugal on Friday, but it is certainly on 15575 Saturday<br />

around 1500 UT, I suppose a weekend-only txion. If SRS is also there, it<br />

is buried, but ought to be coordinated to avoid such a collision.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld Nov 19)<br />

West Africa Democracy Radio WeAf via ASC[sic, see below] 250 kW 027 deg:<br />

0700-0800 in English and<br />

0800-0900 in French on 12000 (45433)<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

West Africa Democracy Radio heard on a second freq this morning, 15260<br />

kHz, between 0700-0900. It was in//with 12000 kHz, similar strength and<br />

modulation on both. Maybe testing a new frequency?<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Nov 21)<br />

12000 is from Woofferton-UK, 15260 from Rampisham-UK.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Nov 21)<br />

12000 WADR (West Africa Democracy Radio) with txions for Senegal, 0845-<br />

0900 UT Nov 20, French, Talk by male, short mx, short ann., afropop (by<br />

male), short interview. Other song (afropop by female), Very clear<br />

identification at 0859 as: "...WADR..." ; other identification (canned)<br />

and mx jingle, s/off, 34443.<br />

(Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

Jean-Michel AUBIER wrote: Re: emissions regulieres WADR<br />

Abdou Khadre LO a ecrit:<br />

salut Jean Michel,<br />

Nous avons effectivement commence nos emissions regulieres depuis le 14<br />

Novembre mais sur les 12000 kHz. Nos amis de la Grande Bretagne nous ont<br />

explique que du fait du changement de climat ce changement etait<br />

necessaire. Le site est egalement toujours en construction mais on essai<br />

d'y mettre un maximum de choses et si possible les emissions du jour. PS :<br />

pour le moment nous assurons quotidiennement une heure d'emission en<br />

anglais (07H-08H) et autant en francais(08H-09H) [UT, wb].<br />

Merci et a bientot. Abdou.<br />

Just adding this about their future plans, also from WADR today.<br />

"Hello Jari, We have started yesterday our broadcasting. We are now on<br />

12000 kHz. Our SW schedule is:<br />

07H-08H UT English<br />

08H-09H UT French<br />

On <strong>Jan</strong>uary it will be:<br />

07H-09H on 12000 kHz<br />

09H-11H on 17860 kHz [at present on 15260 RMP.<br />

Best regards"<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld Nov 16)<br />

Voice of Russia English via Spectrum Radio 558 kHz 1300-1400 Spectrum<br />

Radio's programme schedule at<br />

<br />

confirms this new Voice of Russia broadcast in English is on 558 kHz in<br />

London from 1300-1400 Sunday-Friday. This seems to be at a time when Voice<br />

of Russia does not broadcast in English on SW, so I won<strong>der</strong> if it will be a

delayed recording from earlier, or a special feed for Spectrum Radio.<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, dxld Nov 15)<br />

Concerning the report via B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring on The Voice of Russia's<br />

programme in Britain, I can confirm that it is scheduled on Spectrum<br />

Radio, 558, daily except Saturday at 1300-1400. According to Interfax,<br />

quoting the Voice of Russia's press office, "the program will be broadcast<br />

on the freq of the British radio station Spectrum and in real audio on the<br />

websites of the Voice of Russia and Spectrum Radio". (Interfax agency in<br />

English datelined Moscow, Nov 10 at 10.16 pm.).<br />

(Roger Tidy-UK, dxld Nov 15)<br />

ISLAND OF MAN, UK 1368 Manx R, Douglas, IoM, nicely audible on 19 Nov at<br />

1141-1440 with talks, anns.... match rpt 1430; best UK signal at 1440;<br />

15342. Worse on the following day.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

URUGUAY 9620.3 SODRE (no ID, but surely this one), Montevideo, barely<br />

audible on 19 Nov at 2240-..., Spanish, talks; 13441, adjct. QRM de CAN<br />

9625 kHz.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

USA Freqs changes for WEWN:<br />

0000-<strong>05</strong>00 NF 5085 EWN 500 kW 020 deg NoAm English, x5875,re-x5810<br />

0000-<strong>05</strong>00 NF 5085 EWN 500 kW 285 deg CeAm English, x5875,re-x5810<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

Another US station is using the 60mb.: WEWN Birmingham AL heard on new<br />

5085 kHz from 2359 s/on with full ID and into EWTN Catholic programming.<br />

This freq appears to replace 5875 and is in use from 0000-<strong>05</strong>00 according<br />

to the updated schedule on the EWTN web site at<br />

<br />

So there are now four US stations on this band: WWRB on 5<strong>05</strong>0, WWCR on<br />

5070, WEWN on 5085 and W<strong>BC</strong>Q on 5110 - all heard here with fair to good<br />

reception at 0000 UTC, WEWN being the strongest.<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C Nov 21)<br />

4655 Radio Marti, Greenville; 0142-0151 on 22 Nov. Messy audio, but<br />

definitely//6030. A spur from 6030 (-1375 kHz), or mixing product? There<br />

seemed to be very weak traces of English mixed in as well, and 6030 + 1375<br />

74<strong>05</strong>, which is also VOA but in English at this time.<br />

(Terry L Krueger-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 22)<br />

WRMI is finally back on 7385, 3.5 weeks after Hurricane Wilma! Jeff White<br />

called for a reception check at 0145 UT Nov 17. Said it had been on for<br />

about half an hour. It was weaker than usual here, as expected, since Jeff<br />

says it's a temporary antenna, interved V dipole, aimed more or less<br />

NW/SE, same as the log periodic which was badly damaged and may take<br />

another two weeks to repair and reinstall. 7385 was in Spanish when I<br />

checked, and may be testing intermittently, possibly with the backup 5 kW<br />

tx.<br />

RTTY on the low side is bothering it. Regular programming is to resume at<br />

0900 UT. And 7385 kHz uses the other antenna toward Caribbean and South<br />

America at 1300-1600 UT, starting with the R. Prague relay. No doubt Jeff<br />

would be interested in other reception reports to<br />

<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 17)<br />

I checked 7385 kHz again at 0600 UT and now with noise sources off, it was<br />

quite good; in fact, I would not have guessed they were using a temp<br />

antenna instead of the LP; Viva Miami with Jeff promoting cruising; is<br />

that all VM is ever about any more? Recheck at 1400, 7385 also audible but

weaker via the corner reflector toward Caribbean, same as used elsewhen<br />

for 9955, with WRN relay in English going from RN to RTE separated by<br />

about a min of nx headlines.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 17)<br />

We're moving the Saturday 2200 and 2230 UT airings of WOR and <strong>DX</strong>PL,<br />

respectively, to:<br />

<strong>DX</strong>PL <strong>05</strong>00 UT Sunday<br />

WOR 2230 UT Sunday (temporarily)<br />

both of course on 7385.<br />

The Sunday morning repeats remain:<br />

WOR Sun 1400, <strong>DX</strong>PL Sun 1430 on 7385 kHz.<br />

(Jeff White-FL-USA WRMI, dxld Nov 19-20)<br />

Jeff confirms NOT 1500 & 1530 as we expected following the standard time<br />

change. WOR should also be on WRMI during the WRN relay Sun 0930 on 7385.<br />

(gh, dxld Nov 19)<br />

WMLK, 9265.07, *1700-1715+ on Nov 11. Strong carrier but very weak<br />

modulation. English sign-on annts followed by the usual preaching about<br />

Yahweh by El<strong>der</strong> Jacob O Meyer.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Nov 17)<br />

This Saturday night on WWCR:<br />

WOR started late again at 0336 on 5070 what is causing this? I haven't<br />

been listening earlier in the hour. Anyhow, full show played until 04<strong>05</strong>,<br />

then ending <strong>DX</strong> Block, and Worldwide Country. However, unlike last UT<br />

Sunday, this time Cyberline was on at least in the <strong>05</strong>00 and 0600 hours I<br />

checked. Meanwhile over at W<strong>BC</strong>Q Gary Bourgois.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 20)<br />

7520. As previously reported, I was rather surprised that following the<br />

standard time change, Hmong Lao Radio via WHRI stayed at the same UT,<br />

namely 1200 on Sat and 1300 on Sun, but on a different frequency, 7520.<br />

That's rather early in Hminnesota. You would think the shows would shift<br />

one UT hour later to stay at the same local time, as usually happens<br />

anyway with WHRI programming. And I did hear it at least once after Oct<br />

30, at the earlier hour on 7520, and also that appeared on the WHR online<br />

schedule.<br />

Now they've fixed it, as I heard HLR Sat Nov 19 from 1430 or so tune- in<br />

until 1459 on 11785, with the usual mix of different styles of mx, and<br />

talk in Hmong. Toward the end they mentioned AM, FM, SW, website<br />

and the St. Paul PO box. Rechecking the WHR<br />

online sked, it now shows this at 14-15 both Sat and Sun on 11785.<br />

Excellent reception here, of course. HLR website shows the 11785<br />

scheduling correctly, as well as the Taiwan txion, has audio archives, and<br />

links to another site<br />

<br />

Strangely enough, HLR is not on the program website list at<br />

<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 19)<br />

7520 1200-1400 2,3 HRI 250kW 315deg.<br />

HRI/HRA hobby program publication mess.<br />

<strong>DX</strong>ing with Cumbre anomalies. On Sunday night, UT Monday 11/14/<strong>05</strong>, the 0230<br />

airing of <strong>DX</strong>ing with Cumbre on 5850 started about 5 mins early. (How *did*<br />

they know that I had just remembered and looked at my watch at 0228 and<br />

ran to the radio in or<strong>der</strong> to catch the opening and the date & number?

Which I of course missed, grrrr...)<br />

Then the scheduled 0330 airing of <strong>DX</strong>w/C on 5860 never appeared at all;<br />

5860 was vacant the entire 0300 hour.<br />

These are both in the current WHR online schedule. Anyone know if they are<br />

actually using a different freq instead of 5860 kHz or if they just didn't<br />

have the tx on? I don't think that it was propagation; there was a non-<br />

English signal on 5850 OK while I was listening for the show on 5860.<br />

(William Martin-USA, dxld Nov 14)<br />

Each winter season HRI/HRA hobby program times changed one hour later,<br />

except the Pacific KWHR relay, which kept mostly unchanged.<br />

But according to the present WHR website they kept mostly the summer<br />

timings.<br />

Dave Kenny sent me this comment: "All the KWHR/WHRI/WHRA entries should be<br />

one hour EARLIER than shown on the web site - so that means some freqs are<br />

different too & a couple of Cumbre txs have been deleted."<br />

I guess my first edition of WW<strong>DX</strong>C's "<strong>DX</strong> Media Program List" will be<br />

useless regarding WHR "<strong>DX</strong>ing with Cumbre" entries. (wb, Nov 14)<br />

On Sunday night, UT Monday 11/14/<strong>05</strong>, the 0230 airing of <strong>DX</strong>ing with Cumbre<br />

on 5850 started about 5 mins early. (How *did* they know that I had just<br />

remembered and looked at my watch at 0228 and ran to the radio in or<strong>der</strong> to<br />

catch the opening and the date & number? Which I of course missed,<br />

grrrr...)<br />

Then the scheduled 0330 airing of <strong>DX</strong>w/C on 5860 never appeared at all;<br />

5860 was vacant the entire 0300 hour.<br />

These are both in the current WHR online schedule. Anyone know if they are<br />

actually using a different freq instead of 5860 kHz or if they just didn't<br />

have the tx on? I don't think that it was propagation; there was a non-<br />

English signal on 5850 OK while I was listening for the show on 5860.<br />

(William Martin-USA, dxld Nov 14)<br />

I guess the situation of time, freqs, weekday, program content usage by<br />

WHR has been improved by now. (wb)<br />

USA [non] Freqs changes for Voice of America from Nov.19/21:<br />

1530-1600 Daily Georgian NF 9610, ex 11965<br />

1730-1800 Mon-Fri Afan/Oromo NF 13790, ex 13800<br />

1800-1900 Daily Amharic NF 13790, ex 13800<br />

1900-1930 Mon-Fri Tigrigna NF 13790, ex 13800<br />

2330-2400 Daily Burmese NF 11840, ex 7260<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

VANUATU 3944.8 R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. On Nov 13 at 0933-1008(S/off) UT.<br />

SIO 342. Religious talk in English. Popular songs at 1000. Closing annmt<br />

in vernacular at 10<strong>05</strong>, then national anthem. Thanks to Kageyama's tip on<br />

his website.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 18)<br />

VATICAN STATE UNID station in DRM is Vatican Radio:<br />

UNIDENTIFIED station in DRM: 1200-1300 on 13750 kHz.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 15)<br />

1200-1300 on 13750 SMG 060 kW / 300 deg to NoAm<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

13750 1200-1300 8,9 SMG 60kW 300deg from 2011<strong>05</strong> to 260306 N-DRM VARIOUS

CVA VAT<br />

VATICAN STATE/RUSSIA 7350 Surprised to hear VOR in English still going<br />

at 0625 Nov 20 with an historical talk about anti-Bolshevik Kolchak, on<br />

7350. That freq via Vatican is scheduled to end at 0458 per the exhaustive<br />

VOR B<strong>05</strong> schedule recently published. Did someone in the See forget to turn<br />

off the tx? According to that, during this hour there are not supposed to<br />

be any SW freqs for Eu or NAm, and only two for elsewhere.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 21)<br />

Probably an error in the VOR online schedule, there seem to be more. The<br />

online schedule at<br />

says 0200-<strong>05</strong>00 English on 7350, but to add<br />

to the confusion, the Russian schedule at<br />

says 0200-0400 Russian. Anyway, VOR registered<br />

the Vatican site with the HFCC in B<strong>05</strong> for full 0200-0600 to NAm.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Nov 21)<br />

"Spectrum Online"<br />

has published a comprehensive piece by<br />

Alexan<strong>der</strong> Hellemans examining the battle faced by the Vatican, against the<br />

onus of electromagnetic pollution. Whether perceived or real, the brouhaha<br />

has cast a pall of uncertainty over venerable Vatican Radio:<br />

"The view is impressive, if strange. A forest of about two dozen huge<br />

towers supports an intricate web of antenna wires that together pump many<br />

hundreds of kilowatts into the atmosphere from a site 25 kilometers north<br />

of Rome. The antennas are the Vatican's portal to the world: signals from<br />

two medium-wave (standard AM) txs reach all of Italy at all times, while<br />

those from 27 SW antennas are beamed at selected parts of the world in<br />

different langs at varying times. (Only two of the SW antennas transmit at<br />

any given time.)<br />

Thus, papal speeches, nx programs, and religious events are dispatched in<br />

40 langs to all the corners of the world, making this complex as important<br />

to the Vatican as the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe were to the<br />

United States at the height of the Cold War. But to the inhabitants of<br />

Cesano and neighboring communities, the antennas, some transmitting at an<br />

effective 600 kilowatts, represent not only a blight on the landscape and<br />

something of a nuisance-hearing the Pope's voice picked up by your front-<br />

door intercom is not always appreciated-but also a possible health threat.<br />

"When the antennas were erected in 1951 on a 3.9-square-kilometer plot,<br />

the surrounding area, known as Santa Maria di Galeria, was still largely<br />

rural. But during the last few decades the area has been built up, and now<br />

an estimated 60 000 people live within a radius of 10 kilometers of the<br />

txs.<br />

"In 2000, a small number of cases of childhood leukemia, first reported by<br />

a local physician, were blamed by residents on the strong radio-frequency<br />

fields generated by the Vatican antennas. On the one hand, leukemia<br />

incidence was higher close to radio towers; on the other hand, the<br />

difference was Statistically Insignificant. This past May, an Italian<br />

court imposed suspended 10-day prison sentences on two Vatican officials<br />

responsible for operating the txs, a cardinal and a priest, for the<br />

'dangerous showering of objects'- meaning the antennas' electromagnetic<br />

waves. (The term 'electromagnetic radiation' has not made it yet into<br />

Italy's legal vocabulary.) In addition, environmental groups and<br />

committees representing the local population will be awarded damages in a<br />

separate civil action, though the figures have yet to be determined.<br />

"Local residents and environmentalists have sought to have the Vatican<br />

close down the complex since 2000. Several years ago, an Italian<br />

environmental minister, Willer Bordon, organized field strength

measurements and found that the Vatican's radio txs violated Italy's<br />

radiation standards, which are much stricter than those in other parts of<br />

the world. He threatened to cut off electric power to the site; in<br />

response, Vatican Radio reduced the time it was on the air and transferred<br />

some radio txion to other sites. The Vatican's situation improved in 2002,<br />

when courts ruled that the Italian govt had no jurisdiction over the txs<br />

because of the Vatican's status as an independent state. But in 2003,<br />

Italy's Supreme Court overturned those rulings, which resulted in the two<br />

Vatican officials' having to stand trial.<br />

"What does science say? While the complaints against Vatican Radio were<br />

bouncing back and forth in the Italian courts, the regional govt<br />

commissioned an epidemiological study of leukemia incidence in the area<br />

around the disputed antennas. A team of researchers led by Paola<br />

Michelozzi of the Local Health Authority, in Rome, reported in 2002 that<br />

the incidence of childhood leukemia from 1987 to 1998 was twice the<br />

expected rate, but the actual numbers were very small. The results,<br />

published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, indicated that instead<br />

of the expected 3.7 cases in the population of 60 000, there had been<br />

eight. Because of the small number, Michelozzi consi<strong>der</strong>s the result<br />

statistically insignificant. But a somewhat more disconcerting finding in<br />

her study made a stronger impression on critics of the Vatican, members of<br />

the press, and even some experts.<br />

Michelozzi's survey determined that if leukemia incidence was measured in<br />

concentric circles around the radio complex, rates dropped off with<br />

increasing distance from the txs. Based on that finding, a court-appointed<br />

expert science panel in the legal proceeding against the Vatican<br />

concluded, questionably, that 'the weight of evidence...is much more in<br />

favor of the existence of a [cancer] risk' and that it 'is in favor of a<br />

causal relationship.'<br />

That assessment, together with the Vatican's violation of Italian power<br />

limits, is what prompted the guilty verdict last May against the Vatican<br />

officials. "Similar studies of populations around radio and television txs<br />

have been conducted during the past two decades in several countries,<br />

including the United States, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and New<br />

Zealand. But all these studies are crippled by the very low normal<br />

incidence of leukemia, the need to study very large populations, and the<br />

technical difficulty of accurately determining actual exposure levels.<br />

'The situation has not changed that much. If you look at the string of<br />

recent epidemiological studies, they are still equivocal,' says Keith<br />

Florig, a specialist in risk analysis and radiation protection at Carnegie<br />

Mellon University, in Pittsburgh. Florig expressed surprise at the court's<br />

ruling in the Vatican case.<br />

"Others agree that the ruling was premature. 'I'm quite concerned about a<br />

rush to judgment based on a less-than-adequate un<strong>der</strong>standing of the<br />

scientific issues,' says Wayne Overbeck, a specialist in the legal aspects<br />

of communications at California State University, in Fullerton.<br />

(Overbeck, a ham radio operator, takes precautions to avoid exposing<br />

himself and other people to excess RF radiation.) Local inhabitants, on<br />

the other hand, reacted to the Italian court's finding with jubilation.<br />

'We are satisfied; we had to suffer the arrogance of the Vatican for<br />

years,' one resident told the press. Representatives of Vatican Radio,<br />

maintaining that the radiation levels are safe, said that they found the<br />

judgment unjust and plan to appeal it.<br />

"The case of Vatican Radio is but the latest episode in a half- century-<br />

long scientific controversy. Last December, a panel of the International<br />

Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), headquartered in<br />

Oberschleissheim, Germany, published a global review of epidemiological

studies dealing with the impact on health of electromagnetic waves. The<br />

report covered a range of RF sources, including cellphones and<br />

communication towers, and one section reviewed eight epidemiological<br />

studies of residents living around radio and television txs, including<br />

Michelozzi's study. The panel found the results inconclusive.<br />

'For these studies to be informative, there have to be better exposure<br />

assessments, and the numbers [of people in the samples] should be larger,'<br />

says An<strong>der</strong>s Ahlbom of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, who<br />

led the study. 'Even taken together, they don't really suggest any health<br />

risks,' he says. RF radiation is nonionizing-that is, it cannot break the<br />

bonds in molecules-and no plausible biophysical mechanism has been<br />

proposed that would predict biological effects from low-level fields,<br />

except as related to heating.<br />

Therefore, many scientists in the field have viewed research on the<br />

biological effects of radio waves with some skepticism. Radio freqs do,<br />

however, induce currents in parts of the human body, which can resonate as<br />

a half-wave antenna: there is a maximum in the fraction of incident energy<br />

that is absorbed in the whole body at 100 megahertz (FM Band) and at 800<br />

MHz in the head the latter is close to the 850 and 900 MHz freqs used for<br />

mobile phones in the United States and Europe. Exposure limits, such as<br />

those recommended by the IEEE, take that effect into account."<br />

excerpted from an article by Alexan<strong>der</strong> Hellemans. The piece goes on to say<br />

that studies are continuing around the Planet, examining radiative effects<br />

on all parts of the human body ... and that by no means, have any<br />

conclusions been reached. Many researchers feel the Italian neighbors of<br />

the Vatican broadcast complex have been overly spooked by the Court<br />

actions, earlier this year. An Update note: the above-mentioned Karolinska<br />

Institute has for many years been one of the World's leading centers of<br />

Leukemia research.<br />

(via Greg Hardison, Broadcast Band Update Nov 14 via dxld)<br />

UZBEKISTAN Heard both this morning at Stuttgart-GER around <strong>05</strong>20-<strong>05</strong>40 UT:<br />

CVC English 0300-0600 on 13685 via Tashkent-UZB.<br />

[Sinpo 44433, in artifical joy English by male and female person]<br />

13685 0300-0600 41N,49NW TAC 100 131 UZB CVC<br />

0400-1100 CVC on 13630 TAC noted too, in Hindi lang, but weaker signal due<br />

of different angle of back lobe, minus 21deg. [22332].<br />

13630 0400-1100 41 TAC 100 152 UZB CVC<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 17)<br />

Moscow Special Radio. Actual mx from Russia. B<strong>05</strong>. 5850 kHz. 1900<br />

(Thursday). Transmitter: QTH - Tashkent (Uzbekistan) 100 kW Azimut 311deg.<br />

(Alexan<strong>der</strong> Usoltsev, Special Radio viaRus-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 20 via dxld)<br />

Note new Tashkent site for Spezialnoye Radio (during B<strong>05</strong> somewhat vague<br />

information pointed at Samara).<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Nov 20)<br />

VENEZUELA R. Amazonas, 4939.67, 10<strong>05</strong>-1025+ on Nov 12, lively LA mx,<br />

1019-1020 several IDs, Spanish annts; fair.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Nov 17)<br />

VIETNAM In recently few weeks, Dien Bien B.S. was not monitored on 6378<br />

or 6442 kHz, but I found it on NF of 6317 kHz. Sked is not changed.<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, hcdx Nov 21)<br />

VIETNAM [non]. An extra txion of the TDP-brokered Que Huong Radio was<br />

reportedly carried on Sun 13 November 1200-1300 on 11860.

The station's regular schedule is Mon-Sat 1200-1300 on 15680.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 16)<br />

I am in Phnom Penh, Cambodia right now and checked this station last night<br />

(Sun Nov 20), but nothing was heard on 11860 or 15860 kHz!<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN travelling in SoEAS Nov 21)<br />

Here is an early dswci <strong>DX</strong>-Window, before I leave for a Dxpedition to NE<br />

Thailand, S Laos, C and S Vietnam and Cambodia. Thank you for all the good<br />

wishes! I will bring my Sangean ATS909 and hope to get some time for<br />

checking the local radio scene.<br />

Hi dear Anker,<br />

I wish you an exciting tour to Thailand and their neighbours.<br />

From end November onwards til end of February is the best travel time to<br />

these countries.<br />

Our German <strong>DX</strong>ers Uwe Volk and Juergen Lohuis have been many times<br />

travelling in this part of Asia. Uwe took some pictures of the Cambodian<br />

MW, SW and TB antennas on Phnom Penh tx site too, in 2001y.<br />

73 and have nice journey, de Wolfy (wb, Nov 14)<br />

Dear Wolfy,<br />

Thank you for your good wishes! I also got an e-mail from Uwe Volk here in<br />

Vietnam where I am right now. Today our group saw Hoi An and Danang and<br />

took the train to Qui Nonh where I am the next two days, before we fly to<br />

Saigon.<br />

Yes, indeed here in the Central Vietnam it is still raining quite a lot<br />

whereas we had good weather in Bangkok and through Southern Laos.<br />

But our tour so far has gone fine and we have seen a lot of interesting<br />

things. I have also been able to check the local stations on the bands.<br />

More about that when I come home.<br />

Best 73,<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, on travel tour in THA, LAO, CBG, and VTN,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 17)<br />

ZAMBIA 4910 ZN<strong>BC</strong>, Lusaka, quite strong on 19 Nov 1733-1745, Vernacular,<br />

African pops; 55444.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

4965 Christian Voice, Lusaka, not so strong as ZN<strong>BC</strong> on 19 Nov 1731-1744,<br />

English, talks, mx, interview; 44433.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 21)<br />

ZIMBABWE 6612hx Z<strong>BC</strong>, 0138-0202, Nov. 15, Vernacular/English, EG pop by<br />

Phil Collins at t/in then mix of Afropops and local mx. OM in lang b/w<br />

selections. EG annt at 0158, including R.Zimbabwe IDs, SW and FM freqs, re<br />

"advertising options" w/ info to "contact our management team" w/ phone<br />

number and physical address I could not fully copy. Back to local mx at<br />

0200. Fair. Nothing on fundamental 3306 kHz.<br />

(Scott R Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Nov 15)<br />

HFCC B-<strong>05</strong> NOW AVAILABLE [censored public version]<br />

via: <br />

or directly to the zipped files:<br />

Including files explaining the abbreviations.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 17)<br />

15.1% of registration lines missing ... mostly Asian-Pacific ABU-HFC<br />

entries. (wb, Nov 19)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

WORLDWIDE <strong>DX</strong> CLUB Weekly Top News<br />

WORLDWIDE <strong>DX</strong> CLUB<br />

Top News<br />

compiled by Wolfgang Büschel<br />

December 1st, 20<strong>05</strong> (<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> #737)<br />

Link to WORLDWIDE <strong>DX</strong> CLUB Homepage<br />

You are visitor number of the WW<strong>DX</strong>C Web Pages since July 1st, 1996.<br />

ALBANIA Replacement of 62<strong>05</strong> kHz. I am looking for a new freq in 5-7 MHz<br />

broadcasting bands to replace 62<strong>05</strong> kHz in B<strong>05</strong>ALR at 2130-2300 UTC ciraf 28<br />

SHI OND.<br />

To avoid the complains from Rambouillet-France we should replace 62<strong>05</strong> kHz<br />

in attached B<strong>05</strong>ALR. From B<strong>05</strong> HFCC file 5995 kHz results as free as for our<br />

Serbian Program.<br />

Could you please observe 5995 kHz from 2130-2300 UTC or do you have any<br />

better suggestion? Looking forward for your precious observations on 5995<br />

kHz.<br />

(Drita Cico-ALB, R Tirana Monitoring Nov 25)<br />

Re the replacement of freq 62<strong>05</strong> kHz. I note that this is radiating omni-<br />

directionally. Where does Radio Tirana want this txion to be heard - what<br />

is the main target area?<br />

According to the HFCC listings freq 5995 might be a clear channel at 2130-<br />

2300 UT, but have you noticed this listing<br />

5990 0000-2400 27,28 JUN 50kW 0deg N=DRM French LUX<br />

It is a DRM txion [from Junglinster LUX, wb.] and these are notorious for<br />

causing adjacent channel interference.<br />

However, due to the vagaries of mid-winter night-time propagation the<br />

Luxembourg signal might be 'skipping' over parts of Europe, or only<br />

putting in a much weaker than normal signal. But conditions could change<br />

before the current B-<strong>05</strong> period comes to an end in March 2006. The Serbian<br />

sce using 5995 should survive any interference from the DRM, and if Tirana<br />

only wishes to cover the Balkans then 5995 might be a reasonable choice. I<br />

haven't listened to it after 2130 so cannot be sure as yet.<br />

Alternative freqs - well, would Rambouillet-France complain if the freq<br />

6210 kHz was utilised? Or maybe 6245 kHz would be a good choice.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, via R Tirana Nov 25)<br />

Well, Noel, dear, your warning and argues on 5995 kHz sounds reasonable.<br />

According to the earlier request of Director of Radio Tirana External<br />

Service Mr Astrit Ibro, this night program in Albanian must reach the<br />

Albanian emigrants after '90s in Greece (more than 500.000) and in Italy<br />

(> 200.000).<br />

Then, could you and others please, observe 5995 kHz, 6210 kHz and 6245 kHz<br />

from 2130-2300 UTC?<br />

(Drita Cico-ALB, R Tirana Monitoring Nov 25)<br />

Use 6245 kHz instead !<br />

... and what's about using the Shijak 1089 kHz channel on this Albanian<br />

lang night sce towards Greece and Italy during Sunspot Minimum ?<br />

It's now 2100 UT [Fri 25th] , and I check the 5995 kHz channel in 2100-<br />

2200 UT slot.

5995 kHz suffers adjacent channel QRM of Samara-RUS 6000 kHz, which is a<br />

powerhouse at 245 degrees just towards Balkan area, so I guess Shijak 5995<br />

signal would be totally covered by Russia 6000 til 2230 UTC in the central<br />

Mediteranean basin.<br />

On 5990 kHz I note Juelich as VoRussia relay in Russian towards Russian<br />

national people serving in Iraq/ME. LUX in DRM mode is co-channel 5990 but<br />

un<strong>der</strong>neath at my location. RTL LUX in DRM splashs over an ultra wide<br />

digital mode signal from 5984 to 5996 kHz range.<br />

At 2130 UT I note Tirana on 62<strong>05</strong> kHz as thiny signal at my place some 1300<br />

kilometers NoWe of Shijak site. My second control unit of Sony ICF<br />

2001/2010 type shows a signal strength of just 3 of 10 diodes shining.<br />

Co-channel usage of 5995 kHz. Similar thiny signal occurs on 5995 just<br />

coming from RTM Bamako Mali at same time slot til 2400 UT.<br />

!! So, to conclude I would suggest to use 6245 kHz at 2130-2300 UT. !!<br />

6225 kHz otherwise is only free from 2130 to 2145 UT, latter when DW comes<br />

on air via Almaty KAZ site, though even put the signal eastwards at 94<br />

degrees to zones 43-45, a fair signal coming out of the back lobe into<br />

Europe.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 25)<br />

Your reception on 49mb last night was different to mine - I had a lovely<br />

signal from Bamako Mali on 5995 kHz at S9+. I couldn't copy what was on<br />

5990 - the DRM was very low - and on 6000 there was a mix of stations. At<br />

2200 one was in Spanish. Tirana 62<strong>05</strong> was quite good and very clear but<br />

only peaking to about 7 at best. I was going to suggest that 6220 would be<br />

okay until I noted that you heard 6225 stronger than I did - it was very<br />

poor here. But 6245 looks ideal to me.<br />

(later)<br />

At my location I had a good S9 signal on 5995 from Bamako [Mali] between<br />

2140 and 2300 UT on the 25th. This one is NOT registered on the HFCC list.<br />

It would certainly have caused co-channel to SHI. I will try earlier<br />

tonight to see how it affects the Serbian programme. This is a domestic<br />

sce from Mali and their signal will probably vary from night to night.<br />

The DRM on 5990 was very weak - and probably skipping over my location -<br />

but there were sideband signals on both 5990 and 6000 kHz but none were<br />

positively identified. The latter freq had more than one fair to good<br />

strength signal co-channel.<br />

SHI via 62<strong>05</strong> kHz was a fair to good signal and completely without<br />

interference. If moved to 6210 is should be equally as good as there is no<br />

other using 6215.<br />

6220 is clear and I was hearing only a very weak signal on 6225 that I<br />

assume was the one reported by Wolfy as<br />

"... DW comes on air via Almaty KAZ site,..."<br />

Otherwise, 6245 is a clear channel with no sidebands.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 25)<br />

Nicht nur im Muensterland hat man Probleme <strong>der</strong> Energiezufuehrung im<br />

Winter.<br />

Drita von R Tirana informierte soeben ueber Sen<strong>der</strong>ausfaelle auf <strong>der</strong> MW und<br />

KW in den vergangenen 7 Tagen, so auf 1089, 1215, 1395, und 1458 kHz und<br />

vielen Kurzwellenfrequenzen. Dies betrifft auch die CRI, B<strong>BC</strong>, VoA, DW, und<br />

TWR Relais.<br />

Z.B. war das deutsche Programm um 2030 UT auf 7465 verschiedentlich 2,

o<strong>der</strong> 10 und sogar 26 Minuten unterbrochen.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 30)<br />

ARMENIA Schedule of the General Editorial for Foreign Broadcast on<br />

Public Radio of Armenia, period: - 20<strong>05</strong>/2006 - (by printed material).<br />

0300-0330 Armenian daily 9965<br />

0330-0345 Spanish daily 9965<br />

0430-0459 Farsi daily 864, 4810<br />

13<strong>05</strong>-1315 Georgian daily 864, 4810<br />

1315-1345 Yezidish daily 864, 4810<br />

1345-1400 Azeri Sat-Sun 864, 4810<br />

1345-1415 Azeri Mon-Fri 864, 4810<br />

1400-1430 Turkish Sat-Sun 864, 4810<br />

1415-1430 Turkish Mon-Fri 864, 4810<br />

1430-1500 Kurdish daily 864, 4810<br />

1745-1815 Arabic daily 4810<br />

1815-1845 Armenian Mon-Sat 4810, 9965<br />

1845-19<strong>05</strong> French Mon-Sat 4810, 9965<br />

19<strong>05</strong>-1925 German Mon-Sat 4810, 9965<br />

1925-1945 English Mon-Sat 4810, 9965<br />

Via satellite "HOT BIRD" 13(B/12.111GHz<br />

1230-1240 French daily<br />

1240-1250 German daily<br />

1250-1300 English daily<br />

(Kunitoshi Hishikawa-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 30)<br />

AUSTRALIA R. Australia's current (and correct) Frequency Guide is now<br />

available at<br />

<br />

Thanks to Nigel Holmes, RA TX Manager.<br />

(Ian Johnson-AUS, AR<strong>DX</strong>C via dxld Nov 29)<br />

BAHRAIN Coalition Maritime Forces QSL. Today (Nov 30) I received an<br />

appreciated, personal QSL-letter (attached) from the U. S. Department of<br />

the Navy, Comman<strong>der</strong> of the U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (I.e. Middle<br />

East), FPO AE 09501-6008, on my report sent 72 days ago on their broadcast<br />

on 6125 as heard here in Denmark at 0100-0159 UTC.<br />

As you probably can read, the QSL is non/data, but confirms and<br />

appreciates my report on their broadcasts in six Middle East langs langs<br />

to "fellow mariners who otherwise may not hear this type of programming.".<br />

V/S is K. W. Auten, Captain, U.S. Navy, ACOS Ops, U.S. Fifth Fleet. (A<br />

Navy Captain equals to an Army Colonel!)<br />

The envelope was stamped 80 cent and mailed on Nov 22 from ZIP Code 09834<br />

whereever that may be ?<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 30)<br />

Both "09501" and "09834" are military zipcodes belonging to U.S. Navy post<br />

offices in Bahrain. There is a comprehensive website for the U.S. Naval<br />

Forces Central Command, U.S. Fifth Fleet and Combined Maritime Forces:<br />

incl. a map showing the area of responsibility<br />

with the waters that are included in the target area of CFM Radio:<br />

<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 1)<br />

CANADA Snobism: ORF with upper Austrian local nx about bank robbery<br />

noted via Sackville-CAN on 13675 westwards - strong signal. At 1500-1700<br />

UT also remaining Sackville relays suuuuper, like CRI 17735, RCI 13655 &<br />

17820, DW 15445.

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 27)<br />

New RCI Schedules. RADIO CANADA INTERNATIONAL. A modified version of RCI's<br />

SW schedule for the rest of the B<strong>05</strong> broadcast season (2 December 20<strong>05</strong> to<br />

26 March 2006) has been posted on the "Schedules and Frequencies" page of<br />

our website at the following address:<br />

<br />

You will also find on that page a modified schedule for RCI-3, one of our<br />

24-hour per day satellite channels. That channel can also be heard via our<br />

website.<br />

The modifications include increased programming in Arabic, Chinese and<br />

Spanish. You will also note that the morning broadcast in English to Asia<br />

will now begin at 2300 UTC, instead of 2230 UTC.<br />

Please note that the schedules are posted in PDF format. If you do not<br />

have the Adobe Rea<strong>der</strong> software to read PDF files, you may download it free<br />

of charge by following the link given on the "Schedules and Frequencies"<br />

page.<br />

We wish you good listening in the coming months.<br />

(RCI, via ConDig list, Dec 1)<br />

CHILE Voz Cristiana, 17680, Nov 23 at 2213 UT was accompanied by spurs<br />

at plus and minus 7-8 kHz on each side, hard to pinpoint with no specific<br />

carrier, a rapid ripple and distorted modulation. Heard on two different<br />

receivers and also about half an hour later. Looks like these old [Harris,<br />

wb.] txs have their problems.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 24)<br />

9780 Voz Christian on Nov 20 at 0652-0701 UT 35333 Spanish, Music, ID at<br />

0700 UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 25)<br />

9780 Voz Cristian on Nov 23 at 0832-0859 UT. 45433-35433 Spanish, Music,<br />

ID at 0858.<br />

11655 Voz Cristian on Nov 23 at 0457-<strong>05</strong>06 UT. 35232 Spanish, Talk, ID at<br />

0459 and <strong>05</strong>02.<br />

11890 Voz Cristian on Nov 23 at <strong>05</strong>20-<strong>05</strong>37 UT. 45444 Portugese, Music and<br />

talk, ID at <strong>05</strong>33.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Dec 2)<br />


Heard on Nov 24 at 0627z, H2 2 x 9080, 18.159.9v, fundamental not heard,<br />

CPBS 2 Domestic Svce, Txer site Duodian, according to Klingenfuss, only<br />

had carrier at S4, no audio, low modulation, Northern hemisphere summer<br />

only, finally got audio at 0644z CC Fa, above the noise, checked 27240 kHz<br />

but nothing there, F2 not so good today, 0910z still there with CC Fa, and<br />

still nothing heard on 9080 kHz.<br />

(David Vitek-AUS, harmonics Nov 25)<br />

Correction to 18160, seems it is not a Harmonic, but a spur, continued<br />

monitoring on Nov 24 20<strong>05</strong>, and still nothing appeared on 9080 kHz, so<br />

immediately obvious it was'nt that. So tuned down the band on Nov 25 and<br />

found // on 17890 CRI One which was at 0838z a 5 x 8 signal and, 18160 5 x<br />

6, noted by local unhappy amateurs at 5 x 9!! Noted again on November 27<br />

at 0038z // 17765 and 17645.<br />

Have no PWBR 2006 and havn't downloaded EIBI from Germany yet, so I'm a

it in the dark, was leaving it off till things settle down a bit from the<br />

recent new seasons freq changes. These Chinese txers are putting spurii<br />

all over the place in Oceania, and are really a bit of a pest here, very<br />

strong and seemingly on at all hours!, on all bands. Please VOA and B<strong>BC</strong><br />

make a comeback, your missed.<br />

(David Vitek-AUS, harmonics Nov 27)<br />

18160, CRI [sic, not China Radio International, rather CNR-China National<br />

radio domestic, wb.] heard today at 0947! Thanks for the tip, David, I'd<br />

almost given up hearing any harmonics [sic, rather spurious radiation,<br />

wb.] at this point in the cycle. There was an unID on 19040 [2 x 9520?],<br />

but I couldn't even work out the lang.<br />

(Tim Bucknall-UK, harmonics Nov 29)<br />

As a radio amateur (VK3<strong>BC</strong>Y) I was of course interested and angry that<br />

China was reported on 18160 kHz so I immediately switched my radio on to<br />

hear it extremely loud and clear just after 0700 Nov 29. Reception from<br />

there is very strong today so I tuned slowly across the 25 21 19 and 16m<br />

bands and found the same Chinese program in // on 11795 13650 13765 and<br />

15375. There are many different Chinese program streams coming in at the<br />

moment but switching back and forth between the two VFOs on my Yaesu FT-<br />

920 I was careful to eliminate the other programs from my search. Who do<br />

we chase up to get this intru<strong>der</strong> out?<br />

(Morrison Hoyle-Vic-AUS, VK3<strong>BC</strong>Y, dxld Nov 29)<br />

Morrison, This one may present a problem, as China has not demonstrated<br />

any concern about interference it causes within the bands, let alone<br />

outside the broadcast bands. Don't WIA have an intru<strong>der</strong> watch program?<br />

I also forward to Wolfgang Bueschel, who is in touch with the DARC<br />

intru<strong>der</strong> watchers.<br />

73, (Glenn to Morrison, via dxld)<br />

Differenz between two Beijing outlets is 265 kHz.<br />

17625 0000-1000 44S BEI 100 163 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17890 0130-1000 43SE,44SW BEI 100 222 CHN CRI RTC<br />

Spurious formula:<br />

17890 + 265 kHz = spurious 18155 kHz, something like that ?<br />

You can hear something near 17360 kHz too, on the other symmetrical side?<br />

100 kW units locate on the old Beijing SW site.<br />

All 17 MHz Beijing entries in B<strong>05</strong>:<br />

17485 0300 0400 29S,30S BEI 500 288 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17495 0000 0100 49,54W BEI 500 193 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17495 0100 0300 49,54W BEI 500 193 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17540 0300 0400 41 BEI 500 257 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17550 0100 1030 42S,43S BEI 100 251 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17565 0100 0730 44S BEI 100 175 CHN CRI RTC<br />

176<strong>05</strong> 0130 1000 42W,43N BEI 100 285 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17625 0000 1000 44S BEI 100 163 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17710 0400 <strong>05</strong>00 49,54W BEI 500 193 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17710 0600 0800 49,54W BEI 500 193 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17855 0400 0600 29S,30S BEI 500 288 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17890 0130 1000 43SE,44 BEI 100 222 CHN CRI RTC<br />

(wb, harmonics Nov 27)<br />

4500 Xinjiang PBS Urumqi as early as 1451 UT with nice lively organic mx.<br />

ID at 1452 talks by OM in Mongolian , reading a text. at 1456, advert at<br />

1457,with mx background of 'yesterday ' till ToH with tones. YL with news.<br />

Short QRM at 1500 UT from a Russian amateur? with numbers S8 35423.

5240 Xizang PBS at 2136 UT, with Tibetan pop songs played with electric<br />

piano Songs interrupted by short descriptions by YL. S8 43433 QRM S5<br />

carrier on 5243.4.<br />

6950 CNR 1 Xijiangzhuang at 2146 UT, // 4800 with reports and nx . QRM<br />

from 6948 kHz ARQ-E signal. max S3, 23332.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

CUBA Radio Habana Cuba for B-<strong>05</strong>:<br />

0000-0030 Quechua 177<strong>05</strong><br />

0000-0100 French 95<strong>05</strong> 9550<br />

0000-0100 Spanish 5965 6060 6140 9820 11760 15230<br />

0000-0100 Spanish* 6000 11875<br />

0100-0130 Creole 95<strong>05</strong> 9550<br />

0100-<strong>05</strong>00 English 6000 6060 9820<br />

0200-<strong>05</strong>00 Spanish 5965 6000 6060 6140 9550 9820 11760 11875 15230<br />

0230-0200 French 95<strong>05</strong> 9550<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0700 English 6000 6060 9550 9820 11760<br />

0700-0730 Esperanto 6000 Su<br />

1100-1500 Spanish 6000 9550 118<strong>05</strong> 12000 15230<br />

1400-1830 Spanish 11670 11875 13680 13750 17750 Si<br />

1500-1530 Esperanto 11760 Su<br />

1930-2000 Esperanto 11760 Su<br />

2000-2030 French 11760<br />

2000-2030 Portuguese 11800<br />

2030-2100 Arabic 11800<br />

2100-2300 Spanish 9550 11800 15230<br />

2130-2200 Creole 95<strong>05</strong> 9550<br />

2130-2200 French 11760<br />

2200-2230 Portuguese 15230 177<strong>05</strong><br />

2200-2300 French 95<strong>05</strong> 9550<br />

2230-2300 Creole 95<strong>05</strong> 9550<br />

2230-2300 Guarani 177<strong>05</strong><br />

2300-2400 English 9550<br />

2300-2400 Portuguese 15230 177<strong>05</strong><br />

2300-2400 Spanish* 6000 11875<br />

2330-2400 Esperanto 6140 Su<br />

2330-2400 Guarani 177<strong>05</strong><br />

* Program "Mesa Redonda" Program "Al Presidente"<br />

(RHC website via Sean Gilbert, WRTH/<strong>DX</strong> Listening Digest/Hauser-OK)<br />

ETHIOPIA 7110 R. Ethiopia fair-poor with muffled audio at 0336 UT;<br />

woman ancr in Amharic; flute and unaccompanied vocal mx; presumed ID and<br />

into nx by woman ancr at 0400; tough going in mounting QRN and poor audio.<br />

(Jim Ronda-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 27)<br />

5500 V.of Tigray Revolution on Nov 29 at *1456-1504 UT. 35333 Tigre, 1456<br />

UT sign on with IS, ID at 1500 UT, Opening music, Opening announce, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Dec 2)<br />

GEORGIA Closure of Radio Georgia Shortwave totally on Dec 1st, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Cry for Help ! Hilferuf von Radio Georgien<br />

According to a message from the German section of Radio Georgia, the<br />

management of Georgia's national public sce broadcaster (- un<strong>der</strong> its roof<br />

the programs are produced -) made a final decision to shut down the<br />

foreign lang departments by the end of November. The txions were already<br />

suspended since a couple of months.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 1)<br />

Hallo! Waere super, wenn Sie Ihre Hoerer, Bekannten und Kollegen etc. in<br />

unten stehen<strong>der</strong> Angelegenheit ebenfalls mobilisieren koennten.<br />

Beste Gruesse, IMH Lange

From: Lia Mumladse Tue, 29. Nov 20<strong>05</strong><br />

Sehr geehrter Herr Akstinat,<br />

Heute hat die Rundfunksleitung die Belegschaft ueber ihre Entscheidung<br />

informiert, den Auslandsdienst von Radio Georgien samt deutschsprachigem<br />

Programm aufzuloesen. Als Grund haben sie wie<strong>der</strong> finanzielle Problemme<br />

genannt. Obwohl wir sehr daran zweifeln, dass das ein wahrer Grund fuer<br />

die Einstellung des Sendebetriebs ist.<br />

Wir rechnen auch diesmal mit <strong>der</strong> Hilfe <strong>der</strong> IMH und haben auch vor, auch<br />

an<strong>der</strong>e uns zur Verfuegung stehende Mitteln geltend zu machen. Ab 1.<br />

Dezember haben wir schon keinen Zugang mehr zu unseren Arbeitsstellen. Wir<br />

brauchen Ihre Unterstuetzung so schnell es geht.<br />

Hier die Adressen <strong>der</strong> zustaendigen Personen fuer Protestschreiben:<br />

Intendantin <strong>der</strong> oeffentlich-rechtlichen Anstalt Georgien<br />

Frau Tamar Kintsuraschvili <br />

Stellvertreten<strong>der</strong> Vorsitzende <strong>der</strong> oeffentlich-rechtlichen Anstalt Georgien<br />

Herr Badri Koplatadse <br />

Frau Maia Pandjikidse<br />

President of Georgia.<br />

An: Praesidenten Georgiens, Herrn Micheil Saakaschwili<br />

Parliament President.<br />

An: Frau Nino Burjanadze, Parlamentspraesidentin Georgiens<br />

German Embassador.<br />

Bevollmaechtigter und Son<strong>der</strong>botschafter Deutschland in Georgien,<br />

Herr Uwe Schramm<br />

mit freundlichen Gruessen im Namen <strong>der</strong> deutschen Redaktion<br />

Lia Mumladse, Irina Gegetschkori<br />

(A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 30)<br />

Item also arrived via Dita Cico of Radio Tirana.<br />

During the last few years broadcasts from Radio Georgia in Tbilisi have<br />

been very sporadic, and when broadcast then with very low modulation. This<br />

probably due to power problems.<br />

[Russian at 0600 UT] English was/is at 06.30 and German was at 07.00 UT on<br />

118<strong>05</strong> kHz. English also at 08.30 and 09.30 on 11910 kHz. But, as said, my<br />

experience is that it mainly hasn't been heard.<br />

What a pity!<br />

(Erik Koie-DEN, via Radio Tirana, Nov 30)<br />

GERMANY 6120 [Taiwan] RTI via DTK Juelich Germany, on Nov 21 at 2110<br />

Nx in Spanish, financial nx of Taipei stock exchange, local weather<br />

forecast for Thursday 22, ID of the station followed by program "Mirador<br />

de Taipei" SINPO 32433.<br />

(Nino Marabello-I, JPNpremium Nov 25)<br />

7110 I<strong>BC</strong> Tamil via Wertachel, at 0026-0100* on Nov 23, non-stop talk by<br />

man in Tamil lang. Brief mx segment at 0038 followed by a woman announcer<br />

with ID and London address. Discussion program followed with two men. Off<br />

with closing ID and annts. Poor to fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 23)<br />

5910 TNT Hit Radio, at 1322-1400 on Nov 26. Musica pop, locutor,

comentarios en flamenco (Dutch), identificaciones en Ingles. "TN", "TNT<br />

hit Radio". Esta emisora esta en el aire todos los sabados via Julich.<br />

SINPO 45444.<br />

(Manuel Mendez-ESP, hcdx Nov 27)<br />

During our winter condition I checked the VoRUS morning sce in English on<br />

DTK German mediumwave sites twice this week, around 0700-0900 UT:<br />

Oranienburg Zehlendorf 693 kHz is 5 ( f i v e ) seconds behind 630 kHz<br />

from DTK Koenigslutter and 1323 kHz from DTK Wachenbrunn with same program<br />

at same time.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 28)<br />

567 kHz Berlin closure.<br />

RBB engineering meanwhile confirmed that MW Berlin 567 kHz will be<br />

switched off on New Year's Eve, marking a definite closure of the<br />

Stallupoener Allee station.<br />

For Zehlendorf 177 this notice confirms that it will return to AM on Dec<br />

1, except for the 0100-0400 UT period:<br />

<br />

Berlin 87.9 MHz FM: On Friday representatives of both NPR and VOA<br />

(IBB/BBG) will participate in the MABB hearing on the reallocation of this<br />

frequency.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 29)<br />

1179 SR startet 'Antenne Saar' [via Heusweiler site, wb.].<br />

Der Saarlaendische Rundfunk startet am 12. Dezember ein weiteres<br />

Hoerfunkprogramm: "Antenne Saar" versteht sich als wortgepraegte Info-<br />

Welle. Das Programm soll einen "vorwiegend deutsch-franzoesischen<br />

Charakter" haben. Sechsmal am Tag sollen franzoesischsprachige Nachrichten<br />

in Kooperation mit Radio France International laufen. Ansonsten will <strong>der</strong><br />

SR auf <strong>der</strong> neuen Welle Nachrichten und Hintergrundberichte, Landtags- und<br />

Bundestagssitzungen sowie Gastarbeitersendungen wie "Mezzora Italiana"<br />

ausstrahlen. Antenne Saar ist im Saar-Lor-Lux-Raum und Rheinland-Pfalz auf<br />

<strong>der</strong> Mittelwellenfrequenz 1179 kHz zu hoeren, ausserdem wird das Programm<br />

ueber Digital Radio (DAB) ausgestrahlt. Bis 1997 gab es bereits einen<br />

Privatsen<strong>der</strong> mit dem Namen "Antenne Saar", <strong>der</strong> ebenfalls ein<br />

wortorientiertes Infoformat ausstrahlte.<br />

<br />

(SatelliFax via Herbert Meixner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 1)<br />

Deutschlandradio Langwelle 177 kHz kuenftig wie<strong>der</strong> analog.<br />

Da sich die Produktion <strong>der</strong> ersten DRM-Empfaenger fuer den Massenmarkt<br />

weiter hin zieht, sendet Deutschlandradio Kultur, wie von SatelliFax<br />

bereits angekuendigt, ab 1. Dezember auf Langwelle 177 kHz taeglich<br />

zwischen <strong>05</strong>.00 und 02.00 Uhr wie<strong>der</strong> analog, lediglich zwischen 02.00 und<br />

<strong>05</strong>.00 Uhr wird <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong> im digitalen DRM-Modus betrieben.<br />

Berichten aus Insi<strong>der</strong>-Kreisen zufolge erwaegt auch <strong>der</strong> Suedwestrundfunk,<br />

seine DRM-Sendungen auf Mittelwelle wie<strong>der</strong> einzustellen. Derzeit wird aus<br />

Kaiserslautern und Wolfsheim auf 1485 kHz das Programm <strong>der</strong> Jugendwelle<br />

DasDing ausgestrahlt.<br />

/ <br />

(SatelliFax via Herbert Meixner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 1 )<br />

DRM 1485 SWR Mainz Wolfsheim, in // to 1485 kHz at Kaiserslautern.<br />

Sehr geehrter Herr Bethge,<br />

besten Dank fuer Ihren Bericht ueber den verbesserten Empfang unserer DRM-<br />

Ausstrahlungen auf 1485 kHz.<br />

Der Umstand, dass Sie unser Signal in Bad Homburg nunmehr mit hoeherem

Empfangspegel empfangen und dekodieren koennen, erklaert sich<br />

folgen<strong>der</strong>massen:<br />

Der SWR hat kuerzlich am Sen<strong>der</strong>standort Wolfsheim (Naehe Mainz) einen<br />

weiteren DRM-Sen<strong>der</strong> in Betrieb genommen, um fuer gewisse Zeit ein DRM-<br />

Signal gleichzeitig ueber zwei Sen<strong>der</strong> abzustrahlen und die Beson<strong>der</strong>heiten<br />

eines SFN (Single Frequency Network) untersuchen zu koennen.<br />

Wir haben also die Leistung in Kaiserslautern nicht drastisch erhoeht, wie<br />

Sie vermuteten; im uebrigen wuerde dies die Lizenz und auch <strong>der</strong> verwendete<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong> nicht hergeben. Nach Einsatz eines DRM-Modulators neuester<br />

Generation konnten wir zwar die Ausgangsleistung des Sen<strong>der</strong>s in<br />

Kaiserslautern auf ca 400 W erhoehen und dabei noch die Signal-Qualitaet<br />

(SNR) sowie das Spektrum verbessern; diese Leistungserhoehung ist<br />

praktisch nicht merklich.<br />

Dem Sen<strong>der</strong> in Wolfsheim wird das Datensignal ueber Leitung von<br />

Kaiserslautern zugefuehrt; die Ausgangsleistung des hier verwendeten<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong>s betraegt ca 650 W. Gewiss ist es dieser Sen<strong>der</strong>, <strong>der</strong> Ihnen aufgrund<br />

seiner Naehe das verbesserte Empfangssignal beschert.<br />

Ich hoffe, Ihnen hiermit gedient zu haben und wuensche weiterhin viel<br />

Erfolg und Freude beim Empfang von DRM-Sendungen.<br />

Mit freundlichen Gruessen<br />

Guenter Haug<br />


HA Programmverbreitung<br />

70150 Stuttgart<br />

(via Michael Bethge-D wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 28)<br />

Guenter Haug DL6KB ist Funkamateur und wohnt nur 500 Meter von mir<br />

entfernt in Degerloch.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 30)<br />

GUIANA FRENCH 17875 Had not noticed DRM before Nov 28 at 1509 on 17875-<br />

17890 kHz. This cryptic entry is in the HFCC DRM B-<strong>05</strong> schedule<br />

<br />

17875 1100-2100 7S,8S For new organization TDF Various Montsinery<br />

04N54 <strong>05</strong>2W36 168deg 30kW daily.<br />

So what is this new organization gobbling up 10 hours a day of DRM???<br />

I would have guessed the center freq was higher than 17875 since it bled<br />

up to 17890 but not down to 17870.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 28)<br />

HAWAII Freq change for KWHR Angel 3 in English from Nov 21:<br />

1200-1400 NF 12130 WHR 100 kW / 285 deg to SoEaAs, x11520<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 29)<br />

HFCC HFCC acts.<br />

Wrong coordination policy on 15485 kHz, at least on Sundays, when ERT<br />

Delano is on air too. At 1600-1700 UT Nov 27th, I noted different 3 sen<strong>der</strong><br />

programmes in different targets, like fighting CVC Santiago, B<strong>BC</strong>WS<br />

Skelton, and - sundays - ERT Delano CA-USA.<br />

Un<strong>der</strong> specific PHYSICAL conditions, signals will never stop on the various<br />

meant target boundaries.<br />

There are lots of free channels in 19 mb at this time slot.<br />

Similar conflicts in Europe noted on 9460 2100 UT RSO/LIS, or 17650 0800-<br />

1000 UT KAS-CHN in Mandarin/French, and NHK-ASC in Japanese.

The freq coordination process is seriously flawed. Surely FMO's in HFCC<br />

can get their acts together better than this?<br />

Noel Green comments: " There really does seem to be too much lack of<br />

coordination of freqs and I thought the HFCC was supposed to prevent this<br />

occuring ? I've noted that changes are already taking place by various<br />

broadcasters. Of course, the situation on 41 & 49m will be very<br />

"desperate" due to a shortage of clear freqs and to DRM noise. But<br />

broadcasters should surely have realised this and planned for it.<br />

15485/15475 are freqs that Glenn Hauser often writes about and I can well<br />

un<strong>der</strong>stand the point he is trying to make."<br />

(wb, hcdx Nov 28)<br />

INDONESIA 3325 RRI Palangkaraya Nov 19 1<strong>05</strong>9-1115 33443-43443 INSn, 1<strong>05</strong>9<br />

IS, ID at 1100, Local news.<br />

3344.9 RRI Ternate Nov 18 1158-1206 34333 INSn, Music, ID at 1159, RPK,<br />

1200 Jakarta nx realy.<br />

4870.92 RRI Sorong Nov 20 1045-1106 45444-45433 INSn, Music, 1<strong>05</strong>9 IS, ID<br />

at 1101, Local news.<br />

4925 RRI Jambi Nov 18 1316-1329 43443 INSn, Jakarta nx realy, ID at 1328.<br />

(all Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 25)<br />

4604.96, RRI; Serui, Nov. 30, 2<strong>05</strong>4-21<strong>05</strong>, Male talk in Bahasa INS, followed<br />

by INSn soft-pop. Short annt before SCI IS. Then relay of Jakarta nx with<br />

Radio Republik INS IDs. No local ID heard. Weak and fading out.<br />

(Mark Veldhuis-HOL, dxld Dec 1)<br />

3231.9 RRI Bukittinggi. On Nov 26 at 1432-1610 UT. SINPO 24332. Music<br />

program with local popular songs till 1456 UT, then Phone-in program which<br />

lasted more than an hour. ID was heard at 1602.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Dec 2)<br />

3976 RRI Pontianak on Nov 27 at 1<strong>05</strong>9-1140 UT. 44333 Talk and music in<br />

Indonesian.ID at 1110 UT as 'Radio Republik Indonesia,Pontianak'.<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium Dec 2)<br />

JAPAN 9595 R. Nikkei fair at 1126 UT with long JJ talk by man; no ID at<br />

BOH; // 3925 poor in same time period.<br />

(Jim Ronda-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 24)<br />

LAOS 4678 Lao Nat. R. Nov 19 1212-1225 34443 Laotian, News, // 6130 kHz.<br />

6130 Lao Nat. R. Vientian Nov 19 1149-1203 44433-44444 Laotian, Music,<br />

Theme mx, 1159 Seven gong's, 1200 News.<br />

(both Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 25)<br />

LITHUANIA Strong spurious signals of CRI Sitkunai in Czech 1386 kHz<br />

audible now at 2000 UT on 1371.85v and 1400.15v kHz.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, mwoffsets Nov 29)<br />

A remin<strong>der</strong> that Pipeline Radio is ttesting on 1386 kHz from Lithuania<br />

tonight and for the next four Wednesdays at 2200-0000 UT.<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Nov 30)<br />

1386 Die Sendungen von Pipeline Radio ueber den 7 kW-Sen<strong>der</strong> in Litauen (Mi<br />

2200-0000 UT) kommen hier seit 2240 UT rein, mittelpraechtiger Empfang.<br />

Recht bescheidene Audioqualitaet, exakte Frequenz etwa 1385.97 kHz.<br />

Die Sendungen kommen jeden Mittwoch diesen Jahres von 2200-0000 Uhr UTC.<br />

(Martin Elbe-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 30)

LONGWAVE [Planned Tunisia 279 kHz missed on this list in <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> #736;<br />

thanks Noel for correction, wb.<br />

According to ITU plan of 1978(MW) and 1986(LW) Spain catched two channel<br />

registrations, but NEVER realized that project ! [similar in Israel too]<br />

189 kHz 1000 kW 33.0dB directional pattern 24 hrs GC 02W30 41N00 Madrid<br />

227 800 34.0 directional pattern 24 hrs GC 02E15 41N40 Barcelona<br />

227 400 30.0 directional pattern 24 hrs GC 02W45 43N25 Bilbao<br />

227 400 30.0 directional pattern 24 hrs GC 03W40 38N00 Linares<br />

227 200 27.0 directional pattern 24 hrs GC 07W45 43N02 Lugo<br />

Similar in Egypt 162 2000d/1000n kW, Netherlands 171 500, Sweden ex 3x on<br />

189, Italy 189 600, Egypt 198 500, Italy 207 60, Norway 216 1200d/200n,<br />

Egypt 225 200, Libya 234 1000, Italy 243 300, Syria 252 500, Syria 252<br />

500, Tunis 279d 1200, and Israel 279 500d/100n too.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 20)<br />


GERMANY.<br />

648 kHz B<strong>BC</strong>WS VT / Merlin Orfordness usually has a weak signal in southern<br />

Germany, south and east of Frankfurt/M - Heidelberg line.<br />

During our present winter condition I noted B<strong>BC</strong>WS 648 kHz carrying also a<br />

second program co-channel in the background this morning 0600-0800 UT.<br />

Signals strength of an obviously French lang program was as a third of the<br />

B<strong>BC</strong>WS program.<br />

I started investigating for // French lang channels, like 161, 216, 234,<br />

603, 765, 792, 837, 864, 1278, 1404, 1494, and 1557 kHz.<br />

The RTL French program on longwave 234 kHz fit, the effect was caused by<br />

the powerful Luxembourg longwave tx modifying the radio propagation<br />

characteristics of the ionosphere on the 648 kHz MW channel, - at my place<br />

!<br />

In GDR era in 1970 to 1990year, I noted usually a mixture of 1000 kW<br />

station Burg on 783 kHz, mixed up with 750 kW DLF Mainflingen station<br />

programm in the background.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 29)<br />

Yes, this effect can be quite "amazing" and it can also be a darned<br />

nuisance. I sometimes hear B<strong>BC</strong> World Service programming in the background<br />

of a 'continental' station and it must be picking it up off 648 I would<br />

guess. The effect only seems to occur with high power transmissions. If I<br />

remember correctly what it is all about - the high power station heats the<br />

ionosphere above it to such an extent that the properties of the layers<br />

are affected and result in some sort of "capture" effect. The Monte Carlo<br />

LW transmission on 216 is very badly affected and I assume the culprit to<br />

be Allouis 162.<br />

I again noted cyclic/rhythmic "fading" on 189 this morning around 0800 UT<br />

but there was no other audio except ISL - their signal was very good today<br />

at first. I don't think that the LUX effect causes this phenomena though.<br />

I've asked Mauno Ritola to have a look on his Spectrum Lab to see what is<br />

there. I can't 'imagine' that I'm hearing Dusheti or Belogorsk!<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 29)<br />

From Internet or via Cache:<br />

http://ion.le.ac.uk/heating/history_of_rf_heating.html<br />

"...In the early 1930s a high power radio broadcasting station was built<br />

in Luxembourg. Tellegen (1933) reported that the modulation of the

Luxembourg station could be heard in the background of a programme<br />

transmitted from Beromunster and received at Eindhoven. Soon after, Bailey<br />

and Martyn (1934) suggested that the effect was caused by the powerful<br />

Luxembourg tx modifying the radio propagation characteristics of the<br />

ionosphere. When the Beromunster signal passed through this region its<br />

propagation was affected by the modified ionospheric conditions, and in<br />

this way amplitude modulation from the Luxembourg signal was transferred<br />

to the Beromunster signal.<br />

The ionosphere as a plasma laboratory. The Luxembourg effect became known<br />

as cross-modulation ..."<br />

This effect I recently discovered on 270 kHz of Topolna CZ. Every<br />

evening/night I hear DLF in the background. It is most probably caused by<br />

the 549 kHz of Thurnau (100 kW). (...) Another possibility would be 207<br />

kHz Aholming (250 kW).<br />

The DLF MW tx and 207 kHz are delayed by a satellite delay compared to 153<br />

kHz, and that delayed signal I hear on 270 kHz.<br />

<br />

This contains detailed measurements made from across Germany to study the<br />

Luxemburg Effect from the German Post Office in 1934/35, because they were<br />

afraid that the effect would seriously hamper radio reception. The article<br />

is in German and was scanned from a magazin.<br />

They also did a test by transmitting a silent carrier in Beromuenster and<br />

listen to it in Berlin. They heard simultanously on that carrier<br />

Luxembourg and Droitwich and a few unid others. They also drove from Trier<br />

to Berlin and made measurements on that route.<br />

(Jurgen Bartels-D, mwdx Nov 29)<br />

MOLDOVA Frage zu 1413 kHz. Ich habe heute im Autoradio auf <strong>der</strong> 1413 kHz<br />

von 1600-1630 UT die russischsprachige Sendung von China Radio<br />

International gehoert. Nun finde ich we<strong>der</strong> im Hoerfahrplan <strong>der</strong> AD<strong>DX</strong> noch<br />

im EMWG einen entsprechenden Eintrag ueber den Sen<strong>der</strong>standort. Kann jemand<br />

helfen?<br />

(Peter Vaegler-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 1)<br />

Besuche das Beste von Herman Boel aus Belgien<br />

<br />

klicke Online Edition<br />

klicke MW 1100-1700 kHz<br />

und siehe unter 1413 kHz.<br />

MDA - China R Int/Voice of Russia, Grigoriopol (500kW) - China R: 1530-<br />

1730 Russian; VORussia: 1800-1900 Bulgarian, 1900-2000 Greek, 2000-2100<br />

Bulgarian; antenna beam: 80 degr<br />

Die ersten CRI/MDA Beobachtungen datieren aus Ende Juni 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Das ganze funktioniert auf 1413 kHz aber nur, weil seit den Kriegen in ex-<br />

YUG die Station Pristina im Kosovo zerstoert ist.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 1)<br />


Frequency Schedule 30 November 20<strong>05</strong>-26 March 2006<br />


UTC kHz Primary Target<br />

1651-1750 11980 NE Pacific, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands<br />

1751-2235 15720 All Pacific, also heard in Europe

2236-0358 17675 All Pacific, also heard on the USA west coast<br />

0400-0759 15720 All Pacific, also heard Europe, and mid-west USA<br />

0800-1<strong>05</strong>9 9885 All Pacific, also heard mid-west USA<br />

1100-1300 15530 NW Pac, Bougainville, PNG, Timor, Asia<br />

1300-1650 9870 All Pacific<br />

DRM SERVICE - Begins 22 <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2006<br />

UTC kHz Primary Target <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2006 - 26 March 2006<br />

1651-1750 11610 NE Pacific, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands<br />

1751-2235 13595 All Pacific<br />

2236-0358 15720 All Pacific<br />

0400-0759 13690 All Pacific<br />

0800-1<strong>05</strong>9 9460 All Pacific<br />

1100-1300 13840 NW Pac, Bougainville, PNG, Timor, Asia<br />

1300-1650 7230 All Pacific<br />

(R NZi, Nov 28)<br />

New Thales DRM tx will be on test in December - at present? (wb)<br />

NEW ZEALAND [and non] The story about Christmas Island Radio seems to<br />

be attracting lots of new hits the past week or so, for some reason! If<br />

you haven't read it yet, it's at www.radioheritage.net and is the story of<br />

the Pacific Christmas Island, not the Indian Ocean one. Another Christmas<br />

story is WVTR's 1945 Xmas with lots of old photos from this Tokyo station.<br />

In 1939, Chinese operatic star Louise Kwan made a dramatic appeal via SW<br />

radio to her lost son and parents in China. The broadcast came from W6XBE<br />

at the San Francisco Exhibition, the station later better known as KGEI.<br />

Read Adrian Peterson's latest column at www.radioheritage.net for the full<br />

story.<br />

Interested in hearing some audioclips of Pacific radio stations? We<br />

recommend Dave Kernick's website: www.intervalsignalsonline.com for some<br />

nostalgic and contemporary sounds. Dave used to work for B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring,<br />

and has over 3500 Real Audio clips currently on line. On-line audio at<br />

www.radioheritage.net is now planned for the first quarter of 2006.<br />

Our popular serial 'Story of KFSG' has ended with Part 6 now on-line. This<br />

Los Angeles radio station helped 1.5m needy folks during the Great<br />

Depression, won a citation for war bond sales in WWII, and finally ended<br />

txion in early 2003. Enjoy the story now on-line, as well as Parts 1-5.<br />

Look out for our new radio serial coming soon at www.radioheritage.net.<br />

This is about 2KY Sydney.<br />

Nearly 90 locations are listed in our new guide to Armed Forces Radio<br />

Japan, from the early mobile units on southern Kyushu to the various camp<br />

stations of the late 1950's. Includes rare WLKE and FEN logos, as well as<br />

links to our trilogy of WVTR Tokyo stories. WVTR Xmas 1945 celebrates 60<br />

years ago heritage radio. As usual, if you've been involved with AFRS-FEN<br />

or have memorabilia and memories to share, please contact us. On-line now:<br />

AFRS Japan.<br />

Bruce Portzer's PAL [Pacific Asian Log] of 4300+ mediumwave stations from<br />

around the region has been updated again for November. This is the<br />

searchable version, very easy to use, and very popular. Coming soon is PAL<br />

Shortwave. In the meantime, visit the PAL page today for full broadcasting<br />

details of Asian-Pacific AM radio.<br />

A little more VU2ZP Bangalore content has been added, including a unique<br />

wall hanging mural map of AFRS 'India Burma Network' stations. A won<strong>der</strong>ful<br />

example of the response to our call for memorabilia from China-Burma-India<br />

AFRS stations.

