BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945

BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945 BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945


1545-1645 13590 NAU 100 kW 127 deg Thu to N/ME English 1545-1615 13590 NAU 100 kW 127 deg Fri to N/ME English 1545-1730 13590 NAU 100 kW 127 deg Sat to N/ME English 1530-1815 13590 NAU 100 kW 127 deg Sun to N/ME English 1800-1830 11855 NAU 100 kW 105 deg Mon/Wed/Fri to WeAs Persian 1800-1900 11855 NAU 100 kW 105 deg Tue/Thu to WeAs Persian 1830-1900 11855 NAU 100 kW 105 deg Sun to WeAs Persian 1800-1815 11855 NAU 100 kW 105 deg Sat to WeAs Persian 1530-1545 11955 ISS 250 kW 090 deg Sun to WeAs Persian 1530-1730 12140 WER 125 kW 105 deg Daily to WeAs Persian 0030-0100 7405 WER 250 kW 090 deg Mon-Thu to SoAs Hindi 0030-0100 7405 WER 250 kW 090 deg Fri-Sun to SoAs English 1530-1600 13740 ISS 100 kW 082 deg Wed/Fri to SoAs Urdu 1530-1600 13740 ISS 100 kW 082 deg Thu to SoAs English 1515-1545 13740 ISS 100 kW 082 deg Sat to SoAs English 1500-1515 13740 WER 250 kW 090 deg Sun to SoAs English 1430-1500 15265 ISS 250 kW 083 deg Sat to SoAs English 1415-1500 15265 ISS 250 kW 083 deg Sun to SoAs English Lutheran World Federation, Voice of Gospel 1330-1345 15160 NAU 250 KW 082 deg Mon-Sat to SEAs Burmese 1330-1345 15160 WER 250 kW 075 deg Sun to SEAs Burmese 1830-1900 9655 WER 500 kW 180 deg Daily to WCAf Fulani Voice of Oromia Liberation Front 1600-1630 11975 WER 500 kW 135 deg Sun/Tue/Thu to EaAf Oromo Radiyo Y'Abadanga Ababaka 1700-1800 15410 ISS 250 kW 140 deg Sat to EaAf Swahili Radio Oromiyaa Liberation 1730-1800 13830 NAU 100 kW 140 deg Fri to EaAf Oromo/Amharic Ethiopia Adera Dimtse Radio, cancelled from Aug. 7 1700-1800 13820 NAU 500 kW 140 deg Sat to EaAf Amharic Ethiopian Liberation Front - Voice of Democratic Eritrea 1700-1730 13820 NAU 125 kW 145 deg Thu to EaAf Tigrinya 1730-1800 13820 NAU 125 kW 145 deg Thu to EaAf Arabic Ethiopians for Democracy - Voice of Ethiopian Unity 1700-1800 13820 NAU 250 kW 145 deg Sun/Wed to EaAf Amharic Voice of Oromo Liberation (Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo) 1700-1800 13830 ISS 100 kW 126 deg Sun/Wed to EaAf Oromo Save the Gambia Democracy Project(STGDP) Baati Rewmi Radio / Voice of the Country 1815-1830 15225 NAU 125 kW 221 deg Sat to WeAf Fula/Wolof/En Radio Reveil Paroles de Vie 1830-1845 15675 NAU 125 kW 170 deg Tue/Thu to SoAf French (R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 23) BELARUS Belarusian Regional SW tx. I checked this today at 1500 UT and yes, while 6040 and 6070 kHz carried "Hrodnenskoye Oblastnoye Radio" and "Radio Brest" respectively, 7235 kHz carried "Radio Stolitsa" // 6080, file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WWDXD-BCDX/2010/BCDX977.TXT[11.06.2012 10:40:16]

