BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945

BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945 BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945


1330-1627 5920 Kirmanji dialect MALAY 1230-1327 15515 17690 2230-2327 7315 9675 PASHTO 0230-0327 6095 6155 0730-0827 11990 15440 1230-1327 7225 9520 del1430-0427 3945-m Mashhad B-09 progr via Sirjan DELETED 1430-1527 5890-m Mashhad progr via Sirjan site. 1630-1727 6015 7345 RUSSIAN 0300-0327 7370 9510 0500-0527 12025 13680 17680 17780 1430-1527 3960SIT 7345 9610 9685 1700-1757 3965 6090 [5925 alternat.] 1800-1857 6035 7305 1930-2027 3985 7205 SPANISH 0030-0227 6010 7240 [6110 alternat.] 0230-0327 6010 [6110 alternat.] 0530-0627 13710 15400 2030-2127 6055SIT 5950 7200 SWAHILI 0400-0457 13680 15260 0830-0927 17660 21640 1730-1827 9830 11715 TAJIK 0100-0227 5955 7355 1600-1727 5955 7200 [5945 alternat.] TURKISH 0430-0557 9865 11640 1600-1727 6175 7315 URDU 0130-0227 3965 6030 6185 1300-1427 5940 9790 11685 1530-1727 5890-m Mashhad program via Sirjan site. UZBEK 0230-0257 6175 7360 1500-1557 6070 7215 [5945 alternat.] Saut Falestin "Voice of Islamic Palestinian Revolution" ARABIC 0330-0427 5915 7295 [6165 alternat.] Additional: VARIOUS 1500-2100 7410 towards all Europe VARIOUS 1630-1930 7355 towards RUS/CIS VARIOUS 2100-0500 7440 towards all Europe Tentative SIT = Sitkunai relays in Lithuania. Latter schedule not updated yet: (IRIB via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 29) IRAN 15390 IRIB Tehran in Ebri-Hebrew. VoIRIB Tehran is the only big SW station which carries Ebri-Hebrew language program to Israel. Noted Nov 2nd at 1200-1227 UT on 15390KAM, S=9+30dB powerhouse, excellent arm-chair reception and superb audio in the clear too, // 13740SIR also 500 kW Telefunken tx unit, slow fade S=9+10 ... to +25dB signal strength. IRIB's morning service in Ebri-Hebrew at 0430-0457 UT via 9820KAM and 11925SIR tx centers, both 500 kW units in use. The only PRW Warsaw Poland outlet in Hebrew on RMP7265 kHz 1900-1930 UT, 500 kW of power. file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WWDXD-BCDX/2010/bcdx988.txt[11.06.2012 10:40:28]

(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 2) IRAN [and non] IRIB's so-called "Voice of Justice" English hour at 0130 UT to North America is blocked on both new B-10 frequencies; wonderful cooeordination there! Nov 1 at 0135 UT, Voice of Russia English is atop 7250 kHz Qur'an from Iran. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 2) IRAN/IRAQ 3929.07v R Voice of Kurdistan, Sulaimaniya, Northern Iraq, 0320-0326*, Oct 31 and Nov 01, Kurdish song and closing ann in Kurdish, 32443, Iranian jammer stopped at 0330* both days. 3970.04v R Voice of Kurdistan, Sulaimaniya, Northern Iraq, 0327-0410, Oct 31 and Nov 01, probably new frequency as Iranian jammers were heard simultaneously on 3930v and 3970v at 0320! Kurdish talk and conversation with distorted audio on Oct 31, but corrected Nov 01; Kurdish songs, 0400 Farsi ann "kHz", ID: "Im Radyo Sedaye Kordestane", news by man and woman, 33433. Jumping to 3980.02 at 0330, jammer followed 0331, jumped back to 3970 at 0335 with 34433, jammer followed at 0343. Jumped to 3980 at 0344, but jammer followed first at 0410, so 34333, but here was slight QRM from Croatia 3985 kHz. 4869.96v Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, via Salah Al-Din, Northern Iraq, 0325-0355 UT, Oct 31, Kurdish talk and Kurdish music, jammed by Iran, 43333. At 0328 the Voice of Iranian Kurdistan jumped to 4880.06 kHz where it was without jamming till 0345 and heard with a song about radio and ID: "Aira dangi Kurdistan Irana" with 35333. At 0345 the jammer also arrived at 4880, but the Voice of Iranian Kurdistan tried to escape at 0348 by jumping to 4890.50, but this time the jammer followed at 0349 UT. (Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci DXW Nov 3) 3927.92 R Voice of Kurdistan noted at 0300 UT Nov 1st, and accompanied by Iranian bubble jamming from Iran. And two other bubble jammers on 3980.04 kHz and 4869.99/4875.22 kHz jammed at 0305 to 0400 UT at same time. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 1) 3980, Clandestine. It seems a new (or old reactivated) unID anti Iran's government station was observed first on Oct 7 at 1405 on 3970 speaking in Kurdish and Farsi and jammed. To avoid the jammer often (each 3-4 minutes) is jumping on different frequencies in the range 3970-3981 kHz. The schedule is presumed 1400-1500 and 0300-0400 UT. Heard Oct 27 at 0330. The other two V of Kurdistan stations on 3931 and on 4881 kHz also were heard at 0330 UT. All three were jammed (Rumen Pankov-BUL, Nov ARDXC ADXN direct and via dxld) ISRAEL KOL in Persian language in B-10. Yes, 15760 is the stronger channel, at 1500-1530 UT S=9+15dB in southern Germany, but decreasing now. 13850 very tiny S=3-4 here, suffers by adjacent WWCR 13845 religious ROAR, latter S=9+15dB. But Europe is not the target ... (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 31) LITUANIA Die deutsche Redaktion von Radio HCJB Quito hat folgenden Wintersendeplan 2010/11 fuer Europa bekannt gegeben: 1530-1630 UT 6035 kHz Sitkunai 100 kW. Plattdeutsch. 1600 UT Hochdeutsch. 6035 1530-1630 in Richtung 19,29, RUS/CIS/KAZ, auf 79 Grad. (Iris Rauscher-EQA, via ntt Oct 30) file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WWDXD-BCDX/2010/bcdx988.txt[11.06.2012 10:40:28]