Pitcairn Island has an unusual radio heritage we're pleased to share. On-<br />

line now is a rare photo of Floyd McCoy's ham shack for VR6AC on the<br />

island in the mid-1950's. Adrian Peterson's next column gives a unique<br />

insight into SW broadcasts from the island in the 1930's, with details of<br />

how radio saved the islan<strong>der</strong>s lives more than once. And, we've found some<br />

early photos of the RNZAF SW station on the island in the 1940's.<br />

On-line research is always helpful, and specific areas of interest to us<br />

right now include antique and vintage radio sets from Australia, New<br />

Zealand, China and Philippines, AM-FM radio in the Philippines, the<br />

current Low Power FM scene in New Zealand, historical amateur radio<br />

operations, early maritime and aviation broadcasting [up to 1950] from any<br />

Pacific islands.<br />

Our media releases and previous newsletters can be downloaded on-line, as<br />

well as easy forms to register memorabilia with us and remember us in your<br />

will.<br />

Warm regards from everyone with a passion for and love of Pacific radio<br />

and its people, pioneers and stories over the years. David Ricquish,<br />

Chairman, Radio Heritage Foundation.<br />

Keep an eye on e-mail <br />

Our mailing address is P.O.Box 14339, Wellington, New Zealand.<br />

(Pacific Radio Heritage, via hcdx Nov 28)<br />

PAKISTAN Radio Pakistan has confirmed that no changes in freq have been<br />

made to their Regional Services from<br />

Quetta 5025 at 0045-0404 (Fri. til 0845) & 1200-18<strong>05</strong> 7155 at 0600-1145<br />

(Fri.only 0400-0820 & 1000-1145).<br />

Peshawar 7220 at 1100-1400 Chitrali Service.<br />

Rawalpindi (10kW) 4790 at 0230-0425 & 1335-1430.<br />

Islamabad (Rewat) API-8 4790 at 0045-0215 & 1445-1815 and 7265 at 0900-<br />

1215 Pindi III Programme 6065 at 0430-<strong>05</strong>15 Balti Service and <strong>05</strong>30-0615<br />

Sheena Service.<br />

Frequency changes to their External Service from Nov 23rd are<br />

Tamil & Sinhali 0945-1045 on new 17480 [x 17490] // 15625.<br />

Turkish 1630-1700 on new 6215 [x 6255] // 7465 [this freqcy subject to<br />

change due to co-ch DRM].<br />

Islamabad Programme for Gulf & Iran 1915-0045 on new 5835 [x 5840].<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Cumbre Nov 25)<br />

Heard 9385 (not 9390) at 1600-1615 UT in En, S=2-3. 11570 only poor<br />

carrier and some thiny sound S=1. Nil on // 11850 15725.<br />

Pakistan on 7530 and 9360 kHz fair S=3-4, 1700-1900 UT, but suffers of<br />

Chinese violine jamming mx on 9355. A little move to 9362.5 ... 9365 kHz<br />

would help, - I would recommend.<br />

I couldn't hear any signal of Armavir Russia on adjacent 9370 kHz. Latter<br />

is a rather wooden registration?<br />

[9385 UNID Engl pop around 1640 UT, that was seemingly the Irish POP<br />

pirate station, S=3-4. but disappeared from propagation after 1700 UT]<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 25)

Thanks for the information re PAK. Your reception is again very different<br />

to mine! I assume it's because you live at a more southerly and easterly<br />

location. I'm still not having a problem with the Chinese mx jammer on<br />

9355 kHz - in fact I can hardly hear it. Yes, I agree that Russia is not<br />

using 9370 kHz - I can hear WTJC on about that freq most days - and from<br />

early in the afternoon - but it isn't very strong at 1700/1900 UT of<br />

course. And 7530 kHz booms in here at S9++.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Cumbre Nov 28)<br />

9385 Radio Pakistan on Nov 28 at 1159(IS)-1230(S/off) UT. SINPO 45444.<br />

Koran recitation at 1200 UT, then ID in Chinese. Koran recitation again at<br />

1201 UT, followed by news at 12<strong>05</strong> UT. // 11570 kHz SINPO 34333.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Dec 2)<br />

RUSSIA I've been informed by DW that starting from 01 Dec, between 1200-<br />

1400 UT, 13590 kHz will replace the old freq of 17480 kHz.<br />

("Yogesh" Mar-ibid., dxld Nov 29)<br />

13590 / 17480 kHz 1200-1400 UT 40E,41,49W SAM 250kW 140deg.<br />

Spurious mixing product 5032 kHz.<br />

I'm getting daily the program of Radio Rossii on 5032. Didn't write down<br />

the times but I recall it's sometimes 1700-1900 UT. I suspect it could be<br />

from Kaliningrad.<br />

One possible math is 59<strong>05</strong>-873 = 5032.<br />

I've got no exact skeds for Russian sw txions, do you know if Kaliningrad<br />

is on 59<strong>05</strong> around 1700-1900 UT? The one on 59<strong>05</strong> might be entirely<br />

different program, 5032 just a Rossii come-out. This mix on 5032 might be<br />

more complicated, but I always suspect the nearest point :-)<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 23)<br />

Is an interesting question, and puzzled me up.<br />

No, not Kaliningrad is used 59<strong>05</strong> at this time slot. KLG is only 1400-1700<br />

UT the other way around Eastwards to Russia / CeAsia.<br />

HFCC registration shows SAMARA instead<br />

59<strong>05</strong> 1530-2000 27,28 SAM 250kW 285deg. 1700 Russian to Belarus, 1900<br />

Polish,<br />

a n d WRTH shows powerhouse 1200 kW on 873 kHz at SA=Sahara Novosemeykino<br />

0200-2200 UT Radio Rossii program.<br />

So I guess, SW 59<strong>05</strong> and MW 873 kHz coming from same Samara nearby<br />

location, and excitation of both aerials happens.<br />

Interesting to know when exact the 5032 signal leaves the airwave, just<br />

when the 59<strong>05</strong> kHz stops ?<br />

Mixture products of MW and SW audio signals often result in an audio<br />

signal of "MW! program" on the spurious SW upper/lower side.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

Well, on 24th I did monitor 5032/59<strong>05</strong> kHz.<br />

At 1500 and 1600 UT on 59<strong>05</strong> only CRI [Kashi] in Russian.<br />

Around 1625 a strong carrier appeared on 59<strong>05</strong> blocking partly CRI.<br />

At the same time 5032 R Rossii popped up. Blank carrier on 59<strong>05</strong> continued<br />

until 1658 UT, then mx and ID "Golos Rossii - Radiokanal Sodruzhestvo".<br />

Sounds like CRI switched off their tx for couple of mins around 1656,<br />

coming back with weaker signal at 1700. Russian tx changed to VoRUS Polish

at 1800 UT.<br />

At 1900 Polish program ended and also 5032 went off.<br />

RFI started on 59<strong>05</strong> at 1859 UT with ID's and then Russian.<br />

So, as you said, this seems to be Samara MW/SW mix.<br />

On [symmetrical] 6778 kHz I couldn't detect any signal.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

[to KRE] Clandestine (JAPAN), Shiokaze, 5890 kHz [IRK-RUS 100kW 125deg].<br />

Thanks card in 6d for Japanese report with 1000 yen.<br />

(Kenji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 25)<br />

Cland 5890 Shiokaze at 1426 UT with mx followed by talks in Korean over it<br />

from man after 1430 UT. Buzzing audio, QRM from both sides 22232 max S7.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 25)<br />

cland 5890 'Shiokaze' today on 1445 with talks in Japanese instead of<br />

Korean. Piano background.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 27)<br />

unIDed 5880 from Russia at 1457 with carrier at S5. Clear at 1500 UT on<br />

LSB due to strong QRM in USB from oprators for just 15 secs untill a FSK<br />

signal (FDM?) wipes out lower side. Heard just piano mx and man talking in<br />

apprently Korean.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 27)<br />

? IME ? Do you know more about these Merlin / IME organization tests on<br />

5880 kHz via Irkutsk Russia site, from November 22nd to 27th ?<br />

According to Tohru Yamashita, Asian Broadcasting Institute, the broadcast<br />

began on November 23 at 15:00-016:00. The program consists of the<br />

explanation of the Chinese historical facts and persons such as<br />

Confusious, with the announcement "This is the test broadcast". As the<br />

announcer speaks Korean with provincial accenet, it seems to be some non-<br />

Christian religious (such as Confucianism) broadcast produced outside of<br />

Korea.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 28)<br />

1500-1600 IME 5880 kHz Irkutsk-RUS. Korean?, 22 to 27-Nov-20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Whatever the broadcast is on 9395 it has been on air Wednesday Thursday<br />

and now Friday at tune in around 1400 til off at 1500. I still hear a very<br />

brief part of what I think is the FEBA IS at conclusion. There is much<br />

talk about Bangladesh at times and the broadcast seems not to be a<br />

religious one, or perhaps that's because I don't un<strong>der</strong>stand Bangla! So far<br />

I have not heard very much mx either.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 25)<br />

Re 9395. Hello dear Noel, according latest frequ file:<br />

9395 1330-1500 41,49W ARM 200kW 104deg 5=Thur 1711<strong>05</strong>-190106 RUS B<strong>BC</strong> GFC<br />

9395 extra B<strong>BC</strong> Bengali outlet via Armavir Krasnodar RUS til <strong>Jan</strong> 19th,<br />

2006 !<br />

// in same lang should be via Samara on 7520 kHz, all 1330-1500 UT.<br />

Are there political elections in Bangladesh in mid <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2006 ???<br />

What the purpose of this special transmission?<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 25)<br />

So it is actually the B<strong>BC</strong> using 9395 in Bangla - I will try 7520 later<br />

today. For some reason I had the B<strong>BC</strong> in mind and thought that it did sound

their style. I assume that the FEBA IS somehow gets into the feed at close<br />

down. It's very brief but I'm sure that's what it is. I don't know if<br />

Bangladesh has elections coming up but I'll try to find out.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 25)<br />

Other B<strong>BC</strong> via RUS/UZB transmissions:<br />

7110 0100-0130 41 TAC 200 131 1234567 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 UZB B<strong>BC</strong> GFC<br />

7330 1100-1530 43,44,49,54 VLD 300 228 1234567 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 RUS B<strong>BC</strong> GFC<br />

7430 1330-1530 41 TAC 200 131 1234567 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 UZB B<strong>BC</strong> GFC<br />

7435 1600-1700 30,31,41 MSK 250 117 1234567 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 RUS B<strong>BC</strong> GFC<br />

7520 1330-1430 41,49W SAM 250 117 6=Fri !!1811<strong>05</strong> 060106 RUS B<strong>BC</strong> GFC<br />

9395 1330-1500 41,49W ARM 200 104 5=Thur!!1711<strong>05</strong> 190106 RUS B<strong>BC</strong> GFC<br />

15510 0230-0300 41 IRK 250 224 1234567 3010<strong>05</strong> 260306 RUS B<strong>BC</strong> GFC<br />

SOUTH AFRICA 3255 B<strong>BC</strong> Meyerton good at 0314 with En political cmnty; a<br />

quick check of R. Son<strong>der</strong>grense Meyerton-AFS on 3320 at the same time<br />

showed a remarkably strong signal as well.<br />

(Jim Ronda-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 27)<br />

9555 Christian Voice via Meyerton-AFS on Nov 29 at 1542-1546* UT. 34443<br />

English, Music, ID at 1545 UT, 1546 address announce, 1546 sign off.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Dec 2)<br />

11690, Radio Okapi via Meyerton verified with a full data letter and<br />

complete current Sentech txion schedule from Kathy Otto, Broadcast<br />

Planning at Sentech in 12 days for an e-mail report.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 27)<br />

11845 AWR via Meyerton fair-good at 2018 with FR religious prgm; FR ID at<br />

2027; EG ID at 2028 and into prgm in Yoruba at 2030 UT.<br />

(Jim Ronda-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 24)<br />

SPAIN On 118<strong>05</strong> and 12150 kHz noted two spurious signals of fundamental<br />

REE Noblejas txion in Spanish on 11920 and 12035 [diff 115 kHz], around<br />

0600-0800 UT, when 11920 kHz towards Asia/PHL on air.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 26)<br />

SRI LANKA DW is testing Trincomalee on 6000 kHz (instead of registered<br />

6180) at 2200-2258 UT only four days Nov 24-27th!!<br />

6180 2200-2258 43SE,44,45,49 TRM 250kW 60deg -30slew English<br />

60 degrees is in direction of Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tokyo ...<br />

(wb, dxld Nov 26)<br />

I.e. to avoid collision with Cy<strong>BC</strong> Nicosia Fri-Sat-Sun only broadcast on<br />

6180 kHz at 2215-2245 UT. (gh, dxld Nov 26)<br />

(I have my doubts ...) Cyprus is towards Western Europe, Paris, Irish Sea,<br />

and back lobe to Oman, Maldives, Diego Garcia area.<br />

6180 covered by CHN. Here in Germany I note a lot of China mainland<br />

Mandarin stations mostly on even channels spread all over the 49 mb at<br />

this hour. I heard Mandarin nx at 2200 UT, even as jammer spread on 6170 /<br />

6110 kHz ahead un<strong>der</strong>neath I hear B<strong>BC</strong> Mandarin from Kimje-KOR, resp.<br />

Nakorn-THA.<br />

(wb, dxld Nov 27)<br />

SUDAN 95<strong>05</strong> R Omdurman on Nov 29 at 1656-1707 UT. 45444 Arabic, Talk and<br />

news, ID at 1659 and 17<strong>05</strong> UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Dec 2)<br />

SWAZILAND/AUSTRALIA On 9474.91 kHz interfers - seemingly TWR Swaziland<br />

in Kisuaheli - on co-channel even R Australia fair signal from Shepparton<br />

in English. TWR Manzini seems 90 Hertz down, 1702-1817 UT.

At same time span, fair signals also from Sana'a on 9779.48 kHz and<br />

Zanzibar on even 11735 kHz.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 27)<br />

TAIWAN Adresse Vo Kuanghua. Joachim Stiller:<br />

Die Anschrift 5F, No 3, Hsin-Yi Rd., Sec 1, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC<br />

habe ich gebraucht fur einen Empfangsbericht nach Voice of Han. Mein Brief<br />

habe ich zuruckbekommen mit Angabe: Insufficient Address.<br />

Dann ist wohl e-mail angesagt. O<strong>der</strong> snailmail mit einer leicht<br />

mod<strong>der</strong>verzierten Adresse.<br />

The Voice of Han Broadcasting<br />

B Building 5F No.3, Sin Yi Road Sec. 1<br />

Taipei, Taiwan, ROC<br />

Ja, von dieser Adresse kam vor einigen Wochen eine sehr schoene QSL-Karte<br />

fuer die Kurzwellenaussendungen.<br />

(Hans-Dieter Buschau-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 26)<br />

Central Weather Bureau started to operate SW broadcasting station.<br />

According to the annt of the Taiwan govt , Central Weather Bureau started<br />

to operate the 2nd marine SW broadcasting station on October 1. The<br />

station is located at Cigu, Tainan prefecture with the freq of 5170 kHz<br />

USB. It covers the North east and South West of Taiwan, including Taiwan<br />

Straits. The 1st SW station was in operation in March, 2003 on 8117 kHz<br />

USB, located at Mt.Wufen, Taipei prefecture.<br />

Although it was intended to cover the whole island and surrounded sea,<br />

ships passing through the Taiwan Straits were often blocked against<br />

receiving due to the Taiwan Central Mountain. The 2nd station is intended<br />

to improve this situation. The broadcasting is done 24 hours daily, and<br />

includes every 3 hour weather observation and analysis, onshore fishery<br />

weather forecasts, and typhoon information, in Chinese.<br />

The same contents on both 5170 and 8117 kHz. In Tokyo the signal on 5170<br />

kHz is much stronger than that on 8117 kHz.<br />

The address: Meteorological Phonetic Broadcasting, Weather Forecast<br />

Center, Central Weather Bureau, No.64 Congyuan Road, Taipei, Taiwan.<br />

URL: (mostly in Chinese, with some<br />

English).<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 26)<br />

TAIWAN/UAE/U.K. New RTI server from Dec 1st, new URL, and new website<br />

design on RTI-Homepage.<br />

Liebe Hoererinnen und Hoerer von Radio Taiwan International, die Webseiten<br />

von Radio Taiwan International ziehen am 1. Dezember 20<strong>05</strong> um ca. 04:00 UT<br />

auf einen neuen Server um!<br />

Die URL-Adresse <strong>der</strong> RTI-Eingangsseite bleibt unveraen<strong>der</strong>t<br />

von dort koennen Sie weiterhin ueber den Link<br />

"Deutsch" auf die Deutschen Webseiten gelangen.<br />

Sie werden von dort aus auf die neue URL <strong>der</strong> Deutschen Webseiten<br />

umgeleitet<br />

<br />

Unsere neuen Webseiten werden noch ergaenzt. Wir bitten um etwas Geduld.<br />

Falls es waehrend <strong>der</strong> Umstellungsphase zu Problemen beim Erreichen unserer<br />

Webseiten gibt, bitten wir Sie ebenfalls um etwas Geduld

Bei Fragen o<strong>der</strong> Problemen wenden Sie sich bitte an die Deutschredaktion -<br />

die E-Mail-Adresse ist unveraen<strong>der</strong>t:<br />

<br />

Dann moechten wir Sie natuerlich herzlich zu einem Besuch ab dem 1.<br />

Dezember auf unseren (neuen) Webseiten einladen!<br />

Mit herzlichen Gruessen aus Taipei, Ihre RTI-Deutschredaktion<br />

<br />

(RTI Eva Triendl" via Volker Willschrey-D, Nov 30)<br />

RTI German 1900-2000 UT via VT now on 6170 kHz Al Dhabbaya-UAE site6170<br />

1900-2000 27,28 DHA 250 315deg USA MNO MERmay change back to Skelton-<br />

Cumbria-UK site in mid February 2006:<br />

6170 1900-2000 27SE,28 SKN 250 1<strong>05</strong>deg USA MNO MER<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 28)<br />

TANZANIA 11735 R. Tanzania Zanzibar, Nov 25 at 1802-1815 UT, tuned in<br />

as man was reading nx in English with each item preceded by dateline. Nx<br />

ended 1809 but signal way down. Into what sounded like Arabic programming<br />

of mostly talk with brief mx bridges. Poor/fair level and difficult to<br />

un<strong>der</strong>stand much of English segment.<br />

(John Herkimer-NY-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 27)<br />

According to Ndaro Nyamwocha at Radio Tanzania, "5<strong>05</strong>0 kHz is not on the<br />

air, it has developed a big fault."<br />

He indicated that he would let me know when thew tx would return to the<br />

air.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 23)<br />

UNID/DRM 9655 UNID playing nice plain classical mx in AM ! mode at about<br />

1600 to 1701 UT cl-down. But not co-ch KNLS Alaska seemingly, rather<br />

stronger European stn.<br />

In HFCC noted DW registration in DRM mode via WER / SIN at 1300-1900 UT.<br />

Why is this sce in AM mode instead?<br />

DRM 1400-1600 UT: LUX 5990 and 6095 no DRM syncronisation happened on my<br />

daughter's new DELL notebook PC, poor winter time afternoon 8 - 12 dB<br />

signal. For proper syncro DRM software needs 18 to 21 dB level on PC<br />

soundcard via Line-In.<br />

Noted also much Fading on: 5810MSK with suddend breaks in between,<br />

variying 20dB to 12 dB downwards, 7320RMP, 7465KVI-NOR, 9750RMP mx + text<br />

TNT progr, latter Sun & Wed only ?<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 27)<br />

Your reception of DRM signals is very interesting to read. It does make me<br />

won<strong>der</strong> just how successful DRM is going to be and if a portable type<br />

receiver will be sensitive enough to handle all txions. I can hear the RMP<br />

signals but not as loud as I hear the KVI 7465 signal. The LUX and DW<br />

signals often fade down here currently. One I do hear is Orfordness on<br />

1296 - it often completely ruins the Asia txion from Birmingham co-ch and<br />

it must have reduced the night time sce area of that station consi<strong>der</strong>ably.<br />

(later)<br />

I've heard the DRM on 9655 but don't know what the AM signal would be -<br />

unless maybe stations are changing to AM now that there are no receivers<br />

before Christmas? I can often find KNLS via the "old" tx but not via the<br />

"new" one. I won<strong>der</strong> if their antenna is working better via te new one and<br />

not putting out so much back radiation?<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Cumbre Nov 28)

U.K. 12000 WADR at 09?? UT, a political commentary followed by Spanish<br />

like song about orthodoxy. ID WADR transmitting from Dakar on 12000 and<br />

17860 kHz, a speech of Mr Mashari Said with mentions about National Anthem<br />

S9 43444.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 26)<br />

12000 is from Woofferton-UK, 15260 from Rampisham-UK.<br />

[to SENEGAL] 15260 West Africa Democracy Radio via Rampisham-UK. Nov 26<br />

at 0754-08<strong>05</strong> UT. SINPO 34333. Local popular song and talk in English. ID<br />

at 0756. French program started at 0800 UTwith ID & jingles.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Dec 2)<br />

12000 West Africa Democracy Radio on Nov 27 at 0744-0803 UT. 44433-44444<br />

English and French, Music and talk, ID at 0753 and 0800.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Dec 2)<br />

1548 Capital Gold leaves Mediumwave.<br />

Der britische Hoerfunkveranstalter GCap Media plant nach einem Bericht <strong>der</strong><br />

Zeitung "Independent", die Verbreitung seines Oldiesen<strong>der</strong>s Capital Gold<br />

auf Mittelwelle zugunsten des Digitalradios DAB einzustellen. Als<br />

moeglicher Zeitpunkt fuer die Abschaltung <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong> wird <strong>der</strong> Fruehling<br />

2007 genannt.<br />

Das berichtet das Medienmagazin des Rundfunks Berlin-Brandenburg.<br />

Capital Gold sendet aus dem Norden von London mit knapp 100 kW auf 1548<br />

kHz. Darueber hinaus werden regionalisierte Programmversionen, zum Teil<br />

unter <strong>der</strong> Bezeichnung Classic Gold, ueber zahlreiche Kleinsen<strong>der</strong><br />

verbreitet, die urspruenglich fuer lokal produzierte Programme bestimmt<br />

waren. GCap Media betreibt im Digitalradio DAB das von an<strong>der</strong>en<br />

Veranstaltern mit genutzte Ensemble Digital One.<br />

Copyright (c) 20<strong>05</strong> by Satelli-LINE Infodienste GmbH. (via A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 28)<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring job cuts may double. Staff at the B<strong>BC</strong>'s global listening<br />

sce, used by the govt in its fight against terrorism, fear job losses<br />

could double because of the corporation's plans to relocate a significant<br />

part of its operations overseas.<br />

Workers at B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring's Caversham headquarters, already facing around<br />

50 jobs cuts after a Cabinet Office review cut funding in August, fear the<br />

number of redundancies could leap to at least 100 if the B<strong>BC</strong> moves<br />

listening from Berkshire to centres in Delhi, Belgrade and Moscow.<br />

Un<strong>der</strong> the plans, insi<strong>der</strong>s say coverage of Europe and the Balkans will<br />

switch to Belgrade, Asia Pacific listening to Delhi or new offices in<br />

Islamabad, Dhaka or Jakarta, and Russia to new offices in Moscow or the<br />

Ukraine.<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring, which scrutinises more than 3,000 sources from TV, radio,<br />

nx agencies, press and the internet, is also planning to strengthen its<br />

small office in Egypt while cutting back on its team of Middle East<br />

specialists in Caversham.<br />

Insi<strong>der</strong>s say the move to put greater reliance on outside staff threatens<br />

the quality of the intelligence gathered, particularly in the former<br />

Soviet Union, where editors can be at risk if they speak out.<br />

Last month the B<strong>BC</strong> World Service temporarily closed its office in<br />

Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, because of concerns over security.<br />

"We are worried that freelances from countries where press freedom is non-<br />

existent might self-censor their selection of material to stay in with

their govts," said a B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring insi<strong>der</strong>.<br />

The B<strong>BC</strong> said it was discussing ways to increase efficiency at the sce, but<br />

said no decision had yet been taken on overseas outsourcing.<br />

"When we made the annt we said there could be a loss of around 50 jobs and<br />

that assessment has not changed," said a spokesman.<br />

"We are now looking at detailed proposals, many of which have come from<br />

staff, before embarking on a further round of feedback." Set up on the eve<br />

of the second world war to help Britain track foreign propaganda, B<strong>BC</strong><br />

Monitoring employs about 500 staff, most of them based at Caversham. The<br />

rest are distributed in six bureaux around the world and it also employs a<br />

few hundred freelance monitors.<br />

It provides nx transcripts, including audio and video clips, to the<br />

Ministry of Defence, Foreign Office and British intelligence agencies, as<br />

well as the B<strong>BC</strong>.<br />

In August the B<strong>BC</strong> admitted it faced "tough choices" after the Foreign and<br />

Commonwealth Office cut its funding for B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring by o4.5m a year.<br />

The FCO is one of four stakehol<strong>der</strong>s in the sce, alongside the Ministry of<br />

Defence, the Cabinet Office and the B<strong>BC</strong>.<br />

A review, led by Sir Quentin Thomas - formerly head of broadcasting at the<br />

Home Office - reported in August, recommending a new funding structure.<br />

The unit will get o24.6m a year in 2006-07 and 2007-08, falling to o23.4m<br />

before 2011.<br />

(Dominic Timms, Media Guardian, Mon Nov 28; via Mike Barraclough-UK,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong>)<br />

U.K. (and non) Updated B-<strong>05</strong> schedule for VT Communications relays:<br />

[Ascension Isl, Austria, Canada, Chile, Neth.Antilles, Russia,<br />

South Africa, Taiwan, Tajikistan, UAE, Uzbekistan]<br />

Radio Prague<br />

0000-0027 on 11665 ASC 250 kW / 245 deg to SoAm in Spanish<br />

0400-0427 on 6100 SAC 250 kW / 268 deg to NoAm in English<br />

2330-2357 on 9660 SAC 250 kW / 212 deg to CeAm in Spanish<br />

China Radio International<br />

0000-0<strong>05</strong>7 on 9745 BON 250 kW / 290 deg to CeAm in Spanish<br />

1100-1357 on 15540 SGO 100 kW / 045 deg to SoAm in<br />

Portuguese/Chinese/English<br />

1500-1757 on 6100 MEY 100 kW / non-dir to SoAf in English<br />

1800-1857 on 6100 MEY 100 kW / non-dir to SoAf in Chinese<br />

2100-2157 on 17645 SGO 100 kW / 045 deg to SoAm in Portuguese<br />

Gospel for Asia<br />

0000-0130 on 6145 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SoAs in SoEaAs langs<br />

1230-1330 on 15515 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SoAs in SoEaAs langs<br />

1400-1500 on 15215 DHA 250 kW / 100 deg to SoAs in SoEaAs langs<br />

1600-1630 on 9785 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SoAs in SoEaAs langs<br />

2300-2400 on 6040 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SoAs in SoEaAs langs<br />

Bible Voice Broadcasting Network<br />

0015-0130 on 6020 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SoAs in Hindi<br />

0030-0045 on 6020 DHA 250 kW / 090 deg to SoAs in Telugu Sat<br />

0030-0100 on 6010 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SoAs in Hindi Mon-Thu<br />

0030-0100 on 6010 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SoAs in English Fri-Sun<br />

0030-0100 on 6040 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SoAs in Bengali

Voice of Vietnam<br />

0100-0130 on 6175 SAC 250 kW / 212 deg to NoAm in English<br />

0130-0230 on 6175 SAC 250 kW / 212 deg to NoAm in Vietnamese<br />

0230-0330 on 6175 SAC 250 kW / 212 deg to NoAm in English/Spanish<br />

0330-0430 on 6175 SAC 250 kW / 212 deg to NoAm in English/Spanish<br />

0430-<strong>05</strong>30 on 6175 SAC 250 kW / 240 deg to NoAm in Vietnamese<br />

1800-1830 on 5955 MOS 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu in English<br />

1830-1930 on 5955 MOS 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu in Vietnamese<br />

1930-2000 on 5955 MOS 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu in French<br />

2000-2030 on 5970 SKN 300 kW / 140 deg to EaEu in Russian<br />

2030-2130 on 5970 SKN 300 kW / 140 deg to EaEu in Vietnamese<br />

Hmong Lao Radio<br />

0100-0200 on 15260 TAI 100 kW / 250 deg to Asia in Laotian Wed/Fri<br />

Adventist World Radio<br />

0100-0200 on 15445 TAI 100 kW / 250 deg to Asia in Vietnamese Sat<br />

0300-0330 on 9550 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf in Oromo<br />

0300-0400 on 9760 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf in Amharic/Tigrigna<br />

1200-1300 on 15110 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to EaAs in Indonesian/English<br />

1300-1330 on 11720 DHA 250 kW / 060 deg to EaAs in Chinese Mon-Fri<br />

1300-1330 on 11720 DHA 250 kW / 060 deg to EaAs in Uiyghur Sat/Sun<br />

1330-1400 on 11720 DHA 250 kW / 060 deg to EaAs in Chinese<br />

1400-1500 on 11695 TAI 100 kW / 250 deg to Asia in Vietnamese<br />

1500-1600 on 11695 DHA 250 kW / 075 deg to SoAs in Punjabi/Hindi<br />

1500-1600 on 9530 DHA 250 kW / 075 deg to SoAs in Nepali/English<br />

1730-1800 on 6180 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf in Oromo<br />

Radio Solh/Radio Peace<br />

0200-1200 on 11675 DHA 250 kW / 045 deg to WeAs in Dari/Pashto<br />

1200-1500 on 15265 RMP 500 kW / 085 deg to WeAs in Dari/Pashto<br />

1500-1800 on 9875 RMP 500 kW / 080 deg to WeAs in Dari/Pashto<br />

Sudan Radio Service<br />

0300-<strong>05</strong>00 7120 WOF 300kW 126deg to EaAf English/Arabic/Others Mon-Fri<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 9525 WOF 300kW 126deg to EaAf English/Arabic/Others Mon-Fri<br />

1500-1700 15575 WOF 300kW 126deg to EaAf English/Arabic/Others Mon-Fri<br />

1700-1800 117<strong>05</strong> WOF 300kW 126deg to EaAf English/Arabic/Others Mon-Fri<br />

Radio France International<br />

0400-0458 on 7270 ASC 250 kW / 114 deg to SoAf in French<br />

0400-0658 on 15210 DHA 250 kW / 255 deg to CeAf in French<br />

0600-0658 on 9865 ASC 250 kW / 027 deg to WeAf in English/French<br />

0600-0658 on 17770 KIG 250 kW / 280 deg to CeAf in French<br />

1200-1228 on 15275 ASC 250 kW / 027 deg to WeAf in English<br />

1600-1628 on 6010 DB 250 kW / 180 deg to WeAs in Pashto<br />

1600-1628 on 7170 DHA 250 kW / 045 deg to WeAs in Pashto<br />

1800-1858 on 5995 TAC 100 kW / 255 deg to WeAs in Persian<br />

1800-1858 on 6015 DHA 250 kW / 340 deg to WeAs in Persian<br />

Radio Okapi<br />

0400-0600 on 11690 MEY 250 kW / 342 deg to Congo in French/Lingala<br />

1600-1700 on 11890 MEY 250 kW / 330 deg to Congo in French/Lingala<br />

WYFR<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 on 3955 SKN 250 kW / 106 deg to WeEu in German<br />

1400-1600 on 15520 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SoAs in Hindi/English<br />

1600-1700 on 12010 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to SoAs in English<br />

1700-1800 on 3955 SKN 250 kW / 106 deg to WeEu in English<br />

1700-1800 on 9530 RMP 500 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg to ME in Arabic<br />

1700-1800 on 21680 ASC 250 kW / 085 deg to SoAf in English<br />

1800-1900 on 7240 RMP 500 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg to ME in English<br />

1800-1900 on 9660 SKN 300 kW / 140 deg to ME in Arabic

1900-2000 on 5965 RMP 300 kW / 110 deg to ME in Arabic<br />

1900-20<strong>05</strong> on 9660 MEY 250 kW / 019 deg to EaAf in Swahili<br />

1900-2100 on 3230 MEY 100 kW / non-dir to SoAf in English<br />

2000-2200 on 15195 ASC 250 kW / 085 deg to WeAf in English<br />

2030-2130 on 11985 ASC 250 kW / 027 deg to WeAf in French<br />

2100-2200 on 11655 MEY 250 kW / 019 deg to SoAf in English<br />

2115-2315 on 11875 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to CeAf in English<br />

KBS World Radio<br />

0700-0800 on 9535 SKN 300 kW / 110 deg to WeEu in Korean<br />

1800-1900 on 7235 RMP 500 kW / 062 deg to EaEu in Russian<br />

1900-2000 on 7180 RMP 500 kW / 168 deg to NoAf in Arabic<br />

2000-2130 on 3955 SKN 250 kW / 106 deg to WeEu in German/English<br />

2000-2100 on 5955 SKN 250 kW / 150 deg to WeEu in French<br />

West Africa Democracy Radio effective Nov.28<br />

0700-0900 on 12000 WOF 300 kW / 195 deg to WeAf in English/French<br />

0900-1100 on 17860 WOF 300 kW / 195 deg to WeAf in English/French<br />

Star Radio Liberia<br />

0700-0900 on 9525 ASC 250 kW / 027 deg to CeAf in English<br />

2100-2200 on 11960 ASC 250 kW / 027 deg to CeAf in English<br />

UNMEE<br />

0900-1000 on 17670 DHA 250 kW / 255 deg to EaAf in English/Others Sun<br />

1030-1130 on 17565 DHA 250 kW / 255 deg to EaAf in English/Others Tue<br />

Eternal Good News<br />

1130-1145 on 15525 DHA 250 kW / 100 deg to SoAs in English Fri<br />

Trans World Radio Africa<br />

1300-1315 on 13745 KIG 250 kW / 030 deg to EaAf in Afar Fri/Sat<br />

1800-1830 on 12035 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf in Amharic Mon-Fri<br />

1800-1845 on 12035 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf in Amharic Sat/Sun<br />

Radio Sea Breeze/Shiokaze<br />

1430-1500 on 5890 IRK 100 kW / 125 deg to KRE in Japanese<br />

Little Saigon Radio<br />

1500-1530 on 7380 TAI 100 kW / 250 deg to Asia in Vietnamese<br />

United Nation Radio<br />

1700-1715 on 7170 MEY 100 kW / 076 deg to SoAf in French Mon-Fri<br />

1700-1715 on 9565 SKN 300 kW / 180 deg to NoAf in French Mon-Fri<br />

1700-1715 on 21535 MEY 500 kW / 342 deg to WeAf in French Mon-Fri<br />

1730-1745 on 7170 MEY 100 kW / 0<strong>05</strong> deg to EaAf in English Mon-Fri<br />

1730-1745 on 9565 SKN 300 kW / 110 deg to EaAf in English Mon-Fri<br />

1730-1745 on 17810 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf in English Mon-Fri<br />

1830-1845 on 7260 RMP 500 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg to EaAf in Arabic Mon-Fri<br />

1830-1845 on 7260 RMP 500 kW / 168 deg to NoAf in Arabic Mon-Fri<br />

Leading The Way<br />

1700-1730 on 7290 RMP 500 kW / 095 deg to WeAs in Persian Tue/Fri<br />

1700-1730 on 7290 RMP 500 kW / 080 deg to RUS in Russian Sat/Sun<br />

HCJB<br />

1700-1730 on 98<strong>05</strong> RMP 500 kW / 061 deg to EaEu in Russian<br />

2100-2230 on 12025 SAC 250 kW / 073 deg to NoAf in Arabic<br />

Eglise du Christ<br />

1900-1930 on 7260 WOF 300 kW / 180 deg to NoAf in French Thu<br />

Radio Taiwan International<br />

1900-2000 on 3955 SKN 250 kW / 175 deg to WeEu in French

1900-2000 on 6170 DHA 250 kW / 325 deg to WeEu in German<br />

Voice of Biafra International<br />

2100-2200 on 7380 MEY 250 kW / 328 deg to WeAf in English Wed/Sat<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 29)<br />

USA [non] AFRTS on SW ? There is still a schedule at<br />

http://myafn.dodmedia.osd.mil/radio/shortwave/<br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, ibid.)<br />

It may be worth to have in mind that the AFRTS relays are transmitted via<br />

regular utility txs at US Navy bases. Acc. to a Navy source, the txions<br />

have a low priority and are carried in accordance with free capacities.<br />

The broadcasts may be taken off the air at any time and for any required<br />

period of time if the txs in question are needed for other utility<br />

communication purposes. That is the explanation why many AFRTS freqs are<br />

often not on the air.<br />

More background: the "internal" SW relays via Navy facilities were<br />

launched when AFRTS changed from analogue to digital satellite<br />

distribution and many reception points were left without signal. The<br />

digital distribution uses a strong encryption system (PowerVu) which<br />

requires new and rather costly satellite receivers/deco<strong>der</strong>s, and it took<br />

the Navy several years to exchange the sets. Apart from that, the<br />

satellite coverage for the digital signals was rather limited in the<br />

beginning. Meanwhile, most reception points (incl. Navy vessels) now have<br />

the new receivers and the temporary SW relays are not much needed anymore.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 23)<br />

After missing for more than a month, from before Hurricane Wilma, I think,<br />

12133.5 and 7811.0 are again active with AFRTS from Saddlebunch Key as<br />

heard from 1521 past 1600 Nov 29. At 1521 American Music Maker mini-<br />

feature, and others, 1530 CNN Radio news. Inaudible on 5446.5 but check<br />

that one at night.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 29)<br />

Reception of the normally very strong 5070 is very weak tonight. Right<br />

down in the mud, compared to far stronger 5085 (which itself is normally<br />

not nearly as strong as 5070). Won<strong>der</strong> if there's a tx or antenna problem<br />

with them. Strength in my mind is a tenth of what they normally output. Or<br />

is it just wacky propagation?<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 27)<br />

Voice of America and Greenville A/B Sites (GA/GB).<br />

From B<strong>05</strong> beginning (10/30/20<strong>05</strong>) VOA does not use GREENVILLE, NC "A Site"<br />

(GA); it uses only "B Site" (GB). I know GA is totally silent, and the<br />

txions were moved to GB (not the txs, just the airings). I only presume<br />

it's because of too little broadcasts from GA in A<strong>05</strong> season.<br />

GB Greenville, NC - "B Site" complete B<strong>05</strong> txions<br />

Freq Time(UTC) Az. Broadcaster Language Days<br />

5745 1000-1400 2<strong>05</strong> OCB Spanish<br />

5890 0030-0100 190 RTG English<br />

5890 0100-0200 190 RTG Thai<br />

5890 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 094 VOA Portuguese<br />

5890 <strong>05</strong>30-0630 094 VOA French Mon-Fri<br />

6030 0000-0400 2<strong>05</strong> OCB Spanish<br />

6030 0400-1000 2<strong>05</strong> OCB Spanish Tue-Sun<br />

6030 2200-2400 2<strong>05</strong> OCB Spanish<br />

6035 <strong>05</strong>00-0630 094 VOA English-Africa<br />

7365 0000-0400 164 OCB Spanish<br />

74<strong>05</strong> 0130-0200 176 VOA English-Special Tue-Sat<br />

74<strong>05</strong> 0300-0400 184 OCB Spanish<br />

74<strong>05</strong> 0400-1000 184 OCB Spanish Tue-Sun

74<strong>05</strong> 1200-1500 183 OCB Spanish<br />

9480 0430-<strong>05</strong>00 091 VOA Portuguese<br />

9480 <strong>05</strong>30-0630 091 VOA French Mon-Fri<br />

9525 2200-2230 164 VOA Creole<br />

9535 1100-1230 164 VOA Spanish<br />

9535 1230-1300 164 VOA Creole Mon-Fri<br />

9565 2000-2200 164 OCB Spanish<br />

9575 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 094 VOA English-Africa<br />

9670 2200-2230 183 VOA Creole<br />

9775 0130-0200 183 VOA English-Special Tue-Sat<br />

98<strong>05</strong> 0400-0700 183 OCB Spanish Tue-Sun<br />

9885 0100-0200 183 VOA Spanish<br />

11775 0000-0400 184 OCB Spanish<br />

11775 0400-0700 184 OCB Spanish Tue-Sun<br />

11890 1100-1230 164 VOA Spanish<br />

11890 1230-1300 164 VOA Creole Mon-Fri<br />

11930 1300-2400 184 OCB Spanish<br />

13715 1200-1230 176 VOA Spanish<br />

13820 1300-1930 184 OCB Spanish<br />

15265 1100-1230 174 VOA Spanish<br />

15265 1230-1300 174 VOA Creole Mon-Fri<br />

15330 1400-2000 174 OCB Spanish<br />

15385 1730-1800 146 VOA Creole<br />

15390 2100-2130 174 B<strong>BC</strong> English Mon-Fri<br />

15580 1900-2200 094 VOA English-Africa<br />

17565 1730-1800 174 VOA Creole<br />

17565 2000-2200 174 ERT various [i.e., Greek!]<br />

17580 1830-2000 094 VOA French<br />

OCB Radio Marti, Miami FL (Office of Cuba Broadcasting)<br />

RTG Radio Thailand, Bangkok<br />

VOA Voice of America, Washington DC<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> British Broadcasting Corporation, London<br />

ERT Voice of Greece, Athens<br />

I've carefully looked at VOA schedule on and I've<br />

found several large mistakes:<br />

AFAN OROMO 1730-1800 Mon-Fri 7245 11690 "13800"<br />

The correct freq is 13790 kHz!<br />

7245 MOR 099 deg<br />

11690 KAV 172 deg<br />

13790 MOR 108 deg<br />

AMHARIC 1800-1900 7245 11690 "13800"<br />

The correct freq is 13790 kHz!<br />

7245 IRA 279 deg<br />

11690 KAV 172 deg<br />

13790 IRA 275 deg<br />

TIGRIGNA 1900-1930 Mon-Fri 7245 11690 "13800"<br />

The correct freq is 13790 kHz!<br />

7245 MOR 099 deg<br />

11690 KAV 172 deg<br />

13790 IRA 275 deg<br />

[x13800, HFCC notes this entry, from Nov 11:<br />

13790 1800-1930 48 IRA 250 275 1111<strong>05</strong>-250306 - wb.]<br />

GEORGIAN " 1630-1700 11685 11895 13645 "<br />

The correct schedule is 1530-1600!:<br />

11965 KAV 095 deg<br />

120<strong>05</strong> IRA 324 deg<br />

13790 MOR 067 deg

[and a repeat at 11965 1630-1700 Mon-Fri VOA Kavalla 250kW 95deg Georgian,<br />

from Nov 19. wb.]<br />

INDONESIAN 1400-1500 11760 11985 13660 "daily"<br />

NOT DAILY, only Thu-Sat!<br />

KINYARWANDA/KIRUNDI 1600-1630 Sat 11675 11965 "11785"<br />

The correct freq is 17785 kHz!<br />

11675 KAV 172 deg<br />

11965 SAO 100 deg<br />

17785 MOR 132 deg<br />

SHONA 1700-1730 4930 9830 12080 17785 "daily"<br />

NOT DAILY, only Mon-Fri!<br />

[to Zimbabwe, all Mon-Fri, 1700-1800 909 4930 9830 12080 17785.<br />

1800-1830 909 9830 12080 17785 kHz. wb.]<br />

Also I have some remarks about VOA stuff: As you could notice, as of Oct.<br />

30th, 20<strong>05</strong>, VOA SERBIAN breakfast show is no longer 30 mins, It's now only<br />

15 mins long (0630-0645 UT). I always listen to VOA Serbian programs, and<br />

they told listeners about this change on airwaves first on Sunday, Oct.<br />

30, not before!<br />

AND ALSO I called by phone on Monday, Oct. 31st a VOA local affiliate<br />

station YU-Eco Radio, here in Subotica, Serbia with a question did VOA<br />

inform them about this cut. The station's engineer told me they don't know<br />

anything about that cutting AND ASKED ME why VOA reduced the length of the<br />

show. Of course, I don't know why.<br />

The most interesting thing is that VOA, which regularly updates IBB<br />

satellite schedules on website, actually forgot to put this txion into web<br />

schedule:<br />

<br />

The program is on air on Hotbird Satellite 0630-0645 VOA SERBIAN on HB12<br />

channel. (on website (pdf file), it's a blank space!)<br />

(Dragan Lekic-SCG, dxld Nov 24)<br />

Tnx, Dragan, good piece of research. I had not noticed GA had vanished. I<br />

won<strong>der</strong> if it is being permanently mothballed. Would make an excellent and<br />

much-needed relay site for a number of foreign broadcasters if IBB has no<br />

use for it.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 25)<br />

Glenn, Greenville Plant A is in caretaker status. Two techs on site.<br />

Whether IBB will clear the site or will let it rust away remains to be<br />

see. Three functioning IBB sites in US now. Greenville Plant B, Delano,<br />

and Marathon. That's the truth.<br />

(Charles, Watching an area die, dxld Nov 25)<br />

Bethany, Greenville. - Found this debate about the possible demolition of<br />

the Bethany station building, confirming that one Greenville site is off<br />

now:<br />

<br />

And here is a brochure about Greenville's inauguration, transcribed and<br />

scanned:<br />

<br />

It appears to me that IBB would like to avoid an impression that<br />

Greenville Site A has been closed by describing the current situation as<br />

"not on air 24 hours" (yeah, sure, zero hours are indeed "not 24 hours").

I assume the discussed two technicians keep the txs operational, as<br />

Telenor/Norkring engineers did with the Kvitsoy and Sveio facilities after<br />

yearend. So presumably GA could be fired up again, in theory and for the<br />

time being.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Nov 26)<br />

UZBEKISTAN 7190 Radio Tashkent International, at *1200-1217 on Nov 22,<br />

IS followed by opening of English program with ID ("This is Radio Tashkent<br />

International") and annts alternating with local folk mx segments. A<br />

newscast followed. Fair signal but mixing with Chinese station.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 23)<br />

VENEZUELA 4939.5 Radio Amazonas, VEN, at 0122 UT. 25332 (teilweise S3)<br />

hoerbar bis mindestens 0220 UT (dann endete mein Mitschnitt).<br />

(Wolf-Dieter Behnke-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 29) 0900-0400 UT Puerto Ayacucho-VEN.<br />

VIETNAM 4739.7 R. TV. Son La on Nov 18 at 1257-1306 UT. 34443<br />

Vietnamese, Music, 1259 UT theme mx and ID, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 25)<br />

Dien Bien on 6316.8? I've received Dien Bien B.S. still on 6317VkHz, but<br />

also interfered by RTTY/CW signal. This station gives some annts at 1200<br />

UT, or news? at 1230 UT with theme mx.<br />

I think listening it is easiest way to confirm this station. Each audio<br />

samples are uploaded on my website:<br />

<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, hcdx Nov 28)<br />

Formerly on 6378, 6441v, Dien Bien Lai Chau province, G.C. 22N04 103E10,<br />

0400-0600, 1200-1400, and 2200-0030 UT. (wb)<br />


AWR Asia/ Pacific is planning to start New Wavescan in <strong>Jan</strong>uary. They will<br />

annce more details in December. JSWC is to present <strong>DX</strong> Nx "as same as UK<br />

edition days," as narrated by Ms. Yukiko Tsuji with my editing. During my<br />

business trip to SNG at the end of September, I was able to visit AWR<br />

Asia/Pacific Regional Office and had a nice chat with staff of the office.<br />

Mr. Rhoen Catolico, Listener Relations; Mr. Akinori Kaibe, Regional<br />

Director; and Mr. Anniston Mathews, Technical Support. They are the team<br />

of the New Wavescan program.<br />

(Toshi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC via <strong>DX</strong>plorer Nov 28)<br />

B-<strong>05</strong> Frequency list.<br />

Two weeks earlier than B04, the new winter B<strong>05</strong> schedule is now available<br />

from my website <br />

For your bookmarks:<br />

The schedule sorted by time is at<br />

<br />

and the frequency-sorted schedule is at<br />

<br />

For other formats (zip,doc,pdf) visit and go to<br />

"<strong>DX</strong> pages".<br />

As always, comments and corrections are welcome, if not already published<br />

on <strong>DX</strong>LD or hcdx groups.<br />

Have fun <strong>DX</strong>ing, Eike<br />

(Eike Bierwirth-D, dxld Nov 29)


French media and entertainment group Thomson is in advanced talks over<br />

buying Thales Broadcast Media, which deals in the radio and television tx<br />

business, according to a report in La Tribune. The newspaper says that<br />

Thales announced its plan to sell the division at a board meeting last<br />

week. Thales Broadcast Media employs around 600 staff. It has been the<br />

subject of some international controversy recently, as some of the<br />

equipment it sold to China has been used for jamming. Officials at Thomson<br />

and Thales could not be immediately reached for comment.<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, RNW MN NL via dxld Nov 29)<br />

WRTH<br />

Der Verlag des WRTHs hat eine neue informative(re) Webseite erstellt, es<br />

sind auch Musterseiten <strong>der</strong> kommenden 2006er Ausgabe darauf zu finden:<br />

<br />

(Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 30)<br />

Copyright Notice:<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio may<br />

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Last Modified: 12/02/20<strong>05</strong> 09:58:22

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 738 09 Dec 20<strong>05</strong><br />

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ALBANIA Harmonic: 2916 kHz, at 1847 UT on Nov 30, CRI, Fllake (2 x 1458)<br />

Poor.<br />

(Tim Bucknall-UK, harmonics Dec 2)<br />

Have (tried to) listen to Radio Tirana tonight, but the txs seem to be OFF<br />

AIR. Tried:<br />

1945 UT English 7465 and 7530<br />

2030 UT German 7465<br />

2230 UT English 7110<br />

nothing heard. Someone might try the two NA txions later.<br />

(Erik Koie-DEN, dxld Dec5/6)<br />

Nothing but RTTY audible here on 7455 after 0000 UT Dec 6.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Dec 6)<br />

Or<strong>der</strong>ed Radio Tirana External Service off air from today 1500 UT till?<br />

While as usually, I was monitoring the start of Radio Tirana, Albanian<br />

program to Europe, around 1600 LT (1500 UT + 1h) resulted that Fllaka<br />

radio station was off the air.<br />

Calling Fllaka radio station on radio to ask on that, they replied that<br />

they were or<strong>der</strong>ed to NOT transmit only the Radio Tirana External Service<br />

in Albanian and foreign langs until another or<strong>der</strong>, while TWR and CRI will<br />

be normally transmitted.

