BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945

BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945 BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945


UGANDA/ERITREA?/SOMALILAND 7195 kHz at 1702 UTC: Program in (British accent) English. Dear Intruder Busters, just now, August 11, since 1702 UTC I can hear a program in (British) English voice with S=9 with QSB. I guess the tx-er is somewhere in Africa. Do you also listen? Tnx! (Uli dj9kr - Aug 11 INTRUDERALERT mailing list) Dear Ted 5Z4NU, dear Victor 4S7VK, may you can check a) 7120 kHz today 1600-1730 UTC, is N'djamena Chad or Eritrea BC station ? b) 7145 kHz 1600-1700 UTC, is Somaliland BC station? August 10th log: 7120 Chad 1617 til 1731 UTC, S=8, 7145 Somaliland at 1620 til QRT at 1701 UTC. many thanks, vy73 de Wolfgang df5sx (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 12) E.H.M. Alleyne wrote: Hello Wolfgang, I hear this S=9+30dB but it is rather noisy. Part of this program was coming from Kabale in western Uganda, and broadcast from Kampala, Uganda. I think I am right in saying that Hargeisa, Somaliland Republic (not Somalia) still uses 7145 kHz for broadcasts but is not always heard here. Today I spoke to CCK yet again about the Kampala broadcasts on 7195 kHz, and they said they would refer it back to the monitoring service. The trouble is that Uganda is a separate country within the EA Community and go their own way, so there is no great hope of any rapid action. I am sending copies of this message to colleagues in Uganda who may be able to raise it with their Authority. 73, Ted 5Z4NU Nairobi (E.H.M. Alleyne-KEN, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 13) 7195 Kampala Uganda ia now on this freq, starting from 1600 UT - as verified on Aug 11. - with talks in English ie news at 1800 UT, mentions several phone numbers then a pop song. At 1816 UT with rpfrg in Vernac 33433. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 31-Aug 10) R. Uganda just now 2040 UT on 7195 kHz? Our colleague in Kampala, Bill 5X1JM, is investigating this station which has been on the air again. It is certainly in Uganda, but he is unsure of the origin, which sounds in some ways like Radio Uganda but could be one of the proliferating religious stations which are now being set up and which could be trying to establish itself on the frequency. He is taking it up with the Uganda authority and will inform us when he has anything of consequence to report. 73, Ted 5Z4NU - E.H.M. Alleyne, Nairobi, Kenya (intruderalert ng, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 17) UKRAINE 11655 Voice of Russia Lviv relay had power break at 09.17:20 to 09.22:55 UT April 13. file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WWDXD-BCDX/2010/BCDX976.TXT[11.06.2012 10:40:15]

(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 13) UK 7705 DWL intermodulation. Was macht denn die Deutsche Welle da leise in Deutsch auf 7705 kHz? ... Dreisatzrechner ran, was fuer ein Mischprodukt mag das sein? 73, Nils DK8OK, WinRadio Excalibur& SDR-IP/GPS& Perseus, 96 m delta loop, 42 m windom. (Nils Schiffhauer-D, A-DX Aug 14) Beim Dreisatzrechnen liegen die Intermodulationen immer unter- oder oberhalb, hier sieht man aber das Wunderkind in der Mitten. Intermodulation 7705 [+ 6075 = 13780 kHz], alles vom WW II Sender aus 1943year. 1600-1959 13780 WOOFFERTON 250 75 Ost-Europa 1600-1959 13780 WOOFFERTON 250 120 Sued-Europa u. Nahost 1700-1759 15275 WOOFFERTON 300 128 Europa u. Nord-Afrika 1700-1800 1548 TRINCOMALE 400 35 Sued-Asien 1600-2000 6075 WOOFFERTON 300 105 Europa 1700-1800 6150 KIGALI 250 190 Sued-Afrika (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 14) USA VOA Greenville - Fifty Years of Shortwave to the World. LBA_Antenna Turns, by Chris Horne. Tranquility Base, here. The Eagle has landed. The Voice of America had the world's largest audience ever when it reported in 46 languages man landing on the Moon. It earned trust when it reported on Watergate and the anti- Vietnam protests. In 1968, Czechs battled Soviet tanks in the streets. When Soviet troops forced a Czech dissident broadcaster to sign off, he told his audience to listen to the VOA. Czech broadcasting was never trusted again. The phrase Voice of America (VOA) has always stood for a strong, powerful American broadcasting entity. The United States government intended the Voice of America to provide hope to people around the world and to counteract the propaganda espoused by America's enemies in war conflicts. In the mid 1990s the federal government began closing or consolidating some large VOA broadcasting facilities. The federal government would like to close VOA site B in Greenville, NC. I hope they choose not to for some several reasons. Recently, I toured VOA Site B and observed first hand both the magnitude of the transmitting equipment and the value its broadcasting can add to the international community. The day I arrived at VOA-B, the hundreds of acres of tall expansive antennas made you feel you were entering another planet. The father of wireless, Guglielmo Marconi, would be proud to see such a place full of great engineering and information for the world. Many wire antennas meshed together to form a tall wide curtain were supported by tall 300 feet towers. Each tower is fed by elevated transmission line (1 inch conducting pipes) 15 feet off the ground. Once inside the transmitting facility, the same degree of largeness is apparent by several "truck size" transmitters... For the full article see

