BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945

BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945

BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945


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Atlantikinsel praktisch keine Perspektiven.<br />

Wovon sollen Michael Benjamin und seine Familie nun leben? Der Alltag auf<br />

Saint Helena wird fuer sie zu einem Ueberlebenskampf mit ungewissem<br />

Ausgang. "360 degr - Geo Reportage" begleitet neben den Benjamins weitere<br />

Menschen bei ihrer Rueckkehr nach Saint Helena. Nach 21 Jahren zieht es<br />

auch die gebuertige Insulanerin Winnie Thomas mit ihrer Tochter Annalise<br />

aus England zurueck in die Heimat. Ehemann und Vater Brian Thomas verstarb<br />

erst kuerzlich an Krebs. Nun soll er im Heimatboden seine letzte Ruhe<br />

finden. Fuer Winnie und Annalise beginnt ein neues Leben. Koennen sich die<br />

beiden an die Einsamkeit gewoehnen? Wie wird Annalise von ihren neuen<br />

Mitschuelern aufgenommen? Und wie reagieren die Verwandten auf die<br />

Rueckkehr der beiden?<br />

SAIPAN 9715 - the IBB transmitter still in awful shape to be kept on<br />

the air, Nov 1 at 1342 in Russian with rough modulation, and carrier very<br />

unstable; American news, referencing Huffington Post, 1345 UT ID as "Radio<br />

Svoboda, Novosti", so it's R. Liberty, 100 kW, 325 degrees at 13-14 UT<br />

only on 9715 kHz. Probably has same problem at other hours on other<br />

frequencies.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 2)<br />

SLOVAK REP 9510 kHz via Rimavska Sobota-SVK transmitter center.<br />

Hello There from Milan, Italy,<br />

This week we are happy to introduce you with a new broadcaster on IRRS<br />

Christian segment called "European Gospel Radio" .<br />

Starting Nov. 7, 2010, at 11:30 CET (10:30 UTC, winter) on 9510 we present<br />

"Heaven's Peace Plan", produced by the Fatima Network in the USA.<br />

What's so special about HPP? First of all we are glad to have a Catholic<br />

radio program once again on the air, and after hearing a few sample<br />

broadcast all I can say is that it's not the usual screaming-like program<br />

we often hear on the airwaves. First broadcast in 1987, "Heaven's Peace<br />

Plan" is hosted by Father Nicholas Gruner, and is on the air in North<br />

America and, via shortwave, in almost 200 nations around the world.<br />

Please try to tune in on IRRS/EGR and please tell us what you think, and<br />

write to the address given on the broadcast to receive any of the books or<br />

magazines that are offered on the air. Our program producers and<br />

supporters will be glad to hear your comments and reception reports, and<br />

your letters will help keeping program like this on the air.<br />

If you haven't seen our latest B-10 schedule, you should be aware that<br />

there are two minor changes this year. First, we are now on 9510 kHz (just<br />

5 kHz apart from the previous frequency of 9515 kHz) on Saturday and<br />

Sunday morning CET. Second, regretfully, we had to reduce our Friday,<br />

Saturday and Sunday evening broadcast by one hour, but we are back on the<br />

air every day of the week to Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, at<br />

the same time, from 20:00-21:00 CET (19:00-20:00 UTC, winter) on 7290 kHz.<br />

There may be additions or other frequency changes in the next few weeks.<br />

Please check our latest freq and program schedules at:<br />

<br />

and please write us at reports (at) nexus (dot) org<br />

Thank You and stay tuned!<br />

file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WW<strong>DX</strong>D-<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>/2010/bcdx988.txt[11.06.2012 10:40:28]

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