6115 and 279 kHz. I couldn't hear 6190 kHz. (Mauno Ritola-FIN, dxld Aug 23) strongest outlet here 7280 kHz, wb. BOLIVIA 4699.97 Radio San Miguel, Spanish, at 1050 UT, good with Catholic mass. Slight CODAR QRM. 22 August. 4716.67 Radio Yura, at 1106 UT, tentative. talk by Spanish man but no ID or local references. Also, much weaker than San Miguel, peaking at only S9. 22 August. (David Sharp-NSW-AUS, dxld Aug 23) BOSNIA/SERBIA Dear DXers, I warmly suggest you to look at the following new video from International Radio Serbia, posted on YouTube: This short 4-minute video is only in Serbian, but you can see many pictures of International Radio Serbia's studio in Belgrade and [tx site] BIJeljina, Bosnia HF transmitting station. It's interesting to notice in the middle of the video, during the speech of the new director of IRS, the picture on the wall behind him :) At the bottom of this message you can see 16 pictures, taken from this YouTube video. (Dragan Lekic-SRB, dxld Aug 18) BRAZIL 4865.05 Unidentified, at 1142 UT, Portuguese, talk by man, poor with UTE QRM, but partially readable in LSB. Possibly R. Verdes Florestas? 20 August. 4885.01 Radio Clube do Para, at 2040 UT, Portuguese, football commentary or similar, many ments of "Brasil." Absolutely blown-away to hear this in my local morning, which is very rare. 21 August. 4914.95 Rdiff. Macapa, at 2056 UT, Portuguese, presumed with reverb commentary by M (perhaps soccer), too weak for ID. 21 August. 4985 Radio Brasil Central, at 2105 UT, Portuguese, fading up with news or similar by M (didn't sound like soccer commentary). 21 August. Sidebar: This rare local morning opening to Brazil may have been an offshoot of a fantastic opening to Africa, at the same time. While already in progress at 2040 UT, all of the Brazilians were gone by 2115 UT. (David Sharp-NSW-AUS, dxld Aug 23) 9587.32 Super Radio Deus e Amor, at 0510-0530+ UT on August 14, Portuguese preacher. Weak but readable. // 9564.56, 11765 kHz. (Brian Alexander-PA-USA, dxld Aug 18) CHAD 6165 RNT N'djamena, at *0427-0459 UT on August 20, sign on with Balafon IS. National Anthem at 0429 UT. Opening French announcements at 0430 UT. Afro-pop music at 0433 UT. Weak but readable. Covered by Radio Nederland sign on at 0459 UT. 6165 RNT Ndjamena, *0430-0459, August 21, abrupt sign on tonight with French talk. Local Afro-pop music after 0431 UT. Local tribal music. Covered by Radio Nederland sign on at 0459 UT. Poor to fair. file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WWDXD-BCDX/2010/BCDX977.TXT[11.06.2012 10:40:16]

6115 and 279 kHz. I couldn't hear 6190 kHz.<br />

(Mauno Ritola-FIN, dxld Aug 23) strongest outlet here 7280 kHz, wb.<br />

BOLIVIA 4699.97 Radio San Miguel, Spanish, at 1050 UT, good with<br />

Catholic mass. Slight CODAR QRM. 22 August.<br />

4716.67 Radio Yura, at 1106 UT, tentative. talk by Spanish man but no ID<br />

or local references. Also, much weaker than San Miguel, peaking at only<br />

S9. 22 August.<br />

(David Sharp-NSW-AUS, dxld Aug 23)<br />

BOSNIA/SERBIA Dear <strong>DX</strong>ers, I warmly suggest you to look at the following<br />

new video from International Radio Serbia, posted on YouTube:<br />

<br />

This short 4-minute video is only in Serbian, but you can see many<br />

pictures of International Radio Serbia's studio in Belgrade and [tx site]<br />

BIJeljina, Bosnia HF transmitting station.<br />

It's interesting to notice in the middle of the video, during the speech<br />

of the new director of IRS, the picture on the wall behind him :)<br />

At the bottom of this message you can see 16 pictures, taken from this<br />

YouTube video.<br />

(Dragan Lekic-SRB, dxld Aug 18)<br />

BRAZIL 4865.05 Unidentified, at 1142 UT, Portuguese, talk by man, poor<br />

with UTE QRM, but partially readable in LSB. Possibly R. Verdes Florestas?<br />

20 August.<br />

4885.01 Radio Clube do Para, at 2040 UT, Portuguese, football commentary<br />

or similar, many ments of "Brasil." Absolutely blown-away to hear this in<br />

my local morning, which is very rare. 21 August.<br />

4914.95 Rdiff. Macapa, at 2056 UT, Portuguese, presumed with reverb<br />

commentary by M (perhaps soccer), too weak for ID. 21 August.<br />

4985 Radio Brasil Central, at 2105 UT, Portuguese, fading up with news or<br />

similar by M (didn't sound like soccer commentary). 21 August.<br />

Sidebar: This rare local morning opening to Brazil may have been an offshoot<br />

of a fantastic opening to Africa, at the same time. While already in<br />

progress at 2040 UT, all of the Brazilians were gone by 2115 UT.<br />

(David Sharp-NSW-AUS, dxld Aug 23)<br />

9587.32 Super Radio Deus e Amor, at 0510-0530+ UT on August 14,<br />

Portuguese preacher. Weak but readable. // 9564.56, 11765 kHz.<br />

(Brian Alexander-PA-USA, dxld Aug 18)<br />

CHAD 6165 RNT N'djamena, at *0427-0459 UT on August 20, sign on with<br />

Balafon IS. National Anthem at 0429 UT. Opening French announcements at<br />

0430 UT. Afro-pop music at 0433 UT. Weak but readable. Covered by Radio<br />

Nederland sign on at 0459 UT.<br />

6165 RNT Ndjamena, *0430-0459, August 21, abrupt sign on tonight with<br />

French talk. Local Afro-pop music after 0431 UT. Local tribal music.<br />

Covered by Radio Nederland sign on at 0459 UT. Poor to fair.<br />

file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WW<strong>DX</strong>D-<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>/2010/<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>977.TXT[11.06.2012 10:40:16]

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