Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa

Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa
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esults and integrated to develop a conceptual model for the geological development of the site with respect to the uranium immobilisation scenario. The following major steps comprise the uranium imobilization scenario [13, 14]: o detrital input of U bearing minerals from underlaying granite o granite kaolinisation o major volcanic activity deposition of tuffaceous material o granite alteration + tuff argillitization o microbial activity in clay/organic rich horizon reduction of dissolved sulphate formation of pyrite nodules o sorption of As and subsequent formation of arsenopyrite on pyrite nodules o CO2-rich water likely initiated U release from accessory minerals in the granite soluble uranyl-carbonate complexes formed o U transported to clay/organic rich layers reduced on arsenopyrite layers o secondary uraninite might have formed at later stages of the geological history at conditions where phosphate concentration might have decreased. 4. Contribution to the SAFETY CASE The assembled picture puzzle of the real Ruprechtov system analyses gave a clear message: the sedimentary rock can provide under certain circumstance a strong barrier function for radionuclide, in this case for uranium. The key parameter is presence of organic matter that contributed to maintaining reducing conditions in the clay/lignite layers. Its oxidation provided degradation products (phosphates) that than took part in uranium mineral formation (ningyoite). Moreover, the results showed that the presence of organic matter does not naturally mean increased mobilization of radionuclide due to organic ligand complexation or organic colloid formation. On the contrary, there are no indications for significant uranium release during the last million years within reducing conditions of clay/lignite layers. 5. Acknowledgements This project has been co-funded by the European Commission and performed as part of the sixth Euratom Framework Programme for nuclear research and training activities (2002-2006) under contract FI6W-CT-2004-516514, by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) under contract No. 02 E9995, and by RAWRA and Czech Ministry of Trade and Industry (Pokrok 1H-PK25). References [1] Noseck, U., Brasser, Th., 2006. Radionuclide transport and retention in natural rock formations – Ruprechtov site. Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit, GRS-218, Köln. [2] Cervinka, R., Havlova, V.; Noseck, U.; Brasser, Th.; Stamberg, K., (2007). Characterisation of organic matter and natural humic substances extracted from real clay environment. Annual Workshop Proceedings of the IP Project FUNMIG”. Edinburgh 26.-29.November 2007. 506

[3] Cervinka R., Stamberg K., Havlova V. (2008): Report on Uranium complexation by isolated humic substances from the Ruprechtov site. PID 2.2:20. RTDC 2, EC IP FUNMIG. [4] Noseck U., Havlova V., Cervinka R., Suksi J., Denecke M, Hauser, W. (2008): Investigation of far-field processes in sedimentary formations at a natural analogue site – Ruprechtov. Euradwaste conference, dtto. [5] Havlová V. et al. (2007): Ruprechtov Site (CZ): Geological Evolution, Uranium Forms, Role of Organic Matter and Suitability as a Natural Analogue for RN Transport and Retention in Lignitic Clay. Proc. of Reposafe Conference, Braunschweig Nov. 5 – 9- 2007, submitted. [6] Denecke M. and Havlova V. (2007): Elemental correlations observed in Ruprechtov Tertiary sediment. Micr-focus fluorescence mapping and sequential extraction. 2 nd Annual Meeting of EC Integrated Project FUNMIG, SKB Report TR 07-05. [7] Denecke, M.A., Janssens, K., Proost, K., Rothe, J., Noseck, U., (2005). Confocal micro-XRF and micro-XAFS studies of uranium speciation in a Tertiary sediment from a waste disposal natural analogue site. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39(7), 2049-2058. [8] Denecke, M.A., Somogyi, A., Janssens, K., Simon, R., Dardenne, K., Noseck, U., (2007). Microanalysis (micro-XRF, micro-XANES and micro-XRD) of a Tertiary sediment using synchrotron radiation. Microscopy Microanal. 13(3), 165-172. [9] Suksi J. et al. (2006): Uranium redox state and 234U/238U ratio analyses in uranium rich samples from Ruprechtrov site IP FUNMIG 2nd Annual Workshop Proc., SKB TR-07-05. [10] Noseck U., Suksi J., Havlova V., Brasser T. (2007): Uranium enrichment at Ruprechtov site – uranium disequilibrium series and Geological development. S+T presentation. 3rd annual meeting of IP FUNMIG, Edinborough, GB, Nov. 25 – 29, 2007, submitted. [11] Havlova V., Noseck U., Cervinka R., Brasser T, Denecke M. Hercik M. (2007): Uranium enrichment at Ruprechtov site - Characterisation of key processes. S+T presentation. 3rd annual meeting of IP FUNMIG, Edinborough, GB, Nov. 25 – 29, 2007, submitted. [12] Noseck U., Havlova V., Cervinka R. (2007): Data integration with regard to the behaviour of organic matter and uranium in the system at Ruprechtov site PID 5.3.2. IP FUNMIG. [13] Noseck, U., Brasser, Th., Suksi, J., Havlova, V., Hercik, M., Denecke, M.A., Förster, H.J., (2008). Identification of uranium enrichment scenarios by multi-method characterisation of immobile uranium phases. J. Phys. Chem. Earth, doi:10.1016/j.pce.2008.05.018. [14] Noseck, U., Rozanski, K., Dulinski, M., Havlova, V., Sracek, O., Brasser, Th., Hercik, M., Buckau, G., (2008). Characterisation of hydrogeology and carbon chemistry by use of natural isotopes – Ruprechtov site, Czech Republic. Submitted to Appl. Geochem. 507

