Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa

Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa
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tion/organization and its Cu(II) retention characteristics - the Da in this zone is roughly two orders of magnitude less than the rest of the profile. These observations have, by the way, quite a number of similarities with those for Co(II) in-diffusion in the Opalinus clayrock. CIEMAT carried out a program of ‘filter sandwich’ and block-scale diffusion measurements similar to that described for the Opalinus clayrock, and obtained generally similar results, i.e. Kd extracted from fitted Da values are significantly smaller than those observed in comparable batch experiments. Note finally that FZK/INE carried out similar measurements of Pu(V) migration in COx samples and obtained similar results as for Opalinus. Kd values for Cs were determined (CEA) on the same set of ‘variable carbonate content’ COx samples studied in §3.2. As for De(Cl), the results exhibit a ‘threshold’ effect, with Kd remaining in the normal range of values for the formation for carbonate fractions below ~70%, then falling off drastically to roughly 10% of this value. For completeness it can be noted that, when this data is used to parameterize the distribution of Kd(Cs) values at the formation scale (cf. §3.4), the calculated Cs flux vs. time curve at the top of the formation is, as expected, identical to that calculated using a constant Kd for the entire formation. Boom clay SCK•CEN carried out in- and through-diffusion experiments with Cs and Sr in Boom clay with the objective of extracting ‘diffusion-operant Kd’ values for comparison with the Kd values measured in batch and compacted systems (cf. §4.1). The Da values obtained for both Cs and Sr, respectively ~1.4·10 -13 m²·s -1 and ~9·10 -12 m²·s -1 , match values obtained previously using a variety of experimental techniques. However, in both cases, it was not possible to extract unambiguous, reliable values for the ( + Kd) term. Because of this, comparison with measured Kd values was not possible. On the other hand, it could be shown that batch Kd values tend to overestimate values for the ( + Kd) term. A coupled sorption/transport simulation implementing the 3 site, cation-exchange model for Cs+ sorption (cf. §4.1) was used to carry out a sensitivity analysis on the effect of increased pore diffusion coefficients (related to "surface diffusion" effects) and decreasing available sorption sites. Results show that good fits to the migration profile required either (i) that the total sorption site concentration needed to be decreased to a fraction (5%) of that used to model Cs sorption data obtained on dispersed and compact Boom Clay, or (ii) that the Dp value needed to be raised by a factor of 16 compared to the Dp of HTO (Dp(HTO)=2.3·10 -10 m²·s -1 ). The extreme nature of both of these results suggests, irrespective of the underlying hypothesis, that in a compacted system not all sorption sites seem to be available, a conclusion which tends to go in the same direction as results seen for the other two clayrocks. 5 Main RTDC3 messages for Clayrock Safety Cases The overall results of RTDC3 can be summarized by returning to the three questions posed in the introduction: Do we have a sound theoretical basis for describing RN speciation in the porosity of highlycompacted clay materials and clayrocks, in particular the distribution of total RN mass between dissolved and sorbed species? A fairly positive response seems justified based on two main results. The first is the observation that similar equilibrium sorption states (Kd) are observed in dispersed and compacted materials for moderately sorbing cations (Sr ++ , Cs + , Co ++ ) for all clayrocks. This implies that the same sorption site populations are accessible under both conditions and that the corresponding mass action laws are valid. It was not possible to demonstrate this for highly sorbing RN (actinides…) because of the extremely long times needed to reach 324

equilibrium conditions (associated with other problems), but there does not seem to be any clear reason why they should not have a similar behaviour. The work on pure clay systems provides a sound basis for partitioning the mass of both anionic and cationic RN between different porosity volumes (anionic exclusion, interlayer, EDL, bulk). Do we have a coherent conceptual model describing diffusion-driven transport of anionic and cationic RN in clayrocks? Here the answer is clearly mixed. For anions, yes. The results of the studies carried out at scales ranging from molecular/microscopic, to mesoscopic, to macroscopic, and geological formation scales offer a sound scientific basis for explaining and modelling migration of anionic RN. As for cations, the picture is not so clear, with all of the results tending to show that coupled diffusion-sorption migration is much more complex than expected, leading generally to greater mobility than that predicted by coupling Fick and batch Kd. Several hypotheses have been advanced for this, perhaps the most plausible being that cationic RN diffuse along more than one type of ‘pathway’ (or porosity) in a clayrock, each having a corresponding Dp value and sorption site population. In this case, mass transport kinetics could limit access to the sites in the lower Dp porosity. It should also not be forgotten that these studies are necessarily carried out on very small rock volumes, with the accompanying possibility that effects of mineral-porosity heterogeneity existing at this scale might also have an influence. It is not impossible that the reduced effect of sorption retardation observed at these mm scales becomes less important when migration over larger space (and time) scales are considered. In any case, more research is indicated in this area. Do we have credible strategies / methods for carrying out the up-scaling needed to obtain representative parameter values usable for performance assessment simulations of a clayrock geological barrier system, in particular taking into account the effects of spatial heterogeneity of rock physical-chemical properties. Here the answer is an unqualified yes, backed up by the multiple lines of argument and demonstration provided by the theoretical, experimental, up-scaling and natural tracer studies presented above. 6 Acknowledgements This project has been co-funded by the European Commission and performed as part of the sixth Euratom Framework Programme for nuclear research and training activities (2002-2006) under contract FI6W-CT-2004-516514. References [1] ONDRAF/NIRAS (2001), Safety assessment and feasibility Interim Report 2 (Safir 2), Nirond 2001-05 [2] Nagra (2002), Project Opalinus Clay, Demonstration of disposal feasibility for spent fuel, vitrified high-level waste and long-lived intermediate-level waste, Safety Report, Technical report 02-05 [3] Andra (2005), Dossier 2005 Argile 325