Meanwhile, for further verifications I called to Shijak radio station and<br />

they confirmed the or<strong>der</strong> to NOT broadcast only Radio Tirana on SW and to<br />

transmit Radio Tirana Prog I-st on MW 1089 kHz at 1600-2300 LT.<br />

(Drita Cico, ARTV, Monitoring Center; wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 5)<br />

Something to do with budget cuts? Hope this does not mean the end of<br />

R. Tirana external sce! (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Dec 6)<br />

Listened again today for Tirana at<br />

1945 UT English on 7465 and 7530 kHz<br />

2030 UT German on 7465 kHz<br />

still nothing heard. Won<strong>der</strong> if they so abruptly have closed down their<br />

foreign sce?<br />

(Erik Koie-DEN, dxld Dec 6)<br />

I guess, due of Radio Tirana budget cuts for 2006year, and early annts<br />

that only Albanian and English External sections will surveive next year,<br />

there is pressure and internal fight between the various departements of<br />

Albanian Govt., the Radio Tirana Broadcasting Administration and Technical<br />

Department, and External Broadcaster section.<br />

Foreign broadcaster sces via Tirana sites at MW Fllake, SW Cerrik and<br />

Shijak, like CRI, TWR, DW, VOA, B<strong>BC</strong>-FM, are on air covering full schedule<br />

on Dec 5th and 6th.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 6)<br />

Radio Tirana may have closed its foreign sce.<br />

According to reports in <strong>DX</strong> Listening Digest, Radio Tirana was unheard on<br />

SW yesterday. Wolfgang Bueschel said he had been told by the Head of the<br />

Albanian Radio Monitoring Centre, Drita Cico, that she had called the<br />

transmitting stations in Fllaka and Shijak, which both told her that had<br />

been or<strong>der</strong>ed not to broadcast the External Service until further notice.<br />

Relays of Trans World Radio and China Radio International are not<br />

affected. Strangely, Drita Cico said she had not been officially informed<br />

of this directly. Coincidentally, we were looking at the website of Radio<br />

Televizioni Shqiptar yesterday afternoon. This morning, the server<br />

appeared to be down. Investigations continue.<br />

(RNW MN NL Dec 7)<br />

It's too soon to say it has definitely closed. May just have been<br />

suspended. Albania has been suffering power shortages recently, and RTSH<br />

(the parent broadcaster) is in serious financial difficulties. So it could<br />

be one, the other or both. We await further news.<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld Dec 7)<br />

Note that 1089 kHz, the only remaining mediumwave outlet for domestic RTSH<br />

programs, is on very limited schedule as well. I think this clearly<br />

indicates economical/financial problems rather than an "ordinary" closure<br />

of the foreign sce.<br />

On the other hand is it quite crude that they had to call the transmitter<br />

sites to find out what's going on after noting that they were not on air.<br />

Are there precedences of radio stations letting their editorial staff<br />

"broadcast" into nowhere?<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Dec 7)<br />

ARGENTINA Please note that the pgm heard around 0930 UTC have been LRA1<br />

Radio Nacional programme, and by a human errour in the tx plant they imput<br />

the signal on 6<strong>05</strong>9.96 kHz, but the correct must be 11710 kHz from 0945<br />

(INT-SIG) then *1000 the usual programmes.<br />

The director of RAE told me that the station is now with serious problems<br />

with the General Electric tx that is now on 11710 kHz, and also, lots of<br />

problems with the antennas. This poor situation also demonstrates the

decadence of the diverse State owned media in the country.<br />

(Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 5)<br />

AUSTRALIA The differing needs of Radio Australia's two target audiences<br />

- in Asia and the Pacific - have prompted Radio Australia to alter its<br />

programming targeting the two regions to better fit local time zones. Up<br />

till now, the separate Asia stream has not been distributed via SW; it has<br />

been available as a webcast and is sent via satellite to local<br />

rebroadcasters in the region. It is these local rebroadcasters that have<br />

been behind the push for a more narrowly- focused Asia sce.<br />

Soon Radio Australia's SW sces will also be split part of the time, with<br />

the SW releases beamed towards Asia will having the same programming as is<br />

provided via satellite and the web. Most of the SW freqs that propagate<br />

well to North America are freqs beamed towards the Pacific, so it won't be<br />

easy for us to hear the two sces simultaneously.<br />

This dual streaming does have a benefit for web listening - at those times<br />

when SW is given over to sports coverage - for which webcast rights aren't<br />

available - Radio Australia can keep the web feed going with the alternate<br />

sce and not resort to silence as the B<strong>BC</strong> has done.<br />

Some might look at multiple streams apprehensively, because many have felt<br />

the B<strong>BC</strong> World Service lost focus when it began multiple streams. The folks<br />

at Radio Australia believe their implementation is consistent with their<br />

strategic objectives to focus on Asian and Pacific listeners, and to not<br />

be a "global" sce. They feel this change enhances the value they provide<br />

their listeners, and does not detract from this value. While Radio<br />

Australia appreciates that North Americans show interest in Radio<br />

Australia programming via the World Radio Network, Internet access, and<br />

via those SW freqs that happen to propagate to North America, we North<br />

Americans aren't their target audience. As a result, Radio Australia<br />

doesn't see the B<strong>BC</strong> World Service experience as a // to their own.<br />

The dual streaming operates from 2330 UT to 0900 UT from Sundays to<br />

Fridays. You can see examples in the online programming schedules - for<br />

example, at 0400 Thursdays, Background Briefing is shown for Asian<br />

listeners, and In The Loop is shown for Pacific listeners. The new<br />

flagship Asian program is The Breakfast Club, which provides "...a lively<br />

mix of mx, interviews, entertainment, news, sport, art, finance and<br />

weather..." and airs from 2330 to 0130 from Sundays through Thursdays.<br />

(Richard Cuff, Easy Listening, Dec NASWA Journal Dec 4)<br />

BELARUS Harmonics: 12230, at 1127 UT on Nov 30, BR-1, Minsk // 279 (2 x<br />

6115) Poor; 18345, 1121 UT on Nov 30, BLR BR-1, Minsk // 279 (3 x 6115)<br />

fair peaks.<br />

(Tim Bucknall-UK, harmonics Dec 2)<br />

CANADA [and non] Extended txions of Radio Canada International eff Dec<br />

2:<br />

Arabic to ME<br />

0300-0400 5840 HBY 350 kW / 135 deg,6025 WER 250 kW 120 deg,x0330-0400<br />

0400-<strong>05</strong>00 5995 SKN 300 kW / 130 deg,7265 SKN 300 kW 110 deg,x0430-<strong>05</strong>00<br />

Spanish to Mixico/Cuba<br />

0100-0200 6100 SAC 250 kW 240 deg,x 0100-0130<br />

0300-0400 6130 SAC 250 kW 240 deg, 9755 SAC 250 kW 240 deg,x0300-0330<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 06)<br />

CHINA Freq change for China Radio International in Spanish to SoAm:<br />

0000-0<strong>05</strong>7 NF 9435*KAS 500 kW / 269 deg, x9865 // 5990,9590,9745,9800,15120<br />

*co-ch Deutsche Welle in German via TRM 250 kW / 345 deg to SoAs<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 06)

5860 Voice of Jinling, colorful date-only QSL and friendly personal ltr<br />

in En from Ruoyi Liu who is a 27-yr old ancr and rptr for the stn. The<br />

prgm I hrd is hers ("Ruoyi Time"), which airs each Saturday at 2100-2140<br />

Beijing Time. She is the only one at the stn that speaks En and is<br />

assigned to answer foreign ltrs. She says stn is consi<strong>der</strong>ing adding some<br />

En segments to their b/c "to attract foreign listeners." In 39 days. Nice<br />

looking stamps on envelope.<br />

(John Herkimer-NY-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 4)<br />

9635, RCI via Kunming & 11975 via Urumqi Relay. Full data (with sites)<br />

60th Anniversary card, with schedule/stickers, in 15 days. v/s: Bill<br />

Westenhaver.<br />

(Ed Kusalik-Alb-CAN, dxld Dec 3)<br />

DIEGO GARCIA/USA AFRTS heard on 5446.5U, 7811U, and 12133.5U at 2233 all<br />

with football. In addition I also heard 4319U with the same program and<br />

about the same signal strength. This site has been listed as Diego Garcia,<br />

but I believe they were off for quite some time. I thought this may have<br />

been from Florida orginally, but given that I heard all three listed<br />

Florida freqs in addition to 4319, I don't think that is the case.<br />

(Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre Dec 4)<br />

On 6 Dec at 1240 UT noted AFN program on 12579U (listed earlier as Diego<br />

Garcia). Rechecking at 1510 UT, and now a nice signal on 4319U. Reception<br />

like this on 4319 at this time at my location (Finland) suggests this is a<br />

signal from east, so might be a reactivated Diego Garcia.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, Cumbre Dec 6)<br />

4319 is quite strong here at 1535 UTc (S9+) competing with strong C-<br />

utility. It excludes Americas' QTH, so Diego Garcia fits quite well,<br />

Victor may hear it as superb.<br />

(Vlad Titarev-UKR, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 8)<br />

7810 USB at 0000 UT on Dec.6, heard this station IDing as "NPR" at TOH ><br />

with comments and nx on 7810 USB. Fair to good signals. From where could<br />

exactly be?<br />

(Raul Saavedra-CTR, dxld Dec 6)<br />

This is undoubtedly an AFRTS relay, but which one I can't tell you. I<br />

would guess either Puerto Rico or Key West.<br />

(John Figliozzi-USA, dxld Dec 6)<br />

See AFRTS <br />

which shows in winter season 2003, 2004, or 20<strong>05</strong>year as Key West 7812.5<br />

kHz.<br />

Location Band Daytime Nightime Diego Garcia Upper Sideband 12579 kHz 4319<br />

kHz Guam Upper Sideband 13362 kHz 5765 kHz Keflavik-ISL Upper Sideband<br />

13855 kHz and 7590 kHz same as daytime Key West, FL Upper Sideband 12133.5<br />

kHz 7812.5 kHz and 5446.5 kHz same as daytime Pearl HarborHWA Upper<br />

Sideband 10320 kHz 6350 kHz.<br />

(wb, dxld Dec 6)<br />

Thank you all, folks, for claryfying about AFN. In fact that station on<br />

7810 it sounded to me like AFRTS, but I didn't believe it at first because<br />

of the unsual clear audio. Until last night I took a little look to what I<br />

should have seen before, the Eibi freq. B-<strong>05</strong>, where is listed on 7812.<br />

Glenn measured it on 7811 and Wolfi posting places it on 7812.5. I have<br />

logged it in the past on 12133 from the same Key West site and Pearl<br />

Harbor on 10320.<br />

(Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica. <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 7)

It may be worth to have in mind that the AFRTS relays are transmitted via<br />

regular utility txs at US Navy bases. Acc. to a Navy source, the txions<br />

have a low priority and are carried in accordance with free capacities.<br />

The broadcasts may be taken off the air at any time and for any required<br />

period of time if the txs in question are needed for other utility<br />

communication purposes. That is the explanation why many AFRTS freqs are<br />

often not on the air.<br />

More background: the "internal" SW relays via Navy facilities were<br />

launched when AFRTS changed from analogue to digital satellite<br />

distribution and many reception points were left without signal. The<br />

digital distribution uses a strong encryption system (PowerVu) which<br />

requires new and rather costly satellite receivers/deco<strong>der</strong>s, and it took<br />

the Navy several years to exchange the sets. Apart from that, the<br />

satellite coverage for the digital signals was rather limited in the<br />

beginning. Meanwhile, most reception points (incl. Navy vessels) now have<br />

the new receivers and the temporary SW relays are not much needed anymore.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, Dxplorer Nov 23)<br />

ECUADOR HCJB's future? Still trying to figure that out. Working with<br />

airport authorities affecting our Pifo tx site, and hope to get some<br />

definition in the next few weeks. Got word today that results of one of<br />

the studies has come in. But still more questions than answers on this<br />

situation. Need Lord's wisdom to decide what to do. Are <strong>DX</strong> publications<br />

asking about what is the situation in Pifo? Not much; they may feel<br />

handwriting is already on the wall, but that is not true. Get more<br />

questions about this internally. Radio team here desires to continue a SW<br />

ministry, but will it be all from here, with as many txions, or refocus,<br />

concentrate on indigenous langs? Question is how to do that.<br />

(Doug Weber-EQA, HCJB <strong>DX</strong>PL via Glenn Hauser, dxld, via W<strong>DX</strong>C Contact)<br />

ETHIOPIA Radio Ethiopia heard here signing off in English at 1656 on<br />

7165.1 kHz, Nov 22nd, fair signal on interference free channel and little<br />

adjacent channel interference. A lady announcer asked for reports and<br />

comments to be sent to P.O.Box 654, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, which is the<br />

address in Passport to World Band Radio 2006, different from the one in<br />

last years Handbook.<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, W<strong>DX</strong>C Dec Contact)<br />

[ETHIOPIA non] A new target broadcast for Ethiopia was added to the TDP<br />

online schedule <br />

Voice of Ethiopian People 1700-1800 7380 AM Tue/Sat. Amharic Africa<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 7) via Armavir-Krasnodar?<br />

GEORGIA R. Georgia: Acc. to a message from the German section of R.<br />

Georgia, the mgmt of Georgia's national public svc b/cer (un<strong>der</strong> its roof<br />

the prgms are produced) made a final decision to shut down the foreign<br />

lang. depts. by the end of Nov. The xmsns were already suspended since a<br />

couple of months.<br />

(Info distributed on A-<strong>DX</strong> ML via Bernd Trutenau-LTU, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 8)<br />

Hi, this is the answer to my inquiry about the closure of Radio Georgia<br />

from the new, attractive General Director of Georgian RTV, Tamar<br />

Kintsurashvili. She says that the closure is only temporary and sce will<br />

be resumed when money has been found for repair. So there is hope as to my<br />

experience it is hard to withstand the zeal and ambition of mo<strong>der</strong>n<br />

Eastern-European ladies :) 73, Eike Bierwirth-D<br />

Tamar Kintsurashvili wrote:<br />

[beginquote]<br />

Dear Mr. Eike Bierwirth,<br />

Thank you very much for your letter.<br />

I am extremely glad to hear appraisal of the Western Europe sce provided

y the Georgian Public Radio.<br />

It is to my complete un<strong>der</strong>standing that the current developments taking<br />

place in Georgia attracts attentions of many in Europe and there has been<br />

increasing interest towards our foreign issues. Consi<strong>der</strong>ing this, it is<br />

within our country's as well as the Public Broadcasting's interest to<br />

ensure coverage of our nx for the countries abroad.<br />

I agree with you that unfortunately the broadcasting sce of Georgian<br />

Public Radio to Western Europe has been interrupted. But, please be<br />

informed that it's been stopped in March and I was appointed as a General<br />

Director justi in Augest. It's only temporarily measure due to technical<br />

problems that the channel presently faces. The Broadcasting's txs are very<br />

old and outdated and require urgent replacement. Renewal of the technique<br />

as well as the programmes issued in foreign langs will take some time as<br />

update of the facilities requires serious financial resources. At present,<br />

we work on this issue and as soon as technical problems are solved<br />

broadcasting of the Western Europe will be renewed.<br />

Once again I thank you for expressing your interest towards the programmes<br />

prepared by the Public Radio. I hope we will be able to provide the<br />

programmes to the foreign audience soon and with improved sce quality.<br />

Yours Sincerely,<br />

Tamar Kintsurashvili<br />

General Director<br />

Georgian Public Broadcasting<br />

68 M. Kostava str.<br />

Tbilisi 017, Georgia<br />

(via Eike Biertwirth-D, hcdx Dec 5)<br />

Attractive? Re dxld 5-208 Goergia item. Glenn's question to Eike about new<br />

General Director Tamar Kintsurashvili "How do you know she's attractive?<br />

(gh, <strong>DX</strong>LD Dec 5)"<br />

Glenn, judge for yourself:<br />

<br />

(Sergei Sosedkin, dxld Dec 6)<br />

Looking at<br />

<br />

and I agree with Eike. (Jari-FIN, dxld Dec 6)<br />

Well, this isn't real <strong>DX</strong>, but is radio related with woman scent. Have you<br />

seen those beauties from the Spanish sce of Slovak Radio? Despite their<br />

warmth and sweet style on the air, specially Laya or Ladislava, they are a<br />

trio of flowers on two legs. Where else behind the mike you know more?<br />

(Raul Saavedra-CTR, dxld Dec 7) down, boys<br />

GERMANY Minivan Radio via Julich 13855. Full-data letter in 2 months<br />

and full-data Space Shuttle card from Jeff White of Radio Miami<br />

International in 13 months for an earlier report.<br />

Voices From the Diaspera via Julich 94<strong>05</strong>. Partial-data e-mail from T-<br />

Systems in two days.<br />

Radio Waaberi via Juelich 17550. I received a second brief e-mail veri 5<br />

weeks after I sent an e-mail report. I had previously received an e-mail<br />

QSL from Ali Gulaid 14 hours after my report.<br />

(Wendel Craighead-KA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 2)<br />

Updated B-<strong>05</strong> for DTK T-Systems. Part one - daily txions:<br />

I<strong>BC</strong> Tamil Sce:

0000-0100 7110 WER 250 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg to SoAs Tamil<br />

Hrvatska Radio/Voice of Croatia:<br />

0000-0400 7285 JUL 100 kW / 300 deg to NoAmEa Croatian/English/Spanish<br />

0200-0600 7285 JUL 100 kW / 325 deg to NoAmWe Croatian/English/Spanish<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0800 9470 JUL 100 kW / 230 deg to NZ Croatian/English/Spanish<br />

0600-1000 11690 JUL 100 kW / 270 deg to AUS Croatian/English/Spanish<br />

2300-0400 7285 JUL 100 kW / 230 deg to SoAm Croatian/English/Spanish<br />

Athmee Yatra He / Gospel For Asia (GFA):<br />

0030-0130 7210 WER 250 kW / 090 deg to SoEaAs South East Asian langs<br />

1330-1430 13600 WER 250 kW / 075 deg to SoEaAs South East Asian langs<br />

1430-1530 120<strong>05</strong> WER 250 kW / 075 deg to SoEaAs South East Asian langs<br />

1530-1630 11645 WER 250 kW / 090 deg to SoEaAs South East Asian langs<br />

2330-0030 7160 WER 250 kW / 075 deg to SoEaAs South East Asian langs<br />

Radio Free Asia (RFA):<br />

0100-0300 9670 WER 500 kW / 075 deg to SoEaAs Tibetan<br />

Voice of Russia (VOR):<br />

0200-0400 5995 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg to ME Russian<br />

"Russ.Inter.Radio"<br />

1500-1600 9555 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg to ME Russian<br />

"Commonwealth"<br />

2000-2200 5965 JUL 100 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg to ME Russian<br />

"Russ.Inter.Radio"<br />

2000-2200 5975 JUL 100 kW / 110 deg to ME Russian<br />

"Russ.Inter.Radio"<br />

2100-2200 5990 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg to ME Russian<br />

"Russ.Inter.Radio"<br />

2300-2400 6175 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg to ME Arabic<br />

CVC International:<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0700 9430 WER 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf English<br />

0700-0900 15640 WER 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf English<br />

1500-1800 15680 WER 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf English<br />

1800-2000 9765 WER 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf English<br />

2000-2100 7285 WER 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf English<br />

Deutsche Welle (DW):<br />

0600-1000 6140 JUL 100 kW / 175 deg to Eu English<br />

1000-1300 6140 JUL 040 kW / 175 deg to Eu English DRM / German DRM<br />

1300-1600 6140 JUL 100 kW / 175 deg to Eu English<br />

1600-1900 6140 JUL 040 kW / 175 deg to Eu English DRM / German DRM<br />

<strong>BC</strong>E Radio Luxembourg:<br />

0900-1545 7295 JUL 040 kW / 290 deg to Eu German DRM<br />

1545-1700 7145 JUL 040 kW / 290 deg to Eu German DRM<br />

HCJB (The Voice of Andes):<br />

1600-1700 3955 JUL 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu German<br />

Minivan (Independent) Radio:<br />

1600-1700 11800 JUL 100 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg to SoAs Dhivehi<br />

CBS Radio Taiwan International (RTI):<br />

1700-1800 5850 JUL 100 kW / 060 deg to EaEu Russian<br />

2100-2200 6120 NAU 125 kW / 230 deg to SoEu Spanish<br />

Voice of America:<br />

1700-1800 12110 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg to ME Persian<br />

1800-1900 9495 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg to ME Persian<br />

1900-2000 9680 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg to ME Persian<br />

1900-2000 9485 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg to ME Turkish

WYFR (Family Radio):<br />

1700-1800 11835 JUL 100 kW / 175 deg to NoAf Arabic<br />

1700-1900 9925 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg to ME Turkish<br />

1800-1900 3955 JUL 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu German<br />

2000-2100 5925 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg to ME Arabic<br />

2000-2100 9465 WER 125 kW / 195 deg to WeAf French<br />

IBRA Radio:<br />

1730-1800 9660 WER 125 kW / 135 deg to EaAf Somali<br />

1730-1830 9520 JUL 100 kW / 145 deg to EaAf Swahili<br />

1830-1845 9520 JUL 100 kW / 145 deg to EaAf English<br />

1900-2045 9610 JUL 100 kW / 190 deg to WeAf Hausa<br />

2000-2100 7340 JUL 100 kW / 175 deg to NoAf Arabic<br />

Democratic Voice of Burma (DVOB):<br />

2330-0030 5955 JUL 100 kW / 070 deg to SoEaAs Burmese<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 06)<br />

1179 Ab 12. Dezember 20<strong>05</strong> wird unser Hoerfunk-Angebot um ein<br />

Informationsprogramm mit deutsch-franzoesischer Akzentuierung<br />

erweitert:"Antenne Saar" heisst dieses in Kooperation mit Radio France<br />

Internationale (RFI), SWR cont.ra und dem ARD/ZDF-Ereigniskanal "Phoenix"<br />

erstellte Programm. "Antenne Saar" koennen Sie ueber den digitalen<br />

Verbreitungsweg DAB empfangen o<strong>der</strong> ueberall im Saarland auf <strong>der</strong><br />

landesweiten Mittelwellenfrequenz 1179 kHz.<br />

Alle halbe Stunde strahlt "Antenne Saar" in franzoesischer Sprache<br />

zehnminuetige Nachrichtenreports mit Korrespondentenbeitraegen aus.<br />

Mittags wird ein halbstuendiges Frankreich-Magazin unseres langjaehrigen<br />

Kooperationspartners Radio France Internationale uebernommen. Weitere<br />

grenzueberschreitende und europaeische Akzente setzen das in Kooperation<br />

mit RFI produzierte einstuendige Frankreich-Magazin "En Direct", die<br />

gemeinsam mit "France Bleu Lorraine Nord" in Metz gestaltete Sendung "Ici<br />

e la" sowie die Sen<strong>der</strong>eihe "Thema Europa".<br />

Hinzu kommen aktuelle Informationsformate, Diskussionssendungen,<br />

Dokumentationen, die von an<strong>der</strong>en Hoerfunkprogrammen des SR uebernommen und<br />

auf "Antenne Saar" wie<strong>der</strong>holt werden. Wichtiger Kernbereich des neuen<br />

Infoprogramms sind auch die regelmaessigen Uebertragungen aus dem<br />

Saarlaendischen Landtag, aus dem Bundestag o<strong>der</strong> dem Bundesrat, sowie - in<br />

Kooperation mit "Phoenix" - die Uebertragung wichtiger Pressekonferenzen,<br />

Tagungen o<strong>der</strong> Son<strong>der</strong>ereignisse, wie es 2006 <strong>der</strong> Katholikentag in<br />

Saarbruecken o<strong>der</strong> die Fussball-WM sein werden.<br />

Quelle:<br />

Fritz Raff, Intendant des Saarlaendischen Rundfunks in <strong>der</strong><br />

Monatszeitschrift "SRinfo"<br />

(ISSN 1433-822X), Heft 12/20<strong>05</strong>, Seite 3 (etwas gekuerzt).<br />

(via Bernhard Weiskopf-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 3)<br />

GREECE/USA I've noticed two errors in HFCC public schedule, actually two<br />

additional airings, which are actually NOT BROADCASTING!<br />

11965 1600-1615 29S KAV 250 95 Mon-Fri 1911<strong>05</strong>-250306 IBB<br />

11965 1630-1700 29S KAV 250 95 daily 1911<strong>05</strong>-250306 IBB<br />

As you can see, both are Kavala, 095 degrees - toward Georgia[?]. I've<br />

checked them on Nov. 29th & 30th and there were not broadcasts at all.<br />

At 1600-1615 Mo-Fr in VOA satellite schedules there is only a VOA<br />

BOSNIAN broadcast, but VOA Bosnian NEVER broadcasted on short waves<br />

(Dragan Lekic from Subotica, Serbia, Dec 1, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST)

VoA Bosnian schedule from Nov 19th:<br />

11965 1600-1615 VOA BOSN KAV 250 95 29S <strong>05</strong>1119-060325<br />

..792 2230-2300 VOA BOSN KAV 600 330 28 <strong>05</strong>1030-060325<br />

GREENLAND I got a nice reply from Ammassalik Radio, Greenland,<br />

confirming my reception of "OZL" on 3815 on 23rd Oct. Address on the<br />

envelope: Teleservicecenter Aasiaat, Postbox 217, DK-3950 Aasiaat,<br />

Greenland.<br />

(Bjorn Fransson-SWE, hcdx, via W<strong>DX</strong>C Dec Contact)<br />

The postal address of OZL Ammassalik Radio which relays KNR on 3815 is:<br />

Silasiorpimmut B920, 3913 Tasiilaq, Greenland. Some photos of Greenlandic<br />

coastal radio stations including OZL can be found at<br />

<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld; via W<strong>DX</strong>C Dec Contact)<br />

KNR presumed the one heard on 3815 USB from 2154 on 18th Nov, romantic<br />

songs, possible identification and interval signal 2200, then talk,<br />

sporadic strong utility interference. Checked 19th November and station<br />

came on at 2<strong>05</strong>5, speech 2101 but tuned out soon after as the utility<br />

interference started again.<br />

(Arthur Miller, Wales; via W<strong>DX</strong>C Dec Contact)<br />

GUYANA 3291 From the 'I've Been Trying To Get This For A Very Long Time<br />

Department' - QSL letter from Voice of Guyana for report on 25th Sept on<br />

3291. Actually signed/stamped by S. Goodman, Chief Engineer, National<br />

Communications Network Inc., Homestretch Avenue, D'Urban Park, Georgetown.<br />

Report was sent to: Maintenance Engineer Transmitters, Operations Centre,<br />

44 High Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown.<br />

Form letter with: 'Your report was checked against our logs and found to<br />

be correct/incorrect' (neither was eliminated - swoon). Fortunately, the<br />

next line had: 'By this letter your report is Verified/Not Verified' with<br />

the latter crossed out. The letter is very polite, asks for more reports<br />

as well as advice and criticism. It says that 5950 is 'Temporary out of<br />

or<strong>der</strong>' and cites the 90 metre band freq as 3290 kHz.<br />

The envelope bears four $20 Guyana Egyptian Goose stamps, will go very<br />

nicely with my 1991 QSL from Georgetown, heard in South Africa on 760.<br />

(Graham Bell-UK, dxld; via W<strong>DX</strong>C Dec Contact)<br />

Voice of Guyana heard at 0200 5th November on 3291, best on USB, with<br />

identification, English nx and commentary on the Australia v West Indies<br />

test match. SINPO 33333. On subsequent occasions heard before 0100 with a<br />

weaker signal.<br />

(Arthur Miller, Wales; via W<strong>DX</strong>C Dec Contact)<br />

INDIA All India Radio in B<strong>05</strong> schedule period has synchronised two 500 kW<br />

txs from Bangalore in English on 11620 between 2045-2230. One antenna is<br />

directed to Australia and New Zealand via 120 degree beam and the other<br />

one to Europe via 325 degree beam. Ideally it should reach also many parts<br />

of the world including North America (East Coast). Similarly at 2245-0045<br />

again two 500 kW Bangalore txs are in use for English on 136<strong>05</strong>- one via 38<br />

degrees to NE Asia and one via 90 degrees towards SE Asia. It may reach<br />

some parts of north America (West Coast).<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld; via W<strong>DX</strong>C Dec Contact)<br />

9425 FM Rainbow (AIR) via Bangalore, e-mail in one day for an e-mail rpt<br />

sent to<br />

<br />

"Thanks for the mail. I hereby confirm that you received our FM Rainbow<br />

programme on 9425 kHz which was a test txion from Bangalore. You may send<br />

your reception reports on line through our website<br />

Some of the best heard AIR's freqs in USA are 10330, 11620, 9445 and<br />

details are available on website. With best regards, Yours Sincerely,<br />

Sunil Bhatia, Dy. Director (Engg.), Spectrum Management & Synergy<br />

Division, Directorate General:All India Radio, #207, Akashvani Bhawan, New<br />

Delhi-01, India.<br />

website <br />

4970 AIR-Shillong (North Eastern Sce of AIR), rcvd an e-mail in 30 mins.<br />

from Sunil Bhatia, from New Delhi, indicating: "Your report is verified as<br />

far as freq & timings are concerned. You will be receiving a QSL after<br />

verification of programme content. It may take some time." He is<br />

outstanding!<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 4)<br />

The tropical cyclone named "Fanoos" is now active in the Bay of Bengal.<br />

Due to this there is a threat to the Indian East coast.<br />

Our local station AIR Hy<strong>der</strong>abad is now operating with special txion round<br />

the clock on 738 kHz (200 kW) and on 7140 kHz (50 kW). The SW freq will<br />

change to 4800 kHz from around 1130 UT.<br />

I have contacted the station and got information that tonight they will<br />

operate continuously. So watch out 738 kHz and 4800 kHz (and any other AIR<br />

stations of Tamilnadu/Andhra Pradesh States)<br />

For details of the cyclone please click on the following sites:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Thanks to Mr.Sushil Kumar Dhingra, VU2LFA for details on his links page<br />

<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND VU2JOS, dx_india Dec 8)<br />

INDONESIA 4789.94 RRI Fak Fak (presumed), at 1310 UT on 3 December, with<br />

S7 pop mx. CODAR heard un<strong>der</strong>neath, but weakly.<br />

4604.88 RRI Serui, at 1315 UT on 3 December. Seemingly a nx format w/ YL<br />

an- nouncer. S6 signal, but low audio.<br />

(Jerry Strawman-IA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 4)<br />

JAPAN/U.K. NHK Radio Japan's Year End Party as usual on Dec 31st only.<br />

The 56th Red and White Year-End song competition festival:<br />

6090 1430-1700 27,28 SKN 250 150 7=Sat 3112<strong>05</strong> only G NHK MER<br />

7195 1800-1900 28 RMP 500 80 7=Sat 3112<strong>05</strong> only G NHK MER<br />

9575 1430-1700 38,39 WOF 300 128 7=Sat 3112<strong>05</strong> only G NHK MER<br />

9750 1430-1700 28 RMP 500 80 7=Sat 3112<strong>05</strong> only G NHK MER<br />

9795 1800-1900 41 SNG 250 315 7=Sat 3112<strong>05</strong> only G NHK MER<br />

9860 1700-1900 47,48,52,53 WOF 300 140 7=Sat 3112<strong>05</strong> only G NHK MER<br />

12045 1430-1500 41 WOF 300 82 7=Sat 3112<strong>05</strong> only G NHK MER<br />

21630 1430-1500 47,48,52,53 ASC 250 85 7=Sat 3112<strong>05</strong> only G NHK MER<br />

(all Merlin/VT brokered, in HFCC schdule)<br />

and via various Yamata-JPN frequencies too. wb, Dec 5.<br />

In the New Year ed. of "<strong>DX</strong> Corner" in the "Hello from Tokyo" prgm, RJ is<br />

planning a special ed. Editor of WRTH and publisher of PWBR will be phone<br />

interviewed and will talk on objectives of their pubs and features of 2006<br />

eds. The prgm will be aired on <strong>Jan</strong> 7, 8 and 9, and JSWC will issue a<br />

special QSL card for all correct rpts to:<br />

JSWC HQ, P.O.Box 29, Sendai Central, 980-8691, Japan.

US$1 or one IRC for return postage will be appreciated. The new QSL-card<br />

will be a dog, the zodiac sign of year 2006. Those who do not have a<br />

rooster card of year 20<strong>05</strong>, the last chance will be RJ's "Hello from Tokyo"<br />

this weekend, featuring JP lang. stns.<br />

Times and fqys: Saturday (<strong>Jan</strong> 7), <strong>05</strong>10-0600 on 5975, 6110 (Sackville),<br />

7230 (UK), 15195, 17810, 21755; 1010-1100 on 6120 (Sack), 9696, 11730,<br />

17585, 17720 (UAE), 21755; and 1710-1800 on 9535, 11970, 15355 (Gabon).<br />

Sunday (<strong>Jan</strong> 8), 0010-0100 on 6145 (Sack); 0310-0400 on 21610; 1110-1200 on<br />

6120 (Sack), 9696, 9835; 1510-1600 on 6190, 7200, 95<strong>05</strong>, 11730. Monday (<strong>Jan</strong><br />

9), 0110-0200 on 5960 (UK), 11860 (Singapore), 11935 (Bonaire), 15325,<br />

17560, 17810, 17825, 17845.<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC Dec 4)<br />

KAZAKHSTAN Freq change for Democratic Voice of Burma in Burmese:<br />

1430-1530 NF 9415 A-A 200 kW / 132 deg, ex 15480<br />

// 17495 MDC 250 kW / <strong>05</strong>5 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 06)<br />

KIRGHIZ REP Eine nette Ueberaschung fand ich heute im Briefkasten.<br />

Kyrgyz Radio 4010 kHz bestaetigte meinen Empfangsbericht mit einem det.<br />

Brief und einer undet. Karte in 34 Tagen. Ich hatte 1 US-$ fuers RP<br />

beigelegt.<br />

QTH: Blvd. Jash Gvardiya 59, 720010 Bishkek, Kirghiz Republic.<br />

Als e-mail Adressen werden angegeben:<br />

und v/s Moldokasymov K.S., President<br />

National Telebroadcasting Corporation The Kirghiz Republic.<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 6)<br />

KOREA Rep. of KBS World Radio is celebrating 50th anniversary on Dec<br />

01. On this day they started 15 min Japanese program on 970 MW, un<strong>der</strong> the<br />

name of Voice of Free Korea. In 1957 they extended the program into 30<br />

mins and started to use SW. They continue to grow and now four times daily<br />

with one hour program and become most popular station among Japanese<br />

listeners.<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC Dec 1)<br />

LATVIA 9290 kHz Relays<br />

10 December<br />

Radio Six 0700-0800 UT<br />

Radio Casblanca 1100-1300 UT<br />

11 December<br />

RTN 1000-1100 UT<br />

Radio Six 1200-1300 UT<br />

Radio 73 1300-1400 UT<br />

(Tom Taylor-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Dec 8)<br />

Radio Caroline Eifel auf/on 9290 kHz.<br />

Am 18. Dezember 20<strong>05</strong> laeuft um 1000-1100 UT ein Programm von Radio<br />

Caroline Eifel ueber "Krebs TV" in Ulbroka, Lettland - <strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong> hat 100<br />

kW - die Sendung ist fuer die Musik <strong>der</strong> 50er & 60er Jahre gewidmet. Freu<br />

mich ueber jeden Zuhoerer :-)<br />

Empfangsberichte sind sehr willkommen. Reception reports are very welcome.<br />

Rueckporto / return postage:<br />

2 x 0,55 ct Briefmarken (D)<br />

Inside Europe: 1 Euro<br />

Outside Europe: 1 or better 2 USD or 1 IRC<br />


SRS Deutschland - R Caroline Eifel -<br />

Postfach 10 1145, 99801 Eisenach, Germany<br />

OP Roman u. SRS Deutschland<br />

(Martin Schoech-D, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 8)<br />

LITHUANIA The planned test txion of the UK-based netradio Radio 390<br />

which was indicated in recent releases from the<br />

station - will take place in the Xmas night from 24 to 25 December between<br />

2200 and 0200 UTC on 1386 kHz. The relay will be provided by Radio Baltic<br />

Waves International, the tx will be a 50kW outlet in Giruliai near<br />

Klaipeda, leased from the national tx network operator LRTC.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx Dec 4)<br />

MADAGASCAR 11704.93 CLANDESTINE (Zimbabwe). Voice of the People (via<br />

Madagascar), 1708-1755* on Nov 30, best in LSB to separate a bit from<br />

Sudan Radio Svc on 117<strong>05</strong> kHz. M&W talks about Zimbabwean topics<br />

(agriculture, economic development, etc.); frequent IDs and fqy anmts.<br />

Seemed mostly or all in EG, but hard to tell due to the co-channel QRM.<br />

Off at 1755* UT.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 4)<br />

NEW ZEALAND Freqs changes for Radio New Zealand International:<br />

- analogue service from November 30, 20<strong>05</strong><br />

to NE Pacific,Fiji,Samoa,Cook Islands<br />

1651-1750 NF 11980 RAN 100 kW / 035 deg, ex 9870<br />

to All Pacific, also heard in Europe<br />

1751-1850 NF 15720 RAN 100 kW / 000 deg, ex 11980<br />

- DRM service from <strong>Jan</strong>uary 22, 2006<br />

to All Pacific<br />

1300-1650 NF 7220 RAN <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 000 deg, ex 7230<br />

to NE Pacific,Fiji,Samoa,Cook Islands<br />

1651-1750 NF 11610 RAN <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 035 deg, ex 7230<br />

1751-1850 NF 13595 RAN <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 035 deg, ex 11610<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 06)<br />

More RNZI DRM Tests.<br />

From Adrian at RNZI - No exact dates/times just as required by the<br />

technicians setting the equipment up - as per the note below. (You will<br />

need a DRM equipped radio to hear the tests).<br />

Mark Nicholls Editor New Zealand <strong>DX</strong> Times magazine.<br />

RNZI DRM listening tests are possible on 15720 kHz during the week 12 to<br />

16 Dec. The tests will be at various times between 2300 and 0345 UTC.<br />

(Mark Nicholls-NZL, hcdx Dec 3)<br />

Latest NZL DRM schedule 2006:<br />

7220 1300-1800 51,56,64S,65S RAN 50 325 0 daily ENG NZL RNZ RNZ<br />

7220 1300-1800 61S,62,63W RAN 50 35 0 daily Eng NZL RNZ RNZ<br />

9750 1400-1430 28W RMP 35 95 -10 Sat only NZL RNZ MER<br />

9765 0800-1100 51,56,64S,65S RAN 50 325 0 daily ENG NZL RNZ RNZ<br />

9765 0800-1100 61S,62,63W RAN 50 325 0 daily Eng NZL RNZ RNZ<br />

11745 1745-1900 51,56,64S,65S RAN 50 325 0 daily ENG NZL RNZ RNZ<br />

11745 1745-1900 61S,62,63W RAN 50 35 0 daily ENG NZL RNZ RNZ<br />

13595 1845-2115 51,56,64S,65S RAN 50 325 0 daily ENG NZL RNZ RNZ<br />

13595 1845-2115 61S,62,63W RAN 50 35 0 daily ENG NZL RNZ RNZ<br />

13690 0345-0815 61S,62,63W RAN 50 35 0 daily ENG NZL RNZ RNZ<br />

13690 0345-0815 51,56,64S,65S RAN 50 325 0 daily ENG NZL RNZ RNZ<br />

13840 1045-1300 51,56,64S,65S RAN 50 325 0 daily ENG NZL RNZ RNZ

13840 1100-1300 61S,62,63W RAN 50 35 0 daily ENG NZL RNZ RNZ<br />

15720 2200-0359 51,56,64S,65S RAN 50 325 0 daily ENG NZL RNZ RNZ<br />

15720 2200-0359 61S,62,63W RAN 50 35 0 daily ENG NZL RNZ RNZ<br />

PAKISTAN Some freqs changes for Radio Pakistan:<br />

0945-1015 Tamil NF 17480.0, ex 17490.0 // 15625.4<br />

1015-1045 Sinhala NF 17480.0, ex 17490.0 // 15625.4<br />

1630-1700 Turkish NF 6215.4, ex 6255.4, // 7465.0<br />

1915-0045 Urdu NF 5835.4, ex 5840.4 >>>> Islamabad px<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 06)<br />

I have received a mail today from PAK telling that 9360 will shift<br />

tomorrow (Dec 9th) to 9365 at 1700-1900 // 7530. This is after I advised<br />

him that you were hearing splash from the Chinese jammer on 9360. If you<br />

have some spare time can you please take a listen to it at your location?<br />

Up here I can only hear a weak signal on 9355 and PAK is not reliably<br />

propagating.<br />

Other changes have now been made. Russian 1415-1445 has changed to 9300 (x<br />

9335) // 7550. But I can't hear 9300 at all and have asked if this tx is<br />

actually on air - it's API-1. Turkish is using 6215 (x6255) and should be<br />

using 7600 (x7465) at 1630-1700 but I don't hear the 7 MHZ channel that is<br />

also via API-1. And similarly, at 0945-1045 UT (Tamil/Sinhali) should be<br />

using new 17480 (x17490) via API-1 but I don't hear that either - it's //<br />

15625 kHz.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 8)<br />

PHILIPPINES Freqs changes for FE<strong>BC</strong> in various SoEaAs languages:<br />

1130-1200 NF 9460 BOC 100 kW / 280 deg, ex 9920<br />

1200-1230 NF 9455 BOC 100 kW / 280 deg, ex 9920<br />

1230-1300 NF 9465 BOC 100 kW / 280 deg, ex 9920<br />

1200-1300 NF 7410 IBA <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 270 deg, ex 7400<br />

1400-1430 NF 6070 BOC 100 kW / 280 deg, ex 6<strong>05</strong>5<br />

2300-2330 NF 9470 BOC 100 kW / 280 deg, ex 9490<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 06)<br />

PORTUGAL Acc. to phoned information from the RDP HF site at Sao Gabriel<br />

just a few moments ago - and contrary to what the schedule lists! - only<br />

the four 300 kW txs are being used while the still existing five 100 kW<br />

txs are kept as reserve units. Curiously, the b/casts beamed to Venezuela<br />

were dropped, with the exception of those aired Tues-Sat. along w/ the<br />

ones for No & So Am.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 3)<br />

RUSSIA Freq change of Deutsche Welle in German to SoEaAs from Dec 1:<br />

1200-1400 NF 13590 SAM 250 kW / 140 deg, ex 17480<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 06)<br />

["JAPAN/KOREA D.P.R."] 5890, Shiokaze (=Sea Breeze). They started to b/c<br />

on Oct 31, intended for the Japanese who have been kidnapped or are<br />

supposed to have been kidnapped by No. Korea. The prgm in JP is aired<br />

every day for 30 mins. at 1430, 5890 kHz via Irkutsk un<strong>der</strong> contract with<br />

VT Merlin. This is financially supported by a group of supporters for<br />

kidnapped families. The group is also asking donations and QSL equivalent<br />

cards are being issued to those who make donations more than 1000 yen<br />

(=$8.50). No postal address is ancd, so we have to send money to the money<br />

transfer account with notes of rcpn date, time, and prgm summary. In every<br />

prgm the ancr reads the names of kidnapped victims, their birthdays, and<br />

ages when they were kidnapped. No. Korean govt said the kidnap issue was<br />

settled, but in JPN nobody believes so, and the kidnapped Japanese are<br />

consi<strong>der</strong>ed to be still hidden somewhere in No. Korea.<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC Dec 4)<br />

5890, Shiokaze (via Irkutsk-RUS), *1430-1459* on Dec 4, noted with piano

melody at s/on, opening talks in JP followed with a prgm of talks. Did<br />

note at 1440 a partial list of names, such as Koyoto, Matsiyama. Signal<br />

gradually improved from a fair to fair+ level by s/off. At s/off noted the<br />

piano melody as s/off melody (which was also played during the entire prgm<br />

in a very low keyed audio). The piano mx went off the air at 1459, then 20<br />

secs. later another prgm came on, this time an IS similar to "What a<br />

Friend We Have in Jesus" (played once), into very short orch. melody<br />

followed opening anmts but cut in mid-sentence, carrier gone, at 1500:20.<br />

Seems rather strange that another stn came on. Any one else notice this?<br />

(Ed Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 4)<br />

Shiokaze (Radio Sea-Breeze) 5890 via Irkutsk 1400-1500 and 1900-1930<br />

Japanese.<br />

According to Asian Broadcasting Institute, "Shiokaze" broadcast by<br />

"Investigation Commission on Missing Japanese Probably Related to North<br />

Korea" announced on Nov 25 that hours of broadcast will be extended to 1.5<br />

hours per day from Dec 8. They first intended to extend to 1.0 hours, but<br />

in negotiation to VT Communications, VT compromised to broadcast 1.5 hours<br />

with the price of 1.0 hour.<br />

The new broadcast hours after Dec 8 are planned as; 1400-1500 and 1900-<br />

1930.<br />

At 1400-1430 Reading of the letters from victims' families (new content),<br />

1430-1500 Reading of the detailed data of the kidnapped persons, 1900-1930<br />

Repeat of 1430-1500.<br />

In 2006, they are planning to broadcast also in Korean and English.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 3)<br />

According to Tohru Yamashita of Asian Broadcasting Institute, "Radio<br />

Opened North Korea" (Yollin Pokkan Panson) started regular txion at 1500-<br />

1600 on Dec 6 on 5880 kHz in Korean to North Korea. The contents were<br />

mostly the programs of "Radio Free North Korea" by the organization of the<br />

refugees from North Korea, on the violations of human rights in North<br />

Korea. KBS Nx reported that the broadcast was done by an organization in<br />

U.S. The test broadcasts done between Nov 23-27 at 1500-1600 were produced<br />

by this organization in U.S. The first day broadcast was well heard in JPN<br />

and South Korea without jamming. The ending mx was "Pomp & Circumstance"<br />

by Elgar.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 7)<br />

Tuned in Dec 8 to 5880 kHz at 1458 on LSB (traffic on USB) and imagine I<br />

heard choir song in background. Just before 1500 a gong-like ID noticed,<br />

but extremely weak. 1601 a very effective jammer started on freq wiping<br />

out any possibility to hear them further. FNKR finally came on SW - what<br />

good is it to carry internet radio to a country that prevents internet? On<br />

their website they call themselves 'AM 5880 Freedom Northkorea broadcast'.<br />

I tried to hear the prgr on web to confirm IS but absolutely no luck in<br />

making it work. Neither in making English version on web function.<br />

(Finn Krone-DEN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 8)<br />

North Korean defectors' "Free NK Radio" broadcasts to North Korea.<br />

Text of report by Sin Chu-hyon entitled: "A nongovtal radio broadcast<br />

beamed at North Korea sent its first programme" in English by South Korean<br />

newspaper The Daily NK website on 7 December<br />

Free North Korea Broadcasting (Free NK) launched its radio programme<br />

intended to promote North Korean democracy at midnight on the 7th of this<br />

month. The programme lasts one hour a day. Free NK.net was founded by<br />

North Korean defectors in South Korea two years ago, and has been posting<br />

journalistic text and audio contents on its web site. It is first that a<br />

nongovtal broadcaster founded by North Korean defectors makes a programme<br />

and beams it at North Korea by means of short wave radio.

The programme has finally come to be launched a month after Free NK agreed<br />

with Ha Tae-kyung, the secretary-general of Open Radio for North Korea (NK<br />

Radio), on mutual cooperation last month. NK Radio specializes in<br />

transmitting programmes to North Korea, and is located in the US.<br />

The programme is sent out on the air by means of a short wave tx because<br />

more and more North Koreans are obtaining short wave radios. Free NK uses<br />

short wave 5880kHz for the time being. The location of the transmitting<br />

station has not been disclosed lest North Korean authorities intervene in<br />

transmitting.<br />

In the morning of the 6th day of this month, Free NK posted on its web<br />

site an article titled "On the Establishment of the Radio Station".On the<br />

article, it was said that the radio station has been intended to reveal<br />

the realities of North Korea to South Korean people, to be an adviser and<br />

supporter who provides encouragement and new hope to North Korean people<br />

in the Dark Land, and to be an excellent guide for the defectors who enter<br />

South Korea for freedom at the risk of their lives.<br />

Kim Sung min [Kim Song-min], the chairperson of Free NK, said, "I am very<br />

glad to see the accomplishment of North Korean defectors' old dream. The<br />

radio broadcasting will be a gospel to North Korean people and a<br />

threatening dagger to Kim Jong-il."<br />

"For the five days from the 7th of this month, we will have put a one-hour<br />

special programme featuring the Seoul Summit on the air everyday as a<br />

joint project with NK Radio. We will make a one-act play based on the<br />

essay which won the Human Rights in North Korea Essay Contest. We will<br />

also broadcast major events and interviews with influences," explained Mr<br />

Kim.<br />

"Once the nx about the foundation of the radio station was spread, we have<br />

received a lot of phone calls, and been promised financial support from<br />

several people who don't want to reveal their names. Workers in the radio<br />

station are insured for 100 million won against accidents, which means we<br />

are so dedicated. We will go as far as to liberate North Korea." Mr Kim<br />

expressed their strong resolution.<br />

It has been said that Free NK was persistently asked to give up the radio<br />

broadcasting plan by some influential groups which had sensed it in<br />

advance, but it turned down all of such requests.<br />

Radio broadcasters sending outside information to North Korea include<br />

Radio Free Asia's Korean sce, Voice Of America's Korean broadcasting,<br />

Korea Broadcasting System's Social and Educational programme, and Far East<br />

Broadcasting Corporation.<br />

On the second day of the Seoul Summit, Ha Tae-kyung, the secretary-general<br />

of NK Radio in the US, will participate in the conference on North Korean<br />

human rights improvement strategy where he is supposed to make a<br />

presentation about the role of radio broadcasting beamed at North Korea.<br />

Mr Ha said to the DailyNK on a telephone interview that he was going to<br />

talk about North Korean censorship and control on information, and the<br />

duties and roles of radio broadcasting to North Korea. He also mentioned<br />

that broadcasters to the North need much support and participation from<br />

various domestic and international individuals.<br />

Open North Korea Broadcast is an agency specializing in transmitting<br />

programmes to North Korea. Individuals or organizations can request it to<br />

transmit their programmes to North Korea with payment for wiring. Mr Ha<br />

emphasized that many South Koreans should participate in broadcasting to<br />

North Korea by means of NK Radio.

It has been known some place around Seoul area where Free NK made its<br />

programme and prepared its txion.<br />

(The Daily NK website, Seoul, B<strong>BC</strong>M Dec 7; via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK)<br />

"Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean" with tests on 7330 (again) planned for Dec<br />

8-15, towards north area of Okhotsk Sea<br />

reported on open_dx mailist by Roman<br />

Nazarov,<br />

<br />

Time not mentioned (I guess it'll be as for previous test - vt)<br />

(relayed by Vlad Titarev-UKR, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 8)<br />

Audible at 0940 UT, but weaker than 5960 kHz.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 8)<br />

Radio Stantsiya Tikhiy Okean/Primorskoye Radio via Vladivostok 12065.<br />

Full-data multi-color coat-of-arms & NTP Vladivostok logo card in 10 weeks<br />

for a logging in Vietnam.<br />

Bible Voice Broadcasting via Khabarovsk 12065. Full-data world map card,<br />

including site, and personal note in three weeks for a logging in Vietnam.<br />

(Wendel Craighead-KA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 2)<br />

Since 14th Nov, GTRK-Sakhalin (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) sces Korean px on 279<br />

kHz every Monday from 0810 till 0900 UT.<br />

Audio sample: <br />

According to monitoring in November/December, GTRK-Kamchatka on<br />

6075/180kHz has carried own local px as:<br />

(Su-Th) 1810-1900, 1910-2000<br />

(Fr,Sa) 2210-2300<br />

(Mo-Fr) 0100-0200, 0600-0700<br />

(Sa,Su) 0010-0100 produced by Koryak Av.Okrg.(Palana)<br />

(Tu) 2010-2100<br />

(Mo-Fr) 0100-0110, 0600-0610 (local news, both irregularly).<br />

According to monitoring in November/December, GTRK-Dal'nevostochnaya<br />

(Khabarovsk) on 153 kHz has carried own local px as:<br />

(Mo-Th) 2010-2100<br />

(Su-Th) 2110-2200<br />

(Sa) 0010-0100<br />

(Mo-Th) 0257-0310<br />

(Mo-Fr) 0400-<strong>05</strong>00<br />

Local opening ann has been carried at 1959 with national anthem, and many<br />

few-minutes local px are broadcasted at before every o'clock, or after<br />

every 10 mins.<br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, hcdx Dec 6)<br />

[U.K.] Whatever the broadcast is on 9395 it has been on air Wednesday,<br />

Thursday and now Friday at tune in around 1400 till off at 1500. I still<br />

hear a very brief part of what I think is the FEBA IS at conclusion. There<br />

is much talk about Bangladesh at times and the broadcast seems not to be a<br />

religious one, or perhaps that's because I don't un<strong>der</strong>stand Bangla! So far<br />

I have not heard very much mx either.<br />

(Noel R. Green, UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 25)<br />

7520 1330-1430 41,49W SAM 250kW 117deg Fri 1811<strong>05</strong> 060106 RUS B<strong>BC</strong> GFC<br />

9395 1330-1500 41,49W ARM 200kW 104deg Thur[?] 1711<strong>05</strong> 190106 RUS B<strong>BC</strong> GFC<br />

(Wolfgang Bueschel, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 25)

Actually B<strong>BC</strong> Bengali sce has made some seminar / road show in some<br />

selected cities of Bangladesh on various topics. This live programme goes<br />

on air after regular current affairs programme at 1330-1400 UT. The txion<br />

is hosted by B<strong>BC</strong> representative & some guests. The programme will continue<br />

till mid <strong>Jan</strong>uary '06. It has no link with next year Bangladesh<br />

parliamentary election. Reception on 7520 kHz is too weak. // 9395 is good<br />

in target area.<br />

(Swopan Chakroborty-IND, dxld Dec 4)<br />

Temporary extra freqs for B<strong>BC</strong> Bengali Service.<br />

4 December 20<strong>05</strong> There is a live debate now broadcast by B<strong>BC</strong> Bengali<br />

Service on every Thursday and Friday from their Dhaka Studio in<br />

Bangladesh. The debate is on various issues on Bangladesh. This is<br />

available on additional freqs on SW. The schedule is as follows:<br />

Every Thursday till 19th <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2006:<br />

1330-1500 7520 9395 kHz every Friday till 6th <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2006: 1330-1430 7520<br />

9395 kHz. The first 30 min of the broadcast can also be heard on regular<br />

daily freqs 7225 7430 11835 kHz.<br />

(Alok Dasgupta-IND via dxasia.info; via Alokesh Gupta-IND, dxld Dec 5)<br />

Actually B<strong>BC</strong> Bengali sce has made some seminar / road show in some<br />

selected cities of Bangladesh on various topics. This live programme goes<br />

on air after regular current affairs programme at 1330-1400 UTC. The txion<br />

is hosted by B<strong>BC</strong> representative & some guests. The programme will continue<br />

till mid <strong>Jan</strong>uary '06. It has no link with next year Bangladesh<br />

parliamentary election.<br />

Reception on 7520 kHz is too weak. // 9395 is good in target area.<br />

(Swopan Chakroborty-IND, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 4)<br />

So it is actually the B<strong>BC</strong> using 9395 in Bangla - I will try 7520 later<br />

today. For some reason I had the B<strong>BC</strong> in mind and thought that it did sound<br />

their style. I assume that the FEBA IS somehow gets into the feed at close<br />

down. It's very brief but I'm sure that's what it is.<br />

(Noel R. Green, UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 25 via <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

[TAIWAN non, tests via Dec 3/4 RUS, Dec 5/6 UAE]<br />

6170 RTI to test Tbilisskaya site.<br />

Enclosed message from Radio Taiwan International via Rudolf Sonntag: Today<br />

and tomorrow RTI German, 1900-2000 on 6170, will be aired via Tbilisskaya<br />

(site dubbed here as Armavir and otherwhise also known as Krasnodar) and<br />

the next three days until Dec 6 again via Al-Dhabbaya.<br />

As far as I know was Al-Dhabbaya in regular use for this txion since Oct<br />

30, because 49 metres from England skip over Germany in winter nights. But<br />

Al-Dhabbaya apparently suffered from an insufficient signal strength, at<br />

least it did so when I checked a while ago.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 2)<br />

"RTI Eva Triendl"<br />

Betreff: Testsendung 6170 kHz am 2. und 3. Dezember aus Armavir, Russland.<br />

Liebe Hoererinnen und Hoerer, wir strahlen unser RTI-Deutschprogramm von<br />

1900-2000 Uhr UTC auf <strong>der</strong> Frequenz 6170 kHz<br />

am Freitag, den 2. Dezember und Samstag, den 3. Dezember aus Armavir,<br />

Russland<br />

und am Sonntag, den 4. Dezember, Montag, den 5. Dezember und Dienstag, den<br />

6. Dezember aus Al-Dhabbaya, UAE<br />

Wir freuen uns ueber Beobachtungen und Empfangsberichte!<br />

Ihre RTI-Deutschredaktion

[Later:] I missed the announced RTI txion via Tbilisskaya (their very<br />

first usage of Russian facilities I think), but according to some postings<br />

in the A-<strong>DX</strong> mailing list RNW English was heard on 6170 instead. No such<br />

txion is scheduled, so I assume that Tbilisskaya was indeed on air but<br />

with a wrong feed, messed up perhaps already at Bush House main control.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Dec 2)<br />

6170 (RTI test) again messed up.<br />

Today the experiment to air Radio Taiwan International in German 1900-2000<br />

on 6170 via Tbilisskaya resulted in the same failure than yesterday: The<br />

English program of Radio Ne<strong>der</strong>land was aired instead, putting it again on<br />

SW for Europe after quite a while.<br />

I really won<strong>der</strong> who makes the same switching error two days in a row?<br />

Basically there are two possibilities, unless the technology for VT txions<br />

via Russian facilities has been changed recently: Either it was Bush House<br />

main control who put RNW instead of RTI (which I un<strong>der</strong>stand is no live<br />

feed but originates from an audio file, transferred to and replayed by<br />

Bush House) to their circuit to Moscow, or the responsible switching<br />

facility at Moscow put RNW instead of the feed from London on the audio<br />

feed to the Tbilisskaya plant. Third possibility would of course be an<br />

error at the tx site itself, but I would think it is not that likely that<br />

they have RNW English on their internal audio switching (no such txions<br />

from this station).<br />

In my humble opinion it would be no big deal if it would have been a one-<br />

off. But the same mistake again and again?<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Dec 3)<br />

5032/59<strong>05</strong> spurious, Samara Novosemeykino-RUS, MW 873 kHz 1200 kW.<br />

Well, on 24th I did monitor 5032/59<strong>05</strong> kHz. At 1500 and 1600 UT on 59<strong>05</strong><br />

only CRI [Kashi] in Russian. Around 1625 a strong carrier appeared on 59<strong>05</strong><br />

blocking partly CRI.<br />

At the same time 5032 R Rossii popped up. Blank carrier on 59<strong>05</strong> continued<br />

until 1658 UT, then mx and ID "Golos Rossii - Radiokanal Sodruzhestvo".<br />

Sounds like CRI switched off their tx for couple of mins around 1656,<br />

coming back with weaker signal at 1700. Russian tx changed to VoRUS Polish<br />

at 1800 UT.<br />

At 1900 Polish program ended and also 5032 went off.<br />

RFI started on 59<strong>05</strong> at 1859 UT with ID's and then Russian.<br />

So, as you said, this seems to be Samara MW/SW mix. On [symmetrical] 6778<br />

kHz I couldn't detect any signal.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 24)<br />

Samara/Novosemeykino-RUS.<br />

Hi Wolfy and Jari, so are Samara SW and Novosemeykino MW co-sited?<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 2)<br />

Mauno, I don't know. Simply I note Novosemeykino 1200 kW as in Samara<br />

province in WRTH un<strong>der</strong> Russia domestic MW list.<br />

And formula would fit ...<br />

You live in Finland too, I won<strong>der</strong> you will get same results when observe<br />

both channels, i.e. 5032 and 59<strong>05</strong> in the mentioned time span.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 5)<br />

5032, R. Rossii, 1700-1900 UT spur could be 59<strong>05</strong> minus 873, from<br />

Kaliningrad? No, Samara-?

(gh, WoR Dec 8)<br />

We checked that also, but KLG end at 1700 UT. (wb)<br />

SAIPAN/KAZAKHSTAN China Jammer?<br />

I tried to hear Kazakhstan on 9355 kHz, but at 1700 UTC I could hear only<br />

a non stop playing Chinese mx station (no talk and no voice song). It was<br />

there for more than an hour and during that hour a Chinese speaking<br />

station was heard better and better on the same frequency. I think that is<br />

Taiwan, so maybe the first station is somewhat trying to jam Taiwan? Does<br />

anybody know what is going on there?<br />

(Bjoern Fransson-SWE, hcdx Dec 1)<br />

In B-<strong>05</strong> 9355 kHz at 1700-1800 UT is used for US propaganda station RFA<br />

Mandarin via Saipan 100 kW acc to this frequ schedule:<br />

1700-1800 MANDARIN 7540D 9355S 9455S 99<strong>05</strong>P 11945T<br />

13670T 13745T 15510T 17565T<br />

All US Mandarin broadcast are subject of Chinese mainland jamming in about<br />

past five years, like B<strong>BC</strong> Mandarin, AIR Tibetan, and many other Mandarin<br />

or Tibetan lang sces also.<br />

9355 has been used in summer A-<strong>05</strong> schedule at 1530-1600 UT, stopped on<br />

October 29th.<br />

9355 1530-1600 19,27-31 A-A 200kW 310deg 2703-3010<strong>05</strong> KAZ VOR GFC<br />

in winter season B-<strong>05</strong> from Oct 30th scheduled on<br />

7460 1630-1700 28-30 A-A 200 310 KAZ RRS GFC<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 1)<br />

SINGAPORE The following message received recently on answering my<br />

question about the return of Wavescan sent to <br />

Thanks so much, Tony for your concern. We will be starting our Wavescan on<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary next year. This is to give us more time to deal with some other<br />

things and preparation. We hope you can be of help in that part of the<br />

world, too! Rhoen Catolico. Wavescan Coordinator. AWR Asia/Pacific Region,<br />

798 Thomson Road, SNG 298186.<br />

(Tony Ashar-INS; via W<strong>DX</strong>C Dec Contact)<br />

AWR Asia/Pacific is planning to start New Wavescan in <strong>Jan</strong>uary. They will<br />

announce more details in December. JSWC is to present <strong>DX</strong> Nx as same as UK<br />

edition days, as narrated by Ms. Yukiko Tsuji with my editing.<br />

During my business trip to SNG at the end of September, I was able to<br />

visit AWR Asia/Pacific Regional Office and had a nice chat with staff of<br />

the Office. The team of New Wavescan program consists of Mr. Akinori<br />

Kaibe, Regional Director, Mr. Rhoen Catolico, Listeners Relations and Mr.<br />

Anniston Mathews, Technical Support.<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN, JSWC, via dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Nov 30)<br />

Adventist World Radio has launched a redesigned website featuring a<br />

searchable programme schedule for AWR's SW broadcasts, a prayer request<br />

section, and expanded story features. The church-owned site is located at<br />

<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, RNW MN NL Nov 30)<br />

SLOVAKIA Radio Slovakia International are no longer sending out printed<br />

schedules as a cost cutting measure.<br />

(Edwin Southwell-UK; W<strong>DX</strong>C Dec Contact)

SOLOMON ISLANDS Has become fairly easy with a good antenna at 1900,<br />

their morning start up or B<strong>BC</strong> relay a bit earlier as we have darkness<br />

between us. Never got down to sending a report. I must make it my holiday<br />

target, though there is a mur<strong>der</strong>ous Ute on it now. 5020 of course. Also<br />

just now at 1230 heard 5020 B<strong>BC</strong> relay. First time in a long time I heard<br />

it. Thanks to 5010 Thiruvanthathapuram off the air today which splatters<br />

killing even Nepal.<br />

(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 7)<br />

SRI LANKA DW Trincomalee now on 6000 kHz (instead of registered 6180)<br />

at 2200-2258 UT. In 60 degrees is in direction of Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tokyo<br />

...<br />

NF 6000 2200-2258 43SE,44,45,49 TRM 250kW 60deg -30slew ENGLISH CLN DWL<br />

(wb, dxld Nov 26)<br />

TAIWAN I was glad to see that my report of a few weeks ago of a QSL for<br />

Truth for the World via Taiwan prompted several to comment on what is a<br />

clandestine broadcast. I asked whether this Mandarin broadcast was<br />

actually a religious program or if it might be more of a clandestine-type<br />

program. I can see in reading my report that I failed to clearly state the<br />

point I was trying to make. I had read the Truth for the World websites<br />

and was aware they consi<strong>der</strong> it a religious program. But what is a<br />

religious program to one person can be something different to someone<br />

else. If, for instance, it constantly points out what is wrong with the<br />

govt of a country and advocates a change in that govt in or<strong>der</strong> to more<br />

easily spread the Gospel. That is why I was hoping there might be a<br />

response from a Mandarin-speaking listener who had heard this program.<br />

I realize the line between clandestine-type programs and some other<br />

programs is very blurred, and to most people it probably does not matter<br />

what kind of program it is. But there is at least one important reason why<br />

I keep veries from what I consi<strong>der</strong> to be clandestine-type broadcasts<br />

separate from all others. When I show my general QSLs to non-<strong>DX</strong>ers they<br />

usually are courteous enough to spend a few mins looking at them. But when<br />

I show them my albums of QSLs from clandestine-type broadcasters, the time<br />

they spend often goes well beyond that of polite interest. And they<br />

frequently ask questions about the broadcasters and the organizations<br />

behind the programs.<br />

(Wendel Craighead-KA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 2)<br />

7379.97 (Cland to Vietnam). Little Saigon Radio (via Taiwan), 1500-1530*<br />

Dec 1, already there at 1500, so may have come on a bit earlier; M&W talks<br />

in VT, a vocal selection at 1512 was followed by more talks to 1530<br />

closedown. Could not make much out, and no ID noted.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 4)<br />

THAILAND Curiosity surrounding secret CIA prisons has fuelled rumours of<br />

a remote Voice of America (VOA) relay station in Udon Thani operating as a<br />

front for a "black site". Reporters and curious observers flocked to the<br />

station in Ban Dung district after the Washington Post on 2nd November<br />

reported that the US Central Intelligence Agency was holding top Al-<br />

Qa'idah suspects in "black sites" in Thailand, Afghanistan and several<br />

other countries.<br />

The remoteness of the securely-fenced station sitting on a huge land plot<br />

has aroused suspicion that the facility could harbour secret activities.<br />

The station is guarded around the clock by 15 security employees. Located<br />

on the premises are a garage and a storage shack without any sleeping<br />

quarters. About a dozen staff members at the station stay in the town and<br />

commute to work every day, according to one security guard interviewed by<br />

reporters.<br />

Udon Thani Governor Jaruek Prinyapol said the district chief assigned to

inspect the station confirmed there was no secret prison there. Some<br />

observers, however, felt the suspicions could have grounds as the station<br />

was located in the middle of nowhere, away from the public eye. The govt<br />

dismissed the rumours as baseless and said it defied logic that a media<br />

facility in charge of investigating facts would double as a prison. VOA<br />

station director Denis Wover [name as published] has promised to open the<br />

site for checks.<br />

(Bangkok Post via B<strong>BC</strong> via dxld; via W<strong>DX</strong>C Dec Contact)<br />

U.A.E. Athmik Yatra via Gospel for Asia via Al-Dhabbaya 6040 & 15590<br />

kHz. Partial-data Athmik Yatra "family with radio" card in 3 months for a<br />

report to Carrollton, TX, address. This is for a logging in Vietnam.<br />

(Wendel Craighead-KA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 2)<br />

USA Freqs changes for WEWN in English from Dec 1:<br />

0000-<strong>05</strong>00 NF 6875 EWN 500 kW / 020 deg to NoAm, x5085, x5875, x5810<br />

0000-<strong>05</strong>00 NF 6875 EWN 500 kW / 285 deg to CeAm, x5085, x5875, x5810<br />

Freqs changes for WHRI Angel 1 in English via HRI 250 kW from Dec 1:<br />

0600-0700 Thu-Sat NF 6125 / 315 deg to NoAm, ex 7315 / 152 deg to SoAm<br />

0600-0700 Sun-Wed on 7315 / 152 deg to SoAm, ex Daily<br />

0700-1000 Daily on 7315 / 152 deg to SoAm, ex 0600-1000<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 06)<br />

UZBEKISTAN Bible Voice Broadcasting via Tashkent 7485. Full-data world<br />

map card, including site, in one month.<br />

(Wendel Craighead-KA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 2)<br />

5850 at present strong S=4-5 signal in southern Germany.<br />

Moscow Special Radio at 1908 UT. Chaotic cry POP mx. 1900-2000 UT 5850<br />

Thursdays only.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 8)<br />

5850 Special Radio (via Tashkent), *1900-1925 UT on Nov 24, ID in RS and<br />

EG, RS pops followed.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Dec 2)<br />

Special Radio imminent.<br />

Remin<strong>der</strong> that the weekly broadcast in Russian of Special Radio is<br />

imminent, Thursday 1900-2000 UT via Uzbekistan on 5850, 100 kW, 311<br />

degrees. If it's ever going to make it to NoAM, now's the most likely<br />

time, the further north the better.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld Dec 8)<br />

Moscow Special Radio. Actual mx from Russia. B<strong>05</strong>. 5850 kHz. 1900<br />

(Thursday). Transmitter: QTH - Tashkent (Uzbekistan) 100 kW Azimut 311<br />

deg.<br />

(Alexan<strong>der</strong> Usoltsev, Special Radio via RUS<strong>DX</strong> Nov 20)<br />

Note new Tashkent site for Spezialnoye Radio (during B<strong>05</strong> somewhat vague<br />

information pointed at Samara).<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Nov 20)<br />

VANUATU R Vanuatu. 3944.76 on Dec 6 at 1000- UT. VUT: R Vanuatu. At last<br />

heard with decent signal. (Mauno Ritola-FIN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 6)<br />

I have trace of most likely this one (no descent audio - just "something-<br />

like-<strong>BC</strong>" in noise) 3944.766 kHz at 1228z UT try QSL ... but I think you<br />

have one already.<br />

They confirmed me 3945 in very short terms (3-4 weeks) but that was in<br />

~1990.<br />

(Vlad Titarev-UKR, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 6)

In Sri Lanka at 1100 s.off it is 5 PM and absolutely no chance of any<br />

propagation on 3945. BUT About 10 years ago I waited for Christmas eve<br />

here in Sri Lankafor their extended coverage and heard them having special<br />

sces for Christmas going to 1330 and I bagged them, thru some QRM from NSB<br />

to get a QSL letter. That is one of my best Pacific QSLs.<br />

(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 7)<br />

VIETNAM/USA Tu Do Ton Giao/Committee for Religious Freedom in Vietnam<br />

via Viet Nam Hai Ngoai/Vietnamese Public Radio via subcarrier of KCUR-FM<br />

89.3 MHz., Kansas City, Missouri. Hand-written friendly personal partial-<br />

data letter from Helen Ngo. By a lucky coincidence, of the dozens of photo<br />

cards which I brought back from Vietnam and could have sent with my<br />

report, Ms. Ngo said the one I enclosed showed the elementary school she<br />

attended! My report was sent to: CRFV, PO Box 342111. Bethesda, MD 20827,<br />

U.S.A.<br />

My Vietnamese friends are very familiar with Helen Ngo and her work on<br />

behalf of human rights in Vietnam. According to the CRFV website her work<br />

is not limited to religious freedom, and she has testified before a<br />

congressional committee on human rights violations in Vietnam.<br />

Of all the programs on the extensive VPR schedule [16 hours a day, 7 days<br />

a week], along with Radio Free Vietnam and Radio Free Asia, Tu Don Ton<br />

Giao appears to be the only other which might be consi<strong>der</strong>ed a clandestine-<br />

type program. I am basing this on program titles [many are mx programs],<br />

listening to programs, and most of all the word of my Vietnamese friends.<br />

They say its content is very similar to that of Radio Free Vietnam.<br />

(Wendel Craighead-KA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 2)<br />

6317v, Dien Bien B/Cing Stn, anmts or nx at 1200 UT, theme mx 1230 UT.<br />

For recordings see <br />

(Kenji Takasaki-JPN, hcdx Dec 4)<br />

HFCC<br />

A06 Conference.<br />

Oldrich Cip confirmed that the A06 conference would be the next joint<br />

HFCC/ASBU and ABU-HFC conference and would be hosted by the ABU and RTC<br />

(China Radio and Television) between 13th-17th February 2006. The venue<br />

for this joint conference will be Hainan Island in southern China.<br />

Thursday, 5th <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2006 is the deadline for submission of requirement<br />

data for inclusion in the initial A06 schedule.<br />

Later Ms. Wang Fang of RTC gave a brief presentation on the amenities<br />

available on Hainan Island, which is a holiday island with excellent hotel<br />

and conference facilities and a very pleasant temperature in February.<br />

Wang Fang said that the conference would be held in Sanya City in the<br />

south of Hainan Island and connecting flights to Phoenix airport, that is<br />

situated about 35 mins distant by taxi, are available from Hong Kong,<br />

Beijing or Shanghai. Details of available hotels and rates will be<br />

provided by RTC as soon as possible, but delegates should bear in mind<br />

that February is high season in Sanya City.<br />

Future Conferences.<br />

HFCC Vice Chairman Horst Scholz asked if there were any volunteers amongst<br />

the organizations present who could host a future conference. There were<br />

no such volunteers. Horst said that the Steering Board appreciated the<br />

difficulties of hosting an HFCC/ASBU conference. Nevertheless no host<br />

meant no conference. Horst pointed out that there were still some of the<br />

larger organizations that had not hosted an HFCC/ASBU conference.<br />

Therefore, the Steering Board would be liaising with each of those<br />

organizations in or<strong>der</strong> to try to persuade each of them to host a<br />

conference in the very near future. Hopefully one or another of those<br />

organizations could be the host for the B06 conference.