esults and integrated to develop a conceptual model for the geological development of the site with<br />

respect to the uranium immobilisation scenario.<br />

The following major steps comprise the uranium imobilization scenario [13, 14]:<br />

o detrital input of U bearing minerals from underlaying granite<br />

o granite kaolinisation<br />

o major volcanic activity deposition of tuffaceous material<br />

o granite alteration + tuff argillitization<br />

o microbial activity in clay/organic rich horizon reduction of dissolved sulphate formation<br />

of pyrite nodules<br />

o sorption of As and subsequent formation of arsenopyrite on pyrite nodules<br />

o CO2-rich water likely initiated U release from accessory minerals in the granite soluble<br />

uranyl-carbonate complexes formed<br />

o U transported to clay/organic rich layers reduced on arsenopyrite layers<br />

o secondary uraninite might have formed at later stages of the geological history at conditions<br />

where phosphate concentration might have decreased.<br />

4. Contribution to the SAFETY CASE<br />

The assembled picture puzzle of the real Ruprechtov system analyses gave a clear message: the<br />

sedimentary rock can provide under certain circumstance a strong barrier function for radionuclide,<br />

in this case for uranium. The key parameter is presence of organic matter that contributed to maintaining<br />

reducing conditions in the clay/lignite layers. Its oxidation provided degradation products<br />

(phosphates) that than took part in uranium mineral formation (ningyoite). Moreover, the results<br />

showed that the presence of organic matter does not naturally mean increased mobilization of radionuclide<br />

due to organic ligand complexation or organic colloid formation. On the contrary, there<br />

are no indications for significant uranium release during the last million years within reducing conditions<br />

of clay/lignite layers.<br />

5. Acknowledgements<br />

This project has been co-funded by the European Commission and performed as part of the sixth<br />

Euratom Framework Programme for nuclear research and training activities (2002-2006) under contract<br />

FI6W-CT-2004-516514, by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology<br />

(BMWi) under contract No. 02 E9995, and by RAWRA and Czech Ministry of Trade and Industry<br />

(Pokrok 1H-PK25).<br />

References<br />

[1] Noseck, U., Brasser, Th., 2006. Radionuclide transport and retention in natural rock formations<br />

– Ruprechtov site. Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit, GRS-218, Köln.<br />

[2] Cervinka, R., Havlova, V.; Noseck, U.; Brasser, Th.; Stamberg, K., (2007). Characterisation<br />

of organic matter and natural humic substances extracted from real clay environment. Annual<br />

Workshop Proceedings of the IP Project FUNMIG”. Edinburgh 26.-29.November 2007.<br />


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