BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945

BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945 BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945


(Jordi Brunet via Christer Brunstroem-SWE, WRTH; ARC MVEko Olle Alm-SWE Aug 3) MYANMAR 5985.8 Myanma Radio, Yegu, 2258-2316, 07 Aug'10, IS, ID in Bamar followed by a local tune (Natl. Anthem? - didn't seem so), talks; 34432. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 7) NETHERLANDS 828 Arrow Classic Rock heard 25.7.2010 at 0755 UT with ID in nulled Magic, Leeds; this was not audible when it was first reported back on 828 kHz. So I assume higher power now. (Steve Whitt-UK near York, MWCircle 25.7.2010; via ARC MVEko Olle Alm-SWE Aug 3) PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3385 NBC East New Britain, 1224-1226*, August 10. Pop song and suddenly off; weak. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld Aug 10) 5960 Radio Fly, (TENT), 1040-1105 UT, Noted a male and female in comments in English, could really make it out with the noise. English is listed for this. At 1043 UT music presented. The music being played sounds like it was from PNG. Following the music the male talks more. Signal was poor but improves by 1105 UT. (Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, hcdx Aug 3) PERU 4789.55v Radio Vision, Chiclayo, Aug 1, 0350-1115, generally poor overnight but much improved from 0800z onward. Typical La Voz del la Salvacion content, male preaching in what sounds to be a large, echoey auditorium. Appears to be local programming after 0800 UT with Andean vocals, Radio Vision ID at 0857 UT. Back to La Voz del la Salvacion at 0930 UT. + 4789.56v Aug 2, 0115-0730, Aug 2, much better overnight but signal fading by 0730 UT and remaining generally threshold the rest of the morning. 4824.46v La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, Aug 2, *1048-1110, lively vocal at sign-on, greetings by low key male announcer at 1052 UT mentioning Iquitos and FM, into a monologue. Fair signal but poor modulation, fading rapidly. 4850.28 Radio Genesis (tent), Huanta, Aug 4, 0030-1130, overnight signal, threshold audio from 0100-0200 UT and then again at 1119 UT, just after Huanta sunrise, barely able to make out vocal. They appear to been off Aug 1 to 3, this is the first sign of them I have seen. 4950.062 Radio Madre de Dios (tent), Pt Maldonado, Aug 1, *1032-1110, only threshold audio noted and quickly fading from 1100 UT. 6019.26 Radio Victoria, Lima, Aug 2, 0559-0900, in the clear after Sackville QRT at 0559 UT until Australia 0900 s/on, preaching until 0601 UT, La Voz de la Liberacion ID, Beethoven theme and Radio Victoria ID at 0602 UT. Long La Voz de la Liberacion promo, children speaking. Good strength signal except for occasional slop from massive Cuba 6010 kHz. (Brandon Jordan-TN-USA, hcdx Aug 4) 4835.42 Radio Maranon Jaen 1021 UT with om and music under adjacent slop. 5 August. file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WWDXD-BCDX/2010/BCDX975.TXT[11.06.2012 10:40:14]

4955 Radio Cultural Amauta Huanta 1030 UT Excellent Peruvian vocals, Time check at 32 minutos by om, excellent signal. Enjoyable 7 August. (Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, DXplorer Aug 7) PORTUGAL 1035 R. Club Portugues, Belmonte (Benavente) (+ a few VHF-FM fqs too) has changed its format, and is broadcasting Portuguese & foreign music from the 60s & 70 since approx. mid July. Just yesterday, 30.7.2010 when this tx was off once again, I got the information this current format is only temporary, and it is almost certain it will change a bit (again!), but my contact added it should remain an oldies station nevertheless. Current power level of their 100 kW Thales tx at Belmonte is about 1/3 due to budgetary limitations. 783 ditto, Avanca (Estarreja, near Aveiro), is stuck, probably for good as the vandalism that stroke this unmanned site back in early 2010 - which could have been solved with minor repairs on the copper elements that were stolen - met another break in causing extensive damage to the 100 kW Thales tx. My contact reported the administration is simply unwilling to spend lots of money with it, so it remains silent, and has been silent ever since everything was put in place and tested in order to be finally switched on // to 1035 kHz. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, via Ydun Ritz-DEN medium wave info 31.7.2010; via ARC MVEko Olle Alm-SWE Aug 3) ROMANIA The daily broadcasts on short waves in Romanian language are from 0000, 0100, 0400, 1200, 1300, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900 UT - duration 1 hour approx. Observed 1-7 August: Radio Romania International prgr from 1200 and from 1600 UT; Radio Romania Actualitati prgr from 0400, 1300, 1500 UT, 1700 to 2000 UT; Not checked from 0000 and from 0100 UT. Maybe RRI staff are on holidays? (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 8) RUSSIA Latest news from Victor Rutkovsky-RUS, 15.7.2010 via Mauno Ritola-FIN: 594 Vladikavkaz, E. is probably off. 1053 Radio Rossi, Orenburg is off. 1296 Irkutsk off. 1332 Dobrye Pesni, Irkutsk 5 kW is now stable on the frequency. (Victor Rutkovsky-RUS, via ARC MVEko Olle Alm-SWE Aug 3) Test on 13665 kHz, supposedly from Moscow Taldom site noted Tuesday at 0655 to 0658 UT Aug 10. Radio Rossii starts much later at 0822 til 1300 UT. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 10) 17685 As today Aug 10th observed raised propagation in 19 and 16 mb, when Voice of Russia Khabarovsk could be heard here well in central Europe. S=6 at 0700-0800 UT. Not much strong, but strong enough to understand the whole program, next to adjacent CRI Kashi powerhouse in Spanish on 17680 kHz. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 10) RUSSIA Google Earth imagery. Some high resolution place and new additional photo images in Panoramio. file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WWDXD-BCDX/2010/BCDX975.TXT[11.06.2012 10:40:14]