DRM.<br />

Currently DRM data published by the HFCC is not sufficiently accurate. To<br />

improve the accuracy of that DRM data the following measures will be<br />

adopted:<br />

* All occasional DRM requirements should be submitted with their actual<br />

operational dates rather than be submitted for a complete season. In<br />

addition, any and all changes to those operational dates required during a<br />

season should be submitted immediately;<br />

* Currently DRM requirement data from the tentative seasonal schedule is<br />

published. This practice will cease and only the DRM requirements within<br />

seasonal operational schedules will be publicised;<br />

* In practice it has not been possible to gather the complete data for<br />

longwave and mediumwave DRM txions. In addition, the HFCC database does<br />

not contain the details of some local 26 MHz txions operated by non-HFCC<br />

organisations. Therefore, in future the HFCC DRM database will exclude<br />

details of LF, MF and local 26 Mhz txions and will be limited to data on<br />

DRM txions operated by HFCC/ASBU and ABU-HFC member organisations.<br />

Currently discussions are taking place, both within and outside the<br />

broadcast community, about the possibility of grouping DRM txions together<br />

in designated parts of the HF broadcast bands because such an arrangement<br />

is believed to be more spectrum efficient.<br />

There are a number of reasons why such an arrangement would not be easy to<br />

achieve in practice:<br />

* Setting aside parts of the HF bands for DRM only txions would sterilize<br />

those parts of those bands in areas of the world where DRM is not used<br />

currently. Consequently, such an arrangement would be less spectrum<br />

efficient;<br />

* Nevertheless, it is sensible to try to group DRM txions together as much<br />

as possible because DRM txions have a lower mutual interference potential<br />

than do DRM txions towards some analogue txions;<br />

* Those HFCC/ASBU member organizations with long running DRM requirements<br />

on air are encouraged to consult each other and study the possibilities of<br />

grouping such txions together.<br />

DRM (...) Currently discussions are taking place, both within and outside<br />

the broadcast community, about the possibility of grouping DRM txions<br />

together in designated parts of the HF broadcast bands because such an<br />

arrangement is believed to be more spectrum efficient.<br />

There are a number of reasons why such an arrangement would not be easy to<br />

achieve in practice:<br />

* Setting aside parts of the HF bands for DRM only txions would sterilize<br />

those parts of those bands in areas of the world where DRM is not used<br />

currently. Consequently, such an arrangement would be less spectrum<br />

efficient;<br />

* Nevertheless, it is sensible to try to group DRM txions together as much<br />

as possible because DRM txions have a lower mutual interference potential<br />

than do DRM txions towards some analogue txions;<br />

* Those HFCC/ASBU member organizations with long running DRM requirements<br />

on air are encouraged to consult each other and study the possibilities of<br />

grouping such txions together.<br />

(Report of Second HFCC Plenary Meeting, Valencia, Spain, Thursday, 25th

Aug 20<strong>05</strong> via Dec NASB Newsletter; via wwdxc / or dxld)<br />

A new edition of Broadcasts in English<br />

is available now from the British <strong>DX</strong> Club (B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK).<br />

Compiled by Dave Kenny, it has been completely revised and updated for the<br />

current Winter 20<strong>05</strong>-2006 (B<strong>05</strong>) season and includes details of all<br />

currently known international broadcasts in English on SW and mediumwave<br />

for the B<strong>05</strong> schedule period. The 32-page booklet is in time or<strong>der</strong><br />

throughout and covers all target areas. It gives a round the clock, hour<br />

by hour guide to what English broadcasts you can tune into and on what<br />

frequencies. Transmitter sites are indicated where known. It also includes<br />

a comprehensive guide to <strong>DX</strong> and Media Programmes; schedules for Digital<br />

Radio Mondiale (DRM) txions and World Radio Network in English to Europe.<br />

Copies are available at the following prices (postage included):<br />

United Kingdom - 2 pounds sterling Overseas - 6 International Reply<br />

Coupons; 5 Euros or 5 US Dollars<br />

Sterling payments by cheque/postal or<strong>der</strong> to "British <strong>DX</strong> Club" Dollar or<br />

Euro payments in cash. We also can now accept Paypal - please email for<br />

details. <br />

All or<strong>der</strong>s/enquiries to: British <strong>DX</strong> Club, 10 Hemdean Hill, Caversham,<br />

Reading RG4 7SB, UK<br />

Or visit the B<strong>DX</strong>C-UK web site at <br />

(Dave Kenny-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK, Dec 9)<br />

WRTVH (1947 - 1958) - Reprint CD.<br />

Das World Radio (TV) Handbook- Reprint <strong>der</strong> ersten zwoelf Ausgaben (1947 -<br />

1958).<br />

Kein an<strong>der</strong>es Fachbuch zum weltweiten Rundfunk kann auf eine solch lange<br />

Historie zurueckblicken wie das "World Radio TV Handbook"(WRTH), das mit<br />

<strong>der</strong> jetzt erscheinenden 2006er Ausgabe seinen 60. Geburtstag feiert.<br />

(Glueckwunsch!)<br />

[...]<br />

In zahlreichen Hobbyecken schmuecken Dutzende Baende des WRTH das<br />

Buecherregal, doch nur selten sind Ausgaben <strong>der</strong> 60er, 50er o<strong>der</strong> gar 40er<br />

Jahre zu finden. Sie zaehlen zu den absoluten Raritaeten! Einige wenige<br />

Ausgaben sind in grossen Bibliotheken zu finden, doch deutschland- und<br />

europaweit verfuegt keine einzige Buecherei ueber alle bisher erschienenen<br />

Ausgaben des WRTH. Im Sommer 20<strong>05</strong> wurde die dritte Ausgabe des Jahrbuchs<br />

(1949) bei eBay fuer sage und schreibe 750 US-Dollar ersteigert.<br />

In muehsamer Kleinarbeit und mit tatkraeftiger Unterstuetzung zahlreicher<br />

in Hoererkreisen weltweit bekannter Namen ist es uns in den letzten<br />

Monaten gelungen, leihweise Zugriff auf die ersten zwoelf Ausgaben des<br />

WRTH (1947 - 1958) zu erlangen, die Buecher zu digitalisieren und jede<br />

Seite mit einem Suchindex zu versehen. Herausgekommen ist eine CD, die<br />

einen einzigartigen Einblick in die Geschichte des weltweiten Rundfunks<br />

bietet.<br />

Eine Stichwortsuche (keine Volltext- Suche) ist integriert. Ein Ausdruck<br />

<strong>der</strong> Buecher ist ebenfalls moeglich.<br />

Bis zum 31. <strong>Jan</strong>uar 2006 werden wir die CD zum ermaessigten<br />

Subskriptionspreis von 40 Euro incl. Versand (weltweit?), anbieten. Ab<br />

Februar 2006 wird diese historische WRTH-CD 50 Euro kosten.

Bestellungen bitte durch Einsenden des Betrages in bar o<strong>der</strong> als<br />

Verrechnungs - Scheck an:<br />

AD<strong>DX</strong><br />

Scharsbergweg 14<br />

41189 Moenchengladbach<br />

(AD<strong>DX</strong> via Paul Gager-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 29)<br />

All or<strong>der</strong> data read on<br />

<br />

Alternativ: Bestellung per E-Mail an und parallel<br />

Ueberweisung des Betrages auf das AD<strong>DX</strong>-Konto Nr. 8686800 bei <strong>der</strong> Deutschen<br />

Bank D sseldorf, BLZ 30070024 (IBAN: DE 7030 0700 1000 0868 6800, BIC:<br />

DEUT DE DB DUE). Die Auslieferung <strong>der</strong> CD erfolgt nach Zahlungseingang auf<br />

unserem Konto.<br />

Da lohnt auch ein Blick auf die folgende AD<strong>DX</strong> Seite:<br />

<br />

Dear friends,<br />

two new products for 2006<br />

- 2006 Super Frequency List on CD<br />

- 2006 Shortwave Frequency Guide<br />

will be published on 10 December. Hundreds of advance or<strong>der</strong>s will be<br />

mailed before the Christmas holiday and monitoring season. Detailed<br />

product descriptions, sample pages and database screenshots can be found<br />

at our website<br />

<br />

Alternatively, you may ask for our free 24-pages 2006 catalogue to your<br />

postal address. Enjoy!<br />

Apart from the very latest schedules for 2006 - deadline was on 20<br />

November 20<strong>05</strong>! - only the 2006 Shortwave Frequency Guide consi<strong>der</strong>s the<br />

latest equipment developments in the DRM scene such as<br />

- Broadcast Partners<br />

- Coding Technologies<br />

- Computer Solutions<br />

- Darmstadt University<br />

- Elad<br />

- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft<br />

- Himalaya<br />

- Kaiserslautern University<br />

- Mayah<br />

- Morphy Richards<br />

- Petermann<br />

- Radio Scape<br />

- Roberts Radio<br />

- Sangean<br />

- Siemens Roke<br />

- Sistel<br />

- Starwaves<br />

- Techni Sat<br />

- Texas Instruments<br />

- Thales<br />

- Universal Radio<br />

Just for the record, there is no other publication that gives you such an

extensive list of DRM equipment and projects.<br />

Apart from the usual up-to-date broadcast and utility station and schedule<br />

databases, the 2006 Super Frequency List on CD now covers 550 fascinating<br />

new digital data deco<strong>der</strong> screenshots from Afghanistan (International<br />

Committee of the Red Cross, Kabul) to Yemen (Algerian Embassy Sana'a).<br />

Our new product Digital Data Deco<strong>der</strong> Screenshots on CD now covers more<br />

than 4,200 (four thousand two hundred!) digital data deco<strong>der</strong> screenshots<br />

from 1997 to today, essentially produced with WAVECOM equipment. Feed your<br />

Windows PC with this CD, and the "slide show" will keep you busy for a few<br />

days - or weeks!<br />

In early 2006, WAVECOM will offer the new W61 series of Digital Data<br />

Analyzer and Deco<strong>der</strong> products, targeted at the professional market.<br />

Typical applications are manual or automated monitoring of radio<br />

communication txions in the HF + UHF + VHF + SHF + satellite bands,<br />

SIGINT, and signal analysis and classification. The superb new software<br />

cracks 150+ modes with worldwide leading technology. Detailed information<br />

will be published on our website immediately after the start of sales, and<br />

we will mail detailed technical brochures and price information as soon as<br />

available. The W61 series includes:<br />

- W61PC Digital Data Deco<strong>der</strong> PC Card. Up to eight W61PC cards may be<br />

installed in a PC. It uses the same Windows-based user interface as the<br />

legendary W40 W41 W51 series that we have promoted - and consequently used<br />

daily! - from its very creation.<br />

- W61CL Signal Classifier. Already available for the superb W51 series.<br />

- W61LAN External Box. Ideal for notebook users, mobile units, outdoor<br />

monitoring and use in vehicles such as cars, ships and planes.<br />

- W61USB Software Deco<strong>der</strong>. USB 2.0 data exchange interface with 480 Mbps.<br />

- W61BV Bit View Offline Tool. Analysis of any bit stream e.g. from<br />

complex PSK txions.<br />

- W61SAT Software Option. Constitutes a cost-efficient INMARSAT A B C M<br />

mini-M monitoring system. And more to come - only from WAVECOM!<br />

As precisely predicted by ourselves - and by nobody else! - already in<br />

2000, HF e-mail continues to spread rapidly and has developed into the<br />

major application of mo<strong>der</strong>n digital HF techniques that we have marketed -<br />

and used! - for years.<br />

After Katrina and Tsunami, Lesson # 1 says: Forget about satphone, BPL,<br />

cellphones, e-mail and Internet. HF radio is vital!<br />

- Says radio amateur W4JLE in ARRL QST November 20<strong>05</strong>: "All of the touted<br />

21st Century communications failed miserably."<br />

- Says our customer Dan McCormick, vice president of Communications,<br />

Intelligence and Avionics, of Cubic Corporation's Communications and<br />

Electronics Business Unit, on <strong>05</strong> July 20<strong>05</strong> at<br />

http://www.cubic.com/corp1/news/pr/20<strong>05</strong>/PA_release_final_6-29.html :<br />

"During an emergency situation, where traditional communications can be<br />

disrupted, HF systems provide the most reliable backup. Today's advances<br />

in automated HF linking and HF e-mail have regenerated interest in<br />

maintaining and updating aging HF networks. One of the lessons learned<br />

from 9/11 was the value of maintaining a strong, upgraded HF<br />

communications infrastructure to coordinate state, local and fe<strong>der</strong>al<br />

emergency management."

New professional customers<br />

- Botschaft Ungarn, Verteidigungsattache, Berlin, Germany<br />

- Bundesministerium fuer Verkehr, Frequenzbuero, Vienna, Austria<br />

- Central Nx Agency, New Delhi, India<br />

- Comercializadora Electromed, Mexico City, Mexico<br />

- Defense Science Organisation, National Laboratories, Information<br />

Resource Centre, Science Park, SNG<br />

- Ecole Superieure des Transmissions, Centre de Documentation, Cesson<br />

Sevigne, France<br />

- Embassy of Algeria, Vienna, Austria<br />

- Fachdienst Nationale Sicherheit, Verwaltungsdirektion, Budapest,<br />

Hungary<br />

- Ministere de la Defense, Documentation - Presse, Paris, France<br />

- Ministry of Defense, DIS/MOD, Director of SIGINT, Sofia, Bulgaria<br />

- Ministry of Defense, Militaire Inlichtingen en Veiligheids Dienst, Kamp<br />

Holterhoek, Eibergen, Netherlands<br />

- RF Technology, New Delhi, India<br />

- Ruag Electronics, Aigle, Switzerland<br />

- Securite Radiocommunications Ingenierie, Noisy le Roi, France<br />

- Telsiz Sanayi ve Ticaret, Istanbul, Turkey<br />

After their dramatic failure in the 11 SEP 2001 disaster, the inefficient<br />

N.o S.uch A.gency and similar "organizations" only recently - several<br />

years too late! - started to realize that there may be "secret" systems of<br />

global communication beyond transoceanic cables and telecom satellites.<br />

Surprise, surprise. Selamat malam! For full details and pertinent<br />

screenshots of digital data txions decoded on HF see<br />

<br />

Best wishes, Joerg Klingenfuss<br />

Klingenfuss Publications, Klingenfuss Radio Monitoring, Hagenloher Str. 14<br />

72070 Tuebingen, Germany<br />

E-Mail (Dec 2)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 739 17 Dec 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

<strong>Private</strong> <strong>Verwendung</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Meldun</strong>gen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede<br />

kommerzielle <strong>Verwendung</strong> bedarf <strong>der</strong> Zustimmung des Newslettereditors.<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio<br />

may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all<br />

stages, from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting<br />

are made available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

credit is given to the contributor and to <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only<br />

with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our<br />

WW<strong>DX</strong>C WWW homepage-German AG<strong>DX</strong> Club-direct address:<br />

<br />

or via Link of Homepage: <br />

Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

ALBANIA NO TRACE OF RADIO TIRANA - There was no trace of Radio Tirana<br />

External Service on any of its listed SW freqs when checked between 7 Dec<br />

and 10 Dec. Radio Tirana was also absent from three MW freqs, previously<br />

known to carry the external sce, during monitoring between 9 Dec and 10<br />

Dec. The station's website was accessible but no information was given<br />

regarding Radio Tirana's current status.<br />

(B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld Dec 10)<br />

It's too soon to say it has definitely closed. May just have been<br />

suspended. Albania has been suffering power shortages recently, and RTSH<br />

(the parent broadcaster) is in serious financial difficulties. So it could<br />

be one, the other or both. We await further news.<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld Dec 7)<br />

E comunque meglio spegnere i trasmettitori che le case dei cittadini, la<br />

situazione in Albania e drammatica, date un'occhiata a questa pagina<br />

scovata da Bernd Trutenau.<br />

<br />

(Roberto Scaglione-I, bclnews.it via dxld Dec 10)<br />


Tirana, 13 December: The Parliamentary Education and Information<br />

Commission, in the context of the 2006 draft budget, discussed Tuesday [13<br />

December] about the budget envisaged for Albanian Public Radio and<br />

Television (APRT). APRT Director-General Artur Zheji explained to the<br />

members of this commission that "the budget accorded for 2006 is not<br />

adequate. The reduction of budget seriously affects the public function<br />

and would bring about a grave stopping of the renovation of technology of<br />

the APRT." The budget accorded for APRT in 20<strong>05</strong> was about 5m US dollars,

while the budget currently envisaged for 2006 is about 47 per cent less.<br />

The representatives of the Ministry of Finances, in their address,<br />

estimated the fund predicted by the 2006 draft budget for APRT as<br />

sufficient.<br />

(ATA nx agency, Tirana, in English 1655 UT 13 Dec; via B<strong>BC</strong>M via WoR, dxld<br />

Dec 14)<br />

Radio Tirana war in den letzten Tagen auf Mittelwelle hier nicht<br />

aufzunehmen, zumindestens nie dann, wenn ich die 1458 kHz eingeschaltet<br />

hatte. Auch die 7465 kHz um 2030 UT scheint zu schweigen. Gibt es Infos in<br />

<strong>der</strong> Liste, ob das mit den gegenwaertigen Problemen <strong>der</strong> Stromversorgung in<br />

Albanien zusammenhaengt und man deshalb den Auslandsdienst "pausieren"<br />

laesst. Das albanische Staatsernsehen TVSH SAT auf Eutelsat 16 Grad Ost<br />

war vor ein paar Tagen wie<strong>der</strong> mit dem normalen Programm zu sehen. Ein paar<br />

Wochen vorher, als ich es einschaltete, gab es nur die "Lajme", also die<br />

Nachrichtenprogramme, und ansonsten ein "Notprogramm".<br />

(Dietrich Hommel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 8)<br />

Zur Auswahl stehen:<br />

Fakt ist,<br />

- man hat staendig Stromliefer-Unterbrechungen am Sen<strong>der</strong>.<br />

- man hat vor zwei Wochen ein hochmo<strong>der</strong>nes PC Programmsteuerungssystem in<br />

Betrieb genommen, mit dem Ergebnis, dass minnweise o<strong>der</strong> in Gaenze <strong>der</strong><br />

Sendezeit, die Audio beim Weg zum Sen<strong>der</strong>standort 'verloren' ging.<br />

- ARTV / RTSH hat die Massgabe 160.000 US Dollar sowie 30% <strong>der</strong> Belegschaft<br />

im Jahr 2006 einzusparen.<br />

- Eine unbestaetigte Parole hiess, nur Albanisch und Englisch wuerde beim<br />

Auslandsdienst ueberleben.<br />

Mobbing, Pressionen, und an<strong>der</strong>e schoene Umgangsformen erzeugen an<strong>der</strong>e<br />

Reaktionen in Europa's Sueden ... und solche Disziplinierungen ereichen<br />

eine vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Departments ... Schaun'<br />

wir mal, sagt <strong>der</strong> Kaiser.<br />

Von all dem sind CRI, TWR, DW, VOA, und B<strong>BC</strong>-FM Relaisaussendungen nicht<br />

betroffen.<br />

(wb, Dec 9)<br />

ARGENTINA 6214 R. Armonia (formerly R. Baluarte), Pto Iguazu, noted on<br />

10 Dec at 2341-2348 UT, (North) American songs; strg R. than usual; 34432,<br />

occ.strg R. uty. QRM.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 12)<br />

AUSTRALIA 6020 R. Australia, Shepperton VIC, noted on 11 Dec at 1045-<br />

11<strong>05</strong>, Pidgin to PNG, pops, talks, prgr annts; English at 1100, news;<br />

15432, bu vy. poor at 1115. Vy. good on // 9710 (s/off at 1100). Also fair<br />

on 9580 6 9590 w/ English.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 12).<br />

9475, 11660, and 11750DRW site, RA English armchair listening in Europe<br />

around 1430-1530 UT today. (wb)<br />

BHUTAN 6035 Bhutan Broadcasting Service, Thimpu, at 0110-0230 UT fade<br />

out, Dec 09 and 10, Dzongkha talks, instrumental mx with flutes, native<br />

singing and talks in between. Heavy QRM until 0200* from NHK/UK 6030 and R<br />

Romania Int. 6040, and from 0200 QRM from Colombia fading in on 6035! Best<br />

at 0200: 23322.<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 14)

Heard in Indochina:<br />

6035, Bhutan Brc. Service, Thimpu, at 1106-1135 on Nov 25, Dzongkha nx<br />

(tent), 35333 , but at *1110 Kunming came back on the air and mostly<br />

covered BBS 31331. In Vietnam and Cambodia 6035 was totally covered by<br />

Kunming!<br />

(Anker Petersen-DEN, touring Thailand, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 14)<br />

BOLIVIA 4498.2 R. Estambul (tent), Guyaramerin, noted on 09 Dec at 2335-<br />

2341, mx and few talks in UNID lang; 25241.<br />

4650.2 R. Sta Ana, Sta Ana del Yacuma, hear don 10 Dec at 2229-2340, talks<br />

in Spanish; 25331.<br />

4716.8 kz R. Yura, Yura, audible on 10 Dec at 2230-2342, Quechua, Indian<br />

mx, advts; much strg R. audio during speech than while playing mx; 35333.<br />

4865.1 R. Centenario, Sta Cruz de la Sierra, obs'ed on 10 Dec at 2229-2242<br />

UT, Spanish, annts, "Noticiero" at 2230 (mostly religious items); 44343.<br />

(all Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 12)<br />

BRAZIL 3365 R. Cultura, Araraquara SP, audible on 10 Dec at 2241-2249,<br />

talks, soft tunes, then into rosary; 33341.<br />

4754.9 R. Educacao Rural, Campo Grande MS, 10 Dec at 2325-2331, phone-ins;<br />

25332.<br />

4765 R. Emissora Rural, Santarem PA, 10 Dec at 2314-2326, folk songs;<br />

34322, slight uty. QRM.<br />

4775 R. Congonhas, Congonhas, 10 Dec at 2309-2322, advts, messages; 33332,<br />

QRM de R. Tarma, PRU.<br />

48<strong>05</strong> R. Difa do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 10 Dec at 23<strong>05</strong>-2323, pops, IDs;<br />

34343.<br />

4815 R. Difa, Londrina PR, 10 Dec at 2303-2314, preacher, hymns; 34343.<br />

4825 R. Educadora, Braganca PA, 10 Dec at 2332-2348, ID+sl. "Educadora AM<br />

- ha mais de quarenta anos unindo o povo do Para", songs; 55333.<br />

4845.2 R. Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus AM, 06 Dec at 2116-2126, A Voz<br />

do Brasil, nx in general till 2125; 32441, co-ch QRM de MTN. Sole B stn<br />

audible on the band.<br />

4885 R. Club do Para, Belem PA, 10 Dec at 2227-2240, f/ball news, annt for<br />

prgr "Pelos Campos do Interior"; 54433.<br />

4915 R. CBN Anhangueera, Goiania GO, 10 Dec at 2216-2234, discussion, fqs,<br />

infos; 54433, QRM de B+GHA.<br />

4925 R. Educacao Rural, Tefe AM, 10 Dec at 2213-2226, preacher, songs;<br />

35332.<br />

4945 Emissora Rural, Petrolina PE, 10 Dec at 2211-2224, talks... and a<br />

folk mx prgr at 2328; 44343.<br />

5045 R. Guaruja Paulista, Sao Paulo SP, 09 Dec at 2343-2355, songs, TCs,<br />

"RGP-a radio da familia!"; // 5940.2; 34332.<br />

5940.2 R. Guaruja Paulista, Sao Paulo SP, 09 Dec at 2350-0004, songs,<br />

newscast; // 5045 (inaudible on 90 mb); 33432.<br />

5969.9 R. Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, 09 Dec at 2351-00<strong>05</strong>, talks<br />

(seemingly some children devoted prgr), ID, very brief weather info. prior

to newscast 0000; 23431.<br />

6010.2 R. Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, 10 Dec at 0006-0014, mx<br />

dedications; 33442, QRM de CLM 6010.1 + adjc. chs.<br />

9504.9 R. Record, Sao Paulo SP, 1903-1923, talks on f/bal; 33442, adjc.<br />

QRM but improving.<br />

9530 R. Nova Visao, Sta Ma RS, 10 Dec at 19<strong>05</strong>-1925, preacher; 24432, adjc.<br />

QRM.<br />

9664.9 R. Marumby, Florianopolis SC, 06 Dec at 2126-2143, A Voz do Brasil,<br />

nx from the judiciary, jornal do senado 2130; 34432, splash de R. Cancao<br />

Nova 9675!<br />

9675 R. Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 06 Dec at 2117-2130, A Voz do<br />

Brasil, nx in general till 2125, judic. bulletin; 55444. Also obs'ed on 10<br />

Dec at 1909-1924 while airing a mass; 44433.<br />

9695 R. Rio Mar, Manaus AM, 10 Dec at 1<strong>05</strong>5-... (could not obs. its fade<br />

out time), sports nx px "Meia Hora", fqs, TS, children's prgr; 24431.<br />

Obs'ed on same day 1916-1930 airing religious songs; 34443.<br />

11925 R. Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 10 Dec at 1927-1946, f/ball match<br />

report Atletico de Bilbao vs. Valencia (Spain, not Brazil!), advts; 34444,<br />

adjc. QRM only.<br />

(all 22 de Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 12)<br />

BURKINA FASO 7230 R. Burkina, Ouagadougou, observed on 11 Dec at 1120-<br />

... (QRM noted at recheck 1614) UT, French, mx, feature on women's<br />

conditons & social politicies schemed for women; 35444.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 12)<br />

Around 1200 UT as observed in Lisbon today, 13th:<br />

7230 kHz QRM-free R. Burkina, but too noisy via every aerial, exc. w/ the<br />

elevated K9AY, but bad nevertheless.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 13)<br />

CAMBODIA Heard in Indochina:<br />

Despite several attempts, the following former Cambodian SW-station could<br />

not be heard in Vietnam, Laos , Cambodia or Thailand: National R of<br />

Cambodia, Phnom Penh, on 4907, 6090 and 11940 which definately is off the<br />

air.<br />

The following MW stations of the National R of Cambodia were audible in<br />

Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and Bangkok:<br />

918 kHz, Phnom Penh heard around 0910 on Nov 21 and 1400 on Nov 20 and 25<br />

in Khmer, mentioning Kampuchea and King Sihanouk, 55555.<br />

999 kHz, Battambang heard around 1400 on Nov 25 in Khmer.<br />

The following FM-stations were heard in Phnom Penh 1400-1440 (2100-2140<br />

local) on Nov 20, most in Khmer:<br />

88.0 MHz (Sweet FM), 89.2 (B<strong>BC</strong> in English - was off at 2113), 90.0 (FM<br />

90), 90.5 (Ta Phrom R), 91.2 (New station in Khmer mentioning Phnom Penh),<br />

92.0 (R France Int. in French - also noted at 2113-2138), 93.5 (FM 93.5),<br />

94.0 (New station in Khmer), 94.2 (distorted R Bayon FM // 95.0), 95.0 (R<br />

Bayon FM), 97.0 (R Apsara), 97.5 (Love FM with Nokia adv and English<br />

songs), 98.0 (FM 98), 99.0 (FM 99), 99.5 (FE<strong>BC</strong> - ID heard), 100.0 (B<strong>BC</strong><br />

World Sce in English - also heard at 2100 UTC), 101.0 (New station in<br />

Khmer), 101.5 (R Australia heard at 2108), 102.0 (WMC R), 103.0<br />

(Municipality R - also heard at 2112), 1<strong>05</strong>.0 (Sombok Ka Mum R Beehive

elaying VOA and RFA in Khmer and Chinese), 106.0 (Municipality R - weak<br />

// 103.0 heard at 2112) and 107.0 (Planet FM).<br />

The following FM-stations were heard in Siem Reap 1335-1355 on Nov 23,<br />

most in Khmer:<br />

90.2 (New, weak station), 91.4 (Two new, weak stations), 92.0 (RFI<br />

Musique, France, in French with ID, strong signal, so probably also a Siem<br />

Reap tx), 93.0 (R Bayon FM 93), 94.0 (R Bayon FM - weak // 93.0 ), 95.75<br />

(New station in Khmer - strong with phone in), 96.5 (FM 96.5, Sisopohon ?<br />

- strong), 97.5 (Love FM - strong, so probably also a Siem reap tx - ID in<br />

English: "97.5"), 98.0 (New station with phone-in in Khmer - strong), 98.7<br />

(Love FM heard // 97.5 - weak) and 100.5 (Sweet FM, ID - strong). At 1955-<br />

2049 on Nov 23 and 2120 on Nov 22 (around 0300-0400 local) all stations<br />

had closed, except RFI Musique on 92.0 MHz.<br />

(all Anker Petersen-DEN, touring THA, LAO, VTN, CBG, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 14)<br />

1<strong>05</strong> MHz FM, Beehive R, has a website at: <br />

The station owner Mam Sonando was recently arrested. Here is the link to<br />

the story from RFA:<br />

<br />

Beehive R does broadcast RFA's and Voice of America's Cambodian<br />

programming, so that may be part of the reason behind Sonando's troubles.<br />

(Andrew <strong>Jan</strong>itschek-USA, R Free Asia, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 12)<br />

CHAD 6165 R. Nationale Tchadienne, at 2145 on Dec 7, French, nice<br />

African mx, nx at 2202, IDs and closedown at 2224 UT. From SINPO 43333,<br />

declining to 32322 in the second half.<br />

(Eike Bierwirth-D, hcdx Dec 10)<br />

CHINA 3280 presumed Voice of Pujiang, at 1215-1235 on Dec 11, fair at<br />

tune-in with radio drama or similar, M&W in animated CH talk, audience<br />

reaction, brief accordion-like mx breaks. Seemed to go into orch. mx prgm,<br />

but going downhill fast. Lost by 1235 UT.<br />

(John Herkimer-NY-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 11)<br />

Heard in Indochina:<br />

4000, Nei Menggu PBS, Hohhot, 2228-2232, Nov 17, Chinese talk, ID, 24332.<br />

4785, Nei Menggu PBS, Hohhot, 2253-2255, Nov 15, Mongolian talk, local mx,<br />

24333.<br />

4800, CNR 1, Ge'ermu, 1629-1631, Nov 14, Chinese ann, ID, 33333.<br />

4820, Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet, 1631-1632, Nov 14, Chinese talk, QRM weak<br />

AIR Kolkata, 33333.<br />

4950, Voice of Pujiang, Shanghai (t), 1508-1512, Nov 21, Chinese talk,<br />

24333 CWQRM.<br />

4990, Hunan PBS, Changsha, 2122-23<strong>05</strong> and 1<strong>05</strong>5, Nov 15, 17 and 25, Chinese<br />

dialect (not Mandarin!) talk, conversation mentioning Hunan. Early s/on!<br />

35444.<br />

5040.0, Fujian PBS, Fuzhou, 2315-2320, Nov 19, Chinese news, 25323.<br />

5<strong>05</strong>0, Guangxi FBS, Nanning, 2319-2335, Nov 19, Vietnamese ann, songs,<br />

25333.<br />

6035, Yunnan BS, Kunming, 0<strong>05</strong>9-0120, Nov 18, Chinese/Vietnamese ann, nx in<br />

Vietnamese, instrumental mx, 25333.<br />

6<strong>05</strong>0, Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet, 2215-2220, Nov 16, Chinese talk, 24333.

6060, Voice of the Golden Bridge, Chengdu (t), 2320-2330, Nov 15, Chinese<br />

talk, 22432 heard un<strong>der</strong> another, strong station in Vietnamese.<br />

6165, CNR 6, Beijing, 2158-2210, Nov 16, Chinese ID, orchestra mx, nx<br />

about Taiwan, 44444.<br />

9810, CNR 1, Nanning, 2146-2148, Nov 17, Chinese talk with mx in<br />

background, 55544 heard // 4460 4750 4800 5030 6030 7290 and 9845.<br />

(all Anker Petersen-DEN, touring THA, LAO, CBG, and VTN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 14)<br />

CLANDESTINE 7380 V.of Ethiopian People on Dec 06 at *1700-1720 UT.<br />

34433 Amharic, 1700 sign on with IS, ID, Opening announce, Music, // Tue<br />

and Sat only.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Dec 9)<br />

"Voice of Ethiopian People 1700-1800 7380 AM .t...s. Amharic Africa.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld WoR)<br />

The station has a website at includes archived<br />

audio.<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, dxld Dec 9)<br />

Just read my e-mail at 1754 UT and noted only a weak carrier on 7380, no<br />

audio heard. Splashes from both sides. The carrier went off at 1800.<br />

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld Dec 10)<br />

Welcome to Voice Of Ethiopian People (VOEP) ARCHIVES 12-06-<strong>05</strong> Stay Tuned:<br />

Voice of Ethiopian People (VOEP) is gearing up to broadcast to Ethiopia<br />

and surrounding countries starting Tuesday December 6, 20<strong>05</strong>. Broadcasting<br />

every Tuesday and Saturday, the program covers a broad range of discussion<br />

topics including news, nx analysis, history and current affairs. The VOEP<br />

programmes will amount to exactly 120 mins of broadcasting twice a week on<br />

7380 kHz in the 41 meet bands. VOEP radio program could be heard in all<br />

area of Ethiopia and neighboring countries clearly.<br />

Special Note to All Ethiopians The Voice of Ethiopian people must be heard<br />

and respected!!!!!<br />

Amharic text mentions 1998 when it was founded? Audio is rather distorted.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Dec 10)<br />

V of Ethiopian People un<strong>der</strong>way. Picked it up around 1730 UT on 7380 kHz<br />

with a weak signal but I could hear amharic and horn of africa mx.around<br />

1757 UT I heared what sounded like the ID on their website<br />

<br />

I guess there was something like white noise on that transmisson !<br />

(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 10)<br />

COLOMBIA 6010.1 LV de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, noted on 10 Dec at<br />

0007-0015, Spanish, religious prgr; 33442.<br />

6140 R. Melodia, Bogota, audible on 10 Dec at 2343-... UT, Spanish, light<br />

songs, IDs; 44433, adjecent QRM only.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 12)<br />

COSTA RICA 5<strong>05</strong>4.6 Faro del Caribe (tent), San Isidro, heard on 06 Dec<br />

at 0832-f/out 0915 UT, Spanish, talks but mostly mx; 25231.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 12)<br />

CROATIA As I already told you, GLAS HRVATSKE (Voice of Croatia) is<br />

transmitted via Juelich, Germany and mediumwave txs in Croatia.

However, HRVATSKI RADIO-PRVI PROGRAM (Croatian Radio-First Program HR 1)<br />

is broadcasted via SW tx site DEANOVEC in Croatia:<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-2400 UTC DEANOVEC 6165 kHz OND 100 kW, quadrant antenna<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0800 UTC DEANOVEC 7365 kHz OND 10 kW, Marconi discone antenna<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-1800 UTC DEANOVEC 9830 kHz OND 100 kW, RIZ vertical monopol antenna.<br />

(Dragan Lekic-Serbia, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 15)<br />

594DRM As observed by <strong>DX</strong>ers on the last days, the Croatian tx operator<br />

OIV started with DRM test txions on 594 kHz. The tx in Osijek on 594 was<br />

moved to 1143 earlier this autumn, in or<strong>der</strong> to free this frequency in<br />

Croatia for the DRM test. The newly purchased tx (from the Croatian<br />

manufacturer - made by RIZ) is located at the Deanovec site and provides a<br />

power of 10 kW in DRM mode. It is fed to the same antenna as the 100 kW AM<br />

tx (Glas Hrvatske) on 1125 kHz on the same site. The program feed for 594<br />

kHz is Croatian Radio's Hrvatski Radio 1 and Glas Hrvatske. This is a<br />

long-term DRM trial, conducted by the Croatian national transmitter.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, mwdx Dec 15 & 16)<br />

Das DRM Signal auf 594 kHz kommt nicht vom Hess. Rundfunk son<strong>der</strong>n<br />

tatsaechlich vom kroatischen Rundfunk. Im Label von Dream werden<br />

angezeigt:<br />

GLAS HRVATSKE (was GLAS ist weiss ich nicht)<br />

1. Kanal AAC +P-Stereo 16.56 kBaud<br />

2. Kanal HVXC+Mono 2.88 kbps<br />

Um 1706 UT konnte ich ein englisches Programm hoeren. Bei einem<br />

durchschnittlichen SNR von 12 konnte die Sendung doch ununterbrochen<br />

gehoert werden.<br />

(Thomas Lindenthal-D DO3TL, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 15)<br />

594 Hessischer Rundfunk / und-o<strong>der</strong> / Kroatien?<br />

Ich habe heute Nacht 13. Dez. gegen 00:30 Z auf 594 kHz ein DRM Signal<br />

empfangen. Es war <strong>der</strong>art breit, dass auch die schwachen Signale auf 585<br />

kHz darin untergingen, und es war auch noch auf 603 kHz zu hoeren. Ganz zu<br />

schweigen davon, dass damit die Kanaele 590 und 600 blockiert sind.<br />

Heute Morgen um 06:45 Z war das Signal wie<strong>der</strong> verschwunden, und auf dem<br />

freien Kanal 590 wie<strong>der</strong> ein schwaches Signal zu hoeren.<br />

Weiss jemand <strong>der</strong> DRM Experten um welches Signal es sich handelt?<br />

(Christoph Mayer-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 13)<br />

Es handelt sich hierbei um Kroatien. Zum dekodieren des Signal reicht es<br />

im Moment nicht aus, aber die Informationen sind lesbar: Ausgestrahlt<br />

werden gleich 2. Programm, n„mlich <strong>der</strong> Auslandsdienst Glas Hrvatske<br />

(Bitrate:26.56 kbps; Stereo) und das 1.Inlandsprogramm HRT 1 (Bitarte:<br />

3,84 kbps; Mono).<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 13)<br />

Wie wirken sich die DRM-Sendungen aus Kroatien eigentlich in Deutschland<br />

aus? Gibtïs abends/nachts St”rungen o<strong>der</strong> ist <strong>der</strong> Hessische Rundfunk in<br />

weiten Teilen Deutschlands doch st„rker. W rde mich interessieren, da ich<br />

aus Schweden die INfo bekommen habe, daá die Frequenz dort nachts<br />

unbrauchbar ist.<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 15)<br />

CUBA 5025 R. Rebelde, Bauta, noted till fade out (1035) on 11 Dec at<br />

1012-1035, Spanish, songs, talks, TCs; 25432.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 12)<br />

RHC very strong on 12000 kHz around 1330-1454cl-down in Spanish, armchair<br />

listening in Europe. But much weaker on // 118<strong>05</strong> and 15230 kHz today. But

6000 and 9550 didn't propagate at this time.<br />

(wb, Dec 14)<br />

CZECH REP Noted new R Prague's QSL cards, see:<br />

<br />

(Klaus Lilapause-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 14)<br />

DIEGO GARCIA I did not hear at all 4319 AFRTS/AFN DGR last night "off"<br />

or "prop". (1st is more likely) on several checks between 1600-2200 this<br />

morning (<strong>05</strong>38 UT) on 12579U it's weak (as usually for this hour) but still<br />

more-less readable.<br />

(Vlad Titarev-UKR, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 11)<br />

12579U AFN px at 1414 UT with nx read by YL, at 1418 'America business"<br />

mention on a number 1800 .... 7070 , a discussion between two YL and<br />

laughs at 1429 UT, at 1435 abt election on Iraq coming from nx of CBS.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 15)<br />

ECUADOR Grussaktion HCJB <strong>DX</strong>-Sendung am 24.12.20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Kommenden Samstag, 17. Dez. um 1630 UT 3955 kHz:<br />

Fuer <strong>DX</strong>-er mit Horst Rosiak " Stille Nacht", verklang fast ungehoert im<br />

Aether. In Koenigswusterhausen begann 1920 - drei Jahre vor dem<br />

offiziellen Start des Rundfunks in Deutschland, die Radio-Aera - so das<br />

Thema des Beitrags <strong>der</strong> AD<strong>DX</strong>. Weiterhin die kleine Andacht fuer <strong>DX</strong>er und<br />

die Programmbeitraege RMRC-Aktuell und die <strong>DX</strong>-Tipps.<br />

ACHTUNG: Grussaktion in <strong>der</strong> uebernaechsten <strong>DX</strong>-Sendung am 24.12.20<strong>05</strong>!<br />

Gruesst eure OMs, YLs und XYLs ueber unseren FAX/Voicemailserver in<br />

Frankfurt/M. Telefonnummer: 069-25577813. Bis Mittwoch, 21.12.20<strong>05</strong> sollten<br />

die Gruesse uebermittelt sein. Viel Spass!<br />

(Radio HCJB, Quito, via A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 14)<br />

Die AG<strong>DX</strong> <strong>DX</strong>-Sendung im Dezember kommt ausnahmsweise nicht am 4. Samstag<br />

des Monats, - also nicht am 24. Dezember, son<strong>der</strong>n dieses Mal am 31.<br />

Dezember, also eine - Woche spaeter.<br />

Unsere <strong>DX</strong>-Sendung wird - wie schon seit mehr als 20 Jahren! - produziert<br />

und praesentiert von unserem <strong>DX</strong>-Editor Ulrich Schnelle.<br />

Fuer korrekte Empfangsberichte gibt es eine <strong>der</strong> AG<strong>DX</strong> QSL Karten (gegen<br />

Rueckporto).<br />

(Dr. Anton J. Kuchelmeister-D DK5TL, AG<strong>DX</strong> Vorsitzen<strong>der</strong>, Dec 14)<br />

ETHIOPIA 9704.16 R. Ethiopia, at 1355 UT on Dec 11, HOA and Afro-pop<br />

mx, large S6 het from 97<strong>05</strong>. Fair-poor, but deteriorating after 1415 UT.<br />

(Jerry Strawman-IA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 11)<br />

9560.8 Radio Ethiopia on Dec 10 at 1559-1630 UT. SINPO 34333. Guitar mx<br />

till 1600 UT, then IS & ID in English as "This is the External sce of<br />

Radio Ethiopia." Nx summary at 1601, followed by Ethiopian popular songs.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Dec 16)<br />

FINLAND R Finland is now on the air in Finnish, Swedish, Russian and<br />

Special Finnish. In Latin on Suns at 1<strong>05</strong>0 UT 6120 11755, and at 1653 UT on<br />

15400 kHz.<br />

(R Finland via Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 2)<br />

FRANCE New ? RFI has published 5 PDF files with B<strong>05</strong>-frequencies<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

(Jean-Michel Aubier-F, dxld Dec 13)<br />

GEORGIA/RUSSIA Abkhazian Radio was heard here for the last time on Nov<br />

20th on 9495 and 9535 kHz, but no more til today Nov 30th. Bad conditions<br />

for check whether is on the air on MW 1350 kHz.<br />

Radio"HARA" ("we") is back on the air Mon&Thu 1700-1733 UT, repeated<br />

Tue&Fri <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>33 UT on 4875 kHz, heard on Nov 24, 25, 28, 29th, with<br />

talks in Vernac and songs from the 70s sung by Tom Jones, Bob Marley & The<br />

Wailors.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 2)<br />

Hi, checked that item from Rumen in Sofia Bulgaria, today Dec 12. I noted<br />

Sokhum again around 0600-0700 UT on usual odd 9494.76 kHz in Russian lang,<br />

thiny signal, and adjacent QRM by R Sweden 9490 kHz. Scheduled 0200-0815<br />

UT.<br />

Noted Abkhaz Radio & TV via Sokhum SW 9494.76 and 9534.75 kHz in Oct 20<strong>05</strong><br />

too.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 12)<br />

GERMANY DTK Test Xmsn 7160 kHz.<br />

Deutsche Telekom Test Transmission 12/10/<strong>05</strong>, 7160, SINPO 24232, at 0223+<br />

UT, Multilingual test txion annts (including English annt about every 4<br />

mins, has been on since 0223 and still on at 0243 as I write this. Giving<br />

a postal address in Munich.<br />

(Mark Taylor-WI-USA, dxld Dec 10)<br />

For upcoming new client? (GH)<br />

7160 0200-0300 zone17 WER 125kW 285deg 15 216 7=UTC Sat 1012<strong>05</strong>-1012<strong>05</strong> RMI<br />

DTK<br />

Scheduled only one single day towards zone 17 Iceland<br />

[285 + 15 300 deg]<br />

RMI brokered test. Ask Jeff White.<br />

(wb, dxld Dec 10)<br />

Updated B-<strong>05</strong> for DTK T-Systems. Part two - non-daily txions:<br />

Bible Voice Broadcasting Network (BVBN):<br />

0815-0900 5945 NAU 125 kW / 275 deg Fri to WeEu English<br />

0900-0915 5945 NAU 125 kW / 275 deg Fri to WeEu Urdu<br />

0915-0930 5945 NAU 125 kW / 275 deg Fri to WeEu Punjabi<br />

0800-0915 5945 NAU 125 kW / 275 deg Sat to WeEu English<br />

0800-0945 5945 NAU 125 kW / 275 deg Sun to WeEu English<br />

1915-1930 6015 JUL 100 kW / 060 deg Mon-Fri to EaEu Russian<br />

1900-2000 6015 JUL 100 kW / 060 deg Sat to EaEu English<br />

1900-1930 6015 JUL 100 kW / 060 deg Sun to EaEu English<br />

1930-2000 6015 JUL 100 kW / 060 deg Sun to EaEu Russian<br />

2000-2030 6015 JUL 100 kW / 060 deg Sun to EaEu English<br />

1800-1830 72<strong>05</strong> NAU 125 kW / 230 deg Sun to SoEu Spanish<br />

1900-1930 7260 JUL 100 kW / 170 deg Sat to CeAf English<br />

1930-2000 7260 JUL 100 kW / 170 deg Sun to CeAf English<br />

1630-1700 13810 JUL 100 kW / 130 deg Mon/Tue/Fri to EaAf Amharic<br />

1700-1730 13810 JUL 100 kW / 130 deg Mon/Tue/Fri to EaAf Tigrina<br />

1600-1630 13810 JUL 100 kW / 130 deg Tue/Thu to EaAf Amharic<br />

1630-1800 13810 JUL 100 kW / 130 deg Wed to EaAf Amharic

1630-1730 13810 JUL 100 kW / 130 deg Thu/Sat/Sun to EaAf Amharic<br />

1730-1800 13810 JUL 100 kW / 130 deg Sat/Sun to EaAf Somali<br />

1800-1830 7210 JUL 100 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg Wed/Thu/Fri to ME Persian<br />

1800-1815 7210 JUL 100 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg Sat to ME English<br />

1815-1900 7210 JUL 100 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg Sat to ME Persian<br />

1800-1900 7210 JUL 100 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg Sun to ME Persian<br />

1640-1715 9460 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Mon-Wed/Fri to ME English<br />

1715-1730 9460 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Tue to ME Hebrew<br />

1730-1800 9460 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Tue to ME English<br />

1800-1815 9460 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Tue to ME Russian<br />

1800-1900 9460 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Wed/Fri to ME English<br />

1640-1745 9460 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Thu to ME English<br />

1645-1830 9460 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Sat to ME English<br />

1830-1845 9460 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Sat to ME Hebrew<br />

1845-1930 9460 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Sat to ME English<br />

1630-1900 9460 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Sun to ME English<br />

1830-1900 9470 NAU 125 kW / 125 deg Tue to ME Hebrew<br />

1915-2000 9470 NAU 250 kW / 125 deg Fri to ME English<br />

1900-2000 9470 NAU 250 kW / 125 deg Sat to ME English<br />

1900-2015 9470 NAU 250 kW / 125 deg Sun to ME English<br />

1715-1835 9730 JUL 100 kW / 110 deg Mon/Wed/Fri to ME Arabic<br />

1800-1835 9730 JUL 100 kW / 110 deg Tue/Thu to ME Arabic<br />

1800-1900 9730 JUL 100 kW / 110 deg Sat/Sun to ME English<br />

1630-1715 11645 WER 250 kW / 120 deg Tue/Wed to ME Arabic<br />

1630-1730 11645 WER 250 kW / 120 deg Mon/Thu/Fri to ME Arabic<br />

0845-1015 17545 JUL 100 kW / 130 deg Fri to ME Arabic<br />

1530-1600 12035 JUL 100 kW / 090 deg Mon/Thu to SoAs English<br />

1500-1600 12035 JUL 100 kW / 090 deg Tue to SoAs Urdu<br />

1530-1545 12035 JUL 100 kW / 090 deg Wed to SoAs Urdu<br />

1545-1600 12035 JUL 100 kW / 090 deg Wed to SoAs English<br />

1530-1600 12035 JUL 100 kW / 090 deg Fri to SoAs Punjabi<br />

1500-1600 12035 JUL 100 kW / 090 deg Sat to SoAs English<br />

1530-1600 12035 JUL 100 kW / 090 deg Sun to SoAs Urdu<br />

1530-1600 13645 WER 250 kW / 090 deg Mon-Fri to SoAs Hindi<br />

1500-1530 13645 WER 250 kW / 075 deg Fri/Sun to SoAs Bengali<br />

1400-1545 13645 WER 250 kW / 090 deg Sat to SoAs English<br />

1400-1500 13645 WER 250 kW / 090 deg Sun to SoAs English<br />

Adventist World Radio (AWR):<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0600 6045 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Daily to EaEu Bulgarian<br />

1000-1100 9610 JUL 100 kW / 145 deg Sun to SoEu Italian<br />

1900-1930 9800 JUL 100 kW / 200 deg Daily to NoAf Arabic<br />

1930-2000 9800 JUL 100 kW / 200 deg Wed to NoAf Dial<br />

Arabic<br />

1930-2000 9800 JUL 100 kW / 200 deg Sun-Tue to NoAf Kabyle<br />

1930-2000 9800 JUL 100 kW / 200 deg Thu-Sat to NoAf Tachelhit<br />

2000-2030 9695 JUL 100 kW / 200 deg Daily to NoAf French<br />

RTBF:<br />

0600-0815 17580 JUL 100 kW / 160 deg Mon-Fri to CeAf French<br />

0600-1100 17580 JUL 100 kW / 160 deg Sat/Sun to CeAf French<br />

1100-1300 21565 JUL 100 kW / 160 deg Daily to CeAf French<br />

1600-1900 13590 JUL 100 kW / 160 deg Mon-Sat to CeAf French<br />

1700-1900 13590 JUL 100 kW / 160 deg Sun to CeAf French<br />

Trans World Radio (TWR):<br />

0630-0645 6130 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg Mon-Fri to CeEu Slovak<br />

0930-0945 61<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg Tue-Sat to CeEu Hungarian<br />

0930-0945 7210 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg Tue-Sat to CeEu Hungarian<br />

1130-1200 6130 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg Sat to CeEu Slovak<br />

1130-1200 7225 JUL 100 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg Sat to CeEu Slovak<br />

Christian Science Monitor:<br />

1000-1100 6<strong>05</strong>5 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Sun to CeEu German

1800-1830 9470 JUL 100 kW / 200 ged Tue till <strong>Jan</strong>.31 to NoWeAf French<br />

1800-1830 9490 JUL 100 kW / 160 deg Thu till <strong>Jan</strong>.26 to CeEaAf French<br />

1900-2000 9890 JUL 100 kW / 085 deg Sat to EaEu Russian<br />

TNT Hit Radio:<br />

1000-1600 5910 JUL 100 kW / non-dir Sat to WeEu Dutch/Mx<br />

Brother Stair/The Overcomer Ministries (TOM):<br />

1100-1200 6110 JUL 100 kW / 295 deg Daily to WeEu English<br />

1100-1200 9855 WER 250 kW / 120 deg Daily to WeEu/ME English<br />

1300-1500 6110 JUL 100 kW / 295 deg Daily (new) to WeEu English<br />

1300-1500 9855 WER 250 kW / 120 deg Daily (new) to WeEu/ME English<br />

1500-1600 6110 JUL 100 kW / 295 deg Sat (new) to WeEu English<br />

1500-1700 9855 WER 250 kW / 120 deg Sat (exDaily) to WeEu/ME English<br />

1900-2000 9495 JUL 100 kW / 160 deg Daily (ex 9845) to SoAf English<br />

Evangelische Missions Gemeiden:<br />

1130-1200 6<strong>05</strong>5 WER 125 kW / non-dir Sat/Sun to CeEu German<br />

1200-1230 11840 NAU 250 kW / 020 deg Sat to FE Russian<br />

1600-1630 6000 NAU 250 kW / 070 deg Sat to EaEu Russian<br />

Missionswerke Arche<br />

1200-1215 6<strong>05</strong>5 WER 250 kW / non-dir Sun to CeEu German<br />

Free People's Mission Krefeld Inc:<br />

1200-1230 5945 WER 500 kW / non-dir Sat to WeEu German<br />

1630-1700 9490 WER 250 kW / 1<strong>05</strong> deg Sat to ME English<br />

Universal Life (UNL):<br />

1230-1300 6045 JUL 100 kW / non-dir Sat to WeEu German<br />

1200-1300 6045 JUL 100 kW / non-dir Sun to WeEu German<br />

1900-1930 71<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Sun to ME English<br />

0100-0130 7145 JUL 100 kW / 090 deg Sun to SoAs English<br />

Mecklenburg Verpommern Baltic Radio:<br />

1300-1400 6130 JUL 100 kW / 060 deg 1st Sun to WeEu German<br />

Radio Waaberi:<br />

1330-1400 17660 JUL 100 kW / 130 deg Fri to EaAf Somali<br />

Radio Traumland:<br />

1400-1530 5925 JUL 100 kW / non-dir Sun to WeEu German<br />

TDP Radio:<br />

1400-1600 6015 JUL 040 kW / non-dir Sat to WeEu Dance Mx<br />

DRM<br />

Radio Rhino International Africa:<br />

1500-1530 17870 JUL 100 kW / 145 deg Wed/Fri to EaAf English<br />

Voice of Democratic Eritrea:<br />

1500-1530 12015 JUL 100 kW / 140 deg Sat to EaAf Tigrina<br />

1530-1600 12015 JUL 100 kW / 140 deg Sat to EaAf Arabic<br />

1700-1730 9820 JUL 100 kW / 140 deg Thu to EaAf Tigrina<br />

1730-1800 9820 JUL 100 kW / 140 deg Thu to EaAf Arabic<br />

Voice of Ethiopian Salvation:<br />

1600-1700 9820 JUL 100 kW / 140 deg Sun to EaAf Amharic<br />

Radio Huriyo:<br />

1630-1700 9820 WER 125 kW / 135 deg Tue/Fri to EaAf Somali<br />

Pan American Broadcasting (PAB):<br />

1600-1630 13820 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg Thu to ME Persian

1430-1445 13820 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg Sat to ME English<br />

1545-1600 13820 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg Sun to ME English<br />

1600-1630 13820 JUL 100 kW / 100 deg Sun to ME English<br />

1930-2030 7260 NAU 250 kW / 180 deg Sat from <strong>Jan</strong>.7 to NoAf English<br />

2000-2015 7260 NAU 250 kW / 180 deg Sun to NoAf English<br />

0030-0045 5945 JUL 100 kW / 090 deg Sun to SoAs English<br />

1430-1445 13800 WER 250 kW / 090 deg Sun to SoAs English<br />

Bible Christian Association/<strong>BC</strong>A/:<br />

1630-1700 6015 JUL 100 kW / 070 deg Sun to SoEaEu Polish<br />

Voice of Oromo Liberation (Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo):<br />

1700-1800 9820 WER 125 kW / 135 deg Tue-Sun to EaAf Oromo<br />

Radio Reveil Paroles de Vie:<br />

1830-1900 11840 JUL 100 kW / 160 deg Thu to Af French<br />

Voice of Democratic Path of Ethiopian Unity:<br />

1900-2000 9620 JUL 100 kW / 140 deg Wed/Sun to EaAf Amharic<br />

Save the Gambia Development Project - Voices from the Diaspora:<br />

2000-2030 94<strong>05</strong> JUL 100 kW / 210 deg Sat to WeAf<br />

Wolof/English<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 13)<br />

1179 The new 1179 kHz program of Saarlaendischer Rundfunk will be<br />

launched on Monday (Dec 12) at 0700 UT. It will be called SR Antenne Saar,<br />

reminiscent to a commercial station that shared FM freqs with<br />

Deutschlandradio Berlin but had to give up after some time, allowing<br />

Deutschlandradio to go 24/7 on these freqs.<br />

SR Antenne Saar will most of the time relay SWR cont.ra, the remain<strong>der</strong> of<br />

the sce will be relays of SR 2 and SR 3 plus French nx from RFI (however,<br />

RFI's German sce will not be relayed). Own programming will be limited to<br />

occasional live coverage (Saarbruecken parliament, other events via<br />

Phoenix TV audio) and SR's Italian programme.<br />

<br />

And while checking this out I find a nx item about Berlin's senator of<br />

finance (the one who consi<strong>der</strong>s Brandenburg as "landscape management of<br />

Berlin") demanding the wind-up of Saarland and Bremen:<br />

<br />

This is broadcast-related in as far as some observers think that sooner or<br />

later SR and Radio Bremen will be swallowed by SWR and NDR, respectively.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 10)<br />

1179 SR Antenne Saar will also relay the German sce of RFI, Mon-Fri only<br />

1130-1200. The editorial staff at Paris announces this in big letters on<br />

their webpage<br />

Earlier annmts by SR called for relays of RFI's French nx only. This<br />

concept was quite incomprehensible for RFI listeners of course.<br />

This is not the first German AM outlet for RFI. Until five years ago (hard<br />

to believe that half a decade passed since!) they were relayed via Burg<br />

261 by the then closed Radioropa. General policy of RFI prohibits own<br />

MW/SW txions for Central Europe since 1996. Hmm, but Polish is still on SW<br />

...<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

ANTENNE SAAR AB MORGEN (Montag 12.12.).<br />

Das neue SR-Inforadio "antenne Saar" wird ab Montag rund um die Uhr

digital im DAB-Verfahren ausgestrahlt. Das Programm befindet sich in Block<br />

8 B und ist damit fast im ganzen Saarland in CD-Qualitaet zu empfangen.<br />

Ausserdem wird das Programm taeglich zwischen 08.00 und 18.00 MEZ auf <strong>der</strong><br />

Mittelwellenfrequenz 1179 khz (10 kWw) ausgestrahlt. Ueber Mittelwelle ist<br />

es auch ausserhalb des Saarlandes empfangbar. Der Empfangsbereich umfasst<br />

auch grosse Teile von Rheinlamd-Pfalz, Lothringen und Luxemburg.<br />

Die "Antenne-Saar" Programmuebersicht im Saartext ab Seite 434<br />

Infos: Saarlaendischer Rundfunk.<br />

(via Paul Reinersch-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 10)<br />

GREECE More Greek pirate harmonics heard on Nov 8th:<br />

4154 kHz ~ 3x1384.7 kHz.<br />

4702 kHz ~ 3x1567.3 kHz.<br />

5000 kHz ~ 3x1666 kHz.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 2)<br />

GUAM The revived AWR Wavescan Dx program was noted for the first time on<br />

last Sunday 11 Dec 20<strong>05</strong> via KSDA Agat, Guam as follows:<br />

1600 9585 (plus 12065 probably, bad propagation that day).<br />

1730 9980<br />

Besides introduction, Xmas mx was heard along with SNG address and new<br />

email ID of the program viz <br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Dec 13)<br />

GUATEMALA 4<strong>05</strong>2.4 R. Verdad, Chiquimula, noted on 09 Dec at 2339-2349 UT,<br />

Spanish, preacher, Xmas carols; 24341.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 12)<br />

GUINEA 7125 R. Guinee/ R. Conakry, Sonfoniya*, observed on 11 Dec at<br />

1122 UT, French, folk mx prgr, interviews; 25443. *) Sonfoniya/~ia/~ya is<br />

actually the stn tx site, which acc. to reports found in the www is a poor<br />

Conakry's outskirt.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 12)<br />

GYANA 3291.1 G<strong>BC</strong>, Sparendaam, noted on 10 Dec at 2233-2250 UT, English<br />

prgr, dedications, Indian songs/music & other types; 44343, adjct. uty.<br />

QRM.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 12)<br />

INDIA 4990 AIR Itanagar (pres), Dec 9 at 1620-1630* UT, prgm of sub-<br />

cont. mx and songs, YL DJ in lang, off in mid-sentence with no sign-off<br />

ann'ment, fair.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 10)<br />

According to press reports the city of Bangalore is to be re-named<br />

Bengaluru. For the full story click the follwing link.<br />

<br />

Bengaluru has AIR SW facilities using 6x500 kW and of course other MW & FM<br />

stations. The name Bengaluru is nothing new. The MW/FM stations has<br />

already been using Bengaluru id for the local programs. The External sce<br />

in Kannnada at 0215-0300 UT on 11985 & 15075 kHz also has ids as AIR<br />

Bengaluru.<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Dec 12)<br />

Heard in Indochina:<br />

4760, AIR Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, 1540-1600, Nov 18,<br />

English news, Hindi advs, 1545 English commentary on Sri Lankan election,<br />


4775, AIR Imphal, 1620-1630, Nov 14, Hindi ann, Indian songs, 45434.<br />

4800, AIR Hy<strong>der</strong>abad, 1629-1631, Nov 14, Vernacular ann, Indian mx, 22322.<br />

4860, AIR Delhi, 1632-1633, Nov 14, Urdu talk, 25333.<br />

4880, AIR Lucknow, 1633-1634, Nov 14, Vernacular talk, Indian mx, CWQRM,<br />

24232.<br />

4910, AIR Jaipur, 1634-1635, Nov 14, Vernacular talk, 25222.<br />

4920, AIR Chennai, 1635-1636, Nov 14, English talk, 25332.<br />

4960, AIR Ranchi, 1630-1645, Nov 17, Vernacular talks, native songs,<br />

25222. (Vanimo was never audible !) .<br />

4970, AIR Shillong, 1511-1515, Nov 21, English ID, Hindi talk, 25333.<br />

4990, AIR Itanagar, 1636-1637, Nov 14, English ann, songs, 35433.<br />

5010, AIR Thiruvananthapuram, 1637-1638, Nov 14, Hindi ann, Indian film<br />

songs, 33443 Heterodyne.<br />

5040.0, AIR Jeypore, 1503-1639, Nov 14 and 16, Hindi ann, traditional<br />

Indian songs, 33433 Heterodyne from 5040.4 Myanmar ceased at 1510!<br />

(all Anker Petersen-DEN, touring THA, LAO, CBG, and VTN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 14)<br />

INDONESIA 9552.27 RRI Makassar. Jakarta nx relay at 0007 UT, quite good<br />

on 11 Dec.<br />

(Craig Seager-NSW-AUS, Dec-<strong>Jan</strong> A<strong>DX</strong>N via dxld / wwdxc)<br />

4790 RRI-Fak Fak Dec.3 1027-1100 43333 Talk and mx in INSn.ID at 1033 as<br />

'Radio Republik INS,Fak Fak'.<br />

(Kyoshiro Ishizaki-JPN, JPNpremium Dec 9)<br />

46<strong>05</strong>.06, RRI Serui, 1212-1232, Dec.5, INSn, Nice "island" ballads w/<br />

announcer b/w selections. Suddenly gone at 1217 UT. Back at 1225 UT re-<br />

check w/ same format. Decent signal.<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Dec 11)<br />

Heard in Indochina:<br />

3345, RRI Ternate, 2102-2104, Nov 17, Bahasa INS talk, 25232.<br />

3953, RRI Palu, 1030-1035, Nov 25, Bahasa INS talk, instrumental mx,<br />

25232.<br />

3976, RRI Pontianak, 2210-2250, Nov 15 and 17, Bahasa INS conversation,<br />

advs, 35444. Also heard 1035 UT, Nov 25, and 1500-1503 UT, Nov 21, Bahasa<br />

INS nx from Jakarta, 25332.<br />

4000, RRI Kendari, 2228-2251, Nov 15 and 17, Bahasa INS talk, mx, 24322.<br />

46<strong>05</strong>, RRI Serui, 2112-2115 and 1038, Nov 17 and 25, Bahasa INS talk,<br />

25333.<br />

4750, RRI Makassar, *2100-2117, Nov 17 and 18, Bahasa INS ID, news,<br />

conversation, 23222 Hum.<br />

4875, RRI Sorong, 2116-2120, Nov 17, Bahasa INS, native songs, 25333.<br />

4925, RRI Jambi, 2233-2359, Nov 15 and 17, Bahasa INS, "Love Ambon", TS,<br />

ID, news, 25333.<br />

Also heard 1<strong>05</strong>0-1510, Nov 21 and 25, Bahasa INS ann, pop songs, Muslim<br />

songs, 1100 Call to Sunset Prayer, native mx, 45444.

