BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945

BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945 BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945


GERMANY 13710 Came across of Saturday only transmission of "Evangelische Missions" at 1100-1130 UT in Russian language to all Russia and CIS states. M&B Nauen site, 250 kW at 20 degrees, S=9+20dB signal. Bible reading. Nice back lobe signal. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 8) GUAM 12105 One of the KSDA Guam transmitters is bad in audio since few weeks now. BUZZY audio noted again from KSDA Guam in Chinese sce at 1105 UT May 8th, S=3 weak. But at same time KSDA Indonesian and Sudanese progr is correct in audio on 15540 kHz in 11-12 UT slot. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 8) Frequency change of KTWR Agat in Korean from May 2: 1400-1500 NF 11750 TWR 100 kW 335 deg, x15425 (R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 1) GUINEA 7125 R. Guinee, Conakry Sonfonya, 1217-1409, 03 May'10, Vernacular, folk songs, ..., French for newscast prior to 1300, ..., Afr. pops; 35443 at best, occasional amateur QRM. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 4) Conakry heard in Germany today on May 9th at 1757 UT, as well as with many, many even long breaks noted again at 2135 UT. No station ID at 2000 UT. (Nils Schiffhauer-D DK8OK, A-DX May 9) GUYANA 3289.99 Voice of Guyana reactivated, tentatively hrd 25 Apr when weak but much improved signal 26 Apr at 0820 UT and positively identified. Programme consisted of Hindi music, Islamic talk in En and Quran readings, local Guyana commercials, Christian hymns and message. Morning music prgm from 0855 UT. Most recently hrd 0655 UT 4 May when on BBC World Service relay across the hour. (Bryan Clark-NZL, dxld May 6) 3289.99 Voice of Guyana, 0800-0900+, May 8, English ID/frequency announcement at 0800 UT with IDs as "National Communications Network" and "Voice of Guyana". English religious programming at 0803 with local choral music, religious talk and Hindi vocals. Voice of Guyana ID at 0836 UT. Qur'an at 0837 UT. ID/frequency announcement at 0842 UT. Lite instrumental music at 0843. DJ talk at 0845 UT with personal Mother's Day greetings sent out. Poor to fair. Better than usual. Nice to hear quite a few ID announcements. Modulation during the religious talk portions appeared to be a little weak. (Brian Alexander-PA-USA, DXplorer May 9) 3289.98, Voice of Guyana, Sparendaam, 2315-0010 and 0820-0945 UT on Apr 25, 26, 27, 28, 30 and May 03, Jaime Labadia was going to visit and activate around April 22 the new 10 kW SW transmitter, he built for GBC. Heard with musical selections with English comments between tunes, comments consisted of live advs by the announcer, 0820 Minister in English "...in the Book of Revelation".... followed by sub continental music, soft spoken DJ in English, oldies pops "My Cup Runneth Over With Love", "You Light Up My Life", TC's, birthday greetings, local ann, "Good morning to you," "plenty of sunshine today", fair. (Chuck Bolland-FL-USA, Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, John Herkimer-NY-USA and Robert Wilkner-FL-USA in Dxplorer, dswci DXW May 5) file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WWDXD-BCDX/2010/BCDX963.TXT[11.06.2012 10:40:04]