1330-1627 5920 Kirmanji dialect<br />

MALAY 1230-1327 15515 17690<br />

2230-2327 7315 9675<br />

PASHTO 0230-0327 6095 6155<br />

0730-0827 11990 15440<br />

1230-1327 7225 9520<br />

del1430-0427 3<strong>945</strong>-m Mashhad B-09 progr via Sirjan DELETED<br />

1430-1527 5890-m Mashhad progr via Sirjan site.<br />

1630-1727 6015 7345<br />

RUSSIAN 0300-0327 7370 9510<br />

0500-0527 12025 13680 17680 17780<br />

1430-1527 3960SIT 7345 9610 9685<br />

1700-1757 3965 6090 [5925 alternat.]<br />

1800-1857 6035 7305<br />

1930-2027 3985 7205<br />

SPANISH 0030-0227 6010 7240 [6110 alternat.]<br />

0230-0327 6010 [6110 alternat.]<br />

0530-0627 13710 15400<br />

2030-2127 6055SIT 5950 7200<br />

SWAHILI 0400-0457 13680 15260<br />

0830-0927 17660 21640<br />

1730-1827 9830 11715<br />

TAJIK 0100-0227 5955 7355<br />

1600-1727 5955 7200 [5<strong>945</strong> alternat.]<br />

TURKISH 0430-0557 9865 11640<br />

1600-1727 6175 7315<br />

URDU 0130-0227 3965 6030 6185<br />

1300-1427 5940 9790 11685<br />

1530-1727 5890-m Mashhad program via Sirjan site.<br />

UZBEK 0230-0257 6175 7360<br />

1500-1557 6070 7215 [5<strong>945</strong> alternat.]<br />

Saut Falestin<br />

"Voice of Islamic Palestinian Revolution"<br />

ARABIC 0330-0427 5915 7295 [6165 alternat.]<br />

Additional:<br />

VARIOUS 1500-2100 7410 towards all Europe<br />

VARIOUS 1630-1930 7355 towards RUS/CIS<br />

VARIOUS 2100-0500 7440 towards all Europe<br />

Tentative SIT = Sitkunai relays in Lithuania. Latter schedule not updated<br />

yet:<br />

<br />

(IRIB via wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>TopNews</strong> Oct 29)<br />

IRAN 15390 IRIB Tehran in Ebri-Hebrew. VoIRIB Tehran is the only big SW<br />

station which carries Ebri-Hebrew language program to Israel. Noted Nov<br />

2nd at 1200-1227 UT on 15390KAM, S=9+30dB powerhouse, excellent arm-chair<br />

reception and superb audio in the clear too, // 13740SIR also 500 kW<br />

Telefunken tx unit, slow fade S=9+10 ... to +25dB signal strength.<br />

IRIB's morning service in Ebri-Hebrew at 0430-0457 UT via 9820KAM and<br />

11925SIR tx centers, both 500 kW units in use.<br />

The only PRW Warsaw Poland outlet in Hebrew on RMP7265 kHz 1900-1930 UT,<br />

500 kW of power.<br />

file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WW<strong>DX</strong>D-<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>/2010/bcdx988.txt[11.06.2012 10:40:28]

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