Many other INSn SW-transmitters were checked, but not audible.<br />

(all Anker Petersen-DEN, touring THA, LAO, CBG, and VTN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 14)<br />

15150 VoINS at 0859 UT, pop minang style mx, followed by program in Thai,<br />

with man talking over a gamelan tune. On 1118 with Chinese prg and 1320<br />

with Malay program with dangdut songs, 34433 at best.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 15)<br />

Noted at cl-down 1359 UT on 15149.80 kHz, thiny signal un<strong>der</strong> threshold,<br />

Dec 14. (wb)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ CLANDESTINE 4375.06V Voice of Iranian Revolution on Dec 06<br />

at *1425-1456 UT 44433-32442 Kurdish, 1425 sign on with IS, ID, Opening<br />

mx, Talk, QRM from 1428 Jamming on c/c, // 3880.06V kHz, move by 5 kHz<br />

step to escape from Jamming to pursuit.<br />

4375.7V Voice of Communist Party of Iran on Dec 06 at *1627-1636 UT.<br />

45433-42442 Farsi, 1627 sign on with IS, ID, Opening mx, Talk, QRM from<br />

1628 Jamming on c/c, // 3880.06V kHz, move by 5 kHz step to escape from<br />

Jamming to pursuit.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Dec 9)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. [UNIDENTIFIED] Roaring jammer on 6015, Dec 5 at 1520 UT.<br />

No pretending here to be a broadcast suffering from co-channel<br />

interference. Some talking un<strong>der</strong>neath but unable to determine lang. What<br />

could it be? Seems Korea N/S have had a conflict here but can't find<br />

anything likely listed now. However, VOA in Tibetan via Thailand is on<br />

6015 at 1400-1500; has been expanded?<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Dec 8)<br />

Glenn - this one is surely jamming from North Korea against South Korea's<br />

'First Liberty Programme'. See left hand column of the WRTH 20<strong>05</strong> page 260.<br />

It's usually audible here around 0730 / 0830 UT in winter time and<br />

occasional voice can be heard peaking through the noise. The reason why<br />

you notice it now may be because the jamming sound has changed - Olle Alm<br />

pointed out that it sounds more like a buzz saw than the former white<br />

noise, and I agree - it does.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, dxld Dec 9)<br />

6249.9 Pyongyang Pangsong starting at 2100 UT. Aggressive male voice<br />

starting the txion then YL and anthem/hymns, talks by Man at 2107 UT. S=6<br />

32433 due to ute on USB part or tune off by 1.5 kHz down with AM Narrow.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 10)<br />

KOREA Rep. of 6348, R Echo of Hope, Kimp'o, So. Korea, at 1440-1540 UT<br />

on Nov 16 and Dec 09, Korean talks to No. Korea, Korean song and rock mx,<br />

33333 heard // 3985 un<strong>der</strong> CNR 2 (12221).<br />

(all Anker Petersen-DEN, touring THA, LAO, CBG, and VTN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 14)<br />

LAOS Heard in Indochina:<br />

4678, R Nationale Lao, Xam Nua, *2300-2340, Nov 15 and 23, Lao ann,<br />

Laotian songs, 25332.<br />

Also heard 1039-1042, Nov 25, Lao ann, native singing, 15121.<br />

6130, R Nationale Lao, Vientiane, 2340-0020, Nov 18, 20 and 23, Lao news,<br />

45444.<br />

Also heard 0925-0927, Nov 18, Lao ann, 45444, and 1117-1515, Nov 13, Lao<br />

talks, martial march and choir of men, talk with martial mx in the<br />

background, 25222.<br />

7145, R Nationale Lao, Vientiane, 0020-0025, Nov 18, talk in Khmer, 24443.<br />

All Laotian SW and MW stations had signed off when I checked the bands in

Savannakhet at 1650, Nov 14 (2350 local time). On FM I could only hear<br />

stations in Savannakhet or Thailand on 88.0, 92.5, 96.0, 99.3, 100.0 and<br />

1<strong>05</strong>.0 MHz at 1655 - thus a very quiet place in the world!<br />

The only Laotian MW-station I ever heard, was Khantabouly on 585 kHz which<br />

I heard in Hue, Vietnam at 2235, Nov 15 with 55555! There was no signal on<br />

any of all the other freqs: 567, 640, 7<strong>05</strong>, 800, 1000, 1030, 1215 or 1370<br />

kHz!<br />

(all Anker Petersen-DEN, touring THA, LAO, CBG, and VTN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 14)<br />

LATVIA 9290 KWRN - Radio Nordland (Relay via Ulbroka), detailed<br />

computer generated QSL-card with personal notes (incl. tx site), card<br />

shows a lighthouse, v/s Felix Stein. Also contained a calendar and a<br />

magnetic calendar. In 9 days for a report in German with 1.10 EUR in<br />

German stamps to R KWRN, Pf. 101145, 99801 Eisenach, Germany.<br />

(Martin Schoech-D, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 10)<br />

Relays on 9290 kHz. 17 December Radio Six 0700-0800 UT<br />

18 December<br />

Radio City 0900-1000 UT Radio Caroline Eifel 1000-1100 UT<br />

Radio Six 1200-1300 UT EMR 1400-1600 UT<br />

(Tom Taylor, hcdx Dec 14)<br />

MALAYSIA 5964.96 Nasional FM (RTM), on Dec 10 at 1540-1601 UT, in lang,<br />

YL DJ with pop songs (one song in En: Melissa Manchester singing "Don't<br />

Cry Out Loud"), singing station jingle, 1551-1558 UT reciting from the<br />

Quran, ToH spoken ID for "Nasional FM," fair-poor.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 10)<br />

Heard in Indochina:<br />

5030, RTM, Kuching, Sarawak, 2235-2308, Nov 15 and 17, Bidayuh nx about<br />

relations MLA - Bosnia-Herzegovina, 44444 stronger than CNR 1. Also heard<br />

1<strong>05</strong>7 and 1458-1500, Nov 16 and 25, Bidayuh news, 22332 un<strong>der</strong> CNR-1.<br />

5965, RTM. Kuala Lumpur, 0935, Nov 18, Bahasa MLA talk, 24332.<br />

7130, Sarawak FM, Kuching, 2222-2225, Nov 16, Malay (t) talk about mx and<br />

carneval, local mx, 35434. Also heard 0918-0920 and 1542, Nov 15 and 18,<br />

Bidayuh ann, song, 25333.<br />

7270, Wai FM, Kuching, Sarawak, 2228-2231 and 1459, Nov 13 and 15, Iban<br />

ID: "Wai FM", light mx, 35333.<br />

Despite several attempts, the following former Malaysian stations could<br />

not be heard in Vietnam, Laos , Cambodia or Thailand: 4845 RTM Kuala<br />

Lumpur, 5979 RTM Sabah, 6<strong>05</strong>0 RTM Sibu, Sarawak, 6060 RTM Miri, Sarawak,<br />

6175 RTM Kuala Lumpur and 7295 RTM Kuala Lumpur. They all seem to be off<br />

the air at present.<br />

(all Anker Petersen-DEN, touring THA, LAO, CBG, and VTN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 14)<br />

MALI 7284.5 WAfrica on 41 mb, around 1200 UT as observed in Lisbon<br />

today, 13th:<br />

7284.5 RTM Bamako, Mali in a mess which I cannot sort out what it<br />

consists about for a vy. weak signal is surely Mali's and then some<br />

distorted-like audio from what I believe is 1~2 other stns on 7285,<br />

possibly Asian, but too noisy a fq. to ID. That's // to 11960, but this is<br />

typically bad here, or at least is should be better given the listed<br />

power; weakish audio too.<br />

The sort of noise I refer to isn't exactly the "crack" due to<br />

thun<strong>der</strong>storms or heavy static discharges, but what I presume is what some<br />

call "white noise", i.e. a flow-like, almost evenly leveled noise

experienced during certain parts of the day, mostly mornings, prior to<br />

signal fade outs, and to some extent as if one's hearing a feeble DRM<br />

signal un<strong>der</strong>neath. At noon & a bit later, the reported signals simply<br />

don't fade away over here, they decrease as the morning turns into<br />

afternoon, and later some other stations fade in, which is when other sort<br />

of problems arise - co-channel QRM.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 13)<br />

MAURITANIA 783 R. Mauritanie, Nouakchott, observed on 09 Dec at 2324-<br />

2338 UT, Arabic/Vernacular(s), talks; 54544, QRM de E; // 4845 (at<br />

S9+50dB) only (i.e. no // signal detected on 7245). No simultaneous<br />

activity detected on 4845 & 7245.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 12)<br />

7245 R. Mauritanie, putting a much better signal today, Arabic, talks,<br />

jingle+anns. at 1200 UT, newscast; 4(nearly 5)4344, but weakish audio<br />

(which would correspond to O=3 at the most) and adjc. QRM de DRM sigs. on<br />

7240 & 7250, so these combined, especially if strgr. adjc. QRM was<br />

experienced, possibly explain why I didn't spot Nouakchott this past Sat.<br />

& Sun. morning around 1030 UT despite my southerly & quiet <strong>DX</strong> location.<br />

Even now, the only way to get this sort of reception is adjusting the<br />

elevated K9AY, not with other more adequate antennae for this band & their<br />

position for using any of the other aerials now means noise all the way.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 13)<br />

MONGOLIA 4830 (Altai 10 kW acc to WRTH <strong>05</strong>). Usually easy dx in my QTH,<br />

yet even stronger last night on Dec 10 at 2230-2300. SINPO 34333 weak CHN<br />

co-chan and sporadic dx static bursts. Concert of Mongolian symphonic mx.<br />

Short ann. by M (2-3 sentences in Mongolian each time). Advirtising in few<br />

mins before ToH by M&W. Few IDs with key-words "tenger", "ulanbatras".<br />

Interesting that TS at 2300 6 equal (tone,length) bips (like in old URS<br />

HSce <strong>BC</strong>ing).<br />

(Vlad Titarev-UKR, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 11)<br />

MONGOLIA [Korea D.P.R.] 981 The recently started txions of South Korea-<br />

based Free North Korea Radio can be heard 1500-1600 on 981 in addition to<br />

SW<br />

(cf. <br />

The txions appear to originate from a transmitter in Ulaanbaatar,<br />

Mongolia. This 500 kW tx normally operates on 990, but was used for<br />

foreign relays to South East Asia (VOA) on 981 kHz some years ago.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, AEC MV-Eko Dec 16)<br />

MYANMAR Heard in Indochina:<br />

5040.4, R Myanmar, Yangon, 1503-1510*, Nov 15 and 16, Bamar (tent) talk,<br />

mentioning Myanmar, 32432.<br />

5770, Defence Forces <strong>BC</strong>, Tanggyi, 15<strong>05</strong>, Nov 15 Bamar (tent) talk, 24332.<br />

5986, R Myanmar, Yangon, 1512-1532, Nov 15 and 16, English ID: "This nx<br />

comes to you from Myanmar R, Yangon", western songs, jazz, 45444.<br />

Despite several attempts, the following former Burmese stations could not<br />

be heard in Vietnam, Laos , Cambodia or Thailand:<br />

4725 R Myanmar and 5973 Myawaddy R Station.<br />

(all Anker Petersen-DEN, touring THA, LAO, CBG, and VTN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 14)<br />

[pres] 5986, R. Myanmar, at 1146-1210 UT on Dec.5, Vernacular, Ballads w/<br />

YL b/w selections. Musical bit at 1200 followed by YL until 1209 UT,<br />

interrupted by mx bit at 1206, then ballad. Poor un<strong>der</strong> static, tho<br />

improved by ToH.<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Dec 11)<br />

This window towards South East Asia closed here in Europe this winter, due

of broad band splash from RTL DRM test on 5990 kHz. Burma/Myanwar has been<br />

a daily guest in past two decades, during Nov-Febr winter season. Grrrrr -<br />

DRM inband. (wb)<br />

NEW ZEALAND 17675 R. NZi, Rangitaiki, observed on 09 Dec at 2306-...<br />

UT, English, sport, weather & talks, all from Natl. Radio; 25433.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 12)<br />

I'm receiving weak DRM signals on 15720 kHz at 0115 UT, December 14.<br />

Presumed RNZI testing to the Pacific, but too weak for any digital id here<br />

in Wellington, NZ. I guess I'm at that "awkward" distance and direction<br />

from the tx.<br />

(Chris Mackerell-NZL, hcdx Dec 14)<br />

The following was received from Adrian Sainsbury RNZI visiting Suva, Fiji<br />

during the tests.<br />

Thanks Mark, Chris is quite correct.<br />

The signal here in Suva was extremely strong and the DRM test was very<br />

successful.<br />

(Cheers, Adrian Sainsbury-NZL/Suva, hcdx Dec 14)<br />

9870 R NZi Rangitaiki armchair listening in Europe around 1300-1500 UT<br />

today. (wb)<br />

NIGERIA 7255 VoNigeria, Ikorodu, observed on 11 Dec at 1115-... UT,<br />

Vernacular, talks; 35444.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 12)<br />

7255 VoNigeria, only chance to hear is via the elevated K9AY too, deep<br />

fades spoiling reception of the Vernacular prgr; 34332, adjc. QRM de DRM<br />

signal (7250), the same affecting MTN. At some point, the trash emanating<br />

from the DRM sigs. "looks" like noise un<strong>der</strong>neath the stn one's observing.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 13)<br />

PAKISTAN On Nov 7th R Pakistan in En 1600-1614 UT reported on 4790,<br />

6215, 9385, 11570, but not on 5080, 5027 kHz. On Nov 6th in En on 4790 kHz<br />

only.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 2)<br />

7530 R. Pakistan, at 1833-1903* UT on Dec.5, Vernacular, Ko'ran/Arabic-<br />

style vocal mx, annoucner at 1838, back to mx at 1844, Ko'ran at 1858.<br />

Poor. // 9360 becoming stronger, until blown out by 9355-WYFR at 1855, as<br />

7530 kHz weakens becoming whisper quiet by s/off.<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Dec 11)<br />

PNG 2410 R Enga Wabag s-on at 2000 UT without IS. N<strong>BC</strong> very strong at<br />

1900-2100 UT on 4890 kHz, mainly slow won<strong>der</strong>ful songs, Nov 19th.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 2)<br />

7120, Wantok Radio Light, at 12<strong>05</strong>-1301 UT on Dec 7, poor at first but<br />

building and not much ARO activity this morning. Man with religious sermon<br />

at tune-in until 1225 UT, then into prgm of choral mx with some upbeat pop<br />

sounding songs. Woman ancr hrd between songs occasionally, but voice level<br />

way down compared to mx. Finally peaked 1241 when woman gave ID, prgm info<br />

("Night Light Show"), TC, then back to mx prgm. Stayed with it until 1301<br />

UT.<br />

(John Herkimer-NY-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 11)<br />

4890 N<strong>BC</strong> (tent), Port Moresby, logged on 10 Dec at 1940-1955 UT (typical<br />

evening time reception), Pidgin (tent), songs; 33431, adjc. uty. QRM.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 12)

PERU 4385.6 R. Vision (formerly R. Imperio), Chiclayo, audible on 09<br />

Dec at 2332-2344, Spanish, songs, TCs, IDs; 35332.<br />

4747 R. Huanta 2000, Huanta, logged on 10 Dec at 2227-2339, talks in<br />

Quechua; 44343.<br />

4775 R. Tarma, Tarma, obs'ed on 10 Dec at 2310-2324, Spanish prgr, Indian<br />

songs, LA rhythms; 34333, QRM de B.<br />

4950 R. Madre de Dios, Pto Maldonado, noted on 10 Dec at 2210-2223, lively<br />

LA rhythms; 45343.<br />

4955 R. Cultural Amauta, Huanta, heard on 10 Dec at 2331-2345 UT,<br />

Spanish+Quechua, talks on natl. affairs; 45343.<br />

(all Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 12)<br />

PHILIPPINES Heard in Indochina:<br />

9620, PBS, Valenzuela, 2236-2240, Nov 15, Tagalog talk, 45343.<br />

But I was unable to hear the two utility stations on 17260 and 17366<br />

around 2300 Ut.<br />

(all Anker Petersen-DEN, touring THA, LAO, CBG, and VTN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 14)<br />

RUSSIA We have got an information of some problems with receiving the<br />

Radio Rossii (Radio of Russia) program on 7310 kHz at 1330-1900 UT and on<br />

6235 kHz at 1930-2200 UT in Germany last week. But we have no details of<br />

these problems, so may I ask you to help us in finding out these problems?<br />

(Radiocentr-3 Moscow-RUS, to Noel Green and W.Bueschel, Dec 15)<br />

Updated B-<strong>05</strong> for Radio Rossii in Russian via MSK 250 kW / 260 deg:<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0800 on 9840<br />

0820-1300 on 12075<br />

1320-1800 on 7310, co-ch CNR in Chinese + VOIROI/IRIB in Turkish 1600-<br />

1727 UT<br />

1820-2200 on 6235, co-ch R.Pakistan in Urdu till 1900 + VOA in En from<br />

2130 UT<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 1)<br />

7310 kHz channel suffers severe co-channel interference by VOIRIB Tehran<br />

in Turkish at 1557-1727 UT.<br />

6235 kHz suffers by only fair signal level and fading from 1930 UT<br />

onwards, this depends on recent prop condition. Kaliningrad signal was<br />

much stronger than Moscow, Samara, Armavir signals yesterday. Deep buzz<br />

tone til 1900 UT, and some digital ship traffic from 6235.5 kHz on the<br />

upper flank. Kuwait couldn't be traced here. (wb, Dec 15)<br />

5890, The station "Shiokaze," or Sea Breeze, via Irkutsk, Russia, started<br />

to broadcast on Oct 31, intended for the Japanese who have been kidnapped<br />

or are supposed to have been kidnapped by North Korea. The program in<br />

Japanese is aired every day for 30 mins at 1430 un<strong>der</strong> contract with VT<br />

Merlin. This is financially supported by a group of supporters for<br />

kidnapped families. The group are also asking donations and QSL equivalent<br />

cards are being issued to those who make donations more than 1000 yen<br />

(=$8.50).<br />

No postal address is announced, so we have to send money to the money<br />

transfer account with notes of reception date, time, and program summary.<br />

In every program, the announcer reads the names of kidnapped victims,<br />

their birthdays, ages when they were kidnapped. North Korean govt said the<br />

kidnap issue was settled, but in Japan, nobody believes so, and the<br />

kidnapped Japanese are consi<strong>der</strong>ed to be still hidden somewhere in North<br />


(Toshimichi Ohtake-JPN/JSWC, via dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 01)<br />

5890 at 1430- UT on Dec 11, Shiokaze program. I tuned to this freq at 1425<br />

UT only to already hear programming that sounded identical to what I've<br />

heard from Shiokaze in past weeks. Frequency precisely 5890, and it<br />

continued at 1430 with the usual talk with the light piano mx in the<br />

background. It did not sound like two different txs/stations transitioning<br />

at 1430, so perhaps Shiokaze has extended its programming? Unfortunately<br />

reception is very poor this morning. Hardly worth the early wake-up!<br />

(Walt Salmaniw-<strong>BC</strong>-USA, dxld Dec 12)<br />

5880 Free North Korea Radio via Irkutsk. On Dec 9 at 1532-1600* UT. Noted<br />

on this date with a marginal signal at 1510 UT, gradually the signal<br />

improved that by 1530 UT was quite audible with a fair signal. Noted with<br />

brief orchestra melody, then followed long interviews and speeches with<br />

the occasional mxal break. Most of the talk was by female announcer, (in<br />

Korean) with guest speakers in the interviews.<br />

I did note that at 1552 UT there was reference to the Seoul Summit, with<br />

speech to a audience afterwards. At 1559:30 there was a mxal selection,<br />

closing comments but actually ID that I could make out, speech/talk was<br />

cut in mid-sentance at sign-off. Initially the signal was marginal at<br />

best, gradually improved, to a periods of fairly good copy. Best heard on<br />

a 3.1 meter amplified loop.<br />

(Ed Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 9)<br />

Open Radio for North Korea seems to be the official name for the programme<br />

broadcast on 5880 kHz at 1500-1600 UT daily, according to the Daily NK<br />

online newspaper here:<br />

<br />

This page has an MP3 file of the first day's entire broadcast (on 6 Dec,<br />

though incorrectly labelled as 7 Dec on this web page), which plays<br />

automatically in glorious stereo when you go to the page.<br />

As alluded to by Takahito Akabayashi in <strong>DX</strong>LD 5-210, the broadcast is<br />

topped and tailed with Elgar's "Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1" (aka<br />

"Land of Hope and Glory"). Deuced odd (to use a posh old English<br />

expression) that a political broadcast from South Korea to the North<br />

should use mx so strongly associated with English patriotism! - see here:<br />

<br />

You can hear an edited clip of the broadcast on the Interval Signals<br />

Online website at<br />

<br />

(Dave Kernick-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 14)<br />

Magadan Radio. May you can check Magadan/Arman Radio OCCASSIONALLY,<br />

whether the station carries still REGIONAL programs, - or not.<br />

1700-1300 5920<br />

1900-1300 5940<br />

1900-1300 7320<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 29)<br />

During last week I checked all these three freqs at 2010 and 2300 UT. The<br />

result was no SW txion at all on any of these freqs both at 2010 and 2300.<br />

At other hours program of Radio Rossi was heard on these freqs. It seems<br />

the txion schedule has changed in B<strong>05</strong>.<br />

Some Japanese <strong>DX</strong>er confirmed that local program of Magadan was really<br />

heard at 2010-2100 on 234 kHz in December 20<strong>05</strong>.

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 10)<br />

7330 R. Tikhiy Okean (R. Station Pacific Ocean), on Dec 10 at *0935-1000*<br />

UT, testing here again, starts with "Govorit Vladivostok," into their<br />

usual IS (chimes), RS prgm'ing, several selections of nice Russian<br />

ballads, many IDs for "Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean," fair-poor, // 5960<br />

which was fair-good.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 10)<br />

Relay from open_dx (Roman Nazarov, Russia/Primorsky region) - info from<br />

station announcer (rcvd by phone):<br />

(for QSL-hunters, with Love -;)) vt)<br />

Tikhiy Okean verifies with QSL card (one can see it on station's webpage<br />

SAE & IRC for external reporters (for RUS SAE is<br />

enough). 7330 kHz test ends Dec 15 (ie time for 2 more tries left). If one<br />

have sound rec of 7330 or 5960 Roman asks for copy into his address<br />

(+SINPO code): <br />

(not clear from his message - if he'll send it further along to "Tikhiy<br />

Okean" or just keeping own file of those dx records...)<br />

(via Vlad Titarev-UKR, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 14)<br />

11975 Kamchatska Rybatskaya (Fisherman's Program) on Dec.11 at *0000-0030<br />

UT noted with a very strong open carrier at 2350 ( with a Unidentified<br />

Station in Standard Chinese heard un<strong>der</strong>neath, which went off the air at<br />

2359).<br />

Sign-on with a Drum Roll, followed with clear ID's for 'programa<br />

Kamchatska Rybatskaya ' by male host. Female speaker with more ID's,<br />

opening information, a 'muzyka' jingle ( up-beat ) This was followed with<br />

a commentary interview by a fisherman's wife about life in the Kamchatka<br />

Peninsula. The rest of the program consisted of mo<strong>der</strong>n Russian 'Pop' mx (<br />

with one selection's lyrics similar to 'One is the Loneliness number' ) to<br />

more traditional Russian folklorico ballads that one would hear in the<br />

country side. Unbelievable signal was noted with a 5x5 copy, with signals<br />

pining at well over 10db's over s9.<br />

(Ed Kusalik-Alb-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 11)<br />

Regional programmes from Radio Pomorye in Arkhangelsk 918 kHz have been<br />

limited a bit. Whereas the morning txion 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 remains unchanged, the<br />

afternoon segment has been noted to be only 10 mins Monday and Friday,<br />

remaining a full hour 1500-1600 on Tuesday-Thursday. The station carries<br />

Radio Rossii when no regional programme is broadcast.<br />

(Ullmar Qvick, ARC MV Eko Dec 16)<br />

RUSSIA/TAIWAN RTI: Neue Testsendungen aus ARMAVIR.<br />

A second attempt by Radio Taiwan International to use Tbilisskaya for<br />

German 1900-2000 on 6170 started yesterday (Dec 9) and runs till tomorrow<br />

(Dec 11). I did not check yesterday, but at least today they finally<br />

managed to bring RTI German on air. Pretty good signal, but co-channel<br />

Grigoriopol (VOR Arabic) is still a problem. I would suggest to just<br />

forget the horribly overcrowded "Europaband" and use a freq between 7300<br />

and 7500, the proven range for txions from Russia to Central Europe in<br />

winter nights.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Dec 10)<br />

Liebe Hoererinnen und Hoerer von Radio Taiwan International,<br />

herzlichen Dank fuer Ihre zahlreichen Empfangsbeobachtungen und<br />

Rueckmeldungen ueber unsere Testsendungen aus Armavir und Al-Dhabbaya.<br />

Da letzten Freitag und Samstag bei den Testausstrahlungen aus Armarvir<br />

ueberhaut nichts von unseren Sendungen zu hoeren war, werden wir nochmals

Testsendungen aus Armarvir, Russland vornehmen. wir strahlen unser RTI-<br />

Deutschprogramm von 1900-2000 Uhr UTC auf <strong>der</strong> Frequenz 6170 kHz am<br />

Freitag, den 9. Dezember, Samstag, den 10. Dezember und Sonntag, den 11.<br />

Dezember nochmals aus Armavir, Russland aus.<br />

Wir wuerden uns freuen, wenn Sie waehrend dieser drei Tage die Frequenz<br />

6170 kHz nochmals beobachten koennten.<br />

Vielen Dank im voraus und ein schoenes Wochenende wuenscht Ihnen Ihre RTI-<br />

Deutschredaktion<br />

(via Rudolf Sonntag-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 8)<br />

RTI - Meine Antwort nach Taiwan: 6170 kHz ist in 2004 und 20<strong>05</strong> zu dieser<br />

Sendezeit unbrauchbar, ob aus UK, RUS o<strong>der</strong> UAE. Vorschlag 5845 kHz aus<br />

Armavir testen, o<strong>der</strong> gaenzlich an<strong>der</strong>e Sendezeit o<strong>der</strong> Frequenz im 41 mb mit<br />

VT-Commun.-Merlin Broker vereinbaren.<br />

Sehr geehrte Frau Triendl,<br />

um die Nutzung <strong>der</strong> Frequenz 6170 kHz durch RTI auf den Punkt zu bringen:<br />

diese Frequenz war im Winter 2004/20<strong>05</strong> als auch in dieser Saison 20<strong>05</strong>/2006<br />

fuer die Nutzung um 1900 UTC Richtung Zentral-Europa unbrauchbar, ob aus<br />

Skelton-England, Dhabbaya-UAE, o<strong>der</strong> Armavir-Russland.<br />

Ich sehe nur die Frequenz 5845 kHz als Ersatzfrequenz zu nutzen o<strong>der</strong><br />

einmal zu testen, aber nicht aus England, diese Sen<strong>der</strong>standorte liegen zu<br />

nah an Deutschland.<br />

O<strong>der</strong> eine gaenzlich an<strong>der</strong>e Abend Sendezeit mit VT-Communications/Merlin<br />

Sendezeit Provi<strong>der</strong>/Broker zu vereinbaren.<br />

Auch heute am Freitag, 9.12., ist 6170 kHz unbrauchbar, durch Voice of<br />

Russia in Arabisch zugedeckt und gestoert.<br />

Mit freundlichen Gruessen<br />

Wolfgang Bueschel Stuttgart Germany (Dec 9)<br />

SINGAPORE Heard in Indochina:<br />

3915, B<strong>BC</strong> SNG, 1645-1646, Nov 14, English talk, news, B<strong>BC</strong> website, 43444<br />

Heterodyne. Also heard 21<strong>05</strong>-2110, Nov 17, English commentary, 45444.<br />

6080, R SNG International, 1116, Nov 13, English programme, 25333.<br />

7170, Olikkalanjiam, SNG, 0915-0920, Nov 18, Tamil songs, 35444.<br />

7235, R Warna, SNG, 0857-09<strong>05</strong>, Nov 18, Bahasa MLA talk, ID mentioning FM,<br />

0900 R SNG International ID, website, news, 44444 CWQRM.<br />

(all Anker Petersen-DEN, touring THA, LAO, CBG, and VTN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 14)<br />

SOLOMON ISLS. 5020 kHz 1800-1900 relayed B<strong>BC</strong>WS in // 9410WOF&CYP, but<br />

on 5020 kHz with time delay. From 1900 UT own program on 5020. 1912 UT<br />

fade-out. Nov 19th.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 2)<br />

SOMALIA Received a QSL today from Radio Hargeisa in the Republic of<br />

Somaliland (NASWA Country: Somali, Dem. Rep. - British) for reception on<br />

29 Nov 20<strong>05</strong> on 7530 kHz. V/s: Baldur Drobnica.<br />

Card states that they run 10 kW into a T-antenna.<br />

Report was sent to their German postal address with $1. Card was mailed<br />

from USA with a cover letter and the $1 was returned via an amateur radio<br />

operator in Virginia. Apparently $1 is not enough for return postage from<br />

Germany and the v/s sent my card along with his amateur radio QSL and then<br />

the Virginia op forwarded my QSL. My 217th NASWA Country verified.

(Steve Lare-MI, dxld Dec 14)<br />

Baldur Drobnica DJ6SI, the German ham operator, which escaped severe<br />

Vietnamese army fire on Amboyana Spratly Island, when erecting a Ham Radio<br />

expedition station on the disputed island in South Chinese Sea in 1983.<br />

DJ3NG along with his friends was on his way to Spratly <strong>DX</strong> Pedition. A<br />

night before arriving at Spratly, his boat was attacked and sunken by<br />

Vietnamese gunships. DJ6SI fortunately survived and issued this QSL to<br />

mourn DJ3NG, DJ4EI, and others killed by this incident.<br />

<br />

See<br />

<br />

Steve, I agree 100% with what you said. I NEVER have had any trouble<br />

getting cards from DJ6SI! I usually send 2 IRCs.<br />

(Joe Reisert-USA W1JR, <strong>DX</strong> News Feb 28, 2002)<br />

Nancy & Steve Lawrence wrote:<br />

I have worked Baldur from his many locations over the years. I have QSL'd<br />

direct and always received a response. I've always included sufficient<br />

return postage. I've included cards for different calls in a single<br />

envelope and gotten replies. I even got an unsolicited card for his Mt.<br />

Athos operation via the bureau!<br />

In short, I've never had a problem getting cards from Baldur. I will<br />

remind you that this is a man who almost died (one op did) in a Spratly<br />

operation of years past. And he still goes out there.<br />

It's only a hobby.<br />

(73, Steve WB6RSE, Feb 27, 2002)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA 3320 SAUK/ R. Son<strong>der</strong> Grense, Meyerton, putting a superb<br />

signal on 10 Dec at 1845-1940 UT, Afrikaans, class. mx, news, pops, mostly<br />

Afrikan<strong>der</strong>; 55444. In a recent <strong>DX</strong> bulletin, it was commented that<br />

referring to the stn as "SAUK" instead of "SA<strong>BC</strong>" might not be "politically<br />

correct" (clearly a fashion term of today) - now, why this general<br />

paranoia vis-a-vis all things Afrikan(d)er)? It's clearly & unfairly being<br />

treated as some sort of "2nd rate" lang by many who shouldn't actually<br />

"throw the first stone."<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 12)<br />

The SA<strong>BC</strong> - 70 Years of broadcasting.<br />

There are few mediums other than radio that have done more to advance the<br />

concept of the global village over the last 100 years.<br />

From the wireless telegraph invented by the father of radio, Guglielmo<br />

Marconi, at the beginning of the 20th century, major technological and<br />

scientific developments have today entrenched radio firmly in the space<br />

age, with extraterrestrial satellite txions, Digital Audio Broadcasting<br />

(DAB), Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM), web casting, as well as broadcasting<br />

to visual radio instead of traditional FM (Frequency Modulation)<br />

broadcasting.<br />

Historical firsts and the origins of the SA<strong>BC</strong> From the first use of<br />

military wireless in the world by the army of the Transvaal Republic in<br />

the Anglo-Boer War in the 1900s, radio was revealed for the first time to<br />

the general public at the Great Empire Exhibition in 1922.<br />

The country's first radio station, 'JB Calling', began broadcasting in<br />

Johannesburg on the 1st of July 1924, followed by a second Cape Town-based<br />

station in 1924 and another in Durban in the same year. These three<br />

stations later combined to form the African Broadcasting Corporation on

the 1st of April 1927.<br />

In 1936, the African Broadcasting Company was dissolved and the South<br />

African Broadcasting Corporation (SA<strong>BC</strong>) was established by an Act of<br />

Parliament as the new public sce broadcaster which in 2006, will proudly<br />

celebrate 70 years in broadcasting.<br />

Stations across the nation In the early 1940s the first direct txions in<br />

African langs were made by telephone line and by the early 1950s,<br />

Springbok Radio - the country's first commercial radio station - ushered<br />

in a new age of radio entertainment with its shows, dramas and comedies.<br />

The 1960s saw new regional radio stations in the Cape and Natal, while<br />

Radio RSA started broadcasting as an official world sce.<br />

In the mid 1970s, the SA<strong>BC</strong> took over Mozambique-based LM Radio,<br />

relaunching it as Radio 5 and later as 5fm. As a response to several non-<br />

SA<strong>BC</strong> stations based in the so-called 'independent' homelands, Radio Metro<br />

- which later became Metro fm - was launched as a commercial mx-oriented<br />

radio station catering for the progressive Black middle classes of the<br />

1980s. Three lang-based radio stations - isiSwazi, isiNdebele and Indian<br />

speaking - were also established in the same decade.<br />

To replace the original English and Afrikaans as well as Springbok Radio,<br />

at midnight on the 31st of December 1985, Radio South Africa (now called<br />

SAfm), Radio Suid Afrika (now RSG), Radio 2000 as well as three new<br />

regional stations in Pretoria, Bloemfontein and Port Elizabeth took to the<br />

air.<br />

Adapting for the new millennium As the state broadcaster, the SA<strong>BC</strong> was<br />

created with a monopoly on the provision of broadcasting sces that<br />

emphasised racial and ethnic divisions un<strong>der</strong> the previous regime. The IBA<br />

Act ended the broadcasting system monopoly, opening up radio and<br />

television markets to competition. It transformed the state broadcaster<br />

into a public broadcaster, and made possible the introduction of community<br />

radio for the first time.<br />

The new democratic govt led by the African National Congress (ANC) has<br />

freed the airwaves by restructuring the state broadcasting monopoly with a<br />

broadcasting dispensation that meets the needs of all South Africans,<br />

offering a choice of sces and content ownership.<br />

The early 1990s saw a major restructuring of the SA<strong>BC</strong> as a national<br />

broadcaster. The corporation's radio and television portfolios were<br />

completely revamped, and it started to explore satellite txion and opening<br />

the airwaves to other broadcasters.<br />

The Radio Data System (RDS) on FM sces was launched in 1992 and in 1995,<br />

the SA<strong>BC</strong> launched the transpon<strong>der</strong> spaces on the PAS-4 satellite, making<br />

its sces available nationally to people who had satellite receiving<br />

equipment. The SA<strong>BC</strong> sold its six regional radio stations to private<br />

enterprise and re-launched its radio portfolio in September 1996, when<br />

Radio RSA was also rebranded as Channel Africa.<br />

The first community radio stations came on stream in 1995 and the first<br />

private independent radio station in 1997. In the 21st century and beyond<br />

the door to 'micro radio' is opening, which could lead to the birth of<br />

many low power radio stations, operated by individuals, neighbourhood<br />

groups or community organisations for example.<br />

The SA<strong>BC</strong> today... SA<strong>BC</strong> radio is divided into Public Broadcasting Services<br />

(PBS) and Public Commercial Services (PCS). The PBS is represented by nine<br />

indigenous South African lang radio stations, with the Khoi and San langs<br />

also represented un<strong>der</strong> this portfolio via the X-K FM station, as well as<br />

English and Afrikaans. SA<strong>BC</strong> 1 and SA<strong>BC</strong> 2 respectively fall within the PBS

portfolio of television stations catering for the aforementioned markets.<br />

Built on a global perspective of economics, social and political<br />

infotainment, PCS stations provide entertainment and sports broadcasts as<br />

well as a mix of up-to-date urban contemporary and information to their<br />

target markets - the young, urban adults. The SA<strong>BC</strong> 3 television station<br />

which falls within the PCS portfolio provides a similar sce.<br />

.. and tomorrow. Currently reaching 90% of South Africa, radio is the<br />

leading medium and primary source of information for many people as it<br />

reaches every part of the country - rural, urban, metropolitan, small<br />

towns and villages. Deregulation has led to increasing competition in the<br />

market.<br />

Currently, there are 18 SA<strong>BC</strong> radio stations, six greenfield radio<br />

stations, nine independent radio stations and more than 60 community radio<br />

stations competing for the same market with five television stations, over<br />

500 magazines and more than 100 newspapers.<br />

With two new television stations and more than eight radio stations more<br />

likely to be operating before 2008, the SA<strong>BC</strong> remains committed to<br />

delivering exclusive programming mandated by ICASA. This consists of<br />

children's programmes, documentaries, live sports, the opening of<br />

parliament, education, indigenous langs including Afrikaans, current<br />

affairs, drama, disability programmes, youth programmes, and those that<br />

uphold culture. New commercial radio licenses will also have an impact on<br />

the current commercial radio stations as there is only so much available<br />

market to target, forcing the programming format to be focused on specific<br />

programme genres for example such as youth, jazz mx, and R&B mx.<br />

Depending on the number of FM freqs available this might create an<br />

opportunity for satellite radio that has seen listening to radio via<br />

television in the United Kingdom (UK), increasing to levels of 35%. This<br />

creates an opportunity for radio to utilise television as a marketing<br />

platform.<br />

(Gab Mampone, 01 Dec 20<strong>05</strong><br />

<br />

via Gupta-IND, JPNpremium Dec 10)<br />

SRI LANKA From 0800 UTC, 9 Nov 20<strong>05</strong> Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corp. has<br />

vacated from the AIR Chennai freq of 7275 to 7300 kHz.<br />

So now AIR Chennai is free of interference on 7275 at 0025-0430. At 0700-<br />

1330 & 1430-1740 Chennai uses 7270.<br />

For some time both Chennai and SL<strong>BC</strong> were using 7275 simulatenously in the<br />

mornings. Trouble started when SL<strong>BC</strong> suddenly changed over from 7300 to the<br />

long established AIR Chennai channel of 7275 some months back.<br />

Latest SL<strong>BC</strong> sked on 7300 // 119<strong>05</strong> is 0030-0400 0800-1530 in Indian langs.<br />

By the way SL<strong>BC</strong> English Service is noted sign off at 0400 UTC Mon-Sat. On<br />

some Sundays they sign off at 0430 and sometimes <strong>05</strong>00. 0400 onwards on<br />

Sundays they have Christian programming. Fqs are 60<strong>05</strong> 9770 15745.<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND VU2JOS, <strong>DX</strong>india Dec 10)<br />

119<strong>05</strong> SL<strong>BC</strong>, at 1151 on 14 Dec with Tamil songs, 1200+ with religious<br />

Christian program till 1400 UT starting and ending with the same a<br />

cappella song followed by Tamil song program also after 1230 UT. S7 max<br />

33333 at best. At 1230 VoTUR on 11910 QRMs a little the station.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 14)<br />

SWEDEN Within the next few days the Swedish government will formally

decide that the expansion of DAB radio in Sweden will be put on hold<br />

indefinitely. The planned closure of the analogue FM networks will no<br />

longer take place. The costs for the households to renew the 20-30<br />

millions of receivers currently in use is seen as an important factor in<br />

this decision. Instead Swedish Radio is encouraged to expand in<br />

alternative forms of distribution, like Internet and podcasting. The<br />

number of DAB receivers sold in Sweden amounts to a mere 7,000.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 14)<br />

Christer He<strong>der</strong>stroem, Media Advisor and Editor of the newsletter Public<br />

Access, Stockholm, Sweden writes: The minister of culture and education<br />

Leif Pagrotsky has announced that he will not take any decision to close<br />

down the analogue FM network in Sweden. The govt will not cater to the<br />

requests from the national public broadcaster Sveriges Radio to start<br />

nationwide digital radio DAB broadcasting. Pagrotsky says that it will not<br />

be worth the money. It will be too expensive to replace 25-30 million<br />

analogue FM receivers in Sweden. Sveriges Radio has already put ?40<br />

million into DAB mostly for broadcasts on a temporary basis in four cities<br />

for a couple of years, but a txion network for the whole country is<br />

already established but put on ice awaiting a govt decision.<br />

By this decision Sweden follow the example of Finland which a year ago<br />

closed the DAB case. Sveriges Radio will now concentrate more on other<br />

technologies such as webcasting and podcasting as well as radio via mobile<br />

telephones (DVB-H). Leif Pagrotsky has also mentioned radio via the<br />

terrestial digital television network (DTT) as a good solution for<br />

Sveriges Radio.<br />

Sveriges Radio is not unaware of the DRM technology as its overseas<br />

service Radio Sweden is broadcasting via Radio Netherlands and Radio<br />

Canada International on DRM SW, and also have some experimental<br />

transmissions from the Soelvesborg SW tx site in Sweden. However, a debate<br />

about digitalization of the FM-band (DRM+ or HD Radio) has not yet started<br />

in Sweden.<br />

(RNW MN NL Dec 14)<br />

While listening to R Sweden on 7420 at 2030 UT this morning there was an<br />

item saying the Swedish Govt were dropping digital broadcasts. There was<br />

mention that unlike England there were no retailers selling DAB enabled<br />

radios in Sweden. There's an audio report at<br />

but I can't listen on this PC - no sound.<br />

(Wayne Bastow-NSW-AUS, dxld Dec 14)<br />

The Swedish govt has pulled the plug on digital radio, at least in its<br />

current form.<br />

Digital Audio Broadcasting, or DAB, is the official format for digital<br />

radio in Europe, and much of the rest of the world. Public broadcaster<br />

Swedish Radio, home of Radio Sweden, has been adding more and more DAB<br />

channels over the past ten years. Sweden has been second only to Britain<br />

in developing the system.<br />

But unlike Britain it is almost impossible to buy a DAB receiver in this<br />

country, and without receivers there has been almost no audience. It's<br />

been kind of a chicken and egg effect - retailers won't sell receivers<br />

unless there are more digital stations, and Sweden's commercial<br />

broadcasters have been waiting for the official govt announcement that<br />

analogue FM radio is being phased out before they spend the money to<br />

switch to DAB.<br />

Last year an official commission recommended a transition period to the<br />

new technology. But now the Swedish govt has pulled the plug on the whole<br />

project. Minister of Culture Leif Pagrotsky points to the lack of<br />

audience, and says it would cost too much to continue broadcasting // in

oth DAB and FM. He says Swedish Radio's 50m-dollar investment in digital<br />

radio was not wasted, and praises the broadcaster for moving forward with<br />

radio over the internet and on new generation mobile telephones, as well<br />

as podcasts. Pagrotsky also wants Swedish Radio to put its signals<br />

available through digital television systems, something which has only<br />

been partially explored.<br />

In response, Swedish Radio Director-General Peter Orn says the govt's<br />

decision is regrettable. He points out that the initiative for DAB here<br />

came not just from the public broadcaster but from the entire industry and<br />

public tx operator Teracom, and the Swedish parliament allocated funds<br />

specifically for developing DAB.<br />

(R Sweden text website, 14 Dec)<br />

SYRIA Heard in Turkish, Ru, Ge, Fr, En from 1600-2100 UT on 9330 kHz,<br />

and from 18<strong>05</strong> UT also on // 12085 kHz.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 2)<br />

TAIWAN Central Weather Bureau verified my reception report in Chinese<br />

for their new txion of "Meteorological Phonetic Broadcasting" on 5170USB<br />

from Tainan after 16 days by PFC and letter in Chinese. Verification<br />

signer was Mr.Lifu Cai, Manager of the Weather Forecast Center. I enclosed<br />

$1.00 but it was returned.<br />

Schedule: 24hrs Marine Weather Forecast in Chinese<br />

Frequencies: 8117 USB (Taipei 400 watt) 5170 USB (Tainan 250 watt).<br />

Address: Meteorological Phonetic Broadcasting, Weather Forecast Center,<br />

Central Weather Bureau, 64 Kung Yuen Road, Taipei, Taiwan<br />

URL: <br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

RFA Mandarin via Taiwan in B<strong>05</strong> season: 1800-2100 on 7355 kHz [and<br />

accompanied CHN mainland jammer...]. (wb)<br />

TAJIKISTAN 4635, presumed Tajik Radio, at 0007-0015 UT on Dec 11, man in<br />

comments during period. There was a very brief interlude of mx at 0009 UT.<br />

Signal was threshold, and at 0013 still active.<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, hcdx Dec 11)<br />

THAILAND Heard in Indochina. Despite several attempts, the following<br />

former Thai domestic SW-station could not be heard in Thailand, Vietnam or<br />

Cambodia: 6070 R Thailand, Pathumthani. It is definately off the air.<br />

On MW the following 24 hours freqs were heard in Bangkok at 1935-1955<br />

(after local midnight) on Nov 13: Bangkok stations strong on 540, 594,<br />

657, 675, 747, 792, 963, 999, 1<strong>05</strong>3, 1179, 13<strong>05</strong>, 1350 and 1422 kHz. Other<br />

Thailand stations heard weak on 1089, 1107, 1269 and 1503 kHz. On FM I<br />

counted 84 stations in Bangkok at 0440 (local noon) and about 50 stations<br />

at 2000 (0300 local time).<br />

Back in Bangkok on Nov 25, I heard the following Thailand MW freqs at<br />

1350-1415 (2<strong>05</strong>0-2115 local): 540, 576, 594, 630, 657, 675, 747, 792, 819,<br />

873, 891, 945, 963, 999, 1<strong>05</strong>3, 1089, 1107, 1179, 1233, 1242, 1269, 13<strong>05</strong>,<br />

1350, 1422, 1494 and 1503 kHz.<br />

(all Anker Petersen-DEN, touring THA, LAO, CBG, and VTN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 14)<br />

TURKMENISTAN Common news in Vernacular reported on LW 279, 4930, 5015<br />

kHz at 0200 UT, Nov 20th.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 2)<br />

U.K. [to SUDAN]. 7120 Sudan Radio Service via Woofferton-UK, at 0309-

0327 on Dec 7, man with nx in English. At 0313 "That's the end of the<br />

English newscast for today. The next nx is in Arabic. This is the Sudan<br />

Radio Service." Brief mxal interlude followed by the program "The Road to<br />

Peace" at 0315 UT. Fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, NASWA Dec 11)<br />

USA Some US VOA/RFE/RL/RFA changes<br />

6<strong>05</strong>0 1400-1500 TIN 500 287 RFA Canton (x15255)<br />

6225 2100-2115 IRA 250 322 VOA Ukr (x6215)<br />

6225 2115-2130 IRA 250 322 VOA Ukr (x6215)<br />

7125 1800-1900 IRA 250 324 RL Caucas (x6215)<br />

7280 1400-1500 TIN 500 286 RFA Canton (x9825)<br />

9415 1730-1800 MOR 250 99 VOA Oromo (x7245)<br />

9415 1800-1900 IRA 250 279 VOA Amhar (x7245)<br />

9415 1900-1930 MOR 250 99 VOA Tigre (x7245)<br />

9610 1530-1600 KAV 250 95 VOA Georg (x11965)<br />

11785 0200-0400 PHT 250 315 RL Kazakh (x11885)<br />

11820 1600-1615 MOR 500 59 VOA Bosn (x11965KAV)<br />

11840 2330-2400 IRA 250 57 VOA Burm (x7260)<br />

11955 1730-1800 KAV 250 172 VOA Oromo (x11690)<br />

11955 1800-1900 KAV 250 172 VOA Amhar (x11690)<br />

11955 1900-1930 KAV 250 172 VOA Tigre (x11690)<br />

11970 1600-1700 PHT 250 283 VOA Bangl (x15185)<br />

12015 0000-0200 TIN 250 341 RL Russ (x11885)<br />

13755 1730-1800 MOR 250 108 VOA Oromo (x13800, x13790)<br />

13755 1800-1900 IRA 250 275 VOA Amhar (x13800, x13790)<br />

13755 1900-1930 IRA 250 275 VOA Tigre (x13800, x13790)<br />

15130 0700-0900 UDO 250 335 RL Russ (x17730)<br />

15345 1400-1600 LAM 100 77 RL Kirgyz delete<br />

(Dec 12)<br />

7811U, AFRTS, at 2117+ UT on Dec.5, English, Key West-FLA. relay w/ "Clark<br />

Howard Show" re reducing personal debt. Familiar format of short,<br />

news/informational bits followed. Fair.<br />

(Scott Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Dec 11)<br />

AFRTS Key West - 5446.5U at 0100-0230+ on Dec 14. I happened to tune this<br />

in when Diego Garcia did not materialize. I was surprised to find the<br />

local broadcast with veteran announcer Joe Tait of the Cleveland Cavaliers<br />

losing to the Atlanta Hawks here in Cleveland.<br />

The interesting thing is that this "live" NBA basketball broadcast was not<br />

// to the same thing on WTAM-1100 50 kW from Cleveland. AFRTS is on about<br />

a five second delay. This permitted me to hear the Cavs lose twice, first<br />

on WTAM, and second on AFRTS five seconds later. LeBron James fans will be<br />

encouraged to know that he has over 30 points, but the Cavs are losing<br />

anyway 87-76 with only three mins left.<br />

ID: You are listening to live sports coverage on AFN. As I said above,<br />

this is disinformation from the govt. The broadcast was not quite live.<br />

The signal from Key West was quite good, but it was better on local WTAM.<br />

There was one bit of nx on AFRTS during what was commercials on WTAM. The<br />

NBA has announced that some of the NBA teams will hold their training<br />

camps in Europe next year. Several exhibition games will be played in<br />

various European countries. Some of the games will be against European pro<br />

basketball teams.<br />

OK, I waited until the end of the game before posting this one. Final<br />

score: Atlanta Hawks 100 Cleveland Cavaliers 94. Joe Tait's commentary:<br />

"They (the Cavs) have played absolutely putrid basketball."<br />

(George Zeller-OH-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 14)

RFA schedule in B-<strong>05</strong>, valid from Oct 30th 20<strong>05</strong> til March 26th, 2006.<br />

RFA uses US belonging and IBB txs at HBN/P=KHBN Palau Isl,<br />

IRA/I=Iranawila Sri Lanka, KWT/K=Kuwait, LAM/L Lampertheim-GER,<br />

SAI/S=Saipan, TIN/T=Tinian NoMariana Isls.<br />

And foreign relays at ALM/A=Almaty-KAZ, DUS/D=Dushanbe-TJK,<br />

IRK=Irkutsk-RUS, TWN/N=Taiwan, UAE=Al Dhabayya-UAE,<br />

ULA/U=UlaanBataar Mongolia, VLD/V=Vladivostok-RUS,<br />

WER=Wertachtal Germany.<br />

0000-0100 LAO 11830I 15545T 15590V<br />

0030-0130 BURMESE 11535D 13710S 13815I 15700T<br />

0100-0200 UYGHUR 7480D 9365D 9645UAE 9690UAE<br />

15270T 17570T<br />

0100-0300 TIBETAN 7470D(D-<strong>05</strong> season til Mar4) 7560K 9670WER<br />

11695UAE 15220T 17730U<br />

15660D(M-06 season from Mar 5)<br />

0300-0600 MANDARIN 11980IRK 13625T 13760T 15150T 15665T<br />

17525D 17615S 17880S 21540T<br />

0600-0700 MANDARIN 11980IRK 13625T 13760T 15150T 15665T<br />

17525D 17615S 17880S<br />

0600-0700 TIBETAN 17515D 17715K 17720U 21570T 21715UAE<br />

break<br />

1100-1200 LAO 9355S 9775T 15565I<br />

1100-1200 TIBETAN 7470U 11540D 11590K 13625T 15435UAE<br />

1200-1400 TIBETAN 7470U 11540D 11590K 13625T 15185S 15435UAE<br />

1230-1330 CAMBODIAN 5910V 13725I 15395T<br />

1230-1330 BURMESE 9365D 11795T 121<strong>05</strong>I 15700T<br />

1400-1500 CANTONESE 6<strong>05</strong>0T(x9825T) 7280T(x15255T) 11950S<br />

1400-1500 VIETNAMESE 7380U 9365D 9455S 116<strong>05</strong>T 13725P<br />

13865I 15470T 21625I<br />

1500-1600 TIBETAN 7470U 7495D 11500K 15385UAE<br />

1500-1600 MANDARIN 7540D 99<strong>05</strong>P 11945T 13670T 13745T 15510T<br />

1500-1700 KOREAN 7210IRK 11870S 13625T<br />

1600-1700 UYGHUR 7515D 7530D 9625UAE 11720T 13725I<br />

1600-1700 MANDARIN 6095T 7540D 9455S 99<strong>05</strong>P 11945T 13670T<br />

13745T 15510T<br />

1700-1800 MANDARIN 7540D 9355S 9455S 99<strong>05</strong>P 11945T<br />

13670T 13745T 15510T<br />

1800-1900 MANDARIN 6095T 7355N 7540D 9355S 9455S 11790T<br />

11945T 13670T 13745T 15510T<br />

1900-2000 MANDARIN 1098N 5990T 6095T 7355N 7540D 9355S<br />

9455S 9875P 11790T 11945T 11970T 13745T<br />

2000-2100 MANDARIN 1098N 5990T 6095T 7355N 7540D 9355S<br />

9455S 9875P 9885T 11900S(xT) 11950T<br />

11970T 13745T<br />

2100-2200 MANDARIN 1098N 6095T 7355N 7540D 9355S 9455S<br />

9875P 9885T 11950T 11970T 13745T<br />

2100-2300 KOREAN 7460U 9385T 11785S 13625T<br />

2200-2300 CANTONESE 9570T(xS) 9845P 11740S(xT) 11775T<br />

2230-2330 CAMBODIAN 7185I 9930P 15485T<br />

2300-2359 MANDARIN 7540D 99<strong>05</strong>P 11775T 13745S 13800T 15430T<br />

15550T<br />

2300-2359 TIBETAN 6010UAE 7415D 7470U 7550K 9875LAM<br />

2330-0029 VIETNAMESE 7515D 9930P 11580U 116<strong>05</strong>N 11965T 13720S<br />

13865I 15565V<br />

( and various sources,<br />

wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 12)<br />

UZBEKISTAN 5850 at present strong S=4-5 signal in southern Germany.<br />

Moscow Special Radio at 1908 UT. Chaotic cry POP mx. 1900-2000 UT 5850

Thursdays only.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 8)<br />

5850 Special Radio (via Tashkent), *1900-1925 UT on Nov 24, ID in RS and<br />

EG, RS pops followed.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Dec 2)<br />

Special Radio imminent. Remin<strong>der</strong> that the weekly broadcast in Russian of<br />

Special Radio is imminent, Thursday 1900-2000 UT via Uzbekistan on 5850,<br />

100 kW, 311 degrees. If it's ever going to make it to NoAM, now's the most<br />

likely time, the further north the better.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-USA, dxld Dec 8)<br />

Moscow Special Radio. Actual mx from Russia. B<strong>05</strong>. 5850 kHz. 1900<br />

(Thursday). Transmitter: QTH - Tashkent (Uzbekistan) 100 kW Azimut 311<br />

deg.<br />

(Alexan<strong>der</strong> Usoltsev, Special Radio via RUS<strong>DX</strong> Nov 20)<br />

Note new Tashkent site for Spezialnoye Radio (during B<strong>05</strong> somewhat vague<br />

information pointed at Samara).<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Nov 20)<br />

See included recording of Special Radio (via Tashkent-UZB), Thursdays<br />

only. Heard 1908 til 1958 UT yesterday Dec 8th.<br />

At closing of the txion heard a phone no. of Moscow annt, e-mail address,<br />

then<br />

- three times - interval signature (like more of Tashkent-UZB central Asia<br />

nature??)<br />

- and strange enough (1x time) TWR interval signal at closing end.<br />

Do you know the 'three times IS' origin??? of R Rossii special program or<br />

Uzbekistan?<br />

TWR starts the Northern/Baltic lang sce programme via MW Popovka St.P. on<br />

1494 kHz at 2000 UT. So seemingly another switching channel error via the<br />

Moscow bc house control room.<br />


2000-2030 .....67 Lithuanian 1494 600 258 29NW<br />

2000-2030 12345.. Swedish 1494 600 258 18<br />

2030-2100 .....67 Estonian 1494 600 258 29NW<br />

2030-2100 12345.. Norwegian 1494 600 258 18<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 9)<br />

5850 Special Radio PROJECT (via Tashkent-UZB)<br />

Recording made by Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM on Thursday Dec 8th.<br />

Still unknown t h r e e Interval signals at closing of the broadcast.<br />

[some R Rossii Special radio project IS ? ]<br />

(wb, Dec 9)<br />

Dear Wolfgang: Those are the interval signals of Special Radio recorded at<br />

Alexei Vishnya's studio in Moscow. The station carries them in the<br />

beginning and in the end of every SW broadcast.<br />

(Sergei Sosedkin-IL-USA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 11)<br />

VANUATU [?] 3944.76, tent. R. Vanuatu (per Ritola log), there has been a<br />

hefty carrier here in checks the last few mornings, but the only audio I<br />

could get out of it was a little bit arnd 1100 UT on Dec 11. I would<br />

expect pretty good audio from a signal this size. Bears watching.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 11)

VATICAN STATE Complete B<strong>05</strong> medium and short-wave schedule of Vatican<br />

Radio,<br />

139 entries.<br />

Albanian<br />

0620 EU 1260 1611<br />

2000 EU 1260 1611 6185 7250<br />

Amharic, Tigre<br />

0400 AF 103.8 7360 9660<br />

1630 AF 103.8 11625 13765 (x15570)<br />

Angelus<br />

1100 AF su,H 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 1611D 15595 21850<br />

1100 AS su,H 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 1611D 15595 17515<br />

1100 EU su,H 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 1611D 5885 7250 9645 11740<br />

Arabic<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 AF 1260 9645 11715<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 AS 1260 9645 11715<br />

0745 AF mo-fr 93.3 1530 7250 9645 15595<br />

0745 AS mo-fr 93.3 1530 15595<br />

0745 EU mo-fr 93.3 1530 5885<br />

1630 AF 1260 9755 11850 (x11625 x15595)<br />

1630 AS 1260 9755 11850 (x11625 x15595)<br />

2140 AF 93.3 1530 5885 7250<br />

2140 EU 93.3 1530 40<strong>05</strong><br />

Armenian<br />

0310 EU 1260 6185 9645<br />

1650 EU 1611 7365-til Mar 04,2006 9585 11715-from Mar <strong>05</strong>,2006<br />

Bulgarian<br />

<strong>05</strong>40 EU 1611 6185 7335<br />

1920 EU 1260 1611 6185 7365<br />

Byelorussian<br />

0420 EU 1260 6185 7335<br />

1800 EU 1260 1611 6185-til Mar 04,2006 7365 9585-from Mar <strong>05</strong>,2006<br />

Chinese<br />

new additional 0000 AS 13780KHB-RUS<br />

1230 AS exc.Sat 103.8 6020PUG-PHL 13770 15235<br />

2200 AS 103.8 6145 73<strong>05</strong> 9600KHB-RUS not Dec 04,20<strong>05</strong> - Feb 04,2006<br />

9600P.K-RUS only Dec 04,20<strong>05</strong> - Feb 04,2006<br />

Croatian<br />

0350 EU 93.3 1530 40<strong>05</strong><br />

1750 EU 93.3 1467ROU-F 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885 7250<br />

Czech<br />

0410 EU 93.3 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885<br />

1830 EU 93.3 1467ROU-F 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885 7250<br />

English<br />

0250 AM 73<strong>05</strong> 96<strong>05</strong><br />

0300 AF 103.8 7360<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 AF 103.8 7360 9660 11625<br />

0600 EU 93,3 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885 7250<br />

0630 AF 103.8 9660 11625 13765<br />

delete 1030 EU mo,tu,th-sa 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1611 5885<br />

