BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945

BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945 BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945


6297.07 kHz proper signal tonight, S=9+10dB at 2015 UT, Aug 10, wb. ARMENIA Google Earth imagery. Some high resolution place and new additional photo images in Panoramio. ARM old Yerevan Arinj site x863 x254 x4810 kHz. 1945-1965 no pictures of new Arinj and Gavar sites so far ... (wb, SW TXsite Aug 2) ARMENIA WYFR Family Radio started broadcast in new language-Bulgarian 1800-1900 7560 ERV 300 kW 280 deg to SEEu in Bulgarian,exEnglish 1700-1800 7560 ERV 300 kW 280 deg to SEEu in English,ex1700-1900 (R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 9) ARMENIA/GERMANY 7560 - ERV. Family Radio in Bulgarian 1800-1900 UT on 7560 kHz on July 31: reading from the Bible and the main theme was When will be the end of our world ? Already I know it will be on May 21st, 2011. The first hour 1700-1800 UT on 7560 kHz was in English. 7330 WER - In Romanian no signal at 1800 UT on 7330 and 9895 kHz but at 1855 UT there was a prgr in Romanian on 7330 kHz. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 31) AUSTRALIA 15160 Radio Australia Shepparton at 0715 UT, Aug 10. Scheduled 0500-0800 UT, heard with fair signal S=9 ... 9+10dB signal. Typical for mid August and September reception here in central Europe. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 10) 5025 05 Aug, 2150 UTC, Northern Territory Shortwave Service VL8K Katherine in En talks between YL announcer and OM interviewee, interspersed with light pop music. Positive ID at 2200 UT. Weak to fair sigs and no QRM except for an occasional RTTY blast on 5023 kHz causing issues. (Albert Muick-AFG, hcdx Aug 10) BANGLADESH 4750 09 Aug, 1256 UTC, Bangladesh Betar, In Bengali wih flute music until time pips and ID by man on the hour, then into news and call-in show. Fair reception and improving as dusk approached. (Albert Muick-AFG, hcdx Aug 9) BOLIVIA 5952.43 Emisoras Pio XII, 1030-1045 UT, Noted a weak signal here with a male in preaching mode until 1031 when a second person comments in Spanish with program information it seemed. Signal was weak and poor with plenty of noise. (Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, hcdx Aug 3) 4716.698 Radio Yura (pres), Aillu Yura, Aug 4, 0030-0212*, threshold audio strengthening by 0100 UT, long Andean vocals, occasional talk by man. Poor signal with occasional voice USB QRM. 4795.89 Radio Lipez (tent), Uyuni, Aug 1, *0858-1034*, threshold audio, perhaps abbreviated schedule for Sunday morning. + Aug 2, *0848-1100 threshold audio, briefly peaking between 1030-1040z with monologue by male speaker, perhaps inspirational. file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WWDXD-BCDX/2010/BCDX975.TXT[11.06.2012 10:40:14]

6134.825 Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, Aug 1, *1049, late Sunday morning sign-on, brief sign-on announcement by woman, brief Andean vocal into religious service. Poor signal, noisy, fading rapidly. + 6134.81 Aug 3, 2345-0106*, very nice signal by 0015, female and male announcers, lively music, announcements, canned ID by man at 0101 UT: "960 kilohertz onda media, 6165 kilohert ondaz corta, 92.3 megahertz, frecuencia modulada transmite Radio Santa Cruz, desde Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia", another canned ID at 0103 UT mentioning "Emisora del Instituto Radiofonico Fe y Alegria" followed by a song "Radio Santa Cruz". Open carrier from 0106 to 0143 UT. + 6134.82, Aug 4, *0856, short monologue by man at sign on, then canned ID mentioning AM and SW frequency, flutes, "Radio Santa Cruz" vocal, more ID's and a variety of vocals. Good signal, starting to fade from 1000 UT. (Brandon Jordan-TN-USA, hcdx Aug 4) 5952.46 Pio XII, Siglo Veinte 1012 UT om and yl with clear signal, [no Cuban/Costa Rican "yo mama drama" jamming]. Children's voices, om over percussion solo, good AM lock on the R8. 5 August. 4795.85 Radio Lipez, Uyuni 0935 UT strong signal with flauta andina, locutor and music, "en Bolivia...kiloHertz" ID under t-storms 1000 UT Buenas Dias, music bridge stayed in till 1055 UT recheck, 5 August. Good AM lock on R8. (Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, DXplorer Aug 8) BOTSWANA 4960 VOA, Moepeng Hill, Aug 1, 0430-0531*, English to Africa, listed Hausa from 0500 UT, Yankee Doodle at 0530:30 UT. Modest peak at 0448 UT transmitter sunrise. (Brandon Jordan-TN-USA, hcdx Aug 4) BRAZIL SRDA on 12175 kHz. SRDA, spurious signal probably from 11765 kHz, 0700 UT, August 5, no carrier, reception possible in AM only. Usual Miracles before 0700 UT, David Miranda's speech at 0700 UT. Nice signal, partly distorted, with rapid fadings. Still audible at 0745 UT but already very weak and fading out... (Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 5) 5054.96 R Jornal A Critica, Manaus AM. "A Critica FM" relay heard with a nice signal. Radio Jornal A Critica reactivated 5055 kHz (5054.96 kHz). "A Critica FM" relay heard this morning (Aug 03, 0323-0530 UT) with a nice signal here in the middle of Europe. (Karel Honzik-CZE, BrDXC-UK / dlxd Aug 3) Hi Karel, thank you for the report. I have been following this signal the past two nights (August 2 and 3), an overnight program of Brazilian and US pop and ballads. I haven't been able to pull an ID from it so far due to high static levels, but was working on the assumption it was possibly Radio Difusora, Caceres MT. [later] Brazil 5055 reactivated. Definitely not a Cuban spur. The Brazilian is in now (0054 UT) on 5054.96 kHz. A weak signal so far, but enough to verify it isn't // either Rebelde or RHC. (Brandon Jordan-TN-USA, hcdx / dxld Aug 3) 5990 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, 0300-0311, Aug 09, Port TC as "... meia file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WWDXD-BCDX/2010/BCDX975.TXT[11.06.2012 10:40:14]