(Jordi Brunet via Christer Brunstroem-SWE, WRTH;<br />

ARC MVEko Olle Alm-SWE Aug 3)<br />

MYANMAR 5985.8 Myanma Radio, Yegu, 2258-2316, 07 Aug'10, IS, ID in<br />

Bamar followed by a local tune (Natl. Anthem? - didn't seem so), talks;<br />

34432.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>TopNews</strong> Aug 7)<br />

NETHERLANDS 828 Arrow Classic Rock heard 25.7.2010 at 0755 UT with ID<br />

in nulled Magic, Leeds; this was not audible when it was first reported<br />

back on 828 kHz. So I assume higher power now.<br />

(Steve Whitt-UK near York, MWCircle 25.7.2010;<br />

via ARC MVEko Olle Alm-SWE Aug 3)<br />

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3385 N<strong>BC</strong> East New Britain, 1224-1226*, August 10. Pop<br />

song and suddenly off; weak.<br />

(Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld Aug 10)<br />

5960 Radio Fly, (TENT), 1040-1105 UT, Noted a male and female in comments<br />

in English, could really make it out with the noise. English is listed for<br />

this. At 1043 UT music presented. The music being played sounds like it<br />

was from PNG. Following the music the male talks more. Signal was poor but<br />

improves by 1105 UT.<br />

(Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, hcdx Aug 3)<br />

PERU 4789.55v Radio Vision, Chiclayo, Aug 1, 0350-1115, generally poor<br />

overnight but much improved from 0800z onward. Typical La Voz del la<br />

Salvacion content, male preaching in what sounds to be a large, echoey<br />

auditorium. Appears to be local programming after 0800 UT with Andean<br />

vocals, Radio Vision ID at 0857 UT. Back to La Voz del la Salvacion at<br />

0930 UT.<br />

+ 4789.56v Aug 2, 0115-0730, Aug 2, much better overnight but signal<br />

fading by 0730 UT and remaining generally threshold the rest of the<br />

morning.<br />

4824.46v La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, Aug 2, *1048-1110, lively vocal at<br />

sign-on, greetings by low key male announcer at 1052 UT mentioning Iquitos<br />

and FM, into a monologue. Fair signal but poor modulation, fading rapidly.<br />

4850.28 Radio Genesis (tent), Huanta, Aug 4, 0030-1130, overnight signal,<br />

threshold audio from 0100-0200 UT and then again at 1119 UT, just after<br />

Huanta sunrise, barely able to make out vocal. They appear to been off Aug<br />

1 to 3, this is the first sign of them I have seen.<br />

4950.062 Radio Madre de Dios (tent), Pt Maldonado, Aug 1, *1032-1110,<br />

only threshold audio noted and quickly fading from 1100 UT.<br />

6019.26 Radio Victoria, Lima, Aug 2, 0559-0900, in the clear after<br />

Sackville QRT at 0559 UT until Australia 0900 s/on, preaching until 0601<br />

UT, La Voz de la Liberacion ID, Beethoven theme and Radio Victoria ID at<br />

0602 UT. Long La Voz de la Liberacion promo, children speaking. Good<br />

strength signal except for occasional slop from massive Cuba 6010 kHz.<br />

(Brandon Jordan-TN-USA, hcdx Aug 4)<br />

4835.42 Radio Maranon Jaen 1021 UT with om and music under adjacent slop.<br />

5 August.<br />

file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WW<strong>DX</strong>D-<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>/2010/<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>975.TXT[11.06.2012 10:40:14]

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