1730 AF 103.8 9755 11625 13765 (x15570)<br />

2000 AF 103.8 7365 9755 11625

2<strong>05</strong>0 EU 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885 7250<br />

Esperanto<br />

2020 EU su,H 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885<br />

2020 EU we,th 1260 1611 6185 7250<br />

2250 EU su,H 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 1611D 40<strong>05</strong> 5885<br />

French<br />

0230 AF 103.8 7360<br />

0230 AM 73<strong>05</strong> 96<strong>05</strong><br />

0430 AF 103.8 7360 9660<br />

<strong>05</strong>40 EU 93,3 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885 7250<br />

0600 AF 103.8 9660 11625 13765<br />

1200 EU mo-fr 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1611D 5885<br />

1700 AF 103.8 11625 13765 (x15570)<br />

2030 AF 103.8 7365 9755 11625<br />

2030 EU 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885 7250<br />

French, English<br />

1700 EU 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885 7250 9645<br />

1700 AS 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 9755 (x15595)<br />

Ge'ez Liturgy<br />

0930 AF su,H 93.3 15595 17515<br />

German<br />

<strong>05</strong>20 EU 93.3 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885 7250<br />

1920 EU 93.3 1467ROU-F 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885 7250<br />

German, English, Italian<br />

2310 EU 93.3 1530D<br />

German, Polish<br />

1500 EU 93.3 5885 7250 9645<br />

Hindi, Tamil, Mal[ayalam]., English<br />

0040 AS 103.8 7335 9865<br />

0200 AS 12070NVS-RUS<br />

1430 AS 103.8 9310TAC-UZB(x9865) 11850 13765<br />

Hungarian<br />

0440 EU 93.3 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885<br />

1810 EU 93.3 1467ROU-F 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885 7250<br />

Italian, French, English<br />

0700 AF mo-fr 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 9645 15595<br />

0700 AS mo-fr 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 15595<br />

0700 EU mo-fr 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885 6185 7250 11740<br />

Italian<br />

1100 EU mo-fr 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1611D 5885<br />

1115 EU su,H 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1611D 5885<br />

1300 AF 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1611D 15595 21850<br />

1300 AS 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1611D 15595<br />

1300 EU 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1611D 5885 7250 9645 11740<br />

1530 EU fr 93,3 5885 7250 9645<br />

1630 EU 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 5885 7250 9645<br />

2000 EU 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885<br />

2200 EU 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 1611D 40<strong>05</strong> 5885<br />

2230 EU 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 1611D 40<strong>05</strong> 5885<br />

Italian, English<br />

2020 EU mo 1260 1611 6185

Kiswahili<br />

0330 AF 103.8 7360 9660<br />

1600 AF 103.8 11625 13765 (x15570)<br />

Latvian<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 EU 6185 7335<br />

1840 EU 1260 1611 6185-til Mar 04,2006 7365 9585-from Mar <strong>05</strong>,2006<br />

Lithuanian<br />

0440 EU 1260 6185 7335<br />

1820 EU 1260 1611 6185-til Mar 04,2006 7365 9585-from Mar <strong>05</strong>,2006<br />

Mass in Chinese<br />

1230 AS sa 103.8 6020PUG-PHL 13770 15235<br />

Mass in English<br />

1130 AF fr 103.8 15595 17515<br />

1130 AS fr 103.8 15595 17515<br />

1530 AS sa 103.8 9310TAC-UZB(x9865) 11850 13765<br />

Mass in Italian<br />

0830 EU su,H 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 7250<br />

Mass in Latin<br />

0630 AF 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 9645 15595<br />

0630 AS 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 15595<br />

0630 EU 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885 6185 7250 11740<br />

Music<br />

1530 EU sa-th 93,3 5885 7250 9645<br />

Oriental Liturgy [see also Ge'ez Liturgy]<br />

0930 AF su,H 93.3 15595 17515<br />

0930 AS su,H 93.3 15595<br />

0930 EU su,H 93.3 11740 17515<br />

Papal Audience<br />

0915 EU we 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1611D 5885<br />

Philippine<br />

2020 EU fr 1260 1611<br />

Polish<br />

<strong>05</strong>00 EU 93.3 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885 7250<br />

1900 EU 93.3 1467ROU-F 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885 7250<br />

Portuguese<br />

0030 AM 1260 73<strong>05</strong> 96<strong>05</strong><br />

<strong>05</strong>30 AF 103.8 9660 11625 13765<br />

0900 AM mo-fr 1260<br />

1000 AM mo-fr 1260 21850<br />

1415 EU 93,3 1260 7250 9645 (x11740)<br />

1500 AM th 1260<br />

1600 AM 1260<br />

1800 AF 103.8 9755 11625 13765 (x15570)<br />

delete 2130 EU 93.3 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885 7250<br />

Rosary<br />

1940 AF 93.3 103.8 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 7365 9755 11625<br />

1940 AS 93.3 103.8 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 7365 (x9755)<br />

1940 EU 93.3 103.8 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885 7365 (x9755)<br />

Romanian<br />

<strong>05</strong>20 EU 1611 6185 7335

1900 EU 1260 1611 6185 7365<br />

Romanian Liturgy<br />

0710 EU su,H 93.3 7250 9645<br />

Russian<br />

0330 EU 1260 6185 7335 9645<br />

1330 EU/AS 1260 5895SAM-RUS 9695 (x118<strong>05</strong>)<br />

1710 EU 1611 6185-til Mar 04,2006 7365 9585 11715-from Mar <strong>05</strong>,2006<br />

2100 AS/EU 1260 5910 7370 (x9585)<br />

Scandinavian<br />

0600 EU 1260 1611 6185 7335<br />

1940 EU 1260 1611 6185 7250<br />

Slovak<br />

0425 EU 93.3 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885<br />

1845 EU 93.3 1467ROU-F 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885 7250<br />

Slovenian<br />

0330 EU 93.3 1530 40<strong>05</strong><br />

1730 EU 93.3 1467ROU-F 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885 7250<br />

Somali<br />

0345 AF su 103.8 7360 9660<br />

1615 AF sa 103.8 11625 13765 (x15570)<br />

Spanish<br />

0100 AM 1260 73<strong>05</strong> 96<strong>05</strong> 11910<br />

0145 AM 73<strong>05</strong> 96<strong>05</strong> 11910<br />

0320 AM 73<strong>05</strong> 96<strong>05</strong><br />

delete 0900 EU mo-fr 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1611 5885<br />

1130 AM mo-fr 1260 21850<br />

1400 EU 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1260 1611D 7250 9645 (x11740)<br />

1500 AM mo,fr 1260<br />

1730 AM 1260<br />

1900 AF sa 103.8 9755 11625<br />

2120 EU 93.3 1<strong>05</strong> 585 1530 40<strong>05</strong> 5885 7250<br />

Ukrainian<br />

0400 EU 1260 6185 7335<br />

1740 EU 1611 6185-til Mar 04,2006 7365 9585-from Mar <strong>05</strong>,2006<br />

Ukrainian Liturgy<br />

0715 EU su,H 1611 9850 11740<br />

Urdu<br />

0025 AS mo,th 103.8 7335 9865<br />

1415 AS we,su 103.8 11850 13765<br />

Vespers<br />

1600 EU 93,3 5885 7250 9645<br />

Vietnamese<br />

1315 AS 103.8 62<strong>05</strong>TCH-RUS 17515<br />

2315 AS 103.8 73<strong>05</strong>NVS-RUS 9600<br />

D=DRM mode experimental bcs. H=Holy Days.<br />

(Vatican Radio leaflet / magazine, Dec 10, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

Also DRM - digital mode - registration via Flevoland-HOL noted as<br />

7240 1500-1515 18,27,2FLE 40kW 123deg Eng HOL VAT RNW<br />

and via Sackville-CAN as<br />

9800 2045-2130 7NE,8N SAC 70kW 268deg Eng CAN VAT RCI

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 10, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

B<strong>05</strong> medium and short-wave schedule of Vatican Radio, to mark it clear the<br />

txions with limited season usage of frequencies, in MMM/DD/YYYY format:<br />

Armenian<br />

1650 EU 1611 7365-til Mar 04,2006 9585<br />

11715-from Mar <strong>05</strong>,2006<br />

Byelorussian<br />

1800 EU 1260 1611 6185-til Mar 04,2006 7365<br />

9585-from Mar <strong>05</strong>,2006<br />

Chinese<br />

2200 AS 103.8 6145 73<strong>05</strong><br />

9600KHB-RUS not Dec 04,20<strong>05</strong> - Feb 04,2006<br />

9600P.K-RUS only Dec 04,20<strong>05</strong> - Feb 04,2006<br />

Latvian<br />

1840 EU 1260 1611 6185-til Mar 04,2006 7365<br />

9585-from Mar <strong>05</strong>,2006<br />

Lithuanian<br />

1820 EU 1260 1611 6185-til Mar 04,2006 7365<br />

9585-from Mar <strong>05</strong>,2006<br />

Russian<br />

1710 EU 1611 6185-til Mar 04,2006 7365 9585<br />

11715-from Mar <strong>05</strong>,2006<br />

Ukrainian<br />

1740 EU 1611 6185-til Mar 04,2006 7365<br />

9585-from Mar <strong>05</strong>,2006<br />

(Vatican Radio leaflet / magazine, Dec 10, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

R. Vaticana carries the Russian-language church sce in acc. with the Roman<br />

Catholic rule live every second and fourth Sun. 0930-1045 UT on 11740,<br />

15595, 17515 and 93.3. On the great holidays of the Russian Orthodox<br />

liturgical year the liturgy is in the Church Slavonic lang. I guess the<br />

Ge'ez liturgy is carried every first and third Sun.<br />

I won<strong>der</strong> what they broadcast when there are five Sundays in a month?<br />

(Sergei Sosedkin-IL-USA, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 12)<br />

VIETNAM 9838.93 V. of Vietnam, at 1150 on Dec 10, Fem talk in lang<br />

mentioning Vietnam, switch to male. gave web site. Poor.<br />

(George Herr-CA-USA, NASWA via dxld Dec 11) Not 9839.93? (gh, dxld)<br />

Nice conditions to Vietnam this cold afternoon Dec 9. DIEN BIEN BS coming<br />

with pretty weak signal on 6317.1 kHz at 1245 UTC. Reception of R SON LA<br />

on 4739.7 kHz is quite readable. I've heard R Son La Radio signing off at<br />

1400 UTC. Nice to hear these exotic stations.<br />

(Jouko Huuskonen-FIN, hcdx Dec 9)<br />

Heard in Indochina:<br />

5925, Voice of Vietnam 2, Xuan Mai, 1450-1508, Nov 15, French lang<br />

lessons, also heard in Vietnamese at 2048, 0015 and 09<strong>05</strong>, 34443.<br />

5975, Voice of Vietnam 1, Son Tai, *2200-0015, 0906-0935 and 1508-16<strong>05</strong> ,<br />

Nov 14, 15, 18, 19 and 20, Vietnamese ann, mx, 34443 heard // 7210 and<br />

9530.<br />

6020, Voice of Vietnam 4, Son Tai, *2158-0015, 0930 and 1510, Nov 15, 18<br />

and 20, Rade/Sedane ID after National anthem, 34443.

6165, Voice of Vietnam, Xuan Mai, *2200-2312, Nov 14, 15 and 16, H'Mong<br />

talk, orchestra mx, 34444 QRM CNR 6. (5035 was not heard!).<br />

7210, Voice of Vietnam 1, Son Tai, 0020, 0907 and 1543, Nov 15 and 18,<br />

Vietnamese, 34443 // 5975.<br />

7220, Voice of Vietnam 6, Hanoi, 2308, Nov 14, Khmer (t) talk, 33333.<br />

(Petersen, Laos). However, not heard 2143-0022, Nov 15, 17 and 18.<br />

9530, Voice of Vietnam 1, Son Tai, 2220, 0907 and 1500-1600, Nov 13, 15,<br />

17, 18 and 19, Vietnamese programmes, 35333 heard // 5975 and 7210.<br />

9550, Voice of Vietnam 1, Son Tai, 2221-0021 and 1540-1550*, Nov 17, 18<br />

and 19, Vietnamese programmes, *1600 FS in English, 25333.<br />

9875, Voice of Vietnam 2, Son Tai, 22<strong>05</strong>-2210, Nov 15, Vietnamese ann //<br />

HS-1 5975, 44444. Also heard 09<strong>05</strong>, Nov 18 // 5925.<br />

Despite several attempts, the following present or former Vietnamese<br />

stations could not be heard in Central and Southern Vietnam, Laos ,<br />

Cambodia or Thailand: 4739.8 Son La, 4930 Yen Bai, 5035 Hanoi, 5597 Lao<br />

Cai, 5733.8 Yen Bai, 6347 Yen Bai, 6442 Dien Bien Phu (After my tour I<br />

learned that it had moved to 6317 which was not checked!), 6495 Cao Bang,<br />

6664 Lao Cai, 7120 Hanoi, 7145 Son Tai and 7156 Ha Giang. All except Son<br />

La and Dien Bien Phu are probably off the air.<br />

In Hue nine stations were heard on FM at 2330. In Qui Nhon on the East<br />

Coast all MW and FM stations had signed off when checking them at 21<strong>05</strong><br />

(04<strong>05</strong> local time).<br />

In Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) at 2239-2311on Nov 19 (around <strong>05</strong>54 local) I<br />

could hear these local Voice of Vietnam (VOV) stations on MW: 558 kHz VOV-<br />

2, 610 VOV-H, 657 VOV-1, 711 VOV-2 (Can Tho) // 558, 747 VOV-4 and 873<br />

VOV-2 (Can Tho) // 558 kHz. But all had closed down when checked at 1600<br />

(2300 local) on Nov 18.<br />

In Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) at 2220-2235 on Nov 19 (around <strong>05</strong>30 local) I<br />

could hear no less than 15 FM-stations in this pulsating city: 90.7 (weak)<br />

// 92.5, 91.0 // 102.4, 92.5 (strong), 93.5, 94.4 // 93.5, 95.0, 96.5,<br />

97.5, 101.0, 101.8 (distorted) // 97.5, 102.4 // 91.0, 102.5, 102.7, 104.5<br />

and 1<strong>05</strong>.9 (distorted) MHz. But at around 1600 (2300 local), Nov 18, I<br />

noticed only these stations on FM: 92.5 (-1610*), 99.9 // 100.4, 104.5,<br />

1<strong>05</strong>.7 Voice of Vietnam FS in English heard // 9550 SW.<br />

(all Anker Petersen-DEN, touring THA, LAO, CBG, and VTN, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Dec 14)<br />

WRTH 1947 to 1958 REPRINT<br />

Twelve editions with fully text search function on a CD! This is a joint<br />

venture between the WRTH Co. and AD<strong>DX</strong> on the occasion of the 60th edition<br />

of the WRTH! The rare old copies of the first editions of the WRTH<br />

occasionally can be found at eBay auction. Thus the 1949 edition was sold<br />

this summer for 750 U.S. Dollars!<br />

The first twelve editions have now been scanned and are sold on a CD which<br />

I have had a look at. It is very easy to work with and highly<br />

recommendable to all people interested in broadcast radio history.<br />

More at <br />

Until <strong>Jan</strong> 31, 2006, it is sold for 40 Euro including postage. After that<br />

date the CD will cost 50 Euro. Send your or<strong>der</strong> and payment directly to

AD<strong>DX</strong>, Scharsbergweg 14, D-41189 Moenchengladbach, Germany.<br />

Bank transfer to AD<strong>DX</strong> account no. 8686800 at Deutsche Bank, Duesseldorf<br />

Germany, BLZ 30070024<br />

(IBAN: DE 7030 0700 1000 0868 6800, BIC: DEUT DE DB DUE)<br />

(Michael Schmitz-D, AD<strong>DX</strong> Dec 12)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> 740 23 Dec 20<strong>05</strong><br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

<strong>Private</strong> <strong>Verwendung</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Meldun</strong>gen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede<br />

kommerzielle <strong>Verwendung</strong> bedarf <strong>der</strong> Zustimmung des Newslettereditors.<br />

Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio<br />

may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all<br />

stages, from the original source through <strong>DX</strong>LD, and publications quoting<br />

are made available to gh in exchange.<br />

A-<strong>DX</strong> -Information on German spoken A-<strong>DX</strong> Mailing List read un<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Reproduction of items from <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due<br />

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Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual<br />

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with prior written consent of the editor of <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> / Top News.<br />

This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our<br />

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Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week un<strong>der</strong>:<br />

<br />

e-mail <br />

AFGHANISTAN? Unidentified 400 kW mediumwave antenna system from an<br />

American manufacturer: I guess this is the new 1107/1296 kHz facility near<br />

Kabul.<br />

<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Dec 18)<br />

No, the KTL photos and description are NOT Kabul. You should send an e-<br />

mail to Tom King and ask him for sure, but they look to me like TWR Sri<br />

Lanka.<br />

Kabul systems (transmitters, antenna hardware) were supplied by Harris.<br />

(We designed the antenna rebuild and Steve Lockwood and Dave Pinion of H&D<br />

for the dTR/H&D Joint Venture un<strong>der</strong> contract to Harris and IBB implemented<br />

it.) Kabul antennas are a very elegant standard Russian design, skirt fed<br />

Franklins, omnidirectional. Paul Leonard of our office did all the<br />

redesign analysis, and his paper on the subject will be in the next issue<br />

of the IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society Magazine.<br />

(Ben Dawson, Hatfield & Dawson Consulting Engineers, LLC and The dTR/H&D<br />

Joint Venture, Consulting Engineers A partnership of duTreil, Lundin &<br />

Rackley, Inc. and Hatfield & Dawson Consulting Engineers, LLC,<br />

via dxld Dec 17)<br />

So the ARRT antennas have survived? Seems to me there were reports about<br />

the belonging txs (amongst them a massive 1000 kW, still run on 1107 while<br />

Taliban where in power I un<strong>der</strong>stand) being destroyed in air-raids. Hence I<br />

suspected new antennas there, so the matching 400 kW power level caught my<br />

attention.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Dec 19)

On the MW of interest was a station from Afghanistan heard many times on<br />

the low power channel of 1602 kHz at sunrise and sunset, 8.00 pm local<br />

time etc. often // to Radio Afghanistan on 1107 kHz. They are playing lot<br />

of Hindi Film mx and at first I mistook them for some AIR station. The VOA<br />

Medium Wave station in Afghanistan on 1296 kHz was also heard at excellent<br />

level with various programs at dark.<br />

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, dxld Dec 18)<br />

1602, Khost Radio as QSLed by Mika Maekelaeinen in Finland.<br />

(ARC Information Desk 12 Dec via editor Olle Alm, dxld)<br />

I suspect the report from Jose was during his visit to the earthquake area<br />

of northern India several weeks ago. (gh)<br />

ALBANIA Albania paralysed by power cuts. The Albanian govt is taking<br />

measures to end power cuts that have crippled the country since Monday.<br />

Restrictions have left most Albanians without power for light, heating and<br />

cooking for 18 hours a day.<br />

Only emergency sces and foreign embassies have had unrestricted power, in<br />

what some describe as Albania's worst ever power shortage. The govt is to<br />

privatise 80 small hydropower stations and boost energy imports, reports<br />

say.<br />

Water shortage. Correspondents say Albania's grid is on the brink of<br />

collapse, with water supplies in the hydropower plants reaching the<br />

minimum level. The last such plant was built about 30 years ago and there<br />

has been little investment in the grid since.<br />

The failure of existing hydropower stations to produce energy has been<br />

blamed on low water levels. State power utility Kesh has been importing<br />

power from companies in Romania and Bulgaria, and hopes to transfer more<br />

from Italy.<br />

Currently, blackouts in Tirana last from 0630 until 1500 UT. In outlying<br />

areas power is cut an hour earlier, but there are villages that have no<br />

electricity for days on end. Albanian officials have said the country has<br />

less than a two weeks' supply and frantic efforts are being un<strong>der</strong>taken to<br />

conclude new contracts.<br />

Blame game Prime Minister Sali Berisha travelled to Italy on Thursday -<br />

where he met the head of energy company Enel. Mr Berisha said he had<br />

received promises of help and was confident the crisis would be overcome -<br />

and a total collapse of the power grid avoided.<br />

The crisis has turned into a political blame game, with Mr Berisha<br />

accusing the Socialists he replaced in September of failing to secure<br />

contracts in or<strong>der</strong> to un<strong>der</strong>mine his govt. They accuse Mr Berisha's cabinet<br />

of amateurism in negotiating a way out of the crisis.<br />

Earlier this week, European Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn told<br />

Albania that negotiations on a co-operation treaty, seen as the first step<br />

towards EU membership, could be completed in the coming months.<br />

Story from B<strong>BC</strong> NEWS:<br />

<br />

(B<strong>BC</strong>M Nov 11)<br />

After its all of a sudden interruption from 5 Dec at 1500 UTC, Radio<br />

Tirana Channel 3, Foreign Service is back on air on 20 Dec 20<strong>05</strong> at 1500UTC<br />

on Satellite (for the first time), MW & HF as attached.<br />

All the best from a sunny cold December in Tirana,

Drita Cico, Head of Monitoring Center<br />


(via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 22)<br />

RT ext sce has been OFF the air Dec 5th til Dec 19th. (wb)<br />

Radio Tirana SW txions observed again<br />

Various reports to Glenn Hauser's <strong>DX</strong> Listening Digest indicate that the<br />

shortwave txions of Radio Tirana have been restored according to the<br />

previous schedule. Broadcasts in English been observed:<br />

a.. To Europe at 1945-2000 UTC on 7465 and 7530 kHz<br />

b.. To Europe at 2230-2300 UTC on 7110 kHz<br />

c.. To North America at 0245-0300 UTC on 6115 and 7455 kHz<br />

d.. To North America at 0330-0400 UTC on 6115 and 7455 kHz<br />

As far we know, no official explanation has been offered for the temporary<br />

suspension of the broadcasts.<br />

(RNW MN NL via Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Dec 22)<br />

Kann mal jemand in OE / Slowenien auf 1395 kHz hinein hoeren ? (wb)<br />

Am Donnerstag, 22. Dez., um 0903 UT auf exakt 1395.3 kHz war eine<br />

Frauenstimme anwesend (O=1/2) Rauschen sehr stark. [// 71<strong>05</strong> bis 1000 UT,<br />

wb.].<br />

Aber fq-Abweichung duerfte schon auf ALB deuten. Der Empfang ging einige<br />

Minuten spaeter endgueltig im Rauschen unter.<br />

(Herbert Meixner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 22)<br />

"With the situation in Albania, we should check whether any or all of the<br />

CRI relays are still running on SW (Glenn)"<br />

Relays of other broadcasters on SW are not affected by the current<br />

financial crisis at RTSH. These are long-term contracts for hard cash,<br />

which the country needs. In fact, if the Radio Tirana broadcasts are<br />

closed permanently, I would expect to see more, not less, SW relays of<br />

other stations from Albania.<br />

(Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld Dec 19)<br />

I know there are not supposed to be, but even if finances are OK for the<br />

relays, there still might be power outages (Glenn, <strong>DX</strong>LD)<br />

Hi Glenn, Andy is right, I checked many of the foreign broadcasts in past<br />

days since Dec 5th. There is really no break on the MW and SW relays.<br />

Drita and her team notes down very accurately every second or min, when<br />

the Fllake, Shijak or Cerrik are down on short breaks due to main power<br />

failure at the station or on the fee<strong>der</strong> line between.<br />

(Wolfgang Bueschel, dxld Dec 18)<br />

FYI, received on Dec 16th.<br />

Since 5 Dec. 20<strong>05</strong> Radio Tirana - Foreign Service in Albanian and seven<br />

langs: English, French, German, Italian, Serbian, Greek and Turkish<br />

continues to be off air.<br />

Since 12 Dec 20<strong>05</strong> Radio Tirana 1st Domestic Program broadcasts non stop<br />

(instead of 0400-2300 UT) on FM and Satellite - as resulted from<br />

observations of ARTV Monitoring Center on 13 Dec.<br />

(wb, dxld Dec 18)<br />

Pleased to say that Radio Tirana is back. Am listening to them on 7465<br />

kHz, 1952 UT 12/20. 7530 is also present.<br />

(Christopher Lewis-UK, dxld Dec 20)<br />

RTirana ext sce back on Dec 20. So seemingly financial problems and

mobbing amongst the RT departments came to an end ...<br />

RT Albanian 0730-0900 UT on 71<strong>05</strong> was in progress, but couldn't trace it on<br />

1458 kHz due of long distance, but 338 degrees azimuth would fit towards<br />

Germany. And on air again at 0901-1000 UT on 1395 and 71<strong>05</strong>. On // 71<strong>05</strong><br />

there is a phone-in program in progress interviewing some Albanian<br />

nationals abroad.<br />

The next RT external sce broadcast today, is at 1500-1630 UT on 1458 kHz<br />

in Albanian, Turkish at 1630-1645, Greek 1645-1700 UT, all non-<br />

directional.<br />

Maybe somebody in Austria, ex-YUG, Italy and Greece can check the latter<br />

mediumwave sce.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 20)<br />

ALGERIA [to WeSahara] 1550 Polisario Front, Tindouf, obs'ed on 16 Dec<br />

at 0851-0904* UT with Arabic prgr, chantings, National Anthem played at<br />

0902 after which the carrier remained on for a vy. brief period; 55544;<br />

their 7460 outlet is still silent.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 22)<br />

AUSTRALIA Winter B-<strong>05</strong> for CVC International via DRW=Darwin:<br />

Chinese to China<br />

2200-2300 on 9865 DRW 250 kW / 340 deg<br />

2300-0200 on 15500 DRW 250 kW / 340 deg<br />

0400-0600 on 15250 DRW 250 kW / 340 deg<br />

0600-1200 on 17635 DRW 250 kW / 340 deg<br />

1200-1500 on 13685 DRW 250 kW / 340 deg<br />

1500-1800 on 13695 DRW 250 kW / 340 deg<br />

English to South East Asia<br />

0900-1100 on 11955 DRW 250 kW / 316 deg<br />

English to Indonesia<br />

0600-0900 on 15335 DRW 250 kW / 303 deg<br />

1100-1800 on 13635 DRW 250 kW / 303 deg<br />

Indonesian to Indonesia<br />

2300-0200 on 15250 DRW 250 kW / 290 deg<br />

0400-1000 on 17820 DRW 250 kW / 290 deg<br />

1000-1300 on 15365 DRW 250 kW / 290 deg<br />

1300-1700 on 7245 DRW 250 kW / 290 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 20)<br />

9500 R. Australia, Shepperton VIC, obs'ed on 17 Dec 1936-1958*, English<br />

to PNG+Pacific, chat & mx prgr Australia All Over; 34422, adjc. QRM.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 22)<br />

2368.5, from ACMA database<br />

<br />

A Craig Allen has five licenses for Domestic HF <strong>BC</strong>ing from different<br />

capital cities, all on 2368.5. Anyone have any idea what this is about?<br />

Actually I see a few others have licenses on this fqy as well.<br />

(Richard Jary-AUS, AR<strong>DX</strong>C Dec 18)<br />

As I recall this came up a few years ago, and the assumption was that this<br />

is a foot-in-the-door for some possible digital b/cing.<br />

(GH, AR<strong>DX</strong>C dxld Dec 18)<br />

Yes it's Peter Tait here on the Gold Coast. He intends to put them on and

I quote: "when funds permit"!! i.e. sometime in the never never. Peter<br />

Tait is a regular contributor with postings to the nx group<br />

aus.radio.broadcast. Anyway isn't he a member of AR<strong>DX</strong>C? Isn't he on this<br />

list also? Come out Pete, wherever you are.<br />

(Chris Martin-AUS, AR<strong>DX</strong>C Dec 18)<br />

AUSTRIA Winter B-<strong>05</strong> for CVC International via MOS=Moosbrunn:<br />

English to West Europe<br />

1000-1100 on 9760*MOS <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 295 deg *DRM mode<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 20)<br />

AZERBAIJAN 6110.8 on Dec 21 at 1400- UT. R. Azerbaijan International.<br />

This must be one of the hardest-to-hear foreign sces. No definite ID even<br />

now, but many mentions of Azerbaijan in a Turkic lang preceded by interval<br />

signal and opening mx, which were exactly the same as on Dave Kernick's<br />

web site. Vlad Titarev has heard this identify as Radio Azerbaijan<br />

International instead of the old Voice of Azerbaijan.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, hcdx Dec 21)<br />

BELARUS/RUSSIA 2340 Tblisskaya or Minsk? Russian or BLR Speech, some<br />

classical mx monitored 1914-2<strong>05</strong>6 UT, i've had both in the past, i'm<br />

thinking its Minsk because i usually hear the interval signal on<br />

Tblisskaya, do schedules for either of those 2 txs have sign off times/ px<br />

details that would help?<br />

(Tim Bucknall-UK, harmonics Dec 17)<br />

Compare 1170 progr content with VoRUS Slovak via Minsk site.<br />

Slovak 1930-2000 5860 5860 S-Petersburg Europe<br />

Slovak 1930-2000 6045 6045 S-Petersburg Europe<br />

(wb, harmonics Dec 17)<br />

From Herman Boel's website:<br />

<br />

click ONLINE EDITION<br />

click Medium Wave 1100-1700 kHz<br />

1170 kHz RUS - Voice of Russia/Russian International Radio/IBRA<br />

Radio/Radio Kumru/Radio Ibrahim, Tbilisskaya (1200) - VO Russia: 0400-0600<br />

RIR Russian, 1500-1600 Turkish, 1700-1900 Arabic, 1900-1930 RIR Russian,<br />

2200-2300 RIR<br />

But 1170 kHz Arabic closes at 1900 UT, and IR International Radio at 1930<br />

UT.<br />

Russian (IR) 0200-0300 1170 1170 Mogilev Belarus<br />

Russian (IR) 0200-0300 1170 1170 Mogilev Europe<br />

Russian (IR) 0200-0300 1170 1170 Mogilev Ukraine, Moldova<br />

Russian (SC) 0300-0400 1170 1170 Mogilev Belarus<br />

Russian (SC) 0300-0400 1170 1170 Mogilev Europe<br />

Russian (SC) 0300-0400 1170 1170 Mogilev Ukraine, Moldova<br />

Russian (IR) 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 1170 1170 Krasnodar Caucasus<br />

Russian (IR) 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 1170 1170 Krasnodar Near and Middle East<br />

Russian (IR) 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 1170 1170 Mogilev Belarus<br />

Russian (IR) 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 1170 1170 Mogilev Europe<br />

Russian (IR) 0400-<strong>05</strong>00 1170 1170 Mogilev Ukraine, Moldova<br />

Russian (IR) <strong>05</strong>00-0600 1170 1170 Krasnodar Caucasus<br />

Russian (IR) <strong>05</strong>00-0600 1170 1170 Krasnodar Near and Middle East<br />

Russian (IR) 0700-0800 1170 1170 Mogilev Belarus<br />

Russian (IR) 0700-0800 1170 1170 Mogilev Europe<br />

Russian (IR) 0700-0800 1170 1170 Mogilev Ukraine, Moldova<br />

Russian (IR) 0800-0900 1170 1170 Mogilev Belarus<br />

Russian (IR) 0800-0900 1170 1170 Mogilev Europe<br />

Russian (IR) 0800-0900 1170 1170 Mogilev Ukraine, Moldova<br />

Russian (SC) 0900-1000 1170 1170 Mogilev Belarus

Russian (SC) 0900-1000 1170 1170 Mogilev Europe<br />

Russian (SC) 0900-1000 1170 1170 Mogilev Ukraine, Moldova<br />

Russian (SC) 1000-1100 1170 1170 Mogilev Europe<br />

Russian (SC) 1100-1200 1170 1170 Mogilev Belarus<br />

Russian (SC) 1100-1200 1170 1170 Mogilev Europe<br />

Russian (SC) 1100-1200 1170 1170 Mogilev Ukraine, Moldova<br />

Russian (SC) 1200-1300 1170 1170 Mogilev Belarus<br />

Russian (SC) 1200-1300 1170 1170 Mogilev Europe<br />

Russian (SC) 1200-1300 1170 1170 Mogilev Ukraine, Moldova<br />

Russian (SC) 1300-1400 1170 1170 Mogilev Belarus<br />

Russian (SC) 1300-1400 1170 1170 Mogilev Europe<br />

Russian (SC) 1300-1400 1170 1170 Mogilev Ukraine, Moldova<br />

Russian (SC) 1400-1500 1170 1170 Mogilev Belarus<br />

Russian (SC) 1400-1500 1170 1170 Mogilev Europe<br />

Russian (SC) 1400-1500 1170 1170 Mogilev Ukraine, Moldova<br />

Turkish 1500-1600 1170 1170 Krasnodar Near and Middle East<br />

Russian (SC) 1500-1600 1170 1170 Mogilev Belarus<br />

Russian (SC) 1500-1600 1170 1170 Mogilev Europe<br />

Russian (SC) 1500-1600 1170 1170 Mogilev Ukraine, Moldova<br />

Arabic 1700-1800 1170 1170 Krasnodar Africa<br />

Arabic 1700-1800 1170 1170 Krasnodar Near and Middle East<br />

Hungarian 1800-1845 1170 1170 Mogilev Europe<br />

Arabic 1800-1900 1170 1170 Krasnodar Africa<br />

Arabic 1800-1900 1170 1170 Krasnodar Near and Middle East<br />

Czech 1845-1930 1170 1170 Mogilev Europe<br />

Russian (IR) 1900-1930 1170 1170 Krasnodar Caucasus<br />

Slovak 1930-2000 1170 1170 Mogilev Europe<br />

Russian (IR) 2200-2300 1170 1170 Krasnodar Caucasus<br />

Russian (IR) 2200-2300 1170 1170 Krasnodar Near and Middle East<br />

Beware of Minsk Mogilev:<br />

BLR - Belaruskaye Radio 1/Radio Minsk/Voice of Russia/ local px, Sasnovy<br />

(700) - Belaruskye Radio 1: <strong>05</strong>00-0700, 1000-1100, 1600-1800 incl. T<br />

Stalica 1640-1700 (Mo-Fr) and 1600-1700 (Sa/Su);<br />

Voice of Russia: 0200-0300 RIR Russian, 0300-0400 Russian (Sodruzhestvo),<br />

0400-<strong>05</strong>00 RIR Russian, 0700-0900 RIR Russian, 0900-1600 Russian<br />

(Sodruzhestvo), 1800-1845 Hungarian, 1845-1930 Czech, 1930-2000 Slovak;<br />

Radio Minsk: 2000-2200 in Belarussian, English, German, Russian; local px:<br />

1600-1700 (sometimes 1600-1640): Mo R. Ekspres (Homielskaya), Tu R.<br />

Viciebsk, We R. Brest, Th R. Mahiliou, Fr R. Hrodna; azimuth: non-dir. for<br />

BR 1 pxs, 244 degrees for other pxs; tx is off every 1st, 3rd and 4th Wed<br />

of the month from 0600-1300 UT.<br />

2340 harmonic / 1170 is via Minsk Mogilev-BLR. (wb)<br />

BENIN Today 18 December TWR Africa says that "The medium wave tower in<br />

Benin is up and everyone is rejoicing."<br />

(Steve Whitt, MWC via dxld Dec 19) 1566 kHz<br />

BRAZIL 9665 In the time period 0300-0400 9665 is usually covered here by<br />

VOR-Moldova. However this evening (Dec 17 local date) VOR was gone and in<br />

its place the following:<br />

9665 CRI via Radiobras-Brasilia fair at 0341 UT tune-in with Spanish talk;<br />

many mentions of China; two clear SP IDs at 0343 UT; lots of mo<strong>der</strong>n<br />

Chinese mx; sudden off in mid-sentence at 0356 UT, here when VOR-Moldova<br />

is absent from this freq and time. This freq is listed for CRI-Brazil in<br />

Passport but not on the N<strong>DX</strong>C list.<br />

(James Ronda-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 18)<br />

There is a 2nd hour registered at 0100 UTC:<br />

9665 0100-0200 14,16 BRA 250 215 B CRI RTC ?also Spanish?

9665 0300-0400 10,11,12N BRA 250 314 B CRI RTC Sp<br />

At 215 degr from Brazilia should be Spanish lang section too?, mail lobe<br />

is in direction of Bolivia, Santiago de Chile.<br />

I guess, not English section like via Fidel's RHC facilities, Sackville,<br />

or Albania sites at same time slot.<br />

(wb, Dec 18)<br />

4985 R.Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 15 Dec at 2130-2150, A Voz do Brasil,<br />

w/ Jornal do Senado and the Chamber of Deputies rpt; 45443.<br />

11725 R. Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 16 Dec at 0907-1010, infos, anns.,<br />

TCs, songs, birthdays, all in religious prgr, preacher; 34433, adjc. QRM &<br />

deteriorating; almost gone by 1000.<br />

11780 R. Nac. da Amazonia, Brasilia DF, 16 Dec at 0904-1045, news,<br />

ballads, news 1000, folk mx prgr Amazonia Brasileira; 35443, QRM de UNID<br />

at 1000.<br />

11815 R. Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 16 Dec at 0909-1<strong>05</strong>5, Jornal Falado -<br />

O Mundo em sua Casa; 55444. I was unable to obs. the fade out time. Also<br />

the previous day, 15 Dec at, 2134-2225, A Voz do Brasil and Rede<br />

Obrigatoria 2200-2220, after which the stn own pxing resumed with<br />

religious feature Hora Milagrosa; 55544.<br />

11829.9 R. CBN Anhangueera, Goiania GO, 16 Dec at 0910-1<strong>05</strong>0, nx prgr Meia<br />

Hora - Jornal da CBN, advts; 44433. I couldn't monitor the f/out time.<br />

Also on 15 Dec at 2136-2226, A Voz do Brasil and Rede Obrigatoria 2200-<br />

2220, after which the stn aired its CBN Sport Club; 45544.<br />

11915 R.Gaucha, Pto Alegre RS, 15 Dec at 2140-2155, AVoz do Brasil, with<br />

the Chamber of Deputies rpt and R.Senado infos; 34433, deteriorating.<br />

(all 6+ de Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 22)<br />

BULGARIA Spaceline Ltd. of Sofia, Bulgaria provides SW txion sces for<br />

several broadcasters and has applied for membership of the HFCC/ASBU in<br />

or<strong>der</strong> to co-ordinate the HF requirements of those various broadcasters.<br />

However, the SB has received a letter from the Communications Regulation<br />

Commission of Bulgaria that raises certain issues relevant to the<br />

membership application by Spaceline Ltd. Given those issues, the SB<br />

recommended that consi<strong>der</strong>ation of the Spaceline application be postponed<br />

until the SB had investigated those issues with the Communications<br />

Regulation Commission of Bulgaria. Consequently, Spaceline will maintain<br />

their Observer status until further consi<strong>der</strong>ation of their application at<br />

the A06 plenary meeting in Hainan.<br />

These mins were prepared on behalf of the HFCC Steering Committee by<br />

Dennis Thompson, Member of the Steering Committee.<br />

(HFCC PLENARY MEETING MINUTES - VALENCIA, SPAIN; 22nd-26th Aug 20<strong>05</strong> via<br />

Dec NASB Newsletter via dxld & wwdxc Dec 19)<br />

Could Spaceline be the mysterious organization handling secret SW relays<br />

in Bulgaria for IRRS, and certain clandestines? Glancing thru Google hits,<br />

Spaceline appears to be a satellite teleport, and there is one of the same<br />

name in the UK. According to FCC records, it owns a very small share of<br />


(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Dec 19)<br />

BURMA 5985.8, R. Myanmar, 1517-1543 Dec 13, in EG; marching mx, "Good<br />

evening. This is Myanmar Radio, Yangon. Here is the nx read by..." Nx<br />

items about the activities of the military govt lea<strong>der</strong>s, wx ("partly<br />

cloudy... mostly fair ... Winds will be mo<strong>der</strong>ate in Myanmar waters... The<br />

outlook for the next few days ..."), political slogans ("The duty of the

state is for unity and law and or<strong>der</strong>..."), "You are listening to Myanmar<br />

Radio," 1530 into prgm of orch. mx. Fair-poor. The best rcpn so far this<br />

<strong>DX</strong> season.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 18)<br />

CHAD 6165 at 2140-2300+ UT, RNT, erst kurz nach 2300 UT Sendeschluss und<br />

kam zeitweilig mit Kroatien ganz gut klar. Ueberwiegend franzoesisch,<br />

unsaubere Modulation.<br />

(Thorsten Hallmann-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 18)<br />

CHILE Winter B-<strong>05</strong> for Voz Christiana via SGO=Santiago:<br />

Portuguese to Mexico and Central America<br />

0000-0400 on 11745 SGO 100 kW / 060 deg<br />

0400-1100 on 11890 SGO 100 kW / 060 deg<br />

1100-2400 on 15485 SGO 100 kW / 060 deg<br />

Spanish to Central America<br />

0100-0400 on 15585 SGO 100 kW / 340 deg<br />

Spanish to Northern South America<br />

0100-0600 on 11655 SGO 100 kW / non-dir<br />

0600-1200 on 9780 SGO 100 kW / non-dir<br />

1200-0100 on 17680 SGO 100 kW / non-dir<br />

Spanish to Southern South America<br />

0000-1200 on 6070 SGO 100 kW / 030 deg<br />

1200-2400 on 9635 SGO 100 kW / 030 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 20)<br />

CHINA Interested in a glimpse of a Xi'an PBS control room? Scroll down<br />

at<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Dec 18)<br />

CRI new broadcast time and freqs. From 16 December CRI broadcast in<br />

Hungarian in the morning too, from 1000 to 1<strong>05</strong>7 UT on 15220 and 17570 KHz.<br />

Excellent reception.<br />

(Istvan Kiss-HNG, dxld Dec 19)<br />

And which language is heard on 15225/17570 at 1100-1157 UT?<br />

Nothing on Nagoya <strong>DX</strong>C website mentioned (wb)<br />

15220 1000-1100 28N KAS 500kW 298deg<br />

15225 1100-1200 28N KAS 500 298<br />

17570 1000-1200 28N 28NW KAS 500 298<br />

CROATIA As I already told you, GLAS HRVATSKE (Voice of Croatia) is<br />

transmitted via Juelich, Germany and mediumwave txs in Croatia.<br />

HRVATSKI RADIO-PRVI PROGRAM (Croatian Radio-First Program HR 1) is<br />

broadcasted via SW tx site DEANOVEC in Croatia:<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-2400 UTC DEANOVEC 6165 kHz OND 100 kW, quadrant antenna<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0800 UTC DEANOVEC 7365 kHz OND 10 kW, Marconi discone antenna<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-1800 UTC DEANOVEC 9830 kHz OND 100 kW, RIZ vertical monopol antenna.<br />

(Dragan Lekic-Serbia, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 15)<br />

Re 594 kHz DRM Zagreb Deanovec site.<br />

See enclosed message if not received yet. Note: 10 kW actual output,<br />

interference-wise equivalent to an AM signal with 7 db more power. Last<br />

evening the DRM noise on 594 was prominent here. Hessischer Rundfunk<br />

modulation was still readable, but actual listening hardly possible<br />

anymore. A just posted message indicates that last night a white noise in<br />

the background was present even at Wiesbaden, 45 km away from the 250 kW

tx serving southern Hesse. I can hardly imagine that Hessischer Rundfunk<br />

will see no problem in this situation.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Dec 16)<br />

DRM tests on 594 kHz As observed by <strong>DX</strong>ers on the last days, the Croatian<br />

tx operator OIV started with DRM test txions on 594kHz. The newly<br />

purchased tx (made by RIZ) is located at the Deanovec site and provides a<br />

power of 10 kW in DRM mode. It is fed to the same antenna as the 100 kW AM<br />

tx (Glas Hrvatske) on 1125 kHz at the same site. The program feed for 594<br />

is Croatian Radio's Hrvatski Radio 1 and Glas Hrvatske. This is a long-<br />

term DRM trial.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, MW<strong>DX</strong> yg via dxld Dec 15)<br />

594 kHz: Can this DRM really be just 10 kW?<br />

<br />

The noise now swamps Germany and bleeds over onto 590 kHz making VOCM<br />

[Newfoundlajnd] much tougher to hear.<br />

(Steve Whitt-UK, MWC via dxld Dec 19)<br />

The tx in Osijek on 594 was moved to 1143 earlier this autumn, in or<strong>der</strong> to<br />

free this freq in Croatia for the DRM test. The DRM tx is located in<br />

Deanovec. It is a new tx purchased from the Croatian manufacturer RIZ and<br />

provides a power of 10 kW in DRM mode. It is fed to the same antenna as<br />

the 100 kW AM tx (Glas Hrvatske) on 1125 kHz on the same site. The program<br />

feed for 594 is Croatian Radio's Hrvatski Radio 1 and Glas Hrvatske. This<br />

is a long-term DRM trial, conducted by the Croatian national tx operator<br />

OIV.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, dxld Dec 16)<br />

Das DRM Signal auf 594 kHz kommt nicht vom Hess. Rundfunk son<strong>der</strong>n<br />

tatsaechlich vom kroatischen Rundfunk. Im Label von Dream werden<br />

angezeigt:<br />

GLAS HRVATSKE (was GLAS ist weiss ich nicht) [Stimme gh]<br />

1. Kanal AAC +P-Stereo 16.56 kBaud<br />

2. Kanal HVXC+Mono 2.88 kbps<br />

Um 1706 UT konnte ich ein englisches Programm hoeren. Bei einem<br />

durchschnittlichen SNR von 12 konnte die Sendung doch ununterbrochen<br />

gehoert werden.<br />

(Thomas Lindenthal-D DO3TL, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 15)<br />

594, Hessischer Rundfunk / und-o<strong>der</strong> / Kroatien? Ich habe heute Nacht 13.<br />

Dez. gegen 00:30 Z auf 594 kHz ein DRM Signal empfangen. Es war <strong>der</strong>art<br />

breit, dass auch die schwachen Signale auf 585 kHz darin untergingen, und<br />

es war auch noch auf 603 kHz zu hoeren. Ganz zu schweigen davon, dass<br />

damit die Kanaele 590 und 600 blockiert sind.<br />

Heute Morgen um 06:45 Z war das Signal wie<strong>der</strong> verschwunden, und auf dem<br />

freien Kanal 590 wie<strong>der</strong> ein schwaches Signal zu hoeren.<br />

Weiss jemand <strong>der</strong> DRM Experten um welches Signal es sich handelt?<br />

(Christoph Mayer-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 13)<br />

Es handelt sich hierbei um Kroatien. Zum dekodieren des Signal reicht es<br />

im Moment nicht aus, aber die Informationen sind lesbar: Ausgestrahlt<br />

werden gleich 2. Programm, naemlich <strong>der</strong> Auslandsdienst Glas Hrvatske<br />

(Bitrate:26.56 kbps; Stereo) und das 1.Inlandsprogramm HRT 1 (Bitarte:<br />

3,84 kbps; Mono).<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 13)<br />

Wie wirken sich die DRM-Sendungen aus Kroatien eigentlich in Deutschland

aus? Gibt es abends/nachts Stoerungen o<strong>der</strong> ist <strong>der</strong> Hessische Rundfunk in<br />

weiten Teilen Deutschlands doch staerker. Wuerde mich interessieren, da<br />

ich aus Schweden die Info bekommen habe, daa die Frequenz dort nachts<br />

unbrauchbar ist.<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 15)<br />

590 spoiled by DRM Since a week or so 590 kHz is spoiled by DRM signals<br />

from Glas Hrvatske, Deanovec on 594 kHz. Even HR-Skyline from Germany on<br />

the same freq is now almost inaudible. Once again another channel lost.<br />

Even when tuning to 590 in LSB the DRM signal is grumbling quite a bit so<br />

that the best TA channel is no more...<br />

(Guido Schotmans-BEL, Dec 16, MWC via dxld)<br />

CUBA RHCuba at 1100-1400 UT on 9550, 118<strong>05</strong>, 15230, but tremendous signal<br />

on 12000 kHz - here in Germany - towards target at NY-Maine, in Spanish.<br />

Sundays only at 1400-1500 UT Alo Presidente programm from Isla Cuba:<br />

11670 [best S=2], 11875[covered totally by RDP Lisbon], 13680[Farda via<br />

Kavalla-GRC only], 13750[S=1 thiny], 17750[VOA Kurdish only], but all<br />

txions are targeted at Latin America. !<br />

(wb in Stuttgart Germany, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 18)<br />

RHC noted in 0600-0700 UT time slot in English, but mostly with Sp<br />

canzones on 6000 kHz 23332, 6060 33333, 9550 33433, and 11760 34443.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 19)<br />

This is the weekend edition of <strong>DX</strong>ers Unlimited with more radio hobby<br />

related information, amigos. Our 5965 kHz freq tests continue during this<br />

weekend. We are testing a new 100 kW tx that is working with a new<br />

omnidirectional antenna system. The test is on the air from 0000 to <strong>05</strong>00<br />

UT, and the program that is on the air is in Spanish. If you don't know<br />

Spanish, you can wait until the top of the hour or the half hour and pick<br />

up the station's ID: "Esta es Radio Habana Cuba", to be sure that what you<br />

are listening to is really our test broadcast.<br />

Send your signal reports and comments directly to me:<br />

and you can also send an Air Mail letter or postcard to<br />

Arnie Coro, Radio Havana Cuba, Havana, Cuba. There is no need for POBOX<br />

number or zip code, as my good friends at Correos de Cuba, the Cuban<br />

postal sce, will automatically send all correspondence with the name Radio<br />

Havana Cuba on the envelope to our PO BOX number is Havana, which by the<br />

way is PO BOX 6240 and the zip code is 10600.<br />

(...)<br />

In a recent information you sent about international broadcast schedules,<br />

there is a quote from a participant saying that Radio Havana Cuba on 6060<br />

kHz was in Spanish from 0100 to <strong>05</strong>00 UT. That is correct. Our English<br />

Language Service on that freq is on the air from <strong>05</strong>00 to 0700 UT. We are<br />

using a new 100 kW tx and the old "East Coast of North America" antenna,<br />

pending the completion of a new curtain array that will replace the<br />

rhombic, providing much better coverage.<br />

(Arnie Coro, CO2KK, RHC <strong>DX</strong>ers Unlimited Dec 17 via O<strong>DX</strong>A via dxld)<br />

DENMARK Foreign lang broadcasts will cease at the end of this year,<br />

except Faroese (Saturdays at 1800 UT). The 6 5-minute broadcasts are aired<br />

Mon-Fri at 0930-1000, 16<strong>05</strong>-1635 and 2100-2130 UT on 1062 kHz. English is<br />

heard the first 5 mins. The web site, including audio, is:<br />

<br />

The very last broadcasts will be on Friday, December 30.<br />

Furthermore, plans are to stop the 243 and 1062 kHz txs by the end<br />

of next year. But no final decision has been made.

To be sure to get a reply, reports can be sent to me, either to this email<br />

or to<br />

- or:<br />

DR Radio, Att: Erik Koie, NF-4<br />

DK-1999 Fre<strong>der</strong>iksberg C<br />

(Erik Koie-DEN, dxld Dec 20)<br />

DIEGO GARCIA 4319U, AFN, downright strong at 2100 UT on Dec 12, a split<br />

second behind // 12133.5U.<br />

12579U, AFN, not hrd in years; poor but there at 1330+ UT on Dec 12, usual<br />

CW QRM on this fqy; // 12133.5U (PR), also not very good.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 18)<br />

4319 usb AFRTS noted on 20 Dec at 1850-1926 and well beyond that, English<br />

(well, what else?) prgr, Paul Harvey's Nx & Comments, NPR (Natl.Public R)<br />

Nx 1900, talks, ann.<br />

page, feature All Things Consi<strong>der</strong>ed much later;<br />

32431 and improving, though not achieving a fair-like quality;<br />

adjc. RTTY QRM. I finished obs'ing this at 1926 and resumed obs. around<br />

2135, when the reception condx were already somewhat more tollerable<br />

despite the omnipresent RTTY QRM.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 22)<br />

ECUADOR Received this mail from Christer Brunstrom and Henrik Klemetz<br />

during the day. It is a great loss for all of us.<br />

I have the sad duty to report that Bjoern Malm passed away in his home in<br />

Quito, Ecuador, on November 29 following a major heart attack. Thus the <strong>DX</strong><br />

community has lost a member who contributed immensely to our knowledge of<br />

contemporary radio in Latin America. I have known Bjoern for more than 40<br />

years. I still remember our first meeting in the town of Lysekil, Sweden.<br />

Bjoern and a few other local <strong>DX</strong>ers had come together to form a <strong>DX</strong> Club.<br />

Bjoern was undoubtedly one of Sweden's foremost <strong>DX</strong>ers with a strong<br />

interest in medium wave <strong>DX</strong>ing. For the past several years he has been<br />

living in Quito, Ecuador, with his wife Susana. Christer Brunstroem,<br />

Sweden<br />

(Henrik Klemetz-SWE via Thomas Nilsson-SWE, dxld Dec 20)<br />

EGYPT 15810 Radio Cairo produces an extremely terrible distorted audio<br />

signal towards South East Asia at present. Thai(Siami), BM, BI, 1115-1400<br />

UT. Seems the same gfaulty tx, which is used towards Africa on 19 mb in<br />

our evenings.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 17)<br />

FINLAND Freq change for YLE Radio Finland in Finnish & Swedish from<br />

Dec.7:<br />

1500-1600 NF 9660 POR 500 kW / 130 deg, ex 97<strong>05</strong><br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 20)<br />

GERMANY Winter B-<strong>05</strong> for CVC International via WER=Wertachtal:<br />

English to West Africa and Nigeria<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0700 on 9430 WER 125 kW / 180 deg<br />

0700-0900 on 15640 WER 125 kW / 180 deg<br />

1500-1800 on 15680 WER 125 kW / 180 deg<br />

1800-2000 on 9765 WER 125 kW / 180 deg<br />

2000-2100 on 7285 WER 125 kW / 180 deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 20)<br />

6<strong>05</strong>5 Stimme des Trostes [Voice of Consolation - Most times called<br />

Missionshaus Arche, but that is the name of the *producer*] (Relay via DTK

Juelich), partial data computer-written QSL-letter (tx site not<br />

mentioned), v/s unreadable (covered un<strong>der</strong> a large rubber stamp). An<br />

additional QSL-card shows mountains and lists the relay sites. The letter<br />

also contained a personal letter from Herbert Skutzik, Secretary. In 14<br />

days for a report in German with 1 USD to<br />

Missionshaus Arche, Stimme des Trostes, 9642 Ebnat-Kappel, Schweiz.<br />

(Martin Schoech-D, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 17)<br />

See WRTH 2006 page 33.<br />

TELEFUNKEN Sen<strong>der</strong>Systeme changed their name to TRANSRADIO.<br />

We know that you are accustomed to receive a high level of quality and<br />

especially DRM sce from TELEFUNKEN Sen<strong>der</strong>Systeme plc. We want to ensure<br />

you that the change on the name will not affect our performance. You<br />

should now see the TRANSRADIO logo substituted by the TELEFUNKEN logo on<br />

all correspondences and publications. However, our adress, telephone<br />

numbers and email addresses remain the same.<br />

Our new name does not result from a change in ownership or lea<strong>der</strong>ship. The<br />

history of the name TRANSRADIO goes back to 1918. Famous for introducing<br />

the duplex txion in 1919 ?<br />

TRANSRADIO has made history. We believe the TRANSRADIO name expresses our<br />

desire to continue being at the leading edge of broadcasting technology.<br />

(Jochen Huber, Vorstandsvorsitzen<strong>der</strong> von Telefunken, Nov 15)<br />

The advt on page 33 of WRTH 2006 was quite a surprise for me: Telefunken<br />

Sen<strong>der</strong>systeme has been renamed Transradio Sen<strong>der</strong>systeme. I won<strong>der</strong> why,<br />

since I can hardly imagine that they scrapped the Telefunken brand (some<br />

say: that's amongst the txs what Mercedes is amongst the cars) without<br />

need. By the way, the photo in this ad shows the 2 x 400 kW txs for 756<br />

kHz at the Braunschweig-Koenigslutter station. Out of view is another TRAM<br />

tx for 630 kHz (Voice of Russia). There is plenty of space in this tx hall<br />

after the large tube txs have been removed.<br />

During the last few days short DRM tests were noted on 1269, suggesting<br />

that the Neumuenster-Arpsdorf site has been equipped with a new TRAM tx<br />

now as well.<br />

As already reported the Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg mediumwave tx on 567<br />

will be closed down by yearend. Now I have to add with sadness that this<br />

will happen the same way than the closure of SWR's SW txs a year ago:<br />

Without a special farewell program. There were already a rough concept and<br />

an idea which studio should be used, but ...<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Dec 18)<br />

Re: VOA Ismaning 1197 kHz unit license.<br />

Dear Dragan,<br />

I phoned Mr. Schott at IBB Munich Ismaning tx plant on Dec 19th already.<br />

VOA 1197 kHz - the Thales mediumwave unit is dismanteled already and<br />

moves/moved to Near East / Middle east area. [Kuwait? Bahrain? wb.]. More<br />

details n o t available ! Same discreet confidential procedure like in the<br />

1593 Holzkirchen unit restitution case, [RFE/RL unit which moved to Kuwait<br />

IBB MW plant later in 2004].<br />

By all means the MW unit will n o t go to Tajikistan, were another Thales<br />

unit will be [or does still?] erected on 972 kHz, replaces an old USSR era<br />

unit by IBB facilities.<br />

Two ol<strong>der</strong> RCA 150 kW tube type MW units have been dismanteled/shred<strong>der</strong>ed<br />

at Ismaning at least in 1994, when the Thales unit came into sce.<br />

IBB staff in Germany liked to replace the Thales unit by a latest

fashioned allmode/DRM-mode mediumwave installation, with lower main power<br />

consumption, but higher ranking dept. units declined that matter.<br />

All four MW masts of 1949year are still STANDING.<br />

Chief technician Mr. Peter Stefke is already in retirement. He was a keen<br />

technician and had a lot more knowledge of the French made Thales unit<br />

than engineers from Paris headquarter...<br />

I asked Mr. Schott about IBB USA licenses of 1197[Ismaning] and<br />

1593[Holzkirchen] kHz channels in Germany. He doesn't know anything about<br />

disposition or procedure restitution to German departement authorities,<br />

like Bundesnetzagentur(FCC) or Landesmedienanstalt(Bavaria - or North<br />

Rhine-Westphalia the former 1593 kHz location at WDR Langenberg).<br />

IBB Holzkirchen-Oberlain<strong>der</strong>n site has been officially closed on Dec 31,<br />

2003. Word is that the station grounds has been sold for 7 million Euro to<br />

the municipality of Valley the Oberlain<strong>der</strong>n settlement (situated about 3<br />

km east of Holzkirchen). It was intended to establish a golf course there.<br />

73 wb (Dec 19)<br />

Intermodulation 1422 / 1179 / 936 / 1665 kHz.<br />

Dass Antenne Saar neuerdings auf 1179 zu hoeren ist, hat sich wohl<br />

herumgesprochen. Zurzeit (0745 UT) ist die Station aber ebenso auf 1665 zu<br />

empfangen. Seit wann darf sich eine ARD-Station im X-Band breit machen?<br />

(Michael Schnitzer-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 21)<br />

Gerne stehe ich mit meinem Aldi-Taschenrechner zur Verfuegung.<br />

O<strong>der</strong> kann irgendein a-dx-Rechenkuenstler nachweisen, dass wir es hier mit<br />

einem Mischprodukt zu tun haben?<br />

Aber ja doch. Am Standort Heusweiler steht naemlich noch ein MW-Sen<strong>der</strong>:<br />

Der des DLF auf 1422 kHz. Die Differenz bei<strong>der</strong> Sen<strong>der</strong> (1422 - 1179)<br />

betraegt 243 kHz. Demnach koennen durch Intermodulation folgende Frequenze<br />

entstehen:<br />

1179 minus 243 = 936 kHz und, wie von Dir gehoert: 1422 + 243 = 1665 kHz.<br />

(Juergen Martens-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 21)<br />

GREECE More Greek pirate harmonics heard on Nov 8th:<br />

4154 kHz ~ 3x1384.7 kHz.<br />

4702 kHz ~ 3x1567.3 kHz.<br />

5000 kHz ~ 3x1666 kHz.<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 2)<br />

Am Freitag, Dez. 16, 13.xx UTC auf 9714 (6x1619 kHz) vermutlich (Musik,<br />

Klang) eine solche Station mit O=2/3 gehoert. Vielleicht hoert sich ein<br />

mazedonischer Musikpirat auch so an. Nur AM-Empfang moeglich. Kein<br />

USB/LSB.<br />

(Herbert Meixner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 16)<br />

MW PIRATES At 1611 UT on 1700.37 Serbian pirate, 2045 talks and slavic<br />

songs, S7 Shifted then to 1720 kHz.<br />

1726 kHz QSO between Skorpios Palladium 440 and Supersound.<br />

On Nov 18 on 1660 kHz, 1210 UT palying Madona's song San Pedro, S9+10. OM<br />

testing his tx.<br />

1690 kHz at 1215 UT, man with number counts, echo, background mx S9+10.<br />

1540 kHz Iperohos Thessaloniki with old songs, ID 1216 telling he will<br />

close down , S9+15

1604 kHz kala padia, with old songs at 1333 UT, dedications ID, S9 ,<br />

33553.<br />

1640+/- kHz 1335+ UT, QS0 by paraxenos tajidiotis S20 (stranger -) ,<br />

Giannis S9 (John), Al Jazira, Delta S20, Buranis and another!<br />

1660 kHz at 1340 UT playing regional songs (pontian) S30!!<br />

1593 kHz at 1345 UT ol<strong>der</strong> songs S9.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 18)<br />

GUAM unIDed ? 15070 KTWR ? with prg 0842 UT in Cantonese ID' KTWR Agana<br />

with email and another in .hk and signed off on 0844 UT.<br />

Fair signal, echoed.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 18)<br />

15070 0815-0845 42-44 TWR 100kW 3<strong>05</strong>deg Hakka USA TWR FCC registered. (wb)<br />

HUNGARY 7950 HNG R Budapest, Jaszbereny 2x3975 kHz at 2015 UT.<br />

(Tim Bucknall-UK, harmonics Dec 17)<br />

ICELAND AFRTS Keflavik came in with armchair level on 9980-usb at 1100-<br />

1230. AFN signal from Iceland was two seconds ahead of local AFN Stuttgart<br />

Germany signal.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 17)<br />

7590 usb AFRTS, Grindavik (or Keflavik?), audible on 18 Dec at 1132-1149,<br />

talks, songs; 15241, a useless signal.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 22)<br />

INDONESIA 15149.85 VOI noted with National Anthem at closing down<br />

SEAsia/FE block txion at 1358-1359:35 UT, yesterday not readable but today<br />

Dec 17th at extreme good level. But surprisingly, tx carrier still on air<br />

when checked at 1410 and 1421 UT. VOI starts again on this channel at 1700<br />

UT towards Eu, NE, ME.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 17)<br />

15149.8 VoINS, Cimanggis, noted on 18 Dec at 1108-1129 UT, Chinese prgr,<br />

talks, songs and infos in English inserted mid-prgr; 35433.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 22)<br />

46<strong>05</strong>, RRI Serui at 1154-1203 on Dec 13, woman announcer talking in INS<br />

followed by instrumental mx. Song of the Coconut Islands at 1159 UT<br />

followed by news. Poor.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 18)<br />