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>TopNews</strong> Aug 13)<br />

UK 7705 DWL intermodulation.<br />

Was macht denn die Deutsche Welle da leise in Deutsch auf 7705 kHz? ...<br />

Dreisatzrechner ran, was fuer ein Mischprodukt mag das sein?<br />

73, Nils DK8OK, WinRadio Excalibur& SDR-IP/GPS& Perseus, 96 m delta<br />

loop, 42 m windom.<br />

(Nils Schiffhauer-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> Aug 14)<br />

Beim Dreisatzrechnen liegen die Intermodulationen immer unter- oder<br />

oberhalb, hier sieht man aber das Wunderkind in der Mitten.<br />

Intermodulation 7705 [+ 6075 = 13780 kHz], alles vom WW II Sender aus<br />

1943year.<br />

1600-1959 13780 WOOFFERTON 250 75 Ost-Europa<br />

1600-1959 13780 WOOFFERTON 250 120 Sued-Europa u. Nahost<br />

1700-1759 15275 WOOFFERTON 300 128 Europa u. Nord-Afrika<br />

1700-1800 1548 TRINCOMALE 400 35 Sued-Asien<br />

1600-2000 6075 WOOFFERTON 300 105 Europa<br />

1700-1800 6150 KIGALI 250 190 Sued-Afrika<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>TopNews</strong> Aug 14)<br />

USA VOA Greenville - Fifty Years of Shortwave to the World.<br />

LBA_Antenna Turns, by Chris Horne.<br />

Tranquility Base, here. The Eagle has landed. The Voice of America had the<br />

world's largest audience ever when it reported in 46 languages man landing<br />

on the Moon. It earned trust when it reported on Watergate and the anti-<br />

Vietnam protests. In 1968, Czechs battled Soviet tanks in the streets.<br />

When Soviet troops forced a Czech dissident broadcaster to sign off, he<br />

told his audience to listen to the VOA. Czech broadcasting was never<br />

trusted again.<br />

The phrase Voice of America (VOA) has always stood for a strong, powerful<br />

American broadcasting entity. The United States government intended the<br />

Voice of America to provide hope to people around the world and to<br />

counteract the propaganda espoused by America's enemies in war conflicts.<br />

In the mid 1990s the federal government began closing or consolidating<br />

some large VOA broadcasting facilities. The federal government would like<br />

to close VOA site B in Greenville, NC. I hope they choose not to for some<br />

several reasons.<br />

Recently, I toured VOA Site B and observed first hand both the magnitude<br />

of the transmitting equipment and the value its broadcasting can add to<br />

the international community. The day I arrived at VOA-B, the hundreds of<br />

acres of tall expansive antennas made you feel you were entering another<br />

planet. The father of wireless, Guglielmo Marconi, would be proud to see<br />

such a place full of great engineering and information for the world. Many<br />

wire antennas meshed together to form a tall wide curtain were supported<br />

by tall 300 feet towers. Each tower is fed by elevated transmission line<br />

(1 inch conducting pipes) 15 feet off the ground. Once inside the<br />

transmitting facility, the same degree of largeness is apparent by several<br />

"truck size" transmitters...<br />

For the full article see<br />

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