Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa

Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa

Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa


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lower depths are less saline. For the purpose of the benchmark exercise a simplified hydrogeological<br />

model for the overburden was developed that features some of the characteristics of the Gorleben<br />

site without being an accurate model of the real situation there. In the model used two aquifers<br />

are located above a salt dome and are separated by a clay layer. This aquiclude has one hydrological<br />

window near the left side of the model region allowing groundwater exchange between the two aquifers.<br />

At the bottom of the model region at one point radionuclides are introduced at a rate which<br />

corresponds to the convergence-driven advective flow from a repository in rock salt which is been<br />

completely filled with solution. This test case refers to a disturbed evolution of the repository system.<br />

The evolution of the system over 1 million years and the transport behaviour of all pertinent radionuclides<br />

in high-level waste have been calculated with the dedicated reactive transport program<br />

r 3 t. In Fig.1 the results of model calculations are shown for the low-sorbing isotope Cl-36 for a<br />

point in time of 10 000 years. The calculated concentrations are given in Becquerel per cubic metre<br />

of water, colour coded on a logarithmic scale ranging from 10 -15 to 1. Note that the numbers given<br />

on the colour bar give the according exponent. It can be clearly seen that there are two distinct preferential<br />

flow paths for this radionuclide in the overburden. The first flow path, called here pathway<br />

1, is from the radionuclide source in direct vertical direction through the lower aquifer, the aquiclude<br />

and the upper aquifer. The second flow path, called pathway 2, is first in horizontal direction<br />

to the left side in the lower aquifer towards the hydrological window in the clay aquiclude and than<br />

through this window into the upper aquifer and to the surface. The two flow paths are indicated as<br />

arrows in Fig. 1.<br />

Fig.1 Cross section of the Cl-36-concentration, given in Bq/m 3 , after 10 000 years and the two<br />

different abstracted 1D transport pathways of the CHET model<br />

It was observed that the general transport behaviour of all radionuclides is similar, but that different<br />

fractions are transported on the two pathways depending on their adsorption behaviour. While a<br />

high fraction of a low-sorbing radionuclide like C-14 is directly transported upwards on pathway 1,<br />

the highly sorbing radionuclides like Th-230 have only a very limited ability to be transported<br />

across the clay layer. For these radionuclides pathway 2 was the predominating transport pathway.<br />

In general, the r 3 t calculations showed that two distinct radionuclide concentration maxima exist at<br />

the model surface, corresponding to pathway 1 and pathway 2, respectively. These two positions<br />

reflect the locations with the maximum potential radiation exposures. The maxima only slightly<br />

change their position with time.<br />


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