BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945

BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945

BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945


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had been shut down, has been moved to Kuwait. A few other pieces of<br />

equipment went to Lampertheim.<br />

Critics comment that BR has simply to blame itself for the insufficient<br />

listener numbers, arguing that all these people that purchase a shortwave<br />

radio for ten Euros would be at least a potential audience if 6085 kHz<br />

would still run in AM. And making such a science of turning off the plate<br />

current overnight is quite remarkable as well.<br />

<br />

<br />

The ex-1107 kHz [Continental] transmitter is, as can be seen, still there.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, July 17, shortwavesites yg via dxld)<br />

Attempt to save Putbus transmitter. The media authority of Mecklenburg-<br />

Vorpommern tries to save the 729 kHz transmitter at Putbus on Ruegen<br />

island from being dismantled, writing that "it would be the end of<br />

mediumwave broadcasting in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern". Thus they are looking<br />

for "interested parties who have a general interest in mediumwave<br />

broadcasting" and would like to "discuss the possibilities of digital<br />

mediumwave transmissions" with them.<br />

<br />

The Putbus transmitter was from 2001 til yearend 2009 in use for DRM test<br />

transmissions by Deutschlsndradio. Previously Norddeutscher Rundfunk had<br />

abandoned it in 1996. In 2008 some announcements about testing the<br />

transmitters had been posted by a foreign party, but no such activities<br />

followed.<br />

Two pictures of the mediumwave antenna and new equipment container:<br />

<br />

Another photo of the transmitter site, also including the former FM tower:<br />

<br />

The FM facility was rather a filler, used for Ferienwelle and DT64<br />

programming. First all transmissions were mono only, since no stereocapable<br />

feed circuits were available. Later a microwave or probably rather<br />

UHF or whatever radio link has been established, but reportedly its<br />

signals often sunk into the noise and again monaural service could be<br />

offered only. Meanwhile the whole installation has been replaced by a new<br />

FM site at Garz:<br />

<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld July 25)<br />

96.5 MHz 35 kW Langenberg. Naeheres zum Frequenzwechsel BFBS -<br />

Deutschlandradio:<br />

<br />

(Klaus Spielvogel-D, A-<strong>DX</strong> July 16)<br />

Frequenzwechsel? - An Rhein und Ruhr auf einer Welle.<br />

Umschalten ist ab dem 2. August angesagt. Denn Deutschlandradio Kultur<br />

kann seine Reichweite in Nordrhein-Westfalen ganz gewaltig steigern. Mit<br />

der neuen UKW-Frequenz 96.5 MHz erreicht das profilierte Kulturprogramm<br />

des bundesweiten Hoerfunks kuenftig mehr als zehn Millionen potenzielle<br />

file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WW<strong>DX</strong>D-<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>/2010/bcdx973.txt[11.06.2012 10:40:12]

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