IRAN/IRAQ (Kurdistan) 3929.2, presumed R. Voice of Komala, at 0418+ UT<br />

on Dec 8, vernac., short talk by male, then another talk by male, local<br />

song, SINPO 22432 with strong jamming.<br />

3960.1v, presumed Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, Al-Sulaymaniyah, at 0425+ UT<br />

on Dec 8, vernac., long talk by male, SINPO 22432. Strong jamming.<br />

6335, Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan, at 0430+ UT on Dec 8, vernac., very nice<br />

local mx, SINPO 25442.<br />

(Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 18)<br />

IRAQ [non] Voice of Joy Transmission.Dear Sir / Madam,I was won<strong>der</strong>ing if<br />

it would be possible to publish the below paragraph in the <strong>DX</strong> Nx site, on<br />

behalf of a new client of ours.Yours faithfully, Sophie Wilson<br />

Voice of Joy, a new Christian station that advocates the power of mx in<br />

religion, will start txion of their mx show to the Middle East on 24th<br />

December. The first show will be a two-hour Christmas special aimed

particularly at serving US troops in Iraq. It will go out at 1400 to 1600<br />

UTC (that is, 1700 to 1800 in Iraq) on 6200 kHz in the 49 metre band. On<br />

subsequent Saturdays it will be just 1400-1500.<br />

Voice of Joy would appreciate any reception reports. Please email Dean<br />

Philips at<br />

<br />

Sophie Wilson, Client Services Assistant, WRN TRANSMITTING SUCCESS<br />

T +44 20 7896 4154 F +44 20 7896 9007<br />

Visit us at <br />

(Sophie Wilson WRN, via wwdxc HQ Dec 22)<br />

ISRAEL At 0012 UT Galei Zahal(tent) on <strong>697</strong>3.03 kHz, English pop mx.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 18)<br />

Another station nearby on 6875 at 0014 UT, HFCC file shows WEWN, 2x500 kW<br />

one at 20, the other at 285degr.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 18)<br />

ITALY A new radio has been heard in Italy from several dxers and me on<br />

MW: Radio Giovanni Paolo II on 1620 kHz. Here some info:<br />

This new radio is a private one. It has no links with Vatican or Italian<br />

Catholic Church. The owners have 2 radios: Radio Happy Days on FM 91.5 and<br />

94.7 MHz and the new Radio Giovani Paolo II on 94.9 MHz FM and 1620 kHz.<br />

The Radio is based in Veneto, not to far from Verona, close to Garda Lake,<br />

North Italy. The owners in 1990 got Radio International on 1620, so they<br />

have registered this freq since many years. Then So they told to me by<br />

phone. President Eliseo Mischi told me that this radio has a young people<br />

target, now they are testing the frequency. In next weeks they are going<br />

to increase power.<br />

Reception reports can be sent to (attention of Eliseo<br />

Mischi, president)<br />

(Giampiero Bernardini-I, mwdx Dec 19)<br />

You are making an assumption that the station is licenced to use that<br />

particular freq by some govt body. How effective is radio regulation and<br />

its enforcement in Italy?<br />

(Mike Barraclough-UK, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK Dec 19)<br />

Fabio Tagetti (who lives close to Verona) has reported to Radiorama/ AIR<br />

and has later confirmed to Fabrizio Magrone that since last Friday he's<br />

been listening to a test txion from Radio Happy Days, Sandra di<br />

Castelnuovo del Garda on 1602 kHz. Fabio also believes the txions on 1620<br />

could originate from Radio Happy Days. Looks like the station has acquired<br />

the old MW transmmitter operated by Radio Verona International in 1982.<br />

According to Fabio planned power will be 6 kW as per a phone call to the<br />

station<br />

(+39-045 7595763). Reported email is:<br />

<br />

Not a pirate, after all (or at least not a completely unauthorized<br />

station), but from what I've been hearing on 1620 here in Milan, even<br />

consi<strong>der</strong>ing my noise floor and electrical pests, testing power sounds far<br />

lower than 6 kW.<br />

(Andy Lawendel, dxld Dec 19, ibid.)<br />

I am interested to know how the Vatican and Italy can licence religious<br />

stations that operate outside of Europe's (and most of the world's) MW<br />

band. I know many receivers do work on these freqs and are presumably<br />

designed for the USA's extended AM band. Here in the UK what we call the

medium wave band extends from 531 to 1602 kHz and anyone broadcasting<br />

outside of an official broadcast band is accused of causing interference<br />

to emergency radio channels. Vatican Radio are known to operate on the<br />

out-of-band freqs of 526 and 1611 kHz, so there appears to be a third out-<br />

of-band MW tx now on 1620.<br />

Back in 1970 a North Sea pirate radio ship attempted to use 1611, but was<br />

not only heavily jammed by the govt but was also accused of interfering<br />

with marine radio communications. Perhaps these problems don't exist in<br />

Italian waters and 35 years later these txions are allowed to not only<br />

continue but expand? Who is the real pirate?<br />

(Andy Cadier, B<strong>DX</strong>C UK via dxld Dec 20)<br />

Vatican's 527 kHz tx moved to 585 a good few years back.<br />

(Tim Bucknall-UK, ibid. Dec 20)<br />

JAPAN/U.K. [and non] NHK Radio Japan's Year End Party on Dec.31 via VT<br />

Communications:<br />

1430-1500 on 6090 SKN 250 kW / 150 deg to WeEu<br />

9575 WOF 300 kW / 128 deg to EaAf<br />

9750 RMP 500 kW / 080 deg to WeEu<br />

12045 WOF 300 kW / 082 deg to SoAs<br />

21630 ASC 250 kW / 085 deg to SoAf<br />

1500-1700 on 6090 SKN 250 kW / 150 deg to WeEu<br />

9575 WOF 300 kW / 128 deg to EaAf<br />

9750 RMP 500 kW / 080 deg to WeEu<br />

1700-1800 on 9860 WOF 300 kW / 140 deg to SoAf<br />

1800-1900 on 7195 RMP 500 kW / 080 deg to WeEu<br />

9795 SNG 250 kW / 315 deg to SoAs<br />

9860 WOF 300 kW / 140 deg to SoAf<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 20)<br />

The following schedule for the 56th "Year End Hitparade", which has LIVE<br />

broadcast in Japanese on 31 Dec 20<strong>05</strong> from 1030-1545 UT, and repeats via<br />

many VT-Merlin brokered relay stations later that day, see according to<br />

the [ESTIMATED] schedule BELOW.<br />

The 56th Red and White Year-End song competition festival<br />

Target Area Bc UTC kHz<br />

Asian Continent 1030-1445 9750YAM<br />

Southeast Asia 1030-1445 11815YAM<br />

Southwest Asia 1500-1700 12045SNG<br />

1700-1800 11865YAM<br />

1800-1900 9795SNG<br />

East Europe 1500-1800 9750RMP<br />

1800-1930 7195RMP<br />

West Europe 1500-1700 6090SKN 9750RMP<br />

1900-1930 7195RMP<br />

MEast&NoAF 1500-2000 11830CLN<br />

Ce Africa 1500-1700 21630ASC<br />

1700-1900 9860WOF<br />

So Africa 1500-1930 15355GAB<br />

North America 1300-1730 117<strong>05</strong>CAN<br />

Hawaii 1500-1930 9835YAM<br />

Central America 1300-1730 17875CAN?<br />

South America Ea1030-1445 17565RMP<br />

South America We1500-1930 9835GUF<br />

Oceania/Pacific 1500-1930 7140YAM<br />

NHK World Radio JPN <br />

(ESTIMATED tx locations contributed by wb <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 22)

KAZAKHSTAN/GERMANY/MADAGASCAR 9415KAZ / 17495MDG Democratic Voice of<br />

Burma, um 1430-1530 UT on air, heute besser als gestern aufzunehmen. Vor<br />

allem das Signal aus Almatay-KAZ auf 9415 kHz laesst sich schoen<br />

separieren, 9420 kHz sprazelt etwas herueber.<br />

Damit kann man seinen rx, Filter und Antenne schoen testen, auch // auf<br />

ungefaehr 17495.03 aus Madagascar zu hoeren. Der 50 kW Sen<strong>der</strong> von RNW-MDG<br />

laeuft immer einige 30-50 Hertz weg.<br />

Und nachts hoerte ich gestern das Morgenprogramm aus DTK Juelich auf 5955<br />

kHz mit erstaunlichen 43333 um 2330-0030 UTC.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 17/18)<br />

5955 DVBurma at 2330 UT, talks in asia, malaysia in bamar 43543 S10 QRM<br />

VOT 5960 kHz.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 16)<br />

LATVIA 9290 kHz, R 73 (Relay via Ulbroka), full data hand-written QSL-<br />

card (incl. tx site), card shows a lighthouse, v/s Matthias Krause. The<br />

letter also contained a personal letter, a christmas card and a magnetic<br />

calendar. In 13 days for a report in German with 1.10 EUR in German stamps<br />

to<br />

Matthias Krause, Dorfstr. 36, 25474 Boenningstedt, Deutschland.<br />

(Martin Schoech-D, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 17)<br />

9290 kHz, Radio Waves Int (Relay via Ulbroka), detailed computer generated<br />

QSL-letter with personal notes (incl. tx site), letter shows several fotos<br />

and texts, v/s Peter Hills/Philippe. Also contained a playlist and a CD.<br />

In 18 days for an E-mail-report in English to <br />

(Martin Schoech-D, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 17)<br />

LATVIA Auf 9290 kHz. Ulbroka praesentieren sich im Einzelnen :<br />

1. Radio Six in english aus Schottland<br />

24.12.<strong>05</strong> 0700-0800 UTC und<br />

25.12.<strong>05</strong> 1200-1500 UTC<br />

Programmdirektor Tony Currie beantwortet die Post selbst, Kontakt ueber:<br />

Radio Six, P.O.Box 600, Glasgowm G41 5SH, Scotland o<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Infos auf: <br />

In <strong>der</strong> regelmaessigen Samstagmorgen-Sendung mo<strong>der</strong>iert von Tony Curris-<br />

werden zur Musik Schottischer Gruppen die Hoererbriefe bestaetigt.<br />

2. KWRN-Radio Nordland<br />

25.12.<strong>05</strong> 0900-1000 UTC<br />

Die Weihnachtssendung von OP Felix ist waehrend <strong>der</strong> Sendung zu<br />

erreichen ueber Tel.: +49 [0] 163 / 6227837.<br />

Weitere Kontaktmoeglichkeiten:<br />

SRS Deutschland, Postfach 10 11 45, 99801 Eisenach o<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

3. Radio Q103 Deutschland<br />

25.12.<strong>05</strong> 1000-1200 UTC<br />

Auch Juergen und Volker melden sich zum 1. Weihnachtstag. Nach dem Oldie-<br />

Countdown vom Juli lann man auf neue Aktivitaeten neugierig sein. Kontakt<br />

moeglich ueber:<br />

Radio Q 103-Germany. Postbus 27 02. NL-6049-ZG-Herten o<strong>der</strong><br />

4. Radio Marabu<br />

24.12.<strong>05</strong> 1000-1600 UTC<br />

Radio Marabu praesentiert wie<strong>der</strong> sein Musikspecial zu den Weihnachtstagen.

Die Station ist ausserdem taeglich fuer eine Stunde ab 1800 UTC auf Radio<br />

Waddenzee 1602 kHz. und in <strong>der</strong> Nacht ab Mittwoch 0000 UTC via Radio<br />

Carolione zu hoeren, sowie ueber lokale FM-Sen<strong>der</strong>.<br />

Kontakt ueber: Radio Marabu, Postfach 11 66, 49187 Belm o<strong>der</strong><br />

<br />

Homepage: <br />

(Klaus Fuehrlich-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 22)<br />

LIBERIA 5470 at 2140-2300+ UT. R. Veritas mit afrikanischer Musik,<br />

Diskussion etc., ab ca. 2250 UT kaum noch Modulation, aber insgesamt ein<br />

recht kraeftiges signal.<br />

(Thorsten Hallmann-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 18) ELCM<br />

MALAYSIA 1475 Voice of MLA (Suara Malaysia) on 1475 kHz, RTM's external<br />

sce in Tagalog for the Philippines, seems to have changed its schedule to<br />

1300-1530 (formerly 1030-1300) UT. I haven't been able to confirm that the<br />

new schedule is being followed regularly every day, but has been heard<br />

between these times on several occasions over the past couple of weeks<br />

including 16 December. Reception is surprisingly poor round here for a sce<br />

supposed to be using 700 kW.<br />

The new timings would probably give new reception possibilities for Europe<br />

in the winter, but might make reception more difficult in N America.<br />

Thanks to Mauno Ritonen for the tip.<br />

(Alan Davies-INS, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 17)<br />

Thanks to Alan Davies, Tony Ashar and T.C.Patterson for clearing up the<br />

situation on 1475 kHz. Voice of Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu is broadcasting in<br />

Tagalog irregularly between 1300-1530 UT instead of the previous 1030-1300<br />

slot. The s/on today was at 1245 and freq varying between 1475.002 and<br />

.006 kHz. There's another station from INS, R Khusus Daerah Tingat Dua,<br />

Karawang on a bit lower freq of 1474.990 kHz, also variable +/- 5Hz. S/off<br />

variable, around 1700. On 1476 kHz Tony Ashar heard Ramona Radio.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, mwoffsets Dec 17)<br />

MALI 7284.47 RTM Bamako Mali (pres) on Dec 14 at 0809 UT. Lengthy<br />

monologue in French by OM, finally ending at 0834 UT, into kora mx.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 18)<br />

4782.4 R. Mali, Kati, obs'ed on 15 Dec at 1924-1940 UT, tribal tunes;<br />

45443 (this reflects the bare signal, not the content of the carrier or<br />

the actual info), but a terribly low, useless audio; // 5995 also w/ weak<br />

audio (+adjct. QRM). As requested by Wolfgang, I've been obs'ing 9635v,<br />

but the fact is that "no things Mali" can be traced.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 22)<br />

MAURITANIA 7245 R. Mauritanie, Nouakchott, obs'ed on 13 Dec at 1156-<br />

1226 UT, Arabic, talks, jingle prior to the 1200 UT newscast; 33442, adjc.<br />

DRM QRM.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 22)<br />

MONGOLIA [to KOREA NORTH]. Mongolia/North Korea, 981: The recently<br />

started txions of South Korea-based Free North Korea Radio can be heard<br />

1500-1600 on 981 in addition to SW<br />

cf. The txions appear to originate from a tx<br />

in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. This 500 kW tx normally operates on 990,<br />

but was used for foreign relays to South East Asia (VOA) on 981<br />

some years ago.<br />

(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, ARC Information Desk 12 Dec via editor Olle Alm,<br />

dxld)<br />

The Independent Lens show on PBS I mentioned, about NK refugees in China,<br />

mentioned Mongolia as a further, safer destination for them (gh)

NETHERLANDS ANTILLES 11845-DRM Radio Netherlands on Dec 1 at 2201 UT.<br />

Newsline; excellent signal, S/N 22 dB on T2FD, but audio sounds clipped<br />

and distorted. S/N only 16 dB on the mini Beverage. Pretty good for only 5<br />

kW.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ, NASWA Dec 21)<br />

NEW ZEALAND Freqs changes for Radio New Zealand International:<br />

-DRM service from Dec.8<br />

to All Pacific<br />

0800-1<strong>05</strong>9 NF 9765 RAN <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 000 deg, ex 9460<br />

1300-1650 NF 7230 RAN <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 000 deg, ex 7220<br />

-DRM service from Dec.9<br />

to NE Pacific,Fiji,Samoa,Cook Islands<br />

1651-1750 NF 11745 RAN <strong>05</strong>0 kW / 035 deg, ex 11610<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 20)<br />

NIGERIA 7255 VON hat weiter um 1900 UT Sendeschluss, vor 1700 UT wird<br />

in Kisuahili gesendet.<br />

(Thorsten Hallmann-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 18)<br />

PORTUGAL Deleted freqs for RDPi Radio Portugal in Portuguese from Dec.1:<br />

Mon-Fri 0600-0855 Eu 9755<br />

0900-1<strong>05</strong>5 Eu 11875<br />

1100-1300 Eu 15140<br />

1700-2000 Eu 11630<br />

Tue-Sat 0000-0300 NoAm 9410 13770<br />

Sat/Sun 0800-1455 Eu 15575<br />

1500-1755 Eu 11635<br />

1300-1800 NoAm 17745<br />

Updated schedule for RDP Int.Radio Portugal in Portuguese from Dec.1:<br />

Mon-Fri 0600-1300 Eu 9815<br />

0745-0900 Eu 11660<br />

1100-1300 SoAm/Af 21655 21830<br />

1400-1600 ME 15690<br />

1700-2000 Af/SoAm 17680 21655<br />

Tue-Sat 0000-0300 NoAm/SoAm 9715 11980 13700<br />

Sat-Sun 0800-1<strong>05</strong>5 SoAm 17710<br />

0800-1455 Eu 11875<br />

0800-1655 Af 21830<br />

0930-1100 Eu 9815<br />

1100-2100 SoAm 21655<br />

1300-1700 NoAm 15575<br />

1500-1755 Eu 11960<br />

1700-1900 NoAm 17825<br />

1700-2100 Af 17680<br />

1800-2100 Eu/SoAm 11630 11740<br />

1900-2100 NoAm 15540<br />

Special 1300-1700 NoAm 15575<br />

txions 1700-1900 NoAm 17825<br />

(extra) 1900-2400 NoAm 15540<br />

2100-2400 Eu/Af/SoAm 9460 11825 15555<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 20)<br />

NIGERIA V. of Nigeria on 7255 at 0654-0858* UT, Dec 11, tune-in to<br />

opening instrumental theme mx and IDs. 0701 into regular English<br />

programming with local African mx and opening English annts, followed by<br />

unintelligible English programming. Long periods of their instrumental<br />

theme mx. 0715 English news. Very strong but their usual muddy audio and<br />

some programs with very low modulation.<br />

(Brian Alexan<strong>der</strong>-PA-USA, dxld Dec 17)

Has anyone logged Nigeria's FRCN station at Abuja in the last couple of<br />

weeks? I've tried numerous times at their listed 0430 sign-on, and even as<br />

late as <strong>05</strong>30, and all I hear is Tunisia on 7275. Are they currently<br />

silent? Changed freq or broadcast schedule?<br />

(J. D. Stephens-AL-USA, hcdx Dec 16)<br />

ROMANIA Updated B<strong>05</strong> schedule of RADIO ROMANIA INTERNATIONAL, Bucharest<br />

20 Nov. 20<strong>05</strong> - 25 March 2006, UTC times.<br />

ARABIC 0730-0800 11710 119<strong>05</strong> 15280 15330<br />

1500-1600 9655 15235<br />

AROMANIAN 1600-1630 6175<br />

1800-1830 7130<br />

2000-2030 6035<br />

CHINESE <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 15160 17870<br />

1400-1430 9720 11755<br />

ENGLISH 0100-0200 N.Am. 6150 9615<br />

0400-<strong>05</strong>00 N.Am. 6115 9515; India 9690 11895<br />

0630-0700 W.Eu. 7180 9690; Au. 15135 17780<br />

1300-1400 W.Eu. 151<strong>05</strong> 17745<br />

1800-1900 W.Eu. 7120 9640<br />

2130-2200 W.Eu. 7145 9650<br />

N.Am. 9755 11940<br />

2300-2400 W.Eu. 9610 11730<br />

FRENCH 0200-0300 Canada 6045 9615<br />

0600-0630 Eu. 7170 9650<br />

1100-1200 Eu. 15255 17845; Maghreb 15315 17790<br />

1700-1800 Eu. 7135 9690<br />

2100-2130 Eu. 7260 9715<br />

GERMAN 0700-0730 7160 7275 9655 9690<br />

1200-1300 7160 9610 9690 11940<br />

1900-2000 6140 7140<br />

ITALIAN 1630-1700 6175<br />

1730-1800 6035<br />

1930-2000 7260<br />

ROMANIAN 0100-0200 N.Am. 6040 9690<br />

0200-0300 N.Am. 6080 9640<br />

Sun.0800-0900 15370 15430 17775 17810<br />

Sun.0900-1000 15380 15430 17745 17775<br />

Sun.1000-1100 15260 15380 17735 17825<br />

1300-1400 Eu. 7120 15170 17825<br />

1500-1600 Eu. 9595 11970<br />

1700-1800 Israel 7195 9790<br />

1800-1900 Eu. 7140 9625<br />

1900-2000 Eu. 7125 9640<br />

RUSSIAN <strong>05</strong>30-0600 7210 9690<br />

1430-1500 9720 11755<br />

1600-1700 7195 9685<br />

SERBIAN 1530-1600 71<strong>05</strong><br />

1730-1800 6035<br />

1930-2000 7260<br />

SPANISH 0000-0100 Argentina 9665 11960; Mexico 5960 9525<br />

0300-0400 Argentina 5960 9635; Mexico 6080 9765

2000-2100 Spain 9620 11940<br />

2200-2300 Argentina 9575 11940<br />

UKRAINIAN 1500-1530 6145<br />

1700-1730 6135<br />

1900-1930 6135<br />

(Dragan Lekic-Serbia, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 15)<br />

RUSSIA We have got an information of some problems with receiving the<br />

Radio Rossii (Radio of Russia) program on 7310 kHz at 1330-1900 UT and on<br />

6235 kHz at 1930-2200 UT in Germany last week. But we have no details of<br />

these problems, so may I ask you to help us in finding out these problems?<br />

(Radiocentr-3 Moscow-RUS, to N.R. Green and W. Bueschel, Dec 15)<br />

Updated B-<strong>05</strong> for Radio Rossii in Russian via MSK 250 kW / 260 deg:<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-0800 on 9840<br />

0820-1300 on 12075<br />

1320-1800 on 7310 co-ch CNR in Chinese + VOIROI/IRIB in Turkish 1600-1727<br />

UT.<br />

1820-2200 on 6235 co-ch R.Pakistan in Urdu till 1900 + VOA in En from<br />

2130 UT.<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 1)<br />

9840, 12075, 6235 All R Rossii Russian bc to Europe - except 7310 kHz - ,<br />

250 kW 260 deg from Moscow are mostly with 55555 signal level now[Dec 17 &<br />

18], except Friday 16th when propagation disturbed.<br />

7310 has a problem with co-channel IRIB Tehran in Turkish 1557-1727 UT.<br />

Also depending of the day, adjacent channel QRM occurs, by co-channel<br />

Urumchi, by 73<strong>05</strong> VoRUS NVS Mongolian (100 kW from old site) , CNR Mandarin<br />

on 7315 500 kW Jinhua, and even side band splash from B<strong>BC</strong> DRM Rampisham on<br />

7320 til 1500 UT, pest plague in-band !<br />

Will send a message to Andrey at Radiocentr-3 noting that 7310 should be<br />

replaced with somewhat else in the 40 mb, I would recommend to use 12075<br />

extended til 1400 UT, and free 7380 kHz channel from 1420 UT onwards<br />

instead.<br />

6235 Kuwait couldn't be traced here.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 15)<br />

I believe VOA Kuwait does not start on 6235 until 2130 (gh, dxld)<br />

6265, VOR (mixing product between 62<strong>05</strong> + 6235 kHz) at 1937 UT Dec 17.<br />

(Tim Bucknall-UK, harmonics Dec 17)<br />

[non] Russian number station noted at 1140-1150 UT on 9260 kHz.<br />

[to NORTH KOREA] According to Asian Broadcasting Institute, since Dec 13<br />

"Open Radio for North Korea" (Yollin Pukhan Pangsong) on 5880 kHz has<br />

started to broadcast the program of "Free Korean Central Broadcasting<br />

Station" (Jayu Joson Jung-ang Pangsong) produced by the organization<br />

called "Union for Korean Democratization" in the latter half of the<br />

broadcast at 1530-1600 UT.<br />

The first half (1501-1530) is the program of "Freedom North Korea<br />

Broadcast" ("Radio Free North Korea") (Jayu Pukhan Pangsong).<br />

Since Dec 16, the broadcasting on 5880 kHz has been severely jammed by<br />

white jamming.<br />

The mailing address of "Freedom North Korean Broadcasting" is, Room 502,<br />

Sinjeong Building, Sinjeong 7 dong 210-16, Yengcheong-Gu, Seoul, Korea.<br />

TEL +82 2 2652 8350 FAX +82 2 2652 8349.

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 17)<br />

see also un<strong>der</strong> MONGOLIA, 981 kHz.<br />

SAUDI ARABIA Next door very odd BSKSA HQ 15435.28 kHz, this unit varying<br />

300 Hertz at least in past 12-18 months, unit never checked against<br />

standard freq counter by the technicians?<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 18)<br />

9714.9 kHz.<br />

Herbert checked the channel this morning again. This is NOT US Coomando<br />

Solo action from Kuwait, latter which is also registered on this channel<br />

since second Iraq war.<br />

But BSKSA Riyadh, which replaced some 31mb frequ, either 9580 or rather<br />

9675 kHz at this morning time slot. // 15170 and 15380 kHz.<br />

Here is the BSKSA morning registration file.<br />

9580 0300 0600 38E,39, JED 50 0 ARABIC ARS<br />

9675 0300 0900 39S RIY 500 0 ARABIC ARS [? now 9714.9 ?]<br />

11855 0600 1700 38E,39, JED 50 0 ARABIC ARS<br />

15170 0300 0600 19-23,2 RIY 500 355 ARABIC ARS<br />

15380 0600 0900 39N RIY 500 310 ARABIC ARS<br />

17730 0600 0900 37,38 RIY 500 295 ARABIC ARS<br />

17740 0600 0900 27,28,3 RIY 250 310 ARABIC ARS<br />

17895 0300 0600 24-26,3 RIY 500 40 ARABIC ARS<br />

17895 0600 0800 24-26,3 RIY 500 40 ARABIC ARS<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 22)<br />

Auf 9714.9 laeuft das Holy Koran-Programm des BSKSA, gehoert am 16.12. ab<br />

0640 mit rel. Programm, 0643 ID in Arabisch, das Ganze // zu 15380 kHz.<br />

(Robert Foerster-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 21)<br />

Eindeutig war am Donnerstag morgen 9714.9 // 15170 zu hoeren. Saudi<br />

Arabien. Dein Gespuer war richtig ;-)<br />

(Herbert Meixner-AUT wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 22)<br />

SINPAPORE/GUAM/UAE "Wavescan": Per a rptr in India via <strong>DX</strong>LD, it appears<br />

that an introduction of the new Wavescan hosts was to take place on Dec<br />

11. "Usual format" to start <strong>Jan</strong> 6. (I'm not sure what happens in between<br />

JB.) Rpts can be sent to <br />

It is intended that the new "Wavescan" will be an Asian ed. only (though<br />

the info will be worldwide) , and it will therefore be on the air only<br />

from KSDA-Guam. As far as <strong>Jan</strong> 6 is concerned, I think that what AWR-<br />

Singapore is doing is identifying the weekend, that is, the first weekend<br />

in <strong>Jan</strong>uary, rather than the specific date, though they may intend to air<br />

on Fridays anyway. (Adrian Peterson-IN) More from Adrian: Sked for new<br />

"Wavescan" is Sunday at 1600 on 9585 & 12065, 1730 UT on 9980 kHz, both<br />

100 kW.<br />

(Jerry Berg-USA, in <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 18)<br />

Das bei <strong>der</strong> Regionalisierung <strong>der</strong> englischsprachigen Programme von<br />

Adventist World Radio ausgesetzte <strong>DX</strong>-Programm Wavescan soll nach langer<br />

Verzoegerung im <strong>Jan</strong>uar 2006 wie<strong>der</strong> auf Sendung gehen. Die nun fuer Asien<br />

und Ozeanien bestimmte Sendung wird von Rhoen Catolico (Listener<br />

Relations), Akinori Kaibe (Regional Director) und Anniston Mathews<br />

(Technical Support) betreut. Zulieferungen kommen vom JSWC.<br />

(Yukiko Tsuji, Toshi Ohtake).<br />

(Toshi Ohtake-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 28)<br />

Complete schedule for new Asian Edition of Wavescan<br />

Dear Radio Colleague,

Here is the complete schedule for the new Asian edition of the AWR <strong>DX</strong><br />

program, Wavescan beginning Sunday <strong>Jan</strong>uary 1, 2006; UTC Sundays UTC time:<br />

UTC kHz kW Station<br />

1130 11915 100 KSDA<br />

1200 15110 250 Abu Dhabi<br />

1530 9530 250 Abu Dhabi<br />

1600 9585 100 KSDA<br />

1630 11980 100 KSDA<br />

1730 9980 100 KSDA<br />

2130 11960 100 KSDA<br />

2230 11855 100 KSDA<br />

1600 12065 100 KSDA<br />

(Adrian Peterson-USA, AWR via <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 22)<br />

SOUTH AFRICA Winter B-<strong>05</strong> for CVC International via MEY=Meyerton:<br />

English to Central and South Africa<br />

<strong>05</strong>15-1545 on 9555 MEY 100 kW / 0<strong>05</strong> deg<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 20)<br />

7390 Channel Africa very good at 0312 UT with regional political nx in<br />

En; full En ID at 0315 and into children's program of songs and stories;<br />

still good with french prgm at 0424 UT recheck.<br />

(James Ronda-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 12/13)<br />

SUDAN 4750 R. Peace poor at 0350 [Dec 15] with chant-like choral mx; ID<br />

at 0400 UT with the clear word "Peace" and then back to rhythmic singing<br />

and talk by man. Mx audio just above poor; spoken audio at strain level.<br />

This parallels what Ralph Brandi reported on Oct 17.<br />

(James Ronda-OK-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 18)<br />

TINIAN ISLS-MARIANAS Freq change for Voice of America in Korean:<br />

1300-1500 NF 9385 TIN 500 kW 325 deg, co-ch R.Pakistan Urdu from 1330,<br />

x15250<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 20)<br />

UKRAINE Here's a quote from Dec 17/18 <strong>DX</strong>-program of Radio Ukraine Int.<br />

hosted by Alexan<strong>der</strong> Egorov:<br />

RUI suffers interference in N.American from presumably Colombian Marfil<br />

Estereo on 5910 kHz. Roman Zapotovich from NY region reported,<br />

"Unfortunately, after one week after the beginning of winter season,<br />

reception became unusable. The propagation from S.America got better and<br />

that has resulted in strong interferences. It is necessary to resume power<br />

of the tx in Nikolaev from 500 to 1000 kW." Also, R.Zapotovich noted the<br />

essential interference from the fax station on 5911.6 kHz and even from<br />

WBOH on 5920 kHz. Many thanks to Mr. Zapotovich for this info!<br />

From the last winter season I remember that Marfil Estereo had a shift of<br />

the freq so a strong buzzing was caused by beat of Marfil Estereo carrier<br />

with Radio Ukraine's one. But I suspect that even increase of the power to<br />

maximum 700 or 800 kW (this is a limit of power of Nikolaev tx + the lack<br />

of finance) with a rhombic antenna which is used now there will help only<br />

a little. So the freq change could be a radical method in this situation.<br />

But there is lack of free freqs in 49 m-band. And propagation forecast for<br />

41 m-band for B<strong>05</strong> season is unfavorable.<br />

So with the help of R.Zapotovich we have known that the adjacent freq of<br />

59<strong>05</strong> kHz was almost the only acceptable one for eastern N.America in this<br />

situation. Unfortunately, here in Europe we may have mutual interference<br />

with CRI in Russian and and DW, also in Russian.<br />

So we ask for help of all our listeners in N.America to find a free freq<br />

there for good reception of RUI in 49 m-band at the time from 00.00 to

<strong>05</strong>.00 UTC. We shall be very grateful to you!<br />

(Alexan<strong>der</strong> Egorov-UKR RUI, FAX +380 (44) 279-73-56; via S. Sosedkin-IL-<br />

USA, dxld Dec 18)<br />

5840 1800-0100 27,28 KHR 100kW 290deg UKR/E/G UKR RUI RRT<br />

is also poor at present in WeEurope, looks like a third of their nominal<br />

power. And 5830 kHz not existent at 1400-1800 UT too. (wb)<br />

I too have noticed that Radio Ukraine's signal on 5840 is weaker, even<br />

here in the UK. The txion on 9925 kHz at 1200 isn't great either. Maybe<br />

they are using lower power, but similar to your theory, their neighbors on<br />

5800 etc are much stronger than RUI. Anybody know what the power of the tx<br />

is on 5840?<br />

(Christopher Lewis-UK, dxld Dec 18)<br />

Nominal 100 kW, but who knows what they are really running. Of course it<br />

has a somewhat more northerly/auroral path than Bulgaria. I also checked<br />

5910 early UT Dec 20, at 0006 just in time to hear Ukrainian lang, tx<br />

cutting on and off. When it was on, it overrode Marfil, tho with a slight<br />

het. (gh, dxld Dec 19)<br />

UNID site/GERMANY? [to CUBA]. More monitoring of R. Republica relays:<br />

Dec 20 was listening to 6135 from 2355; it was in the clear, and at 2357<br />

gave freq change annt from 6135 to 5965, followed by standard ID<br />

mentioning 9955 only. Off at 2358:30. By the time I retuned to 5965, they<br />

were already un<strong>der</strong>way at 2359, either with a repeat of 24 hours earlier or<br />

part 2 on the same subject, some October conference about Cuban human<br />

rights mentioning Miami and Spain. No sign of RHC co-channel by the time I<br />

quit around 0010. However, at retune 0<strong>05</strong>7 Dec 21, RHC was on and on top,<br />

making it difficult to copy RR. I heard the 9955 annt, but not a freq<br />

change annt.<br />

After 0100 a weaker Spanish continued un<strong>der</strong> RHC, maybe more of the same.<br />

Later, 7110 was stronger than previously, checked at 0357 but with a SAH<br />

from co-channel with some audio un<strong>der</strong>; R. Republica was running a<br />

devotional, and then quoting from PJP2. 0359 said it would concluir its<br />

emissions, no mention of any freqs, and off, uncovering the co-channel,<br />

sounded Slavic, unfamiliar IS ditty twice, so maybe Belarus tho not sked<br />

to open until 0400, rather than Ethiopia. I assume the annt meant no<br />

further broadcasts this evening on some other frequency. The habaneros,<br />

after all, imagine it is midnight.<br />

Summing up, the known schedule of R. Republica is:<br />

2200-2400 6135 0000-0200 5965 0200-0400 7110<br />

WHERE are these coming from? After 0000, 6135 is DW in German via Sines,<br />

but that is neither here nor there. Were it not for 7110, we could guess<br />

the spare tx at WHRI could be in use; it was registered for 6135 later in<br />

the night, but nothing for 5965. Assuming all three are from the same<br />

site, as is likely, has to be from Europe, probably VT or T-Systems.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK, dxld Dec 20)<br />

Strong on 6135 at 2200-2230+ Dec 21, gave fqy as 9955, address as P.O.Box<br />

110235, Hialeah, FL, 33011, prgm "Alternativa" at 2230. See<br />

<br />

(Jerry Berg-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 21)<br />

Just heard opening on 6135 kHz at 2200 UT on Dec 22nd. S=2 level, but much<br />

weaker than present VT outlets on 5875 via Rampisham and Skelton, and<br />

weaker too - than NHK Skelton relay at 2200 UT. So, if an European<br />

background I would tend and point up to DTK Germany Juelich and Wertachtal<br />

relay sites, even though situated in dead zone around Juelich or<br />

Wertachtal. 125 kW via WER ?

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 22)<br />

Radio Republica is 0200-0400 on 7110 kHz?<br />

Makes me won<strong>der</strong> whether this is related:<br />

"UNIDENTIFIED. Re 7160: 7160 0200-0300 zone 17 WER 125 kW 285 degrees 15<br />

216 7=UT Sat 1012<strong>05</strong>-1012<strong>05</strong> RMI DTK<br />

Scheduled only one single day towards zone 17 Iceland [285 + 15 300<br />

degrees]. RMI brokered test.<br />

Ask Jeff White. 73 wb (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany, dxld Dec 11)"<br />

and<br />

"UNIDENTIFIED. Re 7160 DTK test: Glenn: This was a test for a potential<br />

client, which is about all I can say for the moment, except that the<br />

parameters don't look right (i.e., we weren't beaming anything to<br />

Iceland). (Jeff White-FL-USA RMI, dxld Dec 11)"<br />

(via Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Dec 22)<br />

UK/MADAGASCAR [to SUDAN] Sudan Radio Service, via UK, 117<strong>05</strong> on Dec 15<br />

at 1747 UT in vernacular, mentioning Sudan, with QRM from weaker station<br />

on slightly different frequency, presumably V. of People, Madagascar to<br />

Zimbabwe. Could not hear any noise jamming, but won<strong>der</strong> if Zimbabwe really<br />

needs to do that with this kind of collision going on, virtually since the<br />

beginning of B-<strong>05</strong>. Strange that either of these tx sites would be off-<br />

frequency, or maybe that low het was actually caused by jamming.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK, dxld Dec 16)<br />

117<strong>05</strong> 1659-1757 47E,48,52E,53 MDC 50 265 Eng MDG NEW RNW<br />

117<strong>05</strong> 1700-1800 47E WOF 250 126 Mon-Fri USA MNO MER<br />

(wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 15)<br />


This year's hurricane season, which ran from June 1 to November 30, was a<br />

record-breaker more hurricanes than any other year in recent history.<br />

There were so many storms that the entire English alphabet was used to<br />

name the events, so the Greek alphabet had to start to be used as well.<br />

At the end of October, Hurricane Wilma swept through Mexico's Yucatan<br />

Peninsula and then made its way back to the state of Florida in the U.S.<br />

As it went across Florida from west to east, Wilma did some serious damage<br />

to two SW stations: WYFR in Okeechobee and WRMI in Miami. Both are long-<br />

time members of the NASB.<br />

The eye of Hurricane Wilma hit the southwest coast of Florida and then<br />

made its way right across the southern part of the state, pretty much<br />

right between WRMI to the south and WYFR to the north. Wilma took WYFR off<br />

the air on October 24. The tx building fared much better than it did in<br />

the devastating storms of 2004. Damage to the antenna field though less<br />

than from 2004's hurricanes Frances and Jeanne was fairly wide-ranging,<br />

including txion lines, dissipation lines, antenna switches and antennas.<br />

With the return of electrical power on October 29, sufficient repairs had<br />

been made that most of the txs came back on the air that day. Repairs<br />

continued, and by November 3rd, all 14 txs were back to a full schedule of<br />

operation.<br />

The National Hurricane Center in Miami first thought that Wilma would be a<br />

category one hurricane (i.e. the weakest category) when it hit the Florida<br />

coast, but it suddenly strengthened to a category three by the time it got<br />

there. Floridians knew a hurricane was coming, but they didn't expect such<br />

a strong one.<br />

Some of the worst-affected areas were the metropolitan areas of Miami and<br />

Fort Lau<strong>der</strong>dale, known as Miami-Dade and Broward counties, respectively.

WRMI's tx site is in Hialeah, which is in northern Miami-Dade County, near<br />

the Broward County line. This area experienced some of the worst hurricane<br />

winds and damage. Throughout the Miami area and beyond, the hurricane<br />

damaged the electrical power grid more than any hurricane in history. Most<br />

of southern Florida had no electricity for several days after the<br />

hurricane, and it took about three weeks to restore power to all<br />

customers. Telephone lines and cellular phone sces went down, and in many<br />

places there was no running water. Thousands of traffic lights were<br />

damaged, and the rest had no power. Tens of thousands of trees and utility<br />

poles were knocked down by the force of the hurricane winds, blocking<br />

roads and highways. Countless homes, vehicles and commercial buildings<br />

were damaged or destroyed. In short, this was the worst hurricane to hit<br />

the Miami area since the infamous Hurricane Andrew in 1992.<br />

Wilma hit early on Monday morning, October 24. WRMI's office in the<br />

western suburbs of Miami had no power until the following Friday. Most of<br />

the station's employees had no power at their homes for several days.<br />

Telephone and cellular sce was sporadic at best, so it was difficult for<br />

the staff to even keep in contact with each other. But thankfully no one<br />

was physically hurt.<br />

At WRMI's tx site in Hialeah, power was not restored until nearly two<br />

weeks after the hurricane. In addition, the high winds damaged both of the<br />

station's antennas, particularly the log periodic antenna used to reach<br />

North America, and they knocked down the security fence around the other<br />

antenna a corner reflector used to reach the Caribbean and Latin America.<br />

WRMI got back on the air to the Caribbean and Latin America on 9955 kHz on<br />

Sunday, November 6th. But the North American antenna needed repairs by the<br />

factory in central Florida, which took a few weeks more. In the meantime,<br />

a temporary antenna was set up for the North American sce on 7385 kHz.<br />

WRMI narrowly escaped the wrath of the two hurricanes that damaged WYFR in<br />

2004. But WRMI was also off the air for part of a day in September of this<br />

year when Hurricane Rita went through Florida from east to west and<br />

knocked out electrical power at the tx site for about eight hours. To<br />

everyone's relief, the hurricane season ended on November 30th.<br />

(Dec NASB Newsletter via wwdxc HQ Dec 6)<br />

7811 usb AFRTS, D.Garcia (or Key West FL, USA?), obs'ed on 19 Dec at 2242-<br />

2302, NPR Nx feature All Things Consi<strong>der</strong>ed, nx 2300; // 4319, 5446.5;<br />

45343 best via the elevated K9AY, so again, possibly not emanating from<br />

the western hemisphere (Diego Garcia?).<br />

5446.5 usb AFRTS, Key West FL (or somewhere else?), obs'ed on 19 Dec at<br />

2236-2304, English, NPR Nx feature All Things Consi<strong>der</strong>ed, newscast 2300;<br />

45444, best via the elevated K9AY loop, not via the inv. V beamed to<br />

CeAm/SoIND, which makes me won<strong>der</strong> whether this is really FL or Diego<br />

Garcia as recently been commented.<br />

(both Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec at 22)<br />

12133.5, 7812.5 and 5446.5 Key West-FL, (wb)<br />

UZBEKISTAN Winter B-<strong>05</strong> for CVC International via TAC=Tashkent:<br />

English to India<br />

0100-0300 on 7355 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg<br />

0300-0600 on 13685 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg<br />

Hindi to India<br />

0100-0400 on 9570 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg<br />

0400-1100 on 13630 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg<br />

1100-1400 on 9500 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg<br />

1400-1700 on 9855 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 20)<br />

Unident, 9500 kHz at 1200-13<strong>05</strong> UT. Not sure of the lang, but sounds like a<br />

Hindu type. Noted a woman in comments, and at one point, she prayed. Heard<br />

"Amen" at the end. When addresses given, the country heard was "India".<br />

Thought this might be TWR, but can't find a schedule for them to India or<br />

that area? Typical mx from India between comments. Signal was good for<br />

awhile than started to get hit up. At 1245 and beyond I started<br />

experiencing great circle fading which made copy very difficult because at<br />

one point there was anouncement in English and I couldn't copy it. During<br />

the period, I heard, "The Voice of ..." and at the end some numbers<br />

"...886" It had enough numbers to be a phone number. Any help would be<br />

appreciated.<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, hcdx Dec 18)<br />

Via Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 9500 1100-1400 41 TAC 100kW 152deg UZB CVC GFC<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 19)<br />

ZAMBIA Winter B-<strong>05</strong> for Christian Voice via LUS=Lusaka:<br />

English to South and Central Africa<br />

0400-0800 on 6065 LUS 100 kW / non-dir<br />

0800-1700 on 9865 LUS 100 kW / non-dir<br />

1700-0400 on 4965 LUS 100 kW / non-dir<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 20)<br />


It's that time of year. It's time to do the planning for the coming March.<br />

Consequently, we are taking this opportunity to invite one and all to be a<br />

part of the program on March 3-4 at the Inn at Towamencin. [near<br />

Philadelphia PA]<br />

As you know, one of the centerpieces of the Fest weekend is our line- up<br />

of informative and entertaining forums. These excellent sessions are put<br />

together and presented by people just like you people with a deep and<br />

abiding interest in radio and a willingness to share what they've<br />

experienced, learned and know.<br />

So, how about it? Have you a topic that you think Fest participants will<br />

find interesting and would like to present? Tell us about it.<br />

And as a gesture of appreciation (and perhaps some measure of small<br />

compensation for your efforts), the Fest will comp your registration fees<br />

if your proposal is accepted by the Organizing Committee for inclusion in<br />

the 2006 program.<br />

Make your suggestion/proposal to John Figliozzi at<br />

<br />

If you have any questions, we'll be happy to discuss them with you. And<br />

don't hesitate from personal experience we've learned that people tend to<br />

unfairly minimize their own abilities in this area. We know you'll be<br />

great but you have to let us in on what you're thinking! Be a part of the<br />

2006 SWL Winterfest!<br />

(Richard Cuff, John Figliozzi, 2006 SWL Winterfest Co-Chairs, Dec 16)<br />

A.I.R. - Contest 2006<br />

The A.I.R. Contest 2006 "Attilio Leoni" will start at 00:00UTC on <strong>Jan</strong>uary<br />

2nd, 2006, and will end at midnight UTC on <strong>Jan</strong>uary 10th, 2006.<br />

Participation is open for all radiolisteners worldwide, A.I.R. members and<br />

non members alike. The contest is divided into the following parts:<br />

First part: listening to any station broadcasting from Europe (with its<br />

own tx or via relay) from 00:00 UTC of <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2nd to 24:00 UTC of <strong>Jan</strong>uary

6th, 2006 in any lang (frequencies between 150 and 26100 kHz -<br />

broadcasting (bc) bands).<br />

Second part: listening to programmes in any lang of the following<br />

stations, at any time from <strong>Jan</strong>uary 7th at 00:00 UTC to <strong>Jan</strong>uary 10th, 2006,<br />

at midnight UTC (frequencies between 150 and 26100 kHz - bc bands):<br />

- ALGERIA, RTAlgerienne<br />


- AUSTRALIA, Radio Australia<br />

- BENIN, ORTBenin<br />

- CANADA, Radio Canada Int.<br />

- KOREA DEM. REP., V.of Korea<br />

- CUBA, Radio Habana<br />


- GABON, Africa n.1<br />

- JORDAN, Radio Jordan<br />

- INDIA, AIR<br />

- IRAN, VOIRI<br />

- MOROCCO, RTMarocaine<br />

- SINGAPORE, B<strong>BC</strong><br />

- TURKEY, V.of Turkey<br />

- UGANDA, Radio Uganda<br />

- USA, V.of America<br />

- YEMEN, Radio San'a<br />

Each station can be logged only once. The listening to each station in the<br />

contest will have a minimum time of 15 mins.The contest-log must contain<br />

all usefull references (frequency, UTC time, station name, lang, the most<br />

important details for a good valuation, SINPO code), technical data<br />

(receiver, antenna and optionals) and send to this address:<br />

PECOLATTO Bruno<br />

AIR Contest Manager<br />

Fermo Posta<br />

I-10080 INGRIA (TO)<br />

ITALY<br />

e-mail: <br />

Not later than February 25th, 2006 (date of postmark).<br />

On the contest-log the participant must indicate his name and surname,<br />

complete address and a short declaration as follow: "I take the<br />

responsibility on myself that I have listened to all the stations reported<br />

during the time of validity of contest".<br />

All details will be very important for a correct estimate of the contest<br />

results and for additional controls the Contest Manager could ask your<br />

audio-tape. A bonus of 200 points will be awarded to all those who will<br />

report the highest number of programme details for each station and not<br />

only generic terms such as news, mx, comments, etc. The scores will be<br />

computed on a base of 101 points for each station deducting the<br />

participants percentage that listened to the same station. Decimal will<br />

not be consi<strong>der</strong>ed. During the contest some monitor stations will listen<br />

off.<br />

100 extra points: As a participant in the AIR Contest 2006 you will be<br />

awarded 100 extra points if you listen two <strong>DX</strong> radio programmes of any<br />

broadcasting station. The listening report will have a minimum time of 15<br />

mins, all usefull references as above.<br />

The participation fee are 5 (five) IRC's or 5 Euro to be sent with your<br />

contest-log to Contest Manager. Each participant will receive a

certificate of participation.<br />

Prizes list for the three first participants is the following:<br />

1st prize: a copy of the "WRTH 2006" offered by A.I.R.<br />

2nd prize: a t-shirt by an international station offered by A.I.R.<br />

3rd prize: one year subscription to Radiorama magazine offered by A.I.R.<br />

Other prizes drawn un<strong>der</strong> all participants:<br />

Two books for radiolisteners (offered by SANDIT)<br />

Two books for radiolisteners, a t-shirt and one philatelic sheet (offered<br />

by AIR)<br />

For any other information, please write to Contest Manager (see the<br />

address) and enclose one IRC.<br />

(via Siegbert Gerhard-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 5)<br />

World Radio TV Handbook 2006, Special 60th Edition<br />

Available Dec 08, 20<strong>05</strong>. World Radio TV Handbook continues to be the guide<br />

for the serious radio listener, and this year we are celebrating 60 years<br />

of publishing this unique handbook. A special section contains articles on<br />

The History of WRTH, 60 Years of Reception, 50 years <strong>DX</strong>ing, 60 Years of<br />

Technology, and an important series of interviews on The Future of Radio.<br />

WRTH 2006 also the widely-read Digital Radio Update; reviews of the latest<br />

equipment, including high-cost portables; fully updated maps; and runs to<br />

704 pages including 96 in full colour. This year we have put all the MW<br />

and SW freq lists together in a new section after the International<br />

section, and have added more target countries to the Clandestine & Other<br />

Target Broadcasters section. Following a very positive response, we have<br />

kept the smoother and whiter paper we first used last year.<br />

Or<strong>der</strong> a copy now from our new website at using our secure<br />

server. I hope you enjoy using this new edition of WRTH. If you have any<br />

comments or updates please send them to me at<br />

<br />

(Hardyman via Gupta in <strong>DX</strong>indis, Dec <strong>05</strong>)<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

Last week's WORLDWIDE <strong>DX</strong> CLUB Top NewsWORLDWIDE <strong>DX</strong> CLUB Top News<br />

(last week)<br />

compiled by Wolfgang Büschel<br />

December 30th, 20<strong>05</strong> (<strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> #741)<br />

Don't miss<br />

The 56th Red and White Year-End song competition festival:<br />

JAPAN/U.K. [and non] NHK Radio Japan's Year End Party on Dec.31 via VT<br />

Communications:<br />

1430-1500 on 6090 SKN 250 kW / 150 deg to WeEu<br />

9575 WOF 300 kW / 128 deg to EaAf<br />

9750 RMP 500 kW / 080 deg to WeEu<br />

12045 WOF 300 kW / 082 deg to SoAs<br />

21630 ASC 250 kW / 085 deg to SoAf<br />

1500-1700 on 6090 SKN 250 kW / 150 deg to WeEu<br />

9575 WOF 300 kW / 128 deg to EaAf<br />

9750 RMP 500 kW / 080 deg to WeEu<br />

1700-1800 on 9860 WOF 300 kW / 140 deg to SoAf<br />

1800-1900 on 7195 RMP 500 kW / 080 deg to WeEu<br />

9795 SNG 250 kW / 315 deg to SoAs<br />

9860 WOF 300 kW / 140 deg to SoAf<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 20)<br />

ALBANIA Since Dec 20th, R Tirana is on regular service again.<br />

But all language transmissions of RT, DW, TWR, VOA, CRI on MW 1215, 1395,<br />

1458, and on SW and Satellite feed outlets suffer by sudden breaks on main<br />

power line, breaks lasting from a single minute to 30 minutes in<br />

duration.(Dec 20th to 28th).<br />

(wb, Dec 20)<br />

1215 / 1395 / 1458 MW tx offset varyings<br />

When I checked the Albanian MW channels with SpecLab software I discovered<br />

"wan<strong>der</strong>ing" path of the Fllake tx unit #1 also [see item of Patrick Robic<br />

below].<br />

1215 kHz relays DW Albanian sce 0645-0700 UT, then CRI Beijing English<br />

relay 0700-0900 UT, both MW tx #1 on non-dir antenna.<br />

1215.038 kHz 0645 UT on Dec 30 (similar observation on Dec 29th)<br />

1215.030 07<strong>05</strong><br />

1215.028 0710<br />

1215.013 0730<br />

1215.008 0740<br />

1215.003 0745<br />

1214.988 0818<br />

1214.984 0825<br />

1214.980 0835<br />

1214.975 0850<br />

1214.972 0901:18 UT tx off.<br />

1457.984 kHz on stable odd frequency Dec 29th & 30th:<br />

Fllake MW tx #2 at 0630-0645 VOA Serbian, 0730-0900 R Tirana in Albanian.<br />

Zero-Beat checked carefully against nearby 1206, 1242 kHz both France,<br />

resp. DLF 1422, LUX 1440, F 1494 channels too.<br />

Kann mal jemand in OE / Slowenien auf 1395 kHz hinein hoeren ? (wb)<br />

Am Donnerstag, Dec 22, um 0903 UT auf exakt 1395.3 kHz war eine<br />

Frauenstimme anwesend (O=1/2) Rauschen sehr stark. Aber fq-Abweichung<br />

duerfte schon auf ALB deuten. Der Empfang ging einige Minuten spaeter<br />

endgueltig im Rauschen unter.

Aber vielleicht konnte die "Aussenstelle in Leibnitz" mehr - da naeher<br />

d'ran - hoeren :-)<br />

(Herbert Meixner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 22)<br />

At Dec 23 Patrick Robic-AUT wrote:<br />

Ja, kann sie. ;-) s/on um 0902 UTC auf 1395.28 kHz mit ID (// 71<strong>05</strong> kHz),<br />

mittlerweile ist mein auf 1394.83 kHz angelangt. SINPO: 35443.<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 23)<br />

Heute Freitag, Dec 23, war <strong>der</strong> Empfang auf MW um diese Zeit auch bei mir<br />

besser (O=3).<br />

(Herbert Meixner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 23)<br />

ANGUILLA 6090 World Univ. Network, noted Dec. 28 at 0230-0325 UT with<br />

live preaching, and Id's at 0241 UT, giving phone number 1-800-338-3030,<br />

and www address. 34333.<br />

(Jose Turner-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 28)<br />

ARGENTINA Rayen Braun, Sprecherin des deutschen Programms von Radio<br />

Argentina al Exterior (RAE) teilte mir folgende Email Adresse <strong>der</strong><br />

Redaktion mit:<br />

<br />

(Volker Willschrey-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 23)<br />

15344.68 kHz - RAE Buenos Aires at around 1930 UT yesterday night[Dec 25],<br />

noted with time pips at 1930 UT and definitely program in Spanish, tiny<br />

S=2 rating. Co-channel signal from RTM Morocco skipped over my head. At<br />

same time poor 19 mb coverage, noted at best 15120 Nigeria and 15400<br />

Ascension, fragments of - probably - 15250 WRB, and 2x Radio Cairo to<br />

Africa on 15375 and 15425 kHz.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 26)<br />

ARMENIA 4809.93 Voice of Armenia on Dec 19 at 2043 UT. Talk in lang,<br />

mx; // Windows Media feed at<br />

mo<strong>der</strong>ate CODAR QRM.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 24)<br />

BENIN 5025 R. Parakou noted Dec 27 at 2108-2120 UT in French, with<br />

feature about Benin workers and their role in today's Benin. 35333.<br />

(Jose Turner-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 28)<br />

BOLIVIA 4796.46 Radio Mallku on Dec 23 at 2307 UT. Multiple IDs within<br />

a min of tuning in, "en servicio de la communidad", talk by OM and YL,<br />

more IDs at 2314 UT.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 24)<br />

BRAZIL 9504.8 Radio Record on Dec 19 at 2335 UT. Talk in Portuguese<br />

with people on telephone, time checks, jingle ID at 2351 UT sung by YLs,<br />

more phone conversation; wiped out by WYFR at 2359 UT.<br />

9645.04 Radio Bandeirantes on Dec 20 at 0010 UT. Talk about football,<br />

including Italian professional leagues, in Portuguese; multiple IDs at<br />

0035 UT.<br />

9664.96 Radio Marumby on Dec 21 at 0745 UT. Religious program in<br />

Portuguese, partial ID heard at 0759 UT (missed the station name, but<br />

heard freqs and location in Florianopolis), more religious programming; //<br />

streaming MP3 feed at<br />

<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 24)<br />

11815 R. Brasil Central, Goiania, heard Dec 26 with "O mundo em sua casa"<br />

at 0855-0930 UT, 44444.