The old TX site of National Communications Network (NCN) in the airport vicinity of Sparendaam to be moved to new location some 12.8 kilometers westerly, close to HUNGARY [and non] 3975 Hungarian R, via Jaszbereny, at *0400-0423 UT on Apr 20, musical opening, station ID, flute music before news in Hungarian at 0405. Numerous remote reports before jingle ID at 0420 UT. Fair to good with slight amateur QRM. (Rich D'Angelo-USA, dswci DXW May 5) Noted rumours recently, that Jaszbereny will be closed for ever? on June 30th. And replaced by M&B sites in Issoudun, Nauen and Wertachtal... (wb) INDONESIA 9680 RRI, Cimanggis, 1025-1100, 03 May'10, Indonesian, talks, phone-ins; 25432, vy. poor by 1100. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 4) ISRAEL T.R. RAJEESH forwards this article on Galei Zahal Radio written by Isack Tunik, Galei Zahal commander which accompanied the 2008 issue of a stamp commemorating the station. Galei Zahal's shortwave frequencies are 6973 and 15785. Station address is Military Post Office Box 01005, Israel. email On Sunday, 24 September, 1950 a trumpet blast erupted from the radio at precisely 6:30 p.m., followed by "HaTikva", Israel's national anthem. Thus began the very first broadcast of Galei Zahal, the IDF Broadcasting Service. The improvised studio was located inside a former school building in Ramat Gan. Army blankets were hung along the walls in an attempt to muffle background noise. Galei Zahal was born in the State of Israel, which, at that time, was dealing with the absorption of waves of immigrants and contending with distress and poverty. For many years Galei Zahal broadcasts were mainly geared toward soldiers, including music programs bearing soldiers' greetings and various broadcasts related to the IDF. The station was unique in that it incorporated soldiers serving in the regular army into journalistic positions, including reporters, editors, producers, news broadcasters, music broadcasters, musical editors, announcers, etc. Following the Yom Kippur War in 1973, the station began broadcasting 24 hours a day, expanding its broadcasts to include all citizens by adding news broadcasts and current affairs programming. For years, it was the only Israeli station that continued to broadcast throughout the night, to be joined later by "Kol Israel" Broadcasting. Suggestions have been raised on more than one occasion stating that the station should be closed and its broadcasts ceased, but due to protests by the public, the Knesset and the Israel Broadcasting Authority Governing Council, none of these proposals has even come to fruition. In November 1993 Galei Zahal began operating another station, establishing file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WWDXD-BCDX/2010/BCDX963.TXT[11.06.2012 10:40:04]

The old TX site of National Communications Network (NCN) in the airport<br />

vicinity of Sparendaam to be moved to new location some 12.8 kilometers<br />

westerly, close to<br />

<br />

HUNGARY [and non] 3975 Hungarian R, via Jaszbereny, at *0400-0423 UT on<br />

Apr 20, musical opening, station ID, flute music before news in Hungarian<br />

at 0405. Numerous remote reports before jingle ID at 0420 UT. Fair to good<br />

with slight amateur QRM.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-USA, dswci <strong>DX</strong>W May 5)<br />

Noted rumours recently, that Jaszbereny will be closed for ever? on June<br />

30th. And replaced by M&B sites in Issoudun, Nauen and Wertachtal... (wb)<br />

INDONESIA 9680 RRI, Cimanggis, 1025-1100, 03 May'10, Indonesian, talks,<br />

phone-ins; 25432, vy. poor by 1100.<br />

(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>TopNews</strong> May 4)<br />

ISRAEL T.R. RAJEESH forwards this article on Galei Zahal Radio written<br />

by Isack Tunik, Galei Zahal commander which accompanied the 2008 issue of<br />

a stamp commemorating the station. Galei Zahal's shortwave frequencies are<br />

6973 and 15785. Station address is Military Post Office Box 01005, Israel.<br />

email <br />

On Sunday, 24 September, 1950 a trumpet blast erupted from the radio at<br />

precisely 6:30 p.m., followed by "HaTikva", Israel's national anthem. Thus<br />

began the very first broadcast of Galei Zahal, the IDF Broadcasting<br />

Service.<br />

The improvised studio was located inside a former school building in Ramat<br />

Gan. Army blankets were hung along the walls in an attempt to muffle<br />

background noise.<br />

Galei Zahal was born in the State of Israel, which, at that time, was<br />

dealing with the absorption of waves of immigrants and contending with<br />

distress and poverty. For many years Galei Zahal broadcasts were mainly<br />

geared toward soldiers, including music programs bearing soldiers'<br />

greetings and various broadcasts related to the IDF. The station was<br />

unique in that it incorporated soldiers serving in the regular army into<br />

journalistic positions, including reporters, editors, producers, news<br />

broadcasters, music broadcasters, musical editors, announcers, etc.<br />

Following the Yom Kippur War in 1973, the station began broadcasting<br />

24 hours a day, expanding its broadcasts to include all citizens by<br />

adding news broadcasts and current affairs programming. For years, it<br />

was the only Israeli station that continued to broadcast throughout the<br />

night, to be joined later by "Kol Israel" Broadcasting.<br />

Suggestions have been raised on more than one occasion stating that the<br />

station should be closed and its broadcasts ceased, but due to protests by<br />

the public, the Knesset and the Israel Broadcasting Authority Governing<br />

Council, none of these proposals has even come to fruition.<br />

In November 1993 Galei Zahal began operating another station, establishing<br />

file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WW<strong>DX</strong>D-<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>/2010/<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>963.TXT[11.06.2012 10:40:04]

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