Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa

Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa
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lery, are already monitoring temperatures, pore water and total pressures, and displacements, in the host rock around the PRACLAY gallery. The monitoring network is currently being extended through boreholes drilled from the PRACLAY gallery. The gallery lining itself contains rings instrumented with strain gauges, temperature sensors, pressure and load cells. Inside the PRACLAY gallery, sensors will characterise the source term of the whole experiment by monitoring the thermal field, the pore water pressure, and also the global thermal expansion. Figure 3: PRACLAY Heater Test with observation boreholes The Seal will isolate the saturated and heated part of the gallery through an annular bentonite ring. It is the object of a separate test programme, in which we will monitor the Seal performance, as well as the actual THM evolution inside the bentonite and at its boundaries. A complete instrumentation programme is currently being prepared to be installed together with the Seal mid-2009. 3. Results 3.1 First heating campaign of the ATLAS Test Seal The main purpose of this campaign, that ran from April 2007 to 2008, was to get a more accurate and extended picture of the temperature field, and of the thermally induced pore water pressures. The temperature evolution has shown that the thermal conductivity exhibits a strong anisotropy – the horizontal component (Kh) approaches well the already established value of 1.7 W/m.K, while the vertical one (Kv) is significantly smaller (about 1.3 W/m.K). The pore water response (Fig. 4) when changing the heating power further shows an interesting phenomenon (initial drop prior to increase), which has also been observed at Bure and Mont Terri. It can be explained by the anisotropic mechanical behaviour of the clay. These test results allow validating the numerical tools that will be used for the interpretation of the PRACLAY Heater Test observations. 3.2 PRACLAY Heater Test Heating results are not yet available as the heater test is expected to start in 2010. The current monitoring allows to establish an extensive and detailed baseline, in which the other phases (construction-related) are integrated to make it a really integrated test. 450

Figure 4: Pore water pressure changes (in response to the heating) with typical behaviour when heating power changes. 4. Conclusions The first heating campaign of the ATLAS heater test has already pointed to some aspects that have been underexposed until now, such as the anisotropy of the thermal conductivity and of mechanical properties. The PRACLAY Heater Test will constitute an important field database for the validation of the numerical tools being developed in the frame of the EC project TIMODAZ. The first year's test results will further also provide input for the Belgian Safety and Feasibility Case no. 1 (SFC1), an important milestone in the Belgian programme for HLW disposal. 5. Acknowledgements The whole PRACLAY project is managed by EIG EURIDICE with the financial contribution from NIRAS/ONDRAF. Several parts have been and are co-financed by the European Commission as part of the sixth Euratom research and training Framework Programme (FP6) on nuclear energy (2002-2006). References pressure drop is predicted when mechanical anisotropy is assumed 451

lery, are already monitoring temperatures, pore water and total pressures, and displacements, in the<br />

host rock around the PRACLAY gallery. The monitoring network is currently being extended<br />

through boreholes drilled from the PRACLAY gallery. The gallery lining itself contains rings instrumented<br />

with strain gauges, temperature sensors, pressure and load cells. Inside the PRACLAY<br />

gallery, sensors will characterise the source term of the whole experiment by monitoring the thermal<br />

field, the pore water pressure, and also the global thermal expansion.<br />

Figure 3: PRACLAY Heater Test with observation boreholes<br />

The Seal will isolate the saturated and heated part of the gallery through an annular bentonite ring.<br />

It is the object of a separate test programme, in which we will monitor the Seal performance, as<br />

well as the actual THM evolution inside the bentonite and at its boundaries. A complete instrumentation<br />

programme is currently being prepared to be installed together with the Seal mid-2009.<br />

3. Results<br />

3.1 First heating campaign of the ATLAS Test<br />

Seal<br />

The main purpose of this campaign, that ran from April 2007 to 2008, was to get a more accurate<br />

and extended picture of the temperature field, and of the thermally induced pore water pressures.<br />

The temperature evolution has shown that the thermal conductivity exhibits a strong anisotropy –<br />

the horizontal component (Kh) approaches well the already established value of 1.7 W/m.K, while<br />

the vertical one (Kv) is significantly smaller (about 1.3 W/m.K). The pore water response (Fig. 4)<br />

when changing the heating power further shows an interesting phenomenon (initial drop prior to<br />

increase), which has also been observed at Bure and Mont Terri. It can be explained by the anisotropic<br />

mechanical behaviour of the clay. These test results allow validating the numerical tools that<br />

will be used for the interpretation of the PRACLAY Heater Test observations.<br />

3.2 PRACLAY Heater Test<br />

Heating results are not yet available as the heater test is expected to start in 2010. The current monitoring<br />

allows to establish an extensive and detailed baseline, in which the other phases (construction-related)<br />

are integrated to make it a really integrated test.<br />


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