BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945

BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945 BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945


5960 R. Fly QSL. E-mail QSL from Jobby Paiva rcvd on June 30 for June 26 reception. Report included a 7 min recording referred to in the e-mail and a screen shot of the Perseus spectrum during reception at the same time period on June 30. I won't be holding my breath on the QSL card, Hi! These days, an e-mail QSL is pretty much all you can count on. E-mail rcvd read as follows (answers the location question but not the station's power for which I will query Jobby): (Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, DXplorer July 1) Quote - Dear Bruce, Greetings from Tabubil in the Star Mountains of the Western Province of Papua New Guinea. Thank you for your email which I received yesterday. I must apologise as I didn't get around to replying most of my emails yesterday but am going through them today. I confirm that you were listening to Radio Fly. We are an FM radio station but only expanded into shortwave about a month ago. 5960 kHz & 3915 kHz. What you were listening to was the service announcements by Beri Pius. She is a journalist who does mainly news but tries a bit of broadcasting or Disc Jockeying as well. She usually does the Friday & Saturday nights as we are also short staffed. Thanks for your detailed report which I will forward to our technical personnel. Unfortunately we haven't designed a QSL card yet. Once we do, we will send you one. (Jobby Paiva-PNG, Radio Fly P.O.Box 1, Tabubil, WP, PNG. Phone: 6493924 Mob: 72385942 Email: Unquote If you use Jobby's gmail.com address, you will have to respond to his email filter service request before the e-mail is forwarded, but that is quick and easy (and safe). (DXplorer July 1) RUSSIA We just came to know the Voice of Russia (VOR) Khabarovsk staffs of Japanese language department are to resign and close the branch in August. Khabarovsk branch has been known to us very friendly and has heart warming programs. It seems the policy of the VOR has been changing to more News oriented station, after a new head (Mr. Bistristky) came in to the station in 2008. VOR programs, as appreciated by PWBR and nominated to Ten of the Best Shows of the year for many years supported by abundance of musical archives, has been known with its excellent music programs. Alas, many of those music programs are vanishing and a kind of entertainment programs are going to be less day by day. We concern even the listeners letter corner is to be cut off. The SW transmission is only one frequency this season. They had 3-4 frequencies in the past. (Toshimichi Ohtake, Kamakura-JPN, JSWC / dswci DXW June 27) 6085 Radio Krasnoyarsk in Siberia was received in Sofia at 2345 UT on 6085. The station schedule is 2100-1700 UT relaying Radio Russia Moscow with local programmes Sunday through Thursday 2315-2400 UT, Monday through Friday 0510-0610 and 0910-1010, Saturday and Sunday 0100-0210 UT. (R Bulgaria DX progr via Yimber Gaviria-CLM, dxld) 11655 VoRUS German sce via Lviv Krasne, 600 kW, 0900-1000 UT see under Ukraine. (wb, July 2) SAINT HELENA On Mar 30, 2010, the flagship of the Cunard Line, the RMS Queen Mary 2 anchored in James Bay before Jamestown , St. Helena, for the file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WWDXD-BCDX/2010/BCDX970.TXT[11.06.2012 10:40:10]

very first time. Gary Walters, the station manger, and Tony Moore from R St. Helena were at the waterfront all day with the RSH mobile studio van and interviewed many people. The St. Helena Herald newspaper (Apr 01, pp.1,12-13,24 ) reported on the special event that saw 2195 of the 2439 passengers of the QM2 "invade" St. Helena for the day. One of the passengers was Mr. Joe Buch of West Palm Beach, Florida, USA. Once ashore, Joe walked straight over to the RSH van and introduced himself to a very surprised Gary Walters. Joe Buch is 72, has been an amateur radio operator since 1952, has the US HAM call-sign N2JB (as in Joe Buch ), is a keen radio listener, and is a fan of R St. Helena. Joe made an audio recording of his interview with Gary Walters, and this can be listened to on the above mentioned web page of the RMRC. During the interview, Joe Buch made some good public relations for the internationally appreciated RSH broadcast on shortwaves known as Radio St. Helena Day. Both Gary and Tony said that they were quite amazed at meeting someone who actually had heard the RSD shortwave broadcasts. Thanks go to Joe Buch (N2JB) , Bruce Salt (ZD7VC), and Gary Walters (Radio St. Helena) for providing and giving permission to use various material used in this article. More information can now be found on the web pages of the Rhein-Main Radio Club (RMRC) of Frankfurt in Germany. The web address is and the link to "St. Helena Info" (in English) can be found on the left side of the page. (Robert Kipp-D, dswci DXW June 30) I visited St. Helena on March 30 aboard the Queen Mary 2 which visited the island for the very first time. I went straight from the launch to the Radio St. Helena broadcast van where I was interviewed and got a big plug in for the annual shortwave broadcast. Several photos, and the audio of my interview are at The station is targeting the first Saturday in October for the annual Radio Saint Helena Day on 11092.5 kHz. They are hoping that propagation will be better on the earlier date. (Joe Buch-FL-USA, swprograms; WDXC Contact) SAUDI ARABIA Continental Electronics will supply a quantity of 4 each 250 kW HF DRM-ready transmitters and associated equipment to the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Information (MOI) ... The new high-power HF DRM-ready transmitters will enhance the Saudi MOI's digital broadcast capabilities and can reach targeted audiences at long distance ranges with a clear, high quality signal. The DRM-ready transmitters are similar to those recently supplied to Broadcast Australia and to Radio-TV Malaysia ... (David Sharp-NSW-AUS, dxld June 26) Saudi Arabia to acquire DRM. Ready High Power 250 kW HF Transmitters. Continental Electronics will supply a quantity of 4 each 250 kW HF DRMready transmitters and associated equipment to the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Information (MOI) through First Gulf Company of Riyadh. First Gulf will construct an entirely new HF station where the transmitters, antennas, and other equipment will be installed at the existing Al Khumra site outside Jeddah. The Al Khumra station was constructed by Continental Electronics and its civil contractor between 1978 and 1980, and the site presently file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WWDXD-BCDX/2010/BCDX970.TXT[11.06.2012 10:40:10]

