BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945

BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945 BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945


CHINA/ALBANIA Switch error in Radio Netherlands Studio. If I remember correctly, in the pre-satellite days Bonaire relayed news/current affairs from an off-air pickup; the rest of the programming was shipped from Hilversum on tape and played back from the relay site. (David R. Alpert, dxld June 12) A particular mystery were the Radio Beijing relays via Albania. I have been told that it has been never really figured out what the audio source was. (Kai Ludwig-D, dxld June 12) Re Radio Beijing relays via Albania. As Olle Alm from Sweden, the China specialist on many WRTH issues explained often in the past: During VIETNAM war time SZG Shijiazhuang powerful 600 kW site in China was used as on-air feeder of Radio Peking in English, and relayed at Albania relay on 7120 and 9780 towards North America at 0100-0200 and 0300-0400 UT. Spanish was also relayed 7120 and 9507/9500 kHz at 2300, 0000 and 0200 UT. CHN Shijiazhuang 2 x 500/600 kW, 6 x 100/70 kW 3 big antenna arrays in G.E., 2 x foreign service, 1 x domestic service 38 13 10.58 N 114 06 16.95 E (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 12) CZECH REP/PORTUGAL Radio Prag sendet am Mittwoch, dem 16.06., auf KW nur um 1630 UT auf 11700 kHz aus Sines Portugal. Die heimischen Anlagen in Litomysl werden an diesem Tag gewartet. So im deutschen Programm am Dienstag verlautbart. (Herbert Meixner-AUT, A-DX June 15) 0600-1600 UT. Off-air due to transmitter maintenance on: [3rd Wednesday each month] 21 Apr; 19 May; 16 June; 21 July; 18 Aug; 15 Sept; 20 Oct 2010 (R. Prague printed sked via Arthur Ward, World DX Club, re-typed by Alan Roe, Teddington UK, dxld 27 March) Sei's gedankt sind die zwei Sender und die Antennen in guter Verfassung, audiomaessig klingt es immer noch gut, im Vergleich was man sich sonst noch aus Pakistan oder Cairo anhoert ... Die Bruesseler Gesetze verlangen bestimmt den Schutz der Mitarbeiter auch bei der Wartungsarbeit in der CR ... (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 15) ETHIOPIA 6030 Radio Oromiya, at *0321-0330 UT on June 7. Another Monday with no Cuban jamming or R. Marti here; usual repetitive xylophone-like IS; unusable after distinctive IS. file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WWDXD-BCDX/2010/BCDX968.TXT[11.06.2012 10:40:09]

7110 R. Ethiopia on Jun 08 at 1608-1631 UT. 45433 Amharic, Talk and ethiopian pops music, ID at 1624 UT. 7165 V. of Democratic Alliance via R. Ethiopia on Jun 01 at 1531-1541 UT. 45444 Afar, Repetition of IS and the ID, Eritrean pops music. 7165 V. of Democratic Alliance via R. Ethiopia on Jun 07 at 1530-1540 UT. 45433 Vernacular, 1530 UT ID and IS, Talk. 7165 R. Ethiopia on Jun 08 at 1618-1632 UT. 45433 English, Afro pops music, ID at 1629, 1630 UT three gongs, News. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 11) GERMANY Checked Radio Liberty Kyrgyz service today. Is jamming FREE of China jammers. 15165 kHz Biblis tx signed-on at 11.59:11 UT, June 11. From 1200 UT throughout only ENDLESS LOOP file heard: "This is Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Praha" '+ 100 Hertz tone' over and over again. Seemingly wrong feed from Prague Czech Republic. Parallels 15265UDO and 17730IRA carried usual Kyrgyz program. I phoned the IBB Lampertheim phone desk at 1220 UT, Fri 11, but reached only smart bureau secretary. All technicians were on weekend out and will being back on coming Monday morning. IBB all site Saipan to Woofferton control center of all EUR, AF, and Asia facilities was at Munich Ismaning site til 2006, later at Lampertheim too. Now located at Prague ? (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 11) Log: DRM-Test 11805 kHz. Seit 2300 UT ist das Label "N-TV" und es wird mit 17.2 kbps eine leere MOT Website uebertragen. MSC laesst sich immer noch nicht decodieren. Auch heute wieder auf Sendung, seit 2200 UT auf 11805 kHz hier in Sueddeutschland mit durchschnittlich S9 aufnehmbar. Label: "Radio", MSC laesst sich komischerweise nie decodieren. ID ist FC2010/Germany/German/Information. M&B Nauen 11805 200kW 135degr 2200-2330 UT to zones 38,39,48. (Mathias Weber-D, A-DX June 15) GUINEA 7125 R. Guinee, Sonfonya, 2203-2223, 14 Jun'10, French, newscast, parts in Vernacular; 45433. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 15) INDIA The following are the recent changes noted to AIR External Services. 11620 Aligarh 0015-0430 (Ex 0100-0430) 7410 Bangalore 1745-1945 English (W.NW Africa) (Ex 7550) 7550 Delhi 1745-1945 English, 1945-2045 Hindi 2045-2230 English (Europe) (Ex7400, 7410) 9940 Delhi 1745-1945 English, 1945-2045 Hindi 2045-2230 English (Europe) (Irregular) file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WWDXD-BCDX/2010/BCDX968.TXT[11.06.2012 10:40:09]