6134.825 Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, Aug 1, *1049, late Sunday morning<br />

sign-on, brief sign-on announcement by woman, brief Andean vocal into<br />

religious service. Poor signal, noisy, fading rapidly.<br />

+ 6134.81 Aug 3, 2345-0106*, very nice signal by 0015, female and male<br />

announcers, lively music, announcements, canned ID by man at 0101 UT:<br />

"960 kilohertz onda media, 6165 kilohert ondaz corta, 92.3 megahertz,<br />

frecuencia modulada transmite Radio Santa Cruz, desde Santa Cruz de la<br />

Sierra, Bolivia", another canned ID at 0103 UT mentioning "Emisora del<br />

Instituto Radiofonico Fe y Alegria" followed by a song "Radio Santa Cruz".<br />

Open carrier from 0106 to 0143 UT.<br />

+ 6134.82, Aug 4, *0856, short monologue by man at sign on, then canned ID<br />

mentioning AM and SW frequency, flutes, "Radio Santa Cruz" vocal, more<br />

ID's and a variety of vocals. Good signal, starting to fade from 1000 UT.<br />

(Brandon Jordan-TN-USA, hcdx Aug 4)<br />

5952.46 Pio XII, Siglo Veinte 1012 UT om and yl with clear signal, [no<br />

Cuban/Costa Rican "yo mama drama" jamming]. Children's voices, om over<br />

percussion solo, good AM lock on the R8. 5 August.<br />

4795.85 Radio Lipez, Uyuni 0935 UT strong signal with flauta andina,<br />

locutor and music, "en Bolivia...kiloHertz" ID under t-storms 1000 UT<br />

Buenas Dias, music bridge stayed in till 1055 UT recheck, 5 August. Good<br />

AM lock on R8.<br />

(Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Aug 8)<br />

BOTSWANA 4960 VOA, Moepeng Hill, Aug 1, 0430-0531*, English to Africa,<br />

listed Hausa from 0500 UT, Yankee Doodle at 0530:30 UT. Modest peak at<br />

0448 UT transmitter sunrise.<br />

(Brandon Jordan-TN-USA, hcdx Aug 4)<br />

BRAZIL SRDA on 12175 kHz. SRDA, spurious signal probably from 11765 kHz,<br />

0700 UT, August 5, no carrier, reception possible in AM only. Usual<br />

Miracles before 0700 UT, David Miranda's speech at 0700 UT. Nice signal,<br />

partly distorted, with rapid fadings. Still audible at 0745 UT but already<br />

very weak and fading out...<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>TopNews</strong> Aug 5)<br />

5054.96 R Jornal A Critica, Manaus AM. "A Critica FM" relay heard with a<br />

nice signal. Radio Jornal A Critica reactivated 5055 kHz (5054.96 kHz). "A<br />

Critica FM" relay heard this morning (Aug 03, 0323-0530 UT) with a nice<br />

signal here in the middle of Europe.<br />

(Karel Honzik-CZE, Br<strong>DX</strong>C-UK / dlxd Aug 3)<br />

Hi Karel, thank you for the report. I have been following this signal the<br />

past two nights (August 2 and 3), an overnight program of Brazilian and US<br />

pop and ballads. I haven't been able to pull an ID from it so far due to<br />

high static levels, but was working on the assumption it was possibly<br />

Radio Difusora, Caceres MT.<br />

[later] Brazil 5055 reactivated. Definitely not a Cuban spur. The<br />

Brazilian is in now (0054 UT) on 5054.96 kHz. A weak signal so far, but<br />

enough to verify it isn't // either Rebelde or RHC.<br />

(Brandon Jordan-TN-USA, hcdx / dxld Aug 3)<br />

5990 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, 0300-0311, Aug 09, Port TC as "... meia<br />

file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WW<strong>DX</strong>D-<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>/2010/<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>975.TXT[11.06.2012 10:40:14]

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