5960 R. Fly QSL. E-mail QSL from Jobby Paiva rcvd on June 30 for June 26<br />

reception. Report included a 7 min recording referred to in the e-mail and<br />

a screen shot of the Perseus spectrum during reception at the same time<br />

period on June 30. I won't be holding my breath on the QSL card, Hi! These<br />

days, an e-mail QSL is pretty much all you can count on. E-mail rcvd read<br />

as follows (answers the location question but not the station's power for<br />

which I will query Jobby):<br />

(Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer July 1)<br />

Quote - Dear Bruce,<br />

Greetings from Tabubil in the Star Mountains of the Western Province of<br />

Papua New Guinea. Thank you for your email which I received yesterday. I<br />

must apologise as I didn't get around to replying most of my emails<br />

yesterday but am going through them today.<br />

I confirm that you were listening to Radio Fly. We are an FM radio station<br />

but only expanded into shortwave about a month ago. 5960 kHz & 3915 kHz.<br />

What you were listening to was the service announcements by Beri Pius. She<br />

is a journalist who does mainly news but tries a bit of broadcasting or<br />

Disc Jockeying as well. She usually does the Friday & Saturday nights as<br />

we are also short staffed. Thanks for your detailed report which I will<br />

forward to our technical personnel. Unfortunately we haven't designed a<br />

QSL card yet. Once we do, we will send you one.<br />

(Jobby Paiva-PNG, Radio Fly<br />

P.O.Box 1, Tabubil, WP, PNG. Phone: 6493924 Mob: 72385942<br />

Email: <br />

Unquote<br />

If you use Jobby's gmail.com address, you will have to respond to his email<br />

filter service request before the e-mail is forwarded, but that is<br />

quick and easy (and safe). (<strong>DX</strong>plorer July 1)<br />

RUSSIA We just came to know the Voice of Russia (VOR) Khabarovsk staffs<br />

of Japanese language department are to resign and close the branch in<br />

August. Khabarovsk branch has been known to us very friendly and has heart<br />

warming programs. It seems the policy of the VOR has been changing to more<br />

News oriented station, after a new head (Mr. Bistristky) came in to the<br />

station in 2008. VOR programs, as appreciated by PWBR and nominated to Ten<br />

of the Best Shows of the year for many years supported by abundance of<br />

musical archives, has been known with its excellent music programs. Alas,<br />

many of those music programs are vanishing and a kind of entertainment<br />

programs are going to be less day by day. We concern even the listeners<br />

letter corner is to be cut off. The SW transmission is only one frequency<br />

this season. They had 3-4 frequencies in the past.<br />

(Toshimichi Ohtake, Kamakura-JPN, JSWC / dswci <strong>DX</strong>W June 27)<br />

6085 Radio Krasnoyarsk in Siberia was received in Sofia at 2345 UT on<br />

6085. The station schedule is 2100-1700 UT relaying Radio Russia Moscow<br />

with local programmes Sunday through Thursday 2315-2400 UT, Monday through<br />

Friday 0510-0610 and 0910-1010, Saturday and Sunday 0100-0210 UT.<br />

(R Bulgaria <strong>DX</strong> progr via Yimber Gaviria-CLM, dxld)<br />

11655 VoRUS German sce via Lviv Krasne, 600 kW, 0900-1000 UT see under<br />

Ukraine. (wb, July 2)<br />

SAINT HELENA On Mar 30, 2010, the flagship of the Cunard Line, the RMS<br />

Queen Mary 2 anchored in James Bay before Jamestown , St. Helena, for the<br />

file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WW<strong>DX</strong>D-<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>/2010/<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>970.TXT[11.06.2012 10:40:10]

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