CHINA/ALBANIA Switch error in Radio Netherlands Studio. If I remember<br />

correctly, in the pre-satellite days Bonaire relayed news/current affairs<br />

from an off-air pickup; the rest of the programming was shipped from<br />

Hilversum on tape and played back from the relay site.<br />

(David R. Alpert, dxld June 12)<br />

A particular mystery were the Radio Beijing relays via Albania. I have<br />

been told that it has been never really figured out what the audio source<br />

was.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld June 12)<br />

Re Radio Beijing relays via Albania.<br />

As Olle Alm from Sweden, the China specialist on many WRTH issues<br />

explained often in the past:<br />

During VIETNAM war time SZG Shijiazhuang powerful 600 kW site in China was<br />

used as on-air feeder of Radio Peking in English, and relayed at Albania<br />

relay on 7120 and 9780 towards North America at 0100-0200 and 0300-0400<br />

UT. Spanish was also relayed 7120 and 9507/9500 kHz at 2300, 0000 and 0200<br />

UT.<br />

CHN Shijiazhuang 2 x 500/600 kW, 6 x 100/70 kW<br />

3 big antenna arrays in G.E., 2 x foreign service, 1 x domestic service<br />

38 13 10.58 N 114 06 16.95 E<br />

<br />

<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>TopNews</strong> June 12)<br />

CZECH REP/PORTUGAL Radio Prag sendet am Mittwoch, dem 16.06., auf KW nur<br />

um 1630 UT auf 11700 kHz aus Sines Portugal. Die heimischen Anlagen in<br />

Litomysl werden an diesem Tag gewartet. So im deutschen Programm am<br />

Dienstag verlautbart.<br />

(Herbert Meixner-AUT, A-<strong>DX</strong> June 15)<br />

0600-1600 UT. Off-air due to transmitter maintenance on:<br />

[3rd Wednesday each month]<br />

21 Apr; 19 May; 16 June; 21 July; 18 Aug; 15 Sept; 20 Oct 2010<br />

(R. Prague printed sked via Arthur Ward, World <strong>DX</strong> Club, re-typed by<br />

Alan Roe, Teddington UK, dxld 27 March)<br />

Sei's gedankt sind die zwei Sender und die Antennen in guter Verfassung,<br />

audiomaessig klingt es immer noch gut, im Vergleich was man sich sonst<br />

noch aus Pakistan oder Cairo anhoert ...<br />

Die Bruesseler Gesetze verlangen bestimmt den Schutz der Mitarbeiter auch<br />

bei der Wartungsarbeit in der CR ...<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>TopNews</strong> June 15)<br />

ETHIOPIA 6030 Radio Oromiya, at *0321-0330 UT on June 7. Another Monday<br />

with no Cuban jamming or R. Marti here; usual repetitive xylophone-like<br />

IS; unusable after distinctive IS.<br />

file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WW<strong>DX</strong>D-<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>/2010/<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>968.TXT[11.06.2012 10:40:09]

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