(Jose Turner-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 28)<br />

BULGARIA 7600 Radio Varna. On Dec 25 at 2159-2220 UT. SINPO 34333.<br />

Female song till 2200 UT, then time pips and male announcement in<br />

Bulgarian. Nx from 2201. ID was heard at 2210 UT, followed by mx program.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Dec 30)<br />

kHz UT zone loc kW<br />

7600 0000-0400 27,28 VRN 100 0 2=Mon BUL RBU<br />

7600 2200-2400 27,28 VRN 100 0 1=Sun BUL RBU<br />

and alternate freq:<br />

9300 0000-0400 27,28 VRN 100 0 2=Mon BUL RBU<br />

9300 2200-2400 27,28 VRN 100 0 1=Sun BUL RBU<br />

Still the question is the zero degrees item non-dir pattern meaning? Or<br />

means 000 degr north, as installation at Varna used for JAMMING purpose<br />

against RLiberty Russian program in Soviet era? (wb)<br />

CHINA CRI new broadcast time and freqs. From 16 December CRI broadcast<br />

in Hungarian in the morning too, from 1000 to 1<strong>05</strong>7 UT on 15220 and 17570<br />

kHz. Excellent reception.<br />

(Istvan Kiss-HNG, dxld Dec 19)<br />

And which lang is heard on 15225/17570 at 1100-1157 UT?<br />

Nothing on Nagoya <strong>DX</strong>C website mentioned (wb, Dec 22)<br />

15220 1000-1100 28N KAS 500kW 298deg<br />

15225 1100-1200 28N KAS 500 298<br />

17570 1000-1200 28N 28NW KAS 500 298<br />

It seems CRI has been very active in adding txions in the past week.<br />

Besides Hungarian 1000-1100 on 15220/17570 there is Czech at 1100-1200 on<br />

15225 and 17570 (listed as KAS) and Romanian at 0900-1000 on 7130 and 9460<br />

(listed as CER)<br />

Moreover, there are additional txs. Judging from the audio these are new<br />

Aliss units, listed as Xian 500 kW. All txions 57 mins.<br />

1000 English on 7215, Chinese on 7255 1100 Mongolian on 7170, Japanese on<br />

7200, Russian on 6080 1200 Japanese on 7150.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 23)<br />

5955 1000 1100 44,45N XIA 500 73 CHN CRI RTC<br />

5955 1500 1600 44,45N XIA 500 73 CHN CRI RTC<br />

5985 2200 2300 45N XIA 500 73 CHN CRI RTC<br />

6010 1600 1700 49E XIA 500 190 CHN CRI RTC<br />

6020 1800 1900 28SE XIA 500 306 CHN CRI RTC<br />

6040 1400 1500 54 XIA 500 190 CHN CRI RTC<br />

6145 1900 2000 28E XIA 500 306 CHN CRI RTC<br />

6150 1700 1800 27,28 XIA 500 317 CHN CRI RTC<br />

6165 1600 1700 39N XIA 500 292 CHN CRI RTC<br />

71<strong>05</strong> 2200 2300 13,14 XIA 500 306 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7110 2000 2100 28S XIA 500 317 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7120 2000 2100 28SE XIA 500 306 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7120 2100 2200 28N XIA 500 306 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7130 1300 1500 45N XIA 500 73 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7130 2000 2100 28S XIA 500 306 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7150 1200 1300 45N XIA 500 73 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7150 1900 2000 28NW XIA 500 317 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7160 2000 2100 28SE XIA 500 317 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7160 2200 2300 37NW XIA 500 306 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7190 1500 1600 45N XIA 500 73 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7190 1800 1900 39N XIA 500 292 CHN CRI RTC

7200 1100 1200 45N XIA 500 73 CHN CRI RTC<br />

72<strong>05</strong> 1430 1530 49 XIA 500 200 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7215 1300 1400 54N XIA 500 190 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7220 2300 2400 49E XIA 500 190 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7245 1700 1800 27,28 XIA 500 306 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7265 1700 1800 39N XIA 500 292 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7265 1800 1900 28SE XIA 500 306 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7325 1600 1700 39N XIA 500 292 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7325 2100 2200 28S XIA 500 317 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7335 1600 1700 28E XIA 500 306 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7345 1900 2000 39N XIA 500 292 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7360 1500 1600 49E XIA 500 190 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9410 1200 1300 49,54W XIA 500 200 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9415 0800 1000 44,45N XIA 500 73 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9435 2300 2400 45N XIA 500 73 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9440 0900 1100 45N XIA 500 73 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9560 1400 1500 49E XIA 500 145 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9685 1300 1400 49E XIA 500 190 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9685 1400 1500 49E XIA 500 195 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9730 2330 0030 41SE XIA 500 252 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9785 1130 1430 49 XIA 500 200 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9870 1300 1400 49,54W XIA 500 200 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9870 1400 1600 49,54W XIA 500 200 CHN CRI RTC<br />

11640 0100 0200 49,54W XIA 500 200 CHN CRI RTC<br />

11640 1200 1300 54N XIA 500 190 CHN CRI RTC<br />

11790 2300 0100 49 XIA 500 190 CHN CRI RTC<br />

11845 0000 0100 49,54W XIA 500 200 CHN CRI RTC<br />

11885 0000 0100 49,54W XIA 500 200 CHN CRI RTC<br />

11885 0100 0200 49,54W XIA 500 200 CHN CRI RTC<br />

11980 1200 1300 49E XIA 500 190 CHN CRI RTC<br />

11990 1100 1200 49E XIA 500 190 CHN CRI RTC<br />

12070 1100 1200 50 XIA 500 145 CHN CRI RTC<br />

13610 0700 0900 45N XIA 500 73 CHN CRI RTC<br />

13645 0600 0800 49,54 XIA 500 190 CHN CRI RTC<br />

13655 0000 0700 45N XIA 500 73 CHN CRI RTC<br />

13680 0000 0100 49E XIA 500 190 CHN CRI RTC<br />

13720 1000 1200 49,54W XIA 500 200 CHN CRI RTC<br />

13730 0700 0800 49,54W XIA 500 200 CHN CRI RTC<br />

15145 0700 0800 49,54 XIA 500 200 CHN CRI RTC<br />

15340 0900 1100 49,54 XIA 500 190 CHN CRI RTC<br />

15425 0100 0300 49,54 XIA 500 190 CHN CRI RTC<br />

15435 0200 0300 40 XIA 500 292 CHN CRI RTC<br />

175<strong>05</strong> 0400 <strong>05</strong>00 49,54W XIA 500 200 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17740 0400 0600 49E XIA 500 190 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17740 0600 0800 49,54 XIA 500 190 CHN CRI RTC<br />

It seems CRI is putting even more new transmitters on the air. Today I<br />

came across CRI English at good level on 7135 around 1015. I had not<br />

noticed this one before, and it seems to be new, maybe even the first day<br />

of operation. The same programme with identical delay was heard on 13590.<br />

Both are listed as Beijing 500 kW. An educated guess is that these are<br />

again French imports. At the same time CRI Russian was very strong on<br />

(new?) 6020, which is unlisted and went off at 1100. At 1300-1400 CRI<br />

Mongolian was heard very good on new 7285 and 6100 with identical delay.<br />

These are also listed as Beijing 500 kW. The old lower power Beijing<br />

transmitters that were used for Mongolian have been off the air for about<br />

a year.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 28)<br />

5910 1500 1600 49,54W BEI 500 215 216 CHN CRI RTC<br />

5910 2000 2100 27-29,37 BEI 500 322 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

5910 2200 2400 37NW BEI 500 322 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

5915 2100 2200 37NW BEI 500 322 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

5955 1100 1500 44NE,45N BEI 500 95 206 CHN CRI RTC

5965 1500 1600 33SE,34 BEI 500 55 206 CHN CRI RTC<br />

5980 1500 1600 45N BEI 500 95 206 CHN CRI RTC<br />

5985 1000 1100 31,32 BEI 500 322 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

5985 1600 1800 48SW,53NW BEI 500 257 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

5985 1900 2100 37NW BEI 500 257 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

5995 1600 1700 27-31,37,38NE,46EBEI 500 318 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

6010 1800 1900 27-31,37,38NE,46EBEI 500 318 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

6060 1100 1200 50 BEI 500 165 206 CHN CRI RTC<br />

6090 1900 2000 37NW BEI 500 322 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

6100 1200 1300 33SE,34 BEI 500 55 206 CHN CRI RTC<br />

6100 1300 1400 32S,33SW BEI 500 318 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

6100 2300 0100 13 BEI 500 318 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

6135 1900 2000 27-31,37,38NE BEI 500 318 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

6135 2000 2100 28N BEI 500 318 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

6135 2100 2200 27-29,37-40 BEI 500 318 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

6180 1500 1600 29-32 BEI 500 322 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7115 2200 2300 45N BEI 500 95 206 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7120 1800 1900 28NE BEI 500 322 216 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7135 1000 1100 31,32 BEI 500 318 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7140 1700 1800 41,53,57 BEI 500 257 216 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7150 1500 1600 44NE,45N BEI 500 95 206 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7150 1800 1900 28SW BEI 500 318 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7160 1900 2000 28SE BEI 500 318 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7170 2000 2100 28N BEI 500 318 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7170 2100 2200 27-29,37 BEI 500 318 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7180 1400 1500 49,54W BEI 500 215 216 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7190 0900 1500 45N BEI 500 95 206 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7215 1900 2000 39N BEI 500 288 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7225 1800 1900 39N BEI 500 288 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7235 2300 0200 12-14 BEI 500 318 216 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7245 1500 1600 27-29,37 BEI 500 318 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7245 1600 1700 53 BEI 500 257 216 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7245 2000 2100 37-40 BEI 500 288 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7285 1300 1400 32S,33SW BEI 500 318 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7295 1800 1900 40 BEI 500 288 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7325 1400 1500 50 BEI 500 165 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7325 1500 1600 49,54 BEI 500 193 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7325 2000 2200 53,57 BEI 500 257 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7335 1700 1800 28N BEI 500 322 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7350 1600 1700 27-29,37 BEI 500 322 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

7360 1600 1700 49E BEI 500 193 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9410 1300 1400 49,54W BEI 500 215 216 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9415 2300 2400 49E BEI 500 193 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9440 1300 1400 49 BEI 500 165 216 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9450 1200 1400 55,59,60 BEI 500 142 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9460 0300 <strong>05</strong>00 44NE,45N BEI 500 95 206 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9460 2300 2400 50 BEI 500 165 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9490 2200 2300 12-14 BEI 500 318 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9540 1000 1200 55,59,60 BEI 500 142 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9550 1100 1600 49E BEI 500 193 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9645 1100 1300 49,54W BEI 500 215 216 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9655 1400 1500 49,54W BEI 500 215 216 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9695 2300 2400 45N BEI 500 95 206 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9730 1200 1400 49,54 BEI 500 193 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

9870 1200 1300 49,54W BEI 500 215 216 CHN CRI RTC<br />

11620 1000 1200 55,59,60 BEI 500 142 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

11640 0700 0900 45N BEI 500 95 206 CHN CRI RTC<br />

11650 0000 0200 49,54W BEI 500 215 216 CHN CRI RTC<br />

11695 0200 0300 13 BEI 500 322 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

11770 0000 0100 49E BEI 500 193 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

11780 0000 0100 45N BEI 500 95 206 CHN CRI RTC<br />

11875 0000 0100 32S,33SW BEI 500 318 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

11945 2300 2400 49,54W BEI 500 193 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

13580 0000 0200 49,54W BEI 500 215 216 CHN CRI RTC

13590 1000 1200 49,54 BEI 500 193 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

13850 0900 1100 49,54W BEI 500 193 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

15120 0300 0700 31,32 BEI 500 322 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

15160 0100 <strong>05</strong>00 45N BEI 500 95 206 CHN CRI RTC<br />

15170 <strong>05</strong>00 0700 45N BEI 500 95 206 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17485 0300 0400 29S,30S,31S,32S BEI 500 288 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17495 0000 0100 49,54W BEI 500 193 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17495 0100 0300 49,54W BEI 500 193 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17540 0300 0400 41 BEI 500 257 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17710 0400 <strong>05</strong>00 49,54W BEI 500 193 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17710 0600 0800 49,54W BEI 500 193 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

17855 0400 0600 29S,30S,31S BEI 500 288 218 CHN CRI RTC<br />

COSTA RICA 5<strong>05</strong>4.6 Faro del Caribe at 0141-0204 UT on Dec 19, Spanish,<br />

OM w/ SP Christmas mx, talk b/w selections. ID at 0202 UT. Poor/fair w/<br />

lots of slop via 5<strong>05</strong>0-WWRB.<br />

(Scott R. Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Dec 24)<br />

CROATIA Croatian Radio Zagreb Deanovec 6165 kHz 100 kW <strong>05</strong>00-2400 UT in<br />

Croatian lang operating on odd 6164.963 kHz at 1410 UT acc SpecLab<br />

display.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 26)<br />

CUBA[non]/GERMANY Radio Republica site speculation.<br />

Finally on Dec 22 I was standing by on 6135 kHz for opening of txion at<br />

2200 UT, just in case there would be a giveaway fragment of the RCI, DW or<br />

B<strong>BC</strong> IS; but no. Came on abruptly about 15 seconds ahead, with opening annt<br />

already in progress, accompanied by light bubble jamming un<strong>der</strong>neath, which<br />

I had not detected before, but probably would have with the BFO on.<br />

Listened to the first seven mins during which Orlando Gutierrez repeatedly<br />

referred to this as "primera emision" and "programa de presentacion",<br />

implying that this was their first and introductory broadcast.<br />

Entire schedule in local time was given twice for 9955, tho WRMI was never<br />

mentioned. Never any mention of 6135/5965/7110, where it is not the first<br />

broadcast either, since we know they have been on at least since Dec 18.<br />

He also mentioned God and Jesus Christ several times, and even paused for<br />

a prayer. Apparently the Directorio is not only a political but a<br />

religious organization which would like to turn Cuba into a theocracy;<br />

that would hardly be an improvement over its present plight.<br />

Are they replaying this same stuff every day on the three new freqs? That<br />

would indicate quite a lack of new programming, or a lack of a real-time<br />

program feed to the tx site, and all this could be just experimental.<br />

Still roughly an hour before sunset here, 6135 was by far the strongest<br />

signal on the band above 6 MHz, even stronger than Marti 6030 plus its<br />

much heavier jamming, but was roughly equal to B<strong>BC</strong> via French Guiana on<br />

5975, and WYFR in Chinese on 5950.<br />

Since there was so little direct from Europe audible on 49mb at this time,<br />

just much weaker signals on 5800 and 6025, I am now leaning more to a<br />

North American/Caribbean site at least for 6135.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Dec 22)<br />

Just heard opening on 6135 kHz at 2200 UT on Dec 22nd. S=2 level, but much<br />

weaker than present VT outlets on 5875 via Rampisham and Skelton, and<br />

weaker too - than NHK Skelton relay at 2200 UT. So, if an European<br />

background I would tend and point up to DTK Germany Juelich and Wertachtal<br />

relay sites, even though situated in dead zone around Juelich or<br />

Wertachtal. 125 kW via Deutsche Telekom WER Wertachtal?<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 22)<br />

Could this have anything to do with the one-night Dec 10 test at 0200 on

7160 from DTK for RMI? Anyway the freq selection indeed could point at T-<br />

Systems; did VT ever dare to use a freq between 7100 and 7300 for txions<br />

towards the Americas?<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Dec 22)<br />

Jeff White already said the additional Republica broadcasts were nx to<br />

him. He hopes to find out more from them shortly.<br />

(GH-USA, dxld Dec 22)<br />

After reading the various correspondence (all from the Americas?)<br />

concerning Radio Republica I decided to try for it via 6135 on the 23rd<br />

and I heard a good signal at around 2245 UT. I didn't hear a positive ID<br />

but the lang was "Cuban Spanish" and the subject matter appeared to<br />

concern Cuba so I think I must have heard the station I was looking for.<br />

The signal was a good one and an easy copy but with a unidentified co-<br />

channel same time. I couldn't hear any Cuban jamming signals. I wouldn't<br />

like to even guess if the signal was from this side of the Atlantic or the<br />

Americas side as both should propagate at that hour - and Euro signals can<br />

sometimes sound like more distant ones at this time of the year.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 23)<br />

I've been reading about the new Radio Republica clandestine and tried 6135<br />

last night and found that the signal was well audible around 2245 UT. I<br />

didn't hear any ID but it was obviously Cuban style Spanish and a<br />

programme as others have described. It was co-channel with another station<br />

that I couldn't ID but no bubble jamming was heard. It's really very<br />

difficult to say with any certainty if the signal was from Europe at that<br />

hour in mid-winter - average time on the eastern seaboard of the America's<br />

would be 1745 local so 6 MHZ should propagate across the pond from there<br />

too.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 24)<br />

Radio Republica 12/24/<strong>05</strong>, 5965 kHz 0127 ð 0200 & 7110 0200 ð 0241.<br />

Interview between 2 men, ending with "Feliz Navidad", interviewer with ID<br />

and freqs, canned ID, woman with ID and freqs and into a long talk with a<br />

brief section by a man until 0153, ID and web site given, "Feliz Navidad"<br />

Spanish / English popular Christmas song, ID, talk by same woman,<br />

continuity and talk until mid sentence sign off at 0159:30 by my clock.<br />

All the while Radio Habana is programming with long talks by a woman and<br />

snatches of Cuban mx and RHC continuity AND a bubble jammer un<strong>der</strong> it all<br />

on the same frequency. The bubble jammer went off almost immediately after<br />

R.R. leaving the freq to RHC loud and clear. Despite the Cuban efforts, I<br />

could make out R.R. on top of the mess in LSB. SINPO 52333, RHC second,<br />

jammer third (Of course I'm in the Midwestern U.S., not Cuba).<br />

About 2 seconds after 5965 sign off, a carrier came up on 7110, bubble<br />

jammer almost immediately, then a man in mid sentence, All within about 2<br />

ð 3 seconds. Same man with occasional short mxal bridges and into an<br />

interview with another man until 0225. I couldnût tell the topic. ID at<br />

0227. A woman took over at 0233. Tonight the bubble jamming is pretty<br />

effective. SINPO 32332.<br />

As to site consi<strong>der</strong>ations, here are some comparison loggings from a little<br />

earlier tonight: 6135 0103 UT Deutsche Welle from Sines, POR SINPO 54444<br />

6065 0115 UT WYFR from Okachobee, Fl. SINPO 54333 6<strong>05</strong>5 0119 UT R. Exterior<br />

de Espana from Noblejas SINPO 54333.<br />

(Mark Taylor-WI-USA, dxld Dec 23)<br />

Re: Radio Republika 6135<br />

I fully agree with Kai that 6135 must originate from a European site. Good<br />

and stable signal on Sunday night.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 26)

I just hear on 6135 Spanish chatter which must be Radio Republika. Rather<br />

good signal, actually too good to come from within Germany in a winter<br />

night, but on the other hand 6075 has a hollow sound, indicating that not<br />

only Sines but also the Wertachtal signal is present. There is multiband<br />

compression with the bass range suppressed, and I think the settings (or<br />

rather the resulting sound) indeed points at T-Systems.<br />

By the way, Deutsche Welle is not involved in the routing of other T-<br />

Systems txion customers (unlike Bush House for VT transmissions or RCI<br />

main control for anything to be transmit from Sackville). So no DW audio<br />

is to expect on such txions, unless an entirely wrong circuit is put on<br />

air by mistake.<br />

6135/5965/7110 are now also shown at<br />

suggesting that they are not just a short-<br />

term test.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 26)<br />

[GERMANY?] I just hear on 6135 Spanish chatter which must be Radio<br />

Republika. Rather good signal, actually too good to come from within<br />

Germany in a winter night, but on the other hand 6075 has a hollow sound,<br />

indicating that not only Sines but also the Wertachtal signal is present.<br />

There is multiband compression with the bass range suppressed, and I think<br />

the settings (or rather the resulting sound) indeed points at T-Systems.<br />

By the way, Deutsche Welle is not involved in the routing of other T-<br />

Systems txion customers (unlike Bush House for VT txions or RCI main<br />

control for anything to be transmit from Sackville). So no DW audio is to<br />

expect on such txions, unless an entirely wrong circuit is put on air by<br />

mistake.<br />

6135/5965/7110 are now also shown at<br />

<br />

suggesting that they are not just a short-term test.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 26)<br />

ECUADOR 4909.25 Radio Chaskis on Dec 22 at 1046 UT. Andean mx, ID by OM<br />

announcer at 1<strong>05</strong>2, more mx, ID as "Radio Chaskis del Norte" at 1<strong>05</strong>7 UT.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 24)<br />

4909.23 R. Chaskis, Otavalo, found with a pretty good signal at 1030 UT<br />

on Dec 24, still in past 1100; tried again Dec 25 and found them popping<br />

on at 1012, not as strong then, but they picked up quite a bit after 1030,<br />

tho overall still not as good as Dec 24 because of heavy QRN this morning.<br />

Xmas mx at first, then all Ecuadorean mx with anmts in between by a woman<br />

till man picked up at 1045; long discourse with "Glory, Glory Hallelujah"<br />

in the background, back to HC mx 1<strong>05</strong>4. Quechua at least from 1045, maybe<br />

before also. I caught a couple of ments. of R. Chaskis, but no formal ID<br />

as such. More info in R<strong>DX</strong>P WE Apr 17, 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 25)<br />

EGYPT I heard Radio Alexandrie in Egypt (Iskandaryia Governatorate) on<br />

1197 kHz at 1500 UT when was broadcast a programme in French lang: nx<br />

bulletin, weather, call of the Muezzin (Allah u Akbar...), information<br />

about Alexandria International Airport and, at 1509 UT, Flash a daily<br />

programme realised by the Egyptian Govt and local commercial enterprises.<br />

For the day December 24, 20<strong>05</strong> suject was "la recherche sur<br />

l'environnement, mesures et projects contre la pollution". At 1515 UT<br />

English by Radio. In Arab lang the identification annt was: Huna al<br />

Iskandaryia. Here the reception has been good.

Good also Radio Al Arish, Northern Sinai on 1503 kHz at 1524 UT.<br />

For further information about radio stations on medium and short waves<br />

please to request a copy of the quarterly <strong>DX</strong> bulletin "Radio Notizie" at<br />

the following address:<br />

GARS c/o Giovanni Sergi - Via Sibari n. 40 - 98149 Camaro Inferiore<br />

(Messina) - ITALY.<br />

(Giovanni Sergi-I, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 27)<br />

ETHIOPIA cland 5500 V Tigray Revolution Mekele at 1830+ UT with folk<br />

songs and short commentaries by YL in local lang S7 low modulation and<br />

dull 35333.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 22)<br />

EQUATORIAL GUINEA 50<strong>05</strong> Radio Nacional, at <strong>05</strong>41-06<strong>05</strong> UT on Dec 24,<br />

highlife vocals with man announcer hosting with Spanish talk and ID. Nx at<br />

0600. Poor to fair.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 25)<br />

FINLAND Due to a YLE Radio reorganization (announced earlier) I am<br />

leaving YLE at the end of the month. International Broadcasting as a unit<br />

within YLE is being merged with YLE Radio Peili (a talk channel, mainly<br />

internet, used to be DAB until its demise this fall). The foreign lang<br />

programming except Russian was axed here already in 2002.<br />

Personally, I want to thank you, Mr Hauser, for the sces in making nx<br />

about stations and sce available, not only in recent years but as early as<br />

the late 80s at least. I recall there was duplicated Nx about<br />

International Radio that we used to get. I believe you were associated<br />

with them. There was no internet, and the WRTH was outdated soon after<br />

printing - and thus private information sces were of much avail.<br />

In a recent edition you won<strong>der</strong>ed why the FM English newscast about Finland<br />

is not aired internationally. Well, the decision to stop international<br />

distribution in 2002 was a stand in principle, and no effort is being made<br />

to subvent it, of course. That was a corporate policy decision; there has<br />

never (since the 50s) been any Foreign Office involvement in Finnish<br />

external radio.<br />

- The newscast is on the internet as video, though. You will see in it<br />

some familiar voices from the past. -<br />

YLE Mondo (successor to the Capital FM) is not on the internet. Much of<br />

the material heard on the station is on the net, from the original<br />

producers.<br />

For technical schedule information, or other needs of the kind, you may<br />

contact in the future Mr <strong>Jan</strong>ne Nieminen, technical manager. at first name,<br />

surname AT yle.fi<br />

(Juhani Niinisto (at YLE international radio 1977-20<strong>05</strong>), dxld Dec 26)<br />

Mr Niinisto, best of luck to you in whatever you do next. I have always<br />

appreciated your initiative in clarifying matters about YLE, even if I<br />

have not asked you directly.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Dec 27)<br />

FRENCH GUIANA 21600 NHK World Radio Japan. Full data 'Reflections of<br />

Autumn' QSL card with site in 32 days, with schedule, rpt form. v/s T<br />

Sato.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 23)<br />

GERMANY 1323 Radio Freundes-Dienst (Relay via Vo Russia-tx in

Wachenbrunn, Thuringia), partial data QSL-card (tx site not mentioned),<br />

v/s E.Juesch (?). The cards shows flowers and the bible verse Romans 8,<br />

14b. The letter also contained a lot of religious material, 2 calendars as<br />

well as the currect program- guide. In 25 days for a report in German<br />

without return-postage to<br />

Missionswerk Freundes-Dienst e.V., Radiosendungen, Postfach 1432, 797<strong>05</strong><br />

Bad Saeckingen, Germany.<br />

(Martin Schoech-D, mwdx Dec 26)<br />

7110WER For those who would like to obtain a QSL card from AWR verifying<br />

an additional tx site, here is an excellent opportunity. AWR is now on the<br />

air daily from 2000-2030 UT on 7110 kHz at 250 kW with programming in<br />

Farsi beamed to Iran. The tx site is Wertachtal in Germany. A few years<br />

ago, AWR programming was on the air occasionally from Wertachtal as a<br />

fill-in when needed for Julich. However, this new program relay from<br />

Wertachtal is now on the air on a regular daily basis.<br />

(Dr Adrian Peterson, <strong>DX</strong> Editor, AWR, WoR dlxld Dec 28)<br />

[GER to SRI LANKA] 7115 I<strong>BC</strong> Tamil at 0022 UT with phone ins, ID at 0028<br />

UT, news, 0038 UT by YL mentioning names which possibly are encoded<br />

message (?) 55555 ?<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 23)<br />

7110 0000-0100UT to zone 41 WER 250kW 1<strong>05</strong>deg WRN brokered via DTK.<br />

Here is a picture of the audio routing capabilities the then postal office<br />

had at Frankfurt am Main already in 1956 (at about two thirds into the<br />

page):<br />

<br />

Signals from 240 incoming sources could be routed to 40 txion circuits. A<br />

separate control room was in place as well for dispatching feeds:<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Dec 26)<br />

GUATEMALA Radio Cultural, TGNA 3300 kHz: Full data, signed "Telling the<br />

Good Nx Abroad" QSL with the Quetzal (national emblem of Guatemala) in<br />

full color. Also received pamphlet on TGNA Radio Network, pamphlet with<br />

staff photos, "Greetings from beautiful Guatemala!" letters in Spanish and<br />

another letter in English both signed by Heidy Chavez. Large Radio<br />

Cultural pennant. Color pamphlet with photos and a map of Guatemala and a<br />

receipt for the US $ I sent with the reports.<br />

Received in 1,022 days with a follow up report sent 452 days ago. I was<br />

very surprised to receive. Been so long I'd actually forgotten. TGNA<br />

address:<br />

Radio Cultural TGNA, P.O.Box 601, 01901 Guatemala, Central America or<br />

<br />

(Kraig Krist-VA-USA, KG4LAC dxld Dec 22)<br />

GUINEA 7125 Radio Guinea on Dec 19 at 0855 UT. Talk in French, West<br />

African mx, into nx at 0959, ID at 1001 UT, back to mx; pretty well faded<br />

out by 1023, quite late for this station.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 24)<br />

GUYANA 3921.17 G<strong>BC</strong>, at 0140-0204 UT on Dec.18, English, OM w/ mx prg.<br />

Talk re various mxal artists and holiday greetings. Fair/good.<br />

(Scott R. Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Dec 24)<br />

INDONESIA 9680 KGRE via RRI Jakarta, Dec 25 (Sunday), at 1001-1020 UT,<br />

in En and BI; INS pop songs, singing jingle for Kang Guru Radio English,<br />

several segments presented by Kevin Dalton in En plus YL in BI. Poor,

mixing with WYFR, in French.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 25)<br />

46<strong>05</strong> RRI Serui on Dec 23 at 1132-1152 UT. 35333 INSn, Local news, ID at<br />

1149 UT.<br />

4874.6 RRI Sorong on Dec 23 at 1110-1126 UT 45433 INSn, Talk and mx, ID<br />

at 1124 UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Dec 30)<br />

IRAN 3945 VOIRI at 0207-0216 on Dec 19, Vernacular, Announcer w/<br />

numerous ments. of "Islam", mx bridge followed by talk re "Iraq". Fair.<br />

Need USB to avoid LSB chatter.<br />

(Scott R. Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Dec 24)<br />

B-<strong>05</strong> Winter schedule for Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran (VOIROI/IRIB):<br />

ALBANIAN 0630-0727 15235 15340<br />

1830-1927 6100 7165<br />

2030-2127 6100 9740<br />

ARABIC 0230-<strong>05</strong>27 6065 13790 13800<br />

0330-0427 7250 95<strong>05</strong> "Voice of Islamic Palestinian<br />

Revolution"<br />

<strong>05</strong>30-1427 13790 13800 15545<br />

1430-1627 15545<br />

1630-1927 6065<br />

1930-2027 6065 "Voice of Islamic Palestinian Revolution"<br />

2030-0227 6065<br />

ARMENIAN 0300-0327 7295<br />

0930-0957 9695 15260<br />

1630-1727 6185 7230<br />

AZERI 0330-<strong>05</strong>27 9865<br />

1430-1657 6200<br />

BENGALI 0030-0127 59<strong>05</strong> 6185<br />

0830-0927 117<strong>05</strong><br />

1430-1527 7295 9565 9930<br />

BOSNIAN <strong>05</strong>30-0627 15235 15340<br />

1730-1827 7295 97<strong>05</strong><br />

2130-2227 7235 9710<br />

CHINESE 1200-1257 9895 11670 13645 15150<br />

2330-0027 7130 7325 9635<br />

DARI 0330-0627 9875 13740<br />

0830-1427 9940 13720<br />

1430-1457 9940<br />

ENGLISH 0130-0227 6120 9665 "Voice of Justice"<br />

1030-1127 15460 15480<br />

1530-1627 7330 9940<br />

1930-2027 6010 7320 9855 11695<br />

GERMAN 0730-0827 15085 17590<br />

1730-1827 6215 7185<br />

FRENCH 0630-0727 15425 17590<br />

1830-1927 6180 9565 9755<br />

HAUSA 0600-0657 17810 21810<br />

1830-1927 7335 9775<br />

HEBREW 0430-0457 9820 11925<br />

1900-1927 3985 5970<br />

HINDI 0230-0257 13725 15165<br />

1430-1527 9875 13745<br />

ITALIAN 0630-0727 13620 15085<br />

1930-1957 6215 7380<br />

JAPANESE 1300-1327 9510 9640<br />

2100-2127 6145 7185<br />

KAZAKH 0130-0227 7135 7265<br />

1300-1357 9660 11745

KURDISH 0330-0427 3945 6145 Sorrani dialect<br />

1330-1427 5990 Kirmanji dialect<br />

1430-1527 5990 Sorrani dialect<br />

1530-1627 5990 Kirmanji dialect<br />

MALAY 1230-1327 15200 15275<br />

2230-2327 5945 7275<br />

PASHTO 0230-0327 6095 6140<br />

0730-0827 11990 15440<br />

1230-1327 6175 7170 11870<br />

1430-1527 3945<br />

1630-1727 60<strong>05</strong> 6015<br />

RUSSIAN 0300-0327 6040 7125<br />

<strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>27 12025 15530 17680 17780<br />

1430-1527 7165 9575 9735<br />

1700-1757 3985 7170<br />

1800-1857 6035 73<strong>05</strong><br />

1930-2027 3985 72<strong>05</strong><br />

SPANISH 0030-0227 6015 9680 99<strong>05</strong><br />

0230-0327 99<strong>05</strong><br />

<strong>05</strong>30-0627 13720 15320<br />

2030-2127 7130 7350<br />

SWAHILI 0330-0427 13640 15260<br />

0830-0927 15240 17660<br />

1730-1827 9595 11750<br />

TAJIK 0100-0227 5955 6175<br />

1600-1727 5945 5955<br />

TURKISH 0430-<strong>05</strong>57 13750 15260<br />

1600-1727 7125 7310<br />

URDU 0130-0227 3945 6010 6190<br />

1330-1427 6175 9835 120<strong>05</strong><br />

1530-1727 3945<br />

1730-1757 6130 7225<br />

UZBEK 0230-0257 6040 6175<br />

1500-1557 5945 5955<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 27<br />

IRAN/IRAQ 6335 Dengi Kurdistan Iraq at 1555 UT with songs, IDS at<br />

150225 with nx heads then with analytical nx.<br />

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 22)<br />

4375.4V V. of Iranian Revolution, on Dec 24 at *1425-1436 UT, 35232,<br />

Kurdish, 1425 UT sign on with IS, ID, Opening mx, Talk.<br />

4375.4 V. of Communist Party of Iran, on Dec 24 at *1627-1633 UT, 45333-<br />

32432, Farsi, 1627 sign on with IS, ID, 1630 opening mx, Opening announce,<br />

Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Dec 30)<br />

ITALY 6100/6195 Never came across of a RAI Rome report of this new B-<strong>05</strong><br />

early morning operating on 6100 kHz at 0630-0800 UT slot, due of B<strong>BC</strong><br />

Rampisham uses 6195 kHz til 0800 UT in winter season. 6100 kHz txion noted<br />

this morning Dec 26 with a christmas greetings broadcast of Italian<br />

nationals abroad, many phone-in interviews noted inspersed by Italian and<br />

international carols.<br />

0630-0800 UT in direction of Sarajevo, Belgrade in 52degrees.<br />

6100 0630-0800 28,29W ROM 100 52 Italian I RAI<br />

and later on:<br />

6195 0800-1300 28,29W ROM 100 52 Italian I RAI<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 26)<br />

KOREA D.P.R. And on the subject of drifting txs, the ailing North Korean<br />

tx on 6070 is back on nominal after more than a year on 6071v. The weak<br />

signal un<strong>der</strong> BLR could mean that they are using a backup.

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 23)<br />

MALI 11960 What really makes it remarkable is my first time receiving an<br />

African signal on the 25 mb after 1530 UT. But there it was this morning<br />

Dec 29, RTM Bamako on 11960 kHz, closing a local mxal segment at 1540 UT.<br />

For the next 20 mins this female announcer went on to the mike dealing<br />

with many topics from football (the real one) to several "boite postal"<br />

addresses. Of course, all in French. More local pop mx at exactly 1600<br />

till nearly fading after 1630. SINPO 25232. RTM is listed with just 50 kW<br />

in the Africalist.<br />

(Raul Saavedra-CTR, dxld Dec 29)<br />

11960 very seldom heard here in Central Europe, usually un<strong>der</strong> threshold<br />

level. I guess 25mb channel outlet has a distinct east-west antenna<br />

pattern. 5995, 7285, and 9635 logged much stronger -- in the past. (wb)<br />

NIGERIA 7255 Voice of Nigeria, at 2212-2301 UT on Dec 24, long talks in<br />

local lang with many mentions of Nigeria and occasional tribal vocals.<br />

Time pips noted at 2300 UT. Fair at tune in but almost faded out by time<br />

pips.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 25)<br />

7265[rather 7255?] V. Nigeria noted Dec. 27, in Hausa, at 2235 UT until<br />

closing at 2300 UT, with talks and rap music. 43443.<br />

(Jose Turner-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 28)<br />

7275 Radio Nigeria Abuja on Dec 21 at 0650 UT. Phone calls, ID in passing<br />

"This is Radio Nigeria, Abuja" when calling someone, wiped out at 0657 UT<br />

by Radio Romania IS.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 24)<br />

7275 FRCN-Abuja, mixing with, and a little un<strong>der</strong>, Tunis at 0620 UT on Dec<br />

23; Tunis went off at 0630 leaving En nx, ending with main pts. at 0632, a<br />

little Afr. mx, then into call-in show, ment. Abuja, also Natl Svc of R.<br />

Nigeria, all in En. Fadey and not very strong. Bucharest IS started on the<br />

fqy at 0657 UT at about same level.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 25)<br />

PAKISTAN Some freqs changes of Radio Pakistan:<br />

1415-1445 Russian NF 9300, ex 9335 to avoid VofKorea in French // 7550.4<br />

1630-1700 Turkish NF 7600, ex 7465 to avoid B<strong>BC</strong> WS in DRM mode // 6215.4<br />

1700-1900 Urdu NF 9365, ex 9360 to avoid ChMxJammer on 9355 // 7530.0<br />

1815-1900 Arabic NF 7600, ex 7465 to avoid B<strong>BC</strong> WS in DRM mode // 6235.4<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 27<br />

PHILIPPINES 9582 Radio ng Bayan, on Dec 22 at 2338-0010 UT. SINPO<br />

23332. Phone interview program in Pilipino till 2357, then weather<br />

forecast and program guide. ID at 0000 as "Radio ng Bayan, Network,<br />

Network (bagidan),... Philippine Broadcasting Service...", followed by<br />

news.<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium Dec 30)<br />

History:<br />

9581.68 noted in <strong>Jan</strong> 2003. 9619.08 in Oct 2003.<br />

9619.1, PBS, Marulas, Valenzuela, at 0150, mostly relay DZRM<br />

with 'Radio Magazin'. The tx has big problems again and some days signs on<br />

much later and is heard only *0700v-0930*.<br />

(Roland Schulze-Mangaldan-PHL, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W Oct 7, 2003)<br />

QSL Radio Days<br />

<br />

a website showing some QSLs from the 70/80/90s.<br />

(Harald Kuhl-D, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 28)

RUSSIA Voice of Russia. Russian World Service.<br />

Relay via SW transmitters of Russia. 30/10/20<strong>05</strong>-25/03/2006<br />

kHz UTC kW<br />

Moscow<br />

5810 DRM 1400-1800 035<br />

5900 0000-0300 500<br />

5985 1500-1900 250<br />

6000 1630-1800 250<br />

6130 1600-2100 250<br />

6145 1600-2200 250<br />

7230 1600-2100 500<br />

7260 0200-0400 500<br />

7290 1800-2100 250<br />

73<strong>05</strong> 1800-2000 250<br />

7320 1600-1900 250<br />

7330 0000-0400 500<br />

7330 1700-2200 250<br />

7360 1500-1900 250<br />

7365 1300-1600 250<br />

7380 1600-1630 250<br />

7390 1800-2200 250<br />

7400 1700-2100 250<br />

7420 1800-2100 250<br />

9470* 1500-1800 250<br />

11985** 1500-1800 250<br />

12025 1200-1600 500<br />

12<strong>05</strong>5 1300-1600 250<br />

12060DRM 0700-1300 035<br />

15460* 1200-1500 250<br />

17570** 1200-1500 250<br />

Sankt-Petersburg<br />

5860 1800-2000 200<br />

5895 1500-1800 400<br />

5910 1600-1700 200<br />

5940 2100-2230 200<br />

5950 1900-2100 400<br />

6045 1700-2000 200<br />

6060 1800-2000 400<br />

6090 1600-1900 200<br />

6195 0100-0300 500 (800)<br />

7130 1700-1800 400<br />

7340 1600-1800 200<br />

Kaliningrad<br />

5895 1800-2200 160<br />

5920 1630-2000 160<br />

7445 1500-2200 160<br />

9720 1000-1100 160<br />

Samara<br />

59<strong>05</strong> 1700-1900 250<br />

5920 2100-2200 250<br />

5935 1500-1700 250<br />

5940 1500-2000 250<br />

6000 1800-2230 200<br />

6175 1800-2000 200<br />

6185 1300-1700 200<br />

7215 1600-1700 200<br />

7315 1400-1700 250<br />

7355 1900-2000 200<br />

7370 1700-1900 200<br />

7380 2000-2100 200

7390 0000-0300 500 (2x250)<br />

7390 1600-1800 250<br />

9900 1300-1500 250<br />

Krasnodar<br />

5925 1500-2000 100<br />

5945 0100-0300 500<br />

5950 1800-1900 250 (500)<br />

60<strong>05</strong> 1500-1800 100<br />

7150 0200-0600 500<br />

7240 0200-0400 500<br />

7300 1600-1900 250 (500)<br />

9800 1200-1600 500<br />

11655 1300-1500 250<br />

15540 1000-1100 250<br />

Novosibirsk<br />

5940 1200-1500 200<br />

5945 1400-1800 500<br />

7300 2000-2200 250 (500)<br />

73<strong>05</strong> 1200-1400 200<br />

73<strong>05</strong> 1400-1700 500<br />

7310 1800-2100 500<br />

9865 1200-1300 500<br />

Irkutsk<br />

5910 1700-1900 250<br />

5920 1000-1400 100<br />

5995 1500-1900 100<br />

6095 1000-1100 100<br />

6115 1200-1300 100<br />

9770 1300-1500 500<br />

178<strong>05</strong> 0600-0900 250<br />

Chita<br />

62<strong>05</strong> 1200-1300 500<br />

62<strong>05</strong> 1400-1600 500<br />

7335 1700-2000 500<br />

7350 1200-1600 500<br />

Vladivostok<br />

3955 1000-1100 100<br />

3955 1200-1300 100<br />

3955 1400-1500 100<br />

5930 1100-1500 100<br />

7260 1300-1700 500<br />

15425 0200-0600 500<br />

Khabarovsk<br />

6145 1100-1400 100<br />

7220 1100-1500 100<br />

Komsomolsk-na-Amure<br />

60<strong>05</strong> 1300-1500 250<br />

9495 1300-1500 250<br />

12010 0200-0600 250<br />

15475 0200-<strong>05</strong>00 250<br />

17665 0600-1000 250<br />

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy<br />

5995 1200-1500 250<br />

7415 1500-1900 250<br />

9840* 0400-0600 250<br />

13665 0200-0400 250

15595 0200-0400 200<br />

15595** 0400-0600 200<br />

* = Till 04/03/2006 ** = Since <strong>05</strong>/03/2006<br />

(Nikolay Rudnev, Belgorodskaya oblast)<br />

Voce of Russia.<br />

Russian World Service.<br />

Relay via SW transmitters abroad Russia .<br />

30/10/20<strong>05</strong> - 25/03/2006<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------<br />

kHz UTC kW<br />

Armenia / Gavar<br />

7250 0200-0400 500<br />

11510 1700-2000 500<br />

Moldova / Grigoriopol<br />

6170 1900-2100 500<br />

7125 0000-0600 500<br />

7180 0100-0600 500<br />

Tajikistan / Orzu<br />

7510 1500-2000 200<br />

7570 0000-0300 500<br />

9945 0200-0300 500<br />

11500 1200-1500 500<br />

17495 0800-1000 500<br />

Tajikistan / Yangiyul<br />

4965 1300-1500 100<br />

4965 1600-1700 100<br />

4975 1300-1500 100<br />

4975 1600-1700 100<br />

9885 1300-1530 100<br />

9885 1600-1700 100<br />

China / Xian<br />

9660 1500-1600 100<br />

Vatican / S.Maria di Galeria<br />

7170 2100-2130 250<br />

7350 0200-0600 250<br />

Germany / Juelich<br />

5965 2000-2200 100<br />

5975 2000-2200 100<br />

5990 2100-2200 100<br />

5995 0200-0400 100<br />

6175 2300-2400 100<br />

9555 1500-1600 100<br />

(Nikolay Rudnev, Belgorodskaya oblast; RUS-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 24)<br />

According to a nx item on Deutsche Welle in German at 1900 on 29 Dec the<br />

relays of DW in German and Russian in Moscow have now been restored after<br />

a week's silence.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 29)<br />

Moscow 693 (DW relay) again on air. Since today Deutsche Welle is again on<br />

air in Moscow, i.e. on 693 (Oktyabrskoye polye tx), after Russian<br />

communications secretary Leonid Reiman or<strong>der</strong>ed that the transmissions may<br />

continue for the time being until the legal matters will be sorted out. No<br />

word about B<strong>BC</strong> on 1260 and RFI on 1440 in this press release.

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 29)<br />

Item in German language:<br />

<br />


Observations made by B<strong>BC</strong> Monitoring on 29 December confirm that the<br />

frequency of 1260 kHz, used to relay programmes by B<strong>BC</strong> World Service in<br />

Russian and English, remained off the air between 0940-1040.<br />

(B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld Dec 29)<br />

The reports about the mediumwave relays of DW and B<strong>BC</strong> in Russia being shut<br />

down prompted me to do some research:<br />

Perhaps somebody can reconfirm that 1188 (DW) and 1260 (B<strong>BC</strong>) at St.<br />

Petersburg are still on air, but obviously this concerns Moscow only. The<br />

reports from the B<strong>BC</strong> side are apparently correct, the tx operator itself<br />

mentions on his websites that the licences were valid until Dec 21 only:<br />

<br />

This concerns a site in Moscow city, perhaps most widely known as<br />

Oktyabrskoye polye (other names are around as well). I un<strong>der</strong>stand that<br />

this was once a jamming site, because around 1994 a relay of Radio-1 was<br />

on air from there on 4<strong>05</strong>5 kHz, reportedly run with 12 paralleled 5 kW txs<br />

(thus 60 kW output). Here is a detailled description of the mediumwave<br />

operations from this site:<br />

<br />

This blurred picture could show the MW/SW tx areal:<br />

<br />

I heard from an authoritative source that indeed all Oktyabrskoye polye<br />

mediumwave txs (including RFI) were switched off as of Dec 22. It appears<br />

that Russian insi<strong>der</strong>s discussed the looming shut-down already in mid-<br />

December, so this development is hardly a surprise.<br />

To me the reactions here in Germany are much more interesting than the<br />

embarrassing Oktyabrskoye polye story itself.<br />

Some stuff I found on this occassion as well:<br />

<br />

Unid. Google Earth image, showing the Lesnoy/Zelenogradskaya station I<br />

assume.<br />

<br />

One of the directional mediumwave antennas of the Bolshakovo site near<br />

Sovetsk/Tilsit. Bolshakovo has three such systems, aiming at 180, 245 and<br />

275 degrees. Until about 1995 the txion configuration was 1386 on 245 deg.<br />

and 1215 on 180 deg. with +30 deg. slew, then it had been changed to 1386<br />

on 275 deg., 1215 on 220 deg. and 1143 on 180 deg. with +30 deg. slew<br />

(1143 was non-directional before).<br />

[UKRAINE]<br />

<br />

Antenna on [sic, near, - wb.] the Krim peninsula?? Could it be that these

SW curtains actually belong to the Kopani plant (registered as<br />

"Simferopol")?<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 23)<br />

From ITU list SMF Simferopol UKR 44N56 034E06, but rather Mykolaiv Luch<br />

46N49 32E14,<br />

[obfuscation policy of Mr. Anatoly Titov's departement in USSR era, wb.]<br />


The B<strong>BC</strong> Russian Service hopes that medium-wave broadcasts will resume in<br />

the next few hours, Yuriy Goligorskiy, director for B<strong>BC</strong> development in<br />

Russia, has told RIA Novosti. He confirmed that the B<strong>BC</strong> had suspended its<br />

medium-wave broadcasts but it was not connected with the termination of<br />

the B<strong>BC</strong> licence. "Yesterday we received a broadcasting license at a<br />

competition but our operator - the M radio agency and the Octode TV and<br />

radio operating corporation - have lost their technical licence," he said.<br />

According to Goligorskiy, the B<strong>BC</strong> Russian Service regards this situation<br />

as a technical hitch. "We hope that it will be resolved in the next few<br />

hours. Although there is no medium-wave broadcasting, we continue<br />

broadcasts on short wave," he said.<br />

(RIA Novosti-RUS, via B<strong>BC</strong>M via dxld Dec 22)<br />

Saturday morning (Christmas Eve) B<strong>BC</strong> 1260 and DW 1188 kHz via St.<br />

Petersburg were off the air, but in the evening they were back on, both in<br />

Russian at 1700 UT.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 24)<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 23)<br />

5960 Radiostantsiya Tikniy Okean via Vladivostok. Full data Paper QSL card<br />

with nice station stamp, either for my postal or/and e-mail report. Reply<br />

in 29 days.<br />

62<strong>05</strong> Vatican Radio via Atamanovka (Tchita) Full data ( with no site<br />

indicated) 'Angel statue at Maria di Galeria Transmitter' card with<br />

brochure, decal in 49 days.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 23)<br />

It seems the repairman has paid another visit to Yakutsk and got the 7200<br />

tx back in good or<strong>der</strong>. For how long? Krasnoyarsk 6085 also had a similar<br />

problem, which was finally fixed a couple of weeks ago.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 23)<br />

Re 7200 - the GRC repair man has done a very good job and it's nice to be<br />

able to hear some programming now instead of that dreadful racket. Let's<br />

hope he's used good quality parts this time and that the fault doesn't<br />

return so quickly. I have never been able to hear Krasnoyarsk since it<br />

moved from 5290 into the 49mb - on the old freq it used to be well audible<br />

in winter time. I was surprised at the good reception I recently had on<br />

6160 from Arkhangelsk and even 5930 from Monchegorsk. I won<strong>der</strong> if the<br />

repair van has been and tweaked them for winter - maybe it's a tractor<br />

with caterpillar "wheels" and can only get to these places in winter!!! Or<br />

maybe the engineers just enjoy skiing.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 26)<br />

5960, R. Tikhiy Okean (R. St. Pacific Ocean), on Dec 25 at *0935-1000* UT,<br />

Russian prgm'ing, with many segments of recorded interviews, Russian<br />

ballad and a pop song, 0956 UT full ID and phone number, followed by pop<br />

Russian song till sign-off. Reception very good, virtually 100% readable.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 25)

6220 I was hoping that you might include the below paragraph into your<br />

newsletter, which is due to go out tonight. It is regarding a new client<br />

of ours, called Voice of Joy.<br />

Voice of Joy, a new Christian station that advocates the power of mx in<br />

religion, will start txion of their mx show to the Middle East on 24th<br />

December. The first show will be a two-hour Christmas special aimed<br />

particularly at serving US troops in Iraq. It will go out at 1400 to 1600<br />

UT (that is, 1700 to 1800 in Iraq)<br />

on 6220 [first announced 6200 freq, but replaced by 6220 now] kHz in the<br />

49 metre band. On subsequent Saturdays it will be just 1400-1500.<br />

Transmitter site is FSU.<br />

Voice of Joy would appreciate any reception reports. Please email Dean<br />

Philips at <br />

Many thanks and best wishes for the holiday season, WRN > TRANSMITTING<br />

SUCCESS Tel +44 20 7896 4154 Fax +44 20 7896 9007<br />

<br />

(Sophie Wilson, Client Services Assistant, WRN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 22)<br />

FSU Former Soviet Union site.<br />

Re V. of Joy, scheduled Sat Dec 24 at 1400-1600 on 6220 via FSU site,<br />

brokered by WRN:<br />

Sorry, nothing heard here on 6200 [first announced this freq, but replaced<br />

by 6220 now] kHz in 1400-1500 UT slot.<br />

Only VoIRIB with usual Azeri program co-channel, tiny and poor, and some<br />

adjacent channel QRM by B<strong>BC</strong> Dari sce from B<strong>BC</strong> Skelton on 6195 kHz.<br />

6200 1430-1700 29S,40NW SIR 500 338 TURKI-AZ IRN IRB<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 24)<br />

6220 Voice of Joy at 1400-1600 UT on Dec 26. Italian mx pirate stn Mystery<br />

Radio blocked Voice of Joy co-channel here in Europe. VoJoy appeared<br />

around 1530 UT un<strong>der</strong>neath. Mystery Radio but left air at 1539 UT finally.<br />

VoJoy heard then on Sinpo44444 rating in Austria. Religious mx content.<br />

Clarion at 1559 UT, followed by an e-mail address<br />

<br />

annt, on which US soldiers serving in Iraq may or<strong>der</strong> a mx CD [gift?]. "God<br />

Bless You" and s/off.<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 26)<br />

Nothing heard from Voice of Joy today on 6200 [first announced this freq,<br />

but replaced by 6220 now] at 1400 UT. At 1430 UT VOIRI was really strong<br />

on the frequency. "Voice of Joke" or ???<br />

(Bjoern Fransson.SWE, hcdx Dec 24)<br />

RUSSIA?/FRANCE Unident, 5900, at 1000-1030 UT noted a Chinese (could be<br />

another Asian Language?) program of comments and mx until 1030 UT. Signal<br />

was fair. Personnel giving comments sound like authentic Chinese. The mx<br />

was not traditional Chinese, but from the Western Hemisphere. As<br />

mentioned, the signal was fair. The station went off at 1030 UT.<br />

(Chuck Bolland-USA, hcdx Dec 23)<br />

Maybe RFI Paris Mandarin ?<br />

Check the Mandarin program against // 9655 from Yamata-JPN, both are RFI<br />

Mandarin towards China.<br />

Is a late freq change, originally IRK relay on 5945, but later changed to<br />

5900 kHz, due of Beijing on 5945 kHz.

5900 0930-1030 43,44 IRK 500kW 152deg RUS RFI GFC<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 23)<br />

SAO TOME 1530 I have found the recent posts concerning WLW interesting.<br />

Based on my experiences with three of VOA's 600 kW MW txs, I view some of<br />

the stories I have heard about WLW over the years as perhaps a bit<br />

apocryphal. For example, we have not had any reports of anyone hearing us<br />

by reception via the fillings in their teeth. Neither am I aware that<br />

anyone in the nearest village in the main lobe is getting free lighting<br />

(though it could probably be done to some degree with a large, efficient<br />

antenna if they knew how).<br />

During my previous tour of duty in Sao Tome [hereafter: Sao Tome] in the<br />

90's, I lived off the site in the town of Sao Tome. My home was about four<br />

miles from the station across a bay of the sea and in the center of one of<br />

the two main lobes of the two tower directional antenna of our 600 kW,<br />

1530 kHz tx. The re radiation of our 1530 kHz signal from my 160 meters<br />

ham antenna was sufficient to drive a PI FIM off scale on the highest<br />

scale anywhere in my yard. A #47 lamp simply connected from my 160 meters<br />

antenna to ground would light to full brilliance from the 1530 kHz signal<br />

miles away. I am sure I could have destroyed the bulb instantly with an<br />

efficient matching arrangement. I could also get an RF burn if I touched<br />

the antenna lightly. I live on the 346 acres station site now, so I am<br />

fortunate that my home lies near a null in the pattern of the 1530 kHz<br />

antenna, which I think is a bit less than half a mile distant.<br />

600 kW covers a lot of territory at night. Our 1530 kHz nighttime sky wave<br />

signal is usually received well on a remote monitoring receiver located<br />

over on Madagascar Island at an urban site. That is nearly 4,000 miles<br />

away on the opposite side of the African Continent in the Indian Ocean. I<br />

think the receiver is an ICOM with just a short whip antenna.<br />

(Charles Lewis - S9SS, Manager, IBB Sao Tome Transmitting Station (VOA),<br />

Sao Tome Island, West Africa, broadcast list<br />

via Bob Foxworth, AB<strong>DX</strong> via dxld Dec 23)<br />

SAIPAN 9465 KFBS in Russian at 1510-1523 UT, Dec. 26,with song.<br />

presumed ID at 1514 UT, more mx.and OM talks over trumpets at 1518 UT.<br />

Very weak signal,but clear QRG.<br />

(Jose Turner-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 28)<br />

SAUDI ARABIA Saudi Arabia noted on odd 9714.95 at 0900 UT this morning,<br />

// 0600-0900 15170[NE, EUR] and 15380[NoAF] kHz.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 26)<br />

SLOVENIA Radio Odmev 594 kHz bestaetigte mir mit <strong>der</strong> beigelegten PPC<br />

innerhalb von 62 Tagen meinen Empfangsbericht, dem auch ein<br />

Cassettenmitschnitt und 1 IRC fuers Rueckporto beigelegt war. QTH: Radio<br />

Cerkno d.o.o., Platiseva ul. 39, SI-5282 Cerkno, Slowenien. v/s ist<br />

unleserlich.<br />

Ich habe mich ueber diese QSL sehr gefreut, da eine Wie<strong>der</strong>holung des<br />

Empfangs dank <strong>der</strong> DRM-Sendungen aus Kroatien auf gleicher Frequenz so<br />

schnell nicht mehr moeglich sein wird.<br />

(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 28)<br />

TAIWAN 15260 Hmong Lao R. via Taiwan on Dec 23 at *0100-0107 UT. 34433<br />

Laotian, 0100 UT sign on with IS, Opening announce, Opening mx, Talk.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Dec 30)<br />

TANZANIA 5<strong>05</strong>0.<strong>05</strong> Radio Tanzania on Dec 24 at 1712-1718 UT. 35332<br />

Swahili, News, ID at 1714 UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Dec 30)

TURKMENISTAN 5015 Turkmen Radio on Dec 23 at 2350 UT local mx, ID<br />

"Turkmeni Radiosi ... Programma Watan" at 0000 UT, National Anthem<br />

(matches national anthem for TR 2nd program on <br />

), NA ending at 0003 UT.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 24)<br />

UGANDA 4975.95 Radio Uganda on Dec 23 at 2020 UT. Western pop and<br />

country mx, mixed with African pop mx, announcer in English, Glen Campbell<br />

"Rhinestone Cowboy", Tina Turner "We Don't Need Another Hero", "time<br />

check" for a few mins before midnight, wishing listeners a Merry Christmas<br />

at 2<strong>05</strong>7 UT, Village People "Y.M.C.A" at 2100 UT, off mid-song at 2102 UT.<br />

(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 24)<br />

UKRAINE And a note on the recent discussion about the Ukrainian txs: I<br />

find the KHR signals to be quite weakish for already some time now, still<br />

doing it here in Central Europe only because they stay away from the<br />

crowd. Indeed KHR hardly sounds like 100 kW anymore, but perhaps the<br />

antennas are to blame? The same goes for Kopani: They run 5910 through a<br />

rhombic now? Makes me really won<strong>der</strong> about the general shape of this<br />

station, especially the antenna park.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 23)<br />

U.A.E. DW change of Mandarin Chinese program at 2300-2400 UT slot.<br />

5995 kHz replaced by 9865 kHz, tx site Al Dhabbaya. (Dec 17)<br />

This is true. 9865kHz is very well received in Japan at 2300 UT.<br />

(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 29)<br />

Since Dec 17 DW via Al Dhabbaya replaced 5995 by 9865 kHz.<br />

Chinese<br />

1030-1<strong>05</strong>5 China 15145tr 15190kr 17820tr 62<strong>05</strong>ko<br />

1300-1350 China 13735kr 15330tr 15490tr 199360be 6225no<br />

2300-2350 China 199360be 6225aa 5915ir (x5995dh)now 9865dh<br />

(DW, Dec 20)<br />

9575 NHK World Radio Japan. Full data 'Waiting for their turn' QSL Card<br />

with site.Reply in 32 days. v/s: T. Sato.<br />

15525 Eternal Good Nx Radio via Dhabayya. Verification statement in reply<br />

letter from George Bryan, in 17 days time.<br />

(Edward Kusalik-CAN, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 23)<br />

USA/GERMANY Radio Free Vietnam (ex-New Orleans)<br />

Others have recently reported that Radio Free Vietnam is no longer being<br />

heard. Here is a little more information regarding this broadcaster. As I<br />

reported several weeks ago, my Vietnamese friends learned via the<br />

Vietnamese media that Vuong Ky-Son, Director in Chief of Radio Free<br />

Vietnam, evacuated safely from New Orleans to Dallas. Now my friends tell<br />

me the media is reporting that, since the New Orleans facilities were<br />

destroyed, he hopes to move production to Germany. I asked my friends if<br />

this might simply mean that he planned to broadcast via a tx in Germany,<br />

but they said the reports stated he was planning to move to Germany.<br />

(Wendel Craighead-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 27)<br />

UZBEKISTAN 5850 Special Radio (via Tashkent): RCI via Sweden hrd here<br />

in French, small but decent signal at early 1830 Dec 22. Het on fqy<br />

audible from 1857 UT, then RCI off and Special Radio IS, intro in RS, into<br />

prgm of long Russian rock selections, a couple of anmts and IS repeats<br />

during the hr, but mostly mx. Seemed to have some audio dropouts at first,<br />

but then stabilized. Signal highly variable until it steadied at 1935,<br />

improved more arnd 1945 UT, and not bad by 1952 when played last song (an<br />


Then closing anmt in RS, IS once, and a surprise anmt in En by woman: "You<br />

are listening to Special Radio, Moscow, Russia. You can listen ... 6240<br />

kHz. every Thursday at 6 p.m. UTC ... . problem of Special Radio ...<br />

actual mx from Russia ... problem ... Russia ... a mxal problem has<br />

developed ... mxal gifts which are shared by Special Radio ... names<br />

recommended records Special Radio Media Project. You can find lists of<br />

this series from site of Special Radio. Special Radio Internet ...<br />

- E-mail <br />

Listen to actual mx from Russia, and this is not a joke." Then IS three<br />

times, half-minute of silence and off at 2000*. There is a lot of stuff on<br />

their website, which has an En version. Even has some letters from a<br />

couple of familiar names. Also try<br />

<br />

and translate to En via<br />

<br />

That page gives xmtr site as Tashkent, 100 kW. Looks like a private b/cer,<br />

not a govt svc, and reminds me of the private b/cers c. 1991, e.g. Ala,<br />

Centre, Galaxy. Thursdays only; have tried a couple of times before but<br />

this is the first time I have had a useable signal.<br />

(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 25)<br />

Wie Staatsfeinde Usbekistan entzieht Radio Free Europe die Akkreditierung<br />

und setzt damit seinen Kurs gegen die Pressefreiheit fort. Pressefreiheit<br />

in Usbekistan - davon kann <strong>der</strong>zeit keine Rede sein. Seit Anfang <strong>der</strong> Woche<br />

steht fest: Der in Prag ansaessige Sen<strong>der</strong> Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty<br />

muss seine Korrespondententaetigkeit in Usbekistan einstellen.<br />

Die B<strong>BC</strong> hat im Oktober von sich aus das Korrespondentenbuero in Taschkent<br />

geschlossen, da nicht mehr fuer die Sicherheit <strong>der</strong> Mitarbeiter garantiert<br />

werden konnte.<br />

Die Verweigerung <strong>der</strong> Akkreditierung fuer Radio Free Europe erfolgte<br />

unmittelbar nach dem Treffen des usbekischen Praesidenten mit dem<br />

Staatssekretaer des deutschen Verteidigungsministeriums, Friedbert<br />

Pflueger, bei dem <strong>der</strong> Verbleib <strong>der</strong> deutschen Militaerbasis in Termes<br />

ausgehandelt wurde (taz vom 13. 12.).<br />

(Marcus Bensmann-D, taz newspaper vom 15.12.20<strong>05</strong>, p18)<br />

VIETNAM 6165 Voice of Vietnam - Xuan Mai, continuous vocals in H'mong<br />

sce until talk by a woman announcer at 1225 UT. Poor.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 25)<br />

YEMEN 9780v YRTVC Sana'a at *0257-2210 UT outlet uses at least two<br />

different txs in 31 mb, which reported by many monitors over and over<br />

again in <strong>DX</strong>press in recent years. Theory is, both tx operating on odd<br />

frequency, but these freqs differ by some Hertz. One operating slightly<br />

above 9780 two years ago, the other slightly below or around in 9779.5<br />

range. The two transmitter are not on the air at the same, but I suspect<br />

that at some time in the morning they change from a transmitter to<br />

another. Once I thought BUT changes it from day to day.<br />

This morning at <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 UT I heard Sanaa very loud on - heavy odd -<br />

9779.51 kHz, Sinpo44444 rating. But at <strong>05</strong>30 UT the uneven number changed<br />

to 9779.76 kHz and signal level dropped down to S=2-3 suddenly[!], so I<br />

assume another antenna array is in use with the second tx unit. At 1415 UT<br />

Sana'a was operating on 9779.76 kHz today.<br />

Early morning broadcast always reported on 9779.44 ... to .55 kHz,<br />

seemingly at 0257-<strong>05</strong>30 UT time span. The other reported on odd 9779.66 ...<br />

9780.50 kHz. In 2002-2004y the change over time reported to be much later<br />

at 0700 ... 07<strong>05</strong> UT. // 5950 kHz *0257-2130v UT.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 26)

9799.88 Republic of Yemen Radio at 1945-20<strong>05</strong> UT, Arabic, OM hosting phone-<br />

in program. Pips/ID at 2000 UT. Fanfare followed by OM. Poor, whisper<br />

quiet signal.<br />

(Scott R. Barbour-NH-USA, hcdx Dec 24)<br />

9779.5 Yemen Radio on Dec 27 at 1515-1547 UT. 25432-34332 Arabic, Arabic<br />

mx, ID at 1533 UT.<br />

(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Dec 30)<br />

20<strong>05</strong> Clandestine Activity Survey.<br />

In 20<strong>05</strong> the activity of political clandestine stations broadcasting on SW<br />

has decreased by almost 3 % to 1195 WBHs (Weekly Broadcasting Hours). This<br />

is the lowest level of activity since 1999.<br />

The activity of clandestine stations with target areas on the Asian<br />

continent has decreased by almost 9 % to 841 WBHs. Activity on the African<br />

continent, however, has increased by 51 % to now 192 WBHs. Very little has<br />

changed on the American continent where activity is now at 162 WBHs.<br />

The three most active target areas worldwide are Iraq with 225 WBHs (-107<br />

when compared with one year ago), Afghanistan with 190 WBHs (+25) and<br />

North Korea with 168 WBHs (unchanged).<br />

The number of different target areas active worldwide has increased by one<br />

to 25. It should be noted that all four new (or reactivated) target areas<br />

are on the African continent (Senegal, Somalia, Gambia and Cameroon). On<br />

the other hand, Lebanon, Colombia and Papua New Guinea are no longer<br />

thought to be active.<br />

(Mathias Kropf-D, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Dec 25)<br />

HFCC Plenary Meeting at Valencia, Spain (Aug 22-26, 20<strong>05</strong>)<br />

The HFCC/ASBU co-ordination conference for the Wintertime 20<strong>05</strong> (B<strong>05</strong>)<br />

season was hosted by Radio Nacional de Espana (RNE) at the Museo Principe<br />

Felipe in Valencia Spain between 22_26 Aug 20<strong>05</strong>.<br />

One hundred twenty-five delegates representing 64 organizations from 40<br />

countries attended the conference, which was opened on 22 Aug 20<strong>05</strong> by Jose<br />

Maria Huerta, Technical Director of Radio Nacional de Espana. Mr. Huerta<br />

said he was pleased to be able to welcome all delegates to Valencia and to<br />

the first HFCC/ASBU conference to ever be held in Spain.<br />

Mr. Huerta thanked the Generalidad Valenciana and the Diputacion de<br />

Valencia as well as the other sponsors for their invaluable support for<br />

the conference. Jose Maria Huerta said he wished all delegates a<br />

successful conference and hoped that they would find time to see something<br />

of the beautiful and historical city of Valencia.<br />

On behalf of all the delegates, HFCC Chairman Oldrich Cip thanked Jose<br />

Maria Huerta for the warm welcome to Valencia. Oldrich said that the<br />

conference in Valencia was the 30th since the first working meeting of the<br />

HFCC in Prague in 1991. Given that history, it seems almost overdue that<br />

only recently has the HFCC become a regular member of the Radio Sector of<br />

the ITU in the category of international and regional organizations, side<br />

by side with the Member Countries, International Broadcasting Unions, and<br />

other important organizations. The HFCC membership was approved by the<br />

20<strong>05</strong> session of the Administrative Council of the ITU.<br />

Oldrich said that the ITU membership comes at a time when the forum of the<br />

Union is taking up the long-debated issue of the shortage of radio<br />

spectrum for broadcasting, especially in the bands below 10 MHz, and the<br />

HFCC now has the opportunity to take part as an independent Radio Sector

Member in the study groups, working parties, expert groups and other<br />

assemblies of the Sector. This includes the work that is in progress<br />

during the present preparatory phase leading up to WRC 07. Oldrich warned<br />

that there are strong opponents against any enlargement of the HF<br />

broadcast bands and the outcome of the WRC 07 agenda item that is our main<br />

preoccupation remains uncertain. The debate frequently hinges on the<br />

spectrum requirements reflected in the HFCC seasonal databases. Those<br />

opponents have made good use already of the remaining inaccuracies that<br />

were found in the schedules of some of our HFCC/ASBU members and they<br />

questioned the legitimacy of any HF spectrum enlargement.<br />

Therefore, all members are urged to upload each and every one of their<br />

requirement changes in or<strong>der</strong> to maintain a 100% accuracy of their schedule<br />

information contained in the database.<br />

Oldrich Cip said that he would like to endorse Jose Maria's thanks to the<br />

various sponsors of the conference. Firstly the local hosts, the<br />

Generalidad Valenciana and the Diputacion de Valencia and secondly the<br />

companies of TCI International, Continental Electronics, Telefunken,<br />

Thales, Altel Systemas and Iberica de Componentes, the latter two both<br />

from Spain. A very impressive list of sponsors without whose support the<br />

conference amenities would have been far more modest.<br />

2006 CONFERENCE<br />

Oldrich Cip confirmed that the A06 conference would be the next joint<br />

HFCC/ASBU and ABU-HFC conference and would be hosted by the ABU and RTC<br />

(China Radio and Television) 13-17 Feb 2006. The venue for this joint<br />

conference will be Hainan Island in southern China. <strong>Jan</strong> 5 2006 is the<br />

deadline for submission of requirement data for inclusion in the initial<br />

A06 schedule.<br />

Later Ms. Wang Fang of RTC gave a brief presentation on the amenities<br />

available on Hainan Island, which is a holiday island with excellent hotel<br />

and conference facilities and a very pleasant temperature in February.<br />

Wang Fang said that the conference would be held in Sanya City in the<br />

south of Hainan Island and connecting flights to Phoenix airport, that is<br />

situated about 35 mins distant by taxi, are available from Hong Kong,<br />

Beijing or Shanghai. Details of available hotels and rates will be<br />

provided by RTC as soon as possible, but delegates should bear in mind<br />

that February is high season in Sanya City.<br />


HFCC Vice Chairman Horst Scholz asked if there were any volunteers amongst<br />

the organizations present who could host a future conference. There were<br />

no such volunteers. Horst said that the Steering Board appreciated the<br />

difficulties of hosting an HFCC/ASBU conference. Nevertheless no host<br />

meant no conference. Horst pointed out that there were still some of the<br />

larger organizations that had not hosted an HFCC/ASBU conference.<br />

Therefore, the Steering Board would be liaising with each of those<br />

organizations in or<strong>der</strong> to try to persuade each of them to host a<br />

conference in the very near future. Hopefully one or another of those<br />

organizations could be the host for the B06 conference.<br />

(NASB Newletter, Dec 7 via wwdxc HQ / <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong>)<br />

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Any items from Glenn Hauser, <strong>DX</strong> LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio may<br />

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http://www.ratzer.at<br />

vy73 de Wolfgang, DF5SX - topnews@wwdxc.de<br />

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Postal address: WORLDWIDE <strong>DX</strong> CLUB, P.O. Box 12 14, D-61282 Bad Homburg,<br />

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Last Modified: 01/<strong>05</strong>/2006 11:27:20

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