tion/organization and its Cu(II) retention characteristics - the Da in this zone is roughly two orders<br />

of magnitude less than the rest of the profile. These observations have, by the way, quite a number<br />

of similarities with those for Co(II) in-diffusion in the Opalinus clayrock.<br />

CIEMAT carried out a program of ‘filter sandwich’ and block-scale diffusion measurements similar<br />

to that described for the Opalinus clayrock, and obtained generally similar results, i.e. Kd extracted<br />

from fitted Da values are significantly smaller than those observed in comparable batch experiments.<br />

Note finally that FZK/INE carried out similar measurements of Pu(V) migration in COx samples<br />

and obtained similar results as for Opalinus.<br />

Kd values for Cs were determined (CEA) on the same set of ‘variable carbonate content’ COx samples<br />

studied in §3.2. As for De(Cl), the results exhibit a ‘threshold’ effect, with Kd remaining in the<br />

normal range of values for the formation for carbonate fractions below ~70%, then falling off drastically<br />

to roughly 10% of this value. For completeness it can be noted that, when this data is used to<br />

parameterize the distribution of Kd(Cs) values at the formation scale (cf. §3.4), the calculated Cs<br />

flux vs. time curve at the top of the formation is, as expected, identical to that calculated using a<br />

constant Kd for the entire formation.<br />

Boom clay<br />

SCK•CEN carried out in- and through-diffusion experiments with Cs and Sr in Boom clay with the<br />

objective of extracting ‘diffusion-operant Kd’ values for comparison with the Kd values measured in<br />

batch and compacted systems (cf. §4.1). The Da values obtained for both Cs and Sr, respectively<br />

~1.4·10 -13 m²·s -1 and ~9·10 -12 m²·s -1 , match values obtained previously using a variety of experimental<br />

techniques. However, in both cases, it was not possible to extract unambiguous, reliable values<br />

for the ( + Kd) term. Because of this, comparison with measured Kd values was not possible. On<br />

the other hand, it could be shown that batch Kd values tend to overestimate values for the ( + Kd)<br />

term. A coupled sorption/transport simulation implementing the 3 site, cation-exchange model for<br />

Cs+ sorption (cf. §4.1) was used to carry out a sensitivity analysis on the effect of increased pore<br />

diffusion coefficients (related to "surface diffusion" effects) and decreasing available sorption sites.<br />

Results show that good fits to the migration profile required either (i) that the total sorption site<br />

concentration needed to be decreased to a fraction (5%) of that used to model Cs sorption data obtained<br />

on dispersed and compact Boom Clay, or (ii) that the Dp value needed to be raised by a factor<br />

of 16 compared to the Dp of HTO (Dp(HTO)=2.3·10 -10 m²·s -1 ). The extreme nature of both of these<br />

results suggests, irrespective of the underlying hypothesis, that in a compacted system not all sorption<br />

sites seem to be available, a conclusion which tends to go in the same direction as results seen<br />

for the other two clayrocks.<br />

5 Main RTDC3 messages for Clayrock Safety Cases<br />

The overall results of RTDC3 can be summarized by returning to the three questions posed in the<br />

introduction:<br />

Do we have a sound theoretical basis for describing RN speciation in the porosity of highlycompacted<br />

clay materials and clayrocks, in particular the distribution of total RN mass<br />

between dissolved and sorbed species?<br />

A fairly positive response seems justified based on two main results. The first is the observation<br />

that similar equilibrium sorption states (Kd) are observed in dispersed and compacted<br />

materials for moderately sorbing cations (Sr ++ , Cs + , Co ++ ) for all clayrocks. This<br />

implies that the same sorption site populations are accessible under both conditions and<br />

that the corresponding mass action laws are valid. It was not possible to demonstrate this<br />

for highly sorbing RN (actinides…) because of the extremely long times needed to reach<br />


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